The Straits Times, 7 February 1976

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I EmUL 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 510 1 MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Datak Hussein bin Onn said yesterday that Malaysia is capable of containing and defeating communist terrorism In the country, de s pit* the recent Increase In their activities. And he indicated that he agreed with Singapore leaders that one of the most
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  • 763 1  - LEE: DON'T EXPECT MIRACLES R. CHANDRAN and AHMAD OSMAN Quiet diplomacy best way to closer ties... By MR. Lee Kuan Yew yesterday held out quiet diplomacy as the best tool to forge closer co-operation between Malaysia and Singapore. He cautioned people against expecting "miracles" as a result of his twoday
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 141 1 IT happened In 1926. Then the General Btrike practically paralysed Britain. Could it happen again today? And If so what would be the repercussions on the Ufe of Britons? It Is a prospect not as remote as some optimists think. Tomorrow the Sunday Times
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      • 94 1 PONTINIINGth* O^l^SttS Sanday Times this week teas of how tkc eoa>le first m-t-snd bow they fell In lore with each other nearly 1* years later lt was as early aa 195J when they first eaufht sight of each other at a fanctloa which
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      • 62 1 HIGHLIGHTS THE CASE of the four-month-old baby who starved to death In the arms of IU dead mother, neither of whose bodies were discovered until three months later CHILDREN who help the police to solve crime —a story about a highly successful TV programme In Britain organised by Scotland Yard
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      • 38 1 HOW to master the art of creating ramoars WHAT a way to impress HI-FI: Denon tarntable review DELICATE line hetweea mam and love TALKING yoar child bright fatare ANDKE PKEVUTs i bid to popularise classical music
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 72 1 rpHE new breed of shampoo superstars In 1 Singapore Is young, expert and male. Snake-hipped, babyfaced. open shirt, tight jeans, Identity bracelet... all that and more. These hairstylists earn, for example, enough to make a more conventional guy green with envy Who are they,
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      • 56 1 r»l NG Tony Stevens was only seven and, Uke ail boys, had his TV hero. Tony believed he was Indestractible. Uke the Six Million Dollar Man He practised the (low-motion ran of "Mimic" Steve Aastin and Insisted oa being called Steven. Bat
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      • 56 1 "^■ARLY everyone len \Mc&£r om£ prescription In hand. wondermß about the medication he or she v about to Uke. What Is It for? What slde effects will it have? By »hrn the patient can do a lot to protect his or her own health when drucs are prescribed,
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      • 45 1 CHANG KAI MING on why the Tnn€h school has was hijacked; HOW author Gwen Kobyas sweated to gather the facts for her book oa the Ufe of Princess Grace; CHAKLfcS BKONSON and the man he tried to escape from; POLLUTION threat to caviar.
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      • 78 1 INSIDE TKACK takes the FAS to task for Insisting on sending a team now half-strength to th« pre-Olymplcs In Jakana DON KtVIE on in* new Johann M. HAftICBANDKA. veteran athlete who Is out to prove that there's steam left In him GKEAT MOMENTS IN BOXING: The night
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      • 34 1 MY TRIP with the Bulu sea smugglers by freelance writer Robin Dannhorn. HOW HONGKONG "tailors" swindle their customers in the United Btates. THE ASIA MAGAZINE COMES FREE WITH YOUR SUNDAY NATION.
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  • 77 1 REBELS KILL 44 MARCOS TROOPS IN CLASHES MANILA, m Muslim rebels in the southern Philippines have killed 44 soldiers In a series of clashes, military sources said hert today. The sources said a total of 96 civilians and one enlisted man were also killed In three otter separate attacks. Over
    Reuter  -  77 words
    • 47 1 WASHINGTON, Frl. Lockheed Aircraft president AC Kotcnlan admitted today •at least' I S»l 1 mil lion (SS2.7S mil) was paid to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands In IMI or IMS to ac—BOlf the company's aircraft sale* la Holland. Beater (8e« Page 4).
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    • 31 1 PAKIB. Frl. A powerful explosion today dasuaged the M9metre tall Maine Montparnaase s k y scraper, Earopc's tallest, while Molotov cocktails wrecked the Lafthansa airline office, police said. Dfft
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 I The newest of the new now at... I WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND DBS Building 6, Shenton Way Introducing the dress watch L with CABOCHON crown k FAVRE LEUBA^ ***** M *****
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    • 61 1 M More Bank for your money Savings Accounts Merchant Banking Current Accounts Insurance Broking Fixed Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes Asian Currency Unit Foreign Exchange Commercial Letters of Credit Import and Export Bills Transfer of Funds Certificates Securities and Safe Custody^ of Deposit Travellers Cheques M Services Instant Cash Service^ W
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    • 80 1 PATTAYA: SPECIAL REPORT BY P.M. RAMAN -Page 5 PEKING blast at the anti-Maoists 3 GRAFT scandal may hit Lockheed's $2 4 bll sale 4 DEFIANT drivers: Call for caning. life ban 6 'BUS fare hike report premature' 7 HDB car parks under Are I TIME ripe to start central bank,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 164 2 ROME, Friday TWO gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons when they were found lurking In the gardens of the Egyptian Embassy here yesterday lxi what was believed to be an attempt to attack the ambassador. But they evaded a police cordon and escaped. When
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 92 2 Lebanon: Final touches BEIRUT. Fri Presidents Suleiman FranJleh of Lebanon and Hafez Assad of Syria were officially reported today to nave agreed on a "total settlement" to end Lebanon's civil war. Government spokesmen In Beirut and Damascus made the announcement on the eve or Mr. Franjleh's trip to Syria to
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    • 339 2 African leaders' summit to settle Angola war A MAJOR African summit meeting on Angola will begin today or tomorrow in Mozambique, highly informed sources said here. In attendance will be Zambia's President Kenneth Kaunda. Tanzania's President Julius Nyerere and Mozambique's President Samora Machel. Botswana President Sir Seretse Khama and Zaire
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  339 words
    • 74 2 BIRMINOHAM. Pr 1 i Prime Minister Harold Wilton laid last night that the Labour Ooveriunmt was "on target" to get Britain's an- r.ual r«U of Inflation down into tingle 'cure* by the end 1 Jf this year from the current i 24 tt per cent. We
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    • 65 2 WASHINGTON. Frt. Judge John Sirica, the man who sentenced leading members of the Nixon Administration to prison terms for the Watergate cover-up, suffered a massive heart attack today and was In critical condition last night. A spokesman for George Washington University Hospital said electric shocks were used
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 64 2 SOME of the hundreds of Briti->h mercenaries board a coach at tbe rear of a hotel near Gatwick Airport on Thursday as they prepare to leave for Angola. At least 800 more are said to br on the waiting liM bound for Africa to fUht on
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    • 470 2 BRUSSELS. Fri. fIATO strategists are reviewing the alliance's contingency plans for defending South Atlantic sea lanes because of increased Soviet influence in Angola, diploma tic sources said here yesterday Nato military policy In the area, which Is outside its normal sphere of
      Reuter  -  470 words
    • 428 2 SLA members accuse Pat of deserting them SAN FRANCISCO, Friday WHILE Patricia Hearst's lawyers try to TT convince a San Francisco Jury that she was an unwilling participant in a Symbionese Liberation Army bank robbery, two surviving SLA members accuse her of deserting them. Miss Hearst's chief attorney. Mr. F.
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 26 2 HONOKONO. m A Mmember Chlr.eM Üble tennis delegation left Peking today for a friendly visit to Japan, th* New China New* Agency reported— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 121 2 LONDON, rrl. A Chinese rntauratevr killed in a Soho (ambling club this week might have been attacked over a gambling debt or possibly In connection with drugs dealings, police said today. The man, 55-year-old Ean Horn, died of a ruptured svleen after suffering severe wounds
      Reuter  -  121 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 95 2 EUROPE NINE SIA FLIGHTS A WEEK Now; SIA offers you nine flights a week to Europe and London— thatls two more than any other airline. With an exclusive choice of 7478s or 707 Superjets. Rome three times weekly; Amsterdam and Frankfurt four times weekly; Zurich and Athens twice weekly. Depart
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    • 186 3 Thousands face hunger, disease in Guatemala pUATEMALA CITY. Frt \I The spectre of hunger and disease today stalked survivors of a devastating earthquake that destroyed at least 10 Guatemalan towns and killed more than 6.000 people. Officials said thou sands of homeless victims were without food In Guatemala City and
      Reuter; UPI  -  186 words
    • 39 3 PTNBACOCA ■norktoi. m Police reportedly used temrgaa !n an attempt to bitt up fierce fighting between white and black students at a high school yesterday Witnesses said gunshot* were fired during the fighting AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 446 3 'Danger that terrorists may spark major war' LONDON. Frl. Internat lonal terrorists, working closely together from bases In the Middle East and Europe and backed by the Soviet Union, China and other leftist regimes, may get hold of nuclear weapons and seek to touch off a major conflict, a private
      UPI  -  446 words
    • 250 3 Four years for former Lanka Governor /10LOMBO. FH. Brt V/ Lanka's Criminal Justice Commission today sentenced former Governor General sir Oliver Ooonettlleke to four years bard labour and a fine of MO.OOO rupees (8*301.500) for foreign exchange violations. Sir Oliver. 83, who lives In London, cannot be extradited under present
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 405 3 Peking blast at the antiMaoists PEKING. Friday •pHE Chinese press today launched an extraordinary attack on a handful of "capitalist readers" in positions of power, claiming they opposed Chairman Mao's policies An emotive, front page article In the People's Dally, organ of the Communist Party charged rightist devlaUonUU were trying
      Reuter  -  405 words
    • 32 3 KINSHASA. Tn The Zaire nm agency Aaap said yesterday that the abortive aanritntK n attempt iftliut the Onml African Republic President Jean-Bedel Hniiaaa was masterminded by hla eon-ln-law. Otarou. Rawer
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    • 106 3 -Death for four young robbers rTIAIPKH. FTI. Four I more young men have b;en executed for armed robbery bringing the total number of men executed here to 11 In the past IS days. Executed yesterday were Chang Pao-yuan. IS. his brother Pao-tse 24. Tang Ya-mln. 27. and Chang Chlen-tang. 29.
