The Straits Times, 13 December 1975

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times. I Estd. 1845 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1975
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    • 144 1 The Sunday Times GETTING DOWN TO THE ROOT CAUSE OF CANCER MORE than 1.444 a rents have se far been discovered by scientists to be definite or smspect:d causes of cancer in man. In recent years such agents have been found In the air we breathe, the water we drink,
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    • 123 1 rE LOCALS call it the Black Ohetto On the map. It bears the rather quaint name of Chapletown and occupies that part of Leeds which nobody seems to want to talk About. And for good reason for it Is not one of Bo»- neighbourhoods tv would
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    • 68 1 A REPORT from Tsrsana. California about the revival of the Tarman Industry the enterprise founded on the world-wide popularity of the Lord of the Junjlr which sells Tartan products to the 4iur of some 51 25 million every year. (ALLAN File on the Powerful Picador which takrs thr
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    • 50 1 HI-FI: The Jest buys In cassette recorders plus ansven to your auestlon.i AH Q: Wnen success come* after death >RI Dr.LIMA Will this tpell the end of gossamer -fine powder? CASI'ALTIES Of the American TV network DO YOU really understand your busband? NEW country life for British youths.
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  • 86 1 SEX AND YOUTH, AS THEY SEE IT IN CHINA... SfcX does not concern yodng people in China. until they get married. At least that's the official view In fact, the Chinese encourage late marriages, and young men In their early twenties normally concentrate on their studies or work.
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  • 41 1 DONT tickle your dinner date the next time she choked Hug her Instead. You would probably save her life Learn how to apply the HI Of LIFE, a new and more effective way of treating choked victims.
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  • 102 1 LIFE has not been essy on two super- j stsrs lately Mark Spits and Elvis Presley Mark U having marital problems, while Elvis could well he doing his farewell performance. Don't miss the stories on the Superstars In Trouble tomorrow Other highlights: Jt.NMIKR is only 1* hours
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  • 84 1 SIR MATT BI'SBT, fine of the world's most knowledgeable and respected soccer statesman. reveals his blueprint for the future success and prosperity of the game he loves. THE MOST IMSIAL new golf course In Britain where members have to auction off all the holes except one. INSIDE
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  • 129 1 rEL AVTV. Frt A group of Israeli per•onaUtles led by a reservist general has formed a council for Israel Palestine peace with the aim of persuading the Government to agree to self determination for the Palestinian people and recognise their right to set up
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 177 1  -  Overpaid SWS by millions By TSAI TAN City Editor THE Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) has uncovered evidence indicating that the management in charge of Haw Par Brothers International in 1973 knowingly pai 1 millions of dollars more than they should when acquiring Slater Walker
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  • 361 1 MR. Jimmy Goldsmith, who took over the Slater Walker Securities stewardship In late October, reportedly "to take the emotion out of this Far East affair", arrives here tomorrow to start talks with Haw Par chairman, Mr. Michael Fam, on
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  • 17 1 TODAY'S Straits Times is 44 pages In two sections. Business Times Is In Section 11.
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  • 25 1 SAM FRANCISCO. PH. Fir* swept through a 0v»--rtorey apartment hulhtlne. •arty today, killing at tout nve paopw and Injuring •rreral others. AP.
    AP  -  25 words
  • Article, Illustration
    176 1 'NO LONGER THREAT TO SECURITY' -GOVT LAWTOt T.T. Rajah, U (above), former legal adviser of ihe Bartsaa Soslahs. was smonj eight political detainees set free yesterday. AIL except Mr. Rajaji were released on restriction orders valid for two years on four conditions, a Home Affairs Ministry sUletnent said.
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  • 42 1 NOW YORK. .Ft! Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on tta» New York Stock Cubans* 30 lndui 839 74 down IN, M trenap IH7I down 033 14 utlls SO M unch. SS atockj W» down OM. n>l
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  • 76 1 LONDON. Frl. The British Cabinet agreed today on i i m to pour a repo .3d UB*MO million < £$894.4 million) Into the Chrysler ear company to keep It operating In Brtt«<n A two-hour special Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Harold Wilson reached agreement to rescue
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  • 123 1 Two top Tanaka business aides convicted rKYO. Frl Two close business associates of former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuel Tanaka were today convicted of violating the real estate transactions law and the commercial code. The Tokyo District Court sentenced Taljj Yamada, 55, regarded as a top aide to Mr. Tanaka. to
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 158 1 10 more BEAP golds for S'pore BANGKOK. Fri Singapore won another It gold medals at the SEAP Games here today, bringing the Republic's go d tally so far to 16. Fl»e of the golds came from the swimmers. Leading the gold rush was diminutive Justina Tseng, who won two gold
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  • 680 1 Malik admits: Our troops helped JAKARTA. Frl INDONESIA admit- ted today that it sent in marines to Portuguese East Timor when the capital Dill fell to proIndonesian forces on Sunday. Foreign Minister Adam Malik said Indonesia's security and stability had been threatened by the leftwing Fretilin movement because they had
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  680 words
  • 85 1 lONDON. Frl. Fo«r t Irish le rroriila. who have keen holed op In a London apartment with two hostages for six daya. lurreodrrrd to police today. Scotland Yard said The f untnr-n. all selfproclaimed mrmbrrs of the Irish Republican Army, walked oat with their hands
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 J 5' J •_J^t* *^feßslll Wr •'•^a« jm ■LTa^Bat*** "jM am* *«k
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    • 200 1 MAKING WOMEN AWARE OF UNIONS -PRf» 15 INDONESIA told: Quit at once. Page X IS against Soviet* In Angola I AtSSfts all set for eleetlons 4 SMITH-NkMM talks to start on Monday f HANOI, spreading Its tentacles 7 YARDS hit tlnmp eat overtime 11 RENTAL for land grants op 5«
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    • 171 1 Our computer is complicated so your life isn't. We were the first bank m Singapore to install a computer to give our customers better service By 1 976 we'll nave a new $4'/» million NCR Century 251 and NCR 201 system it'll be the most advanced banking installation m South
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    • 2 1 a^anEf^^anß ■bT'Jb
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 691 2 Indonesia told: Quit at once... 'J'HE General Assembly's Trusteeship Committee yesterday strongly deplored the "military intervention of the armed forces of Indonesia" in Portuguese Timor and called for their withdrawal without delay. r The Assembly also recommended urgent action by the Security Council to protect the territorial Integrity of the
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    • 56 2 NEW DELHI. Frl The Chief Minister of Earnataka state. Mr. Oevraj L'rs. has been fined 1M rupees <Ss27 7«) for being late to a Cabinet meeting he had summoned Officials In the state capital of Bangalore said he was fined earlier thii month under a convention agreed
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 291 2 Assembly a 'theatre of the absurd' UNITED NATIONS. Friday I 'NITED States representative Daniel Moynihan, in a slashing attack, said last night that the General Assembly was "becoming the theatre of the absurd." It had ret chid th-» oolnt where responsible diplomats were prepared to accept documents "riddled with untruths.'
      Reuter  -  291 words
    • 72 2 DUBLIN. It! Winners of the Iran Hospital* Swerpttakes luprrpriae of SI 2 021 MO next year will get their money on an Instalment plan, a sweeps spokesman said today Instead of getting the full payment, winners will receive SM73SOO down and a flat income for the rest
      UPI  -  72 words
    • 100 2 LO.snov Fri. The British Parliament last night rejected a fresh call to bring back hanging for terrorist murders by 361 votes to 232. a majority of 129. after a highly emotional debate. The non-government moi tion presented by a j rank-atd-flle Conservative opposition member had
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 164 2 HONOKONO Oovernor Sir Mn y M cLehose dotting the eye of the lion" In official dedication of the new World Trade Centre branch of the Hongkong 1 and Shanghai Bank in New York on Thursday The custom means that the "lion is considered blind
      AP  -  164 words
    • 43 2 LONDON Frl Three people died and ljur MM taken to hospital after nrr destriyed the servant* quarters of the Queen* Hutrl in South East London esrly '.his morning, police said Th» cause of the tire was not known Reu'.fr
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    • 26 2 WASHINOTON Ptl President Ford h«* declared Oklahoma a disaster area after &e\tie s.ornu and tornadoes struck the state IM Friday causing widespread damage —Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 278 2 Energy talks: Oil users agree on soft approach BRUSSELS Kri The indu.siru.iM-d onusing nations have agreed to adopt a flexible approach In early Mages of the commie world energy and raw mateinference to avoid a conlrontaiii'ii with oilproducing states, sources said The sources said the strategy was adopted despite continued
      Reuter  -  278 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 222 2 SIEMENS The more dothes to wash the more you'll love your SIEMENS r *^l^fc SIWAMAT24SO L^^va V^H r k 9 Fully AutMKttK JUi j For every machine purchased C^^jj >r Pal of 3kg PERSIL detergent will *>*^^^k given away FREE while stocks last 1 Singapore Refrigeration Co., o»mon*tro»ion centre j
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    • 11 2 wOb purchased H W^ Jk W^ |l M .t a 6
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    • 270 3 Arms project tops Giscard agenda A US$B,OOO million (5520.000 million) pro- Ject to build Jet aircraft and missile plants in Egypt ranked high on the list of priorities for French President Valery Olacard dEstalng's current five-day rislt to Esypt. French sources said Mr GUeard d'Eitalng today began two days of
      Reuter; UPI  -  270 words
    • 119 3 51.2 nil sex prejudice suit on Ford rvARLENE Schmaltried U holding a copy of a salt in which she charges President Ford and foar of his aides with discrimination on the basis of sex. She claims that she was not paid the aaaae salary as the man who preceded her
      UPI  -  119 words
    • Article, Illustration
      24 3 SEOUL. Frt. Partner Philippine Praaidem Dicudado Mscapagal arrived here today far a three-day visit on a leg of hu Allan tour— UPl.
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    • 490 3 ITS Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger told his Western allies yesterday the I'nited States could not accept the establishment of Soviet bases in Angola. Dr. Kissinger, in a speech to the 15 foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, said Soviet expansion In
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    • 191 3 Nato agrees to 'nukes for tanks' cutbacks BRUSSELS, Friday THE 15 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation nations have agreed on a US proposal to withdraw 1,000 American tactical nuclear warheads from Western Europe If Russia cuts Its tank strength In Eastern Europe, American officials said. But disagreement remained on when the
      Reuter; UPI  -  191 words
    • 59 3 BANGKOK. Pn Mr Philip C Habib. United State* mutant Secretary for Cast Asian and Pacific Affairs, arrived today to Inform Thai leaders of the results of President Ford i recent visit to China. Mr. Habib has already visited Seoul. Talpeh. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur on similar missions
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 116 3 HONGKONG. Fri. Prime Minister Chou En-Ul underwent a "very saccessfar heart operation In September bat he remains in critical condition today, the So«th China Post reported today. The newspaper attributed Us Information on the operation to unidentified sources who returned to Hongkong recently freaa
      AP  -  116 words
    • 29 3 WABHINOTON. Frt Occidental Petroleum Company and lv chairman. Annand Hammer, are under lnvcaUcatkm by Uie SecurtUa* and Kxchance Coi— it—lnn for paalbie tnbery of foreign government*— AP.
      AP  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 PAGOL SWISS Distintive Timepieces of Precision and Elegance for the festive joy of giving and receiving. M I II ""XV f f aK3 fl*^M-i<^Mfc TK^alhfiH aßa4a^ai I If J^T^^^^fc II v^L^K Jml Ml ■gm 1- I AUSTRALIAN ELECTORS I Elections for the Senate and the House of Repre- I sentatives
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    • 620 3 ■2 A leading manufacturer and distributor MM of food products, which are marketed I through the general retail trade is seek BB ■Bj mg the services of the following senior I EB executive staff DEPUTY Ll II MARKETING I i M MANAGER H Nogoiinble around 545.000 p.a. 7 ■a plus
      620 words
    • 446 3 SALES ENGINEER Nogotlablo around $24,000 pa I One of Singapore's leading multi H I national companies which has a long K Kfl established, successful record oi I BJ operations, is seeking the services of a IE I well -qualified Sales Engineer. IBS Candidates for this position should be II ■9
      446 words

    • 520 4 AUSSIES ALL SET FOR ELECTIONS JHE political and const itutional storm that has rocked Australia for more than two months neared its climax today as almost eight million voters prepared to ballot in a general election cast as the most fateful in the country's 75 year history. SYDNEY, rri. Final
      Reuter  -  520 words
    • 300 4 Arias is ready for reforms in Spain MADRID, Friday rjWE first Cabinet of the restored Spanish monarchy took office today with the task of reforming the authoritarian regime bequeathed by General Franco and breaking the diplomatic Isolation caused by his rule. Mr. Carlos Alias Navarro. the general's Prime Minister reappointed
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    • 68 4 BANOKOK. Frl. A Chinese vessel has arrived here to pick up 10.000 tonnes of Thai rice to be shipped to Laos and Cambodia under an i conomlc aid programme, Commerce Ministry officials said today. HONGKOMG: Visitors to this 11-itish colony in Nc-eirber increased by 12 per cent over the
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    • 79 4 ROME: Former Italian Prime Minister Amlntore Fanfanl flew to Peking from Paris yesterday for a series of talks with Chinese political leaders, a spokesman said here. MEXICO CITY: Fifteen people were killed and about 31 injured when a train «nd a bus collided yesterday on a level crossing
      79 words
    • Article, Illustration
      77 4 LONDON: Shipplnf competition from Eastern Karope threatens the commercial basis of world shipping and trade, the rctlrlnf chairman of the Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners claimed yesterday. NEW YORK: Private sanitation workers today approved a contract with some 450 carting companies, ending a 12--da y-old strike that
      Agencies  -  77 words
    • 185 4 Leftists break ceasefire, attack hotel BEIRUT. Frl— Leftist forces brushed aside yet another ceasefire today launching a massive assault on the Holiday Inn. setting its top floors ablate, and attacking Its rightwing Falangist defenders. The fighting continued 10 hours after an official ceasefire was to have rone Into effect in
      UPI  -  185 words
    • 321 4 PRIME Minuter Robert Muldoons Na 1 1 onal Party Government Imposed a freeze on all immigration from Britain within hours of taking office today Mr. Muldoon said Immigration from Britain would stop until the Oov ernment has worked out Immigration policy details and the freeze
      Reuter; AP  -  321 words
    • 167 4 rKYO. Frl. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Oromyko will visit Japan next month for talks expected to Include the question of a World War Two peace treaty. The Japanese Foreign Ministry announced Mr. Oromyko's trip today but said the exact date had not been fixed.
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 36 4 WASHINOTON. Pri Preildent Pord jmttrtUy nominated Mr Robert Blswnrti, m the Second Deputy Secretary of Defence A White Houie spokesman wld that present Deputy Secretary William Clement* will be trw principal deputy —Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 ~2&nzo± IV PHOTO CO. (PTE) LTD. Orchard Road. Smqapore 9 Tel **********57 10.. North Br.dge Rd S.ngapore 7 Tel *****6/*****8 191. Penaoq Road. PenarMj. Malav»'« Tel ***** 168 JalanTuanku Abdul Rahman. Kuala Lumpur Tel ***** yj *S^ S88& #^Bbb^»_ <* Cmm^^L .^r~m..r-*.c~t m' \Wt^SL^gJ "tIKIMDJ MBW jfi^^WNTx\tti\)t^ O< S ICM
      134 words
    • 86 4 K7 V s^^^^^L^ttll 3 sV -"^T^^/ v v "H^ w% Pf g^^BssW tt» »4 t^stfts# J^K at MrMtx* Co OMvnmx M tmam) law «w (funu^mt) Hgn^'lhw OwdUatl MocMrn >«f» '»< -> <•****» turjmdy (*m* lwM Cmt* Starry 4 ton <m«iM (Ommu dAmmmm) «o-*^v< ifwui Bouchtnll Dutgnul PrDro Omk i i*»">
      86 words

