The Straits Times, 2 April 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 1554 1  - REPORT RAPS WATSON, TAMBLYN LESLIE FCNG, Haw Par shareholders 'misled by group accounts for 3 years' By News Editor PETRONAS A STEP NEARER TO LONDON TIN TAKEOVERS SEE PACE 13 TWO former key directors of Haw Par Brothers International Limited committed "calculated and deliberate" breaches of the Companies Act and
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  • 116 1 BEIRUT, Thurs. Lebanese leftist traders today called a 10-day truce in the fighting in Lebanon to give time for the election of a new president, leftist sources said. The trure would come into effect at midday (ItMGMTI tomorrow, they said. The decision was taken
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 450 1 Karen's life now in dad's hands... NEW JERSEY. Thursday gAREN Anne Quintan's parents now have a life-or-death decision on their hands but they are still hoping that they 'will not be called upon to pass sentence on their daughter. "We hope that at the last minute the Lord will take
    Reuter; AP  -  450 words
  • 353 1 PARENTS WIN RIGHT TO 'SWITCH OFF' COMA GIRL'S RESPIRATOR MANILA. Thursday FORMER Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal has sought political asylum at the US embassy here after accusing his successor. President Ferdinand Marcos, of usurping power unconstitutionally, his aide announced today. A spokesman for Mr. Macapagal
    Reuter; UPI  -  353 words
  • 125 1 yOKYO, Than. The X deployment of a Soviet Air Force squadron in the Far East within range of Tokyo has been confirmed for the first Usae. Japanese Defence Agency soarces said today. At least one ataadron of MiG 23 flghfrs was deplored in Vladivostok and
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  • 41 1 NXW YORK, Thurt Dow Jone* a*wag«a, bassd on fins hour of Uadlaa on U» N«w York Mock exchange JO Indus HIM. down ill; W trmnap WIM. down «J7. is uiiu rut. down art. v itocU MIM down 1.41 UPt
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  • 77 1 BANOKOK. Thai*. Burmese authorities are launching a campaign to curb a plague following the deaths of five people in the Mandalay area, the Rangoon Working People's Dally newspaper said. The plague was not Identified. The report, delayed torn* days in reaching Bangkok, said 40 patients suspected of
    AP  -  77 words
  • 56 1 WELLINOTON. Thuri US Vlce-Preatdent Nelson Rockefeller arrived here today from Australia amid some of the tightest aecurlty precautions ever taken In New Zealand Two helicopters ahadowrd tne vlce-prottdentlal convoy as It moved into the capital at the end of the 160 km drive from Ohakea Air
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  • 27 1 JAKARTA. Thurs. Pour people were drowned and 16 house* damaged by floods near Sltubondo. S3O km southeast of hert. Antara Newi Agency reported today Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 34 1 KATHMANOO. Thurt. At* ft 1.000 people were mac!..* homeless by a devastating fire In the Industrial town of Blratnagar about 240 km routheast of here. accordIng to a message receive today. AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 369 1  - Thai leftists in full fligh t SEAH CHIANG NEE -B, Straits Times Foreign Editor who is .In Bangkok to cover the Thai general elections. BANGKOK, Thursday IKFTIST candidates for Thailand's general elections on Sunday have gone into full retreat as a result of con tinuing political violence that has been
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  • 171 1 Sinking pound hits new low LONDON. TTMi'i T*HE pound sterling slumped to a new record low on foreign exchanges today and fell below US$l.9O for the first time. Its trade-weighted depredation since December 1971 widened to 34 8 per cent against other leading currencies, from an opening 34.1 per cent
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  • 33 1 DACCA. Tl>uri Army chltf Ma] Oen Zlaur fUhman yesterday wfse*t«o that all youtha In the country should take military tralnlnc In ahort phaaca to prepare themaelvea for •time* of crUU" UPI
    UPI  -  33 words
  • Vortter rejects resolution
    • 66 1 RICHARDS BAY. Thurs. Premier John Vorster today rejected the United Nations resolution condemning South Africa for "aggression" in Angola. Mr. Vorster. In this harbour town on the country's east coast to open the republic's larg e st ore-loading port, told reporters he rejected the IN resolution and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 Diamond Gem Set Rings G.C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS 3. Raffles Place. Singapore 1. Ttl: *****. See Singapore's finest range of watches and clocks at WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND I DBS Building J Shenton Way^^ Antique Design V V Electronic I J^^~ I 40Oday M, #"f i clocks B»V/v .^fl
      65 words
    • 297 1 KING'S ™fr*W SAFETY SHOES KING'S kfc O* EA No 706 M RESISTANT d KING S SHOE MFG. PTE LTD 122. BLK. 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE ML TEL *****1 *****7 HOLDUP TRIO GIVE POLICE THE SLIP Page 6 DONT Art' order to PaleM nians t ANGOLA: UN raps South Africa 3
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Untitled
    • 339 2 Rabin: Reds responsible for the riots in Galilee JERUSALEM, Thursday PRIME Minister Yitzhak Rabin blamed Israeli communists yesterday for riots In Galilee in which six Israeli Arabs were shot dead and scores of civilians and police Injured. saMMi As families of the victims prepared to bury their dead, the Prime
      Reuter  -  339 words
    • 287 2 BONN, Thur» WEST Germany, feting rresldent Anwar. Sadat on the first visit by an Ecyptlsn head of staie. yesterday announced It will give Eiy jr. 3** million marks (SUM million) in credit guarantees. This is additional to 2M million marks in financial and material
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 51 2 PLO chief Yasser Arafat and Dr. George Habash. leader of the rival People's Front for Liberation cf Palestine (FLFP) second from left, link arms and give victory sign during news conference after promising to sink U.S. warships if they intervene in Lebanon's civil war. UPI
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 504 2 Syrian pressure on leftists to halt fighting IghllU r, Ihurs. Palestinian gnerillas fighting alongside leftwing forces in- Lebanon's civil war came under orders today not to fire except in self-defence. Palestinian sources said. The leftwlng factions, seeking the overthrow of rlghtwlng president Suleiman Franjleh. are under increasing pressure from neighbouring
      Reuter; UPI  -  504 words
    • 216 2 Gaddafi: I can topple Egyptian, Tunisian govts BEIRUT. Thursday T IBYAN leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi has said he is capable of overthrowing the Egyptian and Tunisian governments but has not done so because both regimes are bound to fall anyway, the Libyan news agency ARNA reported yesterday. The agency said
      UPI  -  216 words
    • 131 2 U.S. SENATE APPROVES BILL ON KOREA WABHINOTON. Thun. House and Senate conferences have approved art amendment requiring the President to report annually on the security situation In Korea. Including the prospects for American troop withdrawals. Under the legislation approved on Tuesday, the President would be required to make his Initial
      AP  -  131 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 447 2 wfien §aster urns Just o cfiocoGite egg? BUT I Uwww THERFS HYAn Dozo the Clown Hyott bunnies. Hundred of bolloons. Doll-throwing contest Fish-for-o-prizegome. Ring-the-bot:le-for-o-prize An eight-mon Bunny Orchestral' Pointing Contest. Metro's Lucky Dip fry boys ond gir's Joy rides on mechomcol onimols. Swings. Slides. Merry-go rounds. Electric trains. Lego fontosies
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  • Untitled
    • 320 3 UNITED NATIONS. Thursday Council urges payment of war reparations THK IN Security Council h;is condemned South intervention in Angola won and called on it to pay war reparations to the new Angolan Government. The 15 minute council adopted the resolution last night with the required
      UPI  -  320 words
    • 251 3 WASHINGTON. Thursday r»ONFEREES of the I nate and H of Representatives have voted to lift the US trade embargo against Vietnam, provided Vietnamese authorities co-ope-■within months in accountfor American •td as missing in action. The United States placed controls on exith Vietnam
      AP  -  251 words
    • 77 3 HONGKONG. Thurs Hongkong's building industry Is expected to begin a recovery this year from a heavy slump in 1975. a government survey showed today The survey carried out by thr colony Rating and VaIVpartmrnt. indicates that the number of flats expected to be completed thus
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 56 3 TAIPKL Thur« Dr. Un Yuunc oat of wodma Chln«'i fniinX acbolan. wu todhy laid to rwt In Urn garden of hi* iMtem in Taog-MtncrtMLD, ortrkdbklnc Tmlpal Dr Un died of heart falhu* it Urn in ol N ail Prtdajr la Hongkong Hl* remain* were airlifted her* for
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    • 177 3 RENEWED OUTBURST OF PUBLIC GRIEF FOR CHOU PEKING. Thurs Three months after his death, there has been a renewed out-l>ur-t <>f public grief for Premier thou r.n-lai In an apparently tpontaneous gesture, groups have started building a mountain of paper wreaths In Peking's Tien An Mien S«uare Many bore Mr.
