The Straits Times, 1 February 1976

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2072 FEBRUARY, 1, 1976 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 427/76
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  • 280 1 Nation in precarious position against Red threats, says C-in-C BANGKOK. Saturday THE Commindsri.t-a.iwJ of the Thai army km ißgMSitssi that a number of American combat units should continue to b« ttationed on Thai soil bocaus* his country alone "is now in a precarious
    AP  -  280 words
  • 651 1 Angola aid ban: 'US will live to regret it' WASHINGTON, Sat. DHKSIDENT Ford last night denounced Soviet and Cuban intervention in Angola and said he believes Americans will live to regret what he calls the serious mistake by Congress to ban IS funds to anti-communist forces fighting there. He aald
    Reuter  -  651 words
  • 37 1 OENOA (Italy). Sat.— Aafftto Ravafll. who marrtad Urn widow of D H Lawrsnes and claimed h* *v Urn tnaptratlon for Urn writer's novel Lady Chattertey i Lover ha* dtad at Urn as* of 84.— Router.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 288 1 Kukrit's pledge to Muslins: Killers will be fend PTTANI. Sat. Thai Prime Minister Knkrtt PramoJ toured the guerilla-plagued prorlnces of soathern Thailand today In an attempt to create better relation* between MasUm dissident* and hi* Government Mr. Kokrtt visited the central Muslim mosque of Pattanl pi jf luce, wo km
    AP  -  288 words
  • 23 1 1 6 drowned DACCA. Bat. —Tmm tmi~mak*m Is' afjsjhaa rlwjr sear hate *> fvlsay. •SkSfta) fusswway TIM swaUi toll was at wast W. ■setsr.
    23 words
  • 51 1 DAR IS BALAM. Sat. Police In northwwUm Tan>»nla have arrested tl suspected "killers for hln Urn Tanaanlan Government mX today A way* of murders by m» pceud hired fun* hu plaguac Urn Mwansa and Shlnyanea rogtons. tome 700 km northwest of h«re. a eovorasssnl itat— wit added—
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  • 173 1 LONDON. Sat International move* continned toward cheaper lending yesterday, with Infract rates falling In London and sign* of a tether round of cut* in I— rtea. Britain. B% Poor clearing bank* all ttteed a half per cent off their bate rate*, down to 19 per
    173 words
  • 549 1  - lmelda:Why there's no conflict of interest NANCY BYRAMJI By lIER obligations to her country 11 and her duties to her family cause no conflict of Interest for Mrs. I meld a Marcos (above). She sees** U R«r»e« both public and private reles with eeaal caste v one of her hesaasri's
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  • 293 1 Cold wave freezes 3 to death LONDON, gat CEVEN teenage girl police cadets were trapped In a tent on blizzard-swept Dartmoor in southwest England today as Western Europe was hit by Its coldest weather in four years. The sub-zero condition* .urned the tea to Ice off southeast England, freezing gale*
    AP  -  293 words
  • 55 1 IVRBA. (Italy). Sat Thrss armed bandits, who kilted ft atopkeapar and ntaMl hi* no and mother young bostas* during in abortive robiMry ttttmpt. auiienaarsd ymunUj tfUr 10-hour stag*. Ths baodrU had Barricaded tham»r*w in a flat omr JsweUtrr- ibop In thla northern Italian town on Thursday after
    55 words
  • 34 1 LATEST Four killed by avalanche SALZBURG (Aasirta). tat. Pear Austrian* were slUod today whoa aa avalaaehe hit a group of six skiers on a stop* hi the Owertoaerm area aear Radrtedt. pollee reported. AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 161 1 The Rolex *^^fl twinlock ,*^^B I winding JOgV "I^b* crown seals ilsßsimr submarine 31 hatch |^a Bfia! Tai Hong Hung lPte.l Ud. Bridge Koad. oppmitc 'he Odcnn Cinema JAPANESE WAY OF Punt* ow Hw Sri Deiima and ih« ENTER THE k THIS w6EK IN TWO match-making «i aio f» roun
      161 words
    • 18 1 GEMS ft KxmmUUm JEWELLERY U.S. de SILVA ft SONS, J*u*lhrs 82, 24, MITUS PUCE. SINGAPORE- 1. TEU «4057
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  • Worldwide
    • 156 2 DRY-OUT ORDER ON THE BOOZING SNAILS LONDON. Sat. A trio of beer (willing British snails has been ordered off booze after a protest by the country's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals <RSPCA). The dry-out order came after a television film showed the three with their horned
