The Straits Times, 21 April 1976

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times K-td. 1 1 UN AX EDITION WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21. 1976 25 "I. NTS M< 76
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  • 364 1 Guerillas cut off vital Rhodesia- South Africa links SALISBURY. Tuesday WHITE RULED Rhodesia today faced a new threat to its economic survival after a rwm black nationalist guerilla strike temporarily closed its vital road mt\4 rail links with South Africa. i stimaled l>> seen i number shout
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • 58 1 JAKARTA Tuoj Th» prssUinc ot thr Australian CXMincU of Traot ft.. Mi ■traaa the untooa oewanuoa to In*on«ata« mt«n«ntlon In Portyguaot Timor thn he arnvaa hrrr tomorrow Mr Haskr vho la also pro>.drot of the Australian La- ill hold talks the Tuner u»ue an 4
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  • 57 1 K Tues. •i people were !n--la a 64 -car pileup in thick Prlnrf'. Highway near .1 about 150 km east uf Melbourne today 1 1 hw a y was In chaoi r r nearly three hours as police, tow truck operators and battled to he scene
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  • 197 1 HONGKONG. Taea. A Malaysian can- 9 BOffS*? Bmta)Of| O4FT^ has eae>d with her murder aad the Ar trntion of the ba» •and by the police far aaesUealng la connection wrth the kill r*lU* detained Urn Tit Sang. 14. mirtut** after finding the
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  • 44 1 NEW YORK Tues Dow Jonoi •*ora#M. OMOd an firot hear of trading oa the Msw York Stock gachanfr M mau. W4I) up «n M U»n»p aatol up lt» It mv» ri «s jp M m si wras SM IT up IM- UPI
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 225 1 'U.S. ECONOMY WILL GROW FASTER' WASHINGTON. Tu«s rE US economy Is virtually certain to grow faster than the Ford Administration has forecast, a top government economist says Mr Maynard Conv.ez acting chief Commerce Department made the prediction after s Grow National Product report yesterday showed that the volume of the
    AP  -  225 words
  • 90 1 MOSCOW TUM A I Sonet farmworker who rammed his local i liquor store with a trac- tor because he was refused vodka has been ailed for f< ur year*, livestla reported today The farmworker B ■"■■slain from th* KUmei area of Central Rm- i ua nrttbunddnnkMIt Into
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  • 24 1 MANILA TM« PiTO) rogod through two aidriy panted psru ur lh< SBMja tbt pact M hour* Uoytng doarß. ot hcoM» and ESS
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  • 275 1 Hua: No change in foreign policy HONGKONG Tunis* (MIIWs I'iiii struggle" 1 1 1 t al*o said there would I in China s foreign policy as campaign <ua was named ■ucceaaor to Uu Premier Chou In in the »ame time M was ttrtppcd of hu poaU as vice-chairman of the
    UPI  -  275 words
  • 99 1 Arab youths stone troops JCMUSALLM I ARAB youths ttoncd troops a' protest b day na rrnrwec: The military r irmini njt vtostnt 11. Sarod in Harm »nd MSS*M BfJSN ■1 b, terday The -isahm followed a two-da thousand* tu'red r i't*"<h/ r r M-' M ill Ba>t ARM IneMe the
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  • 17 1 BAN<, t«»MI s feM* and t*—4 i» Ai bjtghwat i miw« hSn i mmi
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  • 51 1 LATEST Fretilin hat no backing: KL the uvaj t#4*VF (hat lane? nf^BmnnnC Party did t 1 1 a> u r an the p«««ia*Mtai i meal rOabnihed by a gro*# of ll.d XI'MB Mt ajß SmgC •a the e*msati oBSMed deaaU the Tumt |StKli> .a Ww»f« sia c c ntat Tnnr»day
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 394 2 But Japan heads for slowdown WASHINGTON. Tuedsay THK I nil s (< >moiii\ rfaflrii.isiirt strong in tin- tii si quarter with prociuc in rate II t. tllr ollll)«p.tltllHllt Japan's nwwwy ■ppwi to be h lading for a itowlown Uw latrrnaUonal MorteUry Pund't
      AP  -  394 words
    • 75 2 Aussies, Soviets begin talks L Sralar Australian and r ran ptivsU Canberra today on their a spotoaaman for the nee said in an inthe talks were and expla- n the attlmenu on a »lde range Teams The spokesman said a policy making tx><ly The Australian team Is led by m
      AP  -  75 words
    • 201 2 Saudis add muscle to armed forces lEDDAH Tues Saudi Arabia Is reported fit ting out It* armed forI eca with large amawrta n ne» military .aci l ties and equipment and may make further substantial purchases of warplanes Arab and riirspaaii sources reported recently that the growing military might of
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    • 44 2 ISRAELI Umm order a woman and child la Jericho. Israeli occupied Jordan an Monday after author. Urn clamped a curfew on tha U«-*v. Tha ewrfew w-a call ad to avoid a be* lie confrontation between Arab niamU and militant laraaUt UPL
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    • 343 2 CIRUT Tuoa f EBANESE leftist and Palestinian com- mando movements decided to execute publicly any member who commits murder and certain other crimes, the Palestine news agency Wafa announced early today A Joint statement by leaders of the two movements after a
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 198 2 B\n(.ror Twaa. Jaawneae eamoraman »oda* reverted to have bee* vetted b» (inMUii g«arda l««t aer*e» the Urder fro* Urn That town of *rant>a<rmlh#» and deialsMd la a hyi Japa»e** c m b a •t y •AetaU tald they k* Itwed the reawr' the Ba»gte«
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    • 58 2 MANILA Tues Bri tain s Parliamentary I:. I der-Secretary for Trade Mr Eric Drakin* today called 1 Marco* as part of a three nation Aaean tour A British apnfcsaiau said the visit her followed similar trips to 104 and U was a mark of the lav portance
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    • 282 2 PEKING Tues I Seven Soviet bloc countries last night boycotted a welcoming banquet here for Egyptian Vice-President Hosni Mubarak Mr Mubarak's visit follows Egypt i unilateral abrogation of its friendship treaty with the Soviet Union and a Chinese gift of vital engines and spare
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 135 2 Castro threat to end antihijack accord HAVANA. Tw»a Cvbaa Miiwi rw, CMUi »ajBI M»t >■>! fcl|»>> t n* mfrw*w* TT t*T omm su<ir is bw»d oSBm m aiao nNN rr». tar Mi pS ensnmenU Ml Cuban ir was klUs* aarui ■aM rnuwr PV>r»da ,n marfwn-. run attaefc Cut n Miami
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    • 50 2 Butz: US wont M the world starve JAKARTA M Agrlcuiturr said his firmly romittted foreign aid and w.«i.. n.»t permit anywhere tn the worM the Agriculture gwe on a global tow was speaking to a#w* ..dent Hurart.. Huti aald Mr Ru St said hV had heart ifllai »iews from was)
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    • 65 2 A «a> vtet HWiii has mtmt oa has eallaagwas te i f_r* f<Xf %i\ *>gfifi*t ff f f s 'kC laf ff» f i 'ffcsj &K I'nm as wan as m Urn Mat Tha fcwlnrlaa f-)— iM Dr Aievandse astanc^ laswsd h* .j u»«. >r. state •••fet
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    • 22 2 gHHHHHK T> tumfmmm •*•>*. ppaiacttaa m Ms ajasatt ytJaV-4tf IMC sw**#l If** MtJaV* r. .nawMd urn Ndwsd 9m*w*i «s> aMaa
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    • 181 2 TCk AY.V Two* IN A MKMO rttoMM Urn day »rt*r hu funeral, former Chief of BUff David Bmr charf*4 army tnWlllfMWt withheld dup«tchas warninc of impending Arab attack on ttw en ol the I*7) lAddte East war If I had UUa Information I would
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 309 2 The spiralling tqsUA PKnss>>| M l^ M^^ MMKtl ,^ss^BMn*s»»MSWS»oi>sMmni«f)s»»a«»»»»^«^"*^*^" HTT^assssraT I^H ggggggga.^^ s^"^ Introducing the new Cortinos. 3 nave me knack o» producing and pay a tot less each year when it comes to pertomn All the features you want tor the right cars at the right time And the
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    • 308 3 ISLAMABAO TuM J> K is has M V, I/M I K lamabad effw> to dtscam the matter shmed Mi nister of Slate for Fband De said the talks w- u.d tjm mm m fllghU Mtw—a the two Air links The Pakistani minis Izmir
      Reuter; UP  -  308 words
    • 66 3 i Perta•a Air which has about 123 aircraft has been 't the flag Ida Indonesia nt has aiready snnoanWd plan* p away most of rattle ranches and hospitals Graft Most observers «ay thst v.<- .li monopoly former director 4»t In too md was ravsged
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    • 94 3 'CUT OUT THAT SNOBBERY' CALL PERTH (Scotland >. Tues Tne whole world U laughing at Britain's snobbish, classsociety, trade union leader Jack /ones said here last night. Mr Jones told a union dinner that It was not surprising that people wrre calling for the aoolltlin of such "outdated Institutions" as
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 57 3 BKHARD Barton c n r i 1 1 1 1 tn Shirley Knl f after site won Tany Award as Best Featured Artrrss for her aerformance In Kennedy's Children In New York an Sanaay. Burton recelred a special "Welcome Back to Broad* medallion lor hta
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    • 231 3 Libyan envoy: Demo planned by Egypt CAIRO Tue« Übys to Ifcypt today tccused the Egyptlsn Oovernment of having engineered yes'erday s student occupation of his embassy. which he Is reported to have broken up with bursts of submachine gun fire This operation was mounted as part the Egyptian propagsnda
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 216 3 Crowds banned on polling day in South Vietnam SAIGON. Tues. All crowd gatherings from religious ceremonies to sports events have been banned on South Vietnam's April 25 election day. it was disclosed today The aim was U> remove all hindrance to voting. according to the country's official Olal Phong new>
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 181 3 Manila seeks help to get back hijackers MANILA. Tues. The Philippines U teekln< I the help of a third country to persuade Übys to return three hijackers who forced s Philippines Airlines <PAL» plane t6 fly them to Benghazi last week. Oovernment sources said here today Among countries being approached
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 47 3 MADRID TMM BoMtb* 4mAmCC^ ft bUtilUlt«JC9 f^ffit daatrujrod two an m Urn ■a*o,u« r«tmn *arlf today m arw vtoafoc* fey MMp*ct*a in UM Buqik of I M 4 loUow*d vidato pro«okad fey taftwtof act Matt Umt* y*aur«ay wbaa UMy pUead a nuMibcr of anofef
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    • 54 3 Murder plot 'imagrinary' TUNIS. TU*a On* of UM Ova* I wyiai auwni of ■aMUMHj to kMiMap or kill HoMm. taattflM bar* urtajr tbat tk* illnn plot ni only "th» aecwaa m!m aaid bM raaJ purpoat u> comn^ to TvXI aii Tun*» and Tripoli Hf to put Ut* Übyaa Oo»- Mil
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    • 42 3 WASHINGTON Tu*a A US navy proposal fur a X par Hat expansion of iU fltet will col an additional L'SSlt billion <8544« bUltoni over the next 10 y«*n. according to a Library of Congraa] •tudjr m«i» public rvsurday MM)
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    • 26 3 HONOKONO TMtt A That cultural truupr cn\r iv LtMhMi in the Capital TtMatrr In Peking lart night, the Nr» China Nrwa Acency reported Reutrr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 RSHSrnssS9H|^^| PRESTIGE CD COLORMETRIC measurable Audible -new! visible -new! new! I m MJ Imm lilm »ll\ W^ *i«..»«l»i»««|iew _rjKl)^9 '"UUIUI. MMM M Ultimate picture brilliance Easiest Picture/ Sound through the revolutionary chec through Inline colour picture tube TeleMetnc Ootoinobte At An Liwfltno. O—lars iiT4 DEED AfTtKSAUSSItYta DAY MING *****31 NIGHT
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    • 265 3 QUALITY AT UNBEATABLE VALUE I W FOODS r WEEK special I r ji tour v»ii\ |o -a \lim htgtirr *Hh \mir l.nounlt- In* jlonr dn-l Now ji special pfftCCS, »iih I ret k> l«a\s of low -caloric menu hooklrlo low-fat non tut plain and rral-lrmi I totghurt low-talon* iinwin^ A
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 258 3 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM law u> commit naal th»fI Ha rnwpnawi aon« «har» ii> Onaf rnanpnaail ti Famato MWrtHMM Ik* t Buc« du«ton< tl. •> PYanch. Pint Imi bar 10 Caufhl in a trap, you i»i. BBM ssonay \.i> 7 IrriUtioc Cockney fattssg 11 DtrrtAie.' a lift i 7, 11
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    • 502 4 Spectre of— Soviet hand in race war Africa trip by K more urgent WASNINOTON. T««e 'pHK N|>ectre ol a Su\itt- financed race war for poli supremai > in vnitiK-rn Africa is lending urgency t i Dr Henry Kisj singer's sevenUrican lour which M.uts on Friday. The Secretary of State has
      Reuter  -  502 words
    • 58 4 acoi'L Tuaa Tht Korea Herald said today South Korea should asmedlauly pr,«ee<l •.<. e»p.ur» »;one on Ukt Continental Shelf seam of tbt country atnet Japan Is reluctant to an slap Tht HtraJd said tht Japaneat DM (Parliament had been reluctant to ratify an accord with
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 36 4 MANILA. Tues Tht Philippine* hopes to avt ub a t'SSI.SSO million ia*3«Oo million. InUfratad rtesl mill with 1 JOOH* tonats annual capsdtjr br IMS tht d**»paptr Business Day i«ponad loda> Rtutar
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    • 200 4 Talks to protect prison officers from IRA BELFAST, Tuesday AN EMERGENCY meeting to discuss the personal security of prison officers In Northern Ireland was held today following attacks last night by Republican gunmen in which a prison officer was shot dead and another critically wounded. The separate attacks were believed
