The Straits Times, 24 February 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Eatd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 763 1  -  SEAH CHIANG NEE and P. M. RAMAN By Kuta Beach (Bali). Monday WITH three firm rjpi off the gavel. President Suharto off Indonesia today declared open Asean's ffirsf summit conference in a simple ceremony that was r«levrt*d live throughout most off the region— and all ffive
    Yew Yun Woh MORE PICTURES IK PAGES AMD  -  763 words
  • 2009 1 Indochina, Asean, and peaceful competition by Lee Kuta Beach. Mon IN fisiUUm. m party dees not seek the V destruction w ones eeaapetMen. Indeed, eeeaaetttle* awaas the ra—latlaa «f dfej the atraac poiati ef the I —nilllii 7 must ensure that differences in political and economic systems between the countries
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  • 70 1 rRTO, Men Frame *i» T»k«» MM IWii «at ■mm ef piKiii km fee tnc^aaejaaß? ■MB k—^M (k.| wJwnfWaaaai eBBBBBeRR) MMtw tW nil iMart ■a historic rt*p v war* ittil—m of > ■■■IIM (Ml «f frewth u4 sUMsttr ia liUfcml AaU." M aea»* that Jim ••j^^ BjRBBMaw lataßß** 'Fffmfs'
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  • 559 1 KUTA BEACH (Bali), Monday jJoLITICAL differences bet we n Malaysia and the Philippines, which ;it one stage thieatened the first Asean summit, were resolved early this morning "virtually with minutes to spart before the opening session. 1 Singapore played a major part in the
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  • 42 1 HEW YORK. Mon. Dow Jonea avwaess. based on tint hour of t-»C!ni on In* New York Stock Exeter** M Indus arrtt. down 01* M trtiup 3T7 1C up 016 II uUfc MSJS. down OOt S» ttoes> MIX. dovn IN on.
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  • 51 1 BEiKirr, mm. I ■■■■mi aa4 r*U»tlaian Mcarity forcci were lUll ■■rrt>andln the Canadian ¥-i-rf here awaiting deveUt■uti i(l«r MTtn ranBeen MM mon than M hMUfW under Ikntti ef death. They deaaaaews' U iMg^ Canadian Prune Minister Plena Tn*Mi Eight fNM heatacee van liUr freed. ItiUr. (in pagi
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 132 1 SUPERBLY IHRI DESIGNED BSafll diamond &aet¥A GEM SET YWA QC DeSihafPttJLM. ißßsßsanl MG.THC GALLERY f6\ 9 BATTERY ROAD 3m O^ T •waOATOWf 1 TEL *****6 >Q^ First Asean summit opens IT must be clear to us ASEAN Is not a security HEALTHY argument on THE beauty and serenity IT fa
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    • 203 1 RAPIST CLAIMS HIS THIRD VICTIM •asje 7 SSCs quit ■■gale eeJIU attea troops I REAGAN neck and neck with Ford S STRIA'S peace Initiative kaags In aaliare NIXON chats »ith Mac far ISS sateatee REVIEW of poUc« force new ea: GkasaUr t SHOOT to kill saaaeVs first victim It PAYMENTS
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    • 16 1 For Clear Comfortable Comtmlt: C.S. CHONG 0.0. E VERBRI6HT OPTICAL CO. 18. CHULIA STRCCT. SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 346 2 Socialite inJFK's life slain, diary burnt says paper MlAai: MOB. A Washu-.r*«" ao ctallte who had a "secret romance" with President Kennedy was later brutally murdered and the CIA destroyed her personal diary, according to the popular weekly, the National Enquirer The newspaper, on Feb. 24. said the relationship between
      Reuter  -  346 words
    • 152 2 $21 m loss in pay by striking workers LOS ANOKLBS. Moo. Hospitau took n'.rty two weeca «o recover from the effect* of a W day docuxf ttrtkc mat coat 30.000 boapltaJ workers UBM 5 miutoo <St3l asUUoo) In pay. the HoaptUl CouncU of Southern California aaid today The council «ald
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    • 129 2 I O8 AWOnjtt. Meet. taa Xah reraaato VaAay taaagkt Ike? aaw aa aircraft amvauta< «e«a Paraeikki Straet aaeer««« ay tw* »eMee aaMa wt» fatakku real Bckta early yrstcrdar (key wcrcat areaaakj§ A ÜBfW rnglnc Ceefaa If ntmm ay Mr U a tor«a4 ItMUi aa
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    • 522 2 LUXEMBOURG. Monday pORKIGN Ministers of the Common Market states, having quarrelled over when to recognise the Angolan Government, today planned a joint call for all foreign forces to leave the country, according to informed sources. DC solidarity broke down last week when the
      Reuter; AP  -  522 words
    • 301 2 Dr K: No US intervention in Angola-like situations nOOOTA. Mon. US D Secretary of Bt*u L>r. Henry Kissinger. who brushed off reports about his resigns Uon as -elect.on year noise." said yesterday the United States will not intervene militarily in future Angola like situations •Our view with res rt to
      UPI  -  301 words
    • 258 2 Dr K flies into Colombia amid heavy security BOGOTA. Mn. 18 Secretary State Hmry Kissingrr arrived In Colombia on Ike fourth .top of hit rurrrnt I.*l|n Amcri(in to». yesterday laying he hope* to work ool a conrrrtr programs** of eoaa>r*Uoa" brtwrrn th» taited States »nd l-atin America. Dr. Kissinger's prestdential
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    • 538 2 HARRISES DENY PATRICIA'S CHARGES OF RAPE NEW YORK. Monday OATRICIA Hearst's dramatic courtroom 1 testimony that she was forced into crime by the revolutionaries who kidnapped her two years ago has been contradicted on every major point by two of her former captors. But ihli response to her testimony of
      Reuter; AP  -  538 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 335 2 looks so good y«^ outside... \fc& I tflcEW because she feels i v v HICEE helps you to live a full life It fjhts cold, increases uttahty. works towards jj^^J nourishing your complexton for a smoother, healthier m^^—W look It helps you to feel fit and healthy, so ~^m you
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    • 35 2 JAL's Osaka Daily except Sunday DAY UON/TUE/WED THURSDAY FRIDAY/SATURDAY DEP. SINGAPORE 10.50 AH. 8 AH. 10.50 Ail. ARR OSAKA 8PJI. 5.30 P.M -FM E^ We never forget how important you are. "^■■■■■■■■■■V J4P4M >•//» lin mm
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    • 188 3 King's pledge to militant workers MADRID. Mod The focus of Spaini mcky political evolution shifted back to the caplUi today King Juan Carlo* was back from su day* of visit* and public appearances in the restless Catalan region. While there, he promised militant workers that their right* as citizens and
      UPI  -  188 words
    • 168 3 US medals for 100-year-old Northrop twins NEW BKITAIN. <C«mnecttceti. Mea. While the Ualted States Is eeteeraUng IU Metb birthdar tbc Northrop twin listen are marking their laeth birthdays. r dith Northrop and l.dda Virthrop Gleney were barn ISC rears age. They are eetng cited by tbc toes ef their elrth.
      AP  -  168 words
    • 43 3 NsTWTORK. Moo— Et*an* Edward Shorts" Stratu. lomwr amateur boztoc chaaataon aDufht in oonnstUoo with more than a doasn racant bank hoid-upa. was cmpturwl jsamrtsj. the FBI rvportsd. It mm Straat*. M. wm axmud in a mldtown hoM without incident." AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 321 3 Reagan and Ford: It's neck and neck CONCORD (New Hampshire). Monday CAMPAIGNING for the New Hampshire presidential primary ends today with polls showing President Ford and former California Governor Ronald Heagan neck and neck in the race for Republican votes. Mr. Reaian ended a weekend of speeches and handshakes here
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    • 95 3 ASHEVILLE (North Carolina). Mon —An earthen dam perched atop a mountain ruptured and sent a wall of water crashing Into the Newfound Community 488 km below yesterday. killing four members of a family In their sleep. Water f roes las lake, eajrvir < lar**
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    • 97 3 SIX DIE IN GRAIN ELEVATOR BLAST HOUSTON. Moo. A fl grain elevator along the ships channel blew apart yesterday, killing at least six people and injuring 25 others At least 10 people were reported mlamlng and a police department ipokeaman reported the fire was brought under control. A spokeemsn said
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    • 41 3 MOOOOW. Mod Tht nwdst Dntou sea nn 1 aiara ever Jeajaaeat anas aahM te China. Tbt OaaaßJßßdat Fertf ai—)i|iai Pravda sale lit a niaiiin ri tfMt la* mn al Jißin— i iiHI saaemini uje>n)Hn»» te reksag Is
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    • 364 3 Clashes as 7,000 turn out for Stagg's funeral DUBLIN. Won Youths stoned police, and I troops ured a number of ruboer buuets in br ef clashes yesterday aa 7.000 Irish Repuo.lcan Army synipaUusers paid > trioute to nunger striker 1 Prank Btagg. who died In an Kngash Jali. The ceremony
      AP  -  364 words
    • 40 3 LONDON. Mac. •rtUeh LeylMSl has Jusspad back into ths kiad as Britain's laigest eipertsr. oadei ■gens ahowes today The flmnt. amch-traubtad iff BMtwhwiriirsrs were mmmt in 1914 to swsmvwJ ChaaßtenkL swttatsi'B largest liiasirsil oooptex DPI
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    • 103 3 RUn (Nevada), Mas). —A UsJverail, ef Hevaee Bern staeeat has Ma* frees allifcil ■MteCtttaagt to tesfcA aJUSwaWIKt tftalel T#weaT Pettee M < '**•< Jesse ■aahae, if. «He« reek with fel I-sb tteßeießt* IB CwaJlfaraia Isiiistlgatere saw the iMitiis heel Uken aleehel with theea. The sterfeato caM
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    • 56 3 4 BLACK Humour Group member *n Tokyo scattering peanuts yesterday at the rate of the residence of Mr. Yoshlo Kodama. an influential right wing political flxure allef- edlj involved in ihe Lockheed payoff scandal. About 30 members of the Group drove around throwing peanuts at places
      AP  -  56 words
    • 580 3 PHOCNIX. Mon TAXPAYERS in various countries footed the bill for millions of dollars in bribes allegedly paid by Lockheed Aircraft Corp. to foreign officials, according to a former Lockheed official who kept a diary of the company's financial operations. Mr Ernest Hauser said
      Reuter; AP  -  580 words
    • 291 3 PERONISTS FACE A CRUCIAL WEEK BUENOS AIRES. Monday DERONIST leaders (ace a crucial week as 1 they try to reunite their badly splintered party Ip order to thwart a possible Congressional move to remove President Isabel Peron from office. Daring a meeunf KtMduled for today, the Peronlst Party*! national council,
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    • 205 3 Threw his children from balcony charge CHARLESTON lBouth V Carolina), ftion. A Charleston m«n has be«n charged with murder after allegedly throwing hu three-year- old daughter to her death from a second-floor balcony of an abutment complex near here. Police *ald John Kill*. 28. was also charged with aggravated assault
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    • 26 3 ■aJSCHOOfX. Moo. 08 ■toger Frank gtnatra v toss on Urn ssaeet hit panda, acoonnnt w> a ssuliißJit ataaUß•d in ths North VMnasasw captUl AP.
      AP  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 BUMPER BONUS BERMUDA M BOBBY (tan, blue) _58HE^~*l^g--^L $4wsh> BALLx LW SWITZERLAND EM \jnJ l^y^se^^^AlLOßS A STORES G0«/^4G36rw^Stre«CentreKSroundFk>or)T*3244Oi G-6 Ctee^BuwAngShopp^g Centre KVound Floor) Tei *****2 G23 Supreme House (Ground Floor) Te* *****1 kft 1 Laf ■I I A B^BWaßsaissfl kW EH Wm^ BBB^BSaBHBBaaSBSgSaI BTSV BBWWSmWSBIBBBBftpBgSSSBBi aH^BBH^BBH^BBH^BJBBHV BBM Ey '"A M^L
      51 words
    • 339 3 SPBCtAI OFFER 24th Feb. to Ist Mar. 1976 !»!>■« 5.40 SUGAI FINE. GRANULATED 2kg. 2.51 Mil .acaTw per bot 19.50 OVALTINE WITH HONEY ~*****~2.7$ NON-DIARY CREAMER CREMORA 4549 3.55 HONEY WITH GLUCOSE CAPILANO 453g 2.25 GLUCOSE C 4509 1.25 FRESH GROUND COFFEE P.K. 40 2009 3.50 CHRYSANTHENUM DRINK YEO* 4
      339 words

    • 406 4 BEIRUT, Mon. The fate of Syria's peace initiative in Lebanon hangs in ihe balance. A heated political debate was getting under way in earnest today with several critical meetings and an emergency session of Parliament due to begin. Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Rallm
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    • 406 4 NEW ISRAELI STRATEGY TO END WAR WITH ARABS JERUSALC Mea. rnHE Israeli Government today decided to 1 seek a formal end to Its state of war with the Arabs as the next step toward peace In the Middle last. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who proposed the atntotT to the Cabinet,
      Reuter; AP  -  406 words
    • 35 4 Dsraorr. moo -mmn aWUsU^I. ft tOUOtmV ssMßasV Of tta* SupnoM sßMkag Ma. M la Hull I hm* yaaSrd 7 n '^ibml BMBtkU Ltd udar havt linebli was Urn eaaat of dsata. Bsatsr
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    • 134 4 MAOEID. Nh. A iato rmUrtiT rMU4 tk« Mtttod Wtaton teawn Outa Abfh*U u4m Hmi or AJftrUa »a 4 r^terto rrMt hmi lk« Sp*aMl «^-.~-i cur» hM bi m arwatf tkt ton with tiiriTi ii «w la to tb« Mctk. ItoMlac tk« Mrtk, Clfr« MM, arc AlitrUM
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    • 70 4 BRISBANE. Von Cyclonic winds up to 113 km sn hour swept thr ough Queensland's coastal town of Bund a berg yesterday, causing millions of dollars worth of d*ir.->«e. a .'pokes man for .'le State Emergency Services said. One elderly man apparently died of a heart attack
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    • 199 4 Accord after SadatKhalid talks RIYADH. Mon tiyplun President Anwar Sadat and King Khalid of Saudi Arabia held two rounds of talks yesterday and a government ipokesman said there was "total freemen: between them. Mr. Sadat arrived In Riyadh on Saturday fee a flve-day official visit that wUI be followed by
      AP  -  199 words
    • 192 4 Iran can withstand non-nuclear attack by Soviets NEW YORK. Mon The Shah of Iran says hii country Is strong enough to defend Itself for some time against a non nuclear attack by the Soviet Union, ac cording to Newsweek International. The Shah, asked In an Interview with the magazine to
      Reuter; UPI  -  192 words
    • 612 4  - Congress to take stock of strengths, weaknesses CHRISTOPHER WREN By Moscow, Mon. WITH the 25th Soviet Communist Party congreis scheduled to open tomorrow the Kremlin Is pausing to t&ke measure of the country's progress since the last party congress In 1971 The Soviet Union assesses Its strength.-, and weaknesses In
      NYT  -  612 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 202 4 DYIVIO KIDDIi-RITIlB THETOOLTHAT TEACHES! Learning's fun with a Oymo Kiddie-Riter. It's the _^fl educational tool that atffl aids in visual communication! American tests have shown that OYMO Embossers are of exceptional educational LV^fl assistance especially I -B in terms of vocabulary I fl and spelling And DYMO Kiddie-Riter j b^^
      202 words
    • 97 4 PtfliraHj^VY-DUTY UNawvlAß Vtm ft I^LfWBilC IN WUK staff ■taa^sUfaTsfalß h WvJaSH Bw^^aVMUlMsUflloU sfIBBVSyBVBsSC'- m> II **""'j: *f*^ t ft |b||^^ s^^^^^i-JPjS'^L^B^B^fifismHß^ f*Lk I b^^ob^b^bß r <u jjfcsff>iSyiySt t B^B^Bl BV^^t'^BhS^P-' _sEb^bvMbsW ■4j> ii jj II L\l IS S»Pp Ji **<^ a Irrfffrffrii ILbMiTiiV al&Ml^ liLlmlh b^lwS!^ i b^b^bh b^KbbUbV HL
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    • 136 5 Purge of top govt men in Ethiopia ADDIS ABABA. Moo. -FYllowtng a w««k of umu. ihoottngs and oUwi Bm against |M |1..:.: uncrd yesterday they hare appointed new go*inwwl oAetato lnclMtng tow cabinet ••o rcMoa wa» n»*ii Htf C> mSSS iid not tay what happwd Line-up Th? new appotntmenu
      AP  -  136 words
    • 91 5 LONDON. Mon-U K*Ofc Man. 11. a chef tram Lam in U» north of England, ha* bM charged *U> heipin« uw aaea#e of low Ctoi- -r -_-w rr.--d« of s MkwM owner IB Of kMt■wnt of m Sate f loMin chib ben mm no Mb Met aun
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    • 365 5 Mao to Nixon: Give my best to Ford PEKING. Monday PX PRESIDENT Richard Nixon today had a one hour 40 minute meeting with Chairman Mao Tse-tung on a wide range of subjects. Chinese officials repoited. They described it a* fnendly conversation At the end of the meeting the frail. U-
      Reuter; UPI  -  365 words
    • 173 5 'Wrong to say detente is onesided NEW YORK, lion- American crtua of det*nw. who claim the Soviet Union benefit* more from the policy than the United States. are guilty of "make believe atom*.- Prominent Soviet oaidal ■aid yeaterday. Writing in Mewawaefc Magazine. Dr. Georg! Arbatov. director of the Sonet Academy
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    • 141 5 WASHINGTON. Man. An American Industry *t— >*7> about US$46O million (StIJM mUUoo) la navy r—tsrrh funds waa used In a ClA- ■ponaorad «ff ort to ralat a sunken Sovtat subntaruM In the Pacific Oeaaa. Sta Technolofy sayt in 1U February lame that Urn US
      AP  -  141 words
    • 98 5 Robber could only say 'bang bang 9 B TOM. iEi|U>l) Mas. A area* ritttia mm ■>——! taw 4ownf»" «T a-mr-oM iirfiiM C.I lagjMaV MM of tbc worM i want a*aM-ffja) Tlkrw tlstaa ka waflutf iota atana carrying a tay gwat sal •ack UmWIiIMU Hwd warn a* a*M: "Taai to a
      98 words
    • 337 5 'Row in China is over build-up of army' fORTO. Mon A deep rtft over the modernisation of the Feople Liberation Army cPLA. has apparently led to the current internal turmoU in China, a news dispatch from Peking reported today. Quoting -Western ape eialUt*. Kvodo ne w i service said
      Reuter; UPI  -  337 words
    • 121 5 FKYO. Mon South Vltlnim'i new government plans to open Santa to foreign tourisu within the year. Kyodo Newt Service reported today < ANBIRR .u«lr»liu •rw foreign Minister. Mr. *ndif» Peacock. I will tun New Zealand. the I nitrd States in.i 1 halltnd next month BANGKOK There ar* 67
      Agencies  -  121 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 290 5 &AV/UMS ROMAffIIC ZITHER IS AN EXPERIENCE BEYOND COMWUff... SO IS OUR GOURMH GERMAN AND INTERNATIONAL CUISINE sfl am 1 II k. a^aWaWawfl nVvP^^naW BbV bbwsbbbbbl Bsis^a/ BBK-^siff^T^i-a^n^ 1 New discovery shrinks piles without surgery. A world famous in- reduces the painful ttitute has discovered swelling. This new fora new formula
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    • 382 5 I PIANO CONTEST I B Have you entered your child for the contest? H It is not solely for the purpose of winning 3 It is to gain some experience y I It is a kind of education I Join The Ist Singapore Piano Festival Now J| H F<>' details
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 706 6 ANNOUNCEMENT ra is scheduled to be officially opened today. fe* A cocktail will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to celebrate the occasion. The §tore is at G-10, Ground Singapore largely because of the The store in Singapore will be Singapore. Floor, Orchard Towers, 400 prosperity and political
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  • 230 7 Guidance and counselling for primary pupils CJTT DINT inldanrr and 9 eosiaaeßian baa. far the ant Uase. been Inlrodarrd >■ primary aebaaU. OsAaasMe (aaianf Han after anwergolng a baast rmtrar in ««i--dasMe far primary arhaels. IwJM inilUtrd the profraßßsne la their respective stbssla. «r Tan Trng Hal. S« aerlatendrnl of
    230 words
  • 130 7 Commercial art society officials MR Leong Wan Bhlng has been re-elected president of the Singapore Commercial Art Society." Other nnVlaH and theu portfolios an Mr Urn Tint Kao. Tioa-piaaidmt. Mr Lib Jlal K-n and Mr Ho Kirn Kofc. r*mral aflalrs. Mr Yooof Taa Boon and Mr Yuan Want On (Inane*.
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  • 355 7  - Rapist claims his tjhird victim PAUL WEE Warning goes out to parents By pOLK.'H yesterday urged parents to warn their children to beware of strangers after a sex fiend, who had raped two little girls, strack again on Sun d;iv. The parents were also urged to tell their children not
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  • 31 7 MP (or Crawford. Dr Ana. Kofc Pent will attend dra«on night dinner and danc* organlaad by St. John Ambulance Association at HoUl ABbaaaador on Saturday at 7 M pm
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  • 204 7 BALLOTING OF FLATS AT KAMPUNG JAVA rvß LEE Chlaw Meng. 1/ the Minuter for Science and Technology and MP for Fairer Pan. will be at the >««»»»«ng ceremony for the sale of 18J units of three-room flats and m units of four- room flats at Kampung Java tomorrow at 130
    204 words
  • 434 7 Life and rotan for four who grabbed $400,000 POUR gang robbers f were yesterday sentenced to life Imprisonment and a total of 30 fi«*~ of the cane In the High Court for robbing a goldsmiths shop of cash and Jewellery worth more than MOO 000 Ch*n Bay Keonf. unemployed. Tan
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  • 25 7 tbm Traea Dsyarkwaat will hold a two-** aßßUnar «UMnrtai|SMnMmtafsfJJaf. Of pf tIBTwOCM O«Ssrl > to rtwataalng naUooa at Apollo Hot* treat Tbarasay to Prtosw
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  • 488 7 rE former managing director of an Insurance company yesterday sucu n u firm in the High Court for allegedly dumlaslng him wrongfully In Norember 1973 Mr. Khoo Chiang Poh contended tarougb bis lawyer. Mr. Peter 8* Lee. that t>y aa agra*ment contained
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 147 7 'STRICTLY ___FORTHE PROFESSIONALMINDED. 1 For those who must on tha highcit level of perfection. A t«r>«t that refWct tha vary latest developments in acoustic and atatuunat enav newrmo, providing the performance, durability and vcnatilrry raquirad of professional installations 4311 CONTROL MONITOR 3 way 17 IHicmllF 5" ll] 7 cm) mrf-rana*.
      147 words
    • 377 7 If»! I I if I T 'tSJLJ I Id a^sf^WaWaWalwaWaHff Ij J V B. Vnh jj ij. I VV- |^MM g^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^T "^■sswawawawawawT^TN' sWaWawf«>BWaWwrV KWrjP\j£* •#aasssss! > <9jLßaasi'^ ErXSt atsl La J^^^mjaai I J^T I^^ B ■BBBB»>^ l W I Xr v vv MWQa 'aftai BWaWM aWaWaWaWawM/ V. BW \l lstasl
      377 words

    • 37 8 Suharto opens first get-together of Asean leaders PrMktont Suharto (extreme left) showing AaMn I— dan out after Mm «MM«tt opial— From Ml arw Mr. MfCM. Mr. Lm, Datuk Huooolh and Mr. Kufcrtt President Suharto addressing the summit
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 379 8 b^bTbC s^^ Sm *k V bbv^HßbWJ M M aw^^^ L^KSw! BeT «W^ II AEb^b^b^HH aa^P^P^i^er^^issP^^r •*jb^b^^H Bb^L^b^V J Ws\ J wV s^bOb^b^bw^bW a^LH BBbVbMbbP a^^HH^^^^L P^^#JSB>s^H b^b^LMlb^b^S LbV eisH L^lbK^9 L^H sblb^A^bJbß I b^iw *^Hsbb^L7 Lbw^B Lmv P^t^HbVl^bVw^bl^HH liß^P'^9 b^b^b^bQ b^bU^blb^b^^^ V '*^b^blCs b^Sblb*t^^^^^^^bl T fl* J^^ i_y Fftf ■wta^fta^MaMt
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    • 33 8 SKIN ITCH? Use Guardian Ointment immediately Effective against tormenting skin itch. Guardian Ointment works efficiently, helps soothe and clear the skm of rashes, itching and Irritation, ringworm, eczema and inflammation Apply GUARDIAN OINTMENT
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    • 399 9 'pHE "body in the trunk" murder trial began in the High Court today before Mr. Justice Harun Hashim in which a Colombo Plan expert, Kingsley John Lewis, 32. is charged with murdering his wife, Mrs. Maria Theresa Lewis, a Kenyan. Lewis, whose speciiu
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    • 96 9 KUALA U7MPUR, Mon The rotas are out »«*ln no lone h&lr. no slippers, no short sklrU. and shirts to be tucked in while at school The Education Ministry'i Director of Schools, Mr Kuin 800. has sent s circular through state education directors to all
      96 words
    • 138 9 $5,700 TAKE' IN KL HOLD-UPS KUALA LUMFUR, lion. Robbers got away with MSS.7B9 in cash and valuable* In two separate hold-ups here yesterday. In BO— PIT NO. 1. three gunmen held up a sundry shop owner. Mr Chan Oee Kee. 81 and nls three children at Bamboo Garden. 7 km
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    • 331 9 ■UAH, Met). THE Government bat embarked on a major review of the police force. Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri OhanUl Shafle said today. Die iwffttw will look Into all asports of the SmTmtalnr terms and welfare of the families. Recruitment of Mm
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    • 77 9 KLAMO. Mon —More than SO hectares of smallholder oil palm. Ptooapple and rubber ttwssln Jalan Kebun near hare have been destroyed by Ore which caused an estimated The are which started on Saturday to still raging, ilasiiiijliig an average of 30 hectares a day. Firemen are helpless because
      77 words
    • 177 9 Heavier fine for doctor who had drugs pENANG. Mon —A newI ly graduated Australian snlw wb« was fiord MSI.M* or two —■Ibt' )aU for a drag •Hence bad bis line Increased to M*2 s** or six months jail In defaaH. by the High Cevrt here today Dr. Derek Michael Asaby.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 354 9 LI L^^l U ■BmLaßVßfatwßW niii JBUB BHB[Bi-*im3r 3 susr^J B™r™Wwß tf* ks MJk Iswßt a BfelM It*"* is lail"*'* Wagner, the Audb Specialist, I now presents Something Special. VBBBfI BBBBJfBBBBBBBBBBBB^BBm^BBBBBBBBBBBBBfBPBBwWBmma BPBJC^u^bS mr mJiS flßmaflß J^ aVuflßßßa BB^^i^^SBBBQBBBsiuBmBB BTsfl^Bs Bi s*^^^s BJJ w^*p^u I Bußi^B>B3b^^bl aw^sss*^^^^s^s2*^^*usj HBsuuuuujßj y JflL^—B—^—B m^^h!|kl|^3 Hbbl
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 263 9 BsHnglaig Op Wmttkmw Uy aMU atßVß»%B*jli 4k atol ramiß T^v ~l|| I CLEANED TV.* I AoWT.€ BAaV. THE [yOU WERE ASLfeP^ T^SiSr J WKXE KX»C CLEANING v\OMAW WM6N SHE CUT J m I~T F OM rOf> < ASKB)MtTD©rVE &JT< y—^ _|T TO BOTTOM/) YOU 'H* MOTE--BlOßdla- BW By Cml« Y»aan
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  • 144 10 Mr Michel Caplaln. Chairman of Compagnle Finandere de Sues has spent more than 25 years of his working life with the Suet Oroup. He joined the Compagnle Universelle de Canal Maritime de Sues as Secretary General and was entrusted with the responsibility of steering the company
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  • 91 10 Mr Itard Mr Andre Utard. Manager of Banque oe l'lndonchlne et de Sues has been with the bank for 30 years during which he was stationed In the major Asian cities. He has opened the bank's branches in Vien- 11 an c and Kuala Lumpur. He then
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  • 50 10 Mr. Philippe Cavard 39. Deputy Manager, has been with Indosuez for the past IS years. He has held major postings in Saigon. Saudi Arabia and South Africa. He holds a Bachelor In Law and a Master of Political and Economic Sciences from the University of Paris. Mr Cavard
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  • 770 10 $6m office for Indo suez in S'pore fiNE of the oldest established banks in South East Asia. Indosuez. today enters a new era with the official opening of Its SS6 million new headquart ers in Shenton House. Singapore. The 1,673 sq. metres premises Include a large banking hall on the
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  • 157 10 A US$l3O million loan was raised by Indosues recently to finance the exploration of two oil- fields In Indonesia. The loan, jointly managed by Banque de 1' Indochlne et de Sues (Indosuet t and Bank of America, was formally concluded In Paris. It Is to
    157 words
  • 103 10 Indotan Bank was Incorporated by special charter when It opeced In Singapore In 19M. Its MSB* in these days was "Bansjae dc I' IndoChlne" and a ropy of the original Strait* Ordinance Is new Ist the Bank archives. Its main function In the early days was catering for
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  • 69 10 Meeting rooms for clients rX Indosuet Bank U providing a very special service for Its growing number of International clents In the Shenton House headquarters. It ha* provided four rooms exclusively for visiting businessmen to use as offices or for holding meetings. Supporting services. Including secretarial and telex, art also
    69 words
  • 176 10 Expertise in Chinese business dealings A MAJOR portion of Indosues builnrjs ha* traditionally been with the Chinese business community In Singapore. Although the bank's activities have diversified and 1U slse grown since 1U establishment In 1905. tae Chinese Business Community In Singapore still form an Important part of their clientele.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 340 11 GROUP THAT STARTED WITH THE SUEZ CANAL r[E Sue* Group Is today International in Its ownership, operations and outlook. Its holding company, Compagnle Fl--nanclere de Sue* could trace Its beginnings to the year before work began on building the Suez Capal in 1859 > The company was Sormed by Ferdinand
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  • 275 11 yHE official oaen- nlng of Indosuex Bank today by Michel Caplaln, Chairman of the Sues Group will be an occasion filled with the pageantry and the colour of Chinese lion dancing and banners. At the graad i«eep«laa U aaark the nialag la the evening. 4M
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  • 381 11 lON dancing in the street will tonight herald vie opening of Indosuez Bank's new offices in Shenton House. Shenton Way. There Is cause to celebrate for the move from the Bank's former office* In Robinson Road, provides customers and the Bank's 160 staff with bigger
    381 words
  • 79 11 Mr. Robert Beyk* SI. H the katcat addition to Basque da linoonrhlne et de Sues'* manag ertal ami. Since IMS ha haj been In the banks Balgon and B A i nl t mw±A as naai imrm oniQW uki m now BttaVMaMUaflT alt tJVf Mr. Baylot
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  • 89 11 Safe deposit facilities are located In a highsecurity vault In the main banking chambers on the ground floor. The vault la fitted out with some 335 boxes In five different Uses All equipment was brought out from Paris and incorporate sophisticated security devices. Bank customers can
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  • 208 11 Mr. Lee Boon Ann. Chic? Cashier, has been M years with the bank, starting as a clerk In M He followed in the footsteps of hla father who worked with the bank for 37 years aa a cashier, retiring In the early lMO's Mr. Lee has
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • The Straits Times
    • 387 12 APPARENTLY satisfied with the pledges Aof the .five Asean leaders that the association will never become an antlcommunlst security grouping, the Soviet Union has given a qualified welcome to the Ball summit conference through an article in the official communist dally, Pravda. Tht Kremlin organ declares, however, that
      387 words
    • 207 12 \i any Singaporeans have tended not to take the Consumers Association of Singapore seriously since it was set up in August. 1971. T*hey are vaguely aware that there Is an organisation to protect consumers' rights and Interests; but, apart from a minority, they are not prepared to
      207 words
    • 428 12 DR. Tow Slang Hwa Is absolutely right when he accused me of cham ptonlng the cause of smokers and drinkers In Singapore This is quite different from Implying I am encouraging Sings poreans to take up these habits In s literate and enlightened society, every
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    • 96 12 MAT I arlfy a point In your report (ST. Feb. nit of my talk on drug abuse? Tour report makes me seem to say that psychiatric disorders are one of the varied reasons for turning to drugs What I said, at the beginning s.nd again at the end of my
      96 words
  • 1319 12 £1 G HT-and ahalf years ago, in August 1967, in Bangkok, the Foreign Ministers of our five countries signed the Asean Declaration, The first objective of this declaration was and is to accelerate economic growth. But all objectives rested on the
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  • 505 12  -  V. YAKOVLEV •y Ttre ending of the war in Indochina has created a new political climate in Asia, A number of Asian countries are revising their foreign policy conceptions and are looking for new forms of relations with their regional neighbours.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 7 12 the decision- maker's choice. SS." SS" *dassb>ks#
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  • Business Times
    • 344 13  - Foreign purchases of US stocks nine times 1974's volume EDWIN DALE By WASHWOTON Ne t foreign purchases of United States stocks soared to US$4 5 billion last year, almost nine times the vc'-nne In 1974. the Commerce Department reported last week. Of the big Inflow, spurred by the advancing American
      344 words
    • 133 13 rKTO: Lecal ban* mg isuress said m»r* thas) UStSM mUlion were beheved te have Sewed tote Japan daring the Ant half ef February through lavestsaeats ta lhort-Urn Japan- rovernment SSU is sad convertible free yen depeslts. They said invoat meats la sbert-terai Japanese Osvsrnasent
      133 words
    • 857 13  -  SON TIANG KENG my languish ing near the bottom for a few months, int rest rates in Singapore are poised to rise again. During the rest of this year, interest rates here will move up In line with rising world Interest rates. The rise,
      857 words
    • 384 13 Pahano C4msniidstos hat denied that tts directors or those of Paber Merlin MalaysU or Its subsidiaries are directors of oungel Wan and Buklt Ampat It also denied that the directors have any interest whatsoever In the two private companies. in a Maw to Oh Ktrta
      384 words
    • 118 13 Malaysia Building Society has maintained an even rate of growth thioaghoat ir». This is indicated In the preliminary announce™wi» wnxn snovsa pretax profits for 1978 rising »J per cent to ItSHSI mllnoc from mm million in ItTC At mid-term. MBS had MBorlis pre-tax earnings i— is to
      118 words
    • 238 13 A nil growth first half for Malayan Banking. OWE second half of X 1975 saw only sluggish recovery In the Singapore and Malaysian economies. But this sluggishness did not take the bite out of the cumulative effects of genera] price increases. These factors combined left earnings flat at Malayan Banking,
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    • 128 13 rl Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange has given Ssn Holdings until March 8 to submit Its audited accounts for the year ended March 1975. If It failed to do this then the company has to show cause why It should not be de-llsted. This Indicate an underlying confidence
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    • 119 13 Chase faces two suits in the US NEW YORK Chase Manhattan Corporation said two suit* have ■wen filed against It In the U8 district court In Manhattan alleging violations of the Securities Exchange Act. The first suit, a class action suit, was filed against the corporation and some of Its
      Reuter  -  119 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 289 13 HI Pitney Bowes make the very best postage meters... J U 5470 No licking. No sticking. No stamps! A desk model for every office. Franks, seals and stacks all types of mail. Automatic label -dispenser for parcels. Advertises your company products FREE See Pitney Bowes mail handling equipment at the
      289 words
    • 235 13 )t<\ V C R^MBMRKiJKMR^fI Out Stir Witkoi to »K« •ch.«»«m«nt o< ASIAN SUMMIT, tali Sok 23 25 1f 76 From IQ OltoitioHt Iwtoiwoliowol. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING OHoniM Hrn Sot ISmMM k T "IrMfO ttw GAP a SmM Hrn TRUST" -th,n Ail an (t* f) try J% H»»iwa aaomoM ptiSOHiH in g^
      235 words

  • 641 14  - Small offices take to microfilms SOH SIAM LOM ■y THE microfilm minud cturers are likely to find big business in the small offices In Singapore, If current trends are any indication. Small office microfilm igQMi Is becoming more evident In Singapore, most microfilm vendors agree. More and more companies are
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  • 166 14 Philips branches into flame fighters paiLJPS. one of the world's leaders In household appliance*. has branched Into s new line, lire extinguishers. These will be marketed In Singapore and neighb luring countries under the brand name "Philip* Norelco Flame Fighters Measuring 33 cm high by 7.8 cm diameter, the unit
    166 words
  • 41 14 SIXTEEN general and chemical sales managers of Rhone Poulenc sub sldlsnes in Asia met In Singapore last week for a two day marketing conference The meeting was the first or lv kind to be held by Rhone Poulenc's regional representatives.
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  • 312 14 MICROFILMINO may be the answer to some offices' Information storage problems. To others, which want to have the Information at hand, but still say nix to microfilming, then a filing system from Rotascan may be the solution. Rotascan has evolved a Ming system which It
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  • 134 14 UMW acquires sole agencies ITNTOD Motor Works U has acquired five new agency lines In the heavy and Industrial equipment neld. Iney are Bucyrus trie. Paaley ana Venables. British steel Pile.. Wolffkran and Compa.r Broom Wade. bbcyrus £i\e Including Ruston Buc>ru* and Kumatsu Bucyrus products to be represented by UMW
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  • 44 14 THK prlea for rraser and Neave eordUla Is un changad although the Mount per bottle has km ralasd by 40 ml from Uat Friday. The new sueamllnwi matrle bottls holds 750 ml against the old pack which contained 710 ml.
