The Straits Times, 26 February 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times EsWL 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 441 1 Little joy in either camp CONCORD (New Hampshire), Wednesday PRESIDENT Ford narrowly beat challenger Ronald Reagan in the first primary election of the 1976 presidential race but his slim margin of victory brought little joy today to either of the Republican camps. With nearly ill
    Reuter  -  441 words
  • 127 1 Body-in-trunk murder trial husband rIS la Klagalcy John Lewta. aceswed m tbe ko. /-In the tnak trial m Eaala lament ef mwfderfcag bis African wife Maria Theresa. Lewis, tt. ecoaeonics adviser to tbe Selangor State Cinrsisl, 1. allege 1 U liave killed bss wife at tbesr bom* in Bciagaar Park
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  • 75 1 Cracks in oil price: Simon WASHINOTON Wed.— U8 Secretary of tbe Treasury William B. Simon said yesterday that "we're beginning to see some cracks" In the price of oil charged by foreign countries. Mr Simon said tb« OPEC countries bad been more successful than most cartels In holding up the
    AP  -  75 words
  • 415 1 Whitlam and Iraqi offer of $1.2 m gift FRASER ORDERS PROBE PRIME Minister Malcolm Frmaer loday ordered an Inquiry Into the visit to Australia of two Ira ql Government officials last December alter reports that they promised Labour leader Dough Wlntlam US$5OO,OOO (Ssi 25 million) for his party's election funds.
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 41 1 HBW TOSUC Wed Dow Jeaes avsnges. mesd ea flrst how of wadtag ea me Nsw Tor* Stock mxhaofa SS mass »s»ji. up iJs xt tnuv SSSJT. up 00S; II ■Mat Nil. down III; at stem* KM.M. up iv- CFI
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  • 213 1 Bangkok army alert riddle BOWWOW, Wed ABUT anits In BUn f feat ware m* ee> a U-ksv alert last alfM "to text ttMsr ■refarfiewrf," Army Cißi II 1 In -m-CsOet C— sral Be c c a a I BEE He desUed a local areas raeert that tk» daakU -dawn alert
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  • 121 1 HONOKOMO. Wed. The nVmgtong Oovernment Vr^iy announced a slight Us Increase on company profits but kept salary earners happy with no rise in the baste U per cent Income tax. Financial Secretary Ptilllp Haddon-Cave dUeloeed In hi* Budget for the l*7s-77 financial
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 28 1 PUBLIC UuhtiM Board MUlnesn were lut night working to repair a minor cable fault which caused a power blackout along kail Coaat Road from about
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  • 24 1 THE Finance Minister. Mr. Hon Sul Sen. Is expected to present his Budget estimates during the sitting of Parliament beginning ya Monday.
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  • 1303 1 Getting the major industrial projects off the ground,.. By SEAH CHIANG NEE and P. M. RAMAN: DENPASAR. Wed will begin planning lo set up five major industrial projects one in ndi member country next month when its economic ministerial conference is held in Kuala
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  • 67 1 GENEVA. Wed— Unlt- ed Nations office employees and maintenance staff seised control of elecflilty generators at the UN's European headquarters here today, switched of! the current, and went on unlimited strike over a pay dispute. para lysing conference work. A stall union spokesman claimed 90 per cent
    Reuter  -  67 words
    • 54 1 SALISBURY. Wed.— ■hedsmaa security fercea today killed at least U Mack guerillas In a major dash In the Mosambic.Be border area. Security forces headquarter* said their men launched "hot pursuit operation." following an attack by guerillas In which a Rhodesia a rifleman was allied and four ether
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    • 41 1 BONN. Wed. —West German; ha* tanned sesßsmis aid fer Cuka. Tbe Minister fur Eesesmlt Co-opera-tion Mr. lion Bahr laid today "No develepment aid will be given nations that Intervene la other nations." he told a new» conference. tPL
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 BETTER VISION BETTER LIVING I "*^3f Consult J smgaasrs-s Fsrswssl S Oldsel Optician DAN SIN OPTICAL CO. POUMDtO I(2* G46, HIGH STREET CENTRE, SINGAPORE, 6. Telwphonw: *****0 A ***** t<K>T Eattern Emporium/ Ntthm on ttm Pad fie ittand of Y V urn hug» jsooe discs of up to 12 ft
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    • 213 1 wM^^^Sl 8888 BBBB^^ .^BmBBBB aT^T^Bßßw^^B^Bmßßfl PINDER'S JAIL TERM TO STAND Page 6 DB li new warning to Cvba 2 ALL-OIT aid tc declare Isabel unfit to rale S AMTI TENG drive ■nder control 4 ASEAN Treaty en Amity and Coonerallen S Ml RDIB airuM-d nnfit fee trial' JOYBIDE ear tnefu
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 387 2 San Jom (Costa Rica). Wwdnaaday obligation stronger, for example than America had to defend Cambodia. The 1973 US War Powers Act bars a president from committing American troops overseas for more than 30 days without congressional approval. Its enactment, to- 1 gether with the
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    • 247 2 WASHING TON. Wed. ZAIRE Is the next likely target for the 12.000--man Cuban force at present In Angola, the former director of the IS Defence Intelligence Agency said Retired Lt Oen Daniel Graham, who directed the Defence Department agency until last November, also
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    • 249 2 Saturday and said he would carefully study Colombian proposal for a mechanism to expand trade In the western hemisphere. "The US Is prepared to look carefully at this imaginative suggestion. Dr Kissinger said In reference to the proposal made yesterday by Colombian Foreign Minister
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • Article, Illustration
      49 2 LAHORE Wad. A yawag Italian baa baas attained at Labor* airport 00 a eharga of ailawjillng to nua« oat 14 4 2 kilo {me k«U of awrtiwaa* la the faH* bottosa of a awMsaat. Helmoted radical studenta thrusting bamboo poles at heavily guarded policemen. -AP picture.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 258 2 BEIRUT. Wednesday T EBANESE Premier Rashid Karaml said yesterday the country's presert six-man Cabinet would cont'nue to hold office until all sides could agree on a larger government. Syrian Foreign Minister A ode 1- Han m Khaddam has been tr>ing to reconc >
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 52 2 BANOKOK. Wad. South VMnami Inlands to Mac* >v nm Major trial In proweating anU-tniw, 11— it rebel* caught In a aattlt at a ■aim church, official news outlet* lndkatad ywUrday "Tht raal culpnu win beeoaM trtdaot at Urn trial, •aid a Salfoo radio comnvmavy atooitorad in
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    • 38 2 •AM FIIANCISCO. Wad Mr Allan Smith, wboat bufIKMOUS iwwifc« lncluOCli taw Man On A Toum PoW UM IB A Putty KntXt Factory and Rhubarb, dtad y»» Isrday hi a San Ptanetsco doul Ba waa SI. UPI
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 159 2 UN man in bid for new M-E talks TEL AVIV. Wed 1 UN special envoy Roberto Ouyer arrived In Israel last night to study the possibilities of reconvening the Geneva Middle Bast Peace conference. He told reporters he would hold talks with Foreign Minister Ylgal Allon and Defence Minister Shimon
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 163 2 A LOURS, Wed Algerian Presl d c nt Ho u a r 1 Boumedtenne said today that If a confrontation was provoked In northwest Africa over the Western Bahara It would Involve the whole Arab world. Speaking to more than 2,000 trade unionists and workers on
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 248 2 Egypt, Saudi to reject freezing of Arab cause CAIRO. Wed— A Joint communique which will be Issued tomorrow at the end of President Anwar Ba- dat's visit to Saudi l Arabia will reject atatempts to freeze the Middle East situation and outline plans to shore up Egypt's economy. Foreign Minister
      UPI  -  248 words
    • 213 2 SALISBURY Wad. BRITISH special envoy Lord Oreenhlll arrives here tomorrow to Judge the gap separating black and white lessen whoee constitutional talks here are believed to have neared deadlock Lord Oreenhlll. 62--year-old former bead ot the British diplomatic service, will hold meet tact with Prime
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 124 2 >'AKir\ (Japan). I Wc4. About 5« tx-oplr wcrr injured today when 3M farmen and iludrnlt opposing the completion or toe new Tokyo International Airpo.l here clashed with I.M« riot pclice. police Mid Police arrested 49 farmers, studrnti and women. Eleven policemen were injured.
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 112 2 NAIROBI, Wed Predent Idl Am In of Uganda last night assured Kenya that le did not want to take an Inch of Its territory or the Sudan's. In a message to President Jomo Kenyatta. delivered earlier and broadcast on Radio Uganda
      Reuter  -  112 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 St fft /R v4 Ait iAaffuf* aatatr Jk im^Lm. ft K rWE l b^wlJ\ t jWfl lit A. JFa m^kWk P*<aw*> JUL- ■TaVaV 1 fr r ,^km am a* awfaw/7 .l^"^Lawal Haawai B^T -k. ~^Bl .^B^B^Bw f^* al BS BY aw > v^v aja BB^aia^i ■rißVr 1 i^*^ w. c--
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    • 225 2 Lead the Field a programme for COMPETITIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT I im E«n Nightingale motivate you to W vcur amtxino V*r*"^^l develop confidence poemve aftiiudat W a^ r I c be alert to opponumtia* *A^— 'W^ ctaetiveiv J I c overcome pioWenn J^^^t MWkwt •eve your organnation ettectivalv For 2 years. Eari
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    • 152 3 ELIZABETH Taylor car rtes »nr of ker net d>gs as she arrives at Krnnrdy airport. New York. U catck a Bifht far Los Angeles oa Tawsdaj Mt->» T»»lor Is r«mo«rrd to have >oUt with Richard Barton. B»e ■tenths after tkrir second saarrtage In
      UPI  -  152 words
    • 246 3 Peking slipping away from us: Dr K WASHINOTON Wed Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger is reported to have told several close associates that he is disappointed at the lack of progress in us C lines* rel a tlons. Before leaving for his Latin American tour be is reported to
      UPI  -  246 words
    • 73 3 HONOKONO Wed. A ssntor Brittak poke* owtear. •apartntoodsn* Dank Atoto. and 13 of Ms Ctitti— aoDaaguoi appaared la Wnntsong Cootral Court today ufcafged with conspiring to ohstrrt the oourat of lawttee by aceaptttaj moory (roai ear owner* and driven brtwaon urn and last year. MaglstraU Paul
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    • 74 3 raw Dwun. w«d Actmg to oDooune* ssariksatta*. tke bxnao OoveraBMBw hsM waßOOwaffcOOd ft PkalQ tO PtnaTiM 1 fOVCZTLsMDi ptoyws and Delhi raaMants who dont limit than taaatae* to two chUatsn. Tke paw, awatlar to ttaoea th*. OovcrnsMnt proaaottng in stale aassaakwaa aeroas tke country, atao
      74 words
    • 137 3 LONDON. Wed -Chan cellor of the Exchequer Dent* Healey ha* had to explain an off the cuil refernce to the Chinese people which appeared In suiting. Be ruffled the feelings ol some Chinese people ten when he attacked left-wing Labour Party critic* of bit prop me
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    • 438 3 bucnos *mes. we*. PARLIAMENTARY opponents of President Maria Isabel Peron mustered their forces today for an all-out effort to have her declared unfit to rule. And trade union leaders, until recently the backbone of the Peronist movement. planned strikes to try to
      Reuter; UPI  -  438 words
    • 328 3 China: Soviet 5-year plan a failure HONOKONO. Wednesday r«HINA marked the opening of the 25th Communist Party congress In Moscow by painting a gloomy picture of the Soviet Union's five-year plan and calling it "the most dangerous source of a new world war." China's review of the past five years
      AP; UPI  -  328 words
    • 81 3 WXLLINOTON Wtd afr. Brian TaJboys. New Zealand's Ooputy Prim* Minuter and Minister ol Porstgn Affair* and Ovoraaas Trade. mill loav* on March IS for a three-weak vtrt to W"T*g»""g and six Aat-^i countries. Including »I*>W In a su.'.-ei t relaaslng details of M TUboyt' trip Prune
      AP  -  81 words
    • 148 3 PACT ON EXPORT CREDITS CAN SPARK E.E.C ROW BRUSSELS. We* An agreement on export credits worked out by the four major European Common Market coun tries together with the United States and Japan could rekindle the row over woo runs the Community. Informed sources said jrwtsrrtsj The deal, mapped out
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    • 50 3 LOS ANOBLBB. Wad. saavto director wasa Pacampah was aaawd la a uasaoo 000 (I7M.SSS) lawsuit yastarC to twnwaitHwi wttb an allagsd isssiiH last year on a atrkna esaptoyea. Steven Jackaon. an eraplsyes of Obnttnantol Alr■aea. Mod the action sscktog general and OBSiM.DOO punlU** tlawisssa, UPI.
