The Straits Times, 10 August 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 1585 1 Applause from a happy, proud nation REPORTERS: LESLIE FONG. IRENE NGOO, AHMED OSMAN AND PHILIP LEE WITH precision and style, nearly 12,000 young men and women presented for all the world to see a colourful and exciting portrait of a vibrant but disciplined Singapore on
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  • 348 1 VIOLENCE erupted again today in black townships near Joh a n n esbnrf, and police said three youths were shot and wounded. la Soweto. the sprswllng township 1« km seath -west of here. crowds of stadents set fire to twe schools and ■toned worker*
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  • 577 1  - N.Korea blast as talks begin MAN CMIAMG NCE: •v COLOMBO. Man. THE flag of Singa- pore fluttered alongside those of 84 other countries attending the fifth Non Aligned Summit Conference as preparatory sessions began in strict security, and hot political words flared in the harbour of Colombo. While planes were
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  • 131 1 NAGASAKI. Mor.-Ja-paneae Prime Minister Tafceo MUU todaj said be would not abandon bis rwponaibmtlai halfway by jiekttng to pressure* to resign After attending a memorial ceremony marking the Slat anniversary of tnt atomic bomMnc o»«r this southern Japedmi city. Mr. aflkl told a
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 1666 1 Dato Harun: Trial within a trial now on KUALA LUMPUR. MOM rpHE trial of Dato Harun Idrls and two former executives of Bank Kerjasama Rak y a t on charges of forgery and criminal breach of trust began in the High Court today with a defence objection to the transfer
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Man Dow Jonca average*, baaed on l.f. hour of tradlnc on the Nr» York Stock Exchange JO in--0u» Ml *o down IM, N tramp mil down 040. 1» utlla 13 43 down til. U •tnrfc* 10* OS down 071 OPI
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  • 29 1 TEHERAN Mon Australian Deputy Prime Mlnlalor Doug Anthor.r left her* today (or the Cv.\n Sea rt■art of Nowahahr (or talk* with the Shah o( Iran swats
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    • 56 1 i O B A N N BSBUBG. Mon. Polieo tbot and kiltod two Mack yoatha today aa itadaat rioting taroad from 80--woto to at toaet aevea other African town aVwoto ttooU. Jehaaaaobarg't dingy ■■real tery eabarb of a mil Baa Macks, waihil wracked by aaraet
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 Give her somothinj she'll remember MIKIMOTO f^/%1 CULTURED nfl Ol*o* Omttutmt If M G. C. DE SILVA ssntt (PTE) LTD. n^*?l JEWELLERS G 14. THE GALLERY. STRAITS TRADING SUHDING 111 BATTERY ROAD SINGAPORE I B*******H TEL *****S SONY HP-16BS A Best Buy 3m-1 FM Sle<eo/ f-M-MWSW Receiver Record play* Cassette
      74 words
    • 85 1 BURGLAR GANG KILLS SHOPMAN Page 5 DONT hit opeuly aft estates *>f raaalag smate: Pwr. t BEIBI7T: Xaag war aa leag mm Syrian MABCOS ea hew U bent taw fee 4 crisis 4 "NOT eawas-K Job* wUkia HOB estates 7 TBADE and teflastry share P»T* ewttmisai 11 LOOTafOUt la few
      85 words
    • 233 1 More pictures in Pages 8, 9 and 28 •0*1146 90RL2S0 *L 060 90R^^^wVssw^^ Thaaa powartul rwoaivan ara toma of Philip* *ida ranga of radio* and clock rmdios Enjoy crisp, clear Super Sou nd on a Philips radio Turn on a Philips radio and tuning and continuously varihsten. Discover what we
      233 words
    • 17 1 For Clear A Comfortable Comamlt: C.S. CHONG O.D. E VERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 18. CMULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 421 2 'Don't hit openly at No. 2' Warning of danger to party unity CAMP DAVID. Monday PRESIDENT Ford said in an interview that Republicans who publicly criticised Mr. John Connally as his potential running mate were harming party unity. He said complaints about the former Nixon Administration Treasury Secretary or any
      Reuter; AP  -  421 words
    • 120 2 MISSING NAME IN THIS CAMPAIGN WASHINGTON. Mon. In the Mar of this year's Presidential campaign a name Is Missfac. The name a asaa Intensely in♦olved la every US FreskkatUl race since A ausi wsMSM? •ptSatasM aaja« b«t. km a MMjar lartsjr sfj IbW h...i m^^ rtfßMtiß* *B Ik* t*» MMI
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    • 75 2 PLAINS lOeortiai. Mob Mr. Jimmy Carter conceded yesterday that about US$lBO 000 '8*370 •Ni tn campaign fund* spent by his ortanlastion could not be accounted for Mr. Carter made the statement In response to a Los Angeles Times story which said the Democratic Presidential nominee's campaign
      AP  -  75 words
    • 23 2 QUEBEC Mon Three prUon fvardi wart taken boatta* last nlfht by aeven prtooMr* at Onalnrtll* Dctmttoa Canttv. prison offlcl«U wld DPI
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    • 114 2 CAIRO MAY MOUNT REPRISALS ON LIBYA CAIRO. Mon. The Egyailaa Government's patience with Cclonel M a a m m a r Gaddafi's "provocative actions" has ran oat and Cairo may be forced to mosnt reprisals soon afainst his Libyan reflme. The beet reprisal method, according to thr semi-official Al Ahram
      AP  -  114 words
    • 223 2 Optimism over the economic future of Britain LONDON. Mon Prime Minister James Callafthan expressed cautious optimism about Britain's economic future but. he said, the country still faced a difficult period over the next four yean. "The really traumatic period for this country is between now and 1980 and this is
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    • 274 2 'Economy improving although more are jobless' WASHINGTON. Mon Republicans are citing strong trends In the economy and improving Job opportunities as they struggle to keep a grip on the White House although unemployment is expected to be higher than at any election since 1940 The unemployment rate climbed to 78
      AP  -  274 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 "^X ttk^^^^^^^^ '^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH I (09ku 7*-\ CT *b^^^^^^H r* VJ* jk" M )""> B^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK BBB^B J J, Bflfl^fl tKMshjssasnsKiaMas«aws( .j^fta^Pft^HPVß-H^^^. MALAYSIA HwULumxi' JKln DotMlon T* SO3SI 3 'S3 M^l,,,^'"- PO 80. IS? M 7TTTI i JO3 Bu»m*iHo«i T»i ***** ".^gXaMM^^^^^. "'-1 r» Wrarn* atoin«'t M*u,»-« Sdn and m oik* Si*m
      308 words
    • 110 2 B^B^BBk. .M^BBBBBBBBBBBBBk^* I I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^ t^^^^^^^ BBBB^ #W Bb\^^BbJ I EfWll 1^ Hr bI Bbbbbi I Ibbbb^bbbbA. ~A W .^K l I fM W A m. m I bbbT M On our cover this week CLIFF RICHARD! Stars in colour: Charlton Heston, Peter Fonda. Desi Arnaz Jr., Linda Lewis, Janis
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    • 196 3 Workers remove chemicals which released toxic gas SEVKBO "Italy.. Mon About 40 workers toQay begin removing highly dangerous chemicals from the factory which released a cloud of poison in an explosion four weeks ago. Tney are volunteers from the 170 employees of the Icmesa factory acting on their own wish
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 194 3 THIS body found floating In an oil drum wrapped in chains off Miami's roastlinr has been confirmed by police as that or John RoselU. an undrrworld figure who last year said he had been recruited by the Central Inlelliienre Agency (CIA) to hrlp
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    • 81 3 MANILA. Mon. Security forces say they killed three more Muslim rebels and wounded two others In a clash in rebeltroubled Zamboanga Del Sur M^rHifi"*^. about 880 km south of the capital last week. This delayed report reaching Manila brings the claimed total of rebel casualties. In four
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 622 3 Beirut: 'Long war as long as Syrian troops remain' RIVAL rightists and leftists battled across suburban Beirut with rockets. mortars and machlneguns today and a leftist leader predicted a "lo'-. B long war" as long as Syrian forces remained In Lebanon. A weekend lull in the fighting was shattered overnight
      UPI  -  622 words
    • 303 3 Belfast riots: British army calls up reserve troops BELFAST, Monday THE British army mobilised reserve troops 1 today to deal with widespread rioting in Belfast, Including an attack on the home of a Northern Ireland Member of Parliament which lasted throughout the night. Violence erupted In several Roman Catholic strongholds
      Reuter  -  303 words
    • 205 3 NEW YORK. Mon. Libya's strongman Col Muimmtr Osddafl recently attempted to overthrow the Oovernment of Sudan but iv unable to carry out hii plot, says President Jaafar Numelry of Sudan, according to Newsweek In Its forthcoming Issue, the American newt weekly says
      AP  -  205 words
    • 60 3 STRATTON (Hobrssks). Mon Mint psopte. Including stwn childr n. won kilted today when a train ■Mjnod Into a bnt at a crossing tutrt Ttas ehUdron wsrs being taken to a Sunday school. ths SbsrUf otfle* nportsd. Tbs drtvsr. who wss a auni*ur. and one otbsr aduM
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    • 75 3 OPORTO i Portugal). Mon. Police said today they had arrested nine suspected terrorists and discovered two arms caches Including explosives and hand grenades It was the first major arrest of bomb wiapecU this year and followed almost dally bomb attack* in Portugal In which at least
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 53 3 BANGKOK, tlqp Vietnam now ha* 6* dally, weekly «nd monthly newspaprr» almost all of them publuh^d In the north. Liberatuxi Radio Mtd today. In Saigon, there are three dailies and two weeklie*. while the rest are published In northern Vietnam, but circulated throughout the country, according to
      AP  -  53 words
    • 34 3 STOCKHOLM. Mon President Id! Amin has told a Swedish reporter that a British press report of an alleged la—cri of student* at Kampala* Makerere University wss -lies from beginning to end Reutcr
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 94 3 DOET JEFFEBSON. T (New T«rk). Mob TkMu* D«»«i tv charged yesterday with Ihf ling m itmt thrwgh the wind** of vi appMsan lUra ud •tfaUnt a M cm black and wkltc HrUbk Ide^ttoa art ■■Mert Cras »»i charged rMcrfir with ■■ICln« Dvval In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 mm. Bm^^. Hmsfi Bm^hv imPl ami mPP^*"'^ a»PW^HP^^^^^^^fc jJ^"% m^J mMi famH ~^^*smm I 1 I swsr^ kmwJY _^sß*t>^ F'i^Amm !^ga^Hsm^mla^Y ami m*^^ -^B^Lmm ■^■■•J mV fi~ 9*fl mT 'I Bs^*^^ mfl ■^r^^^^^^^^^sl K BJ> »I EiiQ^ mmV m +M Jr S V at mMM ■SB C"fl BW"B^*lmml»Ei imfcm*^ W^^J^*^^k
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    • 222 3 ■auto m Hours Mon KlOOamtoiOOOpm lU.toSun.B SOtoiOOOpm. SHCIAL Offtß H)ttg 16th Au§.m* Thai Rice 100% l»t GRADE 6*9 SJO CsKt^wtiawgTMHfc Pnoce*. 397yT> 0.73 Oat* Montloke* SOOom 135 P—Wtft Isjtfr (Msjf Bomo 227gm \M Evoporwtwsj Milk Cornotion 4lOgm 0.72 CwWll— Jlwf Anchor T^er per con 1.27 llWtwWt N00w1« Momoe 5
      222 words

