The Straits Times, 12 April 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 549 1 Hundreds detained to teach them the Pathet Lao line' VIENTIANE. Sunday HUNDREDS of people have been detained in the last 48 hours as Laos begins its first cultural revolution under the pro-communist Pathet Lao, informed sources said today. The sources s:ii(l Laotian security forces bad placed
    Reuter  -  549 words
  • 666 1 One killed in Chengchow rioting ftONGKOMO. Sun ONE person was killed in rioting in a second major Chinese city last week. Peking Radio reported today The offlclal Chines* radio said the rioting wu In Chengchow. capital cf central China's Hunan province It wai similar to that which occurred in Peking's
    Reuter; UPI  -  666 words
  • 37 1 MOSCOW. Sun. Singapore Foreign Minister. Mr. 8. fcajararnaar paying a fiveday offlclal visit to the Soviet Union, today went on a eight seeing tour of Riga, the capital of Soviet Latvia, Teas news agency reported.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 93 1 NTW YORK. Sun. All IS crew of U«e Blngaporebaaad motor ship Sea Trader ware rescued by a passing iMp after their revel tank last night about ITS km northeast of Bermuda, the US Coast Ouard said her* today. All the men were safe aboard the Überian-regie-Und tanker
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 257 1 Terry: 1 was Hughes wife for 8 years TORT LAUDERDALE, Sun. r Film actress Terry Moore claims to hare been married to the late billionaire recluse Howard Hughe* for- eight years, starting In the late *****. Miss Moore says she married Mr. Hughes when she was 18 and that his
    AP; UPI  -  257 words
  • 263 1 KUALA KAWQSAW, Sun MALAYSIAN Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad RUhauddeen today welcomed the announcement that Singapore Prjme Minister Lee Kuan Yew will visit China next month. Tengku Rlthauddeen told reporters at this royal town that Mr. Lee's two-week goodwill visit to China, fr*sj* nntn g on
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 444 1  -  PAUL WEE By A MAN In uniform A shot a Cisco guard from pointblank range and kiUed him, then fired a wild shot at aircraft at the Paya Lebar airport yesterday, before being arrested by police. The man. armed with a rifle, walked to a
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  • 544 1 Hijack trio bound for Calcutta BANGKOK, Sun. Three gunmen who have held out for four days on a plan' they hijacked in the southern Philippines agreed today to release 10 of their 12 hostages in return for a new Jetliner to fly them nut of Bangkok. Senior officials of the
    Reuter  -  544 words
  • 57 1 LONDON. Sun Labour MP John Ryman, 46. wu moand ye*Urd&y to face trial on charge* of making a faUe declaration of election Ryman. an attorney, has not attended ihe Houw of Common* tine* the charge waa ant brought His former election «g*nt. Peter Mort*kU. 43.
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 48 1 TWO gunmen early this morning waylild the manager of Hollywood Theatre In Tanjonj Katong Road and robbed him of W,5Se. They forced the manager to go seek to the theatre to open his office shortly after midnight, then removed the money from a safe-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 Available at aH leading shoe store* or at our ahowroom.Wo:97Jm.tuHan. m. oi-m Q BULOVA 1 BBBBBr I I 7 U B *»l igaw at "IM BBBr""* j gt^T'"^Bsl lime and Design in perfect harmony Buiova the people who invented the electronic tuning fork watch And brought new inspiring harmony to
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    • 66 1 WE MAY FACE ANOTHER DRY SPELL -Psge 17 LEBANON: Ford calls for restraint by ail S PAYOFFS: Name* will he kept secret 3 SOUTH -east Asian leaders want a US sceasnee 4 EATING kasarda la paint plants POISON that can eaaae had dreaaas 1 NEW rales em relief thicker* for
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    • 160 1 WuJisl ■HjjffUf-l 8 4 7 6 SALwHsI L^aSsE* ~"^k9 c mmchtrm that rwoognitm your typists skill An Editor 5 can add elegance to your executive correspondence. The Editor 5 is the typewriter for the special justification of the right-hand persoo who strives after perfection. margin, and rapid, accurate centering rather
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 118 2 CAIRO. Sun. Italy is expected to help Egypt overcome a shortage of spare parts for Its Soviet-built tanks. the weekly magazine Rom El-Youssef said today. In a report on President Anwar Sadat's current European tour which Included Italy, the magaslne said: "Italy is expected
      UPI  -  118 words
    • 39 2 TOKYO. Sun. A JSmember Thai Industrial delegation led by Mr. Banjurd Cholvljarn president of the Association of Thai Induatrtea. arrived Li Peking on Friday for a vlalt to China. the official rUlnhua news agency reported yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 93 2 ROSEVILLE (California). San. A 55--year-old mother has been charged with violation of the IS Slavery Act for allegedly selling her fwar-year-old daughter for ISSl.a* (SIMM). Placer County's Sheriff Capt. Donald Nunes said the sale took place last year between "gypsy" families and the
      AP  -  93 words
    • 274 2 Truce may be extended for another -10 days- BEIRUT. Bun. Lebanon's lettwlng leaden will probably announce today an extension of the truce In the country's civil war. according to leftist sources. This follows a unanimous rote in Parliament yesterday tc amend the constitution so that President Suleiman Franjleh can be
      Reuter  -  274 words
    • 162 2 Girl found in fridge with dead twin sister LAWTON (Oklahoma). Sun— A 3!,- year-old girl, beaten and half naked, was found locked In an abandoned refrigerator yesterday, along with the partially-de-composed body of her twin sister. The (rlrls, missing from their grandm ot h e r's home since Thursday, were
      AP  -  162 words
    • 315 2 DALLAS, Sunday reports that Syrian troops have crossed into Lebanon, President Ford yesterday urged restraint by all parties to achieve peace in the strifetorn Middle East country. "Our policy In Lebanon is to achieve a permanent ceasefire and to accomplish a political settlement
      AP  -  315 words
    • 219 2 Israel rejects US envoy's complaint TEL AVIV, Sunday FOREIGN Minister Yigal Alton has rejected 1 a complaint by US Ambassador Malcolm Toon that Israel was campaigning in congress for American approval of an additional US$55O million (551.320 million) In aid instead of pressing their request with President Ford. "If the
      AP  -  219 words
    • 24 2 HAVANA. Sun— Cuba y«terday protested to ttt* United States over an attack on two of Its flitting boat* by Cuban eilles Hauler.
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    • 92 2 'Zionists step up attacks on Soviets' MOSCOW. Sun— Tua newi agency yesterday quoted an American Zionist leader v caring his group Intended to step up attacks on Soviet Institutions In order to create a crisis In relations between Moscow and Washington. Acenrdtag to Taas, a Jewish OUtoM Laagu* official namad
      UPI  -  92 words
    • 165 2 Station on moon baffles Nasa HOUSTON. Son— A remote -controlled I station set up or the moon early In 1971 by the Apollo 14 astronI auts stopped function Ing last year, then was briefly reactivated this year by an unenlalned farce that has space engineers baffled. Mr. Charles Bedmond. spokesman
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 77 2 CARACAS. Sun The Government has filed claims (or back u»i totalling nearly USSMO million (B*l 24 billion) acalntt US oil companies which operated In Venezuela before nationalisation It was reported yesterday The claim* affect all multinational companies which were operating here In I*7o. and
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 167 2 E. German flees to West with frontier gun HAMBURO. Sun —RiskIng his own life, a lormer East German prisoner removed a communist robot gun guardIng East Oermany's frontier and carried 11 to the West, the news magazine Der Spiegel said In a report yesterday. Der Spiegel said the man. whom
      UPI  -  167 words
    • 130 2 Vorster visits disputed outpost in Israel MASS A DA. (Israel). Bun— South African Prime Minister John Vorster yesterday toured S.iarm El Sheikh, the disputed desert outpost that guards Israel's sea lanes to Africa, and then visited this archaeological excavation which has become a shrine to Israeli nationalism Mr. Vorster was
      AP  -  130 words
    • 34 2 HELSINKI. Sun. Pour seamen 'l union* agraad yesterday to end their U-d»> strike which had tied up all Finnish shipping and stranded SO ship* In port, the State Mediators Office said— UPl
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    • 75 2 HtM^toM^MH L^ Jtsawal Isa aa^BSai Pim-Slllr? THAY M 12TO If APIIL AT 3.N Ml. Welcome to see how WASTE WOOD from sawmills, plywood mills etc. can be processed into VALUABLE STRIPBOARD with ANRA continuous process machinery developed by famous Finnish company RAUTE. Film-show will be in RELC, International House auditorium,
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    • 48 3 TUNIS. Sun. Three Libyan* arrojud her* test month and accuasd of planning to kidnap or amnlnaU Tunisian Prime Minister Hadl Noulra will appear before the state security court on April 19. Justice sources »ld here Their trial will be public, the sources said. Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 34 3 BELFAST Sun Seven people were injuied none liwilj. whan a bomb iv thrown at the Parador Hotel now the city centre tonight The front of the building was extensively dunacwd— Rwtcr
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    • 52 3 THE American Navy probably wasn't pleased by this hole in the bow of the ISS Maatnrf. but workers at a Baltimore shipyard dr-c-n.i-d that all the ship needed to Join the "Jaws" erase were teeth and eyes. The ship reportedly struck an iceberg In the' Antarctic.
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    • 31 3 MANOR HAVKN. Sun. jamas Rlggs. the 23-year-old unemployed ion of WmUi pro Bobby Riggs. was found dead last oifht In a rented room on Lone Uland. New York— UPl.
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    • 202 3 Carter gets big support in lowa DES MOINES dowa). Bun. Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter has captured most of lowa's delegates to the Democratic national convention this summer. Delegates to the state's six district conventions yesterday chose 40 of its 47 delegates to the national convention. The state convention next
      AP  -  202 words
    • 24 3 ROMS. Sun. Italy, grappllnf with rrawt ooonosalc crisis, was today thraatenod a pmsrml strlk* by top onmnwnlat trad* union leader Lucteno Losm.—ftoulor.
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    • 405 3 TOKYO. Sunday JAPANESE officials have disclosed that legal restrictions will make it nearly impossible to release the names, obtained from Washington, of the senior Japanese officials allegedly involved in the Lockheed scandal. The legal constraint* they cited include an agreement with the United
      NYT  -  405 words
    • 201 3 'BP, Shell in $4 mil secret payouts in f ONDON. San. The Kj Sanday Times said today that In ltTt the two OH companies British rvtreJeam (BF) and Shell each paid ahoat CMt.rM <*»,- NMW) In secret ttaUan political eontriThe newspaper said docaments from Italian an«l Amrrtrsn searees ahswsd that
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    • 103 3 'Vote Reds to power' call ROME, sun Italian communist leader Enrico Berllnguer said yesterday there waa virtually no chance of avoiding early general elections and called on Italians to vote the coajmunliti Into government. He told a mass rally here: If we are going to vote, the people must create
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 51 3 buswos ahuh. sun. Owunon ihot and killed a teoorr of the Centrist Intransajent Pfcrty yesterday In the Cttr of San Luis. SM km west of Buobm Alro*. Poneo said Bafnmdo Dun ■ado mo HIM In (rant of his nous* by tlvw men. two of whom wore hoods.
