The Straits Times, 5 February 1976

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times EsUL 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 438 1 Heavy damage |n Guatemala City MEXICO CITY, Wednesday A MAJOR earthquake caused heavy damage in Guatemala City today and radio reports said 300 people had been killed and 1,500 injured. The report from Guatemala was monitored in Bogota, Colombia. Bogota's Radio Caracol quoted the Guatemala radio
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  438 words
  • 647 1  - Mosbert seeks order to wind up in HK TSAI TAN By City Editor DIRECTORB of Mosbert Holdings Ltd. are to petition the High Court In Hongkong to wind up the company compulsorily They will also place "certain subsidiary companies" In creditors' voluntary liquidation. These decisions, taken apparently after the group's
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  • 661 1 Swoop on armed mercenaries for Angola LONDON, Wednee <fcay pOLJCE, acting on a tip that armed 1 mercenaries for Angola were assembling In London, held 160 men here last night, then set them free after finding them unarmed. Scotland Yard Mid early today the 160 men bad been detained for
    Reuter; AP  -  661 words
  • 68 1 NaTW DELHI, Wed. The Lower House of the Indian Parliament voted today to give Itself an extra year In office, postponing national elections st the urging of Prime Minister Indira Oandhl's Government for the first time since Independence. The Government asked for the unprecedented one- year
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  • 45 1 HTW YORK. Wed— Dow Jonas atarsges. based on Brat hour of trading on the New York Stock aw..- r M Indus ns JO. up JSS. M transp JOO.SS. op 1 23; It utite »i.« 7. up 0.6. Si •tocks asset, op mi.- upl
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  • 94 1 LONDON. Wed. A fight Is on to control lucrative gambling and drug operations In London s Chinatown, police said today after a restaurant owner. Kan Wong, died following a struggle In a gambllrf club. The Dally Express reported today that high profits In drug
    AP  -  94 words
  • 62 1 BEAUT. Wed —Six people were killed In Lebanon yeaterday In claahea between Christian faction* and five bodies were also found. poUea aovircea laid The lnctdenu happened during a generally calm day In which no claahea were reportad In any of the usual troubleapou A ceaacfire between
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 417 1 IPCH. Wedneaday MALAYSIAN security forces have des--ITI troyed the underground networks of communist guerillas operating in Perak, It was announced here today. Brig. Jaafar Onn, commander of Perak state military operations, told a press conference that the communist underground systems smashed In continuous operations
    Reuter  -  417 words
  • 76 1 SHARE prices fell for the Brst time since Jan. IS at the Singapore stock market yesterday when profittaken moved In. The Strait* Times Industrial index lost nearly four points at the noon-close, but sobs* ieeo»erj In the afternoon held the loss to 2.7$ points, and
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  • 79 1 Poison fumes ki ll 10 NEW YORK. Wed. A fire sent poisonous fumes through an apartment houae In New York City early today, killing 10 people, amen Of them children, and hoapltallalnc 10 othan Thirty famlttet were driven out Into *ut>-fre«iln< weather. Tne blase In the ilz-«torey bu-'ldlng apparently began
    AP  -  79 words
  • 62 1 COLOMBO. Wed. BU Oliver OoonetlUake. Oarernor Oenaral of Ceylon from ISM to ISta. waa found guilty today of foreign exchanges offences br a criminal Justice commission which tried him In absentia Sir Oliver. S3. now a British eltlam. dacUnad to iast»mrl to a summons but •tot a medical
    AP  -  62 words
    • 48 1 GUATEMALA CITY. Than. UsteemAraaei reports placed the nunWt ef dead here as hlkh as See after a massive earthquake smashed the city Relief ergaassatlesw la New York said they were standing by to m«ve In with food and reseM supplies. AP See Una pace.
      AP  -  48 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 OttignM N^^B >a 44 i*2Hl IV Mtti sin See Singapore's finest range of watches and clocks at WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND I DBS Building 1 Shenton Wav Antique Oeiign Electronic 40Oday docks ROYAL I 400 Battery operated accurate stable 120 1216^^E Bs»^^ JW
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    • 166 1 Direct from W. Germany SIEMENsH BILDMEISTER 393 W P GOODAL E PTE. LTD CHINA TIES: MALIK WARNING TO ASEAN -Page 12 IRAN (aces $6 billion deficit 3 18EAEL fears snesk attack by Syria 4 SIM MILLION paid out to chit fund subscribers 5 PKNALTY scheme to boost bus courtesy 7
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 630 2 LONDON, Wed. A British correspondent reported today that the Soviet-backed Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) is claiming that significant numbers of foreign white mercenaries have appeared alongside its enemies in the country's civil war. Jane Bergerol of the Financial Times
      AP  -  630 words
    • 346 2 BAN FRANCISCO, Wednesday rpHE United States must make It clear to 1 Moscow that It will never again tolerate actions like the Soviet Intervention In Angola, Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger said yesterday. Binning Congress for rendering the Ford Administration impotent In
      Reuter  -  346 words
    • 157 2 IT'AfiHINOTON. Wed. The Soviet Union la sirtvlng to gain a nuclear weapons •aperiorlty that could slgniflcanUy change the strateffic balance with the United State*, a senior Pentagon official said yesterday. Or. Malcolm Currte. the Defence Departments research director, said In a report
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 51 2 BZLORADS. Wed—Pnatfent TMo. Yugoslavia* alttng U-raar-old hadsr. has reel ired tno country that nothing wUI change when he eventually haves the m «tw In a rare Interview published hare, PraeMsnt Tito dlanlestd *t*T**i'f^tnti about Vast win happen in Yugoalevta when he no longer there to toad tt.
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    • 61 2 LONDON. Wed— Pound Is ralslnf tv Mam mr lonttn loan from Western hank* of UBB4OC million (Ml billion) to help flnanot piaiUc complex banking sources Bid yesterday. Tho Polish Foreign Trua Bank to borrewmff ÜBsIOO mutton on Uw InUmatknal capital muU, and Is nUnf at least
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    • 31 2 LONDON. Wed Britain faces a shortage of teeteh whisky and poatfbty «*m rattonfoc la the IMSs a* the world's thirst mcreasM. aoeordlnc to the Scotch whisky assarts Hon. UPL
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    • 44 2 TIOBi WADI (Israel). Wed lsraeli troop* fired mortar shells 0v« Hhisrri Into Le&eneee Unitary y«sUrdi; to hMd off passible Arab fuerUU attacks. OOcen said they had spotted sswwnt of what they believed to be Arab •tterUla* across Urn border It inter.
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    • 118 2 DAKIS. Wed. Ptml- dent Jeas) Bedel ■Irs— of the Central African aVrabUc narrowly sarrired mi asssaafaatssa attempt la ■urn, U* t— try capital, and thwarted aa seortire past alased at endlnf kh) It- year Iran-fisted rale, tflpteawtk ■•■rcei said teas*. They tald as anknown aaaaUaat threw
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    • 133 2 Case of the 'human' piglet BARRANQUILLA (Colombia i. Wed. A piglet with some human feature.) .eportedly was born on a farm last weekend but died two hours later. Dr. Oarcla Cardona. a veterinarian, said the creature's mouth, cheekbones and nails resembled those of a human He said the corpse was
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    • 255 2 SHIRLEY TIPPED TO BE NEW ENVOY TO U.N. WASHINGTON Wed PRESIDENT Pord Is expected to name another champion of hardline US policies to replace his ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Daniel Patrick Moynlhan. who announced his resignation last Monday. Two women have been mentioned as possible successors to Mr
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 58 2 REYKJAVIK. Wed. IceI landlc Prime Minister Oar i HallgrUnnon has rejected British plans for ending their ltohlng dispute but uy, i he to ready to try to negotiate three-month interim i agreement In London to* night. Brush Foreign Secretary June* Ollaghan accepted the ofTer to hold
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 48 2 Cemetery gives up secrets rE vases and decorative household utensils seen above date back to the last aaarter of the ">uth century BC. and were discovered last Friday in Bortia Grerce They were unr of the 4.904 archaeological Items unearthed from an ancient cemetery near Athens. AP picture.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 37 2 MANILA. Wed A Filipino Catholic pncit and 10 other martul U* detainees accused of rebellion entered the Nth dry of a hunger strike today Their relatives laid other prisoner* hare joined them In sympathy UPI
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 34 2 ANKARA Wed Ten people died ted 30 sere injure*! today «hen a pmcked ps—ngtr bus plunged into a ranne is derjie fog near Konya. ecctral Turkey, the su:*-.wt.«: ruL: reported ■saw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 252 2 SEASONAL^ fc OFFER! 1 P^ BB J| k^ I SJBat I I I fim "-OIOIT L.ED DISPLAY. I'SdHS ONE tV BATTERY A.C. ADAPTOR. 4 FUNCTIONS w^H^HjU. y^%*%*% ASBBBBBBBsiBsF 5 FUNCTIONS WITH MEMORY |k^ '^i It L-0831 18 FUNCTIONS >v tii. SCIENTIFIC JbbbbUHbL SLIDE asßssafl aY L-0832 m SM«aiSl »-O»O |T
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    • 31 2 I I CHUBB MALAYSIA SON. BHD. r3 CHUBB SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. isim jMxbutOMwunH^MtKi. »o ImI»t« ;45iu 74MXU4 *****3 JV 7 1 Roomjon Rosd. 3rd Floor Crosby House. Singapore 1 Tel *****1
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    • 303 3 WASHINGTON. Wad THE Federal Reserve 1 Board America's central bank discloeed vestcrday it was monitoring 65 of the largest banks In the United Sutcs for po»--■Me financial trouble. The nsunber ol kinks ■ndcr aneetal tnrreUlanre on the Board's "problem" list wma revealed by Mr. Brenton
      Reuter  -  303 words
    • 201 3 Private properly grab by Machel govt JOHANNESBURG. Wed. j —All privately-owned property In Mozambique wUI be nationalised and the Marxist Oovernment will collect the rents, the Rand Dally Mall reported today. The decree was announced In a four-hour > speech by President 8a- mora Machel in Lourenco Marquei yesterday to
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    • 79 3 WASHINOTUN. Wed— A suburban Washington womar. has been swarded USUSS.OOC (SMI7JOO) in damagss for rape In what v regarded a* an unprtcodentcd Jury verdict scalnst two men who pies dad guilty to assaulting her Th* woman. Miss Mart Knight of RockvUl*. Mary land, said following the
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 60 3 WASHINGTON. Wed Th* WorW Bank yesterday approved a oonlrovorslal UB »33 mluton (BSSIS million) loan to Chi!* despite protests scalnst assisting the country's military Oovemmcnt The loan, th* third by th* bank to Chile sine* th* Marxist government of Salvador AUeode was toppled In September irr*. win
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    • 120 3 Biggest Aussie deficit in 20 years r»ANBERRA. Wed V Australia has recorded its largest balance of payments deficit for at least 20 years, the Bureau of Statistics In Canberra announced today The bureau announced a deficit of A*722 million SJ2 252 million) for the December quarter a 152 per cent
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 25 3 ODTCVA. Wad. Th* United Sutos jotUiday demanded that the United ■umaa Bights M be •van-banded and remain unswayed by political Mas Router.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 238 3 Confidence in boosts Britain's reserves LONDON. Wed. Sterling was In demand In international markets in January, enabling toe British Oovernment to build up Its foreign currency reserves for tne first time in months, bankers said. They said figures released yesterday on Britain's gold and foreign currency reserves at the end
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 57 3 JAKAETA. Wed. The Bead of Indonesia's debt-ridden state oil company Pertamlna. Gen. Ibnu Sutowo. will resume his seat as chief executive of the easnpany after he retina from a long and indefinite holiday in ike United State*, according to a oeespany spokesman. Beater Plyuohch and Ma wtft)
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    • 595 3 GOVT BLAMES DROP IN OIL REVENUE TEHERAN. Wednesday THE economic growth rate of Iran, which has suffered a sharp drop in oil revenue, has shrunk by 60 per cent since last spring and its budget envisages a deficit of US$2.4 billion (Ss6 billion) in the
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    • 93 3 Where every centimetre counts BEATTLE. Wed. The slse of a woman's bust Is an Important factor in whether she gets rides while hitchhiking, a University of Washington researcher says. Dr. Joan Lockard. Professor of Neurological Surgery and Psychology, says exportmenu she conducted last year showed women doubled the number of
      AP  -  93 words
    • 70 3 ROMS. 'Wed. Italian Treasury Minister BsaUto Ootflsabo said today that Italy s •conotnk crisis was possibly the wont sine. World War Two and called (or harsh counter -oMasuras The moment we an fesng through Is r— *T* the most dUneult of the ones that bave characterised the
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 184 3 PARIS. Wed. The French Communist Party, taking a liberal turn away from Moscow, opened Its 22nd congress today with the ordeal of dissident Soviet mathematician Leonid Plyushch freshly In delegates' minds. Party leader Oeonres Marshals launched the congress in a vast sports hall In the
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 192 3 Farmers to have bigger say in the assembly BANOKOK, Wed. Cambodians will vote on March 20 for a 250--member legislative assembly which will be the c o m m v n ist-controlled country's supreme body. Radio Phnom Penh announced today. The radio, monitored here, said the date for the first
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 180 3 Cabinet secrecy faces another bruising LONDON. Wed. The tradition of British Cabinet secrecy, weakened by the revelations of former Minister Richard Ctossman. faces another bruising from television, next Monday night. Granada, a Manchester based commercial TV company, plans to show an hour-long reconstruction of recent highly secret ministerial arguments, with
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 30 3 LISBON. Wed Portuguest troop* have found evidence of unauthorised weapons training on two farms run by communist* In the south of the country, the army announced rwterday Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 C SENIOR EXECUTIVE COURSES 1 The following courses for Senior Management will be presented during February and March 1976. Kuala Lumpur Description Singapore Feb. 18-20 Control of Computerised Accounting Systems Feb. 23 24 Finance for Non-Financial Managers Mar. 22 23 Feb. 26 27 Coat Analyses for Decision Making Max. 25
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    • 213 3 Right here in Singapore, all kinds of companies call on Manponxer for the help they need. Whether irs a replacement for an employee on sick leave or holiday, or additional itstf for entire new protects, those companies have grown to recognise Manpower as the leader in staffing services. That make*
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    • 335 4 LONDON. Wed. The trial has started la Preston of two men accused of staging a £300.000 ($1,509,000) betting coup with the help of more than 100 accomplices The alleged scheme, Involving three racehorses, was outlined yesterday by prosecuting counsel Mr. Ivor Taylor at the
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 38 4 pROOF of the bitter cold weather which descended on Hartford, Connecticut on Monday is this face of Ken LeDace. Ken was on his way to work when he was spotted try a photographer. AP picture.
