The Straits Times, 7 April 1976

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76 Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1976
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  • 655 1 'Don't do it again' warning PEKING. Tuesday THE Chinese leadership today warned that political violence which rocked Peking for the past 24 hours must not be repeated Ihe capital w;is tense today as wils <>t youths wandered aimlcssU mid Tien An Men square, scene ol
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  • 70 1 KOTA KINABALU TUSB. ItocUon towns today mowed daspar Into itvt forested and mountalnoua lnUrior of Sabari m Urn ioi id day of polling lor Urn iS-irat Mate LaflateUv* Aw nab ft tot tmdarvar Both y«rtar«ay and a«aln today votJn« took place only In the rwnoU Kuassut
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  • 45 1 HbTW YORK. Tuaa. Dow Jonek average*, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Bxrhaiure 30 Indus 10 1 73. up 764. 20 tranap 211 63. up 1.34: 15 utlU ITS*, up ON: £6 ttcck* 307 72. up I.M. UPI
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  • 131 1 Dead— but Hughes mystery lingers on T»HE picture on the 1 right is one of the many mysteries billion nai re recluse Howard Hughes left beh*nd him when he died on his way from Acapu 1 c o, Mexico, to a hospital in Houston, Texas, yesterday. On the left is
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  • 156 1 PETALING JAVA. Tuesday FIVE gunmen raided Tal Kwong Jewellers r In Paramount Garden here tonight and escaped with Jewellery valued at M 5450,000. During the hold-up. the shop owner and manager. Mr. Lee Choo Leong. 42, was shot In the abdomen. According to police, two of the
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  • 102 1 MANILA. Tnet-Twenty-one Muslim rebel leaders formally surrendered to President Marco* today and said they would convince their estimated 200 followers also to lay down their arms. In a ceremony at Malacanang Palace, Mr. Marcos said he was aware of the "valid grievances" of the rebels and
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  • 48 1 ZAOHB (Tiwoaktvla). Turn. A Soviet maun official has baan rtatalnad m Zacrob on auaptrtoc of •eptonaft. omdaki aaM today. Thty did not identify tha woman, other than mylnf ih» was not a cHptoaaat. and itA not aay wban aba was Ukan into custody Rooter
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  • 156 1 House in the balance LONDON. Tun. MR BRIAN OttALLEY. Minister of State at Britain's Department of Health and Social Security, died In hospital bare today. Mr. OUalley. 44. was taken to hospital two weeks aco after collapslnc in the House of Commons. He underwent ntur o-s urgw r y last
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  • 490 1  - $300,000 gems theft from millionaire's luxury home PAUL WEE By ritwo elderly amahs of an Indonesian mil- Uonalre slept through the night as a gang of thieves ransacked their employer's bungalow In Holland Road on Monday and fled with a steel safe containing Jewellery worth about $300,000. A $50 note,
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  • 978 1 Healey offers a deal to unions LONDON. Tuos rpHE British govern- ment today offered to cut income tax on condition that trade unions agreed to accept a three per cent limit on wage rises. The offer was made by Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr Denis Healey when he presented his
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 INDIVIIUAIIY ENCINttIEII II HIT STIAICNTEI {J DISTRIBUTORS NAHAR A COMPAN V The Peninsula Shoppt.ig Complex Ground Floor (G 7). Coleman Street. Singapore 6 Tel *****9. pflptKjHil
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    • 81 1 I $2.8 b TAS PLAN FOR NEXT 10 YEARS Page 6 CALLAGHAN'S warning to Britons 2 JAPAN party to end Diet boycott 3 HOI SI. to rick man soon to succeed Franjieh *4 ■SEPARATING lawyers here not practicable 7 FORGED visit pasa racket: t held 13 GOVT policy to strive
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    • 80 1 <M.\UTV tiERMAX CLOCK AM those who appreciate f(^m\ beauty and precision. W J&l; I Chun Chong [t^^ 62 South Bridge Rd. MtM Singapore I. m m m Tel *****/2 Come hear the LIFE SPECTRUM SINGERS at The National Theatre, Saturday, 10th April. 7.30 p.m. Presented by Youth for Christ and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 51 2 TOKTO, Tues. The Finance Minister Skid yeeterday the Asian Developewnt Bank (ADB) Is expected to increase 1U capital to UBI7S billion (SSIS bUlloru from Its present USSI2 billion this month. The move Is Intended to meet Increasing requtete for loans br developing nations In Aata, it added.
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    • 163 2 Pledges of support from Foot and unions ONDON, Tue«. Mr. Michael Foot. Britain's Em p loyment B«cretary, who has boosted the Labour Party's left with his impressive showing, pled g ed support for Mr. Callajhan. Other statements of support came In from leading trade unionists, whose co-operation Is essential If
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 67 2 JERL'f*T-EM Tub- Eouth African Prim* Minister John Vonter will vtalt brael as guest of Premier Yiuthak Rabin, it «v announced yeatrrd.iy So date was given Mr. Rabin made the announcement to the Cabinet, a communique aid It did not *ay »ho Initiated the >tate vtilt. but officials
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    • 351 2 'WE'RE LIVING ON BORROWED CASH'I LONDON, Tuesday JAMES Callaghan took over as J Britain's new Prime Minister last night and immediately went on television to warn the nation It was living on borrowed money and must unite to fight inflation. The 64-year-old Mr. Callaghan, a middle-of-the-road
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    • 118 2 Equal pay row over 'revealing foot-path LIVERPOOL, Tues. Management modesty and a raised foot path are robbing worn e*n cheese factory workers of equal pay. an Industrial tribunal heard yesterday The management of the Kraft Cheese Factory here forbids women employees to use the footpath, because men below can look
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    • 77 2 LONDON. Turn. Rlalnf prtoM last year cancelled out the t.-rwflu of a B par cent rise In «"»~»'+t nationally, learing Britoro standard of Urlnf unchanged over 1975. Ooremmcnt ctatfeUce revealed tdHay Production fell 5S par cent In 197J compared with SJ per cent In 1974. Central Statistical
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    • 225 2 MADRID, Tuesday A HIGH government official said yester- day that the Spanish Government has evidence of a leftist campaign to try to bring It down on May 1, and had changed Its priority from democratic reform to maintaining law and order. "The first
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    • 210 2 LISBON. Tues. The Portuguese military vowed today to use force to halt the spread of electoral violence. A communique published by the armed fore c s' revolutionary council called the attacks. Including the weekend bombing that killed two leftist party activists, a "grave
      AP  -  210 words
    • 94 2 Congress man loses contest for Mayor NEW CBHLJ, Tues. India's ruling Congress Party candidate was defeated today In a contest for Mayor of Bombay despite a court ruling which prevented seven Opposition councillors from voting. The Supreme Court ruled that the councillors, detained under India's smargaimi regulations, were held under
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    • 40 2 MANILA. Tues. Finance Secretary Cesar Virata win head a high-level finance mtarton to China for 10 days to Inspect, among other matters. how tarn are ocuected. apoka—ian Jesus aeon said today The ISmember group will leave tomorrow. AP.
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    • 128 2 Soldier shot dead by IRA gunmen BELFAST. Tnes. G«erillas killed a parttime soldier late last night in the wont wave of violence in Northern Ireland this year, highlighted by an apparent attempt to attack the residence of Britain's highest-ranking officer here with mortars. The part-time soldier, a n.f mrx-r of
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    • 31 2 TaX AVIV. Tuei Former Israeli Prime Minister Oolda Melr Is telling the tight* for a Broadway .tag* production of n»r life itory. inform. d sources amid ye t?rday.— AP.
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    • 209 2 TOANKS In Britain are being urged to Impose tighter controls to prevent unauthorised foreign exchange deals, banking sources said yesterday. The recommendations come from a working party set up by the British Bankers' Association to Investigate control of foreign exchange markets In the hazardous
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    • 145 2 Lisbon studies asylum plea by Cuban LISBON, Tues. Government and military leaders today considered whether to grant political asylum to a Cuban soldier who commandeered a Portuguese jumbo Jet In Angola and forced the crew at gunpoint to take him to Lisbon. The military's revolutionary council met to discuss the
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    • 233 2 'Steep drop in British fishing industry* LONDON. Tues. British lawmakers charged yesterday tr>al the country's fishing industry Is In sharp decline and urged government moves to extend tubing limits from 19nm to 160 km or 320 km. •The scale of the decline Is alarm lnrly steep." said Mr FrsVicls Pym.
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    • 64 2 IfILAM (Italy). Turn. Alfa Romeo. Urn sUU-«oo-troUsd car nmnulmctwwr. nurd prtc«s on all modal* ky an avorafe II per cant yvUrdar. It m U>« second InritMt thia year. Alfa Romeo, the aecond lariwA ear mate aftar U» orirately-nm Plat, aaid the hike vm to keep up
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    • 50 2 TURIN (Italy), Tues Nineteen year old Cesare Blsognln. Judged Incurably 111 and losing his race against time, has achieved his life's ambition to be ordained a priest With a special dispensation from Pope Paul I. Blsognln was ordained yesterday by Mlchele Cardinal Pellegrlno. Archbishop of Turin AP
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 She looks as she feels... i Law fi MBr wf *W Hicee tablet conidins a strong dose of Vit C equivalent to 10 fresh oranges Enough to help you live a full life and your complexion, so you could look .^a^easiatfJ' L^aV healthier, lovelier UleatiaW^ a^s^BMaP^^^^^*** A world giant m^,
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    • 261 3 Japan party to end Diet boycott THK Democratic i.ihst Pai ty (DSP), one <>i Japan's four major opposition parties, agreed yesterday lo end its five-week -tt of Parlia nunt over the Lockheed scandal. Government sources -•Md debates on the de-Uyt-d iy>6 budget may resume tomorrow. agreement, n the D6P and
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    • 30 3 CAIRO. Tue» Geological surveys have produced evidence of the presence of urmnlum orr "In large quantities" In Bfypk. the newspaper Al Oomhourla said in today's early editions. UPI
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    • 28 3 R/NOOON. Tues. A storm blew down «S derricks at the central Burma Chauk oilfields and damaged a number of houses, a Rangoon newspaper reported today Reuter
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    • 103 3 HOUSE TO HIRE 13 EX-FBI AGENTS WASHINOTON. Tues The House of Representatives administration sub-committee has agreed to hire 13 former agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to probe the publication of a secret report on intelligence operations The aim of the inquiry is to determine who leaked the report,
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    • 372 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday PRESIDENT Ford's spokesman denied yesterday that any effort Is being made to ease Secretary of State Henry Kissinger out of the administration. The denial came after Mr. Ford's campaign manager said Dr. Kissinger may resign before next
      AP; UPI  -  372 words
    • 116 3 How X's brother-in-law got that Lgovt job- WASHINGTON. Tnes_ US Secretary ef State Henry sMssir.fer's bro-ther-in-law was given preferential treatment In his appointment to a covernment job in 1972. according to a secret report released yesterday. It died evidence that Mr. David MMinnea. who still holds the job. was regarded
      AP  -  116 words
    • 30 3 JAKARTA. TUa*. A poHcwnan m aliMiwi to death and four others Injured" br a man who iv amok at Duval. south Sumatra, a pose* spolwnsn said today. lUutcr.
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    • 210 3 US polls drive blamed for antiSoviet acts ITNITED NATIONS. U Tues. The Soviet Union charged yesterday that "the escalation of heated anti-Soviet hysteria" In the Presidential race was responsible for the wave of anti-Soviet harassment and violence In New York. In a note filed with the US mission to the
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    • 246 3 Tycoon Hughes dies of stroke on way to hospital HOUBTON. Tues. Millionaire hermit Howard Hughes died of a stroke yesterday while being flown from Mexico for hospital tests In h.s hometown here, according to his lawyer. Lawyer Greg Bautser said In Los Angeles ltte last n'ght that the 70--year-old eccentric
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    • 58 3 CAIRO. Tims. A highlevel agyptlaa delegation la likely to Tint China aeon to dlacuai doatr military and trad* co-operation. Infanned sources aid here ye*Urday The BgypUans hope for more rpaic parts for their Bortet-«<!ulpped army China, which supported Egypt* turn-away from the BoVwt Union, decided last
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    • 33 3 LONDON. Tuea. Prestdtnt Idt Amln tacUrd Uganda* otl ahortag* by turning up at Biteboe airport on a bicycle today to welcome Rwandan naWttant Juvrfal Babhalimanl. Radio Uganda monitored bar* reported. Reute/.
