The Straits Times, 9 September 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 25 CENTS M.(.(P) 426 76
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  • 621 1 South Africa's whites told: JOHANNESBURG. Wednesday ACONCRESS of the ruling National Party in South Africa has been told to prepare for significant changes in the nations domestic racial policies. The COHgrCfti w;is told the changes would include ""more meanillgflll res ponsibilities" for Marti, the abolition of
    AP  -  621 words
  • 350 1 CAIRO. Wed A LI Osman Is a 35- year -old Palestln 1 a n construction worker, married with five children. He read In a newspaper that 011-rlch Libya gave Carlos, the Vene-zuelan-born terrorist, a L'SJI million (8*2.5 million) reward Osman thought he might be worth »2
    UPI  -  350 words
  • 46 1 TOKYO. Wed Powerful typhoon Fran, with centre »ii>d» raging at 31S km an hour, nuni towards Oklnaws today and U8 military alrcrsit left the Island for refuge In Korea Weathermen predicted heavy rains and high seas for Okinawa and Kyushu tomorrow UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 52 1 KSW YORK Wad A D-year-oM girl hu own arrested on tuaptrton of starting, IS firas in (our major New York department •torn in recent weekj The series of flras caused only minor rtilif and Injured no one but sant a ripple cf alarm through New
    52 words
  • 43 1 NSW YORK. Wad Do* Jonas average, based on first hour of trading on the New York Mock mwbanae: M Mm SwSSS up ON M trenap DOM up ON. It uUU M U up S.IJ. a M0«k« HIM. up 0 10 DPI
    43 words
  • 88 1 Britain's seamen to strike LONDON. Wed The National Union of Seamen today ordered a nation-wide walkout of Britain's 38.000 merchant seamen from 2300 OMT Saturday to support a pay demand Oo»ernm?nt officials said the walkout, which will hit Britain's ent re merchant shipping fleet, will be a major blow to
    88 words
  • 82 1 WASHINGTON. Wad Mr Claude Wild Jr. a former Oulf Oil Corp lobbyist, amu. today ha was in •nor" whan ha told reporters ha gars Republican rtcepiaalrfciHlal candidate Robart Dole USM 000 < 854.n0 > In Oulf funda to disburse to Republican candidates tor tha Senate
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  • 15 1 WXATHDt outlook lor today from am UU noon bolauN. sbowars in late moinln*
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  • 44 1 MOSCOW. Wad Two Brttona pleaded rullty baton* a Moscow ocuit today to unuggUng II kilos of marijuana into tha Soviet Union Andrew Burgtss. 2». and Lawrence Donughua. M both of London, face lhreolo-10--yaar terms In a prison camp. —UPI
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 66 1 SYDNEY. Wad. Jobless Josef Holman U offering himself as a household pet because he thinks animals are better treated than humar-i "I'm also willing to perform tricks like a pet for my master and mistress." the 46- year -old (Sydney man said In a television Interview today
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 456 1 PAKISTAN-INDIA DIPLOMATIC TUG O'WAR FOR KOH-I-NOOR LONDON. Wwdnwaday PAKISTAN and India have ■tarta. I diplomatic tug of war over the possession of the priceless Koh-I-Noor diamond which is part of the crown jewels and has been in British hands since 1849. Only
    Reuter  -  456 words
  • 55 1 HAVANA Wed —A Judge has jailed tour Cubans for JO years (or breaking Into a houet and stealing various "Items including two shirts the aOclai newspaper Oranma reported yesterday Handing down the ttiff sentences (he Judge said "the antl-soctal behaviour of such men without scruples had
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 341 1 -Amin to launch vengeance attacks on Kenya? PARIS. Wednesday INTELLIGENCE information reaching here hist night mid Pirakfttnl l<li Amin of UgmtMii has planned i revenge operation ;ig;iinsi Kenya According to the information, possible targets of one or more Uganda attacks were the international airport at Nairobi, the port of
    NYT  -  341 words
  • 128 1 FISCHERKARPOV MATCH: $8.5 m TO WINNER B\M.KOK, Wad. Bobby Fischer af tha Inited States says negotiations have keen completed for a match with *o~fd rheii champion Anately Karpov of the Sovle' Inion. the Bangkok World reported today. The newspaper said the series of games Is worth ISS3S ml. lion <SMS
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  • 59 1 CANBERRA. Wed —Prime ad niftier Malrolm Praarr asld today that vtalU by Ainerllear powered warships u> Australian port* were eaaentlal under the country s defence treaties Commenting in the Federal Parliament on the current visit of USB Tmxton to Mrlboume. Mr Praarr asld Australia had a treaty
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  • 51 1 WARSAW. Wed Poles ware warned again today that power ouU will be inevitable thii winter Official* said in pram Interview* that cuts would be applied flr* to teas asservUal industry, agriculture and some municipal facilities Cut* in supply to prtvaM dwellings wquld then be token into account
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  • 31 1 ZURICH. W*d A light engine today ran Into a group uf maintenance men working on a railway Masai Dt*tlkon nesr Zurich. MMm six and Injuring one. ponce mid Reutcr
    Reuter  -  31 words
    • 60 1 SALISBIT.Y. Wed. Rhodealan trrrmirt lan Smith will ga to Pretoria early next vrefc for talks on Southern Africa with Mr Jahn Vorster. Svuth Africa's frimr Minister. the government jnnownced taday. It said they wowld have talks an the Saathern Africa sitaaUon "arising frosn tha rrrrnt mrrtlnf la Zarich
      Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 157 1 I I -.6.00 (COa lIDnl Spectacle wearer* axWering worn ertreme Amowopia end uemo htojri powered leneoe wfMch are uncom•ortaMy m<ck and t*—vy can now be r*h«»sd by ng to HIGH WtFWACTIve IMDtK GLASS The ittuatra«K>n above ahows 2 leneee ol ifte acme power Not* tne sienracsrH dsDeronce m Nwckneea end
      157 words
    • 238 1 4 *fmmmmmmw t^ >^ssmml PERNAS MOVE TO CONTROL UMBC -Page 13 BLACKS agree to peace bid by Dr. K I FIESY suicide by 12 Viet nuns and monks 3 (OK ill A rebels blow up plane 4 IKOI SKRS are oat shock far these TCACHING the spastlcs to be safe
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    • 441 2 Blacks agree to peace bid by DrK ...but the fight will go on OAR ES SALAAM. Wednesday PRESIDENTS of five black African nations have agreed to let US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger try to find a peaceful way of transferlng power to the black majorities in Southern Africa, but
      UPI; AP  -  441 words
    • 101 2 WASHINOTON Wed John Ehrllrhman. once one of Mr Richard Nixon 'a top presidential aides, was ordered yesterdtv to begin serving a 30-month prison sentence on Beot 17 for his role In the White House Plumber* Cas« US DUtrtct Judee Oerhart Oeasell oidered Dirltchman to report
      AP  -  101 words
    • 39 2 MEXICO CITY. Wed Price Inspectors hate closed at leaat IT large aura and tM snail one* In MMrico City because they rated prices Illegally after the tmsjnuaiit devalued the peso the attorney general* 00c* said— AP
      AP  -  39 words
    • 334 2 Americans missing in action: Ford warns Hanoi WASHINOTON. Wed President Ford yesterday demanded that I North Vietnam provide I a full accounting for all Americans missing in action during the Vietnam war without further delay I*he president told a news briefing at the White House that the US Em ba&sy
      Reuter; AP  -  334 words
    • 231 2 Israel-US tiff over gunboat diplomacy TEL AVIV. Wed. Israel and the United SUtes are embroiled in "a very strong difference of opinion" over gunboat diplomacy by the Israeli Navy in the Oulf of Suei. Diplomat!; and military sources said yesterday that Israeli officers ordered an AMOCO olldrl ling barge back
      UPI  -  231 words
    • 248 2 Nt» YORK. Wed QTTDIES of ancient »5 and modern teeth from Japp.n and China have led an American anthropologist to conclade that the Japanese neople of today are descendants of a colony of Chinese aeople who tailed to Jap a a aboat ZJEM yean
      NYT  -  248 words
    • 298 2 BEIRUT, Wednesday SYRIA has demanded that Mr Yasser Arafat be ousted from his major military and decision -making posts In the Palestine liberation movement and that he be replaced with more pro-Syrian leaders. Arab diplomatic sources disclosed today. These sources said Syrian
      AP  -  298 words
    • 261 2 US FIRMS COMPLIED WITH ARAB BOYCOTT DEMANDS' WASHINOTON. Wed. A Hnuse sub-com-mittee accused the Department of Commerce yesterday of fostering compliance of American business concerns tth the Arab boycott of companies Involved with Israel. The report by the House committee on Interstate and the foreign commerce sub-committee on oversight and
      NYT  -  261 words
    • 45 2 NAPLBB. Wed Police have arrested the owner of a tourUt complex Illegally bulll un land which authortuee had srt aside for emcavaUon of imperial Bnwaii archaeologlcal treasures The complex tnrhitsd a restaurant, swinunlng pool, lennu court hone-rldtng siea and camp (round UPI
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 39 2 BOSTON. Wed At irul eight people were injured and 11 arrests wore usade when police and deeaostralors clashed in a whsle area of Boston put nsght the third anniversary of cosapulaory integration In the city's schools Reutrr
      Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 LW<»B<^tßJ g£^t H. jD. B^BV^^^suf aaWwßK^S^tl Baavweaßfl SB^e'^aSl gaTV| s^B^wßlß* jf '■> M H^S B^La^B^asCr^S 3wKv M B^r aW > *^^2 pu-^bb Br < *^T>*3 W^ 1-1 aa^gtaW^^^gß^aßH aß^^^^ W B^P^^^^W sß^eß^V avK^l B^B^^^^ak aS^aT Bl^^s^^^M LadfiJl L^dfafl V fcaJw^Bjaa^ bbV^l^ uolwMUTQsi fAiSf OfFKf A SUVICI CIMIM r^sfl^k©VS IPt ItH
      130 words

    • 165 3 Taiwan build-up to step up combat readiness rpAIPEH. Wed The combat capabilities of Tal w a n's armed forces have greatly increased under a mill tar y build-up programme, the Central News Agency reported today. Quoting an administrative report of the Executive Yuan <Cathr agency said that between January and
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 24 3 Kl> NATIONS. W«d. Mr RCA Vandrrgrrt Sri Lanka yesterday orird (hat the pare an international eon (X^aji a son* of prarr
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    • Article, Illustration
      32 3 WASHINGTON Wad The amate 1* unlikely to approve maim nation for »n.u Rhodcaiana who five up their propartv uadar a Mack BM)orHy lovarMaflnt, DawMcraUc vhlp Robert Byrd said yaaurdtv lUutar
      32 words
    • 265 3 CANBERRA. Wad NORTH Korea, which closed Its embassy in Auttralla last year without warning or official explanation, had Indicated that It wants to re-establish diplomatic ties. government and diplomatic sources said today The sources said the North Koreans had Indicated through
      AP  -  265 words
    • 67 3 TOGETHER AFTER 20-YEAR SPLIT I)EAN Martin 17 (left) and Jerry Lewis, whose comedy team broke up more than 20 years afo, appear together for the first time since the breakup. The occasion was Lewis' annual telethon for Muscular Dystrophy in Las Vegas on Tuesday, a television show to raise money
      AP  -  67 words
    • 55 3 ISLAMABAD. Wad—Pakistan's National Assembly yo> ttrday patted a hotly disputed constitutional ameadßMnt Bill after a joint walkout by the country i divided opposition parties They left the chamber when government members rejected their move to dekte a controversial clause curtailing the power of the High Court
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 146 3 33 INDIAN MPs DETAINED UNDER CRISIS LAW NEW DELHI. Wed. Thirty-three members of the Indian Parliament are being held In detention under the count ry s emergency laws, according to a list circulated here by Opposition party officials today. Two other MPs who resigned their seat* In the Lok Sabha
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 375 3 Fiery suicide by 12 Viet nuns and monks Protest against attacks on religion PARIS. Wed ■JWELVE Buddhist nuns and monks simultaneously burned themselves to death in a Mekong Delta village last November to protest |»ersecution by Vietnam's communist regime, the I'nited Buddhist Church of Vietnam said yesterday. The United Buddhist
      AP  -  375 words
    • 165 3 Chiao: Policy of detente 'appeasement' HONGKONG. Wednesday f HINESE Foreign Minister Chiao Kuanhua yesterday called the policy of detente with the Soviet Union "appeasement" which was "bound to lead to a new world war." D.plomatlc analyst* Interpreted Mr Chlao s remarks at an attack on American President Oerald Ford and
      165 words
    • 151 3 SYDNEY. Wed. An Australian columnist today hit back at Ike British satirical ■agaalne ranch, which recently suggested a hat of events In the IM* Olympic games In which Australia, which won nothing this year at Montreal, might win gold medals. Panch's suggestions I■ c I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 GEC Great Homemaker HP Deals I ILJai mbVHblbwmMHb^l^^^lllJ^^^^^lHH One Coldspace 5 1 25 litre (4 4cu ft) Refrigerator r One GEC Gas Cooker (4-burners) I VMi I )ne set of decoratlve h 9 ht f'ttmgs for the j living room, bedrooms, kitchen and toilet J S."» Plus FREE GIFTS! l^^awpaja^r^
      213 words
    • 290 3 Minolta Minolta M— wroom and Service Centra Tong Fong Bwttng. 1« Flow M-A Cnm Swn Road awajgon 3 Tat *****1 ONT.U.C. wUELCOm. SUPERMARKETS OYSTER SAUCE welcome 4349 ]35 COIN Oil mazola 12.70 rVAPOMTEiMIH dutch iaiy 4109 3 FOR 200 TMMCS iOH 100 s 3.75 BLACKCURRANT DRINK honeyglow bs* 260 CREAM
      290 words

