The Straits Times, 5 July 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times E*UL 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, JULY 5, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 1164 1 Midnight raid at Entebbe airport All guerillas, 20 Amin troops killed TEL AVIV. Sunday AIRBORNE Israeli commandos, in i daring midnight raid on Uganda's Entebbe Airport yesterday, rescued mere than a hundred passengers and crew held hostage by pro-Palestinian guerillas who hijacked an Air France jetliner
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,164 words
  • 342 1 TCL AVIV. Sun PRIMK Minister Yitzhak Rabin and his ministers jubilantly drank a toast this morning on learning that the military operation to free hostages from Uganda had succeeded. "I/Halm" (to life). they were reported to have said as they lifted their classes
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 49 1 PM's heart stoppage OPORTO (Portu«al>. Sun Portucux* Prime Minister. Jost Psnhstro D* Awvado. who sutfarvd heart •tuck 11 <U.y» aeo. has had another cardiac an— t, nodical bulletin said today Bis bsart stoppad bMHni last night dvs to ventricular ftbrtllallon rapta flJttsrtßf of Uf heart V.Uwot proper brartfeeatsa. Rtwtsr.
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  • 232 1 I ONDON. Sun v British lawmakers praJacd Israel today for the daring n/jht-Ume raid that rescued the hostages from Uganda and denounced Ugandan President Idl Amln for h's alleged help to the hijackers, -PneMeal Asahi Is MM W IIM fMtfl ■Met asratelsee and odiews
    AP  -  232 words
  • 40 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Vietnam Vlce-M'.nls-ter of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Phan Hlen will make a three-day goodwill visit to Malaysia beginning on Tuesday. He will be accompanied by four senior officials of the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry.
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  • 328 1 CANBERRA. Sunday AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister. Mi Malcolm Fruser. under Are from opposition critjes for reportedly questioning the effectiveness of tin* Indonesian leadership in recent talks with China, is to visit Jakarta in October for discussions with President Suharto, it was announced here tonight Mr
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 50 1 RANOOON. Bun A Burma Air Force Dakota aircraft exploded In midair yesterday, killing all 17 people aboard. It was offlclall) announced here today The aircraft was on IU way to Rangoon from Kengtung. 1.200 kilometres east of here when It suddenly exploded, the announcement said Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
    • 99 1 TKL AVIV. Sen. Israeli Prlinr MlnUtrr. Yltihak Rabin, reporting to the Knesset l Parliament) on the Mrceufal raid on Intebbe airport, said the Government unanimously decided on a spectacular military action "when It became obvloas that International efforts to release the hostages had failed." He
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 Awanebte at ssfleadsn lahoeatoreeoratour 1 showroom, No 97 Jsw.BtsXan, I 01-23 KIM SONG: SHOCK MOVE BY FAS Back Page GRANDEST Fourth of July In America 2 Hll»l S< M h battles In Lebanon 4 \RMTYS new union set-aa eeasea Into force 7 PRK-WAR homes that are Are hasards HIRING HI
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    • 187 1 ■swE^~~^ ii. an THE THIN SEIKO QUARTZ. CHANGING THE WORLD'S STANDARD OF ACCURACY. qm Symbol of Ac ur< The Linea 98 is the new manual typewriter that incorporates features from the electrics **t TUT sJU flaCa&»J»ata W A 4% itS V Olivetti s new Lineo 98 And it's all built
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 520 2 Break out the flags and strike up the band, says Ford NEW YORK. Sunday RANDS, bunting and bells heralded the United States' 200 th Fourth of July weekend with Americans in city, village and farm bent on making it the grandest birthday yet. "Break
      AP  -  520 words
    • 161 2 22,000 KG CAKE TO MARK NATIONAL BIRTHDAY PHILADELPHIA. Bun. Philadelphia's "national" birthday cake, a 23.000 kg confection of chocolate and white Icing, was unveiled to the public yesterday under the dome of Memorial Hall, a relic of the cent ennlal exposition. Mr. John Dekelxer. project leader for Sara Lee Kitchens
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    • 29 2 ANKARA. Sun PourUcr. people war* kilted and 20 strtoissly Injured when a rrwlad bus went oft the road early yesterday near Kaysart. central Turkey police said. Reuur
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    • 42 2 TOKTO. Bun Ths city ~«Bioly of Naha capital of Okinawa, ij—inrtiii yesterday that US forces tauMdl•tcly auapen live »heU firing practices In Okinawa. The desnand »v conWlmd In wsohiaon unantascwsly i»m4 »t the aaatoibly In an extraordinary ilnn UPL
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    • 242 2 Another way to mark their day WASHINGTON, tas. "It eeold enlj happen la Asaeriea," •ne spectator muttered sadly, shaking his head as he walked away from Lafayette rark. Behind him the ■aaartras) Nad party was eeUaratinf America's Bicentennial by exercising Its constitutional right to free speech. On a grassy spot
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    • 36 2 CALCUTTA. Bun The West Bengal Government today banned a planned conventkm on dvtl Bbsrttes, aponaored by several opposition groups. In the northern district town of Maid*, an opposition Contrast party ■pofcownan said here. Router
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 173 2 SEATTLE. Sun A church group has approved resolutions condemning lomtn't liberation and the moral climate in Washington. DC. Under the theme "Perspectives in perilous times." the annual conference of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches approved a number of resolutions ranging from
      AP  -  173 words
    • 94 2 PASADENA. .California). Sun. After an Intense game of "cosmic ice hockey." Viking scientists bad all but decided on a final touchdown site for the unmanned U8 spacecraft, a relatively smooth area flanked on two sides by rows of craters. "This U about as f
      AP  -  94 words
    • 237 2 US adventure a continuing one: Ford WASHINGTON. Sunday PRESIDENT Ford, saluting the United States' 200 th birthday, welcomed the questioning, examination and criticism of society because, he r— said, "the American I adventure is a continuing process." In a US Bicentennial i message. Mr Ford said: j "As we aciueve
      UPI  -  237 words
    • 45 2 GRAND OLD MAN OF AMERICA MR. Charles Smith. America's oldest cltltrn. rides high as Grand Marshal In Bartown's Bicentennial parade on Saturday With him Is his nurse. Marilyn Moss. Mr. Smith was 134 years old yesterday as the nation marked it* 2teth birthday. AF piitnrr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 270 2 a\ lpEl| IB fci*^^^ I aWt' laaaL Saaa^L. Nutri' -Metics Nutri-Metics Nut. Metics Free Beau.y Demonstration Attractive Free Gifts (or every purchase while slocks last saawßß Nutnmelics Private Limited H I BOOKS IN STOCK I I GEMSTONES FOR EVERY W>j_V±^l^^M 4 1 H I man V a I 1 '5
      270 words
    • 93 2 TAITIAN A new digestive fromOhta containing highly effective digestive enzymes, antacids, and stomachics for effective relief of gastrointestinal discomfort. Instant-dissolving, quick acting tablets seal packed in threes for convenient single dosages OHtaTfl l*an c«> ifd 3 2. Sengoku 2-chome. Bunky Tokyo 112. Japan Highlights for today World War Two stragglers
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    • 276 3 Morocco threat to quit the OAU over Western Sahara PORT LOUIS. Sunday MOKIK O yesterday threatened I* leave the Organisation of African I nlty over a dtsp«U at the OAI •vmm 1 hrrr <>%er tar m Sahara. Mauritania, which taared the territory mini) Spanish Sahara with Morocco after Spanish forces
      Reuter; UPI  -  276 words
    • 309 3 US hopes for black African support WASHINGTON. Son THE United States is hoping for black African endorsement of a transitional "Kis singer plan" for Southern Africa. IS officials said yesterday. According to diplomatic sources, the plan involves a transitional period for Rhodesia. probably two
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    • 41 3 DUBLIN Sun. The Irian Oumi luimit'i noprs of controllu.f inflation auffarad a arvcrr Mow jrcatarday whan th« Rcpuboe's Mg union* narrowly rr)actad a ptOpuaaa national paj agrvtment A drlagate conference tumtd down th« daal by nine yotm.—AT.
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    • 363 3 Kennedy murder: 'Ruby had chat with Castro' NEW YORK. Sunday A FORMER contract employee of the US Central Intelligence Agency has told the Senate Intelligence committee mat Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby met Cuban Premier Fidel Castro In IMS and that the subject of assassinating PreV«ient Kennedy was diactused. the
      AP  -  363 words
    • 355 3 150,000 to be armed to fight Rhodesia: Machel MAPUTO (Mosambtquei. Bun. President Samora Machel yesterday told a gatherIng, asking to be sent on a campaign against Rhodesia, that 150.000 Mosamblcans would be armed to fight that white-ruled country. Mr Machel told some *****0 people at a rally called to protest
      UPI  -  355 words
    • 70 3 French student crowned Miss International TOKYO. Sun A 19--year-old irchl tecture student from France won the 1876 Miss International beauty pageant on Friday night at the Imperial Theatre here. mum Sophie nrin, a blonde beauty m crowned the ISUi HUi International (na a field of 45 (Imitate. alia* VtoneW Reioredo
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    • 22 3 MADRAS. Sun Thirteen peopst dfctd and M vert admitted to hrepttal here today after drinklnf methjrlasrd aptrtte. polk* aaid. Reutrr
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 246 3 JOHANNESBURG. Sun VYTJNDRBDO of mourn II en gave black power salutes and shouted "amandla" (power) as the body of 13-year-old Hector Peterson, believed to be the first to die In last month's black township riots, was burled In Soweto township today. Plans for a
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 84 3 SYDNEY. Sam. Australia appealed headed Uday fer a aaUaaaJ M-ke«r strike ■eat weak as the aaUaa's pewerfal laaear argaalaatlaa. the Aastrattaa CeaweO af Trade Dalaaa (ACTTJi. called Nltatn aUlltoa BMasaers to pretest against Geverm- Mediae wk. the aatlaaal aealta kasavaaee seaeaae. A few-bear
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 320 3 Behind Your U N! Mind... Bar' M Use these Extrasensory Powers RSCLV TO nVI plvfnonvfna. To undfrstand. develop, and heannf. tourhinr. dirert them ran tranafornTyour whole peri rrseal only a part «unalit\ They ran provide greater insicht There 1* a world of and power of personal achievement n- of (neater
      320 words
    • 272 3 -afa. ■sSsaal ■|rX>j BB O *****44 Q CA^PA^REFUND For your convenience, parking at Cold Storage Carpark is also redeemable at FINE FOODS W^ iH^-U*i«aUailklia«a4afl'' ABERDEEN ANGUS FILLET STEAK 4 r msh, met 10 9 l-"5 FILLET STEAK f>.«ft. Atrftown N«- Poland 250 9 2.90 STRIPLOIW 250 5J.90 PORTERHOUSE STEAK 250
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    • 325 4 Wide-scale battles in Lebanon NICOSIA. Sunday CHRISTIANS and Muslims fought wide-scale battles in Beirut and Mount Lebanon early today, following the collapse of the latest ceasefire arranged by Arab League secretary general Mahmoud Ria d. radio reports here said. The Joint leftist-Pales-tinian command warned that the fall of Tal Zaatar
      UPI  -  325 words
    • 167 4 $74 bil NEEDED TO KEEP PERTAMINA OIL FLOWING JAKARTA. Sun Indonesia will cease to export oU after the year 2*M an iess the state -owned Pertamina OU Comeany receives VS M.«M snlllion (SS74JM million) m fundv according to a local press report. The daily Kompas. quoting a survey carried oat
      167 words
    • 193 4 New Viet Govt leaders mainly from the North SAIOON. Bun Vietnam has chosen government, to face iv huge problems of reconstruction, which differs only slightly from the former administration of the north The National Assembly of the newly reunited country approved the new Oovernment yesterday shortly before It closed after
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 75 4 ROMS. Sun An lUUan Carmelite friar. BroUMr Xnnocenio Da VHletn. iv imitfd yrttcrday Iq connection with the robbery of a valuable painting from hU convert n«ar Rom* on* j**i a«b. police reported today Police aatd the friar waa airaalad In a eonvant at MonModortrto. la I>mcm>i.