    • 412 4 Marcos on how to beat food crisis *Co-operate to cut research costs 9 MANILA. Monday pRESI DENT Ferdinand Marcos today called for more vigorous c<> operation among Asian countries for the mutual development of their agriculture to beat the food crisis and to expand their self-reliance. Opening the 13th ministerial
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • 195 4 Hanoi's team fails to come for FAO talks MANILA, Men— The first Vietnamese ministerial delegation to an Asian regional conference of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) failed to arrive today as scheduled and there was no immediate explanation about their whereabouts. Philippines Agricilture Secretary Arturo Tanco was at the
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    • 399 4 LAMORC Mon A MERICAN Secretary A of State Henry Kissinger and Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto talked for three hours today but failed to agree on Pakistan's plans to buy French equipment to reprocex used nuclear fuel. Dr. Kissinger
      AP; UPI  -  399 words
    • 33 4 TOKYO. Mon Soviet authorities have detained a crewman uf the Soviet veasel Baikal for questioning In connection with the murder of 21-year-old Japanese Ctrl, the Japanese Foreign Ministry aaid today Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 199 4 Peking silent on new quake reports pFKINO. Mon Slight tre.nors were felt In Peking today, coinciding with Japanese and Hongkong reports of another earthquake in northern China. Officials here made no comment and there was no other informs tlon to substantiate the reports The last three earthquakes In China were
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 164 4 Tanaka's secretary, 2 others charged rpOKYO. Mon Former 1 Prime Minister Ka kuel Tanaka's tecretarv and two business execu lives were indicted to day In connection with the US$l2 million (Ss3o million i Lockheed brtb cry scandal, prt tecutors reported The Tokyo district pru secutor's office said the trio were
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    • 91 4 BANOKOK. Mon Thailand has signed an agreement to sell Indonesia 200,000 tonnes of white rice 25 per cent this year worth UBMS million <BSIIO million >. a Commerce Ministry spokesman said today Dr Vichit Vliruuvanphum ■tcrcury-ftiOTtl of the Commerce Minutry told rrp>Tiers the deal, th*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 590 4 From the makers of Woods' Great Peppermint Cure A COMPLETELY NEW COUGH SYRUP SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS The makers of woods Great Peppermint a npp nnnPQtnnt nrvi Fnr philrirpn i in in Cure introduce a completely new cough M UetOngeSTCinT aTO TOT UlHUren Up TO syrup specially
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    • 147 4 Aai ertisemeni New discovery shrinks piles without surgery. A world famous in- reduces the painful stitute has discovered swelling. This new tor a new formula which mula is called Preparishnnks piles without tion H. surgery. Sufferers get Preparation H also relief in minutes from lubricates and makes itching^ burning and
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    • 219 5 WINDHOEK Monday pLANS for an interim, multi-racial govnment in South-west Africa (Namibia i are expected to be presented today at an all-race conference trying to thrash out the future of the disputed, South Africanruled territory Informed sources said the p. aim would pro
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 209 5 TAIPEH. Mon Strong typhoon Blhle. with cwmre winds of 182 km h headrd tuwara northern ialwan tonight, the C-ntral Weatner Bureau said JAKARTA: Vne people were killed and nine others injured when floods caused by torrential rains swept through two village* In south Sumatra recently. HONGKONG tight Taiwan* en
      Agencies  -  209 words
    • 188 5 Break-ins: I was deceived, says FBI L chief- WASHINGTON Mon Mr. Clarence Kelley. airector of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said yesterday that he was deceived about the end of burglaries committed by the law enforcement agency. "I know that I was deceived" he said when asked about his statemenu
      AP  -  188 words
    • 56 5 TBL AVIV. Mon Uiiel is building two long-range runboaU armed with sea-lo-Ma Oobriel missile* tar the South African Navy the state radio said over the meetend The report quoted unofllnaj source* aa asylng SO South African naval men and their families have arrived In Israel to
      AP  -  56 words
    • 93 5 ATHENS. Mon Oreek naval and air units were on the alert today as tension mounted with neighbouring Turkey over a Turkish oil survey in the Aegean Sea Oreece yesterday cancelled leave for officers and men of the three armed forces and placed the air
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 174 5 Motorists who go faster at 'blind 9 crossing MOTORISTS travelling along Thomson Road have been accused of endangering the safety of blind people by accelerating on seeing the signs "Caution: Blind Persons Crossing" to avoid stopping Mr Charlie Ooh. director of the Singapore Association for the Blind in Toa Payoh
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    • 22 5 A BODY-BUILDINO contest and a Miss Paslr Panjang contact wtU be held at Paslr Panjang community centre on Aug. 23
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    • 378 5  -  PAUL WCC $1,000 coffeeshop robbery ■y FATHER of 13 who slept on when burglars looted his coffeeshop a fortnight ago, woke up whe.i they struck a second time yesterday and was murdered in a struggle that followed. Mr. Tone Ah Yoog. 72, was
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    • 44 5 THE Psvs Lebar arv! Joo community centres youth groups will hold a debate In Mandarin, on Preference of Youth Today for Buy Life and Aversion U> Hard Work U the By-product of the Prosperous Society on Aug. 21 at a pjb.
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    • 25 5 UPPER Serangoon community centre will hold a faahlon show and talentlme at Sin Ming High School on Friday st 1 JO p m
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    • 122 5 AN unidentified Chinese woman, aged between 40 and 45. died In hospital on Sunday- shortly after she was knocked down by a pick-up. Police said the mishap occurred at about 3.45 a.m. In Jalan Buklt Merah near Silat Road. The woman, ciscrlbed as tanned, of
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    • 100 5 HPHE case of a 43-year- <! old man charged with three counts of raping a 12-year-old girl will be heard In a magistrate's court on Aug 16. Chea Oca Chuan alias Lini Ho Kwan Is alleged to have raped the girl In a flat
      100 words
    • 305 5 Future belongs to those who can adapt: Othman T»HE future Is held by the most adaptable, the most Intelligent and the best organised in society, said the Minister for Social Affairs. Enclk Othman Wok. He said history had shown that those societies which could survive and prosper were those which
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    • 106 5 Library Assn essay contest for Pre-U students THE Library Association <*. of Singapore has organised an essay competition in conjunction with this year's book festival from Aug 37 to Sept 5 The competition Is open to all prr-i niTvrsltjr student* who should write in Snglmh on Libraries should stimulate Intellectual.
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    • 23 5 UPPER Scranaooo conatlturner win bold a Mattooal Day cv Itural stew at «n Htn m* School on Thursday at rW pjav
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 -----^---i^--i--iiiil^SS^ mV t T m mS^ml mW^^mm^V H 1 Hrnmmml IkißV^^H L Bv\ M I V .Smmmt m^^^^mdpy^i^ml z'Sßß^pw^ '*^mr^Hmml mm^^a^a^aa^^a^mV mw J^^ mmmff^9wiVl!w=W9Ul! ■mmrs*lSfl BMW mV W 4 f mm MJPtP WL -^^■■■■l^aAAMMßHßsmmmmmi J mm^^^W*^^^^^mT^^mmmi I mEdaTl -ma. H smi amMmmml k \> J -^^^^HSSESaSfiSEm^mmmmmi mmm^^^^^^mmmmmmmmmfkmml^mmmmPjmmf^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml
      46 words
    • 439 5 [jaSMl^ l^^mV mV& H^fM^H^aaamml (9^-4 I' i ammmmf I^L^a^ril mw^ M mT*ml Enter SEI CCO Easy to wui.i CIA AAA Worthoffabulou s 9 1"> WWW prices to be won Get more information on Satcolab s Easy to Win Contest from our following dealers isimiii Or aa Lay m». Plm. |t«««
      439 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 292 5 Straits Times Crossword HIIMH:M \N.\CIt%MK: > RamMca on the uplands. Each clue is in two psrta llat on lop <•> which dv not uverlap Oi>e 3 Praeainenl actor gets arpart alludes dlrrcily ur obli- reated <4> quely to the light Ihe other Attitude Is poiaon it runtairtk a mixture of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 485 6 AT THE J^l! II HOUSE OP TANG 1 1 COME JOIN US CELEBRATE SINGAPORE S NATIONAL DAY 1 1 1 1 There are fantastic discounts!! 2 patches FREE with every purchase above $30 1 1 I of special offer items!! Get a colourful T-shirt FREE for every purchase above $50.
      485 words

