The Straits Times, 14 February 1976

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 210 1 ANTI-TENG CAMPAIGN SPREADS More wall posters appear PEKING. Friday WALLPOSTER attacks on senior Vice-Premier Teng Hsiaoping spread to another Peking university today as the official media launched new charges against opponents of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. A West German group was shown the new posters at Tsinghua campus. They reported that
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 107 1 HOSTESS MOTHER TO-BE ANGELA TELLS HER STORY IT sounded like sheer fantasy, wild speculation on the distant fufre, when the Idea of "hostess mothers" was first reported. The startling concept Is for volunteers to have the fertilised egg of another woman implanted within them to bring to birth Thus to
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      • 114 1 r MORROW is the J4th annlrersary of render of Slntapore U tke Japanese dwrtng WOr To W r".»Wthe event. 8-nda, Times reader CHAN KHH SIX. tells of kls personal experiences darln« that fatefal day and of tbe terror It held for him. then s boy only
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      • 73 1 ALSO featured this week are two women, one the wife of a famous premier and the other Infamous In her own right, both of whom have been In the news spotlight recently. MABGABET TRIDtAL. 27-year-old wife of the Canadian Prime Minuter who shocked everybody by declaring last week
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      • 61 1 LOVE Uves of Jackie and Art Onassis. Fart Few In the veries. HOW to give a serabat stall treat In style WHEN London stepped snowing to welcome the Dragon Year HI-FI: Fart two of gloasar? on stereo term DIVORCEES who don't want alimony BRIDAL boosters that backfire YOI'THS
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 118 1 THE CONQUERING KHANS OF SQUASH IT is more than coincidence that foar of tbe world's top five sajaasb players are from Pakistan The history of Pakistani dominance la rurloai The game there started in Peshawar, tbe town nearest the Khyber Fass on the fabled NorthWest frontier, and was Introduced by
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      • 80 1 WHY SWEE LEE CHANGED HER MIND FIFTEEN months ago. Che* Swee Lee turned down an offer by American roach Vlnce Reel to train In the United States because It was felt that she could further her studies and improve her athletics career In Singapore. Last Friday, she apparently changed her
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      • 53 1 LAST week. Pope Paul VI said marriages mast last even If love fades. Be told tbe Vatican's Court of Appeals that once a eowple bad valldly aaii ~l do." tbey are committed forever. Reporter Nancy Koh talks to Miaa Singapore Maggie Sim and 11 otber people to
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      • 41 1 THE dreadful 300 days Japan fear, WINDOW callgirls set up shop in Britain BETS on that Jackie Onassis will marry Frank Sinatra KILLER bees head for America WHO'S who In children's books TOM JONES How I split my pants
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      • 52 1 GBEAT MOMENTS IM BOXING Tkc n'aht Archie Moore knocked down world heavyweight champion Rocky Mar da no THE AMERICAN ATHLETE wko U oat to take over tke "fastest man In tbe world" crown from Valery Boraov. FOI'R INITIU STATES CLUBS lntcr-stcd In signing Bobby Moore. England's moat
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  • 41 1 H»W YORK. m. DOW Jonas avorasM. baaad on first hour of trading on tbe New York Slock Bunans*: JO Indus MM. down 441; Uanap NOil. down 071; 15 utils down 0 4S. •5 stocks !»453. down IJI DTI
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  • 155 1 ITB STUDENTS TO GET BUS PASSES T»HE Singapore Bug Service yesterday agreed 1 to grant concession passes to all fulltime students of vocational institutions run by the Industrial Training Board. All full-time students of ITBs Institutions can now travel on buses at 10 cents a trip, the rate paid by
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  • 145 1 'Switchblade Kid' Sal Mineo knifed to death 108 ANOELES. FTI i Actor Sal Mlneo. known as "The Switchblade Kid" for his many film roles as a teenage tough, was stabbed to death last night outside his Hollywood apartment, authorities said. Witnesses told police they heard screams and saw a man
    AP  -  145 words
  • 91 1 OANGEOE. rtt O Kini Bhnmlbol Adalyadel. acting on tbe advtoe rf frirt Minister KakrU Prmmoj, today dlamisaed tke Deputy Ftim* MlaMer and two DeiMrty Ministers, Radio Thailand ■■■■■■Mi. A royal «mn I— t rt by the King MM Thavll KJlnpratkms*. De- aty MlaMw aa« Minister
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  • 426 1  - PAN HON'S DOUBLE JOY Sago Lane wonder HARRY MILLER ■y IONDON, Frl. Singapore's wonder musician Lee Pan Hon. 26, has found double happiness in both his profession and love life The virtuoso violinist, remembered by many In Singapore as the "Bago Lane wonder boy," was recently appointed leader of the
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  • 40 1 Moscow, m The csv clal Sonet Tmaa news afoncr today dnucd report* of r lathes on the Soviet -Chlneat border and aaid China was trying to divert attention from write within the Ptalnf taadtnhtp Reuter (Sot Paa* 1)
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 576 1 Nigeria revolt crushed' claim LAGOS. Friday (iHOL T of young Nigc rian revolutionaries said today they had ousted the (iovernment of (ieneral Mm ta la Muhamncl, but forces loyal to the Govern* inent said the rebellion had been crushed. The rebels seized Nigeria Radio this morning, claimed to have replaced
    Reuter  -  576 words
  • 140 1 Quakes rock Manila MANILA. Friday TALL buildings swayed and people rushed Into the streets from their homes and offices as two earth quakes rocked Manila this afternoon. But there were no reports of damage or casualties A fairly strong tremor first shook the city and a wide area of the
    Reuter; UPI  -  140 words
    • 28 1 LAGOS. Frl. Tke Nigerian Federal Government announced tonight In a broadcast tkat tke coup attempt kere this morning kad keen crashed Beater. (SEE THIS PAGE)
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    • 49 1 BELGRADE. Fri. The leader of tkc Poaalii Movement for ike Liberation of Anlola (MPLA) wai •aoied by Yugoslavia's official newt agency today as aaylng kla troop* kad dl»co»ered tke bodle* of tke 14 BritUh mercenaries reportedly executed on orders of their British Cyprlot commander. AT.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 217 1 40 pc DOLE HIKE FROM MARCH Pag* 7 S. AFRICANS di« la m MTLA poiae for a tt*ck t FLAU-CP la gil»e-S*rtet border S OOtaMNGS uHA h«B|tr Mktr die* in Jail MeC ABTHTISM ery k; Drt over ConrmtlMlu VCi a Mr: formidable foree now sayt Chma 1 DETAMATOftY Icttcn principal
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    • 280 1 ■ml I I" Mmim^mwßHßßw^^BSk mw ll aL all *J ™»raßW**^| S^K _P* The Mitsubishi Juicer Miter "Pulse" can hand* almost any food and transform it instantly t _^a^"%^»^^^^ TheMitsubisWA /S?£\ Juicer-Mixer makes food S f (J^sT preparation fast and fun! This fantastic Mitsubishi time preparing dishes like curnes be Juicer-Mixer
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    • 11 1 GEIMAMYS A^ BEST A FUST IN FASHION Dbermain Registered Trade Mark
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 218 2 Combat training for Angolan fighters AGSOIT of trainees •■gage in hand-to-hand combat training In toe scrubby woods near the Fair-fax-Prlnee toilliams Coanty Unc in Virginia on Wednesday (or action in Angola. Mercenary fighters are being trained by the Congress of Racial taulity (COSE) for the African state. The SUte Department
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    • 52 2 RAWALPINDI. FTI Tr* secretary-general of tne Central Treaty OrganliaUon CENTO) ssld eoUecUv« sseurtty and de fence organlaauom are needed because of shortcomings of the United Nattoru Mr. Umit Hatuk Bayulken made the remarks at a news conference he gave st the end of his seven-day vtstt to
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 26 2 RAWALPINDI. Pli Telecommunication* sod postal Unka between Bangladesh and Pakistan would likely be isstored in two weeks. Bangladesh smhssMrtor Zahlr Uddln said yesterday UPI
      UPI  -  26 words
    • 51 2 MANILA. PTI The Philippines rice hanrest this year will be its btcteet ever. Agriculture Secretary Arturo Tfenoo said yesterday He told the Ptorelm Correapondenu Ajsoclatloo of the Philippine*. survey* showed the crop would be IN million tonnes "IS per cent hither than last year's already good crop."
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 24 2 ROUE, m Ftour armed man hiding in Itrift kidnapped Maria. a'AJaastoui. a. daughter of a rich Roman Industrialist ywUrday. polle* reported —AP
      AP  -  24 words
    • 525 2 JOHANNESBURG. Fri pORCES of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) were today within striking distance of thousands of South Afiican troops dug in along a defence line in side southern Angola. The MPLA spearheaded by Cuban troops
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  525 words
    • 379 2 $lb SCHEME TO EASE JOBLESS IN BRITAIN LONDON. Friday BRITAIN'S Labour Government yesterday announced a £220 million (SSI. IOO million) scheme to ease unemployment, but it avoided any general reflation and steered away from the import controls demanded by anxious trade unionists. The Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Denis Healey.
      Reuter; UPI  -  379 words
    • 219 2 Giscard, Schmidt not alarmed over crisis PARIS, m. President I Val e r y Giscard dßstalnjr and West Oerman Chancellor Helmut Schmidt yesterday appeared fully confident that the European monetary crlaU will aub- side without tearing apart the French and i Oerman currencies. Winding up their two-day summit talks this
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 91 2 Vatican cmr. m The Pope's protectors, the pantalooned Swiss Gaarda. have kw arwed with a secret weapon to complement their medieval pikes. It is a tiny canister of tea-gas hidden In the vo»s)B.;no«s breeches of their striped uniform which Michelangelo designed for the Papacy in the 15th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 379 2 BlQliil^-HEDiI wk- ISA* .ga-a^a^Ta»»a»*a»*s*ma»iL»M Also available Professional Cassette Deck Turntable DOLBV SYSTEM STEWO CASSETTE DECK Om?CT DRIVE TURNTABLE c S shape Static balance tone arm 8 pole. 24 D 3 head (femte> system *ith shot DC servo motpr Vertical Magnet type R b P Combination Head Frequency Response cartridge c
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    • 182 3 Indira fails to unseat Gujarat govt NEW DELHI. Fri The People's Front Coalition Oovemment ln the western Indian state of Oujarat yesterday defeated an attempt to unseat it by Premier Indira Gandhi's Congress Party The coalition won a rasor-thln majority of three in the 17v-member House when the Stat* Assembly
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 32 3 UNmO) NATTONB. Prl. World Bank president RoJJtrt UcNunn told t United Nations commute* vwtcr- day that brtween aoo and •00 million people were tUH trapped in ataolute poverty UPI
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 150 3 Quake shifts city one metre to the west /GUATEMALA CITY Frl The devastating earthquake which killed 19 000 Guatemalans pushed the Central American state at least one metre to the west, scientists reoorted yesterday The National Emergency Committee issued a report by three experts which said the big quake was
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 359 3 Flare-up along SinoSoviet border HONGKONG. Friday QHINA lias reported a series of clashes between Chinese militia and armed intruders along strategic stretch of the Ixmler with the Soviet I'nion. The official New China News Agency, monitored here, said yesterday frequent clashes had taken place in the Sinkiang autonomous region, where
      Reuter  -  359 words
    • 248 3 rpOKYO. Frl. Acting Chi- nese Premier Hua Kuofeng's two chief rivals First Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping and Second Vice Premier Chang Chun-chiao are expected to be given commanding positions in the Communist Party and withdrawn from government administration, the Peking correspondent of
      Reuter; AP  -  248 words
    • 132 3 Japan's economy may pick up II7AAHIONTON. FTI Japans economy will soon start picking up again after a period of adjustment in 1»7« to counter the effects of spiralling oil prices, severe Inflation and a production slowdown a panel of experts predicted today. The Gross National Product the total value of
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 243 3 AUSSIES GET 6.4 pc PAY BOOST MELBOURNE. Frl. Australia's National Arbitration Commission today approved a 6 4 per cent pay rise for five million wage earners against strong opposition by Prime Minuter Malcolm Ftaser's coalition Government The commission, a statutory body that tets wage guidelines and acts as an Industrial
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • 96 3 SYDNKT. Frt The •■n ah one ever BMtch of flood-hit Aastralla today bringing relief to thoarand* of people who had ««Pered almost a week of torrential rain However, emergency scrvtee controllers la three states said a b»ge area of Amstralla was still ander
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    • 57 3 A LEBANESE soldier guards a counter at the Belrut Bank of Arab Countries on Thursday, the first day of business after 66 days of closure due to the civil war. Most banks made customers line up outside and allowed only a few In at a
      AP  -  57 words
    • 46 3 BAIOOtT. Frl Bi\Kondwellen can again make payments by bank cheque, the official Liberation Daily hai reported The newspaper said th« Balfon City &Tnk has flxad cheque payment regulations and provided clients with cheque books for the Ont time since the communist takeover —Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 5 3 SPRUNG TIME HAPPINESS TO filLmmmmmumMtt^
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    • 429 4 BELFAST. Friday DAY mikl a night of arson, bombings and shooting left two men dead and a dozen other people injured today across Northern Ireland after Irish Republican Army hungerFrank Stagg died in a British jail. Police said a man Injured In
      Reuter; AP  -  429 words
    • 118 4 ROMSEY 'England). A perfectly preserved rose more than 800-years-old was found by workmen yesterday in the east wall of Romsey Abbey. The workmen, who «ere removing medieval paintings from the wall, found the rose behind some plaster It was about 40 millimetres In
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 27 4 VTJNNA. Pri. OU-ex-portlnf nations are considering holding a new meeting agon to dlacuw the complex laaue of price mffercnttala. Opae officials aald today —Reuter. J
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 63 4 Painkillers? Not for her PIER RETTE Folisle (centre) appears at a press con fere nee In Montreal with her hypnotist Rcubln Pecarve (left) and her physician, Dr. Pierre Vigor, after surgery to remove her fall bladder and appendix last week without anaesthesia. The op c r ation. the first major
      UPI  -  63 words
    • 59 4 LONDON. P*l A Royal Commlawon of Inquiry U to be att up to invecugaU the workings of the English legal profeatton. Prime Minuter Harold Wilaon announced In Parliament yesterday. The rommiMion to be ehalitd by a non-lawyer, will examine the structure, organuation. training and regulation of
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 130 4 Names of Russian spies given to UN UNITED NATIONS. Frl.— Four Last Europan emigre organisations today circulated to UN missions a list giving the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five senior Soviet UN diplomats wno. they alleged, were top KoB secret police) agents. The four organisations are Free Po.and.