      AP  -  38 words
    • 380 4 When UN troops leave Golan... TCL AVIV. Wad nEFENCE Minister Shimon Peres baa said he believes Syria might launch a surprise attack on Israel in May when the United Nations peacekeeping mandate on the Golan Heights expii Israel was fully prepared for such a
      Reuter  -  380 words
    • 259 4 Algeria troops 'must leave Sahara RABAT, Wednesday A LGERIA must agree to withdraw its troops from the Western Sahara apd from Mauritania if Arab mediation efforts are to succeed, a source close to the palace said yesterday. Moroccan military sources cay regular Algerian forces control at least three areas In
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 34 4 MANNHEIM. Wed. More than S.OOO employees at the Daimler-Bent car plant here went on strike today to proteat an opposition by employers to an 8 S per cent wmge Inert*** demand. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 230 4 Nasser probe team 'didn't do good job rf^AIRO. Wed— An Egyp\j tlan newspaper editor said today he was not satisfied with the findings of a committee Investigating his charges that the late President Nasser misused state funds. The three-man committee set up bj Prime Minister Mamdouh Salem said last night
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 32 4 WASHINOTON Wed —A key concreaatooaj tTTtninlfitt voted today to call on President Port to report to congreaa on proapecu for a phaat reduction of American troop* In South Korea, Reutar.
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 366 4 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF WORLD WAR II c fi !^H^BBEJH by char|e Herr|d fl* AiJk^aJsWlwisiwV rkia gW^^^Tl t—"»r. t*M wacM was shakes) by SSSSsV^aBBBaBBHatABsHB fait assi MtfjaVa*'* t Is**, rite iiinHiMi rasa* Haai Germany's aalic* terrUe«Ul 'H~ VaOai^H saarawaiiimmt. tee* re Hrn aw*W»»#k 9$ WOT vtsSClfe VwM tw> BSBbTwJsW BBBaVtSBBBT ,-^gV^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 233 4 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS wanted his own back (II). I Kabaka. for (sample? i 5. t runny girl may do with eminence (10). S nil by the rtvtr frosn old 1J Motoring would be cheaper >• U«M autpeodad on cords (J. a j,. itl*. U rx-es it shoot the true
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  • 136 5 LION CUBS IN SWOP SCHEME OFF TO SURABAYA T*WO lion cubs, a Jaguar and a panther from the Singapore Zoological Oardeiu have been flown to Surabaya. Indonesia. In exchange for six otter« and four deer which arrived here last September The cubs, ail about a year old. are the first
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  • 33 5 MR Chua Blan Chin. Minuter for Home Affair* and Education will be prevt.t at the mngapore Armed Forest muatc and drama prsosntstton at MscPtmson community centre on Saturday at 8 pm.
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  • 473 5  - $1 1.8 m paid out to chit fund subscribers MASIC KWCC ■> TOTAL of $11.8 million h:is n far l>een paid out as dividends to 50,000 subscribers of 24 chit fund rompanim here, and by July, the uts will increase n > another $K million, reliable ♦nines siiid yes U-iday.
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  • 39 5 THZ Department of Bktnnunl BUMUH. Unhwr. «tr of atncapof*. via hold a 12-lectut* court* on traditional and modem th— tlrs to the How Lector* Ttati* I of ttat Ntnymnf UnlMratty IW) Tucaday and Thursday from P«b. 18.
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  • 299 5 Scheme to give aged a more active role rE Mln.slry «f geeUl Affairs has started a ■Hot eeeaaaajtlty lnvclvensent schease for old peap-le Iron welfare as— n. Mr. Chaa Chee Seng, Renter Parliamentary Secretary. itoclaae< this at the presentation ef a %Sjm efaeeae froea the Tee, Payoh Cltiaens' eensaltative committee
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  • 34 5 THX People* AMortstton vul hold a Udra Show of aortal (Uon and dnfoo pefofßMnosa) in conjunction with the Chap Ooh Man festival at Hong Urn Oardrn at TJB p-m on FW> IS.
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  • 257 5 Computer gives the lowdown on execs p O M P U T BRIBED "medical interrogation" of Singapore company executives has shown that they are drinking too much and not having enough exercise. Their computerised health teat scores, for tnttTii— are considerably lower than those of their Japanese counterpart* stationed here.
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  • 162 5 SEVXN senior lecturers of the University of Singapore have been promoted associate professors. They are Mrs. Ann Wee (Social Work Department). Dr. Chi a Boon Lock (Medicine Dept). Dr. Ling chaw Ming (Orthopaedic Surgery Dept). Dr. Tan Kirn Leone (PaedUtrtca Dent). Dr. Tan Pin Tone
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 367 5 All outstanding typewriter produced in Italy TROVER o with DIN keyboard^H V Bf chsracter.stK j^ole Aosnt of office machine d^Q^^P^ or Singapore, o back space key separates Indonesis ,smmed levers ▼^/a.ANTTA ELECTfiOMCS c 24cm 10% inch) car nags High Street, o makes correction within half space 6. Tel: *****0 Authorised
      367 words
    • 43 5 supmaito'lASaT I* I M yX ISMc^Bl *ldbL|§ iWrffffliffff /■sf >/ I MOtll MOTH ft IMT I /ffy p*c«»um mhoh aoc Camtmbtrt Crottin de Cha vlgnoi Bleu de Bre tse FbrrSakit +m*n*** ch«vr# pj^ 110 1 Comte Cablcou Roquefort Chovro Bondet Salnt-Florentln Fondu aux raisins
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 397 6 PHILIPS Singapore if^S FILL-H-HOITIE M Prizes total See the Olympic Games! Las Vegas! Niagara Falls! Disneyland! $10,000 cash! \A *^m,-r m *W?mI BcS b^ bUI wlmx 1 1 1 Ka^^H W I b ~i.a^k^ BV^L^BB L X H BBw w^.^^m B^ BJf y* > M i <|HBniJ Ii BBm^h V
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  • 51 7 PUCE are anxious to contact the next-of-kln of an unidentified Chinese whose body was found at the foot of Block 67. Circuit Road. on Tuesday at about 10 50 p.m. The man was of average build, about 25 years old and with short
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  • 37 7 3 films at museum THX National Muatum wIU •men three fUmo— Flyaway. Till I Knd My Song and The Battle at the muatum at 7.M pjn tomorrow. Free admission ttckota may be obtained from the muaeum office.
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  • 290 7  -  S.M. MUTHU By THE Singapore Bus Service is planning to implement a Points Demerit Scheme to boost productivity and promote courtesy among its 7,500-strong crew. According to informed sources, details of the proposed penalty scheme have already been worked out by the disciplinary and
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  • 200 7 HDB TO RENT OUT 118 EX-ANZUK HOMES HPHE Housing and DeM. velopment Board Is offering for rent 111 units of flat*, terrace houses and bungalowsall former quarters occupied by the Anzuk forces In three bousing estates. These units, the first to be rented out by the HDB since It took
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  • 40 7 THB Hungarian Ptavtgn •Unlatar. Mr. Pnt7W FMja, ItU for New Dalhlmsl najht aim a four-day via* box* Ha tv mb off by the Smstßara Ptttafn Mlntalcr, Mr. a. mjaratnam. and mplomcu from ■■tarn Burupsaa iiiiHiim hsro.
