The Straits Times, 29 August 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2102 AUGUST 29, 1976 30 CENTS M.C (P) 427/76
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  • 478 1  -  PAUL WEE By Murderer knew his victim? AN attractive 30 year-old spinster was foi.nd brutally murdered in her three room Housing Board flat in Marine Crescent yesterday. Police identified her ;is Lee Cho Tee, ;i former primary school clerk, who w;is round dead with Kvere
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  • 325 1  -  S. M. MUTHU By HE U a water-baby wbo learnt to swim and skim even before he knew how to walk or talk. Some grown-ups dread water, but Brandon Tro. only 14 months old. swims like an otter, feeling completely
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  • 133 1 THANOM'S WIFE FLIES TO BANGKOK BANOKOK. Bat. The wife of Field Marshal Thanom Kittlkachorn. self-exiled former Premier of Thailand ousted in 1973. arrived here today to see her husbands ailing father. The old man. VI, *-as this week reported by a doctor to be seriously, ill Just three weeks after
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 103 1 POLOMBO, Sat. —An V/ opposition MP told Parliament here that the state- run Ceylon Observer published comments from three housewives on the Non-aligned Conference on the day their names appeared in the obituary column of a rival newspaper Mr. Priru Ounasekera. of the Sri
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 197 1 'Cairo army massing at border' WASHINGTON. Sat. A COLUMBIA Broadcasting System news broadcast yesterday quoted sources in Washington as saying Egypt has massed 30,000 troops along its border with Libya and that Egyptian Chief of Staff. General Mohammad Gamassy, has called off a scheduled visit to Britain. The sources said
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  • 60 1 KOTA KINABALU. Sat. The opposition United Sabah Nationals Organisation i Usno last night elected former Sabah State Chief Minister Mohamed Said Keruak aa acting party president to replace Tun Mustapha Ha run The Usno Supreme Council which held an emergency meeting said It accepted "with much regret"
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 247 1 Ali: I'm the father of Veron's child ST. JOSEPH (Michi gan). Sat. Heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad All has admitted in a legal document disclosed today that br is the father of an illegitimate child. In a certificate of parenthood filed with the Berrien county rrgister o' deeds. All acknowledged hr
    AP  -  247 words
  • 38 1 COP»NHA(.rS Sat A IS Air Force transport plane carry Inc some 30 passengers and crew cra»hed near Soendre Stroemfjord In Greenland today. Greenland radio reported. There was no word on survivors. AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 1065 1 New US demand on N. Korea IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF GUARDPOSTS ESSENTIAL* PAN.VWJNJOM, Saturday THH United States today demanded that North Korea immediately remove its guai(l|K>sts from the southern side of the military demarcation line (afDL) as an indication of safety assurances foi American secui ity officers in this truce village.
    AP; NYT; UPI  -  1,065 words
  • 198 1 48 held in swoops following detective's murder JOHORE BARU. Sat Police have detained 43 secret society members and subversive elements In state-wide swoops following yesterday's killing of a Special Branch detective In Tanipol, eight km from here. State Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigation. Asst. Commissioner Mr. Olan Singh said
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 The new Rolex Centre is at The Gnmnd Floor Orchard Towers ROLEX RatritMtm- Orchard T «r». Owl** Rd '«l J^OJJ .-...mowiFtaof Oca* BohfeM Co«T«O«a» t«l ty&WrTHE MOVIE fWDtfsTßy^M^^i^B^W!^^ffi^Mß^^rJ!!;A E I! CT o^ -AND BRUCE LEE -no J/MKttKKKKKK^^^O// J REk -<«t 4&*~ I Quality you can trust!
      46 words
    • 188 1 GEMS JEWELLERY U.S. de SILVA SONS, Jewellers 62, 24, RAFRXS PLACE, SINGAPORE 1 TEL: ***** Gift Cheques. The perfect gifts. Our Gilt Cheques They're/ \Savmgs Accounts Current perfect No duplication of gifts Accounts Cash Dispensers No worries about gift ideas fa j^^ Dnve-m Banking Night Safes And theveven come g>tt
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 301 2 LONDON. Sat CCOTLAND Yard's fraud squad is investigating a possible multi-million dollar swindle by officials of the Bank of Kn gland manipulating Britain's foreign currency laws. The Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Norman Skelhorn, ordered the probe Into the bank's exchange
    UPI  -  301 words
  • 190 2 ENGLAND GETS FIRST RAIN IN 40 DAYS LONDON. Sat The first rain In nearly 40 days brushed lightly over southern England yesterday but. It brought no relief to the worst drought since the Middle Ages In South Wales, where only a few weeks' water remains In depleted reservoirs. Drought Minister
    UPI  -  190 words
  • 91 2 LONDON. Sat. Big Ben boomed out the word yesterday that Britain's most famous clock was back in business. The bel returned to life after the clock mechanbm broke down on Aug. 5 for the first time in 123 years. Engineers got the clock going again, without the
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  • 220 2 Man: I faked 3,000 'old masters' for dealers LONDON, Sat. A 59--year old former houstpainter says he has unloaded 2.000 to 3.000 fake "old masters" on the London art world in the past quarter century. The claim by Tom Keating has set off an uproar in London where the British
    UPI  -  220 words
  • 37 2 NICE (France). Sat A booby-trapped car exploded today in the centre ol Nice, killing a man and injuring five, police said The blast took place in a crowded street, they added Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 67 2 LONDON Sat Seventeen people wrrr killed tuday when a US Air Force C 141 Starlifter transport plane crashed in eastern England. the of Defence said The minutry uid the plane tv carrying a crew vi 11 <tnd four pamengrra. believed to be civilians, on
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 26 2 HARRISBURO Prnruylvanla). Bat US Oovrrnmrnt health official* say the outbreak of thr mystrrious Irgicnnairts' disruc that tuu killed 28 people apparently Is over AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 233 2 Giscard warns new cabinet: I won't stand for failures PARIS. Saturday PRESIDENT Valery Giscard d'Estalng to- day told the new French Government he expected his ministers to form a strong, united team and warned them that no failures could be tolerated. Presiding over the I first cabinet meeting since Prime
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 341 2 SEOUL. Saturday r*X-PRESIDENT Yun Po-Sun and former presidential candidate Kirn Dae-Jung were sentenced to eight years in Jail in probably the first trial on political dissension in South Korea. Yun. who was 79 on Thursday, and Kirn the chief rival of President Park
    Reuter; AP  -  341 words
  • 308 2 Want to stop smoking? Try a clip on the ear LONDON, Sat A family doctor in I. i»i Ancrlet has introduced a controversial nrw treatment Tor patirnts who want to lose weight. stop smoking, drinking or taking drugs stapling their rars. according to a report in thr London Sunday Timrv
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  • 512 2 JULIANA MAY ABDICATE YET, SAY PAPERS rpHF Lockheed Aircraft m. Corporation scandal which led to the downfall of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was front -page news In many countries today, with many papers expressing sympathy for. Queen Juliana. Some also speculated that further revelations about the Prince's dealings with
    Reuter; AP  -  512 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 387 2 CjT Coming soon. Pga An uncommon E| medium for E9 uncommon mv markets. I M speak many languages, «bjbb honour many different customs. We exist compete and prosper within many ga^BM, different social and economic systems. 5^5 Yet throughout Asia, businessmen share ■Ht i mmon need. Timely, accurate, 4B*ho ■:<■•;'
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  • 418 3 'pilk Soviet I'ukni \\;is unlikely t<» iiit its growing ii. i \.il Hit I since it l>clieved its presence particularly in Easl ami So ii tli .ist .'\s|.i .mil thf Western Pacific produced political •s. according t<> leading American strategist Professor William Griffith.