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 76 3 Jakarta raises petrol price by 22pc JAKARTA. Thurs. The Indonesian Government today raised the price of petrol by about 22 per cent to maintain the smooth flow of fuels to consumers. Super g-ade petrol roae from 67 to 90 ruplah* (45 cent* Singapore to S3 cent* Singapore) per litre and
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 28 3 BANGKOK. Thurt. Cambodia will mark 1U first year under communist rule, with three day* of ceremonies memorial services and rallies from April 15 to 17 AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 226 3 Marcos stops execution of two men MANILA, Thursday PRESIDENT Marcos stayed the executions of two convicted murderers six minutes before they were due to sit in the electric chair, because ope of them in a last-minute confession insisted the other had nothing to do with the crime, police authorities said
      AP  -  226 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 17 3 C 4 ll kflf 1 1 1 li km j > 4WEEES < BUT NOW fi SAVE! A ftmtXTf
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    • 717 3 pf^am^p sgjy^^^2||^fjAff^J24|BEßttßi»lß»SMfc»MHßaaaiiß^»i f I H QUALITY FOODS-FRIENDLY SERVICE, g ia si gu c Easter c Funfare f fresh }\fZ^TrrZZZF\m herrtiMi for EASTER! Tr****.! FRUITS AND VEGETABLES i^U^^^J r\ LJ Easter cakes, rattto aid IWt-<rsss Wii| Pet soo, SO 'Jfiiu-Tu0,.,, -"-_jf 3 l!Db«s PLUS the BKCEttMlMtiiastf tanker >oo 9 .17 CONDENSED
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  • Untitled
    • Article, Illustration
      202 4 Aide slams car door on Tito's fingers STOCKHOLM, Thursday PRESIDENT Tito's flagen were bruiied when an aidr slimmrd the door of hi» SW uti his hand outsidr the Haga Palace today, a Sweden Ko'fiin Ministry spokesman reported. The 83-year-old Yugoslav leader was shocked but not badly hurt in the
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    • 250 4 PA YOFFS MAY HA VE BEEN FORCED: FORD WASHINGTON. Thurs PRESIDENT Ford says foreign extortion 1 may have lorced some t'S corporations to make questionable overseas 1 payments. Mr Ford created a I Cabinet level task !orce I yesterday to Investigate the US payoffs abroad and asked Its head. Commerce
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 550 4 NAIROBI. Thurs BLACK African guerillas have encircled Rhodesia and can now step up their campaign with Russian and Cuban assistance, black nationalist leader Abel Muzorewa was quoted as saying today. "African liberators have formed a circle around the borders of
      Reuter  -  550 words
    • 254 4 SALT: U.S. STUDIES REPLY WASHINGTON, Thursday rE Soviet Union has sent its long-await-ed reply to US proposals for a new Stragetlc Arms Limitation (Salt) agreement to Washington, the State Department disclosed yesterday. The reply, to U8 propos a 1 1 that were put forth In mid February, was received last
      Reuter; AP  -  254 words
    • 34 4 LONDON. Thun The world's largest refrigerated container terminal v v be built on the Thames riverside to h-ndle Increasing volumes of meat, fruit and dairy products from Australia and New Zealand Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 206 4 'British inaction dragging Zambia into conflict' LONDON. Thurs. Gambia was being dragged into a military conflict with the white minority Rhode sian rulers aa the result of inaction by Britain and the West, Zamb I a n PrtaMmt Kenneth Kaunda said. In an Interview record** for BBC television la Lusaka,
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 73 4 VILA (Nsw ■sbrtdss). Thurs. a pro-lndspsn-oobm group today accussd Urn Joint British and French rultr* of the Hew Hsbridss of having failed to develop the tiny South Pacific territory and gave than until Aug 10 to get out A It-awn 'i^'tfM'T' from Urn Na-OrtasMl Federation drov* in
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    • 43 4 COLOMBO. Tnura. The Sri Lanka OovtmuMnt today nattmall—fl the SsetillmihMi of all film, produced locally by putting them under the JurtadlcUori of a rtaW-owned-fUa corporation The corporation la already the sots authority for tat unport of foreign (Urns -UPI
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 124 4 AUCKLAND. Thurs. i The New Zealand I Government's Intention to allow wiilte- Rhodesians to settle in New Zealand If they have to flee their country has angered Polynesians living here Immigration Minister Frank Gill said In a television Interview that New Zealand would ac- rept
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 125 4 Briefly BUENCS MRES Thurs Argentina's new military government has taken Its first step to reduce the budget deficit, considered the main culprir of the country's galloping inflation, by firing all civil servants whose Jobs are not considered essential Kill YORK: A crippling series of strikes stopped the movement of everything
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    • 143 4 WASHINGTON A tentative Congressional buag.c calling for about L'Ss4l2 billion iS$l.O3O billion) spending and a dt.iclt close to USSjo o:i.lon tooK shape yesterday as the House of Representatives Budget Committee completed Us first runthrough of hundreds of fiscal Items. BIRMINGHAM: Britain s biggesi automaker, the state-owed British Leyland,
      Agencies  -  143 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 Jim. m^^ im r^bk fc^T*" e» pr^^k^ pw i b A gl^gsa^gfl •W^g^a^S A l^g^ JH U S made Ftorsheim Roya> lr noerm' is /us I one of the wide range of shoes you ?v^H find at Americaya Americaya men's shoes- exclusive international styles hahd crofted in fine leather from
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    • 70 4 VCOLOUR TV IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND I Mod«llllECTV2Sar'«Jtcm)A^| Hk Sup** Do-Luxe «*uy eounei Model sank •oo 'Mcml s4ase7elLV> BRILLIANT COLOURS EXCITING CLOSE UP j& SPECTACULAR <T^ RE-PLAYS l£ J THE BETTER *3r RUTO-SIDE > tMol CIV ATC CHANNEL 8 XKfl iO« 7-30 P.M. al^ A CTA "P A 1 VT/^ Aeti
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  • 1391 5  -  BILL CAMPBELL By AS w;is the in the I!)<>7 dec lion for the Sabah itiv< Vssem I>l >. [\\i.- Chinese voter ;i^;iin appears to hol<l tin- balance of power between the two main contesting parties in the polling tor the new enlarged
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  • 431 5  -  LESLIE MURPHY By fNDIA's second largest city of Bombay has embarked on a tough drive to force its IM.H* destitute* off the streets and put the able-bodied among them to work In rural areas. Hundreds of beggars, who once crowded footpaths and traffic
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 206 5 UJEEKLV /PECIfIL/1 From 2nd to Bth Apr. 76. I RICE TiiiiQirc 100% AAA 6k9 $52S I THAIHIbt IQ% g^Qujjtyetg $4.60 CHIMA RICE 10% Eng Cheok 6kg 5.00 I GROCERIES Cookmg Oil Bone/l, 3 kg withi Colenber Frs« 510.35 Milk Powder F N 2 kg 9.20 UHT Milk Magnolia 250 ml
      206 words
    • 470 5 9^ we cant it for you, but we do know how to finance such big projects. Today's needs and the recognition of tomorrow's the oldest multinational banking organization. EBIC demands in the Pacific Basin call for especially far- (European Banks International), provide Eurasbank sighted, market attuned project financing. with a
      470 words

  • 130 6 Knife men tie up woman, 60, in $3,000 robbery rro dagger -armed robbers tied the hands and legs of a 60--year-old housewife. Madam Llm Kirn Huan In her flat In Kallang and fled with Jewellery worth $3,000, yesterday They also gagged her with a handkerchief. She wu later admitted to
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  • 65 6 AN exhibition of plastic machinery by Toshiba Machine Co. Ltd. of Japan will be held In the Jurong Town Hall from today to Sunday from 2 p m to t pm In conjunction with the exhibition, a aemlnsx entitled New Technology of Injection Moulding will be held
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  • 32 6 THE Minister for Social Affairs. Enclk Othman Wok. will launch the Paalr Panjang community probation service neighbourhood project at the Paalr Panjang Secondary School hall today at t p m
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  • 203 6 Plan by two unions to set up furniture Factory rO major trade ■nlons are planning to set up a factory later this year to manufacture furnlturr to be sold cheaply to m rwn ti r Singapore Industrial Lakowx Organtsa tlon (SILO) and Pioneer Indaatrie* Employers' Union (PIEU) will offer the
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  • 35 6 MADAM Mok Sock Tal of the Adult Education Board, will give a talk-cum-demon-•tratlon In Mandarin on bridal make-up at the Toa Payoh branch library lecture hall on April t at 7 30 pm
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  • 61 6 A 8 EVEN -day course on Personnel Management In Industry, organised by Executive Communications Services, will be held at ShangriLa Hotel from April 12. The course will be conducted by Mr. James Ho. employee relation* manager of Oeneral Dec trie (USA' Ormim^r Electronics Company. Pee
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  • 392 6 THREE robbers gave police and about 150 construction workers the slip after a dramatic chase up and down the uncompleted Public Utilities Board headquarters building in Somerset Road on Wednesday night. This happened Immediately after the trio injured and robbed the workers' foreman, Mr.
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  • 54 6 THE youth group of Paalr Panjang community centra will hold a road run for resident* of postal district* S. 4 and S on April IS. The MlnUter of Social Affair* and MP for Paalr Panjang. Knclk Othman Wok. will glvt away the prize* CkMlng daU for
    54 words
  • 48 6 MR. Loh Ah Chce ha* been elected pre^dent of the 8tof»--pore Imtltut* of Plumblnf. Other oOclaJa «rr Mr. Choo Kok Je*. Hw-pnHiknt; Mr Chum Cher Chaow. wtcreury; atr. Woo Shoo Chon*. aaataUnt lecreury. Mr William Tv( Kok Khloof. Ireaaurer and Mr. Wee Whet Stm. aariaUnt uaaaurer.
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  • 38 6 Piano festival semi-finals SrvCNTY-ONS out ot 900 contestant* have qualified tor the acmt-nnala of the Pint Singapore Piano Peetival to be held at the DBS auditorium on April J3 The featlval U organUed by the Yamaha Muuc School.
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  • 35 6 O.MURUOAIAM Oorlndaaamy m ja* Wiley jailed a month after be wu found guilty of retaining a •token tricycle at the Junction of Cecil Street and Boob Tat Street on Feb t at *> am
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  • 34 6 BfCIK Mohamed Sadall bin Moriamed. from Stnsapore AnU-Narootlca AaauclaUoo. will talk on What You Should Know About Drags on April t. at 3JO pm at the Toa Payoh Library lecture hall.
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  • 20 6 THE Police Band will perform at the MftdUtchla park w.- *Xad»y from >O pm. to «J0 pm
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  • 58 6 POLICE want to contact the parents or relatives of a young Malay girl (above) who was foand wandering In the Singapore General Hospital on Wednesday. The girl, aged about four. Identified herself as "Sohalni." She was wearing a red floral dress. Her parents or relatives
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  • 107 6 New Air India service to Sydney AIR India will begin a weekly Boeing 747 service to Bydney via Singapore and Perth from today. The new service v being operated by the airlines fifth Jumbo Jet. recently Kcqutred. According to an Air India press statement, the service through Singapore will operate
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  • 49 6 MR. ChaJ Chong Yii. Senior Minister of Bute < education) will open the »th Interact District 130 conference at the Conference Hall tomorrow. More than 600 people from Malaysia. Thailand and Singapore are expected to attend The theme of the three-day conference I* Toward* a Better Tomorrow.
    49 words
  • 340 6 Judgment reserved on woman's alimony appeal JUDOMENT waa reserved yesterday at the end of a four-day hearing of a maintenance appeal by a woman, who spent 22 years of her life with a broker. The appellant was Anna Tan Huay Uan 60. represented by the director of Legal Aid Mr.
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  • 28 6 THE Theatre World Aseoclation will hold creative drama and ipeech claaaei for adult* and children at Its premlaei at S. Balmoral Road. RegUtraUon 1* now open.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 439 6 ...the attside 4 story of adams.,. y*^^H| Gentlemen: '^^EB briefly speaking 1 Sorntllng with a choice «fl Rfl B9hSp^\ If SorfNuVW from Seven Stars Olfl Rfl JKjBW |>- i EM |M' V, cSJo I AM MEN'S Bfm Available at s«l »a4tn g «fl LV^^V ■■i^sP Sole LAgenr Mmt sJ^BSk^Ssaaal Gdlden
      439 words
    • 67 6 SPECIAL OFFER While Stocks Last ~9cuA 17laJte.. CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER WITH RADIO Usual nine An «Jst*^^lU CR2S9^SjBS'M /now\ (lilll^iell '««f»«i«lilJJ l li> Cm. M T r I. »O0 »m-* CR27SHJ2«'M sss«»»^^*^^sll cum rULLY UUARAHHEf O FOR ONE YEAR AvaHebtsst MIDLAND ELECTRONICS 47. North BrtCß* Rosd. Singspors. Ts« ***** Al BARGAIN
      67 words

  • 152 7 SIPM: More liberal policy on exam rules THE 400 strong Slngapor Personnel Management SIPMi has re* liberalise its p< assessing the < •■1 exfwrit annual il on Tuesday, the SIPM WtU ceveral alternate some 200 associate members keen to achieve higher ip status as ordinary mem;PM •PS Of■.mltting papers on
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  • 94 7 AM A O I S T R A TE S court yesterday called fur a probation report on Wong Ho Ngoh. 17. who admitted stealIng a pair of jeans from a clothesline in MacKenzle Road on Feb 23 The court wsc told that a
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  • 27 7 JAPAN* Ambassador to Singapore. Mr Shinsuke Mil host a reception to mark the birthday of the Emperor of Japan at Mandarin Hotel on April It
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  • 69 7 RAILWAY FARES, FREIGHT FEES GO UP MALAYAN Railway fares and freight charges went up yesterday. I'hr increase, it is understood, is to offset hicher costs of operation Ihr new Singa-pore-Kuala Lumpur f.irrs. with old fares In br.uktts are: IM stags 5423S ($4190); second class. SI4M ($19.79) and third class. $12.45
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  • 57 7 DETECTIVES investlthe mvr (imawho •h on a he of a gangland exe< i (1 that Supplah had connections with the 969 secret society, and was probably eliminated as a result of a gangland dispute It Is understood that CID men have received vital Information In connection with the
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  • 402 7 'FEFC giving rebates on the sly' TUX chairman of the Singapore National Shippers' Council. Mr. Tan Eng .100. yesterday liit out at the Far Eastern Freight Conference for gi\ing under the counter rebates to European shippers. Under the practice, small shippers (usually local shippers) could be forced to subsidise the
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  • 114 7 Knife man cleared because of unsound mind A 48 -YEAR-OLD wlnchman with Port of Singapore Authority was yesterday acquitted of a charge of having a 635 cm pen-knife on the Krounds that he was Mjfierlng from schizophrenia at the time of the offence. However the court ordered Aneefa Subalr to
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  • 55 7 THE National Safety First Council of Singapore will hold a scries of campaigns on road safety. Industrial safety and home safety in September, October to mark its 10th anniversary Exhibitions talks, seminar*, slogans and elncAa slidca will be used to feature the various campaign* Venues for the
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  • 61 7 Two cleared of drug charges HASSAN bin Ahmad. 21. and Osman bin Jaffar. 10. were acquitted on separate charges of having smoked drugs at a house In Carpmael Road last Feb. J Another man. Syed Naaer bin Agll AJ-Yahya. who was accused of the same offence at the same place
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  • 215 7 TH E Indonesian Embassy here yesterday confirmed that a crackdown on trading malpractices was now on In Indonesia. Including those Involving S 1 ng a pore goods. An embassy spokesman, who described the most common malpractice as making an Incorrect declaration on the manifest,
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  • 33 7 THE English Department of the University of Singapore and the United States Information Service are planning to hold a Creative Writing Workshop, tentatively In July Details will be announced later
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  • 119 7 Plan to make industrial machines A MEMBER of a Urge German group ->f companies has begun feasibility studies on the manufacture of Industrial machinery in Singapore. The range of prod■e I s proposed for total production by Humboldt Wedag. a member of the Klockner Humboldt DeuU (KHD) group, would cover
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 692 7 Highlights for today Developing countries mtke preparation for UNCTAD meeting in Nairobi. The disadvantages of early marriages. Moves to preserve wild life in India. PUB staff helps to cut cost by sending bills. Badminton: Japan and Malaysia confident of beating each other. Soccer: Singapore pledge to do better against Perak.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 212 7 Straits Times Crossword /UKOSS He »ayes Victor's seat In arrangement about no uncertain manner fifty torches <ti iIS) s Rlngvrs And horse roam- f Soldier* contest river ing in Somerset town rights <S> T Expel some of the vlct Ring embassy Its urns (tl been left o I styr-.ted on
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  • 566 8 Judge raps back street violence at public spots Shop assistant gets two years and three strokes DISTRICT judge Chandra Mohan yesterday hit out at thugs who convert family entertainment spots, like an ice rink, into an arena for "back street violence." He sentenced a shop assistant, Poh Pol. San, 20,
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  • 79 8 ONO Char Eng. 34. was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with two counts of raping Kun Slew Llan. Ong was alleged to have committed the offence* sometime In January last year at about 2.10 p.m. In a hut In Jalan Bam Kongsl and on Jan. 31
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  • 82 8 Watch theft: Man fined $700 A MAOIBTR ATTB court yesterday accepted the evidence of an eyewitness and found a labourer guilty of stealing a wrtstwatch worth Tin Yofc Sine. n. ni Jftltod for one day uvj fined WO (or tuallnc the wrtetw»tch from Use Par Kut Oantre In Jalan Juroni
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  • 34 8 Ratepayers officials MR Boh OhM Soou ha* kssa etocted chairman of Urn Htnppnf Mataßaywt am- Other ooVtaU are Mr T«o •sac Bn (deputy etekman). Mr. Anthony Two <Mcretary>. and Mr Chua Boon Twck {ttmmint).
