The Straits Times, 30 April 1976

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times rMd 1H45 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY. APRIL 30, 1976 J.S < KNTS M P) «2w 76
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  • 843 1  -  IRENE NGOO Chai: Never our intention to divide rich and poor children... By STREAMING TO START IN PR. ONE Last Saturday* headline THE Government yesterday assured parents that there would be no segregation of pupils from rich and poor homes when grouping »nd streaming MT9 introduced in
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  • 24 1 KUOK STAR Thura A Maiayalan coaMaaoa^ awsaanl ■a* woiwdad by nant~* booay trap today ahMW Urn KwlahThal border oOctaia mm here Meutcr
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  • 24 1 HI D Ttwrs Thmmnai if oaaMrvetMa acraar» atnat* for lh« ameii< Mg today lr. > and pnMaau rallad to mart aad M aaaaaad
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  • 34 1 LONDON. Thttn The Auaraam and New aaaland Banking Oroup (ANZt. Ute only awjor Auatranan trading bank Inaerporaud ewtaMe AuttraHe. akld today n plan* to U*iufrr IU haadquarteai freei Bnuin u> AurtnJla. AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 360 1  -  HARRY MILLER By I London. Thursday ]t|R Hans JanlUchek, general secretary of 11 the Socialist International, yesterday cabled Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, welcoming his decision to send representatives to the "ext meeting of the executive committee at which the charges of the Dutch
    360 words
  • 64 1 PAKIS TOura Prmnevi Bnt phcaHRtMM caatre m.u> oMtwd har* (odajr by Hit Uli itMuaWr M."». Cfcaon* VHI Uill lliu qunUun* on irjihlw rr«aa pubrrty to •aortMaj or Urn coat ol mmII .r ;«^)te BIMH tmrhnantat ■irrini nMMM www—l tor aad lagaJ ifl>wr will ataaT Urn
    AP  -  64 words
  • 47 1 CAMBBUU. Thyrm A Ocmiiiaiaiil a—Hnr aud lod*y UMt Chaaa oouM aaon aaeeaaa a mmjnr wkaat asPOrt *ler Andr*w •he racmUi *taiud Chin*. MM "t aaataa* that ha ha 4 am d*» -irtiai' glrr' adnow In Urn aaaof kn«»uan to grov wtM»t ItowUr
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  • 59 1 EMNA. IW >«rU c««traUlaif ba4y fa* nlwriM. F kA« UfU4 Ms l»»-ye»r ban a« tW U S«-g« Hf« in, tirpaaHaif Jaatlaa IWag aa4 Jaatr Sng. »h« nrui la Cklata >*•) year ■■I IW ku m tar f*ar «lilih aw—- >■■!■< Uto uta r»— laa. **«gaaa*» A—
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  • 256 1  - Murder cab driver is found dead GERALD PEREIRA By 30 HOURS AFTEK FATAL STABBING OF WOMAN PASSENGER •pHK Immlv ol taxi drivei I \li Ixong. »>.">. was fished out of tlu- Kallang Basin yesterda) afternoon ;il*uit ."in hours after a mini skirted woman be was sending home win loiiixl will)
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  • 78 1 LONDON Thun. Mlaaard aWateaa. who vraM High Wlaa la Jamaica' aad ■wra taaa half a aaaaary ago vrou Urn «arM*a arat radht alay. aM bm alaat. hb 1 "nilna pUbaaban anaouaoad today Ht ni it A Rtett Wind la JaaMlca.- NiWuil la in* ha* •rid
    AP  -  78 words
  • 64 1 MalaysiaCambodia ties KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Mala) Ala today established diplomatic relations at ambassadorial levei with Cambodia, according to a joint commumoa* Ucued Mmultaneoualy by the Foreign MlnUartei here and in Phnom Penh The communique said the ties would be effective tomorrow and a MtnUtry spokesman here said the exchangt of
    64 words
  • 43 1 KINSHASA Th. r» SarnUry of Suie Henry giMlagii Mday_>»H vtrtm io ■■nwg rtaMon to Waat Atnra aad raneaaad plant tar aWaaMtng low. Aiartcin ilrlin rapartad Dr Klralnger Is aaftwrtag »li»«.Uy fraai njtro-antaftti* an oaactel told raporMn. OW- (So Page 1)
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  • 85 1 A HOC T SYSM Miagapare ind««lrul ■>ararr» hatr 4<rrrd t« forgo nr* frinir b*neßl» —In reegMSMe U a rail fraea tae WTt They are aaeaaberß the MntasWr Inda. Mcl La»a« Uaa (SILO i aad Ike ptoye*« I nion Pill all* represent the bulk <if
    85 words
  • 42 1 BfRY Tt. atajortty ruW in Khudw n ha*« SffflkHW wMT«a«Uy by Kf t i>r saw •■<:•> \U,f 0 < ifT* Was ll\ atad aad lea ««rt wamn4»4 vntn Utvy wM MMo an laid for e— TIIU» •aM a Mrarwy larae aaad-
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  • 691 1  - Goh tells unions: Do nothing to harm our economy AHMAD OSMAN B> JHAIH i (•I 1 1 it- i i i|i< Mil He al>o t»..«.Td itfl** r I T».' "»'r f •aaatoVM th^ aMM •uniam «nd rtunuanac r«rtl (f r to npiHir ■pa [Tiiilil ->u» IIOV thr > VJ TairKHU
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  • 25 1 WA» M i 1 «**»> at *«MjM< Wlaa* ktrls Oka •M agW* l»r a •♦♦fc f C rie« lion to J«M*'* Jaa« hiwh
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 f Diamond A 1 y, V Rings 7 *sP .al '■I flint j^^w (fjeuvllvd Hjrr. i re Jn Jr^W^dal latawUw'Jf III KIIIS itr Jevign* V .^H I Himpooli \Mi l pong 1 Bp*^ "aW H tnefe -jalßf atsaV. ■a^S' W KAMPOOU CAS««GAMjIU ftOAO StNCAOQMC S TSX JS'JS'
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    • 117 1 BID TO GET GOVT TO PHASE OUT PAY SCALES Pag. 12 BLACK RgtM Dr. h laji dawa Urau I SOVIETS ask Chlaa to resaoac aarder talks S (ALL far sacclal ■toto la Gaaa, West Bank ASEAN bUsm n*aaggranlia aat-to. sVIDtTvT belaad nab drag pasaar It BEATTT Scaoal firr lit arsaa
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    • 172 1 PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE TOaMBA a proud to prssswl mm oulstandng mmmttm of as of audo cowpowan«s TOSteSA hrn a tano h«bxy o« *nm pwnaanng r>mm «acKnotog» srtd every oompany raao«#o* has baan dvacMd at awmg NaMy el oawMonanis anaat poaa«Me sotm) questy Probaa*/ no a*m compefMM caas ««en so many Ol
      172 words
    • 24 1 f^\ KINGS ON EAUTM 011 -a*. 4 RMaSTAMT^ iuwo'i snot MrG m ltd ia bul m oAJtoTA cuts BBBMBBJRI 14 Tfi eSDSI' 4 sasiJJ
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 331 2 Black rule: K lays down terms KINSHASA. Thursday TIN! rnitwl Slates is offering to negotiate the demise of white-controlled MbbsWbl as long as the rights of the \*lute minority are protected The U8 offer, made by Secretary of BUte Henry Kissinger at a news conference here, follwws a US and
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 167 2 WASHINOTON. Thurs The United State* has told the Soviet Union and Ohana It takes a serious view of the clrcu.nstances surrounding the cancellation of Secretary of SUte Dr Henry Kissinger visit to Ohana. a State Department spokesman said yesterday The Department contacted the
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 25 2 WAMOMOTOSf. Tlhm I. Tho V Dolaaci Daaart■ant aakl naasrday H ay tsndad to 11 laraol alr-^ at aaarty UMN atiasaa (gan aUIMaa) null"
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    • 227 2 Stonehouse stole from own firms, court told LONDON. Thursday pORMER government minister John Stone- house systematically plundered his own business companies so he could start a new life in Australia with his attractive secretary, the Old Bailey Criminal Court was told yesterday The JO- year -old Mr ■agsMbouM had been
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    • 63 2 Marking Hiro's birthday TOKYO. Than. Taoaasais wailwtsfcjsrs caiswrated thr TSik UrtaiiT af Esaawrar Hlrabiu taday Aaaaag Umsb la aa sgad eaaaerar foUaast with a Japaawsa na tsaaml Mag. and a Stars sad Stria** fae aa kaowa raaaaav Be praatratew alaa •eU befae* tike batosay wmara Eaaaarar Hlr» BiU and a4aer
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    • 111 2 Move to phase US pullout WAJHINOTON Than California Senator Alan Cranston yesterday intruduced legls latlon to withdraw all ***** US servicemen from South Korea over the next flve year The Democratic Senator said he wanted a phased withdrawal t> discourage any idea of Invasion by North Korea He said B<>uth
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 63 2 MOSCOW Thurm OanssflaMssi ol ths psaM ao4 fiwiiastiiii ttmtt tot<f«an s*ya« and Urn aovm Union And •tVMjtnf hswttJK* kvC- It 9 c\ 'irslrie* i v J not afSatt ftstaw ato*ttaaaonot xmim. mxd Sfcn*»" OoaM—w sWaststr Baaartya TVvfik ywawaay Hf and awtot nnkn Trsda MtaMw Mikoki MwSt agllli'lil
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    • 44 2 BANGKOK Than Thirty VMssimm uvto* in Mwthani Tbiaya* b»>U la UMtr hSbii BliilßlHl ptttM MM today Foils* sad skMssra atsi the >■■ <ii la FWnutnfct provtoo* ttamm <* mm of Urn a.aat viimi— wtw ami Ifeaw oouatry ka Urn latas A*
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    • 229 2 PARIS Ttmrvlav rkEVELOPING nations warned jisUrday that the north-south dial world economic order was li may collapse unless industrialised countries make concessions soon in a spirtai *»*mmm said the fwtwre or MM ambitious Pan* confer ence will be dscM)«d neit month st thr Nation
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 55 2 BANOKOK T» MM than N UMM prisaifi vtta av«pod fnsa ■ssthaa prim aaar VIM- i ha»« •airy mm Thailand point MM today VMos fc Uw asrwi oaalotn pr «ncr of Mon« Kfcal f»*r€ iim astapaas arrtvad fu-r cr<»«r.» lh» <4r* »ld UWT *<MIM U oat
      55 words
    • 31 2 MOSCOW TWa. Tlm M) ol Us lafcs a>*w« OfMMo VM rrMßM»t#4 nsW jiiimst altar Oi— mi rartr Cha»f IsosjK SMSkawv aad otlwr M» IsaAsn had muod -umiii irux la
      31 words
    • 73 2 lOWOH. TUara. BrilrMtost pw> isp y MS4wtBAB 4>TVBk*vnY te« Mi *mM fc. •cras*^ I* tiMB ta* ■r•• I U4* »u a( *trr BrtUta Nt*\ m isltlll r« swrt aaM to«ar Tk« ptrwttn |b« wm to* «r«k to a«ttt ArUrr. fr*ai 4rtaatß« M(««M to »a« N
      73 words
    • 26 2 Air talks to resume sjtl mS tobsteaw E Mr ir.f'i. ■M sMsfdar. Tlm aMarass asM CMaa Mf)( %9 wBwV JwMfaMt OsV f| ,ja; ||M tWsWwH fsft^Bml
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    • 26 2 OU mm uw pr-i Tkxar imM mjort vasaTs ini>r i— oiu< bi li I MM in SBJ Ur, A. SI 5,.. Him I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 TODAY'S YOUNG EXECUTIVES... are Men of calbre r e engrossed m work demanding precision Performance is me* mart criterion. Their position and accompanyrig long hours compel them to proper attres Attres that befit and bespeak their personally Attires that are cool, comfortable and ctionat Moods Desert Sorts, in high quaity
      355 words
    • 27 2 COURAGE i CONFIDENCE 10 -M Ist Uk rarwttte CMne W Mil Cslßibt CMMI •ww v. ■*>»■. >•< aart t^ a>M ■*>» ii mwi Sim «l«d»«»n •< V.~6A»' IM Mtl CsMW CtgSß
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    • 230 3 Soviets ask China to resume border talks MOSCOW Thursday rp| < hin.i fxifiirr 4 (Mileage of consti tv ik the prt-M-Mt d« kll'm k The gesture was interpreted by Borne Western diplomatic analyst* here as Moscow's first attempt to Interject Itself Into the current domestic struggle in China by trying
      230 words
    • 113 3 No change in foreign policy says China TOKYO Thursday /'HI Foreign Minister Chlao Kuana meeting with Japanese Ambasnna Helshlro Ogawa. made It are no changes in China's spite of the recent power .inese news agency Kyodo esterday I made the Mr Ogawa on Tuesday and lasted M neetlng. afra
      113 words
    • 105 3 'BRITONS ARE NOW LESS HONEST' LONDON Thurs Are the British losing their Mnse of truthfulness, fair play and honesty? tinut Lynda LeePotter tackled thu question ye»i«rday In ..iy Mall She eoneluded Briton* are Indeed becoming nor* dishonest and laid a good pan of the blame i. the welfare state are
      105 words
    • 23 3 tfUZAJTARABAD iKASBThun Pakistan* PTUaW MaflaflaVf Ml* TttMaJTT AM Bhutto yMUrasy bajm thrw-dar *Mt to Urn PakMan-haid part of dk>pviMd Kliashailr M*ut«r
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    • 206 3 Whitlam Aussie minister received Lockheed payoff S'ANBUUU. TlMra. V/ AwsraHsw Ukw OagMsMss* leader (Mil Wkttsasß *aM H hrtusttl tsasj Uul a mmtmUr CHil AiltUM l« Uw Ukeral Cisur— ft e4 Urn UU IMTa rttdTH Urge nbm af mmmrj r i ihrr far -ir---'f «r bis ttrt? fraea Asm rtra'i Lack
      206 words
    • 209 3 Why CIA leaked coverup details to the press SAN FRANCISCO. Thursday rl code-named source for many of the Washington Post's disclosures about the Watergate coverup "Deep Throat" was acting on instructions from me U8 Central Intelligence Agency to protect the agency from media scrutiny. Rolling Stone magazine reported yesterday. In
      AP  -  209 words
    • 52 3 LOa """—re Thm Tt» Lntfch— d Aircraft Corporation ynlwaaj daatai It ha* paM a tormar Italian mat of C-1M trmiMßDrt piaaas to Uw Italian AlrKrra Th» danlal ctat as ItiMaa and US oflactoto In Washto«um tnKHiHd th* ortaln of I Hasan praat raporU >Dagtag I tuch
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    • 58 3 LONDON. Thurm Aaout atiMtanu taraai UMr ««r IfjAA #j|tal Lla^MMUt a^BkaMaw ■a*^Pm faittrtfay. rai^lnt vllk —au*j tua wte triad to fear UMtr w»j Thi tiudanu atoat af Utam IMymi atu4r«if to liwani. mat ttm would occmpt Mat aabkar tor M hounta p*amm afalaat th* tiiltowii «f Maw
      58 words
    • 52 3 nwit, nn MRRft U f >i. .L. Tfc I tan. aMMttk. m pMt a* UMr fcirmul npiniiian hi tIM IbttteA OmrMi. Dr4hjrMm> UUilfl Jl» BkiMMkM Ha aU iha R«m^aim tet hxmd to uw mini in o< port ItdlMMi at BMtan. eiudinc Urn omMMM at (Mt ttaraa*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 V '^aaaaa WA aaaa^awa^laaaafl aIA W^\ 7^P aaT^a>' V**"^^^**^^! awßtaVaf SaaWJaal awswswsßawswL ataW A A rv7 lk?v'\ \M r 1 v^bdliJ It H La L •%^JaH RaTV ZkrA Mi S^ M E^ -a^^ Laaa^ fj av> _^aw^ H^ 4 a^a] r\ [A *-*yJtm L>' J Raak.'l/Aal Rak Jl
      48 words
    • 628 3 m Lm. A i I I IS n^n IW^aWakßß«saJ IS L^ A J-. TJF -J O w-J KaSSfi MMBbQI is™? aaaa^_^^aaaaaßai ßaakM^awaa sawa^aaf Baaß^^aaal w^f*^7y^f*? w^^^*P^^^^ I »J 8 QUALITY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE. Bl in f l """^^^^^^^N "^Zaaaiwiii l^ f"^ Ig MOMICN fesf ajySenAjtis I tfS&Z^* Bl Cl nBIMCP
      628 words