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    • 24 3 JAKARTA. TUe*. SJavaiilasu people died of cholera during the past two weeks In Serang. west Java, Antara news agency reportsd today— Reuter
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    • 192 3 WASHINGTON. Twee. PRESIDENT Ford, who I last month authorised new American defence pact with Turkey, said last night he would continue a policy of friendship with Greece. The President did not mention the pact, signed here on March 36 but still to be approved
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 SW. m sV m a^sa m J (pronounced CHEE-NAR) Italy's and n Switzerland's wj largest selling I aperitif MA liqueur jjg^ Made from the I^SS^S beneficial artichoke CYN A R iarS tantali/ingly bittersweet and uniqucK /esu taste makes the K^^^V cnsitive, gives V iak'\iwl tier, better flavour. —V* Have it
      116 words
    • 290 3 m^o9£o&hM QUALITY AT UNBEATABLE VALUE FILLET STEAK 250, 3.20 RUMP STEAK 250 1.30 FRESHLY-MINCED PORK 250, 1.70 FRESH PORK SPARE-RIBS 250 .95 OX TAIL 250 .55 CHICKEN LEGS 1.25 FRESH, AIR-FLOWN French Cheese 3< Just arrived! A wide selection, PLUS new varieties of French cheeses i low-calorie fruit yoghourt GREEN
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  • Untitled
    • 155 4 KErCHIKAN. (Alaska)). Taea. Aa AlaJua Airlines Bo* lng-727 Jet with 51 people aboard ran off a runway, plunged into an 18-metre ravine and broke into three pieces early this morning. Bat miraculously, on 1 one died In the crash. Officials said 51
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    • 38 4 DONOBS. iFrancev. Tuea Four workers died and two were inlured today In a brief but violent blase in an Antar Co oil refinery In this Loire River estuary -.own In western France, police said. UPI.
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    • 88 4 NSW DELHI. Tuea. Five men were feared dead today In an accldtnt at the Illfated Chaanalt cool mine In norlheast India, where more than 400 miners died last December In the country's worst mining 'limitr Eamachar news agency repotted last night that the tntn. making
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    • 219 4 Israel says it again: We're not N-power JERUSALEM, Tues. Israel repeated yesterday that It was not I a nuclear power, and renewed its pledge not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons Into the Middle East conflict. The official comment from the Foreign Ministry followed US reports that Israel
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    • 54 4 TAIPCH. Tuea Taiwan will continue to ttma economic stability and development, as "real stability can bo achieved only from derokpmrat." Taiwan's Prime Minuter Chlanf Chlna-kuo told Parbament d-j^nj budgot dlicu-'iloru today. He predicted a tnrwth tot* of between alz and ttaht par cent over the coming financial year
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    • 32 4 TOKYO. Tuaa North Korean Premier Kirn D Sunc aavs his ouumry will not acquire nuclear wtapono. a Japan en magMlno editor who lnterrlowed Mr Kirn In Pyonfyanf said today UPI
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    • 334 4 BEIRUT. Tu*i 'pHE Lebanese Parliament will meet on Saturday for a session crucial to efforts to end the civil war. Speaker Kamel Al-Asaad said today. Leftwlng leader Kamal Jumblatt Is demanding that Parliament should elect a successor to rightwing President Suleiman Franjieh
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    • 158 4 'Cuban troops deployed in Gulf area' >tew YORK. Tues. I Cuban troops and advisers are reported to be stationed in several countries In the Red Sea Ou.f area where the Soviet Union is in the process of expanding its Influence. the New York Time* said yesterday. New York Times writer
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    • 85 4 SAIOON, Tuei A toUJ of 281 candidates will contest 243 seats for South Vietnam In the lint national general elections on April 25, the Liberation Preju newspaper reported. Saigon has 44 candidates contesting 55 aeaU, including political figures, two army gene- rals, Buddhists,
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    • 161 4 Move to tighten sanctions against Rhodesia UNITED NATIONS. Tues. The UN Security Council Is expected to order tighter economic sanctions against Rhodesia today It will be considering new proposals, put forward by the council's Sanctions Committee in December, aimed at making violations more difficult. The United Nations has been imposing
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    • 42 4 JAKARTA. TUC* Tho AmKtelkn of South Aiten N«Uon» lAmni la expected to f orm a fodoiaUan of Amu automotive limlm— aaortatkMM «Une4 at poo^bto co-OfMtaUoD briweon car and motorcycle butlncii in the rogloa. an TruVumliii Aaean yna-e«min >M today lUutcr.
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    • 186 4 'Russians in M'bique to train guerillas' WASHINOTON. Tues Russian advisers are now in Mosamblque where they are to train Rhodeslan black nationalist guerillas. US intelligence sources report The Russian contingent numbers 18 military men. But intelligence analysts say the development is significant because It is the first firm sign that
      AP; UPI  -  186 words
    • 29 4 JAKARTA. Tuea. Outer Mongolian Poretfn MlnlcUr Londciißlyn Rlchln »ld here last nl«ht he would hold talks with Indonesian Ravlcn Mli.lster Adam Malik on reci°naPtnd bilateral Uaues. Reuter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 370 4 HELP STOP THEFT AND RECOVER Jf STOLEN ARTICLES! M BRINK'S SECURITY MARKING SYSTEM Mv Invisible non-defacing marker Marker writes on any surface, Jf^^^^^^^^\^ shows up only under ultraviolet ct light Identifies stereos, bikes, J furs, paintings, antiques and ntl^^^ S other valued articles ,^Hr>aL O^^^ l^^^*^^^CD a^aP'^^^[*Br*\^B»^s ■sL^^^^^s»^*^^si -*-^^s^\ SITIOYAN
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  • 1060 5  -  NAJIB RAHMAN: By LONDON yean of laborious planning, the stage is finally st't lor the ope ning of the World of Islam >al in Britain by Queen Elizabeth in London tomorrow Festival organisers describe the festival, which aims to present as comprehensively as
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  • 619 5  - Thieu 's men on road to success in America EDWIN CHEN By In WASHINGTON WITH little fanfare or notice, some former South Vietnamese generals, admirals and high officials are finding prosperity in the Washington area. ii here by their lor* association with the I niir.i Stat' ernmrnt and a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 564 5 HAJKNETTtf !i vj aTsa^'^f^ C|UiW^bA I W^ *V* f^^^ gasV^BslsH L r^Otm^. Elw^gWt g^PSMAOI. M#tM C«M#mwit sltdint wMowi. Built-in cupboard in stl D C. No. 800/59 «Vaa roomt Saadoui car park on B. P. No. 1 245/7 1 around floor. Low priea. Easy pay Developer's Licence No. 1560 mant can
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  • 240 6 Workscouncils: SATU plan for fair elections fHHI Singapore Air X Traruport-w or k c r s Union i SATU U U* set up a special ad hoc committee immediately to draw up a list of procedure* to ensure that election of members Into the union's works councils are conducted In
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  • 87 6 Devan to open furniture showroom THE Home Furnishing Consultancy Services showroom set up by the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) and the Pioneer Industries Employees Union <PIEU) at Tomllnson Road will be officially opened by NTUC secre-tary-general. Mr. Devan Nalr. at 10 JO am on Tuesday. Mr. N»lr will tlao
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  • 566 6 fHE Telecommunication Authority of Singapore will spend $2.8 billion in the next 10 year: to develop te 1 ecommunication services here, the Minister for Communications and National Development, Mr Lim Kirn San, announced yesterday. He also disclosed a possibility of forming an Asian
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  • 224 6 'Staring' led to fight, youth tells court TWO 17 year old boys who yesterday admitted using a bearing scraper to hurt another 17--year-old, blamed their victim for "staring" at one of them. The two— C oh Koon Huat alias Low Muar and Koh Heng Seng were, however, each sentenced to
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  • 227 6 Happiness is chatting up the world at work A FLAIR for language* set Mrs. Somchll Chularat chatting up the rest of ihe world For as Assistant Chief i International Relations Service*) of the Post and Telegraph Department. Thailand, the jC-year-olc mother of two has to keep In touch. communlcaUng with
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  • 58 6 THE Upper flerangoon km community centra will hold a temlnar on problem* faced by youth group committeea (or 1U mawjbeii at the Pa«r RU holiday bungalow on Saturday and Sunday There will also be a talk by the People* Association supervisor. Mr Tony Urn. on the association's
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  • 28 6 THE Port of Singapore Authority has designated Krppel wharves. Pastr P»nJang wharve* and the Container Port si approved areas where vessels rarrytng calcium carbtae car. berth.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 411 6 z3/^<£C&' rt^H «CP^^V^$S»S V^sssssß >' O iM ¥^M y M^^^ txVC? 9 •*CC^M» o *Ti«*^ gri^^tP^ m VIS \m ss^sfl ssssV j\ Pipe ft Bolt threading machine k^lf^w^ fc pipe 3 2mm-sOBmm f I isl» Bolt 6 4mm-50 Bmm >| JiKclM Dram Cleaning i^^i mMmuJ\JHj \i 94 Machine *^*^.^r^ I
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    • 130 6 Highlights for today Arshad Khamis reveals the secrets of his love-life. Malay students among ITB graduates who received prizes for good performance Debate on new theory on movement of earth crust. Need for youth to better their career before getting married. Soccer: Singapore team face great task in Asian Youth
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 326 6 Bringing Up Wmthmr My BUI Kavanagh cjg Hal Camp L -^Lf 1 LOtT IT ""N I >T YrW A«Vv] I /'OH-THATS An\ r -WOULD ->OU MNoT |w«-l you lb*m "ro vd^ l AN o BPotar doixars exceu^nt J lehoin© wa s AC -iOUd $Nf>V J >GU NtVtW AMD I I
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  • 617 7 §EPAHA T I N (i lawyers into bar-risU-is and solid tors as suggested visiting pro mean costlier and more cumbersome legal services for the public, according to a number of practising lawyers yes ttni. Such a separation would mean that clients need to pay two
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  • 62 7 J>OLICE in\rstlfatinc the death of Madam Ang Haay. 2«, whow body was found on the fourth floor balcony of Hyatt Hotrl In Sootts Road on Sunday, do not xu*pect foul play. It n understood that they reached this conclusion after a 31-year-old man. said to have been
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  • 558 7 T»HE High Court yesterday found that a Jobless man was insane when he killed his parents, three brothers and a sister 10 years ago. Mr. Justice chua and Mr. Justice D'Cotta. acquitted Yang Tal Chong alias Yang Tal Kwang. 31. on a
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  • 117 7 USE CISCO GUARDS, MINISTRY TELLS PRINCIPALS rpHE Education Ministry has advised school principals to engage CISCO guards when transporting cash of over $5,000 to and from banks. A ministry circular says that in such operations, principals should ensure that guards were not kept waiting for more than three to four
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  • 308 7 rpiIREE local pilots who took part in a threenation air race rally in Bali, have come out with "flying colours." The pilots Jerry Llm, Darshan Sinth and Andrew Uan not only won four prixes in five different events In the
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  • 124 7 MR. Koh Ting Kuan has been elected president of the Singapore Taxi Drivers' Association. Other officials are Messrs. Tan Tock Chong, first vice-presi-dent; Chua Cheng Kang. second vice-pre-sident; Koh Swee Leong. secretary; Llm Chee Seng. asst. secretary. Tlu Chong Keng. treasurer Pang Swee Leong. asst.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 330 7 I Sanyo Colour Teevees bring you to match the Best of the Bigger screens BsssssssssV p^iw^^^^^«»* lEam. tJtssss* Si 1 35 cm (14) llewE r lII ILUi r I Portable Colour TV K^ l^ ah fi*v t^ki W mm^ mm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i»s»!^*^^*fi P^ 40cm.(16 Table -top Colour TV Whether you choose
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  • 253 8 Expert to head export credit corporation The British High Commission statement also disclosed that the prl n c lpal assistant secretary to the Finance MlnUtry. Mr. Ling Ten Inc. has completed an intensive four-week course organised by the British Export Credits Guarantee Department in London. Mr. Ling attended the course
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  • 66 8 3,813 blood donors last month A TOTAL of 3.813 blood donations were received by the Singapore Blood Transfusion Service last month. Last weak, the blood bank received gal donations, an average of 126 a day. and carried out 110 transfusions, or about 101 each day. Reserve stocks at the bank
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  • 26 8 THE adult and young people's rsction of Queenstown Branch Library will organise a Uk-cum-fllm show on Motor car maintenance and lepalr on April 14.