  • 107 7 HOI MWIH Mr> N* (h)i- limes baby Ctrl pirkril nothing Vtv* th^n thr Nattsjsal Day lor hrr jpprarmiir I xpiiiurd thr 21NN old wifr of a bookbinder. "My doctor (old mr thr baby «a> dur on Auc I Bui thr idra of bring born on
    107 words
  • 738 7 Survey shows need for better facilities job oppor tunities plus better schools and shops are needed in HDB estates to make them com- r pletely self-suffi-cient, according to a University of Singapore lecturer. Dr. (Mrs.) Teo Slew Eng. of the university s Oeography Department,
    738 words
  • 179 7 Tourist fined $1,800 for lighter theft AN AMERICAN undergraduate holidaying here with his girlfriend was Jailed a day and fined SI.SOO In a magistrate's court yesterday for the theft of a lighter valued at $380. John Paul Dlmperto. 39. a fourth- year business administration student of a Callfornlan college, pleaded
    179 words
  • 40 7 POUCI taid yesterday that a short circuit cauaed the tat la Rochore Canal Road on Sunday when 45 people were made homelea* The fire victim* are living with friend* and relative* until they get new accommodation
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  • 300 7 Finishing in flats: Applicants' views sought rl Housing Board Is to conduct a survey among 86,500 applicants on the waiting list to buy flats whether they would like the board to continue providing glazed wall tiles and mosaic flooring (or kitchens and bathrooms. t^ v^ v^ v^ v^ v^ Hß
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  • 214 7 A YOUTH who with four others beat up a secondary school football team member for "playing rough" against his former school's team was jailed a day and fined $"50 In a magistrate's court yesterday. Urn Heng Chang. 17. pleaded guilty to being a member of
    214 words
  • 82 7 A YOUTH waj charted in a matfstrmtc's court yesterday with six counU of eh— ting a firm of 1M bows ofbaUbeartnn valued at $5,301. Yam Tlonc But. IT. tu accused of cbeatlng Ow Kirn Chuan. IT. an empioyee of Slong Leons Ben« of the ball-bear-ings
    82 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 146 7 MMgfMM 60 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 OCOIOO tUUAInUfI ,-g.o* tel oDolx.c 50,000 IS A LOT OF SUITS in 26 raar* of tailoring.. Chamal't aloraa »uch an outstanding laltortng loam? hava i»ilorad in aica»« ol 50.000 suits J^gAfV Chanraii laMors A oulHttor* «HII II you pfida yourtall on batng a pltc#
      146 words
    • 515 7 Capellal6ooSedaii\ V is topsfpr economy. I f Itfc\wUfinished, ?s»^ roomy and safe, with good S Vperlwinancetoo." -^N. s /s^—^' wWss»l-*n>s««v«yryf«ofcaT to ay stoat tftt CapdU. The new Capella 1600 Sedan must be one of the most frugal 1600 c.c. can on the market. In normal running about Singapore it returns
      515 words

  • 78 8 A »olkl phalanx of tip-top marching our boys from the arnte* forces. PICTURES BY: Mak Kian Seng. Vow Yun Woh. Chew Boon Chin. Wsn Seng Yip, Christopher Loh, Francis Ong, Junid Juani. Mazlan Badron and Mahfutz Mattar. A solemn moment at the parade as
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  • 35 8 There hi still time before the parade, so this Singapore Airline* stewardess steals a last glance in the mirror A gay and coloyrfui item by Singapore 1 youth
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 24 8 ■m. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! Bam bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb L<^ i 1 I M •>■ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! BjfejM—pff.ji/ I^^^^ fBaBBBBBBBBBa^H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! I BbbbbbbbbW^ Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW^BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV^BBk^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ ■m^^BBBBBBi I bbbW^bWiV W^bVFbbbb^^BbV bbb\^B V^Bbbbb^^bbbb!
      24 words

    • 168 10 Diamonds seizure: S'pore man fined $10,000 nENANO. Mon. A I salesman from Singapore. Mohamood Moamad Abdul Kader Martealr. was today fined MSIO.OOO. or nine months In Jail, when he pleaded guilty to smuggling dtanw>rKls worth MfiiJgft yesterday Sessions Court president. Mr. W. Satchltnanandhan. also ordered the diamonds to be confiscated
      168 words
    • 366 10 JJOME Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie, said today in the Dewan Rakyat that there was "a certain amoont" of leakage of classified government secret documents to the public or communist agents. Replying to Senator KaJJah Salman btnti Sheukh Hussein, Tan Brl Ohaaail added
      366 words
    • 204 10 KLANG. Monday SEVERAL companies and business houses here and in Shah Alam have begun to buy tankerloads of water to continue their production as the dry spell continues, A IIJSS-Utrc tankerload of water for commercial purposes U said to fetch about MtM including
      204 words
    • 66 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Mori A total of 540J eases or venereal dlaeaaes were reported by government haapiuu. clinic* and health central In Peninsula Malaysia laat year. Deputy Health Mlniater. Datuk Hajl Abu nakar Um«r mid In reply to Senator Dr Urn AJ Sttt in the Dewaa Neajara today
      66 words
    • 63 10 KDAMTAM. Mo* -A tiger klUad another cow at the Majutamak eattlt rearing farm at Ulu Lopar about 43 ksi from hart hat n*ht Tht samt ttm U bebevad to bar* klllad two other Australian calves and mauled > oow at tht farm, two weeks asp. Tht Oome
      63 words
    • 207 10 PBNANG, Mem. -An iaarlpaa ■aJveratty stajift failed to Urn ii In the High Coajrt here today far the hearing ef an application far Mi travel deemeaenU to be imyeajadcd sending an aawaal by Urn DPP against MSM* fine Imsweed mm him by a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 465 10 ;/jJjk COLO STORAGE HAMPERS 0* •..nin. \\Aw IHICHIHO mQm jMTtliyy* MOST COMICAL SCENES CONTEST SPONSOIIDgT afarnKm MA MM Of SUNSHINE BAKERY SUNSHINE BREAD I* what TOO MOJTDO &wW»m«»MI<kMtM)W»BMi'TH(MWM«M tOTt- AC j> i i iii ii i ii hi iii i iiortTOMiru miiajii i JL m Hrn -4~ r~- ckatca. Maitae
      465 words
    • 139 10 CATHAY: HOW SHOWING i 4 SHOWS DAILY: Met* Times: Hem. 2 JO. 4 00 '^tajm.; Don't Tire Your JAWS I By SHOUTING Out The Praises: Of This Greet Adventure Film Whispering IT WILL DO! MICHAEL KLmCERm^^^oPETTR HUrTTV J T FF MAJWTff) S^«oQCtwvr«?\ yk £^L\Jk BARBARA WUHONS lANHOLM RENENDLLDEHOFF M .<>r
      139 words
    • 118 10 PARAMOUNT LAST DAT: 1 SHOWS AT 1 00 t soe bjb L4l MAI VIM 4 CM AtLI J MONiON IH THI DUTY OOIIH ICOLOt) (CJ.CJ Gou>ENniii(iAr^v% 9 r 1 > ALAN TANG and .aVk. I LIN CHIN MtiA ▲amM'fl'Y ammmm^aammVßmV I i I modern LmWßumm U ROMANTIC -Vl!jsnrttg: 1 B^BlaT
      118 words
    • 778 10 WVMW.VW.V.V. Do voi kMw wteidi O^ MAJULAH iM Wtttr bwitss thin gWB^SiMfiAPiiR4 "(mkJ aa :-n 'ir, tr j^" ■■sj''" w ''«l'lli MM IT MIBC UOIQSI gafk. fOTUAU 'tarHipaki" I "ianis Bond" I j«* »»5 in BMfkok I Hotfkoni and s low^ JJL!l!l^ jafT^*. Is now intkinf rtcofds s i B—ei
      778 words

    • 299 11 Who's who in the case THE JUDGE: Mr. Justice IswaaTe AbdooJeader. POft THE PROSECUTION: SollcttorGcaeral Tan Sri Salleh Aba*. DPP Baetk Aba TaaHb OUunan. DPP Datuk Abdullah Ngaa. COUNSEL fer Dato Haran: Mr. R.R. Chelllah. HaJ SahaJsml Ma Datnk Kamaraddln. Mr. P. Vljsvndrsn
      299 words
    • 213 11 rK charges againkt Dato Haran. Datyk Mansor and l»sn»ll Din read: THAT YOl jointly on or aboat May 5. 1975. at Bank Kerjasasaa I Rakyat (M> Bhd. at Mt Jalan Ipoh. Kuala l.umpur forged a certain dfM-ument, to wit. minutes ef inir>tmrnl rommlttee of Bank Krrjjsama Rakyat re»ol\lng
      213 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 574 11 1 Js^Bnaanananfaßßßßßßßßst C V tai nil "l^fl IMPPP(?k ti p |j I I of p^ p l byiv DlbCsM'l'bw^ Come see the latest collection of I IKIIv Pierre Cardm handbags, clutches /M s^ 1 JaY V% af% I sV9 and wallets. Beautifully hand C~ #m ler Wm 1 1M| made
      574 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY. AUGUST 10. 1976
    • 431 12 V, HILE collective bargaining on behalf of workers remains the primary responsibility of the National Trades Union Congress, it has ceased to be its sole concern. In the wake of its modernisation programme and the expansion of the structure and functions of trade unions, a growing range of
      431 words
    • 212 12 IN two montlis' time a major escalation in the guerilla war in Rhodesia can be expected The rainy season begins in October, and the mists and downpours will provide ideal cover for infiltration. Black nationalists have spent the past few months in intensive training for the anticipated
      212 words
    • 476 12 THE remarks by 888 <9T. Aug. 6 1 on the standard of school nrovide so much muddled and uninformed thinking that 1 am almost at a loss to provide an appropriate reply Even granting that the chief adjudicator Mr Mooney was
      476 words
    • 58 12 THS Singapore Turf Club la providing bettlni facilities In advance at IU Cecil Street office and at Buklt Tlmah on race days However, advance sales for forecast tlckm which are very popular with punters. U not provided for Would the club please provide this service which will be greatly appreciated
      58 words
    • 47 12 T»HE bus-stop shelter 1 st the Jaian Woodbrldire and Tlo Chu Kang Road Junction, atnrtag; bus route Ho. 71. Is inadequate Whan It rains, commuters often ret wet and than are no seats for the foot-weary Will the relevant authority look Into this matter? 81H Singapore I*.
      47 words
  • 1340 12  - South Asia's quest for peace and stability LESLIE MURPHY: By NEW DELHI •pHE search for a new economic order, with more cooperation among developing countries, and peace in the Indian Ocean will be two of the main issues pressed by South Asian states at the nonaligned conference. Of the seven
    Reuter  -  1,340 words
  • 694 12 Indira to call for fresh elections this year? gre— men may win only a small majority against the sweeping victories which gave the ruling Congress Party a twothlrdji majorltr la the 1971 poll The tersa of the Lea Sabha elected in 1971 ended In March, bat It has been extended
    694 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 18 12 QUARTZ JUKI ss3/o*oi(," [a urn wss 1 I rvl J MSjsoMss ossiai Soxwday »t»crwt m* b* mad* ir»» «•>
      18 words
    • 386 12 P^ W IDITANCI^r^UALITrTv^ PORTID MINI ANO LADIES ITIMS FOt YOUR SILICTION. RIAOYMAM GARMENTS WITH DRASTIC REDUCTIONS LADIIS Trspcr*" Bell Bottom Slacks $11 00 Stretch Shorts S 2 90 Lady Wrangler >ans (USA) $10 00 Imported Knitted T-Sltirts Frtt Silt S8 90 Pleated Jersey Blouses L/S 6 90 Loveable Long Brassiers
      386 words