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 404 2 TCL AVIV, ttat. pKIME Minister Yitzhak Rabin said yesterday there was a general identity of views between Israel and the Inited States on the direction Middle East political moves should take. He said he was satisfied with
      Reuter  -  404 words
    • 42 2 BRISBANE. Ssu Par 16 yean after his mother was kllW by a car. John Nemethy M. kept his vow never to nde in a motor vehicle. Be went to hla grave her* reaterday lr horse-drawn hearse Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 42 2 CXJAOADOUOOC. Bat Prrndent *»«f"ii'T '-rn'rira of Upper VoJta iHsantvad the Oovemment yaatarday and said he would form a new ministerial team next week One-third of the new government's mlniMera would be members of the armed forces, be said. Mauler
      42 words
    • 59 2 13 DIE IN NURSING HOME FIRE FIREMEN carrying an elderly woman from the mncrea* ginning and Best Bess* la Chicago ra Friday. Thirteen of the U inmate* la the home, mostly aged between «3 aad 17. died in the fire which started la a room near the home's chapel At
      59 words
    • 96 2 Five killed in clash with cops CAIRO. Sat. Five people were killed and 23 others v of them policemen were wounded In a clash between police and resident* of the Egyptian town of Manzala on Thursday, the newspaper Al Ahram said yesterday. It started when police went to arrest a
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 73 2 MADRAS. Sat— ConrlcU In the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu are being offered 1» days to one rear reduction In their Jail tanas If they gat thamselvaa sterilised under a new family planning drive OOrlala say that at laaat ii eonvtcu In the oentral JaU
      73 words
    • 27 2 LUSAKA. Sat Two BrlUah newspaper oosTaMMSidents are believed to have bean deUlnad by the Zambtan authorltlaa staca early this morning, the BrlUah High Commission said— neuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 545 2 Soviet bloc to study arms cut offer VIENNA. Saturday THE Warsaw Pact said today that a Nato offer to withdraw 1,000 Inited States nuclear warheads from West (icrmany was insufficient but still worth discussing. Communist diplomats at the 19-nation conference on European force reductions carefully avoided rejection of the Nato
      Reuter  -  545 words
    • 188 2 Drug pusher has sex change in jail VANCOUVKE. Sat A drmg pvaher whe went to prison last year aa a saass will CMS**** nasrt year as Doctor* ■arfsrwaasl a nnal sfsratssn yesterday to naislito a asm change far M-year-*ld Gary PraAarlek PhUnps, ssrwfcjay (km rears tor trafficking la herein. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 Diplomas put you in a job V In our changing world, Earl Nightingale's Lead the Field moves you to the top ajfSMBBs»sBBBW| He motivates you to: achieve ro«r aaabition develop confidence positive attit»<fes \Lr •be alert to opportunities think creatively J o\ercome proMeaßS 4H I" 'aH *erve your organisation effectively
      172 words

  • 351 3 THE Housing and Dcv c I o p m c n t Board, whose projects involve some 18,000 construction workers, yesterday pledged to continue its relentless efforts to instil vigilance and safety consciousness among its contractors and workers at worksites. This
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  • 455 3 Mental health: Need to cut down risks THE Health Minister. Dr. Toh Chin Chye, has stressed the need to reassess measures which would prevent the breakdown of mental health in Singapore and the use of existing facilities for the treat ment of mentally ill patients. Faftafi "On the preventive side
    455 words
  • 207 3 l-tax returns: Single form for couples MABWEO coi»lei wh« MbaUt their Ibc*bw Ui t*l«mo wW B4»w only »oc4 U o«BBlct« a slaflc form, on If they more ctoocb t* be Mooosotl ooMnldy. Announcing this oA Friday. »he Department of Inland BeTeaae aald hi a otateBwnt that this *ta»HDoattoa wobM niake
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 957 3 P^™^YK rill Ttea^i Caaa tutiif ■afcste^SttD^ 7i NOW SHOWING! DAILY AT 7jOO it JO PM. _^^^^r^ M~ JIMMY WANG VU In MvLL.M.hMtM tf^% On+Arnmd Bom* mj; 'Bwmrasj Bwi ZM I' Tfm Fhrina Qumotinm 9* **^^B B| Dk*<t^ ky MMMT \MMo9 TU > lli» n TNttH,. mW^ -^tTJnmlowm juk<W4Ulvl-M cmtMA/ MST
