The Straits Times, 16 December 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 156 1 'Prepare to defend your country' BANGKOK. Monday KINC Bhumibol Adulyadej has urged Thailand's armed forces and the public to prepare to to defend the nations independence and sovereignty because "Thailand is now a direct target of »n enemy who wants to control our country." The King
    AP; UPI  -  156 words
  • 467 1 Showdown with Khmers at the border BANGKOK, Monday THAI and Cambodian forces were still confronting each other near the border as officials of*the two countries tried to ensure a peaceful outcome to their three day clash, the Thai Prime Minister, Mr. Kukrit Pramoj, said here He told reporters that sir
    Reuter  -  467 words
  • 39 1 WBXINOTON. lion The New Zealand Oovernssont ha* Increased to* prtce of petrel by NZ33 costs <SM conu) pot sties The new retail prtee of pi waHint grade petrol l* HZ 137 .B*l2l per 4» Utres
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  • 83 1 LEFTIST Muilim HUM! run for their MdUoni at the HoMfe of the Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel in Beirut daring heavy lighting on San--4*7. Their opponent* the rl jhtwinf F a I a n g c militiamen, are only metres away at the Holiday
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  • 179 1 Fear of more violence in Pattani province BANGKOK. Mon.—The death toll Iron a grenade thrown by an unknown assailant la a southern Thai province On Saturday has risen to 11 with more than It asapst wounded. provincial aathorlUes said today. There was fear of asses violence In Pattanl provtaee. Mtfcas
    AP  -  179 words
  • 44 1 NKW YORK. Mon. Dow Jonas averages, based on first hour of trading on ih« New York Stock Exchange: M Indus *****. down 047; 20 tramp IM.M. down 0 2S; 1» utils Si.lo, up o 10; as stocks 253 7J. down 0.15 UP!
    UP  -  44 words
  • 415 1 Three jailed in Helsinki for fraud FINNISH police are believed to have crip- pled an international forgery and cheatIng ring with the recent arrests of three Singaporeans two of them women graduates In Helsinki, Informed sources here said yesterday. They Mid the man, aged about 28. and the two women,
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  • 128 1 Singapore gold tally rises to 38 OINOAPORE von three O more gold medals in the SEAP Games at Bangkok yesterday, taking the Republic! total gold tally to St. The Singapore successes were by the table tennis p.ayers. who won both the men's and women's doublet titles. The MAP champions were
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  • 83 1 SYDNEY, Mon. A Boeing 707 of Papua New Oulnea's newly formed national airline made an unscheduled call at Manila to refuel because of its heavy passenger payload. Instead of ffcylng direct to Hongkong from Port Moresby, It was stated here today. A spokesman for Quanta* Airline, which owns
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 109 1 -QRUASXLB. Mon. BriD tain will be told today that any move to slap on import controls could lead to a trade war nmopg the Industrialised nations. Britain has aid It reserves the right to impose Import controls In spite of opposition from Its DC
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 64 1 BONN. Mon. Dr Henry Kissinger praised the United State* today as perhaps the only country In the world where an immigrant could lie* to become Secretary of SUtc for Foreign Affairs. He was speaking at a ceremony in his birthplace at Fuerth alter belnc awarded
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 58 1 CANBERRA. Mon. Seventeen Australians, some stranded in J^aos for nearly a month, hare been allowed to cross into Thailand, a department of Foreign Attain spokesman said today. The Australians and other traveller* on their way to Thailand ware stranded when the Thai authorities closed the border
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 392 1  - Siege on gunman after woman is shot LAI YEW KONG and PAUL WEE By A MAN armed with a revolver held police at bay for half an hour last night as his lover lay dead from five gunshot wounds nearby before he surrendered to a senior police officer. He was
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  • 112 1 'Brez is dying of cancer' report YEW YORK, Mon. Newsweek magazine report* In its latest issue that Soviet Com munlst Party leader Leonid Brezhnev has a terminal jUlnew. The magazine says In 1U Dec 22 Issue that It had been told that Mr. Anatoly Dobrynln. the Soviet Ambassador to Washington.
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  • 148 1 "He stumbled over such common Russian words as sotrudnlchestvo (co operation) and lnternatslonallzm. He spoke unusually slowly at times as If to avoid mistakes, his speech was markedly slurred and when leaving the hall. he stumbled slightly when going down the steps "There was no way of knowing how
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 75 1 THE body ef a aeewid man feared U have been crushed by falling concrete alas* at the a»eaaa»laia«l Singapore MirUlae Centre in Telok BUo fan Road en Sands? was foand under the rabble late last night by reseve workers Police M— Mfltd him as Tee Pee*. 44.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 SUPERBLY I"! DESIGNED |f] DIAMOND&i GEM SET Q.CDcSihm(Pte)U<L I HH ■*Vvm£RS /-TV MG THE GAUERY /A\ W 9 BATTERY ROAD I gl J RO L«X SINGAPORE t TEL *****6 SONY. Model HMK-20 This 3 in Sony phono/ csssette stereo tuner outclass all stereos ot its kind It is s hot
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    • 122 1 Where would you put this Philips product? I philips! I l«ti u» wftere this Philishw I ex civ si v» eoVus fao'e JK^JS I ««ctr>c sh*** {HPIIIBt i^t^^^l^ J^ I shouM be on th* Philips vm W R^Win $75,000 worth of prizes It's Philips Singapore Silver Jubilee and to celebrate,
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    • 17 1 For Clear A Comfortable Contult: C.S. CHONG O.D. E YERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STACET, SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 355 2 Tough posers facing energy meeting TALKS OPEN FOR 27 RICH, POOR NATIONS J pabis. Men jyjINISTKRS from 27 countries meet here tomorrow to begin negotiations which could fundamentally change the relationship between the world's rich and poor nations. The International conference on energy and raw materials will bring together representatives
      Reuter  -  355 words
    • 222 2 LONDON. Mon. Dr I Henry Klaslnfer to«r went home to birthplace he fled a 15-7 far-old boy und-r Nail persecution that now proposes to honour aim a« Ha moat famous native son. Dr. Kiaalncer has been back twice before, aa an American
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    • 335 2 Syria will sign Golan pact says Sadat PARIS. Monday EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat "has no doubt" that Syria will sign a second Golan disengagement agreement with Israel, he said in an interview published here yesterday. 'Such an agreement has even been foreseen from Oct. IS Syna was to sign Immediately
      AP; UPI  -  335 words
    • 276 2 BEIRUT Men rK thunder of a recolUeu rifle and the chatter of machlneguns dimmed hopes today of a ceasefire In the fifth round of Lebanon's civil war Muslim leftists and right-wing Christians clashed In battles on Beirut's seafront one hour past the 9 am deadline
      UPI  -  276 words
    • 132 2 LONDON. Mon. Britain's ruling Labour Party lost Its overall majority on paper— ln the House of Commons with the death yesterday of Member of Parliament Maurice Edelman Mr. Edelman. M. a journalist and author. was a strong Francophile and a supporter of the Zionist cause.
      Reuter  -  132 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 SOMETHING YOU MAY NEED IF YOU LACK VITAMINS HVM The Once-A-Day Way to fill your requirements. HVM BEIKLIN really makes you live and enjoy a full life. Because a^ famous HVM capsule gives you c^pHsK^ that extra vitamins to cover any deficiency. Jk J£l, HVM is a latest tonic rwEIKLIHi
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    • 170 3 I ONDON, Mon. The Labour Government's £180 million (5J907.2 million) plan to save Jobs at Chrysler Motor Corporation's British plants came under strong criticism yesterday from sections of ruling party and the Conservative opposition. Industry Secretary Eric Varley is due to five details of
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 259 3 FRENCH JETS AND MISSILES FOR EGYPT CAIRO, Monday tiRENCH President Valery Glscard d'Estai^R r flew back home today after a five-day State visit during which he pledged further French assistance to rebuild Egypt's warshattered economy and set up an arms Industry. r= The President. hU wife Anne-Aymone and hit two
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    • 39 3 PARIS. Moo. PalnUr Pablo PfeMSO'a a«ate was wn"<M*"r put «t vi uuni•talng »OOC sallUon frmoct (about BC3.TM million) and hta «U httn lneludirn thrw Utafiuaatc chlldmi ■My soon r«cei*» haft* •harts of the fortune Mwur.
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    • 70 3 QUIT CALL TO SEOUL PM SIOUL, Mon. South Korea s major opposition New Democratic Party sponsored a motion In Parliament today seeking the resignation of Prime Minister Kirn Jong-pll and his Cabinet for alleged economic failures Fifty-five lawmakers nf the party submitted the motion to the National Assembly and asked
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    • 471 3 CANBERRA. Man \EWLY- ELECT ED A v s t r alian Prime Minrs t c r Malcolm Fraser, swept to power in Saturday's general election with record Lower House majority, flew here from Melbourne today to begin a reconstruction of the country's Government. At
      Reuter  -  471 words
    • 254 3 JERUSALEM. Mon. Israel kept its stock exchange closed for the second successive day today to prevent shocks to the market by government 1 m p os ed belt-tightening measures designed to cut Inflation and reduce the country's trade deficit. The measures are part of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 kw^H ss a secon d« If flissot is a watch for people with a sense of urgency about life. People who jftf* w ant to make every moment count. It's for men and women who expect more from life and more from their watch. %&Jp Its tor the individuals who
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    • 439 3 s^B^BsK^^Lraiii^Baer J^fV I Mth Decte 22nd. Decr^T swssV swsa swssV *w*a •westswsjLsWt iWt swea Mcl I quality gift{ I /ffW\ HAMPERS 1 b&i\&A OF I IwllW HAMPERS 537 X AND ABOVE THAI RICE 100% GRADES 6kg 6.40 SOYA BEAN COOKING OIL QIA KIMCHSMM 1 BOT KETCHUP FREE 3kq 9.18 CONDENSED
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    • 414 4 Deal includes MiGs for 10 black African nations WASHINGTON. Monday J^L'SSIA has sent, or agreed to send, at least US$4OO million (SJU.OOq million) worth of MiG jet fighters, tanks and other military equipment to some 10 black African countries in the past two years. U8
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  414 words
    • 253 4 Soviet bid to undermine W. Europe: Schlesinger PARIS, Monday FORMER US Defence Secretary Dr. James r Schlesinger said In an Interview published here yesterday that the Soviet Union wu trying to bring about the disintegration of Western Europe. Dr. schlesinger told the news magazine Le Point that the Soviet Union
      Reuter  -  253 words
    • 156 4 European Reds run up $80 bil debt NEW YORK. Mon. Eastern European countries have run up a debt In the West of some US$32 billion (S$M billion), up by ISSI bl lion to ISM billion (r :m the end «f 1974, Ananclal analysts here estimate. As a result, bankers report
      NYT  -  156 words
    • 29 4 LISBON. Mon Portuguese officials today put the death tall at 14 for U*t night i bead-on train wrack at the northern village of Porno* de Alaodrea.— AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 66 4 OROBBE POINTS FARMS i Michigan). Mon. Within hours after officials recovered 178*111.000 .8******01 worth of paintings Uolen test month from the home of an industrallst her*, four more paintings were taken from his home, police reported yesterday Value of the newly stolen paintings was fWlmafd t
      AP  -  66 words
    • 58 4 LONDON. Mon A High Court here has »»arord Britain toremaal police ga> pert In baliUtlci £10.000 is $50 000" in damtgea beeaiue ht la almuat deaf after test-firing *uipect«d murder weapons for years. The court tv told that the crack of mini had turned Detective Superintendent John
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    • 335 4 JAKARTA, Men DOME 300 troops of the leftwlug Fretilin movement have surrendered to their pro-Indo-nesian rivals In Portuguese East Timor's two main tov.ns. Informed sources said today. The sources said many of those who surrendered In Dili and Baucau were among- the FreUlln forces who fled
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 104 4 NIAOARA FALLS (New York). Mon.— Four chemical plant workers died and 79 people were hurt when a railway tanker filled with chlorine exploded here last night, police said today. The blast sent a giant cloud of the poisonous gas drifting towards a shopping and
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 137 4 Britain's good-for-nothing youths LONDON, Mon. Many employers In Britain are being driven to take on aged pensioners because the country's young are idle, semiliterate, money-grubbing and '•virtually unemploy- able.'' according to a report published today The Federation of Personnel Services, a group representing private employment agencies, said that those past
      Reuter  -  137 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 y pi lake our stretch jet to Brunei Boeing 737 outside, stretch-jet inside. That means more room to stretch your legs. It's because we have 12 less seats than any other Asian 737-200. And also because we redesigned the seats to give you more space. And if no one is
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    • 447 5 BEILEN (Holland). Monday NUMBED ho* I) i o k c down and wept yesterday when Red men boarded the train where six South Moluccan guerillas held them at gunpoint for 12 <l "Many were weeping, some fell around our necks, other offered their
      Reuter  -  447 words
    • 113 5 BOBBIES ON ALERT FOR IRA REVENGE LONDON. Monday nRITISH police today prepared to meet a possible counter-strike by Irish Republican guerillas in revenge (or the capture of what may be their top unit in London. The capital'! police chief. Sir Robert Mark. has ordered a special alert in London's administrative
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    • Briefly...
      • 57 5 BANGKOK. Mon. A nal Congress of 1.100 members representing workeri. tanners and soldiers approved a new constitution fur Cambodia yesterday. Radio Phnom Penh announced today. Details of the constitution's content* were not given. VIINTIANfc: The G«frriinirnt said today Mali of former rcglmrs would be allowed to rriurn to their homes
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      • 76 5 DKYO An earthquake which hit Tokyo today disrupted super-express service on the national rallwavs and touched off a fire that damaged a factory In the city. There were no reports of casualties. XM.KOK: The Thai Government and the American I nion Oil Company are discussing possible piping of
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      • 64 5 JAKARTA The Australian destroyer HMAS Vampire will visit Jakarta on Jan 22 to help strengthen good relations between the Indonesian and Australian navies, the Australian Embassy announced today. AKRON (Ohio): Federal Reserve Board chair man Mr. Arthur Burns said the persistence of Inflation In the face of rifht
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      • 70 5 MOSCOW: The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda criticised Canada today for Increasing Its military spending, saying the Increase contradicted Ottawa* declared Intention of seeking an easing of International tensions. KOK: The remains of two IS navy airmen shot down over China almost li year* ago were flown to
        Agencies  -  70 words
      • 139 5 Among them Is "Michael Wilson' named weeks ago by police as their most wanted guerilla And at the fiat at which two of the gunmen lived, police have discovered the bomb factory they have been seeking In London for months. The hideout, a cold and grubby top floor
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      • 95 5 Police have not yet confirmed the Identities of the gunmen. Including "Michael Wilson." and have not said when the four will be charged Meanwhile, a gun and bomb attack on a house at Portadown, 48 km south-west of Belfast, killed a 17-year-old Roman Catholic youth and Injured five
        Reuter; UPI  -  95 words
      • 49 5 TOKYO Mon— The Signing of s 15 000 million jren 3sl 230 million) loan agreement through which a Japanese banking syndicate will help the Indonesian state run Pertamina Oil Company in its financial crisis, is now rxpected to take place next week Instead of this week Reuter
        Reuter  -  49 words
    • 109 5 SAN FRANCISCO. Mon A new scientific test now can pick out rapists from "normal" males, researchers report. The scientists said so-called normal men. tested with an elecgadget that measures excitement c, sot no sexual tion from recordings of rape episodes Rapists and potential rapists did.
      UPI  -  109 words
    • 22 5 JERUSALEM. Mon— lsraeli scientists said they hare produced small quantities of high-trade oil from algae grown la saline pools Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 42 5 NEW YORK. Mon Th« decorator, who left a Brooklyn boutique s display window only half-completed, dldn t want his unfinished masterpiece to id unexplained He left this *i«-n for Interested passsr ahi "Decorator got drunk WIU finish tomorrow." AP.
      AP  -  42 words
    • 178 5 DBBSSELDORF Mob. A eo«rt here today found Guenter Guillaume, former close aide of ex-Chan-ce lor Willy Brandt, guilty of treason and sentenced him to 13 yean imprisonment. After a six-month trial, the court found Gu'llaume, 48. guilty of having *p ed for communist East
      Reuter  -  178 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 227 6  -  JACOB DANIEL DISPUTE OVER GRIEVANCES By MORE than $100 million worth of reclamation and dredging projects along the seafront have come to a standstill because of a work stoppage by employees of Toa Harbour Works in Pasir Panjang. The work stoppage by the
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  • 61 6 A PORT of Singapore Authority employee was yesterday Jailed for a day and fined $1,000 for stealing a radio cassette recorder worth $315 from a carton In the Port godown on Saturday. Koh Kar Wan. 21, an operations assistant, was arrested while leaving Paslr Panjang wharf gate
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  • 164 6 STPB reinstates membership of seven shops rims Singapore Tourist Promotion Board has reinstated the associate memberships of seven shops which were de-regls-tered earlier this year. They weie de-rtgtoter-cd foDowta* ct mpUlnU by tourists of overcharctan »ad harassment by tout* employed by them. Tbe shops later mads an appeal to the
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  • 40 6 THE National Muatum will •eraan "Daaart People and two other ootour fUmi on tba Abortsine* tn Auati*Ua at Itt laeture hall at 7 JO pjn. toaioiiuw. Pi«a adml—aim ttekaU ara available at the 11mm onV* durtnj ottos hourt.
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  • 48 6 TBB UtauK of Dnaji (AmandnMot). abwamt* J—lly PWto. andflKJfOon Board (JUnanifant). ■>flujw»t (Amanrtiwt) and Probation OTtaodan (AiDTOdjnent) AcU inmt by Pmrttament x Not K. havabaan umoM to by Urn Praddaot. Tbaj wUI com* Into Ibrea on data* to ba annwmoad la ttM OowniMnt OawMa.
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  • 45 6 SBfIOR aOnlator of State tor Oaiaiunteattooa. Mr. Ossy Tsag Phani^. and P%rBaa»antax7 Aseratary tor ■rtunuuii. sfr. Ahmad Mattar. win attend a assatnar on partaftng nigiiisMl by the ■wsjspmi Quality IUBabUUy Asandatton and «n--sapotn lAnufaeturars' Asanrlitlpn at tha KMJC today at I.M am.
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  • 49 6 TsV OBBtMs Hasjatiariiin (amandsaant) Act appravad by Parts want on Hot. M has taaan assanssd br tt^ FliaHaiH. The Aot provtdsa tor tha waansng and asaptoymont or daasal tnaiaiaaH It wfll sssas Into ferae on a data to b* ia»iuamil by tha MV nsatar for fiaalth
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  • 10 6 TO OovarasMnt has aanoanaad that Stafapor* to now ebolara-frac
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  • 47 6 A WTRKMAN was yesterday Jailed for a day and fined $350 for stealIng a wallet from the Plasa Supermarket In Toa Payoh. on Saturday, Tan Slew Hee. 34. walked out of the supermarket without pk.-'ng for the wallet. He MM caught by a security guard.,
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  • 120 6 rIE Uttic Dub—Am wsct r«~t»Mea neither BaaaM nor the rednoaed RsnUlf. Bat U SJmapor* tm iaaieal Gardesw 1 keepers, be la as food as a gift from Kaata Clams. There will he no aleifh pa Him for this darkbrown 11 -day old fawn
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  • 44 6 AN Industrial laMgnu and architect from Oanaaay. Mr Pnu Ootuveif. wfll tpaak on packat* design far atflesaney at a seminar organised jointly by tba SJtesaport Quality and Reliability Association and SUifataore Manufacturer? Association at the RBLC today at •JO a-m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 231 6 Bssl**wß[ I skV*lslsisssßßaßr ■I'^Bi^hAa jssssssm' Fras After-Sstes Sarvso* I the sign of success comes to light LEO Electronic Lighter makes a perfect gift. For successful people. Including yourself. Because it's a successful blend of performance and elegance. See the full range of LEO Electronic Lighters they're a delight to give
      231 words
    • 199 6 TERM #/^i*S OFFER f SCHOOL SHOES M f^M Ist JAN. 76aC A /4m M vlf Syrvm»M.t*\ Sldn cleansers should wash away drt, but not skin's natural protection Getting your skin clean is times a day easy. But soaps disturb skin's Beautiful looking skin needs natural pH and wash away proper
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  • 93 7 Two 'tecs charged with $600 graft TWO pollcempn from Que«nstow n s' wer» charged in a Singapore court yeit«rday with rig a bribe Chok Man Chong and Lee Chuan Sang. I detective con»t.< accused of accepting $600 iron a pa Engineering Co In Track 2. Jurung Koad on Sept 16
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  • 127 7 Student wins poster contest MR Moo Cher Nglam. 20. a Baharuddln Vocational Institute student beat M others to win the first prize In the metric poster competition for school student* Second nrlze of HOG went to Mr Muhammad Asraf and third prize of SlOO to Mr. Urn Hong Ann. The
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  • 278 7 $49 m TO MAKE LIFE IN JURONG COSIER... A TOTAL of $49.13 million has been set aside by Jurong Town Corporation for housing, hawker centres, markets and social amenities development projects next year. Of this. $6 million has been earmarked for new projects while the remaining $43.13 million will provide
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  • 52 7 TBS MP for Ulu Pandan. Dr. Chiang Bat Dtng. win attend a children'! party organised by Holland Ooac RatkWnU' Association. Tlm party will bt ndd at the court liaflSM Block 2 Holland Road av«nus and Blocs. I Holland Cloaa on Dec 21 from 2 to 4
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  • 42 7 RXSULTB of Uat Auatimaaa ftiauranc* Inatltute Aaaoctata 4*tllp aWI IlllfMt tiTtaal sMM IB •eptambar taav* baao nlaaasd by the Singapore Insurant* Training Centra. Ninety-one of tha 114 candidate* paiwd the fire, accident, marine and life branch of the examinations
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  • 168 7 Patrols pay off: 5 drug suspects held REGLXAB police pttnli and swift action have resulted in the arrest five drag ■aspects In Alexandra mnd Chinatown. The first saspeet. aged 21, was arrested by two fall-time national servicemen while patrolling in Alexandra at about 4.55 p.m. last Friday. Special constable Scow
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  • 307 7 Death plunge of girl after caning by mother A 10 YEAR OLD girl jumped to her death from the sixth floor of a Housing Board flat after being caned by her mother, a coroner's court heard yesterday. One Soh Choo. a student, died at Alexandra I!->spital six hours after the
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  • 42 7 THE Minister lor Law and Environment. Mr EW Barter and hU wife win be fuesU of honour at the YlICA'i 73rd anniversary dinner and dance at the Shangri-La Hotel on Saturday. Tickets may be obtained at the YMCA. Orchard Road
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 mmm*rt4*i HaW^^^gaaa^H Baa^' > «a^fc^ aaa^^^V mf' 4aaaflKaTaaaMn«a> "i aY aai VL m aW m Mf^^^ sy^ |If B^jl SONY Tonight at Sony Trinitron Announces the selected participants for Sony Carry on Grabbing competition Setron Electronics Pte Ltd AjS?isjl?S£ 10 D^"iee Road. Singapore 3 Telephone 622 344 oUIM I Ks\JLAJi\
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    • 689 7 \W^A&ctaAb» IPIO%-SO% Discount J fron^ST. Dec. to 20TH. Dec. '75 *fl Mm /1 1 Baag vBJ afeaaaaaaal aai CV \kl I aY •M FAMOUS HORITAKI AVAILAILf AT JK SINGAPORE %k CHINA UNION CO irrii LTD ISETAN EMPORIUM IS) PTI LTD aC kS 8 BATTERY ROAD (LOCK OUTR AM ROAD |V
      689 words

  • 200 8 "MB. Orchid" Pr*f. 1»1 R.E. Hatttaa. a farmer dirwtor «f (JJm Be4aito Oar«MM la am tßtefwtoi la «wtt« a different kind »f plant. One *f the ilaiiin In orchid hybridisation iTfrliMito her*, the professor yesterday ■aid be was new Interested In fern*.
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  • 164 8 rIE Public Works Department has started a $5 million project to widen and lmnrove Sembawang Road to accommodate Increasing traffic In the area. A PWD statement yesterday said that the •cheme. expected to be completed In August 19T7. will develop an efficient road network to serve a
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  • 25 8 MR. V Jarakody has been re-appointed a member of th« employee panel on the ArbltrsUcn Court, according to the latest Ooverament Oazette
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  • 125 8 Two deny $12,000 graft charge r r O men yesterday denied in a magistrate s court a chance of brib•n* a Droject officer of the Fcoinrrlc Development Board of (12.450 •lonic Jalan Mutiara on Oct 4. 1973. at about f cm Ante Thlan Soo and Wong Kiio are accused
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  • 24 8 THE National Library will bold a folk music concert at 1U lecture hall tomorrow at 6 30 p m. Admission fa fret.
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  • 588 8 Strategy for tapping markets in Europe countries have been urged to adopt a more ambitious approach for closer links with the European Economic Community (EEC) by setting up guide lines and a frame work for economic co-operation. For the group's present
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  • 53 8 A 32-YEAR-OLD woman fell to her death from a block of Housing Board flats In Flanders Square, off Petaln Road, yesterday. Police, who Identified her as I*k Bal Hlong. found her dead at the foot of Block 21 at about 7.15 a.m. They said she lived on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 297 8 t This Festive Seaso/r\ Unauthorised to give V trade-in when you buy a Mini 850 $1? „^IL I I W* aaaaaa. m aaf Decimbei 10th 1975 f<x» iimnod period only. I've —^IZ^*"*^ OCX a beautiful pra*«nt fc* you A super bonus trade-in on ~^»i*' fA **tSl' 1 -s«n»caf «rh*n you
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 279 8 Brtngjiaf Up »y BHI Kivan> t li <Sc Hil Camp V V»5-^| I MAN, AUHT MA<99« 1 I 'a THuCX P«'VER H^vOlTmeAN. h£ MOVE 9V MaO**/ A V- 1 TVMASH -r ST»Alv<iNrs S I IN«ULTg© HEX J I AK2 POST whiJTlI j TWuC* PWtVM J NEW* SO V v A'
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  • 237 9 Search on for second body in scaffolding crash CONSTRUCTION workv* ere were yesterday clearing a pile of rubble which crushed a const ruction worker to death on Sunday to look for another body, believed trapped underneath. The man feared dead was Identified by police m Yee Fook. 46, a ftfalayilan.
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  • 106 9 Talk on Hinduism by mission head SWAMI Ranganathanandjl. head of the Ramakrlshna Math. Hyderabad. India. will ■peak on the Philosophy of Eternal Religion at mission headquarters In Bartlry Road today at 7is pm. Mr Justice Ambrose, a retired Judge of the Supreme Court. will preside. Tomorrow, he will speak on
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  • 169 9 BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDS WITH ARMED HOLD-UP rMJI R nuked men— one carrylnj a can and another a knife held up a German engineer and his wife and robbed them UAH In cash and valuables Just after bis birthday celebrations at his home In Lengkok Martam. off Tampinrs Road, on Sanday
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  • 34 9 AN economics lecturer from Nanjang University. Mr Wong Ting Mln. will give a talk In Mandarin on the future of Singapore's economy at Queenstown branch library tomorrow at 7 30 p m
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  • 60 9 A CORONER'S court yesterday recorded a verdict of murder by person or persons unknown on the death of Cheng Heng Son. 18. who was found dead in a tyre ■hop In Bencoolen Street on July 5 last year. He had five stab wounds. The court heard last
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  • 88 9 SINGAPORE Armed Forces will conduct military exercises In the following utns: Sarlmbun. 130 »jb to pjn. totter. Urn Cbu Kanf tod Cbua Cbu Kane. 1 ».into mMfeticht dally Oil Friday; Tuu LokTBCC a.m. t» nicbt tmaouuw and Tburada;. Horn Kah. tm to mtrtnUht Iwiwinw and Thursday; MawtHnf.
    88 words
  • 23 9 THB Slnnpoi* Cycto aad Motor TrmiiV AmoeUUoa will bold IU «rd anntvanuy dtaMT At IU VI IB CMttr Bo»d on Adftj.
    23 words
  • 19 9 THS Oo— ti«mu> bm mnouncad ti»t NT. IkU ■me v no mourn d«putr iwliUnt controOtr of graUoo.
    19 words
  • 343 9 Move unfair to women says ex-MP Cut time span to 3 years? FORMER MP, Madam Chan Choy Siopg, wife of the Minister for Labour, yesterday spoke against the proposed reduction of time span from seven years to three for divorces based on separation. The reduction, she sajd in an Interview
    343 words
  • 82 9 $13,000 FOR TWO CHARITIES THE Singapore SogeUu Association yesterday presented cheque* worth 513.000 each to St. Andrew's Mission Hospital and the Home for the Aged. Mrs. Kazue Kirn, the president, and Mrs. Lee Chee Shan, vice-presi-dent of the association, made the presentations to Bishop Chew, for the hospital, and Mr.
    82 words
  • 45 9 BSOnnraao this week, the weekly Meat the Monte session of the PAP Jalao Kayu branch will be held every Thursday from TJ« p-m. to 10 30 pm at the branch's new lissilsh st Ha Block 1. listar Road (SeirUr Wlm Boosing Board ■state).
    45 words
  • 82 9 Girl, 19, survives 10th floor f ail NORAINI btnte Ishak. Iff, was admitted to the Singapore Oeneral Hospital after she feU from the 10th floor of a Housing Board flat in Bedok Plain at a.m. on Sunday According to her aunt Che Zalnab Abul Fatah, Noralnl was standing on a
    82 words
  • 38 9 MANILA Street community centre will hold a Chrttmas and New Year party en Dec. ITU 7 pjn P»ya Lebar ""■""Vi" < *y centre will also hold a Christmas party on the same day at I pA.
    38 words
  • 199 9 MOBS than M girls will vie la the Singapava Princesa beaut? contest to pack a re presentatlvc for the Qswea of the Padftc pageant U be heM ka Melbourne early next year. The contest kn attracted single girls, ace* between 17 and 25 who are
    199 words
  • 45 9 The National Library's Central Adult and Young People's Sections will stage a Christmas variety show at its lecture hall on Saturday at 6JO pm The snow win include music and dance Items, comic sketches, a play and pantomine, mtnrt—nn la tree.
    45 words
  • 91 9 Reporter's trial put off to Dec 23 rK trial of Pong Kel Kwong. 34. a reporter charged with impersonating a police officer, was yesterday postponed to Dec. 23 and 24. Fong Is accused of impersonating an officer to obtain from Madam Tan Kirn Leong. a photograph of her late husband
    91 words
  • 19 9 MRS. Wong Yoon Lien hae been appointed assistant registrar of companies, according to the latest Oovernmem Oasette.
    19 words
  • 230 9 A 32-YEAR-OLD pedestrian. Abdul Rahlm bin Seman. died on tutway to hospital after he was run over by a lorrytrailer In New Bridge Road on 8 v n d a y morning Police said he was walking near a fringe car park when the
    230 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 Get one off these fabulous gifts- WM |1 absolutely FREE- when you buy ■C_!slll I I SHARP Colour TV today! HII^SESB I -fcsj X Mod«MBT-31 &nQapore Rwcc amended oo M \^L Choose either this attractive ROXY Trolley Tray. conaum^pnc- •i,««««o I '^mM L^r this versatile SHARP EL-8005S Calculator. Offer valid
      140 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 250 9 Straits Times Crossword M KOU gravity in witty return (4. 9 Of the lineage of Lan- 2> 8 Publicity ip French port 10 Bave up there's nothing <4> a<&> 14 It's simple :o rout eneaiy sack and give another later io» IS Loud note produced with 12 Figure of one
      250 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 402 10 the successful I Jim man's P^^/J/0 Performance Tested i I-Wl Precision Oo\\e6\Um Vi I 1 1 II 111 111 M~ choloe setection df a/ 1 ml I m /authentic gemstones 1 if ml I a, V and authentic finishes V ml Ml M ./Availabte as single pens or as set.
      402 words
    • 490 10 1 SANYO STEREO SYSTEMS I I BEAUTIFUL SETS, MAGNIFICENT SOUND. lißHm—^ II [Dnnnrm^l 0 II ■JJ OC-8500K 0 IP^ AII-ln-On« 4-Chann*l Stereo Systeni^^^^^^^l^^ For all 2/4-channel sound sources Fourpre- and main amps Fully automatic 1 0 belt drive turntable and AM/ FM tuner 160W peak music power Separate bass. O
      490 words

  • 239 11 COLLEGE TO TAKE IN COMMERCE STUDENTS rl Catholic Junior College will accept students for commerce stream next year, while continuing to maintain the present strength In arts, acience and technical courses. Reliable sources told the Straits Times yesterday that about 70 students had been provisionally accepted for the PreUnlverslty One
    239 words
  • 124 11 'Educate scouts against drugs' rl acting Chief Commissioner of the Singapore Scout Association. Mr Urn Keng leek, has called on scout leaders to educate youngsters against drug abuse as the drug problem was becoming more evident In the Republic. Mr. Urn. who spoke at the advance unit leader training course
    124 words
  • 490 11 Devan tells West: Get off high horse Double standards of developed nations slammed secretary general C.V. Devan Nair yesterday thumped home to Singapore's "ultra-liberal friends" in the West this blunt message: Get off your moral high horse. He also told those Western comment tors, who assumed the right to pass
    490 words
  • 342 11 'Unions can help stop drug abuse by youths' rE Minister of Btate for Labour. Mr Sla Kah Hul has called on trade unions to examine how they could assist to combat drug abuse among working youths. He said It was conceivable that working youths might take to drugs to seek
    342 words
  • 63 11 A CHINES! datato on "The Examination ijrstam la a unique way vt amw tng students' prufiwa and achievement' wUI be held at Urn National Library on Friday at 2 JO p.m. Studanu *rom the Chinas* book dlacueaton group aad the Tounc people's section of the
    63 words
  • 30 11 TO Deputy Prime Mlouter and Defence Minister. Dr Ooh Ken« Swee. will attend the Christmas carnival mianiwrt by the BAT ReawiWi Association at lv clubhouse. Toa, Payoh. on Friday.
    30 words
  • 18 11 A OOODB train was derailed atone North Bouna Vista Road last nlgbt. No one was injured.
    18 words
  • 179 11 SINGAPORE pi an lit Lee Kum Sing, who has established quite a reputation for himself abroad and whom we last heard In 1972. gave a successful return recital at the DBS auditorium last night The highly challenging programme had as the main work the Brahms
    179 words
  • 122 11 ETTING passion take win ts, these fwo birds of paradise arc all a-napplrtf as they compete unabashedly for the attention of the lady bird above them. They chirp and they twitter as they make passes at her In full view of all those
    VOW YIN WOH  -  122 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 f EXTRA-SPEOAL CHRBIMAS JV^^OLIITRyJ r^VuSA Grade Turkeys 500g $2.40 Danish Chicken Wings 2270g $7.35 ;£2M Danish Chicken 1200g $4.75 ?£2\ Danish Gannon Han 500g $4.15 L^/Nik All Beef Franks USA 454g $2.80 "l&r| **V. Sliced Bologna USA 142g $1.30 \f£\ lyfv^ Danish Snoked Streaky Bacon 454g $4.15 "y^l A N.Z.
      127 words
    • 229 11 ft LssssssnV' f* m fIf«~T _^-^'^jßßsssssssssssi^BsssßßaßSssssn bbL H gLasßSSsssnsL. Bsssssssssssss^^Asn ssssssnssssr «SSaW "aamBBBBBBBBBB™ Jf jMll mkjt iVc^ Bk* festive gift! si B/ 1 L Choose trorn our W cj K incomparable range m\f* j t otmenswear H" n gy aY ft mGO i£ THE GOB/31 G36 High Street Centre Kiround
      229 words

  • Especially Women
    • 558 12 fHE way to a su<J cessful interviev with some food ex perts is through thcii stomach, so I thought How wrong I was The lunch spread a the Ladyhill Hotel wa so delicious that thi four Australian food columnists Just couldn't talk about anything
      558 words
    • 344 12 ALIMIN Ishak dldn'i need a lantern when he went a-courtlng Pl* Juvlta. his neighbour. Had all the power stations in Singapore collapsed, the scintillating beauty and charm of Pla would still have bowled him over. That was how Mr. L. P. Rodrigo. MP for Serangoon Gardens and close
      344 words
    • 268 12 A TIME to give gifts like these to dear mam. sis or darling ILove bracelets, plated with IS K white or yellow g*M. Bach has screw top designs all over. One •crew top works for real, that's how you wear It. At S4«. from Link Boatlajae. Man and
      268 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 199 12 ■■••■••:vl ft. V There's Everything for Everyone Alt at kDah HwaShoe Co. •t- Exciting Gifts This gl Christmas! $L SHOES, Zk GARMENTS, ETC. shoe co. 354/356. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE, 7 TEL *****3. ***** ■Ifcri I P I V^^-i Harriet Hubb^=n^ Here is the Special Gentle Mask. The mask you
      199 words
    • 10 12 F s wsTj Jgl .^gafl gW aw^" IaTI ,^o^k aW.
      10 words
    • 319 12 Nyal Vitamin E capsules Qofcton t««di off Iff* makti you young** vigorous and viiil* Nyal Vumm c Capsules containing high potency vitamin t > B^BPS^bVVv fortified wth natural wheat germ ow are pSSS3m^\\ valuable *n maintaining muscle and nerrr MtUl J^ conditioning and m promoting increased I |0 health
      319 words

    • 257 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday MALAYSIA today called on China to furl) its export of tin to help stahil I m| the metal in the world mail' The call was made by Primary Indus'.nlster Datuk Musa Hltatn. who alsc China to Join the fifth Internationa
      257 words
    • 33 13 8U nth knife. r r pjii m of Thai »hJ,> anchored at Prnnr.f port and neaped with about *****0 worth of and '.iqjor nt buarded iht ahlp two umpins
      33 words
    • 35 13 NO. Mon Enforce- m the Mini- I Trade and Industry raided a garment factory In i :»g« over the i and seised a large Jeans bearing the (urged name* ol several popular brands
      35 words
    • 34 13 NO. Mon The Departmer of Marine has mariner* to slay the area, south of Dindinfi Channel. Panikor. strmu of Malacca. navaf demolition tag exercise between J 6 p m on Dec 21
      34 words
    • 20 13 PENANO. Mon About 50 youth leaders In to* Pentnf north-east district will attend an antl-dm* course her* next Bunday.
      20 words
    • 19 13 PENANO Mon About ***** worth of goods were stolen from a shop in Beach Strwt last night
      19 words
    • 100 13 K\ LUMPUR. Mon A total of nine were caught i tne 1 tli Of this Education Mi Chan Slari? i he Dewan to Tengku 'National in the Icy at Chan rases i ear's One case was from PanatiK Thla student was sent to Tamil. Ruslla
      100 words
    • 117 13 BEAUTY SHOWS AND MUSLIM WOMEN KIAI.A UMPIR. Mon. Tun Abdul Kaiak said today that the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs has not issued any ruling on the participation of Muslim women in beauty COntest". H<>wr\rr. the Islamic Mi? Military Institute will intensify Us efforts to discourage (h e organisation
      117 words
    • 164 13 Minister lashes at the trouble makers JOHORE BARU. Monday rwATUK Abdullah Ahmad, Deputy Minister In the Prime Ministers Department today criticised certain factions which were trying to defame the country's leaders and their efforts to build a united country. This was sad because the unity of the people was an
      164 words
    • 211 13 Ex-PPP men to help form new party |POH. Mon— A new poll--1 tlcal party wUI be formed in Perak soon with !ts Initial membership drawn mostly from the strength of the Peo p 1 c's Progressive Party. A preliminary meeting of the party Is to be held here later this
      211 words
    • 75 13 Pistol gang grabs $18,000 payroll PENANO. Mon Two youths armed with pistols grabbed a $18,000 payroll from a clerk In the staircase of a building In China Street Ghaut here today. They escaped on a motorcycle but dropped •1.000 m their haste The clerk. Mr. Urn Bong Pin. accompained by
      75 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 803 13 The Look of Excellence Coixxxamcatk: TOOO Precision ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER that gives your typing a look of professional print B*^^^^\!as«^^^^^^^sst» IT aaaßßsßßsU^ BP"^ bW^9bl \lb^^ > I^M m VC^ V^^BBBul BF^l x *^aflH A BB7^BB^*Ssl \V b\P^ .^BbI H ■w'l BT^^ j CoroftajnaUic Iltdrfc -iflßmpjHaßaHßH CARTRIDGE iMttich raTvpawwitan rtava prowa sfl
      803 words
    • 192 13 We will teach you the secret of success How to pass exams! I stuov^thome Uet a betterioo. bitter future tarn more: ;hr m w n f KnuwlrdKC jnJ qualtfication« arc what you need lo br Ihe »i>rldfami'us Htnnett SSSt| this knowlcJge. better tuton will tea in your >>.k time. And
      192 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 416 14 IF THERE Is a universal lesson to be drawn from a study of military-political history It Is that wars do not necessarily guarantee peace with the termination of hostilities. More often than not the reverse Is true; they plant the seeds for future dissension and conflict. This
      416 words
    • 192 14 T»HE emergence of a loyal and responsible opposition In Parliament is an event which all Singaporeans including the Government would welcome. Such a group could point out to the Government where it has gone wrong and how it could do better. Over the weekend Prof. George G. Thomson
      192 words
  • 1236 14 DEVAN HITS OUT AT THE ULTRA LIBERAL WEST: EXCERPTS of the address by the NTUC secretary general, Mr. C.V. Derail Nair, at the tnaufratton ceremony of the ICFTU-ABO-NTUC seminar held at the Apollo Hotel yesterday. THIS gathering of representatives of young workers from Asian countries, most
    1,236 words
  • 803 14  - Spartan economic plan for a better Ideal for Russians GEORGE KRMSKY By rpHE Soviet Oovern- merit, striking a theme of quality and efficiency, unveiled a spartan economic plan last Saturday for the next five years which makes no pretenses about subs t a n tlally Improving the lot oi the
    AP  -  803 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 10 14 *sf%id& A utomatic Chronograph magnificently crafted for the action-man. LC-0900
      10 words
    • 359 14 MEMOREX RECORMNG TOPE PEP9OOOCTK)N SO TRUE uhs^BaasL "EJTiTCHLIS MDIO: Thundoy, Dtc*fl*>*' 18th ZORBA THE GREEK Anthony Quinn, Alan Batei, ond Ula Ktdrova in foicHo«l Cocoyannit' immortal film KUC AUOirOKIUM 7pm ond 9pm look ot DONALD MOORE'S, Corlton Holl, Goodwood fbr* Hot* l '***** 1 cut. 338' or ot Cold Storog*.
      359 words

  • Business Times
    • 273 15 CANBERRA Australian Mining Industry Council executive director Paul Phillips does resre any marked lift in mln'ng development prtjects In che near future following the election of th«t Liberal- National Country Paity Coalition last Saturday He said a rrsunrence in the subdued level of develop
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 127 15 •Panolat neurWai atao siwpsndsd by vw Kuata Lumpur Stock Exchange ftypanalon at company's namat (M) Msl#yvi#n incofpocflt#o cc inptntwt. MAKE OF SECURITIES SUSPENSION SALE Amcol Elac. r'Copp^iitd. tCTD W— ourcw t*Fo»ai Ind. (M) ■OHwWJul*(M) 'Outa Parafc (M) 'HmPmIcm Maw Par London t'Htflh Low ■ImpwUSw find RaaMy (M) fMtlikod
      127 words
    • 615 15  - Twenty-four companies inSES cold store GCH ENG KEE By THE recent suspension 1 of trading In the shares of Mosbert and lv associates hlgnllghu a three-fold increase In the number of listed companies placed under tempoporarv suspension at the Stock Exchange of Singapore In the last 12 months, and the
      615 words
    • 572 15 nKTROIT: Mr. Thomas A. Murphy, chairman of the board of the lie ii era I Motors Corj>oration, predicted last week that IS new car sides will total 10..") million next year —an increase of 19.2 per cent, or 1.65 million, from the
      572 words
    • 309 15 ANOTHER member of the Amos Dawe group U In deep financial trouble ThU time It U a subsidiary of Veneer Product*. Veneer Products Wood Laminate* and Parquet whoae principal bankers have demanded tne Immediate settlement of Ita overdraft of SS4OM In a letter to
      309 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 321 15 How many times have you been out to dinner and found yourself in the B on of ordering wine' And m how many times have you cast MJ^^^^^^L. your eye down a large wine list. _3CT^^k trantically looking for a familiar •^^fc name If it ever happens |g74 again, look
      321 words
    • 226 15 1 BSE I Accidents happen. J-M Micro-Aire lib«r glass duct board Nothing happens. (Not if it's resilient, compressible J-M Micro-Aire' fiber glass duct board.) On construction sites, accidents are bound to happen Micro-Aire duct board performance 7 Enceptionai air disAnd with ordinary fiber glass duct board, one careless tnbution. with
      226 words

  • 949 16  - Lingering world oil demand slump will hit Iran's economy ERIC PACE By 'TEHERAN: The x lingering worldwide slump in demand for oil has been compounding the problems that beset Iran's burgeonIng economy. Despite the 10 per cent (Ml -price rise recently announced by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, some
    949 words
  • Company news for the week ended Dec. 12
    • 51 16 Cwnay V«rto Pr»-T«» FWK/UaxL) (tM) Karatag** Ol.tdnUP M Hold Sea View T Harbour W Jack* June 75 June 75 June 75 June 75 3»1.030 (SI1731) MI.547L ISI1362IL MS2.9M iMIillli Mfl (13 (MS5.IU) 301 [Mt> 107L l»5ll •7.1 (1172) 18 I (SI 12 5 Nil (Nil) 23 (30) 10
      51 words
    • 40 16 <""»••> V«rl. Pi*-Tu PraAt/U«iL> Karnia«>' l><M4r*d-JC-Mininc Killin|h»ll Tin M Tobacco Jun*75 Sept 7S Sept 75 i,,i»n MS74 (MtS19l lST2 i .MM MS26.4M (MSM.IM) 2 (43 It Ml 0 <«43?) Ml ***** Mil illi 17 1) 200 HOC) 40 (401
      40 words
    • 66 16 Prr-Ta« ftWIl-Uuil.i ('Mil. Inli-rim Buklt Sembawanc Estates Sept 7} Inch Kenneth K»]«ng June 7J Malayan C'redir Sept 7S Malaysian Containers < 1B74I Sept 75 Metal Box sept 75 Sim Lim Investments Sept 75 Singapore QUus 1 1974 i Sept 75 Tim' -anHotdlnfftfr) Sept 75 SM.2S7 *M) 1 24
      66 words
  • 203 16 Development Bank of Singapore has formed a new company. DBS Trustee with an authorised capital of *****.000 Oriental Holding! wholly-owned subsidiary. Kah Motor, has purchased land In Malacca Town Area known as Lots No 43. 274. 275, 277. 278 and 279 covering an area o'. 4.1105q m for
    203 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 916 16 tiMement SOXAL OFFERS CONSULTANCY SERVICE PORGASES S&SS ASSOQ ATED EQUIPMENT pore Oxygen Pte. Ltd., resulting in the forma- > —^j^^^eW. LVH tion of SOXAL (Singa- .-^b^bV^^^ '£*&f2jfk pore Oxygen Air m I UquidePte Ltd) WSH 'The decision was taken in the light of i current market develop- \^b^^ ment and
      916 words
    • 219 16 Expand without expense... I use our finance. Is lack of capital holding up the expansion of your business? OCBC Finance can help with loans for factory or office machinery. marine or construction equipment, and at very reasonable terms. Find out how you can expand business without additional capital outlay. Consult
      219 words

  • 510 17  - NISP...... no noise, no shivers SOM SIAM LOH By THERE are many products In the market nowadays which are specially designed to inaprove Jobs. They either make work easier for the user or get the Job done more efficiently and professionally. This week. SELLING POINT features some of these products.
    510 words
  • 231 17 WHEN it is not possible to reduce the noise factor In a Job, the next best thing to do Is to get It done within the shortest time possible Demolition work Is a slow and i laborious process but Ingersoll-Rand has de- ii tool i
    231 words
  • 100 17 ORAFF Diamonds have diversified to create dress watches for both men and women. They have chosen Singapore to Introduce their exclusive range of watches with the brand name Oraff. Outside of London, Singapore is the only other place where Oraff watches will be sold. The watches are currently
    100 words
  • 160 17 A WELDER with mechanical eyes has recently been developed by Hitachi of Japan. The welding robot, designed for welding large structures, is built with visual function based on the use of two non-con-tact type sensors worked by magnetic force. By simply orientating its general
    160 words
  • 242 17 la>. E.F.G. U*a*kracg*n ha* been appointed acting chairman of Industries and Realty Group Advertising Associate*, the Singapore agency (or the DFB Dorland Fortune Oroup of International advertising and marketing agencies, has recently announced the appointment of three new staff to its creative service department. They an Mr.
    242 words
  • 265 17 These tools are good 'workmates' COR the handymai home, the Workn tlonary" paint roller l or girl around the ate and the "revoluare two handy tools to have. Black and Deckers, Workmate to the allpurpose, work-bench, giant vice and sawhorse aU in one. It 1* lightweight, portable and folds down
    265 words
  • 242 17 Special carpet for workmen rpHE sight of workmen 1 ■nreiUag a hage roll of "earyef over the working sarface of a groamd being prepared for projects like runways, land reclamation and highways may aoon he a familiar feature Ul Singapore. The •carpet is in fact a non-woven polyester sheet made
    242 words
  • 108 17 'Hardwares' reaches overseas marts EXPORT-MINDED hardware Industrialists in Singapore and Malaysia can now gain antis to overseas markets through a specialised English medium trade publication, Asian Sources Hardwares. The editorial and advertising content of the magazine alms to inform overseas import merchandisers of product availability and industry trends in Asia.
    108 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 173 17 CROSS' SINCE 1646 CROSS Wrwrg himiisms: Pwr B*l Pen and Panes' Sets. <n MK.QK GoW F I ted Swing S*K«r and Lustrous Chroma AmacovwV Gift Packed From tearing Stadonara and Department Stores soft tip psrtv I CJHCJoo ddSBBC W Sola Agent r* MALKO GENERAL AGENCIES IS) PTE LTD TJtT Shop
      173 words
    • 5 17 l. CLUB ELITE r VHtfttTMCUITfSMCfT
      5 words
    • 388 17 ill W^ mi SSI <£** t^*. Jtf MjM bHbbbl a \f aJ O-«XlO^^^^bs^/ U-BiXOTWm,, U-BW2OOOR U-8tX790 Ii I p^ j I Comptny'l Addrm: International Bank of Singapore Ltd., IbsV blsssMslMssslbwls^^, M a lPl a 4^%^| Mk I astablwhad through a partnership of four ■Ul ■"V^lWsCml IwLJl^ls€b\l of S-ngaporas la«Jing banks
      388 words

    • 163 18 •lists IL LU4 UM +M H. Bnw lUi -I-.1* *M »*T1 UJ. ItM M Tatecc* UM +«4 I. Last ll.M +jM L-.A.C. U.M K. Ik MM +jM r A N M II M HE till »l n thi 11.11 »i taH FE (I M «1 *mrmm I1U
      163 words
    • 1833 18 "l-HI laat tranMCtad rmdrr 1 amis at th* ck>a> of Bnamsas on U\» Block lachanf* of Mna»porr rasMTtlßjr compared with Ut« pmious day's prtcas togaUicr with 197» hl«h Bad low C Ad)uiMl (or atrip rlfhU usu*) CL4>»II«C TOWI Barrly •I>a4y TWRMaviB: OSfteial agaraa latsllli kr la* ateck rCaekaaca
      1,833 words
    • 409 18 DKICES were generally i snarklnc tlSBe In •jaiet trading at the Stock Exchange of Slsuas-ore yesterday. There were a few weak at) sis here and there cm stale bBU 1 1 *j ul 4at mm aceoant Bat there were also a f ew flrsa srxHs dae to
      409 words
    • 1095 18 BID and of /ar prlcaa officially Hated and rwninaM In and reported to the •sack Bschang* of Singapore yMterday with the number of aharta traded shown In brackeU In lota of 1.000 units unISM otherwlM ipacJfJed All Time Bargains or aaulesMOt Contracts are quoted after the word
      1,095 words
    • 1096 18 DID and offer pneaa offl- dally listed and buMnat in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock aTrrnanga yMUrday with the number of sham traded shown in bracket* in tott of 1.000 units. üblms otharwlM sperlfWfl. IMOUITNIALI A«»«« 11 MBl A,.>MiM«a il MB) A Ta#* OUK ll) •41
      1,096 words
    • 27 18 LONDON: Mexican company Industrial Minera Mexico v raising a U8I1M) million sevenyear Europ-dollar credit at 171 per cent over London Interbank offered rate, banking sources said.
      27 words
    • 308 18 Trading in KL ends mixed DULL trading persisted at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Price movements were very narrow The market ended on a mixed note after a firm morning which saw prices tioving sllchtly upwards to clom with small gains at noon. Dealings were mainly on contra account
      308 words
    • 153 18 KL to relax rubber stockpiling KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Oovernment has agreed to relax It* rubber stockpiling requirements for packers and dealers, according to trade sources They said the Government would allow up to 13.000 tonnes to be released after Jan. 1 from trade stockpiles held under Its price stabilisation
      153 words
    • 129 18 Kurop* ramaJnad «uHt while Urn US nt also dull after being (airly act!** the pracaadlnf day. aecorxflng to UM Malaysian Palm OU Produccn' AMOrtatuwi Both market* doMd with wwafc undertone on PrMay. QaoUUom la OS I cenU (Rotterdam) unl— stated wareAllot 17 SO/ 17 cenu aellen. 16 26
      129 words
    • 319 18 Banks demand immediate repayment from Copper FINANCIALLY troubled Copper Industries has been given until today by Its bankers to repay all the debenture loans owing them. The notice was received by Copper yesterday following the collapse of talks with Chase Brass and Copper of United States for an injection of
      319 words
      • 28 18 THE Straits tin price was unchanged on Friday's close at $967 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 22 tons to 282 tons.
        28 words
      • 135 18 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened on an easier note following unconfirmed reports that some relaxation of Malaysian dealers' stock quotas might be forthcoming at present levels. This was. however, quickly discounted In terms of tonnage and buyers returned prices approximately to Friday's close. Conditions later were about
        135 words
      • 301 18 Saturday Fr,« ar USS UK ■»">«l Z\—4 Clo.^ "laaaaf Saluraay ■■■SUISS IS* IS tl»M> Spar* (2) JTOSB CK»<* 40ZM Claaa« E«port prut* la non.ptrrlinx araaa la VI asilan pot oua>r (2) Avaras* pnea. RAS prices In oenta par kilo ycicrda? Neaai Char (par kH*l (par mi*) •■yapa SvMrra
        301 words
      • 121 18 rvAILY mtM and 8SR prieaa tiaucd at boon ywtartejr Ja*. Fcfc. Baycn SeMrr* Baytn tiltwi M-RX-LB. ICamlHUl IFamr^MUi (emtorMko iMhialil 8MR 6CV (1 ton pallet! 185*0 1M&0N 1M.S0 167 JON BUR »L il ton pallet I 184 00 185 OON 165 00 1M00N 8MR 5 (1 ton
        121 words
      • 28 18 Rubber Dec. 15. Singapore! Jan. ***** cU <np *.5* ct). Malaysia: IS4VS* cts (down 1.25 cts). Tin: SM7 lunch) Official offering: 252 tons (bb 22 tons).
        28 words
      • 88 18 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has Ased these duties from Dec. 11 until further notice. Rubber 7«i cU a 1b Copra $48# a ton Pain kernel $235 25 a ton The rates of duties available are: Rubber 41 cU a Ib (Total 91 ct» a Ib) (Surcharge 2
        88 words
      • 106 18 'MINIM PROOUCI IX v CMAMSI. lINOANII HOOK CIOSIHO PIIICSS PIB PICUL YHTIBOAY Cl»»—« BulM ISO itlkn. *M arum MS aouara. ar> *M sailor* Cwi Muu« iMmi UK/ Gaol SM oojror*. flllli Muntok ATT A »!>«• fOB 100% NLW UKt xil'ri. b»<l> »kil« f.a.D NI.W IS4TI Milm Urm»«k wkkl
        106 words
      • 225 18 HONOKONO. Mon The market closed flrni across the board In high turnover, dealers said Most shares advanced strong lv on sustained local and overseas buying support In the wake of a firm close for Hongkong stocks In London on Friday, news of fuller order books for Hongkong's major Industries
        225 words
      • 228 18 iTOKYO. Mon The 1 market closed mixed, with late selling li. some Issues following gains In blue chips, dealers said. The Dow Jones average closed at 4.225 05. up 0.25. with the volume rising to 160 million shares from 120 million on Saturday. The New index closed j *****.
        228 words
      • 271 18 SYDNEY. Mon Most sectors of the market ciosed on a generally unsettled note on the I Stock Exchange, as proI fit-takers continued to pare early gains, dealers said. The Byd.iey All-Ordl-narles index eased 035 point to 440.18. The market had SDurted briefly after the openI ing bell. In the
        271 words
    • 114 18 Money and exchanges THE U.S. dollar opened high at $2 49*0 5000 In the Singapore forex market yesterday However, there was a general lack of Interest. This depressed the rate to $2 4983 85 Trading was fairly buoyant throughout the session in a thin market. The US unit closed quiet
      114 words
    • 177 18 Suggested interbank rates at 100 p m arrrnrMa NaamtaaJ rates 8»Uhianjin rcrrrntagr u»tr4 inUrlit irraaal p*iil> change US doUar 2 4966 2 4990 HIM —1139 Sterling pound 5 0440 5 0185 7 M*9 —3135 Hongkong dollar 49 35 49 40 M 51 2 30 Malaysian dollar 96 50
      177 words
    • 278 18 r Interbank ralet a* at :k>ae on Monday. Dec IS V* Dalian (Bpai) O«ar BM 7 day* 6 II 1 mUi I > 4 I l/l 3 mthi 8 7/16 Jie 1 mth* 14 < 91 6 mttu 7 I 18 7 7/16 mthi 7 111* 7
      278 words
    • 55 18 Prime lending rates (in kkMrnan* Bonk 7 f Ch.cogo 7 tongkok Bonk F NCB $i, look of Amm« 6'l HKSBC 7 lank o» Moloyon Bonking lonk o» Tokyo 7 MiHui Bonk look Nago/o Indonet.a7' j 2?^ lonqu* d«L'lndochine 7 OUB :hortefed Bonk l UCB Inote Monhotton 7 UMBC 7'^
      55 words

  • 159 19 New rules on work permits approved by Minister rORKIONERS waning r to work in Singapore will be reeuired from next month, to submit photostat copies of their academic or professional qualifications and testimonials from previous employers in their applications for employment paean This new procedure Is contained in regulations under
    159 words
  • 362 19 jTAMILIES of Singapore Mus lim pilgrims to Mecca were yesterday in a state of panic and near despair at the lack of official news on the fire that swept the pilgrim tent city of Mina last Friday. The families, some crying, desperately called Times
    362 words
  • 33 19 MACPHBUBON Kitate Ownor Roatajnto- Aooneootton will hold a enildron-s Chrtitmaa party at tv proauoos on tbo ground floor. Block 17. Circuit Road, on Doe. 21 from 7JO pjn to 10 pjs
    33 words
  • 161 19 Forecast of upturn in property market rnHDU will be an -1 tarn to the property BMifcet by the noiddle ef the stow year er lac U Mr.' Wstisri &IMSH— of the ■state Vataera' Uses claMse. tlegaaew. He said the aaarket had in fact kegva pleklni >P since Janaary this year
    161 words
  • 109 19 Two who stole get six years r'O men who admitted tteallng more than $30,000 worth of cash and goods were Jailed a total of 6* years by a district court yesterday. Chow Chok Pan, 41. unemployed and Hock Tuck Weng, 30. a mechanic, were charged with breaking Into a shop
    109 words
  • 289 19 OINOAPORE Airlines haa notified hotels here that it will withdraw its co-opera-tion if they fall to provide shuttle services to the city for ino-ming passengers at the future Chanfi Airport, informed sources said yesterday. According to these aouroee, SKA made the pclnt In
    289 words
  • 57 19 THB Doputmont of tmnural Studies of tho Dtalvomty of fltnesporo wu) bold a 10- lecture eouroo in rinancul Mmnocomont (or Non- Accountant* erery Tue«S*y and Thunday from 7 pjb. to p.m oommonclnf Jon. The Jecturw. Mr. V. NaTaratnam. io from Ngw Ann ToehnkoJ Cbuogo. Tho foe U
    57 words
  • 22 19 A TALK on noonsUl )«undteo wiu bo brtd at Uw ttlror VaUojr oooUBunlt; contre on Doc as ot a pjb
    22 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 83 19 mm MT &Jjm\ sssssV^^ l r— ~jgtjr '*iigtiw jF/2 m^^m%\ aL Ra^ bNMBBBbV W <JsBM COMPOSITIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR Re-evaluation is a compulsive sport come New Year. We think in terms of changing what can be changed and living with what cannot. Female offers some thoughts on the subject.
      83 words
    • 260 19 X'flß3s New Yeap "Great Soul" jf%^—W&^ /ffi Coming I"5 1 BBB^^B RgC Talented JerpiPic ft Tshitian A KALEIDOSCOPE CF TALENT. A superb baritone, great comedian he'll charm you with Polynesian rhythms, haunting blues and intriguing reminders of everlasting favourites. DEC. 18 to JAN 8 NIGHTLY AT 10.00 PM HILTON ROOFTOP
      260 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 672 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN Pi Opening and This and That (English 7JI In, JUbj) -feput) JM taiairi mm Ranting Tempat Berpaut 131 Diary of Events (English) (Matey Drama) US Magazine Zero One (Repeat) L4I EMrrsecr lacMe 3* Love Is a Many Splendour*) Thmg L3f laws aaa* tewa. CEajteaj
      672 words
    • 55 19 SWTMMING TIMES 10.25 MLlfSo. Mi IMM 6.44 ml ai»). 121 p.r QJa). hrt MduM ill pjl 22») TMMMW Sappn 929 (2JM), 11.04 pj£ Cm). SrtH IHM 7.23 ML (2.1«). 10.07 p.*. (2.4«). tat Mm 5.M ijl Q.7»)i 554 ml CJ» WATEB etuuilttM on Band*y was Stt.M* cable metres, 7.M« cakic
      55 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 399 20 :7.00 P.M. ONLY \n SbtWilf! 30PM. OHLV > y55 tbi p ILEBfai Bbl>> E"«i'V t Cxnna Subtitta* i BY POPULAR DEMAND! I CATHAY: ft* a T^mi Oit>! I mm U 11.N4N.. 131. IN. INN. jj r-WJLTOISJEr iCHIEVEMENi'n i B AVID TSMUNtON BLY Nit JBMM MuTMWQ r »Vi *> ajr^jfijl SfswJ|laaTsl
      399 words
    • 36 20 L--t 2 O.r»! OaMaft CNr 1.45. 4. 7 jo ZaaMk 2.J0. Ml ris A Mawdarta Whw Catar aW*>«Ataß> aaaiMl E»^b^bM| aa4a^tlMflM 3iw«ww»V-flfc Laal 2 Oay»l An Hindi Cotar Whw^wWh PHa -OMta fttatalaVtaMtftaU ft AaWIW 111 amaM|^^^^.'
      36 words
    • 513 20 X^Z^ZZa^BaaaaCala^^OZSl^S^Z]Ua^nZa3^^3Z^ZXSZX^^X^^X^XZnß«DLaC LAST 3 DAYS!! DON'T MISS IT!! f OOUWW BNOWk 11« a, 1.11, Mt l.lapia /n COLOR H KONO CHIAaV* SHOWft, «.M t.<lpi r»in«>«B PALACt-J BHOWt: IJa^am. «M IMkl Wlr 'L ,Z m mis m in iaiiik <a win cjurin "ww^U-. j b^b^b^^^^^^b^b^ rnmtww *-*ay_ ElaJttiVi UST 2 1AM!
      513 words
    • 425 20 COURAGE fc"fl CONFIOENCEfIUpI LEADERSHIP lOwiyf 0 tteNteCaraegleCMrie a Acquit pew »nO cor4>a>nc« a Sptak rrlactt«a>T a San roy iw '4»m 111 l four b»vl •<O fOuO a w£*Mß^b& na"ias a Think an* tpafk on yow a Coirei *a*r »no «o"i a Mtt«r cer««ruiKyiai<»l a OtxHa four h<«t« at<i'(«t a w.n
      425 words
    • 118 20 Du^of?rrri??gn^OM!>eaT7j^4SHC?rVS 4 DAILY: 11am, 2 JO, 6.15 9 15pm. No Fr f i Name: Jackal. Profession: Killer. Target DeGaulle. I I j^H|^^^^^BBBaBBBHaB^BBBBBBB^BBBI I I «j>K 'I II 1 t jS I Us U I I L^b^bw^ afl I B Fred Zinnemanns film of A^>^botfPnxluxtJona^« li«h**byß«*n1 i«h**byB«*nd l ß^di WIPITOI-MiXTCHiWE!: m
      118 words
    • 503 20 NOW SMOWImaS at 7 00*. O*V S WoH t>>«na«> LADY anw Hrn TtAMP Ji Plu»' Wglt Otnty t aT Spwcoi'tc- jj B—wi *aa»» Color a wtMy. on., J TNI CiOCOOIU M|N -I J CetorScap. f ngtt«h Suw» •C TOOAT aTOMOtIIOWONiT J5 BY POPULAK DfV > Ilwn, 2JO 400 t »00»~
      503 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 105 21 the < KSMHUZIV. LJS^ HITII P\I\TIV»S The first and only monthly of its kind in South East Asia Every issue gives you great ideas for better interiors and better living. Each month, pictures in vivid colour show you how others decorate their homes too. 43 ft I bY I V—
      105 words
    • 122 21 Ci yr\r\r tV Cnipp and all things nice DbW I^BBB^fl A CMHTMAB WONDERLAND OF LUSCIOUS TfKAS. Continental favourites like German Christmas Stollen, Christmas Log Cake. Santa Chocolates. "Snow Oops" and Christmas cookies like Cinnamon Star and Anise Cookies are available. Try also "home-made" Imperial Christmas Pudding HURRY FOR YOUR SPECIAL
      122 words
    • 327 21 i W^^b^bV Mb^b^X^bw^ I L^K. •ar^^^^^^S AJafJ f^^^^^ m d B^^^^^^bl V A^^ B^^H^flT^HM K a^Br -^M^^^ #«^Bfl ly^^^^ v Af^JK W L^BH <*^ a^B^^^B^Bk^. 1 f*r"^B^Tt^S ffl^^ B^ "^^W AT I VfVW^ Ivi^/f afgfl '^^B Bk V I I I V/a*s I C_J^jrf\ aWLUMTM CHENCHEN KAJ WAH^^^J^ Kk YI-MEI
      327 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 770 22 SINGAPORE BUS SERVICE LTD. TENDER INVITATION BUS PANEL ADVERTISING So far we have sold our bus panel space direct to our advertising clients. But now we have decided to let out this franchise to the highest bidder. Leading advertising agencies are invited to submit bids for the exclusive sales rights
      770 words
    • 201 22 NECERI SABAH. MALAYSIA KCNYATAAN TAWAKAN Ttwann •daisih dtpelsw* daripada Pemboronf-pembo-ionf yaAf benUftar dibawsh kelas A urtufc Membin* dan MenjrUpkaa Troposed Oorernment Secondary School at Westoo. Sabah ■UlarstaWanff Cafsran: M MOO 00 Wang Oengkerkm: 00 Tartkb tutup: »hb Februarl. l»7s Borang-boranc Tawaran dan butlr-butlr la»jut boleh dtdapati pada ma*a kerja
      201 words
    • 663 22 General Shop Foreman fading U S. oilfield equipment manufacturer is set- up operations m Jurong and invites suitable ilified candidates for the above post is individual will be the top foreman in our manutunng operation reporting directly to the Plant nager Responsibility will include coordination of pping and receiving assembling
      663 words
    • 537 22 OOMPTKOI.I XX PROPKim (I kifTSfrtiwlSilmfttiof Ik* Pt» puty Tax a» 1 4«> 197* KsUst— vi ction sale or frrf/er Restaurant UMm L filing rablntt. sir I conditioner etf and build- No 210 Nicoll Singapore. On Monday. 22nd IX-rmtwr 1975. at 11 Ma m ill particulars and Conditions of sale pleas*
      537 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1016 23 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMOMJ CMTAIMBM* StlViet Tl IW CMTIaJIT rtaa MX EXPRESS ITmI1 TmI 'il*mJ ?i"mb tiTL n^m] n"ia MMtta urn. a»R aaa n« it m. him tun ut ll— I MS II Ma IfM INt aMa liailMl '1 Ma M Mt I fM I M 1 IM I fM a M. II
      1,016 words
    • 1422 23 Ben Ocean Atcu*9iivKv>c{Bpt)ljneßtoFhnnplGipnljnpandNSMO Tl M [Mlialll I— l MM m i*mm imh NaaM fsMM *Mi iubtmim mftiiMeit a mi n/n Mi nmb im. himiii an Mt m m ia». im bm ti» ItMBM I I M M at 11/11 M N Nt AM BM. iia.ii lia Ma INt l«». U-.
      1,422 words
    • 1123 23 m^^^^^ QtM.l I Iwif A^lMia In U A NLIIHII Vm-t Miaaj lea. tattna Maaic tat: tXPKtJS mmi niae ur- nmb ta 11 mi tin m 11 iiiiiiii n Me a mi mm. a Ma n mb dm imti mi imi 1 as n m. 1 iM iNtaaa HMIMI II Ma
      1,123 words
    • 1085 23 FUUY COHTAINEKIZED StKVICE TO EUKOfE uuaf Sm- FM MHitn mut m i Mswraa. him liHant. STmim "1 1" > *»l nmm asji. iM c inTuatii fM n SmOMm. om. H«haai. UktM btMac Ctamt lane ICi a Mn fa M Mm FULLY COWTAIMIKIZED SEKVICE FKOM EUKOfE f MltM S m>i I
      1,085 words
    • 619 23 ■aMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI Saaaart 11M44 P Wa| IMI ll mni Nua. nm\ THE B4NK LINE LTD. IMK FM I I J into '•••aM .> •.>... ta. l Ma lAIT I tt«Tl AfaiCl IM Mall. Tt to< Mml KUWAIT SHIPPWC CO. (S.A.K.) HUM UU SIITICI l^attai > Man pm. iMl ii n im
      619 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1081 24 Yyr HAWASAJCI KMD4 KAISHA LTD ruiir rnimwma arm T« latin Ofmt laaa) Star* P M**| *'e»l I'M Htrnm whm mr 4 m im n m m irl* UA$ M*Mt (MMM IMHFot M rma lapte* (Tie ■ae*\> P KiM| (Wf (iPFM SIPPMjf li Ik U tec IM 111 MM Sfffl
      1,081 words
    • 866 24 riaa rr» it* I* MAaTT MCW* B MIMM IM MM M*. ■MWT MM* Ma* MMI ■Ml aaMt. arlUrlßl CMMTIT UMM M Part MM. MMM MW PMUMBT AM. MM Bok iw, imlmm 1 INk FMr. SmM mm. SmMm Wt, S*«pn 1 M: 2aon a ims) urn cum« M---^^^l^^-l^M--^^^^----l-----^--M^-l^^^^--i^^---l IMDUUI SBB-ICU TO
      866 words
    • 1037 24 MmmMMMMMMMMMJMJMMMMMJMJMMMJ Wv ™^^^^TTTTrTTl hut CaMiMgaa sqwa n man nm arm rian P IXaaJ rM itmm. M Mm* Mm MitiTAi imm nMe mm* mm nm mm urn mm MPTM IMMM IMIMMM-BM "Mi nnatui mhii m/ii mmm mt an tw bm r*w Piaaaa "TMarf. hut tmummn sang h— mm tm atzy p
      1,037 words
    • 785 24 fjpkc soviet tj \mmx vmwm/ttmwai'mn 'l»» Immow* P mini Pwm| laatat Mr MMM MTI »a Me II aMe tl 1 M I I Ma i'Win I. m. Ma. Co." MMA TIBIM II it M MII Me l I Im l« H i Me I le MMn 11 IK, r j.
      785 words
    • 939 24 THi "OUT Of MWMM AU- W*0»l WMT THOHTTT AMMUMcWtM] ««»»>»• Ml TUM 'OllOWia* OIBTHIMO AB B nnawj HAMOIMtMTO Pon MC it j* Doun laam II a** Tmimm out straai Rio It !im*i. CMtambuui 1/2. Tahiu T W Maru ITlm«)f li 14 Boaton Maru IS It. Dona Tarry 21/14 King Star
      939 words

  • 33 25 CHmtTMAa ADO CWNIII Nrw If you h»»f rrrnwd our grrvunf rardi on aspiwml »nd 4o not nc««l them. irn umr to us nonptt aationaJ MouUi ilna Artut Com- 577. Crawford PoatOffle* Sin«mp<>r»7
    33 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 360 25 classified ads PKK A COURSE FROM COLUMNS) •PROFESSIONAL •COMMERCIAL •TECHNICAL •LANGUAGE •CRAFT ETC. ORATUIOR FROM (77) DO you need expert ana quailf»ed advice on your Uln' Then ■mu:i LouUe Klerk medically trained beauly therapist with 26 »«perlence. at ngapura. telephone «€GI«TRaTiON OffN DURINO to 4pm *een 4 to S yean
      360 words
    • 778 25 tutors required to teach Mathematics and Physical Science 2-C Balesuer Mansion Ah Hood RMd (off Bilnlltr Road) S'por* 12 LECTURERS AND CONSULTANTS (pan full time) In Management Fields Muit be qualified Experience desirable but not essential Challenge assured Send details to r a ttr«t •>•*•. GIVE tuition an average 3
      778 words
    • 662 25 PTB. LTO, »»p*c«tniii mn iwvNee) tor sue poet- CLERK TYPIST with typing ability, good command of EnglUh. tome experience in business correspon- > dene* and ability to us* Chines* dialect*. Pteeee *stp)y eMSßtsj satsry »esjawe*i > StT/SBB Clii iiiliti Aeeaws, SI BIHWS. FEMALE SALBS ASSISTANTS urgently required for retailing shops
      662 words
    • 756 25 B. NOPT SNt«APXMkt Pte Ltd Mechanics, preferably with expenence on machine for precision mas* production. Plea** call personally Blk 3. 2nd Floor Tlong Bahru Industrial Estate Lower Defea Road. Spore 3 Tel 8398*9 An Dectncal Englneenng firm requires the following A. BLSCTRICAL TECHNICIANS With minimum 2 yean working expenence as
      756 words
    • 769 25 MALsV FEMALE CINNBBB, Malay. Indian and other school leaver*, odd job workers, etc.. arsjentti required by an sstabßahsd company for a iwwafOsrisy intereeHnf Job Primary education and bo t irpß?rge>oc< rvMulfTd. BeDvctinc monthly income $339 $740 Interview call personally 113$. nth floor. People's Part Centre. S pore 1. Today and
      769 words
    • 662 25 L/VE-M CINNBBB ASIAN. Dutch couple without children rsautre* a. preferably English anirtmi live- in Chinese amah for laundry and atfT'T-f the Cook-amah sn the household Dtstrtct 19 Oood references required. Telephone *****2 between 19.98 am and I.EBP.m SNUUOKA VAJMA YA SINGAPORE PTB LTO. A newly estaMlahed company opening a large
      662 words
    • 840 25 Ow^ftCw HsjTVv^PtVBß*a> «>X»t3 bOs%«* man able to steer grand banks 30' required by our company Apply personally al Tal Lon Knitting (8) Co Pie Lid. 31 New Industrial Road off Paya Lebar Road. Spore IS Tel: SS9S33 contact Mr Tan (Personnel Dept OBUVSRY CLERK CUM DRIVER wanted Must have valid
      840 words
    • 772 25 DIST 16 OFF HOLLANO Road. Executive Bungalow 3 Bedrooms, split-level lounge. separate dining, large covered pa tic overlooking pleasant sights Tastefully nistgnid' Furnished Available End of December $3 400 Please call Wess Associate* *****32/ *****14' *****11 DIST. IB STOREY Semidetached 3 fill lima* alrcond spacious living room/ extended patio Tenant's
      772 words
    • 849 25 SELF-CONTAINED FLATLET (Cathay Yaohan vicinity i On bedroom equipped iiuheneu* living Tel $«0 (utilities in rludedi Contact *****51 ( Only > PBACH OAROEN BJBYBR ROA3 U?a»rt>» H*M>-Rn» *p lrtw w$S» B.minitna Pool Ola* hi is 4 bedrooms with attached bathrooms spacious split-level Lounge and Dining Room a Pr. lii.SMsa la
      849 words
    • 731 25 petrolbum c oasPAjrv requires BUSMM4.OWH a SB— BSTACI— AP ARTMBNTS TERR AC SSSS II 89* in some cms** S month* advance SSTITSI SSttSS JR CONTINENTAL NOOSINS) AOBNCY PTB- LTD, If-A. OOLDHILL PLAZA PORE 11 TEL: SSS79S LINES) OwiMl ill sr» trow is iletli «rfMKtes ass sstil»a» el H lji 1-MrlavPta.
      731 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 335 26 ts| asa>*sgn-ia «ASTV*CW OAROtN. C HANOI 10 Pelatok Off Jalan f'rnmi atuactive single-storey 4-bedroomed "pungalow Freehold Bpaclout sale 887 000 OIST 17 LENGkOK MARIAM i low fully fur t.rron Rental t: 60 000 Tel BIST It EVEROMIN AVENUE 2 ned houat ap- sq ft partly furnished 8135.060 o n
      335 words
    • 655 26 -IVEP VALLIV LOCALITY fur nlahed carpeted spacious apartment 8116.000 vacant poaata- J L Chen Aaaoclataa ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOtITS an*) Saving AcceajiWi 8% per annum Kuw Aik Hartf Finance Co Ltd 167. South andat "a 1 Sinasaoeel Tat *****-6 9836)0? AOV permit No. 1281 PASIR PANJANQ 1-BCOROOMCO fully furnished
      655 words
    • 662 26 centrally located with Harbour View offered Por Sale. Pully PurnsstMd Total Area 4.067 aq ft at SS23O p S f Rental NegoUaMe Interested, pleaae contact Mr Tan *****0S Fal f\ INTBII*IATN>-|AL PULZA l jl CJ Of flee Baace for Rent CJ\ V PjajlTAL 81 06 por sq ft \fl including
      662 words
    • 741 26 OILIY TRAVtL (PTE) LTD. OVI»S€A TOONS (S OSJar) (1) Taiwan/ (Huattatv Allaan)/ Hcng Kong (Macau)/ Bangno* 14 days $1451 i--12 days 81Jtl'Departure: 22 12. 29 12 5/1. 12/1. 18/1, 26/1 (2) Korea/ Japan/ Taiwan (Huallen/ Allaan)/ Hong Kong Macau V Bangkok It days $2180 17 days SIMB/I Departure: Kvary Men/
      741 words
    • 1575 26 Mya *o aat*s \O^SLJ JMjr^m o PATTAYA y _f_v A**rjSy~M trW cieuuMMSAi _r V. V K. Inclustve of return air-uckeu W-fffAv a B a transfers, meals, sight seeing ar^rSPVSPf^ETTMnTS I deluxe super-bus IKK- ■iWIAS-JiSjUciSsmS Chtangmai BKK. deluxe-clan SsTr'f rlfTMUfir'T W m mm **t mm hoUI f u^ offers better PATTAYA
      1,575 words
    • 715 26 business iwajuati a Report WriUnc by rtwrtrt scftool prtnr! pal with 38 years Mart Urn expe ricncc; cuiT* tiUT #diun«j )ourT*N%ii and wnttM articles Cnra-aonrat 8 pm 1 7th December Phone ***** Manaaemini Training Centra 104 3rd Floor New People's Park CenOUAUFY IN ACCOUNTANCY through OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED COLLEOE You can
      715 words
    • 893 26 /^S|* C "B"a~***********BJ*"**~»-v LAST MINUTE PREPARATION P^™"™" "™^"™i won t help your child Let tar CTAMMM 'IfUrUVPiV n ,-ertain suhyecta from Primary Pr- I mrersit- srvess. LfJI I If r prepare your child now io score brilhantlr next year Phone Tha largest and most w7n < progressive resource ywc a
      893 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1314 27 classified ads H CHSPHO9IB VBHaCLES (S) Ltd 48 ■■■■Ml 1 Votu Road Newton) Singapore II Tel 23SJS7 *****53 offers 19T3 ■Tfffl ggW Marrian 188 alrcon Volvo 1448 gggVaaWaVJl alrcon., Volkswagen 1383. Toyota Carina 1888. Mercedes MOD 18TJ t'i cmhv BLCP. eowith conceal- Mercedes OS alrcon VolUwagen litloner. good COO- Kombt
      1,314 words
    • 1368 27 MIBSINO ONE OIARLT loved brown anort haired Dachshund (sausage dog) from WoUerton Park Saturday 13U> Reward If found and identified or for Information on whereabouts Plawpl>oneBB*»J7 FOR SALE PEOIORBED corker spaniels Black colour 6 months old Ruig *****3 anytime H,B-»PS*IP-SPECIAL. SPECIAL. SPECIAL! l.ouiae Klerk. ConUnenlal Beauty specialist with 28 yean
      1,368 words
    • 692 27 SPACE CLSANINO 6t*v:i SJJ vM L-____ B fjrmt M^ in carpet snampnomg. I floor pottatunc carpantnr. pamt MMMMV^sMMMIfI ing plumbing eWcLrtcaJ repairs I Rtn«9IMM gHH*JMM«MMJP f°? i??*"' I"*1 *g »2SJ*SI« T«A9)B»>O«T«TrOai/ RBMOYAL Lady Escort dsal STMSI/ XMBBM gERVICE Datsun Pickup. The High Society MS-C3 Orchard Medium Bsg Lorry to shift
      692 words
    • 414 27 BBOU— II OMB UBRT used float) condKwnßV 10 with dragline and clamshell Also 21/14 concrete mixers Ring 32X938 durtaf afflea hours CLEARINO STOCKS Chrtstmas offer" brand new guaranteed stereo system, hire purchase 6/12 months Discount for cash tree headphone on pajrehase of combination set Audio Centre 215 Peoples Park Complex
      414 words
    • 155 27 a, Ml MMM> M\ a*. CS-70R STEREO FM/AM TUNER AMPLIFIER O*iF»al CPOCfc Auto On/oH twitch witti T.mer Wire less FM mic •0.9* Total Harmonic Distortion CD4/R.M ./Matrix Four Channel CHOP STEREO TURNTABLE •aO»T»(won*)»»ow4 FUittar •Magntt,c CartrKtot 2 speed bgitdrw.* Auto NS-430 2-WAY BASS^EFLEX Rwturn cueing Easy Plufl in Head
      155 words

  • 237 28 El > N these prancing cannot rmulatr the spirit of thr black panther found In a tank of this »iim it was bring built in July. Which is just as wrll. for thr vrssrls, owners. Buggr Supply Ships, havr drcidrd to namr
    237 words
  • 72 28 Death at yard: An open verdict A CORONERS court yesterday recorded >n open verdict on the death of a 22-year-old man who died shortly after a 182-kllogram rubbish drum fell on g Tuck Thong was t on board the ship. Sea Anther, which i alongside x Rhu. when the ;rred
    72 words
  • 52 28 A BKTION of Alexandra load from Oillman Circus to lumah Bomb. Circus will closed for three hour* rom mldolcht tonight for he Public Works Department n overhead padea.•:»n bridge nemr trie Alex* ndra Hospital Traffic police will be on rrt and motorlats are dvised to follow
    52 words
  • 99 28 A 16-YEAR-OLD boy II ;ai ed (or 18 nonths and ordered to riven 10 strokes of the ■oUn for armed robbery e y rd*av dUtrlCt y"" Low Leone s*n > hart 9 iS«^Ktj"2f No*v Mng a knife and a couple. Fam Mvi and
    99 words
  • 328 28 'Killer gang' extort men jailed 'J'WO men, who admitted identifying themselves us members of a "Pan Malaysia-Singapore Killer Gang" to extort $24,000 from a pork-seller, were ytltcrdajf jailed for 10 months and given three strokes of the rotan each by a magistrate*! coart. The court earlier heard that Heng Yam
    328 words
  • 183 28 CINEMA SNATCH THIEF GETS 20 MONTHS A LABOURER who sneake d Into the circle entrance of the Capitol Cinema In Stamford Road and stole $110 from a woman, was Jailed yesterday for 20 months by a magistrate's court and ordered to be placed under po Ice supervision for a year.
    183 words
  • 44 28 MISB Irene Yonff hu been elected president of tha Singapore Aidoclatton of Social Workers executive rommttl— foi 1975-76 The other offtcUU are Un Ho Kirn Choo. Ttoe-preaidant; Mlaa Bens Lul. aacratary; Mtaa Santna Dhann. aatt vcretarr: and Mr Peter Sob. treasurer
    44 words
  • 33 28 rirmtt children. a«*d three to It, will perform In the Junior Ort«lnal Concert otimnlaed by Yahama Muatc School at the DBS auditorium on Dec H It I pjn. Admission U free
    33 words
  • 26 28 SENIOR ParUamentary Becrcury (Social Affairs). Mr Chan Chee Sent, will attend the laxt Transport Association'» 2tth anniversary dinner tomorrow at 7 JO p m
    26 words
  • 391 28 Irate instructor hit me, says assault charge NS member A NATIONAL service man. accused of assaulting a Vigilante Corps Instructor, said the Instructor became angry and aggressive when he said he would report an "Injustice* to his superior officers The court heard that Ooh Peng Hua. 21. I part -time
    391 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 592 28 THE BdSIS TO mSTdriT UIE4LTH IHCSnGfIPDRE SWEEP :>«*aa liHMMtH.Miii fc«»iH^«a»»i THIRD »Rl2f 75 000 TI I JKt»M NumMn aac* <0000 10 Lucky Numban aacX 5 000 »g..,p..,« «o aooo BCon»ni.on»-m aacx 7 000 ••> »Waaail •o»«t.c.oatK>« Pf.ia. aach 1000 'our D»t Maio> >nta> iwmw mmtml aacx 900 s. Fowr D<yt
      592 words

  • 570 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By J()I! N N V WILr N, iince ajfain. lived up to his reputation as a jockey with the big race temperament when he brought My Interest with a beautifully -timed run to win the $25,000 Stewards (up over 1600
    570 words
  • 789 29 \\r EIO H T S for ww weekend races SATUROAf II nT\ Fi I *l TIN \N(, I P <l I lli< 1 l!Hm 591 57 J *m set -cott M 551 MM 551 55 II 53 Sl* Palme, 51, Patenon To«er 51 n Sc.u II 50) 50
    789 words
  • 325 29 JOCKEY Sairi the rider of Casper in R»cr was charted with careless ruling a:.d suspended Mrc race days by the Stewards on Sunday The Stipendiary Stewards report on Sunday i races: RACE 1 Kin Kin iR C AUani. tonal Hj«rn iP rWmboo Rid iApp Maaruhen > «:.d Hankow
    325 words
  • 593 29 STEWARDS BAN JOCKEY SAIRI FOR TWO DAYS ihuas (T Lucas) and Sar tarrick II (P Tulk) shifted ground Inward* suddenly snd caused Dallas Cowboy II to check Both Jockeys Tulk and Lucas were warned to show morv care when jeavlng the barrier BaoaAsa U iM. Thomas) lugged In badly throughout
    593 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 449 29 isfiawawawsi ■Aa3Ca^HaH^^| SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS SPECIAL I* FIRE DOOR HAZARD SYSTEMS I HALOH CO2 "STIMS 1 a^^^l I aw^ aW S H PORTABLE FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT Select the W*"*^"**"^™* m """I modelwhichl r*"?^ Th.M«port I President 4 Senator SUItS YOU? I jh« totalty rrlisble Light and rugged /lAO{/S
      449 words

  • 419 30 ■V, »i»TiTTyil M mi;■ I. VI I I ill 1 1 PERTH, Mon. West In d tour manager K«mond Kentish today accused Australian bowlers of being "bumper hapi^ "That's why we are winning this Test." he said. "Our fast men have bowled a more sensible and
    Reuter  -  419 words
  • Article, Illustration
    281 30 STDNIT. M*a. The rlalm by Aastralia'i express kawter. Deaals Ulsr- that atasearta 'rent tes mack cricket had canard AastraaVi kaas— iiksa ky the West Indian In rVrtk. waa klasttd as a MaUat excaae ky England captain Teny Greig today. Crelg, writing a crtrket eataasa la ike Sydney San
    281 words
  • 398 30  - A GOLDEN SILVER FOR KRISHNAN... GODFRE Y R OBER T By OANOKOK. Mon. Singapore boxer K. Krlshnan was unlucky to lose his right against Thailand's Ong Ard Kumutchart in the light-middleweight final of the Seap Games programme at the Hua Mark Indoor stadium last night. Krlshnan. the 21-year-old policeman, staged
    398 words
  • 343 30 ITU ALA LUMPUR. Mon. Thailand chalked up another easy win. scalping Singapore by 5-1 this time in the Asian Schools Under-18 soccer tournament at Merdeka Sta d i urn here tonight. The enterprising Thais, despite resting several top players, had little trouble
    343 words
  • 62 30 Brawling team banned DOME. Warn. The *A tuUmM Umoetr Pa4m lion sh dUasaJlftad aj, lire imilwt team for brawUnc with the pablk The 11 player* of GlnesIra, a third category am* tear dab. were dtaqaaUfed for periods ranging from one to seven games. The lUht with the puMlr eecarred darrag
    62 words
  • 352 30  - Nasir not picked for King 's Cup JOE DORAI B TkTASIR Jclil, one of th j three ton scorer* In the National League, last night falkd to win a place In the 17-mem-ber Singapore team for the King's Cup soccer tournament at Bangkok on Sunday but he's not disappointed. In
    352 words
  • 230 30 I^EW YORK. Mon BalUmore ColU staged the biggest recovery in pro footbail history yesterday, edging Miami Dolphins 10-7 In extra time to move to the brink of the National Football League American Conference Eastern Dtvtston title Ton! Unhart. an Aus-rtan-bom kicker with a reputation
    230 words
  • 285 30 SYDNTY Mon. Title holder Bvodm Cawley scored an easy first round win over Carol Tsaman in the first round of the 803.750 New South Wales Open Tsnnls Ctiamraon ships at White City today. Winner of the woman's singles In 1972 and again last yaar. the former
    Reuter  -  285 words

  • 481 31 ANTI-CLIMAX AFTER 90-MINUTE STIRRING STRUGGLE QANTtKOK, Mon. Singapore and Burma were joint bronze medallists in the Seap (lames soccer tournament, after they were deadlocked 2-2 at full time and during the dull, dreary extra time period at the Chulalongkorn Univer>ity Stadium here tonight. The two
    481 words
  • 147 31 Hurt Arul to miss final HALFBACK Arul Bubramanlam Is out of the Singapore team to play Malaysia tomorrow morning Arul injured his right knee In the match against Malaysia and Is unfit to play S Letchumanan. Who received a hit on the face, will play, although he had three stitches
    147 words
  • 24 31 HOCKEY Final: Malarrta Sinfaper*. VOLLEYBALL Meat ic«m final: Burma r Thailand. Waawn. team flaal: Singapore Tkeilajai. SOCCER Final: Thalauwl Malarakv Claalaf nuanmy.
    24 words
  • 117 31 VIII SEAP GAMES BANGKOK 1975 BANGKOK Mon. After eight days of hectic activity the eighth Seap Games will come to a close tomorrow with the closing ceremony at the National Stadium here. The opening ceremony will start with a massed band entering the stadium, followed by the athletes from the
    117 words
  • 475 31 Malaysia crush Thailand BANGKOK, Mon. Malaysia scored a comfortable 5-0 victory over Thailand In their Seap Games hockey match at the hockey stadium here today. Malaysia will play Singapore, who beat Thailand 2-0 an Friday, in the playoff for the title tomorrow morning at eight. The Malaysians, fielding eight World
    475 words
  • 557 31 BADMINTON MEN'S SINGLES FINAL: Bandld Jaiyen (T) beat Pltehai Kongalrithavom (T) 10-15. IS-S. 15-5 (Thailand gold and silver, Malaysia two broaaas). DOUBLES FINAL: Preeeha Sopajaraa aad Pornehai Sakultaniyom <T> baat Cheah Hong Cnong and Soong Cbok Soon (M) 15--10. 15-4. (Thailand gold. Malaysia Mirer. Thailand and Singapore bronat each).
    557 words
  • 242 31 'World record' by Gladys BANGKOK. Mon. Malaysia's Gladys thai set a world record of sorts on Saturday. According to author Pete Posxoli. the 22--jri-ar-old Malaysian Undent is the first »c:nan to Jjmp 11cm above her head from cinder. Gladys, who is 1.62 m tall, cleared 1.73 m In the high
    242 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 239 31 Ik W H f"J Ifc I H /<•' -tf W\ P I I Sowaraoo/Orainaa* Concrete pipe* BtZ!r?~~^ "~~bHK*"^— —^assssl Steel pipas. fittings and spoctali for Z* t 1> »a»Bi^BSBBU»Baaaa»Baa»BaTBs»»lllll»SBsl •water, gas ft sewerage. r Steel tubes lor mechanical, structural ■Mj^ and general engineering purposes. Steel pipe* and tubes lor pressure
      239 words
    • 348 31 Highlights for today •Unions urged to help stamp out drug addiction. •Attitude of workers that can affect image of tourist industry. •Miracle escape for would-be-bride. •Two graduates enticed into forgery ring. •Soccer: Can Selection maintain high standard in Thai King's Cup Tournament. jß^^(u^^^ aSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB. Ilk JM *W L^aatfaafl assl m
      348 words

  • 86 32 [UTCH police and marines board the hijacked train on Sunday near B c i 1c n in the Netherlands to take 23 hostages to freedom after 12 days' captivity by South Moluccan terrorists. The train hijackers, half frozen, gave themselves up v n c
    AP  -  86 words
  • 29 32 CAIRO. Mon Fifty n Haters were drown«d when a lorry plunged Into a canal vmenUy near the city of Koesin. Upper afcrpt AlAhram Mid here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 96 32 in Straits ASEVEN-BHIP Russian naval relief ■as transiting the Straits of Malacca yesterday en route to the Indian Ocean. The Russian ships including two destroyers, nf.sweeoers. one landing ship iLST>. one oiler and one tug began entering the Btralts late on Sunday The Boy 1 c t
    UPI  -  96 words
  • 201 32 SALISBURY, Monday T»HE fifth attempt in 10 years to negotiate 1 a settlement of the Rhodesian dispute opens here today in a mood of general pessimism. The biggest difference ia over Mr. Nkomo't demand for "majority rule now." which Mr. Smith has rejected
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 175 32 Former Hongkong company chairman jailed HONGKONG, Mon Paul Lee, former chairman of Lee Engineering Company, was today sentenced to 2\ years' Jail after a district court Judge found him guilty of two conspiracy charges. Lee. 57. had denied charge* of conspiring to bribe and pay bribe* to government officials and
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 44 32 RIO DE JANDRO, Mon At least nine people <U«d and 40 others had to be re<--1 cued by firemen a* a result of flash flooding on the Ouapirtm River tome two hours' I drive from Rio. police reported here today. AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 641 32 ONDON. Maa Th. (tack *-< market rloxd •llsbtty Srm»r loSajr in ikbi t«a-waj At a pm. th* Ptaaactai Tim u*n »v up o.» at SSas. ICI. BATi ■■>■ Uallrrar wara «moo« market |«a«ari to t~-*' catna ran(in( bMvaaa lp aa« Sthll nil. Taora Blcctrtcal latt 4p to Invxten
    641 words
  • 338 32 Kukri t wants urgent steps to stop border terror BANGKOK. Monday rpHE Thai Prime Minister, Mr. Kukrit 1 PramoJ, has called for urgent new measures by Thailand and Malaysia to strike hard at terrorists and separatist movements operating on their common border. He hu suggested that the two countries look
    338 words
  • 48 32 JAKARTA. Moo Prtrtdtnt Suharto has undertone a minor stesurh operation la the army hospital hare, a pa lan apokaani&n aatd today. The oparaUoo tv carried out yeatarday and the President wu ordered to rest for at least one weak after 1U wipaation. he added. Ranter.
    48 words
  • 27 32 CAIRO. Moo Egypt will pay U8S1« million (8*34 million) in coeapansatton to American*, vboat property has toan natkmalUad. or ■ataad. Al-Akhbar mid her* today. Ranter.
    27 words
  • 119 32 Printing shop found, 7 Red agents detained KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —City police have scored a major break through against the cosamaniat propaganda machinery when they uncovered an underground "printing workshop" ran by the Malayan National Liberation Front (MNLF) off the 5 4 km Jalan Cheras iiere. In the workshop they
    119 words
  • 164 32 nANGKOsI. Mob. D The I nited States air force today flew 24 A-7 flgh.'cr p»anes out of Thailand from the northeastern base of Karat, continuing a ■Based military withdrawal. The aircraft were the last combat planes left at Korat, which U scheduled
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 139 32 LECITHINOL CAPSULE t^"*>-taaaaaJ i >«sj-|3 FOR BETTER MENTAL and PHYSICAL ENERGY IN YOUR STUDIES and SPORTS... a Schoo) wot ano concaniralion of i»i» tubatanca is found m sycri vtlal organt aa trta •MlNOLhatp (yam naan iraar. kKSnaytarx] nwi boost aodocf <n» giarxta MOt •»»p»ciaiiy c WHEAT GERM OIL dv* to
      139 words
    • 231 32 W tBl «laa»P(fV9Hfiaaa! \Bc«S|bbVl2l I Fj /a^BjMtt^TnTu^Ti I I fl 1I 1 I IJI 1 ifl aaaP/lukJ k Uaaaal aY a\ a\ ■a Lj a^ai wY B KT67 gfflfffilnr (203 Litres) 21 HaßP^^^~ I "aaal aV*JaV2^ l"^'""* 1 I waaaaaawW*^ AYwiM KT7I A W Mfct J^ (225 Litres) 79cu. ft
      231 words