    • 86 6 Aid saves New York from default WAMIIM.TOV Fri >e» >„rh Cttf •arrived D-Day default «Uj yesterday on the promise of Federal loan* The Senate approved a flr*t ISS23M million (555.727 million) in loans for the cUt on Wednesday A formal House of RepresenUti\r« vote on mra*«rr« to caw New .i«h
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 440 6 pMMK Minister lan Smith and nationalist U;i(ltT Josh v t Nko mo haw atfrt'i'd to seek .i Hfifxirsia settle incut in constitutional talks beginning here next Monday. At their fifth preparatory meeting yesterday, lasting 75 minutes, the two sides drew up an agenda for
      Reuter  -  440 words
    • 279 6 Fishing row: Icelandic guns open up on British ship REYKJAVIK. Friday A DISPUTE between Britain and Iceland over fishing rights erupted into gunfire yesterday when an Icelandic patrol vessel flred on a British protection ship after being rammed. i The Incident was th? mest senotis since Britain sent in naval
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 84 6 NEW DELHI M An Indian Oovcnuntnt movt to inert* th* country 't (our newi aftncic* to form a single unit under official control has rec«T«<l a setback. Informed sources said here The board* of directors of the two CnfUsh language news agencies, the Pi' mi Trust
      84 words
    • 79 6 NEW YORK Frl Threr 1 ternaßrd girls righting on a sidewalk clubbed and stamp- ed to death a man who trird j to break up thru- brawl. police reported Fred Prone, a subway I change clerk who would have celebrated his 54th birthday today was Drnnounred dead on
      AP  -  79 words
    • 69 6 BARBED WIRE NEAR SIEGE CONSULATE IIMTII tbr arra nrar thr Indonesian consulate in Aimtrrdam looking murr likr a potential battleground each da>. military personnel "trrtrh barbrd uirtalong one of thr streets on Thursday. Outih ofluials rsti mated that 52 people Ml still held hostage by Mul uk. i n terrorists
      69 words
    • 45 6 TARANTO (Italy i Fri A nun with a sawn-o(I held up a post office yesterday and escaped with Lire IS milhun SIS 500 shouting merry Christmas Pursuing puller lost him when he entered an apartment building and escaped through a window. L'PI
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 469 6 gift nj^ernon^^^ i^__a_a___ _MH_w st*^C II I\|U p^^ Jj*^W J^^ Santa Claus is now at Metro with lots of gift ideas for children. Fulfill Christmas wishes with these wonderful gift suggestions. MEET SANTA CLAUS AT METRO! Golden Mile: Mon Sat 5-9 pm. Sun 2 6 pm. 1. KOJAK' DETECTIVE GAME
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    • 142 6 A highly recommended and approved genuine health product SERRAVALLO ■f Has been awarded 24 gold and silver medals Over ***** Medical Testimonials It doesn't take a connoisseur to appreciate Serravallo's Tonic you too can enjoy it Serravallo's Tonic Has all the goodness of wines. Serve it to your family, friends
      142 words

    • 282 7 JfORTH VfetMM lias begun pR ptntioM to in its position in t South r;ist \si;i l>\ controlling the economy of" South Vietnam and Laos, ling to the United Statei Am haasador lure Mr. William Sullivan. Mr Sullivan, a former ambassador to Laos, said In a speech
      282 words
    • 213 7 rIS sketch shows how the police cornered four Irish Republican Army terrorists In a London apartment room, cutting them off from kitchen and bathroom. It was drawn before the gunmen. In a defiant mood, threw out the phone, and the authorities cut
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 250 7 WASHINGTON. Friday rr»HE commander of US forces in South 1 Korea considers American troops are no longer needed to hold a front line position along: the peninsula's Demilitarised Zone (DMZ). a Congressional team reports. The 11 Congressmen also quoted South Korean President Park
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 142 7 TOP TEN' NOD FOR RATES ACCORD PHIS FrL Monetary official* from the to« 10 non-com-munist Industrialised nations yesterday gave general approval to a Franco-American compromise on the future of worli eschance rates, lnfrrmed rourres said. Nc r reclse details have f tt been r»ablUbed on the accord over fixed a
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 33 7 RANOOON rrl.— A 8ovl«l drlwuon led by Mr Ivan Ivtnovlch Bodrul. > mrmbeT of the central committee of the Communlat Party of the Soviet Union, hmi arrived (or an 11-dajr goodwill visit.—
      33 words
    • 84 7 ITNITED NATIONS, rrl U —The Oeneral Assembly yesterday endorsed a proposal by Pacific states that the South Pacific should be declared a nuclear-wea-pon-free aone. The resolution, which was •ent to the Assembly by the main political committee was sponsored in committee by Chile. Ecuador
      Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 201 7 We supply electrical cables for CU I DC on i r o j I W \sf^^ pW |W J^ j^« I t^s a> A^ LsV L ~^Lj%PSBp-l Ik We have stock! ique link-up with Anixter International of U.S.A., ctrical cable specialist, ensures you of faster, rand cheaper supply. We have
      201 words
    • 344 7 •4sflssflßHj(^^L BssV*~^ Jf Bs^mß^^ Jk j s^lssM^^ja^—as^EJ^Mß -~2 kL^ v Lssß^B^r^W'THm CTbi^K^? bßssw "^s^Lssta^^ M BHIBSSSSBSBSSSSf^^amA *^^^^Bv9JHBSSSSSsI Hh. B^BSk_ B^B^^BF T*^ *bVbWblb^bJLJbv% i V^^^^^B^b^^ SSpS >O' "\ll V I 5i4/?l "Never Beaten'" y Sark the legendary Tea Clipper CUTTY m SARK. It's at least 3 years old-and that really makes
      344 words

  • 971 8  - Talks for a fairer share-out of the world's wealth 27 NATIONS TO ATTEND MEETING ON ENERGY AND RAW MATERIALS IT HAS taken a year 1 of diplomatic travail and bitter wrangling to set the stage for the International Conference on Energy and Raw Material which opens In Paris on Tuesday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1136 8 Safe, Easy Reducing Plan Helps Overweight Men and Womwi to WITHOUT CRASH OR STARVATION DIETS EAT ONLY THE FOODS YOU CHOOSEI 1 START REDUCING FAT VERY FIRST DAY! TAKE OFF FAT AmmX uvvat **rr fal raaara a» aaas u> > am) ai JH am ANDKEEP IT OFF! .m< r~ a
      1,136 words
    • 274 8 HAPFYr ..t-tv >> HARIRWHAJI g| ■HG B ORIENTAL emporium HBJBK M| «•"'•»<•'«• todaylfaj for your shopping PSSSSSS I convenience EASTERN CHINESE emporium emporium emporium 67 M,gr.S"ari iiKw mtamaiionai BXJfI G ri > <J y V o^ns urn- -i»» y V J S S N TOAPAYOH BALESTIER QUEENSWAY emporium emporium emporium
      274 words

  • 915 9  -  £IX women and nine men most of them old. frail and shabbily clad are now in the dock at Dusseldorfs District Assize Court for what may well be the last major Nazi war crimes trial In 30 years. The 15 accused originally
    915 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 There's Everything U for Everyone Ml at I Dan Hwa Shoe Co. Exciting P This iJ j£* Christmas! 'A GARMENTS. shoe co. 354 356. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE. 7 TEL *****3. ***** HIGH STREET /4^p\ COMMERCIAL I Ifi.; TRAINING V»y CENTRE High Street Centre (Bth Floor) Telephone *****1 12 Linn)
      81 words
    • 490 9 ■B^Making-up^feßl f^ your bedroom becomes ■\m V\i3llCt^l*^ >1 V a pleasant duty when I v Jtm \TV/I T "Nl "K I you use the lovely USA II \TI AN 1l > J CANNON., I '""'mc^L RANGE of Bed-Sheets, I The <**«°w I Pillow- Cases, I SZT^rtL, RRS Bolster-Cases •stsbi.*hedmed.cai»«ct I
      490 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 744 10 MJ^-tiJES Ombre Oversizes •^f IL^^ mHP -A The oose loo c takes on a new twist ~to colours cotton material, and quiet colours that subtly fade W^r "W ombre, and fabrics softer, into the softest of tones, to be worn loose, belted or sashed. [V^X^ Isetan shows here some of
      744 words

  • 434 11 'Poor f inish' of HDB flats upsets residents (\SE out of three v families living in five Housing Board flats in Holland Close is unhappy with what are described as "poor finish" of their flats. According to a recent survey conducted by the Holland Close Residents Association. 30 Der cent
    434 words
  • 171 11 Schoolgirl who left home after beating SCHOOLGIRL Elisabeth Koh Slew Mm (above), 17, has been reported missing from her Marine Terrace hone sln«e Tuesday According to her father. Mr. Koh Ctaye Boon, a clerk. Elisabeth packed a few clothings and left the homse at S.IS p.m. that day. Earlier, he
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  • 367 11 SEVERAL local shipyards have reduced overtime and cut down on working days for their employees because of the slump in shipbuilding and repairing business. Most of the yards had to work overtime for the past few years to cope with rush orders
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  • 62 11 SIM course on collective bargaining THE Singapore Institute of Management and Singapore Institute of Personnel Management will Jointly conduct a course on Collective Bargaining and Negotiating Procedures at the SIM conference room from Jan. 5 to 21. The count will b* held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 630 pm to
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  • 72 11 THIEVES broke Into the MPH bookstore In Stamford Road on Thursday and stole a coinaphone, and 97 pens worth about $3 000 The store's watchman. Tlan Slew, 67. told police that he heard noises at about 5 a.m.. and on cnecting. saw a
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  • 247 11 SIA-BA pool on S'poreLondon route- SrNQAPORK Airlines Is negotiating with British Airways over a pooling arrangement on tne Singapore -London route tentatively fixed to coincide with the 1970 summer schedule. In an Interview with a European travel magazine. Mr. Urn Chin Beng, SlA's managing director, said he was confident that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 506 11 I K^f^w^^mJ^sV" V^^gßaßsfc^r* *'^.?^A.< •fljt' S 1 £w£f ■^B^^MsH 'U^BvJBbV-'---^"*%v- I L eßr^^^BV^Bal Bk^ .^bbbbW I Bi ■*"*^XXf bßb ]bs\ \Jf *^W WyyOflM^ ■.JBsr m *^H aßßsV^^aßßsW^B^^ b^bV JHbßb^ r The hottest showband from Manila the 12 Minstrels KKg^B give you 2 hours of dazzling entertainment ►XjiyS Billed the Ray
      506 words

  • 151 12 MAN STOLE GEMS ON PRETEXT OF USING PHONE A BUSINESSMAN, after borrowing his neighbour's telephone, broke Into a room on the tint floor and stole $3,200 worth or Jewellery, a district court heard yesterday When Arulanandan Shankar Balan 22. found the door locked, he forced open a portion of the
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  • 305 12  -  S. M. MUTHU By SINGAPORE Bus Service has sought expert assistance from American and British public transport agencies to improve its service. A retired executive from the New York Transport Authority recently carried out an assignment for SBS, In which he conducted surveys
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  • 235 12 Help boost public health, voluntary bodies urged PRESIDENT Sheares yesterday called on voluntary agencies to play their "invaluable role" In the total effort to promote better health conditions for the people. Speaking at the annual meeting ol the Singapore Red Cross Society at Red Cross House. Penang Lane, yesterday, he
    235 words
  • 103 12 rt High Court yesterday fixed Feb 11 for the hearing of an appeal and crow-appeal In a traffic ease against lawyer William Philip Masail] amany. At his trial before Magistrate Mr. Chi£g Kok Ming, Massillarrnnr was cleared of a charge of dangerous driving along Jalan
    103 words
  • 180 12 Estate agent punched his girl friend A RIAL estate agent was yesterday fined tStt by a magistrate's coart after he was found guilty of punchlag bis girlfriend Jackie Tjeeng, M, was found guilt; la a private summon* of causing bait to Khor Cbeab Klah, CT, unemployed. In Lpp«r AJJanied stead
    180 words
  • 313 12 More owning radios despite TV domination T»HE number of rax dlo owners In the Republic la steadily growing despite the domination of television as mass media, according to the Minister for Culture, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong. At the opening of the $4 2 million Radio Centre in Caldecott Hill last
    313 words
  • 42 12 THI Singapore Chamber Cnwoibto will prasont a Christma* concert to oticbrau IU silver jubilee at 8t Andrew's Cathedral on Tuesday and Wednesday at S pm The concert, conducted by Mr Paul AbUhetaaaden. will ba open free to tnt public
    42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 332 12 fßifffifiWT-BHHaI COLOUR TV-MADE IN GERMANY HKHJH^H »V^^_ gtssf*^ ~I^BBBBBsi JflP COLOUR L 2 UX 26 (67cm) COLOUR PRESTIGE -f 4^^W 26'(67Cfflj /vSf^a^s^ssssW NEW' NORDmENOE mam WW T hef e no ne^ t0 miM TELECONTROL 111 .j^gW TaVSSJToTm c^d' fh TELETIMER asßssW^^aiiiii^^^ °P°*°' n >im I The Tetetimef also BsiVBBBBBsT^^ twitei-iei
      332 words
    • 225 12 j- j FROM r^Kfr^ SHOPS ALL^yp SINGAPORE; 1976 CALENDAR SPECIAL OFFER I 20%0R50%0FF 'rtßvfi-^T*^- (READY-MADE SHIRTS ONLY) I .^Bssssssl sJ_»> tßsssssssi iff! ''."•'•f i tj?ri'.'-*'.'*"' 'V:.v'V**^!;\'j „^.^^..> J I LbbssßLUbV ~'^'dislgasi I *V*. U '•*'".'{j^gT>N P *•>**•' \Ma\ -^ny m l i976jCalendar As^ w^Bsß^^ 1 i t's- fr's^s K?k I
      225 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 182 12 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM S 111— it about 900 yards U» fincteM afUt mid- JF\T^ 11 bit after flv«r (I) Drlnk to a «w U Dlmt'i b*a> lncllMd to 5S* b. stratebad ggj* a-l hto qilU U «SS Ti baeto. v. i« SMunao— tßooaty orwn s^oeh ta i). 11(M>
      182 words

  • 955 13 HOW SEIZURE OF SECRET DOCUMENT FROM TOP MNLF MEMBER LED TO LAWYER'S ARREST jjJNTHUSIASM in pioniM the communist ea lawyer Thampoc Thamb\ (T.T. l" H;ij.ih. 56, to the court as a platform for ruiti >; ivfrnimiit and nmunist piopaganda. tinHomo Af fails Ministry
    955 words
  • 88 13 A SECURITY agency boss was yesterday fined $500 In a magistrate's court for not supplying the full personal particulars of one of his employees to the licensing officer, Criminal Investigation Department The court wm told that Chal Foe* Bee. 47. of OenarjJ Security Services In 8eta«l«
    Agencies  -  88 words
  • 76 13 OR. HANS Juergen Dietrich Ambassador of the Prderai Republic o( Oermsny wUI attend the opening of an exhibition of the worts of two Otnnan painters. Mrs Barbarm Dlx and Mrs- Mlchaela Renfordt at Banyan Productions. Penang Road, on Jan 19 from «JO p m to 9 p.m.
    76 words
  • 32 13 THE Singapore Oenerml sto^fri v pi»i»itinf to form a mines musical band and a choir. According to Informed sourcas yastcrday. selection of potential "music -makers 1 began on Wednesday.
    32 words
  • 40 13 TH£ Kirn Seng community centra youth group will launch a fund raising campaign from Dae. 14 to 31 with a film show. •The Fivt Crazy Boys", st Cathay Clnem* at am on Monday followed by a Job week.
    40 words
  • 85 13 'He had advocated the cause of CPM for long time' DC dies and individuals, including the Barisan SosiaJls. he had persistently supported the Communist United From (CUF) movement, and urged members of these organisations to toe the CPM lino In his enthusiasm to champion the cause of communist political detainees
    85 words
  • 161 13 Special flats for execs ready in March THE specially desifned apartment* at Farrrr Park, which are expected to be ready for occupation by March next year, will be made available to senior Housing and Development Board executive*. Tbey are entitled to buy the flats provided they do not own any
    161 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 95 13 b^b^b^^^^ 9^ m^ m^^ a^T j ~O> r sB tf^fik y -^r y~H mm\ IP O V> A JP mmWWW W mmW > T 'T£i* ft-%mw* m^^B^B^sW^ Timesarehird BUT JUSTIN J± 4j^4 Prices are risinß everywhere. We understand your problem. 1 *JmWb It's tough (mi your budget to That's why
      95 words
    • 417 13 jr^ Ho! Ho! Ho! it This festive Season y fin authorised to give you a big bonus V trade-in when you buy 4 1 W*>-*** v mW^m, a^B^B^B^B^sW s^b^bPS^bT *^^S r^.^^ a^* From December 10th 1975 fora lirmtedperiooonl got a beaohfui (wesent lor you A super boous trade mon ~~ZZ.~*
      417 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 288 14 WELCOME to Mr. Shinichi Tanaka President of Tanaka Engineering Works Ltd., Japan on his first official visit to Singapore from the Management Staff of Unique Corporation Pte. Ltd., sole agent for Southeast Asia /Middle East v £s| L UNIQUE CORPORATION PTE. LTD. 2;!0 Balmier Road. Singapore 12. Tel: *****3 *****4
      288 words
      166 words
    • 313 14 GIHAMMOIVD ORGAN Nothing expresses the warmth of your holiday wish like the sound of a HAMMOND ORGAN. A HAMMOND is the perfect Christmas family gift Come in today and make your selections in time for holiday arrival Our prices range from $1,050 to $15,600. And convenient HP terms are available.
      313 words

  • 198 15 rpHE Public Prosecutors appeal against three prison sentences, totalling 18 months, on Dennis William Plnder. 52. will be heard In the High Court on Feb 25 The hea- in* dat< was fixed when the case was mentioned in the High Court yesterday
    198 words
  • 48 15 THE Public Dally Rated H umiij and Development Board Workers' Union has moved to 790-B Victoria Street Singapore 7 The new office will open from Jan 1 and members may call there from 4 pm. to t pm dai!y except on Sundays and puMlc holidays.
    48 words
  • 212 15 Fugu fish: Japanese cafes not taking chances JAPAJSESE restaurants in Singapore said yesterday that they would rather do without a highly sought-after Japanese delicacy fuf u fish. The reason: There arc 27 species of the fish and 25 of them could be lethal "As you can see, the odds are
    212 words
  • 49 15 PAP Thomson branch will conduct a six -month youth guidance course at Its Mln Hock Road centre from February The course, to be held tstry Saturday evening. Is for those between IT and IT yean, and will be conducted in Mandarin. Applications cloee on Jan 20
    49 words
  • 60 15 MR ChUa Sun Chin, Minister for Boca* Affairs and Education, and Mr Urn Ouan Hoo Parliamentary S«cr«Ury (Horn* Affairs). will attend the VlfllanU Corps annual dinner and dance at the Neptune Theatre Restaurant on Dec. 20. at P-SB About 1 300 guests, mostly national icrviceinen and
    60 words
  • 492 15 'Make women more aware of unions' Big rise in female workforce I^HK need to arouse trade union cot, piousness in the increasing number of women entering the employment market was stressed by Mr. I.tow Peng Kni, NTUC secretary for education, social and cultural affairs, yesterday. Mr. Leow, who presented a
    492 words
  • 353 15 SINGAPORE women will achieve a newer 0 and better status within a decade if they are prepared to work for It, said Mrs. Noorhayati Kasslm-Quek, world affairs chairman of the Singapore Business and Professional Women's Association, yesterday. Speaking at the openIng of
    353 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 313 15 ■BSSSSt^SW X A (S^BSSSsK; t^2J '^IS'" *^A .V L^^bw '^v^ *r* savV w m^ gwHa\M» 1 slw Iku 4-A iff *^T^g-aV^ Z^ m wsß J aW SwaflgwaT M swi* v L. -&m 7 m^m\*Hw MB ssssssssV *s9 fskjC^^^^^gwai issssß gwai gaa^T a^sss^ssHssssssV^*waV af^H JMmw* a^kst# UM \9 m M l
      313 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 143 15 Bringing Up Father »y Kssvanssgll Hal Cvnp >c\, *~o 9* *ts BlondU By Chle Young WHATSTU6 L SPAGHETTI ALA MOOC I IwmOO 6 AT SPAQ*4«TTI'T] OC*? CM«P WiTM IC6 C»EAM T~^X\ HE uOvES TMgLI- 1 Abner By Al Capp DOJT Be SW. N HotLvwcxx>»?- hop SAee- put y .4. HEAVeNLyy-'
      143 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 4 16 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 107S
      4 words
    • 435 16 US SECRETARY of Btate Dr Henry Kissinger has given a new Impetus to the search for detente In Europe with his proposal that America will withdraw 1,000 nuclear warheads from the Nato forces If Russia agrees to pull back 1.700 tanks and 68.000 men from Its armoured dlrlslons
      435 words
    • 235 16 NO MATTER how hard Berjaya may try to cover up the fact, there Is no doubt that it has suffered a hard knock from the ruling USNO Alliance Party In the Sabah State by-elections this week. However, it Is not the case, as USNO leaders are Jubilantly
      235 words
  • 381 16 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane A nostalgia affair. WHICH lnd/ed It was for most of the older citizens attending the baba cultural show at the Peranakan Association's function at the Apollo last week. All the old world charm was there. Dondang sa y a n g complete with
    381 words
    • 34 16 may arise, the East District Office win, in luture correspondence, direct ail cavers to travel via Paya Lebar Way until such time when Aljunled Way Is ready. CHONG WEE LIA.N (Mn.), Senior PRO. HOB.
      34 words
    • 163 16 Noise from wayang unbearable WROTE to the Ministry of Culture on July 27 complaining about the wayang stage situated in front of my house at MacPherson Road Because of the closeness of the stage to the house the wayang noise Is Intolerable. When I contacted the otncer-tn-charge of the Public
      163 words
    • 117 16 I REFER to the report "Stamp* for Women s Year" 18.T.. Dec. 9). The statement Stamped first day covers can be obtained from the Philatelic Bureau of the Post Office" Is Incorrect. Only those who have placed prior orders for the first day cjvers may collect them from the Philatelic
      117 words
    • 83 16 WE WOULD like to ln- form Henry L. Pmu 'ST. Dec. 9> that the official address given to the Resettlement Departments East District Office. Ls Block M. 467 Aljunled Way. Access to this office Is currently via Paya Lebar Way only as Aljunled Way Is not ready for vehicular traffic
      83 words
  • 947 16  - Israeli leaders are divided over MidEast issues \F THE policy pronounce merits emanating from Jerusalem during (he last week have seemed confusing and con trad ictory, there is good reason for it. Rarely In recent memory have Israel's leaders been as divided Ideologically and politically over substantive issues as they
    NYT  -  947 words
  • 596 16 INDONESIAN Uiterven--1 lion If nothing eUe. has laid the groundwork (where before there was none) for an orderly conclusion to the Timor men. Timor cannot enrich Indonesia but regional wrurllj dictates that a ''Ntrrnig wound he closed. By abandoning Us obligation* lone before. Portugal had Intimated It*
    596 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 12 16 -M^LAV^^I a Bb^bl afltf^B^M^Bwi BbV I SALORA I L coiourTV J ■BbW^^^B^^^T^^^^^^^^b^^^b^bH
      12 words
    • 454 16 I I Introducing the Pulsar Master Tune C omputer. Let us show you how it is 6 ways better than a watch. rcnurk.r mvi Itnc.thc 5- I cumentioiul »jlih *fc: i button, it lUsh» the lime (or >l.iii i ditfiull* hx the MUmmy :>\ rc.ivmv n is ihc f\.~! mkccvsTul
      454 words

  • 247 17 Getting on top of a thorny problem A»PIKY seat may not be the ideal thing on which to go for a ride round the city, bat this elderly woman obviously wants to be on top of her problem in this case transporting hrr durians home from the market This odd
    FRANCIS ONG  -  247 words
  • 193 17 $1,000 fine for making false report A WELDER who made a false police report "calculated" to cause Inconvenience to another man. was fined 91.000 and jailed for a day by a maeiit rates court yesterday. Tay Liang Kek. 25. pleaded guilty to making a false report of robbery, at Beach
    193 words
  • 80 17 Dredging firm workers down tools MORE than 130 workers of a Japanese dredging company, Toa Harbour Works, stopped work yesterday over grievances' with the management Work came to a complete stop at the various sites In Paslr Panjang. Jurong and Tuas. A spokesman for the company confirmed the work stoppage,
    80 words
  • 127 17 A MECHANIC was yesterday fined $380 by a magistrate's court for dishonestly keeping one of 96 stolen sets of electrical goods. Kg Kin Ley. 22 pleaded guilty to dishonestly retaining »n eight-track stereo recorder at hla house in Lorong Two, Toa Payoh, on Thursday The
    127 words
  • 42 17 rr Environment Ministry said yesterday that five more cases of typhoid were detected In various parts of Singapore between last Friday and Dec. 11. They were all infected through eating unhygienic food and are being treated in Middleton Hospital
    42 words
  • 63 17 •ATARI bin Spa'at. 30. unemployed, was sentenced to 18 months' jail yesterday for breaking Into the home of architect Henry Loo In Second Avenue on Nov 30. The court heard that MUrl committed the offence witn another man. who kept the loot —$1,000 and $5,250 worth of
    63 words
  • 178 17 'J'HE Government has increased the annual statutory land grant rent by .'>(> per cent from this year. This increase Is made under the State Land Act which provides for a revision every 30 years since Jan. 1, 1915. The Act also empowers the
    178 words
  • 40 17 ULU Pandan community centre will hold Chrutmai party for children »t 1U premiie* on Dec 31 11 3 pm The centre will also hold claiae* on cookini drea*maklnc. Chlneae tun sum. ■ad toy-making, starting In January
    40 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 280 17 dial I more than a soap, I a fantastic feeling. I cy that gets you tingle- H fresh It stimulates g^^3 LHbbV&^ Invigorates And H '•*S>, j you re ready to (ace H AM ,r^^^^ the day All day H AW Little wonder Dial H is the No 1- H
      280 words
    • 220 17 Itchy, sniffly, '^A f \fl sore or spotty? KNS&y Get quick relief! \^Wn\ MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING. COOLING HE AUNG BALM Mentholatum gives relief from colds, coughs and headaches Mentholatum gently mm &sf. cools and soothes away insect bites. jt^7 I^SaWaflgWa J nS ll mkmw^^^ irritations am. v* ■a^gflgf k -X^H Have
      220 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 16 17 H'ATFR consumption on Thursday «*i C23.*M eaWc anetrea, a drop of S.aae cubic metre* orer Wednesday.
      16 words
    • 928 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IIK AM Oatsaf mt HaKCM 6 35 TW m¥m 1155 MaUy Mov« Pangluna Hanmau Beranta* 7 m% That n J lls W i2.4i «^^m mi SlSTewMiai.© IJI Sesame Street US Hk» Nmji Tto Caa^Jty 2J5 la Caactrt IM Km mt NmrMi (Eatlat) 131 Mans
      928 words
    • 51 17 SWIMMING TIMES I TNIT Uapaart 6.23 ».m. (2.3 m). 7 27 aa\ O). mm ImM 6.33 p.m. IIM Part McaM 2 U p-r \irTWMMW: Sappm) 7 22 m. (2 *m), 147 p m. (2 In). SaaW latW 5.22 i.i» (2.2n), 7« p.m. Q»). Nrt Metaai 3.01 i* QJm), 3.24 pm.
      51 words

    • 255 18 a/ter car cnw/r which killed their parents pOIR children. two of them in jured, kept vigil over their dead pa rents for more than three hours on the edge of a rubber estate on Wedn esday before a police patrol spotted them .md (ime to
      255 words
    • 103 18 KUALA LUMPUR. PrL Police are investigating report* that •wvwral firms her* and In Pwtallng Jaya have been cheated of several thousand dollar* worth of goods by a "bogus company" over the past few month* More than atx reports have been received by police where the
      103 words
    • 295 18 Poll bitterness lingers despite Hari Raya joy rrom BILL CAMPBELL: Kota Kinabalu. Fri. PVEN the Harl Raya Hajl celebration here a public holiday in Sabah did not end the post by-election recrimination and «nH m t^ Uy between r ul^B Usno Alliance opposition Berjaya party Tun Mustapha. Usno president and
      295 words
    • 56 18 KOTA BARU m. Fire destroyed a bakery in Jalan Paalr Paku last night. No one was injured. Rain helped two engines frsm the Kota Baru fire station, at the scene since 11 15 pm. to put out the Are In two hours. The fire also razed the
      56 words
    • 238 18 Three detained student leaders released ifUALA LUMPUR. Pri. Three student leaders detained under the Internal Secu r I ty Act following stud c nt demonstrations In December last year. have been released Ibrahim All. Adi Batrla bin Thahamddln and Juliet Chin were conditionally released from the Kamuntlng Centr* for Protective
      238 words
    • 160 18 Handcuffed man escapes after van crashes ALOR STAR. Friday A DETAINEE. Ahmad bin Yahaya. 30, escaped yesterday when a police van In which he was travelling went off the road and overturned at Pantal Johore, 10 km from here. The accident caused his handcuffs to give way and Ahmad, who
      160 words
    • 77 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Ptl Tan Boon Tien. 25 a buslneaaman. wa* One* S3 WO, or four month*' jail by a magutratc a court here for an offence under the Trade Descriptions Act He admitted applying a false trad* description "Ayam Brand sardines" (which are specially packed In
      77 words
    • 64 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Pri —A Malaysian trade delataUon which vuited the autumn trade fair In Canton ordered food* worth WA million took Amir Halleh. actlnf general manager of the sUte-owned Ftrui Trading. who led the delegation, taid the purchaae* were unall ooenpared with »48 million worth of order*
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 67 18 KUANTAN. Pri Soldier* of the lit Bn Royal Malay Regiment have built a houae for the widow of one of th«lr men killed In a road accident la*t year, their Commanding Officer. Col Zaradlah Ail. aald today The house, built In Kampung Pulau Tawar. Jtranlut, at
      67 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 373 18 INTRODUCING BONELLA. ITS EVERYTHING YOU WANTED IN YOUR COOKING OIL In the past, if you wanted a cooking oil that cooked mM# v 4# t% i II AnTnemyriDvyui rumv tasty food you probably had to settle for one that was not TWO SPECIAL OFFERS TO HELP YOU ENJOY polyunsaturated BONELLA
      373 words
    • 353 18 COURAGE kHi CONFIDENCE W 1 LEADERSHIP 1U ways the Dale CirMfieC««rK •Hps mci ni wobpb: *<gu"> pOM J"d SI tJaM a iwuil and rou' daat B« »l rou' H*t< Rr-nambat *tmt\ m Th.nt jnd vpaa* BR Cont'ot *"d ao", Ba t brllr' Oa.aiop rou' n.adf I a a a batter
      353 words

  • 481 19 Stabbing after deadlock in talks over 'compensation 9 money TEENAGER Cheng Heng Soh. was killed in a light after a deadlock in "talks" over "compensation" money to be paid by cabaret girl to her former boyfriend, i coroner's court heard yes lerdav. Trie
    481 words
  • 89 19 Contractor fined for graft A RENOVATION contractor was fined $1,000 yesterday for bribing a security guard of I using and DeveBoard to allow at the sales Lee Ah Kow. 32. admitted giving Sl5 to Abdul Samad bin Juki as an Inducement at the National Development Building In o.'axwell Road on
    89 words
  • 24 19 THE Rochore community centre youth group will orcanlae a three-month social dance count at Its premise* in Prlnaep Street, commencing next month
    24 words
  • 21 19 FIVE community ctr.trea In Nee Boor, constituency will Jointly hold a crocs country run on Dec. 21 at ajn.
    21 words
  • 156 19 A LABOURER, who tried to rob a man of his gold chain with two others, was sentenced to a year's jail and five strokes of the cane In a district court yesterday. Bambastvain Muruiuh Kanacasundaram. 39. pleaded fullty to attempted robbery of a gold
    156 words
  • 39 19 OR CHIAMO Hal Dine. MP for Ulu Pftadan. will attend a children's party held by Uie Holland CUmt RcaldenU' Auociatlon, at a basketball court near Holland Clote on Dec. 21 rrom 3 pin. to SM pa
    39 words
  • 174 19 Man tried to bribe STPB official: Fined AFOR.MUK sales assistant was fined S*M yesterday for giving (54 to a Singapore Tourist Promotion Board officer as an inducement far not taking action against his employer for overcharging tourists. Krishnan Ramasamy, 32. now a businessman, pleaded guilty to abetting his former employer.
    174 words
  • 469 19 A DISTRICT Judge yesterday cleared a sales supervisor of drunken driving after hearing evidence that though there was alcohol In his blood during a medical exam ination, he was clinically normal at the time. The Judge. Mr. EC Poenander. exercised his discretion In
    469 words
  • 1204 19 AN accounts clerk was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with misappropriating a total of $62,200 belonging to his company. Yeo Slak Nam. 35. pleaded not guilty to 28 charges of criminal breach of trust of cheques for that amount belonging to Hak Huat and Company In
    1,204 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 112 19 1 in icS-CH i 0 G st^Bwaasf"^^^ WT\ gl^^gl^g.^g^ M gar ■smH BwF v^H A. ■Zsrfgwl -X*2 >3ssW I fl UIIIH I V ■w ti'. it in T srrT777T»^»7i?^7^gwß li CHUNG BRAND CHINESE LEATHER SHOES jgSa P ONCE A YEAR ONLY WE ARE OPEN TODAY FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Closed
      112 words
    • 746 19 Step-up SOUND Step-down PRICE g^^^^^^tH^^^u_Aß_MM_>a^M_agt_ga,Ba_^J thown with optional WC-22 walnut cswtnwt 2220 B AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER 20 Wottt minimum RMS par channel at 8 Ohms, from 20 Hs to 20 kHi, with no more than O.SS Total Harmonic Distortion Phott Lock Loop (PLL) FM Muttiptwi Demodulo tor Direct Coupled (Full
      746 words

  • 154 20 OKRTH. Frl-The Stock I Exchange of Perth has Mked Mlnwest FldelltT Finance Ltd. for detail* of Ita connection! with the Itotbert group of companies, following Singapore report* that various Motbert companies have been suspended on Asian stock exchanges and one placed In receivership Ml n west's
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • Article, Illustration
    94 20 Messrs Tarllng and Watson had expressed about the proolems which the acquisition of SWS (HK> might give Haw Par have been confirmed In the past year, for the takeover has contributed if net belnK sole'v re.<pon«lble for Haw P r"s gathering cash crisis. On the -r.. hand. Haw Par haa
    94 words
  • 114 20 PAY RISE, FRINGE BENEFITS FOR 1,200 ABOUT 1.200 employees of Corona Manufacturers Pte Ltd will re celve a seven per cent wage Increase from July l this year under a collective agreement reached between the firm and the Singapore Industrial LaThe woncers will also be given one month's annual wage
    114 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 247 20 \sd il^/^mmi mmfllmm^Hm^mmmW /A *^L gmmma^r j^M^t^MM^ l O?JmJlsa^^^' m km Mi O^ sT M^SKp w VHraMwW^SS *Cj/ bIJmBL nHfe^^sf ate- '^mw»N' m^^^^^^ A^h iWf^^NgJe-^^AyK^L^^^? >?^' •■£m»2smml^3sSs^3« ~^oz?r ff*r\~.. iff "**^gM^ s^^SHiuvm?' wZ?~ SIMULTANEOUSLY HELD AT SIX STORES IN SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR PENANG. You've^) seen the^ Jy Sanforized Label. Jy
      247 words
    • 191 20 Real beauty begins with the removal of make-up. A%\ Ik^ Of course soap and water cleans But nothing H^^^^^^^^B removes your old make sfl m»^^ zvtBSK up (specially eye make up) Urn^ :^?v!jßP*! so gently. M^ mmr &~£j££- so thoroughly, so smoothly w^ as Delph Cleansing Milk 1 Also Delph
      191 words

  • 636 21 Concern over China tin exports ITC TO HOLD URGENT TALKS WITH PEKING LONDON, Friday yilK International Tin Council yester- icM to hold urgent talks with 1 iLxnit its steadily increasing tin export* whirh are causing concern in the tin market. The fear U that if its exports continue at the
    636 words
  • 11 21 THEM wer* S3 road accident*, right serious, on Thursday
    11 words
  • 233 21 KOMODO DRAGON (A GIFT FROM JAKARTA) DIES ONE of the two Kotnodo Dragons, a gift from the Indonesian Government to the Singapore Zoological Oarden* has died. The female reptile, which only showed symptoms of llstleaaneaa. died from "hepatitis with secondary bacterial Infection" on Oct. 30. according to a zoo statement
    233 words
  • 95 21 rIKPHONE saft- I MTlbers will be able to make direct rails to Britain and Japan without operator axalstaoce from Jan. 1 when the Telei ■mmunlcatlon Authority of Slngaoore introduce* International Sabacribrrt UialUnc (ISDI In a itatrmrnt yesterday. TAB announced that It ttould later rx- I
    95 words
  • 210 21 Mechanise to step up output, says expert SINGAPORE, with nunfcj power as its primary resoarce. sheald foeas Its attention on-tnech-anisation of work processes In order to accelerate Its growth, said a Singapore-born British economist yesterday. Dr. Colin Leicester (above), a senior Pellow of the Institute of Manpower Stad I r
    210 words
  • 26 21 KAMPONO Kmpor Methodist Church youth group. Methodist Youth fellowship, will present a variety show and gospel meeting at Cultural Centre today at 7JO PJB.
    26 words
  • 82 21 A 45-minute pantomime depicting the tragic story of the legendary Princess MahsuM of Langkawl will be the highlight of a Malaysian reception at Shangrl- La Hotel on Dec 10. It will be enacted by an 18 member dane« and music group from the Malaysian
    82 words
  • 382 21 Sentosa to have canoe centre, croc farm DEER park, a canoe centre and a crocodile farm are being planned by Sentosa Development Corporation for the island resort. These new projects arc aimed at wooing more tourists and Singaporeans to 3entJsa. Mr. Kenneth Seah. a member of the SDC management committee,
    382 words
  • 100 21 rpHE Singapore National <1 Union of Journalists Straits Times Branch, wl 1 host a Christmas party for about 80 children at the Salvation Army Child -en's Home. Paalr Panja; g Road, on Sunday at 2 30 p.m. The prog -amme Includes a per ormance
    100 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 296 21 This superb f I imported glass, complete with the White Horse symbol 1 emblazoned on it is all yourswith every bottle of WhiteHoree Fine Old Scotch Whisky ■t^ i i__l --iwiTiri— essaawv Baa |||l i ,r* 'jfmf 1 ft i■ ii I 4M^ that everyone you're with enjoys Offer valid
      296 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 560 22 iJNOW SNOWING! DAILY AT 7.00 9.30 Pi j MaryLui.Che>nSarLl o*F»creo erTlsH CMM| ■^■iikii— nm caiipaacow bwubm tuennit Jiroig Drive-ln Cinema -Odcon -Ordianl 2U MIIMI.HT TOMiJHT!^^^ IC eOOtON »<ATONO~eTujTrrTs7LVfrrCIT^^J Miiiiflii TuifM 4 Vetiiif SkfJ TiMtrtt! j| JtfMiT WaNC TI IEIMf UIEHT ItVtmi MAN frdh J .HDHCKDMIfSP^ > UN MANDARIN WITH ENGLISH
      560 words
    • 212 22 120 cm. German Foncy Cotton Fabric* $3.50 V 120 cm. Floral Printed Furnishing ...$3 50 .-< 300 cm. Switt Acrylic iMetariel 20 Jp FREE GIFTS J PURCHASE OF Ipc Enakth Cereet 274 cm 366 cm -69 '^Z •M cm i 130 cm -S IK Cerpet 113 cm i 274
      212 words
    • 421 22 itfalßi^MQMi' 1 b^A-V^ NOW SHOWING COLDIN 11 AJM.. 2.15, 5 JO 45 P M KONG CM lAH MS, S JO 1 14} F M FAL ACI 1 00 P.M., 4.00 ft •J* t J*. IN COLOR WITH CHINESE SUIS. Doomed through evil... there *i> Mverfd iJiteHiettat if... c:^ ?r A
      421 words
    • 204 22 .Uy Maii Jfjillilj'lJTTlffc/'j'un'i 17,h Si, Do- aeMM CBy 1.41. 4 HIM I zamei I.M. 7 it a it I An Action-Packed Kuno-Pu Film In Mandarin Color I cepe with fnglnh t, CMneea SybtNtea Yen Tie Karen In I I |l Te-Oay a To-Merrow Morning Snow* To-Night MtdnigM Encore at 4
      204 words
    • 330 22 aj^Btaam«Mjßttr^^^^a^tjM>MjaS^s^9t4BWS)eaV^MßßV#Vßai' 1 NOW SHOWING Du* to film's length- theatres DAILY: 11am, 2 JO, 6.15 9.15pm. No Free I. st J Name: Jackal. Profession: Killer. Target. DeGaulle. i Clijßß^'^B^'^^^T 1 I C^bbbW J I sbbV^TbT I Edward RKBTheJadtal I S.-iKT)tßhkk«^«thiVk»»O^V<l^>^li»dl^ji»*^Julrr[lrp* |M^b^V«wwrt^^h^xlurt»l»JndLVllwT«lP^xl^rt»JmrT«xcSA. aV<Bßßctor»MJDl»trt K j»^b > Unrim»T>Tit«lc^ LIDO 9th \oslalgu ik\\ I
      330 words
    • 715 22 -tfß—rsnnrnrTTT Vt7rM\ "•■SAIMI TltW bbl Hi NOSTALCIC DAY OUI TO FILM J LIMfiTH 4 ttwh Mat, Ttam ItMIMtK ttiStw. 2 Ro6«t R«d« >■ TtW 6RIAT 6ATIIT g iCOMIMC JOOH B^, m t^ THI LAJT »OW OF SFRINC Btnoto Cm,,, o COtOB TONI&MT MIUN Todov T <Ytwir» owning »now» of 5
      715 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 325 23 SPECIAL OFFER items galore! free gifts, hurry! I Food 1 Liquor, B Patent Medicine, Other Electrical Opts Depts. Punh^se of Purcrusc of i 10 or more 1976 Pocket Diary or S or more Plastic Butter Container $20 or more KUmk t I ask or 11 0 or more hupjnU', 1
      325 words
    • 60 23 f Mm f Jr^Bß i SHISEIOO GOLDEN MELLOW LOTION Helps keep skin dewy-toft, glowingly tlivc For normal or oily, ble rushed or sun-d likened skin i /ghl/HLTEIDO S^jy cosmetics FESTIVALS ME COMING! wny not err rout missis, koums rrc AT WIAT MKOUMT MOM unoi »ASNJOM mm plooi PININSULA JHOfUHS COMKIX
      60 words
    • 143 23 SPECIAL OFFER! 2 bars of Cadbury Cutocolate §|P neptune theatre fe/louionr "S S: jj^y^ 6*> floor. Overseas Union Shopping Centre, Coiiyer Quay. Singapore 1 For reservations, phone 91 392? CaLM PRESENTS -&W! Ts^^ll ly CO5 1 UMt 0 1 S' GN t W SAN NAM MU I PWONG "^^^^bbbi V^aaM
      143 words
    • 14 23 B V^Va TV^ |T» H& g I a) 1 I I I I m
      14 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 714 24 1(P THL lIMKh PA 0 SDN. BHD. ImrlUt application* from Malaysian ClUseru for the following manafement positions 1) ASSISTANT PACTOMY CNOINIIH Baatc fqutrwww* mrrn:A«*: Between 29 and 39 ytara OtMNßcaiten*: Diploma tn Mechanical Engineering from a recognised Technical College or Institute of Technology or a Oraduate Member of a recognised
      714 words
    • 643 24 ELECTRICAL PROJECT ENGINEERS F Our organization is expanding and therefore in need of suitably qualified engineers to Join us. preferably Bumiputras. Applicants should hold I degree in Electrical Engineer'ng and with working experience in the planning, design or installation of complete electrical system for industrial plants as well as of
      643 words
    • 763 24 CMSB P*l (A n of th« MEGA group) L Lj TECHNICAL SALES EXECUTIVE PLANTS* PROCESSES P* The Company, in collaboration with its associates overseas is M mm] well placed to handle the design, engineering, procurement. jT _TJ installation and starting-up of chemical plants, processes and B M technology in the
      763 words
    • 727 24 ®GENTING HIGHLANDS HOTEL BERHAD INVITE Suitable applicants to fill the positions of TRAINEE CROUPIER Those we have in mind should have good personality good eyesight without glasses patience, tact and the desire to work hard and improve plus the following qualifications: Citizenship Malaysian Education Form V Height: At least 5'
      727 words

  • 6 25 mpIES OPEN Pores consult lephone
    6 words
    25 words
    8 words
  • 4 25 THE FAMILT OF
    4 words
  • 15 25 SOS SAMARITANS OF Slnga- v raged 1 .-•it Help CHANG ah MENG. ISBSj ring
    15 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
      104 words
    • 585 25 MALI SENIOR T*»IBT/ coordinator required by professional firm Duties will include the supervision and co-ordi-nation of our typing and calculating department CandlI dales anil be expected to have a idard of typing and organisational ability Apply S T Box A9ISS* JAPAMM CONTRACTOR Has Vacancies For The Post SITE CLERK 1)
      585 words
    • 675 25 SHOWROOM SALESGIRL with knowledge of accounting Must poesen School Certificate Call personally at 237 Upper Thomson Road (9 30 sm -10 30am) MEDICAL SALES RtPRESINTATIVI We require a dynamic young person to promote a comprehensive range of Pharmaceutical products lo the medical profession Write with details to S T Be*
      675 words
    • 905 25 A*^*xex*aj*J»s*J FAMILY Of requires for Immediate appointment Oeneral Amah ilive-in) with some knowledge of Western rooking No washing or ironing Oood salary offered to right person Phone *****0 from 10 a m -5 p m for interview NUMBER ONI AMAH Wanted for F.mbassy Residence Englishspeak ing essential 20 -40 years
      905 words
    • 840 25 waitnksus aajQ boy Helpers required by Top Tea House Call personally al Macßltchie Reservoir Thomson Road. 3m s WAHTIO SOCIAL ESCORTS transport allowance provided Any nationality Tel *****6 101 Victoria St Spore 7 EXPERIENCED MWVATt INVESTIGATORS required Must have own transport Apply with full resume to S T Box A9171S
      840 words
    • 701 25 OIBT. IS FURNISHED ROOM suitable for single working girls King *****0 II a m —3pm only SERANOOON GARDEN Fur nished Unfurnished rooms for single girl couple Cooking facilities Price $150 to $180 Chinese only Tel *****419 am 1 pmi SPACIOUS ROOM UNFURNISHED Quiet surrounding Suitable for singles Reasonable rent Immediate
      701 words
    • 626 25 A HOMt YOUXL be proud to own tastefully renovated 16th storey top-corner 3-roomed H D B flat Dist 3. Jaian Buklt Merah Unobstructed view airy, conveniently situated Tel *****5 LUXURIOUS CORNER APARTMENT 3 bedrooms, wall to wall carpeting, airconditioning with swimming pool, opposite University of Singapore Oood investment Phone *****2
      626 words
    • 918 25 OXLEY TRAVEL (PTI) LTO OVERSEA TOURS (Special Offer) ill Taiwan iHuallen Allsan l Hong Kong i Macau) Bangkok 14 days $1451 12 days $1391 Departure 15 12. 22 12 29 12 51 12 1. 191. 26 1 (2) Korea Japan Taiwan iHuallen Allsan) Hong Kong (Macau) Bangkok 19 days $2180
      918 words
    • 486 25 AUSTRALIA NIW ZEALAND Heatititui Perth Melbourne Sydney 4, Katoomb.l Aurkland. Wellington Chnstchurch Mr Cook 12 i\ days $1950' $2950 Uep 3 2 9 3 6 4 EUROPE 10 romantic countries Italy Austria Switzerland (iermany Russia Holland Belgium France England and Denmark 20 22 days $2 870 $2 9*o l»ep SINGAPORE/
      486 words
    • 551 25 WORLD LriAHIIHI LIBIHI u> Europe Lon ,1 hi liangkok Hongkong Japan I B A Tel 41I«I7 MAS TRAVEL 4 CHARTER! SuM* 144. Tanglm Shipping Cenw* Tal: *****71 I London/Europe I 4*o 44 American-U S A SI.MS 84) Pertfi SSSM Sydnay/M«l>ourne S 7W.SS Alee spaclal oßen to Canada Tekye B«nMi«li Jakarta
      551 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 334 26 0 offers better Secretarial training FULL TIME COURSES '>ence Sth January 19 76 vor« a piac« PART TIME COURSES T *e"C* »th January 197* SECRETARIUS Tb Tanftm Road Sinaepora 10 Tel *****2 NTtRiOR DESIGN DIPLOMA r,r >' itsapaasswai BM 'Mi I t l luding U»e iNnppore Sortety of f -rs
      334 words
    • 278 26 •MPORT 8 EIPORT >« jmenta J riur»< by -omhined e» t r- eiaaet Manage 304 Yd N MbJ I Par* Centre CITY SCHOOL Or COMMERCE }1* OUEEN STREET SINGAPORE 1 O AY TIME COURSES JANUARY I*7* Applications are BM in*it*d fur admisalons to full-time idayi and part time Ida) evening)
      278 words
    • 426 26 suNOAY unianma, aoo«- 1 KEEPING, snorthand Sleno- < traphy Mornings Complete l tntenor Design and Decoration 1 Singapore Institute of Com- 1 merce 283 C Selegle Comples: 3rd floor *****4* *****1) I STAMFORD CENTRE The larpest and most progressive resource centre for education in business and the professions in South
      426 words
    • 262 26 .CC HIOHIR ACCOUNTING by "j Specialists Commences 13th December 2pm and 330 pm Enrol today, phon* ***** Management Training Centre. MH Third Floor New People s Parfc Centre JT 1 RAJA'S COLLEGE OU AKANTII D RAPtO COURSES Starting in January Secrtarlwl (LCC/ BBC/ PITMAN/ COLLEGE EXAMS) BwaMseeaswg T,a«.rt—a firraepo*»o»*ie* imbwi
      262 words
    • 697 26 TUITION BY SPECIALISTS for Oeneral Paper Sat 2 pm. English O Level Sal 330 pm. Chine** O Level Morv Sal 2 pm Additional Maths Sun 2 pm. Oeneral Maths Sun 3 30 pm Management Training Centre 304 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre Tel *****8 J S^^n*R^Qw^^^B^BX^T^^BJ far^ ■fe^g^^a^EaT UNIVERSITY
      697 words
    • 479 26 MAKE MEW PMIHOS instantly Let Julie help you Write Serangoon P O Box 85. Sport 11 I YOUNG EUROPEAN glllll— Ml seek Singaporean friends lo Improve our English Pteaat reply with photo to 3 T Bo»A***** SINGAPORE CHAMP4ONBMBP MM Snow at National Stadium Ex nibltion Hall Kallang m}™ Sunday Sth
      479 words
    • 344 26 PCOMMMjf DOMRMANN PUPPY and adult champion bloodline Contact Mrs Llm 28 Jed burgh Hardens Spore 15 FOR SALS T weeks old Great Dan* Alsatian mix puppies No papers 15. Buckley Road. S pore 11 COLOURFUL SINGING CANARHS .nrluding red factor liiard Ready lor breeding 15 Jalan Kayu Manu. Spore 9
      344 words
    • 358 26 LONDON OMAOUATEO TAILOR/ designer offers perfect cuttings and exclusive designs at moderate charges Please phone Diana *****0 dally for more details y^P^"^*«"*^*^WWßjWr"J THE IMPORTANCE Of LIVING Lee Ping Quee he sa> 1 Do not live in infested house Call THOMAS COWAN TO EX TERMINATE 8 CONTROL. 2 No not bu)
      358 words
    • 258 26 CATHAY AIM CONDITION Refrigeration Engineering (Ptel Ltd specialut in sales rental l> repair all kinds of alr-condl-m .'ler* refrigerators L cold room Tel 33M78 WISSCO AIR CONDITIONING S Refrigeration Co Specialist in sales rental repair nfcpraylng air-cond refrigerator Tel SJOI4B PACKING/ REMOVAL/ TRANSPORTATION cave j a problems to us efficient
      258 words
    • 311 26 XXI OOING CHEAP Ciolf-rlutM. Movie and Slide Projectors Dutch Lamps. Carpet*, fouffees foam Mattresses. Cols. Playpens Divan Beds Chest- of -Drawers. Kitchen Cabinets. Bedroom Seta. Sitting Dining Room Sets Children s narden Swings t> Many other Useful Huuaenold Items C<X' Junk Store Pte Lid 22 Nrwton Road. Telephones MIM i
      311 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 293 27 classified ads WL •to vwaf Sale 1 I SSMM lIPATRIATE LEAVING >»»■■ HBMsmsM urn Ch*aa f'AleU PtanU and Mitcellaneoua PLEASE PHONE SS4OM Sll»»*n 10 00 m m and 1 M p m *r 00 om and 7 00 pm Ft Mto, s*SMr»* t o> SMwa»> ANTIOUE CHINESE DRESSING times Saturday
      293 words
    • 448 27 SECONDHAND BRITISH PIANOS rnt condition Price $900 View IS. Jalan Slap Tel STOCK REDUCTION SALE $iis. Caw* 11 dMrt CaisMMan S2S. OR*r ***M wMk* Mai. Rraak LEILAS. 7 Imillnd »Hd TEL MISM PIANO VAMAHA TCM Combo Organ with Amplifier T V desk* lamps Copynachine I MM KENWOOO WASHING MACHINE >n
      448 words
    • 345 27 I NHJKO STA-11S1. WO watU SOUd stale tuner amplifier Tel SSMM. Mdm Soon View Blk 238 IS3O. Wueens(loae(3) FOR PROUD POSSESSIONS OR CHERISHED GIFTS VISIT THE ANTIOUARIAN 4XI. »nm Vaskn R<Md (Tei *****71 The only shop in Singapore which deals excluuvely in English Victorian. Edwardian and other period furniture silver,
      345 words
    • 578 27 m p Excellent condlUon Contote w»Ui cartrtdf* radio S3SOO Vir« 517-F Blk 27 Outram Park xovEMim IS7I OATSWM ISOJ SSS Factory concaaJvd aircon raar Imur and nawlli second owner, accident tnt tl SOO ono Rint&aOSOS- BSIIO4 iS7t SUZUKI T6ISS Trial Bike 7 month* ll.lOOono Tel SOO4OB Watson Immaculate Condition with
      578 words
    • 799 27 OUMM ont car Maada Mini. P» «ant*<J Sprint pref*rr»<l To«iU or ntuun No dcairr* Con tart Chan t»l *****2 Sam Tel MOSSO Mdm Ho ipm rumOM TtACHCM urcrntly re- ■^SSHBBf'Wi^HBaIH quires I Toyota/ Dauun Mini ■P^Wif^-f-t^-Q Cacort. no aealerx AppotnUiKmt ■™>Sj^BS>»a»Mewe"»w***** 1 1(87 Capn 1(71 on* owwr accl- coolen to
      799 words
    • 680 27 ThismontKs new Penguins I I Creativity in Industry. P R Wh,tfmld I ■j*mmm** M ji M mmmm M mm I CfjMlMty Innovation is crucial to the survival of an industry tflMMMtry This Pelican is a study of tha quahtuwn of inventive individuals teams and organizations and the vvays in J^B^/">f^C/a»
      680 words

  • 1835 28  - Windrush should not miss SELECTIONS By EPSOM JEEP AN unlucky third last week, Windrush II should not miss in Race Six at Bukit Tinuh today. Quietly fancied, tha Pakistan II flashed home a fast third to Sentak Bulan after getting into all sorts of trouble. McGamt hu a bright chance
    1,835 words
  • 1320 28 mrrrsTMUi 2 15 class s div. s moo™ ;Ml^M ($8,500 $5,950 to wlnrw) oeseasagaw (Mooso'i Paul •»7 iMmri Ra|M 1 oaaoca** YPi AhmaC 4 J7 iM a«a I law miiimihi i isun«w mvi jm.f •>•* -l. UtaaU Metas* aravs* ioim Mom Sanuun > Msidd »li ntr ;u lO**OQ*St
    1,320 words
  • 770 28 KACS 1— 1.4S (L S. DIV. t— I44WM 1 Cakaehaa 17 Tlk>«. 2 BHly Hhli MS Arlffln J MwUrt, M SkHtoa 4 Hankow II JJ hiain 5 Waaawnlpp* J44 P.K. Lt*>( hakN KM MS Hinbn 7 Kla Rt. M Allan 1 Bcd 4%* UH WUm Trapper Jo* Sl',
    770 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 238 28 Come rain or shine. shhJbbwL rig^Si^^^^ bs^^^bb! LbbbV iaja^^^B Tl IsWaBBBBf^BBBBBI *i il BBBBBBatti MS BBaLaBBE=^BBBi fc BBBb! Nippon Paint gives you a surface that stays on fine. Nippon Painl It's carefully formul.Mod for local conditions Under normal circumstances it will not fade Crack Chip Or peel It's made tough
      238 words

    • 314 29 I ONDON, Fri. Queen's Park Rangers, top of the Knjflish First Division and unbeaten at home in the lea»ru?. pit their rocccr skills against rhanipions Derby County here tomorrow. Derby, second in the table and level on points with Rangers, are expected to Rive
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 60 29 LONDON. Frl Tommy Lawton. former England rentre-torward star of the KM s. was released from Jail y star day after a friend paid his rataa. Lawton had ten sent to )all for thrac months on Wednesday with a provision that he would be ruaaasd at once If ha
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 118 29 MALAYSIA PLAN CRICKET TOURNEY KARACHI. Frl—Malaysia plan to stage an International competition among the cricket-playing Asian roun tries in mid-197i. Mr. A. Mehendrrn. vice-president of the Malaysian Cricket Association, vald here today. Mr Mehendren. who U In Pakistan with the Perak State Cricket Association tram, said that Singapore, Hongkong. Sri
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 53 29 MELBOURNE. Fri—Former Australian Test captain lan Chappell wan today aeverely reprimanded by the Aiutrslun Cricket Board for using abusive language Chappell was »arned that he would be suspended If he again breached the board's rules The decision enabled Chappell lo play in the Second Teat against the
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 507 29  -  DO BLESSED underlined hi.? chances in the Steward's Cup tomorrow lth a Winning gallop on a yielding track at Bukit Tlmah yesterday morning. With Hassan up the st Alphage gelding strode out smartly over 60(>m In 39 3 5 Prince Cocoa, the topwtiKht. was given
      507 words
    • 457 29 PENDULUM SWINGS AUSTRALIA'S WAY UERTH, Fri. A patient and purposeful century by lan Chap pel I swung the pendulum Australia's way by stumps on the first day of the Second Test against the West Indies at the West Australian cricket ground here today. The 32-year-old
      457 words
    • 120 29 Australia first Innings R. MaCaamtr Ibw b Robert* 0 A. TvHr c CMbb» b Robert* -J I. Chapped not out 1U C. CfcappaU c Murray b Junsn 11 I. Rewpath c Murray b Jullen S3 R. Marsh c Jullen b Boyoe 21 G. Glhwaar c Jullen b Olbbs 4S
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 152 29 Boos for King's Cup team MORE Ihan MO fans tooad Singapore i King I Cup nrccr vim at J»Un Bit Stadium teat night for ft poor AfAlnit Muar District The match endfd In a tcorelMi draw, report* JOE DOKAL The Singapore team i performance waa pathetic. They ihow*d poor
      152 words
    • 26 29 JAKARTA Frl VOMSt Of Australia beat Pentraja of Aceh 1-0 in the saeood gaaac of a sevr n-r»r Qirtnnawli tear at Banda Aceb yesterday
      26 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 4 29 I 'T;fiP Al Colt
      4 words
    • 475 29 Dts P |a V breaWhroughs limited only by your iirioainotfOri. *uthon..dD....r. ACf OCCOH Two practical lyjterns for creating eye fVonIAV M^Qtt^T "t^V |"ww«h>h puj. th ijojwli catchy d.sp..yca~.*e.v«. room IViaSier UZO URAMACONTHACTOf divider*,* furniture and storage units. Utter simplicity and functional beauty <<> jao oi« rt«et t* *****3 Each is
      475 words

  • 50 30 ANAT Ratanapol of Thailand storms la to win the Seap 190 m final and •x-ore a Scan sprint hat-trick In 10 4 seca. which equalled the record. Second was teammate Suchart Jalsarapharp and third Malaysia's Ahmad Ramll. I PI radloplx A job well done.. ...then well rewarded.
    50 words
  • 712 30 BANGKOK, Fri.— Singapore's Chee Swee Lee will be out for an individual gold double when the Seap Games athletics programme enters its third day tomorrow. Swee Lee, an easy winner In the 400 m yesterday, will this time take to the track for the 800
    712 words
  • 422 30 RACHNIWAN— NO MORE THE DULL 'DUCKLING' BANGKOK, Fri. D Thailand's swimming sensation Rachniwan Bulakul was a frail-looking, dull girl before she took to the water. But three years ago. the transformation took place after she had her first splash at the Olympic pool here at Bangkok. Rachnlwan, then only nine
    422 words
  • 323 30 Lucy and Chris strike gold again BANGKOK. Fri. Singapore's Lucy Low and Chris Nonls today combined for a 2,266 total to win the gold medal in the women's doubles event of the Seap Games bowling petitionMalaysia's Malu Nathan and Pang Chong Hong won the silver on 2.265. while Singapore also
    Reuter  -  323 words
  • 29 30 MALAYSIA won both the told madali and Slngapon the tilrvr* in the taklc Mania team competition* Thailand won the wom«n'i taaat bronat and Burma the ami brnit
    29 words
  • 299 30 DANGKOK, Fri. D Defending champions Singapore struggled to beat Thailand 2-0 in the opening match of the Seap Games hockey tournament here today. Singapore, still showIng a lack of thrust upfront scored both the goals in the second half. Their second goal was a controversial one. Singapore umpire
    299 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 207 30 Strong, Dark, A Rewarding, f& Guinness Stout. Urn When the day's work is done, Jm uhi'll really appreciate Guinness Stout. I I he smooth taste, with just the MfiYwafll right kind of full -bodied flavour. m '^8 puts back what the day takes out. I^^^kV^l /^8 Pour yourself a Guinness
      207 words

  • 289 31  -  a GODFREY ROBERT gANGKOK, Fri. The Singapore national anthem rang out time and time again across Thailand's Olympic pool here today ngapore swimmers captured gold after gold at the Seap Games. Though Malaysia also won two gold medals. It wa» the young Singaporeans' day. starting with
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • Article, Illustration
    62 31 athletics TuM oay events. BOWUNO Mas aaal wiastn's ategtas. CT CUING 16«aui tnalvtiual Itau trtal naal 4*osm seas* pursuH final BABKXTBALL Wesson's Baal Malayssft v Thailand (only two taaass). WATCBPOLO Malaysia v aiagaasre. tWDOCINO ißoiTtduai. toaut as •Mag events. SHOOTINO Pourta toy inuui, TABLE TENNIS latflvttual events. YACHTING
    62 words
  • 432 31 ATHLETICS Men Skat Putt final: 1 Samal Chartmontrt (T) HMm, 3 aalawla <B, loom: I Nashatar 81ngh Sldhu (M> IJTto SMsb final: 1 Anat Ratanapol (T) 213 <eg. r«c.); 2 Somtukdl Boontud (T) 21 3 RamU Ahmad (M) 23.0 llsut hurdln ftaaJ: 1 Phone Mylnt (B) 14 6. 2
    432 words
  • 525 31 BANGKOK. Prl. Mal a y sla maintained tb• 1 r supremacy In women's badminton when they won the team gold, defeating Thailand 3-3 In the final today. The architect of victory was their No. 1 Sylvia Ng Meow Bng. who gave her side a flying start by
    525 words
  • 328 31  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By INDONESIA and the 1 Philip pines are to be invited to join the Seap Games F c d c ration almost 10 years after this idea met with strong disapproval. \t pastarotey's meeting at Bangkok, the Malaysian proposal was unanimously approved by thr
    328 words
  • 602 31 GALLANT STORE BOW OUT ON PENALTIES BANGKOK. Fri Singapore were gallant losers in the Seap Games soccer semi-finals here tonight when they stretched ho«ts Thailand to 120 minutes of strength-sapping soccer and were unfortunate to lose by the mandatory penalty kicks. Full time score was 2-2 and after 30 extra
    602 words
  • 42 31 BANGKOK. Prl ThO m«4als tally at the and of the fourth day at tn* Eighth South But Asia Peninsular (Soap) Oaotso her* today: GIB Thailand 39 It 14 Singapore 16 30 31 Malaysia 15 31 21 Burma 12 It 11
    42 words
  • 172 31 AFTEB teeing the men's lHm Anal yesterday West German Rolf Von De Lagie remarked "Thailand's Suchart Chalsurapap. 24, would fivr Anal a better flint If he Is psychologically prepaxrd for the race Rolf says that there i% hardly any difference between the two, exrrpt that Anat Is mentally
    172 words
  • 741 31 SINGAPORE A THLETES LOSE TWO TITLES BANGKOK, m—Singapore's athletes had another gloomy day as they drew a blank In the gold medal chase on the second day of the athletics programme here today. And In the process Singapore lost two titles the women's 100 m and women's 100 m hurdles—
    UP  -  741 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 29 31 THE HIGHLIGHTS... Expansion of the Games. Singapore bow out graeefally at soccer Justlna beats the ThaJ "wonder" girl. Nfal Kin wins silver with Seap record. Three golds by jadokas.
      29 words
    • 32 31 M9BM6MF imjjm> r•■ v r^ Made .n Austraba M* rJß^p <^ V There s one for every girt with Parklane. Be she |h^s -^iiuUsi iiiiitiJniii ntf 1 Tfllc Aik*\ Wlorrtex (ptej limite IQ
      32 words

  • 72 32 rpHE mangled wreck 1 of a Oataan, which was involved In a head-on collision with another car near TanJong Malim in Perak on Wednesday. The driver of the car and two of his children were killed Instantly. Abo killed was Mr. John Cathels. 3t. a cterk
    72 words
  • 69 32 Bomb blows out row of shops BELFAST. Frt Belfast storekeepers prepared to patch up shattered Christmas display* today after the city's biggest bomb blast this year rlpDed through the main shopping thoroughfar*. A 136-kg bomb planted among sacks of Christmas mall in a hijacked post office truck and driven through
    69 words
  • 25 32 PITCNAIAMMAL HAMAVAni. i_ai it t*—4 >w>r nm fully II IS/TS Cbrtn* lavvaa I*l. [<WU* «ra« 3» p m far mailM al BMa4an. Hindu
    25 words
  • 70 32 MANILA. Frt Preatoent Marcoa today ordered the fulljrmle development al a oontrvvenlal hydro-electrical power project In the mountainous KaUncm-sparao province Inhabited by battlescarred Kaunga trth—nm The project located about 320 km north of Manlia at the confluence of the Paul and Chleo ilven. Involves the construction
    UPI  -  70 words
  • 439 32 Hassan troops enter Sahara capital RABAT, Friday MOROCCAN troops have entered the Spanish Sahara capital of El Amu amid reports that fierce fighting is raging in. other areas of the northwest African territory. The official Moroccan news agency reported the Moroccan troops were met yesterday with cheers by the Saharan
    AP; UPI  -  439 words
  • 55 32 LONDON. m— Britain's annual rate of Inflation has ilowed a UUle for the third month In a row. figure* published by the Labour Oovernment showed today The retail price Index for November revealed that prtcea are MS par cent hither than 13 months ago but 07 per
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 558 32 LONDON. Frt. OatM NUM u4 <; wot* ItM at ih. tt— fWHx»la« uu Mmabar UK u«4« Mum Ommaai k«*4te m miM b»l»«— l/t U4 l'< IM Mti«M aa« MO. Mt M* *4«ta amilliN —ill writer salaa Al I nu Ik* riaasnai Tlwt Mtaa w i* 4 1 at
    558 words
  • 27 32 lokix»«. m km tnm (MM i-tti. now* MM <— <4) rtnul b«T*r> I»14T <•) mnm* intt i-i») «wiiimmi OKI i«iil) Tumrnrn- am en mm, im mm. ftM nr-
    27 words
  • 60 32 LONDON. m Th. rakt* ■ut« rUllt qilM \a**l. wlt» mm. MS Hwni. MM (MtMn). Ju MM. Mil h» ll« M M teNu* *T M. MM: **m Jm MM. M 10 J«l> a^« M M. MS. OW DM M. Ju.HtM «1 M. 41 M April Ju> .1M 41*. Julr-a^t 4SM.
    60 words
  • 138 32 'Ford trip puts off ManilaMoscow MANILA, Fri. A Filipino j»arnalbt eloee to the Government said President Ford's visit here last week had put off plans by President Marcos to establish diplomatic relations with the Sovtot Union. Toodoro Valencia wrote in his column that the planned normalisation would take place next
    AP  -  138 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 294 32 Selron Radio M<jdelSM-i l!r IS^lwiw® V C^LOURENT'S GREAT FESTIVE OFFER THESE SUPERB SETRON TRANSISTOR RADIOS WITH EVERY SETRON COLOUR TV SET RENTED! I HURRY! OFFER VALID UNTIL 31sj_JANUARY! J 1 That's not all! When you rent S0P^^^^^^l^sis^g«BBBBBBBBBBBBBBH I from COLOURENT, we'll take g-V^^^^^^^^isSsSß care of any and all problems that
      294 words
    • 83 32 BBBBB^BB^BBBsfijIH l OUR 54th YEAR 25°/o OFF FOR THE DISCERNING COLLECTOR THE MOST EXCLUSIVE COLLECTIONS OF PERSIAN PAKISTANI AFGHAN CARPETS A 0 g*Wi I I mm ■BBBV I BsBBBBBBBBBB* I >; Hm^mm**wk\wMWkwk sfPJ N HsaBBBBBBi K 2 1*• llgfl flsßsfl H i ZJP Iw^ wiW U L^sssl^^a^^*^ssssssssssssssßwW^ WTLmMiwak mL#v W^
      83 words

  • 1181 33 UK's major Chinese Connection smashed but others survive THE recent conviction of six Hongkong Chinese in Birmingham for smuggling SSIO million worth of morphine base, the raw material for heroin, brings into focus the Intricate web of Chinese drug Connection in Britain. The gang leader was jailed for nine years
    1,181 words
  • 538 33 thufc or a drug trafficker. •They are basically law-abiding but they retain most of the ethnic traditions and are loyal to their race. As a community, they are extremely difficult to penetrate A few Chinese thugs are. however, blamed for violent crime. drugrunning
    538 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 98 33 P^ VVBfcxirnelotheßcyctesiTbys SPECTRACULA! P^j^fTVJpLP At the Ist Floor Lobby- fl^^ Plaza Sngapira 26t Setege RoadJ^ BB _^^ba MOTIOMCftAe^T MOTOCVtOSt _^aj«fl v*« o* """g trmHu want t Kwmg CoMNHm*ii«iMMi ■^^^■few •motarcycaahaaitaMtam i»iwm m<« mm BB Gtordvti chMdw's tftcydwi f^dal can, JB^Hj B^BV •lactnc car* and Ucycia* J»J JBy« GawM ctMldrvn's tvicyctes
      98 words
    • 536 33 Now in Singapore 1 itj?si bm m**^ ft- I bW |Jy ß^2 B^2 afI ||HBHBHBBBBBi 2 The construction toy children never outgrow fischertechnik is a completely new construction toy which helpschildrenthink creatively while they're playing. The basis of fischertechnik is the Jm^ 6-sided, interlocking building block. And because it's 6-sided,
      536 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    39 34 MR. 8. KANNAIRAM fefwmd 13.12.74 You left us to suddenly The lost it great We are left with no choice But to cherish your beautiful i memories Yours loving Wife, children, grand -children. In-laws and loved ones
    39 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 34 >Ik ian cheng XI.M passed away peacefully on 10/12/75 Cortege leaves 312E. Blk 112. Common wealth Crescent. Spore 3 on 1 4/12/75 at 12 noon
    26 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    47 34 MR. LIM EE <HK'N.. In >H«rtionatc mntmbrane* of m (Mvouo husband and rtthtr ealted to ewrnaj tnt on 13 12 7« Sadly nuwKl and fondly r»m»m rirrM by «ri(« and childirn A memorial wrvtc* will be held at Ihr rrvMtenrr at 7 30 p m
    47 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 738 34 |f®i JACK CHIA MINING INDUSTRIAL S?^ ATIOH 'ermarty kn«wn rStn^sh r«n o— dfjiia thd) Incorpor«ta4 in Mate ilia)) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Forty-eighth Annual General Meeting of the Compony will be held ot the registered office, 2B Chartered Bank Chambers, Penang on
      738 words
    • 472 34 An established shipping firm in Singapore has following vacancies for foreign going general cargo ships:A) MASTER B) CHIEF OFFICER 0 CHIEF ENGINEER D) SECOND ENGINEER Salary of minimum 553,200 for Master and Chief Engineer. All applicants are expected to be fully qualified with Ist class MOT. or equivalent and Certificate
      472 words
    • 122 34 bmpnf (.lam CCC Scholarship Kund Burun IM For Primary S«eoM4ar> SdMafa I Applications for the above, will be open from 15 12 1975 to 31 12 1975 1 Applicants must be Sin- > gapore Citizens or children of a Singapore ClUaen or Citizens In the Kg Olam I Constituency Application
      122 words
    • 441 34 I riVa.tftllk-'llJiiamgJ I TIMES DISTRIBUTORS r?R\ SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE X J PITTLER ASM PTE. LTD. rnonutocturvrt ot in«n.on toolrtoldert ond precision I mocHincf y HJHpP^j H 4^W4 Hi I invites applications for suitably qualified jon-lidates for the vocancy of "-Bnll uIALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR JP^l I ,3s. Requirements: fIJtT. Good Technical Education
      441 words

  • 2 35
    2 words
  • 481 35  - SIA offers equity stake to employees By A SHARE incentive !tcherr> to enable employees to have a ■tstlM in the national airline has been launched by Singapore Atrllms. Under this *cheme. rmploy**s are allowed to bu> SLA shares and benefit from any d.vidfnd payment and capital zrtwth of the company
    481 words
  • 302 35 (^ENEVA: The flrrt detailed outline of a proposed US$6,OOO--million fund to finance reserve stockpiles of several basic commodities* as a buffer against market swings has been published here. The fund Is a key component of an Integrated comprehensive programme conceived by the United
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 329 35 Exodus of individual investors from US market NEW YORK: The ex->--dua of individual Investors from the stock market has reduced the rank* of Americans directly owning shares in the United States corporations and mutual funds by S.M million since early IVK. the New York Stock exchange said. The estimated decline
    AP  -  329 words
  • 691 35 ALTHOUOH the tougher export quota Just fixed by the International Tin Council for .he 1978 first quarter has already made Its Impact on tin prices here and abroad, the effect is not expected to last long. Moreover, the cutback In exports is also expected
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  • 321 35 Proposals to make Paris Exchange more attractive PARIS Bemember how London was going to become tbe financial centre of Europe? It has not happened yet and other countries are trying hard to ensure that it does not in tbe tilve. Not Just tbe Dutch. who are sensibly tryIng to steal
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  • 176 35 Sim Lim: No signs of getting out of the red SIM Urn InvestmenU. which supped Into the red In the second half of the year ended March 1975 shows no sign of being able to pull Itself out of this position In the current year. At least it has not
    176 words
  • 360 35 Bid to reorganise Dutch oil futures market AMSTERDAM An sji futures market may be established In Rotterdam next year, despite the closure of the Amsterdam futures market after only 10 months of operation, spokesmen for the companies Involved said. Supporters of the Rotterdam proposal are tryIng to create a 10-man
    Reuter  -  360 words
  • 64 35 DETROIT The Ne* York Stock Exchange said Its board adopted i two new rules, one of which would bar from membership any affiliate I of a foreign entity doing I commercial banking business In the United States. The second rule would bar membership to bro-ker-dealers from
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 123 35 ESTABLISHED LEGAL FIRM PROPOSES AMALGAMATION WITH COMPETENT AND AMBITIOUS ADVOCATE(S) SOLICITOR(S) Interested parties must be (A) Capable of commanding the trust and confidence of a large and important clientele; (B) Willing to acquire in due course the share of a retiring partner. All communications will be treated as strictly confidential
      123 words
    • 343 35 Hfl hV^^^H OMRON MAKES IDEAL GIFT GK^ OMRON this Christmas T I Ltt^s^gW Mi l^^^^]| OMRON s 86 S«fi«s 8-digit pockat size I I^^^^^^^HM electronic calculators far outclass tie I PK9I BP^B nearest competitor when it comes to iPIPtPi. accuracy, superior performance, provan I P^H^B^Hv^ reliability, attractive appearance and IJ99^J
      343 words

  • 490 36 HONGKONG: The Hutchison International group will undergo substantial structural change In coming months, but will not fall or be broken up and sold off piecemeal to competitors, chief executive William Wyllie said. He told a press conference he U concentrating on getting control
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  • 153 36 MORE than 1M of the 362 companies connected with or belonging to the Hutchison International groap are totally or virtually inactive. Disposal of them will not reduce oronts or caase many r.mpktyee casualties. Mr. William Wyllle said. Their removal will Instead make a valuable contribution
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 75 36 PARIS: The Industrial Bank of Japan proposes raising US$3O million on the International capital market through an issue of five-year notes with an Indicated 9t per cent coupon. Morgan and International said as lead co-manager. Other co-managers for the issue, which is expected to be priced
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 220 36  - Fusan replies to query by KL Exchange MARTIN LIM and GOH ENG KEE OTOCK losses caused O Fusan Fishing Net Manufacturing to tall into the red in the first six months ended June 1975. according to the company's reply to a Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange query Fusan Incurred a loss
    220 words
  • 207 36 HPHE early conversion 1 of the U8529.4 million 53< per cent convert ib 1 c guaranteed bonds 1988 of whollyowned subsidiary 81me Darby International Finance Into Sime Darby Holdings shares will reduce group borrowings by MS6O million and lncrease shareholders' funds by a similar amount. according
    207 words
  • 162 36 LOWER tin output and higher txptmes caused art tax profits at Jack Chla Mining and Industrial to plunge 85 7 per cent to 11*74.054 In the year ended June 1075. The dredge at 1U Pungah mine was shut dewn for a corslderablf time for repoirs
    162 words
  • 41 36 KAH Motor, a wnollyowned subsidiary of Oriental Holdings, has acquired 4.110 aq m of land In Malacca town area for MJ973.324 The land will be used for the expansion of the subsidiary's showroom and business in Malacca. Oriental says.
    41 words
  • 33 36 DEVELOPMENT Bank of Singapore has formed a new wholly-owned subsidiary. DBS Trustee, with an authorised capita,! of $500,000 according to the bank In a letter to the Stock Exchange of Singapore.
    33 words
  • 148 36 Messrs. Howe Toon Choni and Dhana Balan have Deen appointed directors of the newly formed company. DBS Trustee, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the DBS Mr. Kab King Hock has resigned as a director of Island Hotels and Properties (Malaysia) with effect from Nov 10 j Mr. Tommie
    148 words
  • 454 36  -  Expert advises regular revaluation of assets SAW PUAY LIM By pOMPANIES should carry out periodic revaluation of their property assets to give a realistic view of the assets employed In their business, said a property consultant. Mr. Norman Bowie. He believed it Is essential that the property 1 arsets
    454 words
  • 113 36 C and E buys chit fund premises CINOAPORE C end E J ToiTa has acquired for more than $1 million the premises of th* defunct Oenvnl Chit Fund at the People's Park Sroppln* Complex from the Official Receiver. It has spent over $100.--000 decoriting the offices shlch have a floo.area
    113 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 304 36 ■»r^W I H v v^ Site I fl b^bß bbK^ '"4«9(mbbbbbbbbl !l9 PI bW '^1 di Bbbw > P^B&I l^r '^^B bb^bbbbL Mat i -v J VbbbbSl VbbVbW From Braun, electronics take beautiful shape Preaa tn« trtggr of any Bnm sghtar. and and beauHM soJuton >"t ~l T^cona^r^ofßr^lßN^*waryaany bbibbb) ano
      304 words
    • 210 36 European Refractory Producer Seeks Representation in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia MAGNESITAL is Europe's leading producer of premium quality magnesite and magnesite chrome brick and high alumina specialities for the non-ferrous, cement, glass, and the iron and steel industries. Should you be in the position, on the basis of your contacts
      210 words

      • 24 37 Rubber Dec. It Singapore: Jan. 155.25 civ (down 2N cts i. Malaysia: Closed Tin: $N7(sjpU). Official offering: M* tons (up 19 tons).
        24 words
      • 104 37 (Miniss rnoouc* is. CMANCI lINOAPONI MOON v..r.Vo/v"' c cut •o**«K Ml Bulk *M wlltn old arum SM Milan. ar« *rvm S*O .•ll.r. Coara: Mlaa* iloaat) UK7 Cent SM buym "w Mttßioa ASTA •hit* fab. 100* NLW (M2| Sarawak .hit. rob NLW SMTt aalWra. Sarawak ap*rtal btaca fo.b. *•<>
        104 words
      • 64 37 TfcwtSay RrintMi, uss US* kfflbaurs* (I) ill is 10*44 latHia 140 008 IJS.aSB 140 TM 140.5 M Beirut I'M* uaav Surf* 140.008 IM.OOB 140.T&S I«O**S Parta 140*4 140 M Frtaar TKMMSar Honskon* IX Ml IN.M Sport (2) IV.MB IHNR 141 211 141 MS Export arm* in t-on «t«rlu>«
        64 words
      • 270 37 THE Strait* tin price rase 88 to SMI per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 18 ton* to M 0 loos The overnight London, market wa* firm with forward buyers price gaining £16 to £3. 156 per metric ton. LONDON Tin finished fully £17 per
        270 words
      • 417 37 IN the absence of the x Malaysian side due to the Hart Raya Hajl holiday, the Singapore rubber market yesterday was rather quiet and thin Af'.er lower opening. prices drifted further on lack of interest but picked up temporarily a little later on hedge buying Turnover wa* moderate
        417 words
      • 34 37 I London ropp»r pricn on Tnun**)r ipntwii ia unrkdn Wirtbar Spot buyrr 1M3.00 <iM»OO> Mlkn 1M4.00 iIWKIi: Tftrw Month bu><r IMS SO (iSTO.OO) Mltor ISM. OO KSWMI. Marax Irrvgular BatsSl I.«M toenaa.
        34 words
    • 37 37 DAILY SBR prices Issued at noon yesterday K lan. Fek. BSR 30 (1 ton pallet i IJJSO 15*50 156 50 157 MM BSR 50 (1 ten pallet) .>4 00 155 00 155 00 156 OON
      37 words
    • 350 37 "PHI market traversed the change to January as first trading mo.ith In a decline of some 2'j cents as final December clearing found some excess, says Holiday. Cutler. Bath In IU weekly rubber review. Thereafter. It »ent ahead to recover the loss and record a
      350 words
    • 58 37 RESILTg Of Treasury bills tender held on Dec. 12 for 91 -day Treasury bills to be Uaued from Dec 15 to 19: Offered: SM million. Applied for U« 3MW Allotted: U« million Accepted bids: SM IC approximately 47 per cent; higher bids In full Average rate of
      58 words
      • 54 37 r. k. l PJCC. <> i n Mrtf« H.« O1T r*n Etot. c.rntin«> Prtau C f r. B. HoUb r. M*rUn S3 10 4» U2$ MM SIM tiss II M •21> U«3 13 00 to 714 10 M 4 o« 04 f 01 03 4 02 01 02 -02
        54 words
      • 30 37 C. rrop FAN M. Un K lrwi 8. Tr*4ln« H. B*rml tl JO M It $1 41 HU tl« MM •0 67 -2 1 -02 W M oa —.01
        30 words
      • 23 37 Sub* Darwjr Utjm Paa glsctri* tl1.68« C. K Taa« 1«».*S« llxhcap* Total Taraavsr: 1.68 M Tstal Valaw: M 44 M
        23 words
      • 62 37 tt Jasv 1, 1818 16* Dec. 36. 1866 188 1 Dm. 31. 1668 186 Dm. tt. IB6t 168 Dec. 31. 1876 18* t Jaa. 1, 1818 188 ■t T InJti IMM IMJt 1 iMUtrtaU: tXIM tllM 9 riMM* iM_ti :mr Hstol*. 1(114 rrepnUn ISt.lS 181.57 Tin. MM MM
        62 words
    • 1373 37 THE Uu transacted ready 1 sale st the close of bualnsss It aajS) ;~ur-..y r, n y.-r<; wtth the previmu days prtesa together with 1975 high and tow Ad jilted for scrip, right* issue) clssinc rang MM) ato**> TUftNOVf* Official snroa "■patios or th* suck Ebcaaast o< Bm««por»
      1,373 words
      • 169 37 HONGKO.oO Frl Th" rtesi firmed again iding. with ing Srng Index II at its highest five months. said Luc ire now the market and there was also ft fair amount of foreign interest The Hung Seng Index <9 point* to 32* 72 Turnover on the four ,i ng c
        169 words
      • 160 37 TM The marcli)»ed lower on taking centri issues and poor bust ness performance, dealers said The Dow Jones aver■i 230 21 Ing to 200 million shares > esterday_ The New index closed at 314 33 down 1 22 Foods, papers, oils, ma ea, cars and electrtcals also It it
        160 words
      • 148 37 SYDNEY. Frl. Most leading mining and Industrial shares were firm on sustained buying support, dealers said. The Bydney All Ordl narles Index advanced 4 75 points to 440 53 H'oodsld e-B r mah jumped to a year's high of ASI 44. and Ampol. Magellan and Weeks were also well
        148 words
      • 283 37 YORK. Thura. Block price* turned mixed again today in moderate tradIng a* Investor! awaited further development* on such economic matters a* tax rate* aad energy policy There v a brief try In early trading to extend yesterday s technical upturn but the attempt met with little external support
        283 words
      • 280 37 ZURICH Thurs Prtcs* were barely steady in dull trading at the Zurich Stock Exchange today Bonds were steady The Credit Sulsse Index eased 0 6 point to 111 6 Coai ik prim w s«:w franca >th tiw <it>iiMa ea th* pr*- I >«iv prtcoa P. :r*4lt Suibm TTOS t*
        280 words
      • 94 37 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thumtay WMMMay Wwk MO JMJ TINS Thunday M.*4 Wtdneaday MM Wni ago MM BIBBCM Thuredajr I 7« W Wadnatday 176 »5 Wmk ago 1T147 OILS Thvnadmy 315 71 WednMday Ji» 51 WMk mo DOW JONES AVERAOE INOUSTHIAU Thundu uj 73 WadMadty MJ M WMk t»u LONDON
        94 words
    • 394 37 CX. TANG managed to command a small premium on its debat on tat Stock Exchange of Singapore yes i c r day when rteadr to Arm conditions prevailed. The $1 shares, traded in the second section. were aoagbt up to Sl-lt, at which level many »«c--cessful
      394 words
    • 1231 37 B ID *iid offer prlcss officially and business In and reported to the >r Mange of Singapore >esterday with (he number uf aharrs traded shown in bracktU in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise fpscifted All Tuns Bariains or Settlement i are quoted after the word "Sett
      1,231 words
    • 209 37 SINGAPORE Growth Fund unit-holders will receive $3.64 net per 100 units for the year ended Nov. 5, 1975— an Increase of 16 cents over the previous year. The distribution is equivalent to *3 76 gross for group one unita and $5.50 uross for
      209 words
    • 86 37 POOD LAND Supermarket Chain, owned by three members of the Loy Hean Heong group, has Increased Its paid-up capital to MMOO.OOO from $100,000 The shareholders are Central Securities (Holdings*. Island Hotels and Proper ties < Malaysia I and Sungel Klnta Tin Dredging, whose respective stakes are 20.
      86 words
    • 78 37 FOR the year ended June 1975. South East Asia Lumber has Incurred a heavy net loss of Ms 3 98 million against profits of $46,106 last time Results are before exceptional losses of $99 367 '$198 898 previously* and losses of $832,424 '$196.--649) attributable to minority Interests After these
      78 words
    • 117 37 PN Malaysian rubber imports In September rose to 9.208 tonnes i actual 10.068) from 8.719 tonne* (Actual 9.039) In August but fell from 9.441 tonnes (actual 8.789) In September last year, preilr.mlnary figures from the Singapore Statistic Department show. The September imports Included 320 tonnes Imported
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 107 37 TEMENOOONG Is seeking Securities Industry Council approval under the Code on Takeovers and Mergers for lv acquisition of a 53 p»r cent stake In Ortftneerlng Enterprises, which Is Involved In the manufacture of board games Replying to a Stock E. change of Slngapor* query. TMG says
      107 words
    • 36 37 PAHANO Consolidated has acquired another 100 000 shares of lOp each of Plantation Holdings. Increasing Its stake to 10.22 million shares •This represents 28 3S per cent of the Issued capital of Plantation Holdings.
      36 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 171 37 Suftetted Interbank rate* at 100 pm Cummttm Nmbliul raUa SmilluanUn P»rc«-niM» ■••♦•< yaalei4aj> irrmi parttv rtuui<( U8 dollar 2 49*5 2 4980 2IIM -1149 Blerllnc pound 5 0446 5 0465 7 )4M —3134 Hongkong dollar 49 30 49.36 50 61 1M MaUysUn dollar 96 60 MM 100 00
        171 words
      • 187 37 A BIAN currency deposit i Interbank rat** a* at close on F-iday. Dae. 1]: Offer BM T day* 5 7 18 5 5 16 1 mth 6 1 a 6 3 1 a mtha 6 1 a 6 11 a mth» (111* 6 t II S mUu
        187 words
      • 44 37 Closing Interbank rate* in Singapore dollars for Dec 12: Offer Bml Overnight 35 6 3 13 1 mth 4 5 16 4 3 16 3 mths 4 12 4 3 6 3 mths 4 11 16 4 5 8 F. Marray-JasM* ißleraaliosuU
        44 words
      • 66 37 RANGE of raiaa **T«n4 ay dueount luuiH oa Dw II Ovtniithi ?s le Ist C«l: d<#eait »S% gasatjgj a-, i. Month TTMMrr btlla ST 1* ism Month Baa* MIU <7 is 4S IS 1 Month CD II 1* IS Month CO SS S S 1 2 •oum National
        66 words
      • 65 37 Prime lending rates (in Algernon* Bonk 7 *W§J Chicago 7 Boogkok Bonk 7'^ PNCB 6*. Bonk o« Amocco 6 i HKSBC 7 Bonk o» Chmo 7 Moloyon 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 M,ts U i Bonn 7 Bonk Nsooro l itdonosK) 7 OCBC Bongu* ds L Indoch.n* 7 Ouß
        65 words
      • 125 37 A MSTKRDAat, Thuri J\ "hares closed mixed today In moderate trading after opening firm In line with New York. Among Dutch International*, tailevsr and atoyal Datrh firmed but the rsst of the •actor were lower Claa'M tritm la Date* ruiM«r< wita urn «i«*roae* «a ta* prt- I «0*O MM
        125 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 871 38 V ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT SINGAPORE SALARY AROUND $1,500 p.m. I Our client is an international shipping group which is well-known H mist imers aod cargo shipping An Assistant Accountant s required to join their accounting team and establish a promising and challenging career for himself Z The Assistant Accountant r eports
      871 words
    • 769 38 1 MANUFACTURING GROUP WITH I 1 FACTORIES IN SOUTH- EAST- AS I A REQUIRES I THE FOLLOWING:--(1) GROUP CHIEF ACCOUNTANT $24,000 $36,000 per annum DUTIES:--1) Preparation and Consolidation of theC -^ip accounts 2) Ensure consistency in application cf financial and costing principle and procedures within the Group 3) Preparation and
      769 words
    • 788 38 YAP BROTHERS JEWELRY MFRS. (PTE.) LTD., in conjunction with THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BOARD invites applications for apprenticeship m FINE JEWELLERY CRAFTMANSHIP Requirements 6 Singapore Citi/ens of all races 4 Age lb 21 Passed Sec II Tech II ft Read and write basic English Preferably completed full-time or serving part-time National
      788 words
    • 621 38 International trading company invitM application* from Sin a»ri rut Citir am for tha position of ASSISTANT COMMODITY TRADER Appi.canti thouid preferably have a few years of working experience m International Gram Trade The Job Assitt expatriate delegate m daily buiinets. handle enquiries and orders, meet customers Occasional travelling in South
      621 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 1099 39 N»UM»M» SMMM Tl MMBTMEin (iwlooimt tc 'ra v 2. ,jg S r~ M iir«.. Mi UMt II M <IM HM II IM "T'STJi-MM. rm. a M a m a m ii m m .I -M «m .2 S "nT .vi m. Bm7 B M il rM ii rM it Fa
      1,099 words
    • 1385 39 Ben Ocean an service at Ben Line Blue Fhnnel den Une and NSMC ii m cMnaan tm Mat ssiir -3"m, V s "T*" Tm 5. Bi»r6-r'rM,8 i»r6-r'rM, •aU, faiiiW UKM 4/ I M an FM 11/11 a 14 »M A laa a-Mf. MM. Nt. intn 1/ 1 M Mt M
      1,385 words
    • 1113 39 MMMMMMMMMg"ggjSSg7?7=f-M-MMMi I ■at^3lZla^MMßiMa»^^B |ir^'"^^P^^™^ i^^Tr^r^^^^Bl MMMMMMMB^MBB^^BM^^MaBMMMMi KT| Lj aB^BBBBaJ n mhpii 5555? limiix •«■•-> tatawt iiiun mt 5 m 'fs rsr r- Tm *****881 Itmu It ta H M II M II M It M II M riniMil lIM MM MM 8 M MM IMTt MT IMI Ma H mm
      1,113 words
    • 1086 39 'I f^^BpHHHpßp~ w tpH ßßa^ H a H r I ||^p r^ r FULLY COWTAIMUIZtD StKVICE TO EUKOfE bbb^ mlmmi —^nc n i ItT_^_ HtiitTt am Mil NlMraa, BBjaraM. Matfi It Hart, Ml MJMU M 2 tmmm1 l B'MBB. llMllMlll ■•>•»)«■ FM 11 FM II SMM^BMi. S»t»BBIIL MM wruMM fa
      1,086 words
    • 716 39 MMMM tbmhi rotM; p umi imi il Jtj7ii Hmm nm. THE BANK LINE LTD. INK FM I I J UWU. lITtAM laja. MBMn 1 I li.<t a MIMf II M SMtIIMI M FMB UIT I liata mid FM lUM BIBHI BWt44M K«MJ Mi M lM» MM Ml Kuwait smppmc co.
      716 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 763 40 I^l KAWASAKI USCN KAISHA LTD. hut OTaannß smh T. Latin (**■> "awml Sport P M»t »n ass atrf Imaa. SfPTMI fMUmJ TV Man II Part aMe IMi I M jp-b: -t. f ,t, \r* J i.^ .-n. rr» Bmsmmm, (Vks P Itbjaf P«* mVS". JL. ss is!.- is ii is
      763 words
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    • 874 40 EMBS SOP/Cf n UaffJaal MBNat/CMaTBT Pttn 'ib. liomi wmj Haaaj laaaaj Mr sbsm atto, aa sm n-a sm i m ii m i>«mi smsm mt. itai cm* I IMa 17 SMM Ii o-mtt M.l IBBU lIIBMI ail Ml M I Ml VIM S-MM Ml CarKC .M tl LI Wn ix
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