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 166 4 LONDON. Tues. Leaders of Britain s Immigrant communities have reacted with dismay to the sacking last week of Mr Alex Lyon from the Home Office Shortly after hU dismissal by Prime Minister James Csllaghan. Mr Lyon, who U held In high regard by the
      166 words
    • 56 4 NSW YORK Tues. Mr U» ilurtf (tar in a row pao(M* along tbt UlMMrn aaaboart bafcad. bunted and ty■mm Urn d*aifa of apciac in record Mali I— aswsturss A hi«ta i— »itiTwi lor Urn mr^U eagrsss OaaSss la H s»jaas«aii nh)ii< an utd r*cord lor
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    • 27 4 UNITED NATIONS Tim TIM Sort* Union ha* taid It M ready to antar naatmaUom on a eeaaM* aarl— r OMatrtU Aswmbly r«aoltiUati B)[jdijHil lMt Dvcmbcr
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    • 279 4 If the Bard had emigrated to America WASHINGTON Tues —British author Allstair Cooke suggested last night that If Shakespeare had been in America In his prime he might well have written a play of amused contempt for the patriots of the revolution. Mr Cooke s speech was prepared for the
      AP  -  279 words
    • 83 4 WASHINGTON Tuas. DasMcraUc presidential hopeful Prank CniireJi aaM last n«ht h» MaMNMt W loressja BivoJvessont to aroas of "vital Ir.ttreau such at Europe Japan and tht Middle Baal if ht «at fleeted in NovcMasr Wj mum stand atroag in thost paiu of tht world
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    • 46 4 WABHINOTON itMS. A »p^:«i o4n-.iu.ion —id MMa! the United atatoi should rruiiroduct coaaenpuon oa a »t..,dt>y t>«u Tht reason. It adoad »a* that Urn anaed totem >v.d proaaaty fail lo attract eaoiigß vohsntosr r*cruiu K tht Oa oronoay ia»pr .ra rapidiy -Rmimt
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    • 222 4 NCW VOMK Tues r'O termer US marines say they were In s group who fatally beat a mentally retarded recruit, tcnorlnff the recruits screams for mercy, as a drill instructor tfjged tn *oi on with shouts of kill, kill." ac eortlinf
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    • 283 4 TOKYO. Tues. 1 Millions of Japanese workers walked back to hotels or prepared to spend the night on matresses on their office floors at the end of the first day today of a Jhreeday national transportation strike Wage talks were
      Reuter; AP  -  283 words
    • Briefly...
      • 46 4 HnU-INOTC''. China has plans to bring Immigrants to this country to «ork as gardeners It was learned today New Zealand's .••rrrer Labour i Oovernment had agreed i In 1974 to permit re cruitlng of M single male Chinese annually from China to work as gardeners i
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      • 31 4 Bl I.SOS AIRES loimer President Isabel Peroa -ill go on trial soon before a tribunal of three retired military officers on charge% of mishandling pa bile funds, military sources said yesterday
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      • 37 4 UNITED NATIONS IN Secretary-Oeneral Kurt Waldhelm. whose fiveyear term expires at thr end of this year. wl.l decide whether he Is avallaole for reappolntment if and when he Is asked to star on. a spokesman said yesterday
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      • 20 4 MANILA: ReareM-ntatUes from Aaean arr meeting here taU »rrk to diaraas improved ireimport and rommanicatlon* in thr IwgßM
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      • 24 4 WABHINOTON The United Btates Navy has tested an experimental hovercratt-type vessel capable of flrlnc guided missiles while travelling at speeds up to W knots
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      • 28 4 ROM) Hair's political crisis could rnUr a rfrelsite stage today arhen the ChrUtian Deatoerats start two days of talks with other parties to ttave off a imrril election
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      • 24 4 SEOUL New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon today signed an agreement on trade and economic and technical co-operation with Korean Foreign Minister Park Tong-jin
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      • 34 4 GtNrVA Diplomats from about 15* emtatrie* alar r here tomsrraw for an right week Irtrmr to create an updated rede of con dart of war and bar inhuman tmlmrnt of li* A •g»gajgff|sf I«
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    • 28 4 ILLEGAL LAND SALES: 18 CHARGED anU-eomspiv ta« ;u'as' jatga aasj ata agartai. over the gSs! ■aad t« ih« th« o«nt r a-eos an ap pe^i of th» hen
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    • 16 4 ASmii Bmtb altac*M i in# sswitMm a\*f iMM BftSWM am Aft. Aasaev af s^.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 138 4 at Another BOSCH service station in Ipoh to serve you better [boschl re pleased to announce the appointment >)t Sing 0., Diesel Servicing "1 Kampar Koad. Ipoh. Tel: ***** in authorized sen ice station for 5< H Fuel Injection Fquipment. I his workshop is fully equipped with th nctl and
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    • 98 4 naHWEcc sueEftnaitHEi MAXWEI 1 HOI SI OI«r»-p_r;f3 ,M \K Ml IKOPOI I 111 l XIMI OIVJVJ-Cri MAXWELL ROAD DISCOUNT SPECIAL ITEMS ffil in afl LmS E i in f t*/\nl 1 /'^v. J^^"^. tjggggg&jybjujbjbjbjyggg&L J^X^^XjSHaWBB Black Decker Amazing Workmate H.*\ \l_-^^r ay A. M. A. *T_a Jbh -W \a
      98 words

  • 136 5 pOLO Storafe Holdings jmterday connent had coinhectares of land hi company in Buklt Tlmah id been paid comof SMO.OM The ttm+mtm puu (Wtd to \h* company* pIMW to turn Uk »re* now dam f«nn mpiex comiiult -m»rkrt and ..netted on Apnl
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  • 23 5 T'.nxumtr Pn<» than af <>nr a*r cast. i »Mtnal lltllajl 'i md lawer a«rm. •f md a
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  • 6 5 Dale Carnegie Alumni oOrltk ir» Mr
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  • 248 5 Dl kI AH lahyj in U-.niiiit^ not on< in. id's |ol) hul Foar. A stiMuiii nt t ln Sinu:i|M)K Technical Institute, Ktiki.ih. will on lit i \\;iv to lK(<)ininf{ MM <>f Si i luw .ill round technicians. She is the only ftrl In a batch
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  • 197 5 rIF. High Court ye&ter day awarded consent judgment of $32,500 and costs at $6,000 to a widow .'..i- band was killed in an Industrial accident five years ago The negligence suit, brought by Khatljah binte Wahab. 34. was settled out of court
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  • 30 5 :>H :<■*-. R^>ro.nd r rx national istnrMg secretary if tr» ThMMphical aortrty l s talk on the Purpose of Oar tsWiiii i at ctirnhui Road toaMrrow st T pm
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  • 72 5 ANNA Lai Ewee Kee. M (above), kas been ni<Min from \i< ton a Street home Mmr Saturday night A .!<■-• friend ha» reported her disappearance to the polire nn behalf <>f her family Her male friend told polite that Miss Lai left her home after a
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  • 59 5 Supervisors' courase A COURSE m The Principlca of Supervuton will be iw— nawiil by of Singapore s Department at Extramural Studies in Nl%•en Hut SA on Monday* and Wedneaday* from 7 pm t. I p m (tartinf May 1 P*e v 145 and appllaalawi' fiirm* and lunher detail* are available
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  • 27 5 nrTXMH primary arhooU •ill compete in the final* of the :nter-p*im«rjr icnool band cmnpetiti. n at Jalan Betar audly on Saturday at 4 pa
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  • 455 5 JUDGMENT was reserved yesterday in an appeal by a soto seller, under j sentence of death by the High Court on two charges relating to two armed gang robberies wjiere gunshut fired Talib bin Haji Hamlah. 23 a Malaysian. was found gu..' October on two
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 What would you do without her? attkaV >■ W. Tx+L+Ati* li»k WBl-\ lik—^a^aV \^fl F^**^ t do without her. So toke thi« soy o specio thonk you to •tory over lunch or dinner ot the durmg INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIES WEEK April 18-24 4& swcAPOfcif: EHeiutiue vi'i^v Choir v <} thi office
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    • 133 5 AIR COMOmOHINC We are specialists in air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation. <^ Carnw mmm o«mM| a** fcMMI ITLC ENGINEERING I'll I 111 niT Suite 03. 3rd Flcx)r Podium Hotel Miramar. Havelock Rd UsW Singapore 3 Tel ***** t ENGLISH F. A.CUP jgffTffTffffaM L final jmm££A£nM^m WWW a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^saa^^^^^^^^^aaai a^gs^B^afls^Ba^B^^^ L^a^attsSaV I
      133 words

  • 184 6 Building healthy society through culture TffE Singapore 1 Arts Council Is to draw up a strategy for XX t various cultural organ isatitns here to work together towa r ds building a more The orHincil If eonMcler'.ng r>".dtng a »err.l--nar on art and culture to formulate such a plan, the
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  • 57 6 THE Rotary Club of Singapore has a large number of second hand books on various subject* which can be made available to institutions, associations, clubs, commun 1 1 y centres and others In Singapore or Malaysia Applications should be made to the Rotary Club of SlngaDore
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  • 321 6 BANDAR SCRI BCGAWAN Tuatday AS the pound ginks A slo w 1 y in the West the oil-rich sultanate of Brunei may be about to change Its Invest- ment ties with Britain and look for new and more stable investment areas. Brunei has traditionally invested
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  • 33 6 TUB Photo-Art AaioelaHos> Bl S.f.««o it mj, l fK>.<l »r. .r--tamaUonal photo-art uniai Uon at the Nattonal Library lattur* hall rrom today till Friday (roan I asi to < p m dally
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  • 308 6 PROFESSIONAL people who gain much of their expertise through community effort* should re-dlrect their professional experience to community service according to Prof J A Jansen. professor of prosthetic dentistry. University of Singapore Prof Janaen. who made the point In a talk. on The Role of Professional*'
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  • 39 6 A COOKDK) coapetrasa *U1 tat tefci »t Km —a* mm unify eeatn ob feinter tflia Tim Mf for Kirn Seag Dr Oo« Leasw am *U1 preaeat Urn pnssa al Ow n— tunUoo imiiliii by Urn c«oU«» »»■■> Mte-eoawutM*
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  • 74 6 THE rar Eastern freight Conference has Jeferred introducing the l&J per cent freight lnrease for heavy lift and ong length cargo to June 1 An FKTC spokesman festerday said shippers' councils had been informed that member Unes had not yet had time to reach a firm
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  • 24 6 THE CurtosM and Esela* DvpanaMfit at Johor* Ba.-u til a* ck»td on Mar I (Lofeour Dayi. and May 11 iVtsaa Db>i
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  • 144 6 OINGAPORE ii $;.O.iHH( worth ol go According to Mr Yong Poh S managing director of Selangor P« sole distributor of the Rtsi* smaller orders have been received from New Zealand and Australia Selangor Pewter held a cocktail party at ShangriLa Hotel yesterday to launch
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  • 37 6 MR N Oortnomauny UP (or Trtok BUancmh re«eroay otnetatad at the aaa*t»ag for ih« allocation of ttaUa at the Tttoa aianoh Riat m*rket-rußtt-cook#d food asnTr* f.J BJkl h v *w \»m block. M and M
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  • 107 6 1,600 CARS SOLD AS SCRAP MORI man 16«* MM MN »..i.i Usual Ira* »n.i Malta as arra* a« taren; an* PMI Ini. t rrft>^ n iiom. Isteeease e#swpar*v t.» h were void to Ike row.* «m« far tit* wMIe TOTfrtftay t—< ears were asM I* Ike firm It l«
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  • 103 6 W oman who cheated three A WOMAN r«». *ho ohesiM .nr** £S* lanST? total of month. bY magutrate. v MsttaakM t»- ■■••I foe ajkSl M V.r.a b! r« l"**)ayd) fi on Jan fa W'»IW waa a. r row a> m which Slit S*M njeOdJ loan xh.~ mn Gulliemard Ri>ad •h.*<l
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  • 22 6 Stage Huh comedy TMS B«.< a*M Arthur CwMw" <• taaav tern la a»t«r«av p I I II 4lt svaita»l» a( in* J a*t«aa»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 w I LOVE MY TOTO says SHUTTERBUG Steve Chan wj tw m> > "x>^ >■»* i •<< a»< ">t "s*o sal ram k* roMoaiow i ■**«> nn. $102,000 TO wiMMfM WITH S numNII COMSCT MAW AT MiCM ITMfT CIMTtI AT M M INTRODUCTION SALE!!! Mor« fhon 5000 pet of imported
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 117 6 Bringing Up Fathar By BUI Kavanagh ah Nal Cams* J [Tm «o\ I Dv -»mJ* MA&exc vms <ftr* mciavyj mac V kc*. aju» at ancAK^Asr mcjpe couco I <f ji©o» «*>4.^ sc Mg S»«S ST«.i.jg f~j >VJ AT A&ooo t ~Ax/ M V utTouro V M *'w«a)«y gV <^^^ Hl&<^
      117 words

  • 93 7 mi mi the I aore Ftrr Bncaae two new flrr* o»lmc a tatal KM •M. thr« imud herr Unm Britain In* era ana* arr brine raaivped gi»t of Ihf nrm featare* of Ihrv rnfine* arr Mgfer m »trr puma* «hu h release ■MM at 45S*
    93 words
  • 517 7 I 110.000 as security Into order was n Opposed The order was made 1 later were published early this Mr Rajah's yesterday Watsons counsel. Mr Sac hi Saurajen The motion, allowed In xi a> secu I alter naking I it^in s
    517 words
  • 113 7 EIGHT award winning student Alms from America will be screened at the National Museum Theatretle on Friday at i pm The Alms, which feauire both live action and g from two-and-a-half rmnutes unutes' duration presented by liv Carolyn Boch Thry deal with conlemporar;.