      957 words
    • 37 3 WISHING NR CHINESE PATRONS A NATTY NEW YEAR! S chows: 11. MS, JJO. 7.15. I 4^^^^B BB Cneci Cnon Alan Ten^ l_" B/m\Biw_rTai wmWVlmw *^_^*_i^^^ *€bbBB 6> Jl. vJl_r%_r\_S&rb"_p.iJp* **J o«»^»2»2»2^»«toTWgo>OmTO*J»oi > oi»oWe>r^»t I P"PiB*BlB)p BbW Vjfl mSt
      37 words
    • 408 3 i^BBEmM mmn^Snm9mmt^EaSmm^mlSm\ I "w" »-1' <& WtsMngaltirPatrttts JS(=) >2ew^ea^ jj j M Tliitwt Owjw AdUnoe C— h ■aolrlwl NOW SNOWING! DAILY 5 SNOWS! mm AT 11.M4M. I.M. 4.N, 5.45 4 S.3NH amC^mmi mmi _jCbWIB3-_I BIbI TfBPBC 9 Immw^Xt BftTmomßm*-* *■>■■ <-jX^^^TmJfflllOAtm(lO timt« twbUiw wmw n. mu imuM t«nw shiws A
      408 words
    • 240 3 OWSAPIISATIO M^r^T^F ALL SHOWS NO PftEEJJST REX— ladies lily Preview I SATURDAY 7th FEBRUARY IMaaa Us. laakiati mm\ f irrlf k SUlb Si! Cm a 50-year-old aai bavt a satisfm I rjlatjoasbiaifit^n^JJjJJ^g^ co BIM€ 4-lY UCmWHOM ROGI ly DstrtbUßJd b) Qncmalr«ernjttonal ConammwFßEE GIFTS TO AU PATRONS 1 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC by
      240 words

  • 396 4 TWO ef the world's greatest acting talents team up for the flrst time In the classic UlMisiaa movie. "Love Among The Rains." winner ef six Emmy awards. (An Emmy Is it» TV eajaivalent to a Bin Oscar). Katharine Hepburn gives a brilliant
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 593 4 STAMFORD INSURES SUCCESS Win tuccast wllri a batlaf aducalkMi ttwowgh saors Mma study r^L > with Slawlofd Collaga Slowlord Colloaa homo atn#> eowsaa \VS ■rt sclantlttcally davlaad to guarantaa systematic and rapM V'^ai laamlng Quality now In tha subfact ol your enote* and Jo*n tha V. growing numbaf ot Sumtoid
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1846 4 111 W^ V*^HH |H captive U-boat crew which hat landed in a TUESDAY: Ashing vessel In The Deadly Attachment" Or A 22-YEAR-OLD blind M? Ch. sat pjn. (Cokmr) flrl iuea the obstetrician I A PSYCHOTIC boy v who delivered her at birth tMled up In a bathroom for malpractice Is
      1,846 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 585 5 SO FAR FABER UNION HAS SOLD HOUSES AT TAMAN DESA TO 912 FAMILIES THEY C4NT BE WRONG ABOUT W __/3B ABOUT .FABER UNION Pf^'^ 1 FABER UNION QUALITY BMari- 3 FAIRNESS In just over two years. 912 fa- "•^M r*^O\ *V VT. have bought houses costing I VO don
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  • The Sunday Times 3UWDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1976
    • 440 6 T»HE Year of the Rabbit did not exactly x start with a whimper on the Singapore stock market In February 1975. But end with a bang it certainly did last Friday. Those with long memories will recall that share prices early last year were already reacting
      440 words
  • 915 6  - JFK scandals start new smear on Ted The WO RLD Charles Foley By I OS ANGELES: Anlj other, and fatal, (happaquiddick for Senator Edward Kennedy? This was the buzz last week In California, where a long- submerged series of scandals has broken through to cheapen the memory of "Camelot" and
    915 words
  • 1496 6  -  PETER SUTHERLAND By Brighter note now in the stock market OAPPY days are 11 here again. Just a year or so after many investors were scared witless out of the world stock markets, confidence In the cult of the eulty Is visibly on
    1,496 words
  • 398 6 France in new bid to cleanse language PARIS French language purists who stand by htlTless'y as their mother tongue absorbs more and more English w.-rcls will socn have the law b-hind tnerr. In their ftght to keep FTonrh French A new law seeks to cleanse the language of such Anglicisms
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 13 6 LADY f^EIKO fine watches that are also beautiful jewellery SEIKO tadkon a SKfndogy
      13 words
    • 102 6 SANYO STEREO SYSTEMS t I BEAUTIFUL SETS, I MAGNIFICENT SOUND. S H IgggggggggggJl flSgl i H II 0 II 5J OC-«500K W lj All-in-Ore 4-Chsnnel Stereo System 4% Fw all 2. 4-channel sound sources Four pre- and main amps Fully automatic I ,A belt drive turntable and AM/ FM tuner
      102 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Timescope
