The Straits Times, 4 February 1976

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Est<L 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1976 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 426/76
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  • 176 1 XL rushes troops to north ALOR STAR. Tuesday THE Malaysian army has rushed reinforcement's to the ThaiMalaysian border following reports of fierce fighting between warring communist guerilla factions in southern Thailand, Kedah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Syed Ahmad Shahabuddin has said, according to a Reuter report.
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  • 382 1 IPOH. Tu.*day pOMMUNIST terrorists have on several occasions drawn the security forces Into "scattered exchanges of fire" In their attempt to test the strength of Government troops in Upper Perak. State Secretary Radln Soenarno said today. The Hashing of torch- light* it night to attract
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  • 59 1 BANOKOK. Tim Thailand haa served notice to Cambodia that Khmer Rouge soldiers are ptanttng ■Unas on Thai territory, it was reported here. An BigUah Language newspaper, the Voice of the Nation, aaid that toe notice was art-wed during a meeting last Thursday between Thai and Cambodian
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  • 27 1 BANOKOK Tuas Former Thai Deputy Prune Minister Sukleh Nunmanhentfnd* died of a heart attack In a hospital here yesterday, aged 70. Radio Thailand reported. Router
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 268 1 Hussein, Lee to discuss Bali summit KUALA LUMPUR. Tueaday I>HE Asean summit In Bali later this month 1 is expected to top the agenda of the Hussein On n -Lee Kuan Yew talks in Singapore this week. The Malaysian Prime Minister will visit the Republic on Thursday and Friday This
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  • 59 1 MADRID. Tues. Combatting labour disorders and strikes In the central city of VaUadoUd yesterday, police used smoke bombs to break up a inarch by 3.000 workers, police sources said today. The police Intervention came when the 2.C00 strikers tried to march to the San Ildefonso church where
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 53 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Toes. A MAS 707 with 121 pasaenf an on board made so emergency landing v the Subang ikitrniaUoaal Airport after It dwlopsd engine trouble aoon afUr tax*-oa The plane, which was bound for Butttrworth. Hongkong and Talpsh finally left the airport w*en hours later after repairs
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  • 86 1 nAMGKOK. TMS. D A Thai newspaper eeluaeas* ni today ■■■t— >■# ky the eri■tfnal eeajrt to three mn Mfl fer Mltln« QMen Sirtk.t. eawt spokesman MM. Mr. Senl S*on (B art wm eeavieied c* charges of lew najM--17 hut April followfu awbllcaUoa B Ike
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  • 4 1
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  • 171 1  - THE FIFTH ACCIDENT IN PAST 10 YEARS X.5. BIDHU By rTTBBUB was a terrific M. crash and a bang. The pUlar of this ihophouse at the corner of Lorong 77 and Oejrlang Road cracked, and the premises shuddered. Those Inside, the Chlam family, were flabbergasted. For this SBS bus that
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  • 42 1 WASHINGTON. Tues US Transportation Secretary William Coleman will rale tomorrow If Concorde can fly regnlarly to the I'nlted States and the best informed gaess is he will approve flights into Dalles Airport near Washington fer a trial period. Beater.
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  • 108 1 PUB: Save water or face rationing QINGAPORE may have O to relive the water rationing days of 19C3 if earrent dry spells persist without a substantial reduction in water consumption, thr Pubbc Utilities Board warned yesterday. It said such a drastic measure could be avoided if people began using less
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  • 69 1 TAIPEH AGENTS DEPORTED HONOKONO. Tues Beven Nationalist Chinese agents, arrested by Hongkong police last November, were deported to Taiwan on Jan 30. reliable sources said here today. They were arrested on Not. 24 In an apartment where police found plastic explosives. handgrenades, rocket launchers, mines, incendiary devices and revolvers, the
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 39 1 NEW YORK. Tues. Former California Oovemor Rorala Reagan Is rteadlly pairing giound In hi* bat!e to take the Republican •rtslden:!*] nomination away frcm President Ford, accord 1 Ing to the meat recent na- Uonwtde Harris poll.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 133 1 Thais warned of 'serious danger' BANGKOK. Tuet |\EPUTY Prime Mln i s ter Pramarn Adireksan said tonight that "opponents" who he did not Identify had been trying to destroy Thailand's highest institutions. In an adaress to war veterans. Mr Pramarn. who is also Defence Mln.iter. said serious danger was "quietly
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 115 1 Troops deployed in Tamil Nadu DELHI. Tues 11 Troops have been deployed in Tamil Nadu In the face of scattered clashes between police and opposition party supporters, an opposition source said today Prime Minister Indira Oandhi on Saturday imposed Presidential rule over Tamil Nadu's estimated 43 million people and fired
    UPI  -  115 words
  • 56 1 BEOUL. Tues Some 600 pro-*»yongy»ng Korean resvtrnls of Japan arrived today on a "home visit" programme arranged by the South Korean Government they arrived at Kunpo airport aboard chartered Korean Airlines planes and were reunited with their family nvmbfra from wrxm they had been aeparated tine* the
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 47 1 NEW YORK. TIMS Dow Jones average*, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock tfeehangc SO Indus 973 S3. up 2 21. 30 transp 1M 74. up 0 71; IS uUU 91 23. up 0 33. 45 stocks 3W51. up C7t UPL
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  • 63 1 LATEST Rabin' facet nofaith vote TEL AVIV. Tun. Prime Minister Ylttbak Rabin will return from his Ug tour to face a no -confide nee asatlen In parliament and an ancry Labour Party leadership, Israeli reports said today. The soerce of Mr. Eaeln'* doable trouble was his Indirect but scathing attack
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 28 1 NEW *rs^gl INOIVIIUAIIY EHCINEEIfITI II HIT STMIHTfI U DISTRIBUTORS NAHAR A COMPANY The Peninsula Shopping Complex Ground Floor (G 7). Coleman Street. Singapore 6 Tel *****9. til i
      28 words
    • 76 1 $500,000 PENALTY FOR TAX DODGE -p«g« 7 FORD kid for accord on West Rank t 3.* M is advisers for Thailand J MEDDLING by Con cress has hit IS authority: Dr E 4 NEW look for Rochore Caaal I JAILED: Rider cauctal in police chase < Man on death sentence
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    • 166 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL rjjnpj ON YOUR WRIST TOMATh nnisi CHRO\O(,RAPHHIIH van. isms Ht/n a* wEL SIIDF. RLLt K)R AgM h\hI\FF.RS BL S/M S.SAIAN S(/rsmrs mots y M A*;lmb*»t HBlf CHUN CHONG 62, South end* Road Ref ,^.33 Singapore. I.Tel: *****. Calculator AUTOMATIC 1 E™"351 LAP DISSOLVE l_J WITH A SINGLE
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 338 2 Morocco ready to put Sahara dispute before Arab League RABAT. Tues. Moroc:s ready to place Its dispute with Algeria over the Western Sahara before the Arab League, the Organisation of African Unity or the United Nations, officials here have said. They said their country was also willing to cooperate with
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 72 2 TURIN (Italy". Tues The newspaper Stamps Sera reported yesterday that the L'S Central Intelligence Agency iCIA) contributed USSJ million i Ss7 S million i to the Roman Catholic church I*so Holy Year A Vatican spokesman called the report 'pure Invention He a<.ded American blahopa and the
      AP  -  72 words
    • 176 2 rl 10,000 inW. Germany working for KGB claim BONN. Tm«* A man who claimed to have been a captain In the Soviet secret service iKdB) said on television here last night tbtt up to lON* people were working for the KGB in West Germany. The man said that most of
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 444 2 WASHINGTON. Tuesday PRESIDENT Ford looking for ways of keeping Middle East diplomacy alive, has agreed to pursue a suggestion made by Premier Yitzhak Rabin and see if it would be possible to arrange negotiations between Israel and Jordan for an accord on the
      Reuter; NYT  -  444 words
    • 227 2 JERUSALEM, Tuei. A chance remark allegedly made laat week In Washington by Premier Yitzhak Rabin has provoked a furore here and re- Ignited the rivalry between the two most powerful men In the Israeli Government Mr. Rabin and his Defence Minister. Mr. Shimon Peres.
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    • 30 2 TOKYO. TU€» Japan i •sternal iwn» lacrausd by UBI3M mutton (SIMS million) during January to billion at th« end of tb* month, the nnanc* Minister announced jesterday—Rcutcr
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    • 290 2 Mixed feelings on Cubans fighting the war in Angola HAVANA. Tues. Military intervention in Angola has caused more complaining against Cuba's communist regime than any issue in recent years, according to resident diplomats But when Prime Minister Fidel Castro says. as he did last week at a news conference for
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    • 332 2 LUSAKA Turn f ANGOLA'S allied armies, given a new lease of life by an Infusion of white mercenaries, intend to reopen the northern Angolan front and are confident of holding the south against their Marxist rivals. Allied military sources here said the
      AP; UPI  -  332 words
    • 65 2 rpHE wall of a six -storey building crumbles to the ground during a fire which raged out of control in Boston's Jamaica Plain section on Monday. Four hundred firefighters from around the city and several nearby communities were called In to help battle the blaze. Police
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 297 2 Not time to reflate economy says LONDON. Tues— Prime Minister Harold Wilson, faced with Increasing uneasiness In the ruling Labour Party over Britain's 61 per cent Jobless rate, said last night that It would be a b:< mistake to reflate the economy now on a massive scale. He told the
      Reuter  -  297 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 (arkUertj X?° R T O E t a If jtm^^M **3h bL^bbl it^" y iB uw Jp j::r: -::::::£$Bm It I < "4U II ""-'^s^^bssl WwT^l m U B -'■v tSS^fsU Bwk •Hll***'» 'I*'"' 1 BsKlstuW- -^m "^^^^SkW^ilß fcr*****TTlflsy ■sIH bbbbbbbsWJl^ C.ARi CQf fIG Qss*2ssssilisll VN Pfl i^pT^»»^~W'LaDv r fsSsCT
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    • 456 3 BANGKOK, Tuesday THK United Stalei will keep military advisers in Thailand after the scheduled March 90 deadline for the withdrawal of US foid from the country, official Thai toured said today. A US embassy official here declined to speculate on the number ot advaers.