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    • 169 3 Y>AEIS, San— Actress I Bricltte Baxaet said la a« Interview naked jmtsiaay she kaa deeMed to abandon her sUsa eimr derose herself fall-Un* U ktr stwlr «KtWbb. •4 FsandaMsu f«r Om ptot— isoa of antes*. partleaUrly the Norta Atlantic Mk banted far their tar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 280 3 "^•^Blj^pT ■SiStaSlii-l Suave 1 Eft herbal I V K HELENE CURTIS V NsiJiV^ W J V^ m mmmmm J^ mm Z mmmm I, Corporate Banking Services intheFarEast am I 1 Bmmmmkw out merchant oanking activities in the Far East. Based in Hong Kong, A\c\ pmwdes hjnking.adviiory and financial services to
      280 words
    • 554 3 H I^^^L^ JL iZ^J^^Bmnnnnß HI 11-llssL^^ A mTf I* L *"J J3| Mil m mß^mmmmmmmmm^mmmmWmwmWmmmmW Ifll l«— I LJI IB QUALITY FOODSFRIEMDLY SERVICE. |j IS EASTER SPECIALS! fil IH LAST FEW DAYS! g] IS L0OK! 1^ y° u need for rjj] y9ur Elster w^ortio"*- El v^^Qs^>=^v Easter chocolatei ore than
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    • 239 4 Bogus shop that took in queues of thieves NEW YORK. Sun Thieves queued up to dispose of their illgotten gains In a Brooklyn *F*>p after the word went 0.-.t that the men running It would buy stolen goods. In six montns, the shop bought US$2 million (Sl5 million) worth of
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 56 4 SIOUL. Sun. South Korea has lifted 1U ban on tne Import of Japanese textile machinery following tne (uoreaaful settlement of a lor.fsUndint silk trade dlsp_r- with the Japanese Government, government official* said today The officials said the Government will Immediately permit private businessmen to Import Japanese textile
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    • 25 4 MO6CUW. Sun Alexander Oeorflev. »"»""vintrt party chief of the AHay province In nutti-central Siberia, died st the Sfe of 61. Ttst reported rasterd«y—AP
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    • Briefly...
      • 37 4 RANOOON, Sun. The Burmese Government said yesterday Its troops killed 96 communist reoeis and wounded ldO in a series of clashes irom March 2* to 28 in eastern Burma. The Government suffered 3a dead and 62 wounded
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      • 33 4 BOGOTA: One week be fare Colombia's mid term elections, p«Mir opinion polls showed tnat the communist opposition stands to make large gains In the easier Sunday voting far municipal councillors and state assemblies.
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      • 46 4 AOANA Officials In this American trust territory of Ouam will formally request President Ford today to declare the Palau Islands a disaster area In the wake of Typhoon Marie which swept through the Islands last Thursday causing damage estimated at more than UBJI million < 8*2.5 million).
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      • 30 4 BONN: West Germany has more foreign exchange reserve* than the United States, the Soviet Union and France put together. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt toW a conference of his Social Democratic Party.
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      • 33 4 BUENOS AIRES: Mr. Richard Whltecross. 33. representative of England's Oxford University Press, and his Argentine-born wife Cristlna. 32. left for London yesterday after spending more than 19 weeks In jail without charges. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  33 words
    • 38 4 NICOSIA. Sun. Police have carried out antl-rtot exercises and aU leave has been cancelled In preparation for anU-Amerlcan demonstration* planned tomorrow against a USCI.OOO million (8*2.400 million) US-Turkish aid agreement, the OreefcCyprtot dally Agon said today.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 387 4 WASHINGTON. Sun. South Korean Foreign Minister Park Tong-Jin said here that most leaders in South-east Asia want Ihe United States to keep a military presence there. Mr. Park, who was South Korea's main representative to the United Nations until he became Foreign Minister last
      UPI  -  387 words
    • 53 4 HONOKONO. Sun Two men and a woman war* burnt to death during a morning art In a aocallsd 'girlie" establishment her* today, police said. The fire at one time thraatsned to er.gulf th* «i--ur» 10-itorey building which alao contained a restaurant •nd flat* No oQwr Injuries
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    • 225 4 Another war likely in India says paper ¥>ONN. San.— The flaesD lion of the poaslblUty of another war on the Indian sub-continent "Is not so misplaced as It might appear to many peo p i c," the Frankfurter Allgemelne Zeitsuif said today. In a front-page editorial the conservative paper said::
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 257 4 Overflight ban: Pak offer to India LAHORE. Bun— Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto said today he bad taken a further Initiative to Improve relations with India by offering to withdraw Pakistan'! complaint against an Indian ban on overflights He told a press conference he made the offer In a letter
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 236 4 Americans prefer China as US ally in poll rKYO. Sun More Americans consider China as a oartner in Asia after Japan, rather than the Soviet Union, according to a Oalkip poll conducted last December at the request of the Japanese foreign Ministry The ministry announced today the survey showed 40
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 210 4 Gunman shot dead for botching job NEW YORK. Sun. Homicide detective* pressed a double Investigation yesterday Into the critical wounding of a woman and the death of a msn believed to be the grinning gunman who. shot her outside a res**. taurant. Ex-convlct Joseph Mes^7 slna. 32. was found dead-!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 995 4 CaiTCR D3M jrf s F%> llisTisTirftlfi rV EMtwC k lidPPcfllilGf 4 "TC SIT TUC >> COFFEE SHOP W ski hajß iA WW LIIITSNA B »r 1li yi iff HIITOfI v Easter Family Luncheon Buffet WFmt\R MT ttie Danny Kali Tria A HEY KIDS (ofleeyop EAST[R [GB HHNT i Special "Bunny"
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    • 21 4 Congratulations Singapore Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd. on the Christening and delivery of m/X ANNA THOLSTRUP and Christening of m/t PERNIUE THOLSTRL?
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 466 5 v» and join in the fun o» -w Enter the I 'ANIMAL CONTEST' 1 I 1. Every animal on your entry form must have a head 7X I Incomplete or illegible entries will be rejected. M DUII IDC CCnm /OO"\ 2. The heads must be firmly fixed (stapled or gummed)
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  • 1305 6  -  BILL CAMPBELL: VITAL KADAZAN VOTES IN SABAH POLLS... By KOTA KINABALU JUST how the Kadazan farmer living on the coastal plains or in the interior of Sabah or his cousin in the towns votes in the general election for the state Legislative Assembly will
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 516 6 ECONOMY RANGE FROM STEWART STEVENSON jgft* DIESELDRIVE !jsJg|iF^ Now at last, here's a complete range of economical diesel engines for workboats or pleasure craft. Stewart Stevenson Dieseldrive marine engines are available at United Motor Works for all mU diesel Stern-drives from 1 12 to 260 hp.and inboard inboard/outboard craft from
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 277 7 Poison that causes bad dreams PERSON whose sleep is often dis turbed by frightening dreamt, may be the victim of poisoning In a chemical i is used in tome laboratories, acng to an industrial doctor. In the Labour Ministry publication, New Worker, the doctor says that such dreams can be
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  • 79 7 Course on industrial health DR. CHEW Pin Kee. head of the Industrial Health Unit. Ministry of Labour, will conduct a six lecture course on Industrial health and safety at the Singapore Institute of Management premises In Thong Teck Building In Scott.* Road. The count, organised by the institute. U for
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  • 215 7 GROUPER REARING IN CAGE NETS A SUCCESS Till Primary Production Department's \qu.u ullurr I nit has -v. < rnird in rearing trouper* in floating ragr nets, and is now conducting research into induced breeding of iriiuprrs Induced breeding of other food Ashes such as golden snappers and yrllowAn Jacks which
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  • 65 7 SOME 1.500 stamp* and philatelic material war* displayed yesterday during the Singapore Stamp Club and Singapore Philatelic Society's quarterly display and exhibition at the National Library's lecture room. The ezhlMUon, which attracted scores of stamp collectors from "fwnr"» time at 10 am comprised SO commemorative Issues,
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  • 184 7 MICHAEL Houghton. M. was once flit from Job t) Job and. he taid. hipelessly tranped In the rat race. He was not happy fcr he feH hi. life was "empty." That was four years ago. Today he Is contented,
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  • 51 7 THE St. John Ambulance Brigade will organise iv ninth annual blood donation campaign at its headquarters In Beach Road from 10 am to I pa on April 11. Prises will be given to all lucky blood donors and a Singapore Sweep ticket each to the first 100
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  • 124 7 Clippie suspended after inquiry rl Singapore Bus Service <Pte> Ltd. has suspended a conductress Involved in an alleged as aault and robbery recent 17The suspension took effect from Thursday as Investigations by 888 officials Into the alleged Incident at a hawker centre near a bus terml nut In M acPherson
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  • 38 7 THE Radhmadmml Satsang Beas. Singapore branch. »M1 hold a series of spiritual talks by their leader, Maharaj Charan Singh Jl at I the Singapore rhalsa Association, Tessenaohn Road, from May 5 to T at 7.30 pjn
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  • 256 7  - Plan to declare Singapore a bird sanctuary GLORIA CHAN By rpHE Nature Reserve 1 Board is studying the possibility of making Singapore a bird sanctuary In an effort to encourage national appreciation of wildlife. According to Informed sources, the board has begun discussions on seeking Government assistance for legislation to
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  • 110 7 DRIVE TO GET MORE DANCERS TVANCERS men and *J women are Invited to Join the Ministry of Culture's National Dance Company as traineemembers Applicants. 14 to 25 years of age. must have a minimum of three years' dancing experience or training with any cultural organisation, school or private teacher Audition
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 WHY RISK WITH YOUR IMPORTATION AND FARTS/SERVICE, FOR INDONESIA??? CONTACT US p SOLE AGEIVITS/ALITHORISED REPRESEIVnAnVES ■>. KOMA7SU-TRACTORS/ LOADERS -ir-I^^^^ TIMBERJACK-SKIDDERS S^3^ 1/ i I P*. J^f i 1_? S ATaV^ga ASSSsmuaWi aaßßSSsssssßaaam k^matm L^ unkbelj-cranes/excavators \gAlt TADANO- CRANES •■^l.P^^^HW 'O af gf gB i sV gmL^sff M BT a^ggggl .-I
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 200 7 Straits Times Crossword MbV male minor 1 (I) present (or 7 Captain not gome to use this bit of ncsing? (Si «hose com- I Nine aged characters In a »eekl> id Swiss valley (Sj •:<•» .-.r taken about 13 Southern church takes •ipptmri pieces from one i iw|m—i or another
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1724 8 THE ASIAN WALL STREET JOURNAL. VOL. 1 NO. 1 1976 D y tJ Comptny. Inc. All Rifhti Rt,erv<4. I I Why Asia? The Journal, through Dow intrOQllClllg Asia is growing economically J ones International Marketing A# 117 11 O T 1 at a rate best described as spectacu- Services, represents
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  • 403 9  -  SHEILA CHONG By NARCOTICS unit Ikis been set up by tin- Depart Scientific ntific" ip for implementation of the t Drugs Act, whi c h prts the death certain of fern The unit one of <Ided to the dewlll provide ;>pedy
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  • 36 9 IN yesterday's Toto Draw No. 29 7«. the numbers picked were 32. S. 14. 29 and S. The additional number was 43. In the circles draw, the numbers were 34, 4S and 31.