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 50 3 ISLAMABAD. Frl— Prim* Minuter ZulTlkar All Bhutto yt^erday lifted restriction* Imposed laat month on highly iklllcd Pakistanis folng abroad (or better Jobs. An official tuttcmeot aaid Mr Bhutto had ordered that the Presidential Ordinance promulgating the curbs be withdrawn immediately following appeals from Pakistanis already working overseas—Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 ■BMj£ss££> ssssWaSsssP H sMaO^T^S law A bbbw^^l T^e^EHai^r^ei °\eß ■w^^^^^Sßßßßßßsfl K^^^^Hl WkW *^k J^aV /I s&h^s.(ft\ saw^*lW* sff I^e<V Jtl m if h- t sawf >^ clearancel SALE I FROM FEBRUARY 7TH LINK BOUTIQUE I UNIT 114. FIRST FLOOR. PLAZA SINGAPURA. I ORCHARO ROAD. SINGAPORE 9 TEL *****3 a
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    • 1450 3 FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Negotiable around MO.OOO pi MM c of th major multi-national organi n El sations operating in the region is Ej II seeking a well qualified Financial Con I I (roller to head up its financial function M I in Singapore. This la a newly estab- IE I liahed
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    • 487 4 TOKYO, Fri A scandal over alleged payoffs by Lockheed Aircraft Corp. to Japanese lobbyists today menaced the film's campaign to sell more than l'Ssl billion (552.4 billion) worth of planes to the Japanese navy. Components for the 80-100 Orion anti submarine patrol plane
      Reuter  -  487 words
    • 244 4 $86.8 bil debt of world tanker industry LONDON. Frt. The world tanker industry faces a total mortgaged debt commitment of an estimated ISS3S billion (SSM.g billion), half of II covering ships not yet delivered, a lead I n g merchant banker said yesterday. Hambros Bank executive director Otto Norland said
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 126 4 WABHINOTON, m. Iran has told the United States that It wants to cancel two of the six destroyers It had ordered. Defence Department officials said last night. Iran, the Pentagon's largest arms purchaser with more than US$B,OOO million (8*22.--320 mili»on> ordered the last four
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 358 4 UN MISSION FOILED BY FRETILIN, SAYS ENVOY DARWIN. Friday T*HE United Nations mission to East Timor has been frustrated by leaders of the fugitive Fretilin independence movement, special UN envoy Vittorio Wlnspeare Oulcciardi said here today. Mr. Oulcclardl. who has been attempting to arrange a visit to East -1 Timor
      Reuter  -  358 words
    • 223 4 BANGKOK. Frt. Two com m v n Ist lnsur gents were killed and 25 government soldiers severely wounded during the storming of a major Insurgent camp near the Thai Iju> border yester day. the state owned ra dlo announced today. The seizure
      Reuter; AP  -  223 words
    • 51 4 SEOUL Frt Blr Robert Thompson a British authority on counter Insurgency and combatting terrorism will arrive on Sunday for a 30-day vult the BrtUih dnbaay said today Blr Robert li making the visit at the Invitation of South Korean Culture-Infor-mation Minister Kirn SconfJln. th« embassy said
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 87 4 Maudling's son: f I stole' LONDON, Fri Kd ward MaadUnf. 21- year -old son of the Foreign Affairs spokesman for Britain's oppostUon Conservative Faxty, yesterday admitted stealing wine and spirits worth £75 (8*375) from his former employer*. Maudllnc was jiven a conditional discharge for a jtmi by a mafUtrate's court
      Reuter  -  87 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 iHjj 78/ I uCIJ Bs^AßK^JL^L^L^SßSa^tfisfl B^BBW ■t^_ BPC^^Lsl town* aaimsi to coatma dunna pas* hmdtm^ LTD. J$ \m uV^g^g^gQ fikg^g«^u^u^Li^uw__ Liltinf a 7i ton workbott with doubit llinf. POLYESTER WEBBING SLINGS Strong. Light. Flexible. Single sling capacities from Vi 20 torn ex stock. Certified by factory safety test certificates. Ask
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  • 699 5  - Jakarta seeks accord on Asean defence P.M. RAMAN By Times Deputy Chief Reporter who will report on the Asean Foreign Ministers' conference in Pitteya, Thailand. BANGKOK, FrWty INDONESIA is making a determined bid to persuade the forthcoming Aaean summit in Bali to agree I" boom sort '•I I defence
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  • 692 5 TWO years after American bombers ceased their raids on North Vietnam, the 240 km railway line from the Chinese frontier to Hanoi U still flanked by the debris of war. In places. It's like a lunar landscape of bomb craters, dotted with twisted
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  • 581 5  - Invasion' of students in Britain CCUN CROSS: I By -ON DON ABOUT a tenth of all stadents in British universities and colleges of farther education now come from overseas, and the proportion appears to be rapidly growing. In the last decade the total has doubled from 30,000 to 60,0*0. Each
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 485 5 You had Specials. you had Super Specials. now we give you Bfek MM Bfek pay Bfex _Bj Bfek HYPEI-SPiCUUS IntixxludrigHyper-Savings in Shopping. A Metro Exclusive! fcOTY Eyeshadow (Ret 276) ["N ATloNA^itf| fpARKER "Big Red" Felt Pan j llO*a |^> I Batteries J^ 5* U f^^J^e iSSSLve I fc^JjH (Save Va^S^lixjO
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  • 327 6 Common S'pore type school urged by five Chinese bodies piVE Chinese educational bodies have recommended that the various streams of education in Singapore be integrated Into a common Singa-pore-type school using both the mother tongues and English as the media of instruction There should be no separate Chinese. English. Malay
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  • 126 6 20 speedboats to boost Marine -patrols- rE Marine Police to to aeiwire a fleet of U high-powered speedboats as part of Its plan to step «B> efficiency in e—stal patrols. A police spokesman said yesterday tfiat tenders would be called shortly for the construction of these modern and soplilrtlrited Teasels.
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  • 50 6 MR. Chsoug Eng Ban. has been rs started president of Ounong Sayang Association, a social and cultural organisation. Other officials are- Mr. Urn Kirn Bock and Mr Teo Kian Urn. vtce-prssMsnts; Mr. Ssow Kway Chin, secretary: Mr Lot Tong Tecs, treasurer: and Mr. Loh TJhoeng Chin, auditor.
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  • 29 6 PROP NaUnl Mathlas will speak on So In ■illness at a kiim harm organised by the Singapore Advertisers Association at Raffles Hotel on Thursday n 1 pn
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  • 143 6 YfOTORISTS travrll- I irl ing down this stretch of Choa Chu Kang Road from op- posllr aides rarely see eye to eye or have the foggiest idea where they are heading. It is a miracle they have not so far ended la a
    Christopher Loh  -  143 words
  • 313 6 RAXING and a life ban on driving any class of vehicles were yesterday suggested as penalties for those speedsters H'hc ignored police signals to stop, and instead led police on chases. These suggestions came from a cross section of people Interviewed yesterday on
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  • 28 6 THE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Dr. Ooh Keng Swee, will open the Kreta Ayer education Centre In Sago Lane today at J pjn
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  • 80 6 FAMILY MOVES IN AFTER WARNINGS MR. Rajan NUakandan, a works apprentice, has moved Into his Whampoa Drive Estate flat, which he had left vacant for almost two years. An HDB spokesman yesterday said the family moved In last Nov. 15. Mr. NllaJiandan had refused to shift Into his flat because
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  • 58 6 First piano festival for Republic SIN Chew Jit Poh and Yamaha Music School are organising the first piano festival In Singapore which Is open to all citizens and permanent residents. The finals will be held at the Conference Hail on May ML entry forms are available at both Bin Chew
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 446 6 Highlights for today GCE: Mahiv students achieve better results last year. Hussein Onn: Malaysia will succeed in containing communist menace. Saturday Forum: Why Malay bodies are unable to co-ordi-nate scholarship awards. Drought: Water in reservoirs down 10 jkt cent. 9 MP hits out at present parking system in HDM estates.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 254 6 Straits Times Crossword ACKOM and another gets 1 Leader diatnbuUd soup under a day abroad for aoout one plenuiul trip (7). *uPPIy C»i t Date U for 5 PM not Cloak frightened luby' as arranged (11) (?>- 1J Certain casks taking high 10 Clear out about quarter place in Staffordshire
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  • 215 7 Bus fare hike report premature says SBS chief TIE Singapore Bat Service general manager. Mr Wong Hung Khim. last night described as "speculative a New Nation report tnat the company wa» considering raising bus (ares to oflset higner operational costs. However he said there was "some truth" »n that part
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  • 50 7 DR Chart** Nf hu been •tecud president of th* Oxford and Ctmbrlde* Society of Singapore (or thU year Other official* an Mr JLM Oorn*. vtce-pr**ld«nt for Oxford Ifr RP Evaiu. rice-prcatdcnt for Cambrtdc*. Mr Bam Ovonc Keen, we- reUry: and Mr D J Jordan Muunr I
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  • 267 7 Youth used in drug 'deal' gets 3 years A 17-YEAR-OLD youth, who was Induced by an elderly man to pass I over 40C grams of heroin worth SSI. OOO to a contact man. was Jailed for three years by a district court yesterday on a reduced charge of unlawful possession
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  • 101 7 Noise pollution forum on Ch. 5 A fire-man forum will dlscuu noise pollution In the 81nfapore context on TV's Channel 5 tomorrow at 6.50 pm Th* panel la ehairad by Mr Phillip PiUay. twrturar la Urn Faculty of Law. Unlvwalty of Stngapor* Th* apaaker* an rtatur* awwatlrtan Dr Wl Sebotaa,
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  • 378 7 N DUSTRIALISTS have forecast business advance for the first six months of this year, according to a survey conducted by the Department of Statistics in the industrial sector. A total of 44 per cent of firms surveyed exprcted better business. 10 per cent
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  • 330 7 Chinatown 'sinsehs' who are breaking law THKRE are still some Chinese physicians who unlawfully claim in public that they specialise in treating certain illnesses. A StralU Times check In Chinatown yesterday showed that there were a number of physicians who made such claims In bold Chinese characters on signboards hung
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  • 137 7 CREW OF SHIP HELD IN AUSTRALIA RETURN TTCE 20 seamen of the <•> Singapore vessel, C. Ranee. detained by waterside workers at Melbourne two weeks ago, have returned home, a Singapore Organisation of Seamen official said yesterday. He said they were now "being paid the salaries due to them." He
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  • 99 7 THE University of Singapore and the South-east Asian Ministers of Education Council (Seamec) are to conduct a course In applied linguistics leading to a degree of Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics) awarded by the flniverslty. A flaamar ataUnunt said that a formal aaaoclaUon between the
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  • 278 7 Rare blood types: 'Spore can cope' DEOPLE with rare blood types like the rhesus negative will not be "starved" of lifesaving blood when they need a transfusion after an accident or In surgery. A spokesman of the Singapore Stood Transfusion Service yesterday said that the Blood Bank had a special
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  • 60 7 Coffins gutted in 30-minute blaze SEVERAL thousand dollars worth of "expensive coffins" went up In smoke when fire gutted the premises of Lee Teoh Heng Undertakers In Changi Road, last night No one waa Injured. Th* cauae of tb* bias* waa not ••ÜbUaned. Six people were mad* homeless In the
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  • 105 7 Making music— the US Navy way THE Par But IdlUon 1 a 14-ptece band of the United States Seventh Fleet, will play a election of pooular American music at the National Theatre on Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. The baud, part of the 25- piece Seventh Fleet Band, has entertained
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  • 118 7 A 33-YEAR-OLD fitter was Jailed for three years by a district court yesterday for stealing a motorcycle parked In Sago Lane between last Dec. 3- and 5. Oan Soh. who has seven previous convictions, was also ordered to undergo two years' police supervision after his
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 493 7 Congratulations /J^\ jPTTA i\ on your yj/ I U L I H II 4th Anniversary. The Golf Shirt of Professional Golfers I II 4 Styled for action with the famous 'v ,JC\ I <J PATENTED UNDERARM ACTION GUSSET. 1 J^W A Thej shirt for all leisure occasions. n A, Golf
      493 words

  • 75 8 THESE pictara by Vow Yun Woh capture the various moods of Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Hussein Onn when he gave a press con- ference attended by some 70 Singapore and Malaysian newsmen and foreign correspondents before leaving for home yesterday. Come again? I didn't hear that
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  • 85 8 $60,000 YARN DESTROYED IN FIRE pOTTON yarn worth V/ M«.o«e was destroyed when lire broke oat in the Nat onal Textile (Pte) Limited in Jalan Jentera. Juronf. at 11 a.m. yesterday. Two (Ire enfines took Icm than It mmuin to control the blare preventing it from spreading to other parti
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  • 31 8 THE Dtrftir of Education. Mr Chan KM Yau. will pre- to Tinners of the 19TS Schools' Baring Competition at tne Angao Chinese Secondary School Hall today at 10 am
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  • 26 8 YEE Oh Kock Wm M. ii* death from tht 10th floor or Block U Ttnflln Halt Road. ywUrd»y Police do not suipcct foul play
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  • 269 8 MR. Ho Kah Leong. MP for Jurong, yesterday hit out at the Housing and Development Board's "unsatisfactory" car park system. The system. iie said, not only Inconvenienced residents and visitors but also hampered their social lives "The policymakers seem to be lndetermln ate. rules and
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  • 40 8 THI National afuanim will ki— four colour films on painters Vincent van Goch Prans Hal*. Karrel Appel and Rembrandt on Wednesday at "30 pjn Free artmta<on ttcfceU are •Tillable at the ftfautum offlce during office hours.
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  • 28 8 SIXTY-THREE people who admitted that they gambled In public on Wednesday, Thursday and yesterday, were fined a total of $7,055 by a magistrate's court ye»t*rday
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  • 115 8 Anita Sarawak for Hawaii POPULAR local singer T Anita Sarawak will make a return appearance in Hawaii in April According to a New Nation report yesterday, she wl'l take part In a cultural show Included In the Pacific Area Travel Association's annual convention to be held at the Sheraton Walklkl
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  • 32 8 THE Singapore Jayceea (Orchard Chapter) will Mart an rlf ht-a«acton coon* on ManaOßMOt Procedure at the Apollo Hotel from Monday. Thoee Intonated should contact Mr Roland Tan at tal: UMIT.
