The Straits Times, 9 February 1976

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 409 1  - Raja: Our basic problem is economic P.M. RAMAN By PATTAYA. Sunday THE time has come for Asean to show whether it has the capacity to tackle the core of regional problems the basis of which is economic, the Singapore Foreign Minister Mr S. Rajaratnam said here today. Mr Rajaratnam. who
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  • 297 1 JAKARTA TO SLASH OIL PROFITS Move by govt to boost state revenue Talks on with foreign firms JAKARTA. Sunday TH E Indonesian Government has announced it will cut profits of foreign oil companies operating here in a bid to increase the state revenue. Finance Minister Mr. Ali Wardana made the
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 76 1 HONOLULU. Sun. US nary aircraft launclMd a •earch ym ln day for 17 crewmen of a tapaniw ft-m^ vchcl found unmanned and •ground on a r»ef at Kura Atoll. 1.930 km nortawort of ham The *mml Howl Maru No S teft Midway aland, about 160 km
    AP  -  76 words
  • 211 1  -  EPSOM JCCP •y KUALA LUMPCR. lu.-Tk«n wma aaaaataaa la Urn first 4tf I Hal aaaaaV*Saaft*ft a>lama* taw 546J66 Total Go'« Ca» mr MM saetrei itluU Uaapar today Bet fave«rtte West4*rfal Swartae II earrytaf "faiiw" after iimTm Urn mT saotiaa aaof «tt
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  • 515 1 Scandal may delay polls in Japan TOKYO. Sunday THE Lockheed scandal filled the front and Inside pages of Japanese newspapers today and threatened to force the Government to delay general elections until the autumn. j Japan's political world was rocked on Friday by a US Congress tub-com-mittee's charge* that much
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  • 30 1 CANBERRA. Sun. Australian Prkßf Minister Maiooka Prassr. baa declared h* would offering hi* pnrhc— or. Labour faodor Oough WhlUam. a poattton a* an amtnaanini or a )udg* Boutar.
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  • 78 1 Anti-Gaddafi coup man in Cairo CAIRO. Sun. One of Libya s leaders, whose name was linked with an unsuccessful coup against Colonel Muamtnar Oaddafl. has arrived In Cairo and has been granted political asylum An official anr.-xinoamont did not lay when Major Omar MahaUhl. a member of Urn Libyan revolutionary
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  • 67 1 LATEST Mercenaries executed in Angola NEW YORK. Son The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Mid today It had a report from Zaire that IS or 14 British mercenaries had been e«ee«ted In Angola for refating to fight. The report Mid the executions had oee*rred within the last M hoars la northern
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 647 1 Top post for Hua 'reflects China rift 9 WASHINGTON. Sunday |JS officials were caught by surprise yesterday by the elevation of Mr. Hua Kuo-feng to acting Premier of China, a move they said that reflects deep divisions within the Chinese hierarchy However, these officials said
    Reuter; AP  -  647 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 rf*fc KING'S ryffift SAFETY SHOES MO 700 ON EARTH RESISTANT U KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK 36 DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14 TEL *****1 4 4*4727 "the mobile EntErtalnEr" Bar** j 1 n* P-20/12' M (UHF/VHF) If WITH A 2-YEAR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE because instead of the usual transistors, HITACHI
      122 words
    • 87 1 TRAFFIC IN RZ CUT BY 71 pc -Page 7 LEBANON: A pact to oafore* trace I BED forces take ratal TNLA strwuaoM 4 GBOt'P of Tl to stana" Mtitod on traa> WOBKEBS aft ■■Mitel altoftwt safety ralea I CIO arsaos aiircrd Kflifl— i at cc Araaaaay J SPECIAL Ufecaard coras
      87 words
    • 190 1 7^^ M Wf fl The modern X^AYPJy sunglasses for the modern people Olivetti introduces Singapore's best value in Printing Calculators Underwood 481 $320 Underwood 582PD $452 An attractively designed com- A calculator that prints and dispact, versatile electronic calculator plays. The display panel and the that prints. printer can be
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 608 2 Now t herefe a holiday in London and Europe for everyone. London from $2,124 V S WfW*fWWM HfflTf X'iiM I Europe from $2,316 ITCTmli^] IJfcr B^b^MTU Ub Britain from $2,141 Je ''SfflBHW B Prices include the return airfare if sfe?4^^ it Bsl 1 1 Singapore/London/Singapore. /^P^V^bl atiHi ifj rf 1
      608 words

    • 350 3 FORD BID TO END ARMS BAN AGAINST EGYPT WASHINGTON, Sunday THE Ford Administration, seeking to strengthen Washington's ties with Cairo, was reported yesterday close to a major decision to consult Congressional leaders on ending a long-standing ben on the sale of military equipment to Egypt. High administration I officials have
      NYT; UPI  -  350 words
    • 251 3 Schmidt: Weak Nato a threat to detente LONDON. Sun West Oernun Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said the Atlantic Alliance should not weaken lv military strength as this could endanger East-West detente. He was applauded by a packed audience at the Foreign AfT.ilrs Club here on Friday when he said that substantial
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 180 3 WASHINGTON. Sun Projection* by congressional experts that the budget deficit In the next fiscal year li likely to reach I'SMO billion $150 billion i or more have caused deeD concern at hlxh levels of the Ford administration The projections have made by the new non-partisan Congressional
      NYT  -  180 words
    • 520 3 DAMASCUS, Sunday gYRIA and Lebanon sealed an agreement vesferd;iy to enforce peace in war-torn Lebanon and Syrian President Hafez Assad said he was "optimistic about the future." Mr. Assad, speaking to reporters at the end of a one-day visit to Damascus by Lebanese President
      UPI  -  520 words
    • 270 3 Vatican: Why we signed 'Zionism is racist' accord VATICAN CITY. San. The Vatican has admitted that its deIrfat on to an Islamic -Roman Catholic conference in Tripoli had agreed to a ■tchu--it.on branding ZlonIssn as racist. Bat It said the agreement bad been made through a technical accident" and the
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    • 56 3 LABORS. Bun —Mr. Chautfhary a pronlnent Oppoalttao member of Piiuuni "lritiami was aneetad here on Friday for aDaied tammaat b a murder caw la Oojorat norttaera PakMan. the nattonal newt laiuj. Aancut*d Preat of PakMaa reportMr ZaharUabL M. Wat rehMtd hall when be appeared la the Lahore
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 57 3 LONDON. Sun Plr* dUMfI in Britain coat an eaUßMted CSU.7 million (***** billion) lut yoar. CMS BUlboo mm than la 18-74. the Brtuin Inourmnot AanctoUon amid Ttaare war* It flrai In It 7». each eosttnf mora than fl BUlttoo. oonparad with 23 in i»7« and 11
      57 words
    • 32 3 DbuU DUN (India). •ua.-e*jht (Moplt sere klUtd and more than W Injured when the roof of a partlj-built audttofium eolkpMd at the Indian MUltary Oort— ly here, oOdali mid Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 294 3 'Make Europe a stronger continent' call to EEC BRUSSELS, Sunday GOVERNMENT and Institutions of the European Common Market must begin working full time to make Europe something better than the world's weakest continent, a congress of leading European Federalists said yesterday. "While the world U changing deeply and organising Itself
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    • 259 3 Ban book on Soviet role in M-E, Cairo told /IAUtO Sun— The 8oV vlet Union has «ked the Egyptian Oovernment to oan the sale of a book by a local journalist on the grounds that It defames the Russians' role In the Middle Bast. diplomatic sources said yesterday. Authorities here
      AP  -  259 words
    • 118 3 AUBO, taa. US \J SccraUry of SUU Dr. Henry KJMlafw tcnCere^ kl* t***umU»n afUr Tr »tt *imt Tmi nUer*4 kte kla «*her port as tktlnMß *f tk« NaUml iNVttj Cmeil, Ike weekly un •lne Iw O YMiwf MM la Ha iaa>< >» K*riH
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 456 3 H QUALITY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE E I Him ""1111-mßMaltViisU 1 »*Tll H iPP^Nfe I CONDENSED MILK VTi m HrtaUPYl W) FESTIVAL 1 A \SI gj /A CONTEST g&\ R CORDIAL festival 3.40 Si 13 m IF^-o m r«»" 51 W^^^leW PORK LUNCHEON MEAT lt ra Ej ll V COCKTAIL SAUSAGES
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    • 142 4 27 die as Rhodesia guerillas resume attacks SALISBURY. Sun. The death toll In Rhode: la i renewed war with guerillas is reported to have risen to 27, and black nai.onalst leader Joshua hkomo yesterday warned the white minority Government of an Intensified fight If the current constitutional talks fall. An
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 124 4 'Military coup planned against Isabel' BI'ENUS AIEES. SanArgentina's main op- po Jtion party said last night there were plans fir a military coup against the Government of President Maria Eatela (Isabel) Peron. The centre-left Radical Party called for unity in mpport of the repatllcan system In the face of "a
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 64 4 PRICHARD. eun Pour teenager*, trying to outrun polk* In speeding car. hit a vehicle carrrinc three adults on Friday nlsht and ■11 (even died In the wreckage An Alabama state trooper mid the three adults dldnt have a chance" when Urn teenagers' car. travelling at more
      UPI  -  64 words
    • 461 4  -  KINSHASA (Zaire), Sunday *j*lrK Western and Zaire-backed National Front (FNLA) fighting sommunist-backed forces in Angola have lost their major stronghold in the narrow strip of northern Angola which they still control, according to reports reaching here. American woman reporter Robin Wright. who managed to
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  461 words
    • 187 4 OTTAWA. Sun. A man who escaped hanging after hU IM2 ■■rder conviction was overturned on a technicality has offered his neck for the noose aa part of a campaign to get Parliament to abolish the death penalty In Canada. Al Baldwin. M. said In an
      AP  -  187 words
    • 298 4 French Reds want more liberal style of communism OARIS. Sun French I communists yesterday formally abandoned the objective of a dictatorship of the proletariat, opening the way for a more liberal style of communism In France but also underlining their party's cool relations with Mocsow. A resolution adopted unanimously by
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 64 4 U.S. SPACE MEN IN CAIRO PRESIDENT 1 Sadat of Egypt receiving three Am c rican astronauts at his Glsia residence on Saturday. The astronauts, who arrived in Cairo for a threeday visit, left yesterday for Saudi Arabia. They are (from left) Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand and Donald Slay ton They
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    • 324 4 Ford's first test of strength with Reagan ODNCORD (New Hampshire*. Sun President Ford yesterday officially opened his campaign to stay in the Wt<it<» House by appeal Ing to New Hampshire Republicans to support middle-of-the-road policies aimed at restoring prosperity after the 1 1975 recession. Buoyed by a sharp drop In
      Reuter  -  324 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 WEEKEND CRUISE Get away from the crowd and pollution! Enjoy your Weekend wiU. your family in cool comfort on the (FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED) ONLY S5 176 00 round trip tare (or Head of family 25% Discount for Wife and/or children over 12 years but under 19 years accompanying 50% Discount for
      278 words
    • 54 4 Highlights for today Defence pact not needed in Asean: Ritahudeen Government urged to curb spicy ads and posters Limit children's TV viewing hours call to parents New look for Rochore planned National water rationing campaign to start Unwelcome 'patients' for a doctor Daring daylight payroll grab PERSES Cup: Sri Kallang
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    • 202 5 Sahara fighting: Sadat calls for peace talks CAIRO. Sun President Anwar Sadat has urged Algeria and Morocco to restrain themselves militarily and move quickly toward talks for a peaceful settlement of their dispute over the Sahara. Urn newspaper Al Ahrar.i said today. It said President Sadat made the appeal la
      Reuter; UPI  -  202 words
    • 253 5 Record food harvest by developing countries: FAO ROME. Sunday PRELIMINARY figures show that developing countries had record food production in 1975, marking a promising advance in the war on world hunger, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said here. It cautioned, however, that there Is, so far. no
      AP  -  253 words
    • 154 5 Waldheim: Timor mission not yet over SYDNEY. Sun. United Nations SecretaryOeneral Kurt Waldheim today denied that the UN peace mission to Timor had failed He was speaking at a press conference Unmedl ately after holding talks here with the Security Council's special envoy to East Timor. Mr. Vlttorlo Wlnspeare Oulcci
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • Briefly
      • 33 5 rpOKYO, Sun. Repre--1 sentatlves of the Soviet and Japanese Communist Parties have failed to settle problems blocking normal relations between the two parties, the Japan Communist Party organ Akahata (Red Flag) said today.