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  • 37 14 OMB %XA million worth of Caterpillar ma itM dtaasl englnss and •tactile wu were exhibited by Tractors Sings Malaysia, In Boktt Tlmah last week The dUplay was held In conjunction with the offshore con Terence
    37 words
  • Company news for the week ended Feb.20
    • 49 14 FVt-lai Yaarta PraAt/Laaa(L) taraia*V IMvntaaa" (ISS» Bilu Kinn Auf Tl MSIS.II7 (MSS.SSS) 731 (U I) 30 IXiffDev Aug 79 MSI. III (MII.SSS) 13 (115) I Ktponf Plant* Sapt 75 MSI4.2M (MSI7.S4S) INI (till) S5 ($0) K L Kepons Sept 75 M 135.443 (MSSO.iW) 113 (20 7i 10
      49 words
    • 95 14 Caataaay YaaxU PrWll I 0.. I Karainsa' DtvMtaaa" cast) AlcmnM»l» Dae 75 Mil 063 (MS3.USI Hi (ttl) 30 BtUlM'llli Dec 75 MS4.OM (MSS.Mt) 44 7 (40 4) (17 S) DBS Dk 75 SSII.SSSA (SS7.SSOIA MIA (76) A H Merlin 8 pora DX 15 ***** iSSMDb 3 8 (OIK
      95 words
    • 32 14 Haktyaar Pra<WyLaaa(L) DMiaTAdhnlvtTapt No* TS MSM3L (MSISS)L Nil OMMnJy PUnUUon* Dnc 75 MS4I L (MSI2|L Mineral SecurtUt. Dec M*3OS M«m Pull Perm* Hotdlnn Dk li MSSI L (Mill; L (10)
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    • 185 14 SCRIP RIGHTS ISSUES Bau M.UysU Scrip MM Of one for -four capitalising MS2.2S million I Bil*4 OvtrMti Laadf has proposed a rights Imiml of 30.149.4 M n*» ordinary SSI shares at BSI 20 per share on the hasa of one-tor-one to Ordinary stockholders, and to Loan! stockholders, one new share
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  • 60 14 Mr. P F KsUaway has reigned as an alternate director to Mr. US. aTlrfcK— wjt h effect from Feb. S. MS— It. Lronr, Wn Hen and Khoo Che«l Tbaan have resigned as :*cretanes of Industries and Realty group with effect from Jan. IS. Mr. Jtuhi Kmdono managing
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 618 14 P.T. TRAKINDO UTAMA Announces its New Singapore Office 4 Address: Tower 2301-2303 DBS Building P O Box 2972, Shenton Way Singapore I. Telephone: 22C9522 (lO Lines) Telex R*****1- US ***** A/BTRAKTAI Cable TRAKTAMA L][p.T. TRAKIIMDO UTAMA YOUR CATIMILLAR DEALER MR. BUSINESSMAN: Is tti»in««f slack? Ns«4 mw* customers? S*fc»cttv« buyers conswH
      618 words
    • 843 14 RESIDE IN THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (FREE MOVEMENT vrTTHIN R€BTf«CTSO 20NQ FflOM $1,400/ P.M. UPWARDS E £yP Y A luxu«»ous APARTMENT OR MAISONETTE (4M I2tn FLOOR! WITH MODERN AMENITIES War ■anaaaouaarm tlkaxi aaaaa» »»ali to- Laaaa araa. taaur, kaS. 1 •mm «n a lIWi Floa> I www long BaiM H'WDHl^li^t
      843 words

    • 1421 15 T H» last tru mint raaay 1 mit U U» oIMBJBt BMS- >■ 8m „-ii.. BawawawalßßWa* amw Of BBwfafBBVaBTV f»Jß»»af^Bl7 wßßwatpui alfcgje «»C? prtMß wajstnar with im 18 mb*. and tow CAdJuaud tor CLMiai TMSi Fairly Marty TwmSVSB: OBJMaI H»r. •Baasy' Maal: 4. aw aw aatia «ala»l al
      1,421 words
    • 1411 15 BID and o«er print oflcaUty bawd sad buatnOM in sad naortad to tn* Stock Bwahanar of ainganore yittirday wtth Urn nuMbar of ttawM tnded shown In ■m Ball in Ma of 1.000 unlU unkut oUMrwaW apaclflcd All Tmm ».^.t«. or mitlamant Oontracu tre quoted alter the word
      1,411 words
    • 1283 15 nID and offer pneca offl- cUQjr Uatcd axd bualnoM B and rtponad to tb* Kuala Lumpur Slock bchßikjß win Ity with Urn DUBBar of ahBTM tradad ahown b ktarkru id Mb of IM« MPtta, unloai oUwrvtM IHBUITBIAL* MM il MB> tHMM .IMB 1MB) A Tie* iIMBi AIMN ilOM)
      1,283 words
    • 111 15 KUALA LUMPUR Weat Malaysian rubber production rose to 149,SM long tons In December from 123.W8 (revtsMl) in November, conpared with 1J5.885 tons December 1*74. Statistics Department figures show. Export* rose to 144.--704 tons (125.637 revised and m,TTOi while Imports fall to 3.015 13,096 and MM). Stocks
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    • 146 15 TSB formation of a n*w AFIA afflltatc. Ueanaad lor oparattona In Indonaata, hat bam announcad by AFIA world haarkTßartara In Wayne. New Jersey Known aa P. T. Asuranal APIA Tnrtrmsam. the new affiliate, which was latuad a Usance to write all clum of nonlife inaannot on Jan.
      146 words
    • 48 15 HONGKONG: Devtache rimr—en irhaftaFf"** (DO tank) baa opened a rapraaauUUis office bM« to corer Bast AiU. South-east AM* and Australasia. Managing board cnalrman Put*. Vlaaoff suggeatad a figure of hundreds of mlUloot of Hongkong dollars for the bank'i eventual involvement In the region Rftvtcr
      48 words
    • 83 15 'NlMltl 9v>#w>w)Sß BXw)MJMMwI MwMAPfMM •tMIM MXII Nl IHtJiiL VIITIIMT •iej #JPVB vWTwj wMawasTß. MV gjeftT^ 9nS awn i mum* omm; UK/CaM. MO aarata ua Me* hlw taw *ilJi* aan»ak w* i. f aa. BM M.W ,ane MUn. am^ ariai uar« r b.b. BO« MM NH Mta Sam--2* *fTA
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    • 169 15 Talks on AmsterdamLondon options link AMBTERDAM: A plan for a European options bourse with trading floors both here and In London will be discussed shortly by the two Stock Exchanges together wtfh the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange Association said. Tbe London Exchange, which has been considering
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 115 15 VTKW YORK Morgan 1 1 Guaranty Trust'! pro blem loans at the end ot last year are quadruple those at the close of 1974. According to parent company. J P Morgan subsidiary Morgan Ova rantv had problem loans nf DBs4oo million com pared with $101 million the
      Reuter  -  115 words
      • 197 15 UONOKOMG Mod The w market dootd firmer Id Una with Wall Street aWrimßjh there waa me eataac to tb* aiternooo. BMhn MM. Tradan« was fairly active. asßtrbaj on aaeondary l»ue» Aasong wadlag kwtau galnt rangad from BBMiaftaag Oaafc 1 Ore esnta to BMwsjkaov SWa* M RBU BBBBMMB) MMd 34
        197 words
      • 197 15 TOKYO. Moo. Late pro- t flt-U*ing eroded early gain* following Wall Street t nat damlen aU The Dow Jonea avoraae roar 714 to 4.*****. wtth voluane dropping to IM mllawa iharM, from IM million SB) Friday Tb* Now index closed at 133 44 up 848 Dectrtcala and ku«*-«apt-tal stem
        197 words
      • 321 15 CVDNIY Moo. Th» J marfcM gathered pace f«er a sMotty to firm I opening, to clo < jenerally higher daalan mid. The Sydney Ail-Ordlnmrle» index rost 1.4S point* to BBf-aj MUM rOM (our rent* to All 30 ifver tailing iv copper prtoe. CSM gained 3t» oenu to 13 33
        321 words
      • 31 15 UMlir r>««af ?sf- va' IM.M tmm »M»*»f HI TM lll.Ttt HI MS 111 MB vi oaa MM BMart »r«. aaa^niM r«u m V I. *all»r tm aaaw. (I) AVOTM*
        31 words
      • 27 15 The Straits tin price fell $8 37$ to 51.012.37 i per picul In Penang yesterday on an offlclal offering up 35 tons to 190 tons.
        27 words
      • 337 15 /opening quotations 1 n \J tbe Singapore rubber market yaatenlay ware two centa blibar foUowlng higher London advices Trading wai rather uncertain with prices fluctuating narrowly in thin trading Turnover waa amall. Tbe morning teaalon closed quiet The market gained ground In the afternoon on some demand for
        337 words
      • 31 15 Babber feb slngaporr Mar. 181 M eta. (a» 1 IS ate.) Matayaiar Mar 188.S8 eta.( ap tM ate.) Tia: tl.tltSli (down »«37H Offlclil ofTi-ring IM ton* lap U tons)
        31 words
      • 86 15 ULY H MJUL I M I H I JLEXI OR and M prtew liirt «t noon ynXriUy (1 lea p^M) IHH IMJWf 111 to HUM (1 too b*lM> ITU* niHN tniO IRHN m. Utoop»Urt( IHM IM.MM JO* M KMMN 1 1 tat ptUrt > Ml M Ml
        86 words
      • 66 15 ■Mktaf t 8 JO m. w«to t a oa ■ton I 4.00 mm r*± t»n I Uli CM X Ira* I CM Tiilhi ».M N I 6 U IMC IN w»U 3.C1 Will! I 2 23 M Dmrhj t 1 M ilkh* t J 47 hm. >n IB. t
        66 words
      • 21 15 Maw Darky IM»Ht tOJL TIMH ■>■■»! in.»H ■ll^ll 1714 M TMU Tnmf: J.J4 M T»t*l ValM 111 7J M
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      • 24 15 Dash* lad J( JfTH r rw«r r»»i irate 4 10 3 40 I 1 06 1» I «*i «a it -06 .M —a%
        24 words
      • 60 15 tt Jaav l. 1878 188 Daa. M. 18M it* 1 Dse. SI. 1888 188 t Daa. to. 1488 IM Dae. 81. 1818 188 t Jaa. i. 187+ ISO t B.T. IKn I7uej t7» J iMMmk m.ii mm 9 rtmMMt* <HU MM U7.U M7* fn»W»H: 11S.7I J77.t TIM; MM Ml.
        60 words
    • 410 15 Profit- taking trims gains LATE Brant -taking caaaed share prieea to finish oft best at the Stock Exchange af Sin SBBwre yesterday. The Initial trend waa firm as Bayers took advantage of the further improvement In Wall Street ever the weekend which took the Dow Jones Index to within striking
      410 words
    • 290 15 RIRINO prices were checked by profittaker* In the afternoon after a firm start on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday Prices were marked a few cenu higher when business opened yesterday. However, this trend lasted only until noonbreak. In the afternoon, profit-takers made the scene,
      290 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 155 15 8u(i««t«d Interbank nt«» at 1 00 p.m. "I l l ilia rmtM ■■!«!<— r«rt— *af «mM jwlwiaj tcreea) pfMj ifcaf 04. ioJUr t«*«0 SUM 2IIM UJO Sl*»lint 6 0166 5 0310 7 14*8 -JIM Htx^konc dollar 4» *8 49 M MJI 170 Malaysian dollar MW M W 100
        155 words
      • 166 15 ASIAN eurrsDcy dsposlt tntarbank raUa a* at ckM* on Monday. Feb. 11 US Dalian (BBat) Owor BM T daft 1 16 4 IS If 1 Bth 1/4 1/S 1 nun I 7 II 111 I Btba I M ll a ill I attha I in I 3
        166 words
      • 34 15 CkMtnf IntarbßAk ratM In •taaaport) dollan tor Ftb. 21 Owar BM Oramltht I 1/4 1 Mth 4 1/S 1 BUa 4 7 1 1 mthi Ml I ■waJSJf*»: P. MmTTmJ jMMwI laliniißlißßl
        34 words
      • 60 15 rakob «r mm kr «m aaiuH kauM* «a r«t> M On«ai*M 1% ta ls% Call limit is ■> *'t% MBMM Tnuwt ktUa I 1/1 I HbM Bask kllU t 7 It 4 J 14 I UaatJi CD 1 14 tVkKalk CD t I It T'lt MOTC: TtMM ratM
        60 words
      • 55 15 AtßamanoSank 7% FNCt 7V» BanaliaK Bon* 7'/» NKSK 714 tank o< America 7% indoouM 714 •ana o» CKma 7>A AHoloyaw tonki^ 7% •ana at Tom** 7.i Mm, Bom. >S •ana Naatra Inttonaa* 7V» OCBC 7.. Citamrajiank 7V» OUB 7U ChtM Mon^onon 7\4 OCB >W Oaß 714 UMfC
        55 words

  • Especially Women
    • 133 16 Panel prints to perk up lIOW to let the Metre* jo t« your gown and yet look like a bird without excessive That** the tamr And lengths of soft, wispy chiffon has be— chosen to do the job With Mack and deep grey as backdrops. Perked up by floral
      133 words
    • 524 16  - The long and short of, hair appeal MEI-LIN CHEW ■y ?EX appeal in wonen, as far as Singa--3 pore men are concerned, seems to Ue ji the long and short of their fairdos Long hair Is sexy, the men gay. What an old-fashioned notion, says hairstylist Jeffrey Ong. an instructor
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    • 304 16 Forget zip and buttons, just wrap up ILTRAP IT UP. Pull it on. Let it flow. The new summer clothes rarely button or zip. They Ue or they float. Pull-on pants with elastic at the waist that obviates the need lor bulky fastenings were the beginning. Now here are drawstrings
      NYT  -  304 words
    • 211 16 IT IS inevitable. I guess. With fashion taking a nostalgic trip back to the fifties. Jewellery designs. too will have to follow suit, so to speak So current Jewellery trends, like fashion. U more romantic. with gentler designs and delicate cratfsmanshlp. according to the Jewellery
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 372 16 Kitomoll y. Skin Cart Make Up Demon strati on $j From 24th February to 2nd March 1976 <X) JOHN LITTLE'S I Robma House. Shenton Way M \i(iim*ki Beautician, MARY HENG, who will attend C 7 to your skin care and make up needs Wi .^bb% I Bam bbW J^M Bam.