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 257 4 TRIPOLI. Frl. Algeria end Libya, In a move apparently precipitated by confrontation over Western Sa- hara. were today planning to unite I and form an Arab state stretch ing across most of North j Africa. Algerian President Houarl Boumedlenne said
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 20 4 NEW DELHI. Pri The Indian Goremmem today banned drowles for Its employees and threatened action against violators.— UPl
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    • 83 4 pAIRO. Frl— Egyptian arlans yesterday questioned the Government's continued support of the Palestine Liberation Organisation despite its attacks on Egyptian policies, political rourcet aald. The uap C c cedented criticism tit voiced at a closed JfUpl sesfjpn of Parliament's International relations and j Arab affairs committees, which heard
      UPI  -  83 words
    • 196 4 JAKARTA, Frl— A leader of the pro- Indonesian faction In East Timor has said the six-month-old civil war therr has killed about •9.000 prople bat that his side expected to win a total victory within three or four weeks. Mr. Francisco Xavler
      Reuter; AP  -  196 words
    • 35 4 Tanaka yes' TOKYO. Fri Former Prim* Minister KikueJ TinaJta today admitted meeting AC Kotchlan. tl<*chalnnan of Lockheed Aircraft Cbrp In 1t72. not lt7o. but denied being Involved in the alleged Lockneed payoffi In Japan. —AP
      AP  -  35 words
    • 276 4 LFord can't save despite White House pay WASHINOTON, Frl. Like millions of other < American!, hit by lniution. President Ford Isn't able to save. In spite of a bis pay Increase since he entered the White House in August, 1074 He is one oi tne countless victims of the de-
      Reuter  -  276 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 838 4 Ladies' Accessories R :?:%§SS^ VV f 2 VHulh h.ghfash.on leather shoes from Italy. V/.V.vV^ a-l^ V.; vX'V RAA2 A '''< a Ci> L "<'V M \2c Aldana leather handbags from Italy, Testi Vera X'^VQflK^ -^r'UJk "<V© Pelie leather handbags. Italy. $116-$153 L««« 20% >* ~^^>*W W*-^' ~~~~~^C& >^^ ~""^> Children's
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 138 5 «r>IQUS— IT Gl Vfre *>j) KM Bid TC rmjA SKSr^ 11 >| 5* I^l Imamfmmm I «a |O fcu^apr J eFPH II &I I cI Si J kLmJI S^ 1 fAt Sel A* J el^^B Hi 4 4B^ Ibß^^^^^^ HOME COOKING IS BEAUTIFUL WITH PRIMA FLOUR Prima gives you more
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    • 409 6 BOMB BLAST AT HEARST ESTATE BUT TRIAL GOES ON SAN FRANCISCO. Friday T»HE Government neared the end of Its J. case against Patricia Hearst yesterday with a recording of the young woman bragging about a bank robbery. The tape* was played In court hours alter a guen house at the
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    • 445 6 WASHINGTON. Friday AMERICAN Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger angrily declared yestenhiv that leaked reports of IS intelligence activities abroad were subjecting him and the rest of President Ford's administration "to a new version of McCarthyism." Dr. Kissinger said the ieaked documents
      Reuter  -  445 words
    • 110 6 Adding insult to injury r<HICAOO. m-Police \J said yesterday they were searching for a taxi driver who allegedly raped a waitress in the back seat of his cab and then charged her full fare for a ride home. Police Bergeant John Fitzgerald said the waitress reported she left b restaurant
      110 words
    • 25 6 JAKARTA. Frt. Th» tortntiMlin Government hu danlad forden pra* report that It v wiling lta oil to nclghbourtnc countries »t tow price Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • Briefly...
      • 41 6 /CANBERRA. Frt LeadV* ing members of the opposition Labour Party. ousted from power In a general election two months ago. today announced that they would boyl cott the opening of I Parliament next week by the Oovernor- Oeneral. Sir John Ken-
        41 words
      • 36 6 WASHINGTON: Army Secretary Martin Hoffmann »aid yesterday the army will Btttst all tanks produced In j the Inited Male* and that stairs to othrr nations, including Middle Last countries, will have to wait about 18 months.
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      • 31 6 VANCOUVER: Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau warned last night that Canadians must be prepared to accept reduced Incomes and fewer material goods as the price of possible wideranging* changes In Canadian society.
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      • 38 6 BANGKOK: Farmers In areas of South Vietnam that had keen nndrr the control of thr former retime tnuM five It to 12 per cent of their paddy rice yield to the iiithorltirs as taxes. Radio Liberation said yesterday
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      • 31 6 UNITED NATION8: The United Nations has announced agreement yesterday that lntercomnv.inal talks between Greek CyprloU and' Turkish Cyprlots would resume under Secretary Oeneral Kurt Waldhelm's personal. auspices In Vienna next Tuesday.
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      • 34 6 [MOSCOW: The Soviet I'nion declared its «ip- port yerterdaj for setting an 19-km terrltoriil arm. limit and a 3iO -km mwfa MMie limit at ne*t months IN Law; of the Sea conference Agencies.
        Agencies  -  34 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 216 6 I 4 Ji the magnificent HONDA CG-110 .a^Bta flg|gßgriß|LH|g(g^gigW ~J i^j^safc^^a^ M s^a^BsSa^l s^Sßa^g^ajs^s* AX m A jk^?iEu3sPlli^s^ym3£^^^^Bufi^si <^ "^-i mt ls£ WM |^BMfc7 5gy^ ~XJM B. > UP WVjLgsfl g_ J| m P*<a .-•^sw M g^g^^^^^^^^^S^Bl g^i_~ *i_i_ Am\ uuf Top Performance, Sporty Styling, Great Dependability m\\ V^^HgV \li,
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    • 84 6 ■^BflßSWa^Bfl B^Br^e^pl^S^Bl Ipi BjSpV^pl Highlights for today Mahathir: Lecturer uses Islam to propagate communist ideals. Father appeils to public to help save his son. Saturday forum: Is the feeling of love absent amongst us. History repeats itself in Nigeria. Move by MUIS to curb wrong teachings in Islam. Number of
      84 words

  • 298 7 40 pc dole hike from March THK Government yesterday announced a 40 per cent increase in dole payments fiom next month but warned that anyone found able but unwilling to work would be excloded from the scheme. A Ministry of Social Affairs statement said this Increase, the first since the
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  • 155 7 JAIL AND ROTAN FOR MAN WITH KNIFE AN unemployed man, who stole a knife from a hawker's stall and waited at a park to rob intended victims. was arrested by police for having an offensive weapon, a court heard yesterday Lim Thian Huan, 27, unemployed, was Jailed for three years
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  • 40 7 Elocution course A se-HOUn eourat on public apaakU« and rtocuUon wtU ha hald at ttoa Cultural Cantra «*ary Prtday from 7 to p m from r*b M Pa* lor tha eouna. which U »nn« orcanlaad by tba AdaMMucauoc Board. U
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  • 360 7 'J'HK blue-and-white uniformed Vigilante Corps was yesterday described as a "formidable force" which could make an immeasurable contribution to society. Making the point, the Minister for Home Af fairs and Health. Mr Chua Slan Chin. Mid that the corps' strength now totalled
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  • 49 7 THsi Ctalnaaa Kunc'u and Ltoo Dane* Stud; Aatodauoo will ft** a danonstrattoo of iv art to tb« Krokuahlnkai KaraW-Do ■uwapora at IU pranlaa* Id Half Road \tmtn inw at 1 Durtnc tht visit, aa asfhanga of batman and frtcndtr sparrtnc batwaan Urn two «nwn» will ba batd.
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  • 51 7 M* Joaeph Croat has bsao ra-«ttctad praatdant of Urn mngapora Kalralaa KaJa Nllaraa (CUtaraJ. aoetai. Walfara and SporU Organlaauoti) (or Urn ir7« 77 tons Otbar officials an Ma—s HP rYanuaJ. nca-praatdant. R 8 Cbandran. ■■Mra) sseratary; It aubhaah. aaat sacraUry; V Ra*tndraaaU>. treasurer; and Bobsrts Piratra. aast
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  • 41 7 IHB chairman and eblef cxacuUr* of U»e Rollet camera group. Mr Pwtar C J Papanak will raviaw ttaa iroup'f pcrformanc* tor last rear and Introduce new products for this raar on Mouday at Nollali Imapon furtorr In Chal Ch«»
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  • 42 7 A SOfOAPORZ Bui Sarrtc* drlvar. Ooh Tap, t*. was Anad WOO by a oourt yaalerday wbta bt lMirrtarl drtvlnc a bus without due oara and attanUon and ooUdtac Into tha raar of a lorry aloag CorporaOon Drlva on Auf 10.
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  • 305 7 The night a girl cane knocking on his door A SCENE la a hotel rwaM where a we- a* an sa4wrtd and >o4ned a ■■■niMMSsi In ked aa part wf aa elaborate scheme M extort MMney frwsn his* was <M«il»tJ la a Singapore eomrt yerterday. Inspector Edward SeaUy. proaecatlni. said
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  • 42 7 A 14-HOTJR eounc en BBpla hniM«inal wlrta* will ba hsM at tha Adult Btamim. Board KBi Kaat Oantra oa Saturdays from S to pa from r*b si. Paa tor tha courae. which Is bctr« nrgsnlssrl b> tha 18, U U0
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  • 31 7 STJIOAPOfIK win produca baste In two month* A smmmmb of tha PrtmarT IhMStUss SMtarprtei said yaatarday toar walls of farm houaas ware betaf buUt In Ponnol for tha pro)act
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 gerigoa depot SI An efficient formula to bring you new energy. Halts premature aging. Sots Agsni! BORNEO SUMATRA tl< RoOtntorßa T. 9iiT\ hntob* itarHajdmgprarmaoM DEAF! CHSCO iMvrMSLI l*j|*MoNn m. •Ml r»* mtn v* liniii C inn i i■ TTT rniTi,
      40 words
    • 625 7 You had Specials... you had Super Specials. now we give you HYPER-SPECIALS Introducing Hyper-Savings in Shopping. A Metro fI^OT^IVGRAYTip Gloss™ f^eri's SpoTTsocks HpHNSONWAX Supreme fc\/^afs >■ 10 Ny n (555> |CarWax^ I Savek t-w \J/^^*r?qn I Sa ve ■oon TB mt b h on u.ou ■r\ oc NiinfAß PIVv L£..ij\J
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 269 7 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM tht Prmnco-Oorman typos l Fruit (loan by a Cumbrian it). town <7> S Olrl In tha place appaan 5 Striken ntum wtth to Ufca < umbtof (1). Swift's girl to Mlnohaad Voltaire ch«r«cttn aoorn (It. iwJonaf That's opon to 10 Ex-copper cooked his food dispute (U>
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  • 234 8  -  GERALD PEREIRA By NELIA Sane h o. the 24-year-old former International beauty queen detained by authorities In the Philippines as a suspected communist terrorist leader, could have entered beauty con t c sts in order to break into high society. This
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  • 338 8 T*HE principal of a commercial school was yesterday fined a total of $3,600 for sending nine defamatory, letters to a Singapore Fire Brigade officer suggesting he was corrupt. I Urn Peng Chiang, 35. head of Tan Cnuan Commercial School In Peck Seah Street, was fined
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  • 100 8 Open house at Police Academy The Home Affairs and Education Minister Mr Chua Slao Chin wi.i attend an open house for parents and relatives of 101 officer cadets and 401 full-time national servicemen at the Police Academy from 10 a.m to 12.30 p.m tomorrow. The Commissioner cf Police. Mr Tan
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  • 28 8 TrTX Kamponf Olam community centre will bold a Chinese New Year children's party and scholarship fund presentation ceremony at its premises at 7JO p m today
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  • 195 8 l/XSITINO West OcrT man banker. Mr. Harw-Joachlm Schrelbfr. yesterday ruled out re▼aluatlon of the Oeutache mark as a measure to resolve tfte current turmoil in European money markets. Mr. Schrelber. managlni director of Drtadner Bank, said: "We will not hare a revaluation of
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  • 45 8 THE Drama and Art Society will hold a nut sanl■ajoac course for non-Malays at Urn Dewan »"rit»r Obi •very Monday from next week. Applicant* should ring ■oclk Rahlm Dajran at tel: J7Jiis/J7J»o or apply at Block 54. 101 A. Commonwealth Drtrir
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  • 32 8 Lecture on economics TUB University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies win hoU a IIMcture course In bsifc principles of wonomtcs from Peto 17. TIM fee is Us For details telephone JJ347*
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  • 33 8 A SOVIET cruise ship Urn Manja Uljanova will arrive In Singapore on Feb It with otct 100 Russian tourists They will be here for sightseeing before leaving the following day.