  • Business Times
    • 301 13 'SPORE— THE HUB FOR ENGINES' SINGAPORE may well be the regional centre for engine technology Mr T L Erdhu-t--ter. regional director of Klockner HumboidtDeutz. the parent company for Deutz Far East. li.«ted four maj^r advantages that Stria pore has. "With the economic swskenlng among Asean member*. Mr ErdhuetMg said. "Singapore
      301 words
    • 1247 13  -  COLIN CHEE By fHE Central Provident Fund (CPF) has become the familiar whipping boy whenever lisc v s s I ons get round to Singapore's secondary domestic bond market. It is not difficult to see why. In
      1,247 words
    • 164 13 TOKYO The Japanese <& Finance Ministry la studying the possibility of Issuing medium-term national bonds «rrfl to be more attractive to Evste Investors than I current 10 year Issues, Ministry sources said. The Is mainly to help reduce the Impact of large scale government
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 332 13 Foreign firm pull ahead in the us NEW YOU: Despite the f eneraily glsssay tread •f the werld erowy last year. leasUsif foreign CSSfJMSiI" eajtpaced their American counterparts In sales caini. aeeersllfig to the latest Fortane directory of SSte see largest lndastrtal MrpscatfsTS eatslde the United States. The directory appears
      NYT  -  332 words
    • 104 13 Panel to study product stabilising TOKYO: The Ministry •1 of International Trade and Industry here said It will form a committee next week to study policies to deal with developing countries' demand for price -stabl llaInn measures for primary products. The decision follows asrreement at the United Nations Conference on
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 101 13 WABHINOTON The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed a sweeping revision of regulations covering stock tender offers which would greatly increase the amount of disclosure required by persons or groups making such offers The BEC proposal would also require ail tender offers to remain open
      101 words
    • 327 13 r:E offer of three million Depository Receipts (DRsi by Murata Manufacturing In Singapore and Hongkong was over- subscribed by seven times. This wss revested by Mr. T. Tada. president o: Singapore Nomura Merchant Banking Despite the high offer price of $8 72 1 08*3 52 > compared
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 245 13 isH Ha\ ssmmml I savours of Olde England Lunch or dine in a grill room that savours of Olde England with food just as savoury. An ideal place to combine business with pleasure cosy and private. English-manner service too. Ask for the Executive Lunch or any speciality from our new
      245 words
    • 382 13 |/^^kl H^Q i flS*H The international bank with your interests at heart. Dai Ichi Kangyo Bank is Japan's largest bank. With assets of about 39 billion dollars. But our size doesn't make us impersonal A worldwide staff of financial experts ready to give your project their individual attention. And we
      382 words

  • 137 14 WASHINOTON The Senate has agreed to put Into the T*x Bill, stronger Income tax accounting rales for trading and options. The legislation waa sponsored by Senator Charles Percy who said It U Identical to the bill that passed the house recently The legislation provides for
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 38 14 NEW YORK: Sony Corporation of America haa formed a Joint venture with Paramount Pictures to distribute video hardware, and feature motion pictures. Paramount Pictures Is a subsidiary of Oulf and Western Industries Inc. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 108 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mrs. Taa Hay Ua of Buraon Marsteiier. BfciRipore. to currently In ew York to attend a six-day seminar on public relations and advertising management The annual seminar bring* together executives from the 16 worldwide office, of the public relations and advertising group. Mr. IT. Tast haa been
    108 words
  • 994 14  -  •ON •4A*J LOM •y IT TAKES a thief to catch a thief. Or It takes one to know one. Does this maxim with 1 U many versions hold true in advertising when the product is aimed at women. Does the ad woman find
    994 words
  • 570 14 Researchers offer new hope for stock market investor T^EW YORK: Two researchers at the University of Chicago are offering new hope to those who believe that the stock market proTides the investor with his best chance to beat Inflation. They predict that stocks will most likely offer a mean annual
    NYT  -  570 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 370 14 COPYING BREAK-THROUGH on ordinary paper (Hicoh) I Ji|^^^^"^H' I La^Bß^^^^BS^Bß^Bß^BaJ^^^^^ bb^bbV bb^^ DT-1200 reliability ahead of its time We have all been waiting for it. Now it's here. The outstanding DT 1200 introduces a technological break-through into office copying machine reliability. This stylish compact unit uses the advanced Toner Transfer
      370 words
    • 430 14 AUDITED RESULTS hi-Tv Ceapaajr Y«*ru la#Y«At/L«« (L) nrimgi* DlvMnr Electrical* Allied Ind M»r7« M*tU (MUM) 112 (III) (T.) KemngTln Occ7» M»42L (MSIU.) 21L (7 IL) LeongHuatlnd Dtc7S Stl.lML (MI.OM) IS U. (13 1) AmcoJ Electrical Dec 75 BSI.IML (Stt.MSL) 13 6L (S3 2L) PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS North Borneo Ttmbtf May7fl M
      430 words
    • 135 14 NCW WT&ECAPMNG A NAME A great name travMs well. When The Manila Peninsula opera in August this year, it wil! offer the same luxury accommodation, superior service and excellent cuisine as The Peninsula in Hong Kong. Soon everyone will know there is another Peninsula in the Philippines. Good news travels
      135 words

  • 3 15
    3 words
  • 1208 15 b ID and offer prioet ofßrlally IMcd and ntitwisai In and reported to the KuaJa Uonpur Stock Bu-hange yaatarday with the number of share* traded shown in brackets In iou of 1.000 units unlaM otharwlta spaclnad IMOUtTBIALS ImaiaU TIB. •Ma 2 0811 IMBI. la. Hmmmm
    1,208 words
  • 40 15 InastrlaJa 3t t» MIJS rfinanaa: MtJS MM asatsni: ISS.SI IMJS fiopiitlas: IUJS 1«4.17 t TkH: MM MM t I rvaaara: »IJS BM.TI Dae. M. ISSS IM f Dae 11. IBM IM Dae. t*. IMS IM Dae. 11. IMS IM
    40 words
    • 1121 15 c YDNtY Mon Th« mar--3 ket rioted generally higher In quiet trading today, with BsiP rising 13 cents to a two-year high of AJIM folio wine its purchase of BOC'S stake In Waaa^Mt Duma, dCAlcrs Mid WnWn ■■fit rost four cwiu to II OS. wbUt AMR row flTe to
      1,121 words
    • 226 15 HONOKONO Mon The market closed little chanted on lack of inUrcat in dull trading, dealers said today Among leading aharei. Hui<hlM« rued 2S cents to HKI3 10 and Swtr* rwlftr closed at IS 10 against a nominal II 10 M on Friday H. nefcone fttM. H— g>— g Und.
      226 words
    • 167 15 TOKYO Mon -The markPt clued little chansrd tndajr In lnht trading with a waiting icntUnent dominating concerning the Lockheed case, dealers said The Dow Jones average rote 0 44 to 4.711 M The New index closed at 3&J»1 up OSS To4*> tIMIH BWM ilk iiw ti(r»r»nc» aa ih» pn>ma
      167 words
    • 345 15 Staggering £246 mil loss but BSC aims to break even LONDON The stateowned British 8t«el Corporation said It sufferea a pre-tax loss of £246 1 million .profit £80 3 million) in the year ended April 3 Chairman Sir Monty Finniston said in the annual report that the tion alms to
      Reuter  -  345 words
    • 64 15 LONDON: Meatao* L Meyer rhairmsn* John M Meyer said la the aaaaal res»rt that tnrmever aad praftts la the tnt three months ef the entreat year have been atest enronrm fine Internal forecast* shew a eestttastag creaseIn Ike year tmimt Marek, the easapaay made a pre-tax
      64 words
  • 461 15 PRICES were marked I U p tiignUy In selective trading at the Koala Lumpur Stock Kyrhangr yesterday Trading took place In isolation from the Singapore market which was dosed for National Gains were recorded across a broad front. In many stocks, they ranged from five
    461 words
  • 15 15 THE Stock Exchange of Singapore was closed yesterday as It was National Day.
    15 words
    • 28 15 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday was down $13 87J to 51.206.12 t per plcul on an official offering up 47 tonnes to 295 tonnes.
      28 words
    • 191 15 THI market opened at 3.25 cents per kilo higher than Fridays close following the sharp advance In London. Some profit taking and lack of follow through caused prices to drift slifhtly during the course of the morning. Physicals were neglected. The afternoon market ruled dull and featureless. September
      191 words
    • 27 15 Rnbber: Aag. t. Singapore: Clesed. MaUysU: Seat. IM.M cts (a* 2.ZS I eta.) Tin: SIJMCIXt (down $13.17 J). OAVlsl ofTerlnf *tt tonnes (ap 47 tonnes).
      27 words
    • 87 15 rwAILY SUH prtCM at noon yMterdaT fca*. Oat. M (Carraa* Ml» TmiH Xiki (•Mia par kg) lecal* par M> BMm ICT (1 ton pallet) HIM JMOON MM IUM* BMK U. <1 ton pallet* SUM lI J 00 N 111 JO 11] SON SMm I (1 ton pallrti
      87 words
    • 231 15 Thorn profits will be better, says the chairman LONDON: mom Elect- Industrie* r" airman Sir Jul c Thorn said In the annual report the board expecta increased profits in the current year, particularly, overseas. Tne company believes It can finance Its Investment programme from existing resources for some tune to
      Reuter  -  231 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 615 15 Whatislife? A simple question for SKF to answer. When a bearing is correctly mounted, operated and maintamed. the primary factors determining its endurance life are the quality of the material in the _^^of^^ rolling elements and raceways, the design, the load and the I^»JsbW lubrication. a *Bsftw¥" Vaß '^>« rbbbW
      615 words