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  • 105 8 CRACKDOWN ON 'RACE TRACK' LORRYMEN FLJCE have begun a crackdown on drivers of earth-carrying lorries who use Nicoll Drive as a "race track". A police spokesman said several drivers had been booked recently for speeding. The lorries, which carry earth to the Changi International Airport construction site, speed because they
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  • 135 8 Two in Bali for air-race rally TWO member* of the Singapore Flying Club left here on Wednesday to take part In a three- nation air-race rally wh'th started in BaU yesterday. They are Mr. Darshad Sjnih and Mr. Andrew LUn who will be making their first appearance in the rally
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  • 51 8 THE Slncapor Armed Forces n— enriitr AaocUUon will hold a ohlldren't ipot-art competition on April 25 at m for the children, younger brother* and sitters of BAP letirUU. Entries for the competition will be displayed at an exhibition at SAFRA In Tba Payoh from May 4 to
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  • 123 8 A FACTORY worker, who sued his former employers for negligence In an Industrial accident In which he suffered leg Injuries, yesterday accepted an offer of 111.000 as settlement of his suit. Lew Ah Wye. 24. was with Vhe defendant comp a n y. International Wood
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  • 463 8 School's antidrugs drive hailed by American community THE Singapore American School was given a pat on the back yesterday by the American community for introducing sterner measures and penalties to stamp out drug abuse among its students. Its revised anti-drug act.on programme Including urine tests, surprise searches and immediate suspension
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 289 8 PRE -EASTER OFFER FABERGE METRO SUPREME 'I^WM Wrwm Powd«rthak«r worth >&< '^LtAm \t^\L^MWi $8.00 FREE! 4 %V W .Mk ft USuA Buy $20 00 worth of j I ttT *JJH If^svl get Ipc of 3029 cream JA I ll^tvl perfume worth I B^«^l O.G. ELITE DEPT. LOVER STORE-PLAZA PERFUMERIESSINGAPURA C.K.
      289 words
    • 189 8 ■0F big families of J *V popuior Jeons m < fabrics in 5 new J attractive Lea cards m tj^ Lm bringi you the widest election of popular jeans fabrics in up-to-date ever popular styles. H On top of these. Lea presents the jeans in her fl veryowncut. V Lea
      189 words

  • 640 9 Disease can be quickly contained A MORE liberal schargc policy li ec n implemented of ble by the Trafalgar Home whereby leprosy patients are allowed to go home within six months of their admission, if their disease is I f ter treatment
    640 words
  • 36 9 lUX rmrrgrnry telephone number of the s.imjril mv ,<1 sing ipor. i SOS i will be changed to (urday at 8 p m us number. *****4. will no longer be "prraiur iiy Saturday.
    36 words
  • 186 9 3pc hike in air fares to meet higher —costs ALL airlines operating in Singapore Increased their air fares for flights to turope .West Asia. Asia and Australasia by three per cent yesterday. This air fare hike recommended ay the International Air Transport A s s c i a I ton
    186 words
  • 73 9 THE United Overseas Bank Oroup and the National Cash Register Corporation wul hold a computer contract signing ceremony at the UOB Penthouse In Shenton Way at 1 1 30 a m tomorrow. Mr Wee Cho Ya». UOB j chairman and managing dlnctor. and Mr. WUfiajn Andr
    73 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 436 9 Courts amaztatl^ EK&fiSS i^^Vfk f Family size seats six. Smoothly polished Bolau wood \Wt% W\J %f\ y\ Wood grain laminate or marble effect table top. ll*L^Jr *V A> dining chairs with wipe clean pvc upholsters- ]k ftjb I Jf CApay'ments f^A*?* Softly upholsv-red for comfort with Tott^jVi >h* W^Or A^
      436 words
    • 72 9 HELP STOP THEFT AND RECOVER M STOLEN ARTICLES! Mi BRINK'S SECURITY MARKING SYSTEM Mi Invisible non-defacing marker MBi ~*^m* Marker writes on any surface. shows up only under ultraviolet t 1 light Identifies stereos, bikes, vkj\TV\ furs, paintings, antiques and nfcK^^ V^ other valued articles M/V^ Q&®^r DISTRIBUTOR SITIOYAM ENTERPRISE
      72 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 268 9 Brincing Up Father »y BUI K»V»a»tto It HI Camp L>— I^BCT "1 I WHERE WERE "V I WASN'T-I I HtflCT. 7 IP YOU Ug~ 9CT you WNT I r( >OU BRAWLIN© J I WAC I AND SAY YOU V*«RE KNOCKT THAT OLD C- £$P^ <£ -T WOW _^f **uKINO j
      268 words

  • 902 10 Air-India starts jumbo service through S'pore thfe airline that loves you TODAY Air India I Intro duces its weekly Boeing 147 service through Singapore to Sydney via Perth. The service through Singapore will operate every Friday and in the west-bound direction to Bombay, via Madras every Tuesday with an immediate
    902 words
  • 770 10 vate companies. A new pilot wishing to join Alr-Indla must hay* at leust 1.500 hours of command experience on multl-englned aircraft. It he Is selected, he Is put through one of the toughest training courses in the world, beginning with an eightweek
    770 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 211 10 Tonight take our 747 B to Perth Sydney. At 1230 am, our Indian maidens will be waiting to welcome you aboard. Come with us. In the elegance of our 7478 transformed in a way that only Maharajahs enjoyed. Music is at your fingertips on seven different channels. lU£k^^^.l '^««^m. j^^r^^^k
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 648 11 CONGRA TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES to AIR INDIA on the occasion of the introduction of 7478 SERVICE ON THE INDIA/SINGAPORE/ AUSTRALIA ROUTE from UNITED COMMERCIAL BANK 2, D'Almedia Street, Singapore, 1. INDIA OVERSEAS BANK, 1/3. Collyer Quay, Singapore, 1. BANK OF INDIA, 132/136. Robinson Road, Singapore, 1. INDIAN BANK,
      648 words
    • 209 11 Congratulations to Air India on the occasion of their introduction of tht 747 Boeing Service on the I rtdia/S'pore/ Australia route. The Look of Excellence Coronamatic TOQO Precision ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER that gives your typing a look of professional print (•'----J^-'ir efl W^* LaSlfl \^tt mm "^B .^BBBBi BP^lbbT Coronamatic EUctric
      209 words
    • 344 11 AEIBC congratulates Air India on the introduction of their new Jumbo service American Express International Banking Corporation a wholly owned atoakMary of American Exprwa Company i American Express International Banking Corporation provides businesses, financial institutions, governments and individuals with a wide choice of international financial services, including short term working
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 293 12 CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations Best Wishes to 7478 BEST WISHES <>f TO which services: India Singapore Australia AIR INDIA CP Sm Ksng c LeMher Goods c Ptc on the occasion of the introduction to /M s^^ Osg 747 B Service on the bl^b^Bb«Bblb^b^blb^b^b^b^b«Bb^^b* INDU/ SINGAPORE/AUSTRALIA CONGRATULATIONS ROUTE <& (SPONSORED BY THE 60VT.
      293 words
    • 375 12 g>iBiigsim TAMIL MURASU (THE LEADING TAMIL DAILY) Congratulates AIR INDIA on the occasion of their introduction to 7478 SERVICE on the INDIA/SINGAPORE/AUSTRALIA ROITE TAMIL MURASU 139/141, LAVENDER STREET, SINGAPORE 12 TEL: *****06 CONGRATULATIONS TO AIR-INDIA on the occasion of the introduction to 7478 SERVICE ON THE INDIA/SINGAPORE/AUSTRALIA ROUTE from PARAMOUNT
      375 words
    • 208 12 CONGRA TULA TIONS TO AIR INDIA on the occasion of the introduction to 7478 Service on the INDIA/ SINGAPORE/ AUSTRALIA ROUTE. from MALAYSIA TRAVEL SERVICE PTE. LTD. 195, Penang Road, Singapore 9 Tel: *****3 CONGRATULATIONS to AIR INDIA on the occasion of the introduction of their 7478 Service on the
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  • 1196 13 HARRY MILLER New company to be formed By London, Thura. Very good possibility the proposed arrangement will go through, says Junus AN elght-month- long search by Pernas Secu r 1 1 les Sdn Bhd to find an alternative to Its controve rslal
    1,196 words
  • 115 13 MAN WHO SAVED 3 LIVES GETS AWARD MB. Peter Trip*, the British High Commissioner, presented the Boyal Humane Society's Testimonial ln Vellum" to an opera lions officer with a shipping company. Mr. Tun Seng Peng, at a ceremony in the High Commission yesterday. Mr. Vim was awarded for bis courage
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  • 105 13  -  AJOHORK houaewlfe died ln Alexandra Hoipital on Wednesday aoon after a motorcycle on which the was riding pillion waa involved ln a coilltlon with a lorry near the Junction of Manlllng Road aad Woodland Road. Police said Wong Slew. 54. and her husband. Mr.
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  • 227 13 Lorryman's bid to bribe Customs officer rirwo sharp-eyed Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau officers at Woodlands checkpoint saw a dollar concealed within a folded document which a lorry attendant extended to a Customs officer, a court heard yesterday. In the dock was Ter Kok Dian. 18. the attendant who was fined
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  • 56 13 MX coal Cbong Ttt •amor MmMsr of auto (sakaaaUon). will b* xt» gusst-of-bonmr at th» ant 1 Ini Yocattsoal sassY Mas gntfuastaa ii—mj s* tit* flßßgapot* Confsnne* ban on Tusatey. Tbi«t lop stasscrts Ng Chonc Ctaoa. Urn Kok Tw and Loone; mi sssng will ne«H* Iho anc T*w
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 292 13 Once-a-year BIG SAVING CHANCE m Latest W Shoes Ts^^^^^^WaT Handbags JuAa^L Accessories J k Garments shoe co. North Bridge Ruad, Singapore 7 LC.T. FOR SALE/ CHARTER Built 1973 (Japan) Available for viewing In Jurong GRT 328 tons DWT 400 tons Dimensions 38m x 9m x 3m 2 x 472 h.p.