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  • 24 8 THE Kirn Keat community centre will bold a flowermaking class every Monday and Wednesday from 7pm to 10 pm from next month.
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  • 11 8 THERE were S5 road iccidmts. nve serious, on Thursday
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  • 195 8 2,250 HDB flats for SAF reservists A TOTAL of 2.250 Singapore Armed Forces reservist* have been allotted Housing and Development Board flats under the SAF priority housing scheme 1 Another 3.5« reserv- l*ts are now on the waiting list. Of the 2.250 flats allotted in nine ballots. 1.820 were three-
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  • 210 8 Sales rep drops $28,900 claim against ICS riEORGE Slta. a former sales representative with Insurance Corporation of Singapore Ltd.. yesterday discontinued his "wrongful dismissal suit, against his former employers. Slta. who was among the first batch of sales representatives engaged by the ICS in August 1970. had originally claimed $28,080
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  • 95 8 YMCA German language classes The Orchard Road YMCA will conduct the following classes at Its premiit. German Stage I. a 15-seislon course on Filaavs between 73« pm. and 8 pm. beginning next Friday The fee Is $40 for members and MS tor non-members Oerman Slag* J. a 15--mslnn course also
    95 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 180 8 FLYING DRAGON B INSTANT 1 <*& WATER V v HEATER BP^^ (AMERICAN RAT. No. SN *****6) tal D p^,L lU.U, MOT WATER FLOWS WHEN SWITCH IS ON. tempiraTUßE CONTROL W ELECTRICITY SAVINC ECONOMIC B SAFE jQi._ aasaaaasaaaajW^ Mtt ill A/f^wCs«\ Wmi -o. »»~ty hoM «m *m»«t titoaK. bM»r» pm**. O%P
      180 words
    • 168 8 w "v- may/ v J tit/my.' < A highly recommended and approved genuine health product SERRAYALLO J~l say < W^mE^U asaaaa»BSSaa« r I *«7^aaV. LsaPaPV* "*^M a Ja7 I [^^^2 h.\ k.l J l^V^aaaat Has been awarded 24 gold and silver medals Over ***** Medical Testimonials It doesn't take a
      168 words

  • 554 9 |\IRECTOR of Cenu traJ Narcotics Bureau. Mr. John Hanam. last night backed drug education for the young and confirmed that heroin addiction was spreading among Sln g a p ore school children. Drug addiction among women, too. was on the Increase, he warned.
    554 words
  • 324 9 Public to see how hospital works SINGAPORE General Hospital will have the public in mind when it celebrates Its 50th anniversary next month. The anniversary will be used as an opportunity for a series of activities to familiarise the public with facilities within the hospital and to Inform them of
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  • 170 9 FIVE YEARS, ROTAN FOR DRUG PUSHER TANO Weng Kee, 21. was jailed for five years with six strokes of the rotan for trafficking in heroin in Victoria Hotel on Dec 18 last year Senior Inspector Noel Ng. prosecuting, said a party of narcotics officers raided a room at the hotel
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  • 66 9 Appeal to kin of dead woman DOUCE yesterday ap- pealed for the fa- i mdy of Madam Yip Ah Thai. 83. an inmate of the Lee Kuo Chuan Home for the Aged, who died on Thursday, to contact them. Madajn Yip of Loronf BMigkofc. dMd in the 8ln«»--pon Ocncral HoaplUl
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  • 45 9 DR L Ponablad. mcarch manager of Djrnapac slaakln AB of Swedch. will givt a Ulk on recent devtiopment on the dynamic mtpactton or soil, rocknll and asphalt, at Urn Ragkmal KngUsh Language Centre In Orange Road, on Wednesday at 6 p m
    45 words
  • 157 9 HEROIN addlcu are likely to die within five years if they carry on taking the drug, according to Dr. Chao Ttee "neng. a government forensic pathologist. He said that they had 20 times greater chances than normal non-drug-taking people of dying either
    157 words
  • 27 9 POUCX last nicht detained a M-ycar-old Malaytfan youth after It was alk«*d that ht wnlartad a lt-jraar-old girl at Bedok Plain, off Kaat Co«at Road.
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  • 31 9 THE Slnfapor* educational Admlnirtratlon Soclctr (BCAS> win hold a ona-day workshop on school financial administration (or principals and senior assistant* at Hwa Chong Oollsf on ffab »1 at ajn.
    31 words
  • 203 9 ABOUT 5.000 out of 9.000 American* in Singapore will be able to vote in the forthcoming US Pederal elections this year because of recent legislation allowing US cltlsens abroad to exercise thlg right The new law. enshrined In the Overseas Voting Rights
    203 words
  • 127 9 RESIDENTS of Mayflower <jar<*en should board baa No. lgg at the new kas stop at the southern end In Avenae S. Ang Mo Elo. from Sunday TTe new bu» stot, which replaces the terminal at the northern end in Cheng (tea Road, is to
    127 words
  • 441 9 SHIPPERS 9 COUNCIL TO STEP UP EFFORTS FOR BOYCOTT OF FEFC rB Singapore National Shippers Council (8N8C) Is to step up efforts to persuade Its 300 members to terminate their shipping contracts with the Far Eastern Freight Conference <FEFC». The council's chairman. Mr. Tan Eng Joo. said SNSC was taking
    441 words
  • 83 9 British trade missions at exhibition THR£E British trade missions will visit Singapore to coincide with j the Onshore South east Asia. Singapore. Exhibition from Keb. 17 to 20 I hey are sponsored by the British Department of Trade and organised by the Association of British Octanle IndustrlM Ltd Dundee and
    83 words
  • 132 9 Schoolboy in need of rare blood QCHOOLBOY Zulklfiee •3 bin Nordln. 14. U now on the dangerously 111 list at Alexandra Hospital waiting for someone with O negative blood to save his life His rather. Enclk Nordln bin Ohaxall. a policeman, yesterday made an appeal to anyone with this blood
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 614 9 Announcing a new financial daily in Singapore The Straits Times Group invites qualified people to join its editorial team |-^^s-| Company Analysts: a fi ve day week, four to six weeks paid SSI IW| B^ We want people with experience in leave, travel and transport allowance. ITIMJr. ■%■> Waw Jj|
      614 words

  • 457 10 A BUSINESSMAN, who brought home anCX other woman, threatened to throw acid In his Vietnamese wife., face if she refused to leave their matrimonial home, the High Court heard yesterday. Madam Nguyen Th! Bich Lien. 24. a uletglr!. •aid that It
    457 words
  • 26 10 A J5-YEAR-OLD Hokklen. On« Cnwee from Malaysia ha* been prohibited permanently to enter Singapore by the Minister for Home Attain. Mr. Chua Stan Chin.
    26 words
  • 23 10 THI Ocylanc bit community centre youth croup ha* organised an interior decoration coune for battnnen at the centre on April 1
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  • 88 10 ASMUOOLER of mega 1 immigrants posing as a barter trader was sentenced to two years' jail and three strokes of the rotan by a court yesterday for Illegally bring ng two boys into Singapore. Sallm bin Ha<l Abdul Rahman. 35. skipper of a five tonne boat
    88 words
  • 184 10 A CANTEEN assistant A convicted of housebrraunt yesterday told a district court that he did not eater the I ba.ldln becaue he was "too bit to rsjueese through a window. Zainul Abdeen bin Mon- anar. 22. who was jailed for one day and
    184 words
  • 431 10 Illegal parades: Police warn students pOUCE yesterday warned that students from vocational or tertiary institutions who take part in illegal ;isM i ml)lies or processions will be arrested and severely dealt with. A police statement said It was learnt students from vocational Institutes, who held a Padang demonstration last Monday,
    431 words
  • 160 10 HIGH COURT TOLD OF 'ELUSIVE' BANKRUPT BUILDER AM YEAR OLD build Ing contractor, who voluntarily became a bankrupt four months ago. "suddenly and lately" became elusive when the Bankruptcy Office tried to contact him. Mr Justice D'Cotta heard In the High Court yesterThe court ordered the arrest of the bankrupt,
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  • 66 10 Pedestrian dies in crash A PEDESTRIAN died Instantly when he waa knocked down by a ran near the Junction of Telok Kurau and East Coast Road yesterday morning. POllo* said Ang Ksng Jot. JO. of at* Coast Road, was walking atong the road at about IU ajn. when In* acctdaot
    66 words
  • 45 10 THE Metropolitan TMCA will hold a OilntM kui*fu Nfo Chor Koon <Wmonstimttoa at 1U Tanglin Centra In sjumm Road next Saturday at 7.J0 pm It will b« d«monjtrat«d by aru Koh Nal Cblng. a n«Urt of th* Puklan proTtnet In China.
    45 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 91 10 k. STARTS^ lg#^gfl^ I K^^ L SPECIAL BARGAIN 1 Wf CENTRES! I K in|gl| Departments 1 W Low. low prices for all the I W goods in the various J W departments J Visit the W JADE IVORY DEPARTMENTS newly-opened. J W Genuine jade and ivory carvings. I fc^CORTINA^ I
      91 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 315 10 Bringing Up Father »U1 **vn*gl» <» W*» C>m p y^ f*iCtfT-O II BIMMV ALV\««VS (3ROCVE* PiO M3U YEAH --BUT H£ U&TJ [IVM*NTTO\ I sir- L. SAOONG MV CKVY*S S6€ BIMMy SNOONO j p ONE FOO YOU/ r— BlfVO* 1 V-i_— -f! IIL PUT THIS TRO< r W CKSARS i 'i^N
      315 words

    • 190 11 KUALA Ll'MPl'R. Fri. It was a double misfortune for barber Mohamed Yusck bin Ribut. 35. when fire destroyed both his home and bis shop nest dooa early this morning, barely 12 houn after bis wife's burial Lnrlk Mohamed's w.fe Oik Jab binte
      190 words
    • 99 11 Three to get gallantry awards Kuala Lumpur. Fri. Two policemen and a security guard who were shot and Injured during the Japanese Red Army ilege of the AIA building in Jal a n Ampang in August last year are to receive special gallantry awards. The thr«« arc PC V AmurthaUnfam.