      AP  -  456 words
    • 401 3 MADRAS. Tun T*HE Indian Oov--1 ernment has set up a commission of Inquiry to probe the activities of the ousted Tamil Nadu adml nistratlon of Chief Minister Muthuvel Karunanidhl amid reports of hundreds of arrests in the southern
      Reuter; UPI  -  401 words
    • 193 3 INDONESIA TO SELL THAIS 20 m BARRELS OF OIL BANGKOK, Tuesday rpHAI Foreign Minister Chartichai Choon- havan will head a trade delegation to Jakarta on Feb 15 to conclude a deal (or the purchase of 20 million barrels of crude oil from Indonesia one-third of Thailand's annual requirements. Mr. Chartichai
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    • 136 3 Fire bomb attack at bankers' club BHJVIST. Tues Four incendiary bombs exploded In Belfast's exclusive Banker's Club early today, touchIng off a blaae that gutted the building and adjoining stores and a bar. Police said there were no casualties In the explosions and fire In a city centre block about
      136 words
    • 28 3 WAOHUIUTUn. TU*S SscrrUry of mat* Dr Henry Kissinger will nsak* his long-delayed visit to Latin America starting on Pwb IS. US rOrlals isid ycaUruay. CFI
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    • 259 3 LONDON. Taea. Felice banting tne killer of a 23--year-old woman fiom Hongkong today warned nurses in the central England town of Leamington to lock their doon and windows and report anylain g suspie.omj. The detective Irad Ing the Investigation into the murder ef Mlas
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    • 66 3 JakartaManila pact MANILA. Toes. The PhUlpptnes will sign Its first extradition treaty with any foreign government on Feb. 10 In Jakarta, the Department of Justice announced today Secretary of Justice Vicente Abad Santos will ilim the treaty with Indonesia for the PhUlpptnes Under the treaty terms, the governments have agreed
      AP  -  66 words
    • 44 3 Concorde half full LONDON. Tue*. Ths Ooneords supersonic JeUmsr. on Its fourth fare-pavtng flight out of London for British Airways, look on today km than half full Only M usssmm bought mats on the 100-«s»t aircraft for its regular scheduled I»gM to Bshiilii Rautar
      44 words
    • 26 3 CAKBBUIA. TIMS. Australian Daputv PrtsM "•nfitr Dooj AnUxnr wUI fly to Tokyo luswmi at Urn start of a nin« day vim to Japan UPI
      UPI  -  26 words
    • 281 3 Fraser slashes govt spending by I $936m I/CANBERRA. Tues. V' Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser tonight announced cuts in government expenditure totalling about As3oo million 'Ss93« million) over the next five I months. The economy measures, which cover the present financial year to the end of June, foli lowed abolition yesterI
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 83 3 'THOS, Tues An American sreheotor-t says he has identified Uw prison building wnsro Socrates drank hemlock and died more than 1.000 yean ago. For years guldsa have labeled a small oavt on a hill oppotlt* the Acropolis as the prison of th* ancient philosopher. But now Suffsn*
      83 words
    • 137 3 BANGKOK, Tues The Laotian Rmbasly here yesterday said that more than 50 Cuban advisers were workins; In Laos, but that they were technicians and agricultural experts and not military men as recently rumoured her*. Charge d'Affalres Kath DithavonK said the Cubans arrived In the country
      AP  -  137 words
    • 85 3 A LONG AND TALL ORDER BY HOME FOR POOR r'O employees of a local catering firm carry a sandwich measuring 2.3 metres long up the steps to the Dominican Sisters of the Poor Home In Cincinnati on Sunday The sandwich, ordered for a surprise party, took more than M minutes
      AP  -  85 words
    • 391 3 Second day meet of Unctad 77 Group to approve the agenda MANILA. Tues. The third ministerial meeting of the Group of 77 of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 1 Un c tad > j entered Its second day today with delegates due 1 to adopt »n agenda
      Reuter  -  391 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 375 3 OPEN DAILY SUNDAY 9a m-5p m FVION A TUE S K)am-6pm WED.THURS. FRI A SAT. .lOa.m.- Bp.m. BBU CHEWY 1 -^s=-^ FILLET STEAK Australia 500 g 6.80 TOPSIDE BEEF Australia 500 g 2.10 SLICED COOKED HAM 100 9 .78 LAMB CHOPS n.z 500 Q 2 25' FRESHLY MINCED PORK 500
      375 words

    • 316 4 LOS ANGELES Tuesday SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, saying he now worries man about what happens in the United States than abroad, argued yesterday that ex cessive congressional interference in foreign policy is causing a IS "decline to the point where
      UPI  -  316 words
    • Briefly
      • 33 4 WASHINGTON. Tues. Elliott Richardson took the oath as President Fords Commerce Secretary yesterday, raying his service as envoy to Britain showed him private enterprise and not Is the way to beat unemployment.
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      • 30 4 TAIPKH Heary traffic during the four-day Chinese New Year holidays in Taiwan re suited in J* ear accidents in watch 4* people were killed and 3S Injured, police said today.
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      • 27 4 WASHINGTON: Former US Defence Secretary James Schles.nger said yesttrdav that Congressional investigations had cannibalised America's intelligence structure. prompting ridicule among po'fn tial foes and bewilderment among allies.
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      • 35 4 VIENTIANE: Three smugglers have been shot dead and four wounded by Laotian border police as they tried to ferry stolen motorcycles across the Mekong River to Thailand, a sen.or police official said today.
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      • 35 4 MCSCOW The Soviet Union today called for better relations among the nations or Europe and said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's alleged plans for an arms build up were not helping the peace process. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  35 words
    • 259 4 China boosts defences along Sinkiang border HONGKONG, Tuesday /^HINA has strengthened its defences in one of the most sensitive border regions adjacent to the Soviet Union by increasing the number of militia units in the Sinkiang Uighur autonomous region, Peking radio said today. I The radio said In a broadcast
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    • 183 4 Japanese, Russian Reds to heal breach rKYO. Tue» The Soviet and Japanese communist parties which have been at odds for more than 10 years are moving towards a rapprochement through the exchange of delegations. Informed sources said to day The Japan Communist Party <JCP> told Reuter It was making an
      Reuter  -  183 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 627 4 FISSLER VlWn f aroma i preserver j^^^k Wj*. catch J \6u'll woncfer how you ever cooked before! Now you can prepo'e delicious meals in minutes. Effortlessly. With Fissler Vitavit An amazing pressure cooker made in A ~^^^B Germany. Incorporating two very special features: V^^ A built in "aroma preserver', v^hich
      627 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 281 4 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavnagh d» Camp /'VEAH-HAl^\ WELL <XJ iMUST I I JIO6S. DOTT FO»e>€T IJ I SEC WHAT I MEAN SO>OU»E\ V. >OU AW </ REALIZE THAT im TO COMB MOVIE EAftLV MA&6l£ ©IVES THC asmNS J 7 ACVCE TD I /MARRIAGE TMe»6 I ,-OUtOHr-HO SVOCP*t6 I
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  • 383 5 Row over repair bill led to stabbing of youth, court told AN overturned car Incident led to the slabbing of a 30-year-old welder about two months after he had refused to pay his share towards a $800 repair bill, the High Court heard yesterday. Choo Men* Kwang had gone for
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  • 53 5 THE Younf Musician* Society to to form an orchestra called Young gasms. Those under 35 rears of age and able to read music and play various instrument* are Invited to )otn by f jimg up forms available at the society* Scotu Road premaea or the ECA Centre
    53 words
  • 270 5 Flyover: Adequate traffic signs, says ministry *pm National Develop 1 m c n t Ministry yesterday sad there were traffic signs near Wattrn Lstate to guide moloriNts approaching the newlyopened 13.5 million Dunrarn Road Bukit 1 imata Road flyover. Road Junction. A ministry cpokessnaa added that there were also traffic
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  • 68 5 Security man on theft charge BERNARD Raymond Francisco. 23. a security guard, was yesterday charged with stealing a jacket, a calculator and SIS SO from Richards Hogg International. Ocean Building, on Jan. 22 at 4 a m No plea wa* recorded. The prosecution applied for rVanctsco to be remanded at
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  • 37 5 MEMBERS of the 14 youth group* of the People* taoelation Regfenal Youth Council (North) will visit the Borne for the Aged auk In Jalan Payoh Lai. eS Upper BeTmnfoon Road on Sunday at 10 am
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  • 96 5 Help came swiftly for two after crash AN Injured lies unconscious on the the road while his pillion rider grimaces after they were thrown off their machine alone Tank Road on Monday night. They were travelling along the road at about IS.M p.m. when their machine ssddisJ. Se ver al
    96 words
  • 227 5 ROCHORE Canal has lost much of its evil smell and murky appearance and will soon take on the looks of a beauty spot with tree-lined promenades along its banks. M What ho* dramatically transformed the waterway, well-known to generations of Singaporeans for its smell
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  • 58 5 Electronic course THK Department of Extramural Studies. University of Singapore, will hold a 10--lecture course on electronic Instrumentation fundamental! at Ntee Ann Technical College, every Monday and Wednesday from 7 M p*. to 30 pm. kagumlnc on Pwb. The lecturer Is Mr Want Chung Let from the collee* The fee
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  • 273 5 281 to lose jobs when electronic firm closes T<HE retrenchment x axe will fall for 281 workers of Teledyne Semiconductor which is planning to cease operations here In April or May. In a move that could result In the biggest retrenchment exercise so far this year, the Kallang factory said
    273 words
  • 58 5 MR. Tao Chcn( Peow has been elected chairman of the Stacapor* National Printers <PW> Ltd. Cb-operaUvt Thrift and Loan Society Ltd. management "mmltitt Other official* art: Mr. A.O Kruhnan (secretary) Mia Chng Yank Hub 'treasurer) riaeJiiajil of the society U Mr Tan Cheonf Rtti (general manaferi and
    58 words
  • 35 5 THK Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SUo> has clarified that IU ultimatum to Robin Shipyard to pay TOO worfcara two month*' bonus will expire tomorrow and not today as araounced In the Straits Times.
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  • 143 5 THE Public Utilities -I- Board is to lnstal two new pollution-free gas- making plants at a cost of 167 million at the Kallang OaJworks. These new additions, expected to be operational by May next year. will, together with three similar ones already In use.