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  • 80 3 Bl I Ml> \IKIs >lt Policr ha c wurnrd Argrntiurs to bruurr of prnplr uho •>j> it with Mowers iftrr bouqurts ilrlitrrril to two fnrrign ■•inp.itiit s rxplodrd. I uo oroplr wrrr inJurrd on Thursday by hotnhs plantrd in bunrhrs of blooms. a ccord- ing
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 246 3 Why 400" mums lick stamps on doc's orders LONDON. Sat. Hundreds of women all over Britain hay? started to lick stamps under doctor's orders. And they will still be licking them In 1978. The stamps are a new kind of oral contraceptive which may replace the familiar birthcontrol pill. They
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  • 24 3 JAKARTA. Sat —Mr Saleh Suady. 62. deputy chief editor of the Muslim Weekly magazine, died here yesterday after a long Illness. Reufr
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  • 265 3 Thai-Khmer border opens for trading BANGKOK, Saturday rpHE Thai-Cambodian border, closed since A the Khmer Rouge takeover In Cambodia 16 months ago, will reopen on Monday for trade purposes only, the Thai liaison officer at the border said today. Mr Sanong Charupat head of the Thai border Bttee. noted that
    AP; UPI  -  265 words
  • 36 3 TAIPEH Set— A Japanese woman and 11 Taiwanese were, recently arrested by anti-narcotic agents on charfri of manufacturing and trafficking amphetamine, an Illegal drug in Taiwan. the Justice Ministry's Investigation bureau reported to-day-AP
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  • 198 3 OAKLAND. Sat—Before a backdrop of srejuined elephants and a sober throng of moM-eyed cirrus folk, two of the world's tiniest circus stars were anltrd in marriage Ir the main ring of thr Oaklnd Colisrum. a Elisabeth Ritter. 39. thr IS kilocrammr bridr.
    AP  -  198 words
  • 167 3 PNAJI (India). Sat A Chinese sailor held on a charge of murder for 11 years before be Inn tried has been acquitted In this southwest Indian town, the Indian news agency Samachar reported. The sailor. Lv King Chueng. was arrested
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 279 3 U.S. SENATE OPPOSES SALE OF MISSILES TO SAUDI ARABIA WASHINGTON. Sat. Plans by President Ford's administration to sell 1.000 alr-to-alr Sidewinder missiles to Saudi Arabia met opposition yesterday In the US Senate. Critics of the proposed sale say It would upset the military balance In the Middle East and that
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 53 3 HONGKONG Sat —Cathay Pacific Airways announced today it intends to add Mrlbournr to Its network, beginning on Dec. 4. Thr announcrmrnt said CPA. subject to govrrnmrnt approval, will oprratr two of its mrrkly Australian servicrs to Mrlbournr CPA lut fur flights to Sydney and four to
    AP  -  53 words
  • 41 3 MANILA. Sat Tn* C*ntral Bank today announced thr formation of a thrre-man committre to begin hrarmgs on thr poanlblr establishment of offshorr banking in the Phlhppinrs. In a move to raakr thr country an important Asian financial crntrr Rrutrr
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  • 18 3 BANOKOK. Sat China and Cambodia have signed a trade agrrrmrnt Radio Phnom Penh reported today Reutci
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  • 208 3 7LMOHT games at the ll New York City morluary Included call girls and gambling with municipal cars laid on to ferry women to dlal-a-pro-stltute clients, police said today. A mortuary clerk, a chauffeur and an unemployed labourer have been charged with running
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 -^-^-^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^j^-^-j^P^^P-^MjaajMaja^^^^^^^^B ie ansvk- you set us for trie wash and we do trie And inside the horizontal stamtess steel drum and glazed steel jtomaticaMv Ail through 1 4 different programmes tub are built to protect your clothes c Ma'k I and Mark ll washing machines are E ven WO o"ens
      181 words
    • 432 3 Wfehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of LtfaVawaWC: North Central hack mo.i- ilnin l it's realty ii phfiethat our steady growth ha> made iv an im portant name in British banking ;in<l in Individuals and institutions the world make their monry grow by depoatting with us
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  • 233 4 A CONTRACTOR paid $730 "coffee money" to three thieves foe the return of equipment worth more than $7,(NJU which they si<>k- From his workshop v district judge heard yesterday. TV.*- thieves were approached by an Inter mediary a few days after the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 449 4 7 I CL > '■a. FESTIVAL Distinguished Patron Minister For Culture, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong GRAND HNALS 19 September 1976 (Sunday) Time: 7.30 p.m. re Conference Hall $3. $2 8 $1 Proceeds will go to the SINGAPORE ANTI NARCOTICS ASSOCIATION ADDED ATTRACTIONS A Mini .xh.txtion of Braas/Woodwind Instruments and Taaching
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    • 2 4 "^l^r I
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    • 461 4 I for the first time in tape history uDX 120 series lets you make professional quality tapes on your home recorder Record li»« music on your hi-fi and achlava better perlormanc* than prof«»tlonal studio recorders. The new dbx 120 series tapenoise-reduction system provides 40 dB noise reduction with reel-to-reel, cartridge
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1654 4 ll'l highlights bybahynesung Million Dollar Man. comes face to face with another blonlc man. who is being used by a former government employee as a tool In his nefarious activities In "The Blonic Criminal." On Ch. 5 at 745 Dm (Colour' WHEN Harry O receives a girt of rare cologne
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    • 243 4 CARA WILLIAMS In The Happy State of Depression ex convicts In "Instltu tlonallsed Man." On Ch. 5 at 525 pm (Coloun A YOUNG financial genius plans to buy over a plastic company and In doing so. renews an old romance with the owner's daughter James Garner and Natalie Wood star
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    • 260 4 grammes, feature Alms, and musicals. CHARLES Ingalls has the heartbreaking task of having to separate a widow's young children after the death of their mother Then the toujh and shagpy Mr Edwards makes a surprise announcement In the concluding half of "Remember Me." In Little House on the Prari<». WEDNESDAY:
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  • 705 5 gINfiAPOREANS still seek cures outside modern hospitals, surgery and wonder-drugs, placing their faith in mystic men, hypnosis and acupuncture, ex ports discussing the controversial frontiers of medicine have disclosed. The lure of (he mysterious and the fascination for Vb» occult
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  • 230 5 Medical students who shun mentally ill Mr DI A L undergradiiates do not mml ihr Home lor the Aged *nd are reluctant to sprnd more than a week* clinical potting at Woudbridge Ho-.pUal. says the Minuter for Health. Dr loh Chin thye. I his. be said, "demonu itr-. the fact
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  • 42 5 New PRO for Ming Court MISS Margarfl P H Tan hu bern appointed public relations officer of Mln« Court Hotel from August MIM Tan vu formerly a marketing coordinator with a local firm Prior to that, the »v an education uf ficer
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  • 568 5 r THE Industrial Arbi- tration Court has ordered Ben and Co. Ltd a firm of import, export and general merchant*, to pay compensatory damages to four of six employee* who were dismissed "without just cause or excuse." Of the remaining two employees.
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  • 95 5 TALENTIME CONTEST AT PEOPLE'S PARK rh Singapore Jayeees will hold a talentime contest daring ihe Nations Wealth Through Better Health exhibition at the People's Park complex from Sept 18 to tt. There will be t»o sections vocal and instrumental. Prises worth more than ftS.M* will be dUptayed at the exhibition,
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  • 52 5 THE Faculty of Medicine. University of Singapore, will hold a public lecture on The Present Stetui of Management of Thilanaimla at the Pathology lecture theatre on Sept 1 from 4 to p m The lecture will be given by Associate Protestor Dle■er A. Rachmllewiti of Hadajsah University
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  • 566 5 HP ÜBERCULOSIS remains a "ver> serious public health problem" in Singapore, despite the decline in new case notifications since 1964, doctors say. The little- noticed persistent cough, vague symptoms of not being well and even association with drug
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 300 5 New Escort I.IGL Beautiful Whichever way you look at it. Design Styling Safety Created by a heading European Disc brakes Radial Dly tyres design studio BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL p rf a Economy Kertorrnance $2 2 worth of petrol takes you Handling Tested m the toughest races New 'uei-saving some idle and
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  • Sunday Times
    • 298 6 npHESE dramatic 1 sequence pictures show how the tight started at Panmunjom, the Korean border armistice village, on Aug 18 which ended in the brutal killing of two US army officers. They were part of a United Nations Command (UNC) work party
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    • 52 6 TEHERAN Batf Urban furrillas iihi.t and killrd thre* Amrncan miliUry ..llicrrs vi a hich«ay amtHuti in a Trhrran suburb today. Iranian authorities rrportrd The victims werr tdrntifird as K< irti ("r ah Ou»rd William Catrrl and Smith mrmbrrs of thr IS military advl&ory group in
      AP  -  52 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 560 6 Now you can be •Jv a decision maker. >■ All you have to do is make the first I^^^T^^ decision, start a Home Study programme i A m with Collier Macmillan Schools. If you want to be a success, it's realty your own home —in your own spare time, up
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    • 285 6 COURAGE \L CONFIDfNCE JL^k leadership mWm on cJtmfmt 10 ways Ibf DaJf untiit foinf hrlat men aid woarn Sprat •<!•. B« at your l>«»f with any group Think and tpuk en fact Control laar I Baabaflar coa>a>xiiunal>>< Drvalup your htddan afcrlntaa promote* and a>-»lapi that* qualitoi in tho« wtia ara
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  • 456 7 Tiff over abuse on victim's daughter A 40 YKAHOU) bar wa i Iress, who nIM her MMgfcMf with boiling water, was sentenced to two weeks' jail and fined $'2.(MX) by a magistrate yesterday. Slah Chlo was found guilty of hurting Madam 81m
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  • 283 7 'Make aftercare service for ex-addicts compulsory' SOCIAL Affairs Minister, En c I k Othman Wok. yesterday said aftercare service for former drug addlr'ls has to be mandatory to be effective. Experience had shown that 1! coun<teiUng. ad vice and tjutdani »i-r» given only to those who voluntarily suught them, the
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  • 408 7  - Bringing out a million smiles with a $1 trick By NANCY BYRAMJI A SI AVt and elegant Hungarian walked I inlo a hotel cofTrehonse here, borrowed a SI note then proceeded to fold It up about a down times. "Do yo« »elle>e In magic?" he asked. Then be unfolded the
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  • 55 7 THE Singapore Guide and Street Directory (third Chinese edition) published by the Publicity Division. Ministry of Culture, is now available at M per copy from all leading bookstores TVls edition Includes many new road names as well as nsmes of hotels and housing estates which have come
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  • 35 7 Woodwind festival THE 2nd Singapore Bran and Woodwind Festival finals will be held at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sept II at 7 30 pm The proceeds will be donated to the Singapore AnilNarcotic* Association
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  • 36 7 THE Speaker of Parliament. Dr. Y«oh Ohim Sent. will prwetit awards and certificates for thoae who performed outstanding service during the National AnU-Dnif Abute Campaign at tht Wngapor* Oonferenc* Hall on g*pt I.
