The Straits Times, 6 September 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426 76
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  • 353 1  - THIS IS THE MAN. PAUL WEE By Girl who says she uxts attacked and raped points accusing finger at police sketch 11 year old rl. who report- .irked and raped recently. >d to identified a police sketch of a man (above) said to be the notorious Mend who has :ied
    353 words
  • 28 1 MOSCOW. Sun Soviet Television broadcast an hour long programme on Chicago yesterday, portraying the city as a home of capitalist exploitation, gangsters and broken dream* AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • 109 1 BANGKOK. Sun A former Thai National Aswmbly member was shot 1 to death nnd a village chief and two paawrby wounded In sn appai.>nt grudge kllllni In touthern Thailand last Friday, police said today Mr Kachorn Ltrdtrakul. U. a 1974 atsembly member and ch'ti of Chawang district
    AP  -  109 words
  • 140 1 A MARRIED couple and another woman have been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation here after 260 sticks of dynamite were found In a suburban Manila apartment. NBI director Jolly Bugarin announced He said the explosives. MANILA. Sun. sufficient to blow up 10-storey
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 962 1 War jets force captured plane away from Israel LARNACA (Cyprus). Sunday ISRAELI jet fighters today chased back a Dutch DC 9 airliner hijacked by three Palestinians with 83 hostages aboard as it entered Israeli air space, with the terrorists threatening to blow it up unless Israel met their
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  962 words
  • 156 1 TOKYO. Sunday T<EN Japanese "Red Army" guerillas are still living in Libya, where they flew after a {pur-day siege of the US consulate In Kuala Lumpur last year, a senior opposition leader said today. Mr. Isamu Akamauu. deputy chairman of the Japan Socialist Party, said on
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 44 1 Mrs M in Pakistan ISLAMABAD Sun British Cbnserrauva Party leader Mrs Margaret Thatcher arrived here today for a twoday nut to Pakistan Prom Pakistan U» will go to aincapor*. New Zealand. Australia and India for talks with prtsM mlnlstan and senior ■niiiiiisnl oOclaJs RcuUr
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  • 130 1  - Cargo ship ablaze near godown K. S SIDHU Br A 400- tonne Penangreglstered cargo vessel. the Tegaq. caught nrr while alongside oodown 302 at Paslr Panjang last night The vessels 15 crew members had just retired to bed when they heard cries of "Are' from dockworkers at about 9 30pm
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  • 361 1 -Advice but no force on Smith: Vorster ZURICH. Sun SOUTH African Prime Minister John Vorster said today he will not pressure Rhodeslan Premier lan Smith but would point out to the white leader the "realities and alternatives" of a settlement with his nations black majority Mr Vorster spoke midway through
    UPI  -  361 words
  • 37 1 A.VKAHA Sun DuU-h Ftosifn Minister Max Van Oar Stoai arrives her* tomorrow for talks with the Ankara Oovcrnment which could have a vital bearing on Turkey t Urmined relations with the European Common Market Reutrr
    Reuter  -  37 words
    • 65 1 AMSTERDAM. Sun. Palestinian hijackers today released all 13 hostages on board a Dutch DC-t airliner at Larnara airport In (yarns. iKLM spokes man said. The hijackers were Uken away blindfold cd. he said all the SMMSffn were *>«t aboard a hui and Uken U toe airport
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 KING'S \jfi SAFETY SHOES No 700 ON EARTH *4&sJA oil yyJ!J RESISTANT Wf^^ KING S SHOE MFG PTE. LTD. 122. aiK 36 DAKOTA CRtSCCNT SINGAPORE. 14 TEL *****1 ft 4*4727 WORLD FAMOUS CASH RKtSTEftS Ovri 70 dilftrant modtn «v»ii«b*« 1 I -TANABt COKPOKATON JAPAN Ct// ut today for a frm
      74 words
    • 99 1 SHOCK FOR HUDC FLAT OWNERS' ASSOCIATION Pag« 13 NAMIBIA: Quest for peace goes I SOLIDAKITY of Arabs top aim of Cairo summit 3 FORD: Keller can stay as FBI head 4 CANADA pays aircraft firm 122 m 19 pc GNP growth forecast S (ALLGIRL Influx Vice officers on alert 7
      99 words
    • 252 1 I x^fnPJ^ sun 9 lasses for the I •^"^•lJ^ modern people 1 r Mb ay B^Bav —^^I^B^"^"*'*"^ B^b^sVß^bW" /v Bhsh MM A I mrrii the tail changing nerds of small I" mrdium \izv huunfises. The new Olivetti A 5 keeps you ahead of change It \ou"d like to set your
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 564 2 Namibia: Quest for peace goes on Dr K and Vorster hold more talks ZURICH. Sunday AMERICAN SecreA tary of State Henry Kissinger and South African Prime Minister John Vorster meet privately for an hour today after reporting progress in their search for a peace formula for Southern Africa during talks
      Reuter; UP  -  564 words
    • 306 2 Teargas quells anti-apartheid protest CAPETOWN. Sunday DOLJCE f#«d trargas 1 to disperse a crowd or about 100 coloured demonstrators In the centre of Port Elliabeth. 500 km east of Cape Town yesterday. The mixed race youths carried placards bearing antl-apartheld slogans and demanding the release of coloured Labour Party chairman
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 42 2 SANTA MONICA i California i Sun Tina Sinatra. :'l daughter or oncer Prank Sinatra, ha* flirt wit (or divorce from record company executive Wea ParreU The actreai and the J4--year-ok) Farrell were married on Jan M 1914 OPI
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    • 151 2 IAKAJtTA. San. A J government minister has warned) that there could be a coup d'etat In Indonesia If next year's general election* failed to take place Radio Republic Indonesia quoted Information Minister Mr. Ma>hun as taring after talks with President Suharto:
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 34 2 CANNES Sun An Austrian entry. "Oott in Togo. haa won the Orand Prix at this year's international amateur film festival herr The film was directed by Kurt and Inka Kril -Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 95 2 Russia hits at Nato war games MOSCOW Sun Western naval exerciser planned for this month are "attempts to whip up military ps, and "to hamper the »f political and military ten-: da arid today By ttaclng miliucl*e> the Nato generals artiflclally fan up a n aome non-exuteru threat mhirh
      AP  -  95 words
    • 271 2 WASHINGTON. Sunday IMMIGRATION authorlties throughout the US have been ordered to take "immediate steps" to begin deportation proceedings against hundreds of foreign followers of Korean evangelist, the Rev Sun Myung Moon. But officials for Moon's Unification Church said most of the roughly 700 foreign followers
      AP  -  271 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 "The C.H.R. Signature Kit" from CHARLES REVSON 'S ULTIMA II ml Lw ss^Lr ss^ssW W I Iss^ss^k^^sH'- Worth SlOO, yours for $20 Make Ultima II your signature Between September 6 and September 1 5. The CH R Signature Kit is yours tor m just $20 when you buy any Ultima'
      316 words
    • 193 2 ■JW WHYDOMI YOU EARN $1000-***** LAW or CO\TKA(T»TH hi) I^7+i 4tg» JKi^l iNurxrioN to imh-xn .^afer^ssC: ookkky i»7fi jIHTa t-a »«tfvsrjMn l as a Salesman rKrrUoM VI MIDM'.III Sfr^^ no previOOl CHINM < HI His \s|) nsTOMsjvom The m n in lhc t r could »«90t YOt! The houtc and
      193 words

    • 185 3 ISLAMABAD. Sun 1 pmkl.tans Farllamentary Oppo«IUon today attacked proposed amendment* to the con■tltutlon as a move to ail the power of the lari The Opposition t <ok particular exception to rltui' In the fifth amendment Bill which poaei ending the right ihr
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 169 3 Mourning for 54 varsity choir crash victims /'ARACAS. San I Ihr Central I of Venetoela yesterday declared a period of mourning for members of the unl-M-rMty choir killed in the crash of a Wnriurlin air force plane In the Atorea islands. The air force dispatched a Hercales C--130 transport,
      AP  -  169 words
    • 54 3 ROME. Sun -The father ot Aim star Sophia Lcren d-d last night a week after a cWaih-bed meeUni with his long -estranged daughter MUs Loren twoie that ihe would never «c« her father. Mr Rlrrardo Scleotone again because he abandoned her when in* was six Mr
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 62 3 AIX AN-PROVENCE Sun Bookish thieves have made off with the ■njrii library of the I ilty of Economic '■nccs at the unlvertMfw Police said yesterday the gang us-d several lorries to haul away the I ***** books In the library The theft, which took place
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 132 3 Stop at three rule for civil servants DELHI. Sun I Three million civil servants working for India's central government are to be forbidden to have more tnan three children under a new rule aimed at en- forcing stat? family planning policy An official statement said yesterday the only exception would
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 403 3 Talks will also examine crisis in Lebanon CAIRO. Sun ARAB leaders will A meet In Cairn next month for a fall-scale summit that Is expected to examine the Lebanese crisis In detail and also consolidate Arab solidarity, threatened by Ideological differences. Arab
      Reuter  -  403 words
    • 347 3 Scientists to hold talks on survival of mankind MANILA. Bun Several hundred top scientists gather here norn all over me world tomorrow. against a background 01 earthquakes, tidal wave, and volcan.c eruptions, to discuss the luture survival of mankind. Sponsored b y Mrs. Imelda Marcos, wife of President Marcos and
      Reuter  -  347 words
    • 50 3 LONDON. Sun Mort than 500 unemployed trade unlor.liu br?an > SO km march to Brighton >e»t.-rd»y to demand the right to work. The marchers, aponaortd by British trade unlont. expect to arrive In Brighton tomorrow for the opening of the Trade* Union Congress annual aatetnbly there
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    • 36 3 PRAOUE Sun Wrlterpoet Ladlslav Novometky. who »a» Jailed with CtechoSlovak Prmldem and Party Chief OuiUv Huaak at Utt hettht nf the BUUnlat trm. died yetterday after a prolon»«J Illneu He *v 73 AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 155 3 OSAKA. Sun An afternoon outing for steam locomotive fans ended In tragedy yesterday when a 11 -year-old schoolboy was struck and fatally Injured by the train he was photographing. Yoshlhlsa Ikura. among 100.000 spectators lining a 40 km section of track, was rushed to a
      AP  -  155 words
    • 55 3 SYDNEY. Smn International and domestic IllfhU were delayed at airport, throat .lost Aastralla today by work-to-rule by air traffic controllers In aapport of demands far 75 9«r cent wage lacreaac. CHUy» ol ip In IS mlnatts were reported by airline i|ikiwu. who Mid the* e«pe«led
      55 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 197 3 BBBBBBBBBJBBBBJ BbTl^tTl^bH' B^ FT I t *w bH:^bw=oll ■^■k— >S H a B-- v*^av 4j H H f f H fyv -fjcaii 3hS^ B B BH B ffB H B H B H B H B H B? H \X &f «fc '^^Hbb^b^F B^aT-i^H bMb^bHHbl .bbbbbb^ i 4r^A.^hm«Kfe^liß^^^^^BHß» Eh I
      197 words
    • 330 3 I INTERNATIONAL FAIR IS ON CORDIAL FESTIVAL S'POM J Flawurs Jumbo 3.40 CORN OIL hst s-hmi 2. q 8.50 GROUNDNUT OIL "^r^ $wll 3 1| MO J TOMATO KETCHUP l.uys spore »o .85 SUGAR sis 2 kg 2.55 J CURRY CHICKEN stom 28 3 kg 1.25 A FACIAL TISSUE
      330 words