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      • 28 5 WASHINGTON: Watergate jadge John Sirica, who suffered a Bear fatal heart attack en Thursday is expected to be removed from the sertoMly ill list today, his doctor said.
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      • 27 5 BEIRUT: The Arab oil cartel's official bulletin has advised wealthy petroleum countries against Investing In North Sea oil operations, citing heavy expenditures and the risk of nationalisation.
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      • 26 5 AMMAN: King Hrneela I dbbanded the Jorda nian Parliament by royal decree yesterday i after a short suslsw to endorse hi Indefinite postponement of general slscMosm.
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      • 21 5 TOKYO Hanoi Radio reported that Britain's ambassador to North Vietnam. Mr John Stewart, left for home yesterday to assume a new
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      • 20 5 BELGRADE: Yageslavla's W- year-old President Tito travelled te his northern Adriatic Island retreat of Br.oni yesterday for a rest— Agencies.
        Agencies  -  20 words
    • 149 5 Ali denies those "drugs at training camp charges YORK. Sun I Heavyweight champion Muhammad All yesterday termed as false charges made during a court trial In Boston that quantities of cocaine could be obtained at his training camp In Deer Lake Pennsylvania. "I absolutely forbid the use of narcotics and
      AP  -  149 words
    • 496 5 MANILA, Sunday •pHE Third World has accused the rich nations of unfulfilled aid and trade commitments and said it would now make full use of its bargaining power in future dealings with the industrialised countries. Ending six days of ministerial talks In
      UPI  -  496 words
    • 48 5 TOKYO. Sun. Jupmni tocJsas toUDsd 1.050.000 In December, up 230 00*/ or M.I per cent from y«w earlier. government statistics indicated The Prime Minuter Office said the figure repreenW ed an increase of 70.00* over taken by the Government to coot with the recession.
      48 words
    • 94 5 London Times sued by six LONDON. Sun— Prime Minister Harold Wilson's chief press officer Mr. Joe Halnes. and five other Downing Street press officers today sued The Times of London and writer Philip Howard, alleging libel and claiming damages. Words A High Court writ alleged llbei >n the lnde p
      Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 225 5 FfBfS\(SETR6N COIOUR TVZ *B|il/(SEISMUSrBE!tfVON!I j^^a^aj^^Sß IN THE 111 If Jf I MAHJONGGAME IUI Up CONTEST! _^«SJS{« Mm\ »OC t«T»» STOoT itcouMMA o«C «l»n HC »,««.»«i»»««ill»»»i««ll S v!^sV r CMn«M>>titCi>iM«raimi •»i»«i«<ii«im''i'»"ihmH'" JQ mm MsWmV W ,->C icDi'iiiiiwoDciim T».t»»i iom»n('»««« »«<mmi»»« 4^l -c<; 0' cm m.i M»t»c«**> ■»''owtvw Mm W^MTw9JmKM^^^na\Zt »«■< ■»<»»
      225 words
    • 501 5 CAN WE m jg m m mmm^^ know 4 m OUR PAST 1 t J M LIVES? El Does personality survive death? kV^^R*^| f 9 .M Do experience* of past lives dint; ImwußJ to our consciousness as the Wfr^^Wm iH scent of a flower lingers on? W AT| There are
      501 words

  • 987 6  - Thorpe fights on to salvage his career GEORGE SHORT By in LONDON J^jß. Jeremv Thorpe of Britain's Liberal Party is fighting desperately to salvage his political career after an allegation blurted out in a courtroom that he once had a homosexual affair. No evidence has been made public to back
    Reuter  -  987 words
  • 653 6  -  SUTHCP CHAWLA By in BANGKOK f ONELY men In Hongkong, enterprising bar owners In West Oerman v and Japan, massage parlours in Paris are eager for a product that Thailand doesn t want to export its women Thai opinion makers nave called It "a national
    AP  -  653 words
  • 561 6  - Pressure mounts for better social services in HK HOWARD PAUL By in HONGKONG A REPORT condemning the attitude of Britain and China towards "the shameful working, and Uvlnr conditions" of four million Chinese in Hongkong has sharply Increased demands here for improvements in social services and hijher taxes on the
    OFNS  -  561 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 ENGINEERED TO LAST ROOM AIR CONDITIONERS BLWHR /x-n-n-x^x^ rnr r one year service MtSIAL > f Kll INSTALLATION Standard Carrier Factory Warranty t ENJOY WHISPER QUIET OPERATION eiy rou can AND SLEEK GOOD LOOKS •> our Sp«ciai t^^SKSm t Of f «> r 30^ hil stocks last. month* providing J
      151 words
    • 89 6 Systematic treatment J is the way to outsmart acne ODD gets right down to the root of the problem with a programme designed to fight acne, pimples and other skin complaints Quickly and effectively DOO Medicated Soap cleanses skin thoroughly. preparing it for ODD Cream, a smooth non-greasy cream which
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  • 323 7 Bizarre act but very challenging DANCING to Brian Weber and Sanda Cos of Australia is not merely an expression of their talent but also a pa-spurt to all the exotic places they've yearned to wit They met nine years ago and decided to strike ap a partnership a !»rofesMonal one
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  • 93 7 Science and industry quiz THE Science and In duatry quU for aecondaiy school student* this year will begin on March 11 with a preliminary round at the Raffles Institution Th* quU. flftn In th* «*ri*a. which will b* conducted in Eiif Luh. la open to *arondary on* to (our pupil*
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  • 38 7 A PROFESSOR cf p»yrhlatry and neurology at the University of Vienna. Dr. Viktor Pranki. wUI rpnk an Man In Search of Meaning at the DBS Auditorium at (IS pm on Match 12 Ai*mtttf-s U frwf
    38 words
  • 412 7  - ALS cuts traffic entering the city by 71 pc S.M. MUTHU By THH urea licensing scheme (ALS) has slashed the number of motorists entering the city area by 71 per cent since the hours of operation were extruded by 45 minutes on Aog. last year. According to surveys carried out
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  • 118 7 mHE existing bus stops X along Robinson Road and Cecil Street will be staggered to ease congestion of buses and passengers from Sunday The new bus stops are at the following places: Cecil Street between shophouses 84 86 before Cross Street 'for SBS Not.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 216 7 \&s\ ÜBRa \ip y*KW/ collar cleaner 2^> housewhes "~*iM BEST FRIEND 4.763 Housewives using LIBRA collar cleaner can not be wrong* t> IiBPA -lie' SH *is^■ng easier bbi esMMi «•> ;-ease I'om i *«»e cv" or Ow^bi^fc bortof without •> l <B^a conar cleaner aiso v JM pawM »«d oh
      216 words
    • 198 7 (i )I and brush up your smile Each Dr.Wesfe toothbrush is SSESJS I for each member .fl f Lzr Jm- Jm It m- m H I S f SS f H| I m a S** UX X\ EH )NNOR S S(PTE)LTD sfllttwF Ss^Bswflsi Ip>mhardmTque^^ i open daily to 10 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 128 7 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM S. 1. •> jt^-ra-^-j-tu •a i *s? il T ?iT tod by oo« who -SraL-r=s ..aau^- iiMOrito ukin. it la »ta to WM» alwan SMUI ptwJucUarTTi). charmcUr lo ••K/*^-^ "irast^ of 31 Oar Üb-s n»w arttelt <•>. wUI M >lfctii« I 4 *i- •atvboaTTTJlution Al«c eaokad
      128 words

  • 93 8 A local architect. Mr Chan Sau Lai. has won 125.000. the third prise In a worldwide design com petition for a blueprint to launch a $"750 million squatter relocation pro gramme In the Philip pines air Chan, a sfanchrtur University graduate *ho waa amocg
    93 words
  • 50 8 Hunt for kin of boy OOLICE are trying to I trace the relatives or friends of this Indian boy found wandering In Sochore Road on Dec. IS. Tbe youth Is mentally retarded] and mate. Anyone recognising him can contact the Children and Yoang Persons Section of the Social Welfare Department.
