The Straits Times, 10 December 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 f|
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  • 189 1 Armed intervention by Indonesia criticised by Afro- Asian nations *UN must not condone Timor invasion 5 UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday INDONESIA'S armed intervention in Portuguese Timor came under criticism from a number of Afro-Asian nations at the United Nations yesterday. Mr. S;ilim Salim of Tanzania, ch;iirm;in of the
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  • 725 1 Garrison on Atauro pulls out DARWIN, Tuesday A PORTUGUESE navy corvette arrived here tonight with at least part of the Portuguese military garrison from the island of Atauro 12 km off the coast of wartorji East Timor. The corvette. Joao Roby. also carried the four remaining members "i the Red
    Reuter; AP  -  725 words
  • 299 1 Terrorists free five consulate hostages AMSTERDAM. Tuesday COUTH Moluccan gunmen hare released four teenagers and a sick school teacher from among their hostages In the Indonesian consulate here. The youngsters a girl of 1j ana tnree boy* *mcd 13. 14 and 11 were freed laat night alter a aay of
    Reuter; UPI; UP  -  299 words
  • 585 1 BANGKOK. Tueeday pOTR bottle bombs injured at least four people including schoolgirls today, marring the opening event of the Eighth Seap Games. The petrol bombs new from one section of the estimated 6.000 crowd to another while the curtain-raiser match between host Thailand and Malaysia was
    Reuter  -  585 words
  • 58 1 WASHINGTON. Tues US News and World Report said yesterday that 1976 Is not expected to produce another trade surplus of UStll billion <3S)I billion i a recorr* looming on the basis of 1975» 10-month results The American News tiag*tlne said the US own business recovery will
    AP  -  58 words
  • 59 1 HONOKONO. Tues A Taiwanese trawler with nine crew was towed here today by a Soviet vessel after developing engine trouble In Urn South China Sea The Marine Department aald the trawler. Sun Kong Tung, was fishing off Taiwan on Dec. 4 when It osfloued engine
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  • 57 1 Security move THE HAGUE. Tue*. -Dutch residents of Indoneat-a extraction are being removed from trains hr Wast German K.ewr officials -..parenlly fearing an attack by South Moluccan guerillas ea the Dutch Embassy la Bonn, a Justice Mini ■try spokesman here said today. The herder rct'on had not been rtiajeoatod by
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 125 1 IKIBH Republican Araay gaaaaea today rejected a police offer of feed in ex change for eae ef twe heetages they have held for three days la a London aoartment A police commander said a faU meal would he given te the IRA men If they weald
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  • 55 1 I HONOKONO. Tuea PO'•ire arrested a Swiss at Hongkong's Kal Tak airport today add charged him with runt to smuggle ljtg of marijuana Into the colony on a flight from »«i«g>n> A police spokesman aald the drugs, valued at HKM.MO ISS42M, were found concealed in the false
    AP  -  55 words
  • 128 1 Glory changes her mind STAB sprinter Glory Barnabas, who Hew home on Sunday to attend her brother Samuel's funeral, has been persuaded to caange her mind and she will he on that 1 pm flight to Bangkok today to compete la the SEAT 'iames. She aaU yesterday: "I wai a
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  • 45 1 NEW YORK Tues— Dow Jones averages, based on first boor of trading on the New Tort Stock Exchange: 10 Indus taaM. «p on: JO transp lttM. down 0 16. IS UUU W79 up v 10. 85 stocks 251 1» up 0 IS— UPI
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 59 1 LISBON. Tuea. Torutcn Mir. i»t*r Ernesto Melo Antunn Mid today he foresaw rcduocd rolr for the military In Portugal's Government, but Insisted that this should ncp inert of nonparucipatlon In the revotuUon. "The Armed Force* Movement iM?Ai needs to oe profoundly mnodetied, but it will continue to
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 61 1 BANOKOK. Tues The IT at Ambassador to Laos. Mi. Sawet KomolphuU. will return to his post In Vientiane tomorrow. Put elan Mini* er Chartlchal Choonha van said today. Mr Chartlchal told reporteri that the envoy had been instructed to Inform 'he new Laotian Government that the
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 60 1 Concern over N-tests UNITED NATIONB. Tues —The General Assembly last nlfht adopted a resolution expressing "deep concern" over Prances Usttnt of nuclear weapons In the South Paclfk The resolution, recommended by the Auembl> i colonial committee, also reaffirmed the right of the people In the South Pacific Islands of New
    AP  -  60 words
  • 16 1 WEATHIH outlook lor Singapore from ajn to iioon today bolated showers in late momlni
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  • 57 1 BOSTON. Tues. The Boston Globe said today that Soviet Communist Party secretary general Leonid Brekhnev has told American officials he la la falling health and wants to meet with Dr. Henry Kissinger as wen as possible Dr. Kissinger will fly to afssrsw next week, the Globe said.
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  • 255 1 CANBERRA. Tuesday QI'EEXSLAXD Premier Johannes Bjelke Peterson said today hi- had evidence that two ministers in the ousted Labour Government would have mh ed large sums in secret commissions if negotiations for overseas loans had hem successful. r Mr. B J c 1 k
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  • 102 1 Habib due today to explain new doctrine IJNITED States Asslstant Secretary of State Philip Habib is due here today to explain to Singapore leaders the new Pacific doctrine which emerged during President Ford's recent visit to Peking. The new doctrine embraces Japan as a pi lar of US strategy In
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 INIIYIIIAiIY ENSIIHIIII] (J Tl 111 STMIEITEI I DISTRIBUTORS NAHAR A COMPANY The Peninsula Shopping Complex Ground Floor (G 7). Coteman Street. Singapore 6 Tel *****9
      25 words
    • 104 1 CHOPPER AHACK OVER A DRUMSTICK -•age 9 ARABS Wast IS vrto on air raids resolution 2 LISBON' j nrglect l«d to Timor situation- S FOOD and fael supplies rushed to Laos 4 EI'ROPI to beef up NaU defences S BTVDCNTS ana j as expelled If eaaght sambllnc t SUCCESS ef
      104 words
    • 184 1 (M'.iIJTY <.IIOI\Y( MM li those who appreciate e^^fl beaur y ar *d precision W j£*~ J M Chun Chong [t^**^| 62 South Bridge Rd. Singapore I Tel *****/2 B^B/^aaaaaH la^^a^ ■^sSßsaaaaw^^^^ .sssbbbbbbP^ V«. thafi 300 -JW n Mow put it to s jor «ys. Sea htm aasy it m to
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    • 157 2 LONDON. Tuet. British Minister David Ennals returned yesterday from a fourday visit to Zambia and Tanzania with an urgent warning to Rhodesia's white rulers that they must negotiate a settlement of Rhodesia's independence dispute If they want to avoid war with Africans. "Europeans In
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 255 2 Leftist gunmencapture luxury hotel in Beirut I EFTIST gunmen attacking rightwing strongholds in Beirut's elegant seafront district have occupied the luxury Phoenicia Hotel, police sources said today. Heavy ngnwng continued overnight In central Beirut in what Belrut Radu described today as one of the cruellest nights of Lebanon s eight
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 62 2 NAIROBI Tues The World Council ot Ctiurche* yesterday rtcnfnlf?d Arab claims to the territories occupied by the Israeli* since IM7 A report by the council's Policy Reference Committee ■ccep'ed the demand* of the Palestinian people to- selfdetermination, and alto said all Arab state* and Israel had
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 51 2 ISRAELI troops rush stone-throw ing Arab youths in the asbah in the town of N'ablus on Monday. About 1,000 youths protested against Jewish settlement in the West Bank in one of the worst outbreaks of unrest in the region in six years. L'PI
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    • 302 2 UNITED NATIONS, Tues.— The I'nited States raced I iKirryge of Anb criticism tod:iv after it vetoed Security Council resolution which would have condemned Isnul for last week's air raids on taraets in Lebanon. The council earlier rejected proposed American amend- ments
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 97 2 How 'Nessie looks in photo LONDON. Tues— One of the men who has seen the photographs alleged to be of the Loch Ness monster described It yesterday like this: "The skin looked red brown. The mouth was open showing teeth There were projections like horn* 'ticking out from the head
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    • 198 2 'Don't waste bread' call by Soviet paper MOSCOW. Tues. The 3orlet Government newspaper Izvestla yesterday urged its readers not to waste or overbuy bread the most direct call so far for economy foUcw?nn a disastrous •aaln crop this year caufed by drought. Similar calls usually appear in the stateccn trolled
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 193 2 MPLA to be dominant political force in Angola WASHINGTON. Tues The Soviet-backed faction in the Angola civil war. outrunning Its two rivals militarily and diplomatically, probably will emerie as the dominant political force in that ountry. US official* say iThe reported gains by I the pro-Moscow Pop ular Movement for
      AP  -  193 words
    • 122 2 Joan destroys more towns SYDNEY. Tues Troplcml cyclone Joan continued on her path of drat rue lion through Wcitim Australia today, smashing Into the township* of Mount Tom Price and Parabordo. The mining town of Mt Tom Price and its 44* people were or*t to be hit. at 1 a.m.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 145 2 CH7? Made in Germany PRESTIGE CO Black White TV Receiver with Stand GALAXY MESA 9000 STEREO Portable transistor Radio with 1 7 wavebands for world reception (with built m A.C.) GALAXY MESA 6606 Portable Transistor Radio with 9 wavebands (with built in AC.) TUNER AMPLIFIERS LOUDSPEAKERS 60 100 Watts RADIOGRAMS
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    • 7 2 MANPOWER I COURIER SERVICES! Radio Controlled bland-Wide
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    • 281 3 Sfues It was interesting to ttM careful lanluage which Australian leaders were n the wake of la'a Invasion of Timor, the .in Financial Rei.d today In an tl on the Timor ter for For>lcn Affairs. Mr >Anirewi Peacock, says he ■egrets the Indonesian artlon Former Prime
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 78 3 A PAST from their preoccupation with Timor, Indonesians an also caught up with events In the Netherlands. In this picture, about youths demonstrate in front of the Dutch Eahasay in Jakarta to protest the occupation of the Indonesian Con- sulate in Amsterdam. The demonstrators,
      UPI  -  78 words
    • 767 3 UNITED NATIONS. Tuesday INDONESIA said yesterday that what was happening in Portuguese Timor, whose capital was occupied by Indonesian troops over the weekend. \\;is due to the "criminal negligence" of the Portuguese authorities Addressing the Gene ral Assembly's trusteeship committee. Indonesian representative Mr
      Reuter  -  767 words
    • 103 3 WASHINGTON. Ta*s. —The United States has no plans to take any action In retard to Indonesia's Invasion "f Timor, the State Department said day"We think this matter Is basically one to he settled by the actions of those (immediately concerned." »»oknman John Trattner said.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 Tissot. f For people who don't V 4 want to miss a ssH i*V ssssV. m It™ v v\ g,k ~^*-*s-H«L *i .^r^^gsr^gsl msm cjjjfjry rj- w yjij i l^gsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl Tissot is a watch tor people with a sense of urgency about life. People who TflL, \mt^g v ant to
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    • 298 3 4gJK^B^B>V ß^hj. f mM_>i| BH Klslls^s^sssmssss^ssssssssssssssst^ jj Lower Ground Floor Specialists' Centre V S Orchard /Somerset Road K ■^o LssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssP^T^^WP > T^^W >^sssWß^»»sl»^ssissß §t 'S I I fI -V- •.••SafV gjgs^r^^P^r^P^ I *V 1^ 1 > *SsTgssssslflMgssl Jp ig j |SCOTC)LEYLSTEAK 3.05 1 jTOPSIDE BEEF „1.65 I I FRESH PORK
      298 words

    • 409 4 Hanoi rushes food, fuel supplies into Laos VIENTIANE. Tuesday BADLY needed food and fuel were being rushed by air and land into Laos from North Vietnam, Mr. Sisana Sisam. Laotian Information Minister, said yesterday. A convoy of trucks entered northern Laos from North Vietnam yesterday with sugar, milk, fuel and
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    • 282 4 Brezhnev calls for solution to arms talks impasse WARSAW. Tues. Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev today called tor a breakthrough In the deadlocked MoscowWashington arms reduction talks and proposed meetings In Europe of communist and noncommunlst nations on power, transport and pollution. Urging creation of a post -Helsinki "spirit of mutual
