The Straits Times, 12 December 1975

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 7:>
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  • 416 1 OUT: 1,000 US N-war heads if Russia pulls out 1,700 tanks BRUSSELS. Thursday THE United States today endorsed a proposal to withdraw 1,000 nuclear warheads from Western Europe if Moscow agrees to withdraw 1,700 tanks, according to a senior US offical here. The proposal, if
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  • 43 1 HUNDREDS of supporters of Australian Labour Party leader Oough Whltlam wept openly during a rally in Sydney, as he wound up the election campaign last night with the polls predicting certain defeat for him on Saturday. (Full Report Page 6).
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  • 299 1 SIX KILLED IN TWO ROAD ACCIDENTS Singapore couple die on way to holiday KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday A SINGAPORE couple on their way to a holiday in Penang were among six people killed in two road accidents in Johore and Perak last night. Ismail bin Sain. 49, f was driving his
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  • 28 1 UKXXCO CITY. Thurs. On* parson was killed and M Injured In a head-on collision between s bus and (ta-tton-wagon near Mexico City ysstsriay. police said— AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 267 1 JAKARTA. Thurs TWE Indonesian flag has been raised over the small Portuguese enclave of Ocussl Ambeno Inside Indonesian Timor while other proJakarta elements have reported new gains in Portuguese Timor, a senior gov- ernment official said today. He said the flag was raised on Monday
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  • 60 1 MUNICH. Thurs. Bavarian police attssd two tonnes of Muhleh worth more than 10 million starts (SSI© Billion) today which Ntey satd waa the faffs** haul of UlagmJ narcotics evar ssads la weal Ocrmanjr Pour Bm. tnrhidtnc three Iranian ctttsma were ail at m A fourth Iranian
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  • 260 1 US slams secede threats in Philippines MANILA, Tkurs. rl UwJte. State* 111 C threats of seeeasaen In the Southern Philippines aa nlrarr te IS seeartty interests in Heath East Asia, US Silas— dor William SslMvaa said teaUy. The ■ectarilhi was one ef the strongest American comments ea the fighting in
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  • 28 1 HONOKONO. Thurs.— Two construction sMe workers ware killed and another ssnoualy Injured In s lsnrtanrts In the Peak District bar*, a Oovsrntnent spokesman said today. ■cuter.
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  • 26 1 TOKYO. Thurs. Worth Kant aald today Piasliant Ports "Pacific doctrine" is designed to prop up America t -tottertns: system of aglissUnn in Asia.'' UPL
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  • 97 1 BANOKOK. Than. Thailand has Invited neighbouring Asian countries. Including North and South Vietnam, to take part In a nine-nation dance festival to be held here next month Informed sources said today. The sources said Invitations had been sent to the two Indochina states. Laos. Burma
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 117 1 -Pag* 10 LAOS hopes for food aid Page AFRICANS split en US charges ever Angola J DR. K and Nessen In new till 4 SHAGGY lawk doesn't M y aseesag. driven hem* 11 DEATH f aU lerrr driver charged IS CaTIT f and bees In
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  • 131 1 LONDON. Thurs. Parliament today decides whether to send Irish republican guerillas to the gallows In future for the murder of civilians. The debate comes as the British public, angered by a new wave of bombings and shooting against Innocent people by urban guerillas fighting
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 45 1 TOW YORK. Thurs.— Dow Jonas average*, baaed on first hour of trading- on tne New York stock exchange JO Indus SJB 35 up >H, 30 tranap IMOI up DM; Ift utlls SO (7. down OOS. 65 stocks 254 M. up 0 7S. UPt
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  • 273 1 SWEE LEE GETS HER GOLD (JHEE Swee Lee, Atk's women's 4lX'm track champion, proved t<><> good for her SEAP Games rivals at Bangkok yesterday winning easily but in a slow time of 5<)..") seconds. It was well outside her gold-medal winning effort I of 55.08 It the Asian Games at
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  • 60 1 WABHINOTON. Thurt The Senate Finance Committee his approved new tax cut* U more thin UBM.OOO million (MIS 000 million > and Democrat* challenced President Ford to veto the The Democrat* with a latie majority In Cur.frcu agreed at a party mtetlnc earlier to «eek the new
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  • 28 1 TOKYO. Thurs Ths SO 000-itronc Japan Council of Dock Workers' Union aald today It has decided to postpone Its planned indefinite walkout until next Monday Reuter
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  • 74 1 BUR! T Tbars Left-wing Muslim gunmen waved their red flag over the Phoenicia Hotel and fought to the foot of the Holiday Inn today In a bloody street battle (or the heart of Beirut Their rI gh t-w In g Christian opponents responded with a rocket
    AP  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 R mikimoto 3 -rm rW V cultured a ■#w»sr' t 4r Blue Samphire Silva Bros. 3 Raffles Place Singapore 1 Tel 77?5? The newest of the new now at... 1 WATCHES OF I SWITZERLAND I I DBS Building I Introducing K the dress watch with CABOCHON crown I LEUBA^
      53 words
    • 134 1 iS% KING'S Tyffife safety ml m KINGS SMOCS jM ON EARTH -mA RESISTANT KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK. 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14 TEL 400CT1 *****7 o'tw.butor M G THAOINC COMPANY IM. 1«l f'—r OlKtw Mn« Tlmu« To««t Swell Si»«e«»»w. 1 T *****14 s^L^a^a^a^ala^a^HßaV i I Haw HHHalvSssw/^HW
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 435 2 VIENTIANE. Thursday Hundreds trying to flee to Thailand gHORT of food and petrol, Vientiane residents said today they hope for help from Nflrfli Vietnam or the Soviet I'm ion as hundreds of I*aotians were trying to flee into Thailand. Correipo ndenu in Vientiane reported on'y
      Reuter; AP  -  435 words
    • 258 2 BEIRUT. Thurs DEIRI'T'S (un**tmn kept up an incessant and deafening barrage of gunfire and explos- i ions during the night, totally irnoring the latest ceasefire agreement announced last night Soon after dawn, however, the barrage died down in the seafront district around three major hotels
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    • 262 2 Dispute stops resumption of trade BANGKOK. Thursday THAI officials today failed to hand over 750 tonnes of salt as the first batch of the total 20,000 tonnes to Cambodian officials because of a dispute between the Thai traders and the Khmer Rouge at the border. Cambodia agreed to buy 20.000
      UPI  -  262 words
    • 28 2 HONOKONO. Thurs— Alrtrafflc controllers at Hongkong's Kai Tak tntemauonal airport yesterday threatened a work -to- rule campaign to demand belter salaries and improved working condition* UPI
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 22 2 ISLAMABAD. Thuri—FafcUUn has accviMd Afghanistan of inciting the oppoBUon parUw here to tgitat* against Prime Minister Zulflkar AU Bhutto OnilliSDC
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 670 2 SiTI^AM-iNOX SITRAM riBW COOKER I^^. The most j^^""""^ up to date utensils Mad* m France rS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% Free Gifts: N^™^^ V Jil iILfiI DURALEX GLASSWARE/ j v \yS One dozen of tumbters or 1 /2 dozen of teacups and saucers Best Quality ensure a long standing service. Fast Cooking Save Time
      670 words

    • 165 3 Mm WMMMUk S*kharov proudly »howin( the 1975 Nobel Pp»ce Prisr shr rereived in Oslo on sias di-i*ent phyN.cW r^il JKrtii! 1. fro* collrrtini it Mr, .Natharov wm latrr honoured by 2.aa# plarard-bearinc N wegians who passed by her hotrl balcony in Oslos main street.
      AP  -  165 words
    • 444 3 AFRICAN countries split and avoided a showdown vote over IS charges in the Gcaoral Assembly th;it the Soviet I'nion, aided by Cuba, is recolonising Angola. Denunciations of Russia, China and United States flew during a heated session yesterday at which Cuba acknowledged that
      AP  -  444 words
    • 51 3 BUENOS AIRES. Thurs Terrorists wounded the Air Porce personnel chief and his chauffeur yesterday In aa attack IS blocks from President Isabel Peron's suburban home, police Mid. Tbe terrorists attacked the r*r of Air Porce Brlg.-Oen. Aly Ypres Corbat with hand grenades and machlnegun Ore. police said.
      AP  -  51 words
    • 37 3 PANMUNJOM. Thurs. North Korea renewed Ks demand for the withdrawal of all American troops from South Korea at a Meeting yesterday of the Korean Armistice Commission the MSth since the end of toe war. UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 35 3 LOfTOON. wed Ptorelgß Secretary Juam CaUaghan ■aid yeiter day expanding nuclear power prosramoMS will hare produced on* mlUlon kllofframs of plutonlum within I* years "enoueti to destroy the planet many ttaaes over." UPI
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 232 3 pAIRO. Thurs. v President Valery Giscard d'Estalng of France last night pledged the fullest possible Frencr; help for Egypt In the development of its economy. He said at an official dinner given by Egyptian President Badat: "France feels directly Interested in the existence of
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 66 3 BAGHDAD. Thurs. Iraq has taken control of all oil exploitation In the country by nationallstnf the remaining foreign chares in the Batrah petroleum Company, the Iraqi News Agency ■aid. It did not name the company concerned, but oil experts said we companies affected appeared to be
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    • 346 3 DRIFTWOOD OR NESSIE IN THE FUZZ? LONDON. Thurs —The Loch Neu monster was given the strongest scientific backing of Its legendary career when a group of experts Interpreted a set of fuzzy photographs as showing a "large aquatic animal." But the shoU. subject to scientific scrutiny In public for the
      Reuter  -  346 words
    • 147 3 LONDON. Taara. rt Bank of England today reported a big Increase In deposits by oil exportlnc com n tries In the United States— contrasting with a sUfht drop In oil money held In London for\the Brat time since the ail crisis started. In its aaarterly
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 526 3 jMPAORC MANAGEMENT RESOURCES PTE. LTD.^ SALES EXECUTIVE f I Welding Products) 1 Around $24,060 per annum iSalao plus commission) Ref: PMR 1001 A trading organisation with international connections seeks to appoint an experienced Sales Executive to assist in the sales management of this division. The successful candidate will be responsible
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    • 119 3 The quality is regular, the price knocked-down GRAND SALE FOR OPPORTUNISTS Take our oddments away at ridiculously low prices before stocks are exhausted. What is an ofJd size to us could be the right size for you! 1 9*^*9 nil w flg&ammamWV f* sV V I aßßßßaaaam* for your X
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    • 283 3 g*sa^^#^^al MtU •^gf V-^JsW I gtsßalgis^^^^^^^l l^^^^ gfsl *jsf* 5 %wimrooM nutaroiTSßEfifr 2 SHOP EARLY AND AVOK) THE CROWDS 2 Motoritre who do not with to tnter the jp S Restricted Zone, during th* restricted w'--1% hour* of 7.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m., should JS Itf travel via Ciemenceou Avenue
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    • 136 4 Pills with cancer link withdrawn LONDON, Thurs.— Two birth control pills are being withdrawn In Britain following evidence that a hormone contained in them has produced cancer tumours In beagle bitches The pills. Volldan 21 and Serial 28. available here since 1963 and 19CT respectively, are taken by about 75.000
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 31 4 N¥W YORK. Trans. A major study by the Exxon Corporation Indicates that the United Bute* will become more dependent on foreign oil during the next IS years Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 67 4 WABHINOTON. Thura. A Soviet electronic bugging device was found In a House of Reprrsentatives committee room In 1973, columnists Jack Anderson and Les Whiten said today. They said discovery of the device had been suppressed until now. The unaourced report, pub 1 1 sh e d In
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 556 4 TOKYO. Thursday J^EW evidence of friction between US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen emerged during President Ford's recenjt China trip. The discord arose over a briefIng given to pool reporters by Dr. Kissinger aboard Air
      AP  -  556 words
    • 166 4 Further changes in India's charter? NEW DELHI. Thura. Prime Minister Indira Oandhl said yesterday that a country's constitution could not be rigid and had to proTide solutions to problems Inherited from the past, those Inherent In the present and difficulties likely to emerge In the future. Rigid constitutions have collapsed
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 106 4 Support for Miki drops but... TOKYO. Thurs Public support for PPrlme Minister Takeo Mlkls conservative Government rated only 24.6 per cent but very few people supported a change to opposition parties, the newspaper Bankei Shlmbun reported yesterday. Sankel laid a poll conducted No* 18-20 of 1.000 people picked it random
      UPI  -  106 words
    • 39 4 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The Administration Is risking sophisticated miaurr weapons talttnf Into the hands of terrorists by telling maative amounta of arms to nnetahle governments, particularly in the Middle last and Africa. Senator Hubert Humphrey, said yesterday UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 306 4 SALISBURY. Thursday A PROGRAMME for constitutional talks on Rhodesia's future was agreed to by Prime Minister lan Smith and black African nationalist leader Joshua Nkomo at a 75--mlnute meeting today. Mr. Nkomo* statement yesterday that today's talks marked the start of formal constitutional negotiations now
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 103 4 CAMEL-CAR CRASH MAN AWARDED $555,000 J ONDON. Thurs A Ld man crippled In a rar collision with' a camel was awarded £110 000 iSSSSS.SOO> damages In the High Court here yesterday. Mr Christopher CujMnan. 28, was a passenger In a Range Rover which hit a camel and overturned on a
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 76 4 BYDNXY. Thurs Two bullets were fired Into an Italian immigrant's head to form a ngn of the Crocs" In a ritual execution becauae he was held to have dishonoured his family, a court heard today The man i brother-in-law Ared two bullets Into bis head, through
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 66 4 DUBLIN Thurs Irish Prime Minister Mr Uam CosgTavc last night called for a voluntary freese on pay nsrs at least unUl the end of 1976 to help fight Ireland's worst economic crisis In 40 years. Ha told th* Irish people In a radio and television broadcast
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 151 4 LONDON. Thura A LONDON c r t yesterday ordered the destruction of 21 klloe of fmu Oak. a Japanese delicacy, after being UM that eating It was "like playing Raaatan ro«The flak, seised by pabllc health lns*cctors at a Japanese resta4arant here, was con4enaned »v the Maryleb
      Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 696 5 i l^^^^^^^ THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT STORE 1 QUALITY FOOD. FRIENiHY SERVICE. IE c... g^u^. TOO LATE! J^ n ji* ««uwii«ik SJ vl Visit our MEW Che«e-count»r Our stocks of specially imported MMS CHINA 6 for 1.00 VX \*!"lwe2rthX^ Christmas items are fast RED SNAPPER SELF RAISING FLOUR su 260 2f
      696 words