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • 27 4 MOSCOW. Sun The Daputy Prlma MlnWw of Papua Htm CHunaa. Sir Maori Klfet will pay an official «Wt to U» Soviet PnUn ahortly Uw Soviet
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    • 537 4 TEL AVIV. Sunday npHE Israeli rescue of hostages in Uganda today was the most stunning anti -terrorist raid ever mounted by Israeli military forces. The Israeli airborne assault on Uganda's Entebbe Airport confirmed ence attain Israel's refUi<»l to negotiate with guenilis or hijackers. Except for
      AP  -  537 words
    • 36 4 RAWALPINDI. Sun Mr. Jalal Ahmed, manacer for Pakistan of Bangladesh BUnan. the national airline of Bangladesh, said In Karachi yesterday his airline will (tart IU first night between Dacca and Karachi on Wednesday UPI
      UPI  -  36 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 I SOUTH WIND SON. BHD. I We are now at I 4, Jalan Kilang Barat Spore 3. I Tel: *****4, I *****5, I *****4, I *****4, I I *****3, I I TeIex: SINGI R5 ***** J LAKE TOBA MEDAN HOLIDAY $460 Six fasci noting days in Batak-country. I his one
      472 words
    • 93 4 Off or Of Th» W— fc USA. MAZII.Of IMANY. INGUSH Trousers LamgtHs 1-15 m«t*rt Now Cleoring ot 590 790. 990 D« TON Tr, aw iiij iiimi tot m>—u -»>••>' huUuw > mti nw4t p*n«*» «>■■'—'! •cnuMlMiO'. Try UB Ot. 1 ■•V i m- m Mk A Uf» bWr < Him
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1154 5 Aspects of Total Cost Evaluation— presented by Tractors Singapore Limited 1 sub tracf. Bj^jJ Tr houfs L!^ Total Cost Qtra ««.rs ninil, |JP The Bottom Line A good place to start your Total Cost Evaluation Are YOU a company treasurer? maintaining extra machines to get the job done machine, for
      1,154 words

    • 208 6 Pledge to give Italy's Reds leadership role ROME, Sun The Communist Party. though still excluded from a role In the next Italian Oovernment. won pledges yesterday from the other political parties for a leadership role In Parliament for the first time In 30 years. Communist participation ln the political summit
      AP  -  208 words
    • 41 6 MANILA. Sun Another landslide, art loose by moowoo rains in U» past wvaral WMfca. yUi— t burtad an 11-mr-old girl in a gold ■__g finnc— tnn in th« ■wintaln province of curt. U» oOetal PhlUppiM Maws Actncy (PNA) raport-
      41 words
    • 348 6 BUENOS AIRES. Sun ■JWENTY-SEVEN Chilean refugees have taken refuge at the GaY nariian Kmbossv here pleading for asylum, an embassy official said today. A diplomatic source said some of the refugees apparently were In a list of refugee names and addresses stolen by
      AP  -  348 words
    • 190 6 SUAREZ BID TO HASTEN DEMOCRACY IN SPAIN MADRID, Sun. Spain's nem Prime Minister Adolfo Suarrz Oonzalez i above i today considers possible Cabinet changes as a first step In his expected attempt to speed up his country's post Franco transition to democracy. Mr Suares. 43, one of Europe's youngest prime
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 167 6 Army for hire launched 'to fight Reds' LONDON. Sun. John Banks, a former British paratrooper who recruited several of the 13 mercenaries sentenced ln Angola, last week said ln an Interview pub 1 1 shed yesterday that he has now launched a new army to fight communism at home and
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • Briefly...
      • 50 6 JAKARTA. A total of l,50« su— tvors of the recent powerful earthquake would have to be flown out of stricken areas ln the Central Highlands ef the remote Indonesian province of Irian Jaya 1 where about 300 people I were reported to hava been killed. Antara news agency said today.
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      • 22 6 NICO81A: TurklshCyprlot leader Rauf Qenktash was sworn In yesterday as first President of the self-pro-claimed Turkish federated state of Cyprus.
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      • 56 6 NEW DELHI: The Indian Government has decided to lift the two-year-old curbs on tbr payment of dividend by companies. Dividends were United to 12 per per cent early in 1974 to check rampant Inflation at that time. An amendment last year said companies could M 7 more than 12 per
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      • 24 6 TOKYO Life expectancy ln Japan has increased to 7176 years for men and 76.95 for women, the Health and Welfare Ministry reported yesterday— Agencies
        Agencies  -  24 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 833 6 USA presents tost-SavingCalculatDß wilhlanlastfcpertoniwica #^J^ You Save 4 Model 302 PD Electronic 5 Print/ Display Calculator I %^L _i I —l WL v Bt\ a^s» Model 302 Electronic __j^_/ ■> Printing Calculator T^ 0 _l___l yj"* PVICTOR M^ Fully guaranteed backed by 4 c>V£** Jfc <4? > Scott Et English
      833 words
    • 91 6 Dine in France. I brings MnjrOiyeme^ sport. M S k_ menu- \A atom _^_B <*«» L esoygot mm L medium viona V _4 _^^^^V, rare __f vour eltxw is! !d^ m__l _r I i __i in I A hO/ IYYQ A 'J^fc- /o rfrfate M IT cheersh t/jpVr I y^^,^^^^^!^^^^^
      91 words

  • 562 7 Only S'poreans in association can take part in. politics THE I nivtrsity of Si n capon Students' union Iktu reconstituted lo comprise eight faculty flubs and three nonfacultj Ixxlies including a political 1 1 io n in which only Sinfla- 111/tllS and
    562 words
  • 153 7 EDB BID TO WOO SCANDINAVIAN INVESTORS rtE Bconomle Develop- i ment Board ha* potther representative rfcholm to lntenslly its efforts in attracting more Investments from countries The transfer to Stockholm of Mr L*ong Cheng Chit, director of the Lon-don-based EDB centre vain, is in line with the board's strateny
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  • 199 7 Guard-of-honour role for full-time NS plice FIX-TIME swUee national servicemen I*NB(F> will, far tbe first state, fern part of Urn gaard of hon*«r to he mounted for the National Day Parade this year. The »ar«aV. which will Be held at the National Stadias* la Kaßaag. had IU [itrdof ho ■oar
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  • 53 7 NOES Ana Technical 00llan hu announced that applications for antr? Into lv Urhnlf 1 and rmrtnai oourae* for Urn IJ7B ItTI aaatoo hwjinninf on Not 1 are now open AppttcaUon form* dl par oopyi and Instruction* to candidates art obtainable from the registrar'! office Tbe closing date
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  • 219 7 Are STI and Poly certs equal in value? ARE the two Industrial Training Certificates Issued by the Singapore Technical Institute and Singapore Poly tech nw equivalent to each others This was tbe question posed by 12 holders of the certificate from STI In a petition to the Ministry of Education's
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  • 40 7 THE YMCA. with Ihe awletanee of tbe Family Plannine AatocUUon of Singapore (SPAP>. will conduct a four-part court* on Love. Sex. and Marrlace at their premise* In Orchard Road, bminnlnc today. For further details, nog trmt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 394 7 \|nj»»» roils all our v h Official; New toothpaste beats Decay Demons S~>^M^ A Chubb wall safe |T^ J| ft costs rom 95 an<^ P rov 'des \^S SB the best home protection Equipment for Perfect Drawings f or your valuables. Avaiiabte'rom An AuthonseO Oeeiertend BaV^^»^^s t**- Motion Smith Son
      394 words

  • 338 8 'Standard school hours on Saturdays not benificial' rpHE Singapore Teach- era' Union yesterday refuted claims that a fixed number of school hours on Saturdays for all language streams had obvious benefit* to the education system Mr. Aloyslua Oomez. secretary of the BTU's professional co-ordinat-ing committee, said In a statement that
    338 words
  • 61 8 THE Tradewtnda Hotel. Manila, a Joint venture betnn gtngaport Airline and PnilipptM «>tr«prwMura. U •chadutod to baftn operation* with tht opanln« of ISO of IU 330 room* next taonth Tnt partial opsnlng of tha hotel to tlmtd for the International Monetary Fund Confaranc* due to be held
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  • 165 8 PCTORY operator, Mlas Alice Lake. (above) spent 14 years without parental love after she was given away at the age of seven. Bat today, at 21 and without relatives, she is determined to find her real parents,
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  • 55 8 THE Ministry of Culture will hold an open-air art exhibition for the young at Macßltchie Beaervoir on July 11 from 330 pm to S 30 pm StudenLi under 19 years of a«c who axe Interested In taking part are inrtUd to brtnf their art works to atacßltcbie
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  • 97 8 rE People's Association will launch a massive scheme to train Instructors to promote children* handicraft In 11* community centres. The training scheme would provide participants with exposure to history of children's handicraft, basics of paper handicraft, making of simple shell toys and decorative
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  • 68 8 New classes on Chinese music THE Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) and Pioneer Industries Employees' Union (PIEVi will start new classes for the Chinese Orchestral Oroup from Aug. 18. Er-hu and pl-pa rliiw wIU be held en Widnesdaya between 730 p m .nd 930 p m and flute and '.uchenf
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  • 60 8 30 new buses for SBS fleet THE Singapore Bus Service has registered another 30 buses to expand Its fleet size and replace old buses ihe buart. which can carry a total of 1.916 paaartigers. com 11 It million A BBS statement said SBfi hat put Into operation •53 i*w buan
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  • 32 8 Basic English course THE YMCA will hold a coune on baatcrngllth unirmar and uaftge. from July Claam will be held on Bui :»yi rrt U US for menbtn and IJO (or oUwra.
