The Straits Times, 19 August 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 778 1  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE IT makes me wonder which countries in Southeast Asia are not 'genuine' in their independence and should be helped to become 'genuine... By Colombo, Wednesday MR. LEE KUAN YEW said in a message here today that if the non-aligned movement was to
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  • 263 1 COLOMBO. Wad INDONESIAN For- eign Minister Adam .Malik told a press conference today that the zone of peace proposal was accepted at the last Algiers summit. "How can Lao* want j to remove something already accepted by the non 'i(ned movement?" Mr Malik ask-
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  • 42 1 TOKYO. Wed. The American dollar declined sharply against the Japaneee yen in heavy trading .-i Tokyo* foreign exchange bank* today Tht dollar ended the day at a price of 3M yen down 3 06 'yen from yesterday* elost-UPI
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Wed Do* Jone* average*, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Sxchanft: X Indus 1002 33 up IN 30 tramp 223 40 up 01« 15 utlls nti. down Oil. 6J stoclu JIJ7» up 0 56— UPI
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  • 423 1 'Rebels who pose as nationalists* COLOMBO, Wednesday IUALAYSIAN Prime Minister Hussein Onn today warned the non-aligned movement against being trapped into supporting dissident or insurgent groups posing as national liberation movements to fight against lawfully-es-tablished governments He also criticised those who opposed Ma aysia's efforts to
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  • 590 1 MANILA. Wednesday T«HE death toll from the southern Philippines killer quake and devastating tidal waves Is running Into thousands and rising hourly. Bodies are being laid out In the streets In some parts of Mindanao Island, a top Air Force officer said today Oen. Antonio vlllanueva.
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  590 words
  • 120 1 $14 mil drugs seized in Hongkong HONGKONG. W.d A NTI narcotics of- fleers sei i c d drugs worth about ■KS2B million (SSMm) In three separate actions today. The largest haul -as from an outlying Islet whore agent following up a Up. found 27* kilos of rr.w opium. M kilos
    AP  -  120 words
  • 30 1 CAIRO. Wed President Sadat today left the nonaligned summit conference In Colombo for Saudi Arabia and talk* with King Khalld. tne Egyptian Middle nut New* Agency —Id Reuter
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  • 37 1 BANOKOK Wed About 800 studenu stoned and damaged M Vietnamese shop* and house* in north-eastern Thailand last night, leas than two weeks after Vietnam and Thailand agreed to re-eata-bllsh diplomatic relation* police said today —AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 409 1 Two US officers killed in Korea border incident SEOUL. Wednesday 'pWO American army officers won killed at the border armistice village of Panimuijom today when North Korean guards attacked them with axes, metal pikes and axe handles, the United Nations Command announced. The American-led command said this was the first
    Reuter; UPI  -  409 words
  • 65 1 BEIRUT Wed Technical detail* of agrrt-ment for a takeover of the ArabianAmerican OU Company by Saudi Arabia were concluded at Mcret. week-lop* talk* ending Aug 11 in Oeneva. the Middle Bait economic survey reported today The new* weekly, which report* authoritatively on oil affairs aaid a
    AP  -  65 words
  • 58 1 LONDON. Wed The price of gold fell to its lowest level In almost a month today on the London bullion market The metal wa* fixed at UStMOJJ SS27O 11 this morning, a drop of USSI 90 from yesterday afternoon, but It continued to fall reaching UBllO7
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  • 49 1 RANOOON Wrtj Burmese President Ne Win ha* left for a medical check up in SmltzerUnd three month* after returning here from a similar trip it wa* "Mini ced today The announcement did noi give detail* beside* saying that the President left here early yesterday -Reuter
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  • 54 1 Latest Quake: 4,000 dead MANILA, Wed. Latest figure* issued by the National Disaster Centre pat the number of dead at 4,att and homeless at tMtt In the country 'i worst earthquake In the Southern Philip pines. Earlier reports said the death toll was 3.1N and M.ttt were bomoloss. Heater <Soo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 o*«ign a* -i^r!a% m*v cm ■MUM MODEL jNfryj'jjfc I^^H^K SHC 3200 Ply Ml STOCI l»IT» I tT to muVC !<«•»» tin«tt *ud«S t»cnno4Ofl» II < Tip*cl thai > both ►0« p«rto<ming II) and good' CROWN THE FIMCST AUDIO TICMMOtOCT TEXT OF PMs SPEECH: SEE PAGE 14
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    • 137 1 Inside PHILIPPINE QUAKE HORROR PHOTONEWS P«f« 9 FORD wins a test of strength 2 BID (or total UN arms embargo on South Africa 3 AIISSIES set aside S7b for defence 4 'SOVIETS threaten West's oil routes' 5 OPPOSITION parties all set for general election v ALL outpatient services under one
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 497 2 Ford wins a test of strength KANSAS CITY. Wad Big blow for Reagan forces PRESIDENT Ford taken a big step towards the Hepublicun Presidintkil nomination by winning a crucial test of strength with Ronald lUa gan at the party's national con vc ntion. Amid bedlam on the convention floor,
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    • 63 2 KANSAS CITY, Wed. Reagan supporters were ilum at thr failure of their candidate's gamble for a psychological victory that might help him overcome Mr. Ford's tightening grasp on the presidential no mination. "It's back to the i drawing boards," said 1 Senator Jesse Helms,
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    • 186 2 Drilling of first oil well by 1 Manila Sort MANILA. Wed The Philippines yesterI day began the official drilling of its first government oil well, with advisers from neighbouring oil-rich Indonesia on hand to monitor the operation The Philippines experiment took place against a backdrop of a high domestic oil
      UPI  -  186 words
    • 66 2 LONDON. Wed. Jensen Motors, the British prestige car maker, came to the end of the road today as the firm s remaining assets were put up for auction to pay oft debts Jensen. In business for nearly half a century, went Into receivership last
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    • 48 2 BRISBANE. Wed Fiftytwo whales have run aground on a Queensland beach ovrr the past four days in what local officials said appeared to be a "mass suicide All were believed dead or dying A fisheries spoknunan said whale suicides were a wellknown phenomenon. Reuter.
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    • 315 2 Cell was like a steam bath, says Tanaka rpOKYO. Wed —For -1 itifr Premier Kakuei kaUHMBV jast released from jail following indictment on bribery charges, yesterday said his cell was M Uke a steam kdth." but a good place to "cure my diabetes." Tanaka. under Indictment for bribery in the
      Reuter; UP  -  315 words
    • 189 2 GCMCVA. Wed AUSSI million <BS2 46 million i World Council of Churches (WCC) fund to help developing countries U expected to start operations by the end of this year. WCC officials said today. The fund Is the Initial working capital of the Ecumenical
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    • 411 2 QUITO. Wed CURVIVORS of a Bri- tlsh expedition told last night how they were hurled down a volcano as it erupted in an inferno of fire and falling rock. "We were like ants flicked off its shoulder." expedition leader Major Nick Cook said
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    • 120 2 Road, rail links closed by floods RAWALPINDI. Wed. Major rail and road links In Azad— the Pakistani controlled part of Kashmir province— have been closed due to the Hood in the northwestern part oj the country, officials said Azad President Sardar Mohd Ibrahim said troops were working around the clock
      UPI  -  120 words
    • 51 2 ROME. Wed— Police yest*rd«y arrested Sslvstore Porto. 43. m*n«»fr of Bank 3*lly branch in fUhionable Via Condom on charf- °f embankment They Mid Porto and el«ht other people, including leveral bank employees allegedly *v Dented about 3 billun lire 'BS6 million >. by and raining worthies*
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    • 183 2 LONDON, Wednesday A WAVE of panic buying of frozen vegetables hit Britain yesterday after a warning by Agriculture Minister Fred Peart that the drought could cause serious shortages An official of Bejam. a frozen food chain, said some shoppers were doubling their purchases wad
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 DUFAj^ MARINE PAINTS DUErO I DUFAY out» Throughout the world the Protectors For enquiries contact Sole Agent. Stockist and Suppliers. f^\UNITED K/ ENGINEERS Commercial Division USED GENERATING SETS FOR SALE ENGLISH ELECTRIC MODEL 12 CSV 1000 KW 6600 VOLTS 3 PHASE 50 CYCLES 750 RPM COMPLETE WITH SWITCH PANEL THREE
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    • 244 2 COURAGE \L 9 CONFIDENCE k LEADERSHIP MW M All •»NK. I 10 ways the Dire Camef If C«ar»e hf lts bipb aid woarn Spaak »11.. l,v«l> Sal' Tduitifl and «i.. Rr at YOUr b*«t Wtlh BJp| gr.tufi Ramambar nim» Control laai and ajajafa I* DALE CMNESIE CONSC arametet and aa-tlo»<
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    • 212 3 COLOMBO Wednesday v^l\ African couatrici have introduced an nm-iulim-nt it Hit Non Aligned Sununit onference here tailing on tin United Nations Security Council to impost 1 i iiKindatoiv inns "fttfrffgft against South Africa, con fere cc es s;ikl yesterday. The amendment
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 140 3 MILOMBO. Wed Burmese Minister I srin Win called upon South Asian ".■untries »c.terdav not to allow the use of their territory as a springboard for attack, over or covert, ■og£Ml nrighbourk. I his is essential for dw»a%w> peace and stability in the region." he told
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 226 3 Lebanon crisis: Assad blames 'hostile forces' COLOMBO. Wed—Prey/ sldent Hafes Assad yesterday blamed "forces hostile to the Arab nation" for causing the Lebanon crisis and declared that Syria had tried every effort to stop the fighting there. The Syrian leader avoided a direct reply to President Anwar Sadat of Egypt
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    • 516 3  - Off -rostrum view of the summit delegates GRANVILLE WATTS By COLOMBO. Wednesday VIETNAM'S Prime T Minister Pham Van Dong joked with I fellow delegates, I Prime Minister Indira Gandhi signed autographs and Singapore's Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, took photographs of fellow delegates i This was the scene today inside
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    • 208 3 Cambodia attacks US as 'the most barbaric power' COLOMBO, Wad A CAMBODIAN leaA der, Mr. Khieu Samphan, last night attacked the United States as the world's "most barbaric" power which had used all kinds of weapons, except the atomic bomb, against his country. "In Its aggression against our small country.
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    • 137 3 SOUTH YEMEN LABELS IRAN AN AGGRESSOR COLOMBO. Wed Bouth Yemen President Salem Robaye All last night denounced Iran as an 'expansionist and aggressive" power and said It represented a forward base of world Imperialism. Its security policy was not limited to Its own frontiers but covered the whole of the
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 71 3 COLOMBO. Wed The iTftdlltonal f»rb <>f diplomacy the morning coat and itnpcd ujuaers. wu absent at the summit Male representative* of the Third World opted in»e»d for a variety of buitneM suit*. blasers and ilack*. Nehru jacket*. **fan cuiu. gown-like tcbada* and brimle»» caps (on tome wost
      AP  -  71 words
    • 35 3 COLOMBO Wed There's No Business like Show Bustness, and otoer American tunes were Included In music piped over a television circuit provided by Yugoslavia before the opening of the conference on Monday AP
      AP  -  35 words
    • 35 3 COLOMBO. Wed There are four languages of nonalignment Arabic. English. French and Spanish Carphones to receive simultaneous translations are attached to each seat in the conference hall where the delegates are meeting. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 64 3 Baghdad offer for the next summit jnOLOMBO. Wed. V/ Irs* last night offered Baghdad m the venae for the seventh Non- Aliened Summit Conference in ISM The Invitation was extended hv the Ira*' Vice President Taha MoMeddeln Mirotl when iililiflin the plenary ariaiwn of the fifth conference, which opened here
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    • 182 3 'J^ P^*^^^^^^^si^^^^^sssss^B 1 1 11 T^KtpT^r^-i^^J^HsKBSB Q^iV j 1| 1 _^^^T^^H» am M >Jf fVjl BmSSaPßSssstai^Bs^a^ir OfNJK YO SHOWRCX3M LUCKY »TOW— PTK. LTO. OOS. t»*mmm tfcneapur* 1 2nd Floor I 20 Mr Labor Sn^w* 30 IB *****9 ft *****7 Orctwd nmd, limwini a as* aa' w CTODC* wrrkavi BSVir% TE
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    • 397 4 Spore, Malaysia to get $15 m aid, says Lynch CANBERRA, Wednesday THE Australian Budget presented to Parliament yesterday provides for defence spending to be Increased by 17 6 per cent over last year's figure to US$2 831 billion iS$6 935 billion) in this financial
      UPI  -  397 words
    • 89 4 GENEVA. Wed An I antidote has been found to the poison that contaminated large areas near Milan, and field tests will start soon, the j Swiss company Olvaudan said today. It said Italian authorities had agreed to tests in the stricken area around Seveso
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 27 4 HONOKONO. Wed Hongkong recorded IU third lowest birth rate In the past decade In 1875 with 71.200 babies born, a government spokesman announced today. —UPI.
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 158 4 SYDNEY, Wed. Share prices sorted dramatically on Australian stock exchanges today following last night's Federal Budget. the first brought down by the Liberal -National Party coalition elected last December. la Sydney, the Index of all-ordinary shares reached Ita highest point for two years, with
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    • 30 4 TOKYO. Wed Japan's overall balance ol payments surplus wared to UB«7X> million (SSI7M million) to July, from USI ISO million m June, th? Finance Ministry said today. Reuter.
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    • 155 4 OLYMPICS SWIMMER WHO DEFECTED BACK IN RUSSIA MONTREAL, Wed. Sergei Nemtsanov. the 17-year-old Soviet Olympic diver whose defection touched off a diplomatic row between Canada and the Soviet Union, returned to the Soviets yesterday. An Immigration spokesman said Nemtsanov. his lawyers, an interpreter and two friends met for 15 minutes
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    • 57 4 LONDON. Wed Two waterrolour* by Hitler have been stolen from a car boot on a crow-channel ferry a firm of Insurance agents Mid today The painting*, depleting a castle and a thatched home at Braunau Am Inn. were Insured for UJ.OOO HI 10.000 > and were btlne
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    • 284 4 PARIS, Wednesday fSVES tunnelled through sewer, and nptied 130 safe deposit boxes In a bank during the weekend In an operation resembled the spectacular "sewer rats bank robbery In Nice Police said the thieves drilled through an underground concrete wall to enter the
      Reuter; AP  -  284 words
    • 31 4 UNITED NATIONS. Wed Security Council president U»o Abe of JiMn continued eocuulution* today on the dtcpute between Orretr »nd Turkey over oil richu in the Arcetn Se« UPt
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    • 236 4 Arafat to discuss Syrian issue in Moscow talks C\IFO. Wed. Palestin- Liberation Orcaniv.ii mi chairman fMM Arafat will \i-it HUM soon to urge Kremlin leaders to pressure Syria into withdrawing its troops from Lebanon, a PLO spoke* man said in an interview published. The spokesman. M.ijid Abu Sharar. said Mr.
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 142 4 100 in bid to flee Lebanon war caught BEIRUT. Wednesday ABOUT 100 Palestinians tried to escape the Lebanese civil war In a small boat yesterday but were brought back after their craft broke down. Ouertlla leader Yasser Arafat ordered tiie men's heads shaved and put them Into a military training
      AP  -  142 words
    • 254 4 CIA sees problems for Soviet five-year plan WASHINGTON. Wed The Soviet Unions current flve-year plan Is called "unusually restrained and realistic in a Central Intelligence Agency analysis that also says the plan could lead to serious economic prob'.ems In the 1980s. The newly -released study estimates that during 1976-80 the
      AP  -  254 words
    • 58 4 DROITWICH i England". Wed A 32-ye«r-uld Jehovah s Wltneaa ha* died In haapiUl because he refused a blood tramftulon that mvuld have saved his Itfe. doctors at Bromagrove Huapital said today Allan Stone. 12 was admitted for emergency treatment last Friday suffering from
      UPI  -  58 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 544 4 Altsita Alfa R.meos brand new saloon car 1 Born gap^^ fl|^k •rom 60 years of sporting triumphs and technical achieve- H B^^ ts the Aifetta combines the best traditions that are Alfa \^^r^^^k^^^. .^^^l I^^^L. I A SUPERB WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION I I Ml I Ww\i 799 cc 140 bhp (OlN)
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    • 62 4 AN INVESTMENT WITH A PROVEN PROFIT RECORD OF 35% PER ANNUM. N.'u I >,:■<• ll.!!",i I tome* on tullv est r U«nd are rving uHwed at WPerth- h*Miti^id«- %ur>urb Our Company Executive* will be In SINGAPORE Wed llth to Fri. 20th Auguat. for your personal enquiries Pleat* contact them at:
      62 words