    143 words
  • 237 5 Modern indoor shooting range for Toa Payoh police station nnHE new police sta- 1 tlon to be built at Toa Payoh New Town will be the first one here to have an ultramodern Indoor sound-proof shootIng range. The range with special bullet trap Is the most outstanding feature of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 Hey Kids! Jointhe Tiger Cub Savings Club... I and take me home J with you! VCIlWti I^^wJßETy M b^ Get mum or dad to open a personal Tiger Cub Savings Club members savings account for you at any Malayan in the course of the year. Banking branch kAnd become a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 246 5 Straits Times Crossword I II II IH IH awl MB awl \< kosn j one recently enrolled for 1 -uuuh inodiAcd winter cure' 1 i] r»e» jin.ii th* wild thyme 7i 4 Better dry than producing I Bctmvini baihfuJljr. »r water ffl M> prr cent 5 Turned up by Chinese
      246 words

  • 387 6 Jailed Rider caught in police chase MOTORCYCLIST shot past two traffic red lights and zig-zagged his way through Orchard Road last Nov. 12 at 1.25 a.m. to shake off a pursuing police patrol car, a court heard yesterday. But he failed to get away. Yesterday the motorcyclist, labourer Ng Ong
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  • 649 6 LONDON. Twee. MOHD Yasln bin Hussein, who was condemned to death for murder by the Singapore High Court, won his Privy Council appeal against conviction yesterday. Yasln (alias Roall) was condemned to death in March 1974 after being found guilty of the murder of a 58-year-old
    Reuter  -  649 words
  • 142 6 f I'BONG Town Car. al -Mratia* has asked Baa* and gtaf-ra ratralaaiaa C—yy. wfcaa* waters arc Ism stain awats «f i-wt Ptar. v i ■■lll, a* i ft*wavav Ma sfcaApsewaaice aad repair. A JTC spikewnsn said yesterday that ■sgiHarliajs were oow gain*- an aslwsisi
    142 words
  • 210 6 Closing date for Rotary study __awards_ T»HE Rotary Foun- datlon yesterday reminded ap p 11--cants for its 1977--78 educ a 1 1 onal awards to return application forms by tomorrow. Dr. B.W. Loh. chairman of the educational" awards selection committee (Singapore region), said applicants might have been confused over the
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  • 42 6 DR. T»y Tack K&f. oanUl aurgaon and paJt (UaUict ao— nor of Urn Rot-ry Club (DHtrlet ISO), will apaak on The Year of tha Dra-on at Urn lunch mectinc of tht Rote. 7 Club of Slncapor* at Mandßxln Court today
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 337 6 bwHBSHPbVH b^bPbvimsSbwb^pbhbJlßJb! I***jmp wfW\a^l f\gF*i^a»'i w^9 ■niM.KMn.Kid^iJiJiJAw m Bvmmm/tm-cum NOW SHOWING! DAILY At 7.00 ft tJO fM.;! S wiihes all patrons k jimmy wane yu in nQ4 n rvu j h^rt^f~tf>^i~n j<z 0, %i Off Armmd aVwr vm I;! Ottappyot rzoSf*ZZOUS A Tho Flying GuaWotarw j; j YißW^eCLt %^3 W^'^£**£7££a'Zm
      337 words
    • 62 6 WANTED $sPr»tf Silver Coin Da r— Iw-a Mill nW SN-ar O-> ■>••». in If7S (■■■■■iiaHt Tl-> 7f» I.l. A_a. (AMD a*. aaaaJß. tttaV lßjjj#wawa>awl ftwawawawawß IbW twaw) Pwwawaal iWaJawawaat aw? awl > 5000 aiacat *ara aaactotr pililli l aa* aaX »a aaaWW* at. aaaßaaai ta a*T -a t* ts*o aac
      62 words
    • 284 6 aVJi sY-ff a> ■>>■■■■ 1 REX- Ladies Oily Preview SATURDAY 7tk FEBRUARY 9 00a. tak iNtitfi m fKH Cirdf $2 L SUIb «l Cm a sw-year-ok mn have a satisfying awawaw. I co tT«-« 8H44 ZV «o-»toia»-ROGER C CARMEL MA«J DUSAY JOAN HO^ Uuk^iKXIiIGMWI MrltX>XM<, DncwuCLNtlailDOOO »-jur«de > «o«''P*>f' .wiiM,
      284 words
    • 697 6 £tyfCIUHfIV; ji-OOfttAHKATION;: AS ->«-»■«. W» N— U»t S C-ak -Mfcl-ai On* S •■■inwUawHaflfieaewnlnwK S NOW SHOWMC j u>... roe i* jo,. J srvvvry WonQ Yu *Y> 5 -ONiABMio toxaa TMI UTING CUK.LOTINI Mondonn colofScoa* B Jl Englth Submit !£HJn2LwaIEL2Lw3£ HOW JMOWING i St..-, *t S >)!«, 1 JO 4 00
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  • 425 7 Tea firm pleads guilty A COMPANY and its former managing director were fined and penalised a total of more than $.">o<;.o<X) by a distrid OOUli yesterday for evading tax over a five-year ihtmml. Mr. Guan Bee Teck, a director of Guan Chong Bee
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  • 34 7 FOUR Mm* on the Natharlands will t» itxnm at Urn National Muamua today at The Mm* art Holland Today. Praia* the Saa. AnsUr<J*m an* Hold Back the Baa Admlaitor i» fraa
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  • 32 7 CIX Uc^immtd ZuMr b Ruaamln Aatfatam OonlieUar of Po* will dativor a talk in Malay on Cmrrara In Uie PnaUl arrvica «i the National Library on Friday at I pm
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  • 216 7 Jail, rotan for robbing woman at prayer 4 WOMAN was praying outside her flat early one morning when four m VL *f med wlln suddenly confronted her a b d h r f mllv 1700 nd Moo worth or goods, a district court heard yesterday uiT i h dock wu
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  • 98 7 A TRAVEL company has filed a High Court writ, claiming $***** from Moabert Investment and Development Pte. Ltd. of S.ngapore Clifton Travel Pte Ltd of Bldeford Road alleges In the writ that the amount represents the balance of unpaid bills, owed by Mosbert Investment and Development.
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  • 243 7 ABOUT $5.7 million In cheques meant for some 24.000 former subscribers of Gemini Chit Fund Corp. Ltd. were destroyed in a fire at the Official Receiver's Office in Serangoon Road on Monday. Because of this mishap, payments of dividends to Gemini Chit
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  • 58 7 BRIDOESTONa" Singapore has donaUd US 000 to the Unlvcmty of Singapore for four Kholaxartlp* for under graduates studying for a Bachelor of Octane* (Ocncral Knglnaaring) dagrw. Tht acholanhlps. which have an annual value of $3,000 each, are ten* Die batwaan 1*75 and IM3 Tbs tint award will
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  • 52 7 rOUCE have arrested a 24 -year-old man In ronnrclion with the letting off of firework* near a Jetty at Sembawang beach on Sunday relics front th P»v» Lebar station, acting a Up-eff. detained Urn vi at about ijl A Man Is expected to to onarged in
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  • 338 7 rnHE visiting Hungal rian Foreign Affairs Minister. Mr. FrUyes Puja, chatting with Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew at the Istana annexe yesterday. Mr. Puja. here to strengthen trade relations between the two countries, called on Mr. Lee after an earlier
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  • 93 7 Hunt for 5 who fled girls' home nOUCE are looking for I nve teenage girls who absconded from Telok Blangah Girls Home last week. They were among seven girls who broke out during the Chinese New Year holidays. Two of the escapees were picked up by police yesterday. It la
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  • 21 7 A PRC-memberthlp orientation meeting will be held by the Singapore Jaycces at the Apollo Hotel tomorrow at 7 30 pm
    21 words
  • 228 7 A WANTED man hanged himself because the police were "hot on his trail," a coroner's court was told yesterday. In recording a verdict of suicide on Chua Alt Oong. 35. unemployed, the State Coroner. Mr Chee Wai Pong said he believed
    228 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 203 7 WE. Modal, OradeT-shirts. To start the New Hear luclfij. niELWhtii^cwbu^riwlfodahriavriteiiepochet Instarnatic carqera of lqstafqatk66Xcarn«(a x jUtUfflk. iq their SWIMGAIOMO outfits. jC3fl^ff S- i 1 Kodak Oracle T-shirts! With auspicious sayings for the New Year from KPHI jfflai W m the ancient Chinese book of fortune, I-Ching. Plus an Oracle interpreter
      203 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 378 8 rpHE most likely explanation for the reported battles between communist guerilla factions In the Betong salient along the Malaysian -Thai border Is that the Communist Party of Malaya <CPM) has decided to get tough with .he breakaway Marxist- Leninist (ML) group. The latter, an aggressive, young band of
      378 words
    • 238 8 THERE has been a disturbing Increase In the number of sexual offences in Singapore In recent years. The rise from 206 reported cases of rape and molestation in 1973 to 248 In 1974 was sufficiently disconcerting; but the figures for 1975 which show a 35 per cent
      238 words
  • 463 8  - New Act starts rush by Aussie divorce -seekers-^ GREG FLYNN By In SYDNEY TWE streamlining of Australia's divorce laws, with Introduction of a family Law Act, has started an avalanche of divorce seekers. Thousands of potential dlvorcers rushed a new Family Court when It opened throughout Australia on Jan. 5.