    • 88 4 STERLISG MAKING STEADY GAINS IN MARTS LONDON. Than The PMM fateed nearly mmm***^B* (▼HI v*fi wawV fjp #OU>V VMS aMBtBBBBB<. tontlnulnf lt« r«*BBBB) wt Blß^MVHadhdl 1* rwwKm^m mbf Its %9 99 BOAlltsV tAIaJeM II b%l 10 IMIO US dollars against the doeta* level last nkght of IaSM sHMmrES L&L9 ttsiw»
      88 words
    • 245 4 I MTKI) NATI fHK United onimittet b> the I Oik..: vttm K mp 1 P.i.v pieti West H.uik and (ia/.i s The draft recommendations by the committee on the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people was viewed as a
      Reuter; AP  -  245 words
    • 60 4 fIRUSALKM. Thur» m Two UrwU poUwiio rrr lUiied ir. 4r: f«p. Am hwv I ill nlcht H M Ar »b youth* van fUm 3«"»,:.rO poUCC **ld U^ Th« «m 4 «m« to ta»pwtor and an mm*o«)»— txpm vbo m «lUMpt- in« to 6it*m Urn
      60 words
    • 109 4 Sew ninijSF m a ifc.i IbiiUi a«*e raMed M feeMOT tSvaa a kwAei TW kul n» baMdkkg base— vast i BieiK in < f •a 9 1> t«* tar «w af srtsw 4*d a <r<U(riit >*• Ban O»«. Bay paste? beefeea. t»m <!
      109 words
    • 68 4 Marcos troops accused Mi 100-pacr peapßM being di 1 1 r throuih the tstho.i. M* m m 5 ai HjiUr' lOCS IbAbß ACCWbb94 liW MB^WBl^gWgf fv^fltßW of TTie pftmphl^t 4 r- «Bl m f i 1 r i- tary h4 JJBI mm b, MMgMmi electric vires te mm B Mj
      68 words
    • 94 4 H-FEVER VIRUS TRACKED DOWN OBOUL. Tbun rd t<Klmy I SteMMMI •d ih« Ttma that cant* SET m1?"9 kldaey m^ function Or Lm No- Wane and Dr Lm Pycn« Wi H. of Korrs Vlnu Vcwarch InatltuU ■aid tht carntr «ima m a brMd of rat with a whiU gUlp* on iv
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    • 11 4 WIUJIKITOM rhan Til* Da*Mty hwi Mmmbmt UK* S22 ESr
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    • 173 4 Row may hold up election of President BEIRUT. Thursday 4 NEW political row haa cut doubt o*» Saturdays Lcbanrs*- pretidrntu. tlon. seen as an essential step towards political settlement of the year-long cl» war 1 Both Icftitta and rtfhUcU openly chaUcnf•d Syria peaot iniUaUvr today objecting to the tie Uon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 737 4 KEVOA A 77 fe not for ixissycqts. Its solid, precise, e AtremeK/ sensitive. And gives the cleanest, smoothest, finest symphonies vouVe ever heard. ss design technology has gone into the making of Revox A 77 i««»i»««hcuiomc«'« f o»p'«c«son a»vo> «^g*^«'i »>•¥• ccniroaidoynincvonic«ii> rafMlsO* I t^^_____ ~mc*«3 t>y sofotxa acwwwd fr*o-brw*m
      737 words

    • 40 5 Hi Thun r he pleaded ••d payofls I :ers. KM 000 others •c was ■■f «c--t»on a» operate car ope- arged iltic vioiat u»er*ea*. returned to i Hongk' lv re- -...<: Porter
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    • 21 5 h ontarsd the 'he jr Mclind >.ip Itxm IMI 4100 mUUon Hi KP
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    • 33 5 Malacca Straits: Japan move to forestall curbs on tankers rOKYO. Thursday Jrs' auociatlon waa re- »cided to ask a and Singapore to re:.ent of oil ci through i i Tit I 1 aids
      33 words
    • 40 5 lon In achool judge Mid U» kl unfit to ftvt m 'f.nmor y BBi her insvorn word was uaery a* there was no cor- M not n»m<1 The accused atucker had t'PI
      40 words
    • 218 5 Bid for nonaggression pacts' report 'ZONE OF PEACE* MOVE TOKYO. Thwradar J I h iiu -iiilk is (amiiom 'Mill I i Spilth 'tone in nil. ilit The paper said the *vi ■esUon had been made In As^an r.rrtfn mlr »M^rv ar.d MlStted t nummlt meetln« In Ball aary Warning
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • Briefly...
      • 20 5 I>ARIS Thurt Soviet mi Minister An- has toi<« rntnen' M want* •.r.xtt the poUcjr with the r'stall a new I
        20 words
      • 28 5 W *SHIMiTO> ongrrv today defied the threat pri-xjilrnli^l »et'' and appro\ed a mllitarr Hill incltdlm m million filli»ni for Israel tn locked in years and country s newspaper*
        28 words
      • 29 5 Mil |M Two cuntnen in bushed and allied Mr reden*vl. M. a risl •metal of the Italian police said in the latest m«.dr,,l ..f mo len<e «*repinc Italy
        29 words
      • 22 5 6 AIRBS Plve last what were believed to be guerilla commando* attacked an army arsena: from a -.g car police said ■.cles
        22 words
    • 75 5 STRIKE BY FRENCH STUDENTS TOGO ON PARIS. Than. StuI dent reprascnUUves voted y— Urday la eonUnue Urn ateite that has paralyaad moat of Frances It onlTeratty oaaapoaoa. bat the dedston was taken amid growing ahjna of division to a «rw ampOon of were Injured when staoant oaaaonatraton battled pottee at
      75 words
    • 79 5 Call for tighter curbs fails m a i n oT O N. Tbwrs At nioti oy Caagitsawaal r^avmen to tlgfclf o—>ral **«v 18 laliaHoiart a«e« caas have laat rttnifl ca«t gvwoßd deavMe a ■ew tenaje iijirl ahwaaa by the awy Hti eawi la what was see* as a amajav defeat
      79 words
    • 138 5 WASHMMTOM Tliri rK U8 Oorernment said jr«t«rdajr IU iDdes detbjncd to indicate future wconowW- trends declined to March for the first time in five month*, adding a lombn note to upbeat economic report* of recent week* The Commerce Depart i tenths of a per cent
      138 words
    • 27 5 ii— lAiru oh rnoj ■aataaa-' Ta«rm fJsry Mast <a a •^J"^« ataa •fdJMsMd saw •aaan wv flaTtav iha ojfteis aw clun irln eaaaa af w»
      27 words
    • 28 5 27 BODIES FOUND IN BURNT STORE DOCfTO 4LBDM Br« atl>. Thwra >w» ■MS ■■W P9fIBW«pVS ad«t£naT > l Ma»a <r ''>> < Ojßpl K^ started la MM aald 1W won h»jojo*-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 61 5 w I I M irtti r I ■W^ m^ Jk )t f*' IB *>* > f o"aj o*o a** a^o o^o I 'If Hl I I E I I io^aV 1 a^saW m^. M>— dV ■I o^L^^^lml o^oW Mm gmjaßßßHa^gctaMMmsßsaamHam* B L^Lw W f* I s^gasMBmmmaBMm^BBBBBMH gm dry» v aaa^H
      61 words

  • 627 6  -  ROBERT TAYLOR Br in STOCKHOLM 11 Most of We* vftern spsrope i■.e slump Swogen i s*«ms to have month an unempioymer TT.u rrmarkabte figure U not a fhi> fcurprueconomy tney beiseve a reason for M Is more man M big i.r. isoard
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  • 318 6 LI CKMOW. Thar* a aMiusmHk wltk a diffrrrrw Hi* Ware* are Mt BiMl to ke warn hat Mlrn ••Mm. with m pean eiperienrf regarded ai an expert In tke art of making "wara/ a taper tkia fail Made ■)!>„ •r gatd whirk
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  • 851 6  - A year after victory— but war's scars still show PHAM NGOC DIN By in SAIGON VIETNAM marks tlu til (im|.i\ hi v»ges of tbc w.ii still \isihk- In, Hi in tlu ii\ The anniversary, w hi.-h will t* marked by a arrtes of celebration rallies throughout the country, was pr»c«dwl
    Reuter  -  851 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 ■axQ .^*^^^as^s^ssssxsMMa«xssxmKssM? B p<w \M LmV I N OiDPIONEtER (MMMiM«Orn>tlß WCTOav ItKWM MITSSWI as IiOKUIWOO MUCMMCO #Ttllfa m 4:<tawfuu aa ■ooti.soßSi aoao toeii smum oaawo m wcroata tr«ttT iwai MkaorMfSXMv »M»iff Maacx** «m»< mensacm lto aosav-oasM sswss naiutaMMMScswsi NMtcsurM ariwoaiKMc »>.« noas n pu»o<o «o«c ssaaoLS-co mi pin co <eM
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 ■ll U wtl I lI^B w^^^vEßnKß' IU.\tS4lva ihiMLi W Sidl lH mmu v < 1 ln nil iiK* _r _B_ M At S///w/V< Amu; Bellie/ ore Beoukiful if m Sinijjpor* -v^g^ noth*iv now hj»» than >* > IMIH ♦jshion bout.ou* \S\ s A yjW j Jon 1 GfttaT CXPCCTJTIOAS Maternity
      89 words
    • 137 7 THE BEST SHOP-TO-SKOP SHOPPING YOU WILL FIND IN SINGAPORE S. opping Cenil hive of hese days Therf decorators rushing around with xquisite sketches of interiors, furnishing people showing beautiful samples of upholstery and drapery materials ....3nd now a Melwani's suit at $140 only I I > r •n M 6
      137 words
    • 618 7 and wall paper swatches, and a n s full of merchandise being u nloaded and carried Into the Centre Why l Because s (l many new shops are opening or preparing to open Already in business is the new Leather Plus he ground in ladies shoes with matching or contrasting
      618 words
    • 301 7 competitive And there is the added advantage of not havtng to wait months to have the article delivered See also Je T alme's range of ready jewellery More new shops expected to open in May reign Accent on the lower ground floor which will stock A can leather items and
      301 words
    • 285 7 And Hnpectin* a ifMrt La Caslna *ive< you this opportunity SuperNy smart Italian suits, knitted tops am! to mix and match Plus an abundance of accessories such as v and shoes and purses there are imported Italian to men Is Melwani's Mill fin<i everything a man will ever ne*d to
      285 words
    • 89 7 i _1 Tt*f* te a in h daily and a vriarfc menu too so coaw to the 8p» BHipanc tre The virif foods on dL*pia> and thr crrat nun shop* and mUuranu different cvi- really worth while Here is the beat shop- <h..p Nhoppinu m will find in Singapore [WINNERS
      89 words
    • 45 7 placesNg^ suit Iflw Suit A pants __^r^ rrudr in B^M 24 h. H^ v a_t r^_*^_N [)Knisc miVuv B GENUWE LEATHER 'i^N pouffes fhom '^"?V*^-?4 BEIRUT 4MORBOCO •»^«V^3O Tr«di!ion^ly 1 Comfoft«bl« WHU .^JL" Conditional A r**jp I And MocwMi uwpv. N^J 2O%«8COO^ LJMTTED STOCKS ONU
      45 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 M Wm k! Bf H Hr IL H^ SIA UNVEILS ITS LATEST DESTINATION. DUBAI. SIA adds yet another new destination I Starting torn* nd any other Saturdd on SIA s exclusive 707 Supenet at Opm. and arr JL These same flights go on to Zurich and Amsterdam Which* A^W to
      63 words

  • 1602 9  -  BEN DAVIDSON B, 'Leong was on records as a notorious robber' Coroner praises press lensman's presence of mind v I roner Mr J Che* Wai Pong yesterday recorded a of JiuUAable hor the death of gunman Leong Peng Wan who waa shot
    1,602 words
  • 202 9 NINETEEN Insurance companies yesterday signed a joint collective agreement giving their 7uO plus employees higher salanr scales and wage Increments The agreement was signed at a simple ceremony between the employers and the Singapore Insurance Companies' Employee* Union In a local hotel Mr BL Peretra.
    202 words
  • 58 9 Dr OUvar ■sniimpi baa taw r»-«tscttd iinslfcu of tb* atnnpon Daoul iuoctattM For irtt-Ti UUmt oacWJt m Dr O B Axamruns nw pj^eain. Dr UsftgweaTsca acmary; Or Dytot Bhlh KM. y» Unl mcM*.-y Or. L*u In Leasw. wmnst. eowocU SMsaEarm Dr Cha« Jo* Ua. Or Lm Yr«
    58 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 22 9 Ty/REr^ALSPECUUSTS-WORU3%MOE iHfIWBRINBSYOOBIIBQQ *>■ COLOUR IV SPECIALS 56 cm/22 #**4»O/ 66 cm/26 •>TK2_ MONTHLY H For immediate installation call 2520H0 2S2ottl 27 QOLOHHJ. PLAZA
      22 words
    • 321 9 j^^^^^awamWaaaaafcgF i I MM LauaJ faal aaaV^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A lla^g^aJ rTI l^^^lL L m J^J+ m I FOR THE WINNING MAN. 1 iX&tkXVLtt Sjf^K^^^ Refreshing &■s&&* Award *innmg m taste aroma, punty and VhF B^ qual ty From quality malt, hops and yeast *V x > r ix Brewed at the
      321 words

  • 517 10 'Student helped nab drug pusher' 17- YEAR-OLD Singapore American Schuol stu<lcnt who took moiphine and was found with a strau of Ik in his mouth, later hrl|»r«l anti nan officers catch a drug pusher, i nmgtstrate's court heard Lawyer Mr Amarjlt Singh said this ln mitigation for Michael Oeorge
    517 words
  • 84 10 Exhibition by French artist Mi Urbaln Hurhet. ■aid to be one of the greatest living contemporary artists ln France will hold an art exhibition at H>att Hotel from today to Sunday between Bam and 11 30 a m and 3 pm lo 6 M pm daily. The nhattM aeteg held
    84 words
  • 49 10 A TROUF* of seven partenner* froe* Prano* «1U aartana the can-can saade htasoua at th* Ud» ai Parts and inanma aajht KiMmn as Urn Cfcaaapa Bhwaa» waji. the daneara. T»th thetr ataa* amisiii aie hart lor tht rrench haUval >*„ M t,> m* bahi »n<i
    49 words
  • 39 10 KAWOAR rniM—Wy en>trr ill cnjanlat caxrcaj ladivMuaJ rh«wa«onahl» on May 14 at 1 pm Detail* of Ut* ixMMCtttUon open to pmrUctpaaU In Dlxtrvt If only art availabet frrm tit* centre froes 1 pja to pm daily
    39 words
  • 23 10 THE Jkten Pitik ooai murutjr r«,ir» will <nnnai a Ron« Bird Stnctnc Ca—JWltton at the eeotr* at aai oat Sunday
    23 words
  • 176 10 Man who had opium tied round thighs AM VIA* OLD ■>■ be carried aa *"^aafaaaWja^B ak a\*UaT a>»laaAfat Uaa wMac rXrrlai ■lagayart rascal IW tjt *r a aWHMI CakWCSaVv tW ta*r was la have 1 at raw aaaaai Ued araastf aai tatcks. a aartrtct eaavt beard yesterday (hint Haa Kent
    176 words
  • 152 10 rl first Lioness Club of Singapore has been formed ln District 301 (Brunei MalaysiaSingapore i following, the Lions Internationals recognition of the hitherto silent rule' of the wives of Lions in rnjmmun.ty service Th* new club comprises the wives members -.f «»'U^ Lions Clubs In Singspore.
    152 words
  • 170 10 Change in phone numbers for two areas tl aad hi Kte. T*ui Rmd and aha tlaaj be 'f-.nfrd a* V ■•ever. di« u Hal boob today aVeWfthac to th* Tele!hX' ft vow r i o*r r < 1 o** Aj part of U» toJaffcaa* WrvkCf ÜBpfOV^^flHTtat plan for the City
    170 words
  • 47 10 hnmiAPT AN a Panaha- a ia V HIT \At\tWkM}&% til tnaratd hi a akagtatrsMa court ytatttway mnn raswaj l*-mr eM n \mwma pas aa« I pm he wa« warn k> at reatandtd »i etaucn until May «haa the caa» wUI a* ftirtlm om>
    47 words
  • 117 10 Pro« CHRISTINA ROOmGUCS Lo ß<an. TWn) IT WAS Singapore nu 1 two of nt Royal Overseas Leagues musical festival stfJU-ftaßl concert coming from the Republic tk.. _.r. ha T* Thn««ff Met< and Vivien »r Th* third wirw indlA. 8 ■>»■• the cc.
    117 words
  • 11 10 :m» asa> bb^bm* Oaafaaaai a Ma> M 1M ia
    11 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 292 10 wSn valuableprizes FOR YOUR f^Sr.-ss M y^ FAMILY^ fa P lll .^ataVm M I afafaahk.^ m m I »*tt^-. a, yl Af/ araan^^^^™* r!^%O m m dj^^Bv > m BaavaV V af I W k •^^■^ea*^ I I .aW^ '^Bafl aW mi By aa p|uS 50 CONSOLATION m^Z^X^ PRIZES 3
      292 words
    • 849 10 Congratulations all the winners of the^^^^ V GAME CONTESI S Ho* Moofl S»arg S">gapor» 3 Onstina Lee Soon CMano %>*Q* BaaVall ICT DM7tTQ 3u> O9M Kok CAe Seng Seiangor I LHSesgC"t. A %WI IJI rniaVfcSj P-crcies KwOk »„<;,, Cr>umn s.ngacKJfe 19 Susan Lee Kiang S^anoo* Ang X.m wao Malacca Lam
      849 words

  • 125 11 Beatty School fire: It's arson w hit h the dassrooms >m ii« j-c »l on i The fir was put out within ml n v tes. partially damaged the celling of a classroom on the second floor A senior teacher of the school yesterday said damage to the celling a-
    125 words
  • 23 11 COLUMBARIA READY FOR US ON SUNDAY Ta $*****0 eoliunbar; bodl«' >>.cd at rned remarble <1 The ■>^ar the lsls and appllb*- made u>
    23 words
  • 30 11 ciub «nU hoM s coraaKmy aj iU praMOMM. Mr Boon lay at 2 to m«i» ths Mart of pmnc voek lor its pioaosos «poru ruaplsx la Aashar Hood
    30 words
  • 37 11 ST PITTDtB Church In TsvMsocfc Avoms. aaransoaa >r. F,lMlr BH holo 1U annual Mabit aftto .1 iv prtaiwei Mawrroo trutn 10 u> I pat Procosdi from the Ml* will co to tits church.
    37 words
  • 83 11 4 years for thefts from cars KAMALDUN o 8 S Packir Mohamea ••ars by t c.uri yesterday when he pleaded guilty to two charges of stealing cassette players from Kumaldeen. who com- the tint offence I 4 last rear in Jalan Kumbu and the Fecund on Dec 22 In Jalan
    83 words
  • 188 11 Singapore-Thai trade prospects 'promising' rFRADE prospects beI tween (Uncaporc and Thailand are "very pron.isini. particularly :n clinker, sugar, building materials. electronic*. diesel engines and agricultural items, a Thai diplomat said yesterday A btg boost in trade 1 U expected following I the Aaean Bali accord for member-countries to give preferential
    188 words
  • 128 11 FRIENDLY'HELLO' WINS OVER TWINS SOON(. Wk*r and Sooac ftok »ere a I Itle aponaaa)sl»t el tkrlr new visitor »r> trrday out soon r*taooidid »armlr to a friendly helJo from Mrs Wldodo Rudidjr ■o. »>fr of Ike visiUnf cklef of tke Indonesian National Police <KAPOUtIi at To* Payok crrcke yetterday And
    128 words
  • 200 11 THE visaing Indonesian National Polk* Chief Lt -Gen Wldodo Budldarmo. and his entourage paid a courtesy call on the Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Chua BUn Chin, at hU offlc* In Pearls Hill yesterday m. Mr Tan Tick The ImlmMrtin enlOfli
    200 words
  • 45 11 THK Pwaar Ctiaues Board has •ntten to polat OM taat a art la a aaaM factory m JaJaa t imiMii Kaßaag off BaaataMor aaas. «a Aartl BSJ not -uti«l b< a •Mft CtfWH tjft rv^ortaW Ml the aumtta Taw* oa April 11
    45 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 189 11 10' IMMH L2ooa STUCMO MASTCT at^ I 111 s: J L JBL'S EXACT DUPUCAIIONS yf PROFESSIONAL SYSTEMS FOR YOUR HOME... L3OOSUMMLTT& L2OOBSTUDK) MASTER L9OO SUMMIT a direct oaay of JBi 4333. protoesionai tysiom already used by Europe's and AASortos a ataat pveetieKe^e rojoaraw^a coiwpeA»ea Now adaased >or yow noivie L2OM
      189 words
    • 128 11 BSH t*af»** a-**** Lial KCC OneanractweUViTAgtosstof eacr boa o« BM 10 bot—s LMTA purchased' IIWIYA |H Let LMTA apytdo tn a glass < dasar\ ss' Wl> I Htxry' whas stocks last' A I LMTA laates bast whan taken cow Sarva LMTA to I your guMts arthar pura or mi»ad wm
      128 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 158 11 Brlnginf Up Father By Bill Kavanaah <t Hal Camp N 7^ yum vov os^ -e_ S 'OOTS* f f N «»V a- Blaaila By Chle Yount s»*ag a auoc 1 |j-- s ~>^_ jßox^ tMO c*' I MOM ***i ■^•o aw 3 ~LTI Abnct By Al Capp J^^^ i ALL
      158 words

  • 254 12 AJAOOED broken bottle la do( cocatdercd a weapon Uke»y to cauae death mb wben BMd to •tab a man. a ma«iatrmt^s court heard faatarday A imfiß wfcp _waa MmmSi h2T Oh rhanr* a— tnt ham aaModjad aadl *t^ ohna* -«Bdl aa a w*apoa
    254 words
  • 74 12 University of S'pore Society officials DR Philip Chen has been elected president uf Urn University of Singapore Society Other oovtala art Mr T V Otrt <vtK-prawawM>. Mr ■a* Tv Fung tsscrsury. Mr M a Doraawjßy <asw«ÜBt Mcntaryt Mr Own* »fcnh>i nuMfi. aad Mr Darstan suagb tiimnt Oswal Baiwtnafli Mrs YUmPOlal.
    74 words
  • 111 12 r«GRANT MMw«r< h.fl t*.%mrUnr a r a BBBMBMi -Hh n| ii*. .r Ik* fte«« hrrr -pc Umi m«« thr», Urn. and ih rd %ttht »r ■aafe ..f n .."i»i,» int far ihr iatatr« *nd nrnlc Fraar* in II a .IrhlhlfHl »»»Ufii
    111 words
  • 7 12 New home for embassy Mm hat Mvwtf
    7 words
  • 17 12 foot Of PtMRIlt O( BWHI ID New fiJH BjDM at 3)0 »m ye»t*rdar
    17 words
  • 491 12 AUPE made proposal in 1972 ATTKMPT is tx.'ing m.KJr to get the (iovernnient to phase out i lit. i slruc lints in the ci\il Mnrln along lines similar to those recently sug- H<-st«<l |t\ tl)t' NTI the <en«ra: secrrt^ry 3
    491 words
  • 246 12 The birthday plight of some civil servants BIRTHDATB are finan- I daily unhappy events tor some Singapore civil servants, the NTOCs second triennial delegates conferene* has been told The deputy general secretary of Uw Amalgamated Union of Public Employee*. Mr P Ramaaamy told Uw delegates that thea* employees war* those
    246 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 176 12 anwßßwtVX U */^PanwH anwaT wBnW .^Bnwanum^a^.aßwßßwßßwßl dsnuwal pdj Now, Thai has 7 flights a week to Europe. LoeMftaa) Room Fraatkfvn CopesiaißS|»Bi Ml fWaa m vt« fpadotM ooMSort of out SMch wtt or revet to .rtMgrwwDC 10* DstghtinnM land of pampsnng that typvaly Thai RosalOrrhMJSOTw* lUbssuwVil el *M w*n k«MlltaiT|MMTiON«llTo TiM
      176 words
    • 54 12 -^aVLaV sW^aWai «M dnwaa Jl IL WaWMW^aWB^^^MMMIBSaWBH^^HMMBBWH Highlights for today What students can do to Kelp promote ASEAN pro|ccr% Singapore's ciportt to iteiffc bounrf countries increased When a man is castrated New trend in consume Soccer Singapore Mslavt to pljy against PaKang Takraw Youthful te*'"* to clash m final or
      54 words

  • 81 13 lyiTun pri m t ■'Minister and Defence Minister Dr Ge* Keg g Swe». xaaaing pwftßt when chatUn f with the Japanese *—^T-»*lT here. Mr. SMnffcc Bori last niffhU. Dr Gt was the f»est of hsaini at reception given •7 the aaaWaaador W> cdeWate the
    81 words
  • 309 13 i rid•ued M day is because the system. he other body systems U subject to ■*t of position due to age of gr*. 0 M.jtk- Medicine and •ecology in Mv: said a.d the Ant female space flight by reschkova of Ruasia
    309 words
  • 253 13 Surgery can help sterilised women conceive I again WOMEN here who are sterilised by tubal ligatton (tying up the 1 Fallopian tubes i can now conceive again after undergoing surgery to rechannel the tubes, a senior gynaecologist said yesterday Dr R Slvasamboo. former bead of the Obstetrics and Oynaecolo¥y Department
    253 words
  • 63 13 Registration for reading congress THE Sixth World Congress on Reading, organised by the International Reading Association will be held at Shangri-La Hotel from Aug 17 to 19 Pr»-r«rU»r»Uoo form* %n >**UaM* rraet Ulm ItafhMi Kaur. Uw twnrtr ton* local c.'uurnan at flhxtU ■dhsi. II Jalan J«ra» Stacaport Ttw t— lor
    63 words
  • 392 13 Special unit to spot womb cancer XX lab is first of its kind in South-east Asia DETECTION of a certain womb cancer arising out of an abnormal pregnancy disease can be more efficiently and speedil\ tarried out now with the setting up I Nj*'cial laboratory at Kandang Kcrbau Hospital. Introduced
    392 words
  • 256 13 Robbers get 3 years and 10 strokes A 82-YEAR-OLD wo- man who Invited two men Into her house on being told they were her son's friends, was later choked, stabbed and robbed by them, a district court heard yesterday. Arumugam Valayutham. 24. and Ng Keng Teck. 90 were each sentenced
    256 words
  • 196 13 TOP marks to the Wat- ford Palace Theatre's presentation of Shakespeare* Merchant of Venice. This talented group of actors and actresses have high overall standard of acting and production which is an unusual treat for us Costumes and props are uiuaUjr sacrtflced to meet
    196 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 62 13 Piles ...a simple treatment Varemoid so convenient IM Ask for VARE MOID at chemists medicine shops sft Zyms S A jSSSm Nyon/Switnrtand (distributed by W V. W OBA-GBGV.n J *4t| m WE'RE CLOSED TOMORROW FOR LABOUR DAY Business resumes on 2nd May 1976 r 4L CORTINA DEPARTMENTAL STORE L Co.ombc
      62 words
    • 90 13 LjTTI^TmTI .1 i [T HURR> Iml pvix« 'Zmi prize J/J-M* XN prin^l Afc* Slw«ophorac Equvnrwm POSB Gift VOUCheC Gr««U«k»»i<a«-1 C«M« TV \^B I* ji| l^^^^HK^^^^^^^a^^^^^^a Connote MoM V aAM I t M^. \^B •JCt^BV 'IT VI' I D bT Blh|Mte€ 9lliijMta« WlhprtM inh luih m n~. i W mm V^
      90 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 309 14 CMALL industries, sometimes known as backyard Industries, may not be the backbone of Singapore s Industry, but they form an Important Joint in the spinal cord They play a vital supporting role as the Republic industrialises, a role that will I,,and And yet. strangely, not a great
      309 words
    • 305 14 DEMORBP sBMLY. Jimmy Carter u> tightIV rung his grip on the 1»7« Democratic Presidential Nomination His smashing victory in Pennsylvania has driven Representative Morris Udall to the wall. His other rival. Senator Henry Jackson. Is talking of changing his campaign strategy n he should be changing
      305 words
    • 229 14 r those youth* who ai> reluctant to appreciate v of a campaign to "Use to their weaith r prrvened aeas^ the nimt Irr Mahat•••idhi would not I «4>l kapu. tne father, aa he was M(f_V_V_V_V_V_V_M the teeming millions In
      229 words
    • 164 14 IRftTTR to the subject on singles not being allowed to use the full CPF to buy HUDC data I wish the HUDC would consider the following point* First out of tne IAM uniu only I*oo have been sold 'Sunday Times April 11 >. which leaves over ISO units Therefore, giving
      164 words
    • 109 14 rS rationale behind car pooling la to ootaln *r**»^w*mn utilisation of private vehicles using roada In the Central Business District Uowaver, there are glaring examples of under- utlUaaUon of public vehicles occupying a large proportion of roads In toe CBD I suggest that on* way to comet thla would be
      109 words
    • 85 14 IROTt to Mtduo root letter Tht CUm Barrier Btf Boots And The Heat* <BT. Apru 24) A* the writer la aware, the cut-off aggregate for the Pre-U eUas la M points, and this mialmcatlon la appUe4 to aU atuoents linos i at. the boy referred to who also has 21
      85 words
  • 3637 14 Commitment is a two-way process in Japan's top firms WHEN WORKERS DO THEIR BEST THE following Is the test of the speech delivered by Dr. Goh Keng Swee. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, at the NTUC Second Triennial Delegates (on Terence at the Singapore Conference Hall yesterday. X
    3,637 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 18 14 You can bank on us _A'4es^K^emw ton linancial p MM isMsi.uiH m•ANK *.MF RICA 111. Mar «er* sftMst
      18 words
    • 242 14 s > f Today Only! from 6.30 pm Exclusive videotapes of European Cup 1976! Bayern Munich vs Real Madrid Th» match he* n*vwr bowrt •wen m Swvaapor* before 1 Video Mp* *p*cuiiv flown TRITON «M* MTT) rlf UD and *h<>wr over S»#m«-n» Wi*. I'.iwTtf Rex-order a V specially pnred Sundwa
      242 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 167 15 /Zb/% sinmpore [>j contact lens V^/ SOCIETV ij MNJAMIN BtNJAMIN .ng: r. SKopptng T oogl.n Ro CC CMOI x WONG OPT CO 95A 9«A *****7 *****7 g f i ISAACS PTE LTO Sptool'tti C«n»rt. lt» "tj I aaCS trtSf T *****4 *****2 1 om 4 10 12. Wa,co<j. ONG KIIm
      167 words
    • 118 15 You can make it with Cointreau >^ix«itiN« iufi.pi ROUNDABOUT EUROPE 23dsy» Dx» every ttid ia**> #2750 WONDERFUL CITIES w 11 dcv* Pep tvery »Nilnsf»< »JIDU SCANDINAVIAN ESCAPADE 19 dsyi Dap 30 so^?j J GRAND EUROPEAN 26d«v»Oep»^ $38lD FUL L V ESCORTED TOURS FROM SINGAPORE PRICES INCLUDE RETURN AIR FAM BRITISH
      118 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 741 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 LM m QgCMki Hotwi k«1 OlMmtki ?ii Spartt Nram fcis. Of Mf% 4fl«f Iwfla 1 Wtttt MRL rl. 4"~^*w^eTW i*^ 4^M»fM|*tsl gflsl 4JI Dory ot trssts (Cmv«) sj| Mjga fsfsmj 4« *X mi Lm Irti Iftkstat lei wctM h***«f rt*mTt hger 4Jlls«jV»msM ttWTMt: stm*km\ Sg*talP*Mri.
      741 words

    • 37 16 LPUH. TT»«r» Mystvry aurrouad* a claaw ky Inaaan asss ttasw ttasav csaiasart* Meat at Kan ass Sayeag Kuaia KsaasmrtfMrict haw •teit aarwttT Ommttl amd Kuala Kaaamr SMfirt _a»asw kswvtasse ef cvrfev in Urn aims
      37 words
    • 34 16 TAIPWO Thurs The •ukaa of tat returns*, bjr a ■nisi cnscii in itar da? mall train haw today after ■■lam a m lim henday tetunaw wmb U» Haja Peasaapwaa sad thssr eMMtea.
      34 words
    • 701 16 Horse owner UNDER TWO-YEAR DETENTION FOR ALLEGED DRUG TRAFFICKING appeals for freedom If^^AJ Til i ifilitH RACEHORSE msner. who is alleged to have been a member of an international drug syndicate and who is now in detention in Pulau Jerjak. today chal lenged the detention order in the High Court.
      701 words
    • 90 16 nATX PAHAT. Thar* O An litrtiic i number of ateaste* cases has heen reported In the Bata Pahat uM rid in the last two a»«ilht A ■•okesanan of the Health DepartMent In Johore Barm said 27 cases were naiortld this atonth. an Increase •f
      90 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 468 16 FREE^ ADMISSION at the Ballroom, Marco Polo Hotel Ha**! NEW GRUNDIG SUPER COLOR 3200 (56 cm/22-) Watch the exciting English FA Cup Final in Grundig Super Color on the new Grundig 3200 at the Ballroom. Marco Polo Hotel. All welcomed. gjjebsen&Jessen -^aa»*^ »\V .^aaw^ Baaaßn___ V^' r\VP^ 4^T Baaaaaaaa^^ a^m
      468 words
      17 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 156 16 Straits Times Crossword ■■■Ml Thsrca withMal in cuasaaati ■g.f..** 11 1 O«U.a»« of ih. ruatf t~U vaaManaa smb) ssr a ton or tumai aa a lnaat »iiii rasMkac brior* tkt ear* ««< jmulh' av,^ A hai v akkt oc a aUidsnt U> Uuw«h Aaasnca ine»fnauon of Urn Authun*- > >
      156 words

    • 121 17 Arshad's remark can sour up Thai relations: Paper BAHOK Thai newspaper to- da> sian senator. D» making an irreap> atbie sUtetnrnt of a aor- r r.dShlp rommenting on a ttal ment by the arnator r pur gfli Maiayatan Oov> Thai Malaysian bor agree mer had never been la queidshlp it
      AP  -  121 words
    • 136 17 SENATOR URGES: DON'T BRUSH US OFF KUALA. LUMPUR. Thiir* A senator Minuters, Deputy Ministers and parllatntary secretaries yesterday to be sertoua In answering question* Dy senators and not simply brush thr: Senator Hajl Othman Abdullah said certain ent leadera either gave Irrelevant answers or they appeared to ridicule the senators.
      136 words
    • 96 17 Kin r. i p• t y Mahal lm rd I Nrgara hr added »»«M hr r^eiN iml? »hrn nr«r> Khrm lunni thr Mr bat r on a motion of thank* to the Ymn« l»i Prrtu in A n rallrd for thr Intro durtion of National
      96 words
    • 55 17 KAMPAR. Tnun Ahout ont-and-haif >I>a|ieii of horeto paefcad te thro* ao»--•IWB# DBfB VW MmVßfl rTOmTI tn* gtove eomawtmoat of car «mch «aa etoppod at a HiadMotfc )uat outadt town Th« drat worth SMJM oa Urn kwck markot Two man aad a voawa who waro i U>
      55 words
    • 48 17 IPOH -torn* -The MNk ■prakrri Cunfcrane* «tti held (ur tarot day* iron Jum II at thr Parak Stau Aaacembiy in tne Stale Metre tarkat her*. Mmtrt Baoar Taa Sri Haji ortaaaU confirmed today Baaldea their normal day cvmiomi aod maeiMSft> th# aaia»u» wtU alas w ortotad
      48 words
    • 44 17 KUALA LUMFVS. Tbm. Pu» broke out id a ahaaImnm* to Jiiaa PmlMag SM»pmk. h«r» today and ojiw«#i< U»» am and tmad Ooora. A wnijia doalar aha* on Urn pNRi Boor m unaSJicead Hw omm* of Urn On Dm not m bom «aUMMtad
      44 words
    • 259 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday \l. Sl.\ ,11(1 HlllMKlij Will tst..l>lish diplomats relations at ainiKivsudorli\ t- loiiioin ding foinl < 'iiiiiniiiii I'm issiu (I simull l»> ttu Foreign Ministries lu-rt- ami iiioiii Penh. Malaysia thus becomes the first member Association of South east Asian j
      AP  -  259 words
    • 88 17 No sign of end to bus strike KUALA LUMPUR. Thurr Th« strike !by worker. of Len Omnlbu* Company entrred iv second day today without any signs > of a poMlble MNMMmt The general secretary Transport WorkMr v David, said the union «a« ■■■ling :u door open negotiations and we are
      88 words
    • 77 17 Shot after crashing barrier BUTTERWORTH Than A 27-year-old man wnprfd to be involved In a robbery here waa ye»terday shot and wounded by police wher. roadblock in Jalan Permatang Pauh Actta« oa a up-4«. fjoHeosaon Mt Urn ißmln i at aaout M s>m a tow ataM Mer Urn swpsM iodt
      77 words
    • 225 17 AMBUSHED BY LONE ASSASSIN Chamber chief gunned down outside his home POUT KLAMG. Thora BC ft I N E SSMAN Slew Han Kiat. 4«. was shot dead ontaMc his home here last rujht Mr. Mew was eaaarin< hi« Merredea Bern after oaesung the gate to the rempeuai of hss house
      225 words
    • 29 17 a U K I T MBtTAJJUI Thwrs Poor* at* tryinc to tswaufy a humaa skull found hMI irtkttl in undsfgeowUi In an oil palm ■Vj Bp BwVsVpi
      29 words
    • 87 17 nCNANO. Thuri A gunman shot a labourer In his rented room in Button Lane here last night Loo Nan Yang. 9. was taken to the Oen eral Hospital in an am- bulance but died early this morning of two I gunshot wounds Police said
      87 words
    • 132 17 Counsel put on blacklist charge in court KOALA UMPI'R Jagjlt Singh told th--0 m "a'tx'jt '-Mr Uo# BOW COflTl* trataa As a r«Mlt they face greater proiHsM and whatever saatter may have before ireoarta gets beM up. he When Mr Jar n Stngh said this the ju<lg». Mr Justice Chang
      132 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 13 17 GET RID OF QfIHDRUFF USE SELSUN I gm_l___^^m» ha A«a»n t aPTE LTO
      13 words
    • 627 17 Newsweek MAY 1 sygajf HIGHLIGHTS V*tn*nv A Yff«T UtftT. Indu Mttung F'^ncH Ford's Nsjw Pro^>« v« «Ou««COus>Osi TO New»w€€k Internatiofuil c/o Samrw: iniavprte* Lock S«r«« GwwH East OWw* t usasurs T« UM 1 WtwßfJl SPECIAL CASH OFFER' 3 BC.NUS fsSOt mm |m. Mr, __^_^>^_____-_______ Ad*r»e» Ta« Dl«h INCLOSfD T
      627 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 385 18 OPENS ODEON TODAY! 5 Shows At Horn, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 4 9.30pm 11 ai IBaB aaaaaaaaaa V CHNO D€ LAURENTIS V A STANLEY SCHNEOCT jt^B^ Proouctioo A SYLXY -aaW a^^ 7^ Pk^^XLACK mij^^^.'^mm redford i 1 mßnEl^'a^^ FAYE DUNAWAY Tfll^f CLIFF ROBERTSON 4Br¥f 3 DAYS HIS CIA COOE NAME *tTa\T^
      385 words
    • 238 18 T m^r Br^ JlC"^/ Bar <^ W v I BaaaaaaV BaaaV>aaaaaaaa! I w(jyuuu DRAW DATE: Oth MAY 76 VENUE: PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE I I ***** I y. I.VAV.V1 .VAV.V. IAWW1 AWWA I.VW/.".V.'.VAVMW,V1 .VW/.".V.'.VAVMW,V JaYon| Drive In Cinem^Odeon-Orchanl j: TONIGHT I TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT 1 i li>M Tiawni Slain il t.W
      238 words
    • 320 18 BaaM 0000 aaaaaaa^ I •Twr a c P/easa/jf THE GALAXY NITECLUB I 2 GREAT BANDS TONIGHT EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT with the newest, nicest sounds. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pr r x.y.z. JANUARY Drinks at motfarat* pricv* I Nocov«r o» •aoncacharo* Amoit *r*« ■.»> paring %pmc» fM\ Ly-S Paair Panjang Bowl *A |a 9
      320 words
    • 154 18 I EXCIOSIVE ENGAGEMENT' HEz-:tiwiH! 4ui nr: aliew* 11am. IM4IS 45 a INm UMM* CWtOMOO SUM*UM4SIio NehcKpr. eNowitOi (iimmn >*o»>— Mat 4 «w »Matr atl »w»mi toih til f>f j ■fc It' L—ji ""F^ 4 j SGLOBE— Opf k Teitmm! I DEMAND RETURN ENGAGEMENT? a^F bV*^» "IM I JaT nptpuewood i
      154 words
    • 125 18 i i SM'H-K'BaHTTT* I I < »Z^ a^ar* a*>M paasi i < IjllOhlHll i ii i ■mnrmrmnn I J mm >Ni' M I I ORCAVISATIOM BJ a i I I a I a a I a a I a *m> ..-w a I M 4M IK IK -i a I
      125 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 111 19 v^i 1 f^r > I I M«U« 'nn n<wx nil n«MMM and < >mi»U-% >Hrnn^ "> <ttn« Hlfk' I J^^ L Ik^a^^^^R^ W>' '1 < hiMww»»> and .MfcfctWMMl 111.. I. v h>4«4 •i^ a nu«l lof all *^^7 1 (HH}(" *»t m<< Highland* Hotel !>•" t t»«r ii«4c»ffiMatif>«« f»f»t«. i
      111 words
    • 72 19 rx*> J* +x I l»M«Eioiknr *^^RiH^ *J Heeei E* Jwi«r K II (ft rBHSLRI fy^vx^ VA/aVo hawinn a BrV^ Swinging Farewell Party J for the delightful \M V^ at the ion bar JK The Fabulous will also be m attendance V Time 600pm 100 a m 4 where beautiful things
      72 words
    • 182 19 A CANADA fet^i Jl t^^l f v J Join America's Bicentennial (2CX)th Birthday) Celebrations! Hawaii. Hollywood Disney land. Grand Canyon. q y Las \/egas New York. Washington Niagara Falls P0 ni lin wt Vancouver Seatt le and San Francisco A 29daysfromS$5,790 Escorted group tours departing Jun 27, Jul 18.Aug 22Sep
      182 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    22 20 In rtrrluting ssfinri of DX M VtITSIIIINGAM Who left «s oa 39 4 191* sfOsMtly rfttwbtrtd i>« wife sad chUdrea.
    22 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 520 20 UNIVERSITI PERTANIAM MALAYSIA (Jawalan Koaantj) »ear* Malaysia untuk memensjtu ja- if. \t S2S'5 1830 r» »880 AS vßßvVst. svsVM. eVsVaW ■sjmMfjsl -.pulan A I mm alun-ralun Bagi linlmsn «o m dartpada yang sefl uTikhWmaT udak melebthi 44 tatea un bagi lantlkan hendakiah memUlki kelayakan vppijasah aarjana danpaoa jniverstu yang
      520 words
    • 1627 20 BEN AND COMPANY LIMITED INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE post or MANAGER ior Dairy Pis |»ms (Ml Mb.. BM.. a sube»sliar> ef the Be* Group af C—gajsjimi The applicant should preferably have e«perience in a managerial capacity of a related manufacturing concern. A Chemistry degree or a decree In Food or
      1,627 words
    • 129 20 ■«rta tiWIW Ssa4*a» Sj ivsa— i»ss gsj si iat Wiw m tm hr* ise*> KM ta L«v>kS. I Wstiii Is wjeswf avvaa tawt Ua> Hajh UaW* a«ts tarn 10m ey^ v Img stmvs wim ismii w I saw** 0 mjisy m sil*li a AIM IM SM ime SUM IkßMld* ami
      129 words

  • 28 21 *'j4i tt ao >'cftard Maad tm*api a t aiAUTT I «a>« iiiaaa>a«jr will 10 pjim> ba fwatantaod Tna cawpa»i daaa 1 jMmi aMialun 0>e»« MM Ili •> •*.<•'
    28 words
  • 12 21 MAOAM Kirn M TIC* MM aorta 1 MR P IAVOOR.
    12 words
  • 5 21 OHAtTMMM »rp»rl#O
    5 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 32 21 Classified, -Ads CATS, j (PICK OF THE VCUSSIFIEDS J oat Pal him .ut at •2» and V SOS lAM 4* MOWMMS »aamn »ar*M OrapatM Araal tat 1 Met MA MS kaapaa t>,
      32 words
    • 222 21 '•■(.mil SATWS AMB r. froM pnra» '<oadiS'por*»> -wturday and *OW AMI COMPIA.i T MWIM 4 eaivATf c( LLICTiOM 0* iAOCt NTiMOI A •OMCILAMM) ai Mi B«aii Tawa*> Ma S pora I a* Sal lat Ma* S Ira* May 'trt Halm* la tMpm -.OSIMO DOWN ff-ta warn cv Vkrw and ri
      222 words
    • 607 21 fiMjMtacU %mo*rm*mm ty •*»»T tMra^ffMS] mmMmbTT SSM •VMpty iU*i CkMMMMft ■r^bMrT Mmmb Mr MJMM* BM OokStn MM* MMOt SSCMSTAM* a Apr aetwoaM 2* M yaan f 1 r i^rwwr,y wiui i^pmim I O Onad knowkftSpr af MMrtMajtd and trpewriung X'««^ tt.raastt aaaiapta* La ■^•■'••••CbO T Ti^lST Ci.l reajuired by aapnn
      607 words
    • 681 21 T^* > Rjaad Appty anw> MpSmmMa* »ITt SmMMN^ typtat mtmiiiMi rtaaMU CM par. 1 tMMMMMM MMV MMMMMMBdI <MMMM> MBBSaakMbAak I Mi Mj^^MM HMMRT r^MMMJT V PMTtaMMtvIMpM ISia I '•^aWW*af PaY mmm* Pm*?Mm*Mmml #f a i BkaMßpar* CMMM wit* aaad mVW af roMtarta Mt rwaaPreaaaa* pvraor drt** anHMMMMk Ukrt and MMSfMy
      681 words
    • 545 21 i MMMM MMMMkATfJLV >\ AS TVC T*r4MMcMM raapueiaakt* Mr n» AM* M MMMMMk pr*> >n and kMßartkMkM ef worker* Salary an MMMM IM I •«p»'.»n<» Apply S T Baa CoaapMad Mattonai San in Paiul MtraMßary tl ar* NrtMti far Lhoar wtut OCI "aMd Oatt n drrems MtamMj* •bt* aMkd aaaaaaraa*
      545 words
    • 683 21 IMWJMtM MMMKMM CrtV «vmml DfffWOT ■mMmMm! fOt MBMMABMfprM I -Hiwtar mmmmMMMM As* m.m P****raMy MaaaM Maar GPrMard .-Mias en a mm pVmV fc»H M*M»Ti I' mmmmmWmmmbmm *v|r»|piMr«)r»t» fVafj 4Hb»«w 9tf a*>i*t JJj M«MMMM M mm- Otomp af Cbm«mmm t >ll*wiNf r«ajalre aaar w raad and wtm* lyatraMy fw and k»
      683 words
    • 529 21 1 mT*. *7tjt". tztJ^t!, 1 JM pr-'*-.-..', raaaj TMaa* kMaraakad aa*Mr*l with Tllataarapkj I rwamkMM ta> lIS IIMMSS3 M Tans Kaans Maad > par* a Masdamcas PTi lt* f aa.ia aj ji Mmm Maa* 2 M I fMkT »«p*ne»»re M IMnMIMII MM Ummmm AMJMf to MMM far rrMaty from kyrwat,
      529 words
    • 266 21 -o rajavst. ••I*. OMrMMJ Itaja iai i t>*»ari«r* Mndß* Maad MMM < OWItT MJM > *»'J>t C t t HOttOATt All 4 •4* 4 IAB I MONOBONC lINQIOI 1 BPMCMa j4»4N BMmVI tt WAttJ MONGBONa aANOBOB tt*ts» mm mu<** mtm v lOMI 1 tin HONCBONG BAMfI 808 MDX tU4*O MIKIt
      266 words
    • 119 21 7 tours tnnn $286 to $1,887 aaMTas Ph.. O*IMI ANO TOWMS ST 01 AM COMO TiONSO I f*N) LTO I— -Pinaaii t»...., cm.. ti'inaiai Maaa Tai MMr w»f ntKM mi v- M>M ut OtlLi 4 0A» TOoa |j], i,, t dartn ip»n. OtlWk SAMOBOB rniSMßMti t It OAT lOu> |M>
      119 words
    • 155 21 MM] 14^ Mn>«* *n«i». 1 I MMMkaya v MINI TOURS kMK A GROUP TRAVEL T-S MOMS ayf OS* KM* ajtaj *OMM "t^'aajM* «44j niataxt I KM MS« 'Mt tt MM t It PaJM) TO *OMM IM* LlMBBli TO MOW ra)M MMJ ~r Sun*"—.* CMMMI >>OM AMCAOI OMCHAMOMOAO OM SCM BAM.*
      155 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 67 22 •rd Maadarea atrran eONOwaca LUHC» PPMCI aooaj MITAUNA4TT -OuM ib .tei of Mariaßrnient tM» mi •«•**>• Maal'«O»a*'i rVKty •M >CMOOI **Bd| QI—dBMpMJMMB) s\eSdJQ#oPaß C#W*V9 T tan i I Tai IMIII BWttJ MA' tl HIMMCaI CLAIM! Ci— naming a* tBMBMMJ SMOaTNANO tei 10 MA >.»-• OttMiaC'A. INOAISM up m MONTH coumk]
      67 words
    • 271 22 n STAMP ONO CCtJTRI MBBMJtIMtMI '«;y"» aYCrajottad lor proaj**' < MdWSMrennl A 4 B dfXJ p»O*»**iOWgl i if tatr.jdongl »SOOtigilon S»«- •*M pa't^ <" 4 -'frtit>ol A OMJ C«M*M«*MWMaa }*<-m»^ »art 4MB ■MBtBRI MBM. ASSOCIATION OP CIPTIFHO ACCOUM'AMTt COST MAMAOtaiCMT ACCOUNTANT* •UTI- OF C«ABT|a*O HCHI'tl II t AOMINI* raAToat imitituti
      271 words
    • 526 22 it*m mm i SM*mm> inarm < CON4MISe>OaJO*)MCt/ NtPONT j i— Sarwtawaa Typt.t. IS It Ball Mp* 4 M 4M ajnatair. InatitaUCWt oa» Mere* StST SHIM CiMpln 3rd M m a*V/f/rcc^ aAOM} MNvwato coua*i OBMMBancaig iaa> Mat PNI ym TTtun (I M p i iiii—ai* im* May -7* SaaOky < t
      526 words
    • 788 22 >~ -4 I* 1* ai liiSm Marl*mmT% ranfr (VMmmhTm f*MjM m wm 9m m» amji tWCM MJUfJ .-jv-. aMP. i p~mp on ■BTWOa*«R.'"MBI I MeVol I*"" Hretwt* af CbMMtlMm MOMMMMS CIUMI av*t mat i« waaa MFlOailMm SatQNTMANO SOOa IMFM ACCOWMTMB. NMK*MI O» >/M k. >« COMMSP MPOtrr a ail
      788 words
    • 689 22 t^aaajtamt. tjtaaykag i* aTCMaV*BV*«aM*t IM RaVB aaaaMr clwwgaa Tal *MSM Cat R alaag lar asw PTat Laasaa 244 Saw »k« hVi Park CMM* Trt tIStSI SSfIM LtOLt3TS SMtMMS BCtMML,^ tMaal ilrngli SM Raajtoon Raad Spar** Tel SMMTI7 *jgt> ta* OBtvMeC MMM SM»INS NMTITwTfON Fun (luaranu* rawrw roiurr namlHreet BatgaporeaiTTn
      689 words
    • 848 22 MPS MM «SM aaMMB Tn> randNaan M Mt mgatii' a*» awaar MM Tat 2MMM nTTS BMaaa and Maaj*" CaMart Baaart AlaMCrvaa Tal MPS AaaNß I3MOT MM S*M*ay OX t»»t- <r* Maaata Ombm ObMObsbM MOI MPS natlM tpart <A» <-om< CortLanrer ISM «ir<andi AaatMlSM Marradaa Brat* 2* CMM) MPI Ford Cortina
      848 words
    • 351 22 MMI Oa ae)d Mreeedaa^Mli SmT3M arffef* aawr* *3a deaam MPT im MtHt a**ag van j mms HI VaWV aM^MMM (VjMMaRMM Omm* be .«el aa Mtyaay at aamg Pan MMMMIMj M JaMa^ M PT LUIUNT Tajta IMBaM FUMatlt CM*> i»u«C« ajm) rtaasaflraUaa P«aajMaaaaa MM > MMMM Piaaaa Nat MMI Hat tiUMMtt
      351 words
    • 210 22 Otajalaat* i Him in it.. x»d nr»w CAMMM *JMTt*jP*Malt m "v^ JMIMbJ MaTMOJaM] .maw-led K teeedMlt Te4 ITMM i i i i i i i i i aaed ur i Ciia—ni Trading Coatpany PW MAOOiI t MU PNJNCMM OF (AM Mood and aa MtrartMn"' impliyi nan~ *M> IF« 111 AM
      210 words
    • 138 22 apac* Cil*a*M SOW* MM* BV*^f^TßT7TTi^^ N*»» Paepia i Foa i CAt l -pray paMMMJ tat MMTAI MtnCl of n FiatT clasi itivci «ilaaf tl MFa»OiaATK>M »Ml« A.acONO<TiO*Maj Tiaeo M > taANOS OF J lit- .net ar i purteri a*>d «*porM** of airraa- «*ralan apar* PRAJM '■ANtPOMTATIOai raANIPOH" liavici ClNTuav FACaiat
      138 words
    • 58 22 CdMJMjtgj|» ajjMl' -••a. aass w««cd* «rt Mm* wi "MM MBMM MMM MMJMMI CO*>' MM I 'MM. aianaa OMaa II a»ia»» Maaa -ax O'l' MMM) V J Ml MXS> MM TtMNBiaM M LAST DAY CAMPAIGN a* SPOM < Hhh.oii MM Mt IT •>• aiaaa ■<«•"*»■•• ■mm ata* r»- a* FM.Lt OMaa
      58 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 89 23 M 0 and Ma -hit 1 to* novoiMOic times friday properties m) Immm I rORPfST CONTROI ft I I ABO ADVICt OR *l I I PCSTPROIIEatt R I I T|((PhOn( MsMS J. I NOMt AWAT MOOM fj Mt *q WCT i.-»f. 1100* »> M(l pßawo MM -1 MM I I
      89 words
    • 245 23 IHUU &X*! •:i A w> JmP™*> c aao i I PMOMOBNIO AiMCOMO MOOM ua* if lounge c 11/20 Ma goad 1 ia>kj 2SMOS OiOT 1 OIOMOOMIO DawaM-ttar*) o'*' 1* 1 1 OTOMgT Spot level jMMIOMfO DOUIII ITOMIV H I *ao iteletar Hi... 1 SM Ktrg.. H I. 4<> «t.|. II
      245 words
    • 533 23 m»omtio awtraa *R -r. ing Bat wUfcOMM I top MM* BMol twramad w«n •ngom Raad TM OaAfTI W C4MMOXI I aMatwss aM t2 000 ('ontart LM* a ti'».« T» I able •< Tabte model eaerra* m--4 refrMMrotac Ptvone o Pay* Leaar Road M 8042 Kong Him I Ca BMMMACMt ItTATg
      533 words
    • 756 23 ■MB. Mt MMaMMJMrT dtat 0 2 %m\m uafomMMtd UM Maau to mor,Oi Tal •smwaaiapaM, Orrward Rd A»all»to rarCALL O*MO*V WMBT RMMIMM PMK HOM Taman Mraa wsunouaty fwiiMßig tl M 0 Jam* Jmtan iafT Orrhara Raad 1 MM MiwMMy Taaajr •VJVM Wtrfo™ 4 vVoTRTVSimM. vl Wm OTH 9 AaV t AS
      756 words
    • 485 23 akstNam* PmffaToaffa* tafmtJ 41«aMJal aßoVwsTa^OTaVafJ ffAVafAS VeVA ftafl n tor ritpiium prtHt 11 naa MJT I^MMJMmmnoI Ml u*nru)f n^MTBowJ fmf> roA*vk*jMM| 9wMota) cw* (Vws* e*f Mejcfko* Te*r Bo^MrVPbVJ Obmb* tan 000*:: Saturday a m 2M OMpm .11 IMUCM lI9UII MTACMM lIMUOOI Md-MMa MfTAf t»MJ OA A*AMIMBMT| 0000 Mafl SeMVaWTodaSi. MSTMCTS
      485 words
    • 546 23 large J lull MHatOal Oawga dm IfOMoo batroa. koa«&« I hrti MHBMaaa UMgT mW rts#J( rWaWy rHN p *Vo*vM* M oV*l J mnM faa t nfiMMiOijr raaOjai cettvart earner alto BaraJtaoo I OaiMa rm aa ft Vacant aaaae. I Nan UM MOe n o TH MMO: kMONAM »aaa mall 1
      546 words
    • 743 23 m) *fO**O«Vdl ftaMMjmt MaMaßmMl )m» *a n mmm fm m» m 4. Cam+rt ngipfi 1 1 MMM C*4jM) f>*MJM^OdJ #d>M#*4> Jim"" a-». er»Motart r »«aaa Mr MM M 0 1 naiae I purchaam afa aasraHW PMaat tet C M MMt i 0 Ca Ha 1 •**TM MBT M BMMfT TMOAm
      743 words
    • 340 23 ao» el MJOta n --.-1 bedraaaa* ■araar Ta. MM) AN lAM|II_ MTI iMtci«tMM ojrni »r»ani t raam and irwhen 00% M— 11 M iiapt, M ifi at a■> M» »»aii tiaon to»'a* MAWTIPta. BOMMM »'0«. ■■■urn brntr iraaaaa wrtani t PraenaM atnd Araa aaaraaaNHMr rrtlo faraialm NOK *TgJ!L 11L |I
      340 words
    • 83 23 e»a» •Of 70« Mr« |m *awa»a»»»K «i o*J In* «>*edMa 4 MM* m a jcawfai t o-h»' ■e»*» t .r- o« P»- 14 noun v. II Laua.nga ond lAN AN RIAITY ITO I «***** I I KATONS UWMtoi, CENTK( -v. t J»HNS**' I I J MPJ, f^ T- »..l r"____L_3
      83 words
    • 37 23 aaavr a\ ox a pdMMJMJo MOO I aoON) *aeao»tO LnTWOTI I■a a m 4l •MIS Of»» CONTMMNTAt, MOM OMM M 0 Mpaarm Cao »>»'**••< MB) tn inn a inn mmtm MMMi MJ MAargo aaaaaO M> ovavaaoaa HM4I imV
      37 words

  • 4 24 MMM> tartiMMtit
    4 words
  • 94 24 S\r*>tU > tvtaJ tttAl Uadr foi the hr ,i <t lhi% > MJM MtMaaaj M*r»«urd ihr M-rlvrauarr fur I b currr^ (M-riud* uf UW a*»t Ihlrr Ibr MJ|MBMJ| >tlwf far Ik* Bra* ItirUi ■IMJi n 4*d pUMJ mil huii I l Trade ..uiilrif-
    94 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 234 24 times friday properties ■V? K X X mi OFFICE SPACE VACANT ■O4D 'i»alr» Oo» xiajm' v 'W aaaaoM) tar ol•aoa aaja m ii am I ~W •nmM ••—>• co» auk M 4/ lanaiaM it »a>rtc* I' M 0 MMJ (MM APOMOIMIATII' I M> A* aj MMMOIATf OCCUPATION BwllOMf C ar<O(i
      234 words
    • 151 24 i ••aci aiacoMdi »>O»I rro »fvo» vma'trpMH] iw-HiMntai AOviM ataxOMM) ••I O>«T Mini W. W»|l onnaolaaawia ■> Mn Ovafeard Ojaad CNTHV n» tfi"»ima (round ii:> laam 1 OfTlcrNiarr im Zaa- and Zrt floer m n I :nrl«M*» af Ta» ti4M> f4aot j»U i MiiMOaan omicii *o« »A 4.1 *dnui <Wir
      151 words
    • 143 24 049*c9 a#4cta vaaTapvuv porfty BMfMjMw rwapajoa oraa* in# mr ii jf ftaar i lit' I C MdanaaMi *»r» tf,jrT M 4 2IM naan Pliin ran un nm Itnrr.— l u|»t»i*l 'I' Ik "f fW r* Mr rental immmi naaiao <~i ioiM>al aircondltiomo: TH 2MMM nwci tract M* w Mufr« '.mplr*
      143 words
    • 195 24 IdMMpa pmi aawr at pmmt imm '■n» lt«a^ MM WMM cmttmj torraau ror MMvraaai MaartaMMtal Mar* IM It umt f»rp»m mta\"L KS Mi 4 H.r--*r, -noj aaaxdMr•»»aa T>aMßa fMa i aaao•ar aroa M> aa ft air flaar aroa 2 SM f p," |Hai M> Tan Haaa Lw Ttaataa O«« H
      195 words
    • 364 24 ljmmt iMawdVftv »ac toa>» acts t»MT» <MT<a»aaa. Tmt .low t«rt «mm 'tjm, laammjmmmtmmmmmm «M MtorvlOMßaan •*••> for xrtnroi aIMMMaa Ml Mtmom mr VACoMVT t^AtCfl AT TM Pf»lK«* fW ijCdaaM—M—fm C OVTffAAC VOal I fWNfti A#W 4 aVM M n MMMt dMMMMjfMH^f| nf ruwraMJ («M*ti Mr Ut M ■fMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^MMMMMMM^MMMMMMM. MOUK H.
      364 words
    • 330 24 ourr-fßfi fmpomum mP a«H ♦•or» tviait S -^a»ct «n MatwMiM. SUPERVISORS "'tS To we «MJ tEOUItfI»CNTS HM Mj M MUM addition j 49 Aac *"0 r r inouldfe**] S"9*oorf *>rport tWty-Fr«* fmoor Bci M> Payj irtiar »o« OH** SINGAPOffC 19 to tJ(» hs DrHHf 7th May IN THE HIGH
      330 words

  • 219 25 S-.PORE youth must break out of their apatr > and cultivate a political awareneat to ensure a baae for the future leadership of the Republic, a Nanyanf University S*-, Porm K.TT, I IMtaS Mi A ministration Mid that A A r.f* (3
    219 words
  • 107 25 r[E Port of Singapore Authority has begon reclamation work at the northern and eastern sectors of Pulau Rrani Spoil dumped at Brani Shoal is from dredging work now being carried out at Beting Kapal In according to a PSA statement. The dredging operation started on
    107 words
  • 243 25 'Think Asean' advice to students by MP TBm Aswan that Is 1 the advice the MP for Liv Pandan Dr Chiang Hal Ding gave young HUttat now conscsously resaisM osjmtves that we are also South-east Assans as the name of our association says." said Dr Chiang Speaking at the Bwktt
    243 words
  • 586 25  -  PHILIP LEE By PIVIL servants acting in higher grades are surprised, disappointed and hitler over the Government's recent mo\e to abolish acting allowances in the vi vice within the next one and a half \ v More than 30 of them from
    586 words
  • 176 25 ACCIDENT TAXIMAN ACCEPTS $6,250 DAMAGES A TAXI aVfrver y eater day BMipUa ea* -a* ewart settle Meat erfer NJM lav lajwrtes sultered Im an aeeswenl gga> and a-balf yean Awang ess) Alwt. «1. fractured has left kg aad scapwJa after beiag knocked aWww by a mm tsreyese ridden by Lee
    176 words
  • 24 25 THE ekauag date lor trt* photoaraphic cosapetltiun tm*l— illU Our Concern nraMiilsis by the Btneaarv JavcM* has ksaa esunded to May is
    24 words
  • 182 25 $18,000 claim against boatel company FNOOOL Boaui iPtet Ltd la being sued In the High Court for negligence and breach of duty by a firm called Chain»aw» Pie Ltd over damage to 1U motor cabin cruiser Chainaaws Pie Lid of Dhotoy Ghaut, v claiming $18 135 damages and coata from
    182 words
  • 29 25 kHB c4ac%Hl nwAtlVDl of Urn Arra aaaaj fail piw Otfcw t—rtiV MfkidJ L«dkßaaA TafmcJatad aOrPtia%tati aal (■■uMaiT' aarr»ur>' Toaaadra Hau (avctal aacraUfT) aa4 Ck*a4jrtka MaJ iibranao
    29 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    30 25 In ever loving memory of ANG Ut>< t aingapiiri on JOtn Agetl l« missea but nm*t forgotten by Ms Moth' Children BrotrteM Msten and other m I f
    30 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 147 25 SIEMENS b^bbT bbW SBBaaam C■ aaaaaaaV .^aaaBBBBB. .^BBaaaaV «ggf^*^^ggC lltW tf^gk 4 vva^eJnds -(mams worth $ISO/= with every purchase of f.«, SIEMENS ALPHA COLOUR 392 SSS? £=1 '■vrv- Mtot wt 'ouch bICm(AJ button, *,the«actrofor Cash or H P Easy Payment Terms me* pn-mnm% of proff smmt* 1 slide control for
      147 words
    • 730 25 LEMBAQA LETMIK FW9L NEQARA 7 •IAiItWA-tlAili** KUfftsHlt *>fffIAKAUMAN (ACCOUMTaNCV) but ktpada awreka jrangj UsfJi tfl daftarkan dengan salah sat j rmdan perakaunan dl United Kingdom Badan-badan tnl adalah Institute of Cost and Management Account < Associate of Certified AccounUr -ited Pvnuntut-pcnuntut yang stkarang sedang beiajar cara smdlrtan dan cara Lucrswpordence
      730 words
      430 words
    • 112 25 Ps&MSjvaasva »ru )t«»i.»t> fr 4* paaaahuoa stass of Mageri smi« ■ooag Hj»« I. .it* avMSSSas N«m i»n.r.» v aaaa sj Boad Jot .4 >*a» i c* j* b.-. <*■«.• Baa Km OMart PjMd Bissii »*r atf*M paaaad aX as»»» •naps ItNia Low ru agsss»T»Mi M\t BJsVV A YAA* >
      112 words

  • 92 26 WI women team to tour India PORT OP SPAIN Thuri Th* Ww Indtc* Woawnt Cricket PadtraUon ha* *cirp;«3 »i. inw.»l«.n to m.ia 4»-day tour of India in October and Novesaaw '^*W y«ar m (ucau of thf Asia Womdi Cricket Aanctatton tt »a« announced bar* yesterday Mrs Jtmn Carmino. aacretary of
    92 words
  • 70 26 MONTRCAL. Ttour* Th* Olympic OreanMaog ComuMU*M yQHaWVftJF lAMUMM «b>_» wgtloml ft*** 1 hockey to to* irri SuoamJ Otytaptc Oa»*i Tbe» art India. Pakistan. West Oemaajr. Aw tra**, Uta HeUwrtonda. ■pain Krw Zaatand. Malajrata. AiwsMlna. B**jiuav Krr>« anc BsBBBt. _^T»j* oramatwrt tatd that e*wa out. Obaaa wmtU
    70 words
  • 40 26 IOHOOm. Than BeauM* o» Busto* Unkw dv» micne* played hut night Akemitorr niw v*i* B»lh IT tMUr Maa*kty M Umiuhw it. i» Srtiil U. Panrys II lUdnHh 4. TkunM 1 Lyta** 31 WIMN T Liverpool sU-iar
    40 words
  • 425 26 BELGIANS CRASH 3-2 AFTER TAKING A TWO- GOAL LEAD LONDON. Thurt. Liverpool of Knlmd rallied after roncedinf two foab in the first 12 Bninutes to defeat PC Bruges of Belfium 3-2 in the first leg of the I'KFA (European Football In ion) C up final at
    425 words
  • 300 26 Young will rely on his left jab against 'The Master YEW YORK. Thurs. Muhammad Alt. a 11 master of the left Jab. defends his World heavyweight boxing title at Landover. Maryland tomorrow against a man who also considers himself a fine practitioner of that punch. Jimmy Young Young's skill as
    300 words
  • 177 26 Perak Turf Club to grow iruH. Thur% Tarf C*bw 1 wia ntewd Ma amrwt Mi: aaMHaai graaaWaad to as(Mra. «Md IU rkiuata. UaU lr*«l I hrmi Irr it •he rl«» aanwal aulm h«ir 1i» i wrw Mark W XaMaa 1 **a tk«Ui I li WI lad aad utojHr ktark i.
    177 words
  • 24 26 COramAOEM Then. 11}% Kaataaa of BjawAnte beat Sweden's Ijom Bofg 1-4. 7-4 4-7. 7-4 Ibj* a*hl for th* Ondu* Tennl* Cup Rruur
    24 words
  • 496 26 Singaporeans lead in three men's bowling events BANGKOK. Thurt Singapore ye»terday i*id a attack on (he open men* event* of the Tenpin Bowling championships and captured the lead in aingie*. doublet and mixed aou bles At the fourth day's play ot the seveir-day tournament concluded at the 64)
    Reuter  -  496 words
  • 59 26 TOKYO Thurr Tha Council o( thr Asian Table Trnnli Union iATTUi haa •orwad to hold in* Pourth Asian Tablr Tennto Chaxn■toctarnpa In Malaraa In Bwj Pra».«» JU..- kaa M aaency reported yesterday risrnis at a waating of th* ATTV held on Monday to Pyongyang. North Korea.
    59 words
  • 46 26 Dune** United a Misemlsa 0 Brutturi Bpnnc Cwa wmtiinnab AlrdrßMruan* 1 •wank 1 Ouaibarton I Bewtar »mOI n •MM »~i Brw I v vj ■Mas I mil.- <••»•*• KaMa O«rw— H MMa •ratal CkriM •«r.r« «I it .1 tm M n NM r MMM'ft I M
    46 words
  • 101 26 Koreans hold Israelis FL AVIV Th.: Soutli Korea had more «v but les» ara» ag-< in tht Olympic i ing soccer .-natch here The x% of little cniiM'i, ever, Israel alread> ■aawrad o. a place in tl.r I \:i., South Korean attack Bui Ifiice waa un* ji.d pmvrd the
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 39 26 tCHDOH. Thun AUn \*TinL**r s\n (i v r*A .j; a. ■■*i»WW in I»7J retain*! ta »1 1 fit ka> Ba^ami H. X: l. .1 m JSJ M at the Royal Albert Hall .'*r» L.M I .f R,
    39 words
  • 24 26 CARACAS TtMSTI A Etai Bsl B«M j I** i»ai.te* .t O.lumbU h»r» Ma; 23 fbrht arn-olir lUtiu. Cwaano said twtt t*»i*rca> rU.r-
    24 words
  • 430 26 KINGSTON (Jamai- ca), Thurs The Indian cricketers left here for home yesterday »t» New York and London at the end of their Caribbean tour without one of their col- leagues who U still in hospital. Burinder Amarnath ha* not recovered from an emergency appendicitis operation
    430 words
  • 382 26  - What About Me shows impressive form in workout EPSOM JEEP By PN \N«. Th«ra What About *ho w ed impreaaivc form tn a tn.i Rasmayajiß and here to»» Rlddtn t Abi.ut Me was pulling o»r K end > f fc»>m w A out in J»4 ree rear -old Abs- Me
    382 words
  • 122 26 Anglican High outplay RI to stay champs School, ably assisted by five Combined Schools players tamed the Na Schools (Post Secondary Boys) basketball championship stitutl dium yesterday, reports PKTKR Slim the Hoong June and made t v r ,ne tided g*me in entcan High led Jr. to finish. Highest The
    122 words
  • 23 26 MOBCOW Tbmt. S»*kM U.iu. j— >* ilqj 1 laaa- Uastr Safwawaa Iw «.i. TUttal li. CI— I*,**. Ukt Tm a*w* *a*ari arnat
    23 words
  • 50 26 Tough marks for Italian athletes San uwsft aaa f»*wi f» Ut* Manbwal Otaal •ta ■> fratmnj Mamwa aaaa^^aa* •^■aawai cvwax ptw BSBnv ta* araaeasM ar uw BBaal ■_f^ aßaaas at iaa r: BBM OkJI M tlua a*a*al *m u» laaa h» *Sw»<( iinata*. a* i*M Ta**e ZtmU IteaaJi A^' lit:-
    50 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 202 26 I am* fa* t*B*BW) 1 Is. I »w j Map of sr*« affected by Number Change CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS IN KIM TIAN AND TONG BAHRU ROADS I Some 500 tdaphoru tubtenben in the vicinity of Kirn Tien Road. I Pona Road and Tiooo Bahru Road (at shown in the
      202 words
    • 141 26 ItMlfH N(llH -<\ by the Pfatji Oepartment. Hingap supply Labels. i mm sise of •I and Parcel 43mm >r>el to •epart- ■<■ law '"> 12 noon) it scaf- and F ir»- '<« llair Timr II noon) ci Pat lacs, for t Mir \4 to al Supplies Department Das* a I
      141 words
    • 452 26 rrs will be received in the Ministry of Defence I <gistics Division). Tanglin .Singapore 10 for the undermentioned Items up to 11 00 a m on date thown against the items 1 s PED-o-jrrs Tender No Reference lIWM.S SP 2 76 T I -rig Date 28 5 7« 2 ALUMINIUM
      452 words

    • 367 27 FINA LIFTS BAN ON SWIMMERS SUSPENSION ON OFFICIALS STAYS piN thr world I 1 1 n r mine, ha* lifted peasion on all th«- in nk pore'g lean i < who competed in I ftj meet <\\i from Übj emr. twoyear bat. will stay susp* II And Basa officials learn
      367 words
    • 78 27  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By s i'ORE AAA officials will .rfred today to consider hosting neit year s Asian Track tiampionshlps i life president ice Singapore offl< a meet for Mr t'mrao I pore A»today •fs of rests. Mr Revenue and last Asian
      78 words
    • 10 27 -si Swsdsn 14 Id Mai b*J MM anMttsnal
      10 words
    • 293 27 Japan to decide today on Asian Games rKYO. Th«r»— Th* Japan Oljm p I c I ..mmitur (JOC) wUI mrrt tomorrow to oVnd> whrthrr Japan will ho.l thr 1971 Allan Gam««. On Tlm«4U7. the Asian Games Frdera lion l*(.r i Bad drcid rd to ask Japan to boat Ibr Games,
      293 words
    • 211 27 Pasir Panjang labour for 2-1 win UASIR Pan Jang were made to work for their 2-1 victory by an equally determined Raffles Institution side in a match to decide third fourth placlngs for the National PostSecondary Schools Football tournament .an Besar yesterday. Though Raffles could .uh the skills of ihe
      211 words
    • 715 27  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By LX did 13 s« the inury i-i»-ii i J iubf .i^ ihrn tfM r. thr 100 200 metr-» in 31 2 M r prtmaxy ump*t»d ■>!»• »tfaOOl> San 800 l one BBff Pane <CC> I Urn itae Chang PMe Km Tal
      715 words
    • 315 27  - S'pore to skip Manila and send big team to Malaysia ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE AAA has dtcided not to send a team to next week's Philippines Open Track and Field championships but will instead send a bigger contingent to the Malaysian Open at Alor Star from Aug. 3 to Aug
      315 words
    • 25 27 BANOKOK Thura. Xndla MfMtod Maiaywa »-0 to tha ltth Aasan Youth Poot In another Batch Iran a Nail* Smith Karaa l-s
      25 words
    • 198 27  - Two-game a year limit on communal clubs JOE DORAI By CINGAPORES three communal clubsMalays. Chinese and Indians— are limited to two friendly matches a year for gate collections This new ruling was enforced by PAS ywster day after ~-»—>>f*irwwith the Minister for So Slal Affairs trx-lk Oh man Wok In
      198 words
    • 32 27 LOKDON Thuri Ptwacn ally Ptyine Water woo Urn Enenah 1 000 (Mmm tor UuM-jraar-old Altta tmr itOOa at Itowmarkst today Konaia was area a, and Katar Qumci third of M
      32 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 200 27 HAHN LEE insists on a LUMBER JACK MATCH^gd^iTOlp^^ T/^ to ensure RICKARD^g&ikWr 90q 1 l*£%: '^lW^Z* TAOMATCM J* ;«"b»'tw»«Bui -v**'* BRUTAS bASJLVA A VS A No more promotions tilli 977 WOLF SUr»€» HAWK 1 w mmmm 2 oth*r EicMßßf Mwtcwgg Boo* to a*o«d d^ appoint J, ««> s THE BEST
      200 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 106 27 MXKt.% Aaa. TaBM Pa^i t Thailand rrtanaj In.^riial tkAM r ArMSd r-orees (Tancun »1» blB PaM Sinai ry •bm: CJC v Oayanc Saral JO pa Saaaaamry Saw Bartlry I Slglap IM pa 'Jalan Baaar) K^klliui OJr* PMa ry lal Hwa Chang Junior rnlaji v Kan i Chlau I M
      106 words

  • 121 28 Unions' freeze on fringe benefits i voiun thtir A spokesman for the Stnopore Indus>rgannation (SILOi and the Pioneer Indugtrles Employees Union (PIEU) nloru were Uklnf the step In response to the NTUC s call urgmx trade l not to seek unnecessary and costly benefits SOMMUMa. T SILOt div.-ional v -1
    121 words
  • 215 28 KUWAIT MAN'S 'I WAS ROUGHED UF RIDDLE POUCS are punled over ia report that the pnaHrnt of Kuwait s Olympic Committee was andl'd and >ed In Singapore" oy two met the It7g A police spokesman said yesterday that the police had received no report <>r the alleged ni, says Reuter
    215 words
  • 48 28 LONDON Thun Th« OIIBMI of SMasjlnc <ics> MMaroay launchad a voluntary antl- .'.I SBgf. hi I I MjSmj ■JM tf%"..<rld ICB •hart) miißMlili atup- due** the root to that Bf**M n, aj i:, ajajajj n London In Uaft. r... br ■ptaaMßM a***. ■< C«rr, H»uUr
    48 words
  • 167 28 Bank of England currency fraud probe LONDON. TkMsr. Ihr Ban a mt I eland Mghl MSMi ed M I* kavntisaUnf aJlegStMwia Iht* *Me h**m tavwrved ia Illegal f«rHgw e«rre*cy mmm Tfu f.H.a. J ■Wr Nrwl IVHVWrfI pr r^» repmrU thai mmbvt *f Ike rentrai amah seaa»r been aarty U krrukei
    167 words
  • 43 28 CLCVCLAND Thun The nnklnc UniWd Rubber ih ih» PiitMmm Tyrt Hat*- :dav to a -pu«* c*»r uapraaKxa c( (upiMlMa by tne MbSMCry Mr Jake Mllkrr head of ■tM nr •l«!ln« irmtr -■Id the union sceiMUt Plr*barramlac in tad AP
    AP  -  43 words
  • 49 28 SAIOON Thun The nlfhtly curfra M b«MaJ it: led in Saajoo tswlglil Is allow prople frarty I* «SSS> bnu tin am l«st»ary The curfew ana also br urud Inwifipa nlcht and 01 Labour Day. awdtm to a ecajwiuntqur by Urn etty i R**oibt<oi;ar> OoaußMM* ReuUr
    49 words
  • 33 28 LISBON Thura Ttaa lett-of-omu* Popular D—nurraU today agr—* to PMBSSB In Portugal* coaHUoc aomuant. dtftMtng a flam cruu ptcwlw* by a tnrl*Msi vuv to nil* alom aftar pea■Vamual rirctlons In June
    33 words
  • 30 28 MM* «l> TIM IMb Nf «M r>t. W >■■■« •m> Wi »< M»na« >aii< teaabut*. «im>nr rutoM ia m» I ihm lii»lm II M mmrm tor MM ftFllll IMMI W n«M
    30 words
  • 326 28 WASHINGTON. Thursday rpHE Senate Intel- ligence Committee yesterday accused US spy agencies of lawless and lmproper behaviour and of using tactics reminiscent of totalitarian reflmes. In a hard hitting document focussing on domestic Intelligence operations, the conminer said the agencies were guilty of
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 531 28 (jhuok rwn tw mm BWkM lr« IS aamtt ir*4ta« later w>M tr Urn im M Hitlx la* M»r IdWi a»M ai 1 r m tfe* n««— »l TUan iaa*a waa a» taaMtf -4aa49af B^* WtiX MaKAt «r» »i«air a» «r»«aa S »a«a« aflar a«M* a«aru a> i* aa
    531 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 55 28 r DIBBCT taflCi MEXICO !tfL-W TBIOLOSBH AMIGOS M ««»roi I M B Imperial, they entertain H am_—^aaaßßMaaWaal mpctial B«r rrom Bpm lam. H>»- sing A ini*h. V E^r3H V »nd Pop W" nge! No e*s* in har -rates' aahV aav-wj OBERCN i I/H Wk I HOTIL IJALANFUtfBA iM SMCkAPORE9 M
      55 words
    • 45 28 with, your needs in uietu neiu exclusive models We know your netds k You know our watches M aa> y-« Jf] ~^J JQ k aY*j& jß^^BawaP'aieM^aßTai *^^^a^_a-ifTS U\ I i wJ M wM ■BaaV^~**aMaW*2 MaL^i A A A E fi 1 B ■at Li,^M Cm^Eß^B
      45 words

    • 56 29 I. i slilatr MID tO Hi a p»tnunfni Btrkr far in Sasffapsrf's I hr luxiiiuir ha* had 4 thai fd u»l brgtnnini t>> o»er ■"■NP«n»f to progrmmmtr I >»■»■»■ 'lrm<tnd pr*ir*M*r up till i h u*»(ul in j.I h«.< Ih i» in noulu iIm aim to im>r«.
      56 words
    • 899 29  - Another milestone to Singapore as a financial centre N. G. KUTTY By TII K Finance Minister, Mr Hon M §m, will officially inaugurate the Institute of Hanking and Kin ■Ml at Interns* tional Plaza in \n«<>n Koad thin i. tally the will also rst annual Reneral m«-. Mnjj at 430
      899 words
    • 132 29 A MESSAGE FROM THE FINANCE MINISTER rl Saaatlal McUr «f Staafjaaatv tea w— w prapm •m Us* iMlfif TWtTkii to MKsasw* greater e**aa4*sJt7 ai feMwM Ikmmof personnel The eatAMs*2iasont of formal trataflagt facilities pmMtai r*f alar and ptmSm training atacraaaaiea Is ihma a l«#v*J Since Its inception 1 4 tr
      132 words
    • 207 29 Beginning of a new era MESSAGE from Mr Tan hooi Director of the Inatttat* of Banking And finance rB eetaMMMaent of tht Institute of Banking tad Ptauct by the Monetary Avthothe A•■o c I turn of Banks In WMlwn mtrU the ■HilinTiii nf a new e r* i the nekl
      207 words
    • 933 31  -  N. G. KUTTY By a centre for banking and finance |N I.KSS than 10 has tmtrgti v an important banking and finab r i a I •re. Many reasons can be attributed t s. but the u> the -.ment't b1 g ring the of the rein
      933 words
    • 126 33  - Two efficient men at the helm... N.G. KUTTY By Hanking and Kinance. formed in two very efl Men as Uie director and MM** dir:an Choc: :utes dlrector. started his profeitionaJ career as a school teacher after completing his Cambridge Bch o o 1 •* at the Anglo Chinese School He
      126 words
    • 115 33 Mr. Tan the Director Mr Tan than pwiwai a part-tune course at the University of Singapore and obtained Ms baichetor decree in accountancy. Born In Aug 25 IM4. Mr Tan baa extensive experience in the fields of education, finance ing held the position of Deputy Director of AD, before resigning
      115 words
    • 94 33 Mr. Wong on secondment Mr Wong completed his secondary and preunlverslty education at the Raffles Institution In IM6 He then Joined the University of Singapore, where he graduated with second class honours n bualness administration. Prior to Joining the banking sector, he worked In the oil Industry where he gained
      94 words
    • 432 34  -  N. G. KUTTY TO KEEP ABREAST WITH DEVELOPMENT S IN kecpinc abreast with Ute speedy development in the banking world, the Institute of Bankinf and Finance is runducting a series of connesA total of seren courses was conducted In November and December last year.
      432 words
    • 373 34 Overwhelming response to the logo competition I N ORDER to CSUbllsh an "appropriate corporate Identity" for the 1mUtutc, a loco competition was launched. Maatbert af Urn a«b■c were Inrlted to aabaaV their entrlaa. Thla trtxearad off a traanadtai Intoroat froo> paaala af all walk* of Ufa. Said a ■an lor
      373 words
  • 23 29 Davtd Vw» Michael Wong Tony Tan 0.0. J*n— Prof Lee too Ann A.M. P«r» Sis Vong Or. Lswrenc* Wong
    23 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 188 29 Congratulations Best Wishes to THE INSTITUTE OF BANKING AND FINANCE on the occasion of their Inauguration by the Honourable Mr. HON SUI SEN, Minister for Finance from THE FINANCE HOUSE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE MEMBERS: Asia Building Society Ltd. Wand Finance Ltd. Sing apore-MaUy.i. Finance Ltd. Asia MTU Finance Ltd. Aik
      188 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 524 30 American Express International Banking Corporation a wholly owned subsidiary of American Express Company American Express International Banking Cor- them will be pleased to fit their particular capa- Singapore. Taipei. Tokyo. Venice. Vienna, poration provides businesses, financial institu- bilities to your financing needs. Zurich. tions, governments and individuals with a wide
      524 words
    • 24 30 TheßankcfEastAsia extfindtter best, wishes andocngratolatette Institute cf Banking and Finaroe oithdr cffidalq^enrng. THE HANK ()r r \s| \Sl\l II). Personal at 1 1**" 00
      24 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 83 31 Congratulations and Best wishes to Tie Intitite if LUikiig aid Fiiaioe on your official opening from O FOUR SEAS m^ COMMUNICATIONS BANK LTD ngoport I SWKk -i'K)g« Rood. S -^<*>ck» I >«com« OrcNvd l*Ct>ongt ngoport 9 T 37P O.»r»— Iwnrtw Hongkong One of ft Kiftti rutas< In «U i
      83 words
    • 561 31 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to TIE INSTITUTE OF BANKING FINANCE on the occasion of their inauguration by the honourable MR. HON SI I SEN Minister for Finance from SMCAPME -MALAYSIA FINANCE LTD A Wholly Owned Subsidiary or Bank of Singapore Ltd 34. Market Street. Singapore 1 Tel *****2 it *****
      561 words
    • 42 31 COS'GRATLTATIONS BESTWI v THE INSTITUTE OF BANKING FINANCE on the occasion of their inauguration by the honourable MR. HON SI I SEN Minister for Finance BANK Of SINGAPORE LTD i tficocpuf ftl#4 vi Stngsstpor* i M Marks* mrmi. Bsipiii T« .«D him,
      42 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 228 32 OCBC |||a CENTRE I New Head Office Building of OCBC pBJBJBfI !^1 JL •52 »tor»v» (and 1 98 m hia^ maMng it the taftaM aiructura now being butt In South East Aaia S^iwoi On tna atwngjtti and aopnaMioaDon of tna LBBBMBBnai \mym tocal bank with wortd w*da ankap— and Lmbhbjbmbh
      228 words
      273 words
    • 226 32 Congratulations 1 Best Wishes I .v The Institute of Banking I Finance I on the occasion of m their inauguration by the Honourable Mr. Hon Sui Sen Minister for Finance S d TAT LEE BANK LTD. J TAT LEE FINANCE LTD. Bank with [hase and give yourself the Chase advantages.
      226 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 208 33 bbbw. Awl r -^al XT MN. TAN at wa#« Th# Baost of C#ntoo.Lin*Jwaal Security Pacific National Bank O«er 100 ye*n of benkingm US A I \^W and around th« *tor\<\ Hbbb laswSaW 9^ Over 160 years of banking experience you can bank on combined suets exceeding US $15tbillion. our combined
      208 words
    • 427 33 J .*^T I^^^ WBb a Ibbb M \W^ bbbbW T^>*^l >■ -^^C^W ijij> |i Ii '9mMmrv Ik. wKKwrn' A H «>/<KMvr W A t lorn* m k»lp you t n i *->«*» iktdfremM awnrii •f—*y tmrmnt A big idea isn't enough. A business needs Wiyfoong MAF. Wayfoong MAF can help
      427 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 287 34 CONGRA TULA TIONS and BEST WISHES to THE INSTITUTE OF BANKING FINANCE on the occasion of their inauguration by the honourable MR. HON SUI SEN Minister for Finance from Q BANKERS TRUST COMPANY Singapore Branch: 506-508 OCEAN BUILDING, IXYERQUAY, Singapore 1 Tel: *****1 FOR PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT OF SHORT TERM FUNDS
      287 words
    • 249 34 Banking services? ACBC makes it easy. ACBC has the resources, the ;>ertise and the experience And it all adds up to ma* «ng bank ing easy for you On a complete range of banking services Fioth domestic and international 1 You'll find our people talk to You II like the
      249 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 35 TW sase Mr. r«e« Kaa P«« I You left i»j to m«rn» But the memortm stapas*" Dearly missed and fondly remembered by two wives. daughur a *on-in-la* 3 grandsons, grand -da ughur and 2 grand -dsughUM in taw
    40 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 35 To the memory of my deortv loved husband. *N) trogicolly k>t* h* lit* through negligence one yeor ogo Never tor on* moment or* you out of my the jgntt ond times does not lessen the k>ne»tne»» MABS BROWNE
    40 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 328 35 WANTED GENERAL AGENT ge Presttgeous Community elopment Company baaed in Lot rrvH seeking a FIRM with the knowhow and financially able to organize and rate a successful sales orgaffpr THr HNr N( r \M) land development product is located in \Kh I MfOE AREA be he activity and being generated
      328 words
    • 552 35 An international Snipping and Trßaaßf Company utvites applications for tne posts of SALES EXECUTIVES for the following divisiom 1 Commodities 2 Timber 3 Chemical 4 Tertiie 5 Steel b General Merchandise 7 Frown Food Applicants must have considerable c* penence in the relative trade and with proven sales ability Attractive
      552 words
    • 948 35 World s Market LoaOe^ *n Bal A «o*m Beanrgs I■ m U> Ui We *nl shortty equsp our Ssrtgapore R#giofasl 1 M Office with an IBM System 3 Computer and pJ^L consequently requre a U3 SYSTEITIS 1 I «wcsr H The auccesstui appacant w* head the EDP j section and
      948 words
    • 143 35 IVW> tOVBHBA0» ITT) wi/tiii a kipkot onrm tlleT OsWHaaalal Aft (GftP :«5i UM.I Ust Pasal Oenerai MeetSJtg of leiilw i of UM i tbmfntiMd Coospany will I bebeMal tne oTnee of v i •*ng Tvmg a^O» 1«J CMMNi OOBjrt 9Mb^|AßbW on moay «Ui June ir*l at of »n BBS un:
      143 words
    • 610 35 iifraco I IMTRACO LIMITED Not<e hereav f/««n >N)« tt«e Ve»en»» pan» w.m be hela *s >i|iii sa O- industrial A Ca»~««raal fay* f L No 1 Sher«on W« S t Q>o I }>« aZ i«76 «j> 1200pm to »awsaci i*ie «aaa» iej bus nesi I Te recede and consider f*«e
      610 words