      99 words
    • 166 11 'Brighter outlook this year for Malaysia' lI'ASHINOTON. Fri Tr Malaysia's economic outlook for this year and next Is much brighter than In 1975. the United States Department of Commerce laid yesterday "Exports oi the pr.nclpal primary commo dlties rubber, palm oil. Umber, petroleum and tin are expected to be the
      166 words
    • 69 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Prl. i Four Royal Malaysian Navy ships left Penang today for a four-day operational vi- j sit to Madras in South India starting on Monday. The chief of naval I staff Rear Admiral Datuk K. Thanabalaslngam said today that during the visit the ships
      69 words
    • 196 11 HIGH COURT ADJOURNS 'DISSOLVE INJUNCTION' HEARING KUALA LUMPUR. FTt The High Court adjourned hearinc of an application by the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange today to dlMolve an ezparte injunction obtained by one of lv member*. Seagroat and Campbell Sdn. Bhd rertrainlng the exchange from Implementing a re•olutlon to Indemnify rant
      196 words
    • 59 11 KUALA U7MPUK. PH. raqulrtac a««y packat of b^iiillii told la BJiliJßli to carry a baatth feMßitf vamlac U to U lafcoOmad toon. It m anDoonead today. Haaith MteMar Tan 8H Laa Mok Taw «ld packau will hart to carry th» warnl«f "IfciiitliU la haaltto haaaxd" aad auu
      59 words
    • 571 11 Show cause order to 200 students IPOH. Fri. About 200 Mara Institute of Technology students Involved In last month's demonstrations at the institute's Shah Alam campus have been told to show cause why they should not be expelled, the Education Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, said last night. "We have to
      571 words
    • 224 11 Eraser's Hill to get $12 m facelift KUALA LUMPUR, frl ERASER'S Hill Development Corporation has embarked on a multi-million dollar programme to further develop the hill resort. The plan calls for the widening of the road from the Oap to the resort for two-way traffic re-building the town centre and
      224 words
    • 236 11 $33,000 worth of goods stolen from godown KLANO, Frt.— Six robbera armed with parangs held up a watchman and escaped with M 533.300 worth of motor parts, batteries and air compressors from a godown In Pandamaran New Village near here today During the robbery, watchman Samlttar Singh. 60. was forced
      236 words
    • 37 11 KLAMO Tn A four-yaar-old boy. N. Anbuchel*a»x waa strangled In hi* nooat In North Hummock ■rtata naar her* today. A atrip of cloth was found tlad round bu neck. Ponca have itatatnart a wcoaan
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 TOGETHER AT THE NEW LOOK 1 Nl k \f I afl X/ I^W EL A I i Wm \^B| m MWtK !wav V Vaam.^. assTsTal m J B mm BBBM fc *a>a^^^^^^^ a»s\% S_Lj^^r^%« ksHailß ÜbW -AM Sblb^bV Btw^^i.lH.Hbß C mon babe, the new fl|V^\%kjUF^| LONDON SCENE is like it
      141 words
    • 352 11 b\* BHv^JP»M^^S V J^a» isssffSP^^LJasft»T ■A I'- SSSBBBfIIIBBS^B^IIBf^BT^IsWm^^ ■■T*"^V^ic!^^7^ »*w +k£i*'t\ RbH K^^^ Ir h9 B^^^^ V ■LVf yl p^^^ -/r •>* sbbbl asssfc B^BSSS^^^» W^^^^ ,4 •>" "^J V3*^ WaO» a. sWA A ■wß^ AWm bbV w^ W^^bbs> aA vVkal L^tff w the contest winners' recipes! 1 Yam Com*
      352 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 200 12 fREX OPEVS TOMORROW! I INTERNECINE' A FANCY I V^^ '^\l I"V IjaW i james coburn :"the internecine project;; coumO vumu 111 tllU (HIIsniVK UI«B UM\ IMtfflS ll\ Hi;\W). kffiMN W)\\ capitol -mm soom: a GUNS Of NAVARONE-WHEN EK3KT BELLS TOLL I WHERE EAGLES DARE A A/DAfOW.. I AlistairlVteclean^^} CAVCaRNEYMDCLONSOALE MArC&BOZZUm&MAMTASQEr\ATAia>wiMNT
      200 words
    • 372 12 S neptune theatre re/taut ant <^ 6-h floor, Hmmi Union Shopping C«ntrt, Coilyvr Qu*v, Sinf^sor* 1 For rvwrvattons. pr»on#: *****?. fllXi^ s=jil& V\»%^*•\.*» \e«f -*--o^o^M -#^-V^#^^.^-J^jM!y^^^X^fiS-ICB 4^*7^ ej»FTTj"jK Omnet 7 30pm to 10 00 pm SNtwnmt 'OXtxn W%«rp B »^r fc J K^y rCv£^9^^^S. iQJW wWt tSeOOoer perton inctu«nreo<CrwwMeO»n*r *^H
      372 words
    • 172 12 Nww SejwwiaM et TWee Ttaeefrwi I 6eMe- C*j I 4S. 4. 7t M t*iy I IS. IJO. 7 4 «M 7 is .til •Me Free LM* A TMB*| Menken- Ma fill mum we* ■■■Bill 4 Chiaeee Mm ■•> U> T> m je^lßJrjßk N'lVMiHiiiriou Te-f-X MUeilejil 4 Te.Me.tee Meinii»t Bkev
      172 words
    • 272 12 LAST 2 DAYS! DAILY AT 7.00 4tJO FM jit' SK$£ CHEUNG PINC %C T \f^\ LOONC M»-S4J»IG-m€l SHISI*W W Hrw«te.kv«. TV SMI i—TY'IM cAWOwm-axowcow-mfaiSM tuts. LJI MU tJm < lURONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA •OOEON* ORCHARD mmi it MMfiNT (MBW: TtMrrti Mwmif Skfw S n) ■wMßßwtl^^^^ W TkAm hnf If an T
      272 words
    • 742 12 l^ciriiTHifilv:: JIL-LOR6ANISATION:: a? Golden Horvetr preterit* •i Loong KimSuoD Mci Sh. S «C J» .nCANTDNfSf ColorS<ope tngl.v Subt iURONC MIV| in CINIMA i 5 OOfOH t ORCHARD < 5 yONIGMT ot midnight' 5 J Trv.^ Peng Muo CoiorTcop, Su6t.tle« jl OPENS MONOAY 7 •..-J^ (|v CMARLOTS The »W«.r -»r. Om
      742 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 285 13 The best doe sn't have to X v jcostthemostatthe Z ffSS^Y Tropicana's x (Orchid Lantern! Ik )£JT Relax n atmo *P n rt of fltamour Z fJ^B^ nd sophistication with fabulous ■atta^fl International floorshow entertaipment. 4fp9_f_|| Enticing Cantonese cuisine. W y Romantic new sounds of D'Anggrek. A All the ingredients
      285 words
    • 407 13 laaaaaaatad laataaal^ Btflicuti dapoawhte razor CoinpetiJ m Now! .JaaaHaar aaaaf^^ aai LbW J aW 4. aai vCLJL LW *^5 Lif' For more details and entry form, please refer to advertisements in the Nanyang Siang Pau every Sunday. Closing date 31st March. 1976 BTAHI PRIVATE LTD. W7 1«e ALMRT STRUT. StOftf
      407 words
    • 58 13 A IU l| laS^Cl V f 3 amMaillarx OLDS PP^^^ |pj| pc t -v° At Multi-Storey Car Park Ground Fl. Market Street, Singapore 1. Reception From 2.00p.m.T0 5.00 p.m. BUSINESS HOURS: Japanese QUICK LUNCH: 11.30 a- 2.30 p.m. HAPPY HOUR: sX)opm-700p.m. Japaiese Style SNACK BAR 700p.m— 1145pm 154 -B. Market
      58 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 408 14 Fls now quite clear that China Is once again in the throes of a power struggle between the moderates, repiesented by Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-ping, and the extreme leftists. The well-informed Hongkong newspaper, Ming Pao, which has some former Peking communists on its staff, goes so far as to say
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    • 218 14 "yHERE is undoubtedly a great deal of congestion at Paya Lebar Airport during peak hours. The car parks are full, the check-in counters are a hive of activity and the immigration and customs halls are crowded with passengers. In these days of the Jumbo Jet. it only
      218 words
  • 471 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane •Tit the loveliest night of the year. CHAP Ooh Meh. which falls tonight, has always been such a night especially in a carefree past. It's a simple name in Hokklen for Fifteenth Nlfht. As deceptively simple as Twelfth Night which in an old
    471 words
  • 626 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Strait* Times, Malaysia. IN the sheet weeks he has bees Prime Mteteter. Data* Umhib Om hu put t»o feather* in hU diplomatic cma— the nrst in Indonesia, the MMI 4 la Singapore On Sept. 1. lMt. the late T«n Rasa*
    626 words
  • 1069 14  - Lockheed scandal rocks 'Mr. Clean' YUKO NAKAMIKAOO By In TOKYO JAPANS Prime Minister Takeo Miki is faced with (xissibly the toughest task of his long political career: How to uncover the truth in the expanding Lockheed payoff scandal and yet hold together the country's conser votive establishment in a crucial
    Reuter  -  1,069 words
  • 634 14  - Two who nearly pulled off a $1.8 m betting coup BRIAN WILLIAMS By in LONOON A MILLIONAIRE Irishman aiid an English race horse trainer have won themselves a place In turf folklore for an amazing betting coup that nearly won them £360,000 (Ssl 8 million). The story of Oay Future,
    Reuter  -  634 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 8 14 f %BLAUPUNKT RmMal^mM (86 O CONNOR'S (PTE) LTD
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      220 words

  • Business Times
    • 229 15 Bonneconomy picks up steam C*RANKFURT: The re- covery in the Oerm.n.iy has gained and spread to industrial sectors, ndesbank said in -st monthly reOross National Product, seasonally adjusted, rose a real three per cent in the fourth 1975 quarter over the third, regaining about half of the production lost in
      229 words
    • 37 15 HONGKONG Bank of AsmS 1975 prostrongly from hK(IS 62 million prevlto 825 39 million. A final dividend of $2 50 will be paid making an unchanged total of U for the year Rev-
      37 words
    • 1374 15  - GRAPPLING WITH JOBLESS PROBLEM IN GERMANY NICHOLAS COLCHESTER By JJONN: An important onomic theme in Hit* talks recently between Mr. Harold Wilson, Prime Minister of Britain and the West (ierman (,'hancellor, Helmut Schmidt, u:is nncmploymcnt and the possibility of European joint action to get rid of it. Unempl yment Is
      1,374 words
    • 283 15 FAR East Levlngston Shipbuilding has recorded a massive 116.7 per cent rise In pre-pro nts for 1975 well In line with expectation expressed at mid-year. Unaudited pre-tax earnings for the year ended December 19 5 Jumped to $11.33 million after charging expenses and depredation of
      283 words
    • 583 15 Rise in rates: Surprise that never was YORK For the I last fortnight, shortterm Interest rates have been edging up surprising the ktock market but not surprising most economists. Interest rates are expected to rise early In an economic recovery, along with spending, sales, borrowing and business In general In
      NYT  -  583 words
    • 181 15 Disputed USs29m loan: Lawyer in London MR Harry Wee (above), legal adviser to Haw Par Brothers International. Is currently In London on Haw Pars behalf over the disputed US$29 million loan which Haw Par took from Slater Walker Securities. According to the Financial Times, hopes of a negotiated settlement between
      181 words
    • 121 15 'Gradual interest hike in S'pore' IN Slngaporr. bankers predict a gradaa) rise In local interest rates In the nest few month. Interest rates 1b fact tottosaed In September last year bet have not keen increaslnc significantly since then. The prime rate ef suort banks have reamalnrd static «fnce December last
      121 words
    • 48 15 Two-for-one stock split LOS ANOELCS: Hilton HoteU Corporation said directors have authorised a two-for-one stock split In the form of a 100 per cent distribution. The board also authorised payment of the re. gular quarterly cash dividend of 35 cent* a share on the pre- split shares.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 270 15 ADVISERS to Carrier Corporation. Chartered Merchant Bankers, described comments made by the Stock Exchange of Singapore on the proposed bid by Carrier for the minority shares In lAC (Holdings) as "premature." In a letter to the SKS. Mr. F.WI Bush, manager, corporate finance of CMB. also disagreed
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    • 350 15 LONDON: European bankers estimate gross intervention by major central banks totalled more than US$5 billion since -an i, with the pace of Intervention ac celeratlng In the past two weeks. The estimate Is conservative unc based on their calculations of gross in terventlon by
      Reuter  -  350 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 109 15 CHARLES FULTON (SINGAPORE) LIMITED NOTICE OF REMOVAL We qx* pleased to inform you that with effect from Saturday 1 4th February 1 976 our office will be located at I 3th Floor MNB Building 48-56 Robinson Road Singapore I Republic of Singapore Our telephone and telex numbers remain the same
      109 words
    • 426 15 t inn MR. BUSINESSMAN: Is Business slock? Need mere customers? Selective buyers consult the Yellow Pofes. Many businesses hove found Yellow Poses to be their best (and least costly) salesman in those difficult times. WHY? I 24-Hoor Avo.labilify 365 Doy» A Yeor No vocotiorn, no lea breokt, works for you
      426 words

  • 244 16 Slow pick-up forecast for Britain LONDON The Confederation of British Industry said there seems little prospect of UK output rising rapidly from its low point Output U likely to rise only slowly throughout 1976, by under two per cent, with growth accelerating ln 1977 to about 2 5 per cent