    • 225 4 Dole admits going before grand jury NEW YORK. Sun Republican Vice presidential candidate Bob Dole acknowledged yesterday that he went before a grand Jury last February that was Investigating illegal contributions by Oulf Oil Corporation to political candidates. The Kansas senator said the investigation centred on Gulf funds allegedly funnelled
      AP  -  225 words
    • 308 4 WASHINGTON. Sunday PRESIDENT Ford announced yesterday he will not fire FBI dlr c c tor Clarence Kelley, who has admitted accepting gifts and services from subordinates. Mr Ford acted after Attorney General Edward Levl gave him a Justice Department report re commending that
      AP  -  308 words
    • 361 4 66 informers who pose as Socialist Party members WASHINGTON. Sunday "THE FBI has 66 informers posing as mem- bers of the Socialist Workers Party or Its youth affiliate and has used a total of 1,616 people to spy on those groups during the past 16 years, according to newly disclosed
      AP  -  361 words
    • 50 4 JAKARTA Sun IndoneMa'i export., Including oil are expected to Increase to UBT7 700 million i8»19IJ0 million i next year, according to the ru-ad of the National Export Promot'on Board. Mr Raden Sukrlman The Increate was mainly due to the growing demand from abroad (or Indonesian commodltlej Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 35 4 MOSCOW Sun LaotUn Prune Minister Kayione Phomvlhan arrived In Motcow today m part of an extensive tour Uuoufh comraunUt count rlr» at the head of a ■overnment and People* Revolutionary Patty delegation Rcuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 124 4 FBI HEAD TO WED FORMER NUN KANSAS CITY. Sun FBI director Clarence Kelley announced yesterday he would marry Shirley Dyckei. an elementary school teacher and former nun from Washington, the Kansas City Star reported According to the Star. Miss Dyckes said she was a nun for 15 years and was
      AP  -  124 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 Lenco turntables balance on the highest Swiss standards of quality. |The "Crossbow" symtx)< is the highest award presented by the Swiss Precision Industry for meeting quality in precision engineering it is recognised as one of the world's highest quality standards Lenco meets these standards The Lenco L6O and L 62
      198 words
    • 65 4 l^s^ In 30 minutes you'll forget how painful your piles are Pain, itching, bleeding and general discomfort are the symptoms of piles. And faat acting Anusol is the proven answer It soothes almost immediately as It fights infections. Thus it encourages the natural process of healing and regular bowel movements.
      65 words

    • 297 5 Missing $4m: 'Accountant told mistress of threat' PARIS. Sunday rvASSAULT aircraft company accountdr Vathalre told his mistress at'er he vanished with eUrht francs '$4 4 Daasault that he had been threatened by a convicted hijacker, a newspaper reported yesterday The mass circulation Prance Solr published what it said were excerpts
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 49 5 MANILA Sun The Pfnlippii.e Muslim rebel group known aa the Moro National Liberation Front ■MNLF. mill resume peace Ulks with the Philippine Oovenuntnt ne«t Ptoruary in Tripoli Libya. Muslim sources said today There was no Immediate oOclal reaction from the ■OTvrnment or military epokuawn. AP.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 197 5 New TV series on servant's life in early England LONDON, tan. A television series, cm red once again on the servants of Edwardian England, waa launched yesterday la hopes of matching the magic that made I pstairs. Downstairs a Micceas around the world. The new series titled The Dachrss of
      AP  -  197 words
    • 257 5 Canada pays aircraft firm $22 mil Claim is settled out of court TORONTO. Sunday fHK Canadian Government has paid more than l'Ss!) million (S|22 million) in an outof-court settlement to the Los Angeles-based Northrop Corporation after months of negotiations, the Toronto Star reported yesterday. In a report from Ottawa, the
      AP  -  257 words
    • 68 5 BUKNOB AIRSB. Bun A hading member ol the Montoneroe guerilla group «as amortf wvtn people killed In a nlfht (unbatllt near her* with atcurlty force*. Argentine army source* amid. The unkien lifted fu.-rllU toadcr. three of his colleagues, two of them women, and three younc children died
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 234 5 'SEX LIFE OF JESUS' FILM DIRECTOR MAY BE BARRED LONDON. Sun Prime Minister Junes Calla than yesterday hinted that Danish director Jens Jorgen Thorsen would not be allowed Into Britain to make a Him about the sex life of Jesus Christ. To make a film such as the one I
      AP  -  234 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 GENERAL 0 ELECTRIC I bl^^^3 wk BM W bbbbl I^Bwaßßßßßßßs«wS*^^^^^ V I CUSTOM PORTABLE ALL PURPOSE MIXER M4SF MIXER M2IQ Use it as a powerful mixer of detach from Three speed fingertip base and use as a portable mixer Variable control Beater release Speed Control for dialing 12 speeds or
      91 words
    • 187 5 O/ ©CHINA \jfi a^-^ B m |||^Ba B s^^ B^B>^B>>>>a ß^B>>>> a B>> a ß^^^^M|^^MP< B^«t* B BBB^^^^B^^^BHMnMp BBBBBBBBBBfBaBfBBBW^BtfBk. 4bIB ■jT^f^^'^S'l if mW tawH mmwTjm W^mM aßTai aw 1 4BTa W A i B^> .^aßrJ F*^e^^^ iBBBBBBav. II •^T' LbbsX. Jj I Xi f*A V< TbBBbI >S^L^y aO bY J.
      187 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 302 5 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM 4 Hardy Butler In unlid> 1 rwiia— tan ha vine to come duel f 00-n heavtr, oTualv^ty s 7'"'^!^^ publishers <9. J£ near dssperaOon Hi. 9 noes he jump when he r V. «Jl«°rUl choice l» Urea the pistol' i7> Hashed <S> 10 Duh made from
      302 words

  • 270 6 Judge turns down two appeal motions TWO motions by a lawyer, representing two would-be appellants who are under jail sentences of nine months each, were turned down by Mr Justice Choor Singh In the High Court on Friday The Judge criticised as "superfluous" the motions by Mr Nathan Isaac, counsel
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  • 45 6 CYCLIST Wons Mun Kuat. 11. died lnstintly when he was Involved In an accident with a car at the Junction of Rifle Ranee and Dunaarn Road at 2 pn on Thuraday Ejrewitneaws ire requested to contact with Sepoy Line* police (Utton
    45 words
  • 338 6 \NEED to feel Independent and be recognised for one's ability Is what turned Miss Shang Sheau-Lan. an I actress, to a full time assistant film director. Not that acting U an easy Job but according to Miss Shang. 28. actres- ses are
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  • 329 6 CITIBANK FORECASTS SPEED-UP IN RATE OF ECONOMIC RECOVERY TH E First National City Bank has predicted that, with the momentum of economic recovery hastening next year, Singapore's 1977 growth rate could be in the refion of nine to 19 per cent. -Principal activities contrlbat ng to growth
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  • 93 6 THE Postal Services Department will Issue two new pictorial air letters, for sale on Oct 11 at 35 cents each The new air letters will depict scenes of Singapore River and a local fishing kelong Advance orders for these air letters may be made at all post
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  • 366 6 ABOUT 300 delegates from 17 countries at tending the first South east Asia Regional Com j puter Conference at Mandarin Hotel today will have the assistance of a unique woman with three faces— Miss Oldts She will be the virtual one woman secretariat with a
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  • 82 6 SCHOOLCHILDREN and youth groups have been advised against organising outings to kelongs. which are structurally built for commercial fishing and not parties. The Primary Production Department, which gave this advice yesterday, reminded licensees of ke- longs that the use of kelongs for purposes other than
    82 words
  • 284 6 'Gas free ships' rule by PSA ALL bulk carriers whether carrying pc- troleum products or dry cargo musl now w gas-freed by the Port ol Singapore Authority before they enter shipyards for repairs for safety reasons. Under this Mm ruling which comes into force this month the vessels are required
    284 words
  • 45 6 THC Port of Sincaporr Authority I* to Uemoluh not of iU itaff quarters In Tek* K-d «vv•tt* Ut* Singapore Maritime Centre, to makt way for a car park The quarten are preatnUy occupied us *■>■ ployed b* htjr are expec.ed PSA houMix
    45 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 349 6 People say the nicest things about F&l\ Orange Squash v9C^r*""^g^g«l 111 I .^T^H^ht aflsa m '4L/*f I i <^ga i dfl If -r Jftr *^L^gMK Igfl JgW' <■■» WLmJT^^ "fl Ciru m m IX/lnrpJ vjvyv^ 'vx I viwi v, Lk^. ta^gfl 'Mil -tew Jg^^a^^^^^^^^^^B^l a^gi ¥^w^ B^»r^ z^B^gw Sblb^b^b^bw^ Cki
      349 words

  • 318 7  -  J D INORAN By T»HE 3.948-tonne Singapore ship. Asia Hero, was still smouldering yesterday more than 10 i hours after it caught fire at the Eastern Anchorage, while j awaiting the discharge of Its cargo. Ihe nre raged on for about two hours
    318 words
  • 45 7 Four films at museum THE National Muarum will I arreen four films at Its ore- j mlses In Stamford Road on Wednesday from p m The dim* are entitled The I, nfhouie Peoplr. Wedding Day Tuktu and the Snow Palace and World of David MUlnc
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  • 109 7 Freighters crash off St. John's Island rpVO vessels, the 1 3.632-tonne Panamanian freighter, Soyakue, and the S.MI-tonne Greek freighter, Marrita E, collided off St. John's Island on Saturday. Beth vesaels. which were kllghtly damaged, were aailing in oppoaiW directions heading towards each other when the accident occurred Repairs A spokesman
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  • 40 7 A FAMILY planning exhibition will be held at Kallang community centre on Sept 11 and II It U jointly organised by the executive committee of the centre's youth group and the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board
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  • 136 7 HOW OUR YOUTHS CAN HELP ECONOMY A DISCIPLINED work attitude In the young can contribute towards a climate of confidence, especially In the mlndj Of foreign investors and Singapore'!) Aaean partners, according to Dr. Lawrence Chla. chairman of the National Police Cadet Corpi council, at the presentation of appointment certificates
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  • 43 7 MR M Kulaaffaraiß has been elected chairman of Urn Stngapore Oovtmment Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society. The other offlciali are Mtiut Y. Rajafopal (vicechairman > Michael Want (atcreUrv). A Ma*ld bin 8 Madar (treasurer) and C T Balaalnom (tartrtant treasurer).
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  • 33 7 MR Chat Chonc Til. Senior MinlaUr of state (Bducatlon). wUI cOclailr open the third phaat of Urn new atarta SUIla Huh School buUdlnc at Mount Vamon on Saturday at JJO P*.
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  • 24 7 LABOITB MlntaUr Onff Pm« Boon vlll ttlind Uw St«h annJTcrmnr cctebrsUon of Kwonf Wai Shlu HiMfriUl on Sept 11 at IJS pjn
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  • 423 7  -  LAI YEW KONG By and IRENE MGCO J^S influx of vice girls from southern Thailand and nearby Indonesian Hands into Singapore has put the antivice authorities on the alert Their appearance comes at a time when police, through stringent measures, have brought domestic vice
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 181 7 TODAY TILL WtD 8-hSEPT v -lama^iaffl H I FREE BUTCHEWHG TO YOUR SPEOFKATIOHS I I •WHOLE LEG ...35k. 2-11 I -WHOLE SHOULDER ™J 5C.^ 2-11 I I -WHOLE LOIN _50Cl M 2 •WHOLE BELLY 35C 2-11 1 I *LEAN PORKtSKINLESSaOCFATTED) 560 3*39 M r^^m *LCG PORK boweiess. 46C 2-78 \*m
      181 words
    • 631 7 Housewives, here's a surprising new way to enjoy double- boiled chicken. a^T^^^l 4aaBBBBaV bbbbbbW%* <^^jA Concentrated Chicken Extract So nourishing you'd have to double-boil a plump chicken to match its goodness. ay and taste you were probably brought Just a little spoonful is all you need upon the goodness of
      631 words

