The Straits Times, 25 December 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 445 1 To restore peace and order JAKARTA, Wednesday PRO I N DO N E S I AN forces in East Timor have asked Indonesia for military assistance to restore order in the disputed territory, Antara news agency said today. The appeal for help against "terrrorist remnants
    Reuter  -  445 words
  • 80 1 23 die in two-bus crash SANTIAOO (Chile* Wed A collision .between two packed passenger buses yesterday killed 23 people and Injured dozens of others, a hospital official In the southern city of Curtco reported. In COLOMBIA, po Ice reported 19 dead and 45 Injured when a bus crashed over a
    Reuter; AP  -  80 words
  • 46 1 EYDMCY. Wed-Fcnner Australian Prime Minister Oouth Whttlam was reported to be in "vary sauaraetory condition" here fttr undergoing minor operation this morning A tpokeamin for the Labour Opposition loader said Mi Whttlam w»i osjpscted to remain ir. hospital for about a week— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 27 1 WASHINOTON, Wed Three IrUh-Aasartcans secured or snuggling arms to the outlawed Irish Republican Army In Northern Ireland surrendered yssterday in Philadelphia, government officials reported —Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 204 1 Stowaway boy's fatal jet trip SYDNEY. Wedneeday 17 -YEAR -OLD boy is believed to have died after stowing away in the undercarriage of a Manila-bound Qantas airliner at Sydney airport, an airline spokesman said here today. A body, believed to be that of the boy, was found laU> yesterday on
    Reuter; UPI  -  204 words
  • 133 1 mBIB tee-kilo Indian A tlcer t*tn» •<» ed had a few hoars of freedom In the cargo hold of a Jetliner after It broke loose from Its cage on Tuesday. It was one of eight being alrUfteti from Frankfart for m too In southern Japan.
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  • 63 1 TAIPEH. Wed Thi Ministry of Interior rMtsrstod IU order today that no party, ball or fsast oaa be held la Taiwan to caiebratod Urn Christmas ssasoa. It explained that the ordor. first announced In 107 S. was in Un* with th« Government's policy of koiptm frugality
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 42 1 CAIRO. Wed— Egypt has given Air Fiance permls.*on to land Its Concords supersonic airliner in Cairo oi. Jan. •on a special fllgh:. orov'ied it doss not fly at supersonic spssds once It enter* BrypUtn alrspaos. A] Oomnourla reported today.— AT.
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  • 17 1 THB Prime Minuter. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, wishes all a Joyous and happy Christmas.
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  • 121 1 SAM FRANCUOO. Wed A Thai man. whom the authorities described v one of the top suppliers of heroin to the United BUtac tv sentenced to 90 years In federal prison yesterday. Luchal Ruvlwst, 37, of Brtgfco*. was aentenced by US district court Judge Oliver
    AP  -  121 words
  • 73 1 BANGKOK. Wed. A young man burst Into a car credit firm yesterday and threw two grenades Into the manager's office, fired his Distol st random killing one person and Injuring three others and then shot himself to death, aolice said today. Police said the gunman ombably
    AP  -  73 words
  • 146 1 Bleak jobs outlook for Britain f ONDON. Wed. V Leading British bus! nessmen and trade unionists yesterday predicted that unemployment could rise to as high as 1,750,000 next year about 7.5 per cent of the national work force. The forecast was published only a few hours sfter the Oovernment announced
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 51 1 KVANBVIIXS (Indiana). Wed— A woman drtjaad aa SanU Claus robbed a bank of USiisooo <8544 830 1 here on Monday nlfht took a man hoettge from a neaibv store and fled in a stolen car. polios raid The woman later freed her captive and fled on foot.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 28 1 LAHORE. Wed Cambodian Head of State Prtnoe Norodom Sihanouk armed here from Islamabad j*«terday on the second day of his four-day oOclal vtstt to Pakistan Hauler
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  • 21 1 BANGKOK, Wed. Malays!.*, beat Indonesia i-1. after leadinf it at halftime, in their King's Cap teeeer match here tonight
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  • 260 1 Two men held by kidnap gang in jungle KUALA LUMPUR, Wedneeday TWO kidnap victims are believed Id Inheld captive in the jungle near the Thai-Kelantan border by I heavily ■rated gang which is demanding between $300,000 and $700,(XK) for their rek The victims are shopkeeper Pui Tiong Kee. 28. of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 75 1 TAXIMEN: WHY IS DIESEL SO SCARCE? Page) 20 GUNMEN (still la Algiers) aaUawly to be extradited X it KILLED la Argentina rebel offensive S REDS threaten to oast Marcos 4 MINDEF to recrmit nurses frets SGH 1 The couple who could not wait Page 13 aUtt ts> da^tta^Bsttft opinion »eU
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    • 16 1 The Straits T\mt% wishes all Its rsaders a Merry Ckristaas. There will be no publication toaierrow.
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    • 74 1 I m 1 —I mm J warr a w your btst a^l ouarantM of durability. •FREE heater ft FREE tunin/^Jj 'Original matching batch "Protective dtemicsj trttment* 'Read* y available: genuine spare parts, Tuning Service' contracts Hire Purchase terms W (Trade-in's accepted) BEST seller In the world BEST seller in Malaysia-Singapore
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 310 2 BEIRUT FEARS UPSURGE OF VIOLENCE IN STREETS DEIRUT, Wed. Gunmen manned barricades and snipers kept the streets of Lebanon's major cities deserted Yesterday following a new upsurge of violence that officials, feared may herald the start of a Christmas street offensive. At least 30 people were killed and about 40
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 105 2 LONDON. Wed. A 17 year old chef from Northern Ireland was last nlrht charged with eaaataf a bomb Mast at a London bar last Saturday which left live people Injured Police said the yooth. Alexander Brown. womM appear at a London matfstratr i coart
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    • 545 2 Gunmen (still in Algiers) unlikely to be extradited ALGIERS. Wednesday fHE pro-Palestinian gunmen who held the world's top oil ministers at gunpoint for two days were apparently still in the Algerian capital today and in no danger of being extradited back tv Vienna where the hostage drama began. The guerillas
      Reuter  -  545 words
    • 92 2 CARACAS. Wed. The Ope« ministerial conference Interrupted by the gwerilla attack wUI be restated In the AastrUn capital at the end of January, a V>nenelan Government official said yesterday. Mr. Harnan An iota, depaty minister of mines ana hydrocarbons, announced this after a
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    • 349 2 'Israeli aid plan inflated' report not true: Dr K' WASHINGTON. Wednesday CECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger tJ denied reports published yesterday that a secret Central Intelligence Agency study had shown that Israel had inflated Its requests for economic and military aid from the United States. On the contrary, be
      Reuter; UPI  -  349 words
    • 210 2 'Whitlam rejected Murdoch's request to be envoy SYDNEY. Wed. The Australian Financial Review today reported that Mr Oourh Whitlam, while Frlme Minister, rejected in approach from newspaosT publisher Rupert Murdoch that be be appointed as Australia's niftt> Commissioner to Britain. Mr. Murdoch, whose companies operate in Australia. Britain. the United
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 84 2 HONG KONG. Wad A tew aMffeMuMIMtfMTMI t#*BAV fltebjswtef B#4 t* a ■■■uptiacy •■•rj* M9ttfs» by eaale wk« tawy apv«f#r* ft •■rat Ihmt a**** Oaarg* WUta. mw a fcaritNsr. u« Waa Haa-taA. M. that tawy n— ip irii to ■bsU—4 Urn nim ef litiii la relattea
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    • 260 2 VIENNA, Wed. The top executive officer of the Organisation of Petrol c v m Exporting Countries (OPEC), yesterday withheld Judgment on whether Austrian security precautions were sufficient. But he suggested the group's headauarters would remain here. Addressing newsmen In the same conference
      AP  -  260 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 55 2 M X We are closed gV m) 7 /tor business 0| We will open for business as usual W^W w «^g7 M sß*r v v s*^g^BPTJ tomorrow,Jjw 26th Dec. 75 H f NBasl >ti;>tmawuu«oiKH««i *<V Mtoanifi I Gut down vandalism! Install an Air-Towel! It s fully automatic And its mechanism
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    • 329 3 Pay curbs start austerity drive in Portugal LIBBON. Wed— Cabinet ministers worked Into the early hours of today to give the nation wage curbs as part of the Government's wideranging austerity programme. As the Cabinet began Its working session today. Prime Minister Jose Plnhelro de Asevedo left the ministers briefly
      Reuter; UPI  -  329 words
    • 87 3 TOCTO. Wed -A former aopreouee tailor aod his Mend broke into a warebouse and stots more than ljoe suns valued UB»ui.Ste «au*.J») aUagediy "to open their own man's store." Tokyo poUoo said yesterday The one- time tailor TMsuo Ta«awa, U. and Hideo Odaas. a. told
      AP  -  87 words
    • 26 3 RAWALPINDI. Wed. ■gnt people ware killed and injured whan a bus ssaahsd Into a ravine yesterday near Dtr »oout J» km north of Rawalpindi
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    • 370 3 BUENOS AIRES. W*dn«*day jyjORK than 100 leftist guerillas staged a series of simultaneous attacks on military and police installations around Buenos Aires last night in the bloodiest rebel action in five years. An army communique said at least M people. Including 50
      UPI  -  370 words
    • 262 3 MOROCCANS PREPARE TO CLEAR OUT POLISARIO ASMARA. (Western Sahara), Wednesday ILfOROCCAN armed forces are preparing to dislodge Algeria-backed nationalists from their last northern stronghold m the Western Sahara, military sources said here I 1 yesterday. After a series of minor clashes with guerillas of the PoUsarlo Front, a Saharan nationalist
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 288 3 Doctors strike leaders in bid to end dispute LONDON. Wed. Leaders of Britain's hospital doctore but night decided to rrrns— arnd aa end to their "emergencies only" strike which lias crippled the state health service. The 19.** Junior doctor*. who have daatkially eat their working hears •«r demands for more
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    • 9 3 ia» <■"- ahJlTii ifX released yesterday
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    • 14 3 TOKYO. Wed. Morth Crown Prtnee AMbUe eektarated bat iaod btrtbday jsteiday Heater
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    • 179 3 Aussie moves to boost economy /CANBERRA. Wed Aus\j trallas new ÜberalNatlonal Country Party Government yesterday announced a series of measures as part of Its promised drive to Improve the economy. The moves were foreshadowed by Prime Minister Malcolm FTaser before the Dec. 13 election In which the coalition won a
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 40 3 JAKARTA. Wed. 81x people were killed and IT other* Injured last Sunday when a bus In which they wore travelling phmosii into a river after smashing through a bridge In Prapat. north Sumatra. Antara news agency reported yesterday—Reuter.