    Reuter  -  244 words
  • 129 16 Tokyo firm sets up office |ANE of Japans oldest v/ and largest manulacturers oi and conveyor chains, rsuoaklmoto Chain, has opened- a representative uince ln Singapore to provide technical services in South-east Aaia. The Sngapore office w.a study the possibility of m&nulacturlng Tsubakimoto products locally and selling them to
    129 words
  • 192 16 HONOKONO. Balfour Beatty. one of the largest engineering concerns in Britain, and Hongkong's major engineering group Jardines have set up s joint venture to serve the construction Industry in East Asia The Hongkong-based company. Balfour Beatty Far East, "will be bringing together Balfour Beatty 's worldwide
    192 words
  • 166 16 RAINIER Bancorporatlon of Seattle has topped the list of stock performance for US banks ln 1975. Based on the Keefe bans: Index of 96 US banks. Rainier i share price rose from US$l4 to J241 a Jump of 75 per cent. This Is far above the Index's
    166 words
  • 124 16 Brokers plan emergency quote system OAEIS: The Broken' A A^ocimtlon said It decided to set ap eiperlnenUUy an emer(rnry quotation system (or itocka oa the forward market In the event of normal tradInf conditions bring dUturbed The emergency *yittm U Intended to maintain the continuity of dealings both for French
    124 words
  • 122 16 Chartered Insurance enters RL mart CHARTERED Insurance Brokers. (Mi. a Malaysian British jointventure. la the latest entrant to the Insurance and re-Insurance business ln Kuala Lumpur. Syarlkat Pesaka Antah Sendirlan is the largest single local shareholder with 24 per cent. Overseas partners are Standard Chartered Bank. UK based Independent lntemst.onsl
    122 words
  • 229 16 NEW YORK New York j Times' consolidated net Income in the fourth quarter of 1975 amounted to U841.4 million, equal to 13 cents a common share, compared with S4 3 million, or 38 cents a share, a year earlier. For the full year
    NYT  -  229 words
  • 168 16 LONDON'S Arbuthnot Latham. Joint owners of Chartered Merchant Bankers ln Singapore. I has taken over Chan- eery Consolidated of Manchester. Mr John Dick, managing director of Chartered Merchant Bankers and director of Arbuthnot said the acquisition Is a positive move which will benefit CMB He added
    168 words
  • 71 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Ron Carstair*manager advances of the Chartered Bank ln Singapore, will be leaving for London to tak' up a new appointment at the bank's hosd office as assistant to the general managers Mr. Carstalrs will be succeeded by Mr. J.M.C. Alston. Dr. Jaa Pvter Tan, has resigned
    71 words
    • 312 16 CYDNTY Prt Share prices drifted lower In mort wtors of the stock market, after opening on a mainly fteady to firm note dsakrs said Traders noted that tho national wage case deebaon. announced a short while ago came too late to affect tradona; sentiment The Sydney All-Ordlnajtet todex gained
      312 words
    • 485 16 N 11 YORK. Thurs. 2J* Quiet holiday mtlon. stock prior, felj oharply in the final hour today, more than erasing a mld-af icrooon sdvanc* The Dow Jonae s*«<«l»lsverago closed at SM.TS, down 5 12 "We just ran out of steam said one analyst. "The afternoon rally wasn't very
      485 words
    • 130 16 aMSTXRDam. Thurs. aharss oaood ka 4ulot «wndlUono dooptu tho Srsasr •boo on Wall SUoot, Dutch •Btornatkaiak closed lower Isowhero lncuranoae firmed against tho trond while banks dosed baroty BXM Ml (rota recent rloss to dose JO guilders lower. rskaar rose while OCE was unehanflod. Ststo loano were narrowly _g»!>—
      130 words
    • 111 16 yORICH. Thurs, The Zurich stock BMrkst dossd on a rather Irregular l—asncy today Lossas wow Isralled off by the gains. Industrials and rhemtf wsshsusa. Bank* could snori or ta» maintain their price* Ths Credit Suiaat tndtx test S.I point to MSJ. am mom m swim fi*M wMSiUm iSSwwui ea
      111 words
    • 91 16 FINANCIAL TOTS INDI'STUALS Thursday 400 o Wtdassday «M1 Wo»k ago 4i«o TINS Thursday MM Wtdaasday 1171 Wsok ago am BI BACKS Thursday 4M S3 Wednesday W7 M Wosk ago 4U.11 Wosk ago MMI DOW JONES AVEKACE iNDisrmxAxa Thursday SM.TS Wednesday 971 M W«sk ago M 4 l LONDON DOLLAB
      91 words
    • 240 17 f^ONOKONO. m. The market wa* firm particularly toward* the cloae In moderately high turnover. dealers said ••roperty shares gained most from the late buying, largely as a result of high price* In today's government land sale The market opened quietly steady but began to advance after mid-ses.> gains evenly
      240 words
    • 68 17 u*» uit M.IKmrw ,1 |i>lM lot.M i.o«i«d m.ooi iio mb i3i am in w 11*70 11! M lunch 111 OOB IM MB 111 ?M in nm 114 ii3 ii r>*m, nmttmr *mi*mt i>p ;jb imim in 2sa i3o joa Inn lii i»m i» MB 112 2W HI MS
      68 words
    • 227 17 •pOKYO. Prl -The market N ctoMd nrm as investor*, lj encouraged by a decline in the balance of margin pur- i chases, actively selected > share* with good rnislnrss prospecU. dealers Mid. The Dow Jones average roM 1014 to ISU 11 with a volume of 200 million shares The
      227 words
    • 217 17 m a US dollar opened fracUonally higher yesterday Morning at t3 47M-4MO In the Singapore forex market Trading was quite active and hecUc with the dollar being bid up to 62 4*15-20 level Market still continue* to be thin as operators are apprehensive over currency unrest in
      217 words
    • 154 17 Asian currency rates ASIA* tuntncy dapoall T <Ujt 5 11 1 mth 5 14 ill > BUu 7 18 ISii 1 dUm S 11 It mi < mth» 6 111 J i« I mth* e 5 I l a 11 mth» 6 15 16 6 IS 16 rra. Dm (■MM*
      154 words
    • 40 17 Ctoatnf Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for F*b 11: Owtrr.lft.t 1 mth 2 mths I mthj l—ii: 4 14 4 1 4 7 1 4 3 4 4 IS 16 4 7 1 4 7 t P. Mrnny-Umn
      40 words
    • 43 17 RAMOB of ttln *«>r*4 kr «Mcotmi kaiiMi «i rt». 13 Ov*rai(ki |i|«. Ckll 4»P0«II II < to I I M m* %-< IHMlk Tnuwj Mil* III t 1/1 t-Maaik ■ut bills 1 1HWI CO II I* IMOII CO »II > »«URCI IHUimi IMMK C«.
      43 words
    • 195 17 Suggected Interbank rate* at 1.00 p m. Naaalaal ralca feaithaoaUn NrmUi* <■»«'< ymtmiMj icraas) ptitj change JS dollar 2 4*05 2 4*15 3 SIM —12 01 KerUi'g pound 5 0210 5 0255 7 3469 —JIM Hongkong dollar 4*55 48 to MSI IN «aiar»ian doUar M 46 MM 100
      195 words
    • 54 17 Prime lending rates (in AkMmanaßonk 7'/. Bonakofc Bank 7", Bonk ot Amorico 7 BankotChmo 7 Bonk o* Tokyo 7 Bonk Nayoro Indonawo 7H Cnartorodßonk 7"> CnoMMonhotton 7.-. 0«S 7 Fm ChKo«o 7V* FNCB 7V* MKSBC 7% Indotuii 7% Moloyon Bonk>ng 7 M.t»u. Bonk 7 OCBC 7 OUB 7 UCB 7',
      54 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 482 16 CAPTAINS PARADISE CRUISE it -^Ommml i|Vf^^J -L 'J Wi M WrM AWJ Jm ommW M m\\ %M tr aJitOj r^BKSSH Welcome aboard. This is your Captain Contact your travel agent or speaking. We have just left Singapore Singapore Airlines for complete information, enroute to Surabaya. Bali and Jakarta. For the
      482 words
    • 109 16 SSmm^^mml Wmmi aaf iIsM^SM. Rll fa T4YWR Streamlirre nlrojiiirsj. Flswtess design. A superlative in smooth, flowing writing. These are the distinguishing marks of a TAYLOR pen. Made for distinguished people. It's a masterpiece in writing elegance In a choice of 4 beautiful colours*. •Gold plated on blue or black Plum
      109 words

    • 1756 17 THI tranaaetea ready 1 sale at trie close of Dualaats on the Stock bchance ot Sinfapur* jmterday conpand with the previous day artces totether with 1*76 76 hfcih and low Adjiuted for jhfa mil* I »cx;p ri#nu wmnrt "•W »T tba Block Kacaiae. or annim kochKM* oat lou
      1,756 words
    • 1705 17 DID and offer price* offl- rtally l!*led and buaine** leported to tb* '.ttigt u( Singapore yttterd*) with trie number ol ahart* traded shown in n lou of 1.000 unit* unleu otherwise HMo&ed All lune Bantam* or Settlement after Sett Big Board 1 4.000 unit* i '■1 altar
      1,705 words
    • 1532 17 DtD and ofler prices 00- awaßj luted and buuimm In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Block Exchange yesterday with the number of share* traded •hown in bracken in lot* of 1000 unit* unless otherwls* *PK..f:ed IMDUITB.IAL* A T>pa tiilr 13*. (I 2 14. *»i -4B 0 «SSi
      1,532 words
    • 34 17 LONRHO hat accepted an £11 million cull otter from Mohamed Al Fayed for Its holding of i..- million ordinary share* (20 per cent) of i UK construction com- pany Richard Coatain.— Keuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 109 17 V HAMCI lIHCAPOai HOOH cLesiNO pricii pia picul VIITtaOAV Cihuml *<i Bulk ISlt atllon. 014 (rua ktTi sallon. o»» t*tt aallon. Copra: Mlans iiooaai Lk Cool. l*o tmrm. Popoot Msatok ASTA whit* f.o b 100 m NLW UM aoUon. ■arawah whit* f.o-h NLW I*4* o*U*n. Sarawak aaocial black
      109 words
    • 131 17 ITJROPK was actively traded tapaclaily for March and May with prices appreciating higher by about UBVIO on Thursday, according to MPOPA Trie US wa* thinly traded with price* about naif-cent higher Quouttcns iCTP Rotterdam USVlong ton: CXT USA cents/ Ib unless etatedi Afloat (US) 1776 cenU sellers. *M*
      131 words
    • 55 17 RESILTB of Trtuvt kills Under bead mi re. IS (or »l-day Milt: Offered: $4. aUIUsM 01-day MUt to be Imt* tnm Pwk. U to »>. Appiied for: fIM.TM.- Allotted |4« ■UUton. Accepts M4t: $*»14 kppro*o»kUly U per cent, higher wM. la ML Aver-ge rate of dlseoeint on
      55 words
      • Article, Illustration
        55 17 >CBC $10M ■u Elrclrtc t 1 71 I. Tradiac t S.M L Banking f 6 75 mrtflac I J 24 -r»ctom t 1 40 "H< M-lte I 7 JO tmlM 2 60 ■JCR.I. I J 38 I. Darfcr 1*0 K*r» f 1 10 —.20 1» —.18 —.14 1* —.10
        55 words
      • 45 17 »b»ll V2M IU»n4 realm, f 1 M G. Ceramics 10 M F. N. $605 Earn II 75 F. E. L1*M «2(2 D»ff D»». tl 35 (.Irnrmly II 30 S. Gka 1100 M. rttmr (147 W M .M -05 04 .04 .M 01 .01 +.•1
        45 words
      • 24 17 Most acti ve stocks Paa Electric I.SM.M« Maw Darky StlHt Faaar Mrrlla 415.1 M laia-npi lit.*** Total Twi.m J.J4 M TMal V***w: 14.1* M
        24 words
      • 62 17 "BT liUn ZI1.ZI tllH laAMrUli Z7»J7 riB>«ii: Mt.SX Stt.SS 1 H»t»h 171JS I7Z.4* Pi«p»Uf: lil .41 1M.U t ThM: M.JI MM t I nthll; IZj.M IZ5.11 tO.CK M4.7S Ml.«l tS.L8.la4.: M7.51 MS.77 tt Ju 1. 1175 s IN •Dw. M. ltM 1M 1 Dec. II. IM« 1M t
        62 words
    • 307 17 FtICES closed easier at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Interest on rubber and commodity stocks, which highlighted trading during the previous two days, nzxled out yesterday Total turnover yesterday amounted to 3.7 million units valued at $8.1 million. Trading In Industrial* was scattered with
      307 words
      • 541 17 'J'Hi; Singapore rubber market yesterday became uncertain and ruled easier In the morning session with leas activity than of late A certain amount of consignment hedge selling was noticeable a* well a* profltUfctng Long liquidation and lack of buying support moved price* a little tower again in the
        541 words
      • 108 17 QAILY SSR and SMR pnocs luufd at neon mtenfey: (tor. Ap D«yrr» srurn DWjcrt ocurf* *.A.S. (Carnal Mtk) IFwnri Mlhl lemto prr kf I X*«U per kf) MRM (1 ton pallet) 1M 00 itlMN ***** 1K0ON «m (i ton paikt) iTioo ntooN ntoo lao.ooN mii.i. a 1MR
        108 words
      • 390 17 I>HK MM4HT CM«tMM mIIBS x»t pnar to tb* ftum Nrm Tar ««n nt*B4«4 f»re»fuii> am ib* p*nod him* Hon««> Cwttar. Baia lvi r»port»4 la IHtK mton thu iwo n— cl to IS', nau «a* H> ■Nil vita only w iHaMsaat •M Mt tm RMtt. »■»< tk* ■>rt«
        390 words
      • 35 17 Kubber: Feb. 13. Singapore .Mar. I'IM cts. (down 1 four cts.) Malaysia Mar 1«5 25 cts (down 3 5* cts Tin: JW7 37J I (down 57.52)). Official offering 2w« tons (down 12 torn).
        35 words
      • 154 17 THE Straits tin price fell »7«>- to t»7l7s per picul In Penan, yastenlay on an official oflertnt down 12 ton* to 200 tons. Trie oveinlfht London market ti, steady with forward buyer* prlc* slipping tli to UMI per metric toil LONDON Tin fell by CM for <Undaid Caafi
        154 words
      • 35 17 I.Mln foaoir prim on Thur» oay ivmioiu ia bracarui Winaar Spot ony*r 13*1 <IM*> a»lkr UNH UMU.SOi Tbrot Month buy»r I*l} itut) •»n«r I*l2 80 li*a* Ml Mark* tWM: Pirmcr la*M: n.ia» iiaaia.