    • 113 4 Jakarta stumped in wiping out graft JAKARTA. Wed The Indonesian Government Is lnutislfying its ant I corruption campaign, but Is having difficulty obtaining the evidence needed lor convictions. Antara News Agency reported today The agency quoted National Security Chief Admiral Sudomo as sayIng that the government will take stern measures
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 400 4 Corsica rebels blow up plane 80 held in swoop i after bombing AJACCIO (Corsica). Wednesday SEPARATISTS blew up an Air France airliner on the ground at Campo Del Oro Airport here last night. The bombing was followed by a police crackdown on separatist groups In which French Radio reported that
      Reuter; UPI  -  400 words
    • 73 4 Two Aussies arrested in Thailand BANGKOK. Wed. Two Australians and three Thais were arrested for possessing 40 kg of marijuana, police said today. They —id the drug >v found rottrdar In falw compartments of a ta bat and a wooden box containing an antique clock ready (or shipment tc Melbourne
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 320 4 Girl, 13 freed from six months 9 ordeal in dungeon f)OBT MOODY (Briar tlsh (olamkln. Wed A yo«nf gtrl reported miaaing lait March has keen feend In a dangeon where she was kept priaener for nearly ats mntii. police ulii The 13 year old girl. Abby Drover, told her abductor
      Reuter; UPI  -  320 words
    • 56 4 WELLINOTON Wed Angry labour leaden yesterday described as "(aactai New Zealand Qi»ffliin>» move* to outlaw political itrikas and curb UouMeaosse unions The labour leadrri. tpeaking at a special MUMon uf the government i Induatrial Relations Council, likened a «< vrrtiment prnpaaed legulatlon banning political strike* t»
      56 words
    • 287 4 Heroin in drums: Trafficker tells of death threat BANGKOK. Wed ONE of two Dutchmen accused of drugtramcklng told a Dutch detective that he was lorced by a Chinese man In the Netherlands to ship a massive quantity of heroin from Bangkok to Amsterdam. Thai police said today. Albert Johan Cornelius.
      AP  -  287 words
    • 67 4 MVM HKSTr.R. Wed. A doctor who kissed a woman patient three times In a casualty ward has been fined tZM iS$S<4) by a mafUtratr here. The patient, afed 39, told police thr went to the Salford Hospital to havr hrr back rxajnlned. Shr allrfrd
      Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 709 4 Ready for immediate occupation Only 3 shops and 2 flats left. Our show shop/flat open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. daily HfcpJT rife,, L e_-_r Fst s> _sP^"^^^^ F k> rr '»_B l_^ _w_ 1 _r I *J -lU_______E ■p ___?s^^™ 5*5 -lit miii m^% W Price T __J_l
      709 words
    • 82 4 exciting I ,M_^ professional Ek lighting effects a flash unit B£jQP |Q«B now possible! BH^^w^SSl 12 models available. Prices from 28.00 while stocks Bl L K. last in Singapore only. s' l_J_#W^**l^_w^^^_ pc 2410 pc-20* J^^^^^ i_Ar v c*^ T^ ?s B-- y'^^ ___K>__^ f r\^^^ 4fc*Bor liwSwP j ■aa_____w—
      82 words

    • 112 5 For those who are unsure LCUVAIN ißelgiumi. Wed Women who are umure about being t>tetillaed until now an irreversible it*!> can have a teanporary operation to present pregnancy. team of uni vrrilty docton said here today Profeaaor Ivo Broaens. head of the team at Louvaln's Catholic Ur Iveratty. said the
      112 words
    • 53 5 ARABS IN HIJACK TRIAL rIVK Arabs (front row) are seen appearing before a military court In Cairo on Tuesday on charge of plotting with Übva to hijack an Egyptian airliner last month. Defendants In the dock (from rtfht) are All Osman. Mohamed Nagulb. Ahmad So. Mohamed Terkawy anal Mohamed II
      53 words
    • 52 5 BUFNOfI AmCS. Wed Federal troops killed nine guerillas and terrorist ijiwlnaled a government ■fflri.-l and a policeman In Argentina vt-trrday A kidnapped Argentine businessman was i.scued unharmed The deaths raised the number kllleti In pol tlrsl violence to at leait 14 this week and 9M
      52 words
    • Briefly
      • 43 5 LONDON. W d Students and teachers In Nigeria's Benue state caught at parties and dances In hotels or behaving Immorally will be excelled under new measures to maintain the efficiency of schools and colleges. Lagos radio reported t;dsy in a broadcast monitored here
        43 words
      • 23 5 HONGKONG: China and W>»tern Samoa Uday tlf Bed an airrrm'Dt on rronomlc and technical co-operation In Prking. the New China Newt Agency reverted.
        23 words
      • 42 5 {HAVANA: Twelve people I were killed and 13 injured when a tractor sliced a bus In two on a bridge at Ouln.-s near Havana. Both drivers. i who were unhurt In the crash at dawn last Thursday, will be brought to trial.
        42 words
      • 39 5 MOSCOW: The Soviet news agency Tats last n ght d scribed as ahsard and groandleaa the statement by British opposition leader Margaret Thatcher that a Soviet naval bmldun in the Indian Ocean pooed a potential threat to the West.
        39 words
      • 31 5 MANILA After four years I of martial law. 4.172 people, remain under military custody, but "only about 400 of them are political prisoners." Mr. Carmelo Barber) defence undersecretary for civilian relations,
        31 words
      • 29 5 i said today. JAKARTA The Indonesian Government to to provide aid for widows and orohans of the civil war In the former Portucurvr colon* of East i Timor. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  29 words
    • 392 5 LONDON. Wednesday READERS of Britain's M.OOO merchant seamen today decided on a national strike from midnight next Saturday in the iii st direct challenge to the labour (imi-rninent's wage restraint policy. The unanimous decl•lon of the executive of the National Union of Stamen
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 250 5 Inquest told: Man 'alive' as kidneys were removed BIRMINOHAM. Wed An Inquest here has been told that a man's heart was still beating when doctors who considered him clinically dead removed his kidneys for transplant. But surgeons from the Oeneral Hospital here told the Inquest on 31--year-old labourer Robert Allan
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 236 5 Nationalise banks, insurance firms call by Labour executive LONDON. Wed Britain's Labour Party executive has called lor fie nationalisation of the country's four Urgent bmik> and seven top Insurance companies The proposals Issued yesterday by the le;t-wlng-dominated executive committee. *hich governs Britain's ruling party, also urged reform of the Bank
      236 words
    • 118 5 Kashmir issue raised by Pak leader LONDO. Wed Pakistan Prime Minister Zulnkar AH Bhutto said there was now nothing but the unresolved dispute over Jammu and Kashmir state barring genuine neighbourly re latlons between his country and India "Thla U a moat Important ii ue which has to b- arttled
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 195 5 COLOMBO. Wo« SRI Lanka, a member of the Commonwealth which had been under British nil* for nearly two centuries, has banned the study in government schools of the famous English poet and dramatist William Shakespeare The Education Department, in Issuing the ban. said
      UPI  -  195 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 131 5 A 50,000 IS A LOT OF SUITS In M roart ol tailoring ChonroTs atoraa such an outstanding tailoring loam? nova taWofd in encess of 50.000 suits J£^^^W Chanrais tailors A outfitters will II you peido your soil on ba4ng a B placa you on tha lasnion map wttti wail df*aa«d
      131 words
    • 493 5 I MINUTE STEAK O Ors O^^ M^^ K l^^^'^| Australia SOOQ dt.ttU > CHOOSE YOUR OWN ll RUMP STEAK O IC\ I ORANGES tUHKiST ,^.51 NEW ZEALAND 500 g d«./U I Sweer juicy ea 13^ \l I I fl SHOUIDIRLAMiSOOg 1.55 i MD jJK"* M NIW2IALANO OftsA J I OXUVH
      493 words