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  • 668 8  -  PHILIP LEE By MOST pre-war houses in Chinatown and other pockets of near-slums in the city area are death traps in a tire outbreak, a Straits Times survey lias revealed. A recent investigation of these nearderelict tenements included those in Hock Lam Street. South
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  • 109 8 Survey reveals many fire hazards ed said they were happy with their accommodation But their days of such slum-living are numbered for the bludgeon of urban redevelopment Is already at work In some of these areas. In Chinatown, for example, the houses In Keong Balk Street and Upper Pekln Street
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 533 8 SKI manufacture* ss 0 million rolling beatings every year. H boul one -fifth o! the total world output and it demand on the organisation which looks Xl customers day h\ d.i> j^l Wi M.II balanced stuck, read) lor immediate delivery. -skilled Matt is icidy to tackle >our hearing queries. g^^^ga^^^B
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    • 3 8 A. Foot A
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  • 142 9 IT waa food and game* galore at the I lv Pandan canpiia of the Singapore American School as the American communlt? here celebrated. tU nation bicentenary 'day. The I s Auiuaaaador ngapore. Mr J Hoidridge. in c p erted the guard of bonoar
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  • 52 9 POUR Malaystans ha»e ban banned from enuring Singapore by the Horn* Affairs Wflnlafr. according to a govarnmant gaattu DotlAcaUoo. They an Tangga Raju staraspan from Wast Maiayata. Ue Pafc Htong U. of Johon Bahru. Mahandra so M. Naoarajan. I*. of Jonora. and Kboo Song Hlong. IT.
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  • 36 9 UR Ang Qm Bah has bass appotnud Deputy CTialrman of the I aiilaga Oerakan Peiajaran Dewaaa by Minuter lor Bducation from July U to AprU SI next yaar. according to the lataat Ouiarwmit Oaartte
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  • 27 9 A OBOCRAL Mwmnsng aesatoo the Uquore Lk«iatng Bnard for Sangapor* will be Mtd tn Court No i ■avftocx Road on Sept 14 It IN IB
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  • 21 9 HUB Lov task Chlng ha* baen appotnud an liafstirt l-ommUinrnT for labour under tt» lMiptn>isnt Act. from July J»
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  • 111 9 'REINSTATE SACKED CASHIER' ORDER TO HOTEL rZ Minister for Labour has ordered the retn s t a t ement of a cashier of Slngapura Forum Hotel who was clUmlMffl In March. The order was made Bite last month after an appeal from the Food. Drink* and Allied Workers' Union. It
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  • 27 9 Summary of port circulars from 1071 to lrlii that are runentl) tn forre can be ortalned at the Port Masta-'s C4Bci at |1 par copy
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  • 327 9 Sprinkling doubts on that fire safety measure iirHILB all Industrial Tf plant* In Singapore nave the best flreprotectlon equip ment the costly water sprinkler system the majority of them do not check them frequently. If at all. A random survey of factorlei In Jurong revealed that many of them carried
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  • 146 9 Airport project: Road will be closed soon rNAH Merah Besar Road, a route used by Sunday picnickers and courting couples on their way to the beaches, will be closed soon to make way for the development of the new Changi Airport project. According to a Public Works Department spokesman, the
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  • 62 9 A PUBLIC I Pinch contest will be organised by the Plonaat Industries Pnplowsi Union (PUU) at the Jurong Town Hall Theatre on Aug. 16 and II It Is open to all rtuder.t*. wortets and la* general public The theme Lift Is Precious i liiouit rial Safety) Pot
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  • 31 9 MR Wan Tong Wah. Mr. Bhee Peng Seng and Mr Banf B*ac Chay have been appointed Inspectors under the Pactortea Act atnee Juna it. according to a Oovamment OaaMte noUncaUon
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  • 279 9 THK lack of buzzers or call bells in Ward 34 of the Singapore General Hospital is causing many patients there and their friends and relatives to question how quick medical help can be summoned in case of emergency. According to a source, most of
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  • 52 9 Mv» Bay Puey Chens' sn executive officer with Police Headquarf rs hrn also been appointed Cnenmlsslnnsi of Oauu from June M. MR Ooh Joon Seng, an advocate ana aollcltnr. has been appointed Commlaslnner of Oaths, under the Supreme Court of Judlcatui.- Act. >* accordlnf to the
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  • 42 9 MRS Ann Wee hki baen nominated a member of the Panel of Advisers to the Magistrate of the Juvent* Court. for another two years from June 16, under the Children and Young Penons Act. according to the latest Oovernmenl Oaattle
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 80 9 Slimming^ y^ Joanne j f\ It Really Works! Ntmtnu nvhKh they adopt sre e«cKit>w •'t:t ulom nr ultra modern jnd contain the »e> v latMt and most saaarce), Josntw Draw Satonthat como'ied a specui dietary I n one hour Hwrry to Joanne Drew, for Six sure steps to a perfect
      80 words
    • 282 9 6,170 PRIZES WORTH OVER $260,000 MUST BE WON! m. >> 1 1 1 4-1 41 ■■UP /•^^Sam^mjt ««»J mM [SI Ps^3 2nd pviaw :is.uou prtx* Ak«i Stereophonic POSB Gift Voucher Graetz 66 cm Colour Equipment TV Console model and many other attractive prizes You can still qualify for Lucky Draw
      282 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 325 9 Straits Times Crossword ACIOM g Synthetic material with 1 Not much tune to change only loose attachment to hubs and find a fresa nitrogen >S > partner <«. tl 7 Older came for two sailors Slated again for having to produce punned argol bought a new hat <7) >i 2
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    • 545 10 Leaders told to issue warning KUALA LUMPUR. Sun TUIK Home Af fairs Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie, today called on Chinese leaders who have undivided love and loyalty to the country to give a frank warning to a small group of
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    • 169 10 SAMAD'S ARREST: 'CAREFUL STUDY MADE' Xt AL A Ll'Mri'R. Snn. The Home Minister. Tan Sri Ghatili Shafle, said today that '.he Government, with the '.o-operatlon •f Singapore authorities, had made carrful consideration before detaining Samad Ismail, managing editor •f the New Straits Times. He said the Prime Minister. Datuk Hussein
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    • 231 10 Red threat: 'Don 't be swayed by emotions KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday J)ATl'K Hussein Onn said today tint in facing the communist problem, "a problem of witch-hunting, making innuendos and character assassinations :is a result of uncontrolled emotions, has arisen." "If we do not check It and If we are not
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    • 131 10 KUAI.A LUMPUR. Sun Oatuk Hussein Onn. referring to the doubu over his policy speech, whether It was written by him or another person, said today he regretted that the matter had been broußht up as It appeared that ■some delexates were making a fool
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    • 23 10 KUANTAN. Sun Police dciatntd atren men and recovered a 13 pistol at a roadblock In Balofc l« km from hare yesterday
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    • 197 10 Call to set up complaints bureau at Umno Hq KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —A Per&k delegate to the Umno Oeneral Assembly called today for a public complaints bureau be set up at Umn 1 heidqu arters where members could air their grouses £nclk Baldln bin Mat Plan, said the bureau could
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    • 59 10 KULIM Bun An II-T«*r-old youth m Uxlaj 1 rommittcd to »Und trial In 1 the huh court on a charge I of raping an etf hi- year-eld girl. Mohamad Tabidl Un Ya*atn »v alleged to have committed the oflenc* In the Padang Scral rubber aaUU. »t
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 180 10 MAM jaaa^aaflgalaßW T^iWy'^t**'^/ IT WAS LIKE THIS Travellers Remember es travelling the obvious route is not always the most c invites 5 travellers to tell about the places isited and their experiences daring those vi:>its. ALSO: The Secretary as Almost Everything i take shorthand but lack patience and ince you
      180 words
    • 79 10 in B^o STOCKS SPARES SERVICE Q UNDETEVE^ACOBERG^ BaTaVJ Sinoapor* Indonesia Malaysia Brunei A^ w^ Pv In 30 minutes you'll forget how painful your piles are Pain, itching, bleeding and general discomfort are the symptoms of piles. And fast acting Anusol is the proven answer. It soothes almost immediately as it
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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    • 193 11 KUALA LUMPUR Sunday rlt destroyed the I nion Record Industries Sdn Bhd factory and part of an rn(ineerin( workshop In Jalan lientlng Riant here early this mornint Damage to the factory is estimated to he over MSlM.taa. The Ah Lai Engineering workshop, a few metres
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    • 54 11 Visit by British trade mission KLANG Bun A Brl- ■.<■ delegation Kuala I urn > work ture InMentri Besar Hormat Rafel said i if their I In Mare port* In Mahad been exagger•i<* had given I'ture of tie coun~:ded H rmat said thi* opening ol the Maha Mar. nple In
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    • 21 11 a LUMPUR. Bun Hut.. 'rid latex worfcm m PvtaJtna her* arc u> aUlk* from tomorrow to back a claim
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    • 120 11 SINGAPORE MPs IN KL FOR SIX-DAY VISIT KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The Singapore Minister of State. Prime Ministers Office Hajl Yaaoob bin Mohamed. arrived here tonight with 10 MPs for a sixday visit. .The delegates, who are also members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association CPA' Singapore branch, are here at the
      120 words
    • 77 11 KUALA KANOBAR. Sun A tiger, which has a particular liking for durlans. is raiding the durta.n plantations at Pampung Ngor along the Lenggong road near here. Several villagers, whose plantations are on the fringe of the Blntang Hajau forest reserves, have seen the tiger In the past
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    • 288 11 Security on ships stepped up to curb free trips SEVERAL shipping com panles here said yesterday that stowaways could evade tight security measures and smuggle themselves on board passenger and cargo vessels especially In the rush during embarkation time. As a result many ships, particularly passenger liners had tightened security
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    • 82 11 SILO, PIEU marts' $13 m turnover Co operative •upermarkeU run by the Singapore Industrial Labour OrcanlMtton (8ILO) and the Pioneer Industrie* employee* Union (PIKU) had a record tnnincm turnover of $13 3 million last year TO tuntoaw tnclurtad a dm prof* of triMSS acoortkm to l*bour Hrn, totot ■wbWwWwi by
      82 words
    • 37 11 Crocs country run THB TfpotM Piaina TWarttr and Cbaa«i eoav muniij ewtraa wul hold a c*oai eoantry ran on July > it I IB ■tomoc* fa» k* U lor MXHDtaaa'bCr taMaaV fHaT dflCaViiaV rk« 4SIMI or *****1 aftar >
      37 words
    • 286 11 J^jOST present-day schoolchildren mea sure up to their expected height Mid weight, according to a School HeaWi Services spokesman. From school charts. It has been noted that 93 per cent of youngsters are of the desired height and weight compared to 83 per
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    • 119 11 PUB PROBE INTO SALTY WATER COMPLAINT rM Public Utilities Board Is Investigating compialnu by some residents of Llm Chu Kang Road that their tap water Is salty A PUB spokesman said yesterday that the board would take samples of the water from the area for testing The residents, staying at
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    • 30 11 TRB ckalnc date for •ntriaa to tha Ltiv-wtiui* ooampattUoo onanuad by tha National Thaairc Truat and lUdto TatovMon aiacapora has baan «t«nd*d from July 1 to July 11.