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  • 20 7 PEK K)o community centre to Cambrtdf* Road wtU hold (torjr-uUlnf competition on Saturday at 1 M p m
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  • 296 7 Spore hits out at US law on exclusive fishing zone UNITED NATIONS, Saturday CINGAPOREs chief delegate to the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea says US action to Institute a 320-km offshore exclusive fishing zone next March had had "the most adverse consequences to the success of this
    AP  -  296 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 NEW PACKAGE TOURS to (in conajnetnn with Qantas) MSS brings to you some fantastic New Zealand and Australian tours to suit your requirements. Go with us on a 21 days holiday to savour the couin 1 s attractions and delights of New Zealand and Australia Visit picturesque places like Christcnurch,
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    • 515 7 g^g^g^gi^^^^^n S n FJb A 1 l 1 O h W<2 in -J n Q i > S °I > «^HH W\ y a^g a^g a^g a^g a^g a^HHß& mm J OW^ SUNDAY 29th AUGUST 5? z 5 < I I cr S a 1 IS E 01 Pj I
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    • 186 8 Chili Kering gang smashed 14 members held KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday pOLICE have smashed a burglary gang called the Chill Kering gang operating in the Sentul area with the arrest of 14 af its memLKTa and recovery of more than M 530.000 worth of goods over the past four days. City
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    • 84 8 LISTING SHIP GROUNDED DORT KLANO Sat I The 13.500 -ton pilgrim ship Malaysia Raya was intentionally led In shallow here last night precaution against sinking Three tugboats. Klang. Kapah. Jenjarom. towed for 16 rom the deep point to nlne*aters near the „t night The Port Authority fire brigade chief. Major
      84 words
    • 139 8 10,000 IN PERAK FEAR FLOODS IPOH. Sat —About 10.000 riverine dwellers along the Perak River arc living in fear of Imminent floods as heavy rain continued to fall In the Ulu Perak and Perak Tengah areas. They are mostly farmers and rubber smallholders living in the Chenderoh Lake area near
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    • 202 8 KUALA llMril Sat— The Malaysian atleirtl odcal services will experiment with dynamic cloud seeding techniques to offset a droafht. Us dlreetor(eneral. Mr. Ho Tone Yuen, said today. The experiments will be spread out over the next Bye years, he added.
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    • 43 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Two men. one armed with a putol and the other with i knife. Jumped onto a moving lorry, forced thr driver to ■top before robbing a shop aatiitant teatcd beside him of 11.295 la*t nigh; In Jalan Segambut
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    • 53 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sal —The water level at the Klang Gate Dam has risen to 83.7 m, a waterworks department spokesman said today. The level yesterday was 83.4 m. "If we have more rainy days, the level at the dam will Increase, eliminating the necessity of water ra-
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    • 70 8 TAPAH. Sat Three people were killed and three others. Including a Petaling Jaya nune. Injured when their car was involved In a collision with a lorry in the main trunk road. 3 2 km south of here today. Police Identified the dead as railway worker K
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    • 747 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Federal Court has upheld a decision of the Borneo High Court In granting a writ of habeas corpus to the detained Sarawak National Party leader. Datuk James Wong. In March last year. It accordingly dismissed ihe appeal against the High
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    • 29 8 IPOH bmt Muslim* In P»r»k h«ve brrn warned to rrlraln from rating in *hop«. rca'.aurmnU and other public plarra during thr futinf period or (ace com action
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    • 198 8 VOICE YOUR GROUSES AS ONE GROUP, TRADERS ARE TOLD PENANO. Sat The Deputy Finance Mln- Ister. Mr. Richard Ho tonight urged "thinking Chinese" to speak up In an organised and disciplined manner on their real grouses. Mr. Ho was speaking I at a dinner hosted by i the Chinese Chamber
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    • 284 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat All foreign films must have Bahasa Mal a y sla subtitles before being sent to the Censorship Board, the Home Affairs Minister. Tan Sri Ghazall Shafie. said today The ruling would apply to all films lor public screening here
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    • 510 8 pOVERNMENT agenVI ries have been urged to draw up a timetable and procedures for the handing ov?r of their viable business to bumlputras. "Unless this Is done, the target for direct bumiputra participation In commerce and Industry will bo difficult to achieve." the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 264 8 COMPARE THESE FEATURES:- 4#\ fl* I^M F^lvSi AO^ Mosaic tiles to bathrooms and kitchen floors m^-J aw*V ■^■W »"^^<K\ Wails tiled to si n bathrooms and Kitchen %dalglaiglgl Wt\vJ*^ n mezzanine floor with Split level lounge/dtning iOJPX*^^ ->■* Marble floors to dining and lounge (Type C) wP^^ Bf^ Bttafc Hj^^^^
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  • 191 9  -  RAY VON D JANSEN By IT is Quitr normal tbougb impatient huNbandN never serin to get used to It fnr women to spend hours making up In friuii of a mirror. But yesterday th«->r five young women libniri Ju>t could not take
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  • 42 9 trafficker morB 1, Tat 1 :a yesiid the at they it 11 JO drug. lirtng tl l-.r •-n live plasInlng a nee and r M for each I!- faded guilty to igs and re years trukes of the
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  • 339 9 Schools civics periods used for other subjects CIVICS periods meant for moral instruction for students were being used In some schools to teach other subjects like mathematics, according to an Education Ministry official Mr. Urn Nal Tian. assistant director 1 Secondary schools section 1 who disclosed this yesterday, said In
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  • 29 9 THE Straits Un price in Penang yesterday gained S3 to cloee the week at 11.113 pe~ ptcul on an official offering down 10 tonnes to tonne*.