  • 598 6  -  COftINNC TNAM and PAUL JANSCN Dilemma of those who wish to return but can't By SHIPPING company which has offered "lucrative" jobs in Saudi Arabia to Singa|)ore workers has been accused of withholding the passports of those who wanted to leave because of poor
    598 words
  • 122 6 rE government has started preservation work on two rows of pre-war houses in Cuppage Road. This L believed to be the first attempt at preserving residential premises of historic value. When preservation work Is completed, the Cuppage Road houses will have .hops and offices. A contractor is currently
    122 words
  • 70 6 HUNDREDS of people were stranded when they were trapped In a traffic Jam after Ore broke out In a vacant pre-war shophouse near Kallang Oas Works in Crawford Street last night. No one was Injured In the blase, which was put out In half an hour by
    70 words
  • 58 6 TWO youths were Jointly charred In a maciatrtle's court yesterday with rtwltnt SSI 4a from colnafons In the lobby of the Singapore Hilton last Tuesday at about 10 pm J*flr> Tan. 15. and Kob Men* Wan. IS. claimed trial and were allowed ball of 11 000 each
    58 words
  • 296 6 Risks HDBcarh park staff face at night THE Singapore Housing and Development Board Workers Union has urged the Housing Board to provide tran&port for Its late-shift senior parking attendants depositing the day's collection at the area offices. These attendants, most of them girls, arj at present left unescorted to carry
    296 words
  • 27 6 THK Foreign Minister Mr 8. Rajaralntm. will attend a dinner and weight-lifting exhibition to celebrate the Canberra community centres sixth anniversary tomorrow at 7M pm
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  • 56 6 THX Permanent Bacr«ury 1 Social Affair 1 1 and Director of Social Welfare Mr Tan Chok Klan yesterday r«cfiT»d 2 323 mooncakei donated by ».vcn eontecUonartai and restaurant* at a presentation ceremony at Toa Payoh Olrls Horn* Tne moonraJtes will be ahared by II welfare homes and 11
    56 words
  • 96 6 rE lights went last night at the OCBC Centre in ChnU> Sire t all 52 storey, of it. And It »none like a beacon in the black sky. It was the centre of attraction among the build ings 'n the city area and roald be sees
    96 words
  • 313 6 Woman driver cleared of crash charge A» YEAR OLD woman driver, whose car collided with a policeman's motorcycle. was yesterday acquitted of a charge of carele.«s driving, after she told a magistrate that the policeman had signalled to her. giving her the the right of way. A summons charge against
    313 words
  • 268 6 BOATMAN'S HURT CASE APPEAL DISMISSED ABUMBOAT man. who was sentenced to two months' Jail for assaulting a fedow lodger failed In his bid to have the sentence reduced in the High Court yesterday. Low Kak Hong. W. through his counsel Mr Thomas X.L Tham. had argued that the sentence Imposed
    268 words
  • 60 6 OCHOOLGftftL So* Oh O Mat. It. died a* arrival at the Singa ■•re General UaaajHal after afce waa foand •lumped against a els it— wall In a date at Sllat Primary Setswai Tacstfay ay her leaaaiST. Miss Trm Went Sesig. roUe* said Ml). *f Klsb Ttaa
    60 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 523 6 Fully Automatic Washing Machines Siemens Model WV 244 $999/= Tfct 244 is awtaf wMfe fa ml r^B i »uiiy automatic ■^M Wool seal wast) programme B BUgILsV siawV Aromatic temperature g^aV -^^^^"^^■swa^i^^ control Duo detergent dispenser Ch.W proot Door lock ■ajssj,. Takes 4 5 kg. >4 GifVbuctor V'Jtiim "«1 1
      523 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 820 7 Il" Exclusive Hyper -Savings inShopping! valid unti. sept 15, we wh. le stocks u^ AVON Lip Gloss Nylon Waterproof^/ Magnifiers /~\f~'\ Chinese Spice Rack Jacket MA. jM^. 6cm(2 >d *> 2So m JY~ Beach Mat m )*<rfij Ihw If-L-d«r Sfl J 76x178cm(30«70 4^o 2M 5.90 J| Ltffltei 790 J 9(1
      820 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 292 8 OPENS CATHAY TODAY! 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11W, 1.30, 4.00. 6 30 t 9.30PM. J BX 4 J m Tool >b1 Vmadtol I law I I mean to W forgive... N ■I > IAUAIt MMU BUMa LAUY OBBTSna HERSHEY RIVERO PARKS WILCOX MITCHUM tn.Lui uus(9 «uru saitn ni^ai. tiuciei uawt icuuin
      292 words
    • 404 8 a ßHßßß9JJ j ß9]Bßßlßßß ji ß9 jjjajaaaaaaaaajßßßßß] GOLDEN f!% c 9090 S^ WHw Ifawfll* BBK^^lawf^^Bß^V^WaW^H HSIA LIN LIN MAM aiww un*l.iw 11 m ami is ti sim. KINO KONO OODZULLA PLAZA 9|R| i IfBSTB)4Y! Oatty S Show. At Mali 11am. 1 30. 4. «45. 30pm [IKUSI HAIKIC tt> ia-t lat<
      404 words
    • 313 8 by a^l\W\\\ WW^^ mkJkm H' B^^^Bia^^ SEPTERABERI3 -'JT^k\ issue (Eaja) CHINA: Is The Public Iron Discipline Breaking Down? VIETNAM The Lost Legion INDIA: Does One Woman Rule Pave Way For Constitutional Dictatorship? BRITAIN People Apart Racial Strife MIDDLE EAST: War Of Nerves Newsweek International c o Sanvic Em*tpfi»«Pi« Ltd Locked
      313 words
    • 213 8 fSßcllth WEEK*!": 5 Shows Daily: 11, 130, 4 15, 6.45 930 a Admission: Circle $4.00; Stalls $2 50 &$1 50 m Ma ka« artaa-Na In, i aim Ha hrn tjt I Aiyi tinwot oil iNkiifs laiN taa i« 9ia "^W& t W "if BBJfV W^^ -J M aj fcyMr w
      213 words
    • 492 8 jaCionsANiaiioN:; S^OMMJTOOAr^^i M«Mh 7M iiw»- A ton Tqoq L C Hv >: I lovi fr «wt !j iw»i»t Dw»« hi Gim i Ij (Mho <^ Orii«'< a) Jl v ji«^»n S tt^tm J iOAmmi >tmdo« at 9<y" J> j >'<>«»' M».m i TMI OOUM.I CtOtllll I t' OMHS TOOAT 4
      492 words

  • 367 9 'Trousers are out' shock for these women Knvironmenl MinistiN ruling prohibiting its women staff it tin lr>|Kiienl Bank ol Singapore Build la wt .11 slacks 01 In users t<> w<u k n. hi red tli c wr.ith «»t the work* n<l their union. Another ruling preK Ihr staff to rai
    367 words
  • 231 9 Woman who sneaked in via railtrack A MALAYSIAN woman, •ho sneak«d Into Singapore via tne railway track after being refused entry, lost her appeal In the High Court ve-terday against sentences pasaed by a magistrate for possession of forged visit pass endorsements Choong Slew Lin. 23. was sentenced to a
    231 words
  • 140 9 Dropped his IC after stabbing student A I«- YEAR-OLD Poly- technic student was stabbed when he struggled with a man who tried to rob him of his watch, a district court heard yesterday The court heard that during the struggle, the robber also suffered a cut by his own knife
    140 words
  • 177 9 FREIGHTER'S STERN DAMAGED AFTER RAMMING WHARF npHE 5,450 tonne Singapore freighter, Klias. sustained heavy damage to Its stern after it rammed a wharf at Empire Dock as it set sail for Sabah on Tuesday night. The auiD. owned by SlraUa Meamshlp to 144.. was leaving port ■nder the guidance of
    177 words
  • 36 9 A ORANHMOTHER Woo Yoke Peng. 51. wii yesterday fln«d S3O by a magistrate for t'Ulnc vegetables In a P'Ohlbttcd pla<« at Bco Cre«ctnt Market Conrourw at 140 pm on Aug 30 She pleaded guilty
    36 words
  • 33 9 THE Senior Minuter of BUU i education i. Mr. Cha.l Chcnt Yll. will at jnd th« opening of the third phM* of the Mart* Stella Hi»h School building on Saturday afternoon.
    33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 477 9 TEAC A-650 A SUPERIOR FRONT-LOADING 'DOLBY' CASSETTE DECK TEAC A-650 gives the I I^VfTN I"TIT ITPff^fr Seven feather touch true audiophile the high kl 11J UIU Ik buttons electronically level of fidelity which X V^/aLx X JLLj X IWJXmi control tape previously was not mma ffav«/\«Vf ma movements with obtainable
      477 words
    • 67 9 •POTATOES '?.M 2-501 •LON6 CABBAGES 1 2C I •6B*PE.JiS» »._...250| •WHITERADISIL^L^C dk BMN9Y I CT 29 00 I orhymSyThabuw •YIN ROSE RUBf O VINHOBRANCO 8*95 1 •BEREICH KSsK>?.T.!l""fl»s 7-401 •SCOTCH wTBKY^rSJK'K.7 30 oßi BJfCHAMswnujii^^^Sl ■^aa^^*^^"^H ma^aßßma»aSaSßbmm I^J| _Lr^ EACm UCOCONUTBUN ast 25C| I •PEACH TART uss 400 1 %tS BAUS
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 324 11  - Teaching the spastics to be safe swimmers RANEE GOVINORAM Py BLOWING away the flylnß saucer" on her own wouiu have been a breathless effort for 12--year-old Ye o Lee Kiang had she not been assisted by Mrs Margaret Reid (right) With her help. Lee Klang was soon gleefully keeping the
    324 words
  • 157 11 A HAWKER who was sentenced to three months )ail for drug possession had his sentence substituted with a day's imprisonment and a $1. 000 fine on appeal In the High Court yesterday Henx Soon Huat. 33. had pleaded guilty in a magistrate's court on M
    157 words
  • 122 11 CONTAINERS BY RAILWAY PLAN TH E Port of Singapore Authority p|a n s to transport containers from tbe Container T>-.nlnal to the depot at Bukit Ttmah by rail to avoid congestion on roads. according to aoarres yesterday. The PSA Is presentl» having talks with Malayan R u'way for transporting the
    122 words
  • 21 11 DUNIARK Secondary School Band will perform at the Macßitchie Reaervtor Park on Sunday from 130 pm to 6JO pm
    21 words
  • 133 11 LOTCON. Wed Mr Ooh Kee Hong, an executive engineer with Radio and Television Singapore, was amon; 21 educational television personnel from 12 Commonwealth developing countries who recently Inspected India's Satel--1 te Instructional Television Experiment i Site > operation bai.s The study visit financed by
    133 words
  • 313 11 Doctors told: Get early treatment for patients IyDCTORS treating spastic patir.its were yesterday urged to refer them to the Spastic Centre as early as possible for theraQeutlc treatment. This plea came from tne head occupational therapi*t ol the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore. Mrs 8 81va Mrs. Siva said that
    313 words
  • 232 11 Kidney swop man died of heart infection A VIRAL infection of the heart and the recurrence of heart failure caused the unexpected death of Singapore's first live kidney recipient. Mr Mam Retnam. 21 Disclosing this yesterday, a renal specialist at Singapore General Hospital where the transplant took place, stressed that
    232 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 FROM RENTACOLOR A yy\*: V\; l 4 mtmmmm mn4 untoy I OMf MONTH FREE BPaaw*t <ot»t OMf V PLAN W 4 FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION cal 2S2OHOA2S2OttI RENTACOLOR RrM \l SPffUALISTS Hdmimilll 2 7 GoMr^PWa Thomson Road Sngapor*
      37 words
    • 423 11 1 I tall V ay. HIT v J v d One convention at Hotel Equatorial always leads to another Our conventioneer* are usually to restaurants serving Swiss. Japanese pleated with our hotel that when the> and Chinese cuisine, our vast shopping return home they spread the word arcade Hotel Kquitonils
      423 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 176 11 Bringing Up Father »y BUI Kavanagh Hal Camp r^TTTIZT" /iTS HCT BY THE I I Vvß-L, IT'S NOT 111 I WAS ONcV <IODINeA WMAr?'»=^' I A*4AT I /IOJLDNT HHtO 1 IKMOW-J 1 JI&&S- I WOULDN'T SOt-^APS TD DO -rrs SAW vOo WANT //HAT I THINK' OF CHAROiNS <»epljAce a »vmat
      176 words

  • The Straits Times TH
    • 311 12 VIETNAM has officially confirmed the deaths of 12 American airmen who riot down over North Vietnam during the Indochina war. This release of een as a gesture towards i.s with the US. part of impw'gn to gain member- the United Nations. It Is a regretable b that Vietnam
      311 words
    • 269 12 MRS MARGARET THATCHER, leader of Britain's Conservative Party, made a welcome stopover in Singapore as part militarisation tour of Commonwealth countries in Asia and the Pacific. visits are designed to lay the groundwork of top level contacts. In anticipation of the possible day when Thatcher becomes Britain's
      269 words
    • 353 12 I REFER to trw letfr ,lents Who Have They Are m "Oroup of 103" i ST. Aug 111 The Examinations Section of this ministry administers the C'.ty and Oulldi Examinations for the London Institute This Includes registering the entries and conduct Ing the
      353 words
  • 625 12  - 'Foxbat' is biggest coup in 16 years DHEW MIOOLCTOM By in NEW YORK rpHE United States and 1 Allied Intelligence services would regard access to the M 1025 that a Soviet pilot flew to northern Japan on Monday as the most Important East-West coup since the Russians shot down an
    NYT  -  625 words
  • 709 12  -  STEPHEN HUGHES B, in RABAT ARAB stales are beginning to prepare for the day when the oilhelds run dry and revenue from the "black gold no longer pours into their coffers. The world Is expected to hare developed new sources
    709 words
  • 885 12  - Hanoi seeks support for UN bid GRANVILLE WATTS By in BANGKOK yiKTNAM has mounted an intensive diplomatic campaign in advance of a IN Security Council meeting next week which will decide or/Hanoi's application to join the I'nited Nations. The Vietnamese are worried that the United States, as It did twice
    885 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 18 12 l I iMaftad .»ip Ml* L >« SSMSSS l»«'«6» 1 lavajaa nrtMs, 1 T.I ***** Mon t Kong (gMMft)
      18 words
    • 225 12 Health& d Vitality protected r*gar*l ONE-A-DAY Guardian MULTIVITAMIN CAPSULES All essential and important Vitamins c I and mineral* w*<cn gtg¥"~"~~^ga»»»fca^ am usually lacking in H unbalanced diets art [M^Sw^Vb] made available <n one pistil _F^^^bb^^ economical Guardian *\ni > n^~~^^*'BJßßaT*j|| Muitivitamin Capsule L -^^^^^^2T'' t Ideal for persons who gfaS
      225 words