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 757 8  - Russia's gain as ES loses s power > bargain C.L. SULZBERGER By in BRUSSELS REDUCED US bargaining power as expressed in its international dealings above all with the Soviet Union faithfully mirrors an ever-in-creasing rise in Moscow's armed strength. Although the USSR is still a relatively weak economic force, especially
    NYT  -  757 words
  • 578 8 Moynihan the first council chief to quit during term AM K. Daniel Patrick iU Moynihan. who has resigned aa US Ambassador to the United Nations, is believed to be the only president of the Security Council to have stepped down during his month long term •f office. Diplomat!: tliervers said
    578 words
      • 119 8 I RATER to the letter by Raid User (ST. Jan. 9), on traffic congestion and the ministry's mechanical sweepers. The route* for the mechanical sweep tn have been carefully scheduled to avoid rushhour traffic during the morning and In the evening. These routes are reviewed from time to time to
        119 words
      • 112 8 IRiriR to TYCi latter In which be asked whether he waa entitled to a new twill container (ST, Jan. The Board, in order to encourage the proper dUpo«al of twill. Uraea free iwlll container* to 1U new resident*. Circular* are usually sent to all new flats informing residents that they
        112 words
    • 204 8 VOW that steps are being taken by the authorities to bring about a younger car population for safety considerations, will there be better roads to match? Some of our roads are no longer pleasant to travel on. If not even hazardous
      204 words
    • 123 8 rl good harvest of the exporting country and our government's reduction In the stockpile of rice have brought about the price of 100 per cent Thai rice Grade B) to the level of about M cent, for SOOg equivalent to a katl). A further reduction in the price of this
      123 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 16 8 LADY SEIKO Fine watches that are also beautiful jewellery^a^ aaaaaaVsVYVCS 2706-7 10oJ^ SEIKO "•■aw*^^ farJtnn AfecJnotogy
      16 words
    • 306 8 /aaßaW**^^BaW **> 4s/ ■f aaaTar* wr> iisat m Two make a symphony. The sensational London Belles' Jan 26th Feb 14th Lovely London Belles Ann Sidney, thr former Miss World, and Penny france, glamour girl of Miss Universe Contest, hit it off together in a dazzling vmc dance comedy show that
      306 words

  • 262 9 29,000 visit Sentosa over holidays A RECORD number of 29.000 people visited Bcntosa Island during the three-day Chinese New Year holiday weekend Figures from Sentosa Development Corporation yesterday showed that over 7,000 people vUlted the holiday Island on New Years day. over 10.000 on Sunday and over 12.000 on Monday
    262 words
  • 57 9 OR Dlxla T»n prcatdcnt of tha pro-Uot ooaunlttet. Aanrlatlon for Blueattonal--1) Sub-Normal (BBN) Oilldrm will apaak on BBtr children at the lunch merUnc of the Unm Club of 8ln«apor« (Hoati at Marco Polo Hotel lodar Bha w"J hay* with her Mr v .-nf Mun Km. payebo»r..»t.
    57 words
  • 523 9  - Reduce water use call by PUB MAUREEN CHUA By fHK Public- Itilitit's Board yesterdux warned that it might have to introduce water rationing if the current drx s|hll second worst in 107 years and high consumption continue* It urged the public to save water to avoid this. The PUB warning
    523 words
  • 42 9 French for beginners The TMCA ■ducaUonal Btortchaaenl Department win •tart French court* for bmtootn at 1U preealata la Orchard Road from to■OTTO*. hi li Ht lor member* •ad »4I tor othars. Further details may ba obUlnad at Urn TMCA offlea. Ul »J7«M
    42 words
  • 155 9 TWO girl attendants manning this HDB ear booth In the Outran Road ear park on Chinese New Year's Day thought at Ant that the lorry heading In their direction was lasting for a parking tot But not for long ■want the truck wis heading straight
    155 words
  • 235 9 CWT plan to give up freight booking functions J»HE government-owned Container Warehousing and Transportation Company (CWT) is planning to hand back the functions of its freight hooking centre to the Singapore National Shippers' Council because of poor business. according to reliable souiccs yesterday The company took over t the functions
    235 words
  • 43 9 THI Dnlvenlty of Singapore School of Sociology and the Population Council are holding a Population Council seminar on public policy and population change in Singapore on Saturday at Hotel Equatorial All contribution* at the ■emlnar mill be published ir a book
    43 words
  • 99 9 Accountant's report vital: FEFC THE F*ar Eastern Freight Conference has told the Federation of Ajean Shippers' Councils It considers It Important that the report of an Independent accountant appointed by /A 8 C should be available for a further meeting between the two parties. The WC accept*! an PA9C propoul
    99 words
  • 92 9 Girl dies after car crash A 13 YI.AR-OLI) girl died In hospital on Monday shortly after she was knocked down by a car along Old Clrmrntl Road Police said the mishap occurred at about 2.45 p.m. when Oh Ah Tta, of llu Pandan Road. was walking along the road. She
    92 words
  • 41 9 THI Senior Parllimen- Ury Secretary (Social Affairs). Mr Ch»n Chee Seng. will receive 15.000 a* a donation from the Toa Pavoh ouaens conaulUiUve committee (or the Old Home* Fund, at the Ministry of Social Attain today at ;i am
    41 words
  • 129 9 FACELIFT FOR STAMFORD AND HONG LIM STAMFORD and Hong Urn are U) be given a multi -million dollar facelllt In a major redevelopment program me to rebuild the city centre. These two projects, aimed at moving the population back Into the central business district and Injecting more me In the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 14 9 WATER Maraapttaa •a M— toy mMMN MiMc Metres. Ujm e«Mc tlfei bmtc than Bund*/
      14 words
    • 927 9 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM PM Opening and Majalali Kekivp (Malay) 7 JI Greatest Headlines of the Century Uf Diary of Events (Malay) Ml farf 7MH K IMa] katt Ul General Hospital TJI Urn aN Urmrttl (Matty) US Intrsari (Repeat) /JS Isjajaiti Ssta (Matay) 4JI Intermission US CaasM Trial
      927 words

      • 75 10 K-BC 111*10 tarjaatal $10.30 M. Trtp. 1.10 »B 8 I 1.30 OB t 5 JO Bufclaf 7.M 111 t 1M Tti »T*» t 670 ■we I j is it* <irr» »in tNI I 1 44 lataMW t 411 Ind. t 370 liMtfl I 171 I GUfUIM $4 30 rakßs
        75 words
      • 16 10 ■rtes t 0 90 1 O*4tt I 110 •wa Ctty 1 >4 —.10 Of —.04
        16 words
      • 11 10 t*m.Wf I.OJ, »kar MctMb lAS. cUI V«h»: tU.ll
        11 words
      • 61 10 t B.T. 171.T1 U»-* IndßlUi: tatJM tM.ll I IT— II MLM tITJI H»teta: 17».7« 17tJ: P>«p(Htea: 1M.71 IMti TtaH: M.» til I nrtbara: UIM J11.71 O.CJ.C: Mt.M MS* t lIS. 1a4.: ft— tnMl tt ju i. itn 1* Dm. M, I*M 1« f D««. 11. IMS 1« Dre. M.
        61 words
    • 1530 10 THE last transacted ready sale at the eloae ■M busln«aa on the Stock facrtante of Stngapore yeaterday cornDared with the previous day's prices together with 1176/7* hish and low ('Adjusted for scrip, rights Issue) CLOIIMQ TOMS: ri.rl, aUaty. TUftHeviß: unaAciai Scans •u»»li«d by lb* stack rimsasi of aia«*P*r*
      1,530 words
    • 385 10 rl Singapore stork siket yesterday tarred ahead on fresh baying support, signifying an a a«aic Urns start far the Year of the Dragon. Highlight of the day's trading was the heavy demand for selected industrial and finance stocks whlsh cloaed with gains of up to
      385 words
    • 210 10 Value of OUE properties is now $1 13m OVERSEAS Union Enterprise has revalued Its land snd buildings Including the Mandarin Hotel and Overseas Union Shopping Centre at 8113 92 million This valuation has been adopted for Its accounts for the year ended December 1975. The company says the valuation made
      210 words
    • 34 10 SEATTLE Boeing U to raise 1U quarterly dividend to US 25 cents a share from 20 cents McDonnell Douglas Corporation Is also raising Its US 11 cents from 10 cents.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 1990 10 BID and offer price* officially Bated and twain tat In and reported to the Stork Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In tots at 1.000 units unices otherwise ipecifled All Time Bargalna or Srttlemem ■re quoted after the word "Sett
      1,990 words