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  • 29 9 THE Primary Production Department announced yesterday that the Van Kleef Aquarium will be cloaed from Sept 1 to oct 31 (or the replacement of the air-condl-txmii.g unit
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  • 223 9 Don't hand door keys to contractor warning by HDB HOUSINO Board flat owners who give their main door keys to renovation contractors are facing the risk of burglary, the Housing Board said yesterday. This Is oecause police have enough reason to believe that certain contract workers duplicate keys entrusted to
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  • 40 9 THE National Museum will screen colour (lima 00 IndoI nesia and Kangaroos In Aua- tralla and New Ounlea on Sept 1 at p.m. at the N»--i tlonal Museum Admuaion la free on a I first-come-flrst-serve lain
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  • 36 9 UK Poo Kok Swee of Meaars Heller Factoring will apeak on Accounts receivable financing at the luncheon meeting of the Lions Club of Singapore (Host) on Bept 1 I at the Marco Polo Hotel
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  • 248 9 CV)NBTRUCTION of 1 Changi Airport Is in full swing, the Public Works Department said yesterday At the present rate of progress, phase one of the airport development can be expected to become operational by ma Phase one Involves the reconstruction and extension of
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  • 542 9 IF every teacher took on an additional two teaching periods a week. this would equal the workload of 1.400 teach ers and help solve the staff shortage problem In schools. This was the sugges Uon of Parliamentary Secretary (Education). Mr. Ahmad Mattar. at the
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  • 42 9 MR. YBO Bin Seng has been elected president of the Bincapor* Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers Union. Other official* are Mr Yeo Bng Kay. vlce-preatdent. Mr. O Kandaaamr general secretary. Mr VK Oopal. secretary and Mr. Tan KUxn Bean, treasurer
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  • 52 9 A MALAY Mm. labu dan Labi, will be shown at Urn National Library tomorrow at 3 p m and 4 pa The aim Is Mine acrwoad by the National Book Dr*»In plant Council In conjunction with the Book Pair now on at the Hilton Hotel Admlaaton
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  • 757 9 The decline in standard of English A UNIVER SITY lecturer in English yesterday warn, ed of the danger posed by the brand of English used by pop singers and certain writers. Dr. Lee Kok Cheong of the University of Singapore also gave results of past O-level English language examinations to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 104 9 Oa^s^a^^^^k A t 9m^w I W a m^m^m^m^Mmm LisM aaaaaaaaaWaflaafl aaa^efl W^aal '-~4a4aaaaW aaa^^^ S? i a«W k aadl fr^ mmm a^sVaiafl f-' m aaaaaaVaaaaaaW V Sm\ i 1 SI BBBaaaaaf V' >^bbbl /^ea^aaaW rV*«^ J \A^aU m^sar'^'V^vV'nvVT^f^SV^TTT^saßaaaaV tJmpePGr f s "ill -fif IS>^Hl (1st floor) Yair pot pourri of
      104 words
    • 687 9 CHOOSE YOUR OWN 4 f ORANGES sunkist lfw J Sweet, juicy each lU^ 1 SUGAR 2kg $2.55 NESCAFE STORAGE JAR iA Q^v USA 250g ?O«yVa# EVAPORATED MILK o King of Kings 410 g 9oV BUTTER NEW ZEALAND AA KIWI 250g ¥VsK ICE CREAM meadow gold ALL FLAVOURS ON OFFER CHICKEN
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 390 10 II'HEN and where to cane misbehaving tloni which have out at different times I the then Education Dr Lee Chiaw Meng. consider altering thearrang« then o/.-sted for administering conxjral p> '..shment to difficult pupils Mylni no reason for change Why the Ministry should now
      390 words
  • 652 10  -  PATRICK CORY: f: London BKII \IN S (a >trM (rowing Si thr t. u .»st of the I Mill 1 ri«ht»in iti' I- rout Pirtt. jii.l it ll tJUMiif i>n< rrn among MPv lommuml) workers and. r^pei i.ill.v ndll white immicr fur th.-
    Reuter  -  652 words
  • 837 10  -  CHAN HOK KEUNG: THE STATE OF THE FILM INDUSTRY IN KEY PRODUCTION CENTRES OF THE WORLD By r. Hongkong AFTER the boom In action thrillers that almost rivalled the great days of Hollywood, the Hongkong film industry is feeling the economic pinch and trying
    Reuter  -  837 words
  • 880 10 BOMBAY The motion picture Industry In this undisputed mm capital of India churns out three to four new films a week and many people here see every one of them. Bombay Is overwhelmed with huge posters advertising the latest releases, featuring
    Reuter  -  880 words
  • 766 10  - Hollywood faces another big showdown BRUCE RUSSELL: By Los Angeles fT»HE Hollywood film Industry, restored to hectic activity and bin profits during the just -ended recession, is once again facing the sort of creative and financial slump which nearly destroyed it In 60s 1 It's very worrisome. i says producer
    Reuter  -  766 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 26 10 The Day Date jm W9k SEIKO /^fyj QUARTZ Ajj lf m V jiffl Of Accuracy. fi\ seiko Someday all watches will be made this way
      26 words
    • 94 10 I I W|— »ssw -tjV I ■^WBji- i *^»^C HKjf ?f^f A e^vi I 1& 1 I mA BSShVY^K'c a I A I r sßßSH^Si^'te J I SkE <& I I g^SM fli fl-^ BSsV. .^SSWsW. jT_^ W I IT T^^ A^^-— BBBBBSBBBBSBBSBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBISSIBBBBSBBSS^L* i ]iig££i£££ lBfc^ J "*~j I i
      94 words

  • TimescoDe
    • 1737 11  -  BARBARA JEFFREY THE MIND DETECTIVES INVESTIGATE THE POLTERGEIST AT WORK Part Two oi the series by A WINDOW shatters without reason. A mirror cracks from side to side without being touched. A heavy armchair floats round the room. Vases take (light
      1,737 words
    • 1562 11 A youth called Helner Schultz had been sacked from the china shop where he worked because he broke too many pieces of valuable china. Helner said he never broke anything, cups, saucers and plates simply fell off their shelves In front of htm. The
      1,562 words
    • 856 12  -  PETER DACRE By IT is when she tosses 1 back her long fair hair to reveal the small, finely moulded face and the huge blue eyes that you realise why Twiggy became one of the top models of the 60s and a
      856 words
    • 752 12  -  MICHAEL BROWN FROM IN MONTE CARLO A FEW hours earlier he had been singing to dukes and duchesses at a £90 <Ss396> a ticket celebrity gala. flashing his teeth, making Jokes, pushing the seams of his skin-tight trousers to their limits. Afterwards had come the accolade of
      752 words
    • 339 12  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES London corner By DROUGHT news is big news in water-starv-ed Britain. Most of the time people talk about the crisis in serious tones. But it has Its funny side. So this week. I present a sample of the lighter moments of
      339 words
    • Article, Illustration
      20 12 "/f'l >in m«\? uniuri'iy ulhrupt \n tar < Mix huiulrnl hmi It up mln a lunklul ol mtttn
      20 words
      • 821 13 fAREERING across the office one morning earlier this month, I collided with a colleague and hf said "Gently, ma am, remember the day and date" Of co.i«. It was Friday the 13th I wish I could .cU you that 1
        821 words
      • 128 13  -  Wilfred Yeo L?L ROD STEWART: THE VINTAGE TEARS 1969-70 (MERCURY). 'The Vintage Years 1969--70" Is the re-packag-ing of Rod Stewart's first two so:o albums, "An Old Raincoat Will Never Let You Down" and "Gasoline Alley", into one double album. Those early days of '69 were days of
        128 words
      • 411 13 Ed a brilliant "Gasoline Alley." Besides showing Stewart at his most autobiographic ("Jo's L a m c n t", "Lady Day" and the title cut), "Gasoline Alley" with such classics as "Country Comfort," "Only A Hob o," "Jo's Lament" and "Gasoline Alley" also established
        411 words
    • 1051 14  -  JEAN ROOK By BARBARA Cartland is indestructible. She only looks like a tea rose that would drop all over the carpet If you blew on her. Her eyes are sapphire, her hair solid platinum. and her best friends diamonds. She
      1,051 words
    • Article, Illustration
      167 14 YOU can wear it to a banquet or to bed. The nig hUhlrt dress a spin-off of the classic shirtdress is a very versatile piece of garment. And this one, modelled by local mannequin Carrie Wong recently at the Hyatt Hotel's Crystal Ballroom, is glamor ous too.