  • Business Times
    • 477 13  -  QUEK PECK LIM My WITHIN the next few days, I nited Malayan Hanking Corporation. IMBC) will announce completion of an agreement whereby I'ernas will be sold some 30 Iper cent of IMBC's equity by Mr. Chang Ming Thien. Control over UMBC's management
      477 words
    • 102 13 rpHE purchase of a $4 15 million warehouse complex by Hong Leong Finance has been approved by its members at an BOM on Sept 0 Shareholders and directors Indirectly Interested In the purchase abstained from voting The directors were Messrs Kwek Hong Pn«. Kwek Lena Beng
      102 words
    • 354 13 Speculation in market over sime Darby takeover THE takeover season has ktarted in earuest II current market •peculations are anytning to go b> Aiur U A. O'Connor, prey of a larger kpecies is being looked at with great interest. That prey. It is being wnispered, is Sime Darby Holdings. ihe
      354 words
    • 343 13  - Transfer of technical know-how not easy matter TAN LIAN CHOO By TRANSF ERRING technical knowhow from one co"ntry to another can be tricky. Mr BM Lap. chairman of Philips Singapore, explained how the transfer could be effected In a seminar last week on Asean problems The know-how has to be
      343 words
    • 192 13 nrORK to raise a US$2O Tf million syndicated loan In Singapore for Pohang Iron and Bteel of South Korea has been substantially completed. Citicorp International (through Arts-Pacific Capital Corporation < and First National Bank In Dallas h»»e tapped their contacts primarily among the
      192 words
    • 354 13  -  MARTIN LIM By COLLOWING U r per cent profit decline in 1975 '76. Jack Chla-MPH look.; «et to resume Its steady growth pattern in the current year. This Is the inference to be drawn from the statement by the chairman. Mr Jack Chla. where he
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 600 13 APPROACHING THE ULTIMATE... mm Amplification by The 4401 PREAMPLIFIER features 2/4 channel possibilities; a new concept in phono circuit design for lowest possible noise The 1801 POWER AMPLIFIER offers extreme reserves of power for reproduction at true concert hall volume in virtually any listening environment. mist ski hi t us
      600 words
    • 203 13 ft S3 THE SEIKO QUARTZ COLLECTION. CHANGING THE WORLD'S STANDARD OF ACCURACY ■t*iOO tttJJIOO The Seiko QujM/ Collection encompaw* wide jn«J rxciling scope ot quart/ Matches tor men and women. Quart/ is amazingly accurate. Ultra-thin quart/. Day/date Ouart/. Digital quart/ watches with liquid crystal (or continuous readout to thr second,
      203 words

  • 734 14  - Ship financing: DBS reviews its credit schemes TERESA LIM By -THE Development 1 Bank of Singapore U> currently reviewing lto available scheme* of credit There Is a good, possibility, though nothing la confirmed yet. that revision* to the existent schemes wjLU be made, with more concessions granted to shipyards here.
    734 words
  • 317 14 Survival of Seacare is at stake SEACARE. the first professional operation to provide lay up facilities for supertankers, may al so be the last Since its lormaUon In October last year. It has received no application for VICC <Very Large Crude Carrier i or ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Carrier* lay
    317 words
  • 42 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr (toh Kre Song has resigned as a director of Sembawang Ship yard with effect from Sept 1 The company also announced the resignation of Mr Nagallncam Segarajaslngan as company secretary He is replaced by Mr A II Jlnnah
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 422 14 snHLi*y |ANT»-VBRATX)N SArVS STIHL made chain saws FIRST Atkj made them U\ST^«^| •Portable Crmn Saw. 1926 •Friction Reducing Guide Bar System. 1929. •Cham Saw With Decompression Port. 1931. •Cham Saw With Anti Vibration System. 1964. •Practical Fully Electronic Ignition System 1968. •Channel Linked Oilomstic Cham. 1970 •Oeclutching Cham Stopping System
      422 words
    • 398 14 I lUI SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT I Diploma in Management Studies ApphcatKXH are invited for the above 2-year evening part time programme commencing in January 1977 PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE The Diploma in Management Studies specially designed to provKtt tumor managerial and executive personnel with a well-rounded knowledge m all fields of
      398 words

    • 1317 15 fHJJ last transacted ready 1 sal* at the cmbs vi auat■l <■ s ti r. t' ainaapore ycawrday coav jmx%A with the previous day s jncas to«ether with 1»7I Ml',ut*d JMtCI cuimc ram Baar Twawavlß osoal Sawaa «f Sasasaea MataoMs aaa «v R«a4y lalanaS S.m.aua Mla »aim« al
      1,317 words
    • 1771 15 siid buslneM -t ,'irt yas..nbfi i 1 t.-aded shown la 1 1 000 s* «t>.C- > are 1.000 unit*i are quoted after the letters BB i in n ONI IMH MKIIU I > 2M \il»«-«J bar OMB OOOS) Bata 2 2SB 3 3SB) •l> 317. Xl> Bwlead
      1,771 words
    • 362 15 DID and offer prtCM fol- towad by tranaacuona wherever applicable •"para G*n. S>]% Taxable Loan No 3 With AI ins Ist Dae ItTJ iI.MO.OM) 101--658 *****5. ■•par* G4»vt. 6>^% Taxable Loan No 1 With AI in*/ i4th Apni ma i i.000.000. iIOUtB 101 «48). Spare Oerl
      362 words
    • 1244 15 BID and offer prtCM officially IUUd and buatneM tn and rep><-ted to the Kuala Umpur Stock Exchange with the number of Vi«r»» traded shown In bracket* In lots of 1.000 unit* untoaa otherwise tprclfled Kdultaiiu Aimaili Tapa iO4M> WH 2 IMI A CM*« llllli msi i2i aat •la
      1,244 words
    • 41 15 THE Monetary Authority >f Singapore (MAS) invites bank* and discount houses to tender for a total of IM million Traaaury bills to be tasuad from Sept 11 to 17 Each tender Mast not be for laa than 12M.000
      41 words
    • 69 15 K. L Summary Fills Pt«l M U» 1 JO K Kampar Krimn Bim» Darbr INI PC Lrton Lien Ho* Bh*ll I OB Hum* 7ti lnrhr«p* Wftrnn M H«: 1.14 OCBC f 300 I 270 i in f It! i m 2 70 1 72 1M 4«2 I IN I IM
      69 words
    • 24 15 11T M «M [Aland Ptn >MC t J I 114 I 1 »7 t 4M DM 10 07 M Trading t i 70 ••>
      24 words
    • 140 15 rUROPC ni moderately traded on Tuesday, wtth price* holding Htm. KPOPA Mid US wm» somewhat active with prtraa moving up to parity with Burops's Irraia Chicago soyabsa&s and oil doMd Umlt up Prtoci In USmU <Rottardaaa) unless fUtad otherwise: S»pt *MTM Milan: Oct M 7ft caUHTM **Ucr*. 30
      140 words
      • 263 14 I^CW YORK. Tuea. The stock market, after aomc •arty hedutlon. ctoaed higher today, aided by Urength Ln blue-chip, gold and electronic The Daw Jones Imaxetllil average, off 0.41 point at noon, ended the day up 741 points at 9W M In tht lut six seassoni. the average haj
        263 words
      • 130 14 A MBTBRDAM. Turn The A market eaaed In quiet trading Dutch lntcmaUonala ware generally lower although «*y»l Dwlch and imsli i n firmed illghUv State loans were unchanged to slightly lower. Cl—Tm prim w Dutrli guiMm wiui Urn 4\tltnmc» ea Ik* »n- ▼Him nhimi pnct% v p. Alua 11
        130 words
      • 178 14 7URICH. Tues. Tht Zurich stock market turned mixed today on a moderate turnout Heavy lam In some lectors were offset by advances In other*. The bond market continued to be firm The Credit Sulase index cloied 0 1 point higher Is MM Oaaiac mtm frmaca witft tk* alffwn am
        178 words
      • 107 14 FINANCIAL TIMES INDI'BTBIALS T"«<l*J J57 6 Monday j 5 0 w «to )HI TINS T»f«toy 10, M J*ood.r 103 6 Weak ago ioj is BIBBEBff Tueaday «si n Monday 451 Of Wt^ ago 4JI JO OILS TumOAj 342 so Mond«y m 74 Week ago 334 44 r >W JONES
        107 words
      • 166 15 UONOKONO. Wad— The market rose sharply In active trading to eon'*jiue ll* recent upward trend after y astir days profit taking, dealers said. The itrmnaaj of oversea* markets overnight also boostsd sentiment Swire PartsVr gained 50 irnj to HKIII on market expectation* of good Interim result* due to be
        166 words
      • 36 15 Mn UJI Ac^a tt M < t M |4J« M. Tifc.rn H-«* c. fc^ri Km CmWiii ttJ* D. »WM«t CJL Tka« $111 CkMk I*4 Dmlii U B. Itorita SKI M.B.S. (SJI run »m Ji »i »i
        36 words
      • 27 15 l*Mtnd MM L liliiin II M I. Ul< $I*4 li— i««M U.l* Mm tin •b» Blrrtrtr «11 ■.E. LrrtactoM t .It M ti .M M —M
        27 words
      • 101 15 L.O. Lmmt I'.OM. IviMi llmt rctal Trwm ratal Valor: if tM.*M Jlooo* UK Baak HK IM MX Miclrvc MX UK lIX RMlt> MX n MX WMrf HK T FwTT H Vwh J.r«iu» Malk Jartut* 6M LatM Cn«M4 firm War a n» Bra Mi Dark* ■MM r In*
        101 words
      • 59 15 t IT. tmtn: U!J< to*.T» ■■•—lrtlh: 174 tl t7l It ITllll UIM 4«J7 HMrk 1M»1 IMM r.»t«Un IMII 1«» M TtM: IJ t1.17 S »JM mi« ocir tun U7JS BIS 1*4.: 1M44 tUM ft Jam. 1. I*TI 1M Dm. 1»M IN I Dm. 11. IMS 1M 1 Dw. INI
        59 words
    • 194 15 TOKYO. Wed -The market closed slightly lower In limited trading dealers said The Dow Jones average fell 111 to 4Mt45 with volusse of IM million share* The New Index ckaed at 344 SO down 024 Investors retreated to the I sideline* in view of an creasing outstanding balance of
      194 words
      • 183 15 Tm emit* Un price In Pcnang yesterday gained another 117 F3S to |1.1t3 pu- pacul on an otflclal oftermg up 13 tonnts to 3tS tonnes. Ins overnight London metal price con united to be steady with a strong gain of U7 to £4. Mi per tonne In it*
        183 words
      • 31 15 Raboer Sept 8 Singapore: Sent 159.5* rts (down 1.75 ets). MaUys.a. Oct. 191.M its (dowa ZM cts) Ha: si .in rap $17.«»). Official offering 253 tonnes (up 12 tonnes).
        31 words
      • 120 15 •■aoues si v cnamsi siitaareas clssiiio raicss »sa picml Caaawat SM Bulk ITtS a»llari •X 4nu» ITTS MlMra mrm «rwa> ISIS aMlara Caara. Misa« iiaaaai VK CaaH MI kvrtn ktualak *BTA arklla ra k 10»» NLW 11*0 aallara •arsatak -hit. ra k HUH ISSI aailan. Saraosk as*nal kiaca fob
        120 words
      • 568 15 AT the oulMt yesWrday. prlcas in the Singapore rubber market were marked up on higher then anticipated oiustsi advices Later. however. price* moved lower In fairly active trading Forwards and physical* were quiet. The morning session closed quiet The afternoon smssoo was very quiet and a shads tstttt
        568 words
      • 105 15 ajLa. as* M (l ton pallet i MB M (1 100 pallet} M»n m. BMK ICY (1 ton pallet) WK »L (1 too pallet) SMR I <l tan pallet) SMR It (1 ton pallet) SMR M (1 ion paltot) SMR M (1 ion pallet) ICwl MU) ir«r»w«
        105 words
      • 86 15 THE Malaysian Mini- > ster of Finance has ftxed these daties from Seit t. until farther ■Km atakker Mt eU a Ih Oaajra i*SZ k ton Pate Eernel S23S.SS a ion The rates «f da tie* aayaale arc: Batter l«i d. a lb girchirir it rU Ik
        86 words
    • 324 15 cYONKT. Wed. Leading a aUnlnc and lndvutnsl tharM were markedly lover in dull trading, with energy ■lock particularly lai dealers amid The Sydney All-Ordlnarie* tumblsd til polnu to 404 43 fnria.laii.UJ Ml SO ccnU to ASIJ7O Bhlte llah gave up rMletdajr'a 10-ceni gain and TMna dropped right ornu to
      324 words
    • 32 15 BRCBBELB The luropemn Inve. tmerst Bank Is planning a 100 million mark private placement of seven-year notes with sn expected ~t per cent coupon, bond market sources said Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 53 15 f.lllll WM MM MilMim II) III! MM n in nisi uymm HIM* HIM! lartck no 114 JIB iii.m* mm Put. IHH lit It wmndt ■mtrr-f ma* IU ms inn i»> iii.JW U4.?»» lIITM ll* 1M Kz*wt ma m -imii— imi US 4mUmr ft mmt*. <li tautiiu *»il«r »WMM*
      53 words
    • 376 15 pftOTsT-TAKING trim I aaed prices aeraas a wide iront at the Stork Kxchangr af Singapore yesterday. Tke opening Market aaw sosae baring tapper t asaong the lavoant-. and tke third liners. Tais. however. proved snort lived as profit taking set In after the Brat Boar of trading.
      376 words
    • 298 15 r£ heat of speculative activity on the Kuala Lumpur share market appeared to have subsided a little as profittakers made their presence felt yesterday. While this reaction was not unexpected, observers Interpreted It as a healthy sign lest an overbought position developed The general feeling,
      298 words
    • 213 15 tFHE US dollar opened practically unchanged at 13 4000 10 In the Singapore lorn market yesterday Trading In the US unit oouinued quiet In an extremely thin market The US unit closed In featurelsM trading at 18 4000 10 Interbank forward rates at 00 p m 1-Month
      213 words
    • 184 15 ASIAN currency drpoalt ln- tertank rste» m «X ckat on Wrdrxtday Sept IS DiMiti (S-*tl OO«r BM 7 day* 13 1 1 4 1 mvi Sit I I mlhi 17 1* I I II 3 mlha SSI Sl] mthi (II mUii I S It I I II
      184 words
    • 38 15 Clewing interbank rtlca tn Sln««por* dollar* for Sapt I O««t Md Owmlfht 111 S 1 mth 4 12 4 2 1 mth4 4 1« 4 7 14 mth. 4 S I 4 11 ■—cm: Aallry Pure*
      38 words
    • 59 15 RANOE *f mm >f 4ita»yi >»■■»■ an Ba*« i>v«r»i«»l 1\ l» Okll 4l|»IU 1 !>»•> •mt MM TT.«*urr Mlla 1 J 14 1 i 14 MSMM Bmak hails «i< i 1 ktaaik D < 4 Man's Cl> J I 14 II II t*u«C4 Nattaa^l U Ok NOTE: These
      59 words
    • 161 15 Interlock ratca at 00 pa fniilß NaaawU n*m IblHi^h f--m-i.» ■■■*■< /■»»*■> iraii —mw ji 08 dollar 3 MOO 3 4*lo HIM 12 7J StarHnf pound 3J40 4 3J«s UMI 40 74 Honfkonf dollar M IS SO 24 Mil -tTI Malajrtfan dollar 97 94 M 10 100 00
      161 words
    • 24 15 Minimum lending rates (in •or* Mw<l C*mtmmt**+. H 7 7 T 7 7 HKMC M.rv, tank OCX B uB UMK s Ml 7 7\*
      24 words