        35 words
    • 417 17 LOSSES ranging ap to seven per cent were recorded across a wide front at the Stock tx change of Singapore yesterday in acattrred and reflected the overbought position of the market at this stage. Particularly sensitive to the wave of selling were volatile stocks in which
      417 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 571 18 The SGV Group Placement Advisory Services for Clients A well established Group of companies engaged in timber related -business invites applications for the pott of: I WOOD PRODUCTS I I SALES MANAGER I INDONESIA Up to 5536.000 p.a. The successful candidate will set up and head the Group's wood products
      571 words
    • 634 18 The SGV Group Placement Advtaory Senrieea for Clients A rapidly expanding Group of Companies engaged in timber, tawmilling and plywood manufacture in Indonesia invites applications for: I FINANCE AND I I ADMINISTRATION I MANAGERS (2) INDONESIA Up to US$2O,OOO p.a. Plus fringe benefits Reaponea>iMiea: The successful candidate will occupy a
      634 words
    • 633 18 Olivetti introduces a new coreer opportunity "Earn-while-you-learn" Technical Troining Program 1 1 you are technically inclined and possess a SC or MCE with good credits in Mathematics ond Science, here is on opportunity for you to become o techm cian with a lorge international organization, Europe's leoding monufocturer of office
      633 words
    • 796 18 A leoding Property Development Orgonizotion invite applicotions for the following positions 1 ARCHITECT PROJECT MANAGER Appliconts should have a degree, diploma or professional qualification in architectural engineering, building or related fields and with at least 10 years working experience in the building construction industries of which 5 years must be
      796 words

  • 312 19 IT was a meeting of two "■taster*" when Knc Ilih actor -pUyright rmlyn Williams. 71. ga>r a aolo perferminrr of Kmljn WilItaim as Charles Dickens way back In 1951. Sinrr then, be has port rayed the colourful Dteken characters all the
    312 words
  • 48 19 THE Sri Muoaaawarmn tampi*. Quaaaawßjr will bold th* Mcrad function of Masi Maham" tomorrow from 1 ia to pm It win aJao eclabnu Urn Slat birth anniversary of N.urmja Ouni from 3 W pm to IM pm Ail da«oc*«a art minted to attend U» function*
    48 words
  • 113 19 Poisoning caused by curry chicken rtURRY chicken pr»pared In unhygienic condition* caused the bout of food poisoning which struck down 130 Vigilante Corps members at a dinner In Pailr Rls ln November. Investigations revealed that the micro-organisms which caused the poisoning was found ln the curry chicken and ln the
    113 words
  • 485 19 Driving test con-men jailed and fined $13,000 fHK Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau has smashed a four -man syndicate which specialised in cheatinf people who went to the Registry o Vehicles centres for their driving tests The four were jailed for a total of 13 weeks by a magistrates court on
    485 words
  • 131 19 WASTAGE OF WATER: WARNING BY PUB rt Public Utilities Board yesterday warned that its inspection teams would book anyone caught wasting water. A PUB spocesman reminded the puoUc that the maximum fine lor wasting water, upon convlct.on U $2,000 and a fins not exceeding $100 lor each day during which
    131 words
  • 324 19 pOLICE have intensified their hunt for v lone gunman who is on the run after two daring hold-ups in the past fortnight. Sources said that the ClD's Organised Crimes Branch has now placed him among the top ln the list of wanted
    324 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 133 19 BBS^^^^aWafI^IIBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBB^^^^I BB)**^*^Ba ad *4 r fcxJ /in Zo t n •V tor The '35 nctt per pcraon Jewellery e£v fTf by LARRY VSI JEWELRY Teresa Car- n by <7741 lent 242. 101 CJJoudhixxxl Rank BETHESDA BOOK CENTRE KATONG BRANCH it UcwtesJ at TAY BUAN GUAN SHOPPING CENTIE 2nd Hoor, S3
      133 words
    • 467 19 AAvrrtUement Cinema prtees, queues and you... ML I^&Ammmmf** asW A VaffjV aaY W ialMl .lil^ljPf 1 BIBS^^BW WILL we still ace auch On Thunda>. Sin«a- WOTMKK (rMKK queues if and when porr'« Mr Luck» the SI>KKAI) al>u »nh Ihe rinemas raise Iheir man who wild «l million ,h«n« and pirlurro
      467 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 995 19 Ol^OU^TiL.. SINGAPORE 5 \tU m and Sesame Street Uf Consuners 1 Ingiish. HaUy-Repeat) IJI Saturday Hatnee-CapUirs Cowageous, fihaiiMal starrirn: Spencer Tracy, Fredte ter 7J The and That {English) ttatamew. Lionel Barrymore and Melvyn IM mm fjtaa«i Douflas 1 45 Tai CarX Iratt Smm 3.4S Footoal HtcMwjhts US Ptkawaaai
      995 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 358 20 D(XraiNINTtppDS(6)PTELTp. The Dolphin Board Of Directors is made up Of I Dolphin has their own team of interior decor designers to Mice Iron a Tan Chairman j provide original interior decoration ideas for home owners miss irene i an, unairman, as well as for offices suites. Dolphin also manufactures Mr.
      358 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 136 21 I DOLPHIN INEDO^ II s^, /0\ rYTF 1 yrnrN ofthereffoeer (Oj PIU IjIJJ. SiteX»\.2xlFtoGr SrociDCf© 15 cordially invite all their Customers, Associates and Friends to Cocktails at their new office on Saturday UNIQUE INTERIOR 14th February 1976 between CPPUITP DTP ITH I.JU 4.Uop.m. 23/25,BiniaiPark,Singapore21. lel:*****8. *****0 f OtufraluMums Ulwiti: ltd
      136 words
    • 208 21 I &&7 c U^r If I ISWimjm onffieoaosionof on the ocrascn of I the often open. the effidd openng g'Jt^SP^nJ effected I GRTKBiJchg Sngcpceb cao ctkv Shgcpaels. JAM jENCj I CHAISOFA II METAL WORKS W^ STrfJH. *^rrm+ JJ 5^ B^.l3,Tampines Close, JM 9t>,V^.«edoo Street, \wmi7 Singapore 15 \^^^J I Singapore
      208 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    2 22
    2 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    27 22 With cherished memories ol the late T. Kaaaaiyiat Kaliiutarayar who was calleC to Rest on \vzn\. Alway! remembered by loving wife sons, daughter-in-law am grandchildren^
    27 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 582 22 SMGAPORE PETROLEUM cam nn invites applications for A. CHEMICAL ENGINEER B MECHANICAL ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS EXPCRIENCE: OKre*- m Chemical Engineering with a minimum ot 2 years related or relevant c»[»f iem c m process engineer ng studies. ;*cx ess planning, feasibility control procedures IWC m Wchamcal Engineering with a •ium ot
      582 words
    • 639 22 A NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY BOARD The Notionol Productivity Boord invitn applications for the post of: Head, Promotion Information Services Unit Solory Scole $2,345 to $2,750 p m (including all monthly NWC ond leove oliowonces but excluding 1 3th month). Requirements end Duties (1) A University degree (or equivalent professional qualifications) in
      639 words
    • 597 22 SIN6APORE (7) POLYTECHNIC Application* are invited from suitably qualified persons for the pact of ASSISTANT ESTATES OFFICER Applicants muit poeMM a Technician Diploma in Electrical Erv gJneanna or Mechanical Engineer ina from #>• Singapore Potytecnnic. Nfee Ann Technical College or other recognised college Relevant experience in the lespactHre field would
      597 words
    • 492 22 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME We. Sim Teow Gok L Co.. Solicitors for Companl* de Navegaclon Reunion SA, Aye SA. Cuba V Calle 30E No 30-11. APDO 6974. Zona 5. Rep of Panama, hereby give notice that In consequence of our clients' intended purchase we have applied
      492 words
    • 256 22 IN THE HIGH (OIRT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE SI IT No. »M 1 of 1975. BETWEEN United Commercial Bank Plaintiffs AND 1. DPool Company (Slngapre) Pte Ltd 2 Alfons Oerard Adam 3 LIP Llan Hoat 4 Lee Leng Sim 5. Ooh Scow Koon Defendants To; 2 Alfons Oerard Adam
      256 words
    • 755 22 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD, SINGAPORE SINGAPORE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE ADMISSION OF STUDENTS FOR THE MARCH 1878 INTAKE Applications ore invited for odntission to the following Industrial Technician Certificate Courses commencing 29th March 1 976 1) Full-time Courses (2 Yean) a) Mechonical Engineering b) Mechanical Engineering Drawing Design c) Air-conditioning Refrigeration Engineering 2)
      755 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 962 23 in'i' >aa«MMMaa»a-aßaHßa^^ unwmvtfijvs '*tt VS «r f .m U aaa v, ■IM vMM 1 1 BM It BM II BM '.MatLsV.fatSl JtlS ItIM MM »M MM MBJ, sr-ssisr -jr »_s js 35 j£ :5 suinT 2-h a -M us us us «ft CMff.ItJWtTP MltlCt 'fa W/CMTiann laiaaa J tmt »m*
      962 words
    • 1452 23 Ben Ocean Kint serviced ßen Une. Blue Fhnnei Gten Une and NSMO a aa caatiaiar Man Itart P taiaaj Ptataa f«Mt IM imuk tt/ti pm nm itt mmfm i m im H-Mra. Nati. c-aaaa. imimim ava *m tva Nt rt aar i-'^Jf"^*" uaptuaca n/a pm ay imm i/immmim i 'mmn
      1,452 words
    • 1190 23 aaakaai a^al af /f f fHtf iT I* Tal m iM*»t raat rrawta nta wa» a. Canaa. Aartri aaaaiai AH M I iWCIBIMaI IK S jmi P Mlaaj It Ham aaat vt ltr it PM tl Pal I aar II Bar ll Bar IMm BBJMga MT aPM II IMr
      1,190 words
    • 1160 23 FULLY CONTAINEKiriD StiVICI TO EUKOfI ~"^^™T«aia»j I'ttrt aaj. afa MlfT Bar I Mftcfaaia, AaVMraaa, Aataafa, It Ktvrt, miMII -Ml a_i. raaaWf Inaaa. Iruaiitum anaa Bar a Bar n l^^ m araawjaaraa, S?--""" mT.. E 4 B *»—t mm.. ua«u tar it Stacaacla. Odl. Hthaiai, Unttt bt|Ma. FULLY COWTaTm'mIZED sTkViCE 7»OM
      1,160 words
    • 686 23 Stajaar. 11J444 P lauaj IWI II JO7II Paaaj »ttl. THE BANK LINE LTD. IMH FM C I into. AfTUIIA i .i taaa.aa. "I Im aaiTallaai.""- 5T"* Sl»iltt/ttM IMI MMM taaa.aa. Baataaa. aartaa. I Laataa. Pat II.HMa. P>• 1/ I Bar I tMa I Bar raja iut t Man wttct
      686 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 904 24 (Vl KAWASAKI USCN KAJSMA LTD. nuT esnitnaa aim Ta Itrtai (▼>• %m%m\ r*a* P RUMf H mt| riaa mmm BMMU fl* I* FM U Fm I Ma U Ma mnmummm m» j m> an nma SSnJTlftKf M« 14 S HI. Mb. NU rrtMM 8M»»t (Ttm MMI P KHakj S pf
      904 words
    • 987 24 bbculab nmncm* to m imn w»oniu MHtTimat fmm ha en mmm ON tm*, IS Fm WFm Imm. HMU I am* II Nt MM Saajrtvtyt'aaMi. tMPM Ran »Nt II Nt StMrMt/TaatM. IMMM PMaaaat ..MM 17 Nt StaaMPMMajtot OM laN-awM aNt aNt Miaaa. ■tanm aWl*Mi»aM»tia« ffl taaat %m\ f ■> > I
      987 words
    • 921 24 mt cttTTiMßso song w fjmh wt md> ran f uiaaa L Mtra f'ataM r«arf trta raw ajfTtM IBIUU II fM II fM I Mtr tt Mar- I Mar 11 aa miiiu UfMTia ti rM a fM na an Bin Ka «fTMB uriita •aa im na n aar aaa it aa
      921 words
    • 909 24 ca ""IT EJtmg sim n mm irVtami/cirMirf mn. MM MUM T "F H-^ =«T^ II) H MMtl MUII IMI fM Carl.*. IW I I. a 4 a i ■mi bum n»rMmm m ay i atr i. I Mar IS, Si t.-t-I* 1. Cartifl. ItM .-ttf 4 MB •f***" a•Mtu TfMTii
      909 words
    • 928 24 >,w NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE \k8B«?> iiiefemeit »PS% FM EAST EIROfE KIVICC V^SMBaM THatiW ICI fJIBUPttf, PTI ITI. WtUIM SUmn SM Ml p t* v m\m p utaj rtn/na tajMa ta I^tawi t Ka* I"!I21* v •*T 1 a rat 14 im !^a!!»J" ~i»*"v "'m iaa tTTTttain M ra«i. nk i
      928 words

  • 10 25 OO yOU nll 0 pi pf rt md
    10 words
  • 10 25 3 Religious Announcements MM MYTIHIAM CNU«CN tIMO* romt mumtoopm Sum).