      UPI  -  50 words
    • 43 3 MANILA. Wed —The Philippine army has announced the capture of a member of the central committee of the Muslim secessionist Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and &ald several of the dissident* had managed to Infiltrate government oSces In Mindanao— UPl.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 286 3 Power] mj >3//\^ UITAIITV jL A healthy way to help the weak. Jr. HVM BEIKLIN really makes you live Mb >*«<^"> J and enjoy a full life. Because famous HVM BEIKLIN give you that extra V vitamins to cover any deficiency gw—^fwv HVM is a latest tonic scientifically prepared in
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    • 121 4 Protest— against Indira's son /CALCUTTA. Wed. V/ More than 100 student members of the youth wing of the ruling Congress Party demonstrated yesterday at Calcutta University against Mr San jay Oandhl. tne Prime Minister's younger son following the arrest of two of their colleagues Police gave r.o reason for jailing
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 392 4 LONDON, Wod. A CLASH between British warships and Icelandic patrol boats In the turbulent waters of the North Atlantic last night raised the temperature of the two nations "cod war." Each side accused the rHher of acting dangerously in the struggle over fishing rights a
      Reuter  -  392 words
    • 268 4 LONDON. Wed Unemployment In Britain has droppeu trom 6 1 per cent of the work force to 5« per cent In the last month, the Department of Employ ment reported but when adjusted for seasonal factors the Jobless level showed a small Increase. GENEVA: lndmstrlaliaed nations, as chief drag
      Agencies  -  268 words
    • 197 4 VIETNAM'S ASSEMBLY SET-UP SAJOON. Wed South Vietnam will have only eight representatives leas than Norui Vietnam In the new 483-seat Vietnamese National Assembly, the official Olal Phong (Liberation newspaper said today. The announcement followed a iirong warning from tne chairman of the nationwide electoral council that the south must take
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 307 4 AntiTeng drive under control Nixon given assurance PtKINCi. Wednesday J)X PRESIDENT Richard Nixon was today given a virtual assurance thai China's fiery campaign against rightists would not explode into a new Cnltural Revolution, At the same time It was made clear to Mr. Nixon that the main target of the
      Reuter; UPI  -  307 words
    • 331 4 Lockheed: Miki's 'name them 9 letter to Ford rpOKYO. Wed. Japa- neae Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl has cal'ed nn US President Ford for co-operation In disclosing ail the facts of the Lockheed payoff scandal. Including the names of any Japanese government officials Involved. The contents of his letter, forwarded to
      Reuter; UPI  -  331 words
    • 37 4 SANTIAGO (Chile i. Wad Five psopls wor* kUtod yesterday when stem poUc* exchanged gunflr* with leftwing guerilla* they surprKsd at a hideout In s working cits* neighbourhood of Urn capital. Urn military Oovtrnroent announced AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 186 4 YfONGKONG, Wed. 11 A local television station executive was yesterday sentenced to three year* Imprison ■sent »fter he pleaded gallty to U of S3 charges bromght against him by the the colony* antl eorrwptlon outclass. Stephen Lee Sheet 10. 37. an assistant to the managing director of
      186 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 *//7f >'/ O/?P I«>*S sa*n Southern Pacific.- \jps^ x your most important railroad in the U. S« A. for import-export shipments. Southern Pacific Southern Pacific serves 36 U.S. ports-of-entry! offers complete intermodal container facilities. As our map, above, shows, SP has direct rail service At every major port Portland, San
      230 words

  • 1182 5 ASEAN TREATY OF AMITY AND CO-OPERATION Preamble THE high contracting parties: nsCIOIS of the existing ties of history. geography and culture, which have bound their peoples together. ANXIOt'S to promote regional peace and stability ihr >ugh abiding respect for Justice and the rule of law and enhancing regional resilience in
    1,182 words
  • 199 5 mony and stability In tne region. To this end. the high contracting parties shall ■>»!«♦■ n eguiax contacts and consultations with one another on International and regional matters with a view to coordinating their views, actions and policies ARTICLE II Each high contracting
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  • 131 5 rE Asean Secretariat in Jakarta, set up under an agreement signed by the five Aaean leaders In Ball on Tuesday will be h*v4ed by a secretary-general. He will be assisted by three bureau directors, a foreign trade and economic relations officer, an administrative ofl- I cer. an Information
    131 words
  • 169 5 Japan hails summit success ookyo wed. jap--1 anese rorelan Minister Kllenl Mlyasawa In a statement today i veleooksd the outcome I of the ant Aaean summit conference as a -aUnlflcant contribution to the proapertta and stability of Asia Mr. Ulyauwa said the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation slcned by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 Now you can be a decision maker. ai yo o rune 10 do Ties* mt »rst BBW Season start a Homt Study pofnmn* anti BB\ Some- UscraSan Schools »ou warn 10 at 1 success s iMSy up 10 you Voi, f» m« on« a-ho IK 10 TwJw IS) »0««f tm^h
      292 words
    • 309 5 I HrwrP^wH Da'rv Crest ENGLISH CHEESE: I I mmT^k^tl^m 5*"!!%? White Cheshire I I liaf Whits WanalflTtiilfl th.ow.itoi 6 ■sbbbbbb! B^B^B^c^ssssssaßmav^sssifl wisbsjww ww wseesww j wiwjerw Inallth chssm mV mmmmmmmmml^^^S&&T*^^^k. A HwUHiy iwiH toaMng ch»»— w K. I Donbli Gloucester Sage Darby b^b^b^kl^D^bß* A Qw*ttte>, mslow chin—. A smooth mNd
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 249 5 Straits Times Crossword ACbom Vatue draw la heave* 1 Eat with journalists, one [^p of wul l left ooe m o*ar one. for sneae lasal fHib tot nKbstlca (T> as US. 4) t It may open for aalety S Halts tn S3MI *z>t\ut\ s Jwst se»l (1) 7 one in
      249 words

  • 847 6 Finder's jail term remains at 18 months DENNIS William Pinder, 52, former chairman of Sime Darby, who was originally jailed a total of 18 months on three m i s a ppropriation charges, yesterday continued serving the rest of his prison term although the sentences were increased. The Chler Justice.
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  • 318 6 waa ao very substantial a company that It bad assets, totalling around $1,400 million. He said one of the unusual PSaiwraa In the trial was that Plnder developed a blood clot in bis kit leg requiring an ssnarasnry operation. Although the
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  • 140 6 ABOUT 45 Colombo Plan scholars and some top student* here ha»t left for Australia and Mew Zealand (or the new academic session, which team* at the and of this month or early next month. A spnfcean nn of the Public Service Commission said raataiaay
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  • 198 6 New fire safety device for lifts in tall buildings ANEW safety device Is letnj incorporated .ntj I. its la several public and private hlchrtae building, in the elty. It was learnt yesterday Recommended by the Slagaaere Institute I SUndard and Indus I trial Research (SISIK). the device proirimmn i Ufts
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  • 35 6 THK attune of tbt Cultural and Bcfntlftr Exrhanc* Profianne tor im It b»tawen ""fr"" and the 80--rm. Union will be held at the Ministry of Poraam Affairs conference room Ununov at M m
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  • 401 6 THE proprietor of an engrav ing firm waa yesterday awarded $32,950 compensation by the Tenants' Compensation Boar 4 after he had rejected an offer of $35,280 on Tuesday by Asia Insurance Co. Ltd., owners of the premises. The award, which was
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  • 25 6 A 40-MKMBKR trade mwston oreantMd by tbt North Sumatra Chamber of Commerce and tadastry will arrivt bar* next Thundar for a four-day visit
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 AMERICAN IKSTIAAL an escorted tour of ISA CANADA from s3,49o°° price never been touched before! €■■■■■■0 VANCOUVER /2klPk qSAN FRANCISCO ipS OLI rur ANGELES G^LlmM^zxi h -^ajr**. vmml amWsmwaaV^^Z^Bmwi I Is 19 fun-filled days in Honolulu. Los Angeles (includes visit to Disneyland). Las Vegas, San Francisco, Vancouver. Tokyo. Hong Kong.
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    • 181 6 Visit cur booth at the US Business Equipment Systems Exhibition from February 24th to 27th inclusive, at the United States Trade Center at Yen San Bldg. (opposite Mandarin Hotel). All patrons, at the exhibition, will be entitled to a special 20% discount. I af| JJ^T In »i -L^^^a^^^^^T Am made
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  • 250 7 r*ROM the wee hour* r of Trrterday «»ornim till Ute at night. ten* of tboMsand* of Biddhut devotees thronged temnle In Waterloo Street to pay their resaeeta to the f.od of Wealth It wa* tbe 2Uth day of the first lunar month
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  • 36 7 TlOt Unlvmty of atn*»port't Extrmamarml Studies Dn»ifu vUI bold > ISMrtur* mum oo rwpootftthtm tod UataUUas of company dlrvrtnn at Nlatn Hut •A from March 1 from 7 X to (M pa Fw la S«a.