    113 words
  • 49 7 a d Mr Ng. said that sate was y 21. -i in it (s rebeen idea there an rxcess of $1 Ml 64 with the Arm *U calhd large dlshe ac(be sc- of the a question c COt^^^H ■M the continues
    49 words
  • 89 7 |>oll(r hate dr I i^ined a joutfa in ruitfliii mith a recent vo*U of prii» rU..rliun> at »urt »itr» throughout the i^Und Thr I— pirt, age* ibMl M. was aiefcaa' up b» «l«n hi* J a Kmbmi K..*d fUt Monday SAtd to M brr of the
    89 words
  • 186 7 Fostering out more children from 'homes' »PHE Social Welfare Department plans to foster out more children ;rom u> welfare homes. ~Tm U to provide these chUdffta with aa alter naUve care to institutional life, said Mr* Chia Ken* Huajr a senior welfare offlcer. yesterday In th» past, very lew rhildrei.
    186 words
  • 23 7 KAKI Baku Coma unity Ctntrt •lil oi|>iw a film rht* at the OaJa» Theatre Otjlang on Sunday itlin to rmla* ntnda.
    23 words
  • 11 7 THERE were 67 road accidents, one MliOwJ. on Monday
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 372 7 SHC 3100 20 Watts 2^ 3IN 1 STEREO MUSIC CENTER W with Deluie Dust Cover Simulated quadrophonic reproduction Chrome tape discriminator Direct recording ligit t«p« counter Mechanical auto-stop system AM FM stereo tuner Automatic level control Carefully engineered player system Convenient pause button •Speaker system .Obtsmsbi* At An D**i9' so.cA
      372 words

  • 767 8 Devan: Help remove protectionist trade policies Call to unions in the West k«ihi.,i. m, < I Devan Nair, urges tiidc unions in 'tin to htlp |a*:t\ with (heir Scouiilius" proter honist trade poM ies which, if carri vi\ to the extrrmc. coulil do "f damage" to the sm\i\j| praap
    767 words
  • 38 8 I HI Minister of State (FriY.r MinUIrr OlAce). Hajt YiKoh bin MohaM*4. »ill officiate at a •allotinc rrrrmon; for the ujf of HI>B flat* in front of Block 1C. Luno* Crfif* nt today at IN
    38 words
  • 100 8 CMI'A Ah Geek nko«r 17. la lisaisif far her aMUMe, Ha4aMai <••• i'imw wb* gate her away tkti »hr was b*b? Mr Tad Ah Left HI JaUn Hi). ftarlaa aaid Madaaa C^h. -ho 1 was tkea a neigh B*«r. gare Ah Geek U hiaa
    100 words
  • 94 8 MP to open birth control campaign THE MP f.-r Buklt Fanja-I Mr Lee Ylok Seng will open a family planning campaign at Cheng Hwa community centre on Friday at p m Ttat laipann XXnU) organawd ky th* ims»pnrr Family Planning an* Pupul* Uon iaard. th* Prop* > A» •delation lh«
    94 words
  • 256 8 Retas dealers not keen on HP sales HPHE secretary of the Radio and Electrics'. 1 Traders Association of Singapore. Mr Ong Geok Seng, said yesterday most numbers were not keen to sell their consumer goods by hire-purchase now due to th. of being unable to recover the full payment from
    256 words
  • 162 8 18 CINEMA, SOCCER I TOUTS BROUGHT TO BOOK EIGHTEEN cinema and ■occrr ticket touU have been arrested »o far thu year according to a Custom* spokesman yesterday. Another six were arrested for gate crashing MaUysu Cup soccer games at the National Stadium Four cinema patrons were picked up for buying
    162 words
  • 26 8 THE Paatr Panjaag eoa.raad run It7t on Sunday froas 7JO m lo UMin The route atretcho* Iran Kept .'I Theatre to Watt CMat Road
    26 words
  • 250 8 SB SEE Ml* award to a for •bo had Ms TrJeM enaaWd m an aedSnt four year* ago Mr XC t Man. lot Ling Nam Industr in Kallang Way said the •jaaatMß of general dam Mas awarded by the trial ewsrt to Ng Ngal Pang
    250 words
  • 32 8 Outram CC courses THE Outram Park eoa■w—»y mMi« wUI iiaifcrt nuklnc froa* Mar TTom inur MX3 atwuM call iaf MOiiM btt««aa I »ay and 1* p m or c«U it Uat CMUt
    32 words
  • 101 8 rC Sia(a»«rr Ba> •anrtM ku intr. a araai-<a»rtaa Mm Arr»w tcrrlc* between the Cb«i hrt area and TanfUn Clrcaa. TW atw Service Ml •HI wwltum ler- »cc II along the route ■■I i-M Ml leave* thai CWe Uraaina. »v Ne» Charm Eoad Changl Roid <„<lk ward
    101 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 '.W^WW/ZtV.' ÜBTK aWTUk «Tt% lIH MUal f ITI S smviTMms opawc tnayi MAO fawaamaw-i Jfb _aggVa>« •yg»Tfrtj» to>H »"S CATHAY TOMORROW! I THCV Ulffff PPOFI//lon«l/ UINO KIILEOfOff NIPE IHII Smi.S i PfTfl FOMOA e«HtT»FiiißLEf^a^fek _v-- MAaoAOias j 41 J CIMACAaI aaaaaa>^BßfeW *aa^*aV^laaaaP v«f «)Bir9V" aa^^l^^^Baam-a« '^^^P*?'^ J^S" /9-T **^aaaaaT V^
      207 words
    • 113 8 I Genuine Italian fare I ttite our home O^f l\ EtV'^^B I mouth A*tcn,,g <" {Tjl OPEN DAILY I |^S^=^ 1 NOON 3PM A 6PM MIDNIGHT fl SUNDAY 6PM MIDNIGHT kitchen closes n 15 pm i^^^^^B 91. TANGLIN ROAO SINGAPORE. 10. RING *****75 FOR RESERVATIONS. ()llllMMMIIt}IIIIIIHIIIIC)IIIIIIIIMIIt]li"llllllll(]IIIMIMHHCIMMH| MAY GARDEN RESTAURANT 101
      113 words
    • 59 8 IIISS. a^g^aw^^"^^V^(l^*^^^ i ajsjb, is«r*^aw_^* j* .aAadV. Ldaß^QaVaa T !>•■! Hit-iim *£Trr I MOW SHOWING IM t T M Pm JAI tMAMIAI iATACMITSA "UNNAITHAN TMAMU" "ANO{ IUMAIWAi iAKIaATHAI 1 ».v t I IMPERIAL J msom »a*c LAST J SHOWS AT IN 4 CHIN CHtM AtAM TAMt ■Oa chum miona OMI
      59 words
    • 275 8 •CAPITOL tpeai Tiaarii ***** was the year of* I "IT'S ALIVE" I 1976 IS THE YEAR Of i inSIDErVDLYaI g v I a I \V\>w I HAMPTON SUSAN P£TI ARBARA STEELE In Color Plat Ultr Fcitartttf M Motor ladig U^KWEEKEND OF A 1^ CHAMPION with »h« SPECIAL PARTICIPATION ot GRAHAM
      275 words
    • 184 8 J •■-■■IUT>M J i w >A a a gj I a a M• M 2 iNia) a > m aT¥TT^T'af^^*T7^ a TW a a^HBBIB^B^B^B^B^Ba^B^BS m Bj^iaAaa V* a a o» awsjawa BMawawawi awam^ai Tv tOlia llMuiOa TI.H r M a |M a B Bm^ala^aC gj Qtoaaa Mm» 111 a a
      184 words

    • 163 9 Attack on Vigilante base: 70 held, dagger! seized Xl Ut LOtTl**,. ielaf ci BMre than sms) fee t..,r. ih the al taea Uke B« ku Tetaavggs (Tlgl- orp« beat base r. J.j.r H. H..-e.f. here ea day. They ilm •ctaed sis .m a 16--year eM eaepeci. The 70 pstto were
      163 words
    • 60 9 TOLL AT MUAR TO BE SCRAPPED SOON KMPLR Tues The Oovemment has decided to do away at Muar uea DaOhanl iid today by the jse to date vaa jse was set ;on of s bridge st Tanjung Aku af and a new apDatuk Hajl Abdul waiving 1 loss of MS66
      60 words
    • 44 9 JAK.« nmte and Malar** wlB boss a Mf.t »«r, h and raarur *wtrcm U. Madan neat saoath an air fore* •pokw■u mM today »i of imiu frotr. r HI a\ "..1.1.t authority all] take part In narrtae. ev> to star-. m
      44 words
    • 8 9 MuptcU *rrr puttc* when MOO oeSn««r
      8 words
    • 51 9 KMria r^ui tb* vpetAllont r<m.m at Ur »iMrr plr.drd M« ..tin kf>' He wm »Ueird U h a r thrr«trnrd »iin* drikr Wong Ilirk with inj«rr o\ry thr tlltp^««t Ml I i*»t >»»f by uilni )oi b*>t«rd 1 will fli md hiu <*■ throan •«i of
      51 words
    • 269 9 15 years, lashing for two commandos SEREMBAN. Tuesday TWO commandos were today Jailed for a total of 15 years and ordered to be given seven strokes of the rotan for robbing three holiday-makers Trooper P Oovtndasamy. 24. was sentenced 1 yean jail and M rotan and Trooper K Bnthiran. ■elved
      269 words
    • 84 9 KILLING OF BOY: $12,000 OFFER SUNOEI BIPUT. Tues Mr Lsi Choong Sang. 57. has ofTered a reward of M 512.000 fur information leading to the arrest of person or persons responsible for the killing of his 10--year-old son His son. Boon Teng a Standard four pupil of Shing Chung School.