      AP  -  282 words
    • 211 4 Too soon to talk of ties with US, say Viet envoys OARIS. Tues. Vlet<a names* d.plomata yea. terday Indicated that their country la eager to exchange goods bat net ambassador* with the United State*. Speaking after the first contacts between the I two countries since the end of the Vietnam
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 26 4 *1 BUENOS AIRES Tv« A bomb txpiodad at 3 en yesterday at the Mexican to tulata. ihatterlnc PI, but caualng no Injurtc AP.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 147 4 Seoul tol US will remain a Pacif i power I cjEOU I Tuea— A *c Zl. O American US 8 Department offlclal day auured Presli ■cir Park Chung-Hee I President Ford's Pacific Doctrine erldence that the Ur l»r State* would contlnu role as a Pacific pow< Mr. PhlUp Hablb. Assistant
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    • 278 4 lIONOKONO, Tues 11 China today reminded its people that the Great Cultural Revolution launched by Chairman Mao nine years ago was entirely necessary and timely. In an article quoted by Radio Peking, the offlclal Peking People's Dally deplored that the significance and achievements of
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 58 4 WABHINOTON. Tuet Chairman Alan Greenspan of the Presidents Council of Economic AdvUeri aald yesterday a new turfe of inflation could abort the nttioni recovery from recettlon next year There It tt laaat a poatlblllty cf prices accelerating In 1*76." Mr Oreenapan told ne» men attending
      AP  -  58 words
    • 32 4 WASHINGTON. Tues A member of the Horn* of Reprt'entatlves Intelligence committee It expected today to unj* a compromise In the committee's dispute with Secretary of State Henry Klftlnger Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 428 4 B^B^bW. L^B^^^^LH *V afl *^^b^^^li^^^B^^b^b^^^^*~^^bß m vaaaaaaaav ar*" b^ «aßjax raaa. Wk^Wl .^^mrVt^^in^K^fj' o^ aaaaaf^^^ aMflaVa^^ 2^a^B Lw^aaaaa! This fabulous 32-pmgm cookbook, absolutsly fra># with your copy o# "HIH WORLD" A*nual '75/ 76 No coupons, no money, no string* «t all! "HM WOftLD'S" COLLCCTIOto OF FAVOURITE ASIAN RECIPES is banded
      428 words
    • 442 4 rßectilinear MINHIh The Rectilinear Mim-11l is designed for the sophisticated minority that can't tolerate dis- lals Ing budget considerate 0 be is a three-way syste" si- midrange. and a tweeter an of the moving coi P'inciple but of somewhat unconventiona design The Mini-11l is a one cubic foot acoustic Ing
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 207 4 Straits Times Crosswoi ACBOM Noisy <ttraa. chlekan* 7 TroubJe with Article Tea 11 A.'c* Is batter nil <•>■ rou-id and studied Trn (and priest) In rtw branch (II). in Yorkshire (t) v Subject la definite: mj T»n In taara (I). 15. Twanty-aU gave change 14 Vehicle for silly Mad •o
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    • 251 5 Tighter clamp on Indian press NEW DELHI. Tuea. The Indian Oovernment last night tightened control of the prei* with legislation to remove the Press Council, ban publication of antlguvernment reports and limit coverage of Parliament. Three ordinances signed by President Fakhruddln All Ahmed, at present on a state visit t<
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    • 211 5 British union reverses pay curbs stand LONDON. Tues. Britain's second biggest trade union, which had threatened Prime Minister Harold Wilsons anti-inflation policy, decided yesterday to avoid conlrontatlon and accept the Labour Oovernment's. curb on wage Increases. The engineering unions national committee reversed a previous policy of opposition to the pay
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    • 425 5 BRUSSELS. Tuesday TIIK European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation have agreed to add hundreds of tanks, jet fighters and rockets to the Western defence next year. Defence ministers of 10 of the 13 European nations in Nato all except France. Iceland and
      AP  -  425 words
    • 80 5 Bomb blasts paper's library in porno protest PRIS. Tues— A bomb explosion caused extensive damage to a library on the premises of the weekly magazine I/Express here last night, but police said no one was hurt An hour earlier a bomb destroyed a telephone exchange near a car park under
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 30 5 TOKYO Tues —The Lover House of the Japan*** Dtet 'Parliament) h*s approved Ck)vemm*nt-»poo»ored Bill (or (loaning deficit-nn«ncins tut* bond* worth 12*0 000 million yen <Si 11.130 million) Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 204 5 NEW DELHI. Tues. Mr. Jayaprakaah Narayan, the leading preeuiergency political opponent of Prime Mlniater Indira Oandni, remained in critical condition yesterday and has been put on an artificial kidney machine. OTTAWA: Postal rates far foreign -p rlnt ed magazines and newspapers will Increase sharply Jan. 1, The Canadian Post
      Agencies  -  204 words
    • 228 5 MADRID. Tues. Spanish leftists, angered by police suppression of two demonstrations In the past three days, were today preparing strikes to force King Juan Car los to speed up democra tic reforms. Unrest mounted as Prime Minister Carlos Arias Navarro pondered over the composition
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 81 5 BANGKOK. Tues Thailand's appeal court has ■•held) a lower court deilslon to extradite an Indian bus Inrtman to the United States to face charges that he started a Are in the toilet of a Pan American Jumbo tet in flight on Feb. 3. dob'nd Ram Dang.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 —Reuter W MANPOWER^ f COURIER 1 SERVICES 1 we rent cars] L Kuala Lumpur D3-2072J2 J Lv tv Mi Singapore 3 77H Ah
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    • 223 5 SPECIAL OFFER! 2 bars of Cadbury Chocolate w Jb IAfITU A A livttsP M fflln A *Js BmW. a«m. B«^H gftttsHal s^Lss^am^gr amY '^^> W COIOURTV! [Tjli VI L Yes, you can make things doubly bright w^K atHallHflgvl and ay at nome by investing in one of j B^H Bj^Bß
      223 words

  • 285 6 gTL'DENTS caught gambling in schools may face expulsion if they persist in committing the offence. Several school principals contacted yesterday said they would not tolerate the offence being committed more than twice and would not hesitate to expel offenders. "If students cannot toe the
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  • 173 6 $10,000 BAIL FOR 2 ON ARMS CHARGES TWO men charged having a revolver and rive bullet* were allowed ball of $10,000 each by a district court Judge yesterday. Yap Kok Bin. 26. was charged with two counts ot having a revolver and live rounds of ammunition between Oct. 2
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  • 80 6 More worksites found breeding mosquitoes MOSQUITO breeding has risen by 0 8 per cent at construction sites during the past fortnight, the Environment Ministry said. During Now li-30 twentytwo (7.7 par cent) cf the 2M ronUrucUon sites lnapaetad by Ministry officials wert found to be brawling roo»--qultoaa. Durtm Uw bum
    80 words
  • 99 6 $11,000 copper wire theft THIEVES entered a Jurong storehouse and carted off 27 tonnes of copper wire worth $11,000 over the past weekend. The theft was discovered on Monday morning when Mr Lee Slew Cheong. a storekeeper of the Far Eastern Cables and Switchgear company In Jalan Tukang Ti'a. checked
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  • 64 6 Song Yew Chec. 21. of Lorong K. Telok Kurau. was yesterday fined a total of M2O by a magistrates court for three traffic offences He was fined 11 So for riding a motorcycle without a licence, another fl&O for riding lt without the owner's consent and
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  • 165 6 Singapore army officer wins Queen's Medal CANBERRA. Tues A 23 year old Singapore soldier today won the Queen's Medal, highest award for distinguished performance of academic and military studies, at graduation ceremonies at I the Royal Military College, Duntroon. Lieutenant Tan Hang < Rhee. sent to Hunt roon by the
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  • 43 6 THE Adult section of the Toa Payoh Branch L»- brary will hold a Ulk-mm-dcmonstratlon In Mandarin on Christmas rake making at Its lecture hall today at 730 pm Free admission tlckeli may ba obtained at the library's adult counter
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  • 39 6 A 48- HOUR Japanexe language ccurse (or beflnnert Is being orgsnlsed by the Adult Education Board on Sundays from 10.30 a m U. 12 30 pm st BeaUy Becondsry School centre. Beatty Read from Dec 21 onvardi
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  • 483 6 Economist wants non- tariff barriers eliminated J^ PAKISTANI economist vrslrnlav called on devdoping countries and Unclad to concentrate on polk-irs aimed at eliminating non -tariff barriers (NTBs). Dr. Akhtar Hasan j wsWBaHsaTsWBBMBasI Khan, economic con- sultant to the Ministry "^ed to be studied In of Commerce. Pakistan d<>pth the croas-sec-sald
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 105 6 Heartiest A^T£k.M A on their ongratulations to 4P%i4P%¥%4^% Official Opening pp»yrn*pcPu.fTO«t -^Body-huggers- Made in Australia }y asssssW 1 \.^aVb -SaVassssssi B BBSV^ ~"^1 ISSSM _^aw*^frsSL. Lw x^aWassßii aS9hal9L# (te 0FlllE ta) .^^t^^ajf* i«cow»no*^» aiMMiiß Sportswear Made in USA imk what goes into them. 1-Cp 'V*Y{' C*\* Jk J^ ■V'vß apart
      105 words
    • 100 6 Do something positive about guarding your children's teeth! Now there's with MFP fluoride to toughen teeth, to prevent decay. Now it's here 1 Colgate Gard The toothpaste with MFP fluoride The one that's made news around the world Tested around Why your children need the extra help of Colgate Gard,
      100 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 878 7 l_>l_*l?_2_i^^ <;anyo'<s OnlNivO .-■CS [wV *-in-i Stereo Muelc System ._d^_^^/Sa^W^^_-»^ I _^HM^fVPfH^__k cassette and cartridge deck Ample recording /^m _a^k _t_fl_^^__^.* 7 A facilities 4-channel sound through built-in iX, _^^B_)Fl j k f V '^if a^__^_^^^^^^^^^^__^am 5 NK/H \)W ftj kj > c BLs*»h«4^i3^4-Ji lifclil_l_r|^^__^^s*-L^M^' > _r9jj^_r^_rjM'-n i 9W_e! W
      878 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 706 8 ■^B^ft. S W _^^^l V T \Vrv V« i\« API w k 1 M f^k A V^k IvS «^^A^^P^^^P^H P^r/xv^P^^^^^lp^^P^P^Pm^^pl L.^P^^P^s BP^WJBW'PSWWPW BP^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ T^^P^^* P^V^^^^ p^Hp^pl p^^^^pfl p^^^f p^^^^^pl p^p^pST^^pl p^^^^^pj p^^^^p^p^F I^^p^^lp^^^^ I p9^ a hbv iy| !H kfl pP^mpwl I lpy«2 H^^pfi^n CARNIVAL REDUCTION OFFERS SHOP NOW FOR
      706 words

  • 244 9 Metric just comes easy for Madam Shum, 67 CIXTY seven yetx- old Madam Shum 3 Ing Fong is proof of what the Metrication Board has been exhorting that ope is never too old to think metric. She has Just won a a metric competition held at People's Park Complex Contestants
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  • 80 9 Principals graft trial continues rt: trial or Ng Loon Teck. 3« a Chinese school principal, on four corruption charges ln- total of SI. MO i In a district ,<-»t«nlay. ..rlnclpal of Me* T"h School In Rac* Course Road, v alleged to have obtained the cheques from Tay Slam Yong. a
    80 words
  • 312 9 FTC move to support tin market From COWARD LIU: London. Tu**4ay MORE stringent measures to supI port the depressed tin market are understood to be under discussion by the International Tin Council meeting which began in London yesterday. Among these is the level of export control which the council first
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  • 440 9 —COURT TOLD J^ MAN became angry and punched a woman chicken rice seller because she refused to let him have a bigger chicken drumstick in exchange for a previous one he ordered, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. The court also heard that
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  • 132 9 AHOLSEWIFE who threw an empty milk packet from her fifth floor flat was yesterday fined SIM or It days' Jail for littering Tan Bee Hong admitted committing the offence at Bloc* 91. raja Lebar Way. on Nov. 11 al 425 p m. frekaing for
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  • 61 9 TEN children from RTS s pcs t a Kanakkanak nrorramme left yesterday for Brunei to perform on television. Accompanied by Clk Nona Aslah Aman. their organiser and tutor, the group, whose ages range from nine to 15. will make three 30-mlnute programmes for TV Brunei for
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  • 42 9 THE Manllm Street community centre youth group commute* mill hold New Tear fhrutmu party «t 1U premise* on Dec. 27 at pm Tickets mt 12 (or youth group members and II for nonmembers arc available at the centre
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  • 179 9 Privy Council rejects $800,000 appeal lONDON. Tues. 4 Judgments of the Singapore courts !n favour of the Bank of China in htl«atlon over letters of guarantee and a deposit of title deeds by Madam Maria Chia Book Lan, of Cuacadcn Road were upneld by the Privy Council Judicial Committee- today.
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 53 9 Budget control course THE Department of Extramural Studies. University if Singapore, will hold a 14--lecture course la "Standard Coating and Budgetary Control" In Nlaten Hut 1 on Mondays and Fridays between 7pm and 9pm from Jan J Fee la 545 Further details and application forms are available from the department
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  • 336 9 DON'T SELL BEER AFTER 3 A.M., VENDOR WARNED A BEER store licensee In a housing estate was yesterday warred by the Liquors Licensing Board that his licence would be withdrawn it he continued to carry on business after 3 am Mr. T. 8. Slnnathuray. chairman of the board, told Tan
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  • 156 9 rE Labour Minister. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, has directed that the industrial dispute between the Lighter Owners' Association and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) be submitted to the Industrial Arbitration Court, according to a gazette notification. The dispute between the two parties arose
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 34 9 |IU W q gfj ""^MB^^^a^g^a^gjr^ SMOWftOOM *__J^B 4g) MM GROUNO FLOOR PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX ML TEL *****1 *****7 f^^VP OPfNS EVERYDAY 12 00 NOON 10 00P.M. g^*s*a g^*^^^*^ *BJgl s^B^**B^kw~ #*"BBBBv^ Pr^B*s>sV^p*"*il sH^^^J* 9Fj
      34 words
    • 258 9 I r^ 3 F 1 /'j&Ak SUPREME L mtr/J SUPERMARKET BASEMENT SUPREME HOUSE PENANG ROAD SINGAPORE 9 Hi f discounts N*^ p rcc parking A I I io^°\l^}a\\day Sunday )t jj service to any I JP^kVt X v S address^) I X'mas hampers available now! I ■^■9 B^s^s^gf jB^B^B^B^HB^B^B^BBBBB"H>SMCy sW^B^sV
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    • 250 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tmoo. ANOTHER hench man of notorious gang leader Botak Chin died in hospital this morning barely 12 hours after police found him with a gunshot wound in his head in his Jalan Alor hideout. Teh Bock Lay, alias Ah Chai. alias Beh
      250 words
    • 237 10 At about 11 pm last night InsD Omar bin Mohamed of "A" dlvls on and a police party went to the flat In Jalan Alor. As they walked up the staircase towards the first floor, a man dashed out carrying
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    • 222 10 Why Bar opposes Privy Council appeal ban KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Malayan Bar Council is unhappy over the proposed BUI seeking to abolish appeals to the Privy Council of criminal and constitutional cases, except In civil matters. Its secretary. Mr. P. Cumaraswamy. said today members of the council have always
      222 words
    • 25 10 Cit y-wide hunt PWANO. TMB. Police have launched a city-wide hunt for hmia* laaalen (ouowlng a aeriea of thefU •ad burf Urta* during Urn »reknid
      25 words
    • 105 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Parliamentary Secretary to tbe Ministry of Trade and Industry Knclk Mustapha All told the Dewan Rakyat today that be was not aware of any case where public companies had Offered free shares to members of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
      105 words
    • 65 10 IPOH. Tuaa. A former achool teacher petitioned hU f<n>er pupil for idmlition to tha Bar In the high court yeatertay Mr Nf Yook Woon. former teacher of Aadenon School, moved th* peutlon of Mr Tmn Kok Wha before Mr Jiwtlce Huhlm 8«nl Tbe Judf* alao admitted to
      65 words
    • 29 10 JOHORX BAKU. Tues Thieves broke into shop in Ulu Choh near hen and got sway with an It Hoc *nd 114.000 from the aafe of Urn shop
      29 words
    • 164 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Tmb. The Government will hold an open Inquiry i»te tbe deaths of infanU at the Malacca General Hospital from Nov. 17 to Nov. M, Health Minister Tan Sri Lee Siok Yew told the Dewan Rakyat today. Tan Sri Lee said this
      164 words
    • 457 10  - Berjaya 'no' to 3 polls officers Bill Campbell: Kota Kinabalu. Tues By BERJAYA Party vice-chairman, Datuk Harris Salleh, this afternoon handed two letters to the chairman of the Election Commission of Malaysia, Tan Sri Ahmat Perang, objecting to the appointment of the returning officer and two presiding officers for the
      457 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 392 10 CP Air offers transpacific flights to all major Canadian cities. Three 747 flights to Vancouver every week, from Hong Kong, with convenient CP Air connections to Eastern Canada and California. Come to Canada wrth us aboard a beautiful CP Aw 7478 the most modem PP 747.n the sky ___flß__w Our
      392 words
    • 113 10 polo FEASTING AND MERRYMAKING 24th and 25th Fun and non stop entertainment' Join in the rollicking revelry of the Madcap Students 1 And of course the best beef in town and a cellar of wine for the toasts <£rki!~~\\ iy^isanny Koh carolling at the <Vs^|\ *JV/ organ A lavish spread
      113 words

  • 255 11 By CHOO WAI HONG LAW and order has been so much a Dart pi retired police officer Neo Kirn Swee's life that he .*t<st could not stand beck and Ignore srmcthlnK illegal being done. Thus vhen he saw 19--yfar-old Tay Bens: Chew
    255 words
  • 216 11 Court orders sale of cargo ship MR. Jastlce Window yesterday granted in the Hi c h ooa t aa order for the appraisement and sale of a ear g vessel. Bed Eagle, which was refloated after sinking in Tanjong Rhu waters. The order arose from a motion, moved by Mr.
    216 words
  • 44 11 CHOW Phut Leon*. motorist, wu lined ISO by maftrtrmU'i court yesterday when he admitted a chart* of falling to five way to a vehicle from the front otfude at the Junction of Chow Pang Road and Seobawang Road on Auf 28
    44 words
  • 255 11 J^S Australian manufacturing company with a factory in Singapore has attributed its success largely to the fact that direct labour costs in the Republic approximate one-sixth of the ml ing rates in Australia. "With this base, we are able to compete effectively
    255 words
  • 127 11 Aussie boss praises local employees an experienced local man In charge. For this purpose I strongly recommend the employment of a qualified local personnel officer On the plant labour force. Mr. Foster said that the average level of their education was around the Victorian School Certificate level. This was Ideal
    127 words
  • 211 11 FIVE men, said to be members of a drug trafficking syndicate, were yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with trafficking 108 kilos of raw opium on Sunday night. Nc plea was recorded. The ca-v will be mentioned on Dec 30. pending chemists report.
    211 words
  • 72 11 CHAN Boy Tee. a lorry driver, was fined fIM by a magUtraU'i court yesterday after he pleaded sullty to a eharfe of driving In a earcleu manner at the Junction of Whltley Road and Duneam Road on Aug 17 at 1 JO m The court heard
    72 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 morjco polo /BRINGS IN ••SAjol//^ Auld aquamtance be forgot and never L. ~>ught to mind Should Auld aquamtance be forgot for the sake of Auld Lang Syne For Auld Lang Syne my friends We'll take a cup of kindness yet qq For the sake of Auld Lang Syne* t Amazing
      118 words
    • 188 11 a f/m I ssmfi I \^T Mhjk /Kr ssm. .^fl a fl sssV Tsi^B gfatf Lsr^LssW Bki/" BSSSSY A. V^Lsw^^ VSli ssssssSssWMaMatsssss^ssssH Want to be a good secretary? J BBHaV BBBBBBBBBBBBst I .SBBBBBBBBBBBBfe*^ isSSSSSSte^ Wf WV-^ C Then come to us. \S^y ©ffIGH STREET V^l^. CX3MMERCI ALTRAINING^ CENTRE (PTE) LTD.
      188 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 310 11 Bringing Up F«tlf» sly IMI KavsMMsgn Ml C— »■> C\u> i 1 ImSsKT/^y you A r ~<fj&** >ou V SAP PON" >C_ F/U» .%-E\ T ->^ r Oe^E BWCy PRS^V J SAP M3u NEVBT J OS-.V WBAS- S.S3v^95ES> \K- A Q vCw Sfß? S. WIVU* SUN- Z MA SZ V
      310 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 381 12 f "Season f romToMORROW"}: Simultaneously at 2 Theatres nrif a fiinilE w w w nun ikh IlLfl CX ULUIIL MILY: 11. 131. .15. lIS 2 The box-office CONQUEROR tf "Airport 1975', "Uft I Let lit" J Man with the Golden Gh" I "Jesis Christ Siperstar" w I HONGKONG A^B^B^S^bl B^
      381 words
    • 266 12 I* Friday V Siliiiaj Vi.iifV I at CAPITOL-BOOK NOW The lit Hack t leaitifil Cl«o|utr« I lones explodes uto actwi it HMf>»a|'s •atertroßt. ajMtaft itritan a casiios! JbVK BY /I Va^Bw J IaaBB^BW i #VibhK II KbVi TUtll HtSAN TtWt SlttU STt,\m CLEOPrTTRfIJDNES lido-luwshwlnc! I WLMS LENGTH 4 SHOWS DAILY
      266 words
    • 326 12 goldenl kongchian NOW SHOWING REVISIO TIMIS DUE TO FILM'S LENOTH MOTI OOLOEN: 11am. 2.15. 5. J0 A S.4SMN. TIMES KOMO CHIAN: 2 15pm. S3O a 145PM TO WM IKB MAkIH, JJJ^Jg" Mi CWT M ffIKSUK!! N Let Djpnnty —n »i lawti ta» t— D#OB)(J *i GOO »*^Si^ Ikaaa I POIXSII
      326 words
      218 words
    • 739 12 .w.vwwwvywwssw. BtCATHAV: LAST OAT 1 i Ikm 700 4 t Ma~ < > MANDAIIN V|IIIC»4 S A GoMan Horvwt 1 Wok Company Co-Product<on.' TMI MAM ttOM MOM« KOHS" Jtfnmv Wong Yu i Gaoro* Loicntnr CoterScop* '< O ENS TOMORROW KALIIOOSCOfT* (Marxtorin) S Mary Lu. CK«n Sa U > CotorScoo* 1
      739 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 298 13 £#Vbß»# B^h VAaTaV^'ftßi #B| aTßfAß^^r" sayrtwttha Ja) aall^O/)/)/^' LFUWIT ZUU\J The paß Koines in a cfcstino^Hiad gift pack. Ib^^^^j^blbbbbbb .^bb &bb^b9 S^&2mtA W /K\Mllj V^^^a^l^flßl l\V/^uUI V>>^i 'imshedm «>WV^b#Bl matte black <^^^alm| V^ B^^lamy pens w^/fe^l |^^m| as £>o/ct as fftey 00* Stylis^i aY yaf/aTii trimmed with a) T aW
      298 words
    • 444 13 >^^gr^^B6iiiaß>^^^ Bflflß ju jk rnonoorins ilj ~j '7 Bi^n \/v^bt BT jL If vAJF V -Jr x 6 1 _J It's Country 'n Western time at the Four Seasons: I *Great Western Favourites for your listening I dancing pleasure f-g »> *Superb Mexican Continental dishes j Open: 7 pm to
      444 words
    • 404 13 CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT J± DEC 11 Special X'mas Buffet Lunch -T7 V# a. f I (12 noon to 3 pm). Adults $11. fittt^Cnfi/1C except few Dec. 25. >^t F DEC. 24 Gala X'mas Dinner Dance Jw^^aw tCrtHi ,1 w i Mi H*+i .^r (Bpm to lam). Dinner, glass D IWI ill
      404 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 438 14 PRESIDENT Ford seems to have had two parallel objectives in announcing in Honolulu his six-point Pacific Doctrine Following the recent American defeat in Indochina, he is clearly determined to head off any backlash tendency in the United States, particularly with the approach of a presidential election, towards a
      438 words
    • 163 14 TWE most logical place to implement 1 the call by Prof. Wong Lin Ken for a national campaign to encourage reading lor pleasure is in our schools. Not many schools are renowned for producing school leavers with initiative and the ability to think critically. This is because
      163 words
  • 277 14 MICHAEL 10CKLEY reports froa AMSTERDAM THE young South Moluccan gunmen holding dozens of hostages in Holland are members of a new generation of exiles increasingly prepared to use violence to gain independence for a faraway "homeland" they have never seen. The gunmen, members of
    277 words
  • 578 14  -  JOHN GALE: By Amsterdam THt milkman no longer calls and the children stay Indoors In the well-to-do district known as "Behind the Concert Ball." At the Indonesian Consulate, around the corner from the fashionable Konlnrinneweg (Queen's Way), po ice keep a
    578 words
  • 663 14 They planned to ram the gates of the Royal Palace In Soestdljk. Central Holland with trucks and overpower the elite Rovai Constabulary Guards Inside Previously, extremists had tried to kidnap the Indonesian ambassador and last December about 600 young Moluccans attacked
    Reuter  -  663 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 17 14 SEIKO On art 7 DRESS WATCH The Lady's Quartz Watch Stylishly Accurate. SEIKO tadftcn t Itcrnatogy 4100-6009
      17 words
    • 198 14 Highlights for today Islamic view on corruption. Hari Raya Haji: Apology from Mufti. Tragedy strikes just before wedding bells. Religious study not in school curriculum. Badminton Singapore's hope in SEAP Cames dim Soccer: Can Singapore repeat its performance in 1968 by beating Burma? nothing EE3lfi®\ could be fe=#C simpler ff^^^^^R
      198 words

  • 214 15 12 sunny smiles to brighten up Press ball njTWKLVK different 1 tmilM S«t amen •nc aa sanay aa the •ihcr. Thar tiliai U the flaaltste of the Preo FiUiu—i baanty contest, argaasui by the niajsaf Frssa CtMb. •A* pretty Usata wUI take th« catwalk at tha CrymUl Ballroom. Hyatt Hotel.
    214 words
  • 20 15 THX Photographic Society of atntapore will hold Ha ««nmi dinner at Oxford Rastaurant RELC bulknnf. on Dec. I*.
    20 words
  • 90 15 6 HURT AS LORRY OVERTURNS SIX people wore injured, three of lhrm sertorsly. when th«'.r lorry overturned alone 10 km Yto Chu King Road ytfterday. They were taken to TVia Payoh Hospital where the wrtouMy Injured, including the driver, were warded Th« others were United a» outpatients Police said the
    90 words
  • 38 15 Centre's radio courses KRITA Ayer technical study centre wll. orranlie radio and electrical courses In February next year Interested studcr.U can enrol (or the course* at the centre. 115-B. Sago Lane, on weekdar* between 7.30 to 10 pm
    38 words
  • 180 15 THREE DIE IN ROAD CRASHES IN 48 HOURS THREE pedestrians. Including a five-year-old boy. died In separate road accidents during the past 4a hours. A fourth pedestrian. Mr Lek Wey Poo. who was seriously Injured In an accident on Saturday, died at Toa Payoh Hospital yesterday. Mr. Lek. 44. was
    180 words
  • 250 15 gIXGAPORE Bus Service drivers who are lute in arriving or setting out from termini will be sacked. According to sources, a number of drivers have already been dismissed for persistently being late without excuse. With the formation of the traffic regulators unit.
    250 words
  • 24 15 QUEENSTOWN community centre will organist course* on toy ma ling. flowermaklnc tal chi chuan. Interior decoration, and Padang curry, from next month.
    24 words
  • 56 15 HARI Raya Hail will fall on Friday and not Saturday at annoanced earlier, the Muslim' Religions Council said yesterday. However. Saturday will still he a pabUc holiday as g net ted The council calls on employers In the private sector to allow their Muslim staff time
    56 words
  • 40 15 MOTOSUBT Tan Kok soo. of Jalan Purism was yeaUrdav fined SW by a magistrate's court for entering the retnctod sane at the Junction of Orchard and Scotu Reads at t4l am on Aug. 1* without an area licence
    40 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 74 15 m <^M ts^asa.^. A ■2\^K| ast TaasW I MA Mk Mk. W Raßßftsaajv. QIdSSBS 2 beautiful champagne glasses free when you buy 2 dozen bottles of Babycham. Every bottle tills one Olass U with sparkling Babycham You'll love aWrHn. JH-i*7 its bubbly, sparkling taste Hurry, get r f, your glasses
      74 words
    • 224 15 jj»e I 12.500 111,000 Btu. Get your Carrier comfort machine from: f^pffff^j^ ISLAND AIR CONDITIONING Dreaming of a house? Buy it now with the help of Chase Fed up with paying rent you about the advantages but naven't enough of Chase housing loans money to buy a house 9 Like
      224 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 879 15 Un your rv SINGAPORE 5 IN PM Opera* and Hnalah Keliarga (Malay) 7.65 taA JMH i Cestract (ftajut) US Diary of Events (Mtssy) 7JI Ism aal 3JI General Hospital Jj -|"V'" *$vSS ill Tmanika (Repeat) IMUmf 4JJ Intermission 146 VII Se» tmm LSI Opening and Evan's Comer 1115 The Fanatics
      879 words

      • 62 16 C. LMM 1. (MB rxi > Dirt; o» J 04 1 M I 1 M IM I 1 33 I 1 M f 121 I MS DM I 1 72 -KM .M M ♦01 ♦03 .M 0J +jM •02 0J Most ictlvi ttoekt Mm Otrtr iU.— ■•a ■aMt^a 1TMM
        62 words
      • 35 16 00 k«to )IT L Hut L*MW arb. L Mi rite Laa M*W. 10 43 11 S3 ton 1141 13 12 tou •0 3* 10 64 OS 01 03 OS at .01 V* .01 -.01
        35 words
      • 65 16 Dm. Dm. ft B.T. lain 1HU 1I1JI latotrtata U1M ttlJt FIbibii: WLM W4J1 I Hotrh lfJ.M IIUI rnpcrtlra 151 74 t Ttos: M.M MJT t rafekrn SUJ* S1LM t aCAC: MU1 MSJ« SJf.i. lad.: MTU M»J7 ft Jan. 1. ltTI 1M Dtc. M. 1M« 1M f Dae. 11.
        65 words
    • 1142 16 TSB last transacted ready seat si Ute cloa* of tiusinss* on u-.e Stock ■trhanue of auis-pcrr >eurro»r compared wiui the prevknto day's price* toieUier aitii 1876 high and A.:;.i*ted (or atrip, ngbu l«*u*>. KUUITDIALI I LMt -15 Arm I M 1 M M) 0O» M ■i Hrt-. I
      1,142 words
    • 968 16 BID a;id offer prices of finally I Uated and buatneas In I and reported to the I Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* in lota of 1.000 unit* unleas otherwia* specified All Time Bargalna or Settlement Contrsru are
      968 words
    • 53 16 LONDON: Pleasey Intend* to Issue around 47J million ordinary shares denominated in sterling and the US dollar through a one-for-four rights at SOp per ordinary and the equivalent per do.lar ordinary. The Issue, which will raise between C 25-2 million and £28.3 million, will reduce bank borrowings and Increase
      53 words
    • 971 16 BID and otter pi Ices off lculljr and busineM vi and repot Ud to the Kuala Lumpur tMoca Excharce y«sierda> with the number of ariarea traded inotn in bracket*, in lute of I.UOO units, unite* otrwrsiae specified INDUSTRIALS A. Tial <U tSH II) V 43. 11l a M
      971 words
    • 324 16 Sharesin KL end higher SMALL buyinf support lifted prices fracUonaliy higher on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Trading was qutet. Light interest In the moralng raw most traded counters gaining marginal ground Hornever, this was not sustained and seme 0* the grins wete eroded In the easier afternoon session.
      324 words
    • 970 16 (.■Uric 2 008 2 03S) (4) 3 02. ill 2 00. (3) 3.01 Hartmau OMB 0 56',8i (1) 057. iSi O.MS. (16) OM Sett I 0 568) H. i.iinilan (4 108). Hum FE. 1 628 1640) lAC 1 3 058 1 Inckcaa* (1.558 1.878) (1) 155. (30)
      970 words
    • 37 16 NEW YORK Babcock International Inc.. has extended Its '.ncreastC offer for American Chain and Cable common stock at US$29 net per share In c;.sh until r>c 19. The offer was to hare expired on Dec. 5.
      37 words
    • 62 16 I. Mita OM i M< $7i6 ItaM Darbj U 28 OB MOO I »t>W» tl 27 iwnl |2 U M OS 04 04 03 4 03 0 Fills <»l I run |1 70 tmk w«o N-n lI.U »0 IS M i U 30 H«hm Hi (On
      62 words
    • 110 16 WESTLB takes majority ASIAC stake HONOKONO: Westdeutsche Landesbank Olrozentrale (WEBTLB) and Hutchison International said WEBTLB has taken a 54.5 per cent stake In merchant bank Asian International Acceptances and Capital (ASIACi. WESTLB converted HK $3O mil lon of Its $75 million capital notes in ASIAC Into shares, raising ASIACs paid-up
      110 words
    • 54 16 PHILIPS, the Dutch electronics group. U to pay an Interim dividend of 0.40 guilder or four per cent pc/ ordinary share for the current year endIng December 1975 compared with 060 guilder. or six per cent, last time. Philips N.V will make a similar distribution, according
      54 words
    • 94 16 THE US was quiet and thin while Europe remained traoeless and dull on Monday, accurding to MPOPA QjoutKns in US*, cenu iRo terdami unless stated were: Afloat 17/16 50 cente/84JC sellers; Dec 16 cent* 8410 sellers Jan 15 75 cent* 1380 sellers. 8370 buyers Peb 15 50 cents/
      94 words
      • 164 16 -rOKTO. Tub*. The mar- ket declined slowly after opening steady with dealers discouraged by slower recovery of Japanese economic activity The Dow Jones average lost 34 47 to 4 033 02 with the volume rtrtng to 150 million shares from 140 million yesterday The New index closed at MM.
        164 words
      • 251 16 SYDNEY Tues Moat mining, oil and Industrial leaders closed lower, with selling continuing to domlnste trading, dealers said The Sydney All-Ordlnarlea Index tumbled 5 19 point* to U4 98 Among minings Pcfca-WaU- sea* dropped to AB4 50 and Pancoatlaratal fell to 88 40 Toaar Mows mHal« pnen la AaaUallaa
        251 words
      • 242 16 THE straits tin price surged 84 12i to 8838 124 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering down 38 tons to Itl tons. The overnight London market was steady with forward Duyers price edging £1 higher io £3.095 per metric tons LONDON: Tin closed unI changed
        242 words
      • 26 16 Rubber Dec. S Singapore: Jan. 151 58 cU. tunrh i Malaysia: Jan. 154.75 cU. (down 85 ct Official offering: 191 tons (down 39 tons).
        26 words
      • 107 16 /'minim moouci CMANCf lINOAPOai NOON v.:?.Vo;v" ie cut Cnml »H Bulk IMt Mlitn. old drum |S7| Hll>n. arm (S2« a«ll«n. Caera: Miutf (laaao UK/ Coal (M buy*n. Muaiok AST A >mi> fob. 100* NL.W (2S:t aalwn. Barawmk »hit* fob f% NLW SMTt aallara. Sara»*k apr.iai Mack f.o.b. NL.W (IST|
        107 words
      • 34 16 LanSoa ropp»r pricn an Monday <pr*vioua in brackrtai «MMr Spat twr*r IMT HMD Mltar 1457 JO UM2SO' Thr*» Moat* buy»r IM7.SQ (I**3) —Hrr (MS <fMl> Hirttl tm Vary Itol4y. Mim: 10*00 toaaos
        34 words
      • 589 16 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday was quiet and featureless In the moming but at one stage gained up to one cent on Mondays close Operators appeared to be testing the present level. Turnover was small The morning session closed very quiet The afternoon session was quiet and slightly
        589 words
      • 116 16 r\AILY BO and 8BR prtcet Uaucd a uoon mttrdnjr JM. Ft*. M»LI (CwrMUMIkl iF<mi41ltki SMR 6CV (1 ton ptllet) 162 M 1«3 60N 163 50 164 JON SMR 4L (1 Ion pallet i 160 JO 161 SON ***** 162 SON SMR (1 too pallet' 157 50 1MMN
        116 words
    • Edited by TSAI TAN
      • 222 16 JJONOKO.VO Tues— The market was unchanged In moderately high turn- over, dealers laid. Prices were firm during th« morning session but lost ground In the afternoon as a result of a Utiie proflt-uklng. Trading was concentrated. as In recent tons, on the ■bb*t»sb, Skaacaal Baak and Jarutae Malta* aa.
        222 words
      • 254 16 \EW YORK. Mon. A^ Price* turned mixed In moderate trading on the New York Stock Exchange today as the list took a breather from last week's sinking spell that clipped 41 17 poinu lrom the Dow Jones Industrial average Investors appeared to be assessing the present levels of
        254 words
      • 141 16 Mw**r FrM*r USS UM IMMMM II) HITS IIO4S laaisa 1M.758 117. 50 a ist.mb i»» n* B»lr»( Uaar IS* M Clutch IjTOOB 117. TSB irr 7s* iss m* Para 140 S3 mi i: Tuaieay Ma~aar ■ia»m IST TO IKW I'pm (2) IM.JIB IJ7 J«B IM.TM IMM Eaport prma
        141 words
      • 107 16 us \M lAL TIMES INUI MXI \l> Monday 360 8 Friday 367 6 Week ago TINs Monday MM Friday 90 66 Week ago 92 06 Xt KIUKMonoay 376 17 Friday IT9 18 Week ago 176.64 OILS Monday 11(71 Friday 121 11 Week ago 331 17 DOW JUNKS AVIRUiI. INDUSTRIALS
        107 words
    • 229 16 rpHI US dollar opened marginally lower at 82 4*60 SO in the Singapore forex market yesterday There was no clear trend for the US unit, resulting In featureless trading, and the dollar closed quiet at 82 4865 60 Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3.00 pJB. 1 Month
      229 words
    • 179 16 Suf tasted interbank rate» »t 300 p m CaiTcmrta Nominal rate* SmlUuonUn Pcrccotxe «a*«e4 rrtitr*M\ lena) paxlty etaaf* US dollmr 2 4955 2 4960 2 8196 -1149 Sterling pound 5 0510 5 0530 7 346» —1188 Houikung dollar 49 3 j 49 40 50 51 3 30 lialaytlan
      179 words
    • 295 16 ASIAN currency depoui lntei bank rataa at at clom on TueacUjr. Dae. t: V% Dallar (Spati Offer IU 7 dan j 7 16 n ii 1 mth 6 14 6 11 1 mthi 6 12 1 3 mths 6 14 Dl 6 mthi Till 7 7 16
      295 words
    • 63 16 Prime lending rates (in Alg«m«r« Bonk 7 f Ch.cogo Bongkok Bonk 7'-j FfsiCß Book 0» Am*f,co 6"J HKSBC Bonk o> CHino 7 Molayon Bonking Bonk o* Tokyo 7 M,t» v Bonk Bonk Nagoro I noortMio 7 i OC^Bongo* d« L Indochin* 7 OUB Ch O rttf«d Bonk f% !JCB Chow
      63 words

  • CITY DESK Contd
    • 278 17 FIE dull property mar- Most of the profits arU-*<-t might have hit ing from the sale of jther developers but houses In Pha*e 14 hay* not Buklt Sembawang now been realised, and Estates It has n>t only are Included In the lntemanaged to shrug oft rim.
      278 words
      • 60 17 AMSTERDAM M Slum MN IHIIIaMI •lightly higher in ,/ji»t trmdlng rtr«lrr» iaid Amonf ftntcr Dutch intrrnatt i uli rhilip. remained vi at an ex dividend price of n SO cuilden Shipping*. tUjrM and tr. t butlu and lruurance* «ie higher with individual rtrona gmer. E*V. VMF. Elartirra, h" «nd
        60 words
      • 183 17 yVRICH M.n Dttwu th* unm«pirinc perforniace tt Wall street ihe Mock nurfcrt cl M«d *•»■> on f«ir trading Bondt were well mawnmwt SulMt lndrx .•jvrrtolMß n H»>.. frmi... «»r-.n.# on ikt prt■l .r.i t .r..r.. P. rieuj iNmi print P AkM 40.M m Hoa Hoocovana MOO M Phlltp.
        183 words
    • 444 17 Wm Jacks suffers big setback A VERY difficult first half year *aa followed by an even worse second six months at William Jacks (Malaya). This is the sorry tale which its full year results tell. Group profit* have plunged 63 1 per cent to II 91 million and shareholders get
      444 words
    • 247 17 THE star which Is shinIng the brightest at the moment In the boomIng Australian stock j market Is Pancontlnental Mining, hailed to be a second Poseidon km. as stock market pundits would remember, was the »0day wonxler In the 1969Tt mining boom, when fortunes were made
      247 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 711 17 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE FIREMEN S-nfopor* Km Irif l i^QvW AvMt«WI D*p*fttw#nt Applications arc invited from Siwf p*n CMmw Mmnwiirt mi<«»H o* Sjwmmm b*tw««n 17 26 ycoi* of age who hoy« poucd Primary 6 in o Government or Government Aided School ond or* physically fit with the following physical measurements Minimum
      711 words
    • 524 17 Our client, a large company dealing^^ in animal feed, has a vacancy for the 1 position Aceuitail Qualification Experience Applicant should be oiofessionally qualified and eligible for membership to the Singapore Society of Accountants. He should have a minimum of 5 years working experience, some of which should have been
      524 words
    • 1328 17 Kffl EASTMAN CHEMICAL INTERNATIONAL COMPANY (SUBSIDIARY OF EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY) HONGKONG TECHNICAL MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE (PLASTICS) Eastman is currently expanding its Far East Marketing operations and requires a technical marketing representative (plastics) to reside in Hong Kong and travel extensively throughout Asia Candidates should be a graduate or diplomate in Engineering
      1,328 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 620 18 ACCOUNTANT Our client, a U>oding merchant bonk seeks the services of an experienced Accountant to report to the General Manoger The appointee will be responsible tor the manogement of the accounts deportment, preparation of statutory and manogement accounts, budgets and associated manocement reports. In addition to active participation m the
      620 words
    • 755 18 MINISTMY Or KDl'l ATION f nIM.APOKK t ITY \M> (.111 DS Or* LONDON INSTITITr: h\ \MINATIONS (MAY/ JINK) It 7( Entries to the above Exa- ruination* will be recelvd at. Miaittry of EaucaUwi Inform* I ion. Public Service ounter < .n.und Floor Kay Siaag Road Singapore 141 I during the
      755 words
    • 453 18 WARNING NOTICE NEW BOTTLING DESIGNS FROM TAY MIANG HUAT DISTILLERY (PTE) LTD. Messrs Tay Mian* Huat Distillery (Pie) Ltd. arc well established distillers of the follow ing 1 1 brands of »inc. Use II brands' trad* name* on the tables are:--1) Baa Siew Tone Med. Sarasoo 7) While Stag Bw
      453 words
      160 words
    • 218 18 GENERATING SETS 45 3125 KVA Caterpillar. G.M. E.M.D. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BY AIR The Diesel Generating Co. Ltd., Burway. Ludlow. UK Tel: Ludlow 2101 Telex ***** Cables: Gardlesel Ludlowsalop Saudi Arabian Shipping and Transportation Company Ltd. Far East/Middle East Line lM*aj fcr HMI UmtUM. UMIT tM MUH. tMUM ftM U Mt
      218 words
    • 821 18 j- .SUM A LINE I COPENHAGEN hmnwii uuimmmi uniti t« iywi MjMI IM«MJ*r < IlltHl IMM M II UNI Wl* MMM* «M n a »m ni* *m n n >« MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE im i«t \M*t tmiMiH Ii Mt Ittwt 1t« IMIM] 11 U Ma tl II Ml !><»«- fit
      821 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1076 19 inVIAfIIIAT '""M" —»m afM* aa-t »l RUWLOUI a., vim im im laa IMa M lim.. II Ml II Ml II M It Ml 'I IM II IM aMt aM BM 71 Ma II M TMM Mf I Ma I m II M 1 111 I IM a Ma MMAMI II
      1,076 words
    • 1326 19 \BenOcean AtnnttimT&LißenUneßkjpFUnnplGlpnLjnPdndNSMO ia M na) Mao Tmm P H'hhj Paaaj laaai »M--IKMTMHM it M) ta It/a Ml «).tl Mt ll M la*. OMff "a" UPIMt lIM nTI Ml l"l M M fM <M ■a»|. Ma lan ITMti i I'l 1 M I* iw. X, faM. H Hl'l'M 71 B Ma
      1,326 words
    • 1208 19 il iimw wmn rwaa •a. iivlmi mt ,vt: *?L rb "S HtUM lITMU II Mt 71 Ml Mft ItM HM II Ma CITT m lliaMMa II Mt a Ml alia BM lIM HIM IMfl Ml IM I Ml IN* 1 IM a I*. lIUIHI It Ma MM I IM
      1,208 words
    • 1146 19 ■»IW— M*^^fc*—a4^fc I I *t^HMMVi>>Jl^l^^fa.M*irf^B*l^MaaMMM>^lßH*«Miß*MMaM«l*V FULLY CONTAINKIZtD SttVICE TO EUKOft p «*"m» i ae~ fM Si-S" t. <wt-*-. '-iwr, i. m*.. MWI MtfT Ml MIMM Mil MU mmmr t- *Ml*r**aM. ?{t'ih'j""' Z Ja 1 Man C MtkMtart «kaw Pat II PM ll S»CI**JM. Otto HtHaki. UlttM (rafiH. Caaaj Imm iCi
      1,146 words
    • 689 19 fetW*" 11M44 P MM| tMi II TOTII. Pm*** TSUI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMB fM I S nu lIUH MM Mil 1.1. Mmm.. J S M-t I M 11 Ml ■MM MMMI M««. 1 1 MM f t i m. ia-. MM. Imi •MM IMT I IMI* IPMU. PM M«MM
      689 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1073 20 JY^- KAWASAKI RJSEN ILAJSHA LTD fMUT M.TIMIIUI 9IVIC( T* lunti |Vla Mil mm* II Me 77 Mr 7t Me II Me •iPTJW Ufiu.l nt Io Ptrt II Me MMc In S M rtwaa lurtpi (Via »avem| ■CFTM StffWM IK Of t Itc Mai Mr MM S pt' MM Ostai Rott
      1,073 words
    • 1009 20 laa ITa IT* ll MMTI OtlM N Im* Iraki I Ml M Mt MMTI IMM atMM It 0k B Pm *)»a.U »«r ■mm ttaat it 0k n 0m turn Miiomhi i i» MU fMIHM*T IM*MO II an aMe Imm, «■>■■■■ Irtattm 11a> I'm* SM*M MM. tIM WM. SaßSßrt 1 Tfi
      1,009 words
    • 1092 20 hut cMTTiaorso sanna n nww hrn oplt iw > »»iit r >wi i>Hi aMMit roM tt'lalli IMJMIIO taUtt MM II Ma II 0m Bom nOk Bttl 111 l lIUIIIMI iMMt laj*M UM HMt M*M H*M *trr«M immii iw iim i M' a n I M im MilaiM liMjttlo !l ht
      1,092 words
    • 843 20 CVKSS SOmCI Tl IIMPMi inffWJH CMTHKr POITS |>au *t taati i m »t~t ittMR Mr CaMMI .11 ij xriKl 1 7 Mau iiti n»okiiaok ti i mi iyi n iwli: omi 1 >> llm Pnata ll »x MMU IMWK ll ll Mi alMai t aa ii, N c*..t l Mi
      843 words
    • 795 20 aw W. I Im^ '■I Ibk aMii?^^il*^G ff a~~» ...MMjtnMiMM. Da. out ,n», Apunra dan j E^T^r Mt.'T.TrS:: *1 W»*|. Fonunr Trmdrr a Blu» SJvar* 23 M. KUu an I >"*<* m HI and cmi t2.»3 and Lion Otytf i CaaMM Sam suni^ht 1 Hartr i And K.. m sirlKtiili
      795 words

  • 85 21 I jOkni 6ORTHWICK Mana- I c and Shang- 1 t Corporation Ban- 1 <awan passer! away In 1 idaj I [)erem- I T inr>rnl(e Wells Crematorium A memorial ser- MBI John's in Hongxong on •rr.her at 5 30 881 MRS WONG FAN SM4N nee Chang passed sway I
    85 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 439 21 classified ads <M Classifieds Columns 145 149 Canfixyour •TV Radio Frrdqe wST j Floor Lights Carpets Air -Cons Plumbing Etc LOUISE KLERK 6 BALONB in rsper' perming and CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THC < FAMILY Spocttl O*~~t Open 16 am IN c m Soiaomt union CHMsltoii Boot I Centre r ot
      439 words
    • 714 21 A well IMSSMMIIS Mltsjplng com pany requires UItPFIIIO EXECUTIVE Please apply with full partirulan to 6 T BOX A ***** together with tsMphone number Bf MSMStBJMtsTwMB SJSMB SECRETARY required by large International American company The candidate must have prertous experience ins similar poaiLion with a good command of written and
      714 words
    • 768 21 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FIRM requires Receptionist Typists Experience in tabulation sdvanlage Intermediate Junior Audit clerks with I 2 yean experience Apply with telephone number to S t Box A ***** CREDIT CONTROLLER Foreign Company requires a credit controller Applicants must be experienced in controlling credit limits. I collecting debu and preparing
      768 words
    • 695 21 LAOSEB AMB BBHTLISJIN why not earn some extra money during your leuure time by selling beautiful greeting cards Call per- sonally to 173. Ist floor International Plasa or phone 2203*41 between 10 »am 530 p m I MtOH ReCOSMI POB4TIOMB Rapidly expanding tales I organisation requires young men and women
      695 words
    • 702 21 POSMBUN, FITTCR, WILOCR and apprentice required for engineering works Apply to 216-A Upper Jurong Road. Spore 22 Applications are invited for male rituens to nil the position ot PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN Trade Certificate in Mechanical know-how preferably with 1 1 years working experience in installation and maintenance of machines used for
      702 words
    • 695 21 KO6SATSU BPORI PTI. Ltd Jjrong Centre offers immediate employment for casual storehand Requirements Applicants must be Spore Ctusens and completed full-time N s training Age above 21 years. Company transport will be available Salary negotiable Please apply IB own handwriting stating full detauls. experience and qualifications or personally to >
      695 words
    • 833 21 UsBOUMR* ASM ASOVt twenty I Apply 111 Dsarh Road Singapore TRAINED EXPERIENCED ENO LISN nanny seeks permanent position nanny housekeeper sorisl serrelary Hong Kong. Singapore Kuala Lumpur areas Salary negotiable Repl) Borneo Bulletin Box No 1310 Kuala Belall Brunei ELBCTHSCAL INOINMR Electoral engineer. Flea. Mice. P Eng. with 18 yrs
      833 words
    • 849 21 DIST 11 BIAUTIFUL 1-STOMV Ameriran Town House 3 bedrooms plus den split-level living dining nice garden Available Ist January Also new modern 2-storey split-level terrace house 3 bedrooms. Italian floor tiles throughout at 10 nuies Changi Tel 407*36 OITACNIO BUNGALOWS kinssmiad Road Victoria Park Holland Orove Blnjal Park/ Oemenu Park/
      849 words
    • 688 21 CAVINAOH COURT FURMISMBB. beautifully painted marble floors, wooden panels aircondiuoners. telephone, servant s amenities, etc Tel: 88SC7/ *****8 LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS AT LIONM HILL Roma) SMs 81.100 233 sq m (2300 sq ft 4 bsKSfOOCTU 830 168 sq m (1800 sq ft i 3 bedrwms Spacious landscaped grounds csalasl Aas4. Lanwa'
      688 words
    • 730 21 APARTMENTS BUMBALOW* SEMI DETACHED Any Dls irvu Require Urgently HA Petroleum V ti Staffs Immediate Occupation 35T367 mi no CONSULTANT MMUi has for eign executive clients for detached, semi -detached and apartments in disu 9 10 II anal 21 preferably unfurnished, rentals from $1,000 $4 060 Please call *****3 6
      730 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 505 22 I fW/TTmvwr i.rl'.ir «t.. rey sen «r .i.iiai >t.iU BXKBs] -rifl parquet notsrt h- nrt Satan* !"rf*l SCNssSTT ESTATE (BUTTBRFLV Avenue) douMe-ttorey teanl-de- no to ft 3 bedrooms. tieOOM Ace2S*o*a HBNRT PARS I STORE Y lerrare 820 o*o .-:t pot session, facing S i frcnarti Houtsna 2354TT2 CONMWAU. OAROCNS (I*l
      505 words
    • 718 22 IIiaiWOWIT PLAT WITH tenant -nt opportunity Call 25*2988 office H***** rr-»l4»r. r til Lasts*! OISTNtCT 1* Duchess Avenue. Ideal piece of vacant land 000 tq ft Just right for one detached house Price 814 5* ps f (vacant posssssssal OR* ENACRg* ESTATE AGENTS (PTB) LTO Toi *1»1M tPMOi MM* SO
      718 words
    • 685 22 CENTRAL BUILDINO OFFICES/ showroom for rent opposite I Subordinate Count Complex) reasonable rent Also available self-contained office unit approximately 5 000 aq ft fully airconditioned Interested, please contact *****0 jfTl r\ INTERNATIONAL PIA2A <|N CJ office Space for Rent CJ\ %J RENTAL 81 05 per sq ft XA flu including
      685 words
    • 810 22 KALLANQ tltlH INDUSTRIAL Estate 7-storey Factory Land area 44.000 sq ft Oroundnoor Built -in area 32.000 sq ft Typical Floors Ist to *th 23--008 sq ft each Canteen Roof 1 14.M8 to ft Total construction area I*4 090 sq ft 2 Passenger UfU. J Ooods Una Sale 87 5 million
      810 words
    • 844 22 LOWEST PAMSI Singapore London or Parts. Amsterdam Roase. freakurt Copenhagen etc MSO fll, 8/11. ***** Every W**> nos*ay»*7o Singapore Lot Angelet. San Francisco Vancouver. New York 81.1*0/ 81 200 81 340 4 flighU weekly C E HOLIDAYS TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWA EXPO/ HONGKONG BANOKOK 9 12 14 Dayt 8147*/ BU7O/ 8167*
      844 words
    • 860 22 nabs ho rttni service (Singapore) Pte Limited West Malayass Tour (Inclusive Oenting. Cameron Highlands) by deluxe airconditioned bus seven days SSI7S Departure Everyday Oenting Cameron Highlands by coach Four days B*loo- Oenting Highlands four days SSI 15 Departure Everyday Bangkok Chlengmai by dehue airconditioned coach fourteen dan SS3BO 1*.' 12/75.
      860 words
    • 709 22 Os« tan w« London Eurupe B*4o/-. Sydney^ Melbourne B*oo San PrancMro Biao/-. Vancouver 812*0 Alto to I Canada. USA Tokyo. Talpeh I Hongkong Bangkok Jakarta N I T Travel. 23-B Amber Man- slon. Orchard Road 335*18 *****7 _^^*f^.Or//v t^x press offers Special Fares from Spore to Now OeM Uto Jakarta
      709 words
    • 572 22 EBIOMT ti SOUND Learn to type IN ONLY 1? HOURS' The S«ht A Sound »Vty at SECRETAHIUS Speed dcv. to 60 wpml Special rates for ttudenttl 75 Taool.n Road. *iiiiga|inrs 10 Tel: *****2 EXPERT LONDON Tuition by air Law (LL B Bar) Secretaryship (ICSA). Accountancy M i ICMA. AIA. SCCA.
      572 words
    • 674 22 aVCPBITANIAL COURSS] tor girls Preparing for LCC PITMAN BMC COLXEOE Exams Success Guaranteed Register early Details from RAJA'S COLLEOE. UMBC Building Malacca Street. 1*555*. *****01 RAJA'S COLLEGE 2180 Ihangl Road («BT*M) RAJA B COLLEOE Pre sldent Building Serangoon Road I *****1781 BE A SECRETARY FULL TIME LCC. PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE
      674 words
    • 580 22 BOOK-KitPiNQ i Heginnersi nun day 900 1100 am Commencing 14 12 75. Monday Wednesday Friday 7 00-800 pm Commencing 15 12 75 at Kirn Tian Commercial School. S-R Kirn Tian Road. (Tlong Bahru) Tel ****** 9*7311 QUALIFY IN ACCOUNTANCY through OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED COLLEGE You can quality by Mr •ime or
      580 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 280 23 •I IOOt KEEPSNcB CLIMtNTAR' K Ctvi Monday Fnciav ftoji- Momma lam Haas* Ahrnnoon 1 pa* I bjr FREE! BASK FMtoCM/JAJMIMM POWtt; SPIES OF ACCOUNTS SOCIAL ETM7UCTTE Law mm LatMjoa Trasß-8" Tradwn COMMENCING ajMstrnVV H» mkxOtoop\y Socntoriol Division Rooont Commercial Imtituts Mi Floor CRTH Bwidino. V SS. East Coost Road. N.
      280 words
    • 692 23 •I BINOAPORI INBTITUTI OP I SCIENCE. 593-A Serangoon I *****8) Science Maine- matics English. Secondary n H3 C Enrol for 1878 I B^' LEAR»/^^ |Fttto Japan*** way Mon Doc l5(8 30-9 38pa») Tt\ Dec 19 <S 30-9 38pm (inly limited place* available Enquire Enrol Today jAPAMttSC LANOUAGI CINTIof 117 Poos*
      692 words
    • 802 23 TANGLIN OcMVNM SCHOOL dual controlled Dauun 1200 available 16 Tanglin Road Tel *****9 Spore SAFITV ORIVINO INSTITUTION. completed course 20 hours 8)10. Hourly 85 50 3 Bemam Street Singapore ***** ■IOcMIIR DcMVMG SCHOOC Tel •***** ***** 189. Room I -C. New Bridge Road (Opposite People's Park Centre i NANVANG DRIVING
      802 words
    • 793 23 •NAP HUAT CO. 245 Middle Road tel *****1/ *****1 *****5 1874 Datsun 130Y Maada 888 Coupe 1 (air-con Honda Life 388 1973 Honda Civic 1288 Masda 18SS i Honda Life 380 Maada DIM* c Pick-Up) Ford Esrort 1300 XL Ford Escort (2 door) 1972 Honda 388 Dalsun 1208 s Wagon
      793 words
    • 888 23 MOtSTIRIO NOVIMBCR 1874 Re nault 1200 TL Economical Forttor. family car. 38 m p g taxed Insured, best offer secures Tel *****85 1971 CITROEN SUPER D alrcon radio. 32 000 miles, white 88.500 or offer Phone Orieve office *****4 home *****78 MAZDA 1288 STATION MOAN 1966 in excellent condition 83.500
      888 words
    • 644 23 free (".ills 0 K> 90 with SKOAL LOW PWCES «Mn you got fOM «yMTH> CAIWtTED Oxmg tNs rosbvo Scaoson For data* Can Dc» o1 B C'«tan MrfoTowor M 9aacn Road tL 2«a0»3 4 W WHEN YOU CARC but can t be there send flowers by Inurflora through the Interflora members
      644 words
    • 653 23 AT TOUR PLACI Beauty tier t in well-trained and experience* Maaaruse Masseur Pnone M7B! for appointment (II am. I p m MLAIMQ MASSAOE BY youn| qualified Masseuses Edgar Agency Ring 2SSBOS *****78 foi appointment 1 1 p m —10pm) MANOARM NCALTM Centre Man dann Hotel 3rd Floor Massage Sauna Steambath
      653 words
    • 666 23 ll«*7T*^EBIEB» il-Mllßl MAVIMQ CNILOREN-8 BMTNOAT I Party Why Not Hir* Your II I ChlMren's Slides Swings Merry- rfc 00- Round Tables 4 Chairs and r alao HousthoM Pumitur* from i CCC Junk Slor* PU LtJ 23 Newton Road Trt ***** sii(m SPtCIAL CHMtSTMAB O»r«« Rrnl a 28" colour Television and
      666 words
    • 703 23 PROCL\\UTK>\I OFSALE I Proclamation of Sale in the High Court in I Malaya at Seremban. Originating I Summonses No*. 49, 50 51 of 1975 I Between The Chartered Bank. Applicants, and Kean Leong Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.' Respondents. In pursuance of the Orders of the High Court at Seremban dated 25th
      703 words

  • 344 24 'Dental care must be available at minimal cost' I\ENTISTS were yesterday reminded of their social responsibility to see that dental care is readily available to the people at a price they can afford. This advice came r Toh Chin Chye. :ster tor Health. ne opened the M>th annual corniest of
    344 words
  • 211 24 CALL FOR FREE ELECTIONS IN BRUNEI TNITED NATIONS. U Tues The Oeneral Assembly last night reaffirmed Brunei's inalienable right to self-deter-mination and Independence, and called on Britain, the administering power, to facilitate the holding of free and democratic elections under UN supervision The resolution, approved by 119 to none with
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 77 24 POLICE RECOVER 30 WATCHES DOUCE have B> I covered M watches following the arrest of a suspected robber recently. They believe that the watchea were robbed from schoolboys in the Galllemard Koad. Jalan Besar and Dun nun Koad areas between July and November. Moat of the victims did not make
    77 words
  • 39 24 HANS Andersen Club will hold two parties for underprivileged children, on Saturdar at the Fraaer and Neave ha 1 In River Valley Road and on Dec. 27 at Raffles Hotel Be .h partita start at I p.m
    39 words
  • 145 24 M-CYCLIST WHO SPED PAST A ROAD BLOCK A MOTORCYCLIST was yesterday fined a total of $450 after he p >aded guilty to four traffic offences Police constable Ruall bin Bulat was on roadblock duty at Thomson Road on July 14 at 210 am when Shamugham Anamalay, 24, rode past without
    145 words
  • 461 24 Role of the modern woman worker J^S industrial relations officer yesterday urged woman trade unionists to initiate services for woman workers instead of depending on their male counterparts. Miss Law Swee Hong of the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers Union said: "The problems faced by women in employment are different,
    461 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 83 24 I MILUS The genuine Swiss watch; V the watch to watch fl MILUS comes in the latest styles M calendar models, automatic models 1 bppi each with that trim, slim look that's the rage Wear a MILUS. And sport a superb watch I (flfc OMILUS II II JjM |te I
      83 words
    • 369 24 I SALE BY TENDER I Scmbawang Shipyard Limttad off«r« the following Non Ferrous Scraps Vehicles and Machlner t«s for sala I 1. BRASS BORINGS AND TUBES I 2. MISCELLANEOUS SCRAPS I 3. COPPER ALLOY INGOT, WHITE METAL BABBITS AND HOYTS I WHITE METAL NO. 1568 I 4. FORD CORTINA GT
      369 words
    • 284 24 NOTICE An establishod h«avy-machin«ry company require* the following: STEEL BARGES A TUG BOATS (1) 3 i 1,000 tons barg»« tug boats (2) 3 i 250 tons barges tug boats CATERPILLAR (1) 10 Cat. OBH/270 HP. Ripper (2) 2 Cat. HI/OP. Bucket FUEL CARRIER (1) L.C.M. 1 i 50 tons or
      284 words

    • 27 25 MANCHESTER TUM Draguun Surtwk of Yugoslavia won the International Master* üble tennis tournament here yesterday when he beat England's Detmond Douglas 15-21, 11-17. 21-11 —Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 929 25  - Gudea does impressive workout EPSOM JEEP Ko-Iche looks a picture in canter on the sand By riDKA. with George Podmore astride, did an impressive gallop on a yielding track at Bukit Timah yesterday. Going from the 800 m. the flve-year-old ran the last 600 m in 38 3/5. finishing with
      929 words
    • 487 25 Russians face tough tasks in UEFA Cup F ONDON, Tuea. The European Football v Union (UEFA) Cup will be cut to the last eight clubs when the reverse legs of third round matches are played today and tomorrow at grounds, stretching from Oporto to Sochi on the Soviet Black Sea
      Reuter  -  487 words
    • 313 25 UNDON. Tun. John. H. Slracey. new world wetterwelfht champion, will return from Mexico City on Thursday to a hero's welcome In his native Cockney east end of London Toe 23-year-old bachelor. who tUU Uve* at his parents' munldpalty-own-ed apartment, became the first Briton to win the
      AP  -  313 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 282 25 L mm i for the top at I m$ Secretarius <m Leaving school? Thinking of a career? If your English is good and you're prepared to work hard a secretarial career is no* among the most attractive jobs available today. Make a success of it and you can go further
      282 words
    • 1144 25 PROCLAMATION OF SALE IN THE HIGH COUNT IN MALAYA AT PENANG HIGH COURT CIVIL SUIT NO. 74 OF 1173 Government of Malaysia Plaintiff And NTS. Arumugam Pillai Defendant 132. Penang Street. Penang In pursuance of an order by the High Court at Penang. made herein on the 7th day of
      1,144 words
    • 691 25 APPOINTMENTS Irrncianu Irngah Dr^rlopmml AuChoriO I LKTTI The Government of Malaysia has applied for a loan from the Asian Development Bank for the financing of (I) certain infrastructure In the southern part of State of Trengganu. (ID essential star equirements of the TrengKanu T~ ..i Development Authority LKTT This advertisement
      691 words

    • 320 26 MALAYSIA HUNT FOR TALENT MINISTRY TO SPEND $1.5 MIL IN 1976 TO PROMOTE SPORTS KUALA II MPUR, Tues. Malaysia's Sports Minister, Datuk AH Haji Ahmad, said his Ministry would intensify efforts to look for spo r t ing talents throughout the country. He said his Ministry planned to organise 632
      320 words
    • 433 26  - Thomas Cup veteran Ah Seng quits B. PEREIRA By rOMAS Cup player Yeo Ah Seng, who with Tan Eng Han scored Singapore's only point against Malaysia in last weekend's Cup tie. yesterday announc- ed his retirement from international badminton. In a letter to SBA secretary Robin Chan, the 31 -year-old
      433 words
    • 284 26 CTOCKHOLsJ. Tuea— The Mg. the bad and the ugly players face stiff penalties for stepping out of line on the men's tennis circuit next year. Those big tennis stars with a pei tenant for bad language and ugly behaviour received warning yesterday In a
      284 words
    • 330 26  - Forces allow Edmund to play for Tampines JCE DCRAI By EDMUND WEE, a National Serviceman and our most promising goalkeeper, will play for Tampines Rovers In the President's Cup soccer final against Armed Forces at the National Stadium on Dec. 19. This was rr-fde possible by Armed Forces, who have
      330 words
    • 305 26 OERTH, Tues. Leg spinner Bob Paulsen took eight wickets for 71 runs and led western Australia to an amazing 115-run victory over the touring West Indies cricket team here today. The West Indians, who had amassed 479 yesterday and led by 188 on first Innings,
      AP  -  305 words
    • 234 26 Squash battle family affair lONDON. Tuea.— A powernil challenge by Pakistan in the British Amateur Squash championship at Wembley here will be very much a family affair. The Pakistani line-up Includes Shams Zaman. Maqsood Ahmad and AfUb Jawaid. All three are related to Pakistan's world champion Qamar Zaman. Shams, the
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 87 26 VASILI SETS HIS 75TH RECORD MONTREAL. Tues. Buper heavyweight Vaslll Alexeyev. of the Soviet Union, ha* set his 75th world welghtllftlnc record this time a new jerk mark of MM kilograms. Alexeyev's effort bettered the record of 2445 kilograms set only last week by Chrlstoph Bonk of East Oeroiany The
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 34 26 TOKYO Tuea ror the third itnUgnt day rain forced the postponement of the second round of the ■astern Zone D»vto Cup tournament between Tnrti. and Japan here today u^aiT 1 J M
      34 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 281 26 MRS. I m OOOt\t9OOf> I»V 9aH.%\\^fIMBBBB^BBBPjBBBBfIaW*aBK MRS LEE CHN KOON NONYA RECIPES and other favourite local recipes ,c^~^T ~l MRS LEE CHIN KOON Nmi lama* Udang Assam Go (4P/ •o^ than Asaam Parkal Olah O IDi POST FREE vZ '£%!Fq& gZo*^ 1•« P^~ wtth MK*lr«tlon« in colour. 22 Sum P*na«fl
      281 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous

  • 709 27  -  GODFREY ROBERT IN THIS PAGE... Curtain-raiser of the Garnet football match between Thailand and Malay***. Preview of the Swoc Lee-Than Than clash. Jimmy Crampton g olden partnership S«ap sldeUfhta. wfcf'll ctvtr tit Stip Sißtt ftr StrtHt Tiatt rtaitn By ■AH6KML, Tuesday THE Eighth Seap Games
    709 words
  • 430 27 BANGKOK. Tues. The Chee Swee Lee versus Than Than clash In the women's 400 m final at S p.m. on Dec. 11 is one event almost all athletes and officials are looking forward to. At leaat that's the feeling one gets after talking to the
    430 words
  • 251 27 jDANGKOK. Tues. Four years ago this month, this week, Jimmy Crampton and Mary Ann Magnum were Just Burmese athletes at the Sixth 8e a p Games in Kuala Lumpur. Ilmmy was not successful in detendlng his 800 m title us Malaysia s R Subramanlam edged him at
    251 words
  • 409 27 AT THE opening ceremony. Uie Suitfapore contingent in uieir red biaiers and blege outin looked very smart. Ibey entered the stadium aiur me Burmese and MalayUans. The small Burmese contingent were dressed In white shirt and checked brown ana black sarong and were weailnK slippers; the Malaysians In
    409 words
  • 167 27 BANGKOK. Tuea. Then were a lot of grumblings Initially from the visiting teams for the Seap Games about the torrid beat and humidity here. But the competitors and officials have gradually calmed down as they realise It Is better to have heat and humidity than rain
    167 words
  • 181 27 nANGKOK. T»ea.— A high ranking iperU o flic Lai from Chin* watched from the aaawUnea whan the Seap Garnet opened today. He Mr. Song Cfceag. the aeeretary -General of the SporU Council of China, who arrived here today. reports CIILRYL OORALL. Mr. Song dM not deny outright that
    181 words
  • 121 27 BOWLING star u< fIM I— 1 1 CTCUNO: Its kitemtin, taaai tawe Utal BASKSTTVALL Tfcaltoad Saagaawt; Bvu JIDO Baa<aaa aa4 l%fctwtt»t IbmJl •OCCBB: INMin Baraa. I.M pm. TOMORSOw: BOWLING: Tlmm aa4 Or— ,111 iMamtU. CYCLINO: UNB aimi lUrt fcaala. tjeSai haaivMaal imlt laaallllaitlM b««tl I.Mtai ■■■»< M«rt
    121 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 645 27 CDC PI NAPKO PAINT 5 K r r tkit IS worth 2" ntti $225.75 S 3 Por every 1 5 gallon* of Napko 5635 Coal Tar Epoxy pur- gr chased —we are prepared to offer you r ONE FIVE GALLON-TIN FREE 2 a 2 Our list price for the above
      645 words

  • 79 28 BRUBSCLO. TIM* An Informed aouror reported that Mr [>>n*id Runuleld trw new US Secretary of tokl AlUad leaden today that only half the member* of the »m*»m+ can uy that they haw maintained or increased their ataWM BM ■.•■.Oulloru Mr RuuMteld* remark waa *ald to haw
    79 words
  • 59 28 REYKJAVIK. Tues—Britain and Iceland traded protetU here today over Saturdays clash between naval veaaeU in Iceland* dispute over fianinc water* Briluh Ambaatador Kenneth East delivered a note to the Icelandic Foreign Ministry claiming that thr gMB of the Icelandic patrol boat Thor partially uncovered a gun during
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 54 28 WASHINGTON. Tuea The Senate yeitrrcajr approved a bill loencovrage the change to metric meuuremenu in thi- United Slates within the nrxi two yean Ihr BUI. which now toe* to the Home u( Representa* i:\ti. kill eatabltah an independent 17-member metric board to co-ordinate voluntary metric conversion in
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 32 28 MANILA Tun. PtoUce authormta announced they have aawsfaad an International dollar counterfeit syndicate in a atrtes of raid* today In which fire people were arrested. Including the auspeeUd mastermind UPI
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 466 28  - Haw Par-SWS talks soon on $72.5 m loan TSAI TAN. By UAW PAR Brothers 11 International yesterday con f 1 r mcd that a meeting Is being arranged between the new Haw Par chairman, Mr. Michael Fam, and the new Slater Walker Securities chairman, Mr. Jimmy Goldsmith, to negotiate a
    466 words
  • 375 28 MNB tightens screws on Mosbert group MOSCOW Narodny Bank yesterday tightened the financial screws on the Mosbert group with the appointment of accountants from Peat Marwick Mitchell as receivers and managers of Mosbert associate. National Industries of Singapore and NIS- subsidiary, Ceramics (M) Pte. Ltd. This step was taken following
    375 words
  • 141 28 No black rule says Smith SALIBBUBY, Taea. Prime Minister la* Smith today rejected the Idea of Immediate black majority rule In Rhodesia key demand of the nationalists with whom he Is trying to reach a constitutional settlement. In a hard-hitting speech In the senate, he said guerillas who came In
    AP  -  141 words
  • 577 28 ONION. Tuaa. Th. -art* ctaMd arm in iiaJM iiuim •'<« •arIMT •null emu aa aaaaa or v toaaa— jc aacftaa* wan oaaK)l.<Ul«d feU— >|D« EMI a hictyrr •root fa— cut. luliii aaM. At i p.m urn fiaaactal Tfia mtm wm up IT at M«.». EMI caiact 7» «a
    577 words
  • 108 28 MAOAHAJAM I «ll>l>r» 44. «f Rlrar Valknr ■■aaailai Paal Ba-I laaaar. Mwmc P»rt,. fwMka.lwr JaUaaaa. *-4 frafy ».HTi tasruuj aakaal ktawrai amaar Pw— itky. twaumt* Ajvaaaaaua. BwaraaMaMai Otrtaat Mara* T.T.« M- mmtimtrt. I m. M.U T» far O.C.E. Oaav*ta—i. uuiti UIU MAS aaa Paalutaluii farnil wiu t_u taw* aa
    108 words
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