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  • 55 7 VTMCA A Orchard 1 Road wlh conduct a 12-day sightseeing trip to S* bah including an expedition to Mount Klnabalu from Apr.l 3 The team will sail to Babah and return home by air It will coat member* 1570 and others *M 0 Cioslng date
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  • 234 7 fEACHERS and education officers at the Education Ministry headquai ters will receive cash awards of up to $1,000 under a staff suggestion scheme for submitting practical ideas on improving efficiency or cutting costs. Announcing the scheme, the Ministry gave an assurance that
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  • 443 7 'No' to RETAS plan to keep down TV fees fHE Singapore Advertisers Association yesterday rejected a sugges tion that Radio and Television Singapore raise the rates for com m c r cial television advertisino nts instead of introducing higher TV licence fees. SAa president. Mr. Patrick Mows, who was was
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  • 143 7 MORS thsu employees of Essrhasß Pharmaceutical S) PU. Ltd. are to receive annual Increment* ranging bom $34 to MS under a new collective agreement reached between the firm and tbe Pioneer Industries Employe** Union (PUtU) yesUnder the agreement. the workers wUI also receive A
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  • 219 7 Survey of nurses to help plan health services A NATIONAL survey Of all registered nurses and mldwtves will be carried out by the Health Ministry next month to collect Information for future planning of nursing ma n p ewer, hospitals and outpatient clinics In Singapore. A ministry statement said yesterday
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  • 345 8 Head who padlocks school telephone rpEACHERS In some 1 primary schools have a communication problem during working hours they find obstacles In their path when they want to use the school telephone. Their principals have Installed various devices t) discourage the teaching staff from using the phone. For example. the
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  • 58 8 A DEAF MUTE artist was lined $13» by a magistrate's court yesterday for two traffic offences Thomas Ong sun Thiaa was fined S7l far feßMrtng the raa Mavis ataag North •rMps Hoatf »t aknut a pa on July 11 test voa". Be was flaod Mb Jo- ortag hkt
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  • 180 8 JAIL FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTOR WHO ROBBED CHANDRA Oovlndasamy, a Singapore Armed PVirces driving instructor, was jailed two years with six strokes of the roun after he Pleaded guilty to rooblr.g a watchman of tIJUC. The court was told that Oovlndasamy ac cnotpllre. still at large. rang Kader Hussaln. a watchman
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  • 24 8 TO Lavong Tal Ben« oom■unrty osntr* wIS hold a fruit and tot oarvtag osbmbrtnuoa at Ms praajUaaa m March I at pjb
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  • 35 8 MR Ng Quw Lam has •son ra a tit ad chairman of the aincapor* Rubber Packon' Association The two vtos chairmen elscud wert Mr Tan Kaotw Cbooo and Mr Aag Woo Liang
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  • 244 8 DEPUTY Public Prosecutor ordered a police prosecutor to proceed against a 22-year-old jobless man accused of murder even though a medical report declared him unfit for trial, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. However, the magistrate,* Mr Richard Magnus, rejected the application by Inspector Lul
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  • 54 8 THK Hindi community In Jurong has formed a committee to raise funds for a temple complex. The chairman of the Jurong Temple Society Mr. STY Unjrani. said yesterday that the pro i posed complex would ln- elude a creche, kindergarten, lecture rooms and a community hall. Be
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  • 155 8 Customs probe on aircon tax dodge Sr VKRAL ,enior Cmtorn* officer* are Inv«*U(aUßf an alleged eTaa»«n of duty on handrcdi of Imported air-ronditionen The air-condiiionen arc •aid to have keen broaght into the conntry by lam tracks from a neighbouring country A Custom* sokeamar. tald yesterday that the exact number
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  • 59 8 THE Juvenile Court yesterday called (or probation reporti on two boy i. both aged IS. after they pleaded fullty to stealing $30 worth of cepper wire from the top of a hospital roof The ton admitted ateabne the wire from the rooftop of Bonjrer Block at
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  • 200 8 Standard rents for former ANZUK flats RENTS for the former ANZUK flats, semidetached houses and bungalows In Medway Park. Gloucester Park and We<sex Estate, have been standardised by the Housing and Development Board. The Board decided to standardise the rents following varying tender prices some of them double the rents
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  • 25 8 POUR community ocntrea in the Strmascon Oaroen coniutuency will )oir.ti» botd culturml »how at the Ber»n--(oon OardVfi pUrYround on March 13 at pjn
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  • 36 8 THK TMCA of BJnempoif will conduct a PuUu Ttotnan Ulp (ran April 13 to 25 Coat U MS for member* and •M (or non-mambrra Cloatnc data (or a| plications it ILinh It.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 486 8 mlm^mm^mttSfimm*. A': Pimple mnember us 1 by our little touches... We've had our share of praise for our impeccable service and warmhearted 1 hospitality. We're as well furnished and efficient as a modern cosmopolitan 300 furruthed rooms and m h h ?po Jk ouf luiies. A 24-hour coffer shop. W
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 262 8 fHngl— Op WmtUmr »y »UI Kavaaath tfc W«| Caip ■I— My Chlw Young, T /F 3 WVWH6 XOJtol P\* MHUTBS LATfJ WUAT IP I WCOK TO /I I MOuA T\Jt*N JUtT~J V_-/^t^ SWWTBAD-- -XOOV* U3BT XOUR "OSIN V Ovm VOO TXS «S J| CAMSj U* 1 Aw^~[ j4 mfjL^^kt. sfS^^^k^T^^
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 307 9 i ji\ j r W y I JBr i^jf A }^^^^^^F^ *P* /if y v j|_ /|f/ J BPMO'f-Jiß k/a'A /ii*vnosETOASißMESu^^s-ii|*aim WfcS^Km^J fl —^*m*t^^^^~— ||«|||STOIITCOFFEEifi««^J!!K_3Ml WfiET>BLEOIL^!!^^ rtffflPilß^.^ iI'SOUR CREMIJS»a!«__JIIU-2I I 'TEATM nun SSHsasBKBMII kl^kta L lII ft i lii U 1 P Ii'I'HrcHMIKJSKL- &_l-7I|»W«iCEIiJj!S.«E_J!!L 1-05 1 Fl J iu il
      307 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 361 10 enlivens ttje youtttful beauty in your complexion. The miraculous skin care compound really works miracle .oofc lovefcer' Baton that dry c«oe took m t^ Honeydew an pxcKjwe formula ti »»w» ■>"» i «a««r. l^'^|^^^^^ compounded 'rom honey ar>d fru>t iiMCe c »w wnaww «w Moneydew'rjnoia soap ii *not a^^g—-,^ n
      361 words
    • 109 10 AT THE CAGE GRLL& BAR 3 7da*y3O%o« Th* Caft 0' .ii A Bar »»< pV**Ct p^Tr teABBBBBBB^^BB B^Ujpßa«PW^sniht I W^SitarowrnwCnMiiianu I I Hflra. I PAMIMV Lo«ar Ground floor. 1 Octar^Somaran Moadt. 1 f S««aapor«» Tal 37W00 1 aooaw jpaawioaJl ill ■■■B.»fcig tTJCCaOUajT I MCAifM •VITAUTT. 7aae < OVAAOUJ* aNM. mrTTAMMf
      109 words
    • 416 10 Buy IKtS^wj^l^ i^i NOT! TIMJUI QOLDCN: 11 00. I.M, 4, 45. 9 30 I I»ALACeVICONQ C HIAN: t.N, 3.J0. 7 15. 930 B pus smmv mm mw ams! S GOLDEN at 9.00 am KONG (^IAN at 11 00 am BBBiaamflkiaßj Jb% X*3bV ICvQkJbI D »»^^r^lfS "*^^l^La^Bßvr*"^'.jß!Tei B bMßftSe) ffUn BW^«»
      416 words
    • 178 10 GLOBE OPENS TOMORROW ITALY'S YA PON6 IS BACK with liifl. jnntimt mti karate aitic* aflfl W^k fl mWtl t V BV^aWL^BaT^^^ -^>*L. B^BSr >^B^B>aSK BBkVa^^^^^Btt '"T y j^Baßa^Bkaß^aaaW ■^■BBKlr'^^ 9Ci B^BV jf \aas PV^vBiIbBBBf inRIITC SCHRED STIFFS a ttatrißl FIANCO FMHCMI COLOB CAPITOL-NEXT CHANGE! YOUR FAVOURITE PRIVATE EYE IN AHOTWCR
      178 words
    • 675 10 jILe%OB6ANtSATIOnji I I^ajaaia^^TaT^pjeeiaMai|L* >■• on tn tooat- J I MWHTtT AT 700 t .»> S -tVIMMCI" .n Mondor.o Po» Km Barty P*, I,J CokxS<.oo« lnql,%K Subt IJ> lATUIOAT at MIOMICHT < "TOUNSftT tlSTll l«| ChuKoiL. Kok MmLuoo Mon*»« CotocScop* < :tznininiE3 FJ» «Ni Cwry Oa Mr > I >"
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    • 1061 11 'Housewif e had abortion before she was killed' 'BODY IN TRUNK* TRiAL DAY 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Wod MARIA THERESA LEWIS had an abortion ;i >r two befoie she was killed, a forensic expert told the High Court today. The abortion was a good professional Job. said Dr. Hajjah Sardar Jehan.
      1,061 words
    • 157 11 NO WATER -THEN A 'PAY UP ARREARS' SHOCK 'TAMPIN. Wed For the past 26 days about 5.000 residents in various parts of this town have been plagued vith water woes— not a drop in their tape. And now. the Public Works Department here has asked them to cough up between
      157 words
    • 66 11 KUALA LUMPUK. Wad Th* acuna Mrntn Baaar of Beteoaor. frtT*fc Haraasi kaa Nafta, aatd U4 mat he* oaase WC UM gwaVaptOyVMß PwVptaWaVSl Pund to alk.w cocLrtkatois la •Mhdrav oteu ssvmsjs to kay If Utl* mm done, aaort people HUM ba aW* to havt their own
      66 words
    • 53 11 KOALA LUMPUR. Wt« Poland will offer to ha. train afalajaiaißi Id deap-as* •jjKtij tarhntmm Urn leader of a thrae-jnu Pohsh ftshary HiliaUea. Mr. Pasta Kkv The iiliitinn aiiHsd nert yesterday lor two wesa run at Urn lovtuuon of the nehSfMs Department of the Ulantij of Aartcuttur*
      53 words
    • 76 11 Xl ALA LI Mr IB We 4 Tkcre were M|M U4ay el the three aanUi teo dre«f hi *m*ins hwUU4 ikawm fell erer Prrak. khaiar astd Nrgri SmWlm thai Afternoon StaßiUr weather eeaiaHMiai havr keen -•aMMi fee teier,,, the MeleerelecMaJ Owtoe at ■-■-ri la
      76 words
    • 183 11 Petrol, diesel hike: Taximen get pledge KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. TPHE Ministry of Works and Transport will 1 make an announcement soon on taxis In new of the .recent Increases In the prices of petrol and diesel. Deputy Works and Transport Minuter. Mr Richard Ho. said today it would be a
      183 words
    • 221 11 Waning as dengue eases show big rise KPALA LIMPI R Weal -Ihere has been a shar» Increase la drngwe fever eases this y»ar am* health aathorilles have waned «f a tehaalt epidemic "earlier thaa waamT. Over the last two aaaartha there have been (t eases of the dlseaae with six
      221 words
    • 102 11 DEAD FISH IN RIVER THREAT TO VILLAGERS JOHORI BAKU. Wad. Dead fish In the Sungel Blkok In Yong Peng art threatening the main source of water supply for thousands ol > riverine villagers The odour of the dead fish v so fool the villagers are wondering whether they will e<
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 614 11 BaaalF^^t^V-wißaaaalE I bbbW A WeTawai IR^9BaaZWH Bsaaaaa bbt I aV*y awMBW<-^naatPFt"aj i I I BBr aariaflßßW^^^BwaW^LwSjFaVawl I ■Ma Laawawawaai 1 II Bwf/TV i bwaSw* Cawßßwasm Taaa aaaai MW m wKTwaawsßw taawswawa isaw sbbbh bwßbwbbwbbbbbV atwaawAekwawaasM A BBBwJv^BBBwBBBBBBW* WBW*aaßßßßwL^^^^ 1 I 4,1 I -^^H BBBwL^BaBwawBBBT^^ BBaßwVflal^Baßßß>awLM awM L _a»M-l> Sia_ ft
      614 words

  • 615 12 The Straits Times THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1976 LEFT UNSAID rll chief characteristic of the Congresses of the Soviet Communist Party since the departure of Nlklta Khrushchev in 1964 has been dullness predictably, progress is repotted on all major domestic and foreign fronts, while the outlook for the future is always
    615 words
  • 477 12  -  JEFFREY MILLS Br in WASHINGTON A GROUP of US Pentagon off! efa!» Is bus'ly planning for something most Americans would rather not think about: A nuclear attack some day on the United States. The seenarte gees like tk>'»: Tbe President gees on
    477 words
    • 230 12 IRaTIR to your report headlined "SIA studies possibility of cheaper Atean tours" (ST. Feb 13). It Is misleading Insofar as your writer claims that SIA tour, to Asean countries are designed only for the lower Income groups. The traditional orientation of Singapore tourist towards
      230 words
    • 342 12 SANA fully supports Dr Uns statement that there Is "danger in the overuse of deterrent measures like the cane." However, he has lumped together two entirely different Issues: the financial disincentive to deter smoking drinking, and the punishment to deter crime I have advocated Increasing the coat of tobacco and
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  • 677 12  - Waging war by controlling the weather JULIAN KERR futuristic 'weapons' cause world alarm By in STOCKHOLM MAN-MADE hurricanes and controlling people's liehaviour by tampeiing with the upper atmosphere are two weapons that might one day lie used in wars, or so goes the theory of a re searcher here. They
    Reuter  -  677 words
  • 761 12  - When 'Mulberry Bush 9 became 'something rotten' MRQC SCHMCMANN ■V •N UNITED NATIONS "IN the garden there's a mulberry tree, but my uncle's In Kiev," the Soviet r e p r c tentative solemnly pronounced In Russian before the Parlipment of the world. The English interpreter had never beard the
    AP  -  761 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 55 12 cot la «<«• latoot tread fey oar Most muluill craft* •«o« IWI 1«M Vtlts ci«miHl> *•<*• IUMrM a MNcMOfl O »«IIMIXI|I WMfMI Mtl •C>TtIHM» •>• MM lmpo»t»<» a •■»»<!•<• O« fM*St O*"«* tO>ttt*O tWroOr in* IXMt 4 ••Ott f WQ« «4 IMltMdt Iw MIKIM*. cmiktmi m nsfro, tkara's mm ••*r*oo
      55 words
    • 194 12 wbout tifTtw) you snsrtflsi MOOt I TJOOATTtINMNCf TaM g.^^ t— wsxoi«»wwrrwpowg> VBVI JOSCOSTCRS atASTIM CLOCK SVSTtSI ron rail iMrrr— I I om> J 'W.LI AUTOMATIC ATTINOMSCf Ba Tim "ccomoi* ■■BUB fclWutlic S BF CLOCK •■"•••To I oa^gfaHSwm Nmh I >M Fro«»»»«.»«aj l»n >HC«Wr»liHMl|li«»imK»«lT«tm>»|»l3»U KMoatUiOTpw MMMk*> i TaiMOSn INM' ■Mioaa TO