  • 252 8 RESIDENTS of two Mocks of hoasiag and Development Board fltti between Too Chew Street and Him borough Mreet were yesterday warned of Ihr danger* of InfetUo— diseases, by pamphlets delivered to tbeir doorsteps by the finance Minister and IMP lor Havelock.
    252 words
  • 156 8 HAWKERS TOLD: KEEP FOOD GOOD AND CLEAN rpHE Senior Parliamentm. ary Secretary (Culture). Hajl Sha'ari Tadln, yesterday urged hawkers to keep good and clean habits to ensure that they served only clean and wholesome food He said this was Important because, with the Increasing number of married women in the
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  • 123 8 Probe by clears RTS man THE Corrupt Practices 1 Investigation Bureau s probe Into allegations that a producer of a local television show had been bribed to favour several artistes has shown the allegations to be "unfounded." Informed sources said yesterday CPIB Investigators closed their Mies i after discovering that
    123 words
  • 280 8 Housing loans up despite dull market HOUBINO loans rclven by finance companies U on the increase des- i plte the prevailing dull property market, a university don said yesterday. According <o Dr. Lee Sheng-Yl of the Singapore University Department of Economics and Sta. tlstics such loans increased to $306 million
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  • 349 8 ITNDKH new nilts eMctod recently, housing devdoMfi cm nov. charge prospective bouit buyen higher booking fees— from $500 to $:J,(HK). They will also have to make good any defaults, defect, shrinkage or other faults due to workmanship, which become apparent within a period of
    349 words
  • 31 8 THB Japaneat Cultural Society Singapore, wtll present an rwnlnt of Japan— i Traditional Culture by the Japaneat Cultural Ooodwlll Mlaalon at the National Theau* on Scfrt 1) at p.m.
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  • 241 8 Survey on better POSB service THE Post Office Saving* Bank has begun a month long survey among depositors to collect criticism on the banks service and suggestions on how to Improve or expand 1U (acuities. The depositors whose views are oelng sought the adults and schoolchildren asked separately In a
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  • 88 8 JTC can keep those fines The Government has given Jurong Town Cor-. poratlon (JTC> the green light to keep all 1 fines imoo»ed by the courts for public health offences committed in Jurung Town Approval. which tv tnuit«d to JTC by th» Plnancc Ministry about a month a|O ill authorlM
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  • 26 8 TANOLiN community ©*f>tr* will hold an Everyone rihlbttlon orfanlard by the People* AatocUUon and Ministry of Culture from S*pt 24 to M at Uwlr
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  • 33 8 IN ye»terday > TMo Dr«« < the fur nuanbrn pickrtl irrr 4« 43 It M and IS Th* additional number was 1* In Utc clrtln draw, the numbers patted were 30 and S3
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  • 53 8 TWENTY-TWO Vletr.amese refugees from four families. Including 13 children, who were picked up In the South China Sea by the ship. Lady Cynthia, on Aug ?j. left for truMr new homes In Australia by air last night While here they stayed at the Metr YMCA Katong Ofitrr
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 443 8 B^alaWV 4#hjfc US Technics Be -t the Technics SL-1300 Direct Drive Automatic turn- SEE THE FULL RANGE OF THE LATEST TECHNICS table or Technics SL 1500 Direct Drive turntable, you DIRECT DRIVE TURNTABLES AT THE FOLLOWING' will be amazed by their sleek, low-silhouette compact- DEALERS: ■vide possible by integrating the
      443 words

    • 148 9 Pay row won't disrupt 3rd Plan pledge IPOH. Sun Civil servant* will not alloy jrrmt Industrial dmputr over the implementation of the Tan Sri Ibrahim Ail Rrnort to dtter thur effort* In achlpvins: the objectives of the Third Malaysia Plan on which hinges the future wrll-beinr, of it ion This
      148 words
    • 113 9 Discuss Samad confession council urged Xl \LA I I MrM R. Sun The Damansara Imno di\islon called on the Imno Supreme dun r.l yesterday to hold a special merting to disraaa the confession by Abdul Simad of hi\ communist actMttm and Hi implication* on Immi and the National Front
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    • 30 9 IPOH Sun A n year -old unemployed man iv arrested by police at Jalan Clark here last night and a plastic tube of heroin was recovered (rom him
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    • 41 9 JOHORE BAKU. Sun rcrmm Jonorc Chief Police OOcer D«tuk Haji HMhan bin Nawawi M died In the OrneraJ Hosplial her* yesterOatuk Haji Huham who Josnad the police fore* la I»J6 «v admitted to hoapttaJ on Aug 23
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    • 40 9 TAPAH. iperak) Sen. A plantation owner. Tana Tenf. 60 ni found burned to death in hu DlanUUon la Jaian Bruwh. Btdor. yaaterday It la believed thai be ni caught In a buah fir* art off by him
      40 words
    • 25 9 KOTA BAKU. Sim. saalajftM Fofetn attaMar Tancku >haaa«l iStthiuil—n bail an uzMdMduled BMaclDaj hen tart night wtth hla Thai counterpart. Mr Btcttal MatUkul
      25 words
    • 245 9 Why the Reds have 'gone urban' IPOH, Sunday (X)IIMUNIST terrorists have switched their activities more to ihe urban ;iiv;is localise of the lack of support from the rural populace and the success of harassment by the security forces. Their cadres are now based in the urban areas to secure fresh
      245 words
    • 143 9 IPOH. Sunday rVHE security situation of the country has not adversely an*er»*.ed the Investment climate of the nation. Deputy Finance Minister, Mr. Richard Ho, said here today. The economy Is picking up although not as fast as we hoped, but this Is largely due to
      143 words
    • 242 9 'Barter traders plan to switch to Singapore' LABUAN. Sun National Front Asaemo 1 y m a n. Mohamed Omar Beldram warned today that If the state government does not remove the restrictions posed on barter trade In Labuan. It would won regain the reputation of a ghost town. "The Chlr.ese
      242 words
    • 73 9 ALOR STAR. Bun Jonor* Imilii—llili Won« BXiok. alias Kanmruddln AbdmuaJi. 45 «v today jailed by the Saastona Court for one year for cheating, which he commuted «even ytan ago. Wont *>* convicted of cheating Che Don Mntc Abdullah a. of SiMOO by falsely claiming he could
      73 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 114 9 gaß^^^^^^^KssTja^ Wk 9 ftw ■gO P 25/30 cm (12") l P-20/30 cm (12")^^^^»d 3GOOD REASONS TOO! IC circuitry gives crisp, instant picture sound. Hitachi's usual 2 Year Guarantee assures you years of trouble free viewing. Enjoy your favourite TV programs in comfort anywhere in your home, or anywhere, anytime in
      114 words
    • 635 9 I Stock 1 I Clearance I BSSSsi ArQF^'S'sSSSSSSSI^BsW^ *^V v *f *x V^ A~^»»W J*W f C. ml 1 ROBINSON'S super quality Divan sßSs9{| lit i/^'sV Beds with interior sprung mattresses BsM^sS |kL BsW/ Imported cotton Terry Towels In prints. j^^ LW^m iSSTsst Wm9f I H|V Terylene filled Quilts <rom
      635 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 128 10 OPENS CATHAY TODAY! i S SHOWS: 11 AM, 1 30, 4.00. c 30, t 30PM j j B6TT6 enjoy D9VIS i CDHOCT GOLDEN CHI ICO I YEARS' RORfiNINR with the most > J; TV profitable JL*4£' >/$y pension plan •Fff^T***rvf an y sweet little j KmAmXUA^^^N^^ mother devised < >
      128 words
    • 150 10 GATEWAY I TO SUCCESS THROUGH BAHASA MALAYSIA Pass HSC/GCE 'A' and O' levels/ M.C.E./L.C.E. through scientifically devised courses that offers individual guidance and help to reorientate Students from English and Chinese streams to obtain creditable passes in Bahasa Malaysia Medium Examinations. Write today to Federal College an Associate of the
      150 words
    • 540 10 $34>000 CASH HM BEEN WON! HERE ARE THE 2nd 100 WINNERS! niili|ll» CWOaM (k<«ua>wa -mZmTZmo. Mli^v^t 'oa*N«> •>. "T^ntaySw i i i MOX> >»!■>. M>' taa>k*>«a> bmui w(H ,«a 'W>>wiii »J MM lav Co* idaMaj*. Maw MOmm «1 ■«»«x«>«a»*< Ualin>n taaaaa»«ai i«o«>aai «»ia>» 'o>>hv Ba«l t»- 1 1 i laiiixuvM
      540 words
    • 279 10 "PRI^J^^TRE (NEXT TO BEACH RQAO POLICE STATIONI P JIL |\AVI S .how. 1 1 1 30. S4tll DATS 413 45* t3O Admission Circle S4 00, SuJfs $2 50 SI3C a Ma Mi Mil H» 3 fan i^WKr raafc fcntiip ,aih Bai v Syi J i imj SUeiaWl MKVIVSS lawMtiß 'UMmv-nWMsai'
      279 words
    • 459 10 OIICOIIISATIOW t»k W||K' M.fc OAT--1 Mt»n 4wH Ha«« Tmm liwa. 1 10 4 IS. 445. t M Ho r Ujl -No Ho MJfcM J2V4HW N CASH IOOKIMCI a^ r, I DATS W^«ca mi, *m*, tw. m n( M hsatp JAWt -»<tol-CIC) >■ 4 Pono»n.oo HAUTiruL OAT' 400 645 9 I
      459 words

  • 461 11 Computer air traffic control for Changi rE new Chanßi Civil Airport Is to hav e a compu* air traffic control complex which, completed In 1980. will be the most sophisticated system of its kind In Southeast Asia new complex will phase out the present civil military air traffic control centre
    461 words
  • 41 11 AN unidentified Chin*** pedntrian died on arrival at thr Slncapor* Oeneral Hospital after he was Involved in a road accident with a motorcyclut at the junction of Sin Koh Street and KalUng Road at 11 15 pm on Friday
    41 words
  • 67 11 rw\HS new Buona Victa I Ommtng Complex ;and Drive was opened on Saturday This Is the fourth swimming complex, deolKnerj and bul.t by the HUB The other three are at Queenstown. Toa Payoh and Katong The complex, which has b*en handed over Uj the
    67 words
  • 147 11 Man fined for carrying illegal migrants ASINOAPOREAN who (or $100 took six illegal immigrant! In his car to a beach at Pailr Panjang (or their return to Indonesia, wu fined $4,000 by a magistrate on Saturday Kee Ngiang Seng. 37. pleaded guilty to six charges of conveying six Indonesian women
    147 words
  • 35 11 THE Minister for Hume Affair* Mr Chua Sian Chin. hu tanned Oan Ah Kau altu Oon Chin Swer. M. a Malaysian (ram entcrln« Sincapore according to the latest latur of the Oovernment Oazrtte
    35 words
  • 118 11 M-cyclist hurt by hit-and-run I—va1 van I A MOTORCYCLIST, ctaay liii Chew. ii, was serkMMly injurrd when be was knocked down b* a van In a hit-and-run accident In Braddcll Road on Saturday. Mr. Ittay was taken to Toa r»yoh Ho»pital and placed on the "dangerously ill" list. A woman
    118 words
  • 47 11 Outward bound course THE third outward bound executive course will be conducted at Pulau Übtn from Sept U to Oct S Par more details, write to the Warden of the Outward Bound School No Block 43 Harding Road. Taaglln. Singapore 10 or telephone M 7744 ext MM
    47 words
  • 36 11 THE President ha* appointed Mr Denla Coamu D'CDtta to alt aa i judge of the Supreme Court for another year, vlth effect from Sept. 1. according to the latest Issue of the Oovernment Oaartte
    36 words
  • 56 11 BINOAPORB Airline* ■> centl) introduced a fullfr*lfht*r aervtee between Singapore and Hongkong the fuit airline in South-fast Asia to provide such a service The 14.000 kg capacity 707 320 C freighter service leaves Singapore every Friday In addition, there Is cargo capacity on the regular 747
    56 words
  • 282 11 Instant way to beat traffic queues PREFABRICATED steel flyovers that can be erected within 24 hours may be the "Instant" answer to chronic traffic queues at road Junctions and that result from road- works. These steel bridges, fitted by bolts and hinges, can be arranged In any shape and can
    282 words
  • 286 11 DUSTMEN who create a bin din will be made to pay for their "sin". The price? A fine of up to three day: of their wage. A Ministry or the Environment spokesman said 'Some months ago the ministry received several complaints of noise
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  • 279 11  -  EDMUND TEO By rvUSTMEN are all set to say goodbye to Injured toes caused by the sharpedged rims of metal dustbins fo 1 lowing official approval or the new-style plastic bin. Many complained they had been hurt accidentally while replacing the metal
    279 words
  • 46 11 ■MO Bintapor*> general manager Mr PJ Oetaer nai been appointed corporate •ecreury of IU headquarter*. Ksao Eastern Inc in Houston Mr J Waxley presently •enior vice-president of Cxxon Intern* tional. will meceed Mr Oetaer a* general manager and chief exaorttv* officer in Singapore
    46 words
  • 51 11 PRINCIPALS of nonMalay School* hay* been told to allow Muslim pupili and trachrn In the afternoon aSMSM u> «c> off one period rarlxr duilnc the fa-tlnf II they ao d.-»lre The mlnlMry In a circular to achooli. tayi the afternoon »e-AKm ef MaUy u-hoola may r per.od
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 347 11 1971 Dynamic Range if THE 5000 SERIES HITACHI RADIO/CASSETTES IS THE NEW BREED OF SUPER SOUND SWINGERS. Good looking and elegantly packed, the 5000 Series offers a Every model is fitted with a Universal Voltage choice of 2, 3 and 4 Band Radios including FM with Cassette Switch (1 10,
      347 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 174 11 Bringing Up Father »y BUI K»v»n»fh «fc Hal I TmAT SMELLS ISNT SCIENCE T TV«=WE lII^ IT'S SUPPOSE) "TO^N NAMIJSTBE D6LIOOUS, SCIENCE *VHV J OOME UP TASTE E>ACTLV Irrv^,^ Jv ri^o^f LEMA 71 MDND6R- N-, ,-< WTTH THIS J LIKE COBNED BKF Biondlc By Chic Youn i *vT"" i/'w'Tn US
      174 words

