The Straits Times, 22 December 1975

Total Pages: 40
1 41 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The StraitsTrmes Eatd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 224 1 Guerillas seize Opec headquarters Demand for bus and escape plane VIENNA, Sunday FIVE gunmen stormed the headquarters of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) today in a hail of machinegun bullets and took more than 60 hostages, including 9 senior ministers. Police said the guerilla
    224 words
  • 1004 1  - How Spydar netted ex-Haw Par men $5.2 m TSAI TAN CITY EDITOR By piVK former senio PiT Brothers Ii investment company by Mr. Jim Slater, f Slater Walker Secur profit of HK$ 10.36 lion) from Spydar All this was apparently achieved at little or no cost to the participants of
    1,004 words
  • 36 1 TOKYO. Sun. Tun resident! of i Tokyo suburb won j 100.000 yen, <> out-of-eourt scttlaaMnt from th« builder of a Qvo-ssorey ■putment house they clam has deprived them of thatr rtght to Minshlne.— AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 387 1 Timor alert 'to resist Lisbon' JAKARTA. Sunday pRO Indonesian forces which captured the Portuguese East Timor capital of Dili on Dec 7 have been put on full alert following reports that Portugal is planning to send troops to the troubled territory. The forces of the Tlmorei* Democratic Union. Apodetl. Kota
    Reuter; UPI  -  387 words
  • 67 1 PORT Or SPAIN (Trinidad), Sun. Bight men died after a schooner on wbich they were ♦rave'llng from Trinidad to me sXster-is> of Toh^jft exploded >r vl sank on Friday off Trinidad's choppy north coast Skipper Dtclel Hackett 35. and another member of the 10-man crew wwej
    AP  -  67 words
  • 117 1 WHAT A FAT ONE-A $44 mil JACKPOT MADRID. Sun— Santa Claus came early for a group of •fr*-*^ soldiers who scooped the jackpot with a multimllllon win In Spain's fabulous seasons) lottery, the richest in the world. Army discipline went by the board for the regiment when the men were
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 40 1 sCLAII. am Lsfts* salimiMs protesting an elaabsd with potto* In downtown MUaa last Bight aad leaving IT paoph* injured, one aajtmsMji. ■gat people war* anustod aad aaarged wtsta carrying ftiasi—li* They injured Included ate poinoion AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 115 1 MANILA. San. Una's pnaiaal lav »sM sfpMst hi wth-«ast Asia ni hT«i l b?ai >t 'VatlVi!. i Perejga Secretary Carte* Bsaault a B a v >*K mPI»TI Saw •f —t eas aad •ttUat a im mAaked whether Amu <s*«M term a "salutary Wee," Mr iw
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  • 163 1 Mystery bullet kills student in train TIAMPOf, Sun. A mysterious gunshot killed a 11-year-oia schoolboy, P. Parabakaran this afternoon whlie he was travelling In the Kuala Lumpur-Singa-pore express train here. The incident took place shortly after 3 p.m two kilometres from the Tamptn railway station. Para haka ran, a standard
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  • 100 1 LATEST Guerillas demand VIENNA. Bu.-Cm. rlllM holding h«aUfe* at the Opec headquarter* threatened to kill their captives, iaeladtor eenior sataletsr*. mnleaa their stateaaeat on Arafc policy waa read ever Austrian radio The radio began reading the statement lees than two hoars after the guerillas' Msaiaate deadline. Fottce uid the ter
    100 words
  • 422 1 Detente: Ford warns Russia WASHINGTON, Sunday PRESIDENT Ford has put the Soviet Union on notice that detente between Washington and Moscow is endangered by Soviet military involvement in the Angolan civil war. Mr Ford said Soviet aid to the pro-Moscow faction In the newly Independent African nation could upset the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 Ba^S awkV showroom, Mo^JanTSultan, KM- ei-as The newest of the new now at... I WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND DBS Building 6, Shenton Way W£ Man' CknOtmrnL Introducing K the dress watch L with CABOCHON crown LEUBA^ I ***** aX *****
      39 words
    • 336 1 STAR IW Htg) MaTa"* VrtfeO wwJtl fIH MwlpWvw, fUQQsKI |*M ttyltCh pftCtawOft wfJCMff tfdjßCll «CWJIS/«uf TRADER HITS AT PUBLIC APATHY Page 17 ECONOMIC recovery in next !SM?7an FMet U the saper-powcrs I BLACK Christmas tar tke PartaKweac 4 8- AFBJCA wwa't tgkt alaae ha AagoU waffc Israel saast talk to
      336 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 505 2 Brighter outlook for world economy PHILADELPHIA. Sunday THE world economy should recover by 1978 because the Real Gross Product the total goods and services produced worldwide, is likely to increase over the next two years, a worldwide economic report forecast yesterday. The report, complied by
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    • 340 2 Secret US activity abroad: Move to publish reports WASHIMGTOW. Sunday fVHX House Intelllg- ence Committee Is moving to publish reports on secret US activity in Angola and in past Italian elections. The committee voted on Friday to publish those reports unless blocked by President Ford, sourses said. But the panel
      AP  -  340 words
    • 63 2 SACRAMENTO (California). Bun. Mr. Thomas MacWWdS. U» Judt* who ntarwd Ljmetu Promina to Ufa In prison for attampUnf to itimu Praaldant Pord. has basn etosair guarded since be ga*a hU Judgment. a court offlcui mid. The official, who asked not to be named, laid the emtra
      63 words
    • 76 2 JIM BRUNOTTB. tS, Is a cowkoy without iff 9 and with one arm and one ere. His life's work Is he'tinc other handicapped people. Branotte rum Ran eho Kambya. a ranch between Los Anceles and San Francisco, where he teaches the handicapped to rid* horses and swim
      76 words
    • 132 2 Tax shock by New York's governor ALBANY (New York). Sun.— Governor Hugh Carey signed Into law yesterday Bills boosting corporation and bank taxes In New York State by UBWOO million (SIMM million i The legislation has no direct Impact on citizens In general, but it doe* confront thousands of businesses
      AP  -  132 words
    • 38 2 NEW YORK. Bun. Democrat Senator Hubert Humphrey would defeat tkttm PrwMcnt Ward or toff OaJttomai Governor Ronald R«fin for the US pi— ldtmr M Urn alaruon war* bald now, Uw BarrU Poll raporud on Friday -AP
      AP  -  38 words
    • 243 2 rK) man in a disabled sailboat got a tow from a luxury cruise ship. The Southward, but the ship's captain cut the tow line in rough aaas on Friday and the men were still missing. the US Coast Ouard said yesterday. "We
      AP  -  243 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 586 2 TSINGTAO more than just a beer toasted internationally 3ecause only Tsingtao beer is specially brewed from the clear spring waters of the famous Laoshan Mount with specially tk Xk grown barley and native hops. Come taste Mt the smooth, rich flavour of Tsingtao beer U Wm the beer from the
      586 words
    • 41 2 BOOKS ore the ideal Gifts for X'mos. Make them your first choice Alto available large stocks of Children's story books, Annual*, X'mos Cards, Collins and Letts' Diaries for 1976 etc., etc., ENSIGN BOOK STORE 47 High Street Singapore 6, Tel: 3332)8
      41 words

    • 190 3 \f ANILA, Sun. The ouster ITI of one of the most powerful Agures in the martial law Cabinet has triggered a government mini reorganisation and momentarily cut off major foreign embassies here from their major contact with the regime. "I don't know whom we talk
      AP  -  190 words
    • 52 3 FIVE WHO ARE TOTALLY 'DISARMING' fkEBBIE DAVIS 17 says five babies are "more than an armful" and the attention they receive can sometimes create a circus atmosphere In the house. From left to right are Chrlata, Chelsa, Casey. Chanda and Charla. The fivemonth old faints are seeing their first Christmas.
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 524 3 ISLAMABAD. Sunday PAKISTANI Prime Minis ter Zulfikar Ali Bhutto said yesterday he hoped the big powers would reach "a proper equilibrium" in South Asia. In a wide-ranging speech marking his fourth anniversary in power, Mr. Bhutto said Pakis- tan's foreign policy had succeeded In TTHitPt^tnlng
      Reuter; AP  -  524 words
    • 54 3 CAIRO. Sun ua Aari«tant aMMary et sute AUrvd Atbartoo arrived her* today for talk* on lh« ldddl* ■art situation. Ur. Atberton ftew ta> from Riyadh. Saudi Arabia, and dir>v» Kralgbt to Uw Porrtm lCnMrr wtmts hrn waa dH to becln talk* will r*7Pt'« Deputy Pmnltr and PorMfß
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 35 3 TOXTO. Bur Bhaa«hal» (hlprard* launcbad 11 thlp* of Ux 10.000-tonn« class this rsar and now has built 44 •hip* of this claw cine* IS7S. China s official New China Msvt Acaocy nportad today.
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    • 375 3 JAPAN TO BOOST ECONOMIC GROWTH TOKYO, Sunday rjOVERNMKNT and ruling party leaden yesterday agreed to try to lilt Japan's economic growth rate to some 5.6 per cent In real terms In fiscal 1976, beginning next April, Government sources said. 1 Thla target, adopted ■y Finance Minister Ma layoshl Oblra and
      Reuter  -  375 words
    • 227 3 37 win seats in Taiwan's parliament. rfIAIPKH. San. All SO 1 candidates of the ruling Kuomlntang were elected yesterday in a partial parliamentary elecUon to fIU 37 seat* vacated by deaths. The seven other winners were all Independents, and only one of them won on a platform critical of the
      UPI  -  227 words
    • 37 3 TOKYO, an. Torijtbrm pot Mot of fliaiMM Mid Uwt Jtpu to tin UnlMd muf aps ammjx «nr. «a 4 KpsMDt brtmJipu win pOaaMM MRCIaaW WoaPOaW within IS mk mM Jab* Mm^Mhm poU r«iMMi lISIU At
      37 words
    • 113 3 f^OLOmmO. Urn. trl V Laaka't Mate MbUiar Mrs. SirtaM lu- teesa a aßovoeva with Ike Itotekjttae Ute week ever tae naisss aeraea«l attack fresi tke OptiaWlss) ala«e ake rsf laisd wwf to ITTS Ike TussijMu, kleked aovenuaeat hut Ssbseasker, kavc takssd a ease aotasl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 Buy your Omega I only from these j Authorised Retailers Your Authorised Omega Retailers. 1& jJBaJF For your own protection, buy only from the following A\ J» RJ^jgr Onega retailers who alone are authorised to issue the /VL B 4«f*T unconditional Omep guarantee honoured in 156 Tj^^s* Ab»^ 4i'A A
      213 words
    • 446 3 2aaa^^^r^H LaaaV CBBSaw I bi A m Hay SI aaafl Itv jgrnuTTrowM nxmrmim 1 SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE CROWDS Metonsts who 4o not wish ro enter the A Restricted Zone, durina the restricted H Hours of 7.30 o.m. to 10.15 a.m., should JK C travel via Clemenceau Avenue and
      446 words

    • 85 4 MONTEVIDEO, In. A Urnfaayan Military eemmanlqae -.aid yeeUnUy mm to^fcrt Urafaay an i To i have keen trm a«d la the Seviet Vm'tm to overthrow the fevarnbb«h» of fmMw t Jb*b Bordaberry The MWMBItM ■aid Intelligence awuMa hare confirmed that Urufßayan yovtha naatnt tralnlM at the Mooeow-baMd International
      AP  -  85 words
    • 393 4 LONDON. Sun I] 1 H E Portuguese Government has issued a bitter Christmas package of tax increases and other emergency in ea s ures, clearly laying the blame for economic difficulties on the previous pro-com-munist administration. In a sutement calling on the nation to accept sacrlnces
      Reuter  -  393 words
    • 275 4 Extremists in Spain's police warned MADRID. Sunday INTERIOR Minister Manuel Fraga Irlbarne has warned rlghtwingers in the Spanish police not to take the law into their own hands. He was speaking at the swearing-in of Interior Ministry Under-secretary Jose Manuel Romay Beccaria and new security officials yesterday. Mr. Fraga Is
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 34 4 CUNTON i lowa), Sun Two men were trapped for an hour and It othcts were injured ycetoroay when an explosion rtnprd throuch a wctkon of a com byproducts processing plant here.— AT.
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    • 164 4 'Living wil' plan for doctors nOSTON. San. The JD Massachusetts Medical Society Is drafting a "Urine will" for doctors to give to patients who do not want to be kept alive by mechanical means If they become terminally 111 Or. Loals Alfano. president of the society, said on Friday he
      UPI  -  164 words
    • 30 4 SAN FRANCESCO. Sun The Thomas A. Dooiey Foundation want* to resume Ms stiß"* 1 work in Laoe but doubta the new rcflme will allow it to return.— AP.
      AP  -  30 words
    • 217 4 Interceptors to replace nuclear arms OTTAWA. Sun. Canada will rid Itaelf of Its last nuclear weapons when it goes ahead with a planned replacement of its home-defence Interceptor aircraft, according to Defence Minister James Richardson Mr. Richardson. In an Interview for the CTV television network programme Question Period broadcast today
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 76 4 UENOHAftA (Japan), San. Worker* of a lamber aawmill were etartled to find V tiny goby flah spill oat of a log being sawed after It had been left to dry in the iamber yard for a month. The workers reported the Bah. now kept In a
      AP  -  76 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 232 4 Bring in thet cervfree. cesyei hind of X afl B^BBBBBw^^aa^a^pV'S. The Spacemalcer System by FLEXALUM An all-aluminium creation by Hurrter Douglas Australia. SRexalum SWC&VI4XB? SVSTE/MS Fat more freet idwion F lexai«M»v4ilnd-of Itving. call: n AUSTASIA INDUSTRES If I jeij *mm <-•»» mmm. sm M, t* seiMe* A Mawmar of turn
      232 words
    • 26 4 fIsBBBBBBBsf I i i fl i in i! a fill I <rV I vjUl mvP^^a^hi 'fl Ftw F%*|t II fl |€*]J Er^Hl flfl fl KrlJ- flfl
      26 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 778 5 I _jB E^Sii ItTiTi iTjT k73 ic^ I THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT STORE f||il% QUALITY FOOD. FRIENDLY SERVKE. W WTlplp^?' ***** Parf!f/ m\vir} JL-~. ORCHARD/HOLLAND RD. X'MAS 4? K Barbeoue Suggestions L.E.* 1 thurs 25th dec closed EXTRA Wa UCI|UC *"S8 C »»<«"* I FRI. 26th DEC 9AM S P.M. SPECIALS'
      778 words

    • 494 6 JOHANNESBURG. Sunday J)EFENCE Minister Pieter Botha said here that South Africa was not prepared to fight on its own what he called the "West's battle against communist penetration in Angola." Mr. Botha., In a television interview yesterday, was speaking after the United States
      Reuter  -  494 words
    • 267 6 JOHANNESBURG, Sunday rpHE Mozambique Government said today a two-day military up- rising this week was In protest against a purge In the armed forces. A Government communique read over Radio Mozambique, monitored In South Africa, said the rebellion was caused by Imperialists trying to
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 23 6 MIAMI Sun Hope faded last nitht lor 71 rrrwmen aboard Cyprlot-refU- .eh'rt fr»rc the Atlantic, the OS Coast Uj*i.- said. AP
      AP  -  23 words
    • 108 6 Woman's bid to poison her kids after 'strange call' SALVADOR (Braxll), Sun A 30-year-old Bouarwiie tried to poison her nve children their from three jnonths to five years because she received orders "from the spirit Police said on Friday? "I dont tmt guQtr of auto* wa* quoted Sta* Mid ah*
      108 words
    • 60 6 nUDSMCBBBOBO. (Vlr(Ut). Sun. Jotan u« wbo row from boyhood oq a Virginia farm te bemaae om of Urn ÜBtud staler wealthiest smb. dM reeUrdajr at his horn* Cbathasa BMate near hrn He ni M Mr Pnrtt. vhe hid but been ia Ul beatth. ni a faraif via* ptaaiiiaut
      60 words
    • 67 6 OXFORD. Sun An Oxford clergyman has refused to allow a dog wearing an orange dress with matching knickers to appear in a church wedding here The Chihuahua ***** called Mttzl. who would have been a bridesmaid at her owner's marriage on Jan 3. will now
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 163 6 Greece hopeful of Cyprus solution ATHENS. Saa— Premirr ConiUnttnr Kar a manlis yeaterday aa ■reurd ho»e for a peaceful —aßttaw of tb«Cyprms proMesß. "It la aeeaiMe new for Tarfcey to reallae that the anjastssVd perprtuatton of thr Cypras problem U Mere damaging to her than to Greece." he told hU
      163 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 T/m saaaaaaaaaa?!'* 2 beautiful champagnt glasses tr«e wh#n you buy 2 dozen bols|sjd|H Babycham. Ev«ybotlts>fM^Kss ML*-. t^. gk with •DarkßasfeHflpstTt. You'lllov^ L*c &Ns bubbly, spi tafW^ tas.e. HoIMM Bpur glasses while stocks lastl^H 41 You'll love this sparkling** Babycham offer! •••SSSSSS»BBBS»»^__ TJj Anoltiar nualilw nrvlnM I *nom* quality produc* fr|
      173 words
    • 68 6 *a4aV Nowyoucange )valtine whenever <30^^ -^sMrlsWv!^^^^ you need it most rV;th this handy Ovaltine BVAI TINE j Duo -flask with two screw-on cups iftamlTflffl Matt or with Honey- uOhP'I P^^^alM LssmbZiiS a¥ lJ c energy out. I v !l. Ifl On* fr•- c Ovahi Duo-f I ask with purchase of
      68 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 SOLE AGENTS '^W^^? V^M aouautyproouctof A m^ GRE4T (SPORE) PTE LTD nn7^ MFITOKU BUSSAN slmSh 11 B. (2ND FLOOR) HONGKONG STREET. /Mfl I Va¥|J f M 49 1 KAISHA LMTED SINGAPORE TELEPHONE ***** ***** STffWVRnI liilAjll!PUolJall3U GWZA. TOKYO. JAf^AK (ff Mtfl l|H^g££glj LAfggUjh| 1/1
      44 words

    • 378 8 TEL AVIV. Sunday A FORMER chief of Israeli military intelligence said today that Israel should be prepared to negotiate with any Palestinian organisation that recognised Israel. Prof. Yehoshafat Harakabi said in a telephone Interview with Israel Radio that "at the moment the
      Reuter  -  378 words
    • 188 8 BEIRUT, tan— Tension was high In Lebanon today after the a saafi nation of a prominent government official raised the pos■iMttty of farther large-scale violence. Seearity soarces reported late last night that yesterday's murder of Mr. Qassttn AlImad* the Governor of north Lebanon, by can men
      188 words
    • 183 8 Suharto moves for more say in Pertamina JAKARTA, Sun—President Suharto has authorised a aeries of measures designed to Increase government control over the State oil company Pertamina. which ran up international debU of U853.5U0 million <5»«.250 million) The semi-official Indonesian news agency Antara reported that a new post of Inspector
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 27 8 BERN. Sun A W-ywr-r\A keeper was badly mauled by a baar /tatat day in the historical baar pit. on* of Barn's key tourist attraction AP.
      AP  -  27 words
    • 26 8 MANILA. Bun Pnatdtnt Marcos ha* authorised the operation of a floating cadi') aa a first Map rovard lanllatng pt^ l in the Phllipptnea. UPI
      UPI  -  26 words
    • 229 8 TOKYO. Bun. Japan JL today formally launched a gigantic project to build brtdgea across three arrhlpe lagoes In the Inland sea to link the country's main Island of Honshu with the large, but relatively Isolated. Island of Shikoku HONGKONG: AU nine crewmen of the Thai I tag Bangkok Orient,
      Agencies  -  229 words
    • 49 8 LONDON. Pan. The horticultural "stock exchange" U buzzing with excitement with the feed of a new type of Begonia fetching 17 times the value of lv weight In gold here. The new "garden gold" U wiling at £1.200 (556.036) for six gram* on the market.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 800 8 Everything about this ballpoint pen speaks elegance. Fully guaranteed, the suinless steel the Insignia, extra slim and elegant Parker Vermeil, Sterling, Imperial International Classic combines and Flighter are available with stylish good looks and flawless matching pencils, performance. Despite its slender lires, INTERNATIONAL it writes 3 times longer than v
      800 words

  • 944 9  - Rift widens among 3 rival Angolan factions M. KAUFMAN By Huambo (Angola) -*WVS luuf> of fore--1 lgn Involvement In the Angolan conflict hM overwhelmed the purely nationalistic aspect* of a civil war In which the three competing factions are divided more by tribal afflllatlons, regional loyalties and yearnings for power
    944 words
  • 499 9  -  SCOTT THORNTON By Vaduz IN THE peaceful valley of Liechtenstein, Arabs secretly negotiate with Israelis and communists haggle with capitalists. Their common language Trade. For Liechtenstein, the tiny principality wedged between Switzerland and Austria, Is one country which benefits from political crtae*. The
    Reuter  -  499 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 179 9 jeans far value //M f a 1 F Exclusive Dealers: V SINGAPORE Jeans Coltoction People's Park Centre Jaans Corn^c 178 F G. People's P«rk Complex rarmsrs cntsrpnas at East Shopping Centre Saudara Stor* 204. Peninsula Shopping Centre V H rwoa 9nop S9W S9BJ G24. Queenswey H V Shopping Centre Basement
      179 words
    • 269 9 ONKYO Y~lOO flaw sptem at SWoT compare fopTralue •ALL SOLID-STATE k •SPEAKER SYSTEM RECEIVER Bass Reflex Fl Ran9e St*** 26 watts of dynamic power m.lkAtn asiviKir •^SaNNEIV^EO 0^ I ■•DJcu.tToJp^ to incorporate 4 channel sound I fc **^so»*~« LUCKY STORES PTE LTD 20 Jatan Leban. Singapore 20 Tel: *****9/*****7. ONKYO
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 ■1 y *M' Dunlop Malaysia Industries Bhd makes similar tyres to the 1 8 on this aircraft. Dunlop announces another first in tyre technology Made in Malaysia DWJIVMsOF NSALAYSIAT* HVDUSTR.IES JBEMtMIAD In all the world uui^LOf leaders in tyre technology
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  • Article, Illustration
    1334 11  -  GEORGE McARTHUR INCREASING NUMBER OF REPORTS OF RESISTANCE TO RED RULE IN SOUTH VIETNAM reports from Bangkok U TERN lntelll- Kence analyst* !e South Viethave now reI sufficient Information to conHude that the anticommunist resistthere numbers thousands of armed men with a reasonably organised cen>dersbip ;ng in the
    AP  -  1,334 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 141 11 Wjf I BsP^^^sV^ tL "^k MThe hottest showgroup from Manila. the 12 MinstrelsM i you 2 hours of dazzling entertainment. Billed the Ray Conniff Singers of Asia, these talented much sought-after recording artistes perform and sing for you the latest hits. Rfifififif ■Co So Dinner, Snow and Dance at C
      141 words
    • 391 11 G l, Orchard Towers, Claymore Drive, Singapore 9. Tel: *****55 S for top QUALITY H \C Bsl LiH\( B^svPj 188I BB bsh bsiiiiiiiWm^^^^^_J L^L^r^Bw^^^^^^l^r^^^^^Bsifl Lsfl ft bsiihC* WSTRIPLO^^^ 500 gm $5 75 SUG ar 2k9 $2.60 1fj MITOPSIDE BEEF ftn BUTTER ,M Wfm AIRFRESH 500 gm 3.90 RIVERMEDE AUSTRALIA 250
      391 words

  • 399 12 Singapore nurses may face job crisis in Britain LONDON. Sun Some 5.000 Singapore and nurses now under training In Britain may find It difficult to get jobs here on completion of their courses because of a cash crisis faced by local hospitals. Some hospitals, especially those which take in
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  • 69 12 Showcase for importers IMPORTERS from New Zealand will soon get a •showcase" look at Slngaporemada products thanks to a shipping agency Two hundred and fifty copies of Showcase an export promotion booklet on Singa-pore-made products, will be sent by Royal Interocean Unas to their agents In New Zealand. In Auckland.
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  • 409 12 An Asian edition of the Wall Street Journal rt StraJU Taws of Singapore and the New Straits Times of Malaysia are among tami partners in a Joint veatare with Dow Jones and Co. of New York In the Publication of an Asian edition of the Wall Street Journal, to be
    409 words
  • 325 12 Barker warns of dangers facing youths yOUNG Singaporeans are today in danger of being led astray by drills, permissiveness and the lure of Ihe "soft" life. Speaking at the 73rd anniversary dinner and dance of the Young Men's Chnrtlan Association of Singapore at the Shangri-La Hotel on Saturday, the Minister
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  • 175 12 Six study awards offer by airline JAPAN Air Lines Is offering six scholarships In Asian studies at Sophia University, Tokyo, for the period April 17 to May 20 1976, The scholarships art open to students from any of the following Institutions: Institute of Education. Nany a n g University, Ngee
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  • 55 12 AN an exhibition of water-colour paintings by Uiree local artlsu. Hua Chai Yong. Soh Pback baong and Leo Hee Tong. Is now being held at the National Theatre foyer It Is open to the public dally Including Sunday from I am to I pjn The exhibition
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  • 34 12 THT Crawford community centre win hold a talk on How to Poster Oreater Cooperation between the Police and the People. In Mandarin. at its premises on Friday at I I p m
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  • 125 12 SBOA to represent execs of Mitsui Bank rE Singapore Bank Officers Association SBOAi has been accorded recognition to represent more than 30 executives employed by Mitsui Bank In Robinson Road According to an association spokesman. Mil tut is the first Japanese bank to be unionised by SBOA The spokesman said:
    125 words
  • 50 12 THE Oovernment ha* awarded two contracts totalling 165 000 to s civil engineering (inn to carry out cleansing and desilitng work on tmo canals The mark on Whampea Canal is to take t«o months while that lang Csnal v exprctrd to be completed in three months
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 367 12 We made it to No 1 in refrigerators because we bekeve m meeting our adjusts 'tself to the wash load Keeps your operation cost down And you can't '.«f s demands And we intend to stay this way G<ve you good beet us for economy We offer the lowest pnces
      367 words
    • 9 12 SPECIAL OFFER! 2 bars of Cadbury Chocolate for only
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 313 12 Straits Times Crossword M^Taff HP~~laW* aH~" IBP IBT I ACROSS could be found everywhere Plan a camping expedition Mm 7 Uke a gesture to IS if) Walt to catch the morning 11 I blame Ford, in a way. bos to Hlndhead <•>. for insuring swe (10i. M Backward. observe, at
      313 words

  • 388 13 tyTITH inflation under control, consumers are reported to be on an all-out Christmas shopping spree. Department stores, provision shops and supermarkets yesterday said sales were better this year ibtn In 1974. Prices of food and clothing generally have not Increased from
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  • 278 13 Awareness b y consumers helped keep prices low ■f* ROW INO consumer \j awareness led In no small way to the curbIng of Inflation, which had slipped below four per cent thU year compared with 23 per cent last year. This point was made In a Television Singapore feature "Singapore
    278 words
  • 33 13 MR VJ Bird. QuMntUnd MlnteUr (or Education and Cultural AcUrlUw. wUI call on the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture', Ha)l Sha art Tadln. at the City Hall at 11 ajn. today.
    33 words
  • 274 13 Madam Chan: IWY has changed status of women rIB sUtas ef wotnen baa seen some changes since the Inreptlon o f International Women* Year this year, according to Madam Chan Choy Stonf. a ■isaeei in ehampioQlnc wotnen'* riibU in Singapore She sad In an Interview yesterday: "Many acUvttiee aatd fwactUas
    274 words
  • 47 13 A BUBINCBB equipment and »ysteau exhibition will be held at the C 8 Trade. Centre at Ten Ban BulkUag In Orchard Road from Feb. M to 17. Th« OS Ambaaaador. Mr. John Hoidrtdfe. wUI open the exhibition, featurlnf a wide selection of eqnipment
    47 words
  • 174 13 CAUSEWAY: WORK TO BEGIN ON NEW SURFACE f*\NLY a few more lorry vT loads of stones are needed for work to begin on the widened surface of tfca_ Blngapore-Johore. UtUe more than a few metres are left of this rockfllllng stage before the widened part la brought to the level
    174 words
  • 67 13 THE Environment Ministry will held a Clean Pood (or Better Health exhibition at the People's Park Centre from today to Sunday The exhibition will open dally from 10 am to 9 p.m. and will feature, among other displays, the various aspects of good and bad
    67 words
  • 91 13 700 at Hitachi to get pay rises SOME 700 Industrial employees of Hitachi Zosen Robin Dockyard In Jurong are to get wage Increases from $10 to $40 a month. This follows a collective agreement reached between the management and the pioneer Industries Employees' Union. According to a spokesman for the
    91 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 178 13 TODAY'S MOST ADVAN ED 4 -CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEM UWSURPiaSSgD! IN MHHO TTCIWiOUOGY DESIGN eptxJwcee a typsje o* I p, w9MMa<e« swsjetc, l|«laTipllltlP(CD^lHTJlss>aatati»iliiil Ham m awd 10 llatrU), mreo 1 ■"!< Wai C WtO •odwowe.TUwliowiHii lllwj<^>-4pl» asj i ■ißMaji sstmii aaaaaaM Ia a A JA tsHsaaaaaa fiaatwft 4aaa# aaaasaaßßaaaaas^Baaaal U —-4.
      178 words
    • 196 13 SUPREME SUPERMARKET #SPECIAL* m x'mas m OFFERS Free gifts for children balloons, toys, sweets, lollipops, biscuits. Free Super X'mas Hampers, delivered free within Singapore to lucky patrons. Fantastic range of X'mas gifts and goodies. Free parking for Ist hour against purchases above $10/- anytime; after 5 p.m. daily; for whole
      196 words

  • 347 14 $50,000food test equipment for SATS lab THE 811 gs pore Air 1 Tcimluai Semees (8ATB) Is expected to take delivery of $Su.OOO worth of micru- biological testing equlpmntt by the end of this month for the opening of it* o»n food test laboratory In January next year. The new equipment,
    347 words
  • 47 14 MX. One Kirn Set* a tr«phlc technician of Colombo Plan Staff Cbilet* and Mentaiy (■nfllrtu of the anoporc Water Colour Painting SDciaty. i»ve a> talk In Mandarin OB Water Colour PUntlne at Uve National Ufanur on Saturday. ■to w*r» used to illustrate Urn taJk
    47 words
  • 57 14 Ponggol's cycling race THE Ponggol constituency iportt &MoeUtton and five community aantres In the constituency will Jointly organUe s cycling competition on Dec. at st 4 pni Th» cvtnt tf open to Ponfaoi nridmii only. Entry form* v* a*mll«ble at aay KtiMßn nf— inilii eantrw. Th» MtlmtUd dlatono* tar this
    57 words
  • 20 14 THS Prtneoss Btebotn ■Mate cor nsa unity etntr* wUI hold a taHnttmt at tv oromtasa next Monday at TJS
    20 words
  • 398 14 The new social issues and the Pre ss. gINGAPORE needs a competent corps of journalists to interpret new social issues and problems facing society as a result of urbanisation. Making this call, Dr. Eddie C.Y. Kuo, of the Department of Sociology, Unlterslty of Singapore, said that a newspaper would be
    398 words
  • 84 14 STABBED AT LOVERS' HAUNT T\ETECTTVEB are look- I \J Ing for a man who stabbed a clerk while he was with his girlfriend at a lover's haunt In Fort Canning Rise on Saturday night. Mr. Tan Too Hul, 21. was chatting with hU girlfriend at about 10.45 pm when a
    84 words
  • 163 14 A 'homecoming' that ended in grief for Saemah... HOUSEWIFE Saemah Mute Krmat has! to Paya Ufcar airport to nctln «randmotb«r. but cam away walling whs* the earned that the H year «4d new hajjah waa dead, jaat am hoar before her pane Uwbtd down yeaUrday sasflaa. A fiMiliag class «f
    163 words
  • 56 14 THE earth -hreaklns ceremony (or Koro Blncaport Indiutrle* (PU) Ltd wUI be heM at the factory ut* in PtonMr Road-Oull Way Industrial estate In Jurong at 11 «jn on Saturday The company will host a cocktail party (or the buatmm and industries community it Shangri-La Hotel at
    56 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 895 14 iSkLßftk Qood 'Times An/kre Again f I w super,Ct^ Bargain? for X'ma? *-^^^r Qfrre-wich Bargain Prices. I %a» LADIES DEPT ot* Hi» H °f^g^wT P< BASEMENT 00k MR SIMON Laaa2o% Towel S«t "FLOREX" $31 50 $18.60 fil|ffy oiyyflsf IsfMP TTf^iil^^ PERTAMINA Lass 25% TRANQUIUTIE Woo) T^^ nTJZ^iS? OfCU mJ j
      895 words
    • 173 14 Kuala Lumpur's newest! SOUTH EAST ASIA HOTEL Welcome to Kuala Lumpur's newest x hotel, where every- -^^m^mimmV thing's |ust right. fl\ Located in the heart <^ of the city. South East y I^UBBLa Asia Hotel offers you IwVS the comforts of an flam International class l*aU w9 hotel at prices
      173 words

  • 247 15 MAS STAFF TO GET EX-GRATIA PAYMENT MORE than 240 local employees of M»ayslan Airline System In Singapore will receive an n gratis payment under a new collective agreement sinned between the and the Singapore Air Transportworkers Union According to a BATU circular to members of lv MAS branch, the agreement
    247 words
  • 111 15 AGISUIAN firm ta Jareag has Introduced aa edacation&l programme for its leeal employees U learn ettee msnatftnt and the German laagaage te heJ» apgr a d c their 3a The firm, aaaaafactarers of dieset engines and generating seta for land and marine applications allows its workers
    111 words
  • 22 15 THE Ttmtn Jurong community centra will hold a pfcafe tor Us eonsMtueats at Pitt Ru on Sunday from I am
    22 words
  • 111 15 Othman for flats balloting KNCIK Othman Wok. Minister for Social Affairs and MP for Pasir Panjang, will be present at the balloting for the •ale of 180 units of three-room and 110 unite of four-room Improved flats at Ayer Rajan Estate, at the car park beside Block 23. Dover Crescent,
    111 words
  • 269 15 Holidaymakers now head for Sentosa jyjORE people are taking their weekend jaonts at Sentosa, since Changi beach closed to make way for the Changi international airport development project. For the past few weeks, over 2,000 holiday-makers have gone to the Island on Sunday and there's room for more. The lagoon
    269 words
  • 358 15 Drive to make S'pore the region's top research centre OINOAPORE "think tank." Applied Re*3 search Corporation (ARC), U to embark on a new direction by offering research and consultancy services to the South-east Asian region. These services will be readily offered by the Government -1 n 1 1 1 a
    358 words
  • 187 15 TH I present threenation survey Into the effect* of contraceptive pills on women In Singapore. Kuala Lumpur and Medan Is a step forward In fostering closer medical co-operation In Asean countries. Or. Charles Ng. the project co-ordlnator of the Unit on Human Reproduction of the
    187 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 233 15 I INTRODUCING THE 'NO-HANDS' 2 Pnotel V^ FICJQfO HAIRDRYER Two free hands are better than one and the brilliant Swiss design lets you use both lor the M V^~^ B^aV* easiest and fastest blow-dry and style. There's no more awkward arm twisting or )ugghng. Position |bw It however you want
      233 words
    • 427 15 I 2tt* erawd^wwMf'y m Ail AHE -KINO WALKER" AHE "BOATER" 1 Eufcts* WalkinQ I Exsvc/se Rowing 4 sit-up A logging. A9m. Effect: Provides general -W Etfrct Improvee blood *O exercise to revitalise J^ circulation stamina /^ai^BnV*^ function of internal organs. Conditions muscles o« the V^^^^Hbbl Beautifies legs, hips, waist. 1|
      427 words

  • 576 16 The need to A train school dropouts Dr Tan: Vital to acquire skills before they are too old THE Senior Minister of State (Na^ tional Development), Dr. Tan Eng Liang, yesterday called for a closer examination of a four to -sk- year day-release apprenticeship scheme to provide bask training on
    576 words
  • 288 16 Books scheme to aid needy students SINOAPORC Jajrce«i have planned arrvral amblUou* community pcoieeU for 1976, lnetadlna operaUon Book Stockpile— to help needy ■tudenta obtain fret ■cbool t«xtbooka and actlvlUe* to promote natural wealth through natural health. Although earmarked for next year. OperaUon Book Stockpile atarted yesterday when more than
    288 words
  • 16 16 A ChlkatWa ChrMaae WMtywia be best at the Maoftienuu awnunny eeotre toaxaiuw at pm.
    16 words
  • 58 16 «wi seta tfcM^ry-T^f e»*f>a•^•"i Wa\A prea*«U4 to tk« a#~in^iiM, fir. Oen C%ert. kltrit; Tke rtteUi IS priiMia frtjider.. «*■<*■ few pmdaaea eVv srtton «a 4 twe aveaMea Ue4 mU «a Iwlnw, n* faaaral im«er ef OWtk ttafatetok ef il Mttt ta»M we«U tnSuU •crt year.
    58 words
  • 82 16 The big exodus north starts THE Me res*, te get 1 heme la time fee Christmas started ameeg Italaysiws yesterday. At tke Qeeen s Street Slagaeere-JeJiore express b»s sUUen. there was a mhUiimu loog •jecsie of people waltiag_te take the bases Asaeag them were children, eld pesple, tsarssto aad week
    82 words
  • 18 16 TUB Ulu Paadan camSMmtty centre wul hold a ehitdnn'i art eoatpettPon on Bundar at t v.
    18 words
  • 193 16 SINO APORK Airlines has been appointed the official carrier for the second International equipment and leisure goods to be held at the National Stadium from July 21 next year This Is the second time that 81A has been appointed the official carrier for exhibitions
    193 words
  • 21 16 THX feUePhonon cuav munity centre will bold a OtMtfm party for children at IU prawHoj at pa H— MIU».
    21 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 112 16 BBW^ft /mm 1 sss^r ti £M \W SS^i.* 4pfet^SA! HLf •afl W\ 9M\ m\ '4»■ m ssßs^». if BWSS¥wkaT > s^i- VLwIlfM EisVl BWasaV^lawawsal tL^WI PV saw It imW N^9sawar M^ XL. JaMßasßwa^^MaVsaW' ,1 lAVVa v_7f bb7^K^Sf7v^F wa\ "^^swlCLwawsß V I sssak^B BbVt^Bi COUNTRY FRESH PEASANTRIES JUST RIGHT FOR A
      112 words
    • 407 16 We give you more U.S. cities pPthan any other airline. OF Four co>w>nt n< WqMs. No other air line can match the convenience cf MS^ £jk Northwest's 747 service to the W' I 4«M^J^ixwsKwswsßnt IUS A We 9 ive you tne 747 V JfKk L&swaf K y Ck M <o
      407 words