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    • 27 11 THC YMCA of aiocaport wUI organlM Uouu Kta*balu aipartXton from July 11 to 11. Tha coat U M7O for milt in and SMS for noo-
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    • 169 11 YEW Zealand importers who have been 11 able to take a better look at Singaporemade products through Showcase, published by the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, have asked for more copies of the book A shipping line which sent 290 copies of the book to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 277 11 aaami aVaammwai wawalaaamfwaVrnwll m j^^ a^H5 f I rscorasr snd eotnmentato I Siogaport »c*ne tn m.i tmm took, r* I ajumiraw and axpsawx th< succaai of I Singapore's trtparths aWancs of I GovwrnmarK, aiuntan araja^wi airs. A sutetantiat part of «at boo« i I devoted to vte 4u(l mxt of
      277 words
    • 238 11 Harveacoodtime withTissot Wear a Tiaaot And stride out with confidence to enjoy the good times. Wear it for luncheon dates. Or sophisticated evenings. And weekend parties. Wear a Tiaaot for that radiant feeling. More Swiss wear a Tiaaot than any other brand. Swias-mad> Tiaaot watches are available in sted, gold-plated
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  • 355 12 Hidden wiring: HUDC move hailed QWXKRS of Housing and I rban Development Company flats yesterday welcomed the company's move to provide concealed wiring for Type H units hut were apprehensive about the new schedule of fees for debris removal. They alao maintained that the "important" Issue of floor screeding was
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  • 159 12 MOVE INTO CREATIVE STAGE, INDUSTRIES URGED f\R Chiang Hal Ding, MP *J for Ulu Pandan. has called on industrialist* to move beyond th» largely Imitative stage of production Into a more Innovative and creative phase. Singapore has the knowhow and technology to do this, but has not fully exploited its
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  • 20 12 A BABY anov will be held at the Kampunl Krmbtniti. rummumty centre on Aug 1 at IN pm
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  • 304 12 Call to license insurance agents to stop malpractice rTiHE Government U 1 being urged to license all Insurance Menu to wipe out malpractice In th.« Insurance Industry. Insurance .gents have > also called for the standardisation of salaries and commissions earned by Insurance salesmen to enhance professionalism and healthier competition
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  • 81 12 AHVI VLABOLD boy. Ang Hint Chung, died In Alexandra Hospital on Saturday night shortly after he was knocked down by a car near his hoase In JUin Bahar. Police said the Mishap occurred at about «.3t p.m. when Ang. ton of a police
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 129 12 y i .v. i i ,'.v.v/bW»ViV«' t 'iWrt\w>'tWvy«w.'t for*>?T(!i! 7.00 1 »;>■» j; PRIZE FIBHTERi J m ooeon soon OPENS ORCHARD To»iY r li 1 30 4 00, 7 00 4 9 15pm £hia« Chiao Lav Chi Wing «^The Drug Queen lIMCTII IT rCUNO KUIN J. •AV.V^rV^A\ftrS»AVW^y p J%V%WWW\VWcrVW%V nKWMMNNKJIIIIIIIIMIItJIIIIIIIIIIIIClllllllllllHClllllllllllMClllMinillll*:
      129 words
    • 261 12 I [en EIQIS! I P^JBPQ l /f means LuJwjf V quality, luxury. I CjpP wE^^r ease durability. ESMIfS&^/f means the very I E9*j ybest naturally! ■•^^^^•Dmnt sot •Ltghtmos I 9 m Ml •Mattroa* as I Madroom %mx Of fica furmturo I J H in wad cupbowda b Kilchon cabtnots H
      261 words
    • 126 12 Introducing CC&7UP Party Pack One half bottle of Canadian Club, the IN" drink of today and two bottles of HP j^^^^/t and you've got the CD9V pack a great new party idea! PLUS! A free Canadian Club T-shirt, g |v?R^B lust like these shown here They re I B -RvJß^**
      126 words
      253 words
    • 377 12 OWCAWISATIQN NOW JMOWIM6 MB vth 4 SHOWS WrNat TiLa. It** !H »M 4 t IV> > CAJM tOOKIMSS ONLY' B i<xk N«" >'» Ojm M»w I O«ar Tlw O>ck M iNm V COIOR MOW SMOWIHC 11am. I 45. 4 00 *41 M ynn i. rfci* a SPAWUM LIMITIO IMOAUMINr LAST
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 171 13 Singapore flavour I Nonya Food Ingredients consists of Exotic spices, chilli, ginger. Vl^sV laos (scented roots) snvanH^P*JttHfl^^^^. <JU&& serai (lemon scented ™^vegetation)andblachan V |^V v F^^^^^^sm used in various recipes M f, to give Nonya Dishes ■T w \j£ .*y Jfr*~*~^t^^ their exquisite flavour I lIKIPM TIMP- "5 >u«ru LUNtM
      171 words
    • 412 13 BJL r _^Bi i^ I _^8888 Jack (ma¥l^, >. Nkklaus M talks about MS oOlf CIUOS Taiaw«ono«i*«Mwiaaa«aar«ouaaoMoml«a»a -WHI|»l bWjldw bj aotwl «ro>«< aionilm l»BawaiaßH«iainlrilo«»Mia»aryajiiaWiay«aa Tharo a) a M af Ibbi afta* aalwHMi aalaMMf nye N iaka* kwHwoi m row aama 10 haoa tMt am fta roal tact la MM* goNar
      412 words
    • 298 13 Amami Jfl A Deodorants A b^bbW keep you k all-day fresh so you re A all-day 4 confident^ At work or play. you can keep ■«t*^ B "^Bi cool, fresh A smelling and confident with Amami Stick deodorant Swift and smooth and simple to apply. you get all-day protection from
      298 words

  • 556 14 The Straits Times MONDAY. JULY 5. 1976 WORLD REVIEW 1/ oliry has become a major r the American Presidential and in London last week the US State Dr Henry Kissinger d a redefinition In part, his re in response to criticisms Mi Democratic candidate Mr. r and the rlghtwlng of
    556 words
    • 204 14 11 BT. I like a, .a m a <-atwich made rnls'.rue wr must i' this U time that are da■*>aU The steps as well as the hand-rails have been repaired on several occasions In the past As lor the tourist junk Falrwlnd. the owncrrned have
      204 words
    • 151 14 I REFER to the letters from J.C. Ounner (ST. June 12> and 'Thirsty Traveller" <BT. June 36 1 on the subject of prices charged for drinks at Paya Lebar Airport. The manager of the bar and restaurant has explained lhat the charge of U35 < lnclud Ing three per cent
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    • 71 14 I REFER to the letter by Philip Yeo <BT, June 22). We regret that we cannot accede to his request to divert more services Into Telok Blangah New Town as It Is being served by services 63 and 125. By next month whin service 16 la Introduced the New Town
      71 words
  • 1092 14  -  Gerard Corr A LAS, those appall- Ing duiians are with us again. There really ought to be some anti-pollution legislation to cover these accursed things. One of the most graphic descriptions of an encounter with this alleged fruit that I have encountered so far and one which relays my
    1,092 words
  • 970 14  -  DENIS GRAY By in BANGKOK V I ET N A NTS top leaders are a closely-knit group of aging revolutionary veterans, most of whom spent years In French Jails, were present at the birth of the communist movement in Vietnam and directed
    AP  -  970 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 17 14 W can open up NEW OPPOfmMTES for you in business professional practice properties capital investments M OCBC
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    • 217 14 Wa k|j Jg^g^gfgßP V Yomeishu You need the best tonic you can get when you're recovering from a long illness or a recent operation. That's why many people rely on Yomeishu, the famous herbal health tonic. Made from a 370-year-old formula, Yomeishu has been steadily gaining a reputation as a
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  • 62 15 Overland Aussie expedition plan by Comex /MJMEX Slngap 1 KanUlng a 25-day. 8000 km overland Australian expedition on Mr ST Moorthy. the club, veiterday The expedition IU rrltory and i And the ex- Oreat ••■d In o-dition -*ne at < Club, tel July 31 Vacancies There are 18 vacancies will
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  • 17 15 Kamponc UM com>ld an Everyone exhibition •mv» in Jalan Paaar m July 29 to 31
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  • 193 15 3pc hiker In take home pay, says NTUC MOST workers can expect a two to three per cent Increase la Uke home pay as a resvlt of this year's NWC recommendation of a seven per cent wage increase with full offwtting against innuil increments. Tbia estimate Is given by the
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  • 429 15  -  EDMUND TEO By yesterday complained that security at some private car parks throughout Singapore had deteriorated, with an increase in thefts of various vehicle parts and petrol being siphoned off from tanks. A Straits Times check of eight private car parks five In the
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  • 412 15 CALL FOR TOP CO-OP BODY TO WELD ALL ACTIVITIES SINGAPORE co-operatives should form a national apex co-operative organisation to play a leading role in co-ordinating all their activities at the national and International levels. a,,,,---------. Such an organisation could also promote cooperative education and development and popularise co-operative principles and
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  • 80 15 AIT seminar on computer systems THE Asian IruUtute of Technology, baaed In Thailand will host a South-east Asian seminar on Managing Computer Systems. In Bangkok from Sept 20 to 30 Interested persona, who should be senior tuff In §y»t»m- an«lTmlf and data proraalni. abouM wriu to Dr Tonaxhat Honcladaraaip. director
    80 words
  • 30 15 MR Jack Pifi h*i ban elected gradient of the BUj■apor* Undmur PoderaMr Tony Chul wm» elected rtrm pteadant. Mr Bunco Flatter, secretary and Mr Herbert Howe, treasurer.