      372 words
    • 14 16 KjH W Him .Ftorasnai Ptaattng Br*usn 6^o BB^BB^IsbI mtU BsiwbYabh bb cflntaliMr ItR r^k
      14 words
    • 264 16 -BBV^ B^BTBr afl Bar ML m .^»-^r^^"W jBJ t Vwsul I. lal 11 J^B^B^^^^^^^ VLk^BBBB The sweet alternative. If you want to stay sltm and healthy. tea or coffee a day, you can save yourself sweeten your tea and coffee with 190 Without even trying Harmaataa. the sweat alternative
      264 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 132 16 JIOW ntlt to. sate n v water year ataate eaee la a few weeks aad yet tee* taaai la tot gtsaa saaae? Tea, a aew alawtsag aystssa called Ftorasnat aaa aa aateauUie watering ragwJatsaa that aaa free y«a fro- lac aaem-asaalag •ally task. The secret of the ayttesa la a
      132 words

  • 218 17 3 years, cane for taking care' of gun and ammo A WELDER who kept a revolver and five bullets .or a childhood friend w»s yesterday jailed a total of three years with 12 strokes of the rotan Chau roon long 27. wa» jailed for three years with strokes of the
    218 words
  • 30 17 THE «.M«iliiii Bureau of PhlpfMng ABB. will bold a aaaaiaaa for vumng ABB ncc-praident Mr Oil* Kroagrr and ««««>«—■ official. Mr Howard B landing, at (Shangri-La HoUi on March
    30 words
  • 114 17 ISOLATED. »h..rt b«t be jit showers are ripected ever Ittacapore In the next few days, a Meteorological Drawrtment spokesm»n said yaaterdajr Bat wide read, heavy rainfall, necessary In brtnglnc reUef to the railing water lr\rl» at catchment areas. Is atlU not expected for
    114 words
  • 383 17  - Drought plays havoc with farms IRENE NGOO No water, so vegs wither away By ■pHK scorching heat and the shortage of r water are forcing farmers in several parts of Singapore to let their vegetables I shnvtl up or leave their land uncultivated. Only those farms lucky enough po be
    383 words
  • 283 17 Accountant sued over share cert HOUSEWIFE Maria Chla Book Lan U suing accountant Yeo Seng Lam in the High Court over a ahare certificate, ongtnally issued to her husband. Yo Klan T)oan and an lOU for $30,000 executed by Yo In her suit, she la claiming from Yeo Seng Lam.
    283 words
  • 119 17 ALCOHOLIC JUMPED TO HIS DEATH AN akohollc. who was idnHttud to Tan Tock Benc HoepltaJ tor a, liver ailment, jumped to hU fieath from hla fourth-door ward, a coroner* court heard yesterday. BUU Coroner. Mr. Chee Wai Pon«. raeord•d a verdict of aulcJd* on Rengas&my Ifajiappas, 47. Senior Inspector Deimond
    119 words
  • 28 17 Silk flower course ■TOTMCA till tfart a ■aaa SUh PtoSVlSltaf at iv awmMMat Oaamui tmd rurthar taloraatton aaay M) iMllaill the TMCA oa». a orahual Bm* lat mm.
    28 words
  • 10 17 TBMMM MM* iea4 »ccltau four Mrta— go Buu-
    10 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 113 17 HTfU A Wllmm aVKSaVWssss^S LmV New! Junivite ffi[ yHiacZi6%S colourful, exciting. t educational jig-saw puzzles worth $1 00 each! tiuny-Ytik&xklaSt! &EM^ ThsshcM/vou Jm\\ vL get them! m 2 puztles for every 800 mi (17.ooz)certonH |A 1 puizle for every 22S milt ox) csrton j 1 puuletof 2« 100 ml (IBozlcortone
      113 words
    • 427 17 Highlights for today Ideas by union leaders should be simple enough for members to grasp: Fong Ideas bunion leaders should Excess Malay-stream teachers might not be retrenched Work permit holders reminded to re-register Decrease in the number of school truants Angry father who threw his children from flat 16 years
      427 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 876 17 On your TV 1 SINGAPORE 5 Ul tU Opemnc and Tins *nd Thjt (Repeat) 7JI bn (Mitof) Ul D-ry of [rents l€*M~.**LK. Ul MataiM Zaro One Imji mmrssl Ul Gener il Hospital Ua BaT| Tjt* Beam Saw Han't OlMcnwsSion Mapaal LM tasjai ms Caaj law* -Hi ft* ll* wtrtan MR
      876 words

  • 41 18 A SPECIAL constabulary half-yearly Inepertton cum |—^-g out parade of the 14th Intake ofnaUeaai aw--Ir—n will be held at the FoSce lieilaaj ea aatarway at »J0 aja. ■*Vl—i imj_>MnirL_»r of FtotWtf Mr TaaTwAKham, win Inapect the parade
    41 words
  • 196 18 'Shoot to kill' squad's first victim LEONG Peng Wah, 25, the gunman who died by police fire during the siege of his Redhill Close flat last week, was shot dead by a crack sniper squad trained to shoot to kill. According to sources yesterday, the aquad waa formed to handle
    196 words
  • 167 18 DEADLINE FOR RENEWING WORK PERMITS rB Mlbslij of Isbsbi rwin-ti ■plljll. and nor. IBttsißS yesterday that tae cßrrent re-regls-traUon of old work permit Bidets whoa* earwa www based between Febrmvy IM* and February IKS m di A*- !l i$ Taw lasow Ministry aoMwa thai aecordinc to Us reewrma. there wry
    167 words
  • 222 18 Housewife who gave shelter to illtgal migrant A MOTHER of five was yesterday fined 1.300 by a magistrate's court for harbouring an illegal Immigrant from India Kasthurl Bai Kriahnan. 38. was found guilty of harbouring Mohamed KtitttTn Holder, between April and Decembes 1975. at her house in Somerset Road. The
    222 words
  • 72 18 CC talk on adoption and the law CANBERRA community centre will hold a talk on Legitimacy and Adoption by the president of the Singapore Association of Women Lawyers. Miss rmrtdah Namajie. on Thursday at 8 p.m. Other pro«rasMaH at the centre Include three-month course on Chlnne urn aim from April
    72 words
  • 234 18 rl long dead King* and Queens of England were brought to new life by the Royal Shakespeare Company In •The Hollow Crown" at the DBS Auditorium John Barton dm cleverly Unfcej lOiirtiai. Wttera. wrtu lagi froea ckewatelea« play^. poetry and late an latoreettag evealDg^ cultured onterflnieat. The
    234 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 247 18 fl'lDO*-"^ SIIWINC! 5 SHews daily 11 am, 1 JO, 4.00, 6.45, 915 ills I Iflffh llffft) IPf SUn fats mf itfPfi i frf-ini ItWr weit lirj Npfia! J^^P^B^"^"^^^ r. r^ Tas-m-m-m-ir^ n mmmmmmwSmmmW I MM atfJ mmmmmmmmmmmmkfcJ I V^mmmmmmw. _mmw^V J Julie Aidrews 4 Owar Sharif ITV pni tafia, rtsr
      247 words
    • 248 18 SwSUCTAmWMOXV SIWSSS AT BOTM TIBMTB— I GOLDCM ft PsULACE 1100.1 30. 4. 1J0.J.30. 7.15»t.J0 KONG CNUN ims TMtUIW! CBMg OP? Lv /Isk>smmmws (BUTNft) N-l/ H HBIM dtasm^sl cavaa aco— TawW W^ *MJNaSa3 BPIuo s Fabwlouo Ompiwy of^ mmlmmfr^^^ fl CHIMQg QYMWABTICB DOWT btlttß NOW PLAZA SHOWING Textile Centri!jbiSiltM)Til'292oS72 5 SHOWS
      248 words
    • 118 18 Congratulations A Best Wishes to BANQUE DC L'INDOCHINE ET OE SUEZ. SINGAPORE on their Official Opening of tne Bank's i Premises from MI LOM PHOTO SUPPLIERS EHTERPRIit PTC LTD. SINGAPORE MALAYSIA ra7r A PONGGOL* A RESTAURANT 863 1, PONGGOL POINT, SINGAPORE. Tel: 882 788-805 521 Cammt PCVAWOI j<> A Til
      118 words
    • 298 18 atJMmi Wb^MJPl .^Safcw Tbaja roifMu i RvwV MSSK LaeTblasßoaar SHOWIMC -H^^W^ h Mkm m^ 7^o ft -^^fl Immi SSSTmVsIp^H Mk l^^afmml fmrnl I I Bmn i I mmWamw a Swmmml ~~>"V r*w> LMmV K/TsmH.' JTH: *1 ""mmLaliamr" i mj^»j"^^^r^Biro m try mvi-imt i t hMmui I ORCHARD: Next Change! j
      298 words
    • 646 18 [yrVWVWWWrVVWW Sl^^MOWlMOWlM?^^ l^* 5 NtSMTIT AT 7 00 4 t M*« > Tmawi m—* ftMwjacar" g Thorn P«ng Mun CotorScop* 5 5 l— Hwna Kum Canton*** 3* wit* Englnh Subt<tl*t MOW SHOWIHS' 4 Iktvi «t S IJS. 4JO, 4JO S* Mpm Jl THE FlVt CMAHLOTS ,n THI PVMNV SOTS OM
      646 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1056 19 raa wjkm '.'jr 'm u t7 "ir «*s i^r* S'trj.— r "5 "js «i 5 ":s MMHMt MM »Mr Itip it M> a IP It Mr <«M IMMM l" IMr a Z *t0 IM aMr laS itp i"m tmm ii mm ibm CBMTMB3MIP MtriCt .MM WL CWTIMW I «a«aai ran
      1,056 words
    • 1159 19 Ben Ocean AioutsemceatßerljnßßkjpFhnnelGlenLdnpandNSMO, ia BLCMnaaaT im Mb) I-Mra P laiaM Pmmi Imm PM> milllllllll I M TMM >>>« 'I Ba 141 Max WM. 1-aaaP. BM. •i ai la iui« ati Nl a a <m a aar L |.i. mm. raana. MJMPXUM 4. IMM t. IMr It Mr Lp" I'aaaM. mm
      1,159 words
    • 977 19 BM^L^l?l^hhhmhhZ^^^M BMtMMTtT^^r Mij kA a^A^B^^BM^^^^^^^^ll »mm. rMM rwia rw tstaa a tn»M.»Mii i iiaiiii ia m Ml *****1 l i'Mrt P MMM I. aim i a i r Haa-a Mat UriUl m JS Mam amm tt M mm till N liaMM IM IMr IMr IM IM KBM MMI lIPM.H UM
      977 words
    • 1208 19 I kWSmRPWVM-^PWI fULLY COWTAINItIZIO StKVICI TO tUtOft """^^^^^"'^MT^Mrj'iiE""""™ 1111 Mb. ml ft bmt 1 ULIMiA MV t MMMTMM, MMMTMB). MMtrf II Mat, MMB Mr I mm n m^im M^a^va tr^m^ i-^^^. Ml MJMt M I *M^X PIMM. ITMBPaVMI JMtMM^ tm_n M- U MjrM. ri||-||l "itrl.x MMI »WMi I S, i
      1,208 words
    • 645 19 Mpbm n»444; r utai mi; v ami: p-a, nm THE BANK LUCE LTD. IMK FM t I J lf«tt IM HIM IBmtilim. kM -I'll Marta. I iMtM. Pvt iiiMtan. c m) P uimt 1/ 1 mm ram tm am im un i Mtn iniei im mmm mmmv HM'«UM tmm\ lan
      645 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1098 20 '^KAmtHUaaKMrnW KAiSMA LTD. j nur camaaou wma T. iMtyi (TM •ass) ri-t pmm mmti rtat mm isMßjaj im iWr I M nMr SMr maMMMM MM 11 M W M mmZTmSStm om mm nM u_ «-TM SIPMJM MM IMb; I MMJ MMM Ti«a ***** (Tat »aBM> l«Mf S'Mr* Mm lite: SmTmBT."