  • The Straits Times.
    • 384 12 pIERE now seems to be little chance f America and the Soviet Union ng a new strategic arms treaty before the presidential election on Nov. 2. The negotiations for a limitation on weapons have been stalemated for more than a year with the Russians showing no inclination to
      384 words
    • 240 12 U'EE TOON BOON is still a Member of Parliament Mr Barker, the Minister v and the Environment, explained muld have automatically been disqualified from remaining a Member had the qonvlction and sentence against him on five different charges under the Prevention of CorruDtlon Act stood. As
      240 words
    • 283 12 SELETAR Alrbase has become very important for Singapore s general aviation and charter flight operations Consequently a very lucrative ground transport business has developed The Increased passenger activity has overloaded the original Seietar Camp transport company. who were always reliable and asked reasonable fares to
      283 words
    • 104 12 POM the beginning of June till Aug 21. we were always affected by blackouts and (allure of water supply. It was not once or twice, but It has happened quite a number of times Sometimes In the middle of our cookIng, sometimes halfway through our dinner, sometimes during bathing. The
      104 words
  • 983 12  -  Gerard Corr IT to now widely ac--1 cepted, although it can never be proved conclusively, that an excess of violence on the television screen can have harmful repercussions on society. The conventional wisdom, which in backed by instinctive commonsense rathe, than proof. Is that blood-letting on the box can
    983 words
  • 591 12  - Bafflement over Carter's ideas on world affairs PETER GREGSON By in WASHINGTON TELL me," a Chinese diplomat asked a reporter recently, "what effect do you think Mr Carter's election will have on foreign policy?" "Tell me, do you find Jimmy Carter knows a lot about foreign policy, or do you
    Reuter  -  591 words
  • 775 12  -  WILUAM BORDERS By in NEW DELHI i fill-: Const it utioiuil ;iiikihl incuts that Prime Minister Indira (iandhi's (iovernment put before Pirliameol here on Wed nc sday has ramifications that are poltiitulk as wide as anything else since it declared a |\v c
    NYT  -  775 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 241 13 VOVELJST Dr Goh Poh Seng makes a note of the little things that happen around him everyday and weaves them into his stories. Dr Goh. who Is In private practice, said that s respect I'm very .te as I Ret to meet a wide
    241 words
  • 160 13 $15m more for hotel in Batam A FIRM here Is planning to Invest another $15 mil. lon in a hotel project in Batam Island an Indonesian island near Singapore A spokesman for Tong Bro t h ers Aluminium said that the sum was In addition to the $10 million the
    160 words
  • 188 13 A SUGGESTION that the National Library let aside a small corner [»r works by local writers j has met with stumbling Jlock illenc* from the National Library authorities The University of Sln[apores Vice-Chancellor. Jr Kwan B*l KJpon* r.ade the suggestion at nar early last nonth
    188 words
  • 69 13 IXJNDON. Sun The deans of two British dental schools. Prof F Hopper and Prof Darling will visit Singapore and Malaysia late next month to monitor standards of training at local dental school* The visitors will sp»nd Sept 30 and Oct 1 at the dental
    69 words
  • 320 13  -  MAUREEN CHUA By REGISTRATION IS REFUSED OVE Registrar of 1 Societies has refused to register the Housing and Urban Development Company (HCDC) flat owners association on a national basis. In a letter to the protest is— Mln chairman of the proposed association. Mr. Peter
    320 words
  • 102 13 Heroin: Three charged TAN Ah Te« alia* Tan Kok Ser. 30, was Jointly charged in a magistrate's court on Saturday with a woman Low Hong Eng. 30. with trafficking In about 1.500 grains of diamorphlne (heroin) In Dickson Road on Friday Another man, Tan Wen* Ouan. 40. waa charged with
    102 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 85 13 Let Helena Rubinstein demonstrate the scientific way to natural beauty. 1-^ rpi With every purchase above $1 5 a 2 oz f™ fC I bottle of Skm Life Cleanser or Skin Life 1 IXUU *I Freshener worth $10 each' Come and see for yourself. Helena Rubinstein's scientific way to natural
      85 words
    • 417 13 Gives excellent all round |j^— family protection prevents •flfflP^ prickly heat. skm irritations and dermic B->"_. _^y eruptions «*jj»y Make your B^ v t s««|^ family happy vvith Agnesia bL antiseptic I dusting /^B |^™T| powder D available in two handy sizes j AX\ GRAFTON ■1 LABORATORIES PTE LTD J
      417 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 775 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3 M Pi Opening and Vilsr Pirn (Tamtf) 7.41 Sandmaft: Stmttm Hanya Impon 3JI Diary of Events aam.o UI kMBk Mf tU General Hospital IJI »m mt mmn* llJftrt) 4.1 St Ptaa Tt Lin US A Family At War: I Wanted To Be With Yoo
      775 words

