The Straits Times, 19 February 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 33 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times L-UL 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 326 1 Outing for 11 ends in tragedy JOHORE BARU. Wednesday SEVEN people, including four sitters, were killed and five seriously injured in a head-on crash between a lorry and a Mercedes at the 13 km SegamatCemas road today. According to Segamat police the accident occurred at
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  • 55 1 New Glasgow newspaper OtAfIDOW OMIlmd). Wld. ■* pubUebar Motel* MmA ite ni Involve to a Mrtv^vMtf Mv^aar her- thai only ■urvlveo at* month*, today Mini ptana far ft m O1m«o» Manlnt nwmii Mr HimO toU a praai aaMnN* watt Urn abmtfcetf«» iwimt Wawa raiM east ti ■mm <■*» mm**) 10
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  • 23 1 MOWXA (n*») Wea.— 11l MMN peseta, peaet mid today TiMy Mid tha toot liiUM ail of hajhir nimmiM trwav-urx.
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  • 192 1 Asean officials fail to agree on trade Wfm iMk Chiang Mm •n4 PM. RMMi J*K \BTA. Wed A crartaJ prtMß mil Amu ■Mttaf today failed to MkteTt any nu>r hreakthroafk an rtgtoail preferential trade and «>dd»d. kfter -lit »cry frank exchange* to refer the wfclli laßVf t# a SBSflAftl €I*o
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  • 411 1 IRA threat tokill 3 ministers least three British Cabinet ministers have received assassination threats in a wave of violence triggered by the death in an English prison of IRA hunger striker Frank •Sta«g. Pol** kept tight amrltT around the three poUttrtaiM today Home Secretary Boy Jenttor Northern Ireland Mlnto- LOOUCXI.
    Reuter  -  411 words
  • 171 1 $5m extort bid on firm JJRITISH police last night said they had smashed an attempt to extort more than £1 million (555.02 million) from one of the world's biggest gold raining companies, the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa. Tbim men and two woman anrasud In eonDWOOB With ttM plO(
    AP  -  171 words
  • 32 1 at* mm nufcui uuit (taM) P*rm (MM MNfWM UN* If Xtwj «d tot do «>. Urn nS fore* ww«ld taT I* u— Uuu» Urn tt-W» r-oM rtw pr^-
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  • 55 1 AUUBU. W. 4. A ftl •ZBtevtaM kiaaWai lisr^nrto^r tjm miii— 7«--t««M was dw to CM toaa. ATI mid It AafltNMi a tkn*a_C_a>*av«> BMB_-r B\ I*l reea. as**! a tk*t mjlnil tae tow*. Werted UlMfkM* tk» algbt Md ail day toam/ to ma»w la*
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  • 190 1 SAIGON CRACKS DOWN ON DISSIDENTS SAIOON. Wed —Saigon authortttas have cracked down on Catiiouc dissident* for Urn second time In five days. "*>«•«>« said here today The latest swoop at Bten Hoa. SB northeast of BalfMU. nei.«d an undisclosed number of traitor' disguised as religious Urn official Olai Phong t
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  • 41 1 MEW TOSS. Wed -Dow Jonc* miim band on tint hour of tredli>< on th* W«w Tort Stock Bichmnc* SO tnOtu MJ M. up 111: SO tnuup JBJ.TI. up 111; is uuk rim, ap ou. Hocta wn ap ».«4.— OFL
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  • 160 1 150 Reds attack Thai police post BANOKOK. Wed. A large com m v n Ist guerilla force last night attacked a provincial police station In Sarat Thanl province. 829 km south nf here, police reported tods.y. They said some 130 guerillas attacked the local police post In Phra Seang district
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 228 1 Knives, axes seized at Mara hostels KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. QFFENSIVE weapons and drug-taking utensils were among the items seized by the authorities from the rooms of MARA Institute of Technology students following the institution's closure in January. Education Minister Dr Mahathir displayed these items today at a Joint meeting with
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  • 71 1 LATEST Britain's 'yet to MPLA LONDON. We 4 -Brl tain today reoernised Urn Peevies BeambUe •f AnroU aai Kb Peaalar Moiaamint (MTU) Owwl la Uult. The Forclfti Office la a ststaa-iwt. ee*iiaiaii ftH fereifa InterveaU-ai la AnreU and called aawa Urn Cwkaa and ImU itriw Ohw— a la partkwwr to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 1 _aV_B a B_B_B_ BB I V% 1 V kea -am ESSO CARES a^Ba^a^awSß^a^af w^^^*^^% .^eaß^HHa FOR YOUR CAR CRAWCASE ADOfTTVE a AMTVSMOKE ADOTTTVE Ot S/VB* ADOfTTVE FUEL SYSTEM ADOrTTVE TOP LUBE (tsso) Where you get rfthe Extras
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    • 171 1 a^ s*e*^____P' IAC QUERY ON USE OF SERVICE CHARGE -Page 9 LOCKHEED: li|U I* iuww rM««t d l FORD for new watchdog hidktm an a»ytnt S MERCENARIES rrlarn to Lond»o bflort rractunt AnfoU 4 niV O*xt Hop far Dr. ■torinirr S TWO fliMd lor Mdlo •rikc det«Uvr 11 SW1PYABDS vteMlttj
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 146 2 pOLOMBO. Wed. \j The Masee vMe fl— Party, a partner In Plla— awjaartir S i r I as a v aUadarasMiase'a seallUon isinssiait. yesterday threatened te emu ■■lias a drastte change was ssasw ha a draft law attracting ferric n iavecUrs. The Man
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    • 410 2 China to give Nixon a lavish a welcome HONGKONG, W«dllMday LX>RMER US Pre- sldent Richard Nixon will arrive In Peking on Saturday op a private visit and China Is believed to be preparing a lavish welcome (or what some diplomats describe as his "coming out party." The Chinese have given
      Reuter; UPI  -  410 words
    • 539 2 JAPAN will renew its reqaest to the United States today to provide all available materials concerning the Lockheed bribery in Japan, including the names of Japanese officials allegedly involved in the case,' Foreign Minister Kiu hi Miyazawa said. Mr. Mlyazawa told a
      AP; UPI  -  539 words
    • 32 2 BRUBBBJB. Wad. Senator Frank Church, who heads the US SeoaW CommKtae prootaf Urn CintraJ Intetlitaoot Aiaoej. jastirdar urgod tbs U8 OuiwMMUt to kosp a atronc and eflacUYt mlalaiiiri service— A*.
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    • 240 2 Bribes: Hunt hots up for missing duo ROME. Wed Italian police have spread a dragnet for a Kome attorney and a mysterious businesswoman on arrest warrants charging them as corruption agents In the snowballing payoff scandal by the Lockheed Aircraft Corp The accused are believed to have left Italy The
      Reuter; AP  -  240 words
    • 69 2 MANILA. W«d A 17--y«ar-old Japanw, airaMd in Urn wutharn PtuHpptnw by Urn air tore* on aaaiirtnn of MBrtwMp to Uw Japan Rad Army. hu Ml tor Tokyo on hit own accord JipuM BnbaMy kutom Mid today. Kanjlro Tamafueht Itft ttxa.rd a PaklaUn Airway. (Bent tor Japan
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    • 159 2 rpsHXRAN. Wed. The X Vice President of War ha« promised tori oover all of the UBf3* million (BS7O million) he said was paid by the US Orumman Aircraft Oorp. to Ule«ml middlemen In a deal for F-14. Tomcat jet fighters for Iran. Kayhan newspaper Mid
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 788 2 if Jl jm jB The Indonesian Petroleum Industry A study of resource management in a developing economy.sso r*£es Tka a s comprehensive study of tar Indonesian petrokam industry which is »r fsr\i of it* kmd ever made m Indonesia by sa Indonesian economist. The smportsacr of the petroleum sector ia
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    • 559 3 BID TO STREAMLINE INTELLIGENCE WABHINOTON, Wed President Ford last night moved to streamline the Amerlcaij intelligence network by establishing a new system of executive oversight within the White House Mr. Ford. In a television statement pfwasjding a press conference, said the
      Reuter; UPI  -  559 words
    • 137 3 Search for nation which will accept 7 Burmese BANGKOK. Wed—Thailand Is lookln« for foreign countries to accept seven Burmese refugee opponent* of the Ne Wm Qovernment, Deputy Interior Minister Prakob Prayoon Phokarat said today He told reporters that the United States, Britain and Australia may find It possible to take
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 247 3 'Manila pact still valid if Thailand is attacked' rpOKYO. Wed. Despite 1 last year's collapse of American foreign policy in Indochina, the United Btates will honour defence commitment* In Thailand and the Philippines, according to a ranking US State Department official. Mr. Philip Hablb. Aetlstant Secretary of State for Beet
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    • 292 3 ISRAELI Defence Mln--1 teter Shimon Perea yeiUrday aald Urn danger of war in Urn Middle feaat was graater than the chance for peace "At tUa moment the Arab world, except parhapa for one country or two. faeaa the aword rather than the oUra
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 484 3 BEIRUT, Wed. Sy ria get out on a fresh mediation effort today to form a national union government that would push through reforms and end Lebanon's civil war. Official* say the main task of the new Cabinet la to
      AP; UPI  -  484 words
    • 31 3 BAlsosxok.^ Wed.-wi-■qv*^ fcynim jnTta«il«pd by ontar of the Th» iMinin _—^l moo* euOVB 10 ■sMaawH Oo*JgwH tsr tkess dam last weak a« was bassMMLaeOOaTwUBf iflB) IDmuVCf'V m|nsjar
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    • 115 3 Irian revolt report untrue: Malik JAKAKTA, Weal— \d»» jSljlk teday denied a f •reign Bjrsea repert that a fiaiWan was taktag pmec In krlasi Jays, termer Datchbeld West New Guinea. -W« reard about tbc hat 1 biiilni •Wws Ituk ecmplUsly uatrue and batfWss I strongly dsmy sV Meifc He said
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    • 142 3 WASHXNOTON. Wed The US Senate yesterday approved an amendment that would cut off military aid to countries which harbour terrorist* after turning down a suggestion by the only US senator of Arab descent that the Israeli sir force should be Included among terrorist
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 48 3 B JICTLOWA (Spala). Wed. The OovenuMß* ordnvtf Barcelona j StrtttSM nnsMO sod muntctpal pnlkiittn tenponiuy dnf«*d toto muikjur asrvlee toTbu ardsr easM sssM nune dtaeant man ettr ■uplniwi oo th* third ci of the vwt to Spaln-i c»u--l«n ration by King JwSSi Chrtoa— AP.
      AP  -  48 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 SUPER-COMPETENT 10-DipiT SCIENTIFIC «>ik INOCKNOCNT pn MEHOKY AND W^^OJCO^ SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Multi-purpoM T^y^»SS^*a\ *cientific keyboard 18 3pFh|^^B\ m h 'unction-, on* vanm^^n^N^^B^aflL^m. KJa^^-l. memory M♦ MCASIO^ Easy-io-oneraie FK 101 'set functioning AC or bettsfiee FURNITUM SHOWROOM IN PLAZA SINGAPURA SEEKS PARTNER Foe d^oils writ* IT. t»x NtOOSO %'pf.
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    • 596 3 JK N.T.U.C. W SUPERMARKETS HORLICKB 4009 2.95 CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP 305? .69 HOT POP SAUSAGES DA ]£^K WW LC. tin 1.42 CORN OIL PftAOON4HOtSI 2k9 5.30 HOMEY COLDtM MtCTAK AUST. 340 9 2.25 UQUIP DETERGENT djxi concentrated 5009 1.80 PINEAPPLE JAM daisy 4509 1.05 BUTTER COOKIES KJtLPUMS DtMMAKtt pkt
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    • 492 4 LONDON. WwdiMSXtay A GROUP of An- golm-bound mercenaries. Including an American Vietnam veteran, returned to London yesterday with out reaching the war and with complaints they were never paid and never heard a shot fired In anger. The cloae-cropped aoldieri of fortune were tmoot a
      Reuter; AP  -  492 words
    • 127 4 Minister who quit charged with polk bribery f»ANB«RRA. Wed. V» Former Minister for Post* and Telegraphs Victor Oarland was formally charged here today under the bribery provisions of Australia's Electoral Act. chief Australian electoral officer Frank Ley hag announced. Mr. Ley said both Mr Oarland. who resigned his porfoUo 11
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 79 4 MANILA. W«d. COOtMUoU in bmuty contat in U* town of Aogmt in naajhbouiiDi Bulaeui Provine* will Mn to dantocutr«u mor* tten I— iliilin ctwm to win. According to ttm Cwtnlnf Po»t. Angst Mayor Praaclaco lUacm* Hid h« itartad Urn nonltt to pubUcu* a campaign to
      79 words
    • 67 4 Baby-murder charge NTW TORS. Wad A U-year-old woman wmi lodkrud tor murder yajsarday on chart* of baaUnf har baby dauchUr to daaih aa Fab 7. M houn bafora aba gava birth to har third child Mrs. Sharon ""-in win be arraifDed today on a charca of aaooßd-dagrae amrdar tor aOaradhr
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    • 39 4 OOADALAJAKA (S^alß). TTafl afianlaiil Julian Oarcm, »1. pa—id his drhrtn*. last bar* on his Wtb attanpL ■s cakulstad that hu drtTinc tteaoes east ham l oo.oao pesetas (SM.TM) in Isbhds and tosta ttss.— Mb*.
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    • 259 4 HOLLYWOOD, Wednesday /\NI Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, a film about a rebellious patient in a mental Institution, Barry Lyndon, a costume drama about an Irish fortune hunter and Dog Day Afternoon, about a homosexual bank robber, today led the list of
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 179 4 /■wtOYlS (Franca). Wed. 1 a asven-year-oM boy. Mdnaaped SO days ago for a one-mllllon franc (BtMlOM) ransom, waa found dead ban yesterday In the bedroom of a suspect who had been questioned last week, police said. The police said they found the body of
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 99 4 MOSCOW. Wai. The lay amCEy there wma aasaIs) the OS eaaaaaay la Mi aii w asjt aw Urn the saaaamaiam b*Uth staasjsrws to tha Wvtot IMasv It was the arat ceaasaestl la the Bevtet me*bk ahsajt laiartsaa r»perta af lamiaaii raaVattasi at the eaahaaay sag* istiia that
      99 words
    • 416 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Wednesday VTEWSPAPKR heiress Patty Hearst fought back tears as she told a Jury here how she was raped In a closet by two members of her Symblonese Liberation Army (BLA) captors. As she fought to keep from crying, her
      Reuter  -  416 words
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    • 70 4 swEw?^^ mwß^mwJ wmwT^ A JsH g-t^^^-H > i-waLt^ .^g^kwß^gmw. Jm\ -^^mwmwßl Uf milij flu, 'flliuiisUsVUa^bSMm^^ 0y ||V v-s^Kjen^r^WsMwMU**^^ "II Ull| Jw Fernteef is pure, creamy buttar 1 1 1 ffwaiJL; f/ nwds from reel dairy milk rich '^17/ 7 in all the nutriment sod goodness your family needs. Smooth, golden
      70 words