    • 55 10 Option trading off to 'good start' SYDNEY: Option trading officially started yesterday on the floor of the Sydney Stock Exchange, according to an official announcement The announcement said all government approval ha* now been received Market sources described the first options session as an unqualified success. At least 900 contracts
      Reuter  -  55 words
      • 237 10 ibber was resteady on Monday The Tei closed the SBoming about steady 0 SOp per klk> higher on balance to 640p lower Tumater totalled 56 lots 15 loftaea eai-h Including and two call options In April, June 1977 at 45 6Sp premium 0 OOp Two IoU of live
        237 words
      • 125 10 > T EW YORK Merrill i Lynch. Pierce, Fen--1 Smith, is putting together an options arbitrage department, chairman Donald Regan said r Mr Regan nor Merrill Lynch spokesmen will give details of the new depart out said It will a full programme •i hedge arbitrage and
        Reuter  -  125 words
      • 295 10 TH> BtralU Un price rose I 86 374 to 8990 374 per picul In Pcnang yesterday on an official offering up SO tons to 31* tons. The overnight London roartet was turner with forward buyers price Jumping £44 to £3.236 per meartc ton LONDON: Standard Un was about
        295 words
      • 99 10 P"'"HI MIOUCI BJB> V CMA«.Oi. (IHOAreill «H« v'rtr.V.aT*'*" CUL "■■■■l Ball 9M| aMton. SfJT" uu tm C—et- KIM IMMI UK/Cml. UO burn >la>n MiMtak AST A wkut fob. 100^ NL.W STTO —tfn. •"••ak wait, f f% tn.W IMS Milan, ama inntl Mack f*.» m% tn.w uoo Man. ■>r*«ak AJTA
        99 words
      • 28 10«aa -ihii frtcaa «a Mm**? onilaaa t> hraaaats). (> Mitar iseet* <<*•*> Tkraa Moata bow MM* (MM) —urn <*o* (Matte). snow iwi vary waiey f*» uer* laaaw
        28 words
    • 237 10 Hotel back in business with a new name fJL'SCADEX House Hotel has been re named Hotel Malaysia. The hotel which closed in mid- 1974, is expected to reopen its doors for business in the nex few months under its new name. Hotel Malaysia a member of the Ooodwood group has
      237 words
    • 126 10 Caracas plan for merchant bank LONDON Venezuela expect* to decide by end of March whether to set up a merchant bank here to handle its Euromarket borrowing and Investment, informed sources said. Setting up the bank Is still a strong possibility but reports last year that the final decision had
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 98 10 LONDON Natural world rubber production In October 1975 was 275.000 tonnes compared with 255.000 In September, bringing total proauction for the first 10 month* of 1975 to 655--000 tonnes, preliminary statistics from the Inter- national Rubber Study Oroup show Natural Rubber consumption In October was
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 211 10 •j-HZ US. dcllar yesterday retreated sharply to open at (2 4*oo 20 in the Singa- pore forcx meiket Trading vaa relatively active with the dollar being < quickly bid up to 82 4*20 level but later this trend was not sustained and the dollar drUUd down to
      211 words
    • 151 10 Crrniln H i li I r>Ua taMiMlia fniMlMI r«MN>; <««■■> pa**? US dollar ***** ***** 2 8196 —13 16 Sterling pound '0245 SOUS 7MM —Jill Hongkong dollar MSI Malaysian dollar 100 00 Au»t schilling .3 4*90 13 5550 12 1012 ♦1 1 55 Bel fr»nc (com) 8 3530
      151 words
    • 184 10 NOTE: Thee* rates may differ allghtly from thcae quoted by banks to thetr customer* ASIAN currency drpcatt Intartank ttus v .t clew on nb. I: IB IMUn (Mtav BU 7 days 1 91 6 1 J 1 mlh S 7/1* S 16 2 mtha 1/4 5 18
      184 words
    • 32 10 Singapore dollars for Ptb. I Offer Bid >ernl(ht 5-5 8 HI 1 mth i-1 16 415 16 I mthj 5-1/11 4 IS 16 S mlh» 5-1/16 4-15/16 turn: P. Ummj-itmm
      32 words
    • 58 10 RANOK or ntn Oirrrr4 by •mm iwjiii m rn>. i. Onmicki j i i» C»U I i 1,1 to 1 11%. CtMMf Ml MM Tnunrj Bills 112 1 1/ i 1 Moalk Bank Bill* 4 I* 1 I Month CO S I I* <ll II Month CO S
      58 words
    • 58 10 Prime lending rates (in Algomone Bonk 7% Bongkok Bonk 7"> Bonk of Americo 7 Bonk of 7 Bonk ot Tokyo 7 Bonk Nagoro Inoontwa 7V» Chartered Bonk 7'/i Chose Monhotton 7 DBS Fire* Chicago 7H FNCB 7V. HKSBC 7 Indotuei 7% Moioyon Bonking 7 Mittw< Bonk 7 OCBC 7
      58 words
      • 251 10 TpOKYO, Tues The mer1 «et closed lower on tncmied liquidation* prompted by the new Ufhtcr margin trsdlnf curb* effective from Monday, dealers mid. The Dow Jones ■Termire fell JIN to 4 ***** with volume at 300 million shares The New Index clewed at 340 SO down IM. The market
        251 words
      • 325 10 OYDNEY Tues Bu»UinlC ea profit-uklng took prices lower across the board, with uraniums among the hardest hit. dealers said The I Sydney All-Ordlnarles Index fell 1.94 point* to 457 31 PaaeeaUaeatal fluctuated be:ween ABl6 30 and $18 before losing st 617 for a net loss of 5350 (cwecaaUa* ■tinea
        325 words
      • 62 10 MwVir rn»*, UH UM M.lUmrn. 1 101 107 77 Ll««n lJO<k>B IK (MB 111 ik« lift 7M Beirut 111 M IM.M Zurich 110 OOB 127 75B 1M.7M 1 111 MB P.r in «2 111.11 Tmmii MwXtr pw«l2) IMIM ClM«d 132 <U C*M Expert prKM In noa (Irtilnt ir>u
        62 words
      • 412 10 ■p^EW YORK Mon Desx^ pile a weather-delayed opening that trimmed an hour and 15 minute* from the trading day. volume r>n the New York Stock Exchange today again topped 30 million shares Prices, on the other hand, backed down somewhat In an extension ol last Friday s profit-taking
        412 words
      • 71 10 FINANCIAL TIMES INDISTRIALS Monday Triday Week ago «04 1 TINS Monday f» Friday f«J7 Week a«u mtl RIBBfJU Monday Week ago 4157J Monday Friday Week ago JTJ 0J DOW JONtS I K \i.l •< INDI'STKIALS Monday Friday Week afo HI Si LONDON DOLLAR )K)M1I M Monday 1141 to 114
        71 words
      • 140 10 AMSTERDAM. Mon. The market again advanced virtually across the board Akae and Philip* leading gains in Dutch internationals Sentiment was aided by Wall Street's firmness and the Dutch bank rate cut effective today, dealers said. Oalns elsewhere were led by KLM. Alceiaeae Smb. (XT and BSV. Shippings were mixed
        140 words
      • 114 10 TTURICH. Mon Both the stock and bond market* closed tinner on the Zurich Stock Exchange today Turnover waa considerably large Ine Credit Sulasc Index (alned 13 point* to 205 4 Ctoaias *nc*a i»iu franca «»a urn eiamax* a* urn pr»- kxh kmm prteaa. P. Cratflt tvlaaa me •> 10
        114 words
    • 100 10 ¥\AYTON (Ohio): U NCR Corp said its first quarter earnings for 1976 are "unlikely" to equal those for the year-earlier period. The company's 1975 first quarter earnings were restated upwards by US$65 million to $30 8 million due to the adoption of a financial accounting standards board statement
      Reuter  -  100 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1115 11 >V| I'art >waalrii tIV '.part t*aa| t'apt |i ta MM*a II LI»iIP3OL MT ufm nto ii to ii to tto ttpitta Mi nfM it tar il Br> n Bar ia ap MaMMM lIFMU HM M 111 MBP BM HM ttto Cm tf lIHaMrM. IBar )Mr HMr tl Mr lIP HMr
      1,115 words
    • 1307 11 Ben Ocean A)outservceafßenUnaßkjeFUnnelCtenLdneandNShK II M CMrTIM*T tM MM) l*tpt r a>aaj Faaa laaa FttlaMirM MM hfdla 11/Ilra It to la. linla MBUtl TaVM Nt f!/M rrt aVM Nl II to ?E* anTa*. r-atj MaiMMM II BfMH a FM Mto I.«T If. Max Ml. uimiumi nm Nt a/ Ibm u»aati to
      1,307 words
    • 1094 11 "llEiclM'j^XyHl Tt ItatPl, h mas iwk rttMt naAMTTMI tf. tJaa/MMi i tMMta MM LIVUMSL UT >Mn fcailiii a It an tan I. LllMrtw. H, m tm lt r Bar WUMWI B IM II Mr II Mr II Mr II Ml imimm upmm .fa ant a bm ato a a. na.
      1,094 words
    • 1127 11 FUUY CONTAINERIZED StKVICE TO lU«Oft __7t__T7 I < I^IW I* l-.1, J aaaaaaaaM Ia SumSl" ton Ci! »~»m. lißatrtMM. BTViMt I at* f'l"»-l' CKllrtlH. MMM •>■ ,1 Mr 11 Sttcttoai. OtM, HttiMi. UtatM batata. (•Mat laaa Ut a Ban m a Mat FUUY CONTAINEBIZID SIIVICI FKOM EUtO»E r t»Mf Ttm,
      1,127 words
    • 657 11 Mnan |IM«4 P Ittaaj D4l It Tfjni; Pmmi HHI THE BANK LINE LTD. UMH FM 1. I S aVHCI MTBM.iI MarMaa. It-M.. -rim. CMrtt Wm- li.ra. Darta. CMlla.i) F Mla« tVit Nt t'ttv* 11 II fM "M u*t t mm mv iM uaw b-mu lMl"V-M tM i mi i aim
      657 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 961 12 WC\r KaMaßaVMaHaHalaal kaw,\3AJU KJSE N KAISH A LTD. FIUT CWTUKIISfD 2lt« Te lurti* (Via MMasl Sift P »"-J >••'! MPTItt EWlAll T7W rtFrt UFM IMr 12 Mm FajMt IBMH (Via «M4t«| P aXaa| Spce Outi Totf MPTMI SIPWIRE 'tl f« 1* W wmmm Jap.«. osa mmi cmmm S pert P
      961 words
    • 1075 12 aatSUUUI nKVICSa TO rRON WIMIIU mmmiauu from ni no Mat* RMtSAM Uj. PIMMf 27 IM Mia 1.«.i PMOM Pilialm 4 Ftt IM Piliatm. IiMTI PtMuaa. iNI IF* Matt. (MMMI PM MM I U IM Smmtmi, ummm jaatx iv im UM Pmnmi INI 7 M MitU/Pmimc. PURMM Soti? INI TNI Srafuaa|.