  • Especially Women
    • 113 16 Wrap up in style A DASH of the Eastern mystique from the deft strokes of French master Jean Patou Really a very simple idea of a dress comprising just two huge square scarves. The first is worn as a one-shouldered dress; strings are attached for tying at the sides. Clinched
      113 words
    • 632 16  -  Mci Lin Chew By A woman need not be beautiful but must give of herself, be feminine, advocates the Miss Marianne Movement. Marianne, s mere 15 metres tail, chatted on lr her room at the Hilton. In a. light knit blouse
      632 words
    • 321 16  -  DAVID BURHHAM By A MAJOR drug company in Washington recently agreed to stop advertising Its candy-like vitamin pills In comics or on daylight television with advertisements that appealed to children or used their hero figures as pitchmen. Although the agreement between the government and
      321 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 445 16 GENERAL ELECTRIC I I m% A i STEAM AMO PHV MOM F7S y!K M V*. T on twntcnw tfom »t«aiTi to dnr anus I iA M k) loucf ol a button •25 steam vants mm MP m Jy4«w great value at only $49 M I B% SM*« STEASJSDHYIWOWFSS m I
      445 words
    • 579 16 AdtxrtUement Enjoy smooth, youthful complexion beauty Outdoor activities, can be harmful to a soft, smooth complexion. It is still possible, however, to retain a dewy soft complexion beauty no matter what your age or where your daily activities take you. When you were balance of oil and younger your comple-
      579 words

  • 223 17 Counsel queries handcuff man's statement Al AWYER argued in a magistrate's court statement to n the middle .'it admitting 1 not be n 'anly if MM then being handcuffed to a chair isel. Mr Kan de this I me. 28. charged with stealing 13 JO ii. 10-cept coins from a
    223 words
  • 59 17 MADAM Sect Hock I, an undertaker. way to Toa lUU after she 1 in a road t with a lorry in r.eer Road at 2 45 Tuesday Tho>e who saw the accident should contact the Sepoy Lines TrafTlc police station There were 84 road
    59 words
  • 600 17  - Overbooking by airlines to guard against no shows SUSIE SOH By OVERBOOKING of airline seats, now an offence In Britain, Is expected to continue unabated here at a level of five to 10 p»-r cent According to many alrI'ne executives. an operational necessity to ensure against "no passen gers
    600 words
  • 62 17 A WOMAN. Lee Ah Kal. 2t. wa> jrestcrday fined a total of 1170 by a maglatrate for ualng abusive Un«uage tfairut a woman police r< unable and ."or ahouting in the Subordinate Court Complex in Havelock Road on May 2» She was fined 140 for Uflng aburlve
    62 words
  • 60 17 A 27-YEAR-OLD mail clmun«d trial yesterday vhen he via charged tn m maguirrnte* court with throwing acid at woman on Aug 11 Hint Lcr Boon Chai w alleged to have thrown acid at Mrs Roae Urn at 111. Peoples Part Centre KU caaa will be
    60 words
  • 47 17 Tllir SißHawt II iff .49 (?bmj. urn IscM 10 10 I* i 2 2tu. 1010 P" Pwt Mm 652 am b*»). 7i5 p.m am. IWIIW SMtaiari lUi ML ?6«i Mai lacM 10 35 I '22«! 1052 p» 2 2«, Nrt Htam 724 :2 9w. 744
    47 words
  • 27 17 H ATt.B c*lWMiPilon on Tuesday was CUj»N cable Metres (IS9 2 million (aliens), a rise •I t7.*M ciMc aftm (5.9 million gallons) •ver the day Before.
    27 words
  • 265 17 4 JAPANESE Arm has won $161.5 million contract to develop phase four of the East Coast Parkway which will be Singapore's top scenic hifhway. The Publl Works Department wil award the. contract on behalf at the Singapore Government. The Japanese firm Is one
    265 words
  • 134 17 GIVING THE DUG UP ROADS A NEW LOOK SEVEN roads which have been affected by the laying of pipes and cables will be resurfaced by the Public Works Department this month The roads are Orang*? Road <Hoot Klam Road to Rochalie Drive i. Cantonment Road. New Bridge Road Eu Tong
    134 words
  • 49 17 THI Minuter of Home Attain and education. Mr Chua, BUn Chin, rutted the lUfonnatlv* Training Otntrt la Uhi Badok on Tttaaday when I* obmrnd 3M mMataa mafcing itty*l>l clorlu Th« cantrc. art up la April, prtnrldts Induatrtal training and liplujiint to m tiebodMd UUMI4B in prlaona
    49 words
  • 47 17 MR Ahmad Mattar chairman of the Induttrlal TrainIng Board and Parliamentary Secretary < Education > will receive 579 technical training book* from the Australian High CVmmuaioner Mr K N Birch, for the Jurcng Vocational Institute at the institute in Boon Lay at 10 30 am today
    47 words
  • 99 17 UNITED NATIONS. Wed. Singapore has signed an International convention on registration of objects launched Into outer space, the UN announced today The convention provides for registration by launching states of objects launched Into outer space and establishes a central register, maintained by the UN Becre-tary-Oeneral Stngapore's
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 100 17 aa^r ft V gi»oovtiV at the \<JCas6a/b/ Dance your heart out Tun* in to Anita Sarawak. Singapore's wnltr Ltt Rahimati Rahim b«lt out your hot favour or croon cool, cool numbers that heap you tmaaring on the floor Th* Society o< Th* Royal Flush and The Adaptors give you the
      100 words
    • 313 17 J > < im SINGAPORE ?«Q O»i CONTACT LENS v^y soc|ety I J lINJAMIN (OWARO J BIN FAAO C L P 104 Tongl.n S*V>pp>ng I Tgngl.n Rood rfl T»l *****9 CC CHUI MING K WONG C* Siv «i* W» T« *****7 98J0«7 f ISAACS ISAACS PTt LTD Sp«c SM ISAACS
      313 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 796 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 ].H M and House* res' Matinee 7.49 Hrn So M*m Ms Mm— Tte Wet I! Snake Girl (Mandarin Film. Pi. I— repeat) Ufctrty lil General Hospital 149 TatNtai 71 lit parte fa*) 4.39 Intermission IN *nrj mt tkmvmi IN Spiag mt tetaway-Tfei Mar Si*
      796 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 577 18 GENERAL ELECTRIC USA HOUSEMRtS PTE. LTD. Applicotions are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of PLASTIC MOLDING EN6INEER Applicants must be graduates in Plastic Technology or Production Engineering with at least 2 years' experience m process engineering in miection molding with emphasis in tooling, plastic engineering materials and
      577 words
    • 699 18 <OETZ BROS.4GCX.INC. SALES EXECUTIVE FOOD PROCESSING MACHINERY We are lookmq for a top-notch I Sales Executive with proven sales I record m selling Food Processing Equipment Also copable of working I on Turn -Key Projects such as on Conned Foods Pineapple Plants ond related lines This is o challenging position
      699 words
    • 998 18 SIN6APME (|F] POLYTECHNIC NEW POLYTECHNIC CAMPUS SITE SUPERVISOR I Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment by the Consultants for the construction of the New Singapore Polytechnic SUPERVISOR (BUILDING) DutiM: Must be copable of dealing with Specialist sub-contractors m addition to co-ordinating general building works Qualifications 4 Experience:
      998 words
    • 639 18 TEMENGGONG LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE The Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 4 cents per share, less 40% tax. in respect of the year ending 31st December. 1976. payable on 30th October. 1976 to shareholders on the Register of Members as at the close of
      639 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 696 19 MMMMMM> SIUICt Tl tm CMTMtWI kaJM U4M it rot ami 1 kl I ki i tti Mia i kl I ki ki I ki I kti II k ki 'I ki a I i ii ki l ki ii ki a ki i aw a ki I at. I I
      696 words
    • 1065 19 Ben Ocean H>Tr.Lu>*BkK>Fhnnf>!G)enljrx*,indNSMO ti m cMJinii' iw Dm 'l» if Hmmj lf»w »M llil-H ilillt-1 I ki IdMII. lltlkd 1 I kt |i l.t IM «fc.| luai. Dv» I MM' •i«i 'i. iniai n/iki nati 11 ki x- c I licit* il il ki il il kt 'I a
      1,065 words
    • 1027 19 >»c» >i x iiivk iiw «i>u Mioa l»f» M«M| a «.-»K. 4..-1 Iwa I'MVt 1 I iiaiijti ana il kd ilkd Ikt Ikt Ikt(I ki Ik' j "ami umii iikd aim nkt n mi hkt im kt' nkd imn uniit iimi ii kt ii a ki m kt 't
      1,027 words
    • 986 19 |^r|^ mJ^ I m\ B L mt rULLY CONTAINERIZfO SERVILE 10 tUHOPt Ni(» iMl'li' > *SMMi ••TUMi! Mia **n«Ma. Mil IM ajtatrt iiMr>t all k-i't Ml > illMau ki il kt 'I vmm, vinrMM mTViimi mm "t r ''"Nkkait MM** '•••mi or. <l SkOkcM. OM. Mtak. MrM hk|«ka. FULLY CONTAINERIZED
      986 words
    • 577 19 S«<aMn 11M44 f IMMJ U4I II »3' fmmm. Ul THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK Will ATtICA I M lllll'lll' l«*ll*. aw "W HIT i imjii mi:> >m luam aauMU KUWAIT Shll-PINC CO- (S.A.K.) UAIIAR IMF UlVtCt »'ka» f» .m H UINMM kl LYKES ORIENT LINE MB stnict mmct rm imum:
      577 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 890 20 j)^— KAWASAKI KJSEN KAJSHA LTD mil tmmaau sure( Ta ißPtf* |Vta IMII j-| r>t«T| t-t-t* tim ib 'i Wd i?sm i kt ki Ik RI 7lS»tt NStH I! kl II kl k m it ki n kt 7hm inn ii r» n kt 71 Xt 14 RM It RM 17
      890 words
    • 1103 20 LINE L.(. -ISA. ATLAMK (.1 LI NEIVUE laMat Mt Ma t*v« WiiKi uu.iMlt MB Ml I Mtt aMHIM UlftlTM MM ITMI Mil •MIS M SMI traaxt l-aa Nat wa Tat* a Mm. laar. •huri Ma iinud itiitsd itttud ati Mai 1 tis«.i MM asi uit mi nit Mt it aMt
      1,103 words
    • 1056 20 fULT CMTtMttrSII SUVtCf II ENRPf tv MT t'aan r mil t'kMaataa t«rf t>a> la, i aan MMMM CMTIMIIt II Md It lid I* Ual I Ml I Ml I *l I Ml MPTmi ikmh BJMd lad II M MMI II Mt II Ml It Ml uriatiM »»a»tl I it Mi
      1,056 words
    • 884 20 HIUTSIM IRT(tMTMMI SMPPIRt CMPR Ml Til ll J***** nptisj sitnci ti immr irform cmtwrt puts *j I iiaM'i p*» ki aa«ai»; immm Mr NbUMVUI m II II tad Hit tad tl mwiuim iti'Ud u.pjwai mm* Mitt ii n sid rt n ua< ;t iMt I »an I MHBta MUII II
      884 words
    • 673 20 Kw NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VO^W> IHIEPCMEIT Wr&Z FIR EAST EtMOPE SERVICE (at Mac raidat cl via (a* in faaaai inn I laatra) Ml r,.«a| I Ml I Ml ll Ml CMIIIMM MlllaMl m SUMA LINE L j COPENHAGEN .••••IMißt uaaniHi .ii»ici n irw IB" '••>•-• UaMBJ Mr a uaa' HIHKII
      673 words