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  • 239 15 IF imitation is the greatest form of flattery, then South Indian sinter, Nafore Hanlfa, has been praised many thousand times over. For the 51-year ol<" native of Tamllnadu state In India is not only renowned In his country, hat his songs and
    239 words
  • 83 15 Driver who was fined $300 In the Straits Times of Saturday. under the heading "Inconsiderate Driver Pined *300" It was stated that Mr Teo Choo Hong was fined $300 In the magistrate's court after he wu found guilty of driving without reasonable* consideration for other road users on March 5
    83 words
  • 76 15 DR Michael Yap Hock Leong has been elected president of the Singapore Government Medical and Dental Officer's Association for 1978-1977 Other official* art- Dr. Wont Kal Pane. vtc*-praal-dant: air Wu Dar Ctunf. ■acratary: Mr Walur Roland Chan, aartatant aseratary; Dr Nat I Pint, traaaurar
    76 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 50 15 •M SO3O QraD imme pimples and other skin r io«p cleanses skm thoroughiy. im a smooth non greasy netratea i^pry mto the skin, where 'if problem is. Morning and night A great bonl ■mill Anti acne programme fg\ CO (S» PTt LTD w j<K>oaAacoav»9oNßKO You can make it with Cointreau
      50 words
    • 251 15 ■'■'il IM exquisitely international Revolving restaurant that meets the sky 40 storeys high in a myriad of stars. The food is exquisitely international, the service excellent, the view a breathtaking panorama of 3 countries, Singapore, Malaysia Indonesia. Dine by candlelight on the popular roast on silver trolley. Prepared for you
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 25 15 On water THE Crawford community centre will hoOJ a Water la Precicut exhibition at IU prtmlaei In Pklembanf Road frtm July M to Auf. 1
      25 words
    • 857 15 Un your rv SINGAPORE S Ul PI OpMMf followed if Kudu* Malar Wattr tat Ejrja*) (Imi HajMt) 7JI IMS US Diary of Evwts (T«mO 7.4J Sandnwa-Malay Drama: Satu Kudi Lain 3.41 General Hospital Corak Ul Isai AMrthm Indon Classical Music 141 lawn frtdi as Catck Cat (Repeat) IU mm mi
      857 words

    • 1670 16 < *rr\tc* to reader*. Busir.ees Timee publishes •■tailed iuKiii of sßmsee ea she «.por» The year's high aad lew *r» followed by the week* movimsut la price, id >ield. the net price earnings ratio aad "lum* of Kunnrii NOTE: tloantg Price memae the price af tk* last
      1,670 words
    • 487 16 Domestic c <de algnlfl- ■terling Inte- ;...«•<! the snu*h t 7S4S-SS (rum 51 77SC-tS against Urn untlnued to 20 Sterling s-apore I 0 < but It tinned to 47M-3O when r4M flnt trade aurphis of I (MM million able to pmard UenC mhen r s*- 15 M
      487 words
    • 219 16 A HAN currency average deposits rate* for the week ended rnday. July 2 7 days 1 mth 2 mtlu 3 mthi mth* t mlhi 13 mtlu ■tfh Law M «-is i< 5-15 IS 5-3 S-T 5-J 4 *-l 5-15 H •-13 18 6-11 II 7-1 It 7-1
      219 words
    • 159 16 LAST week saw term rates i firming slightly towards the end of the week, a rearUce to the Oovemment bond letue announcement on W drusdar Overnight fund*, however. remained at I-> 7 I throughout the week closing on Monday at I 1 I 1 One. J mnd
      159 words
    • 58 16 Minimum lending rates (in Aigamane Bon* 7 Bangkok Bonk ?t Bonk o» Amer<o 7 Bonk a> hi Bank o» Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro 'noonoio 74 Cnartenrt Bonk 7 C*a*e Monnanon 7% OtS 7 F*MCh<ago 7 Crtceonk 7 MKStC 7% Ineokuat 7 Moloron Bonking 7% M.fv>. Bonk 7 OCBC 7
      58 words
    • 90 16 I HI. fetlewtag Met af stacks gives the meet evMlt m BMt weak. It fl»«» the %mmm*m ka UMaaaaaa ef aaMa, arteo ea rrbaay as* his* as* lew far nil Ma. Duty 1.7 M ■rhrapr IJJ. iIT Mil Ml r%m Etactrtc «7I MM M 4 1 UUAltea
      90 words
    • 360 16 V« w TOU. Pit. TIM Mock market scored a moderaU gain today, recovering from the iharp pounding of the prevtou* Analysts aald part of the gain ni fueled by yesterday* weekly money supply figures, which auuVtated that no new credit tathtentng mores by Urn Federal Reserve an likely
      360 words
    • 89 16 FINANCIAL TIMXB Frldajr IMS Ti.urKUy IMS Week ago 17».l TINS Friday HIM Thuraday UIJS WM mo ***** BIBBEJUt FricUy 477.M Thunday 477 Jl Waafc MO «M-M OIL* Friday MJ 75 Thundajr JM.S4 Week mo SM 03 DOW JONES AVESAOI INDUBTSIAU mday fM.M Thuiiday »M.M Week MO 99»M LONDON DOIXAB
      89 words
    • 105 16 yURICH. FW. Despite yerterday decline In Wall Street. the Zurich Mock market maintained Heady position but cloaed on an lrrefular tendency The bond market waa steady Th- Credit Suimc Index gained frecllonaly at MtJ. ChMiaf -riew in awlaa frmiHi •n ib« «i»w—(i m taw pc«- xni •10 •n*ii SittaM
      105 words
    • 124 16 But MR Jw 4. lfTl— lM 1»75 Wok 1 AcUmi Hl(k L» tSth tmt CteM* 1M.«7 »IS7 titowUw 171.U 171.71 IW.M IM.M BMk>. luinin, Flaaare ut4 TiaHm Wt-tl 44*71 -*M lIIU MJt (kalttlk ■■>>» u4 ITillau 14S.M US$l *I»1 !«*.U lU.n (MctoMnlt IH.S* MI.M t.»l tSCI*
      124 words
    • 131 16 BT In4rt liUMlrUte IWck Tin. < r«kkan: O< 8.C.: 5.E.9. M.: JJJ.H t*C79 triM Ut.»S ZM.<l XS4.M UU4 !M.l< 1U.14 U7.M «t.»7 iUU M4.H 4*4 4« 411.44 IM4S IMII 1t1.12 1«1 41 IM.II 147.17 IUH 141)4 141J4 147.17 Mil Mil M.ll III! MJM SIS 74) t1t.71 HIT*
      131 words
    • 582 16 TpRADINO remained steady In the Singapore produce market last week Differences In price trends again hampered dealing with Urn big buyers In Urn West For most roan modi ties, the American and European buyers were said to have been drawing direct from Urn countries of origin rather than
      582 words
    • 149 16 •TOKYO. Bat.— The market closed rfflx^i after openIng higher, dealers said. The DJ average lost S4B to 4.543 23 with volume of IK million share* The New index closed at JSttO. up 008. To4*j clactae rr\c— |a m with in aiff*ram Urn an- p »j iiwui *n Itotawuu Btact.
      149 words
    • 169 16 A MBTBIDAM. PM. The market closed mostly firmer In calm tradIng, dealers said Dutch internationals were mixed however. with Akae and ruilps closing lower Elsewhere transportation* tinned KLM. which said It expects to return to profitability this year, firmed 1 60 guilders in line with (he rest of the
      169 words
    • 60 16 ■■port pntm la mb .i»riiae ana* V S e*Uar »*r owm* <1> AMtraliaa Solar par Mil (I) Antas* *n««. IMkaamt I urtrti Mnit <HlM| pan <J> MM MM in wb 1»M I*3 MB ■a to* l' 4 »T htoiir NA NA IZIUB iNtra uu 100 10 inoea IM
      60 words
    • 37 16 Lulu ripur »rKa* Tnear omtiwm m kracfc*t>> wmewr a*«t term n>it co (f»i*ce. ■•Her* leas w iieiTOO) Tknw Maatk kayrra iSSSs* u»jooji. a *> I r a (Xi cc <<»m co) Mitwi \—m stwawr. *»i«
      37 words
    • 593 16 A FTER a firm opening, shares behaved erraUcally at the Stock Exchange Singapore last week when market sentiment was greatly Influenced by the New York market's uncertainty. On balance. prices finished on a mixed tally with most Industrials emerging In plus territory. For the ninth time this year,
      593 words
    • 345 16 rl Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange recorded a barely steady trend last week. Unlike the previous week, when sentiment was boosted by results from Fraser and Neave and Cold Storage and good performance from Wall Street, the news background last week was dull. Rumours about the position of
      345 words
    • 47 16 Short tern Money ■p»l» the week mdr4 «tur Jul. I. the raace •f mil rale* received from Short Deposit |M| BVrhad waa a* fellewc BANK FINDS II per rrnl to t |ter rrnl GCNrIRW MM per real to II per awafc Movrawm of fund* totalled Mtl mllNea.