    • 100 6 MR. JOHN Herbert, chief executive of Bonaventure International (Security) holding a miniature TV camera and a microphone during a display in London m Tuesday of the latest an tl-terror-ist and antl-f&plonag* devices from manufacturers trroughout the world. The miniature TV camera can film through an Hghth
      AP  -  100 words
    • 29 6 SAIOON. Thur* WHon's ■octal Walfart Department hai launched a campaign to combat rice and Improve eocul conditions in the city, a local newspaper reported to* day UPY
      29 words
    • 24 6 washwoton. Tnurm. At laast S3 people wcrt Injured whon an expkMlon ripped through Urn basomont of an office building rasterday. AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 46 6 LAHOBE, Thmra.— Abo«t M« lawyer* demonstrated here today against prsposta amendment* to the Pakistani constitution and detention of po.iti eal prisoners. The lawyers, flmnkrd by police, marched 3 2 kau through the streets to the Punjab Provincial Assembly boJlding. No Incidents were reported.
      46 words
    • 450 6 SYDNEY, Thurwtay BIG POLLS DEFEAT PREDICTED FOR WHITLAM TEN thousand Labour supporters, many weeping openly, gathered outside Parliament House in Canberra tonight in a final election rally before Saturday's national elections. Last minute public opinion poll*, which hare forecast a landslide victory for the Conservative
      Reuter; AP  -  450 words
    • 220 6 Peking's envoy hopes for stronger ties with Manila MANILA. Thuri. China* first Amua**mdor to the Philippine*. Mr Ke Hua. arrived here today to as•ume hit poet with the b'Uef that friendly relatloni between the two countrlei. "will grow In suengta." China and the Philippines normalised relations last Jane during a
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 388 6 US aid group to stay in Thailand BANGKOK, Thursday rnHE United States will withdraw all 16,000 of Its remaining combat troops from Thailand by next March but will continue to maintain a military assistance group In the country, US Ambassador Charles Whitehouse said today. The Joint U8 Military Assistance Group
      AP  -  388 words
    • 29 6 Mid TOKYO. Thu» Canadian PrtßM Mlnmtr Trudnu to tmrrr'f* to vim Japan nest year, departing Canadian imh»M«iVir Rom Campbell told Japan*** Prim* Minister Mlkl here today fUuUr
      29 words
    • 60 6 HONOKOffO. -nun. A former Itautenant-geoanU in Urn Hattonatot China- imr hu returned to Mlnf from Tilnn. Urn New Chink News Agency said Uxlay Tiw agency MOd Mr U TL ooe-tUM uupacuon oommltUe chairman of to* Kweilw btadquarten of the Kuomlntanf national mltttarr council and a wibw of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 312 6 Newsweek NATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINK. OCCEMBER 18. ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: Teng Hsiao-ping: from nonperson to heir apparent. Australia's crucial election. The FBI a history of political abuses. m.T _^9 blbsW NgwsWl I leU M^aM ii m I ACIA IsF w w I fWWI 'OU« COU"O* TO Newsweek International c/o Sanv.c Entarpfii. Lock Bm)
      312 words
    • 81 6 free IFROM 1 GORDON'S A miniature is yours every time you buy a big bottle of Gordon's Dry (im I'nique tlavour Just a little bite. Subtle, smooth, dry... and clear as crystal. It's the London Dry Ciin. The world's largest selling. So hurry: this free otter is ginni only while
      81 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 857 7 _IL/ J^b^ "hnojn Road Sugvore X) aY W^Laaaaaf^aaa^ aP a^F HH W mSJ J VJ| ik^ »H^aT^ THE WORLD Calam I BBBBBm^BBB^B^BBB^^^^^^B^BBBW a^Bßßal LaV .aBBBBBBB^^^^ BBBBBaWtt I BBBBBBBBbW H^ .^aaafi LaaaaaW L^Z^^^^^^) I I LaaaaaW^^aa! B^/ at «Vt H aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav^^h^^af mott clu lT on eipcntive watch in I ■SBaafißaaafeL HH
      857 words

  • 843 8  -  THOMAS KENT 'We will not antagonise our allies 9 pledge By SYDNEY. Thursday THE parties contesting Australia's Dec. 13 election are at odds over the proposed American base at Diego Garcia, Australian relations with the Third World and Soviet sovereignty over the Baltic
    AP  -  843 words
  • 696 8  - INDEPENDENCE DATE HAD ASTROLOGERS IN A PANIC By ARTHUR SPIEGELMAN rt fete to set the Indian »übe o n Unent free after Ml year* of British rale was chosen at random at a news conference and sent India's horde of powerful astrologert Into a panic, according to a new book
    Reuter  -  696 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 951 8 JM \2t JiM r fufTinfußTVArVr I RENTACOLOR M M THIS CHRISTMAS H < SBBbI UBBBBBBBBBBBb! LbBBBBL bbbbbbbbbbbbbb^ I^^^ LbbbbbV .^L^i^u^ii g^g^H g^L BBBBBBaV^BaBBaJ BBBBBBBaI ONLY 11 MONTHS^^^^^^^l.^^B PAY FOR ONE COMPLETE YEAR*^^^^^ W Bonus o««f appkeabte to D«cc« A Phikp CTV during trtis festive season onty A special way to
      951 words
    • 71 8 ivfINIKKo) NIKXOSTONE A line especially created for new homemakers. Most practical for both everyday and entertaining occasions. Colorful, rustic, romantic designs with matte glaze finish I 1 BBBrufaLuaV^tBBavfcftJr^W I 'raufl VELOUR (16b) 1 •r^B^^s^^r* f MINT (168) SUNFLOWER (169) HOLLY (173) If las I anITTInS I II >«^99^M»7 /aul NEEDLEPOINT
      71 words

  • 843 9  -  PETER GRIFFITHS By i: Peking. Thursday THK jnnoumemcnt last wei-k that China has successfully overcd its blest earth satellite indicates Peking is a ,ignif p ckner I" ttst firing an intercontinental mis It also means Chliese scientist* have solved
    Reuter  -  843 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 The I House of Tang I will be opened I Tomorrow I 9.30 a.m. I to 9.30 p.m. wishing all our Muslim Patrons Selamat Hari Raya Haji W C.K.TANC LIMITED 1~ I )'O OOCMAKOKOAO KIIWMI TIL irMMttUNCS) Quality products UQu Profvction wßmmßmwmmwmum that '^^*7<2r Aluminium awnings, Venetian blinds, sunbrcakvrs and
      168 words
    • 387 9 Highlights for today Why housewives are easy victims of shopkeepers. Ways flat residents can foster closer and harmonious relationship. Qualities of Singapore youths praised by Japanese Who should be the judge on misleading religious teachings? Lack of professional courses for teachers criticised. Tragedy ends happy reunion for family. Soccer: Heavy
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  • 162 10 HAWKER FINED FOR HAVING STOLEN PROPERTY AHAWKKR was yesI jffday fined $2,000 or six months' jail by a magistrate's court for dishonestly receiving a stolen stereo player. Scan Nee Klang. 21. pleaded guilty to the offence committed at a house ln Kampung Eunos between Oct. 14 and Nov. 6. Senior
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  • 26 10 MEMBERS jf the Pioneer Industries Employees Onion will hold a picnic -cum-fsnenl meeting for its member* it Overseas Textile Company «t Sen tow tomorrow.
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  • 319 10 SINGAPORE has suggested the formation of Asean joint ventures in agricultural and industrial production to reduce the adverse balance of trade between Asean and developed countries Such ventures should take the form of triangular agreements among the five Asean countries for the provision
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  • 143 10 Shopman's plea over missing daughter A SHOPKEEPER U ap- pealing to the public to help trace his 15--year-old daughter who failed to return home irom work on Monday. Mr Yeow Wong Soon. 43. said his daughter. Otam I i Llan above >. told her employer ln the Nanyang Factory in
    143 words
  • 53 10 OR Chiang Hal Ding. MP for Ulu Pandan. will attend a children's party organised by the Holland Close Re*idents Association at the basketball court bet wen Blocks I and S in Holland Close on Dec 21 at 2 pjn There will also be a cultural show and a
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  • 47 10 Two pass exams MOHAMET) Tmhlr bin Shimsuddln and Teo Kok Pong have puaed the recent Part One Fellowship ezmmlnmtion of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons The next FRACB Part 1 examination will be held from March 3 to 5 CkxJng date tor entrle* Is Jan. SI.
    47 words
  • 70 10 DOLICE have warned 1 leadinc hoteb to I look oat for a man who issues false travellers' chrqurs to hotels after staring overnight or buying drinks there The man is believed to be an Australian seaman. Recently, he paid some of the travellers' chequei to
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  • 199 10 -Stranger walks in, then walks off with $3,750 A STRANGER walked Into Fong Chee Kiong's flat and sent him out to buy a packet of cigarettes and some coffee and. while he was away walked off with jewellery and cash totalling (3.750 In the dock yesterday wjs Sni p-ng Huat.
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  • 79 10 Short-cut via SGH— A warning THE Health Ministry said yesterday that Its recent warning to motorists against driving through or parking along roads within the Singapore General Hospital grounds did not apply to those carrying emergency cases. A ministry rpokeaman explained that the wamln* wu meant for those uktnc shortcut
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 909 10 tfflk itf'si sf^sA 4£l JBtsWs4«W^€fc«WfcaW>isW(fcsWßkssWßkJWfc* ?FiO%-50% Discount J tronrUST. Dec. to 20TH. Dec. 75 8 X^^K i %B fl \fl Bt ml/ Ml* I** bBBBb^i>^bBBBb1bbBBBB^i^i!^^^^bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB b 7 bI I B^T^^^r^Bßßßßßßßß^i^B^^^^^^^sflß I 'AMOUS MOtITAKI AVAILAM.I AT J| CHINA UNION CO (PTI) LTD ISiTAN EMPORIUM (S) FTI LTD 9 1 BATURY ROAO
      909 words
    • 34 10 Girl or Boy bY a>V Two is enough FAMILY PLANNING STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE ff\ telephone *****6 or go to your I silt I nearest Maternal and Child Health/ 1 f||f Family Planning Clinic v.^
      34 words
    • 40 10 Coigratelations Best Wishes to ENPLAS COMPANY (S) PTE. LTD. on the official opening of their Far ton at JTt Flatted Factory Block No. 2 kalians! Way, Siigapore. JURONG ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED 5, Pilai Samiln, Jirotf Town. Siigapore 22 Tel: *****2
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 209 11 Chemical plant: Bid for $100 m contracts A JAPANESE firm has begun efforts to se- -acts worth more than $100 million to construct oil tanks and pipelines for the proposed $2 billion petrochemical project on Puiau Aver Merbau. The president of Ishll Iron Works. Mr. Htroshl said that although tenders
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  • 618 11 T«HE message that 1 "shaggy manes" do not pay has been successfully driven Into the heads of long-haired males In the Government and private sectors. More local males now realise that sporting long hair will not only hamper their chances of promotion but
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  • 42 11 THE Pt»Ul Scnrloe* Department h«» apneaitd to the public to post their Chrlrtma* and New Yamr cards early Orretlng cards for the season should be posted not later then Dae 17 for local delivery. It aaid In a itetament yeiterday
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  • 39 11 MR Yuklnobu Sato, director and manafer of Ajlnomoto (Malaysia) In Kuala Lumpur, haa clarified that contrary to a Straits Times report yesterday. hU company has never used normal paraffin In manufacturing lv product*.. The error U regretted.
    39 words
  • 137 11 LMTAL traffic ami. 1 dents appear to have taken a downward trend this year A total ef 245 people nave se far died in traffic accident, since January, compared to Stt fer the whole ef last year. The blackest month this year was
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  • 55 11 A 12-LECTTRE course In Effective Human Relations frr Exec ives will be held at the University of Slngr pore. N'wen Hut 7A from Jan 5 at 7 30 p m The claa* v limited to 3d and the fee hi »JS For details, telephone the
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  • 54 11 M Nursah bin Jantan. M. was charged yesterday with robbing a man of 1100 at a ■UU in »slan«or Street on Dee. at 5 p m white armed with a knife Nursah la being remanded at the Central pottee station for further Investigation The cast win be
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  • 36 11 MR Llm Ouan Hoo. parUamentary secretary for the Ministry or Hosm Affair*. will attend the Vlfllante Corps first cianiniilal pass-inc-out parade tor national iliawu at the folkx Acad«ny. Thomson Road, on Sunday at pen
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  • 23 11 NATIONAL Iron and Steel Mills Ltd will bold 1U annual dinner at the Neptune Theatre Restaurant In Collyer Quay on Sunday
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  • 147 11 Plywood factory axes 200 workers A PLYWOOD factory In Jurong became the latest victim of the worldwide slowdown in building activities when It retrenched 200 workers yesterday because of low demand for Its products. Singapore Eldal Corporation also warned that another 150 Workers would probably have to go In the
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  • 23 11 THZ Singapore Registered Dentists' Assentation will hold Its anniversary dinner at Dragon Palace Restaurant Penang Road, on Sunday at r» ps»
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 340 11 BsVJ^S*a^^ss>w9sV^Ssss! Bssr bsssssssssbbssssssssssssssssssssV 4v vr^^Lsssssssssssssssssssssw I^^/iTjSb B YW FROM DEC. 12 T0 18,1975. ORDER YOUR X'MAS GIFT HAMPERS $30/- UPWARDS FREE HOME DELIVERY! V PLEASE CALL *****8 1 rem Packing Price P IjJ Dithwathing 2839 m ti Liquid Sweetheart t n Rubber doll free 2*° P jri Plum Pudding Big
      340 words
    • 376 11 I GENERAL® ELECTRIC I GE HOUSEWARES MADE IN U S A I fl LbsSb^Bsss^^^^Sbs^b^^bss^^*^ Bsssl IsssssssIIIIPPtIIBM BsW^^3 Bw^^B* Bsssl SW»WjBSBWSBWSW*B"Sssar Bssm v ms #^H t .JW p^aj OsVujt* Tom far-Ovwi T93f gsCir^^l^^a^-. DELUXE TOASTER-OVEN T93F H ~^^^^^^a^^^^»»" s lw o appliances in one it's an automatic I H toaster and
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 252 11 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM Woodend^ 1 Utnerant chess plajrcr B%n»— Uto a capitalist as raqulremanUr (S. 1. 7). It w«r«? (t) S Oriental afant rclaJdog 7 Teddj bear, fitted out alter wort- a t—rKattmi with tin la«. vary much to the trespasser^ 4). otoUf«d >T. Whole country ambrac*! 1] n*i
      252 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 275 12 We made it to No 1 m refrigerators because we bekeve in meeting our adiusts itself to the wash load Keeps your operation cost down And you can't customers' demands And we intend to stay this way Give you good beat us for economy We offer the lowest prices m
      275 words