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    • 62 3 ftERONIMO, the "daredevil rat, perches atop the shoulder of sixth grader Greg Ison before his spectacular leap from a 36 metre platform before an audience of newsmen at Seattle's Olympic Hotel. Ison is one of 28 rtudents at Gig Harbour Artondale elementary school who are
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    • 170 3 NEW YORK. Wed. Oil company pronu have declined substantially because of higher taxes and operating costs, threatening their ability to find new sources of energy, according to Chase Manhattan Bank economists. "Obvlou.:y," the bank's oil economists tald, "the companies are rot benefiting from the higher
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    • 112 3 Stolen Paris painting in Tokyo TOKYO. Wed. A painting by French artist Maurice Utrlllo. stolen several yeari ago from the home of a Paris physician. Is In the possession of a Tokyo businessman, police said today. The painting entitled The Barrack* At Comptcfne" was traced to a company president Urine
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    • 247 3 Briefly. VAIL (Colorado). Wed —Declaring that continued use of the English system of measurement "Is maHrtg the United Stales an island in a metric sea." President Ford yesterday signed the Metric Conversion Act. establishing a national policy for the Increased use of the metric system ACCftA: Head of State Colonel
      Agencies  -  247 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 LaVLssr -*ws^ Til I The hottest shC£Zcon" *wT!J^^-1 I B wM>os<^^^ /ir^ a^woul 0 J Porform tor y«u*J* »w*" Dioikt. Show sod I D.n,r,.( \KIK)\ ILVIX fro- I p.. l<>ni K hi 25ikDcc 535 aetl per aertoa I. .m.»rro» 26ik Dec S3S acti per penoa N» \ear»»»r JUi Dec Stt
      89 words
    • 85 3 2/ Omega Geneve. jR JL Not as expensive as you might think. jBL When you think of an Omega you naturally xJI/ <&!¥ imagine an expensive watch generally beyond the l&P price range of most people. This is not always so. aajßjß» For example, you can buy this Omega Geneve
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 183 3 Straits Times Crossword 1 A thin s*d Is sober SMyQufcekt (4). character 3. It On* da-s takes at doth- IS Put to a stow) of susta« to wash pans* (4). H Sfl I daring a ami U RawMy a smile abort at ron'Unt temperature 14 A «rry Bake-up can be
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    • 355 4 Threat by Reds to oust Marcos HONGKONG. WwdMMay THE Philippines, which is still plagued by secessionist rebellion in its southern frontier, may find itself fighting yet another front the resurgent communist insurgency. The undfrir ound *i^^^* Communist Party of the Philippine! (CPPL which has taken a low pruflie since martial
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    • 267 4 Mrs B survives no confidence notion in House nOLOUBO, Wed. Paib llament today rejected an opposition motion of no confidence In Prime Minister Mrs. SMma BandaranaJte after s ■tormy 13-bour debate, ["he motion, which wu defeated by 100 votes to 43, was sponsored by the TrotakMte Lanka Bama Bama]a Party
      Reuter; AP  -  267 words
    • 105 4 Robin Hood 'too violent charge LONDON, Wei. Robin Hood. Urn legendary outlaw who "stole from Urn risk to give to Urn poor," has keen rsaigsassisi far being tee violent. Th* I n dc p c a dent National Viewers' and Listeners' Association ■ait Urn accusation yaetetiav after watching a to
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    • 290 4 Cutting food costs by living off garbage SEATTLE (Washington*. Wed A number of Seattle residents. from su our ban housewives to skid row denjsen*. have discovered a method of cutUng their grocery costs. They do their "shopping" from the garbage dumps behind grocerjr stores. The trend Is motivating grocers to
      AP  -  290 words
    • 70 4 Three held for smuggling diamonds TOKYO. Wew— Police said yesterday they have arrested three people for smuggllnu 777 diamonds worth U**27.600 (SMB.--724) from Hongkong since December last year Polio* said tlw Mo lnchid«d two iml huh tookan and an rapioyw of Urn Nippon Triumph and TsfcaawM PubUc Corporation. Ttey said
      70 words
    • 946 4  -  CHARLES SMITH reports fro« HON6KONG (JHINA is entering a bold new era of development. Far-reaching development programmes which got underway this year are designed to raise Qhlna to superpower status by the end of the century. These programmes Involve major challenges and
      UPI  -  946 words
    • 420 4  - Black dolls and games popular with white kids STEPHEN FOX By Loa Angelas LOU SMITH'S toy company make* black dolls, and he says half of what he produces is bought by white parents "More ,and more people are exoosius tnelr Kids to bILCk do. is." said Mr. Smith. "And they'll
      AP  -  420 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 14 4 if* I lssnv»&. P* Sm B^B^^^B^^^^^^^^^ssssnl aw^BnVa%n»_ ft bMhßpml b^ I^^ i f g^asafl
      14 words
    • 171 4 PRO j /kipt/ JH*yjf^lj Available at: in* 'rV FJ KATOWG SHOrrWG CENTRE //if Jada Lady A 4 StorM TO Prettitex jfc\ Y^Li W** Soon EntarpriM «sl j ■MJjJ H T Chiao Tr din °o iflE G.G. Stora«*>«\ s W^^i Wonderful SurpriM »»*i|4 JffflWM QUEEWSTOWW SHOPPIW6 CENTRE JtßT^Cy/rWA Ni-Do Enterprise frUl^a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 Mirinda Strawberry It's an avalanche of refreshing strawberry flavour! Got a big thirst? Bury it in a cold, bold avalanche of refreshing strawberry flavour. New Mirinda Strawberry has all the delicious sweetness and fragrance of crisp red strawberries. It's an avalanche of refreshment! Mirinda Strawberry 1 w tasting, sweet smelling,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 /JU afltaal aKak. aKal jaaaai JaVaa* 'jKsi. >U aaT^ 'aaaaat KbU *^C^ aair*sl '*fJfaW %«B*Bt aaTaat aaaaal »^«j» wi «rva«i KmJWfnHiPni m >mik m jwwi itw «f^i OPENS LIDO TODAY I 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11 am, 130, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 No Free List I THE TERRIFIC EXCITEMENT I j FOROwistoias^Afei^lfeariS
      346 words
    • 362 6 We prorme you BIGGEF pictures in 1976 PLAZA CINEMA J«l«nSutfrn<otT North Bndg*Rd)T« *****71 OPENS TODAY Daily 5 Shows at Ham,1.30,4.00 r 6.45&9.30 pm. In spite of the TYPHOON SEASON in Hong Kong... "BORN NNOCENTrietted om $I.7milhon LINDA BLAIR, Sensational Star of tHE EXORCIST' bW. .^^t^bbuL. Air J X ifiL^iW LbV
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    • 360 6 I /I^HOtiG C3AY |i| Wishing all a |i| Merry Xmas& t AHappy New Year: NOW SHOWING (7TH DAY) CONCESSION Sl/-*S fevsv^FOt DAY SHOWS ONLY sJ GOLDEN: Him, 1 JO, 4.00, 43 A f JO*** •ALACI AND KONC CHI AN 1.30, 3.30, 7 15 Af.M pm A RIPUTIO FAMILY MSTtOYID IT
      360 words
    • 657 6 OR6AMISAT IN OftNl T llaa., IN. 400 til V ivn«t Coon, iorm Homv*w> _4 You) AOom 4 Jorwi tack «OLLU»ALI co I ik SaundSu'round MaMBBJJ|^BJBJBJ| fJJ UaM. 1 41 4 00 4 4> M M Tamoro Dobw>n A Tanrir CIK»ATtA J0M15..4 TNI C AtINO Of WHO IB Ponoviwon 4 TacHnKolo'
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  • 157 7 rK price of progress U heavy in Sin- gapore. That's whjt tbe shipyards In Kallang and Tanjong Rhu. and the marine police themselves, have found. These barges, which have been used by contractors for work on the hast Coast reclamation project, are causing
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  • 80 7 FURNITURE designer Mr S K. Lam wanted to give a big "ang pow" to the blind but could not afford to. So. he used his hobby •per tooling and turned out a pair of lion* which he hopes tc sell and donate the proceeds to the Singapore
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  • 245 7 The many qualities that go to make up our firemen OINOAPOREs firefighters should have the combined qualities of a technician, arc h i tect and engineer. For the Ore service Is now a very technical service, According to Mr Llm Beng Lock. Chief Plre Officer of th- Singapore Fire Brigade
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  • 60 7 MR. Anc Nam Plan, MP for Thoouon. will dlrtrtbuU 13.000 worth of ai« pows and food hamper* to peopleover M years and aeadjr widow* of Tbonuon. conaUtuency. at the Kampong Son Ttof Community Centre on Jan. 11 at ul Tn* gift* v* betnf dona tod by
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  • 349 7 THE Defence Ministry will recruit nurses from the Singapore General Hospital for its new SAF Military Hospital in Changi. The first batch of 14 of these directentry personnel ls expected to join the military hospital soon, says a report In the December issue of
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  • 135 7 ALONG-sleeve Mease, a pair of pink panties and a bunch of seven keys were among the articles left behind br passengers in taxis and eases last month. A statement from the Registry of Vehicles yesterday said the articles were brought to the registry
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  • 94 7 Book gift to Ngee Ann College THE managing director of Hitachi Zoaen Robin Dockyard (Ptet Ltd. Mr. K IdeU. wUI present four volumes of a book on shipbuilding to Mr. C.C. Kee. chairman. Ngee Ann Technical College council at the college's conference room on Monday at 2 30 pm. The
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  • 41 7 HAJI Stta'arl T*dln. Senior Parliamentary Sacretary (Culture) and Ma wife will attend a children Hart Raja party organised by tn* Muaorn Missionary Society, ttnganon at thy *octety't pmnlKi at 11, Loronc IS. Oeylanf Road on Sunday at 1.10 pm
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  • 195 7 Today's special RTS Xmas shows DTB will telecpst spc•l* clal proxrsmmes for today's Christmas viewiDf. Channel S begins transmirslon at 10 jjh with Caldecott Children's Corner, a locally produced programme of fun and games for the young ones. This Is foHowsd by a colour cartoon of Jules Verne's famous traveltale.