      194 words

  • Business Times
    • 900 13 SIDE-EFFECTS OF HEAVY k CAPITAL EXPORT JtfKW YORK: Si\tiai rectal imk'l>en<k'nl stud ruiu.itr that the investment of l'S$2H billion sias by tli c United Stales m the last 2."t years may have resulted m a slight loss of national income, a decline in Aniericm jdb^ .iiid a shifl in the
      900 words
    • 206 13 MH's plan to wild up won't affect us say VfOSBEstT BMdtags* IU asesciatea, Ma*ay«Un Woodwool Pre••cu as* Meoaert ■M have a— rsi the Kuala Ua-mr Stock Kwfcjsuge that KB t ■tow to wins s» win bare ac effect en tkem. U Identical letters to the ELSE. both nemaaasss say that
      206 words
    • 51 13 UN AUDITED group pre-tax profits for the first half year ended November 1*75 at Sungel KlnUTln Dredging have dropped SLOT per coat to £«MH altar share of ■sanrtatsi company's contributions At company level. Sunget Klnta suets Inert pre-tax losses amountins; to atSOJM compared with profits of 0M
      51 words
    • 291 13  - More French firms to invest in Spore rl French will Invest more in Singapore and the region later. But the flow will not be Immediate as many French T*"»t are still recovering from the effects of recession. This assessment of French Investment prospects was given by Mr. Michel Caplaln. chairman
      291 words
    • 250 13 NATIONAL Westminster Bank, one of the Big roar clearing banks In the OK. ,e«i«rday reported shar :iy iower pretax profit* for 1975 j-^i^j. ted 19 per cent to £1044 million from £.***** million previously. However, at the net level, the decline was narrowed to
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 53 13 THE Malaysian Foreign Investment Committee has apwroied Batu Llntang Rubbers acqatattton of Allagar Estate for Mtt.lO million from Island and Peninsular Development. In »t»»mqiM»|«»aj the proposed parchsaa last HwiSslir. Batu Untang said that It will be financed by Internal funds and will Increase its earnings by $200,000 in
      53 words
    • 24 13 STANDARD and Chartered Bank will make a three- for- twenty rights Issue at £154 per shire to raise about £31 million -Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 415 13 Who is next to hog the loan list? I ONDON: Three of the higher-income deu veioplng countries— Mexico. Brazil and Indonesia continue to hog the lion's share of Euruborrowings. They got more than half the US$3 86 billion lent to developing countries in the medium-term Euromarket In the last three
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    • 92 13 Guarantee by Perak withdrawn PERAK Carbide Corporation has succeeded In withdrawing a guarantee It gave a bank to help associated company, woodalde Park Investment raise a UBS3 7 million lean. It has also been discharged of the pledge of all 1U assets and all Its tlUe deeds have been returned,
      92 words
    • 221 13 NYSE: I Strong return for stock brokers TkJsTW YORK: Btock!ii brokers are «nJoylug as strong a return on their In vesteo capital as other major industry groups, according to the New York Stock Exchange air James J. Needham. chairman. reported i that the after-tax profits of member brokesr reached UBJ
      NYT  -  221 words
    • 146 13 Delay in trading of <put' options pHICAOO: The Chicago V Board Options Exchange will delay trading of "put" options, originally scheduled to begin on itay 3. u> give the Securities and Exchange Commission and member firms more time to prepare Heavy stock trading this year on the New York Stock
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 419 13 'Borrowing from Euromart will be moderate' LONDON: Mediumterm syndicated Euromarket borrowing will grow moderately In 19*76 from last year's US$l95 billion to Just $20 billion, leading Eurocurrency loan managers forecast here. Loans for non-Opec less developed countries iLDCs« are likely tn drop from last year's estimated $9 billion but credit
      Reuter  -  419 words
    • 184 13 KEMATAN Oil Palm's earnincs In the flnt all months of tbe current financial year bave risen sharply following another tamper barvest. I n audited pre t.. profits for the half year ended November 1975 rose M per cent te MSI 7C million from SIM imlllon en
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 232 13 Strimft An Audible Improvement in Direct Radiating-^ X^^ Speakers. S^JW*/C& r I Audition me STUDIOCRAFT speaker o« your choice and compare us performance with I jl any other comparably priced direct radiating speaker on the market today Satisfy yourseK that these speakers truly represent an auditXe improvement in music reproduction
      232 words
    • 153 13 Bsm LsV V IVI ■Uf \M k Y^ 1 1 \mm lsr4^BssriU^9^BajgW| Automatic Chronograph I ttf pmcition acctfrete chronognph m fA^—A Mf^mitm stJaT <~j t liaMlE^awW t iaW The owner of a MIDO 9 Automatic Chronograph isja man wt>o lovee Mm action, lives for today's m m excitement, caring for
      153 words

    • 301 14 jkjEW YORK. Tuee 4^ Mock print moved up bnaklj today to nach a thna year hsbi Hit Dow Janet Industrial avaraat once again approached the aa«ar|y watched leaunt ■round at I JM Pwd b» atnncth in battr blue-chip latwaa. the Dow rate IT pokMe 10 ftnlah et WtU.
      301 words
    • 84 14 i FINANCIAL TIMEa INDt'gTSIAU Tundajr *t7 i Monday e*«3J Waek sjau this Tutaday HIM Maxtor M J» TuifcJ O3 II MaoZy 4» tt Wo* MO 4WJ9 OILS Tundty *M4l Monday Mt.TI Wat* mo Ml* dow joxu mi»ou IMSWIBIAU TuotUy 2S-" W«^ MO LOHBOM IMMif rumiM Tutadav W to MS
      84 words
    • 132 14 AMBTXRDAM Tttta. Stocks which an dv» to publtati UMtr im flaunt toon tancnlly weakened In quirt condtoona. dtaJan aaM Losses In Dutch fcntemattonaht vere lad ay Bape! Dauk. l*w ana Aka*. the ktttrr ahead of Ha H7» I flfuna dwi ttitmop Btaai and t'— nn gained •omt grounda. Shipyard!
      132 words
    • 72 14 7LRICH TUM. The Zurich Mock market cloaed Maker today Beak* and Industrial* In particular > tuflered under telllnf pn»- >ur* dut to eontlnuoui pro- < At waMaattria Bond*, however, were In rtiaMtiii The Credit Mat lades loat 1-1 points u> MIT. CIMIM >■"■ fr«ix» i*. Wmnii UM pnP IcnM
      72 words
    • 212 14 Mr. J.B Bet— w.ll oe Joining the board 3f Sime Darby Holdings aa group finance director i on May 1. Mr. Booton la at present the finance director of SplUers. Mr. K j. Mart—, who la presently the director of Sime Darby with executive responsibility for finance,
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  • 900 14  -  GOH ENG KEE By WILL N c p t une Orient Line* Join the growing rank of international shipping lines moving into roll-on roll-off shipping as containerlsatlon moves towards its optimum efficiency level after a decade of operation? Shipping source* here say that
    900 words
  • 122 14 Soviets plan Japan- Australia run rKYO The Soviet Union's Par Eastern Shipping Company 'FESCOi will inaugurate a liner service on the Japan Australia route from April urine four 7.500 dwt freighters. United Orient Shipping and Agency said. United Orient, a Japanese company acting as an agent for FESCO. said the
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 55 14 Cloxng Premium Co»t m Motoyiion unt for coll options on thorn liM«d on ih« Stock E ictvmo* for 2S* fab I »74 Stock Pram/^horaFor 300oyi «ODoy» 900oy* iMDovt gJJANOCO »t JL g ISu. 9 2s? E nil W I# f i cinting mJL.jLi s W4M IkwNn Mm Ma
    55 words
  • 211 14 rrna total volume of 1 cargo bandied by Singapore s port* In IVTS (ell by 14 tier cent to 52 1 million fetght tonnei from NJ mllllcn tonne* In 1*74. figures from the Statistics Department sbow The volume of cargo discharged at the republic's port* dropped 13
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 392 14 NEW ZEALAND MEAT MOOUCItS' ■OARD REQUIRES A MERCHANDISING REPtESENTATIVE to assist in the marketing programme for New Zealand meat m Sngapore and Malaysia. He will keep in close touch with all sections of the trade to encourage New Zealand meat sales and to advise on retail presentation and promotional support
      392 words

    • 1496 15 t-HK btat iraaaactod ready aaatal aw ckat of btaaimm oa tbe amck aaehaaaw of auaapota j iilirliy oomparad wttk th* ptavtom dayM artOM togothar with ISTt.TS akjh and avw CAdjuaud for •enp rtghu towMS. it "MHal kr a* SMea *T*ra* M Baa Mar* BKasaa aM leu aaaajr- »v.
      1,496 words
    • 1314 15 nID and offer prtcet offlD cially lined aad bwjbbbm in aad waaraid to Uie i Stork Exchange of anamaori neMraay wtta the naabir of atouw wadad ahown to brackcu to WU of IJM anlU uxßtoi otaarvtot apaclnad All Time Bargain* or SrUlunent Contracto an avMrd *Aer th*
      1,314 words
    • 1096 15 BID and Oder price* 001--cully Uatad and builn«M in and rrpcrud to \Xm KmJb Lumpux Stock Excn>n«« MaUraAy with UM miMßir ut itairM tndid thown in bnrkrts to laU of 1 000 unlU. unlMt aUktrartM HMClflCd IKOUITIIAka il 188 IMS) iimam liMi .1) la T.»» ,4 ITB 04M.
      1,096 words
    • 28 15 ALCAN MalaytU bas proposed to dung* iv name to "Aluminium Company of alalayata." ThU proposal will be considered by sharehoiden at an BOM on March IS
      28 words
    • 132 15 MANILA: AUaa Conaollda ted Mining and DeysJoptiit? nt Corpora Uoo Buffered a Sharp drop in net proflu to lvll mllUon pesos In 19H from BO 6 nulUon pesos last iafaa. A wans laU Is on the card* Atlas prsslßint Jose Soriano said In the
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 26 15 aTO ALA Uimpur Stock Zl«Kh4^'a^!" I ftrffSt and Tvo tuspsnosil tradln« awWilttaa ToJuntarUy from Tiii«ej Ths rsason for the nispsnaton Is not known.
      26 words
    • 122 15 rpß national shipping 1 line* of Venezuela and Colombia CA. Veneraolana de Navegaeton (CAVM) and VtoU Mercante Oraneolomblana (fMO> bar* started a new Joint MrTie* to the Far a*uft with Singapore v om of lv porta-of-calL The first nml arrived savttar this month The CAVMftfO
      122 words
    • 17 15 ■"to ha taw< aa Twadar. ihrtk t. ■Mb awator mi m« to »v mm Ma« MUM
      17 words
    • 55 15 Don u» aiwipi snd tha P» paswjal jßirhssi wr«ag to MVOr*. Aprti to top* at oas n Wfjfj «^W*Mal7 VMS' ICaM canto btqara. *¥>»>» \*n S"»«* Uwtoa\ April smjs un «v inn. »ra/l* onto aOn |S» barer*. aw*/ v.» mi aOnJuM •MU» Baaa* |MTM/IIT> •■Mi aßasm. My IM/UJI
      55 words
      • 51 15 LMtf 4 tO t-c. t j w> «MMM «X> •■x. no to Mm* f O» ■■■fcfcC I 6 40 I«M III m Dw*r DM :m. I 4.4* «r r K t 1 X. t lhwt# I (.44 >m. 4n ;.<-. in a -JO l» u m m M
        51 words
      • 16 15 Whim MM Dw*r "MM t u»jm m» tnjm itmm Twmw )H K. V«Im: lU.M M
        16 words
      • 61 15 t B T Mm: MI 4» HIM lidurtiUh 171 M tliM 9Hi vi 71 win ■ateta: HIM MT.n r»miMii: 17t.U Ttaa: MJ« MJg f w>tm: nin it im ■0.C8.1. U4J« tMJ4 ■i.«. UlJ* *M.M i«« I. i»:j IM Dm. M. IMS IM 1 Dm. II IMI IM t
        61 words
    • 301 15 PJR gains were recorded under selective trading on he Kuala Lumpur Stock aTKchange yesterday. After a rather hesitant opening, prices rose with Interest concentrated on a handful of industrials and banking stocks. Share advances touched their peaks at noondose. However, trading turned sluggish In the afternoon
      301 words
    • 385 15 SMALL (ains were retarded at the Stock Exchange of Saßgapare yesterday with the aurket showing signs of In digestion as the Mialb draws to a elo*c At this stage, it la not knewn haw mach scrip delivery against settlemeat deals will be aaaae in the ackt
      385 words
      • 224 15 UOSBOKONO. Wad. The Market ctoaad aarkedlj flftow aftar a aharp art bask at Urn stort of Urn budge* m mib. daators aaM. Altar a am aomtog. the market ■mil avarfty oa f aan of higher taxation it Urn Hart of Urn budget reading, but law fa ad strongl; at
        224 words
      • 65 15 MM MM ililMll 1 1 1 I 1M M I lUBI 111 U2.TM IIIIU ftriryt It*. 7* in TI •an* in uibi i« inw rrnxn IX 44 lt*.«t liter TMq bMkm mtoa i»m IM IM lll.Mi I'M** (II IDM IMtTt 11* »1* l**.«Ti »i»n pnot m mi iiifhi<4
        65 words
      • 144 15 Trosnr o. Wad. Tat mar A bet ekad flrm aa treat vbm) of buytog totirMt took Brtoto higher, encotmged by the owmlcbt upairge aa I Wai Street daatora ask. The Dow Jones average ro*e 118 to 4JS4JS wlUl a •ohaat of MS mUtkto *»mjm. The New indei etoMd at
        144 words
    • 265 15 cYDIfIY. Wad The J BMrket ckaed flrm in modaraulr active trading with suitained buying tupport apUnng o«*r from ye»terday In moat *ector* daaton ■aid. However, ate profit taking pared some entty caln* The Sydney AU-OrdtoartM Index rcee IX potnU to 443 4S BSB? roa* eight (anu to A<7JS and
      265 words
    • 212 15 "PHI US dollar continued to IBM yastarday aornlng •hen it opiad at M.4510-U tovsJ to Urn Singapore lore Market Trading wu dull and *higgUb with the dollar hovering around UMI 1-1* hrvil throughout Urn BMBtoa. Market eondinoßß vai reported thin Tat dolar cloaad quiet at M.4SIS-M. Smiaiiil
      212 words
    • 142 15 ratal v at clum an WadMKter M f« Mm (Ml 7 ten sit 1 Mb 4ii 1 BUM 7 It S II t MUM 14 I t BUM 6 11 1/4 t atlu li it II 11 ■Urn I 1 It 11 It Tn. Dat. iMWlirtMl 1
      142 words
    • 31 15 Stnopor* doltart for Tvb U O««r Mi Oarnlgbt til 1 1 bU) 4 11/1* 4 if 1 BUM 4 t 4 1/4 I mtha 4 7/t Ihih P. Umtwj'Hmm
      31 words
    • 43 15 RAJfOB 1 niN ttitnt •HWI iiwii m F»» M O»it»H»l li I* IS* Call llUlll I > t* J 2nu MM Tnuurr MUt IT 1* 111 lltalt ■ut Wk i i« 11 IHMU CO «T/I M«Mk CO l/i ••u«ci MtUimi i I
      43 words
      • 511 15 /VBOMO twmattana to U» fBB|HaM rubber ■sVaaTt J^bbvwbWvw; 7 WCTC IFmbSOaamßy tovar foDowtnc a rajWMT dadto* in London aad Mm Market teat furtaar (TOMbsml AbTbmmJ tlat aafJOrnifM on itoptoa and ataw Bal A naawiurt paartbla rubbar *orkan rtrtke to MM OnlMd atatSß to an Aprti atf*Braay afIBBBBt BBDUBMBt.