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  • 169 9 mHE Probation and 1 Aftercare Department is to ask the courts to make It i. ■—■■tsar y for probationers pat on job training projects to complete their apprenticeship. l/nder the proposed scheme, a breach of Probation Order will be taken against any probationer
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  • 292 9 Eating hazards at paint plants gATING, drinking or smoking at pair.imaking worksites should be prohibited because of potential health hazards in paint vapours, according to a Labour Ministry publication. An article In the latest issue of the New Worker says a wide range of hydrocarbons, ketones, ethers and alcohols are
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  • 77 9 Pre-school places fully booked MOST private kindergartena In Singapore have closed their registration for 1977 aa places there have all been taken up. In tome of the more popular kindergartens, there are as many a* M applicants each on the waiting lists. According to a Straits Times random check, several
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  • 51 9 POUR Amu hlghlichUnc tourist attractions ln Britain will be screened at the National Museum on Wednesday at 7 JO pa. They are en v lied Both Waya to BaUymena. Devon County For All Seasons. Down to HiisafT. and Bdir.burgh. Prat "^~p ttckeu are available at the
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  • 89 9 rpHE Watford Palace 1 Theatre from England will preaent two plays. William Bh*kespeare« The Merchant of Venice, on April 27 and 28. and Oeorge Bernard Shaw's Pygmallop. on April 29 and 30. at the Victoria Theatre. Th« company v the fin* full
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  • 71 9 Live firing exercises by RSAF THE Republic of Singapore Air Force aircraft will conduct lire firing exercises at the Southern Island Live Firing Range ln Pulau Pawai from today to Thursday between 9 am. and 6 p.m. dally. Alao. the Singapore Armed Ft.-cc« will conduct demolition llva-nrlng exerclaea at Pulau
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  • 45 9 TBE youth group of Mountbattan coma unity centre win hold aa on-the-spot children art competttlon on April Nmlus. Children under 11 yean who are staying or «>»«««tii«f In the Mountbatten ana art encibie tor the oomnmUUm and should rag Mar by April
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  • 48 9 TBB Wot/ at a tl-rmr-dd Iwuwillt ni found at fb* foot of Block ai. Jalas TsnMraa on »il«i<aj Ptottot, who Wttflwl hrn m Madma Ln Tat Ctataf. found a pair of iWwish b»hmctnc to har on Aw IMb floor of tnt sasw Mock.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 I Wi. f^^^ immmmmmml^gV I 313 M I I ll SJ* J Hi I* I3iH ml mmmmW 8 m^^^s ay I TrL^mml A\ oi 1 '1 J isWfc >mU uV a •FULLCREAMWMLKWffiiL^VfiO •PEANUT BUnEIgBiSmkJ-95 I •STERILISED MlU@...2far9lC •COOKING OIL^M^iiJKO •MALTED WllUt^S. •GRoUrO«rolL«^^.t..9 •SUGAR POPS^SSSIt?^Is....2-40 •CWSPBREAD.7.ri A »i_l-05 •PRUNES 40 50—
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    • 95 9 mm Ai A WAIST 4 cms. J W mk FSs^SSm II |> FROM < my mm per < Iv 5^4 TREATMENT j •^mmV I > to the first 25 ladies < PHONE OR CALL IMMEDIATELY! mv wAwK^M^UwfiiMw^tuMW^^HiißmmmmmmMmmmmwMmi •mmtmmmmmmml gmmmmmmmmmmmtaa. VV& af^gomtkw m\\ P^^l if 4. I^^^ gmKmf^kW. > m««U3 gmtmmmmmml
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  • 655 10 TODAY. Kosan 1 Tankers a a participates In a unique double cer e m ony, the christening of two sister ships at the same time and the official taking over into service of one of them. To grace
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  • 623 10 Kosan group operates fleet of 24 tankers THE KOSAN group, o»er the years since Mr Knud Tholstrup assumed control In 1941, has built up an Industry around the gas business covering nearly every facet of connected and associated enterprises. These Include factories for (as cylinders which developed Into production of
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  • 555 11 OINGAPORE Ship*3 building and Engineering Umited, which was established in 1969, Is among the most sophisticated and efficient shipyards here. In the short span of five years, the yard has expanded rapidly with the erection of enclosed repair and building berths, establlshof modern workshops
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 Congratulations to Singapore Shipbuilding Engineering Ltd. on the occasion of the Delivery of the Ist Gastanker the Naming of the 2nd Gastanker respectively: "mm munor "pernille tholstwip" l»^S^^B^^Ktt^S^S^S^S^^^s SaSa^S^sV^V^^vßs^BL ■^^-StSaT^^^R^R&^r^ IB^fl i r Advising-Supplying-Financing Transportation by water Harbour works Freighters Floating docks for accelerated cargo handling Tankers Floatirg cranes Quays
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  • 635 12 PRINCIPALS can now register and appoint their own relief teachers In yet another new move by the Education Ministry to give them flexibility In the running of schools. The new scheme, which came Into effect last Friday, empowers the principals to appoint relief
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  • 256 12 Guidance for breast cancer patients WOMEN who develop psychological trau- mas after undergoing mastectomy (removal of the breast) are being urged to join a Singapore Cancer Society counselling programme to rid themselves of their traumas. The chairman of the society, Mr Freddy Yin. said in an Interview yesterday that dealing
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  • 24 12 THE Nanjrmnf University i economic* Society will hold 1U third lnUr-pr*-unlTcnlty economics contest at the university ctmpui on July II at m
    24 words
  • 52 12 THI Mnopor* iMttttrt* lliiiilirrT* wUI oooduet s 11-(tejr MUM OB ACCOM*!* tnd PUmbh for Hoo-Flnan-etel aneuUvw (roM MM »i tv pcwiw 1 Tkaac TwkSvUaW BMd. Th. ea«M 1m«» l» Mr M. OunMMttwn. ■■rm<nf mr«tor of ft ■■"'f—g* RUMttuU ftrm hill ITJ» tor ut— bori o^d |7T»
    52 words
  • 168 12 Calling all. girls for Miss Universe contest SINCAFOBS tirls between the aces of 17 and 21 with an eye on keaaty titles have been Invited to take part :n the Miss Singapore •■nt to be held at the Cockpit Hotel on May tl. The winner, besides receiving many prliea, will
    168 words
  • 163 12 THI chairman of the 1 National Cadet Corps yesterday said that he hoped our future generat.oru would not accept Corrupt leaders but choose Instead those who lead with respect. Professor J. A. Jansen spesklng st th« NCC Rifle Meet In Nen Soon Range
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 186 12 Congratulations to Singapore Shipbuilding Engineering Ltd the First Shipyard in Southeast Asia to Deliver the First LPG-Carrier and Naming the Second LPG-Carrier respectively: "ANNA THOLSTRUP" AND "PERNILLE THOLSTRUP" from !yaiJatoj »^P Til HH'jmiii^iJT cumn. nrmrt I 1?W *L ***O« 1 II UTMGUSCft a vr Km r» 12 I v a»^
      186 words
    • 208 12 Congratulations to SSE on the Christening and Delivery of m/t Anna Tholstrup and the Christening of m/t Pernille Tholstrup Mwiw Type Package Air ConsHtionars Marine Type f*. n i«n«lni Units [Namireii NAMIREI EN6IRERIII6 (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD, RM. 3101. 31st FLOOR. HONG L£ONG BUILDING. SINGAPORE. 1 16. RAFFLES QUAY. TEL: *****07.
      208 words
    • 108 12 Congratulations to SSE on the Christening and Delivery of m/t Anna Tholstrup and the Christening of m/t Pernille Tholstrup iii Jbbji. %»:P Oi m We are responsible for building the SemiAutomatic Switch Board for the wo LPG -Corner Se m Super Electrical Engineering Co., 16-A, MANGCHOON PLACE (off Kg, Arang
      108 words

  • 350 13 Seminars on policiesand priorities THE Civil Service Staff Development Institute will Intensify Its management and language courses for Division One and Two officers and hold monthly weekend seminars on national policies and priorities this year. It will also run a 52--room nostel block which will
    350 words
  • 96 13 THE Singapore Jaycees will hold a Nations Wealth Thru' Better Health exhibition at the People's Park Complex concourse from Sept 18 to 26 to raise funds for the chronic sick. Dr. Toh Chin Chye. the Health Minister, will be the patron of the
    96 words
  • 29 13 THE Singapore Institute of Management will conduct I a course on applied strategic corporate planning at Thong* Teck building. ScotU Road. from May 11 to June 4
    29 words
  • 226 13 Film fans gate crash to see drive-in —movie— POLICE were called in to prevent people from gate-craahinj Into the Jmrong Drivein cinema, after aome l.tM fUm fans were locked out early yesterday. Nobody was reported In Jared but at least three people were* understood to have been arrested by police
    226 words
  • 66 13 A TOTAL of 193 apprentices will graduate In June on completing their two-year ln-centre course at the three Industrial training centres, according to the Economic Development Board. The course was jointly run by the Government and Tata. Philip* and Ron*. About 90 per cent of
    66 words
  • 148 13 TH E Singapore chess team beat Indonesia in the second round of their friendly match on Saturday by five points with one game unfinished Singapore-* score for two rounds is 10 2. with two game.s unfinished. On Saturday. Chan Peng Kong beat Blng Sar]ono and Choon
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  148 words
  • 53 13 A CONSTRUCTION worker was killed when be tell from a scaffolding at an uncompleted block of flat* at Kelantan Road In Jalan Beaar yesterday morning Police identified him as Mat All bin Mohammed. 46. of Malaysia He was believed to have fslien from the 13th storey at
    53 words
  • 48 13 THE Society of Government and Public Administration of Nanyang University •ill hold an All Secondary Schools' Current Affairs competition at Its campus on July 7 at 9 JO pA. The contest is open to secondary and pre- university students from the English and Chinese streams.
    48 words
  • 116 13 Speaker. MPs return from Bonn rpHE six-member parX llamentary delegation from Singapore returned home last night after a five-day official visit to the Federal Republic of Germany Led by Dr. Yeoh Ohim Seng. Speaker of Parliament, the delegation had toured Bonn, Hamburg and Frankfurt. The trip waa at the invitation
    116 words
  • 272 13 half the total number of doctors in Singapore is in private practice, according to Dr. Wong Heck Sing, president of the College of General Practitioners. These doctors fulfilled the medical needs of nine out of 10 patients in the country, he said.
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  • 194 13 60 SBS cleaners to spruce up its buses rIE Singapore Bus Service has recruited more than 60 cleaners In its first large-scale recruitment of this kind to spruce up its fleet of over 2.000 buses. These cleaners, stationed In major termini and depots, will be engaged in Operation Mop-up of
    194 words
  • 120 13 Easter fair funds for national contest AN Easter carnival held to raise funds (or district- level sporting competitions m so sucfsaful that the money collected will be used to hold a national competition Instead. Tht two-day fair, which was held by the People's AsaortaUon'a Rational Youth Council (Central) o*w the
    120 words
  • 67 13 MBS. Bridget Williams taaa been re-elected g aidant of the atapapore asanrtatton of Fenooal and BneoOva Becrvtartas for irN/77 Tiae other oafeaak an Mn. Bally Tan. Bftas Claw U Hue, Mlas Jane Cbeah. Mn Irene Ong. mm Roentod Lee. Mlas Amy Ttn. Mlas Las Ann Chun Mlas Lucy
    67 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 129 13 \7d MARK GROW FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST CONTRACTOR j^mi Fire destroys Guard against it with fire protection v *T*"l and pravention •quipmant installed by MARK GROW A i^JT\ We dwign supply install maintain and meat the ■lI < IWM.BIIII mjl£f\ c C ng nd a F° C NFPA.FM.UL ■illiilHKillll a Austranaw
      129 words
    • 183 13 Come with us. In the tapestried elegance of our 7478, transformed in a way that only Maharajahs used to know. We'll take you to Madras and Bombay at 9.35 pm on Tuesdays, and then onto Rome, Paris. London and New York. Music* is at your fingertips on seven different channels.