      • 20 14 Pan neetrtc IM.frM Inehrana It*—* Oswsral flagars ifMM Apast lII.SM Tatal Ttrstm sJTM Tswal Valaw: II MM
        20 words
      • 67 14 I t I 6 B.T. latfn 177.« l t7«.M IMb trteb: WM M 7.7! ti Fiaaaer: 47J.47 47C71 I Hclrk IMJJ IMA rr»pe»U*» 1M.17 144 Tta«: Nil »7J: I i(Mm !tt.7t IMJ) 111 B« !M)I tSI.«; S.E.S. I*4. 24*17 tU.M t Jaa 1. I»7J 1M Drr M. INI 1M
        67 words
      • 52 14 rr. lnm Itrdmn I. Kuiptr S Trs^inc r a n < R< WvMa Eaa a B Ikm. Iml Intrsc* Htor* oln.n ss •2 44 MM M»J »J«5 »iJi MM 11.74 HIS UN 9tm 12 21 IJ 34 II.M It 74 n.n .M M »i .»4 <M .M -f.M •f-M
        52 words
      • 16 14 r»B urcirw I- M rmrnt (1 12 till .If M t: frm*. O«*. f«M .w
        16 words
    • 1321 14 rHI last tranaactad ready 1 tali >r Dusitea* on the Stock Exchangr 4 Singapore on Sept 1 comjared wnn me previout d«y srtcea together with 197« id.-isted I i MB rasM jj>ur CLSSINQ TONI Fairly ataa*? Toanovia Off.ciai Mom ,»nl"4 b, th* Stock Ksrhanca •1 Smgapor* lnrlu4ia« oaVI
      1,321 words
    • 402 14 QTBONG buying actlfcj vity seen on Thursday lacked follow through as profit -takers made their presence felt at the Stock Exchange of Singapore on Sept. I. The snarket opened oa a firm note bat after the morning aejasaav Baost issues saw earlier gains trimmed by profit-tak-ing
      402 words
    • 1616 14 OIU mid ofler pi;c«t offl--0 ciall) luted a I. d business In and n pored to the Stock Exchange of Singapore on Sept 3 with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unlMt otherwiM specified All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts
      1,616 words
    • 1346 14 BID and o'tr prtct* ofB- and biulnru In and reported to the KuaU Lumpur Stock Cxrhangr on Sep 1 3 with Ox Umded ahown In Mi of 1000 othcr»li* ipeclIHOUtTNIALt .'I 0 «S» iMi K.L. SMmmary Rises C C M I :«R. it) 4 M I C »<•>•
      1,346 words
    • 309 14 Bear raid on Pan-El in KL SENTIMENT on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on Sept 3 was affected by a ludden bear raid on Pan- Electric which lost IS cents as a result. A mild mid -morning uptrend came to a halt wnen the selling pf«sure in Pan -Electric •hares
      309 words
    • 290 14 DID and offer prices foltowed by transactions wherever applicable Spare Can. SV. Taxable Loan No 2 -tAI 1975 Ist Dec "77 (1.000.000) *****5 D 101 758). 8-pare Can. »S1 Taxable Loan No. 1 •AI 1978 15th April -7S (1000.000) < 101 3«B *****8) Stare Cart. 6\
      290 words
    • 584 14 AFTER a slow start. the market built up to a bullish climax on Thursday when fairly wide fains were recorded on good volume. The close of the week saw some profit-taking, bat not without the spill-over of interest on to a number of second and third liners. On
      584 words
    • 506 14 fiPENINO quotations In the Singapore rubber market were fractionally lower on Sept 3 and thereafter prices fell Kiadually on lack of buying in ten it in dull tiadlng. dealers said. The morning session closed qut.-t and rlightly easier The afternoon session was very quiet and featureless with pnoea
      506 words
    • 107 14 BJLS. SBR M (1 ton pallet) Wtm. M il ton pallet) MJLE.LB. SMR SCV (1 ion pallet) SMR SL (1 ton pallet) BMR 5 (1 ton pallet) SMR 10 (1 ton pallet) SMR 20 (1 ton pallet) SMR 50 (1 ton pallet) xrpt OCt. Kmnl MUI (Forward
      107 words
    • 335 14 DESPITE tome fresh fac- j ton it has been a very slow and trendless trading period, dampened by the closure of London and Kuala Lumpur for market holidays. says Holiday. Cutler. Bath in IU weekly rubber review Values ranged within the narrow limit of three cents, improving at
      335 words
    • 110 14 TrHt faUawaag IM give. Uw l,n moat Ml Mark, feat It fives U»e Inim In Iknu4 «f anJU. estttag prkrs an FrMmr and high and law far 1171. taaaaaay Timrfi frhrr* H>rh Law t rntrii S^.r. larheapr Sla* Darfrj \polU> EBlcryrtm d. a s. raa Eteetric Gwnrml
      110 words
    • 479 14 HAD It not been for the bear raid on Pan-Qectrlc on Friday, the Kuala Lumpur share market last week, would have pulled off one of Its best performances In months. Coming at a time when the market was on the verge of a run-up, the selling In
      479 words
    • 235 14 IN extreme quxt tradtiw the I US dollar opened unchanged at 12 4583 »5 m the Singapore forex market on Ft:ds> snd remained steady at this level with \ery little change Trading was wrtually featureless in a thin market but towards the close of the sev 11
      235 words
    • 265 14 ASIAN currency average depmlls rate* (or the week ended Friday. Sept 1 NOTE: The* rstes may differ silently Inn those quoted by banks to their customers! 7 days 1 mth 2 mtlu 3 mtlu 8 mthi 9 mth* 12 mth* Hifh Low 5 3 16 4 16
      265 words
    • 54 14 Minimum lending rates (in Ataaman. »ar* 7 C-t«on. J •anakak »on. 7^ m«WC 7^ •ar* o» Amar<a 7 inaetuai •ankatCww 1 Matayar. tan*— 7* •anai at Tokro 7 Mrtw tot* 7 •on» Naaara inaxaw ?■>» OCiC 7 CHartaral Bank 7 OUt 7% CKaM MMianax 7% uC9 M MS 7 uaaK
      54 words
    • 183 14 BMHertcd Interbank rmt«» at 3PC pm «u<X-* <MUr<t) rraw partly JS dollar J 4595 a 4«05 a 8196 Sterling pound 4 3610 4 3*50 7 3469 Hongkong dollar 50 20 50 Jt 50 51 Malaysian dollar MOO 98 10 100 00 lust KhllUnf 13 7485 -.3 8280 13
      183 words
    • 58 14 DUI'LTS af Trewar. lulls v lender head an se»M 1 far 11-day Trnuvr> toll* to a* avsaen fraaa Sept. to It. Offered IM SSlaaaa ApaWia far $7157 Bullion Alaattea) SM million \rrrytad MaY Itt II af>po.uiiulrl> 1 per rrnt higher bub la full Aifrigr ril« of aWoußt
      58 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1169 15 *aM*aa*aMa«a«^BMaMaa^aMaMaMaMaaaaaaaaaaaaa»^™ IIaHIMJMW MtTHg t| M. CMTTIMVT Ml turn It taMa S tan f biaat 0 ■•>• !>*■ I aan Majn i ••aim It' itad I tod a tad 1 kt I ki I kti It tod Una' Utod Ik- l kt I ki I kt l kt iud a t.d
      1,169 words
    • 1252 15 Ben Ocean AtouTtsrrvKy>cfßenLmf'.BkipFhnneiCm?riLnpandNSMO It M CMTHMVT NM MM t-aan f lawaj Haaaj lra> M» IIMMMM taMl I I tad It Ml IM "tort ta*. I **M UiaMtl -t wt il n to* t td im it.i. Da*, awl MMIM all tod I I kl II M IM taff. tnaw. M
      1,252 words
    • 1220 15 I** IMMt IMI I Milt] raW MMX tOTOM rm r laMat laatna kM« >'xi M M Vim mn tm 1 mi. mm mt itad itod atad itdikttktiatod MMMM MM II tad 14 tad ltd Itat I kl 1 kt) Ik' MMM* UfMll Iliad atad it kl 11 Ml n kt
      1,220 words
    • 1196 15 sag? in a it- fUIXY COWTAIMIKIZfD SHVICt TO lU«OP£ t.'Mg I*. rM Olt (ta laal It Wat II «lUMU tad» "*n* f *> 9 WtllMM. MfMTf UMrrt Ml a-in Mt I a-- ti. IHIMII Ml II kt 14 .^"^^l. m7*MIM« mm 1 C S««»t*Mrt MMt ••'•Mi Mi 11 mm n
      1,196 words
    • 682 15 smbnti mo* p MMaj mt il ann pmmi m THE BANK LINE LTD. taw m 1 t mio. MTtMin a*' katiM T in mhUm •V»m •■.•ihh'mm ldaa| IMTIIM MM k»» M :>'mWm> BanM < > 'i CMiHa) t iim sw. n a tad •M IMt I km mv ItMNMU iiaeMia*
      682 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 996 16 |Yl- KAW.VSAKJ KJSEN KAJSHA LTD. fiut ciruaoiai sxira Ta lurtpe |VU> S :xt P Rtiaaf r< tir-| IrMMja turn MMMM CMIIWI tw 11 Saft 17 Sttt i let kt 1 ki RtPTm up-vitf m Tistfi asm ii kt ji kt n kt SI*W SUS MMM >« II kt 71 kt
      996 words
    • 1019 16 LINE If IflfffliWrfMl SEIVHE laMM* IM MM T*M MWau MIIMMI attt MUM*. MMTM. lUill'W M (TMI MU PMTt •il MMI TnaM i«t 'imnea Tan a ana tart p M>w< Prataf ta'aaa> mail aiiMii aru ii utad utad i* tl tod uutod mi Mini immi 'i an ii ii Mt ti
      1,019 words
    • 1008 16 ftait cMiMiiin sowe it fjmh nru sim I'atrt aalaaj tiniiii a-Maj *rt» rtaa L Mart MMMM CMTIrMIt It Wd U tad n tad I*d t*U IRU tilt 1 Ma*TVH( %AffWtH t M tavl a) Mtt H Hi mt 111 It mim D VM H Wts cat >un Pmi, n Mi
      1,008 words
    • 1018 16 MUTStM MTtHITMMI SMftM CMPR Ml Ttl U HIN4 flPtra SMMH n IMMB. U»U*MVtMTMir PMTS aa> ti tni i uaa* ataaat uaaM nr MMi IMMai it Pan HIM ti 11 tad v U tad italil im •4 1* I mm n ii mm* naiMi u 'i tad ii a lad iw
      1,018 words
    • 808 16 >^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE W^W iiiEftnciT K^S^i F**J« f EMT ESMITtI KIVICE II *M 't* i^aaat mi t lankai a> ratn I Mrttl IM. mi.-| aoant I tit i mi v act CMtuMit ittrcMK.l ~lp~ BUMA LINE -i j COPENHAGEN aMtMamai uwawat mmki i* laMPt I aan r ai*a| Pi
      808 words