        511 words
      • 36 15 Leaaaa i biMm oa Taoa«*7 uniim m lii Miii) •flrakar BBM MJtr toil w I (040 Ml Hbf 4BM.M IMM). Tint MmU *a>w MM (MM); MlMr IMAM lIBIHI, BMtBM MM: BUM BalMi IMM MM,
        36 words
      • 89 15 fVULT MR an* MIX prtew immA M noon r— Urikj B.U. ICVmal Mtfc) ifntri MUI I— X» Ml pv M M« (1 tan p*OM) 17S M mJ*M 17*0* IMNN am m (i ton p^Mj n«J» irumm mm itimn •oT|Ct"<l lod pdtt) MLM HUM MM INHM UniL tl
        89 words
    • 29 15 Kabber Fib. IS Singapore i Mar. J7t.M eta. (down 17$ eta.) MaUymla Mat. IMM ets. .down I.M ets.) Tin: $im«;j (BB $111,., OhVUI orTerlni IM ton* (Bacnaagsd>.
      29 words
    • 181 15 T« Stmu tin prtoo »«*«tAaH par poeiu in Naaag rMUrda; on an uochinftd oOlctaJ oSsrlnt o< >bb tana. Ttal D*«r-Utht London market *v bu«^ ateKtr tt to aw per BMtrte ten LOWpOW: auncaud tin Meortad gaJna of t» per tonm for Cuh and til for Thin tlOX'h* OB
      181 words
    • 99 15 OMIMIOI PIIOUCI II W CMAMSI lIIOMII ckSBMS raicai mb hcul TIITtaOAT Me*. «M tnm |§T** oaßwt mm BMW Mitora MM |M*HI UK/CMM. MO tar*n hill MwiMOi AJTA f.a.k. IBB« HU> (BM OMM. Bunk wano k. nlw MM HUm BBf«mfe nirMl Maaa IH NUW urn Mt■M. a»>U ABTA MM* Uk.
      99 words
    • 144 15 rvTMKM w rataa ml1hn«l«« riUMlui y nl mlmi <tfm, pMttr (tup OS doitar a ait I.WM HIM 12 oc tiling pound MMt »OT7» 7MM 31 Cl Honckoac dollar «t7t 49 W MSI 1 «0 iai«»w*n OoUax MM MM 100 00 IJI Autt achUUnc UMM IS MIS 13 1011
      144 words
    • 55 15 Alammtoi* 7U SorakokSonk 7Vt Sank o* Amanca 7% tank o« China 7V» •ank o> Tokyo 7% Cho^Mreltor* 1 11 7 V» ChoM Monhotfon 7S» oas 7U f <n> Chwa« 7% FNCS 7Vt HKStC 7M IndoouM 7% Ma>a>an Sonkmf 7V4 Mrttu. Bonk 7% ocac 7% ova 7% OCS
      55 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Especially Women
    • 114 16 GAUCNOS TAKE OVER FROM LONG PANTS LINEN hi feme* In triit for ttWMsn that ha*« titlMti to MM-eaJf—the fmaehe paaite ■>»lly practical yet feminine UMlar here If well praaaaa and stitched, they arc aammrt and a neat compromise for those who want to blend tea— er and skirt fee office
      114 words
    • 354 16 Karen runs to keep in good shape KAREN Evans, Miss Sporttworld 75, is always on the run to keep the kilosgrams away At 17, she Is the Lancashire and Welsh pentathlon, 80 and 200 metres hurdles and long Jump champion. "I have to keep running to stay fit and in
      354 words
    • 306 16 Carpet caring needs some knowhow pARPETS are becoming a common sight In Singaporean homes with awakened interest in home decoration. But do you know how to care for this luxury item to preserve Hi colour and texture? Hajl UK Zephyr Amir of Oriental Carpet Palace In hia book "The World
      306 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 274 16 a«Bl *l •~^A K lb» Cf fl bW •fmk s V Mm Z+-."^e^-l Bj -M^ 1 atfBBBahJBBf %^bbbbM 4bß slkj JBP^ I*^^1 few BBBBL aY V i 4^ll 8888 B»^^^^ '^aßaf aT VBH BBBBaaaSBBBnlBBBfimBU^^J^BBBl! N^ B^Bn9kaT BBBBABBna kBBBnaM 4 1 I Bb! BBB^I BBBBBa^SnySSSS^BBsI more protein. ■HiJttS Farex is an
      274 words
    • 182 16 '.-^.--ra^v Ckristian JJlOr mtroOuces a beautiful new look ■J BaW«k«Mß^^r^L i" "V a«, n_w HYDRA- DIOR skin-care Mrs. Lilian Meyer, Christian Dior s _flW^^| national 2y baautv consultant m^ will give free 9^HF demonstrations and BBSs advice on the 9bK latest make up I ano skin care S fJC 27TH
      182 words

  • 458 17 'Managing director for life' letter not a contract: Judge MR Justice Kulaackaram yesterday held ihftt a letter signed by 12 promoters oi an insurance company appointing one of them as managing director for life was not s contract He made thu ruling in a damages suit in which Mr Knoo
    458 words
  • 22 17 onto* routh ira* to or*uiMtac iirnHniiiMl oooiaat lor •chool udutmtt; ■sir? tern*. *««UaMr twa U» eantrt at Dppar
    22 words
  • 496 17 J^ WANTED and "desperate" gunman, suspected of last Friday's abortive hold up at Raffles Place, struck again yesterday and shot a school principal in the ankle in another .•(tempted robbery. Yesterday's attempt at Queen Street was the fourth time he struck In 28 days,
    496 words
  • 219 17 SINGAPORE and Indonesian police are ln- vestißating a boatman's claim that his boat was drlren by strong currenU Into Indonesian waters. The boatman— Sesnan bin Alihat, 33— was reported .TiiMlng In January but efforts br the Singapore police to trmce htm failed
    219 words
  • 35 17 I<R V S'jnoD ha* bam r»-*lart*d praaldaat of tfat Indian Film Am and Draawtlc Society bwm SUfJiblr Kaur ta vletprrttdent Mr 8 Plu* F*rnandtc >«crctai7 aod Kn fchuy M>|i>ki» Cna »M'i»«nt wcrvtair
    35 words
  • 238 17  -  CHOO WAI HOHG By MOST aspiring awtiaaats wil »n--liaatily find U-yaat-aai Lwas Urn Miag-t way »f gwtttag U Ibt top a trifle ■%air-rasing" aha wewt nJI« her first fUsm. Nat that It had haaw. aa easy aiawsa far her, the "lsashwaaahar" teuraaw attrsss,
    238 words
  • 158 17 SHEARES: WHY DOCTORS MEET IN STORE SINGAPORE bas achieved a com mendable record by becoming a popular meeting place for mcdl cal specialist* round the world. President Sheares said last night. This, be explained. was entirely due to v.» enthusiasm and dedlca Uon of a group of doctors who. 18
    158 words
  • 44 17 THK Adult Sactton of tat Toa Payoh Branch Library IS pjtatntirn a concert. Gttmpan of Japanaat Culturt. In Urn library Lacturt Hall on PrMay at 7 30 pm Frst artwHatno UckrU art arallabM from Cm Adult Information Counter of the library.
    44 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 85 17 Brass, Chrome Vp metal-wares and etc. j (jQNGSON Shines and sparkles "yf"?!^ aj| BBv a^W^^^ Aaant* for Malaysia Thailand Indonaaia >^*a»w*smw'^ Mont Kona Viatnam Philippinoi •O So. uaos.n»^x>.. t« 2X5631 CattaAddroaa OUMOL ftilHnH, >ar marw SM MaalaMtaal M a«a. Ska. K j«an taofi Kyaia Lumour Malayan Tat 3SMM ATMOSPMERE BBH
      85 words
    • 376 17 LbV JiLks. Constipation? Gently does it! When you suffer from constipation, the answer is to clear the system without upsetting it. And this is where good advice is 'gently does it. With a gentle, but hardworking laxative like Dr. Williams' PINKETTcS. PINKETTES work effectively. To keep you 'regular', as a
      376 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 43 17 BWIMMIMO T|MCS| IBWIi awJBBN 75C is (2 4su 1047 (IM, Urn lajH W i•* 133 t aim-. Nrt Maw) 425 gjgkiJLMLaa) bm. 10*6 5 aim. Isaa ImM (44 is -I aw. 114 ml a 2m Nrt awwas SIS im ?3ss 5« m aim
      43 words
    • 927 17 Or^ourjn^ SINGAPORE S Ul rw Opeajaj md HosMwim' Bstswe: 7JI Im Bwsw) 0 Little Hitdmaiet '.Mandarn fan, Part 1 .43 Pißßßwt Keaargi Han Im (Repeat) -rtaast} L 25 Curtasi Up t« Ssawal Hosprtai Ml aw-a' Fisb kawawn Ti Etara*, 4JI atanatsMia LM saws sal ■wawwa* faßwß) LM laswat mi Lsssw.
      927 words

    • 158 18 ri pout or •ihbapoiii AUTNOHITT AMMOUMCIO IHI >OLLO(I» *f RTMINO IN Buna* M«Mr 11. Brut Luanda To«a4a 11 14 Loor. cnonf n wuienuktrkl; S C K Vaaa «V4I Royal Vikm( Saa 4« and CTwrn Vil]a 4* OUT Jollity 1 1 Bucnot Am* Maru 14 Inn KoroMao- Towada
      158 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 554 18 ■MnMßHpna_OHnMßHßjpjnajßHpH| I An exciting career swam you. You I mey be the ONE wo require to |O«n I our management team both in the I technicat and administrative fields. I We are looking for f A) ENGINEER j (Hull Erection Section) I B) ASSISTANT ENGINEER (Machinery Repstn Manas*. C) OFFICER
      554 words
    • 891 18 CUEML Sffifo ELECTRIC ÜBA invitas oppJKOtPOo* tor the following voconcios:--(1) TOOL* DII-MAKIR (Rototiry Ist 2nd Shift) Trod*/ Croft Cartificor* m machine shop or aroduote of Vocotionol Institution Preftrably 3 to 5 years of die/ mould mointenonce experience (2) MACHINIST (Rotating Ist 2nd Shift) Vocational Institute or equivalent. Preferably those with
      891 words
    • 725 18 SENIOR EXECUTIVE (with financial background) Around $36,000 p. a. Far fast »y wattwg wwW wtlifl group of com- mfrtl ssstt VsssssTssss* Mstsssiflsssssssssssi I■■■ I Im sVVI m i pwitw» ww n "a»w VW *^m sivMiiaiM Rllflflll ffl Trill rfvlOn cor.nnf iinjmp»*n, Malayilg, Henf konf, PtiiliafMnos •no Tlidwii#« A# an •soistafit
      725 words
    • 650 18 ROBINSON COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) INTERIM STATEMENT Unaudited Group Results for the 6 Months Ended 31 December 1975. 6 months ended 31 December 31 December 1975 1974 000 '000 Group Turnover 14,656 Group Operating Profit before taxation 1,081 1.284 Investment Income (Gross) 1.540 1.844 Total Group Profit before taxation
      650 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1097 19 "titi MEIIKtt iaf. M«a| Etvt ►aa Mjtt* II ttriTtSS ,7^, aNt aa amm aa aa 1 tr immm ta a aa a a im a Htat inn nMr nMr i m i m i m im IM'I M' Ita 11 ta II ta ta M> MtJkjta >a na mm mm
      1,097 words
    • 999 19 Ben Ocean A/artsennopctßenLdneßmJpfhnneiGleTtLdnpandNSMO la M IMIkMal tat la») r»aa MM| Natu [«a M» M KMta IM M ntMl lIM..- I»m 1-aaM. M MBUM ttM kMH NI MM NI M Mr if. t«a|. Mfl. Ika*. mjmtumm ma iiaia uTVmmx Ma airaut 1/ I ajr 'ill Mr I M fMa utaa. ta,
      999 words
    • 804 19 HUMI- "wac iuim i-mm wi*a I a lamttutmmit lum 1* M I MI UPmttl Sw HMjat Mai a*. CATBXat a^^ MIM MBar Ut. naa il Bar cm ar iiauw iaa it> na naa im i-a ■Mia IVMU II Mr, NMr I M> IM I M> 4 uj. TMit MT MMm
      804 words
    • 1095 19 FULLY COWTAINimZED StUVICE TO tUtO't MiMBM a i bjUbbm, taajtrtja. Maarf. liaart. II MMM "1 M 1 '•"•"I. BTBaa, II MM*. T. 1M CaiiMiM. tiaiilin aat "nik*.i s> > *""> Om. Mjaa, FUUY COHTAIMERIZED sTrVICE FROM EUROfE r Latat I tan j qj| s*^sfn *&*ai a*l »■■»■>■■■ l«-w, SaT*
      1,095 words
    • 664 19 SMpan ******: r Ma* 041 U. »7li *bm| aai THE BANK LINE LTD. law mm i/iiei MB MMM .'Mant.M. MM. Baakau •artaa. I LtaM. Nrt 11.n*,!.. CMNaa a ur n, ||M Ira. lIM raai uu i Mar* ma. im mmhm, thittli IMIIIUMI tMM lt ,,M KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) UttUl
      664 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 995 20 PvU 1 KAWA3Aia^MDI~^Sr™LTor NUT CMTAJaOQa SWU Tb l*r*H HTIB Mm*«i m Maw ran r-Ma ■MPTMt Ur*M Mi I by I Mb a Mb a Mr IHI SUI MM MJ (4MB 'IK il ta a) IB •iP.M (MUMiI M n tm H a> is Mi U Mm «mitMMM IMM IMM IM
      995 words
    • 793 20 --—jpa—^apaMMMMMMMMMM MMWtmas HM IU [Tl MMB NHM tmmm urn nm t ninii UM rMBMJ 9 M a{« MMfta/NMBB, JMHM Ft -Mill aNI VH» Smmmm, hMmmmmmml MMMMMMM VI Mmm mmi bUmm ■TMMMMMMJ |r JjTMJjMMMM r a> MJ MJ MJ MJMJj FlafVBMMg Bat BNt IMr a* CAmmO MOOKmmM HIM IMMI IMMM Mk
      793 words
    • 753 20 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ M-----^MMr3j^^^^^^^^^*?l FaUT CMJTaJMBMBfI SOVKt II BM (W MbTTV i«t. aruaj I mtmt n ihi t r*. MMMM UPmBM MpM MNa M Marl aßw 8 at. a Bar I MWM MMU II Mr pMr II Ma II Bar M Baj H M MMM mv owMaaaa -awa pmm mm mi moP
      753 words
    • 805 20 MMMMMMMMMBMMMMMHMMMMMBMMMMIMMMMMMM^aaaaaBMMM nmss somi n immm. wn MM MM »M Urn TTm, £?fi aM. M.X Car*«f. im 1 4. man t 4 I law u4. MBM ttMIII M. I M lIM «UM I.MM 'm. (aM I'M* II lw r 4. in* 1 1 n4. ri^t Hi. Maima» mi a. .i cm*.
      805 words
    • 828 20 W^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE n"!—, lIIEFfIIERT ■JaJhß-m FM EAST E|IOfE KIVIC[ QttaKS nwin iti siaUPM/ n; in PttiSlM URIH! tM |W in ii mii/i p I— i r»/7« taaMai tar I ipim P laai •TTTIMM M IM CM MMM. laaaM B Pa> M Pin •miMNUIM rMa.N-Mri.Mavt >• Part a IM)
      828 words

  • 41 21 >UIS* iil«U *ALON* in. Hotel Mraapura for your latest v v TTnn (grpare) •o oaawia* Iks *w> el swkwssmta--OALON PNOINII PROFISMONAL. personal beauty cul- 'dressing eoursei by Rosalie Hernon SU-rting Ist March :e76 Enrolment accepted now Tel 3330 M
    41 words
  • 145 21 3 Religious Announcements Ml. Em It*. LarMg 1 upea I* Mam to*M p m except Wednesday and Saturday 0 00 am to I M p m BSMMJ I •*<: KATONO BRANCH T#T ImrCwsmNssW' fT Omm 11 30 a m to 100 p m Monday to Thursday Saturday KM am to
    145 words
  • 92 21 MADAM CHAN Ytg KUM aged 73 was railed u> The Lord on HM at I* 14 p m Leaving behind her beloved son Wong Slew Hong. Ha tighter Wong Ai Wan daugh ter m-law son-in-law and 4 tisjtsxhsmtsn to mourn her loss < ortege leaving Singapore casket at
    92 words
  • 49 21 rng family OF the Late Daniel sng Seng expressed their appreciation to father Tan mends ana relatives for t^str and donations during their recent M*w3*EßMsl TMg FAMJLY OF the ate Mil Multachy Cherriah thank all rslallon* and friends for their kind sttendsnee. flowers. messages of condolence and SxXMwMBSM
    49 words
  • 19 21 m« BSOW CHBNO WATT Departed JB-2-T1 It seems like only yestertlay you left us inserted by
    19 words
  • 20 21 (OS (AMAMITANS OF Singapore Troubled' 1 rtmiimagsir Rsng 91-44-44 day w Mgkl Hssp is as near as the
    20 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 299 21 classified ads g| The Angncan Church School* gf Sena and Kuala Betaii State of Brunei invite appttcauons for the post of PRINCIPAL, Anglican Church Schools of Serla and KjMUa Brian :mvenity Graduate holding Diploma or Certificate In Education with appropriate eapsrtence BSI 44* par month Samry subject to nigouation omgsisiii
      299 words
    • 692 21 •lIIPSUILOINO COMPANY AT Jurong wanted experienced fsmalt accounts clerk Minimum qualification LCC Bookkeeping with knowledge of payroll costing snd able to bsapa full set or books Salary from KM* MM Pleas* write with full particulars enclosing photograph non returnable, to The Adveruser 8T Box ASMM ANOLO PNCNCH TRAOINBS CO PTC.
      692 words
    • 636 21 MALI BOOK-KBBPSR CUM Tvput Applicant* must be English I educated and have esparmnct to Hoot keeping with knusUOps of typing PWse apply pvtng full personal detail* qua&flcaUon*. experience and salary expected together with non-returnable photograph and UI no to The Manager Ksppsl Harbour Post Office. Box No 37. Spore 4.
      636 words
    • 554 21 WAWTBO BJWBPJMICSB NMBOR tslsssiilt tor etoctronlc firm required Clam 4 driving licence experienced in selling is preferred b«t not essential 7 raining will bt provtdsd. Apporat* ptsase apply to: Te. X Hkss *w«« L»» sas Osssssffw BxL Bvsean ICLUSIVS BOMTIOMC JL££ri call 3709T from*sm -3pm AOVS^nSSMMTT ONMSBC9M Amw>A«ss>sSsl required for
      554 words
    • 665 21 BMKSwms CBNSTNMCTION PMM requires Site Foreman Immt dutely Must be caps Me of super vising UM work independently Be able to read/ write Eng fish CUNism Write to »4l B Scran Bson Road. 13) or rtngMSMI with expertence In package equipment and possess drtvw 4 licence Salary negousbie WANTCO APPVMWTkCw*
      665 words
    • 640 21 and young odd jobbars wanted Pro* eabU car iransport and meau Income SMS Personal m-te.-new LM 7 M D.m of Peace Cafe near Cable Oar Station. Sentosa. Saeceisful applicanu will h« reimbursed with Sentosa Admussor Fee a NTTSjBSML BTPOBM PTI LTD Du* to expansion, we have immediate vacanclas for PCMALI
      640 words
    • 595 21 SAO BBTABUMMS MM wish to employ local musician* with good character capable of- psiruimIns occasionally nightly Interviews 33A Jalan Korma battening Thomson Road near Ooldhlll Centre 4 30pm lolMpm only PJJißoecham m w. naws Bst ksSssma vaswjtetaw.--(1) LABONATORY *»SJFLIR to sample raw materials and finished products for testing in our
      595 words
    • 794 21 I fjgsjgjgjgt r^s uttmmm ULj wiao»a/8i20t7 OIST. I*/ 11 4 bedrooms, study, servant > big j modem kitchen, carpeted Spill- I level living dining NSAR AMSR4CAM/ HtTSRSMTWNAL SCHOOL *»ww«w 4 bedrooms, tenant s. fully alrcondiuoned. spacious living dinIng, built-in closets modern kitchen 1 CLIMINTI PARK OIST. 11 single-storey detsched bungalow
      794 words
    • 923 21 DMT. H SIXTH AVwMM doublestorey bungalow I 0M *a ft telephone. 3 alrcons. fully furnished. lI. OM Dut 10 Coronation Drive doubst-storey stmldetached fully rurnlshed telephone 3 alrcons II 700 DM. IS UKOng N. Telok Kurau 3-sU#ey terrace house, unfurnished ***** Dut II Jalan Pan Dedap double-storey semi-detached rurrushed telephone
      923 words
    • 812 21 CITY TOWSNS 1 bedroom*. 2 bathrooms. 2 alrcsnd* servant t room' factllUss FuUy fumlaned' (1.300 Other furmshttf apartmsnu in choice locauuat from MM upward* Pavwn PM Ltd^ *****11 N-ITOMt ■sriwSMATIONAL PLAZA Apartmenu for rent s^esssiiad sjwss *SM Fully carpeted, central alrcon* 24 noun intercom security service sjNQUtMg* T»l- HwSM* OOMaepaweaSiS
      812 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 796 22 o*l MBNCIUNT SAAWtB requires a buesfajew er apartment In i*s'i- rttltiatlal location EaUwaaaofSkatareem* Attrac uve Mrtaaof ttaa* uaatHTLT tyANTiNe FOB Etecutlvet bunga.rtous apartmenu in ouu it. 11 for long term fZm Uve 4MMM k* vSLr CM* a P*rtnert»Bß» ar..i far Japaneae and American executive, for total .ease in good rettdenutu
      796 words
    • 831 22 TMOMtOM NN.LB (-BTOMV I %i terrace houat Newly etult. 3 kiaiinan. I atrvant 2 bathroom* te pa rale Irving/ dining area Bttttt-in war- < Oroawt. kwrttaa labajiiu small garden Ready far ocrupatlon iIU.OM Ring Mr NgTIIIK j; 210 (office houn I JALAM OAatPuejMA OgTACtSIO house 7. M0 sq ft
      831 words
    • 761 22 »UTua» APAaTSMNT* LlOtttl 1 Hill Road diet DMlMlHlittl (mavim 4 fxatttit* Byw fcnoT. MMsq ft pnvale lift lob«»y. circular key Bptraltrl UfU round bathrooms, elliptical living dining central chilled waler asreonditloning system central vacuum clsasilng system, ctoat circuit TV Intercom underground carpark A store elr Apply PraatMt Home* Pu Ltd
      761 words
    • 657 22 central AU-rondMtontng tyateta. ksaued at South Brkaat Road, dote to the Central Police StaUon 3rd floor k lop floor art reterve*!. ether floor* ar* at tenant*' choice Oround floor ana l 2M 36 sq ft mU 50 p f lat-atb ftoor area 1 Ml 14 at ft y*rnaor«9l 40p t
      657 words
    • 574 22 2 axtall onios* furruehed/ unfurnianad A*aNak4e imrnedlately Contact Mr Mn«h 2MIM4 •JPFK *P AC C Z^^L^avaa^H^Laaa aataaaaaiasi Ca**>Piaaae ras*y akaatj las*Bajeae aeav S.T. 808 Attait aaAtAajteTaßxtfi aVsttOAJttsO JUHaxl I afTfl dut t. 3. 10 large compound type office premiss* for carpel cleaning and drying purpose* Compound space approx I 000
      574 words
    • 570 22 OIL! T TMAVSL MtnCl (PTtTIITO cMtAPioT km a ANBs a gLMtOPtAM TOUNO 1 ORAND EURI>PEAN TOUR M DAYS (2MO IS. 4 2* 5 4. I*7*. */7. 24V*. IV*. 1/1* 2 EUROPEAN ROUND UP IT DAYS9MM/- 31/*. I*. IV*. IV7. It 3 KOREA/ JAPAN/ TAIWAN/ HONOKONO/ BANOKOK 1* DATS tatMV- 3.