    • 2952 7  - SUNNY AND DARK SIDES OF JACKIE... Lester David and Jhan Robbln. By She is one of the world's shrewdest women Riddle of Onassis: Peasant or professor? npHE daughter of rich, hand- some John Vernou Bouvler 111 and the slender, beautiful Janet Lee, both of whom were socially prominent In the
      2,952 words
    • 851 8 AIDED by an egg rx timer, Kelzaburo Hashlzume Is helping Cupid bring a little romance into the lives of Japanese singles. His field is marriage matchmaking and he has turned It into a highly successful business. Hashlzume was a professor emeritus of agriculture at Osaka Municipal
      851 words
    • 873 8  - The Cradle of the American Revolution time off Tan Chung Lee By I»HE men wore laced 1 shirts with tlghtfltting breeches and knee-high boots; the women went about in •w1 r 1 1 n g layered dresses held up by wired petticoats, their Mair tied up under pretty bonnets. Against
      873 words
    • 1018 8  - WHAT THE AUDIO TERMS MEAN HiFi MICHAEL LIM a MOM atteatiea is staid U manafaetaren* tasetfleattoas for hi-fi components than for virtually aay ether type of tmnmmnuit pro15ft. If these specs were stated completely and eeasMeaUy by all mmnafactarers. and if their slgaHkiaaoe were anderstood ey all prospective Muekaoaca, there
      1,018 words
    • 914 9  - Importance of that first rotan swish SUNDAY CORNER SRI DELIMA By rIS year Bobo starts school "real" school, that Is. not what the boy next door from the superiority of a year's neniorlty called "bluff" school. in his turn now he will dismiss the neighbourhood's kindergarten crowd. School'" he will
      914 words
    • 412 9 Middle of the road rock from the new look Mott MOTT THE HOOTLE: DsUVE ON (CBS i Bassist Overend Watts is the lone survivor of the original Mott now and baa taken It upon himself to write most of the songs in this nlnUt Mott album. But sadly, the material
      412 words
    • 123 10  - Cut a dash in a daring gown VANITY FAIR wong lai wah by Cut out the fuss and frills, simplicity is the essence of good styling. You can't doubt the aura of elegance a simply designed gown can create on the right person with right face and figure Kirn here
      WAN SENG YIP  -  123 words
    • 734 10 DOINO your own thing all the time Is a policy that can become confused with selfishness. But being your own person and honest about yourself—U essential, particularly within relationships. Whose woman are you? Check here: 1. He's arranged to have a drink with
      734 words
    • 284 10 PRETTY clothe* thU week slightly fanciful maybe but all designed with a bounding exuberance which should lift the spirits of any wearer. Indeed they well deserved the enthusiastic round of applause that greeted them when they were first shown at the London Fashion
      284 words
    • 661 10 ADRITISH doctor has revealed that a mother who was hextelf conceived through AID artificial insemination by donor has Just given bir*h to her own baby produced by the same process. Dr. Bridgett Mascn, an expert on AID. who practises in Harley Street, taid she
      661 words
    • 1318 11  - BRIEFLY, A LAST RENDEZVOUS FOR THEM ONE PAIR OF Richard Lim *L MADT, I wonder how you are. I went to the lounge last night, but they said you were no longer working there. All new faces. You said you'd call. once in a while You said we're itlU friends
      1,318 words
    • Article, Illustration
      23 11 War is Ml for us all in different ways, Bartholomew. These sandwiches are limp, the papers are two weeks oktT
      23 words
    • 552 11 'Die,' she said and they did one by one TH E BLONDE murderess with the piercing blue eyes and the voluptaous figure glared from the deck of a Lea Angeles court aa she was sentenced to death In the gas chamber 1 want yen to knew," she spat, "that all
      552 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 224 7 Qualify as an Accountant while you work Raaal taa paf* of aay aaarapapar aad aaa far *<Hiraalf Arraaataacy ta a earaar trrtk a btg fttura lar jtt Taa Sraaal W AcaaaaiLiacy kaa aaa) ovar SO yaara aiaariaa«a ib roarkiag aaaaat iar acaatjauacy aad ataar iriiiiaiaail r-iami Taraajga SOA. you
      224 words
    • 577 7 Improve f> i ?J\ 1 YOurt€lf-^iM\AAli and yow43[NpHp£prospecti^^p^j With Mandarin. You can get along with just English of courts. But consider how much better off you'll be, if you can master Mandarin too. Mandarin opens up a whole new world. Gives you the means to gain a deeper insight into