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  • 62 8 THE State Coroner. Mr. Chee Wai Pong, yesterday referred a case Involving the death of a bus commuter to the Attorney-Oenerals Chambers with a view to charging tbe bus driver with negligence. Chan Ec Chtew was run over by a Singapore Bus Service bus driver, by Hwa Peck
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  • 239 8 $4750 a month rent for Anzuk forces' house rB saw* expensive, and perhaps the larg*st ho— that was owned by tbe An ink forces here la now being offered U the public by the Heuing and Development Board at a monthly rent of HIM. This is the Arisnk Hove. "typical"
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  • 21 8 THS Indian High Commission In Orange Road will be closed on April (Ramanavamli and April 16 (Oood Friday)
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  • 472 8 'Fortune teller' is fined $400 "FORTUNE-TELLER", S. K. Pillai, wept in court yesterday after he was convicted of two charges of professing to tell fortunes and fined a total of $4(M). He was found guilty under the Minor Offences Act of professing to tell the fortunes of a police sergeant,
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  • 87 8 Body of man found in drain THE bod/ of an unidentified man was found in an underground drain along South Bridge Road yesterday morning. Police found the man, clad only in a pair of pants, lying face downward* in the drain at about 10 JO am The roan, described to
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  • 73 8 SISIR invites comments on products THE Singapore Institute of Standard* and Industrial Research (SISIR) has Invited public comments on Its draft specifications for 16 product*. According to a SISIR ■Utammt comment* should t» lubmlttod before April 10 on tn« draft suadncatlons for th« products ranging from »t*«l fabrlcatad deck sod
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  • 57 8 AM faaUr carnival or■anlssd by tba Pnplii Aa»ofta^tKTi RflclocMvl Youth Ooilß* cU (Central) wtU b* bald si tba BpartalssU Osntr* op«--tlr car part on Saturday sad Sunday Tba San tor Mlntstar of SUta (National Derttopssant) and advtaar to ths council. Dr Tan Bof Llanc. wtll attaod the
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  • 190 8 3,000 apply to be EDB Industrial -trainees- TH Economic Devel( pment Board (KDB) haa received more than 3.00 C applications In its biggest ever enrolment drive to recruit industrial apprentices. According to an r.DB statement yesterday, more application forms would be Issued before tbe current campaign ends on Saturday. Forms
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  • 75 8 Ophthalmic experts for seminar TWO American specialists in op'.thalmlc Instruments. Mr. Charles Rlley and Mr. John Beverage, will arrive tomorrow to conduct a two-day seminar and exhibition organised by the American Optical Company The exhibition of the latest range cf ophthalmic instruments will be held at the US Trade Centre
    75 words
  • 28 8 THE Ylo Chu Kang P.lmary School anniversary committee will present 80 subsidy award* of $50 each to needy pupils, at the school'! annual apcru day U.mono*
    28 words
  • 372 8 Oil spill: Joint bid to determine site of crash THE Port of Slnga- pore Authority and the Indonesian Embassy here were yesterday liaising to determine the exact location where the British supertanker My sella hit a reef on Monday causing widespread oil pollution More than 40 hours after the mishap.
    372 words
  • 50 8 3 new AEB courses THE Adult Education Board will conduct courses on Chinese brush painting, pastel drawing and practical photography for beginners at Beatty Secondary School from April II further details and application forms are available at the board's offices In Calrnhlll Road and at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rife
    50 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 .is' BSJI ««*M 150 1» HmVMmHaHmVJmV^BmVImVB »0 m ASTM A 193 ayj --p- 600 ttss I Grade 87 M v ve I dsVaW^fei a »ot and carbon I AL check vaNe etc. IWbTV I Jk.t* I staw studs bolts \c\i Ififf 1 41$ O I Iv^r^r* |U I »-~~<-~ 1
      171 words
    • 95 8 mlsta^^ mri" On»T-Shirt with •very pair of J«ans JWtt i P Hff ows 15 purchased 1 I I OBar «atd at t» Orchard Road All IwMasal tUiong shops crty wtafe) stocks last k Jeans $6 each A L T- Shirts A KARATE m^mmmm kU ART A SPORT P^2 A WAY
      95 words

  • 229 9 Sweep ticket *****51 wins $400,000 No. *****51 won the first prize of $400,000 In the Singapore Sweep No. 4 76 drawn at Clifford Pier last night. Second pr 1 1 c of $*****0 went to ticket No *****47 Third prise of $75,000 went to ticket JO5BO. J \< KPOT M'MBERS
    229 words
  • 69 9 MR Ong Soo chuan. Parliamentary Secretary Kn Affairs* and ■fee Soon, will •;.g cere- he sale of 179 r .ree-room Improved riats and 192 units of five-room flats at Kallang Basin Estate today pm The ceremony will be held at the carpark behind Block 44
    69 words
  • 25 9 THE finals of Urn a«tsafcty Fbat > >v: K»- dlsUlOt) ol lairtr .'Ult quit viU b* held at Tknjonc CNrts School hail on Tuesday
    25 words
  • 503 9 Husband blames his mother-in-law 'SHE 7S THE PRINCPAL CAUSE OF BREAKDOWN OF MY MARRIAGE 1 "My mother-in-law Inquired why my wife could not. like other married women, have a marital home of her own." Lav said his reply was It wax not that feasible in his caae aa his mother
    503 words
  • 28 9 TMC Singapore Stamp Club and the Singapore Philatelic Society will jointly hold a, one-day Stamp Dteplar and Auction at the National LJbrmrjr lecture hall or. Sunday
    28 words
  • 19 9 THC Jofginf Aaaociattoo of Singapore mill ocfftnlm Ma tint Marathon Jog Itif 143 km) on Die. I.
    19 words
  • 82 9 AN exhibition of the latest nre protection equipment will be held In conjunction with the seminar on Fire Protection In High Rise Build ings at Shangrl La Hotel on April 23. The exhibition will be open to seminar participants including engl neera, architects, property developers
    82 words
  • 150 9 Course for ROY testers to update '-methods- YJiOatTT (eaters from the F Registry of Vehicles arc a eesnt •n the techniajaea of testing al—ed at enhancing their effie.eney. The wnaa. conducted by the 101 n 1 1 y operated Adult Education Board Registry »f Vehicles Driving SchooL began an
    150 words
  • 260 9 DOLICE lnvestlgat- ing the death of a housewife whose semi-nude body was found In the sea off Tanjong Rhu last Friday are stumped because they cannot And an explanation why she went into the sea. The woman. Ong Chwee Mol. 46. reported ly went
    260 words
  • 69 9 PROFESSOR Lee Seng Lip. bead of the University of Singapore's Civil Engineering Department. Faculty of Engineering. has been elected a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Eneineers <UK> Prof. Jimmy W V Chen, head of the BectrtcaJ Engineering Department. htt been elected a Fellow of Urn
    69 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 34 9 MEMO R I N Depreamn Grtdman S*ht G<*at Clear geaakowi Thin* me iKOmntnl*ALL MENTAL STRAIN ft NERVOUS OISOROERS I Sole Aotnti Sole w fo> South tat Asm SOUTH ISLAND MEOICAL •UP*. LTO. T»l 25M924
      34 words
    • 217 9 MERLION PROMOTION ujn Df nPI ICC Presents WUiILU LLAdO s# J W *m*k (Asia Zone) l VaHgßg^*l|ga^r* l^gßßmV^BHßW^aM^B^ /W %|Vj|B Tim«: 000PM V o*fh >"*■ »#ayi» H» t ai>ap,» >>T^m V^s| 9 SerftfiKw|afiri)Pt>.Lta. vJO BW mK_^a( *n. CVciwa ivm%. onww «o«a Vo»^o.. ,^-aflUrir 4QJ m bbw asaagaw tw zkikm 4
      217 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 151 9 Straits Times Crossword I II IB* r is I v I it r~~i AcmoM Only a guerrilla goe* to go tack west Farewell 1 uonarr slaughter <*> .u.U.ln. not mm fan \SS^VX all Tall Oown it) York ti a., II They dunk. «Kh a ur» 14 Replbuc^n* oppon«>t of S
      151 words

  • 243 10 Missing girl bit and kicked police sergeant A 16 YEAR OLD g1 r 1 who was missing from home for four days, pushed and slapped a woman constable and bit and kicked a police sergeant who were with her mother looking for her, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. jamllah bintl
    243 words
  • 22 10 THE Chin* Society will hold IU annual dinner at the Chut Hn; Llm Club, in Kent Lee Ro«d. on Saturday
    22 words
  • 144 10 PTHOLOOIBT Dr T Balaslngam died at the University Hospital In Petallng Jaya on Monday night after a long Illness. He was 74. He was a senior lecturer In pathology at the Faculty of Medicine In the then University of Malaya In Singapore before taking up the
    144 words
  • 142 10 SINGAPORE Airlines is considering an Internatio nal Air Transport Association (lATA) proposal to Install a revolutionary multi-million dollar rom p v terised cargo system at the new Chanri Airport. The system, to enhance cargo traffic, eat down costs and expedite air freight services, was first
    142 words
  • 624 10 I sunk $5.5 m of my money into firm says chit fund boss on CBT charges CHIT fund managing director ac cused of misappropriating $270,740 claimed that he had injected $.").."> million of his own money into the firm. To prove this, he brought to court yesterday 190 cheques drawn
    624 words
  • 23 10 THE arat-AnaU of the first Singapore PUno PMllval w.ll t* held on April 25 at the DBS auditorium in Shenton Way.