      167 words
    • 671 14  - On the scent of men with a nose for fortune CHARLES LEFEBURE By A SEARCH which will affect every woman who has a bottle of perfume on her dressingtable, and every man who pays for It. Is being conducted In deadly earnest from a group of *iilte buildings htgn in
      671 words
    • 1815 15  -  Peter Southland INVESTORS' notebook r DAY'S article will conclude for the time bel n g our examination of lnterflrm comparison. You will recall that In le of April 25. I asked you to Imagine that you were given the Job of
      1,815 words
    • at the CINEMA
      • 489 16  -  By WALTER Matthau Is always good value even when he Is given little to do (e.g. his non-speak-ing cameo role a.« the tipsy bar customer in Earthquake) In THE SUNSHINE BOYS mow on at the Orchard i. an adaptation of Nell Simon's
        489 words
      • 562 16 IT is plain to ?ee 1 that THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION (now showing at the Capitol) is trying to cash in on the Jawt winning streak. The publicity is unabashedly pegged on to the Jaws bandwagon, but as someone once said, comparisons are odious
        562 words
      • 100 16 THE Singapore Film Society present* two Yugoslav films at two shows today at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rise al 4 p.m. and 8 p m The matinee Is TO LIVE ON LOVE, in colour and with English subtitles. It la directed by Kre&o Gollk and
        100 words
      • 251 16 DEATH OF A SALESMAN by Arthur Miller *tlli holds relevance In the world of to-day. A challenging drama. D. Murugan, the producer, •how* that the "gulfs arising from alien, cultural, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds" are merely mental barriers, surmountable through understanding and
        251 words
    • 417 17 SDMI singaporeans rivr rflic irni a had -1 hry pursue It to point of an oosr*sion. and this o\ pr-iH.upilion with it oftrn makes, us Ncem a r-pulsn. 4Urn breed to neichbours and tornurte they are wranf. I perhapt rntlooi. in r»i\
      417 words
    • 818 17 LESSON 19 (For beginners from 6 to 60) BIRO'S Opening b*sina with 1 (4. a bid to control the centre black squares, d 4 and e5. In conjunction with b2-b3 and Bcl-b2 White's l pen ing strategy resembles that In the Orang Utan Opening (1 b4i discussed
      818 words
    • 1114 17  -  CHARLES KAISER: New York By fkOMINICK Lamo- nlca enlisted In the army for three in July 1968 He was 23 years old, and he was about to begin a bizarre seven-year odyssey For reasons the army I illy explain, a was never paid during his
      NYT  -  1,114 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 114 11 375,000 f«j EXAM SUCCESSES Jr.,,...,., w >mm wa. *m* awartnil) >uh 't Much* mi l> or wi lU »i t%nrt t L.L.B. i lon i tin. Irtmin fMimf— t Nut? tnmas. *wet fro* UmTT m t»- u l "'"-/"aiia|t««iil nofum imi -j> row A(M vorUmar f Harktti*! nr— il
      114 words
    • 457 11 There never seems to be time Nc» restaurants la gSagaWM Mrs s.».n Tovfwcwj enough, when you visit Hon^ Koqg rVoplc to metrt 1 ratllinci I i Ltd Just you get into the swing There s trw HOMMI «>t bun* s Singapore Milton Hotel or things, it s time to iauh
      457 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 342 12 B^B^^. a\\ m Ws '7? V\\ B^B^r X^ wBaVVk a^Bßm 4b^^ j f JA\ am B^r Aa^aV am\ am JT f MmM am w j£ IS "JaaHam JT'Lancome and a beautiful complexion You know that the natural bcaaty of your skin is preserved with proper daily care. B^9*ai feNaniai Rut
      342 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 904 13 Are you handicapped by your English? Arc you lontrnt «nih the *t\ jrvl ho* M MBMM |MUi iJc»s >ou tprik irul orilc' Vr ..<u flucnilv >ure that >ou .irr noi miking The Mud\ requires onl> a mutikrv irut uu^ r*»T'< i t le- time jnj trrt moderate frt\ underrate >.hj
      904 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 347 13 __L^^^__L I __L/^^ A i __t^^^ J-__M-M-_---_M___-----fll V I).. M M 19 THIS cou'd be an Important week careerwlse Gradually ynu re building up confidence In your own ability and netling other people Interested You have something to think about on Monday that could set you planning for some personal
      347 words
    • 330 13 YOU mast clear up routine problems this week: You'll get a splendid opportunity of doing so. Some newcomer In your group gives you the right Ideas and you can settle down to Ret yourself organised. Good luck ovei property will be with you In the middle ol the week: You
      330 words
    • 341 13 ■1 Xu( 22 mm i NEW Ideas come your way this week and suggestion! that i you take up an lnter- > esting new job. Money is promised and you may get the first Instalment of It on Saturday though -you will have to wait till r next year to
      341 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 540 14 Adi erturrntnt How to achieve a smooth, soft complexion "?ji half lines and wrinkle- M/r***. im dnness beginning tit AZzA y l^vl iround the lt?^Ws^ ''^K^Si .nd mouth V^&l I &^Z^W I tuns of the j^^^f tuent- yr si l Oi\ J^>* maintain the I" C/ ■'h in your "^nf
      540 words
    • 127 14 of plain draperies? Perk them up with decorative bands. It's surprising what you can do with strips of They're all great ways to perk up plain draperies, colorful fabric and a Singer sewing machine, mexpensrvery And Singer makes it easy Choose or contrasting fabric, and sew Tneres ust no
      127 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 165 15 MBit ,^3H .^P? fAI Surprise af^r^aflalH r afl v nH It's time for an about-face li|HP} I m 1 to a new tender matte look l^nvV ttffetiW m Estee Lauder's new Tender Matte Makeup HB W T >^|p^fr I m gives you a lighter, more finished, .V'l^fe, 1 1 more
      165 words
    • 245 15 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy Business Studies. with 60 years successful experience, offers >ou Courses for the examinations oi Aaeeciadeei of Cert Mad Ateeeatea* ImdntoWAnaarajSlaf Awrlarton of lafreado— J Anre)— taan laedfte ef Cot 4 Mfi t iiini .jJsrNrVvVWH^ li«a— laaiu j»*^ SecselT
      245 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 133 16 ORCHARD -Sow Showing^ :j Some Think Violence Should Be Out! But Be i Careful... You May Die Laughing At This One;; WALTER A GEORGE, i •I MATTHAU 3 BURNS f V tmiOWINMI WINMIi. I Jt m X *<TO« S C WALTER MATTHAU GEORGE BURNS j j, *§r J Sff RICHARD
      133 words
      137 words
    • 156 16 dOLOCn/TAC 24th M Oar' 4 ih>-t 1 4J. 4, 7 ft 10 Alan T.n, S Un Oun Ha«a Na. 4 Sho-t 1 IS 3 10 7 t 30 SKan Kuan Lm faaf m Th< S>ar«MM« ot AM S"»»dtm«n Man 4 Catot leapt Ta Day Mo.n.n, Ska» at II 00 o
      156 words
    • 305 16 PRIjCEjfHEATRE': (NEXT TO BEACH ROAQ F«OLICE STATIONI i4C*lt lIAVI 5 show,: 11,1 .30, 40tn UAT! 415 6 45*930 Admission: Circle $4.00; Stalls $2 50 $1 50 Ma haH prica-Ma mtii, toncotaiin Ma «taa kat ■3 MYS Hump asl lMk.lO tiil> S» v 9 pi. t i Going Submitting? I Sift
      305 words
    • 425 16 OWCAaiISATION ■aii KM wamau 7th W|(K 461h DAY J Sha-i Nata Timai 11am. 1 JO 4 M 44} 10 SJ a N S CASH SOOKIN&J v ta J DAYJ.n on „w aa>lf tram tarn ta tarn m JAWJ T tchmcolof Prt^vj* a| SJ To*a T 30am at U4»
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 480 17 On ABC records and cassettes, available at aN good record shops Americas most accomplished rock guitarist JOEWAISH You Can't Argue With A Sick Mind All the best of Joe Walsh performed live in one LR joe Waish s an accomplished rock gui With A Sick Mind is Jo« Walsh's Live
      480 words
    • 663 17 y^HBSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaBBHBBSSSSSBSSSs^V A large multi-national corpn dealing in heavy mocha nical and electrical product* requires s MARKETING EXECUTIVE THE CANDIDATE A proven sales-record with not lest than S years marketing experience. Above 28 yean old. Currently engaged in marketing s well-known product for a large reputable company dealing in Building ft
      663 words