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  • 351 8 Bright new look for Rochore soon: Dr. Toh POCHORE, which has some of the old est slums in Singapore, will from this year hike on the look of v bustling modern city area with towering bbeks of apartments, offices, shophouses and other amenities. "The whole landscape will be changed Slum
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  • 100 8 WORK SOON ON FREE CLINIC r>RK on the S3 5 mil lion Chung Hwa Free Clinic at the 1.812 sq. metre site In Lorong 4. Toa Payoh will begin next month. The three storey build Ing with a basement car park for 37 vehicles Is expected to be completed by
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  • 43 8 THE Department of Extrunural Siudltv University of Stngaporr. wui hold a 12-tccturc coune on introduction to application of operations remrch In managerial dcclstona. at the Committee Room. Bt*H Houac. every Wednesday from Feb 11 at 7 M poi Tht to SM
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  • 318 8 RESPITE recent warnings on the need for industrial safety, many workers at building sites still court death daily by ignoring basic precautions like wearing safety helmets and belts. These workers seem to be more Interested In protecting themselves from the blazing sun than
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  • 241 8 SE M B A WANO I Shipyard will from now on employ only contract workers who have passed the shipyard's safety and health orientation course. The shipyard's director of personnel and training. Mr. Urn Cheng Pah. announced this on Saturday during a presentation ceremony for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 316 8 yc^ It was unbelievable. 35,000 copies of the Female Cookbook '76 completely sold out. But we are pleased to announce that new reprints have just been obtained. So take your Female Annual coupon to MPH bookstores* and get the Female Cookbook '76 at our special price of $2.50 (normal price
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 271 9  -  PAUL WEE By I 1 UK Criminal In\tstig;ilion Department h;is started v probe into algangsteri.vm among some young recruits in the Police Academy. It is understood that at least a doaen recruits. aj full-time national servicemen undergoing Vigilante Corps training have been questioned. According
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  • 130 9 'You won't be over taxed' pledge by officer rl Income Tax Division has assured taxpayer* that they will not be over -taxed. Speaking on How to Fill Ip your Income Tax Form at the National Library on Saturday. Mr Yip Thin Peng, a senior assessment omrrr of the dlvUion. said:
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  • 37 9 THX Orchard Road YMCA ill hold a 13-ataafcn coune In Malay (or beginner* on Wednesday* from 730 pm to t pm brfinntnc on Wednesday The (cc la $J0 (or members and S2S (or others
    37 words
  • 33 9 MR Peter Chow of Rhecm Hum* PU Ltd.. will (pamk on Employ** Work Performance and the O-ganlaatH>n CUmaU" at a Klwanla Club lunch at Hotel Royal-fUmada tomorrow at 1] it pjn
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  • 192 9 Control TV viewing by kids parents urged AN EDUCATIONIST yesterday urged parents to control television viewing by their children to prevent them becoming TV addicts Mr. Robert Yeo Cheng Chuan of the Institute of Education also suggested that parents exercise discretion In choosing beneficial programmes for their children. Describing TV.
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  • 317 9 Station that saved 9 in tugboat I ALL, except a listener In a building tucked I away In the woods off Yio Chu Kang Road, missed the signal for help that came from far out at sea. And a* a result, nine men trapped (or three dan and nights In
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  • 71 9 New semester at Ngee Ann in April NOEB Ann Technical College will admit flrstyear itudenU for the l»7«/77 session when the new semester begins on April 26 Counea smllablr arc mechanical angiitaej ing. «|«e. uteai and electronic en«iDwnnf. itUpbuUdlnc and repair UrhlMMnaj. bulkllnc ■enrloe* and twntnai Mudlea Apflicmttoo lonna at
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  • 40 9 THI National Library wlU hold a mtutcal nxnlnc lor l»wi«l«i at 1U taetura bail on Saturday at e so pm Th» protrajMB* win inelud* tuaaa by Tm Baat MiMte Club; Mary Appa and a choral wdtof group.
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  • 11 9 THKRX im «J roMl Mddnu, ttum Mrtoy*, on MM,
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  • 159 9 Quest for 'queen' with 'a heart' MISS Singapore Charity Queen 1976 will be more than a pretty lare or a brainy girl she will be chosen tor having a "heart." The winner of the quest will be the girl who raises the most money for the Spastic Children's Association. a
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  • 22 9 THg BPCA i Society for tha PrevanUon of Cruelty to Anlmalii will hold IU anDual flag day on Fao 11
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  • 343 9 Carpets and curtains 'do not keep out noise' A BUILDING expert last night exploded the myth that carpeting acoustic tiles and cur- tains were effective In cutting out noise Intruding Into the home Instead he suggested more effective and simple 1 noise reduction techni- ques which Hat dwellers could adopt.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 148 9 ■.gt £Baar^9^Bk^Bßaw «a.C aVv^B^ y*A f^^*" TaJagagarhat I Pnr nonnlp who I4k J *^A m y% jjff *1 .afaaaaaaV aßßßßßßaßaßßaaßßßT»"*""^l^i^>^i^i^^ B *^B^BBB^B^BBBBBBi fcaVci Tissot is a watch for people with a sense of urgency about life. People who mkr want to m^ke every moment count. It's for men and women
      148 words

    • 202 10 Hussein: We won't let Reds succeed KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday JMIK communists will not be able to establish themselves in the country so long as the Malays stand united and deny them the support they sought, Datuit Hussein said today. The Prime Minister, addressing a delegation of 130 Umno and PAS
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    • 254 10 Court told shot cabbie went to cops with gun JOHORE BABI San.— The High Coaxt waa told today how a man walked Into the Bukit Beaar police station near Kulai bleeding anc with a pistol In his hand. Constable Ahmad Omar, who waa on duty at the station, waa testifying
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    • 195 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —A search and rescue (SAR) unit will be set at Bubanp Airport by the Civil Aviation Department. Deputy Communications Minister. Datuk Wan Kadlr Ismail, said yesterday the unit will co-ordinate rescue operations in cases when an airplane crashes or
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    • 32 10 KLUANO. Sun police hare picked up 22 youth* in connection with the killing of dunan seller Urn Kirn Kok alias Ah Merit- who was subbed to death on Thursday night
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    • 30 10 ALOR STAR. Sun. Two men armed with putoli raided the office of Selamat Air Puteh Estate near Ourun so from here resterday. anu escaped with M 510.440 payroll
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    • 115 10 JERANTUT (Pahang), Sunday 'THE Government will spend more money x on bullets than on butter now because 1 wants to protect Its investments. Deput Minister of Information Datuk Sham Ahmad said yesterday Since 1»67, a large portion of Government money had been used to
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    • 50 10 PORT KLANO. Sun Fire damaged part of the chipping mill of Talahowa <Mi Wood Products Sdn. Bhd. at the north port bars early today Prompt action by firemen prevented the blase, which started just aftar midnight from ■preadlnc The extent of the damage waa not known.
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    • 81 10 KUCHDTO. Sun— Ku Kul Kirn. a former woman communist terrorist, has '>t«ntifl the Ooramment and ttafl of the Sarawak Oencral Bospiul for the "good medical treatment" the has received In a Chinese New Taar mn—te released todaj. Ku urged her former friends In the Jungle to
      81 words
    • 28 10 TAJPINO Sun. A petrol kiosk clerk. Ckuah Teng Tool 24. died Taatarday morning after being subbed several times by a gang of youths in On—ii Street.
      28 words
    • 50 10 KUANTAN. Sun A forest fire which started last night at Jabar near the Trengganu border, la raging out of control and by late this evening wu threatening the crops and homes of more than 12.000 settlers In two land schemes In Buklt Ooh. 18 km from here.
      50 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 354 10 NOWSHOWING! DAILY AT 7.00 9. 10 PM.| AWmr^^^\ rl| LaW Mss| I%!^bsHt IL^bs*/ w **aji^i ,Ammmmr\!^*mmm vSUmi S™ 1 odeon I J 'SiNGAfOMii BIG DRY >> Kuala lum-uri 4rtiH SUn Tifftkrr Pit TV Pint Tiif! LEE VAN CLEEF- the hunter •I JIM BROWN— THE PROTECTOR J FRED WILLIAMSON the gambler
      354 words
    • 170 10 1 PHOBIX I I LOCAL I fSPECttISf I Cafta Hsns —W SM-Uasaak H M Ck«wa« Laatawa B aiaaaiiiii I ITm. a Frnl "■latomuM Bni LasMk-V m M laaca rWjfck^V mmW aawas>^Bs^BwV^^*..^BK mm^tT\»ai *ntm mm Oa*a titm 7 ts malaajai H «X parking rafundablw. If PfUMWVI i I <flrr« I
      170 words
    • 86 10 I a day. .jnled excanioiii. theatre v trantfen on arrival and departure, and pencraft of basMl kitfftje. You can take advantage of the* two apeual excitac loun ot Hutua. «v ery week from April to September 197$ Book bow to avoid disappointment For futdttuU contact NANDA ASONS PTELTD Afrnlk for
      86 words
    • 316 10 OOWU9 afOOfffT 9km X F TixyuAY. rcantAßY iooj dbs AfDrronrtTi. ».ia— J d f, r4 priloi— ari A .la b, Urn brllUaal RECPI TKIO Hollaa4''i A i -o« <llllllnpaitlll Irto SAaW. violin aari TtoUl atajrtaf Siawp n. H fla>tlA Mlrf "l#pvr *MMtanUMt4al i VtrtHOAKy OSHI SMSMaatHBf r Br>c« Uomaoa. TW
      316 words
    • 722 10 g»»»a*»»»«M"a»"** B^l»»»»»»^*» l> <*'» Bra SiHiHaittKly £WK TV WtrM s• 1 6^ w>i 0N I CHANGE *W Saain, sir, B«V —H* (Mf hi N < XT CNANSI- r 11 Tli. «M Ma< Umhmn liif li iron B LJX^i^ii_s--ll>fi like '•■"■"i*^mi >•■ U-^-i NOW tHOWINC' <^m§ 1 IfffN I Mm IHINMStN
      722 words

  • 194 11 Best dog Rocky does it again for the sixth time LIKf the true champion he is, Rocky (above) has done It again for the Mtlh time In winning the title of ;>•■•( dog at the 11th Championship Dog Show at the National 9tadlum yr»terday. He was also judged the best
    194 words
  • 216 11 More police for Jurong estate OEADQUARTERS Police Btatlon Buklt Panjang will from today b« temporarily reslted in Yung Ho Road, Jurong, the site of the Jurong Town post, until plans are finalised for a new permanent station at the Junction of Boon Lay Drive and Cor- poration Koaa. Police said
    216 words
  • 63 11 MR N Oonndaanny. UP lor Trie* Blan«*h. wiU offlci«u at Urn b»UoUnf for Urn Mfc of 612 uniU of thrmroom and 333 unlU of fourroom Data at Block* M to 63 »t Tclok Blancah New Town on Wtdnaaday at 3.10 pjn Th« baltoUnf wIU D* htld
    63 words
  • 198 11 Orchestra performs with great vitality THE Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra, which was formed in 1970 under sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, gave a New Year concert at the Conference Hall yesterday evening. Since It was formed, the orchestra has certainly gone places and has undertaken a number of tours