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 148 10 Now Showing 4 Shews At 1.30. 4.00. 6.30 9.15pM. j Don't Miss It This Time! PHrVStgIS; yz^^W L -SB Lk. 77 r^ i 1 ORCHARD COMING! TEN BEST JNaM ARBRA StflSsAND™ BOX "^V.VrVWVWSVV.\\V.V.*.V.V.V.-AVFrtVV'WVV.'j! V S^> A Daniel* A Dimitr is *L W %B j Alibaztt jt pf wy'l Thet^est| A
      148 words
    • 316 10 GOLDEN PALACE (HW. LAST 2 MYS IT PAUtt) I GOLDEN: 11am, 1.30. 4, 9.45, t.Mpm S I PALACE: 1.30pm. 3.30, t.H, 9.30pm Jjkfi, 2MB HUILV b 7 Fi9ht f r BWBaflGafl aJ^^^Bal dtaai WW IbT I Win SI.MO worth of ONI Priam In rh* DEADLY JAWS' ContMt By CourtMy of
      316 words
    • 152 10 rillflaHiTi MTlfl T pas Aumroam in— J THE FOUR FRESHMEN f W CONCERT <r Cobm to ta> Mataw rTna— mart, anil astralM aftar tktrty liurt Ud> »ac<wtol raan at Mto. plln raooras aad aattaaal Award. Donbwt. Plaitar. MUboart aaO otWr. VMaJ Aawrtaa'a -»*at Vooal Oroaa. T*o bJIMob near* Mid uri
      152 words
      75 words
    • 554 10 > OW6*MIISA ON" B NOW SHO«in(, al liaai. I M «jOO «4) J Jack N<twteon t Dunowiv 'CHINATOWN aj Ponr«i»ioo 1 Taclo<olor IPARAMOJ'. I NIXT CHAN6I' ARLES WONSON .n MIAKNIAIT PASS J COLOR \jr>*mi P NOW SHOWING 3 11am. 1 10 400 a 4) a K '"^otb» B. T' 1
      554 words

    • 838 11 A TREASURY ofal told the Sessions Court today that v of guarantee for about US$7 million (SSI74 million) loan for a private rompany, purported .p been signed by Datuk Hussein Onn as Finance Minister, was forged. Enclk Ishak bin Atan laid he was
      838 words
    • 894 11 Wrongful dismissal case: Appeal judgment reserved KUALA LUMPUR. Tue*. deral Court of Appeal reserved judgdjy in the appeal of the former n and publication manager of Kuala Lumpur Stock ►;<•. Mrs Kok Wee against a High >: that her :-st the exchange for wrongful dismissal be heard separateHigh Court Judge
      894 words
    • 68 11 PrNW<. T««». Zl-;r*r «ld »tnp if jvr was arrested frnanc Road htHrl nixbtrlub last nifbt r<ir allrfrdly prrfornun* in the nudr l"hr Axncrr B7M rfportrd tv have rrnwt rd all her clothe* during her act when a policr officer who happened to be prestnl
      68 words
    • 69 11 KUALA LUMTUR. Taes. A total of 42 Malaysian Air Force aircraft were involved In accidents In the 1964-75 period. Parliament was told today. Deputy Defence Minister MoshUr Hashlm. wbo re?Ued to questions in the Lower Rouse of Parliament, sad 24 accidents were due to mistakes made by
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 121 11 $104,000 fine on firm for import tax dodge KLANO. Tues. -Jackson's Malaya Bhd. was nned M51U4.727 by tne Sessions Court here toda> for evading Import duty on 57 cases of vitamin tablets amounting to MJL0.945. Its area manager. Mr. Ng Meng Ling, pleaded guilty on behalf of the firm. The
      121 words
    • 53 11 K U A L A TRENOOANU. Tuea Sixty-five South Vietnamese refuge**. Including JS children and 11 women, were stranded here three days ago when their two boats developed engine trouble A iMikaauian of the State Security Council said today the refugees would leave "a* soon as their
      53 words
    • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue* A delegation of ITI Malaysian businessmen and officials will visit the Chinese export commodities spring fair to be held In Canton on April It. it announced bare today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 37 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A group of M Thai Air Force Academy cadets, led by academy commandant Air Marshal Jsnys Sukhontansap. today called on the Malaysian Chief of Air Staff. Air Vice-Marshal Datuk Sulaiman Sujak Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 198 11 V UA L A LUMPUR, Tues. There has been a reshuffling of posts In the Foreign Affairs Ministry recently. The deputy secretarygeneral. Dato Zakaria bin Haji Mohamed All. has taken over as acting secretary-general of tb.ministry. The 47-year-old diplomat has replaced Tan Sri Zaiton
      198 words
    • 54 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue* The dispute between the management and workers of Len Omnibus Co. has been referred to the Industrial Court The Labour and Manpower Minuter. Datuk Lee San Choon. took this action after repeated meetings between the management and the transport worker* union failed
      54 words
    • 60 11 IPOH. Tue*. South Australia state Premier Don Dun' tan said here today his state planned to launch a joint venture cement project In Perak. Mr Dunstan told reporters after a meeting with state government officials that representatives of the Adelaide Brighton Cement ""—pany would visit Perak within
      Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 374 11 bV^i^bW^^Vl L aBV'IBBVO'^^V4aStBBBMB^BHT9 «M .a^BB Lm^Ll B«T al w Jk^kA 1 >^_H I SKI V "a^^-* sVNI Ky tm Pi If All Drinks \fl 1* *J 4\ In \rM\l m m.4 at Normal Bar l^wi Itl Prices tm MM' \Y%' Wk%*kS^ SAM /**4W l Ml Wkr/s j& bM W s
      374 words

  • THe Straits Times WEDNESDAY APRIL 7, 1976
    • 375 12 AT AN age when most people In Britain dating their insurance and pension rights for retirement, 64-year-old Mr James Callaghan is about to ite the summit of 10 Downing .ifter a lifetime's climb up the political greasy pole. Whether he cares to admit it or not. his
      375 words
    • 184 12 ALLOWING leprosy patients to return home from Trafalgar Hospital as soon as their illness has been sufficiently arrested by treatment Is a measure of how far gone as a society in overcoming es regarding the disease. The old dread of leprosy was understandable, years there was no effective
      184 words
  • 410 12  -  CHAN HOK KEUNG By BBIGBTBNING of international rconomir prospects purred new ln--1 in the multimillion dollar development of a small town in the colony of Hongkong. rnmcnt official! say the return of busineti and investor confldenre It provinf food for an
    410 words
  • 1088 12  -  WALLACE TURNER By AS THE death of Howard R. Hughes was disclosed on Monday night, the ultimate disposition of his vast wealth was as big a secret as his pvisoiuil life had been during his last yean. Someone somewhere knows what he owned.
    NYT  -  1,088 words
    • 498 12 Wr; REFER to the letter by Bee Lee Mun fc>i. April I), in ISMMI two joggers in America had tatal heart attacks. This made headline news all over the US and shook many people including doctors. Then Dr. Kenneth Cooper, author
      498 words
    • 103 12 IRtj- fcrt to the Straits 'limes report of April headlined Jakarta action against Illegal trade connnned". which mainly contained the connrmatlon by an Indonesian fcmoassy spokesman of the existence of illegal trade In some ports In Indonesia. Howi.-ver. there is a misquotation in part of your report when you wrote
      103 words
    • 58 12 I REFER to the letter by "In -Suspense" >BT. March 30). One of the questions asked refers to membership of the Singapore Institute of Management. Ordinary membership of the institute Is open to all persons of managerial executive status. Educational qualifications are not used as a basis for membership. LESLIE
      58 words
    • 98 12 WE THANK Henry Ong 'ST. March 25 1 for drawing our attention to the poor condition of the stretch of road leading to the Reformative Training Centre In Jalan Sagu. We are pleased to Inform him that the Urban and Rural Services Committee will at its next meeting
      98 words
    • 79 12 I REFER to the letter by "Pre-U Student" tBT. April 1) regarding General Paper programmes. I wish to point out that the OP programmes are meant to be viewed during school time as supplementary material to the Oeneral Paper lessons. Since all Pre-U classes are In the morning nation the
      79 words
    • 42 12 lins ROW to Mr. TV William CheWs letter 'ST. April 1). Mr. CheWs Interest In the badminton evenu In question U noted. We regret, however, that the TV coverages are not available at rates acceptable to us. UM BEMG It>W. no, bts.
      42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 41 12 Tbual, mum ilsctmc irMTnuiiiaiJia TELECASTER SERIES Fendrrs moit brilltant toundtng Guitar' k Tatscaatar Solid-body J TslscMlsr solid-body with Blgsb) Tremolo- Unit TiNjcwisr Thin-line body T«i«ca«i*f Thin -line body +Jk IC*% Irrmolo-unlt /V Immediate Delivery AffiA TJi. (Ftt) U-., High Strawt, S'por*.
      41 words
    • 370 12 0 Fashions on Fridays April 9th Lunchtime Joy's Boutique presents the Easter Look Make up by Biodroga Cosmetics. the latest name in skin care from West Germany Modeb from Mannequin Feast youi eyes and enjoy our special or a la carte menus Dinner for two foi the lucky patrons No
      370 words

  • 332 13 pore with the forged passport endorsements. It Is understood that the Malaysian received about $100 from each prostitute for getting her into Singapore and the money was shared with the officers. Meanwhile, the CPIB •v informed and as a result several faked rubber endorsement
    332 words
  • 65 13 Stuttgart orchestra concert THE 14- member Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra conducted by Mr. Karl Muenchlnger will give a concert at the Conference Hall on April 30 at 8 30 p Rl The concert v jointly pravntrd by the National Theatre Trust and the Ocraiaii Embajuy TlrkeU at U IS. 110 lIS
    65 words
  • 193 13 A CORONERS court yesterday recorded open verdicts on a couple who died after their car crashed against a trailer parked oppos'te a cemetery In Upper Serangoon i Chinese New Yr*rs Day this year The court heaid that Mr Edwin Sim Slew Hock, an executive
    193 words
  • 149 13 NGEE ANN STUDENT INTAKE RISING TO 2,500 rl student population at Ngee Ann Technical College will total about 2.500 by December more than double the enrolment of 1.200 In 1971. The annual report of the college for 1974 75 says the Institution's nve y ear development programme which began In
    149 words
  • 238 13 raoM a lift attend--1 ant to president of a multl million dollar hotel chain. Tale asay read like a fairy tale, aat it to the real life story ef Mr. Barry MaJUaia, Se-year-etd prsaliiat of the Western latemaUeaal Batata chain, with
    238 words
  • 134 13 WORK ON $100 m REFUSE PLANT STARTS WORK has begun on 8 1 n gapore a 9100 mUllon ultra modern Incinerator when the bulk of local domestic refuse will be burnt when the complex Is ready by the end of next year. The incinerator Is sited next to the existing
    134 words
  • 30 13 THE ainffmpore InaUtuU of Managamant »1U raoduct roum on Uw drwlmmant and formulaUoa of parsonnal poUcaa at iv prtmlam In SootU Road from April JJ to May St.
    30 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 32 13 You can make it tfaaaTasaV*' with Cointreau LIVE 4 GRACIOUSLY FLOWERS IS YOUR HOME tm aitWwy m*. C pnnc«%s ~tU*OW ZJHcp 2SI. ORt HARD RD. M PORE I. ;«sji. mii 4. ituw
      32 words
    • 695 13 MaaaaaVlaaaaaW m if* ■m» W^m^^mb. jVaaam«a«Belß^Lßa^aa^Mßssssssssaßßßßßßßßßßmi am^r^ I In assmmmsmmmm^BßtssJaßi aaaaaaaaPl W I BsmmsmasiaßSaßmmmmmxmmmmmmmmj m Sewarafa/Dratnafa Concrat* pipat I *i* ~~~J l*^^^^^j! fj finina* m %9 mmmto *~''^tr MP^^^^^ Steal p»p«s. ftttinm and ipaoalt for MSimsejTgfJ^BmWamWssssßßSimmßißßaßSSsf water, eas si aswaraaa. s- —^mm—^^m^^mm^^ Steel tuba* for machanical. ttructural I and §a
      695 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 850 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 SJI PM OpeniM and topi* Kekiarp (Mttoy •rcfeU (Last Eaa**) -Ust m lenes) 7JI VMtaW Mi- Trm kacfe SJI Owy of Events (Malay) J^JHH"* 9U^ i IX Samodra (Repeat) US General Hospital I JS f sr« Iteatt la» $aaeai-f ac« Sig»t# US Intrsari (Repeat) I
      850 words
    • 21 13 WATER c«nsasapli«n an Monday was U5.*M cubic metres (122.1 million gallon). 24 »M cable metres (S.Z asllUon gallons) awe than Sundajs
      21 words

      • 1 14
        1 words
      • 13 14 oi»» ru«i C.N.E. »rtabrr| Its Urn 10 70 09 .M 03 M
        13 words
      • 18 14 :om. MMN Km Dm»t NMN imthtim 11««M •tal Totwvw: 1.M U •4*1 Vatat: M« M
        18 words
      • 128 14 hikiic But |3U rrrUm rttat II JO It. Staking »4 JO r. n. t».4i .•U <.«<■ 1144 nmm Pab. $3 33 Mm Dm+) A UN I. CiliW H30 i»h Vane II 43 lu llMf $3.11 rJL (wil |3.M >»ne Hul 10 71 Kcitca^r Ltu II JO IrtlMiM tl M
        128 words
    • 1611 14 TriZ last transacted ready •ale at the close of busiimm on the Stock Kxcnang* of Singapor. yesterday compared with the prevlou* day prices together with 1975 76 high and low CAdjuated for (bOl lasu*>. lICTIOM SMS iMouiraiALi Übl M L lala 171 113 Anna ITI I.M 1 M
      1,611 words
    • 398 14 AafTEB a steady to flrm opening, prices levelled oft to nnx*h only a shade higher at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Trading was selective and specßlaUve. Shortcovering was said to he hchicd the evening nrmnes which, however, did not last lo«C. SflJers entered the scene
      398 words
    • 956 14 UID and offer prices ofß- listed and buairieu In and reported to the !iange ot Singapore yesterday with the number uf shares traded shown in i: luU of 1.000 units urueas other, ue specified All Time Bargains or Settlement i are quoted after the word Sett Big
      956 words
    • 197 14 IJlsiaiili (2MB). B. Kawat 1 1.038) aWvta 10.398) Cattaberg (3.4X8 2 448) (1) 3 43 CJL Taag (1.078 1 Ott) (1) im. (i) von. Dwick aVaky <0 708 073',8i O. Laaabar (OMB). aUißer O. Imb. (1MB) (1) I.M Itßespe Lesa. il.StB) (10) IJO Im*. Weed (0.348 0408)
      197 words
    • 64 14 MONTREAL: Aluminium of Canada plans to offer a UB*S3O million 12-year Eurobond through underwriters led by Morgan Stanley International. Morgan Orenfell and Orion BankAluminium of Canada Is 100 per cent owned by Alcan Aluminium. Proceeds of the offer will be used In part to help finance the
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 53 14 DETROIT: The US car Industry sold 815.500 cars last month a dally selling rate of 30.200 or 50 per cent above the March 1975 dally rate or 30.100. industry analysts said. The latest Ofure Is the highest since November 1973 when the dally rate was
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 982 14 Bind offer prices of lli and buainsH :r-p»rted to the Kuala Stock Exchange yesterday a'th the number M traded shown In f 1.000 IMOUSTIIIALI Aimaxala A i .p. -.b 1 IM> I.M. m ■J MB) v OUB, •M OMS> *M 4Mi IM',l 0S1S) (I) II 0M •JB 0
      982 words
    • 52 14 M Baaklac 15 40 •i.»n f 1223 07 B«la K»«ao |1 19 II 93 i>< Hi 19 55 i.Tttnift 12 Tl 4 I O B M 26 -04 I 14. Plaal 13 41 04 linuxan II 34 04 ran ll«l 12 32 U3 ■UUaaaJM 1214 03 Mraraca
      52 words
    • 19 14 Dunkoa leW S3 34 -06 >l tiu I! S4 01 ■al II 36 06 M. SNBB) Mil -.94
      19 words
    • 313 14 Small gains in KL market PRICES closed with small gains at the Kuaia Lumpur stock Exchange yesterday. Ihe marcet opened on a steady note due to the firm trend In overseas markets, particularly on Wall Street which saw the Dow Jones Index shooting pan ths 1.000--mark again on Monday The
      313 words
    • 160 14 KUALA LUMPUR: Ma layslan rubber production rose to 177.879 tonnes In January from 152.884 tonnes (revised) In December 1975. compared with 118.356 tonnet January last year. according to the Statls tic Department here. Export* In January dropped to 134.3 M tonnes from 147.026 tonnes In December
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 87 14 ■DUCTS ud Uw US nn thlnlj traded on Monday In addition. Curope had sates tar Am Sept I'WOJO and buyers at MUM. acoordlnt to MFOPA. Quotations la ORO/cent* (Rotterdam) un.MS statsd •srs Afloat MM stUsrs. April I*7o cent 1300 sellers. I3M buyers: May IIJO cent* 1351 Mllers. 15
      87 words
      • 227 14 THE Straits tin price surged 113 to |1. 003.37 S in Penang yesterday on an omclal offering up 13 tons to 3M tons. The overnight London market was firm with forward buyers soaring COO to £3.130 per metric ton. LON'uO.V Monday's tin prices moved higher to clore £40
        227 words
      • 30 14 Rubber April 6. Singapore: April 182.58 cts (down 1.00 ct). Malaysia: May ***** els (down 1.25 cts>. Tin: $1,882,371 (ap $12). Official offering: 235 tons (ap 12 tons).