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  • 162 8 Public Utilities Board has sounded a fresh warning of the human tragedies that could be caused by improperly maintained electrical appliances. The warning was made after PUB carried out Inspections of various electrical Installations here. The Inspections showed that: A MAJORITY of the electrical Installations Involved
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  • 66 8 TWO LONG HAIR BUSMEN SUSPENDED THt. Singapore Bos Service has suspended two workers for sporting long hair. The youths. from the Central Workshop, had been warnec by their departmental managers a week earlier to trim their hair short The number of employees, including has crew and mechanics, who had been
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  • 92 8 A 23- YEAR-OLD man was Jailed for a total of 52 months by a district court yesterday after he pleaded guilty to three charges of theft. Wee Chong Slew, who has three previous convictions, was Jailed a year for stealing a motorcycle parked in TanJong Pagar
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  • 50 9 T)ATUK Hussein Onn paying a courtesy call on President Sheares at the Istana yesterday. Accompanying Datuk Hussein is the Malaysian Foreign Affairs Minister, Tengku Datuk Ahmad Rithauddeen. The Malaysian Prime Minister flew back to Kuala Lumpur shortly after the courtesy call.
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  • 170 9 MR Patrick Freeman. QC, was admitted to the Bar here yesterday to argue the appeal of property owner Mr NH E Naislm in a land acquisition matter. The application was moved in his absence by Mr Nasslms solicitor. Mr K E Hllborne. before the Chief
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  • 319 9 Last words of man stabbed in shop: They killed me...' AN optical shop owner who staggered out of his shop shortly before he died of strangulation and stab wounds said in his last gasps to a passer-by who went to his aid: "They killed me! They killed me!" Then he
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  • 20 9 MR. K*n Tine Chlu. who iv last matiaUmu. has rwknid from Government sarnee to ba in private practice
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  • 109 9 Wind-up order on firm with $33,000 debt PO NT O 8 Freighters Ltd of Magsilne Road was ordered to be wound up by the Chief Justice. Mr. Wee Chong Jin. In the High Court yesterday for being Insolvent. The petitioning creditor ni Bin Chin Ben« ShlpbuUdbMl Uu& which Mid that
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  • 31 9 DR. Ton Cbtn Chya. Minister for Health aodMP lor Mochore, will tour Ms ooaeUtuency on a Cntosae Haw Tear visit Vmamm atarttag frost Urn wiiwsMinHy centre at I*4o sjb.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 230 9 CHINESE NEW YEAR OFFER LADII Christian Dior Open sling shoes 145 .00 185.00 Less 30% Matting wedge shoes 1 50.00 Less 30% Wedge slipper 135.00 Less 30% T^trap shoes 165.00 Less 50% Sling-back shoes 130 00 165.00 Less 50% Sandals 135.00 165.00 Less 50% Court shoes 165.00 1 75.00 Less
      230 words
    • 239 9 «#W^T* I JHftb^ Now's the time to buy Nestum Family Cereal. Just give the leaflet packed <#rt in every tin of Nestum —to your *€l^nsll W shopkeeper and he will give you a vtjlll^ packet of quality Maggi Noodles ***fly cereal (85 g) free. Yes, f reel So you save
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 359 10 •'NOW SHOWING! DAILY AT 7.00 4 tJO »M.£ ORCHARD: STH MIDNIGHT TONIGHT) j; M^^fkEmorumfYm mm > a^^^a»»B»a-^-aT WMHi Wl W^PK# dfWJAt^^^^ P^lß^^ IRONS DRIVE-IN CINEMA and OOEON |i sth BIG MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! CoMam M» »aa» praciiH jj^aa»a»aa __aY i CHEUNG PING $mt^&Sk\ i LOONC KM-SUMC-MCI SWSl^LVft^^ CA«TO«ISI-COtOMCO*l-IMtlS)< MM. Ljl MM
      359 words
    • 454 10 i nrat BMB-niai.i la b» artlliaat MCX* THIO IWlaad'. A Imm llilfcaili' trk> rfha*. rtatta bb) tiol.i atagna« lii»i a. I I m-. aa ha> ltnMßaa»>l Tin— c— .^lrtla," I arrc Marrf T>l Till "I S». I IMLYH WILLIAMS v TtAJILja DKKENi. al II II wM> I I Oa*jay
      454 words
    • 128 10 OPENS REX TODAY" 11 Maa, 1.45, 4.00, 1.4S S JI pa -NO FREE UST (TODAY'S 9am Lodie. Ptvvtew SOLD-OUT) Cv 1 5#-YEAW)LI lAR kavf a MEAMWFIL SATISFYIN lEUTIWSHIP with a IS-YEAR-0U URL aii VICE VO8A? BBBaV a B ttBl B _aßH^^^^^^H I *CU -SB Op f aLNcI nocyrmon aj I
      128 words
    • 264 10 Jp OPENS TOMORROW gP jJr fti* will tfve ijrf you the UENGEANC^FJ! THE ZOMBIES- i starring PAUL NASCHY, VIC WINNER. RONY mi MIRTH MILLER COLOR CAPITOL- Coming Sooh-GLOBEI THE WORLD'S FASTEST GUN Backed by his SAMURAI SWOROa ..he fought like an army fj^ a.rfj lived like a legend. I*H ■»»i
      264 words
    • 705 10 ORCItISATIOP. liwa. 14), 4 00 (A IS -WIDWNC NI6MTI Mondonn .n Scop* t CokK NIXT CHAN6I' Wat' Ponwmon-Cokx TOHICMT MIDNIGHT 4 Twmwrr.- M.,».| 1k... LIDORtX JURONG •UCI LU t I p Mondonn Vcop« W.UH<l»N)ill OftHS TOO AT' Wmm. I JO 400 44) K> -MUCI Lll t I "ondofin in Scoo#
      705 words

  • 299 11 GCE 4 O' Level certs awarded to 88 per cent EIGHTY -EIGHT per cent of school candidates from the Chinese, Malay and Tamil streams who sat for the Singapore-Cam-bridge General Certificate of Education ("O" Level) Examination last year have been awarded certificates. The results, which were a^^n^i^^ released yesterday by
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  • 65 11 THE Department of Civil Aviation will widen the stretch of road between the airport circus and the YIP Lounge at Paya Later Airport to east traflfc confceUon leading to the Ticketing Wing and the Paaaangcr Terminal Building Work to widen the twoUne road into four lanes will
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  • 116 11 APPRENTICE Latlb bin Parman. 27. was yesterday Jailed for nine months for stealing two handbags and a cassette :n Pierce Reservoir Juma'- 19. re- month term. A magistrate's court was told Latlb stole the handbags from Miss Leow Joo Kheng last Oct 16
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  • 490 11 Time now ripe to start Bntral bank, says AS manager THE time is now ripe to establish a central bank in Singapore, the manager of the economics department of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Mr. Yeo Teng Yang, suggested yesterday. The Justification for such a bank lay in the centralisation
    490 words
  • 456 11 rl fact cannot be over-emphasised that In order to Veep up with the fH*"g<"g trends of the *n»m.i«i institutions. Singapore must constantly upgrade Its pool of skilled manpower. Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng. Minister for Science and Technology and Vice-Chan-cellor of Nanyang
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  • 469 11 High Court told why wife took trip to London A HOUSEWIFE yesterday told the High Court that she went to London to find out what was wrong with her husband when his letters to her became less affectionate and frequent Mrs Lien Tuk Ling, 42. said she took one of
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  • 273 11 A taxi ride brings heartbreak MADAM Ngal Tan. 63, a maidservant, has learnt a little too late the folly of carryIng all her life savings with her. For she lost them all, both cash and jew cilery amounting to SI.7M contained In a handbag, when she left It In a
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  • 58 11 AN OrTICK worker. Ahdong bin Mast*. 46. was awarded II6JSS dsjnsges by the High Court yesterday for Injuries suffered In an accident In East Coast Road two years afo. Ahdong broke his right leg when the motorcycle he was rldln* collided with a car driven by Koh
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 113 11 ."I iS^B wauj bV^gft /*^ej M p~» ■V. -it aSHuaL <C^^wl r y 9 B K Hga I— -4- eH.^aE<l*^CAßr .^■aa^ ■P^ g#> B^sC^s 2^3-^afllQaS mmWihU JV i H****^"" Wm\. aY HUii \/r r fl^2 L ifiT /Jm^m^LV T^W mU WJB \Mr ts V Haw efl b^^i*"" /^g^wA I m
      113 words
    • 227 11 Congratulations to Singapore C E Tours on the Official Opening of their New Singapore Sales Centre and Tounst Arcade at Peopled Park Shopping Complex Anothor interior protect by H HENRY CO. (1973) PTE. LTD. 68 Orange Qiove Ra Henry BuMOng &ngaoore X) l»i *****3 K L Office 12 Jaien Parry
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  • The Straits Times
    • 392 12 LANDING his first official visit to Singapore yesterday. Malaysia's new Prime MinisDatuk Hussein Onn, remarked that his .ntry and the Republic were such close .-htxjurs that "if one has a cold and agaaj the other will inevitably catch a cold That neatly sums up the situation. The nations'
      392 words
    • 223 12 INTIMIDATION by buses on our roads is an all too common experience among car drivers and motorcyclists. It does not take a newly-licensed motorist long to learn to give a wide berth to buses as the larger vehicle approaches or leaves a bus stop. Unlike other good
      223 words
  • 458 12 T.F. takes you down memory lane Time for the Dragon. A GOOD time ior all with time for the Dragon. Most of us had such a time, I hope. Long ago. the festive holidays stretched much longer in Chinese circles. But time was not the valuable commodity It now commands.