      1,075 words
    • 876 12 wut mtumaa tomt n bmh (iv ann ran P. Mittf frlaaa utaf Rra AMatra rtaa MtPTMH IMBUI II IM 1) fM N Mar' I Mtr Bar MfMTIt ItfWTII BM MPM MaY MMr B Mar H lar M Mar MPTIM tAPPIIM laa I Mar n aar- n aar n Mar aMr
      876 words
    • 981 12 tP«g soviet ti immx immm/umwan mn. MMIAMU.I U Hn 'iTha Vil"fM IT^im Ss?»!Te«a l*aaa> 71 J M-.. MMM IN UTI I, aart uil im Car*.!, imi nJ. It It**! 7/4. Ntw. 11*. raaaj 4. mmi hum ua fM n i iNr i/ 1 a. v, mm \ZZ v\. *m, I
      981 words
    • 937 12 THR POUT OP aiMOAFOaI |MI»I IN JuaOMQ »O«T OK AUTHORITY AMaOUNCRO m > TNR POH.OWIBJO .RMTHiaa Ml: Klram Martlnoa H 3 C«nAKMAItORMCtrTa POM 4 Uul Kltußll 1 Britiih Mannar Hi and Bank B/5 OUT: Ra«na Baku* 11. Vladimir aUnkonkl 10 II Rjrturrjaj II Haylln tt. Choan Maru JaVM rtakoraaan Maru
      937 words

  • 59 13 •W**w>#f iwg»T is) •VkkStAs) aTMgsMHwS two aass nsj wst ssaitt kw twariiiss* TUs Mitssim daaa ****tsT HtVMM rsjtjsywsjagsMsl ftv KMCI I *^***lw> M# (kMssWsVSJfwOS) VHH b# MsswaW I srrara uMwaa asssiMSsn tj draw* to vwrn OKtasriK smkiNeaisw I (LINKS SALONS In Hotel Slngapura for your latsst hairstyles expert
    59 words
  • 46 13 SOUSTIIN 0 CRUZ of Valiat Hurti passed away at Onssa. In Sunday Ist February 1976 Brothers Late Mathew D crui '•■•ph Wilfred !0E Jalan BswaassWaV sine*;- pj MR OW YONO LAI Choon ptisil away peacefuUy on 2-2-7* leaving vender -Street »i llMim on t-2-71
    46 words
  • 88 13 IAWRINCf WONO OAI Hong. ng Kal Ngoh Ollbert a ■■it Kal Soen and Andrew Lee lhank all relarrsM and busl- their donations wreaths, scrolls, night visit funeral attendance, assistance I 1 irmg the rev their irand mother Madam ><* Hung Font MM MR* ooh Boon Beng Mr L
    88 words
  • 47 13 :N LOVINO MEMORY OF MOM TAN POM NCH wile wstMrssw tram MS x- 4 2/73. ThangX M floaft rsu sre mM wNh us m sptm van w*J atwsr* in tvtß lovino Memory of Tang ed 4 Always d by mother wife. irothers sisters reia--ndi
    47 words
  • 10 13 60S SAMAMTANS OF Slnga- I [nsrnuraged'' k-u Help
    10 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 235 13 classified ads M juired Apply to Prln■nary School :->re 10 Closing I CNIRI (TWO hinese Closing daw j Wo require she ts*towa itso mmm ts> am now asr»s«li> AOMINI6TRATIVE ASSISTANT Otjonat aliinw tient Eipononcw .> rxperienc* In lion and should hsve MNM •.'■lff f rn.x.T tparr BS. The successful applicant
      235 words
    • 754 13 DYNAMIC JUNIOR IXICUTIVI for this post are Informed that the position has bsen filled EXPERIENCED CONPIDINTIAL 6ICRITARV. AccounU Clerk. Flower Arranger wanted come 213. 2nd Floor. Qusensway Shopping Centre JUNIOR ACCOUNTS CLIRK re quired by French company, applicants must be English speaking with ability to type well SaUry In
      754 words
    • 726 13 tNTUMSATIONAL COMPANY MOUtMS Female AccounU Clerk with knowledge of Book-keeping Candidates must posse** OCE 'A' level certificate Please apply with recant passport sued photograph (non-returnable) to 8 T BoxAMMt PSMVATI MCMTARY to weU tsuMUhed international company Managing Director Capabl* of handling office- client* relation and Book-keeping Ptsas* reply tending reaumt
      726 words
    • 694 13 WUL SSTAaXvhJHrO AsxSJSJC IN Company requires Experienced/ Inexperienced Dynamic. SelfMotivated Sales Personnel for their Office Equipment and Systems Dspt. Msrtinunn qualification OCE O' level Attractive salary, commission. transport allowance and incen- Uv* scheme provided Please ssnd resume indicating telephone number and sntloMng passport sue photo (non-returnaM*) to ST BoxAM4M PART/
      694 words
    • 831 13 AMwJMCAN PAMtLY MOMIMS Oeneral Amah and Cook, or )ust expsrtsnesd cook Would accept husband and wit* team If quslified In European and Chinese and other cooking For qualified cook, salary 1390 up wards For qualified Oeneral Amah with cooking sxpertsnee. Salary 1300 upwards. Enclose photo* with resume to Box 536.
      831 words
    • 780 13 VACANCY MN YOUM6) girl tut MTMto exweuuve U-*-ln Age It -3 year*. **y*t*t«icr>KKiiiskseptng and simple cooking Able to spoas Engttah and Massy, dnving licence will be an advantage aarn extra willing to help m gar ment fsctory. training provided Applicanu should Include a recent photograph (returnable) and give full personal
      780 words
    • 789 13 AOIO Malay driver preferable residing; around dut 15 Apply room 5365 Oolden Mile Shopptnf Centre. Beach Road. Singapore 7 during office hours Wo nstti iintitilii Ss HBXPttPa/APPMNTICI Spore Voc Inst or equivalent/ Form II Esasilsmis Very little experlenc* v rssjutrtd To carry out minor repairs JSELPIR (PAINT SHOP) 2 years
      789 words
    • 555 13 COPPII HOUII RIOUIRIS waitresses bartender, delivery boy Apply personally M. Victoria Street. Red House. I a m 12 noon WANTIO (A) Ff MALI CLIRKS tot Irnvtotowfl •fww) QosWakYVvl OMm Work Minimum OCE Education and able to type Experience not necessary m DILIVIRY Cam PACKER* Minimum Secondary Education and able to
      555 words
    • 834 13 APARTMINT! OOLOMILL TOWS* II 6M Peach Oarden t2. 3SS. St Thomas Walk M5O. Jurong 1400 Semi-detached Toh Tuck Oarden lI. TM. Thomson Road (5 unlU) tI.MO each. Toh Turk Walk tI.MO. HuaOuan Avenue II 000. Bamboo Orove UM. Terrace Opera Esute MM. Sembawang Hills 1750 Thomson Hills 1740 East Coast
      834 words
    • 918 13 TIRHACI PABIR PAN4ANS) MOO Tal Hwan MOO Clementi tI.MO. Lorong Klsmls lI. MS. Seletar I7SO Semi-detacned Faber II 900. Watten t2.2M Thomson II 800 Hua Ouan II 000 Toh Tuck I! »00 Seletar MM Apartmenu Cavenagh tI.MO. Lock Cho MM IV tached Changi tTM. Tal Hwan tI.MO. Clementi tI.MO Office
      918 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 599 14 FULLY AWCONsMTIONBB LUXURY (avenagh Court dlat apartthree bedrooms, aepang dining, luxuriously 1 Beautiful modern .<:< in wardrobes •erunty maintenance ir> occupation T liannn Tiff TTtKn Z*. YE» ROAD EXCLUBIVI small :ushed apartment »ith ri hoi <• II SOO Hill Court dlst 9(2.288 Tel ***** 1 UOLONtLt roWERS (OIBT 11) sl
      599 words
    • 719 14 I BINOLI ROOM POR working girl or couple please call personally at j 52 Jalan Harl Raya (Upper 1 Thomson 5s m t ROOM AVAILABLE AT River 1 Valley dlst 10 unfurnished no cooking 8150 p m Tel 378(67 I HOLLANO ROAO AREA unfurnished Bedroom 6200'- per month Telephone *****22
      719 words
    • 757 14 OWTRBCT 18t Very well decorated 3-bedrooan bungalow with wall-to-wall carpeting throughout Lounge split-level dining room, study. 2-balhrooms. servant's room with own smenlties Area approx 6.500 sq ft Price (250.080. furnished David Phoa (■Sons Tet *****2 6ELETAR HILLS ATTRACTIVE ungte-storey terrace 2.200 sq ft front/ back extension Ist offer (78.088 secures
      757 words
    • 745 14 04BT.MLEA8ES88slngle-etoreyl M 8.688- ono Detached bungalow 4.888 to 6 000 sq fl 8100.000/--0 n o Td. *****8 UPPER CHAN4M BNIBLI-BIOREI 3-bedroomed bungalow 6.888 sq ft freehold 8115.000 1 L Chan i Asaoclaus *****/ ***** atNOLB-STOREV TERRACE house at Thomson Road. 6W m s •62.080/- Phone ***** Mr Ngo JALAN jintan
      745 words
    • 661 14 OOUBLI -BTOREY BHOWROOM CUM office to let approximately 3.3(8 ft imllefTWJiJ.B.Jojyn. main trunk road Renul (2.000 Interested parties write to Henderson P 6 Box SSS Spore 1 SHENTON HOUSE OPWCE apace avauaMe for immediate occupancy Area, from 401 sq ft to 5.000 sq ft. Intereated parties conuct tel 220*166 ext
      661 words
    • 781 14 RIVOLV»O RESTAURANT CUM Look -Out Deck at Collyer Quay to let Enquiries telephone number ***** or call at 12A Change Alley Aerial Plaxa. Collyer Quay. Spore FAR EAST SHOPPING CENTRE 3rd floor shop 886 sq ft Ideal Travel Agency. Optical etc Tel *****5 POR RENT BMOWROOM/ BTORB CUM AIRCONO OFFICE
      781 words
    • 715 14 LOWEST FARE BI Singapore/ London or Paris. I Amsterdam. Rome. Frank- fun. Copenhagen 8(850 three tune a week till March Singapore/ Los Angeles, San Francisco Vancouver. New v ,r« SSI2JO to B*l4oo 4 flights weekly c a b houoavs ALL TAIWAN/ ALISH AN/ HUALIEN/ HONGKONG/ BANOKOK 9 12 14 Days
      715 words
    • 758 14 STR ANO HOTEL Bencooten Street downtown, alreon/ non-air- i cond Private bath, single 820/-. double 82S Bar Restaurant < Homely Service Spore Tel *****8 SLOAN! COURT HOTEU 17 Bal- moral Road, quiet, residential Orchard Road area, sircoadltloned 822 upwards. Tel *****11 (Spore) CHANG 8 SWALLOW REBTAU RANT Muslim Curry. Blk
      758 words
    • 755 14 OBTAIN TOUR QUALIFICATIONS lastly and rapidly No text Hooks Unique postal tuition by Ur from London Over 27V000 lurceetes Professional examinations in Law. Accountancy. Company Secretaryship Banking. bredit Management. Marketing Works Management Transport Commerce. Salesmanship. Data Processing etc LL B (London). Singapore Cambridge O C E WiSllfylm Test Write tor
      755 words
      534 words

    • 64 15 KUALA LUMPUR. TUCS. Th* Tamil Malar I* the brat Tamil daily newspaper In the world to vat oflaet printing, lv manager said yesterday Mi. P R Chandran. manager of th* Kuala Lumpur branch of the paper published bcih In Singapore and Malayda, announced that his paper
      64 words
    • 38 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Tins Fatlmah btntl Abdul Rahman, th* 12-year-old daughter of a police constable, who was accidentally ghot In the head at her home In Jalan Kolam Ajar. Kajanr nine day* ago died In hospital today.
      38 words
    • 147 15 German tour firm may use KL as centre PNANG. Tae s. German tour wholesalers, Neckrr mann and B*infl of Frankfort may asc Kaala Lumpur as a destination point for their charter flights during the winter season, starting in November. At present. Weckermann's are operating jumbo charters to Bangkok and Boeing
      147 words
    • 310 15 I POM. Tuesday THK Central Government is to hold" discuvions through diplomatic channels with the Thai Government over the illegal opening up of some 2.X00 hectares of Perak state land by Trv»i nationals The Minister of Lands and Mines and Special Functions,
      310 words
    • 85 15 ALOR STAR. Tuts. Three men. one armed with a pistol, last night robbed a contractor of his Mero*de* MOD valued st MSIS.OOO at Kampung Bohor Karang about V km from her*, under th* pretext of offering him a contract for supplying red earth. The contractor Mr.