      47 words
    • 598 16 LCNDCN: Shares and gilts were both quietly firm throughout last week, aided by strength In sterling. The FT index rose 14.4 to 389.5. but on very l.ttle trade Inorn gained lop. Unilever lOp. Olaxo 12p and BP 8p Oclds were easier In line with the bullion price
      598 words
      • 189 16 LONDON Last Friday, tin registered fains of £15 per tonne for cash and fully £20 for three month* In both contract* Standard metal gained ground In fairly brisk trading which war mainly on merchant account and the market came c ose to the recent record high with
        Reuter  -  189 words
      • 205 16 1 V ONDON Terminal rubber edged higher i».-t Friday In tibt afternoon on *poradic we<kend covering »lth -oltenIng cf Me:Hiig a possible mjpport Influence. dealer* The close wsi sUsdler with prloi. nnihing 075 ptnee (..r kilo higher to OH pence Vower ba*ed on Thursday I night turnover totalled
        205 words
      • 321 16 SINOAPORE Strong speculation on a further rise In International Tin Agreement prices carrier the Penang tin price MI3U above Its official celling to $1 230 per plcul on Thursday, market sources there said. Dealers said news of the suspension of buffer stock operations In the
        Reuter  -  321 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    32 17 "■a nwmm istsf, Kir Bar* aged 20 pasted away peacefully on 4-7-76 Sadly missed and always remembered by family Cortege leaves Singapore Casket on Tuesday. 6-7-76 at 2 30 p m
    32 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 555 17 VO/PER THORNYCROFT PRIVATE LTD. ACCOUNTANT We are a modern shipbuilding and repair yard renowned for the construction of sophisticated fast petrol craft and other specialized vessels. looking for an Accountant who can perform fully at a senior level involving co-ordination or major projects, cash management and forecasting Previous experience in
      555 words
    • 800 17 GROUP has immediate vacancies: -(A) STOREKEEPER (B) VAN DRIVER (C) DELIVERY ASSISTANT (D) FEMALE SALES PROMOTER must have experience in confectionery products and valid driving licence. (E) FEMALE SHOWROOM ASSISTANT Please apply with a non returnable photograph to: THE SECRETARY ST. BOX N***** SINGAPORE Motor industriol orgonisotioo in rhe^^^k >v
      800 words
    • 330 17 THONG HUAT (IMP EXP) PTE. LIMITED on behalf of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Announce the revised prices of the following Imported Cigarettes as from 5. 7. 76 Packing Price per Packet CAMEL Regular 20s 551.40 CAMEL Filterbox 20s 551.40 CAMEL Filterbox 70s 550.70 CAMEL KS Filter 20s 551.50 SALEM
      330 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1231 18 THIEN PO (PTE) LTD. are proud to announce their appointment by J 3m SINGAPORE PTE- LTD. L as authorized distributor I "SCOtCh Brand I commercial and consumer tapes and allied products in Singapore with effect from Ist July, 1976 For further information contact: THIEN PO (PTE) LTD. W 31st Floor
      1,231 words
    • 162 18 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18. 1*76 EDITION) TAKE NOTICE that (a) Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made against the following persons on 25ih June 1976 In Bankruptcy Nos 34/75 Tan Puay Toon of No 48 -C New Bridge Road. Spore 368/75 Mah Sing Chan of No. 06 Waterloo Street. Spore
      162 words
    • 871 18 PROPERTY FOR SALE IV TENDER 6-storey hotel building completed m 1951 situoted in town centre of Singapore on lond-orea about 4400 sq ft Freehold Title Possessing 35 bedrooms, servicing lift, recetptton office, Bar Restourant at Ground Floor, well equipped with essential tocilities Reserved selling price *****.000/- subject to highest offer,
      871 words
    • 761 18 AUSTRALIA SERVICE r Umt Vwwi laaai IaMSTWI »a*« ItfWl Sf*»» m tm it *«i i wr SI IH MM li.ll Mr 11 MM| Mfi ITMtI MM IS II M| HII at, M Syt m w lilt Mr "NMi aM SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE MT ff IWI **M SmM CllHlH. Durban MT
      761 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1066 19 amrummmtafnt nmvtmmmm rta. ii Mm I'MTI I IlMt ■ia\ 'Ma ut u>Mj imi nwi mm* am* iii taj) aM* MIMIU lIPMU ll MM I taj taj I taj 14 taj) 11 M* ■m* il Mt ii taj il taj i< Mt hi tau t taj •tatM ■••am fl mm It
      1,066 words
    • 1303 19 Ben Ocean A/CMntsernceofßenLmeßkJpFhnnelGlenLtnpandNSMO ll M CMTIMMT in. MM) Iwi P bi«Mj Naaaj law PM. MMITM lIIIMI llt M| nM| lm. tWBM. oa>. Man M'tlßiM MM wit MM ll umi I taj iw MaH. CaaX. ■mv mwi iikm i i taj a taj i*. t UIMIUKI BUM* I I taj
      1,303 words
    • 1120 19 Tl tMBPt rauM iiMjrtM rtaa. mm Miroa rpvt P MHaaj «ffaaai, tanr.« Mmimi Rmh 1111 l Mill amwi mt imm Mt amiaMi(M hu n mi MBMM lIPMM NMI 11 Ml I taj I taj I taj (14 taJJ II Mt CITT m IMB II Ml MMt 14 MJ II taj
      1,120 words
    • 1116 19 FUU.Y COMTAIMHtZtP SIKVICI TO tUtOPt mmm raj MTUMU M|ll M| IJ mmmn ■ft ttl#T M 4 H MlllwfMV, MBMfaaß. BJBBBrI. It Bawl. HUWI taj I pym aaatMTt, IraßM IVMMPMM* SmH j .3 smm t itatici* tax ii lax ii SlncMnM. OUa, Nrtma. iMtM Ijaaaa. ÜBBB IMM 111 M MMt PM.
      1,116 words
    • 644 19 ttapan 1t14*4 P Uav U4l. II mm. taaj n»v THE BANK LINK LTD. IMK FM I I intU lUUM a,.- M IMM. taa. a..-, l awtM. v-— mi i imm lIM-Ma, Mmm. o^t. i '-j ihi nM IMT I Mm WtiCl im lIMIU. MJMIU mUm IM.. HIM IMIIIMM ha, 111.
      644 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 857 20 PVL., aati-" itAWASAKI UUN KAISHA LTD. raur cfflMaOufi. somcf Ts I*l**l (Tla an***) S >*ti P llfMaJ N tar| IM| IM| MM| 1 to| 7 t*| RfPTRW StPVMH >» II M| UMf I t*| I a« IMf Uft«SUS MiKI «M laaj > MI m« Jl m« m% tPM laajl (Tul
      857 words
    • 986 20 LINE NEW YOU/LC./GIEAT LAICS SUVICI Uaaaj tar MB T*M. M« BMIMII. 1 Mail I MBTaMU. rtnin. catuM. mmmi. ParMßf P Wa| t4M*l -nan iaM" Ma MM i-n Mi tl n Mi n i| Mi > it«i tratvi ia*Ui nil Mi it it M. il 14 Mf i Tumi ti Ma
      986 words
    • 1040 20 ma CMTMBWO SCTHB Tl FMIW (TU HO> Stan P UMtf I MraaMm Btaif Iraa. rtaa I Man MNBTii mnauat IMf la) aat I*l laj Itaj IM. BIPTaM UPPWMI I* Ml II Ml IMJ IMt I iai I iai 11 Ml urttuu ami im* laj Haj m n*) m llaj calliiilt
      1,040 words
    • 1037 20 aaUnUI mOMTrMM SMfW MM. Hi. m it aim dmb sama n immr imamtTCMTwaT pwtj t» BtM fcHMtn P Umm Ptaaaj Uaaa* M MU num MPtrt lil Mi ii il Ml t*» 3 1 rtai. itol l\t if MMM tl »Mi M Pin I«J M| *ZZ, m I«i Hi tw 11
      1,037 words
    • 847 20 NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VVPW- IRIEKNEIT wfXmmW^mW ia**ina I c« iid'lii pti lti fegN^ 111 II BUI I P that rot Tin Cl I*B lat TH Ptaaaj Ht»l l —"t >f I.***** p iiiai (TTTIaMI IM tmm. HW| 1-.., II M| II M| II M« ITTTItMI 111 iMfk. It Ml It
      847 words

  • 29 21 MR oho CHCI TAM jjassil away 76 saving behind Mdm Laong Bow Vheng son* Yoke Cheang. Yoke Fei daughter Ful hlldren to .-•tr Funeral 57 7* Kang
    29 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 386 21 Classified. JIU9 C.A.TS. j 235-6677y PICK OFTIp NAIWILL HOUII OFFICI WANTIO TO RINT 5 OOD 2 000 hi ft 1 464 5 650 3 nY) ■■'wn rum-office space. v* ,i 4 thin 6ms (17 km) OPO 1 Preferably in own compound Wou:d consider purchase Tanglln P O Box 31. jamas*
      386 words
    • 366 21 OFPrCI SUPCNVtSON required by American publishing company He will report to the Director and responsible for Controlling all aspect* of customer service and order fulfilment A good educational background and flucnc* In English is dsMnbtr and experience In similar post preferable Candidates should be around age 33-10 Aa«*y M S.T.
      366 words
    • 770 21 SSNOAPOBI PCTNOLIUM COMPANY PTI LTO. MCNITARV to VICI P#)I»IO*NT. NIPINIRY. CBO ARIA Secretarial Diploma. Shorthand 100 wpm Typing 50 wpm Ability to speak write Mandarin aajsrliMi Secretarial position, no less than 5 yean experience in manufacturing industry with flawless diction organisational skills and ability to work methodically preferred Plea** apply
      770 words
    • 822 21 LIFI ANO OINIRAL insurance organisation requires hardworking and mature male/ female personnel part or fulltime Experience not necessary and excellent training will be provided Interested, call personslly on Monday 37 7* b*tw*«n spm 7 p m at 211. 2nd floor 63 Robinson Road. Afro Asia Building. Spore 1 SALISOSNLS WANTIO
      822 words
    • 498 21 AN ■•TASUSHSO IN*)NSURN*a Compan) In Jurong namlta* On* MecNaniial Engineer who must have at .ea*t 1 yean workshop experience in msnufscturlng engineering and design of tooting Apply by letter with photograph stating qusllflcstlon*. experience, salary expected Attractive terras will b* given to the right candidate Write S T Box A*1221
      498 words
    • 731 21 MVtMI VACANCMS UOBT In s Con*tructlon firm for CMrts-of-works Apply B T Box A 8123* (1) TBCN6NCIANS Senior Cambridge or equivalent with credit In Chemistry completed National Service May be required to do shift duties (1) SfTTIR Minimum 3 yeirs of relevant working experience preference given to those with experience
      731 words
    • 753 21 PUMP ATTENDANT* MALI/ femsle required Interested. ring 401*59 or call personally Mobil Button. IS* Old Airport Road. S pore 15 VANTID FIMALI TILIPHONI gpperator Apply personally to ■nong Hoa Hotel No 4 Prtnsep Street. Singapore 7 MALI NUNSNM ATTINOANT Secondary Four English Education or Higher Must also be sble lo
      753 words
    • 713 21 LUCKY OIRL INTIRTAINMINT require* attractive social escort*. II 200 monthly Interview I pm to t pm at Room 52M (Ist Floor) Woh Hup Complex. Beach Road. I tel 25*5422 VACANCII* FOR BOVLINO INSTRUCTORS a*S» awa* svarsga. eassswsxsM hne^vvwaw* •*> Sis Bsxwsksv* she bwwSss*) **M>y *msi leaswe*. Psssss ferksg ssa«sj 1
      713 words
    • 837 21 ssss^MsssssssssxMsl sM sxaxM M^sMhkJSjg gj| CHANCIRT LANE. OIST 11 3 bedroom* study dining room, banquet room living room kitchen and lervant's extended patio off living room Ca* Mr. K**wy Ona, U*»*rsss NeeNv Pv» L«d FURNISHID: EA»TEdN MANSION iKatong) MOO Orchard Towers 12.500 Holland Orove Drive detached bungalow II 400 Victoria