  • 2 16 Especially Women
    2 words
  • 1245 16  - 'Plastic surgery took a load off my chest...' MCI LIN CHEW Housewife tells her story: B 9 6M*kl»f aa4 ••■Mac kalr (Wktok I 4* Myself) takca tw* hamn **4 m kaif. 1 vstck ay cwftestaa. 1 have U a**td hard «r mil MM amwt v tke MilM rre«sy mil I
    1,245 words
  • 95 16 It's chic to look like a sheikh! gHEIKH-style! European fash ion pundits are still on the folklore connection. The style ipay have been originally the sheikh's but this cotton tunic two-some comes with a dash of St. Laurent chic. Side-slits slashed waist-high split the monotony of the straight cut. Lends
    95 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 469 16 C m^ fl r^o«fc,»w©v*siiMW^ #w m eooc uoc**jo ear J f A %%£m£W *>• *X" wrrn 3 I Lj^ ™~*ZmW& rmATX eo6! Mt *mat If < 9or mjl ewe cur SC*Jt£O* V S6SN iOMC»Jfc 1 1 HAPPW^O? I OWWBBUX UWTc i CtQOtO IOMCST OUT I OOJT V *> SCM6IMSNJ& AAOur
      469 words
    • 163 16 Old-fashioned powder detergents make hard work off cleaning. n Kleen Floor makes cleaning gUtft/j^S easier FASTER because Kleen Floor needs no rinsing off; just dries by B»M itself, shining clean EASIER because Kleen Floor floats away dust and grease in j^L^L^L^^L^L^^L^L^L^L^L^L^KL^^L^z one easy application, needs no hard scrubbing. jfl Isil
      163 words

  • 249 17 Archery champion Sam aims to go still higher 1)1 II I I Imbj lan. 91. ni.irkMtiimjii of late r-ourth Mrtropoli I. in > M( IaMSSaI Indoor %r« hery (him pionship. is a piiturr of grata; and finr«se in %hr targets hiimr on hrr rn>» shr beat fiv othrr womrn Jl
    249 words
  • 61 17 TWO French pnthropolotuu. Claude Wrobtl and Jean-Louis Doniol- Valrroa*. i will hold an nhlbttton of tribal artifact* they collected during a recent ilx-month I trip acroa* Borneo The exhibition at Banyan Productions. ISS-B Pcnanc Road, will be open from a m to 7 p m on Friday Saturday
    61 words
  • 53 17 !C E believe an American tourist wanted here for several cases of cheating has slipped out of Singapore The tourist was re- I ported to have swindled hotels here of nearly SI 500 He is believed to have left the country on learning that the hotels had
    53 words
  • 357 17 Economic growth forecast 'reasonable and encouraging 9 MANUFACTURERS, traders and an economist yesterday sh a red the Prime Minister's optimism that economic growth of between six to eight per cent coukl be achieved this year. The/ also* described Mr. tee Kuan Yew's forecast as
    357 words
  • 291 17  - Legal battle over San Centre PAUL JANSEN By A LEGAL battle for possession of San Centre, a 12-storey building valued at more than $5 5 million, has begun In the High Court here. i L ten RetmJ Hbuae (Pte> Ltd has fUed writ against ten Development Go. (Singapore i Ltd
    291 words
  • 245 17 More taxis for. airport: Comfort seeks OCA aid rE NTUC transport co -operative, Comfort, hag sought the cooperation of the Department of Civil Aviation and that of taxi drivers to break the taxi shortage problem at Paya Lebar Airport. The Comfort newsletter stresses that this shortage cannot be solved by
    245 words
  • 26 17 TH« Adult BtiucaUon Board will start a court* In Music for Beginner* at Utt Cultural Centre on Saturday from 2 pm to 4 pan.
    26 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 206 17 4nTH ANNIVERSARY A GENUINE ONCE-A-YEAR SALE M.. I" Nrfl ««*t noos momt»6ut»«imcmt sHtars tnjswf mOmtamt t iHiin IKIfOt i ltM *sst t imiTi many styus arcs lisas KOUSiSASST r«TT|IMIirCS 110 SO Nil BOTTOM MANT COt I |MU» »T«ITCH JMOiTUJ COl» I «0W» LAMItHAMKIIt I INK! MINI til* SI M MIDI
      206 words
    • 379 17 f No more qJBI^I battery problems! /^l The versatile ADLER 81 Soperatet not only on Am^L, disposable but alto on rechargeable aYawl bwaw"^^ Nickel Cadirmim Batteries These can be used S^L repeatedly You'll never be caught with aVMr^wlw! UlLm drained out batteries again 1 «^F«Q j/m, A set of 4
      379 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 938 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 )H PM Openmg and Spectrum Ml lows Hsfinat (Hatay) (English -Repeat) IM mm Dmtm) JJi Oary of Events (English) J-f Jl"**?"^' 1 1S y»>i n. 7.m rtn. I* W PtWaWI (ft II) U5 Magiim Zero One 131 fcwi lewsrstl <sfM) LM General Hospital s 5S
      938 words
    • 25 17 WATER WAT-BI •wNMßawttsa g- BBBbAbIV YaM lit IM •wMs aaatrea (1J4.4 ■Mlfcaai I Hams) a ■twa SttW ewMe ■strsa (7J aaJlltaa gaslvsa) esfpareal to Satardar
      25 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 726 18 N6EE ANN TECHNICAL COLLE6E (RECRUITMENT OF ACADEMIC STAFF) Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following posts the various departments of the College Gross Salary Range Lecturer I SI 272 01 pm to S2 353 23 pm Assistant Lecturer si o«4 33 pm to SI ?08 41
      726 words
    • 692 18 CAREER tiH PUT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE The Port of Singapore Authority is providing employment opportunities for bright ond capable young graduate* as Administrative AteHtonft who wr*h to moke a career in the Port Administrative Service These graduate* should hove a good honours degree m Business Administration. Economic*, or Commerce They should
      692 words
    • 973 18 MARKETINC EXECUTIVE Application* are Invited for the position of Marketing Executive for our Fire Engineer ing Division In Singapore The successful applicant will be required to estimate, design and supervise fire engineering projects A diploma In Electrical Engineering or other equivalent qualifications recognised by the PUB. for registration as an,eiectncaJ
      973 words
    • 498 18 LN fHE MATTER OF THK t'OMPAMfa* ACT (CHAPTER IU) AND IN THK MATTER OF > I NITEU DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PTE. LTD. ilar«rporat«d ia IB* RfytiMir of Sincaporri i In I ><4UKl«tio«i Ttte Creditors of the above- < named company are required, on or before the 31st August 1976 to send
      498 words
    • 593 18 A leading shipyard in Jurong is expanding their design facilities and seek a number of DRAUGHTSMEN/ DRAUGHTSWOMEN. Applicants should possess the following a. Drawing office experience m mechanical or electrical design b Served/worked in shipyard for a minimum of 2 years c. Technical qualifications an advantage d Must be able
      593 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1196 19 MMMMMa* Tl m CMiiiwi (:t» li M SMrf v c-• »-m »a.#f tan MMJMJ MJ ajM 'M ttfd IMI IM« tMI tMI •i.i.i. n M n it* 'tv». it M* M lad ti Md iIMJ mo.m. Mt isad it*t rmi aw ihhm »w .1.1 it^. Utor ki ki I km
      1,196 words
    • 1121 19 Benucean A «i/if vrvir>> .V Bpt Lu>> Bk*> Fhnnpi Opti Un" vxI NSMO If MtMTMMT MM tm P M«ag «nia| la-Mjf PMV mini MM Ml n<t m *tM* pmb. a tan, I Dat. MMJMlcaia aaM M >M> jaj MM IMM umhmm an M i la* ii M li «wi k»
      1,121 words
    • 1047 19 M^tMMMMBBIaIMMII m r^FW m *^+i*F'W*f^ Imp* at^M 1 ntn* mm mmm wm Irl" 1 a ir-mtr, *,>"■! U*f M I'aatf Ma tra«ww. fatl CM* IIK MT tt M 11 M ltd IM *MI 4MI IM. MMMI II M n M tMI UMI MMM TIMI tt tad •MIM U' IMT IMI
      1,047 words
    • 998 19 fULLY COHTAIMUIZtD SlaVICf TO tUtOM l.'M« ""t "t MMMMMTM I B MMfl H9 MMM la It "wi*^™***. (VtaSPM^MJH, IMjajMfJTp, IT mmjp**j JJ,, 1 Imw. Mn ItM*. aiiiiMii irss, r l c i s- tea miM.i kt ii kt ii SfecMMM. (Mt, IWtM. tMM fcMMa FULLY COHTATHIII'IZtD* SttvTci T»OM IUKOft l.«l
      998 words
    • 633 19 tajMtn iij«44 p mmj imi 11 mm p*mi nai THE BANK LIKE LTD. imk w i it iftia ■Will Miv MMM liikt I.liUm- >»».■ i it. n c w i m»i« s na m ('■mjm* l (mP MWVB AaVMCA. 'flB tMkajMMjti. mmVbKCm tiitmm »n»«| tt/ti M MJ il tt MM
      633 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 981 20 \\i KAWASAKI KJSfTN KAISHA LTD. fhit cwTMona yum Ta lunaa |Vla lait) S *><« P Rcla*j R"Ht IRtBM tmm Mviasus miki m MPwt n 14 nl4 al4 i stfi MWKI PMI I* v, Nl4 iim* 'S»t I Smi RfPTMf iMUiI l«| I St* n SMt »1 SMt 24 SMI MMMMS
      981 words
    • 1005 20 LIME E.(.-LS.A./ATUMH/«Hf SEIVKE In-Tt ta> MB' TIM. MM MtfMRM MB MilMt MMIM UtPfllM Mt lIMI MU PRRTt ru MM laMa i-mt pmb« aa* tM Mm i w. P lar, "|-|at 90tam^ "Wi ißiiMe «a>i tit ta, aii tat i» n tai lintat TUMI BafMl WI II U ten IKW II
      1,005 words
    • 1008 20 MMMMJMMJMMMMMMMMMMMMJRMMMMMMMBBBMMaj mtt umi— lll fjwa i» mm (m mi t'MP. Pmt taaaaiar «Wf fra» Im *—i MMRMMMMM: Pan ia<| n tai It la MMi HIM IMM »w«l PMI! .1 tai it Ml Wai ttar Iten Ulan ■utMiMKi imi ttppf n ten itan num ai«n mmm I ajtaaaaai ctaniaMi' 1 ten
      1,008 words
    • 922 20 MUniM MTHMTIMM SMPPMC CMPR Ml HI II ***** CP«SS SOVKf Tl IMMR UWIfMI CMIIMRT PMTS •M aaa. MMMM p »t MM Id Man ■•<• ,1 M»«i uian >i 11 Hnn hi |T K I Ml •V mnk>i Mtuai n 1 ten f 1 ton t 1 ten 1 1 tan
      922 words
    • 698 20 1 NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE i l^Pk_w lIIEPENEIT FAI CAST EltOf E SERVICE ■^^ZWaV'^l i*Miu* 1 ct UMIPMI »n iti IMiMi I! m\ aMß^^^^V P*t timt 11 IM ""'IP iipn in '»n Clit. MN 'p* »pm*i wni p"n*tn im 1 mw, aj tan mmm 'i ten CMTIIMPI MlltllU >i I W
      698 words