        30 words
      • 112 14 /-MINUS PMOUCI IK V CMAMOI lIHOAPSRC NOON CL4SINQ PKICK Pl* PICUL VISTItIOAV Caaattut *H Bulk MO Mlltn. old arum SM a*ll«ra. n*w drum Hi a«'lara. C*»ra Milan iloaM) VK Coal. ISO buyrn r>aeaar: Muntokj ASTA whit* f.o k ><»% NLW IXli t»Hm. Sarawak whila fob M* NLW HSiV* Mllrra.
        112 words
      • 35 14 Loaaoa mill prim aa Moo day ipnvuu in brarkda). Wnakar Spot bvyr <74T |<74>M> Mltar <74« HT49 Ki. TKrw Moatk buyer (7M (1770) ■<i »r (TM.M (1771). Martat Una: Strady Sain !l.»0 toonra
        35 words
      • 534 14 -pHE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened tower, following oversea* advice*, and remained quiet and uncertain on currency Instability. with a slightly easier tendency Buying Interest was. however, uncovered at the tower levels and the market hardened to eraie the lon. Current month. April RSS One came In for
        534 words
      • 126 14 ryULY MR and BMB priew laved at noon ynttfry: U April Mi, dvjvtv mull MfWi Mm =-i t (Cural Mtk) (Farwart MUi (wata per k«> <«••*• per U) 88R M (1 ton Pkllcti IUM IMSON 1M 50 IK lON 88R M (1 ton pallet) INN 1M *0N
        126 words
      • 178 14 fOrtYO. Tus.— The BJar- ket continued lower on llQuUiatlona. with Investor* couceiued over toe drawn out partlsmontary *tale m a te osalsrs said The Dow Jons svsrac* fell 31 91 to 4.479 97 but volume ros to 100 million •hare* from yesterday ISO million shares. The New index ctoesd
        178 words
      • 236 14 UOWOK(WO. Tvs The market was generally eaat«' In very quiet trading, with buyers holding off In view of the political situation In China and light MlUng sufficient to depress values scros the board, dealers said Among leading Issues. ■BMaaweo. and Wanluk both dropped below HK»3 00. kwlng to 1205
        236 words
      • 59 14 Manoay hum, Ull UM MrlbourMil) 104(11 MM L"^" 127 2SR I 2» onn 12«.0OS lIVMB 12» «J 111 %j Twaaaay Manaay ■aaskons I2T TOB Cloar* 12« luaS para It) IM MB 127 *4B 12* MS ISO4SS X.port pnea ta a*a-al*rlia« araa* lo I a aoiiar p*r aaaca. 11l
        59 words
      • 275 14 GYDNST. TUS— The mar--0 ket closed Irregular In quiet trading, although some late buying Interest helped bft defected laws off Urn bottom, dealers said. The Sydney AU-Ordlnane* Index lo*t 1.00 point* to I 440 70 PanronUnmlal dropped to I All 00 before closlnc at IS 30. while Weatern Mlalng
        275 words
      • 261 14 VtTW YORK. Mon— Stocks advanctd smartly today, powered by strong gains In new car sale*, settlement of the truckers strike and optimism about outlook for first quarter corporate earnings Most automotive share* posted Increases ot a point or better after the Industry reported more than a 69 per
        261 words
      • 102 14 HNANCIAL TIMES INDL'STEIAU Monday 401 7 Prlday 396 S Week ago 4064 TINS Monday ***** Friday 105 i» Week ago 101 40 BIBBCBS Monday 464 35 Prlday 465 as Week ago 466 J7 OILS Monday SM 44 Prlday IM 39 Week ago 355 ots DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday
        102 words
      • 307 14 -T-HE US dollar opened not much changed at I 2 4524 34 In the Singapore lorex market yesterday Trading was light and quiet in the early part of the union, but towards midMsston the US unit was bid up to 12 4540 44 in quite hectic and
        307 words
      • 169 14 Interbank rate* at 1 00 pa. urrrncit. Nalul rale* US dollar 2 4*M Sterling pound 4 4070 Hongkong doilcr 50 4S Malaysia do '.jx »7 25 Aust achU> ng 11.6175 Bel Prate (com) 6 3740 Danlsjf kroner 41 0025 French franc 63 23*5 Italian Lire 0 2895 Neth
        169 words
      • 221 14 A BIAN currency r Interbank rate* a» at cloae on Tuesday. April 6 US DaUan (Spoil Offer BM 7 days S 11* 4 IS 16 1 mth S 3 16 i 1 16 2 mtha S 7 16 ft S 16 1 mths ft 9 16
        221 words
      • 30 14 Cloving Interbank rate* In 3ir.gai.ore dollar* for April 6: Offer BM Overntkht 4*4 1 mth t\ 4S 1 mlha 4% 1 mtns I i •sres: P. M*rr«7-Jo)DM lDlrnuUon.l
        30 words
      • 58 14 RANOC af rataa aVaraa ky ■laeeual houaia aa April Ovarnickt I', le IS 4 Call aatwall 2S lo I HmMj Bur **< MBMM Tr.a.ur> BUM IS/ 10 1 1 It 1 Moartk Bank Bllla ll< 4 14 IMootk CD S I 14 Moatk Cl> SI 10 IT II
        58 words
      • 48 14 Minimum lending rates (in Algernon. Bora. 7% Oonokok Borax 7'/, Oor* of Amerate 7% •ankotChana 7>m •or* of Tohro 7% •o^Nenoro IndonaM 7'/, CHortar^i,,,. 7^ Cho*. Monhonor, 7% OOJS y^ *ir»r CrMcoao 7% rNCB T Hrtsac Inriotuai Maloron Oonhiraa M.rtu, Fiona. OCBC oue uca Hi UaVOK uoo nk
        48 words
    • 476 15 DMFs first setback in 8 years LAST year saw Dunlop Malaysian Industries suffering a profits setback for the first time In eight years and prospects are that this year Is not going to be better Profit* ut the pre-tax stage fell Ms 3 62 million to $19.49 million In 197S
      476 words
    • 157 15 «i H pre-tax profits V> at $2 71 million for 1975, Overseas Union has Just managed to turn in a marginal gain of two per 1 of a wider *!h ge-.'♦-d afI flnt Trie company had reglsa 15 per cent la the first six hs with
      157 words
    • 159 15 BURBANK iCallfor<Meed Alriald Us L- rUtar plan programme facet greater alnty because of depressed airline Induindltlons and 1U current bribery scandal aeed said the operating loss for Trlstar ear Is expected to be higher than last year. The Trlstar loss In 197-i was US$lO3 8 Trillion Kure
      Reuter  -  159 words
      • 103 15 AMSTERDAM. Mon nt.»r« finned rctwrall* Dutch although Clavwtierr Iniunnrca and \mro rfd lower n.- and txan*•'T' mixed ■■-•> eated tlifhtly "<■♦» <■ Imirh d»r» "rr.r... on Ik* (.KM >I 0 lIM .1* Km .«1W W PkHIW MM It Rom Duteft 70 +1W Holland Am. UJn UN wek. .NKd
        103 words
      • 97 15 H Urn Tht downward trauun at Zurich Stock Exrrtanf* continued UxUjr TIM ■tritat cluMd weaker on a mcxtof ir«dinf Swtar mdfj rluMd > 1 poinu tower to vrtmm la amiM trtMi oa <Im n"Wii I. Bsnk Own. «IJ T dmm iut miv. »400 m Htwaair MS 1 tl.»;r» -Wait
        97 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 609 15 Institute of Education Certificate In Education (Technical) Court* Admlaalon 1976 Applications are Invited for admission to the Certificate in Education (Technical) Course commencing In June 1976. Applicants with any one ol the following qualifications are eligible to apply for admission to the course: a) Technician Diploma (Electrical b Electronics Engineering;
      609 words
    • 725 15 Institute of Education Diploma in Education Course Admission 76 Applications are Invited for admission to the professional course leading to the award of the Diploma In Education of the University of Singapore This course will commence In June 1976 and will be offered In English and Chinese at the Institute
      725 words
    • 620 15 Institute of Education Certificate in Education Course Admission 197 f Applications are Invited for admission to 'he Certificate in Education Course commencing In June 76. Tne course will be offered as a 2-year or a 3year course for which the content and requirement will be exactly the same. Successful candidates
      620 words
      498 words

  • 183 16 rtonfU.wi* Sur»l> 44 Pttrmliu Cran* Batrf* Tal Chin 17 South Fuji and AIM M Una's M JMHOW POMT taa tir ISl.s and Shoro Maru B1 I CtMal •««<• and Kiw OUT >l|i M« trurry il»pa: COWTAIHM POUT I -rpooi Ha> 4» Prmdani (Inuil V) Yonkofi Maru M
    183 words
  • 35 16 MR K. JOSEPH PILI AI died 7 4 1961 j I Late Proprietor of World Tourist ti Transport Services Sadly missed and dearly remembered b> wife, children relatives L friends. ■a^a^BBBMBBM^BaTa^BBM
    35 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    22 16 I MADAM N. NAGAMMAL Departed on 7/4/75 Dearly missed and fondly remembered by beloved hutband. 2 daughters, sons-ln-■law and grandchildren.