      837 words
    • 771 21 •EOOK HIIOHTS 3-storey Unk balhroi II 200 No agenu Tel 221 »6M I«2M OKT 10 CORONATION HOAD lelephcif.- Vlim Piter** 3SHM i 1 gTONIV (EMI DETACHED FUP. NISHEO s pore l*»MSph. i OMACIOUS HILLTOP RIIIOINCE OIST 11 modern desi« tached. large living di hugv l*n.l ism trees SMS* Available I
      771 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 110 22 b) nan Owl t CetntMM ClrcM M OordhtH Plata HOI 21M751/2MISIS ON4TICI t •UPCR LUXURIOU* APARTMENT O Swimming pool 24 Hour I. 000 'urmened 12**0*/ 11S7M I "N.«HEO HIOHPO'NT iiwi Agents Pty Ma/c )M*4 ketsveen •M a m io*p m B »tT COAST i JRY APARTMCNTS c i Bomer* Enter
      110 words
      150 words
      420 words
    • 522 22 I OIST 2* AOtLPHI PA*> ilMjatoaj 171 6 m 2 3 bed- 44 00 Tel NAMIy AVCNUC WILL main torey semi■edrooms bath.turhed srrvmnt's SI4B 1 BCOOK AVCNUC 2 STOREY g| I 14*80 sq ft i 4 bedrooms par- irquet and t 184 8 in 2 J 000 v ill Mivs
      522 words
    • 584 22 A tTERN MANSION *PACIOUS 1 t bathroom at t 1 S7B 000 •rd Contact 17*897' 1748*6 FLAT POR SALE On hard Koad Please rail 2*293*1 OIST It NCAR KATONG Park with alrrond fjll> oallpapered ills con tart >>» Tae Co 2202*01 *****73 f .?i)jJ L illL ti^ I BaieVier Rr«<
      584 words
    • 514 22 I FURNISHED' UNFURNISHCD OF FICES rttra King hs«2| 24W470 TO LET FULLY .-rushed 111 4 ned nsja. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 5124) >ou r.m adhering for 8 month* ttping telex farllitie.'oM Superm As «»--rV(l,r NTO V ICS I BUILDING J I am M o« OFFICE AVAILABLE FOR SUB LEASING I.l*l aq n
      514 words
    • 411 22 MAIWELL HOUSE OFFICE spare for reni > M 5 m Nam Co Room Maxwell Road TH *****22 Mil ay OPPICC spare available at ist Road Interested please rail *****7 44H24J5 WANTCOFORLIGHtor> and offire spare in industrial rurrent if possible Tel 2205M4 WANTED TO PINT UP»ER PAYA LEBAR J 000 SQ
      411 words
    • 215 22 your way to Europe... visit USSR for as little SS3OO I"* -^•jT AW LjLjb^Bjb^lbjl j Jaßjal 5 days Moscow SS3OO IO days Moscow Leningrad Ss72O 15 clays Facinating Black Sea Tour of USSR Kk.\ Kk.s\j iikj 1976 15 days Combined Tour of USSR M 1976 GGNANOA &S()NS PTE III) i
      215 words
      407 words
    • 169 22 •I9I8« 9191*8 ***** a^afk^iT^T^ak /RASA SAYANG CRUISt Sdayj $495.00 BALI Sd*ts t 679.00 MANILA BAGUIO 6o*vs t 865.00 BANGKOK PATTAYA 6d*Yj 5650.00 LAKE TOBA 6m. 440.00 MANILA HONG KONG di,i tl 290.00 OVERLANO TOURS BY DCLUIE AIR CONOITtONEO COACH KAWI HAADYAI HAADYAI. '■v air) HAADYAI Mon OXLEY TRAVEL SERVICE (PTE)
      169 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 270 23 Air India 7478 to Madras. Bombay Rome. Paris, London. New York, every Tuesday 9.35 p.m. r reservation*. WV sarimr Irtax Intet you HSEATABLI PRICIB TO all destinations coniar' .id Km 1808. rading Building 18U1 ■re I Tel 9:4488 «)MH4 WORLD CHARTERS CENTRE Mm Ml Bnea) Haaas Cewrer Ovey Spare 1
      270 words
    • 641 23 I. H C A MIT AURANT< COPPBB > House A Orchard Road next to museum i Tel *****8) Ample parkins Eastern 4 Western set lunch dinner dally different menu NO4TVA POOO AT Chrtavtc Cor k 4 Queen s Road. -***** Ample ,«r»ing space i ID PART TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE
      641 words
    • 477 23 ARf TOU SAISHD •rTT- lON HAMf MUTT? mm «»»"i **~t ■>•> aw »x m immt m Mow* MS r tna c«i»»»< sssyaMwl ■■akw mv i ii a* m Mak g(HHHHHHf vf «f.>^>^, TH€ SPYfDRf AOfWG CENTRE ll Nn(««l Sapl. in— t s^i» xaxo O f f*f RAJA'S COLLEGE July agHtiofu
      477 words
    • 610 23 r "STAMFORD^ CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre for education m business and the professions m Sojth East Asia KEY PUNCH COURSE Stamford's Compu ter Centre develops your basic ability into a special skill as a Key Punch Operator with three months part-time course on the FEATURES. OPERA
      610 words
    • 507 23 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre for education m business and tne professions Soot" East Asia Qualify as a Stamford Secretary Stamford secretaries epilo mismg excellence m secre lariai skills have maintained traditional standards m external examinations Proof of SUPERIOR TRAIN ING backed by X years of
      507 words
    • 828 23 H m R94rssxcasVfissvvfs)*W^ t■ mi i■ UTaT BWLOBirt OUANTTTIia BTA4M I for beginners by experienced lecturer iB 3c A I Q S A R I C 8 commencing 13/7/78 Regal School *****8 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCIOURCg and Documentation Establishing overseas contact sales clause, methods of payment freight calculations types of L/C.
      828 words
    • 798 23 UAN HUP MHO 12SE Thomson Road (opposite St Michael School) tei *****27 *****5 *****8 1974 Austin Mini Clubman S/Wagon 1973 Volkswagon 234 KomM. Commer 2 ton van. Dai sun 1300 pick-up 1972 Peugeot 984. Dataun )»0 S/Wagon Maida 1380 S/Wagon Honda 380 Pickdp. :*7i Toyota Ceilca 1800 ST (ACon) Austin
      798 words
    • 788 23 PROSPECTIVE BUYER RBOU*REB Toyota IM Colt Maada IW or similar make Appointment *****1 Jennifer 0000 NEWS TO all car sellers' All makes of cars wanted by established agency *****7 LADY WANTS 988 c c Oood Used Car Above 1972 Model Price reasonable Contact Jenny *****4 MBRCEDEB BEN 2 BBS/ 20
      788 words
    • 702 23 FREII OVER 199 Lorries Load of earth finings and hard cores etc to dispose Fnleresaed contact Eddie Tel 88T755 I IMPORTED AOULT POMIRAMAN. Bitches expecting puppies In 3 weeks Owner leaving Call TV Chlaelhurst Orove OWNER LEA VINO h-i to give away Tel *****8 BXI XXI AM TOU Figure OBsxesM
      702 words
    • 506 23 FP.EBH AINCONDITIONINO EH TERPP.ISI condltloneri Sales Rei I BOIL MECH SALES. Rental I sarcondlUoners and refiigerat. SALES. RENTAL ANO repair of all 'friger»t<.r* ai I 4019 M PORTATION .MS**. 1 2VVI7M Mala>«lk Piu > FOR HOUBEHOLO REMOVAL and TRANBPORTATION/ REMOVAL/ PACKING bom to door jervtce worldwide Contact Lenwa Transport Company
      506 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 524 24 f^U TAWARAN MENEBANG. MEMBAKAR HUTAN DAN LAIN-LAIN «S KERJA BERIKUTAN UTNUK PEMBANGUNAN KAWASAN PERTAI J NIAN BAGI TAHUN 'EMBANGUNAN 1976/77 MMtani(M«oaTHiTO« fiat mwrvtuumm Dauw noaac Miii m jmui wmcmm ushvm ntimm l as» Sswaaaw S**cMp« »ao« i*n nrwt«i a Ims* m Moaai 1 Mwaaitaa «(iv» umT Mficsasa sjaiac mit racasaa
      524 words
    • 936 24 Announcing The Appointment Off New Agents For Peninsular Malaysia Singapore* I Reckitt Colman Industrial take m wk pleasure n arrouncng the appontment of Wtt^^L m New Agents n Srtgapore and Peninsular Malaysia for ther rangeof Industrial m| A I m Oeanng Chemicals and Machinery with Bk effect from the Ist
      936 words
    • 401 24 Pawnkrsken Act 11-1171 Unredeemed pledged goods and jewellery from the following pawnshops In the state of Johore. Thye Loy 4« Jalan Ah Pook. Johor Baru Thye Onn I -P. Jalan Ah Pook. Johor Baru Thye Cheong IS Jalan Raya Scudai Loong Patt 117 Main Road Kulal Nam Sun 76. Jalan
      401 words
    • 512 24 PRODUCTION ENGINEERS PUias»app\ T ItMHUa ItTKIK MGARA TINDkK NOTK t COatTLETE II H TRI \l INSTALLATION I'OR n| \MMi KM s\M I'HW MR i.l <. OK H LAI PINANG i JMK TI.NUIR NO. IMSSi Tenders are muted (rum miring contractors registered »u'ii the Lrmbafa L*ink Negara in Claw B and
      512 words

  • 2377 25  - Come-from- behind win by Generous Bid 111 EPSOM JEEP By POOL: IS.7W 1st No IU7S (S2JM) 2nd No. UltS <$7tt> Jrd No. Omi <W2> Starters ($M each) NM: iUtX 54*tS 54*44 5MM t$$tt M447 S4XM S1M1 SSlti S97U 57MJ M ConaoUUM (tM each) NM: U147 SM34 S4427 S«M1 $MU *****
    2,377 words
  • 500 25 Visuanathan fined $200 STIPE'S REPORT AT THB nNMd enquiry Into R>c« on daturtUy It waa found that Peter Lee bad allowed Al Caaaae to move In quickly after the •tart and aa a ireult (oread Rvhr II (Weoti. ABagaUaa IE Chan) and Oa Tae Spat (C Uonc> acroat the running
    500 words
  • 175 25 I ONDOH Bun. Dertyshire vouimstsu Oaoff aSDsr and Alan HUI shared third wickst Hand of in to blip their County stnaj|b to »7 ID out acainst depleted West Indian su tack on Urn Tf't day of their Uuw day mUb Wt U CbesUrteJd yestaroav
    175 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 97 25 The Enst Asiatic Qmipuny Limited on behalf of PHILIP MORRIS INTERNATIONAL announce the following revised prices as from sth July 1976 Price Packing per pkt Marlboro Flip-Top Box 10's .70 Marlboro Flip-Top Ben 2()'s 1.40 Marlboro King Size 20's 1.50 Marlboro Lights 2() f s 1.50 Marlboro 100*1 20's 1.70
      97 words
    • 628 25 ftoiiDiii I SHOPS TO LET I I Tenders are invited for the letting of the following I I (A) 1« tarvto*/ rc4aN shops at KaMang Main I HasghßSaThOSd 4 Contract 8 I (B) Ccntaan at tha awtmmtng comsiai at ■uona I VMa Contract S I (C) PvMtc Convontancoa at ENonboroufjh
      628 words
    • 1078 25 SENT SM TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from Interested parties to operate the CAFETERIA at St John's Island for ihe sale of food, soft drinks, beverages and other related Items. I) A tender deposit of $500/- must be deposited with the PSA Chief Cashier, acting on behalf of Sentosa Development
      1,078 words

  • 1181 26 Montreal aim for a July 17 opening YEW YORK, Sun. The International Olympic Committee's track record suggests a compromise will be reached with the Canadian Government and the summer Olympic Games will begin on schedule on July 17 in Montreal with athletes from the United
    Reuter  -  1,181 words
  • 43 26 PRkYiOtUA. Sun Th* New Zealand rugby union Blacks won the second match cf their South African tour yesterday when they beat Eastern Province al the Boet Lrasmus stadium her* by M petals to II after leading 11-3 at halftlme— Router.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 410 26 DABBIKB drew far the T»rf Ctae iilUg *c Jaty 10 aatd 11. SATURDAT CLAM 1. Dr*'. t l.Mlat: 11. 4. 9. 7. IS. S. 10. a. 3. It. It, 1. a. 13. 14. 1. IT. CLAM L DIV. 3 L»MM: It, T. 11. is. IT. I. 13, t.