      577 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 Bpffff^L 3inl I ■ESHH Dolby* System I wWmW sta B^B^B^BsahSswsswai Take a long look at Aiwa's AF 5080 before -^5 W you pick just any sound system e> r Take 1 Record Player Take 2 Tuner Take 3 Ca— He Tape Deck Anti skating device Low noise, tow distortion Easy
      219 words
    • 72 8 CAMERON HIGHLANDS A MALAYSIA Afo^ Fosters Smokehouse is 5000 ft (1524 meters) *bove see level and St keeps a fine table and a high standard of Country House Hotel Wjj fli If you are a discerning Wl U of visitor to the highlands _i. in search of cool. 1 peace,
      72 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 *****. SALE FOR YOUR 1 JMESSSBBtk Hvrvvvvvvv* SHOPPING CONVENIENCE sff>(il&lMiff;lfll f «w SAVE FUEL f EXAM SUCCESSES T7X <*,«*. Premier Store £~££s£=~H =sr— (119, North Bridge Road) aaa.gsgTjffrft SU-. 2fr < wC"* *COLO STORAGE SHOPPING ARCADE _^L_ "ca*po*s •PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX 3**£*Z2Z? Z^" .fATDIir PlinnniMP PrUTnr mvao»oiiTa*cou*as,aa*T.weai *RA Nh \H
      82 words
    • 189 9 a^*^^__^a a 0 -^BBBal BBBbV bK •m m •*^bbbbT~*^bbbP* a '/Mtrnffuchyr the JTCUNe IMAWillj f mm ytmt^iJ; I ALOHA TO FUN, SONGS AND DANCES! £rs£?£a? ANDTO?TA,W*N* I CHUMoVwowo CH.u LOCAL RECORDING ARTISTES Music by 2 top bands I APOLLOEr J i THE XnmSTTES :^Ai*\aJUAa# ft **<**> For raaarvattons ring: 91M33
      189 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 768 9 H( \PKI( OK\ BE9 TALHL'B BB VIRGO to J«. H fcjj| to M«y W*TJ' oSr^" VKNUS and liercuo THIS COULD prove an CARRY ON with a In Capricorn should Important week In project that you have make this an enjoy- your career: you'll In hand at the mo*ble week for
      768 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 496 10 "I had a job that paid more money than any of my friends." When 1 left school I mougtt I was smart But now I rtasst tht truth lhad no Mure and Oy the time 1 was 25 I was siadMdSfH) rhsre arc a lot ot peopn aW^^B who Have
      496 words
    • 175 10 Skin cleansers should wash away dirt, lout not skin's natural protection Pel Kfcfi Walg*.fc.*W--,l Getting your skin clean is times a day. easy. But soaps disturb skin's Beautiful looking skin needs natural pH and wash away proper care And no soap cares moisture which invites dryness lor your skin !ike
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 658 11 sn t The* 11 Emporiums wish all their friends, customers and business associates "A Bright. Happy Prosperous New Year" WERE CLOSED TODAY. Business As Usual Tomorrow Shopping Hours remain the same. ORIENT/ .i. EASTERN CHINESE emporit i c***™" J^R 0 t# ass** t« suss "TrSvnT owstati. o^s»«—-»«.- L J YUYI
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 185 12 ENROL for WOLSEY HALL'S PROFESSIONAL, BUSINESS STUDIES and ACADEMIC COURSES NOW AVAILABLE from FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION mst. o< Admirwitr«tw« Miiw<|iiiiani London Chamtwr of Commarca and lc»it>fut« of Bankart Indywry E»am Mb|«cti (all stagat) intntuta of Oanarad Saciwiwi Am introduction to Buainaai Studiw and Adnwtiatraten 9 b m Manaßsmam
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 294 12 IUC RH iISER. WBU»6O^<CU[X»V*N_^<J«^»*r r you <LA£X-OMJ«>^ «ff tXJWu3,C3U»B,OUM»aX7r y^ i^k S»*Vr-FA^lO Jjm* WITLe^.HOCW-QDCX^.J— rWFO.OXXOISH Vj-Av^ 0^ ROOT- _f<^( VXBL* rtT. D tt*Vj) CMBR OOP Pe^>^~^ -o c^oocMptS XaTLC^T TM Bp^jc smoot-pb,tgd, m\\ mkJ f^^ui «n»k> scwe J>CT-CUP (oJXBL£]^^^£ M t I IBAXIbsmDW AJBOJUD/ f NANCY LOOKS f OH. BOY
      294 words
    • 67 12 ~"^W_ JHjJT\ v i~* BiJf J 'mf^tf^f vll B^r 1 BjBV. MOMOMT J^tyfa VXVJ B^^^^VaT- I i By O^'aiWML j > VXV nf mum I aßQ^Vat JuyT* CAA^T 4 *^^™a^p^BF V^jafJ^HE^H^^v I Pl* 9bVj I^Bi B^KY^^^llbT /^C a^K '^m > BAj W V^^^^^ BJ ■k^V^^J^t^jh Vx *^^^r A B^Bflß Bj
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 100 13 the year of the Dragon... and ■[ilj|Bffi} JorlheNcwftar M M mmmmmS'mmmmmm^L mmMmmm^ I S^Vyv^ i^^l mrmmW3m M wMMMM W MmmmmZM w^^^^^^^^^^^^K I superb sharp tv r rc o\^fw J >^^^paW 124 monttis •asy-to-pay £§/s§£ A^^^^^^f^^^^f The P icturetuDewithallthe P luBes!^| BBBBaBa«BBSSB*»aWBBBBMBaWDMBMBBU J Credit Scheme Providing the kind of TV picture
      100 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 176 13 BV^ "BBBV/ BY "^^iW^Bl Sfl M.VC<V ttu>4 AMP 9TMON4 INOU^ Bfc V |7_Vf< < BBBfc~~ w L «M^-^MUT/^H IX ***v wtM' Eri^^SK a^ i^^« ■^^v\^^^m^F^p^bbbb^^ bbV I^PQr^^^ JBK" ar^k^Aßr^BßaN 9 IkY Ib^^ ~~Bli Ba af^^^Bßpl P a»* a* I '<« 9aV i bbb*^^.^_ /aM aY F a^^^^bbl K\ bw a
      176 words
    • 63 13 STANLEY by Murray Ball Li Continuing the adventures of The Great Palaeolithic Hero "Jrien, **r\ 4»y mcii K»uhwj/bj/ ttnt «n arffr)-3li<Mnb Jiaartfe-or /afJoMiLr I A/n «UcJ^ETARW WHAT IS I rW/STEI? SKRETARV MOW COVtXJ j EVALUATION PEEL ABOUT NOPMALIZ I NCr SITUATIONJN THE J PgLATIONS WITH PED£H»NA^ cyufc^ /.^ri MOSCOW. PEKtNG
      63 words

  • 59 14 Religious Announcements •l-lIOi KATONO SUHOAV >ing is paatponed to (2 74 A* a mark of nspeel to our Late Oder Tan loon MttsaTTiaiAH CNURCN »lIISA »r Orchard Road Penan« Road Sunday Servtce 0* am and*e*pm Sunday School •Ma m All Wile ami WCSLIT agTMOOfST CMUNCM Monhlp servtce at 7 M
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  • 13 14 MTtRNATIONAL SUWVtVMS* OR•ANtSATSON wishes all IU OkrnU Kong Hee Fatt 1 hot
    13 words
  • 111 14 TAN TUMSS CNOON aged »l Elder Bethesda Katong Church Rsaed in) peacefuOy 2» 1 "7* Inf ba?f*lfiu DfllCVAWef Wilt? POfl T»e daughtm Orace and Otorta 10 mourn his loss Curt* pi leaves MRamoaißoad 8 pore IS at I OS p m Mday for service at Bethos--1.1 Katong Church 17
    111 words
  • 43 14 M IVtJR L OviMO memory of N S Pannikou departed on 1 2 72 -rnembered by loving *ife sons daughter*-ln-la« and <•«■ admMMa m lOvmso MCMORV of Madam Tan Sal Meng departed 1 2 «0 but slways remembered by children d -children
    43 words
  • 19 14 SO* BAMARfTANe OP Slnga-1 pore Troubled^ DwKO*vagedTl 44 day or night Help it as near as the telephone
    19 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 14 I PJK. departed an Chinese lad day of Ist anon in* sadly miaied aad slmaya uanaswtrrii by beloved ones v\r M»<m. UM. rm.
    25 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    24 14 OATO TCO l*G •MM PJK PL B mho departed oa mm Sadly aMsasd by bclived »ile. children, grandchildren great-grand-children saj loved ■assay
    24 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    52 14 MR. Alt INK TAN' BOON SENG aged "evenly pasaad -away peacefully on 29-1-76 tearing behind four tons Two daughters one son-in-law. three daughUrs-ln-law and sl> grand -children to mourn his toes Cortege wUI km XT Ponggol Road at 2.00 p.m. on 2-2- 107* for Church Of The Nativity and
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  • Obituary, Illustration
    18 14 In Loving Memory of Badaey Tay Boaa Wak who departed untimely on 2 2 74 r-riaod.
    18 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    41 14 Always remembered by wife. parents, parenta-ln-law and loved ones. Memorial Service on 2-2-76 at St. Peter's Church. 1 Tavlstock Avenue, Serangoon QanJen Estate. Slngapore. 18. at 5.00 pu. la Ever Loving Mamaty of RODNEY TAY BOON WAH Departed. 2-2-71
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  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 words
  • 135 14 $200,000 timber destroyed in New Year fire TIMBER worth $200.- 000 waa destroyed when fire broke out at a tlmberyard In Track It, Jurong Road at 4.45 am yesterday. firemen took an boor to control the blase at the loan Ho Umber company. Police aald no cne was injured during
    135 words
  • 52 14 UMIVgatSCTT of Singapore* Department of Efctrassural Studios win conduct Me W ssttme wmisa* oo the HiMwaiii language Aa elementary course will begin or. Feb II and aa advanced course from F*b 17. Course InssiiMluis am Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Vorootsov. too Russian aiiaaagi experts her* on
    52 words
  • 35 14 TBB Thar festival of an Senpeg* Vtnayegar Tampl* win be bcM at 11. Ceylon ■aad. Stagapore 1» on Tuesday at 10 am Ttas Thaertnam riiamuny will be nek) oo Wednesday at aji.
    35 words
  • 31 14 Saf ra show _TME Singapore Armed Fores* Rescrvlats' Assodatton (Safra) win bold a nir—w New Year variety show at the association 1 rtubhonae In Toa Payoh on Fab. 7 at pjR.
    31 words
  • 35 14 TVS Department of CxtraeMrel Stud Ma. Onlvarxity af traapma. will bold a esers* ttttoedm Uimi 10 Orga* MsalMti aad Methods at mssss Bat every Monday aad Wednesday atarUng Fee. a. rw v im
    35 words
  • 28 14 JOO Chlat cnmsmsnlty oanurv win noKi ooum on 3 par tooona. radio and rkeaa reaalr. crochet aad knitting, cooking. Boast making and arrangement from ant month
    28 words
  • 694 14 A COVER N A M ENT- appo i n ted advisory committee has resolved to ensure that Singapore s 70 shipyards, employing some 27.000 workers, reach a high level of industrial safety performance in the next two to three years. Since
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 230 14 classified ads TO atsPPPAVAM AND BanumaUu j baby boy on 3* 1 7* at Toa Payoh Hospital Thanks to docturs and nurses wamtio OSM aiNBRSL clerk PABtR PANJANO 04lTR»CT 6 %ea mew fully furnmhsd Rent (2 400 0n o .one Bernard ****** Agency 13M33 for your type of quired in
      230 words
    • 730 14 •upwaaki MOuaa SMoemwa coawLW Ameadllluiiid shop* on basemen- and 3rd floor available at reasrauhte rental Ample parking faciMUaa t fMiuinx OIHV THAVtL PTI. LTB. 1 West Malaysia (Oenung/ C Hwhland*)7daysl!K 2 Penang Ipoh Cameron Highlands days 5 nignis SIS 30 I Ipm 3 Bangkok Pa'.taya 3 day* smo day* *****/-
      730 words
    • 660 14 NAM MO TNAVII Service (Singapore) Pu Umited Wast Malaysia Tour dnd—Hi Oen ung. Cameron Highland*) by day* atITV-. Departure Every Sunday Monday. Oentlng Cameron Highlands by coach four days SSl*} Oentlng Highland* lour dan BSIIVDeparture Every Wednesday Bangkok CMangmal by deluxe slreondlUonsd roach fourteen days SUM/-, l/l/t*. IIVSyH. aint. Tint.
      660 words
    • 625 14 ■aonara coaascacuu. acMoot MM TUN WISH ALL Ot'K BTAITB. STUDCNTB ft ABBOCIATn MAiW t> MHMPVIOUS tmwnAM i B^lfPPPPgflliiilß 1 1 a waa bbwib acswou t** 12JSI MIH. I*S Room I-C. New Bridge Road (Opposiu People's Part Centre* uaaarv awto aasvass school J car. lorry and highway code courses Enrol at
      625 words
    • 441 14 .Vi. ttfmi am I nowva sjy^iaa/toay. j! i ioi -A BU 4. Queen's Rd CeSa* Nssm* iTHWm A Orchard Woad S I T*T JaWrfJP i MwOWIIIW SATAV/ Kr-aiimt P i #on mT-noff/ T«t rmn i tMB^MII Tel DWII ext M« t Pnnce Room Bnwvcfl i i» 2nd noor Ocean Building
      441 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 234 14 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD Acmoas down 1 Idea (I). Burn uj>; 1 Observe (•>. 1 Ntaneaass I Encroach (I). 10 Menace (I). 1 Praetous ston* (4); (I): 11 Unwell (I). II Oetn Eminent (I): I Startle (I), knowledge 14 Clip (4). I Part of face 14); 7 Dried 17 Owing (I):
      234 words

  • 210 15  -  EPSOM JEEP PUNTERS CAN START THE YEAR ON A RIGHT FOOTING By pUNTERS can start the Year of the Dragon on a right footing by making Fu Tyecher their "banker" in Race Two at Kuala Lumpur today. A handsome three-year-old Irish colt by St.