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  • 42 7 A CHAN Pood for Better Health «nMHtfri". v balnf htld at the public oonooura* of Fwoplr'a Park Oomptas until Dec. M. Th« nhlMUon, orfanlaed by th* Mlnlatry of the Invironmtnt. win be opan dally from 10 am to pjn
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  • 343 7 A MULTI PRONOed approach lnvo 1 v ing personnel from different paramedical categories is necessary for rehabilitation to be a success in the developing countries, according to a university don. In addition, the need for a total concept of rehabilitation must be
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  • 24 7 THX UP for Putr P«njane. B>cik OUunui Wok. win attand a find-rmMoc dtnnar at Kyatt Hotel on Saturdar at 7 JO p-m
    UP  -  24 words
  • 420 7 pNTREPRENEURS must look ahead and invest In development in and around the new Changi airport which ls expected to be ready by 1980, if they want to get a "piece of the action." Mr. AJM. Rulter, general manager of Peninsula
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  • 86 7 Electronic equipment exhibition A TWO-DAY display of products ranging from electronic equipment to stationery will be opened by the registrar of co-operative societies, Mr Ng Fui Fong. at the auditorium of Ngee Ann Technical College on Friday at B am. Th* esMMUon. opan to all from 10a.m. to 6 pjn
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 179 7 'liMmiHilliU.'liUi'J *<Srrrtinn» J Gr«n«i O»«fMftf VDiy i^^ At leth Theatre* (ato> V| -no ffM bit a Celaen Gty 1 .45, Tern W^UL\ *****0 30 fcTtf^X By^K Geieiv MS, 3.30 ■^Mr IB HARI RHODtS w IIBTT"Si "lilil Cee<tel c* »h* WefM "B^ f,T,N-?-W Kent Meh Preeentetien iM rwW 1 1 Rll
      179 words
    • 78 7 h HI FOI X MAS PREVENT CRIME •Mhfewaei Cwsasaff HAM LOWS. *WIM4 at ■mm iMMta tJ ">» tl«Ol.l i t fc— fpmn tt ■OUSALS rverttt aitrk Cocker Isimii Dal«atian\ Ofiain *»>>h«r«> Iltutmmni Omtfmwnm Meek a e*jS» Ceeker SeaMaA/ Me»*SMkTM ■M MB) TrrrMr Uachshuivlt Old EnjlKb Bhf»pao, Oobermann Afghan Hound' Oreat
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    • 330 7 BOOKS COOKERY BOOKS CHILDREN S ANNUALS Our Friends, Customers Business Associates and G-57 Katong Shopprtg Centre. Singapore 15. Te< *****8 Branch: 142. First Floor, Queensway Shopping Centre. Singapore 3 I Happy StofH I I Now On Daily I I 26 Dec to 31 Dec 75 I GROUND FLOOR DANIEL MAN
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  • The Straits Times
    • 327 8 FkURINO International Women's Year 1975 the movement for equal rights for women seems to have taken a more moderate and convincing character. We have seen less of the more militant manifestations of women's lib, like the discarding and burning of bras, forms of protest which attract public attention
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    • 266 8 f HRISTMAS Is a traditional religious festival for a minority of Singaporeans. But In our multi-racial society It has also become a season of conviviality between all Singaporeans regardless of their religions and beliefs. There is added reason for gaelty and cheer this year. Economists generally believe that
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  • 1441 8  -  CHARLES BREMNER: AS PEACEMAKERS STRUGGLE TO PUT THEIR GOOD INTENTIONS INTO ACTION By i VIOLENCE, civil war and economic gloom dominated the news in 1975 as the peacemakers struggled to put their good intentions into action. It was the year in which
    Reuter  -  1,441 words
  • 510 8  - A lesson from cyclone Tracy J. ROUBICEK By Darwin rl i people of the northern Australian city of Darwin are wary now. They no longer dismiss cyclone warnings with a certain contempt, "They won't worry me." A year ago, that was the general approach to cyclones. Cyclone Tracy changed all
    Reuter  -  510 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 St»i«» tut to tfM latatt \ri*4 fey our ffmt aiawlanca^ eralts- I man tinea 19J4 Suit* cAmplataly haivd taliorad a Hitch** I nft to ir>« buttonftolat anturlng" bast woorjiantnia. N« ara IJ also Importart a anportaf* of flnatt Gantt t«il|l«i tftaraty'l ha«a tha ial*tt S «i«a«t rmngm of naiculi lor
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  • Business Times
    • 943 9  - Lift Japan's economy out of rut, Miki Govt urged RICHARD HALLORAN By •fOKYO: The in ability of the Japanese economy to snap out of its protracted recession is causing increased concern in the business commnnity here. Last week, a top delegation of Japanese business leaders urged the governing party to
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    • 681 9  - C and C's return to growth path depends on non-car sales activities MARTIN LIM B) VLHAT little chance there Is of Cycle and Carriage making it back to the growth path in the current year endL'.g Spetember 1976 will depend on the performance of its activities other than the traditional
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    • 179 9 Inchcape Bhd reorganises operations Pline with 1U policy of Identifying its companies with the territories In which they operate, Inchcape Berhad has reconstructed Its Malaysian activities. Under the reconstruction, it has farmed a new wholly -owned subsidiary, Inchcape Malaysia Holdings, which now holds the group's three Intermediate holding companies in
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    • 363 9 Sir Douglas and Hutchison board do not see eye to eye TfONGKONG: Dif- f erences have surfaced between the) board of Hutchison International, one of Hong koag*! biffest conglomerates, and the newly re-elected chairman, Sir Douglas Clagiie. At the annul meeting ef tkc eesanany on Maaasy. Sir Deaglas painted a
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    • 312 9 Jack Chia-MPH interim profits tumble AFTER three years "of continuous growth, Jack ChiaMPH has faltered sharply, with group pre-tax profits tumbling 37 per cent to $1.02 million in the first six months ended September 1975. Sales, however, are down SJust one per cent to 534 million, after Inclusion of II
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    • 92 9 CRA intends to bid for IOL MELBOURNE: ConxInc Rlotlnto of Australia (CRA) s»v» It may make a takeover offer for all the lamed share capital It does not already own In lOL Petroleum Directors said CRA does not now support a farther share tsrie by lOL for exploration purposes. As
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 626 9 $72.5 m loan: SWS will act if no settlement is made by next month SLATER Walker Securities is to take action against Haw Par Brothers International to recover its disputed US$29 million ($72 5 million) loan to Haw Par If the matter is not nettled by the end of next
      Reuter  -  626 words
    • 147 9 LONDON: Slater Walker Securities has decided to cancel the 197S Interim ordinary dividend of 4.*****p per share gross (SJMp net) declared on Aag. 19 because of changed circumstances. The dividend was due to be paid on Jan. 8. The cancelled Interim dividend would have cost the company
      Reuter  -  147 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 Wishing all clients, friends and associates: lEST WISHES OF THE SEASON AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR taboos I INDUSTRIAL ft BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CONSULTANT SERVICES SON BMO No 52 In Floor Jin S2/4 P«U*<n« Jay*. SaUnfOr. T«l SSII4I IA »dl- established Bumiputra company; W e are specialist in all aspects of:
      112 words
    • 61 9 Ba^^aV ■aa^^LwJ I^ ■^■^^■^s^i^^H aY Brr^irS^S' HJP^9raa*wsjHJ P^Pjaaaaafaaaaal JPfN^fff^Jn^^PPf APPROACHING THE ULTIMATE... a —L^-a^-i^ 1 Amplification by The 4401 PREAMPLIFIER features 2/4 channel possibilities, a new concept in phono circuit design for the lowest possible noise. The 1801 POWER AMPLIFIER offers extreme reserves of power for reproduction at true concert
      61 words

  • 605 10  - It's all been plain sailing for Neptune Agencies GOH ENG KEE By VEPTUNE Agencies, 11 a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore's national shipping line, NeDtune Orient Lines (NOL) has made very satisfactory progress In its first 16 months of operations, says Mr. Teddy Loh. its general manager. The company began operations
    605 words
  • 342 10 TWO British comDanles Tate and panics. taie ana Lyle and Panocean Shipping and Termlnals. have formed »»mnnn a new company to operate their Joint deep sea parcel tankpr flppt > *er neec. a The new company. Pan-ocean-Anco. scheduled to begln operations early next year, will
    342 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1 10
    1 words
  • 124 10 A eeUet tsaajeatar (ptetarad ahere) weighing aeeat nine tasuses one af the hiavlsst aesees of ear ga airfreighted here this year— aad vasaed at aaoat SUMM was deUveretf ea Monday to a Ie«a1 tree work*. "It Is an anasual eeaslfnment as aaly a total ml about It saeh
    124 words
  • 197 10  - SSL's 'Jumbo service' for S-E Asia JACOB DANIEL By rE Australian-owned line. Southern Sniping Lines, is to start a new service— the Jumbo Service from the Tasmanlan port of Burnle to South-East Asian ports, including Singapore, next year. The company has also decided to deploy another contalnership. Advara. on the
    197 words
