The Straits Times, 18 August 1976

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Eatd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 481 1  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE By yihINAM, in its first uppriratC in .hi international ronfcuatt. declared today that it was prepared 10 develop relations with its neighbours and diversify its illations with all countries, including developed capttalisl tountrics ■ad tin United States Prime MlnUter Pham
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  • 876 1 Massive quake, waves kill 1,800 MANILA, tuesday THE fiery lunar Dragon has struck again, killing more than 1,800 people in a massive earthquake *n4 five-metre-high tidal waves in the Southern Philippines, and causing undisclosed damage in Sxechuan, in West China. The Southern Philippines military commander, Rear
    Reuter  -  876 words
  • 52 1 I I'EBECK (West Oermanyi. Tues. A 32-year-old Ekit Oennan biologist hu jumped snip and asked for political asylum :n Wnt o*rm«ny. bonier police taid today The biologist, whom police identified only as Thomas K belonged to a team of .scientists aboard the Cait Oerman research ihlp Bn»t
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  • 42 1 NE"W YORK Tuea Dow looea average* based on first lour of trading on thr New fork Stork Exchange N ndui W4 JS up IU. M :ranap 131 tj d.*n 001 It jtUs M*o up 001 M HIM up OU IPI
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  • 135 1 MB l.rr Kuan Yew yesterday sent a message congratulating Sri Lanka Prime Minister Mrs. Sirima Bandaranaike on "a most successful opening" of the Fifth NunAligned Summit Conference in Colombo Praising Mrs. Bandaranaike's "wideranging and eloquent -ii'fih Mr. Lee added: H was
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  • 84 1 US$ drops to new low against mark BRLSStXS. Tues. The t'B dollar dropped to a 13--month km against the Oerman mark at the opening of European money markeu today, but strengthened In mrst other capitals In Frankfurt the dollar opened at 252 marks. Its lowest since July 21 last year
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  • 533 1  - Pianist's suicide note: I had no right to cause trouble... CORINNE THAN Inquiry heart of her love for a named nan By [RADIO and TV pianist Mrs. Ann Tan, 46, left a note declaring her love for a married man before she took a fatal dose of sleepIng pills, a
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  • 57 1 CANBERRA. Tuea The Australian Oovemmont headed by Liberal Prime Ml&Mor Malcolm Praasr lotttduood today a hmlnaas ant bushmans budget for 1976-77 with a AS3SOS million BM million i deficit ffpttvilng on defence, social security and education gets a boost. Oompanle* Including mining companies, are gtron Inceo urea
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  • 209 1 rE severe earth«aake which hit the Soutnrrn Philippines on Monday night and the trrmor which shook Southern China, were the ninth and tenth major auakr* xinee the start of the lunar Dragon year on Jan. 31. The other major •makes: FEB. 4: Aa earthquake that shook
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  • 52 1 POLICE last niuht sealed off the entire length of Jalan Penjuru off West Coast Road after an ell tanker overturned along the road Nobody was Injured In the crash mhich happened at about 10 10 pm The Impart Is believed to have caused a leak in
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  • 342 1 Now a police search for Prapas BANGKOK. Tu.e ORIME Minister Senl PramoJ confirmed tonight that self exiled former military strongman Prapas Charusathien had returned to Thailand and added that It was for political reasons He told newsmen he had instructed police and military authorities to find out exactly where Field
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  • 99 1 PI KING. Tuea < him lonifht rrporlrd that IU latMl rarthauakr III on the ofx-n f ndrtl Rlrhtrr •rale i racked a mounliinou reflon near lh« Saerhuan border with Kan •u la the weal Uamifr »a« allfhl. It Mi Ihr flr.l offifUl •taternrM on the The N'rw t
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  • 33 1 K \\n \s |TV. Tm. PrrtMrnt Ford has n«w rodrrtrd fnoufh rtttm U •in thr Rrpubliraa Part;'* prr-ldrnllal nomiiuUon. the three major IS tile»ssteJi network* rrported today. ktMitrr see Bark l*a«r
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  • 40 1 MONTRtAL. Tv« Serge* Nrmlaaw*. Urn 17--year-oM Olvmstr sUrer wbeac MnUoa Iw Che* off a ■Ipliislli raw brt»e»« (iruU aa« lh« ftavM Isilob. ha* rhinir4 his s»l>4 uMI waau U return haeae. >■ InusUgratkm Department tpoae*nun wM Uda< I PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 abermain Regtttered Trad* Mark MORE SUMMIT REPORTS IN PAGES 3. 24 W^^o^r Alarm *> for the «^«a«vjA smart PPH^r executive ">• small dynamic »''St»atcftthat novtv II ifflSHPfrv lIX I MsJP gßsflfzii bsv4sl I ■sssssssi^^^Dfssssl BsssVJ^PV^^gssV .^Ssss^sssu SB
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    • 174 1 luriirDi THE FIRST S£LF l^H £I I pTJj WINDING TIOEWATCH Indicates low and high tide i4g^gt*>^^^g^. over a panod ot two we»k< f^k HL^. «^bV> Utmost accuracy through t Mk fHk high frequency movement .VI B 1 For yschtm.n hunters g I tiih.rmen naval officers. \wl zoologists etc V^^si VF
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 99 2 Storms lash Solomon Sea isle OORT MORESBY. Tues I Strong winds sweeping across Fenl Island. 67 km east of the New Ireland coast, have nurch and h"u-es. author.--t said today A radio report from the remote island in the Solomon Sea. said the winds were the Wrongest In 30 years,
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    • 27 2 IuKVO Tue» The government today named career diplomat Klyoahl Sugan'ima if at ambat-ador to tne Vatican and Mr Bhlgeto Nlkal H ambauador to Turkey UPI
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    • 316 2 Violent tremors hit Caribbean isle as volcano explodes rB summit of La Soufriere volcano exploded with a violent crack last night, setting off a series of t.mors equal in intensity to major earthquakes. Officials on this French Caribbean island said it was not Immediately clear .f the rumins: volcano had
      UPI  -  316 words
    • 124 2 E. TIMOR JOINS INDONESIA DAY JOY JAKARTA. Tue* Indonesia today celeurate the .Ist anniversary of Its Indmr'dence day with reptesenUUves of its ncwlyacqulred province of bast Timor taking part In a colourful cere mon» at the Merdeka (Freedom) Palace A group of East Timorese students joined other Indonesians from all
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    • 77 2 MORRIS PLAINS < New Jer*ey> Tuea Karen An..c Qulnlan liven on without her respirator .as debate continue* over whether she and other "hopeless patlenu have the right to die The respirator now has been disconnected for 13 days and Mitt Qulnlan. 22. remains in a coma
      AP  -  77 words
    • 387 2 CANBERRA, Tuesday AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Malcolm Fruscr today reiterated his Ihlul thai the United States Ixise on the Indian Ocean island of Diego (iarcia was necessary to achieve a balance of power in the area. "That base is needed if there is going
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    • 51 2 TIJUANA i Mexico). Tun More than 2VOOO re*.dent* gathered during thr weekend an emutional farev.rU rally for outgoing Mexican President Luis Erhe\erru Mr EcheverrJt pedged that hu (ucceaaor a& President Jute Lopez Pnrtillu. wtv takes of Ice. on Dec I would continue federal »u|,the Tijuana urb^n plan
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    • 47 2 JAKARTA. Tv« Two hundied followers of the Fretilin Independence movement in Bait Timor have surrendered to Indonesian troop*. Antara ne»., agency reported today The agency «aid the croup preferred to live In peare tather than carry on fighting from Jungle* and caves
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    • 138 2 OAWALPINDI. Tues 4^ Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto yesterday said the nuclear re-processlng plant Pakistan is purchasing from France would be used mainly for generating electricity During a tour of floodaffected areas in the rorthwejtern frontier province Mr Bhutto said the plant would not
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    • 47 2 SEOUL. Tv«- Four ptuplr wtrr killed uhrn bus caught firr nrar the southern city if Pu.van national police reported herr today Twen.y other paMengen alao suffered burns one ■eriou&ly in the accident yesterday in Yangshan about 20 km north of Pu*an Reuter
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    • 169 2 Rescuers defy storm to search for plane QUITO. Tuesday ARMY, air force and navy helicopter re- scue teams defied stormy weather yesterday to press the search for a missing Ecuadorian airliner carrying 55 passengers and a crew of four. Tne search was being concentrated In the central Andean highlands Officials
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    • 75 2 mfELBOLRNE, Tues Former volun- teer fireman Ronald Charles Sanford. 31. was today sentenced to live years' Jail after pleading guilty to 19 charge* of arson, and causing "fantastic damacr The Judge said Sanford, a driver, started a total of tt flrem causing "fantastic damage"
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    • 254 2 Tanaka on $1.7 m bail after 21 days in jail r|K>KYO. Tups farmer I- Prime Minister Kakuri Tai aka was released on ball today, one day after his indictment on bribery charges in connection with the Lockheed payoff scandal As the 58-year-old former Prime Minister came out of the high
      AP  -  254 words
    • 39 2 Ford threat guilty OKANI) RAPIDS Tues A federal court jury ><••.(< rday found Marlon M«ttle. 21. lullty of threatening to kill PreMdent Ford The former priori Inmate ctuld get up to five year* In jail and UStIOOOO iSt24.--6001 fine UPI
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    • 145 2 AT DIETHELM ORCHARD^^^^^ -^^IHp«"^ ITEMS GOING < Wrw j^^f?^ AT .TACTI JL^ayiii rff t- i r It's that time again! That mad, mad time f g|l of the year when Diethelm Orchard has its Ft^^^^^^**\ C\ J Annual Stock Clearance to make way for i\E -^Jj *&JK" '~Wt£" ~wd new
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    • 333 2 COURAGE \L 3 CONFIDENCE LEADERSHIP W» M 10 ways the Da»f l arnfjlf foorv Mpt nrn and aa*a*ana)( I a *•>•■ IB'* 1 a ikmi m it kya a It* hr»i»- amajvaaM o#vr ,r><lit.*« THE OALF CAtWSIF COURSt pismstri mn4 *«'»lc»i Itoie qual.t^r, ,n fhe»* wKa art active locial wark
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    • 544 3 Malik: No lasting peace unless COLOMBO. Tuesday I N D O N ESIAN Foreign Minister Adam Malik, in a speech to the Fifth Non Aligned Summit Conference that emphasised economic cooperation, today called (or practical follow -up to conceptional proeress ln the economic Held. Speaking on behalf of President Suharto,
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    • 200 3 fOLOMBO. Tues— ZamV/ bun President Kaunda has cr.tlcl>ed Third World cou:. tries lor not giving enough aid to "genuine' liberation movements and urged them to '.ricrease their »nee. The African ieader was speaking at the openIng o! the I. air-day Mtth Non-aligned Summit
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    • 154 3 Sadat: 'Teach Israel a new lesson' pOLOMBO. Tues. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt yesterday demanded a new. hard line from the 85--nation non aligned movement against Israel and white regimes ln southern Africa He denounced what he called the Tel AvivPretoria axis, saving Israel and South Africa had sought to
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    • 83 3 pANBERRA. Tues. Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser said today he was not disappointed that Australia was not invited to the Non-align-ed Summit Conference now under way ln Sri Lanka Speaking to newsmen on arrival at Parliament House for the opening day of parliament. Mr Fraser said: "We
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    • 550 3  - 'Cancel debts' call to rich nations SEAI CHIANG NEE •y Coloabo. Tim. i EADERS »f the non aligned movement, who Ix'gan the second day of the fifth summit conference today, will discuss a pro|K)sed call to the industfialised world to cancel some of the huge debts accumulated by some Third
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    • 268 3 S. Korean plan to counter resolution backing the North SEOI'L. Turi South Korea plans to take "adequate countermrasures" against a draft resolution on Korea submitted to the f'nited Nations General Assembly yesterday by 21 nations supporting North Korea, a South Korean spokesman said today. Mr. Chung Wu-Yong. director of the
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    • 201 3 SECURITY over-rides »U cost considerations when heads of state or governments travel abroad. This Is how some of the world leaders travelled to Colombo to attend this week's fifth nonaligned summit conference The only Jumbo Jet to land at Sri Lanka's small airport brought
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 KtSeSSSBI Q2lSaissiS»uffi333&3 j t^^M This book contains superb M fflP r^BPlS^ 2asMß^B^Butj9 recipes for each day of the year arranged as program- i^ »f m^*S2£S2£££^~A me to B ive v *rl«d and -^^•^^■■■•■SS^^^^^^^l colourful meals for every Wp^^^^^^^^^ il week Practical suggestions (I are included such at a [I weekly
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    • 229 3 O *****44 Q FILLET STEAK fine foods .V.Z. quality 250 9 4.10 HUMP STEAK Fo ds s/ Quality 250 g 1.30 FRESH PORK SPARE RIBS < 250 .j 1.40 CUBE BEEF |Fot $ttw 45 F RESHLY-MIHCEP PORK v™ 1009 .65 LAMB CUTLETS 64 CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS 56 PIG'S LIVER 31 SMOKED
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    • 139 4 MADRID. Tues —Police arrested 10 demonstrators in the southern city of Almerla and broke up a funeral march In Madrid yesterday after several hundred youths took to the street to protest the police killing of a student The leftist Democratic Youth Association <ADJ> said It
      AP  -  139 words
    • 243 4 Police break up student march CAPE TOWN. Tuesday ttATON wielding riot |K)lice yesterday charged a procession of 700 coloured (mixed race) students in a busy shop ping centre, clubbing some to the ground when they did not disperse. The latest outbreak of racial trouble erupted when students from the University
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    • 149 4 HIJACK BID: TWO CHARGED WITH MURDER |BTANBUL. Tues. Two Palestinians alleged to have killed four people In an abortive hijacking attempt at Istanbul airport last week were charged with murder yesterday and heard the prosecution would demand the death penalty Hussein Mohammed Al-Rashld and Mehtl Mohammed Zllh appeared before an
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    • 220 4 Smith: No support for black rule in Rhodesia SALISBURY. Tues. Prime Minister lan Smith today tried to allay fear* among bis supporters that South Africa hast decided to support the idea of black majority rule for Rhodesia within two years. There has been concern among rifhtwinc whites here over weekend
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    • 65 4 HONOKONO. Tuw Gmrrnmrm offtciala have sri/td a large quantity uf forged and piratrd cauetlt tapes with a retail value u( about HKSI 3 million <5»650 000 1. a government ipokesman said today The seized tapes, including 380.600 Mitpected forged blank cutette tapes of various popular brands, and
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    • 24 4 LISBON. Tues Portuguese military authorities yesterday interrogated txPreudent Antonio de Sptnola about report* he tried to buy arm* aboard for political purpenes—Rcuter
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    • 106 4 JACKSONVILLE < Florida) Tues -A man. stopped for a routine traffic check yesterday, coughed up the evidence, police said Patrolman W.K David said James Lee HollU. 24. appeared to stuff something In his mouth when his car stopped at an Intersection Asked (or his driver's
      AP  -  106 words
    • 267 4 BEIRUT. Tuesday RIOHTWING sources last night claimed Syrian troops had entered the strategic hill town of Hammana. effectively cutting the supply route for leftist and Palestine forces In the Lebanese civil war Palestinian sources, however, denied the claim maintaining their forces still controlled the
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    • 310 4 Blockade on arms for Beirut TEL AVIV. Tuesday ISRAELI naval patrol boats are blockading the Lebanese coast and confiscating arms sent from Libya and Egypt to leftist and Palestinian forces in the civil war. the state television said yesterday. It was the first semi official confirmation from here of Israel's
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    • 30 4 FROM RENTACOLOR h^ I Ml MONTH FREE T^iß^BW rlf^i ißriai ii i FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION. CALL292OtIO&2S2attI RENTACOLOR IV «IMU SIM IM ISIS V>()R| |>W||>| 27 GokM pian Thomson Road &ng»por«
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  • 215 5 THIEVES STEAL GUNS THAT DO NOT WORK DANV£RS (Massachusetts). Tues \IORE than a hundred firearms were stolen in a weekend break-In at the National Guard armoury here, but the thieves did not get firing pins to make the weapons work, police said yesterday. Captain Chip Hoar, a National Ouard spokesman,
    AP  -  215 words
  • 179 5 Grandma choked on piece of chicken A FITTER told a coroner* court yesterday bow bis IVyearold mother choked on a piece of chicken and prawn, while she was having dinner wltb the family. Leong Yee Choon. s*. waa testifying at the inquiry Into the death nf Wong Sir who died
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  • 75 5 Waitress fined $1,300 A COFFEE house waitress was yesterday Jailed for one day and fined $1,300 by a magistrate's court for consuming morphine. 00l Oalk Llan. 19. pleaded guilty to consuming the drug at a coffee shop In Weld Road on May 31 at 11.15 pm. 001. however, claimed trial
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  • 35 5 DR CM Lee will speak on Piychic Phenomena Pact or Flctton at a Joint meeting of the Lion* Club of Singapore West and Singapore Host at the Singapore Hilton today at 7.30 pm
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  • 36 5 MARINERS arc adviicd to ■all their craft carefully while posting the arc* off Paslr Panjang wharves to make way for dredging works to be earned out there for the next three weeks, from Monday
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  • 55 5 KARACHI Tue» Minister* of the Hind provincial nent ramped out r**ierd«y to tuparvlae relief urt (or *hat iv officially Urn vorst flood in Paijiuii hutury A* the oaten of the River Indu* cuntlnutd to awall after t»o »e*k» ol heavy -nief officials and Ihouorul* of Iroopi
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  • 477 5 •JHiK Senior Minister of State National Development), Dr. Tan Hng Liang, last night called for an upgrading in the quality of Singapore's manufactured products so that they can be more competitive in the world markets. Speaking at the National Day celebrations at
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  • 268 5 'Crucial to keep up standards' rpHE Parliamentary Secretary (Education), Mr. Ahmad Mattar. has urged manufacturers to practice total quality control to ensure continued prosperity for Singapore. The emphasis on quality was Inevitable because Singapore's size puts a certain limit to the quantitative expan «lon that could be achieved, he said.
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  • 106 5 GUILTY OF TWO TAXI HOLD-UPS AN 18-year-old youth and a boy accomplice who robbed two taxidrivers at knife-point, were caught by detectives when they walked Into a police ambush, a district court heard yesterday. The court heard that Norman Lim and his 15--year-old accomplice robbed the first taxi-driver of a
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  • 29 5 A FILM ihow The RasUws Oims will b* screened by Metropolitan YMCA at 1U International Centre on Friday at 7.30 pm Admiation i* free to all members
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 410 5 yr ju^^^M 1 from the meadows rich, rich pl^M^hakkk^.^l Lv Normandy and Tlffr— 0^ -^Taoghn Circus. Singapore X) (^ttr' Amprri*Ti<Tr«pl^TW«uta(iK»4> GREAT TASTE THRU 9 YOUR lIPS The fir,* 12 all Win 12 Setron Colour MM MM MM correct entries TV sets plus 50 M W M W drawn will each
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 269 5 Straits Times Crossword ArRORS made up <10> 1 Wntrr ol irresponsible i Home of honest cotirlunallar about old Tony slon i4i 6 Not tc be upset by certain »nd -oru out monastic feature (7) beii'toirnre (IC> 7 1 acioss character fives 9 jus* J bo»- man. on paper, victory over
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  • 340 6 Changes to be made in Property Bill A FOREIGN company, in which more than 50 per cent of the voting rights of its share capital is held by citizens, may be exempted from the Residential Property Bill when it becomes law. This is one of the amendments to the Bill
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  • 182 6 Woman's fiery death after quarrel A22-YEAE-OLD hoosewife set herself on Ore after a misunderstanding with her husband, a corporal, over an army celebration, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Doraisamy EaJ a gopal. 27, told this at an Inquiry Into the death of his wife. Indra d/o Ynsoff Andavan. He said
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  • 30 6 A MEMORIAL reference tor the late Mr Tan Ah Tali. retired Hlf h Court ]ud«e. will be held In Court No 4 on Saturday at 10 U m
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  • 34 6 ABOUT 500 youths from Uie various community centre youth group* In Singapore will take part In a Polk D«ncln« Night at Kamponc Kapor community centre on Aug. 21 at 7 30 pm
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  • 35 6 VOBPER Thornycroft baa completed work on the veaaeL Satanlya I. for Aramoo of Saudi Arabia It will hold a demonstration run for the veaael In local water* on Monday at SIS p m
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  • 20 6 ROCHORE community centre will hold a National Oa« buffet dinner and dance at the Singapore Hilton on Saturday
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  • 328 6  - Passengers refuse to report bus conductor PAUL JANSEN By pOMMUTERS lnanSßS V bus yesterday ignored a plea by a ticket Inspector to assist him In making a report against a conductor whom he «uspec,ted of cheating the company. This happened on board Service 32 which was proceeding from Kampong Chal
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  • 66 6 THE Currency Board announced yesterday that application forms for the purchase of the 1978 Singapore Proof Set —consisting of six coins of one cent, five cents. 10 cents. 30 cents. 50 cents and one dollar— will be available at the board from today. Completed forms must reach
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 290 6 ra'MCEjfHE AT kT O BCACH ROAD POLICE STATION! sth WEEK 35th DAY! 5 shows 11, 1.30, 4 15. 645 930 Adrmsvon Circle S4 00. Stalls $2 50 $1.50 U] M* Ik^M I^m c^^sCfl^s^sM^' Mb Iwisl s^M ■3 MYS dun cvi bMkiip ui\j Urn to t pi mm\ ROY WW IPCM/MtP
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    • 271 6 r OPENS ORCHARD WmF <Jhow, Oorl, 1 30.400 700 1 J p« EH lEE TIM SENS CNI CHIN 6 m ms a j^P^, I>»or»co4)« English S«6titlt» fc KAJESTIC-OOEW-KATONG.RUBY-SILYER CITY j: SIMULTANEOUS OPENING TODAY! < SK4IIC lUIR U»C FUNC CNIftHC HIHC S ©(■fHerDineFour V^L^^bS* ltk CN(N EI MIIC s» mm^BME^*- d'X-ed
      271 words
    • 454 6 |EiOR6ANISATiON>; J LAST OAf i[ 5 NICHTLT 700 t ¥>pm I, hi M*ng Lou C^» W#n^ a* TMI itIMCAINATtOH 1 Vondwn CotorScop* t' i < LAND Of TMI UNOAUNTID "J J "fl 'oon lin 'i ,i Mondwn Cokxtcap* J> J- OMNS TODAY 1 swT^^™C 130 400 700 S \ipm S
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    • 580 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday A POLICE officer at the trial of Datuk Harun Idris. former Selangor Mentrl Be.:\d two others trges of forgery .K to bank property, today refused to reveal the name of another officer whose aid was sought In locating one
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    • 193 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues New Zealand Is looking forward to closer cooperation In defence matters with Malaysia. IU Minuter of Defence and Police. Mr. Allan McCready said today. Bpeaklng to reporters on his arrival at the RMAF base here for a three-day visit. Mr. McCready
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    • 41 8 PETAUNO JAVA. Tues. Two gunmen held up M itaff and customers at a barber shop In Paramount Oardem here last night and escaped with MS 1500 and Ml soo worth of watches and gold chain* In a 10-mlnute operation
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    • 241 8 Known smugglers to be banned from Malaysia KUALA LI MIM R T»M. Hard iorr smugglers would be placed on a persona non grata list to exelcde them from entering Malaysia. Depaty Finance Minister Mr. Richard Ho said today. Mr. Ho was speaking to reporters after Inspecting MSIM.6M worth of preserved
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    • 635 8  -  ISHAK NENGAH By LONDON. Tues. Details of an Incident Involving a British Airways Jumbo Jet as It arrived at Kuala Lumpur In May this year and which came close to fatal disaster were revealed In London last weekend. It
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    • 133 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Action will be taken against newspapers which deliberately distort news. Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Sharif Ahmad told the Senate today Replying to Senator Datuk Hajl Ahmad Arshad, he said that such action could Include the withdrawal of printing permits. He
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    • 221 8 ITUALA LUMPUR. IV Tues. A susjpected drug pusher caused a rumpus along Jalan Raja Bot when he streaked 200 metres during a chase here yesterday afternoon. Tne 31-year-uld streaker was only captured when he stopped to cover himself with a sarong hanging on a
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    • 49 8 LONDON. Tuck Malaysian Minuter of Cammunleatloru. Tan Brt V Mank-ka-vajagam. had a aucccaaful operation on thr coronary artertea h»rp yesterday, a itaumrnt luued by 'he High Commotion aald today It added that he la now procreating satisfactorily In hospital Tan Sri ManlckavaMgmm arrived here last week
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    • 23 8 BALIK PULAU. Tuca FV'ur Itshertnrn from Pulau Bttonc. near hrrr. hatt brrn reported mining at tea for ih* put three day*
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    • 149 8 fefUCHIC 16 AUGUST 1976 Q S1 00 HI 1 II VS^^H^lslsls.sisV 1 v^M II I SssV^xS9vl!# v^^bs^B> I mw^^^^lSv m\ Sw^v^^mssHav^ H I Kh/P^ C L^mV bh RNvi. 'm ssß ts^Ls»y^Lssssi Lssssffc^B Lsssf Lsssssssss^LssssssssPm^Lssi LsssssT^sss*^ H .^m^H b^lbbbbbbbbW X""* iJ^^ißr^* m^mk J^k isA. I II I Maidenform 1 m^Z3^v^C^2EcKß^ BM
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  • 125 9 Another dip in consumer price index rE decline in the consumer price Inuex continued last month making it 2.4 per cent lower than the corrrspon ding month last year. A statement from the statistic Department said that this was mainly dae to the fall of »> per cent In food
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  • 29 9 MARINERS are adrlied to sail their craft slowly while pawing the Johore Straiu to make way for soil investigation there for the next three weeki from Sunday
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  • 376 9 A HIGH Court order £X yesterday legally made elderly Madam Yeo Ah Moy a house owner 30 years after she bought the house for $230. Chief Justice Wee Chong Jin. who granted the declaratory order, expressed sympathy for her In taking
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  • 28 9 QUEENSTOWN Bra nch library will organlae a talk on Literature as a Subject by Mr Stdek Sarlff at IU lecture room on Saturday at J3O pm
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  • 50 9 FIRE damaged the South Island Paper Cups Manufacturing Company In Lorong 4 Oeylang. on Bunday. Police said no one was Injured Cause or the blase is still not known, police said damage was not yet estimated but a spokesman (or the Arm placed the loss at about $120,000.
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  • 172 9 $800 fine for offering bribe to officer AN electrician, whose car was Involved In an accident in which a pedestrian was sen ously Injured, was fined SBCO by a district Judge yesterday (or trying to bribe the police officer investigating the acd dent. Ng Kaw Tia. 25. plead ed guilty
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  • 234 9 ATION super Tday told that in his to get required ■••rs or >UP»T\ Mr Soo Chin, em- rieral El«cA Consumer Ptei Ltd. ould there be :>»ct In the lniect--ng machines. »ere to tell rs or super were not to he said its wlted
    234 words
  • 236 9 Matchbox castle? No, it's a house for four By RANEE GOVINDRAM THIS is no castle in the ■to but a real cabin being brought to earth. I 'us prefabricated heliportable cabin is seen being Mown to its definition the Singapore Fair at National Stadium And. as the Bell Jet Hanger
    236 words
  • 24 9 THE Blndhl Merchants ■lon »ul celebrate Jansaaahtmi the birthday K hna with a ■boa si the Victoria -tiurday at 7 p m
    24 words
  • 85 9 TOTAL number of blood donations received by the Blood Bank during the past week was 824 vi.iv. an average of 117 units per day. Blood transfusions given were 687 units, an average of M umu per day The Blood Donation Cen- tre at Singapore Ocneral Hospital will
    85 words
  • 25 9 THE YMCA of Singapore U organising 10-day expedition to Mount KlnabaJu at WlO for members and M2O (or nun-members. Par details call ******
    25 words
  • 29 9 THE rettrtctton on the ex ion of all brand* or cigaret- din« those tnanulorally has been from July 23 the and Registrar of mporU and ExpurU an-
    29 words
  • 337 9 Big rise in child labour market Most work in textile, garment industries JMIK number of children entering the labour market is increasing rapidly the bulk of them joining garment and textile factories. Since the relaxation of legislation governing child labour in January, a total of 1.037 children between the ages
    337 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 237 9 UarttarY I 3 times a day and your piles shrink away With just one course of Varitan tablets and your piles shrink away. Because it's the new no-mess, no-surgery method of treating piles Effectively Varitan's active ingredients worK by first soothing the pain, then healing your piles. It also eases
      237 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 352 10 II'HETHER President Ford wins the Re- publican presidential nominatton today, as he probably will, or whether Ronald manages to pull off a surprise vlc..iy not really matter In terms of the presidential election itself. Opinion polls tiat the Democratic contender would beat either one of them by a
      352 words
    • 283 10 uyORKING people should be prepared to take up tough and dirty Jobs, for instance on building sites, so we are told. YYt. in the case of the construction industry, the safety record is appalling. In 1075, 41 worksites were ordered by the Ministry of Labour to stop
      283 words
  • 505 10 \l REFER to your ;torla! under the heading Choking On Smoke 'ST. Aug 12 1 We wish to point out that since November ■narked Improvements have been achieved in our efforts to eliminate smoky buses. This is borne out by the fact that
    505 words
  • 1076 10  - Racial tension grows in New Zealand NICHOLAS SMALL By in WELLINGTON JJKiH unemployment wA an influx of immigrants from Pacific islands are creating racial tension in New Zealand, a country with a history of harmony l>ctween its white and brownskinned inhabitants. The government of Prime Minister Robert Muldoon plans to
    Reuter  -  1,076 words
  • 822 10  - Korea where US troops still confront Asian communists ANDREW MALCOLM By in PANMUNJOM TtHE Demilitarised Zone here Is many things, but being demili- tarised Is not one of them. Thousands of soldiers with machineguns, grenade launchers, pistols, knives and infrared mi iper scopes patrol virtually all of the strip of
    NYT  -  822 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 21 10 SSMt 00 SG* VSI'IOOSG? SEIKO QUARTZ CHANGING THE WORLD'S STANDARD OF ACCURACY SEIKO Someday af watches -vilt be made this way
      21 words
    • 197 10 bP^BT /^^is»*^^^^^B^BW^^^^B Get the best erf both worlds Right now you can enjoy thi* cool )<»// and L*Hn rock of Eddie Katindig the Sound Movement plus a Singapore first. The Lost HorUon'Live' Disco Show with Brian Richmond Disco is the craze that's sweeping Europe and America And its happening right
      197 words

  • 136 11 Body inworksite grave: Foul play ruled out OOLICE y s t c rday 1 said that an autopsy report on labourer Chan Wang Tong. whose body was dug up from a construction site in Bale s 1 1 c r Road, showed that there was no foul play linked with
    136 words
  • 23 11 Ort( Pan* Boon, for Labour »1U tttrnd tr* Bra> Buih coruUlurncy National Day dinner at Braa Baaah commire at 730 pm
    23 words
  • 274 11 Accused tells of second beating A MAN who told a magistrate last week that he had been as-t'-rday alleged that he was again beaten up when he was remanded in a police n in connection with a cheating case. Seah Peng Song. 48. told Mr Rahim Jalil that since his
    274 words
  • 82 11 T.IK Oovernment yes- lay cancelled the prlntuiy licence of a firm bltshlng Chinese 'imlr.t depicting exces- nee Officials of the Ministry of Culture confiscated U.noo copies of the Dragon Tiger Gate, from the factory uf Kua Com- pany Book Manufacturers In Tanglln Halt. The
    82 words
  • 154 11 Two die in four road crashes- DOUCE yesterday ap- pealed to eye-wit-nesses of four accidents, in which two people died, to contact Sepoy Lines police station. Three of the mishaps mI volved pedestrians with two being killed They are Veo Yeok Kui. 31. and a woman. Tan Pway. 52. Yeo
    154 words
  • 22 11 THE first prlae in the BATA annual donation I draw v $10,000 and not $100 000 m reported yttteri day
    22 words
  • 79 11 rIREE robbers, two armed with revolvers, held up five guests at a hotel In Oeylar.g Road on Sunday and took away cash and valuables totalling about $1,900. Police said the robbers held up two telephone operators on the ground floor and then went to the
    79 words
  • 374 11  -  J. D. INDRAN CHEAPER AND FASTER By MALAYAN RailA way has embarked on a major programme to transport containers from Singapore to Malaysia by rail. A major container network from Malaysian ports to Singapore U also expected to be set up following recent industrial strife
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 171 11 SBtCO ltD EASY-TO-WIN C Af\ f\€\f\l- WORTH OF FABULOUS jk tVJ^\J\J\J/ PRIZES TO BE WON f) I Ist-SthPRIZE l^fc I Pioneer Rondo-2000 V I Stereo Set complete with __^^^^^W I amplifier, turntable, headphones I and 2 speakers. a^H I 6th -lOtti prize I i2O Consolation Prizes J of one AGFAMATIC
      171 words
    • 293 11 lIG4M OINNNnI When choosing a gas cooker, look for these features (Indesit has them) 4 gas burners with AJumintam control board .-^w, LPG PUB gas adaptabie SidiiabifMt for gas Gas oven with A)so available W^TfWtST^S Thermostat control lsag4 \y*t*^Z*xy Oven light 4V Ringing timer j^j JkW/5 Turn spit and dish
      293 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 819 11 SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Lensa 35 (Malay- Ljaißinaiir Repeat) 7 30 fttws Ncwuiel (MaUy) J3O D.afy of Events (Malay) 755 Sawts Mafuiai Mm, 3JS General Hospital 1.30 Caiwi The Hit Mat 4.1S Dendang Remaia (Malay-Repeat) 930 Hews .Enflisi) I 430 Intermission 145 The WarM Aktat Us (ma
      819 words

    • 1477 12 -t-iie Ust transacied ready 1 sale st the closo of buslfjrhange <'. >.: r psjjsaVflai «p. parod mith the previous days ptxes together «lth 1974 high and aow. i •Adjusted rip right* Issuei IKllla OKI HOUSTBIALI i UNCAPOm UNIT THUST HsMfOfV arwaa far A»f. iai Thr .onmiitt 1
      1,477 words
    • 181 12 s Trt«i| IJSO p mm an »i»i M. Bankinc f JO KrwM 12 47 C l«m 10 MS M H«rt> tl 43 r K. Ld*a S2 42 ruM«i «n Us MT6 t. T. teaf MM DIB. 13 36 f StofMt «3 46 lk»r A' |3 M> VH
      181 words
    • 385 12 STEADY trarJlng. with some Arm spots, was seen at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Investment buying was evident as prices rose across the board. Big board Healings were posted generally at prices higher than ready deals. This seems to In- diratr oetter investor sentiment Firm favourite
      385 words
    • 1616 12 8,1 offrr prices OaV an d bust neat In and r» p.. tied u> the Slock Exchange of Singapore yesterday aith the number of sham traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise speclDargains or bettlement Contracts arc quoted alter the «ord Sett Big
      1,616 words
    • 1187 12 BID and offer prtcM oaV daily Usted and buslnru :n and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stuck Exchange trrlerday «lth the number rM traded shown in brsckeU tn lots of 1.000 «i otherwise speclIKOUITKIALI aaaaatj n A Alc»m 1 ill 210 > CKat A M Ut. F I
      1,187 words
    • 282 12 Good gains in kL shares GAINS were posted across the board in fairly active trading on the Kuala Lumpur (hare market yesterday. Sentiment In the local market appeared to have taken a turn for the better lately. Operators and dabbleri are hopeful that the market is finally ihowiriß slims of
      282 words
    • 443 12 DID tnd offer prices fol--0 lowed by transactions wheiever applicable. Spor» C4)»t. 4'»'« Taxabte Loan No 2 AI 1975 Ist Dec. 17 U. 000.000) UOI6OB *****8) Spore <;»rt s','; Taxable Uian No. 1 AI 1976 15th April U. 000.000) (101 3SB *****S) Spot* Cart 6\ Taxable
      443 words
      • 183 12 TOKYO. Tye, xn, 1 market closed slightly higher on selective buying with export-oriented shares generally firmer, dealers said today The Dow Jones average cloard 7 07 higher at 4 729 90 on a volume oi 200 million shares. The New Index row IM to 531 14 Today a oioainit
        183 words
      • 270 12 SYDNEY. Tuas. The market closed mixed In fairly active trading today as proni-takMng pared earlier gains ahead of k.nights budget, dealer; said tooay The Sydney AU-Ordlnarles Index rose 127 points ll ***** Market leader BMP rose eight rents to MIX ANZ closed off the top at MOO for a
        270 words
      • 275 12 UONOKONO, TUSS Th« market closed steady to firmer, with barf am hunters moving In to curb the recent downtrend although turnover remained low. dealers said today Itaagmaag Electrk retained part of iv fail yasteroay. when It was relisted after suspension, tc close five cents higher st HKS4 30. Hoogmaag
        275 words
      • 345 12 vrtW YORK Mon The I market advanced moderately today in continued slow trading, although many investors remained un the sidelines awaiting development* at the Republican national convention v: Kansas City The Dow Jonn Industrial average finished ahejd 2it point* at W2 77 lv high was registered at 2
        345 words
      • 75 12 M»nda> fr.o lr UM UM Mrtbourar ill VI 14 HI 2« Loo don II I ■■■H IU 2AM ill 4ua iv ;ia Zurich 112 718 llluut 111 Ma UJ .s*l Parn Cloard ll* vh Tuesday HtMii H^koJ. lUOUH II I 4"M iilloa in ios s par* i2> U2*«B
        75 words
      • 113 12 HN«.\< UL TLMtS i.vui muu Monday 3771 Frld.y 374 W««k ago j«9 9 lis~ Mondiy n2 7t Friday n 3 47 Week ago hjo4 K I KIWI Monday 474 72 Friday 472 »4 Week ago «72 95 OILS Monday 3JI 40 Friday J5O 0I Wttk ago 349 ij DOW
        113 words
      • 252 12 -pHE Straits tin price slipped 8400 to 11.164 per plcul in Penang yestcrdsy on an official offering of 236 tonnes, up 14 tonnes. The overnight London metal prices cK»«d steady with forward buyers quoted at 14.5 M ptr tunne. aown H8 on la^l riioays ciose LO.NDO.v Tin showed
        252 words
      • 29 12 Rubber: Aug 17 Singapore Sept. 197 M (up I.OU Ct). Malaysia: Sept. 198.5* (up 05« ct) Tin: $1.U5 (down $5.M). Official offering: 23C tonnes (up 15 tonnes).
        29 words
      • 115 12 CMANCI SINC«rOBt HOOM CLOIINC MICH PIB PH.UL lIITIKDIY Caaaiwt t.l Bulk BJfj ,»n»ra. old drum |77| aflltra. n»w drum I". I atlltrs ■Bjaai Sliird IIOOM) L'K Cont 140 bu>rn Pfi~r rsxaua ASTA vkitr fob IOU.NL.W H't a* l.n Sarawak whur ro b nl» t»7| Milan Sarawak aprcial (Mark fob
        115 words
      • 43 12 Loaooa coppar on Mon day iprrvioua ,n brack rtn •r.rafear Spot bu>rra t-mt o. u-stso. a*il«ra i»;u v <iU7uCi. Thra* Month buy>n IKOO SO UMitMi Him iwlw i tan uoi MarkH Una: steady si tht kidwr icv,ii taiaa: t.«at tonnn
        43 words
    • 526 12 THE Singapore rubber market opened dull yesterday Towards the morning cloat, the market eased ofl slightly The morning session closed quiet. In the afternoon, there was a slight improvement due to acceptances The market closed quietly steady at the day s best with Sept RSS One buyers quoted
      526 words
    • 117 12 iULY SSR «nd SMR prices »t noon ytat*rti»> K K ■rrrm Mtk) lP«nrt Mtbi B*y*f* kin Hiyvi Bcflerv Icealaperkf) icwtapcrkfi I JO U ton pallet) INN HI JON Ik! M 1S3SON ISO (1 ton pallet) 17*00 17* MN 17*00 1*0 00N H 4CV .1 ton pallet >
      117 words
    • 257 12 -pHX US dollar opened slightly low at 2 4560-85 in the Singapore forex market yesterday II was later bidded up to the 2 45(0-(5 level With st'.ll no new factors to influence the dollar trend, it closed steady in thin market at 2 45(0-90 Interbank forward rates
      257 words
    • 181 12 Sugge«ted Interbank raw* it 3 00 p m i unerv ir, Naatiaa* mm ftMlUmrtu Mwlip MMad >«»«*»«•) icraai pafttr i»i««i US dollar 2 4580 2 4590 2I1M —121? Sterling pnund 4 3726 4 3.bO 7 1449 40 49 Hungkong dollar MOO 50 n 5 Mil —101 MaUy»lar. dollar
      181 words
    • 317 12 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank ratM as at cloat on Aug 17 IS Dollar* (Spa 4) OBrr BM 7 days 4 3 4 14 1 mth 4 7 16 4 4 16 3 mth& 5 SII 5 1 2 3 mtru 4 13 16 S 11 16 6
      317 words
    • 50 12 Minimum lending rates (in Aljaman* I ■onakak («r. tor* tt ***(O 7 •or* at Ciwio •on* o» Tokro 7 Naaara <-x>o^a« T^ C^4»»•r W (on, 7 C^OM MonOonon 7'i OH 7 »»»tCK<oeo 7 C'«*«k* 7 taatMaM MotoyO" ( T; M.ttu kona octc y Out 1 oca i UM«C 1 UOB
      50 words
    • 386 13 FOR three years running, cashtight Amcol Elcctrial Industries (Amcol) has registered losses. ended Decent incurred lo&srs of $1 2 million. bringing tutal accumulated losses tn ii million The 1«i75 losses were arrived at after providing for all charges. Including extraordinary items. Losses Incurred last
      386 words
    • 41 13 NEW YORK Sperry Rand which reported higher first quarter profits and was optimistic about the outlook for its fiscal year, said toretgn exchange adjustments may make It difficult to post profit gains In each of the remaining quarters. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 192 13 EARNINGS continue to climb at Shangri-la Hotel r^ six months ending Jun 30. [li-La'i unaudited x profit* rose 6.5 M "ver the pre- ears to reach 5.128 million II the hotel can malnthli trend In the naif there may ther protit With recovery in the i'»'d countries
      192 words
    • 143 13 Fini Holdings i n its inte- rim report for the first 1971, announced r f i t of represents an eight per cent lmprove•r last year half performance .Tformance iould have been better a 18 per cent ump :n operating ex- ;>endlture. and an 18
      143 words
      • 170 13 d tf*rtnc* cm th* prt- •'•on pre»» I KRDA 4 Men IM (fll arrow tb« board on lack of Interrn due to high interest Irwl. on the money and capiui markcu today. Mi Hoocovmu led falla among Dutch tntema(lunaU Et*r«hrr« lotars mere sidespread muh the Bourw Indlcei for industrials.
        170 words
      • 101 13 yCBICM Mon Uat A ***k •> pnet uptrend today Finance and chemical* xr« irrtcular. but insurance and Industrials rioted on a hlgncr level The market cloacd steady on a hl«h wlumf of tradtnc The Credit Sutue Inde* 4 214 0 ■«>•• Bank Cor»a 4*1 1 I'rnoi Bank lout nit
        101 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 783 13 state of Sabah, Malaysia Sabah Land Development Board The Government of Malaysia la planning to extend the atorage capacity of the Sandakan Palm Oil Bulking Installation from lta preaent 9.900 tona to 17,900 tona. The Government of Malaysia haa received a loan from the Asian Development Bank in vaiioua currencies
      783 words
    • 731 13 111 THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR CIVIL SUIT NO 741 OF 1971 ftdwon KM Hock Shipping (1071, Pl* UfIMM Aim 1. Loo TNn Lm afcaa Loo Thiam Mi t. Urn Ang Bang 3 S«an Aik Owan Sin Aik Quan Mandanta AOVIirriMMIMT PURSUANT TO ONOfN To Saan Aik
      731 words
    • 649 13 a f a FEMALE PRODUCTION/ I OPERATORS I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED hos iob vacancies for your lodies to work as Production H Operators in our ultra-modern air conditioned foctory REQUIREMENTS: I Singapore citizens H Between 1 6 to 30 years old H Completed Secondary 2 education B Successful
      649 words
    • 539 13 1 STP DISTRIBUTORS SON. BHD. BB As result ot rapid e«panvon ajlQllil I organisation we oHer hArdwork conscientious I I and .1 long term c treer to aspiring and respec BB table Men Women willing to take I ih.iilenqe ,md male s.iles their cjr^, I penenc* is not ,i problem
      539 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 553 14 SOC 4 I SINGAPORE OILSEAL COMPANY PTE LTD I iding ■ntefnc'ional oilseol manufacturing firm res (applications tor the following ASSISTANT PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT THE JOB Th« p«r*°n wl" 0*414 f the Production Superintendent .n co-ordinating monutoctunng efforts within the operation to achieve established cost, schedule, quality and employee relations obiectives TUP
      553 words
    • 547 14 SALES MANAGER EUTECTIC+CASTOLIN DIVISION If you ore capable of Handling men and motivate them in their sales performance, you moy be the man we ore looking for to fill the above voconcy to hondle o* the nome of the monufocturer* imply a world renown and wide range of welding consumables
      547 words
    • 506 14 MIDI* PROPERTIES TO LET 1) LLOYD LEAS CHANQI Unfurnished smgle storey detached bungalows situated m residential area with wide open spaces and playground for children amidst pleasant neighbourhood Rental p"" month: In the range of Sl5O $300 S4OO depending on location and site 1 2) SEMBAWANG ESTATE Rental: 2 Storey
      506 words
    • 320 14 ■MMj In Kvef l-ovin« Memor> Mr Simon (.<>h Jerk Mong Drpartrd IM-K-75 Tuduy tirniKN buck learltil memories i>! one we loved so d«Nir *hn It-It us without even a word ol K<x>dbye. to be with our lord Hamlull) missed by ull t>e- I lovedont^iOiomt^^^^^^ m s I'AI.ATINO Vn. Out Arrived
      320 words
    • 747 14 TRANSEA MARINE ENGINEERING PTE. I LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE OF REMOVAL Astromtr.e 18th August. I 976 our off ices a'e located at 5 SHENTON WAY UIC BUILDING 31 ST FLOOR SINGAPORE 1 Tal: *****5 b (5 line.) SUSSSSFttSSSISR Vr»j (B Ir«ak til i and Out IT < bar«eT4i\<.n«
      747 words
    • 756 14 MIDEAST INDEPENDENT REGULAR LINER SERVICE 21—41 CHUawn letlar Cwtntt't »t«? lift rtcilititt lialMt all I Raw «tiult IfM lITS lit Spwt Pt MlMf fdia»| ISIM (NWiVMM Mill* Vtt la ftrt-22 I tsi v f io« 1 1 1 11 1 i n n it ..;v ISCU CMIICKCiI MIMR Hf 12
      756 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1206 15 1 tmymmm* mma n m.xwm*wn a tarf a t«a it Utm IMn f taw*, bMI -«t "ant u CaMllir l I taf il ten U ten Utenttteni Itan i m ti -m i' tan ii ten awn ntan ntan imhb mi tan tefi awn kt kt i kt ii tan
      1,206 words
    • 1242 15 Ben Ocean A taut servjcp d Ben Line BteFlmnel Gten Unp and NSMO li m CMTtMar <aa MMI t'aara f laaaat faaatf laaM ft* MactatcßM it ak< an tat n tan .a Ml Mmbl *>•-,. ittaMtaa II M tea a itm I kt 1M» HMff. fna>. fwl. i fan iumiii
      1,242 words
    • 1169 15 |fBLcl fe#y|^Vi f /^W i Mart a-twa rtiMTti nm mmi h«m raart f. inaai arSraan aaont kaaka Praaca all Wk ItaMiMi'l ft cMtitM bit te.M ni« i tan n tan ii tan <a tani 'ten ii. iti. ia tat a ia i>*tft titan Mian nun nten ItaitM MT I ten
      1,169 words
    • 1176 15 fULLY COWTAIHtttZtD SEKVICI TO tU»Or*C P IM" PM KJ KJMU lai rtTiaji mm tefl I Mtttffrß. AJMtffMai. Antcrtff, It Hani mSm. Sa Ml -nn fat I Mrtaa. ClfMM|n. ftctaiMiri. m*xx unaui kl it Mt li aiaaM M at SlttMaM. Ottt. pUpIBMj. aMM KitfiMa. hum] l Maa \t. M Man H\
      1,176 words
    • 782 15 MMMMMMMMMMMMJ SMJaftTt MMM. P I*M| IMI: IL Wll PMMJ Mil THE BANK LINK LTD. IMH fMIIS IfBICI itilMiti it (Mmi kM.M ~--|ni l>.. d tauap •wka L Ua, P J f wiaaf a tat i tan ■x M n iaj riirtiM Maartiat. aaaaaa. tartaa. II PI. Ctfataax' f K'l-*; i
      782 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1040 16 ■"'"^ltA' \SAKJ KJSCN KAJSHA LTD. mv cNTLKttai Suva Ta iMlft lYla aTMt—l I MTt P iNMf HYaT| Itimm rial :.iHtni nn n n *tn il lat IStft iStat ISmi S. Ma IStfl 2Stft ?3SM« TlMft TfStat m£« CtRTI- HJtH 11 Stft 7 tit Ikt 4kl E SB Mtoft UStft II
      1,040 words
    • 998 16 LINE E.e.-I\S.A./ATLAMIC/GILF SCIVICE MM tar Ma TIM. MJMtU. MITMtM. MlIMn MMTM in. him mm ttait uxr rtan tv ttu ipa.pi ttat fmmt/mm Tan a Mtt lai r•< #-j rnt»t) t.'ra«v f Itm aMIIMM Mil DHia Mll aa| It aa B H Ut nfii anam mv il titan 'limn ti'tlUal nait
      998 words
    • 1067 16 tmnumna sane n mm mi s»m t aar. P Maaj »aaatM rtatf tna raa> I Max* atuiltnaii M Part 'I ia 1 ton I ton Itm Itoat tl ton I II rraat lattu 1 1 itonl/laat 11 ton n ton BUM a ton a ton MMM CMIIMMI! lltaMtlMatMtoM IM
      1,067 words
    • 1067 16 aaUiTSIM IMTHMTMaaI SMPPWt CMTPM HI TEI B. r)U44 aura snneE n imm« iiTUPttL/CHTiRiaT pars «X aaa. SMaajan P taaMJ N«a laaM) Mr Mau MMM It It lai n II aa( Itara 1C 1 rod C|.« It 10 *r.-t It 10 tm» n U 1 *■> >hi Mtu l«uu attoai 1
      1,067 words
    • 913 16 1^ RORWEGUN ASIA LINE \VC>a>W- IHEPENEIT KhP9> FAI E«T ElMft SEIVICE ■^X^^Bl^V taMtua 1 ci tiacirMf rrt in i.i ti mv 1 r taat itn rm im aaM tiinat 11 m mi "*>^ ttl rnaat tari 1 mil tan ll— ntoft Hlftl IHIHI 1 tw> 1 v.-p Iki Ik- 11
      913 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 164 17 Classified. Jlds CATS. J Pick of the Classifieds POOL' LIF' LaTl WANTED > MALI tMrNtlUt WORKERS I I a a inter salad .ppkrinlt can lake OUf CfMVwat«>w*tV I^WattM dAwtfJ #1 2 I p m under MM tiaihtad arNtaa nfcom ol Ihe Outram Central FOUNOGREv KITTEN I ■AMTU SCMIPT WRITtMS inn
      164 words
    • 412 17 Super do lu.e detsch.dX luwgalea m Owwlct IS M laste Takr a good look al our brand new deluxe bungalow at bTM Park It II even in this outstanding locality with n > hum pore -itKl arm 12 000 sq ft Builtip area 4 600 sq ft with 4 ■edr
      412 words
    • 748 17 RECEPTIONIST REOUMEO FI M*.t itapof e clliarn pleasant personality good English and charming voice MuM have some g .rkn.f knowledge of P M B X s*n< hbi>ard Please tend applies lions with one recent photograph and telephone number to P O Box 1891 8 porr 1 FAIRCHILD SINGAPORE PTE. LTD
      748 words
    • 844 17 A «ELL ESTABLISHED IMPORT v Export Company wanted an Kxperienced Male Snipping Clerk aged between 25-40 years English hinesr educated Write IoP O Box 2*7* Singapore I. giving full educational details working experience li salary required wUOAR INOUSTRY OF SINGAPORE LIMITED Require* A CONFtMNTIAI CLERK/TYPIST (taatata, I t. K *>lli
      844 words
    • 933 17 junona factory ntoumii tMaajamn Completed N S Age below 25 Fxpertervre not necessary possess class 111 driving licence Singapore < mien with secondary Two and above education Apply in own handwriting e n< losing 1 non-returnable passport sla* photograph to S T Box A ***** A CHANCI IN A mi
      933 words
    • 824 17 INTERNATIONAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY .imnrdulr vacancies for FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS High Starting salary a (ienerous fringe beneflls Medical la. iIUm-n Shift allo»an. rand Iran .sport for 2nd Shift a Aircondilioned working arra lor Machinr Operators yaw are above 14 rears, ptaaaa apply m par saw ta> ILICTMICAL MANUFACTURERS OF SINGAPORE
      824 words
    • 735 17 nauiFiiD bjalc/ fcbusib: sales rtrprrsenutives and Public Ke .an. us uilK-ers Kxperience in uvei line preferred Apply per xrnall) to Commercial Travel servi. c Pie Ltd 4lh floor Hong Lnmi Finance Hldg Jalan Be Mr s pore 6 FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS awVJMMB >y a newly ell -established Tr rvision Components
      735 words
    • 851 17 s.twzw wapiicu rnaaAssa to ■gfl helles and Mediterranean Aboard 46 modern well equipped ketch departing Singapore begin inng September Arrival mid linrmber No wages will be paid and crrb expected to contribute USS6 per day lor keep Single gf couple Sailing experience preferred Contact Mr Liv at 9IMJII office hours
      851 words
    • 885 17 ILEs. mUHir. PIHBI JtgQUlßgg Tev hnlcians Counter salesmen Preferably with dnv ing licence and an Accounts. Gervera l Clerk Apply per v.nall) brlsern II DO a I i I p m to Quadio Electronirs Pie Ltd Ist floor Unit 120 High Street Centre S pore 6 Applications are invited for
      885 words
    • 604 17 ihdiru ngitt REQUIRES i BEAUTY CONSULTANTS ■I quired lining is Far parhculort on our tuN or pert, time rob. please '<ng M 606 or col pirnn«a,| at Room JJt Ird Floor. Poepts i Perk Centre Upper Croat Sweat FORMING PRIVATE LIMITEO' 1 ornpanies K.M.kkeepmg Ac counting Secrrlarial and Income ne
      604 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 292 18 PON BOOL I STORE' HOLIDAY 000 sq ft 4 -1 hath *****3* p m .ac Road 3 UtdruuaM ■aster bodruum with atm 2 bedrooms ••i large xitrhen Tot IJOOOM O'STP.iCT it GRACE PAO> aaam a tP«*T 1* I STORIY BtAUTtFUI JNGALOW j Aroo awoMi tHaM a« R Boodfloi wiianai iiiuKh
      292 words
    • 918 18 DISTRICT IS BRADOILL iMMjBAa, 3 Hedroomed Detached Runnlot J Bathrooms Ser •m Spacious Compound FurnMched with 1 Aircon li 090 Phone *4«49 OtST n HN.LMIW ISTATI 3 bed remred 2 storey terrace house unfurnished renl 8425 p m BaMI IN6LI CTOREV FURNIIHIO' TIRRACI Me. use along Buklt Timan K<«d 2
      918 words
    • 858 18 MAR CATNAV BUM.P*NB. Unoby (•haul newly completed luxury lopioat floor apartment furnished at 815*0 pm Enquiries Wont 1214*5 *****7 M-IfOMT ItITIRNATtONAL PUMA ApartmenU for rent Full) carpeted central an .■ond 24 hours intercom se-' runty service NOUMNCS TIL US**** oascoaaonon 11l and Sunday BIST 1* AND 11 modern 3hedroomed and
      858 words
    • 714 18 FURNISNIO PEOPLE S PARK Complex l-roomed selfcontained apartment. 5440 Jalan Jinlan 2- roomed apartment SSSS t airnhiil Mansion SI.SOO *****5 3*2192 MB ewßWWcanaoj OIST 1* PUILV FURNIINIO arpeted Room Single Japanese Or Indonesia Call *27*07 OUIET FAMILY NAB 2 unfurnished furnished rooms in Out 12 with bathroom attached for single
      714 words
    • 817 18 Bs^Ll^s^iO B^^^BS^Bsr'J^Bsl OtST II NCW UJl*JAam.r com pieted double-storey house. 10 miles Upper Charvgl Road 3 bedrooms servant s. split-level design terrauo ftooring loan available Apply owner, (ioodearth Realty *****1 ****** BsJLMNC SOOETY Of MALAYA LbWTEO. HMltatolatcn* HOUSMC I Oap)S a Low mtefmt rsies a Attractive r lrp3vTi>snl terms -upto
      817 words
    • 827 18 i.irciei. I- stale fcingle Terrace Mouse Lalrly Renovated Please .'iil.ii I iVUIUc, JALAN NOVENA. District II solid I) built bungalow double storey i> bedrooms servant s 82*0 000 l.urn Awn lales 44*5*37 WST 1* UPPIR lAST Coast Road buiutalow on hill lop Panoramic view ol sea 3 split-levels. 4 hetlnioms
      827 words
    • 796 18 ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSITS and Saving Accounts 8% par annum X.*« Alk Hang Finance Co .Ltd IS7. South B'<«*o Rd Siwaapnn 1 Tat 'SOU M 3*9? Adv parmit Mo I at3l TOA PAVON S-ROOMIO improved HUB flat 4th floor excellent locality 823 000 on o Phone *****6 DIST 11
      796 words
    • 810 18 N E S OFFICE BUILDING JURONO INOUSTRIAL ESTATE Available alrmndiiiorvr.l olli.e premises between 55 7 n V in 1 800 1 000 sq it i Ample earparking facilities ■nail in. RICHARO ELLIS SALLMANN SIWARO LOH (PTE) MlrcsaliU »b«wH lor Noftofsoi Innlnoannß loiiHi (Ps, Ltd Tllswhlnl 2*S*SSS SB* SO FT OeTtCI
      810 words
    • 562 18 Mandarin M .ix lusive vi atrva > clurge S3«U lln (7 i<m ***** 1 Ranmrad SHOWROOM CUM OFFICE I 500 si) It I'reler douhle- slurry BSD f IWHMI md 5 CaßCatHonro 2*22*11 MTIRNATIONAL COStPANV R|. OiNRCS off lies uu ir. hard i ...1 1 hill .ir tart William ***** M
      562 words
      296 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
      877 words
    • 675 19 CIP TRAVEL AIRFARI quotations Bangkok 8*230 Perth StSM. MMbaMrna/Sjrdney a**** London/Europe BBSM Further detalU pMaat call at Suite 225 Merlin Hotel. Beach Road Singapore 1 or ring 25*1829. 2*2!758 *******. 258M11 Ext 401 world cNAirriM curnn rm tai. SMM Hswee CoHyer Otter. pere Tel *I**M *lim OBMM from SSM lo
      675 words
    • 479 19 |||||y|U|jj|j||||||gl P^bSSi^lHjmml PRINCE ROOM RESTAURANT »iUßit Rood Hong Kong Tim-Sum Lunch. Dinner. Wedding other functions Tel *****4 *****1 *****1 also available at STEAMBOAT GARDEN (above Prince Room Restaurant). Special Poh-Piah steamboat and seafood at economical rates Ample parking facilities at 3rd flour Business hours spm -Sam) or visit PEACI
      479 words
    • 790 19 CENTRE I The largest and most progressive rasourc* centre lor education •n Ousmess and the professions m South East Asia KEY PUNCH COURSE Stamford's Computer Centre develops your basic ability into a special skill as a Key-Punch Operator with three months part-time course on the FEATURES, OPERA TION AND PRO
      790 words
    • 846 19 here to stay master it and you II win the day Eor more devils regarding our practical complin programming course contact P F Lai Pie Ltd 277-L Selefte Complex Seleg>e Road 5 pore 7 320*4* P*OPU 8 COMMERCIAL SCHOOL East Ceeet Roed Tetr IMTM. 44—MI T|pe*Jt4Mit anviin.r from 9 a
      846 words
    • 908 19 Responsible rrlendly Instructors 244. 2nd Floor People s Park Centre Tel *****1 M 3195 HIGHWAY ORIVINC BCNOOL I i.i I sun 1200 hourly 17 CSwarun tt-r tiiKhwa> code lest 531 Btllß 1 2aaßß* ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL Brand new Datsun dual-controlled Moderate charges 13 Selegie Road Phone 3327*7 *****7 LESLIE S
      908 words
    • 1091 19 good condition 81 1 700 ono Tel 413*03 I*7l OATBUM SSBL original air rond cassette new tyres Verj good condition Tel *****4 IM* CORTINA SUPER Tape console box sports rims lyre: paintwork tl 800 ono Tel 315*3 I*7l MA2DA ISM aircondltlonec sutionwagon One owner, roac Ux until December Onl) S5
      1,091 words
    • 805 19 preferaM) dealers please Hin« IK < MANAOINO OIRECTOR RE OLNRES tar I* I eIK-l rial 124 BMtM i.iUnt OH Corolla 1200 HoridaCivic Kiai 132 An> sport-s car sporty saloon Call J2*7i.SMr hours WANTED I*7l ONWAROS Alfj 2 000 (iTV Heriina or MM* 2002 m good .oiKiilK.n King *****2 Tan TCACHER
      805 words
    • 540 19 £5 CURTAIN f Iff RT A'K BUOTNtR* CO PTI LTO ni help in choosing me RiKhl t'urUin Materials come to »c .urtain mperl «hu t.r rvery riomeatli' t coenrrterrul uses M-|>l'l> 4 Install Aluminium curtain Im Come lo see us at 3*B M*. Je* Chtet Read tmawtire it Tel *****54
      540 words

  • 271 20  -  BAILYNE SUNG Mothers should read a lot to them By MOTHERS should read a lot to their pre school children instead of teaching them how to read, according to an Israeli professor. Prof Dma Feitelson. of the Department of r duration. University of Haifa, said
    271 words
  • 64 20 THIEVES broke into Metro Marine Parade on Monday and stole an assortment of goods altogether worth $5,000. Police said a Housing Board sweeper noticed a damaged lock in a drain by the store at about 730 p.m. He notified the security guard who later found a wooden enclosure
    64 words
  • 309 20 More research needed on new words: Thomson DELEGATES to an International conference on reading were yesterday urged to conduct research into the extent countries were Incorporating words from other foreign languages Into their own language. Prof. GO Thomson lecturer In the Department of Government and Public Administration, Nanyang University, who
    309 words
  • 140 20 ABOUT 270 primary school teachers will attend a family planning and population education seminar at the Apollo Hotel, tomorrow at 8 IS am The main objective of the seminar Is to help them teach this subject In schools. Organised Jointly by the Singapore Family
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  • 137 20 EIGHT men attacked a welder and his friend with iron rods In a bar after a bottle from the two men's table fell accidentally, a court heard yesterday. Yesterday, the trial of one of the eight. Tan Chew Seng 30, was adjourned
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  • 429 20 THE low level of linguistic competence among Singapore schoolchildren could be due to lack of motivation to read from adult* in school or at home, according to a local educationist. Dr. Ruth Wong, Director of the Institute of Education, who stated
    429 words
  • 202 20 rE trial of Chew Swee Lin. 21. charged with causing the deaths of a clerk and a housewife by driving dangerously, was postponed to Saturday as the last of the prosecution witnesses, a senior Renlstry of Vehicles officer did not turn up for the continued hearing
    202 words
  • 114 20 A DISTRICT Judge yes lerdcy heard how a police supervisee was caught In the act of "fowl" play at a time when he should have been indoor* as required by the supervision order Tham Saw Kee. 37, was Jailed for 18 months for
    114 words
  • 232 20 Cleared: Man who took the left-overs A CANTEEN worker was acquitted when he told a magistrate that the tood he was charged with st-allng were lett-overs which he wanted to bring home to give his children a "treat S. Sethupathy. 43. who was employed to make drinks and distribute food
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
      138 words
    • 722 20 SWISSCO AIR COMOtTtONMM S AVAILABLE FULLY AUTOMATIC. prrialui in I itinluh •.^injj machines. -IMII mpra>inc I dr>rr« tr l riaeTiilort dlsalf cund retnawmlor Tel MOIU hakjtrtrr* limm colour Letrnri» 1 \«ulUbtr on E P T I Ion Hum 1 Timah Heririr ComJOON HO INTERNATIONAL B^BJBBmwQjBM^LOBgI -■■juipment ...i«w,..|<l ATTIWTIOW SAJMAIN HUNTER*'
      722 words
    • 161 20 The Heuga pi: flat stands 8811 out from all 553 the others Sll (and saves you money too!) When you buy carpet for home or be moved round to eliminate office it's important to make the heavy wear areas. In addition *># r right choice and Heuga s rich Heuga
      161 words

  • 138 21 JOINING IN INDONESIA NATIONAL DAY JOY 'PHf Indonesian AmI baNsjdor to Nint.i P"rr Mr hjrrudin ranting (Irfti sharing I lake with thr Minister for MMM and Irchnolog; |»r Lee hiaw Meng. during a reception held at Mr I imiiih s home in HolI Mid Hill vrslrrdar to i f-lrbrjle Indoi
    138 words
  • 95 21 NEW UNIT PUT INTO GEAR AT SENOKO MR Michael Khor. deputy chief electrical engineer of the Public e« Board yesterday d on the second 120inw generating unit at Senoko Power Station in Woodlands. The electricity generated by this unit brings the total generating capacity of the power In Singapore to
    95 words
  • 53 21 THE Singapore Polytechnic r, 16in graduation al the National rhf*l:e on Saturday at 130 i m Mr Lew Cuan Onn. the :s.t managing director of and i hair- man or ihe Polytechnic'! board of governors will I iddies* the ceremony and pretent diploma* and cerufl- a let
    53 words
  • 22 21 COMMONWEALTH Secondary School will hold Its annual speech dajr. prise presentation and exhibition of work at 10 am on Friday
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  • 340 21 4 SEAN ambassadors in Japan have urged the Japan Federation of Economic Organisations (Keidanren) to form an Asean committee to enable Asean and Japan to work towards a new economic order in Southeast Asia following the end of the Vietnam war. The ambassadors
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  • 255 21 Man changes plea after statement held admissible 21-YEAR-OLD man who claimed trial when charged with consuming heroin and trafficking 6 58 qms of it. changed his plea to guilty after a district judge ruled that a statement he had made admitting the offence was admissible in court as evidence. District
    255 words
  • 228 21 Austrian envoy on vital role of S'pore in region SIM.APORr. has an Important role to play as an active member of Asr.ui the new AasIrian ambassador to Singapore. Mr. Karl Pelerlik. said yesterday. "Asean U an important (roup In tnis area and each member country has a complementary function." be
    228 words
  • 47 21 BACHTIAR bin Kauun of IS Jalan Ketuka in Sembawang. appealed to his daughter Kartini blntl Bachtlar. musing since Aug 6. to return home. Anybody who knowi her whereatx>uU ahould contact the assistant director, counselling and advice lection. Social Welfare Department at •Mill ext 220
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  • 127 21 IDRIS bin All. 23. unemployed, was Jailed for 18 months by a district Judge yesterday on two charges of breaking into a house and a provision store and stealing cash and valuables worth more than $2,300. Idns was Jailed for nine months when he pleaded
    127 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 50 21 <i (r pace I BB^h^^aa^BßM. Hb^^bki^ i a\ v l& a w fl9 Ol rMPI* Out!*' OM 4S v"'AS©<ay«<v 36 •Rugged Design Long-life Performance For pest control m fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, etc PoiimatK i m palm oil plantations ■BJ^P STOCKS ♦SPARES ♦SERVICE OUNDETEVES JACOBCRG(FE)PTE LTD BaVJ Lim^bVJbbVJbbVJ BHHO Lane
      50 words
    • 470 21 PRODUCTION MANAGER R Required Malaysian citizens for above position. Candidates must be Diploma/Degree holder of Mechanical/Production Engineering with minimum 3 years industrial experience. Please apply in own handwriting stating qualifications, employment history, salary required together with a recent photograph (non returnable) to: Manager, Fiberon Flbreglas (M) Sdn. Bhd. 123 A,
      470 words
    • 607 21 INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION of Larga International Company raquira* tfia aarvtCM of MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES tor 1 Singapore 2) Malaysia (2 vacanoM) to promote and sail a rang* of nigh quality pharmaceutical products to the medical profession ana allied industries Applicants must be between 24-34 years old and have about four years
      607 words
    • 513 21 STATE OF SABAH, MALAYSIA D—t^n, Supply and O«Nv«ry of Uquid EHlucnl IfeBBBBBa ■lam tor ■aaufort Pfm oil Mill Th« Gov«rnrn#nt of Malaysia has r*c«va<) a loan from tha Asian Dav«4opm«r>t Bank m various curranc«a toward tna coat of me Saban Land D#v»topm«iit Projact. and it is mt*nd«d that proceeds of
      513 words

    • 782 22  -  BLUE PETER By HIGHLAND did a dashing workout on a good track at Bukit Timah yesterday. Ridden by Leslie Khoo, the full brother to IV rak Derby winner Viva Ipoh, proved a trifle too smart for stablemates Jerantut II and Caronli in a 600 m trial
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    • 102 22 Stockton wins PGA title WASHINGTON. Tues Dave Stockton rolled in one of the greatest putts of his career yesterday to win the 1976 United States Professional Golfers' Association championship. The 34-year-old CallTornlan. who also won the 1970 PGA crown, had to putt five metres on the 72nd hele and he
      102 words
    • 564 22 Stones booed by 10,000 after victory NICE, (France) Tues. World record holder Dwight Stones was booed and hissed by a crowd of 10.000 spectators after winning the high jump at an International athletics meet here last night. Stones. the brash American who could only get the bronze medal at the
      Reuter  -  564 words
    • 232 22 Two agree to host SovietChile D-Cup tie LONDON. Tues. Spam and West Germany were reported ready yesterday to host the Davis Cup lnler-xone tennis final between political rival*. Chile and the Soviet I'nion. •The Spaniards have offered to stage the match and we've heard reports today that the West Germans
      AP  -  232 words
    • 387 22 LONDON, Tues— Pakistani all-rounder Mushtaq Mohammad scored fits first double century in England yesterday as Northamptonshire took commanding lead against Hampshire In English County cricket championship action. Mushtaq made 204 in 331 minutes, hitting 27 fours. He also took two wlckeU with his leg breaks
      Reuter  -  387 words
    • 183 22 rvATTJK and Datin Wee Hood Tecks for- mer champion sprinter Sentak Bulan has been deleted The eight-year-old bay English gelding by Tin Whistle out of Tin Guard, was one of the best sprinters brought out here i He fairly routed his rivals in the Kings Gold Cup
      183 words
    • 108 22 VIENNA. Tues Austrian world motor racing champion Nikl Lauaa flew to Salzburg yesterday from a West Oerman hospital where he had been recovering from Injuries suffered in the German grand prlx two weeks ago. Officials at Salzburg airport said Lauda. who owns a bungalow in this
      108 words
    • 142 22 INDIANAPOLIS. Tues. Jimmy Connors, rapidly regaining the form that made him the No 1 tennis player only two years ago. crushed Poland's Wojtek Fibak last night. 6-2. 6-4. to win the final of the US Clay Courts men's singles tournament The victory was worth U5522,000
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 381 22 *£.«bABbsHsH Je^bb DbW^-^^H b^b^Bt ■V bBL BBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmW SSSSSSSj a^H I^B a^P fffffffffffffffffffff |lß«BSSSSSSSSß^i^i^i^^il^i^ißS»^*N. y^^~~^~~~^~~^^\ jS^~ l_|_BSSi__ a^fl l^fl i^^LV /^dfl HP*\. b^bT bßbC^bH hat miterable congestion coutd That's why h« never goes to bed Vapoßub helps clear his stuffy with a cold without Vicks Vapoßub. head soothes his throat Vicfcs
      381 words
    • 130 22 A Place^F\^ N WHERE YOU rJQ DO NOT VJU M PAY MORE 0 We are a hotel with a dirte'*' .Jbß Big Yet one o« the X ">o*t economical «r>tri spacious h A rooms tastefully I decorated U WHERE YOU \j DO NOT A GET LESS %y We »rt a
      130 words

  • 327 23 MALAYSIA QUALIFY FOR FINAL IT UAL A LUMPUR. Tues. Malaysia entered the final of the 20th Merdeka soccer tournament by beating Burma 3-1 tonight. Malaysia led 3-0 at halftime. Despite the wet pitch from an earlier rain, the Malaysians set a fast pace which the Burmese .r.mcuit to follow Malaysia
    AP  -  327 words
  • 172 23 Soccer brawl: Inquiry on Friday By ERNEST FRIDA PXJTBALL Association of Singapore have taken a "very serious view" of last Sunday's soccer brawl in the FAS Dlv. Two match between Fairer Park Dynamos and i wriihill at the Monks Hill School ground. ¥\S *ecrelary Mi gfttttl Khoo yesterday saM: "Ihr
    172 words
  • 77 23 NKW YORK. Tu«S Veteran American mlddle»«8hl B*nny Brl»coe floored Emrlrrlo Villanueva twice ye^crday night and went on to icore a flith-round tcchnlcal knockout when a bleeding VUUnueva wai not allowed to continue Bnvor ranked fourth by the World Boxing AMOCIaUon. caught VlUanueva with a right hook In
    UP  -  77 words
  • 22 23 LONDON Tue» ftlgluh loccer result yeaterday in the Engli*h L*«gu* Cup. tint round, firit leg Bhiew»bury 0. WaUall 1 -AP
    AP  -  22 words
  • 227 23 SINGAPORE bowlers had hardly got the shock of Henry Tans absence from the men's Masters event of the Singapore Internatlonal Open, when j they were told that Peter Lew was In- i eligible for the event, j Peter and Henry, along j with 8Y Loh are
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  • 799 23  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By THE leader of the Chinese swimming and diving team, Mr. Li Peiken. yesterday expressed hope that their visit their first to Singapore would help maintain the "evergreen" relations of the two countries. "We have come to participate in frler>d.«iiip and to learn."
    799 words
  • 338 23 LONDON. Tues. West Indies fast bowler Michael Holding plunged England to a shattering defeat when he ended with a re-cord-breaking match tally of 14 wickets on tiie final day of the Fifth and final cricket Test at The Oval here today. England, set 435
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 128 23 WEST INDIES Ist lass. SSI S litri ENGLAND IK lam. 415 WEST INDIES tmt Inm Ist far do wfct. «cc. ENGLAND tm*. Hum. (orermifbt (J lot no wkt): K Woolmrr c Murray b Holding JO I) Amla c Oreenldgr b Holding It D. Steele c Murray b Holder 43
    128 words
  • 245 23  - RARE BREED OF MEN PERCY SENEVIRATNE By r[E surfacing of our young, exciti n i: cricketers most be. attributed to two men A. Vijaysincham and S. Subramaniam. In this day and age when Incentives are equated only with dollar* and cents, these two teachers belong to a rare breed. They
    245 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 298 23 Mm, gf^gi g^^gJ gggg* M^^ Mm 'FESTIVAL* SPECIAL DRAWS ADDTTrONAL PRIZES 7D BE WON Mm%\ Mllll 15th AUG -12th SEP 1976 ft lljji DRAW Not 65- 73/ 76 bt 9 ;«s?' n jatvaawa^pa jSwW gCCCCVvv £gSgg< 'A wLS Mut\ WMm*- StMGAPORC AHHJNfS m\* I -^^■wa^ A prJI mm gjgj i«i
      298 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 53 23 BADMINTON Senior InterClub iSBA Hall 7M pm > ROWLING: Singapore Open cKallang Boml 11 a m > •OCCtti Mfdrrka Cup Indonesia vt Thailand <• p m i. 8 Korea vi Japan i»3O pm Merdeka Stadium > Prpal Cup Queenstown CSA v» School* B '9 45 pm i. Safsa vs Kakl
      53 words

  • 24 24 BUENOS AIRES Tues. Aiitrndne Economy Minister Jow Maitinei dr Hoi announcrd yesterday he will visit the Philippines and Japan next month AP
    AP  -  24 words
  • 429 24 Ford almost certain to win Republican nomination KANSAS CITY. Tuesday I>HESIDENT Ford. picking up deleby on* today inched r to the RepubPartys preslr.ommation ballot victory over Ronald Try- latest L'PI tabulation gave Mr Ford the 1.130 needed for the nomination A Ford delegate to the party's national con- claimed a
    AP; UPI  -  429 words
  • 49 24 BANGKOK Tues Thai police have detained 125 tkmal itudents and seized an assortment of weapons alter the youths went on a rampage In Bangkok, police said today >ald the students were arrested yesterday after about 200 of them hijacked four buses and clashed with rival students —AP
    AP  -  49 words
  • 35 24 WINDHOEK Tm A Urfct dat* of DM 31. 1*77. (or independence (or Southwe*t AJrtca iNajnlbta) U Ilktly to be acreed raon or a consUtuttoual conterence her*, (ouroea at the tneeting •ald yesterday Reutcr
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 167 24 KAViAS CITY, Tues Elisabeth Ray (aoove) tried to crash a ?arty for President Ford yesterday evenInc. but Secret Servicemen escorted her quickly away. Mr Ford hadt just arrived at the Muehlebeach Hotel ballroom for a reception given by House Republican leader John Rhode*
    167 words
  • 89 24 BREDA Holland I. TUCl Bertha H;ru>«h. 39. who as a child In IndonnU was the üb)cct or k famous custody »uit hat been acquitted of charge* of conspiring to kill her husband after a court held that no attempt was made to kill him.
    AP  -  89 words
  • 190 24 By CHRISTINA ROORIGUES: London. Tuas. TWO Malaysians were among three people 1 charged in the Clerkenwell Magistrate's Court in Londen today, in connection with a seizure of £210.000 ($925,000) worth of heroin by Scotland Yard's Drug Squad last Friday. They were mechanic Peter Urn
    190 words
  • 650 24 I ONDON. Tun TV i.ack markrt today craaad or r»vmrd aarlr p»r.i» galM amoac induatnala on lack of lattraal aad tk* »«ftn of tat drougat oa> tnlin uld At 1p m til* Pinancia: Ttmaa imn wu do.n M at STTO <iov* timrnt itocka wrrr alao on Ik*
    650 words
  • 376 24  - Bid to foil Laos antiAsean move SEAH CHIANG NEE By EFFORTS were continuing tonight to bridge two opposing |)ositions on South-east Asia between Asean and I~ios at the Fifth Non-Aligned Summit Conference. In a political committee Laos yesterday formally Introduced an amendment which Is antl A.scan. seeking to replace one
    376 words
  • 633 24 PRESIDENT Josip K Tito of Yugoslavia called for a special session of the United Nations General Assembly to halt what he called "the continuing arms race." The 84- year-old founder leader of the nonaligned movement was addressing the fifth non-aligned summit
    Reuter; AP  -  633 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 119 24 NARULA SAREES SALE IS GOING ON AT FULL SWING Oir Rock Bottom Prices From $9.00 Upwards. i Plain American Gcoraattc > A Plain French Cruilon W 7 l^^^jt^im f> < t^ deYorro ChiHon I %f/*ll Printed French Chifron a^^jj Printed American 'jp '*> Kopolo S<lky Georaette Embroidery Soreet In Latest
      119 words
    • 245 24 f Sanyo's Hi-Fi Stereo Music System •«4bbbbbbbbb\J t^ bbbt^^ p-*-^ BBBBfc^^^^^^^^^*aßßßßS IBa^iBBBT It s a truly sensational _^u^l^^^^^^CSl_P_W^HP^^^Sg^^pMS| piece of sound '^^^^J^S^O^^^S^BMNvt^H^ *> a l^>BaasSsC*~~~~^*l^^BV^X > BBBBBP aS^SI A Smart and compact it I W has s belt driven T^"^^"»Il^"-»»B> iw ll^^^Qr I A 2-speed iurntabie. L^^Stf^^^sa^^^^B^^^^^^^^»B!^B dolby cassette Ifcl^^^*»»bßbb!
      245 words