  • 52 17 A year fiat pasted tmce you left ut so unexpectedly l\ eased your paint but gnevrti our hearts Thoughtt of you bring silent teart Yourgreai indness utll always be treasured In our hearts By your loved oam MRS LILLIAN BASHYAM Departed 6
    52 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    20 17 timber •■♦•red by PU Ltd and fr ie vim '-ng Ai Andre* Tun MHO I IM WiMiN SAIN
    20 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 649 17 AUSTmALJA SERTICE Ma* i.ommn imm ITtSII HIM Start ta Pwi 3c Mt Sft ■<f SMHJ Ii Part Hat iif KIM atl 7 IS** II II Saat Hut •OUTH AFRICA SERVICE MKCitM ii n s*m n27 Stfi Zmrtm*. mm* mmmri mto»* >** ah poa oticii«—i 'twi P *»»»l NaaH ki. Hi
      649 words
    • 783 17 #4htM&G MIDEAST INDEPENDENT REGULAR LINER SERVICE ?l «l ttmmn ante tmtsmm turn Ud fmmm kmmm M I ImmH IM 1171 lIJI rpart ft Umt fmmt UunMH H» J hrV-M IK FM BMW UfM m'W MUM* 11 IS/t II l-n I ik rar OUMI SNMKM uum mmm i ii/*-im nt»i LOC
      783 words
    • 618 17 ANNOUNCEMENT Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of one month's from the appearance of this notice, the safe deposit boxes rented by the people listed below will be opened and the contents removed for disposal In accordance with the provisions of article 14 of the agreement. Namm of
      618 words
    • 768 17 SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED llncorporsted in Republic ot Singaportl INTERIM RESULTS 1976 The Direciort of Sembavvang Shipyard Limited announce the unaudited trading results of the Company foe the first six months of 1976 First Half (January June) 1976 1975 Turnover 51.010.000 59.857.000 Profit before Tax 9.414.000 12.084.000 Continuing recession in the
      768 words
    • 563 17 Ihi lUnkrupi. v I I (haplrr IM IS I 111 Hit. ll (HI XI Or' MNGATOU In Hankrupl>\ No M of 197 C He hon B Shih Kuonf X* Pane Ui Kok Sion« I rrdilor NOTICI In the M.U!H.inkruptr> IVtitiun Iil«l the nUI day ul May. in ChMM -Sluli KumiK
      563 words
    • 366 17 in iiu nu. ii im l IU KM-I HI l« of N|\«.\rl>KE llrmmalinc V.. MM «f it:*. In ih»- M haaMMa] IWI ii 'i raiini \H\rHllsrMlM i nc FAKI dft < ii in ul t: n.imrU .it librii I'harntmaile in Suit N» 14«1 u( 1974 hull .it libert) i" m
      366 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 585 18 MGENERAL^ELECTRIC| I TELEVISION AND APPLIANCE PTE. LTD. I requires MANUFACTURING SPECIALIST ■^g Specialist <s responsible I I r> ess ond planned use I .ipment, tools, facilities and I I moni rovides detailed plonmng, I I opera* methods, processes and I .n.g the work force to manufacture I i manner which
      585 words
    • 748 18 W^ DC A^ 1 TRAINEE ASSISTANT TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Applications ore invited trom male Singapore citizens between the cages of 2 1 to 30 for the above appointment The men we ore looking tor must be prepared to perform operational work on shifts, be mature ond hove o 'loir for organisation
      748 words
    • 998 18 AC AUEM SENDIRIAN BERHAD> A member of the Sampoerna Group of Companies invites applications from suitably experienced and qualified persons for the following vacancy In one of its estates in Johore. 90/76 CLERK II (ACCOUNTS) Applicants must have a good MCE/SPM; possess at least the intermediate LCC Accounting and a
      998 words
    • 587 18 fe E3dVsl IV? Boche Holsey Stuort Irvc LJoIOaOV/ Memb?f New York Stock flCa!l^^C7y Exchange ond other leodmg K^t/t* and Commodity J L «»chonges A Wbrthwhile Career We are looking for quality candidates to tram as ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES tor our Singapore Branch Otfice Applicants must be Singapore citizens or permonent residents
      587 words
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    14 words
  • 38 19 3 Religious Announcements BETHESDA BOOK CENTRE'S •'m ANNUAL SALE c now on untM ISth Soosomoor BOOKS ft BIBLES AH Welcome Toa PereM Tot BJIS7I (ISM m I X pm Hetong Tel *****7S (11 M m 8 08 pm
    38 words
  • 5 19 IN EVER
    5 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 171 19 Classified. Jlds CATS. 235 6677y Pick of the Classifieds a«*nwj I a »rll rstabllshed American I riuSi rnpany ha* MALE/FEMALE PROOUCTION OPERATORS a c n shifts iry I i .inrrit and Bonus 0000 SAVINGS ran.'r v i»m/ ■4aVaMf Bt#*Vm*f OO****** n*jM*aS*9 'Tlel rTlolfT* 1 M*elVf iind punch ,1 f 11
      171 words
    • 301 19 FIRE PROTECTION DRAFTSMAN/ESTIMATOR fire protection 1 MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN/ESTIMATOR 1 ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR/PRO JECT COORDINATOR Singaporr citiiens Age 23 JO vsary but Applications Ml English with full i Is educational rxpenence and The Generei Mamgir S T 8m ASBtiS Spore not tatar town 6 6 76 STRUCTURAL/CIVIL ENOI N S E R
      301 words
    • 731 19 I CSTABUBMBO TECHNICAL ANO I Sialionerv m inny invites applicant* for Junior Bookkeeper I ;-.s' W u'.fH gt* -ll■■ i '"m I merer i or Equivalent Attractive ommensurale with i uons and experience A ***** with tefc phone number BOOK KggPCR /TYPIST (FEMALE) required by (Mawnonod Cim»t«| Ml mil LCC
      731 words
    • 854 19 FEMALE GENERAL CLCRK re quired Able to type and with knowledge of book-keeping and spoken Mandarin Apply with full personal particulars, telephone number tnd encloaed recent photograph to OP O Box 3383 JoaN TOOKB 8 AOaNCY rr quiries 16 Typuu to fill vacanE O Level Typing trawl VI i. is
      854 words
    • 838 19 EXPERIENCED BALSBOIRL RE BUIOBCC for tounst shoo Ouod salary Apply personall) 010. Peninsula Shopping Centre bet ween 7pm and Bpm SALCBOIBLS HCOUIRCO FOR Lh-ua Store Must do shift duties Apply in writing to Shop 22 Hyatt S porr H.-iel Scot U Road Spore 9 LADIES URGENTLY NEEDED PM part lime
      838 words
    • 644 19 preferabl) live- in amah English speaking .Singapore riuaen Call Kotemary SSoili office hours LIVE-IN GENERAL AMAM for Bntisn family Referenrea rttjiurtd 17 Taman NakhotSai off Holland Romdi Tel *****4 GENERAL SECURITY SCRVKCS PTC LTO SECURITY GUARDS. o Appln ants should tie able speak and write nglish h-psJ a army personnel
      644 words
    • 682 19 HOSTESSES RCOUIRCO POM MS I class Lounge Age Above 16 and I below IB Working Hours Fulltime 4pm II 44 pm Partime 7 pm 1 1 pm No experience required Pieate call at room 4M. 4th Floor. Far East Shopping Center Orchard Road between 2pm U> 10 ptn FAIRCHILD SINGAPORE
      682 words
    • 565 19 has Immediate vacancies for PCMALC PNOOUCTiON OPERATIVES in our vmnous department* 0 C FikrHMn and FUMMia Applications must be at least 16 yemn old willing to work on 2-shift rotation Minimum primary education I English Chinese i c M microscopic work B A I r cond i Honed work B
      565 words
    • 521 19 WANTED IMMEDIATELY A Met* must be hard working Those -.1 apply 1 REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY DESP s T c nimum inert to „riming, .riming IKilies alto in making rt. Salar) SlM) lnlet vtew SMam 10 30am (today I 5414 I n Hup Complex Beach Road 8 pore I OFFICE BOY POSSESSING
      521 words
      486 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 248 20 I ap^KfakPxnwa EARN 0000 INCOME AS A PCRMANENT JRO SHIFT PROOUCTION OPERATOR «itm SOS ATE S SINGAPORE PTE LTD Wo oßar lartiiif basic salary fringe I No •■aarwnca naadad and Masaystana via ao conaMtorod Ploos* can aaraanaa> mi on> tatlory Loron| 4 8 6. Toa Pstoe. tingawers 11 lor an
      248 words
    • 351 20 I STORCY TERRACE AT I ioidhill i bedrooms. 3 I'arquet iprxards full) Immediately avail 11.500 p m of Richard r il Property Consul 23M8M OFF HOLLANO ROAO 1 iingalow with modern .ii near s. tviol 4 bedrooms, ■mv attached 'nodern i nment OPF LINOCN DRIVE sinatr-storey detached bungalow on MR
      351 words
    • 813 20 TAMAN MAS MMJUII SOW Jalan Raja Udanc 8000 Lucks Height* $s** Charlton Park $3* Serin arden $850 Harvey Avenue $400 Hua Uuan Avenue $900 Seletar Hills $500 Also available in uther localities ranging from 8500 upwards Call Wess Associates. *****22 2*2031! 2****** OIST 16 FURNISHED 4 BSD OOMED 2 storey
      813 words
    • 790 20 asMCOIATI OCCUPATION LUIUMOUS apurlmenu for rent dial st Thomas Walk Orange * Clemenceau Avenue <imlin Mansion Par East Man aaa aayvi.ia ssso rr* out 10 Hoot Kiam I Holla*! Road k2O $750 Jalan Arnap On Ttong lam Park $700/ SSM Taman serasi Killiney Apartment 11 200 SI 800 Dist II
      790 words
    • 760 20 OIST 11 CENTRAL LOCALITY uwKlull) furniahed 3-bedroomed jpurtmenl with without cenlral i r. ondn loning Call 5J8349 *****5 OMJIBJCI 16 FULLY FURJIIBIHD 3 bedroom flat No agency Tel 0345 M SM3B3 DIST 0 new LUluanr apartment furnished unfurnished swimnmg pool covered carpark 18-K SI Thomas Walk Tel *****9 LUIMNOUBLV FULLY
      760 words
    • 660 20 BRITISH EXECUTIVE UMOCNTLV requires bungalow semidetached apartment in dist 18. 11 13 Budget $IMN S2.SBS Contact Cosmic Housing 91*926 l*( grlBM requires aaar aaaraniid at Laaasa Taww A MM) Attractive Rental and deposit 171*** WORKING COUPLE WISHES rent simply furnished Prtvac) in Kalong area Preferably In flat ill. bathroom attai
      660 words
    • 808 20 > BEOROOMEO CORNER TERRACE with extras in dial 13 Accept the highest offrucl 2834*83 CLEMENTI PARK NEWLY rriiovated j-be.'r.«>n.ed ■SMtaJ storey detached bungal. F facing park Spacioua split level living dining furnished $210 000 0 n .i Tel *****8 BEAStOf HOUM S. Jalan Wira Johure Bahru 10 000 sq ft
      808 words
    • 698 20 PROSPERITY MANBSON LUIU RiOUS <- >>m flats at Mar Thoma Koad Off !M Michael s Road Under onstru. tu.n no» BaiNsa $m.OOO Cißrnpteted .n or before 31 7 107« Em Melodies Ltd 17 2* Ben itiolen Street Singapore 1 Tels ***** 3221U4 33&3 M I r J MARY I AND
      698 words
    • 457 20 INSTANT OFFICE availablr ith aH facilities Contact *****1 WELL APPO4NTIO OFFICE are* I 128 W) fl I ■awfully done with lurnuure avalk>ble In cenlral part of entire Tel *****8 fl miTIINATWt«AI. PLAZA %J ImiwedisstOctMpaaiir atV OrTK I MWRrNT ,rV w f\ Pnr« II Most f)\ 1/ shops K">R Rr tfj
      457 words
    • 423 20 FACTORY SPACE fo» IST FLOOR 12.888 SO FT «TH FLOOR 14.888 BO FT Jin Pemunpir Upper Trtoaaaon Hd for ligrn m dustrtal use I cargo lifu of 4. 88* i n I paawnr' lighting and power 400 i M bMM Carpark and on ii iaibiat NcaHsta iMMIDIATE OCCUPATION TEL MISS
      423 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
      304 words
    • 362 21 .a*3---f £tt^ WOBLO UPRESS TOUR BOOKING CCNTRC •II 1( Sf BJBJ s \YS \tf KAN IAKf II IHA M> AYS MINI h' H" AYS HAI.I HA! VM Kt)K PATTAYA MM-CI c >AYS MIA MJMi a ,K< iMi SI 44*00 'AYS HUNUKUNCi II A SI ***** 'AYS Mll< II ***** c
      362 words
    • 560 21 LMSBCATAB4.C PRtCCS TO all destinations Contact Clifford llt Ltd Rm ISO*, strain Trading Building Iftth tlimr Hattrr> Kuad S purr I TH 9144 M 91M14 AUSTRALIAN TOUR SCRVtCE sur< utl fares lo London SSM Perth SSW Jakarta S2S* Bangkok S2IO wide reservation Tel '12M MAS TRAVCL ft CHARTERS 544 Tangsm
      560 words
    • 650 21 .h€B Courses COMMERCIAL CDUCATION Book Koepme (lns*rmedie**) '•i 10 00 pm Priinart Si host iFeunawSMn CsammeSMW Part A) Acceunama 1 Economic* Law 1 -.1 fri TUO 10 M I I Srpt 76 Nrk-Klr> S. I The inslituie el Cost and Msnsgemonl Acceunlsnis IFiMßdakwi Stoae. Socnon A) Financial Accn.kig Cost
      650 words
    • 837 21 BOOKKCCPINO. ACCOUNTIN* gRMMNMw roursa* leading to LCCI rumination* commencing 7* Thursdays 630 p m 1 p m Also Monday* fnday* t M fm 130 pm commencing o*7* Sunday Accounting beginnen II am I pat commenrtnf Sf 7* tooakTM* "Met Centre CotninercMJßcnool S3 22* Peace Centre BilafU Road (*****01 PCOPVT* PAJMt
      837 words
    • 592 21 tnlngua NEW CVCNINO CLASSES CNO CLCM I'lFor BuslnestmrniMon Wed Pn 7 30 pm 10 pm Commencing t Sept CNO CLCM 3 T jrs Thurs7 30 pm 910 pm commenrlnf 7 September CNO INT 1 Mun Wed Thun S4S pm 72b pm Commencing 6 September CNO AOV Tues Tnurs 73* pm
      592 words
    • 661 21 KUM VAN KMtOCNOAIITCN .I" aflialnn open fcngtash < mwv Mtdtuan for <hlldrin bom in I*7l and IS7I Please raH at 1 Queens Street Hincapurr 7•o* a m 12 M noon weekday LCCI *#tCO *MO««THA»1O claaars orxiu. tr<i by Mr Son* learning rxpenenre reputed for hu crystal clear dynamic votre so
      661 words
    • 397 21 LEARN FRENCH AT ALLIANCE FRANCAISE HEW FRCNCH BEGINNERS CLASSCS STARTINO ON SCPTCMBCR 6TH 7TH a MBSBjBa 1 f vrning Also brush up ><>ur f rrnch in \d»an 34 Scons Read. S pore Tel 2354M4 or Qllln (Me Snipping Centre Rd Tel 2*23* M /l^ •aadma le me PtiSsiihihi Cumma waws
      397 words
    • 490 21 ENGLISH SPEAkNG BOARO Improve* aaoton Bngltsri new aminer t audio Up* Mini lII* un*ST*at*Mpm totMpai MATHEMATICS BY EIPCRICNCEO trained lad) graduate I > T*Vphooe ****** MIS* CHAN SOW H Hl>rr .n,! h ....1 QraMndftowi s (v*r OUARANTCCD TUITION PON all in* our NCW SOCIAL OANCiNO .lass for QUALIFY FOR A
      490 words
    • 613 21 MUST SILL OOOD Morns lIM with insurarw-r m,mu,. road MOOterures Tel „11 B_AMsVamtam_lcsi BVeUftT I I Mmfrsa* if" itwp'Tmsictß^pgtitNt i iisjaj .ni one owner iifrw View I*Kangoon Road S por* t i*7i MERCEOt* *M B denaoatr- n Vkrw I*l Keng Lee BMW MS2 1*72 Sports HIM K.iadLat n*« MX I
      613 words