    410 words
  • 707 26 JOCKXT Rajoo tv fined 9900 by the stewards (or hi* poor handling of Bucltaueen In Race 0 at Penang on Saturday Th* Mlpei.u'ary sUward'i report on Saturday's races Bute o. track Oood BACK 1: THtfcy Tfassii (Arlmn). who was dJ&cult te be placed in th* stalls. Wbeeuusnlly refused
    707 words
  • 245 26 ONTARIO Canada, San,— Fewr members of tbe Taiwan Olympic sailing team have taken up residence at tbe Olympic Vl.lage despite a club Involving Canadian foreign policy and tbe International Olympic Committee John Telfer, Information officer for tbe Olysawtc Organising Cetsnlttee here, said tbe roar-man team arrived
    245 words
  • 117 26 MONTREAL, Sun. The final of the Olympic soccer tournament may not be able to be held in the main stadium because of the wetness of the turf in the central arena, an Olympic official said yesterday Mr. Jacques Vaccaro. Competitions Director of tbe Olympic footbaJl tournament, said thtt
    117 words
  • 370 26 Chrissie ends Mrs King's drive for record LONDON. Sun—American Chris Evert won her second title at Wimbledon tennis championships yesterday when she teamed up with Ciech Martina Navratllova to beat BUlie Jean King of the US and Dutch girl Betty Stove 8-1, 3-6. 7-9 In the women's doubles final. Yesterday
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 1115 26 IJ|7TJOHTB for the TT Singapore Turf Club July (queen Elisabeth II Cup) meeting at Buktt Tunah on July 10 and 11 SATURDAY cv i. div. leeees Walking Tall IT Reinvest MJ Man of Honour 111 M Purple Destiny Ml Ko Iche MJ Ming Dynasty II MS Sunburst
    1,115 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 349 26 A^mi J M ssssm ■XL V I I aY I BmC^^Bmmml SANYO invited fur tn« following M IRKETING EXECI TIVK I) (MAIN. vant fields or HSC rklng experience prelar lines tie mnnstrated qualities of and administrative planning and n. liaison with customers W KIKHKV u,i ii'vii U VfARKFI riVI MOBII
      349 words
    • 609 26 We offer HARDWORK and a LONG TERFVT CAREER to bright young men/women willing to take the CHALLENGE Our undertaking is to guarantee PROFIT SHARING SCHEMES and ESPRIT DE CORPS in our working relationship. SALES REPRESENTATIVES: a) Office Products Division h 1 Building Materials Division To help develop promote and eventually
      609 words

  • 563 27  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE tekcton took a biff ramble last niffht— they decided not to play Quah Kirn Son* and it paid a handsome 4-1 dividend as the Singapore team impressed the more than 60,000 fans with a magnificent display of team work and superior
    563 words
  • 100 27 NOKTH lOMB rwoir a pi 8 port 10 7 3 0 t 17 PKWnc It I I I 14 U II Uuua It 4 1 < II II 10 Ptrlta »4 H U M Kadfth 1* 2 S I 11 Parak 10 > 7 1« M sorn ion rwDL
    100 words
  • 339 27 pENANO. Sun Penang clinched their place In the seml-flnals of this year's Malaysia Cup soccer competition when they beat Kedah 3-2 In the last North zone match it the City stadium here tonight. Penang thus finished runnen-up to Singapore in the
    339 words
  • 162 27 MALACCA. Sun. Pahang were lucky to pull ofT a 1-0 win over Malacca in their bard <*eond leg Malaysia Cup soccer match at Kubu Stadium here today Pahang. who are already In the semifinals, their goal In the 74th minute through Rosmalni Mohamed Shah
    162 words
  • 98 27 TsfPROVINO Changl United 1 had to nght hard to keep their unbeaten atasua against a ilatsflinil Sambawang Oonetttuency aide In a National League Oivuion Two maun at Jalan Besar restarday with the > Una the lead in the SOth minute whan ssaWJlam arraaabted the baU ButChangt. staging
    98 words
  • 25 27 SOFIA. Sun— lvanka Hrtstorm of Bulgaria amaehed the woman shot put world with .a majaiT* throw of 1147 sastrss at an athletics hr.ur
    25 words
  • 85 27 6KRMIBAM. Sun t*€gn ffnnMlan and Annad Force* ptay«4 a 1-1 draw In their Malaysia Clap South vane mat. h at SUUon Padanc h»r* tonight. Both goal (■•.in. m the ftm half N«fH falnad an aarly lead in the ltth mlnuU after they wrrc awarded a fraektck
    85 words
  • 220 27 fELOK BLANOAH were fully stretched before clinching a 3-3 win over Oeylang Bast in a Losers' bracket tie in the Inter-Constituency badminton tournament at §BA hall yesterday, reporti BIJLNAKD Ft lUIA. Telok Blangah won their first point when Er Choon Hwang overcame > Oeylangs Yip
    220 words
  • 662 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SERJIT SINGH ran his finest 800 m race in two years when he clocked an exciting 1 mln. 55.0 seconds at the Akalsponsored SAAA AllComers meet at Farrer Park yesterday Put 4erjlt a potential medallist at the next Seap
    662 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 497 27 TIMES PACKAGING CO. SDN. BHD. Mtkt tht Mrvkts of a QUALITY CONTROLLER to take charge of the Quality Control Department at its modern printing and packaging plant in Petaling Jaya. The candidate for this position must be a Malaysian citizen holding a diploma from a recognized Technical College in printing
      497 words
    • 551 27 esaLS ssaKl PEGAWAI LAJARAN ANGKATAN TENTERA MALAYSIA TIT^ N» >t Ue^nrt, J.SS OMkVafli. MIMM sass Itrkeii teksrsM term A**** Twttrs wsmpslsw Xmo*o*(*<nc^ MS MWJgV SSM 5 MkSfJ Ursa Ms* Anfk*tSf< Wi KCUHUMr. 2 MMhs* t nt d>eerH,un a*** tspsrti ber.kur (I) Ilmu Hit* «(M Fll* SSM IuSHS >«l"th at*« Ilmu
      551 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 113 27 kxx gß— Nauonal League Dit I gsisnaionn Oardaoa MovntaaUen (Toa Pajroh Cosaptsa 311 pm i Kite Inter-unioo louroey Dlv 1— SATU SPWU t PURWWI A Dlv I BTU PCBFDBWWU B PORHDBWL' B v SBKU B ParTwr Parki Ho Ho CUp Singapore ■ongkOMr Penang TX pm gfOCUT BHA Dl« 1 IA
      113 words

  • 133 28 $9 mil theft in London: Top suspect held I ONDON. Bun. Swiss police hare arrested the top suspect in a US$3.6 million (S*B 9 million) London airport cash theft and Scotland Yard has picked up four others, a police spokesman said toHe said Stephen R*yihr chief tuipect 'larlng theft, wu
    133 words
  • 87 28 MADRAS Sun A pro- mmmi lauttr or th» Ormvtdtao Wtlfar* l«««ur iDMXi. vrtoat c°**nii»«!.t In Uw •oulh Indian iUK of Timll Nadu tv ill—Haul rarly «>i reported to havt been teaian up today after demandlr.f ih« rtstcnath» party Icadrnhtp Mr S S Rajcndrmn. a popular
    87 words
  • 37 28 <«ll» Ol MUl> M r:, Jo» tw h»r ol V 0.l lv H U MH aw>y B«tnfully M l»7« Cortfit M«H| N* II J«.«« S 13 IMU 2 M M«*4ay »ik July rmn. a Xartrr OllJ
    37 words
  • 260 28 I/OOTBALL Aswdatlow F of Slagaßore last night dropped s> boanbah«U when they left omt Qub Kirn tai, the heart-thro* of nvany soccer fans, frees the team that beat Kekantan 4-1 In the Malaysia Ca> match bi fore more
    260 words
  • 198 28 36 Red suspects held after clashes JERANTUT, Sun.— Thirty-six comrr.unlat sympathisers, Including some women, were picked up here following a brief encounter between communist terrorists and security units at Batu Balek, about 32 kms from here on Friday In the encounter, a terrorist was killed A police detective. Abdul Kadlr
    198 words
  • 178 28 SAN JOBB (CallfornU). Bun— One of Amerlea* more T^t^el bicentennial events cornea to an end today when 19--year-old Frank Perkins returns to earth after a 400-day aquat atop a flagpole here a new world record. Perkins climbed a 1»--metre pole on May 24 la*t year,
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 307 28 DAMASCUS. Sunday j^RAB peacemakers are hoping to bring representatives of Lebanon's warring factions together for a meeting today, reliable sources said. The sources said the meeting was planned at the Lebanese mountain resort of Sofar. The secretary general of the Arab League, Mr
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • 57 28 LOMDON. Bun Oonerml Yafcubu Oowon. former Nknrian Head of Ruu has pawed hi* Hist year -IffUons la pottles at Warwick -OnlveraKy. aocoroW university source today Oeneral Oowon. 41. waa deposed m a coup d tut on tail last year, while attending an Orgmnlaanon ot African Unity
    57 words
  • 35 28 NEW DELHI. Sun. At least M people have died in flood* and landandes caueed by heavy monaoon rains In the past four dart in Waitera Nepal the Indian new* acency Sanachar said. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 86 28 rE managing dlrrctor of Far Eastern Hotels Develop men! limited. Cho Jock Kirn. spent his third day In the Qajeenstewn Kcmand Filsaa yesterday, being isible to raise kail of SI million Cho, was charged on Frldav with criminal breach of trust of *2 mIUUa
    86 words
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    • 199 28 H Lav L aaai waa> am^ Svenson is no- a treatment, not a transplant. not a wig. Svenson is a new process that weaves new hair into yours. When you have this new hair firmly woven into your own. you can treat it as if it were yours. Wash it.
      199 words