    10 words
  • 25 25 THE FAMILY I the Late Mr the parents ANO families of the "4r Teo distance attendance areaths. donations and condolences dunng their re-
    25 words
  • 5 25 -emembered by
    5 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 239 25 classified ads §1 n \Mk PmVR H mm ■gg httrUHfawSt m FIDDLER ON ROOF nexl production ti June welcome jrsday 6pm rvardßd .jm >)l g <BinMf m mwaw te puatujei < on itio dote t* cut cermet wl toM asetl rooponoxs*. lor error* M or yl—.e. el X.orwo. No
      239 words
    • 614 25 WANTED EXPCRICNCCO PART TIMS English chines* Translator and Free-lance Artist Apply P O Box 29. Owen Road. 8 por* I Due to expansion of Marine Servires activities, we require the following personnel aIItPPIMO EXECUTIVE Potsesslon of a HSC or Its equivalent and experience In shipping preferably in vessels husbandry chartenng
      614 words
    • 729 25 CONFIDENTIAL SECRCTARY WITH HSC qualification, prererably with expenenc* In company secretarial work Neal typing and capable of working independently Preference will be given to those taking th* professional examination of C I 8 Apply with full details of qualifications, experience, salary desired, contact Ulephone number snd non-returnable passport photograph to
      729 words
    • 616 25 WAJTTCO pwMALC tsf»BWAL Clerk OCE O' level with good wntten Chinese, fluent In Hokklen dialect Apply with full particulars and a recent photograph to ST BoxA»O73S OwMCRAL CLCCTMC (USA) HOHJSCWAP.CS PTC. LTD. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of SIMFPIIia CLCNK Qualifk-alions. Experience Applicants must have
      616 words
    • 734 25 FULL-TIMC HOUSING SALCS/ RenUng executives Mai*/ Female required by International Hotav ing Agent/ Real total* Oroup Attractive salary plus commission with prospect* to expand sale* activities In B.E. Asia and company* sponsorship to lake up Real Estate Course* In University of Callfomt* USA Only those with at least 1 year
      734 words
    • 737 25 PRODUCTION *UP*RVI*OR Female MCE CandtdaU with a minimum of 3 years' experience CanldaUs currently drawing not less than $250 p m should apply 10 The Personnel Manager Newey (Mi Sdn Bhd.. Tanjong Kilns Free Trade Zone. Malacca SOC SINGAPORE OILSEAL COMPANY PTE LTO Our newly established firm In Jurong (a
      737 words
    • 821 25 for Printing Machines. Also 1 t Operator for Carbon Machine 1 Phase apply to: P O Box IM I We are engager! In the manu- r facture of sophisticated com- I ponents for the Aircraft Industry i and we Inviu applicaUons for the I position of MAINTCNANCC TCCHNtCIAN A) An
      821 words
    • 852 25 :anada. v a culture, we lave vacancies for Welders. Dec- i rlclans Fitters Plumbers Auto Mechanics (Diesel). Oeneral Derks. Typists Accountants It'ages from MS $8 lo $13 per lour Applicants write to i Employment Depl STUDJJNTS i JUREAU. 243 Regents Street .DNDONW I requires POUT OUIOC (MALC) A OCE with
      852 words
    • 680 25 OFFICE BOY/ VISA CLERK re quired urgently by established Travel Agency Age between 16--25. priest valid class 2 driving licence, minimum Sec 2 English education Knowledge of visa application and advantage Interested please apply with passport photograph to The Manager P O Box 126 Kalong PostOfTlee INTERNATIONAL SPINNING MILLS LIMITED
      680 words
    • 707 25 OFF ORCHARD ROAO 3 bed roomed furnished apartment with telephone MOO Bedok 2storey tatßl-swtached house 4 bedrooms, one servant's room furnished with telephone $750 Sennette Avenue off East Coast Roafl $900 Contact 4*4666/ *****3 BCAUTIFUL SEMI DETACHED ANO detached bungalows, dlst 5 10 11 it with 3" t bedrooms Contact
      707 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 677 26 Esl aw*FeJ49aMJ MBT 19 NOLLANO CLOSE singlestorey semi detached furnished 9880. Dlst 21 Eng Khong Garden detached furnished 6800 Dlsl 21 Hongkong Park 2-storey semi-detached fur f MOO Please phone 378*58/ *****42 I-BTOHBY TERRACE PARTIALLY fwrmshtii m 1 Changi (near 1360 Also room with NOLLANO ROAD J STOREY e> Furnished
      677 words
    • 695 26 ruMUHIO UNFURNISHED ROOMS near Orchard Road Suitable for working girls, bachelors No cooking Tel *****7 TELOK KURAU PLAT, furnished master room bath attached Ample parking, and privacy Ring *****6 after 1 2 noon FURNISHED AIRCONO ROOM soltable for couple, no cooking •I 13 Tel ***** LARGE FURNISHED ROOM in net
      695 words
    • 818 26 2-, STOREY FABSH NaVLS splitlevel semi-detached choice property. 4.406 sq ft 6 spacious rooms plus servant's, front and back balconies terraxao/ parquet flooring Selling vacant possession 1228 000 nett Principals only tel *****6 No brokers please MrTBRSUTIOtUU. CLAZA I Knee Bpue for tato Property tax at immttliiain I caw of
      818 words
    • 761 26 I 88 CTS P.S#. city central diet. I 215 sq ft Ith floor with harbour view carpeted, curtained, partluoned. central alrcondltlonlng Call *****77 n vS CJ rNTERNATIONAi. PLA2A [/J %J I il«i "1 1 ipir /V OFFICE FOR RENT («*J Prtr*tlO6t«f ./I if SHOPS FOR RENT gVI VJ FtasaSlßßp^J V]
      761 words
    • 585 26 SIAKSON COACN TOUHS 28. Prtnetp Street. Singapore 7 Tei *****8 3ES7B 110 Lines) Peninsula Office. Coleman Street. Tel *****4 4 *****1 Cockpit Office. Penang Road. Tel *****28. *****0.*****5 Metro *****54/7 7 Days Malaya Alrcon Bus 8166/- (lncluding Oenung) SI TV- Every Sunday 5 Days Malaya/ Kuala Lumpur/ Cameron Highlands/ Penang
      585 words
    • 650 26 PAR EAST TRAVEL Club <Pie> Lid offers low cost rughu to London' Kumpe A i«o worldwide reservations Please call *****1/ 36)685/ *****1 CHEAP FARES! London Amsterdam Parts Madrid Frankfurt Rome Oeneva Copenhagen USA Australia Par Fast India BANOKOK week-end Tours Three. Four or Seven Days APEX AM BROKERS Far Eel
      650 words
    • 617 26 O SECMET3UVUS PRIVATE SECRETARIAL PART-TIME COURSES Classes commence 16th February Register early to ensure a place EVENING CLASSES Commencing 21it Fab Every Saturday Shorthand for beginners Commencing 16th March Every Tues A Thurs Boost -keeping for beginners SECRETARIUS 78 Tenglin Road. Singapore 10. Tel *****2 J IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES and
      617 words
    • 551 26 insVtjua DAILY ENGLISH COURSES AT ALL LEVELS COMMENCE Classes are small only 1 2 students so enrol early to matte sure you gat a place For further details contact:. The inlingua School of Laovussjes 78. TangNn Road Singapore 10 Tel *****2 PHYSICAL SCIENCE BIOLOGY with Practical. Mathematics English Primary Six
      551 words
    • 637 26 MOOERATE FEES OUARANTEED stall 4ard> reliable tutors Phone Vincent 41 1340' *****4 m _L\jj EFFECTIVE HOME TUITION by ex penenced reliable tutors for secondary primary levels Any locality Enquiries *****22 EFFECTIVE TUITION POH primary and li>»rr secondary levels Phone Miss Vrxwig *****20 TUITION/ COUNSELLING ALL graduate King ****** II I
      637 words
    • 766 26 SPECIALLY IMPORTED AOVENT mited stocks m ith Asia, 351 Victoria St CPENINO SALES LESS 18% Genuine batik material/ dresses und Thailand India. Malaysia and Indonesia Orchard Balix 304 3rd floor. Or--s£E^^^b^ss AUSTRALIAN BUSINSSBMAN DESIRES correspondence With Singaporean Wnie With Photo to .ictorla Street Ktanton Hill Townsvllle. Queensland Australia TRY BODY
      766 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
      125 words
    • 554 27 BUSINESS 0 MANUFACTURERS! Save time and mon.y personnel problems and nail biting anx.el> tig widespread publiri our prooucu or ir sales irtaili of your A9OOOB >ur best v*J \et NEST AUN ANT ■H»~O caen ixi pieces comfortable ftopt, to KdHnev Need O. Be* 177. rajteafl TRAOING AGENCY WITH es- Malaysia
      554 words
    • 2144 27 a I '0 Wa esweßaiiaw Cavrar Nawa, A» Camtnmrmn at im svm ■ness Tsw of»» mliiis 3 Mawaha fMiriKf an Mm sfM Oms Vrieswo F«e> FNEE tnsk Model SIRBOOO 19 000 Stul serial No *****8 S3OO Model 61 Of 100 19.000 6tui Serial No *****8 8460 Mod* SIBEIOO 10.000 Otul
      2,144 words
    • 804 27 LATE 1971 MONOA H 750 with magnesium wheels and 900 kits flbref lau mudguards 1970 BMW 2880 with aircon and extras Ring Tel *****3 JULY 1874 OAiHATSU tong bouy lorry petrol rnginr very good cop-imon Contact *****91' *****77 LAOY OWNCR. NAT 128 SL Sept 72. original condition rasertte Conuct MiuLim
      804 words
    • 749 27 1881 FO*O ANOLIA ;JOO cc and 1 9M Sunbeam Alpine Soft HardTop ISOOcc Both excellent condition Overhauled enflncs. suspension and other pans, new I paint ARK benefits 11. 200 and 11.500 respectively Ring *****1 NO KEONO CAM TRADERS (P) LTO.. Home el Oman Uee«l Cars. JI J- A. I ■*M
      749 words
    • 327 27 H7B MfNCEOIS ■■HI (ulumn f«*r new rluUh n.-» Mlrhrlin tyres aircond alai I radio, r-.irtridfr and rm». pU>rr Vrry food condition .it Mobil .servirr Station m s Hiirw.irn Road, first offrr il 512.0U0v.-ur.-l SECMTAHY URGENTLY NttDS v- r< onomiral Car brlow I3OOT c toresias 200 Yrars im miwards considered Tel
      327 words
    • 578 27 AGENCY MANAGER Leading General Insurance Company requires a dynamic Agency Manager to operate out of Kuala Lumpur. The prospective candidate should 1. be a Malaysian citizen. 2. preferably have insurance knowledge. 3. be between 25-35 years of age. 4. be willing to travel throughout East and West Malaysia. The Company
      578 words

    • 453 28 Hadlee, Patel share honours WELLINGTON, Fit —New Zealand pace bowler Richard Hadlee and Indian batsman Brijesh Patel, both lucky to be playing because of recent mediocre displays, took the limelight on the first day of the Third and final cricket Test here today. At stumps, New Zealand had dismissed India
      453 words
    • 67 28 'King' Pele to part with wife DlOat JANEIBO. m. RX laaan Araatas «a Naaahnanssv BraasTs «ra*wMs» saaaar "tUmf l^te. lagal Mpanllan (rasa Ms wsta. ■n—iri CnaM «a Naaswnansa. st waa ranartssi jsrtweay. n» patstlsn waa WH la tna aanrt In Sanasa wsmt* *u» ami ■inaiiil sxsn ssnnsaa issnal exaas- W
      67 words
    • 62 28 LONDON. Fit Chris Rnnegan. tha BrtUah and Ont— maaslUi MttYi hsavywtfcjht enaasptea. ssey newer bo* Main toUowtaf an opsnUfcn far a attached retina ban jaUanhi Wnnsaan. 11. Injured hU eyt In trainlnt on Mbnday Yesterday's aparaftwi on tne aya k> t ■parted la fee naiiilrtily
      62 words
    • 50 28 SUfOAFOM Cricket dub takes on Bel*neor Club In Urn annual rugby match on tht parianf at all pm After the asatrti. a reception and danet will k» t Uj to atark Urn departure en Fab 1» of SOCs ertekat Mm in Its sow ef Auatn-
      50 words
    • 101 28 OXDIA las INNS Tentaarkar c Wadsworth b R Hadlee M Oaveekar c Wadsworth b R Hadsse II S t— armaih c Robert* b R Hadlee I Vtahwanatk c Turner b D. Hadlee 4 Patel c Cone-don b Calms si M. raela Ibw colnnge M Ml sis Lai b D
      101 words
    • 137 28 Cruyff to part with Barcelona BARCELONA. Frl. Dutch roceer star Johan Crayff is leaving Barcelona the club he Joined for a word record fee ef six million guilders <ts«ls.4ea). "I'll stay until my contract runs out on June M and then I'm quitting. I can't -ork In this atmesahert." Crmyff
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 37 28 MEXICO CTTY. Prl The formation of a new weight clasßUVatton. the super bantam weight division with a Ml kg limit, was announced voterday by the president. Jose Sulatman Cnagnon. of the World BoxIng Council AP
      AP  -  37 words
    • 213 28 SIXTH- PLACID Toa Paych City sank deeper Into the relegation mire when they tost 1-3 to Katone. Rangers In a National Football Is igu» Dlv Three match at Jslan Besar Stadium last night, reporu BEBNAKD PESEIKA With four more games left to pay against stronger
      213 words