  • 264 13 Builders told: Team up for bigger jobs HOUSING developers in Singapore, especially companies ng out small projects, should combine efforts to handle bigger schemes, a real estate developer has suggested. Making the suggestion In the Singapore Estate Mr O Hlorns. secretary of the Singapore Real Estate Valuers Association, says that
    264 words
  • 114 13 rE Slngar>ore AntlNar colic. Association Is planning a 15--•esalon programme for speakers on dmg ahaae rdacation from rtext Febrtury. Aeeerdlng to >*ie rbilrnin of the SANA'S ee«ns«lUnf and rehabilitation committee. Mr. IV VeToo. "this sort of campaign win strengthen paa'lc consensait and win the
    114 words
  • 356 13 Death fall lorry driver charged J^ LORRY driver was yesterday charged in court with driving in such a manner that two teenaged Chinese funeral musicians inside the vehicle fell to their deaths and four suffered serious injuries. Leong Peng Chee, 52, who denied this charge of driving In a manner
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  • 74 13 M-cyde skid: Rider killed MOTOB CYCLIST Lee Joo Heng, t3, died at Alexaadra Bas> pit«l hours after has machine afclMesi and raaaaaed a read divider al the inaction of ■Xlhiii CMae and Jalaa Bnkit Herah on Wednesday rolloe ftgM the accident acamrred at 9 «-m. aad Lee waa taken to
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  • 28 13 president Sbemns will open th« mood araual mcctinf of tttt Untapots Red CrxM Society it Red Croat Houet. Penaag Ijum. today at 4 JO p m
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  • 98 13 MELODY QUEEN'S PAT ON THE BACK SINGAPOREANS have won the heart of India's melody queen. M. 8. Subbulakahml. M. who returned home yesterday after giving four performances. The greatest impression she had of local audiences during her performances here waa that they were "very multi-racial and were very appreciative." The
    98 words
  • 42 13 DR Tb i Ing Liang. Senior Minuter < f BUU for NaliooU Deyelopm at and chairman of th* Singapore Sport* Council. Jid Mrs. Tan will atUnd n« Cbangi Oolf Club's fc irth annual dinner »t Ambi aador Hotel tomorrow 7.J0 pm
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  • 145 13 <Tfl| Rotary rounda--1 tion la offering three scholarships each to Singapore. Thailand and MsJaysls. Brunei for the 1977-78 academic year. Singapore dtlaens may apply for a graduate fellowship, technical training, or teacher of the handicapped award. The minimum educational requirements an: r>r graduate fellowship. a
    145 words
  • 254 13 A CASE of women making a name for themselves 11/ OMEN hate etched a Tf name for themselvei Id tae opermtion of the Contumert Association of Singapore, a seminar beard yesterday. Executive secretary of CASE. afr. Ivan Baptist. at the seminar on the Role of Women In a Modern Society
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  • 352 13  - US firm moves marketing Hq to Singapore NANCY BYRAMJI By AMERICAN Marine (8) Pte. Ltd., which n reduces lls 1,220 staff to a work force of 720 peple with 500 retrenchments In November last year, yesterday announced a reorganisation of the company, a new policy and shift of marketing headquarters
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 132 13 sm. i Bm LA am Lw gggggV mmm W mmm mmr .^aft AW ggga^^^ V aT« AmW mmf,mmm\ a^ggggW^H wawawP^^^^^^ m jaVfor^ w yx t-3 aW B^BT^n^wawl ashatiiifl i^j f Bk I fw^t*:r :3 :5:l iSt Ifjl J Jj -waaasi 0000 I shown with optional Walnut Cabinet MOOEL 1070 STEREO
      132 words
    • 450 13 g wawaW SsmmmmmmPU Youw -FREE! -thb Tfi Jk handy, useful Pen knifecum- Bottle opener /screw t A m driver, with every quart If bottle of BEEFEATER l^W W £b Dry Gin you buy this festive Qfrfl season. But only whilst stocks last. So hurry! Boy t%. now! I Q|^2§TILLEP|LI *SS
      450 words

  • 223 14 tlcaliy every country has its own industries to manufacture metal window louvres. "These louvres are so easy to make and practically any country can set up such Industries without difficulty. "Partly for this reason. the firm has been suffering average losses
    223 words
  • 84 14 Drugs: Man jailed two months ELANO Koven Oovlndasamy. 90. was yesterday Jailed for two months and fined 11.500 after he pleaded guilty two two drug offences. He was fined II.JOO or thrta Trrth"' )all for oon•umlnf morphine and Jailed two month* for having 50 gismis of cannahU at a eoastnsttton
    84 words
  • 160 14 Court rescinds arrest warrant MR. Justice Window yesterday rescinded In the High I Court a warrant of arrest Issued In i March last year In j a bankruptcy case against an office executive, Ng Geok Whee. Miss Sch Slu Thing, for the Official Assignee, spoke ud for Ng when j
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  • 158 14 A CRIMINAL case against a chit fund company boas, accused of mlsapproprlatlnc a total of $315,tM, will be menUoned in the First District Court on Dec. 20. Tan Ah Kenj. 67. manaflnf director of Lethong Chit Pond Ltd., Is on bail of $50,000 till that
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  • 345 14 Where school leavers can further their studies MANY school leavers are not aware that the Adult Education Board conducts Secondary One to Pre-Ufilverslty Two classes which they can attend at nominal charges. According to a board i spokesman, figures showed that 1.125 students registered for Pre-U Two classes at the
    345 words
  • 29 14 A CHILDREN'S fuhkm ■bow will be held at Metro OoMen Mil* tola* >t 5 pn Th» show WID feature 30 outftu mnrtellsd by eight youngster*
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  • 25 14 THS youth group of RlTer Vallty community otntre will hold a fuad-ralstaif Urn show. Lo?e Story, at Orchard fin sms en Sunday at •»0
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  • 81 14 Ship death: Word from family awaited A RRANOEMENTB for A the funeral of South Korean second engineer Choi Myung He* 40. who died on Wednesday after he wsj tubbed on board the vessel Rainbow have not been finalised a gcH—in ol Urn south Korean BMbMsy taste saM vestsrday they were
    81 words
  • 66 14 Results of PSLE oat today RESULTS of the Primary School Leaving Examination held recently will be out today, according to an Education Ministry statement. OandHatai bm; get their nseJU from their own seboota Tboss saeeesstal win saw fat their saesßdwy sobsol »nwettnnt with a sketch bid ihowtnc Urn hxattoo of
    66 words
  • 23 14 KAaIPUIIO CbSßg a*n oosaaninitr centra *IO hold a Ma bit m* »t IU praiaa en •BBdftj froes 2 to 4 pja
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  • 128 14 ATKAM of full-time National Servicemen patrolling a housing estate arrested one of the five youths they found behaving susplcl ously under a shed on Nov 12 at 10 55 am They stopped and made a routine check While Special Constable Chua Eng Leong was
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  • 85 14 Youth in handbag snatch bid POLICE are looking for a youth who tried to snatch a handbag from a German woman tourist. Miss Helga Hohl. 24 along Orchard Road oh Wed nesday. Miss Hohl's cries of help attracted passersby but Uie thin escaped In a waiting car She told Doltce
    85 words
  • 35 14 THK eosMasßßOnsr of at John Ambulance Brigade i ßut Area). Dr 8R Ssyampan* than will attend the brigade'! East Area annual Inspection at Broadiick Beoondary School. Dunman aoad. en Sunday at 6 pa
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 522 14 Y^T^^bbbbbbbbbbbbl iT^^fiEßßßwl %2^ >^N.l^B t'lM M k. A A1 1 A M jmT^^^saL -^^B bbbl 1 M bbbC Jmu^^^ i BBBBB^^^^aT^r^^^e^^^^^l^^^^^^^i^T^^^^^f^Bi bbbbbbb^^bbbbbbbbT^^sbbbbJsbbbbbbbb FESTIVE BOARD 1^ m Co»#» a* O/JimmVf UnMu a-— V w Special Christmas and New Year lunch and e»w f, a~ 7^?* V^ dinner featuring Turkey and Goose
      522 words
    • 124 14 bbMeJs>3iJ 1 JL J .1. kiyf^^B t9li PRO/4AA ELECTROSTAI^^^, DYNAMIC BK BBBBBBBBBBSwawawawawavawawaS mwst bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi bF' bbbbbl HV/IHIGhJ^ K/6 jMW^W VELOCITY^V DYNAMIC Br m Y\ /< v II mjm I bbbU^' I *j, Lbbbl a» \^J sV T 1 Flat payment y $"130/* x 6 monthB »780/^^^»sb| t OR $70/" *12
      124 words

  • 146 15 NEW PUB WARNING ON FESTIVE LIGHTING rl Public UtlllUet Board hu atain aoMd«d a warning on th« purchaje and iwe of electrical apollanee* and decorative lighting tor the festive »mon In a lUUment yfiterday. it- PUB »ald that the public were advlaed to bur the products of reputable manufacturers to
    146 words
  • 251 15 Ua>na and tapes. In short. 4 man who picks th* Uiae. wb«r« tmnes are concerned •a ta speak Whether It U a t«s*e from the soasMJtrack of 2tth Centary Fox's There Is No Bawlaeaa like Show Baataeaa (which la the
    251 words
  • 350 15 ROY: Excuse to reject fares Change law? 'It'll lead to abuse by taximen' THE Registry of Vehicles yesterday warned that any amendment of the conduct rule for i taxi drivers, prohibiting them to refuse fares, would lead to abuse. An RQ.V spokesman said that an amendment would give the "excuse
    350 words
  • 41 15 THMB sold Mrs ww lnlltrsd whan ther mlUUry truck owlunMd atong Jalan rajar. OS Cppw BukltTUnah Road, ytwday rrcnlnf Aooordlnt to Urn pottos, nona of them was asiliwulj lnjurad and ttaay rwatwd oulpakant treatment at a botpttal
    41 words
  • 47 15 MR Ltat 8m Cbu has bssn ttacted onatdsnt ml ■oyi' T""»n Old Boys' Aaoetetteo. Otbar offld»li ar« Mr Tmn Ah Kirn and Mr PnmkM Ooh. *to«-pr«MsnU Mr. Jossph L««. sscntary: sir. ■nbsrtaon Ptntn, wt a»erstary; Mr. Josaph Hod. trsasarsr; Mr. WUnui Lw. •ML UsiSHrw.
    47 words
  • 33 15 nr ywssrdays Toto draw HP. M/m Urn wlnnln« numban itctod »«rt v. 11. 1. W ins 1C Ttm KUMHanal In Urn drdM draw. Urn Buaabsra asafead im v. II and
    33 words
  • 47 15 ABOUT 1M basMs to Jaka Tfcnun and Jates 1 rtsu la •BHia«aa| aaai Batas* «sn bit by a Jour-hour btecfcmt I amy nwi, Ths vamm tatiai*. wUch startai at about I pa tv eaaasd by a atown nisa. acoordla« to Urn Pubttc UuUUaa
    47 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 250 15 b^LW^^bl £f*J^BBBBsI Bnnnm^^^^^^^^Bß i Lv \«ssbl I BBB^^ .^BBnI^BBBSB^V^BS "'fcjf» L^^ .^BBWBB^IbBB I I >^^Bani n«w^^ ssßßßsVanmw'^^ the ice cream cone? Infinity has done it again. The new Walsh tweeter is B A A B innovative, it produces sound unlike any other, musically It provides a ■presence', an ambience and
      250 words
    • 397 15 JeanSorelle^ U EllHßlßfe-vlttißtfi I\*> -m %'7 b P^^^C/ 1 *^BbT^^ vsssav^^^ mVß^^^^^^^^jßß BBfVilMilssßßßßssßßßßßßsssssssssm«sw/ Joan Sorelle introduce their now and enlarged English Harvest Collection of quality soaps and toiletries in natural fragrance for the family. In presenting a selection from this years range, wo have made every effort to introduce new.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 582 16 S5? SQUAREDEAL CS) PTE. LTD. %g Sole Agents in Singapore.Malaysia Indonesia for \^^r sheraton .«jookfy i%^ ol 111 lo underwear- sportswear ji^B jjfP exterxl\AfermestConpjatulatkxis to ATAIf A 0 01 &L a^Bw^a^^ 1 I»V_/ j^L^B^^Bam IB Bb^bV B Bb^bV <«Ba>^Bßßaflß*aVflßß\aßf V«^^^^^bV^^bV on their Official Opening &r JO7 13TH FLOOR. HIGH STREET
      582 words
    • 227 16 .^BB^B^BB^Bw J B^bV B^B ■^■v^L^^B B«^bu bw* MM^_ gifts for the family or friends. Kv^^9b| ■blbhl oo^ u P eter Chew's B^^^^^^B Counters with a tremendous range b^L^bl b^b^ 9 enu ne goods and products B K^a9 bW BbP^ to warm an Yon€V on€ s heart this X'mas. I bt
      227 words