      183 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 288 14 y.VWWyVWVWWiW^WWrWiWrWrV'AAA i I ODEON: OPENS THURSDAY! Long Live Adventure... and Adventurers! i *i wW fßflß|>llkMii Ulß ji cmußnum 6:^ MiVllfMlini •te«.. l »i H w»i iiiiiii»i» »Mi>J»l i»lai il—Ha I— xa» j ORCHARD- COMING! ERIC AMILIRS SUSPENSE CLASSIC NOW A THRILLING ACTION-PACKED MOTION PICTURE J I .a^BßHai r"^*^?/ I asajpaw—
      288 words
    • 130 14 GOiLDCVI HONG CHIAN SIMULTANEOUSLYiLAST FEW DAYS!! i^LuiuVi ajflgß^lS QOLOCN: S Show* 1 1.90, 4 6.45. IN V(l KONQ CHIAN: A 1.30. 3.30. 7.15. 9.30 P3 mi ROMANTIC AMmisMJ JaA^nr S V H 9 H DAILY AT 1140. 1.30 1 Er Mi /atm« «•<». «-4f. t.*o A REAL CEM IF A
      130 words
    • 431 14 IB^rC /<TT\. INDICATING is a Piezoelectric quanz crystal osci»a At 'I CLOCK to» 'or controlling secondary time V*^ l t I *iJ ■nd*c.tors. utittty control eqmQment \r« 7^ W( I ELECTRIC TIME I ''xs' I STAMP 9 B JOB COST RECORDER f ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT "N FOR SCHOOLS 11 1 1
      431 words
    • 92 14 WELCOME TO OUR ART EXHIBITION FINE PAINTINGS BY TOP ARTISTS !FROM TAIWAN, HONGKONG INDONESIA 3 PLACE: Centre of Fine arts Pte Ltd Units 310 311 Plaza Singapura Orchard Road, j Singapore 9 DATE: 12th April to 17th July 1976 I TIME: 10.00 ajn. to 9.00 p.m. daily IMPROVE DEWATERING EFFECTIVENESS
      92 words
    • 188 14 EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! ti "Eorthquoke" will NOT BE SHOWN at ANY OTHER Th iEATRE in Singopore REX -4U WEEK! »ihIAY!. 8 SNOWS DAILY-NOTE TIMES: 11am, 1.30. 4.15, 6.45 ft t.SOpm. Admission: Orel* $4.00; Sulh $230 4 $130 f No hoM pr»c»-No milirory conc«uion-No hrn lr»t 4 taw ihnty anfc bfkiM iiih
      188 words
    • 604 14 .*BCfITHfIV iJDiWISAMKiTIIIrft' Si MWHTtT AT 7 m t J*a» «tL Of TMf HKMUM- 'I :> Loo Hwoo Wai MondoHn !i Colorscopa Englnh Sub* iiM.iuiNiMiHi i"!l Co*umc« Picturai praMnn S J "THI COMS O» HAVAIONI- S a Giajo-y Pack Oo.kJ N.van Arrrhony Qwnn CotorScopa a* MOW SHOWIH6' 4 Ilia a at
      604 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 780 15 The Tim Sum principle gives Rank Xerox "an idea. The new 3100 on wheels. VkX ■^^a^.^^—^aa^BßßaaaaaaMia^B*'* I*1 s fcaa»»a n ax, a»fc> 'N-Baiataaaaaaar a *^ai «a B^ aa^BV^B^^!! Everybody takes Tim Sum for 3100 is on wheels very detailed action granted these days But think, how much So when the
      780 words
    • 592 15 Now more SuperTHStars A to HongKong.Taipei »xTokyo! Now VOU'H have more also a remarkably uncluttered JL aircraft. Even more so because -^MbT Wl in*ar opportunities to enjoy o the vcrv generous storaj?e K the comfort of the most space: over window lockers. advanced wide-bodied between seat lockers, and a With
      592 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 289 16 THE announcement of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's acceptance of an Invitation to visit the People's Republic of China will Inevitably lead to renewed speculation over the timing of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Peking However, Singapore is on record as saying that It will
      289 words
    • 381 16 ft HE pedestrian is honked at, hemmed In, hurt and even hurled to his death by high-powered vehicles Jockeying for position on our over-crowded roads. Then, very often posthumously, he Is branded a Jaywalker. True, the pedestrians top the toll when annual accident statistics are toted
      381 words
    • 233 16 /\NLY comments from vf some lawyers on a suggestion by Prof R H Hickling that the legal profession In Singapore be split Into two barristers and solicitors appeared In your report 18T, April 7) That they were not for the suggestion In the light
      233 words
    • 101 16 LATHY, many have suggested that hawkers should be taxed, seeing most of them make huge profits out of the pretext of Inflation. However, how many rellse that once the hawkers are taxed, the tax burden will be eventually passed on to the consumers. I think an easy workable solution would
      101 words
    • 66 16 rK Government deserves a "pat on the back" wiien they announced that couples intending to purchase HUDC flats can now use their full CTT contributions for this purpose. In fairness to all. perhaps the Government will also look Into the possibility of allowing purchasers of JTC executive flats to use
      66 words
  • 962 16 TUESDAY: The after-dinner chat gets round to Anthony Trollope and the television adaptation of his political novels Into "The Palllsers" series. No one can recall Trollope being required reading during their schooldays. Dickens and Thackeray, of course; Klngsley, even, for our sins. But no Trollope. One theory advanced is
    962 words
  • 1377 16  -  THOMAS KENT: By MOSCOW FIFTEEN years ago on April 12, 1961, every radio station in the Soviet Union fell silent at 9.58 a.m. for an excited announcement from Moscow. As the announcer went through his brief script his own voice trembling, thousands of Muscovites
    AP  -  1,377 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 19 16 W can open up NEW OPPORTUNITIES^ foryouin M business professional practice m> •properties M A capital investments &ocbc m
      19 words
    • 258 16 Yomeishu A mother's health is vitally impor both before and after baby is born T\< why we recommend Yomeishu, the timeless tonic. Made from a formula JM "handed down through the generations for l^fcJi 370 years, Yomeishu 1 contains more than I 10 medicinal plants i Jj£\ of oriental origin,
      258 words

  • 203 17 Plan to turn two isles into holiday resorts fTHE Port of Singapore 1 Authority is planning to reclaim two Southern Islands. Pulau Sudong and Pulau Blola. to pave the way for development projects expected to start soon. When the land from the sea is reclaimed. Sentosa Development Corporation <BDC> will
    203 words
  • 52 17 APPLICATIONS M« inrlt•d from needy studflto Of primary And wooodary KhooU llvlnf to MkPtwnon constituency fur bunuiw offered by the VUcPTienon CUUens Ooo•ulUUv* Committee Apt>Ucatton fonni art obtainable from the M»cPhwsoa community centre or Loy OmUl Clinic at Block SS. Circuit Road, UU the «nd of
    52 words
  • 25 17 PEOPLTS Action Pmrty'i Bukit Ho Swee brmnch wIU w ij m tijpji eAe^arte^sv jmiitejt ail M Bao Crwcent (Block 47, on Mat 3
    25 words
  • 61 17 MOTORCYCLIST Tan Sin Hock, 32. died after ne was involved in a collision with a lorry along Pioneer Road. Jarong on Satmrday. Police said Tan. of Johorr. was riding along the road near the Rollrl factory at a boat S.M p.m. when the mishap occurred. Lye witnesses are
    61 words
  • 354 17  - Singapore may face another dry spell NG. KUTTY By SINGAPORE is expected to go dry aguin in the middle of the year and the Public Utilities Board is urging people to continue saving water. Warning that the water-stock situation at our reservoirs was still "far from favourable." a PUB spokesman
    354 words
  • 278 17  - Three is the magic number of song group RANEE GOVINDRAN By MOST people may iT consider three a crowd, but the New Kingston Trio would consider no other figure to maintain the nostalgic style of singins; the "old" group created nearly 20 years ago. "The name Itself hold* great respect
    278 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 124 17 beauty tablet True beauty rtas ne*«t been a cover up job like dabbing on make-up wrtich only gives you a put-on Jjk^ beauty. Temporarily That's wrty you need a natural beauty-builder J^^W^^W^ Like Flavettes JrJiAWaV JuSt two Flavettes a day will give you as much *XsS Vitamin C as ten
      124 words
    • 366 17 Highlights for today More women workers reemployed in factories. Students should grab the opportunity to study in vocational institutes. Different ways countries elect their head of state. Call for more worthwhile activities, for youths. Lack of roads, a major cause of famine in Ethiopia. Soccer: Can Ceylang International maintain its
      366 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 895 17 Or^ourjrV-. SINGAPORE 5 SJI PM Opening Announcements followed by 7J5 Tbi WsrM m Sen??*! Mar Pirai (Tamil) ■JU w J!J taf) SJI Diary of Events (Tamil) US Tbi Isw Laal SJS General Hospital 131 Htws asi ftmretl (Esftsa) 115 Isai Amutham (R) US A Family At War 4.35 Intermission tUI
      895 words

    • 2035 18 AS a service te readers. Busiaeos Times puMisSes woskiy a detailed analysis ef shar** oa in* Stock Bscbang* of Singapore. The year t kigk aad low are followed by the weeks am imsut price. tkw divMea. yWM. ta* arl price earaings ratio and the volusa* of busiaeas.
      2,035 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 178 18 I*HX US dollar showed re- markabie strength and lUadlness last week compaied with the weaker sterling and Hongkong dollar In the S*ji- gapure rnreoc market Although trading on the I dollar was fairly light, the currency was able to maintain a Heady growth from »2 4a36 earlier In the
        178 words
      • 241 18 B*nd of last »e»k in I the Eur. pran forex mar- j pound recorded a vrakneaa The main und It v the hostile c trade unions to the proposed pay rise reaV •kness of sterling he US dollar. namely switching of pounds Mark* and other strong currencies But In
        241 words
      • 306 18 pOLLOWINO the announcer ment of the Singapore Governments Intention to Issue $600 million refieterad itocks on April 13. the Interbank rsc«* and the rates governing money market instruments rorrenpondlng \y finned up In the early part of last week This firming was In anticipation of the out-Sow of
        306 words
      • 236 18 a sian euirancy twi|t rk depoaUs rate* for the week ended Friday. April 9 I'M (BM fell Ml Hlfk Law 7 daya 4 1 1 mth 3 I 4 3 4 2 mth* S II t II 1 mth* S 11 i/ll 8 mtht 111 I IS
        236 words
      • 164 18 an immediate reaction to the announcement by UAS of the Issue of MOO million (ovemment bonds teat week was an Increase In Interest rates by mid-weak. Bow*»ei. these high rates wore pot sustained as rates began to ease off towards the close of the week. Overnight fluctuated
        164 words
      • 56 18 Minimum lending rates (in Algemeneaonk 7* Bangkok Bonk 7Vi Bonk a» America 7% Bonk of Chtna 7'/J Bonk o» Tokyo 7% Bonk Negoro IndoneiiO 7'/% Chartered 7'/i Chose Monhotton 7% OK 7% F<rtt Chicago 7% FNCI 7 mess* 7* Indotuat 714 Motoyon Bonking 754 Mrt*u< Bonk 7% oue 7% UCi
        56 words
      • 116 18 THE fa—in, let of etaoks sine the tea sasst daaM la laat •oak. II fires Ik* tanover hi thousand* of aeats, ilaslag •rtae ea Friday aad hSjh and lew «ar lfll 70. Tvmw FH*«» Hlfk L^r •*ss Apr I lMkM»t 1.7*4 «MS lOJ. Mil tO( Mm DMtr
        116 words
    • 348 18 I«JaTw/ YORK. Prl Stocks fell sharply (or th* third day In a row as th* market continued to digest th* big gains registered In the first quarter of the year -WeTe simply In a consolidation perioaV declared Ronald Copper of Thomaom McKlnnon Auchtnctosa Koblmerer Inc. He said th*
      348 words
    • 95 18 FINANCIAL TUOt INDUSTRIALS Friday m < Thunder Jfl.S Week mo INt TINI Friday IM.M Thursday 106 JO Week ago 105 M Binaoi Friday *nm Thursday 4M.U WMk ago MS M OIL* Friday MO IS Thursday IM.M Week mo UO.U DOW JONES AVEBAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday MS M Tbunday tTI.OS WMk
      95 words
    • 38 18 Laaosa esawar srwat ea rrMar (put)— ia kraektu). Wlralsi oaai (SOT M htm 00) «*U*r <*OSO* <iT»4 00>. Tarat ateau kmrtr iSSt.S* MSlft.OO) i attar cm SO lISIS.S*). > Market iw Irnruiar. I SeJoji 11. see toaaat.
