The Straits Times, 21 December 1975

Total Pages: 40
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Sunday Times DECEMBER 21. 1975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 1 11 7/75 No. 2066
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  • 7 1 Isabal adamant
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  • 261 1 Kukrit gets Muslim ultimatum PATTANI. Saturday 4NGRY Muslims from three provinces in Thailand today submitted an ultimatum for a personal reply from Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoi by Mondaj on the controversial murder of five Muslim villageis last month. The Muslims, who are continuing Uieir protest for the sixth day. told
    AP  -  261 words
  • 750 1 BUENOS AIRES. Saturday ARCENTINE President Maria Estala Isabel Peron clung to I office today, despite the re fusal of the military to crush a three-day air force revolt against her presidency. Sources in the Peronist movement, of which she is the titular leader, said
    Reuter; AP  -  750 words
  • 68 1 TTNunr park, rniinoto). a mother and bar aU children died today whan a Ore whfcn teenisu to centre around the f.mii. Chrtslssas tree" Twep* through their bone The dead were identified ta Jo*ja)p4ilD# ettlifjft U Rlchard ■hniisr.^ie. Stephen roudowsai 11.' a foster child inrhosl Sjhine. I.
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  • 70 1 HITACHI (Japan). Sat A Ort brat* out in a packed (■•barn her* aarly today and three people were kilted and J5 otter* wanted In hospital <or treatment of burn* and carbon monoxide irtamiliq The Mast started apparently when a Christmas tree and curtains emught
    AP  -  70 words
  • 70 1 rL AVIV. Sat—lsrael's stubs— rlnr to the United Nations. Mr. Chain Hersog. said in an Interview broadcast today that the ■ast session of the world organisation has broaght about "the beginning of the end of the General Assembly Be said the United Nations had eaaaged radically
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  • 110 1 FEAR OF BLOODY XMAS IN BELFAST BBLTABT. Sat—Security chiefs In Belfast fear a surge of sectarian bloodshed over Christmas after Protestant extremUU bombed two Irish Republican Army strongholds, killing four people, military source* reported today. The IRA Is unllkei> to take these attacks "lying down." commented one source at British
    AP  -  110 words
  • 21 1 OTTAWA. Bat. A bank ■smgOJi wile betd ky *>dwww tor H Iwnte MBM DMHHI WaVw BMQ hsrsssi feet mght
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Sat Mr Doata BMtor, Urn pk&ugHg| Urn Ex* eJeaaaar was toaay fHW Male CkMVtaM fu af tfcy ny bt whm. B« wmi iwuM the WU by tW NBttoMl |Lm htta^a\aaAtt whf amiw a^a* fatal to !mr Uw aa Mr. Wmt&r Is a*» a taaaißf MtMto fat
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  • 223 1 Angola: Ford hits at Senate decision WABHINOTON. Sat. President Ford reacted angrily to a Senate vote preventing undercover US military aid to the anti-Soviet factions fighting for control of Angola. The decision was a tragedy for all countries whose security depended on the United State*. 1 he said In a
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  • 32 1 BERGAMO (Italy). Sat. Police today arreeted reputed Mafia kingpin Onlando AlfaerU at a north Italian hideout srven nvnth* after hU escape from enforced domicile on an Uland jff Sardinia.— OPl
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  • 186 1 Fraser: I share China's concern CANBERRA. Saturday new Prime Minister Mr. Malcolm Fraser said today h? shared China's concern over a Soviet naval build-up in the Indian Ocean. In a national radio interview, Mr Fraser signalled a change from the former Labour Government's policy of seeking a zone of peace"
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 67 1 JAKARTA. Sat Foreign minister* of Australia Poland. Syria and Algeria will visit Tnrtonerta next month as official guests of Foreign Minister Adam Malik, according to Aidant news agency. Mr Mahk also uld the Premier of Sri Lanka. Mrs. Bandaranalke. vrould be visiting here early In
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 53 1 CAOLIARI (Btdry). Sat. French tightrope walker Bucenc Alexandra Bugler fell SO metres to hi* death from a cable strung across the main square of Portoscuao. near bare, last night Several eye-witnesses fainted. Bugler. SS. who once walked a tightrope across Niagara rails, died instantly from
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 31 1 MELBOURNE. Bat Former Australian Wme MinisUr Mr. Oe.fh Wbitlam shoald rwtola the leadership of the Aostralian Labour Party oa Monday, according to party •rwsidoat Bob HawLa. Beater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. I n .,,,nnr Ymao Can you bring the Callan: File on a difficult CPPRFTS M Bumper Amas r©m«nc« back to your don Pag* 21 I HrTT:«^>^_~«^^«^ T/^l Special s^^oo two .Page is M M lYY^f^^LC^CW^P \m 'j Of dating, mating
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    • 21 1 XMAS GIFTS ftna lUMMI A GEM SET JEWELLERY I.S. dc SILVA ft SONS, J*w*ll«rt 82, 24. BAFFLE* PLACE. SINOAPOHt.I TCI: *****
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide,
    • 234 2 SOVIETS 'NO' TO U.S. PLAN FOR GENEVA TALKS YfOSCOW Sat The I*l Soviet Colon said today U had rejected a Ua prspseal to eaU a preparatory ateeUag for the roavaiptton of tb c Geneva Middle Bast peace eonferrnee whl h Is chalrr I Bat a aote delivered to t'S Secretary
      UPI  -  234 words
    • 62 2 Bomb hoaxer jailed PARIS. Sat A M-mr-oM Frenchman who triad to extort money from Traaa World Airline. iTWAi by aaylnt that ha had pawed a bomb oo o« of IU New York-bound fbffaU was yostorday jailed tor IS months Pierre BuatoU earlier this weak phoned TWA to say ha would
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    • 549 2 UNITCO NATIONS. Sat. UNITED Nations Security Council members were reported in near agreement last night on a proposal to call on Indonesia to withdraw all its troops from East Timor and to rush a special UN representative to the v
      AP; UPI  -  549 words
    • 22 2 •lU«Bn. Sat. One of Aaatraaa-s kjadtag jowaa. bata. Waaar stuart aasnOton. dtad her* today, hi* *lTllfr aald. sbataUawflC Wwaf OPt
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    • 70 2 JAKARTA. Sat— Asean women have called for the estab lshment of a centre to record, disseminate and promote women's activities In the region. Antara news agency reported this at the conclusion of a three-day Asean women's seminar which ended here yesterday The agency also said
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 188 2 Gunmenkill Governor of North Lebanon BEIRUT, Sat. The Oorernor of North Lebanon was iitiM lnated today and the OoYernment expressed fears the killing was aimed at rekindling Lebanon's civil wax. A government statement Mid the M -year -old governor. Sheik Ka— m Imad, died Instantly In a bail of machine-gun
      AP  -  188 words
    • 61 2 DAvTB, (CaJUbmia) Ss*. ThsodostM Do*, ■baasky. W. an tatoraatleo•By sa«w sanatlrtat who (aught atm-M doetrtnea of racial aapwtenj, baa d*d of a baatt attack. Tha Hi— lin-bom adaottot, bast kMwa lor his work with frntt rnaa. SMda ooa of the ftrat dlaooverlaa of taw TotuUouary prooaas
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    • 30 2 DAMASWOa. Sat «y run Piwadaat Assad to saast with the ahah of Iran rant weak to dsjoasa rofaOuu of an Islamic alHanae asjalnst Israel, mtarmad said today.
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    • 185 2 Argentina: Rebel planes buzz Government House From p afa On* take matters Into their own bands, sweeping away rmngiess and the political parties In a fullscale coup. The military handed power back to civilians less than three years ago. At least four air fores garrisons In the capital and other
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 191 2 U.S. TO FLY REMAINS OF THREE Gls FROM HANOI BANGKOK. Sat. -The Ml remains of three American servicemen killed during the Vietnam war will be flown to Bangkok from Hanoi tomorrow, a United Nations spokesman said today. The remains would be accompanied by four members of the US House of
      AP; UPI  -  191 words
    • 57 2 WABHHtOTOff. Sat A OB luMnianant narcotics asset was HIM aariy yeskarday aitar ha and another agont airaatad two man on aareoOca charpaa in Ouam. the Drug Buorcenent AdmtnlatnUan aaid Special agent Larry Wallace, n. dtad at the Ouam naval noapttal of a bullet wound In Urn back
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    • 54 2 TOKYO. Sat Tan ■Moths after a devastating aartbquake )ottad two oounOaa m oortta-aast China. tlhasVtwka* _gm_ I I BalMtMta MawaM t^Bwunaj oiBOSU ni awajw has baao ni—pWafl aad resard hiiTssas elakasd la the ana. An eartbsaaka of 14 saagajsaes Ob *»»t Blchasr aaaw kst Ttegkew aad
      AP  -  54 words
    • 30 2 DnBS— III.W. Sat A aasas) SJBjIitH today la a jinsaisutal atraat ban. mhvaag a pnsniim and dasaagwis; two patrol oara and ahattartof wfidews aad stawM hMßpa. pobea aald.
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    • 21 2 BamUATBC Bat A voleanle aruptton today rtppad open a "n-lim la Dortharo Iceland, spewing oat asaoaa, ctndara aad lava.
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    • 129 2 Divorcee who kUled her babies BUDAPEST, Sat. A schoolteacher has been found r «llty of killing her fear babies born of extramarital affair* fo lowing divorce from her hut band aad was sentenced by a provincial court to IS years in prison. The court at Miskolc in northern Hnnrarr yesterday
      AP  -  129 words
    • 33 2 LOMnoar nimiif'*'* aeesjsa■aiMMfcawr Osaoa aew *y** deed has tee itirr shews, it uwreiere eppesea a »«aa aUewiag I—i Tff^ffSulfLilf sheas aad eesasserstal •stanis* meats to the airily eea^stsd rwiell teade.-aW.ter
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    • 354 2 'Pledge by Holland ended siege at consulate' AMSTERDAM Sat A .Tl guarded Dutch pro ndse to discuss the grievances of militant lioluc eana in the Netherlands secured the surrender of young lioluccan terro rUU holding 25 hostages In the Indonealan consu late, a leader of thetr txlle community Mid today
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  354 words
    • 362 3 Opec bid to avoid oil price battle VIENNA, Saturday QIL EXPORTING nations sought agreement today to control price dis counts that have marginally lowered the cost of some types of petroleum. Senior ministers of the 13-natlon Organisation of Petroleum Expert in* Countries (Opcc) said tuev iiODed a mjiutlan rould be
      Reuter; UPI  -  362 words
    • 64 3 TOKYO. Sat Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Oromyko will fly to Ttofcyo on Jan. to roaiims »«iV« on a Japan-Sonet peace treaty, the Foreign Ministry ■aid today The ministry said details of Urn vMt have not been fixed but Mr. Oromyko would probably stay In Japan tor about
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    • 22 3 PARIS. Sat Mr. Rene Uahcu. TO, who served a* director-general of Uneaco from IMS to 1971 died yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 69 3 A TEARFUL bat elated Wendy Hoshlmura, SI, newspaper heiress Pat rlcla Hearst's room-mate before her arrest, brushes back her hair as she reads a statement to newsmen alter her release from SanU Rita Rehabilitation Cent*; in California on Friday. Wendy, who was released on US$25,--000
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 129 3 'MRS EXNER MET KENNEDY THROUGH SINATRA' LOS ANOELEB, Sat. Singer Prank Sinatra was the unidentified "mutual friend" who Introduced mystery woman Judith Campbell Kxner to President Kennedy and Mafia leader Sam Olancana In i960 the Los Angeles Times said yesterday. The Times said It had learned this from testimony given
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 58 3 HAMBI RG. Sat. Three ships yesterday collided in heavy fog on the Elbe River, bat aU U crew members escaped freea twe of the sinking vessels. Police said the West German barge, Uwe. and the 1.123-ton Hasawwg motor shia. Wledaa. sank after being Involved In a collision with
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    • 207 3 Doctors' strike claims another life LONDON. Sat. The death of a man refused emergency treatment at a hospital was blamed yesterday on a strike by British doctors. It was the second death alleged to have been caused by the dispute Involving Junior hospiiai doctors. The doctors have drastically cut their
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 72 3 LOHDOK. Sat-*>oUand Yard detectives have recovered some of PrißM Minister Harold WUton'i ptraonal documeoU (token m eight burglaries over Urn Ja*t decode, police aaid yesterday. The papers were banded Is senior detectives by a mystery man in a London bar earber this week, s Yard sjofHSMan amid.
      AP  -  72 words
    • 63 3 TQKTO. Sat Morth Vietnam and tbe Soviet Union hay» signed a new flve year tgiaien> under which Momow win give Hanoi economic and tecbnteal aid to build induftrtal enterprwM sad other projeote from in* to 1»SO. Urn Vietnam newt agency reported, today. The agency. In
      AP  -  63 words
    • 29 3 NOUAKCHOTT. Sat Tlm Msmttoirtan Army took over the town of La Over* in Urn aaata of U» Western Sahara yesterday. Urn National Dally Chart said today. »oaaw.
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    • 227 3 New Cabinet in Seoul: No big policy changes SEOUL, Saturday COUTH Korea's new Cabinet, headed by acting Premier Choi Kyu-Ha, formally Installed Itself today amid predictions from political experts that there will be no major changes In government Dolicles. Mr. Choi officially took over the Premier's office no .1 mi.
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    • 51 3 BRUSSELS Sat Quern PSMola of Belgium was released from hospital yesterday and returned to Urn Royal Palao* following abdominal surgery II days ago. a Royal household apotr— man announced. The queen was admitted at 8t John* Clime on Dec. 7 for Urn removal of her gall bladder.
      AP  -  51 words
    • 30 3 vomxm. w «r vii Dweu. chairmen tad chief eateottT* of Mo Tlato-Ztnc. Urn ftant nutate tnduatry corporation, died jiwdaj. He ni IrVilni knlfbud k) IMS. Ileutar.
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    • 97 3 BaWOBO (Eactaad). ■At A Mm »M Mttea by 7«-kf Great Dim yeetwaiy, ■Uaatea after he had ■aanel law We. Jadfe B»kert Lrmkary •aaaheel a lewe* c«tvt er*er tkat the ••ff to twtwH f«r two toys aad a i«at. After the toartec this eeatral BnfUad town,
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 255 3 Move to sell IMF gold to help poor nations PARIS. Sat Western i finance ministers took action yesterday that Is expected to lead to the sale of International Monetary Pond ■old beginning next February for toe benefit of poor nations. The anticipated profits from the sale, estimated at mot* than
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 jm airerrrant of sound intensity and gain and •li*^^»*«| jfl rcuitry d& ai? 1 V aasure vvtiich helps you determine tha quality of a stereo «M»vXA .1 R/ "ceiw.UM Pioneers SX- or instance. All its decibel r-:ings V^L (Bssswsv^ iJD< Hcatiom Ik oluteiy beautiful. Stop in and j| five you
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 THE NEW t "color portables -.'PORT FROM W GERMANY B eaa^B^flP^Ll^pSV COLOR 1400 14" (3ocm) m the compre*en*ive polette o\ NORMENOE colour •<rtq cote o* the "big one*" with 8 tetectronic key* illvjr^inotexl figure indicotor* with the ■egulotor* for individuol control O* picture on<J cabinet COLOR I 400 represent* o
      136 words
    • 422 3 Il^S k>e*^>^*>fa>eMeHL^LttLfl.B>eS m aDAUTY FOODS-FRIENDLY SERVICE. I t»j^^.»^*iW»liWt3WeiiWKeWei^ieijPWWji BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Our stocks of specially imported Christmas items are fast running out. Have you bought or ordered yours yet? Turkey Chocolates Hams Biscuits Plum Puddings Snacks Fruit Cakes Nuts Mincemeat Drinks.etc. Hurry/ J {chicken drumsticks lfl c«l j US.
      422 words

  • 93 4 tirkEN the series Tf Emergency ends Its season In a week's time, it will he replaced by Medical Story The ftrat episode will he shown la the World Prcasier Feature slat on Friday on Channel S at 945 p.m in eoJoar. This la about
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  • 380 4 MANY aparklinf 1T1 showi have been preewleni in RTS's Christmas mtM>hring for television viewen during: the featlve season. It starts aa Christmas Eve (Wednesday) with a caaaedy. Ttve Weeks In A Bsileen." with fanny man led Battons. Fabian and Barbara Eden, who take aa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 358 4 pj^ L^^ a^a^a^a^ _^N Big66cm.(2tr)ColourTV FREE* in your home for/days. GEC's Rent or Own Plan puts refunded if you decide to rent or an imported 66cm (26") colour buy All sets backed by an ax part TV (Table Model or Console) in GEC service craw. For full details your home
      358 words
    • 386 4 f iffEST GERM G*fc^FIGHTER 1S| M MMA IMs'lt* OMMm 1 wM Va^^aaaw*^^* «Js» CM CAsPU 1 ■^^*7^^*- J WSINFECTArSTT <^jl y I— A GB^MrCDE c 2^Jis|% DEODORIZER ffnt STAIN REMOVER ?^*C- Wsl PVROX is perfectly safe. It 1 > «*»eiaij« l .J^ mm m*m__ Lm^j^i contains no caustic soda, lime.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1756 4 Jd f I highlights fl BY BAILYNE SUNG I* Randolph Scott tht novelist, ittn Oeral |WVItE*E*EjBBJB|Ba and David Brian. On Ch. dine Pan and Connie TlJl] 5 at 10.36 pjn. Melrln. On Ch Sat m WEDNESDAY- I" 1 «**""> TOMOUOW: wsmwwbwm. THJg WDK^ c^ WEATHER, the most CANNON Investigate* Burnett
      1,756 words

  • 198 5 Anti-union attitude must stop, Moscow Bank warned r: Singapore Bank Kmployees' In lon yesterday warned that If the Moerow Narodny Bank continued with It* alleged antl union attitude it would refrr the matter to the Industrial Affairs ouncll of the NTTC for appropriate action. In a statement. Its general secretary,
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  • 30 5 THX Strait* tin price In Penang yesterday shed $1 to close the week at ISM per pirul on an official offering down IS tons to SIS tons.
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  • 27 5 THE Stcdfast Club. Singapore •■ill hold a Christmas dinner and dance at the Ooodwood Park Hotel's Carl- ton H*U on Tuesday For UckrU. telephone 3»7M
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  • 455 5 Concern over brain drain in papers gINGAPORE journalists are unhappy in their jobs, their morale is low and there is no job satisfaction, according to the secretary general of the Singapore National Union of Journalists, Mr. Chang Hin Chong, yesterday. In addition, the brain drain In the Industry wai also
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  • 644 5 Don't be manipulated by outside forces, newsmen told Seven Ft for good Journalism THE Minister of A State (Foreign Affairs), Mr. Lee Khoon Choy, said yesterday it was vital for journalists to have integrity as events had shown that they were important targets for manipulation by outside forces for subversion.
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  • 95 5 DOUCE have arrested X man who Is believed to have been Involved In a series of snatch thefts In the Queenstown area. Acting on a tip-off last Sunday, a party of detectives from the Cir>s Chinese Investigations Branch raided a nightclub in Orchard Road and
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  • 332 5 SILO to open its child care centre on Jan. 1 •"THE first child rare centre to be «t up •■•V a trade union here to help wotUrt mothers continue their career, will ooen Its dorrs on Jan 1 In Beng Wan Read, off Brrangocn Ro?d "Their cr lldren *U1 btaken
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 \M ■■■gißr^^^gl I >- gwHY*a^\i^L^Biß*w^Ba! BaW H ft? 'iiSA kJJ!S —^s^B L*aW LatsV «^b^b^b*bW. HgaaW. -w^g^^^^ wVff*l m .^ga^gaTaT-I^^^^s ■^■^■■■^•w ■■B^tssai^ .^sMVa^ak. j^^
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    • 175 5 Wehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of Lombard North Ontral goes back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an im portant name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money
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  • 170 6 11/ITM thaat coalTT Mack. ■nblinkini eyes »nd that ctarmbto, China-doll lace, one eaald hardly blaate Saturday oaarnIng Wrgaio-hwitera at the Victoria Meaaorial HaU If they mistook f aew year old Adeline Poon far a cuddly toy Even the new teddybear that Mommy had
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  • 472 6 Ong: S'pore is 'supermarket' to Asia's oil explorers SINGAPORE" has become a key logistics, supply and service centre for oil exploration in Asia without being a producer country by playing just one special role as a regional "supermarket" for specialised equipment and servias for oil exploration. Furthermore. Singapore's domestic consump
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  • 191 6 Training plan for young Asian workers A VOCATIONAL training centre (or young workers In Asia is to be set up In Sri Lanka by the youth committee of the Inter national Con c d eratlon of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). The centre, to train young unemployed trade union workers In
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  • 155 6 ■.TKVVER people In Bin•T gapore are buying Christmas cards this year, according to dealers. A spokesman for the Par East Trading Company described this year's sale of cards as "the most disappointing since 1971" when the firm took on new card agencies. A
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  • 231 6 $25,000 dud cheques man gets 20 months A BUSINESSMAN wu Jailed for 20 months In a Maps trate's Court yesterday for cheating two firms by using dud cheques to pay on? 00 18 wort $25,378 he had ordered from them. Low Tlang Lim. j« was faund guilty on two charges
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  • 72 6 SAF Military exercises from tomorrow rX Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises in the 1 olio wing 'areas from tomotcew. Urn Chu Kang Chua Che. Kang: From am to saMnlght dally tomorrow. Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday MarslUng Prom am to midnight dally from tomorrow until Wednesday kiandal Prom 1
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  • 95 6 VENTURE scouts and senior rangers of Rattles Institution have opted for a modern approach to scouting with their five day "mini Jamboree." Modscout "75. that begins today at the United World College or Southeast Asia. Slng a do re Bocae 100 ecouts and rangers from
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  • 48 6 CHUNO Hua Watt M was yesterday charged in a mafUtrmte't court with the murder of another man. Urn Hong Kal. In the corridor of Block 11. ChaJ Chee Avenue, on Friday at 10 15 pm He ni remanded at Central poUce station for one week.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 itt the moat luxurious bowling centre tft a paradise for bowler* sssssssssmla»^ssißaaaaaaaaaaaaa^aiass»asssssssssis» a^^swaßSjjasj fgssjsslalWeaTwa^BWaaM IS BBk^**S^ 1 10^^^^' to asw^^ T»p/x#lle Cetifre 7th.tu**r *J j±j*X^ 200 Jalan Sultan. Singapore 7. Tel: *****21/2 a^P^^^^wT^^ r- d|^^^§ o TiTONi mttm 1199 R#f ll j |ySSL| I ENROL for WOLSEY HALTS PROFESSK>f4AL,BUSINESS STUDIES
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    • 67 6 A PET FOR X'MAS PREVENT CRIME c aw iowm. uiw m t JXI Itj IL_ tm»n IT rom sals Bl*r> CVCttf Ililmi: II Sh*ph«r4i [lofeffMinm Dthmuntt OKMM«i(tMt« Peatftouirs irmnundi Old Cnflith Bh««p49(' Dobrrmann Afghan Hound Orrat Danes' iuwii Hound Peklnaam/ Bull Trr .Sheprtrrds Dalmatian MKVICIS K»nn».iu.( boa •»rvir*t d»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 447 7 ■H Tt «Bk Jg "^"^"^^^^^^P^^^^B A J^- ikW k^^k t_* J^k^kr I^BT A s^r^k^ *^Mjjl i^^j BL^y t^* GLACE AHLSEBROOEE BISCUITS XTiAS DECORATIONS r^c; r*** FRUITS ALASEA/MAGNUS .lakematheson &so #FOILWU -our garland >*» I •ASSORTED FRUITS GLA 660 -REDROSES S!SSr I S "^KM H •RAHNS&ALMONDSag^J* 5*20 -KITTEN «"^l»0 Mdl
      447 words

  • 422 9 A SINGAPORE economist has proposed three basic steps to promote lntra-Asean co-operation as a prelude to the formation of an Asean common market. In a paper on Slnga- pore and Asean Bcono- operation whlc?he presented on Friday at a reflM nal conference at
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  • 20 9 THE Tanglln community centre i (octal dance group neld a buffet and dance >t the centre last night.
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  • 183 9 OOI.ICE are appealing F to the next-of-kln of a man who was found dead with a rock tied tc his neck In the sea off Clifford Pier on Wednesday night, to contact them. The Chinese man. whe has not yet been Identified, was described a» about
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  • 155 9 XTUKHTIAB Singh. 45. pleaded set gallty In a magistrate's cw«rt yesterday U a charge ef aaaklwg a false report that he had eeea attacked by a man whe eat off one ef his fingers at a wedding party. He Is alleged te have te
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  • 116 9 DETECTIVES GRAFT TRIAL PUT OFF rtX corruption case against two detectives from the Queenstown police station, was yesterday postponed to Jan. I In a district court to al ow a third man connected with the charge to engage counsel. The man, Lao Slew Kool alias Peter, la accused of abetting
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  • 37 9 TH« Water Department will be laying t 700 mm diameter wafmmalii along Keppel Road (from Cantonment Road to Kaaapong Bahru Road) from aia—miia aaotortau are adviaad to avoid thaa» areas while wort la Ist progress.
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  • 448 9 THE new milliondo 1 1 a r International Co-opera-tive Trading Organisation (ICTO) set up by co-opera ti v c societies in eight e.oantries including those in Asean, has got off to a flying start. Since It went into operation five months ago. It
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  • 282 9 Parents who shirk their duty warned DARENTS who shirk their responsibility 1 of parental care while their children are young and willing to accept guidance will face a generation gap later, warns an MP. The MP for Crawford. Mr. Ang Kok Peng, told parents at the Crawford PAP branch kindergarten
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  • 93 9 Proprietor foils robbery bid AN electrical shop proprietor received head Injuries when he and his brother foiled a robbery attempt by two men, one armed with a gun, outside their shop at People's Park Centre last night. Mr. Wong Tal Kwong. 39. of Foon Loong Electric and Radio Corporation, was
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  • 47 9 TH» nrat print of the ■ATA donation draw 1»7» held yeemday for > POflß voochar for 1 10.000 waa ticket number IMIM Saeond prlae waa XXckH number 11MS0 tor a Leonard Ftoodarama refrimrator. and third dtlxm wu ticket number 1071*7 for a Kawaaaki SOOcc motor-cycle
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  • 30 9 THK central adult atcttoa and the younf peoples neuoo of the NaUooft Library jointly ortaniMd "hrtsUna* variety Show at the Mbrary't lecture hall la Stanriord Hoa4 yesterday evening.
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  • 27 9 an«IOR aOnletar A Butt (National Development) Or T»n lag Liang will apeak to Singapore Jajroeea at the TNptcana Nlte Club today at 7 30 pjß
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  • 266 9 Plan to start a reptile house at zoo rB Singapore Zoological Oardens plant to start a new reptUc house, possibly In the later part of next year. In IU second attempt to put snakes and llsards on public display. .The aoo's present small mammal house used to be the reptile
    266 words
  • 112 9 QOMK IM$ •yecteeiu O ef a«tt«rfllea, Motbi and etker bMecta tnm afa«n*«. the PhllrpPinee, Soajtk America, Africa, mm* Aaatraiia »UI be an dtonUj at an ineecUrlmia ea ■eeiteae,. TW czhlaltlen. wUek to new e»ea te Ike wkHe far ene and < 9.ML daily, la ■aHiTtd te
    112 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 181 9 I Bea Qualified V Hairstylist. n\ Obtain an international diplorr^a by joining cither /our part-time or full-time comprehensive course. Learn >v the internationally renowned Pivot Point System as taught in over 400 schools all over America and Europe and from the I only approved franchised school in Singapore. Upon V
      181 words
    • 651 9 THIS i IS THE I f MUSCLE 1[?-> BUILDER gL W JUST FIVE MINUTES A DAY AT HOME YOU CAN *BUILD BROADfcR SHOULDERS Bill I) DEfcPER CHtST*BUILD STEEL- UKI ARMS* BiII!) A VICtLIKE GRIP -N- BUI 1.0 PO\M RIH ll< ,s MiA**W*M The revolutionary new Bulluorker Ike moM jrßCQ||rn^"V_ startling
      651 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 124 10 SONY CONGRATULATIONS! The WINNERS of the SONY Carry On Grabbing Competition WON a total of $}>t3o 9 000«00 in goods at Yaohan Super market Yesterday. MiV H H It t r^H The 2nd Sony "Carry On Grabbing" Competition will be held at Yaohan on 24th January 1976. n ■TH^fl T
      124 words

    • 219 11 'Set up unit to help bumis in business' KUALA LUMPUR. Sat The deputy governor of Bank Negara Datuk Arshad Avub called on the bumlputra community today to set up a special advisory and 'atlon unit for bumlputra businessmen. "This unit could help members to draw up viable projects, prepare working
      219 words
    • 66 11 PENANO. Sat Thailand and Malaysia today ngned here a progreas map ahowlni boundary pillar* and markers act up In area* alone their common land border A communique lamed at the end of two-day meeting of the aecond Joint MalaysiaThailand land boundary commuter said further rnapa would be
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 51 11 KUALA LUMPUR. S»t ivi ttdvtacd tmxi driven who arc robbed by their paaaengen' to report Immediately *.o police The city CIO Chief. Supt M Balasundram. said "Speed v very Important In detaining Urn robber*, m they would not have had time to move away from the
      51 words
    • 106 11 GET OUT OF SARAWAK' ORDER FOR DOCTOR K'UCHWG, Sat. The k. state Geveraanent has erdered a sealer medical efflecr ef the Sarawak Shell CeeaPany to leave tbe Immediately for allegedly trying to Involve himself In local polities. It was annmuieed here today. The Chief Minister. Date* AMal Rahman Ya'akek. said
      106 words
    • 99 11 Dzulkifli to resign at senator KOTA KINABALU. Hat. The Sabah State Finance Minister. Data Diulklfll Abdul Hamid. will resign as senator from Jan. 1 to devote full time to state affairs. It was announced here today. Datuk Ctaulkini said he was also giving up the senator 1 post, to which
      99 words
    • 75 11 Kedah woman sues Govt ALOR STAR. Sat. A housewife. *atlmah blnte Salleh. has filed a suit against tne Kedah State Government s—Hng a declaration that she was lawfully entitled to occupy a bouse on a piece of land adjoining the Pasta site In Jalan Kanctiut ban. FaUasah. 43. represented by
      75 words
    • 471 11 K. LUMPUR. Sat »pHE Acting Prime Minister, Datuk Husst'in Onn, told public servants today to be patient over the Ibrahim Ali Salaries Commission Report which is being studied 1 v the (iovernment and the unions. 'The Government has to wait fc r the
      471 words
    • 230 11 Hotel Mirama In KL closes: 140 lose jobs KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. —The Hotel Mlrama In Jalan Birch closed down today. Ouests occupying about 80 of the rooms checked out following the an- nouncement by the hotel management this morning About 140 workers had their services terminated They received letters which
      230 words
    • 85 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat The Communication* Minuter. Tan Brt V. Mtnlcki vasatam. has called for a full Investigation by the Malayan Railway authorities Into the Oemu train crash Twenty -nine people were Injured when a goods train crashed Into a stationary passenger train yesterday "I understand from
      85 words
    • 658 11 Trust the Govt on new security laws' plea by Kadir KUALA LUMPUR, Set ¥AW MINISTER and Attorney-Oeneral v Tan Sri Abdul Kadlr Yusof has reassured Parliament that the Essential (Security Cases) Regulations were temporary measures to meet the present security situation and called on the people to trust the Government
      658 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 404 11 SAISJDOZ tells time in the thinnest way possible f N 1 <ig»sfr m IsymaWsalH fwl>l-r\ \gft TUN RAZAK HOW ILL IS HE? 'kn mgMMsJg* MAS PROFIT PROBLEMS bJhHbW~\i bv^|EL ha par latest n the M^i^T^ s CRISIS M^M MALAYSIA LAW CHANGES IkgjMjC I CHINA'S ROLLS ROVCE DEAL fj SINGAPORE PAINTER
      404 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 687 12 dtl I -aaV iß7r m m\ m^mJ m aa\ afl f I m bm T*^ IbW\ •mL BW I a. m m i^m¥^\'^m\ —^v m I U m ajfM r\\ bK MiK'BMiiii' "^t a. Ay _^^a^^BH b a«y __^^Baaßi WB rYnPPI lllOinlDßn J l^l^lU .faM Advance Eiitfne^ng for Better Economy.
      687 words

  • 622 13  -  ALAN COCHRANE By L-ifoi DON'T name her, DON'T quiz her, says rape charter DRYING questions in court 1 about a rape victim's previous sexual experience are a relic of Victorian days and must be stopped, says ope of Britain's leading woman Judges. Mrs. Justice (Rose) Heilbron
    622 words
  • 547 13  -  ADELLA LITHMAN r-By 1 RAPE victim's i of being pilloried in court 1 1. is been eased by the Heilbron inquiry findings wjiich recommend that she should not tied or quizlui previous ife. But the concession has boosted the growing male fears
    547 words
  • 164 13 When lawyers turn defence into vicious attack... As* COIBT reportgf in Britain will bear witness to the suffering innocent women ba>e been forced to endure at rape often subject rd to vicious cross- > xjmi^tion by drJrnrr counsel. The proposal that ns should remain •inonymous and not be compelled to
    164 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 13 'riend's not here in five minutes I'm afraid we might have to carry on without him!"
    19 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 529 13 secretaries conze front wbl f£l/^ Yes. With us you have s Ma^tl betta* chance to become XV tm^^^ a Successful Secretary I X M At ISC you not only covsc the LC.C.I. kg^gfl X \m SyMsbus for Secrstarte*. You will receive I gt» training In a variety ol professional TT^^^
      529 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 496 14 VHE story of the growing drug menace in Singapore in recent years does not make pleasant reading. Drug abuse has b-t-n a problem with us for some years now but it was only lately that it has got worse and at an alarming rate. It was,
      496 words
  • 1282 14  -  R. CHANDRAN CONCLUDING A THREE-PART SERIES ON RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN BRITAIN By rUOS In Singapore and Malaysia would have laughed at the bun g 1 Ing In the KnighUbridge robbery attempt by a group of West Indlans led by a Nigerian. Armed with
    1,282 words
  • The WORLD
    • 951 14 Ni Vr R In recent memory has theie been such a paralysis, a sense of dullness. In Japanese politics which are never noted for fast-paced action and excitement anyway. Since Prime Minister Takeo Mikl took office a year ago, no significant legislation has rmrrgrd from Psrliamrnt.
      OFNS  -  951 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 30 14 A SEIKO M B-l mQjjLELKtZ M DRESS WATCH ff^ x«j»v the dress > s s V watch you jr can wear Mm anywhere K. ml \|o SEIKO V tadrton 4 lecnnology
      30 words
    • 452 14 ELMD MAKES GOOD MOVIES EASY an H aW^ma Br elmo •jj^^^^^^aaal H| PROJCCTOR f All your cmc film Mill look b gMf if>»-i» am ih* Elmo SP f SM The Elmo SP -F SM h« < you need m a one proiecto' Toom lent S» motion sum and reverie protection
      452 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 56 14 A^UUO TO*O > "»S-lt*A»V XZ2£ A l.'««l MAO A Atu. (KMUrc I C c l> > V^^ «M#M V rom. A Sm«omi SVa mmmti J *jS aKfl PeuTTr luurußit <^ jr /f\M^^^) S rr^ o«TTi*a» /^i>T\ S* -/C9/Tvk II <woaMC »«»,eu 1 hmc, l^ QISXJjLAm /^«iw 'TS**^ f~\ ••JO HtU
      56 words

  • Timescope
    • Article, Illustration
      1926 15 FIRST OF A FIVE-PART SERIES THE COMPRESSED-AIR cannon spits with all the flre of a dragon. The steel sphere, about the size of a shotput, hurtles out on to the curved wooden track at 192 kilometres an hour and begins to descend gradually into the gigantic bowl like a
      1,926 words
    • 562 15 The pro-travellers who know all the tricks Ah Q he say... ri jMwtiini toads*. nity In thr ultimate in crowd. I refer to tboac who travel aa a was of We, rither In pink cloud of eternal pleasare. or for business rrasoos. Ihrj ha\r their own jargon, their own tricks
      562 words
    • 2058 16  -  MICHAEL LIM 1 I FI H f.fidl SOMEWHERE, lnterspersed among my daydreams about driving a Lamborghini, piloting my own luxury yacht, and living In a hilltop mansionette. Is owning the perfect sound system. That last daydream Is. for me. the closest one to reality and comes
      2,058 words
    • 907 17  -  SRI DELIMA By \corner7 "TVATTNO" —In my *J teenage days a new and slightly naughty borrowing from the West is now almost a local institution. Or so I gather from my ex -students and from Nina and gang. Sure, they tell me. there
      907 words
    • 363 17  -  JEFFREY LOW [records] frecords! rK LESLIE WEST BAND <rh»Dt«»>. Leslie West, former cor-ner-atone of the electrifying Mountain. has formed more or less a permanent band now. He has probably realised the need to work with a group. After all, what's the use of being a good
      363 words
    • 285 17  -  LONDON b MM to I ttafttaa* *K a 1 aMTw la^aß^aaßßßßj tMaaaj Caiailiii thapplac Maaaa far taa ate spaad«r* af tha warfct aaaav t%f WaaMaffal «9#fa%# f 1^94b8 Sal far away aa Jaaan and AaMrfaa tkaaka to taa iahiilhii vataa af the paaad. Many ate d*partanatal atora* ara
      285 words
    • 319 18  - Make your own festive decorations wong lai wah »y vANrry FAIR F needn't take a bauble-laden tree to brtaf a festive air to your home. Try something; else for novelty's sake. It's fun and easy to make and much cheaper too. Mrs. Pamela Lee, executive housekeeper of Mandarin Hotel who
      319 words
    • 939 18  - Can you bring the romance marriage? KATHERINE HILL Quiz by rS a sad fact of life that most marriages, from time to time, go stale. The partners may still love each other, but the excitement, the romance the adrentare of marriage aeem to vanish. There's no problem If the partners
      939 words
    • 1275 19  -  LEUNG THONG PING •y A FIRST HAND LOOK AT THE PROBLEMS OF A YOUNG MOTHER HOW doag a baby change one's Ufa? How shall I begin? He U three months, old now, and no longer scream* like he used to. He cries leas, gmfles more and l*
      1,275 words
    • 926 19  - AN X'MAS GUIDE ON TOYS TO BUY CHILDREN SARA LAMBERT By Laadon rYS and Christmas go together, but it is not just a question of buying any old thing, or the most expensive thing. Toys are Important, and a great deal of research has now been undertaken Into their role
      926 words
    • 303 19 LONDON: Britons are ameag the worlds wrst-iiassil aasn. ae•Mwsag to the Ctothfeng laanufastsMsrs' Federattoa ef Britain. In fact, they are sartorial stoaa. It says. The* average male Brttawsfa. TIM I9)4sWa\tamvfl naißliani to a recent m a*assa4mwx« aa>dm*.w« a\ ffaMßaMsS ivvMBJ, wBl n a dirty laehat,
      303 words
    • 417 20  -  ROGER YUE By f\ON Diego De La v Vega, alias Zorro, It a screen character whose daring exploits behind a black mask have fired the Imagination of ftlmgoers since the days of the silent screen. Douglas Fatrbanks Sr. famous
      417 words
    • 530 20  -  WALTER SEOW at the CINEMA By D ORN Innocent (opening this week at the Plaza) dealt with a universal problem children who run away from home. Iff an old story retold, with do new twiati for our delectation. Linda Blair, the
      530 words
    • 339 20  -  BAILYNE SUNG By WANG II and George La ten by. stars of the Maa From Hongkong, oortataty saw better days and more action as the One armed Swordsman aad the one-shot James Bond (Oa Her Majesty's Secret Service) rooaecUvely. In The Maa they
      339 words
    • 3210 21  - A twig snaps in the college garden and a man dies JAMES MITCHELL By "YOU know about soldiers, don't you? 1 Models. I mean," said Hunter. "I make them," said Callan "How about battles?" Hunter asked. "War garnet Yeah I've fought a few." "That may not be enough. What I
      3,210 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 137 15 SUPREME SUPERMARKET f!X'MAS-# j£ OFFERS «pr Free gifts for children <** balloons, toys, sweets, lollipops, biscuits. Free Super X'mas Hampers, delivered free within Singapore to lucky patrons. Fantastic range of X'mas gifts and goodies. Free parking for Ist hour against purchases above $10/- anytime; after 5 p.m. daily; for whole
      137 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 350 16 )L *m Wi^^l J I 1 is^tX^^^^Ziasas^is^is^L^l »^ifS Y^| Two really professional portables Aiwa's TPR-930 and TPR-900. Both possess the sophisticated Matrix sound stereo system which synthesizes and separates sound, giving a truly dynamic stereo effect. TPR-930 TPR-900 Features Features *MS dynamic stereo separation sound stereo system from integral 4-
      350 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 300 17 3754)00 I EXAM SUCCESSES r^.~ Wanaw ran «ii nmt •raaKUea i* aaMSaj \mm roar n x*. t tm* mm im 1f m ■■riaiT (im^o» mtmmtmt c f^ <r rf ■tub uluui. tan fnm UhTk th» laMiaajaaO •horua rant tc jxxu foal A (mi, wK»i» UaaaSMMh mmbAl «rvtn fcnaai Maan Kama
      300 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 874 17 THIS U a good IF YOU are making TOO WILL take on PLANS FOR Chrtstweek for reconcilla- r>i«n. for th* hr>iM»»« extra responsibUltles mas might be chanced Uons Make Christ- *>•»■«* tne holidays, w ou mat the excuse for *ee tnat you Include ana that you an renew an old
      874 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 906 18 Innoxa can shampoo your skin problems away. Katpma your stun dsan n a ptohlsm. Particulartv wm city whaft wtt dwt. y ime and f«*Mt ck>9 tht porst on your fan and nsck causing MacfchMSta. tent and un«tfhlly btamiihti You rwsd a lot mot* than toap and wittf to dean away
      906 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 219 19 Girl or Boy vM Two is enough FAMILY PUUwNiIG/STERK.ISATION INFORMATION SERVICE /V\ telephone *****1 or go to your I -41. 1 nearest Maternal and Child Health/ I (iff I Family Planning Clinic >«_• j BSD Jpla»jfc OB ■r^ k k c '^^B **J BEE CHUI HIM NEW BRANCH AT WOODLANDS
      219 words
    • 66 19 CAMERON HIGHLANDS MALAYSIA J Fosters Smokehouse •s 5000 ft above sea J level and kaaps a f ina jl table and a high E\ standard of Country WA House Hotel keeping VI I,^ If you are a discerning M y visitor to the highlands in search of cool. M "V"
      66 words
    • 356 19 W y/aaW /^^H| gggggW "*V M_ a^Lm a^gggV S for the top at I y jtj Secretarius ma*V Leaving school? Thinking of a career? If your English it good and you're prepared to work hard a secretarial carer is now among the most attractive jobs available today. Make a success
      356 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 619 20 l BB^BW^lß^'^^^Bf^^HPa'^Baß B^Laf *ft f^W B^^V^BB^bl VBB^^— •JOPENS TODAY! 2 Shows PaHy: 7 00 4 t.3o««w; |l *TT-. dßflataaVV Tl \ii aa 1 M HiVli l*' llFailß 5 •"■•^■ißj I VP -^L™"" NOW SHOWING •I *m* m mjL TrOHli laaW > KONC CHIAN ADMISSION MIICI: SJ, U. 91. > m^..
      619 words
    • 160 20 ■fJI» 5.43» SkY I Sii IEX-ttXY-rtESIKOT I LIN Tifaj 8.45 ii i TCMfiHT 5.45 1 S.lspi (MANDARIN VERSION) OcLB TRA Jfl I?? 1 S TAMU4 NISOV T4.W SMU SIREVS t I ENGLISH VERSION NOW SHOWING AT I CAPITOL J 5 Show% 11. 1 45. 4. 6 45, 930 No Frw
      160 words
    • 575 20 |j* aKai 9SSSS&9 a l f dfJW-IlllTUT I LAST t )HO*' School Ch,i*» C«nc«H«< tl 00 or* «ao« a* a* vN>w» HIIMTJI TV. GO*. DIN VQtCtD O»H Bi vij 8 4Stirr- Marnang SHo» 2 1 TdNtGHT at 6 4)1 »15 Tonnr T omora OaOt*n J CUO9ATS.A JONIS 1 TMI CASIMO
      575 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 382 21 CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT J DEC. 21 Special X'mas Buffet Lunch i^7 W^ (12 noon to 3 pm). Adults 111. r s^i H. Children $8. until Dec. 31 I If^H Cf\ii/1 C exoept for Dec 25 if 1/ Ljfff IM*3 .^gf DEC. 24 Gala Xmas Dinner Dance t /^T .^ggl (Bpm to
      382 words
    • 568 21 The American International Assurance Co. Ltd. (Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance of Hongkong) Proudly Announce the Qualifying Members of the 1975 Million Dollar Round Table IB fi m million I I I DOLLAR 1 tgggflA aafl Grace Chia Lawrence Cheng f ROUND 1 1 TABLE J Benny Ong Eng Ah
      568 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 82 22 v^SBE «M touch this rTyXH 1 uChristmasu 1 JH| vJTIB, ...with gifts from JIAuLJ 1 l/n \l L I ITJI 1^ Vn v I U Royal Craft s gifts give an air of regal excellenoe to any occaaton. With distinctive craftsmanship in every Kern. From Musical Decanters to Candy Jars
      82 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 231 22 THE BBN LOSEH T^^^^" c^^^^T"l *>fe*EAT TT 7l RtAD -v I j 7\U*MTA KNOW MWA >v V^MCMfc BC^L^ QCAH ?y VTjjEeoOlC^ (SEAH^) OUT*/ (IOU v# W^^y tx/jS^Tj I'M BACK FROM THE *7 /7 l/FFinri/T^fl/T I ITV PLAYGROuND H I GUESS AUNT PRiTZI f WOW LOOK AT MORE OH BOY y
      231 words
    • 270 22 MOOCSTY HPU3- iH B^" 't? IB /^STo»y okto^ r > \/S^ fc PS fWBBi /sn«u nOtV_- tj f J^Saß^Sß^^Bvli MCFI«*VtA««MrM Jn" .4 |wa w i UMy^^ Mtf M^^~^^^Bal BBr ■K^^Ar FSBh Bl V OLJU4V yT^ Ml S^Rl*^^^" WBAJP^^J^ e^fliAM^ v .x^Cj W^^^^BM Ba^^^ V J-»^ s=Jf U— TUaaß^^P^^^^ /AMP MftUfT
      270 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 286 23 I 24th SCALE I SUPERKITS' I To build on Airtix 24th Scale "Superkit" is to experience the exI citement of discovering o weoth of I detoil ond reotivn that every teriout modeller teekt A 24th Seal* "SuperI kit" 11 more thon a model it n o I true replica of
      286 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 180 23 kVir B^^ -w*»]rV -"ROM *^dß^B^B^a^.t !^&a^k. S^aMavv^fl b^vTb^btSl. i\^b^b^^™^^ y" _^F a^B^l am J*H> Nil a^a^-4. n^Aj* _^m\ %W^aS a^aW HUB V v V I^vk'SjllM _/Z B ■ES^i //j i^\\L 1-^™^^^* *^W%- B^^y Ba^g^By^^^ .J B^i 'sl^^^BB BbV^ S^r •^V^^—J BBavSj Baa^^W Af/ 4\L iP- /^S/^ 1 Bbß^bv! /J^W^^B WJt^
      180 words
    • 111 23 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero J*- k Ohdmr' d»*r«ra/i zpm-tk.-i '"Sfcieß BBBaa^ if 7^^\ '^fi^v Bar v^a *v^^ i \flHlH J^^^^ \J^^W I .^^BV I BMBeL JQ? urn -^t-^^^^^r^ fc l/19oi^Br^TV Wfl« K. »^^a I^^Bk 1 Jfc I*^'' WEVE GIVEN UP HLJAAAnY~I F3UT
      111 words

  • 1200 24  - He was young, hard and fit and his blows hurt Callan DRAWINGS Robb by "Not In looks. I grant you." he said. "But the first Conchita was also a confused but loveable brat. Not exactly the ideal mate for a man of action. My daughter has no future with Routledge"
    1,200 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 414 24 QUALIFY,. promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANA6EMENT AND TECHNICAL BUIJECTS .K home to imprmc your position and to earn what you are really worth ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men hieve promotion and better pay. Moderate Tees— all books supplied. >Bkc the fust step NOV\ and
      414 words

  • 48 25 3 Religious Announcements PRESaYTBRIAN CHURCH *INBApo»- -hard Road. Penang Road Sunday Service M am and 00 p m Sunday School 9M a m All Welcome WSBLSY METHOOIST CHURCH Worship service at 730 a m 10 am 530 p m Sunday School for all ages 6 45 a m
    48 words
  • 180 25 MR NO KWAN HBNO ag* 72 called to rest •tin th* Lord on >t i) i m Leaving behind his Hong Bee Swee. two daughter* Evelyn Ng Eu Lin and S'f Mac Un. sons-in-law Dr Khoo 800 Kwee and Mr Louis Henry and grandson Oene Khoo Teng Jin
    180 words
  • 43 25 MR MRS HARNAM SINGH 'the barn. P J > thank all relatives and mends for their gifts and attendance during Ihetr wedding on family OP LATE Mr Velayudhan .tie (formally "i -I) Jalan >nk relatives and friends for tnetr rondosenc** durrrcent bereavement
    43 words
  • 31 25 FRANCES FERNANDEZ Flnt Anreary Today of the birth to pj*y dearly beloved *r who lived and died homeleas and penniless Always remembered and cherished by her v>n Lev
    31 words
  • 19 25 IAstARtTANSI pore Troubled' Discouraged' 1 Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help is as near as the telephone
    19 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 25 JOHN LIM HONG KAI passed away suddenly on 18.12.75 cortege will leave 81 Joseph Church Funeral Parlour Victoria St on Sunday 21/12/75 at 2.30pm for Chua Chu Kang Roman Catholic Cemetery
    32 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 307 25 classified ads (H rthigua Owing to further expansion we require a number of additional Enotiah/American teachers to teach during the oayt and in th* evenings. J Raquirtmtnn University 3 degree or equivalent Expe- nence <n TEFL an added advantage. We alto require pert-time (evenings! teacher* for German and Japanese I
      307 words
    • 715 25 NBW PUSSYCAT NrTS-CUM 14/11 Battery Road (Opposite Straits Building) Opening Soon r»iiu*TOi n Waureases (Any Race) id Experienced Bar Tender 111) Oeneral Helpers Call personally between spm Bpm to see Mr Llan or Miss Hun Expanding InurnaUonal Company requires FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Weefler AircondlUoned working place, attractive pay. generous shift
      715 words
    • 587 25 PAORC MAMKM oft RrvarVMioy Road Loans up to BO% ferSa«e/Ren« •»C RsSITMCTbObes] TO Ht3m^CfX\ttm% •T^^^^JfSßal issßsC Yd VMM NmCS-PM LM. I Coniaci t*j *****6 llnaapor* Office Opans On Sunday* WANTCO BUY a land or shophouse or any type house* below 1 1 50.000 Owners please tel 880*97. pn Ot NTTORNATIOMAL
      587 words
    • 842 25 ZsfwMa^^AßxMl^^ R»k**| Lonr'on or Parts. Amsterdam. Rome. Prank rurt. Copenhagen etc MM 4/12, S/U. 24/12 Every Wednesday M 7* Singapore/ Los Angel**. San Francisco. Vancouver. New York 81.1*0/ 81.300/ 81,36* 4 flight* weekly C f HOLIDAYS TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWA EXPO/ HONGKONG/ BANGKOK 9 12. 14 Days 8147*/ 818T*/ |I*T» 6/12.
      842 words
    • 504 25 TRAVEL ON A HZ A Sydney /Melbourne 8 740 90 AucklandVWelllngton 11 70 08 London mo* Los Angvtas IJS* 00 San Franctsco 1320 oo UHii Tet New Tort MS7 0* Chicago 816*8 Washington TUB* Montreal 640 00 Most Economical fares to Bangkok HK Tsipeh Tokyo, and other world wide Uckeu
      504 words
    • 594 25 INTERIOR OfSrON tHPI.OMA QQ* s s s M pWM)**staaßiV9 OOsfTsTRaTpOsTVO** P tuition Mads to interior design Diploma recognised for membership of piufssMonal bomes including the Singapore Society of Professional Designers Pull colour Pm*p*rtys sent by airmail by writing to the Principal. Thomas B Dwyer. DHE. rSa. Rhodec International. School of
      594 words
    • 550 25 ELEMENTARY BOOK-KEEPING MTC Certificate awardeT'ror successful completion Management Training Centre 304 Jrd Hew People's Part Centre TRjSt IT. practice by Specialist Commencing 22 December 6 30 pm and 8 A pm Phone now 7*656 Management Training Centre 104 Third Moor New People's Park Centre 3 lOMT m. SOUND Learn to
      550 words
    • 1023 25 ÜBCRTV AUTO PRHHMB School car. lorry and highway cod* courses Enrol at 24. Upper Serangoon Road Tel *****3 *****11 Branch** at Oeylang. Upper Thomson. QtaaanatoaJii. ASM DRrvuSß SCHOOL. Brand new Datsun, dual -controlled moderate charges 13 Selegle Road Phone *****7 *****7 piONfsa DRrniia school. t>i 9122* I 9*11*6 I*9. Room
      1,023 words
    • 665 25 LATE I*7* OATSUN 120* Showroom condition, one lady owner, cartridge lax new 86.73* ono 28-A Ceylon Road Itn MORM* ISS* OT goad condition cassette, new paintwork *4. 4*B Interested tel ai**oi OOweO HOSM. 19*9 Volkswagen 1100 83.40*0 n o TM i*Tl mini im* September, i owner, sports rims excellent condition
      665 words
    • 562 25 TICKS* LICE' FLEAS? DO Y«*jB DO*) A FAVOUR) Ratular usage of Aswntol erfdlcatss the* common prntlifui Simply dissolve Atum<> water and wash Only 81 50 for 15 gwi packet .sufficient for 3 spplvst AvalUble from Itcenaed pi «es Asunu.l in* effective v*> control from Ba>er Oermany ASUNTOL THf IfflCtivl TK*
      562 words

  • 2005 26  -  EPSOM JEEP By TRAINER TEH FOLLOWS UP BIG-RACE WIN WITH SIR TOBY IN RACE SEVEN pENANG, S«t. Gol den Way, with Ttify Thomaj astride, won the Peata Penanf Cop over 1200 m for the second successive year here today. Mabrouk, carrying 59ft, was
    2,005 words
  • 285 26 tOCKIY R Rmjoo lv »usJ pended Uine race dajr* from yeat«rti«y by ttte ■UwanU for riding Kak I*4 In Race Two In a caieteea and Inconsiderate manner The Stipendiary Steward's report on reaterday'a rsoea at Penang SACS 1: Prior to the ■tart. H»U W rut U tN»tudl). The
    285 words
  • 392 26 Jockey Rajoo suspended three race days Inconsiderate manner, causing Interference to Charlama It waa decided to impend Rajoo fcr a period of three days. BACK t: Prior to the atari. BwxWm Bey (Artffln) waa withdrawn by order of the itewardv acting on verterlnary advice, when the hone waa found to
    392 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 990 26 OOeCii/^OCDBai Properties Pte Ltd^W A member o# the Straits Steamship Group. The Company has recently received approval to proceed with the development of a number of protects including a Regional Shopping Centra and Residential Complex. We have decided therefore to strengthen our Team with further key appointments as follows: r
      990 words
    • 439 26 3 iigißflnKßflKYffl OO»fTM*,AH CxBWWMi OROe«AK S*WK«I KERjfcSAMA CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BANK RAKYAT GROUP THE BANK RAKYAT GROUP invites applications :"2 from qualified accountants. (CA. ACA, ACCA. S ACMA. or CPA) prefersbh/ aged between 28-34. with post qualification experience in business and industry, for the following posts: Croup Financial Controller
      439 words

  • 179 27  -  EPSOM JEEP By HIGH RULER CAN WIN CUP BERTH UIGH RULER 111, one of the season's staying finds, can clinch a berth in the Penang Gold Cup field by winning Race Six in Penang today. Sent beyond 1600 m for the first time, the Ovaltlne
    179 words
  • 1563 27 Race 1 -I km I II Look* forward, sorkrd well on Friday, nicely MtOrr^NOK JOr Hu two win* ia*t four run*, won Div 4 1200 m with 8 3 Ipoh form, should kill KOAD: Did not '*o run*; worked well on Friday: had two .rlier in aeaaon.
    1,563 words
  • 165 27 HONOKONO. Bat. Yugoslav soccer champions Hajduk Split beat a Combined HongKong side 2-0 in a friendly match here last night. Yugoslav captain Jurlca Jerkovlc put his team ahead In the 25th minute when he scored lose range g a Hongkong >' blunder. The
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 212 27 SYDNEY. S*t. Little-known 23--jrar-old Sydney unlverslty student John Marks qualified for tomorrow's men's singles final of the New South Wales International Open tennis championships with a stunning win over defen d1 n g tftleholdcr Tony Roche at White City today. Marks will meet Qurenslander Boss
    212 words
  • 258 27 Connors beats Lara, but after hard struggle MEXICO CITY. 8»t Jimmy Connors, of the United States, won the opening match of the Davis Cup tie against Mexico here yesterday, but only after a tough three hour struggle with the unfancled Vlarcelo Lara Connors, the former U.S. and Wimbledon champion, won
    258 words
  • 90 27 Coney knocks season's first century WBXUNOTON. Sat. Former Test batsman Jeremy Coney eoored the first century of the season In New 7^.i»iwi today. Playing for Wellington In a Shell series match against Central Districts, he hit 10*. Scare*: At MasUrton: Wellington 333-1 dec. (Coney 106. A. Jordan ft-SO). Central District*
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 29 27 DCNNIS LILLKr* 1171 1 Mlg flgwes la yesterday* preview ef the -ear ilisal c*l ***** at lliHH* shsoM read: 47-S-X7B-S aaa a*4 47-1-S7B-W a* a*AMshes.
    29 words
  • 26 27 MIAMI BXACH. Sat. Unseeded South Africa' upart »cond-*eed*d France 3-1 In the quarter-final* of the Sunshln* Cup Junior team tennl* tournament her* yeaUrday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 60 27 AC! mip •Htali DMh'i Ttmet riM«t m ntw mil r>k TKtn Th. lifutr Ommtci Mmmii luru Tdm Oru T* Pint lultiii Ptmm Tin out Nu.k Tra Orit p—* tt Pnf PtllUll r«u r«rf tat «r Mrf ■pnx Otilii C la-CbMf Kmuh TMrtm Proud M—t aw ymiii ■Muk FMItaMI MATI
    60 words
  • 1048 27 JiffSHßLi 2 18 CLA *> OIV 2 -IMOm I a (Mia*} Ow«» 1 n IS— laa 4 > issi PmmmmtmtiPn Jot) Lm *7 <«J*«H) isS*b r 11 S «My *«■*> (Trae PrMndeMpi OuMti 4 SS ittom m«m it iMMSviIDtOI SmiMMK >»S(.IS) ISMn Thlk ttr»«Mk«aerilKM Lm> Mannr IMSI-I) lSMai
    1,048 words
  • 235 27 SYDNEY. Sat— Australia will tackle the West Indies In the Third Tut. starting In Melbourne on Boxing Day. with an extra batsman to stiffen their suspect middle order. The selectors tonight announced one alteration to the team which lost the Second Test In Perth by
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 99 27 gW A LEADING LOCAL BANK I Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian for I the post of PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER I Qualification: University degree/diploma or equivalent I Experience: Must possess Journalism. Public Relations and Advertising experience. Remuneration: Competitive salary with attractive fringe benefits commensurate with qualifications and experince. Please apply
      99 words
    • 419 27 PETROUAM NASONAL BERMAD PETRONAS BIASISWA-PINJAMAN PERMOHONAN BIASISWA-PINJAMAN UNTUK TAHUN AKADEMIK 1976/77 Permohonan adalah dlpeluwa danpuda WarganeKar.t v untuk dltawarkan Blasiswa-Pmjaman dibawat. I wa-Pmjaman PETRONAS Ranrangun mi aaaluh untuk membiayai pelajar-pelajar mengikuti pengajian di Umversiti-UmveriMti dan institusi-Instltusi pengajian tinggi didalatn dan dlluar i BIDANG-BIDANG PENGAJIAN A Kursus-kursus Pwfwngksl Sarjan* Muda: KsrMnitwTSinn
      419 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 30 27 Vary your backswing y l! r > ~~^BS^~v~n By"'* -2JI BJ r\ L^Bc^^^^^>^VMBffJ f*J > v MffJH B Z^K^T yOUB *wv 2 ft. iJ __J Q 1^^ ■7 III I MMM«^rUoS«M' 1
      30 words

  • 353 28 Aussies whip W. Indies by five wickets ADELAIDE, Sat. Australia coasted to a flve-wlcket win over the West Indies In their one day cricket clash at Adelaide Oval today. Set 225 runs to make In 40 overs for victory. Australia got the runs with 8 3 overs to spare. Solid
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 234 28 gANGKOK. Sat. Thailand beat Indonesia 3-2 In the opening match of the Eighth King's Cup football tournament here today, after both teams were tied 1-1 at half time. Six countries are participating In the 15--day single round -robin play for King Bhumlbol's Oold Cup Defending champions are
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 28 MISS MeUasa McVlnish riding All to a* clear rvand la the cress eetartry event of the Janlor International Herae Trials at the Saddle Clab yesterday. The »eet ends t— lay— TOE by CHEW BOON CHIM.
    35 words
  • 55 28 TOKYO. Sat. a hteh school nigby taam from New South WaJea. *im~m. baat th. Osakangh School Jtetoetkm taTJTS Oaska. Wmtcrn Japan, yasterday for Uiatr aUth Victory against no defeat* Tba Australians lad IS-1J at half Urn*. Ttory win play their but gam* agalnat the All-Japan High
    55 words
  • 38 28 LONDON. Sat JUsulU of teat night's rugby match«s wars: Bagfcy laagwj Uv. 1: CajUeford a Kstghlsy 7 atagar Uaaaa Ctaa Cardiff II Lor(-m Walsh 4. ISsapuit 10 HartaqutM t. •wanasa M South Wales Fooa* 4 Rautar.
    38 words
  • 36 28 ISTANBUL, Sat. The Wast Oaiman Wattnnal saec«>' taam dafaatad Twksy m s frtandly sseear match bar* •"day. SOOCW Vwafv BtJTßCaSwa* fifth mm and ttad). Basr (lath seln.) aad Worn (Mth sad 71K1 mlns). DPL
    36 words
  • 369 28 Liverpool beat QPR and it's 3-way now LONDON, Bat Liverpool beat Queen's Park Rangers 2-0 today In a vital match of the jostling race for the English soccer championship. That toppled Rangers from the top. But Derby and Manchester United both won and stayed level with Liverpool In a three-way
    369 words
  • 39 28 LONDON. Sat E>«rton c»ia«d CWentry 1-1 In tbalr Pirn DtvMon match last nsaulu o< other malcbaa: DlvMon Two West Bromwich Afeton t arwtrhasaptnti J. Dtv. Pour: Southport 1 Torquay I. Trsniaaw Roran S nttilrg 0 BWutsr.
    39 words
  • 32 28 Bally me na 5-1 LONDON. Sat. Raautte of today s Northern Irlab Laacus football maXcfaca DUUtary UnfWd S Cn»den It t Otantortn 1 Otanran Art. 1 Unit 7 4 1 0 1
    32 words
  • 34 28 LONDON. Sat Ksvta Shawcross of Australia, the asaead saad. baat Aa Asts of Egypt t-1. t-7. in tha BrttUh Amateur Squash ->.-—— j—j*»4-. flsia t taaßßaß) laaW "Hi |IMIIBBaTII|T PIT I OwaVW wV"
    34 words
  • 589 28  -  JOE DORAI m* THE National Football League resumed yest c rd«y, after almost a month's break, on a doll, disappointing note both Farrer Park and Jurong Town failing to impress their supporters, although they won their First Division matches. Farrer Park, dubbed
    589 words
  • 67 28 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE RESULTS FIJtST DIVISION Farrer Park 1 (0) Jalan Besar (0) Yusof Kasslm Jarrag 3 (0) Up. Serangoon (0) Ahmad Bayutl. Jaffar DhoU. Krtshnan THIRD DIVISION Moantbatten 1 (0) CalrnhJU 1 (0) Daud Omar Kldd Kstella Bk Panjacg f <4> MaePhenon 1 <1> Raja (3). Hamld Is- Rahlm
    67 words
  • 300 28  - Cairnhill held by lowly-placed Mountbatten FC DENNIS CHIA By LOWLY PLACED Mountbatten PC put up a splendid performance wlien they held unbeaten Calrnhlll i-l la a National League Dlv 3 soccer match at the National Stadium practice ground yesterday. Mountbatten nearly pulled off an upset when they took a 1-0
    300 words
  • 144 28 nm wvihiov Oaytanc I I 1 IJt II Form 0 I IT I it To«P»p* I 1 1110 11 runrfo. :o i I 431 a tl gunn I 4 )II > 10 Ji Ban II t I SSII Juronf 10 I 3 •1 J 25 S s man 10
    144 words
  • 268 28 Singapore beaten by late Burmese goal KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. A last minute goal by Maung Muo Win enabled Burma to snatch a 3-1 victory over Singapore In the Asian Schools Under- 18 soccer match at the TPCA Stadium here today. With this win. Burma finished third In the final league
    268 words
  • 33 28 j^PALA LOMTCa. SaAjtaf Mm T*aai 1-t, am aha Mxtfc Aaata Hch— ai taaarE— a W tk— ha 4 MNt Vaßaaf (Watti waaM 4f%« laWV* MtataahM4 «f Bvm* aa* BataaatfßaMf waJafwaT* waM*
    33 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 87 28 Mmi ilfi p® tow poo 0d&! wife mw MX-300N economy mini blender The new National MX 300N /Jf l Tfv <'- S^tf is a mini with a giant capacity /im 'V. <£f for work. It will blend, mix, \y^ m^is!fL puree, grind speedily and Zj£L^[l VmJ quietly. It's really indispen-
      87 words
    • 151 28 «sP LEASING THROUGH CCS FREES YOUR CAPITAL FOR BUSINESS EXPANSION Acquire your equipment from tractors to typewriters with no cash outlay by leasing it through CCS Your capital is freed from the burden of buying equipment wßv^^^aß«P""Z^!!™Bß^ Hai^V and can be channeled to l| j more profitable avenues m gT^BiH
      151 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 81 28 SOCCEft National Laagua Olv. 1: BAFBA v Bambawanf (Tantttn 1); Oayauaj v »isai>s>naii, (O*yiaiMi); Dlv 1: Whampoa v Tampinss Rovm (To* Payohi; Cbanst v Baraa■oqq Oardan (Ctaangl). Kpg Java v ftrar Park Dynaaaoa (Parrcr Part AC). Ula Pandan v tagaoi (OUnaas mgh School); D«* I: Katoag Bsi^srs v Paalr PaAjaog
      81 words

  • Christmas special Feature
    • 131 1 SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN... THE Image of Father Christmas In Ms red suit and with his team of reindeer and sleed of goodies never falls to enthrall children. H 1 s hearty laughter and twinkling eyes hold some magic still for some of the children who remember the
      131 words
    • 1198 2 SUDDENLY, you realise that Christmas is just a few days away and that you haven't yet shopped for gift*. But before rushing to the store or shopping complex, it's advisable to draw up a list of gift items for loved
      1,198 words
    • 920 4 EVERY Christmas, most men would receive the usual gifts shirts, ties, handkerchief sett, wallets or cuff links. So, much of the fun is taken out of shopping for presents for men. Why not spring a turprie thia year, with •omeimnj
      920 words
    • 173 4 White gold in' setting for diamonds rrHE "in" setting for diamonds In with white gold, and not red gold, platinum or silver, according to Mr. Walter Lav manager of a leadIng Jewellery store in North Bridge Road. Stress is on simplicity and uncluttered designs. Plain, yet distinctive. For rings, which
      173 words
    • 920 5 fHICKEN dishes make a good standby when preparing for a grand dinner for Yuletlde A local t avourlt*. chicken can be prepared in a variety of ways roasted, boiled, fried, frittered or baked. For the housewife who Is rushed off her
      920 words
    • 230 5 BRING a flicker of warmth to your home with candles and, at the same time, give It a Christmassy atmosphere. There's a lot that can be done and at low cost with candles of different sls c s and colours. These Ideas
      230 words
    • 856 6 POUR days to r Christmas and you haven't planned your festive fare yet? Go easy with mouthwatering cookies and cakes and you can expect guests with less of a flurry. Simple recipes are a boon to the busy housewife who is also
      856 words
    • 396 6 When family takes turns to stir the pudding Melt three Iraspoons gflatlne with 4 sup ccnrommf stock. When the oie U cool md the grlallne Is settirg. pour Into the Die throuxh the hole in the centre. Lrave to stt befrre serving Servea five to six people. Singapore H 1
      396 words
    • 235 7 if From Page 6 It not using electric beater, cream the butter by thorough beating •nautili. B against Macs of the bowl with n spoon until light and flufty. Beat In the suttax. a few spoonful at a time, and continue beatmx until the mixture is
      235 words
    • 377 7 if From Page 4 and complicated In design. Not any more Dainty and simple necklaces are very much In favour with plenty of now and movement to the eye. In setting therefore 1 1 1* given to tones which can flexibly and jte with
      377 words
    • 226 7 plain Boar. 226 pni tufar. (cooked till brown over pan). 454 jms currant*. 394> (ma castor sugar 141 gnu cherries (chopped). 113 (m« lemon peel. Two teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, two teaspoons cream of tartar, two teaspoon orange fwncf one teaspoon
      226 words
    • 192 7 GET away from a red theme for the Yuletlde when decorating the dining table or sitting room with flowers. Red Is overpowering, says florist Mr. Michael Ong. Olve purple or sunny yellow a try Instead and keep red in light splashes only He has
      192 words
    • 547 8 Lights must blend with decor and colour scheme CINOAPOREANS generally are aware of the importance of Interior decoration and so they usually set aside a budget to Instal decorative lighting fixtures. Mr. David Tan, consumer product manager (lighting division) of a leadIng lighting company in Toa Payoh, said the Housing
      547 words
    • 536 9 •A- From Paf« 8 nalres. from Oermany. which are proving to be popular with Btngmporeans In addition, this company has a range of colourful and small drop pendants which may find a place In the home of flat dwellers. These
      536 words
    • 459 9 Lighting up with budget of $500 Ing. global floor lamps throw a powerful beam of light upon the celling or wall to provide Indirect lighting or can be set to shine direct on books or magazines. It cornea with a beautiful base and sensitive mounting of glass globe for about
      459 words
    • 754 10 Turkey popular as festive fare in many S'pore homes rpURKEY Is becom- Ing Increasingly popular as Christmas fare not only with Westerners but also with local families. Said Mr. E.J. Orinsted, general ma&*ger of a leading store at Orchard Road: "More and more homes In Singapore arc getting increasingly aware
      754 words
    • 685 10 HINTS ON HOW TO MIX AND MATCH WINE WITH FOOD nmnc should be enjoyed, and wine with a meal should be chosen either to complement or contrast with the food, say the connoisseurs. It must never clash or dominate the flavour of the dish. But when in doubt over which
      685 words
    • 763 11 Clothes for this festive season will be 'dressy' fHRISTMAS means party time for young and old. There will be barbecues, house parties, and most Important of all, the dinner and dance. Clothes for the festive season will be very dressy this year, say some boutique owners. Little girls' dresses and
      763 words
    • 1339 12 MANY leading iTI hotels and restaurants offer special buffets, lunches and dinners during the coming festive season, many with entertainment thrown In. And charges are about the same as last year. At some hotels, choirs In the lobbies entertain guests with
      1,339 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 548 2 FROM AVAILABLE AT ALL I WUAOINQ O£P**TMENTAim MSTO*eS AND 7XJT SHOPS M jM Ml throughout p^"* SINGAPORE AND P|?W» MALAYSIA MM m^M BF I ik^-'"" SCENE Ml a£& W JtfA IbbsJ 9 TisA t Km Ibbwbb^bl W Arn \f^r/K^ HER FRIENDS I X^Mnttit.uA H,*• BBBBBBBPWs^S^S^BBBI BUBf*^"^ cki i' 'hi r**
      548 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 603 3 PHILIPS ll at% I f^^fl sn^ ll II I II II r^M fc^^ L IBfc I|| II in ZolouTso natu™! i'"s almZs't like being th'ere S Philips ultrasonic remote control Features: 66 cm (26") screen, 12 skin sensitive light-up touch buttons gives orders to :ne set in sou nds^^^^am for
      603 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 424 4 ■fj pi J I ALSOSPECIA^FFERTTEMSAVAIU^BLE: ChJD Aram aUtondi RFD HiwPH Bilckcur-.n. am Sardines i 54 9 $1.10 3^ Lycheesmsymp m^ £2, I OLE' Mixed Nuts Afe I 5 l $092 Mp 500, $1.70 mj\ $1 55 /<< *S I +r» Rusted i/:**i,«^ i/ n ;i M C -m Apr** TachPuiNnu
      424 words
    • 19 4 m 0 vj avoii^ g^H I H b I H l^fc^^gar"^ mE^. d V gm Jl Ktlr)t g^K V^l
      19 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 475 5 V A Choir sings on 7|^/ f 7\ 1 DEC 24. 8.30pm at French Restaurant! V/ 4 \\i 0 DEC 25> lat tne Hotel l obt) v I \yf t FRENCH RESTAURANT CHRISTMAS EVE Dinner at $37.00 V/ with novelttea and special Lucky Draw i I CHRISTMAS DAY Unch at
      475 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 375 6 it ji oniy th' mointed toget' So, wr«th«f you »vsr cast, play your favourite rec n tape l»LUid»if »UMiW| the SM 3000 S<nc« it's hard tab I V 1 II Matched 2 way a4r su«#«naton I TigfcaaaT ITT fYltlrTl V|J' 1 uV""IL^ •p»g»lll. W -j- I I •B*t4rh,m>msnopUy~ Pi^^^ V
      375 words
    • 40 6 YUE TEN* PHOTO STORE ii. 1,1 WIDI RANGE OF CAMERAS, FILMS, I DARKROOM EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES G-44 (GROUND FLOOR) PEOPLE S PARK CENTRE Upper Cross Street Singapore TKL: 9 6*28 103 A. Ui fioo. IBtoc* »"(>•" Vmmm Nm« fcnmm T.. tM«
      40 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 252 7 1 m *?!!*i'~«*~:? r!<» I I .Apollo Hotel is just the place for bringing Christmas Joy and I New Year Cheer fa the whole family 1 1 Christmas Eve at lon Bar Lucky draws plus mystery prizes to be won •Christmas Day at Mercury Room Christmas Buffet of delicious Nonya
      252 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 266 8 Now in Singapore ll^i&l^&flllHHllHllH i The construction toy children never outgrow fischertechnik is a completely new A construction toy which helps children think creatively while they're playing. .sssssssssssss! 4sssl ssssssfl m The basis of fischertechnik is the r Jgj A 6-sided, interlocking building block. And because it's 6-sided, your child
      266 words
    • 84 8 ferry Christmas! Hj| Collet your gift from JB^L Courvoisier today^^v bottle- opener mL Hbb! Lbm -lusualgiftiscastin M B bronze and incorporates the figure of Napolecn in the handle Enjoy Courvoisier and your free bottleopener mis Christmas. And remember, 1 VST they'll make great gifts for your P&AZAM friends too I
      84 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 379 9 THE I compact That's HUSQVARNA Sweden The Huvrvarna Compact tews modem B practical stitches at the twist of a dial Eitra feature* of the Husqvama Compact:- ys% Automatic Buttonhole Never needi oiling I* 100% Ktm-proof rotary hook. Greater penetrating power of the necdk B« Machine weight 14 Km. It 4
      379 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 324 10 i^^l W bb! ioc y»«gfr»cT fc% Tbbb 1 bTT2bbbbbbtV Km •c 2 F^bh bVI L—^BByr^aßßVftßsj Introducing three new Pentax cameras: the K series slbcon photo diode for immediate meter WW^^TWW Or the KM. update *nt.i\ reaction, even mdm light Obvious \jj9 lof the world's Bayonet Tiuman en^neering" in the body.
      324 words
    • 49 10 RARE OPPORTUNITY Meet WISS CDYLON^ot London the Instant Home Dye off I Many Colours I m FREE TRIAL OFFER December 18th 23rd 1975 6.30 pm 9.30 pm Come dye your leather shoes, handbags, belts, etc. to your favourite colour instantly. Experts in attendance. I 1 FREE GIFTS A^USUAL j
      49 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 143 11 Canon datematic/iiobd Twenty years on, will she still remember the day? !v^lbs»s g M ws S3*} Kg. i_w Imprntid Ml sliownf tkl yMT, month Mi stey. There are only two cameras n The Canohte EO makes night Brilliant, crispy negatives. the world that can help her 1 photography automatically B»».itifui
      143 words
    • 129 11 I i^^ V JP(« aX^ a«m«MjK^ssl f I 111 I I aaffll Discover the Aramis Christmas Classics A holiday army of grooming gifts for men who appreciate the finer things in life. Lb^bt afl BBBaa^a^Bß^Bß^Bak Lb^Lbi I B^BB^Bah^ THE SHAVE SET A CONSUL THE VICEROY THE ATTACHE ENSIGN aramis) ■Bb3ssbß^BbVa.
      129 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 467 12 1 a^LV >aY Christmas is giving in the spirit of sharing the joys of the season. IL Find the right gifts at Metro and spread some Christmas cheer. For her (left): Crepe maxi from MAMSELLES in striking zigzag black and white stripes with inverted pleats and long M puffed sleeves.
      467 words
    • 31 12 Christmas at the Beefeater O*tn H 30 A M v 41 7 lIVE* V AUE V lOAD SINCAPOai <0 ING *****5 FOttfSfIVATIONS n iiiutt** 1 1 too* 1 1 Ul VtSM
      31 words