  • 33 21 Every m«ml» la nteaw le awatssn en Ine deva 'launlK. cut it camel he gyaianlasw Tne cemseny eees •vet KeM nsew ispinsnVW sst atrere n> evam en ays dey et ewa<ncewen
    33 words
  • 12 21 Relligious Announcements AT REDUCED M Bible Socie', 7 Armenia I .ippoinlmenl
    12 words
  • 29 21 MfllON OOM PINO CHIANO »te Irene Tig and his rnaMj the »amii« OF the lav Mrs ink all relatives 1 eir help alien r :n«, their recent
    29 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 203 21 ClassifiedJtUv CAT. B. J \235 5677J Pick of the Classifieds 4<T /COACHING ANO PRIFARA-T-oN ,r Knglisn Bar snd Loni.vse* n>\w '.c.l 111 i f>res cribed Kh»n« i IS River pore 10 Pnone *****5 BOIER MALE BROWN >.r ANTOINETTE BALE HI rntre Italian dresses from ■n 111* HEEOAHY HOUSEHOLD SERVKES? k
      203 words
    • 528 21 TRANSPORT RIOUIRIO FOR schoolboy Upper East Coast Road to Dover Road (DM 5) and back Any arrangement will be considered Please call *****9 LOBT DACNIHUNO MALI Black and Tan answers to Sandy in Shelford Road Watten Estate Adam Park area Reward Tel *****7 tOtl LIFT MOUtMO from csr owners I'pper
      528 words
    • 783 21 CONPIOINTIAL MCMTARY V A good OCI Certiricste V Iproficlency In Private i V Secretarial duties ability to V Ia rkandle people dlplomallcslly X V At least one year experience V in similar capacity X X Those who can itjual Italian X rorclgn European^ V language will be in an ad
      783 words
    • 794 21 'fMTiaali i Wilnaisn preferably •witn Automotive Spare Parts ex persrnee but not ssasntial Apply with full details lo S T Box AM3B2 FORM Ml lIANOICRArr SHOP re quires 5 Charming Sale? Aaststanu in Singapore Kandlrrart Centre Please apply -n writing enclosing recent photo (nonreturnable) suting experience, educational background and salary
      794 words
    • 785 21 STABLISMIO COMPANY RI OUIRI young, energetic and ambitious MaJe/Temale above the age of 11. to be (rained as Development AastatanU Oolden opportunities swslt tne luccassful Development Assistant whose inroase Is anllnilleii No previous experience necessary as training will be given and candidates most have at least completed Secondary Education Please
      785 words
    • 808 21 Lr«l-NI CHSMM AMAH uulch couple without children requires a preferably English speaking live- in Cninaat amah for laundry and to help In Use household Preferably over 25 years or sge Dlst It Oood reference required Tar IBMSt la i t sun. anw IIMSJl) a* (kilmiii t pjsi andla-m.) WANTIO OINIRAL
      808 words
    • 640 21 MALI 4 FIMALI Key Punch Operators Isaetleiice not necessary but should be able to type M wpm Oood pay Please call personally ror interview. 149-F. Btk 1 Boon Keng Road Spore 12 RBOUtRCO FBJsALI FUMP alien danu Salary 1170 p m csll per socially 28-B FTSStdiiU Building tFICIALItT CLMMC RI
      640 words
    • 804 21 RBOUSRgO CMaattg OFFICI boy aw>sw»wsai _Beconaxsry 2 Kngtssrt Streass Preferencea giveti lo tnose coasplstsd M S but aae below Interested call at 4158 Jalan Beaar Singapore I WANTIO WORMBRB WITH Driving Licence and apprentices call personally to 463 Oeylang Road BJBOUMSBO MALaVFvIMALI sales represenlauves and public relations officers Experience in
      804 words
    • 654 21 FIMALI tUFIRVIIOK APPLY personally First Lady Cocktail Lounge c/o Hotel Orand Central B Kramai Lane Spore between 3 30 p m 4 J p m with photo MCCHAMCt WTTM t years expe nence naunaw by Auto Aircon diuoning Co call personally at 550 A liavelock Road Spore 1 Tel *****4
      654 words
    • 821 21 OUT f CORNIR TIRRACI House at 14. Wastlake Avenue FuMy furnished 3 diuoned bedrooms rent II JOS AvaiasMr It I Tt Pnone MO4T7 tPLIT-LIVIL 4-BIOROOMID BtmOALOW at Mimosa Crescent Seietar Hills fully furruaned for rent at II 900 Contact TeoMMII JALAN LAVAN6) LAV AN* modern 4-bedrooaied family house Spacious split
      821 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 791 22 J3t DICTRICT t *KVVILLA 3 bed room. 1 hall partly furnished Rent SMO p m Contact *7*7t aiNOVATtO SINOLt BTORIV liuoned 3 bieroooao. separate hiing dining and servant t ameniUoa patio leading to spavtoui and pnvau garden Fumianed/un fwrnMha* ottsonal Also avail abtr houaw at OroowMaf. Coro-•lati-in Road Wemt LaMa
      791 words
    • 794 22 DCTACNCO Furnlanad SBSM Lavge Bparnnrt Living tuning Kitchen Oardan Trtephone Immediate Orctspa OIST 1* BINCLI-STORIV COCOMM4. Bungaiow unfur nished matured garden separate gueavaman t quarters 3 bedrooma/ bathroomi at Larhed New Hornet MtTMI DIST t FABCR NSLLS double storvy semi detached furnktfted SIMS Hillrreot Eatate 2->-storey •m i detached furnianed
      794 words
    • 815 22 I OrST t* CrTV TOIBR* fumiahad II JO* Orchard Towers cantral airron ta Mt CnalsworUi Court I central aircon swimming pool i US** MandaUy Court tl M* rystal Tower Balmoral Part OUT FtOOCNII COURT 12th floor aparlmenl wiin roof garden. 3 bedrooms servant s room. 51 5M unformatted Ace Houasng
      815 words
    • 299 22 I tnwtmn \fmm_ II i ■ICD II J JIMR I Aim. •wOMRTv COCBULTaNTt v»iuias »no riai ttTATI aOtNTI CUSSCALOW at Kuif Albert Park Site area ***** sq ft Price tun. MJ TWO-BTORIV DITACHIO HOUM at Balmoral Road Site area about MOO sq ft Price 5375 000 0n o i BUNCALOW
      299 words
    • 911 22 JACAN FIRBAM (CIIAasSx It k m I single ttorey semi -detached 3MO aq ft freehold badrooms servant t M5.M* Ac* 25SMZ2 ■AMR PUIiUm OAROCN wrl> maintained double-storey terrace 3 bedrooma. servant s. mosaic vinyl tItS.MC Ace MVST SCU. "tCAROV Oardan attractive double -ttorey semidetached 3 badrooms. aarvaiH s room, spacious
      911 words
    • 800 22 double-storey bungalow. 4 badroom* with bathrooms attarhad roajsplHe wSUi la taat flxturaa/ntungs Vacant poaaoaaton BMB.BM CajTuyaraal Realty PS* CtCTMCI 1* ■OIRM > l-«TORCI 3bedrooma Terrace house 7* Jalan Umbok M8.M87- ono Tel TOA RAVOM H*J. fWU SIS.M* to 522 000 Bedok SIM.BM. Pasir PanjarkJ SIM.M* Slnga Chtnta Enterprua SMI4I »t
      800 words
    • 642 22 6 JL v A yf ,CJ INTEIINMTIOftM. FIAZA I/J JL OfTlCt FOR RENT jTC FTtroSIBS..! 1/ SMOrSFORRtNT kf' y fmhnmi V At amat am mduwvo ol nm •^-F* OCnoaanon jO fit Saturday ft SshmUv fjm TAT LSI CUOLONeC MttarMCt orricE available: tWs Flaar Aeaa i angina) *M aaJt. to i
      642 words
    • 814 22 varsow* Bins o> sitoo aware available in the newly completed President Hotel Shopping Complex Rental from fl6 ii pin itl M p t f i upwards i inclusive of maintenance charges i Interested pteaae ring *****7 CHANCC UXIT AIMAL Ptaja M| Spore I Shops u» let at reasonable rental Rnajulnr%
      814 words
    • 304 22 SEA is the way to AUSTRALIA CRUISE TO FREMANTLE-PERTH KOTA SINGAPURA For lurfher ,nlo' rrvit 'On tact PILTRAVILS(PTE)ITO 844 CO fl* S**ClAk.iST CENTBjf SOMERMT MOAO SMGA*O*a TEL *****4 NITOUR TOURS ANO TRAVtL Tat S7TSII V7M*. 2MMM i DRM Hall S SM M 6 Day* Lake Toba M I 6 im<s
      304 words
    • 528 22 tPCCIAL ON* WAV llPMttt TOUR rRAVBLUNO k ijurr Pwaangl WO/tM'tM llrp r SWI '•<•> I Ml IOOOIRN TOURS Tar *2*o*2*' 714VUM itaatu XATONO BR Tal 44*l1*t/44*t1*1 For all your travel needs LONDON/ lUROM t MS SVDNIv MILBOURM t T» BANOKOK t tl* TOKYO t *M LO* ANOILIS tiMt NCW VOMI
      528 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 527 23 GIRLS! Jobs «re baoawimg ns>de> to get rou lead baessr ouaMicMiom now ITI HwaJ D.p lama h avt lawuni i«aa»ng <jo*. hcaiion N* s Prnrsve Secetarv twonWss cowse 4 tti OCTOBER Take »>r keN ti*p tow«rd% s r»eNv Mi end see out i ilivcust vow* lutu«e International Training Centre liss
      527 words
    • 598 23 c STAMFORD CENTRE .rsl and most prograsstve raaourca cantre 'or education m business *V<d t*wj> P**O*wr9sjV*O*^ f> n South East asm DIPLOMA IN MANAGERIAL PRINCIPLES ANO CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS a INDUSTRIAL ADMINISTRATION London Cnambar's naw diploma available through Stamford's unique schama of training which enables students to obtain multiple qualifications
      598 words
    • 845 23 lINSaPORE kwSTHUTE OF Comrfnmerclal Law Thursda> 738 »*0 pm 19 9 7*l. Business Statistics Costing Wrdneaday 7 38/7 38 9 SB p m 111 76) Book-keeping. .Shorthand. Typewriting 281 C <3rd floor drtegie Complri Tel *****9 *****1 NOW CLASSCS STARTING Mon Sep. 13 38-1 38 Dm i »rd 9ept Ml
      845 words
    • 889 23 RCwISTCRBB AUGUST 1678 DaUun 138Y Coupe Excellent condition. 88.688 ono Ring ***** RBShSTERCO MAY 1074 Skoda Coupe 1187 re Excellent condition 64 400 ono Ring ***** OCTOOCR 1871 MAZDA Capella 1680 Excellent condition tn 500 ono King ariCS I*7l TOYOTA COROLLA, 1200 c c anuwraoaa condition, used as aerond car
      889 words
    • 999 23 COLT LANCER I*7* December with aircond one owner, accident free Peace Centre Sth Floor, carpark 3357 M I*7l CfTROSN OS Club Regis tration no SW 33" New tax tyres Radio ciimu Low mileage 17 780 ono Tel 327M1 1671 FORO ESCORT MM 4door Tax/Insurance new. Cassette ISM Morns lIM cartridge
      999 words
    • 766 23 PROS#wC TtVE BUYBR REOUSREB any Japanese make below ISM c c Mint -Clubman Citroen considered 634- 111 Miss Yuen W ANTEO ABOVE 1888 c c cars for scrap IP A R F nrrvfiui Contact *****2 HARLOT DAVSOOON OR European motorcycle Older model only Reasonable Trlephone *****1 Roota7 IST! OafWAROS CNBJITROLET
      766 words
    • 739 23 Ml (BSTASXiSteSO IMBL Helps you mH friends partners atralghl away Alexandra P O Box IM. Mafia nre 3 ANTON! WNO KNOWS whereabout of Janet Matilda Trading a* Janet Company fanner raMdence 34 Jalan Sinoor Pteaae call MM tacnt cau*»Dtaa*ouiait crew Sailing for MaaTWarranaan Snare rxpenses Anchored opposite Tigei 1 1
      739 words
    • 656 23 NO*MCLEAN SERVKII (CSS Pie Ltd) tor general cleaning, poIMnSag anal ana aapnmng Trained team lo pteaae you Try us Call Jenniler 8788U.MIM0 FOR CMARMINB AND Sociable Lady Karon dial 3779*1 XHM6I Thr High .Society 246-C3 Orchard Ruad I oppoalle Mandarin Hotel i SPECIALIST C LSANIN* OF commercial, industrial reasdenUal ttulldsngs
      656 words
    • 874 23 •HV PAT MOW almost new IBM elr typewriters for sale at tantaatlc bargain with after sale guarantee Contact Christina FOR Sail 6HBBT mrla machines 2 umu hydraulic press brake I > J units hydraulic guillotine I i1 16 I unit universal nibbling machine Phone J8671 eit 118 WANTED IQUIPMBHT It
      874 words