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  • 157 7 A SEMINAR to dlacuM significant political, economic and social trends In Thailand and their Implications (or 1U future will be organised by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies on Feb M at S a.m. Speakers In the panel will include Dr. Nlbondh Sasldhorn. Minister attached
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  • 280 7 Now a life of ease for fire victim LOT has been made easier and ■> or r pleasant fee- Madam Chan Moey. 77 and It will not coat her a cent of her life saving* •f $4J. It waa to save that money that she had stayed back la a
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  • 20 7 TRB Singapore Pottce Band will paitorm at kUcRltcbM Reaarvotr Park from IN pjn to 6JO pjn on Sunday
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 247 7 .Ok N.T.U.C. W W SUPERMARKETS CONDENSED MILK sis!? award m* .74 OVALTINE 397 9 2.45 CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP .70 GROUNDNUT OhL red lamtikm 3k 9.30 EVAPORATED MILK cahhatioh 410, .72 POWDER vim economy 1.25 DISINFECTANT jiyhhi 45 utre 7.20 SANITARY TOWELS "w" j^Jj COCA COLA AUST. 370 ml 2 FOR
      247 words
    • 231 7 »|»"amw»»»aTaTaPT^ B 'T^j smaa BmW Vmml itfyUic Xoi(e Matheson: Air flew Zealand* spirit offreedonx inouruncrowdedSouth'Pacific In the heart of New Zealand's can see the magnificent roflec- or any of the beautiful islands of South Island, far from the noise tion of the Southern Alps in its the South Pacific And
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 ill TVaim fasl lutiiy My-Xt Free Lrt j; J M IN WEft! DAILY AT 7.00 1 1 JO PM. JIMMY WANG VU in > On Armed Bow vs *5T V The nying QuMotinm <^*^^9 •kD.r.cted by JIMMT\r¥ANO YU n>i' i -4B cauwcaw tatux w i2ND Action Week-s«iui«oi) XATH AY* ODEON
      226 words
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    • 343 8 DIRECT Mlji jj Tfjff I I WH AMIGOS«nB Exclusive to Oberoi Imperial, they entertain daily at the Imperial Bar from Bpm lam. except Sundays. They play and sing Mexican. Spanish, W" y Western. Folk and Pop. No cover charge! No M MM m± increase in bar-rates! 1V H aWfl aaaV
      343 words
    • 269 8 ■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■>■ REX -2nd WEEK!* 11am, 1.30, 4, 6.45 &9JO M 0 FREE LIST I ***** EASTWOOD i I llaßßaaL KyouwanttoMaman. H^Haflj^. you sand an agent "IV^^ fwwjf^jrou I I < isHamtoek. I B ekxr sanction GEORGE KENNEDY f UtaMf VOW HA Mcttt -JACK CASSICv AOJAIPASOCOMPAftT F«M Tfce most IMPOSSIBLE ESCAPE
      269 words
    • 746 8 mtmm i ■ORCAMISATION g AU iHQWI W* »w« Lt B m I NOW IMOWIMt 11m. 1.45, 4 00, »4S. tIS "WfOWMC HIOHTS I MpprVinn in Scppa > Co*o« NIXTCMAMOI B "Tk* Mm 4 M*4 A4i*m»iaii w.. T I SATUIDAT MrSHICMT I A wMf t AA##PaWO *M#vv LIDO-«tX JURONC RUCI LU
      746 words

  • 672 9 Decision of lower court reversed JHK Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin. yesterday reversed a magis trate's decision ordering a customer o 11 firm to pay accumulated interest o $817 and costs for his five-year delay v two bills, totalling $973. He allowed
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  • 153 9 STRANDED SEAMEN SEEK COURT ORDER OVER SHIP SOLICITORS far the M seaaMsi stranded on the Panamanian tanker. Stolt P.'onoer. stew dor arrest la Singapore harboar, have appUed to the High Coart for Judgment and an order for appraisement and sale of the vessel. According to them yesterday, hearing Is expected
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  • 54 9 THS Oorammoot Is to fccquira 4.1 M metre* at land In the city aim for urban development. •coordIng to the Oiiyoj iiiiii ill Oasettc A plan of tb« land trot cmn bo own at Urn onV* of Uie CbUactor of I*nd Itorniut on wit day oaospt
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  • 612 9 SINOAPORE, which hat achieved basic educatiop (or the majority, should r>ow give more attention to education for the minority of educationally subnormal, slow learners and children with emotional problems, a doctor suggested yesterday. For a start, schools could pick out children not doing well
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  • 26 9 LEE All How. SI. aneMploye*. wm Bne4 MM reatertfAy for WtUa« off Oreworkj M t*»j off ScmtewAat B«*4 oa taa^ay. tU fto«<K gwMj.
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  • 226 9 Fined for spraying water on cars in park CUWARN Singh, 23, was fined $150 yesterday for behaving In a disorderly manner, by shouting and spraying water on vehicles In a car park on Saturday. Buwarn. unemployed, was tent to hospital for a medical cheek-up and was found to be mildly
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  • 53 9 GU death: Appeal to relatives POLICE yesterday appealed to the next-of-kln of Ng Bak Hwa. 80. who died at the Singapore Oeneral Hospital on Tuesday, to contact them. Ng. wbost last known adofctss was M. Loronf M. Oeytanf. was admitted to the hospital on Monday. He died Urn following day
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  • 304 9 Murder accused tells why he stabbed welder A LABOURER ac- cused of murder yesterday described In his defence how he stabbed a welder soon after he was elbowed In the abdomen. Ooh Oeck Soon. 19. said he was carrying a stool to sit next to Choo Men* Kwanx. 30. behind
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  • 33 9 DR. HICHAM. Zttkj. eon 1«»«»^ troH tns aMofstHsaoi Taottng Seme*, fitotilw United Mates, win teat or. ■vasaatton In Urn ris—ini Context at Hwa Chont Junior OoUtge toawcrow at 7 M ■am
    33 words
  • 113 9 A BUS commuter was jailed for three months yesterday for punching a conductor on the mouth In a quarrel over bus fare. Tay Yam Sing. M. pleaded guilty to punchIng Chan Chee Ltan, 51. In a bus In Buklt Timah Road on Feb. 3 at
    113 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 479 9 JUdry happy! Q s^-^^ (Now there's a new way I) New Tender Care Baby Powder is different. A fine, soft new kind of baby powder especially formulated to REPEL wetness and germs. Use fragrant new Tender Care every time you change him; watch him smile. Tender Care Baby Powder: for
      479 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 342 11 TODAYTILLWED 11thFEB J o±^- J j I v^^y \JSS^y^^^^^TOKCHEEaEft wine sugJhstions I Tjrii^-^ 3|oATy^ •CHEDDAR ?HiJ'9sn our orchard rd. I^Si\/*S\ *infflfff' UCl^~~~^"ts f With MDYSTON a*""- -ssa-w SUPERMAI B 2*3^ *GHESHK ZlZ—i?tJ-95__with™.SAUN6ER WHITE BUR6UNDY <^ B-60 4&^M, \^gmg>/ •LANUBHBE ?iil tt .with. ABIDRYSOa»SHEIW_ _2«^10« /~al[fei| J jks^^. •WEHSUYMII 1-95 with
      342 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 385 12 T IKE most American Secretaries of State during the past 30 years, perhaps even more so, Dr Henry Kissinger has put an enormous effort into the construction of a framework for a new, all embracing order In International affairs. But where his predecesors eir*>d on the side of
      385 words
    • 213 12 SINGAPOREANS have shown once before that they are capable of answering the call to save water without the need to impose rationing. That was In 1971 when an extended period of dry weather caused reserves of potable water to drop to dangerously low levels. Appeals were made to
      213 words
    • 626 12 YOUR editorial writer 1 on Jan 29 referred to my proposal in the latest BANA News for a doubling of the tax on alcohol oacco as "a good of confused reaHe argued that lke» In taxes it stopped people acquiring or continuing with these
      626 words
  • 799 12 JAKARTA. Wednesday fHE Indonesian Foreign Minisj ter, Mr. Adam Malik, has warned members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) that friend ship with China is no guarantee that they will not be overrun by Indo c h i n
    AP  -  799 words
  • 1102 12  -  RONALD BATCHELOR: By SYDNEY AFTER three years A of political fireworks, Australians are settling down and scanning the sports pages again. News from Canberra has slowed to a trickle. Government departments are mostly silent Ministers are keeping their profiles low, often Invisible, while civil
    Reuter  -  1,102 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 69 12 St»i« t cut to \*m MMI tr«r>* ky tw nw«t »mt)Mc«< craftsm*n tinea I»J4 tolls cam»l«lXy Hand t«ll*r«4 a MltchM "§ht to in« buttornoKt •nturins k*«t »ork«ian»hla. Wa •>• •im imeortar* 4 aspertart of tin— l Oantt toatnot tharaky na»o tha latatt 4 oMatt ransa »l malarial* far tatacttan. An*
      69 words
    • 221 12 SOLD OUT! The 50 Ford Escort 1 300 XL's recently advertised have been sold out. However, The Ford Motor Company is endeavouring to divert a final 50 units previously reserved for export, for release on the Singapore market. Please watch the daily press for further details. ...leads the way UNIVERSAL
      221 words

  • Business Times
    • 117 13 VALUE OF STOCK STILL NOT KNOWN mHE value of the stock 1 which Robinson s subsidiary. John Uttle, purchased from Robins Department Store has not yet been determined However. It is not expected to exceed five per cent of Robinsoi. assets or roughly $2 6m This Information was given by
      117 words
    • 732 13  - 'Bogus firms use psychics in the hunt for oil' JAMES STERBA By IJOUSTOX: One company told potential i nvestors it employed psychics with supernatural powers who were able to find i underground oil and natural gas alTnost every time a well was drilled. Another backroom operator trained salesmen to sound
      NYT  -  732 words
    • 424 13 Those letters of credit: How binding are they? [AST week the Bank of America filed a writ in Singapore against the Mosbert group of companies and former directors for damages and recovery of some $2 million because 21 letters of credit the bank had discounted were not honoured. 00-tactdenUHy. the
      424 words
    • 162 13 MELBOUBNI: The JJi Australian G«rtrn wlaktes to ttpitt ot Urn lattniti la Mary Katfcseea Uranlam, Urn Mtakster far Natl»n»i Beswarees. m D. AaUi«ar toM the iW|iiy, to a letter release* by MKU. Mr Aatacsw said he carts*** UMsharchslatag geia* to An traiian laletests. Tka
      162 words
    • 276 13 Carrier bid to acquire all lAC shares pAKRUI Corpor\j atien which made a successful partial bid for lAC (Holdings) In mid -1974 U back again to try to aeaalre the rest of the lAC shares. The transaction, ■nder the Carrier proposal, would Involve the purchase of 2.257 million lAC minority
      276 words
    • 406 13  -  Harry Edworthy By LONDON: A revival in consumer demand for tin in the second half of last month apw*red to shake the mar ket out of its previous lethargic state and firmed prices consider ably, dealers said. During this time prices
      Reuter  -  406 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 266 13 B^j^ This is the watch that jS, WSSk speaks for itself —in fjm precision accuracy, *IPL craftsmanship and 1 Baf^n) style. A watch geared afiasi for the man who's WJ J destined to lead. 2£/ Ai m J w> a duss fnhsdfi »-c-»si9 Keep your production line moving. I you
      266 words
    • 51 13 Lw viwsl IbV-WI itZZaZaxwl P^wsVwWWBVfcJBjsJI A Touch off Elegance aw IwX^^lxwsh^ V The loudspeaker that has achieved regardless of size international or price is now distinction as the I available m a new. most highly exciting continental reviewed speaker styling option vjontlntyitof aFx^^e«^3l afX^TV^ S^S^sfTSlE^SfeiN^ws^B HP IsWMr^Wi Bui m I
      51 words

  • 52 14 SYDNEY: Australian Guarantee Co r poration Uas withdrawn Its Att.2s a snare takeover bid for the $1 shares In Mercantile Mdtaal Insurance after Mercantile Mutual shareholders approved a one-for-foar scrip issae of ■toefc. Australian Guarantee previoasiy said it would withdraw the hid If shareholders approved the
    52 words
  • 227 14 Mr. John Methven has been named directorgeneral of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). He succeeds Sir Campbell Adamson who retires next June. Hutchison later national has announced the appointment of Mr. Tisn Cavendish Bonlton as senior executive director of subsld ary John D Hutchison. Other new
    227 words
  • 213 14 Tenneco and Anaconda merger plan YEW YORK: Tenneco Inc. and Anaconda have agreed in principle (or the merger of the two companies. They said the transaction would be accomplished through a tax-free exchange of 0.255 of a share of Tenneco US$725 cumulative convertible preference stock for each outstanding share of
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 354 14 January: Record month for NYSE T^JEW YORK: Wall 11 Street traded a record volume of shares last Friday in a fitting wind-up to the most spectacular month in the history of the New York Stock Exchange. At the clvise of the hectic session that saw 3851 mill. on shares change
    NYT  -  354 words
  • 37 14 BRISBANE Mlm Holdings net earnings plung ed In the halt-year ended December 19T5 from AS34 89 million to $9 34 million The Interim dividend has been slashed by 50 per cent to 1.5 cents
    37 words
    • 512 14 ■^rW YORK. Turn. AlA^ though profit-taking held the averages down for much of the day. most stock price* climbed today In continued active trading Buying in the final halfhour pushed the averages slichtly aheid on the day. et.ll buoyed in part bj some favourable earning! reports, stocks opened
      512 words
    • 118 14 I Tver Lackj MA luitfe trading prrvtiird today »t the Stock Exchange of Zurich The market elated maintained Bond*. however tended firmly on heavy demand The Credit Su.jae closed 0 2 point higher to 305 6 1 cu». m in i»ih fnici th tM dlffanac* on lt» pnvtout
      118 words
    • 160 14 A MKTERDAM Tues. M» Shares were generally firmer Dutch International* were mixed with llmum and I'nilever closing lower. Plantations, stores banks 1 and insurances rose Individual strong gainers were Sola. ABN and KLM which closed above par fur the tint I tune In more than two yean. Shippings were
      160 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 482 14 PROJECT MAN AGO. (ARABIAN GULF) Around SS4S.OOO p.a. (lax-free) plus accommodation Ref. PMR 1007 Our client is a construction and development company embarking on several building projects in the Arabian Gulf and South East I he company seeks to employ a Project ugcr to be stationed overseas to manage the
      482 words
    • 405 14 GENERAL MANAGER (Automotive Distributorship) U.S. 530.000-540.000 p.a. (tax-free) plus accommodation Ret. PMR 1009 Our client, a large organisation with extensive business interests in the Middle East, and holding the franchise for several well-known British, European and Japanese vehicles, seeks to appoint an experienced executive to this position. The successful candidate
      405 words

    • 191 15 Specialist firms set up bases here rvo foreign companies, Kelvin Hughes •Survey of the U.i and A 8 Kongsberg Vapenfabrlkk of Norway, which provide specialised services ant! equipment for the offshore oil Industry. have established new bases In Singapore. Malaysia and Indonesia. Kelvin Hughes, which markets a wide range of
      191 words
    • 162 15 SINGAPORE Slipway and Engineering, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Shipyard has won an $18 mill. on contract to construct four roll-on-roll-off vessels for Offshore Supply Association (South-east Asia). "The local shipyard was awarded the contract partly because of Its attractive financial terms." says Mr. Eric Khoo
      162 words
    • 668 15  -  GOH ENG KEE By A WIDE cross-section of British and Norwegian expertise gained by their offshore oil equipment and servicing companies In the North Sea will be represented at the four-day Offshore Bouth-east Asia Conference and Exhibition to be held here from Feb 17.