      1,098 words
    • 657 20 BmP^J BB^^i^an^^B^MT^Mßßll^i^^a^a^Mßl MM»*maS fatJM R* IT» MMMM bbbbbbbbbbbbT bb^^^^^A M MbbV *M f HMI fat BNt MM t »Tmm. VM IMMMMt Bra MM Kmbml Mi Ma. BM MM) Mat. ■MM Na MM HM MjaiTam IM PMnmj MM BM mmwrmmt IMMM PIU ml MM SM Sarat; CAIMO ■rMKMSI •Uaxaii i*ia i
      657 words
    • 682 20 ma mmmmm ww w ww wm sin riMI r> ixa| LMt IX <W| |m ra IMtW U»MIM n IM a im NM IM IM Ik MITBB MMMM IMr I .at MMr B aar* a Mar 11 BM B^ BMM MMMtBI a Mr M mm M ata n a^- m m
      682 words
    • 774 20 fMUS SlWa It IMMI UlltfWK CMTIJpI»T PMTS MM4-1- %Ti XTC &TAV Tr-. Sfii J Cm* r- iaa I «M*MI fV*. Lan 11/4. ItaUTiMTti n.a. lltril'H. HZ 'iT Cm**. l'*M U,4. las ITMII Ml MM* MM aaMr i. iim hum- raa catw. lIM M I Nm ftl. "In vi J^ i>\
      774 words
    • 790 20 K. NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE VCtW lIIEPCIIEIT 'l^fgjll f»H UST EIROff SEIVICE 19fc-K9 TMMSn Itt IStMaPtJO Fit ITI PMtflM SUVKtS SM MM iat v. mvn t. am lmrmn IMMJ •> tIMIHI t .-I ITTTIMtt M la to MM. N■ anal* aM) aim itttimh m im Nkrt. *mm M rat 1 a*
      790 words

  • 53 21 MTMHdA BOOK CINTM Mi Btk IM. Leraxs 1 TasPiwiT' HMwa- MIOTI MsmlolMpm. except Wednesday and Saturday 000 am u> •M p m Sunday Closed ATOSM BNAMCH •«»< 4n> OHm»»S I) IM Csost 10 m to IM p m irsNkf •iaturway II Mam to I M L'losed Friday and
    53 words
  • 115 21 worn kom now HtO w o late 1 i«-»-i 94 past-d sway iieanfaMi B/VH leaving Behind 5 tons H. Ly* Hock Ouan. Mock Loong Hock Chye s v.l r.ien-in-law 5 daiMNlin Mn Toarphlne Lee. Mn Chan Soon Chew Mn Ng Mn Loo Oeoi Sng Hun Mln II Mldrer, cortege
    115 words
  • 25 21 TMf FAMM.T O* the ate 8 L P*>- retra *ij>i Imm UmbT appreciauoa te friend* and reiauves for MM assistance condolences. -earns and donations
    25 words
  • 36 21 in gvlß LOVNM memory of AT Araau departed 24 2 Though 10M lo sight to mimory dear wife and remUvos LOViNO MSMORT of Mana Too Kirn Hay departed on 34 2 74 sad- 1
    36 words
  • 46 21 SOS SAMARITANS Of Mngj Troubled 1 I i 91-44-44 stay or night Help is as near as the MtCj I <i. .HiLoafM t hru Ftvi yean will gladly look after your morninsjs only hourly or monthly rats* please contact Mn LHxon 2SiftwM momma* for detaiu
    46 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 295 21 classified ads [g; "^gßi PKKA COlmllc FROmr COLUMN (76) •PROFESSIONALI •COMMERCIAL TECHNICAL •LANGUAGE •CRAFT ETC.. ORATUTOR FROM (77) Ivary milil»i IS maw* paawMß Me Oat* iiianiu ewMS* ti m wtsu»ls>s»i 1 *•>•»•*»■ M sdrV* tkedsr KMliiHi' J 00 TOU NIIB expert snd qualified „n« on your tkin 1 flBHVi^l^H^HHH^IHat 3VIRBIAt
      295 words
    • 717 21 I WANTIO 'ART TIMC IN4KIBN II Teachers Typing Teachers Japanese English translators I English Malay Translators Apply with f obis* of certificates to LBTC 50*4 Sth floor Ootdwn Mile shopping Contre Spore 7 E»tasttohed Cafeteria require* MiMISOT BJbbJ iBsWmVI OCt O' Level Minimum I year* Food ft Be«erage experlene* preferably
      717 words
    • 756 21 FIMALI CLINK/ MCKTIONISI required by construction company bpirkaa not necessary but must have pleasant personamy and school certificate with goad English roasK Knowledge of typing and CUsnats advantageous Ptoas* apply with re cent photograph returnable 1 •tating full particular* and salary required to fT Box ASSfTO requires a FIM ALJ
      756 words
    • 638 21 BISSATIS'IIB WITH YOMN present sales job 7 Why aot switch lo telling life kuurano* a* many have found it satisfying and rewarding career Training provided Only thoao positive minded determined arlf confident mausrwd.haidaort.sin Mad call personally today bstw— n t am andSMpm at Suite 1211 International Plasa Itth floor 10.
      638 words
    • 832 21 RIOUIRIO SALISOtNI WITH some «aparurtc* m p»rto*aory Tel ***** Mr* Klew after 2 p m Wen misßMlii Company has vacanctoa lor BALIS NISIMiSaNTATIVia to promote a well-know range of industnal products AppUeanU must complete N S and posata* a car should be matured and will ing to work hard. Transport
      832 words
    • 740 21 WANTIO COOB7 SsWNNAL Amah Uve-ln for Australian family Bungalow Dili 10 Tel 252t1M POStTIOM CONTNACT CLIAM NMJ SIU SupervUor to commence work immediately Must be I Experienced In rnmmarcNJ cleaning and treatment of floors 2 Honest and hardworking 3. SNMJSI ciusen 4 AppUcanu currently holding similar post preferrwi Salary i3M
      740 words
    • 714 21 WANTIO INOUIM OFIAKINS pleasant look ng lounae hos- teases for new kMinye Catering business execul ye .n the city Part or full-time > 4 30 pm or I 30 pm to 11 43pm 1 Oood Income en sured Write P O Box 1172 i enclosing phone number and 1 photograph
      714 words
    • 712 21 niouirio Mcumrr nuanos. Abie u> read and write EngUah for posting in Jurong Apply personally at 14A. Woodland* Road 17 km Singapore 23 (opposite Buklt Panjang Pollr* Station 1 WANTID tIMRKNriD RIBTAUNANT Supervisor Must be able to speak English and Chinese dialer u Age Mrears Contact Manager Tal M37SS or
      712 words
    • 912 21 OIST 11 NIWLT RINOVATIO two-storey semi-detached 4 spacious bedrooms split-level living/ dining lepsrate servant's. 1 modern kitchen built-in cupboard*, parquet terraiso complete with all modem fixtures and fittings Rental 11.200 unfur nished Call *****0 jj»'M ONLT TMI BIST FROM OTRAITB housww (1) MaJiiHi ssmls stsisi a*«s»- law k« dMt. ll
      912 words
    • 754 21 MRAHOOON BANOINI «W.LT renovsted 4 bedroom*, semidetached bungalow large kitchen snd dining Near Chomp ChomO snd Market Highest off*' secures Tel 404*14 RfWTYOUR ACCOMr^CCATrOH FASTER By rventiomnf in your A 0 Locotion House or Hot Deroched Sonti-.0--tochww/ Terroc* Split level Ground floor 10th Moor Penthoute Number of bedrooms bathroom* other
      754 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 657 22 ■t*jjBNygJtMMMMMMMMM|M .jltlilOUl NILLTOP* APABIMBNT dtM B sartors mtr vtrw Larat aiarumi, with sssthrensss attached Etna II I living cat* txnsne RtawUfuuy rssrtaMted Immediate eeatjßtlaaartmeat maintenance Tel iffll 3333*6 3314*1 Mtstf^* iyim?n'liT| T iTT?fiir > ruahad MnjNiil Park, Oeventhire court II M* fsjmiehed. Tamaa Berwa) Holsaad Court Bl MB twramsMs*. Ace
      657 words
    • 589 22 LAMOI MANUPACTURtm) COMPASTY rwausrts sultaatt >*na*Mws/ apart attntsy sts»i -detached in pope'ar rtrndenual txetncu Tve ranging from Bis** M.MB Pssaee ca* Bwcfwtsry el I*97** BSsss 06. assttssj eMse kwam. f^TntrLsHn* c ossp any requires BsjttBALOWS •xMR-OETACHBD APAWTMBNTI TWMtACB MBB SI M* in some cassst I months advance OWNERS CALC ******,
      589 words
    • 573 22 IgRMtT^M. B^V^O^rtya. SbsSmL. 1 bathrooii. kusjt Lthaptd lounge an* dsnln* roosraiw kitchen I atnssnt'i room wttb own toilet Wall-to- waH carpeting 111* Tully fwr- risshe? David Phoa 4 Sens Tel *34in ffTffffTl J J3 *~l| I in mm dijJLp 11 |J aSMBAWAN*) NtU, BSTATE tingle detached bungalow area 3.000 plus
      573 words
    • 704 22 *Mksssst» PATBRSON RO APARTMBNT behind TTC Bulld'ng I Bedrooms, servant's Built-in area si.BOO sq ft Paruelry furniahed Aaspie carpark SeUsng 111! 000 Tel MJ7I3 3333*3 3324*3 OMLY A PEW UNIT* LEFT II WIHUTII TO TO«*I V»NU* MANSION O- tMBjWfM LJaaaStafrttVtM e%tfßjVtttMmSmfl (Pet* Her R*a* fis i EwMfli centrally Located On
      704 words
    • 743 22 FULLY BOUtPPES OPPICB with U lei PABX phone system etc 2 3*o a* ft m central art* tar taking over betow normal rental Iliillllim please call 916*33 Mats Ksfe. MJB BPWCE SPACE POR LEASE NSTW SB* CHtW JIT PON RUtLOato Cnmer nf K-ppel Can tntsmtnt Road Only IH noon left
      743 words
    • 368 22 pj p. w«sssssst»^B^dßimtiA<SßamMMMt' aIsBSsfiHtIMHRHsBSsME Red Cc» Tours' P ?>75 RotHneon Road klifggamiiH stsislmi LlslslslslslslslsiVmfal GJsIE HObID*Y»xC TNE REST OP EUROPE Wonderful Copenhagen Den- mark 'Oermany 'Switzerland 'Austria Mtaly 'Vatican 'Monte Carlo 'Prance 'Belgium 'Holla/td England i Sweden Spam i Passings' re are directly served by C ATt London Office I<SS
      368 words
    • 638 22 OXLf Y 'RAYf t BBRVICB IPT*; LTO CNBAPSBT AM PARES BUROPEAN TOUR* 1 ORANO EUROPEAN TOUR 20 DAYS UMO 16-4 26 J 4. 11V*. »V 7. 6. 201. 3* 1/1* 2 EUROPEAN ROUND UP 17 OAYStMO* 4 31 3. 18. 24/6 137 12 9-9 3 KOREA/ .'APAN TAIWAN HONOKONO/ BANOKOK
      638 words
      469 words
    • 662 22 sccMmmMtus PRIVATE SECRETARIAL PART TIME COURSES Class** commence iDtrl March Ragittar early to ensur* plac* EVENING CLASSES Commencing 16th March E very Tuet s> Thurs 6.00 7.30 p.m. Book 4tw.n, f or rs S4Sortr»*>oa fo** tsWsjfpVwfwn SECRETARIUS 75 Tantjiin Road, tin*Mirin If T*l *****2 OBTAIN YOUR OUALIPKATrONS easily and
      662 words
    • 711 22 P*l Mstfigua DAILY ENGLISH COURSES j AT ALL LEVELS COMMENCE 24t*i February Classes ar* small only 12 stuoerrti so enrol early to make sure you oei a place For furthar details ccntact TrmtnlNwua Sef»oolof I BnEiißsai 75. Tanajl.n Road tlwmMßii 10 Tel U56J7 RAJA'S COILEOE O'FERS Nf. Sessions Secretarial stenography
      711 words

  • Article, Illustration
    54 23 IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEARESI MUM AND DAD. MR. MRS LOH ENG HIOK WHO PASSED AWAY ON 24TH FEBRUARY 1970 TILL WE MEET AT JESUS* FEET" Inserted by sons, Tony. Jimmy, daughter*. Elue. Agnes, t'tletn. tons- in- lew Charlie Tick Kwee. daughter in-Uiw Mary an J grand
    54 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 2513 23 classified ads ion pobb BBCoarr immu. m good condition, one owntr. ntw paint witn Insurance 4 road Tax TOYOTA 10TS MM JOOO aircond ontSnal paint Batullful condition M.MS TM SSM73 twntmm mm batbuoj im* SttUng M.7 Mono tnuraaUd tel 77*0* i*rs Mast BSCORT XL 4 doors one owner caatetu radio
      2,513 words
      563 words
    • 546 23 •Mr MA*» CUMJC (i a Poaet Ti> unenu falUnx uun i im« pn tali dandruff. lUhy i KMT.TOMaBBI.rV WCOmPT ItCOMATI Shops Offlcts. loaxM. Boau. Cars, parsonal ■tongtngt with our Pvrrnanant >euertnta Yanoty Husng(Pio) -td SlTTfJotden Mile Shopping ■win, atngapore 7 Tti MM3187 HBTAMT PaiHTIHO Eipert •nnUrt SpanalUrd In all sorts
      546 words
    • 478 23 PBOPOMTOW OP »0 ptsr* OW tjwtlwxoxiats naa* oat artlvt/ reliable partner wltlt drwng few^sxaaueasnal Call at JtA Jaian Kacxta battening Ttwasson Road Stfxßspart 11. ■CWLY MTABUSIOJD OPPIC6 Stationery Company requires ■vain support All offers to OPO Box No KTI. 9 pore wuLtnmm. pbmm mucom, r*d oxide, rtllow oxMt. titanium dsoaMt
      478 words
    • 740 23 •N THE HIGH COCsTT OF THE REPIBLU Of SINGAPORE Cteapaatot Wlaetta. la > Ne. 6af 1*76 U. the Matter of the Companies Act. Cap. IBS AND In the Matter of Chu» Boon Kirn at Son Private Limited advertisement of pbtttion Notice I* hereby given that s petition for the winding
      740 words
    • 356 23 LEADING INTERNATIONAL MERCHANT BANK IN SINGAPORE leefcs suitable candidates for the posts o< (A) MANAGER CORPORATE FINANCE (B) CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICER (C) CREDIT ANALYST Applicants must have a degree in Accounting or equivalent For(A)&(B) applicants must also possess experience in the field of corporate finance involving Underwriting Share Issues Managing
      356 words
    • 432 23 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPIBLK OP SINGAPORE Sun No. JM > bTbmb Between BAN HIN LEE BANK BERHAD Plaintiff! And LIOW KIAN TECK Defendant NOTICE OF WRIT OP SUMMONS To: Llow Klan Teck. No. 532-A Buona Vista Road, Singapore TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against
      432 words

  • 496 24 THK chairman of the Tenants' (!om-pt-nsalion Board. Mr. Tan Boon tiling, yesterday hit oul at lawyers who failed to provide to help the BMfli reach "fair and equitable dcci- mods" in compensation disputes between tenants and landlords. He laid tt appeared to be a
    496 words
  • 165 24 Curbs on certain offshore supplies eased rrtHE Customs and Excise 1 Department has relaxed controls on certain supplies to oil tigs to further boost Singapore's position as a logistics base for oil exploration 1 A Customs statement yesterday said that a general duty exemption had I been granted on all
    165 words
  • 183 24 RADIO and Television 81 a ga pore eaa efleeUvelr ataet Ha higher operation costs If it charge* 1 higher advertiseasent rates and cneouraged commercial hawses here to sponsor more of Hs programmes These saeasares would do away with the need far »TS
    183 words
  • 109 24 $33,500 CLAM: HEARING PUT OFF rE continued hearin* of a housewife $33,500 claim against Henry Chew Buang Heng. of Sembawang Hills Drive, fixed for yesterday, has been deferred to a date to be fixed. Mir. Justice Chua granted the adjournment after Mr. Urn Cheng Peng, for Chew, said his client
    109 words
  • 202 24 Police seek return of seized boat pOLJCK are trying to I contact the Indonesian authorities for the return of a IIS.OGO motor launch seised by them after the arrest of a 33--year-old seaman from Singapore seven weeks ago. A police spokesman yesterday said police and the launch owner. Endk Kamaruddin
    202 words
  • 215 24 Sacrifices pay off for Britain's wonder sportsgirl WHILE Karen trans' friends were oat on a Saturday night fling, she would be in led to awake early for a run the next morning. And at times, athlete Karen. 17. wondered whether her sacrifices were worthwhile. Especially when her friends told her
    215 words
  • 46 24 POLICE 1 rojterlay appealed to U>e family of sir M Kathan s o Mar)*lpan Theba* M. who dkd In the Tan Tock Seng hooplul. to contact Umbv Mr Kathan. vhoH last Lan address wan 1(1. Trsa Street. dl*d on Bunday of tubcrookxu
    46 words
  • 145 24 Blast in flat: Man severely burnt DOCTORS were last night battling to save the life of hawker Tan Ah Chua. 40. who suffered first degree burnt after an explosion at his flat In Petain Road. off Serangoon Road. His wife and three children, who left the flat minutes earlier, escaped
    145 words
  • 82 24 Lectures on childhood diseases UNIVERSITY of Singapore's Department of Lxtramural Studies will conduct an eight-lecture course In Child Care and Common Childhood Diseases at the Brunnel Hawes Lecture Theatre every Saturday at 2 p m. from March 6 The court* will cover the fredlnc. care and nutrition of a newborn
    82 words
  • 30 24 THE m«n»tement commlltees of 11 conununity rcntrtt In fie Ciiua Cnu Kang ccnitituenry will hoM s picnic it Padr Rli Holiday Camp from IS a_m on March 7
    30 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 96 24 —^mw^^mL sL I aL^mwmmmw! awmmmmW I sm^Mwmwf I Iml li 1 wi> ml wI m. M B^ns, *^^w\^^^Wi ■1 1 ammwmmw mmC lammw^ B M^ ~**O* < 'Jl^i_S> mmmßamT* UhsjH^H M^ II >mV«V^I f9mwmlßV9r A*,- mx^^^s^ml mV I M ll "^^l \.*^sm^^ I B m A mxmm^mmP^mmw! mmwP^aßmw^^mP^mw^^^^m^^^^^m^mwmT ml M
      96 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 566 25 fjfflL POLICE The Singapore Police-invites oppiKOtions for the following appointments A Mala Conatabla B Young Racruit QUALIFICATION A&B Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of E ducotion with a minimum of 2 "O" levels in any if the language streams or its eaurvoient (Cambridge School Certificate/ GCE or the Government Secondary ►our School
      566 words
    • 1121 25 MINISTtT OF EDUCATION SINCAPOIE TRAINED GMDWTE TEACNEIS (EMUM IUIIM) Applications -»c invited from Citizens or petmonent mldenti of Singapore/ Malaysia for o> wntment to the following arodes in the Singapore Education Service: EDUCATION OFFICMS/GftOUr I rw2^«E2££ $800 tosT .650 pm J^jj*" ***** r^M to 52.321 pm^""*' EDUCATION OFFICERS/GROUP II A
      1,121 words
    • 285 25 V MANAGER- 9 FOOD&BEVERAGE I Leading Hotel I B Our dient, a leading hotel in Singsporc requires a Food H H and DsorafT Manager to be responsible for the Food A Beverage operations of the hotel. H ApplicanU who should be Singapore dtizens/permanent I resklents, must haw experience up to
      285 words
    • 667 25 DEVELOPMENT a CONSTRUCTION CO (PTE) LTD (A Subsidiary of HDB) invites appiicotions from Singapore Citnens for the following appointments m their factory in Jurong (A) FOREMAN (ELECTRICAL) QUALIFICATION EXPCMINCI: Primary education with at leas* 10 years working experience in the installation, mointenonce and repoir of electrical equipment such as
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 727 26 «nprTTTT a 7TT I TT^3H SALESMAN K«timaud Incinis: M.959 a. ■■■■■> Applications are invited to nil a vacancy In our sale* Force The successful applicant will initially be based in our Penang Office and will cover ear dealer network in the island The successful applicant should be bitwean 24 to
      727 words
    • 408 26 GLAXO (M ALAYSI A)SDN. BERHAD s —samp for s MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE for their expending field sales force. Candidates should have the ollowjryj qualification* (a) HSC in Science subjects or s para medical background. (b) Must be prepared to be based any- j where in Malaysia and initially in Kuala Lumpur.
      408 words
    • 550 26 s LEMBAQA PELABUHAN JOHOR KENYATAAN TAWARAN NO. I«3<AlV7t 103<B)/7« IM(C)^6 mmt* Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa darl Syankat Bumlputera untuk membekal dan menyerahkan alat-alat keiengkapan Pakalan Seragam kakitanjran Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor bagl tahun 1976. sepertl bertkut. No. Tawaran: 103(A)/76 Sepatu dan Boct 103(B)/76 Alat Keiengkapan Pakalan Seragam 103(0' 76 Kaln Pakalan Seragam
      550 words
    • 1784 26 LEMBAQA PADI DAN BERAS NEGARA JAWATANKOSONG Perrnohonan-permohonan dart calun-calun yan« berkelayakan sahaja adalah <«ip*lawa d aripada War»anegara Malaysia untuk menfUi jawatan -Jawatan koaong dl dalam perkhldmatan LPN sepertl berlkut 1 PENGARAH KEWANGAN: Kumpulan A (Tetap »erU telah lulus Peperlksaan Perkhldmatan Perdan Berpencen) GAJI: $2125 x75 2350 L'MUR: t*" l *>•«•
      1,784 words

  • 369 27 fHK 12-million-strong International Metalworkers Federation IMF) is to step up training programmes for Asian tnde aWiionists to enable them to deal with Multinalional Corporations I MNCs) on an equal footing. This was disclosed by IMF's East Aalar, director. Mr Ichiro Seto. who described the
    369 words
  • 105 27 MAN WHO LIED TO GET LICENCE SU Hlng m. 32, was yesterday fined $1 SOO for making a false statement In his application for an Adult Workers Contract Licence at the Registry of Vehicles on Dec 19. 1974. Su a partner of a transport company, pleaded guilty to stating In
    105 words
  • 241 27 A helping hand for wives of PSA workers A HOI SrWlrr with six children asking far Huanrtal aid. an •(her almost la tear* eWßaiaining about her husband drinking 100 much These were everyday scenes at the Singapore Portnorkers Inton la Cantonment Road *nd It vsed to worry the union t
    241 words
  • 263 27 Don't ape labour norms of West, unions told T<HE Labour Ministry yesterday cautioned trade unions against hindering national efforts to tackle economic problems by adopting standards and norms of developed countries without appropriate modlfica- tlon IU Senior Parliamentary Secretary Mr. Font Sip Chec. suggested that the ability to understand and
    263 words
  • 64 27 Firm illegally used power supply OETZ Brothers Ik Co. Inc., Rouinson Road, was fined 9975 by a rate's court yesterday tor using electricity illegally. Tht ODSBpsny was cbargad »ith renewing stactrtclty supply iv preaaiats In Palsner Road, for SM days without tne Public Utilities Board's authority Hectrtclty supply to the
    64 words
  • 22 27 TIIS N<« Soon community tec la organlatng a lour of Urn aouUura Islanda on March v sterting at s m
    22 words
  • 24 27 TUB women sub n— lllil of the Kirn Esa« riaiaiMlty matt* wiu oooduct Hip lo ■ou Tinmp on Mar* II traai US,
    24 words
  • 203 27 Boilerman sues firm for negligence A MACHINE operator. su:ng his ex-em-ployer for damages, yesterday agreed with 1 a lawyer that he knew I It was dangerous to enter a cyclone < storage tank for sawdust) while a screw conveyor shaft was turning Hassan bin Bujang was I being cross-examined by
    203 words
  • 69 27 JOSEFH Wyrewrden. •1. a secretary Slagapwr* GUaa branch of Use gtegagwre In d.rtrlal Lak«.r Organ tmtttm wag. yesterday ehari.J with mi»s Pf >r*t>rtating SVii I* It was alleged that ke sssssptwsprial^ the S— ey belonging U SILO Maltl parpme Society Savcnsarket In I'tptr Berang««n Boad hetwc«a
    69 words
  • 167 27 KIM HIN STILL LEADS IN TOURNEY IN the national chess champlonsh.jj Wee Aim Hln kept the lead with a third round win •gainst Tan X.m Eng last baturdajr. Defending champion Urn Seng Hoo and Tay Theng Huat both won One games to share the second place. Seng Hoo won In
    167 words
  • 209 27 Court told of conspiracy in graft trial A BUS operator told a district court yesA terday that he overheard a conspiracy between a businessman and the key prosecution witness in a trial for corruption of a former school principal. Ang Ah Bah, a bus operator, was testifying at the continued
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 116 27 CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES to BANQUE DE LINDOCHINE ET DE SUEZ- PARIS on the occasion of the official opening of their NEW PREMISES at SHENTON HOUSE fl> LiM BONG NUneCUL CO. V> SCMSEE UHATA IMPORTERB li EXPORTERS 36 KERBAU ROAD. SINOAPORE 8 TEL *****2 li 324M4 Congratulations and Best Wishes to
      116 words
    • 265 27 g HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS g BEST WISHES g I BANQUE DE I I L'INDOCHINE I I ET DE SUEZ I On the occasion of ?Q g the official opening of ?Q G* their new premises sQ g at SHENTON HOUSE 1 THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF S §fc >* fl < <
      265 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 307 27 Straits Times Crossword AraoM oflkan <i> 1 They »iv» lifu a* bar«> at Po» hat quietl> pinehad rugger ihould do ij. J by drunkard <S>. t) t Look Into company's cmpi- Balding wrockcr of thr tal i»t Hotpot Inn <4. tli 7 Maklnc up a story at 10 Hibernian flag
      307 words

    • 574 28  -  EPSOM JEEP THE DAY MALAYSIAN SUN DREW NO. 460 By DENANG, Mon. The odds against any number winning first prize in the threedigit lottery on two successive race days must be astronomical. The seemingly Impossible happened here over the weekend. Number 440 was carried
      574 words
    • 279 28 J^ABJUSB draw far rJZ*-** SATURDAY Ctoa. 4 D*» I— MM*: 11, V 7. 1. U. 1. 4. 14. 11. IS. IS. Is. 17. a. I. Cha* 4 OK. 4 IJMaa: IS. S. 7. IX. 11. 14. M. S. 4. IS. 14, 4, L Ctea. 4 OH. I LM—
      279 words
    • 75 28 ROMS. Mm. Jaan Pierre Onnpanan. of Balftum, beaten la hi* bad to dethrone world hearyweafbt ohampaoa afuhammaJ All waa knocked out a«mia Jliairtlj'. thto lime by tb* European Boslnf Cnloo (BBU) Otoa—n. IttU* known outatde Balflum before he waa Unad up act^iat All «B Pnday nifht, waa banned
      75 words
    • 682 28 WfHOBTS for w •wkcDdaPanaafl Mew: BATVBOAT cl, 4 onr i mum Unl-MoMy 47 The FMar m HH Oklahoma Jo* H Ol**al Affair H Haubahar H Peanut Kid II H MIM wanna H iftiliill H MM Jaya MH BMraka n M Mafa\ HH Loo* Ranaw n M Kkn Klat
      682 words
    • 366 28 Plans for Ali to fight Jimmy Young at Costa Rica in April SAN JUAN. (Puerto Rico). Mon— Heavyweight Muhammad ah serenely gliding through bis 15th year In the professional ring. Is expected to mcke his next title defence against Jimmy Young at San Jose. Costa Rica. In late April if
      Reuter  -  366 words
    • 262 28 Broken bottle saves an athlete Ml Nil H. Men A broken bottle bai saved an athlete fr.-m being banned for life. AdrU.i raulen. Ditch president of the ru ropran Athletic Auo elation. Mid yesterday tests showed an athlete competing In last year's Earopean Junior track and AeM chaaapionthlts tn Atbeni
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    • 193 28 Best will play 4 games in Sydney SYDNEY. Mon— Former British soccer star George Best has sgreed to D>ay four matches with the Sydney club. 8t Oeorgr Budapest, as part of his campaign to get back into big time soccer Les Bordax. president of St. Oeorge Budapest, said today the
      UPI  -  193 words
    • 42 28 TATPSH. Mon Taiwan will iponaor the IVTS Aatan TMnage Tennis Champtor.■hlpa. Mr. Wang HaienTtang. president of the Taiwan Tonols AaawtaUon. •aid many Asian eountnn ould be Hinted to apt. team* to the tournament The date* would be announced later Rcuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 541 29  -  ERNEST FREDA INTERNATIONAL MEET PLANS FOR ATHLETES My SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Association will embark this year on its most ambitious programme hosting two international meets and taking part in three others overseas. For this, the association needs $101,000, and SAAA officials are now finding ways and
      541 words
    • 180 29 Knockout tourney attracts 42 teams nrWEWI Y -SEVEN team* 1 will nrmimt In the Buainea* Hfflitft Junior fcnof tout ■oeccr tournameot f»-i»»f on Thurtday They arc Slmc Darby. Bnangn-La Hotel. UOB-LWB-CKB. London Bank. Mandarin Hotel. Hell Orient. Loyant OS-aborc. Jurong Plywood. Brtdgettone. Hilton Hotel OCBC. amngaporr Srupbuildinc Banqj— dc ParU.
      180 words
    • 101 29 LOS ANOITXB Mon.— HUS Irwln cam* from three strokes back to win Urn OMn CasaobeU-Los Ingilai Open solf tournaiant by two uroka* yesterday from Too. Wataoo. Irwin fired a Uues unrlerpar M for a tournament oourat record 11 ■wdar par 111 The old rtaord was 17* set
      101 words
    • 24 29 ROMX MOB. Tlßlllim Arthur Aebe won the World Ctitrnptonahtp Tannl* tournament final bete yesterday by baatlm Bob Uitt e-2. 0- i. s-».
      24 words
    • 24 29 NKW YORK Mon. SeBoud weded DM Mastaw. defeated defending fhaMj*nn Jimmy Connor* «-J. 7-4 in Urn noal of Urn VM. Inyesterday Betrtar.
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    • 371 29  -  GODFREY ROBERT By T»HE SCC s«ven-a- side rugby tournament, which had always a placid start, sparked off on a dramatic note yesterday. A sharp downpour sent the fans scampering for cover and this was followed by the shock news that Blacks RFC. the
      371 words
    • 147 29 DASKSTBALL AaocMUon of ain«mport is tending Us men and woman team* on a goodwill tour to Medan from March 11 to March 11. They will piay three matches each. BAfl secretary Qua* HUnt Chiang aald yesterday: "We have decided to tend our young- player*— there will
      147 words
    • 62 29 UflOU Mon—PakUtan and M L«nka will ptajr a otf day match In Karachi on Friday to decide the iMMlnaiUm of Urn Bhutto Trophy for roMpOlttrm hiHf i Ondar-l» crktier* of Urn two oounUMa. The extra match was naosMary as Urn U>r«*-day match eadad In a draw here
      62 words
    • 216 29 Change of mind by MRU welcomed by SRU SINGAPORE Rugby Ur»jon yesterday said it welcomed the Malaysian Rugby Union's decision to hold this year's MRU Cup rugby competition on a one-round league basis, reports GODFREY ROBERT SRU president Nlaz Mohamed Shah said: "This Is what we have been asking for
      216 words
    • 200 29 PROMiriNO Vlgneswaran scored a Mrprise third round knockout victory over Henry Leong In the featherweight division at the annum! Police versus Civilians boxing match at Tanjong Pagmx CC over the weekend. Vigneswaran. who has only one year of boxing behind him. proved too ■trong for
      200 words
    • 167 29 AOGgrXAMD. Mon-In-"^dia coded their cricket tour of Mew Zealand with an IS run defeat In a oneday International bare jawidvNew Zealand scored UM (Turner a! Wads* worth not out Chandraesknar I-M) off Umv o*ers and then bowled India out (or IM The hoBM team
      167 words
    • 129 29 Japan to boycott the AllEngland fOKTO. IJml-TW B> reaaerway *MM te seyeott the Itrtsnif. sag AB^BagMaa ea*safi la prewMi agalawl tke rrfaaal ef taw In Sis latH l»ur ■aUrwal BawaritMen Peleraltea adsalt (kliu. Th» *rn>. o ,-**a> after a vesc-laaM« at a itswltr ■MtUac af H re»-«ae*ita-Mvetef tke imumllib. A
      129 words
    • 50 29 MADfUT). Mon.— ApanMh football referee Juan Barrio sent off all 11 players of Urn home lean after they argued with one of hit dorMMtM In a regional league match at Wgmiai >>ettille/. It was the ascend time in two seasons ne had ordered off a whole side (or
      50 words
    • 347 29 MUNICH. Mon. A world record by stocky Rita Wllden In the women's 400 metres heralded a procession of four West Oerman track gold medals on the second and final clay of the European 'ndoor Athletics Cnamplonsmps here yesterday. Miss WUden. a 28--yeax-old
      Reuter; UPI  -  347 words
    • 105 29 T\AB ES SALAAM. Mob. MJ Tt— aala't a_> unui atecer toaaa win kav« to «c wMkiet kmek aaasie frost new eav Tke itTtieaafl kaa aaeaew tke Taawaaaati reetkaS liirlttlia* *tx•n*B finiUir caateaMtoe far eatac pebttc fwa4* to eacas* a wHek aactor to krtag tke toasa Iwk
      105 words
    • 139 29 Rajan beats 500 Police rivals I N T E RNATIONAIJ 1 walker R. Nadara-I Jan beat 500 rivals; to win the Police B.B* kilometres cross-) country race at' Thomson Road yes-i terday Running a steady pace; throughout the gruellingcourse, he covered thedistance In 30 52 6 Uo-{ han Thapa was
      139 words
    • 186 29 Invitation: to young players UOYB tnd (iris, who have) attained a good *tandara of badminton, are Invited to Join the T and N Badminton Training Scheme The scheme Is open to vhool leaver* between the ate* of IS and 21 Only players, who show potential lor development, will be accepted
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
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    • 80 28 CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES to BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE ET DE SUEZ on the occasion of the official opening of their new premises at SHENTON HOUSE from GREENWOOD LUMBER CO. PTE. LTD. TIMBER EXPORTER 80 A. ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE 1. Congratulations and Best Wishes to BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE ET DE SUEZ,
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 35 29 IM«jal BRONCHITIS MIXTURE I Mtacaii i Relieve! oougrw or ootdt. B'oochitu, Congedton of Bronchial CJMito.ii foiiowmf ootdt snd influents NyeJ Bronchitis Mixture looesn* phMarn tnd makei breathing easier c*«* as«m cate swae* iMi sen axe
      35 words
    • 34 29 QIXJOAPORP w^^w ''<&', on ss^?2 s from S m x^ /Jfr J&Z? F^ y"V "H I TOM6WHHAJfGTRAWMGCa M J^JS Unit 904,9 th Floor, Shenton House, Singapore 1. ?H& Tels: *****63, *****64 *****66 Cable Add: TONWEHAN"
      34 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 50 29 ■octam Fi t cHibmss soeesr Iniimatasiil Norta Korea t Singapore ana Indonetu t Malayla (Jakarta). SBHPL Otv. S: Hume v BtakssjarlM irarrsr Park I It) ■WOBT: SOC 1-a-ekle. coc -a* v mnsTj -a l ■auay me -B" v RNZA*: OCa v Malay RFC -A". Admin COT Buck. >T%waag 15 pmi
      50 words

    • 25 30 Mr. Lee d.liviring his addrwaa listening from toft arw Datuk Huaaain. Prwldtnt Suharto. PrMidtit Marcos and Mr. Kukrlt
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    • 28 30 PABIS. Mpa Fiami pop ataear Johnny BaUrHaj wm» today cbaxsod with lv freai aflsr falßng Is aoelara sssr satiaop tiaaoa isesao.acei ir7j oourt sotasunsj aud aoutar
      28 words
    • 95 30 N. KOREANS PROTEST OVER U.S. JETS rftOKYO. Met. Merta 1 Kocem Udi; protested against Use IntrodxrUon of IS Air Feeee Fill ssghterbesaaen late So»th tore., and called It a military move which ■ertestas ml Six of the saectal ■cbier plane? froaa a IS Air Fere* base la Idaho will be
      95 words
    • 80 30 MANILA. Uon -Communist guerillas amrwuhed a military civic action team on Saturday, killing eight officers and men. and seriously wounding a corporal, the Defence Department Bntwn^nw) today. The Incident occurred In a v uiage In Banaue about 300 km north of The guerillas. Identified as
      80 words
      • 15 30 UWOON. Maa TIM ratjtar alaaal eaH ta«M. wkb Sbm «LSt kann. «tJ» atftan; iS.'K: *->
        15 words
      • 25 30 UWtPOW. -18--SB, ••bb i— an, mmmm isjßj i— r?) nmi« > mm <— m. bum. u*a t-u> IMb* (-US) Tbtb US MM B■> <•— Tax 8.r.1, tM4T
        25 words
    • 285 30 Manila exchange bedlam after 'oil find' report MANILA. Uon VRADINQ on Manila's stock exchanges 1 soared to record heights today with reports of the country's first significant oil find In an offshore exploration site 300 km southwest of Manila One broker described the Manila •whang* a* "bedlam on the first
      285 words
    • 259 30 BEIRUT. Monday J^ LEBANESE gunman, i>rotesting he had been wrongly expelled from Canada on the grounds of insanity, today led an armed gang in an attack on the —>^^^ B^^ Canadian Embassy and held about 25 staff members hostage. Later the ,v n-nan released
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 112 30 U£££|stafl (uK> SAFETY VALVE Sole Agafit /XVechAVar 1121 BLK 170 STIRLING ROAD SINGAPORE 3. TEL *****8 72 JALAN PASAR. KUALA LUMPUR TEL 8862 a *****9 •Rm C 7 MALAYAN BANK BLOG. IJALAN BAGAN LUAR. BUTTERWORTH TEL *****1 LsssT Q atsF I ssss^"^^^^Tß»llsßß»lß"BsssssV"^saSw -^saBSSM a M sWJsfc^=^^^ MAD£ B^^aflV \H KbV^^
      112 words
    • 139 30 HfllO PHONE SE3OOO SPECIAL SEASON OFFER PLUS GIFT? While Stocks Last aar pnona 2'^^^^^^ Patent Mo *tBM— Products Ho gP* tapa ficcraai lack .^C*9PBJW Insist on „BmVb^r*]maßV I^vSS^b^m O^L^BA^^J I L^ssCZjCßßsßssSaßl A^^JiVAV^jC I V-^*^« trade mark. sm^SF^aml products No. and V guarantee card. JLAM ■nBwaVVMML CO»TrjUJIOI( .A WMAMPOA WfST. SLK
      139 words