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  • 334 11 TWE Government Is en- couraging experienced and qualified Singaporeans to take over from foreigners as martial arts Instructors, according to Dr. Victor Wee Sip Leong. president of the Shitoryu Karate Association. He told the annual meeting of association on Saturday that SKA too felt
    334 words
  • 17 11 CANBaMU community eontr* will hold IU filth annual bic walk on Sunday at X> ».m
    17 words
  • 618 11 'Fight for rights of young patients' J^ LOCAL paediati ician yesterday called on parents and medical authorities to fight for a better environment for young patients in Singapore hospitals. "A child cannot fight for his rights, so it is the adults who should recognise
    618 words
  • 99 11 EXECS GIVE PARTY FOR 300 CHILDREN CjOME 300 undero privileged children from 15 charitable Institutions were treated to a party yesterday by executives of the Oood»ood Oroup of Hotels at Vlng Court Hotel. The programme of fun and songi included a dance drama by executives of the group. Top artistes
    99 words
  • 101 11 A TOTAL of *****5 riaitors caste to Singapore by air and m last November, ace*rdln C to the TowrUt m—rtltii Board. Tmta reßreaenU an 11 3 per eeat lawraaae •ver Urn lok for November UN. Uatoawatena aga la topped the November Ust with ***** arrlvah fell*
    101 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 aW The best doesnt have to X cost the most at the Z X XT K Tnopicana's «>^ Orchid Lantern! Z ;^y L> A W > Relax in an atmosphere of glamour Z *nd sophistication with fabulous a^a^gdfl International fioorshow entertainment. r '9^l Enticing Cantonese cuisine. V l# awß Romantic
      104 words
    • 761 11 A beauty that comes from within and radiates through your whole well-being. A natural beauty that nothing can compete. So partake of that which is rightly yours. And stay beautiful. With Sanyo's Nutrition Producer the SJ 5400 created specially for you. l^aw^^l^l^i^^^^B^a^a^kuaM BaL #aa*^s^ufl a^aV m mi k uus^Bhw B^Rv
      761 words

  • 1158 12 ES J)R. Sam Johnson, the quintessential Londoner if ever there was one, once growled that he who had grown tired of London had grown lired of life. Today, what with the IRA thugs letting off bombs under cars and In the even more sacred pubs, with Inflation and recession
    1,158 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 422 12 WITH the selection of the almost unknown Miniver of Public Security, Mr Hua Kuo-feng, as the new acting Prime Minister of China, no one, not even the experts in Washington and Moscow, can now predict Chinas future. All the estimates and calculations which been based on the too
      422 words
    • 245 12 FACED with the choice between keeping one's Job and having a third or fourth baby, there is little doubt which alternative most people would pick. This extreme measure to control population growth is being considered for civil servants in India where 23 years of family planning propaganda
      245 words
    • 470 12 I AM a resident staying t a busy main street in Singapore, and for people like me. life Is a nightmare despite what the authorities say about the Importance of gracious living. This Is generated by the extremely noisy vehicular traffic, primarily
      470 words
  • 915 12  - Peking strife puts Hua in office? JOSEPH LELYVELD By in WASHINGTON EXPERTS on China. both in and out of the American Government, have been caught wholly by surprise by the selection of Mr. Hua Kuo-feng as the new acting Prime Minister of China and the successor to the late Mr.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2 12 /fY/r///rc J-
      2 words
    • 328 12 Yomeishu A mother's health is vitally impor» both before and after baby is born Th.r why we recommend Yomeishu, the timeless tonic. JM Made from a formui.) handed down through *m the generations for A^fe 370 years, Yomeishu contains more than 10 medicinal plants 4\\ of oriental origin, such as
      328 words

  • 304 13 Special lifeguard corps to police beaches SPECIAL n.rps of I.(HX) lifeguanls will Ik- deployed :ilong Ix-riilus ;iikl isbnd resorts (his year t«i comlKit the sing number of lives lost al Three hundred qualified life savers from the Vigilante Corps have already been deployed. Another 700 men are presently undergoing training.
    304 words
  • 43 13 rS Singapore Armed Forces will be holding taanaaM in the following areas this week: I im hu Kane Chua hu Kang. Marsiling. Mandai. rasasteea "id Pulau Tekong. Blanks and thundrrfla»hes will be used. The public U advised not to be alarsbed.
    43 words
  • 234 13 Doctor's screams scare off robbers ACOURAOEOUS 56--year-old doctor put three robbers to flight by screaming for heiD despite being threatened a "sharp oblect on Saturday. The robbers went Into the doctor's clinic In Upper Paya Lebar Road on the pretext of being 111 at about 845 p.m. Two of
    234 words
  • 44 13 THE feaat of Our Lady of Lourdes will be celebrated at 50. Ophir Road Church till r>b l» There will be Holy Maaa Sermon and Benediction ttmi day at pm On the final day. there wUI be a candle-light procession.
    44 words
  • 202 13 BRR the weather was chilly and 00p5 the ice was slippery. But nobody got cold feet For 14 hours «n Saturday. they went gliding non-stop round the Ice-Skating Centre In Jurong In a brave attempt to raise money for charity. These IS
    202 words
  • 44 13 DR Oeorgc Tay ha* been elected iireatdrnl of the BingKPOiT Anaenhetlc Society Other official* are- preal-dmt-ektU Dr Raymond Pcrera; lecreUry. Dr. Atoytlus Tco Chee Ycow. trea«urer. Dr Ila.i Chew Chlng. and rcxnmittee membert. Dr 8u HoDg Zee and Dr Ngo Bu Ouan.
    44 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 107 13 Mansfield ji Grand European £> 4 \f<! 4 r Tours^~— r>%- yf^ iL rto l»^^' *V3H^ga^g' f Tour A takes you on a fully- Tour 0 offers a wonderful eacorted 22 -day holiday to 26-day vacation to London. London, Belgium. Germany. Holland. Denmark, Germany, Xnktria. Italy. Switzerland and Austria. Italy.
      107 words
    • 426 13 The paper with all the columnists you want to read... afMPWWriI taWWPIa^Lal |9| ga la^ tednesdnj 1 Ppbrjary 4. 19X. JJ of The Lost Word. Singopore'sNo I humorist HI. Lim of Midweek What is he up to this Wednesdoy? Don Revie, England's Mr Football Jeffrey Low of Soccer Scene, now
      426 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 965 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1M m Opemnc Amouncefflents and Manai )JHst WsrM if SnW vnakKj Jamil) TJI bn iMaUr! 131 Diary of Events (TamO 7 45 Sandwara 3J5 General Hospital %M Little House on the Prairie (Part 2. last lIS Isai Amutham (repeat} episode) 435 Intermission Ul *m mt
      965 words

    • 1755 14 AS a aervic* to readers, Buaiaaa* Tuaee BakH*k»* weekl) a detailed analysis at *aarea aa the Mtork rirhaagr et* Singapore. The year's aiga Bad low are feUewed by the week's sbsvsbmbi la price. tar dividead yield, the act price earaiags raise aad thr voluase of buslaes*. MfIWII
      1,755 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 52 14 '['HE VS dollar opened iharply kxrtr in in* and i jpportuif the large defend i do.iar biU 4I2Si.'id for r.d *at ekied Ul ClOM Jan tft L'S dollar 2 48*5 2 4783 5 Oil! 5O2SJ 4>60 4»S0 '48 MM ■:v3 »6 3»33 1 1323 3 128J •r 2«O4t 2&M)
        52 words
      • 10 14 gold was bid 00-132 00 i* Bask ■f If
        10 words
      • 124 14 as latt ««k holiday trading OosamercLtl Bills were traded *t 4-9 16", 4-3 I pa with moil btiflneta done at 4-1 2. 4-3 pa The NCD market was very thin the only buyers being the Discount Houses Range wu S-l 16" 4--7 8 pa up to three months
        124 words
      • 49 14 P)R the week ended Saturday. Feb 7. the ranee of call rates reiri\rd from Short Deposits (Ml Berhad was aa follows: KINK FIND: I aer cent to 3t ocr rent. < l NTKAL FINDS: 3i per cent to 4 per cent. Movements of fund* totalled S2M million.
        49 words
      • 59 14 r»»an la aaa-ttriilM tnw in U a. «oiiar sar avaea. (It Aaatniiaa aoiMr par auaca (Ii tnnn Brtta. MMWM (1) I H« (1) I/M UM 101 14 lOi.Dl 1M »B IM.MB lti oo» i» n» imoob in.nm in oaa i»aoa IU.H Itl.M lilxllr Frt^F IM.0OU l» MB
        59 words
      • 31 14 MMir vrxaa aa FrMar larrTtaua la an'kau) »mi si»i ay>*r < H%<eso< arllar (SSI a* (ISM ■ea I a a*y*r isst M i ••••••i ia«a iiiMr vtiat
        31 words
      • 227 14 ASIAN currency average arposiu rates for the week ended Friday. Fab 8. 7 dart 1 nth 3 rath* J mtha mtlu t mtha 13 mUu US f IBM rriM>» Hlffc Law 116 4 IS 16 I 1 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 I 1 3
        227 words
      • 112 14 INTEREST rates last week hovered around the preChlnese New Year holiday level in spite of borrowing bank* anticipation of *llght earnings In view of the apparent 1 tight liquidity situation. i overnight fund* were traded |at the S level :or most part of ihe week One. 3
        112 words
      • 58 14 Minimum lending rates (in Alo*m«n« Bonk 7% Bongkok Bonk T/» Bonk o> AfflftO 7 Bonk o* Bonk o< Tokyo 7 Bonk N«ooro InoonaMO 7^ Charter ad Bonk 7'-^ Cnot* Monhotton 7 oes 7 Ptnl Ch>cooo 7Vk FNCB 7% HKS8C 7% Indotuat 7% Motoyon Bonking Mitwii Bonk 7 OCBC 7
        58 words
      • 99 14 fHt fslsfsjn Bat at steaks gtvws tat taa sat shall ka 1 laet week. It fives the lammr la tfssaaaaas af satiu esßSkag prtse ea Friday and ksga In hr 1818/76. Caassaavy Tar— »er Prtse Hlga Lev te« Fra. 1915 IS I OB l.M* MM UM rmhtr
        99 words
    • 396 14 NaTW YORK PH. Stock priors continued to drop In heavy profit taking as Ihe first Mutalned setback to the 1876 bull market rippled across «all Street Ihe excuse cited by broker* for the decline a rise In short-term Interest rates I was the same given for the conectlon
      396 words
    • 101 14 FINANCIAL TIMES INVUBTBIALB Prtday 407.7 Thursday 410.0 Week ago 4174 TOTS Friday 86 48 Thursday 86 33 Week ago 88.77 EIBBULB Friday 444 88 Thursday 448.11 Week sgo 438 70 OILS Friday 355 30 Thursday ***** Week ago 116 33 DOW JONES AVEBACE INDVITBIALS Friday BS4 80 Thursday 864
      101 words
    • 112 14 7URICH. Prl After a relatively calm opening, the stock market closed on a mixed note. Banks just held their ground but moat Industrials were easier The Credit Sulase Index feU OS to M 6.6 CtaaiM pm** tn Swiai fraaca wit* t»* 4:ltrnn aa UM >mlam ataaian ancaa. MM *T»J
      112 words
    • 121 14 ■aae Tear: Jaa. 4. 1871 188 187S 1876 Big* Lew Week's Attlea >8U« 6Ui Chaage 4J8.58 Its M Baata. Ibiiibii. naaaee aad li Bliss 481.74 U3U +11JI 161.41 MM CanaUala, Basaar rreaaets, Bcflssag aaa .4. .M* ?SS-tr-e > 8& 'xti"* "itf tSB.ll IMJI Ccaatractiaa. BalMlac aai
      121 words
      • 62 14 t B T Uin 1 FIMWt I Batafc: Proprrtim: Tto»: 0.M.C.: BX.t. la*.: Ctaar4 Ctaaad Clmtf Cbaa* Clttei Ctmai ClMrf Ctn*« tUM m.if IIIJU 17t.1l 1M.«I M.M MI.7J Mi» »7t.«J IT«.7t MIJT IIJ.II 177.71 IM.M Mil JMil M 144 17»J5 ***** in.n SUM 17«.7t IHH tS.7I 554.47 M»«l
        62 words
      • 64 14 Fißaara: Pi»Hrtlw: Tin* f ratten: Ctawd ri«H t*4.M mtl tta«r4 O««4 «Ji.4» 4574J CtaM4 Cl*w4 174.71 17SJ1 Cto«4 Ctaw4 INII UUI Cte«4 CteM4 tlf. t7J» CIM(4 TlMc« MJJ« M4.TI tf Juk. I. It7t 1M Dm. M, IMt 1M f Dm. 11. IMS 1M t Dm. tf. IMS 1M Dm.