      668 words
    • 188 15  - P and O's third stake in Barrier Reef KINGSLEY WOOO By SYDNEY: Iht t and O (reap is act to make another sipiiflcant Investment in the Austr-Uian leiwe industry an eeoitv stake in the Barrier Reef Dunk Island resort, about 1M miles from Cairns. This will be the croup's third
      188 words
    • 480 15 Low order book worries UK yards LONDON: Orders for new ships placed with Britain's shipyards last year were the lowest since World War 11. As a result, the shipbuilding industry has warned, action may be •-■eded to ensure that the European Economic Community retains a shipbuilding capacity In the last
      AP  -  480 words
    • 86 15 Jardines buys remaining shares rNGKONG Jardlne. Matheson Is bidding for the shares in Indochina Steam Navigation (HK> It does not already own. Terms of the bid are HKS4 cash for every II nominal deferred ordl nary share and SI cash for every six per cent cumulative preferred ordinary share. The
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 127 15 <n <>"•♦>• S»ock E.C>or>9«»o> 4th F«> 1976 V)Dor» 60Do»» 90Doy» 1 80 Doy* IS* 23V* •.CO 'B*. 26. 3iv. IV. 3) 421. 64". «V. ss*. S3 1 8 M-, i 3*. 20*. ►<MCAPf 29 4i 49*. 74Vi ♦4 1 66*. SOA«BV M 70V» IOSH JNG 22 30*. 37%
      127 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 Coins. A fast I growing Itf^j investment, m Sw^| Thit free book 'Couum win- —U tl^Kg^l XIH meat' tcU« you why, and ji vtt many H B'.^U illmiimil infill nf i ra«ai growth ir/^Si Richard Lobel V^f Pretaaaaai ifmmmmtnu, Carcndith Court, 11-H WismofC Str«t. I London VIH9LB I>1« i«« M
      103 words
    • 580 15 B&O*S BEST PERFECTED SOUND SYSTEM FOR wfcftlOOUCnON M |IBEdSYSTEM|| UNSURPASSED! IN JMJOtO TECHNOLOGY A DESICW The ecosystem 4000 is M 9*** 2 60 warts an uncompromising stereo I ■W^fl R MS (240 watts system created lor the mWM^fM total music) and Incorexceptlonally critical IfcYaSl pocates a highly sensitive listener and
      580 words

      • 34 16 J» U.l* m v.m C SS.M Ma But fp IM. M.M rjuttl flt.M 11.71 IW tSJU ta*. It.ll ChM. W.M Hat tI.M IIJM t— lI. M —.li —.11 —.11 —.11 —.11 .»1 .»< -.H
        34 words
      • 27 16 I.D. Warraat >M» M.l* "•fi M.N ■M Etoet. tt.W fM. LH« W.M l7*n N.M ■cm* Lm H.M tek r«« ii.m -t-I.W M .M .M .M .M
        27 words
      • 9 16 08. ator MrrUo 7M.M* U5.tM Vmtmt:
        9 words
      • 70 16 INDICES r«* s r*k B.T. U4*i: 21} M 175.7* IHMimil: !MI( U»47 n JI7.U mjj 1 IJoVta ITt.M 177.71 rrtpnUta: IHM II*M t Tlbs: M.U Mtl t i i«Mm: nj.7j nun i O.C AC: SUM MI.C 4 t S.C.B. lad.: »7I«S t7«JS tt Jut I. J»7» 1M Dre. M, IMC
        70 words
    • 311 16 AFTCR the festive holidays, the Kuala Lumpur stock market opened strongly vest*" day in line with buoyant conditions in Singapore the previous day But Its strength was quickly eroded by heavy profit-taking tn the morning which weakened prices. The market dosed on a mixed note.
      311 words
    • 250 16 Y-fONOKONO. wad— The market firmed farther in heavy turnover in the first days trading after the Chinese New Year break HawaTkaag Baa* jumped 70 cents to HKS334O. JatwTjN M* la aii a 40 centa to ***** Wkaeasek Marain 38 6 cenu to (4 475. Hsagfcsag Laad 26 cenu to
      250 words
    • 204 16 «rOtCYO Wed. The msr- ket closed higher In line with Wall Street and •Allowing b rIN in the yen against the US dollar, dealer* asid The Dow Jonas average rose 1627 to 4.649 60 with volume 260 million sharN The New Index ctoasd at ***** up I 74 Blue
      204 words
      • 576 16 r^PCHINO quoUUons In the Singapore rubber market yNUrday were marked up two cenu after the kmg holiday following steadier advices from London Trading was alow to form and the market ruled quiet throughout the morning around the in 00 cenu level for February RSS One. wiln a TTgf*"g
        576 words
      • 37 16 LaafM repair arwra oa Tvaadaf laiaiiana n knekata). wiraear Bast kajjrar ISM (ISN) Mller iMS.M IIIMMI. Tkr a a MaaUi fcujr»r (101.30 1 1104 M) MlaaT ISM ((SM) Ma/kat kmai Bt—dr Sa.aa: 14. IM ta*naa.
        37 words
      • 115 16 T\AILT SMR and SBR prICM latMd at doom ycaunlar hk. Ik. HtXLI. (Cwi Mth) ir«rw»r4 Mtk) (Mali par kf I <••■*• par kc) SMR ICY (1 too pallet) in JO 1M SON IMSS IN SON SIA SL (1 lon pallet i 1M 00 117 MN I*7 00
        115 words
    • 67 16 WM Ull IHbHtMill 10*. M 101. M nMll IJO TSB 110 Ouß vi tm in uoa Mill 11S.S0 111 40 Surte* 1U.238 110 008 132.00* 110 TM ■an* imm in.ii T«M«<r locxkoo< 1W.238 CIHH vi ooa cf—* run (1) lio MB 130 i«B in si* i J2 Export
      67 words
    • 31 16 Bobber Fek. 4. Singapore: Fek 1(7.«t ets. (Bp 1 75 eta.) Malaysia Feb. 173.29 cU (up IIS eta.) Tin: (down $14.37*). Official elf eriag 315 Uns (ap M tons).
      31 words
    • 201 16 TBS StraiU tin price 1 plunged Sl4H* to »»7C per picul In Penang ytuniij on an official offering up M tons to lit tons. TtM overnight London market tv alao etuier with forward buyer* gaining to C 3.207 per metjic ton. LONDON Tin fell by about for Caah
      201 words
    • 105 16 PHIMIH MIOVCI IXw CHANS*. *IM*Ar«ai MOON sSr.v.*;" ie cml Cnaniai 0B Bulk Utt MlMn. •M «ni« W7i tdkn. mw Mil Milan tNUi «U«I lama i UK 14.1 M 0 tmytn 'mm Muatah A.STA vklU f a-k 10aH NLW tM2I a»u»ra fen.ajk whit, (ii N« NLW tMT| saUars, knnk spatial
      105 words
    • 363 16 Prof it- takers move in rTtH£ sharp advance enI Joyed by the Singapore stock market daring the past few weeks was checked by sastained profit-taking yesterday. This development however has been rxpected and should provide a welcome breather, say market observers who had watched the recent price jumps with some
      363 words
    • 342 16 CYDNEY. Wed Prices were *teady to firmer In moat sectors after a weaker start, dealers said Uraniums were Initially depressed on National Resources Minister Doug Anthony s statement It may be some months before the Oovemment decides on approving uranium mining projects, but recovered later The Sydney All-Ordinaries fell
      342 words
    • 159 16 rE US dollar reversed IU trend to open firm this morning at $2 4810 30 recouping IU earlier losse* In the Singapore forex market. Trading was fairly active with the dollar being bid up to $2.4825/ 35 level. However, the dollar closed In quiet trading under thin
      159 words
    • 168 16 Bmt—UQ InUrtank r»U» at 1 00 pm: CWtlm Nimliiil mm Smtm»»mit» toccata** «mU4 >■>■<»; icnal parity tkup US dollar 2 4*25 2 4835 HIM 1195 SlCTling pound 5 0)30 S 0370 7 3469 II 49 Hongkong dollar 4* 60 49 70 60 51 IN Malaysian dollar MM 9*65
      168 words
    • 175 16 81 US 2 4780 2 4*oo Ml US 3M70 2 MM 8» 1 6 0310 5 0360 8» MS M 50 MM HK US 4 9960 4 MM US C'tllan IM II 100 00 lnferhuik iau« >t :k>M on Feb 4: IS DalUn (Sp*tl Of* BM 7
      175 words
    • 28 16 Singapore dollar* (or Feb 4: Offer Bid Overnight as 6S 1 mth 6W 1 mth* si, S J mttu t% i Scare* P. M>rrmj-JoiMa InUr— II»mL
      28 words
    • 66 16 NOTE: Ttmn rates may diner allahtly from Umn quoUd by bauvka to tottr cuatomen kamoe or nm otm< by 4ucounl mum on Fob 4 Ov»rnl«hl ]1 M. call «*m»i m 10 ii/ 2«. ctam MM S-Mwtk Tnuury bllU llt 111 t-Maatk Bank Mil* 4 11 111 I-Moalk CO
      66 words
    • 57 16 Prime lending rates (In A\gtmtn» Bonk Bongkok Bonk 7'/t Bonk of Amrica 7 Bonk o» Chino 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Nagoro Indonnw 7V) Chon«r«d Bonk 7W ChoM Monhotton DBS 7 FirM Chic 090 7%k FNCB 7% HKSBC 7 Indotuw FU Moioyon Bonking Mit»ui Bonk 7 OCBC 7 OUB
      57 words
    • 1724 16 "pilK kMt u-anaartM raady sale al the clon -4 »u».naas on the Utock Bxcnsnge of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day* prKN together with 1971/76 high ana low > 'Adjusted lor sciip richu usu*> CLSIINQ TONS: Fair* at*a4y TWBtrSVBB: OSattal ftswraa Nlllil by tba Buck Batbaaaa •f
      1,724 words
    • 2152 16 BID snd offer prim offl- ctally listed and Iwirtnasi In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded ahown In brackets In tots of I.OM unit* ipecifled All Time Bkiralns or Settlement la are quoted after the word "Sett Big
      2,152 words
    • 52 16 M FVr.imllU Prfl MiU Judlne Math Pan Eject DBS o>*w«ly NJT 0 BUrf B*r.'unt«l Ooidan Hope M. PVMir If Omtalncri PMC »11M MM UU »170 MM •1M UM HIM UM II M II H un •1 30 1310 I r ii 1! II II II 01 w
      52 words
    • 21 16 U (TKUI K Hldlm •M W Pan Chonc SI A luiHbf II 71 UM MM Ul4 MM .11 .li A
      21 words
    • 1418 16 BID and offer price* offlcially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock behangs yesterday with the bun bar of share* traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 unlU, unINS otherwlM specified IMDUITBIAL* «i-.».1i 2 SOB 2 4OS) MB) iii 2 IS. Itl 21*
      1,418 words
    • 90 16 rl Malaysian Minister of Finance has Axed these datiea from eh. until farther notice. Bakber 111 ets s Ik C©:>ra M«» s ton rain kcrnml $2U.2S a ton The rate* of datirs available are: Babb«ff S| cU a Ik (Total lUctti Ik) (Surcharge Ii cU. a Ik) Co->ra
      90 words
    • 124 16 APTOt two quiet days In both the European and the US palm oil market*, some fair trading waa reported on Tuesday Including some switches. February to April at 060 cents and afloat to May at one cant. According to MPOPA prices were generally steady compared with previous traded
      124 words
    • 76 16 CHICAGO: The Chicago Board Option* exchange said It plan* to beg n trading option* on NCR Inc common a« won a* possible after the company* year end auulted results are submitted to the Securities and Exchanje Commission. The CBOE noted that an SEC ruling require* that
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 37 16 THE MIBWHT AstßirHy 1 llßgßßliy aWs4*N BSJBfcS far Ul ilMib Traa' BBty MB* IM Fa* I a* IS A«W »M asHata*) ir -*Uj Tuasary Hb«M.r K*c*> t**4«r Bart Nt to «bt imb bbm m»jm
      37 words

  • 273 17 Hussein flies in today for talks with Mr Lee PROTOCOL will be kept to the minimum when the Malaysian Prime Minuter. Datuk Hussein Onn. arrives here this afternoon for a two-day official visit. The absence of formal ceremonies on Datuk Hussein's arrival at Paya Lebar Airport underscores the close relations
    273 words
  • 195 17 Expectant mums allowed to skip night work P X P E C TANT mothers employed In Indus trial establishments are spared night shift duties, according to the Ministry of Labour. The Deployment Act Section 48. sub -section 1 states that "no female workman shall be employed In any kind of
    195 words
  • 46 17 THE PabUe Utilities Beard U to re-introdnce the save water campaign soon, said a board spokesman yesterday. This is in view of consumption on Twesday which reached 591. M5) eueie metres an Increase of M.taa cable metre, ever Monday's consumption—and the dry season.