    458 words
  • 693 12 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times. Malaysia. r»REIGN Minister r Adam Malik has made a frank and forceful statement en a wide range of subject* In the Indonesian weekly. Tempo. He can rest assured that none of the Asean members who have established diplomat*
    693 words
    • 137 12 iiriTH all due respect Tf to Mr J K Medora. his letter <B.T. Jan. 33) struck me as more like the exploit* of a fish out of water. I have been travelling regularly by &BS over tne past 19 months and ba«e ret to experience
      137 words
    • 43 12 rB authorities concerned should Inspect the overhead bridge on Thomson Road, especially on the Mt Alvernla Hospital side. The whole staircase wobbles when there arc more than five people ascending It It should be repaired before any mishap haooens. constant usirm. Singapore 12
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  • 1235 12 S 'pore and kL to boost friendly relations THE Malaysian Prime Minister. Datuk Hussein Onn, told a press conference yesterday that Malaysia and Singapore have agreed to strengthen further bilateral co-operation between the two countries. He also reaffirmed that Malaysia and Singapore viewed economic development as the ultimate guarantee of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1 12 (•rfy
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    • 146 12 SOLD OUT! The 50 Ford Escort 1300 XL's recently advertised have been sold out. However, The Ford Motor Company is endeavouring to divert a final 50 units previously reserved for export, for release on the Singapore market. Please watch the daily press for further details. ...leads the way. UNIVERSAL CARS
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  • Business Times
    • 1466 13  - Chase now symbol of the problem banks: Rocky may be forced to quit Terry Robards By NEW YORK: The dune Manhattan Bank has emerged in the public spotlight js ;i symbol of the ikj lion's trouh led banking system at one of its most difficult moments In the process, the
      NYT  -  1,466 words
    • 156 13 WASHINGTON— IS Comptroller of the Carreacy. Mr. James Smith, aali his •Bee is giving special aanarvlaaij attention U 2* national banks which he rsnriaeri have financial praalsms. Ha tsU the Sen-te Banking Committee seven of those banks, with total if USSLtt MlUon and deposits of SI.M
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 236 13 oppose FAl's wind-up petition' HONGKONO Mosbert Hoidings di rector Peter Chan says the company will not oppose the petition for its winding up lodged with the Supreme Court here by FAI Insurances of Australia. Mr. Chin, who Is also chairman of the Kowloon Stock Exchange. added that three wholly -owned
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 108 13 Earnings of Texas fall 31 pc DALLAB (Texas): Texas Instruments' earnings in 1975 tumbled 3. per cent from US$B962 million to $62.14 million Net sales, however, do not appear to have been as hard hit. falling just 13 per cent to $137 billion from $157 billion previously. Texas Instruments In
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 257 13  - Iron ore exports face severe cutbacks Kingaley Wood By QYDNEY: Continuing I? ffcemjsu in the world's steel Industry Is certain to cant •ever* cat barks in Australian Iron ere exports. Last orders to Jmr»»rese and Kuropean •ted mills could cost up to AUM million If they arc prolonged over a
      257 words
    • 351 13  - New soft drink franchise gives Yeo Hiap Seng a fresh kick TSAI TAN EDITED BY THE reduction of Yio Hiap Seng's interest In Yeo Hiap Seng 'Malaysia) to Just 40 per cent does not appear to have affected the performance of the rump to any significant extent in the year
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    • 84 13 PR the year ended June 1975. net pretax profits at British and Malayan Trustees took a big jump to $105,473 from $29,703 previously In his annual statement, the chairman. Mr. Tan Hoon Slang, says the higher profits were due to better Investment income and an Increase In
      84 words
    • 212 14 Mr, l.ric Whltr. chairman of Eric White Associates and board member of the parent organisation. Hill *nd Knowlton. is due to arrive today lor a sevenday visit Mr Whits U on a routine inspection ot £Wa ornces in AUa Mr J Kev.n Murphy. president of Purolator Services
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    • 442 14  - New building techniques gain acceptance PROPERTY MOK SIN PIN By rE Increasing cost of building materials and labour and their shortage have been a growing cause of concern for the building Industry In most countries In recent years In an effort to curb escalating construction cost, many have turned to
      442 words
    • 111 14 Glaxo chief on regional tour MB. Austin E. Bide (pictured above), chairman of Glaxo Holdings, the parent company of the Glaio croup, recently visited S niapore as part of a toar of Glaxo offices in this rejrion. Mr. Bide has keen chairman in most of the group's IK subsidiary companies
      111 words
    • 1162 14 T^EW YORK: From 11 his office on the 46th floor of the Merrill Lynch building, Donald T. Regan, head of the world's largest broking form, commands a view that look* over lower Manhattan and miles of the New Jersey littoral.
      NYT  -  1,162 words
    • 164 14 LONDON: The centre of the Euromarket is shifting away from London towards separate centres in North America. South- c ast Asia and Europe. Bankers Trust vice president. Mr Frederick Schwartz said. Decision making is shifting towards banks placed in or near the major borrowing areas, he
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 32 14 LONDON Oopeng Consolidated ta>d Slater Walker Securities and its subsidiaries and lnvertment trust* no lunger have an Interest of 10 per cent or more In Oopeng. Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 116 14 P HE-TAX profits for j the third quarter j ended December iy7s at Plessev have continued to fall In the latest reported quarter, earnings are down from £986 million to £801 million. Sales however rose IS per cent to £124 4 million from £108.2 million The company
      Reuter  -  116 words
      • 405 14 NEW YORK. Thun Stock prices diopped tooay. registering their i.naxptil decline jf 1*76 on the heelj of a prolonged advance that had carried the market to a 27-monlh high The Dow Jones Industrial average closed at M« SI with a loss of 11 41 point* This decline amounted
        405 words
      • 102 14 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thuraday 410 0 Wednesday 414 l Week ago IMT TINS Thuraday M.S3 Wednesday MSI Week mo Ml RL'BSKRS Thursday ***** Wednesday 447 40 Week mo 427 4« OILS Thursday 3 J5 J3 Wednesday 337J0 Week ago 137 00 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDL'STBIALS Thnraday M4 II Wedneaday
        102 words
      • 126 14 A MSTERDAM Thur» A Share* finned In active trading Internationals were mixed to firmer with Akw and Rsyal Datch closlnc lower. ELM row Hal and Gssssea firmed among shipbuilders The government has aald It will plan an aid programme with the Industry. KSH and Fetter eased PtanUUon* and Insurances
        126 words
      • 236 15 UONOKONO. Ptl— Stock ■■•■■-prices fell sharply In active trading on further profit taking and some short selling, dealers said The selling was also encouraged by falls on overseas market* overnight, particularly Hongkong stock in London ■sack sag Bank dropped HKBI 40 to 621. Jardine Malknaaa 81 10 to 826
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      • 160 15 TOKYO m-The market lost ground heavily, reflecting the sharp fall on Wall Street. Lockheed's alleged political paymenu In Japan, and warnings issue* by Tokyo Stock exchange against speculative transactions The Dow Jones average declined 46 16 to close st 4.587 77. with a volume of 210 million shares. The
        160 words
      • 314 15 CYDNEY PYI Share prices retreated acrcas a broad front on the stock exchange dealers said Depressing corporate performance resulu by BHP and Comalco and sustained pro-m-taking werr cited as the mam bearish fsclors The Sydney All-Ordinaries tllpptd 3 19 points to 449 90 BHP fell ten cent* to Alt
        314 words
      • 138 15, »a*UN)t, un uas M.ltoura. M) 102 »1 104 17 1H.258 111 008 I 121 US IM 00* 1 IW2SB 12* SOB IM.OOS ISO MB IM JO 114 S4 Prular Tauraaar ■aaskaas 121 oob 127.758 12* SOB 12* SOS S POT. (I) 127 UB 12* 448 ISOISa 110
        138 words
      • 97 14 ZURICH. Thun Most stock price* on the Zurich Stock Exchant* continued to advance today. Finance however closed Irregular while bant*. Insurances and industrial* firmed The Credit Sulaat Index famed another OS point to Ch*i (new m Swim tfmac* wtitk ik* eiOrwM* ea im »t»vi. p. *>- CrrtH klw •»M
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 89 13 <M> ORENSTEIN KOPPEL WEST tHWAH Since 1876 THE 20 FEET DIGGER! Federal Auto is now occepting orders for the most powerful range of hydraulic excavators. jmn Sleep easy I* with O K ■FTTI V^UbbbbbbbU 4^bbbbbW^bbi FEOCRAi. AUTO CfJOAnonsa) COMPANY SCMSL BMO. ■KmswaVa^BßW HlAt> O'MCf aY v mw*aW aB BBT b
      89 words
    • 209 13 L^mmSß 4 NEW I TELEPHONE I NUMBER Effective 9th February 1976. we will be operating on our own automatic telephone exchange. The new main exchange number will be I ***** Existing direct lines: *****2. *****3. ***** ***** remain unchanged. I :^»te: Mansfield Travel fc Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore 1
      209 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 299 14 HONDA PRESENTS CG-1K) TJHESPIRIT OF W6 c V*» Convenient Grip Controls in a sports bike *H\ HONDA presents the CG- 1 10, the sleek, stylish bike that gets you anywhere on time. The sporty CG- 1 10 has powerful pick-up and low Precision Speedometer fuel consumption; its outstanding performance is
      299 words

    • 1858 15 T>HK laot tranMcted ready A sal* at ihe close it Duolnaas on Uie itiock Kirhanc* of Blnflapor* taatTday ooav pvro aim the prenou* day* pnoM toff*UMr with 1876/16 hlcri and tow c Adjusted (or •crip/ricrtt* iasu*i CLOtlNO TON!: Bart* ataaafr Tunoovm omu Hi •uppiiatf br Um stack TiiMmi
      1,858 words
    • 1747 15 BID snd offer prices offl- clally listed and buslnei* In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackeu In lota of 1.000 units UDleat otherwlM specified All Time Bargains or Settlement t) are quoted after the word
      1,747 words
    • 104 15 KUALA LUMPUR: Rubber dealers said they expect an early •tart to wlnteilng In some parts of Malaysia aa a result of recent and continuing dry weather They said growers In southern states of Peninsular Malaysia reported the leaves of their rubber trees were I starting to
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 56 15 TOKYO. Ito Yokado. a major chain store operator, said It will Issue 2.5 million stocks In Europe in the form of continental depository receipts next month with payment required by Peb. 27. The company said the main underwriter Is Nomura Securities. The stocks will be listed
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 1363 15 BID and offer prices officially listed and buslBSM In and reported to tne Kuala iJimpiir Stock Ex:har«je yesterdar with the uumber of shares traded shown in brackeu In lou of 1.000 unlU. unless otherwise •i—iriKi IHDUSVBIALS Altnamata i2MB> il) 2M A. Tasa .0 *oOi 111 0M 2 *a.
      1,363 words
    • 94 15 K. L Summary Falls llarvrr Glaf. 4.30 —I 66 rial N I 6.00 .25 o. TrmaUnf 6 6.10 IS M -"«"-g I 724 .IS E.NJ. I 3.16 .11 ILB.B. I 270 12 M. Flaw 6 1.33 11 Tmu Msng I 058 11 r. <l<in I 1 90 .10 Main I
      94 words
    • 86 15 RESULTS of Tremaavy Mlh) tender held on Feb. for 91 -day and ltt-day MUa: Offered: $M million (91 -day Mlh) to ho UosMd from Feh. U IS) ■ad SM million (inday Mil* U he wild on Feb. Applied ror:S4IJM.»M and *57 amUtton. Allotted: |M .million anal SM
      86 words
    • 72 15 Ingersoll's record sales last year FGERSOLL-RAND, the International machinery and equipment manufacturer, had record aale* and earnings for the fourth quarter and all of IS7S, the company announced. Ingersoll Rand s 1975 unaudited earnings were US$ll9 2 million, an 18 per cent Increase from $101 l million the year before.
      72 words
    • 302 15 PRICES took an easier I line for the third consecutive day at ttM Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Prices were marked down right from the opening bell and continued to drift lower for the rest of the day. A slight rally In the closing minutes
      302 words
      • Article, Illustration
        51 15 latenvate f. Brcvart^ umrn hiatay KM. »n Chon, E. LitH Store il B «trm ■UtrW UMlllM ulran t? 10 M.S« 1228 MM »3 60 ll.M $2 00 $3 $2 $3.73 M.0$ $2.11 $200 $2.11 $2.3$ 34 30 .1$ —.17 I* 11 —.12 —.13 —.12 12 —.11 11 —.10 —.10
        51 words
      • 24 15 V. MlliWi H. GUdlfca M. CrWK V. Pteat. TMJLI. N.B. Timber *1.M MM II 70 Mia M.i.1 .10 +.1». .01 .01 .03 .03
        24 words
      • 25 15 SlaM Darky I.S44.*** I ii B M 8.60* Paa nastrl* 044.000 Pakar MsrUa 671.600 twtal Tuißarai: 8.81 M Total Vatae: 8*6.17 M
        25 words
      • 62 15 tt B.T. Ia«n: S7I.17 tli.ti IndB-Uiab: ttZ «1 177.SJ Fteaacc: S1SM M« «S H«t«U 17«.Tt 17S.M rrcpntira: lltn 1»S.I» t Ttat: >S.7S M.«t T I nMm: M4.47 JS4.M O.C.B.C.: MS.k« Mltl t brf.: (MJ1 SM.74 tt Ju. i. it:s im Dm. M. 1M4 IM Dec. SI. IMF 3 IH
        62 words
      • 656 15 A l"l'Bt opening half a cent higher on steadier London advice* fairly active trade demand for Mar forwards and scroe covering of Russian February RSS One shipment, moved the SlnraPore rubber market up by one cent yesterday. Reeerve of sellers made for a further advance of 200 cent.,
        656 words
      • 37 15 UatM coppir prim oa Thurad»r ipniwi v bwkatal. wnakar Spot txiyrr IS«* SO i IMS l Mltar MM IiSHO.M): Thraa Month burrr (SO* M lIWIWI Mllar ISM (i*MI Mirks! MM: Stn«f. latM IS. in loaw).