    • 344 5 'Soviets threaten West's oil routes' 'Access to uranium also in danger' LONDON. Wednesday 'pilK Sovietl ii it- threnkning the West's oil supply routes ;irouinl the (;ipe of (kmml Hope ;iud its BDCCBI to uranium ■nd other vital strategic minerals in southern Africi. private political rest Mich group said today. The
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    • 162 5 KHARTOUM. Wed Sudan yesterday formed a special court to try in their absence seven men. Including former Premier Sadlk Al Mahdl. for complicity In an abortive coup for which 98 people have al ready been executed. The Sudan news agency Suna said
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 62 5 WHJJNOTON. Wed —The Government pa and two spsclal legislations today to counter a rash of strikes by trade unions protesting against a wage freeze Imposed in March The Oovernment placated the unions by imposing a .d rent freeze which will last until the end of the
      AP  -  62 words
    • Briefly...
      • 34 5 N)ELHI. Wed—The I L'pper House of the Indian Parliament yesterday approved two nfMclal resolutions to exteud direct central government rule over the Mates of Tamil Nadu and Nagaland for up to another six months.
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      • 27 5 lUP Ml Talwaa has Mined a contract to import IM.OM metric tonnes of wheat worth jboul I s>is million million) from \ustnlU. it was anm»unceri here today.
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      • 35 5 .•RlNi K GEORGE Canada I Actress Bophla Loren will undergo minor surgery later this year, causing a postponement of Jocasta. a movlr to be shot In central British Columbia. Bob Oray. production manager. satd yesterday.
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      • 33 5 AIRO Security police ha\e arrested three allrged Libyan iirnlt suspected of planting nplosttes In a train and at a bas itation June according to the official tgyplian Middle lait New* Agency today.
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      • 34 5 CARACAS The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries a ntudylng the possibility of creating 'an Index guide" to provide for "automatic oil > price adjustments" In the future, says Venezuela's Mines and Hydrocarbon* Minister Valentin Hernandez.
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      • 18 5 Bl EMOS AIRES: Six Irftwing guerillas were killed yesterday In gunbattles with Argentine police the police tald Agencies
        Agencies  -  18 words
    • 242 5 'Thai Reds can mount regiment sized attack' BANGKOK, Wed. Thailand* top counter-insurgency official said today that communist g■ c r i I las would be able to moant regimental sited attacks In the next three to five yean if the government failed to find effective counter measures. Speaking before the
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    • 44 5 BOOOTA. Wed Rlna Measlnger the Israeli array sargeant who won the alias Universe contest in Hongkong last month, arrived tn Columbia on Monday night on the first leg of a world tour Strict security measures were provided at Bogota Airport AP
      AP  -  44 words
    • 84 5 Faulkner calls it a day BELFAST. Wed. Mr. Brian Faulkner, former Northern Ireland Premier, and Chief Minister In the short-lived Northern Ireland executive two yean ago today announced his retirement from politics. He was appointed Premier of the prorlnce in Itfl. and Introduced internment of IRA suapecu a measure that
      AP  -  84 words
    • 217 5 WASHINOTON. Wed Tne United States Is stepping up Its efforts to promote a negotiated settlement In Rhodesia by sending two top State Department officials to confer with moderate black leaders in the southern part of Africa next weekStarting out on
      Reuter; AP  -  217 words
    • 85 5 Woman doctor faces death sentence BAUSBURY. Wed An Italian woman doctor faces a possible death sentence for having treated a wounded black guerilla at a Rhodeslan war tone mission hospital, police said today. A police spokesman said Louisa Ouldotti had been charged under the Law and Order Maintenance Act with
      UPI  -  85 words
    • 156 5 New demo by students in S. Africa JOHANNESBURG. Wednesday pOMCE used teargas to break up a demonstration of black high school students today in continuing racial violence in South Africa. A police spokesman said about 500 students In Port Elizabeth walked out of classes singing Afr'can freedom songs They gathered
      Reuter  -  156 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 243 5 b^bT^Wa? a^l B^MaWL^S^sC ■^^^■fl b^Lb^Lb^bwK K 1 fl I^K If )H The worlds first integrated circuit gaslighter. Maruman Multispark IC A new lighter is born out of aero-space 40.000 lights, enough to last 4 years in techn' !ogy. Maruman Multispark employs average use. This slim, sophisticated lighter the same space-age
      243 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 253 5 Straits Times Crossword MjjHl a meal <3. S> 1 Social conflict cauang 7 Ttirtlllnc to be chosen Sv trtuble lor teachers' is. rich majority 3 1 I Suggesting association led i Specious superficial show tenor astray partly to save neer-oo- 13 rr.d of play at Wembley, well perhaps iS. Si
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1375 6 GEC has all you need for a new home at today's prices- not tomorrow's. VmWBIHHHHHk. JPMVSBHHiHHH^ /^999SiHHBHHHHL /MnKKni^iii[i]iii^TiiTlT!Tm. MngKni4iJi'i'ii'JiiT!Kna»\ il l*iTiM9iTn Ik JM B'i •lii "fii -H Ik il l*!*ii "fiiKl Ik ,^■■■■^■l^^, /P^^^HsflißHAiMflHilHk /^■HabiiAHi^H I NITT NPOOWN MWTmr TOT*!. XJTI hv 'JOM* MONTm TOT»l Mf k<TT IHP DOWH MONTHIV
      1,375 words

  • 1128 7  - Talks gossip and the men from North Korea WILLIAM BORDERS By in COLOMBO .^S TH£ s|Hitlu's by Pltec Ministers ;m<l Pusuk'nls droned on hour after hour at the non-aligned summit conFerencc here this week, some of the hotttst hat kst;i^e chit eliat in this steamy little seajHHt (omerned the antics
    UPI; AP  -  1,128 words
  • 1190 7  - World s most overcrowded nation goes in for family planning JOHN NEEDHAM By in DHAMRAI Bangladesh government 'means business' in its new campaign QOLAPI Rani Sarkar rose at 5 a.m. ahead of the sun, saw to the feeding of her family and set out on the journey to Dhamrai three
    UPI  -  1,190 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 174 7 EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT SPEClAL lST^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmm^mmmmmmmm^WW%mmmmmmm mamwHMMßMMmcuKßmutx ENGINEERING MANAGER (REPAIRS) AROUND $35,000 PER ANNUM Rr r PMR 1024 established shipyard employing high The ideal candidate for this position will lology in the construction of specia- be a Singapore citizen, aged around 30, naval craft and commercial vessels possessing either a Marine Engineering
      174 words
    • 397 7 S^Ezc W^^ 4 I J H PORK LOIN SOOg 1/y CHICKEN WINOS T7ZI LOCAL FRESH «»-IW Large, meaty DUTCH 227 kg /•OV/I I MINCED BEEF SOOg lOC 51 55 I FMtHIVq»OUND Fresn™Zasyouo™° lOX LIVER SOOg I|Q LEAN PORK 9XA I AUSTRALIA LQCAL FR£SH 500 g 4.0VJ1 I wTKAfI m WmMwBM
      397 words

    • 808 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday 'JMIK I iiino Youth executive council wis estimate* tint led it to believe i! could make "a few million dollars" from the Muhammad AM .lot Bugner world heavyweight title fighl in Kun la
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    • 90 8 LONDON, Wed. The fourth conference of Speakers of Common- wealth Parliaments will be held from Sept. 6 to 10 at Westminster Hall. Houses of Parliament, here. The Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat, Tan Sri Datuk Nik Ahmad Kamil. will be among the 30
      90 words
    • 263 8 KUALA TRENGGANU. Wednesday 100.000 people in Trengganu went without tap water today when the main water pipe near the State Secretariat here burst at 11 a.m. Police have ruled out any foul play. A State Government spokesman told the people not to panic and
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    • 171 8 CASE OF MONK ON FALSE I.C. CHARGE PUT OFF JOHORE BAKU. Wed The Magistrate's Court today ordered the trial of a Vietnamese monk, charged with furnishing false documents at the Immigration Office here, to be postponed alter the defence cited the principle of ultra vires convict. Magistrate Hairani bin Mohamed
      171 words
    • 73 8 $735,000 loss in factory blaze TANAH RATA. Wed Fire destroyed a twostorey factory In Blue Valley tea estate. 29 km north of here, yesterday According to the tea estate manager. Mr N Jayaraman the lot* m initially estimated to be about M *****00 including machinery an<l about Ml 100 000
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    • 61 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A Filipino btan surfton. Dr A. P. Avmntura. will be the itrst nan Mt la yuan to be conferred the honorary membership of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia He win receive the hononary membership duting the opening ceremony of the fourday 11th Malaysia-Singa-pore
      AP  -  61 words
    • 122 8 ESCAPE OF DETAINEE: WARDER CHARGED PENANO. Wed— Prison warder Zainol bin Saldln. 33. was today produced in the Sessions Court on a charge of allowing a Dutch detainee at the Pulau Jerejak detention camp to escape from the Penang General Hospital. Zainol pleaded not guilty to committing the offence at
      122 words
    • 247 8 PENANG. Wrd. An Australian woman tourist Ird Central Narcotics Bureau orhcere to an attap hous« on stilt* at Batu Kerringhi here where »be handed over 11 plastic packets containing heroin, the Sessions Court here was told today. Sandra Margaret Birch. 2S. of
      247 words
    • 165 8 New army brigade set up to fight Reds KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday fHK Chief of the General Staff, 1.1. Gen. Tm Sri Mohamed Sany bin AIhIuI Gaffar, announced today the foi mation of ;i new army bri^;i<lt He said the new brigade—the 9th Brigadewould be militarily responsible for the state of
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    • 166 8 BUTTERWORTH. Wed. Kour suspects including a policeman, were arrested today In connection with a MS3O 000 robbery and "abduc tlon" of a businessman at the Mak Mandln industrial estate near here on Monday night One of the suspects is said to be the "abducted" businessman
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    • 64 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed About 70 Australian firms will take pan in an Australian trade exhibition to be staged hrre on Nuv 15 it was mini onced today The Australian Trade Commissioner here. Mr T N Cronin said the !ive-dav exhibition his country's second major MM in Malaysia
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    • 139 8 JOHORE BARU. Wed Scores of lorries, mostly carrying timber for export to Singapore. Jammed up the central areas here today, causing massive plle-ups. The worst- affected streets were Jalan Campbell. Jalan Ngee Heng and Jalan Ah Fook where traffic wa reduced to a crawl. The
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    • 41 8 KUALA LUMPUR Wrd Hire* men werr injured »htn they were attacked by group uf men armed with parangs :n B«ntul Paaar her* last night The injured wer* K Chlnnah 40. R Vanneraelvan. 30. »nd NeUon X«vier Anthony.
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    • 198 8 T igHfeKy. '^aW^^jt^B r^B^aK^a^k^Lwßj 'Vl Tl»^g^aa, a^a^a A BW al a| L^d W^ 1 B^B^B^^^ I B^Baa^P A^^^^amVa^SS* T »^e^ rl^Bß^ShM L F*\ > wf Jaaaa^wCiV BLaßiaal Laav isaaaar .^aaw Jl I b^b^^a« aaP^a^Balßaa aY «^^O> I ll^^Ba 0m saY aaw V "tT%p£i aavVißai t *k «pj Z> V aY
      198 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 206 8 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh 6c Hal Camp -Jl S" > I WO«»^ R3R OLD Jl(sfsSie COMBINES THAT WONT BE uhueki t ciwieu t-n =«cV CON' T v UNCLE TWE WORST PEWTuPES j NECSSSARV, YOUNG J T^jttif^tlk tti^Sto^^ ir fkt^ > ir S A OP SCPOOGC AND > MAN'
      206 words

  • Article, Illustration
    149 9 More than 3,000 dead, 2,000 missing and 30,000 homeless in Philippines THK southern Philippine island of Mindanao presents a sad picture of devastation after the worst earth quake to hit the country. The official death toll has soared past .t.<HM). with 'J(KM) more missi n g. as soldiers
    UPI  -  149 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 308 9 j^Hb V sm<fgc Ibflfkl t?^T^f •CAB6A6ES !?.°.i 80 1 V HAfWAioo^ i^i^^l^fcii KM^hlq I&rZ* i ™—W mm ual &m^ r LrlTn Zr.\ LQ v I *vnnuß niiri/c dutch Tic o. M^ II I Nh^ f« o/j(j REPP a^^vj^* -?so~*/ •YUUNuUULKS soo q Z/!i|l n ?!sH? l *4 mM™MM mm m
      308 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 316 10 11*1*1 1 i ,V' f'l Mj] *1 In aHT^aartTT^T^PT'l" 2 •■■■■iiflflam'Tii^ftflW^Bi'"***"* > m OPfNS TOOAY!NICHTLY: 7.00 t t.30 P.M. j :ioRD EXCITING WEEK! j > OODEONS HAM 130 4 630 4930 PM 3 VaWSaaaT flSaaaaaaa) aaaaaaaaß aßMß •afllaP'flflV IvJ •s"B'Pi B1B»j"*"BJ t •I Take away M« badge J^ ttx wfi
      316 words
    • 327 10 .■■BBHBiiBBfIBMBBBBBH J > I 1 1^1 fO j*iN«/ I IfLanLJINU L3MT I I n»Bf T fflfflW WTjßj^ BJ W» BIMIN IT flflflßßßßM GOLDEN IV Ff L n«m 1 30. 4.645, 9 30pm K>^ Vm.l THE AUTUMN v \i LOVE SONG V fll CHIN HtIANO LIN LIN CMIN HSU BflKaflflr" fIV
      327 words
    • 335 10 •OPENS dAPITOL TODAY i 5 SHOWS DAILY: 1 1am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 b 9.30pm i HOW WOMAN LOVE BE? j M flk^ J/^^lM JHBfllflßttC ■fl BflV 1 Jk flflP '^■P' aaV. aßßaaa^«aaV% T^^"•aav flflr flflflN BBl*" .flflflflflflflflflflflflflt I m I mzzzhawvms i LAURA ANTONELLI 6IANCARLO GIANNINI Color Widescreen J j
      335 words
    • 295 10 PRIWCE'tHEATRE: BBaLtX-»J t I ti_^A±LJal (NEXT TO BEACH ROAD POLICE STATION! 2nd MONTH 6th WEEK! 5 shows: 11, 1 JO, 4.15. 645 9.30 Admission Circle $4.00; Stalls S2 50 $1.50 3 BAYS i.riKf cuk kHkiip daih Sai v 9 ill -^^^ft^^ft _^B -flj^^a^^ I (ib^bbbkbbbbbbbn\^bbl nnnbW bbbPlbbbbbW^ I h'Bj'JwL'fcL'Jmllj"'^.-" "1
      295 words
    • 553 10 f B.» BBS ■■■■■■■■■■■MM i OWCAWISaTIOW i J.ttPt>TJ»y^'T^{..M al I I W MONTH WIIK- S 5»... T Nat* T.m* II "«m 1 M. 415 *«J IN [I V N ;,<, iB No M.l.tOfy Concttwon 1 Ml CAIH tOOKIMCS f. I!" J DAYS .<..-,. M mi, 118 *•••> »t#m t* m
      553 words

  • 364 11 House is burnt down day after wife arrives... A FRENCH housewife who arrived here on Tuesday from Paris to set up home with her husband, yesterday watched with tears In her eyes as she saw their rented bungalow and belonging^ In Woollerton Park coins; up in flames. Only a make-shift
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  • 169 11 A CARPENTER'S assistant, who claimed that he tried to commit robbery because he had no money to buy cigarettes, war, Jailed eight months and ordered to be given four strokes of the cane by a district Judge yesterday Chan Hlng Mun. 17. admitted
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  • 22 11 THE Minutrr fnr rultur*. Mr 3f\ Ywn Thong will <>prn thr National Uuvum Art Osllrry on Sa-.unta? at IJi pm
    22 words
  • 37 11 MR Ong Pang Boon. Minuter for Labour and MP (or Telok Ayer will attend i variety ihow-cunvdlnner organ laed by the Telok Ayer constituency at the Hokkien Huay Kuan on Saturday at 7 JO pm
    37 words
  • 188 11 700 more births than last year -forecast rE number of Singaporeans born this year is expected to increase *y 100 ow last year because more women are In the reproductive age group. This increase U already indicated by the number ot babies born In the first six months of this
    188 words
  • 171 11 Race day jam blocked road signs A MARKETING manager. Ho Boon Slew. yesterday told a magistrate's court that the traffic after a race day was so heavy, It was lmposs l b le to see any markings on the road which restricted drivers from turning right. Ho was charged for
    171 words
  • 365 11  - Opposition parties all set for general election PHILIP LEE By /OPPOSITION party leaders yesterday said v they were all geared up to contest the coming general election which they expect would take place in November. Two parties, the United People's Front, which in March last year formed an alliance with
    365 words
  • 189 11 A CAR owner. Tan Poh Seng, was yesterday acquitted on a charge of permitting Ng Hung Tla drive a car when the latter was not covered by Insurance. Tan. defended by Mr. JB. Khosa. was cleared of the Insurance offence, alleged to have
    189 words
  • 76 11 TM Minister for Science and Technology. Dr. Lee Chlaw Mens will open the Spot Sport* organUed by Pek Kk> community centre youth croup to mark National Day at the centre on Saturday at 7 30 p m. Spot SporU la Parrcr Park constituency a own
    76 words
  • 316 11 rE Metrication Board Is to concentrate on an educational olan for architect* and designers to help them visualise and think In metric and to accelerate conversion of building products and components. Disclosing this in the latest issue of its Metrication Digest, the board says one way
    316 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 327 11 in the revolutionary new fabric... I .^g^fla^LaaaW gV^^gP^aVaV ■■1 si^^^bbW LHW j^r v BvsW-^Ba* gW Aw Me wKKHsfI j SfIBBBBBBBBBBBawaBBBBBBBak 0 K f\ VAI Hal I m laWfam M B>) <1 JsP* W YT^ WM W waaak jflH Aft** -fl LfeV W mu\ IF W V Single layer fabric that
      327 words

  • Specially Women
    • 267 12 Meet la Tati'flamenco prima donna CHE is a true-to--0 life gypsy, all of 1.5 metres of her. But no, she is no cryiUlbaJl gazer with her head in a gaudy handkerchief and oversized loop earrings In her lobes. This v a "fine" gypsy. Site quickly acts the record stralgnt about
      267 words
    • 703 12 fONFIDEX T v lALLY speaking, do you have the qualities of a top-flight confidant? Are you well ver sed with iiianagc--111 c 11 1 principles and practices, calm, serene and full of energy? If so. you probably have the makings of a top-class secretary? I say probably,
      courtesy of the West German  -  703 words
    • 119 12 PJNCESS Margaret of En eland i» wellknown for her cream and roots complexion. This is the way to look like a rose, the royal way... Hi* princess wean a light foundation of cream put Ml a» sparingly as possible mad a tingle dusting of powder the
      119 words
    • 98 12 Diamond glitter goes j to the legs ACTRESS Mirlene Dietrich can have her famous milliondollar legs to herself. Girls with ordinarylooking legs can now hope to put their best foot forward and. perhaps, outdazzle the Dietrich pair. Come this autumn, a West German firm will be introducing into the European
      98 words
    • 94 12 THE magical hour of dusk stirs up the romantic in West Germans. This Is their vote for twilight fashions light-coloured dresses with cross stitch embroidery are a hit in Germany this summer. The forecast for the favourite colour is white. The no-colour colour Hut the
      94 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 277 12 I TOYOTA I I BEWW6 MACHJiiSft I I KMTTM6 I II MACHINES is I if/ lAl^^S. f o« elegant JTS }2 SEWING UNLIMITED f t JZje\ r~*^~l 1' Th< t> nti <*aluxa mod* is the Sup*' &L »^*U\ /V^VZ JT Automatic Fr«* Arm Zig-Zag 8000 Mhaca !NSd fry/ coio«al 22
      277 words
    • 42 12 SHEKO soothes while it heals your skin. SHEKO antiseptic cream treats skin wounds, cuts, burns and abrasions "^B Soothing V^B tne ski" while it heals, from the very first application. *y m Keep SHE KO handy. cream j2oTo^ia«co(S)pte ltd JACKCHIA«CO(M)SrjNBHD •JCHBfa >«m«won)«jioio«>iiman»)
      42 words
    • 187 12 yourskm may/un?^ s' akaysneeded! Weil Cabot's Vittmin E Oeme. imported from the USA. is more th»n |ust another cosmetic. It is luxurious emollient cream which *^F keeps your skin soft and smooth Jiii^ Try it. the results will surprise and delight youl For that vibrant, alive and e'ev complexion you've
      187 words

  • 317 13 Weaving life into art of carpet- making I)tRS|AN master carI pet weaver. Ah I I fand and his family nY» in from Trheran jMtettfaf with a noble mission to weave two r.irpets to br presented as Bjftl to thr Singapore (■o\rrnment and the Singapore J nuns! Promotion The carpets unr
    317 words
  • 165 13 BANNED WOMAN RETURNED THE SAME NIGHT A MALAYSIAN woman who was banned from Singapore after being found in a brothel In 1 Geyl a n g. re-entered Singapore without a valid pass the same I evening, a magistrate heard y?sterday. Chin Sew Fong. 26. adi mtttcd entering Slnga- pore illegally
    165 words
  • 261 13 Why the six wards were removed: MP rE Government's decision to eliminate six electoral constituencies and Introduce 10 new ones was to prevent a "serious imbalance" *n Singapore's constitutional representation, the MP for Bras Basah. Mr Ho See Beng. said yesterday Stating that the coming general election would thus be
    261 words
  • 151 13 SINGAPOREANS were yesterday urged to give greater attention and consideration to the interests and welfare of the underprivileged Making this call at the opening of a concert and art and crafts exhibition of Kakl Bukit Primary School In Jalan Tabah. Hajl Sha'arl Tadln, Senior Parliamentary
    151 words
  • 132 13 rjEMBAWANO constltu O ency will become an other Important Industrial town and play a prominent role In the economic construction of the country, said Its MP. Mr Teong Eng Slong. He said that factories will soon be springing up In the constituency as the Industrialisation
    132 words
  • 420 13  -  SHEILA CHEONG Multi-purpose polyclinics within the next five years By (iovernmenl is to replace the various |>eripheral heaiih services in Singapore with number of va v I l i purpose polyclinics under a major restructuring programme over the next five years. Under the Health
    420 words
  • 57 13 PEDESTRIAN Sahar: bin Karim. 13. who was lnvUv-d In an accident with a car along TanJong Katong Road on Aug 12. died at the Singapore Oeneral Hospital on Tuesday Those who saw the crash should contact the Sepoy Lines police station. There were 78 road accidents,
    57 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 209 13 Nothing could be easier! \J>J>-~-'^ M \s-* lln a flash, Bensia Pop-a-Polnt Pencil I I fj s^ changes to a nev* Aarp point, [1 |^N^ \i\r Bft«c point, after point. JL %O j Its revolutionary "bulltt" systam 171 j [a y i_j^ has up to 10 naw points in reserve
      209 words
    • 207 13 "RICOH" The watch with the futuristic styling and advanced technology. S!§B2y WATCH REF. ***** AC Automatic Day/Date. Water Resistant Ricoh service centres SINGAPORE 3 B Chow Houm Robmton Road KUALA IUMPUt 39 Jalan Patakng JAKARTA ISO Patar Baru HONGKONG I Lap Haog Houm Ground Floor 50 Clouc««ar Road BANGKOK 813/
      207 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 278 14 I AOS has tabled an "•amendment" to the main conference declaration of the NonAligned Summit in Colombo, the substance i! which can be considered unfriendly towards non-communist South-east Asian countries. The Laotians seek to delete entirt ly clauses on the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality, substituting in
      278 words
    • 288 14 THE countries in the Indian Ocean region have a legitimate concern over big power rivalry in those waters. It was again expressed this week by Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mrs Bandaranaike at the nonaligned summit when she made her familiar call for the ocean to be turned into
      288 words
  • 1374 14 IF the non aliened BOTfmnil U to stay umtrd. then we matt be prepared to Uve with the different economic and political systems of our Many members. We cannot tolerate interference In the Internal affairs of any member, especially if help to
    1,374 words
  • 296 14 the "rich" of the Western world. Whether It ts aid. trade, commodity stockpile arrangements and the financing thereof, transfers of technology and MNC's or transnational corporations, we are seeking new arrangements In our economic relations with the Industrialised countries of the West
    296 words
    • 219 14 that there are many unlicensed 4gem. In the market who are of doubtful character and integrity Local and foreign residents can very easily be victimised of these unscrupulous pa If an agent is licensed, the public can at lea: I be assured
      219 words
    • 121 14 REGL'LAR airline travellers should take caret ul note of thoughts expressed and speeches made at a recent meeting of airlines, held in Kuala Lumpur Mention was made of "fare rebating and other malpractices It Is not clear how a fare reduction benefiting the user, resulting from competition, can be a
      121 words
    • 160 14 REFERENCE your article headed "Japan's War Debt Is Paid After 31 Years" (ST. Aug. 7). But there Is still redemption of the "banana" note: to be made by the Japanese Oovernment. These notes were printed and circulated by the Japanese Oovernment. which is still responsible for them. According to a
      160 words
    • 94 14 I KNOW little about music and do not. therefore, wish to be drawn into the controver.y as to whether our school bands are among the best or the worct in the world. But I would like to say this: The sight of those boys and girls marching so smartly and
      94 words
    • 91 14 PLEASE refer to the letter by "Another Idle Not Concerned (ST. Aug 3 1. regarding the Uttering problems caused by sand laden lorries along Tamplnes Road, between 13 km and 17 km. I wish to assure your correspondent that en forcement action against Uttering has been and will
      91 words
    • 117 14 WE refer to the letter by Yeo <ST. Aug 13 1 The siren at the East Coast Swimming Lagoon is sounded at 6 p.m. dally to allow swim mers sufficient time to shower or change before 630 p.m. when the lagoon closes. Lifeguard services at the lagoon are provided up
      117 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 i ta.iorsd 4 lliliM* u'lnf »O'»«l»n»hip. •<*• 4 *>'I»tt ringt of m«t«'i«ls fO' t«l«Ctlon. Singapore. 1. T«l ***** Hong song (Branch)
      20 words
    • 342 14 STOCK T4KING WE WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS ONLY FROM 12.00n00n TODAY THE INCONVENIENCE IS DEEPLY REGRETTED SINGAPORE INCOME TAX (3rd edition* by •OMAN LAL DHAWN A T. 1.1. (London). A A I A London LECTURER in TAXATION. School of Accountancy and Business Administration. University of Singapore The changes In taxation
      342 words

  • Business Times
    • 543 15 London banks step up drive against the new accounting plan lON DON The big London clearing banks have stepped up their campaign for recognition of the special problems of banks and other financial institutions under the new inflation accounting system based on the Sandilands Report. This is due to come
      543 words
    • 133 15 G AND W TELLS OF SEC PROBE NEW YORK: Oulf and Western Industries said the Securities and Exchange Commission ordered an investigation into possible securities law violations by the company and some of Its officers and directors O and W disclosed the Investigation in a pro spectus Involving its pro
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 136 15 LOCAL BANKS (RANKING BY DEPOSITS) luit Dec. 31. 1975) NOTE: (1) Deposits refer to fixed, current, savings and deposits of bankers and agents. (2) Banks have been listed separately from their groups because they operate under separate banking licences. BANK DEPOSITS RANKING Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Overseas Union Bank United Overseas
      136 words
    • 1635 15 How S'pore fits the picture of an offshore financial centre LONDON: There have been few developments recently in the offshore financial centres. This is hurdly surprising since their livelihood depends on a stable and secure legal and political environment. Residents of the hlghtax countries have been less fortunate Changes In
      1,635 words
    • 75 15 Narodny to firm: Pay up now SYDNEY Regional Lmndholdlngs said the Moscow Narodny Bank has demanded Immediate repayment of USS23 42 million with Interest and has notified the company It proposes to appoint a receiver. The Sydney Stock Exchange said It suspended trading In Regional following a letter U> the
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 141 15 APOLLO Enterprises Limited* (AEL) recent $4 million public share l»»ue has been oversubscribed by S3 per cent. Total so* scriptlons of tCsl«.*ay were ecelved at the ttorare of the application lists. This being the case, one could describe public response tc Singapore's first equity issue this
      141 words
    • 431 15  -  QUCK PECK LIM B, Fits own quiet way. almost unnoticed even by Its management, the Post Office Savings Bank <POBB> has grown into the sixth largest local bank In terms of deposits i see table). An Indication of the extent to which it
      431 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 153 15 Let s Talk About Accounts Receivable Loan and Factoring pleased to announce that Heller m adding •icionng service now providing also Accounts Receivable i^gft d re now 2 ways *J '7r*-w When you tx your IHt^HSi >eives and your *iHB 2*?±3sy ejections J9Mk||m roofc-Heepirtg In <3^'"v you with Hflb you
      153 words
    • 317 15 jm m I g^gV^gw^^gHg^gflflfl HW.V.KMKVT COT USES FINANCE FOR NON-FINANCIAL MAN AG IRS 30 Sept 1 Oct Kuala Lumpur 19-20 October Singapore V counting Reports. liquidity and Profitability, i vjlujtiru- Ruiincis Potential. Reserves and I quits I oreustin^. I inamial Analysis; I iruru iru the Organisation. PLANNING BUDGETARY CONTROL FOR
      317 words

    • 858 16  - SHIP FINANCING: THERE IS JUST NOT ENOUGH OF IT HERE TERESA LIM By SHIP financing has been called glamourous, complicated and "Intellectually demanding." But one thing is (or sure there Is little of it in Singapore. Although the accusing finger points automatically at the banks, they come very little into
      858 words
    • 481 16 T»HE world's merchant I fleets last year Increased by 30 million gross registered tonnes to a total of 342 million gross registered tonnes igrtt, despite the recession which hit cargoes heavily A report by the Deutsche SchlfTahrtsbank states that this 9.6 per cent rise was
      481 words
    • 115 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. W.N. Mfnii.". Wilson will succeed Mr. B. H. Hobhouse as managing director and ships husband or Ocean Fleets. the Ocean croup's ship management company, on Oct. 1. Mr. Hobhouse will be retiring from the Ocean group (or health reasons. Mr. K. Wright, a director of Ocean
      115 words
    • 381 16  - M and G to start M-East liner service- RONNIE LIM By THE Ant Singapore flag carrier to provide regular liner services to the Middle East start* operating at the end of this month. A fleet of eight new minl-bulkers of between 2.800 2nd 3.» M dwt., will start a regular
      381 words
    • 434 16 Export credit: New move by London LONDON The Government, in a further move to help British exporters, is to Improve the export credits guarantee scheme Hum October 1. It will be extending help to cover losses which exporters involrt.ig in in. elgn currencies may Incur on Mm forward market, o:
      434 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 408 16 y p\Hl liraim y^ (MIMMA nl/irLA One of the finest I Moaellewines I frotn the House I oi Deinhard, Koblenz, I Germany. Established 1794. 4 property development management company (kir Lunsulting tngineers for Bukit Timah Pla/a Development, Ove Arup Partners, ■•.■quire j Resident Engineer i.i supervise all aspects of civil
      408 words
    • 2 16 HHHHRPHBPf^^^I BB^^Hl^BiiiMlitffliliiillßHl^
      2 words
    • 317 16 Reliable, profitable, that's Australian automotive parts and accessories Because Australia is a highly motonsed country, it has developed a large automotive industry It makes products that perform efficiently, and their reliability has been proven in some of the most rugged conditions in the world You can see the inbuilt quality
      317 words

  • 180 17 Move to help set up Bataan complex MANILA: Several international Ml and fhrmlcal e«sa■anirs are seeking tm join the Phlnstpines Nat.onal Oil (PNOC) in setting up part of a I SI7M million petrochemical complex In Bataan, north-west of Manila, industry sources said. The first part of the complex, a >254
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 120 17 VENTURE WITH BELGIAN FIRM rE first private Joint venture between a Belgian Arm and a local businessman has been (ormei to market fabrication equipment to the Far East. Known as LVD > r ar East the new vc-n'.ure Is a tie-up between the prominent Belgian I.YD iLefebvre Vererex and De
    120 words
  • 1073 17 F|ETROIT: The v decision of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Justice Department to take the first Indepth look at the car Industry In manyyears, comes at a time when the four major producers are undergoing
    NYT  -  1,073 words
    • 390 17 NIW YORK. TUes. Wall Btnett (rowtnc belief that President Ford will win Ute Republican Presidential nomination helped the stock market regluer IU third consecutive kdvance today in accelerated trading The Dow Jonet Industrial average cloaed at '.U high for the day, 9M.M. up 657 point*. Prices on U.e
      390 words
    • 52 17 AMSTHtOAM. TUM Share* fell In n«nrou» tndlnf the market wsi uncertain Dutch InUmatlonaU fail aharpty wltn PhUlpi cloalnc ON cuUder down deaplW IU atcond quarter profit reoovcry Banki. Inturancea. trmnaportatton. InJuatrlals and stock aH fall back BUto loans dropped two gulld#r» Cloiac pntr* in Uuic* xiuM>n ilk tk* tiimm
      52 words
    • 119 17 ZURICH. Tue* There was a market upswing today with a rather high volume of trading done Bond market was sought The Credit Sulsse Index rose 01 to 214 a CMaiac prim in Swiaa llh lh» 4mrttntr on tk* pn- >*" mmich pnen w. Cr»*n Kw N« •oim Rank
      119 words
    • 99 17 FINANCIAL TIMES WDUgTsUALS Tuesday J7« 4 »*on<««y mi Week ago I7»j TINS Tueeday io«M ■•onday iu.7g Week ago U«|| KIBBCKS Tuesday 4T3.M »*>nday 474 7J Week ago 47i 10 OILS Tttasday 1M g7 Monday 351 so Week ago SUM DOW JONES AVEKAGC INDUSTRIALS Tueaday m v Monday an 77
      99 words
    • 258 18 uONOKONO. Wed. The market closed firmer ss bargain hunters continued to buy up rtocks tn slightly more active trading, dealers said today Swire rsefette row 10 rent* to KKJ4V3S and Heagfcaag LaaMl five to B*7B. whlls M— gmiag Bank. Hotrhlaoo Wsmliifc Marwea. and Jarawsw Mslßism wart all unchanged. H**a%M«j
      258 words
    • 197 18 JOKYO. Wed-The msrket closed slightly higher toc'sy although initial gains sparked by the sharp rise in the value of the yen were currxd by iste profit-taking dealer* said today The Dot* Jones average rose 273 to 4.***** with a volume of 350 million shares n»e New index closed st
      197 words
    • 310 18 SYDNEY. Wed— The market row sharply to a twoyear high following la*l nights federal budget, led by MIV stock*, dealers said today. The Sydney All-Ordinaries index rose 5 28 points to MMA BHP rose 31 cents to a three years' high of AM 14 before setting at f» 26
      310 words
    • 65 18 ul» UM lilt— fl (1) IIIU VIM 111 «0B 11X0OB iiz lua iu ilMcfe HI 71B 112 75B 112V« 1I1MM Iru 1IT03 ll«»i •MmMm TmMir lon«kong 111 «0B lliuoB ill *vm in torn lpor» .2i 111 Ut 112 (MB 113 SIS 11« 24S Export (nm in noa •irriiiw
      65 words
    • 41 18 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Invites banks and discount house* to tender for s total of 830 million Treasury bill* to be Issued from Aug 13 to 37 Each tender must not be (or lass than 8350.000
      41 words
    • 36 18 SAN FRANCISCO BankAmeiica Corporation, which previously said It planned to Increase Its dividend by one US cent a share, raised the quarterly rate to 40 cents from 39 cents Dtyable on Aug 31 neuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 317 18 LIVELY trading was \rm on the Stock Kxchangr of Singapore yesterday. Echoing the sentiment of New York and Hong kong. business opened ■rtsklv and prices posted gain: 1 of five to 1* cents. Many shares tested resistance levels but on the cautionary advice of brokers, afternoon trad-
      317 words
    • 241 18 rE Kuala Lumpur share market took a breather yesterday In 1 the face of profit-taking following two days of sharp advances. Prices, taken to higher levels In the morning, succumbed to the selling which became more pronounced in the after- noon. Turnover has Improved significantly,
      241 words
    • 327 18 •pHE Weit Oennan mark 1 firmed against the US dollar wr.en the dollar mark first opened yesterday at 12 5095 2 5105 The .lollar opened little changed at 82 4475 85 in the Singspore forex market. Traamg remained light In a thin market with the dollar closing
      327 words
    • 185 18 C urrtn.ii. N«aoi*al ralaa Saaltluoaiaß rirmtiit «aoi«d jcrteratey i cram parity cbaao Interbank rates it 300 pm US dollar 2 4585 2 4595 2 81M 12 81 Sterling pound 4 3895 4 3930 7 J469 —40 25 Hongkong dollar 50 05 50 10 50 51 0 91 Malaysian
      185 words
    • 208 18 A8IAN currency deposit Interbank rates u it cIom is Dalian iHpat) Offtr BM 7 dip 5 3 1 5 1 4 1 mth S 1 16 i 1 II 3 mthi 5 J 5 14 1 mthi 5 5 1 5 1 J 6 mthi 111 mthi
      208 words
    • 43 18 Closing Interbank ratn li Sli.fapore dollar* for Auk II. Offer H,d Ovtrnlght 3 3 12 1 nth 4 I* 4 7 IS 2 mint 4 S I 4 12 3 mtru 4 11 16 4 I IS Sautt. AUltj A rca/c».
      43 words
    • 49 18 d our.' howi on A., •■I 2 <o 1 Call (t'poail J I* 1 MM 1 Month Tr»a«ury bills lilt 111* MMI Hank bill! IT 1« 4 J It Month Cl> II 1« ft It Month CD 1 I S NltNUI UWcouBt CO illchUy from thow quoUd
      49 words
    • 49 18 Minimum lending rates (in *>*a~an.Bon« 7 •on* 7V, •or* or *mi<o 7 •onkafCtww M Son* of Tokr* 7 •on* Naaoro indooaa* 7■> C^awara* Bara. 7 ChOMMannow,, 7', '""CNc^. 7 C later* 7 MKMC 7% Tain M«omt|«^ 7% M..w 7 OCBC 7 Ouß 7% UCi y*J UM»C *5 lX» 7W
      49 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 206 17 Stackers and Pallet Trucks from Scandinavia's largest manufacturer of Materials Handling Equipment. Fully powered 0 Electric Stacker. Semi Powered m "jf^^^ f I Manual S1 1 Stacker. B^B^BvsssssssVssssssssssssssiiisißiß^M^ Hydraulic Hand Pallet Truck. I Fully backed by lADs superb after sales service M~m MOUSTRML AGRCULTURAL OBTMBUTON CO. PTC LTD. n 'he
      206 words
    • 445 17 Your international Diners Club Card is valid all over the world not iust in Singapore and Malaysia. That 1 something we forget sometimes. And we forget that our Diners Card is not just for travel fares and hotels: it's also for renting cars, for restaurants, buying clothes and other shopping
      445 words

    • 1535 18 THE last tramacted ready •ate at the cloae of buatnsa* on the Stock awchanga? of Bsngspore resterday cos*pared with the previous day* together with I*7* high and tesj .'Adjusted for tenp rtghta l**uri ICTIOM INI INOUITIIDLI <*T* Laat CLSSINO TOM* Steady TUBHSVSM: CMBcial Bsuraa •upollcd by (he
      1,535 words
    • 1710 18 BID and ofler pnees officially listed and business in and r» ported U> the Stock Exchsnge of Slngspore yesterday with the number of shares tradea shown In j brackets in leU of 1.000 unit* unless otherwise sped- lied All umr bsrgsin* or SeUlement ContrscU >f quoted slter
      1,710 words
    • 296 18 DID snd offer prices follow"*d by transaction* wherever spplicabte *'**ra Ga»l 3'-s Ttubl* Uoan Na 2 +AI I»7S in Dae 77 11.000.000 i nil MB 101 70S) •"I Ct.t S','. T...b1, Loan ♦Al 197* I.Mh April 7* 11.000.000 i lIOI.ISB 101.4A5) '•ata C.i *\.<t Taaabl* Loan
      296 words
    • 1480 18 BID «nd ofler prices offl-c-tally luted and biulneu tn and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday »ith the number of iharw U»ded ihown in brackeU in loU of 1.000 untu untru otherwise apeclHMMtMU T... Maaa I CImi OUKi AMD.. I I .H (1M> API OUI OtWi
      1,480 words
    • 79 18 KUCHINO Sarawak i exported M*s2 milK flrsrSuarteroTU. romnarert with 123.6 million" ins. .Ime 1975 period, the Statistics i Department here said The ■tat c exported 329.867 tons of Umber during the period (172.--961 tons), of which 283.--474 tons were sawlogs wMle the rest were sawn
      79 words
    • 106 18 THE market In Europe and I US was quiet and had limited trading activities wit h the Utter s nmlnas* done at nightly easier prices Quotations In US dollars (Rotterdam) unless otherwise stated Afloat (US) 13 50 cenu traded Aug 8437 30 sellers Sept 8437 30 sellers 1428
      106 words
      • Article, Illustration
        44 18 V.A.C L r*mi I. KtnMI mrtakrrr IX.C I»Mm.i l«ttMM I I B "ncton JLS. I.C.B.C. C. Shipyard M. Horti •nllnn IB ft +M 9XM 1« UK Mtt »J« »O« M IIM »J M«J II »J II 45 -f »4 fl.M M M.« +M
        44 words
      • 28 18 Mn Hm •d CaMta kL Pn>p L BaaUac enUr* 'X L1to> ua .it Mil .M Ji .M $*.Tt 41 45 M I n.a .m nit —ii I
        28 words
      • 23 18 ißofceapr S24.MS IO Uad 138.888 BSBW Dar*r 3SS.SVS Harlataa lavsst. MZ.SM Total Tarwarrr IN M TaUl Valar tl* il M
        23 words
      • 66 18 A«f. IT Am >■ t B T Mb: tUJfl M»i> Maalrteb: Ulti Mt.M > FT««rr: Mill t:iM Hatrte: Ml.M 1(1 It rupnUf: U7.M ***** lint »5»» »5 I I ■»>!■: 112. II 1MM <)( B< 147.71 tU.74 SX.S. Ia4.: 144.(7 14J (4 t- Jam. 1. 1*7S 1M Dm. M.
        66 words
      • 271 18 fHX SusiU tin price 'ell 1 B*3B to 81.158.75 per ptcul In Penang >esterday on sn omcul oneiing of 313 duwn 34 tonnes. The overnight London metal prices closed steady wiui torward buyers quoted st Z4.550 per tonne, unchanged from Monday's clos*. LONDON: Tin was about 13
        271 words
      • 27 18 Bobber: Asm. M. Singapore Sept. IMM (down t.58) ct.) MaJaysU: Sept. IMS* (unchanged). Tin: $1,158 75 (down SC2S) Ofllctil offering 212 tonnes (down 24 tonnes).
        27 words
      • 128 18 /-M4NKB rDODUCI SX cmahos. imorom moon CLOaiMC a.aj| C Pi ntUL VSSTSRDAV. Caaanut Sll Bulk |72t aallara. old drum I*7l aelen new drum UU Milan Coara: Mlied ilooaei IK Coat »40 buyeri >iwii Muntok AStA white fob IOC; NL.W 2721 aellera linnk ahita rob M% nlvv »257» aallera.
        128 words
      • 43 18 Loaaon coppar pneaa oa Tim day i previous in bracket. Wiraaar Spat buyer <H37 uu HW 00) aeller i»S7 So (i>7uuui. Ttire* Moalh buytr i<" M I*oo Mi aeller iMS DO lIWUI UU. Market I ana Barely alaady Sale*: 10.1» toaaaa
        43 words
      • 534 18 THE Singapore rubber market opened slightly lower yesterday and thereafter trading remained very quiet throughout the morning. The morning session closed quiet In th* afternoon, the market was slightly off on yutslder buying Closing tone was very quiet with ttept. RBB One buyers quoted at cents per
        534 words
      • 105 18 ULY MR and BUR pricw at nooo rtaUrfey Aaf. S«*4. (CMM«t_Mli>) (hnnrt Mtt) n BoHfi Bijvi Stßsra lO*al«P«Ta«> IMllKkll 20 (1 too pallMi IMM 111 SON 111 X) 112 KIN IJO 1 1 ion pallet i ***** ITf.OON 17*00 1M 00N I »CV il ton pallet, 214
        105 words

  • 293 19 AN AMERICAN educationist. Dr Ruth B. Love, is keen to meet officials from the Education Ministry to discuss the possibility of Joint research on a bilingual bicultural programme for schoolchildren. In an Interview with the Strait*, Times yesterday. Dr Love Superintendent of Bchools.
    293 words
  • 47 19 EIGHT Skyhawk jetfighters from No 75 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force, will arrive at Tengah air base tomorrow The alrcraf ts have been on exercises in Butterworth. While here. 75 Squadron detachmenu will be carrying out Joint exercises with the RSAF and RAAF
    47 words
  • 43 19 SUM Chong Wai. 26. wu yatterdajr jailed a day and fined 1400 by a mafUtxale i court after he pleaded guilty to fleallnf two bottlaa of liquor worth 146 at Yaohan Singapore Pte Ltd at about S li pm on Tuesday.
    43 words
  • 25 19 THE Minuter (or National Development and Communications. Mr Urn Kirn San. wUI attend a National Day dinner at Kirn Sena; Community Centre today
    25 words
  • 163 19 THE Labour Mlnis--1 ter. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, said last night that the most urgent task In nation-building In the coming years was to root out wrong mental attitudes and reestablish correct values among the people. Speaking at a National Day function at Bras
    163 words
  • 365 19 Put our boys away, mothers tell court THE mothers of two boys who broke in to canteens in Seletar Camp, yesterday told the Juvenile Court to put their sons Into an I institution because they were beyond con- trol. The mothers told the magistrate. Mr. Chang Kok Meng that there
    365 words
  • 418 19  -  EDMUND TEO By 'IT GAVE ME NOTHING BUT TROUBLE. UADAM Yeo Ah 1U Moy, 63, who was on Tuesday declared the legal owner of a farmhouse she bought 30 years ago, said yesterday she was glad her problems were settled once
    418 words
  • 314 19  - Passengers hit at new SATS system RAYMOND JANSEN By pASSENGERS ?.nd several foreign airline X staff are upset over the performance of the Singapore Air Terminal Services (SATS) airport office, recently opened to boost efficiency at the SATS check-in counters. According to airline sources and some passengers who were Interviewed.
    314 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 111 19 g^gW awi-^—M m bmWL* Jm 4 groovtn* at the i \iJias6a/L{ Dance your heart out Tuna m to Amta Sarawak, Singapore's nzzler. Let Rahimah Rahim bait out your hot favour <tt* o< croon cool, cool number* that keep you lingering on the floor The Sociaty of The Royal Flush and
      111 words
    • 312 19 i\-A SINGAPORE £«fl^§ CONTACT LENS V^/ SOCIETY I J tINJAMIN EDWARD J BtNJ* I*»O FACLP 104. Tong(.r. Toogl.n Rood 9 Tel *****9 CC CMUI NING KWONG OPT CC Blk V 9SA 9OA Ch.n S-*« R Tet *****7 *****7 F J ISAACS SAACS PT[ jD y a Soeooi.%»» Cam S
      312 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 69 19 SWIMMING TIMES] mm vmm* 4« i. *2' 4 a-** wm ■«M 433 is. ilgai}. 304 si Part KMM 121$ pa Taa»gaj»: Usppsra 641 is ;1.7«). 543 !21*i urn Urn IH isi lIM. 355 (IM Nrt Mm x a a (1 1*1. IS3 I*. (IM WATER WATER eonsuMtlon on Tar iday
      69 words
    • 684 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee: Too I 7.4S Tit Six Mi* Mar Has Tit Duti; Young To Love (Mandarin film, Part 1 I list Repeat! 149 T»Hit«t 71 (Fttxtt Pritanarj Esiai IM General Hospital -Eaptti) Ol Intermission 1 30 ton mi tontn\ (Egfksfe) Ml
      684 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 644 20 f^U^ APPLIED RESEAROhN l^ll^ CORPORATION Placamant Artvisory Sorvicaa for Cliantj Wou> client, a larea and w«il onabiisttod (axtitot^^ I manufacturer, is Mofcino, quatifiad pononnel to I I fill tha following potitiom CHARTERED ELEQRICAL ENGINEER IRef CP 111/02) Roaponwbilrtiea: The successful candidate will be responsible directly (o the Managing Director E
      644 words
    • 645 20 GENERAL^ELECTRIC (USA) General Bactnc (USA) Hermetic Me«W invites applications for the following positions TOOLMAKERS 3 25 lAN 11.50 p.m Applicants should posses either o Trode I certificate m metal plus 3 yeors relevont working experience or 5 years working in precision toolroom A good knowledge of the use of
      645 words
    • 1103 20 HOUDAY INN HOTEL SINGAPORE notice mtm o h^hly cown, v|c|or T-n A■ >«•% u^uiiipii i Kian Quan has ceased employment SALES MANAGER wlth useffective August nth. 1976 He has therefore no authority to He will be responsible for oil o»p*ctt of sole* trnrmart hii<dnf><» r»r roll«»rt monies promotion m Singapore
      1,103 words
      734 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1045 21 L > 1^ a^^tX.^ t I W aV^JX^^«la>MaaMaa.MaaaMf»»a«a»Maml WMUBV SOTta Tl 11 CMTtafm 1 I It* If Wtaa I i. in 1 i- iim iwi Jiwt lift I. la] Iltot 'Wft ilWfl a Mft II Wt« ll Wft litH. li' .Wfi t\f f 1 Ott 1 Mt 1 I Oin
      1,045 words
    • 1227 21 Ben Ocean It M CMTIMtTT ItM Mat) tt— F Uiaaf »l'li| iartM fM ■i.ctvic.ia ratotaitw* n wft m tm. Nmi ■Ml IlfMlfM II a tot 1 IM I M I 5»- <W| Oft*> m* I 'MM (UaACil Hi, toft ait tut 1 Oct t Na h*i: Bfi ii a Wft
      1,227 words
    • 1227 21 UHl£M»Wmm\ Tl IMOfi a-oufx mini a tout > •<•> JF~. F IflMI fj aMOMB i.11f.1 IW 1 NMM CIHIUa MT WriM la Fan 1 Wft' "I'l'wft It Wfl (M Wftl 1 Mft ii... 11 1.1 ami 11 tit 1 it Wfi a wot ti wot it Wfi tajlMa 01! I
      1,227 words
    • 1110 21 FULLY COMTAINERIZfD SERVICf TO EUROPE Ml KIM! tan tltuil Wft I •"!S'M». Mme-Oia 1 (altwl'S It Hum ssr. w bx mviii" oc7 .1 mi -I <*—*"■ 6«<*«*t ■IM* Ocl 17 IaTMMaB, JIK. H»it'»l If IM Hi|dMt C«Mt la»M ICI a Man lIA M laan FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROfE t.
      1,110 words
    • 711 21 Safajon 1134*4. P Wat U4l II ■Mi Pmmi TU THE BANK LINE LTD. nus whs i'iici jiiimiii i« k... i.,.,0. Maalui. »V»aa I 1* I' a la| I W|t HMM II Jt fttj tIStUM v- -.i Orahaa tK'f I l F I I Ott II U Wfl raw IMT SMTa
      711 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 943 22 "it AKU KJSEN KAiSNA LTD raur wntimiai awia Ta luropi (Via Ruo-»l S xrt P Idakj H h»| >mhi Iwa I CMVM.IEI PRM l« SaM li Pat I Soft I SaM I SaM j MPIMiMIUtI IStft ISMt nSMt »MBt MSMt MMM CMTMaT' i? Sejt Ti Stft J let 1 art
      943 words
    • 1027 22 LINE E.(.-I^.A./ATLAMIC/GILF SEIVKE mi -I Id aia tin BMPaU. lUTNMM af MIM. BMITM utiisiaa im IIM( MU PMTS ill sail Iraait Pmn aoa Tut n Mot Sport P atutf Ooion 1..»n.' sail im ktu ii n m Mii lit mm aaj an i« MiMuii ,atii il nmt ilM tod "iti»i
      1,027 words
    • 1135 22 f»IT CMTAWOtSn SEWKE II EMafE nffi VKb t'wt P lawn I WMdaa Mt».| I'M t unit cMtiuii pmii uhm i« poti imt imt urn imt mm MmM laitKt imi i mt nmi ii ltd n mt aim mm aMMaas cmiii« t: it m< nmt rt tm im Ibm I M
      1,135 words
    • 960 22 ■AUrSUR irEMATIMAL SAWftßt CMP* Ml TEI U *****4 EIPtESS StttlCE TI LMMR. IIVUrMI CMTIRERT PMTS t» im, tncaan »Mm f««n uakn w IMU .IMII N 11 m I* >1 In I at- 10 I Hal Caii ii Ma« it to a io i•• t«'i •MM MUAM N I Mat I
      960 words
    • 877 22 X^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VO^kW, INDEPEHIEHT KpSSg F .^s l ll tt T .r.2S!ir E SEMICE Ttl it Mli I r lan "tn )«J A Cl >•« in in h«| llt'H mnwt IT* Si imm w nh'c aaawi imi imi nmi CMTiiairs *****11,1 ~WF~ 1 SUMA LINE L COPENHAGEN iMIMMIaI
      877 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 363 23 Classified. iIU9 CAT. 8. r \235-6677y Pick of the Classifieds JAPANESI HIRAOANA ONE REGULAR SIZI »aterbed atakana ,rd frame 1450 One ?ape« and film -,aped waterneri bed »ith covered frame SSSS Phone ***** mennng 21 8 76 at IN pm m Call A SMALL ONANO piano ir***** suitable for practice
      363 words
    • 465 23 WANTID MARKETING EXECU '•»l id Timber Log department Only those «ith okpenence need apply ith full par- O Box 1944 trainee FIMALI COPY Writers irgently required by Advertising Mrm Write to 613 Shell House to) tawßissglal asftsJ Cl«ri«ssl FIMALE CLINK WANTID fur fsck*f) perferabl) »lth rxperlt^ce I Kreping rrrspondence Typing
      465 words
    • 788 23 SECMTAOY TYPIST CLERU tenlly required by a chemical engineering company Please apply in own hand writing with a photograph to Newton P O Box 93 Singapore 1 1 T mim COMPANY REOUIRIS I 1 I Experienced Typist cum IfcK-umentalion Clerk Must be •ell versed in Import Export Procedures (2 1
      788 words
    • 796 23 OUTHRIE ENGINEERING (S) PTt LTO We are looking for a hardworking man for the post of SALIS RIPRISENTATIVE in our Industrial Mining L 1 impressed Air Division The successful candidate should have at least aOCE O Level Certificate Preference will be given to those who nave minimum five years' sales
      796 words
    • 732 23 LADY SALIS ASSISTANT with driving licence required Call personally 48. ("hulls Street. 8 pore 1 Tel ***** WORKING LADttS NIIDIO for Part-time Job Earn average 1250 monthly flails at Inter view only Tel Miss Wee *****9 WILL ISTABLISHED FINM requires Electricians Refrigeration Mechanics and Apprentice Please tel ***** between 200
      732 words
    • 734 23 SKF" invites applications for the following positions (1) MACHINE TRAINEES Sex: f emale only Oualini aliens Vocational Institute Certificate or secondary education lipeilonri Not essential latin Not less than 1190 p m (2) FACTORY HAND Bex: Male only Omtklntum Passed primary 6 laaartenra- Have been working for at least one
      734 words
    • 702 23 WANTED APPLICANT PON Tour Department Attractive incentives Minimum qualification School Certificate and experience in Tours Business advantageous Please apply in writing with enclose photo non-returnable stating salary to 609 6th floor Shenlon Hour Shenlr.i Way. Singapore I CLEVELAND TUNGSTEN S PORE A fast expanding American manufacturer of tungsten, discs and
      702 words
    • 659 23 JOttl SOS-ATIS S PORE PTE LTD LO. 111 T M Poyo* SIKSMIiI 11 FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS end earn a goad meann Wo oßer ill Attractive salary with fringe benefits (2) Oood pay IncremenU It incentive schemes (3) Promotion opportunities (4) Medical facilities (5) Quality premium (6) Only Ist 4 2nd
      659 words
    • 761 23 UNOINTLY RIOUIREO AN fxpe rience Wharf Clerk Able lo dnve car Call *****5 bwioaponi polo club invites appucatioas from Slngapsn cnnona/ Permanent rootdanM lor 1) CLUB MANAOIR 2) FULL TIME CHINESE BOOH I KEEPER GENERAL CLIRK Apply in ii handwriting enclosing 'estlmonials to THE HON TREASURER PO Boi ISOO Urgently
      761 words
    • 930 23 DOUBLE STOREY lICLUSIVE SEMI OFTACHEO 3 bedrooms servat furnished Kacelleni Rental II 000 Tel 31X711 ***** DATS HOUSING *****2/ *****7 DISTRICT 10 isly furnished detached ith modern architectural servant s fully carpeted nig matured garden DISTRICT 11 Hill top single storey detached bungalo* bedrooms, servant's fully carpeted aircond furnished DISTRICT
      930 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 502 24 aJaBBSBaWaaaiIBMB Sty awawasaßPW BILMONT ROAO SINGLE STO NtY cotemtal bungaiow on I acre mmaculate in rvant t Mil fNa ■NOtta PAa* bunaalow. ■.Trace house, furalsnod winfurgaas; r3 MM satwasi m and IN pn for parBMBN DISTPJCT 1* 11. 20 21 f*»mi detached and detached house* H WO Yu MR Housing
      502 words
    • 800 24 APAJ»TM«WTB M OtaTNtCT 10. II Calmhill Mansion CairnhiU »rrs Holland Heights Hi Martin s Mansion. Tainan Serasi and others Furnished unfurnished Rentals > io to t2 600 Yumin \«rnc) 7190* ***** i I LtOtttt TOWIR DISTRICT t Luxury maisonette apartment Ssr rental or sate Nig* Root. s»*rl«»kwig Horaam, CONTACT MANAOIR
      800 words
    • 616 24 s>) Ptota ANTED 2 BEDROOMS and hall flat unfurnished preferably in Bukit Timah 9 kms Rent around 1300 HUB house* will be considered Contact Mr Soneji lei REQUIRED BY SENIOR rxecutlve furnished apartment dlst 9. 10 preferably with swimrMng pool Rental 82 000 Owners please call *****34 *****0 WANTIO BALtSTIER
      616 words
    • 919 24 DISTRICT It ASTRIO HILL 3 bedroom split-level executive house living L dining room, large covered pa'.iu servant* quarter* garage 31.000 sq ft Freehold Price 8500.000 For further details ring Mr* Tan ***** during office hour* OIST tt MTTME ROAD hingle sturr) corner detached hun«jl"« »ith»OOOsq ft land 3 hedromns 1
      919 words
    • 764 24 CLIMINTI PARK 2-STORtV Detached Bungalow Type A Rent area 7 735 sq ft 3 -Bedrooms 1 Study Vacant Possession 8280.000/- ono Telephones T***** T***** SH BMLXS THOMSON Road nearly renovated 2-ttorey *emidetached. 3 bedrooms. 1 **rvanl approximately 4.300 sq ft *****80 Hing *****60 *****19 SCRAtMOON GAROtNS COttNtß single- storey t*rrac».
      764 words
    • 799 24 GENUINE BUVIRS FOR PROPER TWS Prtso Safaan Bl* tSSa.saS Ptoao* «oS S>oro ISSBS3I o«i 7 OINUINI BUYIR WISHIS to purchase property urgently in good residential area Budget tIOOOOO 8200.000 Willing to pay more for good properties Owners call Miss Chng. *****1 taC URGENTLY REOUIRE* properties for our ready clients We
      799 words
    • 804 24 SFICIAL OFFIR WAREHOUSE apace 4 200 *q ft at Fng Cheong Tower Easy handling and tight security Cargo storage on monthly basis also available at reasonable price Tel *****77 *****78 MOOCRN WAMMOUSf SFACI AVAILABLE a Tenancy or consignment storage a New system of cargo storage to facilitate tank financing a
      804 words
      631 words
      410 words
    • 522 24 MAS TRAVEL S CHARTERS Sydrx) Mcl 1740 London SSM Perth 8560 Funpr **s ***** Canada SUM. Tokyo 8630 Bangkok 8210 Hongkong 8380 Jakaru SIM Contact Kuite 54* Tanglin Shopping entre Swiajapore 7 i(ypp< silr athay Tel ■*****. *****8 V LAFLEUR BUDGET FARES: Bangkok S2io Jakarta Rtn 8320 Htn 8468 Manila
      522 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 326 25 Ib SMORTHANO THCORV BOOK (UFfM BtGINNER* SMOP.TMANO SPEED WtTERNATIONAL TRAININO CENTRE aVeiaaWSJfft**) HouM P^SMtMM M*Ba>tgl Smgapnro t Tol *****7/ i Wl 6PECIALI6I in ■■■o»ll» ig 'mi Nang) 6>»ortno»d CarrooaoMlanco Wpyui l«noj>g I "9»p»r» Contmorooi Scnool *oivno Rood 1J"I' 3J1446) noaoeil Commorcwl MOtMwol 400 1*0 1 «o* Commorcioi ScMaol < aosaoo
      326 words
    • 552 25 r STAMFORD^ CENTRE flbj i'9«St and most D'OgrtsSiv* rasOu'Ce cantr* »o' sducat.on i*SB and th» prof*S6ion* m South East As.* D4p4ofTlß In Admkilstrßtlv* MBnagßmajnt and Enscutlvß Secretaryship An Int*n6iv4) six month •van ing court* m Admmistrativß Manaa* "vent and Exscutiv* Secretaryship leading to ma mst AM fCarti and C*ntr« Diploma
      552 words
    • 714 25 W€ Rt rMM/US I PRIVATE I SECRETARY'S I CERTIFICATE I RM 10 months I trailing to I June 1977 M 1 1 R Pn*a|f Secretary s (<•' I (animations i ommei 1 AffjajMMl oVBIBJ ml) 2t. to a class I Enrol rart) la smart I a pBJ I SECRETARIUB I
      714 words
    • 889 25 KOH ORIVINO INSTRUCTOR Qualified Experienced Safe' Proper Lessons For Beginners Assured Telephone *****0S Toa Pa yon LISLII S DRIVING BCHOOL Dual-Controlled DaUun 1200 283 Serangoon Road (opposite President .Shopping Centre) Tel LI ARM FROM ELDERLY experienced li patient instructors Bob Driving School 221 Clemen ceau Avenue lopp Istana) Tel *****5.
      889 words
    • 967 25 LI AN HUP SCMO 125E Thomson Road (opposite St Michael Scnool) Tel *****5 533*29 1*75 Coll Van 1*74 Honda 360 Pick-Up. Colt Van 1*73 Maada SOS Commer 2 tons van 1*72 Peugeot 504 (Aconi Colt Ualant 1400 L Maxda 1300 S Wagon Ford Escort 1 100 4 drs Ford Escort
      967 words
    • 963 25 REOISTIRED IS7J MAZOA RE aircond sports tyres and rims cassette, radio, new Lai. Call MjMBJ FOR SALE: ISBS Mercedes 2SOS in good condition with AM KM aaa. sette radio rear unil aircon tax paid nil December SS.OOO ono Also 1968 Hlllman Stationwagon low road tax runs good SI 000 o
      963 words
    • 765 25 SS FOOT TtAK sloop for sale tally equipped Tel *****7 even- I ings I TRANSPORT REOWIRCO PMOM Ylo Chu Kang U> Tanglin To and return trip Contact Janet *****98 I I BENSON CAR RENTAL UNLIMITED MILEAUt I M4MW Dai*, *«okl, VW 13*2 **> 1M Ma in a Capella 525 Sl5O
      765 words
    • 778 25 ATTENTION LADIES Sauna baths scientific slimming spot reducing postnatal treatmenu with latest machines at Louise Klerk s Salon S Ngee Ann Building No streneous exercises Telephone 1743*3 (Spore) FOR A OOLOEN massage klndl) call user to International Keep Kit Centre Merlin Hotel 1 fully urcondilionod) Tor our (lolden lingers to
      778 words
    • 498 25 •WISSCO *IR CONOITIO..ING Kefngeratton Co Specialist in Ml s rental repair re*pra)ing tir .11.1 refrigerator Tei MOI4S YORK CAR AIRCON sale Tel FOR FRIDGE ONLY RIFRI&IB4TCB WASHING I ic^cßßa^ MACHINE 1 t^^^f CONDITIONER MALAYSIA UNION IHINIAUPII LTD *'•> Block 30 Oul-*n-P..« S.ngaoor* J T.I }?0t197 Ampi* Parking Spsc* JOON HO
      498 words
    • 562 25 ACTIVE DISTRIBUTORS/OIMaPI required tor nur houierifM decorative gift items transit radio* Small rariial High pro fit Details UPO Bo» 2*29 8 pore 1 LASTEST SHIPMENT OF fashion able good qualltt sterling silver from Europe available »holetale prices In DISTRIBUTORS IN SNOPPINO Coanplea IS* OZ PLASTIC injection moulding machine f. r
      562 words

  • 60 26 THE Singapore Buddhlat youth urganlaation* will hold a (oruai and variety ahow at the Rectorial Encllah Lantuaft Centre auditortun en Aug. M itartuur at IN pa to celebrate National Day Speaker* for the (arum on •octal discipline and spiritual values will be Stater Sabtne Pernandca of the
    60 words
  • 36 26 MR Chai dtonc YU. Senior Minister of BUU (BaueaUon). wUI attoad Urn ■Mch day of But* Panjanc Oowinimut High Seteol th» Saturday at S am H* will alao open ilte arhooJ nn library block
    36 words
  • 234 26 PRIMARY 1 PLEDGE TO PARENTS rpHE Education 1 Ministry yesterday reassured parenU that they were free to choose the medium of instruction and the second language for their children in the primary one registration for next year. It said no children offering Tamil as their second language would be posted
    234 words
  • 258 26 Two beaten up in bar brawl, court told TWO men who went to a bar to celebrate a x lottery win were beaten up with iron rods and assaulted by the proprietor and seven others, a district court heard yesterday. Mm Keng Hoon. 23 me of the two men assaulted,
    258 words
  • 118 26 Father's appeal to missing son Att-YEAB-OLD retired bash keeper yesterday appealed to Bis mlaalng son to rrturn home Immediately. Mr. Kwek Yaek SUag. of Sllat Road, said hit second son. Eai Meng (above). 17. left homr at It am on Aag. 4. "He Ml for work as asaal. bat to
    118 words
  • 223 26 PSA school for firemen to open soon 'THE Port of Singapore Authority's $500,000 x Fire Training School on Pulau Brani is to open next month with trainees expected to come from all over the region The achool will occupy 8.000 aq metre* and have accommodation for 100. According to a
    223 words
  • 70 26 Unionists training course BOME 40 union branch leaders are now attending a two- week residential training course at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute. The course, Challenges Ahead for Leaders cf Tomorrow, U organised by the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation and the Pioneer Industries Employees Union. Officials from the Labour
    70 words
  • 116 26 r.N Swee Pheng. 19. a student of the Singapore Technical Institute In Circuit Road, died at the Singapore Oeneral Hospital after Jogging on the institute grounds on Tuesday. Swee Pheng. of Redhlll 1 Close, collapsed while jogging. His schoolmates called an ambulance but he died an
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  • 360 26 To keep airport firemen in trim A CRASHED airUner helches thick black smoke which blots out the afternoon »un. while firemen pit their skill* against the con turning fury nf thr ftre And It took the combined efforts of right Are engines and
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  • 31 26 THE Social Service* Club of Upper Seranfuon community centre will hold a blood donation seiaion on Sunday from 9 a.m to noon Fte« souvenir* will be given to ssasai
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  • 31 26 HAJI Ya'acob bin Mohamad. Minuter of State i Prune Minuter* Office). wUI apeak a*, a drama and cultural ahow at Kota Raja community centre tomorrow at I p m
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 989 26 MALAYSIA SHIPYARD AND I ENGINEERING SDN. BHD. invttae appNcafons from suitably quatWad Malaysian Crazana for tha following poatfona: H A SAFfTY PCRSONNEL I JO* DCtCRtmON H Safety Parsonnal wtN ba raaponalbta for safety maaauraa in- H otudlng flra pravanton In tha shipyard H To work doaaty wtth tha Induatrlal Nuraa
      989 words
    • 125 26 Wall art pr^ Matex Emulsion paint. Getting the best out o( your 'f^ El Join the art class .^r interior walls is an art And the art |v ajV Use Matex Emulsion Paint **.%ml aw^^^ is using Matex Emulsion Paint K^uuttS? fci;.*^***. D-*i~* Vasusw^^ Nippon FawH It goes on easy
      125 words

  • 261 27 CREAM OF MUSICIANS FROM THE SCHOOLS PRT of the IM-strong irum eztravaganta on their way to their final rehearsal for Saturday's Festival of Bands at Jurong Stadium. This barn, display will be under floodlights and will feature the cream of bandsmen In Singapore's Primary and secondary
    261 words
  • 242 27  - ILLICIT SAMSU CAN KILL YOU N.G. KUTTY By ILLICIT s;iimmi brewed in Singapore's Illicit stills ;iiml sold at 20 mils I ttit can came death, the Cwtomi Depart' iiuiii warned yesterday. Others who are lucky may end up as blind, or semi paralysed, a Customs spokesman said. i because with
    242 words
  • 49 27 'Martial arts has regained its respect' THE Minister for Science and Technology Dr Lee Chlaw Meng. said last night that martial arts had regained respectability in Singapore Iollow!ng the Introduction of .he Art.s 1 i prr->*nt«l mrntt from *ru twiru: uid at Ifct inauguration r a! thr Nj-
    49 words
  • 90 27 rERE are "00 more Malay boys than girls in the 10-14 age group. According to the Chief Statistician, this age group forms 52.900 people, the biggest number In the total Malay populat.on which stands at i. ."ii The statistics reveal that the 15-19 age group has
    90 words
  • 47 27 THE National Council o( Women will celebrate National Day with a cultural j>hi.w and a talk on precious .Uones at the Holiday Inn Oarden Ballroom today at 4 p m Tickets at 14 each are avaiasMs at the door. Snacks will be served
    47 words
  • 83 27 Enrolments for STI courses SECONDARY four school leavers can now apply to the Singapore Technical Institute for certificate courses In mechanical engineering, drawing and design, air conditioning and refrl geratlon engineering. The industrial technician course, lasting two yean, will begin at the institute on Sept 37. and Is open to
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  • 30 27 MR Ho Cheng Choon MP (or Grylang. will give away prize* to winner* of the Sepak Takraw tournament at the Oeylang Bast community centre at I p m today
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  • 196 27 A SONG from the original soundtrack album. Bless the Beasts and the Children, has been re-released a. a single entitled Nadia's 1 he me. dedicated to Nadla Coma:. eel i above). the reigning Olympics gymnastics queen. The song was played over the air on
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  • 31 27 THE NTUC aecrelmry■enerml. Mr C. V. Drvan Naur, will attend the pilmc ceremony ol th* PICU TTmde Union Home at Jurong Town Hall Road on Wednesday at 11 am.
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  • 249 27 Giving the scouts a more active role rpHE Singapore Scouts Association has set up a Community Development Committee to promote active participation in community projects, the association s programme commissioner, Mr Tan Kian Hock, said yesterday. At a recent national patrol leaders' seminar, Mr. Tan had urged Singapore scouts to
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  • 137 27 DRIVE IN BAHRAIN TO WOO ARAB TOURISTS rE Tourist Promotion Board will launch In October a weeklong promotion in Bahrain to woo Arab tourists to Singapore. A major travel agency In Bahrain will Introduce a series of Singapore tour programmes next month aimed at diverting part of the Arab tourist
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  • 578 27 \f ALA Y AN Railway's decision to ship containers by rail from Singapore and Malaysia will generate new business for the port of Singapore and enhance its position us a distnbution and transhipment centre, according to the shipping community yest« rday. However,
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 720 27 invita» applications for tTM poll of i A) ELECTRICAL ENGINEER I < (Daaifn Depart man t) Applicants should possets a Degree in I Electrical Engineering from a recognised I University or equivalent f B) MECHANICAL ENGINEER (Machinery Repair Manager's Section) Applicants should possess a Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Naval Architecture
      720 words
    • 331 27 aiafMBMBBBBBBMa^HBBBB^BBeMa^B^BBBeMBBBIB^BB^BBBIBBBBIBBIB^.'' I EKMAN it an international marketing company with offices on H all continents and m Ana since the last century The Group, I whose headquarters are m Sweden, is actively engaged m the H marketing of world renowned engineering, printing, packaging. H forestry, construction and marine equipments B We
      331 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 991 28 ••c3Bj Baaaaaaa M Tt^^LwY iPßlnnß isf Hfrnßll t—t r<f^^3!sJ HLth^h BWr^^^ Bajr~~jaj bb ba\ bh iwr^i Exclusive Hyper-Savings in Shopping vauduntm,aug 25,1976 while stocks last) Jo'rOTHYG^aT" IMR. METRO M*FM\ rPILOTCapIeBBCN4oo ICotton Bath «fHHH| IMARUBISHI Enamel Ware: I Blusher Highlighter [T'Shirts ffTll I Fountain Pens Mat 40x70cm <JT^s^2«\ iBcmsauceoo.(CFT.iB&« So' IB^C/I^^n
      991 words

  • 137 29 OFFICIALS of the member Chinese swimming and diving team led by Mr. U Pel kan (second from left) yesterday paid a cour tesy call on Mr. r. W Barker, president of the Singapore National Olympic Council Mr. Barker, who is Minister of Law
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  • 144 29 ILLEGAL MIGRANTS: LABOURER JAILED 36 WEEKS A CASUAL labourer was yesterday Jailed for a total of 98 weeks by a magistrate's court after he admitted bringing two Illegal immigrants Into Singapore live years ago. Damar bin Mutar, a resident of Tanjong Plnang In Indonesia, was Jailed for 18 weeks each
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  • 192 29 New terminal and routes for bus services 160, 167 'THE existing terminal (or SBS services 160 x and 167 at Rotterdam Gate will be resited near the Sembawang Shipyard and their routes amended from Monday. Under tne amendment. Service 160 will follow the existing route from Crawford Street and terminate
    192 words
  • 92 29 SINGAPORE telephone subscribers can now make international calls to El Salvador with the establishment of telephone links between the two countries by Telecommunication Authority of Singapore. The rate for a unit call of a minimum of three minutes U $45 and $15 for eac.i aodl 1
    92 words
  • 673 29 'JMIK old Yeo (I. in KIlK'IflV ill IVlok Bbngigh, ;u (|uiml by the Government 1 in V.W.) for $l..")!> million. \\;is ";in out :<n<lout nift" to charity l>\ the btc M:kl.iiii Tan <Kok Hup. of Singapore nearly '•I \r;irs ;igo. llu* High
    673 words
  • 105 29 PROBE INTO COxMPLAINT AGAINST CONDUCTOR SINOAPORE Bus Service Is Investigating a complaint by one of Its Ins- pectors against a con- i ductor fo r allegedly cheating the company by .selling unauthorised tickets to commuters on Tuesdty. An SBS spokesman, stating this, also confirmed yesterday's Straits Times report that the
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  • 20 29 Annual meet THE Certified Accountant* Student* Society will hold it* annual meeting at the Cultural Centre tomorrow at 7M pm
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  • 289 29 Rows in court precincts: A warning \i EMBERS of the public who misbehave T1 within the precincts of the subordinate courts will be prosecuted In court If they persist despite warning, according to the Offlcer-in-Charge of Central Police Station, acting Supi Ng Leng Hua. Mr Ng said this to following
    289 words
  • 170 29 MISS Chang Ling, star of a Taiwanproduced martial arts TV series. The Protectors, and its producerdirector. Mr. Chen Mln Hua. have filed a writ in the High Court against another local hinrsr periodical for defamation. The plaintiffs have namrd Grest Ocean Publication Pte ltd
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  • 24 29 MARIS Stella High School Band will perform at Urn aUcßitchie Reservoir Park on Sunday from 5 M pm to JO pm
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  • 407 29 Man who committed bigamy for fear j of losing girl EVICKD with the pros- pect of losing his beloved forever in wartorn South Vietnam, a freight broker chose to commit bigamy so that they could be together, a district Judte heard yesterday His counsel. Mr George Sandosham. said "He married
    407 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    23 29 In memory of Mr. Teo Siont Moh called la r<-»t veur ago on 19th. Aucu*l 1975. Frtm hi* wife and thlldren.
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 505 29 I^Ug^ii^JtjyrUi^gtifll,^ Chemical Company of Metnssa Deihed. a member of the ICI Group of Companies, invites applications for the following posts WIREMAN MECHANICAL FITTERS ELECTRICAL CHARGEMAN PANEL OPERATOR WIREMAN THE JOB The job will cover maintenance of general lighting end repairs of electrical equipment m the factory site. THE PERSON Mutt
      505 words
    • 634 29 HARPERS TRADING (M) SDN. BHD. APPOINTMENT FOR SENIOR EXECUTIVE IN KUALA LUMPUR To lead the active and experienced Liquor Sales Team which has been built up in Malaysia, we require a Malaysian Executive of outstanding abilities. He must be able to build on the present market positioning of the world
      634 words
    • 8 29 USE LOGOS In your semi-display advertisement for prominence
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    • 642 30 BAYERN MUNICH jf HIT BACK FROM GOAL DOWN WITH MUNICH. Wednesday TWO second half goals from Gerd Mueller gave Bayern Munich a slender 2-1 win over Anderlecht of Belgium in last night's first leg match of the European "Supercup" event and at least temporarily maintained the West German
      642 words
    • 702 30 Swing Easy Sundown Raider Mr. Harmony Oonara Fu Tyecher King* Fire Hopeh Baron Bold Right to Reason Camarade pORTUNE'S Fa v r ourlte II did a splendid workout at Buklt Ttmah yesterday. With Leslie Kh o o astride, the six year old by Prince
      702 words
    • 104 30 New lottery for Moscow Olympics MOSCOW. Wed The Soviet Union will begin a new lottery In October to raise money (or facilities tor the 19S0 Mosoom Olympics. Tass reported yesterday. The lottery, to be called -Sprint.' w.ll consist of 40--kopek iSslMi tickets that players till open immediately to see if
      AP  -  104 words
    • 66 30 LONDON. Wed Arnold Beckett, chief doctor of the International Olympic Committee Medical Commission, will carry out s second series of doping tests next week to determine m nether three welghtllftcrs will lose their Olympic medals The welghtUfters who face disqualification are Bulgarian heavyweight gold
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    • 628 30  -  Will Grimsley By NEW YORK, Wed— Dave Stockton's victory on Monday In the Professional Golfers Association championship, spreading the year's four major golf titles among four different men, accents the growing elusiveness of golf's modem Grand Slam. It is a goal that probably
      AP  -  628 words
    • 309 30 Wollow makes up for Epsom Derby defeat LONDON. Wed. Hollow, beaten favourite in the r pMim Derby, redeemed hi-, reputation by winning the Benson and Hedges Gold Cup at York yesterday. Italian Carlo niltlo's S r w M a r k r I trained three-year-old, who won the 2.H0 Guineas
      Reuter  -  309 words
    • 266 30 CAMTIAOO. Wed. Chile to play their Davta Cup Interaone semifinal with the Soviet Union, the president of the Chilean Tennis Federation said yesterday •We will fulfil our commitment, there's no doubt rbout It" Federation president Juan Carlos Eafuep laid. "We screed on It as toon
      UPI  -  266 words
    • 504 30 Middlesex stays on top —thanks to Titmus LONDON. Wed Middlesex took another giant stride towards s their first outright English County cricket championship title for 29 years when they beat Glamorgan by 186 runs at Swansea yesterday As Olamorgan sank further Into a domestic crlsts. Middlesex exploited their flagging morale
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 630 30 ASSISTANT MANAGER (BUILDING SERVICES) OCBC CENTRE has a vacancy for an Assistant Manager (Building Services). The Job He will be responsible for maintenance and other building services mechanical, electrical and architectural building works) and will supervise the technical officers and staff in the Maintenance Unit. He will also represent the
      630 words
    • 250 30 LAND OFFICE TKNDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited by the Commissioner of Lands, Land Office. 6th Floor. National Development Building. Maxwell Road. Singapore 2 for the tcsuwcy *f eating house* and restaurants al Ike Stalt properties kno»n as No* 44. 49. 4< aad Mosque Street. Singapore I. Separate tenders are required
      250 words

  • 558 31  -  ALBERT JOHNSON KOK AH CHONC Report by Pics by I Kun jf Cheng and (hunt; Shaoi hen come from two different pro\irui'N in China, but both of them >h;ire a common bond a love for rimng. Both are diving stars in their own ri^ht, having
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  • 272 31  - ASIAN BODY SACKS AUSTRALIA DHARSAN SINGH By i TRALIAS two-year old membership in th«- Asian Amateur Bodybuilding Federation (AABBF) has come to an end. Paul Chua. the AABBF secretary-general said that the executive committee made thr decision after "seriously and carefully considering" the issue. The executive commit- i tee. decided:
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  • 31 31 DEFFNDINO champion* Wertlander* SC will men Anrnal S C in the Ho Kah •>.iiien«e trophy aoc- imfni final at the Jurong stadium on Sunday at 4 30 p m
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  • 133 31  - A call for tour by Combined Schools B PEREIRA By SINGAPORE Amateur Swimming Association has suggested that the Singapore Schools Sports Council should seiid a Combined Schools waterpo.c team for a tour of Malaysia and Indonesia National waterpolo Tan En,; out this proporesponse to the tremendous support in the Schools'
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  • 53 31 ROSE Badmlnto:. rowned Junior Inter-Club champions beat •h'-'.r first match of the Senler Inter-Cub champinr.shlps at the Singapore Badminton Hal! but night Kr-uiu Richard "her bt 15-). Muaa bi I -i m Wrnc Won 15-6 15-6 Jinu. Slra) and Ismail bt T»i! Men« Sea Huang 11 IS
    53 words
  • 20 31 BL-KIT Ho Smtt beat Anion Bport» Club 3-1 In a fr"*ndly aorcrr match at Duwr Road yesterday
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  • 91 31 |\ESPITE the absence of their nine National squad players. Singapore Malays will be confident of success against Johore In a Sultans' Gold Cup match at the Jalan Besar Stadium this Sunday ikick-ofT 730 pm This confidence stems from their 4-1 victory Sun day at Kubu Stadium. Singapore Malays
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  • 446 31  - Paeng— the bowler to watch in Singapore Open WILFRED YEO By THE arrival of bowlers from Australia, Japan, Hongkong ana the Philippines from the just- concluded FIQ Asian Zone championships at Jakarta, has livened up activity in the 12th Singapore International Open Bowling Tournament. And bowling chatter Is centred around
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  • 200 31 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Defending champlo ns South Korea and Japan played to a goalless draw In the Merdeka soccer tourrament tonight. This meant the two teams together with Burma are still in the running for a berth In the final, with decisive matches to be played
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  • 127 31 THE Singapore Cricket Association knock <<ut Anal has been postpone* becaase SCC and CSC have been disqualified for fielding Ineligible player* in the tournament The SCA rule*, tournament and disciplinary committee yesterday found both dabs fullty of Infringing the rales. The tournament stipulates two requirr menta:
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  • 306 31 SPORTS have an Important role In building bridges of friendship between nations, said Mr. Chan Chee Seng. President of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association, at a dinner, for the visiting Chinese swimming and diving team. Mr Chan said "SportIng links In football. table tennis and swimming offer
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  • 29 31 Umpires course SINOAPORE Badminton Association will hold an umpires course toon Quailfled umpire* are requeued to register their names at the Singapore Badminton Hall today at 2 30 p.m.
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  • 327 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE athletes who win gold medals at next year's Asian Track and Field championships, will automatically represent Asia In the First World Cup athletics champi onsh 1 p s at Dusseldorf. West Ocr many, on Sept 2-4. The teams qualifying to
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  • 67 31 INTERNATIONALS M Jeevimtlun and Paramjlt Singh scored a goal each to ileer SAPSA to a 2-0 victory over University of Singapore in a SHA League Dlv 1 match at Balestler Road yesterday With this win SAFSA the defending champions, are strongly placed to win the title
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 33 31 mi v^»i JJ BHBBBBBIsB^PsSHB^BsSHB^B^fe^B^B^BsS^B^PHkssffMA4BsS^aw)^ B^B^Aa^ B^B%JB^B^A^ "^fl bbbbV' bb^^^^^^^^^ .SBBBBBBBBBBBBbV V^^ ■b^bw a^^/^^^^vl BB^B^^^a^^^^s^^^^^^^^^aw^s^^B^-.^^^^^—^K—g^^i^ppp H^^dH Di i v v^Lfl bbbbl Lbbbl/ bbW bV «t LB^^mfffl^^^ n^rnTtTT^ BBBBS^ V .^BBBBBB* BBBBS^^^^^B^^^r^^SJ^^^^P^^l^i^^^^^^r^^^^^^f^^^^^^'^^^l^^^^^i BbbPWb^LMBb^vHBHH b^^Vb^bVbbbsb^^^^bbbb! '-■v/^-
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  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 57 31 SOCCBB Merdeka tourney: Burma v India i Merdeka Stadium p.m > Pepat Cup: Ocytang International v Balntler S 45 p.m Schools v Nsstlt 7JO pjn. (Jalan Bnar) HOCKEY Friendly Singapore Sikhs v SLA tßaltaUM- Road). SHA Dlv 2: Indian Association v Polytechnic (Bale*Uer Road). BOWLING Singapore Open champtonahlpa (ICallang Bowl
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  • 688 32  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE By MAJOR poli (k il battle rag* almost until just before dawn in j s|>('( Kil romraittet vi up !<• debate ;i Viet-nam-led in <i c which is inter* pi f>\ i niinli iis ;is
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  • 127 32 Sentry shot dead near Indira 'horne /'t)l(IMKl) W..1 —A Sri I uik i \i r lur tO 'Ilr-ll of (Ulishol iiijuriix Ust night at lilr Trrrs thr onu'Ml rrsidrmr .if Pnmr Mimstrr sin m.nn B> riling to a point source P'llli r irrrr in\ estlf Jtinc. and it ..npr.ired
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  • 151 32 Libyans planned to kill Arab leaders' CAIRO. Wed A FORMER memoer >f Libya's ruung military junta said in a newspaper interview published today that a xroup of Libyan security guards sent home irom t olumbn at the weekend had aimed to kill Arab leaders at t ie non-aligned summit In
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 47 32 MOSCOW. Wed The Soviet Union landed an unmanned spacecraft on the moon today. Taas announced. The landing area was the aouth-eaatcrn Daxt of the Sea of Crises The landing took place at 3« am. Moscow tune (11 00 pm. Blngaporr tun. Taas aald— UPl
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  • 705 32 I Wed The «lock market drifts ■Ilihl y eaaier today after a itraii) otfi.nt on lafk of Interest, dralera laid Al 1 m the Fiamoal Time* iMn «aa dawn 0 al 17* U UuvrrfliiKfll atock* frll back to ovrrrijthl le\«la after early gaina of I Ik to is
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  • 228 32 Govt bid to get Prapas to leave BANGKOK. Wednesday GOVERNMENT ministers were tonight trying to persuade former military leader Prapas Cha^usathlen to leave the country after his return from self-exile threw Thailand into political confusion, a minister said A special plane was waiting to take FieldMarshal Prapas, one of the
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 128 32 REFUGEES BRACE UP FOR MAJOR ERUPTION FINTE A PITRE Uuadeloupe Wed Seventy thousand refugees sheltering near the southern Up of this French Caribbean island were told today that the dreaded major eruption of Mount Sou trier f might be only hours away. Scientists have forecast an atomic bomb-like blast when
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 34 32 SEOUL. Wed —Park SeKyung ST a leading defence lawyer for many dlasvdrnts Including unpruoned opposition figure Kirn Dar-Juntc was arrested yesterday by the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA). friend* aald today -AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 83 32 PORT-OF-SPAIN iTrlnldad) Wed Five people drowned when a giant war* swept a family of four and a friend from Mayaro beach. 640 km east of Port -of -Spa in. police reported yesterday Mrs Rosttlind Bullock. SS. told authorities ahe wau-hed helplessly on Monday aa her 39-rev-old
    AP  -  83 words
  • 62 32 BUVA Fiji > Wed l"ormrr Commerce and Industry Minuter Mohammed Khan has been ordered to stand trial in the Supreme Court on corruption charges A magistrate, who lamed the order yesterday aald Khan has been accused of illegally accepting building materials from Desbro Steel Rotling Mills
    AP  -  62 words
  • 31 32 BUDAPEST. Wed Tibor Erdey-Oruz. president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and an internationally known expert on electrochemistry, (fled yesterday, the newi agency MTI reported He was 1* —AP
    AP  -  31 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 2 32 ig^g^H&^^fll BBBBBaasBBBBB-.
      2 words
    • 148 32 BbL«b^h3| I W I I BaVavLaajC j^gf'^^ Country Casual Dinette Set m ncrt List price mralnut rustic finish 2 armchairs <•»••»> m i 4 side chairs &e«tension table 5942/--5 to 6 Also available m 4 or 5 vryJ^mml round table /C^W^fl aflPStti L Sl P Cc Wagon *he«i T^*»^aW.»a4B^a^^^' bunkbed
      148 words
    • 333 32 MAT CMOWHK nvi mvifiiu Sadia instant elect he shower system offer s you luxury showering at a modest price. Instant temperature control from cod to piping hot Easy fitting anywhere over a bath or cubicle with an optional flexible cord Completely splash-proof Save on fuel costs Only water used is
      333 words