      84 words
    • 31 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Turn— The Pna» Allnuur Datufe Ku-«n Ow> wul opM a uu«-<iay mmiw for ofn•MMailc rta>l> Thunday urdinauaa and il iiiiTi adßßtasstratioß unit or the HawrfN *sa &s
      31 words
    • 23 9 KUALA LUMPUM Turn n* Uiaanlc nimliiiwi Bank wul tun ft* pr«Mctnninc»n aruritm M Utv than Ju«». «to ptKrtiiU Or today mM
      23 words
    • 205 9 BATU PAHAT Tu«s rl I, 1974 «ed U> have murdered Toh St; his wife. i > Mool. 41 and Th Thlam I K Miflitriit Sexjit KirdMvi comr High trial vhen the ary inquiry ended yesterday Inspector Ungfcu I J h. M Bar- MM
      205 words
    • 700 9  -  THAUNG MYINL AS BORDER ASSAULTS BY THE COMMUNISTS SLACKEN... By KROH IPwrak). Tuwa. uneasy calm has set11. Perak and h after last year's ii|>surgf of munist guci ilia attacks and infiltration from the jun ales of n«• ik h h o v
      Reuter  -  700 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 487 9 LAST THRU DATS! aS&pg^ tv fiMsr wild west ito U aa»> II .BOOK YOUR TICKETS \l ftfl AMftfCANMCfMTINNIA MOWf 1 SHVIt rXHLAJrS KM *a— W IVIsTY 3OOw« CMslO Jj" New therefe a holiday in London and Europe for everyone. London fr0m 52,124 ±a££ W *9*Cab&* WKaSalSa^ 1 \\xm Europe from
      487 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 420 10 THE black guerilla strikes against rU.odeslß'i vital road and rail link* with t nearly demonstrate the ne country's communlrM and Its supply routes The Rutenga- carries about «0 per Rhodesia's trade with the outside d through by the South -he United Nations Moni There Is an alterSouth Africa
      420 words
    • 160 10 pOMPLAINTS about delays by the IndusMai Arbitration Court have become n of a standing Joke among trade ntsts in Singapore. The problems have been highlighted by Mr C V Devan Nalr, secretary-general, tn his report second triennial delegates conferenthey are already familiar enough to ken and employers
      160 words
  • 676 10  -  PATRICK MASSEY By in LONDON AS SHI. turn* the afc of M today Britain \4urrn HuatH-lh ran loot bark on a retf n In which her monarchy has held riroujh aßheatal* that »i(hl ha«r Upalti a araaer throne In the I«
    676 words
  • 710 10  - 'Soul of France' gets new image and sales rise LOUIS MARCEROU •y k PARIS IRK called it a **cml i sing" drink and said it reflected the: brilliant soul France. He was talking of champagne, the bubbly symbol of the high life which the French are drinking in record quantities
    710 words
    • 266 10 MRB PHAM (ST. April 17i complained about late-comers, photographers and disorderly children at the Kr'-.a Ayer People* Theatre during the performance of a Cantonese opera rhe solution Is not simply a matter of enforcing order Chinese opera Is a genuine folk art
      266 words
    • 281 10 The new beaches are lovely but please keep them clean I AM one American expatriate who ha* been very Impressed by the rapid and divers* development of Singapore i new recreation areas In particular. the new beaches at Coney and Seletar island* are excellent additions to the natural beaches of
      281 words
    • 177 10 it IRKJTER to the letter by 'Scapegoat <ST April 14' ft seem* Incredible that he should draw a parallel between the tight to keep long hair and the right to park on** ear "anywhere* when there art such glaring difference* between the two. Firstly, road* are public propertly and not
      177 words
  • 506 10  - Sign of the times in a different newspaper BILL CAMPBELL. B, I KOTA KINABALU. Tucoday AS a newspaperman, nothing Illustrated change of government in Sabah to me as pointedly as the change of newspaper I received in my hotel room this morning A.^aont it baj hsaa dent gaawMgatsw* si fQgTnwsf
    506 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 IlCXwßmwZmi •I SwfiwS one »c m*>tL' MaJT -^'m'|«" os .^tT^Sr tMi -o. tut a* JOL 1 SB. /^^^M tin a* If WAV t sea* W »t^•^» tITSO* omam ancowMT *nowti I 4 T MA lit., 41 41 micm traiiT tiwfeA»oai^
      40 words
    • 364 10 fr^aVsr WjpVf|mVl Shangri-La has the happiest hour in town! flood m «hrn front thr Quartat Dnlim And v°«T 'Sat «p*oaoY p' and aksn your ordVth« apot a dwwrious •n.« Ml a doJUr srNDIALHOI H C.OI Dl m VI \((HK aaaTig-j i QShanori Lo OfEN-AIR ART IXHIIITIOH «Ot TNI YOUNG Oaf*
      364 words

  • 49 11 3 years for boy who robbed women in lifts t YEAR OLD rxiy who uaexl ariaaors md a ku ■b housewivri arg at the I waterptp* ed consider a' The boy *dmmr<j the a probatu r report was rnaals >ad. and and 1 the cou' was pawn M>r irtl
    49 words
  • 224 11 'TWERE U no place In Prof Karl Mun--1 inger's orchestra for 'ndlvlduaJisls, soloists call them what you like for whenever he conduct*, he demands total submission from his musicians No Individual play. ■im work Like a sood soccer team
    224 words
  • 146 11 Police praised for gems recovery rK Mlc* fmrxr 'ft a pal on Mi ba<k •e»|erday for the f iU officer* in ■•Ming the rerent irj at thr hmtmt »f millionaire Mr 4w II Haw and recovery of Matt of the »te4en K»rl>ery The praises ram* fr-.m Mr \m and hi»
    146 words
  • 156 11 T.unber ;ast night was In IM n.uM•i»t must pinpoint makes them stand among U ight '.ti nearly shoddy p. the I Maj s/renad» val pretattoiu attractive but by means particularly profound The admirable coni and leadership Aluctor Karl Mun- must largely make
    156 words
  • 65 11 Factory fire due to short circuit A SHORT circuit startai last Thursday s Are at paint factory in Jalan Lembah Kalian*. off i Bendemeer Road according to police sources Tht whteh atroym about S9M.SM worth of jft^Q Vas I*^ MCOOd IA Biswiin man a rear In UM Int in lut
    65 words
  • 611 11  - Acting posts in civil service to be phased ou t PHILIP LEE By RESPO\SIBILITY ALLOW ASCE' PLAN FOR THOSE RETMSED *pill. Government is to phase out all acting [xrsls in the civil sen •King more than *2.m>o off ieert hi various grades, over the iu\t two yean This calling down,
    611 words
  • 114 11 Drive to cut down road crashes BANDAR SOU BKOAWAN Tues Brunei launched IU first Road I aaSHkM '.r'lr.l- MaY <41 wtth a fatal head SB coKiMon on Sunday The fatality broaffct the l»T« road death toll j to 1« equal to the death toll during all of lt?S in the
    114 words
  • 117 11 Forecast of architects by RTS A REPORT In Saturday Strait* Times quoted Dr Kwan Sal Kheong. vice-chancellor of the University of 81ngsi> as saying that the School of Architecture would take an estimated K to 15 students this academic session, adding that If performance in the past was an indlca
    117 words
  • 30 11 Oft Mah Ouan Kong CtaMsv Moemj wta ««a oo What You ahould Know •awn Cancer at U» T« Par* BrMKh Uhr.-> t naU en PrMar st mpa
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 88 11 Play deck tennis or bingo./ 11l A Or simply laic around. A Watch movies under the stars. 1 Enjoy fine gourmet food. II I >P Matched only by our »ervica./ f^^^ Throw all your cares away. For one beautiful, long weekend!/ ill* To Port Kelang and Penang 'If All for
      88 words
    • 81 11 jjESTWardhdI^JLI UOAYSOFFUN ANOEXCmMENT INCLUW WWarfl VbitsTo Los AngiitSs Hiwiii 1 MoogKong I FROMSS3?9< nacmm> na^v« Dan <*. J%odiK*w. n i touw »ti i to I \ji mom vOu*) rva SPOCMiaWi^^^ »ree Wi •w ia. «v t« W■« THE SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE JFV/V^f^ -4J R -rw ai I*wis> a ftk\
      81 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 767 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1 PI Oper>*| and Leva 35 flllll) lljllt) 7 JS Nasaaal fci tea SmMs Ml Diary oi tvtatj Maay) J* "■■H IIS DMiM| tuna* (Maay aataC IJS Msa-Tte Fit tonr (last Eanav) 4J| Intermtsw* %M Im (Entail) MB OpeJMf and CaWecott Ck-Urcn s Corner 145
      767 words
    • 22 11 WATER on M«nd«rwa» S»S rat* metre, till} awillUa gaMoM). aa tse or II eaair ■wrlre% I I* 4 Bail*** I *!!*■■> ever faaatej.