    • 629 17 An International Manufacturing Organisation requires a TECHNICAL TRAINEE for Chemical and Industrial Products Division THE MAN Malaysian citizen, preferably Bumiputra age 23 to 30 years, medically and physically fit and energetic Ability to write and speak in Bahasa and English Language is essential Must have completed university education in Physical
      629 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 296 17 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD AsfsKsfkats IMJWnf IEU 1 Antelope (1) 2 ChaMltjr 1. Spirit (S) First prtn- Sea monster 4. clpie (7> 11. Direction (»> 12. Condescend (S> Dull sound Increase (1) 13 lUmanncrad .4) Disinter (8) 7 Sheep (7) IS. FW (S) 17. Hatred <3> a u«^m«t« (6) t Conisi
      296 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 206 18 ij. FDR NOW $$mm L S J <s hike, ROllO-- Everyone \A i HATE •HE S THE LAZIEST YOU NEVER GET ANY NEEDS SOME 1 1 EXERCISE GUY in TOWN 1 EXERCISE y EXERCISER AT LEAST TRY WALKIINGJ LATER I r^3 M9 your dog '---that's y V<3\ k^T I GOOD
      206 words
    • 56 18 BLAISE V\\ I wT^Sy*/ fc*#r«c»v»«»e» with a. ittvb ««?i.» WrZ FT' W4' m_^ lA^^^^^^^*s^ V turnout* rum ccmm H^ t 7HO UTTLO tyilC>* 1 > /^kt mi>i> > £At.ziNi jHf^H iv#fi^B **"^»*T bVb^VIl AUB IO > "T^^^^^^^.*. B^H I e ZZd!S? AC9 C^ OU -^^^^^^^^^B^A I H Tc7 gA.»g j
      56 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 111 19 ANOTHER ACTION-rWXED AUDIO LUXURY SHARP GFI6OOX AC/DC operated, solid state portable cassette tape recorder with FM/MW 2-band radio. DYNAMIC FEATURES FOR MAXIMUM .jMi^i^l^^^^i^^ LISTENING ENJOYMENT AND CONVENIENCE. ■■|^HH| Mike Mixing b^b^b^b^ J> 2 OOOmW maximum power output through f Irf HH^IVB quality 4" (10cm) diameter permanent B^^^^Rfl I^X^^ dynamic speaker
      111 words
    • 114 19 SHARP y^^^ifc. V 3 j^p y <> »fc^ While the others are fiddling with tape counters and cueing and Hfcw. monitoring here's what New APSS does for you automatically f^*w 1 Skips to and plays back the next musical selection ISSwlf or the one after that 2 Skips to and
      114 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 116 19 ■^B^fc .^^m^bV j^f j^T M b^h> .^B'^^b^b^b^bhlb^SvV^^K j^m. m^k b^b^bt^ b Edgar Rice Burroughs 'l^^^^^y I *ia/v£vv**a3/*.;ty. I SHE ACCUSED O l^ (OM.VEM?)| I (V| I JUS^ MAD AN ARGUMENT YOU OF 6£iN6 jA r kM^ ™T-| -m^. i i^,~ I IT W r SHE SAID. COMPARED J JmL, s
      116 words
    • 78 19 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of The Great Palaeolithic Hero •-M/MflSrY/^, I/ JM C^ALDr A MANDSOME I p 7 KISS ME PRINCE, UNDER "TMET ANP B^EAK I T -'(2f/A \njuli> I witcms sptiLL^^^y r r^a)roYlrT7 dWSP 7 /^CHJ I^ NOT A HANCSOAA£\ r^w^kmiWiw Evince, vouch au-^T an C
      78 words

    6 words
  • 3 20 ABlf RICEIVEO
    3 words
  • 4 20 •he FAM'LY OF
    4 words
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 209 20 Classified. Jlds CAT. 8. 235 6677y hui SNO K»ok rhonct/o Mr Mri Hul Cheong to Chor Huang Hng Sla* Hwee on ONG CHOO KaUileen Lay See to Ja. rng Kang on the TO LOKE ANNIE an I SOS SAMARITANS OF ir as the telephone CtanrtaaU "EOUIRED FEMALE ACCOUNTS FEMALE GENERAL
      209 words
    • 625 20 MOUSING PROBLEMS? JUST < all .'lonal Housini 111 type vi Hats required in any DIST 20 SEMBAWANO HILLS X I Jalan Tarum single ,r rushed 8600 32 Jslar I Rukam single-storey semi-dc-TWO STOREY SEMI-DSTACHEO <el (no bedrrxiiiis 400 C feel District 21 Minimum f ABEP. HILLS OFF A>rr -Hajari >••■
      625 words
    • 672 20 I UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR single working couple at dlst 12 (■lease rontart *****20 810 ROOM TO let Serangoon Gardens Suitable for tingle or iplr Tel. *****48 IXI FULLY FUP.NISHBD and Carpeted Alrrondltioned liedroom. available Immediately, near Shangri-La Hotel 8380' p m With Breakfast provided Preferably Single Telephone nil FURNISHEO ROOM
      672 words
    • 793 20 NAM HO TRAVIL SERVICE I SINC) APORE) Pte Limited *est Malaysia Tour (inclusive, denting Cameron Highlands) by I seven days SBI7S m days SJISS departure every Sunday. Monday Tuesday Ofnllnj. Cameron Highlands four days SSI 2O (renting Highlands four days SBI3O by deluxe airevery Wednesday Hangkok/ fhiengtnai Pallaya by deluxe
      793 words
      501 words
    • 550 20 ■aT- BT "T• T _H l^^l 11.. MAS CHARTERS LONDON Furope Tokyo Canada Australia America etc Tel *****7 23.' 4071 *****7 WORLD CHARTERS CENTRA offers low Fares to Kurope. London. Hangkok. Hongkong. Japan. S A Tel_ *****7 SLOANC COURT HOTEL 17 Balmoral Road, quiet, residential. Orchard Road area, airronmtioned 122
      550 words
    • 794 20 pri Mngua NEW EVENING CLASSES ■NO. ELEM 1 i For Businessmen Mon Wed Fri 7 30 pm 9 10 pm Commencing 6 Sept ENQ ELEM. 1 Tues Thurs 7 30 pm 9 10 pm Commenc'nf 7 September ENO INT. 1 Mon Wed Thurs 5 45 pm 7 24 pm Commencing
      794 words
    • 1134 20 LATE I*7] MINI Clubman Cooper S accident free beautiful paintwork and bodywork Race tuned engine with straight ;it and LSD gears, brand new mlnilites and fibre parts Selling $8 000 ono Tel *****3 1874 DATSUN 128 V Saloon, one owner new tyres, road tax Dec $8 800 View 11-A Jalan
      1,134 words
    • 552 20 REOUIREO THE FOLLOWING VESSELS AND EQUIPMENT IMMEDIATELY Far time charier About I 000 dwt. 2 1< hatches »ith '.ween decks Alter natively raised quarter decker with tween decks in K Q D Dsrnrka tiang or I'nion purchase 4-ton lift and I mlnlmuin 8 ton lift or alternatively cranes to each
      552 words
    • 246 20 I FANNY HUEN PARIS iiy ***** 23M581 OONAS MASSAGE OISTINC TIVELY MARTINA 8 SALON 11 a hill Circle Massage Saunahath tiarber romplete irnllrmr>n ny trained la I it a n Is Ring *****8 SPECIALISTS HEALTH SALON. r next to H specialist Cci (7«flnn rxt 14 Sauna Bath MANDARIN HEALTH CENTRE
      246 words

  • MOTORING Special feature
    • 696 21  -  STAFF WRITER By fHH kI o omy mood of the local motor industry in the first four month* of the year 2.15* new cars were rered as against ."),<M» de-retfi'-tered in the >ame period is no reflection of markets in other parts of
      696 words
    • 2123 21 YOU and your car 1 must strike a happy partnership. Nothing Is more disastrous than this attitude: If It's working, well leave it alone. This Is one of the hints given in the publication, Castrol Car Care published by
      2,123 words
    • 482 23 rmost motorists, proper maintenance of tyres means Inflating them and changing them when the threads are no longer there. It Is precisely this Ignorance that shortens the life span of tyres and causes several problems. But these difficulties will not emerge
      482 words
    • 539 23 New fuel economy cars to battle against petrol problem T AST year it was the Popular that gave more by taking less. Now. Ford has produced a whole range of such cars in its battle against the petrol problem. The models are Escort 1100. Cortina 1300. Capri 1300 and Granada
      539 words
    • 323 24 rnHE service station 1 has diversified Its role In protecting and prolonging the life of the car because it is now a substantial investment to the motorist. In the past, when the cost of owning a car was much less, the
      323 words
    • 306 24 Do cars— reflect surge of expertise? CARS of today do not appear to be a true retlection of the great surge of technological power. U the lu/6 car as good aa IU predecessor a decade earlier from the same company? Is It assembled well? Does It oerform better? Is It
      306 words
    • 361 24 VL'HEN looking for a second-hand car always remember this slogan: Out of sight, out of mind. For its the Inside— the Interior that matters more than the outward shine and sparkle First look under that gleaming bonnet: the owner may have swept all
      361 words
    • 152 24 WHEN about 250 offl clal» of the Alliance International Tonrl^nv— a world motoring body meet here at the end of May next year It will be the first time that th.»y will be holding th«4r annual general meeting la Asia. Mr. Milton Tan. president of
      152 words