    • Briefly..
      • 41 5 I \m:D NATIONS: The Security Council was MUMMd yesterday te a Mcetlnc today ea B•*■ a 11 a's charge* lalnit France arising frees border flihlini which fe 11 ewe d tbe guerilla hijacking of a seheei bus near Djibouti on Pee.
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      • 30 5 WASHINOTON A group of liberal American scholars and politicians have urged mandatory prison sentences for violent offenders and called for an end to the parole system in the United States
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      • 35 5 BJUSStLS IS Senator Frank Caurea opened the World Conference on Soviet Jewry yesterday by saying tbe IS moat continue arms aid to Israel while treasuring the Kremlin to free Jews who want to leave BusaU.
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      • 35 5 OENEVA The US and the Soviet Union yesterday urged negotiators from 30 nations at the Oeneva disarmament conference to conclude an agreement '.Ms year to prevent the weather being used as a weapon of war.
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      • 47 5 New rules GENEVA: Tfce Common Market and the IS arc expected to bring In new rules this year to require all vehicle* to carry vpecial Identification numbers to make It easier to track down stolen vehicles. the Geneva based International Organisation for Standard! sation (ISO) said yesterday.
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      • 33 5 OENEVA Scheduled airline chiefs begin talks here on Thursday to work out a system of Trans-Atlantic fare to meet cut-throat competition by US charter companies, the International Air Transport Association -lATA) said yesterday.
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      • 31 5 BLUjBAOE: Yugoslavia has sent aid worth ISSI.Ue.VM (553.125.--•M) to Cambodia and Laos, the Yugoslav new* agency Tanjug reported yesterday. Cauibodla will receive ISSI million worth of ■M-dlelnea and clothes. Ageacies. I
        Agencies  -  31 words
    • 191 5 rKVO Wed A district court In Matsuyama sentenced a 46--year-old real estate broker today to die on the gallows for murdering his mother and his wilt. The court also sentenced his brother and sister each to serve 15 years In prison for
      AP  -  191 words
    • 159 5 BANOKOK. Wed. More than 1.000 South Vietnamese refugees who fled to Thailand since last April's communist takeover In Saigon will be deported from the country. Deputy Interior Minuter Prakob Prayoonphokarat said today. He told newsmen that the refugees had been detained at 81khlu district of
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 427 5 CECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger takes his Latin American mission to Peru today after what he described as an "extremely productive and helpful" visit to Venezuela, where he proposed to Latin America a new set of US economic
      Reuter; UPI  -  427 words
    • 277 5 Algeria silent on 'oasis retaken' claim by Morocco ALGIERS. Wed. A Algeria remained silent yesterday on Morocco s claim to have retaken the Axngala Oaals In the Western Sahara without i fight. A spokesman for the Algerian-backed Pollsario Frrat Independence movement told a press conference here last night the Fronts
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 160 5 Why US put off aid talks with India WASHINGTON. Wed. The United States has decided to postpone talk* on a resumption of US development aid to India because of a "general deteriorating of political relations" with that country. US officials said yesterday. The decision was made several weeks ago. and
      AP  -  160 words
    • 13 5 TARAMTO. (Haly) Wed.— Oty Ball was left wtum* Msatuuuw jsefrtty. OH.
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    • 158 5 Big drop likely in stocks of key grains WASHINGTON, Wed. Worldwide atuwk■ties of wheat, rlee and ether grains are likely to remain ■■ugwuely lew this year ■rcsuii of lagging production. nermug to a stall rrpwTi rotrwpw py uk lateraatteeuJ Monetary Fund (IMF). In* report auM that world stocks of key
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    • 48 5 OUATEMALA CITY. Wed.— The Guatemalan Government has estimated that It would cost US* 12 million (8529.7 million) to repair public buildings In the capital and U8136 million <Bs7« million) to reconstruct highways, bridge* and roads destroyed by the massive earthquake of Teb. 4.— AP.
      AP  -  48 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 286 5 Nowyoucanbe ••v a decision maker. All you have to do is make the first f^^P^^^ decision start a Home Study programme f M^ vvith Collier Macmillan Schools. If you want to be a success, if s really your own home —in your own spare time up to you You re
      286 words
    • 67 5 w /Li ..j H muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul ft. Ifu*. uuuuu^^^muuuuuuuP^Lmui auuuw^^^uuuui uftd liMim/TS73ci»MTTfl^(4 l4W>4J^mi B-Mmfee&% awwwwwwwwwwfl Y^*F uuuuf^r^TTllM^mPS^TTrs*!j4^H mHmuuuJ S^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^^^SSSSSSSSSSSSSV' \^J 1 \^^H muuuuß BKa/SS| K^^wdVUluP BfiWiUil muuuuuuuuuuuuu^9Hliwmuuul I x JUSTARRIVED! I Endives, McKhe, Frisee, Civette, Ciboolette, II Mushroom, Fenouille, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Eel, J Estragpn, Belon Oyster, Fresh Cream Fresh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 722 6 .^^^fli a«t\2ffl "5^223 ■fl 4k- 'S^^BjarV j >- '^^M *^^^^fl BrfT 1 >, 1 xi^l B|/m H Bfl E^ lis^hm K^Va Bfl B r ir^ BCClfl L^fl Rfl I^B^^HbH K t^S bb I P^^^R K^l r*# OSA PHm* M4U UimfArrf y#jfrr^«> a/ r*# rojp«r Tkoryncroft Shipyard. Berth \o 4 at
      722 words

  • 2342 7  -  S. M. MUTHU By Reporter investigation into our revamped bus service who recently made a three-day AI/THOH.H it has shown some improvement lately, Bgapoft Bus Service is still erratic in performance .m<l stili (iocs not match up to iii.inds and expectations milliters.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 447 7 ~J Bj »-*^B*a m ,^*YSBI m W Sm^BSßr^ A. SISVJI M SJ rf?>fc JbT I *J i Ssl SBBmVs^BmTm. i *BJS Hbv^Vbhß BHHLWkbti. 1 Hr^ Jmßßißm^Bml BmVv. B^r^^vsi Im 4mjßM m^P^s^^^^Bw^^sS R9**./ f} t\ i^^^xß 1 •rW 1 Sh a v HBmv/ f\ \^fe^l I fC B^ TB\ iBL. JL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 410 8 PHILIPS Singapore Ir^ <^onted/ m Rrizes total See the Olympic Gomes! Los Vegas! Niogoro Foils! Disneyland! $10,000 cosh! < 4n^ftj^p3B F B^^J Bjlt-Tr^B^y _BBBJ^Bbm^bbm Br BB^bbbßK .^L^b^bßßß P^bßßß^T^ BP?'^^^^^9fl\^wJ BStJ B^^^fl^Bliflß^M^^BßP B" BBb^BBT^ BP^BBfitai^H BV^^ ■■C b Si^^^S^BWkvJ B^BH BV^^BBfli KjLiBE BBH 3 1 bvI vAHP^B Kfl b^bVAbBBI bV^bV/^w^^ I
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  • 661 9 IAC query on use of service charge by hotels 'J'HK hold industry's practice of collecting service augment vihines was questioned by the Industrial Arbitration Court yesterCourt president Mr Tan Boon Chiang queried why 10. M hotcli could not pay tingle salaries Incorporating all payments due to hotel employees ThU would
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  • 65 9 SINGAPORE Airlines is tentatively scheduled to betrln services to New Zealand in May under an agreement reached between Singapore and Wellington officials. A SIA spokesman confirmed this yesterday but added that the agreement had yet to be ratified by the two governments Involved. "Nothing
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  • 84 9 MR Lee Pan Hon. Slngapores noUd vio 1 1 n ist who now leads the Ulster Orchestra a great string to his musical bow with his bride. Mlaa Savin i oarmcrr. who is a Molirmt member •f the amsne orchestra. after their
    84 words
  • 235 9 When half the ships in port will be from China ANANYANO University professor said yesterday that In a few yean half the ships In Singapore harbour would be from China. Prof. O. O. Thomson, of the Nanyang University's Department of Government and Public Administration made the point In a lunch
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  • 225 9 'Need for suicide prevention centres in S'pore SUICIDE- prevention centres. Integrated into the medical and psychiatric service, has a place In Singapore, with its 200 suicides and 1.600 attempted suicides a year, according to a social worker. Mrs Irene Jacobs, director of the Samaritans of Singapore <SOSi, said that tn
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 305 9 I •iiuTMyi<' iAi| T UM(| B^ i o« 3 |^ft s 9fiwVM I i^^^^^^^^^^V I* HOT DOG SAUSAGES cel£b»ty 227, 1.5Q jj§ "UJU.NilUvoA*j«s*2mssr«wH»*..ifi» ZiurrOlJ .iiKßiriy ncAstC lln isssll mif ilf mi IT IHIU 7SC omuiwhsm ■....i*#w M •WginHUHii rtuno iw t^w •whupw switi w* •runppcnuAiii.DniHri«sni i« i.^n •COFFEEMATEIBOK) 2*3o inri
      305 words