        64 words
    • 81 14 Carreal Date Tetal far Ts4»l for aayaaeat payaMe Ukt year purssa* year lUta Hawaii M% Mar. U M% >6% Dtff Dcv U% star. IS 18% rtti. ratal. 7J% TF Mar. IS I*% IT NN Bak. Hvd. Tte 7J% t Mar. II 7J% t W% IM. Malacca »%t Mar.
      81 words
    • 391 14 nrHI Ouatrmalan earth 1 quake has sparked off new speculative Intcreat In the coffee section of an otherwl*e quiet Slngmppore produce market la* wtek. 71m Mctlon enced the week steady wlUi prices at hither level*. Dealers attributed this to new* or posalble dtimace to crop* In Ouatemala. A
      391 words
    • 184 14 TOKYO Sat. The market 1 continued to decline sharply with lnvtstors adopting a waiting attitude In the wake of the Lockheed affair Involving political leaders here, dealer* said In* Dow Jones average dropped 4913 to 4.538 44 with the volume tumbling to 130 million thares for the halfday trading
      184 words
    • 163 14 AMSTERDAM. Frt The market generally fell In •ctive trading with Dutch Internationals' decline led by rhIKs*. Aka* and IIhiiim KLM al<O ftU. The decline waj a technical reactloo to the reornt fliiimeei and wa» .n line with Wall Sired, dealers »aid Loma elarwhere were lad by Hrlnefcrn. DeM. Naardea.
      163 words
    • 67 14 The following company meetings are due Mateyaa Tsaacce Ce. Bad.: rX> 16. noon. Registered Office 178-1 Jalan Sunget Bea. Kuala Lumpur Metre ■MStagi Ltd.: Fro 20 noon. Registered Office 1808 Strait* Trading Building Battery Road. Singapore 1 Tlaa#m Psaßaalac Bad- Peb H. noon. Supreme Houae. tilth Floor). Fwnang. Singapore
      67 words
    • 484 14 EXTREME condlUons prevailed at the Singapore stock market last week as stock prices touched a two-year peak on the fourth day of the Tear of the Dragon (the day the market re-opened) but thereafter slid fairly sharply on profittaklnc. Stock prices conttnued to advance sharply last Tuesday buoyed
      484 words
    • 410 14 rat Kuala Lumpur share market s sharp advance the past fortnight was arrested last week by steady and persistent profit-taking Profit-takers were on the scene practically every day during the holiday-shortened week. Prices retreated across a broad front, and high-er-priced Industrials and finance stocks which had led
      410 words
    • 27 14 SCRIP Issues have been proposed by two locallylisted companies They are Rahman Hydraulic Tin and Pan Malaysia Rubber Industries. Both are to make a one-for-three.
      27 words
    • 576 14 LONDON: The market was easier on balance last week In Ug. trading, with the FT Index down 10 points at 407.4. Government bonds met profit- taking but shortdated loans firmed, helped by prospects of a reduction In the Bank of England minimum lending rate, which was confirmed.
      Reuter  -  576 words
      • 169 14 LONDON: Tin standard grade was fully £5 per tonne lower for cash and £2 down for three months on Friday High grade was £10 down for cash and unchanged for three months. Standard metal was shaded by profit- taking although there was still some physical business circulating
        Reuter  -  169 words
      • 472 14 LONDON: Overnight terminal kerb trading provided the outstanding feature In rubber on Friday according to market sources. The end- morning turnover totalled 26/ lot*. But 235 lots were done on the kerb ol which some 181 lot* were devoted to dealer block self trading, said by certain
        472 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 848 15 Jl ■'I'r ..,^-.,,1 JITW CIRTaIRUSRrP SflTICf Tl M CMTIRfRT 1 I'MI'm L VERP3OL ll* v LPirJUL B» .1 I Har 11 Bar it Bar 1 1 ••aiM* ut an 11 Bar 11 Bar 11 Bar ll I atauMH liii" HIM II lit It Ha. fl Bar fl Bar Ml Cil,
      848 words
    • 1206 15 \BenOcean _ii.___________.__________aa..a_ Tl M CMTIMIT ft* Marl I'aa.i a biaaj Ptaaaj laraa. IM Maurn IMM UMI 11 It IM It Mr lua. IM. Ntarf. laM J_ OaKa. I'Mai HaXlii il H HI fl M M Ba M II Bar S rliara. Ran. C aarla. MBIMMM laMfl tl Nt 11 Hal
      1,206 words
    • 1148 15 Tt laai MtMt *>/»(■ I'DIH afnoai m Itiati.latrii tiaiw l^I C r L HIM II FM I Bar II Bar It Btr Bar I SS.S.'V.t.M a-- SB SB 3S a-assr js ,;t ?s .s ?s lIT* Mr n Bar n aar l| Kr 14 Mr IMr MBllMt aaar a kar
      1,148 words
    • 1108 15 FULLY CONTAIMCKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE RMaa I*ll FM IMRICII falli lalifi umiaTi in r a-aJirtai-. tatarr,. v Nwr« Ma Mill Bar I a_^ liuaju Ha- I r l. ►taw****. SThim. ""."SI- 1 c -*«*n. riTiai Mr n 1,, ,2 St-ctkela. Ollc Nittaai. UntM Mm. Clai.t| law Ul a aaaa ICI
      1,108 words
    • 584 15 aMHMIHNMHaaMMM^aaaH Sapaart *****4. IXMf IMI II *****1 Paj*| 7UII THE BANK LINE LTD. lUX FM I I umu tM..**. BtaaM u aWaa, iawa. Pan li.jaat* I I Bar sk I Bar IMB UIT I IMta wtrci IM MMIM Hallll [iii'ia. \z: vii? KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) UUlai Mr SlltlCf witu
      584 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 954 16 \yr m KAWASAKI KISCN KAISHA LTO. FM.IT CMTWwWHI SEmt Ta lawai '»lt tan) wUri I Hum N tar| MTIMt tMUII tH It (rt 11 Frt I MtT I Mr It »;fll)*t SaffMH HW ■>- 1 24 Ba 24 atr Jl iri* SUS MIMt Ma- 14 13 Bar II Mr II
      954 words
    • 1084 16 ■BtMnLAS MITICII TO ta IBtM WIIMHA MMtriOUU F*OM [T» MMM Mill M; *l»4af 17 M HNt Int. Batvm UM Ptn-mi I Fat «Nt Mttit/pwaaf to atUat* I Frt WNt bwaaa UMMM laa» II Frt 11 Nt Santon !Mf Im*> IW lIM J*aa> fa»M lull IS Nt MFm Situr»a|/raatai Ml NatMl
      1,084 words
    • 929 16 HUT CMTUaqrISO SOWCI Tt fMIW fYU SH7V rtart P *Ma*l I Bm I'ltw atari trta I ta» MPTtM (BUM* a fat II Pat I Bar a Bar* I Bar tt Bar aaiarai warn nn ma iiit tit ni« ma •tuarf. fkit cMTtMBun sotw ni imwn tm mn p buat ran
      929 words
    • 904 16 ■I »^@tS^ m»KC snwp w vmm uiantL/tmrnnr mn. ip. yg, ,77^ ftt li yr^^ J liaMn II II I aat'l 1! 1 rut m > MMi MUTT II t| rat Car**. IM 1 I It Hffrt I a HWI tM lat.t a Mau BtlM ji a>m It aim t. j
      904 words
    • 822 16 •\w NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE lKS*jL*> r East Europe •M^aScl •w«sim stmcn sm Mt TU II 7JJI7/I f UM| 7in/T«J liaaa* Mr t.aaaa.l a>t tTTTIMIt H :il CHI" Nil la^lM KIM aIM •TrriMtxa M I if. >k' MMat IT IM Ila t»TT|M4i M t> te-i Mtmtn ft Bar IT aar
      822 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 624 17 aW:i!J,!i:« S STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY FAR EAST PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIRECT Loading (or Tacoma Saallla Vancouver lIC I. Portland. Longviaw VancouvaK (Wash) San Francisco and Los Anga'at saai a»ai mm i«ai avu i..<h «hn i i«» i i* •I i J Mar I aa taiua |l n Irt II
      624 words
    • 729 17 SHERIFF'S SALE IN THK HU.H Ol RT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Admiralty In Rem No. 430 of 1975 Warrant of Arrest No. MM of 1975 IN THE CAUSE OF Admiralty action In rem against the ship or vessel "Swift Hawk". CREDIT CORPORATION (S) LTD PLAINTIFFS Versus THE OWNERS OF
      729 words
    • 697 17 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRL' DISTRESS SUIT NO. S OF 1975 BETWEEN Tan Kok Klang APPUCANT AND Raffah Sdn. Bhd RESPONDENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undermentioned property belonging to the abovenamed Respondent will be sold In pursuance of the Warrant
      697 words