    • 1841 25 THE common enemy of all car owners Is an agent that initially works in corners and crevices before it reveals Its corrosive character -rust In fact, you will have to be on Kuard with this enemy from the time you take
      1,841 words
    • 372 25 THE >prk pluf has an important function: To provide timed ignition «nd romplrtrness of combustion in every cylinder. Complete and efficient combustion at all driving speeds determines tax performance the ease and tmoothneas with which the car runs at low speeds and
      372 words
    • 315 26 Range of designed for the tropics FiRIVINO around in the heat can be a test of nerves; brows are constantly dabbed with handkerchieves and as fumes thicken In traffic jams, tempers can become so brittle But all that bother can be eliminated by installing an alrconditloner. It makes driving a
      315 words
    • 449 26 SHOCK absorbers have a specific Job: To provide a smooth and comfortable ride under all road conditions and to help eliminate "pitching." floating," and to reduce body "rollIng." It is the difference between a car suspension and a pogo stick; the pogo
      449 words
    • 325 27 Stylish and versatile answer to driving needs THE credentials of th. r _lf are lmpres S 1 v c—e Australian Southern thp 1074 xjutnern cross ana the 19<4 East AiriRut th*> majrniflP npt. lt I on top The streamlined cock- many It-adjustable steerined with position most Ideally suited to hu
      325 words
    • 137 27 T»HK latest trends in car design leaves owners with fewer chancy to fit accessory Instruments into the dashboard or Into console. Tliis development comes at a time when informed driven are experiencing a rrowliic need for additional checks In the area of '.fety and
      137 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 433 21 There is a difference between spark plugs Bosch tells the facts about their new, improved spark plugs especially for people who earn their living driving The next time your van, r""l| J J Ne improved Bosch high energy car, motorcycle or scooter 17 I C ihermo-elastic spark plugs deliver a
      433 words
    • 152 21 Think of Avis as 99 spare cars ready to go when yours won't. Bk^^Bl VKa^^^^Vl B^r^V B^^ *^B^l B^B^/A s B^B^^^^^^B^bl B^k^^Bv^^B^F The next time you send your car to the workshop, call Avis. We'll have a car ready and waiting at the workshop. And you can leave it there
      152 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 212 23 This is when you discover that not just any car air- conditioner will do. Overheating Caused by an air conditioner a^^B£* >' »^J- W that imposes engine strain This can easily ■■flfc^^BVnlk^B^BV^^^^B^BT M happen m today s traffic r^Bh^^^^^^Bl That s why you should own s* Nippondenso ISP^V^^^^a^Bl L^bVb^Bß one
      212 words
    • 203 23 ■1 r\\ mM cf Qk protectors IHI Gnjre brake body |fp protector protector protector protector wwJiTr^'Tr'r^T 6 0 W h b n9 P nt 0< 2SO C Protect Ouf car **V rust and Protect you, own hte b. IMna and wrth Castrol GTX. the world s f.nest (when new) Castrol
      203 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 593 24 More than a car polish... CARCLO mixed with water makes a great car wash for daily car washing! M k^kw^^ ~""^1 Lsfew Cleans V LaaaVw *w**w**i w mill mt% P*9t*m. IHI Ml •*•>.«- HI Ml lilt Instructions: II i*^.. 111 O 1 1 m%r^ r t s^2l^-c JJr^LsSi Availableat petrol
      593 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
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    • 462 25 KHartridge J, ni>\ &<»u6m C/umami ]E I Diesel Fuel Pump and Iniectof Steam Cleaners RaEPGO Brake Lining Testing and Reconditioning 4 Washers WW Machines Cylinder A^praymgEgmpment Machines Smokemeters Electronic Automotive anc Boring Machines f.V.VI l.'m B^LxH n/7A I Industrial Belanc.nq ■•■■■■■■■■■■■■i jl/rZi i>l fc.r\JMV>J Equipment -,1 f— l Valve
      462 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 527 26 J^J am^^^9F^^tk^ W^ g^g^ft^g^BHglßgflHHHg^g^gV Is^gflH Tg< LW^^B^g^g^g^T g^gHgHMfttK-l ffYMg^. gg<gggfr- *w s^"**^^i^ sm^^^^Tlßs^^^g^g^gl 1976- and all carmakers still prefer ICI Automotive Rain ts Ymi chnillH ti\i\ Exciting New Range of Colours lUU M ItlUlU lUU We have fabulous new colours in the 1976 ranf?e You can \"~i s first m
      527 words
    • 167 26 air-cool units s^B^s^s^s^g^g^g^g^sKgauK.' L— l^s^ag^»'<L__JJ v BsSR E^^g^g* Montchal air-conditioning unit Installed In Alfalfa. v flh r'i j&4arf^iMg)i K^glg^gV >^CCZ»i^^^^^ B^gW «■<»»*«» glgW W Ww wwr* r Pf»f*Wl Air-conditioninr unit installed in BLMC 1304. (German AA) f*\j »J^XJr Test r %P]p£&\± JXoves -&1a /^u \Tuff"KotC Mmm 00 mm \Dinoi/Tuff-Kote AUTOMOTIVE
      167 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 478 27 more&more car owners turnto IB j|{ ■b^bMbV S H B^^^H 4^^H For more comfort You demand only the best from MONTCHAI Auto Air-Conditioners- We otter high quality cooling at economical prices. MONTCHAI liflL^-r mcntchai. rJi* i jKhT"""'*-— A big or small, as na2^ v v «iS!S^al a PP r °P
      478 words

  • 378 28 JOCKEY ViMJinathan was uispended three days by the stewards (or careless and inconsiderate riding of Bid Success in Race Pour at Bukit Tunah yesterday The Stipendiary steward's report on yesterdays races Stale O( Ooing SOFT. K\( I. 1 Braataea4ow Tawcrs tapp S. Dahlani and Inflation ill Junaidl i
    378 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 28 In ever loving memory of MH TKO CHWKr IBNO departed on 29 874 Dearly missed by wife, children and grandchildren
    22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    90 28 MH >H PENG SIA.N (BAH H YK.i. aged 67. passed awaj peacefully 28/8/76 leavlni behind beloved wife. Ei Koon Neo only brother. Oor Tian Chye. only son Stephen, rive daughters Molly. Dolly. Rosie. Ruby Amy. daughter-in-law. Patricia four sons-in-law. Lum Loo Kong. Joseph Oh. Tjio Hal Slong Llm Our
    90 words
  • 1436 28  -  BLUE PETER By HARPER ARROW SPRINGS $117 UPSET JOCKEY A.K. Cheam, who leaves for Hongkong tomorrow had a nice send-off when he landed Harper Arrow ai upset winner in Race Five at Bukit Timah yesterday. The seven-year-old by Persian Garden II came with a well
    1,436 words
  • 383 28 ing conditions Making the turn at the 1.000 metres. Happ> Mdcay 111 (M Lee) rolled In causing Atoanlr Pewer iO Podmorei to ease Lee was warned to show more care. On straightening. Happy Melody 111 w&s badly inconvenienced by Big Sa»eeas (Visuanathan) when Visuanathan struck
    383 words
  • 277 28 PHILAOELPHIA. Sat. I Britain. Holland and Australia advanced yesterday to the semi-final round of the Federation Cup tennis tournament as the Indonesian team became the fifth team to withdraw from the competition. Britain eliminated South Africa 2-1 as powerful Sue Barker scored a 6-1. 6-1 decisive
    277 words
  • 44 28 FIRST: No. 164M3 (54.541). SECOND: No. *****3 ($1426). THIRD: No *****8 ($663 STARTFRS (SIM each): No*. ICIC7B. *****6, *****)5 154M6. *****8. ****** *****2. IS27M. K1557. 1669 M. CONSOLATION (SIN ea*h> Nm. ICSZV2. *****6. *****2. *****6, *****0. *****6. ******. *****5. *****2. 1573 N.
    44 words
  • 899 28 Second Nature. Harper Arrow and Manikam were well up Cirlbmbtn was still last Honey Bowl and Take Me High came under pressure Apollo Command hit the front with Second Nature and Harper Arrow starting their runs. Clnbinbln moved up fast It looked like anybody! race 100
    899 words
  • 410 28 WASHINGTON, Sat H ea v y weight champion Muhammad Ali challenged anyone or any organisation to take his title away from him "I'm so big In this game, they can take all my titles." All told a national press club audience. "It don't mean a
    AP  -  410 words
  • 255 28 LONDON. Sat Farrolch Engineer. Indian wicket keeper batsman, hit a fine 9t yesterday and foiled a bid zy Middlesex to make virtually sure of winning the English Country cricket championship. Enßineer defied the Middlesex attack and helped Lancashire to draw at Lords. Lancashire, needing 311 to win.