        37 words
      • 107 15 t-vaily BHK and BUR prices Icsued at noon jwaUrtiajr: re* Mar. ■■jwi rimi o«yifi mwii «-A.i. (Camat MUI (Farwmr^ MUi) (•MM* k«) (CMto pw Ml 88R 20 (1 too ptlkt) ***** ITSNN ***** 174 OOf BSR M (1 too p»UK) ***** 171 00 N 111 00 17J.00*
        107 words
      • 30 15 Bobber: Feb. i Singapore Feb. m.S* eti (op i.25 el.). MaUysla: Mar. I*B M rti (up 658 ct). Tin: 5979 tap tl). Official offering--212 tons (down 13 tons).
        30 words
      • 211 15 THE SU-alu tin price famed another II to 1978 per Pacul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 1J ton* to 213 tons. The overnight London market was very steady *lih buyers price gaining £7 to £3 .210 per merle ton. LONDON: Thursdays tin closed about £3
        211 words
      • 106 15 MIMI.I ,ROD U C I II W CMANOI IiaOArOM NOON CniM OH: Bulk SSSt salisra •M lnu> |IT, Mlton. bow IS2I sausrs. CWli MUM IkM) UK Coot. IM aurora. »l»ll Miuitok AtTA w»ct. f« b. 10O» NLW IMO4 wlkra. kn>a «hiu fob M% NLW IM* Milan. Mnnt racial Mm*
        106 words
      • 122 15 EUROPK was fairly active on Thursday with trade* centred on switches to forward positions at discounts ranging from US$25 to 67 50 a ton Rotterdam, according to MPOPA The US market was moderaUly traded. Quotation* In US* (Rotterdam) unless stated are: Afloat KIM 16.15/16.10 cant* sellers. IS cenu
        122 words
    • 349 15 SHARfc prices fell fairly sharply as continued In all sectors of the Slrgapore stock market yesterday. The downtrend, evident from the opening. was in line with the sharp 11 -point drop in New York and easier conditions in Hongkong and London markets. A few brief
      349 words
    • 173 15 THI US dollar opened firm X at 12.4900 20 yesterday morning to recoup part of IU earner loss as. Trading was narrowly mixed and quiet with the dollar hovering around 12 4790 95 level There was also generally a lack of interest in the currency. The dollar
      173 words
    • 185 15 auggwtM interbank rales at 3 30 pm rarwefci Neaaiaal rate* Mni th.en l»n IVrrrnUf* |WM jnUt**) icroMi paiity chance Suggested Interbank rates at 3 p.m. JS dollar 2 4785 2 4800 2 8196 —12 09 Merllnc pound 5 0270 ***** 7 3469 —3157 Hongkong dollar 49 55 49
      185 words
    • 204 15 A BIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Feb. IS Dalian Offer Bid 7 days S 1 I 1 mth 5 14 5 11 2 mths 5 3 4 5 14 3 mths 111! 5 7/16 6 mthi 6 11 9 mths 6 7 16
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    • 33 15 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Feb 8: Offer Bid Overnight «S «S 1 nun s', 5 2 mths s>, 5 3 mths s', 5 Searee: F. Murray Jonn InlnuUMtl.
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    • 57 15 HANOI of rttta oaTrnd bf account ho*urj on Frh S Or»rril«M 1 I Call «*peaii I J/l io 11! i CIHMI v, SMI Mttaei Traa.urjr bill* 112 111 1-Moflth Bin* bills 4 11 4 3 1 3-Month CD II I Month CO I*l* 5 7 1* »OUKCS NattoMJ
      57 words
    • 56 15 Prime lending rates (in Aloamana Bonk 7V4 Bangkok Bonk 7'4 Bonk of Amarico '< Bonk of China 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Nagoro lndon*»<a 7'4 Chartarad Bonk 7</» ChoM Monhotton 7 06S 7 First Chtcogo 7Vk FNCB HKSBC Indoiuai Moloyon Bonking Mittui Bonk OCBC CXJB UC1 UMBC uoe 7
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 510 16 fey INSTITIUT TfcKNOLOJI MARA (Jawatan Kosong) Warganegara Malaysia yang bersesualan denxan kelayakan-kelayakan yang dlnyatakan dlbawah adulah dlpelawa memohon jawatan kosong sebaqai Warden dl ITM, Shah Alam. I. a) Nsms Jawatan i Warden b) Tanggagaji Al 1-9 $650 x5O 850/950 x 50 1150/ 1300 x 50 1500/-AlO-2 $1600 x 75 1825/--c)
      510 words
    • 671 16 LEMBAGA PEMASARAN PERTANIAN PERSEKUTUAK (Federal Agricultural Marfcettaf AtHerttr) MALAYSIA l Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa daripada warganegara. Malaysia untuk memenuhl jawatan berikut dengan Lembaga Pemasarar Perttnlan Persekutuan. A. PtOAWAI PENTAOCm (a) TanafaaaM A 1 1V8T1650 X SO 890/090 x 90 1 190/1300 x 90 1900 A 11-2: $1600 x 79 1*29 (b)
      671 words
    • 662 16 An established Civil Engineering Contractor now undertaking a multl million dollar irrigation project in West Johore Invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the following positions: 1. Raaident Fngiawor (1 post) Applicant should have a degree or diploma in civil engineering and with at least 3 years site experience in
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    • 771 16 DIAGNOSTIC REPRESENTATIVE Travenol International Laboratories, U.S.A. requires a resourceful sales representative for Its diagnostic and blood banking division in Malaysia. The ideal candidate must meet the following requirements:— 1 Holder of certificate for Medical Laboratory Technologist. (2) 22 38 years of age. (3) Working experience in Clinical Laboratory or selling
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    • 603 16 DUFF DEVELOPMENT BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HERBY OIVEN that the third ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the members of the company will be held at the registered office. No. 6. Jalan Tambun, Ipoh. on Saturday 28th February, 1976 at 11 30 a.m. for the following purposes
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    • 135 16 GANGGUAN BEKALAN LKTRIK NEGEBI KEDAB A PEBI.IS Ptnmruna-peniaruna Lembag* Letrlk Nesara adalah dibentahu bahawa bekalan letnk ke kawmaan kawaaan dtbawah akan dlgaaagul pada hari lanln thto Pebruan 1976. dlantara jam 100 pact hln«*a 700 mal»m untuk membolehkan Lemfaaga Le'.rlk Negara melakjanakan ker]a ker't pentlng dliUlem tallan ata* MOOO volUn Alor
      135 words

  • 168 17 'License LPG dealers to stop abuse' LIQUIFIED petroleum I iras manufacturers have called for licensing retailers of the gas under the Department of Trade's Supplies Office Act. to prevent abuse by unauthorised dealers. At their meeting with officers of the Metrication Board last week, they also proposed that the Building
    168 words
  • 152 17 Jail and cane for two young robbers A DISTRICT court yesterday r-eard how a labourer and two youths robber* a friend of his n and 115 after he refused to lend them money. Oarep bin Yatlm. 21. the labourer, was jailed for IS monthi with si» Urofcts of the cane.
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  • 127 17 ABOUT 700 workers of Robin Shipyard are to receive two months bonus under an agreement reached between the shipyard and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation 'SILO 1 yesterday. The workers will be paid one month's bonus on Tuesday In addition to the bonus
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  • 124 17 Asean summit: A 'live' telecast? fHE first summit meeting of the heads of government of the five Asean roil n tries may be telecast "live" in Singapore via satellite from Bali. Only the opening and closing ceremonies of the three day meet, which starts on Feb. 23. will be covered.
    124 words
  • 99 17 MOTOR FIRM THREE EXECS MALAYAN Motors, a subsidiary of the Wearne Brothers Oroup, has retrenched three executives and given notice to 12 employees. According to a spoilsman for the firm yesterday, the retrenchment exercise was carried out to consolidate Its operations. He said the executives' services were terminated yesterday while
    99 words
  • 22 17 DR Urn Kirn Was will apeak on neonatal Jaundic* at ttos sTaaipnnf Kstn banyan community centre on Pto--34 at am
    22 words
  • 53 17 QUIXNSTOWN community centre chess club will hold Its fifth open ctM** championship for Urn Jek Yeun Thong challenge trophy from starch 14 to April 4 Entries for the championship will dose on Feb. 34 The competition will be held every Saturday and Sunday from 3 30
    53 words
  • 71 17 Accountancy courses THK Adult CducaUon Board will arguilie 30-week courses to prepare studenu far the Association of Certified Accountant* (Foundation Examination Part Al. Urn Institute of Accounting staff Pat 1). and the Institute of Oast and Management Accountanu 'Foundation Stage Section A) at the AngloChlnoat Primary School Centre. Canning Rue
    71 words
  • 35 17 TRI TJhi PkSdan community cvntrt womoD'i ■üb-eoaunltta* will hold coursas In dum msfclm aod cooklnc at 1U premises soon. Ftor application forms and furthor details, tetepnone •MM bttwocn 1 p.m. and PJn.
    35 words
  • 343 17 TWENTY-tvwo-year-old racing enthusiast Tan Kirn Hai loved taking his Mini out for a spin, so he took three friends for a ride in the car on Thursday night. It turned out to be his last. For he and his three friends all
    343 words
  • 143 17 Water stocks: 10 pc drop since Jan 1 WATTS stocks at all Slnopor* reservoir* have been depleted by It per cent since Jan. 1. the Public Utilities Board said yesterday. Although Thursday s consumption was SV7.M* eabic metres, a drop af MM cable metres aver Wednesdays, this, a board spaasisaan
    143 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 28 17 aaaV* aJaaaaaaaaß^a^^ iM aU-aaal S-l ataS Coaaissaj soon: B Top forciajss niffctclsb baaa! dsttoni sat.7rtifeb*76 '1m C^oocLuxxxi Rank vjjlh is closed until further notice for (Hf renovations JN|
      28 words
    • 772 17 OROTON* TRWEL CONTESL CONGRATULATIONS TO iSt DJrwn MRS. IRENE CHAN 1 Ml/JaC 407 A, River Valley Road. WINNER: Singapore 10. lied Dv-irvsv MADAM TAN SOON BOEY L rlifC 69. Kasai Road, WINNER: Singapore 28. lid T>J rTO MISS FELICIA RANASINGHE «3 11 IZrV 238 H. Blk. 168 A. Queensway. WINNER:
      772 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 950 17 Or^our^TV^ "SINGAPORE 5 1 IJI m Openmi aid Sesame Street I TJI Htm Ml S»tud»y Msime Manhandled, starri*: 7.45 Tbi Card •mttt Saw 111 SlaTaL St ai'&ttl^lTiy Nta>--4J5 Sandnwi Nenek2 SaWgtiok Tiga (Malty Drama-fiepeat) IM Hewj ass Hmrssi (ta|fea) J.IS The Naked City Mike It $50 and M 11* f
      950 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 2010 18 WB) SAI^ceErfrra^gOURIST^OADES -S^?""fg^l^\ ir sUITE237-PEOPtE'S PARK COMPLEX W VJPj/a $2 million Sales Centre at People's Park Complex MESSAGE FROM MR. CHUA POH TIONG, 8.8.M., s^am^^t MANAGING DIRECTOR DssH^T ASIA COMMERCIAL W^ BANKING CORPORATION Recently, due to the economic crisis and world-wide inflation, most business enterprises had been affected. Fortunately, tourism
      2,010 words
    • 106 18 Map, the nine wall clocks show the exact time in major world capitals. With Singapore as the centre, the other cities covered by the 'WorldTime' System include Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Los Angeles, Bangkok, Cairo, London and New York All clocks are controlled by a precision instrument, the Seiko QuartzOystal
      106 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 464 19 U> [lilfao)©^ £ALBo€ENTRE£O gOUROT^VROADE j| i z^ C&E Forms A Trading Dept. Yet another feather to our cap' C&E fours has set-up a Trading Division under the name Enterprise World Pte. Ltd., temporarily located at the Sales Centre in People's Park Complex. The trading company will undertake business -.olesale, ex
      464 words
    • 975 19 AID TIPtfTT 9 Ufll IF1AV selected are able because we believe that Mll\ I lUlXL I 01 nULIUMl enthu«i*ttic travellers our passengers deserve nnnrniiinurr with n turmJ indina- only the very best Nl IPr WM ARJl FT tk>n to hel P othmr in attention, be it for Will UUimimL I
      975 words
    • 868 19 Part of the 160 strong team mlm^L °f Singapore C A E Tours c More Bouquets ,-7W£ OS 9 r tour to Taiwan. Okina \r^ g~"% wa. Hong Kong and For Our Service ~J5J£«,r: especially with the pro"I am writing in to q^ $p€CU app rtcia T guidance of the
      868 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 570 20 GENERAL MOTORS I OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION ImrltM avpucation* from Singapore cttlzsMi* tor ttw challenging position of I PROJECT I ENGINEER I ThsJob I The Protect Engine* reports to the Assembly Protects Manager and will be required to render technical assis- tance to various dealer assemblers in Southeast Asia I Functions
      570 words
    • 902 20 INTERSIL SINGAPORE PTE LTD Due to the rapid eipansion of our semiconductor Manufacturing operations, we have immediate vacancies for the following positions from suitably qualified candidates: SENIOR PROCESS ENGINEERS Senior engineers with a proven record of achievement in process support and cost reduction art required to support expanding semiconductor assembly
      902 words
    • 718 20 Tha SGV Group Placement Ad»«ory Servteea forCHents An expanding international offthore bank operating in Southeast Asia invrta* suitably quaiiftad applicants for tha following new* positions in its organisation: I INTERNAL AUDITOR I Up to 5528,000 p.a. ReeaenattiNtMs: Reporting directly to the Branch Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for
      718 words
    • 747 20 SUNOSTRANO PACIFIC (PTE) LTO manufactures of sophisticated Aircraft Components will soon be at Bedok New Town The neat training class will be commencing and applications from suitably qualified persons *rt invited for Apprenticeship Training m Lathes Heat Treat and Plating Drill, Mill Broach Gears Grind a Quality Control Burr/ Up
      747 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 917 21 I m- -^^„,,',jtßl! *nsmf swici n MtMiiwn tm L«IF30lB. n'l .jl 1 MMM^tIfMU "!2 It 1.1. MS nM JIM. c.n iaieau«i« ia*r aar'aaar aaar iMr "Mr iZ aM. S II 5 r»:P %in\U 'MM M.CMTIWII •I •Mt MMfarH at i...... iTm tatrt MM la MitlMil IM r*. i,. <SS ■a.w
      917 words
    • 1435 21 Ben Ocean Atcv^^prvtcfcfßenLutßßkjpfhnnelClenUnpandNSMO it CMTiattr i... Man Ow I'ntr. f t.laa| fiwraj larap rM 4MIII-I UMt 11,11 IM II Ba «'t*a i'tMi. "Trart. I at* oa*l,. Ifttl llailtl il n IM Tt tt IH a/a frt IT BK u.i. Ntarc. Mall. C a»»l». naitaaaa tl arMn n im II
      1,435 words
    • 1251 21 ti itatri irat ota vo* a C*m*« tMi' a »rMI»i »rl US I iWtlpnni li*«**» f i f fctatiaa 1 la Karri DtU UVUrVVL MT „JZ I aa. v Bar l! aa. Mr umtaa ut a rM ll Ba Btr M Mr il aa iBaIMI IlfMtt a raa arrt a
      1,251 words
    • 1143 21 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOfE P bmbj nm FM Stumu fm n "Biwlr*. Malliaia. atratfi liKarrc. Ml miit Bar I a.,,, lanauu, liaaM liianamn ff l ■■MIA aVafJ** I *"^t ItMMf PPaff t BBBBBfI •aBBfa aa| SmVmi ST Cl s*«»*n. m*m titimi t«r ii It. it Strxtacaa. OUo Htfiaki. UfitM
      1,143 words
    • 679 21 SMfttart 11J444 P Wm| 041 U ***** fttttf 7JJI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMH FM I S OTICI MTtuiu Mm i a tmiHM. aaatiM P*> ii Si at- •>.'• bKtt. Ca-itta-> •I. It ll IM il rl lat rapi hit i iMia umi im mhim a.ani 'initial gaaj la» H
      679 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 970 22 Mjl- KAWASAKI KiSCN KAISHA LTD. FHIT CaiTIMWSI SHVKI Ta lurtfi (Via «Mt>m| Vt*r( 1 H Mb»r| a*MM WfTMi CMIMJ mr i 17 FM IMr IMr 12 Mi mtimi vmm m •«r imm nmm nm» nmm nn* sus wiKt mt "m urn MMI rttMß annft (Via lnat| P r-| Spore OUU
      970 words
    • 1010 22 ■■etTLAM •BHVICBa TO «a FBOM BIMIIU MMiraatas FROM [TA flO taMMIM KftSiM l| pWin 27 M MFM IriM Mt. Sa MBi I FM 7 FM to*. «MM Sarktt 7FM Iht Tb»im| UkM *MHM| 7FM M Ft* MMU/TMMM|. EMI IfUaM I Ftl M ht Ml ata JMMM Urn* M FM II
      1,010 words
    • 898 22 WA\imm\^mA\yA\RmAißv\ FmUT IMIaWBMO SOWCI H BMW lIU MOr laa™ P. Man F'tttat atari Maa aaaiit rtaa MPTtM IBlMltf M r«t ii ftt It Bar- I aar It Bar motai lapam* HFM M Fat il Bar M Bar im nan MB* TaMjaßff t mmm% MTafll lal VMM 4WW4 aMM r* 144W
      898 words
    • 894 22 Tmmmmm^^^SSjlMg^^ arms soviet n imm uiatm/tmtmm nm. •MUAaMAM i "77£ \t!7L iTll*Fta tSmTtlx C*«. laaMa 11/] I II V aar| II 1 I'im H i nmn miiti it n fm Ca>«a i m> n 1 itMßrt I < Ntarf i •an K 4. MBU MIM It a Fat It I
      894 words
    • 817 22 taw^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE rn^^y r r EaBt Europe wCIH TMttun let siauFttf- pti in UEXSKM 2»i|Jl (14 Lan) \\^Ba^BS9l Ht UIU stmcn sm im I l nJU/l »2S 7121 laaaa- lar t^ataaarr F liaaa "ttimai ra I'taa »^i m»i i«. m mnMAtM latCtri Baana >• kv>. B|B SZ rmttaMaa.
      817 words

  • 74 23 PRCSSVTCMAN CHURCH ONSGAner Orchard Road Penang Road. Sunday Service 9 00 a m snd 8 00 p m Sunday School 00 s m Nursery is provided ror .f parenu sttendlng the 11 30 a m ManMi Welcome •1 ANDREWS CATHEDRAL Anglican Episcopal) 7 a m Holy Communion, t
    74 words
  • 20 23 HOE TAV SAM afro PI ■n 5 2 76 leavinc Ha. 2 n-lsw 2 irtege leaving an* Monnua i'hj
    20 words
  • 7 23 v AHOORAM IKLA1O) leparted iidren
    7 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 268 23 classified ads M »CNI PIMPt It OPEN PORE* problem' Then consult Louise Klerk medically neraplst with 27 ngapurs telephone 371 ITS <>- on il's daSe rwaMsessd. tmi R awMtel bo Quorontood The eavtxsawy decs in or illtsistllllswtll o» SdISIWIt fnents No sKwwwmco wM bo modi •or errors yntsss alMiilHn I*
      268 words
    • 636 23 W»«Tt PART/ PULL time tutor* Mtrsrtive salary Apply perwnallyiOam Spm )itBurfiienl U. OoMffl Mil* Tower*. Beech Row]. TUMQ MUNO TIXT1U CO rrc ltd require* a sapity opptcir i»jiji>ji mma-nxesitat— ew >m 1) Good command of both spoken and written English and able to converse in local dialect* an advantage I)
      636 words
    • 632 23 RCOUSRCD GCNCRAL SUFVUCS/ delivery clerk Must be Spore citisen with OCE. and valid driving licence Apply to PO Box 33*1. Spore I In own handwriting stating personal particulars and enclose photograph 1 non-returnable) one of the world's leaders In international car rental. 1* seeking a VEHICLE CONTROL CLIRK The person
      632 words
    • 643 23 MTAM.IMMO mm MOUINB Typists and Telephone Operator Apply S T Box ANN) wftli nonreturnable photograph, giving detail* of qualifications. pertence and salary expected WMWICIO .fjg'MJ CUMaK/ TVWgtT required by BWT1SM aVTIMIATtONAL COMPANY t Typlnc spaed about Mwpra Salary offered 1220 per month Please reply with full parUrulari and recent photograph
      643 words
    • 757 23 BL*CTRONSC MAMUPACTUNNM COMPANY requires male line technicians Qualifications Vocational Institute 2nd year Trade Certificate Ac* 17 plus KiparMnce not necessary Starting salary 12 10 p m Apply fivtng telephone number to 8 T Box A (•wM 1) JUNrOR TICHNrC AL ASSISTANT (lUtSrltsf) (Peat I) JUNIOR TCCHNICAL ABBMTANT (MitSMtwtaf) MMSYH Mr
      757 words
    • 727 23 rOUSt" LAOtC* OVBR II required br leading hotel to work as Masseuses experience not necessary as full training will be given Hour* of work a.m. 5 p.m or S p m 11 p m Oood pay plus commission, bonus, meal allowance and medical benefit* Apply with full details and photo
      727 words
    • 812 23 CANVASSER* REQUIRED FOR educstlonal and professional maoaclnss Steady employment with luch rate of income Pteaa* apply with full details and photo (non-returnable) to Manager PO Box 3570 Spore I Mart— BtiltmatUn CtmSmitln MM requires CjRtTMJBg 1 MMTT MOM. ■jtji 4,00* ks. BMava TtvwMa Mr BrsNsMß M BMawasrt waMra. (1) MASTIR
      812 words
    • 788 23 OINCRAL CUM ABILITY to type preference with dnvtruj licence t Apply stating full particulars o I Secretary Box No I Paslr Pan- S Jang Post Of rice Singapore 5 PART-TIM! OFFMT PRINTER required Call personally 15A Mackentle Road Spore 8 Saturday 600 900pm Welding Products require* FCMALI PROOUCTION OPERATIVE* 1
      788 words