  • 141 10 AUSSIES TAKE LEGAL ACTION ON TRADE BAN SYDNEY: Refrigerated Express Lines (Australia) and Maritime Fruit Carriers have asked New York Federal court to release them from an Australian Meat Board direction excluding them from the Australia/East Coast North America meat trade. Refrigerated Lines' Australian manager Gibson Bennle said. The US
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 162 10 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Sir Mark Tmrner ha* b«en appointed chairman and chief executive of Rio Tlnto-Zlnc Corp. He succeeds Sir Val Dancmn who died last week. Mr. lisa TbUm Ehean has resigned as a director of Kesanf Tin (M> with effect from Dec. 4. while Mr. Urn Enf Seng has
    162 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 300 10 M Modal 061 AY EMPIRE top 6 place! U. S. A. The Empire Wide Tracking and Tracing Why Empire Cartridges Response Cartridge _^s^^^^ TrwconvMiprxwdac* Sound Better ■■■in tfrmrnryourt'nioSlweoor produc»3»osyrn«diob«plsy»aw#i E very Emc»» long p»y»^ T^^^Tl. (juad wrtttnoormrrmantamm J very low loross lor wdunQ(sb*«|fK> cartndga KO, ttmUm) im> tour t*«^ /^»va
      300 words
    • 634 10 require* TRAINING OFFICERS (a) Electronic Engineering (b) Electrkoi Engineering QyesHkeliews: A recognised Technician Diploma, a City Guilds Full Technological Certificate or eguivoient qualification with ot least 3 yeor* industrial working experience Condidotes for Post (o) must be oble to teach the following sutxects ot the Industnol Techn.c.on Certificate level (1)
      634 words
    • 580 10 POSITION KEEPER A European bonk enqoged in off-shore branch operations in Singapore invites applications for the post of book-keeper/ position-keeper in its foreign exchange deportment The successful candidate is expected to have knowledge of foreign exchange processing in general and to be well vers ed in positfon-keeptng technicalities He is
      580 words

    • 156 11 I Mttt Mthn Ittttt rttwwt INDICES riapii $»m lAT. TIM IK L*B* UU .M It XCJ.C Wli 1« >. Baafc tIM M N M 44 .M C toafct^ M i K. Ti»c n i» IMB BmL II M -»-jM i. nMM ti a ■m IM. HJO •.M.C
      156 words
    • 1655 11 -THE last transacted ready 1 sale at the clon of buslnaN ea Mm Stock BBobanse of SVigapore jiMii Hay ooamparod with Urn prrrtout day* prtoN togsUMT with I*7l high saw low (•Adjusted for aorlp nghU lasus) till lON SMS IMBUITBIAkS CLSSINS V*mbi Faaiy auaa>. MBMVBSI OMMaI ssana aasslNl
      1,655 words
    • 80 11 Lot rtnanoe hu Bxed these safes rremi Dm. mnlll farther settee. UMm 73J ets a Ik dm MHi im ratal kanMlSmJI a mm The rates of duties •TiUiMe an: Babwcr 4| ets a h» (Twial IN eta a Ik) (SwcßATgc 3* ets a Ik) Cess* MS a tarn
      80 words
    • 971 11 BID ».«1 offar pDcaa ofß- i cuUj UaUd uml *iiTInTTT IB kod rsportad U tho Kutlt Uimpur Stock Bscbsnc* raatardsr «1U) tho numbar of ■hafM trmdad thown In aracUU la tott of 1.000 usJU. aclaM otbartriN spacl flail. I NOW IT MA La A«r« 1 1 MB) linwli
      971 words
    • 380 11 CJTEADT to flrss *MmlO ttSM BtKSBBd at the Bteek behaatrs of SMMIHI JBMMMiy IB Bght aad Ml*stli* ttadThls was least exßeetad st s thme Ma* this normally weedd have already aawared their Plbwlim hi fraaa af the ChiMimss hilHay. Tester days f Rwie* at USUtt Baits
      380 words
    • 1094 11 BID and offer prlcea ottctally listed and bualneN in and reported to the stock Exchange of Singapore ytetarday with the number of aham traded shown In bracket! In toU of IM* unlU iiliN othsrwiM apadftad. All TUbo Bargains or *IHmmH Oontraeti are quoted after the word "Sett'
      1,094 words
    • 256 11 Steady trend in KL trading rpUDDfO In the twoM. boar iiMlon at the Koala Lumpur stock tirhsnce ysetsrilsy was brtak and steady ahead of the Christmas hoUTurnoTer came to 715,--000 unite valued at $1.43 million compared with ■M.OOO unite valued at $1.75 million reported In the full day tradln» session
      256 words
    • 38 11 TBS SaSßStary AstaarHy af SMgasere MIMM aaafca Mas SMasaMt |MM)N te> t«a>asr tar M* asM tl-dßy TiiaMJ Mas frwat Miatiy (Dm. St) U Frtsay (Jaa. S). bet) Nader Neat net be far mm thaa MIIMt.
      38 words
    • 201 11 Metro is taking over Orchard Square project METRO Holding! to taking over the multi-million dollar Orchard Square project. wMch has still to got oil the ground fire ysara after it was flrat announced. Making this surprise announcement yesterday, Metro Bunagme: director. Mr Jopie One H»e Knan. aays the company hat
      201 words
    • 95 11 THB OS BarM to n trmmty sjatat on Tuaaday white Urn ItanipMA bmS was thinly trsosd. BMkßßnc •wttebM. rsportsd sfPOTA. »KH«ttoni in OS$/MBta (MMtMMIM) BBMM atSUd Afloat It oanU Milan. •Ms/Mt tnssd: Dm. IMb MM buTsrm. MN/lIH oaatt Mlteri: Jan. tm/UJ* boyare. M7t/U.n ssbm ißßsn. lI M MM
      95 words
    • 21 11 Basher Dee. 34. B>ere: Ossed. Malaysia 164 75 eta. (down *M et). Official offering: BN tons (dewa 36 tMS).
      21 words
    • 104 11 rmi■ l meouci ix w aswuMs, iinsa*wss weeei I Lll HIS MtICII PISVL VBSVBBBAV. OU: BWk IM sattara. JJJ^enu. M mm. a*. M •ajraillißN (kjaat) UK/Oaa. ♦M aajMi. •Nvari Haatak ASTA wMM f.4va. IS*« nl.w MM* asßart, Bwavaa wklt. f.a.a M« NljW SMTt aaUan. autwit imn Maak f.k t+%
      104 words
    • 32 11 I— art**! ea TuiaMj (HIIMB* IB bnttMl WliNar sbm Wofr iITIM (OM.N) mow UN [IMM) Tan* Motu burar Ita* (IMS) mltmn M)J| iMNNI Mara** mm: State*. •alati ll. tti imm.
      32 words
    • 238 11 THB Stralte Un price ton 1 tl to MM par paeul v Pwnang yeMerday on an offteMl offering down M tons to M 0 tons. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyen price falling *tt to *3. 1 11 per Metric ton. LONDON: Tueedeyi On declined
      238 words
    • 282 11 AFTER an unchanged opening the Malaysian rubber market yesterday ruled quiet with turnover mainly confined to book■quaring In front of the long receH. The market cloeed officially at noon wtth January RSB One buyen quotsd at I*4 75 cenU par kilo, down 0 St cent on Tueadayi clon
      282 words
    • 66 11 LT la prtew tamd M mob jwm. r*. naii.m icmxHui [iMMrini •CV (1 Km paltat) 174*0 17S.MN 17*50 INJW IL (1 lan i»U*t) ITS JO 114 JUf 174 17»00h (1 lea pallet) IMOO I«7jWN 167 00 IHOOI 10 (1 too pallM) IM.OO IM.MN 1M 00 1M 00N JO
      66 words
    • 179 11 Money and exchanges THB DA dollar opened Malar at U.4SM/7S in Urn Singapore fores Market yetTrading was practically fMtureloM and Urn Market continued to remain thin n view of Urn Christmas noiV day_ The US unit cloeed quiet St 12 4SBO/90 Hnqsaiiii Interbank forward rates at I.M pm 1 Month
      179 words
    • 134 11 *m— tid Interbank nm at JOO p m C«rr«a*tai NaWtl mm I-Hhinlti rmalift J»«wfcy <«•»> parity chase* US dollar I4MO 14M0 HIM 11.74 B«crlUi( pound INN I4W 7 MM -lI AJ HMfkonc dolter MM Mil —no u»i*r»»M» dottar mjo m«o ioo m —i to AuU Kfaimnc HUM 1*
      134 words
    • 141 11 AMAH eumncT dajoat intartank ntautl(kM on Widnwdy. Dm. M: DIMmIUM) <MNr Mi 1 dayi t- It 1/4 1 mm I/I l/« S BUM 6 It I/It I aaUw 11 I bUm T ill 1 1/1* BUM T 1 I/I U bUm T 11/11 1 II II ty-
      141 words
    • 32 11 Ctotfnf Intertask mta In ■nrnon doOm for fee M Offer BM Omnltbt > 4VI 1 mth 4 l/t 4 111 S mtta 4 4 11 I BUM 4 1/4 4 11
      32 words
    • 33 11 hand* *r mm tmuit h m MM >■■■! M Dot. M M NMjr M *VM >/« Ht Mto T/M 4 l/« ••iHMfe CD ll* •.Masai co ii/M i/» tar rt^UUy (KM Ukm* mjoM
      33 words
    • 158 11 HONOKONO. Wad. The market firmed agahi In acUve trading to just short of the year? hlgbe*t at the early dose ahead of the Christmas break, dealer* said. Investor Interest again centred on blue chin* •uch a* Hongkong Bank. Hongkong wharf, Hongkong Docks and Wheelock Harden The Hang Seng lnd>x
      158 words
    • 158 11 TOBTTO. Wed. The mar--1 bat flraied In scttv* trading as the reoovery on WaU Street encouraged Interest In blue chips, dealers •aid. The Dow Jones average roM MM to 4JMM wtth Urn volume Jumping to SM million iharee from M 0 million, fm Mi day The New Index ctoaed
      158 words
    • 232 11 fcYDNIY Wed Sharo* prlcea ended thU holi-day-«hortened weak firmly In quiet tradlnc condltloru. deaJen Mid. The curtailed half-day cloUnf MMtoa mw Moat Mcton of the market more on to consolidate recent sain* and record further ma The Sydney All-Ordln»rt«« Index advanced 111 potnu to 4M «o Toaar cloauw m>44l«
      232 words
    • 326 11 XTITW YORK. TUN OUunour ttocki aome dipi'NNd lately by the praaMlre of tax-IoN aalllnK— ■napped back to life today to lead a fairly ttronc advance Airline laaue. moved h%ber. while the fold itoclt* ko»t ground Among the actively traded lmum pcettng galm of more thaa point were Avmi
      326 words
    • 121 11 A MVnCRSAM. TUM. TBS rx mattct CMMnlly nrmad In eontlnuad dull condition* ahaad of tho hoßdayi. with rmatpa tbo torn) loaar atalnst Urn trend in Dutch tntcrn*tfcasla. smmVstWlMVw), Cb\l|mS sfQ by Taa OaWar PWdMas. Mtpai and CSM. Fulto wen» hMUMd by DN\ NaMMMM Hilirw-iliß and AMTAs. SUM toana MM
      121 words
    • 88 11 ZURICH. Tun— Tho Zurich nock* and bond miMi eloaad vary firm today omptu WaA BtrMti downTha Crodlt Sulaat Index gained anoUMr oolnt to IMX OaMas |Haw la BwtH lua wiuuw MTnwii aa ta* Hi'lm MBWI t—m. p CmSM Bataw tTM aaak. KM lot Oanja 41* 1 •wiMtir IMt»Wiu tTM
      88 words
    • 49 11 MM MM tIWjHUI (1) 11J»7 |!*U <•»•»• MM 141 MB HIM lUM Htrmt Ua I'm. MM lUM vi mi iu«a UIM KIM Wliimi TaMlf k«M| lUM Itt.M I'M** (»i l«0 MB 141 MB xiia iuiu «m t'.t ttolian Mr «mm (1) JUMitllH 4WIW Mr Mat*. It) iwttl ffW*.