    22 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1269 16 VO/PER THORNYCROFT PRIVATE LTD. A laading Shipyard offtn an opportunity for a challangarta, and utiffyirtg U'Hf with vi in fh« poxtton of a SALES CO-ORDINATOR The parson «wt look for mutt have the following requirements Quatif teation/E xp«r»a>nc« I jood School Certificate with credit* in Mathematics and English technical training
      1,269 words
    • 842 16 TENDER Tenders are Invited for operating as Canteen Operator In our Electronic Factory at Jurong. 1 Number of employees around 250 2) Preferably have experience in canteen catering business 3) Prepared to run 3 shifts 4) Submit a price list of food it drinks, etc. All tenders will be treated
      842 words
    • 540 16 LAND OFFICE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited by the Commltsloner of Lands. Land Office. Bth Floor. National Development Build- Ing. Maxwell Road. Slnga- pore 2 for tto tomaawy «f aal- iif h»m— and rvajlaiirmaU at Ito Sut* propcrtirs kMn as Mm 44. a. a. 47 *»4 Mo. qu* Sum*. Separate
      540 words
    • 674 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE r wwf bapfwi Im** tar TMUJVI Ii rVI 111} tar lust*** Vmh nmu ii ii kp ii it Mr a>.. w. I ITMnUM Ml«i Iltoi J Mi N Sro KtM ICI U,lJ»it It 11 H*f SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE mt oar nm i«r vn t^ c#ttN«. d*i*> msui ii
      674 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 811 17 WTIIRCJBRIP StniCt fl M CMTIKRT V.-I 1 •••> Mr Kl.:. S ,S S SS -S mZ ..It ma <M lAM Itam 1 1 "mi a" aaaa nam uta SMm 'Mi lan ia iim auV^^ it at im iimm ilMa imi *-«.IP SEITICt iIDM MCWFTmTRI I tv> Mivaj Im taatParta. -I
      811 words
    • 1416 17 BenOcean\ A^semcetfßenLLneßhjpFhnneiGlenLnpiindNSMO i. a cMtiaiat im iaan Ha Im P inaaj Paaaaf laaa *Mi UMNMH IP.IM It lar IMr lea Mtar*. Iria. Da. MaCMAtUI IllMrllIIMr 14 11 M IHa l£"*.-: C•» I (iiauii im limit iam Lti im nan. oa i lIIIKH an Mr II 1 Mr :l H
      1,416 words
    • 1249 17 0 laMPi -rut nafJM rtai tmaa m^ m^~ m tmm Mitri taaUM Au M ran P. Mivaj Tcaaaaatu liMvrn But WMaa MAM il Mr 11 Mr lam aaj 11 am «Mm UTAM MM* II lar M lar II Mm 14 Ma M Ma, i»iaPMl MT II Mr HMr 11 Mm
      1,249 words
    • 1197 17 FULLY CONTAINtKUtO StKVICt IO tU»ort .-I S tart ff| limi Aar 11 Am I) maiua Mr r tatitrttta. iVtatrt. UHart. mum am ii mm ii **art l>iM«a, Inaiilmi Sii"*' I^Jj; CMMfcaicf, Mitntwi. MMrm Ml in ai mm N mi ti SMtfteaa, Oslo. Wattafc. Ut.tKl bajlta. Cl" at laai LCi a
      1,197 words
    • 712 17 SMpajn 11J444. P Mat 041 II Will Paat ISW THE BANK LINE LTD. lUIS Milt vHU I UMHII" ia. Maaau. taaja. o^w f t c w<twt f >, na Mr <. It ?l ir na list t fan i/iici ra uai. Maaiu WMt ii Pan Di lil i* KUWAIT SHIPPING
      712 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 901 18 lYt-— ILAWASAKi lUS£N KAJSHA LTD r«UT CMTIMDStB SITO Ta lurtH (Via laws) Siwi P Rtbat Rt«| rdav RtPTIM IMMU m Aar 14 Aar I) I*. IJ la, RffTMI SaPPIM »4w I la* lIM Saa W aa* I v mime Vila Vila ii aM n aat Wrmm laraft (Via aHaam) Sriti
      901 words
    • 962 18 LINE NEW YOIK/E.C./GIEAT LAKES SERVICE laMj Hr m« r»M imtm. aaamu. tmmii. aarriami. mtmit. caictti. auMaui 'IUU Uttt I'ifari ma. i rairai n a Mr n/n Mr i» it Mr nun nuir n it a#r v v an i ji tm, i mill 'Him ilillaM <l n mjm i \LIFOKM\/P\HMI
      962 words
    • 958 18 Fmt CTWaMBBM suwct v FJMft («t mt) S aar. «MM| > HttMtar. M la-| ar«a IM I Him MnaM IMUIU Jt Mr M Mr M at/ Mia 1 1 Bar i? Ha? it aar aaaatai nrtaitt! a Mr m nut nut Htn nnmurrmi i aa, I aar aan in imm
      958 words
    • 872 18 MUTSUR MTEMaTRMM SMPftat CMM Ml Til II 711J44 imm SWYKE Tl IMM. liniPMl CMTIRfHT PMTS mmi -Mi mm'z •tw; hvTB. t? urn." C«'H. IMr If Mail till I I Ml M !> Mr 13 II I* 'I f •aii rtaMM .1 ua, i, a* a* i t«n attat aaautaatAM in
      872 words
    • 721 18 vw NORWEGIAN ASIA UNE I^B^. IKOEPEIOEIT K^^C FAR EAST EUXOPE SENVICE WzpJjk j TMRESER i n siNUfoir m in S«bVhwCNl tn'tii 04 lan) 11 *ac asiin simas sm mi Til IL mill lAaf J»7V«a Uaaaa la. t mm-. r ITTTImM IM t ta* H lara utaara 14 tar II km
      721 words

  • 14 19 LIFE SPECTRUM SINQEB iiidai > Asia I BETHESOA BOOK CENTRE'S t hesl bargains
    14 words
  • 48 19 Mr MRS LOH Ah Son and -■•ly thank all rrlatlves mends the Manageand the reaths. donations snd night visits at the f the late Madam the family OF the late Mrs Wee ->.»i Neo eoß«ssgswa. and mends for their .•nations assistance and nrawsnee at the funeral
    48 words
  • 17 19 N FONDEST MEMORY of Sally ru> paned away ssed by Mers brother and lov-
    17 words
  • 6 19 SOS SAMARITANS OP Slnvourag-
    6 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 240 19 classified ads !g m NEED AMY HOUSEHOLD SERVKEST IN THE CLASSIFIEDS m II rBSI Hi SST BB SSSSSSSMBM) BBSS BBBBBBBBBBBB*Jgs) gEVSJrV EMTISJMJMJTWSjMjPJ EM rs^SsWJPSf BW E*>BPBB*BBXF« Msnat jt^aVat awkMssaaWsSßßßsSkssi Bssssst It CMssMtsESl I •el Tngl gjstwSSJ IVSj|SJBBjf«MBBs)B, SJPBPT. SB b4sW^rwaV4l HsVt IMM SssfJsßJst fslsjsgVsjMsjsMsjßj) isjnT sjstTsjVsj) lor mon anlin seMtwen
      240 words
    • 715 19 This young and rapidly expan- ding company often an interesting and rewarding career for the applicant showing aptitude and initiative Preferably a Male between 21 I 40 years old j Basic knowledge of Drafting wiui al least 2 yean in a similar capacity Salary will be commensurate with experience and
      715 words
    • 675 19 REAL ESTATE PsRM urgently requires female receptionist cum typist Able to speak fluent English and hardworking Oood remuneration Details 4*7737/ *****3 OrfjßsflssVJsMßM EVtjßjfl |N»jsfJf»jJo*Mkfjl AwftW Baßea ke*ssss saasteaßtwa tar Skt tse)ewlßa awsss 1) BOOK-KEEPER With 2/3 yean working experience and possess minimum LCC Intermediate Certificate t) EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTS CLERK Able
      675 words
    • 776 19 MALE/ female BALES Representatives and part-time required Experience, not essential Preferably School Certificate Interested apptlcanu please call personally at MS. 12A 15A Unit. Block 2 Toe Payoh North. *TC Platted Partory Hsiiganori 12 POM AM OPPUBIUtwfT to work hard and earn much, we have a lob with unrestricted working hours
      776 words
    • 728 19 OFFSET MACHINE OPERATOR required Call personally or writ* to Asia Press House Pte Ltd Block 13 503 Tampsnes Close Singapore 18 Tal: sWswBV 3SI3SSS Large Prtnung Company invites application from Singapore nusens for the following posts |tj PwsSkaj Mm Opwasan Technical two education or equivalent with al toast two yean'
      728 words
    • 743 19 TOMSRj LAMES OVSJBj tl rtWttsTed by asadlng hotel to work as bmuvswawja. Experience not neewssary at full tramina will be given Hours of work M am SSS p.m. or 3 M p.av 11 00 p m Oood pay plus commlaston. bonus, meal allowance and me dual beneftu Apply with full
      743 words
    • 612 19 MASNTENANCE ASSISTANTS RE- I pany CandMaEs 'w^uTsultaSe experience In ouiidlng main- 1 tenance and in possswslon of driving/ motorcycle licence pre- 1 I ferred Apply giving full parti culars of educational qualifi- cations and working experience together with recert photograph (non-returnable) and telephone number to KlUlney Road P O BoxSS
      612 words
    • 665 19 REOUIREO (I) TWO Salesgirls with experience Working Hours 11 IS lam to p m ill) One experienced female typist with «now- ledge of Import a Export Work- Ing Hours 930 am -6pm Salary for both 8130 00 SIM 00 Please call personally at O. 6. President Shopping Centre. Serangoon Road.