    • 828 23 ANTEO MALI/ FIMALI Conducor* Salary above 8200 p m nterview 70/ 95 Jalan Kedal I'nore27 MITSUMI CO. PTE LTD. requires CHINEM FIMALI PROOUCTION OPERATOR experience and qualification not lecessary usaty perserwNy wNk Ml aartiinMrs and islumswls paes-iort-*4*o pSiotwarawn et I-F. BSx. I. ash Root H*i m PMaa, lILM*MIN REQUIRED
      828 words
    • 917 23 NEAR INTIRNATIONAL/ AMI RICAN Schools dlst 21 Eng Khong, Oarden 2-storey semidetached 4 bsdroom*. servant a room, telephone, aircond*. furnished 1900 other houses also available various districts 8700 12.800 Plesse phon* 37t*S*/ *****42 LUCKY CRESCENT. OIST. 1* htttl class locality, double-storey semi detached, furnished, sircon csrpet. t v telephone. 4
      917 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 717 24 ROOM TO LET. Preferable single (in or coup** No cook if.* single 8130 p m Couple llMpm -ontact *****48 LAROf ROOM BATHROOM at ■"paraie entrance Un 1160 15 Pepys Road. Paair Pan)ang sm* 68RANQOON GARDENS FURNISHED alrcon room with bathroom attached S2M p m View 10 Crowhuret Drive PARTLY PURIMBHED
      717 words
    • 719 24 MTJM POR A recently completed double storey semi -detached home In Pastr Pelanggi Johore Bahru Freehold Land area 3.800 sq ft Call *****0 Spore B4ST. M LEASE MB tingle storey J 649 000/- on o Detached bung* low 4 000 lo 6.000 sq ft BIOO.SBB/--o n o Tel. SSB22S DIST
      719 words
    • 835 24 PRESTIOEOUS OPPKE BPACE FOR LONG TERM LEASE lull* UIC Building. Shenton Way Afeac From 3.8 M to 4.700 sq ft Carpets. Curtains and Telephone* Rontat Will be reasonable to right tenants All Interested Principals only nf>yt MR H LEE TELISB4BM SEA WAREHOUBNM PTS. LTO. is now providing the following service*
      835 words
    • 643 24 London/Europe ***** New York S 1.350-00 UMAngakss $1.450 00 Madras S ***** Delhi S 480 00 Chinese Now Year Esau** One-way Tears ai»B'M'l From W. Mat*. Sl* Guaranteed Dally Departure*' competitive Rates' Service up lo 15/2/76' Enquine* Welcome' MOOERN BUDGET TOURS lIIHIII' Waal M.n.sla/ a*. nine I>ays SIM i)ept Mon
      643 words
    • 608 24 BOOK-KEEPING ELEMENTARY Saturday only 9 30 II am m— Mill Ing today FRENCH MQaMNERS Tuesday 4 Thursday 6 7 So p m Commencing 10 February INGUSH at all levels Classes are running continuously BHORTHANO THEORY Tuesday 4 Thursday 6 TSpm Commencing 10 February INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE Biejimi Ho— o. Penena
      608 words
    • 674 24 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES and Documentation Establishing overseas contact sales clause methods of pay m«nl. freight calculations, type* of L/C. contracts, banking and shipping procedures BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment, re-export, insurance and claims etc. every Tuesday evening 7 9 30 pin commencing soon at 439 4th floor Peopte'cTark Centre <
      674 words
    • 623 24 O SECaETTUUUS PRIVATE SECRETARIAL PART-TIME COURSES C I asset commence 16th February Register early to ensure a place EVENING CLASSES Commencing 2 1st Feb Every Saturday Snortriano for beginner* Commencing 16th March Every Tue» it Thuri Book-keeping for beginners SECRETARIUS 75 Tanglin Road, Singapore 10. Tel *****2 SINOAPORE INSTITUTE OP
      623 words
    • 736 24 OLD LAMPS. BATIK Blocks Painting*. Masks Kris. Gifts Souvenirs Nick Nacks 202 Orchard Road. Telephone *****6 RENTAL. HIRE PURCHASE, sale wooden furniture Contact London Woodworking 2852. Oeylang Bahru. Rlk 75 off Kallang Bahru (terrace factory) Spore 12 Tel *****29 *****98 open Sunday 1 1 00 a m -400pm dally 808
      736 words
    • 736 24 JBUNEBBE ET BEAUTE for your scientific relaxing massage, sauna bath*, spolreduclng and physio-lherapeutlc treatments with very latest machine* 22 Ngee Ann Building Appointments Men's Department telephone *****2 8 pore SURIN HEALTH SERVICE provide Relaxing Massage by Qualified Experienced Mmeuiri Masseurs Please ring *****7 sMsl LA -FLUBR'S EXCELLENT YOUNG Masseuses Masseurs
      736 words
    • 574 24 PACKING/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION leave your problems to us, efficient, reliable Ring *****2 Malaysia Packing k Agen PM Ltd TRANSPORTATION/ REMOVAL SERVICE. Datsun Pickup. Medium Rig Lorry to shift cargo, household office equipment *****7 *****3 l.en«a Company FRANK TRANSPORTATION offer* UaUun pick up or lorry to shift tehold or cargo *****5
      574 words

  • 0 25
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  • 213 25 TAIPING BANK ROBBED OF $80,000 TAIPING. Friday FOUR men, all armed with pistols, robbed the United Malayan Banking Corporation branch in Kota Road here of more than $80,000 yesterday Bank watchman Mohained Mokntar bin Osinan. 50. said there were about six customers when four long-hair-ed men walked In at about
    213 words
  • 110 25 Father and son on arms charge JOHORE BARU. Frl. A dentUt and his son »ere Jointly charged yesterday under the Firearms Increased Penalties) Act with possession of firearms and ammunition Lai Kok Han. 66. and Hock Chong alias Ron Lhong alias Ah Hoon. 29 pleaded not guilty They are alleged
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  • 64 25 JOHORE BARU. Prt. Two drivers of the Utusan afclaru prats were killed instantly when their van carrying newspapers was involved In a head-on colUslon with a Umber lorry near Pant Kuda. about 11 km from Batu Paha' •arty this morning. The dead wen AH bin Ibrahim.
    64 words
  • 52 25 NTBONO TEBAL. Frl Businessman Iskandar Ismail. 4*. was beaten up and tied to a tree yesterday after he was robbed of $500 by (our hitch-hikers who turned out to be robbers They also took his Mercedes car Iskandar managed to rree himself about half -an-
    52 words
  • 52 25 BUTTERWORTH. FH Butterworth Customs on Wednesday anted textile* worth about »20 000 from a ■tore and a ran In Aloe BUr, 96 km from here Four men were detained The food* are believed to have been smuggled rom Thailand A Customs official said that textile Imports
    52 words
  • 26 25 KLANO Frl Thieves* broke Into Klang Super-* market Sdn Bhd here »nd, escaped with watches and, pen* worth about aft 10. 000. early today.
    26 words
  • 246 25 M. DENANO. Frl. The I Royal Malaysian Navy Is to tighten Its sea patrols to protect fishermen from pirate attacks. the Chief of Naval Staff. Rear-Adm Datuk K Thanabalasingam, said here today. He warned foreign trawler boats that stern action would be taken
    246 words
  • 115 25 MALACCA. Frl. A college student. Mary Ng. and a clerk. Rosban bin Pal to, were charged In the Magistrate's Court today with sendln; by post articles with words of a threatening nature. It was alleged that they each sent an article with the words "Awas
    115 words
  • 103 25 Xl ALA LtMPVS. FrL— A senior Ma laysian diplomat leaves here today for Hanoi to open the Malaysian embassy In North Vietnam, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said today. The sjh n said End*. Hnsiy Again, a principal assistant secretary In charge of the Indochina
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 625 25 classified ads g •TRiCTLV TO MUSIC Lovers X ■rand New Complete seu EngUati Kurgenon AmpTlfier with Lencc Turntable and 4 unlU 4 Channel (loodman Sp». .met for II 000 5 Split paymenu could arranged without interest For ration call Roland's Block 12*. 13] «n Road Singapore I Saturday Sunday 10am
      625 words
    • 577 25 itviavONg SHOULD KNOW by now that Song i Piano House 91M02 sells pianos at reasonable prices *>> DUN LOP SeiilalOwar Per Pe*mer| Maxpower (U 8 A Woods 1. 3. 4 Irons 3-9 PW Sw I C*. C 9. Do full *CT vm pjb towil. Buy It from GRAHAM MARSH SPORTS
      577 words
    • 654 25 MOUSCNOLO iTatta LOUNOC furniture. 10-seater dining table and sideboards, liquor wardrobes and dreaatng tables View Sunday 1 pm -6pm 1 1 Jalan Ulu SUlap off Upper East Coast Road. Spore 16 NCW YCAR BAROAIN* Odd sues Lee Levl's. Wrangler. Rok. 114 40 Levis shirts til 00 Himalaya s 3 Selegle
      654 words
    • 724 25 ISSI AUSTIN HBAIXT SprlU (M* c c Economical Sports Car (green) Body and mechanic excellent Twin carburetton Tyres as new. regularly maintained Taxed and insured Ist of March ***** n o Phone*sa»J| VOLVO 144S DeLuxe only 30,350 indosive of 6-aoo.l.» road lax. •rrftrt ration «t number plates. You can buy
      724 words
    • 542 25 PUT IS* COOP*, registered I*7} August with aircon.. cassette, radio, sport rims, one owner Asking! 11.700. Contact Mr Ong IS7S CORTINA I alrcondltloner and radio Insurance/ road tax till August M.SOO Ring *****0 Barker Ist* wovmaaw toyota coroila 1200 c c. one owner, showroom condition U 900 0.n.0. Contact JT7JO7
      542 words
    • 364 25 MM van WMaWTLV required by -ermine buyer Parlleulan etc etc. telephone aaSSM or home MST» Mr Yeo SCCMTAMT UWaaWTLT NCtOt a •mall Car Any Model below 1 200 ct Or Mercedat MO Yean 1971 upwards Tel Hounwiri unaiMTLY OUMeSS one car preferable Maada 1000 or Mini Clubman Price reasonable MOSSO
      364 words
    • 510 25 LEMBAOA LETRIK NEQ AMA //OPC JMK/Tentler No. ISMI %rjrt^j| u_J^lLaf P awrwki Bw^a^sfjar Atg^aji Bt^MeM 111 a 3^^Hß%Bj^L^ B^(' rT^I r^W»^N »«?*Jga^aw*»W» •"•^p *^CSm* Crame Contract No. M/7f/1> AppiicaUon* are invited from suitably experienced firms wishing to tender for the supply, delivery, erection and commissioning of above cranes, together with
      510 words

    • 160 26 Case of the robber's bouncing bullet. BU T T E R WORTH. Fri. Shopkeeper An g Saw Koon, 23. made a dash for the door when two robbers held him up at his Telaga Ayer Road shop here last night. One of them fired a shot, but Ang was hit
      160 words
    • 62 26 MALACCA, m A former Dralnai e and IrrtfaUon Department driver lahak bin Othman 39. who was injured In a road accident five yean ago. tu awarded $74,115 in damages In the High Court yesterday The award was made against police constable Sidek bin Mohamed. who was
      62 words
    • 174 26 Two tin dredging firms to close down IPOH. Frl. Two tin dredging companies in Feraa. which employ about 450 workers, will cease prod action in the next few month*. They are Kuala Kimpar Tin Fields Bhd. of Malim Nawar and Au tral Amalgamated lin Bhd. of Sunikai Kuala Kampar Tin
      174 words
    • 84 26 IPOH. Frl A mam- i moth rally of about 1 20.000 people from all over the country will i celebrate the MCA s 27th national anniversary here on March 7. the I first time the celebra- I tlon U being held outside Kuala Lumpur.
      84 words
    • 237 26 Trader with $1 m debt is sued for bankruptcy Vf ERCHANT Kho Yl Hwa. said to be owing a bank more than $1 million on a judgment debt, is facing bankruptcy action In the High Court i Mr. Lee Bon Leong for Asia Commercial Banking Corporation Ltd. 'the Judgment ere-
      237 words
    • 37 26 DREDGING of the Trmb«g» retf and surTounding area iruidt Krppel Harbour mill be done from today till thr md of March Mariners are advi- »d to keep clear of the area during this period.
      37 words
    • 185 26 Murder accused makes his defence A LORRY attendant. Mohamad Kunjo s o Ramalan. 54, accused of the murder of his friend, Arunmugam Arunachalam. yesterday made his defence by giving an unsworn statement from the dock. Mohamad Kunjo told the court that he vaguely remembered talking to Arunmugam and advising him
      185 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1031 26 The SGV Group Placement Advisory Services for Clients A newly -established pioneer enterprise which will be engaged in the manufacture and assembly of portable engines for both international and domestic markets wishes to recruit: I PLANT ENGINEER I Minimum SS2O 000 p.a. The Engineer will be responuble tor new product
      1,031 words
    • 598 26 I! This is an opportunity for a qualified Instrumentation Engineer to join a fast expanding International Marine and Chemical Control Engineering Organisation as: PROJECT MANAGER $30,000 p.a. The company has achieved its reputation and name in the marine instrumentation and landbased control engineering installation area Their clients are oil companies
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
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    • 423 27 WITH CHERRY OUT AND BREMNER AND LORIMER ON DOUBTFUL LIST LONDON, Friday Q.NLY two MnMkl ago Leeds I'nited. one of the biggest names in Knglish football, were favourites to win the Football Association (FA) Cup and were challenging strongly for the league championship
      Reuter  -  423 words
    • 561 27 INNSBRUCK. Fri. Austria today emerged from Its night of revelry, still glowing with pride at Franz Klammer's epic Olympic downhill victory. This was the gold medal the host nation had set Its heart on and normally phlegmatic Austrians toasted their hero well into the
      561 words
    • 301 27 Century and record by Turner pHßisTcmmcH. m V» Olenn Turner compiled a faultless 101 not out as New Zealand made 237 for two In reply to India's first innings total of 270 on the second day of the Second cricket Test here today. Bad light, which stopped play 40 minutes
      Reuter  -  301 words
    • 231 27 TNNBBRUCK. Fri J. Taiwan, east eat of the United Nation*, is putting up a fight to stay In the Olympic Games. Its National Olympic Committee (NOC) circulated a booklet this week defending Its position and declaring that It* sportsmen will never participate as
      231 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
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    • 689 27 V V V GET INTO THE HEART OF A v NEW CAREER v FROM THE WORD "GO" Here is just the job for bright and dynamic m young men and women with a flair for the English language. If you are university graduates or nave passed your HSC, then you
      689 words
    • 96 27 ■.v. "Suit at Aiun" Vov: in arrived 2 February 197«. ■I PSA Godown No*. 3VM General Survey of damaged cargo ex the above vessel will be held on Monday 9 February. 1976. as from 9 00 am to 5 00 p m Nu further survey will be held after this
      96 words
    • 440 27 MECHANICAL EN6INEER tor the position of QUARRY MANAGER A progressive granite quorry in JoHore requires o Mechanicol Plant Engineer to take full charge of existing plont operations os well as implement txpension schemes Quekficetieiw Qualified Mechanical Engineer At least 7 10 years practical experience in the overall operations of a
      440 words

  • 702 28  -  EPSOM JEEP By MON PARNES, a 11 clone 6fth to Pinjfat Mas in the 1200 m "WUayah" last August, should get his winning break in a moderate Class 2 Div. 4 field over 1200 m (Race Seven) at Kuala Lumpur today Batu Karanff, a
    702 words
  • 797 28 ROMAN OAIXET HI: Fifth In field of 14 Div 4 1300 m Ipoh Jsn 10; run previous st Ipoh Nov B was third with Sis to People's Park Dlv 4 1300 m. has attractive weight and good draw; eacnway chance LITTLE PAfPA ID: Pushed home faat reeond
    797 words
  • 107 28 «*Ci m« mi* TIT OIHMM CHI* t> Oaitjil Ailaaa ■a Wkat AMaao ■i-Oaa)ll ■atOilaT Dara Altoan ■I Oar.Jil Wbat AMI M« MM Loin Raacar •afan Lad Lom Manor ■af.r. U.d Ruuiaa Taak ■abr* Tlw «M»n AMti Ail •otvko IK* Ansm* LH1M PMM Aa*n All OaiMltaM Tum •■■■•••I •>— Tau
    107 words
  • 725 28 English ace Piggott sets a poser KUALA LUMPUR, Frl Ace English Jockey Lester Plggott, who has a glittering record In classic races on the English turf and on the Continent, has done remarkably well the few times he rode In big races on the local turf, reports EPSOM JEEP. HU
    725 words
  • 836 28 Going forecast: Good ■■PfSB-MB 2.0 CLASS 4 DIV 1200 m ■iUaLalml (M.OOO SS.MO to wkww) 1 t A*aaaa lYa/taunatn> DanMM 1 11 tdJaaowt' M Uaa > t obnmOwiKimUn|iEßmt>liti)MiiiU si **aaa« I Oaa» IWT 1 aVwitatan IWlfl »m») 10 4 a* PMas aaiati I K 4LI ■ouaour* > ISS
    836 words
  • 145 28 REASONED sailors JuUan Yeo and Ng Kok Choy have been selected by the Singapore Yachting Association to participate in the South Pacific Laser Championships In Auckland later this month. The two accomplished yachtsmen, who were •elected after trials conducted early last month, will leave for
    145 words
  • 681 28 BACC I— IN CLAM 4 DIV. S— IMeM 1 U( WllM« I lac M"'— t EMU II MaaMr II r«ntath 15 n«f S Pmaa Ttamaa II Marray 4 Tn CIMM M KW| 1 1 Urn UU NJ PvAvmt* I J«Uy t% wr St V. N.lh*. > Irtaa Jay*
    681 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 129 28 Touch me for pageantry of color L^Samwamwi V"^ 'S M •kaJLmmrV a^aß Irmwat W^ J Hi *3&-* 4»^ilr3i.--P!l awawaw^'^^S^C^B/BamwawawawV 111 I Mai I Mm I 'HJ amtkmwatawswav^^^ A A real handsome compact German color TV m^^ with outstanding features that give MM brilliant performance at a touch M 1 **5B
      129 words

  • 358 29  -  WILFRED YEO By MANCHESTER United, who we now on top of the English Football League Division One table, head an impressive list of foreign teams who are keen to play here. FAS deputy Chairman N. Oanesan yesterday said: "We have had about IS offers from
    358 words
  • 170 29  - REF SUPPIAH HITS OUT AT MYDEEN JOE DORAI By G. SUPPIAH. presldent of the Football Referees Association of Singapore, yes terday blamed the appointments secretary of the association for the spate of absenteeism by referees. Suppiah. Singapore's only World Cap referee, said: "I'm deeply concerned with the recent criticism levelled
    170 words
  • 158 29  - Plans for 8-nation tournament PETER SIOW By OEVEN nations Indonesia, Malaysia, Thai land. Aus t r alia, Japan. New Zealand and the Philippines have been invited for the Phey Yew Kok Cup International Invitation basket ball tournament to be held at the Gay World Stadium from June 5 to June
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  • 109 29 TWE eagerly-awaited Inter-Centre Bowling League will roll off on Sunday at 6 p.m. All 11 centres are expected to participate ln the League Nine of them have already confirmed their participation, while Anson and International Bowling Centre will confirm theirs on Wednesday The breakdown of the
    109 words
  • 67 29 I ondon, Prl Qaiaar Zaman. (he defending caamploo from PakleUD entered Uie it*, tour of ih» World Open aquaati ehaatptonahlpa at Wambiry here yratarday. hrujhtof aatde the rhallana* of Bnutoi Jonah Barrtafton »-0 »-l ln Urn quarter-fto»le Qamar wUI meet onrnftrtoi Mohlballah Khan In tomarrow* arml-ftoala
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 215 29 lOHORE BAKU, Frl. J Striker Bunderaj, dropped from the National team for the pre-Olympic soccer tournament ln Jakarta later this month, was Johore's hero tonight. He scored the only goal ln the 35th minute to give Johore a 1-0 victory over Trengganu ln the Malaysia
    215 words
  • 77 29 POTONO PABIR be»l Bukit Timth »-l l«*t nlfht to enter Urn lilt II o( UUs yaw's ln:«r oomtltiMoey table t^tl^W competition. Juroof bMt Ttk* Ayar t-fl. Tunpinc* bMt Bukit Ho Swat 1-1. Bukit Batok bMt Btrmnaw> Oardms >-l. PonCfOi bMt TUMMB S-l aadPV* I*tax bMt
    77 words
  • 141 29 HONOKONO. Frl. Hot favourite Malcolm Simons, of Singapore, tonight entered the final of the Far Bast Invitational Squash Championships by outplaying Hongkong's Lai Yau Chuen by 9-1. 9-0. 9-2 His final opponent tomorrow will be John Cooper, of Hongkong, who also scored an easy win
    141 words
  • 586 29  -  ERNEST FRIDA By WORLD Cup representative Llm Klan Ttong produced his best form ln the current circuit to take the first round lead ln the LAC F-ro-Am golf championship with an exciting two-under-par 70 at Warren Course yesterday. He is two strokes ln
    586 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 536 29 iV 4bL H I 4ltS^^B\ wr I >t^ tff*" ?-t> igMgaS^ k t*. .'<• v. "^T**MHgfD*9^ar a^^^^flHw^Bn^^^.^^^^^. V' v*'-^ f Kv^swlß^*^s^^ W ««fl H/ 9 4B^) I Come on a flying carprttowt I I The world of I I SUPREME PERSIAN CARPETS I I EXHIBITION, I Grand Ballroom Singapore Hirton
      536 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 94 29 ATHLCnCa BAAA Ist eroM-oountry run (MarßilchM nil i latr 4Mj. H<M KCT Scntor tx> assmnnai SRC v CBC tp»daag Sl3i GOLF lAC PR>- km Oprn iDovtr Road ajn.h aiUBT BRU OIV U ■rmlflnala Poiie* v "B" Coy iltti. Blacks v C" Coy <» ptni al padang. aoccsm ntl d»t i
      94 words

  • 56 30 A light hearted moment as Datuk Hussein shares a joke with Mr. Lee and his Cabinet colleagues (from left) Mr. Urn Kirn San. Mr. Chua Sian Chin, and Mr. K. C. Lee. Senior Minister of State. Foreign Affairs. Next to Mr. Lm it Tengku Ahmad
    Vow Yun Woh  -  56 words
  • 138 30 Hongkong shares take a plunge STOCK prices In Hongkong fell sharply yesterday on further profit-taking and some short-selling The Hang Seng index tumbled 18.96 point* to *****. the worst fall In 11 months. The downturn there was echoed In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock markets where active profit-taking hit
    138 words
  • 40 30 NIW YORK. Frt. Dow Jont» BTcra«n. baaad on first hour of trading on Urn Nr* York Stock Exchange 30 Indus »M3S. down 6SJ. 30 trmnsp 195.25. down IM; IS utili M 17. down 9JS. rtork* INN, down MS.
    40 words
  • 117 30 BANGKOK, m— Thai police. anxious to prevent any Incidents at Monday's Asean Foreign Ministers' conference In Pattaya, detained seven Japanese youths for questioning but released them when the/c was no evidence they were members of the terrorist Japanese Red Army, a senior Special Branch officer
    AP  -  117 words
  • 59 30 BANOKOK. Prl BBIMJ■Mn abot four Thai Cuatoanß ometaia dead and soroad thrtr bodlea near the TtoalBurmese border, poice rtport*<l today The "4B**n'f ware travelllnc in a )Bap on a routine taspacUoo or ""•ti"'t BeUvlUaa near the frontier 7*aUrdß7 when they were ambushed by Um> gunsMn.
    AP  -  59 words
  • 604 30 I OKDOT4 Pti Ta. MBik44 MM autar aa balaaaa la «at« OB4UB. At I>BL tka PT M 448 «aa aawa t.S at 407.T Tka oa*-kair »ar —< kaa* rai. •M kr IbUMi baatu aaa a ÜbiiHi ilßßllMi Mi taa Baafe af —|libi t»l— aalag i«u >n»ial a **Bi*4vy
    604 words
  • 50 30 ■Ml. VIM WAN KIM. M«* M. MUir Dr Lm am OM. Lab, iiiiiI »»m >■»««- f«My »/i/im. Dn»iy >*- piim. emu m*«m u. dm. •i* OtaM. r»or. It. IB latiy M/UN M ««r inn- O. A. ■ATNAH. B>-»Mt-■uw. aam« «-*-T* owtaa* Imw a. I nr—g Mmk Tiam ■■nil Mamr
    50 words
  • 348 30 -Minister quits as poll fund probe is ordered CANBERRA. Friday yiC Garland, Australian Minister for Posts and Telecommunications, resigned today after police investigations were ordered into election campaign fund payments. Attorney-General Bob Elllcott ordered a probe Into a newspaper charge that an Independent candidate In last December's general election had
    Reuter  -  348 words
  • 22 30 PARIS. Frt. Print* la reinforcing 1U navaJ unltt In U» Indian Octtn with two lubmann** and a aupport aM>— AP.
    AP  -  22 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 84 30 DIRECT KMPlflffliA 'UVb^bbbbW m^ I aT BaT I i utjV bbbbW MEXICO!! » I TBI0L0S«H AMIGOSP Exclusive to Oberoi BWaWsWa^auaj-B Wi Imperial, they entertain El daily at the Imperial Bar from Bpm lam, except Sundays. A They play and sing B~^ Mexican, Spanish, Western, Folk and Pop. m, No cover
      84 words
    • 498 30 LV imW^n r^ Jk \mw s^^k W<~ For the best shop -to -shop shopping v aTXaAaf^lafl 1 1 4^ 4^ LW I^BF Ib#bbbtll IVI /aVavVaBB! IT'S ALL THERE _\m JB UNOERONEROOF^J^ Vj I Cruise I to nowhere I Sample the good life on hoard the M. S. Rasa Sayang. Two
      498 words