The Straits Times, 18 December 1975

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 508 1 S AFRICA STEPS UP THE WAR Reservists to be sentto Angola battle zone PRETORIA, Wednesday SOUTH AFRICA announced today that it is sending reservists into the Angola battle zone for the first time and extending national service for some conscripts. Defence Minister Pieter Bofha said in a statement that some
    Reuter  -  508 words
  • 218 1 PEKING, Wednesday £HINA today announced the launching of its fifth earth satellite and observers believe it could be a preparatory step towards Peking's first manned space-flight. The satellite, the third this year, "U functioning properly," according to the New China News Agency. The last launching,
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 80 1 K hopeful of talks success |)ARIS. Wed. —US I Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said here today he Is optimistic that the Conference on International Economic Cooperation will be successful aad that the fear negotiating eeasaatassoßß will be laanehed with the right attitude. "All the s» se ease that I
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  • 106 1 BANGKOK. Wai. **Ta« partly-burnt bod«« of a young Australian couple have ■Ma found on the side of a mala hi* hway M fas aecih eTbara, poUee said taaay. Police tentatively identified them as Kfeanaa and Johnson Wateen. There waa no Immediate Indication how the couple had
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  • 49 1 Amnesty for ministers RABAT. Wed. Three former cabinet ministers and 14 kfttsU ewe among M prisoners fresd recently B sn honesty granted by King Hassan, reliable sources said today. Tbe tonnsr cabinet minister* are Yahla Cttefcneounl (Public Works). Mamnwn Tsalil (Finance) and Mohamad Jakß (Commerce. Industry and aOnes).— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 190 1 CORMER national hockey player V.K. Chelvam was yesterday ban ned for life from "playIng, or participating in hockey." Th- Sincapore Hockey Association dlsclnllnary board lmpoeed the ban after a one-hour mquitt into an Incident m Dec. 8. which resulted In a Singapore nlayer, Raj Kumar,
    190 words
  • 40 1 NSW YORK. Wed. Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour o: trading^ en the New York Stock XscfasWfw; 30 Indus S4SJS. up JOS; M tranap IMJ4. up 0U; II uuis sijs. off 0.06. stocks tssje. up o«• upl
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  • 147 1 BEIRUT, Wed. EFT-wlng Muslim gunmen seised a ship for ransom today as Lebanon's 16th ceasefire crumbled under renewed fighting in many population centres. MUttUmra of the radical October M Movement boarded tha ewton Isabella ti ft tv unloading fertiliser In the northern nort city of TtlpolL They
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  • 139 1 ANCHORAGE (Alaska). Wad A JAPAN Air Lines Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet skidded off a taxlwsy Into a deep gully here late last night, badly damaging the plane and Injuring 26 of the 121 people on board, airport officials said today. They said there were
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  • 155 1 Justina sets her sights on Montreal... SINGAPORE S new Golden Girl. 14-year-old swimmer Jastlna Tseng. wSo won seven gold medau at the SEAP Games, retarned from Bangkok yesterday with her sights set on next year's Olympic Games at Montreal. TU have a short rest before resuming my training. I hope
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  • 163 1 Fee row so no fresh pork today rpHERE will be no fresh pork in the markets today because of a dispute between pork merchants and an abattoir over slaughter fees. ThU followed a decision by the merchants to stop supplies until the dispute over the Increase In fee from $450
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  • 52 1 LONDON. Wed No. 10 Downing Street today denied a report In the Dally Mall that Prime Minister Harold Wilson plans to step down early next year on health grounds. The Mall report said Mr. Wilson. 59. had told close Cabinet colleagues that he was feeling tired and
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  • 49 1 THB HAOUE. Wed The south Motaccan fuertlla* holding out >t the Indonesian Consulate tn Amsterdam have threatened to shoot their M ho*u#es if security forte* try U> storm the building. Jack MeUart. son of Moluccln negotiator, the Hry annuel Metiarl. said today. Reuter (aao Page
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 48 1 LONDON. Thun The United States Nary U developing oceangoing hovercraft of up to lf.Mt tonnes with lpecdi of M to IN knots, Jane's Surface Saiauner* said In Us 197« edition today Jane's aaid the Soviet Navy alao Is examining hovercraft for thrlr military potential—l PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 BETTER VISION *jls BETTER LIVING L\ Jw Consult ■^•jsvV tmaepere's foremeet a OMeei n>J* Ofrticien.. DAH SIH OPTICAL CO. FOUMOIO ISIS G46, HIGH STREET CENTRE. SINGAPORE, 6. Telephone: *****0 ***** •iponumi See Singapore's finest range of watches and clocks at WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND 1 DBS Building J Shenton Way^^g^ [C
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    • 155 1 •L^^^^^^^^^JjS P Sup*f CotOf 2210 EuropeSßestsellino CriorTj^GRUNDIG INDUSTRIES TOLD: GO METRIC TO SURVIVE Page 24 SOVIETS want to Join in oil talks 2 QUALITY is the essence in sports: Raja 11 ICfTU warns rouths: Dent be salaled It ANOTHER (loony rear ahead for motor Atom forecast IS MAM admits uslnc
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

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    • 527 2 THE first major meeting between oilproducing countries and their rjch and poor customers entered its second day here today amid reports that the Soviet Union had sent word to the West that it would like to take part. But the Soviet hint came
      Reuter; UPI; AP  -  527 words
    • 383 2 PARIS. Wednesday 'THE major indus- trial nations, led by the United States, will stage a modest recovery from the recession next year, the Organisation for Economic Co-opera-tion and Development (OECD) said today. But the average rate of Inflation this year wUI be
      UPI  -  383 words
    • 112 2 MOSCOW, Wed A Soviet newspaper said yesterday that Russia's TupoW TU-144. supersonic airliner would to into regular service on Christmas Day uhead of the rival Anrrlo French Concorde but left open whether It would be carrying freight or nrssrnger*. A report «n Trud. the
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 73 2 TOKYO, Wed-Japan. stunned by the 1073 "oil shock," today enforced legislation binding its oil Industry to increase reserves to s 00-day supply In five years. The legislation submitted by the Oovernment was approved by the Upper House of the Diet (Parliament) with a majority rote
      UPI  -  73 words
    • 194 2 YSREALI Defence Mln--1 fetter Shimon Peres naid here yesterday that prospects for peace between Israel and Syria were dim. Speaking to reporters, Mr. Peres gave tbree reasons for hli gloomy forecast the Soviet Union had moved back into Syria with substantial arms shipments; Syria
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    • 233 2 MPs lash i out at $81 2 m 'save Chrysler' plan LONDON. Wed— Against a mounting storm of criticism. Britain's Labour Oovernment today sought Parliamentary agreement for Its plan to rescue the Chrysler Motor Corportion's crtsU-hlt British subsidiary A scheme to provide up to £162 5 million (B*Bl2 a million)
      Reuter  -  233 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 402 2 She looks Jff^sogood F'^ outside... because^ "V V she feels I i so good inside. 1 1I< IHi to hue a full life y»|j i your V *40L ■her. feel fit and healthy so you can _^<9**^^^l. Helj flowing health r J*^ifaT^l^aiiaV iliaissfJawi """"T^'* iA^awalawi -=C^ > s. A world
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    • 189 2 Opening Today. Our Singapore Representative Office Tower 1402, DBS Building 6, Shenton Way, Singapore 1 Telephone: *****41, *****42 Chief Representative: Toshiichi Hikita The Long-Term Credit Hank of Japan i- pleas* to join in the busine-- activities of Singapore with the opening of a representati\ < We are one of Japan's
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  • Untitled
    • 480 3 Lockheed staff and equipment on their way to South Korea LOS ANGELES. Wednesday gOITH KOKKA, through tn intermediary, has quietly bought Lockheed Corps' complete facilities for manufacturing solidfuel rocket motors, which can Ik- part of I programme to develop a missile delivery system. of the production equipment
      NYT; UPI  -  480 words
    • 92 3 Red bloc call to continue detente MOSCOW, Wed. Foreign ministers of the Communist Bloc meeting In Moscow yesterday called for a continuation of detente policy with the West. A communique iaued at'er the two-day meilliq pwiead an unjrteUUnf con men viewpoint on several world laeun. Including disarmament, Angola and the
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    • 45 3 banokok. wed. A Chinee* trade detention M by Mr. Wane Tao-ttag. chairman of the OOubcU (or Promotion of International Trade, left here far Peking today after a nine-day VMM to Thailand during which they had talks with mlntotcn and txieliu— .nan. R«uter 1
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 389 3 DRITAINS Rolls D Royce aero engines could play a key role in Chinese aviation up to the end of the .century. Rolls chairman Sir Kenneth Keith said yesterday He was speaking of a deal signed between and China last Saturday night In Peking
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    • 295 3 CANBERRA. Wed Australia's new coailtlon government, emerging from Its landslide n victory at the weekend, yesterday moved to appease anxious trade unionists and Instill confidence lr. InvesThe coalition of Mr Malcolm Frasers Liberal Party and the smaller National Country Party announced a tripartite
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 154 3 BL A C K-BORDERED newspapers today published fr 0 n t-page obituaries praising Chinese Communist Party vlce-c hilrmin Kang Sheng who died here yesterday, aged 77, after a long Illness. Mr Kang. for many years the country's specialist on security affairs, occupied fourth place
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 219 3 HONGKONG. Wednesday fAMBODIA will be a neutral, non-aligned state under a draft constitution adopted eight months after the country fell to the communists, according to the New China News Agency (NCNA) today. The official Chinese news agency, quoting the Yoke of the
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 29 3 BANOKOK. Wed— North Vietnam today accused the United States and Japan at being spies coUaboratinc to dominate Asia and tbe Pacific in the post-Vietnam war enu AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 193 3 Moluccangunmen 'tougher than expected- AMSTERDAM. Wed. The seven Bou t h Moluccan guerillas holding 25 hostages In the Indonesian consu late here are taking a tougher stand over their political demands than Dutch police antl clpated. authoritative sources tald today. The main negotiator be tween the guerillas and the authorities.
      Reuter  -  193 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 418 3 aW^HJ J| sasßiV- JBSBB>fI K. ■jbSBsH BBBBBBBBBBB V_^(b BBBB b! wt Omega Geneve. V Not as expensive as you might think. Jk (jgj? When you think of an Omega you naturally O?«* W imagine an expensive watch generally beyond the %3# "%|§k price range of most people. This is not
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  • 29 4 BAIOON. Wed. North and South Vietnam are to bold simultaneous meetings this week to endorse the recent agreement on Vietnamese reunification, Informed sources said today.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Untitled
    • 501 4 WASHINGTON, Wed. The Soviet Union is developing a significant military presence in Africa in an apparent search for air and naval bases on the African continent south of the Sahara, State Department off icials said yesterday. Such bases, one official said, would give the So
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    • 153 4 INDIA: 'NO TROOPS ALONG B'DESH BORDER' NEW DELHI. Wed The Indian Oovemcient said today there had been no movement of Its troops along the border with Bangladesh and reaffirmed It had no Intention of Intervening militarily with Its subcontinent neighbour. In a sharply -worded statement replying to foreign press reports,
      AP  -  153 words
    • 54 4 K»w Deun. wed. rranos baa told India it he* Bonkuia to h»r» Unn )ru produced In PaJtiatan. ttw mas Tnet ot lUdla reported R amid the aaauranet waa ftvtn by French Ptonajn Trade sflnMer Kortart ■xsard In dtscuaatoru with Mr. Ram Ntwas Mlrdba. the Indian Mm later
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 49 4 LONDOK. Wed. Annual pay rlaas In Britain are now nmnlng at tbt lower ami for a year, the Oovcrnmant't Department of gmpioymant said today. Average umlnp wars below the M per oant towrt tar the first Ume since but October, the department *aid AP.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 253 4 SA N FSANCISCO. •Wed. -*A Federal l«4»e yestfrday aete»ted a iailty nlea Ma) Sara Ma* Moore, i *he testified that she acted alone la flrinc a J slot at President Ford .i* San Francisco on Sept. 22 but hinted she might have conspired against
      AP  -  253 words
    • 279 4 Bush may run for No. 2 job in White House WASHINOTON Wed Mr. Oeorge Bush. President Ford's choice to succeed Mr. William Colby as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has said he will not rule out CIA Involvement In the overthrow of foreign governments He also said he might
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    • 21 4 RANOOON. Wed Some 800 war veterans »re mceunc In Rangoon to launch Burma's flnt unified National Veterans Organisation Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 326 4 THE British Govx eminent will today unveil Its longawaited plans tor selective import controls, on a much more restricted basis than originally expected. Informed sources said can moi'id definitely be excluded from the list, which v llkelv to Include textiles, footwear and television tubes.
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    • 166 4 K bid to patch up CanadaUS rift DARIS, Wed. US f Secretary of BUie Henry Kissinger and Canadian External Affath Minister Allan MaftEacher today sought to patch ur a major row Drawing between Wasrlnston and Ottawa on economic relations The dispute, which rtarttd with tome uuusu.Mlv harsh remarks by the
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 110 4 Fog-hit passengers 'living like tramps' LONDON, Wed. Paasencen strand ed by fee at Leaden* Heathrow Airport said today they had been fir en nothing to eat nowhere to sleep, and had been forced to live like tramp*. Many of them spent their mill nifht sleeping en the fleer after fog
      Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 a/ *^>l*^^ aVVaI rroA payohEoSS. yOM serangoon <ummissss!R2sn,m bukit ho swee2^s.?^s < ssl B PEACE CcNTHC iMOAMM r fhonc mm**mrm 18TH DECEMBER TO 24TH DECEMBER, 1975 pmmmnmmmmmmmtmmmi CASHEWNUTS UHIVE SAL 1000 „o o J The Management and Staff of the Co-operative Z WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS 5 STRAW MUSHROOMS
      480 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 388 5 What do you give to the man who gives everything? W7 Into this virtually indestructible shell our craftsmen fit the Twinlock Winding Crown a Rolex invention. The Twinlock Crown works exactly like a submarine hatch, ■^-3 actually screwing down onto the Oyster case. To complete this mr step takes 32
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  • Untitled
    • 425 6 Protest byLisbon: UN puts off action ITNITED NATIONS, Wed. The Security Council yesterday deferred further consideration of Portugal's complaint against Indo nesia over Portuguese Timor after Australia proposed setting up a UN "presence" in the area. Australian Amb a s s ador Ralph Harry said that as the appropriate form
      Reuter  -  425 words
    • 25 6 UNXTBD NATIONS, Wo± Pakistan yostarday dtoUtted to the United SUtca alter a window waa brokan it iv UN diplomatic headquarters last nlfht ReuUr
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    • 296 6 THAI- AUSSIE ACCORD ON ARMS PLANT BANGKOK. Wednesday and an Australian arms manux facturer have agreed In principle to build an arms plant in this nation, a representative of the private firm said today. Mr. John Simpson of the International Ordnance Corp. said be expects the Thai Government to give
      Reuter; UPI  -  296 words
    • 251 6 Briefly rKYO. Wed. The Japan Council of Dock Workers Unions said today It has called off its scheduled Indefinite strike as It has reached agreement with port service operators on a proposed pension system. BANGKOK: Five el the eight Seath Korean diplomat* stranded In So«th Vietnam by the Am*rksn evacsuUion
      Agencies  -  251 words
    • 98 6 Yard finds another IRA bomb factory LONDON. Wed.-Scot-land Yard today announced the discovery of another suspected Irish Republican Army bomb factory In London. Acting on a tip-off b-^mb squad officers raided and uncovered the factory In a topfloor apartment In the Btoke Newlngton area of north London, Scotland Yard said
      UPI  -  98 words
    • 200 6 ICELAND charged In the Security Council yesterday that British naval vessels had Intentionally rammed the Icelandic coastguard ship Thor when It tried to Interfere In Illegal fishing operations within Its territorial waters Britain said the Incident was an unintentional collision caused by faulty
      Reuter; UPI  -  200 words
    • 115 6 LONDON, Wed. Mauritanlan troops were today reported to have besieged the small town of La Goera in Western Sahara In the latest round of fighting with the Algerian -backed Polisarlo Front. The Spanish news agency CIFKA said Maarltanlan artillery yesterday bombarded the town, which lies on the
      Reuter  -  115 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 RARE OPPORTUNITY Meet G MISS <Z)YLON®of London the Instant Home Dye of Many Colours FREE TRIAL OFFER December 18th 23rd 1975 6.30 pm 9.30 pm Come dye your leather shoes, handbags, belts, etc. to your favourite colour instantly. Experts in attendance. r FREE GIFTS AS USUAL 1 V\^P Rea Sardines
      139 words
    • 89 6 COLOUR TV-MADE IN GERMANY COLOUR L 2 UX 26 (67cm) COLOUR PRESTIGE f NEW! NORDMINDE %jk^ A W Th 4 with SENSATIONAL gt^^Sl aw^ your to»ounte proq'OTi TELETIMER a^^^^B^ 9PP*°* on fm< The Teletimer oi\o switches oft at o preieiected time What other television has the advantages of Nordmende 9
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  • 710 7  - Where do-nothing workers still get paid... IT PAYS TO WORK FOR THE JAPANESE BUSINESS GIANTS \jyiTH bankiupt ;tt record s, Japan ese cmpl find ing more than evef l>efore that it p;ivs to work for one of this country's busi KUUItS such ;is Mitsubishi, Mitsui or Sumitomo. For In Japan
    Reuter  -  710 words
  • 777 7 THIRTEEN ot the world's major oil exporters meet here on Saturday to try to resolve the sticky problem of how to police price-shaving amonj? themselves. The issue, raised by Iraq when It entered a complaint against neighbouring Kuwait. Li one which
    AP  -  777 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 5 7 g^^gl w w WmM .mtm
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    • 901 7 Unbeatable value -for monc) tours of \ew Zealand, Australia Fiji. JgromAir New Zealand -naturally. r^ t riend 'y w »y to see the J^^r^pj| g*^ —^m\ !^k^g«^Bw friendly country and keep f4*st£Xp m II 3^/ fr^Eßtw^^^^^^- eoets within easy budget limits. xe^w^'^V^ f =C~^S3^J*W^ca-^^ Cover the scenic highlights: W™S*^^ d^S^
      901 words

  • 637 8  -  DAVID MASON AS HE TURNS 69 HOW LONG HE REMAINS HEAD OF SOVIET COMMUNIST PARTY IS AN OPEN QUESTION By LEONID Brezhnev turns 69 tomorrow with opinion split on his long range durability as soviet leader. Despite some speculation abroad, the dominant thinking among
    AP  -  637 words
  • 264 8  -  HILMI TOROS By WITH Pope Paul VI concurring, the Roman Catholic Church has launched Its biggest offensive against communism in Italy since Pope Plus XII excommunicated communist voters In 1949. Representative* of the Italian Bishops' Conference stated in a declarat.o.i on Monday that "one cannot
    AP  -  264 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 347 8 A V gk"' a^N>w g^g* f V' mitt- V r JV^. 1 k i^v grab. 1 YM 1 g^X The Parker you give today will be worth even more tomorrow. Of the world's eight precious metals, A close, personal possession, a Parker tour arc used in Parker pens gold, pen
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 239 8 Bringing Op WmOfw By »m Kavnagh €t Hal Camp THAHK*X,.o*A*~) rw book i u>M«P TM«rS« -TjC CANT na-S VS«V *MD/ I ;^l L*P VWK-r^ STAfcC ~U^ A\ YOU y-r—\ II LLjJ. i__gH HJ h»j£I aW.J L Hgi Wl Blondle By Chle Young ''If COaAGOT] 7 A*X> JUST bCCauSe] f wEll
      239 words

  • 221 9 Higher rent, so lighters stay put at basin MEMBERS of the Singapore Lighter Own- >ciatiun are shying away Irom tne llxnter base at the Paslr Panjang godowns because of the higher rentals there. They prefer to continue using the cheaper facilities at the Teiok Ayer Basin. But the Port of
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  • 49 9 ARTIST Or* Kirn Sen? a ill five talk In Mandarin ••Vater Colour Painting al <nonal Library on Saturday at 3 p m Mr Ong a graphic t«chlaa from Colombo Plan Starr College for Technician Education and It the atcreut) of the Singapore Water Colour Painting Society
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  • 322 9 Talks on Straits shipping pact hit snag J^ HITCH in talks for a common underwater ked clearance (UKC) agreement among Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia has delayed the implementation of the proposed traffic separation scheme for veaieb transiting the Straits of Singapore and Malacca, it was learnt yesterday. The UKC of
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  • 66 9 POUCE are appealing for eye-witnesses of a road accident in which a woman died In hosDltal on Tuesday Madam Chla Yeow Tiang, 53. was walklne along Jalan Kayu at about 830 a.m. on Dec. 3 when she was knocked down by a motorcycle. She was warded at Toa
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  • 42 9 MR 8«ow Knee Lang, as-crelary-general of the United Front, will (peak on Urn -Task of Opposition Partiaa in Singapore" at s buffet party to celebrate Christmas Oar and New Year at the party's pranalses In Lorong Sangkanchll on Christmas Kve.
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  • 26 9 THE Rotary Club (Wort) and Urn Rotary Club of Queenstown will jointly hoid an annual ChrMmaa fellowship dinner and dance at Hotel Equatorial tonight
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  • 131 9 Case of the 'missing' bloodstained —blouse- A POUCE lnaairy Is going on bow to find u.t why a blood-stained bloase was not tendered as evidence taring the trial last month of a businessman accased of subbing a M-year-old woman. Confirming this yesterday, police said the inamiry was to find if
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  • 94 9 BICYCLE THIEF GETS FOUR MONTHS A PUBLIC Health Department employee was yesterday Jailed for four months after he pleaded guilty to stealing a bicycle parked along a five- foot- way on July 11. Mohammad Naslr bin Ahamed. 18. admitted stealing the bicycle at the nve-foot-way In front of a house
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  • 23 9 THZ Singapore Rad Crow Society will hold t "thrift at Had Ctom Houm. Penanf Urn, on Saturday at 10 JO m
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  • 381 9 When off-duty SChas same rights... J^S off-duty police national serviceman enjoys the same power, protection and immunities of a police officer if he performs an act in good faith while in uniform, the Assistant Commissioner of Police National Service, Mr. S.T. Amera■singhe, said yesterday. Mr. Ameraainghe said that as long
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  • 120 9 TfHE Frankfurt Airport authorities recently awarded 8135,000 to Singapore Airlines for operating aircraft that Improved upon standards of noise levels laid down by them. Frankfurt Airport had pledged to pay proportionate sums of money to "exceptionally quiet" airlines that land planes there, between Hot. 1
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  • 80 9 A FIVE-MAN Saudi Arabian- Egyptian private Investment mission Jed by Prince Yaxld bin Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman Ei-FaUal Al Baud arrived ben last night by air to study a list of suitable local products (or the Middle Bast market. They will mart Tlrtn Mo la Urn
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  • 86 9 SSA to have code of ethics THE Singapore Society of Accountants (SSA) has been admitted as an associate member of the International Accounting Standards Committee (lASC). On behalf of its members, the SSA has undertaken to support the standards promulgated by the lASC and seek to secure general acceptance and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 ASIAW€€K FILLS THE GAP until today Asia was the only region of the world without a general -interest newsmagazine South America has 'Vision' 'Visao' Africa has 'The Drum' North America has 'Time' 'Newsweek' Europe has 'Der Spiegel'. 'L'Express' etc. now Asia has Asiaweek 1 1 r-J J TH i m
      203 words
    • 236 9 Before you settle to buy any shirt, make sure you observe these points Collar work •Fabrics Stitching Fitting Ovorall prosontat ions Jackson has these special features: Oou We fused collars that stand wash after wash x> High Quality Light weight cotton fabrics that make dressing most comfortable, i X'tra fine
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 856 10 |«B^BC3EEin3aBH* SHOES 1 2 50 V kJJJ^ iUC LO IJar M^^^m^LUhM^Lhd^^^^^ PGA PAR EXCELLENCE 6AZ! !leVciUW«^ v^ ST I„ U FOR ONLY $200 YOU CA/V PARTICIPATE Ln,AKir,.DTAQ 11 HO ONI V .»iQnrf«S 799 Ml \^*^sise ?Mll6 \i TIME ma ke o N^ /NTHEXWASDIPANDYOUIV/LL INDIAN GURTAS. lI.UUUNLT FULL SET ,gF CLUBS
      856 words

  • 471 11 r pHH Foreign Minister. Mr. S. Raj aratnam, yesterday called for "quality and not quantity" among Singapore's sports"Put good sporUmen' on the list of Singapore's achievements." he told youths of Kampong Olam while mingling with them last night in his capacity a*
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  • 64 11 BIUTIBH Airways held a luncheon party yw«arrta/ to wetoom* their new raglonal manager. Mr. David Lows, who will replace Mr. Charba Pollock Mr. Lowe wa* formerly Urn alrHne'4 manager for India. ■taUonod In Bombay. Mr. Pollock who ha* bean manaser here Mnoe June 1*73. will be
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  • 26 11 TH* Lorong Ah 800 community centra manacemant committee will bold a ebJMren'i swimming practice at Urn Toa Payoh swunmlng pool today at I pm
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  • 145 11 Craft classes for Primary leaven OVZRAOED student* who hare completed their primary education and want to loin the Adult Education Board's roeatlon preparatory classw next year have been asked to apply to the board by Saturday. Applicant* moat be above 14 years of at* on Jan. 1. The objective of
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  • 34 11 TRS Stacapor* Armed PoroW Cnrtstma* carnival at th* SAT 11—ifcHi' Association clubhouse at Toa Payoh will be opened tomorrow by the Deputy Prim* Minister and Defence Mm laur. Dr. Ooh Ksng Swse.
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  • 26 11 THE Jalan Tenteram Community Centre's women sub-oommltte* wUI bold a talk on Family ptannmg In IncUah at their nommintty centre tumtmuw at > pja.
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  • 135 11 ATTJBN of the wheel can make Hie a perilous gamble for the moat law-abiding pedestrian. Aa shewn In the picture, there Is no guarantee of safety even far the pedestrians who ahservt the law and keep to the pavements. Price of
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  • 50 11 Debate on exams TOT Central Young Peopkt't Section of Urn National Library and Urn Tba Payoh Branch library YP"! Section will tolnUy hold a Chinas* debate entitled Th* examination system Is a unique way of i*<e*lii| students' pi ngi a— and achievement*" tomorrow afternoon at the Central Library Lecture HjOI
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  • 118 11 rB slump In the oil rig construction Industry has slowed down chartered aircraft activity at Seletar aerodrome. According to statistics revealed by the Civil Aviation Department yesterday, the total number of charter flight movement* during the first nine months of this year waa «.C7l 139 fewer
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  • 188 11 Woman who extorted after offering love APRITTY woman. who reportedly seduced unsuspecting men and extorted money from them law. 1* being sought by the police According to Informed source*, the woman, in her early twenties, is bettered to be backed by thuics It la learnt that she made her first
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  • 64 11 THX China Society of Singapore will hold an exhibition of painting* by a Hongkong artist, mas Roae Chin, at Urn China* Chamber of Oomdmtc*. opening tht* evening at MO pjn The exhibition will be open to Urn public between 10 am. and a pm dally until
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  • 281 11 Filial duty of the young: Take the lead' call to Govt FE Oovernment tv urged yesterday to take the lead In Inculcating filial rrsponsibllity in the young toward* their parent*. Thla suggestion wu put forward by a medical practitioner and social worker. Dr. Owee Ah L*ng, when commenting on a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 362 11 SONY Announcing the winners of Sony "Carry on grabbing" Tejavanija Boon Lawrence 12 Casuarma Road, Singapore 20 «w* J^M 2nd PRIZE 15 minutes S^tHt^HZlr )F Lee Goon Kirn Blk 205. 11 49K, Lorong One, ToaPayoh, Singapore 12. I mBLaM9j/ -<O s^g^Bam. Lee Tong San Blk 33. No 99-E, Taman Ho
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  • 37 12 TH* former UnlUd BUUt to amsjKpor*. Mr. Mwtn Crank. hM aooapt«l Urn poattoo of ten and OoU— in CalUornla Ha win suit work than on Jan. 1. uxortttaf to Urn Btngaport Oaaartran
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  • 489 12 Don't be misled ICFTU warns youths THE 60 million strong International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) has warned youths in Asian codntries against being swayed by uncontrolled emotions that would undermine the democratic foundations of Asian countries. IU president, Dr. P.P. Narayanan, stressed that such uncontrolled emotions by Asian
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  • 158 12 ABS BACKS 'HONOUR PRIME RATES' CALL I^E Association of ta 8lB «»P*«* <AB8) baa arged local >*aks to uke a serious view of the Monetary Authority of Singapore advice against quoting prime rates whkh they Ac not Intend to honour. An asseela t. ~it •pokesinan stressed that banks ahoald not
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  • 348 12 Supplementary bus services to carry on CCHEME A and B 13 services, catering for peak-hour commuters, are to continue till they "die a natural death at the hands of the Singapore Bus Service." according to reliable sources. These services, which were brought to augment the public transport system early last
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  • 158 12 A PAST president of the Singapore Rotary Club, Mr Ec Soon Howe, called on Singaporeans yesterday to forgive and forget In the spirit of the festWt season and be thankful for the Government's sound economic policy. He said they should also be grateful that there
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  • 231 12 American in $16,000 debt case freed from jail rUt High Court yesterday granted a lawyer's application for the re lease from prison of an American businessman who was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly owing $***** In unpaid bills to the Mandarin Hotel Mr Raj Slngam. counsel for Joseph Travis. In
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  • 17 12 QAMTAS Airways will hold a party .or iv employees' children at Hotel Equatorial on Saturday.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 218 12 'FREE heater FREE tuningf^l "Ordinal matching bench *'*3r 'Protective chemical treatments 'Readily available: genuine spare parts, w 'Tuning Service' contracts Hire Purchase terms (Trade-in's accepted) BEST seller in the world BEST seller in Malaysia-Singapore m YAMAHA mokes the best instruments. (Imui) Pie. limited 237, 2nd Fl. Plaza Singapura, Orchard Road,
      218 words
    • 49 12 Raral I VIISIMEN f Opportunity 20% pguaranteed minimum returns INVESTMENT FULLY SECURED BY CERTIFICATE OF TITLE $300 minimum m Multiples of S3OO OFFER LIMITED FOR COLOUR BROCHUKh AND FULL DETAILS Please writ* to Straits Times Box NBlBl2. Spore Or Contact Mr V. Meffert. Imperial Hotel Tel *****6 Room 1147
      49 words

  • 157 13 2001— a SIA odyssey as seen through the eyes of a five-year-old 'Another gloomy year 5 forecast ASMS akimbo, a little visionary peers Into the future. Five-year-old Gan Cheng Peng Is proudly eyeiaf hl» own vision of what BIA jetpUnes would look like In the year Mat The boy's Imagination
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  • 91 13 Golden jubilee of co-op society THB Singapore Oovernment Servants' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society will hold Its golden Jubilee annual dinner and dance at Mandarin Hotel on Saturday at 7 30 pjn. Among the mats will be Hajl ShaVarl Tadln. Senior Parliamentary Secretary to the iflnMry of Culture, and the
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  • 314 13 Motor firms are now resigned to poor sales car firms which reported a 4."i i>er cent drop in the sale of private cars this year feel that another gloomy year is ahead if taxes and oil prices increase. According to figures compiled by the Motor Trade Association, only about 6,900
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  • 156 13 Jail and rotan for park robber FUR men surrounded a machine operator who was strolling along the reclaimed land off Katong Park, and robbed him of his gold ring, a court heard yesterday. One of them. Abdul Hamtd bin Mandari. 27, a labourer, was sentenced to 18 months' Jail and
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  • 47 13 A TOTAL of Ml Workmen Comp»na«uon ATM mmv Involvtraj UOSJMt wan rtfUUr«d by Urn Labour Minutry durtnf OctotMr. aeoordinc to Uat Mlnailry* monthly report jtatuday. atneo Urn fUnnlnt of Urn yt*r. 4.4 M ■<¥«— unU tn*olvuat toon Uko t] BUltton tn neordad br Urn lOnlaur
    47 words
  • 26 13 THE chMlnc dato for Ukt BaauUful Stncapor* ptoo«»--graphic ootnprtiooo. to at head br Urn Cultur* MlnMßry on Monday, tea dmo poa»potMd to D«c. n.
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  • 112 13 Pilgrims due back tonight rpHE first batch of 180 -I- Singapore pilgrims to Mecca return tonight hopefully bringing with them details of victims of the fire which swept the pilgrim tent city of Mlna on Friday. Their return wl 1 end the agonising six-day wait by pilgrims' families here who
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  • 27 13 TH« womani «jb-commlt-tee of Urn Jalan Tenteram community centre will ho.d a talk In English on family planning at the centre* premiaea tomorrow kt pJB
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  • 212 13 PICES of kangkong, chye slm and bayam dropped 10 cents (for 605 grammes i to 30. 40 and 30 cents respecTrade Department figures Indicated yesterday. ■ig are the r«commei.datl price* Rtca: Thai 100 par cent O S4 ctau i6o* grammeai. Auatrattan t per cant.
    212 words
  • 77 13 ZAIKUDDIN bin Ibra- I him 23. charged with murder last week. Orrday ordered I to be tent to Changl :al for a j s report. n chanced with Salamih 21 In a room In Mplarra Hotel. Still Road, en Dec. 1 The application for
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  • 132 13 20 months for youth who stole AM 18-YKAR-OLD youth was yesterday Jailed for 20 months and ordered to be placed on a year's police supervision by a magistrate's court for stealing. Alsuddln bin Sadar Alt who had three prevloias convictions, had earlier plea Jed guilty to itealint- $300 from an
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  • 21 13 TOT Dlv Pandan community centre youth group win hold a Children's Art competition on Dec M. at their centre
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  • 100 13 A DISH-WASHER was yesterday Jailed for a year after be pleaded guilty to two charges of unlawful possession of an Identity card and attempted theft The court heard that on Tuesday at 1.05 a.m. a police party on patrol along Lorong 33. Oeylang.
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  • 337 13 Internal strife caused nine to quit Red Cross' INTERNAL rivalries are said to have caused the rift between section heads In the Singapore Red Cross Society, which resulted In the recent resignation of nine senior officials. The rwlgnauons an said to have followed when Its ruling ooundl amended the constitution
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 449 13 q Tonal Quality Evaluation Board. The "Impossible" task stems to live up to every one of the Board's strict musical performance and technical standards had been achieved. Well-baJanced musical reproduction from the very lows to the superhighs. high efficiency (to eqjoy a large sound pressure output even from small to
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  • 'liK'StmitsTiiiies
    • 412 14 YIARK TWAIN once said that everyone complained about the weather but no one ever did anything about it. Until this week much the same comment might have nade about world energy problems stemming, in the main, from the high price ol oil. Unlike the weather, however, there
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    • 583 14 MEDIK Awas, a scheme to alert doctors of a patients drug allergies and other medical conditions, has made slow but steady progress since it was launched four years ago. Membership of the scheme stands modestly at over 220 out of an estimated 10,000 people who suffer from
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  • 62 14 Quite SO DESPITE all the fine rhetoric, one of the new realities of the post-Vietnam era Is that Southeast Asia needs the West more, at least economically, than they need us. It is always heart warming to read about Investors lining op to launch some venture or other In Southeast
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  • Untitled
  • 1320 14 AS TODAY is Sunday and since seminars are normally happenings in seminaries and since the Democratic Socialist Club is a sort of religious order, I have chosen as my text for today's sermon i a quotation from a famous American literary guru the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 65 14 ■■BSE lalatt tranv by o«f most avparianead crafts man tm.. a 19 34 Suits complataly hand taiiorad 4 ttltcftad "it bwttooftolat anturinf txit oo'krpanth.p Wa ara also imporlart 4 tiporltri of finatt Gants taatlias tnaraby m« nittl 4 widatt rmngm o> malarial* for sahxtton. And for our cuttomart In a
      65 words
    • 318 14 MEMOREX ■^^gwuaP^gw^^-d^^kJ^XP^kJ^k .Pt^b^r** BO»fK>OUCTION SO TRUE R* gJgwCsx 1 HhEaiv' IsU TBJTATCHU4N ,U DIO'V RISTORAMTE ITALIANO WITH AUTHtIiTIC CUCINA "Vtfg-W/^i V. iV^% ITALIAKA AND lOTS OF ■Winl U ATMOSPHERE I VJL*' 16 EMOALD Hii' RO SPORE9TU ?3SOOB pSSffffliSar o«>oki> ss>t*i«i c*nt.» ot*« *<»d> Easy Partunq^M^Tj^^ LA TAVERNA. HONG KONG KOWLOON
      318 words

  • 219 15 Shipyard baffled by death of welders /VFFICIALB at the Asia U Pacific Shipyard In Jurong are mystified by tbe death of two welders In a barge tank In tbe yard on Tuesday as they claim that the workers were not supposed to be there in the first place The welders
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  • 30 15 BIXVTN trainee teacher* from the Taewanlan CoUflfc or Advarced Boucatlon In Hobart. led br Mr*. Bain* McKay will visit Singapore on a (U-dav educational tour on Jan. II
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  • 547 15 p)RK merchants and butchers were rapped sharply yesterday for their "most irresponsive" threat to disrupt supply of fresh pork to the markets from today. Tnls rebuke came from the wholly Oovernmentowned Primary Industries Enterprises (Pte) Ltd —PlE which runs the two abattoirs in Singapore.
    547 words
  • 405 15  - Rain or sprain, the show must go on, says Greg AM" 1P M folk slagar. Mr. Grcc Hildekrud, la nmrstnir m ■grained wrh* aIW be HWI a reepta« Tosa. Aa4 Mr. aCttteWaaa, straight (Mai kIUMBj c— try, has a strtax of cngaremenU to perfarm bcrc. spralae* wrist notwithstanding Tendlai his
    405 words
  • 100 15 -Indaco awarded $40m contract A $40 million contract for the construction of part of the Initial Phase of the Singapore Oeneral Hospital development project has been awarded to the International Development and Construction Pte. Ltd. (Indaco) Earthworx for tbe project U now underway Construction Is scheduled to be completed between
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 124 15 oft CONTACT LENSES Hard CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS f <ff Cr K P YOUNO. f B OA 4M~>' JENNIFER Y.F. YOUNG \^*W D OPT {UK )FBOA JM«mtwrs Sinqtpon Contact Ltns Socfty YOUNG OPTICAL CO. 45 Stamford Road. Singapore. 6 Tel: *****. FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON ONIY «*^^aa One quart bottle of
      124 words
    • 254 15 SPECIAL OFFER! 2 bars of Cadbury ]m\ xSlr X mm^FmW^M^^^T^ mt I M m I amam^^^waamal MThe hottest showband from Manila, the 12 MtnstrelsM give you 2 hours of dazzling entertainment Billed the Ray Conniff Singers of Asia, these talented much sought-after recording artistes perform and sing for you the
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 896 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM m Opanm} and Housewives' Matinee Mm a Pappt) -The «Mow OlMdarin Frtm-Pt. 1, Repeat) IM mrs Mator) IX Low ii a Many Sptendoufed Thing IM Guthrie Hour US lnterm«sion 115 asra 0s «c* Mht SJS Oamat aa lm Taaaas O-listn IU Htws aa lew-ail
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 358 16 "2nd EXCITING WEEK 1 1 VPJPJPMHPM^PJIHBPjP^BPIIIPIPJIPVPPaPPBPJPVPJPIPBPJPJ I I BBBBBBaBB«BaBaaB«BfJPatBBBPaBBBBaaa^ I DUE TO FILM'S LENGTH«)TH THEATRES 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTE TIMES: II ocn, 2 30, 6. 1 5 9. 1 5pm -NO FREE LIST .Ik pH-4ffm CpHpW p? "AiiiPfft 1I7S". "Sen. tf pp*", Mm w iU lit .•Met tii Life Let
      358 words
    • 558 16 BaßvaaanavanV4BltaUSJCt>aaßaaß«%BnßV a aV4W4VBnVfV akaV at^a\ i#KaK ]#]^by jffKaK afloat aKni afloat aKni afltnl affai I inn ftWNC TOUiIDDOUf s»*^*»*p«*^*^*^'W«*»™ sewn miuuft $i my skit all shus I 5 AN EXTRAORDINARY CHRISTMAS J "la-li tf IVIS? 1 I PRESENT FOR YOU FROM fill site bis m^ I'l vay iitt TiL -i]
      558 words
    • 624 16 BDT8 DT tl itli U ■^HgL^**^ ■■Pi 5 MOW SMOWIHC' •>'••>- o^ 'I > Walt Divw* i > LADY w>4 Mm TlAMf> n T«hn<o*or I Piui Wott Divwyi Sp« r-^fut^u' It. tx^. V.H., ,lo» «t«jtw 0.,, i* 5 -TMi CtoSoiLl MIH J Co«orS<opt Englnh Subt J» ■J 3rd M^raohf Soturdqy'
      624 words

  • Untitled
    • 674 17 IPOH, Wednesday TTMNO Youth should be analytical about U events In Malaysia as well as those In the International circle since the country Is now the focus of big power Ideologlcal^warfare apd rivalry, Its national leader, Dato Harun Idris,
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    • 345 17 DATUK LEE Datuk Lee, who Is also the Labour and Manpower Minister, was speaking at the Foochow Association's 65th anniversary dinner here. He said that such views had arisen among other races, and possibly among younger Chinese, because of wrong information, a lack
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    • 307 17 New rules on compensation for land KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Government has drawn up a new set of principles relating to the determination of compensation for land It wants to acquire. A BUI seeking to amend the Land Acquisition Act. IMO. embodying these principles Is now before Parliament. The Land
      307 words
    • 164 17 HANDCUFF DUO LEAP OFF MOVING TRAIN JOHOSE BAKU. Wad. Man Chaaa lias, M, who at f aclnc several tentative: charges ol saarwar, [escaped with another man vy immptn* off the Sagaaaatboand triln this sseralng. bat was re-arrest-ed nearly two-and-a-half hours later. At IM this afternoon, the other a rial Bar,
      164 words
    • 133 17 KUALA LUMPUR Wed. —fourteen schools were affected by mass hysteria since the first case waa reported, deputy Education Minister, Mr Chan Slang Sun, told the Dewan Rakyat today. Replying to Enclk Hashlm Ohaxall (NT-Ma-tang), he added that the mass hysteria occurred among bumlputra female
      133 words
    • 657 17 COURT TOLD OF HIGHWAY ORDEAL BUBDTEBBMAN Yap Kai Chin. SO. today told the Special SessloiCourt here that he was asked to produce his identity card and driving licence at gunpoint by a pniu— m»n w no later robbed him together with his colleague. Mr.
      657 words
    • 42 17 Xl ALA LUMFCm, Wad. The EFT board has declared a aer eeat lateral far this year U aa an jam te the eeatrtkesten' spaatag aaliarm estlatated at SSJUS aUUlen. The aasa U be eredlUd la abeat KM nUll»#*\
      42 words
    • 147 17 Girl in river was raped and killed -J ITUALA LUMPUR. Wed. £a> Eleven year-old KhooUlrl Wor i Stew Udi round drowned In Suncd Keiayorut benlnd Jaian Chan Sow Un last Thursday la a raps and murder vteUm. police said today. A nost-morttm report rewaltd that the had marks and bleed
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 54 17 IkiJ jti.ii.nv>iv.i!iM a fc* New Years Eve |H Dinner Dance X continents cuis-ne J 7pm 3am ji $40 per person plus 3% tax Dalightful Country n V£dfl Wattam Favourites by th«: P^^lßata a») 1 ULJcstcm Robds JT^j fi y e. Managing Director J. B. Urn oXFOURS£4SONS RKMUWNT Straits Trading Building,
      54 words
    • 321 17 x The best doesn't have to T^~ Xi> Ls' costthemostatthe f tVS&a* Orchid Lantern! f W F < t> See a fabulous floorshow of international perforners Z Z -^i <J DrjP o<f* > tL tbm mott ntic| ng Cantonese including V". wnown d specialties not to be found anywnere
      321 words

  • Untitled
    • 482 18 Mary is still drawing the crowds THE last time she modelled was in 1958 with Ruth Warner. Then the other day, exactly 17 years later Mary Lim agreed to be our model. Now 43 (her eldest child is 28), Mary's modelling stint at Times House brought back memories of the
      482 words
    • 301 18 Women's year ends on note of progress OONN: As the UN Intern atlonal Women's Year drew to a close, woman delegates to a 22--natlon Unesco conference here reported that it did bring some progress towards female emancipation. A statement Issued after the five-day conference ended recently said a great deal
      AP  -  301 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 239 18 g^Uhgwrwcatf^^Nfa^ CHUMG BRAND HPH CHINESE LEATHER SHOES 'M y J ONCE A YEAR ONLY K^>N^f LAST 3 DAYS $(l\ MIT MISS THIS OPPORTUNIH SHOP AID SAVE NOW! Angora "ba Gastna m&J£f%3L Gl6. S.n«»poft Hilton Hotel. G32'38. Spacxlxi C«nir«. amSSaveaiMfilsaW Ckchwd Row). S<n«M>or* 9. Som»r»«t Road. S>n«iport 9. «rt.,T M iimm
      239 words
    • 594 18 Living free One of the best things in life s freedom Freedo" walk along a beach or t< a Freedom to enjoy good times with close friends any day you want Freedom is also me feeling you get aWi Tampax '"TTTTtampons Because f _A^ they're worn a^Baffl kfl !!iaVJ internally
      594 words

  • Untitled
    • 642 19 LKT THK festive mood get to your head, do up your crowning glory now. We offer here five choices that won't let your hair down. Either go devastatlngly curly, or look demure with chiffon bow and flowers. Or simply carefree with a brush-back,
      642 words
    • 113 19 A TREE lighting ceremony of a four-metre high Christmas tree, flown In with 400 sprigs Oi freth holly and mistletoe, will commence at 7 p.m. tonight at th* Specialist*' Centre. Fol owing the ceremony, the holly and mistletoe will be available to the public at a
      113 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 399 19 TOO SKINNY lo eniov life? Revitalise wonr enerav and vitality with SUPER WATEON _a^ Super Wate On ,^^^j^L is a food supplement (hat can give pounds and inches of healthy H^^^i ,olid flesh to skmnv >^ underweight men H 4^| ar| d women J»^fl Super Wate On |Hn contains fruit
      399 words
    • 29 19 Get the dcurable figure with V> wk ti fecu R*p<d Rnuht <K«tt' count M J^k SIJO/UM retpctfivft? fullrnundof aumrv paid if no rnukt ut vmMc -arwrM V COt"N» MMtect
      29 words
    • 284 19 ICr etsch Mrtfl tn, gHJT IS KBETSCHMEB WHE*T GgBM? -19 ncogmnt '»^l in M Q# m O rea»'af (gj) httenution*! Multitoodi QV^^l m vd^aW-^a^H n^^^m I mm COOKING IS SO EASY WITH Prestige pressure cookers Foods that normally need long, slow hours of stewing can be cooked in minutes with
      284 words

  • 129 20 \36 YEAR OLD man yesterday admitted in a magistrate's court that he used a hot electric iron to burn three of his daughters. Chew Chlng Phuan was earlier charged with causing hurt to Chew See Hong, 11, See Nam, 9, and See LJan, 8,
    129 words
  • 103 20 Six stolen m-cycles found POLJCK seised six motor-cycles, believed to have been stolen over the pact few months, during a routine operation on Tuesday. Detectives from the CID. led by ASP H. Karim. found the vehicles parked near Block 28, Bendemeer Road, at about 11.15 pm. that day The motor-
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  • 48 20 THZ '"^itttt Institute of Singapore announced yesterday that Mrs. Caroline Lam and Mr. Llm Hock Seng have qualified tar the Life Diploma of the Australian Insurance Institute The na said they were the first In Singapore to qualify tor the diploma of the AH
    48 words
  • 81 20 Mr. Selvadural applied for an adjournment so that a witness, Identified only as Mr. Smith, could return from Australia to give evidence He would testify that factory Inspectors had visited the site to Instruct blm on safety measures to be taken, said Mr Selvadural Mr Jeyasegaram oh Jected to
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  • 30 20 THS Senior Minister of Bute i Communications). Mr. One Tang Cheoof will open the OUs Engineering Corporation, in Fifth Lokyang Road Jurong Town, on Saturday at 1 pm
    30 words
  • 204 20 Kampung folk help police hunt for prowler RESIDENTS of a aampwng In tpper Chaagl are helping polk* to track down a P*«wlcr who molested a maid servant twice, wfclk ah* was walking alone. According to Informed —wees yesterday, the woman, aged 22, la able to Identify the youth I who
    204 words
  • 83 20 A POLICE constable thought there was something fishy going on when he saw a man running away with a bag In his hand along a road at Seletar Reservoir. PC R. Subramanl. 26, chased and detained the man, who hid In some bushes and
    83 words
  • 339 20 r<AN a factory operate before It receives a licence from the Ministry of Labour? This poser was raised In a magistrate's court yesterday at the trial of International Mineral and Chemicals Singapore (Pte) Ltd., which was charged with using 35, Jurong
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 380 20 I golden inrenlmenl opportunity /^^^< I A convenient conrkbiTation of shops- s^4^h^C*4^ in the latest architectural design with w^ T*\*iw\d \W\f% T^mof^flffrlsAC LJ ample parking facswes. iocaiwn pC«\ -vsjaar another pucstioeous pnojecT uy CITY DEVELOM(Om LIMITED %£?£££%££<* its. \}7 I 140-142 Robinson Aoed Smgapo<«l Tel *****1 W» W. |»l< l
      380 words
    • 304 20 COURAGE ih^fl CONFIDENCE V JM LEADERSHIP |Vj| 10 ways the Dale Caraegle Cemrw helps aiei aid woairn a AcQUirt CX) »n4 (v I Sp»«» sMM S«n rou'W j"d «ow ottx it rou> br Think t"0 10*** on a Control «nd mo"t B* Dvtlt' »*m .n|i.ii a DtrtioD row h,<hwn a
      304 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 328 20 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS Part of a church a Welsh1. SI What a chorus-girl does man erected <«> in front of a line creates t 7 A high mount* in NB. is disturbance (5. 2. 1. 3) even rocky It, 6 He s excessively talkative I Most Inexperienced ones giving
      328 words

  • 8 21 1 Acknowledgements lOUIII KLENK S SALON* In ggrgrau
    8 words
  • 25 21 2 Religious Announcements •CHIPTunt ON CMHISTIAN BOOK CINT«| ONN TOOK ITMI1D* lOOl CIMTM 10 00 a m 8 00 &i«yi Hoard) .Aitunt I Tos Pmyoh
    25 words
  • 5 21 21 Acknoledgements H-H.1 Of LATF
    5 words
  • 9 21 22 IN Memoriam in fvi« LOVINO memory of Mrs
    9 words
  • 19 21 23 Personal 80S SAMARITANS OP -Slnga•r 1 a Wed 1 Discouraged' l Help is as near a.s the telept
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 157 21 classified ads H BONG LOW: The engagement Is Age 1 MOO per ;>enence Ptaaaa submit written eppKcetione •tetmg ago. quelmcalione. ••pan *oiQßlh#< •itfi non itivrn able photograpri and contact telephone number to The Financial Controller Bukit Penfeng P O Boi 21 Spore 2) FULL' PART-TIME ondary j EUROPEAN COMPANY GARMENT
      157 words
    • 593 21 FEMALE CLERK REQUIRED Knowledge of typing and ituen AppiTlnwnungstating salary expected and enclo»cent photograph (nonrnablei addressing to Wei Knterprues Pie Ltd IM. nu Kang Road 6i ms ffi ASIATIC NAVIGATION LIMITED SENIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK OmSUs. To assist accountant in anagement reports ng and control OMSlmesllim 8 Eojsrtanee H 8C a
      593 words
    • 711 21 TYPIST REOUNWJO with knowledge of some Book-keeping For interview Apply personall) to IM Tanionf Pagar Road dunng office hours An expanding International OU "mpany is now accepting applications for a BOOKKEEPING CLERK Appllcanu should have HSt with at least 2 years experience in Oeneral bookkeeping rim i n«inin|iL» n_ni _!»>...,-
      711 words
    • 788 21 MILLWRKjMT. OUALJPKtO and ex penenced for immediate employ merit, for project in IndonesK related 10 gas pipeline compres sor Ration project Please serv detailed resume to 8 T Boi ABIIM won Litsani mutes i»>SciaiM«a tna paaiiF. arMCC MANIC AL DRAFTSMAN Applicants must pniatai a goot (ii E Certifies* preferably ir
      788 words
    • 868 21 DELIVERY BOYS WANTED Im- mediately Appllcanu must be at 1 least 18 rears osd Abie lo con verse In English and possess a I class 2 licence Apply personally to Room 138. Ist floor. Textile Centre Jalan Sultan. Spore 7. during office hours t MANUFACTURING FACTORY Ml TOA PAYON r
      868 words
    • 906 21 OESION ANO ACCREOICTBO Advertising Agency requires 1 8 Messenger Boy with own trans- port (motorcycle or scooter) Please call *****2, *****9 for an I appointment n Uigaww, mm WAITERS ANO WAITRESSES Appllcanu must have some rele- vant experience Oross salary $280 $280 Pteeee epaay peraonaay Ss Tna Amoncan Ckjo. ti
      906 words
    • 942 21 lUNOALOWS OIST. S Faber Drive 3. MX) Dlst 10 Redwood Avenue 2.000 DUt 10 Ming Teck Park 3.500 Out 11 Lynwood Orove 3.800 Dut 11 Hillcrest Road 82 00 DUt 1 1 Onole Crescent 82 OS Dlst 11 Dunearn Road $1 00 DUt 13 Happy Avenue North 11.300 Dut 15
      942 words
    • 764 21 LUIURV BRANO NEW apartment 1 3 bedrooms, centrally airrondi tioned and carpeted Spacious I living and dining room Very quiet location on Ooldhill Avenue, disi 9 Only a few left furnished unfurnished Rental from $3,500 For further details lei owner. 83)221 MSTRtCT S HIGH POINT. 10th noor split-level 3 bedrooms,
      764 words
    • 650 21 URGENTLY meojißEO apart- I <- at dlsts 9 10. 11 15 snd 17 Rental SSM soo for foreign mission Contact SSSM t •NOWSTWALISTS REOUIRE < i-lous apartment, in gi«>d 1 localiues Company lease liood n deposit payable Tel *73J»4 1 MALAYSIAN AM need apartment house reach from airport Rental?'
      650 words
    • 280 21 lEAUTIFUI NEW M f«» SpUt rites at lOmt Upper CTtangi lODERN I BTOREV SIMI 01 ACHED XBT r% > ey. lerra.e houses mosair noor >ousn storey wmm ■Mj r. K.^d for v.,ir Iriguiries <»» f" ROAO OIST. 1* •roaers please >"8T 1 j ROOMED flat pjßanfor sale or rent M
      280 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 291 22 ■PVVrWPtJ|L-*mmm*l t*f traBMEl URT APAHTMENT* CAIRNIIILL ROAO .ry apartmenu Each iri» rr.« 3 Oathi larg* A dining room, and s*rvanl s room i and carpark n»ady for jpailon Prlc* from 81*5 OM upwards En*— ll PrUikJlH omy Tat *****1 (*-awr*) INTERNATIONAL PLAZA Apartmenu I IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION -.loned fully furnished IiiIKHII
      291 words
    • 452 22 PMSSTKMO44S OPWCE Premises illy located with Har- off*r*d Tot Sale Fully Furnished Total Area 4 061 sq ft al SI2V) ps f Rental NegoTrsled. please contact 220*405 TAN EAN KIAM BU4LOIHO m Pmma Sweet READY FOR OCCUPATION Me**** eMse Mask ideal for professional and commercial firms Centrally i*csi*d in the
      452 words
    • 506 22 HUOS COMMERCIAL/ Industrial roncern requires 3.000 aq ft office for immediate lease preferable outside CBD with carpark facilities Call 23*0*23 TO PURCHASE OFFICE space approx 500 1 000 sq ft preferably Oolden Mil* Tower Tel 2****** No brokers pleas* EXCELLENT WAREHOUSE FACI LITIBS wtlh 24 hours security available for loose
      506 words
    • 576 22 OSXIT TRAVEL (PTB) LTD. OVERSEA TOURS (Spun O— r) (1) Taiwan/ (Huailen/ Allaanv Hong Kong (Macau*/ Bans;. kok 14 dam ***** 12 days 81 3*1/Depsrture 22 12 29/12. VI. 12/1. 18/1. 16/1 (2) Korea Japan/ Taiwan (Huailen/ Allaan)/ Hong Kong Macau V Bangkok 1* days 821*0/ -17 days 81*80/Departure Every
      576 words
    • 684 22 AUSTRALIA NSW ZEALANO Beautiful Perth. Melbourne. Sydney It Kaloomba Auckland. Wellington. Chnstrhurch 4 Mr Cook 12 21 days *****/ ***** Dep 32. 9 3 6 4 EUROPE 10 romantic countries Italy. Austria. Switzerland. Oermany. Russia. Holland. Belgium. France. England and Denmark 20 22 days 12 870 82 990 Dep SINGAPORE/
      684 words
    • 560 22 AMMSASTSR TRAVEL SPECIAL Parrs London. Europe. Canada. USA. Australia. Indonesia. Hongkong Tokyo 3* DhobyOhauK Near Cathay) Tel ***** ***** TRAVEL BONANZA Singapore To Sydney Melbourne S 7M.M Auckland Wellington 11 182 M London 7M.M Los Anrtlri IM* M San Francisco IMB.M London To New York S «>N Chicago HIM Washington
      560 words
    • 695 22 SBOumuuus offers better Secretarial training FULL TIME COURSES C'asses commence 9th January 1976 Register early to ensure piac* PART TIME COURSES Classes commence 26th January 1»76 SECRETARIUS 75 Tanalm Road Tniaeiioi* 10. Tel: w***** A PRACTICAL COBOL Programming conducted by experienced EOP Praelionrr 12- weeks training course for complete beginners
      695 words
    • 772 22 GUARANTEED 1 MOUTH* inter. sive course for school-leavers nook-keeping Shortnand. Type wnung Enrol Now' LMPTC 131 Bth floar. People's Part centre 511 512. sin floor Katong Shopping Centre Tel *****3. 912*14 *****9 4*0733 QUALIFY IN ACCOUNTANCY through OFFrCIJLLY RECOGNISED COLLEOE You can qualify by runtime or part time (even ing)
      772 words
    • 458 22 ELEMENTARY BOOK-KEEPING day and night classes everyday MT( Certificate awarded for successful compieuon Manage ment Training Centre 304 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre Accountancy ACAAI* ICMA lA S Eiigineering Hgjifncii St***wMS FREE TALK on Singapore Income Tax by Specialut 19th December 8 pm For reservations, telephone ***** Management Training.
      458 words
    • 740 22 ENROL NOW BMM*I Bump' Bump' Brfinnen class tomimelcinc Monday 22 12 75 M p m Contact Sunny Low i Poitsan Danre Studio Tt/att MOOfRM/ Ann uithi t>^ v i i rw, rnysicaj Science Economics Tuition al Y«" Homes Responsible Tutor Ring Jo* 32-119.' lIIOIILT EXPERIENCED and well ■a* ll fun
      740 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 215 23 1971 MERCEOES ISSS moon OECEMBER 1t74 MORRIS Mini Tax in- > iition S4 TOYOTA STATIONWAOON 1970. f ord FairREGISTENEO 1971 TOYOTA .3 re fully auairconditioned S3 900 H'J OCTOBER MAJSA 1000 C C :> K 56.300 1971 ESCORT 1100. well mam■ running condl--.rj owner. IMS RENAULT 1100 Octal condl'Nt MORRIS
      215 words
    • 412 23 ADRIAN'S CAN! FUmNTUM of lion furnishing fabrics and wagraas matting 42S River v.,ad Tel *****4 T***** WANTED SECONOMANO OFFICE furniture and equipment Please tfrr in P() Box 2S9S Maxwell Road ORCHID COLLECTORS plants at reasonable prices M Braemar rangoon Garden 10am 4p m Thur WHEN YOU CAM but cant be
      412 words
    • 524 23 ANOCNCK Of Sa ornnt rrlax- NMTANT pajwTHIO Expert Pnn I ink maasas* by qualified mas- ten speclallatnc in all sorts of vusrs maaarurs For enquiries printinc )oba g Name Canto. Tel 323M5 invoice* LMlartMaHl etc Tel MAMOAMM MKALTN Centre Man- IIW dann HoW 3rd Floor Maasacc SPACS CLIAMINO SiRVICt Sauna
      524 words
    • 797 23 ATLAS IWFWIOIFATIOW a air- SPECIAL OFFER HfTACM semi- CARPITS CURTAINS. WALL- »«i aCLLINB FURNITURE. FULL RANGE OF IftS* n condtttoninj Service SIS Upper automatic washing machine for PAPERS, clearance stork up to I appliance* baby paraphern TTiomaon Road Very moderate only »275 Demonstration MM discount Contact Coamo antique*, furnishings pot
      797 words

  • 621 24 Industry told: Go metric if you wish to survive 'pHE chairman of the Metrication Board, Mr. Baey Lian Peck, yesterday warned manufacturers and packagers that it would be economic suicide for them not to go metric. He explained that they should expect to face more non- tariff barriers against Imperial
    621 words
  • 108 24 INTERNATIONAL Road, between Tractor Hoad and Pioneer Road, In Jurong will be closed to traffic from tomorrow at 10 am. for part jf a series of road, drainage and ancillary Improvement works costing the Jurong Town Corporation a total of $2.3 million. Included
    108 words
  • 261 24 HONGKONG Us* director Tin* Chang, who reached the top In only six yean, is determined to Introduce new and refreshing ideas in Chinese films Mr. Ting, U, one of the ywangest director* In Hongkong, started as a stage hand
    261 words
  • 183 24 Festive travel: Heavy bookings reported rAVBL agent*, railway, airline and bus operators report heavy bookings for Christmas and New Year holiday travel between Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia. A spokesman for Malayan Railway reported full bookings for the Singapore Kuala Lumpur sector up to Dec. 30. Bookings on other sectors are
    183 words
  • 43 24 MR. Richard AJartta. a manager of Nub Pto. Ltd.. a civil aviation company, will praaent a pilot of the year award to Mr. Blawanath Ohoah. on* of the company i pilot*, at Marco Polo HuUl on Saturday at I p m
    43 words
  • 27 24 THZ Japanasa Influence In Bouth-eaJt Alto U tt» topic of a ulk in Mandarin to b» glvan at tha BukH Tlmah community ctntr* tonight.
    27 words
  • 22 24 THS UUa of a talk In Malay to b* hakl ai u» Jalan Pasjak mmmnnlty mutrt toolcht win b« Cancar
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 458 24 GOODYEAR MALAYSIA BERHAD seeks application from Malaysian Citizen for the poet of "MANAGEMENT TRAINEE" \Kp: 23 30 years (Jualific-ation: Holder of Diploma in Business Administration or Kconomics graduation from a recognised University. Kxperience: Considerable period of similar training attended and holding a position of an istant in Material trol or
      458 words
    • 608 24 IMAIAYSIAI SON BMO I Has a vacancy in Its Kuala Lumpur Factory for an ENGINEERING MANAGER (Applications are invited from male Malaysian citizens, with a minimum age of 28* I years, holding a good University degree in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent. g A minimum experience of 3 years in
      608 words
    • 804 24 LEMBAGA LETRIK %f£mM NEGARA v/ftl jV/ Tender Notice <mlßm* JMK/Tander No. ***** Temengor Hydro -Electric Project Air Ganda Resettlement Staff Quarters The L.L.N. will shortly be calling for tenders for the construction of prefabricated timber Quarters on a site in the proposed Air Ganda township south of Grlk town In
      804 words
    • 14 24 [we rent cars] L Kuala Lumpur 03-*****2 J L Penang 04-***** J Singapore *****0^fl
      14 words

  • Untitled
    • 198 25 Unknown student shocks Stan Smith cYDNEY. Wrd. -Anil. known BnulUan eoileg« ttmttmt. J«w Saaura, ihorked former WMMoa rhimpUn SUn Snith. the No. I m«4. with a Anight •rU win tadAT In the wc««4 round at the New south Wain International tmafe liamaaunt hare. Soarea, JJ. raakad No g In Braid,
      198 words
    • 172 25 YORK. Wed Roger Rousseau, pre sldent of the organising committee for the 1976 Montreal Olympic Oames. said yesterday the only thing missing on opening day. July 17. would be a roof on the main stadium 'The oames will start on time and the facilities will
      UPI  -  172 words
    • 454 25  -  CLASS THREE HORSE SHOWS HIS ABILITY By \\C, Wed.— Class Three newer om c r Hot Sand showed galloping ability in a trial with Credit Centre 1 < la*> 1 on a yielding track here today. Among the early ones out, the pair raced
      454 words
    • 22 25 JEEP'S TOP 10 Singapore Sun First Enterprise Take A Bow High Ruler 111 Bestcrete II Tamerbell Monza True Qrit Miss Macintosh Stiletto
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    • 33 25 BAN JUAN (Puerto RK»). Wad. World Ughtwasjßt champlcn Roberto Duran of Panama predicted ytaUrdaj he would floor afaih an challenger Leoneto Ortls before the seventh round of Saturday's title nght here. UPT
      33 words
    • 339 25 YORK. Wed. Russia's gymnastics 11 star Olga Korbut Insisted yesterday she never intended to leave the impression that she was anxious to retire. Kngllsh made me misunderstood." the slender. 20 "year old I of an earlier report that she was growing tired
      339 words
    • 59 25 Forego is Horse of Year again I Wed ight named Hare Horse of Meond -wiv* rear Forego, a ion of the rd air* Ftarll i mar* Lady Oolronda Forego won six out of nine being r \>-*r in late when he milfered a an ankle injury '..r-old gelding hat r
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 23 25 HTA Wed But*n Indonesia, moved m sixth to fourth i reatlwrweasril •••<• Otum Bodnf thtn he •topped Thailand! Komkrtl rl«hth Ird 10-
      23 words
    • 32 25 BERN Wed— Tha ir7»-7« European Champions Soeeer Cup rinal will ba atagsd in Olaagow and tha Cup-WJn-nen' Cup Final In Bruaaem. the European Onion ofFXwtball Aasoclatlons (UaTA) announced jaataiday. TJFL
      32 words
    • 275 25 Champ Estaba knocks out his rival in 10 TOKYO, Wed. Luis "Lumumba" Estaba. x of Venezuela, stopped Japanese challenger Takenobu Shimabukuro in the 10th round and retained his World Boxing Council Junior flyweight title at Onna, Okinawa, today. The 34-year-old chamnU.n Unded a sharp right hook to the Jaw and
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 420 25 ANSON r U CENTRE tEzEEjJ Situated at Anson Road, right in the midst of JETT^T- ™^M |M the commercial and financial centres of C Robinson Road, ANSON CENTRE is the jfc^l!^^^^^ J perfect location for t f —-,sj «i ■ssßwaaißMaaawLaJC GROUND FLOOR SHOPS, SHOWROOMS, tf M l|i T T *T^'O
      420 words

  • Untitled
    • 387 26  - Defiant Ahmad: We will prove critics wrong gNCIK Ahmad Halim, manager of Singapore's King's Cap soccer team, leaves with 10 of his 17 players for Bangkok today on a defiant note: "We will finish third and prove our critics wrong.'*. Enclk Ahmad disagreed with the ▼lew of local soccer experts
      387 words
    • 190 26 WI pacemen fast, accurate, admits Greg CYDNEY, Wed. Andy Roberts, whose pace bowling swept the West Indies to an Innings victory over Australia In the Second cricket Test, yesterday remained the reluctant hero to the end. The 24-ytar-old Roberta, whose second lnntca seven for 54 com Dieted match figures <>f
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 59 26 SBOVU Wed. The Second Asian TWkwondn Chanptanaiilns win be held In Melbourne. AuMraila. on Oct. IS lo Oct. 17 next year, the World Taekwoodo Federation bradquarten In Seoul said today. The announcement said 13 oountrtea Including Auetrana. Burma, Pljl. Hongaong. Taiwan. Malaysia. Iran, Japan, Pakistan. SsogaporF.
      59 words
    • 55 26 MOSCOW. Wed.— Vladimir Ooeivsfl jastaUay set a world )erk weichUlfUiw record In the SO kUognuns (featherweight) category by llfUnf ISJ 5 kUofrmnu durtog tbe Soviet Union National WetghtUfUng Champtnnahlps In CtMiyaMnek. Tbe l«-jrear-old etudent from WoToalMfsa bettered the prtrloue mart, held by «Utolal Kolaenlko* of the
      55 words
    • 63 26 LONDON. Wad. AaU Iqbal U» PUdataa Tast ertckatar. went In to haaptui at Orpington near bars today for an operetta to rtbcv* htm of atniu trouble. "I expect to be In hoepttal for only a few days but the operation baa meant thai I here had to
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 57 26 MELBOCXIO. Wed. Queensland sprinter Denlee Rotoertjon SI. tonight broke the Australian lit metres record and rrwajlslart a hattrkk of wins over Olympic medallist lUiena Boyle. ADas Robartaon f lows art IJ c etconds In beating Mia Boyle by three metre* and breaking bar rtvaJ'a two-year-old record
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 157 26 PERTH. Wed. South 1 Australian batting prospect Oary Coaler will have an opportunity this weekend to force his way into Australia's team to meet the West In the Third Test In Melbourne late next week. Cosier will take part In the one-day
      157 words
    • 117 26 as nuwoiti begin to uptodc to H«M a» the d*rfc iky with ■ultieohMired telfhtneM, M«--uoo«i oms of the tsar comprunf eounuiei mn eamedMck durtnc Urn ckMinc csTM of the Bfbth tap Ommm »t Itanckok onTuMta; (Mil And. m the SMMad band* of Urn Th*l Army. Navy
      117 words
    • 158 26 Glamorgan crushed by Aussie power T ONDON. Wetf The La Australian Rugby Union team, two points down at halftlme, scored at almost a run -a minute In the second spell to beat Olamorgan 51-18 at Neath yesterday. ft was the Wallabies' highest score on tour and provided them with a
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 215 26 FA Cup: Palace knock out Millwall IONDON. Wed. 4 Third Division leaden Cryital Palace clinched a *pot In the third round of the English Football Association Cup by winning their second round replay 2-1 over South London neighbours Millwall last night. First half goals by Day.d Kemp and Peter Taylor
      Reuter  -  215 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 392 26 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfWeJ (jIQSSCS 2 beautiful champagne) glasses frttt with sparkling Batofeham You*ft£*w its bubbly. apa*4wPJgtaatw. HwVeVAW ftfour glasses while stocks last! "You'll love this sparkling Ba bye ham offer!" .^aHa^BnHaV v *jT v ejajp a^^^ f^f afl I M mm .e^LVMsf ILVJ ftrvk.^rV CwBL t>a»- 4 A oth B Off Mi!
      392 words
    • 97 26 oM3uy any of these 3 lUdllVl mCk F3OANE all transistorised TV sets /~jV > shown below and get a 4!^*^. a free table fan 1 I II bbbbbV^ TR 24 DX with MAGIC LINE I ~H I 3 HI I awawawflaaawawawavawawsaT I TR 24 SX witn MAGIC LINE TR 20
      97 words

  • Article, Illustration
    383 27 GOLDEN SMILE: AND NOW FOR THE MONTREAL OLYMPIC GAMES JUS TIN A Tseng won seven golds at the just-con-cluded Seap Games at Bangkok, five In new Games records. But one race remains vivid in her mind the 100 m freestyle. She said yesterday: "I'll never forget it beeaaac It was
    383 words
  • 815 27  -  CHERYL DORALL By KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Seap (James was a sour ending to fur Malaysian sports After the splenr the World Cup hockey tounnameiit. the dazzle of Muhammad All and his sideshow and the exciting World Invitational badminton tournament, to be overxhadowed in a
    815 words
  • 274 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Philippines made a determined rally In the second half to hold Singapore to a 2-3 draw In the Asian Schools Under-lS soccer tournament at Kota Raja Stadium. Klang, today. After missing a penalty after resumption, the Filipinos deprived Singapore of
    274 words
  • 316 27  -  VI A Z Mohamed 11 Shah, Chef-de-mission of the Singapore contingent to the Seap Games, yesterday urged officials of all associations to plan for the 1977 Seap Games "without any delay." Speaking to reporters on his return with part of the contingent, he warned: "It'll be
    316 words
  • 90 27 rOLONOB, Wed. Vv Fortuna Cologne of the West Oerman Second Division will play five friendly soccer games In India and Malaysia during a two -week tour beginning on Dec. 39. a spokesman for the club said yesterday. He said the games would be played In
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 181 27 A new star is born. Cycle Carriage Bintang. \s^riginally, the words "Cycle" "Carriage" came together for the first time in Malaysia more than QPA^W years ago. More recently our company was known as ifStMs The Cycle Carria 8 e Industries (M) Sdn. Berhad and was responsible for assembly /t?s\ and
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 37 27 SOCCim Asian Betook Undtr-lt tourney PblMpploM v Thailand J 00, Matorala v Buna* «.U pja. (Station Fadaag aana*iaut). Hntiftag r Stngapor* (aferoaka ttamnt 1 pm rina\|: Stof*i»» Youth* r Fan«r Part ftoKstf (Timr Part AC. I.U pjb.).
      37 words

  • 393 28  -  ISAI TAN, 8v City Editor 'pHK Haw Par Slater Walker Securities talks which ended early yesterday How the Haw Par chairman, Mr. v I Fam, to brief his board on the progress of the negotiations, will resume today. The negotiations,
    393 words
  • 167 28  - ITC PICKS TEAM FOR TALKS WITH CHINESE EDWARD LIU LONDON. Wed. The International T 1 n Council has named a three -man delegation to seek talks with the Chinese and Burmese Governments about their Increasing tin exports In view of export controls exercised by Its producing members. Among the three
    167 words
  • 45 28 DAMASCUS. Wad Mr. Alfnd Artherton, US Undersecretary of 6uu. met Mr Abdul-Hailm Khaddam. Deputy Premier and Poralcn Minister of Syria for more than two noun today, official toureaa aua Mr Artnertcn la due to meet President Hafea Aaaad later In the day AP
    AP  -  45 words
  • 30 28 JAKARTA. Wed A kitU police commander Bitgadler-Oonerml Su»»nx I"jofcrodlnln«r»l. ws> toda.' rntmcrt to 1] years impi .T.uwnt (or compltctty In the aaorw-* 196* communist coup In Indone- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 101 28 Stolen gold in piano seized PHARLESTON (Sevth \-> C-robna). Wed. An estimated OTtl Brittle* (MLS million) weeth of what offlcUU bssMwe Is stolen geld kvllWit Has been sill rrwn a chartered ptaae fcy'jPS eastern* efflOfflcials satf teday the R!d was taken fresn a M aircraft chartered by the US Air
    101 words
  • 189 28 HONOKONO. Wad Chlna'a »ta*e farma an Halnan bland and iht '■««'**ii p*ninjula of KwanfUß* prorlne* m aouthrrr. China had a food rubber yMd thla year, the lf«w China Newi Afl«ocy reportad today. It amid a number of th* fa/ma incraaaad their totai output br W par
    Reuter; AP  -  189 words
  • 676 28 PARIS. Wedn— day THE United States has quietly dropped its policy of seeking to force a cut in world oil prices and now hopes to draw the oil profits of the producing nations into international development schemes The new US stance was
    AP  -  676 words
  • 39 28 TH. AvTT. Wea. -Mgw •even qMs, have keen imaV •d in MUbkM la tbe Israeli oecuptsd West Bank of Mm Jordan lUvtr foAowtas. denwestrauexu aflstast Jaw lah MttMMMtf in U» im, WMt Bank sMness aald today— UPL
    39 words
  • 360 28 TNI MMMM LOWDOW Wit Th» HIW iIMK iMSkUT taw IB atow WifcS wM> MM MMI taaMffV MMfffMrt MvMi Al I p.m. Urn FIMIMII TIM* mam it v imj. P m O IMI lt> H t» aftar pmbu tto laat-«BUa mmi Imiil kr wrtßr« uteUM VBtas 4SBM W IVWtd
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 62 28 I jfi&SXi V wos flk ITf\ ~*a\ *^bY thefinal' touch wmm to your jeans ensemble Corny j»ns tf>e co'©-free trendy Jeans fasNons I Nt oi ponts oetts $rw ts and footweaf wim Jeans Vogue I watches 1O different models with matching dX» II r~AMY tough Jean fabric strop ond rustic
      62 words
    • 209 28 t bbbT^^^^MP^? •wHaataBBBBBfJ T.^siH WITH THE ARTISANS GOUsEGTION This Christmas Season make it a memorable one give a Win Battery lighter. The Artisari'S is the perfect gift its exquisite beauty and quiet dignity are crowned by the Touchstone _m^Allb^. the unique round button the gentle whisper JM free life- tin»
      209 words

  • 708 29  -  f\NCE or twice each week, some 1.1 million South Korean high school and college students don fatigues or other designated uniforms for compulsory military training classes Officially, they are members or the National Student Defence Corps inaugurated last September to take over the
    UPI  -  708 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 238 29 BARcUlNxlyf ft Quality Merchandise at /^(Yj\ K give away prices.Up to/ B'From Ist to 24th December 197J^^^a^g5 Wall To Wall Broadloom Carpeting Less ls/e wf PLUS 1 piece rug FREE for every purchase of $500/ to $2,000/ W 3 piece washable super quality P' A toilet rugs FREE for every
      238 words
    • 94 29 c#n® nun <$ ...this festive season Kthe spectacular world of the aaaaaav/ .^aaaW ig to new sensational sounds with Anita Sarawak Angela Lee m I jTi/ aflaaaWX M^k mA W JL. /^SaaaaaflE^ ■BKaaafr??"\2os«aaa W 99H The Society of the Royal Flush The Adaptors Dancing to The Society of the Royal
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 695 30 13 51 Shriro (China) Limited hat an immediate vacancy for pSJ IH an experienced 91 CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY 13 El The successful applicant should:- rjri (a) be a Singapore citizen, SI (b) have a pleasant personality; <c) possess a recognised private secretarul diploma, 3! be fluent in written and spoken English
      695 words
    • 656 30 Wei INTEL (M) SDN. BERHAD PENANG ENGINEERS WANTED Subsidiary of a worldwide U.S. semiconductor company located in Pcnang has brlfht career opportunities for talented EnftoMrs who art Malaysian cltlseru preferably Bumlputras. 1) SENIOR QA ENGINEER To provide leadership In the QA engineering group as well as to take charge when
      656 words
    • 910 30 SOLE DISTRIBUTOR available for tow OPPORTUNITIES: I p^w£^ Dectric-Arc-Welding Equipments mum JMrniN Gas Welding Equipments Asiatic pride Bench Grinding Machines LEAVING Nagasaki between Barrel Pumps December 22 and 27 for Tungsten Carbide Tipped Drills Singapore Pipe Welding Clampers Hydraulic Cylinders Pipe-Benders (Hydraulic) P.T.O. W AaATIC navigation umttcd Electric Compressors 345*.,
      910 words

    18 words
  • 1084 31  -  INDONESIA has Hid ;i further US$425 million loan with an international coni o r linm of ixinks to off the shortterm crediton ol rnina, thr na oil company. It is negotiating another $100 million to $150 million with Japanese banks, which
    1,084 words
  • 202 31 SYDNEY: Chairman of Pancontlnental Mining, Mr. Tony Orey. announced substantial additions to the company's uranium ore reserves at Jablluka. Northern Territory. He told the annual meetIng that since the Nov 20 announcement of results showing significant new uranium Intersections in seven holes, the company has
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 197 31  - Kleinwort Benson opens regional office in -Spore— SOH TIANO KCNQ By KLEINWOBT Beneon, one of Leaawan's tea eaartaaat kaaks, ham opened a reaveaenUtlve office In Singapore to serve Soeth east Asia. Its representative, Mr. Anthony P.O. SUnley Ssalth. amM this efflec airnlflea the Bank's first direct Interest in the regjoei.
    197 words
  • 401 31  -  MAimN LIM By npBX continuing aevere imoorted tatUlam v expected to squeeze profit margiru at CUrmlcal Company of Malaysia In the current Tear ending September 1976. And though demand tor the company's products Is expected to pick an toward* the end of the current year. OCM
    401 words
  • 732 31  - Banking industry in US rebuilding public confidence despite sharp rise in failures STANLEY STRACHAN By \KW YORK: More 11 banks in the United States have failed so far in 1975 than In any other year In a generation, with a rash of smallbank closings that seems likely to continue for
    732 words
  • 73 31 New listing deferred LISTINO of the US$l5 million 9 per cent guaranteed notes 1960 of the Japan sea company YB. line (Cayman) on the Stock Exchange of Singapore has been deferred until further notice In Its announcement, the BBS says this to due to some unforeseen delay encountered by the
    73 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 53 31 Interaudio engineered to dramatically increase your listening pleasure New levels"off>erformance in direct radiating speakers are achieved by the ACOUSTICOUPLE design concept. ll 'Trie spirit '"W MGIV€-^-TAK.dfe Sh^ glenfiddich whisky m& WV> THEB YEAR OLD SCOTCH ..^B-m f^V'itSL If InwanvS Kafl (e&C)^^ S &vt4& fcSlwW^^ »»^^:L Available at a supermarkets and
      53 words
    • 154 31 B^,£m ZZ Matic Alarm for the A W smart executive j^^H yj the small dynamic wristwatch that never fails big appointments aaaaal BBBBBBanaw 4 a^annV HLeivl t. K< •^nws^^r faW —aw***' ¥^nwsnM *m I Jwf i *W%-~^^n^r* W ■^bY"» I law nwl I i >•* mtm W^^aWt ata j antnansvV
      154 words

  • 142 32 Another two join the cruising 'palaces' r'O more ships have Joined a growing number of passenger liners offering cruise vacations In South-east Asian countries with Singapore as a port of call The ma "Prtnaendam leaves Singapore regu larly for Malaysian and Indonesian ports and laland resorts, offering passengers four to
    142 words
  • 635 32 AN unprecedented joint effort to deal with the crisis in the tanker market was considered by the world's leading shipowners, shipbuilders, bankers and oil company representatives at a London meeting on Tuesday. The meeting. the second of Its kind In only three months, was
    FT  -  635 words
  • 80 32 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. John D. TajUr, ▼Ice president of th« Ctuae Manhattan Bank. NA. 81n«apore. MaUysU and Brunei, recently announced the following live promotion! and one appointment: Maaa Kaw Mac Nio to second vice president. manager commercial accounts; Mr. Ye* Eng Cbeaag to ■aalrtant manacer area credit aenrlcesriir. Qaiek
    80 words
  • 151 32 ZCS line expands its container fleet 7IM Container Ser- Tlce (ZCS) is reinvesting a large proportion of Its profits to expand Its full container fleet and improve Its existing services between the Far East and Israel, says Mr. Dror Vered. pre s 1 dent of ZCS Far Bast. ZCS. a
    151 words
  • 190 32  - SHIPPING By QON EKO KEE who fear that the present crisis will aoon lead to a chain of bankruptcies among private owners who account for more than tS per cent of the world's tanker fleet Latest figures show about 44 million dwt or more than 500 vessels of a total
    190 words
  • Untitled
    • 103 32 ZURICH. Tim. Th« Zurich atock market eloMd (MMnlly firm today on increased tndlnf volume. Bonds ware »tao firm. Tta* Crsdlt Bulaw index fell 0 3 point to I*O J. ciimi mm ib km nun win tft* *mtrmt» m tnP. Cr^lt AttlM* SIM VMfc. e»M» a—* Onii Vtm auk ferits
      103 words
    • 125 32 AMSTERDAM. Tttta. The market ruled narrow Jy mixed In dull ~-*m<«»« with Dutch International* edging higher where changed, dealer* amid. Oaewhert. gainers wan lad by OCE and ToMrs by bah, PmkiMed. AH—— Baak and Bijeakarf State loan* were about cSSm prtcw ta natch talMan •v urn lllii^m am UM
      125 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 174 32 rust repair yjß Repamting after rust repair j •3M Replacement of accident damaged 2 rust weakened parti Damage to goods from leaks Wm Downtime B 1 wfl Excessive depreciation TOTAL K Multiply by number of ■4 vehicles m fltet Bh GRAND TOTALS J*~, i#:*»7» l^aw*P v <^ >isTf -j^^^ Reefer
      174 words
    • 165 32 New life for your old suspension. PUT MONROE QUALITY BETWEEN f§ YOU AND y^ THE ROAD i^ APPOINTED DEALERS fhJ IN SINGAPORE: tf Auto Union Co. Pta. Ltd.. 1070, Serangoon Road, O^T Tel: *****7/*****91 Chip Yew I* Co. Pta. Ltd.. 206. Lavender Street. Tel: *****30/*****83/*****98. Chop Aik Hue*. 12 13.
      165 words
      4 words
    • 423 32 ACBC Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Optimum interest and liquidity. Available for specific periods of not less than 3 months and not more than 3 years. High interest rates for fixed periods. Accepted by banks as collateral Freely negotiable therefore liquid at any time. Minimum deposit Ssloo,ooo with multiples of 5550.000
      423 words

  • iiiiHiaiUi<iiKiiiWyi
    • 61 33 Rises OOB&lt; r I OB HyUx vri In Inrhripe c c I M I. HrUI M. tr*4H P»n El DBS r. MnUn r. !&gt;*•» It Uin« M»j«» H l^onf I Darby tun M.7t WJt 11-M n«: SIM II M (Ml MM II.M 1144 ftJN 45 -U It f M
      61 words
    • 11 33 IX Ind. vmb I. K*jm\ rt.44 M.« 4 .1* M
      11 words
    • 19 33 r »brr MfrtU Darky '.08, XC.B.C. ct»l Tmmw; ratal Vahw: 41MM tUIN I«S4M t.U M MUM
      19 words
    • 67 33 Dae. 1&lt; Dtc IT ft R.T. Lite: UMI MI.W ladntriata: tST.tS tt»M 9 Tim+mca: Jt»J4 4M.71 I lloteb: U4.1l Pra^rrUn: IJJJ7 IMJI Tlm: MM I nMrn: 1174* 11M1 0C.8.C: U*M M7JI t lE.H. 1a4.: tltJ4 114J1 ft Jam. 1. I*7l 1M Dm. M. IM4 1M 1 Dtc. SI.
      67 words
  • 1365 33 CLOSSING PRICES frlZ laat transacted ready ra le at trie clcse of business Eschangv of reaterrlay compared its high and •&gt;&lt;l for scrip tIOIOH ON6 INDUSTRIALS «47f Lait H L »•&gt;• 1 M I Ot d.w 1 M ■an i i 150 100 !&gt; K mat S 2 M 104
    1,365 words
  • 363 33 P» gains were posted all round la SjeJet trading at the Stock Exehanxe of Singapore yesterday. Market sentiment was slightly started by the bßlllsh news thst Singapore*, economy lr&gt; the third quarter had shown a general improvesaert with expectation of stronger recovery in the last aaarter
    363 words
  • 303 33 Trading in KL turns bullish rADINO at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange turned bullish yesterday, with than prices makir.R one of th&gt;t mest lmpre?«Jve advarees in recent weeks. OaJns were Mlriy wid»spresd with market lenders snd baxikinf Issues leading the way. The burst of buying activity resulted In turnover Increasing!
    303 words
  • 1507 33 BID and offer prices officially MM and buslneM in and reported to tho stuck Exchange of Slngapoie with the number of shares traded shown In n lots of 1.000 units unleM otherwise jpecjfied All &gt;-(am» or Spttltmer.t quoted after Sett Big Board loss of 5.000 units 1
    1,507 words
  • 1489 33 UID and offer prices offl- I cislly listed and bustnoas d reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of :es traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units. .&lt;e specified INDUSTRIAL! API H 0«M M ill K.L. Suaaary Rises 66 40 M SI
    1,489 words
  • 114 33 BOTH Europe and US were dull and alow on Tuesday. according to the Malaysian Palm OU Producers- Asaoc-*-Uon. Prices In OB continued to east somewhat, while Europe was barely steady. Quotations In D 8 I cents &lt; Rotterdam &gt; unless stated were: Dec $400 16 cents sellers. 6MO
    114 words
  • Untitled
    • 187 33 •rOKYO, Wed —The market 1 lost heavily under pressure of ttquldaOoos with rtesMri discouraged by a slow recovery of domestic economy, dealers said The Dow Jones average fell 3504 to 4.177 12 with the volume unchanged at 160 million shares. The New Index closed st 113 a. down 162
      187 words
    • 143 33 JTONOKONO Wed—The market closed firmer but below the days highs at largely speculative morning ••ins were pared by profittaking and lack of support in qukrer afternoon uading dernier* said Jaresae was firmer at HKI2S 60. Bat its luan .tocki was very weak. HK Baak also rose \o 818 10
      143 words
    • 326 33 YORK. Tues A^ Stocks closed moderately higher today, though somewhat below their highs for the day Trading was moderate. Analysts attributed the gain to several factors, including reinvestment following early tax loss selling and year-end profit-taking mvea- tor encouragement that the market did not decline as far as
      326 words
    • 178 33 TuoMay Mma), use us* Mia—mi in MOM n. 189.8W Bolrw i»... awMt IM2M lUM 14.1*, WMwil, T—«a r It— »H«M IJa.M i MM Ktun i: Ml .it I3»»* arraa in fS. Sollara v ill Auatralian dollar ptt tmrnn &lt;1&gt; Ay.-as» me* Philip Morn. S3 intern 7 ROY.I l&gt;utrH
      178 words
    • 39 33 THK Monetary Authority of Singapore invites banks and discount houses to tender for S3* million 91 -day Treasury bills to be Issued from Doc. 22 to 26. Each tender must not be for less than $254),5w6
      39 words
    • 286 33 SYDNEY. Wad— Prices fell on riiftalrvH selling for the third consecutive nail in. dealers said. The Sydney AU-Ordlnarles lndei tost another 3.27 potnu to 430 41. BafP fell to AM 74 after reporting tower steel and oil output for November, while I'ta* dosed unchanged at it 40 after rising
      286 words
  • Untitled
    • 202 33 THE Straits Un price gained II to 6*71 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 30 tons to 250 tons. The overnight London market was steady but quiet with forward buyers price up £3 to £3.146 LONDON: Tin fell by £11 per tonne for Cash
      202 words
    • 30 33 CLOSING PRICES Rubber Dec 17. Singapore Jan. 1543.25 cts (down 2.25 cts). Malaysia 161 64) &lt; cts (down 2.09 cts). Tin: $971 top &lt; $1). Official offering SM ton* (down 30 tons).
      30 words
    • 114 33 pMIMIH MOOUCI IX c V CMAHOI. SIMOAPem NOOK CLOfIMC PftlCIS PIH PICUL TUTtHOAT Caaawm OH: Bulk 130 aalltra. t old drum 533 HUin. Sto ssßkasi Coara: Mucd (loomi IK i Cont $30 buym. PlMlr: Mumok ADTA whlta fo b. 100* NLW |M2t a*ll*ra. i Sarawak wblta f.o b. M«
      114 words
    • 34 33 London eopprr prtc«a on Tutaday iprrvloua In brackrm. Wlrakar Soot burrr 1342.30 HMO.SOI aellar isaa ciSSI). Thro Month burar 11»3 &lt;&lt;3vj3O&gt; atltera J3-3 30 IIUII Market tana: stradr. I Salaa 11.37} tonnca
      34 words
  • Rubber market
    • 89 33 rt Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these duties from Dec. II until further notice Rubber 71&gt; cU a Ib Copra $480 a ton Palm kernel $235.25 a ton The rates of duties available arc: Rubber 4} cU a ton (Total It cU t Ib) (Surcharge 21 cU
      89 words
  • 114 33 r^AZLY BUM uid SSR pricw Uaued at ijuoo ytatetOij Jin re*. Kwn Bvyrri Bcufrv «&gt;»!■■. (C«iim&gt;l irarwmriMlkl |«Ntip«k|) (Nrtapartc) F&gt;IR JCT (1 ton palkt) 16TM *****N 170 JO 171 MN EJCR SL (1 ton paiicli IMOO 189 00N 1M 00 170 00N BMR (1 ton pallet) IUU
    114 words
  • 211 33 Money and exchanges "pHE U.S. dollar opened marginally caster when I it was quoted at 92 4960.20 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Trading was dull and sluggish under thin market condition. The US unit closed quiet •it ta.4955 SO. Suggested interbank forward rates at 3 00 p m 1
    211 words
  • 179 33 Suggested interbank rales at 300 p m (urrenctea Nosainal rate* Ssallhaonian rerrealafc tart*. &gt;eat*r*av I cross I parity chance U8 dollar 2 4955 2 49«0 2 8196 —1149 8UTlln« pound 5 0365 5 0385 7 3469 3145 Hongkong dollar 49 35 49 40 50 51 130 jan dotlar
    179 words
  • 201 33 A SIAN currency deposit Interbank raUt v at ckM* on Wednesday. Dec IT: US Dollar* (Spoil Offer BM 7 days 4 3 1 4 14 1 mth 6 5 3 2 mths 6 5 16 U/M 3 mths 8 3 4 6 S 6 mths 7 12
    201 words
  • 44 33 Money market Ctoalng Interbank ratos In Singapore dollars !cr Dec 11 Offer BM OTernljht 35 1 312 1 mth 4 14 4 3 1* 2 mth* 4 12 4 3 1 3 nth* 4 5 I 4 18 Beret: T. Hurra y -Jonoi loUriutUoul
    44 words
  • 60 33 RANOr. of run olt'r** br duojnl ImiM Ml l.r Ovarnuht 2\ to 1S» CBII oasoalt J\l CM»*l| Our San J. Month MM J T 1 IK 4 7 1« 1-Month CO 4 14 4 »'1« 4 Month CD 5 m tawxa National Imount Co. NOTE: Ttioso rates mar
    60 words
  • 46 33 Prime lending rates (in Atgom«r*» Book 7 f .fit Ch.cogo Bongkofc Book "^CB Bonk of America- •KSBC Bonk of Chino 7 Moloyon Bonk o» TokfO 7 M.Hu. Bonk Bonk Negoro Indonn&lt;o7) OCBC L 7 CKort»r«l Bonk 7 l*.B Cho*e Monhotton K DBS i
    46 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 544 34 mm i y i if «%J W EXPBMEWCED I RafaaaTaaaaaV aal aT^afTjf^aFaP $600-sl,OOOp.m. Our client, an international pubtnhjng company, wishes to recruit an expat-traced j book-keeper for their new branch ta Stef apurr He will take up Ms appointment around the middle of February 1976. The successful candidate wil ba
      544 words
    • 773 34 ©SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION invites applications for the posts of LAGOON ASSISTANT Salary Scale: $325 20 525 (Minimum grots salary appro* $520/ per month) Qualifications: Certificate of the Brorue Medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society* Passed Sec 111 Knowledge of First Aid Normal Vision TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (CORALARIUM) Salary Scale: $190
      773 words
    • 277 34 B^l Jebsen&Jessen Administrative Co-ofcSnator I Tht) Job: To tuncfe Bontpoiidwict ra aia-&gt; aaa-irf aa »frl I aaaaaVaraV aT_tT aji. J- l_Tl_laaaal inOVfMriDVfluY Wful |*W If lvaf*^M- To anrtaMa WtajOrtsWoill with ItflJli-aaQiaaaat aHaafl fjia|lfc To Vttm sfctTf of tmnmmt offios I TiM Mw«: MM »&gt;• MajtM in and htwc I
      277 words
    • 228 34 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We wish to inform all our customers and friends that Mr. Marvin Tun Hooi Chin Is no longer in our employ with effect from Bth December 1975 and is therefore no longer authorized to transact any business on our behalf or our subsidiaries and associate
      228 words
    • 640 34 FAR EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE Sabah, Brunei and Sarawak Freight Conference NOTICE TO SHIPPERS LIVERPOOL PORT CONDITION^ The member Lines of the Far Eastern Freight Conference and allied Conferences wish to announce that, as the circumstances in the port of Liverpool which led to the introduction of the surcharge have changed,
      640 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 897 35 hi BttOM* un a i **aaa a ii cxfKss t= 'iTt. V& .r- S BWT" ".S'StTr-JrS'Jf'S.S mmimV iimmm •la i a ifa tim 'nil*. bm a m ii ra ii fa Ufa m* rt^f vmm "5 .2 SS limit lin lIM DM Hl* MIM aIM v CMUiatas.i* soviet urn m/cwti««t
      897 words
    • 1305 35 Ben Ocean am service d ßen Una BkjpFUnnel Glen Line and NSMO I M CMTIMBBT MB Mm" rtM* f mmm fMaai laraM PMi uanaaM v M M m.n tot a/M tot tt m im. imi *i^^ aua ar« la vm. Ltu. M. I aaa. m mlm wm Nan Ceaat* MM
      1,305 words
    • 1110 35 M aj-Maß.aß.ar al m f **"t P BllMa* %XtM HbTMC W». ■I EXPICSS ii m- ti m mm it m on m imbmm n tot bm bm bm iim mm 2S2IF „'r h-7 im im .'m "m XSSTui BM BM ftM Vm «HJ MN. ini'inn bm bm bm Hja ajat
      1,110 words
    • 1114 35 a? fai 818 ftrl I\bl In |ff_ ak H |fll B vLMJj I L bm\^MmT^ I FULLY COHTAINIKIZEO StKVICE TO IUKOfE a, MMt t-tM I rW jfUMu toe Jl amtrrt mn mb I toWtrMB. wutirtoa Matrt It Hart. mTkmm T." S U l r t kM limrlini. s^u mi, ii
      1,114 words
    • 697 35 Saoaan UMM. P MM| IMI IX Jfjm Paaaj }»1 THE BANK LDfB LTD. imk mils tntu MTMM (Mmt Ml Imni I •*.&lt;,! f MIMf U M ImlHal M 'M 111! I MBTI *UHCI IM lIBMM. MMMU «"»mm ii it to. Sk&gt; nu tot KUWAIT SHTPPTMC CO. (S.AJt.) MaMM mi stma
      697 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 988 36 KAWASAKI KaUtN KABHA LTD. fiut tmimma yum Ta lumm (Via laM| S'Mf* P l*as| tfsiri !*&lt;•* A'mt* InaM •XPTM SmWWK «W 4as fat Oat J7 as y sus mpmi miiM i nii n w dm mm Vim* luNfi (Vaa l»t| P waaj SMrc JKi SUi HIM! 171 f to. II
      988 words
    • 1029 36 faja IT4 IT* Tt MAttfMCBMM S*a»aaaa laa MM* *a*&gt;M •CAMTMBM MM M tot MOM Ba.ll IMMMI CtoMTtT l« laa (aa •aaam CSV MMMfM AMI MM* 8 toe IMaj IMaj IW Fan. SMka mm*. Smms immm, 1 M 21M2U (7 Lats) Catn ttOaV aajtlfTf AM MBM%Taf*MM a. saAM n m aa«VL«a
      1,029 words
    • 1052 36 miimmkwmmmma n mm &lt;w mn I ten r lani i &gt;-tat atari Alton emm •Menu iirMni n aa a toe mm* n m* a Ma a sat m*tbm iiMaaa c mb t aa a Ma- a Ma na* MMBMM MMMI avtt a* II aa BfM a le* B fel IS
      1,052 words
    • 865 36 MUM.. aYs tTztrz rra. l^F" J! 1. IM. C^t il lim it 2 •■■MM mm. »tmt mmv iwmi mt man to. ii mi i*i. M cm* I *m. I 1 it &lt;fn n "&gt;-i Will MMM MMAM II a Ma II a Ma 11 r« t ll* it. aY C«-1
      865 words
    • 901 36 yn^rtaTS^ 11 558 P*r MM B«1 U JrS^iS. AnS UM BBS 111 M 5i. a 2 Tul 1 8.1 J i* U &gt;*tanl Ma l &lt; fej^ NORWEGIAN ASIA UNE |g^ Far East Europe l^yKaaVaaM TiMtSn ICI fSIMaPMT PTI ITI |F9*Z?K^I TU 22»'151 114 Inti r^lS ,94 '&lt; W'ttS SIN
      901 words