      38 words
    • 110 18 SFUIUCH, m—Stock marMJ set rocowied somewhat and closed generslly on a maintained tendency Tb* downtrend at tbe bond market continued The Credit Sulsse Index closed 0J point higher at SOS.]. CteaMtf anew la Iwiu rrrnacs «m» lb. (lima ea las trirft ■him* Ml* ■wIH Buk Corps. MM Lnloe Buk
      110 words
    • 115 18 l»W/ Wwki Aettaa Ht*h Law tad Mh Ckaae* 4«JJi I»SJt Baaki, Imhuw "■■■■l TrwtM* 411 M +HJ4 ML4S MM Oiliih, rafetar p**ittm. Mrnia, vi a»l»M Mf.<s ISI.CI IN M«.4t MM C^ftaMnl* MCW 1J« IMJI ClMllllUn, MUtec aa* rt«—triß» tM.44 2M.71 +UJI J44JJ Ul
      115 words
      • 72 18 tt B.T. Imdn. l«<»til«h lataalnita: f BOth: t lias: t rrtkm: 1 O.CJ.C: i IX.*. ted.: Apr. Ayr. > i**r- I *W- UIM IMM SM.4T MlJt IM.4S US.U MI.M Wit tMJI tUJU 4MJI WIJS M4.l* 447. 1J iTt.M IMJM 144.4* 145 «J 1(5 11 IM.7S 1M.41 «M.M Ul.ti IM.JS
        72 words
      • 68 18 tt Jaaw 1. 1071 100 Dos. 90. 1000 100 1 Dos. 11. 10 M I*o t Dee. M. IMI 100 Dec. 11. 1070 100 Jaa. 1. I*lo 10* flwii: 1 llMib: t I*»: t I rvkkcn: i: tT(4* tl*.n 177J1 171.11 17f.« »74.7« I7C.M Stt.4l MIjM »*M him insx
        68 words
    • 35 18 Onm Date T«tol far Tstel tar B. Kaw.t 73%Tl iSTu 7£%T« l%rf B.M Inl •%T« I«*TF IX%TF SkL«~L. 1»% JMM lt« 11.J% A4jMto4 far strip tea* 1:* TE Tarn euaapt. T» T»» frw.
      35 words
    • 539 18 rtu a period of varied performance at the Singapore produce market tost waek wf.en deaJs f M— k^h with uvraeas remained mlnlßal parUr btcauae o* price incompataWßty and partly due to limited stocks held at this and. The main fiuttar waa notod In the coffee bean market whore
      539 words
    • 176 18 TOKYO. Sat After openIng easy. extending bearish tone, th* market turned upwards slowly with speculative* and non-ferrous metals leading the way, dealers said. The Dow Jones Average firmed 17.03 points to 4401 27 while th* New index rose 100 points to Mill VotasM totalled 130 million shares TMay* rtaatas
      176 words
    • 176 18 AMSTERDAM. Frt The rk market ruled quietly mixed to easier with the overnight recovery towards the close on Wall Street tending to chock declines, dealers said Afcae. Philips and Boyal DaWa gained some ground. but Iliagi nas« and Uaik-rer eased Elsewhere gains were tad by Ablu and by shippings.
      176 words
    • 54 18 uh ra [•ItMintill ***** 101*4 177 008 17»«0B 177 toa in Wick ItT.tOB 11*. 738 IH.M 11*. 001 ana IJ*.M IM.M «4kM| 11T.WB IMMfJ lrr.Tsa imoos 'taf* J) 12T.0A8 177. 758 IM.ITt 130 OM Wttml tnem la Ma-tlt.-!la« imi i I.S. tollar par aaac* (1) Auctraliaa 4»llar par
      54 words
    • 547 18 GOOD gains i ere chalked up among the speculatlve issues li\ mode*rate trading at the Singapore stock exchange last week. Investment wise, however, there appeared to be very little genuine support. The week opened generally oa a weak not* with dealers shewing great disinclination to open new commitments
      547 words
    • 49 18 COX the were fast* Frlr aay. April It. the .»n,r of call rates received fraaa Short Deposit* (Ml Berfcaa was as f«lkm» BANK FIND: 4 per era! I* S\ per cent. GENEKAL FINDS IS par cent te Hi per cot. Movement at fandt totalled Ml mlllien.
      49 words
    • 429 18 rE pattern of trad Ing on the Kuala Lumpur share market last week was one of a slow build-up In prices but not In volume. Last week's turnover of 678 million units hardly reflected any concerted buying support compared to the previous week's low of 6.5 million
      429 words
    • 549 18 LONDON Prices fell towards the end of last week amidst uncertainty over last Tuesday's LX budget. The F.T. Industrial ordinary Index was 0.9 points down on the week at 395 6 at Friday's close. Leading falls among equities were Tube, down 14p on the week at 3aBp.
      Reuter  -  549 words
    • 187 18 LONDON: Small losses were seen In tin with Cash standard around £11 per tonne lower and Three Months £4 down last Friday High grade was £7 down and £8 up respectively. Dealers said that with last Fridays penang price within $2.00 of the celling of $1,100 under
      187 words
    • 147 18 LONDON: Rutber moved cautiously lut Friday morning In leu active dealings, market sources said. The Terminal closed about steady at I.OOp per kilo higher to 1 OOp lower compared wUh overnight. Physical offtake remained thin and routine. Fundamental* were being completely outweighed by currency action. CIFs officially closed
      147 words
    • 338 18 Need for price hikes, says BP chairman LONDON British Petroleum chairman David Steel said price rises to cover increased costs are essential if the oil Industry Is to be able to generate the cash required for long-term Investment In new energy sources. In his annual report to shareholders. Mr. Steel
      338 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1199 19 MwTwtfMif sowg ti Mtiim^iV l I lIT IT ESS!*-***"" iii, mi iim lan iWiAaTV. -I ur a Mr il aa, umj »mi •m li nia RM urn Ilia mM tt M, ■m > a., a a,, nan n M aan n M Cm mTJT- IMM IMM IMM II Mr J^f^JfPMMa
      1,199 words
    • 1290 19 Ben Ocean AtintseiVK*tfßeuUneßkjeF\mr&Gm?nLnp>VKlNSMO tl M CMTIMtTT IM taaii t'fara P Mi. f Paaaaj larata PM: LAMMMa MaM MPtil Mr Imb IM HMtf. l»aB. Oak. ■laclalCtMa tawM MPtil Mr 11/11 Mr t M 11-. iM taaal* ufaMU I a Mr n n Mr lak, it* i.*m ».m. y* MMTTM It n
      1,290 words
    • 1188 19 it I fan mat inivia rtw in»«t WTCk taart P M4M| a ,an 4ulf.i Imw Iraact All ua, tCAMBMM DaH HAM MM II Mr It Mr II mf II M MMf tirtlPMt MT Ml* It Mr 1I«| »ka) Bin ItBI UMMMMM IMB IMB aMf MM HMn B M II M
      1,188 words
    • 1205 19 FULLY CONTAINCRIZiO SCRVICE TO lokOPi p ••'•M raar. FM: TITAIM SaM It Pwi lajagma Mr I* Blttf^MW, AMlvrtM. AatMrf. It Nvrrf SX& -Si,' MlAMit an 71 anil /^.-tiai. CMMMfCT. toflajaAvfL Mmmc Ml MUM MM II MM 11 SMCMMB. 0»k). Mltlßli. UritM KIIWdM. CtaMi Imm ICI B Man Pa Jl Man
      1,205 words
    • 709 19 S««AMn HUM P MlMf XV II ID7II Pmmj 7WI THE BANK LONE LTD. IMK FM E I S WHO IKMIaAM Mm. ItMkM. MiaklM 1 1 P I P». i-i MM Mr n*M It B Mr mm iut i imt* mici im link uni i 4an ik. t iMn KUWAIT SHIPPING
      709 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1007 20 W\ w Br,Lm3rW fif ryl- KAWASAKI KI3EN KAJSHA LTD. FMiT mniMUKi stvnct Ta lur*M (VU Sam) Smt* phn Nmti ran aEPTMt EHUUU VW I? Mr Mr 21 M? U atr MPTIM SAPWfW I iMf S Ml II Ml SmiSUSMfMIM* I IMI I IM. lIM* 22M* rr*M lan»i (VU a*M«r P
      1,007 words
    • 1006 20 LINE NEW YOU/E.C./GIEAT LAKES SERVICE 1 U*M« «Jr MM IM, MtTM MtMTIIM. IMMII. MWMaU. MTMtT. CSICM* MUBMUt. I i final f UMraj t-afiaar. tltmtl MIMI- nit Ml H I aar a.B Mr 1 vimii ta*lTi" il il Mar it il Mar il tl Mat I i i tutu it/a mb.
      1,006 words
    • 1094 20 rmt CMiAMaao lanct ti emu* rm s»m S-pari r Miaai S naaflai atari trrai I'aaa I Man* MftaM IMIMltt It Mr MMr II Mar a Mar DM *a» il an Mltarral IWMII*t a Mr imi Ilia. MN Xaa; Mf*TMMi UII IMt t Mar 'Ma, aMm IMm taaa) NM tl mm
      1,094 words
    • 1025 20 aWITStAI MTIMUTrtMI SWWIM CMM Ml Ttl U *****4 Emcss SftncE n imm iiwipmi cMTMfr p-rs t* batiaara f .-i fa»*>t laatraj Mr MMM MMM M It Mr la fin tf enfa) »1. *m< I«. I am 1 1. i«a Ntarf 20 t MMII MTI la fart 11 .11 Mr It
      1,025 words
    • 865 20 NORWEGIAN ASIA LINEU W^SMa* IHREKRIEHT l^g^ FAR EAST Ell Off SERVICE t! BKI3 TMtESn tCI 1 1 IMII ME PTI ITI t^-TKVi Id *****51 (14 lan) I PKASIM Utftcn SM IM ■> TO 11 *****1 P Uaf 7t2S Tin lM*aj t<«aK- •TiillTrM IM II Mr 11 4« tniiMM. iia raav
      865 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 588 21 Bk IMMM fM aVM IM mm 1 Singapore ALTAI* Voy 101W 1041 Ditckarging «V Uaaiing) In Fm» 15 Apr AgfMtK ORIENT LLOYD SON. BHD. SINGA»O»t *****22 LLOYD BRASILEIRO LINE Ua*aj tw SMTH IU H IMM, fITMM IMM2 MM NM) u~. m»m nun— imm tn.mrn in tttaaaaat aa PARYINOB SHIPPING LINE
      588 words
    • 726 21 aaaaaaaaalaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaßaaaaaaaaßaaaaaaaaaaßßß aaß] a $hcmciri-L<i hotel limited (Incorporated In the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fifteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on Friday, 25th June 1976 at 3 p.m. in the Jasmine Room, Mezzanine Floor, Shangri-La Hotel, 22 Orange Grove Road, Singapore 10.