  • 362 17 They didn't raise a finger to help TIIK proprietor of an electrical shop who was injured when he and his brother successfully resisted two armed robbers yesterday hit out at citizens who merely waited and watched. "A crowd gathered around us when two robbers,
    362 words
  • 40 17 PIJTETN children aged :<> 15 »ill perfunn a i urlflnal music compuctlona on Dec. 28 at 4 p m »t DBS auditorium It v aimed at encouracmg and nurturing fresh musical Mm and expression. Admission it (res.
    40 words
  • 292 17 PARKING FEES IN CBD TO GO UP FROM FRIDAY DAKKING fee* will be 1 revised arrmrd f or vaxieea reeds In the Central Beatiie- District from Friday, according te a Gasette notlfleattea. The charges are M cents fer the Brat hewr and M> cents fer each —lasewaau half hear or
    292 words
  • 26 17 THE First Lady. Mrs BH. Shaaras. will launch the Children's Charities donation draw lriS/ISTa at the tetana suit Room »i J p m. today
    26 words
  • 273 17 rPHE Singapore National X Co-operative Union Ltd. has called for an urgent campaign to support the values of cooperative movement and Its potential Such a campaign has to be carried out urgently, especially at this Juncture when It Is Imperative for the movement to take a
    273 words
  • 115 17 rl Joy of Christmas descended on 300 handicapped people at a party held by the Singapore Association tor the Disabled yosteday Many of the iOU forgot momentarily sbc ut their crutches, as they were entertained at the 8t Anthony's Convent hall In Middle
    115 words
  • 187 17 Extramural courses for next year TWB University of Sin's, gapore's Department of Extramural ntndtas has drawn up its programme of courses to be conducted during the first six months of next year. These courses will cover science, computer and technology; building and estate management; management and accountancy; law; language and
    187 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 56 17 RABRO relieves stomach disorders with the very first m .(cer i r the US "ecu era treatment. i'xi boxes o* ■< land. cockroach-trap only A* S2 sQ m^f% isting Cockroach Trap Hygienic Handy Convenient A proven device designed to Keep your house cockroach-free 1 Available at shopping >-s sundry shops
      56 words
    • 540 17 fcjl l-y [iJ im SANYO stwwsowid system IT t^ %km« 9 lU I a^mH m^^^^^^r^^l /^laC c< Restaurant Hour* M W><S62 J 11.00 am —3.00 p.m. Nitedub Hou/s: 7.00 b m 10.00 p.m 10 00 ntv 2.00 am Hong Kong Tim Sum f^^X HjOOati.— 3.00 p .m daily M~, TiLTtn
      540 words

    • 164 18 JOHORE BARU, Sunday A RAILWAY link connecting Sena: Airport with the main Singapore railway terminal is to be opened soon by Malayan Rail way, Communications Minister Tan Sri Manickavasagam said here on Friday. Bpeaklng to reporters on his arrival at Senal Airport, be
      164 words
    • 65 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Aircraft tyres are being manufactured In Malaysia. Dunlop Malaysia Industries Berhad is manufacturing the tyres at its plant in Petallng Jaya. "With the rapid growth of aviation in the region, we consider It logical to start manufacturing aero tyres In Malaysia." a Dunlop
      65 words
    • 50 18 KLAMO, Sun Pottce have detained four people In connection with the rcvente killing of foundry worker Anf Seng Huat, 30. her* yesterday. An«'§ friend Lav Bv>M Cheong. 17. waa shot on the left let on a lltertt* road off Flm Mile. Jalan Kapar at I.JO pjn.
      50 words
    • 109 18 KOTA BARU, Buo The flood relief machinery In KelanUn was put on the alert today when the water level at the Bradley Steps flood assessing point climbed abore the warning level at noon. Police reported the Pahl Bridge In Ulu KelanUn was under water and closed
      109 words
    • 36 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun TrUhaw rider T»n Ah Kirn. SS. tu killed in a caUlakm bet»ssn his trWiaw and a ear In front of Tv Cboof Uoton In Jalan Ipoh here at 1.30 *jn. jartento/-
      36 words
    • 219 18 Robbery suspect in running gunfight KUALA LUMF U S, Sob. A reaaery saa>«et wanted ay Ferak peliee fevght a raping nn battle in a lane behind the Star Cinema ha Jalan Pasar here yesterday. He Bred four shots at the detective, who returned fire and escaped. It Is net known
      219 words
    • 47 18 ALOR BTAR. Bun. Din H&mld. 21, waa Jailed for six months when he pleaded guilty In the Sessions court here yesterday to a charge of Illegally possessing a knuckle-duster an offensive weapon In a bar in Jalan Sultan Badllshah on the night of Nov. 17
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    • 199 18 PETAXJNO JAVA. Sunday /XSRRUPTION in the country is becoming more sophisticated, according to Enclk Hashlm Mohamed, Deputy Director of the National Bureau of Investigation. As such, the NBI has got to be sophisticated In carrying out its duties ao that it U not left behind.
      199 words
    • 121 18 FISHERMAN 'MUST WORK FOUR TIMES AS HARD' DENANO. Bun. Malay--1 slan fishermen have now to put In four times more effort to catch the same quantity of fish as In 1967. A lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences. Universal Balns Malaysia. Dr. Khoo Khay Huat. said this in a
      121 words
    • 50 18 Anti-drugs course PBNANO Sun. Youtha hate only Ihaiwiliai to blame U ther become addicted to drugs. Pnanc northeast Dutrtct ORI«r Biflk tanar bkander add yesterday. "It would be unfair If they blame their parent*.he mid In opening an antldniaa ooune tor JO youth leedtri at the Tanjunf Tofcong Malay School
      50 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 315 18 •Na^V *^aY(« aha-flali^ m ammmmw B^k ama ~'~s- Rowenta Hair Sat EK-67. The Hand Hair-Dryer >t Txclusiwt. Easy to hold. Two warm air tetttngi. Modern colours. Utaful accessorial include Flexible Drying Hood and Holder to fit on wall or table. 1 Rowenta TO 12 H^ 2 Slice Toaster Chromium-plated, six
      315 words
    • 5 18 I V O Hi! LI
      5 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 222 18 ■eTtttml Op ratify By BUI Kavanagh tk Hal Camp <Z '"•"V X YOU NBVBC CAmI I HOKA, CAN TOJ I tf NOW TVUTT XX/WK JP. PBAft.wiu.iQU N s/ ajuoei vwejN i a ©tax wkajqnc> a»— Lvxx cah h«lp a« mcvb M m* m *o« TM«r J I \Aggr vpu to
      222 words

    • 299 19 Opposition front: Parties told to think carefully FETALING JAVA. Sunday OPPOSITION political parties in the country have once again been urged to think carefully and quickly for the formation of a People's Front to forge Mr opposition unity. In making the call today, the director of Pekemas' political bureau. Mr.
      299 words
    • 182 19 31 held in big drive against thugs KUALA LUMPUR. Sun —Police detained 31 people here In a fourhour clean-up operation this morning against thugs and secret societies A suspected stolen motorcycle, a bunch of motorcycle keys, three daggers and three sharpened iron pipes, were also seized In the operation In
      182 words
    • 66 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— The Qantaa special Inclusive tour (light* from Australia to Kuala Lumpur will end next month. A spokesman for the airline ycatsrday said thia was due to 1U programme of disposing of Boeing 707 aircraft which are used for the flights, coupled with Increasing
      66 words
    • 35 19 MALACCA. Bun. Polios detained three youth* and lecowed a 1100 camera and gold bangle worth WOO »hort--1) after a Sibu couple were robbed of th«lf articles near the old fort here this morning
      35 words
    • 31 19 IFOH. Sun. Unemployed Teng Tak Ftoofc. 23. wae jailed nine months by the Uaglstratr's Court yesterday for stealing fM from hla friend at a P*aar ma lam here.
      31 words
    • 148 19 PLEA BY RICE DEALERS REJECTED BY GOVT KIIING, San —The G o v c r nment has turned down a rc^uesl by the Sarawak Rice irmortciV Association to bay rice direct from overseas. Local Government and Environment MlnMtfwf Tan Sri Ong Kee Hal told newsmen on arrival here yesterday it
      148 words
    • 52 19 TAIPWO. Sun. Three Toutiu. one armed with platol and ochen with kolvt«, robbed a ooffeeetall owner. Yew Kok Sent. M. of his gold chain and other article*. >~—*«-f to Uio here la* al«tit. The youths had (on* to the (tall In Jalan KnnunUnf on the pretext of
      52 words
    • 31 19 PBKAMO. Bun. Two mm. one wwl with Cr (kwr-dlttt nußban) Zo> in P<nk ftMd bert on Prtday nl«ht aad robbed an ueMant euperrtoai Chow uu Bt* a of*
      31 words
    • 182 19 Prisoner who leapt off train jailed SEOAMAT, Sunday VI AH Chuan Llm, 26, who escaped from iTI custody by Jumping off a moving train on Wednesday, was Jailed for 18 months yesterday. He pleaded guilty to escaping from the law at about 10.40 a.m. at Bekok while being escorted by
      182 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 72 19 Low-Priced Deck... Free Dolby. STEREO CASSETTE DECK with DOLBY and LOCKING PAUSE CONTROL rs Ma getting the md unwanted back- -g At the flip al Irom an FM rwauH clear. time you "j assure i There's also miter and a prire That's fOU 'he finest rally you get 'he sound
      72 words
    • 647 19 J^^^^gJLi J saW^lafcsaC^> I W^ > *J Hay ti U LLi f\ r i am Ik Mk A AbmlL. y i Hr* I °°'°'aX kaT 1 *fl £jL o^aa^ar al B^aWi^u B»'^-" > > (av^T^BL.aMi— afl _j X\9fl Rr^ Var fi^B^Bs> vßf a sC l fX*i JBaaiai va Maaaw^B^ W
      647 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 399 20 ANGOLA Is potentially one of the richest African nations with much unexplolted wealth In oil. diamonds, uranium, coffee and sugar. But It Is not on this score that world attention Is now focussed on the civil war In the country. The grave ramifications of the conflict are
      399 words
    • 253 20 §PORTS have an Important place In our national life. When an Individual or a team does well at International level It helps to build up national feeling and pride. So quality in performance Is a desirable aim as Mr S. Rajaratnam remarked last week. The successes of our
      253 words
  • 493 20 German playboys prefer maids to trade? ||ONN: Asked why ke D thaagfct o r as a a playboys Gaather and Ernst Wllbetm Sachs abruptly decided to i«U tkree auarters of their family Ann to an EaglUk rro«p. Finance M-a-l'ter Hans Auel Is reported to have saggestod: -May ke they simply
    493 words
    • 106 20 Ticketing system in Sentosa to be streamlined IVS REFER to the let- ter Single payment for Sentosa sights saves precious time (ST. Dec. 10J. We would like to thank "Holiday Maker" for his observation and suggestions. It may be of Interest to your readers to note that the Sentosa Development
      106 words
    • 91 20 Ofl are most appre- ciatlve of the space you alloted us in giving publicity to our effort to educate staff against receiving illegal gratification (ST. Dec 17). However, the headline to the article Is unfair to our staff The main object of the article in our staff magaslne "Hello" was
      91 words
    • 94 20 lITK THANK PHK Vf (8.T., Dee. S) for his comments. There are two ways for pedestrians to cross the ctretch of Upper Cross Street near the OO Departmental Store. They can cross with the aid of the traffic lights at the Junction of New Br.dw Road and Upper Cross Street
      94 words
  • 924 20  -  PAUL HOFMANN By United Nations fHE 30th General Assembly of the United Nations, which started in September, ended last Wednesday in a climate of strain and frustration. New conflicts especially the Arab-led campaign to pillory Zionism suffocated the spirit of
    924 words
  • 466 20  - Red mayor wants to boost Christian tourism By JOHN CHADWICK rpHE childhood 1 home of Jesus this year celebrates Its first Christmas under a communist mayor. "We have much to celebrate Muslims and Christians alike for we intend to get rid cf the corruption which Is ruinIng this town," he
    Reuter  -  466 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 16 20 W can open up W foryouin M profess»nal practice properties m capital investments M «OCBC A
      16 words
    • 205 20 Yomeishu Are the stresses and strains of today's world getting you down' Get going again with help from Yomeishu. the time for today's people Prepared from a 370 -year old formula Yomeishu is widely recognised as a restorative to^ic with properties derived from more than 10 rr\edicinal plants, such as
      205 words

  • 243 21 KiETABLES are about 40 per cent cheaper now than month, local dealers said yesterday. I it because of an increase in local production, normal In the month of December due to thr cooler weathrr and rain, and higher imports of xrrenx from China
    243 words
  • 402 21 ALL 109 South Vietnamese refugees who opted to remain in Sin gdpore, and who are now staying at St John's Island and Kangkar fishing village, may soon be moving into new homes here. Refugee children, who have not been schooling ilnce they
    402 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 288 21 Wai 1 \/mT L- -awaal M I A\ bub i^T\___^««-wjj Buy these properties while they are still within reach. Minutes away from the fast -growing industrial area of Tampoi. 2 miles from Johor Baru oentre. Exclusive residential property right on the coast. Prices have appreciated substantially in just a few
      288 words
    • 362 21 Classic Gift Samsonite Classic executive attache case JPgjjjJl jj^m ii^Kd>mfs fI.L g^a^r^jjtmmwJ BKmP^BKmT .^L .^amH BKm\ Here .s the gift that reflects good taste and executive s^^^LJ |^r stature Available with or without combination iilmwc m ockf an<^ n a ction Sizes and colours Samsonite Clastic attache case the classic
      362 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 754 21 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM m Opemng followed by Valar Pwai (Tamil) 7 JI Imi (Hawj! 3* Diary ol brents (Taml) 7.45 Sa«aaan IM (Malay) 3JS General Hospital Ul uOb law Hi Mna-TMi at Ha. 4.1S Isai Amutham Indian classical music Craak 9) (Repeat) 131 laws a** Nevsreal 4JS
      754 words

  • 353 22 Prizes galore at Press Club dinner and dance A CRUISE to Ball for two on board the luxury liner, the MS Rasa SSa n«. and a return \li ticket to Lonaon are amonr the top prises to be won In the Singapore Frcss Clubs arnual dinner and dance to be
    353 words
  • 32 22 $3.4 m sthool A secondary school will be built at Ohlm Moti Avenue It will be of new design and win ccat »3.454.7>1 Work U expected to be completed In 12 month*
    32 words
  • 37 22 MR. Chtw Tal 800. torsnarly of the Economic Development Board, hu baen appointed Singapore OoasutOmnl In Oa*k*. The Osaka eooMtete oOm win opsn today «M»poi»'i Awhaaasrtor to Jspan Is Mr. Wit Moo Cbeog
    37 words
  • 213 22 Modscout '75 to streamline the movement nnHE Venture Scouts of Singapore have Initiated a five-day programme to modernise the scout movement and keep In step with developments In other youth sectors. The programme, entitled Modscout 75, was opened by the Minister for Law and Environment, Mr. E. W. Barker, at
    213 words
  • 176 22 BIG DAY FOR JAPANESE LANGUAGE GRADS MORE than 3M stadenU of the Japanese language received certificates and prlir-. yesterday at a graduation ceremony at the Hilton Hotel yesterday Mrs. Millie Ho. 29, a businesswoman. was outstanding In her section (elementary) while Mr. Chan Pel Sen. 33. a textile plant manager,
    176 words
  • 57 22 Govt rejects SPCA new Hq plan THE Oovernment has rejected the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' plan for development of new kennels In West Coast Road The pUn had called for developing S.JU 4 vj metres site to house SPCAs new headquarters and boarding kennels The society
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 743 22 M PlfdwGA sssM Bui swlw^ia^^ssß^^fl •A t^s^g^^aifl The intricate make- up of a Fufica 5730/ precision engineered to make photography easier and better. I Amazing new Fujica cameras I I to make it easier than ever before I (For perfect pictures everytime) Fujica cameras arc designed by the FoJI seconds
      743 words
    • 1 22 aiLnc
      1 words

  • 386 24  -  ULI SCHMETZER NEW CODE OF ETHICS By London OEXISM In newipaper* has been condemned by the British Journalists union, which want* Its members to five women fall equality In news columns and end what ffilnltti believe are centuries of injustice and disNade
    386 words
  • 683 24  -  RUTH YOUNGBLOOd TOWARDS SELF-SUFFICIENCY AT BREAK-NECK PACE By Vientiane LAOTIANS are beading towards tte self-sufficiency the Pathet Lao wants at a breakneck pace, partially out of loyalty but mostly from necessity The Jong closure of the border with Thailand, once the lifeline for most of
    683 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 477 24 1 V swjlßmmmmmmmmmwSm) Diamonds are sr^^^^d^s a girl's best friend... **maF\ and for this new year, give her £^i fin 2 present* instead of one* <s^c^bfe«amfcS3C Diamond Price Special No Dionvjnd Price Ipeciel 1827 036CTSS 650$ 3»0 2146 0 58CTS J2.860 $1.71* 032 .670 402 2132 070 3.080 1,»4S 040
      477 words
    • 119 24 w f*f >M **ry t *^<may Jj k ''jJaaw*V*U sffiflsa^.h^SSKaVaV'x. W P f^TfejFl 1 awl |TTj Jf 1> n awA^aaaWwa^mwawawmsl^Lß mJ 11^^^^ L VjHRRPMh^ ja avaVwA S g *4lll lawa> A. 4 mi a 1 £> ~lrj ma amVamr^o% aY ami aam a^^B* aama Km M r aW*^ f^TTjw*M^wT^t***aT«tJl I
      119 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 469 25 ar^uyuywUU^WWWWWWWWV^^^^e'e^i^rW^^ftftry^^^^rWArVa^^^nnnn^* 1 \H WIN^g^TREATS J f^|^i||| IV ENTERING "nH jjji JIZP ***** CONTEST m' S I J; f Above ore rwooKturn wfuch moy oppaor tdanticol Actuolfy, rharaor* 1 0 m»nor drrtaranca* Ji ij i 1 Conroutpot rham' All you naad to do tt to put o ring around arch of
      469 words
    • 272 25 LAST 2 DAYS! 2 $»h,w. i 4tJo#J; OPENS CATHAY TOMORR«W!;| (Olif MAWBT X'MAS ATTtACnON) ;I MWt Disney sn^^^ i; (•■L i; Vf LOtftW «^V SSL < Lov. W? \bQ IVfl L < AVm« j C LMUQhtW f m J HELP FLATFOOT DECODE A MESSAGE 4| k FLATFOOT THE ONE-KUM DEMOLITION
      272 words
      258 words
    • 266 25 DPENSWtf TODAY 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11 am, 1.45, 4, 6.45. 9.15 (MANDARIN VERSION) V Im'JBF PS SCASMD vQQLD tai4ia mm mm smu smn I -ENGLISH VERSION NOW SHOWING AT 1 CAPITOL J 3 Shoiw n, 145. 4. 645. 930 Wo fnt« Utt Musi lethal PiiprtiiHPit of all ;iiw! jVSrVCCAAN. a
      266 words
    • 535 25 v»%v»v i »w«vwvwvvvn"" LAST 1 »ATS' Jkm7 M t M*. ~T*N «01MM TtIAMOU Co4or*cepe 'i inofV- Sub*n«et OPtNS WtDNISOAY FAIiY KJX Menoo.^ Liv CrMn Yue *Lm Cheng CoiorScuw Engtr^ Sup* iLA»^^in^»irr^»; Mao. 1 je. 400 «M ft M > Me Pm Urn' c* iiHoxrsH vtisiONi A Golden H» m Vlooie
      535 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 281 26 B* Dinner^sDance ne I 7pm-38tn $40 per person plus 3% tax Delightful Country n ■^->fl Western Favourites by the: f^^ IwawawF} K .^BBwi Xl? V^ Managing Director J. B. Lift) cXfoursmsons \°r REST4UR4NT Straits Trading Building, Battery Road, Tat: *****1. i M//|y not celebta^V^^j I Cbristmms E* that, really merry
      281 words
    • 394 26 BE A SECRETARY FUU-TIME /PART-TIME Whether you are fresh from school or I LC.C PRIVATE lr J«*v in empioymeht. h ahways I Sffr^PTTADIAL irn P° rtant t0 obtain a useful Commercial I SECRETARIAL Q^uf jcjtjon to put you in good stead I COURSES START in the years ahead. Competition is
      394 words
    • 226 26 !cONTI^EN^ALRES^?^LJRANT RANG MAHAL RESTAURANT New Year's Eve Gala Dinner Dance Deluxe New Year's Eve Buffet Dinner (8 pm 1 am). Dinner, glass of (7pm 12 midnight). Dinner, glass of champagne, entertainment, novelties, champagne, novelties, tax and service: tax and service: $50/- per person. $30/- per person. Music: The Peter Trio
      226 words

    • 1106 27 AS service te reader*. Bmlaatt Tiasas pejhlashaa we**ty a dateilad aaaUysM af ulirlil ihawi ea Urn Stock Esc ha age af Magaaaew. The year't high mm 4 lee are relltired by Urn wejrk's mivimbsl •a prise. Urn uaraarver. Urn divMaat) ytoU Urn greas price earwiaga ralM. NOTE:
      1,106 words
    • 807 27 XHC kllniM an ik. ikvM m 4 lailaili la Ik* «Mkb b'lM PHm in mial I* tiiii m MftriM of iMtMktaiUot lt*«»M«Ooc llMteooa'ayUMmra- IaOMMB* U.,1. IVIM KTmiAUI H 1 Lam BE MOM A Tap* 0 4t It 1 00 Am Hold I M Amcol Etact 0 MS
      807 words
    • 287 27 Company meetings Tk» um<M eompaair aMlast are *at: >—| Tm Br*e*>is C*. U* Dm. St. 11 TUi Wter. Wltta Daaaaaara. Kaala r*M MtMrat) misiii u*i Dm. SS. atea. Boar* laeai tt Tat Lm a Os.. *ta near. Tat Lh Buimim. Si MarkM SU«M. KM Mraltt TlaM* pVtt* iniurui) BM.:
      287 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 153 27 ttHJ US dollar opened last 1 week not much changed from the previous week t cloaing level of S3 4SSS-S0 Then was generally a lack of in the currency. '.•ding activity was aVow •nd st a low level as moat operators wen already sidelined in vtew of the Chrtetma*
        153 words
      • 210 27 LAST waak although the money market continued to be assy, certain discount house* experienced difficulty in squaring their books In Urn Utter part of Urn week, possibly due to some banks maintaining a higher cash position to mast seasonal requlremenu Overnight funds fluctuated in Urn region of If—«|«
        210 words
      • 202 27 AST weak the foreign ea- change market* war* criaracterUUcally quMt ahead of Christmas and year and ■ar.pruad primarily smsll mm mere ltd orders The US dollar was aUghUj weaker However. Urn oountry't tteeable basic balance of paymsuU surplus In Urn third quarter apeak* for a haatralty strong dollar. The
        202 words
      • 168 27 ASIAN currency average deposits rates for Urn weak ended Friday. Dae. CS I (BM Prim) H*h Lot 7 dan 4-1/4 1 mtto «-t/4 3 mtto* «-»/l« «-l/t 3 mthi *-t «-T/l« bum 7-1/1 1-1/4 mUv 7-»/ie 1-1 a 13 mthg 7-13/16 1-11/ It SW fY WCk Lm*
        168 words
      • 121 27 INTCRSST rate* un Urn abort date and term deposits wen vary static last weak. Activity In the term was rather slack probably bacauM most banks have already done their funding for the year-end. Overnight funds war* tradad around If— for Urn waak while 1, 1 1 month*
        121 words
      • 61 27 Prime lending rates (in AlgamanaBank 7 Bangkok Bank 7 Bonk o* Amarico 7 Bonk of 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk N«ooro IndortMia 7") Bonqu* d« L' Indochina 7 Chort«r«d Bonk 7% ChoM Monhotton 7 06S 6V. fk* Chicago 7 FNCB 6K H«ac 7 Motoyon 7 Mmu< Bonk
        61 words
    • 545 27 N*W YORK. I*t PlOdutakinc and aoeae mmaopotnUMg eeooomlc newt •em atoefc prtcea to^rto aMdarrt* trading. The Dow Jonas avenge waa down all day and ctaead off 1.71 potoU at S44JS. M* flrat km to five trading taatkxia. Aa the market opened, the First National City Bank announced an
      545 words
    • 81 27 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday Mi J WMk MO HJ J TINS Thwwtay riM WMk MP >M> RUBBERS Friday STt.OS prvtor *«••»> Ttnmdky t»XI WMk MO 317 21 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS m«U7 M4-M Thumter WMkitD m*i LONDON DOLLAR PBBWVM prtttar njj to iuj% Thumjaj 111* to 111% H.K. HANG
      81 words
    • 17 27 The BT Industrial groap Indices by James Cowan Associate* (8.E.A.) were not available last week.
      17 words
    • 93 27 TIB feUewtag UM «f ataaba give* Urn Ma ataat M MM weak. It gteaa tke laeme.i bi theoaaajaa c* malt*, ctaaing prieea aa rrttav aa* high aaa law far ItTS. •telMi o.a ■tat* ■-U C«ta bUaraa CrWJt A4J— U4 l«r »er Dm. 1» I Ml 1.117
      93 words
    • 70 27 LOCAL STOCK INDICES SINGAPORE B.T. Imdn IKhWUi: B«Mli: Tin*: I rafetarm: 0.C.8.C.. BMM. HI: Dae. IS O«e. 1« Do. 11 Dae. II D«« It ltt.ll ltS-M Ml.7t Ml.M' IMW tSTM 1».7f m.M tM.K tUU SM.M 4»77? 4M.41 IM.U IM.SS IW.M HIM 154.1t 151.17 IM.U IU.U U7.11 t*M MJt
      70 words
    • 59 27 laftMtrtab: Flaaacc: Tln»: t4LH MI.TT 141.11 t«4.1« UM.II WliJ MJM Mill IM.M IHJi IMM lU.7* li5M 1*7.17 154.*7 1M.47 IM.M 1(1 15 KM HM M.» 7 M.M M•! WCU IRH tM.Tt t»4»4 SM.M. tt Jm. 1. lt1»=lM D«e M. MM— IM 1 Dae. SI. 1*M 1M t
      59 words
    • 23 27 IT l%m Cmrnmi »J%t D*U TaUJ far TMal far J«a II 74% t tET J«. It U% t Ju. n m%
      23 words
    • 566 27 CIMOAPORVS produce daaJ Jars trpatMrnsu yet another dull period of U-ading last w* vhn prleee far all the popular ~~*»«w »*re Just marking time. With the traditional markeu in the We* lapsing into their feaUv* moodVdaaiars hen generally found no tneeoUve to deal, particularly In the forward market
      566 words
    • 254 27 A MSTIRDAM. fTt Tbt r market was mixed to ftrBMT in thin qwwhihii.., dealer* tald Ra»a* Dwssb and ■iniiaaa advanced In omanrlas fractionally lower Dotch Internationale Van CißJtr. 1 Mat erf and among Insurtnces partteuMrty Baaaa were major gainer* smiblimi. Oaennas war* led by ■abnasa- TaTV UHiraßMiaai and VMT.
      254 words
    • 121 27 7URICH, rYI. The rtoady trend at the Zurich Stock Exchange continued today In active trading Heavy Interest waa noted In bank tharaa The Credit Sulsse Index rose one point to IH3 Bonds alto remained firm Cl— lm mm la Bwlm rraoc* wttk urn «ur*r«ac« ea Urn trtvKMM HMM'i prlc«*
      121 words
    • 62 27 UM UM Mi— m id no to no ac I 1*8, 758 IM.teS) lM.taa iaw Batnit l'u>. Uht. aarteh iM.T*a im tsb im Ma im.MS PaM I*J.M l«l.M Saaxty FrMar BHigfctaa 144*0 IM.M t pen (2) 144 TSB IST.eiB i«T.rra i«e in Boon pneei la ■oa-ittnim anaa la
      62 words
    • 467 27 T«HE Singapore ttock L market last week responded gamely to bullish developments at home and abroad and made It easily the best week so far this month. The market opened tha week with a characteristic lack of inspiration with prices Jut limping along. Eve« at midweek. when the
      467 words
    • 49 27 PR the week ended Saturday. Dec. the range of call rates received from Short Deposit* (M) Berhad waa as fallows: BANK Fl ND 4, per I cent to Si cent. CENTRAL FINDS: 31 per cent* to 5* per cent. Movements of fund* totalled U97 million
      49 words
    • 399 27 rl Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange ended last week on a steady note following the strong rally on Wednesday. Though there was a break In the bullish sentiment on Thursday, share price* bounced oack on Friday to make for fair gains on the week. Sentiment was Influenced by
      399 words
    • 610 27 LONDON: The market edged higher last week, as Investors apparently discounted the Oovernment's economic package and Chrysler support measures announced midweek. Business volume dropped ahead of the Christmas holiday period. The FT Index gained seven points to 369.3 compared with the previous Friday's close. Distillers and Cavenham
      Reuter  -  610 words
    • 27 27 (piiilnu la braektu). .lilT***' B»e« &ur*r (Ml oo (l»T«.00>. MUm <IMIM Tlum Month kurw INIMIUNMI •*4i«r ItOJOO (iMt.M) M*rk« mm: Vary Um4j •to. tWO 10.M..
      27 words
      • 154 27 LONDON Tin closed around £35 per tonne down for cuti and £37 lower for tnnw months In both contracts last Friday morning A lower opening was Influenced by the sharp fall at Penang which dealer* suggested may have reflected withdrawal of "uporrt by the buffer stock manager
        Reuter  -  154 words
      • 423 27 LONDON: Rubber futures officially dosed hesitant last Friday with prices mostly about 020 pence per kilo higher to unchanged. Turnover totalled 190 lot* of 15 tonnes Including M kerbs and 40 lots of five tonnes. The terminal opened firmer, reflecting gains In the Bast, and continued steady
        Reuter  -  423 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1236 28 MMMMmbV SBVNf Tl aVCMTMnr i riM "•an >m elf fiiafca rt P MMat lan Ma aaa* ll .fi tumrp HTm hrn hrn mm mm mm tain mt i m < m m i ra i it* a m lIM MM IM* I ra IM 4M ■1 B M a M
      1,236 words
    • 1117 28 Ben Ocean A/ouTtaernceofßerLinaßkjpFhnnelGieriLinpandNSMO m m M* a Wtm P laaaj >!■■■! Ina PMi PLMTMM MM M PtTaM n/M M M M IM, Cata* ML ■MMI M/M M M M laa. i* v tm, rMM. Hal. Iwa •MMM 1/ I M MVtt Mt 11/11 M a Mt I'M. iTMtf, BMM, Ml
      1,117 words
    • 1013 28 aj MMPVi a^Maj rMaaj •'aai rtMMa mmm^ Maaa* Ma Mwi in 11 P mi >■ r»»-> P mmm Jim MN Mm M. 6. M tMMarp nmm jTmi. MM MM MM MM ram Mr im immm im immm MaalMi II Ml MM IM I M I Ml 4M Ml MT BMMM
      1,013 words
    • 949 28 niVLX COHTAINttIZEO WKVICI TO EUtO>E SOMM m nunnn a i MMM, mm« Mm libn MMJM 2 i! «-*J. MMMTf. »M WMIIMM, «-^.--*^^Mt?-pftM«r i B^ WUY COMTAIMHIIED SEtVtCi FtOM IUKOfi P-aaMMJ I'M". MMMJ. mam mut t!,m '1 *MUrM. /Mtmt*. UNjrri, mV>m. sisii"*. te **L lr t l Mrti- M*t«M M it
      949 words
    • 611 28 BfllfflV!!flßT9Tl-..D TIMMJI r>U4 PWMJO4I II Mill Pmbbj }M1 THE BANK UNI LTD. imb m i i s umu "TMM (Mar M laMHn 4 I I. I Ma, MIM rail M.l Mi PMM IMi MMtl aMU. Ml MMM MM* TiJ P M/M M I RV tm KUWAIT SHIPPIMC CO. fCAJL) MMIM
      611 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1039 29 [Yt"" I^WA^lTllUiWa^A»ll™LTlX FIUT CWTMKMSU SUVXt T* lurata (Via S'tort P *>.j*| ifWl f taa Iraaa §PTWI SAVPMK T7M i m M 7) M 11 M PAN KM MIMi OTH a Ita 71 Fit 7J Fit a Frt 71 Ft* ■i FaaM Iraa Baweve (Tla •u«a| P MlMf S Mrt 01»
      1,039 words
    • 905 29 rraM [Tt ITI Tt ma" MM 11 taa* AMM N M a M Mania. MATT MMt MMM It a* »la MMM. irt AIM MMIX TaMM I M I M laMAa*. MU iauaatt n«« 4 „Ma aMa man. im F«er Smm teat. Smm *>, Kmm 1 Tal: HM»I 0 imml tMt
      905 words
    • 1055 29 mm^^^^^^^^^^m^^*% FmUT CMWMMMgJ IMWCI Tl BMW (Tm Safßt I para P. »Ma( Maa* ■'Mrf traa mm* ttm MaMtW UMMtt IM IM NM NM MM D M 8 M ■IPTMI UfPaaM IMa IMa a Ma' aHa n M MffMtAt MMM| ta. II Ml II Ma atm M N* Pat MfM mkbtai
      1,055 words
    • 768 29 tffgc say ct ti tmmn, imwm mrmnTmn mmv mti f t S7 iftPC «/Tm !7m ftS?»?7. mm a i. i'm. emu it tTMM* IJ I W.| MMA TMWMM II II M. MIIIM I I M ?i M!t I tM. 2 J. Li HMr* ujivi n i mma mum n a
      768 words
    • 857 29 ijEW NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE I^3*s^ Far East Europe WXSlrft TMtfttt |pj rUMMMiJ PTt ITI r^MmmW« im Mwias sm im I Trl 1 1 22JU/I P IMM Wl 7171 l-ava P Baaj ■TTTIMM mCM •>' i Miflat la. Rsss-" ■•tr— r,M s's kssbstj tr^tzs. :r s£ •aaattan Ca*a far Majraa iPrt
      857 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 739 30 STATES LINE STATES STE AMSHIP COMPANY „DJ tuuH'H ria*y W^^^a^^T raCWK tMST MM NM Im wwiti M*i ima. I ut. I*MM larfal laaM ia Pan I ■Ii lac I tiat II N Ma It N M IV* Ma H.K Ma I >mm m 'Maaja. UaMa. m il ci. Hntmt. imm—
      739 words
    • 748 30 tmmmmmmmmmmm mm t v t NOTICE OF REMOVAL As from 22nd December, 1975. w TAISHO MARINE FIRE t M INSURANCE W COMPANY LIMITED t J will be at: Unit 2201, 22nd Floor, Hong Leong Building, 16 Raffles Quay, Singapore 1. New Telephone Number:*****44 (5 Lines) Cable Telegram TAISHO SINGAPORE. $15,000
      748 words
    • 1068 30 with effect from 22nd Dec. 1975 j Marubeni 1 CORPORATION I[L^ is located at Ja HONG LEONG BUILDING 28th 29th floor 16, Raffles Quay Singapore, 1. Tel: *****T1 (15 lines) I OCEflfl BUILD 111 cl Limited Office Space And Shops Available Thtr prestigious Ocean Building stands proudly on ihc waterfront
      1,068 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 589 31 rl Ml n ecition mocriine tool monufocture (IBLOSD ASIA PTE LTD present ropid expansion progromme require* APPRENTICES lathe monufocture foolity in Singopore yen to iom this high-technology industry, this is on excepp[>or»unity Qualifications end experience -ode Certificate Grode 3 >n Metol Mochining 2 Singopore citizens who must be able to
      589 words
    • 709 31 Wlime) HUME INDUSTRIES (F.E.) LTD. 1 ■^^L^^^^ invrtw application* -for the foMowinf posts in their TECHNICAL ASBESTOS Ol VISION: lA. MECHANICAL ENGINEER I The man should posset* Degree in Mechanical Engineering and have j the aptitude for analytical work involving mechanical designs with at j lean 2 year* experience of
      709 words
    • 524 31 fa PRIME GROUP OF COMPANIES INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF 1. SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS: This is o technically ond finonciolly rewarding opportunity to contribute ond leorn from the latest state of the ort of technology on virtuolized systems concepts The successful candidates shall be required to mointom, enhonce, ond odopt
      524 words
    • 459 31 PAINTS SALES REPRESENTATIVE ICI Paints (Sinfaporet Pte Ltd invnes application* from Singapore citizens holding Class Ml driving licence for the following post THE JOB To promote the sales o> paints and allied products THE PERSON Applicants, age above 20, should preferably possess an MSC with good pastes hi Science Candidates
      459 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1199 32 MALAYAN BANKING /_^v I BERHAD SUBSIDIARY (Qgß) CORPORATIONS \ZSy CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT 30TH JUNE, 1975. /W B_*k Groop B__k G«K,p _2_l M SHARE CAPITAL CURRENT ASSETS j m I -i-^i Ca«h and balances with M AutnoriMd 256.356 289.782 Bankers and agents 286.445 317.689 "i?? 50,000.000 shares of $1 each
      1,199 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 469 33 PALM OIL MILL KNdINEER/MANAGER Required by a large Palm Oil Mill In Sarawajt to run a 30 Ton FFB/HR Mill which will finally be >ped Into 80 FFB/HR In early February. 1975. ITU m\n Preferably above 35 years of age. im< \im\s Preferably chartered engineer with first class steam certificate.
      469 words
    • 682 33 PEHDANA PULAU PINANG Building Contractors with relevant experience are invited for prequallfloatlon registration with the Penang Development Corporation for the following tender 1 THE WORKS The Construction and Completion ol Proposed Phase IB of Kompleks Angkasa Perdana ?ulau Plnang hereinafter referred to as 'the works' consisting of 4-storey Podium and
      682 words
    • 603 33 IN VMM. HIGH COCBT IN MALAYA at koala umnnt crvn. suit no. tn or i»tj Gatkrte Eagtaaariac (Maavafcsi Sato. lU. PtaJatUh Aa* 1. W«Sf Ah CluU t m Gaaa J«* Lafgta* Oaav traat Waita I. Lease Im g tmng MrUuU TO: Waa« Ah Ckai t Übm Jn Lansmt C— tract
      603 words
    • 795 33 lipflflkKflKYflTl CH DOAFTAfIKAN OSMNftH ORTJNAN SvaMKAT KER*SAMA CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BANK RAKYAT GROUP r THE BANK RAKYAT GROUP invites applications from qualified accountants. (CA, ACA, ACCA, ZZ ACM A, or CPA) preferably aged between 28-34, mZ with post qualification experience in business and nS jj~ industry, for the following
      795 words
    • 547 33 .^fcl^ KENYATAAN U TAWARAN Tawaran-uwarmn adalah dlpelawa dartpada pern borortf- pern borons;/ pembekal- pern bekal yant berpengalaman untuk kerja-kerja bertkut (A) BP.NO: JSV7S Merekabentuk. membekal dan menghantar ke Mmpat memasang dan menjalankan dua (2) unit Air Compressors and accessories dl Kllanf OeUh Felda Trolak. Sunfkal. Perak <*60 00 senaskah) (B)
      547 words

  • 36 34 LOUISE KLERKS SALONS In s-apura for > ng and •n date risjMinu but eawta* b« ajuarawte— l Tit* cinipsm daaa iMteikiMw 1 aawarfWsfJxxfV WmW •CfSW'S) MxMstJsM IIsWMR W »m tt wmmi en ww 4mt *< pabaxtaBE9S
    36 words
  • 78 34 MN NO KWAN HENO, age 72 called the Lord on Saturday nber at 2 15 a m Leaving behind hi* beloved wife Hong laughters Evelyn Mac Un. 1 grand- Jin and (rand i la Khoo Phalk ■nil Eng >nd many dear rein I V 47 East Coast H
    78 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 203 34 classified ads H 80S SAMAMITANS OF Slnga "i" 1 Dt*couraged i> i Help >ne B| l*Vwxto*JkSSxtsßxßl <"' »l .art -tune tutors lm uvs salary rnsurate with quall*nence K* fOUNOBENG HOSPITAL ASSISTANT NUNSE STAFF MIDWIFE STAFF NUNSE (SNN) »»«o»«1 Dlractst VOUNGSENO HOSPITAL SMBapor* 11 0« TEL *****1 EXT 2*l waNTCO A
      203 words
    • 692 34 fOU'Kf O 1 SECRETARY immeUrm jnrraWon accorice and quanrica"resled wr<te Is Wood* ■nal Pte Ltd 507. Blk StNOAPONE ABBOCIAT»O*r FOR THE OBAF invites appurauons for the pott EXECUTIVE OFFICER A full HSC and 2 yean of experience or a pas* working knowledge of Chinese Ottwaa: r j plan snd organise
      692 words
    • 800 34 EARN EXTRA money by selling greeting cards Call personally to 173. Ist floor International Plata or phone *****4! between 10 30 am -spm WANTSO 8 VBARS Experienced salesman Chinese and English educated Potaeea own transport R*ng(lT74S A MayilawttKlaiß Cfpaay la MALE/FEMALE SALES NBPNSMNTAnvSS MttM kw t*wv« IS raars Sa«l«w>a a«d
      800 words
    • 1343 34 MEW HEALTH CSNTRB at Chotce District requires Experienced TTUxMMiOSIT OFFICER B^r^lS^nrtl "pitT- p^.nT to' KB* JSo\ 7J,\L^lil 9^Slt chargiol Ohs«mi» VatttetM and immediate contact nnw r>agwNtYtK>M»tst to *afe Tr^/WpOsTl ProMsfTDS Salary SJM to SSM p m Please ring for Interview TNB BONNE© CO. PTEL LTO. 7sS*l^!cMkStAr7 raouir*. 'tStmT^ DESPATCH NBOENB
      1,343 words
    • 898 34 OtST. S FABsW HelghU Central Aircond 2 storey Semi-de-tached. 4 bedroom*, servant's modern kitchen, tpllt-lcvel. Living Dtnmg Rant 81 .400 only Tel «MSX *****7 NAMLY OOsTM 3 UlSrilßM. 1 tarvant t 1 balhromm, 1 lotMv sircon Usaphom. rally rurntahad. •1.200 negotiable Contact *****53 OBBT. II BOLJBN Rlae Hew 2- torey
      898 words
    • 779 34 ONCHtD VtLLAM baauUfully fur Telephone Reasonable rental Trt *****3 *****0 OIST 11 BEAUTIFUL 2- storey American Town Houte 3 bedrooms plus dan spot -level living dining nice garden Available Ist January Also new ntodtin 2•torev soli' level terrace house 3 bedrooms Italian floor tiles throughout al 10 mile* Changi Immediate
      779 words
    • 692 34 CONSULTANT UNIOuB HAS foreign executive clienu for detached, semi-detached and apartmenu In dMU 9. 10 1 1 and 21 preferably unfurruahed. rental* from (I.SM 84 0M Please call *****5 6 HUOE PONCHM CONCSNN requlra* Bungplnaa 1 seml-detach ed apartmenu Rentals 81.000- -S3 500. Owner* p'tsw call BMIS/04H7 INDUSTRIALISTS MQUKI "niita*
      692 words
    • 523 34 NSW MOOERN i-STORCY split level terrace house 3 b*Biuutti. ItalMui floor UN* throughout' at 10 miles Changi Tel 4CTBM O4STtMCT IS. 1 storey Terrace House telling Ml. ooo SS3B2 Rita Ong during office hours 2-STONEV TENNACE Mouse at Bartley Road dist 13 freehold Area 3 600 tq ft Parquet vinyl
      523 words
    • 669 34 Li pn'* CTMy Mmnnxl Rd opp. thaw statue. awMsaa mmw a4*BJBJNv -<•££. $62 sf lup Oat. el inpnw. 31 j Itn Kiaw A.t Han. Ca Lw) 1(7 Saw* Snwas Neatl Tel 7MIB-6. 88 100 J CHATWONTH COUNT SONET 18. Area 3450 sq ft 4 bad- room* I study with bathrooms
      669 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 1778 35 ggafJa^^atAtaSMSa O#FIC* SPACE AVAILABLE In Kaasi MOso fl furruehed with tele J*****1 APPROIIMATELV l.*S6 %q fl ice available mas Building Anaon Road 220M41 A 2301*' At f MtTBRNATIONAL PLAZA Offire Apace for Rent t RENTAL 81 88 per sq n V f inriudlng arrvK* charge f\ i Fnquines r, MEOIATELT
      1,778 words
    • 801 35 LOWEST ARES' Sinaaoore London or Parts. Asaantaejp. Rosa* rraa>. kurt. Copenhagen etc SSSS 4 12. 6. 12. 34/13 Cvary We*neaday BT7O Singapore' Los Angeles. San Francisco. Vancouver New York 81.180/ SI 200 $1,350 4 flights ».»ekly C B HOLIDAYS TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWA EXPO/ HONOKONO/ BANOKOK 9 12 14 Days 8147*/
      801 words
    • 571 35 Europe/ USA. Far East Tel 3M278*, 2M137* ANHBASTBR TRAVIL SPECIAL rare* London. Europe. Canada. USA. Australia Indonesia. Hongkong Tokyo 36 Dhooy Ohaul Near Cathay Tel 3*7». 3*751 SLOANE COURT HOTEL. 17 BalmoraJ Road, ouiet. raelaantial Orchard Road ana. alrcondltioned 822 upwards. Tel *****11 (8 pore) CHEQUERS HOTEL. AIRCONO single 825
      571 words
    • 420 35 "STAMFORD^ CENTRE The laraest and most progressive resource centre fc education m business and the professions >n South East Asia CAREERS IN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Why Go Abroad? Tram m the largest and most innovative resource centre in business education m South East Asia Stamford's Computer Centre develops your basic ability
      420 words
    • 488 35 offers better Secretarial training FULL TIME COURSES Classes corrmence sth January 1»7« Register early to ensure a place PART TIME COURSES Classes commence 26th January 1976 SECRETARIUS 75 Tanglin Read. Singapore 10. Tel: w***** J 8T FRANCIS GIRLB SCHOOL 66 ST FRANCIS ROAO S PORE It TEL I*34**4 VacancM* m
      488 words
    • 728 35 'ins 8 12. 11 'irol Marconi Electronic I Engineering Institute 213-C. I l-avend'- *****33 Singapore tBattt«aid Oee*g» a* CiS*bh Asa s fu*y avcondHionad and largest mlapendeni reaource centre *i Buainess I ducation CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 11* OUEEN STREET SINGAPORE 7 OAYTIME COURSES JANUARY I*7* Applications are now invited for
      728 words
    • 608 35 Tues h Thurs > pm surting «th Jan Shorthand ap^d IS* wptn Starting Mh Jan Mon Wed Fn Tin i iiia a« Levels Mon Wed li Fn or Tues 4 Thurs Starting 3th Jan Enquiries at HIGH STREET COMMERCIAL TRAMNMO CENTRE *a> Fleer Sweat Ceatra, FOR OUALITY TUITION tet" COSMOPOLITAN
      608 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 411 36 classified ads LATE I*7l TOYOTA CSLiCA as ■i ilit ion Low mileage, t* MS o n o Taxed April Phone MITSUBISHI CANTER TWVDHAnUONE TWOTONPCTNOI AND DIESEL MODELS rr lsasslT2ltFM mm _^l3»l Sta* IJsSSIT2fI7CN <«ajyAM MAjtC WTOWfPTt.ILm 'SO IU MaOaiuwoßw-SaoroS Tol 2B2SM 9tu otnaMMai 2»7St»a»Ci sjlin.raweor Tol SSOO4 1171 FIAT It
      411 words
    • 638 36 I*7l MMM CLUBMAN. ne» paint, immaculate condition with accessories ts OS* on o Call Chua *****3 office. rssMsnes 65*074 «tn/rj MBRCCOCS S*a Wanted Preferable one owner Aircon Phone *****7 *****75 No dealers Please WANTCO TO BWV 1 secondhairfl car Below 1300 c c Appointment nng office 25*1941 raatdence *****6 0000
      638 words
    • 692 36 SSMOR Mt SALON. 4SS. Par Bast Mnipping Centre *****1 offers Hair Styling^ facial, mas- sUbM? rtssinx'ur* p*xSK*urv flwpcr* «iiuonbyUomCnantraln«wrram Vidal Sasoon Appointment accepted S I MAROUtRITTA TOP TINTINO (ontinenui C'otouring Expert 27 years experience Superb Hair- j styling. Scttaors Cut. Manicure Pedicure- Renowned for their craftsmanship Singapore's Top Colouring Centre
      692 words
    • 670 36 CATMAT AW-CONOmON S R«rnierallon Engineering (Ptei Ud specialist kn salsa.' rental 4 repair, all kinds of air-con-ditioners, refrigerators coM room Tal ****** larrtßLO— TRAP— ANO ShippiriK Pte Ltd ******0/ *****3S We provide stevedoring barging tug imtv mooring, rarung of logs lighterage, marine transportation packing, clearing and forwarding. palleUalng cargo gears.
      670 words
    • 642 36 CMMISTMAS SPfCIAL OMW Buy now Purnituat. Rafrtfwalor or Oaa Cootar If jrou par IS% deposit and tnc balance bjr I month! UM snee wul bt UM aaja* a* Ca«h Price" Style MO Qiin—ay Japan— Oarden or O. Rtt Slipper Tbasnaon Road Tel S4SISS/ ttJilli ar •wet Horn* Zl Blk 111
      642 words
    • 660 36 NGEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE EXPANSION PROJECT SINGAPORE INVITATION TO TENDER On behalf of the Republic of Singapore. Ngee Aon Technical Coitefe inn*-* *aled tendert until 12 00 noon on 23 January 1970 for (1) AircQ»4ilio»iii« Mrchaaical Vratilalioa Int taUaliM (2) Hactrieal Scrvim (3) C«M W«ut Service. Fire Protertioa Byf aad
      660 words
    • 656 36 A 1 I U NYLEX k COMPANY BACKGROUND: W Our client is a major iomt venture company based at Shah Alam K and a leader m the manufacture and marketing of PVC leather k mm cloth and fabricated products for Malaysian and export markets Expansion of the company has made
      656 words

  • 2024 37  - High Ruler clinches a berth in Gold Cup EPSOM JEEP By PENANG, Sunday SYNCHRONISE, with Cup race specialist Johnny Wilson astride, scored a thrilling: win from Peak of Perfection V (Leslie Khoo) in the 1700 m Governor's Cup race here today. Prelude (Paul Tulk) was third, with the favourite, Sprint
    2,024 words
  • 48 37 TOTAL POOL: IS.7M Ist. Na. MM4J (S2.M3> 2nd. No. USZt ($725) Jrd. Na. 5#74« 343) STARTERS (M* each): Nos. *****. 5*584, 97«1». *****. 5w9M, *****. 5432*. 5532 C. 53C41. *****, 545*4. 55M7. CONSOLATION (IM each): Naa. 52SM, *****, *****. 5192*. 52J2C. *****. *****. *****. *****. *****
    48 words
    • 643 37 A PPRBNTICI U. C. A Lam iv fined t&OO by the steward* yesterday for careleu riding on Taaaeraell, winner of Race Beren. The Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's race* «t Penanf: BACI ONf: taaall U (M. C. Lam). Prattler (M. Tuaofl). •attar PeHey («X
      643 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1221 37 ■B^Ee^Hl^ BOUSTEAO HOLDINGS BERHAD Inoorporatad in Malaytai) ayj aaa aaaajaa Tna Dractor* haw today declared an Interim Dividend of 7S cant* par Stock Unit (last year T% cants) on tho issued ordinary capital of tha company payable on 16th Easmsal January 1976. Outy oompletad trart<f*r« asafssssai ßsßßßsmTl racaivad by tha
      1,221 words
    • 153 37 Be proud of your English 1 »nh iv at) ami i >rtu Npcjk jnd »nlc Arc ><hi flo. \uie ihjl >"v IN n.i m«Liny Ihc BMMaWi ifi.ti uasw people m Imlc nmc jikl \er) n 1 ju- lud«cd nient monlhlt 'uixli, .0 pui- ii <■•■ SEND FOR BOOKLET *Vb« ***«I*
      153 words

  • 576 38 Liverpool take over the lead TOSHACK NETS FIRST GOAL LONDON, Sun. Liverpool edged to the top of the Knjf lish Fo o tball League First Division table aj the start of the second half of the season yesterday with a 2-0 win over former leaders Queen's Park Rangers. With 30
    Reuter  -  576 words
  • 307 38 f ARDIFF, Sun. i High-speed winger JJ. Williams scored three tries as Wales overran luckless Australia by 28 points to three in the Rugby Union International here yesterday. Injuries rohhed the .Australians of key play- I ers captain John Hlpwell and John Lamble In the first
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • 172 38 VfONTREAL, Sun. lf Cranes have started lifting the pre fabricated grandstand sections Into place at the Olympic 8 1 adi v m where the 1976 Summer Oames are scheduled to open on July 17. These sections, and hundreds more like them, will be occupied by over 70.000
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 994 38 r*laWT MVIMON Anwnal I Burnley 0 Barmun«ttaai 7 Lrtrtator I. Mrt« 1 StotffMd United 2 L*rd* I /Man Villa UwrpooJ 2 Qwiani Part Hang,,, a Manrttwur Untud I WolmrH—pion 0 MMdaaaarouati 1 TotUnhajn Hotapur I. Nvwcastl* 1 Ipavtcti 1 Nonrtrfi 2 Manctmur City 2. Woat Ham 1 Stoat
    994 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 131 38 HYGENIC TOILET SEAT FOR SQUATTING LAVATORY Why strain or cramp yourself by squatting Our comfortable Toilet Seat is just the perfect thing for old folks. fat people and it is better still for expecting mother or after birth. It is convertible as shown in the drawing. Why not call us
      131 words
    • 336 38 ft *JA M m. aWT 11 ll and b receive... II I'm an cx P ress on of elegance m- :W The aristocratic designs of WATERMAN have V set a new standard in pens from the nib to the P.T frj sculptured clip cs*^ m Hold a Waterman and get
      336 words

    • 413 39 Singapore force Malaysia to a draw BANGKOK, Sun. Singapore shocked Malaysia by holding- them to a goalless draw in the Eighth King's Cop football tournament here tonight Although Malaysia were without many of their stars, who had returned home after the Seap Garnet here, they were the favourites tonight. They
      Reuter; AP  -  413 words
    • 405 39 Prior shatters West Indies with his pace Sun. Promising South A Australian fast bowler Wayne Prior fn th^K** the star of toe flr day's plaj males at Adelaide Oval here today. The 23-year-old Prior shattered the West Indies' batting with a fine 8-41 off 12 2 overs The West Indies
      Reuter  -  405 words
    • 118 39 WEST INDUS Ist las* """■Use c Woodcock b run out n •ewe c T/agmlch b Attenborough 7 BJeaare* c Drewer b Prior y J*e»n c sub (Bsjrn**) b Attenborougb 14 Beyee c Tagmich b Prior »*e»il*s* c Rooks* b Prior 54 Mil lay b Prior laskaa AH not out
      118 words
    • 166 39 'Durable' Duran knocks out young rival SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico. Sun. Roberto "Rocky" Duran. of Panama, knocked out Mexican challenger Leonlcio Ortiz in the last round to retain his World Boxing Association's lightweight title nere last night. It was the seventh successive time that Duran. regarded as the most durable
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 44 39 TOKYO. Sun. An Australian high school rugby team from New South Wale* wound up their tour of Japan un boa tea wtth erven victorias today wnon they won final "ft«t^*h «^i»^ /Mt-f»r*" High School* by 13-g. Th* AuatraUan* tod 4-1 at half urn*
      44 words
    • 37 39 SANTXAOO. Bun —Chilean bosar Martin Vargas took only t» sseanes to win th* South marten Hi wight cnamptoaabip from Ecuador* Oawesln Cms her* mat night. Vargas felled Cm* with a right to th* Jaw Bsussr
      37 words
    • 95 39 SYDNEY, Sun Young Queensland tennis profess lonal Ross Case today brushed aside Sydney student John Marks In taking the New South Wales International Open singles title at White city here Case won 6-2. 6-1 In Just under an hours Play Marks, a weekend player, had been the
      95 words
    • 273 39 V UALA LUMPUR. Sun Malaysia retained the Asian Schools Soccer championship when they edged Thailand 2-1 in the Anal at Mrrdeka Stadium here tonight k*«nly contested game, but the Malaysians showed a sl 'K h t superiority over the ThaU. who won the cham pionship in
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 42 39 HONOKONO. Sun The vutung Yugoslav Hajduk Split soccer team beat th* """g fc ""g r *T* l i J ~r < League Eleven 1-0 today in th* last of two exhibition match** her* Th* visitor* beat Hongkong 1-0 on rrtday AP
      AP  -  42 words
    • 502 39 Loe ANOBxas. sun. Reaarv* Ron Jawonkt prwmed Into etrvlc* by th* Injury-riddled Rams. da*b«l fly* metre* on a aetdomuad quartarbaek draw for a fourth-period touchdown to earn Los Angetss a 10-J Tlctory over P.ttsburfh last night and e..^ the winning streak of th*
      AP; UPI  -  502 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 357 39 fc/Buy any of these 3 all transistorised TV sets S\ IJ shown below and get a m j^-«^ j free table fan |^3 IJO IB TR 24 SX with MAGIC LINE TR 20 OX wiwt MAGIC LINE INSIST ON YOUR GUARANTEE J am. m CARD THIS OFFER IS VALID fTHSfI
      357 words

  • 358 40  -  JOE DORAI POOR CROWD RAISES POSER: By QEYLANG Internationals, favourites for the National Football League Division One title, appear to be losing their formidable strength and their fans. At their ground yesterday they scraped through to a 5-4 win over Queenstown FC before a poor attendance
    358 words
  • 175 40 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE RESULTS DIVISION ONE (.tYLANG 5 (3) QIttNSTOWN4(I) Kamal Nor. Dollah Kadlr Suleiman 2. Kasslm. All Baha- Ramll Sudl. Ow rom. Oulam Mo- Slew Kong, hammed. Samsuddin Rahamat (penalty). FORCES 3 (II Sembawang (0) Ho Kwang Hock Ronnie Llew. DIVISION TWO TAMPINES 10 iS) VVHAMPOA S (0) Quah
    175 words
  • 414 40  -  DENNIS CHIA By TAMPINFS Rovers M their unblemlsl:ed r-cord wh n thry rouUd vVhampoa 10-3 In a Division Two Learue game Dl^yed at Toa Payoh Athlitic centre y*st«rday The Qu»h brothers ft, Km .Slak and sona figured --nt'> in the scortnir. six goah among themselves.* paving
    414 words
  • 265 40  -  PETER SIOW By SINO APORE Armed Forces made heavy weather of their 3-0 win over bottom- p laced Sembawang Constituency In the National league Dlv. One soccer match at Tanglln yesterday. Forces should have won by a bigger margin, because Bemb*,wang playing with nine men. lacked
    265 words
  • 220 40 mvmom om p D 1 f A Pi. ontam 10 t i «t is it rSrm 10 I 0 1 I 10 ToaPaM* I t IX U U PamrPt 10 S 1 4 II II 7a Booa* 1 tail t jwnm, 10 1 I 0 U t B^S 10
    220 words
  • 393 40  - P. Panjang fail to impress,.. GODFREY ROBERT By DASIR Panjang Con- stituency weathered a fierce late rally by Katong Rangers to win 2-1 In their National Soccer League Div Three match at the National Stadium practice ground yesterday. And with the two points. Faslr Panjang maintained their second position In
    393 words
  • 342 40  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By PONGGOL Conititurncy felt the ■train of playing three matches In leu than 41 hoars and lurcum bed to Lin tmnd\n 5-1 in a National Football Leanie Dlv Tw* match at Chinese High School yesterday. On Friday. Fonfiol played a brutsing litminute match against
    342 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 202 40 < afaVa^iW ataaaW^BaaW .a^Li aa^^^^^l .afaM aaTaaaaTaaal Cnafiil rkMar <<M lVi/ •f" Sal Kirn > jpeciai oner 1 Jm Wl'Aw Vv_||\jß a^ii-H fhmT .afl aa^^sW mW a w MmW^M aw 4 fJAmmr P^r**^2 Wilm W A W %m TA Ps.JF/^g^ Wumm a^r^^wst^^^Aal aar m Close-up Economy jf W W A
      202 words

  • 38 41 BULADKLAH (AuatraiU). Sun SU people. Ineludint a brfcftt on her honfymoon. vrr* killed In a haad-aa car rolliaton naax thla town MO km north of Sydney today The only turvlvor tv tilt brtdcfrooßß— Reutar
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 150 41 MRS. Yelena Sakharov leans against her husband a ahoalder and weep* en Saturday at Moacew's Sberemetyeve airport after her retarn from Norway Mrs. Sakharov broarnt the Soviet dlamldent •hysiclst the Nobel Peace Prise which he was not allowed to collect la persea
    Reuter; AP  -  150 words
  • 231 41 Air force revolt over says Isabel BUENOS AIRES. Sun. The Oovernment of President Isabel Peron dauned early today that the revolt by several Air Force units against her presidency had ended. The Presidential press office Issued a statement saying the officers at Moron air base the rebel headquarters on the
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 70 41 uttawa. Sam. oobaarrmtlwi kMMtar Rofcart BUnfleM iiilsisay iiwn Put— Mutter Plan* TIISW ef ~t»j4dtty. I w 111 i and taypocTiey" toe eseispclag tfea tax-free allovmoeea of MPi tram a prnpoesd pay fniii Mr. JtwpsM saM tha Liberal PrtSM Matter was pit mains the salarlaa of all
    70 words
  • 758 41 Prom Pag* One their motives. Unconfirmed reports said the leader of the group was a Venezuelan and their demands were connected with Saudi Arabia. The gunmen, who strolled inte Opec's headquarters in a modern office block shortly before noon, sprayed machlnegun bullets down
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  758 words
  • 254 41 BELFAST. Sunday NORTHERN Irish security officials early today foiled an attempt to blast Aldegrove Airport terminal, north of central Belfast, with a large bomb stowed on the back of a lorry. Police said they discovered the 18-kilo bomb at a routine
    254 words
  • 105 41 ALLON'S SECRET SWISS TRIP IBRUSALXM. 8un- Foreign Minister Ylgal Allon yesterday completed a secret twodsy trip to Swltserland for diplomatic purposes a government official said today. The newspaper Yedloth Ahrooou, amid Mr. Allon a mission may have concerned either contact* with an Amcan leader or repreeentaUUrea of the Paleatjtfan* but
    105 words
  • 68 41 ■AMOKOK. Sun The «Ss? JSS? 1 to eUo NorUi Vietnam dura* the todc- china wm lioim ho* today from Hanoi in •n aircraft auppUad by to* United National A TnaT— nan of the UJatad Nailone lU«h f>— -k- fw Refufeea the aircraft, amid tbTremalna war* handed over
    68 words
  • 47 41 oncAoo. sun. su chfldrea «ad toetr mother died la a nr» at then- subur* ban home bar* amity yeslerday. police aakl. Fiw firemen war* hart ngbttag Urn bUae wtUen poßee said any ha.** baan eauaad by teulty SgMa ea Quit —i traa. hmtttr.
    47 words
  • 43 41 m. stvAMßAaaaAaj at it. JaUa Ttaaily Aaajßa* SUa. taaeeat. Baßaay Ca eaataiw ■i any Uautaa, bU I mr. u4 Baa 0 1—1 S—iut. a-aaaaa »a»ja— ■Meat i«r iminiitr CU.W v S a.». jeaiia* jafceM _be>a»aS f*** lar atvasMwan, aiß-ia~law iiiiap Ciaaaul mi
    43 words
  • 33 41 BOMS. Bun Thoueanda of air travellers wore stranded yawwrtay whan Italy** bluest airport workers' union called Urn latest in a eertee of atrtkea to preaa rteraamta for labour contract rwtorme.— Reutar.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 284 41 Baume Mercier GENEVE iS\ 1830 Specially designed for renowned and elegant people I p? aa^^^ Sole Agent: SHUT HWA (IMPORT A EXPORT) PTE. LTD. TangJm Shopping Centre. Ist floor. 19. TangJto Road. Singapore 10. Tel. *****0 Something old Something new GINSENG -E A Great Tonic for All the Family **B'^Sflirjßßß^
      284 words
      79 words