      22 words

    • 1120 12 -TrfE BSBBMSM pand wttk UM aniMM dar ■TkMS tofMltr t «r. »n<l -Adjmiad tot «bU imu*) 'Ml Maadv TuauBVIB UStMI Mam •u«im« kr tM Wii4 Baaaaas* > •f B*wm l*I*»B)as **M M> lUU) l««*i 2 8M.4U8 aHU ■BBJBI *i M Mainu 1 MS Bus MM M«.« ifjirlw* IM
      1,120 words
    • 1280 12 to and naorud i» urn 4 Il» SSJ I bbVJBB H h Urn nusaMr of shans uaded akews is I rw Ikß^ljSl tpKjwO A.. B*SSM BM .S \*C Urn vord -8»-: Bsj Buard art siirXßd Urn ietten MM i hi AM Ambb AUMd (k» .04M> IS. BB
      1,280 words
    • 388 12 SBAJUtS esatla-at d v saaae ptsgnsi la fairty setive btbbmu M st!«~ef the kaysag. kirk too* Blase aatteg the BBvrtJat. was aIUI beted to shert-ewvetiaff hayteg later ret la the aflerassti. hawever, sasxe praßt-tskiag was i iis» at at aa early state before prises eejce again
      388 words
    • 267 12 Strong rally in KL trading SHAKS prtesa rained streosty oi the Ksaia fkM /^B-fßß>S»t*"^* AttTl bated Urn rally to a long o*erdue luaalril reac Uon The rtstng Wai! Street mar»et could have boost i a m"c*». j i iiiT-i.i The balU bad sjaMt 8 field day yesterday, past! Ing specui*t:»e
      267 words
    • 937 12 II -rrr pi: ,ff. 4 <«d and bimumm in sad reporUd to tar Kasia Lumpur Stork sacasaai n Urn nuaMMr -tolas) etharwiot »p» MB*J a t*4m •<■» HHIIIII 2 T*B IT"--2 .1 II 1 2 T* C 4^,.r, MB »M 11. 51 Mi H M« < M C
      937 words
    • 48 12 MttS I I MM 110 1* Mtfiai U»ctrW lit ■uttaf I TMhm I (M I 123 1« nN IIM ■tf ru 1 I lit !>»/*> IM I JM t «M in 4 0» M M M «1 •r M M M riMM. iin 4 M Falls -.M
      48 words
    • 72 12 mmii m cmhi iihonii cuimt raicu »•*«»>■ TIITIBBAT tint Ml BHBJ BM *M>»* •M «r»a M* **M«*«. X mn M— B mm. WO* nm H*Mt a«ta f*.k l*k-» »L« |1T» MUOT M.r««*a >tul* M» lit" (SITS BB*»— > ink*' MM* I HLW *■*>.•* *r* bm,*** ABTA MMB 1^
      72 words
    • 36 12 NO UUM upßftßß idUmUI vhlM BMrava .tad tar IIM bWMt ktaxk, r j j mjb uroPA (MMMrtkBJ übmbj BUM* Aurtl 15*15 musts 15 1* buy*" Hl| lin owl. S. u SFISvSr AIBJ OS9M Illfl
      36 words
      • 179 12 ffOMOKONO. Twes II The Martii was nnasr foUowtng Wall Street* rtae. bwt n ***j y**y**aiaaak sßa) s^bSbßT SBd Queen* birthday holiday dealers said toMrsst centred on BSMaaBMWK B>_ Mr A a ■_■>« !»wirr r*i 1 1 K »r > firm ahead of resuiu expected shortly rising cenu coasparr .ast
        179 words
      • 238 12 SYDMBTT Taea The market closed generally unsettled In dull tracing with little Increase In turnover despite the closure of the Melbourne Stock Exchange, dealers said The Sydney All Ordinaries Indei eased 033 point to ♦48 8- frou last Thursday s 44*29 Turnover In opt ton* fell about th- lowest
        238 words
      • 93 12 frOKTO Taea B. market claaM Braj in ■rtlve iraasa* drepit, isaW fWWQp MfaataT. •se rose 11 M to 4 MS so wruie UM voissae mnl 13D BBfaßuVaßfaaa aatwlaH b div iri»i. ton Br. **t t*rda, The Mew iiMbn ckosed •t sp Becuvaia and export ,-rier.tM th m MB
        93 words
      • 166 12 NBW TOM Mar SMBk B*tH rVBSBBjSBB bmmT *w*m■eMvay "fc^ mm taassZ! •^MTMT of 1»74 BBMBd jmttrst aas* Mda? fri<l>Mstllsil aVVVjB^dBaW Btasa^BBBBBBBM 7< fj»U ta til 1 1 '■< -n r»» MfTMtAt %M> tia* at I— •ia^"W Pb"Jbß*«> laV Ms# aaVasl BBBftJBI At Okf 1 1 Hi, ML M)«sb>
        166 words
      • 48 12 rrxtaT MS* Wesfc a»» Maj Ttas PMSay MSM ac» IMM 25 fcajaaay Causa rrtsay Mi I i loiMsraiAxa Bhaasj Prtdßf M 4 4S \kwm MSMtey CMMd PrMat IM to na M«J*«. MtJMB n»i Cbmj wwfimi Mm ,1., i-aw ■Wdat CVBM «ias \t.. CiBBM) PrMay CbmM Wbsb sbb
        48 words
      • 92 12 Straits tin down rl Straits tin price fell $1 to $1,085 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 41 tons to 213 tons. LONDON: The tin market was closed for the Easter Monday holiday NEW YORK: Dealers quoted on Monday. Orade "A" physical tin for Spot Prompt
        92 words
      • 26 12 Busker AprU Singapore May IMSS cU (ap 215 MaUrato: May Vu IBS 3*4 Tin: SI.MS (down SI). OMctal offering 213 tons (us 41 ton*'
        26 words
      • 58 12 ■■Ban mm m mnn IMI IB V S. «>.« i mm 4>M .'IIM «Mlar *w «ac> Brti* <i»iimi 1 1 > mm tmnm Pan* •».nM DM MM CtaM4 l« tT in iw ciw« im m CM lit MM CM ISttM Clm« IM U l'M> I'M. T.M., MVM., lIIM
        58 words
      • 408 12 AFTER an unchanged opening, the Singapore rubber market yesterday gained ground slowly led by advances on the Japanese Exchange and a reserve of sellers The morning union closed rery quiet The market was stesdler in the afternoon on hedge and outsider forward Inquiry following a lower opening for
        408 words
      • 95 12 r\AILY MR and n prtc«a fcawtf Mmm nmmitt I Oinl Mtfc. rnmH» MR (1 ton |tMI IMM IMMN .MM IMMN ■HIM 1 too palMi MM irMN M IW II mn •MA ICY 1 ton ptJMi IIIN lit MM }UM It* MM WRU. illttpdNi HIM 111MN HIM IIIHN
        95 words
    • 233 12 rB US dollar BJiH sMMti a« y^y^^ BBSM cBSMMTcIaI hM7tn« of ÜbTsbM at' S>«BM TlliMH »a». on it* whots ytl and UM BMXfcßt rMHir MSB) The US unit cbms« fBMt an 4 BVM4T st M 48M M InMrsmaa lorwai* t%tm at 100 pa 1 MMMh 14*15 M
      233 words
    • 96 12 inMrtmnk mm »t I M i m US dolter 1 «•*> J *»*<> HIM ■toning fmmd 4MM «0M 1 MM HMM« «Mtor MM MM Mil IHIi|«H Mhl MM MM IMM AMI ■MM 11MM HUM ■•I ft«nr ,*m. ««TM MM •»!> DHM IMM «IJin 41 MM MMM IM PNMb
      96 words
    • 170 12 Awum iwwi oa TMir April M I IMtn |Mi I teM 111* till 1 rniti 1 t 1 BUM 1 lit 1 BUM 111* lII* BUM 1 1* I II 1* BUM 1 1* all* 11 BUM 1 I I ••Ft* »B». I BUI 1 I 1
      170 words
    • 27 12 Minimum lending rates (in m/m m m Bar* SBrßTat *-»< o »Br* itCNw •ana >!■■* i .'Out C >«h mmmtmo*m< on *'%> Cnmbi I tl II 5W* I Ji,4 wm
      27 words
    • 486 13 DIFFERENCES bttaeer. Kuala Lumpur Industries and Its auditor* over r a provision la oicrsMry for the j don in tl*"sf* market value of the s Investment have led the auditors alify their report on the company AcomsnU tor the year U -at: 1979 show a market
      486 words
    • 322 13 Dunlop Est hit by price plan rE Malaysian gov- s rubber stabilisation programme has been cited as the biggest single factor behind the drastic drop in profit* and udtM at Dunlop Estates. Profits before Ui feU million for 1975 This figure takes into conggggggPon the suss of 93.935.W7 charged profits
      322 words
    • 175 13 i Lt Ui .fuallm of rvx*ed »lth the whot* of .'.r Issued share canstal Petroleum which 1 dosa not already own Ternu for the Aastrairoui) are three CRA irdtnary shares for every lded in a letter ttadoasd at the lOL aaauai meeung huiUt at ataac
      Reuter  -  175 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 585 13 PEGAWAI KEDET ANQKATAN TENTER A MALAYSIA 1 Untuk pesnuda-aeasiaaa yang rela berjwaag bbss Angkatan Tentara MaJarwa RCLAVAJtAS) AJCAOCSSM 2 Mastllah mesniuiu tesSjsfcsn akadssaCt tanebut dibawaii dan agrajset Udas aialsblhl 99 sasssdartaa— a Bljll Pssajaran Malayan auu b MaJarssa Orurtcate of Bwaeattsm c Overseas School Oartlflcau of Education dan lulus oaiasa
      585 words
    • 543 13 JAWATAM KOSONQ dan WarsjaAeajaxa MaJsvysss yang berkesayakan untuft jawatan dlbawah I. Nasaa Jawalaa: PIMBANTU KIBILAMATAN MUDA Kumpufcan Oftjl D) r Taa«ga Gajs (D 19-4)11 1140 I II 100/170 I 10 rrtvsoo 1 ii (D 19-4)1 tJISx 13-400/-J law I Seturmnf-kurangnya II tahun dan Udak leblh danpada 30 tahun 11. Pssjawal-Pefawai
      543 words
    • 259 13 EQU ATRON PTE LTD are pleased to announce that they are now the exclusive Singapore distributors agencies: I typewriters ,/^L. T^^sT^f^ image machines I Z ectronic calculators I "J" SH I B/\ copying machines effp Pitney Bowes ostai frankno mach n -125 Log Abax mimxompuitfi t^l RH AIVIIVirnfVI office filing
      259 words
      435 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 268 14 Lestee lauder J m S ngapore JOY EXECUTIVE TRAINEE •.*s ie»-\ »»x; rrtuet I I '>% I i onxnoioni o good comman6 I com- >d oe on oeVonfogo I I 3Cs I I .^oeo'once I |ood mafc I I rsi oenerol grOO" o pleosont persono* I I *o* society, they
      268 words
    • 499 14 A As a »ay spending sMpcem jet«e»» Catwee"! are >*♦• «a ewget«c re».«e r*a*t J"^et.t» ewetes to tue pests MANAGEMENT TRAINEE applicants an«o an prepared to spend seme o» tfw • 10*9 <" ••♦•d need apply QUALIFICATIONS < Va'ie M«c>«an<ai Cnginremif •»<t«r» re grveti to Ei *iat>onal ServKt 0* Hooowrt