    • 762 17 NQEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Admt»sion April larwaOr. 197t/ 77 taaalon Applications are Invited for admission to the following courses of study: (1) Mechanical Kngineerina; (2) Electrical and Klectromr KngineerinK (.1) Shipbuilding and Repair Technology ill Building Services Business Studies Candidates must have the Singapore Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary
      762 words
    • 429 17 I IN THK HKill COURT Or THK HKIM HI l< lIIHINUAPORE NO :»3iH i i of 1975 i HI KEEN Thr 'Diners Club i M Bhrt Pkunuffi AND LJtfl I'lun I IMmduit Urti Chin Wah of 104-D and Ruad. SIIIK i, TAKK HOTICI that an i union has been commenced
      429 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 911 18 /fiSSI^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT We are an established Underwriting Agency Company in Shah Alam. This is a new and challenging position and we are looking for a man with a sound background, experience and management skill to take charge of our Underwriting and Claims section. The salary offered will be based
      911 words
    • 588 18 KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawtran-tawaran adalah dlptlawa darlpada pemboronf-pemboront yang berdafUr denfan Jabatan Kerja Raya dl bawah kepala 4 pecahan kepada ID atau yang berdarur dengan banan-bahan kemajuan negeti dl Malaysia bagl pcktrlaan tanam cerucuk. untuk membuat Uwaran dl atas perkara yang berlkut. TANAM CERUCUK BAGI CADANGAN DUA PULUH EMPAT (14) TINGKAT
      588 words
      129 words

  • 48 19 OON CHOON OUAN agsd 7« passed sway peacefully on I 2 leaving Behind his beloved wife 7 sons. 3 daughters. 2 sons-in-law. daughten-in-law and 14 grandrhildren Cortege leaves 59 Rraemar Drive. Spore 19 st 2 service at St Francis jrrh Chartwell Driv* Serangoon Oarden. and thence to
    48 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 485 19 classified ads g] ■H W r^^^^^^^^ tor xilJJ* ttnlMB flMMlttSil #m LOUlit UIMI IA10KI m HotH StntBpura for jrour laMat rwintylM. »sp«rt parnunf and (ori«o«u ununf V«rjr modwrnto pric«« Appotnunmu Tttopfton* Vr; lTJis pom PMurmuii cnmicm atNOA>0M Cottmt Orchtrd Road P»iiuii Road. Sundu S»r»»r* t 00 a in »nd M
      485 words
    • 697 19 UROBNTLY RBOUIRB FEMALE tatctVptVVW upHrf jitOT RItAIsVMIJB 3 rears experience operating Philip PABX UH4S Knowledge of all dialecu preferred Salary to commensurate with experience Pleas* telephone Miss Urn at 2****** IhwVJ J J MULTISKIL PERSONNEL SSRVICBS Our Clienu require personnel In the fooowtns vacanct— 1) CONPWENTIAL CM TARY a Minimum
      697 words
    • 697 19 URBENTLY MJOUNkBO FEMALE clerk, typing knowledge good convvrsonaUst. Call personally 5309 2nd floor Won Hup Complex. dOsm 3pm requires QEWBRAL CLERK s—a TYPIST Must be able to type well Knowledge of Book-keeping ssntial Apply to IT Bos A ***** oihl PWOAY. TYPIST wanted, part-time work at home Write giving details
      697 words
    • 721 19 BH9)INIB9ilN« COMPANY OMMBS technical sat** /woresentativ* to market wall-known brand of Wddlng Producu. Preferably man with some saMs expsrMne* but not ssssntlal Tram ing win bs provtdsd KnoiUgs of Chin*** dialects advanlaasiiM. Mm* posss— own ear. attractive salary, commission, rnng* benefiu for rkrht man Plia- apply to: Th* Advertiser ST
      721 words
    • 786 19 WOOO FURNITURE PROOUCTS Factory m Jakarta required qualified/ «sp»ri*ncad Production Supervisor Appllcanu please state Technical Acaoamy Oraduate In Wood Technology or equivalent, experience In production/ prorasMng planning/ quality at cost control/ organisation of labour, with full particulars and non -returnable photograph to 8 T Box A ***** UNTVBRSITY OF SINBAPO—
      786 words
    • 728 19 VOUMB LAOMB OV9JR 21 required b* leading hotel to work as Masseuses. Experience not necessary a* full training will be given Hour* of work 9am 5 p.m. or 3 p m II p.m Oood pay plu* commlulon. bonus msal allowance and medical bricnu Apply with full details and photo (non-returnable)
      728 words
    • 684 19 ESTABLISHED COMPANY BUI— B on* Chlnss* Pamakt Receptionist with OCE O Level Salary 1150 and also 2 Sales Supervisors with own transportation Interview call personally at Room E7 International Building Orchard Road Spore I today 11 00 am 3 00pm CatssMsw/ require* •JB 4,0 M Sva BMam Twwass M* nißnisjuvarksßiN,!,
      684 words
    • 641 19 MALE/ MMILI CHINESE. Malay. Indian and other School leavers odd job workers etc urcently required by an established comppany for an Interesting rewarding )ob Primary education and no experience required Expected monthly income 9330 f 740 Interview Call personally at 1125. I Ith floor Peoples Park Con're or 113- A.
      641 words
    • 755 19 (1) Fa— sMCtstfes Inexperienced but willing to learn AM* to drive for post I pi— s* write in For post (2). picas* call personally Tsaaa HMS) Rsdss Cc M>—lrPss«js**j Rd TcTTSmi w— asd MALE 9UPSRVNKW ssa* OPJVBR Preference experience In cleaning with Secondary 2 education Salary range from 9300 350
      755 words
    • 868 19 LUXURIOUSLY FUBIIIB4BM dou--9550/-. double-storey semi de tarhed Hlllview 1550 groundfloor Apartment Changl Orov* 9390/- 3SBSISS 1. 0.1- (rVoJwMT Slme Road unx Windsor Park Road *****. Orevnmsad Avenue ***** i hats worth Road ***** Braddell HeighU HVfe Thomson Rise Estate 9 EM/. tZham' Uitl IJ x<mtm Faber Hills ***** Mandarin Park
      868 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1444 20 .^awawasssssswaawaawawawawawawawawM ottE BLOCS Of luxurious apart Mffi menl dlst 5 scenic view of the j-^LX^A^bU^gg^^ggggVagbgß hsrbour Quiet surroundings Bk^^^^^sal I consisting 4 parquet bedrooms. BaaVMMMfI all bathrooms attached Spacious 59 Uvtng/ dining/ knehen Price 81.- 500 82.508 (Pumlahed unfur- I Es) BsMNMSM mi Vlewlag *****97/ 2****** EAST SUSSEX LAMB Detached
      1,444 words
    • 807 20 REOUIRED MST. 11 or Newton area preferably bachelor's apartment. 9150 or so WUI consider 1 sharing apartment Call tel I *****4 Helen (9 am 5 Ip m asf aaatpawawaw* OIST IS NAMLY OARDENB. spacious teml -detached house 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms large Ishaped lounge and dining room, large kitchen I
      807 words
    • 746 20 (1) BBMt-OtrTACH4M> S bedroom. 4 bathrooms split-level living and dining, built-in cabinets In kitchen and bedrooms, approx 3.589 4.588 sq ft King's Road. Oreenleaf Place and Jalan Timbur (2) Super luxurious modern bungmlow in Leedon Park approx 30.000 sq ft Call *****1/ *****6/ *****31 DISTINCT H JUMOMQ PAR Single-storey, semi-detached
      746 words
    • 735 20 GENUINE iOVBR UROSNTLV looking for teml -detached ln I Clemenii Park or other suitable I localities for immediate sale 1 Owners pleaae contact *****7/ I *****6 < EBC UROBNTLV REOUIRES properties for our ready cllenu Cash purchase Price must be realistic *****9/ *****31. Consult no obligation DUMCANN ESTATE/ BAMtTV Park/
      735 words
    • 1627 20 ONI UMTT 1 JSS PLUS sq ft Back atwawaawawawmwawawawawaw| Podium Peace Centre 2nd Floor. ■|fs_» jHT'.B for sale, with tenant paring monthly rent*! of 81.600/- Sell- ■aaT"m"** -<lh Jii ing 8185.000/- Write Post Box 32. ll'l^Baal Queenstown or telephone Ooh x aßsWaVßaa«aS^ a 4lß*S| *****7 BaSi 1 1 1 1
      1,627 words
    • 502 20 OXLEV TRAVEL SERVICE (PTE) LTO CHEAPEST AM FARES B EUROPEAN TOURS 1 (.HAND EUROPEAN TOUR 20 DAYS BJBBO/- 9. 31 5 10. 24/6. 15/7. 12. 26 8 8/9 2 EUROPEAN ROUND UP 17 DAYS ***** 16 4 285 4. 18 6 9/7. 6. 20/*. 3 9 1/10 3 KOREA JAPAN.