      665 words
    • 737 19 CLBMSNCSAU AVENUE NEAR Yaohan Departmental Store 1 I bedroosns well Tarnished apart ment with alrcond and telephone SSM Holland Road near International' Japanese Schools single-storey bungalow bedrooms luxuriously furnished i SSM Watten View 2-storey semidetached house 4 bedrooms, fully i furnished with telephone and air condiuonen tI.JOO Off Slgtap I
      737 words
    • 822 19 JBSIVOMJ NOAO TERRACE J bed roosns 1 servant's room. ITSsV SSSS: Taman Mas Merah terrace fwnsMhad SSSS. Toh Tuck Walk brand new terrace with telephone S7SS-. Henry Park 8 m a> Holland Koad corner terrace furnished II 40* Holland CowjSl spartment furnished with 4 arr» condiuonen II 300 Lai Hroslng
      822 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 339 20 classified ads g jBW 11 GOLDHILL TOWER apartment 3 bedrooms with balhrnnsai attached Lounc and dining room, spacious rcondltloners and vlephone svallable Fully furnished 81. CM Other apartmenu available MOO jt»> pt\<*>* 37IW>V 2■!^:M: OtSTRJCT* CAVENAGH COURT Aircondi' Phone DMT CAVENAOH HOU*E. fully ■riH 3 bedrooms 9th > carpeted living
      339 words
    • 710 20 I TO LIT FURMHIID room with wash basin Bachelor or student Dtst 3 Telephone Ml 44* OI»T 11 FURNISHED AIRCON. I room Single gentlemen N0c00k'■***** j a a services rmmSjb* Of TACHEO BUNGALOW*' SCMI DETACHED OR APARTMINT* m oood inlamtlal Sill IHi Swtsjel 81.8**/- -Si,***/- Ajso tQjmrtmmm)B d WOTMpM*^ FfMHaTv
      710 words
    • 863 20 MUST BILL DIST. M beautifully renovated (820.M0) slngte-storey corner terrace 3 bedrooms. 1 bathrooms 6 300 sq ft freehold 8145.0 M Oenulne buyers enquire 37M97 3758 M MUBT RILINOUISNIO BUN •ALOW singla-storty 3 bedrooms. Jalan Berjajra 8171. 0 M or 2-storey semi-detached Bee San Avenue 8127. 0 M Both properties
      863 words
    • 768 20 OtST. IS I BBBROOtMP WHOLESTONBTT bungalow s*oo sq ft freehold SI7BJM negoUaMe J L Chen ■Aaaoclates34M*/ ***** HOLLAND COURT TOP floor. 3bedroomed apartment, completely furnished wall to wall carpeting, double glased windows, alrcondltloned. lmic%rulate coi.dltlon Tel M3OM No brokers Maryland Par* Jai Katong Sinooport) 16 I rNrO Ra*U K ttOII
      768 words
    • 763 20 PAWOtUBMC CtTT LOCATION Itth Floor 1.-W 4.JO* *SJ rt.*I Partitioned rooms. carpOsd. spacious general office araa 4—l eajpam.^*rvad by 4 automatic lifts 81 35 p 1 f Immediate occupation Prime Properties &41/ ***** JKSIME raw PROPERTY CONSULTANTS VALUERS ANO REAL ESTATE AOENTS EXCLUSIVE OPPKI SUITES AT I4EW COMMIRCIAL UNION BUtLOWM
      763 words
    • 693 20 OPPKI SPACIS AVAILASLI for rent Mala/an Bank Chambers. Fullerton Square from 97* 1337 sq ft Contact Tel 97M1 ext 35 POR SMMICIATI OCCUPATION Full, air -conditioned Suitable for Lagal 4 Accounting Firms. Sharebrokers. Merchant Banks. Trading. and Commercial Organisations Aroa: Ippn.lislili I.4a* a» R paw Enquiries TNI FIRST UP! INSURANCE
      693 words
    • 784 20 PRESTIGIOUS PULLT FURNISHED 550 sq ft moat suitable for travel agency, airline, or agency house at 3rd floor Peninsular Shopping Centre. $1 200 ono Call Cathrnnr Png. Tel MM WANTIO SHOP SPACE approx 3M 400 sq ft at Kklong ShopSlng Centre Preference to roundfloor and .st Floor, depending on location
      784 words
    • 855 20 LOWIST FARES! Singapore' London or Pans Amsterdam. Rome. Frankurt Copenhagen SBB4* three time a week Singaporr Los Angeles. San Franciv o Vancouver New Tort SBll3* to SSI4M 4 j fllghU «erkly C E HOLIOAV* ALL TAIWAN/ ALISHAN/ HUALIEN/ HONGKONG/ BANGKOK 9 12 14 Days SSUM/ SBI4M/ UIBM MSIMS/ MSI4M/ MSIBM
      855 words
    • 550 20 NIW CENTURT SPECIAL TOURS SANOKOK 3 days Oroup Dep Inclusive meals L tours SANOKOK/ CHIENOMAI' I pattaya 7 Days Days Include HK I $1090 Dep 114 234 15 24 5 TAIWAN/ HONGKONG' SANOKOK 1214 Days $1315 $i 430 $1525 Dep 14 4 20 4 4 5 27 5 2 8
      550 words
    • 517 20 FAR EA*T TRAVEL Hub (Plei ts low cost nights to London Europe Also Worldwide reservations Pleaae call *****2 3638*5 E GROUP TRAVEL the mori we arr THt LESS YOU PAY MM LONDON EUROPE SUM NEW YORK LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO $1100 NEW YORK TO SINOA PORE M7S PARIS TO NEW
      517 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 281 21 ■OOKKEEPINO TYPEWRITING. MOUTH* NO B€OINNf» »ning. j PCOPLE* PARK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL BOOK. KEEPING am 900 BOOK KEEPING 10 a m I 2i Sui <'. .1 m a m SHORTHAMt < «i p m 1 00 •HORTHAND SPEIO 40 <50) JAPANESt Thursday "30 9 30 p m MANOARIM p m BMLOCRS
      281 words
    • 716 21 JAPANESE. OERMAN MALS.V Indonesian. English Mandarin. Shorthand (Theory. Speed) Typewriting Dally 9 a m 10 p m i Bookkeeping. Accounting. WiiMnsas Statistics economics. Banking ACA. Mathematics (Elementary. Additional Secondary Enrol now" Boudvtlle language Commercial School. O» Vrnlnsula Shopping Complex (2nd floor), Coleman Street Spore 6 Tel *****2 ECTC 2JSA East
      716 words
    • 760 21 < IMPORT EXPORT mOCEDURES and Documentation Establishing uisrssas contact, salsa clause, methods of payment, frelfht calculations types of L/C. contract, banking and shipping procedures BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment, re-ex-port, insurance and claims etc ever* Saturday afternoon 3-6 P m commencing 10 4 76 at 438. 4th Floor People's Park
      760 words
    • 871 21 MM MH6JNII. FA*BN group tuition commencing 6/4/76. secondary IV English Language group tuition commencing 9 416 Tel *****4 ****** A FvRST FRU LISBON is enough for us to prove to you. how good we are > A few hundred tutors available I for teaching all sub)ecu at all levels, at
      871 words
    • 907 21 1*74 VA4OHALL 1888 alrcond radio/ I- track steiw Showroom condition, whiu with chrome trim Black Interior Executive's 2nd car therefore low mltta«p Asking 88.800/- Call Driver Sanl for viewing Mat drive 9 30 am 11.33 a.m. ***** mi ion CAROUTER Moke of car (Rover. ntJT, I fflfaW Mod>l (Iscert, Vive.
      907 words
    • 802 21 LANCIA BITA 1888 September 1975 with radio, cassette and beautiful company registered number plate Accident free Only travelled 4.888 km 833.800 Contact *****11 1874 MERCEDES 238.8. Alfa Romro 3000 OTV. 1*73/ 71 Mercedes 308. 238. 1872 Ford Falcon Chevrolet 358 1*73 Ford ■aeon 13*8. I*7l Alfa 1300 Super. 1870 Jaguar
      802 words
    • 722 21 SOFAS (CUSHIONS) SIT for repalrtnc and reupholstenng or made to order Contact Anne Too SOU.-. cam Fuwssrruaa: fon export. homes Lee Wah. lOC Jervols Road Tel. *****0. *****80 j AUSTRALIAN CATTLISKINS. Chinese Ooatskln and RabMtskln Rues: Available from Deco ratlve Carpeu 40 The Orchard. Tel *****16 FRESH FLOWERS FON sll
      722 words
    • 783 21 LA-FLIUN-S UCILLINT Young Masseuses' Masseurs provide relaxing massage for you *****0 after 6 00 pm *****4 BURN rHALTH SCNVrCI provide relaxing massage by qualified experienced masseuses/ masseurs Please ring *****7 *****8 SALON CATAUMA MASSAOE and sauna bath Ladles and gentlemen. 319-A. River Valley Road Tel 173 1 98 MAOOII-S IMPERIAL
      783 words
    • 555 21 UAM AM OSJCOvUnON Construe-' tlon Company specialises In Drtcav grtUe fencing, gardening. house pointing, furniture office house renovation, extension g^per^ applied) UCBMBIO HOB. CONTtMCTON Completed flouring for HDB fVaU Homes and Factories TINNAZZO. MAMBLE. PANOUIT. 1 MOSAIC. WALL TILES CsmaH UNITRIO INTERNATIONAL TRADINO CO AAK jaak Ba«k«av Its^aaßeßdS Aitk<akSßssß^^M fn,
      555 words
    • 440 21 ANNIVERSARY B.ALEI MODERN furniture at special dtsrour hedroom set from 8386. kitchen cabtneu from 8160 DUttnc from $160 Hall settee from I3OF Henderson rMmilure Block 96. TO Htnderson Road, tei *****2 Btikt (/V\\ Shots 1/AA/*™' from JJW Nrt Chins r^*-, fi O Sturdily conttructtd O Economically priced Avtiltblt in Pink
      440 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 465 22 ff you cant believe our European holidays start from as low as $2861 you'd better read this Qantastic little book! Si Jl n iv J r 1 s UcyZy v-y VALUE yAM TAS -^/Xji They're tree from your Qantas Travel Agent, k. W I The Wondertour (20 days SIBS7) hi
      465 words

  • 173 23 Free use of class rooms for homework pLASSROOMS In 10 schools have been re -opened to students living In housing estates to do their homework In the evenings. According to a circular from the Education Ministry, the scheme, launched In October. 1974. was relntroduced on Monday. The schools are: Alexandra
    173 words
  • 113 23 Driller's death in pool 4 BRITISH coei-drll-A let who was holidaying In Singapore with a colleacve found him lying ■ncenseseM at the bottom el a hotel swimmini peel, a coroner's coort heard yesterday. James Feter Campbell, testifying a. »n inquiry into .he death < of hi* friend John aJft a
    113 words
  • 11 23 THERE were 79 road accident*, thiee serious, on Monday
    11 words
  • 446 23 Moves to diversify, restructure and modernise manufacturing sector 'J'HE diversification, restructuring and modernis ati o n of the manufacturing sector will remain the major objective in the Government's policy to strive for nigh economic growth over the next few years. This was
    446 words
  • 735 23 'Don 't be ashamed of work that soils your hands 9 rE Education Ministry and its agencies are to make It a "conscious policy" to give attention to the social acceptance of all occupations Including those at "humbler levels." Indicating this yesterday, the Senior Minister of State (Education i, Mr.
    735 words
  • 229 23 Wandering grandma found rE wanderings of grandma Ooh Ah Hlang, 84, an amnesia victim, is over she is safely back home. She in spotted by an alert nurse In Alexandra Hospital, who Identified her from her picture In the newspapers the same d»y Her family had Inserted her picture with
    229 words
  • 102 23 A WBX before a youth was due for an operation on his right arm, he was found dead on the balcony of a block of flats In Outram Park, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Miss Teo Peck Hoe. 24. a receptionist, testifying at the Inquiry Into
    102 words
  • 127 23 upset orer her htmatng ■rill— was fo«nd dead at the foot of a Meek ef tats In Geylaag BaJara. a coroner's oevrt heard yesterday. Go He Wai Tlasa tUuBwMUU^ fett that baring to awe honae three times In fire Maths wUh her Iwswaaa 1 was
    127 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 103 23 te v SoCr tal f"r>n< —^uul uuli' uum i i xTT~'* 9 g^^TsW^ 4 fj* V V-4V,? +4 fguuuuuuW V«-/ -4- ZJT V -W<eW^LuuT •M««cl«^ g^gW ■<»• «L^^*^^ C rtr d 5-^g»S^ g^gtw, WOLSEY FOULKS HALL COURSES NX LYNCH COURSES M Manaaa*n«n> Aaocialion o< Larliliad Accountann IntntuU of Com and
      103 words
    • 640 23 afrffcl- KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa darlpada pemboronc-pemborong/pembekal-pembekal yarn berpengalajnan untuk kerja-kerja bertkut:— (A) BP.NO. MTT% Merlkabentuk. membekal. menghantar. memasang. mengujl dan menjalankan Pumping and Water Treatment Equipment" dl Kllang Sawlt Mentlga. Pekan. Pahang. (SM.OO senaskah) (B) BP.NO. •1/Tt Memblna 17 buah rumah kakltangan dan laln-laln bangunan dl PeMa Pasoh
      640 words
    • 705 23 PERBADANAN KEMAJUAN NEGERI SELANGOR (Vunit Kviuruleraan Shah 'Alam) KENYATAAN TAWARAN Konwefc No. PKNS/BBS/KON IM/7S. Tawaran-iawaran darlpada pemborong-pembe-rong yang berdafUr dengan PKNS dl bawah Kelas C ke atas. Kepala 1 2 akan dlterima dl pejabat Pengurus Prrkhidmatan Teknlk. Yunit Ke-Jurute-raan Bhah 'Alam untuk:- onmtrurtHMt of Main Drain (Chainace 0' to It**')
      705 words

    • 80 24 tad. IX ANTHONY SAMY JOSEPH wteetenaa a* 7Ui April 1»7I The took of your smile. The love In your eye. The picture nf your vary face. Time will not dim nor memory efface. The footsteps sound so familiar. The knock on the door so clear.