      499 words
    • 803 14 CONTROL MANAGER (Shipbuilding Marine Engineering Company l Salary Above 5522.000 per annum plus usual fringe bttwfiu A leading and diversified shipyard MCfMI suitable pertonnei to apply *o> the po Thit man be heading an independent department responsible to the Genera) Manege* He wnll manage a team of quai ty control
      803 words
    • 187 14 IN IHr HII.H MX HI II (Duron i i p Matter of the Companies Art IMI lag (PTt ii hereby given tnat w< BM aepor. and tru dim-ted to be hear i ting at 10 30 furvnoon. on Frida) tneJMhda) rig to HiPP<>rt or oppoae the mikr urder on Ute
      187 words
    • 250 14 •■SVKM 4— •>• smb agaaeajN AUITHAXIA SUITICB *m»« Irjbw M| as> >easti lasst tew gftStOMB MW Ml I •oum afmica tea vice eat cay Ml s» Mi aj IMI nuwm ptatcr iiom »»*m »oa eaMMAaeji V«gaj-» eat cay ti fer Mi Bj 1 esr iieress mpj N •crn lasvaiaaa] it
      250 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 311 15 tMfiMMjM' BBMaa a vMraaf aa "•"••x >M MM .X >• MX 1 MMa* MMH -MB M oe'Ma NM X "t4« M>« 'VMM "y"*^MaiMMMaa* Marati laai M« umii IMJ IMX MI ll»l« M« MM MM. a mmm aaaa at mm MMMf ai IM I M IMmm aw* i mm mbmmjj aa'
      311 words
    • 901 15 Ben Ocean M VX tM Imi '.a«Mt MMJ I van Mt) lanajfimiMßr-iMinMj t mm MM WMMtI x. r a «fi m« ,i«m *m> »f m x> > laat tM 'xm -> tM aai .•ua iimm m*> imm im iM artaaj, •immjmm MM M| aaaa m a> ''mm 2 riM*w anaa>
      901 words
    • 892 15 lim *mx. mom. M- r mt a m> rxj n*« na> m II MIIMI lIM IM IMM'MMIMM IMM ItM MMM aaM IM lIM DM <M IM MB IMMM «MM a M lIM «M «M a MJ* MM VMM U MM M M» m £S 'I MM M mm m im
      892 words
    • 605 15 mjmm^^ BmMJV' M II I Bmm m) ■>. I ruul COMTAIMCRIZIO SfRVKf lUMTI ZLm. M» kMtMM aua'i Mil m. Max FULLY COMTAINfIIZED SflVICf TIOM fUtOTt UMxM l» »w «UM Mm Mm I xx*mjm xxMxmS Ml Ml* Mm Ax JmM> BmM^M MMI Imjwxjb i Ma n mm mmjm^, pma mx mm
      605 words
    • 316 15 MMMM Hjmm lM)Ll It •mmm/ THE RAMSI UHB E>TDMB KUWAIT SMirriMC CO. ISxAOtU MMM If i MM •■MM* MJ MM MtMiajaM KIS OHII MX LIME I Wm^tm MM3 MXI mfgg MMMM Ml MMI MHa\ *aa»>. MM* Ml MM ii MR Mai bb\ aa» aj-^BMMi^™^?^^^P^^Ti™^^^P^^TßaT/M^i^^*M^T^T*#^^Tß Mju a x> mmi •»>i< lIMaIM
      316 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 449 16 ""li %MMU UMM KAIWA LIO mut cm-AmVhi wma riM *m| M -f m nmmua im •> n mm •>■ bTW «B •jm *i' ww ia) m IM Hi •TpMaa IaMM i w m> aMMvtU MMI 'm-i BMBB 'ea, •TIM K»M II ir H> 71 la I, a*. n bbb UM
      449 words
    • 766 16 !MMmm| M^^mml b|-MM^3ml^^7 LINE NFW imii dlhf UkLS SiIVHE M-aa-' CMMI MMMI •>P«M MM IMI mm mmm a a n Mr a•« a I MMI MMll M MM 1 r MM iiNM\/niiiN noiiii mm mm m MMMJ Mr IM MM ill tM MMJ Mltil IMIM I fit Mill II M
      766 words
    • 771 16 WJUf MMMMM MMJ II MM H mi MU t|M> I MM*] IMMMM XIMM »M> tMM 1 M>M M MI II MWM WIMM I IMM MMM IM fMM IM aMM WIItMaMIMWIMMW MHP n a*ai™ 'bTmMftS MIMaT iMai jm-« tMBM ai a SS2S XSS' MMrllMr M> IM| MM* ■fM I, sss'-m?. ;s
      771 words
    • 615 16 I "2ji MMMMiM i mm mmmm mmmm MMM IMl*. HIM fIM I l« 1 M r .1. MM •MM. (Ma M-K »*l M. MM» MMM. ••mm «m vmm mim i. M in mt n MM! IMI HI MIM* MMI •WI hi IMI MM Urt NM fU IM M I »1»
      615 words
    • 357 16 vw^ WORWE6IM JUU LIME ■fa*", Af^k l^f" II /_i JCVH MMI fM iMM ■MM «a \rahian shipping lad! rransportatioi onpan> I id. KarFast Middle hast I mc aa» aaMMM Ma Agents Interocean E A C Agencies Pie Singapore Tel ***** ***** (Cargo Bookt ngs Tel 917' PIIAMCI TRAOf 1 TRAMSPOtT
      357 words

  • 12 17 ■MM >om r... Apni Srd at I M p bjbml
    12 words
  • 4 17 3 Religious Announcements u'fi
    4 words
  • 2 17
    2 words
  • 7 17 S O a livtvi'iiil of
    7 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 81 17 classified ads H) M >at; ar.l tpajM -t Heeprtal ntM viarr n Reaii t a born on SJB B^PV*watßwnatßjßßl ArALIM COBM>*MV rwasaraa AaMMwaTRATIVI 0>» -r>.» .n Man .vesjettafcet <tp t* k)ijM/ ia.mai Unas ts *ats Mat ph. 'i SOI tt'ttt ahouM oenpleted Pro- regltiered a* i ntaar a| m liaCTPjajl
      81 words
    • 416 17 "ta OB Pit I— *am« -ewMredbySM I fy* l l^7 M g?-rT? < mifns' urnabl* pawM«waaß to S T Baa APMia NjAAwawMSONwS NtSTRUCTOa Mai* fetnatt ajeww^MSj! 5 leMaaaae Mr apaaMMBawMtv Caß»>t Rear Cftee* See Stmawa Ml NWJW) Rrtdp* RaM BMaapaea wiLt i*T*aLis**ao f pertoaal SRM WTTM OPMTMA4SBC BwfaMMJ gtpiima end
      416 words
    • 614 17 by latport Kaaayt Oeataaay Typw»TM I w^r%M»2 wtuiTSi welaat MlAl JT T etok Ayar on* af UM warM iwtWng tnter ■wIMPI" M tMRMMj Mr MMMtaßßwf lartfu; and pita at nt I ywuag MdMt u> mm iv MOjart a»- ;--.rrver' aawaWwawaMß M.r. OCE O Lewi Cer ttftfßA* wtth at MaM tfMßJta.
      614 words
    • 511 17 tn IIUfMIIMII .onrnal t M MMIU MIIIMmS 'imiii*aniy"'iSm* Z, T Bh Hill tM pim^ißiiri (aaaKi^BH >WM urn tiMilliw rnnri ad a^B_M>ajuf H unh^ •I M* mt anili fn.« -tiill na i T*» |-i»mi afwta a baa* mtan wmtt 'Wliiainiia n «nun« u> ™^B^aMa»BB» vw»^w |r a PT I AWU MUMMWI
      511 words
    • 621 17 CBatAfmfaJTT CObVTwwOIi TwaatsaWtalaT BMtti OCtt O ItTtj tr S* M mmb M tttawr raaMßkf at OM ITaad BMary llSf MBS Pw> Ud*T» fMMtw Aw S par* a*MSBAs. SLSCTajC ajaaV*| MOtjoswAasa pti ltb BMtaatv (juaMflad aa^Mawawa far Mr paat of arr.4iPatAa parted ruS-ume Nauanal Strrtr* and a Trad* Courw from aay
      621 words
    • 656 17 Mmi only far Mm twawMap paau A. ArriaaM Clark wtW miniasurr ■>' 2 ywanr* Sam dwpaaitiad aa Cyaa.-n ***** i S iMtntitra Bt Kn*n iiitrMtg DtrnftaMM w*S* a«Mtawai 12 ywan istsrsw m ayeatMßiiMitMj ittnatiau— »>os»m Ts»ctMrYcaor> ptb lt* A leading Shipyard invitet tppHrauwna far in* fiilliaatg P*n*n«» m fNiuas arwrttati
      656 words
    • 633 17 r*r a Had Ptrtmaa t* b* tuttaaww MkWMWy w Midaa 4 >f\d» a ■aaaal *^*i »**-Ou nave a minim am of 1 ywan —par vMary imbwmi aa a Viang »w man wrm a BapwlabM paktag ran tfwrta* r-»e an i.imaMlMri snli tdadaitd -f-r wM btSav BtaßTaaatd art *n »twd w
      633 words
    • 562 17 •I'll T S ■'BtMMj ajaßNMadMa Cwmpaat **f "y *ng drearßMji ftHwn ii Mat* 1 HHtHtfATal V whwwM I MAW OT BtrwtMt Appuranu awaaM MS MMI I Maa Tang iiiMp Ma KWUU 0 BECTIK Apptiranwi tbjawM ha»« I* r le r.. t. TT.eT'tary r-n^trn< re 1 a**^ era. .r. SJaM a
      562 words
    • 343 17 at :M t-taan mr—* tMtat ,1 P^aM*«MlMMMw>B l«*"i P APP*> K a at I Sw. MM M MMM Bad ■l*WWte BMapMtS na-iranr* la Ma\ s a> 4* tact *t %t it BtwwJßyMMj at a Btwaartiwa BBaarBAC—Loa tojraa I haw BtwMaßMMai *w»tn**«r* m IMB M BbTAmbVbb^UblrbJ MbmbTJ LaraatM MM ha.s»» MB
      343 words
    • 171 17 «aaa a kin Bdjßßjßjm asaM> aa/wajajMsß) NBMMN MMJ a» IN. BBt>S POB MMB*. BJBJ r^. iSp-r5 AMtaaxia* •vac* MMJ MaaaM) warn bßßMatar Bjaad 2 ia *mt> ->. BH -^.a-< MwH >*• aJMMJ »a«. BBSM SjJ «ii*. i iimaaii' m M a M I awaamf aw a, •lam a>a aa>s> I^^WBBMM
      171 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 18 18 classified ads m) MaMjMiaMl Ma aawai Naaapa Iw* IMC *HeaMaaw ti ut MM jiawiaalswJ ►«>• MJM ru tjaaMO OB»
      18 words
    • 117 18 ijlt t 0 rwttv BuaaaOMto luiuatowt I i*\ ..1 Btaaaa cw> Lawtf KawiM Agpncv «ari mi> 'all aWJJMM Mo agent* LUIWaiOUILT fuß ■I', ,I^l TW^t mop. OttT it MOOOMM Oil*! •I 0 BOOM HOG -»0 UN'UNNIINIO boomi two iiNeuaaMOMjao aooMi BOOM Y» OUT 10 TIONG OAH»u BOOM I < ■HItHIO
      117 words
    • 442 18 H r j, ABWivfC PajiTitW MMM H.-«».. *err. -te bi floao AaMjaacaa COMPAaTY UWOOHTIT MMrMjM a 1 1 mgtlii m dMU I It II far letaMt ta 2 1 tioaooaiD mt Mowoa .r ah rent UM UM A- PoanaMllll «unna ■ff k» hown ar Mlft after a3t I p m
      442 words
    • 506 18 «'"«*t'M at Marael brand •tare* MMR-leval trrrare 2 MM »q ft fraettoM) 3 Mraaat- a* Mil ■MMMMr pore '<% OBaa Lane a«re il Ring Wdai WaaaJ >AT| O ingle More, mi de taraad 4M> aa R 3 wparali Hvtna dining More raoa» wejl laeated^ IT Mt nVUU ■aaa> t awTCN
      506 words
    • 612 18 iaciiM xaTaa tTw ti— r I rwnaMßPt wM* airrorMl am* iilnaiai IMM aaaauaaM -m O*tT *t WItTWOOO «ncr floor Ull Mt tarawe Itawat la im immh i pawl fal- y MJa*«**Oa*B*J wV/*Ha*ta*<l ImMmbM ft mim CNAT|VO#tH m#AATmM)IVT 4 Itt»Of*P>a»J M^M-la"TfH MM%aTaWeflM*ttV ATTRACTIVE RATES 'O« FIXED DC POSITS ond Saaiwf Kc*.