      570 words
    • 455 22 TNI BUT OF lUNOPC Wonderful Copenhagen Danmark "Oermany •Bv;ltserland 'Austria 'Italy 'Vatican 'Monte Caxk> 'Prance 'Belgium 'Holland England Sweden Spain I Ptastnatr* are directly terved by C aTki London Office 100** Superior grade hotel* with private bath- thower All muli in Continent Europe, with CTuneat meals Escorted by Chinese English
      455 words
    • 501 22 Europe USA Canada Austra Its and Far East Call NI T Travels. 23-B \mbet Mansion Orchard Road Tel 336*1" asxatfl GROUP TRAVEL IF TOLD YOU ITS CNIAP woulo you eauavt ust but i* WC gXPlAltl WOULO you Ll* TIN* 99M Lsxtdaa Sav*n asaat an*«r estws •IM* tea ».a).U* Saa^ittiiJtin Ala*
      501 words
    • 640 22 GIRLS! Job* tr* beconung hares' to set von aa*d better qusMiceiion* now. ITC i Fvivett S*t*etanal D* lorn* ew reawn't Ittding quei> fication tor Private Stcietary Ov neii lull time 12 rxonrn* court* Hiding lo tht Prrvett Set'ii* D'Plom* i!«- n stti APRIL Takt th* h<tt nap tonverdt ntgtiiv peal
      640 words
    • 479 22 o SEcmmuwus PRIVATE SECRETARIAL PART TIME COURSES Clatsei commence I»th March Regnter early to enouro o place EVENING CLASSES Commencing 16th March Every Tuw* A Thurs 6 00 7.30 pm Book-keeping tor baojinmn Shorthand for bsemnars SECRETARIUS 75 Tanatin Road Singapore 10 Tel *****2 ■JANANTaVO RAPID/ NOesTAAL Courses Starting March
      479 words

  • 187 23 Joyride car thefts gang smashed pOLICE have smashed a gang who stole cars and used them fa joyrides. abandoning the vehicles when the fuel ran out. Nine members of the gang, believed to be newly formed, have been arrested, and several stolen cartridges and car radios recovered. Polk* are now
    187 words
  • 262 23 15 YEARS' JAIL FOR FOUR WHO STOLE 19 CARS fX>UR men who stole 19 r cars Vlthln s fortnight to go on joyrldes were yesterday jailed for a total of 15 years by a court alter the prosecution asked for deterrei t sentences on them. The four 8. Subramsnlam. Chang
    262 words
  • 80 23 MR. Graham Greene. nephew of the famous British author of the same name, will visit Singapore from March 3 to s to study the book trade here. He is tne managing director of Jonathan Cape Limit cd. pubosbsrs of Isx fluali3nd Ernest Hemingway and
    80 words
  • 49 23 aOvCXX Abdul Ooanl Bamld hk< base elected president of the ff"" Pehtkkt Aneka Data (Imnrestlnn of Arusu of Various Resources* Other officials are Eneik awihsnawii A. Kadtr .secretary). avBCBK Bald Mnhsßsss All (treasurer) and committee BJMahsrs Tusop Mahasood, Sarkaal Said. BaTandl Anhad. Jaaadl Moharaarl and Yahya Assan
    49 words
  • 119 23 AZS-YEAK-OLO man who tried U sapply cigarette* U pHsooers In s cell at the Central Pwitee SUUoa was y eat arwsy Bned $SM by a magistral* oenrt. Law Midi 800 blbbbsr gnUty U conssltUng the wtTenoe m Feb. 18 at about TM BUM.
    119 words
  • 241 23 $130,000 opium pusher gets 10 years' jail CHLA Kit Teng, U. was yesterday jail- rd for It years each oa two counts of traAckini In S«kg of raw opium worth SIM.M* nr pleaded jullty Tbe sentences will ran eoncarrrntly. Acting DSP X.C Nalda. prosecuting. told the court that on Nov.
    241 words
  • 271 23 Praise for our convention facilities A OROUP of American experts yesterday tx g»»e Singapore the "thumbs up" sign as a convention city all 17 members of the International Committee of the American Society of Assoolation Executives unanimously declared that they were "enormously Impressed" with the hotels and convention facilities here.
    271 words
  • 117 23 Illegal migrant gets 4 months AN Illegal Immigrant who bought s Singapore Identity card In Indonesia to And s job here was yesterday jailed four months for using another person* Identity card. Senior Inspector Noel Ng. prosecuting. said Anah Hajhim. 31. an Indonesian, paid 5.000 ruptahs for the card. Anah
    117 words
  • 39 23 PROPBBBOR Austin Doyls, Professor of Modlcins. OnU vanity of Melbourne, will give a lecture on high blood pressure at the Allan Lecture Theatre.. University of Bingo- por*. Faculty of Medicine building on March 18 at j| PSx>
    39 words
  • 30 23 TBB Otrector of Trade. Mx. Rkurwan Daaflr will open two-day s—lnar on the Oen•raUawa Bysteco of PiwfereoA oss (OSPi at the Merrury. Room Apollo Hotel today al am
    30 words
  • 24 23 PONOOOL eoßMauntty centre win bold a cross uianM raos, starting tt iv ussnlsss In PonsMol Point on Marsh 14 st ram n
    24 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 618 23 classified ads (g) TNg SCMOOL OP LA.IBUIBBB A 3-month Inunelve Course for Elementary and Intsrmiaiau Stag** by highly aualifl«d Unguu** *n a Tkw) c Pis— S Commencing Date 1/3 71 Bi ixwlim LBBPTC 112. Mk Saw/ Kiln* BBmsxea* Cesw* (14L 01, Mfc AbjhjbT MwsVW P^*jß*))*Jßsf*« Pal *sßna. esaxD. *i 2*74.
      618 words
    • 801 23 BSmBSBbI LMNMtTV AUTO OvMVMIO School a lorrr and highway code rourte* Enrol at 24. Upper S*rangoon Road T*l 88*143/ SBSBSIi law he* at Oeylang. Upper Thomeon. Queenstown tLDSSILT eiPBRIIMCao AMO pauent instructors Bob Driving School SSI. Oimswcisu Avenue (OffosWi Istana) TM r«SSB. ASM PRrvTHS SCHOOL. Brand new DaUun. dual controlled
      801 words
    • 903 23 A SBTM CBNTUWV Miracle Producfacalled 'Plat Proof' from USA once applied Into a tyre eatminete* tyre punctures and leak* mstanUy It also gives more than to% longer Uf* to tne tyres Please write for demonstration, without -ftpy** to Pour Seasons International PU Ltd. Nee Soon P O Bos lßS'poreSS tere
      903 words
    • 775 23 tST4 COLT UuwSSJR I SSB vary well maintained one owner, asking forllo.SBß Tel *****1. 1 *T1 TOVOTA COM ON* MX 1 1 air eondMssned. one owns* Phone 5T2838 sjuis aa^vsxassrr Anvsa u*v oexmv rwaulre. IK. 1108 or IBM tt. Mini or Japat make 42* MlClen OfHUIH* PUdCHABBS WROBNTLV miuirss gusnssklral
      775 words
    • 689 23 OASLINO BJARRIAOg-AlB ■JUNgAU a salsis you to get your suwUrn* partner fca prHaa* and confidential way Call perrrin J u-n^wn^L. B fc den) Tel S34SVM MAKB new nMCNOS lnstanUv< iHundrad* of intereatkng fnend* All profession* Malaysia :sineapore O P.O 4*7 BNigapnr*. OgNgRAI SPRAY PS.INTINO repair nfngaralor* live hour* Customer*' Hobs*
      689 words
    • 639 23 TnoowAi. T.v. aesciAiiST in t4arx whiu eotoar repair, antennae Installation Tel >IMI2 Pair charge* guaranteed *COe* urrsswon* coenaACToa (S) PU Ltd ondertake all HDB and Privau Houses renovation. Por S3BS you can have your 3room rial vlnyi-tlle work comBle within one day Enquiries ISS Instsllmsnu arranasaM* Licence number PCISIS. ACS*
      639 words
    • 773 23 AVAIUtBLS OUALfTY MAM for Europe At v*ry reasonable prtce* Call J1334 for furtrter enquiries NANK COMMISSION Ovf IWO (an lilies available In Singapore Pleas* write 8 T Box ABOBBT for further detain PIA2A S»WA»U*IA PUSNSITUWB showroom seeks managing partner willing invest sa) 900 WrtU STBOX AMSU **C lUKO> MOOUCIIOH. Japan.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1113 24 Maiafa^MMSa^BMBSSBjSSSS| LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PER3EKUTUAN (F.A.M.A) Prmohon-pemohon adalah dlpelawa daripada »»r«»nrtara Malaysia untuk m^nflsi jawatan -Jawatan bpfikut dl Lembaga Inl A JUftUTEHA AWAM 1 Om A 11-6 $850 x5O 9M/IMO xSO 1290-1400 x 50 -1500 A 10-2 f l6OO x 75 IStt II Katayahan 1 1 1 Ijazah Sarjana Muda
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    • 138 24 S3 PERNAS invites applications for the post of: PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR He will be responsible for coordinating and controlling the development and Implementation of projects undertaken by PERNAS Properties Sdn. Berhad. a wholly-owned subsidiary of PERNAS Candidates should be graduates In architecture or possess equivalent qualification. Preference will be given to
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    • 873 24 ESTABLISHED ALUMINIUM FABRICATION COMPANY seeks the following: -(A) Technical Sales Executive. Dynamic, matured sales personnels probably with 3/5 years experience In the building materials line. University graduate with great intere?* in sales will be considered too. Only those earning above $500/- need apply. (B) Draughtsman/Estimator Male or female to prepare
      873 words
    • 113 24 CIVIL ENGINEERS Established Construction Company with International affiliations offers challenging positions to qualified civil engineers who should: Have 2to 6 years experience Be proficient In English and Malay or Chinese Be fluent In two Chinese dialects and Malay Have initiative and drive Have potential for further advancement Suitable Taiwan graduates
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    • 1247 24 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the folio* inn Tends* No. T/tt/2/Tw (a) 'Annual Contract 1°76/I°T7 for the Supply of Surface Boxes Hydrants Air and Sluu-e Valves to the Public Works Department. Central Unallocated Stores. Kuchlng. for period from Ist May. 1976 to 30th April. 1977' from
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  • 263 25 $239 m airport project by 3 firms Japanese firms have formed a joint venture to hi ing in dredging equipment worth $100 million to carry nit I $231) million reclamation project to develop Changi airport. Pentm Ocean Rlnkal Corporation md To* Construction three of the largest construction firms in Japan
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  • 166 25 KIM HIN STILL LEADING AFTER ROUND 4 AFTER the fourth round of the national chess championship W»e Kirn Hln Is still In the lead having beaten his fourth consecutive opponant Kiss Hint nctun last Tuesday ni»ht was junior champion Alphonsu* Chla who fot Into a terrible mam with a astdoai
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  • 64 25 Four postgrad courses in medicine THE University of Singapore i School of Postgraduate Medical Studies will conduct four courses and examinations for 1976 They art A courae In Advancad Madlcme M Mcd Internal Madlcinei Lxmmination. a full-Urn* count In Uw Basic Medical Science*, aad Primary M Mad < Surf ery
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  • 58 25 MX Loo Tare Hal has baao rlrrtfd president of the Ptto•emptoK Society of Singapore Other ufrice-bearan art Meaar* Henry H M Lee and Tan Up Sena < vtre-preal-denu D«vid PC Tay laser*Uryi. Loh Blew Yun tsmur lant aecrrtary Engluh and Chua Tlanc Mtn( <uwur.i Secretary Chineaei Kwar
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  • 203 25 Inspector Accused's diary contained evidences APOUCE p:c iecuior yesterday su jnuited that the action of a cler« tearing out a Piece of paper from a diary and swallowing it revealed that she knew that it contained 'Incriminating" evidence. Inspector Chong Ah Kow said this at the close of the trial
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  • 28 25 KAKI Buklt community ctotrt plans to run t«nu In Chlnsas rooking. Bowtr■Mting, men's lalkmng and lliS—is>llH c elementary i from March Tnoat Intcrtsted should ring 40U77
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  • 235 25 Why they are so often in each other's arms II'LIE Cronn and Geoff WiUUsm (left) •Pwai t M tf Uaac locked In each other araas aaaeiwg. They have not trades! hearts thoa^h It la simply a love f«r Latin Aaserieasi and fcal!room danr ln g that got the two of
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  • 94 25 Minister at Kampung Java flats ballot rl Science and Technology Minister and MP for Farrer Park. Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng. yesterday attended the baltotlng ceremony for the sale of 9M three and four- room flats at Kampung Java In Gloucester Road. Yaaurday's ballot ni the fifth under lbs Home Ownership
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  • 43 25 TRB national Muaeum win organtat spscssJ toads* aim shows tor sonants at IU lac tura ball from March it 10 it daily at 10 4J am aad l J0 pa Pree UcatU art avaimMt at the muaeum once daring office noun.