    46 words
  • 306 17  -  SOH TIANO KCNQ By FURTHER relaxation of exchange control roles to MCa> lerate Singapore's growth as a financial centre was announced by the Government yes tcrd:iy. Among the major ciianges made to liberalise exchange control policy are: Inclusion EXTENSION uf the "scheduled territories"
    306 words
  • 206 17 UNDERPASS TO EASE THOSE STADIUM CROWDS AN UNDERPASB U to be built under NlcoU Highway to facilitate the movement of large numbers of people In and out of the National Stadium In complete safety durl Ing big crowd-drawing events. The moat likely spot U near the National Cadet Corps Kalians
    206 words
  • 104 17 Dr Lee to open seminar on S'pore A TWO-DAT seminar to examine the trends, problems and prospects of Singapore as the financial centre of Southeast Asia will be opened by Or. Lee Chlaw Meng, Minister for Science and Technology and VlceChanceUor of Nanyang University, at the Regional English Language Centre
    104 words
  • 43 17 AN art by a French countaas. Caroline De nroaaas, will be bald at the Alliance Praocaiae In Scotta Road (ram Peb M to W. The French Ambassador. Mr. Jacques Ossscsu. will ra the axhlbiuon on Fab at T pjb.
    43 words
  • 29 17 TO youth croup of P»* Kio community centra srtll hold a dance at Ffcrrer Park study centre oa Saturday at pan Ttckata are availabU at at each.
    29 words
  • 133 17 HDB flats for these non citizens PERMANENT resi--1 dents of Singapore, who are non-citis«ns and are affected bj government development projects, can get alternative aeeeausaodation from the Homsinc and Development Board If their children are Singapore born and are aged 12 years and above. Sach residents may resit a flat
    133 words
  • 436 17 PRE-WAR shophouses in the Orchard Road area are slowly being phased out to make way for mv 1 1 i storey buildings. This area, which forms part of the "choice land" In the city nucleus, has been earmarked for modernisation. Most of
    436 words
  • 119 17 A TWO-DAY seminar on A Multl-lVmen-atonal Approach to Science Education will be held at the Hotel Equa- torlal from March 17. Its objectives are to create a communication link between industry and science educators and to promote effective science Instruction and Industrial training. The seminar,
    119 words
  • 148 17 Welfare officer who 'doctored' bills fined A SENIOR Soda! Welfare Department assistant with over 17 years' service was fined $2,700 by a district court yesterday for falsifying bills and misleading the department. Annie Yeo faced seven charges of falsifying bills with the intention of misleading the Social Welfare Department between
    148 words
  • 71 17 WAH Teck Ken,. 34. a sports dealer, was acquitted In a maflstrwtea court yesterday of a chart* of dlahonestlr retaining stolen property The tooda Involved wer* six hajf-«t- of golf cluba worth ***** and It waa alleged that Wah kept theaa In his shop in Buklt Tlmah
    71 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 129 17 tfU*K sl\j "<% ■si LmmS New! Junivite eJH^ puzzles colourful, exciting, educational jig saw puzzles worth $1 00 each' Huny-Yihikskxkkst! •ij^a This is how you y-mfesm. get them! di WmJi. aY '^maTi 2 puziles for awary 500 ml 117 60/icsnonß B^ 1 puzzle for every 23 ml 18 oz) carton
      129 words
    • 264 17 mm ml ssssssasm s»V sasPW^^J V^l usV I MEN as fathers as husbands as sons as friends lours I as bosses as neighbours. Notes that reflect our relationships with I the other hall of the population. I AND MORHMKN: Vanity on the Other Side of the Fence I men and
      264 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 912 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM PM Openinf tad Lucky Trio Come Again 7JS Mm tMk% Ttaatrt: ltsta| Tm (MMdtrin m, Part Wtepeat) mn Ototaf) tm Love s i Many SptendoureO Thim J^ j^^'^% 4JS Intermission UHmiaJ fennel Cff|Ufei IM lpwss| mt Ljtm Tm tartar list Tst mtimi Fkt Tm
      912 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    43 18 MADAM WEE NYA CBB, aged ttxty-five pasted away peacefully in England on Itt February 1976 leaving behind only ton Peter Tan Hock Chye, four daughters. one daughter -tn lav three tont-tn-lau- and tixteen grandchildren May Her Soul Rest In Peace Always
    43 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    38 18 In Loving Men.ary of our Beloved Brother Terry Toh Kn| Tat who was called to be with the Lord on 5 2 75 Though sadly missed but Jearly remembered by Mother. Brothers. Sisters. Friends and Relatives.
    38 words
    • 165 18 ▼hi »oht o« »ino*»o«i 1 aUTMOMITV AHHOUHCIO ajwaMOIHIWTt torn rf t OUT Hoegh nan J Vladimir Mayakuttki 10 Kaico 11.14 Hotri Maru I* OoMm Sea If. Klmams East Joa/i I) Arr 2! Eul Ttiekawa Maru Bunc« Mrlali 33 34 Vithta Snobha and state of Assam IS M
      165 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 459 18 rim THE SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Th« Singapore Institute of Standard* and Industrial Research invitas applications for the post of: FINANCIAL ASSISTANT ($438 to $1,207 p.m.) Candidates should possess (i) GCE 'A' level with 2 subjects passed at 'A' level and 2 subjects passed at '0' level or
      459 words
    • 896 18 AUSTRAUAN AMP PTY LTD. FIELD SERVICE ENGINEER Australian AMP Pty Ltd v a subsidiary of AMP Incorporated USA. one of the world's leading manufacturer of ELECTRICAL CONNECTORS TERMINALS APPLICATION TOLLINGS and MACHINES We have firmly established businesses throughout South East Asia and have sub suntial quantity of APPLICATION TOOLINGS currently
      896 words
    • 298 18 ill* <)l(* •tfr *Ap lit* <it(* <ilr> <slr> •Jr* •Jr *iL» *>tf* *Jr <d(* *sV* *tl(* *)tr* *)t(* *Jr *tl<* wlw wlw wlw MU waW WIW wlw wlw wlw wlw wlw wlw wlw WIW WSW WIW LfflU UU wlw Jm *CT hmm FaFr=. ,O. j M SWEDISH TRADING CO. PTE.
      298 words
    • 782 18 COMMUOAL COtRESrOHOCNCE 65H» toctkal C*wrM Highly appreciated proctkol court* begins on Thursday. sth February. LtarnrhcuMfulartof writing butirmt letters and reports It certainly poy* to be able to write concisely and convincingly Particularly useful to executives, secretaries, stenographer*, typists, clerks, salesmen ond school- leavers Hour* 7 15 p.m. —915 p m
      782 words
      635 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1067 19 atari Im i vcaiiiAi atv liter r> Mkjai I aart •<♦• hi.'. Liverpool iay vs, nM 7 t. m. i« UttlMk UI aIM n Ba. II Ba« 11 Bar II Ba MHM IlltlU NIM MIM MMt. BMI ISBa II Ba cm ar itik*var,« 1k» .aa MBa IMr lIMr ail aw
      1,067 words
    • 1341 19 Ben Ocean Aaitsfrvtcf>ofßenLdmßheFhnneiGlenUnpandNSMO rt m ctatiaiar lna imii S'*at f ttkjai Naaa lartaa "M> 4MUTM MMaJ M n Tak. 11/itM tt Mr tiaa. r«k*. n m^. lan. HKIM il n fat tl/M M ava M ii Bm S atari: M. iraaaa. I aaM MauatM it a M rtt Nt tl
      1,341 words
    • 1054 19 unaaw ktwrc tiMW r»*ji Miaa tt naa/iMliii" Imm Ul M ummLUV^WriS .STTm. VS TL BMJUMB MT MM II Mr II Mr II Mr 11 Mr aiMtiM imu mm a m aaa m» naw uaa cmt m mmm I aar la. n a, n mm it*. >' Mtata inw na* iim
      1,054 words
    • 1062 19 FULLY COMTTAIWHIZID StKVICt TO EUKOft Mia« Start *Mt MaajMl FM 11 FM 12 M Mrruaau Nt II ■"••imm. mbMwmb, MMMrf, liNaart Ml Ml/T Bar I ajuaatt 1 1 ißMaarf. BraaM, tYTMMMa*M itriM Mr 11 Mr it SmCmilb. Oup. NMtaa. OarM KtajaML Maaa IBM Ul a Mmi m a Mm* war
      1,062 words
    • 673 19 Sapan 11)444 r Ua> 041 LL ami; fmmi 2WI THE BANK LINE LTD. LMH Nat ft irlKl UTTMIU 18M.. M1. tMkaa. In.. Da.M-Sakjaa. BMt, tart**. CtaMaaa) a v*, llt M S'aart 11/11 fat naa utT t stan mv. r*t imw, _i U •■MMMMM r MM| Itn i| im KUWAIT SHIPPING
      673 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1003 20 KAWASAKI USCN KAfSHA LID. f*ut cHTimna ana t» BaaMjfM) CVIm Baaar Spori P MMf Mlaft faa> afPTM iKULI m M Fat II Fat I M 12 aar MPTMt IMW I M M 21 M 21 M Fnm Baaapa HTIa »bm) P •.•14*1 Span Oaai I«ka> aCPTM l*m« n M Fat
      1,003 words
    • 891 20 uctrui •BBTicma t* rmott wiMim mmmmuu (Km n* m mmm* bbbVAM V; PMaMj H M M InM PMBMI Piliaaiai 4 M INt PiliMm ENt liMaa I M IMt Mmm. UM mm S Fat I Fat M*. UMM Ma- Fat 11 Fat SaraWfi urn Pbmjh IM I Fat JaurU/PniMf PIMMM SMtM
      891 words
    • 807 20 \\\\M\^m\\\A\Rm\\fiv\ ftut msnimwfa sowct ti tin tw. am rttrt MWmi f'staat irtaif Brill MMtr* raa Ml TaM MBU a Nl IT Nt a Mr- IMr It Mr MFMM MHMM IM I Mar n mm' aIM n Mr aMr TMMJ. hut rnnmwm vmm w ompi fm up •bMj r«n Miirrti ivmtii
      807 words
    • 917 20 T^mmm^^^lMllg©^^ ama sam n imm m»m/tmmm mn. T| Mm iMtaatrt t uimf fmmt UMaa Mi MMI immm m rwt •i im in ra ii 14 ra im' uf N-Mri 171. MBM MUTI MNrt 1111 Nt Car*!. I W 71) UlMnt 7/4. Nlar| 114 limt 111, mm MiM a/a ra a,
      917 words
    • 579 20 nw_ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE IKVg^ Far East Europe VKKjESA TMmn t m nmumo m in VXSj lal *****)1 04 IMl) •^4A-St*4 nc4sua sumcn sm mm 1 T- ll n>tl/l r mvnn iSiSJ. S"^«5P: "sz V 5 "J **m tm tM ITMaaa Nrtt tagat T. mmmmm Saudi Arabian Shipping and Transportation
      579 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 515 21 classified ads H LOUIS! KLIRK'S SALON* I* Hotel Singapura for your latest hairstyle* expert perming and rorgeous tinting Very moderate poir.imenu Telephone pore) Every ondaevour Is made ts passwsß not note Sxwa rwaswnetse* tsr errors •or error* yntoss pltsntlss Is drown to them en tho day el p»k*cilliii ANNUAL SALE!
      515 words
    • 707 21 wanted CLINIC NURSI Nearby residents spply personally 892 Sembawang Road Spore Zf CME Requires CONTRACT INOtSNTIR 1 Singapore Crtlsen complete* N.tional Service 2 Age about 30 or above 3 Previous experience on Ma I Prolectsnd Site Supervision 4 Poise** acceptable Mechanical Engineering Qualification* 5 Remuneration negotiable 6 Apply in own
      707 words
    • 716 21 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Mt OUSWS Female Accounts Clerk with knowledge of Book-keeping. candidates must possess OCT A level certlficsie Please apply with recent passport sued photograph (non-returnable) to S T. BoxAMMM *INQAFORS TOURIST PROMOTION BOARO MMnHii are taeßad tor »o pof <x noc,mmil and Typist (A) RECEPTIONIST OuesßtoeStoria Ixnertono* 1 Senior
      716 words
    • 688 21 MOTOR VEHICLE NSW Purchase Company requires Female Clerk with good knowledge, of Accounts and Chinese Experience In Oeneral Clerical dubes and able to deal directly with customers Ability to type M assanltal Apply in writing stating experience. qusllf. cations, salary expected snd photograph (non-return-able) to ST BoxASSSSO one of the
      688 words
    • 897 21 ONI OP OUR agenu last month earned ihe Income of man than 8* o*o on commissions alone and R was only his Ist month with us He enjoys traveinng. meeting, talking to people about Insurance He knows that our well established international life assurance company offers vast benefit* like excellent
      897 words
    • 797 21 WANTIO TOUNG MALI* snd fimslss who are mtsreatid ta earn SIS per day by selling consumer products Call for Interview at room MI. 9Ui floor. International Plata Anson Road. Spore 3. JUNIOR SALgfltxCM Due to our fast expansion we require 2 more vnuraT and enereetic Junior Salesmen to sell office
      797 words
    • 723 21 PART-TNM CHAUFFEUR SAM 1 p.m dally from Katong area Must speak good English main ly school transport for small child wife shopping need mechanlcsi knowledge, references, licence, etc Interview In person at 1101. I lth floor Far East Shopping Centre. 545. Orchard Road. S'pore 6 CHtttCM DISPATCH CLIRK with own
      723 words
    • 775 21 RSOUMMJP DttJVSRV SUN with class 3 drivint licence Knowledge of installation HI-FI equipment advantage Lady Clark knowledge of typing able lo orrespond IndependenUy Ring 9*2830 GOLDEN BAY MANA4MMCNT CO. (PTI) LTO. •Ml Floor Front Block Orchard Tm*ss*Jo**) OW*sV4 MSssWsl 1 VMQbb^*)***) Ts* 373M3/ 37*1** 1. Maeexassse/ IlsiUlixdns ai Qualification/ Experience
      775 words
    • 790 21 DELIVERY CLIRK WANTID Singapore dJUsen Age 25 35 English speaking Holding valid classes 2 and 3 driving licences Applicsiions with full personal particulars to P O Box 221 KHliney Road Post Of rice SOUTHEAST ASIAN MINISTERS OF EDUCATION ORGANIZATION REGIONAL INOLISH LANGUAGE CENTRE invites application* for the following appointment* PORTOR
      790 words
    • 695 21 SSLL COLLECTOR WANTIO For Hire Purchase Dept of a Irs rung established TV and Electrons Flrsa Own Scooter preferred Also 2 vacancies for T V Apprrr. tlces. preferable with drlvmi licence Apply with full parti culars and photograph (nonreturnable) to B C P O Box 3790 Singapore WE REOUINE THE
      695 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 494 22 DETACHED BUMQALOWB kING* CLOSt attached! and irron 54.000 ROONI LANE 4 bedrooms, wish bathrooms attached and central ttor i SSSM-OST ACHED W*ST COAST ROAO befluum* oiih large matured t the sea Rental Caatae at esuaia. DUCHESS AVENUE 11. SOS J4XAN MEHLIMAU 11*00 weasnoAO ti too lOCky heights 17*0 APARTMENT* (Central
      494 words
    • 766 22 APARTMENTS OOLOHILL TOWER t 600 Peach (larden 12 300 si Thomas Walk SSSO Jurong 1400 Semi-detached k (iarden 11.700 Thorn t |5 uniui 11.500 each. > Walk SI .500 Hua Ouan >: 000 Bamboo Orove opera taUtetSSS. sembawiuut Hills fS*. Thomson HIUs 1750 East Coast Road 1750 Pasir Ru SSSO
      766 words
    • 807 22 OIST. LUIURIOUS AF-ABTMENT with swimming pool Leonli Tower 3 bedrooms telephone > eniral aircond. colour television piano, fully carpeted, furnished 12 800 Please phoni *****9' 2351*42 62*7 1 residence PEACH GARDEN MBYER ROAO Lviuriewe Ills* Bin kasiiastaM wtth Sinwmna Pwei MewM is bathrooms, spacious split-level Lounge and Dining Room PveaaMMee
      807 words
    • 805 22 SMMM.E ROOM M quiet privatt t apartment Meyer Road suitable single working lady/ student telephone 4*50*1 ROOM NICE ANO OUMT along Macpherson Road Call Miss Lori. •***** OI*T 11 AIRCONOITIONSO/ NONAIRCONOITIONEO turn ihed room Single Foreigners/ locals No cooking Ring *****2 730 am. —6 p m BM awpswawswaul J SERVICE*
      805 words
    • 558 22 MRANOOON GARDEN BSTATE 1 Single storey bungalow 5.600 sq i ft 1 bedrooms. (2 with alrcondllion). I servant's room. 2 bathmoms and toileu. extended kitchen wing, spacious garden valued at 11*0 0* Ring ***** v after 9 a wi Sjjnetpal* only saxeunavrnsi tswasswr I BUKfT TMSAM S MS. Off roair.
      558 words
    • 681 22 LUXURIOUS AF-ARTMtNT 9«IHaHNO pool. dUt 10 facing University of Singapore corner quiet panoramic view, fully airconditioned, wall to wall carpeting. 1 6Oosq ft 1135 OOONo brokers please Pleaae ring 6324*8 ONLY A FtW UNITS LEFT 1* MINUTE* TO TOWN VENUS MANSION 22 -Storey Luiurtewa A#arta»a»ita (r*w>c4t M#y ew#4waf CItWRtSMCtSuMI Centrally
      681 words
    • 765 22 TO L«T »eacs Centre office space 3.*** sq ft partitioned I fully rurnlshed 11 50 ps f Also available 2.000 sq ft suitable for anew room/ departmental store Sltanton House 4.000 sq ft office space with panoramic slew overlooking tea front For detail* contact Victor Chla a Partners 9232* TAN
      765 words
    • 475 22 FIRST CLASS COVIRtO ware- 1 houses in Jurong wllh facilities for easy handling Available from 4 SOD 14 000 so, rt Smaller lota telephone 651 933 *****7 SCA WAMHOUStNO -Tt. LTD is now providing the following services In Singapore (a| WARtHOUSIKO FACILITWS Mt*aVty C#twwwfHCvw*sl W#fw*^#*JtM »*»*•> man eeawuj c Ideal
      475 words
    • 517 22 NAM HO TNAVIL Service (Singapore) Pte Limited West Malaysia Tour (inclusive Denting Cameron Highlands) by deluxe airconditloned bus seten dkys SSI 7S Depart day. Monday dentine faßMtißi I Highlands hy coach four dan I Siios OiiL. Highlands four d« epartuie I I 'dnesday Bangkok Chiengmai by deluxe alr- ■ii'lUK.nert ic^rri
      517 words
    • 428 22 FAR EAST TRAVI -rs low coat nsfhta lo wide reservations Please call ■'IBEV 321*71. aaswßswsswsswswsswwaisjajjjj-j.-WORLf) CHARTERS CINTRI Mm 201 aHw#J floof MmM MtMsaM Csßyor Ouey. S-aere 1 Tal 9**4*/ 9117*0 Offers from 5660 Ganeva CspswHeai" Oeto A mow alls Tokyo Hongaona Jakarta Ban Banakaa N York Toronto SaaWs JETAWAY TRAVEL
      428 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 390 23 classified ads g o sccMcnvmius PRIVATE SECRETARIAL PART TIME COURSES Classes commence 16th February Register early to ensure piece EVENING CLASSES Commencing 21st Feb Every Saturday Shorthand for beajinnen Commencing 16th March Every Tues Thurs Book-keeping for baainnen SECRETARIES 78 Tanglin Road. Siisjjapore 10. Tel: *****2 <ssssw>M..Bsssssssjaasssssswasswaass> OBTAIN YOUR QUALIFICATIONS
      390 words
    • 492 23 NCW CLASSES AVAILABLI for '76 examination in Institute of Marketing. Institute of Adratlv* Management. Institute of Businrii Admlnistr* r .e of Bankers r :ered Secretaries inmenclrvg ■."rested conuct I.MPTC 512 Mh floor. KaUxig Shopping Centre S3l. Bth floor New People s Park Centre Tel 460SM. *****3 *****4 *****3 RCMCMSCR I**
      492 words
    • 521 23 REPORT WRITING/ BUSINESS Kmlisn 3 month* course for amhiiiou* persons to Improve their written English at Citadel Tel *****1 STAMPONO CINTM The largest and moat progressive resource centre for education In business and the professions In South East Asia OeeßJraaa Stamford secretaries epitomising excellence In secretarial skills have maintained traditional
      521 words
    • 981 23 MATHEMATICS ENGLISH SCIENCE Tuition' Book-keep-ing Shorthand. Typewriting Claaan' National School 433- A. Oeylang Road (Lorong 23). BEST 375- A Upper Aljurued Tel *****3. MIMI *BJ Sk Bjl IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEED Effective at comprehensive tuition for all subjecu/ levels Reasonable fees Phone *****8/ gasjaa EXPERIENCED ORAOUATE TUTON giving Tuition in Mathematics and
      981 words
    • 469 23 LIBIRTY AUTO ONIVW6O School car. lorry and highway code course* Enrol at 24. Upper Serangoon Road Tel *****3/ *****11 Branches at Oeylang Upper Thomson Queenatown ELDERLY EIPERIENCIO ANO patient Instructor* Bob Driving School 2XI. Cwtnenceau Avenue (Oppoatte Islana Tel: *****8. ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL. Brand new Dataun. dual controlled moderate charges
      469 words
    • 464 23 COMPANY DIMCTON IJAVIMB. on extensive tour Must adl 1*73 Alfa Spider equipped with alrcond. cassette, rims tyre*. Price 819.784 ono View 154. Albert Street. Spore or Ring *****4 Victor Koh «125 125 c c K2400 4Ooc c KAMA MOTOR CO., Bat (1) 17 Seteter Need. Sms—nro 2B Tel *****34
      464 words
    • 544 23 PON BALI t*r* Chevrolet Impala Sedan 40*7 cc Will consider offer* over 84.00* Phone Mr Peter Stm *****1 dally during office hours except Saturday 1*73 Chrysler I*o OT Morns Mini 1000 Special Maada 1000 Austin 1300 OT Volkswagen 1280 Ford Escort 1300 XL Fiat 132 Special alrcond 1*72 Mercedes 200
      544 words
    • 493 23 1871/ "71 MAZDA Capella with Alrcond Excellent condition Must sell Best Offer Secures Call Rahim *****6 ISM TRIUMPH 2BBS automatic 81.6 M good condition Licence end March Tel *****0 PUT IBS DECEMBER 1» 1 One owner excellent condition 88.000 ono Tel *****1 OENUINC BUYER UROINTLV requires 1 Setron Masda Toyota
      493 words
    • 513 23 ORCHID GIFTS are seautlful boxritSJ sent direct to your mend- Ask for rotourful |e«fV« nrwi easy-to-use order form Air rr. ,ghi Orchids and Company 43 F Mandaiay Road, s pore II Tel *****7 EXECUTIVE. 12. TALL ANO not had looking welcome mature pleasant looking university graduates 26-32 years Phone number
      513 words
    • 266 23 OOAN'S YOUNG CHARMINO. qualified Masieuws pr cellent rr*i. i tssaee for voiLr King *****08 1 p MANOANNt Ht ALTH Centre Ma**W« dartn Hotel 3rd rioor MasaaflM* *****36 PENINSULA HEALTH CINTRf'ANOEREK OESA OFFERS rrlaxln'g' massage by qualified m.i> NEW HAIR CLINIC fl 4K I'ence Centre Treatments falling thinning grey hair dandruff
      266 words

  • 24 24 Absent in our (tfht Kvrr pret -nt In our mind badly mlaNd by U» loved ont» V. KUMARASAMY 4fv«rUd JJ.7I
    24 words
    • 312 24 Cuepacs to press ahead for 5-day week K LUMPUR. W»d age to undergo an annual medical check-up. "We are convinced that two days week rest for civil servants will not only reduce the incidence of 111 health among them but It will enhance their capacity to work during week days."
      312 words
    • 101 24 rm. Wed. -The Government Is carrying eat a eeantrywide investigation en the exteat of land bought ■p by non-cltisen*. The Minister ef Lands and Mines and Special Functions, Dmtak Haji Mohamed Aari, satd action will be taken to settle the problem in Una with the provisions
      101 words
    • 179 24 New IMR centre 'will be best in region' KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malayaia will boast one of the finest medical centres ln the region when the new Institute of Medical Research complex Is completed next year. The institute's director Dr. O. De Witt said the complex would then work together with
      179 words
    • 53 24 PENANO. Wed. A Stn- gaporean found by police In j Buklt Mtnajam without proper travel documents was today fined $300. or two months )ail Ln default Abdul AUs bin Jaafar. 19. pleaded gnliiy before magistrate Bulk Abu Bakax I C*nan to a charge of llkI tally entering Malaysia
      53 words
    • 184 24 Hole-in-heart boy: Appeal by father IPOH, Wednesday SCHOOL bus driver Yuen Kut Loong is appealing for funds to help his son obtain treatment abroad for a hole in the heart. The boy, Lup Kee, Mr. Yuen's elder son, has been afflicted since birth. Mr. Yuen's younger son, Lup Boon, has
      184 words
    • 85 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Sultan of Selangor has granted another extension of leave to the I Mentii Besar, Dato Harun Idrts, until March 16. At the same time, the Sultan extended the term of the acting Men- j tri Besar, Enclk Hormat Rafae. Dato Harun Is on
      85 words
    • 41 24 KUALA LUMPUR Wed— Potto* today denied that two Sten gt-.-u w«r* used by an eight-man rang which raided the Chtong Hln Electrical Company In Jalan Bandar on Sunday and got away with about fIOO.OOO In caah. jewellery and valuable*.
      41 words
    • 29 24 KUALA TRBiOOANU Wed. The Rubber Industry etotallhoidera Development Authority (Rladft) I* ■tav«aUga,Ung reports that snaJlhotders are facing a shortage of add uaed In the coagulation of rubber
      29 words
    • 151 24 VfALACCA. WM. IT! The Malacca Water Board today announced an Increase In water ratet throughout the state. The Increase, the first since 1972. Is to meet the rising costs of water production and operational expenses the board's deputy chairman. Datuk Abu Mansor bin Hajl
      151 words
    • 121 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The action committee of the National Union of the Teaching Profession will meet officials of the Public Services Department i PSD i on Friday In an attempt to resolve outstanding anomalies arising out of the Implementation of the Aziz Salary Scheme
      121 words
    • 311 24 ITUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Former Malaysian citizen T. Andrew, 36. who Is being detained for illegal entry, lost his application In the High Court today (or a writ of habeas corpus for his release. Mr. Justice Chang Mln Tat said it was true
      311 words
    • 33 24 KUALA LUMPUR Wed.— —The Ministry of Works and Transport baa received 21 tenders to supply equipment and undertake the civil engineering works of a Mtll million water project ln Pahang Tenggara
      33 words
    • 107 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. —Parking charges for some parts of the city— which were to have gone up from today— are still the same. A Dewan Bandaraya spokesman declined to comment on the matter. "All I can say U that the charges have still not
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 570 24 THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY LIMITED require* CHIEF CHEMIST at its Butterworth Tin Smelting Plant The successful applicant will assume rail responsibility for a wide range of i iytical functions presently performed in the Com mny's laboratory. He will be responsible for research and development of new methods and techniques and
      570 words
    • 325 24 Engineering excellence since 1890 Service that is as good as the car. A car thit is as djsdagpisheO as the Mercedes-Benz should be kept in peak condition. And this task can only be entrusted to Cycle Carriage the people who know Mercedes Benzbest The Mercedes Benz Pare and Service Centre
      325 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 221 24 Bringing Op Father »y »IU stovn— p It HI Caaip -~^T f YSAH- I /iTS MM/ I I'M SOM*Y. OOOOVER I BUT I xTNOW WHO CAN MAW, CAW I IN* bOrA\ I'M WtSM OUT j CHANOE -OUR TVVWfTY'/ CMAM&C I f SCvVsC T Ov* MOMCV- T"^ Bioa«n# »y v«m»g J^*
      221 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    46 25 It'AN SKI EDITH MABT MACINTYRE Bam April M. IMS Departed fctruary itTI Pcrfive our grief (or one removed. Thr creature mhoo we found to fair. We trust the Itw in Thee and there We And her worthier to b* loved." Inserted by bt.oved children
    46 words
  • 379 25 Ex-pc forged visit passes at $20 a time A FORMER policeman, operating from the Immigration Department office in Empress Place, forged endorsements on expiring social visit passes for a Malaysian at $20 a time, a district court heard yesterday. In the dock was Mohamed All bin Sharlff, 38, who left
    379 words
  • 233 25 Work permits: Plea by Malaysian lawyers AGBOUP of Mala, iltn lawyers who had their applications for work permits here turned down, are appealing to the Singapore Immigration authorities to reconsider their casesSome of those affected, when contacted by tbe Straits Times yesterday, declined comment They explained they did not want
    233 words
  • 259 25 SOS IS MOVING HOUSE TO BE CLOSER TO THE PEOPLE rpHE Samaritans of X Singapore are moving house to New Bridge Road on Feb 15 to be closer to the people who need them. Their new office, situated In a Housing Board block there, will bring them Into the bustling
    259 words
  • 58 25 Murder trial continues today THE trial of Mohamad Kunjo s o Ramalan. 54. a lorry attendant accused of the murder of Arunmugam Arunachalam. also 54. will continue in the High Court today. Mohamad Kunjo. U accused of murdering Arunachalam. a lorry driver, at Pulau Saigon Road on May JS last
    58 words
  • 30 25 THX People* Aaociation Rational Youth Council (But) will hold a combined walkatbon on Peb 22 to rala* funds for the activities of It youth groups muter Urn council
    30 words
  • 343 25 *T*HE Singapore Taxi Drivers' Aasoclatlon (STDA) yesterday came out strongly against a charge that they were neither representative nor capable of providing disciplined leadership for yellow-top taxi drivers. In a statement, the STDA said It had lv own disciplinary measures In addition to
    343 words
  • 318 25 THE Health Ministry has advised govern- ment doctors to enrol patients on Medlk a u Sf and chronlc healtn Problems A Ministry spokesman "Id yesterday that the doctors had also been told to help patients nil in the forms. If necessary,
    318 words
  • 67 25 Officials of teachers' movement MR Lewis o^well has been elected uiesldent of the Catholic Teachers' Movement. Other officers arc: Brother Edmund Jamea rtce-prcal-dent. Mr Lira Jit Benf. general aecrvlarr. Mr. Lealle Thaaclra. aaaiatant secretary. Mia Constance Tan. treasurer; Slater Madeline Lee. atalstant treasurer. Miss PrUcllla Low. omanlalng tecretary and Mr
    67 words
  • 57 25 THE Senior Minister of State i Education). Mr. Chal Chong Ytl will open a one-day Family Planning seminar for school principals at the Apollo Hotel on March 4. The •emlnar Urn to cre»U frt>tcr awartnea* of the importance of family planning and population education In school* About
    57 words
  • 360 25  - Police hot on trail of 'woman' robber PAUL WEE By DOLICE are hot on 1 the trail of a man, described as a master of disguise, who Is believed to have been respon- J slble for a series of armed hold-ups while dressed as a woman over the past 12
    360 words
  • 22 25 The Vigilante Corpa will bold a children's party at lv headquarter! In Bend«meer Road on Sunday at 1.4S ajn i
    22 words
  • 339 25 A FORMER supervisor of the Peoples Association who received a $1,500 bribe from a construction company was fined $5,000 and ordered to pay a $1,500 penalty by a district court yesterday. Choon Yee Kook, former culture supervisor of the association, admitted receiving- the
    339 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
      237 words
    • 148 25 OKA NO 4IMCONOITIONIM* AMO ium Knitrprfe Jenny nt to clean I uriiitfrt lalut in ■•■Dial of all kind* nrr> and cold MM/MM S« MeMMwititm. r<f Ml «il«iu tma »»■!«> M MSB, pmn can Jmt. ItMII M LATIST IHICKIOCK OIIP irltll lock i rt 12 ru ft rnceration < International
      148 words
    • 426 25 PERBADANAN KEMAJUAN NEQERI SELANQOR i Yunlt Keuruteraan Shah Alain) KENYATAAN TAWARAN Kontrak No. PKNB^Bfi/KON-IM/7C. Tawaran-tawaran danpada pemborong-.jem-borong yang berdaftar dengan PKNS. di bawah Kelas Eke atas. Kepala 1 L 2 akan dlterima dl pejabat Prnguru* Perkhidmatan Teknlk. Yunlt Kejuruteraan Shah Alam untuk CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAOE SYSTEM FOR PART 4 OF
      426 words
    • 220 25 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES COURTS SINGAPORE DC Summon* No 5021 of 1075 Between KUM PEKSAKm w.) Plaintiff And 1 VERONIQUE ENTERPRISES (sued a* a firm) 2 SHIMANO (S) PTE LTD Defendant* To Veronique Enterprise* (sued as a firm) No 301-B. Block 33. Jalan Rumah Ttnggl. Singapore. TAKE NOTICE that an action
      220 words

  • 508 26  -  EPSOM JEEP WILSON TO RIDE WONDERFUL SURPRISE RACING... with KUALA LUMPUR, 1Y wed. Mallane stepped up his preparations for another clash with Wonderful Surprise II in the $40,000 Tunku's Gold Cup over 2000 m here on Sunday with a splendid gallop this morning.
    508 words
  • 51 26 Pre-Olympic football TOKYO. W*d— The PhiUpptnes and Japan will play their two soccer matches In the flrat round of th* Asian Oroup Three pn-Oiympic soccer tournament in Tokyo next month, th* Japan Football Assoctstton said today Th* games will be played at th* National Stadium on March l< ana 17—
    AP  -  51 words
  • 415 26 China will not compete at Montreal: Killanin INNSBRUCK, Wed China will almost certainly not return to the International Olympic movement In time to take part in the Olympic Oames in Montreal this summer, lOC president Lord Klllatln said yesterday. He told a press conference at the end of the lOC
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 478 26 INNBBRUCK, Wed. The 12th Winter Olympic Games opened here today in an atmosphere or homespun simplicity in tune with the picture-postcard flavour of the Tyrolean Alps. But hovering In the wings were 2,500 security officers ut^ned to the Game*, wboce role was highlighted last
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 81 26 Back to work after blizzard WOMTRKAL. Wed. Constructlon work on th* main Ttait-im for th* 1*76 summer Olympic Oames returned to normal yesterday after a tills— 1 11 which ravaged eastern Canada a J the northeast United States, halted work during the day on tan^ A^r Th* liHsssiil which iump•d
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 767 26 Pro-am meet attracts 196 entries A TOTAL of 1M hones 1 professional and 135 amateur have been entered for the Pro-am m—tlng at Buklt Tlmab on Peb 14 and IS. Tm entries are: Professional CLASS 1 11*6 METRES Big Chris, CheUcron. Oudea. M t Orey. JubllaUOD IX Martbaaii. MlsBon (lav
    767 words
  • 90 26 f;IIATOUU C I TT. •••way far U.'lW ■sMsM las) HNiy "vsWOTC IMI to Jmh. 1M». toMk- s<t a IhW wmr ■kbk MM to I wsalaw Mr stts. Tha IntjßßS tt tfcs IWt lat^f -CM4s*rtftf bssr^r, kMti Mad MmdsV C*T«nttaffe n totVwk»ter tftflsißgaAsjsl Us*
    90 words
  • 243 26 loc to study use of blood as dope INNSBRUCK, Wed. Lord Killanin, president of the International Olympic Committee', said yesterday that the lOC was investigating- a new form of doping- Involving Mood transfusion. The method, which was developed several years ago In Scandinavia bat baa not been raised in Olympic
    AP  -  243 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 491 26 What you should know about a "complete banking service" from the Hongkong Bank g u\ Illlg iUs A -sss*sssssm?A gssssssssssL-^V sssl^ flsV gggga^a sbsbbbbbb! gfwVv *^^J wg^K When you open an across*! with mi. you emm start enjoying our complete range of services. We offer everything from safe deposit boxes
      491 words

  • 450 27  -  JOE DORAi By Ql AH Kirn Song, one of Singapore's soccer stars, handed a big blow to Singapore's preOI ymp i c tournament hopes yesterday by announcing his withdrawal from the team. Versatile Kirn Song Informed National team manager N. Oapesan of his decision
    450 words
  • 222 27 Leaders Palace crash 4-1 at Rotherham I ONDON, Wed. v Crystal Palace, runaway leaders in the English soccer Third Division only a few weeks ago, lost more ground last night and had two players ordered off as they flopped 4-1 at Rotherham. Trouble flared after a goalies* first half. Defender
    222 words
  • 295 27 Simons leads the way into last 8 HONO KONO, Wed. Singapore s Malcolm Simons the top seed, ad vanced to the quarterfinals of the individual event of the Far East Squash Invitation Championships here tonight. Dr. Simons, leading the Singapore team In the week-long event here, beat Hongkong's Willie Yeung
    295 words
  • 241 27 MZ L BOURNE, Wed. Rain remained West Indies' only hope of salvation after further humllia tlon was heaped on them by Australia In the Sixth and final Test at Melbourne Cricket Ground today. At the end of the fourth day of the flveday
    241 words
  • 288 27 ADSTRALIA Ist Inns Ml (I. Redpath 101. O Chappell St. O Tallop ST>. WEST INDIES Ist Inn* 160 (V. Richard* M O. Ollmour 5-34 D Ullee »-«J> AUSTRALIA 2nd Inns (Monday close I*4-1) K<4p%th c tub lOretatdfO b Holder 10 Terser tow Boyoe 31 MeOeasi not out lot I.
    288 words
  • 283 27 Serangoon flop and it's the drop for them UPPER Serangoon's desperate bid to avoid relegation they "signed" op Johore State player Zainuddln Ahmad and put the team through a week's coaching under Choo Seng Quee proved unsuccessful at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. They were beaten 1-0 by Changl Constituency and
    283 words
  • 83 27 ARMBD Faroes ysotwrtey entered the final of this year's Senior hockey knockout championship when they beat Police by 3-0 at Thornton Road. Force*, who will now meet the winner of Saturday's seminna! between CSC and SRC. led 1-0 in the first half with a soal by Paramjtt
    83 words
  • 46 27 MRS. Brende Otboon won the 'A' dinaton medal with a nett Horn count back In the Warren Oolf Club's ladies' monthly medal tournament yesterday. Runnerup was Mrs. Doherty (S4). Mrs. C. Chatterton <M) won the B 1 dlvtston medal with Mrs. Nail (M) second.
    46 words
  • 57 27 JOHAMNBSBUBO. Wed. New Zealander Cary Troup <4-M) and England otT-sptn-ner Pied litmus (4-41) bowled Derrick Robins' cricket XI to a IOS-run victory over Transvaal her* yesterday. Score* RoWna XI ISS-S dee and 143-4 (D. Btseli 41 njo p Transvaal IM-« dee and 131 (L. Irvine U
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 182 27 LONDON. Wed— Tht soccer player* of Urn Croydon Old Boys and aalnU Athletic clubs wtll haw to b* on thaw bast behertour in their match on Saturday thstr refere* will b* a woman. Mrs. Jenny Blaster. M-year-old mother of two young daughters, win beoome the
    182 words
  • 161 27 Getting fit for the pre-Olympic VATIONAL soccer team players shoal d neither act like prims donnas nor expect everything to be handed to them on the pUtter. Excuses offered by absentees that letters informing them to turn up for training did not come In time, are
    161 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 128 27 toothbrush rack when you buy 4 Listerine Double Action toothbrushes That's right, you get this attractive toothbrush rack for your family absolutely free. All you pay is the cost of the 4 Listerine Double Action toothbrushes. Great value from the toothbrush renowned for its unique action of massaging your gums
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 43 27 SOCCH SBHFL Lf in. 1 Mecomb Plenty. Jardlnc Uruup Chartered Bank. Mandarin Nam Shine SAC v Wanfcssaerlea (•U matchea at Parrer Park. MrUl Box BTC < Otylans Stadium i HoUl Bquatorial v London Bank <N8 Practice Track) BADMINTON Int*r-Ml-nutrr tournament iBCAC S pm i
      43 words

  • 92 28 GRILLES TO KEEP OUT THE TROUBLE MAKERS T»HESE iron gTllles 1 around the Federal and High Court premises In Kuala Lumpur may look ominous, but the innocent really have nothing to worry about they were erected to keep subversive elements OUT. The Federal Court's chief registrar, Haji Abdullah bin Ghatali.
    92 words
  • 40 28 MANILA. Wed Kuwait pledged financial utuunrt to the Third World today aad propoaad a collective mnrtamnattnn of South Africa. Rhodesia aad Israel. at the third ounlatarial conference of the Oroup of 77. which end* her* on Friday AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 34 28 B4XFAST. Wad. Northern Ireland consUtutlocal convention waa rasoovaoad by the BriUah Omii—awit yaatardkjr and glran so day* to work out a «oluUon parmitUnc Catholics a than In covemlng the Protartant'*~"'"*'*H province AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 373 28 PARIS. Wednesday POUR gun men r holding 31 French children hostage in a school bus in Djibouti were shot dead today, the territory's Premier All Aref Bourhan told radio Luxembourg here by telephone. One of the children, a girl, was also killed. The rert
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • 540 28 LONDON. Wai. Th* data market rlMif mliM tfiar WM lima u4 at 1 p.m. Ik* riaaactal Tlam Mv m a* > la «i*.l O»»ir«anal taaai w«r* aisal in twa mum. «i«iira mi*. Lama «aiM Maa* atmrnt mm•waal fun ar 1/1 wkite •aaru tnMt vi» ta 1/4. B«altM* man
    540 words
  • 27 28 LONDON. Wt4 mm kajrara aiM <— ll*>. a*lUn UI4O (—0). Panrwt kafan ISMS <— «4> wllara OMB aatllaaMM: 0111 IXf). TWamr ».ai tSt pm. «M liaan. Toaa: Tarr
    27 words
  • 20 28 LONDON W«a. 1W rabkar ■araat *»U taamr. ww» •ixm MS* (tavan>. laattonl or kUrak Mil. MT». AprU n iT.rt
    20 words
  • 427 28 JAKARTA, Wad rpHE East Timor Provisional Oovernment has banned all political parties in the abandoned Portuguese colony and decreed the formation of a workers' corps to represent the 600.000 population, the Antara news agency reported today. The decree was signed by the head
    AP  -  427 words
  • 65 28 ROME. Wed—lnduatrlaUaad naUooi announced today they would contribute at leaat UStSM million iSStXM million! toward a DBSI 1 billion Agricultural Development Fund to aid poor countrtaa. Dutch delegate A. Tulnm*n told a meetlnc of the agrtcultural fund that coo trtbuUon* from the developed cutct wUI be higher
    AP  -  65 words
  • 34 28 KLNOSTON Wad. A resUMntlal are* la wwurh Klrmtnn tookad Uka a ghost town jtsfilaj foDovlnc a mv outbraak of political violence that coat Urn Uve» of a poHcanun tad a dvlttan. UFI
    34 words
  • 142 28 CANBERRA. Wed. Australia wIL withdraw consular representatives from Bombay, Calcutta, Hamburg. Los Angeles. Messina. Milan. Osaka, Salonika and West Berlin. Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock said today. The withdrawals are part of a As 22 5 million (8170 2 million) reduction In spending
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 68 28 «UIK k*k KIM, Aa*a t*. lar■Mriy of Jaka Wlaaia. imii way miiOilly «a tin. laa»to* tuanil IIUMi wlfa Khar Ma B». krvOMf Kak Cfcaa. MUr O*ak Kla. ili| ill Oak Saa Oartaca mstum Faak Hal las Tmt>« IT. Lor U. tlajiaas Ro»4 at I m aaai» a» rillii bwaWJ
    68 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 63 28 Deader^; c*e RESCUE 0F BOROBUDUR Once threatened v*m decay ond cosapse itn great BuadNst morx/r>enf-one of the world's cJtvjrai treasures-* being restored to its oncient splendor TOWARD A NEW WAY OF BIRTH babies come rito tnis world angutfned and screaming m the eyes and experience of this conrroversrat French doctor
      63 words
    • 125 28 •ssswawawawi BWJ^^aSiH aY ,aaaflaa^T*Twfl e!kssW«»aw^^^^^^^^^aSsP)SH HELLO PHONE SE 3000 SPECIAL SEASON OFFER PLUS GIFT! While Stocks Last ■Jr wahsnt^ flawawawawß Patent No 1 XsUAts— Products No. gf*P tap* racordar lack Insist On r* I arVr aaSy^^r^^r^w^r^aV |~aP i T sV!rC*m?A trade mark, H^^Cffswl products No and guarantee card. 9 •outtt
      125 words