      612 words
    • 566 18 OPPatn pom tau Oaraaja riaf P«ataai •eara aalaat* (TB~> agaeaaMMlaa; mtaß K m H 'Mft "1 raj 1 %•>! MB MMMaflMut i f aaMWia 1 mml mmtW mmmM T «■»*■■> Maal> aajpaMj^ a *t* tr a r>^ I OMMI I I'mt approi M art l *T* a> ft i far
      566 words
    • 299 18 Laaa j.. -x- Mtrf' Plaaa i^.iftj") > par* MTtaatfiaait a\axa anoa lai flaat ipai ■aiilili 2M tq ft MM m Far pa«»-Jar» rail Ml ATTO ..Ta*^.c..Ta, M I Baar Maay MM) m| ft Maa< jyaoat racTOaTv *oa tan i AMO AM A Ma.HI to rr ■WILT IN AB|A 0* ABBBO
      299 words
    • 121 18 SUMMER SPECIALS Sow rurupr al iU MMtwr'i b«*l. Al the b«al bargain prit-et an»wnd VNilh SI M.kwnK. all the 1 our air lra« H it mm SI iMMMMai »'X» OOnallSU Sumbn Special oVparturr* tatj'r* eM-orted thraMgitaMl by eipenem-ed Singapore lour Kuidc-v >ou mj<i. C ItMane meak in hum* MM And
      121 words
    • 238 18 HMBk .Am -•If I •MUM* MMM MOmmo tm« a>O4K o MMM tAMOa UI'I (••Mil "Ou HIM I «ltT MAI ATI -..O»> AMO •on »«MM* A. Car M4M' UWI ttMCABOai C I TO LTO I uM taHOAPOag mi coaaHli s .»e>ai i* rataM* im IMIII ICII TOY* ■MO im m—< a«t«
      238 words
    • 68 18 aaaaftari 4 Maaaaae* .■ja« TOMMMa MX«i'i Mat •ataac %*m*»* Jay Wiii»i T« iMatM I ■M Taea ItwN Ttt i r rt>.i. MM la l< t run Mja laiiaa r at HIMI MOMT MfM Hangaana %et %#L Mtaw >.« Ma t l Km am Ml BM a»a> tJMB > |'hTbh ZaUaU
      68 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 65 19 4i agouem »aaat OgLM SS*M MMM M aMMM C4KOMBO ta**SM 4,t SBJ p. aoef SMMdS 'Towa I .at.. ".■■■3l aO'O "tOOll HOTSI Rdj I M t»» matitnry 1 -t tt tit Max —^^a^a^a^^a^*^aaVamaMßHaxdßM r ,»-4«iam rooo SSJ) BpJR I BOOM BISTA IBANT IHiyi Baod s**oa}TMANo TMgoav |y»»«— j— Pwnana Baad
      65 words
    • 250 19 UNMja* p»am7aMMa w» a*r frwm Land m M ITSSM Mtuani ..rrwma Banamg AwdM t«rt -»naman«naj Oa4a 4aai fytag fiat »ori Trow MFOBD CENTRE ScMANAGEMENT ANO ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES It 7« Sosgtons ao«r>.»s«o- -'Hi SaC'diA- and I >unOal>or< Mar< agarnant &4V auStn— Adjmiwigtrattori Cofftpuid* Seeded C*«MMa«cMg 24tft Mortar* ",-'*s p<ddSd Slam *ard
      250 words
    • 434 19 »OB)TBAM COMPtiTga PS)« -<rg.r n*r. COM- anaraM aa Saaaay IM SM p.m »*T PantrMaaii win b* grtwa aaaarvaaaaa la> ran tnear praMnaMMM) an XRSC CaMgajavr* aaa st Peaai* Park mm A SS—aird a apartaat Small wvv* iiirni Bwajirtrterii i iCVaMaateed ilwn. pm Sta riataaini-IBgC -lay2M 4M p a SMRM MM
      434 words
    • 627 19 amMmf Varaf-^l BaaTAaßaaMa* aat» Sr,_ aVM aVTaW B*WaMJRMJ7 axM»a» rtr On* Mat hi and tftiwai'i MMM from lia tat p ai ouianifSaa MOMg rwmea M lawntiiiidtaaarifaTMaMlafM aii tevaa Tel MMJ •rMM llli"' I MMJ a.AI w all mil Enaua-i** 412 Mh Tei *mmj Immm aPeaaa lanaw CaaaagMMM AVAILABvI I I'UmCII
      627 words
    • 701 19 IOTRaaM gdJR Cowp* iMt c r TjOaTi tCrafaVfM IVaW *^PMT*JbW ITJbbtV >• MB PftaarMMMßan 2JB K rfl COOI. csaan, comfort INSTALL a BIKINI-EX «rcondittorM)r m your car TODAY' fitl JafTl aaHJT SdM LVMTdtwtor for tiiaaaan a Man>ta Auto Airco»M>tiO»Mea| LmL. IM fatt Coatt Road asswt to Cat** tMM<anl Snaapor* Ik
      701 words
    • 721 19 am i awl M MB Coatart Kaft M ttaaang Pudding Road per* > wtaoaMitM mgaalraadauaa JaM averttaaled Call iiOMaa MMB LATt goat raa Rm and pan MMB o a a M LarwagTaaaaTel MMM MM M*a tTM omr Many ea trat Taa aiiaiid Augaat Pnr* I iiftiPtag uddiOCAWiirTWi itq 'M saavaV*
      721 words
    • 266 19 PBOTO»»Pt STO*« I ftliawi feat unng aaJaMabli aMRwg ■j_"~ M !i'2*ig aaat ißliHam M MB Tel A; Milswbish I I i and .if I hifri I PfMJRI if.;, f Supratachnic (Pt«) Ltd «4WN BBAMO mt •t HAVI AVAM.ASLI Mtglt am M g«a** ova Coronet 44 fitted wrUi air-ron twir arnrratnr
      266 words
    • 185 19 awat paaaM* *aai v *anaMi yaar Mkap OfiMw aag »4 ->. offer *ajn*W*ajr*a« raMaeM "Mpa*aVa*O "f IIM fWaaaVat* 1 Ttfl K»Maaaal »aa>*t aaMJaaU. CAMS ißMifußg I -HPN'IW SO* AS .CUtaOMi M nU t *nr» am«M I 4 and Miaikiaag K-. «ar ruga r d ffVaW aaTr*MßMaaMaM Da"aT**a4 riOaf'l <4M Reretver
      185 words
    • 77 19 ATiiaasat fr h^ti yaar N«— B. 1 -i* MM 4iaa> p.^pMVJ na*> I Saaaaar MMMMW -f 4 ..-a, aR,. l gS* p r.i^lrru.ina- BMM I N.r.,.-- SUB>H k W4 I > W»l BURGLAR ALARM Thit untqu* I OO<t«DH) P' Butt, I *a* >«ua>i*i and) Rdnaadi it* j I *'■••>' I
      77 words
    • 57 19 I'M •AC-^. I tfP>» It* aa» 1 a •Ml I P»» a m^.mai iwum »~t *a*a> «h waaaroduM* «»*> CPC i wt IaiIBISM •aM hum tMBM a> aaaa SMMtTS 4»0 tflltl H .4*l j T»l SMBM.f'■AC TO*TV BJMBJ •a* Pnr* Maavwai aaaa Baaaaaaa IM^a> pa** -4 f iai m i
      57 words

  • 68 20 girl has no qualms as she twirls in mid-air i rMfe thr IV dhilr If p 4.i i In .11 hrr pMM m h..»int \kr hihad Miner ani%hjp> rrsallinc in bru. n to thrir and-«l%lrr tram. «hn the I rmdm alto Injuttlinc anc hi in thrir skew. if..rnnn» it Ihi
    68 words
  • 26 20 faMavekf charetd in > m«- Kk* 111 V. c *t* aa f krQ tot aMMQOR 4B Apr.. 71 pending potiet int«*t«atw(v Pu^ is rtm«n<t-
    26 words
  • 6 20 MH.- J«k Vrun TteoC
    6 words
  • 115 20 3 YEARS, ROTAN FOR EXTORT MAN 4 vo occasioi tailed three yean with trokrs of the cane by a district court jres- .rt heard that Low n Lian. 23 the hawker, was at hi* stall when Oh Seng Ouan 30. confronted him at about 330 p m 4 Oh demanthat
    115 words
  • 6 20 and Dewkpiint Association rrenrh
    6 words
  • 167 20 Fatal bid to help a 'lady in distress' i CHIVALROUS" young man was drownr ed at sea after he went to the aid of a lady in distress, it was said In a coroners court yesterday The court was holding an inquiry into the death of Mohan Nair Sankaran 22
    167 words
  • 79 20 Record 8,000 applications for Poly THh Singapore Poly* technic has received a record number of over 1 000 applications for its academic session which begins in June Tba Anal oflWrul flgurt Is how not y*t ■vmUabtt ss tht Poly is Mill prnr— <nc I*U sppHottons althoufh Urn clwiik date »a»
    79 words
  • 483 20 Outwitted officers at checkpoint 4 PIRATE laxi-drivei r:m ;i lucrative oac man racket to smuggle prostitutes into Sinu I' to outwit the \V(HMil:inds immigra lion checkpoint, a district court li \i-slt id i\ Ue Saing Thin. 36. who admitted having transported 25 prohibited immigrants
    483 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 30 20 classified ads Ml CNMtll mm mtwiw «a*aa< —I •••■>••>• m\»mt CO Sea HAI*Gt Of BIATIOMAL •a p*»t« fo» m n- r ««.Timji •.••in ajsjSJ MORE RESPONSE TO CLASSIFIEDS WITH PHONE NUMBERS
      30 words
    • 243 20 V fm Botan. provxtos Tf rwo»v©S the f»*»e coot r *<*r tk t*«-.s High Fashaoo and R«Mlv I M Wf Dior line to .v l| c Bohanisnowaw itionaj>» ndreexjt rS #180 VNPQfWswIV *> v Wflm one of *ne w .OrOßtatMl I Each year new antcln boanrv m I created and
      243 words

  • 51 21 police shopso violent that the had to be itne day at a day tiward Tan. the Department Store on at about 930 pjn No papers She *as tar i false and I nad to '.<«d her be grabbed hat at Quarrel It was over
    51 words
  • 3 21 <*rvic*tn»n
    3 words
  • 216 21 $2,000 fine on driver who stole $600 diesel oil A LORRY driver was •■need to a day's ..\rr.»-r.* and fined 12 000 by a magistrate i court yesterday after he was found guilty of misappropriating 2 700 >-. oil valued at 1400 37 was guilty of committing the offence In
    216 words
  • 32 21 MR D 8 SMUttl «M resident of the H-s- .-i.fttim held reProf O O Thoaaaon »as :r- M: *uw •rcrctary Mut .■d»r« aast wereNlr Ch;« H Man B*i < r
    32 words
  • 88 21 Jail, rotan for cook caught with knife 4 ye»Bende- ise on and identified himself. Soon after Oovlndarajaloo wa» seen throwing away a knife Det. Urn picked up the 25-cm rUfe and ar-x-rson was I with the help r rs from a passing patrol car who I to investigate. Making his
    88 words
  • 29 21 i presentation for 50 public n st Hotel on »*ld PRO* could hfip recommend mprovements In ;«)rt snd ext'RO* had cosß- r. sored th«
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 927 21 Ow rsp»d eipaoston has t9t**9* in a ixmtgwr ol Career Opportwwtttas *or bcijM awd awsMtlsj— tlmapnreo* Mateys*** I ■JgsswM Cand*dates srtoutd possess a 'ecognisad degree accountancy and must have at 'east 1 year e»pe' c"cc M aod't '*»cogrir»e<J diploma >n tKi»i*>ess admimsifjt.o^ o' *o mSC A* least 2 years <•»
      927 words
    • 706 21 A leading engineering company, manufacturing electric motors, dlesel engines, alternators and sluice valves in Shah Alam. Selangor. seeks suitably experienced candidates preferabh BUMIPUTRAS* to fill the following positionDRAUGHTSMAN Qualification: Candidates should be a diploma holder in Mechanical Engineering or having 2 to 3 years course in draughtsman^ in any recognised
      706 words
    • 419 21 tlta* aMftsßM hMM VssßVWaskg'^BSSsr ft ■ppgKWkV W isTW pVBNavBV Mm •■SV^RslgssWaT s^gf WW raa»as>s» Has »ass> mmrmlmmmm. asjaasgas* f j"4)^-* f** aTHjl^^W^^aV "*T" tjlg* s>* sf«l candMasea f-» t»e fr^^wtna asgiwin t* gst raesasy Wii»jbibj »a»n im T ii l n nssae KIMAH Br HKKMBAH PECAW4I KrN*J\NN aVAPORT Petawal dan
      419 words

  • 355 22 Liverpool are a step closer to title •SUPERSUB FAIRCLOLGH TURNS THE TIDE ANl> lONDUN, Twca. Liverpool defeated MancWsarr City yesterday to mote within tight of winning Use fcafhaß Leasjue soccer rhsmpionmhip for s rerord eighth time Liverpool stayed one point clear of Queen s Park Ranger* srno edged Arsenal 2-1
    355 words
  • 202 22 nawf aWaSMawi aawa wa i t»>n OnM* Tm W«at Ma* VMM Ma* fMW Ul I •—> aVaaassßaW 1 BaaSt fin waaSßßasrw s awrwawassw IMM VMM I J»f«aaM»^MM T«*M«a«B NMa3W CMa*v» o.i wu iminiaamnnn mum ch< caaraai tuwtv I (hmm i t\dham W|i^t> Anjyt* i law To.n i armat
    202 words
  • 294 22 Scotland upset to finish Junior soccer champions CANNES. (France). Tues Scotland won the 25th annual International Junior soccer festival with a 1-0 victory yesterday over France, an unexpected outcome as Brazil and Mexico had been the favourites to dispute the final same Brazil won third place by defeating Mexico 4-0