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    • 683 13 If you are doing business in Chicago, here are just four of the ways that the nearest branch of The Hongkong Bank Group can help you. Our Chicago branch is at K 3 The Hongkong Bank 29 South La Salle StreeL Group are experts in arranging Chicago. Illinois *****. the
      683 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1976 SIME ISSUE
    • 358 14 CIME DARBY HOLDINGS on Wednesday Joined In the controversy which has been blazing for the better part of last month over the demotion of nearly 46 million of its Issued shares to the second section of the Singapore stock market. The action was taken by the Stock Exchange
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    • 338 14 But the authorities at whom Slme is thumbing Its nose are none other than the Capital Issues Committee of MalayMalaysia Is Slmes main base of operation. The bulk of its profits come from this part of the world. The bulk of fts. it Is believed, lies here
      338 words
  • 849 14  - Carter— brightest political spark since Kennedy ANTHONY LEWIS By AT LEAST this "much is clear by now: Jimmy Carter is the most interesting new political phenomenon this country has seen in a long time. His appeal crosses some of the old lines of Sarty and Ideology. He as coolly withstood
    NYT  -  849 words
  • Untitled
    • 135 14 A GREAT deal U heard about the dangers bacco smoking. Against the fiscal bene- i«h taxed tobae- be set the losses •••rii'us Illness and parly death oi productive members of the If It is accepted that smoking is both intl-soclal and dangeiirely the
      135 words
    • 93 14 I REFER to Labour Minister Mr Ong Pang Boons remarks about choosy job seekers 1 agree with him that some men. particularly the able-bodied, are choosy about jobs, but he has failed to realise that there are those who are desperately seeking employment They are the hand'eapped and those suffering
      93 words
    • 59 14 lOWN a colour television set and I should say that the colour TV programmes have Improved vastly. But I am very disappointed because I hardly see any Indian films In colour. To the best of my knowledge. I remember seeing only two films la colour, and Hindi films are never
      59 words
    • 87 14 I REFER to the letter "Why reverse drive for nationalism?" (ST. March ID headlined and wish to Inform MIES that the Ngee Ann Tech- nical College conduct* part-time evening courses in accountancy leading to membership in the ICMA and ACA as this provides an opportunity for suitably qualified persons in
      87 words
  • 793 14  - Kukrit takes a polls tumble with three days to go SEAH CHIANG WEE By Bangkok, Thurs. fHINA and the Soviet Union have been dragged Into Thailand's violencemarred election campaign as the political fortunes of Prime Minister Kukrlt Pramoj took an unexpected turn for the worst with three more days to
    Reuter  -  793 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 19 14 Which bank works for you around the clock, and around the world? YVe do. njjTl BANKof AMERICA tXI. ft»«fpj*e«t
      19 words
    • 469 14 Hey Folks! It's Shangri-La's EasterPleaser Island Ballroom Sunday. April 18th 1 1 am -2 pm Egg-D«cor Contest open to children under 12 yrs. Craft anything out of eggs or egg shells and bring it to the Shangri-La before 10 am, 14/4/76. Win attractive prizes. Application forms for entry obtainable only
      469 words

  • 252 15 Capitol fire bid: 'Protest against price hike' theory DOUCE believe that the I attempt to set Capitol cinema on Are on Wednesday night was made in protest against an anticipated Increase In cinema ticket prices. They came to this conclusion after the cinema's assistant manager. Mr K«m Chuan Hwa. 25.
    252 words
  • 28 15 DR O K N« aiN give a Mandarin on Drugs and Herba In Pregnancy at the Jalan T>nteran» community centre on Sunday at I p m
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  • 289 15 ]7<IVE directors testified r at a district court yesterday that they knew nothing of the financial standing nf their chit fund company and had unwittingly signed a false declaration of solvency on the Instructions of their managing director. They said this
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  • 59 15 A JS-MEMBER Fiesta Plllpina cultural troupe flew Into Singapore last night in the course of a world lour They will give three charity performances at the Hyatt from April 10 to 12 The performances, organised by the Kiwanu Club of Singapore U to raise funds for
    59 words
  • 52 15 TH» New Zealand Meat a*roduc«r>' Board will prtacnt M kf. of chilled meat to v* Stocaport Bon Hota* at CtomeoU Road on WedncaT>» f if t is a goodwill (to turt u> mark the Introduction Of Air New Zealand dlrart non-Mop ftajhU betwwtn Bliifaporr and
    52 words
  • 315 15 10 more areas get taxi stands, kiosks Registry of Vehicles has begun ex lending the existing network of taxi kiosks and stands with telephones to densely populated districts and public housing estates. New taxi stands and kiosks have been set up in at least 10 additional areas throughout Singapore. These
    315 words
  • 123 15 ffIHIS twisted wreck is J what Is left of a Ult»M steel tower that was being pat up on Bokit Timah Hill bj t^e Telecommunication Authority aa part of its Internal communications development programme Tke VHF (very high frequency) tower was nearlng rsanfUlliu
    123 words
  • 34 15 THE Minister of Kale (Prime Minister's Office, and MP for Kampung Db4 HaJl Ya'acoto bin Mohamed wiU attend the Uncapor* Paklsun Leaftie annual dinner at Jubilee restaurant today at 7 30 ?m.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 201 15 NATIONAL INVESTMENT AN") DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PHILIPPINES U5520,000,000 I MEDII M TKRM FINANCING saw«sj«ft| TRIDENT INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED aad aravidad by ASEAM ...i.l Cwfwralwa Luailad Firal Hswauaa Baa* Isti PacilK (.aaiial CarswtlM Liai'al Flral NatMaal Baa* w OalU. Saa^w fsasdl»aa» Viiwuk k«H| Ua flaasri Liaiiiad Barclay* lank lalaraaiMmal L«it*d MarnH L>aca
      201 words
    • 229 15 Weare moving out NQ^wgj-fr* from ffi %§0& g 23, ground floor, 0* far east shopping centre, gm tk orchard road, tel *****64. CDLmBv open Sunday pl^ mon ana nis wa^pn sot. CONTACT LENSES Har CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS f^ m^\ K F YOUNG, FBOA \KM&} JENNIFER V F YOUNG J D
      229 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 740 15 SINGAPORE 5 IN PI Opening and Housewives' Matinee: You 7J9 Starts Praia Can't Tell Him (Mandarin film, Part 2 IN Dr. KiWare: Perfect Is Too Hard To Be """U IN lafs Aca* Maa ef Ada* IS Diary of Events (Chinese) 131 laws (Eat**) 4.11 Window (Chinese) 145 WarU Praautri Ftatart:
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 349 16 1 1am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45 9.30 pm No Free List I THEIR ONE-WAY SUICIDAL MISSION OF NO RETURN! To KILL Hitler's heir-apparent Heydrich "Hangman" Reinhard AND BE KILLED! One of the great j true adventure j stories of our time m >"^^r~* i V«»\ 4y| a) I I x^f^^^—Ta^a^^B mm
      349 words
    • 173 16 Six— 3r7irlEkr i6tsT oay"; i SNOWS DAILY-NOTE TIMES: I 11am, 1.30. 4.11, t.45 t.SOpm. I v Aaalnliii: Ordt $4.00; SUHt $2 JO $130 Cask IwfkMfs ip to 4 BAYS n Uviect i $AL£ DIIIT frooi 9 a« to 9 poj i 0 IV BvMllaM Tlm MtM •(>>)• ««ai 111 L>
      173 words
    • 300 16 go'ld'dl'.pmSci: 11am. 1.30. 4. 45, t.30 pm 1.30. 3 .30. 7.1t, O.SO PM ''V BB T\w a w*t* ir -~mm OCAVbI s Wcliiiflnl'AM' ma Skin Sa" Win $1,600 worth of HOUBIQANT products in Mm DEADLY JAWS' ContMt By courtMy of WEBTRACO PTE. LTD. Entry Form. Avatlabl. L-^^^-^^^^^^j^^^^^^^^J^^^ ICB^a^a^aBBBBBaaaBBBBBBaBiBaBaBBaaBaBBarZ I COLDEN
      300 words
    • 242 16 1 "-ii lSrillii|Veek 3 PkwM Not* Tlmaa: 11am, 2.15, 5.30. 1.45 p.m. STILL THE 6REATEST AD/EHWRE EVER FILMED' I i^H* B^BM wE B^BW :|Bb^t^|HH^|K tjK mi Of KAVARvrK I OPENS DIAMOND TODAY!:! fc! 4fJ^ 4 SHOWS DAILY AT >I C; 4HI 1 30 330 8 30 9 °°P n «5
      242 words
    • 724 16 5 MICMTLY AT 7 90 4 t M*~ j J "i GoMan Hor«a»r praiann "TNI HIMALAYAN' Mood) I AngatO Moo Chan H»tng a 1 CoiorScapa English Sub» Ji JurmiOHn.l.Gmii 5 (Maa« a^a 1 OrctiaH a > 1, Tomorrow ot M«- lOiaan Sundoy at Vom, CIIL Of THI HOILIm Ji LooNmoW*
      724 words

  • Untitled
    • 417 17 •pHK Sou t h Am. i Iron ;iikl Steel Institute (SEAISI) luis ;i|> bed the Asean governments on tin' possibility of standardising iron ;iikl steel products produced l>> the in counti i The institute has suggested the forming of Asean st a ndardisatior.
      417 words
    • 213 17 No pledge by oil firms on price hike KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Trad* and Industry Minuter Datuk Hannah Abu Sam ah amid today it U not true that oil companies have promised that they would not ask for another price Increase of the commodity if the Opec countries should raise the
      213 words
    • 63 17 JOHORE BARU. Thurs. Tapper Btnnaiy »o Muthu Kanippan. 40. was Jailed for five yean today and ordered to be given six strokes of the rotan for raping hla 14 year old daughter He wa* found guilty by the High Court of committing the offence on May
      63 words
    • 181 17 Dr. S's dream car a $216,000 Rolls KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. "Almost everyone would love to own a Rolls-Royce. I f m no exception to the rule ao I bought one," said Dr. 8. Seevaratnam, who is In private practice In Seremban and proud owner of the Rolls-Royce Silver Sha- dow.
      181 words
    • 27 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Thun -Police have detained four more men In connection with Tucaday'n killing of two men outdde the Kitty Nightclub In Jalan Buklt BlnUng
      27 words
    • 236 17 Sabah polls warning to the press KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The Malaysian Government today told newspapers in Sabah to exercise caution in their reports about the coming state elections. A Home Affairs Ministry statement said It was an offence under the Elections Offences Act for any newspaper to campaign for a
      236 words
    • 104 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Police have appealed to tiie lamilles of kidnapped victims to co-operate and report of any r*nson demand by the kidnappers. The director of CID, acting Deputy Commissioner Abdul Rahman Ismail. said today "Don't attempt to deal with the kidnapper* yourself. "Report
      104 words
    • 67 17 KUCHINO. "ihurs. Three communist terrorists were killed, two captured and 10 surrendered In Sarawak last year. .Police Commissioner Hamdan S l r a t said today. He told a police officers conference here that, although more terrorUU were planning to surrender, a communist threat itili existed and
      67 words
    • 156 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday THE Central Bank has maintained the rlng g 1 1 as stable value against the currencies of the country's major trading part ners since last September, the Finance Minister. Teng ku Raxalelch Hamsah, said today. Tengka Uulrlth told Parliament that beeaase of Bank
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 35 17 x<jiV^ NEW ATTRACTIONS I ■^^O LJVE ENTERTAINMENT B"^ by Cherry Pink every evening.. c HAPPY HOURS' 6 p.m.- 7Jop.rn.deHy- —ia ,a_t t a-a .^.j „^«aV em m wim ■fpsjcssst fyncsjßj pw mhui ttm tit tofts
      35 words
    • 363 17 •^B>lss7 B^feT^^^^r 01 m Iv a! tx Ibnimula Hotel /^m 4'^ Fkxx. Coleman Street. y^^^t^ Singapore 6 Tel *****1. How do you compare ITT Schaub-LorenzCkdourTV? Simply by watcliiiio se^BM fOE Naturally when you look for a colour television, you'll study the different types of colour television sets available You note
      363 words

    • 1591 18 CLOSING PRICES THE last transacted ready 1 sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange nl Singapore yesterday compared «.th the previous day's prices together with 1975 78 high and low ('Adjusted for .Ms IMUCI .MDUITR..LS CLOIINO TIM! Basy. TUanavSM: OlBrlal Hum aasolMl ay tka Stock Baekaaaa of
      1,591 words
    • 371 18 PUCES contlnfjed to ease under slaggteh trading condiUeeu at th<> Stack Exchange of Singapore yesterday. For the begln.iing of the nKtnth. interest shown la settlensent deals was psarer than normal Following that. Baaat buyers were withdrawn while sellers once again rtißMrtad thiißßuhsi As the day Brogresaed.