      49 words
    • 96 11 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTBIALB TUNdav MS Monday Ml .7 Week ago MTA TINS Tueeday 17 16 Monday Week ago M 74 BCBBSBS Tuesday 170 01 Monday ***** Week ago 177 M OILS Tuesday SSSM Monday ***** Weak ago SUM DOW JONES AVEBAOK INOUSTBIALS Tueeday Ml 71 Monday Ml Week
      96 words
    • 55 11 Prime lending rates (in Aloamona Bonk 7 Bon^ok Bonk 7V* Bonk at Aiwtico 7 Bonk 7 Bonk a* Tokyo 1 Bonk Naooro Indonasio 7Vk Bonooa da L'lndoehins Chortarad Bonk 7'/. CKom Manhattan D6S 6*4 F.r»t Ch<ooo A J FNCB HKSBC 7 Moioyor Bonk.og M^ttu* Bonk OCBC 7 oue 7
      55 words

  • Especially Women
    • 250 12 Meet this MeiLing THHERIT she sat demurely, with high 1 cheek bones. Chin— c feature* and looking the exact doable of local model Chan Mcl Ling. She v Mcl TJ«( although bar paaspoi •Utw SylYla C. Oosun, of the Philippine* Mri-Ung. one of the elcht- member musical group, the New
      250 words
    • 227 12 Right diet reduces risk of heart trouble rthe Sahlgrens Hospital In Qothenberg. Sweden, they are finding out how diet decreases the Incidence of heart disease. The results of the first five years of the project were released recently and apparently there Is sense in eating carefully. Here Is how the
      227 words
    • 526 12 Why put up a tree for Xmas? HAVE you ever wondered as you adorn your Christmas tree, how the tradition of putting it up came about? I mean, why a tree of all things to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ? What bearing has It on the occasion? One would
      526 words
    • 283 12 OASTRY chef Jacques Meier 1 blows out his Ideas with gentle puffs and every one of them Is as pretty as a bubble. Except that these "bubbles" burst not they are thick lyrup blown Into object* of bis fancy. Called "sugar work,"
      283 words
    • 90 12 PUTTY ap a strata seek ay wearing a UtUe Isaltatlea geld «*e*er with attractive tistrtfteea. These sweet lltUe thtan »re tf%m France. They mbw m eHher geitf er stiver eeieved metal with akews M rreaa, all wHh It's own deJeate appeal Jr try s— ethlng elegant, tike a
      90 words
    • 361 12 WEARING a per- fume is a tricky business it <•*" make or break your date, according to Mr. Rene Oudln from Paris. The perfume should be a delicate whiff and should not waft down a corridor lntoxlcatlngly, which some women think
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 297 12 Msrrv Christmas to our customers jffi:| ORIENTAL 1 emporium ■ejMMA 0PB« lOam-Sem fry urn ir chnni I ORIEIMTAL Iv/f j\Jili of WE emporium EASTERN CHINIESE "YUyT emporium emporium emporium 97 $"••< itifioc KtMmwionai Stag I ann 9* nt »f -100.- n^.J^rr" 10 OWNS I*.-. -IS.- JWII V JDS) HI
      297 words
    • 16 12 Get the desirable figure with *raetowMw' SALONMAY (lIP Kn4/» Iwjl Lv '*>—>***> w^M FaSnfMNief ■■OMypiMitfM rMkimnrth -aftarMl
      16 words
    • 422 12 Diamonds are tta < "^^ak a gin's best friend... **wf\ and for this new year, give her n| Wjk 2 presents instead of one* jj^^fyb^^Bltffe^X I ten 1 List I tcn'i L i&t No Diamond Price Saedel No Diomond Price Se«ciel 1827 0 36CTSS 650 390 2146 0 58CTS $2,860
      422 words

  • 203 13 Ac HRISTMAB dream that came trac far nvr-year-otd Yvonne Tan— a walking, tattling and pretty doll all to herself. Yvonne Issecnhagg- haj hrr Christmas wish yesterday. very close to tear* of Joy. She had asked for a i walking, talking, doll, with hig
    203 words
  • 112 13 /~<HRIBTMAS greetings V. from 12 Singapore ftudenu In Britain to their families here will be broadcast by Redlffu- j slon In the programme. Home Thoughts From Abroad, today at 10.15 am. The programme will iniro--IMS Mr David Pun*. Pint Secretary (Education), of the Singapore High Cotr.mUuon in
    112 words
  • 146 13 Housewife fined $1,500 for shoplifting AHOUSEWITC was senUnoed to on* day's )all and fined $1,500 by a magistrate s court yesterday for stealing a skirt from a supermarket Lee Fang Mel. M. a mother of two, pleaded guilty to the charge. The court heard that on Tuesday at about 1230
    146 words
  • 21 13 TUB Singapore Police Band win psifoiiu at the MacHttdile Wassrvotr Park on Sunday from »J* pja. to (Jt pj».
    21 words
  • 271 13 Lovelorn couple who could not wait J^ SEWING machine dealer, who twice applied unsuccessfully to the Commissioner of Employment for approval to marry, was fined $500 by a district court yesterday for undergoing a ens tomary marriage without giving notice to the Registrar of Marriages. The court her.rd chat Tav
    271 words
  • 267 13 73 p c of USSU members against the new rules SEVENTY -THREE per cent of the University of Singapore Students Union members have vot?d against the aovernmenfs decision to bring the union under the Societies Act. according to the result* of a union referendum A special delegation will be convened
    267 words
  • 48 13 Mass media course UNTVZRSITY of Singapore s department of utnmural studies #U1 con.luct r 30-hour courst on ma communication* and U«e public at Nlswn Hut 10P on Monday and Thursday night* from Jan I. New Nation* reature* editor. Mr Pakir Singh, wUI be the lecturer Pee U MS
    48 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 55 13 Highlights for today Youths' call to make new resolutions as the year ends. New forms for work permit applicants Attempts to discredit MUIS. Plan to build orphanage for Muslim girls. Students sell postcards during holidays to earn extra money. The cause of blindness among babies. Sepaktakraw: Spore team should be
      55 words
    • 58 13 .I.CIB S ■%^T k A >w BB^^^^ .^BB^BBfew S^BBT BB^B^BB^ 4BB^BWaI 12/1975-10/1/1976 (Afso open on Sundays Holidays) a 10.00 a.m. —7.00 p.m. VI .JaY afMT* w-fr -TTataT "afaTaTr »i ja TM «Ati afaal TA a^ IIS+T\ HA 4^U M> LI \l\ W Wmf^k/SSmX ***** \%MK^ "C-P ™aaaar— II D^aa*w«Cr I
      58 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1006 13 Your Christmas TV and radio guide BT&^H^H ETT7TIHIH SINGAPORE 1 1 SINGAPORE 5 1 lM Ml Good Ili Mw,c iteic uter*o) 11 m Cwd.ditts for i k Unx ni ii Do* (k(«t mm IM Openm, and Caldecott CMdrM's Corner MS Mm Mania (Malay, repeat) it tor* m Dm 7.11
      1,006 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    41 14 2nd Annlveraary JEE KIM Tf IK passed away on 25 12 73 Two years have pasaed. j yet our love and memories are still with us down deep in our hearths Inserted by sons, daughters, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandchildren
    41 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    32 14 In Loving Memory of Mr». HOO CHEW HLEN Noe VOW HIONG KHI'N Pasaed away on 25th December. 1973 Sadly missed by Husband. Children. IniLaws. Grand Children and Great Grand Children
    32 words
  • 26 14 In Evrloving Mem ory of Departed IS 12 74 MHS JOANNA LOW <m« PANG PHECK NOI Derpty mlutri by ftwtaiid. tons. 1 parentt. biolhrrt and tutert
    26 words
  • 349 14 'J'HE opinion poll, widely used in the West for measuring any thing from political moods to sexual attitudes, has apparently found a new believer in the Singapore Bus Service (SBS). The company recently commissioned a market i— «a/ch company. Spectrum, to sound the public
    349 words
  • 56 14 ■aTVDr doctor* hat* pa*»> •d the recent Hi if of Modlctoo (Otftrtca and conducted by tt» School of PMgraduat* Mstffcal Studio*. Uilvwatty Of SUigmpore. They are Dn Tanny Chan aMas Chan Tan Lai. Chon Sat Him. Fang Ctouan Wo*. Ltm Toan Chuan, )|a4e» Mn* Tan Oust Cheng
    56 words
  • 179 14 CHOPPER MAN JAILED FOR THREAT A HAWKER, Tang Chong Loy. 40, was yesterday Jailed for three month, by a magistrate's court for threatening an HDB housing maintenance Inspector with a vegetable chopper. Tang pleaded guilty to a charge of criminally Intimidating Mr. Loh Ah Lin. 32. with the chopper at
    179 words
  • 56 14 Fall kills woman A woman. How Leng, M, who fell from a ladder while cleaning her home for Christmas, died eight hours later at the Singapore Oeneral Hospital on Tuesday night Madam How Leng of Jalan Eok. slipped and fell at noon and was taken to hospital In a critical
    56 words
  • 54 14 MR Ong Soo Chuan. afP for Nee Soon and Parliamentary Secretary (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), will be preaent at Chye Kay Tillage community centre, off Sambawang Road, for the openlag of a rotong royong roadmaking protect tn Jalan Peluang and a track off Chye Kay. on Saturday at g
    54 words
  • 263 14 Orders for timber exports up by 10pc TniMBER exports so far this month have x risen by 10 per cent compared with the previous two months, the president of the Singapore Sawmlllers Association Mr. Fong Pin Chee, said yesterday. A Hal Camp He uld oversea, orders had been coming In
    263 words
  • 239 14 pOME April, fair wea\s ther ft shower, three Anal -year law stadenu of the University of Singapore will be off to Washington DC to present their case before thr world The three Stanley Ye*, it. Deborah Barker, 22. and Bernard Doray, 24 will represent
    239 words
  • 81 14 Nine S'poreans pass bankers exam NINE Singaporeans were among the 891 successful candidates In the recent final examinations of the Institute of Bankers. London. The nlno. ail elected imp clatoj of uio Uuutute <AIB> •re J. Chin Ah Chai. Lo> Hoc* Uy. Choni *ook Ftoh. P Lee Lone Kor. N
    81 words
  • 26 14 THS Cftlnest Chamber of ConuDtrM will hold lto monthly manaconcnt 0001--mlttos nwctlng at It* promlato tn HOI Strost on Do* II at I pm
    26 words
  • 36 14 ACAROLLINO session by the Allamandas. a four-girl group, will be held at Singapore Zoological Oardens today at 11 a.m. Another Christmas attraction will be a lucky draw at the too s souvenir shop
    36 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1217 14 IN THK HIGH Ol XT Or THK Rt:Pl ok six;apork (•npsain WiMliag Is No. S3 of 197S la lav Matter of (wiptiun \ei U'as. IM) Aad In Ik* Matter of (Matin Or■■••ulmmi (Pte) iJaHleo NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of the abovenamed
      1,217 words
    • 201 14 HAMFORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre for education in business and the professions in South East Asia Full-Tim* and Part Tims courses leading to Recognised 1 Professional Qualifications. ADmmomwH ACCOUNTANCY I I The only recognised STUDIES centre In Singapore •tcos<am«ord Contr* for ACA full-time cptom. m ».,«>.
      201 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 227 14 ■■Jnflgui Ut> WmtMmm **> Bill Kavaaafth «k Hal Camp -Tl.^- > P<> >OU9 —T^ n< <Mg l If fOU-**** 1 fyiA*. BUT I PQNT THiMtT I 6AM MA«M«fS WKmmK SJMMV, Mas* WwNT (XT OOWaW HO»,J it wA« A COMIE BlontfU By CHI- Young x^unj [U.HAVC THE I! I CANT S£I?VE
      227 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1009 15 CMITt'MHtf MMB m CMTMW Dtart lad C.I C ii»k>r«a ItM r'tu MM B awt aW« "a»-t II •f IMMrp mmM nan MMa IMa Maa IMi aMa *Ma IFM I lit laa ii ii. MMa It Ma II 'B 14 'B it FM M 'ft 14 Ma IMa nIB MM II
      1,009 words
    • 768 15 Ben Ocean Aai»sernoeo(Benljme.Bk»¥\inneiGteT)UrvanciNSMO a a CMniMan (M MM) UCjatM I I VI ta M ta laa. Uu. 18. Ia« tan. Caaaß rum V I Mt IVI IB tl. il Ma ll Pa iv ataw, taa. la I MM lIMU HIM tM I M 11. IM. M MMM MAMfM mvm m
      768 words
      874 words
    • 733 15 FUUY COWTAIMIKIZID StKVICt TO IUKOfI ■BMta^taaal aura mm 1 ---.-v^^-*--- M___ ■it MfiaU fi NK-bmV|, IfW^ frtMrtfvw s?a- pa-., s -*-»x -taUMtl Wti StrrMajM. OUt. iMsmli. (MM IiMJMaV HbBJ imm Ut a tan P* M tan FULLY COHTAIHItIZtD SEKVICI FKOM tUKOfI P iM>i Iw. FMai MMIITI MIST M II M
      733 words
    • 548 15 Taan hmm: p utMj mi ii ami pmmj nai THE BANK LINE LTD. IMB milt AftKl Maar Mt taaM, 4 1 MMI P I'iiaj 1/ IMa Ipi Mta 1 ta> •*>' «'> IPtai FM MMM MMU M'Me Im laajMN) KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.AJC.) AIADIM MF HItTCI Waaara r taataj FM.
      548 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 713 16 KAWASAKI KJSCN KAiSHA LTO nut tmummtt aitict T» Impt f*/ta lan) Span P«* >f rfowf t «a» t atr* Irra -aTPTMI UPPMK 171 I !tl 9 Hki lAS HIM! nw U im I M n FM 7) Fat 71 Fit 71 Fi f "a Pmmu Pvmm i*n»t (Tm >aa»| MMf
      713 words
    • 732 16 |hmj J r-M ITt ITO TO MMJTT *ac«M II MM MM II M n M MaM, MMIT HMI M IT M a M Mm* f lataMMl LIMIII Tim* I M I M MM mhi MUtar vmm tl mm MM imtu ll* Fa* MaMi mm. smmm Mf. mmm i f*i: 7JM711
      732 words
    • 1010 16 MMSHpMMMMJMMJ|p|MM HUT MWMMMB MMM M WMW IWI MO> r*M mmj r*MM* rwM mm mmm im Mlillt UPMIIi OMI MM* MM MM MM MM DM MrraM urnw 4 a. 1 m n m- n m n m UKOItI MMMJI M/11 MMM IM IM IM »M muk mmim aM mm n M
      1,010 words
    • 532 16 WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR aauniM BnnuTwui vmm ttmTm MM IMM MIM4 r HM Tin hM MJM n 1 in' »»»»>i ni u»m m itvliTatiißcM Sm' Wmm fMweium mmkii «mm UM IMII I IKIIM MIM aiU CMtTU U**«ll aM IM t INM| TM
      532 words
    • 655 16 THE PORT OF East. Hal SheongM/W x SINGAPORE AL'- I Harvest Oold 40/41, DoTHORJTY I na Montserrat 42 43 i ANNOUNCED THE I Asia Hero 45 and Ha Koi.KiwiNr. BERTH- I nol 46 ING ARRAM MENTS FOR DEC. 2s. IN: King Sun 8/9. Hugheverett 15/16 oi T- uirN..i j-h Cam
      655 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 550 17 classified ads g) o ■&m*m*mm#<&semmsm WtßlwNO ALL OUR ciienu a Merry Xmat and Happy New Year -If you have received oar OreeUng Cards on approvJ and do not need them please return same to net! possible International Mouth A Foot Painting ArtMU Co P O Box 377. Crawford Post Of
      550 words
    • 769 17 ROBERT RON 01 Kenaware wishes all ciienu Business natwM tat. Dealers. Staff. Mends and relativaa A Proaperout IVN INTCRLOOS TRAD NIB B Shipping Pte Ltd (Incorp In Singapore) Suite 90S. (9th floor). International Plata. Anton Road Sport 2 (Cable .nurtogs") Tel *****37/ *****80/ *****38. Store 12S. Telok Ayer Street wishes
      769 words
    • 783 17 PROM AUSTtusua: urn cnena Slew and Wonc Chew Leong wtttt aU friends and relauves Christmas and Happy New Year" "I RAMM. PNwJT Life wiahat all friends and client* -A Marry Christmas and Happy New Tear TNC MANA6J6B6BWT ANO Stan Of Ace Housing Agency wish all ciienu. assoclsles and friends Merry
      783 words
    • 495 17 LTB ELSCTRtCAs. TCCNNtdAN twsssfj Craft certincatt froea the TaehnlcaJ or VocaUonal IntUtwU 1 2 yean worming ejpsnesxe an a ttntuar capacity, pnrfarabry ta the ttti ironlii mduttry Applicanu should preferably have completed full -ume NaUonaJ Service O696CRAL CLCRK ipbm«i m OCM awacatlon with typing cartlflcate of 40 wpn. 1 2
      495 words
    • 504 17 MAR YLANO PARK KartOnfJ SorsCjipOCß) 15 Stock A OccMpatiow norn m__L Q «ks«^txa*BwW#as«aCa #wcn\ Ma* BIOCK D ODtvwfpVwTla-aPI vfl Of bwfwrt ..1976 NO RESTRICTION TO NON-RESIDENTS Tsl: 7SOIS-*. *****2 wVtLD69»II AAaaawsf fosLeawa. BFSSM atwavat $62A'. m Oast st 1 si, 11*77 Klsw AM Naa* Caw. LwL 167 SoMk Bnwai Rstw
      504 words
    • 796 17 AUSTRALIA MEW2XALANO BeauUful Perth Melbourne. Sydney w Katoomba Auckland. Wellington. Cnrlttrhurch Mr Cook ir-31 dajrs *****/ ***** Dtp: 3/2. 9/3. 6/4 EUROPE 10 romantic countries Italy. Austria. Switarrland. Oermany. Ruttla. Holland. Belgium. France. England and Denmark 20V22 days 82.870 63.690 Dep BNSBAPOR6V LONOON or PAMS. AMOTEROAM. BWUBBCLB. ROME. COPENHAGEN saw*
      796 words
    • 424 17 awCLUCtVC TOURS i Days 6*38 3 Days 87*6. Mswaw Lake Taws 8 Days -344*. IMb 6 Days MBS. Also Low coat flights 10 any dtstinatsans TAB TRAVCL B TOURS 41*. Swsw Costrs. Tat ******. 37TT** SPCCIALIMD CHEAP AM* ARC* to London. Auitralia Hongkong. Bangkok. Tan Kah Hock Co Ltd 63
      424 words
    • 579 17 ite PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE You can now take pan time coantntt or*, private ttorttanal course at Singapore's elite Private Secretarial School l Om nant one year pan tana course starts stfi JANUARY A refresher course tor LCCVPSC itudsnß w.ll stari m January CaM our Prmapal <or turthar infoffnflt*on lotto*/
      579 words
    • 571 17 ASSOCIATWN OP BUBtMSM F.i ecuUves (UK) ABE Diploma Institute of Oommerce ACI Doptoma Pltmans Typewnling' Shorthand Teachers Diploma (U K Intensive Lectures for June I*7* fstmwia uons USPCB AlrcondlUoned 996-A. Upper Serangoon. (803*11) a*V/frTCC* HEW CLASS 6* FOR RADIO won Wed Fn 646 p m fi 11 1 ilia 33aw
      571 words
    • 589 17 Accountancy 9m Oil y w— mi btiDaWinc WMa*B) A* Ow A MCRNY CMRMTMA* saw A NAPPY NEW YEAN MR RAVMONO LJM THE *PSEDR*ADINa CENTR*. Swkw 117. Pease Con*, 1 sos*oa Roaav, (9) PEOPLE'S PARK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL •NTENSrVB REVISION CLABBBS IIorLCCI JUNE '7* Exams) BOOH kEI PINO {IntermadkU*) 1 Saturday 200
      589 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 981 18 MERRY CHRISTMAS fl HftPPY NEW YEfIR mill's /BR. wti ~~ii 1 CACUI/^llV MOl IQF ■■Vlllllllll XS£sr A V /aaaaaV* mjniUl^ nWUJI- coffU limm* and rMtayrwt 290 Orchard Road Tel *****2 *****1 V^F X SPECIALISTS CENTRE 254 CULLINAN JEWELLERS V J 2ND FLR SOMERSET ROAD. UfiS^' JS^l^S^STLr,/ ,n» Tuc "S^™ r
      981 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 759 19 jJ^JJ ■^?RV'^BP^^^Bk^BßV YCa tßj bY Ba\ VA7| _V I w^l^ MW BB l^^^^l HB^VBr Mm^T B^^^a^K^B^Bßl ?V]J F^lf'% fllH HbbMbMb^bHHMbTbMHbKbßbl H^M^BTHpBBVfBhVBfIB|H^BBMBB^Mris! MBVsBBshrtHHI^BIMBBB-| wLM SbIbBSbI JPfV M ■■^■■■^■BBmH^fl ■■^BBM^e^v' BBB^ '^BBBBB^^ .^BB^BBBBBBB^BBSBBi^^ mi Trade Centre M3S9K9S?£'&6AS Hotel ROYal-RAMAM TMBSffaWBT 1 »-*Jr£ r SL i S JBOI («-"<■ TtL: *****81/2 mdFloo, Ow
      759 words

  • Article, Illustration
    25 words
  • 334 20 Why is diesel so hard to get? TAXI DRIVERS ASK OIL COMPANIES: Qll. eoMpi niei Iktc were ytav lerday called on lo explain the' taxi driven* difficulty in getting their supply of diesel o*i Mr T A Simon, chairman of the Singapore Taxi Owners' Co-opera-tive Motor Oarage and Stores Society,
    334 words
  • 287 20 Injured hockey star Raj wants retribution VATIONAL hockey player Raj Kumar, who 11 broke his Jaw when he was hit during a recent hockey game, yesterday spoke up publicly for the first time and immediately demanded retribution against the man responsible for his injury The 22-year-old Customs player told the
    287 words
  • 39 20 DAY Hindi School will start new trtt coune* In Hindi for btgtnner* rtudenu taking the OCE i O level and OCE A hrvrl cxamlnattaru toon roc further oelaJU conlact u>e achool rapervlaor Tel ttltt* a/Mr po
    39 words
  • 46 20 A PEDESTRIAN Tan B.«sk Nger SS. dtrd at II I pm In th* Toa Paroh Hoa> pltal ycctcrday four hour* after he 111 knocked down by a motorcyclist The mishap octßtiol at the junction of Baltsuer t Road and Whampoa Dtiv*
    46 words
  • 24 20 THANOAVELOO Gopal- krlshnan. 22 wa» fined SJO by a magistrate* < trrday fur bring found drunk along Kltrhtnrr Road at •bmil 310 am
    24 words
  • 170 20 TME Juvenile Court yest*rday heard how an Identity card found among some stolen bicycles led to the arrest of four young bicycle thieves. The four, aged between 13 and 15. yesterday pleaded «uUty to three charges of theft each. One of them,
    170 words
  • 45 20 First aid course ROCHORE com m v nlty centre youth group ea*ruUve commltte* »ill hoM a l]-»fck fltii aid count at lv premiaet won Tlte course will be oonducUd by an officer from tbe Si John Ambulance Brigade XppUcatlon formi are obtainable from u>« centre
    45 words
  • 58 20 TEN MalarUan con- I struclion worker* were made hotneleia when Are raied their Usporary wooden »tree- tare in Bendemeer Road, yesterday. Ne one wa» hurt Fohce uM mnt ef (heat lost their p»Mports and personal belongings during Ike minatr Mat*. Arrangements for alternative ircom mod>llon for
    58 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1181 20 classified ads t' HOU.V MtALTM aurwea often MiHf by OualifVMJ Munw Hint Jim nassi for appominwnl I 00 p m —IfJO p m V OOWA-S FOa A Hiuir uruurI (MuaKT Kindly nnrMMaM for an appointment < I p m llpni MAMOANM NKALTM Onir* Mandarin Hotel 3rd Floor MaaMa* Bauna strimbath
      1,181 words
    • 461 20 looii from natuif roods satM*w f iw 4 lover imunA) bill on airron Suitabtr far (actons*. d»»--ptfMarta* a storas Only MStvConlact cnartvon Entcrpnat th -nwti.-waw SATURDAY SPECIAL! Special offer on Carriar room air contfrtionars at our shonvroom. For more detaile reed this column this Saturday. I AC (SIPTE LTD 24
      461 words
    • 387 20 •t M^^a^Maast TsfM '/Ba 'M^. '^satt iMai isSast isKai islU tsflU VKaa 1 *^U *^Cs«t *^U MU m ar.-saw frTal <wv*ai y.^ tKVm swlM a»lM a* tajuwvM swv^i Ml JHwai Jr-%ai at^ai «w\*w »w\M. Mßlm ITMrfjSgTjJTJTT^P^Ea^lWMTlE^E^^^^^^^^^^i^^E^ff^^^^^^^Ell^^E^^^^rff^B I ill 3 .aatflaaaaV 'PSaaai EMW. L.I aa^*>4 s^emHel EM ■mhj m m
      387 words

  • 382 21  -  JACOB DANIEL By QIL companies are expected to be the hardest hit by the new tariff nearly a sixfold increase in one case to be introduced by the Port of Singapore Aut h o rity from Jan. 1. According to sources yesterday, the
    382 words
  • 50 21 A IJ-LXCTURE count on Practice of »«-Mng 1 will be hald by the Department of Extramural ■»"-tTt. University of Stafapor* at the DBS Thaatrstte. from Jan t The course win be conducted by Mr. Ooffbrd Abayaaakara, a lecturer from Nfe* Ann Technical Cblleae. The fat la MS
    50 words
  • 34 21 ABDUL OHAWI bin Skid. driver, of Jalan Bsnang. ni ywurday fined SMO after he admitted his •iauanw««m collided Into the rear of ear along Pmtnc Road at about noon on Sept 11
    34 words
  • 216 21 Call to help build up Opposition unity rpja secretary -general 1 of the United Front. Mr. Stow Khee Ltng, last night called on Opposition parties to consider the formation of a Singapore Opposition Parties Secretariat to fan* unity among themselves In the next elections. He made this call at a
    216 words
  • 118 21 Man who took licence while banned A MAN who had been banned from riding Class Two vehicles for a yew but went ahead to net a new licence during his period of disqualification. was yesterday tailed for for a month by a magistrate's court. Thong Kan Kit. of New Bridge
    118 words
    • 133 21 MISSING EXAM PAPERS: PROBE BEGINS Xl ALA Ll'MPfB. Wed The postal aolhorlUes are Investigating tbe case of tbe parcel of rumination auction papers tbat was sent to tbe MARA Imtitutr of Technology IS days after an external examination was due to be held. "A senior postal officer went to the
      133 words
    • 39 21 PKMAKO. Wed- KJ«» Lre Sant. M. waa toiay Mnienoed to IS rnootha' jl for etteJlnc a ISO aUblcycie brJoo«ln« to a stu4tnt. T»n« >^» MacAUatar Lan« on No* 37 D>oo pleaded ■dBiIUKI four prenous convtctkna
      39 words
    • 44 21 PENANO. Wed PW illegal pneieseinn of five rear mirrors, one en of apamnera. a bicycle lamp and a dynamo. Urn aanf Bee. unamptoyed. waa today fined SIM or one month's }aU In default. Un pita den guilty and paid the fine.
      44 words
    • 180 21 Drugs: Four held in raid on club IPOH, Wednesday THE Ipoh OCPD, Aait. Commissioner Jaffar Abdul, today urged registered club* and associations here to inform the police about activities involving drugs in their premises. He made the appeal following the arrest of four youths during a police raid at the
      180 words
    • 121 21 Hoarding: Ministry tightens the screw KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. State antl- hoarding committees have been set up to strengthen the enforcement machinery throughout the country, a Ministry, of Trade and Industry spokesman said today. Those In the committees Include the ministry's state officers, who are secretaries and representatives of the Customs,
      121 words
    • 57 21 IIIUBAH Wed.— Two youth* on a motorcycle analched a handbag costuming MM and an Identity card from a nurse In Jalan lUaab bar* at noon ysstarCtt Matrah MnU SaeA M. had earner gone to Malayan Banklns; to oaah her nay cheque The youth* rame from behind, snatebed
      57 words
    • 48 21 IPOH. Wed Fire destroyed about 9M.000 worth of dresses and other items at the office of Lovely Fashion Sdn Bhd on the ground floor of a five-storey building In Jalsn Sultan Iskandar (Hugh Low Street) here last night The cause of the Ore v tot known.
      48 words
    • 42 21 PBtAMO. Wed. Abdul Maeak Mar T^iism! wee today tailed for one year on two nriarsee of Besses** ing 1 1M grams of heroin and »JIS grama of oaonaMa to front of at OeoswCa Church In Farouhar Street on July 10
      42 words
    • 35 21 IFOH. Wad. A Mr waitress. Me* Kassosß MnU lamall. t*. dead to IB* teneral hoaptUl has* last night ate days after she waa admitted for *f w< **t aa ovcrdott of steeping ptUe
      35 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    53 21 IN MEMORI AM In everlasting loving memorr of tX SIM KIM CBONO HI, rrs, departed le-inrro He be r— ismtisrsrt by all who knew him as a kind-heart, ed, unassuming man who spent mostof hH life in mrviee to family and others. Sadly nuased and never forgotten by lovtnc wife,
    53 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 870 21 LEMBAQA PASARAN DAN PELESEN GETAH MALAYSIA Jiwitin Kotong Permononan-pennohonan adalah dipesawa dartpada warganegara Malaysia bagl memenuM Jawatan-iawatan koaong dldalam perkhidmatan Lembaga Paaaran dan Pelsesn Oetah Malaysia seperU berikut: -t 1. MAMA JAWATAN: Juruanallsa Mstem KUMPULAM: Kumpulan A 1. TANQOAOAJt: AlTf AlO-I JIM I W MO/MOxM- 1190/^3OO x M 1500/1900 78
      870 words
    • 748 21 MALAYAN CEMENT BERHAD PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF PROFITS AND DIVIDEND The unaudited net profit before taxation for the year ended 30th November 1975 amounted to approximately $7,800,000 as compared to $5,857,400 for the previous, year. Provision for income tax on the profit for the year Is estimated at 53, 308. 000.
      748 words
    • 649 21 FORM 11 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT IMS AND s****** »•<*> IN THE MATTER OF CHAMPION MOTORS (MALAYAN SDN. BHD. (Incorporated in Malaysia) (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) NOTICE OF RESOLUTION At an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting of the members of the abovenamed company duly convened and held at 7680 Jalan
      649 words

    • 610 22 Connors loses his titles but scoops the gold... \EW YORK, Wed. 11 Tennis stars, both men and women, collected money in ever Increasing amounts In 1975, with Chris Evert exceeding $350,000 (1871,500) In winnings and Jimmy Connors, deprived of his major championships, striking another load of gold in televised spectaculars.
      610 words
    • 1295 22 Montreal fears— the year's sporting saga LONDON, Wed. Fears that the Montreal Olympics next July could be jeopardised by soaring costs and Industrial squabbles provided the main sporting saga of 1875. The year began with Montreal mayor Jean Drspeau Insisting the Olympics would pay for themselves, and ended with games
      1,295 words
    • 355 22  -  JOE DORAI By FOOTBALL AawoK datton of Singapore's top priority for next year are to to nrmtau its base and equip each of the M National Lea fue dubs with an efficient coach. FAS saoaty ehalrBtaa N. Oaaeaaa. at aawleelßg
      355 words
    • 358 22 5-year plan to lift hockey at all levels E*ULL of ups and downs that Is how Singapore Hockey Association officials described their fortunes in 1975. They pointed out that while the National team fared badly In Malaysian tournaments, they performed with credit on the International scene. After a dismal showIng
      358 words
    • 24 22 ■YDSfSY. Wed. Mora JkHIN yaohto man aU •ntotjr Harbour oa Friday la MM liHaw-r running of the aMNBI Bydntr-to-BDoart recbt nee— AT.
      24 words
    • 459 22  - Basketball: Future is bright PETER SIOW By I OASKETBALL offl- clals are convinced that the game, which had been In a rut for the past decade, has now lifted Itself clear and that they can confidently hope for a bright future. Like soccer, they said, basketball had been 1 looked
      459 words
    • 323 22  - SBA'S AIM: PHYSICAL FITNESS BERNARD PERERA By I PHYSICAL FITNESS that's the aim of the Singapore Badminton Association In 1076. Poor physical condition of the National players was the cause of the many failures this year. officials said. SBA secretary Robin Chan said: "We are lookIng Into the possibility of
      323 words
    • 364 23 ROBERTS GETS HOLDER AS NEW PARTNER SYDNEY, Wed. The West Indies today indicated they would use big Vanburn Holder as Andy Roberts' new bowling partner in the Third Test against Australia starting In Melbourne on Boxing Day. Bolder. sorfewhat of a shock election, will replace 31 -year -old Michael Holding,
      Reuter  -  364 words
    • 286 23  - Dollah will lead Business Houses attack JOE DORAI By rvOLLAH KASSIM, the national 'soccer team's striker, has been given the honour of leading Singapore Business Houses' attack against Singapore Government Services in the annual Hon Bul Sen Cup match at Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday at 7.30 p.m. Douah Is
      286 words
    • 112 23 Saba aims to send its boxers overseas MOM famr> c«mpetHtoaj aa4 better bratataw faelMliei that's wktt amcaawr* Amalew to be aMa to puimi Ma •aura frem aaxt year. SiMitoiT 8. TMn«iM •atki aUa "Owr basara tara« wail U<a> year bat ww/a aH^ato to e)e bettor baaaaaa Umj ware hsamV laooaa
      112 words
    • 87 23 KOALA LUMPUR. Wed.— P»uunt Jays dob will make their debut In the All Blu« nwssr eonpetmaa to be brtd at Urn SUUon Pxltnf in Baremban on Saturday and Sunday. The other (Mint taking part an defendtaf champloo* Oobra. Bncapare BlecU Jobore Bam United and NBCSC. PJ Club
      87 words
    • 38 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Jamal Ramlai. of Johore won Urn Malaysian Junior teanl* Boy* Under-U stogie UUe when he beat bis jiimi— brother. Rahman. S-4. S-4. S-J at the BTTT oourU In Chans j art ai day.
      38 words
    • 253 23 United climb back to top of table f ONDON, Wed. "Manchester United climbed back to the top of the English Football LeaK First Division night with a 1-1 draw against Everton at Goodison Park. The came was held up for 14 miaetos to the seeend half seesaw* ef a flnlllfhi
      253 words
    • 195 23 We have broad base, says Sim CINOAPORB made (tgnlflW7 cant tmprorement In table tennle this jmz In the Ammn-AMcan-Lattn Hmerlnen Table Tennto Champtonabipe in LasXM. Stncapore casas out of obUvftoo to nniah at«hth in the men team went end suttlt in the vomen'i section. In the World Cup meet, Sinfapon'i
      195 words
    • 44 23 LONDON, Wed— Britain* John Oonteh. Urn world Ught haaijeatojit bostng -K«i»pin^ has settled an eight-month knag dispute with hto former n g— Oeorga Prancto. Praneto will bo lonajar be ■■maw/, bus win be Coosah'e trmteer for Urn nest two years.— Rautor.
      44 words
    • 170 23 PAKISTAN: HEADGEAR NOT THE SOLUTION LAHORE. Wed. The Pakistan Crteket ■ear* ef Centos! annmmntmd hem yesterday that It m asking the International Crteket Cssfarenss to kwwttnT In a press release. the beard said It hid reminded the) I oniisn sassi lOC ef an argesu need to make rmtae em latamMatoty
      170 words
    • 189 23 VTSW YORK. Wed. II Following i year to which she won a record U*****.000 ($871,500) Chris Evert was yesterday selected v No. 1 to the United States by the U.S. Tennis Association to Its 187S women's atnglas rankings. She won the
      189 words
    • 629 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By p^NANG, Wed.— The odds afainst a hone without a previous win in local racing beating a star-studded field of stayers in a classic most be pretty high. "Odd horse" out in the Penang Gold Cap field on Sunday is Pah.njj n. The
      629 words
    • 241 23 Europe's 'no' to Ali, Coopman fight... f ONDON, Wed.— The European Boxing Union will not allow Jean Pierre Coopman, of Belglum, to challenge Muhammad All for the world heavyweight title, a British boxing official said here last night. Ray Clarke, secretary of the British Boxing Board', said EBU general secretary
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 246 23 f ONDON. Wed. The MJ world's best- known steeplechase the Grand National, will be run at Alntree, as usual, next year and In 1977 under a deal between the course owners and the h ""kTna.Klng chain Ladbrokes. It wm announced last night Ladbrokes
      Reuter  -  246 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 261 22 Sound Like No Sound ll^^^^^^^^^^to) You've Ever Heard Jr^a*w| r j h [7 Before From a Portable HHHsfSB-fcgn Engineered for maximum sound quality and for maximum 2 ll! mfV U sound output. A full 4200 mW. .more than ever before from HP] a radio of this class. 4 radio bands
      261 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 151 23 W^ AND f SINGAPURA EMPORIUM wish their Customers Friends Merry Christmas A Prosperous New Year We are closed today BUSINESS AS USUAL TOMORROW •"^^■aSBBBBI Ikl _~^^rtfaflSffyt«n BSSSSBB »«s «-^»j CJ i BsT^blbV Mni JIM ;f%SALE VL. \J 'ALES H >J«typ< (-AST DAY PRICE 2 120 cm Germon Foncy Cotton Fobmt
      151 words
    • 123 23 Save at least $2000! 50 only brand new FORD ESCORT XL's must be sold to make room for new model It's no secret. The new model Escort is here soon. We have to sell out the last of the great Escort XL's fast! You won't find a better deal, or
      123 words

  • 122 24 MANILA. Wed. President Marcos today ordered the release of some top people detained in military camps for alleged martial law offences. It was announced today. Col. Reynaldo San Gabriel, spokesman of the Philippine Consta- bulary, told newsmen the detainees would be released in time for them
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 134 24 CUSTOMS AGENT DIES IN GUNFIGHT WASHINGTON. Wed A federal Customs agent died In hospital today following a shootIng spree after which millions of dollars of marijuana was seised In a small southern town. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DBA) said it was Investigating the possibility that the agent and a
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 174 24 That frantic last-minute rush f\AY of the lastU minute rush With Christmas only a fow hours away, thousands thronged the sbo!M for their late shopping while others were at the airport, the bo» stop In Bochore Road (see pietare above) and the railway station to get away for the holiday.
    174 words
  • 238 24 ATHENS, Wednesday pOLJCE today hunted for three gunmen r who shot and killed an American diplomat recently named by a Greek newspaper as the chief CIA agent in Greece. Police sourcei Mid there were no due* to the Identity of the assassins. But no
    AP  -  238 words
  • 151 24 Labour camp film angers Russians MOSCOW. Wed. A Moscow Journal said wdM a film purporting to show a Bovlet labour camp, which has led to a public squabble between the Kremlin and French communists, was '"base fabrication." It had been shot on a building site, the weekly Literary Gazette said.
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 297 24 WASHINGTON. Wed. rB US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger Is warning Russia and Cuba to get out of Angola or race US resistance and maybe the end of detente. But at a news conference yesterday. Dr. Kissinger who was largely responsible for
    297 words
  • 458 24 Letters to 20 missions abroad BANGKOK. Wednesday J^gORE Thai embassies in Asia and Europe have reported receiving threats of violence from a Muslim separatist group in southern Thailand in retaliation for the recent deaths of five Muslim villagers, informed sources said today. But
    Reuter  -  458 words
  • 136 24 Prison threat to ships' captains LAGOB, We*L The owners mm* eaptalm of shis« which aa<«r Wsf law waters with •■t permission will face priawa tanas and b«rvy fines index a draft decree announced yesterday. An •AVial statement said the Btrwswwad law was aimed at controlling the Influx of ships carrying
    136 words
  • 19 24 President Tito of Yugoslavia win visit Mexico In Jsnuary. sources dose to the Oovemment said r< .KitUy
    19 words
  • 63 24 TIPFERARY (Ireland). Wed A mother and her three daughters died today in a blaze at their home when a Christmas tree caught fire. Mrs. Christina Morey. 27. her daughters Valeric, aged seven. Mary, three, and Helen, two. perished in the Christmas Eve fire it their home.
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 53 24 NEW DELHI Wad. Police here yesterday announced tbty had arrested •even numbers of an International gang, aald to Include a Brtttah couple and an Australian. who are sUeced to have defrauded stores with bogus credit cards. Police aald the faof had also operated to Nepal. Bangkok
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 184 24 ChinaJapan peace treaty soon DA R I 8. Wed. r Japan and China hope to sign a treaty of peace and friendship as soon as possible, Japanese Foreign Minister KUchl Mlyazawa said here yesterday But he did not set a date for the conclusion of the treaty. Mr. Mlyaxawa told
    Reuter  -  184 words
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