    • 59 24 KU/LA LUMPUR. Wed The cabinet ha* decided that Umtc will be no chance in ths ajmsrnmani Ottawa price for padl and tha controlled riot price for the time betas; National Padl and Rice Authority dtrtctor-fsnanl. Bteik Yahra Wahab. aaid today the cabinet arrtoad at thai
      59 words
    • 36 24 KOALA LUMPUR. Wad. cuh^'ite fm Fti'Tusn 1 17. Of M»7 .OS at au Boon I—T'1 T' Vahleba S4n Bhd to Jtlan rskrtllfci* bar* at Dbuit lodajr H* ascapsd Idiuh with as aaaaaapite*.
      36 words
    • 616 24 KIALA LI M- Pl R. Wed. Tiniu Dunia Sdn. Bhd. the local promoters of the Ali-Bogner title fight here last year expected a gate receipt of Ms 3 mil lion hut instead got only M 5700,000 a director of the company told the
      616 words
    • 292 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday ITMNO youth Is prepared to listen to Cuepacs' side of the story on Its demand for the Implementation of the Ibrahim All Report, If It makes Its offer officially. TP,n Brl Byed Jaafar Albar said today. The Umno Youth leader
      292 words
    • 190 24 Samad confession: Govt urged to act firmly KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday PAS president, Datuk Mohamad Asrl Muda, has urged the government to take firm action regarding allegations that certain young Umno members are Involved In tne 1 communist cause. According to New Straiu limes report quoting Bernsma. he said that this
      190 words
    • 86 24 POLICEMAN KILLED AS GUN GOES OFF KUALA LUMFI'E. Wed. A police lonktablr was accidentally shot dead near the Perwlra Habib Bank la Jalan Gereja here today. PC Mohamed Noor bin Lcman, 8. who was lit In the forebeaa. died at the General Hospital Police said Moha mcd Noor and another
      86 words
    • 56 24 KUALA LUItrUWL. Wad AgjpOMr fgyj> asfas af danm fswsr. ajwhssim os» daatb. he** baan rasjanad in f^nsssasir Malay*** In tha past Utrat day*. Th* fatal east «aa that of a **»tc yaar-oM girl frosa giip— g Bant, thus Aaaan. who «M on Monday Tha rraam Mm
      56 words
    • 247 24 Plywood never arrived. Dubai traders tell court- KUALA LUMPUR Wad Two Dubai businessmen told the First Special Sessions Court here today that they never received the plywood which they had ordered from a bumlputra company here last year The order was made through their agent. Diamond Trading Company of Dubai.
      247 words
    • 63 24 $50,000 ganja seized in raid BUTTTOWORTH. Wed Police today seised ■an) a worth MSM.OOO after a five-hour raid In an oil palm plantation near Nibong Tebal M km from here Two men believed to a* members of a drug vmdteata were arrested With this aucoasa and the rectnt atuaire of
      63 words
    • 30 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wad. City police have detained IT more, people for questioning In connection with the ahooting of rubber tycoon Mr Tec Teh. U. on Fttd*» night
      30 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 699 24 Scbuah OrganlsMl Kcwajujan yaiuj •edanf berktmbang drnftn pesat memptli*! pirmohomnpermohonan darl Wargantgara Malaysia yang brrkclayakin dan berperujmlaman untuk memenuhl jiwitin jiviiin berlkut 1 Ahll Anallsa Kewangan 7 Ahll Anallsa Pengurusan 3 Ahll Ekonoml Kanan 4 Ahll Pertanlan i Agronomist irutera Peiinduatiian 6 Pegawal Undang Undang Ogawal Latlhan Kelayakaa eaa PeagalMtaa
      699 words
    • 625 24 A leading group of companies with diversified interests invites well-qualified Ma'ay sians to apply for the post of: FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Responsibilities As chief financial executive, he will be responsible for all aspects of the Group's financial function which Include viability of new projects financial planning and analysis, budgeting and performance
      625 words
    • 631 24 Und«»ivw» I Jacobs* (MARKETING EXECUTIVE (far Consumer* Good*) We sre art o*d MOliilisO Iwwnwtoml Trstfna, Company Apart from tacrtncal lines and capital goods we atao sell s range of oonaumar lines, mairtfy stationary supplies and dmasjen siandnas. But our progress an mis last fisM has baan stow and w» ara
      631 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 297 24 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS group iS. J. Si. I Unruly Arr crofter, accen- S Manaced to proceed from trie type (10) an ««»tem port (7) 6 Pood familiar to our bet- 1 Batsman raited rap? ten' (Si S BiiUih athlete need* 9 Soldier I* a freen trne. In trainer Berfaon
      297 words

  • 313 25 Joint survey soon on electronics industry J'llk Indusli i;il Training Board, Singapone MamiiiH tin tin' AsMH'iation and \ss(M-iiition of Klectronics Industries in Singapore will jointly carry out a national mii vf> on thr "'electronics industry here soon. Announcing tMs yesterday, Mr. Ahmad Mattar, Parliamentary Secretary (Education) and ITB chairman, said
    313 words
  • 318 25 Time for an Asean House union, say Thai MPs rpHE time Is right for an 1 Asean parliamentary union to b> formed because there are many problems requiring Immediate attention, a group of Thai parliamentarians said yesterday They felt confident that even though th? structure of governments was somewhat deferent,
    318 words
  • 65 25 THE Asian Development Bank and the tuur by the bank of tnaro. debentures. bond* note* and other aecuritiaa are to be placed outside the obligations Imposed by the Companies Act This U being effected by an Asian Development Bank Amendment i Bill, which «as introduced In
    65 words
  • 89 25 BANK SUES TYCOON FOR $300,000 AS I A Commercial Banking Corporation hat filed a rait In the Hlfb Co«rt again* a local t»coon. Mr. Tay Beng Swee. for the payment of tM#.wM dur under a gwarantee. In March 1971. Mr. Tay allegedly pledged a guarantee to the bank for loans
    89 words
  • 38 25 THE National Th«-atrr Trust will hold its fourth trim ballet class at the theatre from Oct 4 Applications are open to children from six- yeaxa-old and upwards Enrolment forma are available at the theatre office
    38 words
  • 23 25 THE UP for Tampines Mr Phua Bail Lac. wUI attend Chanfkst Changl Secondary School's 10th anmveraary celebration dinner on Bept IS
    UP  -  23 words
  • 299 25  -  COLIN CHEE and QUEK PECK LIM By T"HE Development Bank of Singapore's US$5O million (SSI2S million) 15-year convertible bond issue breaks new ground in the Asian dollar bond market in Its treatment of selling commissions to members outside the selling group. Traditionally,
    299 words
  • 27 25 A JAPAMCB* cultural ■«<1 will ml: 4km will paj a oourtecy rail cm the MBaor Parliamentary Sacretary <Cul> turti. Ha|l atia'ari Tadtn. on Monday morning
    27 words
  • 343 25 Medical proof dispute in nanny's appeal EX-NANNY Ng Cha 800. 35. under sentence of death for the murder of her employer's only child, a girl of 23 months, could not lawfully be convicted of the charge on the "Inconclusive" medical evidence given at her trial, the Court of Criminal Ap-p-a
    343 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 123 25 Robin Air-cooled Gasoline Engine has amazingly advantageous applications S aaaPaaaaal t V I ~^T^ r^K^^rl^ afl 1 9/ at cycls Gatolirtt Enginffj^H Erxjir* with 3" W _f^l Hf wattw pump I Portele weta* pump B-J I*^ L _^«*J Vibrator with Ho.bii Shafts Gaao >na Gacwrakor r*V aW 1 a^F^gX ax.
      123 words
    • 682 25 I TELECOMS fi I REQUIRES I (A) TECHNICAL OFFICER (B) TECHNICIAN (C) ARTISAN (TEMPORARY) (D) TELECOMS OPERATOR (MORSE) (E) SECURITY GUARD QUALIFICATIONS: For post: (A) Technician Diploma from flftj Singapore Polytechnic or Ngee Ann Technical College in Engineering (Telecommunication/Electrical /Electronics Commumcat ions/Mechanical OR City Guilds Full Technological Certificate in Telecommunications
      682 words
    • 824 25 RANK XEROX irwitei opplicotiom from suitably quoMiad condtdotM tor the following positions (1) DISTRIBUTION SUPERVISOR The *ucceWul cond<dote will be responsible tor the efficient operofion ot oil bution octivitie* ot the Compony's products ond supplies He *houW hove the copability to supervise o team ot worke-s ette<t.vely ond ensure thot
      824 words
    • 260 25 IrMIrK NOTII r OBPOBATI SKK\ ICBI DM'XKIMKNT (1.1 Hoor < it* Hall. Singaporr (I of l'n*erviceable Scrap M.iit-r. ing at Kallang Ciasworks Store Tend*-: CIM at 2 IS p tn M |S) Krwiring (or InstalIdiinn of individual llatlitt meters to d• 1 1 j employees quartrrv .il Dunearn Depi and
      260 words