  • 216 22 rE saying. "She* not Jut a pr< ty face." certainly applies to these six beauty fjaeens from Australia For between them, they wiceesafßlly raised about M million for charity in all six states in Asutralia. Misers Leslie Taylor. Lisa Caperll. Feta Hob«on.
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  • 579 22 fPHE Singapore Man v f acturers' Association has called on the government to give financial aid to small industries to enable them to survive. Such aid can be In the form of equity participation or at loant at rates lower than those given
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  • 385 22 'Extend leave for mothers with young children' plea ILfOTHERS with young children should bt ITI allowed to take one to two years 1 leave from work without loss of job, position or security, the assistant director of Children and Young Persons Section, Social Welfare Department, Mrs. Janet Yee. said This
    385 words
  • 248 22 A TOTAL of IM.W7 tourists visited Singapore In -Tune, an Increase of 118 per cent over that of the corresponding period last year The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board said In a statement that Indonesia regained its top position ith 18.789 visitors or
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  • 147 22 JAIL FOR TWO WHO EXTORTED PROTECTION MONEY TWO men were Jailed ror a total or 15 months by a magistrate s court on Saturday for extorting $20 "protection money" rrom a sub-oor-tractor at a construction site. Tan Chee Keong, .'4. jobless, who hat a previous conviction, wa 1 Jailed ror
    147 words
  • 54 22 I BENTOSA Development Corporation and the Uenluaa Art Centre will un-the-sput painting 1 turn for children at the Sentosa Art Centre on Sept 11 il I in 1 Cash prizes of MOO tMO and 1100 »ill br awarded plus 16 consolation prices 1 holiday accommodation on Sentoaa
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  • 24 22 8T ANDREWS Old Bxvs Association »ill hold It* annual dinner at Si Andrews School Wood ville. on Sept II al 7JO p.n
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  • 535 22 ASINOAPORE doctor hat called on more of hi* medical colleagues to matter the art of acupuncture and hat urged them not to dismiss It* use on patients at "quackery Di. Foo Choong Khean added there were bound to be certain patients In every doctor's file
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 273 22 »»C«aai DEAL FOR two 1973 vans H Tax In Koad ISBS 130-131 Bus Terminus) Singapore 12 Between lian HUP BBJSB 12SC Thomson Michael J129 197S da J*o Ufe 1973 Coannser I Van 1972 Masda I Mini 10*0 van I9T* V B/Wagon 19*9 Volkswagon 21t 10 19*1 .jk itee Hot Honda
      273 words
    • 432 22 •ECOROt/CAtUTTEt 19% annN off all ilaassral bo sets tM all aaaeties ana stngt IJ*s eswr tl 50 for popular an Haastcal catalogues Rot sMmk BMap (Eaaert IMI M. i'lißMgM' MeinM^ IHeed. Esaaa. fata*. 'NOONEtIAN BATIK CENTRE Indonesia 435 Urrhart unps Halik I Paraphernalia 4 Lesa< Dresses A Tsiloring NTEREtTINO NEW
      432 words
    • 754 22 BALI MCUU.TM CENTRE Feel like a I refreshsnf saunabaUi or invigoS rating cnanMng snd experWwigrti JfltW ua sill. floor Hotel Hew HongtMng. I*l. Victoria Street or ring 344*3 1 visit MAOOTS itOtRUL Baroal ext 122 s> HI JCUMCSM ET MAUTt for your sauna baths spotreducing and ph)tio therapeutic treatmenls with
      754 words
    • 831 22 awt a* tewvtet n link—a m repairing alt kinds of alrrondluonart and refngjrraUona. aalat. arrvwe and repair Tel *****1t as itvwMkajuTiOM smciAuar in ti ssftjrwn tsc ■atn■eralon JUmmda plui T etrvtaton maintenance and inatallation Contact »IUSS MNTAJ. AMD repair of all lypet of rrfnfrraum and aJrconCMlawsn Call Pan
      831 words
    • 536 22 WA^Mtaa, isACMMai MCIMJtTI A Ormonalxauon Cmin lor Wathinf Machine* Duh- ulmts and Turn Me Dryert Brandt available are ABO Boicm Elertrolui Oala iOli'i Oeneral Electric (USA i Hitachi Hoover Indent If mi Kenwood rH/i Electric Philips. Sanyo Shack lor k Siematu. Sterm Sme| Toshiba Wetting nouie and tanker F^^ a*
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 529 23 SANYO flowing positions 1 MARKETING EXECUTIVE (MALE ONLY) I Cleft* C QUIPMENT 2* to 36 evant fields fiptnence prefer%bly m -onstrative qualified of self i"d administrative competence --search Planning and Promo with customers 2 MARKETING EXECUTIVE (MALE ONLY) Fquipment c as aDove 3 GENERAL CLERK (MALE FEMALE) r SC
      529 words
    • 750 23 (MS) PUBLIC UTILITIIrS BOARD ApplKotion* ore invited for the following pott* ENCINEEI (CIVIL/ELECTRICAL), Water Electricity Departments Solory Scole Clo*»IIA($900 5950 1050 x A 5O 1650/ 1700 x A5O 1850 Gro** Monthly Solory ($1,270 63 2.478 23) Civil/Electncol Degree Diploma occeptoble for member*hip of the ln*tifufion of Engineer* Singapore or recognised
      750 words
    • 688 23 Iy^i SINGAPORE wm%tk i sports VHJ COUNCIL pplicotions art invited front citizens or per- I tonent residents of Singapore' Moloysio for I te following appointment FACILITIES OFFICER (PARKS 4 STADIA) ($7lO rising to $1,510) »jo lif i c a tio n t E i penance A degree/diploma from a recognised
      688 words
    • 688 23 I SM6APOR BUS SBWn 'ID 8! Applications or* invited from suitably quoi QO ■v *>ed persons for the following vocancias (J) DRIVING INSTRUCTORS i OB 00 Z Quoliticotioni Must possets Clots 3, 4 and 5 Driving Li8 cences ond hove ot leost five years of driving experience Preference will be
      688 words
    • 621 23 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE Management Services Department reajwieo* (A) MANAGEMENT OFFICERS (B) ASSISTANT MANAGEMENT OFFICERS Applications ore invited from Citizens or P*r monent Residents of Singapo'e Malaysia with a good Honours Degree m Operations Research Management Science. Industrial Engineering, Computer Science or Business Administration and relevant working experience Preference will be
      621 words

  • 464 24 *pHK rate of increase of drug offences, which showed a twenlyfold rise in I!>7.'>, has shown signs of I downward trend this year, the Speaker of Parliament. Dr. Yeoh (jhim Seng, said last night. Dr. Yeoh. who was speaking at a ceremony at
    464 words
  • 116 24 S'pore Skyline display at OCBC Centre SINOAPORTi skyline. «cen throuf h the eyes of nearly 200 local art>*U. will be featured at an art exhibition organlawl by the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation in conjunction with the Inauguration of Its new 52-storey OCBC Centre in Chulla Btreet Impressions In oil. water
    116 words
  • 28 24 MR One Panf Boon. Urn Labour Minuter will opan Urn national lantern making competition exMMtton and riodk ronUrt «t Hone Us* Oracn today at I pm
    28 words
  • 144 24 BRIDES GALORE AT WEDDING CEREMONY ONE hundred and fifty blushing brides yesterday shared the limelight as they exchang?d marital vows with their grooms at a mass wedding ceremony. The ceremony was highlighted by the cutting of a giant cake by two selected couples, followed by a Chinese feast About 1.700
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  • 40 24 POUR pupil* of Ohlm Moh Secondary School found a wallet belonging to Mr Joseph Yap Pon Urn of Malacca The owner can claim the wallet from the principal of Ohim Moh Secondary School PorUdown Road
    40 words
  • 367 24 'Asean can have industrial leaders in 10 years' ANEW breed of homegrown" industrial enterpreneura and technologists will emerge In Aaean countries in the next 10 years, accord Ing to a University of Singapore lecturer The arrival of Awtn Joint- ventures would also set the pace for Industrial development and competitive
    367 words
  • 131 24 GUAM may send a team here soon to be trained In botanic science techniques. Its Oovernor. Mr Rlcardo Bordella said Ouam would also like to invite Singapore businessmen to explore Investment opportunities there, he added Commending S1 n fa- pore on Its cleanliness. Mr Bordella.
    131 words
  • 167 24 LITTII Wilson Tan Chjre KUat (above with his mother) who is all set to start bawling, has really nothing to cry about. For be had )u»t won first prlie in the middle sec tI o n 'M* to 12 months) of a
    167 words
  • 298 24 CINOAPORES dlversl- fled export trade in terms of commodities and of oversea markets has made It more resilient to the worldwide recession, according to a i senior lecturer of the University of Singapore Economics Department, Dr SV Lee Singapore did not 1 suffer
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 118 24 £v«p can of Skelltox contains M^ ptMerful Vapona. The effective t B formula that kills all insects in one quick spray. BsbbW ffawPsvL Nett Contents 510 mis (id b (Ay. pressure at 30° C is 290 kN/mj? &ll IbbsssssMbssssssssssss%sss>__^ Shelltox kills both flying and crawling pests in one go Shelltox
      118 words
    • 105 24 I9UZU f^trol/Otmmi tf^C^^ MAZDA FIOOO am rmnwt wmn 2/2 ton* L^K l__A\t jam £0! %> <^^aV^aa^|k __^^bs>bs*«J fe m BsF^BSs! BSS^. 'Bssi BSST^^^^^B^BSFiB as^^^^ Mfc hew mxtmnOmd from cmr rwntml to m MAZDA trucks V ISUZU trucks |g BEPH V n 4a» s. a. **<v\ \V. mAZDAtaroo v *IWX \VI
      105 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 856 25 ©SAF FURTHER YOUR EDUCATION AND BUILD YOUR CAREER IN THE SAF BOYS' SCHOOL I PURPOSE Of SCHOOL Set up m 1975. the Boys' School provide* a new form of education to boysM I who ore keen to pursue their studies ond ot the some time make a career m H
      856 words
    • 775 25 SAF" s EARN WHILE YOU LEARN SCHEME I Thu icheme it tot young m*n who do not possess a HSC or on O' level certiticote but ore willing to work hard to succeed m life The SAF will provide you with the opportunity if you hovf the determination to teorn
      775 words
    • 346 25 m Cy*\ patersoh, simons i \j3j CO. (S) PTE. LTD. Hove a voconcy for o Retail/Wholesale Salesman I m their Trodirtg Division to canvass retailers. I I wholesalers ond departmental stores to sell con- I I sumer and durable goods Existing good con- I I tocts with the trodc will
      346 words
    • 277 25 FAR EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE SABAH, BRUNEI AND SARAWAK FREIGHT CONFERENCE NOTICE TO SHIPPERS TARIFF OF ADDITIONAL RATES WITH TRANSHIr'Mr N I WKSTBOI'NM PART II GROI PS to 6 (Deniah and Swedieh Porta) The Con/erence has been Informed by oncarrylng Lines to those Danish and Swedish poru under Groups 1 to
      277 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 618 26 PECIFIC DEVELOPMENT CREDIT BERHAD Applications are invited from candidates to fill the following vacancies existing within the Group of a listed public company 1 HUE riMCfMSt OfFICE* The successful applicant is required to supervise the hire purchase and leasing function of an associated company Professional qualification though preferred is not
      618 words
    • 1738 26 BUMIPUTRA TRAINEE SALES REPRESENTATIVE (Heavy Equipment) I Applications are Invited from Bumlputras to fill I in one vacancy for a Trainee Sales RepreeenI tative. Qua— csalin. MCE although HSC will be an advantage I experience: No previous selling experience Is reg itred but the successful candidate would have to be
      1,738 words
    • 170 26 SALES MANAGER A weM siablsshsrl and fast expanding motor firm invites aprftfrU*""* fror- Malaysians for the poet of Sales Man spar. The person should have at least 5 years of sales experience and a thorough understanding of the automotive trade, he must be dynamic, wttn a proven ability to motivate
      170 words
    • 1086 26 UMW RECON SDN. BHD MATERIALS MANAGER $30,000 pt annum Description ot Thb b an tnportont pdsfflon. newty Position: created within the company, requiring a mature and responstote person. The successful candidate wi be in charge ot Inventory plan ning and control, purchasing, qua Ity control, fabrication octtvtrles. transport schedulng and
      1,086 words
    • 368 26 UEMBACA l-f h«KM I Mil. 4 M I.MIA. MALAYSIA Tawaran tnwaran iMlslsa dl Jrmput daiipada tvarikat dan ptmbtktl yanj tvrdaftsr ufi tuk pfmbtkiltn dan «rri« k»r ja yanf bertkut Purchaa* of I computer ap phr attoiw by Batch P laf In th* National Pa mil* PUaa Inf Board, aptclrltd a*
      368 words