    294 words
  • 80 22 KARACHI Tuaa Au»> trail* O*ofl Hunt and Mohlbullah Khan, of Pm»^tan vho ar« M«d*d le awat la the final, reached Urn laat tour of the InUrnatlonal ■quaati toumanant wtth aaay vtrtorta* here Top «rd Hunt beat I hail I Baiwat ttypt* kwdtog piayw 1 »-4 »-l MehlbjUah
    80 words
  • 19 22 BANJA LCSU <Yu«o»»--*ta> TttM Tuaoalavtaa and mmmn m v* ■att* m a 111— aty intrroauoaai aocctr mmUh—mm*m
    19 words
  • 133 22 DUBLIN. Republic of Ireland' Tuee. Top- weight Brown Lad won the Irian Orand National atMßlMhau at rmlryhouat here yasttrday for the second sweceaalve year Starting seven to-iwu favourite Brown V-*d wa» always going well and mmm** Intn IM lead two fanes* from hosse Hu trainer Jim
    133 words
  • 24 22 MWOaffl— AaiatMar £rtMa» at Ifc* Oxw C«av ana»*y CWMN taaanva tuiUiii at pm ."TT."^* r, BwS I^uJ^STw-.'ttS tatfky at aA»A Kymn*p»i« i')p>
    24 words
  • 387 22  - Toll The Bell gallops attractively on the track EPSOM JEEP By PENANO. Tues. Toll The Bell did an attractive workout on a good track here today With apprentice Henry Heng in the saddle, the four-year-old by 8t Alphage strode out fluently over 600 m In 39.8 accompanied by Top Tudor
    387 words
  • 20 22 ttaa OnL Pna. traa* Urn im and l»il Oraad PTtt cn«a«|itun A«awaltai Maaaluru Wada aaaw MM I
    20 words
  • 13 22 MOacow Twaii O— a— Udaam draw j> aavtat •tut. BM MMCk
    13 words
  • 98 22 Graeme gets a sponsor AUCKLAND T rvrmer Tajmar. «r.d fIOUW IWW g«^BlaWß*Wal me lor r»r::.g i"h*fntn«ii. Or— w Lavtvm* h«i r a>*~ V# f j. I IHHIVI w^BFwaHBBHBY^aWAi •pODflorvd vvvf in the »i» major fcawjaV ra*t Mian Orand Frta raeat H* left with hu bro th*r Hr. Ati HHjH I
    98 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 485 22 fm**Mmmmm\L+MMlMmikMKm^mm I raawe. wywnat and eapanenead a A_. Of jaatTal BVT*swßßf«jßawnr BSHt^^^Bß^gaxvssßi w«w ,o.- -> MniMbayii Omsaaw Jeva/Kuaas Lumpy ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER la* candtdaia mwst poaasas s touno bawc education axalitu, ho*dm« a Oa>r«i I EeonorfMcs. BMSiwami AtfmwMatrwtasn or a O ri a,* r -wi aaamMg hi ufaal waWa^BrSki aaWtTfa)
      485 words
    • 1032 22 CAMEn OPt»ORTUMiTY IM A RAPIDLY EXPAMDIMQ COMPANY 9 A well attabttgtswa Joint -venture company with baad- W quarters in Koala Lumpur wishes to expand its business ac- A unties not only In Malaysia but also in San Ptanclsco. J California In new of this. It now wishes to employ additional
      1,032 words
    • 202 22 M«WAM BAW»*aUT* acau* LCTsrva Horn TAwaaAM Tawaiaw laararasi ad.lafc aY u^trvxattjar va>ta( ajaVsttss^a^s* aW ns*. JKaTTLa-aii Kataa A B a C Kawata IV P*cahaa K ays Is Sa Ai S» awaw> mammmt kar)a-kar)a afwartl ■HUD urn lawfs of or tmtmmr Wwrka for taWailaar aß^t^PMSßßlxtxaj at W«a)SJgßj aw* Chsraa. K«aia Utfapur
      202 words

    • 336 23  - JASENITES STRUGGLE FOR A BERTH IN UNDER-23 K.O. FINAL BERNARD PCRCIRA By lANSENITES were made to struggle hard by a determined Ceylon Sports Club side for their 2-1 win In the SHA Under--23 knockout semifinal at Balestler Road yesterday Jansenltes will meet Indian Association who last week trounced Singapore Malay*
      336 words
    • 296 23 UNKNOWN FULTZ SHOCKS 2,000 MARATHON RIVALS OOSTON, Tuet. D Jwck FulU. a lit-tle-known American runner, surprised himself and his 2.000 rivals by winning the Boston Marathon at his first attempt yesterday PulU 27 said he might now seek a place in the US Olympic trial at Eugene. Oregon next month
      Reuter; AP  -  296 words
    • 60 23 MPT YORK Tut* muu of najor laagiit b— t»iii fame, ptayaa ywlerdai ■Mrt»l« BoMoo lUd Sob 1 Mto.^-^ Tvtiu 0 California Aa*»U t 8a.:.--morr Orioles 4. Oakland Athletics Detroit TVrrt S Naltakal Montnal Expos CMraco Cubs 1. Houston Astros t Los Aneatsa DuJgsri 1. N.v
      60 words
    • 597 23  -  ERNEST FREDA By JUNIE BNG, the little darlinK of the Singapore swimming team, gave another heart>welling perform anre jester day when she set her second National Open record in the current SASA Age (iroup Swimming Championship* at the Toa Piyoh pool. Junle. 11. who was in
      597 words
    • 356 23 rpop SEEDED Kok Peng Chee cruised Into the last 16 of the Boys 16-11 years old group tournament of this year s P and N Age Oroup badminton championships when he beat Huasln Slkam by 15-S. 15-7 Ho Woh Ben« caused an upset
      356 words
    • 210 23 1 .lIS. BaVtssaa aM m as^Bß*e^ka asar n aj i r T > n.i r» m* :j»i r '< Ski OHMI asWaaSaSß CaasasaPaaaftas at Naval Bast o*ar Ukt wakk•nd Me siso wan first asset u» Uv mr cc class for of att urn ttew rveau tar
      210 words
    • 141 23 Raffles, ACS in last 4 A ".am* trlkaa* «aMUIe« far Ukr »r> I ISbbbH Saf that NftSMaaaMsTsl I aTfJaal Soaf«aßsßaW MOrmt J rteaVsas)p*a»Mahaal^ fr* ik« Ala af Iksar imh rtirraa. N#« farraaf \arlarta to a I I a... pn n u k,i \t 4 eaaaasat -d \i'i«na «a (Ml aiffe
      141 words
    • 100 23  -  JOE DORA a, rRASfcR and r keeper. By*d Alan, faw I By*<l v h app? at* 1 up-et by th# oppu«nkr a*4n iw »oo» off Mi mi mm i rrturn In »plt» f o>«i mir*ti. i i ir»# tarn UMM«fe bt tot
      100 words
    • 90 23 KOWTOW ;uMirt fc»ar out Mi tamr' SS •t kMM tiaMp w? Art to *rt>-r i aasaMarw' sPaMj bJJbW vtrtorr m ■frtaa plus th» m.ndi o»»r« la the fln»i haw »tm# f.r *a»fu; r**ittoaeanhy Briar— half '»» of watfßaM b»for» rail,n« hail WlU> H \_9t the
      90 words
    • 41 23 KATOW Caachaalsvakla aasaaaaaal West Osraamn? t-1 ir ih«w i BMMch af the nm wit a« Jhe WotM Or-up A M BStHf Baaasn )u.nad CaßaßasWSsaal I t <+•» aaWi ataUaaJ Poland 41 me* dtfaasaa tha L'nMad SaMaa »-l In anolhar
      41 words
    • 16 23 ai d h..<i Jaaa ,MM| ima' ltih AaaM V al hafe t*«t*
      16 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 338 23 U N I V E R 9I T I MA L A Y A vat' A AfIRAUA II (Kumpulan D). TANOOA QAJI (OSO-3) tISC x 5 170 APAF jawatam »tap 'lan Derpencwn jMu» .n r.«gi lantikan teik meieoehi 40 tahun (U)Caluncaiun daripada papiwai-pegawaJ yang setidak meiebehi 90 tar. KM un-calun
      338 words
    • 132 23 sMBBMMMMMMMMaP' B^^' a^B!^BMBMi Ms! Faft H **%>.'* A" ajp 4^ »*"B| W-^sM^^^»Laß ll y mil m^laT* l^ mL a mm m C\9jT^. lM m m HaTar' aaT sMf M BSaV Sj BaT .1^ ■■L SW _^SaMM. an 'aWMi if v Second Edition revised by Zainul Abidin times Distributors sdn iho
      132 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 29 23 aocOTB Asian Youth isiiiaj (Baneknti Oraap IKltm an Lanka aVaaaa ■saajavjLsal wSt TttA ■la ayah i Jehasn and JasVaa H ATHLgTUS SatajMnrs Chanaae Owls Schu atset r.« Pajroh. lap
      29 words

  • 284 24  -  KS SIDHU My Ml I m»e>tlgat- eating the miire>r Qf a tan driver In his cab in a !■■■!> lane off Midi |M ywter«ay arr Moiling on several claw »n--cluding a set ef bloody footprints fee** on r rnf Tan »> Koon. M. of
    Junk Juani  -  284 words
  • 10 24 Hyatt deal: Talks still going on M»N L Tufl ng
    10 words
  • 2 24
    2 words
  • 114 24 Taiwan cracks down on gambling rTAIPEH Tues The 1 Taiwan garrison command has ordered a larg'-scale crackdown on gambling houses and set June 1 as the deadline for cleaning up gambling in the country The crackdown was prompted by a recent series of suicides, robberies and blackmail all found related
    UPI  -  114 words
  • 29 24 PARIS Tue» Soviet PXarMgn Minuter Andrei Oroanyko Bill makr day official v»»u to France from April 27 lo M the French Foreign Ministry anwmmt tod.) i- pi
    29 words
  • 381 24  - Tun Fuad names his Cabinet BILL CAMPBELL K Kinabalu. By Tues TUN Fuad Stephens, who was sworn in as Chief Minister some hours after the election results last Thursday, today named members of his nine-man Cabinet as the State capital got back to work after the four-day Easter break. They
    381 words
  • 24 24 (an Ml ciawa U uatraw Maifaimi fiianry MM>. 4 am nillwtw M Cknaji Mam limm Caasat .i n IJ □Maty ■■■nut k* teas*/
    24 words
  • 273 24 NEW DELHI Tuesday f THK <iovernimnt of Piime Minister Indira dandhi's hoiiu- \l iU hi cided to introduce legislation for coin pulsory sterilisation for parcoAi of thiee or more children and to jail husbands who do in»t i<> ofK-r.itr tor up to
    UPI  -  273 words
  • 146 24 PREMIER SENI GETS ROYAL APPROVAL BANGKOK. T««* KINO Bhumlbol Adul ysdej today appointed Mr Sen! PramoJ. leader of the Democrat Party, as the next Prime MlnUter of Thailand. It was announced The ann o v n cement over Radio Thailand was made after the Speaker of the National Assembly. Mr
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 536 24 lOHtWW. TWM TIM aurk« Bml Sna Ml in«m M*u win im> Int IMS ktW lfc» l«y Illlin HK At J p a IM n— in I Timm ■4a *w w> it «1» VIVtfMMM Mtt4tl* kta T%3UB Mt %9 V PSiM IS MHMjB Al !>■■»> MMMJ MtKllf «M t»
    536 words
  • 77 24 'Small coups' fear in Portugal aMOft. Tan Dr r»atUt Dltw rrat Part* ,m> today ia»re a •MMMy W -wawsa p.etl in mm PfawllWlall e-M-IMMM are to tmUmm next Iwm* after the Inl Im UV# a^atataVal^BWaMW a^# e»«nlr> f..r half a ren latj neir. a »ear •M lawyer. >st sawaw today
    77 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 35 24 Iwtnwn ;^J C Tuff-KoteJ Only WPHofc I VI I nVIV M m Itvonouncw) Tot^i Coat I Dinol neutralizes m prevents aTTa»MWa»^P"»»aTemia»^^*a»M^S w^Waw*w^a¥*"S^"**^grT*S"S w g^W*^^<^'^^ F *""*^**fa»m am"^ a^GzxX^^al jEaC3a-^al BL^^^^^^^^L^J m\ M^_^_ B _v__*__JL___B^__S^__ )^_#^H
      35 words
    • 69 24 7*l T""T^ l T > ??Ti stajt aa awn arroti acwy M >»•— »iii*««ii Ommt aaiva^aaMi aßaaia* a+ i eai SJrfmWf WMart (fcaMMHawUI L'P, ■apt MTI f«ja> OMkn a.. I T»>.»«« W EiECTHMXwatgyuiiro M Tantfm Hmt Sngawr AvetlatXeai the tomofna »»wtch aseasrt m ewavavuwnt More* «uaaui»ou.ia) Mtttnatiaituiil tgggesL MkA ftaar>»aat
      69 words