      502 words
    • 678 20 FAR EAST TRAVEL Club I Pie I Ltd offers low cost flajhls to London Europe Also worldwide reservations Please call *****2/ 363SSV *****1 OASt A4MNCV |PT|| LTO. BBBSn Europe' U.S A 4. Far Kast Tel 2SBZ7M 2M13T9 eaSsSßSSsaßSa^SaVSawSai BLOANfi COURT HOTEL, 17 Balmoral Road, quiet, residential. Orchard Road area, alrI
      678 words
    • 581 20 O SECM£7XMUS PRIVATE SECRETARIAL PART TIME COURSES Classes commence 16th February Register early to ensure a place EVENING CLASSES Commencing 21 tt Feb Every Saturday Shorthand for begin nan Commencing 16th March Every Tuet ft Thurt Book-keeping for beginners SECRETARIUS 75 Tanglin Road. Singapore 10. Tel: *****2 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES
      581 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1075 21 classified ads 9*JM*J*WNHBB| S OBTAIN VOUM OUAUFIC ATION* easily and rapidly No UxtB books Unique postal tulUon by a^ a^ Baß^ aB _w air from London Over 275.000 succiai** Profeatlonal pxamlnations in Law. Accountancy. Comar^Nßßßß. pa nv Secretaryship Banking. f Credit Management Marketing. I gffcfffJ WorU Management. Tranaport. I BY
      1,075 words
    • 825 21 NSW COUMSI FOR Certified Diploma in Flnanc* and Accounting Now available for professionally qualified people Write in for details to Th* School of Accounting l> Business Studies Dept CD 88-M Anton Road. Singapore 2 Tel *****74 INOtVIOUAL CN4VUBN LBSSONS. American Teacher For excellence In Elementary. Intermediate conversation pronunciation 87 50/
      825 words
    • 826 21 UAN HSNO CO. 242 Middle Road Spore 7 Tel *****/ J2NBO IJ7S Flat IM Coup*, alrcon 1873 Dalsun 1200. ir?l Dauun 1200, Maada 1000. Toyota OorotlaSL Coup* IM* Maada 1200 Btauonwagoa Datsun Pickup 18*8 Fore Escort Van MITSUBISHI CANTER TtCVntttOTLEOIC TWO TOM •fTHOt Ajiowcs4a**ooeL» ft II MatWTMr*! MB*MT2a7Gtl J- CHUM
      826 words
    • 610 21 Ci BAM AMCC SALCB Oenulne OMC spar* part* for Johnson and Evtnrud* outboard motors Oood Mlicuon great variety Ooing cheap trad* enquiries Invited n Mr We* Ctae Tat aa*V ar ttMstel Tea. Tafe M7ISI 111*1111 II Illlkllg C Ft*. LM. LUXUBIV AFLOAT! Flwe Fyav F*W VaeM w*» a Frto* Twin
      610 words
    • 690 21 MOLLT AdJBNCV OfVBM Maaaag* by Charming Qualified*** Ring Mill/ 33M81 for appointment (100pm 10 00 p m MAsYTNsA'S SALON 11-A. CalrnnlU Orel*, massagi/ asunabath/ barber, complete gentlemen groomIng by trained^ lady attendanu Ring (Spore) ITTTsT/ 3730*8 AT VOUM PLACI Baauty Service well-trained and experienced Mtswnss Masseur Phone S*7*B for
      690 words
    • 958 21 armuMS nuoats ano srupplnf Pte Ltd 2J*****/ QtliHWi provide Stevedonnf barflna tv( boats, mooring rt fling ot log*. 1 l**h tcrage marine transportation, packing, clearing and forwarding, palletlsini cargo ■tan. tank cleaning, tally clerks, local air-cargo delivery, manufacturer 1 and Shlppini agents MOOtRM BtOVIHO WfTM OLO *ASNK>WSO CaM Specialised In
      958 words
    • 588 21 6ENERAL ELECTRIC USA GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) HERMETIC MOTOR OPERATIONS PTE LTD. invites applications from suitably qualified personnels to fill the following vacancy PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Requirements Possess HSC or GCE A level with Technical background Technician Diploma in mechanical preferred Familiar with shop operations machine tools setup and tooling 0 Have
      588 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 396 22 I AcNeve your career ambition with j the Rollei South East Asia I Sales Organisation. We are building a Dynamic Sates Team \r Malaysia Applications ore tod for the position of I Sales Representatives. The successful opphcant w* have at j I least 3 years experience m the photo I
      396 words
    • 697 22 LEMBAGA PENGURUS KERAJAAN TEMPATAN, SEBERANG PERAI JAWATAN-JAWATAN KOSONG Permohonan -permohonan adaiah dlpelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayak&n sahaja bagl jawatan -Jawatan berlkut (I) Jawatan Kwtua PsfWl KawNwUn Tsniosaajr Kod A 9 $1900 x 100 2000/-. Umur Tldak meleblhl 40 tahun Ketorafcandaw ■■inaslmna (I) mempunyal kelulusan perubatan yang boleh mendapat pendaftaran
      697 words
    • 688 22 UDA Prrbadanan Pembangunan Bandar lngln menjemput permohonan darlpada Wartanagara Malaysia untuk menftai Ja-waian-jawatan koaong sepertl berlkut a JAWATAMe (I) Pegawal Kanan Undang-Un-dang (U) Pegawal Undanf -Undang (Ul) Pegawal Kemajuan (Iv) Pegawal Pentadblr/Setlauaaha Syarlkat 1. tmrnmrnt (I) Peaawal Katien Unaaitg UwTi«s|i|i|l Kumpulan A (AlO-ll $1900 I 75- 1900 l Uaasß (I)
      688 words
    • 492 22 ■manager I I for advertising agency I This is your chance of a lifetime To take charge of an expanding dynamic Advertising Agency The Agency Head we want should be thoroughly experienced Know Aijemy business backwards Know how to handle personnel and clients Should possess administrative skill And have a
      492 words
    • 700 22 #«mfc>to KENYATAAN Teiqq TAWARAN Tawaran -tawaran adalah dlpelaws, darlpada pemborong-pemboronß/ pembekal-pem-bekal yang berpengalaman untuk kerja-kerja berlkut (A) BP. NO. 32/76 -Memblna 5 buah bang-unan-bangunan mengandongl pejabat/setor. rumah kedal. balal raya. garaj dan setor dlFelda Palong 111. Kuala Pllah, Negerl Sembllan ($2O 00 senaskah dan pelan $30.00). BP NO. M/ 7«
      700 words

  • 2452 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By pool: nxn lat. No: 14M22 (KJK> 2nd. No: 142*52 (Sl.Mli 3rd. No: ****** (9 MS) STARTERS ($54 each): Nos. 144*23. *****2. 14«71». 1482M. *****7. *****7. *****4. *****1. 14MS3. 1493M. CONSOLATION (S4S each): Nos. 14C1M. *****5. 14MM. 14»4». *****1. 14C59S. 149M5.
    2,452 words
  • 113 23 C MAMPIOM Jettey rntrraav Mipißm Vkrm rtimt aar* (ran today ky U* Mm* Tarf CU ■toward* far curlw rtdlaf •a Maraa U la Bate Pl** ea Satarway. la tktfUnc tmil to xcwrc a rwm Maraa inn •a th* path W Sir Iver, wh* carped M« aeda aaa
    113 words
  • 79 23 LOWDON. Sun. DUM Thorn*. M. twin daughUr of trainer John Thorn*, mad* BrlUih hon* nelnf history at Stratford ysstsrdav whn *h* baat her father to a sUsntirhets ICm Thorn*, rldlnf B*o Ruler. bKsm* to* flrrt woman to win a rae* fovsrpsd bjr th* HaUonal Hunt committee
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 39 23 LOe ANOCLEB. Sun. Dm Mpte* of United But* Mt a world pot* mult Indoor record with a height ot s.M bKim, brseklnf his own world mart by JS 40 mm. at th« Lot Anfstat Indoor ■Mt ban.
    39 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 155 23 BROOMWADE INDUSTRIAL AIR POWER SYSTEMS INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY _#|k If air power is the vital key to your production, you can rely on -2-^2 3 the Broom Wade industrial compressed air system to do the If^^V job. Single -packaged tor faultless performance, these iMMaWta. systems can be individually designed to
      155 words
      632 words
    • 900 23 I IN THE HKJH OOUBTOI THE REPUBLIC OP HINCAPORK Suit No. 1431 > of U75. Between Joiner Enterprise* Private Limited Plaintiff And Llm Beng Wan (trading as Camaster Company) Defendant row of \I)VrrUISrMKM To Llm Beng Wan No 10. Harvey Road Singapore. 13 TAXI NOTICE that an action has been
      900 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    44 24 Horn nth Srptember 1903 Dud :<th February 1974 MmarSM e*i treaturet none rest slral Your lo.w i\ a heartache MM (tin he<il hurried fcf loving wHfe. rMMrm and grandchildren today h p m Hequiem mini nt MM Christ Church. T KKNKST MONTKIKO
    44 words
  • 55 24 KELBOURNK. Bun British veteran Ouy Woluenhulme won th* Victorian Open Oolf championship hrre today after a suddendeath play-off against Oraham Marsh of Western Australia Marsh had the title In his ■rasp when he had only to sink a one-metre second putt but h* mlased and had to play
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 57 24 AUCKLAND. Sun New Zealand. United States and Canada wer* declared )olnt world sorttaall champions whan heavy rain hete mad* play impossible fine* yesterday Th* US beat Canada 1-0 yesterday and were to have met th* winner of the New Zealand vemis Canaaa match for th* UUe
    57 words
  • 606 24 I ONDON, Sun.— John Toshark and Kevin Keegran, the top "double act" in English soccer, got a goal apiece again as Liverpool went to the top of the First Division table yesterday on goal average by beating Leeds United 2-0. This clash of the giants before
    Reuter  -  606 words
  • 60 24 Adelaide. Sun. New Zealand driving champion Ken Smith scored a narrow win in the rain -soaked second round of the Rothmsns International Formula $000 series here today. Smith driving a Lola T332. crossed the finish line less than four icconda ahead of Australian Vem Sshuppen also in
    60 words
  • 390 24 INNSBRUCK, Sun. East Germany Jumped on the Winter Olympic bandwagon with a vengeance here yesterday. After three days in the wilderness, the East Ctermans put It all together in one frantic seven-hour spell which brought them four golds. two silvers and a bronze They
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 301 24 NZ lose their grip on 2nd Test C'.IRISTCHURCH. Sun 1 New Zealand were 341 for nine in their first innings at stumps on the third day of the Second cricltet Test against India here today. Riving them a lead of 91 India scored 270 In their first innings New Zealand
    301 words
  • 103 24 INDIA Ist Inns 270 NEW ZEALAND Ist Inns Tursw c Klrmanl b Amamath in Umrtmm Ibw Mauan Lai 31 < »ac«m 8t Klrmanl b Bedl M P>rker c Bed! b Amamath 44 Bwrcess c and b Madan Lai 31 Roberts Ibw Madan Lai 17 Waeawcria c Kinnani b Madan
    103 words
  • 143 24 Bennett sets a record f ONDON. Sun Wales went a «tcp closer towards completing the triple crown by uru:hing Scotland M-6 with a typically dominant display in their fivenation Rugby Union champion hip match at Cardiff yesterday The match was a triumph for fly-half Phil Bennett He scottd 13 points
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 39 24 ZURICH. Sun -The International Football Federation <Plfa> Is sending a special delegation to South Africa next month to investigate apartheid In soccer FUa headquarters said th* delegation would ro to South Africa on March 14 UPI
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 241 24 OfTDOtf Sun Pakistan's Mohlbullah Khan scored a shock »-i. >->. 9-7 nctory over compatriot and No 1 seed Qamar Zaman her* today to reach the final of the World Open Squash Champtonahlp Khan will now meet Australia's OeoS Hunt In tomorrow's final Hunt defeatad another Pakistani.
    241 words
  • 1057 24 mkm mvimoN H. *Ti .r j*.* n Mi^dl^i t>r »c* Burnley 0 IpsvKh I Cownuy I Manrheswr Initea I Uverpool 2 Leeds 0 ManchOTUr nty 2 Aston vuu 1 NrwcasU* Derby 1 Norwtsw 3 Arsenal I Queens Park Ranam 4 Wolverhampton 2 Sheffield United 0 E»erton 0 Stoke
    1,057 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 744 24 _i__ |E|g| ACCOUNTANT Our client, a highly specialised SilTie Darby Singapore Ltd manufacturing and export oriented vw-"" w i»-»*si. company situated in Penang. invites c applications from Malaysian citizens invites applications from Singapore Citizens for the post of A for the position of Accountant. RQANPU MANAsftsTD Th. Accountant will report
      744 words
    • 92 24 IN niK HIGH COl RT Or ■HI HKHI BMC Or iINGAPOM Cotiipann". Winding Up No 66 of 1975 In the Matter of the Com- pan les Act (Chapter 185) AND In the Matter of CHOON HUAT DEVELOPMENT (PTE i LIMITED NOTICE Ol* WINDING-UP ORDKK In the Matter of Choon Huat
      92 words
      231 words
    • 271 24 IN THK HK.H ((HUT OF THK HUM HI It Of >.IN(.\P«Rr: Suil No 3705 of 1975 Between Ludwig Kunzel Plaintiffs And 1 Summar Enterprise (S E A i Pte Ltd 2 Ong Cho Yong 3 Lee Kok Pin 4 Tan Boon Khoon ft. Low Leek Mln 6 Low Boon Kwee
      271 words
    • 137 24 SRamrocß Power Pocket Gdf dubs Minimises Hooking Slicing Guarantee. Improvements to Your Game A unique method of k inserting weight into the club head directly behind W the sweet spot produces a VPOWER POCKET" giving A SRamrocfi IRONS V*^ the lowest centre of \A gravity of any clubs ever made.
      137 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 55 24 SOCCU Buvaesa Houms Leagut DIt 1: Tractors 8mfaport v Bank America. Nam 8hln« v Juron* Plywood; SAX v Mandarin Hotel. Stncapor* Pttroleum v Mcbil (Farrtr Park) Dtr. 2B Inchcmpe v imperUI Hotel (Toa Payoh) Bank de Parts v OCBC (OyUuifi SWIMMING— 8SC Juntur rhampicnrtilpi (Tanjon^ Rhu. 7 pm I BADMINTON
      55 words

  • 522 25  - Geylang are champions B. PEREIRA Champagne football at Sembawang By QEYLANG Internationals yesterday became first winners of the new National Football League but it was late in the night that they knew of it. They clinched the champlonshlo when they played champagne football to beat Sembawang 3-1 at Deptford Road
    522 words
  • 298 25 Forces crash after costly penalty By JOE DORAI A RMED Forces A sadly depleted and with Suresh Anandan and Terence Gomez limping their way to the end were unfortunate to lose their championship battle yesterday when they were beaten 3-2 by Queenstown at Tanglln. This could have been a win
    298 words
  • 141 25 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE RESULTS DIVISION ONE Vfl »r\STOWN Hi 1 ARMED FORCES (1) t Ow Blew Kong 2. tbra- Ho Kwang Hock, V him A»sng ipenaltyi Khsnlsen CKYLAMI 3 tCMBAWAKC (I) 1 Dollah Kaaalm All Mokhtar Tahlr Baharom. Kamal Nor IDA r*VOH il> 9 BERANGOON (I) 1 Majld Arlff 3
    141 words
  • 433 25  -  WILFRED YEO Dy rp AMPI N E S Rover*. 1 already assured of the National Football League Division Two title and pro m o t lon. yesterday soundrd out a warning that their future Division on One rivals would do well to heed They came back
    433 words
  • 635 25  -  ERNEST FRIOA By AN eagle and a birdie on the 17th and 18th holes respectively that's how the veteran Taiwan pro Chang Chung Fa finished to win by a stroke from Llm Klan Tlong In the lAC Pro-Am Ool< Open championship at Warren Course
    635 words
  • 109 25 CEREMBAN. Bun. Btlan- gor scored s goal in each half to beat Negrt «»»»h>toii 2-4 In their Malaysia Cup south aone soccer match here today. Although Stlangor showed only gltmnsei of smooth attacking football. It was enough to beat an under•trength Negri tram without International Zalnuddln Hussein.
    109 words
  • 69 25 If (JALA LUMPUR. Bun. Pahang chalked up their second straight win In the Malayal* Cup South Bane when they swept past Ma-la)-van Armed Forces 4-1 today Roamalnl Mohd Shah •cored all the four goals lor Pahang. taking his coUrcUon to eight la two matcfe* He scored four
    69 words
  • 226 25 TITLE contenders Cairnhill lost their unbeaten record when they crashed 2-1 to Telok Blangah In a National Football League Dlv 3 match at Monk's Hill yesterday, reports DENNIS CHIA. For CalrnhlU. It was a bitter pill They were beaten on home ground and to an understrength
    226 words
  • 66 25 FURONO Town FC puU- ed further away from tne relegation at>ne with a shock 3-2 win over Farrer Park United In the NaUonal Society League Dlv. One tournament at Jurong yesteroay. They now have 10 points frcm 16 matches four polnu ahead of ninth placed Sembawang. Srortrs: Ahmad
    66 words
  • 152 25 XT' BSitSS S KB. Sit JSU 5 O.P«7<* 14 1 J Jl l» IJ IM/wt 14 I 1 V 11 II i bmw i« a t w w it urona It 1 tl 41 10 i^bmK 14 1 i I* It M ■MM .ptnw 14 14 0 II M
    152 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 144 25 w M L*m i naer tne Distinguished ra iron age of ENCIK OTHMAN BIN WOK Minister for Social Affairs Valuable Akai sound equipment and trophies to the winners Mystery Prizes Free caps Certificates for all finishers within stipulated time ONE OF THE BIGGEST SPORTING EVENTS OF THE YEAR Free entry
      144 words

  • 572 26 VILLAGES WITHOUT MEDICAL HELP GUATEMALA CITY. Sunday RKMOTE village. in the highlands of (iiiuU'iiKiTa were today still waiting for medical lu-lp to arrive after earth quakes that killed an estimated S.(MX) people. Impoverished Indians continued to stagger Into emergency clinics here bearing badly Injured relatives
    Reuter; UPI  -  572 words
  • 107 26 JUNGLE WARFARE EXPERT IN KOREA SEOUL. Sun Sir Robert Thompson, a British specialist In coun ter Insurgency techniques, arrived here today for a three -week vl the Invitation of the South Korean Oovernment. Sir Robert, security In Malaya at the time of the communist emergency In the *****. give lectures
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 44 26 MAOAH LINO AH 13 PUM rani' I intiii kaklad mmn. ma tn»'tr m u« at. utanuM ta wn fcrr i*m Thaak> la aarori aa4 •ta* of it Mark K K TT ■■■(.tan con>(* taatra 102- at. far Mt. Vtrasa m In 71 lOt.m.
    44 words
  • 93 26 DEMO BY ZAMBIAN VARSITY STUDENTS LUSAKA. Sun-Armed rl-jt police last night fired teargu to break up stone-throwing itudenu on the campus of the University ot Zambia. The trouble started when a group of student* attacked one of their colleagues who has been accused of b?lng a police agent when he
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 63 26 BBLFAST. Sun Northern Ireland* aectartin vtoinxw took at Iraat four Uvca rrCtnlajr and Mcuritjr crfflclaU aLd they hay* captured one i< the prortnot'i Boat wanted IRA fugitive* arcurtty offlctala mid a Brttuh army patrol Mtaed Martin McOulmte*. n. leader of tha Londonderry bri«ade of the ProrMonal
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 46 26 VATtCAK CTTT. Sun The Vatican rtewtpapar Loatervatort Romano yaj>ai Jay denied v faUa and ahuiderou" an Italian preaa report that U» US Ornual InUlllflCcoe Atvncjr contributed UBSJ mUllon (BS7 5 mlllton) to linance pUjrlmat* to Rome during the ISM Holy Year UPI.
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 109 26 BECKEMEYER Illinois), Sunday rpWELVE people out for an evening of roller-skating were killed last night when the camper lorry In which they were riding was struck by a freight train at an unguarded crossing An ambulance driver said bodies were strewn along one kilometre
    AP  -  109 words
  • 40 26 SYDNEY. Sun Air Nluglnl. Papua Ni Oulnea rational airline, will begin Hi overeeai acmce later thii week. The aircraft tor the new service, a Boeing 720 leaaed from a British company, arrived In Port Moresby ye»urday. UPI
    UPI  -  40 words
  • 209 26 PUB tO launch new 'save water' drive •pHI Government la to 1 rr -introduce tor national campaign to per Made the pablic to save water becastte of searing consumption In the current dry ipell. The campaign being planned by the Public I'tiUUes Beard. 1* to whip op pablic aware--1 neaa
    209 words
  • 71 26 ROME. Sun Lukewarm socialist support and aa attack from within hi* own party yesterday ■eai'enafl premier dealgna U A I d o 1 More i chances of forming a new government for ret— rton-rtddeo Italy f-x-prrmler and fellow Christian Democrat Olulio Andreottl iccuied Mr Moro 1 in
    UPI  -  71 words
  • 75 26 BOSTON. Bun Mrs Nancy Kissinger, wife of Secretary of Btate Henry Kissinger, was resting comfortably today after major stomach surgery for gastric u'cer Surgeons jeaUiJaT removed about 40 per cent of her stomach Doctors said this waa a procedure In ulcer cases. Mrs. ristinger. 41.
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 37 26 LANORXS. Son The late Oeneral De OauDe'i cigarette lighter was sold today for JS.OOO franca (about 8C11J00) at a charity sale to help cancer research It was bought by Carttera. the Parts )ew«Uera. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 48 26 WABHDTOTON. Sun. The United flutes parole board today ordered the re;eaae from prlaon of Dvtght Chaptn. pmlrtent Nixon's appotntmeoU wcretary. on April 1. Chaptn. convicted of Irlnc to a WaUrtate (rand Jury. Degan aerrtng a aantonce of au to It month* last August. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 310 26 Yard probes triad societies in Britain LONDON, Sunday (SCOTLAND Yard is investigating the invasion of Britain by Chinese triad secret societies, the Sonday Telegraph newspaper said today. The report said police had discovered that last week's killing In a Soho gambling club of restaurant owner Kan Wong was a triad
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 110 26 BARCELONA (Spain). Bun. Street clashes between Uiousands of «nti -government demonstrators and beefed up police anti-riot unit* broke out today in downtown Barcelona. Police fired rubber bullets, smoke bomb* and t*argas to break ud the demonstrators who wer* attempting to converge on the former parl.ament building
    UPI  -  110 words
  • 312 26 Asean free trade zone will take time: Rithaudeen 1 BANGKOK. Sun. J^jALAYSIAN Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmed Rithaudeen said here today he thought a free trade zone among members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) would take time to develop. Speaking to reporters on his arrival for the Asean
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • 121 26 MALIK: NO URGENCY FOR DEFENCE PACT BANGEOE. Sun. Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said today there was no urcrncy for Asean to have a security or defence agreement. Speaking on his arrival here for the Asean fore tn ministers meeting. Mr Malik said there had lately been an erroneous notion
    Reuter  -  121 words
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      562 words