      85 words
    • 296 15 JAKARTA. Tues Malaysian Foreign Ml raster Tunku Rlthaudeen was today reported to have said that the Asean summit meeting In Ball later this month was ex pected to «ign a treaty of amity and co operation. In an interview with the official newspaper. Suara
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 274 15 K LUANG. Tues. At least five peo- pie were killed in road accidents along the notorious Johore Baru Ayer HI tarn "killer road" from the 39th to 51st mile in the last few days. Motorcyclist Kan *o* Ham. 47. was killed Inrtantly when his
      274 words
    • 34 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Police picked up 113 people In Chinese New Tear raid* In th* city her* over th* past two day*. Twenty-three suspects were detained »hue the rest werereleaaed
      34 words
    • 21 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Tile* Firemen dealt with 230 fires last month. Out of this more than 130 were lallang Ore*
      21 words
    • 144 15 KAMPAR, Turn. Police opened Ore on a car In Jalan Labu here last night and Injured one of the occupants when It tried to run Into them after being challenged. The Injured man. sitting Li the bark seat of the car with a bullet wound
      144 words
    • 221 15 400 motorists blacklisted for bad cheques PETALINO JAVA, Tuesday THE Selangor Registrar and Inspectorate of Motor Vehicles office has blacklisted about 400 motorists who issued bad cheques In payment of their road tax. 1 The chief registrar of the Selangor KIMV, Mr. Kok Chee Sun. said here today his office
      221 words
    • 65 15 4 CHARGED FOR DUD CERTS RIM A LUMPL». Toes. Police have taken court action against four people who applied for admission to the University of Malaya with forged Higher School Certificates. a. police spokesman said action was taken following renorts b» the Registrar of the University. "One "erscn was bound
      65 words
    • 37 15 BL'KTT MZRTAJAM. Tuei About 4100,000 oamag* ha» been cauaad by a series of bush firw over about 200 nectar** of agricultural land In the Buklt Martajam and Nibonf Tcbal district* during the pact few «ay*
      37 words
    • 54 15 BUKIT MERTAJ AM. TMes. A year-old m ut# owner ww found murdered In her ooour.ut snd pineapple planutlon Buklt Tengah, 4 1 km fiom here. jtaUiday Madam Ooh TUn Kirn m found sprawled In a pool of blood «moi scene pineapple plant*. Sh« had a stab
      54 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 582 15 classified ads H MZAO STUOIgS CgNTRg organises new intendve classes for Institute Of AdmtnistraUve Management Institute of PractlUoner In Work Study O ft M Institute Of Marketing. Parti Institute Of Business Administration Aust CAM foundation Public Relations Advertising and Marketing Bssaw SKslii C silts. ll*. Yd new. New Fs apis's
      582 words
    • 776 15 if NANVANO DOIVIMO SCNOOL I dual-controlled DaUun 1200 Hourly S7 00 23* Tanjona Katong Road. Spore 15 4*2*7*/ MIOMWAT DMVrWO SCNOOL Datsun 1200 hourly (7 Ouaranu* highway cod* test ill. rwanwoon Road 2SM2M TAN4MJN DvMVINe SCNOOL dual controlled DaUun 1200 available I*. Tanglln Road Tel 6423 M Spore FAOFvC MOTOR
      776 words
    • 857 15 ALFA ROSMO ITM OTV IM* with alrcon. la—lU new tyre*, road tax and new insurance Bast offer secures Tel M7OS2 i morning 1 6000MI after 3 p m MOTONCVCLSS (ALL KINO*) hire purchase and cash terms available Lowest down payment and easy monthly payment can b* arranged Man Pu Ltd
      857 words
    • 656 15 1 WORKWO agNTLSMAN BSSKS car Un from Bodmtn Drive (SOE) we rent cars] L K uaU Lumpur 03-*****2 k V Penang 04-***** J Singapore *****fJ^8 SOUO OUTTAR ANO amplifier for sale at cash 5330 but hire purchase offer will also be taken Into consideration Kindly contact Barry *****1 BLACKWOOO ANB
      656 words
    • 648 15 eMW) MfAtTM s—yics prone* Relaxing Massage by Qualified. Masseurs Pleaae ring *****7/ MMM Uk-e\U«r* CICSLItNT VOWNB Masseuse*/ Mssseuri provide relaxing massage for you Ring 3214*0/ *****4 OOMA-S POH A MASSA4M Unsurpaassd! Kindly ring MMM*/ BMafit for an appointment 1 p m to 10 p m AT VOUN PLACB Beauty Service
      648 words
    • 692 15 TRANSFORTATION/ RtMOVAL SERVICE. Datsun Pickup. Medium/ Big Lorry to shift cargo. household office equipment 4031*7/ 45M93 Lenwa Company FACKINOV RCMOVAL/ TRANBFORTATION leave roar proMssas to v*. efflclent. rdlab** Rang 622*22 Malaysia Packing ft Aganckts(S) Pte Ltd OATSUN FtCK-OF for hire, for amsll ddlvert** ft removaks Opotact Fortuna Express Tel *****4
      692 words
    • 202 15 KMIM-twl PRIME MINItfIVrH OFFICE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from experienced contractors for taw regular rleaaiag of taw (ilv Hall Building. St A*>. drew* Road. Singapore < fee the period I*l April. I*7* U list March. 1977. Tender documents may be obtained from the Secretary to the Prime Minister. Prime
      202 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 2021 16 This advertisement is not a prospectus and does not constitute an invitation to subscribe for shares. HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965) Explanatory statement in connection with the issue of 148,654. 1005 hares of 50 cents each in Highlands and Lowlands Berhad. The Directors
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1169 17 SARAWAK SHELL BERHAD invites applications for the post of INFORMATION OFFICER The ideal applicants for the abovementloned posl- hf male or female Malaysian Citizens of 28 38 years possessing a degree Malaysian University or other recognised They should preferably be lal Sciences, or Mass Com- id lonally they should have
      1,169 words
    • 1205 17 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR Permohonan-permohonan adaiah dlpelawa darlpada WARGANEGARA MALAYSIA yang memUlkl kelulusan perubatan yang bollh mendapat pendaftar- an penun dengan Majlis Perubatan Malaysia untuk menglsl Jawatan yang tersebut selama 4 tahun Mbagal Pegawal Perubatan (Pelatlh) Medical Officer (Trainee) dldalam dislplln 1 PERUBATAN (MEDICINES) 2 SURJERI ORTHOPEDIK (ORTHOPAEDIC SUROERY) 3.
      1,205 words
    • 281 17 SCHERINC CORPORATION USA PROFESSIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES (PSR) Due to expansions two positions tor PSR have been created one to be based in Singapore, andtheotherinl. Baru. THE CMtCANIZATION: Sc her ing Corporation (USA) is a research orientated organization which makes available many pharmaceutical specialities to the medical profession. Our policy is
      281 words
    • 1679 17 Hii r I METALLURAGIST DALAM TENTERA DARAT MALAYSIA 1. Peluang dlbuka kepada mereka-mereka yang lngin menjadl METALLURAOIST dalam Ventera Darat. KELULUSAN DAN KELAYAKAN a. Mempunyal IJazah Sarjana Muda dalam METALLUROY atau b Mempunyal IJazah Sarjana Muda dalam Mechanical Engineering dan memIpunyal kecenderongan dalam METALLURGY 3. Lasn-lavt. a. Warganegara Malaysia b.
      1,679 words
    • 234 17 CARTER SEMICONDUCTOR (M) SDN BERHAD Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for the post of PROCESS ENGINEER This major post offers a career opportunity highly attractive In Its long-term outlook for continuing professional challenge and potential. Reporting directly to the General Manager, the Process Engineer will be responsible to
      234 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    54 18 MK SI (HA SIXiH S/O \i 1 TTA.M SIN<;H. S3. puMd I away peacefully 30.1.76. Leaving behind wife. 4 sons. 2 daughters. 2 daughters-in-law and 3 grandchildren h amily thanks relatives and fnrnds lor their attendance and condolences during their recent bereavement BH<M, (KKKMONY ».2.7« 3 S pm
    54 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    37 18 In loving memory of our dearest brother. RSAF PILOT LTA LBONO YEE I.IM passed away In UK on 28-1-76 Body arriving 5-2-70 Cortege leaving S pore Casket 7-2-78 Memories cherished by parents, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law
    37 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    68 18 MR. YEOW SEONG LIM aged 55, DIRECTOR/ SECRETARY OGILVY MATHER (S) PTE., LTD., passed away peacefully on 2/2/76 leaving behind beloved wife MARY (nee PANG GEK NEO), two sons GHIM CHYE A GHIM TECK, only daughter GHIM CHOO and adopted sons KIM HOCK A KIM TONG. to mourn his
    68 words
  • 335 18  -  JCE CCRAI NATIONAL SOCCER TRAINING BEGINS By RATIONAL soccer team manager N. Ganesan and coaches Hussein Aljunied and Andrew Yap were furious, angry men at Jalan Besar Stadium last night, when only 11 of the 20 National trainees reported for the first pre-Olym-pic soccer tournament,
    335 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 18 NTJMKS tUttt a Stga la the exaatlaatoea rvaai la the Ol»a>psc village is laaa•rwea where all female aikJMea. who ar* eeeapeitsw Im the Wav ter Otysaaic Gums, hstv* to »n*>rj» a m test. roeaaeUten ar* mtU raged thai they ssteaM be aabjectea te what they call sach I— laalag pneedarc.