  • 2580 27  -  BLUE PETER By Outsider Look Again pays $110 for place POOL: SS.7M 1st No ***** HtJHt> 2nd N«. 5*74* (S7tS) Jrd No ***** (S342. 8TABTEM <*43 each): Nn. SM4« M«U 5M«9 MISS tZMl S5297 52*55 SM79 51t7« ***** 544*1. CONSOLATION (134 emeki: No*.
    2,580 words
  • 77 27 TOKYO. Sun Jspan's Maaaahl Oaakl today shot a three- under- par 88 to win the 30 million yen (81*6.--000 > Hiroshima Open golf tournament here with a three-round total of 300 Oaakl. starting today's final round with a threestruke lead. won by one stroke from
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 29 27 MANILA. Sun PUlpino featherweight Netne Jim last night won a unanimous decision over British CoaunonweaJth junior lightweight champion Barry Michael In their 10-round non-title bout st Cebu Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 185 27 /OCKXY Velayutham nt suspended two month* by to* itewardi for not allowing mperlal Olltter to nan on iv bmIU In rime* Bcht at •enmnf on Saturday The Stewards concluded he Inquiry into the running if IsmsMrtaJ Glsttsr on the Irst dar or the Ptnanf Mptsai bi
    185 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 151 27 Meet another proven ZANUSSI world Scries MemberTHE ZANUSSI GAS COOKER I nrd and trstrd by housewives internationally Zanussi Gas Cookers arc genuinely in the World Series range of Zanussi products. The Zanussi blue flame is especially popular with housewives because it gives even heat distribution and < on< miration, enabling
      151 words
    • 907 27 I SELANQOR DREDGING BERHAD MOTICI OF MIITING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat me FIFTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of SELANGOR DREDGING BERHAD win be heM m t*e Registered Office of the Company. Wtsma Tert Wen Sang (2nd Floor) 12-B Jalan Banda/. Kuala Lumpur on the 23rd day of September 1976 at
      907 words
    • 989 27 KEIOPA LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN JOHOR TEN66ARA KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlp«4awa dan pambofongpamborong yang bardaftar sabagai pamborong Bumlputra dangan JKR dan Lambaga Kamajuan Jonor Tanggara dalam Kaia* C dan kaatas dibawah Kapaia 1. Pacahan Kapaia 2 akan ditarima di Paiabat Pangurus Baaar. Lambaga Kamaiuan Johor Tenggara. Ho 677. Jalan Patn. Johor
      989 words

  • 1060 28 Spurs storm back for spectacular win over United LONDON, Sun. George Best, the maverick Ulsterman, whose genius on the field has been equalled only by his antics off it, took just 90 seconds to mark his return to Eaglish soccer yesterday and it was enough for his new club, Fulham.
    1,060 words
  • 573 28 nMT mviMON Artrnal 0 Manrh*ilrr Cll» 0 Arton Villa 4 Ipawtrh 1 Bristol ("■(> ftundtrtaixl I. h—4* 7 IMfby t Lwiim I Ewrton 1 Uotrpool 3 o.»nu> 1 MUKtvnlrr Unltrt 2 Totwnhwn J MMMtnborouch 1 NraruU* HorwKh I Buminf DM QHMfw Park lUn«m I *ru Bromwirti Makr
    573 words
  • 342 28 AMERICAN Bruce Voncannon yesterday lost the Sukan Open men's singles tennis final to Indonesia's S. Samudra by 3-6. 7-6, 3-6— but won an offer from Singapore Lawn Tennis Association to coach their Junior players, reports BERNARD <*£REIFA. The 21 -year-old Nanyang University lecturer accepted the
    342 words
  • 82 28 NSW YORK. Sun Results of major league baseball game* played yesterday ■irlm: Detroit Milwaukee Chicago 4 Minnesota o; New York Yankee* Baltimore Met gamc> Baltimore New York Yankees 1 (2nd game). Boston 7 Cleveland (Ist game). Cleveland Boston (Ind game): rTf" City 7 Texas 0. California t
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 196 28 HURRICANE BATTING BY KING, GREENIDGE ONDON. Sun OotJon Orcen;dge <M> and Collla King 161). In an amazing fourUi-wlcket partnership, blasted 101 runs In only 35 minutes for West Indie* on the opening dsy of the thteeday cricket match against T n Pearcc's Eleven at Scarborough yesterday It was u>e highlight
    196 words
  • 653 28 STIPE S REPORT JOCKEY Manaor has been suspended three race days by the stewards for careleaa and inconsiderate riding on ■Site n in Race 7 on Saturday The Stipendiary Steward's report on Saturday's races at Penang RACE 1: Ciliaa MaaaWta IUC Lam> proved difficult to be placed
    653 words
  • 146 28 NIW YORK Sun Result* of roller? American fcctball matches played yesterday UTj Delaware 8l 9 Elisabeth City St 7 BOITH: Furman 17 No Carolina St 12 Memphis St >1 MUsiaaippt 16 M.sslisalppt St 7 No Texas St 0 Morehead Si 31 Marshall 14 Murray St 14 SB Missouri
    146 words
  • 309 28 Murakami putts his way to 2nd A KRON. Ohio, Sun Takashl Murakami s Incredible putting— he had 30 one-putts In three rounds has the Japanese deep In contention for the World Series of Golf championship here today Murakami's third round of par 70 yesterday moved him to 209 and within
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 412 28 Hard day's work for Evonne, Connors and Borg YEW YORK. Sun A Evonne Ooolagong, of Australia. Jimmy Connors, of the United ft and Bjorn Borg. of Sweden, had to work hard for their victories in the United States Open Tennis Championships a t Forest Hills, here, yesterday but defending women'i
    412 words
  • 47 28 LONDON Sun Richard Dunn yesterday signed to defend his Pritlsh heavyweight boxing title against Job Bugner the former champion. at Wembley's Empire Pool on Ort 12 Bugner retired f.<<m the ring last January tut said recently he would rome back for just one fight —AP
    AP  -  47 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 68 28 Humeplast gggg«u— makes life easier for you. IL ■■a^B^ laaataT .M baaaW ~^A W ,tV, aaa^^^^^l Law bbbbl Continuing a great series of French >^RVbkw provincial cuisine. This time around, the yy^lW^^. palate palpability of provisions from //^M I i^^^^^Jhere's something special for y/ /^k Pork. Beef. Lamb. Frogs Legs.
      68 words

  • 1116 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA LITTLE JAYAMANI DAZZLES B> I ITTLE K. Jayamani the "ThumbeJ liua" of the Singapore team was once again the toast of the National Stadium crowd when she won the women's and played a major role in the !.600m relay success on the final day of
    1,116 words
  • 115 29 WE NEED MEN, NOT SOFTIES ONLY players who want a soft life will withdraw from the National team because of the return of coach Choo Seng Quee. Beng Quee takes charge of the squad as from today Ke is. without doubt, a disciplinarian— a dedicated coach who expects 100 percent
    115 words
  • 23 29 BI'RNSriELD B teat Prince Ranter* 4-0 in a rnendly aoccor match at Changl yesterday Scorers Joharl. Said Sunny Chanutm and Bala
    23 words
  • 422 29 AS his former tutor and newly appointed coach Choo Seng Quee watched on the sidelines, elegant Moh a m mcd Noh came alive to score two goals and inspire Toa Payoh to a 5-1 win over Chang! in their League Division One match at Geylang
    422 words
  • 486 29  -  GODFREY ROBERT By \fAQSOOD Ahmad wore down top seed Atlas Khan into submission to win the Singapore Open men's squash championship by 6-9. 9-5, 9-3, 9-2 ft TangUn yesterday. For Maqsood. the -op Pakistani amateur, victory meant more than the title He had voiced his dissatisfaction
    486 words
  • 267 29  -  PETER SIOW By SOUTH KOREA'S Monopoly trounced Malaysia by 111-85 in the final to win the Pesta Sukan basketball tournament title at Oay World Stadium last night. Stocky Korean International yjo Hee Hyung won Individual honours with hla lightning runs along the flank and his exceptional
    267 words
  • 137 29 Karim nets winner MOUNTBATTEN FC i maintained their top position In the NFL Dlv 3 tao;e wnen they beat Kampong Java F. C. 1-0 at the Fairer Park Athletic Centre yesterday The goal was scored In the 85th minute of the game. Kampong Java were unlucky to lose the match
    137 words
  • 37 29 ROMS. Sun Cornell* ▼an OMten-fUtfcn. of Holland, won Ut« women S3 kllofiutr* road ntm in th* World Cyellnf Championship* at Ostunl vnttrdajr Second vai Lufcina BlaanU, of Italy, and third Yvonm Beynderi. or Belgium KruUr.
    37 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 831 29 How to enter -i^ DRI7P IHH Just read through all the clues provided on lOt. i f llaCaU. Iww t SB»%IM?^o l 'l!Jj^w5 I SS. r 2* urn ckets K Consolation Prizes already filled in most of the blanks. Then »O Mong Kong With Of a flSChertechnik answer a few
      831 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous

  • 157 30 rIS is Vlkln- r. tint plrtvre of th- Mir larr of Mar* taken ithm minutes after the spacecraft touched down la«t Krida* la a region named I topU 7.4 M km from iking I's landing spot 45 days ■SfafM The flr«t look at the landing site
    157 words
  • 33 30 BKIORADE. Sun Pr«- udrtii Nicola* Ceauararu of Rumania mill visit YufOtla- 4lm Pretldrnt Til. r ullu originally scheduled a year ago and then abruptly cinreiled. the two (uwrnmenti announced >t»- i
    33 words
  • 57 30 JOHANKXBBURO. Sun South African not police said today they had received icporu that black worker* were planning a nationwide strike starting on Tuesday Retldenta of Sowcto the huge African township out>lde Johannesburt. said today Uvcy had heard talk of a new strike being planned to
    57 words
  • 269 30 rreHERAN, Sun 1 The Ir a n ian Government said today that security a rents had killed at least one of the six terrorists who assassinated three American civilian technicians of Rockwell International on Aug. 28. An official statement said Hassan KllaJ-Pour allegedly a
    AP; UPI  -  269 words
  • 52 30 AMMAN. Sun. King Huaartn of Jordan left ln-r* for London today (or a private vi«it of unknown duration, the Royal Palace announced The monarch waa accompanied by two of M- top aides head of the Royal Cabinet. Sheriff Abdul Hamld Shark? and Royal Court Minister Amer
    AP  -  52 words
  • 414 30 SEOUL, Sunday United Nations 1 Command (UNO and North Korea meet again tomorrow amid growing signs that their running talks seeking new security arrangements in the truce village of Panmunjom to prevent clashes are near full agreement. The latest indication pointing to the orogrtss of
    UPI  -  414 words
  • 169 30 FORT LAUDERDALE. Sunday A POLICEMAN'S wife tried to shoot her estranged husband and then held more than 50 police officers at bay with a barrage of guneflre for over an hour yesterday, police said In this Florida city today. No one was wounded
    169 words
  • 270 30 BRIGHTON. Sunday rE powerful British trade unions are considered certain to back the Labour Governments economic recovery programme this week but warn that It must bear fruit by next year. Organised labour is set to vent Its growing exasperation with the slow pace
    Reuter  -  270 words
  • 108 30 MM CNth >w< MOM (<W* Madam Tim «i»w HoU (UIH •«•> p»«c*ruii)r oft sih a*p«Mßk«r I»T« Conrit will !•«>. 11l J>:an A— ia« Kuala Lampwr <m 7ik •tixraibw ItTS at It' 00 a m lor C»i«m» —mtttri Sracti Bni MS». TMAMCAM VALUAMMAI HUH away p»«r»fuliy J 7a Lortrg* Mm
    108 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 174 30 YOU NEED NOT BE BALD Why don't you make an effort to have hair again? i For many years we have specialised in the Aj 2aWgM. replacement of hair It ,j4I |^^4 has been our good AmShU^ fortune to enable many J|Bao^ay#9p hundreds of clients to w CIVvJV h.ive a
      174 words
    • 334 30 11 Vitamins 7 Minerals ggggggg^a^^^^H Iron BBwQ^aaaaal 1 Wheat Germ Oil P^** Rutin A Biotm gggggMLf Pollen* Extract GBXI Vital Ammo Acids Since the dawn of His tory Man has dreamed Er>%-a-iwa-i of an Elmr of Life i give him eternal youth His quest has yet to be I fulfilled
      334 words