      • 27 36 ■Ml TOTf I «i iv*a MM I Tlal in v'• *MH| MM Mar Darfrr MM ft Tui II M Ui C II M 9+l+ II M
        27 words
      • 17 36 li i mm*, mm Ira I M 4 M 01 ♦•IS n n n M n
        17 words
      • 14 36 rmm thiili IIMM Tatal T» tSI Tatal Itlo I" U M
        14 words
      • 59 36 HT latfrt tttM :v»4: la*B«rtefc 1M 71 «M M Pkaaw m M <X M ■Hffc MM PupntlM l«t I* Milt TIM 91M Nil StSM HVII '.< ti. t*«jr tMit t IU ta*.: M«J» »44J» i.a I 1»J IW Dm. M. MM im Dm. 11. IMI IM l>w. M.
        59 words
    • 1034 36 r traaaar»' -^mOy 1 Mir al ta* cum or Mat- f Btenapoi* Miaaiway aatn th* prvn. rtr*a together ikjh and r«Ad)walad f« lanir CLH'MC TiVMg lUr-ty mm*s TuanoviN omrui i^m t*» H. a1 < ts*«a. I •."•»<•' snitl »M NMT.m iMMmk aafvßß4«*S far 7?S *M Saaaaa trttvtm Mil
      1,034 words
    • 387 36 I |a oral tered tradaag of Stags pin iMiaraay \otaw* was m iat I |tt aide Aa atUM-i at rally dating tke saanalai fiaai arißers easaiai ««aik*»a M>> 1 a WS HI ■■■MVfa\ I I VI II taking waa *aid to ke tke 111 ska in at
      387 words
    • 309 36 Mixed finish in KL market TW* Kuala !■■»■> 1 Slock Kichant* I s m\wl m M y^'t^rdaiy f. h -p^rit- r* adoptlnc a attitude Trading wa 1 fa'rty active bat buyer* ar* nu; wßlttSßj far a wad CMTTfn say the mar- ket la d >r^ndln« oa ovar- teas centres to
      309 words
    • 1117 36 I 1 li*t*d and Iw in mi imi t» Urn Baal Mn *r ..\>*' lanrday with tn* bum Mr traded aitowß la tBl 1 OCV UXiIU nlMt otJwrwtM M» Ail ..•-re a(t*r It* word at H« Board .ti o( 5 000 uaiui r* miotad after Urn? lettar*
      1,117 words
    • 88 36 7*ME Materataa MaMstar W M flaaarr aaa (lx«« ta«ar aatlra fro. April rt aaul lartarr amx. Baaaar M. cat a ft (•pra MM a tea ralM kriarl IIUZI a aaa. Tar rates at dalsra payaakr ar* Bakkrr tS Ha. a B> •arraari* eta. H> iTatel 11 cla- a
      88 words
    • 50 36 UNITED O»erteaa Land s recent rtghta Issue of 30.*****3 new ordinary shares at tl 90 per share waa only 83 3 per cent subscribed The balance of 19» per cent, representing SJMOTT new ordinary shares valued at $7 183 IM wtll be taken up by th* underwriters
      50 words
    • 717 36 - »:n mi r.- pr:r.. rr. and hiirtnMl r Kuala i firrtaa* traotd anoon In IM X.L SMMUM7 :«a«. aaiara MM I i 4 I l«k.a»r i>«fr i- I Fads •M atar* j l*b H. 4 I r «aak» M*l I sra t«*»4 h.i. i ~n u-n- a.kt
      717 words
    • 148 36 SEA View Hotel has sunk deeper into the red with accumulated loura now exoMMUnc M per cent of IU paid-up cmpltal of $14 4 million In the six months to SSa^SSe^d ST-uoS IJ2P ulll umsm SatttelTL touTtolii u,dautorM»lll»on Aa »uch aharctooMan will find Uttle
      148 words
      • 86 36 S TP«yT t>«>> jaM**Md Ira May. aftaaaßß prtaM raat avwardi lh» rlaa* aAar h—iia> aarly traduw taUT *j -*£OH! m m ■Mail RUM M BMB* M —f. "aMMaaaa cmbM btm •at r«a* WaMMkd frU to ANN tMMaa aMi mnt- aa mm pm^M Maa«« «aaa. Am CM i««turn i~4 ATM
        86 words
      • 10 36 411 »«raM, in Japan werr rlaarw yrvtrrdav 'Z^T-a-T
        10 words
      • 54 36 ■yjWUaWJMB. Ta»r' '»a»* M«Ma> •tM^ «na ift» nt» aa ■aaaal aaaaU^MWaal ha;laaa« ■■■>* jTtnaf^r laMMaMBal ft MtUt *^_^*^^Maatat fftlTf? if mwM Tlfcf ataffalß laaaaaaaa«l al iMft UkaVf Haaa> lltfhi-aaa a aWaaT aaaaVAWaiaVPv ■a n aVß ■aaflftaft MaV^aTt tllJttLL T VtUrh PHHM tV) CftaMMt tto -_|Mir To fnw— aa ttM
        54 words
      • 130 36 Hi-tar* in th, Mn,i h*:r. a*.* MM 188 S7 j 8»ar»- UM w»w Ivtci tatk><Jt4j a day at mm to BsUm* Mm» *m"oW ii in Mai .7? it* la M aMk Tan l-w*r aaraH SMMBB. waa rrflari »M i»-m .ru rM half. h-xw of 'i«dtn« At IM aoMr
        130 words
      • 23 36 WMjß*a*»» •SB TMaaw I nnil« w»a»i*s* mm v Mo MU M* M hs. B*adM*aay Ttoaaa« Mmbi mi T\«mm» «M n A-,. Mi
        23 words
      • 3 36 «N»
        3 words
      • 7 37 -M W»d "i talnad ji.j»»» to
        7 words
      • 74 37 f Km ■li MM a aw IHJ* W ■*<*> m OB »1 •-4 1* ill <k m. IMM .111 I*l M I M NiiaMk s«i m Mm He 1.0 IU» M ■■r»«»i) I W.. M«» 10« M wm«l. ■•<• r»kr T» w m* O*MB MM ••■Mir MT I
        74 words
      • 185 36 tHI CtrrnNa un prta* «Jn1 ad II to Htm par parul Pananc yMMrday aa an ofTklal onmnc down 1» tcna to SM Ma IW OUraPI MMTaffafMl aafMwTBM* Mr*. th*-'w alaaMi _M. forward buyara fauna O3 la It*M wr BWtric toe LONDOK Tto Icat U par tana* for Caah
        185 words
      • 32 36 RwaWr April MMfaperr Way II? tt rta idwwn ttJ rtal M.UyUa May Hatt eta la»»a .f. •>• (111 n-m 9 tm* >1 OffKUl •ffrrlnc tt> Mtw down 129 t^M) I I
        32 words
      • 70 36 V.a!J«-/ -i lJiniV..;""" V.UT Sa a.» w H mm M a^>. im iiaw i« omm. m m^m i^^^^^ai &ar& «%m« T^^^^^Sm am a>f«*aa f• a t ni ia:, mmtm atnxa taw* f»» aa« nlw "MjafJJ "UJ H%*a 4fTA f• t IJ»>-. NLW ajaa mv««« tmlfm tf.M»k. na n— *p
        70 words
      • 13 36 l»a«. '^1" arw«B w«i ~J"JT~*<2J? TfcFWl Hs<t,k Mr(r B i«.«a» laaam
        13 words
      • 507 36 X« ■bigapera njaorr aw--1 ct yaanrday Mo««d •Mm narrow Uauu in th* j Trad** waa iMUMd and claannc of May poalI Umm comMh to far aoanr ■HMttian. U>ar« waa no partirulai fratur* The mamlng aiaatoo ctaaad I 1 Th* martet aTMi mjmt la tto* afwraaaa on kwg iKJuidati.K-.
        507 words
      • 96 36 QA!LY MR «nd BUM SMI M HIM Mltott asR m u um. p*im> mriih •MR >CV <1 ton pUM) SMR »L <t *on p*lM> SMR i II i r. pallM> t>UH It <1 loci paUtti MM M '1 tor. pdMi SMR M (1 K« p*Utt> pncw »Md
        96 words
      • 108 36 •OTH Cursfw and U» Cl •aw nMAaf %aaH na pvteaa Aawa> OS \na* aaa a Ml <May> aaaaafVaaat bmmmb kaaaal aaat laaaaaaaVal tar May, Jaw aad July at latnt MVat toKhIHJH iMMkata Of MMHAkhf OtaV fSff afiaVM AlajHaVl SMpPMatl Quo4attOM«i km OS ««Mi «J|llHl<alll .BhWI lUUO AprU II
        108 words
    • 156 36 Til OS dollar <*md B*war fr«B iv arvnout tor* at BJ47M '0 •<!•«. t I r»i mart* ir. •.rra.y infhMTttvd by U» fail II f. .c. j ..ooMBi, Th. atari* Ma itMM lhrr. u€ r>.,u' aid th* BkM cbad k»»r at U «TM atsran* t*> torn mnttf..»
      156 words
    • 54 36 s itM at Joo pa «<h4«4 >imr<.i traas 18 do..«i 4 «»c MM I MM I I «1M iMM IMM tMM IK B. MM Duiufc kroner MMM I 4*r IMM I MMM nwt MMM tmm r. k* hi •MB M»M» I M 1«M inn »-e».^ NZ 10M»
      54 words
    • 136 36 A HAM cMTrtncj dspaat tatartans riui at al clM* Ml Thursda> Apri: 1* Ttmm rau* bmi tx»m mmm mm UM b, t<. v W Itxj „li.: T <ter« 111* 111* l Bih l i 1 a bum mi v i mi mi mum t bum mi
      136 words
    • 13 36 Hi fo/ A*K> •M Ommtm I BUI J [I r ■wyiwi
      13 words
    • 7 36 Star T I I* 111*
      7 words
    • 9 36 Minimum lending rates (in »y»» a— at *<•« Sana <-• \m
      9 words
    • 220 37 KL Kepong in takeover deal? ik' in firm KuaJ' Ke[MMif I are it K resmi basu urtved at and the ilaatt backing and earnhas I mrr.^r t:i.« ;he Ceonom^t pose j 1 c k market k so stnea li.r# J gal I•' Tr shares have •o far KLX Ims spent
      220 words
    • 84 37 c rna--1 T to a 4 and ir-neral -ti^clallaeti U552.400 rulllloi. 7he Justice Department s anti-truM suit against IBM is moving ahead ltj said he expecU 1 to become singly tough this year and mentioned Japan as DM countr> whert IBM foresees serious rompetlU »as Japan
      84 words
    • 143 37 I it id of 90 •on aa pi* "lOtt favourable." It adds The company also revrais in the letter that :t suffered an unaudited i loss of MSI li lit year compared with a loss of t328.M4 In 1974. This brings accumulated losses to
      143 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    23 37 Sadly missed and tlnill re i— >bsi«d bjr loving wife. I Otna. daughter Jaiuca and I- J,. Dapamd »4 T$
    23 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 911 37 Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th« FIFTEENTH f^* J ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF BOUSTEAD L HOLDINGS BERHAOwsUba ha4d at No 14. Jaian 223 S«ct.on 20A. Pet»hog Ja>a on Tuesday. Ist J Jun«. 1976. at 12 00 noon for trte purpose of trans B^^ acting the
      911 words
    • 355 37 VHII I MTATI M M I BAN HI.ANtHE alt* k HI \N< HI \l »i> SPKI I \n HI KNt II ki m m v< i t \n MM) KNOW s %l BLANt HE KIRWAN Pursuant to section 33 of the Trustees Act 1967 i Chapter 40) all persons interested
      355 words
    • 360 37 K^^3BS!igJPB W H I onofirv I I MKls on the I B^^^k* I I LsL V BW I I IbW .^assfl I I I \\f HISIS or I L^EstF I I w k I »h.» were dtsappoirr sth Moor SISIR Singapore 6 I WWAH OVEUBAS BANK i I NOS. 1
      360 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 202 38 A MINISTRY feKg OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDCR NOTICI BOHMIHTAL MIALTM DIVISION SCWEKA6I DEPARTMENT 'i Moad Sub- Area Contract Suppi» ant An> Stage ConS«b -Contract Uf m/2f to Swtcnarar and Cab rhs MoAMAated Sub-Co«t" -1 S ,<3<f Screw Pumps s o'j and Instaliarply and hs" Aerators an iu.p- HDI? SHOPS TO
      202 words
    • 651 38 #PWD TINDCR NOTICE Te«oer* ar» »«j frtjrw P*D Reaisterea Cctratton •"< *r*a» or**' <xi '*t>t CaMractan for t*t tONO«fMO ww ww unravn *w OTanron w«y fro** Mo.woM ImiH Amm« Rood mm 4 w~nij{ rina| "O RlWiifly J"vv" •oaoH »ao»a \2\Q 000 4 OotMf Date |f -t at 1 0 »0
      651 words
    • 769 38 ffiiim? Separate landers are invited for any one or all of the following- 111 (ONSTIII r KKTHWOKk> ai Prr«-i»ri B Nr^ttswurliuod IV M. Kw Nr. To*m. t2> < i N-IHI i HUN Or \KP\KKs <>l I IM I>K\l\S mm! tu ■< I oailrarl 111 W aiMl V <>r\laa« Eaat r^latr
      769 words
    • 595 38 MINISTIY Of EDUCATION SINGAPOtE MATrOMAL LAMCUAM PVtUC IXAMIMATtOMS aocust sirrtMicß Sop*or««or Sot«noi Long iQoa »üb« O«t^«pubK Cond^o>*m t<>on»or*>d by t» P^ *<• Commm ton w*H r«^*«r m txeor^one* Pr „oro condido»a» »r«ouW roa»»ar p«iiowa*V **«a Eaorrwnot^orn Soct>on Mm*rr* o* iouCOhon. »O»»00r 3 »c 2 I Mov 1 976 <a>ckj*na Wun»ar«.
      595 words
    • 229 38 •1 J •ay imt X— Oi _J AUSTRALIA SUIVICB aawsa*. Itaj mm m Mo* Xi MYTH AFMICA SERVICS Mi CAST- losj i rtvu .i a* oaioc> »oo- it»4ii poo wjQtAaoj nanjM im it OJBJBJ MS ■j-a-M tj^BMsja* t. |BMMa|U( »'l .sMatffaTal ijijiu f mm mm* «n sm t i m
      229 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 406 39 .iß^a^^Al^l-MiTlj mmmmmw MJBtBJf tl M TJBJMjjBT .m n bjM la Im m I *t" I i mmrt Bsbjm »m mm *j ajt a >. BjßßMMjbj i. I IBtIMIH ■y a T«>"BjriTtT |WJ ?TWt7BTri^T^!MW!j^ MM *U ta B*aßß.i t-mp *r~— £r^.^ '-isr-j-M?- Bw m mmm ItBBtBMa! M IBM IBM i
      406 words
    • 927 39 Ben Ocean at casraMß* mb) Mia l**a •4. aaj aaasßj MB MJB IMBMM **M* I I«M MM IMB IM, *<a> pat Si«UM I I aa, BM My MB) Ma IMB in* rmr*. W IfUM >» IIM lIM «B»M MBM< ■vbmjm) a a aat ar mm "m ''-a r*» I MMM
      927 words
    • 896 39 |^M/^|| T^^^MMB •I IMMM MBJB r»a«« mmft aaaaaaaM BMta M* ft M M aaat M aaat M IBM t «aa MBM Bi IMM IMM SMM MMM IMB IMBMMM •HM .MIIO.KIJM ajtBITM SM* MBM) MM t»a» M-B* M'IM« a* I Mm I bb IMa I bb M Mb a a*. MMM
      896 words
    • 638 39 I Bbmbb^^ mm} I f Mmbbb BM M *ULLT COMTAINfIIZIO SfIVICI 1 Ml MM bm I Ma*«Jß aJMsaj ■"*J»— ll' **—> C ■"■l mm-*jj imT"^ Mmm MMm fV wT CONTAINIIIIIO MlVtCt HOM IUIO»I Ml MU* *M»Ma MBBMMf I I >!.•** a a^a^b^ra B^mhm B^aaa'^Map Ml BJBJ mm B MM IMMB4.
      638 words
    • 348 39 TffE ■4NR i TB. MMI Ml Mm\ KUWAIT SHI-Pmc CO. l» A k *Mja- IM HbHmjMbbl LTKES OaiEJTT |JWB BbMMJ MMB Mt 1 MJM tsMjl'Mji B.M aSa*IMJ tMM fM MbMM MM* IMM MMMM *MM tm- mmm aMBMBM I IBMJ BMHBI MM MB BJ *M*M **l IMBt MMBaM) MB *M*JBi MB
      348 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 455 40 P^Tl_. MWwW KJBCN B I MM* LID i Hi t CVRfaTATMB flBaV Tb Ibmm) (▼ta Msaa| »-i rwn fu tmm mmbm na m OTMaaiMMi m im aai ■raja mmiii mb i an a a Iraa la»i|i l»la IMU jri omm M miMMK n«- ■DTTMMMJUIi MMMB IM MM «B xSJuiaui sm
      455 words
    • 657 40 l MMmL J I LINE MH iOUE.r.,UHT LAkfs SfIVKE IMMMJ Mr M *M BMJ MJHMBJ. MJMBMJ MJMM MLIHHNh/rUlfl( MITJ WEST SUVKI *MM **>MM I. L»~. M "ISSUES. 'I1M» ««TBm "MM I MIT MJM MJ tj l| «aj^^l« aMB nMM g m— .mwTTmmT 7 r ".'♦Tr s* < jM> \rsTiAUA""s£i>ifr imm
      657 words
    • 872 40 Ma^^jiiTiiiT^^^i^*!? —UT MMMMMM aMwai Bj) mjm. «m W •MM MMM IW I MM I.'Ji'LWIUIJIf 'IW-Bt" >l MPtMi IBfMU »miT cmjmmmm aa w mi mm Mji^a Imm *aMBJ >■■■■! 1 Mm Baa taMJ IXMUIIM •fill M 'MX HI M«i IM> Ml Bl IMM U I MM <■ MF. 'B INH ll—
      872 words
    • 584 40 ■BBS IMCi n .MBM UMBMH—iiibi Mjn MJM MMM *b"m. .""'ml /im MM* MM IM MJJ Mj MMMJ MM* MMJ HIM VIM •MM MIM I (MM a«MM MM mm n bbj n«MMnaaMMiiM i i mjmjm* najM i m Mm mm^m m^mrn *»m vißfaaßi ari I W«_« «m mm apm ■>. mim
      584 words
    • 368 40 VJ^ WORWEGmmI Mmml LINE Kjtl MMJMI I(■ MMMM M| "J Ib^T*WIM .itjcl i \rahian Shipping .nd Iransporlatum ompjin I rd. Far Fast Middle Kasi I me MMM HM|| MMM. MB* Mm MMMMMB Mm,,. *«MMJMMJ "MMMI VMM MJMMMJ MMmmTimT,, MMMJMMJ Im. ■*> NMMJM Mi Agents Interocean-E AC Agencies Pte. Ltd Singapore.
      368 words