    69 words
  • 195 18 Jurong hold UMW AOOAL apiece was fair wages for a satisfactory cv c n ing's work by United Motor Works and Jurong Shipyard in their SBHFL Dlv. Or-.e. match At Jalan Besar Stadium last night, reports WILFRED YEO. t*x two eranlr-matched teamj. it ni appropriate that much of th* batUa
    195 words
  • 286 18 IJANGKOK, Tues. A senior Thai sports official today denied reports that Thailand and China would be calling a meeting of Afro-Asian-Latin American countries here In April to consider boycotting the Montreal Olympic Games. Mr. Kong Vlsutharom. member of ISM National Olympics Committee ol Thailand iNOC),
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 92 18 JAKARTA. Turn— Indoneala will tale part for th* first Urn* in the third tournament of th* Allan Table TtnnU Union (ATTU) In Pyongyang. North Korea, ant May. a spokesman for th* Indonesian Table Tennis Association said yesterday TrvVm— ls did not take part In previous ATTU
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 195 18 TNNSBRUCK. Tver The International Olympic Committee (IOC) yesterday accepted the Canadian organisers' assurances that the summer Olympic Oames will take place In the promised stadium complex beginning on July 17. While temporary seatIng will be required for many spectators, the Oames' track and field athlete* will
    195 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 602 18 FINANCE OFFICER I Jofc Dvtcriatiaei I I The Fmartce Officer is tHehaodof thcFinonce Accounts Deportment within the Administrative Division of th* Board 1 Hn mam o wttat pf I 2 I Overall charge of the proper and efficient doy -to-day operation of the Board's finonce and occounting system, including maintenance
      602 words
    • 504 18 I HK MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP. IM AND IN THE MATTKR OF JIN HUA COMPANY PTK. LTD. (lacar aotafa la Tto Republic Of Siacapora) At an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting of the Members of Jin Hua Company Pte. Ltd.. duly convened and held at «9-B Telok Ayer Street. Singapore
      504 words
      620 words
    • 697 18 S STATES LINE '%*W STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY FAR EAST PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIRECT Loading lor: Tacom*. Seattle. Vancouver (8.C.). Portland. Longytei. Vancouver (Wash). San Franclcco and Lo« Angel et laa)in f *#mt toa* MM Tk. WalC U. MOT VWIM IMVIMI/IMI/ «■> VIM ■WJIH V»M 1/ IM 1/ «Mr ■■mm vim mwim
      697 words

    • 483 19 An importient 17-year-old leads the record breakers INNSBRUCK. (Austria), Tues An impatient 17-year-old Austrian skier led a parade of record breakers on the downhill practice run yesterday, and American figure skating star Dorothy Hamill nursed an Alpine cold as athletes from 37 nations prepared themselves for tomorrow's opening of the
      483 words
    • 205 19 Finney's goal knocks out Hull City LONDON. Tues. Second Division Sunderland. winners of the English FA Cup ln 1973. moved Into the last 16 of this yean competition with a 1-0 victory over Hull City last night. The goal which earned Sunderland a tlfth round trip to Stoke City on
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 17 19 THS Shltoryu Karate Asmclsllon will hold Its annual general meeting this Saturday at McNalr Road.
      17 words
    • 722 19  -  EPSOM JEEP WONDERFUL SURPRISE, MALLANE AND LOVER'S PARADISE SET A CUP POSER... With RACING KUALA LUM1Y PUR, Tues. Wonderful Surprise 11, Mallane and Lover's Paradise can make turf history here on Sunday. These topflildit stayers may well dominate the finish of a classic
      722 words
    • 801 19 SATURDAY \VEiOHTS ror I ww right races on Saturday third da> }f the Selangor Turl nub meeting CL. 1. DIV. 3— ZtttM Siapa r^ajari 87 Don Markos M Prince Troy M Uncle Ivor M Happy Melody 111 55 5 Bam parang 55 I Musung II MS Oaytooa 55
      801 words
    • 43 19 WElCirrs tor all eight races on Sunday mows gold rip CL. 1, DiV. I IIMM Wonderful Surprise H 57 5 Mallane 87 Pontreelna 88 Lover's Paradise M Oonara M Naval Base n 51 Wsrtmstass S3 Prelude S3 lien An Mun 51 S
      43 words
    • 298 19 Gold Cup winner looks a picture KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Lover's Paradise, who will carry 54 kg j n the Tunku's Gold Cup race on Sunday, was not extended to do 39 for 600 m on good going here this morning, reports CHARLES WONG. A m-jrear-old teldlnf by Sanctus n Lover's
      298 words
    • 249 19 B AJUUnt araw ihb «atacasVa rasca am Kaala Laaaar: SAITKDAT CLASS 1. DIV. S ZtttM: 7. t. It. IL L 4. s. t, CLASS Z. DIV. 4 UttM: J. I. t. 7. CLASS 4 itttM: 11, 4. 7. 4.^*. 1. 1. 11. I. U, CLASS
      249 words
    • 327 19 TT*WO n Yap and R van Brrukelen. «1 1300 «ach by the < on Monday for not filling in tnetr declarations for the Ar»t two days Another trainer. M Davidson had •400 forfeited for falling to eubmlt hla declaration on atoerald Olom The Stipendiary Steward's report on Monday's
      327 words
    • 1458 19 SUNDAY Velayulhsm explained that the hone wanted to hang out throughout the running of the race In the final 1M metres. Malta iM. Ismail) was disappointed for a nui Buckquern slso darted ln alter making the turn MalsjeaVa Haa (W Llewi returned with an »ora*ion to
      1,458 words
    • 38 19 JOHANNBBBURO. Tuta. Dale Havee won the South African golf champlonahtp here yesterday after a playoff with John Pourle. Both had tied for first on M 7 on citurday Third was American Bill Break on 2W) Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 25 19 PARIS. Tuea. Plret Dlvlaton Uam Troyee knocked St. EUenne. the holder*, out of the Prench soccer Cup with a J-0 win yetteiday. Rtutcr.
      25 words
    • 423 19 Singapore and HK in squash final HONOKONO. Tue*. Hongkong and Singapore maintained their unbeaten records last night and advanced Into the anal of the dxnatlon First Far Bast ■quash Invitational championship. Hongkong defeated The Philippines 5-0. and Singapore beat Japan 5 0 ln their fourth round matches. Each have four
      423 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 942 19 I CAREER IN TECHNICAL MARKETING 1 AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION REQUIRES AN EXPERIENCED TECHNICAL MARKETING EXECUTIVE to market and promote a wide range of engineering/ industrial equipment including compressors pneumatic equipment pumos hoists etc. The successful applicant will have primary responsibility for a major profit centre handling an assortment of engineering
      942 words

  • 32 20 TOKYO Tue* A Japanese fovrmmtnt turvey utm > left Tokyo for Jakarta today i to study the feasibility of I expanding- the port imc^'AVkm I of Banjannastn Port of IndoricsU AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 72 20 VI'ITH no bomb- shell questions by opposition members, Japan's Prime Minister Takeo Mtki (left). Chief Cabinet Secretary Ichiro Ide (right) and Toshio Komoto (second from right). Minister of Internatl onal Trade and Industry, sleep during a Lower House Budget Commit tee meeting in Tokyo on Monday. Mr.
    AP  -  72 words
  • 279 20 Moynihan asked to stay on at UN ]y|R Daniel Patrick Moynihan, whose methods at the UN have been likened to those of a gunslinging Wild West cowboy, today continues as US ambassador despite resigning after only seven months in office. The outspoken 48-year old former shoe -shine boy and Harvard
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 124 20 Coup: Sampson may be tried \ncOBIA, Tues. «ir. iv Nicos Sampson. President of Cyprus for eight days In July 1974 after a coup ousted Archbishop Makarios, may be prosecuted for his part In the plot and his "Illegal assumptijir of the presidency, in c.'flclal statement said today Official sources Mid
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 194 20 Angola: Peace bid by 5 African leaders LUSAKA (Zambia), Tues Five African heads of state are expected in the Zamblan capital at the weekend to discuss the Angola situation and the possibilities of persuading that country's three warring factions to form a Joint government, news reports from Johannesburg said today.
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 150 20 Gun shot hits police boxing champ SINGAPORE'S Pesta Sukan boxing champlon, police constable M. Selveekam escaped serious Injury when a colleague's revolver went off while they were at :he Beach Road police station last week. According to Infonne sources yesterday, the bullet struck Selveekam In the left arm, mltrlnt his
    150 words
  • 95 20 ECONOMY HTT BY LOWER OIL SALES, SAYS IRAN riiEHKKAN, Tues—Pre--1 mier Amir Abbas Hovelda told Parliament today Iran had run into economic difficulties because Western oil companies had bought leu oil than promised. He accused the oil companies American. British, butch and French of "flagrant violations of their agreements with
    UPI  -  95 words
  • 168 20 Western Sahara: Egypt steps up peace moves LONDON, Tuesday riQYPTIAN efforts to mediate In a bitter dispute between Morocco and Algeria Intensified today as both sides Indicated the United Nations could help settle their argument over the future of the Western Sahara Egypt, one of several Arab countries trying to
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 64 20 JAKARTA. TUM Th» Tnrtntiaaian Oovammcnt hu rtjtcttd nqinat by an Australian Journalist to «n--tar Tnrtnrt—l* on til* grounds (hat bis article* haw» bMB onfavrjorabat and buaad •Olnat Ua* SuhArto Oovarn■xnt, Inforoution aflntotar Maaburl innwwd haw toTtM angarav-bMad journalist. Mr iUchcl Richardm of 'Tht Aft" In Australia,
    AP  -  64 words
  • 622 20 f ONDON TM*. Ta. *taca mark* tlmtt luw lour M 4 1 pm. la* riaaactai T>w |H|•«j at tt v W). fl«>1»1«*l MH Bnx lowor oa p<*a< takiac but in* fall waj MarrrkAi a»iriaai. Nat faiu •nwi loot «ato« Miv ru|«d la 1. pout whii* moru imi «p
    622 words
  • 328 20 We will fire on any intruder says Dili JAKARTA. Tuesday fHE pro-Indonesian Provisional Gov ernment of East Timor has threateaet to open fire on any ship or plant approaching the Portuguese colons Radio Republic Indonesia (HMI) report ed today. The radio quoted the Provisional Gov ernment as saying it would
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 179 20 Hijacked: School bus with 30 children fyiIBOUTI i French mJ territory of the Afara and the Lssas>. Tues. Three armed men hijacked a school bus carrying 30 children and demanded the release of two political prisoners and immediate Independence talks with France, officials said. The bus carrying the terrorists and
    UPI  -  179 words
  • 65 20 OH. MANOAUkM |UM«MA. •AM. WW TT. MUM mm. full* 117» larai iistar o**««i—■!. mm (RAM) ML, Pukuiiu. taatkun im— M*n*»»j|a*»jia«l. Latttmmi. m-a-law Mukuaar am lilltlllllli CWni Mb*** Bloc* U Raon SS. C»**Mia Mm*. in.«i But) totar S.SO pm. tar lain CNmMh itUMlrt). TNtDAI. MMM H *w»T wtlnly os S/1/TS
    65 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements