The Straits Times, 28 December 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2067 DECEMBER 28, 1975 30 CtNTS M.C. (P) No. 1117/75
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  • 420 1 Air, sea search for three S'poreans and 14 Malaysians A SEARCH it going on for three Singaporean and 14 Malaysian seamen reported missing from a 956-tonne cargo vessel, M.V. Indah, which was wrecked near the Makassar Straits off Indonesia last week during stormy weather.
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  • 582 1 '10,000 die in new assault on Timor' LISBON. Saturday 10,000 people have been killed in v big new Indonesian offensive gainst East Timor, according to a communique issued here today by supportt the leftist organisation defending the territory. Thirty thousand Indonesian parachutist! and marines, backed by wax* ships and planes,
    Reuter  -  582 words
  • 80 1 BANOKOK. Sat— Mr Lse Ku»n Yew of Singapore and Tun Abdul Rasas will rlatt Thailand next month before the summit conference of Urn Association of South s>at Aalan Nations 1 ftisan) a Ptarelfn Ministry spokesman laid today He told reporter* that tne Singapore Prune Minuter would
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  • 38 1 SEOUL. Sat.— A Seoul district criminal court today •rateneed so people sbcsusV ln« n roll—lan*, to prison terms ranging from SUM Booths to four y*ar» on chargas of violating a PreitdentuU decree of last »prm« AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 344 1 'Gaddafi funded Opec hq raid' charge pAIRO, Sat. A leady~> lnc Cairo newspaper said today that Libya's President Muammar Oaddafl financed last Sunday's guerilla attack on the Onec headquarters in Vienna. Mr. All Amln. board chairman of the weekly newspaper Akhtoar EYom, said In an article that a number of
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  344 words
  • 56 1 BaLFAST. Bat. Pour people war* injured last night when a peaceful Northern Ireland Christmas ended wit* a bomb blast outafcte a villas* bar. An army nyisasman *ald the bomb, planted in a ear. tjLfiitxJti without warning outside a Catholic bar at the Tillage of Ardrea. la
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 120 1 NEW DOJO. Sai.Nearty tM miners are i«IH»od to have been trapped dorgrosuul la ooal mine near fthaaahad hi Bihar state foOMriag Mi eZßteaatevS admaaV ■tin, the Proai Traot of India (ITI) reported taalght The news agency said that Ike rides of two Bits
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  • 329 1 I was one of JFK's lovers: Socialite CAN FRANCISCO, Sat. A San Francisco socialite has claimed she was one of John F. Kennedy's lovers. v* lr J°«n Lundbrrc Hitchcoik. 42 said shr met Kennedy when he was a IS senator »nd carried on an occasional affair with him over a
    AP; UPI  -  329 words
  • 817 1 Brighter 1976 for S'pore forecast By NANCY BYRAMJI DETTER times are ahead for Singapore in the New Year This is the bullish view of most of the Republic's economic und political leaders when forecasting economic prospects for 1976. They share the opinion that next year will see a more pronounced
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  • 68 1 HONOKONO. Sat China today freed three Bovlet airmen and their helicopter captured 21 months ago and entertained the men at an official dinner before their departure for home, the New China News Agency reported today The agency, monitored here, said the helicopter crew were given a
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 53 1 More terror attacks in Vienna? TEHERAN. Sat The leader of the terrorists who stormed the Organisation •f Petroleum Exporting Countries' headquarters In Vienna last week told the Iranian Interior Minister Mr. Jamshid *s»——gar the group plans two more attacks on the Austrian capital, the newspapar EtteUat reported today UPI
    UPI  -  53 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 196 1 R To her m haate: give her ttiia fewel. May my love can give no tpace, btae no denay" P" TWELFTH NIGHT. SEXTUS DE SUVA. |M»M de t Hyde P»e., Ud M-«*»r» •> OwtMKtitii C*W S— ff A*ca4e Or<k~4 Im4. fcfein t. Tel 374 M) 25G0U1 Sk«w<« Ca**n. T U
      196 words
    • 10 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 522 2 •pi IK United States under p from African to use diplomatic pressure on the Soviet I'nion. including the threat of \v ith h o I ding I shipments, I Moscow to quit Angola, nationalist officials said. The two pro-Western groups in
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    • 302 2 Polls for whole of Vietnam in 1976: Giap PARIS. Sat. North I Vietnam's Defence Minister. Oen. Vo Nguyen Olap, ssjd In a rare Interview shown last night by French Television that general elections will be held next year In the whole of Vietnam. Oen Olap. 63. who was lrtervieved by
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 49 2 PRESIDENT Ford lying on the snow after a spill whUe skiing with members of the Olympic team on Thursday in Vail, Colorado. The P r c sident laughed off the Incident and continued skiing. Standing over Mr. Ford is a Secret Service ajent. AF picture.
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    • 73 2 S. Africa expels newswoman JOHAKNEBBURO Sat. A New Zealand Journalist Miss Ltuna tackling, has been expelled from South Africa, a spokesman for the Johannesburg Star newspaper ■aid today. Miss Hlckllng. M. had been living snd working In South Africa on a temporary rcaldencc permit and was In the process of
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 288 2 BUENOS AIRES, Saturday A RGENTTNE President Isabel Peron, cling- Ing to office in the face of guerilla warfare, political violence and military unrest, is now confronted with an attempt to impeach her. An alliance of Opposition parties formally asked Congress yesterday to
      Reuter; UPI  -  288 words
    • 56 2 TOKTO. Sat. David and June risen how arrived in Tokyo today (or a one-day stopover en route to Peking for a China tour arranged by Mrs, Basnhower s father, former President Nisei The couple arrived at Tokyo Airport from Los flngslsi aboard a Japan Air Lines
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    • 59 2 MOSCOW. Sat The Soviet Unions 3.400 kmph "Kongkordskr Inaugurated the worlds first supersonic airliner service yceterday, besting the British and French version into operation by three weeks The droop- nose TU-44 flew sooo km to Alma Ala In one hour and M minutes. The normal
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    • 48 2 ROCKHAMPTOH (Australia). Set Plood waters yesterday Isolated this oontral Queensland city of 50.000 psopts following more than U era of rain In a hours. A police rtconnaissßßce team which flew over Urn area described Rockhampton as aa island M km wide, surrounded by floodwaMrs. Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 156 2 30,000 FLEE MACHETEWIELDING SOLDIERS ON RAMPAGE LAOOS. Sat. Thirteen people were killed and 100 others seriously hurt In clashes between soldiers and civilians In the eastern Nigerian town of Ugep on Christmas Day, according to eye-witness reports here today. The reports said about 000 houses were destroyed and 30.000 people
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 69 2 BEIRUT. Set Leftist gunmen hsvt reltassd the Panamanian registered freighter Isabella alter iv Lsoansst owners paid their workers allegedly overdue salaries, newspaper reports said today The freighter was seised In Tripoli harbour two weeks ago by gunmen tram the Oct 34 Movement, a leftist faction, who said
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    • 153 2 MANILA. Sat. Phlttppln* Gomn•scat troops kilted SM ntek last week In a fomr-dav assault of Bongo Island ia the southern Philippines, officials amid today The island la believed to be the rebels, training ground and also for caching arms. Two marines were
      AP  -  153 words
    • 240 3 Christies drops guineas for pounds LONDON, Sat Its goodbye to guineas next year at Christies. The London auction house said It win do all Its future business In pounds. Christie's has conducted bidding in guineas for 170 years. The guinea U worth 21 shillings tone pound and one shilling) The
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    • 374 3 Mid-East: Federal govt proposal by Peres JSRAELI Defence Minister Shimon Peres has proposed a form of federal government for Israel's occupied territories as a solution to the Palestinian problem. In an article, written by him for the evening newspaper France-Solr and published today. Mr. Peres said Israel shou'd start talks
      Reuter  -  374 words
    • 65 3 BRINGING THEIR WARES -THE HARD WAY ITS rush-hour at Chiba railway station for these middle-aged Japanese housewives of farmers and fishermen. They are carrying on their backs heavy loads of farm products to be sold from house to house In Tokyo, 32 km away. Their packages contain fresh efgs. po
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 49 3 MANILA. Sat Heavy raln« triggered by a tropical storm continued today to batter southern Luaon. leaving at least four people dead and atverai places iaoiated by floods and landslide*. The areas affected Included at least three Bled province* Camartne* Node. Camartne* Bur and Albay.
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    • 28 3 LONDON. Sat The Financial Times today named West Oannan Chancellor Helmut Schmidt !ts Man-of-tne-Year for winning worldwide respect tor his country's economy. democracy and forel«n policy.— TJPL
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    • 157 3 BANGKOK, Saturday DRIME Minister Kukrlt PramoJ, whose house was ransacked earlier this year by protesting policemen, had another pressure group at his doorstep today massage parlour girls. Some 500 angry young girl* and tneir male bosses went to his residence and submitted an urgent demand
      AP  -  157 words
    • 128 3 NEW BRITAIN (Connecticut). Sat.—Authorities said yesterday they believed several men broke Into a house on Christmas morning, poured petrol onto the occupants and started a blase that left two men dead and three others lnlured. Police identified the dead men. both of New Britain,
      AP  -  128 words
    • 64 3 A P** South Yemen Ef***' *«»»e«l chutes by the Sultan of Oman that ■outh troop, hati bean auaasd on Oman's borJgJJj^ Preparation tor an A Foreign Ministry itmtai man hers said tbe "-iitannn was an eseust used by Sultan Qaboos bin Said to justify the retention of
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    • 111 3 KATMANDU. Sat. Two Honfkonf Chines* themaht of a novel way to keep their marriage a Us tint naeßaory when thetr were married ahoard a Royal Nepal AlrUaes plane on ChrtsUna* day. The tonlr, Mr. Cheanc Ya-Fai. a U-year-cid aacial worker, and Mia* Chan ChineYin.
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    • 31 3 CAIRO. Bat— Klnf Hu*atln and Queen Alia of Jordan will pay a state vtatt to Japan and Auatralla In aUd-afareh. the oOctaJ lltodle bat New* Agency reported here Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 419 3 BEIRUT. Saturday rpHE warring factions In Lebanon's nine- month -old civil strife last night agreed on a timetable to end the fighting "in the next few days," Beirut Radio said today. It disclosed that the Higher Co-ordination Committee. which groups government security representatives
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  419 words
    • 91 3 THE MAN WHO OUTSHOOK ROOSEVELT ORLANDO (Florida). Sat. Lamar Thomas began shaking hands at 9 a.m. yesterday. A little more than eight hours later, he claimed a world record of 8.614 handshakes. f Thomas, a county commissioner here, performed his feat behind turnstile gates at the Bea World tourist attraction.
      UPI  -  91 words
    • 326 3 Australia's losing battle to stay selfsufficient in oil SYDNEY. Sat Australia, substantially self-sufficient in petroleum, is fighting a desperate and losing battle to try to remain that way. Despite recent government innovations in pricing and Incentives, oil exploration has virtually halted, and the major international oil companies are fleeing Fears
      NYT  -  326 words
    • 46 3 HONOKONO. Sat. The Royal Observatory here recorded a severe earthquake with the magnitude of 7 6 on the Richter scale early today The epicentre was In the vicinity of the Tonga Trench to the rut of Fiji Island a tpukeaman said —Reuter
      Reuter  -  46 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 rHsftaUi TPiiaT* n^gfi .sssssd ■Hum IHe r EOnfe faj^EJESy who gave mwWSmmtm Pioneer research. That's the secret behind the natural and faithful tound of th« CS-T66, a reaaonably-priced 3-wav 3-speaker «yrternth* performs with all the impact and dynamic realism *f much law models, tfrnbminjthe latest technical and material advances in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 204 3 Highlights for today Lack of qualified Malay leaders. Need for citizens to be dynamic. New ruling for pilgrims next year. Agreement on welfare of local seamen officers and their Indonesian counterparts may be signed next year. Short-story, essays and poems by young writers. Soccer: New challenges for Singapore next year.
      204 words
    • 289 3 IB WITTY POODS nUEIDLY gRfICE HP sira sums |H i CORN OIL 3 GOLDEN DROP 100% rSir«. A ft fl rt>lywn»otor«te<* )kq 111 MS (J I COOKING OIL A CJ COCK IRAND Pure, Ref.ned 2kq «|.OU 01 CORDIAL «t,»m g JUM»O SIZE BARGAINS IN 3 04 A 51 ig dtkciou*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 342 4 4T /<■*> c^Vft^N*' <4mr >^ 3 GUARANTEE H If you l»l your namintiion «t H K fuwftnte* to co*ch you fret o' I B choet until you «n mctii'ui UP# 65.000 fill m th« coupon now and ensure I C 3/ >ur success in the HSC'MCE.GCE 0/A' level s year
      342 words
    • 178 4 B^aW. _^Am ft m^zl^lM v% A Hi wLvZ m* lM im f "M Itchy, sniffly, *^3j(fl sore or spotty? f^Ss§pf Get quick relief! \j^EQ\ MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING. COOLING. HE AUNG BALM Mentholatum gives relief from colds, coughs and headaches Mentholatum gently "^fc. cools anc) soothes •L^ I away insect bites. I^bmS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2146 4 I I'l highlights by bmlyne sung afjiMßa&afMßsnVtßaml out »ben be lnherlU a r^HM^MIMJBJJJBjMJMJ PEPPER CROWLKT mummmu^^^^ m^ ma ranch trom an unknown Policewoman, goes un K^^T^T^^^™ donor. The film co-stars dercover to find a 1-a m^^l^l^^H Terry Moore. On Ch 5 In a Oovernment office at 10.35 p.m. (Colour). and
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  • 471 5 MORE job <m>portunitiea will the nomj regains its th momentum, the cl man of the n v m i c Development Board, Mr. n Tong Dow, i steraay. is will enable our workers to look forw.ird to an even better livelihood,
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  • 125 5 SALE OF FLATS AT TELOK BLANGAH mHE MP for Telok Blan--1 gah. Mr N Oovlndasimy. will officiate at a balloting ceremony for the sale of 192 five-room flats In Telok Blangah Estate on Tuesday at 2.30 p m The ceremony will be held at the car park fronting block 113.
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  • 40 5 THK Singapore Polytechnic Br **a Band will hold a concert Mua»c*l DelafhU. at U» Cbr.iTenc, Hall tomorrow at pm Item* to be pfatsntiri will Include and daassoal music, the braa* choir, guitar .ecital »nd a cornet 1010.
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  • 211 5 Till management of Moscow Narodny Bank has asked the Labour Ministry to conduct a secret ba'loi among its staff to determine If a majority of them are represented by the Singapore Bank rmployeej' In lon which Is seeking official recognition. In a letter to the
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  • 275 5 SMA to hold S'pore Fair in August A MAMMOTH exhibition, to be called Singapore Fair "76. will highlight an active trading year for local businessmen in the New Year. The exhibition part of local manufacturers' programme tor 1976 to win a bigger slice of the world market will be held
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  • 31 5 FIVE more Isolated eases of locally infected typhoid were reported during the week ended Dec 25 A total of 375 food handlers have been screened for typhoid to date.
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  • 31 5 THE Oovemment la to acquire two tou of land totalling 15.603 aq.m. in Bedok and Ulu Bcdok for the Housing and Development Board under the Land AoquU.Uon Act.
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  • 417 5 Witness: Diver's death could have been avoided A MASTER diver. whose air hose got entangled with the propellor of a launch, might still be alive today if the other members of his diving team had been qu alined divers, a coroner's court heard yesterday. This was Hated by a former
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  • 252 5 Show to focus on workers' role in Industry SINGAPORE workers' contribution to the Republic's Industrialisation will be highlighted in a trade union exhibition to be held early next year. The two-week exhibition, the first of lv kind by the labour movement. Is aimed at stimulating awareness of the workers" productive
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  • 203 5 rE Nffe Ann Technical College Co-opera-tive Bookstore Society plans to help students In two Junior colleges set up similar co -operatives In their Institutions, its chairman, Mr. He n g Ting Ning. said yesterday. Me said his co-opera-tive, formed five years ago, looked forward
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  • 636 5 THE Government has temporarily shelved plains on construction work for the second phase of the Changi village redevelopment scheme because of the proposed Chans;! International airport However, a final decision will be reached after an assessment has been made Into the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 Qualifyasan Accountant while you work 'menu" pagr of any newspaper and sa« a rarrtr with a bin future for you ha» had over 60 year* experienre It* <<-<-(, ununry and oth»r professional n br iur« of all thr help that you an p "n you need: \.«xi»tKiß I milled ArcsaaHaata
      181 words
    • 64 5 m!+3 \y I can't /\Jtv I can't ~2snv CAN T tiA my skin |Tm ril problems! Vtl Ma^ 'LJ StM J m f tHT" 'lyixoaerm \burmirmrwi//te/l\vu thedi/Jerence it makes. y y s. SOLE AGENTS sUXC O'CONNOR S (PTE) LTD SINGAPORE (MALAYSIA BRUNEI MadkcaL Dental Consumer s Drvwon O'CONNOR HOUSE. 96.
      64 words

  • 240 6 Sha'ari to Malays: Don't let customs tie you down SENIOR Par 1 1 amentary Secretary (Culture). Hajl Sha'arl Tadln. yesterday called for more Malays to serve as community leaders He said they should not allow outmoded customs and traditional beliefs to hamper their progress In society Opening a leadership workshop
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  • 11 6 THERE wrrr S3 road accident*, two serious, on Rtflßf
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  • 281 6 Singapore must remain adaptable: Othman (SINGAPORE must continue to adjust rapidly and willingly to changes if it is to maintain the dynamism that has distinguished it from other developing nations, the Minister for Social Affairs, Kncik Othman Wok said last night. The Minuter, who U UP for Pa made the
    281 words
  • 128 6 A COMPREHENSIVE range of China machinery and electrical equipment is now on display at the showroom of the East Machinery Sdn. Bhd. at Kung Ch?ng Road, off Leng Kee Road In Alexandra The company, distributers of the machinery and equipment. Is holdIng the exhibition with the
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  • 268 6 'Work hard like your forefathers' call to youths DARLIAMINT- ARY Secretary (Foreign Affairs), Mr. Ong 800 Chuan, yesterday urged young Singaporeans to adapt themselves to changing circumstances and work hard like their forefathers. Only with determination and patience could a better future be built, be said, when he launched i
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  • 243 6 Peking praises unity of Asean nations HONGKONG Bat. Cataa baa praised the Asaiilsrtsa of Soath east Asian Nations Asean) for Its and defence of national rights and Interests. The official New China News Agency aasi yesterday In an article that Aseaa coantrtes were suffering from trade deficits as a resalt
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  • 56 6 A Korean chief engineer. Kirn Cboei Hwia. accused of murdering another Korean, Choi atyung Has, was given a discharge not ~««-g to aa aoqulttal In a magMrete's court on Wednesday after the prnasujtluu withdrew the Kfca. M. was alleged to have raatsa chot v on Doc. 10
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  • 332 6 Holiday specials plan by SBS to cut waiting time 'pUVEL to seaside resorts and other places of interest during Sundays and public holidays will be made easier and more convenient when the Singapore Bus Service ca r r ies out a major rescheduling of its bus routes from next year.
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  • 285 6 TAXI DRIVERS' PLAN FOR HONESTY WEEK SINGAPORE'S 14,000 Uxl drivers plan to hold a Courtesy and Honesty Week early In the New Year. ThU la In response to a suggestion by the Parliamentary Secretary Social Affairs Mr. Chan Chee Seng, to the Singapore Taxi Drivers' Association to hold a campaign
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  • 149 6 2,000 apply for trade tests Nearly 1000 people have registered to sit for national trade tests to be conducted by the Industrial Training Board (ITB) In mid-February This Is the highest number of applications received by the ITB since the tests were Introduced In 1973 An ITB statement said the
    149 words
  • 88 6 XMAS TREAT FOR 500 KIDS pHRIBTUAS and New V* Tear cheer came to about 500 under-privile-ged children at a party organised by the Hans Anderson Club at Raffles Hotel yesterday afternoon. Datln Lee chee Shan, a patron of the club, was the guest-of-hon-our. The Manila Street Community Centre Youth Oroup
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  • 86 6 Officials of Family Benefit Soqiety MR. KIONO Chal Woon has been re-elect-ed president of the Singapore Family Benefit Society Other official* re-elected at the society's annual meetIng are Mr Cheong Jit He* (rice president). Mr. Neo Cheong Chun necrrury). Mr. Rah Kirn Chee itreaaurer). Dr Ho Boon Hat (medical examiner
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  • 35 6 THE Ministry of Health Sports Council soda! committee Is holding a dinner and dance at Hilton Hotel on Jan 10 at 7.M p.m Highlight of the function will be a beauty queen contest.
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  • 79 6 THE YMCA Educational Enrichment Department will conduct an art course for secondary students from Ssturday and a children art course from next Sunday Other eouraaa Include Chin en painting from Saturday Jan. I. baatoi <* decoupage from Jan. -rutte and vegetable carving (Jan.
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  • 23 6 OTW1»P»» of the Pottee Will n Unit at Quaaneway will donate blood at their pramlaea Uamwum between a.m and 13 noon.
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  • 123 6 rpWO rotters one 1 anaed with a re vetver— held aa fly* WW playing gin nußsay at a hoase ia Haifa wool ftoad and rooted them of cash and valaakJes toUIUna SUM early yesterday. The owner of the hoase. Madam Choo Ah Chan.
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  • 194 6 Youth who cheated his boss of $3,330 A DISTRICT court yesterday called tor a probationary report on a 20-year-old youth who cheated his former employer of a total of $3,330. Rajoo Ranggaya pleaded guilty to six cnarges of cheating Mr. Masakl Ando a production pianner with Hitachi (Spore) Pte. Ltd..
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  • 42 6 MR Joee Wong Clung Choon will give a yoga demonstration at the Moulmein community centre on Jan. I at 710 pjn. Children's art THE Ulu Pandan community centre will hold a children'! art competition at Its premises today at m
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  • 343 6 Jail and rotan for welder hired to deliver heroin A 25-Y E A R-O L D welder, who was hired In Kuala Lumpur to deliver over 400 g of heroin to a contact man In Singapore, was jailed for five years with three strokes of the cane in a district
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  • 53 6 THE tewerage department will from Friday begin con•tructlon work on tho laying of sewerage maim acroaa Clementl Road near Ngee Ann Technical College and at the Junction with old Clementl Road. Motorists are advised to observe the traffic sign* >t Clementl Road, near the college and
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  • 33 6 THZ Straits tin price In Penang waa unchanged for the second eucceaslve trading day. closing the weak at s»S3 per plcul on an official offering down M tons to MS tons.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 Save at least $2000! 50 only brand new FORD ESCORT XL's must be sold to moke room for new model It's no secret. The new model Escort is here soon. We have to sell out the last of the great Escort XL's fast! You won't find a better deal, or
      116 words
    • 411 6 secretaries M^^^B come front w% W£*^% Y WMh us you htm Ja^jsW better chance to become XV m T-r^^ Successful Secretary. WL. B i At ISC you not only covaf the L.C.C.I. alaaaß aaWJ^V \W Syllabus for Secretaries You will receive I V|l V^ JM training In a variety of
      411 words

  • 321 7 Call for better insight into public housing THE Singapore Institute of Architects has called for "greater understanding" of the role that public housing plays In the social, economic and political development of Singapore. In an editorial In Its says that this I.- precisely because a large proportion of the population's
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  • 35 7 *n Corporanerd an additional land acquLMr this year, making It S3 million .■l* to lta 1975 sup--117 budget, publiah- sum issue of the f.\: gazrttr iv orlgl- «nd acJurong Town
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  • 332 7 NMB TO SPONSOR TRAINEES FOR POLY COURSES •pHK National Maritime Hoard 1 NMB) has set up 1 special committee to review the present training programme and entry qu aI i fica tions of local seamen in a move to upgrade their skills to meet
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  • 158 7 Bigger bosoms trend of S' pore women IF local doctors are right 1 In their observations, the new generation of Singapore womrn can look forward to bigger bosoms. This fact, backed by trends in bra sales In Singapore, Is attributed to three factors better nutrition at an earlier age. the
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  • 86 7 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises In following areas: Urn Chu Kant" from «10 am tomorrow to 6 pjn on Wadnaaday Cnua Chu Kane from am tomorrow to midnight on Tueaday and from IN pm to pm on Friday Mantling between lam and midnight daily from
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  • 31 7 MR. Char Yeofc Dig. senior Parliamentary a crttary 1 Environment) and lIP for Buklt Tunah. will open the InUr-Oonstltuency Basketball Tournament 1176 Final* at Oay World Stadium tonight.
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  • 109 7 NINETEEN out of every 100.000 children aged between five and 14 are affected by rheumatic fever. According to Dr. Llm Shun Ping, of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, this was three times the over-all figure of 6 4 out of every 100.000
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  • 175 7 NO child's nlay this Ta<t.»lnf for an adult eoneert. Br Venn C'hwrn a 10-yrar-old maestro !n the making takea thr practising i/iilnru seriously rfter all whrn he la nlavlng for adult*, a llttlr boy has get to be at his best. Term Chwen.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1066 7 \lGma^^ V*^ V 1 mm. N^ IWiM M mP^ T awP^^^^ l^^a—^^ f or yourseif: an elegant B V^Jl <"• evening dress or a smartly r^^H e^ tailored kmned waistcoat I a^F 1 I 1 I 1 \f mC^3.l A L a T^_^ O* m. Entvoidery 4W\ ftunning cvff Crochet
      1,066 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 171 7 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD DOWN Betrti *>' 1 Cutting part of sword ..rat <»> 11 (I) Lubricated >i< 3 Node 1! 4 4 Pen <3> 5 Adulterated <13 > 6 Stitch (Si 7 NMt (4) I Fragrant .11 .5. t R rferu Appointment is> 11 Feature 5 Hunt <9> 14 Cu*iom
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  • 906 8  -  WALTER SEOW By MOVIE MAKERS' ifl concept of the future leans heavily toward the pessimistic and depressing side. This is the Impression we get from films like Soyient Oreen. The Omega Man. Planet of the Apes and its sequels. The picture is
    906 words
  • 519 8 Happiness is The Blue Bird of Soviet- American detente f\F a happy person w It is said: He has caught the blue bird. Thanks to the play by Maurice Mac t c rllnck, the Belgian playwright, the blue-coloured dove has become a symbol of happiness. "lint It wonderful to produce
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  • 340 8  - The kids will lap up this canine romp ROGER YUE By CECOND-hand Walt Disney Is better than no Disney at all, and with Black Monday drawing nearer, give the younger children a year-end treat by bringing them to the Cathay to see the antics of LADY AND THE TRAMP. Tnis
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 406 8 ■Kill I'B'flHrtli'lM'l Qhd big jslillHllsHM^lUHMrlilMll WEEK! GOLDEN: 1 1 A.M. 1 .30, 4.00, 6.43 1 9 30 P.M. KONG CHIAN: 1 30, 3 30, 7 15 A 9 JO P.M. SCHOOL CONCESSION $1/ 1 w *OR DAY SHOWS ONLY 1 SINGAPORE'S ENTRY IN THE RECENT STH ASEAN FILM FESTIVAL. Unforgettable
      406 words
    • 52 8 IB OPEN ON IP SUNDAYS r I.MP.M. S. 30 P.M. WltM re« TMMK Of IUiIC THIHK Of UITMOVIM I Ut-B. OrstmriHfd. Tjejll I fPftmtf mnttrim Hmt) _ffl 17TM IK OAT a M 1 JO, ISO aS-M mGR t RAOHA SALUJA U IOMATAKKAMr Taaa> Ss*«al Mar«iw| SKa. II 00 a* ALIBABA
      52 words
    • 338 8 i 1976 ADMISSIONS Recocnued roll-Uaat (Day) and pan-Ume (Ivansag) causa* commence on SUt January, lttl (i) accouwrancT (a) n iifsaaliwial ACA (6) P*|q""»- in Accoununt (c) Dtßlniß In OoatlßsJ (d) lAS Dtpioma QuailMcaUon Ttkm* walUng (or HSC resulu may loin the apectai praparatory class tor (a) and those vaiUnf. (or
      338 words
    • 552 8 ttSftMßwiVH** 1 1 NOW IHOWINt.H, S^. I*, 1U.1M.H144M11 Jame% Caan. Jo>tn Heutextan 1 *oud Adamtl Jo*^iatk OLLIRSALL >oundSurrour^ M* tea OAT N. rVM ut Mam I 4S 400 44t «M CLIO»ATRA iONIS ,~4 THI CASINO O* 6Oio at Pon<i..\.on I TeCrVMcetw Caaitil Ra.-RaiT-rSnia.... DOM 111 la, Jwa»a •atmint in slooo
      552 words

  • 934 9  -  Michael Evans and Robert McGowan John and Sheila Matthews 1 own story By JJAC.'K in the comforting routine of everyday life, doing the washing up. John and Sheila Matthewi talked ;ibout the hours of despair, hope, and fear the) experienced as two ordinary pe*> tight up in
    934 words
    • 206 9 KUALA LUMPUR, The National Bureau of Investigation will come under the charge of the Attorney-Gene-ral from Jan. 1. This means that the Malaysian Attorney-Ge-neral will be responsible in Parliament for the NBl's functions and activities, and for the expenses of running the bureau,
      206 words
    • 271 9 GIRL THIEF CAUGHT IN HOTEL BY GUARD KI'ALA LUMPUK. gat Pollee have detained an 18-year-old girl who they believe was responsible far stealing from a number of (setts at a leading hotel here. The girl was causht by a security cnard of the hotel while :.he was on "her round*"
      271 words
    • 232 9 1 975 'grim and dark year' for NEB KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday THE general manager of the National Electricity Board, Datuk Abu Zarim bin Haji Omar, said today that the year 1975 was a "grim and dark" year for the NEB. The NEB had slid down a deep valley, he said,
      232 words
    • 49 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. British Petroleum stations in Malaysia will boycott sales from Thursday If BP Malaysia refuses to reconsider Its decision to close a service station In Batu Pahat. Cheng Kwang service station In Batu Pahat has been served with a notice of termination from Friday.
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    • 121 9 LIGHTS GO UP IN JB AFTER 4-DAY BLACKOUT J CHORE BARU. Sat The lights went up again in Johore Baru tooay after a four-day blackout which began on Dec 23. NEB engineers and workmen. who have been working round the clock, managed to locate the lault In one of the
      121 words
    • 52 9 PENANO. Sat A Thai flrl whr wu arrested tqr a police party at a botel In Buklt Mertajam was today fined IOUO on a chart* or Illegally entering the country Toy Kanya, the prosecution stated. «v unable to produce any Identification papers when asked to
      52 words
    • 237 9 A POSTAL officer's oversight was the cause of the one-month delay In the delivery of a parcel of examination papers addressed to the Mara Institute of Technology. "Appropriate action Is being taken against the officer concerned for his lapse," the Controller of Posts. Federal territory.
      237 words
    • 260 9 PETROCHEMICAL, OIL COMPLEX PLAN AWAITS RAZAK'S NOD SEREMBAN, Sat—British. European and Middle Eastern concerns are putting the final touches to a multinational plan for a $12 billion oil and petrochemical complex to be built in Malaysia. A consultant from Negrl Sembilan Petrogas Sdn Bhd. has returned home from the Middle
      260 words
    • 79 9 Rood-hit villagers return home KUALA LUMPUR. Sat —The flood situation In the country continued to Improve as evacuees returned home and flood operations rooms closed. In Prrßk. ail 61 evacuees from Kampunc Terendam in Pant have returned to their hornet Latest report* aald that the Noordtn brtdt* at Partt and
      79 words
    • 43 9 KOALA KANOSAR. 8»t The ihoru»t of Uroam* haa forced hundreds of vtll««ara toe to urn coconut oil or •crap rubber for lisntlnj They arc ftndins It difficult to buy kerosene m ■ooat ahopkeeprn claimed tha» they have run dry of «upPUm.
      43 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! CASmiHIGHfWfMMAM Ist. PRIZE $3,000 ZAINUOINB ISHAK 82 Lorong Malayu 14 2nd. PRIZE $2,000 LIMAMCMWEE 114 C LorongSang Kanchil 14 3rd. PRIZE $1,000 MISSTEOAIKEE 134 E Stagmont Ring 25 40 PRIZES OF $100 Smimas Bin e»» m.n» Tanac* i» MJaUrMas^dM UMSNeteM N r Tf nOOMnyMoM v t»N9»«ih|Mo^
      203 words
    • 296 9 X££U££C3ocm<l2") MHVHW2Scm(IO") J The modern, youthful portables in lightweights I •ul^ For rich contrasty i^^^^^^^ pictures anywhere ■aMp^Hsflfl With fine tuning dial for undistorted visual j perfection Volume. gS contrast and brightness ,^n I by instant slide controls v3j I'M Simply plug into the mams at home or swing K
      296 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 446 10 OOUSJNG board estates always look their best from a distance. Or from the air. What appears from afar as neat, well laid out, attractively coloured blocks of housing units all too often turn into something quite different on the ground. Oraffltti is everywhere, lifts often don't
      446 words
    • 15 10 WE have no political prisoners. We have political internal exiles." President Pinochet of Chile.
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  • 1115 10  -  JOHN ROGERS By Bangxok mented parliament and, ultimately. Increasing the chances of a military coup. Such a scenario has not emerged, and much of the credit for the system's survival to date must go to Mr. Kukrit. The 64 -year -old premier, who has been a
    1,115 words
    • 761 10 SHEILA: "When I woke up. I knew exactly where I was and what was happening. I was still terrified and I did something I've never done In my life. I took the quarter bottle of whisky and Just drank straight from the bottle. "I thought it might calm
      761 words
    • 326 10 JOHN: "All this Ume. neither Sheila nor I had been able to wash. The gunmen washed their teeth with whisky but we didn't We were beginning to smell, although the room Itself wasn't too bid because the window was open all the time. "One of the things that
      326 words
    • 972 10 JOHN: "It WU about 9.45. We were sitting In armchairs with the television on. "It was Kojak but we weren't really watchL.g Sheila was Just in a pal* blue, patterned housecoat, white underslip and panties and was preparing to take a bath. 'Then we beard a commotion outside
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 20 10 STAR Your 'star' watch in gold. Precise timing. fe^ Masculine design. >^^^ A Swiss time masterpiece. Fc-1229 ><r jig Wl *sMidsY
      20 words
    • 11 10 NEXT: John Matthews pours farewell nips of whisky for the gunmen
      11 words
    • 264 10 Kato|iherol Nntnral Vitamin E HEALTH <-S> Products of ABBOTT tw,—,.^ U.S.A. H| HEALTH CARE WORLD-WIDE Natopherol Vitamin E ASSOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE LTD I m T SINGAPORE S HAL AY Si A Diploma in ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Stamford Centre Asia s largest independent Resource Centre for management and administrative studies offers
      264 words

  • Timescope
    • 1828 11 WORLD CHAMP IS TOLD TO RETIRE ROLLER BALL SECOND OF A FIVE-PART SERIES IN THE VAST headquarters of Energy Corporation In Houston, Texas, chief executive Bartholemew is broodIng in his contemplation unit when Jonathan E, king of the rollerballers, arrives for his appointment. The unit Is located at the far
      1,828 words
    • 751 11  -  KIERAN COOKE By 11/EAK bladders snd TT plane trips Just don't go together Whether it's my bad luck, whether the gods have urelded that this will be my particular purgatory, I Just don't know. No. not a weak Madder It's tust that every time
      751 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 142 11 EEEEEI molecular Made in Enftana MARINE METAL ,p*W FOR EVERY .afUJCBm REPAIR l^mmmaimaOL AT SEA I propel ion. nam^ mam ZZL AW asm> fr^, jm Rrtu.wnt W 4M mmV^smV law up pump iffX^H saY cs..nav IblMml mf S DOSM UNDETEVES^ACOBERG gsamml 1 Commonwealth Lane. S'oore 3 Tel t ITS A
      142 words

  • 6 12 Timescope Tlmescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope Timejscope
    6 words
  • 507 12 Brassy blues from Bonnie Raitt RONNIE RAITT: HOME PLATE (Warner), Bonnie Raltt has been called "daughter of the blues," a "supertalent" and the "best female blues vocalist" In the 70s. Such lusty claims do not appear Irrelevant at all after a thorough spin of "Home Plate", her fifth album, on
    507 words
  • 672 12  -  JOHN RODERICK By rFHERE are no WestA crn morles, no telerlslon soap operas, no English newspapers, no imported books, no Beethoven symphonies or modern jazz But foreigners find living In Peking absorbing and Interesting. "I Icred every moment of It," said Mr.
    AP  -  672 words
  • 916 12  -  MICHAEL LIM IN ALL audio componx ents except the turntable and to near m. frequency response la an important specification. It describes the ability of the component to handle tones of the various musical instruments and to reproduce accurately the loudness relations between the different sounds
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 449 12 Train |wVM for the top at I 3R Secretarius lsuuuui ssbV a vi aw Leaving school? Thinking of a career? If your English is good and you're prepared to work hard a secretarial career is now among the most attractive jobs available today. Make a success of it and you
      449 words

  • 398 13  -  EDWARD LIU Vr rpHE stresses of unemployment and the social problem of one-parent families are causlnf many British parents to take oat their frustrations on their children. rhrw are two main reasons given In a report by thr National Society fur thr
    398 words
  • 851 13  -  SRI DELIMA By \CORNErV T\IARY-keeplng is a v lost art. accordIng to a Readers' Digest article. Asked lf be kept a diary, a man salo to the author of the article: "Diary? That's for adolescents and politicians!" Do local politicians keep diaries. I wondered. The ones
    851 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 233 13 BLEACH Fw^^^^^ pvwO* —*a»»n ate. it I fc<^* w -Tj- sj ***O* M (fesßMssfßl M AOANCE RAPER PRODUCTS (PTE) LTD. swwT ilCi The high menthol content of the I cream gives immediate coc' soothing relief penetrates heals Its penetrating action works instantly to lts medicinal qualities keep the attack mflammation
      233 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1009 13 B< XHHKOHN W!% 'uHI s LsPI VIRGO .0 v. Mm io M I sst*l a I IN THE first days of A GOOD week to start YOU MAY keep your the week you could be new projects partleu- temper but the people somewhat confused by larly lf you delay round
      1,009 words

  • 869 14  - Why the bosses now prefer male secretaries STELLA BRUCE Py IjVHEN merchant banking executive Paul Prince recently advertised for a personal secretary, only one of the 45 applicants really filled the bill: Excellent shorthand and typing, a good grasp of business management, and even some experience In personnel selection. "When
    869 words
  • 199 14 NEW CANAAN (Connecticut) Mother's milk may bo sweet, but It Is turnini many babies of drtnkinimothers lnu» potential aleoho..cs, says Mr. William Martin of the Connecticut Association of Alcohol Councils. "A mother definitely should limit herself to no more than ono eocktall or two
    199 words
  • 650 14  - Home-cooked food shapes up best for baby MARY COLUNS By London SHOULD you be the mother of a small baby of about six months. It's highly Ukely you'll feed the mite on at least one convenience meal a day. A meal that comes In a pretty Jar or tin. and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 997 14 Skin cleansers should wash away art, but not skin's natural protection SmF^g,^m^B^Bgm^ni Getting your skin clean is times a day. easy But soaps disturb skin's Beautiful looking skin needs natural pH and wash away proper care And no soap cares moisture, which invites dryness mnmssj bb«bb> 'or your skin like
      997 words

  • 445 15  -  RAY HAMILTON Pictures TRUCKING areaa* r the lawn, kicking bis heels to joy, he looks like a cartoon horse Bat Ctiasnplsn, the new-born ministare celt Is a prise horse. He may never win the Kentacky Derby or even become a show j»—fj-g champion
    445 words
  • 703 15  -  LEROY FOPE By New York T»HE dirigible the spacious, rigid cigar shaped air ship held aloft by bags of helium, and known best as the z .ppelin once again Is being proposed as a solution to some of the world's pressing transport
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 517 15 001^ 000^ We made it to No 1 m refrigerators because we believe m meeting our adjusts itself to the wash load Keeps your operation cost down And you can't customers' demands And we intend to stay this way Give you good beet us for economy We offer the lowest
      517 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 122 16 EVERWARE The way to a woman's heart ♦EVERWARE is anodised ware and money is saved and hygemc If you rub any on gas and electricity. aluminium pot or pan with a «-r»»»»A orclean piece of cloth you w,l. *EVERWARE all parts are a sta.n The same will repiaceawe. not be
      122 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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    • 116 16 J™' /////////iflß JWml^l Pfc il Bi^KiftMPOV/] liiYtfi r 19^^^V^ J V" o K*JTTiy iUC *tJ&l* I Mo«r >«ky/ X I ii«|» t Hu/v jfQ 2 IJ| *f^^r *T* I" As. «f Hd^^l* k^9Jl I VrV«NC7MCW« T I "V**** 1 Bl( -L CK P1I»» >Ctl A/i ?^BPI WTTH 2^~ t j^,^
      116 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 112 17 bV\ JJ A Lw# Jw ICT'iJe i I BJ B^^> aw aBJ wn J7JJ \7^BB P^/ BaVB af% a^BM af a%^ ''^Bßßi Ml bj£ Black White TV k!!!^^ii <r j I B ,^S I you get either this Sharp Radio I BP-1028 or a pair of cushion stools— T J^^^J
      112 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 191 17 .^^jL ■^L^bV^.^bJ La Hba^MtX aDLa^^— C^^^^■^^«l^^^^^^2Baßß ■^B^Ba^B^BßiaW^B km- -—^1 1 /ml\ Km aY I a^Bß^- 5 y^t^^^a^a^a^S^ 1 L^aVa.vV "v. t/^aAati ■al Iv^^JU W^BV^T Lai V^k^aM la^B K v J bV^MmJublb^^ Jv fli/d rLflflV ■■Pbl&'SbC^^ CAM TSLi> THO9C I Ib^^V^^^^^^ '^^^li^«Sfc m^^bV^^^bl B^B^Bt^ P^^^* w// \l H^pß^^^A^ta^MffAK PyfW B>uT- WHEfM
      191 words
    • 44 17 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero (WHO'S TM6 PAMR BOSS J\\ j LLJ ILJ U-l LU 7SME^ A NEW /rVr I LOOKS U<£ THE (SCX>=ATHER| PS/fSO/V THE" A HA^ BECOME AN EQUAL" f SYNDICATE SENjJyS.y OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. 1
      44 words

  • 24 18 TAN Ood 1 pn a sor. I December 27th 1975 Thanks to K Hospital •»N on 26th Dec to doctors and staff I
    24 words
  • 17 18 CHIA KOON SIANO ;utsaed away peacefully In -law •war*) 200 p m 11. 11.78 worn 41-
    17 words
  • 60 18 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr K -Si vapragaaam express their sincere appreciation to all Doctors. Nurses relatives and friend* it* 1 wreaths, condolences and attendance during their recent bereavement THE family OF the late Mr Ng Kwan Heng thank the pastors, relatives and friends for their kind aausunce
    60 words
  • 18 18 SOS SAMARITANS OF Singa wraajssiT Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help is a* near as the telephone
    18 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 332 18 classified ads [gj •A LIFE WORTH LIVING" Oospel Campaign Speaker Rev Paul contento 31tt Decemi' January 7 30 p m Nightly Orace Blanaah Free Welcome Pray ■HfSOVTERIAN CHURCH SINOA PORI t 00 p m f4un<i HOME LEAVE CAR HIRE Ford alsun saloons tor caravans Rates from tBO for 4 weeks
      332 words
    • 654 18 MM S»t. AMAH Singapore cttlaen required for MlPJiaisli English' live In cook European food market plan menus, babysit for two children Reference* required Oood salary to right person Phone 130-2272 LIVE-IN CHINESE AMAH Dutch couple without children a. preferably English speaking llve-ln Chinese Amah for laundry and assisting the Cook-Amah
      654 words
    • 509 18 HOME OWNERS! If you have properuss to- buy. ssi or rent. leave It with the tporlalsilt Victor L Mendez (Pte) Ltd Auctioneers. Valuers. Properly Managers l> International Real Batata consultants Tel ***** s pore IarrwaNATSONAi, PLAXA Office Space lor sal* pases ties p«j. Property tat at conciananar raw or list
      509 words
    • 903 18 LOWEST FARES' namimi* London or Parts. Amsterdam. Rome, Frankfurt. Copenhagen 0000/ 0070 14/1. S/1. 11/1. &/1. 10/3. 24/3. a three time a we** Singapore Lo* Angel**. San Francisco. Vancouver. New York 81 .100 to 81 .400 4 flight* weekly COB HOLIDAYS ALL TAIWAN/ ALISMAN/ MUALIBN/ HONGKONG/ BANGKOK 8/11/14 Days *****/
      903 words
    • 563 18 USNOUS BUOOtTT TOURS DAILY DEPARTURES ■SOS): Penang/Haadyal 3-Day 6-Nlght 800 90 Langkawi Penang 5Day 6-Nlght 000 00 TUE: Pangkor/ Cameron Highland Penang 5Day 6-Nlght SOS 80 wsx> Cameron Highland*/ Penang 4-Day 5-Nlght 879 00 THU: Ipoh/ Penang 3-Day 4Nlght 559 90 fri Cameron Highland*/ Ipoh 2-Day 3-Night 539 90 Pangkor/
      563 words
    • 680 18 IBSPOOTT/ EXPORT PRCCSXMMSS »mA DocusaentAUon SsSeenstiing mil mi contact sale* ciauae methods af payment, rrelgtil calculation*, type* of L/C. contract*, banting aad shipping procedures BTN coding, custom* proosdm*. transhipment reexport, insurance and claims tic every Thursday evening 7 0.10 p m commencing on 0 170 at 430. 4th floor. People
      680 words
    • 699 18 (1) T»l 1 g Intensive and Normal Courses available Anytime km 0.30pm Theory A Spaed Ctaases One/Two-month Intensive. Normal Courses available In the Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening (8) Bukaisplwe Guaranteed Intensive or Normal Course* s valla bie in the Morning Afternoon' Evening (4) D***awM as C**wMkavcasi BSsv Course designed to train
      699 words
    • 685 18 lwFmSft»Wl^Bla»Ula»l (SnJ FLOOR SELSOMS COSSPLEJn JANUARY BSaiWNERa CLASSES starting 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0 11 1-4 month Rapid Courses For Studenu I School Leaver* JP^JTiU^B^Ka^g Principle* of Accounu (for Sec 3-OCT -O' level > morning aft noon/ evening CORRESP. RSPORT-WRrTINO Thurs 7 36-9 30pm (Bth) Satur 4 30-8 30pm
      685 words
    • 834 18 PBUBBOT 004. 11 month* old. one lad* owner. 14.500 k ra on clock Cassette player Tropi-cooi Sponaline aircon Accident free Te) 2SO3SSO after office hours No hr< >fcers HONOA 700 XL motorcycle with Kawasaki box Koru shock 1974 Ka.aaaki MO. ISO. ecctfent free 737 Upper aoTwaoon Road 5Si m s
      834 words
    • 602 18 AMY WOE SMCNELUI Beauty t Model Academy (the Largeat and rnprehen*i*e Beauty Srheol In .Singapore) give* you ■c a PfOfuMßSal Fashion s> Pht>io«raphic Model Masseuse Telephones ***** MM MARTINA S SALON le. maaaage-saunabath barber coiru dants from 1 JT7781 rsoss MANDARIN HEALTH CENTRE Mandarin Hole Massage Facial *****6 RELAXING MASSAGE
      602 words

  • 2078 19  -  STAFF WHITER ■y THE Singapore general insurance market hat come oat very lightly from the menace of inflation and recession which has been affecting many Insurance markets adversely, says Mr. A. T. Shimpi, chairman, Singapore-Re aad general manager of NTUC Inc ome. Although
    2,078 words
  • 228 19 having life Insurance policies In 1960. The growth rates are impressive In arithmetical terms but considering the potential available, the Industry as a whole still remains substantially under-develop-ed. Even today only five and a half per cent of the population has taken up
    228 words
  • 723 19 Policies to meet needs of home owners <fBßil were a total 1 of 6.638 fires In Singapore during 973 and 1974. resulting In destruction of properties valued at more than $37.5 million. But insurance axeIMintM la Singapore mid oat a total of 48.66S for the 12--month period from July IIT4
    723 words
  • 465 19 nnHZ need for edu--1 cation training of Insurance agents and elimination of unethical ones is stressed by Mr. K.T. Samuel.* a veteran life Insurance organiser. He says there Is also a great need for a thorough re-examlnatlon of the approach to life insurance.
    465 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 180 19 WfeVe been in Asia since 1882. W In that time vveVe handled over U556,132 million worth of H all kinds or insurance. W^m At the same time,we've discovered a lot about insurance, human nature, 11 N the quirks of fate and ourselves. All that yv&ve learned is available to youat
      180 words

  • 1805 20 SINGAPORE ReInsurance Corporation Limited, established in 1973, with its paid-up capital of $5,000,000 contributed by nearly all the insurance companies operating In the local market, has Initiated steps to enhance the absorption of local business and create further capacity for the acceptance
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 496 20 m The American International \^k m I Assurance Co Ltd I is proud to announce CAMINIS.KORALA Senior District Manager has been admitted to the I American International Assurance I "HALL OF FAME" I The Hall or Fame was Mr damini who imned the established by the Company to Company in
      496 words
    • 176 20 c^>c^><S^c^j<^<^ c^c^c^c>^c^c^<S^c^c^c^^c^»c^c^ t PROMPT COURTEOUS I SERVICE I I THE PEOPLE call THE PEOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OF MALAYA LTD. $> Singapore Heed Office Branch X 66/68. Cecil St.. c. n <C Ist floor. S,rW>re 1 iJ^^i A Tel *****. ***** f n d 8 79 r 3 Kuala Lvm
      176 words

  • 1388 21 rvESPITE many lnU ternatlonal uncertainties, life insurance Industry In Singapore surged forward with increased volume of new sums assured and premiums during the last two years, according to Mr. N.N. Handa, a leading Insurance executive and actuary. He cited business In force to show
    1,388 words
  • 148 21 Personal accident life insurance plan ONE of the leading Insurance companies operating In the Singapore market has Just come out with a personal accident life Insurance plan PAL. According to Mr. William Ltm, manager of the department, it Is designed to five low cost protection against accidents now, and guarantee
    148 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 54 21 THE LEADINC FIENCH INSURANCE GROUP wit. offices tfcroighoit tie mil. is here to serve yti I/UNION des ASSURANCES de PARIS I.A.R.D. OH«« KMki Um— .r OHk* ■m k» M. U. lUk MI. SM *tow. in km w trzzzjr- -•otfM*"* t Cmmiiciil Swk Km), Uim... M: siisr 2 fit***** 1i« t
      54 words
    • 246 21 1920 1975 55 YEARS OF SERVICE j OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION LTD. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1920) Chairman of the Board: TAN SRI TAN CHIN TUAN (ChainpanofOCßC) WISHING YOU A VERY HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR When someone Depends on \bu /^Tj|\ uSsfe/ Vbu can Depend on OVERSEAS nS|g) M wk ZZ^awawswlwswswswswswsf^ I VwH
      246 words

  • 305 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By WONDERFUL Surprise II can bring off a "golden double" by winning the $41,000 Penang Gold Cup over 2000 m (Race Five) at Penang today. The four-year-old Australian gelding by Atilla was a brilliant winner of the 2200 m Singapore Oold Cup with
    305 words
  • 2023 22 Raec 1 MAiJaSIN: Uaaful Quorum gray -who has rttalnad hU beat form: aaoood wiUi Ji'j to TamerbeU Dtv I 1300 m last week, runaway dshtlenfth winner Claat 4 3" S 1300 m Ipoh Not tactoway chance. EAGU HILL: Two-year-old Irun colt by Tudor Music tHre of SU
    2,023 words
  • 439 22 J ONDON. Sat. Liverpool bounced back to the top of the English First Division soccer table yesterday with a 1-1 draw at Stoke City. Liverpool, with 31 points from 23 matches, hold goal advantage over Manchester United, who took over the leadership on Tuesday
    UPI  -  439 words
  • 134 22 a*a* ism— «ts» pir DM MaaMSaa* P» BaM OMsf I i»4» ataaa Jat A»a» P» p» P» f% Jaaa Ja*a *taa* Smmaana T. Vkrtanr tiataaV 4-«a«> S M*lM* fiami Mtioar a Amour ailvtrataaw PwaaaUUy ricMiac Spirit Cabaiia Taaa in BiiaMs Aa—t T**» A Iw S MM Maawr Trw Orti
    134 words
  • 693 22 riBJfT DIVISION Alton vuu i W«« Ham I Burn*y 0 Nnoitti I Ipnrtrh 2 ArwnaJ 0 LHBiwir I D»rb> 1 M»nr>lir en, LMdi I. Qumci Put Ran mm 1 Norwich c. ShwffMd UnJUd 1 MUMwUcmh 1. Siok* I Uwpel 1. TotMOlMai I Birmln«haui 1. WoU*rh*inp«on 0
    693 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 803 22 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES II v A lorgc inter rtoftonol monu'octuriog Compony V L*B^^ •nQogad m pock oging busing* is «4j«k ing arwrgvtrc young mat* Graduates to till the post of Monog*- s m4»nt Tro.rveei Only opplrconts who or* prepared toH>-dtH., f .o.,n g t,m*,nth.^n4^opp.y DUNLOP MALAYSIAN INDUSTRIES •wst A Montatntnt trMftee*
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 1181 22 Today's card ■fffm 1.45 CLASS 3 DIV 2 1200 m ■IUfItSH (19.500 $6,650 to wtnntx) 1 9* l* •aotat* a Aasaam I Clton* 4 it aunt > Cawaa H tUU Mataata a I Acrylic I Zain 4 M I ud al Twawas 1) Baata WBI |B| I BnnSaMn 1 M
      1,181 words

  • 1952 23  - TREBLE TRIUMPH MAKES ALLAN VIRTUALLY THE CHAMPION TRAINER EPSOM JEEP By DENANG, Sat. Bukit Timah trainer Ivan Allan virtually clinched the championship after a tense tussle with Teh Choon Heng when he scored a grand hattrick with Nevada II (Leslie Khoo), Society Sam (Lester Chew) and Naval II (Pal Eddery)
    1,952 words
  • 144 23 DIO DB JAMsSHO. Sat 1V Mario Jorge Lobo Zagalto. who trained BrasU's 1970 World Cup winning soccer team. Is act to sign a contract to train the Kuwait national side, he announced bare yesterday Zagallo returned on Christmas eve from a three-day visit to
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 49 23 BUKNO4) ATOB. Bat. Argentina took a S-4 lead over BrasU yesterday in the Bout't American aone of the Da vl i Cup. Caao. Argentina's No 1 defatted BrasU's Luis Tevares 4-1. '-4 and 7-». and then Alvarsi defeated BrasU's Carlo Klrmayr 4-4. 8-1 and 4-1. DPT
    49 words
  • 38 23 HAVANA. Bat. Cuban welghUlfter Roberto OmT' broke the world jerk record in the lightweight category by Ufttng MM kUos nan last was set last July by Cduard Dergachev. of the Sonet Union, with 1M kilos. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 606 23 A PI*RINTTCI 81nnapJ\ pen was cuipended two days by the stewards for careless riding on YouMkedforlt In Race Beven at Penang yesterday The stipendiary steward's report on yesterday's racea At the start. buuiu (Dahlan) was very slow to move. At the top of Toy RMer
    606 words
  • 46 23 Ist Ne: U7« (tUM) test N«: fti7« (tra> 3rd. No: 9142S (fin) STABTEKS: (SJI euh): Noa iM7I Uf7« MU7 (ins ***** 57U3 Mill STJJ4 fMM itns M2M situ S 7IM CONSOLATION: (SM e»eh): Noa. MM? ***** 534*2 ***** ***** ***** ***** M4M ***** WIM.
    46 words
  • 340 23 Evonne poised for third success MELBOURNE, Sat. Top seed Evonne Cawley la poised to take out her third successive Australian open women's singles title, following a strong snowing in the first round at Kooyong here today. Mrs. Cawley raced to b «-3 s-o victory over young fSwcdiah pUjer Lotu Stenberg
    340 words
  • 100 23 Upsets by Arizona, Pittsburgh "VsTW YORK. Sat—Pittax^ burgh and Artaon* StaU scored btf upaeu yesterday n top college football. U tbe Sun Bowl at Paeo. Tans, Tony Dorastt ran for two touchdowns and riddled Urn Kansas defence with his fancy footwork to help artderdogs Pittaburgb win their first bowl game
    UPI  -  100 words
  • 53 23 PERTH. Sat tydneytralnad fill* Denies s Joy yesterday was awarded the A*lMJ4t (HfT.TM) Auatraaan Darby hare on a protest. Her rider. Johnny MUsr. claimed misHsiiil wr Urn ■Ml 300 b oC Ukt S4MsB fm Quean. wbtCß was nrst past teat and awarded Psntaii Joy the raaa.
    53 words
  • 39 23 LABOSa, Bat AUroundar I—IBS! Atem wtn eaasala a -T men PakMaa ertefcat team on their tow of Brt Lanka MM stonth, MM Parissai Cnokat Board of Ooetrol announcao hare today Tlss saptsln win be wlckattoapar Waalm Bart.
    39 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1201 23 LEMBAQA KEMAJUAN TANAH HfdjM SARAWAK (Sarawak Land Development Board) Apposntmwrrt Motto* No. 4/78 sf^^stwO jsjsUajllins from Malaysian ciusena are in vt ted to fill the (D Seats* Clerk (AeaewMß) B^-k^^^^BJ QaaßOneHea CANDIDATES MUST BS MALE AND K2Ss3oSsS GUTHRIE ENGINEERING (M) SDN BHD He should be wen experienced to acesMtant tn
      1,201 words

  • 386 24 rjEYLAVG Inter- nationals have "a surprise packet" thought out by their president Colin N«? for Jalan Besar F.C. when they meft In a National League Division One mutch &t Jalan Besar stadium today at 4.30 p.m Colin Is keeping mum" about his p»an.
    386 words
  • 605 24  -  JOE DORAI By J)OLLAH Kassim, once the most feared Si n gapore striker, brought out his old magic at Jalan Besar Stadium last night when Bust ness Houses beat an under-strength Civil Services XI 5-2 for the Hon Sui Sen Cup. Dollah scored
    605 words
  • 342 24 Liverpool. United keep top position LONDON. Sat. Liver- pool and Manchester United remained Joint First Division leaders of the English Football League when they won their second matches In the Christmas Holiday programme today. Liverpool edged Manchester City 1-0. while Manchester United beat Burnley 3-1. Derby beat Aston Villa 2
    342 words
  • 183 24 Korea beat Indonesia to take lead BANGKOK, Sat Defending champions South Korea defeated Indonesia 2-0 In their first round match of the Eighth King's Cup Football Tournament here today. Both goals were scored In the second half. South Korea, five-time winners of King Bhumlpol's Oold Cup. were on the offensive
    183 words
  • 228 24 WHAMPOA AVENGE FIRST ROUND DEFEAT TT'HAMPOA Constituency avenged their flrat round defeat by Kampong Java whan they won the return National Football League Dlv. 2 match by 1-1 at Parrer Park yntairtaj. reporta rrm siow. In the fir* round. Kampong Java beat Wbampoa Whampoa yeaterday. however, ware dearly the masters,
    228 words
  • 79 24 Night Nurse wins Irish Sweepstakes DUBLIN. Sat. The favourite. Night Nurae. owned tar Mr. HO Spencer won the Irian Sweeps Hurdle run at Leopardatown near hart today. Mrs. D. Rudklni Brendon's Road waa aeeond and Mra. 8.1. Wheatley Comedy Of Erron finished third of nine runners. Pat Brodartek rode Night
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. tat.— Captain Christy finished a remarkable M lengths clear of hi. rivals when be wen the Klnc Oeorge VI ■mplschm for the second suussatii year at Kempton jastarosyr.
    31 words
  • 685 24 Redpath's century spells the end of Rick McCosker? MELBOURNE, Sat. A dour iT century by Australian batsman lan Redpath, on the second day of the Third Test against the West Indies at the Melbourne cricket ground today, may have assured the axe (or team mate Rick McCosker. Redpath compiled a
    685 words
  • 66 24 WEST INDIES Ist Inn* 234 AUBTBAUA Ist Inns (Overnight M-«) Krdpalh b Robert* 103 Tarsxr b Robert* 31 McCeakor c Murray b Julian 4 1. CbaaejeU c Kalllcharran b Otbbs 35 O. ChappeU not out 43 Csairr not out 44 Extras 33 Tetal (for 4 wkU) 370 WkU fell
    66 words
  • 62 24 WELLINGTON. Sat An unbtsten 177 by New Zealand and Worcestershire cpener Glenn Turner highlighted the second day's piay in the Shell Trophy cricket ccmceUtkMi match between Wellington and Otago today Scores Wellington SOT-* dec and 106-1 (OA Newdick 51 not out) Otago 2»8-8 dec. 101 l
    62 words
  • 169 24 No rivals, no ref for Tiong Bahru TIONG BAHRI facing the threat of a boycott of their soccer matches by the rrfrreea, turned up promptly at Queenstown yesterday for their National Football Leagve Dlv. Two match against Katong Rangers but the match waa not played, report* BERNARD PKRHRA There were
    169 words
  • 38 24 reno teen wane mivii* wklM b»W««< »ll> cklMna fcni N*rp. Wllllll, ta| CfcM. S»l* PMC. IMI (HI M«l UM. ■on-ia-la* Umn Bah. 4sa(ki«r»-ib-Isw LJIIU. OdmN. Fun»rml 11 p.m 2X.It.TJ frotn Bill «<r»»( to Tm Tub Ana Crematorium
    38 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 187 24 Sound Like No Sound You've Ever Heard Before From a Portable Engineered for maximum sound quality and for maximum sound output. A full 4200 mW. more than ever before ijio of this class. 4 radio bands (FM/MW plus 3 SV\ I .sette tape recorder, plus facilities for electric gi; I'd
      187 words
    • 104 24 fixed deposit investment CCS offer a sound dependable investment savings opportunity FIXED DEPOSITS. security CCS is owned by The Chartered Bank, Australian m**\ f\ n Guarantee Corporation Ltd, 1 I and Sharikat Permodalan y I Kebangsaan and has been I^BBs/^ established for over 10 years. N interest A \-~IL I
      104 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 114 24 SOCCER Nail— al Laaf*» Dlv. 1: Farrer Park v BAFBA (Fairer Park AC. 4Mi. Jalan Baaar FC v Oeylanc Internationals (Jalan Baaar. 4.30). Juronf Town v Semtxawanf (Jurong Town Stadium. TJO pm > My. t: BalastWr United v Ulu Pandan (SCRC 4JO) Ponfgol v Serangoon Oarden (Wood bridge. 4 JO);
      114 words