  • 98 10 SIN CHEWSTUDY TOURS FOR NEWSMEN OTUDY toun to 81no- porv for Hmn JouraalUU will be offered by on* of the Republic t Chinese newspaper companies the v Chew Jit Poh PropoaaU for the two•Mk study tours wvre put forward at the Asetn mvi media sc minar now going on In
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  • 39 10 MOTOfUSTB should amid aatng Urn junction at crass Street and South Bridge Road from luaaurrua bacauat Bj .o»d.ufU there The aawaraaje ilnilrtmsnt wtu to aagfltog a manhole UMW WWa IS HBKHU W9 toke aheajt a month
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  • 207 10 Move to protect purchasers of subdivided buildings V'EW sections to prevent developers from exploiting purchasers of subdivided build Ings, and to put more teeth in the provisions on the liability of directors of cor p o r atlons, are among the amendments which have been recommended by the Select Committee
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  • 12 10 THERE mrrt 11 road led dent* two Knout, on TM»
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  • 106 10 r Success: First 'needle' operations at SGH TVOCTOmS fresa tkw U 81ng»por» OeSMtwJ ■aamltal earrtatf eat their arat-e»ei attampt at awsßwmfttare on thrwa paMsata aaiargwlag aarglaal eperaoesbs two days age. lafsr— t siariaa aaai jiatatiaiy tke aHeaayt sargteal aaa—thwUe with the andaait Chinese art el treatment with necdUaa waa a
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  • 138 10 HAVING a etoae look at a pack of frtaky monkryi cro-tslng a gorge are Mr. CbrtatAphrr Hoot intrrmr right), the dlrrctor ef the National Maaemm. and Mra. Frtoda HbmUprth. president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Aawertean AsaoelaUon ef Singapore The painting waa presented to
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  • 712 10  -  PAUL WEE By OOLICE last night 1 said the man pictured with both hands ralaed In yesterday's New Nation report of the Redhill Close siege was not the gang leader. I^eong Peng Wah, as stated According to police spokesman Mr Teo
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 529 10 What you should know about a "complete banking service" from the Hongkong Bank 4_^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^H|^^^H||||vflHHH VwmwmwmwmwmwmaT mwmwMwa** Z\ M MM ■■Mai HI •mHal I Id hHIh !b9 ffllT r^^^BBBPIIpa-waP H > m^^ m^^^ HslwaalssssssHkakimL^ BwmwßmwT V mwßw^wßT lawmwmwi LmwmT^^wßm* towmC 3H$ ■BBaa> wsEmtoS ~!m W n_| mwmwmwAwmi BwmwmwmwmwmwawSmwml LmL LLgmi l^^^^^l
      529 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 253 10 Straits Times Crossword ACB4MS an luberglne (!-»> a urn pound. If ratomed In 7 To datond oneself to an auaag* surroundlngi. wUI iiaaawtlfaid direction (•> awlt g Length of is <«> I. 1> B»»oluuooary coup l« About one* round the fitting in a Uulr bit above valleys to gain ttrangto?
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  • 257 11 Timber contract suit Sawmill wins claim rl High Court yeaterday awarded Judt ■Mat and co*u tor a lawmlll In a breach of contract suit at ainit a timber grader who failed to supply goods after having received an advance payment of $25.--000 Ouan Hup Seng Saw mill <Pte> Ltd. paid
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  • 157 11 FOUR WIN GAMES TOURNEY riOTNDINO champion IS Llm Seng Hoo was one of the four players who won their games in the first round of the national chess championship played last Monday ■*n« Hoo beat Amju> Ch*nc. while Dannla Tan beat Ooh Y«dw Hw» Chan £•1 Kaog beat Tan Kirn
    157 words
  • 187 11 A WOMAN, whose husband was killed In a car accident three years a«o. yesterday accepted In the High Court a settlement offer of $37,000 for herself and her four- year-old daughter Madam Lai Kwal "oaf. 28. a clerk, bad sued motorist Kek Moy Huat.
    187 words
  • 137 11 CHINESE KEEN ON OIL EQUIPMENT ARIX-Mnuu •>- W«»Uon Iroa. China njw rUUai thr Off•fcare SEA ExhiMUon Indicts am Intrren la Maw and tnrtr— mil oo dv lto ■••■ifcw all endMMUe* area at ■^•i IMtfrdi, and were intrrrstrd in sabTker al»© «*ent mm Uae ItoUn. a* newer fe^_il?? W'—ll a.d
    137 words
  • 401 11 APETROCHKMICAL plant In Singapore would be feasible J Singapore built a pipeline to Indonesia to transport raw materials here a Pertamina official said yesterday He said Indonesia could supply the necessary raw materials for the petrochemical industry, mainly gas. bat Singapore had to decide whether
    401 words
  • 247 11 Cop who let off errant driver for a bribe A POUCBtAN who caught a furniture dealer driving without a licence agreed to overlook the offence for a bribe, a court heard yesterday. I— ».H b( n Ham a pott* driver with the CH>. ni Jailed nine month* »»"< ordered to
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  • 333 11 J*HE management of a bar offered j bribe to a police officer to stop hire from going to the bar to investigate i murder, as his visits were bad for busi ness, a court heard yesterday. The court heard that Detective Ber feant
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  • 46 11 Malay drama at branch library vto. o« tS >SSS ■wntei Übrmry wtß pressßt a Maiaj ■mam at Ma tmtmm feal en BJtweaj at TJ» Plbl Two playa. Iba and Pulanc vtu be atafaa t» mm u*j*j aSTeSs^aaTwur J£°tZ pesaag ay ttw MraryV•MßNg* aroup Artailrfcjn ftee. I
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 ■SffiM^^P^H a^B^B^B^B^H l B_^^_^B^B_BKBBBmHBBHBBJ BBl_H _BB BBBBJ BBJ ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BbBbBbBbBbB¥BB Bal BbBH B^^^BbßbßbßbßbßßH Bal I OYROLOMPASS I M (Ef •CRIES) H AUTOPILOT b^^a^^l^^^B^B»- I Hft %^^Pj^lJ ivVaß^kt^Bl Ib^b! 1 1 H I B,^^| ""flVnnlniH HHMIiJ
      35 words
    • 289 11 We have ways I ENGLISH CLASSES st sll itv«n, to tun all m*i\ r««W daily at mlingua. j^L Our tsam of htghly qualified taacrwrt makt surt that you '•am tQ ipaak tht languaflt m the shortstt potstblt twrm You'll find th« relaxed atmoiphere idasl for language learning because classes are
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 641 12 CAPTTdL Mm SHIWIH: 5 SHOWS «J*iiy 11 am, 1 45, 4, 6.45. 930 OUNS r^oWaJWfof-VVHBN BQHT BELLS TOLL wß*i**iso«* AND NOW.. Maclean's VW«BBOCUro&(*rttNnASOEr\ATAiaBw*IiPW <aCTawjYPBn»t4I«VWPMOr»mAn«A*S^ lido Sifciiruis! It v i Ivifrh lf»frh Itw sltn wkri Ike MTfi s fraint lufr wtt to larj Papfiav! TaP^^^l I ißfchaaoar J '•F bm[ .Jaal
      641 words
    • 101 12 i>iTß.-r*«ii bi U'lJia'. «raa. 0>»"l Ta-ta? Nirwb f. Or. 11, I. 7 I •Jt tWarr I M.I JO. 7 t tJO laaM lib. Mlltll t**n ■>■>■< «aa»-Pa MMHMHa Mai Catanaaa* ■Qj. fcajh* 4 CMam laaWßai Tbmb Taa Uaaa t OMa Ua« 1 _9J E flown ■fs BEEF W, ipjiHfli>r LAST
      101 words
    • 265 12 GOUDi^PJiJLIICB am. 1 Jt, 4JO, t^at. t.Jt P- IM. 7 LLM M> (»mA) BM Trate Fun. ta-brUam. Pvtan O* rWHimm, fctjßilaß^***^^*-^ GOLDEN 4k PALACE SAMMY MlMmi m OOLDIN 1215 tun. -^.V^---^ PALACE 1145 pm A HILARIOUS ANO E <C I T I N G^F^aBBBBBBBai WESTERN ACTION' vfl A OPENS PLAZA
      265 words
    • 245 12 The I Beefeater I A genuine English Pub (as near asd- it!? 417, River Valley Road, Singapore phone *****5 open 7d«yt« week 11. 30am -midnight J Cocktail time > spm 7pm and 20% if^J j off all drinks. r^^Atr inarming /~si^Tr^%r- "Beefeaterette" 1 ifc^r3 A waitresses S^MflifW i• NO SERVICE
      245 words
    • 225 12 ttfMt "HHfaßaaV*!?, Tkaßn»|Mu OrtRS B^4w*s* L T *i*-»»-»c TAHIVI aaavßi BblbVs* ''•"'"cKnA MICMTLY I Kwßff' HBufWI at jM mWM aSMffBBBBWIami 7 00 4 ■^^s}^Jaal"'""' -■■•■b^bbbl 'W ♦jo pm M<BMHP > jlW«jv-ryyh '•-■i bbbi OPENS ODEON TOoU: DAILY AT 1 1 AM., 1 .30, 4.00, 700 i 9 30 Pm Coaecto.
      225 words
    • 786 12 MAD MAO OAT' n «->. i jo. too. tat ii B Tarry Thano*. Loun D* f wmw Tw» Ma. Ma. A».»ntm»w f •t Wat" Poncmon -Color M Mf XT CHANGE IJuIM Andrcwv Omor SKor 1 Tlw TA 4ARIMD 1110 9 In Po"0»'IW t Cokjr MOW JHOWIHC I lam. I 45.
      786 words

    • 182 13 IPOH Wed Mentrl 1 Beaar. Tan Sri Hajl Ohasail Jaw;, said today that he has nothing to aaj on the army charges that the PeraJt Oovernment had not done enough In the Bght against the communist terrorists "If there U any explanation needed. I
      182 words
    • 47 13 KOANTAK. Wad Bust- nasßßao V Pothuppan 17. •aa killed and an jntdanilfled man arrtouily tr.jurvd wltan the taxi they ware I mvaUtaf Is tv in roOMon «lth a bua All the n paawnsm on the Kou Bara-Kmta u». pur nf bua eacapad Bmi
      47 words
    • 156 13 Bodies of Botak gangmen still not claimed Xl ALA H Mr I R Wed Pettcc are waiUag fer relaUves U easim the kedin of Beiak Cbin's twe henchsnen k Bed in Monday theotoit. freaa the Gesteral HocaUal ssertaary here. Tbey stave already Informed the relative*. •So far. ao one baa
      156 words
    • 27 13 MALACCA. Wad. M>Uc« tbli afUrmooo imjutmuA 700 rounds of XX -oor. from i tin on tin tack bahiod -•.•l»n Tun Tan Cbaof I Lock Mr*.
      27 words
    • 47 13 MALACCA. Wed Businessman Soo Hock Hong. 56. and his son. Bee Cheng Jumped from the first floor of their factory building In Buklt Baru here when It caught Me at 1.25 am today. They were admitted to the General Hospital with serious injuries.
      47 words
    • 61 13 A (l-yeax-oid (randmother toei her Ufa aavtaga .1 Ms: 000 vhao fi-» raacd her woedeo houaa t Kimpung Baru bare yeatarday e*«nlne Madam Tan Ah Kaong only bad time to ruah out with her daucnt«r-ln-law and a crandaoii when the fire broke out at about t
      61 words
    • 238 13 Cabinet 'yes to big probe on MIT KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday 'pWO committees will be set up soon to investigate the administration of finance and the academic performance at the Mara Institute of Technology, Education Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed said today Dr. Mahathir said he waa given approval to act up
      238 words
    • 37 13 IPOH. Wei. A 11-Mar-old wa, baDiv* to W awe puabw. wse ssTssftse by potic* in a bouav Id sXasß* pent Jam «eaurway wfcea tube* of bans* «letHnt •bout SIM ■naawes war* found In his room
      37 words
    • 194 13 Doctors at Rotary talks get MMA warning IPOH. Wed Private medicai practitioners. government aoctor*. ana spedsiats g.ying leccures on "Medicine for the Layman arc not allowed to nave their names published in newspapers, o t he r w lac disciplinary action would be taken against them. The lectures, organised by
      194 words
    • 66 13 IPOH Wad— a Urna-ycar-old boy. Teas Lai run who •as uttcn b; a aotra la Ounonc fUpat Haw VtUaga. died In the Oansral BoaptUl ban laat night Tung was aaaUd on the eaimr of a Mcycle rlddaa Bf his mother who vaa cycling hosM from a
      66 words
    • 50 13 KUALA UDMPtm. Wad.— TW* aisßea smb. timaaa* la Bfcakl unMocm. of MatlonaJ Etactrtdly Board uur raaests, urn up a rtniaiatir servant btiort ransatwrnw bar plajaii bmbb» and •nptoc JwiHstJ worth MU.MO IB KSBOBC Baru near ber* toAj One of Ike rosters was anaad with a ptstoL
      50 words
    • 298 13 Acquitted couple to make defence on appeal JOHORE BAKU, Wed The High Court here today ordered a Customs officer and nia wife, who were acquitted on a charge of possessing uncustomed goods, to make their defence to the charge on appeal. Justice Detufc Syed Oihman All said some of the
      298 words
    • 121 13 JOHORI BARU. Wed.— Four men held up a couple and amaabed the wtndaereen and nar acreen of their ear after robbing them of «M In JiUn Kcbuc Teh laet night According to police, eetate worker Lac Ring Lent. IT, who waa with bla
      121 words
    • 47 13 will tiling IH*" ike Miii— i i AM-ieu |4ene Ci ■■■■in ««fct iraiealil fer rrtUj Aetat tSiiiwm Dtteeter-OeaMral, lajl Meiiiaiii lUxu Mb BeJI tMii Waama, aaAi te*» Urn trial ft— lv Jut, Paert* Btoe, wttl be IktMck OM mill tmrtk aUUea hi
      47 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 190 13 BOOB) dv BOwiß BwSwMslßaM lan^Ome aßi faTl \J*A i DESPtCUUffTB J DCKAITItQJ •Bafr^^asjj^^^B ■^BBwßwwwalwßafc *«•*«>■ OHC »la\^ **afi Do yoM have any proUea ska? Weil, you like to be beavtifil? These ore boiicolly whot most lodiet contemplate upon. Our Paris trained beautician, Mitt Pamola Ongwill help solved your skin problem
      190 words
    • 150 13 EMCINEEREDTO LAST ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS j waJ A wal SB^Bm^Bm^BßWaVa^Bm9wmm^B^Bm^B9flß /4. <^^L A w M rWHPWI Carrier Weatherene 100 1 67 kW coofcog capacrty (5 700 Btui &&x&X&X&X&i&$k fHK ONE YEAR SERVICE I S -L>^r»l\l mil INSTALLATION P M Standard Carrier Factory Warranty I r% }&> JlXDAiiiii ENJOY WHISPER-QUIET OPERATION
      150 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 429 14 MALAYSIA'S Chief of the Oeneral SUff. Lt -Gen Datuk Sri ilohamed Bany. was no doubt reflecting the complaints and irritation of senior army officers ln Perak when he accused the State Government of not doing enough ln the fight against the communist terrorists. For an officer to rebuke
      429 words
    • 222 14 pROM time to time the Singapore Bus Service announces plans to Improve its service. In certain particular areas there have been improvements during the last year Rudeness on the part of bus crew has been reduced, breakdowns are less frequent and some services run on time. But the
      222 words
  • 1064 14  -  RANJIT DE SILVA: By WASHINGTON JHE United Slates Central Intel licence Agency director. Mr. George Rush, has started to rebuild its public image, shattered by disclosures of abuses and the unexpected exposure of some of its most secret operations. Press revelations of abuses and
    Reuter  -  1,064 words
    • 835 14 DR L'r, Hon Hlng ln his letter (ST. Ftb 11) champions the cause of smokers and drinkers and claims that smoking and drinking "pose no serious threat to modern society at the moment." when only recently lt was announced that ln the past
      835 words
  • 571 14  -  JOHN GITTINGS: By LONDON 'PHKKr. is no energy 1 crisis as far as China is concerned, nor need there ever be one. Cheerfully oat of step with Western gloom on the subject, and at the end of a year In which
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 66 14 *>»>•• cat ta Ma ta*a*t traatf fer mm mat* easartaaaag wS» *>a>> tMca SartM »»wnia»y aaa« u—teS 4 atlicxaa >a tita Mil amwMS' Ml m>la«MM». »i ara *•>• <^#e>* tg># i4V l>Pf f ßtwaWt A#eit a t 1 4I#M ttw*>f #^*JT' t»a mm a **aat raaa* a* matartat* far HWttw.
      66 words
    • 204 14 WMgithl/ Ttw modem sunglasses f^flrfCvX. for the modem people. A eriotce ot various designs and colours to suit every individual enhancing your appearance ani |j^«i outlook SOifX mtmrnaticntl L2»«V freoo^seffe/ amY m sunglasses K ■wMwarwr '^^^^^awawawaw!^^^^Bwaw^^amwi fj wmfc agmk /a amwt 49 Lwawawafl Lwat l^^^^^Tßw^aV^awaHl 1 .22^^^1-wawmmV jtjV- >2aw> awai
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  • Business Times
    • 138 15 Jack Chia suffers a sharp profits reverse HONOKONO Jack Chia International suffered a sharp profiU reverse in the half year ended September 1975. with group unaudited pr~m* plunging to HK .3.852 from $1 47 million previously The interim dvkdend. however, has been lifted by 0 5 cent to 35 cenU
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    • 363 15  -  SAW PUAV LIM Br INDONESIA'S external trade {or the first half of last year showed a favourable balance of U*****.5 million, thanks to the high value of Its petroleum and petroleum products exports. According to the latest executive's fact sheet published by the Chase Manhattan
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    • 1345 15 Saga of the weak-kneed auditors LONDON: Britain's accountancy profession thinks it does a good job Does anyone else think so? Probably corporate tax-payer* and individual tax-arolders possibly small tradesmen doubtless many run-of-the mill industrialists and businessmen but lest so the bigger ones; and qprtalnly not the shareholders In bust secondary
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    • 78 15 Moscow bank seeks Euroloan RANKFVRT: Dresdner Bank will manage a group arranging a U8IwW million Burbmarket loan for Moscow International Investment Bank with an average maturity of lees thaa five yean, a bank spokesman said, he loan, which win be signed shortly, win have a margin of l^ to 1%
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 956 15  - Slim trim Rolleiwerke t views future with guarded optimism SOH TIANG KENG By rE wont appears to be over for RoUel. At one point It had other foreign Investors In Singapore holding their breath as they watched the Qennan camera giant struggling for survival under the weight of staggering problems
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 23 15 Interoudio' engineered to dramatically increase your listening pleasure. New levels of performance in direct radiating speakers are achieved by the ACOUSTICOUPLE design concept.
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    • 272 15 |^^^^r^swßwßj^^HQ^^^^^^P^nßTS^CT|n^PT^^| aw*, w^r awJw^'^osußßP'^l^kT^w^aw BS^Bwß^BW^Bwß^¥?!^^C^?^^sß Accelerate your cash flow. With 1 1 1 I reasonable daily interest rates. A/x/VM ir%4** As your debtors' payments #\CCOwlllTw are P assed on to us. we will a I automatically reduce your U£^i^^^^|\J^ll^|^^ loan balance This gives you a ■^^^V^%^l "V^^'lv revolving credit arrangement.
      272 words

  • 171 16 8 wire Pwcttes eabeMlarr Bwlre Pacific Offahon Service* and field Intarnailonml DrUUng acquired a second oil drtittng rig for their Joint ventare. The sscond-hand rabmealble rig was previously owned by naor Corp unit OorsJ DrtllIng A Swire ■pntesajisn declined to ito the prtce paid. The rlr
    171 words
  • 672 16 UK shipbuilding in danger collapse i ON DON Three yean ago two enigmatic Israelis were balled at rescuers of Britain's proud but ailing shipbuilding Industry when they placed the largest orders shipbuilders here had erer received They ordered 13 ships and took option* (or IS more. Early this month the
    NYT  -  672 words
    • 233 16 Nrw YORK. TWM. 18. «waan broad UMr att*nUoa lodajr to a af law pttead iwi and ottiar a>iraiinn Uta aamiai oMitat iMflarad a wJU tkiktot WtlL Th» Dow Jon-, ißduatrtaJ anarap. at tta iow»« Irrcl of th» das. droppKl 7 7» poinu to SSSJT. ■ViaMUjr. it aaitod a
      233 words
    • 80 16 Tutt. -Tit acran U» board with Mta Pawn ii h4 B«w] m2mKt imtMn In Dutcb ■hi Win was autod t>r IH wj i m an am W«* Oar- hawaM. eHkn a^d. Asm* laskttad tMaw. auu kaaa ■mil CMato* |TM a DMA nmm ik« awt« i»t ma* ml DM* urn.»
      80 words
    • 53 16 TtnUCB. TMa. Da^M* a taw TQlwai tndtot lh* tloek BMrtat etoaad flnMr ■and* iwwwi, ■■hint •rv. ctw&ft Suimb tottex (.load •■> Potat I* SMil Ili-j |TM »-tM rrmav I— mi «aik* ii nlm MOW «M g£EE a IMwr MM K» -g., 4M mi eft *T:..r.::::'.. »n D .riT.."*^ 1
      53 words
    • 56 16 ■tf'tahalri. km.n :ja ten appotntsd s director of South Pftcttc Ttsttto IndMtrtei and tU wbtldUry 9OUTDL who rtatsned dot to Ul beaith. Mr. Bee W. aeator. fupbooc Inatttuu of London will antve In Maejaport for a four day run, on ftaturdaor HiiUl bt iWamieaiin ■urtettM aad th«
      56 words
    • 95 16 •Miimi' «o j j Monday 400] W«* *«o 401 1 TWI Tundsj M M Monk? N4i Ktak *co mm TMrKlaj 4J» 41 Moodfcjr (UN Wwk ««o M«J4 Tttntor him MonOa; Ml*» W«t* M» SMJt DOW JONU AVOUCU mavmuu TMMtfV »J0»1 Mm<iy IMJt WM >«v Mt.n LONDON DO LLA a
      95 words
  • 202 16 World tanker slump has bottomed out LONDON: Tme wwrldi Unkrr awaers were told recently by a Leaden ttrm of shlpptos consalUnU thai the ibipalag tlnma baa bottomed oat and that they can lawk forward to good busineaa ay IMS. la a stady made by Tersmlaal Overaten, en behalf of the
    AP  -  202 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 435 16 The international bank with your interests at heart. Oat-lchi Kangyo Bank is Japan's largest bank. With assets of about 35 billion dollars. But our size doesn't make us impersonal. A worldwide staff of financial experts ready to give your project their individual attention. And *c *iave your interests at heart.
      435 words
    • 494 16 WALTER WRIGHT FOR CRANE RENTAL HEAVY HAULAGE AND ERECTION RIGGING PHONE TEL: *****4 ■Fi ii i I'M I— I ClOMna Premium Cott m Motoywon canto tor caM option on tharwi l li»tod on Stock EicNmga to» lltriFak 1976 I c«_^. P'ar»vV»ar»For itock MDoy. «OOoyt •OOoyt ISOOoyt up n jr RJoc
      494 words

    • 1567 17 CLOSING TOMB: All MCIWa dasa* •eatar. TUBSJOVSB OtVMi Bsana •assaM *r ta* saset Si aim af Bias* aiMiu «v km Raaer tea*!: !ui 000 salts n*M* si M.*U.*M. IslasllHai aaasawaat tar lasseoe. aaaac* •••aw muu u.oas at as ami SM.M*. «*aaatai«s. aMaWaa* aaaaa M.SSSi a* saaws I.OM. ItiUmnl
      1,567 words
    • 1571 17 DID and offer prkcat offl- i cull) Uatoti and NUnw In and ripon** to Urn Stock tabMp rf mnoport ycs&cruAy with t)»# BHHf I of mua mmM **«n in taracteu lobuof 14M antta >^. fX A.. Tl»* Barajuna or SMtlant Ooatraal art pW a/tar Iht «or« "Sttt
      1,571 words
    • 85 17 rE Malanama Mlr.UtCT Bf FIMBBt h»s flicd these dattes frBM rea. It bbUI farther nolle* Bakwcr Ml eti t ft Copra MM a ton ralM kerxl %XU Ji a tßa The rate. Bf «Mlsa arattaMa an: Rabber 7i eU a Ib (Taial Ul eU a la) (Surcharge 4|
      85 words
    • 1123 17 DID and oflar prtcs* offlu claUjr Uaud and bualn*M In and rcportad to ths Kuala Ltampur Slock Exchant* MUi day with tns master of ahara* tradad < •ftown in brmckcu In toU of I OM uuta. übJmi oUmtMm SBsetflsd IKOUITBIALI Ai«M*M*» iimb ma Taa« <0 418 47», »«l
      1,123 words
    • 100 17 ■Ma lan* «M or ac. no m M- BMklac |IK M- TlUlll (SO TXMtan 114] Trm4taf I 00 Cm. l (3 nMM. M C. -u»* I M t OB t 4 M r CiMh I I^4 Tta (Im| 1(0 I M Wnti I.M F v* M. IN M^n I
      100 words
    • 97 17 KUALA LUMPCB: MsJayastn pala (41 output to currently running at an Mtimataxl 10 par cent balow normal Mcauat of water abortMM In parta of tbs eoontrj. accoctUng to tnduatry aotircea. Mllllni of palm oil fruit tn tbs most affscttd •tbm partlenlarly ttw southern peninsular state
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 18 17 tig MwrtMT Arttitto/ tar *M aMtoa TVmHT* MB* fna r»fc U to 17. tor to iku |M»,W»,
      18 words
    • 57 17 TBI bbbWl Bf Fblbmc AbjmMjMJala^ kaa fjvA Ur«W. tkß EmX LBBaMBT S4SSk EXckun was UMlii IT.' PB, WtW fc> BBB) b tflrßMßt si r»b«>r Merlin MaJ^bU, wM mil tn BBfiMMl fißjti M tW Par tmw'i "artKK. eaUUrd at rmßer." which Mi ts Uc BSST nU «M
      57 words
    • 83 17 MMMr kMMt M *B» triisiMi higher prtoee on MFOFjL The DS ni ttomlv MM. Quotations Ik DM loo| *M^ (BottarrtaM) taISM Mn M MM; ft* .U«ll7M IMwVIMTJB BBf•r» H^'llW MJt MU I MBBJS. 94tt/M I T.st7(TJB)IT.M MM* MM Batowß UM IT mm tarn $mn/<om 11J* oatt aOn MN/
      83 words
    • 338 17 ORICBB continued to ■ft move lower under persistent selling on the Kuala Lumpur stock Exchange yesterday. This was the fourth consecutive day of decline. The bearish turn was mainly attributed to controversy surrounding raber Merlin and Pah ang Consolidated which were suspended from trading yesterday.
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    • 191 17 Most Kthrt stocks i atase Dai+v 1 HOH V.OJ 441.M1 Isjcßease 4M.iee DB.S. Hl*M Iwtal Twraawar: t« at TMal Valae: IIS-U H INDICES Pea. 17 Pea. is tt B.T. lades: IrtJt S4U4 ladastrtaj*.: 174.5* Mt .41 fPaaaase: 4M.71 UIJz Betel*: M7JI Hi M Pnmiin. 174-w irui t
      191 words
      • 233 17 UONOKCOIO. Wai. Shan prlcM ctoaad tiaer in has active trsding following yesterday* deCBB*. dealer* said The asarkst appsan to be going through a period of con«oU<lsUnn with many investor* holding back ahoma of Urn budget announcement next week Among leading issues gains ranged from 7 8 UK cent* fur
        233 words
      • 291 17 cYDNTT. Wed The market closed mslnly higher on Bflectlve late buying aupport aftor an unsettled opening, dealer* Aid. The Sydney AU-Ordtrarles Index edged up ON point to 44*44 Market leader BHP improved to AHII AJtS firmed to 11 40 and PSBUBIaBiaUI tO ***** tUM. Baagaasvaae, I'tab. Pair M.a. Oaasa
        291 words
      • 153 17 T<M»O. 1M Thi nutat *MMs tower. »f ie.opes** steadj. Slewing tel in trading boose attars* to oannarttoa wttfa Urn LockMad iT-t— MSllll Bid. The Do* Janea ■verajrc Ml SS M to M witt UM VOtaBM raawaj to HO mUtton *tm from 1M mlUtoc tm jisfway. The New taki cfcsed
        153 words
    • 31 17 Bobber Feb. 11. Singapore Mar. KIN eta. (down 54) ct Malaysia: Mar. UTM eta. (down 7J ct). T1 a «tM5.371 (down SX.I2D. Official ofTrrinc 127 torn i«lo».. M tons).
      31 words
      • 543 17 THE SMMSor* rubber Mar- i ket jmlbiibi/ mowed within narrow limits around Tutsdey cJoarng levcU The main buying interert vas again kg the nearby month wMh tonrmrds aseUng MM stUmg OuuKie factoii were lacking The market moved down to Urn tow point of the day In the afternoon
        543 words
      • 99 17 ,AILY H MJLM. IN R M HXLL ■I and BMB prtcw laud at noon yesterday Mat.. |Mg| ScShv BtU»n ICnwl Mtkl <r*rwmr4 MU> (•Mt* pw k<l (MBli per kf (1 ton pallet i HI JO 1(3 50N 1(2 M lO.MN (1 ttn p«lM> lTt M IM.MN INJt
        99 words
      • 192 17 "T-HI Stralu tin price Ml Per ptcul In rtn*n» y £*ajr on an cOdal oflfcrmc <»o*n 34 teas to 127 ten*. Tht cnwmlfht London martat m wn iMtor but forward bujtn price UTNDON: Tueeday 1 an fell by OK tor tonne far Ckah •Uttdard and (it for Three
        192 words
      • 107 17 Cmmii •tttiii OMAMOI. lIHIAMjai MIOM clmihi »ai«n pi a >icul tbitibbav. SaMaat BVi Baßi MM aaMara. aa*aa> stTi MMan. in MM Saara> MbBM Haan) ÜBVCaat. Mt fcwin. Mjaaari MaaMt AaTA wkiu f a. a 14K NUT IMTI MBan. Birnt w%n» fab M» NLW •tilt Mlkm. Hutu *Metal bUta
        107 words
      • 56 17 MM vii Mi>wii vi im rr i«m im.tu utooa 1M MS 111 TM Mm him in so ■at* him HIM IU.TMI rw» uui *m. -1 |1l IJO.TSI ut.M* vi. Ma I'm (I) i».m 110.108 111 »14 UtTM tlllil pnm MB-M«HaM M C.l AMU* Mr MM (l>
        56 words
      • 28 17 fPVVViSaM IB aWaWiWtS). wmaar Bjat kayar IMT M IMUI) aawr MM (MN): Tkna •toatk k»« fall (Ml*) MUM (MUM) Markat ami Btcaa*. MM* i lI. IM
        28 words
    • 392 17 SHAKE prices loot taore ground under profittaking and stale kail llouidaUon at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Bight from the opening bell, sellers domi nated while buyers appeared with great reluctance. In short. It was a sellers" Market. At bom* broking houses, scrip drUvery was not
      392 words
    • 242 17 THX US dollar opened rvrmer at U4UO 4910 in the Singapore foreign market yesterday The MM la due to Ike official statements trut there will be no realignment a« the European Joint float currency which led to the liquidation of the stronger European currencies for the U8
      242 words
    • 156 17 Sufgtsud Interbank r»u» it 300 pm CvnHta N— l—l rate* >ailkMlu rmatait VMM yftoy icroM) pafttr U8 dollar 2 4*60 2 4*75 2 JIM —1 1 S3 BUrUog pound 5 02TS 5 0330 7J469 31 4* Hnngk™, dollar 4».M 49 M SOil 170 Malaynan dollar MM MM 100.PO
      156 words
    • 270 17 ASIAN currency daposlt Intarbank ratM M at clom on Widnmday Fab. It: M» OS J5715 1»T35 B| I 5 OJOt J 0 J«J S* U$ MM M.07 HK US ***** ***** OS Canadian 100 JS 100 &a Money market Ctoatnc Interbank rates m Slncmpor* dollan for F»t>
      270 words
    • 33 17 iofc Bonk 7V* oi Amar.ce rfCHma 7 Tokyo 7 MMm Intenm 7'^ wridßonk r. HKSK Indotuai Motoror. Bonk.og OCX S3 UMSC uot 7* 7W 3 7 7V* 7 1
      33 words

  • Specially Women
    • 564 18 THE food feast is over. Chap Goh Meh has marked the end of the rounds of sweetmeat, orange squash, cashew nots and pineapple tarts. It's time to take stock of what's left of your figure. Chances are It's been ruined to a certain extent, depending on
      564 words
    • 448 18 Delicacies to sweeten your life T)ADrTY cups of Kwangtung tea watered down the soorchlng afternoon beat as JP°! p of chlnosaerte CBtbadasU sipped and listened to the whj. and wherefores of Cnlnsse eolture. rrom Korea, rrance. Urn United BUtea Brltain. Swltatrland. Israel. Oreeee andihttta these eater listeners wires of diplomats
      448 words
    • 139 18 TBOBl vbo waßt to 1 leee a few klktcrams o»er a short period caa Uy Uls simple, easy to •re**™ *«Ued veceUble dlFt for thrrr imyl Boy fre*h Te««tables *ucn ca"oU- cabbages. saiaaeb. caaUflower. lett" M- STCCn »nd pareley aad store In the frMgr Waea ready to
      139 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 559 18 Some I Doyouseca [acts P a e ace n c m i rror ahnnt every morning U kJ L/ L 4. L Tired blood can cause paleness. Or fatigue Or ril constant irnubibty Tired blood can be caused by 53 "y not eating properly, by illness, or periods of (treat.
      559 words

  • 249 19 Engineers' Board to meet on action against member 'THE Professional ata--1 gineera Board will asset next week to decide on the course of action to be taken against a member Ounaaegaram so Sinnadaray. protect manager of Wob Hup (Pie i Ltd Ounasegaram. s registered m 0 ft— tonal engineer waa
    249 words
  • 73 19 MR Chow Tlan Choong ftaag motor law —nut offi♦r of too inland Mrvonut kpartment laot night gar* i ul* on Bow to PU Dp mt Intci— Tax fom at i r Qutenstown branch I rary A similar ulk will aiao b? i«n by Mr Wocg
    73 words
  • 34 19 THZ Praoeh ambuaxlor. |r Jacqoa* Ouu. wtll •an »Mfchw> ohlblUon 4oU and CtitnMi tanuh •lattwi br Pmcb arttM. h* OuoMm dt BrorfM. >t 4t AlUmm* Praacaia* la ■Mta Road. H—mill at 7
    34 words
  • 360 19 HPHE first step to cut down the growing congestion of buses along bus lanes In tne city area during evening peak is proving successful Stagger. n« of bus stops along Robinson Road and Cecil Street, two of the clty'a busiest thorough! are*, ha* cut
    360 words
  • 285 19 THESE two work--1 era, aeni acrabktaif and h—lny the waU of a 1»--ttorey Mack of fUta In To» Pmyoh. are uslna; potable water for the Job despite recent rent Ind c r s by the Public UtlUUes Baaral to save
    285 words
  • 136 19 SERVICE STATIONS GET STERN WARNING rB Public Utilities Board has reminded all petrol service stations In Singapore thst they would fsce "drastic action" If caught sprsy washing motor vehicles. This reminder, made In a circular to 295 stations last week, said the board's Inspectors were keeping a close watch to
    136 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 114 19 W AU-39OO[84W*tts] AU-49CMD[l4OWatts] M so^* h <>u 0 AUM^ tt tip 0^ m 9 J^T y^l h 9h n nmnt And smceSen- M Wk ZLZ "I**™ 1 °«*o-on«v «««crron<cs tpecioUat in h«gh fidelity, thoft toying o Ist km\ m% <^^.°^ OnC low tort «>" crcurtry. tru* useful faoture* ond outstanding
      114 words
      202 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 960 19 Un your rv SINGAPORE S mm or*™ c am Housewives Hatjat: J* Maaa WaUta Tkam: Ua. tka Iks. LittJa Paradts* dbntorm film. Part 1 IM iaw» .aaar) fa -fepw'J IM Paniapat Kepertean Pekerjaan Buat Uaa Ul General Hospital TsJm Akan Datang (repeat) UtMararaoa US Una' Ik Uataata Ullasssßi a. Lbb.
      960 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 903 21 Qg^lSl^^^^^^^^^^^^^S ft Jebsen&Jessenj I 1. Sales Executive I CHEMICAL DEFT. I lo doe with our expansion programme, we hay. an excUem career I opportune .n the posrtwo of Sales Executive handling all k.nds of |9^H Industrial. Heavy and Fine Chemicals I Candidates must have at least 3 5 years experience
      903 words
    • 753 21 (!j[£m\ public utilities^ v f£^ BOARD I Application* ore invited for th« posts ot I EHCIMEI I ($9OO 950 1050 k A 5O- 1650/ 1700 x A 5O I 1850) I Civil, Macharucol. Electncol Degree/ Diploma I acceptable for membership of tne Institution I of Engineers Singapore or recognised by
      753 words
    • 1036 21 THE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF SINGAPORE LIMITED W^t^Sk (Incorporated in tha Republic of Sin«apor«) RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 1975 The Board of Directors of The Development Bank of Singapore Limited is plaiaarl to announc* that **c audited figures of the Bank and its Group for tha year ended
      1,036 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 913 22 IMMM MT TZ "T 1 S£ sa* .tai aaaaa imm a>m aM a n a a a a mmm iTt m u^^.l t Bw i BW a ay tt wm m I .tt a bmmvmm. g 4 MfH mbi rwau it aw n aar JJ' J I a 5 it
      913 words
    • 990 22 Ben Ocean AMsernc*a(BenljneßmjeFlinnel(3enljnpandNSMO m aaaißT tw« naaaa bvmm a"rl "J" Mto mmm n m ra n. r tm mm mi maw w. naar. aa raaa ibtbiim ua na«ai* rawß. aa aaaaa via- iwim 1 w raa. rwt MMMBM i• aw 11 bw MMr I— jak an. l-aa. artL SibTmi
      990 words
    • 817 22 IffwTvTTXHI pM^BIfTaTITaffB^MWX^II [JIBLCB K%yf^ A flMl ■I ibmw nM raw km bmm ■MM MMI MAY tan •IM MBBMBM ll aaa M MMI MT ara to ti aw Mto ii bw •aaM iarajH 1 <■» it aw 7 M i 5 i S ia> 22--; SS 5 5 3 5 SS
      817 words
    • 1066 22 FULLY CONTAIMHIHD SfiVICl TO IUtOPI >>1 1m- fBJ auinn a* I'MMM. MiitrsMi. Mn liniwt SSUBT" aw a toil I'mrtiiM. :-r •,s. %i c iii *-*i > laini m fi SKKMajp. On. Nfhaß. MM Maßaa. puuy cowTAiNqiiito suvTci TtOM imort urn Ir^jOMj ■VtUBtmVM fM 9%) M *l i iMa i fall
      1,066 words
    • 680 22 MtamrttUaM: P Mktt] 041 II WJii Paaa] aai. THE BANK LINI LTD. urn mitt tract MS MMM aa* "M Ttm B*aatM •vw 1 taw rWt Haaia Cajnm i nm* li Bar im 1/ lav f bm iui 1 im'i 4jnc4 >a aa.aa. BaM IIUMUa I biaaf IMn 11/11 a» KUWAIT
      680 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 855 23 Rp^iJl ImbmmmmJ^^hi MjU IMN attUSMA LID. hut cMTumoo aO-n T* BtwaMMj (Vm Ma— l Smi P Mat] nv| IMB STtjrsLiiL :c .is sr st VaMM IBMBI (Tit. MBMI p fiaMj San OmM Tata MyiMStPfMOl SaM tF* MH» a FM 11 to m ay H «v It a* >BM «M« MMJ
      855 words
    • 749 23 R^^^^bßrV^mT^lWvbLl B^Vu^^kll MaaTtTTOUU FMM IU fTO MMt PMMM PMbaat |H HFa PMMaL PMM PlllMlßj a Ftt Jl Fm PtMaMMJ UM Maa 8 FM UU Mti. M« raaa BM MM SaaaftaßyTaajaa. VM Wm H FM a Fa. Mmm. (SM laa* a FM a FM MM. UM PMaaj aFM ft PM MirTl.fMiaaj
      749 words
    • 668 23 HUT MMM MMg TI MMW (W* SM7V Tmn P. mmi I Maw ri»Mt rtaaj ka IM« Main >i iinmi it im a im MtoMto atoato unauMBMM MM> nMr BM anr H w MEMM MMMU M M Mr It Ml M Bar M BBJ MM •mm I FVUT HMMafMaB MM) MMI
      668 words
    • 795 23 ivms aßna iv imm. ufMNH/tMTanr pmts. T> BB»~Ti>arrrT7NM|~SaM|™"~aaaß B» •MU aatUTI M™M S*7 I Mai M. v aant 14 rtan U 4. A-MMI IM. raai a.4 mmi mim ava n» ava Nt m i Mr vim «mm> ru m. a). C»«rtf IM 1 4. man i Im J 4. MM*
      795 words
    • 677 23 >^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE W^^ lIIEPfIIEIT I^K& FAR EAST EHOfE SCtVICL tKLSIk^ TMKUI ICt iSHaUPMO PTT in at^iQsk9A TW*i\ 114 lan) PKASIM SIIYICiS SM Ml Tai ii mv/t p nay. wi/nn IMMJ Mr lum i laa| JTTTItMTaI IKWIMH. -I. ToM aNt DM ITTTIIMIM r«. .w, M M V M »"»Tt4j*i
      677 words

  • 25 24 OWVVOMA tinting V"T MMfllt •rvm Appoinlmnw TMfkm 17H7J (S parti «C( 0«A CAU.MM »;i oil Bon' < R*-CnHMi Unntr 1M UAtrti T* I -Wt*l f
    25 words
  • 43 24 LOWS Lit MAN Hock .ste pen- > asoner .i Nettle t Producu iMi! Ltd age M uavsedswsy peaceful- Cortege leaves 37 -O I Ponggol Rosd :s miles on j JS TT* at 2 p m for Church of thence to C C K
    43 words
  • 53 24 *h| >aasiLV o* the late M Sup- I puthurai i born 10-1 1017 bepsrted II 1 1170) thank mends and reiauves for their rondolencea donations and j attendance during their bereave- TNI family or tne late Mr Ooh Svee Leong thanks Relatives r kind assls- 1 reaths i me
    53 words
  • 34 24 K H Tan A year today you went sway but fond laimortos of you forever win stay Sadly aMssed by Aggie and children Ma and Pa m in law ->.~ 4f.3 kjNsjJ IMB
    34 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 575 24 classified ads II SmmbmmmssS^S! mm JACOB LIB Silas Lee Ah Kok fiaimtllj of Hji Baru Malacca wishes to contact his stater Mn Johanna Tan <4aujhter of the m late Mdsa Lee Kirn Tong). whose q last known sddress was st Batu k Anam Estste Johor* Anyone v who knows her
      575 words
    • 705 24 ■lerk ntjaml by trading com»ni AbsMytotyp* and convene n English Mandarin and mam ■hinete dlalecu Apply with full jarticulars salary expected and on tact telephone number u> T BjoxAMBH Well EttabtisMd Shipping Company raqulrea an Experienced jo rill the existing vacancy Ml BMMtTH BBBwVI I BBMp »nd vormng experamce In
      705 words
    • 779 24 TYPIST/ NBCBPTIONIBT RBIHHRan urgenUy by a CBD office Able to type proffictcnUy Apply ith t non-returnable photo stating raperwnc* personal romm* and salary expected to P O Box 1030 Spore INTIRNATIONAL COOJPANY M JUAONQ AsjpMaMtons from mature Satvejapore clttaens for th* post of BIMBRIL ACCOUNTS CLINK Appik^nu must have 2
      779 words
    • 664 24 SALIBOIRL RBOwIRSB. As* between 30 30 yean Maat possess Senior Camtiildp. ana with si least 2 yean of driving licence Knowledge of other Chines* dulecu an advantaß* *ttractlv* income more than SI.MO/--p m Apply with full paruculan and snclott a phojotrraph (nonretumabi*) to BT Boa AMSI7 tBOOPBCTS MBAsJM Rapidly expanding
      664 words
    • 745 24 BBUBRAs. BLBCTRJC (IPM) Controls Pte Ltd.. requires th* roilowing personnel Maintain and Set-up (Mold) Permanent 3rd shift) Ability lo Maannai routine and repetitive troubles and Initiate corrective action Mum b* proflesttu in mechanics hydraulKS and have torn* know ledg* of tsectrtcal control*. Must alto have considerable knowledee of phenolic molding
      745 words
    • 794 24 A4J4TTRAUAN PAMOLV ajMtJORBS iktltniatlll coot tenersJ amah Malay pref*.f*d Mutt be SUxtapore dtlaen. hve-in Tel: 371 100 WANTBB AN UrPBRsetiCBO Eng lish tp*aklig llvc-ln genera! amah Mum be abl* to cook Ring MUM 5S Buklt Tlmah wA*mo ucaujJMT cooking amah/ light hniawwnrl for European family in Holland Rd Oood
      794 words
    • 830 24 m BeJUYBSTY CLBPK it required in a avail established oraaniaaiion preferably those residing an «M 3 He should possess a valid Class 3 Driving Licence Vmry attractive remuneration will be paid lo th* right sppllcant (2) A part -Urn* driver v also required lo work from a M 10 00
      830 words
    • 727 24 BNaPPBMV TRABINB COMPANY require! I Typist cum Ste nograpner (2) Wjsrvrvirv* tant 0) cargo Canvasser (4) Correapondenc* CS*rk preferable with knowledge of Chines* (S) Tally Warehouse Clerk PVtaa* apply in own handwriting with I full partlculan stating salary expected together with photograph (non returnable' to B T Box ASOO4S Jfe
      727 words
    • 848 24 A LIAOINB IMPORIWM Re quirts Mai* Traln**s Mutt possess HS C qualification Knowledi* of EnglUh l> Chin*** i—nllal Preference will be glvwn to ex-Natlontl S*rvlc*msn Pleas* apply with full details and enclose me (non-returnable) photo to P O Box no Singapore Must mark Train**' on awjtxdjaswj SINOAPOM TUNF CLUB invites
      848 words
    • 1004 24 APAsTTSMNTB: PABM PASUANO lI. MO. Lock Cho 1030. Semi detached Thomson II MO. Faber II.SOO King's Road II 100 Watten 12 200 Hua Ouan II 000 Toh luck lI. SOS Detached Thomson H 000 Loml* S2 M 0 L**don 13 MM Changi 115: Seransvjon MM. Clensenu 53.5J0 Terrace Tal Hwan
      1,004 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 771 25 ill* M *€AUTIPUL LuTSIOUI study with aircondiuoner atarat noartng large kitchen malar*. 'vjl \*mmm—mt» rm asnwnasnafatVrnal Tit 1 awsi B) aMnafJassnVaT sMAbI SIMS 4 *ißr**aai t airron [^OBer. split level *a*47S asBT 1* IT iMjm K*4tsysj*ng»e StstvMMaa'Tsl MTM/EbMl** OCLUII BU*HsALOW O*BT M) 4as*3roo*at attached bsthr*»mt Mt UPPBR PAVA Lebar RdtM
      771 words
    • 839 25 I' tuiuar CAVBMAON COURT. OIBT S span man t on high level 3 bedroom*, servant s. built in wardroass. Biadnrn bathroom* split-level living, dining •d Panoranur view ftanasnt J cunty maintenance LMrstiaasty nirrushed Fully an mntainai* "> TtM>a*n* ssTTIV 3MB**/ lataM tTaBalT If lafassnatsnfXaUtnat MBnaßßaßnaßsM 1 Bitruuiß** kanplnw with canI
      839 words
    • 889 25 must aau. mbar asuagn-La Hotel 3 storey detached bungalow 4 bedroom* 1 study 1 servants room FumlaUßt wtth CenusJlsod Alrcondiuonlng Are* t 148sq ft Pne* SMS.BBV Victor a Oende* M4OBV BMM rletland Road ncimty s*M.Sßtv ClaaMnU Park tMS.*aa/DSMrkEt 1* STTVaS* Ramas p»rk SIM.M*/Mnrwißaaai Bstau tIM.M*/Namly area 000 HUlview Esuue SIMMtVFaber
      889 words
    • 702 25 LOCK CHO APARTMBB7T Bth Oaor I bedrooms I h*throo«a*. bulKin cupboards, living/ dining room kiu-hen cabtneu pmrauet noorusg throughout furnlahsd 120 o*7 ono For parucukvs ONLY A PIW UttTTS LIFT i* Mtnurgs to roww MMIM) MAaMMW (Pesa May tiaad ac cmv.tinit» Canually Loealad On High Jd-^t^^fr* 1^ 3 High Speed
      702 words
    • 648 25 «tor«* bwlldlng for rental. Oround Door 1.80 sq ft ran tal tt.MB p m suitable a* showroom*, shops etc latftoar10*4 sq ft. renuu II M* pre tad Dsor. IMt ft tI.MB P£ 3rd noor. IMt *a ft tI.BM a* TM M»MM foraataJav i taw lAii ksam wmamm 1( 1 I
      648 words
    • 698 25 OUR CLnMfTB MMMMSst NOB) *q ft of wsrsfKMis* or factory lor long lease Owners plan* call BIN 9138*3. 9144 M L4M 80-FT. TO rent 1 year at MMpaf groundfloor l*t claas warehouse Macphenon area Phone MOM BTORAOa BPACI I.SBS sq ft */allaMe at Martin Road Price n*ealMn*i Plea** contact Mr
      698 words
    • 484 25 THf BIST OF eUROPI Wonderful Copenhager Denatark *Oermany 'switserland 'Austria 'Italy 'Vatican 'Monte Carlo 'Franc* 'Belgium 'Holland England 1 Sweden Spam 1 Passengers are direcuy served by C tl'i London Office 100S Superior grade hotels with private bath/ shower All meals in Continent Europe wlUl Chines* meals Escorted by Chines*/
      484 words
    • 492 25 MaVJlM*V^Mnnnaw*aßal B^l^ BaßsnawM AIRMABTBR TRAVIL BPVCIAL Par** London Europe. Ca- I nada. USA AusUalia. Indonesia Hongkong. Tokyo 3* Dhoby Ohaul I Near Cathay Tel 3S7M. ***** WORLO CHARTBR* CINTRf Ram. Ml. lad aaar. Bbs* Hata» C oarer Oasa. Stwrt i Tak- at*** SIITM Offers from SMO to Bnassass Frsnaajri Basts
      492 words
    • 688 25 annfj BnT*V GIRLS! Jobs art batowiwg nardsr Io an rou netd better oueliricetiom now ITC'i FrneM Secreunal D.r> lomt it ww itaieri't ittding auati fMStion lor t FvrvsM Secnisrv Our n*>l *v* tun* 12 monsHt count it tain* io tnt Fvmss Secretanei D«lomi ilvn sth APRIL T tat rh« BJB*
      688 words
    • 707 25 0* HLngua EVENING CLASSES CNQLISH (An court** last tor duration ot 12 Masks) ElavMoeitary 1 Commancing March 2nd Tuos/Thur 7 30 9 10 Enmtsntary 2 Commencing March Bth SAon/Tuaa/Thurt b 46 72w Iwtsrvwdiess i Coenmoncing March 4ih Mon/Tuat/Thurt 7 30 9 <0 Cornrnoncing Fabrusry ?3rd Mon/Tuw»/Thu*» 645 725 Aarvsnosai Coewaesaejon
      707 words

  • 367 26 J^OW productivity has corroded the viability of Jurong Shipyard, according to one of its top executives. Disclosing this yesterday, Mr. Low Ouan Onn. Joint managing director of the Jurong Shipyard group, of which Jurong Shipbuilders is a member, said the yard had failed to
    367 words
  • 125 26 MAN DIES AFTER ASSAULT BY GANG AN assistant foreman of an engineering Ann, Wan Wai F o o k (above). 2». died la hospital on Tuesday night shortly after be was attacked by a group of men near his home In Paatr Pan- Jang Road. Police said Wan was walking
    125 words
  • 50 26 A LSCTtm* demonstration on the mrt of ttaa Indian uano* and Its Development in South-east Asia by Mrs. Lceta Dayal will beheld at the National Museum today at 8 pm Admleslon ticket* are available at the Main OfHoo. Nsuonsl Museum during office hours on a flnt-oome-
    50 words
  • 35 26 employe** Union add the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation will jointly bold the Product* of Labour In Industry exhibition at the Singapore Conference Kail concourse in Shanton Way from P»b 28 to March 11.
    35 words
  • 23 26 TrU Peoples Association military band will perform at the M*cß:tcrt>e Reservoir Park on Sunday from SU pm to 6 30 pm
    23 words
  • 192 26 $10,300 award: Firm drops appeal GIM Huat Pte. Ltd. a quarry business, yesterdajr withdrew Its appeal against a High Court Judgement In which a labourer. Ang Toh Wah. was awarded 1 1 0.3 0 0 damages and costs. Mr Tang See Chlm. for the company. In withdrawing the appeal said
    192 words
  • 131 26 APART-THtt maidservant yesterday told a magistrate's court that she "succumbed to temptation" and stole her employer's fM bangle because she was In financial difficulties. Amlnah bintl All. 30. admitted stealing the bangle worth $437 and then pawning It (or $300 on F>b IS She
    131 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 2462 26 classified ads g «T tTWOCMTt MOMI Jf UllfCnIras Individual Oroup luiuon' Any iuft,» ttaniari T»l «0lM3 Ml«*l SSMS.SSM flflMRAl PApajL Liimlwi for Ik 4 and Pt»-u by ip»ri»- »a tninin Hononri gradual* Tel 41JWT I0DMKH •MAMMTf TVTOS) *•>■• f T a um M«i>'-n»ik-» as* Srstnc* for IVTtOCC O' A Imk
      2,462 words
    • 631 26 tutif ttor of pottttmmn*^KmmWmttu I eootwart) npfwaUM W >* eailinc on you toon witn a tuaar* off« Tot qu*k*r itrrtet. all; (or an appoinuntnt and w« wui I throw Mi an attractive dMcoaatt M m'X No ooiajaUons Tat: w»aTf lofftr »alKJ rrtmarjr only) Ja£a^Mt OvMil Tri OW44 t I $T»»LltMtO
      631 words
    • 424 26 NfW MAM CUMC O-4t PMC* Centre TrsatmenU fallint thin ning jrey hair dandruff, ivhy scalp fitOH MAD! rO-MIAtUM taltt. tour»*n. thtru military uniform* hdM tatiiMi. sMrU. slacks in MM fabric* by expert tailor* VUlt Main T»iton 4 Tanalin Road. S pore T«i UX3T> »#ACI CLIAMNO SOJW1CS Spe ci»ll»t In carpet
      424 words
    • 479 26 r«ANS»O«TAT!ON/ MMOVAL IIRVICI Dlliun Pickup tfadium/ Mf Lorry W oMfl corf*, tiounhatd o'ftc* Matpaaat kbicj man mn Company mw TtummomKnom otttn pour ornco. bouMboM or iiii. I •onuct «NTU »Jl»r of flc« MTWM WCK-WT IOC ■Mil driMM WWW" Opn tact Forlun* EiprtM I 144 ruoiao «nn« uabUitvM) esntaeu Mi Imi.
      479 words
    • 493 26 EBB-818 aVtCIBSEM WA*)NNSS machines for rent short or long term available Roger Trading Co *4571 BAVB WATBB KABTW Super Compound Fertiliser It's odourless, retain* moisture Extra rich conuining right food plants require Ideal for indoor outdoor plants Also I) Kasp n Instant Potting Mixture 111 Kasp'n Compost Kasp'n Company, 86
      493 words
    • 499 26 ONI BelANO MVW men OoM Plated Longinet watch MiUnf at ON Phone tMTll 30 a m <Npn Refrigerator freeaer. water cooI tar. dehuminltlve fire •»»n»r dryer, as r -conditioner w»i»r Malar, cooker voltage a*/ AC DC gat and linwi Mm KM*. l>« I Tak Wtmfl ttXTltl MTMI TNMKMM 0* THAOMM
      499 words

  • 265 27 Vandals at ex-Anzuk homes: HDB acts SBCURITY guards are being detailed round-the-clock by the Housing and Development Board to keep out vandals In Medway Park. Oloucetter Park and Weatez btate once occupied by Anxuk Poresa. This followed the discovery of extensive damage to most of the 11* units of oats,
    265 words
  • 188 27 I»HREE out of four learner drivers who took their driving tests each year from 1972 failed, the Registry of Vehicles reported yesterday. An ROY spokesman said* this steady 75 per cent failure rate was "sheer coln1 ddence." The ROY had not given testers
    188 words
  • 110 27 4 YOUTHS ACCUSED OF CAR THEFT OOUR M year .old r youth*, charged with •UaiiM a car. were ordered by a maflatrate's court yesterday to be remanded at the Central Polk* Station for a week to enable the police to make further investigation*. aaravanabawan Bubra■aanlam. Chang Ah Hua, lamall bin
    110 words
  • 26 27 TH* Unl*«ntt7 of BbwtPor»» DepMWMB* Of Ml■Mnl BMiW Ml hold -^i^r^ OBnifjß og rnonMoodtn utd w«ta!Lt»n 9m a« pot lntaattea ÜBS M. KtMW
    26 words
  • 27 27 TO Oalmhlll wawnlty "eatnyeaa traup wUI boM a yeeA a* SjrtLw Mrtr far luawMn at tbt CalratUU rr—unlty eantn m■tßW «t 7 «e P« on »m(ur-
    27 words
  • 38 27 SINOAPORX AlrttiMa hu ■tactid SHOWCASE, a Sin- r»por»- produced publication and Ukaatrmlad dlractorv of local prodtU and asrvlMa, to be Inched In IU ln-fli«ht library showcase U pubttahsd by U» SUwapor* Intarnattooal Chamber of Com-
    38 words
  • 282 27 Bride who got cold feet over motherhood A BRIDE who disliked bearing children Rot cold feet a week before her customary Chinese wedding and refused to go through with It. the High Court heard yesterday Chue Ng Mul. 22. told her husband. Lim Lion? Hoe. M. last September that she
    282 words
  • 281 27 DR. NAAMA SABAR. International com- Isslener of the J Israeli Boy and Girl S c c t s Federation, rptlomiiri the vitality and untaurnrw of the Gaide movement there Dr. Sabar. 38. and a mother of two. who grew np
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 143 27 i ..^ißß^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^Hs^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^BWsl i ssssisVl^teV 44pvAsbbb1 bbbbbsbmi KIM'S Heavy Freight Champion to^M^fe^■ bMMb4bVb^M aiMTTOIII HOUSTON J XL 747 C i^ia^kW Wo^ More lift 55.000 kgs B%Lvi B^^^^ j P9^ Mor c *P* c "y 354 cv m More floor space 1 46 sq m Cooter main d«cfc 4°Cnom tf'^^^^^ Covering the
      143 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 295 27 •sTlnglgia Pf> Fthajg »y sMU Kssvanfjh wk Hal Csmb J I Jiae>«3. l SPtwr tvsi M not only "Ijl 1 founo a lot o* ■>. My /V<JN6V 9OJLD BE AFTERNOON REACH*® J I iNTBBBBI iNg BUT J j MONCV I MUST HAVE PUT SAFE HCME TltS BOOK I <vV <XP
      295 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 491 28 ASSOCIATED MINES (MALAYA) I SENCMRIAN BERHAD I MINE SECURITY OFFICER I Applications are invited from Malaysian I Citizens for the above poet. I Job The Mine Security Officer I Description will be «n charge of the overall security of one of the Mines in the Group «od although responsible I
      491 words
    • 656 28 AN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT AND FINANCE HOUSE reqairea BENIOB CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICER Candidates should have relevant financial experience in an established financial institution. The successful candidate wtll be expected to head this department upon satisfactory duration of stay with the Company. RESEARCH AND INVESTMENT ANALYST Candidates should have relevant academic qualifications
      656 words
    • 508 28 CIVIL ENGINEERING INSPECTORS Additional Inspectors will soon be required for work on two major pre- stressed concrete bridges over the Pahang River. The bridge* are at Kuala Leptr near Oambang and at Jerantut Ferry. Applicants are to apply in writing, enclosing full particulars, to: The RaaMeat Eafteeer. Matt, Hy 4
      508 words
    • 1213 28 BATA (MALAYSIA) BERHAD (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS In order to properly reflect the shareholders' funds utilised In the business, the Board will be recommending a script issue and for this purpose. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that an Extra-ordinary Oeneral Meeting will be held at the
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1284 29 W TOP FINANCIAL MANAGER W Banking Negotiable above $60,000 pa plus car and driver This is an exceptional opportunity for a high calibre executive to join one of the largest local banks as head of the Finance and Management Services function. Reporting directly to the Chief Executive, the successful H
      1,284 words
    • 631 29 MtiAUEM SENDIRIAN BERHAD N A major highly diversified primary -producing and trading corporation well established m South-East Asia invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the following vacancies in their Quarry and Workshops located inJohoreSute These position, became available as a result of growth and expansion 51/76 WORKSHOP MANAGER The
      631 words
    • 936 29 invites applications fronn Singapore citizen* for appointment as COUNTER SALES CLERKS RCQUIREMINTS: Candidates must have completed Secondary Four education and. preferably, Y<af retevont experience Must be able to work on shift SALARY: $230 p«r month, rising by onnuol increment* to 5632 par month. ALLOWANCES: A * ollowonce of $40 per
      936 words
    • 696 29 MALAYSIA BUILDING SOCIETY BERHAD FINAL REPORT The Directors are pleased to announce the following results for the year ended 31st December. 1975: 1975 1*74 Ml'OM Ml'tW Net Profit before 12 507 9.966 taxation (audited) Aftei deductiiia deprivation 262 112 of fixed assets Provision for taxation 5.735 4.597 Net profit after
      696 words

    8 words
  • 588 30 Helping hand for Tateo *pHE Philippine Open golf tournament whicn tees off in Manila tomorrow is undoubtedly a test for the 1976 per formance of Masa shi "Jumbo" Ozaki. Japan s' biggest name in the sport. Ozaki la playing in the Philippine Open at the
    588 words
  • 314 30 TNNBBRUCK, Wed. 1 The 12th Winter Olympic Oames, which ended in this Alpine town over the weekend, were the first without Incidents over amateurism. The code was Intended to end what has become known as "shamateurism" the declared amateur itatus of athletes who earn their
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • Article, Illustration
    114 30 CHALLENGES Koieal Wajlß* (left i of JMU >•*« WBA Jaator mldM Jm D* »f ■iifc Sana with a left la tac Mta r— nd of their lINM< Mil* k«rt la Wajaaa »niM« tte tMla aaa ■•< deal* Yma Jat-D* IJIIMI JMW ■Hi ll|«|lltf imu kk feJtow ■ntail ti»erti M weU
    114 words
  • 171 30 LU SAYS 'ANYONE CAN WIN Tmr MANILA. Wed. La Uini-Huu of Taiwan, one of Urn favourites to win Urn 10--nitlon Asian golf circuit* opening leg la Manila. W—Hiil y— |srda#: Tbt trouble U then art too many vtry food players this year "Any one of theee gentlemen could do the
    AP  -  171 words
  • 50 30 yILUAM Iwt In. ta«| •bnm Jmiw My BvntenT PvAwttton. foOov* in« U» nttrai t <rf John Jobn On.. Bf^wV» a( th, *ort to h^ toy U» AABST cowMll *w*^, rum •mw pnHHw— U Moarthy. ilw m^ teU g~jv.n mj IMtar W». boo -J^g VnMli T*o MM MMMT-
    50 words
  • 335 30 CAN JUAN. Wed. A coughing, noaedrlpplng Mutiammad Ail cancelled a sparring session yesterday but gave a crowd of 600 onlookers one of his typical monologue performances. "Patrice Lumumba, where are you?" shouted All Remember Urn Congo referring to the fact the '•haUonger Jean- Pierre Cooomm U
    335 words
  • 109 30 rl HAGUE. Wed. Uadts Ajai craabed to a l-t defeat asalnst De Oraafarhap In a Dutch Pint DiTUlon soccer match. AJM With 30 point* from 18 matches, still head the table on goal average from Feyenoord. who beat MW 3-0. nn-~- OwMi Pkst OSM> Mac 1. rymuimi
    109 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 620 30 aft aaaaaaaaW^^^ XTm& AN .a^i^[^^^^^^a.^i-.^Z^^^^..aaaaaW BBBTaa Bh a\ aTaw BararaW aaßßßTaTeli m ■■■> BaaaTßTanw I COME TO NEVER NEVER LAND WHERE DREAMS ARE BORN! I H I A brand-new live musical production. The most exciting extravanganza you have ever seen E I With spectacular stunts never performed before in Singapore
      620 words

    • 363 31 Turner expresses surprise at swift Test win 11/ I LLINOTON, Wed New Zealand captain Olenn Turner yester d a y expressed surprise at the swift end to his team's cricket Test victory over India here. "I thought we would be rk"*rsl at wast 100 runs to win", he aald when
      363 words
    • 91 31 SYDNEY, Wed —The New Swath Wales t rleket Association isadaejay anno*nc*d that W*at India o fast bowler Aa4y Rewerto eras the esjty if at seas •layer Hl* IWe to represent the state la the petition next season. TW Association taaued a peUev atate■mw4 aaytaa; that the) ■■■■ar
      91 words
    • 501 31 pENANG. Wed.— Roman Galley HI has been running food races over sprint distances and over a bit of distance he should re-enter the winninf list here, report* EPSOM JEEP. This five-year-old started favourite in his last run over the Kuala Lumpur 1,200 m and
      501 words
    • 23 31 Oklahoma Jo« Neglected Keep The) Faith Terrific Form Solid Cool Current Roman Galley 111 Royal Contender Bangaawsn The Sport
      23 words
    • 188 31 Malaysia say 'yes' as China are out KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia have decided to participate In the Tour of Thailand cycle road-race in May as China has not been Invited for the event. It was stated Malaysian Cye 1 1 n g Federation secretary Shaharuddln Jaafi said Malaysia would have
      188 words
    • 85 31 NAIROBI Wed Prof—i ml track star Ban Jipcho has i engiiart bis Job wiu> the Kenya prisons asrvice in ordar to fulfill s contract with the New Ybrkbaead Internauonal Track aaanrtsttnn. Jtpcho's departure tar tha United States to participate In the new iifasslwwi track season was
      AP  -  85 words
    • 247 31 ONDON. Wed. Second Division club* Southampton and Sunderland last night reached the quarter-finals of the English Football Association Cup after winning fifth round replays. England forward Mike Channon scored three goals, the first after only 53 seconds. In Southampton's 4-0 win over West Bromwlch Albion.
      247 words
    • 71 31 LONDON. Wed. OeoS Hunt of Australia, world squash champion won the Durhair and Cleveland Open championship at Stockior. last night when he came bacc from 5-1 down In Urn final game to beat Pakistan's Qamar Zaman 10-1. J-». a-S. 5-». M. Hunt puilsd up to (-4
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 44 31 TOKYO. Wed. Austrts s Karl Schnabl and East Oermany Hans-Oeorg Aachenbach, goii' -«r^a illtti at Urn Innsbruck Winter Olympic Oamea, will compete In the 47th annual Myamase International B*l SBSet en Peb. tf to M. Urn Japan Ski Association aald today AP.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 265 31 Dato Ali hits out at BAM's 'recall veterans' plan KUALA I I MP I It Wed. Malaysia? sports Minister Date All Haji Ahmad has strongly criticised the BA of Malaysia's plan te recall three retired players for Malajrsla> Thomas Cap Asls> Zone final agal n si Japan here In April.
      265 words
    • 434 31 rS NIWLY appointed Tengah Pro Mohammed J a 1 1 1 U determined to stop Marlmuthu's winning •treak at the Tengah Pro- Am Open golf chamntonanlpa ■tartlng tomorrow report! OU NOT FKJDA Jalll. who nnUhed runner-up to Chang Chung r* laat year, la banking
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 243 31 WHEN SEACOAST FAR EAST TALKS ABOUT SHIPBOARD/MARINE CABLES PEOPLE LISTEN nrnillOr *We have local stocks more than 551,000,000/--nrLAUoh" Local technical/ application assistance M Wri W W wWe can deliver within 24 hours Complete certification to MML-C-915E. lEEE-45, LLOYDS Chapter M Table M 8.2 (d) Our local stocks are backed up
      243 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 34 31 nrnomG baba Age Oroup etaamptanaMps (Amber Bead. 7 pm.). ■OCCBB BBHTL Dtv I araatflaale: Ball Orient v ICrppel Shipyard i Jalan Beaar. I. lt pmi. Jurong Plywood c Mandartn Ho«el (Jalan Beaar. SJ« pm
      34 words

  • 237 32 JAKARTA, Wed. North Korea look certain to qualify for the final round of the pre-Oljmpk soccer tournament in Montreal after their impressive 2-0 win over Malaysia here tonight. Malaysia, rated se- cond favourites In the Asian Zone Oroup Two tournament here, appeared to be mesmerised by the speed
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 438 32  - Mirza hopes to prove SAAA officials wrong BERNARD PER EIRA iy rE controv ersy over Joe Rodrigues' Unde r 19 1,500 metres record rages on. SAAA officials say the case is closed, and that Joe's record stands. But Mirza Namazle still Insists that he will prove them wrong soon. It
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  • 392 32  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By CYNICS are, to quote Galsworthy, "always building dungeons in the air." Which is why we must dismiss the abrasive, alsa c s t rruel comments on Chee Swee Lee's trip to the United State*. The trip was no -sodden change ef heart." The original
    392 words
  • 203 32  -  ERNEST FRIIA Iy SINGAPORE Amateu<- Athletic Assoc. Jon took a backward step when they failed to nominate a coach for the annual National 0 1 y mplc Council sports awards. The move surprUed local athletic coaches. One coach amid: "It's an tnsuit to all of us It U
    203 words
  • 22 32 joßAtarmmuma. wes. aftar low yesn of ewM proIke IS oßßpawag eson•taua Vita. WaoMra S»msa end asoSb Afrtsa.
    22 words
  • 225 32  -  WILFRED YEO By QUAH KIM SONO. who sparked off a controversy when he opted out of the pre-Olymplca team because of work, is likely to play when Singapore open their Malaysia Cup soccer campaign against Kelantan at Kota Bahru on March 6. HU employers. Btraiu
    225 words
  • 249 32 r\EREK Wabshott, a member of the Interu national Cadet Class Yachting Central Committee, last week made attempts to woo local cadet sailors to compete In the World Cadet Championships in Bomhn in December. Wabahott briefed BYA secretary, Dudley Danker about his mlawxm and wrote to the
    249 words
  • 106 32 Tanjong Pagar triumph I*WO aaap goato in tbe 1 IW 11 minute* oarrlsa Ifeajong Fogar ss a t-l Witt CIV BahcrtaW BTTO S Kent mtuch at .S^ Thanga ■oJu's «nss fixm ths Wt naak was sooty tappsa mta tbe MMPbaraoa goal by Wabab >baallsli in mad* It J-S tor Tao)oo«
    106 words
  • 253 32  -  GODFREY ROBERT iy him to handle not only achixtl matches, bat FAS lea«ue and knockout matches Seah'* success can be described aa a feat, eon sldering hi* very brief Involvement with the same. He tried hi* hand In the game, as a player, only a year asp.
    253 words
  • 32 32 •••and so does a lady Wj± JfMWm Wed.tef* Mm aaannSs* ■ckliw mm that M^^^il flbteßa^tl. si BBB94laaar aaf ?j—. a amimi cba 35S gfnjji "Zawatr Tbe (mm to the Rnal c as*-**
    32 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 806 32 l^^f DON'T k^ W NEW SPBOAL BARGAIN CENTRES!^ Low, low prices for all the goods in the) various departments SUPERMARKET now Towossnt up now Bxeni Fay..ssues iSox2ply $150 10 75 3 DCS Toilet Set J.160J1290 V Bxexexexeni rm f •••Wjaaamj JU**. |ffw 9 I .«M# V. t T/\»l*»t G^t •1A
      806 words

  • 284 33 Hopes dim for 16 missing seamen after crash HONQKOHO. Wed Hope* appeared to be fading today for ie crew mnabsri of the Japanese •fighter Heklyo Maru. mMm after a collision with a SomaUaa-regU-h Kg »n»: :i, the tatffe I BM. Aa rescue ships groped through dense fog In the are*
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 48 33 (>■«■»*. Tarn. N*r>ummn tnm m aMMt ar» m mi m V> ■x*. now |D(nt into iU lMh T**r ha* producad no dtw Hi— nut tfnca I»7J. aad of ftaia art rtport•d onhappy o*«r slow pn>fr»» at twie*-«wkl7 irtum *tdc(i can HMaa last >«■ than tvo aUouU* Mi
    48 words
  • 46 33 BATTLING THE BIG BLAZE PftliMEN Afht the bmgt Mate la tbr city centre In Belfast TMUrday after Irteh Brpabliran Ana? Urrorteu ha 4 »lanUd mmm la two large ■tona la t>a«r Done rail Street II took tae AreaM-n ei«ht bomn U »«t oat tae Nut-ITI photo
    46 words
  • 33 33 ULAUAAAD. Wad Prum IBnlaUr Zulflkar AH Bhuuo hssini bM 11-d.j tour of Weiii n eouDtrtaa today which will taka him to Waat Osrsaaay. irniilsii. Canada, tha Onttad SUlas »nd Italy UPL
    33 words
  • 259 33 'Rhodesia may be attacked warning DUBLIN. Wtrtaii-) THE Lnited Nations Commissioner for Namibia (South West Africa), Mr Scan Macßride, predicted here today hat Rhodesia will be invaded by guerillas from both Mozambique and Zambia within weeks. And U» lv amith r**lm* la Rhodesia would be able towttb«t*nd the attacks onJy
    259 words
  • 42 33 SAMOW. IM. Afcßßr nay 1., a j M mm i* ■O tl in VMS* Oam saliasß asaseav h« J «> «ast NiiS ior—ly brtooetae to the asm- y*««a TiUM, «-t of all tta* aatariai tna> **>•" oSMali of tb* sea-
    42 words
  • 331 33 Power crisis: Cuts from today? KUALA LUMPUR, Wad. I DC-SCALE load-shedding may begin tomorrow, the National Electricity Board warned today in the light of worsening power situation in the country A spokesman said today the NIB would, however, do its best to keep Important and strategic Industrie* running by being
    331 words
  • 21 33 TAV Mfl MM a| v mm •j^*. DAiow. mm n. mut 2S? 1 T% •Mir ii/t/r*. (Mid mf« t» m-c*""*
    21 words
  • 54 33 6 killed, 72 tart in trail crash ALCXAMMUA, Wed At leaat ate w**^m wen dbm f ft lajfdwfcay tw« llHßwirta !»>• "bat Aa alto nurt in Ike Cain nmm AJ AkrwMU a« but Last count »^tc« la Alcxaadila >W U Ut Mlfk ■M Ih* kit I«a1««ti<l «kwt wan ■WITT. rtKlt
    54 words
  • 209 33 5"*»*S im a it* v» MB m% M. Ttmm «M u j»Mi u S» 7 5 Sr-'EE:::? £1 TMM Sar..::::::::::: S iJL TTH m% S2SST_ 5** :=Si •sr 1 3? 1 w*). 1» MUl (—41). owpqw. wm n. MM »t I m im rtmiMJ r^ltj >■!■■ HH wHk
    209 words
  • 166 33 TIL AVIV, Wednesday IpWTID Natkmg forces took up newpo*i- Uom onjtrstofte Sinai Desert terrain SXt^ I 250 to area that lnJSfJ ft f^tyy PMse* monitored by a """P*** o* ■tTPtian. Israeli and Amertcan- mmiKd spy outposts. Swedish troops of the Unlud Nations emer Itncy fore*
    166 words
  • 145 33 Held: Man who killed cop in hold-up rpOKTO, Wed. Po--1 lice today arrested a gunman In his midMs who had seised three male hostages in a Tokyo bank after killing one policeman and seriously wounding another. The man had entered the branch of the Bank of Yokohama In the Shlnjuku
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 148 33 STUDENTS STORM BRITISH MISSION IN LAGOS LONDON. Wed—Hundi rwda of rtottnc atadtnU stormed theßrltlah High Onrnmtart-rm buildin* In Lagos today brwaktag windows and nnaarnnc the Most of the High OommlMloaiUff bMftoft for tte d*y when the di»twtano* broke out and the mob tv evcntaaUjr drtTtn from the building brpoUo* nstnf
    148 words
  • 24 33 WARSAW Wad Mw asspti m« amj to ami m U*T a/tar w**»ns jMft M Uxk. ■Mhli OX asrs. aSBekU asM.
    24 words
  • 29 33 A ■gfOAjf^ (Jspsa). HM. eaisri ofOeULl* vcutd earnTh» srlBA flaesessnl ■ksaaws, ajss* lbs *y wa*k« mum (Mfeifcv. Mi MUt stoo* h* bHuha prtooo Mi, AT.
    29 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 45 33 CENTRE U« in* —i mtm m rmm MAIN nKMLIW >MC»XHtlHIVIilr«> ICMIwlfMlOlIii ML ¥i«» IN LIU THAN MOUW C»1»'M»»>t bnlKKV G.»MM '"^C'M*"! T|,||| Cl»««m»> W— llr M M»«»w»|l SMO^UNIT 704. 2nd Ft. FRONT b.K ORCHARD TOWfRt ORCHARD RO*O 'O^CWTJ MILTON MOTILI. SINGAPORE Oil HAiRVLACF- T« 2M47D1/2
      45 words
    • 484 33 Something old ♦Something new GINSENG -E A Great Tonic for All the Family H*^^a^>^^^ QMNMiMiumqut oor+tn—on ol 01* .alfl^L rfc- X I tCNO. m* on** t wf '^^^■^ta^ha^I andary Root of Lt<« and it* retain* vn» mm I a tUteOitfr 01 *nc« ■Aa^H I *<* c«nlwri«t lf<« O JFT^^B a^^
      484 words