      371 words
    • 303 18 Small losses in KL market SHARES closed on an easier note In quiet trading at Kuila Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. The recovery in Wall Btre r t and reports of a further Improvement in the Malaysian economy ■aw prices moving firmly ahead initially. But the upturn proved to be another
      303 words
    • 1426 18 BID and offer prtcea oOv luted and bualncM In and reported to the (dMBjBJ of Singapore yeatcrday »ith the numtwr of itiarM traded shown in bracket! m lota of 1.000 unlU unieaa othenriae tpeciiied All Tune Bargaini ur Settlement Contract! are quoted alter the word Sett Bif
      1,426 words
    • 19 18 SOUTH Pacific Textile Industries Is to Increase 1U authorised capital to MS2O million from $10 million.
      19 words
    • 63 18 -pHI Maiayaua. Mliatlir 1 PtMUMa ha. ftxad Umj« a.U. fraa. A-rU 1 8888 tartsar aa4toa: s^r "ii^aMl fun MBS I MB PMMhanMl lUMiita Tka raws af ds-M aaya*r» ara KaMcr II eta- a Ib. Satchart* Bl •it tt cjr* tSTkarsal 1«7.1* Caatiait a«iy fiM) Asril 1 BBMI rmrikar
      63 words
    • 71 18 S'pore rubber stocks fall STOCKS of rubber In Singapore at end-Jan-uary fell to M.9M tonnes from 59.167 tones In December and 5«.6»4 tonnes In December and M.6M tonnes In January 1975. statistics Department figures show. The January stock (December In brackets) comprised dealers stocks 44.993 tonnes (47.621) and estate stocks
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 1117 18 BID and offer price* offlv j.ed and buslnCM In and :rported to the Kuala Stock Exchange y«i*rday with the number of ihara traded thown In brackeu In IoU of 1000 uniu. unleM otharvua «pcIHOWtTMIALt AlmmimU .2MB> A Taai «"H ili 141 Alia* I UB) XD Aiti mii .IMB
      1,117 words
    • K. L Staaary
      • 47 18 A Choc f and N Nat Iron Sanyo PcUtto* Tin ocbc Wcomca DBS UOJ. B Trmdlnff M Barklnj OUX MM WM »4I0 »iao M JO Mtt MM IJM MM MU *S7C »»4* »100 M M —JO —JO 10 10 M M .M —M 06 M M
        47 words
      • 19 18 -I M.Uy.ta C SUim )unlop Ind latu K«w»n II tO M 10 (3 4* MU JO 14 M
        19 words
    • 90 18 BOTH Stoops tod Urn US BMifeaM were vary quiet os Wsonsssay. kotAim to Urn liaasyalan l*ah» OU Producers' Qaotataans in OB* cents (Btotterdam) unkMt stated •SB* March (08) 1111 MU seOars. iUB) M easts Buyers; April *S7lJ* (US) If oaoU tilltre, tarrio/(O8)llM MOtt buyers, May |»M <UBi UJ*
      90 words
    • Untitled
      • 44 18 (law D»rfcy A U. II If. BuUlac |US < B < IMIM UM 1 I B Mil Itat D«r*y MJ» Ushrawmte I1JI LJ.C. «t.H Pu Etertrt. tt-tt NwM. UJ4 JR.8. U4I ■■m n fin —a: .u —.11 J( w —4' jM M —M —M M
        44 words
      • 7 18 *r± Mil twrttiw ' +ji +■•1
        7 words
      • 21 18 Most active stocks Ma* Darky Hl,*** l.Oi 4Mj*M laißMii IMjM* DAM. MUM Total Tmbsim. I-M M Total Vassa. I 71 M
        21 words
      • 63 18 t IT ItUn tUM IUM latartrikto: 1M-M SMJ1 Fl— n: 4M.M UUt Hitih 1M.TI 1M.M rupwlkt: 1MJM MLTt TIm: M-lt wHiii: SMJ« m 41 O.CJ.C: U1M tMJ* :8i.8. lad.: MLM tMJl tt Jam. 1. mi 1M Da. M. IMS 1M 1 Dm. SL IMS a 1M t Dm.
        63 words
    • Untitled
      • 284 18 SYDNaTr. Thurs PrtcM cloaed tnalnly higher on lemajed buying support for key mining and industrial issues following recent decline, dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordlnanes advanced o*o point to 4J5 J* Market leader BHT gained to A*7.J6 Paaeeattaoaiiai Jumped to 110*0 and Qanaaliii Mlaas to UM. Qy aaa Baaaarcas. Westera
        284 words
      • 191 18 fOZYO. Thurs. Despite the buoyant trend on Wall Street, the Tokyo stock market weakened on profittaking today with investors still adopting a •■wait-and-see" attitude influenced by the Lockheed scandal The Dow Jones average fell MM points to 4.1*1*3 with Urn trading volume soaring to 360 million shares from 140
        191 words
      • 209 18 UONOKOrIO. Thurs The market fiU on avrk of buying suppo-i and In the abssnee of frrah IncenUvts. dealers aakt. ■alcalaaa fell to HK 13.M after IU subsidiary Hutchison 'Joaf reported a nil dividers and a toos for I*7l Blaewhere. market Ma dart ware up to M cent* lower The
        209 words
      • 68 18 Wianntay Twaadar UM UM Mllaouniflll 101. 1 104 U I salsa IM Him in -we inns Urinal lvi Uaa* fcirich iIt.ZSB IHOOI 1 to oos linn Palia HI M IM 41 Wiaanlar Tkanaar Mtasans IM.MB li* MB IM.MS IM.IOB span il) i?« S4B lnttß IXJI4S HI. MS Kaport
        68 words
      • 327 18 N«W YORK. Wed. stock •^prices swung into the win- nlng column today (or the I first time In three I minus, but trading was sluggish ahead of threatened strikes 5r the nations truckers and ew York City t transit workers. The New York Stock Exchange said It will
        327 words
      • 86 18 FINANCIAL TIMES IMDI'STBIALS Wednesday 402 4 Tues?«y 404 2 w MO 40* 1 TINS Widnseday 101 M Tu^r 1015* Wesk ago 108.33 BIBBCBS W«fwada» 4*B*3 J£**y «73 30 M 0 O.L. 4i°»J J™**y 383 74 Week ago 341 99 DOW JONES AVEBAGE INDVSTBIALS Z.??!?** 2^«»y **3ii Week ago 1009
        86 words
      • 52 19 AMSTERDAM. Wad. Bhaxm roa* In Quiet condluons on domaatlc and foreign demand, dealers Mid Dutch International roaa ■nth tiie exception of Urn(•ma which wu unch«ntad Klaawhere insurance* wara miitd and plantations asjad. euie loans firmed tllfhUy in actir* trading .™>i la Duirh guiM*» oa lIM prrtaut Uuo 41 10
        52 words
      • 204 19 7LHICH Wad Tht Zurtch 1 stock m»rkrt ctoead. after •OHM Hwtuatlona. itanoet unrhaneed today Voluma of t trmdlnf ni Tery tow. The bond market was Tha Credit Somm uxtes 1 loat 01 point to MTt. OaaMtf rrttm m awia rraaca -m» ik« <ii<m', aa ite »r>l«» mum print <
        204 words
    • Untitled
      • 30 18 Bobber April 1. Singapore April IM.N cU. (up 35* cts.) Malaysia April ***** cts. (up 3.9* cts.) Tin: $I.MI (down $7). Official offering 45S tons (a? 3*7 tons).
        30 words
      • 126 18 r h i n i i raoouci t x CMAIIIII lINOAPOai NOON CLOtIMG >lICSI >ta »ICUL VItTIHDAV C*aamx ail: Balk (SIS a»ll«ra. OM drum tS7', stltera. arm Ml Mllcra Caa»i Mn*4 (laaat) UK/ Coal (M burin ■aovar: Muntok AST* whltl f.a.B. 100« NLW |270 Mlltra. Sarawak .hit. f a.O.
        126 words
      • 42 18 ■salaa teaser arteaa ea Wa«ntilair (am laaa la bracket. i Spot barer 1710 SO lITOOI Mltor ITU SO UT01) Thrw Month burn «7JI 40 ilJJll atlUri «7J2 SO *****) nut tana: Ittady at Dm Iow•r l«v*la. latai ll »7S liaan.
        42 words
      • 522 18 rkPaWINO quotaUoni In yl tha Singapore robber market yesterday war* oat cent firmer following higher London adrlCM. Short-covering and arller* leatiTi addad about oos mort cant Is aarly trading before tha market ttaadled Tha market was steadier in tha afternoon on covartng and forward demand poaatbty lnnuenced by
        522 words
      • 98 18 rvMLY asm sad BMB prtcM Isjusd at nooc yesterday: U Apr* May la*sß»* Bnalsil 1,11. ■"*7"» BBbbbbbbjbb m>WJWtT9 tVWJsß^ra BULB. (Cm eat MUI irmri BUS) (eaatta far k«i (assts par kg) M (1 tan p*fl«> 104.00 IHMN 100 00 1M 001 mm 5CV (1 ton paUrt) 114.00
        98 words
      • 220 18 -t-HE StralU tin price feU 1 17 to 81.081 per ptcul In Penan* yesterday on an official offering up 307 tons to 466 tons. The overnight London market waa easier with forward buyers price gaining (1 to U.MO. LONDON: Tin gained mostly £23 per tonne for standard md
        220 words
    • 273 18 Money and exchanges -THE US dollar rained to firm at 13.4*40 80 when it opened in the Singapore forex market yesterday Trading was moderately ac- "y hectic throughout Some buying support tend to assist the dollar s firmness around 12 4840 Very little business was done in the forward market
      273 words
    • 152 18 Interbank raUs at 3 00 p m. Sterling pound Hongkc'.ig dollar UilaysUn dollar &u*t KhllUng 1*1 franc (ccm) Janlah kroner Prwch franc Italian lire "eth guilder Hot kroner fcredlah kroner JwUi franc Oeutach* mark 'apaneat fan \\tst dollar «Z dollar 24(40 4 75*0 &0 3S 97 15 *****0
      152 words
    • 170 18 ASIAN currency depoalt ln- tarbank ratca v at clom on Thursday. April 1: US DoUan (Sa«4) Oner BM T daya 111 1 mtta I 1/4 111 3 mUta I 718 518 I mtlu I 11/1 8 mtoa 111 114 mth« s J 4 l/s 1] mthi 7
      170 words
    • 41 18 Cloaln« interbank rataa In Slntapori dollars for April 1 OBer Bid Ocmlfht 17 1 13 4 1 mth 4 11 4 1 mtha 4 3 1 4 14 I mtlu 4 5 1 4 11 Saara: P. Msrny.JaaMß lajtrrsatiaßal.
      41 words
    • 68 18 HANOI 1 rataa aftara* by «u--cauM kmaa* aa Aani 1 Onralckt 114 la lII*. Call I t 1 Mit I 1/}% ClaaaM Baa- taM lalaalk Traaaary Mil* It/14 II 14 3 Month Bank bllla 4 14 4 1-Maatk CD 4 3* 411 I afaatk CD It'll 1 1/1*
      68 words
    • 53 18 Minimum lending rates (in Algamamßaf* 7% fNCB Bonofcok Bonk 7Vk HKSBC 7Vk Bonk o» Amanca 74 Indouat 7% Bonk o* Chmo 7<A Motoron Bonking 7% Bonk ot Tokyo 7% M,t»o. Bonk 7V« Bonk Maooro IndonaM 7'/» OCBC Cnortarad Bonk 7'i 008 Chota Monhotton 7% UCB M DBS 7% UMK /■■>
      53 words
    • 89 19 THE Kuala Lumpur Stuck Exchange hu decided not to consider lifting Its suspension of Perak Carbide Corp until the company provided documents and Information requested by the Exchange relating to a former guarantee which le gave for a bank loan taken by an associated company.