    AP  -  255 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 439 28 \i9 am Wj IBv 1 1 kjl>4 k? I Lr^^l FKDKK \I Fl BLICATIONS (S) PTE. LTD.^» invites applications for the post of 1 BOOK EDITOR We require a suitably qualified Singaporean to join our k Editors in the field of Science and le ma tics. He must have a
      439 words
    • 34 28 Air-conditioned office space complete with lift in 115, 117, 119, Jalan Ipoh. 3 floors each 5,200 sq. ft. Car Park facilities good. EXTREMELY ECONOMI AND REASONABLE RENTAL. Contact Hua Hong Tea Merchant, Tel: *****.
      34 words

  • 623 29  - Back-in-form Oonara is worth each-way in Pesta Sukan Cup BLUE PETER My QONARA, a six-year-old brown Australian gelding by Coronation Hoy, is steadily picking up after a lapse, and is wor+h an each-way bet in the Pesta Sukan (up (Race Five) at Bukit Timah today. Last year, he was in
    623 words
  • 451 29 4KRON, Ohio. Sat. Austral lan David Graham shot a fJve-under-par 67 yesterday to take the second round »cad over American Raymond Floyd in t h c US$2OO,OOO ($492,000) American Oolf Classic Oraham. 30. had a two day total of 136 eight under par after his round of
    Reuter  -  451 words
  • 1882 29 well, worth each-way support INUERAPI'RA II: Third with 53 to Mighty Oreat Div 1 1200 m la*t week was good effurt. up 2 54 kg due lor a s'.NEAKY FETE: Impressive winner »:th 515 Dlv 2 1200 m last week, up dltlston plus 15 kg, good chance
    1,882 words
  • 1149 29 2.1S CLASS 6 OIV 2 1400 m I^rQiJDsl (W.OOO SS.eOO to winnvr) 1 a*M v*Ma*a«aiwM a iHT Dannu •»1 i«a 'Ji I saatcaasat aiXYIi Jaafar 7Msi«c »•»>* ITiTr >> Mv> 4«aMNataa*aiHaraaai Jaalai sss («c .J'n a>M>) lIWIMM,! iHu»>i Mum* iaj»-,i«l ♦!>• i i^ Jiiws-la a iowaa»al«»u.i II **?r*
    1,149 words
  • 125 29 ■AM Wli TIT TAMMN •w. Ha** l»m«t Mm* TIN Laarrl Park .-«n itai«r OunaiH Ontiun Uunl Park CM*a*r t Nairn Rykr Hawaii m,. Or»4iuir lapatol Nttiv* Rul«r IM.. .1 UM JM( V«* M 3 LMa Jut imitmii Inttrrocaior tXmrt«««) Skill Docten skill Doctor! ■mi Marry L*«i TK. Tt.r a
    125 words
  • 256 29 WASHINOTON. Sat World heavyweight boxlrut champlor Muhammad All last night boasted that he would knock out rhallencrr Ken Norton when they battle for heavyweitcni crown In New York next month. I'm gonna do you in." All shouted at a World Boxing Association banqut t
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 411 29  -  P. BASTIANS By XfAD Rangers and ITI Singapore Armed rorces" Reservists Association (Satra>. both un beaten, will meet In th<« final today th. their second last games in the men's round robin Independence Cup vol leybail tournament at Chang Hwa Girls School Ifht With a full
    411 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 156 29 plus: i Rwl Pin up of J«ff Bridges HaK \JI Robert Redford ond Duttin Hoffman in 1 'All the President's Men' «^ilß P"TS*^^ak Santo no, Boy City Rollers, David UK Cossidy, Three Degrees, Istac Hayet, r Jf^^^^jt Gilbert O'Sullivon cassette cut-outt m^ f J^ +<*. In search of the superhuman
      156 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 34 29 Swing flatter mv» t>* <«„ KMM fr^ w i»*a*» ■■<i>v rinsTtfty** wAv> MMMM "^^™^^\Twa 4Tr way TO '■»y.a>«T TW Ss^" A N /CV li\* jsC\ Vl^ v. w T»4a?sfeXwK 1 Y^99^Zt^.^^gf^J J|^^ sflsaaaaaT bbbbbbt^V^^*^
      34 words

  • 360 30  -  PETER SIOW 3y SINGAPORE. considerably weakened by the absence of two key players skipper Chan Kwok Hung and vice c a ptaln Lim Kwan Choon begin their title defence today with cause for worry In the Pesta Sukan International basketball tournament. Hosts Singapore,
    360 words
  • 437 30  -  JOE DORAI By »|K)A PAYOH UNITED kept not only their promise of a "goal feast" but also set a scoring record for the season when they trounced Jurong Town 10-1 in a NFL Division One match at Toa Payoh terdayAnd lor this (eat the
    437 words
  • 65 30 LONDON Sat Free Elate >Pat Edderyi won the Waterford Crystal 1600 m run at Ooodwood today Boldboy i Joe Mercer > finished second with Rsdetzky I W Carson i third of six runners Free State won by a short head with three lengths between second and third
    65 words
  • 97 30 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Malaysia, showing more sensible forward play, defeated Singapore by 13-3 In their L'ncrr-iJ rugoy match at the Victoria Institution ground here today. For the greater part of the match, it was a aeries of scrappy tussles between the two opposing packs and thu generated
    97 words
  • 89 30 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Top-seeded Ntaqsood Ahmed, of Pakistan, sdvanced In the VUlayMan Open squash championship by defeaUiw Nik Din of Malaysia 9-3 »-l. »-5 laat night. The 16-year-old Maqsood overpowered his opponent and won the tie in leas than 35 minutes. He advanced to the third round
    AP  -  89 words
  • 29 30 LONDON. Sat Result* of last nights English Football League mutches Dlv. 3: Trsnmen Rovers 1 Crystal Palace 0 Dlv 4: Stockport County 3 Swansea City 0 Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 361 30  - Anthony sparks Queenstown to their Ist win WILFRED YED Jy rpHE spirit of Queenstown F.C., conspicuously absent from their last few games, resurfaced late in their National Football League Dlv. One game against Jalan Besar F.C. at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. Significantly, Queenstown won the match by 4-1 to register
    361 words
  • 506 30 Skabo breezes into the quarter-finals FORMER Norwegian champion Knut Skabo r adapted himself quickly to the wet surface and breezed into the quarter- finals of the men's singles In the Singapore Open Claycourt tennis championships with an easy 6-1, 6-3 victory over Patrick O'Shea, reports BERNARD PEREIRA. The 20-year-old Skabo
    506 words
  • 312 30 WHAMPOA Consti- j tuency's Loh Bwee Onn was called "penalty specialist yesterday but It was not for scor Inn three penalties from the spot but for conceding them. He gave away three penalties and Whampoa were beaten 4-2 by Kakl Bukit-Chal Chee In their NFL Dlv.
    312 words
  • 371 30 lONDCN. Sat. Leaj gue champions Llwere knocked off the leadership perch In the English rootball first Division today as they went down 2-1 away to Birmingham City. a;> tne goals coming in the second half. Birmingham has never been a favourite visiting spot for Liverpool
    371 words
  • 100 30 *A LA M. HAMASAMV. a«4 M 97 J«l«n lunmiu O«r«iu Jii p«M4 »»«> i<ic«(u ly 10 '1 m oo 2> ■> 7S at Vaunti b*rs Memorial Haaplttl. Sine*i por* Lttvin< brhiltd b»lov«J wtfr. mi. daughters, brother* > •oni-in -law and srartd daughters to mourn ih« loaa Con««r in'" for
    100 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 150 30 You can't beat a Combine Major at beating eggs. But that's not all it can do! The Moulinex Combine Major will whip i BUB^^^^^H cream, mix batters, blend sauces, even Ip «SK *B knead dough. Its 3 speed motor is so I I |0^ fl powerful, the thickest, stiffest mixtures
      150 words
    • 376 30 YOU NEED NOT BE BALD Why don't you make an effort to have hair again? For many years we Jf jg^fr have specialised in the replacement of hair It m «^J|BJav^4 nas been our good JB|JF^ fortune to enable many M^KfMJl^mfA hundreds of clients to have a natural looking lsß
      376 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 164 30 BASKETBALL PesU Sukan International chainpiorunips: Spare v Indonesia Pmi; Korea V Malaysia (9 30 pm-both matches at Uay World). MNCINO: Singapore Fencing Chimpl on&hlpt (lunjeng Pagar C.C. Van Kit Rd »00»m). TENNIS: Open claycourt championships iTanglm 830 am Bl'GBY: Tour match: Vajlravudh CoUege (Thailand) v St Andrcm s School iWcxxlsvlllt
      164 words