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  • 32 25 labour inninsi Mr. Ong Pang Boon win open Uw second tninsHal asssgases conference of the Singapore Industrial Labour Diniimllllll (SILO) and the Pioneer tell—lilts mwptoyees Union PIEU' at Uw Mnppof
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  • 248 25 FUR questions for oral answer* and one for a written reply have been submitted to Parliament for the next ses«lon beginning from Monday. Mr Ng Kan Ting 'Pongiol) will ask the Minister for Home Afralra and Education for the breakdown tigures of students who
    248 words
  • 48 25 MEMBERS or the miaUc <mmU U the ■Mass* baildlnf fund can elais" tax relief. MNrtm« to lpokrimmn tmr the Immdc Tax Deaart«ent. "Miribuion. who can dedart the umul freas tkrlr ssJarles. mart okuin a letter lros» the coasp«ny they work »lth In rlainiinf tax dedacUons
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  • 34 25 THI Ministry of Culture will hold the nomtaf "Ooae*ru tor the Yount"° »l th» Nation*] Library's tectur* hail on March t at I MSPtm Uekau art availaM* from Uw Übrmry
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1086 25 f UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 1 1976-7 (commencing 5 July 1976) Applications for admission to the University of Singapore and/or Nanyang University In the academic year 1976-7 are Invited Jointly by the two Universities. All persons who fulfil the Universities/ entrance qualifications, Irrespective of citizenship may apply for admission to any course
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    • 748 25 ml SALES REPRESENTATIVE I A well eitobliihed locol morket, ng •ngirt««ring ofgonisotion, owino to its dynamic morkcting policy, it looV mg for two Suitable mtn to H iom its Kites force Tlm J*ft (2 posts) 1 To sell well-known brands of earth moving If and logging equipment 2 Tc sell
      748 words

    • 282 26 LEAGUE LEADERS FALL TO RADFORD'S LATE GOAL OVDON. Wed —Liverpool lost the chance to widen their two-point lead In the English Soccer Championship last night when they fell to a last-minute goal at Arsenal John Radford, only recently restored to the Arsenal attack. swept In to head
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    • 469 26 \EW YORK, 11 Wed.— Joe Frailer wants no cautious stepping •tones en route to another shot at thr world's heavyweight ring championship. "Just the big onegive me the big one." the rugged, bearded one-time slaughterhouse butcher said yesterday before taking off for California to solidify
      AP  -  469 words
    • 107 26 rREE special holiday films will be screened for students dally at the National Museum's Lecture Hall on March ISIS. The films Football 70. The Athletes and King or Blades all In colour, will be shown at 10.45 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. on all five day«. Football TO
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    • 58 26 MOSCOW. Wed Two Bovtet welihUlfters set world records yesterday, the Taas news agency said Luht- heavyweight Valery Snarl. 2S )erked 205 kg and tots lied 367 J kg. bettering his old record by 35 kg Viktor Tsenko matched IS3U kg. 1 kg more than the previous
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    • 291 26  -  EPSOM JEEP By DENANG. Wed. r Malta caught the eye in a trial wit i Lac on a firm track here today. Breaking from the 800n. the pair raced over the last 600 m in 37.8. with Mulia striding out attractively at the finish.
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    • 77 26 Walters hits century in NSW victory •YDMBY. Wed. Australian Test bsumsn Dout WalUn hit a One century to steer Hew South Wales to a ■lx-wlcket win over Western ■HII.S IB UMtr three-day SbeOeld Shield cricket match here today. Walters scored 101 In his side's total of for lour to eurpaaa
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 37 26 TOKYO. Wed World Boxing I see lino. (WBA) ■•nil vmaiji PftelßeiptOp An•el Bspada at Puerto Rico Win defend bis title against Shojl Teujlmoto of Japan in Tokyo April 4. Use challengers nsßseet .nnouoced yesterday -lUuter
      37 words
    • 233 26 Ali and Belinda living apart? T^EW YORK Wed 1 People Magazine said yesterday that World heavyweight boxing champion Mv- hammad All and his wife Khahlah are living apart. In an Interview 25--year-old Mrs All formerly Belinda Boyd told the weekly photographic feature magazine my interest now U the nation of
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 29 26 TAIPEH. Wed The Taiwan Softball Association will tponsor the third men's Asian Cup and fourth women's championship here In July. the Central News Agency reported today Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 1269 26 |POH. Wed. A total of Sit horses, comprising 7* In Class 2. IK In Class 1. a&d 7« In Class t. baa bean entered for the Perak Turf Club March Meeting here on Mar. 6 7. 1J and 14 There will be eight races an the first,
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
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  • 662 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA By nR. TAX En k Liang, the Servor Mi n ister of State for National Development and Chairman of the Singapore Sports Council yesterday called for more importance to be attached to physical education in schools. He made this call at the
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  • 254 27 Humble Henry remains unaffected f)UR congratulav tlona to Henry Tan. Sportsman of the Year for 1975. Henrys first words after the announcement of the results were: "Are you sure there wasni a 'pal oo lone'?" i 'Pal oo long' is gambling parlance for mixup. Henry U genuinely humble He would
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  • 459 27  -  PERCY SEIEVIRATIE •y f HEE Swee Lee is slowly get ting accustomed to the cold after a 440--yard run (or the Redlands University that left her breathing heavily for about 20 minutes. Two days after arriving at the home of Vlnce Reel and his
    459 words
  • 104 27 Gutter Chatter Bowling Biography, which will replace Bowling for P;glnnerk Kingpin was urgently recalled back to ■Mam To round off here's the latest on the Intercentre league sponsorship controversy. The affair has finally been setited: There will be no sponsors. The decUlon was made at the last meeting of the
    104 words
  • 139 27 CILO SporU Chib hop* to •Bfasw a coaeb for ttmt ■occcr Mas* as tiny plan to antar Urn National Sonar Laagus Uiu ymt. A BUe SC ooVJaJ JoMph Bduoo said y— tirtajn tjuis la raspons* to tbt ovarwtwSßUac sanaa* of tm flnt SUo Inter-Branch aoccar tournaßMOt
    139 words
  • 145 27 rvu Ilk* sending lambs to a woirs den when Chung Cheng High travelled to the Dunearn Secondary School ground to mate their soccer ports DHAMAN SINGH. Playing at their lint match In the Singapore Secondary Schools rootball League, they lost a-fl to the match-har- dened Duneam pack.
    145 words
  • 64 27 "111 Urtnto tor toaU. Jalan Boaar PC atrlkar Nf Kane Kin (mid baton U» National PteU»U 1 sagas Olv. On* batWMn Jalan Bssar and Sambawti* constttuaney at Jalan Baaar jmUrtay Ksng Mia wm* not foatthlraty h» foaJ-hunarjr. and Im atttaflad that hun«w with two marrcUou* battartcks •a
    64 words
  • 293 27 Times for the Tiger Drmw iol gUrtis* lißM* bt Ikt M raua Uw Tigs* fv» \m r»« Opt*. ■Urtiaf at taabawaaf to- I.aa v r» Baay. N. Band, WaUa. Oa« Bag H«n» 7.N HmU T»ksr. SJL Urn. O. r>tar- saa, CJL O*v; 114 r»fc Cka Suki. p»h Bach Mm*. ILJg.
    293 words
  • 367 27  -  GODFREY ROBERT By JOHN Burgess yes- terday dropped a bombshell when he announced his resignation as the National rugby coach. Burgess, who has been the National coach for the past two years, stated this in a letter to the Singapore Rugby Union Burgess said: "I am honoured
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 719 27 wW mo wo V 'Y/Am^^k -V jggTaW LAW '^M I- WmWm%W BwaV la. Wm 'law/ f^^^^k JOHN ROBSON! Apply water, fuel and oil, it works for 24 hours non-stop, lasting, compact and economic MODELS R.B. R. 16 R.C. R 26 13 hone POM* 16 hone po«et 22 hot* ocm* 2f>
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 102 27 laatar aaaaaavt laarvrr •sbm Darby v Bbas«rl-La NaUooal OtadtaSß PTi OOaVGKB-LWB v Lood n Bank (Oaylaag); atandarln Boul v Hell Ortant (Jalaa Baamn. Loyanf OOtbor* v Jvrong Ptjrwood i F^jT»r Park AO: BrUCMsasM Hilton Hotd (Tea Payah>: OCBC v rpor* Wapiti Ml ns i TmnsUn 1) Bank dt Parts Hotel
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  • 70 28 Farewell garland for Lee... MR Lee Kwan Yew being garlanded before he left Bali yesterday for home after attending the two-day Asean Mimmit which ended on Tuesday Mr Lee who was given a ceremonial vend-off by President Suharto, retui nrd yesterday afternoon accompanied by the Foreign Minister. Mr S. Rajaratnam.
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  • 651 28  - Zone of peace concept and the big powers by Hussein SEAH CHIAMG NEC and B> P.M. RAMAIH Oenpasar. Wed 4SEAN may have to pursue its concept of South-e«wt Asia as a zone of peace, freedom and neutrality. In the United Nations for Its acceptance. Datuk Husstin Onn said here today.
    651 words
  • 514 28 LortDon. wh. mm— mi boo4i nn up 10 |/a imm «Wf M ion« mix mm «n«r b*ia< v mix-b v lit taaat MTtMr. Shorn »»n IBfllllllly 1/U po..t fmrn. iMmirui imm van ««r nuM wNa ilxtit iv tantr o/ fxrnj TiMlag ni v.r» ■am. tialMi nit On »rr*
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  • 47 28 X IN the event of one or more m (reat power not respectlnc (the Aaean reffton as a tone of peace, freedom an«l neutrality). It may be useful that there would be some naval and air base facilities so that some balance V can be maintained.
    47 words
  • 70 28 PUKUOKA iJupan). Wed. The Kukuota district court today imposed prison term* of three and su yean on two radicals convicted of raiding the US Consulate with liototov arebuatbs hut November Hlkaru KoUhl. 37. ard ToahuUi Hlgaarutanl. 3S. both former unlverrtty students, had been charged with violating the
    70 words
  • 47 28 CANBERRA. Wad -Prim* Minuter Maicoim rr»*er hat accepted aii tnrtt%itbn from Quern EUsbMUi II to teeomt a Pnvy Councillor Former '^bour Prim* Minister OoMKh Whit l» m r*'u«r<! the traditional j> it for Ctmmonweeitn k*4«r* then he became Prune MirlTttr In December. U7J Reuler
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 56 28 jajlarta Wad. FoMoa ■res into ttot air to kraak up iß—nimimUoß by ttwusaiuM of Maoab driven protaattef ■Ctinat rasuMtOM baanlnc Urn from opamttns la the CM* ol alcd&n North Bu«i»--tra. raporu wartime bar* said today Ha e*au»RJ« «w« reported dura* tba ii— yinrtnt n •t Urn
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 23 28 V- AIR CONDITIONtR REFRIGERATOR COOKER -f&t I WASHING MACHINE From MALAYSIA UMON (RENTAL) PTC. LTD. 475 Blocfc3o.CKjtramPark.S*no*poro3 To< 22*1t17 t Ampto Parking Space
      23 words
    • 455 28 ■KJk A f s I H 1117 a^^fl WaJm B1215 1151 GAMX "The Elegant "^Look CAMy S NEW ELEQANT RANGE IS UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL. LET CAM V Pl/T YOU W I V TOO A V "S WORLD OF I CAMT I INTERNATIONAL FASHION. Something old Something new GINSENG -E A
      455 words