  • 243 17 Sh*Vl(r with a smile was »hii nun Malaysian Airlinr System rr«rrvation officer. Enelk Abdul Eahim bin AbdulU. the eithth annmal Interline tnployees Award lor the most outstanding airline employee And hr maintain! that plraslng rostomrri all part and parcel of service In
    243 words
  • 462 17 Trade boost accord with Peking THE Economic Development Bo°nl and the 10 member Chinese industrial mission have agreed that there is a great potential for the setting up of new industries in Singapore to benefit both countries. The EDB and the mission leader. Mr. Cheng Chl-hsien, discussed specific projects and
    462 words
  • 129 17 Way to solve mutual problems HAJI Rmhmat bin Kenap. MP for GeyUng Serai, yesterday urged Hale Road flat dwellers to form Mock committees to help solve mutual problems. He said that before the building of HDR flats at the Geylang Serai area, there used to be BBls«nderstandIngs between tenants and
    129 words
  • 71 17 Cricket Club nominations till spm NOMINATIONS for the Singapore Cricket Club's presidency and other post* close today at 5 pjn. A atralU TtaMs report ywUrday •rrorMOualy statod that Senior District Judg*. Mr TA Innathuray would bt Ui* first Aaun pissißSPt of tht llt-yaar-old club from Dae. 1* and Mr NMI
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 250 17 II makrozoom This is an EXTRAORDINARY mini compact camera With a MACRO POWER that frocks from Bmm wide angle to 40mm telephoto. And a 5:1 zooming range. Weighing less than 1 kg the EUMIG MINI 5 is undoubtedly one of the finest mini movie ■SLVILVHHLILVB cameras in the world. It
      250 words
    • 198 17 CS-70R STEREO FM/AM TUNER AMPLIFIER •Oa«vtal Oock Auto on/oH iwitch Timer "Wire leu FM rrnc m.xing •0 9% Total Harmonic Dittortion CO4 R M./Matr>> FourOanneJ ißßasW^^^ial >SKT>vHißa^^ a*afa«r^^^^^s H^h^^^saw^swj hsv^ jfjf CS^sof> STEREO TURNTABLE •0.08% (wrrm) Wow Flutter Heturnftcu«,n9.E«vfl"9'nH««JSh., 1 SPEAKER SYSTEM Vslua for Monty from one of tht
      198 words

    • 49 18 KOALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A man was shot and injured when he tried to evade arrest by Special Branch officers during a raid in Cheras latt night. Police sources said today that the nun. aged 32. was admitted to hospital with gunshot wounds in his stomach.
      49 words
    • 184 18 Assembly 'no' to set up 'watchdog' for Seek: SEREMBAN, Thursday rwmJL state Government was urged today to 1 set up a special committee to act as the watchdog of the State Economic Development Corporation but the request was re"ln Ttow of the failure of a number of projects undertaken by
      184 words
    • 102 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs —US Assistant Secretary of state for Asian and Pacific Affairs Mr. Philip Hablb arrived here today from Singapore and briefed Malaysian leaders on results of President Ford's visit to Peking. Mr. Hablb. who accompanied Mr. Ford to China, met Malaysian Foreign
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 61 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Thun. —Two men. one armed with a dagicr. robbed a woman caahler from Keng Soon Finance Co of lOanr Road. Mm Kok Voon Chlanf •ad a clerk. Mr. Wong Uonc Chin, of tIO.SOO and cheques tor SI.BIS In front of the CbMt Uanhattan Bank
      61 words
    • 126 18 Razak on cause of Red flare-up KUALA LIMTIR. Than. T»n Abd.l Basmk said today that developments in Indochina had inspired comma nist guerillas to step op their activities In Malaysssv Prime Minister was speak ing to senior army officers from Malaysia, Ao*t ralU. Britain, New Zealand, Indonesia, the Philippine*. Singapore
      126 words
    • 33 18 SBtOMBAN. Than. The state government will build three new fire stations costing S3 4 million in Tamptn. Mantln and lUmbau nan year. sasntn Beaar Datuk Manor OC man said here today.
      33 words
    • 161 18 'Smuggling of drugs from S-E Asla serious' KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Dnu smuggling from Southeast Asia into Europe Is becoming a serious problem. Mr. J. ran Straten. deputy chief of the Criminal Information Centre of the Netherlands Ministry cf Justice, said yesterday. "Although there are other places such as Turkey and
      AP  -  161 words
    • 190 18 PNANO. Thuri. The Sessions Court was told today that heroin was being passed round by certain wardens in prison lock-ups here. A Singapore man who had been under custody here alleged that the drug was placed in cigarette packets and passed on to prisoners. Beth
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    • 244 18 ALOR STAR. Thursday A SUSPECT drug trafficker, riding a motor- cycle, abandoned 4.54 kg of heroin, worth MJ2.5 million on the international market, during a chase by customs officers along the Changloon-Alor Star road last night After an hour's wait, an eight-man party led by
      244 words
    • 80 18 Kerosene stove blast: Two hurt IPOH. Than— A «U year old boy'i clothes caught flrr this morning when a kerosene atovr he was trying tp light up exploded In his home In Kampang Fatal. Gopeng. The father. Cncik Ahmad Arnan. 35. tried to douse the flames on his son Aslt's
      80 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 204 18 Lsr Lsm^ai* '^smlLsK' 1 nußsnw^pj j mr a Dubonnet X'mas W" '^A^ ON THL ROCKS. WITH TONIC. BITTE R LEMON OR 7»UP L^mV AND A TWIST OF LEMON PEEL. HI Because you need a little extra-something! ■mHsmflmH DUBONNt J The French wine aperitif of International repute. p\ BO?W\ uuoonnei you
      204 words
    • 114 18 tH/ST ARRIVED Thousands of Volxmesl Ideal as X'mas gifts fvr Children and Adults PRICES mry. /Vw J7.90 to I SPECIAL DISCOUNTS of as lou as $5.00 to a (Uhy pay $8.00 to a p.G. books 227, Tanqlin Shopping Centre 19, Tanglln Road Singapore (10) Tel: *****5 S/- fi 1/CONGRA TULA
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 204 18 ■HnUm Up FsMh- »y mm tovi-t t» I Camy -J 0 EAVLV ,S PQ*N A^AiN I IO" •••O. «S«« \3 *HD n.A" P«Ov\ WAS "N mCTE rO«S MASOt'»tu.] i '-6 BECWK S O.* T "i& vU-CwNft 4 JL CONCU/PES L r XAfiT/ cjjeet* ws c s-e sees *.<e scvsn 6i©*r
      204 words

    • 166 19 Maximum sentences not always desirable KLALA LUMPUR, Thurs Law MinUit and Attorney-Oene- Kadir lold the I>wan Rakyat today it was r able that courts be given mandatory powers to impose maximum sentences allowed by law This »a> because sometimes the circumstances under which an offence was committed I merit the
      166 words
    • 176 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The Oovernment Intends to review the whole system of pawnshops In Malaysia and the progress In the Implementation of laws relating to the licensing of pawnshops since it took effect In January 1973. the Dewan Rakyat was told today. Local Government and Environment Minister
      176 words
    • 784 19  -  BILL CAMPBELL By says a stunned Datuk Harris of his election defeat I/BUAN, Thurs. Berjaya Party vice-president, Datuk Harris Salleh, was this morning stunned by his defeat in the Labuan by-election to the Sabah State As stmbk As the results were announced at about midnight,
      784 words
    • Article, Illustration
      134 19 Most of the kampung people, he alleged, had been Influenced by Usno's play on religion and by the money used In the by-election Tun Fuad believed that Usno had two courses open to them. They might say that the by-election proved they had the support of the people
      134 words
    • 61 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Plan* had been drmvn to build a wcurity force* complex In Chen*, the Deputy Home AStlr* Minister. Datuk Abdul Samad IdrU. told the Dewan R*ky*l during question time This was in view of the inadequate facilities and equipment at Jilan PekellUng Police Field Force
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 465 19 If *A *A A A ////j I jflj uH ia^ I SA A m tCJkmMr liwt V l A A *J*Af£r a^si aW JaW^B '^H Sansui has good news for your ears' The fabulous Super Sixteen speaKer system (mode) SP-7500X) is at last available in limited markets to music lovers
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    • 210 19 CONGRA TULA TIONS to CHEQUERS TRAVELS PTE LTD on the occasion of their OFFICIAL OPENING from HIDED GILBERT OSUGA Y.C. TONG ALAN TANG TAN TOCK SAN CHEW HIA SUAN NG LIAN CHIAN Everyday fo the USA Philippine A i rl i nes( DC 10) crosses With Philippine Airlines you're the
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  • The Straits Times
    • 414 20 r)N NOV. 11 the Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr, took what was probably the most controversial action in his country's political history. He dismissed Labour Prime Minister Mr. Go ugh Whltlam and replaced him with Mr Malcolm Fraser. leader of the LiberalCountry Party coalition. Then he
      414 words
    • 198 20 USERS of taxis especially those in a hurry to keep an appointment are Justifiably piqued when taxi drivers refuse their fare for no obvious reason Members of the public have often complained tru.t taxi drivers prefer to serve tourists who are more likely to tip them. Under
      198 words
    • 159 20 IREi-ER to your report Workers Act Unialr to the Disabled (ST. Dec. 18) which was culied irom an article published In the November issue 01 the Singapore Handicaps' Monthly. I am obliged to correct a misimpresslon that may have
      159 words
    • 156 20 It traced the history of compensation and noted major improvements enacted by law In 1971 and again In 1975 after representations made by the NTUC. It pointed out that legislation had been updated to produce a more realistic scheme to widen the area on compensate diseases, remove time consuming procedures
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    • 97 20 Singapore, t. DURING my recent visit to Singapore I was amazed to see the state of affairs at the Paya Lebar International Airport. On my arrival at the airport, apart from the congestion, the humidity in the arrival lounge was unbearable. I noticed there are fans but on Inquiry was
      97 words
    • 174 20 1 SOMETIMES have a driver and car at my disposal, but to far have resisted the temptation of using it as I do not want to add to traffic jams and air pollution. A car for one person's transport Is very selfish, even if one can afford it. However, my
      174 words
  • 657 20  -  MICHAEL UTTLEJOHNS By >: UNITED NATIONS, Thursday BRITAIN'S chief dele gate to the United NattMM ha* become an unexpectedly controversial figure in the I'nited States, a topic of newspaper editorials and a target of poison-pen letter* On .1 single
    657 words
  • 803 20  -  TOM WICKER By t: New York COMMITTEE'S REFUSAL IS ELOQUENT TESTIMONY TO UJS. PRESIDENTS DEEP POLITICAL TROUBLES... NOTHING could be more elo qaent testimony to the deep political troubles* of Gerald Ford than the decision of the Republican National Committee not to
    NYT  -  803 words
  • 547 20  - Futurologists guide EEC long-term planning DAVID HAWORTH I— By I: Brussels rurrUROLOGY seems a JT strange discipline to apply to the affairs of the European Community. The uncertainties brought about by the economic recession rather suggest that crystal ball gazing might be a more appropriate activity. But the European Commission
    OFNS  -  547 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 24 20 How to keep your cash from floating all over the i 'J world. Vm^ Contact us. I V^S^" One step ahead BANK*" AMERICA 111.
      24 words
    • 299 20 Israel vstheU.N, Read the full story in... Asia: Highlights- of Ford's trip to China, Indonesia and the Philippines. New Zealand: Political upheaval the National Party ousts the Labor Party. The U.S.: Massage parlours the latest trends in the world's oldest profession. 1 South America: Why scientist; think that the ancient
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  • 230 21 OINGAPOEE has it* O own "oil well." located right In the centre of the Jurong industrial complex. Built by Otis Engineering Corporation, the 1M metre weU has no irmct burlrd underneath, but will take Singapore a step closer to becoming a regional base
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  • 194 21 ANY radio and •ctrlcal Roods dealers may have to close shop If the rampant price slashIng and undercutting Is not checked, the president of the Radio and Electrical Traders' Association >f Singapore tßetas). Mr Lim Hock Poh. earned yesterday. He said that the pro- .<
    194 words
  • 218 21 PSA rounds up 180 derelict vessels rpHE Port of Singapore 1 Authority has located 180 derelict vessels. Including sunken and decaying lighters, which have cluttered up several rivers within port limits This follows a survey It conducted recently on the Singapore. Oeylang. Rochore and Kallang Rivers. The PSA has Informed
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 156 21 nV Hll<^i^V^l H V l^^ This magnificent Seiko m] I^. I movement Stenor transistorised »aJ W^ m II ml wall clock worth $36 is yours 1 i I 1.% W\ FREE when you buy a Setron TV Jl^^m J^ bAm for your festive season viewing. sjsssssssssss^sssssssssss^^a^^sssssssssssHssHsm MsssfsssssaiaM Offer applicable for
      156 words
    • 154 21 protect your eyes from infection Bathing the eyes regularly with f Optrex Eye Lotion f is the best and I most effective V protection against eye infection Sore, irritated 4ftk .^SBaw^BaaaaVaaai anc^ ir >flamed I eyes are soothed l_-j| I 111 B and r *i'eved Jl&« Optrex EYE LOTION <-
      154 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 755 21 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM 1 Opening and Housewives' Matinee— 7.55 CaaaiM M CimiiUu (iMtat) iioid and Beauty (Mandarin Film, PL 2) US M Itwfcart 9m A Hmt ti US Diary of Events (Chinese) f lisa 0 Ul Window (Chnese) IH Dr. Kildare Welcome Home, Dear Anna OS Intermission
      755 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 919 22 TJ fThebeotdoesnthaveto f cost the most at the m .BM Orchid Lantern! f Pans See a fabulous fioorsnow A -4 of international performers. TLf^ Cantonese cuisine, including A Vw>) renowned specialties not to be Z found anywhere else. Relax m J I an atmosphere of glamour ana aB sophistication. Dance
      919 words
    • 298 22 -J!!!»l, J 0 M MM Ii! E B T fimil -•.L4C.J SHOW*: 140pm. IN UMjST U7 CAtne** o;ii°,ttl through evil... there was uever^S a ale like that 0f... >M. I bv^ RbV wl^/iv*^! n WBf "slßi TI\ICHT TINIIIIH XIIM.HT IT UN pin mmm i nir\iw shmi COL DIN f AM
      298 words
    • 293 22 l fc ?^f l jp. v yi y?-.' Due to film's lenqth-Both theatres 4 Sr DWS* DAILY I lam 2 30 6 15 4 9 I spm-N 0 Free List! The BOX-OFFICE CONQUEROR of 1 lirierl 1575 "Nil With IV b.l.n (,n In 1 Let Iff Jrw Christ SiifnUr J?|
      293 words
    • 449 22 Wa\VVrWWVaVW.\VWV> ;;|uCATHAV: :-|UOrUiANIS»TION: i* w.«h a* mann S ttLAMAT > j H\II K\U H4JI j HOW IHOWIMC lj a* J Vha-. 700t• JO 5 KALiIDOSCOM ■> > '^Scopa i SutH S Jvr«<tf Dn>* I" Omai |,J O4aa« a«« Or<Kar. »AIRT »OX" iMonfc'- I; Ll CjlckScoc** EnQl<t*h SutH ::M'ivi>,rjauja i)
      449 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1136 23 d^^^^H^Bß^BP^^P'^Hßßl'^P^P'^H J^bVb^B^^ aßm V^^b. Ik I IW B^ SBbBI KbWI -^^bßb^b^b^b^b^b^b^Kßß^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bb l^\ bI I» J m^B A afl bw BwiPffW'l^lPWNlliTtllrß^'P^'^'^W^Sj'^^^B^B Ibt^ b^PSbb^vv bb afc^^Sk KRff^^iiii^Hßß^Bfl v^> O^Sbk^^ 'i^ .^i^ifi-.-MfMtM«.S /O-T Wl K\ y f f I^^^Tri^ l^^^^™ t^^v^y^ I b^i^.b.^—l.Ev 4j I V«l fl\ m vIbW r# bT 1 BBHBBflBBa|BMB«aMMaBaBHl^
      1,136 words

  • 192 24 Ritu MW »7 70 m imn II a YHB II 73 Ja/4iiw 12 31 -r,1...f 1217 dm tin I N 14 24 M. M3I I'M |1 36 C. (oln II 3) liM-krmp* II J» I t 1163 run ii »3 l.uUirtr $3 04 10 .M ♦OS 04
    192 words
  • 1307 24 CLOSINC TOMS All MCIMMU TUHNOVIM: OArial Inn. •upelw* t» th* mock Exctauu* of Sni«»porr includmc oM lot. 'Rraa> total I *****0 umti valiws st 12 532.000 IMuitr.iU •rcounttd for 4(0.000. fUunr* 2*5.000 hotrla 111.000. prop*ni« IM.OOS. oVbralurn. loana and bond* 13 oou. oil palm on Una 11.000. and
    1,307 words
  • 329 24 PRICES held steady in quiet trading at the Stock Exchange Singapore yesterday. Interest slackened considerably at investors and specalators remained on the sidelines. An adverse factor is the crop of dlaeoaraging corporate results which has hit market sentiment pretty badly. Another dampening factor !•> developments over National
    329 words
  • 43 24 HONOKONO Associated Hotels has reported net profits of HK523.21 million for the year ended September 1975 compared with $20.81 million previously. It is paying a final dividend ot six cents i same I. making a total of 12 cents (same*. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 284 24 Marginal gains at KL market r. iDINO remaineJ dull and llstWs on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday as operators continued to stay off the market. Prices, however, finished the day marginally higher, due to gome late Duyii'R which observers attributed to covering uhe&d of the long weekend. Investment stock'
    284 words
  • 1151 24 D nrea of finally MM and buam«a» tn I m Ii .m traded ahovn in I of 1 000 unit! rthrrwisr '{trcifled All Bargain* or aett;«m»nt irii ar* quotnl after B»rt iin K>U oT 5 000 units i jotKl xlltr Uw leuen Ltt 'I■B 2MB> i 38
    1,151 words
  • 34 24 TRADING in the 169 million SI shares of C.K. Tang, which recently made a successful public offer of 426 million shares at par. begins at the Stock Exchange of Singapore today
    34 words
  • 1029 24 K. L. Summary Rises Tpi !<•«. I buMnMi In and i Lumnur <«* tn lIHIAH r i I f 1 H I 1 II Ml fl< llunlup Inrf M i«dit P»n I irr tl 90 < Em* i»rd.> Fills i>uff Bm »n»5 19 s Tr»dln( I. rm 12*0
    1,029 words
  • 22 24 THE Kuak Lumpur Stock Exchange and the Malaysian rubber market are closed today for the Hari Raya HaJI holt «Uy.
    22 words
  • 104 24 rpHE Straits refined tin from Penang for November 1 1975 totalled 9,431 27 tonnes (October 5.777.47 tonnes), according to statistics Issued by Straits Trading. The following table shows the destination and metric tonnage, excluding metal shipment, from Klang via Port Klang. Nov Jan. Nov. United Kingdom 781 27
    104 words
  • 108 24 BOTH US and Europe were quiet on Wednesday according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Producers' Aaaoctatloa. Price* were about unchanged to steady in Europe Quotation* In US I cenU < Rotterdam) unleas staled were Afloat IT cent* sellers. Dae MIS 17 cent* sellers. :«2S cenU buyers. (405 traded.
    108 words
  • 66 24 MELBOURNE. The former Unochrcmc AustraHi said It registered 1U ni*w nane Boustead Unochrome Aus t r a !ta wltJ the Victorian Corporate Affairs Office Boustcadco Stnicapora acquired a 61 55 per cent holdtne. in the fornwr Unochrome* Dald caoital of 3 009 million AM cent shares
    Reuter  -  66 words
      • 184 24 nrOKYO. Thurs. Late p» of) t -taking wiped out an Initial upswing and th* market closed only slightly hither, dealers said. The Dow Jones average row 043 to 4.24*55 with the volume soaring to 270 million shares, from ISO million yesterday. The New index closed at 315 5». up
        184 words
      • 233 24 UONOKONO. Thurr The market advanced strongly In the largest turnover m live mo.iUii. dealers Mid Trading gained some Initial impetus from a higher overnight Wall Street, experienced aught promtaking it midday and then turfed ahead In the last hour of trading Blue chips gained most from the sustained buying
        233 words
      • 64 24 Mm4l Tm<l vis utt mV. Ihourn* <I i U« 44 lv» 43 LwUoo IN .'MI IM.2M 137 TMt Bfirul lu< l».v Zurirb IM.wiR us TJB IMOO* 137 MW Piru l«o M 1M.«« Ttwmar KKmMii Hoockonc IJV.SO 1M IS 12»Spof»(J) IHHB IM MR Ml 2VS IJ*.«M Kmport priro mwi
        64 words
      • 234 24 CYDNITV. Thurs. Moat sect lons of the market closed on a substantially higher level as a result of sustained buying support at the close, dealers said. The Sydney All Ordinaries index advanced 3.44 point., to 435 78 Today's ctMlnc mkMl* prtcn la Aiuiraliaa r*m> with ihr «iir*r- •»<■» ©a
        234 words
      • 329 24 YEW YORK. Wed The stock market posted a clear advance today in moderate trading activity For the first time .'.nee Nov 26 the list showed more advance^ than declines, snd the Dow Jones Industrial average closed with its best gain in a month a rise of 9 84
        329 words
      • 110 24 ||S\N( !\l TIM»INUISTRIALS Wednesday Tue*Uy 364 5 Week ago 'Ml lINWedne*d.y 89 94 Tuesday M Wttk »go »0 RIBU.RS Wtdnwrli] 378 »5 Tuesday 37» M W««* ago J73.47 OIUS Wednf»day J>» *> Tuesday «1 Week ago 323 57 DOW JOM^ \MK\i.l INUI STKIALS Wedneaday "3 »9 Tuesday MJ 1*
        110 words
      • 252 24 THE Straiu tin price jump ed $12 to $962 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 61 tons to 241 tons. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers price gaining £23 to £3 140 per meric ton LONDON: Tin mo\ed ahead to finish
        252 words
      • 30 24 Rubber Dec. 11 Singapore Jan. ***** cts. (up 3.25 cts.) Malaysia Jan. 161.75 cts up 3.N cts.) Tin: $»62 (up $12). Official offering 241 tons (up SI tons).
        30 words
      • 95 24 QMIMIIf P*OD U C I IX Cmnit Oi Bulk S3O tkln. old drum us •rum .n»» sao Mllrra. •ami Mv«! <«mm> ik cast Ho rxiyrra. •>••••• Muntok AJTA wftlM fob 1001 NLW SM2t a»M»ra Sarawak mvul blark fob NLW fS4Tt Hlkn. a»r»»ak •PKial blark f.o b. NLW »I«T| arllm
        95 words
      • 35 24 Londoe ropp*r price* on Tfcun4mj ipnvmi la brarkrui. Witttir Spot lured IB* iIJMi .•ll»r ISM 90 < IMS i. Thr** Month buyrr iSTS (ISM V) arts* is-" ctvtt> Martit urn: StMdy BUM: "321 tonnra
        35 words
    • 628 24 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday was steady again during the morn:-* on short-covering and hed«re buying The early gains were, however. slightly reduced at mid-momlng on trade and godown hedge selling Turnover was (air. The market went steadier by some 1.50 cent* in the afternoon on acceptances of
      628 words
    • 129 24 rjMLY mm and BGR prtcca laaued at uoon jtuetdAj Jan. Irb B«T«r« iriitn llrm Seller. "till. lOmtMUi Ihnnrilltt) wDtapßk! (Mai* parks) BMR SCV il ton pallet i 16» SO 166 SON 166 SO 167 SON SMR SL (1 ton pallet i 164 00 164 SON 165 00
      129 words
    • 212 24 Money and exchanges •j-HT US dollar eased 1 slightly in the. Singapore forex market yesterday when it was quoted as $2 4960 80 Trading activity was at a low level with the US unit hovering around $2 4960 70 throughout the tesston. The dollar closed quiet st $2 4965 75
      212 words
    • 371 24 NOTE: These rates may differ silently from those quoted by banks to their customers. Prime lending rates (in Bt US 2 4955 1 4MS MS VS 2 5865 2 J875 81 5 0476 5 0505 8t MS 44 »2 HK US 5 0575 5 0555 US Canadian
      371 words
    • 184 24 Suggested interbank rates at 300 p m urrenrka Noßlnal rates Smllh»onian PercenUt* auotrd «csUT4a< irroMi paxil» rh«ivi' U8 dollar 2 4965 2 497» 2 819 b —1146 Sterling pcund 5 0505 J 0540 7 J469 —3126 Hongk( nf dolUr 49 30 49 40 Mil 240 Uiliuun dollar 96
      184 words

  • 398 25 M. Tobacco meets improvement forecast IN LINE with Its mid-term forecast, Malayan Tobacco Improved considerably in the second ilx months, reducing the interim setback of 45 .7 per cent to only 182 per cent In group after-tax profits for the full year ended September 1975 Net earnings came to Mlli
    398 words
  • 307 25 M. Containers and Spore Glass plunge LTCRY poor perform- ances have been put up by the two halves Singapore Glass (1974) and Malaysian Containers (1974) of the former Malayan Containers In the first six months ended September 1975. n the case of Singapore Glass wrich took over the Singapore operations.
    307 words
  • 98 25 On Bank has acquired a further 515.000 SI shares In Overseas Union Trust for ing Its stake T to 825 million of 50 02 per cent d capital -d the addl- kl $1 56 per share the current market price The acquisition, which makes
    98 words
    • 79 25 y \r. r;,v ■nd cl.. ing :»d!! Suuar subscription warrant rx brarrr tharn mm quoted at 235 frmncs The Cr«lit Suuw index ended 10 [>..•:• hither at 113 0 I M mar, at pnt|. 9 ••>•• Hank Corpn. 4T3 uac*. •■•Mir «3S 1 4w !?T lUtBMW MM uacfe Eunck
      79 words
    • 131 25 A i:.: v:; A.". EWwherf bartlu and inwere more rcstttant. ith aome stocks maklnc unall ta-.ns '""""'y «nd PakhMi closed sJltJr Usse* merr i«^ by hs*M •'W and SrlMrp- latter aaid It *e*r in l»7s~ »n» r:rm«i dlchtlv I r N II K K »ii» tk* Mmw a* tM
      131 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 738 25 I SALES ENGINEER 1 IWe are the world's h idmg manufacturers 4 nd I I distributors of glass making machinery. The I I company is American owned with an established I I operation in Singapore I We wish to appoint a SALES ENGINEER who I will be responsible for negotiating
      738 words
    • 590 25 PAN MALAYSIA CEMENT WORKB BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICES NOTICE IS HEREBY OT feN ..hat the Board of Directors of the Company have decided to recommend to the shareholders of the Company, the payment of an Interim dividend or 7!><* less 40% Malaysian Income Tax. in respect of the financial
      590 words
    • 659 25 CHARTERED INSURANCE BROKERS (M) SDN. BHD. Sl^L In Association with the Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. Announce with pleasure the recent commencement of their Company operations in Malaysia. Business will be conducted from the Head Office at:lst Floor, Chartered Bank Building, 2 Benteng, Kuala Lumpur 01-19 Telephone: ***** Telex: MA *****
      659 words
    • 610 25 IN IMI Mvilhl Of IMI' OMTANICM \< I \v IM (Pursuant l<> Snlmn I.Mi It <b> IItMSIIN OM|'\\\ il'Hl\ ITKI I IMITI D At an y \tr i Ordinary Otneral Mretirm .>f the in) duly on V tnda) Rth [>• 1975 the follnwitiK Hi-milu itlons werr pxvvd As a Special
      610 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 426 26 WARNER-LAMBERT PARKE-DAVIS SINGAPORE As a result of our expansion programme and internal promotions, we now require the following personnel in Singapore. All applicants for the following positions must be Singapore citizens. The right candidates can expect attractive salaries, fringe benefits and excellent prospects of promotion within the Company. Reference No.
      426 words
    • 1143 26 Ml LEVER BROTHERS! 1 1 (MALAYSIA) SON BHD Has an immediate vacancy for a SALES ACCOUNTANT Applicants should possess a recognised Accounting qualification and have at least 3 years sound accounting and administrative experience preferably in a large international manufacturing concern. Preference will be given to those applicants who are
      1,143 words
    • 342 26 CHARTERED 4SbV INSURANCE BROKEHS 2K (M) SDN BHD Invite applications for the following positions 1) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE aged preferably between 22-30 with full or part A.C.1. 1. qualifications. Position would require hard work and wide responsibilities and would suit person who wishes to make a career In Insurance. Prerlous Insurance
      342 words
    • 780 26 r Lembaga Letrlk Negara, Tanah Metayu National Electricity Board of the Statee of Malaya Malacca Kluai^ Scudal 132kV Traninl— lon Development Contract 3427/3 Tranwnlealon Line* Tenders are Invited for the manufacture, supply. •sting, packing, delivery, erection, commissioning and maintenance for 12 month* of the H.V. Transmission Lines briefly described below,
      780 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 974 27 •l t KNCINEERING GRADUATES V We. an international trading Company f having diverse interest in both trading fp id manufacturing, are looking for jf 4 Kngineering Graduates, preferably from the Mechanical discipline to be in- T TP volved in co-ordinating projects and ly irketing of engineering products. A previous working
      974 words
    • 736 27 VO/PER THORNYCROFT PRIVATE LTD. A Iwdwtf hi^i tachnoiOffy shipbuilding and rlpwr company triposd in the dwr. comtruction and rwpmr of ipacializad naval and comnnrtiil «mHi •nc:ud>nf patrol craft, hvdrofoiii oil rig tupply vraaJi. «te. invitai applications for th« position ofSAFETY OFFICER Up to $17,000 p.a. I Candidate* should be above
      736 words
    • 1089 27 EASTMAN CHEMICAL INTERNATIONAL COMPANY (SUBSIDIARY OF EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY) HONGKONG TECHNICAL MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE (PLASTICS) Eastman is currently expanding its Far East Marketing operations and requires a technical marketing representative 'plastics) to reside in Hong Kong and travel extensively throughout Asia Candidates should be a graduate or diplomate in Engineering or
      1,089 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 494 28 #PWD TENDER NOTICE ■VI) Ketcistered from other Oon- IDK .'rurtion of Access Koad and Drama** 1 Work for IX Workshop re omplex al Pa\a I.ebar \irport. rligibihtv Civil Kngineering All Contractors -►„.wr..und 12 75 at 1 1 00 a m ior Kxerutive Engl•>ar Airport Branch 22 12 75 at
      494 words
    • 839 28 ft biidb TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the following:* (1) CONSTRICTION )K ROADS. CARI'XKKS. DRAINS. TI.VKRTS AND R.C. RETAINING WALL at Neighbourhood II Contract V Aver Rajah New Town Road Contract No. 5. (2) CONSTRICTION Or EARTHWORKS al Precinct IB Neighbourhood 4 Ang
      839 words
      932 words
    • 599 28 IN MKMOKIVM I _*«mmmmW I In loving memory of our deeply tniMcd Head of the family.. the late MR. TAI YKK MEL who passed away this day a year ago and whose heartfelt presence will never be forgotten by his loved ones The Tai family would also like to express
      599 words
    • 440 28 l INIII Tenders will be received in the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division). Tang- lln. Singapore 10 fgr the un- dermentloned items up to 1 00 a m on date shown against the items 1 TRAY OOMMMNI staini.kss Bra. i«; AIMI/MM Tender No: MIVDrr (I.CM.i U1.7M.1l CltMina Date: 2fi.12.75 2
      440 words
    • 743 28 tkL STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY HaK. ,aB HKHami 'tan II H^S^p^P^ emit mi* mn mm tun n m Ma n n >•■ vit i« n M Ma UaMI »ar laaaaal. tMHM. 1 a It tI. Nnli*. taMllia Haiti i i-»>«! «aa Iw.w aM laa laplay ■Miit unict imitt ftcmc
      743 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 716 29 rtrinwutr tumct T i cwtmoit wmmwiTZ'Ts S Tt It M* I' Ml >•• <W '1 »tt DM MM BM n m ii m im> if I m [a it u> i> m> MM H M S <• mii m m it >aa n kw nw mNt cwtwtai* giT'a nm m
      716 words
    • 1323 29 Ben Ocean am semvci Ben Line Bkx>rUnnel Glen Line and NSSIO ta m iMiian m» mm < par* AfMI **Ma| lar«BJ ucMim a>i tM m»■ ij». ua.^*». rim. i I IK In ii II M w «tm»j i• m m 'M B jiinn Slji i ii« ii h ik ii
      1,323 words
    • 925 29 |[blc| iV 7 f t7 I^J t» I— W. **mt nmm rmm rtmm*- MM tmwt t» IJL ?srrj.!saa IE II -s IS as jis ssff H »r .'5 25 HIZIIT KM BM II Fit '4 I i II 'M 11 IM n7<lMlil MM HIM M Mfl* MM iiniii iiMtu im
      925 words
    • 1024 29 FULLY CONTAINEHIZED StKVICI TO tUtOfC -t m I 2liJslf* tTMifcnef*.. tarttrtea. W*l lrM«nt. I WMtn MtfT jga a La u^^^> A r^M*«^^M« I m* 1 c > «»*»**wi ■**»<* I MMitu Nt II Fit ii StKtM-. Olt HtrsaAi. l»t« «,.|W cut la* vi a mm m M mm I FULLY
      1,024 words
    • 625 29 s«p-ir» iiMM p M«| O4i ii mn tmm nmy THE BANK LINE LTD. IMB FM I S tftlU. IMI 1 1 MM ..w, !x> IUIMn MM" —*<m. »w»n 4 J i i M > ntMl im 'MM lUT t IMMJ UlK> IM IMW UMU. i mn >« Dm MM KUWAIT
      625 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 887 30 \\i' KAWASAKI KJSEN KAJSHA LPD FRIT CNTMKIISfD ««ICf To liimh (Via •<••«! S 1*- a»f» Irtß** «M SmM II Nc nix Xht Ithc xnil (I* SUM I>M »ht !IM> SIM i*f»»'k iff i k la I) M II In il frt 2» Irt JI N» ma lunf« |VU «rtM lIMM
      887 words
    • 949 30 rmmmm •linn MCM* n la*a>MM I Ma M Ma *>»,it t.WTT llajl «M H MX «Mt toe tHtf MttMtwt T IWIHI Mir rWUMIT (mMM aMI aMt hwifKmlfWtil litk I'm SIHIM MM. ttMta Mf. Sat**! 1 TU »wn (7 lan) U. i XtOmX" U««LAI IIIVKU TO nOH DtOOMBBIA «wfwnssns mo* m
      949 words
    • 993 30 IM-MMMMTi^^^«r^^jl^^^ nu> cmuwana sowct ri iiww wu stt/i Sm >-| I Mac* HWI +rm totaet •U" i Miiatli win laeMl If* ItHt ItHt M Me n He II He KM uu Illttl Mine II Ht It Me KMe nlt ut ntm imhu imm M*trt i im' M Me im
      993 words
    • 811 30 fimss surcE tb loawa mmptm cMrwr p«m MMUUTI u'ii'mc ARS«/tt3 l*T*Ma II l II »f-e« ,i aWI lUWac II II Ma IMa4 I Ma i* L, M L M» t 17 1. MMU MJUU n ,m II It IM It X I. Hl.'. MMU MIM Nlf IM I I■■ 4
      811 words
    • 789 30 AMAMOCMfMT* FO« OtC 11 04JT Kjpitan VrnloN Kirn I. urn 1 Artj sun 15 (MIPS in juronq »o«t on C'.rf»l CuKl* 1» Ton§ Wt» II i» I c Hun )o M.«ru 29 30 Bunca Fta>a <h Orrll Hrlrnf Mimi i 3 M Nusanun I to 4! im y I iwnnli
      789 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
      111 words
    • 371 31 APPLICANTS replying to Box I numbers lor vacancies are reI BxeM M M stimonlals or their Applicants are also advised to Isox number* poatins* panics with headquarrers IR requires immediately ACCOUNTS CLERKS iporeans aged eruncat* full time National t Minimum 2 years of relevant experience 'h details Inspected and ron-
      371 words
    • 780 31 REOUIREO IMMEDIATELY ElPERiENCED Salesmen Sales- girls for shoes Those interested < ptMse call personally at Number HMOS L Handrwjjs Co Pte Ltd 337 339 Shaw Centre Scotu Road Spore between 930 a m 12 30pm nd 4 30pm -630 p m DYNAMIC SALES EXECUTIVES Male Female required by Pro- v
      780 words
    • 817 31 lALEB REP for Industrial Marketing Appl) to Alexandra P O Box 2 Spore 3. stating experience and salary expected COLOUR TV COMPANY requires lunior Technician Some knowledge of basic electronics and experience in Black and White T V repair Must iave class 3 driving ■ence and above 21 years of
      817 words
    • 764 31 JAPANESE COCKTAIL LOUNOC requires English speaking Hostesses Apply personally with i c to Basement I. Far East shopping Centre Orchard Road I Interview from 3 7 p m everyHYATT SINGAPORE HOTEL Hyatt Singapore Hotel Invites candidates to .pply for the post of SECURITY OFFICERS The Rowuwod ojtMtilliiii ore I i
      764 words
    • 930 31 CHINESE DESPATCH CLERK with own transport required must complete N S Please phone 3320 M for interview EXPCRIC NCiO TECH SALES Rep purchaser materials and shipping operations coordinator, warenoir-r.g supervisor, seeks app >'•■•" i*nt with oil service and mdi.str 1 .1 companies Reply lo Limßlk 24 51 8. Sin Mm
      930 words
    • 863 31 LOWEST FANESI smejiDore London or Parts. Amsterdam Rome Frankurt Copenhagen etc $660 VIS. 1 12. 24/12 Every Wedneadmy M7O pore Los Angeles San Krancisco. Vancouver Ne« York $1 180 $1 200 $1,350 4 flights »eekly C E HOLIOAVS TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWA EXPO/ HONGKONG/ BANGKOK 9 12 14 Da\s $1470/ SIS7O/
      863 words
    • 690 31 y 'p* ATC HOLIOAVS Smgsain I) Come 4 Jorn the ATC I Holidays 6 days Christmas 1 Holiday Tour on 22,12 75 27 12 75 to K L Oenting J Highlands Penang Cameron Highlands rare 8150 00 A per person Price Includes air- con coach hotels sightseeing L free gifts
      690 words
    • 487 31 VISIT BEDOK RESTHOUM This Sunday for Kxciting Chicken Curry Lunch Nasl Lemak (Coconut Kicei Samhal Cwla Melaka. S3 SO per person Also Chilli Crabs Steamed Prawns Steamboat FOOO ANO SERVANTS Problem' Let us cater your dinner with delirious home cooked food Phone *****25 dall) after 7p m GIRLS! Jobs becoming
      487 words
    • 503 31 NEW BEGINNERS GERMAN [an guage cusses Utight by ex-uni-versity language lecturer Mon lays 10 11 30 a m or 4V) 600pm 820 pm Commencing 15th Dec L 2nd Jan 1*76 RIM Rm 324 New People > Park Centre Tel *****0.*****3 ADVERTISING 8 GRAPHIC ART* Ideal for trine in graphic I
      503 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 198 32 Waal Seauea I»m 12 Roaa AHtfaeea 1 am ir» FREE! ■ASIC fRINCH/JAPAMM 1 Wat n I OUssTTI QUbTTTI Lew <tet lonoon TraxMHj Ttodien COMMENCING ANUARV 1976 EHROL^TOOAY .».al Oi.ivion Naeanl Conmrit.. Imt.tute Tiiifpnn Commercial School GRTH Buildirvj VGS. fail Coast Road j Tai *****0 y' RAJA S COLLEGE NTSS.O
      198 words
    • 295 32 DECEMBER BEGINNERS win CiTY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE HI OUEEN STREET SINOAPOW 7 FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS SPECIAL COURSES SnorStMKtd (Da* fteaai •lours dam 9 JO a m 1 m II 00 a m .ipm I p m J SnrSHan* (Eiaeawa) pmto I P m I*. p m to 7 15 1
      295 words
    • 302 32 QUALIFY IN ACCOUNTANCY through OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED COLLEGE You can qualify by full time cr part time (evening) study for Certified Accountant's (U K exams, through South East Asia's largest resource centre >n business education The College also provides for specialisation in costing for the 1C M A exams School leavers
      302 words
    • 587 32 (t«3EZaaaL<23B bsBK GUARANTEED ANO COMPREHENSIVE Tuition by graduates and qualified tutors at your home «il for all subjects at all I *****3 *****3 GENTS TAILORING FOR Begin mencing 15 12 7) Draf■mg Drawing Cutting Ma--1 mning uf short.* vhirts trou- sr-s Metrop)litan VM( A *****1 GUARANTEED TUITION AT your .rue
      587 words
    • 986 32 END 1970 MORJWS 1300 UT second owner new paint battery tyres Tel Paul *****31 ext MERCEDES BEN* 2JO 1971 model it Sl3 800 Mercedes Hen; 2SOB IfTl model at tie. Mo Contact Mi** Tan 333.53S ifM MORRIS 1100 general condi- ..i. good For irther details [Hr.ise ring Charles OJOB7S LATE
      986 words
    • 643 32 tOTI MAZDA BBS Coup* 17 Se» tyre* good paintwork M 100 o King *****3 ext 33v WANTED TO PURCHASE either Mercedes 200 or Volvo 144S preferable one owner alrronr 1 and 197J model onward.* Contact Mr Tan *****42 WE PAY HOT Caafc. top pme (or gi i ir*. pop-in at
      643 words
    • 591 32 ASIA MARRIAGE AID BUREAU help* you find mhi.imSuite 12- A Kheng Chin H.nlrlin*. llr.nh Kind lIM hlivhed 1901 ALWAYa tumuli WEDDING Hell* M.imafe Consultant lor > *uitjhle marriage partner i iarden I' O Box 4Z7 WORKING LADIES seek *incere I h.miei) friends Age 33-40 Telephone ,ippre< Mated S T Box
      591 words
    • 293 32 'LEM4WOO MASSAGE STUDIO- X hi me tn remember i Opposite r>l .*****1 sPwSPQrbsVW^hhhh MAGGIE S IMPERIAL BEAUTY Shop i Oberoi Imperial Hole! I A mini remove unwanted nair FASHION MATE mak'^ l)e*igner*i Dreaaei made-tn-mea*ure Moderate rharfe* B2S. Honf Leoni Buildinit Raffle* Qua> Tel ■bvis LONDON GRADUATED TAILOR/ "iesJa-ner offers perfect
      293 words
    • 516 32 WASMIMO MACHINE SPECIALISTS I >einon«t ration Centre fo» Dith- .ectrlc > rililM. Bring four sailad laundry and -•thoui ooligalw Sasaa mm* MMRaa SINGAPORE REFRIGERATION COMPANY 71 Pi.,. S'ngapara Tai 7»701>r JSJOU4 Mon ta Sal L IM in -Itn j NATIONAL JET CYCLE Hu.-kley BRITISH MANUFACTURED COOKER ktill for PARAPHERNALIA
      516 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1459 33 times friday properties SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSwJsBSSTsIsTaBBSSa •sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH ICSsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHsl RODENTS. A ANTS. MOSQUITOES OTHER PESTS Iv\ for INSPECTION, ADVICE, TREATMENT, [H Tpl- ft4.ft.^Ofi RENTOKIL Jw J-tJI. O*±OOVyCl SINGAPORE PTE LTD l-*\s4- DIST 11 WATTCN CSTATC 2- storey link bungalow 4 nedrooms. bathrooms attached separate living and dining room. 2 airconds. telephone, furnuhed HMO
      1,459 words
    • 681 33 COLONIAL RCSIOCNCE EXCLUSIVE dist 10 locality 3 bedrooms study spacious dining, living, patio area One acre green grounds, available immediately Call Consultant Unique 333*55- 6 THOMSON »-*TORCY SEMI-OS TACHCO 4-bedrooms. 2-airrons •lerheaters telephones fully furnished, convenient Bus Service Principals Tel *****8 BSAUTIPUL FURNISHED semidetached bunislow at Bedokville •~s> interior, modern
      681 words
    • 653 33 TOMLIN»ON ROAO. OMJT. IB 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 1 alrcons. telephone fully furnished $I. SOO negotiable 2****** DIST. 1* KUMMINO COURT. 3 bedrooms, alrcons/ telephone, furnished $1 »0 Phoenix Court furnished $1 .500 9IBBSS DIST 1* KUMHINC COURT 3 bedrooms servant's, alrcons telephone television $1300 fully furnished Ac* Housing 2680*22
      653 words
    • 460 33 MIMA W AIM OR THOMSON Road area semi-detached bungalo* needed Ring Professor SMdlk tel 2STOT7J ft*) VlsMa BANKER WOUMCS LUXU4WOVS apartment In DIM 9 10. 11 or 15 Furnished, unfurnished Immediate occupation or willing to wait $2. M0 $4 500 Tel *****34 *****17 AIRL'.NE EXECUTIVE lease ex pirii onths time
      460 words
    • 564 33 FABER OAROEN. Upper Thomson Road double-storey semi-de-tached 3 bedrooms, servant s room, low assessment 8115.000 ono LJ Associates 3795T7 MM OIST. 11 UNIVERSITY Road double store) semi-detached 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms servant s room 8165 000 4995*2 OMJT. IS AN. Lye Kwee Off Upper .Serangoon Road 7 m s singlestorey
      564 words
    • 427 33 ttttMitMillilHltltltflHttlfiii I I FROM THE PEOPLE WHO CARE (Housing Loans to suit your budget I BO9r of valuation Low Interest RatCN For loans up to: 15 years 9W7c pa. E 20 years IOWf p j Call us today. I 1 DBS FINANCE UMTED I Podium 132, Ist Floor. I I
      427 words
    • 496 33 MOHPOINT PLAT WITH tenant )ood investment opportunity all *****88 office 66*542 e«i<lence USURIOUS 4-ROOMSO IPARTMBNT in faber Hills for UOOOO Pnncipals only contact 73*61 ornet hours -ROOMED FLAT AT lomrnoo itealth Close renovated with tuilt in cabinets Price negolahle Please ring *****3 KM S-gjoOM PLAT. 3rd floor corler Tartglin Halt
      496 words
    • 322 33 ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR FIXED DEPOSITS and Saving Accounts 8% par annucn Kiaw Aik Hang Finano* Co .Ltd IS7. South B'«**s Rd Sinfapon l Tat 7SOIS-B. W2097 Arfv partmt Mo 1281 MST. 1 HE IT to OBMBBI pital Excellent for Small Family reasonable price Ring 9M*M HOME YOU'LL he proud to
      322 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 327 34 gonna s^ i love it! JS&£ZZ. The things he can do. Bookshelves, telephone stands, coffee tables, racks. 1 A repairs, fixtures a^ftfsl r I All these with his m A* individual touch. Jf \j W^^^% It's more than a gift! f^ 4LW^*P^Aff*^Ul^ """"^^^^^bbbbbbS 1 J^ af^^BBBBB. 359 Home nOn mJ&
      327 words
    • 383 34 (C'ont'd from P|. 33) I taVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBTaBBBfaBB^^ I JIPBft IMf-M FOR SALE PRSSTIOEOUS Bth- < storey office Mock outside CBD zone, fully tenanted Land area 21 000 sq ft Ample carpark Ing facilities Price 84 million Shen- ton House overlooking sea front carpeted partitioned 4 000 sq ft SZIO p s
      383 words
    • 743 34 PRESTIOEOU* OFFICE PREMISES centrally located with Harbour Siem offered For Sale Fully FurBjßßß*i Tatd Araac MS7 aa. R at SSMB •rnuine Buyers Only Please L'ontart MN. TAN C- .1 MAC! AVAILABII at AFHO-ASIA BUILDING Robinson Road (•round floor and Upper Floors ContadMMlJ I ANSON CENTRE. ANSON Road Singapore 2 Oround
      743 words
    • 737 34 SUPMMC MOUSI SHOPPING COMPLII Airrondllinne'l shops on baa*ni'iii ant ird flow available at r-Msoruhlr rental Ample parking facilities Enquiries M MI4SB OOH COMPANY is interested In renting a shop house around Joo C'hlat Road. Onan Road or Oejrlartf Road Any owners interested in lettlnf Please contact tel 4OMMB FO« MNT
      737 words
    • 961 34 la HI Jj L MsTli^^fc^j, "'<^^tr COMMERCIAL BANKING f^J I 1 CORPORATION LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) nA#a9\^ 9| To All Shareholders B NOTICK OF KXTRAORDINAKY GKNKRAL MKKTIN(. ■E \<W K I- 18 HKKr MV (i'IVKN that in r xtranrdlnary (ieneral Meeting VB of the Company will he held at the
      961 words

  • 753 35 ||AS a police national service man, who is not on duty, the same powers, protection and immunities of a police officer if he performs an act in good faith under colour of his office? This poser arose at the trial of two Public
    753 words
  • 74 35 Management of buildings lectures AN eight-lecture course on Building Contract* and Administration will begin at the University of Singapore's New Lecture Theatre Two on Jdn 0 Lecture* wIU be conducted by Prof Eric Urn Ant Bang Hock of the. Department of Building and Bttate Management, Faculty of Architecture and Building,
    74 words
  • 49 35 THE Minuter of State (Labour). Mr. 81a Kah Hul. will open the Mmlnax. Working Youth In Asia, minlatl by the AXan Waglonal Orfanliation of the International Confederation of Pnw Trade Union* and the Singapore National Trades Union Congrats, at Apollo Hotel on Monday at 10 am
    49 words
  • 39 35 CHILDRTN n»»Un« the Slngapor* Znolnctol OafdMM on Hari R«y» H»ji and Chrtaunu day win f«t ft chance to draw lucky number for prlM Prtat* inchMU T-ihirU ruldt-books. kaycbaXni. Antday coven, paper haU and other item*
    39 words
  • 148 35 200 iearn art of needles cure ABOUT ZM young Singaporeans are now Ie a r nlng Chinese medicine and acupuncture at the Chinese Physicians' Training School ran by the Chinese Physicians' Association in Telok Ayer Street. During the past two years the school has laid more emphasis on acupuncture now
    148 words
  • 43 35 Son Lye Huat. 23. was yrsterday jailed for two months for having four tubes of heroin In Upper Cross Strett on Oct 24 The court heard that he was arrested In a taxi at about 340 s m that day.
    43 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 311 35 9JI w^"_^«B bb^^^bV bbbbl Restaurant Hour*^"! b g_^fl K ii 00 a.m. 3 30 p.n IN 7.00 p m 10 00 p.m. B^. Niteclub Hours: BBHBH Idl 1000 pm. -200fcm Hong Kong Tim Sum: "^H aWlltVilfl BT "1 00 a. m —3.00 om daily bMj^£22BmHRVHSbbbM TILTED -^BBB^^^^^^^ f TANKARD r
      311 words
    • 509 35 W We support Metric! m See our full range of products at V Trade and Industry I Go Metric Exhibition and Fair. National Stadium. Stall n0.5. Now on M 15th December 1975 Open from 10am to K)pm I From ideas to realities with bb^bbbmbbbbbbjbjbbb_b-c I the Fabec-Castell technical team. I
      509 words

    • 440 36 Sudden death penalties floor LONDON, Thurs. Favourites Barcelona, AC Milan and Liverpool all reached the quarter-finals of the UEFA Soccer Cup yesterday, but Ajax of Amsterdam lost to Levski Spartak of Bulgaria in sudden-death penalty kicks. The Bulgarians defeated Ajax 2-1 in Sofia to make the two teams even on
      Reuter; UPI  -  440 words
    • 184 36 Sri Lanka suffer worst tour defeat MADRAS. Thun Srt Lanka crashed to the most Ignominious defeat of their Indian tour In their final match against South Zone here yesterday They thus ended their tour without a win. The tourists were bundled out for only 108 runs In their second Innings
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 137 36 OCBATCHINGS aa4 «r- 4cr «f ranolnf far Sunday's ncaa: BACK 1.1.U1T.J I) IV t I4MM: Svfttow 11. ■Mac Fart. Tnmmrt RACE t: MS CL. S DIV. 1 UMM: BUffcl fcaiffct. Tcrrtfte Farm NwdU(kt Swuta. RACS I: t.44 CL. t DIV. t 14MM: Mon ParMa, Hlchwty P»lroL RACS
      137 words
    • 32 36 BTNO APORK Business Houmi will meet Singapore Ooveroment Stnrttea In the annual soccer match for Hon Bui Sen Cup at Jaian Besar Stadium on Dec 27 at 7 30 pm
      32 words
    • 200 36 Australians score ninth tour win I ONDON. Thuri The Au»tr»U«n Rujby Union team beat EnfUih Southern Counties by 33-14 here retterdar to gain the ninth win tn 13 matches on their BrtU&h Ules tour to far The; lad 13-7 at nalftlme and were comfortably In control In the Mcond hair
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 391 36 WI decide on pace in 2nd Test PRTH, Thvrs. The West Indies have made one change In their 12 for the Beccnd Ttst against Australia starting at the Waca ground here trmorrow Fast-meoium bowler Keith Boyce has Uken the place of spinner Inshon All in a move to strengthen the
      Reuter  -  391 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 292 36 S&Whasa whole lot of tasty food ideas ■^fe^ for the festive season. K Whether it's Fancy Grade Nuts, Dried Fruits, ;^^^^^B or other Specialities, W v° u can sure foods K jM brmg tasty f/^' ngs to any ta^ e m il J^S«BV especially youts. M 898 am U^awrT M%
      292 words
    • 62 36 Want to be a good secretary mmm\\mm\^*^ammm^R*^\t^ Then come to us. Vb^v ®HIGH STREET \J-^< C^MMERCIALTRAINING^" CENTRE (PTE) LTD. High Street Centre (Bth Floor) Singapore 6 s Telephone *****1 (2 Lines) V pRfJRfRVTV^R^ mmmfflmkW /> WSBMmmmmmW^ *> <^ LT A l^^^ Also available: exclusive Lighting features L^I^JLJ deCOPS from Germany
      62 words

  • 364 37 Tough task faces Spore team IN 1972. Si-^apore finished Joint champions with Thailand In the Asian Schools Under-18 soccer tournament at Bangkok to win the National Team of the Year award and this success was attributed to coach Pierre Retnam. reports JOE DORAI. After a two-year absence Pierre is schools'
    364 words
  • 1065 37 TOTAL o? 2fl» horse* v tmm been entered for the Penanf Gold Cup Meeting to be run on Dec. 20. Dec. 21. Dec. 27 and Dec 2* They comprise 89 in Class CkMB 3 and M >n Class 6. The racing Mhedule Is. -.turd*? Dec. Wi
    1,065 words
  • 789 37  - Winning gallop by Sue's Dignitas EPSOM JEEP By CUE'S DIGNITAS went like a winner in her winding-up gallop on a good track at Bukit Timah yesterday. Ridden by Terry Lucas, the Dignitas four-year-old beat Strong Robe (Class 1) in a 600 m trial in 36 4/5. On that showing, Sue's
    789 words
  • 48 37 ROME. Thurs— Italy's national soccer team will uke part in a bicentennial tournament In the United States from May 31 to June 1 next year, the Italian Soccer Federation said yesterdsy It vaid trie United States. Brazil and England would Uke part In the tournament UPI
    UPI  -  48 words
  • 67 37 Winning point by Vijay TOKYO. Thurs India defeated Japan 3-2 today to qualify f> meet the Philippines in the third round of the Davis Cup Eastern aone tennis comVijay Amrilrs'. India's No 1 player beat Toahiro Sakal. 1973 Asian hampton. 3-6. 6-0. 6-4. 6-3 to give India the winning point
    67 words
  • 51 37 LOS ANOELEB ThUTS. Oary Tuttle of the Beverly H:l. the 28th Mrmnphere Marathon in a fast two hours. 17 minutes and 26 ■econds the third the Culver City s< obey who record of I 111 and Retno Psukic Flnlaiiil who *on in ***** 6. In 1973. regt
    51 words
  • 82 37 Success after 77 years LONBON. Thurs—Middlesbrough scored their first success in a National knock-out competition for 77 years when they captured the Anglo-Scottish Soccer Cup last night Drawing 0-0 at Fulham in the second leg match of the final Middlesbrough won 1-0 on aggregate Fulham attacked virtually throughout the 90
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 110 37 PHILIP Chen (Advertising' won the first BtnlU Times Masters championships at the Kalian* Bowling Centre recently He rolled an average of 1M over IS Raman. Second In the one-day Masters tournament was Oeoffrey Chonf (171) of Times Distributors and third was Wilfred Yeo (170) of Times publishing
    110 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 303 37 samV J^^o "(^aßasV. I -J^"j&j' I*T IV 1 1» mrJ > I m sam^ 1 1 1 wfl Bsaka^sW W _at~afl saHsfl V I This is part of the fine collection of Carrier jewellery internationally acclaimed far superb craftsmanship. m To celebrate their centenary, Cartier is giving a rare and
      303 words

  • 446 38 Heather has problems BURMESE NEWCOMER A THREAT BANGKOK, Thurs. SINGAPORE'S "golden" houseI wife Heather Meri- can will have to I produce her best form tomorrow if she hopes to keep her 100 m hurdle title which she won at the last Games in Singapore in 1973. Heather, 26, who won
    446 words
  • 79 38 SINOAPORTs Tang Ngal Kin la trailing Thailand's Prapant Srtaathom by 162 points after five events In the decathlon Prapant has a 3.612 total and Ngal Kin 3.460 The sthleUcs medal tally Is Burma 3 golds. 3 silvers and 3 bronzes. Thailand 2-3--0 Malajsla 1-1-3. Singapore 1-0-3. Kirn
    79 words
  • 907 38 ATHLETICS MEN IMb: 1 Anat RaUnapol (T; 10.4 2 Surhart Jalsurapharp 105 3 Ahmad RamU (Mi 107 3«Mb): 1 Maung Hla iß> 9 3.6 2 Aung Than (Bi 9 6.4 3 Solalmuthu (Mi 9 44.6 DeeatkfcM 16tas: 1 Srtaathim Prapant (Ti 11.0; 3 Tang Ngal Kin (Si 112. Long
    907 words
  • 421 38 MNHFORI bowler Vrronica Raps rsprrirncrd an un usual incident at thr (iamrs village yesterday. She found a tortoise plodding its way across the road and fearing that it might be run over by a car. she picked it up and put it on thr othrr sidr of the
    421 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 175 38 H aw* *S^-^ #^harman/kardon Buy harman/kardon sound equipment now and get Whdt YOU hdV6 tO dO Every month five lucky customers will win Youf fliv# yOu entry you six quality BASF tapes each. Which makes harman/kardon sound equipment. All you have to do Is say W free tapes to be
      175 words
    • 131 38 awaV^l gll^a^ssw^^^^^ %T k *T *Tl^6^B gHHIH awaV^ Is^ im .>- LUXMAN. the leader in sound industry since 1923! Years ol research ssa»as__ and engineenng have won the Jf? I r tt acceptance ot heing widely used in Tc I mi Japan Broadcasting Corporation, and 21 C C 1 i
      131 words

  • 572 39 U\Miht)K, Thurs. Singapore had another gloomy day in the Seap (lames with Chee Swee Lee's 400 m victory standing out like soot on snow at the National Stadium here today. Swee Lee gave Singapore its first athetlc gold when she ran a confident race to win
    572 words
  • 614 39 DANGKOK. Thurs. Singapore had a black day at the Olympic pool when our swimmers lost three expected gold medals In the six events scheduled today. The Singapore swlm- mers were beaten In the men's and women's 200 m freestyle events and the 100 m butterfly but
    614 words
  • 325 39 BANOKOK. Ttaurs. World Cup bowler Lucy Low shot games of 204 and 211 for a six-game series of 1.163 to lead Singapore to vie- tory in the three- i woman team event of the Seap Oames bowling competition here today. Singapore won the gold
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 246 39 Swee Lee wins with ease— but the rest disappoint up a big gap from Ong Yeok H>ee. who was slowly away, at the 50m mark. Meanwhile Yeo Klan Chye. who waa lying tounn. looked aa though he would catch ud with Malaysia's Ramll Ahmad, but at the taue he was
    UPI  -  246 words
  • 68 39 MALAYSIA'S Oladjr* Chat who almcjt did not make the Oamr«. act a Oamea record in the women a high Jump when ah* won at 16am, beating her own prevtoue mark or 1 6? m act at Sinnpore In I»7J Oiadys «lo a member of the vinnlne; women a
    68 words
  • 49 39 SLNOAPORE 8 gold metUU tally, after two days of canpetition. Is six. Lifter Chum Koon Stone von the first on Wednesday Yesterday's inner* ware Chee B»e* Lee lathleUcai. Khoo Teng Chuan and ♦xlOOm women's relay team iMrlmmlne;), three-woman team (bowttnf) and middleweight Judoka Nf Wee Hoe
    49 words
  • 82 39 TODAY'S EVENTS •OWUNG *ix BASKETBALL Slacapara TfcaiUad; ataraaa Malartfa. CTCUNO l.aatia tprlnl araaaTlnaJa •nd liul. 4.a«tai MMaaal aoraatt aaaßtftatate: *jmm wmm awaaU <■■*■ neathra haa* la.aatai aatat rae« final. 4 intfm. daal punmit thtrt atoa* mmt final I.Nta taaaa avraatt aeanlflawak. H<>» KM Slagaaare Thallaa4. Jl'DO Ughtkeanr. heavy aa* •awn
    82 words
  • 170 39 Burmese stay supreme DANOKOK. Thurs—Burma's strongmen lifted four of the nine gold medals In the Seep Oames weightlifting competition to continue their long domination of this event After winning three golds yesterday In the five lighter weight group*, the Burmeae gained another gold today when super-heavyweight San Han look the
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 190 39 In which 1975 series did I play against Svend Pn, the current Danish world champion? Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the mmmmmmn mm $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE 53.000 2nd. PRIZE 52.000 3rd. PRIZE Sl.OOO
      190 words
    • 528 39 miV /l^jif T t J' a a a a i '!Lia J w TV Modal 560 t^^mmm^^m—^ Light in tconomy, htgh in coft B^^^^ afficiancy. Hammax n availabJa with 10" or 13" carriage The price n definitely mort attractivel k y «■<< mi PncesfromSsl2s/= jfmtirivtifr Available .1 tha fslleoine daalan
      528 words

  • Article, Illustration
    12 40 Police marksmen cover policemen taking sandbags into the besieged flats— AP photo
    AP  -  12 words
  • 283 40 LONDON. Thursday |>OM(I. have posiI ti\rly Identified one <>f thr moat dangrrout Irish Republican Army IK currillas operating in mainland Britain, a Dolire spokesman said early today. The man. whose name police declined to revral. was one of the gunmen in last Satardar's
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 135 40 TROOPS WILL STORM HIJACK TRAIN 1F... BEILEN (Holland*. Thurs. A senior Dutch Oovernment official said today police and troops plan to storm the hijacked train here if South Moulccan gunmen kill one more of the 29 hostages they have been holdIng for nine days The official, who did not want
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 31 40 PRAOCE. Thuri —For the fim time tinea the IMS communist ukaorcr In Catehoftlorakia.. the Oovernment today published regulations which will enable fordfn firm* to rmubl'ah butiner« repreaenUtloo her* Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 276 40 HK suspends deals in Mosbert group shares By TSAI TAN. City Editor TWE fall-out from the financial problems 1 besetting the Mosbert group of companies in Singapore and Malaysia is spreading. A Reuter report last night said trading In the shares of Mosbert companies In Hongkong Mosbert Holdings Ltd. and
    276 words
  • 66 40 Gunman is shot dead VALENCE (France) Thurs Police today shot dead a young gunman who had been ho. 1Ing an elderly woman hostage at pistol point here since yesterday, police sources said. The 21 -year-old •.unman, escaped convict Michel Chezalel. had been demanding the release of two friends from Jail
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 34 40 ATHENS. Thur» OrMCi today rejected as unacceptable a call by Turkish Prime Minister SuleymaJi Demlrel for negotiations on all disputes between them. Including Cyprus and aambed mineral rights in the Aegean.— RcuUr.
    34 words
  • 192 40 Token naval patrol by Portugal ling for the Integration of the enclave with Indn nesla. In DARWIN, a Portu guese military officer said today that Portugal is sending two warships to patrol off East Timor but they would take no action against pro-Indo neslan forces that too" over the capital
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 674 40 LONDON. Than. Th* mark* iommt aaawr oo Daian.t although ■an* aharrc rndrd marginally ibov* in* air lewwt irttia ■Mil •riling and lack of intmat >M»i o* a imirmnnt dariaian ia Iba C»nril«r ■itualMa aa» •adlng induatriala toa* bMrca and a». aaajcn »a d At 1 m OM FT.
    674 words
  • 579 40 JAKARTA. Thurs FOREIGN Minis ter Adam Malik said today that Australia would suffer from action by its own workers to block a shipment of Sabre jet engines to Indonesia. "We pay for the engines, so If they ban the shipment. It Is
    Reuter; AP  -  579 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 249 40 THIS SUPERB PHILIPS TRANSISTOR RADIO^^^HBSI wM WITH EVERY PHILIPS COLOUR TV SET RENTED! W HURRY! OFFER VALID UNTIL 31st JANUARY! That's not all! i^^^^As^^Bj^^fla^HHp^^ I When you rent from COLOURENT. we'll #/^F laß JBffl take care of any and all IBm f^Hfl A Jo^|M s^b^H problems that might mf Jfl
      249 words
    • 432 40 [SEDIC pocket 33XJ Another latest pocket camera from Sedic Sedic 33 X Pocket Camera is the size 1 10 Instant Load Pocket Camera with /8 —266 mm 3elemem optical glass lens, fully coated and color corrected It Electronically controlled shutter and CdS electric eye give highly accurate shutter speed and
      432 words