      726 words
    • 653 21 ColtM Sate under Order of Court Sealed bids are invited for 278 bales cotton now lying In Port of Singapore Authority godown. Interested bidders are to deliver sealed bids to the Sheriff, Supreme Court. Singapore, not later Umn the 22nd April. 1976 Bids are to be on a per pound
      653 words
    • 884 21 THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Incorporated in Singapore) NOTK E IS HKKFRY GIVEN that thf annual general meeting of The St rails Trading Company Limited will be held at the company's registered office 20th floor. Strait* Trading Building 9 Battery Road. Singapore, on Friday 4th June 1976 al 12 noon
      884 words
    • 500 21 IV lilt Mil I* lUM KM-i 111 l( m ttm Minding I p i |»un. PORE I ITK LTD IUVKMTIMI NKNI iW M nrioN ii Mod., wrtien nitert of i ru Avrnur the t'etltiomnic CrrMit- foi 'he 30th petition m.iy ;ipp»' U tune (il 1 the prlition will he lurnistiril
      500 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    34 22 In evcrlovln* memory of (AFT HAP.DFV SINGH killed la actioo on 10 75 De*rly missed and remembered by who love him. May his aoul real in peace I tufted by loving WITT-
    34 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 543 22 SINGAPORE POLYMER CORP. (PTE.) LTD. ■ntahiy qualified persons for the -ition of TRAINEE SHIFT ENGINEER rm .ioh sponslble to the Plant Manager for the ►oth efficient running of a PVC manufacturing process. mi \PPI l< ANT: ferably S poreans who have completed N.S. or serving part-time. i)\ \IIH< VII' egrec
      543 words
    • 616 22 UNIVERSITI MALAYA Fafculti Undang-Undang I'prtnohonan adalah dipelawa untuk iawatanluwatan <ebairai •sneyarsh dl Pakultt undanfriid.mir Kelayakan: Calun-calun bagl lantlkan hendaklah nipiiiiliki kelayakan Ijazan Sarjana Master's Degree) if dengannya dalam bidang yang berkeii i. in Tanoaa a** (•eretft): l>iisy.,r;ih All-1 $1100x50-1300/1450x50--1550/SK A lO-2 $1600x75- 1825/TP A 9 $1900x75-2125. Lam-lam Syarat PerfchJdmeian: Tetap
      616 words
    • 600 22 ■■Prosper withH come join us MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (M) SDN. BERHAO Due to expansion, applications are Invited from suitably qualified Malay- slan citizens for the following posts:SALES EXECUTIVE (Bumlputra) *9* Above 24 years. Qualification: A degree In Business I Administration. Economics or I Marketing. Experience not I necessary as training
      600 words
    • 694 22 HEWLETT M. PACKARD HEWLETT- PACKARO (M) SOW. BHD. A wWI»y o* "»*or AiMricw Etacironta Compwy iftvmß ippiicfliivni nutii wngwy fiMnnia ciidtdf for «M followint poafttons PRODUCTION SUPERVISORS RESPONSIBILITIES: Th* production tupwrviwr will b« rMponwblt for •rtablifhing production and #>ipm«nt targtn, orfanning activitiw to •chiava production obi*ctiv«t. pert iciprt ing in
      694 words
    • 802 22 KENYATAAN KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA PBPKBIEBAAN HIGHKH SCHOOL CERTIFICATE Itn (CaaarMge H.B.C. K»a«t«atta». l«7t) Bafl SeaaeaaaJw Malayula Bormng-borani m&suk dan butlr-butlr mengenal bayaran dan lam-lam ur.tuk pcperiksajin Hlgrtrr School Certificate 1976 boleh dlperolehl daripada Pejabat PeUj&r&n Neferl mulal 13hb April. 1976 2. Borang-bor».ng Maauk akan dlkeluarkan kepada caJun-calun persendlrlan perseorangan yang
      802 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 711 23 ?^<£i, )Si) 4l*v KINABALU INTERNATIONAL HOTEL "Mill \M po box 1866 W* KOTA KINABALU SABAH APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FROM MALAYSIANS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: *^fr FRONT OFFICE ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT nervation Clerks Accountant Receptionists Book Keepers sfifs Telephone Operators General Account Cle r ks WxrM Hell I* Costing Clerks Door Man
      711 words
    • 385 23 URGENTLY REQUIRED BUMIPUTRA ACCOUNTS CLERK A large and progressive Transport and Shipping agency organisation have Immediate vacancies for Bumiputra ACCOUNTS CLERKS. SPM/MCE with credits in Mathematics and Bahasa Malaysia or English. Application with brief but comprehensive particulars of academic qualification and experience together with a copy of latest photograph (non-returnable)
      385 words
    • 607 23 NOTICE OF REMOVAL Notice is hereby given that as from today 12th. April, 1976 WAN SAM CONSTRUCTIONS SENDIRIAN BFRHAD has moved its Head Office from No: 9, Thomson Road, Ipoh, Perak to NO: 1 (Ist FLOOR) JALAN 8/IE, PETALING JAVA, SELANGOR. OUR TELEPHONE NOS. ARE 03-*****2 AND 03-*****2. Our Branch
      607 words
    • 337 23 -fo&j KENYATAAN Tetqa TAWARAN Tawaran -tawaran adalah dlpelawa darlpada pemborong-pemborong'pembekal-pembekal yang herpengalaman untuk kerja-kerja berlkut (A) BP.NO. 97/76 Memblna jalan pertanlan dan pembetung dl Felda Tenang Resab. Labis. Johor ($5OOO senankah (B) BP.NO. 100/7 C Membekal dan menghantar palp-palp konkrlt tetulang (reinforced concrete spun pipes) ke Felda Keratong II (Per
      337 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 207 24 r »oei rat m en 1 1.200. TW>WI Hongkong Pa, ./.tCAVWUO r 990 Q. Ju- S2.uuu i/^. -nr ou.i£a- 1 f^"i •*P7 U1 Ool !2L H *!L s<W low 11.700. Principals tel:37oWo. *HS2 P" 1^!? *n $440. Changl nmnßmaHßiißiiiiiiißiiiiiißiiß r.ished. Ac« 25f U1345M MARYLAND P 4-iiD- V^^V I apartment -deuched
      207 words

  • 57 25 LOUISE KLERK'S BALON« SEAUTV men and ladles Tel 3TBSBO Ivwry endeavour is made lo puMMfi nn efs_fj Mjjfsj) P*MltJ(Mt*jad t>*Wf (f CWN*jM bo aueranssed The camp aw i daea not t«otd aaaS) toeponoxolo tm errera menla No awewence w4i be made lot errors vnles* sWenllSH Is drewn to Memo*
    57 words
  • 18 25 CHEONO AH KHOO (FRANCIS) Gleefully •i wife. at 2 00 p m on 13 476 and U
    18 words
    93 words
  • 30 25 •nemory of my 1 husband TEO CHCNG SEAH coned to root S fears a» day. lave rolled by but memories stay near and dear as yesterday al loved ones
    30 words
  • 12 25 80S SAMARITANS OF Sin i i night near as uplrp'
    12 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 146 25 classified ads (§U Cgy aTo^BS^sxKSso^PwßsSw) -istlan i about 35 yean. ASSISTANT CXCCUTIVC DIRECTOR 'ooj AdwMntsArstton and programme planning University degree pronjraato i||-'i>-| distil dmg on BMOMBiilwio snd r own em iportonco O~»clo. VW C A JM Ouwam Rood. S pars 1 by IPX AprM 1876 A Local Large CIVIL ENGINEERING
      146 words
    • 592 25 TRACTONS SINGAPORE LTO CLERK/TYPISTS (Female) The csudidsm sne.nH novo Ine following qualifications/ •nate mml 2 1 Ablr to type at about 40 MM working expsj Saasry range 82BS S37S P l > glwng details of quallflParaonnoi 6 Alii; ilnnir TR AC TONS SINOAPONI LTD OP 0 Boa 2S7T Singapore 1
      592 words
    • 735 25 CLIMATE ENOINCCMNO PTI LTD requires ACCOUNTS CLINK 1 At least I 0.C.1 O level Intermediate Bookkeeping 1 Preferably about 3 years working experience in similar position and able to maintain full set of accounts S I*o to SSSS liai dl g en asiaßAppe, pmng Hj« roowno mctadtoa present and esawotsd
      735 words
    • 682 25 -I A NEWLY ESTABLISHED ompan> i in Jumng invites applications for 1 -v i m* Applicants must the following requirements I < raft Trade Cert Ilertncal Practice 21 y perwiv-ed in general wiring. MTtairi in machine control ,t- tn<l vime working knowI ledge of basic electronics Interested candidates please call
      682 words
    • 817 25 I aa^paMßXpspsxns WANTED A LIVE-IN Keneral amah ft* small family No washing/ ironing -id 5270 Plraw tel *****3 or call personally at I. oriole Crescent s aare ll I Heal National Junior College Kune.irn Ruad > ENGLISH FABNLV (4) requires experienced cook General Amah .md a Wash Amah Oood rn»ltih
      817 words
    • 648 25 OC LTftOH Uk»k» wark AMONG FPJCNDS J rXJJgtkSjyar oMSsI CsMsw BVOrtt gM SsOTVfjsTfJMkasonr? *s*M are FEMALE 16 years and above and Mkaan is learn. ■my net tow ho m EXCTNON as we provide the following benefits to our ever Happy Staff 1 Mussr while you work (we provide popular English.
      648 words
    • 736 25 FEMALE FACTONY OPERATORS ISxes* M> ..Id xaßßxMfd] PrMasrf Secon- I rj win. 1 1 ion B %BBf i" Part .it iea*i 2 shifts B T< monlhl> i-.trning^ 8170 o ssjggßSj B HosMtAluuIkhi benefit* AimMv iterxoii.ill) »ith Identity afd during irking hours al ROLLEI OPTICAL PTI LTO BBj
      736 words
    • 840 25 FAOEP. HILLS J STO«F •M.i rv-1 6 hrdronms serv.inl s ill) fur- I ilisliwi SI SOO HIM *****3' HOUSES THAT SUIT tour budget i ravens modern nuu*e Complete serI'rtirx tine* from SI. OOO -82.300 niH *****1 WALKING DISTANCE TO Orchard. «-iiii .tri.if hrd .1 bedrooms newly decarated telephone aircond I'liiiiedi.ite
      840 words
    • 757 25 I 2 STOREY SEMI DETACHED BUN OALOW with i bedrooms tl Namfot Rental pVjwr.illci.ih *****0 SCLCTAN THOMSON HILLS I<«< Semi-detached "4708 Onwa' ...ition Immediate I Furnishings Telephone VT7S97 *****0 EH CialamMal Heuemg Pie Ltd IS-A. QtldMP Plata. Swigiain 11 LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS DIBTB 18/11 for immediate occupation 1 4 bedroom*
      757 words
    • 753 25 GOLOHILL TOWER SI SO* Man•lon si ion Near Botanical 100 Orchard Housing DALVEY ROAD APARTMENT sned with 3 ndit loners KenUl negotl•II *****01 i m spm DIST 16 STEVENS NOAO. fur '.r HMivd flat master Tied bath cvi ofFULLY AIRCONOITIUNEO JBEDROOMED di*t 9 apartment, ■rated Wall to with net atuched
      753 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 615 26 classified ads CAHACIAN PROFESSOR NEEDS ngapore I I>ruils to Bobimarg co *****67 HB9II UHOALOW9 ANO APANTMENTS payment WAHTfO »INT UNFUP.HISMID rtouae within 5 lawß Msiimum ren Ong Ul 6x) Bee^tawaM 1.1 COUPLE RBOUtRBS ROOM 1 111 .1. 1 i Preferably with i. attached Phone *****8 1 morning) *****1 UNOLE OMtL
      615 words
    • 606 26 OI9T 19 NEW 9-BEDROOMEO I split-level double-storey 000 sq ft freehold. 1 J I Chen Associates I 349 M ***** 1 HILLVIIW ESTATE ATTRACTtVB semi-detached 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, one at--1 tached Servant's room Mosaic throughout 3.300 sq ft 9133.000 I 1 ■■nl*. 1.17VUJ6 *****7 OtBT. 19 MUSWSLL HSLL Single
      606 words
    • 671 26 Naaxty Park: double-storey semidetached house with 3 bedrooms Sasstar HBsk double-storey semidetached house wtth 9.000 sq ft of attractively landscaped grounds 9190.000 BssiasH Estate: 2-storey semidetached house, extensively renovated with extension, study and 3 bedrooms Slit* Aveaee: 2-storey corner terrace house with large grounds and with 3 bedrooms T»imi» Rase
      671 words
    • 706 26 Pf MB4ONEFJ BUVHtO sinfle- I storey sem detached or letached bungalow with spacious garden In Serangoon Oarden or nearby Phone W***** *****1 1 FOR BEST VALUE hen buvtoMl. selling, renting, properties, pal sat consult *i«r L'niveraa Realty Enterprises (8 URE Aut> -lsedagenU Tel *****3 SMALL FAMILY RBOUBRBS flat or terrace
      706 words
    • 809 26 SCABtOE OPPICE SPACE. Floor area 1460/ 2109 sq ft respectively Available for Immediate occupancy at Shenton House. Interested parties phone *****09 ext ffIBDBMI PROPERTY CONSULTANTS VALUSRS ANO MAL ESTATI AOf NTS nbw opptcb space pon uah outoioe cbo A. SIN CHEW JIT POM BLDO Keppel/ Cantonment Road Only IS mnalnine
      809 words
    • 499 26 SJL TRAVSX SSRVKE 39 Pnnsep Street Opposite ROY Tel *****4/ *****4 Oenuna K L 2 days 3 nights 855. 645 16/4 30 4 Cameron Ipoh 2 days 3 nights 645 14/4 30<4 3 days Bangkok 9 463 18 4 30/4 1 ID EUROPEAN TOUR 20 DAYS *****- 16/4 26^. 4.