  • 360 26 I ONDON, Wed. George Best, the gifted forward who returned to English club football last Saturday after 2\ yean, scored agatu for his Second Division club Fulham last night as they won 2-1 at Peterborough in a Football League Cup second round replay. Best volleyed
    360 words
  • 481 26  -  BLUE PETER By DENANG. Wed. 1 Thisislt (apprentice Mahhat Tugiman) did a splendid workout here today and it showed that the four-year-old by Romantic has improved and would be a hard one to beat In the Class 4 Div. 3 1200 m race on Sunday.
    481 words
  • 842 26 V UAXA LUMPUR. Wed Two hundred and sixty four hones 49 In Class I. 110 In Class 1 and 10} In Clan 6— have been entered for the Selangor Turf Club meeting un Sept 16 and 1* and Sept 21 and 26 The tries tre (LABS 1
    842 words
  • 128 26 QjCHUHLE far lull Unpn races: Fin* day: (Eight races): CUm W». I— \M*m: DU J— l.Z»»«; D«v 4— lJMtai. Dtv f —Ijmm. CUss Dlv. t I^Mb and IJt—m; Dlv. 3-lJMtai; Dlv. i—ljtftn Second day (Eight races): CUss 1 Dlv. 1 IJMtn: Dlv I— I.ZMoi; Dlv. IJMMs; CUss J Dlv.
    128 words
  • 170 26 W. Indies beaten by two wickets ONDON. Wed Mike Brearley of Mlddletex ockbratad hu appointment s* vk. -captain of the England tide to tour In<*U thu winter by leading TN Pearce a XI to a two- wicket victory over We:t Indies st Scar- I DiMcugh yesterday It the tourUU second
    AP  -  170 words
  • 431 26 Orantes, Borg in great comebacks NEW YORK. Wed. D efen d i n g champion Manuel Orantes and second seed BJorn Borg both fought back from two-set deficits yesterday to reach the quarter-finals of the United Staies Open tennis championships at Fore.'t Hills In a mutch reminiscent of his epic
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • 244 26 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed -'Star Malaysian centreback Son Chin Aun may play professional soccer In this season's Hongkong League which begins later this month. The 26 year -old Malaysian skipper, with 12S international caps to his credit, said he would make a final
    244 words
  • 39 26 HELSINKI Wed Lasae Virrn the Finnish star who MB (he 5 000 and 10 000 metres gold medals st the ut tWS Olympic Oaaasa. nmihed second to fnawpairtai m Vawsts in a ioo<m metres race h*re ReuUr
    39 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 548 26 2 ON SEPTEMBB* X), 1976 P.E.ZUELLIGimalayai SDN.BHD. ZUELLIC FEEDMILLS Imalaya) SDN. BHD. ARE MOVING TO lIMjI'TIMS til) nirtLUJMaHT^B BMBBSB^9 a *^''V^^^Bk mm i ij+ift-r y^c&TffflzS™ ft a t i jii Him 1 1 iiflui sUp^fyzSE^i v r fi I*l >I|.ttTtU 1 1 \tXriiXrAwy f n ll i i\wanfa\jrs L J^m
      548 words
    • 255 26 LRMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA KE.NYATAAN TENDER TENDER NO. JMK/IM3! Mrmbrkalkan Kaia unluk Paluslan Aermgxn Tender adalah dipelawo untuk membekal kaln untuk pakaian srragam bag tahun 1977 Borang-Borang tender dan butir butir lanjut boleh didpati mulai lOhb Sept 1976 dari pejabat Pegawai Mrmbeli dan Konterek Kr nan. I.< mbaga l^etrik Negara. No
      255 words
    • 66 26 J Bank Bumi Baya For safety and convenience of your payments use Rupiah Travellers Cheques Bank Bumi Daya .^BbbWslsbbbHbsb^^ V* LtISII i»i «*JMBnWBBsKc'ii JW. I '^d L 1 1 pni Bank Bumi Daua^ jaGmti i« sf"^sVlflgTlC\^sw Mf »o« st »c >««*»■■ »oo—». A^ssTi^aV »»s^ii vB/f *i P f C I
      66 words

  • 271 27 AYE KOKO TELLS OF PERKS FOR TOP BURMESE ATHLETES PROMOTIONS and special Increments and privileges are some of the incentives top Burmese athletes get to encourage them to train hard to be the best in thlo region, reports ERNEST FRIDA. This was revealed by the leader of Burma's sthletics team.
    271 words
  • 75 27 KUALA LUMPUR Wed Th* Asian Oolf Federation ha* acrwd to make the MblaysUn Open golf championship th* fourth keg in th* Asian Circuit next year Malaysian Oolf Association arcrrtary Edmund Yong said Th* championship was now scheduled at the Royal Bsasagor Oolf Club from March 10
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 590 27 Guts and grace from the fledglings rr.HERE were no Nadlai »l<as around, but the girl gymnasts still won for themselves rounds of applause for their harmony and grace at the Pesta Sukan Open gymnastics championships at Anderson Bchool over the weekend reports DHARSAN MSI.H Being new to the sport for
    590 words
  • 550 27  -  P. BASTIANS r7iHI-ITT¥ro:ii:i»>iii:nnil By |F talent had a name, it could be Rose Tablante, the pudgy 14--year-old Filipina who is the foremost lady squash player in her country. She is a blend of power and cunning subtlety, and behind tre angled drops, deliberately delayed
    550 words
  • 273 27  -  By E. FRIDA PAKISTAN Nationr al Youth team had to over come strong opposition by Singapore League champions. Jackson Sports Club, to win by 15-11. 8-15. 11-15. 16-14 and 15-7 their friendly International volleyball match at Pek Klo Community Centre last night. The Pakistanis, who fare on a
    273 words
  • 147 27 4 STORE TEAMS IN THAI TOURNEY DANOKOK. Wad Malay- ami Black Hawks from Kuala Lumpur and Thailand's Army Club will meet In th* opening snatch of the first 10-a-aide rugby championship beginning at Kadyal. south Thailand, on Mm* Twelve Uams (our each from Malaysia. Singapore and Thailand are Using part
    147 words
  • 372 27 SINGAPORE Lawn Tennis Association will consider giv 1 n g cash prizes to winners of the Pesta Sukan Open Tennis Championships next year, reports BERNARD PEREIBsV BLTA prealdent Dr. Ong Leong Boon said: "We shall make every effo r t to Introduce
    372 words
  • 376 27 DONOOOL considerably eased their relegation worries last night 1 when they caused an upset by holding star-studded Toa Payoh United to a 2-2 draw In a NFL Division One match at Jalan Besar Stadium, reports JOE DOR A I The draw left Jurong. Jalan
    376 words
  • 109 27 TOKYO. Wsd. Isra*l Japan and South and North Korea will compel* In AataOoaanla Oroup Two of the IS7S World Cup preliminary competition on a boss* andaway basis The tournament will be on a doubt* round robin system. Schedule (Uam luted first U th* host) PM> 37— Israel
    109 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 753 27 M.d.DrsssM UsualPr.ce $19 90 I .atmsssßSßstml jmWDi NOW $9 90 mfta^^l^M^FlmHit^ Long ikssv*) i«r»*)y Blouses j^^V*^M^^l4la^%lriMM^| Usual Price $14 50 NOW $8.50 jg^LigJ Midi Skirts Usual Pnce $13 90 »jV3»T^ 'Tv NOW $9 90 |.^Wr*?f794 Max, Skirts Usual Price $24 90 J^il^C^ NOW $12.50 mS^BKSlJafcnLmi Imported laether Sr>o« ™^™^B LESS3O%toSO%
      753 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous

  • 413 28 Newsman tells of bush life with rebels LONDON. Wednesday DRITISH Journalist Jon Swain, kidnapped In mid-June by Ethiopian rebels, arrived home yesterday and told of his captivity living under a bush after weeks on the march with his captors. Mr Swain. 38. of the London Sunday Times, said he had
    413 words
  • 127 28 'Jackie keen to be envoy in London' LONDON. Wed Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. widow of President John Kennedy and Oreek millionaire Aristotle Onassis. would like to become US ambassador to London or Paris If Mr Jimmy Carter U elected president in No vember. the London I Evening Standard said today. The
    AP  -  127 words
  • 37 28 WASHTNOTON. Wed Plfuen members of the House of Representatives said today they would Introduce resolutions to block reported US plans tn tell U8S«0 million '81M7 8 million) worth of aophlittrated missiles to Saudi Arabia UPI
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 212 28 BRUSSELS. Wednesday HTHE price of gold bounced back in early 1 trading today after a turnround drubbing yesterday blamed by dealers on profittaking. Gold opened in London at US$ll2 against the clom of $110 50 This compared with yesterday's opening price of $113 50. which represented
    Reuter; UPI  -  212 words
  • 623 28 I ONIION. WA TV .tarn nitttl rloMl lo *n4 at 1 fm. irw riaaiKial Tunn im.i off 2 v MS aew law tlw wi. BtrlMr towM m raaciHM to pr—un aa •Urllaf ».r. m i*n4ei «fl.r M «a «f m, mili'i •ink.. but mttl MUM mm ho>« Ik*
    623 words
  • 31 28 LONDON. Waft. a*at tmrm lUTI i.llli —Uan 14M0 i*IISi rmrm%rt barara I47SS iJS »ln i4TSt l +l*l > biiwMii i««as us i twbov»r mm sat I— m laras T«ac Banty maty
    31 words
  • 24 28 LONDON. W*4. TW rubb*r m«r«n eI«MS rtrwr uaar <>• •*•< t» M kuym. si as mlmi cir« ort ««.as. ss mb Hmr 4S.TS. «S aaa.
    24 words
  • 575 28 Japan keeps MiG25 secrets from the West TOKYO. WednMday JAPAN, apparently avoiding to offend the Soviet Union, has turned clown requests from Western nations for permission to examine a Mi o-25 tighter plantbrought here by a Soviet pilot who want ed to detect to the I'nited States, government sources Mid
    AP; UPI  -  575 words
  • 33 28 WARSAW. Wad— SrrcciUtn man dlad and anotltar ni mlastnt attar an undarfTound csphMfton of gaa In the Nova Ruda coal mine Dear WaJbnych. Uv- PoMah nawi acaney PAP mM today UK.
    33 words
  • 154 28 'Punish kerb crawling for sex- LONDON. Wed A government report today »r»B)ssesl a crackdown on |>ornograsthhr bosk shoos and kerb crawlers looking for sex. but soggestod easing penalties for hosaosei■al soliciting and prostitution. The report ky a Home Ofnee committee, inrlading top police officers, said kerb crawling bad become a
    AP  -  154 words
  • 34 28 BANOKOK. W»d A Ponlgn Ministry official asld today that the Soviet Union had Informed Thailand It had accepted draft proposals *7> s cultural agreement to o* signed brlsrcen the two countnri Rtuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 77 28 |»»,«lL*Ja L^1lll*»wwll prtnTv-nuuoyß?' I DQiiflß man 1 tk TUf> UFRfssPC pvmv «non liMMvtt v »rv ft >tMS KM« fwrt ukuiiuMl >• > Khli U'fU. m Ipak. Dssj issa Sam. I Ukm*. MANAGEMENT FICATI DIPLOMA COURSES REQUIREMENTS Cert.t.cote 4GCEordmory Pottett or SC (waived to- those above the age o* 25 SPICIAL
      77 words
    • 182 28 T^lSr new ColourTV w^ on ash /^jr Hire Purchase! BACKED 3Y SUPERB SERVICE WIDE RANGE OF WELL KNOWN MODELS TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET ■J for turttttt drtsilt pits* call I REDIFFUSiON H Tpl *****1 •***** b •*****9 »6b 1480 a PRIME OFFICE SPACE For immediate rental! Monsnn Buiminc centra' location
      182 words