      89 words
    • 350 19 Jacks gets from bad to worse,.. 'THE fortunes or x perhaps more accurately, the lack of them of William Jacks (Malaya) are going from bad to worse Profits went downhill rapidly in the year ended June 1975 In the first half of the current year Jacks, having no more profits
      350 words
    • 235 19 KL warning to brokers KUALA LUMPUR. Action will be taken against stockbrokers here if they deal in shares which are not officially listed. Capital Issues Committee chairman Tan Sri Ismail Ail warned on Wednesday No shares can be traded on the Kuala Lumpur .Stock Exchange if the Issue has not
      235 words
    • 79 19 THE Income Bond Fund Is to make another seven- for- 100 scrip issue to bondholders for the year ended March j 1976. This is the second such Issue since the fund i was launched In 1973. The unlU are being created out of net Income. As
      79 words
    • 122 19 BATU Untang Rubber buy a 673-acre oil palm estate from Kuala Lumpur Kepor.g M 5993.000 Shareholders' approval will be sought for the acquisition at an EOM on April 16 as some Batu Llntang directors are rectors of KLK A letter to sharehold- the
      122 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 572 19 JACKSON ft CO (S) PTE LTD (A member of the Inchcape Group of Companies) has immediate voconcies for (i) Medical Appliance* Technical Sale* Representative (ii) Pharmaceutical (ethical Sale* Repre»entative Applications art invited from persons who possess the' following qualifications: 1 I) Should possess HSC or GCE with credit in Science
      572 words
    • 606 19 S SEA-LA ND SBC SERVICE. INC. Applications ere mv.ted from suitably qualified pewoni to f iM the post of: ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Applicants should possess university degree or be a member of professional accountancy body recognised by the Singapore Society of Accountants and have at least three years' post graduation
      606 words
    • 619 19 OFFSHORE BANK invites application for th* following position CREDIT ANALYST QwWkajiima: Singapore citizen University degree in Economics Business Administration or it* equivalent Minimum 2 years bonking experience Monogement and accounting knowledge Fluency in spoken ond written English ■Mm Anolysn and evaluation of prospective ond existing credit risks I Salary will
      619 words
    • 726 19 niiDß i rate tenders are invited for any one or all of the following' (I) CONBTatUCTION OP SKWKRS AND MANHOLES at dementi New Town Neighbourhood 111 Contracts IB and II and Neighbourhood IV Contract IK Sewer Contract No I (SI CONSTRICTION OP OUTULT DRAIN NO. I AND SKWKRS for Contract*
      726 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 493 20 r ||jTC? TENDER NOTICE I from Registered he Jurong Town Corporawing projects: A EARTHWORKS BETWEEN PANOAN RIVER. UPPER AVER RAJAH ROAO AND WEST COAST ROAD. JURONO TOWN. KLtOaBaUTY Civil EnglneerinK $300,000'- and above 9.4.76 at 1000 am Meet at the Tenders office of the Design Division. Jurong Town Corporation. "T
      493 words
    • 1052 20 1 1 TEMENGGONG LIMITED I Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat the Annual Q«n«rai Meeting of the Company will b« held ai the Singapore Hilton (Japan Room) 581 Orchard Road Singapore on Wednesday 21*1 April 1976 al 12 00 noon The directors
      1,052 words
    • 739 20 FAR EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak Freight Conference NOTICE TO SHIPPERS PORT CONGESTION ALEXANDRIA Reference Is made to the Notice In the press on 10th February. 19T6. Despite earlier advice that port conditions had returned to normal It appears that the port of Alexandria Is experiencing renewed congestion
      739 words
    • 425 20 CBD TENDER NOTICK Tenders are Invited by the? Chief Supplies Officer. Central Supplies Department. Striffmpore for the supply and delivery of the following items a I (loth maUrial. white. U% P»4y— if. i*% ntiN, ny i Illrm width, roatlrur lioa lat s» pmhmmk or 2WI IKS **»tori—d to Ontral Suprbm
      425 words
    • 778 20 TNI PONT Of aiNOAPOMi Caaalal »amw: Sunlfhl IV AUTMONrrV AMNOUatCID I b r r I IX| *r>»r« '> TMI PO'fcLOWINQ BIRTMIMQ OiJT King Mi tlwanotiaiaiTl »o« *pm. t. coniAmtn po*i m I Mprru Nrp' BH MaJimum Kull J« Bn Shan CnwrsM JO Mamk M«n« I* Mraai Ctarcnr* illi 10 II
      778 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1037 21 CORTURUSRIP Ultiet^llMreSiTlßlßT^ 1-<--^mmmm I'M. H'W'i Iwi taMa 1 -mii i P Mlaat C rut I'M l«Mr. U«. TMM EIPfE S ii, MMr IMf aM» UMI MM* II w IMr |MM II Mar HMm IMM I iar MMr II MM <ltaj NM 14 Mr aMr HMi tt Mm aMm UM MiM
      1,037 words
    • 1405 21 Ben Ocean A/ounaervtcpafßenLinaßk^FhnneiGlerljnpandNSMO 1. M CMTIMIT (w MM) S Mr. P HiMf Paaaaf lar— FMi ii«mii«i I Mr I Mar fa— i rtara. •raM. CM.. UMMML MKaHCM 1 I Mr MVII Mr lI'H Mr IMM ua HaN. (aafl IUMtAI II a Mr n/a MT IMM l«. UM. Nail. Oat MMTTM
      1,405 words
    • 1178 21 T Vi» i f* ti immi *tMW nun a run vn» M. (MMa/Matrii taaaMr I'M n a. luiM* li in ll Mm last. •MmL mmI S h*il I**" "m 5 11 Mm "mm II Mr II Mr 11 MM ll Ma, it Mai UWJK MT MMr nMr II Mar »Mf
      1,178 words
    • 1245 21 Mfc.TT B T I m^mL fully containerized service io toatort P bMaj I Mr. FM MMMM *Mr 't? IHtefMW. iMtWMai. Mta*-p l» Harrt. Ml MITT Mar 11 Ma, H > '•"•t kVllllll 11. a-r* as Ml lIHMI Mm n StoctJitM, Olle, MthMti. UntM hn(OML FULLY CONTAINKIZtD SEKVICE 7»OM tUKOft P
      1,245 words
    • 819 21 UMMM HMM; P MM| C4l 1.1 7*3711 PMMI HMI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK FM I I into. UUIIMM Mi. 1...*.. -Mm TM— (arMa. I, M CaMta— 1 Pi, nM Mr Iran It II M/ fMM (MT t Mtm Wild IM MMMM. IMU "2JJJ PI. .'i I. Pi IMr 1
      819 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 168 22 \\r** K.AVS V^Akl lUit-N KAiMiA LSP lyar tmumtuu tuma la lurtpi. (Via lutll li li Ml, IJ tU I Bji I J aw Ml I 7MM 1/ I lit 11 «H 11 IBM Iroiti i.urop< (Via lut'l M if II 2t i» i n in IrtM io Japan HI MUiOMI
      168 words
    • 522 22 I L|Hg 1 MW Mtf/Lgittli Ukb MJ.VJU' laakaj Itr Ma rtM. Milt* MMtitii laaMnt iiwmtl I MTlfit MIUI*. IMMMf I 1 mm S.amett I tau imuhu i it nTtlmt ■s I Mi, ii, «t, i in 'S il lta< II II .tat Ull Maa I MLUVKNh/CAUIK NOKIU HiSI WN laalat
      522 words
    • 923 22 (Ml MM4MM-MI tUWCt II UMft f<U haU) tttit f. MM>| t«a*t' ■Ulani lataut: n f fMi 11 Mi, 11 Mai i| Mai '1 Mn 11 aa) auuiii UfMilt. MM> lan a Mat- 11 an it Mai jt an aiPiaM urt am iiji tv, nm imm i«» iimbi uaai iiViaUII MIMI:
      923 words
    • 629 22 aiUfMlk WIUMIIMII Mtmilt CMP« Ml I XU4I UNUS SUMCi II IMM*. tHUMCi (MlMai*' PM< MtMtJ M> atuttVt UMM I I i UMU.I Ufl I, I M> la. I) 4a- lavlt M' 11/ll BWaa* laauMK la It Ml, i ,a* i, i at, MMtttMUMi tn an uiiai, ii ian uv» an
      629 words
    • 381 22 >x NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE yMktt-w IIIEPtllEI! FAR EAST ElltfC SEI.iCF 931 IMfcik* ICO ItMMPMX) PK 111 a^g^TaCt^tft PaMUta iUMOS iM. MI 'i II 22)17,1 Uatf TVTTI ■MM LaaaaaaaaaP* lIIIU4. PH 4. Saudi Arabian Shipping and Iransportation (ompain Ltd far Last Middle Kast LilM Uaaat lav MnV MJM| ti Mali MMUU>
      381 words

  • 1 23 Announcements
    1 words
  • 6 23 Religious Announcements If THIIDA BOOK CENTRI't
    6 words
  • 26 23 Deaths MADAM tIM CHOO NEO agr 74 ;'.4Asecl *»*> Bf iii\ »r 4 .6 i and 1 1 (H»N»ND(7 ITEPHSN aftd SB 'rtXmSU C *«l UWL4- '.<4ay
    26 words
  • 7 23 Acknowledgements •Mf IMI, Of THE FAMILY Of
    7 words
  • 6 23 Personal SOS SAMARITANS 0» «1 Discouraaed?
    6 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 627 23 classified ads W> l ouiheo ovAunao tutomb u> teach flee Human a Social I Biology Malay and Chinese. All Johnny 8883BS VBff o*SMm«mTem B m B al aMBSa SECRETARY/ BHMOO«*»Mfa QUALIFICATIONS: Fast typing 1 speed minimum 45 wpm .'lnurthsnd 100 wp m OCE i ith good command o( English 1
      627 words
    • 817 23 COKRESPONOBNCE CLINK/ TYPIST male i wanted Must be Singapore citiien and completed National Service Senior Cambridge standard Apply with (ull particulars stating salary exprcted and enclose a non -rr tern al»e photograph to P O Box 14S T.inglin P O Spore @PUB Applications are invited for the CLERICAL ASSISTANT Ml
      817 words
    • 764 23 WANTED SCHOOL LIAWBJMj as Ivpuu Must be excellent In English and typing Please apply to C D Enterprises. 18. HoKnd Road. Spore It WANTED FEMALE CLINK with knowledge of typing Apply tn own hand writing to ST Box AII7BS Looking mr aa eSate issitlsi) All-A. let Beer Samwataa ArFrtday. from
      764 words
    • 761 23 EIPERIENCED SALES ASSIS TANT wanted (or BouUqut Call I personally at O-71. Katong Shopping Centre, t a.m. II a m I pit. 10 p m Inviuuon (or Application for I) Sates Esiimßii tn Electronics Communication Equip- 1 ment. 1) Marketing Iseeellve In Carpeting business Both positions are mainly for Malaysian
      761 words
    • 766 23 REFINERY PLANT OPERATORS With the expansion of our activities at the Pulau Bukom Refi nery complex we art looking for REFINERY PLANT OPERATORS THE JOB To operate in shift teams modern proceu umu and associated facilities Successful candidates will be required to undergo a period of (ormal and on- the-
      766 words
    • 838 23 I FIMALI TELEPHONE OPI < NATO*/ receptionist on relief I work required by s large commer CMJ firm ReaulraroenU a plea > sant personality and taperianct i in operating large PABX switch I board Salary commtnsurate with experience Ploast apply I stating full personal particulars and contact telephone number to
      838 words
    • 700 23 MANAGING DIRECTOR REQUimi hardworking expenencod driver Able U> convent in Cnglish Please apply in person to if Jalan Kilang. Barat S pore S between ISO a m UMtltl D INTENSIL S-POMS PTI LTD Due to expansion, we have immediate vacancies (or FIMALI PRODUCTION OPERATOWS (Benders. Dts farmers end We offer
      700 words
    • 565 23 ia»tJtO4ATE VACANCY (or OPPKE BOY Must own motorcycle Duties include despatch, print- j Ing and general offlre main tenance Oood remuneration, fringe benefiu and transport allowance i AaaMatßW aawjoatal BWil j tal a an cttfttsct to T Asifir*" RGQUIHKD FEMALE LAUNO4TV ATTENOANTS For factor) hotels Applicanu should be able to
      565 words
      532 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 349 24 classified ads jg AMERICAN PaVJMW ORAB TMIB OPPORTUNITY' 'Detuse dace lour el US A o«d Caaaaalar M MM/ onh- APKIL 10th and MAY Z*****4 379*44 KEN AIR SERVICES INTERNATIONAL LTO Licenced tour opereso. No T A/011) i MINI TBURS ASA SAVANG CRUISE BaUl 'ILLIPINAS •»YA >*A MANN HONGKONG INTERNATIONAL AIR
      349 words
    • 302 24 CIP AIRFARE OUOTATION* SMSO Further details please call 2921TM. *****98 25*001 1 Ext AIR TICKET SUPERMARKET JAKARTA SIMJM BANGKOK *****0 HONG KONG MM.M TOKYO 81.178.00 taipeh see* oo PERTH MIIM PERTH (kroo Mopl JAKARTA MM.M OAR WIN taiA OO MELBOURNE 1743 00 LOS ANGELE* si aeeaa OAKLAHOMA 11 OM 00
      302 words
    • 721 24 GIRLS! Jobs sre becomtng hardor to gst you need bettor Qualifications not, ITC'i PrmeW Secretarial Diplorn* .i the rayon's Isadine qu»v t.oi.on tor s Privet* Secretory Our neat full I me 12 montn* course loading to tnt Privet* Secretarial O.piomt starts sth APML T*k* «rt* first stop towards haaMy p*«t
      721 words
    • 689 24 45 S£CJ9ET7UWS offers better Secretarial training Our n*xt full-tima coursa commanc**. on April sth 1976 Only 26 students to i class So enrol aarry to ensure a place SECRETARIUS 75 TsnaNn Road. Singapore 10. Tal *****22 SINGAPORE CHINESE MANDARIN SCHOOL 122-iM. PFBNBEP STRHT. rPORS (7) OFFICE HOURS: 8 la aja,
      689 words
    • 699 24 PASS YOUR EXAMINATION easily I and rapidly No textbooks Unique postal tuition by air rrom London Over 275.000 success** I Professional examinations In Lam Accountancy Company Secretaryship Banking. Credit Management Marketing. Works Management. Transport. Commerce. Salesmanship. DaU Processing, etc. LL B (London). Singapore-Cambridge OCE. MCE. Qualifying Test WrHe for free
      699 words
    • 967 24 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Technician: leading to AMSE Enquiries LMPTC Trt 4MM*. 4*0322. 4*0733 AOKIRIMMNO ORAPrNC ARTS Ideal for Uioae in graphic advertising profession Lecturer A gradual* of London School of printing a Graphic Arts Tuesdays 7 09 9 00 pa. Commencing *Ul April I*7* M* Tun nun SHaaatna Ci—ji Sksaaae* i.
      967 words
    • 877 24 I\* i»y^' i \a< Cm ks «otww4 'sax. KMttITRAMMGCO., is* MatMmn Rasa. Span Tot NMB IIIBM CORTINA MSM MANUAL regd July 1974 Accident free Air -con tape radio Immaculate condition $10*00 Ring 6*7897 ask for Rahim 1971 FIAT 114 Sports I*oo 5 forward speed Many extras View Dave s Fashion
      877 words
    • 908 24 IM* C.C. HONDA civic 3 door registered June 74 with radio and aircon. one owner price M.OOO Tel *****7 I*7l ESCORT TUOOR Well main umed second car $4,000 on o S3. Jalan Hitam Manls 5 30 7 Ou p m I*7l COLT GALANT US SporU rims Car like ne» Tel
      908 words
    • 578 24 M FT PLEASURE Chengsi <oin 10 > sleeping berths going cheap 41*140 TUG BOATS POR CHARTER 1090 h p 2400 h p available for charter Contact IMIIM-7 LIFT AVAILABLE K ATONO to Max i leaving 8 30 s m Tel *****1 MONTHLY RENTAL POR VW 1102 MM MAZDA CAPELLA $7M
      578 words
    • 461 24 •URIN HEALTH SERVICE provide relaxing nuuifr by quojlnad nP»ri«»c«« rnasseua**/ masarurs Pteawnntl2l4s7 1 ***** ■OO*R-S TOWN* CHARMING qualified M*ss*usos provide e»Hln*J 2922*08 I p m p m OONA-S POR A Massage Unsurpassed' K ndly ring *****9*/ *****75 for an appointment (I 1p m LA FLEURS EXCELLENT Youfkf .sseurs provide rrumng
      461 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1323 25 MANO m TOTOTA modern electric sewing bmcMm. Modal Z7oo a*ui*Jm/- Vwmijnc MS*' Contact MM* Laaß *****43 iip«t wovmm. mum w»iarbed with framed (Id* tables irruinf Utk. bad spread All for t«00 Trt 4»2»37 W«U*M« KM SAL! at S3 SO [»r roll a ill Tel ****** 53A ZKKi Road Room 102.
      1,323 words
    • 902 25 BUNGALOWS/ HOUSES PIIO99RX Oarden 81.999. Chtßem Drive 92.800 H ll tcreet Park $1,500 $1,000 Sunset Vale 93.109 Ming Tack Park 93.999. WasUak* Avenue 91.909. Sixth Avenue 91.--300 91.909 Walten Park 91.009 Jalan Tempi a 91.390 OrsanMaf Drive 91.390 Coronation Road Wast 91.3*9 Jalan Karta 9990 Hua Ouan Avenue 91.990 91.--300
      902 words
    • 869 25 FULLY PURSsTSNSa* APARTMENT at Cavanagn Court dlst 9: Eastern Mansion dlst 15 Terrace House at Tail Tuck Walk diet 21 Contact *****91 LANTAMA AVENUE (D99T. S9t 4 bedrooms. 2-storey seml-de-lached 9999 unfurnished. Holland Road. 91,500 partly furnished Ring *****3 O9ST. 19 BCAUTWULLV PUR. NSBNKO 4- bsdroomed semi-de-tached on nice garden
      869 words
    • 760 25 HOLLANO COURT 4TH FLOOR, fully furnished. 4 alrcondltloners. 91.399; available immediately Lai Houatng 991T79 Dtst 11. 1 bedrooms, furnished. alrcondltioned. swimming pool. matured garden SMSUKMtT ROAO Nos 22 22-B. 24. 24-F Also available at ROS9N HEIGHTS Nos 21-E. 21 -r 23-D and 21-A Stevens Drive Spore 10 MSMfDapt Sliaajin LaadLN)
      760 words
    • 586 25 10 WAR OLO Indonesian student looking for accommodation In either district 9. 10 or 11 Ring *****1 MISS Yeo ■J| MONTREAL OLYMPIC ACCOMOOATION9 available with Chinese family Boarding for students also Call *****0 bstwesn 2-6 p m DOT. 99 OTP SUKIT Tlmah 10 m s Hill top. modern new 3-storey
      586 words
    • 743 25 O4ST 11 9INBLE-9TORCY CAUPOMsSAM Typt Bun^saiov in **ry quiet locality Si^ctous HvaTsf/ dining ana, 3 ftadt earns Oood Bu/ for investment Viewing at sMpm Call Weas Associates *****22 Looking fora Hovsim Loon? UII of Credit POSI Housing Loans to 9wH your requirements For houses and Hats with negotiable titles Up
      743 words
    • 637 25 OIST IS SINGLE STOREY BUNOALOW approximately S.OOO v, $140,000 negotiable DM 2' gle-storey semifetarhed approximately 6.500 sq ft $***** i Contact Yew Tie 220« *****0; i OfST. IS SELLING AT Cost storey Split -level Terrace bedrooms 9130.000 Viewing at 5 30p m Call Wess Associates I *****14 ■OH CL<SVIR PARK
      637 words
    • 172 25 DI9T -i AMBER ROAO rial appro «mately 1 .200 m ft groiindnoor 3 bedrooiiis. 2 bathroonaC rnosalc throughout EBC *****9/ 9aTßjßl I PATERSON ROAD APARTMENT OUTSIDE h! three bedreoms living dining Mosaic parquet riooring Partiall> furnished Ample carpark Selling $110 000 negotiable Telephone *****9/ J3TJI3 *****9 P^9^aafXP^i^^BlsfJs"jßßßj| KATON6 SHOffiNG CENTRE
      172 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    22 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 151 26 times friday properties !>Ands panoramic HILLTOPS LUIURIOUB APART SITS 000 f Maryland Park Katong Singapore 15 No restriction Non Rmidsntt .Ti *ncu>ntirancoi on comptefion Planning No DC SO 7 T«nun» o» Land Fnwnotd Oeaoloperi Lxonco No 891 Adv No 0377 sOIS-6. *****2 167 South Bridfi Road S>nospon> t Nt»Hl HIGH
      151 words
    • 552 26 FOR SALE OFFICE tpace OoMMII Shopping Centre 2nd floor, wall .rpetini central alrconCHUonmg Approxi matdy 1 .MO tq ft For particulars call lei *****2 AIRCONOITIONED. CARPETED OFFICE ipace with built-in cabl- nets, st Building. Tras Street Spore 2 Area.SSOaq ft Reasonable rental Tel *****0 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE SCLSOtfI COMPLEX MM
      552 words
    • 716 26 CENTRALLY LOCATED MOOSRN warehouse with cowtd and open >pare available for rant and loose package storage at 00. Martin pore t Tel 371M2 *****7 SIONO NOB 4 STOREY WARCNOUSC I AVAILABLE FOR 2nd l 4th Floors (Right Wing) SMOsq ft (Left Wing) ***** sq ft M nasf iLeft Wing) *****
      716 words
    • 719 26 MNTAL. HBM PUWCHASC sat* wooden furniture Contact Londjo Woodworking 2SS2. Onriang Bahru. Blk 75 oif Kallang Bahru (terrace factory) S pore 1J Tel: 2******' M3O4M open Sunday II Warn -400pm dally 100 {am -830pm i^« cv«HK>r-5U2. 1*m^oTor^Son^nS Too ***** cane nmmrum wn export, homes Lee Wan. 10C Jervols Knad Tel
      719 words
    • 787 26 LEMBAGA PERINDUBTRIAN KAYU MALAYSIA Permohonan dartpada warganesara Malaysia adalah dlpelawa bag! memenuhl jawatan -Jawatan yang berlkut 1. PMAWAI KBJUA rPsTM*S»RAN)t Kumpulan B (Trtap dan Berpencen) CJbt IJ-4) 8440 x 40 800/840 x 40 880/960 I 40 1300 KBLAVAKAM: (aXI) Diploma dalam Pentadbtran Awtm atau PtntadMran Pvrnlagaan dan InstlUut Tea.iolojl MARA
      787 words
    • 773 26 M Prosper withH come join us MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (M) SON BERHAO I Due to expansion, applications ar* invited I from suitably qualified Malaysian ctllsen* I (or the following postsPRODUCTION STAFF (Female) 100 Vacancies Age 16 to IS years. I Qualification. Form 111 (LCE/SRP failed) I Geawral Must be prepared
      773 words
    • 546 26 JABATAN TAUIOM «r»ftlfcAW MAXAYUA RfnOUAAN RADIO AMATOat DAN SULL KBCBKAPAN Jabataa TaJikom akaa BMnsadakan pspertkaaan-pe-psrULMkan rang bsrikut uada iarftb-unkh ram tcnabut di bawah (a) Ptpstttaaan StJU B> eakapan Wadtotal* ixaphr Kelas aatu dan Dua (Bahaglaa I) Tartkh Ftpcrtkaaao Uhb dan 15hb jun ■ML Bayaraa: HO 00 bad Kolas aatu tIsVOO
      546 words

  • 831 27 EPSOM JEEP By Wl ALA LI.M--lUR, Thur Court Belle, a nippy Malays ian bred filly by Amusement 111, did a winning gallop on a rain-soaked sand track here today. Breaking from t.^.e 800 m. sh*> reeled olt 600 m ln 36 8 ln tine
    831 words
  • 145 27 CALCUTTA. Th." V/ Martin Bohen (United a three-under-par 70 today to take the lead after the round of the U5525,000 <562 oOo> In•.amplonshlp. the seventh leg of the roll Circuit. Michael Ferguson of ..l a. shared second with Jap.< Ima at two-un-der-par 71. fallowed by Don
    UPI  -  145 words
  • 23 27 CONVENT Ol the Holy Infant Jesus won thr Nation-•T-School Secondary Oirli Tennis Championship M*cond year running -y beat Katong Convent 4-1
    23 words
  • 168 27  -  rntt. newcomers flvA-eiRiU Tan Cheng Joo. featherweight Vlgand lightweight Klshore 3.ngh will make their debut for Singapore against Malaysia In the annual boxing clash at the Gay World on April 9. The team, named by SABA yesterday. Is Syed Kad.r and Hamzah Suratl < llgh tMy
    168 words
  • 558 27 Australia is back as a force in world swimming /CANBERRA. Thurs. Australian swimmers, after floundering v along for years in the wake of spectacular achievements by American and East German aquatic stars, have suddenly surfaced as a serious rival to the world's top swimming nations. Inspired by the hope of
    558 words
  • 187 27 New Zealand confirm tour in May rpHE New Zealand 1 Thomas Cup team, who will play a twoday match against Singapore's National squad here ln May. have requested for two singles and three doubles matches to be played each day. against different players The six-member team, which includes veterans Richard
    187 words
  • 301 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Japanese team captain Ippel Kojlma and Malaysian manager Punch Ounalan today waged a war of words on the eve of the battle between their squads In the Thomas Cup badminton Asian sone competition here tomorrow. Kojlma told reporters, while relaxing
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    19 27 Mr» N« Trn« Kial Ifepartrd: -'-»-7« I drarr who with .gh vadly tnl.i- Kusbund nine chlMret In-tew,
    19 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 259 27 See the Malaysia Cup Singapore vs Perak telecast 'live' in colour this Sunday on G.E.C. colour TV. Rent or trade in your Black/White TV set now on the best terms in town. GEC'S Rent Or Own Plan puts *»ntalßat— OEC—cm "> CoRmr~TV~ an imported 66cm (26") colour Tacto Modi consols;
      259 words
    • 1109 27 SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEAF 225. Mountbatten Road, Singapore 14. Results of the Donation Draw held on March 27. 1976: 1 ***** 34 ***** 07 ***** 2 ***** 35 ***** 68 ***** 3 ***** 36 ***** 69 ***** 4 ***** 37 ***** 70 ***** 5 ***** 38 ***** 71 *****
      1,109 words
    • 751 27 IN THK HIGH C'OCRT <>r I THK KKPI HI l( OP SIViAPOKK. ompame. Winding I p Petition No. 21 at I I l«7ft > In the Matter of Companies Act (Chlpter 185. 1970 Edition And In thr Matter or Etto Private Limited ADVERTISEMKNT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that
      751 words
    • 632 27 IN THE HUiH COURT Or thk urn urn ot ■HQAHJaU lompanifs Wlndtng-Up No 10 of 1970 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Cap 1S5) And In the Matter of CHW MARINE ENGINEERINO PRIVATE LIMITED NOT Notice Is nereby given that a petition for the winding up of the abovenamed
      632 words

  • 469 28 BAYERN MUNICH HOLD REAL TO A DRAW LONDON, Thurs. Bayern Munich last night took another powerful stride towards retaining the European Soccer Cup when they held Real Madrid in Spain to a 1-1 draw in the first leg of their semifinal. A
    469 words
  • 38 28 JAKARTA. Thurs Indonesia will host the fourth Asian bowling championships In August. The championships which open at Jakarta on Aug I. include Australia. Japan, the Philippines Singapore. Malaysia. Hongkont. Thailand. Ouam and Taiwan. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 1080 28 THREE hundred and nineteen soccer players, including internationals and registered League Division One club representatives, are banned from competing in this year's Inter-Consti-tuency tournament for the Prime Minister's Cup, reports JOE DORAI. The tournament Is scheduled to begin on April 10 with 63 teems
    1,080 words
  • 208 28 nrKCHAKEST Thars. Twenty four Bimanlsn soccer referees have been exchided from wrU activity for "grave TtoUtlons of socialist ethics" and Inadequate referring, and six are being held under arrest for «uestionlnc la a national soccer corruption scandal. The scandal Orst cum to Itoht
    AP  -  208 words
  • 172 28 Hamzah gets top post in FAM KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Dato' Hamzah Abu Samah. the Olympic Council of Malaysia president, wis elected president of the Football of Malaysia at the annual meeting here His election was unanimous. He succeeded the late Tun Razak who held the post from last year's annual
    172 words
  • 223 28 Leeds hope to end Europe ban f ONDON, Thurs Leeds United kept up their efforts to work off a European soccer ban when they won 3-2 away to Newcastle United In last night's English League programme. Leeds, fifth In the First Division table, are hoping to qualify for next season's
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 304 28 For perfect home. Specialist for kitchen cabinets, ideal for every home. ■isssssssstasssssMkiisßsJ |H1 <^ ssssssf BsssYfassst CaasT %M# T»» j ■■^■y^-!iiss^_ I____1 laßr^^pV tjlff -SBSSr S S^sU »r^M*ißSSS%\^— aVrV^sfl ssassssi aasssflatl 1 M per foot run \r/ f 1 foot (30 scm) "^Bf sssssssssssssssflsssf I 1 Stsl if you place
      304 words
    • 149 28 The Perfect Place To Take Your Date MODERN FLATTED FACTORY WITH ALL THE CONVENIENCES •ass* I 's» ssssssssssssssssssssaaas*.^ bT^^ 1 assssssssssssssVssJ ft '^Bs^^aT^^^^ ssssPV^Bssssvas^.^ r I l^^i fit V ts* ij H '^^T^^^l^Bw^a S *//'/St\ L it-_ fy St bsssssssPtTV^Ll^T^bsssssl tixgd j SOON WING ROAD j Oo««mma«i CopyogM Rs^srvM SITE
      149 words

    • 134 29 Bukit Ho Swee in shuttle final nCKIT Ho Bwee quailfled for the final of the Secondary Boys division of the Schools National badminton championships when they edged New Town, the defending champions, 3-2 at Buklt Ho Swte Secondary School yesterday. Deadlocked at 2-2. Buklt Ho Swee's top singles player. Llm
      134 words
    • 288 29  -  DHARSAN SINGH By DOGER Ollvelro was the toast of St. Patrick's School after his five-goal blitz enabled his team to coast to an easy 7-1 victory ov«r Beatty Secondary School in their Post Secondary National Schools football match at Farrer Park yesterday. Roger
      288 words
    • 345 29  -  PETER SIOW By ITTLE Osman La- dis. who was not able to play in the tournament last year, inspired National Junior College to a fine 2-0 win over Out ram Secondary School ln the National Schools Post Secondary soccer tournament at Farrer Park yesterday. He produced
      345 words
    • 404 29  - ABC: WESTERN MONOPOLY MUST END B. PEREIRA By THE present dispute between the International Badminton Federation and the Asian Badminton Confederation does not stem solely from the China issue. 'This Is grossly incorrect," said the editorial of the latest Asian Badminton Confederation publication. "It could be attributed as one of
      404 words
    • 277 29  -  KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Japans Yutaka Suzuki today returned a one-under-par 71 to stretch his lead to three strokes at the end f the second day of the D.nioo Malaysian Masters Goli Championship at the Royal Selangor Oolf Club course here. Suzuki, who fired a four-under-par
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 40 29 THE Tanglln Community Centre ln Whltley Road »111 be organising tournaments ln basketball. swimming, gymnastics. Tal Chi and International chess. Those Interested are asked to call at the centre or ring *****2 between 3 pen to 10 pm.
      40 words
    • 457 29  -  JOE DORAT GANESAN SETS HIMSELF 4 ASSIGNMENTS By MR. N. Ganesan, the newly appointed FAS chairman, has set himself four tasks to accomplish during his two-year term of office which began yesterday. His four important assignments are: DEVELOPING the present Youth team; INCREASING the current interest ln
      457 words
    • 277 29  - Hartono: Cup will stay in Jakarta WILFREB YEO !L INDONESIA will re- tain the Thomas Cup. So says AllEngland eh a mpion Rudy Hartono. Hartono, making a two-hour stopover at Paya Lebar Airport en route home to Jakarta. said: "The challengers ln Indonesia's path, as seen at the All-England and
      277 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 72 29 Newsweek TMK IMKKNATIONAI. NFWSM ACiA/INK APRIL 5 ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: The Thai Time Bomb. Hong Kong: Watching the Watchers. Beirut: Is it the End? JH B^aaVI^MH^r^VBM^BB MbMbMmJbHI ;N TO Newsweek International I nterpnse Lock B<tq Service No 1 Genetdi Pott Office Singapore Tel ***** 27 WbEKS FOR S23OO SPECIAL CASH OFFER!
      72 words
    • 894 29 H Tn\J3w? GentlnS Highlands the mountain resort centre of Malaysia •Mjy^t N v "¥tw\& promises you a world o( fun. game*, entertainment and S^JViM' excitement. A worid for everyone; a truly complete A?^aw [4] Y f f' *I,T 180 luxuriously furnished first das* rooms In GeKtlng High- f-J^H X lands
      894 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 119 29 SOCCCS Malaysia Cup South Zone: Trencsanu v MalayUan Armed Ptorcee iTreiiftanu 4.30 pmi, Johore v P»h»ng i Larkin Stadium 710 pmi Nat. School* Sec tournament: St. Andrew v Queemway. Bartley v Mi' ru Stella. Telok Kurau Tech v St Joaaph's < 2 15 pmi. Yuaof Ishak v Upper Thomson; Biglap
      119 words

  • 179 30 BW.KOK. Thurs lormer Prime Minister Thanom Kit ti mi, now in exile in Singapore, has exprrssrd his drsire to return to Thailand but said be is prepared to stay until after BfMa< ceneral elections. Hi> daughter. Mrs. Songsuda Yo d man I. who has been
    179 words
  • 87 30 DEATHS Mil K KANOIAM rrt.rrd oalrrTrmhok d awar 1.74 father a' .«> SivaraJaX Kanaiarajan f.V hUlaftla. Tna '•r«).h Bißfapor*. KlnrumMf' l.iataa. Paranio'r ttirt* «aacat««. •atu-iB-law Nairn Blncapor*. Rajaaural ir Ir.n K mi and 17 iraa to mourn hi* lem n't ai Klanf CM- iranaaaucatff Miaa Tocaraai. ■■seaport 1 away p«a
    87 words
  • 133 30 MR. GRL'NDT lays his appointment as inspector coincided with much publicity given to the proposed acquisition by Haw Par of a subsidiary of Pernas Securities Berhad. "It was made clear la a statement issued by the Finance Minis- try at the time of my appointment that
    133 words
  • 204 30 JAKARTA, Thur*. NEW Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Brian Talboys arrived here today and warned that the Soviet presence In the Indian Ocean should be balanced by the Americans. Mr. Talboys said New Zealand wanted the elimination of the big powers
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 539 30 LONDON. Tkvra Tht •lock market rMMd quwtlf ninr tada* IMMoiac IM •arils* in ilclHC but mil* raal MIIUM »>. notaa. saßlcr* all At t »at IM <kui Tlmo* la4ax «v oowa S.T at «M.T. tli-imnri Mack* war* frmctwa tka hMtam. laaviac IMC aaa: maaiam «al«4 laana »ith on
    539 words
  • 33 30 TIN LONDON, nun— SßM Uijar. IMM 1 t i«*>. MlKra IJjII i»i Porwara burora ISTsf Mil. aailan (TTO* t l«0> BrtllaaMSt U*tT < il*> Tarmavar: a m M* Umum*. laj 1 t^a* at^jT
    33 words
  • 22 30 RUBBER LONDON T»«ra Tb* raboar ■urkM clo*Bi BMitaat aftor Xaaar »ll» •»•< T* buy.r. «4 T5 aatlan. CIF U'l M Jaat M T».
    22 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
      8 words
    • 232 30 i^^A IF/ P^^v^ *1 //m-115.SM»»vaSMTS»l«Ha«V«J SMGAKMf TO.' 21SOUS/6 I Go your own way j with fine sound j S^te3g^^uJ> M2422H i \mSS2S*G jjl> Dual grill speaker, tape J JSsWMA counter, mechanical t pause control, auto 4 jfe shut-off sleep timer, I Ix^fl V 3wa y power, I MW/SWI/SW2 radio I
      232 words