    • 329 28 Chelsea, Palace meet today in intriguing tie ONDON, FrL Two London clubs one from the Second Division and the otrer from the Third meet in the most intriguing tie of the English Football Association Cup Fifth Round tomorrow. Chelsea and Crystal Palace are two famous rumes in English foothall, whose
      Reuter  -  329 words
    • 299 28 Dope charge: Czechs lose 2 points TNNSBRUCK, PTI. Czechoslovakia, stunned by a doping scandal, beat a hard-flghtlng West Oerman team 7-4 yesterday In the Winter Olympic Oames Ice hockey tournament to retain a slim hope of a gold medal. Milan Novy scored his fifth and sixth goals of the tournament,
      Agencies  -  299 words
    • 35 28 LONDON. Prl. Former world champion Qamar Zaman of Pakistan, beat England's Dave Stagnant •-1 0-9 0-» 9-0 »-2 in the first round of the Durham and Cleveland Open aquaah Rackets championship here yesterday
      35 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1115 28 WANT TO Ef A S PLANT MANAGER f I MANUFACTURING MANABER?? I I Tht expansion of one of our overseas plants and I I normal rotation of present 'expet' staff meke it necessary to fill these two spots. v¥a are looking for two leaders who are self- I I motivating
      1,115 words
    • 166 28 THE BANKRIPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18. If7e EDITION) TAKE NOTICE that Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made agminst the following debtors: Receiving and Adjudication Orders made on 30th January 1076 la Bankruptcy Ne 310/75 Low Tuang Day of No 138 Cassia Crescent. Block 30. Singapore 14. Rcottvia. mwi AdfuaUcatioa Order, made
      166 words
    • 138 28 jl fc^ La Belie is a strong, swift detergent W M n«snW that removes dirt and grease fast. jU MM La Belle with Lemon is kind to the /^SdM 1 1 M^^ Lwkf hands and mild to the skin. MrnlWlt wmMk Use La Belle for ALL your cleaning I |jK|
      138 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 579 29 H fTHE SGV GROUP) Placement Services for Clients ADVERTISING VI EXECUTIVE J Our client, an established organization with more than twenty-five subsidiary and associated companies in Malaysia is engaged in the trading, assembly and manufacture of a wide range of industrial, automotive and consumer products In view of its rapid
      579 words
    • 578 29 JAWATAN KO3ONQ [PIHAK BERKUASA KEMAJUAN PEKEBUN KECIL PERUBAHAAN GET AH] Perni-.hcnan adalah dlpetmwa dart wmrganegmra- warganegara Malaysia untuk menjfrl Jawatanlawatan kosong dalam perkhldmaUn RISDA sepertl berlkut:— I. 1. (I) Mama Jawatan: Pengurus Estet/ Rancangan (M) Tlimjajlr A 11- 10 RlOOO X 50 1100/1150x50 -1500 (W) Kumpulan: Kumpulan A (n>) Nama
      578 words
    • 426 29 Financial Controller The task is primarily to develop and control all accounts. This is a senior appointment and the man responsible reports directly to the Monaging Director. While responsible for developing and controlling all the company's financial accounting functions, the man must be of sufficient commercial maturity to make a
      426 words
    • 743 29 Technical Sales Representative A well-established company needs a Technical Sale* Representative in their H J Office to promote a lomotivf equipment and air I The successful candidate should be a Malaysian citizen with not more than 30 years of age and possesses: 1) Good command In English and some knowledge
      743 words

  • 684 30  -  EPSOM JEEP DENNIS CHIA By and EPSOM JEEP'S SELECTIONS t.%55. RA« t 1 BUtk»«>4. Atartr. RAC E S Taototuui. Kui Mart Lrk. RACE 4 G«asalrs. t**y (haofr. RACE 1 »»bl»nr«. Cmpuetkw. KAi t Fall TIH. Tlfrr Wlnf RACE Hnlhnwr, BraUBf. SOUTHERNER looks a bright each-way prospect
    684 words
  • 785 30 MTTT3WM 2M MARA CLASS 5 400 m miUSHMM Catchwt/ighta: 76kg t 10 TaaißMiS'for PHI Oamai v I ota Maaai.l pore PCi Peretrali t 13 ■■>■■» iSeor PC) mm I 4 CaajaiSaor PRC) KTlatlJ I usttCaeear N <lakan4ar PCi t OM3 fill Kaaj (Spore PC) Oerta 2 r vanMaa
    785 words
  • 953 30 2.1S The Udlae Race 1100 m 1 II BMM ear i Ukandar PC i 7} ih Im» 7 I «1S ha I Bum Timaf SCIM B- T»i»»i I I oit: eawreMisior pro m ktinw 2212 La»e«e(BukU T man SCiM Ma P. MM II i— t Ukaraar PC) C
    953 words
  • 301 30 POWERFUL SHINE again attracted attention with an eye-catching gallop on a good track at Bukit Tlmah yesterday morning, reports DENNIS CHIA. The speedy five-year-old went once round on the sand track, and then reeled off the final 600 m in 358 when sw 1 1 eh c
    301 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 637 30 Rtf: 204 /BS 48 I BRUNEI SHELL Petroleum Compony Limited invites opplicotions for employment in its organisation based in Seria, State of Brunei from: I ENGINEERING INSPECTORS The successful candidates will be responsible for carrying out inspection work associated with the construction and maintenance of onshore and offshore plant and
      637 words
    • 563 30 Tha SGV Group PlejCejtw^nt Aovnory SonnctM forCNents A newly established export credit insurance company in Singapore with banks, insurance companies and tha Singapore Government a* its shareholders invites applications for tha position of: I MARKETING OFFICER 5515,000- 20.000 pa. Raeponefcil riles: The successful candidate will be basically responsible for the
      563 words

  • 387 31 UUNDREDS of school children are expected to participate in the First All -Comers track and field meet, organised by SAAA. at the National Stadium today. School iporu secretaries are using the AllComers to select their potential champions and groom them for the coming Inter-school meets
    387 words
  • 244 31 1>HE series of set1 backs suffered by the Singapore national soccer team has not eroded their morale, team manager N. Oanesan said yesterday before their dep*".i ture for the pn -Olympic tournament at Jakarta, reports JOE DOKAI. Oanesan said 'Withdrawals by several players has weakened
    244 words
  • 491 31 Plrst round acorn: M M. Marlmuthu 30-3*. Ithnln Zaln 35-31. 67 Mnhsmmed Jail! 3J-31. M Urn Ah Hong 34-34. Teo Chin Bang 33 -3 J, 70 8. Vcllaaamy 35-3 J. Bamsuddln Buchlk 37-33. 71 David Milne 34-37. Urn Oeok Tang 34-37. Urn Lenc Ann M-M, Pang
    491 words
  • 486 31  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By £HEE Swee Lee left yesterday afternoon to compete in a series of major American athletic competitions including the UJB. Olympic trials. She will compete in Los Angeles. San Francisco, Albuquerque and in San Diego and will be under the tutelage
    486 words
  • 240 31 Two-eagle feat by Muthu SICC assistant pro M. Marl muthu and Ithnln Zaln, of Changl. shot twoun d c r-par 66s to share tne first round lead in the Shell Pro-Am Open golf cham p 1 o nshlp at Bukit Chermln yesterday. M. Marlmuthu. however, stole the limelight yesterday with
    240 words
  • 82 31 MELBOURNE. Prl The U *—»rtmiii crtc- who played In an si* tost* agalnat the Wast Tnrttai will be paid a bonus of 8»1.3U each per Taat The bonus payment* toumnc 11.4 M announced In Malboume today by Australian Crtcket Board ssciwtair Alan Barnes He also announced that
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 486 31 p■■ 1 1 L j yTJTUJ I Sime Darby Sales Pte.Ud. I requires I A) SALES EXECUTIVE I B) MARKETING EXECUTIVE The Job A) Responsible for sales of provision and sundry products. Supervision of sales personnel, negotiation of trode deals, implementation of marketing plans and stock control. B) The job
      486 words
    • 445 31 TECHNICAL SALES EXECUTIVE A responsible position for a self-motivated person with monogeriol potential in the Protective Coot ings Industry AGE: 25 35 QUALIFICATIONS: Successful background in specification soles with a formal education m chemistry preferred At least two years proven experience in the soles of Marine Coatings POSITION: To market
      445 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 90 31 lOCCII National Lsacut. Ottr. I Jalan Basar QMaanatoam (Jalan Basar. 4)0 pm > IN*, t: ■aransKwu Oardsn t Wtoaaapoa iDaranfoon Oardan. 410 pm i >r «-»r»«t Jw+ Ptonool cPVrrer Park AC. 4 M pm i ranvr Pai* Drnaaoa Balaatlcr United Jalan Baaar. •JO pm.) Div I: MountbaUan Macnwraon (National BU(Hum
      90 words

  • 25 32 THHW «ere at least six lallanc fires last nifht the wont one was at Dover Road which lasted for nearly three hour*
    25 words
  • 59 32 FORMER screen star Greta Garbo walks alone along a New York street almost unnoticed and unrecognisable. Miss Garbo, once considered one of the world's most beauti- ful women, is now 71 years old. When she retired suddenly from films In 1936 she told a dismayed
    AP  -  59 words
  • 225 32 capitalist roaders within the leadership was a man who had worked closely with Liv Bhaochl. the Head of State toppled during the 1960s Cultural Revolution Mr Teng was Identified with Uu. and was also purged during the revolution as an alleged capitalist roader. He
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 128 32 MAaaiiTTi a. iuiiui ■—■al awar p~c*t*ttt 11/t/w at ■anymhi. Virclala TaaaM la Tkiaii tram tar ie ran. Tratty THimenai OalMe* for S ran. ika wtrtit m a ■■■in Pmbrtanaa Ckroai Sir im last t»» yars. ni h hut •Kttr at JukiiM caara a»r*m« by S num. t twin, aa«
    128 words
  • 300 32 37 women in unit: Admiral BANGKCK. Friday THAILAND'S Armed Forces chief said in an interview broaocast today that "the opposition" had sent a large sapper squad to Bangkok for sabotage operations. Admiral Sa-Nfad Ch al ory o o, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, quoting |n-
    300 words
  • 237 32 TOKYO. Friday J^ RIGHT-WING Japanese organisation was reported today to have cabled a threatening message to the United States hinting at a revival of the terror of the World War II kamikaze raids if investi cations into alleged bribes by the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation were not stopped.
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 49 32 RamUAVIK. rri The British fricatc Dtomede tonnht rammed the Icelandic patrol resetl Beldur 40 km off Iceland's northeast coast. the Coast Ouard office said here The Bakfur'i captain told the Coast Ooaxd offloj that his veaaal received considerable damage, bat Mid there were no Injuries. Beater
    49 words
  • 28 32 SALISBURY Fti tq, RhodaaUn OoVemmeot aad back nationalist leaden resumed constitutional taJks today and said after the 40--mlnute meeting there had been a "constructive discussion Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 111 32 THE FRANC BEGINS TO RESPOND LONDON, m The French franc today started to shrug ofT speculative pressures toward devolution in the Joint European float, responding to heavy central bank support over the past few days. The foreign exchange market here was quiet but tense. Despite official denials. some dealers sUll
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 74 32 LUSAKA, (Zambia), m Pro-Western forces ail but formally conceded defeat to the Marxists In Southern Angola today, abandoning their day-old headquarters at Serpa Pinto and ordering their troops into the bush to start a guerilla war. The Unita command said In a communique "We
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 584 32 f ONDOI4. m tw s«aak aarkM clMit eaMUf Ira to««x. aa* al 1 p m. ikt ruu OaJ Ttmm IMn ni t**r pouu al Mtl Timiaiil li in 1 1 —ttiHii ■aias 1 am* pauu mi-| tomt«au« ioum to is ariv tk* Jaaaary irm«* asuras wkica w«n kMtar
    584 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 51 32 it CARPETS (p f/ fl Australia. Belgium, China. |PO \/fs mm v Cnmfl srV*n jj^gj carpets and rugs I Available \1 or Hand-made and %+J Machine-made to Order jsjaM* decorative carpets pte., ltd jrd Singapore 9 Tel 2350J16* *****17 bsbx"^^ bbb^l^^^^^b^^l^bl y^i\ vfefcv^ ssP^— f%^^fr -MIbBBBbI I ■BBBBBBBBBaBswaSBB^B^L BB^BBBBBBBBBBBBB^ .^bbJbsb-I
      51 words
    • 1 32 ■^■TP'^MM^^^B^B^P^ff^y^W^^BßJ
      1 words
      282 words