  • 34 21 on «w4sn lasmllS. >«l cm*** be auavaiMaad Ttie caNManv daaa ■Mt hatd NsaM rwaawmßla •sra-sra mm Mo 11—awce ba madt> io. errsrs miilsss aNsoNaa w drawn I* Mam o» m. «*v 1 pMlllislMn
    34 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 393 21 THE a 1 rwn »w. .w— Classified Jlds CATS. k £3SHM77y Pick of the Classifieds CMMMSC Oenuine OMC spare parts for canpcts centre Johnson and aSnnrude outapswtatkSFM m board motors Oood selection great variety Trade enAll kinds of Elegant 4 quinei invited "I^rpeTs^JrruT" conUct Mr W- Choo in^gn. E^ex^te in
      393 words
    • 538 21 SINOAPONC CNICKCT CLUB thanks all appliranu for the post of Membership Clerk The vacancy has been filled lIPCNICNCCD FCMALC CLCNK typut required by Import/Export Firm Apply to P O Box 2382 S pore 1 stating age experience and salary required FCMALC CLCNK NCOUMsCO by Import firm Secondary eduactlon knowledge of
      538 words
    • 982 21 RCOUINCO lALIIS3IRL CUM junswr accounu cMfk Apply in wnung PO Boa 311 Colombo Court. Spot* S F»RT TIME/FULL TIMS BALIS Carttr Malts and Ftmalet. housewives and School Lssimi required by Expanding Company Experience not nirsaaary Training and transport pro»ided Expected Income MM Call a personally at International BuUdlng Orchard Road.
      982 words
    • 787 21 BLCCTNJCIAM MBU. invite suitably auatified Ungmpore cltixens to apply for he'vacant poMUon of BKtrsckui i their Pulau Bukom Refinery •HE JOB entails installation of telephones, repairing of telephone handsets maintenance of batteries and battery chants. wiring of cable junction boxaa trouble- shooting on telephone lines and equipment IIK MAN should
      787 words
    • 629 21 BSsTVSJN WAMTBB. SsITwTBBJM aav »f M 40 Apply personally Bth Door. Room MS OO BtuMlng Upaar Oom Strawt. S port 1 iMMBDIATg POST BANMIMTB Factory require Malt and swSMsto worfcen Interacted candidates ptsaat call at 4M> Jalaa T*Nteram. JTC Flatted Factory St rililMtl I tatate Stngapore II sTAHTIB FIMALC BIHIRAL
      629 words
    • 711 21 GENERAL ffl» EIECTHI USA Oimial dactrst (USA) Hwnwaw Mwtar OpsisNim rW LM invites application, for the following positions TOOL MAX CHS f r^afssssswsst Sad ISsVJ MS PJS*. M tt M pm Appliranu should possess el thei Trade I certificate in met machining plus 3 yean reteva working experience or I
      711 words
    • 597 21 has immediate ssseancsss for FB-ULC PNOOUCTrON OfMsAPVCS M our various deparunenu a Appbcauons must bt at toast 1* ywars old a willing to work on 2-thlft rotation a Minimum primary of education i English Chinase I nd a No microscopic work be a Aircondltloned work place Oood starting basic salary
      597 words
    • 763 21 NCOUMICS PIIOOWCTrOM CUM machine operators Must poaasas ■Primary Education Interested apptlcanu please call prrsonally 23 Leng Kee Road Spore 3 WAMTCO CIPINICNCIO WAfTNCSSCS for restaurant Call personally 10 Mas to 6 00 p m at China, Restaurant Bar 55 BaMMMsi Road WAMTIO 1 Baairl aoy OCNCNAt CUM Preferably with some
      763 words
    • 907 21 SCASIOC BUMOALOW NIWLT LOMMIItH Ilua-81l McriJ Bungs low at rmigpsl Point 5-rooms DetalU ring «IWII OISTNICT 11 BNAODELL IBMBIITS 3 bsdroomed Detached Bungtlow 3 Bathrooms Ser vant's Room. Spacious Coapound F urnished with I Alrcon(in toner 11 000 Phone ***** NMBseea babbi ibtati 3-bedroomed Terrace Houst Partly Furnished 1400 Phone
      907 words
    • 843 21 BUT 11 NAmiS PAJM tingle storey semi -detached furmtned S7M Dist II Hongkong Park double storey semi-detached furnished. SBOO Dist 10 bungalow single-storey fur nished II M 0 6*104] SIITM AVCMUS SI. IBS Namly Place II IM Faber tJrtve 11 200 Thomson Ridge 1788 Bern bawana HID 8888 Passr Panjang
      843 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 595 22 t») riwia APARTMENT NEAR ORCMsRO Road with twimming pool fully furnished and airconditloned carpet electrical apalMnrai ail Anne 44*241 44C*777 *****9 BeST CAISJIIIILL COURT $2 708 3 3 000 Phoenix (our l penthouse I 500 Dlst 10 $1000 I*so Seletar Hills 8430 Ace *****32 WEOTWOOO LIONIE TOWERS Cavenagri Houae Hillcourt
      595 words
    • 615 22 !L.«iu>ai|Mlo ROOM $I*o at Hillvtew Estate 2 •torey terrace quiet environment incluilve roam cleaning supply bad sheet Ideal for ladies gentlemen, stuJ denu ****** 1 UHPuaaMIIEOROOM Ml quiet Hat I near Mount Faber for tingle No rooking Phone *****37 P^TJSHspRJH MjSXMSssss»MSssssssw3sssssswfJ mi Ciiwji»y w4ktLarw» In MMreajMM SEVERAL SUHOALOW B APARTMENTS,
      615 words
    • 780 22 1 20 YEARS BmMtsssKsnTLawrra loansavaoaßMupioSOX o» SSS amaton tukySCl M «manmum o)t7SO 000 I* FavouraMe««erew« »W raW«r apSC I lor 'eoaymee* peKd and eie amount ol loan I* nepa»mem oe»od up io awfSIJB I* Ano or rourse yOu BtSwaOM tame rekatue per«onakwedte'v«eand o» o«ett^on*< uxr »on- I peopw •«•> vewt
      780 words
    • 651 22 TECK FARIC; I lO *th A,> v or* Hoilanr) H A U i', SMvaapor* B Oualrty Class 2 ttoroy J tdrrri-dotachdd i rjonoosowt 5 UNITS LEFT j Kj t iiimini Q.»iv| raaai J I nrif rsara IsvUrsinn I War) t* wa« csrasSMf hv ak 8 i kaweaoa Ist flaw kai
      651 words
    • 803 22 NtBM POMTT BlOrllMl, fully airconditloned partially furnished Italian Ukss wall —Mi talned block, immediate vacant poiaiasion All with tenancy Oreat demand by tenanu. there is a waiting Uat Tei Judy Cnoo *****14/ 23*1254 I-awOtttS MOO) PLAT at SSSO CornmcAwealth Drive Spore 1 Blk SS Well renovate' with furniture and room
      803 words
    • 722 22 CJ kHTCTIsVATIOMAA PLAZA anL OFTIC tf OR RENT (rw PMeetlSSpsi If SHOPS FOR RINT L/ V FroeaUSSatl V rvjaY At ancet are «sduawe of f% IJ terwenejaet Aj \f. Caasswtes *****00 \j Jf O*»« open in tW (Jt Saiivdsv Vanates A APPROXMBATELY 3TI.S W/ 1 4 080 tq ft renovated
      722 words
    • 725 22 ACRES OPS* ttoraae al Old Jurong Road and near Lokjrang offshore base for lease Rental negotiable Call 44*1111 SPACE AVAILABLE FOR approa 2 SO* m 3 storage security and forklin facilities provided Rale negotiable Phone IKMMUI SIIOPMOUBE POSTAL OIST 18 for immediate sale Approtlmatrly 2 000 sq ft Ideal for
      725 words
    • 213 22 OIANT TURTLE SPECTACULAR OKCANISFI) BY MODrKN t, KOO EC* INT |DH IX AC OOsM M Spactal Kwonton. K Triwasm Kotonton lr.i>s Sit* tilt ■■Mm a Oentma Hlavttone i 1 4 Night til* t*9 Kuantan use Chendor Mutel i :> $S» S«t EXPRESS TOUR TO PENANG ONLY S3S Return $17 extrj
      213 words
    • 594 22 NAM NO TRAVEL SERVICE 1 SINOAPORE) PTI LIMITED West Malaysia Tour (inclusive Oenting Cameron Highlands) by deluxe air-conditioned roach sever days SSI7S m dayt *****- departure every Sunday Monday Tuesday Oenting. Cameron Highlands four days S* 130 Oenting Highlands four days ***** by deluse aircon dlUorved coach departure every Wednesday
      594 words
    • 610 22 ||sw B «ssßsw B a_a a a a ßssw a a_a_aij B w a w a aa' mClf^^^^^r^^M I Piiatnii ECONOMICAL i i MAS TRAVEL S Charters »y*V Mcl $740 ixfl*m SBSS Pert* 1500 all Furope S*SO U A 110*0 Canada SI 110 Tokyo $610 Bangkok $21c Jakarta $180 Ball
      610 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 386 23 ing. »irtwn» iimE.j. %*scmg numxr* PRIVATE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE June 1977 1.. PnvaU Aw*u« MM) BSCRITARtUS ia>. rt T»og>i Road K"*V Bligsuri 16 a»*S iTATeWJ66»t»^^raS| LANOUAOI ST'JOIIS 1 nwMki isawlis ceurwa lar nars jAPANf SI ||||IMIH| p til jAPANItf iStaa* 2) •thai (Bagwiwarsl THAI (Sla*. CMaaae cmmki 16W. MB) tufMl '6
      386 words
    • 786 23 TveiwaiTlNO AMVTIMC (BI TWSIN I am 9 pmi individual attention Buot-keeping Shorthand Ttwory (Speed 50 140 1 Pnnripm of Accounts (Sec 3 4. morning after noun evening) Singapore InstiKnmerce M3C Selegie i oiipien (3rd Hoof i 75 Middle Road *****48 *****1) STAMFORD CENTRE INBTITUTI O* ACCOUNTISM timW iIMM Aiiielißls mt
      786 words
    • 765 23 Papar for Secondary Pre-U I'll orotMV individual tuiuon in air- 1 conditioned comfort i Cngiath/Cluneae stream atudenu t foreigners all welcome t US 1 4*4 *****9 I I>*f IMCNCgO TUTOMB CA»AB4.B < of all letel suh)erts al your iMHiie our crnlre *****. 7 1835 1 s«74M < afl A W
      765 words
    • 912 23 •Tt TOYOTA COMOWA Mart II rrtl* airron* Contact Mr Ton TSM c •74 kxso sacotrr 2 -door iim ised as second car by Eutopaan 1 lirecior leaving new a winlvork low Illaa— 8085.7 M I >N O Tel *****81 2 Contact I ir 000 TOYOTA CIUCA one owner I nth
      912 words
    • 800 23 OH CHAHTga/BALg Barges vaUabte for dall> and moninlr harter IM l» I» W IWI I IM s JO s IB Contact *****4 ISBO riAMO COB sale For urther details ptaaat call VUIS7 MM MLICS COas»AMV tales ,iwl resioralnwi ol antique *nti usi.mi made lurnllure M Killi ley Haad PAD naajMTUNC
      800 words
    • 1114 23 •MClAUtr* MtALTH BaUOM. FULL «*»OI Of COSJOI Zn<l Ikwc neat to Rowinaon s TIOHtM lor talrviTntal 4 senriw 228Z38 npirlßll- Cenlr* Tet sin Hmi Lw EWt-lriral Pt» VM iSSa 3WMB eat 14S Body SIMM SUBM ft JAJBIO aUaaagy Bauna Baifi BWtBSCO aam-coaa>mo B I I Krfnit-r iif.ii v Spr<iali<rt in
      1,114 words
    • 769 23 r 1 POSB is pleased to announce that with effect from lOth August 1976. their new telephone number at its Headquarters in Middle Road will be *****1(10 LINES) f APPOINTMENT FOR LIFT INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR We wish to invite a registered Lift Installation Contractor to undertake 2 major Lift Installation projects
      769 words

  • 209 24 linTH the arrival *f TV thl, female K« M*d« Drag»n at the Singapore Zoo yesterday, the lonely «ayi of her Baale counterpart arc over She has cenae to take the »Uce of bis f*raacr aMte which dl-d In October last year. The fraaale reptile—
    209 words
  • 130 24 Jurong ShipbuildersShipyard merger rURONO Shipbuilders v and Jurong Shipyard are to merge soon In a move to reorganise themselves to meet the depressed state of the Industry. Negotiation" are now on between the shareholders of the company the Singapore Government and IshlkawajimaHanma Heavy Industries of Japan Jurong Shipyard's Joint managing
    130 words
  • 27 24 LD<O KM ron»Utu*ncy will hold a road ahow at Alexandra Hill Primary School on Saturday at 130 pjn as part of IU National Day ocletormUona
    27 words
  • 314 24  -  CORINHE THAM By Debtors Act needs 'moire teeth' LOOPHOLK in the law which enables tourists to skip without paying their hotel hills, is also being iikklc use of by foreign businessmen, to cheat their Singapore counterparts. Some lawyers who pointed this
    314 words
  • 240 24 rE Port Authority has embarked on the te cond phase of develop ment at the Maritime Museum on Sentou to further highlight Slnga pore's maritime history Among the facilities under the second stage of development, to cost about $700,000. there will be a Port Today Gallery, a
    240 words
  • 145 24 18 experts to judge beauty contest EIOHTEEN Judges, handplcked to Judge within their expert field*, will select 48 semi-finalists in the Ambassadress to the World contest at the Mandarin Hotel on Aug. a. Features of contestants will be Judged by plastic surgeons and a professional vlsuallser. Dolae and movement by
    145 words
  • 281 24 The HP financing of motor vehicles THE hire purchase fl 1 nanclng of motor vehicles, steadily drop ping since last year showed 1U first upturn In June this year when the cumulative total Involved rose from $!08 8 million in May to $109 3 trillion Official figures show that although
    281 words
  • 21 24 KIM Keat community c*ntrt *111 hold National Day film thow at the centre u>nlfht at 7 JO p m
    21 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 158 24 Nivi^S4/uW A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE PORTABLE STEREO, RECORDING AND PLAYBACK JVC NIVICO'S 9475VV is a radio cassette recorder with a b«g difference' Portable stereo, wrtere you want it. when you want it. Every feature you need for recording and playing back superb stereo sound wherever you take this powerful portable
      158 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 175 24 Bringing Op rath— By ■111 K«van«gh <« C— s» v window- "N f oourr let rr thws whw she t i»= she ooe* fi«OCVß»,**4f« SHOPPING ORAO YOU.MAN- SAIO LAST WEEK -fHCVTMAT A6*lN, I'LL r>o aunt X>d_, _^y smcs not ©owe ano she cams J 2j*t sfnd cv«»yTH»«6 MA&&K GO fl
      175 words

  • 188 25 CAXBKMHA. Monday AUSTRALIA is to increase its air and naval surveillance capabilities in the Indian Ocean and possibly take over some of the roles now being undertaken by the United States, defence sources said here today. The move is being made because
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • 139 25 FORMER PREMIER UNDER HOUSE ARREST KUWAIT. Mon. The Kuwait Times said today former Jordanian Prime Minister Zeid Al Rlfal had been placed under house arrest pending an Inquiry Into his handling of Jordan's food crislv The Times, quoting sourjes accompanying King Hussein or Jordan on a brief official visit tv
    UPI  -  139 words
  • 63 25 INGLFWOOD (California). Mon Actor Rod Stelfer undrnrenl sucrrtaful open heart lurzery at Daniel Freeman HuapiUl yesterday, doeton laid Stelfer. tl. who appeared In itich movie* v "la the Heat of the Night." No Way to Treat a Lady and "The Pawnbroker. wai admitted to the hospital on
    AP  -  63 words
  • 52 25 LONDON. Mon Jewtah ortanlaUona are boycotting London* exclusive Dot cheater HoM following the Arab takeover of the 290- room establishment two month* ago. a nprtsentailve of trie hotel *akl today. A ijndlcsle headed by two Araba paid more than t» million .B*4o 4 mill tor the hotel In
    AP  -  52 words
  • 276 25 GENEVA. Monday SAUDI ARABIAN Oil Minister Sheikh Zakl Yamani today ruled out any new hike in oil prices this year as well as any "fantastic" increase in 1977. Sheikh Yamani said Saudi Arabia is resisting pressure within the Organisation of Petroleum Export Ing Countries
    UPI  -  276 words
  • 59 25 LONDON. Mon Mrs Marjaret Thatcher, the leader of Britain's opposition Con•enrauv* Party, will run BlMapore during a threeweek tour of the Far East and Australasia next month. party spnfasman aald toUn Thatcher will also nut Pakistan. New Zealand and Australia before returning home via India. Her
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 35 25 TOKYO. Mon The body Of a Taiwanese crewman was recovered today afUr' the 2.000- tonne Panamanian fratghur Bongtao ■ank In a collision with a gravel carrier off wastsni Japan, the Coastguard said —Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 74 25 MANILA, Mon. At least seven people were killed and 31 injured when a train Jumped the rails on a bridge over a river about 240 km south east of Manila It was feared that some passengers had plunged to their death In the river
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 599 25 v fe DIIDB SHOPS TO LET Tenders invited for the letting of the following: -(A) 2 new Kiosks at Woodlands New Town (Marsillng Drive). (B) Newly constructed shops at Marine Parade Town Centre (C) Terrace Factories/Warehouses at Marsiling Industrial Estats (D) Newly constructed offices at Marine Pf»i« Town Centre. (E)
      599 words
    • 501 25 Powerful, versatile... bußfpr the toughest jobs! •Hi > s^Lm #a^s*a^sfa^s*a^sfa^sfais^s^s B s a sß.jß*^s a aW^ JLC L I 111 ssT^ CT^J^ I* aa^Ba-JsT *4V|jaJ[ 1 tfc> J- M m Black Decker s highly mobile EW i tF^^^B m Ma P netlc Dnll Press combines the C |""sa^siii^s*^^^ m accuracy
      501 words

  • 1158 26  -  BLUE PETER By IPOH. Mon. Twenty of the finest sprinters in training have been handicapped in the coveted Sukan's Gold Vaae, the third leg of the sprint "triple crown," to be run here on Sunday This must surely be one of the
    1,158 words
  • 336 26 BARRIER DRAW DABAIZR avaw («r ■Ma: Saturday CM* D./ I UHtt: K. S. W. 4. 13, la, a. 7. 17. U, 4. IL IS. 14. L M. 3. B\t>aX dam 4 Be*. 1 1 JMM U.4,«.5.1«,a.U,Lt, la. 7. 13. IS. a. 17. 3. 11. ML Cmm 4 Dtv t— LJMatU.
    336 words
  • 516 26 REVIEW OF SOVIET-AMERICAN MEET NEW YORK, 1 Mm.—Ameriea't best availtbk track and field team had to be wondering yesterday just what is important: Winninr dual track meets affunst the Soviet Union or preaenrUtff a way of life. The Soviet squad, counting heavily on their otctwhelmin
    516 words
  • 1072 26 TjrDOHTS lor the, w Perak Turf Club Sultan OoM YaM I Meeting at Ipoh Uu* Saturday cv uutm. Noble Acooo S7 Twin Victory M TMaTM (BA 4) Swum (EA J i < Blva Ra| Ui Wart A Prtend Hi Beg Taw "urdon tt Beranl Sli
    1,072 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 338 26 SHIP MACHINERY SPARES Shell Tankers (UK) Ltd are offering for sale the following spares which are available In the United Kingdom. Kor Babcock A Wilcox Selectable Superheat Boiler Kvaporation Rate 76.000 Ibs/hr (service) Drawing No. 6957/21 1 boiler set of Generating, and Water Wall Studded Tubes and Superheater Elements. Kor
      338 words
    • 126 26 HH-*^Wall art. Matex Emulsion paint rr Getting the best out of your V#v J°' n tn /1 class interior walls is an art And the art |v _-U u«e Matex Emulsion Paint fjl is using Matex Emulsion Paint u;_~__ AaMaW*^ WippOfl raUll It goet on easy Because it s specially
      126 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 52 26 KB BOCUT Uons vs Tlpers (let Pum* T ia). •OCCCB: Tctok imajaa CC mrnaaant, Tata* lbs•C/Vj Leo, Km (Bt CkarMM Illia.) faMt Cm aslm vs P va OmmSni OSA tJa> lav ud m BJB.). TAmMrmnM tJam Utm Dart IsatM ami Ist M TT farvKMl Open etamawnatUM <Be4mmtea Hall from 7
      52 words

  • 382 27  -  DHARSAN SINGH JUNID JUAN I Ex-British-champ makes a comeback to wipe out stigma Report by Pica by JOK (irt.NEßrin no lon fjer be labelled the "softie who has shied away from menacing Foreman." For the man who held the British. Commonwealth and European title till his retirement
    382 words
  • 361 27  - SINGAPORE SLOW TO START AT LENIN STADIUM JOE DORAI By MOSCOW, Mon. The Singapore soccer team had the rare honour of playing In Lenin Stadium one of the two pitches to be used for the 1980 Olympic Games but they failed to justify it with a below form performance and
    361 words
  • 587 27 WYDNEV Mon -RcsulU of Saturday I A»aociatitin luutball matctMm VkMi .HUU Lerngmr O«or(c C 4 PolonU 1. Vlc•**«a Dl» 1: Sox Hill 1 Albion 3. Croyoon 1 Waverlry I Uit«n Gully 4 Ketlor City i Wettcm 1 rranJuton 1. IX*. t: Uutciun 3 Morriand I Fenitnv
    587 words
  • 399 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA By J CHORE BARU. Mon. A "newlook" Selangor team minus their nine Olympic stars edged Singapore 2-1 to finish at the top of Oroup "A" of the Tun Razak hockey competition at the Malaysian Teachers' Training ground yesterday. It was Singapore's first
    399 words
  • 41 27 JIT Ranger* ftootball Club won Urn RTC arvcn-a-«ld« National-Day Invitation aoccer tournament at RTC ycatcrdar Jets packed too much power tn beatint Putra United 1-0. Oerlanc »st 1-0. Cverton ft-0. Star United 4-0 and RTC "A 4-e.
    41 words
  • 287 27  - What a dismal display by Spore youths! PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE ended the First Asean Youth table tennis championships on a dismal note, finishing wooden spoonlsts to Indonesia who walked off like millionaires wltti five titles, Thailand (1) and Malaysia (1). All Singapore had to show after the four-day tournament,
    287 words
  • 21 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Thailand and Malaysia drew 0-0 In tonights Merdeka football tournament at the Merdeka Stadium here. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 665 27 m*m crouse-hinds crouse hinds one of the largest USA manufacturers of Electrical Construction V aAssal A#a^Ba\aWll AalcP i W Ist? \m^ g is now available in L I Singapore m W H»»», Dul>Pt u «i Condui.l Ouli«t BoO.«t *ua*t tuKon Slaliont S«t*clo> andß«c«9iac)** Switch** and •■KM L I |j CJS)
      665 words

  • 179 28 Highway gun battle: MP hit, 4 killed BANGKOK. Mon A Parliamentarian of the ruling Democrat Party was wounded during a pre-dawti gunoattle <ii. a lonely hlKhwuy in southern Thailand in whicn tour people died, polic-c said today. The shooting c rupU-rt after bandits armed with automatic rifle* erected a log
    UPI  -  179 words
  • 64 28 BANGKOK Mon Britain and Finland raiablu>hrd dipktmaUr relations with Cambodia today th* latest in a lon* UM ol European and vurM combWMb formally openl'itf official link* aiih the la-munth-old Khmrr Announcement* over Radio Phnom Penh monitored here. *aid relation* at ambaaaadnrial level had been ettab-li.-hed on the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 34 28 NEW YORK Mon About ISOOO nofl-profeaaional employeea at the city m IS municipal hoapitali returned I yeaterday. ending a luur-day strike by acreeinf tn take what amount* to a pay cut —AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 24 28 Me* A MAaiAMMA. U a hautai «a (.a T4 Cacti— ■•ana IM aa. aaakf "aC. aiara v M«na> Twraai Cra- at Ml. Varaaa
    24 words
  • 518 28 ONDON. M*a TW M, ~aaart M J^U aawM. aHasßsa afaaaaM aMaka wart ataWy ai ih. ttMti af Mllta* tatanat. 4m*n atM AI I •a. tkt fart.r- I>Mb) la —Mi lav iMwaily Mat ta la «a. *m*m Mala*. Oil* »tr« ate* atf Ik* batlaai aa< rail* rmmtal te a».
    518 words
  • 85 28 AGUNG'S MESSAGE TO SHEARES KUALA UMfll, Mea. The Tma c Maenaaa hgrnmt seat a eeagrmtalitery mi- v Pruliiat MMarea e( Stegasere en Urn irrailw the Be»«Mic't Nattoaal Day Uday Wa»e tataliter Daink Haeasla Onn abe seat a similar ■win te his eeemterpart, Mr. Lee Kiu Tew. In hla ■MUft, Dat«k
    85 words
  • 25 28 MANILA. Moo. Folk* h«T» (y-run a minrwint lor 14 prteofMT* who th*r way oat ef t Mil aaar C*bu City rcsUTday lUutar.
    25 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 105 28 I L^ i l\t 1 1 Itttti l^onTUjinMjjUßi" *a"j a, ■m i i l f^?»T^T^T^i^"rT THEPHUBHB phvub i BSMfTVOHIiBM^ j |Jr rr-* <:■ '||A|'|||jg^jj|yil I I f Jmm mm ml w m) mtlmmm Imm KfFMiccKaToaX wV jjmmmwmmm^* co«*>"o»»ta. 1 mwm%m\ I m navj BT a, ■bY aaaßSMafl I _bk^bTVbb!ol Li
      105 words
    • 308 28 Airconditioners Ahead In Quiet Cooling Greater Cooling Capacity Lower Power Consumption Quiet Operation Elegant Design ***** kj (10.000 BTU) ***** k J (12.000 BTU)^^^^__--b. Model SA-102BZ Model 5A1228 SANYO Sanyo Industries Sngapore Pte LM SanOXu -i ivm iliiiiaiiiiii'Vimri b^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BS I j^/Bkf For Top Quality Timepieces I [>ill >rec/s/0/7 with
      308 words