      499 words
    • 863 26 LOWEST FARESI Singapore London or Parts. Amsterdam. Rome. Frankurt. Copenhagen S96M three time s week .sings r^ los Angeles. San Franclai-o. Vancouver. New York 681 »»4 to *****6 4 fllghU a-rrkly c a c holidays ALL TAIWAN/ ALISHAN/ HUALIEN/ HONGKONG/ BANGKOK 9- 12 14 Days 0911*4/ *****4 V SSI66S SxfMtV
      863 words
    • 732 26 ENJOY YOURSELF THIS COMING MOLIOAY 1 Special Japan f Kerea/ TarweaV M K 19 Days 83.889 1 Tstwea (InclMent Muslin S A»than)/ Beagkek/ Hongkong 14 I Days 61.486 12 Days 91.306 I Tsawaw ReMwe istsM 9 Days 91 JOB Ssngkik CWiwgir 4 6 D ys 9777 BkS-Oi Pwailiiitgi Tear
      732 words
    • 550 26 SAFARI BAR I Haw Huwik 5 p"< 9 p*" I lm n% *.tii Sxa H a»« I Myix 10. you' l-v T I ta»« Dane rt( «M. V ..(V 9 p^ 2 "O tfl« Country s«n sasj Ajm* a GRILLROOM >nw«n«t'Onai S«**»* LaM •roc i2.3Op"i J JOp^ From 8 4
      550 words
    • 554 26 hningua EVENING CLASSES ENGLISH ADVANCED CONVERSATION Commencing 14th April WEO FFti 545 730 ENGLISH INTER. CONVERSATION Commencing 14th April AEO FRi 546 730 ENGLISH INTER. I Commencing 13th Apr. 1 TUES/TMURS 7 30 9 10 GERMAN BEGINNERS I end II Commencing 16th April TUES/THUFtS 6.4S 7.26 GERMAN BEGINNERS II Commencing
      554 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    78 27 MR. HAROIT SINGH SANDHI (KARMIWALA). 60, years old. of 116-A Tessensohn Road. Slnf*,pore-B. passed away peacefully on 11-4-78 (Sunday) Leaving behind beloved wife. BaJbir Kaur. Daughters Pritain. Haxli^ns Sons Dr. Bhajan. Srj-Jit. Dewan. Jagjit. Swaranjit Son-in-law Kalwant Singh Sldhu. Daughters-in-law Dorothy. Uly. Alice Grandsons Dlnesh. Keshapal. Ranjlt and RaJesh
    78 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 486 27 classified ads UPIANOS SCHOOL PtNANO Hill educational boarding school, established IMS has vacancies for Term tuning 2nd May cool healthy situation Z3OO I i ..'it Mill Write for Prospectus to the Principal, ar I telephone Penang *****9 THE STANDARD AND MOBT PR< a MatM Semctaff a I C Electron** a
      486 words
    • 806 27 SPBCIAUZID TUITION a ewgaw» gpiawi KJJ Bd. Prat. BJUMtTIi SealTSac 18T8 ta A.1.8.. AC A.. I C HA., i C S A am) lAS I classes cemmsuctwf, traaa 14 4 78 onwaraa tsr vartatss a«t>isels. Cattssafc CNawaiSirTSl OUAHFV rod A better job pondence school can help you qualify for a
      806 words
    • 697 27 WE FAY HOT cash top price for good used cars, pop-in at Singapore Used Car (PU) Ltd 154, I Albert Street. Spore *****4/ *****4 MITSUBISHI CANTER TtCVOOpUIIOIC two ton prmot AMO DIESEL MODELS NNMWT2MFH it_^_s^l3»t Bms MssWT2«7CN -]ra/\ »h Ims. Asmes MOTORS (PTE.) LTDi ISO ISI MackaniwßaSporaß Toi 3*253) 2S7,astta*sCuittjsas,r
      697 words
    • 848 27 1671 COLT OALAMT 1400 c c kliometres. console bom. cartridge one owner, accident free 87.506 Contact SBSSB3 16T6 041 C. SSBItCBJOaB 2880 sutomatsc. denso alrcon white colour 816.8880 no *****7 Mr Urn 1671 MCBJ6BCR FUT 123 Special, new mode with tape, alrcondlUon DNliono T«l *****81 AskforSsah. IHI MQSsRIS MSNOR Tax
      848 words
    • 718 27 PajßfS •VOSWSTa, itJSBJBJI flowers In beautiful arrangement for all occasions Telephone H68J75. BIS Hong Leong Building *****80 Wellington Building «msh flowesis rom all otcastons WorldwlCe ContaeC Llm riorl.t. 34 Emerald Hill Road. Spore 9 Tal Z3SMM or *****1 8888 RONDO 1888 conslsu of 1 receiver 18 watts r rr. s
      718 words
    • 691 27 JtUMtSSf 6T BCAUTI for your I scientific relaxing massage. nuns baths, apotreducing and phys!o-U>«rapeutlc trealmenU Ith very latest machines 22 Ngee Ann Building Appointments Men's Department telephone *****2 S pore OET SMART* UNSPORMS tor all I ynur employees matt' female by Singapore Uniform Manufacturers Call *****7 ♦.PACE C If* NINO
      691 words
    • 629 27 I PRANK TH»!«*>3ftTATK>N often I Dauun pick-up or lorry to shift your office, household or cargo Contact *****S after office *****05 AS EXPANSION IS inevlUble com pany In scientific and hospital supplies seeking further capitalisation complete take over as a holding considered, tree of encumbrance with current book value of
      629 words
    • 608 27 THE BANKRLTTCY ACT (Cap. 18. IB7t Ed.) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBUC Of SINGAPORE la Bankruptcy Na. 4f of I 9?« Re: Taa Yap Ptwck (tradiag aa 8a Seng Hia Trading Catapaay) Exparte: Starlight Timber Products Company Limited No. 4 I Jalan Papan. Jurong Town Singapore 22 NOTICE
      608 words
    • 712 27 CARTER SEMICONDUCTOR (M) SDN. BHl\ Jalan I.apangan Terbantj, Our rapid expansion has create* several challeng- inf vacancies for dynamic and self-starting youns people to fit Into our production team Application* ZmTUZSmmUSS?" mhllU] Candidates should be Polytechnlc/MARA ?n-fn U l f S l c fleld of raw'trlcal/Electronlcs Engineering with more than
      712 words

    • 462 28 KUALA KANGSAR. Sun MALAYBIAN Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rlthauddeen gave an assurance today that Malaysia and Thailand would not fall to the communists as in the case of Laos and Vietnam as both countries were In Asean. He stressed that Malaysia had Its
      462 words
    • 216 28 Govt plan for security and unity KANOAR, Sunday rpHE Government has a twin objective of ensuring national security and national unity, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tan Sri Ohazall Shafle, said here. "National security U I moat viui to achieve the objectives." Ik added. Tan Sri Ohasall was speaking to
      216 words
    • 121 28 3 HURT IN PILE-UP OF CARS KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Three people wer« Injured when two Colt OaUnU and a Mazda Capella collided at Jalan Kuching here today. The collision occurred at about 12.50 p.m. The two Colt OalanU were on their way to the city while the Mazda Capella was
      121 words
    • 43 28 KUALA LUMPCK, Bun Zoo Nagmrs at TJlu Uuf bsr* will bt awwapad into S anotnaVl park undor a MM mlion proiact ptanoad for Uw naat ft** raan, Urn ptamnit of Urn alaakrrtan Tnoaaajcal aortety. sfcdk ia»h.->fii Kblr Johwt aaid today.
      43 words
    • 194 28 What the unions should do to reshape society OETALING JAVA. San I Tfce Trade I'nlon movement mutt adopt new methods If It wants to chance the existing society, the ■resident of the Centres* ef I'nlon ef Employees in the Public and Civil Ber» I c c (CVEPACS), Mr. T. Narendran
      194 words
    • 51 28 JAKARTA, Sun— lndonesian and Malaysian warships will take part In a five-day exercise in the Malacca Stralu starting on Thursday aimed at stepping up efforts to curb Infiltration and >muggUng, a navy spokesman said here today. Nine Malaysian and six Indonesian vessels will be Involved, he adfwi.—
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 172 28 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun The Technology University has embarked on 10 new building projects to cope with Its Increasing student population, a spokesman for the university said yesterday. The biggest project will be the construction of a student hostel on a 29 8 hectare land
      172 words
    • 24 28 KUALA LUVPUR. Bur Oscar Tammur. Papua New Oulnca. Minister for Provincial Affairs, arrived today for s six-day official run to Malaysia.— AP.
      AP  -  24 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 611 28 j %^F 1 VO/PER THORNYCROFT PRIVATE LTD. ELECTRICAL SALES EXECUTIVE The Agency D vision of Vospef Thornycroft markets a comjjiete range of marine throughout South East Asia This includes engines, transmission and cathodic protection, navigational aids and a complete rang* of Cai Sales Executive shall be responsible to Mhe Agency
      611 words
    • 626 28 |GENERAL@ELECTRirj USA TELEVISION 4 APPLIANCE PTE. LTD. REQUIRES MANAGER. QUALITY INFORMATION EQUIPMENT Th« Monoger, Quolity Informotion EquipI ment is responsible to the Monoger Quolity ConI trol for the concept, design, construction, ond oc- curocy of the tost equipment ond machomsms usad in the department He will also provide I liaison
      626 words
    • 646 28 THE MOST AMAZING AND SUCCESSFUL BODY SHAPER EVER CREATED "You Better Believe ItL.REBECCA and JIM lost 24.1 cm off their waistlines... 13.3 cm off their hiplines...B.Bskg of excess weight and shaped up... in just 14 days!" ONE 5 MINUTE EXERCISE. TWICE DAILY. LYING ON THEIR BACKS. WITHOUT GIVING UP THE
      646 words

    • 2196 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By POOL: $9,271. lit: No. MlttS ($2,175) tad: No. *****1 (S1.M9) 3rd: No. *****3 $44) STARTEKS ($49 each): No*. 14MT7. 14MS1, 1M1M. *****9. 1457M 14JJ71, 14»W. 141J45. *****3. 1444M. 14S2S1. CONSOLATION ($48 each): No». 1442S4. 14UM. ******. *****5. 14«2«3. *****4, *****8.
      2,196 words
    • 187 29 MADRID. Pun IUaJ Madrid defeated SaJa.manea. 1-0 In Wpanlati Premier Lawrue aoceer match before 40.000 ran* la* niche The match *v pUyed M noun earUtr Uian crtctnally •ctMdUlad so that Kami Madrid piajwn can reat f or their return European Cup of Cham**" natch ajrataat ■ajarn Munich.
      187 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 210 29 Jfrsggfti™- and WIN in Green Spot spot the ball contest PTHE GAME IS SOCCER How ,0 En»r: Mark an 'X' on the picture where you consider to be the exact position of the ball. I For this contest you must send in any 5 Green Spot card liners depicting spades
      210 words
    • 511 29 Regional Sates Manager/ Freight Forwarding Company Location Singapore Salary range in vicinity of 553,000.00 per month plus accommodation allowance. The successful applicant will be European aged between 28 I and will have had wide experience in the various aspects of freight forwarding especially sea freight Responsibilities will Include the Indonesian
      511 words
    • 518 29 i\ na high oi hi (tt THK HH'IIII K OP SINGAPORE -'3 of 1976 In the Matter of tr panic* Act. 1907 In trip Mac INIH) ENTERPI LTD \l>\rKllSrMr\l m I'r lllliiN ren that rtffUp Court was •he 19th day of March 1976. presented by Malayan Motor And General Under
      518 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    48 30 D eath: Mr. Y»o Hack Bea«. 63. pasted a wag peacefully on 10 4 76 leaving behind 2 wives. 3 torn, 4 daughter*, 2 daughters-in-law, 1 son-tn-law and grandchildren to mourn his loss Cortege learns residence 29, Jakan Hafifah. Singapore it on 14 4 76 for Mount Vernon
    48 words
  • 576 30 LONDON, Sun. Gerry Francis scored two goals yesterday v Queen's Park Rangers hammered Middlesbrough 4-2 and moved further ahead of their rivals in the race for the English soccer championship. Rangers were the only team among the top four to win, and
    Reuter  -  576 words
  • 993 30 nasr division Anon Villa 0 Unrpool 0. BurnIvy I Blrmlncham 0. Cnrton 0 Ar ««n»l 0. Ipurich 1 HtiKhmir Uniud 0. LMcMUf Norwich ManchMUr City 4 Dtr»y J. Omni Park Ran«*n 4 MkMlaibrouth 2 Shrfflvld UnlUd 1 WaM Ham 2. Stok* Covtntry I. Totunham Houpur 0 L*pdi 0
    993 words
  • 113 30 Yankees beat Milwaukee NSW O**K. Bun. Ra» sulu of major iMffiie baseball nwi ptored yeeteroV. AsMrteaa: Baltimore Boalon 1. Detroit l Ctnvtaiid 1, Now Tort Tin Has MUwtukae 1, Oakland California S. Tbjdm 4 Mlnnaaoas 1. Mill 111; Now York IMi 1 Montreai 0 Chtaaco 4 at Louu I. Pltlabunh
    113 words
  • 44 30 KATOWICB (P olind), Sun.— Finland defeats* Wart Oaroaany %-i («-l. S-l. J-0) *oslardaj >n Urn World lot tjn r fr|- chajnntooablnt. but ■Hand If t twice m ma\nj Marine opportunities. Other iMtJn: Iwrtet Union BMt ORHU7 CtoachaakrnJU* 11 Poland I. UPL
    44 words
  • 33 30 i AKAKTA. taL Won#K> ffcmiii^ indcmala's Orient Bo«ln« Hirtaratlon ltfht> wmwrvMini rnamplOD. aWt night kaoefcad out FUtptoo ♦tiananfar Dan flay iiii in Om liiE round of a IS-imnd bout Muter.
    33 words
  • 72 30 Holding slices India's tail FRT OF, SPAIN. Bun. The West Indies had a commanding 263 runs kad over India with seven second Inn Ings wickets Intact at the close of the third day of the Third Cricket Test here yesterday. Yesterday morning the West Indian fast bowler Michael Holding sliced
    72 words
  • 138 30 WEST INDIES lit Inn*: 359 INDIA Ist Inns (OvtnUfht 169-6). Gavaafcar lbw Holding M Gacfcwa* c Murray b Jullen 6 A— r— th st Murray b Padmorp 35 VtahwaaaU b All 41 Bafcir b Hoidlnc 13 raid c Fredericks b Hoidlnc 29 Ma4aa Lai c Richards b Holding 43
    138 words
  • 469 30 Floyd holds unbeatable 8-stroke lead NEW YORK, Sun. —Ray Floyd, shattering Masters' records with virtually every stroke, today took a .virtually unbeatable eight-stroke lead into the final round of the 40th Masters golf tournament following a third consecutive sub-par round. Floyd. 33. shot a one-under-par 70 yesterday to Increase his
    Reuter  -  469 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 535 30 aHsmmtem b^bl 1, Irllirlallirll Require* CLERK/TYPIST QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED 3 O' lev*) posses in the Generol Cartificota of ]tion plu* Typing at 35 wpm SALARY SCALE $165 x 10- 195/ 210 k 15 -330/ 345 x 15--435 pm SALARY RANGE $276 73 to $6 1 5 1 6 inclusive o< all
      535 words
    • 284 30 A •loin Progressive DEUTZ Dcutx Far East Pt« Ltd requires Project Engineers Qualification Degree or Diploma in mechanical or marine engineering Experience PreferraWy experience in marine diesel plants Citizenship Singapore Citizen Accounts Clerks (Male) Qualification Higher LCC in Accounting Citizenship Singapore Citizen Salary for above vacancies will commensurate with experience
      284 words
    • 398 30 Vickers: partners in Asia C^j|^'#-» Hf^H presses tor Indonesia and €M,\*'%,9 Vickers I Malaysia; container cranes Australia Limited is one of .^i^J for H n g Kong and dredge the largest, single heavy cuU er heads and spare parts engineering companies in for the Indonesian State Tin Australia. Enterprises. The
      398 words

    • 385 31 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Star-stud- ded Selangor scored a very humdrum 2-1 victory over Armed Forces In their Ma- laysla Cup South j zone soccer match at the Stadium Merdeka I today: It wasn't tne kind of game the defending champions were capable of. After a feverish
      385 words
    • 219 31 RESULTS Bt glance: North ien« Pwfsk 1 KttUnran 2. SO4IHI son*: MsIs ccs 2 Trwitffjfiu 2; Sclsnger 2 Forces I. IPOH. Sun— Perak's 1 hopes of a semifinal berth in strils year's Malaysia Cup soccer competition were dashed by Kelantan here today. The East coast state,
      219 words
    • 127 31 Jamil wins close finish JAJtfTL Mohamad beat .r rivals In a close nmih of the 74 40 kilometres road cvclm* race at Upper Thomson Road yeaterday. Jamil Mohamed won In 2 hours 45 aecondi from < Ib, with Lai Chin Shen third. See Kirn Weng fourth and Mohamed Rashld Khan
      127 words
    • 246 31  -  OHAASAH SINGH By COMPETITORS in the 5,000 metres Anal of the NTTJC Inter-Union Athlet«c meet at Toa Payoh yesterday ran an extra lap because of an arithmetical blunder* by the lap- Judges The athlete*, lncladInf National lonf-dU-tanee runner P.O. Snppiah. covered IS) iap». Instead of the
      246 words
    • 202 31 Seasoned Siew Jong not in S'pore XI if OON Siew Jong one of the most experienced h a 1 f backs in local women's hockey has been surprisingly omitted from the National team to participate in the MHWA inter state tournament starting at Ipoh tomorrow. One player commented "She should
      202 words
    • 81 31 Malacca keep record STRIKER Manlam Plllay's 81st. minute goal from five metres out helped Malacca keep a clean home record Malacca drew 2-2 w l sjh Trengganu In their South zone Malaysia Cup match at the Kubu Stadium yesterday. Striker Abdah Allf shot Trengganu Into the lead in the 11th
      81 words
    • 66 31 B'por* Penanf ParUa K'lantan Permk K«dah 111 I II 1 1 1 i v a 6 S 0 S U 31* I I i 0 I II II i 1 1 in 4 NOBTB 8 for P»h»nf .lohora Tf»nu v.« N«tii 710 1 M M 7 c i it
      66 words
    • 493 31  -  ERNEST FRIDA By_ yOUNG, dashing Imran Hamld, who has shown aggresi in the SCA Senior League after recov:ing from a over his :it eye last month, is in the SCA Presl- i dents XI to meet the Queensland Under-24 team at the SRC padang on
      493 words
    • 24 31 BUKTT Batok beat Kampong Cnal Chee 4-3 In tha opening round of the InterConstttueocy soccer tournament at Mountbatten pitch on Baturday
      24 words
    • 373 31 HONOKONO. Sun. Unheralded Ho Mlng-Chunc of Taiwan won the Hongkong Open golf championship today with a one under par 279 at ranllng Fbr the SO-year-old professional, thia m his first title on the Asian circuit. He returned par figures on today's final 18 holes In
      373 words
    • 476 31  - PLAYERS LACK CONVICTION JOE DORA! By THE failure by the Singapore team to tame low-ly-rated Kedah at Alor Star last Friday must be chiefly attributed to lack of courage in a few players. That the pitch was atrocious was incidental. This Is an honest even blunt appraisal of Singapore's pathetic
      476 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 218 31 Great news for oil men: Now Pan Am Dallas Fort Worth Singapore twice weekly For the first time ever, enjoy the convenience of booking Dallas/Fort Worth Singapore on one airline Pan Am I Stßksaßl BB*e£ JLA H 1^ **^^Mlr^^ smt^^^ I n s' fl >ore am Texas V "gm^B I
      218 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 106 31 R National Laaga#: Oeylang International v Jurong. 730 pm Business Houses K O tourney XX Bank v UMW 5 15 i both at Jalan Beaari Srhmbj Lower See: UST v TBL. DT v SJI: TKT v SAS. Q6B v ACS (9 am I O3VI v VI; BMVI V ACB. am;
      106 words

  • 483 32 N£W DELHI, Sun INDIA has raised the 1 possibility of establishing full diplomatic relations with China on the level of an exchange of ambassadors between the two countries, hlghranklng sources reported. The sources said India has suggested upgrading the level of representation
    UPI  -  483 words
  • 180 32 Call for mass march to Eritrea KUWAIT, Sun. Ethiopia's military rulers have called for a Moroccan -style mass inarch Into the province of Bitrea to "eliminate mutiny and corruption." the Kuwaiti newspaper AlWatan said today. It said the Eritrean Liberation Front, the leading nationalist group fighting against rule from Addis
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 477 32  - Tun M is silent on his return BILL CAMPBELL By KOTA KINARALI', Sunday IHJN Mus tap ha was today non-commit-tal when asked whether he had any intention of returning as Chief Minister, should the Usno-Alliance Party be returned to power in the current State Legislative Assembly elc :tion. "I want
    477 words
  • 30 32 KARACHI. Sun. Shootin* brcka out whan member* of Lhrae rlral unkma In Paklataa IntarnaUooaJ AirUna* foucht at Karachi airport during an aaacOoo casspalfa battfa resterday. pone* •aid.— lUuter.
    30 words
  • 91 32 MM. SANA iIIIPII ef «T K«rtae.ii Km* aaam nm. 'vii» n t-im. DatM rmwu by »mf M. a>il«raa. (kUMr O«er»a. mail aatf a i»t<n Oar- Mm L&er w laai«aa cuaw* at t ■■■mi «ia-4-itl«; Me Caaai Cha Kaaa CMMUry. M*NAH«N I •AMKAMAM ■AIM lilt.) mm away ea44mtt ea il-i-Tt
    91 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 53 32 CALL US FOR \ANESTIMATEJ NO OBLIGATION Malaysia Union Refrigeration Air Conditioning Co., 23 25 SAIBOO STREET. SINGAPORE 9. TEL *****9******1 Prestigious site at Nos. 117, 119, 121 123 Market Street, Singapore 1. Apply: British Malayan Trustees Ltd. 7th Floor, Grand Building, I 7G, Phillip Street, Singapore 1 r Particulars Conditions
      53 words
    • 303 32 awaawsaaaawawsk. S slLwsW^ aaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaWMK I Svenson is not a treatment, not a transplant. not a wig. Svenson is a new process that weaves new hair into yours. When you have this new hair firmly woven into your own. you can treat it as if it were yours. Wash it comb
      303 words