The Straits Times, 25 February 1976

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 893 1  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE and P. M. RAMAN: Big step forward into new era By KUTA BEACH (Bali). Tuesday ASEAN enttrtd a new erj today when its twoday summit concluded in a brief burst of ministerial euphoria, and the five leaders signed the organisation's first political treaty.
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  • 508 1 Helping each other... KUTA BEACH. Tuesday HTHE Declaration 1 of Asean Concord, which was signed at the close of the summit conference today. Lays down a guideline for the organisation In political, economic, social and cultural fields. After stating that a common bead exists among Its members. the nine nace
    508 words
  • 32 1 KUALA LUMPUR TWM. The msMsni or lbs IUUb Bank of filti— n. Mr S. Mulapho lantll M. «M el bout sttaek j rtsj' white no *ta)t hers. lUuler
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  • 63 1 COM COB D (Mew Harr.panire). Tuts.—President Pord beat big Republican rlTal Ronald Reagan by 11 votes to four in the first New Hampshire presidential primary result declared today Mr. Jimmy Carter, former governor of Oeorgla. led the Democratic contenders with five votes among the S3 registered voters
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 82 1 JttUSALM. Tuea The brae* OnTsrnmanl today prsseataa a record draft budget of rjaailJ bUBoo <aSMJ blluon. ateost sue third of It sot aatde tor Balonos pad said It needed "issslll" aid from the United State* Dno» aatffin prto* rtaea of J»j per cert far htsher than tht
    AP  -  82 words
  • 41 1 MOSCOW. Tttos. ao«M OmsbmbM Party leader Lsenld Breafane* today SaM the a»U> Oaasrass ofthe Bo•M Party that the OB had Nloeted a KNasfta propooal tor ajotat ban on developaaenl of new aalewJe aubsssrhissjaid stratesic asama(•ee ra«e 4)
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  • 33 1 MBW TOSUC TMa Daw Jooee aTeras'ea. taaeed on New Tart SwjcS Bachaaaw *> adH sco it. op cat; si tranop 7*131. aaafc: II utlk s»o». up as stac mm. up on -upi
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  • 38 1 BAUBBOBY (Kbodeata), Tnes —A Brtttoh envoy. Lord Oreeniuu. «iU anroe here tot*lk» ketween Prime Ifliilii lan Smith and black naUooehst isaJtr Joabua Nkoaw. MhjLord OreenhlU to the jstsMr head oj the Brlmm •SIHT-S! ommmmmm
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  • 59 1 rASHINOTON. Tim.Ctaas It dmtaotaf an lntwconttnwtaTCWUc missile wtth a hrn of km. M$ twice UM run of IU existing mtasUas, AvtaUod WMk and »pac« Ttchnolofjr MM. w Tbs authoritative ma«aslae saM In Its current edition that Urn on missile vooM Added to Chlaa* ajtanal of S.sM km
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  • 57 1 THE Asean heads of government signing the Bali Declaration from left, Mr. Lee, Datuk Hussein Onn. President Suharto, President Marcos and Mr. Kukrit Pra- moj. They also signed a Treaty of Amity and Cooperation at the end of their two-day summit in Bali. Picture by Vow
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  • 1391 1 Elimination of poverty primary concern of members TEXT of the Declaration of Asean Concord which was signed by the five leaders of Hrn Ambbl countries at the close of the sum mil meeting in Bali last night A COMMON BOND EXISTING AMONG THE MEMBER STATES OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST
    Vow Yun Woh  -  1,391 words
  • 57 1 NEW YORK. Tun Two telephoned bomb threat* yesterday forced the doting of New York's commodity exchange the nations largest major metals futures market. Searchers failed to turn up any bomb A similar threat twu weeks ago forced a delay In the opening oi Urn exchange which deals
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 37 1 ADDIS ABABA TIMS. Beren BHHopian Cabinet auatten have o-en rtl—f cd. aocordma to Lieut- AWmarsbu Haifa. of the ruling UHltary Council adnlnletraUoo ooinnlttee He said other imjaiUasnt head* woaM sooa bos their X*e. Beuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 23 1 ■UKNLXY Tuea Pour children died early today wbsn Are engulfed thek hOBM In thU Industrial city la northern Knfland —AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • 43 1 JAKARTA. Turn North ICort* and Indonesia tonight quaUflod for tht Anal of Urn pr«-CMjnnp»c ucctr tournament hart North Korea beat Singapore 2-0 while Indoneau beat Malar** 1-1 In an Inci-dent-packed match (Bipirt •7 Jee Deral la race U).
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  • 71 1 NEW DELHI. Taee. Two policemen ware killed In araacd eiaah es between ercarlty fnardi and extremist IQWmanlll prisoner* In a CalcotU jail today, Indian newa reports aald. The reports said the clash ecewred la Calcatta'a Ff—tdosmj jail when acTf%al people scaled the I.S metro prism
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 INimillUY HSIIEHEI n If II 111 STIIIEITEI I DISTRIBUTORS I NAHAR 4 COWPANY Trw Pvomsula Shopping Complex I Ground Floor IG 7). Coiemsn Street. I Siogspors 6 Ts< *****9 J Bsm|ma»mmjmamm- bkaJPv B"***.8 S llmtklWK^wJl ma. P"a»? oooytbo— f. 0 aete-ae-M^M i»i »toe««» i«»r^g^M
      44 words
    • 79 1 US. TROOPS TO STAY ON IN THAILAND' -Paae 24 EGYrra -W v ami state af war ptaa i*as* Z -CUBANS saay he* la rail-scale NmaslkU war" NMNIt CBAMOI mHMS BmMBMMBi si mBmVmHl smBWTV W9 BICTr sHwW 9 -VlOtaXT raw* dae f wife's mmttlHy" t $700 m town for Pek San
      79 words
    • 192 1 I -TO^al BmßmT 1 More Bank for your family The Chartered Bank is now tXQgef and stronger than ever before But we're still the same friendly neighbourhood bank ready to help you and your famiry save better for a brighter future Our Savings Account helps you earn interest white you
      192 words
    • 25 1 <.iitAi\\< mm i; those whn appreciate 4JjR beauty and precision W J&- K ChunChong JjL 4n 62 South Bnd f Rd Singapore I Tel 7.1421
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 190 2 Purge Cabinet or quit ultimatum to Isabel BUENOS AIRES, Tuesday PRESIDENT Isabel Peron faced a show--1 down today with top PeronLst leaders who were expected to deliver an ultimatum that she either purge her Cabinet, or lose They seek the removal of Mrs Peron'* inner circle, a conservative group they
      AP  -  190 words
    • 102 2 Hepburn's hubby foils kidnap bid ROMS. Toes. The psychiatrist huaband of Brltlah film star Aud ray Hepburn fought off a band of would be kidnapper* last night when they tried to aelat him ouulde hla office, police •aid. Prof etaor Andrea Dotu. the star's second husband, waa attacked aa be
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    • 73 2 r><iVPTIAN President Ei Sadat (left) and his host. Xln t Khalld of Saudi Arabia, join In the traditional Saudi "sword dance" daring a party in Riyadh on Sunday night. Egvpti Premier Man.douh Salem Is on the right Mr. Sadat arrived in Riyadh on Saturday A Saudi
      AP  -  73 words
    • 335 2 Egypt's to end state of war plan CAIRO, Tuesday tViYPT has rejected an Israeli plan to seek termination of the state of war with the Arabs in an arrangement that fell short of an overall peace settlement, Cairo newspapers said today. The national dallies Al Oomhouna. Al Ahram and Al
      UPI  -  335 words
    • 166 2 Sssm fine for 14 Iranians on fraud -charges TEHERAN, i lran). Tues. \M. A military tribunal yesterday convicted the ousted commander of Iran's navy. 11 other naval officers and two civilians of embezzlement They were ordered to pay fines totalling about UBs22 million (SIS* million' and sentenced to prison terms
      AP  -  166 words
    • 66 2 The longest smile. WINNIPEG. Tne*.— A 12-jear-old Wtnnifwg gtri has broken the world Neerd tor aanUlnj and won Ike Manitoba Denial AtMesataaa's aaaUlng aaaratkess. a*)e flashed her teeth far It boar, and live snlnatet this weekend. bettering the record luted by the Gain .ess Book of accords of seven hoars,
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    • 247 2 Ford's man defends $3b arms sale to Saudi Arabia WASHINOTON. Tues The Ford Admlnls tratlon yesterday de fended a proposed USfl.--250 million <S»3.100 mil llon> deal with Saudi Aribla for the sale of weapons and the construction of naval and port facilities as reasonable and rational. Assistant Secretary of Btate
      Reuter; AP  -  247 words
    • 116 2 BAN ON THAI AIRLINES LIFTED nANOKOK. Tues— Bri D tain today lifted the present temporary traf fie restrictions on Thai airlines between Hong kong and Japan. Brltur Ambassador Sir David Cole said today Sir David told reporters after signing an agreement with the Thai Oovemment that there had been long
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 123 2 LO6 ANOELEB, Tues. Thomas Rettig. a television star as a boy with a collie dog In the "Lassie" series of the *****, was sentenced to five-and-a-half years In federal prison yester- day on a conviction of conspiring to smuggle cocaine Into the United States
      UPI  -  123 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1069 2 k^" jam jgav Xjr^ TSINGTAO more than just a beer toasted internationally Because only Tsingtao beer is specially brewed from the clear spring waters of the aa-fjgl famous Laoshan Mount with specially Jm Z(. grown barley and native hops. Come taste ML tne srnootn ricn favour of Tsingtao beer B_
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    • 237 3 Doctor: Pat may have been brainwashed SAN FRANCISCO. Tuei Heiress Patricia Hearst was like the US brainwashing victims of the Korean War. when she mas arrested last gapHmhff. according to a psychiatrist who examined her for 23 hours "A cold sweat would come over her and It was clear Pat
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 463 3 S. AFRICAN TROOPS TO PULL OUT FROM FRONT PEREIRA DIC*. OOUTH African troops will withdraw from this southern Angolan town at soon as the 5,500 refugees have been evacuated, it was stated here today. The town, about 50 km north of the South West Africa Namibia i border. Is the
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  463 words
    • 237 3 Snub for Dr. K over Cubans in Angola BOGOTA. Tar. Colombian Presl •eat Alfonso Lopei Miehehen today gave 18 Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kisrfager the nr»t retaff of Ills week old Latin A Bertran tear by reiasinc to ■—■>■■ the Caoan mllltarr SMSfSt la Ancola Wish Dr. FtssiMii rittinc
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    • 337 3 Cubans may help Namibia in freedom war Pl'BA will help Namibia (SouthWest Africa) fight for independence from the white rulers of South Africa, the London Times reported today, quoting Cuban Government officials in Havana. Times correspondent John Oroser said the officials did not reject the possibility of Cuban involvement In
      Reuter; AP  -  337 words
    • 314 3 Protestors trample on Jakarta flag PORT MORESBY. Tuesday CTUDENT demonstrators trampled on an Indonesian flag, then threw it Into the driveway of the Indonesian Embassy here yesterday. wer« protesting against Indonesia i Involvement In Portuguese Timor and lv reported actlviuei against dissidents In Irian Jayi (Indoneslar. New Qulnea Tbe students
      Reuter; AP  -  314 words
    • 24 3 MDDUI. Tun Th« tun ■aak opened an oAee bare today to keeeaM tae Afth J«pjaneet aank to operate in SaoM Karaa —AT.
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    • 65 3 Nurse murder: Newly-wed charged LONDON. Tv« A l»-ye»r-old cocutrucUon Utourar who wmt Butrrtod a week ago wms cbaifwl with Urn murder of a 23-year-old nune from Honfkong O«r»ld MichMl HMltj h •eeoMd of Burtfwtac tntam nib Mn. TM Yuoc Tng on r*> 1 Mm body v«* found is pool of
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    • 256 3 Rhodesia dispute: EEC backing for Britain LUXEMBOURG. TUOBritain yesterday received strong Indirect for lv efforts tc achieve a ueitotlated settlement of the hnodesian dispute. In a statement puoiished by the Common Market Foreign Ministers. Last night's statement called for acif-determln-at.on and Independence for^the peoples of Rhodesia and condemned anartheld
      Reuter  -  256 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 «a> j"Z V j m. .ar a^a^ S^s> p^-^»- m 4**^ .^BaißaF 1^ Bar^ <m^ a^ F SaW aV*JBBBHi BJMB 1 X "C -JJi^AB Bal'J BaPM aW^^^^^-at** H+&KM&4 MM#Atte9 ial Ws**MT~- r mX mmoii*Sm> AaßaW P^^^> ASimHm+mS* s <^aaw .^^BaV^LT^xol Ba^^ r Mlg^Bm MaTtoMSxi BMa^aH BaS .^^^'^^B Btazoxlai )i i
      168 words
    • 371 3 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy Business Studies. with 60 years successful experience. offers you Courses for the examinations of: Kmmc&Atm |(C«4M AccmblmM Inlm«tC«BßwyaC— aal "IMIITIII 'in '"I- TBi< 'L PaUtAi 1 niiw P CMffjet^a jMp»re4ert Ute CluaWf W (■■■■rr. "'"li'jj Non-«xamina(ion counn alM>
      371 words

  • Briefly...
    • 31 4 MANILA. Tues— Mufllm lebel* freed unharmed six of the nine Fil.pino sailors kidnapped in the southern Pnuipplnes 58 days ago tor a two million peso iBS7I2.MH)i ransom, published reports said today.
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    • 42 4 j .NEW YORK Two Ameri can Ch ne»e scholars will receive honorary degrees irom lolumoia I imersily this week for their contribution in a new dictionary of Ming biography, a university spokesman said. Ihry are Cbao Ying-fang and his wife. Uenche TvFang
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    • 37 4 NEW YORK Newsman Daniel Schorr, who has admitted releasing a i secret House of RepreI sentatlves Intelligence I report to a weekly newspaper. wa* Indefinitely suspended 1 fiom reporting duties by the Columbia Broadcast ng SysWm yesterday
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    • 28 4 LISBON: The .Military Council of the Revolution. Portugal's highr*t political body, today urged President Kraneisco Da Costa Gomes to call elections for a legislative assembly on April 25.
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    • 42 4 HONOKONO China has imposed a part al ban on ravel north ol Canton and a number of Hongkong resident* have been forced to return to the colony by the People's Liberation Army unit*, the South China Morning I Post said today—Agen--1 cle*.
      42 words
    • 668 4 Brezh renews pledge on detente MOSCOW, Tuesday g() VIET Communist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev affirmed today that the Kremlin would pursue its policy of peaceful co-existence and detente "with redoubled energy" over the coming years. The 99-year-old Mr. Brezhnev was making the keynote speech at the opening of toe party's
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    • 101 4 •CIA DIDNT PLOT AGAINST WHTTLAM' fANBBiRA, TOSS. \J Allegations that the Central Intelligence Agency had plotted to overthrow Mr Ooagh WhlUam's Labour Government were absurd and untrue, the new US ainhs— iitor to Austraua, Mr. James Hargrove, said today. He said be endorsed the remarks made by Prime Minister Malcolm
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 32 4 jujtawom. Taav Ttam mnamtj ■iiaiiiii by a tot? ttt aaab laneu from bat ay aa wakawa tlain wbtla tnsy ware waanag la tract of their achool today, pease and. AT.
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    • 96 4 \JEW TOBK. Taca^P( The ea-agaia. eaTagala asarrUge ml EUaabeta Tayler and Ricaaxt. BarUn Is off agasa. Baa Maaea and aaBOt*te)4 iBSkaMBMaI aVTC deellalag to aay whether then- saaarattaa, Bva saaaiha after they married again hi aa alHsaa village. to heaaad for the dtvaree eearte
      96 words
    • 307 4 Police search Lockheed's Tokyo office for evidence TOKYO, Tuesday Japakese police and tax officials today raided the American Lockheed Aircraft Corporation's branch office here searching for evidence of Illegal acts In the Lockheed payoffs scandal. The offlce of Lockheed Aircraft (Asia) limited was one of the targets in a swoop
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 129 4 'Bid to overthrow Tito by pro-Soviet group' LONDON. Tues. A Moscow backed communlat underground group In Yugoslavia 1* planning to overthrow President Tito in a bid to bring the country back under Soviet control, the London Dally Telegraph reported .oday. The paper's communist affairs correspon dent. David Floyd, said those
      AP  -  129 words
    • 118 4 Gunmen ft. embassy siege give I— up J BEIBLT. Taee. Seven Lebanese gunmen were la ailLtary custody today after an eight Dour siege at the Canadian cbiiiij here. The gunmen released all their 24 hostages unharmed last night and surrendered. The gaamea's leader. Mohaaaaaed Haymoar. bad been demanding that his
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 30 4 TOKYO. Tues King Huaadn and Quean Ana of Jordan will pay a rtat* mit to Japan from March 10 to IS. the foreign ministry here announced today Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 316 4 PEKINO. Tue*. The Chinese press today carried front page pic tures of ex President Richard Nixon clasping hands with Chairman Mao Tse tung For the second day running the official People's Dally gave the dls graced former President bead cf state style
      Reuter; UPI  -  316 words
    • 68 4 SAN FRANCISCO TUC( Parted Ruuiin ballerina Natalia Uakarova has been married In a Ruauan Orthodox ceremony to San Francisco hull n— inn IMward Baaaa Mia Makarovm. who detected from the Leningrad Kirov Ballet in 1970. married on Sunday at the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin here Among the
      AP  -  68 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 432 4 Visit our booth at tha US Business Equipment Systams Exhibition from February 24th to 27th indusiva. at tha Unitad Stats* Trada Cantar at Yen San BMg. (opposita Mandarin Hotel). All patrons, at the exhibition, will be entitled to a special 20% discount. I At** aa. aß* arrA arra\ to cusn»n
      432 words
    • 206 4 CAPTAIN'S PARADISECRUISE I^^Li' ''•Baal I aY j H lamrj M .ataaaaLaC aY a L_^Baaaß»«XaaT I W ataaal k Ba^_ Baaa "^"a Bl I BBaaaffaßJßaT ajß/^ aßßßaaß^^^^»_^ Br aa^f bmbw i .aaaa wm aaw J v^ H^^aßV I aarar Bar a«ian\_ afaal J J B aY Baa' sat Mafar*SßM^| |ajaat« a\
      206 words

  • 282 5 Fishmonger dies of burns after fire in flat- A 40 YEAR OLD fishmonger. Lan Ah Chua died of severe bums at the Singapore General Hospital on Monoay night, shortly after he was rescued irom a tire In his Petain Road flat The cause of the fire Is not known Neighbours
    282 words
  • 40 5 THS Chtnaac Cttambwr of Cnssim* will torn a worktag wasssaKtvi Io orgamat eswjkvaltwas to stark ttt Ttta aaaftwnary on June i and Long ■run awards win be Mftt^at aatMwatwVß atlwi ssw^sim ■rvwd Urn chaatkwr for it ywars
    40 words
  • 29 5 OOPIBB of PSA Tarlf I(7* an now availabtt at SIM a copy trass Urn caabMT* oflfc* on U» ftm Boor. PSA Towars. jardtne aups. Tatofc aUancah Road
    29 words
  • 337 5 Dealer who had device to decant liquefied gas TIE Singapore Metrication Board has asked for an explanation from an oil company for allegedly providing a dealer with apparatus for decanting liquefied petroleum gas 'LPO). A board spokesman said yesterday that folk/wing a few weeks of Investigations Into suspected Illegal LPO
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  • 143 5 rl disease, rheumatoid arthritis, which has defied Intensive worldwide research Into lv origin has claimed 1M victims In Singapore over the past nme years. The figure Is believed to be higher than In Peninsular Malaysia or Africa. Dr Tay Chong-KJI. consultant physician at the Singapore Oeneral Ho
    143 words
  • 135 5 IT waa a refreahlnc charter yesterday for theae people taking cover from raintfrepa instead of warning sanshlne *nd as the Arst dro»a of rain pattered down aloof Elm Seng Road yesterday noon. p shot their brollies SsßiUng. they feand jmst watkini i* the
    135 words
  • 179 5 pOl'R welfare Homes, affected by Ihe Changi Airport development project, will remove to new sites soon. The four Homes are the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home, the Singapore Children's Society Convalescent Home, the Singapore Cheshire Home and the Red Cross Crippled Children's
    179 words
  • 107 5 Computer for the Customs? THE Customs and Ex else Department has completed a feasibility (tudy Into computerising Its documentation work as part of an overall plan to upgrade lv efficiency and streamline work pro cedurea The study, believed to have spread over a year. was done by the depart ment's
    107 words
  • 150 5 STORE WRITERS TO FORM SOCIETY SINGAPORE wr 1 1 era are to form a society. The inaugural meeting U> set up the Society of Writers will be held tomorrow at p m In the lecture hall of the National Library The meeting, to be opened by the Senior Parliamentary
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  • 72 5 PWD bays two giant pavers THE Public Works Department has bought two "giant" p avers known as ttv Bla w Knox PF 95 DV to be used at the Paya Lebar and the new Changl airports The mrhlnss ooaltoc MM** win b* wed for panne Uts runway* and taxl*ara at
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  • 25 5 CHYE Kay community omtn U ortaroalnc a Mg walk, Marttac frosa Its pr»mitm at Chyt Kay Road on March 14 at S am
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  • 208 5 -$15 m drainage project to end floods at Bedok town T»HE Oo v c rnment 1 has begun a $15 million drainage scheme to alleviate flooding In Bedok Plain and Bedok New Town two highly flood prone areas In eastern Singapore A Ministry of the Environment statement said yesterday that
    208 words
  • 51 5 A II -SESSION count In conversational Malay for bttinncrs will be started by Uw Educational Enrichment Department of tne YMCA In Orchard Road on March 2 Fees arc tM for member* and »25 for otnart. Further details may be obtained from the YMC Office, A Orchard Road Ul
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 428 5 IlV?] s(^i*m g^ssH-^^Bg^H K /^^/5 BSsW m V^SsWS^BSSsHsSBsI SsP^SsP^SS^^SsVhss^BSSS^L^ j^^J SSS» Y1 SS^.^^ TM BSBW BBwIbBSSS^bI BSS^^^^if BS^T^^^^V vt^gV V^^BBS^BBll BS^BS^BBb^BSSw^^ SBV i^ BBSaßwt )^BBBbS gHj bl^Bbs? t^BsftßsvjißP^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^iCSi^'* 1 rfgS LV V^ A lOw^BbV I sibs^Bb3 LbC!^^ < *^Bs-'^bb 'x^flßsttw^^Bs^^Bßs^a BSsVbs^bl w^BSBsTw) SsMwl -^A^Pj* 1 i A^ V^V^gm. \sl BBBS^BSBF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 281 6 BROWN BOVERI We are proud to announce the official opening in Singapore of BBCBrownßoveri (S.EA.)Pte.Ltd When Charles E.L Brown HHHHHHHBHHV^S^^NM continents supported by agencies and Walter Boveri founded Brown b Mbl and a comprehensive service Boveri Co. in Baden in 1891 and organisation in over 100 countries, commenced work with
      281 words

  • 329 7  -  NGIAM TOMO HAI By *J* H E burial grounds of Pelt San Teng in I'pper Thomson Road will give way to a new town if plans for a mult i million dollar project now being worked out by the Cantonese community
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  • 143 7 rE Malay Teachers Union has assured Malay teachers In Sings pore that they would not b atone redundant because of the decreasing number of students In their schools Clkgu Wan Hussein Zohrt. vice president of the union, said the teachers would be retrained and
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  • 243 7 20 S'pore seamen to appear in NMB inquiry ABOUT n local maic are Vi appear before an official Inquiry on Friday In connection with two aiiagad an iu!h orlsed Industrial actions on board a Singapore freighter,. These crew members of the vessel C. Ranee will apnear before the National Maritime
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  • 55 7 Police net 'Black Eagle gang Detectives arrested four men suspected to be members of the Black Eagle secret society In a swoop In Sembawang early yesterday. The suspects, tied between 27 and 30. were rounded up b* detectives between 12 30 a.m. and 1.30 s m All of them are
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  • 19 7 KAMFOMO Chsl Cbs* community centre wtE tula a ptcnte at Pas* Bis at March 14 at a m
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  • 136 7 rE "Wild West Gang" as fiaslag here for a "sbawdewa" with the big etty folks Ceaaalrtr with wagens. wigwams. Bed Indian ehl«f». cowboys and pretty Indian ■gnaws, the Baffalo Bill Wild Went Show of Usaarlss Mains Ha perfermances here la April The 31-membrr graam'a
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  • 235 7 Police choked me when I ate a sweet: Accused ACLIRK yesterday described how she was choked and "manhandled" by police officers Immediate!) after she popped a white sweet Into her mouth In the midst of a raid. Tan Chwee Huay. 23. a clerk with a driving school, was testifying at
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  • 413 7 LAWYER held yesterday that commercial tenants asked to quit their old business premises should not include in their c o m pc nsa tion claims the cost of setting up business elsewhere. Mr. Alfred Wee. counsel for Asia Insurance Co. Ltd.. ssld
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  • 30 7 TH* Upper Serangoon community centre will stage the South-east Asia Television Popular Stan Show at Urn day World Stadium from March 10 to March 14 from Ips daily
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 196 7 SONY Sony Re-invents Color TV. The bigger the lens, the better the picture, Sony's lens is twice as big as anyone else's. Trinitron One big lens. Others —Three small lenses. Why is one lens so much better? Everyone else system using one big lens. With a big lens, the So,
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    • 53 8 PRESIDENT Marcos, with the help of a happy President Suharto and an aide, i the "nasi tumpeng" on behalf of the Asean heads of government at a glittering State banquet hosted by the Indonesian leader on Monday night. It the traditional thanksgiving ceremony for
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    • 1017 8 CLOSING SPEECHES Asean's future not in doubt, says Lee KUTA BEACH. Tuesday ASEAN has now made a permanent landmark on the political economic Landscape of South-east Asia, Mr. Lee Koan Yew said in his address at the closing ceremony of the first Asean summit here today. The Singapore Prime Minister,
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    • 726 8 TEXT of the joint communique Iwued by the five Asean Heads of Government yesterday, at the end of their first summit in Denpasar, Ball: 1 The President of 1 the Republic of Indonesia, UOeneral Suharto, the Prime Minister of Malaysia a& Datuk Hussein Onn. the President of
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    • 145 8 rjONO KOMO. Tues 3. China yesterday reacted without comment he Ant Ass an summit A New China News kgency report, monitored ken. noted thet the ummlt meeting was to Haf now to stienghen the unity and retonal ssonomlf coopers ion among the Asean oember nations. It
      Reuter  -  145 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 466 8 CcnflaAihtionis w ChapCliapDdkwasPrt w Coi^ winners. Ji s^s«<..,^s»i^^ -^s»»»Bs«sa! m^sMawsesS^^s^ssVmmmVaVawl I All tM fc-^ alel m A m m mt\ (aii winrwrs win D# nontMM ay pfjw*j Ist Prize sth Prize |H ONE NATIONAL REFRKSERATOH 2Sr??2^ W l^mml LINDA TAY SWEE CHOO lecthootajT t^hsmo i- j« gggggH 8 Jalan Smga.
      466 words
    • 64 8 aßawVaa^aeu a> esve**eh.aam c. > *W«_^B»ek- wasmnJ^saw^afw wJsf I \fs9 V^mP*U wfSesVwflwsjl mom i raooATTiMMNOi JHM nur new. McoWf*) wrTM*owt*> WSCTHTtWa IMSTS*) CLOCK SYSTEM CftfirtfaHMCOWOtH I 21 aa> mTamwsmmwmTsmTml I J^^^^^ 'UU.V automatic irtTwnawri ■VB riMg sacoftoui gaHHJHB Atsisf s H«MTCMMMIS mmmU Jfe; exec* murt, Wi^ jfcy A Jr" 00
      64 words

    • 204 9 24-hour curfew in jungles to facilitate army ops IPOH. Tuesday K(>rM;-THK CLOCK corfew "has been imposed in the forest reserve and jungle areas of the inukim of I'lu Selaina while a 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew •imiH-d on the cultivated areas. The curfew, which does not affect roads, towns
      204 words
    • 170 9 Police seize 36 guns from hideouts KUALA LUMPUR Tues Police have seised 34 guns and more than 1.000 rounds of ammunition from gangster hide-ouU In Peninsular Malaysia since the beginning of last month. They have also recovered seven hand grenades During the same Denod last year. only 14 guns were
      170 words
    • 74 9 MENTAKAB iPahangi. Tues. A smokehouse belonging to the Malaysia Commodities Bdn. Berhad and valued at M 5700.000 was burned down In an eight-hour blase which started at 330 pm. yesterday Pour fire-engines from MrnUkab and Temerloh fire stations rushed to the smokehouse at the ISth km Temerioh-Kuala
      74 words
    • 120 9 WIVES TO LEARN TO HANDLE ARMS MIA*. Twas. The IGP. Dm to Sri H* ■Iff Omar said teday ac weald war* eatt a pUn far the Ualninc of wtvee and eMMrea ef »eaee psiseauut manning rtatla— to handle all tr«ee ef an si ma avails bit in Urn staUesM. ■c
      120 words
    • 732 9 Witness: Wife's infidelity led to rows BODY IN TRUNK* TRIAL KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A Colombo Plan expert accused of murdering his wife had frequent quarrels with, her because of her infidelity to him, the High Court was told today. Company director Mr. Nigel antrum. 47. aaid her Infidelity waa manifested
      732 words
    • 31 9 ■F~lhiiU UaW aS 2m SaMar IMA 55 MOBAa^B^ A^rt fß^bEjk^BMl k«M latay. mm uw aa «wn ta *a>aM|f MuMad »i«h rcrww jgJWfcr*. li j**** In «ry» atrfn.Btiil
      31 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 508 9 Tmttpn snow wf», O»W Mao* KV-iSOOtS mj^J^SSB^BmV^H a«aaMasawsM>«ai MMas. No clown payment, No fuss. A 12-month block payment scheme. Yes! Now you can own a Sony Trinitron colour tv with only $126/= as first payment and balance can be splited by 1 1 block payments which js $126/= per month,
      508 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 209 9 ■rtnglng Op faiaa* »y ■Ul atavaßagi 4t atetf CaMMg* J [mmi iN/oh -noFisttr] 1 1 h*k a mumcx jjfla<l.l BCW-'tS UigdaT A rua7T)««owrv-- oo«nr to nbcsssa«v. ku»toam op urn I mummf-rct* omtrr iu.*mTwS>ZHMm «o wttm > V daikiF- j -nnocs'-xucAu. I «00l Haw gvawv "xSam% n« aojr ak> M>*ye J
      209 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 343 10 glok-tiuv mittw B 5 Shorn daily 11 *m. 130. 4.00 645. 9.15 B A COMBINATION of THE GREAT ESCAPE" IT'S A MAO, MAO. MAD, MAD WORLD" 4 "WHAT'S UP DOC'" ROLLED INTO ONE! Q i > \_v \i '^t'immmt- mX& J^BaJ ■LPbbbß&bm G' "w Ibbp^BP^^jß xbhV«bbbV'9bbßbbM HMY-THOHAS BOURVIt LOWS OE
      343 words
    • 674 10 ■For ciiier sQ.OOObO€>ks .^'■wV^ bPl^bbbbbbbbbbbWbi Soviet Gallefy's First and Largest V Pi C^bbbV .aB^BBBBa^avT bbb^b>> Sale of i ts k ind. HHbSHIB|^X jV Books by authoritative Soviet philosophers, scientists and reknown authors cover wide ranging subjects B 4 lm like Art. Socio-Economic Studies. bbbbV «ri 'T} P^ Scientific and Technical
      674 words
    • 114 10 I I rjyj L K BBaV < ■*^^SbBBBBM^S^ ■•■■aJTtF^W 2id <c sr WEEK! i CATHAY ii m < i 3O 4 63 93 p" 1 j Wkti It fnrs Ti leaity Cutest- It's "C4UY HI" |«j» j iiqWITQM'GUS f SIDUrt JAKES BARBARA WINDSOR JOAN SINS KENNETH CONNOR BERHARC BItSSSLAM r
      114 words
    • 639 10 OWCAMISATIOW I 11«.1N.4N14t «1I 1 )Ju» Andraw^Onor Shorrt "Tka TamaIINO UIV J lo><n»riw Cotor NEXT CHANG€' t TMI LOV| Kin" >• Mairii Mn naii n CCXCW OPWwI 11,..1N4Nt.4|.|N -ma«c cumJ I Mondarm m Scopa > Cotor SNCXT CHANGC' PAUL NCWMAN m •n- OwOwmim* ram." Ponoxwon A Cotor IWB) OMMS TOO*T
      639 words

  • 189 11 Court told of exec's wife's love for another ma n A BUSINESS executive s wtfe. who lived apart from him after they were married, told him one day that she had fallen In love with another man. the High Court heard yesterday Mr Heart Ens: Tak. who] Miss Chan
    189 words
  • 58 11 MBa Jek Teun Thong •He of tho innlstsf tor Culture will be gueat-of-hunour at the National Council of Woman s annlvvreary dinner and faahkon snow at the Hyatt Hotel oo Saturday at P» TVkaU for the dinner and show are available at Joy's Boutique Specialist Centre and
    58 words
  • 43 11 the Bangladesh Trade Coßunuatoner. Mr A Shamansaaaian will hold a recipUon for officers of the tl Patrol Craft Squadron of P— t'nf— Navy, at Hotel Equatorial ob March at IM pm The squadron la coming bar* ob a goodwUl-cum-tralnlng cruise
    43 words
  • 277 11  -  AHMAD O.MAN THE Sumitomo Chemical Group has made an industry-wide hunt for new partners for its proposed $2 billion petrochemical complex to be built jointly with the Singapore Government. In a new move to reduce capital Involvement In th* complex, Sumitomo has Invited
    277 words
  • 466 11  -  PAUL WtC •y rpu E^nlor Partla--1 mentary Secretary. Environment). Mr Chor Yeok Bng. has said that he has lodged a complaint against several policemen "for falling to carry out their duty and not showing him proper respect." He told the StraJU Times this on Monday
    466 words
  • 47 11 A CABUAL lab— wmt MUaa He tbrm years via three sbrebss of tb» retal in a dmtrtct oourt yaateremi for irmaVkteg la M roOs ol mVmmMS. Abdur JaU mn Abdul R«h ooeMvtmivtheaeTeßce' id taji Dujruaa •oard'i «aartars la Duaoarn Boad ea Jan. Mcl
    47 words
  • 35 11 TO Yt-w-fttafv frixW mwllefttmOafi ICaT OrMD eVBd nMaU muatc via ba hatd trom Aurll II to May 4 AmbVmhbs are open odOI March U For furtnar lnlonßaOoo. iMg MsfM at MNI.
    35 words
  • 17 11 TWO OtMM data star. eamagrl-U HoUL Marling today They are Mm** Helm Bitter aod ArtM Hu-
    17 words
  • 161 11 IF afengßeng staget; 1 Teresa Oaraea, 1» (above). Bad her way ate wo«id asng all night aad then eaa» ea aUgc after t*e last ber aeeieeieg Baa left. After all. ategteg to her eaeaasl eeAyjev. Ttreaa, aa BbH reiiitMM artiste, flew inU
    161 words
  • 59 11 DR Toh Chin Chyt. the Minuter for Health will attend the OtjamiUal and OrruMcotoaicaJ Bortetys third annuai SMBjar and second oration at the Btofapon Hilton on Ssterdai at T p-m The oraUon wUI bt given by Professor 8 8 fUinaoi bead of MM University of Slngaporcs
    59 words
  • 21 11 TBACHBBa IB chart* of cham win meat today at MS p-m. a* Saarts Bsase, Rutauxl Boa*, to arraae* tor
    21 words
  • 74 11 rE Singapore Bus Service la to operate another eO new buses along 23 routes. The buses will hay» a carrying capacity of XJM passengers. Of the new buses. 1« will add to the existing operating fleet The rest are replacements. An ffme. statement
    74 words
  • 297 11 A MAN who checked Into a hotel with his wife visiting him after enterIng Singapore Illegally found her dead the next morning, a coroner heard yesterday. The court recorded a verdict of suicide on Chong Ah Lot alias Chong Bam
    297 words
  • 40 11 THI Dtrertor of KduoUoo. Mr Ckca Kal Tee. HI attend Oh each aa»u>»aa»f eeteaHfJaee M the. AngioRoad. Ob March 1 at t am. Mr. Chan win renew the schools parade aod maxchawaiw* la letiiiiCjia stu-
    40 words
  • 38 11 A BOU> singing contest win be held by the Bmttt Bo Bwee r- nei**r eanirt'a manaemnent committee at the centre on ftwulaj at mt Saab Mai Kok MP tot Buklt Bo Swat, wul preaaat thserbm
    38 words
  • 22 11 TMB jEaeMmmg Ban Tens fmtmunlty centre Is orsjanfla* ing a two-day camping trtp la Bt. Johns Ismad oo March v
    22 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 239 11 \m The Mandarin Singapore present» mI II II K^BT^BT^^r^^B BBw^^amml BmmmV^^^Ba V. mwi -PHffBpISHBSPBPPII V yf x j f^'^ t TamP^" tammwf^ W^^ mmwmwl mwmwP^^ Baaaaaaaaaaßßatt MWr\ mmmWS^^^W Bsf '"SOmwßmwßmwßmwßmwßmwßmmW /^^JTyS^mA BBmwamWmwßmwalßmwßmwßmwßmwßmmmwmßl s V^ lts a happening in rhe zELJIS^uI/Tli'^ Tq V^ Miramar a living experience. The new Lobby S^amwrnwlS
      239 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 275 11 Straits Times Crossword BBbT BbV" BmV BmV 4 I i^ I 'r I 1 BJi BXI JJJ B^| .***** I I ■BT" ~"BBat"~"~aaa l "~"~aWsT ~™eaaTir" "~^^i K sml Bas Bas Bw I 1 Bml BBmBBBBmI Bmi Araoaa ran «l-nc i*. I. < Drink thai in general luban made to
      275 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 406 12 YEARLY nine years after ltt birth, the skeletal frame of Asean has at last taken on some flesh and sinew with the signing in Bali of the Declaration of Concord and the Treaty of Amity and Co-operation. Asean stands for a great deal more today than It
      406 words
    • 210 12 TtHE stable climate of Industrial relations in Singapore Is* the envy of some advanced countries whose economies have been damaged by the Industrial action of powerful labour movements. To the authorities of these countries, the relatively pla- id industrial scene here might appear to an achievement which does
      210 words
    • 171 12 n/ILL Urn relevant aoTT thorlty kindly took Into Urn possibility of Installing light* ta Urn park under Urn Thomson Road flyover (next to Chequers Hotel). It to often used by resident* living ta Toa Payoh. especially of Blocks 170 to 174 as
      171 words
    • 95 12 I REFER to WJTi letter ST. Ptb. 1»>. It to Urn library's general policy to answer any reference enquiries relating to Its resources. Including; checking of books ta It* catalogues With reference to Urn particular incident referred to ta WJTi tetter, we are looking lr>to Urn matter and appropriate measures
      95 words
    • 96 12 T MAD ta your paper about the pdght of gardens ta Singapore drying up due to Urn currant drought I would lite to give readers a hint on keeping their own private gardens alive and growing wtH My garden to ta rery food condition, apart from Urn lawn turning brown
      96 words
    • 58 12 THI rrwiuite of Mr. C.B Koh (ST.. Pab. 9) regarding noUy buses has prompted ma to comment on the same aspect on Pastr Panjang Road Moot Urn mat. some of Urn naually noisy buses have been replaced by modified quieter buses using a different transmission. I nope this Is the
      58 words
    • 160 12 IROBI to Urn letter by Rasjiar TJaar (OT. Pab. IS> The wooden public telephone ktaak at Muni Bonn Road was found to be In a <wHapmn« stote by our maintenance staff mi working telephone was therefore recovered ta December last year and Urn kiosk was putled down. •übaoquanUy.
      160 words
  • 479 12  - Nixon takes on new role of 'Peking spokesman ROMIIT CRAMC m TOKYO •y Pt.Ortt who wondered what Mr Biehard i Nixon would d« after 1 Watergate Anally have an answer. i Chinese teacers have given the former 1*1 Mt- dent a new political rote M their unofficial •pofceaaiaa U certain
    479 words
  • 1221 12  - Rockefeller to make his last bid for US Presidency? JOHN HEFFERNAN: WASHINGTON By yiCK- Presidents of the United SUtes are supposed to play a secondary ana largely unpublicised role, leaving all the limelight to the man occupying the White House. But that does not suit the character of the current
    Reuter  -  1,221 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 15 12 THUNDtt-XmC mmHH <s* Complete act with cymbals $MO.OO Hut st«i— l alWwes) A niLTI JiU.l%iStrf*.lg*i#w
      15 words
    • 212 12 if 'aT >'/ Fashions on Fridays February 27th, lunch time. Escalade and The Bagatelle Shoppe present their exclusive 1976 collection of day and evening clothes for today's fashion conscious girl Special highlights on the Eastern look, with models from Mannequin Co sponsored and make up by Germaine Monteil and free
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  • 431 13 Counsel: Threat used to get cash j cheque ACOMrANY suing a goldsmith over a IISMT cash cheque, used threat on one of IU own employees to get the cheque s lawyer alleged In the High Court yesterday Mr Lee Tow Klat. defending Yoong Fai Chong. said his client would raise
    431 words
  • 44 13 MIL atejhen Sub. dlractor of panonnei and txmfe rekttun of the Shell trump of mipenti la Sincapore. will (pnui on Top StenafleaMni and Public Relctioni at Urn Inautate of FmMk Relation* lint IK ■onUtry lunch at the AnMTtcan Club on Thtmday
    44 words
  • 321 13 A BUREAUCRATIC merry -«o round greeted an attempt to find out the workings of a fund for the poor, which has grown to $320,000 over a period of 4.") years. No one seems to know how the Poor Box Fund, started before 1931, is
    321 words
  • 183 13 POSB PRIZE FOR MILLIONTH ACCOUNT HOLDER THE Post Office Strings I Back, which Increased iU deposit* by more than six -fold since 1971. will soon have IU millionth account. And the lucky one millionth account holder will be giren a POSB lego in gold worth $14X10. provided there ia not
    183 words
  • 46 13 TWO rooban. one araad with a eaesar. lurpnaad a ro(Tc*-thop owner aul taraped with the day oollacUon of lljet. at Prince Charles Crvaoant off Alexandra Road, j alter day e*eninf PoUre aud the roobert then tied up the owner. Cham Kirn Chin. M
    46 words
  • 60 13 POLICE have arrested ictci asea la c o n n c I lon with the 51M375 burgUrj at the Metre Geldea MUle dtwrleet t state en Pte. 1 laet year. iaiese said [umu I mi Frag Wak. M, who wee eket aee4 at a peßee ssege at
    60 words
  • 118 13 TWO DIE IN SEPARATE ROAD ACCIDENTS A SCHOOLGIRL and a motorcyclist died in separate road aectaents w.thin Ove hours of e&ch Jther on Monday Po ice said the first mishap occurred at about 11.30 a.m. when the jchooigtri. Seng Cheng Tiani. 11. was faUay Injured when she was knocked down
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  • 25 13 TO ywca win bold a nag day on March S to raise funds (or a community service centre in Marine Parade housing estate
    25 words
  • 191 13 Hongkong star who is always being 'bullied' HONGKONG actress Mass Lily Lee, 22 is well-known to her andlrnrr far her imptsh grin and her IrayaJ of a childish yesmg girl o' l*e reles Lit!; i ta »»^»-r» ret k^^ed cv had charae. ters fcecaeae 1 appear thildUh n .We "My
    191 words
  • 98 13 'Open-house' at blood donation centre The biood donation centre at the Singapore General Hosplta. will hold vi "open house" and exhibition. :n conjunction with the hospital's 50th anniversary celebrations, on Saturday and Bunday from 8 »into 5.30 p m The blood transfusion service will be at the Ponce Arartawiy today
    98 words
  • 42 13 Productivity course AN toil— trial Bnglnaenng Module li >w«k MeaeareSsent and Incentives) course will be conducted by the National Produeuvtiy Board (MPB> from March S to l» In-plant training, to be conducted at the participant* fta-a. will follow from March M onwards.
    42 words
  • 26 13 TIB Pwspie'S Action Party Kiel East branch committee will hold IU first children art wmsllllnn at Bloc* I Lorong 1. Tea Piyoh on "g|"
    26 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 93 13 BORROW UP TO 20YEARS FROM SMGAPURA BUtMNG SOCETY LMTED lil.'HiiAWil'liiiffl Loans available up to 80% of SBS valuation subjea to a maximum of $230,000. Favourable interest at flat rate irrespective of repayment period and the amount of loan. Repayment period up to 20 years. a And of course you will
      93 words
    • 540 13 MALAYSIA CUP SPECIAL I The Northern I I campaign I H Footboll in Ketanton rs more thon o post-time, it is a passion v and its supporters ore fanatics. So a tension-chorged H situation awaits the Singapore team when they travel to Koto Baru next week for the op"nng match
      540 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 568 13 On your TV i 1 SINGAPORE 5 LSI PM Open n, ami MajaWt Kekarp (Maay) ftttracaJ L» ton of E«nU (M*y) }j{ Ul Genera! Hospital jjj janudri (Maa** it! intisari (Rcfeat) US Mai lai aan| Ull«ttfnws*n Ufeaf Ul Oataai and CaUecott ChiUrn's Cornef Ml Cities ai War lemnj/ad (RapaM) IUS
      568 words

      • 50 14 M B-< llt.M 1 HiaklBc M.M I U'UUUo »4 1 i ri*rnu«» »mt Ha* Dvtr U.i« I.Oft hut mst •«W»c luk ft.M hb »i i. Trm4lB( IUI tt M.U A c »i I X. U .tolln« SIM Jf M I* J« —.11 -will n U -It .11 J« >
        50 words
      • 18 14 r-»u •urn* D— If CM. G. I— Hr la* »t.M K.l» llt» SMI ♦Jt ♦*t t:
        18 words
      • 8 14 ratal VmMM: XM III 41
        8 words
      • 63 14 MN MM tt a.T Uin m.7» M7.U IMilmk t.iM tiltj H«l«ll: «t*JI ttt.II Matofa: HIM ***** fWt^ln: itlJl I1UI Iku: MM NJt riMm SUM MJl t O.CJC. tM.71 U4.M t ti-i laA: MIJ* U1J* ft JU. 1. ltil IN 1 Dm. it. IM4 in Dm. II. INI ltt t
        63 words
    • 327 14 SHARK prices feU sharply across the board In light and selective trading on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Interest was much subdued, as reflected In the turnover of 2.0W.000 unite valued at $5.»8.000 compared to Monday's 3.4 million worth $9,825.--000. Heavy scrip delivery at
      327 words
      • 231 14 UONOKONO. Tvs The 11 market flitned markMlty during the afternoon after a steady npttng. with oparawr* anticipating a good budget on Wadneaday. daaltea aaM. Second an* isus. particularly pmoaittS. were higher tn active trading, with assj Laag ruing S* HK SOU to 14 46 Tn* Bang Bang index roat
        231 words
      • 269 14 CTDNTY Tus. Prtos ros sharply In active trading, with sustained buyIng support taking almost al lectors of the market hia-har. dealers wd The Sydney All-OrdlnarMa Index ros 53S potnu to 4a* 3* They noted some bearish devekxxnenu like the sceJIng down of operations at the Kannantoo mine, and Urn
        269 words
      • 168 14 TOKYO. Tus. —The mar--1 ket cloaad slightly higher with Investor* snowing persistent interest In Mgcapltal tuira. oaalers saia The Dow Jonei average gained 41* to 4 ioo S3 with vcluse rising u> 300 million shares from ISO million on Monday The Mew index closed at 131*7 up OM Steel
        168 words
      • 96 15 a MSTCHOAM. Man —The market nuXI quietly mlaad with Ihmhh Arm Oaum mlamauanak? Aka. adaad hither, but PM. ■pa and Pamun tat am* •round. Beyal Dalca nnwtien anetmiigad. tlmaliaie aaaae aer* lad by Itaa. ■■kma.aan— to, Aawv. Maardw »nd B(|mu karf. QM aad aXM hmtUii Btato loans aam« vher*
        96 words
      • 62 15 r/URJCH Moo Dtapne mmm profit nmltmttona maay atocka aimiK la gam aoaat polnu Th. mark»t novwer cloaad irtaialm. Bondi t-ni their laat VNti prkMa TIM cradit hiimm maai fom IS potnu to SMS. «la#eja>ajmjg«j gjgj ajfcg) Bjg%. ,^a E Mtiw-wtti irr* ■"■»■»> a» t ■■"■■■l mm m Uw Mft
        62 words
      • 249 15 ■hjV YORK. Mao The rwwm tuphoru on tha N»» York stock Kachaam •hieh hrtpad whtoVaii. cord traoiac volume of 44 s million TZrmTir >nda,. *»mtrad do«n a mt today and prtrw rvUaaUMl for th* Snt Urn* m four ■■aona. normal ill iiliMimaiil after an ratandad naa. Bkwevar. earUln
        249 words
      • 73 15 FIS 4N-CIAL TIMCS INDI'STBiALS *****r mi Jrtdaj Ml* J^' 35 Moodar <Mtt W*> Weak ago MIN OILS Monday m.TI 'rtaajr W** HIM DOW JONES AVaSAOU INDIBTUAL* Friday anjt W«ak ago cioasd VOHDOn DOLLAR ruitii n Monday M\ to m%% Prtaay 1M to IM*« ILK. BAMO gSMO Monday tun
        73 words
      • 487 14 /-wPTHINO quotallom In tnc Singapore ruobtr market vestsrdsy wore Barked down f allowing lower London advicea. Il rallied mildly later to rule quMt aud onoertalnly wllhln cm* cent bracket with no partlculai trend tn evtdßnco until toward! tno morning etoae when Bore ■rUcri appealed. The BMrntßg sslon ckacd
        487 words
      • 95 14 fxAILT BBR and BMK prices taaasd at now yvataraajr. R.A S. ICmi Mttl ItaMrf Mlki (Mali nr W> <e*»w par kf t M (1 ton |»1M) 1M 00 111 00.N 111 00 1U0ON 1M tl toil pallet) HIM 17J00N 17»00 1M 0ON KV (1 ton ptlktl *****
        95 words
      • 84 14 pNiassa nmmi siMMMI, SMteAMOS HOM r IST! BOAT HUM OH: B-« IMS atllaw. "Mam. mw IMS* eaarai Max <mm*> l)i*i SM teavtvi -IJII Muau* ATT A -mi. fok is* nlw tat NHm. bunt ««M* fa a. M* M.W U4* MOtn. Saravtf nimi mm to*. m,w ««tv, **U*ts. hmt
        84 words
      • 31 14 Robber Fek. 14. Singapore Mar. 171.M cl*. i down rse eta.) MaJarala Mir IM.M cts. (down Z.M cts.) Tin U.tM.Sw op mi:,) Official •ffertng lee ton* (down J« teas).
        31 words
      • 215 14 fH* Straits tin prtr*. surfod 1 SSIIS to tI.OMM per ptcul in Panont y— Urday on in oOdal offtrtn* down M tont to IM tons. Tht ovorolgtit London market wai barely rtoady with forward buyer* allpptns 11 to CS.Ms par nwtrtc ion LONDON: Tin ckaad with ■Undent grade
        215 words
      • 40 14 was WSS Mill ml l n> iota* its a* :ssr zs rmn. ia.« i*»*» Swrat IM.l* I'M; m-r -i mm m t»b tMBS ISSSM ■^Ey 55 trw B> U.I. artlar Mr «Mr«. 111 AHMIIU Mr it) Ai«m tn«t.
        40 words
      • 31 14 Lm4m mm** imn m Ms* a»r in M «M« Baa* frajnr (HIM HIIIMI MlMr (OS il«lt) Ttm MwMk turn ISM (10*1. at) e*ll*r ISM JO ii«M> W« i».*M Mbm.
        31 words
    • 397 14 LOSS I.S were recorded all round In selective trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Support was distinctly lacking. Sentiment deteriorated partly accaaee of the approach el the month cad when serlp dellve-y against settlement deals entered earlier la the month Is expected te set
      397 words
    • 248 14 T*HX US dollar opened fracttonally tow yesterday morning at S2 4IIS-M In thr Singapore forez market Trading activity wai rtrtually featureles and market was extremely thin a* there are still no new factors to Influence the dollar It however, ckaed quiet at I 3 4515-M Suggested Interbank
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 151 14 Buu<vt«d Interbank r»te» at 300 pm. "1 I'll rates >»M>tUi Pm«^|< jm*m4*l irr*«i |»rHf «kU|t UJB dolUr ***** 2 4«2S 2.11*4 —ll.** SUrlinc SOJSO 6 OMS 7 344* —1100 Boofkong dolter 4046 49 75 MSI 170 Malayan dollar Nil M 100 00 1 M AUK Khtlllnc 11JM0 *****0
      151 words
    • 171 14 ABIAM currancy dapoatt Intoroank rats as at Oom on Tuaadaj. Fob M: Vt riltan (Sbm) Ows Sis 1 daw > 1 t mth 5 11 II S SUM I 7 IS S/1S 1 sths v is I• is S mth* 11 3 1 S Sths 1/4 I
      171 words
    • 35 14 CtoMnt Intcrtenk ratw In ■tntapcm dollar* (or Kb 34 OsTor Mi OwmUhl S 111 1 Biih 4 1(1 4 14 I mtlw 4 II IS I mth* lit I laartt: P. Mmmj-iumn InlMnaMtaiL
      35 words
    • 70 14 RAMOC ml rain tmrnr»» ar MM kMM 4* r»» M Ovarmwkl IS t-,% call ttpmn IS t» r.i S^MMJ aw %«i t Moctlk Tntwn Wm 17 1* I It Maws Baak Mil* 4 I 4 14 1 Mora CD I /It 4 T It Hanlk CD 5 It
      70 words
    • 56 14 Aloaxwn* 7H4 FNCi 7*^ Cdnakak Sor* 7V, HKSK 7M ■anC o» Anno 754 Inanuai 7% tank o« Chmo 7V> Matoy** S<r>»^fl 7% Sank o« Tokyo 7Vi M,tv* tank 7% Bork Nimi InOMMM 7vi OCX 7% CSort«i«doonfc 7V) CXJ6 7U Cbaat Manhattan 7% OCB 7W MS 714 UMgC
      56 words
    • 1594 14 xHI hut trajMactad ready 1 air al U>» dam of bsstxaa on u>» Mack BBcnaage of Singapore jiilirliy o*sptml «tf> ihr prevtow* oar prtre* together witn in t* fig* and to* <»A4)uMad for mp rtght* M*s». HCTIM ■ouitbiali CLBSINS VSMB: QaMt mt* Mar. Tuanavaa oaciu asm •vpiiM kv
      1,594 words
    • 1354 14 BID and oiler prices oflc lally sated and bssms in and rapMtia to the >> t r J aaMBJBM j imm say with the assasr of skarw tradad af.own to tiranam in tou of I4M MUU unltM otherwtav anrlnad All TMm Bargain* or Settlement Contracts are quoted
      1,354 words
    • 1205 14 n>ID and offer price* offl- ci»Uy Uetod and busli*m m and ispunsd to the Kuala, LBSspur Stock bchango ytMi'day with the number of thars traded shown tn brarketa In koto of IMS) unitA. unleai otherwMe •peclned IHOUITBIAk* A.m. .IMI A.m.— >. 1»B' A tw .»4Mi MM JOIB. ill
      1,205 words
    • 434 14 WABHINOTQM: Several major prodocen and at least one leading dealer In MslsjWM) beßere the Impact of the Malaysian drought on both production and price of palm oU wIU be relatively shortlived. But Instead of a M per cent increase originally predicted In 1079
      Reuter  -  434 words
    • 98 14 Both stoops udUNin OS BBMdar won Bgßtty traosa and dulL Quotation to OH par k»« ten (Cir miHsfrtiiJ and US oanu par ft (CIF ÜB*) unlas «*J*IWMS) stats*: Afloal ITM sob sansw: Mb is n sata/MM aßßin. I*J* cenu.lM* Barer*. II 71 oanu trees): Mar ism otnta/*MS4* state*.
      98 words
    • 504 15 Perak sinks into losses again DIRAK Carbide Corporation has fallen into th? red again after having failed to arrest the slide in earnings which started more than year ago. Pre-tax lossrs of MS23V72S were incurred n the first half yemr ended November 1975. compared with profit* of SIM 359 earned
      504 words
    • 116 15 SIN<*POaU International Mrrrhanl Ban- ker». vhlrh v carrently »a»y with eerporate work from three listed foaspanle*. M Moving into the anit trnat manacement Held. Aecafaang to an annoan- j rf mrnl fresn South taal Asia Dcvrlopaornl forporatMw. SIM BL im acquired a 19 per rent
      116 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 965 15 UNIVERSITI MALAYA jbwbibti ivogjonQ Pwurionao -parmononan adaiah Mpelawa danpada w«rtan*fara Malayala bad ItitUn-kniui berlkvt:--(A) P»r>cajar Suaan (Kumpuian BJ (B) Pmcurus Ajnuna (Kuasputaa B) (C) Kttua Jururawat Pwglgfcn mmr 1 B) (O) JwTvrawat r^rfMaa (KMseMlan Ci Ii Jururawal Karfhatan A wan (Kaapelan C) <F> Pisjisiit Hf|iaess>sin (Kuinisa D) (0) ritcwet (Kuwßulan
      965 words
    • 629 15 1 1 /\P American Optical I mntas airtabia p*nom »o» tha M I foNoVM Hfl t^SCeVTBCtfIaV I Al RECEPTIONIST I IIISMEaWEMMH I I a LJuauTOßv tehmcmn I I A) The suoosssf ul cendidete will be s Singapore jl Citiwr holding Scrtoo) Certifieete or its squiwletw. She tftowld »ie>e«ebrv neve pre-
      629 words
    • 1028 15 xK»^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H The Singapore division of o multimillion American corporotion, invites applications from suitH r abfy quolified persons to fill the position of I SENIOR MANUFACTURING ENGINEER I ft; TNI iOi This is a senior position I"* *V cc f M candidate would be required to lead a teom of
      1,028 words

  • 128 16 •at* ao«T O» •<"**£ si JS£ TMOMTV awaOMlKae nm roitowme ■!"T"1"" AMIAMOIMtMTt »OB P9%. >» ■aa, Hivn.M Aim Maru 1 Moll Uarlaanil l« Ta^wi Ba« OMT l»an KoroOtao. tvt. lrmn» Baran Tai Yonc 111* YurMnf H^i^i. T.r«r.T,m, B j Oyoarl Maru )l B*nt»di«To Koui Sinaapura Kiro41 WKMvTbart.
    128 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 699 16 E^a^B^^JJgf^^^^^Msaaaaaaaaß SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT STUDY AWARDS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 1179/77 A,»K>o» ore >nvited from itudenrt who will be ppiytng rear tor odmrinon to ♦ajsVeaae courwn ot the University of Singapore Nanyong Unrvernty Singapore Polytechnic Ngee Ann Techntcoi College Singapore Technical Institute tor th« tallowing awards MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS (CitixentV Permanent Retrdenn of
      699 words
    • 1082 16 FOR SALE POLYURETHANE FACTORY COMPLETE WITH MACHINERY «nK r C»^" J aV^' «It>BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB> I .aaSßal I Eaaaaa^ BBBB^BaHBBBVBBHBBBBBsHHPaa«^rSBB^B«V^BTe«B The above factory in Lokyana Way. Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore, is available for sale. The factory is equipped with BRUCKNER machines factory commissioned in 1973 to manufacture Polyurethane simulated leather by the
      1,082 words
    • 693 16 ©JTCI TENDER NOTICE I 1 Tenders are invited to operate the east* I toea at the Baaall laiaaUlii Ceatre at Kalto— I Place. I 2 The canteen serves the Industrial I workers of the centre and neighbouring I araas and has a floor area of SS7. Asq meter I (3.«34
      693 words
    • 711 16 '-f SUMA LINE I *LJ COPENHAGEN —wiaait mbi naiiat timci 1* itawi I f»i t rMMi laaaaj Mr aw i/ t aar (.K a. mm M lajja-j. aa. t taawu ava aar ava a* ava Bar iwu* Ui >wj I I I— Miint I' 1/ t lat til aar I'll"
      711 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 893 17 Z*-MMMMI-rB-BBlP<*S9l m unos *ysr "ir ."-r i taaaaa— I aar Bw M Bar aMy iam tl M at Mai IV«H II Mr Mr t tar IM I* Tt w 'i aa> 14 aar at*. a M«*LMa MM. IMr •**> MM B-» M tM MMr M lIM MM IMB MMB II
      893 words
    • 865 17 BenOcean\ Anr*s*rvc*><*BenLdneßmjeF\iJVK*CaenljnpandNSMC. i M/carrarat Man mm £S arvStl SX JjA-fc M-. ,«ii. mm MM/r la) ara Na aMr IMb. trta* a*a. raiatl. iiainiai a/ttotVltoßtoiav raaaa, aaa MMM VIM ll UMM I Mr *MB a»x tr-». M. l*M MBJM t>ll Bjr ii i 4 Mr M/M Mr 4 Kr lat. l*a.
      865 words
    • 524 17 a mbM' r —4 riawa raM KnoMMMMMMMM HJJ gM^M/AfMM/a) IMSIM WMR sfi-F?- i£ »r fg IS If if ajM immm rajMraana im a»M -»«»««< 4.MTH lIMUI AH Ml MMaii ia M-* o«t -mmj Ma- Pan raai uaa mm mm mm mm mnm mn «.i» M--UMI a-ai w-M a-M tM*M a
      524 words
    • 812 17 MMPPiiBHIii I FULLY COMTAINUIZID SttVICE TO EUtOPt "t i». r»| aIFT to It—.. AIAMI4 MV I I M"n*raja, BBBBMM, W**f|, Ll rajp/1. MM Ml Mil if a MMM M I i tBMMT|. araa**. artaarM— B. •MA* ggr^ MMM MUMit R j ttliraiß. Ml MMa*. ToM MMjaa. FULLY COMTaTnhI^D sTtvTci VilOM
      812 words
    • 632 17 SMMMIIMM; *KatafO4l IX ami: *-M| 7WI THE BANK LIKE LTD. ia« mi 1 1 vnci MM*. I laaa*. Nn I M*. Cwmi r aaaaf I I ajar ran I/It Mr mm un i nm mm tm immi. m*hu MMM 'Ua iwn ii n Ba KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) aUtMi
      632 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 957 18 Yl K VSAKJ mmtMH KAHKA LIP. j RrUT MTMtBOI SOTCt T* Ma»a»a (TM MM| rMrt P Mat H"Mr| I'M mwmmwnmm i Mr i b. a mm IfIMaUIMMM II Ma '1 Mr MM* HI" •ma nMMJ m nw no ism |>m IM IMb IM MM fna Marraaa (Tla Maaß| P (flaw
      957 words
    • 714 18 r^Mw^^^f4 aB rMB^ BB B Lff k kX^cX ■■I^^^H^MMM^H^^B^^M MMiriisas fmjm m tn mmm PMM a M IT fa SbmtmiTmm. UMI rMMJ SM afM Bteta/PMiMJ. JMUM PMdaa MM M Smbj. r^Mßßaf a rmj a IM PMMBMf. am a Hi i mm m CAMO BOOrXIMMS i ua i imi mm** m
      714 words
    • 629 18 ma caTTianco sown w bmw fwi Mm. ran r MMJ I Baa nil Ma. r»i> BMBIM IMMTII V tm m tm IM IB) IM «B aMMMM MMr nMr tiki aMrtMMr MMjr MMi M««l« U»MIU ■Mr IMa mmmr MM* MBm ■m, mmm mi imm im im mmbt imm imm nmm ■jut
      629 words
    • 744 18 omss soviet ti lmmm LiwiPMxcMTiatr »rs MMI MIM WkMkVIM VIM IM IM, tin an. C4WM. im 1.4, raatjrt aA |r|«M I) 4 MM Tlliili mt I M lIM>MI it M MIM l"i I'M U I. IM 4 hM M 4 I mm mm tikftub r&aV'cMri. I IMM I j
      744 words
    • 712 18 NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE imVfe^r HKKIIEIT mbSHmM mi EAST EIMfC KaVICE IPjArkaKaVl TMKSO tCI SIMlfMt PH ITI MC4SUI Umtn SM MM 1» U. »U1 P IMJ TtJVTBI UMMJ Mr I Mill I > lIM| 4TTIIMJII M 1H Cwl rMraa. MMIII NNI INI iiiilMMuiar im »n tmn imiMi M iw <t.| mn
      712 words

  • 143 19 TNI FAONLV OF the lav Mn Tlo Seng Tok 'Nee Mdm Chan Saw Stm) thank Be* Dkng Pastor Tan Mr Andrew Lot. relatives and mend* for then* kind stun dance donations and wreaths OUsftfof UMtf PBCOTt ftaWBOWfOoJWt TMg LATt MR. Lee Swee On faml■y ihank remttvoi and friends
    143 words
  • 50 19 .Lgn. ln "2*JJj*W*« Nw ywar ktteat *M^** J*Mj**T Qa%p*3jgß> (At fMPprftaV)l t» fiii m* r*» Metjtii'dsos *j**fkj No alawaaae wOt* ka saada LABY JANS CLIARANCI Sal* All ciothe* at stashed prices Hurry"' com* early for tht beat buys II Chang* ABty Aenai PlaaaO»Jlyer Quay Skngapore i Tel osmo
    50 words
  • 92 19 3 Religious Annoucements IBV ioom BVBKAL of Canada who was personally trap*. wiled with the life and ministry of Ood s prophet Be* WUnam Mar rton Branham. will be pi oat him mspirwig maaopgajs from the Btbtt en Mtn ft SOthPeoruarv 1070 at the Metropolitan YMCA 00 Btii— Band, 8
    92 words
  • 48 19 vHVAM ITIPvtBNI Safe n the arm* of Jesus 36 2 73 Three yean have paassd snd yet no words of comfort can console the iiiipimppp I feel My darting husband I was never forget you until my last breath Always reinimksriO by wife and famtty
    48 words
  • 35 19 0 0 OAMANITANO OF nitpuif Troubled* Durouragrd' Ring 11-44-44 day or nlgnt Help is as near as the UK TAI CONSULTANT visiting Ist and tad March Inlataatic eartie* contact BtnfleM e/o Raines Hotel
    35 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 278 19 classified ads g) ■salt exacuuve on part-time basts IO supanwa UM manufacture of Ihakr uulerwear sporuweaj garmenu in Singapore Appucanu matt bt fluent m Chan me and Enguah and won experlancad In miuiod* of garment earnestly d^rnrA»g' >u>fuu reoulra* 1 MALATOIAN OTMUCTURAL Wtth aunimum 4/6 yean apertsnot in Structural Drafting,
      278 words
    • 669 19 1, Ml sriT'tMrrTllWllfs^ malt assnrkMlan teacher mr Okngapore AaaanaUon Por Retarded Children M 4. Margaret Drive. Spar* I -O- t^Tflkkallfteauon Salary rang* from IIM ISM Apply wrthJeteils bsfor* Ist MarchlWl Fat growwtg Nttdkom-ekw awvor- 1) C Oi^VWwBTBB I) ARTBOBBCTOR I) ACCOUNT UKUTrvt 4| PNRSNBB ARTWTS OeutPswC AOTTWT RBOMBRBB by offsst
      669 words
    • 568 19 atoriM utepaTfwttiOoT not tttcttmuy Abutty to apaak Mtn dorm and English preferred Asmry sarsonsily Toong Bob Leather Shoes Ist ftaar Putt MO. Ppaplst OUR COOOPAOfY markets a faat sakang Un* of internationally known producu hat many Immediate vacancies for tttt rußcemg rxpaxtmoau I) Oua-gsao Braaa CeaPkat end Be* t tat
      568 words
    • 476 19 Caniasatri for our Ufa ft Oene ral Insurance DapartmanU Oood prospscts ft fret training given Phone 636iMforaanakntment M gill iiliiiiliOßtKtawet. «*Ce aaawwr to ST. Boa AwWSI part-urn* to sail producu for a chroaaa oMM fwnaßur* and fixture* manufacturing concern Call Tone* International 4M1 13 0^ 7t-M BttBOW Allteon Trans-Won-Tid 1
      476 words
    • 641 19 THo tl.papnn Irwtjrtrte VojVJotFwgxf H MpMttoXffl f fl BTopaYtwt4>ry oOoWv MWRQifll *****11 l OS OJOTECHNICAL "j OFFICERS SSS2-SMO« Csnojwstoo OROtjid.pooMM S MdlfvWiSr) d>p loma or otitNwslont in dtoctricot or olsctrorvico ongiivtsrine. UtkOSfObry with some tworkirej Oxponortco Sd4ory hvounJ bo com monsurat* with Quo»if< cat.ont snd oroorionco. Piaoa* dppty to Thd
      641 words
    • 685 19 CANY ACS IMP egouißßß POR education. v and professional msnttnts. a»**4y employment wtth high rau of Income Please apply with fun details and photo inon-returnablt i to Manager P O Box 3670 B'por* I MALI OdCUOmr BUAROS 1 Passed Secondary 2 education 2 Bt abtt to understand and wrttem English
      685 words
    • 657 19 Company telling chemicals ft pmattc raw materials AppUcanU mast be English speaking, notgaimn CttMtn and nave com petted NS Contact Mr Leong W: *****6 WAWTIO INOLIIN SPFAKINO pleasant looking munge host***** tor new lounge Catering 'or buompop exacuuv* in the enjr Part or rull-ura*. (4 30 pm or I 30pm
      657 words
    • 764 19 AM IPfTWNSATIONAL IONtNOEBRN»B SALII ANO CONTRACTNW ORBANWATWN iNVrni APPUCATWOW POR THO FOLLOWNW VACANCMO 1) HICOTIYi SALII KOI NHP.dterlßeT.iMil Ot vtskw) Applications with degree/ diploma m mechanical/ marine engineering with S years of poat graduate appropriate experience to take charge of a division developing sale* and servicing of well-known makes of
      764 words
    • 858 19 WANTIO MSPATCN RBWR with motorcycle or scooter MtAOtty work Salary and allowance App tr h> Tanglin P O Boa 7. PLYWOOD FACTORY M JMIOiT REQUIRES Wag* MSO per day Aged II 30 yean O Shin work snd transport provided Pleaat call personally for Interview on 20th February 1070 from 100
      858 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 839 20 al mWataesa OtST 1 1 W ATTIN ISTATE double bedrooms tastefully furnished fully i|rpetsS aarceay uleatMme tl jM Heeiry ParS^tarrace rMfiMMMd) FuaaiSNia hinmy pamk Urtve 3 storey house 91 4M Eng Hong Oardan semi del ail ml SI Road semi 4ruched unfurruehed 97M Chu Street i Bukit Timah) seasthsd 97M
      839 words
    • 773 20 CLBMIMTI PAIR SlMloetachio 3 bedrooms ter- vant s room btg aardsa SI.4M partlallv furnished Hlllrresl Read 4 ksdruuius SI.SM unfur I nishec Boblmarg Co MMIS/ > 32M17 OIST 19 NAMLY PLACI 3BitraiMiiS 2-etorv, paruatty furnished terrace for only S7M Viewing contact 3754U 37SMI UPPia PAVA IBBAN rumiahed 3•torey terrace house
      773 words
    • 911 20 PMHBtMaV* Ml MUMBWI. S badroosmv stumg roam a«srloofcsng whose csty. IMtortl Park Prm- cipals only Tel *****2 T K taitipullv puaaiaaio/ UNFUNMiaiIED apartmenu at dMU t. IS St Martin s Drive. Holland Court Dublin Road. Dragon MenMon Tamtn laraM. Leonle Towers w others SMS S2.SM Conuct CMS SSSM7/ 2S2MM LUIUNSOUS
      911 words
    • 627 20 •-11 kitchen off BarUry Mead suitable reteectable tunfaaMonsli tIM each *****1 VAMSITV AMBMICAB Scßowl funuthed room ka owlet. deuched houae SIM No cooUni 'all 973M9 alter S.M it BOOM TO LIT near Katong: Market Spore 15 Conuct Chang. *****0 UNPUaaiBNIO BOOH WITN bmthroom attached at Marine Trmct t or single
      627 words
    • 865 20 cat hap rat m las asy. II 1 By p»ovio>n| i loan op i riasoatMi Ism s) II •m purcfctlet II 2. By BSMat you food I aawilt on tht vat I] BfCCMaH m MvWsJs 1 sccoMfH ar fusd H nw i isi Maa y\ DOUBLE STOMEY 11*1 01 j
      865 words
    • 650 20 TILOtt KURAU LONONO L atWQ fompltttd uiira-modern }-atorey split level teml-deuche< bungalows for sate/ rent Imrne dlate occupation Trl *****2 Mn TWO TENNACI HOUSIS at Sam bawant HUtt •state for sale Phone 591T37 for Mr Wong FMStICtSS OF WALES PAMB PttAOII BwM Tawa* 4» au. PNMSCIM OF WALtt MOAO I
      650 words
    • 490 20 r ITMtUSM BOA*. Bil ITS, 3- rnnmirt flat, unobsjucted view I waUU> wall Ckrpr* many extras SIMM 1 PBANt BANK 4TN PLOON area 2. 4SS se ft Price USs 00( negotiable Please call ****** HOO FLAT S rooms for sale OM Airport Road lelephoni 4SIMI CONOMATIOM NOAB win beautiful empty
      490 words
    • 383 20 MIMMAfIOSIAL PLAZA T.ST4 aq ft with executive offices/ general treat, panoramic view Available wlUun t weeks Rental 91 3S psf Call Consultant Unique a 332SSVS fiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! INTERNATIONAL BUILDINQ (next to Lido Theatre) Orchard Road > (Outsida Rsatnctad Zone) CARPETED OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Suttab* tor wmosssAM. IJ oootulatat. trading A
      383 words
    • 348 20 I 95% MIBATE PON IST ttONTM 1 office Bukit Timah Road (near Rex Theatre) Rig Small rooms Can sub-let renovaud If deatre Out of CB D Only 1 month deposit tl M 0 o n o Contact I Mr OW.3MBS/ ***** his office suiLOata JMNOaa aMUBTNUL BIT ATE Available alrcondlttoned
      348 words
    • 329 20 KM CHUAN MOAO t stores each approximately MS aq. ft rent tJoo each Tel MSttS* SeOWa HOI 9 STONSTY WANBNOUSI Space available for lease Oround Door Right Wing) SMS at ft (Left wing) MTSea. ft Ist noor to 4th noor (Right Wing) MMsq ft (LeTt wing) ISMS as ft Oround
      329 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 865 21 -_____-|b_____---bJ oilsy travbl bbwvics (PTE) LTB CHEAPEST AM PARBS A lUNOPSAH TOURS I ORAMD EUROPEAN TOUR M DAYS SSI BS/- 11 4. »V%. 4 :S/S. B_T, S. BVB. 3/». I'll EVROPCAN ROUMD UP IT DAYS *****- 6 111. IS. 34/* II J KOREA JAPAN TAIWAN/ HOMOKOHO BAJeOKOK IS DAYS *****-
      865 words
    • 561 21 _-^J_s mnaapar* London or Pan*. AmsswiMrn, Rome, rrank /V_____—___R__s\ _____E__ Lhf*_ ume a weak t_ March S-fs-f*/ Los InsjiHi. Kranc—to. Taneou-sr. New York MI2M to 8814 M 4 flkrhU weekly I HOUBAYS L TAIWAN/ ALISHAN/ HUA- IN/ MONB-ONB/ BAHOXOK 1 12 14 Day. Ml MS/ MI4IS/ 14M MSIMSV MSI4S6/ MUSTS
      561 words
    • 597 21 L!_______ II DATB ORMSTTAYIOMS OP MU BMMB MS P AI VISIT BOMBAY DBLHI. AORA TA.' MAHAL) BRIMAOAR. KATHMANDU SPBCUL DEPARTURE: MAY MTH 1618 TOUR PRSCS: 11.M6 M Tour Price swrmSsi a Kr*tc_M accommodation All meals a Tours and transfers wtth expenenced. friendly tour escort WORLD lINIH ill PTB LTB B_B_P*W
      597 words
    • 583 21 b-Hmmmmmmßs-B lA»A*I BAR: lappy hours t.Mp.m to I M i m lees 3B« wt_ ftw Ul Ml*. Itu-r for your |M*MIM*I by Ths ■alien j r_ t «»«*»E nsthUy Moday to Saturday ISM pm SO am. lo UM CounUy B Wearrn r-u*sr by The Link* and Mm MM UROO6nternauonal Buffet
      583 words
    • 545 21 Intngue EVENING CLASSES IWOtil (All coursas law tor s durMio- of 12 nssM Corwriwjnciwß Msrcri -nd T_»vTrH»r 7 30 9 10 Co«r»n»no-B March B*h MooauaaTTrvur. 646 726 Co-ranor* March At h Morv7iM/Thun 7 JO 9.10 Cu-rencirn Pwbr-wry ?3fd Ms^TiMNOlMri 6 46 7 26 ______________K B___F__l _Hh kWThiin 7J04.10 Oomn-non, Merer.
      545 words
    • 799 21 UAAANTESD HAPIO/ lIO6MAL OD_— Starting Much. Secre tarial. Stenography. Hook- 3 keeping Shorthand (Theory ti Speed upto IM wpm). Type- writing. Correspondence A o Rs|is*lwillbi. PTtmar> Stx Sac. ill QCt A/ O- Level (all subjecu) Arts RefUUt early i Raja's CoUege. UMBC s—HITnE. f Malacca Btree/ (*****). lilt) Changi Road
      799 words
    • 1052 21 ondrUon Low rr Jeage alrcond w lecond ownar 360 on o Con- c actSSSSM «r. #44 Wong r> IRP BENBPTTS. AUSTIN Cam- *Mjt IBM cc. IBM. SMS Phone N 476*7 Mr Kwok v ILAMIC MM MSA Sport* SI.- M secure* Ring 6735*7 Laow 'lew 173 Buklt Timah Road. 1( m
      1,052 words
    • 996 21 ATI tSP* MSEC BBSS Bans SM I > Ith alrcon and ussslls radio ci ontartMr Yeo Hak Bong 68M33 ci etwe-n*. 30a m 3 30 p m ITS M6M CLUBMAN On* owner ew paint New tyres C— an ear 1.806/- Unlvwsal Cars. 45-32 irehard Road. Tel 1J3071 8311 •T1 MBRCBBBB
      996 words
    • 664 21 r YAMAHA PMRS gtam rab_i 9 rulser with IM h p mercmiser ngtne In excellent condition a Ttce 5634 000 Tel Mr Short M 8144 or *****6 for further In- irmauon q k OCEAN MAJNHS MMVtCI (PTB) LTB. BUY MIL RENT I RBPMR MARIWB tOUIPMBNT AIM MAMM CRAPY Cl— sm-smr'"'
      664 words
    • 789 21 SNSNAL TfSIAVFAINTIB*! ppalr refrtgvralon free ho_H ustomer. Home re-enamer mgbath *****63. *****43 8 pore lAMB HEW PRSEHOB tn*t_nUV lundrvdi of inveresung mends Ul profession* Malaysia' Hnfapore O P O M 7 Sm«apore UBT ARRIVBD BB6R6AN Roller hooper Canaries Colours Deep id. orange, yellow k green Ex rllent Singers come early
      789 words

    • 240 22 Chappell and his men go on strike 4DCLAIDE. Taaa. TW -"^MiUfT so.ia Aaatraßaa la>tn«au ertcart laaai waal aa atrtkc last ai«hi la j»»f I aciiiMi Icaaa •ctorUsa. Skiavcr laa CkaapaU aa« 11 Mkar atattn. wk» wMMraw fraaa Urn stele's laat l»o mikhn af la* aaaaaa, wara g i»rn aaUl lalay
      240 words
    • 264 22 nONM. Ttoea. Leaders O BonuaU aioenchengladbach eraabed a-l to RotweUs Bwen In a Writ Oerman Pint Division aoeoer match over the weekend. Boruasla. however, still bead the Übie with 33 polnu tram 33 matches. HBV Hamburg, who are lying second on 37 points,
      264 words
    • 429 22  - Splendid track workout by Nauhabar EPSOM JEEP By DENANG. Tues. Na aha bar has benefited from his outing last Sunday when he finished seventh to rank outsider Malaysian Sun over 1200 m and is worth an each-way bet In the Class 4 Division 3 1200 m race on Saturday. The
      429 words
    • 176 22  - Best of luck to St. George Budapest By GEOR6E RICHARDS T ONDON, Tues.— The Best of luck to St. George-Buda-pest. They're going to need it They've signed up the problem boy of British soccer. Oeorge Best is the boy from Belfast of whom Joe Mercer, one time English manager, said
      176 words
    • 250 22 Bradford shock Norwich 2-1 in FA Cup LONDON. Taaa. Fourth Division club Bradford City last nlsht produced the bl«est shock of this year's English Football Association Cup when they defeated Pint Division rivals Norwich City 3-1. The memorable fifth round victory on the Norwich ground put Bradford Into the quarterfinals,
      250 words
    • 1527 22 limited success, but on the playing side he was not. "He did not turn it on. and we believe It had reached the stage where his appearance was no longer a novelty Best had certainly boosted Celtic's gates to 12.0U0 for the first game
      1,527 words
    • 454 23  - Singapore Open golf: Mystery of 'missing' entries... ERNEST FREDA By \iYSTERi surrounds the whereabouts of a packet containing the foreign entries for next months $106,000 Singapore Open Kolf championship at Buklt course. The entries were despatched 10 days ago from Manila to Slnirapore Coif Association. but up till yesterday tt
      454 words
    • 374 23 From 1977 Asians cannot play in AllEngland, cove ARP L I \1 LI'MPUR, Tues. Asians will not be allowed to compete in the All England Badminton Championships from next year, said Asian Badminton Confederation secretary Teh Gin Sooi here today. Mr. Teh freli that with tbe start of thr (Mm
      374 words
    • 542 23 MALAYSIA EDGED 2-1 AND SINGAPORE LOSE 2-0 JAKARTA, Tues. F a v o v rites North Korea and Indonesia qualified to meet in the final of the pre-OI vmpic qualifying soccer tou r n a ment hard -fought victories in their last p r e1
      542 words
    • 317 23 San Chua's tries beat Malays 'A BLACKS RFC. the premier Asian rufby club, yesterday disappointed the crowd who had braved the rain to watch them in the BCC seven-a-slde rugby tournament at the padang They did not turn up. reports WILFRED YEO. A sookesman (or the organisers said "An In
      317 words
    • 280 23 Kok Hua wins 470 dinghy title LOH Kok Hua became the 470 champion In this year's S 1 ngap o re Yachting Association's Dinghy Championships when he won both his races at Seletar on Sunday. This was the only class decided. The other classes will be decided this weekend when
      280 words
    • 169 23 HUME AND BANK DRAW IN THE MUD it was back to the mud bith (or footballers yesterday as a heavy downpour turn*, the pitch at Farm Park Into a slippery linn—nag sWs surface, reports DBABSAN SIKGH. On such a playlnc surface Hume and Bankamsrlca plajrcrs i ere like novice skatars
      169 words
    • 75 23 MZLBOOBNB. TUSS Former world banUmwetcht champion Lionel Host said today he had withdrawn from a flcht in South Africa next month bra use of that cc- try's apartheid pottelw He had been matched with the coloured South African Junior weltsrwekfht champion Happy Boy at Bast London
      75 words
    • 45 23 JURONO conitltuency will be ortanwng a sepak Ukrr .m tournament for Juronf resldenu and factory workers on March 10 ua'Tf forms are available at Jbrong Community On t.c Entrance fee Is tlO a team of II players. Entries close on March 3.
      45 words
    • 30 23 > 4 4 0 0 10 1 t 4 1 1 1 11 5 t 4 I 0 I IT 5 4 4 111 7 11 1 4*04 7 It
      30 words
    • 41 24 TAOTfH Tu«a A i».to»nu •anbenaka of a ma. I nltoo* on Urn sUchtar rak ■ho^Twwm jnmaaj but "Blnl waatfaer fcuxmu aid todaj Tta* quakai htM >v It k» off Tattuag hi usslsra Taiwan. ettHH of ttW IMM Mid.— AT
      41 words
    • 15 24 mjumi MATMWAL Twm lUtfcaai. imiWl; MIX OMMI Ml. aaarf *t t*.av aw CCKOwlan S»*-T«
      15 words
    • 96 24 Secret nuclear pact WABHINOTON. Tnes.The United Statos. the Soviet Union and five other major Industrial countries have concluded a secret accord on developing new safe guards and controls on the export of nuclear technology. US officials said today. Details of the pact are being hept secret In res ponse to
      UPI  -  96 words
    • 415 24 LONDON. TM. TIM «rk.< e*M« arm iuu.uuiw« f OM aum caM «Mk mm* may v lip WWMHIt tasjsMla »r« ms> ts> I VMM Mstar IB MM tmm k.u mmn *>u« nun W* tmmtuj >» t* l bum i-«-ir auaa wn —m. m*» —is -rmir biml Aftar a ua
      415 words
    • 27 24 _IgWPOW. T— -TW rvktar later "it» Aani 41 St tar<n UM Mitera Uv «i U.S»; A*nl Jmm lIM «1 Jttfjr/ •*•< MIS. UK O*l Dm. M.rt. Mil
      27 words
    • 21 24 UMDOM. TM*.~a»« mm SWSB Mm torn (♦a), hmrt iMT. n ant MUn tSSW <♦*•> g%U|gfjssj(; fTttl T>s/m- M* MMM. vm (M
      21 words
    • 391 24 BANGKOK. Tmm. THAI Governx ment officials have leaked word on the non -with drawal of An-e--rtean troops from Thailand, setting the lines fwr debate. Meet easier newspapers in Bangkok today carried detail, of the Plan to keep J.SSS IS troop, hi TkaiUnd
      391 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1724 22 classified ads waamwa MACimai »»ICi»IiSTS A Uvmonstration Osntr* for Waihini Machines Dlsh»ashm and Tumbl* Dryers. Brands available ar* ABO. Baarb. Oala (OBC). OanaraJ Clrctnr IUSAI Hitachi. Hoover IndMll Kenwood. Philips Rosphll. Sanyo, srurklork Siemrns SMra. sni'i Weslinghous* and BBBBBa eriaai saw aaaaal avsaaV* aae asfelata baa aaaßaaaajaßaa awSBS tmttAPom MM»asJUTiesi
      1,724 words
    • 718 22 LEMBAQA PEMABARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAN (F.A.M.A) Pemohor.-pemohon adalaA dlpelawa dartpada warfaneffara Malaysia untuk menclsl Jawatan-Jawa-tan benkut dl Letnbaga Inl. A. JU«UTfBU AWAM I Oajk A 11-«: IBSO x SO 990/1060 x SO 1290/1400 90 -ISOO A 10-3: ***** x 79 1825 (I) Ijanri Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan dartpada Universal Malaya aUu laln-laln
      718 words
    • 38 22 C^ w£wbßaWßswaaal»»^^^*^ I A wide selection at unbelievably I low prices. Trade enquiries welcome Call I Mr Wee Choo Tat or Mr Michael Tan I 3 at Tel: *****1. I n«VLINDETEVES- JACOBERG (FE) PTE LTD I I WabbVabVJb?
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    • 70 23 •OOCWJI HTt. Otv. 1: Jalaa Bssar v Bcnba**n« Un Bssar 7.»p pss Natsseel Bseenslary Behooei: St Patrick's v Ssnc Nlss (Op- Bsism J P-av). nestf Balm v Whitlev (Op. Wersnaeesi 1 5 Chun* Oksng v Deswarn (Donearn t pjn >. Kirn Bsb* v •wtss Oottaae (Duasarn CIS). Friendly TuniXnee Bjevers
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    • 239 24 o© Our last WMw* r. tk. •<k M ..m« n t ASIAN SUMMIT. aM 23/23. 1f 74 Bjaaj IQ Op.,»W ns»i.n.l. Hrn Ssmlilin m INTERNATIONAL MARKETING oH»ni»t »tM Gnt SW.M.S T GA» S BMW Hrn TIGsT" v**m« ASEAN V Hsuiif fcmiiii BrckMMM in g^fe ASIAN S.I ASIA 1 ..n Why
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