      80 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      34 24 m rtortog ■isircj of our teMt KAOBVNAMAN t/a 0.0. MaajUN wno was suds—ft «aHrt by Ood on 1.4.71 Daapty in fid feat n»*«r tocvau tarn by paranu fasaU] ralatlm Inssrud fey parents
      34 words
    • 519 24 Chuck dies and Australia may ban boxing gYDNEY, Tuea. American boxer Chuck Wilburn, in a coma since being knocked out in a fight last Thursday, died in hospital here today, a hospital spokesman said. The 22 year old Junior welterweight from Cleveland, Ohio, had been in a critical condition since)
      Agencies  -  519 words
    • 166 24 Focus is on little Surati rl. glare of attention at Fridays S 1 n g a p o re-Malaysia boxing clash will be on 19 year old Hamuh Surati. the small but sinewy Ught-flywelght who hopes to take over from Syed Abdul Kadir. when the seasoned campaigner bangs up his
      166 words
    • 41 24 TBL AVIV. Tues. Japan yesterday won the right to lepiaatnt Asia at handball In the Montreal Olympic Oames when they defeated Israel IS-15 In the final match of the qualifying round. Japan also won the first match by 17-15.
      41 words
    • 30 24 LONDON. Tues Results of last night's English Football League matches Dlt Three Port Vale S Wruham 1 Wt. Few Brentford 0 Huddersfleld 0. RochdaU X Stockport 1.
      30 words
    • 255 24 Olympic hockey: Tough opening ties for Australia I ONDON, Tues. Australia, the Olympic sliver medallists in 1968. appear to face the toughest task in Montreal, according to the Olympic hockey programme announced today. The Australians are lined up on successive days, against India and The Netherlands, two of their strongest
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 274 24  - Blinkers did the trick on Si-Ganjil CHARLES WCNG By IT U ALA LUMPUR, Tues. The use of blinkers for the first time on Si-OanJU did the trick here las.t Saturday. The flve-year-old Australian gelding by Notorious, after several disappointing runs, won going away by two and a half lengths. The
      274 words
    • 240 24 Milliondollar offer to Spore team FOOTBALL Assor elation of Singapore has been offered $1 million If the Singapore team can win the World Cup, according to a New Nation report. The offer Is by Admiral Sportswear, the Eny»«h manufacturers of exclusively designed J rseys. shorts and tracksuits, who are already
      240 words
    • 197 24 wAORID. TUaa. Lcaffua iT1 laadan Itaai Madrid wer« held to a 1-1 draw br Drh« to a Spanlah Pint Dlrlaton aaaoar match BaaL with O poinU from matrhaa, now hold a Uww»potnt tea ov«r AtMleo Madrid. Atteuoo trounoad lUal B«tU 4-« ■aaHi: •paidah Pint DtrUlon: SarUta
      197 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 261 24 DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST ICI Paints IMstlayata) Sdn Berhad invite* jpp.icat.onj for the post o» Deveicpment Chcmtst. THE XJB To formulate product* and to lisiat with Production and Sale* Departments relating to product development, improvement and Technical service THE PERSON Must be Malaysian citizen aged not more than 30. Should possets an
      261 words
    • 669 24 THESQVQROUP Placement Sfvict for Clknto Our client a newly established hotel in East Malaysia wishes to engage an I ACCOUNTANT I KtaponaiMHHti: The successful candidate will assume the entire accounting function of the hotel which includes I p costing, budgeting, financial accounting and management reporting RcquircfnentK He must possess a
      669 words
    • 383 24 4k nMu I LCMBAGA PtXABOHAN sVaXANO KENTATAAN TAWABAN NO. lift IB) j Tawaran-U varan adalah dlpelawa dari KontrekMrKontrektor Kejuniteraan Awam BUMIPUTRA yan« herdaftar dencan Leaabats I Pelabohan Krlanc dtbawah i Kelas B atau denvan Jab* tan Kerja Rajra dlbawah KeI las XX' bat > nsf Wna dan menjriaokan samboncan kepada
      383 words

  • 353 25  -  JOE DORAI PLEASANT SURPRISE FOR TRAINING SQUATS By SINGAPORE'S Malaysia Cup Hquad, which is preparing for Friday's match against Kedah at Alor Star, had a pleasant surprise last night when last year's regulars Mohammed Noh and Jacob Chacko joined them. Their return will strengthen
    353 words
  • 115 25 THE STARS IN THE M-CUP HEADLINES KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malaysia Cup soccer competition has reached the halfway mark and already the top two teams in the North and South zones hay% cleared away from their rivals in the fight to enter the semi-finals scheduled for July. Tn the North
    115 words
  • 562 25  -  PNG HONG KWANG By have still some tough away matches ahead of them they are in the position to ease up a little and yet hold their advantage. Singapore are the most favourably placed They have cleared two tough hurdles at Penans and Kota
    562 words
  • 227 25 SALE of tickets (or the 2,223 red seats In the grandstand will be a sellout, FAS chairman Mr. N. Oanesan said yesterday. Of the seats, which are at the centre of the $7-hUte controversy, Mr. Oa.iFsan said: "Demand for them outstrips supply He added:
    227 words
  • 58 25 THE anal* of tht OovarnBMot Barrloaa FOottell Ut(u* aTmwtoiit tournament will ba plaiad today at Jalan Bmr Madbim. HDB win BNt BATSA B for tha Junior* UUa white BATBA taka on Tafcarac for Urn Sanion tnia. Admission will be »t 60 carua for tb« galterr and >i 00
    58 words
  • 32 25 Six oaporz Malay Hocfcay AaaoclaUoo baat Polio* 4-J on penalty atroUa to antar ttw Mml-flnalt of Urn BHa Udobt-u toumaeMßt •t Thopiaon Road. Than wa« no acora at full Urn*.
    32 words
  • 80 25 > a o 16 4 i I a 0 13 T m i v in »aos t n 4 •11t 7 3 i i i a ii s PBtMAff 1 6 0 1 It T 11 Senior P 1 It 4 10 Johorc 7 9 1 J 6 6
    80 words
  • 344 25 PAHANG BLAME JOHORE 4 mf F II aU FOR INCIDENT I^UANTAN. Tues.— Pahang have asked the FA of Malaysia to take a serious view of Johore go a lkeeper Zainoldin Ahmad's behaviour immediately after their Malaysia Cup soccer match at the Larkln Stadium last Friday night. Pahang team manager Rohalian
    344 words
  • 163 25 LENA Soh, a mother of two children, broke her own 1974 record In the women's section of the annual Police big walk on Sunday. Lena clocked lhr 30:24.0 for the 14-kUo-metre walk from Woodlands to the Police Academy. Her previous record was lhr sS:M.9 In
    163 words
  • 365 25 rpHE STBC received a massive boost yesterday a $35,--000 donation from Kallang Bowl for this ye a r's 12th S 1 ngap o re Open Bowling Championships to be held from Aug. 12 to Aug. 22. Kallang Bowl has also pledged further sponsorship should
    365 words
  • 695 25 Sandra the star at CHIJ meet CANDRA Deans, broke two records and won the Secondary Three Individual championship at the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Annual Track and Field meet at the Toa Payoh AC This promising sprinter broke records In the 400 and 800 metres with times of
    695 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 191 25 RANK XEROX invites applications for the position of: ACCOUNTS CLERK Qualification*/ Experience Singapore Citizen who has completed Notional Service HSC with LCC Higher Accounting (Preference will be given to candidates who are currently studying for professional qualifications) Minimum of 2 years book-keeping/ accounting experience Under 30 years of age Remuneration
      191 words
    • 206 25 Spoil tr yourseli •^Sample the good life on board the M. S. Rasa Sayang-MINI CRI ISI i OR CAPTAIN'S EVR ADISE CRUISE* First class accommodation Five first class meals a day m V Free nightclub and cabaret entertainment MU Drinks at very reasonable shipooard prices b^^J "^lw A plush casino
      206 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 40 25 soccm aan. k.o nnaJa Jaaaara OaJBA B v HDB ISO pm I-bliit Tclarac I BAPSA 7JO pa. iboUi at JaJaji Baaw). HOCKEY BKMMawy School* (Bora aarpinrila) BJI v Ranfoon Road 140 pa. Bwlaa Cbttan v Hwi Toh IJe pm (CatY
      40 words

  • 206 26 JOHORE BARU. Tuesday ArOLK KMAN and hl» i f r »i re among five people killed in a head-on colli urrn a taxi and I km Jalun > line Prng-Muar yesterday afternoon y< > Illei Mn lluwm berang Prai .1 hi\
    206 words
  • 37 26 WABHINOTON. TUBS. The State Oepanment announced yesterday that Secretary of Slate Henry Kijtfnger will attend the Nato ministerial mattlnf In Norway on May JO-21 and will make subsaquent rtopovtrs In oweden. Lux.-mtwurj and Britain AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 235 26 NICOSIA. Tuesday A CROWD of about 2,000 young Greek Cypriote attacked the US embassy with rocks and burning sticks here today to protest American military aid to Turkey. The protesters braved teargas barrages by Cyprus police and the embassy's U8 Marine guards,
    AP  -  235 words
  • 26 26 JVKARTA. Tues Indojiasia will take part In the World Islamic Seminar In Lcnv-jn from June to 30. a Rellflou* Ministry spofcesiran said today. Reuttr.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 126 26 Police foil Belfast bomb blitz— BELFAST, Tues. Police arrested six suspected Irish Republican Army bombers and seized a quantity of explosives In Belfast today, apparently foiling another bomb blitz on the capital. Witnesses said the capture was made In the city centre by a police Jeep that rammed the leadIng
    UPI  -  126 words
  • 76 26 ROME. Tues The 80--clabau. itung by Roman Catholic refusal to tase oppcstUon to legalised aboiUon. threatened today to topple Pumltr Aldo Mcro's Chrl*Uan Democrat minority government. The Socialists demanded sn emergency meeting with Mr. Moro and with Mr. Benlgno Zacragnliu. swsre-t?ry-g*neral of the Christian Democrat Party.
    AP  -  76 words
  • 593 26 LONDON. TM —TW Mack market tl—U ««l«tly »t< «> am hmitu >i«nni wit* —m» HUM narked up «H*« of UM bvitn. <nlin MM At p m tIM PibucUJ TIM la4*s wu ip is Ou i«wi eleaka SMJMaIM* •triy nw tt S »o»t la m»i»tmt aaa leaa* •■>"• Mart*
    593 words
  • 28 26 LONDON. Tua< Bm4 bwyvn iisso <♦ (sa>. hum isaea IW>. Parwar« k*TOT* ISMI itii. MUm <aao* iTt) attuiMt (**a* sm> t<ub•nr: s.a 7*S mm. 1M mm T*a*: StM«y.
    28 words
  • 29 26 LOMDON T<ms Tk* rabwr rt« MM qubjtly MM4Y u> ear witk a**) «t to Mrm 44 M Milan CIP May OH. 41 Su JllM 44 H. 44 M
    29 words
  • 407 26 Talks on to form a new Govt, says Seni Bangkok. Tu«s MR. SENT. PRAMOJ, leader of the DemoA crat Party and the man most likely to be Thailand's next Prime Minister, said today negotiations were under way for government formation. 'The door Is open for other parties to Join the
    AP  -  407 words
  • 47 26 LONDON. Tuea. Mr Haxoid Wiiaon. who reaicned ye»i*rday as Prime Minister, today took his new backbench scat in Utc Houte of Common* the gaafway seat traditionally ocniptoi by former Prime Ministers notably by the late Sir Winston Churchill Reuter i See Pa** I)
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 36 26 K. HAHAYSI. wlft 1 lw» (tafc. ***** l »/4/T« S*4lr twiii>o.i wmu. rax! nuiuim fill ">m nmu •AT a a*acht.» sw>4*ri >n4 Dm Cartac* laf 104.T lOC p> rrtMß Stock A. ■ntW P»r» foe CCII
    36 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 63 26 f SABA Direct from Germany Colour Television Receivers have an unsurpassed Colour Spectrum with an intensive Colour Power. >'f or ~~^r Prestigious site at Nos. 117, 119, 121 1 123 1 Market Street, Siafasore 1. i f) British Malayan f f) Trustees Ltd. 1 jfr) 7th Floor, Grand Building, v
      63 words
    • 181 26 n FOR ALL YOUR U PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS U m shopat n i**' It I fir., Jssksssssswb 4 m I ■slaW 'mk wB I L^awassV. P 7 7 n vXSfei n ■^P r i If I Your Vital Business Link... *ws^^L^s#* A most valuabta^jt**^^^ book, the Tokyo Talaphone Directory it indiipaniabl*
      181 words