    210 words
  • 66 15 <■■» •>IM Cfc* »inii KM C1»» Mr. Me f« T,M>. ll»»III»l Ollllw VUIIU f <• Tiiiir **—l Mi VlMM TrM» iwma ainur Ragml Mr uio. ran* ■kkn LJItla *M»ft Majv Diata Tun iuna •artwm La •mm. W1M j***^y *^*^*^y ■mw m«Mt mm ■unit W«t«a* WM MM B*.ulir IM| lllami
    66 words
  • 1739 15 WITH most of the top stayers out of the way, Man of Honour 111 has a bright chance of winning the 1800 m Tunku's Gold Cup Trial (Race Five) at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. The well-bred Irlah gelding by Petlngo
    1,739 words
  • 1105 15 ■If J AIM 14S CLASS 4 DIV 4 1200 m MiUSMM ($«.0O0 $5,000 to winner) < bBiUIi>TuIMi!»IMb bbb I f IMB i AMI I TuUoh J M IMn BaM 4 4 iMilMmi .arrnhami Buan* 4 Mii-li IMMI TimM "M4M..AHI. TuUon I*4 1.1-,, IMM M Utilll 0 Mb) bib»o«
    1,105 words
  • 1219 15 Pa|| f ACBOSATKEN: Showed ability nrat start Ipoh Jan 3 coming wtth hue run to finish Uurd with IT to Top Tudor Drr t 1300 m! goes up two iHiHaiwis but wtth drop of Ikg can be hard to beat; has improved since Ipoh. RUSSIAN TANK: Has
    1,219 words
  • 323 15 NIW YORK, Sat. Paul Cummlngs. front running nearly all the way raced to a runaway 3:57.6 mile victory last night while schoolboy speedster Houston McTear and Rick Wohlhuter extended their Indoor track unbeaten streaks In the 69th annual Wanamaker Millrose Oames. Cumimngs came out of the
    UPI  -  323 words
  • 848 15 mikOMm (M.OOO -SS 600 to wlnrwr) < SBB»a»a Adt i T .IK* 3 j: lawm "•as*: Oaaiß AiMtiri K Moamin 1 M IMb '•^•T»*'' v t'Tuse« 4 m iieem m. > a (Atra) Damm 4Us i5-Vsi |SL ""-!_2 ;?iz yrr. rm^ <>«»» imm 2S2! 2^U !»■«*»> Alia* 7■)
    848 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 178 15 CAPTAINS PARADISECRUISE L« W VK? 1 k^l£W F I ra-% it I L F ll^Halillu iLiaJL^si yfluffl Welcome aboard. This is your Captain Contact your travel agent or speaking. We have just left Singapore Singapore Airlines for complete information, enroute to Surabaya, Bali and Jakarta. For the next 10 days
      178 words

  • 1135 16 SHIMMERING WITH RICH PROMISE EVEBI year several yeemg ease stand eat like dlssseejds amidst the drees la the ■easel starts seeae. Beit many ef taesa sever all lU*j with nesjrUttve sports ease they leave ached It's eaUy the PatrieU Chaas. the Swee Lees and the KiniUu, whe »anish IBifaetlne with
    1,135 words
  • 315 16 jOAFI TOWN. Sat. \s Sports Minister Dr. Plet Koomhof gave the sjo ahead lor a crleket match between a mmlttradal Sooth African side and the touring Derrick Robins' XL Dr. Koomhof said in a ■tat— ent: "An approach by the cricket authorities has
    315 words
  • 49 16 SCA Presidents XI led by 71 nan on the first '""'"ff against the visiting Yorkshire Combined Clubs on the first day of their two-day cricket match at BBC. 101 <B> Tteapte V Moor* JS. Lawrence Youns »-«>. SCA 174 tMntiUar U. A. Dees 41. Jeem M v.; Heap
    49 words
  • 725 16 IONDON, Sat A miracle is needed to save the 21at Olympic Games from becoming- an unmitigated disaster, a French-Canadian farce that will leave no one laughing, save the Russians who seem to be, at th i a moment, al* ready better prepared
    725 words
  • 415 16 Redpath's 101 and Gibbs' record day's highlights MELBOURNE. Sat. Opener lan Redpsth laboured to his third hundred of the aeries as Australia made 263 for six on the opening day of the Sixth and Final Test against the West Indies at the Melbourne Cricket ground today. A disappointing crowd of
    415 words
  • 75 16 AVmAUA Ist tana aSDT ATW, c HokUns b Otbbe 101 rtawaa c ou>u b Bolder M nrrrrtara b aoree n L CBAFTBLL b Holder 1 G. CIArtlU c Boyee b Frederick* at YALUtr not out 11 MABaa b BoUlnc T OOJNOUB not out 1 EXTRAS II TOTAL (for I
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 162 16 3-WAY LEAD IN HAWAII OPEN HONOLULU. Bat. Former US Open champion Hale Irwln was tied with Bob Murphy and John Jacobs for the lead yesterday after the second round of the USSMO.OOO ($57*,--700) Hawaii Open golf tournament Irwln and Murphy had three-under-par A9s and Jacobs a 70 In the strong
    162 words
  • 13 16 HM. V.S. LSVIOAV. Mik« of Tteian v* Dim iMftor. m M-i-irr* H.itiraaiH
    13 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 140 16 c A PORTABLE PACKED WITH FEATURES WHICH ASSURE THE BEST IN LISTENING PLEASURE This extraordinary portable combines a multi-band radio and quality cassette tape recorder Listen to the beautiful, pure sounds that come from its extra large speaker with its cellular horn frame! Quality recordings are possible because it is
      140 words
    • 94 16 wth LEASING THROUGH CCS FREES YOUR CAPITAL FOR BUSINESS EXPANSION Acquire your equipment from tractors to typewriters with no cash outlay by leasing it through CCS Your capital is freed from the burden of buying equipment j^b*JT^ lß^^l and can be channeled to gBjMl I| more profitable avenues W gT*BB>H
      94 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous