The Straits Times, 9 December 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 573 1 'Food and arms already stockpiled FCRD CONCERNED AT TIMOR CRISIS: Pag* 5 JAKARTA, Monday. PRO Indonesian forces backed by Indonesian troops, today consolidated their positions in Mnd around the East Timor capital of Dili which they captured from leftist Fretilin troops yesterday. Informed sources in Jakarta
    Reuter  -  573 words
  • 716 1 Malik: End of Lisbon rule JAKARTA. Monday p)HKI(i.\ Minister Adam Malik said today Portugal's sovereignty over its four-century old colony of East Timor had ended and the capital of Dili was being administered by a coalition of local political groups. Mr Malik told a news conference that Indonesia considered Portugal's
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  716 words
  • 278 1  - Glory is out of the Games.;. ERWEST FRIDA B/I (JRIEF-strickca Glory Bar, nabas will not be competing in the Eighth Seap Games, which begins at Bangkok today. Her brother Albert said last night: "My sister Is In a state of shock and she will not be able to participate In
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  • 41 1 BAOKDAD Mob. mq today took ovar Urn remainIng foreign shares la the Baarah PiUnlsw Onanpany. the official Iraqi news eawacy Itsefcl Pr aidant nhani ntstsn Al-Bafcr mad* the SUTpTaM BAIsOUDCMDCnt OWC aajtiam radio and HliilsHa tea* sr.
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  • 42 1 BANGKOK. Ham A Thai villager, lestng heavily hi a gasae ef dice, palled out a carUne aad ■prayed toilets roend the taele. kilUng the other fo«r players and twe eervaag thes» drinks. resits are banting fee the killer Reeter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 37 1 WASHINGTON. Hon.— A compromise offer from President Pord to head off eonteatpt action against Stcrttaiy of State Maty KWnttr was rejected today by tb« chairman of the Bum of KepraeenUUvei Intelligence coaunlUM AP. ■eater.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 43 1 MX* YORK. Man— Dow Jootm average*, bated on first hour of trading on the Jmw York Stock Exchange M lndui SUM down f*J: 10 traosp leiTT. down urn. II uUls MM. up 041 a stockc M 0 M down 0.04 OPI.
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  • 60 1 China pact with HK firm HONGKONG. Mon. China has concluded a long-term aircraft and engine maintenance contract with Vie Hon»*ong Aircraft and Engineering Ing ComDany. Haeco general manager Cledwyn Williams said here today. The contract awarded to Haeco by the Civil Aviation Administration of China U the first of this
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 34 1 PARIS, lion President Valery CMssard DlMalna. alsaloc to heest his aoauanft Innasnet la U» atktte IMC oa Widniiaay suits the ant sUU vtatt to agrpt by a Prench head of state -Rcutsr..
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  • 229 1 Police 'no' to food plea by gunmen LONDON. Mom. DOLJCE today turn--1 ed down pleas for food by four Irish gunmen trapped In a tiny room here with two middleaged hostages. "The> are askjnn for food but how desperate triey art for It we don't know." said Deputy Aatt. Commltil
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 59 1 LOKDOM. Mon The wife of tits attaint Ban of Ussan wanted for (toe MMBrder of ale cbUdnn's nurassaald 13 month* ago— today appttsd lor a jadtaaW separation from bar hawbead. The ease was adjourned oa aa appttoattoa by Lady Uspaa's oowassl aAar a oneBwoutt hsartog la the
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  • 357 1  -  MAUREEN CHUA $300,000 WORTH OF OPIUM SEIZED By CENTRAL Narcotics Bureau officers have crippled a drug trafficking syndicate operating between Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia with the arrest of five men and seizure of $300,000 worth of raw opium on Sunday night. I A CNB
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  • 389 1 BEILEN (Holland). Monday CIX South Moluc- can gunmen holding some 30 hostage* aboard a train since last Tuesday are considering surrendering, the chief mediator said yesterday. Another froap ef Mehseeaas holding 19 ad-Us aad few children at ganaolnt In Aaasterdasa's lag— Stan consulate gave
    UPI  -  389 words
  • 191 1 Malaysia signs $500 mil loan deal By harry miller f ONDON, Mon. Malaysia today signed a loan agreement with a bank consort lum for US$2OO million (S$5OU million) The money Is to be devoted to the completion of development proJf-U already started In the closing stages of the country's existing
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  • 37 1 LATEST Troops in big push JAKABTA. Ms*. Pro- Indonesian feeees have taken oentrel of ■aarly the entire coastal fUnk hetweem the Indonesian harder aad DIM. Bast Tisaor's capital, reports reaching Jakarta Indicated today— in. (See this pace)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. We are the Rolex people in Singapore Come and see us! m I »^w\V^ If you are thinking of investing in a Rolex, see our jB/ fabulous range of ROLEX fine watches at EASTERN WATCH CO. OFFICIALLY APPOINTED DEALER 285
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    • 97 1 MURDER, SUICIDE END ROMANCE -Page 19 STBONG US In Paeata: Fords doctriae I 1M DII In borrer allllng S KEEP 'Ma*iat line' protest 4 TIMOB erMa: Ford's concern S GETTING them to read fer pleasure 7 TRAINED manpower Tltal to Spere M PROF ELLIOTT: Stop wattle ef the sexes 11
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    • 124 1 Where would you put this Philips product? P^SEawMfPawsWatswMawSwMßswßHsl >% philips SwEl SBwH I SSBBBS^ •aW^BljJlSßlßßl^^^^^^ Til us w*»/» (MS Phillpt 29" r«Som )ootour TV X28K201 thoula fonth* PttlUpt Fill- A -Home entry form. r Win $75,000 worth of prizes It's Philips Singapore Silver Jubilee and to celebrate Philips is giving
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    • 4 1 BBBa^Bw^Sß^^^B^^B^S^aMa^ai BBBl^^ *l _LjS^K*l
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 106 2 'rut new and old t loader* of Lao* meeUr.g In Vientiane last Friday. slgnaUiag Urn end of monarchy and the coalition government Sitting together arc hardline communist •nd aow Premier KayM>ne Phomvihan (left) new President Prince tre» aad urn vaatod neutralist Prom or Smvanna Phonma.
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    • 162 2 ONDON. Mon A woLd man member of the House of Lords ha* Introduced a Bill In Parlla ment to permit sufferers from Incurable diseases la refuse further life prolonging treatment. The BUI. published yesterday, was Introduced by Lady Wootton of Ablnger. The BUI would
      UPI  -  162 words
    • 43 2 PARIS. Mon— A Pollahborn engineer has been detained In prtaon after boing charged by Pranot*s Slate Security Court with spying (or a Imign power, court sources said. OerU Brmnkl was accused o( reerulUng i|inu to obtain oooßdentai Industrial docubmdU. Router.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 537 2 STRONG U.S. IN PACIFIC: FORD'S DOCTRINE PRESIDENT Ford has disclosed a wide ranging policy that keeps America's military strength in the Pacific while seeking improved relations with China and the new communist states in Cambodia and South Vietnam. In a speech here yesterday, he called It a "new Pacific doctrine"
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    • 304 2 to Peking, the President said. They say and we say that the countries of Asia should be free to develop In a world where there is mutual respect for the sovereignty and territorial Integrity of all states: WHERE people are free from
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    • 244 2 US-CHINA TIES GOOD, JAPAN TOLD TOKYO, Monday ITS Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger v today told his Japanese counterpart here that US relations with China were good and would Improve gradually, a US official said. Dr. KJ winger, who flew Into Ttkyo last nljht after accompanying President Ford to
      Reuter; UPI  -  244 words
    • 34 2 NEW HAVBN (Connecticut*. Mon Thornton WUder. tht PuUtaar prlsewtnnlng American plarwrifhi and novciu-.. died her* veaterda.7. hoapllal autnortUca amid Ha waa TS. The cauae of death waa not immediate ly known. Reutar
      Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 168 2 s# .^afl B^ki Bar J BBr WJ m \V%J^^^^^ Citi/en a^^ Cituen. IJA v first with Ladiet W^ Fksl wi«« laal >W^ ,4 automatic day-dale (iti/en fV^ digital day -date < mien waierproof shockproof p^^hint with Blackie mrU Crystron LC Pint »ith Whitie Another FIRST from CITIZEN The Ladies Digital
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    • 187 2 STAMFORD CENTRE The largest a id most progressive resource centre for education in business and the professions in South East Asia Full Time and Part-Time courses leaning to Recognised Professional Qualifications ADMISSIONS 1*76 accountancyl I l\ c H Ta£w The only recognised STUDIES centre in Singapr "Lcosiamiwa enn for ACA
      187 words

    • 447 3 IJKIIUT. Mon. The slaughter of 100 kidnap vie tims in a "hysttiia of hatml" between Muslim and Christ tian gunmen para Ivstd Beirut JpH terdsj-y and Interior Minister Ca mi lie liamoun warned the declaration of martial law might be inevitable Few p«ople appeared on
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  447 words
    • 254 3 INDIA and the new loovernment of Bangladesh snnounced today that they want friendly relations and will take steps to "create a proper climate" for them. The joint announcement by the two governments came as two key affinals of the Bangladesh Oovernment left for home after
      UPI  -  254 words
    • 254 3 JERUSALEM, Monday ISRAELI Foreign Minister Yigal Allon will propose a peace plan to the Cabinet that will Include the creation of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank of Jordon, a newspaper report said today. The newspaper HaareU said Mr Alton would submit
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    • 137 3 KIDNAPPER SHOT DEAD IN YALA BANGKOK, Mon Police killed a baaalt wasted ea a down kWn.pplnf charge* la the .out hern province •f Yala near the TaalMateymtaa border, according to aa eflselal announcement today. Police, aetlaf on a tlp-orT. had traced Daea Jehdang and his eight-man gang late a Junge
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    • 33 3 PORT CHAFTKE (Arkan■M). Mon— Only IU ttfcajMs out of the thonstnrti that pound into the Cniud ■tatss tram South Vietnam ani O»mhn»ti» nmtln with*i sponsors. > Bute Dev. 1 T^*^r.«n mm
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    • 134 3 VTKW YORK. Mon. 11 The richest country in the world is Nauru, a tiny Island south of the Equator between Hawaii and Australia, according to Fortune. Th» American business monthly. In a feature on Nauru, which Is also the world's ««*iUft Independent republic tald the Island's wealth
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 90 3 Getting US to buy more arms BRUSSELS. Mon Defence Ministers of 10 West European countries met here today to di»cum ways of getting the United States to purchase more arms fron Western Europe. It mark* the opening of nrlaa of we«k-loog awatons of North Atlantic Treaty Organ la»Uon (Natoi Defence
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 247 3 —Bank of Japan extends credit limit to save firm (TOKYO. aton. The 1 Bank of Japan aald today It was prepared to bend Its credit regulations 10 prevent one of the nations major trading houses from running Into financial difficulties Bank officials said they had Instructed five Japanese commercial bantu
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 59 3 JXRDBALJB&. MM. Muocan Porctcn Minister BtnJUo Raoaaa yaaUrday rtvwaad hut country** policy on larael by declaring that Zlonum U not a form of raclam. "I can testify there v no discrimination In Zkm." Ntr Wahaaa was quoted ai aaylng In an Uracli Oovfmment communique, "and where there
      AP  -  59 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartlaaal J^at T ~*--WnTL*M* *^JL |Ba^a>aaaf aaaaaaaam^£jßßao9aaaV 4 «C 'f-SfWl aaa^a^aaaaaHßllVliHi.aaaaaaaatL^i r f*Pftffai H aa^gl Hume steel pipe piles inHpi hold up the dry docks 'SB that hold up the thpusands of tonnes of shipping at fIHH Jurong Shipyard... n»9 so that shipbuilding and JlnJ| repair will never be :f^JB
      222 words
    • 470 3 9HiDe<. to 15 th Dec. 1975. QUALITY GIFT l£jW\ HAMPERS I w4 $37 ft I AND ABOVE THAI RICE 100 grade a 6k 9 6.75 GOLDEN CORN OIL lam soon 2*, 6.85 EVAPORATE! iILK «n 0.75 CNIUYSAICE »o«N»o>r» 340, 100 INT MILK PUTCM SAtY 250 ml 0.25 R I BEN
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    • 105 4 SAUSBIBT. Men Six armed Africans In northea-itern Rhodesia eat off a tribesman's nose, ears, lips and chin with a knife and pliers and forced* his wife to roast and rat them in front of her nve children and about 6* other villagers. The
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    • 264 4 AUSTRALIAN polltical leaden today stepped up theli campaigns to win vital "floating" votes in Saturday's general election. V )tln» is compulsory, and opinion dolls indicate that between three and 13 per cent of the elr-ctorate is urdeclded In view of the narrow marvln which se-oarated
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 20 4 RANOOO*. Mon OfnenJ (Kane AXcear. Yugoslav army chM of lUff. arrived hen today for a Uuee-day visit. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 30 4 W'ASHINOTON. Mon Printer* of the Washington Post today rejected what the management said would be Its last p«y offer, and votsd to continue their nln*-weck-old strike. Neuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 509 4 MAOIST LINE' PROTEST PEKING, Mon. A nation wide campaign to preserve the "Maoist" line in higher education has emerged from student attacks on the Education Minister and other senior officials. Yesterday's edition of the official People's Dally was dominated by report* from universities a* far apart a* Peking Shanghai, and
      Reuter  -  509 words
    • 259 4 Soviets agree to closer European ties WARSAW, Monday |X>MMUNIST directives lssu ed here yesterday signalled the end of a Kremlin debate and indicated Soviet adherence to a popular front policy of co-operation With Western European parliamentary parties. Directives for the seventh Polish Communist Party congress opening here today, attended by
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    • 150 4 Cyclone Joan blasts Aussie city POST HBDLAND (Wtotorn Aoatratta). Mon. Hundreds •f peepto were evacuated from UWr homes when tropical Cyetene Joan devastated this northern coastal city today Emergency service eoot«>Uer Dick Laagley amid: "We ttilmitc that U pec cent of the city haa been damaged. It was wmj than
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 63 4 LONDON. Mon Jimmy Nervo. one of the ortglnsi members of the Cmv aunt has died In hcapiui here Be was 78 There are new only two meciben or the Cruv Ov* still al>r Chart* Nu«hton snd Cheney Allen The gar* vai famous for its own brand
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 241 4 LONDON. Mon British MPs will this week debate whether to restor* hanging on conviction for terrorist murder and the Opposition will preas the Oovernment to pay £50.000 (8*252.000) reward* to Informants who bring about convictions. With Britain currently undergoing a new Irish guerilla bombing wave which
      Reuter  -  241 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1158 4 _^*SBBB Bswksa Ws9bs»* W^^ Ba?a Vl <* Vj a\ mS li 'kHfl __^^^^k BBBBBBBBBBBbI^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb! pssSS^^^ BBS lIBM 1 g_VßßW^^^ BBBBBBBBBBBBMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfII H d^sswßsw^ i f^ yoyfjf/f gfi elogant r^^H evening dress or a tmartfy tailored knitted waistcoat I ■r l hi I HsV I JE I I^Bl PWfIHI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH d k
      1,158 words
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    • 283 5 'US not told in advance of Jakarta actions' JJONOLULU Mon. President lonl yi-stt Ttl;i\ «\piiss<(| con EMI xitxxit the situation in K;ist Timor .Hid said he was not inlorim'd in advance of Indonesian h lions on the island. Pro-Indonesian troops and Indonesian forces yesterday cap- tured
      Reuter; AP  -  283 words
    • 127 5 Burmese warships seize fishing boats BKOK. Mon a Thai Bshing vessel after collision with Burmese warnhip* In the Andaman Sea and two others were raptured and towed to Burmr-w waters last police said today. The Incident took place last Monday, about 95 km off the coast of Ran o n
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    • 27 5 DACCA. Mon. Th« ■■iglrtMh Owumwl yntcrtfar ralacd the rrli'nf on private tnwtm'nt hen u> US»7 6 mlllloo Silt TtUlUooi from the prrvtoua L'3l2 5 mlUlon--UPI
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    • 49 5 NAHA (Okinawa.. Mon Three Ufeltod BUU* mmrlnes were killed and ■•van otr*r» arrioualr injured in an nploaton hi an American Marine Cbrpi ■hooting rmnce on Okinawa, US military tpokeeman Mid today. The accident occurred yesterday morning during the dtapoaal of unaenrtceable ammunition, he said UFI.
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    • 243 5 rirHE International MoI netary Fund IMF' Is trying to ban British import controls as a condition for loaning Britain some US$2 billion «Ss6 billion) according to London newspaper reports. The Financial Times reported today from Washington that the IMF's managing director. Dutch Mr Johannes
      AP  -  243 words
    • 61 5 PHILADELPHIA. Mon The JO- rear-old bachelor heir to a US newipmper fortune was tubbed to death when three burglars broke into his hirurjr apartment here yesterday Police add the body of John Knight m. whoa* grmndfaUier founded the Knight nrw*pe.per chain, waa found fully clothed and
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 111 5 HOLLYWOOD. Msn. Vaudeville and radio ccmodian O*-orge Burns, acting In his flrst major film role for nearly W years, was today named "Star of the Year." by the Hollywood Women's Pr»s» Club. The 79-year-old actor, star of the comedy "The Sunshine Boys." Mid on accepting
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • Briefly...
      • 100 5 LONDON: An explosion which rocked nor«h London early this morninf was eaascd br a gaa leak, police said. Two people. Including a pc Herman, were Injurrd in the blast which set alight a partly eonUracted buildim oppo »lte Wood Green undrr (round station BRU88EL8: Americas newly-appolnt*d Defence Secretary
        100 words
      • 95 5 WEST BERLIN: Police detained three demonstrators here yesterday during a protest rally over the continued imprisonment o! lormer deputy Nazi leader Rudolf Hess. REYKJAVIK The Foreign Ministry said last night that strong representations would be made to Britain today about what an official termed the deliberate ramming of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 SINCE 1846 is a giving thing. Chrtdw 1 A 91ft to bstd lifetime. Mechanicdlly gudranteed foe a lifetime dBpffHWE CROSS Writing Instruments Pens. Ball Pen and Pencil Sets sB^^b Attractivdy gift packaged. From all leading stationers and depdHNrt^ BIICROSS Laches ***** m 1/ CPCG&Qmm: if U CROSS Desk Set Lf
      154 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 iwMiifiiiiMmiiiwiMniJiiifWGieJ'wiß^wfwffw^wi^^^w^p «mvi^v "**^^H Win Sin (Pte) Ltd., Diversey (Far East) Pte Ltd., Kookaburra Paper Products Pte Ltd., H. L. Yong Co. Pte. Ltd., 193 195. Jalan Pelikat, Singapore 19. 1 13, Neythal Road, Singapore 22. 972, Block 1, Toa Payoh North, 43, Jalan Pemimpin, Singapore 20. Standard Paper Products (Pte)
      143 words

  • 107 7 A HITCH In the hatching preeeea. It teeke like The den In the eetrteh easae keep c ■tiff eveer ee*k and leek laeeeehre. Be* the laejeewM thick, the early eeeaer, leeke ekmahed at bete* the only little ene ereead. Perhae* the green* waejld
    VOW TUN WOH  -  107 words
  • 39 7 MR Hubert lon Choo Klmt I i^Maajj MBaMha ■tngapor* OUmt oOetala arc Mr V. K Pillar luatatant BMatar). I Dr Beatrice TM Chan I wnbn Mr Choo Jim Cnc ibunan. and Or. Peng Pee Hau (tMdelt
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  • 20 7 THE Singapore Hotel and Restaurant AasoelaUoa will bold IU annual ball at Shangri-La Hotel at 71} pm today
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  • 384 7 A SINGAPORE Airlines flight steward hanged himself after he confided In his company doctor that he was unhappy because he could not cope with his work, a coroner's court henrri yesterday. Urn Teck Hong. 22. described in court as a "sensitive" person was found
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  • 65 7 Xmas concert by choral society THE Singapore He raids Choral Society will present a Christmas Concert at the Toa Payoh library lecture hall on Drc. I at 7.30 DO. Th* programme, in Encash and Mandarin, will consist of carols, uu-rcd songs, aarular songs. Negro MXrttuaU. Chinese art aongs and a
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  • 172 7 'THE Ministry of Labour 1 Is looking Into complaints made by nurses in Mount Alvernla Hospital recently that the management has stopped their free medical benefits and has not paid them for working on public holidays. A ministry spokesman contacted yesterday said the ministry would
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  • 42 7 TH* Onlvanlty of Singapore Vtoe-ChaneeUor. Dr. Kwan Bai Knaoag. will open c two-day sysaposhim on aafaty. efficacy and quality of etedtrinea. organiasd by tha pharmacy and pharmacology department to be held at th* Shangri-La Hotel from Jan. 10 at 10 ajn
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  • 27 7 KUALA LUMPOIVS Tan Brl Abdul JimJL a Rotary district governor, will be guast-of-hoooar at a Rotary Club of Singapore lunch In tha Mandarin Hotel tomorrow.
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  • 26 7 A U-LBCTDRI ooura* oo practical Injection mould <to-sle-n win b* held at the Singapore UnlvcrUty NlaBM Hut t. starting Jan. Jat 7 JO pjn.
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  • 406 7 Cultivate habit among youth, says Prof. Wong pROF. Wong Lin Ken, MP for Alexandra, yesterday asked the Government to launch a national campaign on reading for pleasure. He also suggested that community centres undertake a study on what appealed to youtlu of today so
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  • 155 7 Don't be alarmed by blasting noise PEOPLE In the vicinity ef Senefce Fewer Station In Beinbawang are advised not te he alarmed when load Intermittent noises are heard daring the neit few days. The Public Utilities Board's chief electrical engineer, Mr. Tay Sin Van. pressed the centre! button te Ignite
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  • 42 7 TRS Singapore Jayoaaa win hold a door-to-door taxt book collection project en Bunday at Scranfooo Oardens. Opera Batata. Frank*! gat*te and Bennett Eatate Tnoae wishing to donate school text-books to natty atudaote may contact the Jayeeas at tel U4OIT
    42 words
  • 387 7 DRIVER DID NOT STOP, COURT TOLD AN engineer, who did not stop after alle- Redly knocking down a pedestrian, smelt of alcohol and had a beer bottle lp the front seat of his car, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. i Wl bert Lee Fuller. 37. Is alleged to have driven
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 233 7 PBh^jf £g ajpanVPaVHanWaV Almost a century of experience r op f«r hp to i for your working refrigerator -^Z^^ s£o o t n^h!n D k e Jn!^ri ly GET A GOOD BARGAIN^BeJB|Hk >- J B| if* needed and that gmt >i on a uampfq < s -£^T^ mwans the) slimline
      233 words
    • 338 7 CHALUBVJGB={ syste^ PERIMETER PROTEaiON SYSTEM for Homes, Offices Factories Complete I electronic j protection ■■I J against LiHas«s^Ba>s«sl intruders INTRUSION SENSOR PANIC BUTTON This unique wireless Challenger system consists of the Receiver. Intrusion Sensors and the Panic Button. Sensors attached to any window or door and the portable pocket Panic
      338 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1215 8 f^^^^^~ r bW^^Tb^b^b^b^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^b^^^^l "1 L^H b^^^^ _j- '^L^^^^^^K I ""^T b^Lh 1 I 1 J f -^bbi SK" I i&kbkbh > b^bT^bo^b^Bb^b^b^b^b^bl L'l^ BB^^if^Bßd^^L^AßdßW7th^ipnßw!T'^B«9 »^-*v k f-^^^^Me-^^H •HI B^f^^ff Xi^^S^S^^W^^mU t X^^^Ss^BT^BTB^BW rv *^B t bw^LMM^bm^E W w"k* M^K^J lLwJ *J*Jw wf^^P^J «v C *1 <gwß^P^P lJA^L*^L^AA*^BV!'^«l^i^LX^^Pi^Brl^^g > vlW 1
      1,215 words

  • 204 9 riMTI/RE may -A jut be an art of hralinf to wmr. but to Mr* (arlnthla Ramirn of Mexico, it is the miracle that restored life to her lees. The 34 year old hoaaewlfe felt bleak and miserable aft" doctors from three continents pronounced her
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  • 20 9 A TWO-DAT seminar on packaflnc will be held at the Regional grtglUft '■*T"C* Centre from Dae. If
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  • 440 9 competitiveness hit* National Wages Council (NWC) wage guidelines introduced annually since 1972 have increased production costs considerably without a comparable increase in productivity, according to the Singapore Manufacturers' Association. This has jeopardised the competitiveness of local products. And future NWC guide offsetting against esta
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  • 190 9 Galloping market awaits new vitamin pellets AOALLOPINO market awaits a new Singapore fooc product wnlch will be on sale soon vltamln-packed pellets for race horses. Trainers who now Import these pellets can buy them here when a factory In Jurong starts producing them In February. The man behind the new
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  • 41 9 TUX Punctol OonJtttuanejr Bpuru AnoeteOoo and Urn 6n community Mntrw In Puncgol will jointly oramnls* •n ctcht-kitooMtf* cycttnc competition on Dae SS st 4 p m lor thalr r—idmlt Tbow lnterwUd ihoukl eonuct Urn r«m«cttv« oomBunlty ctntws.
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  • 219 9 -The full hike for 56,000 this year A TOTAL of 5«219 workers employed In 192 firms have received the full National Wages Council wage Increases for this year However, 6.440 workers did not enjoy any NWC benefits as their 33 employers rejected the NWC recommendations. This was revealed In a
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  • 117 9 S'port scholars for SE- Asia conference FOUR scholars ant 4 administrator* will represent Singapore at the regional conference on Alternatives for Optimization of TeachingLearning Processes* In South-east Asian Universities to be held In Penang from Dec. 11 to 13. Tne Singapore reprasantaUw are: Dr. Kwan SeJ Ktaaoog. rice-chancellor Onlvenlty of
    117 words
  • 29 9 TSO Toon Yong ni flnad SSO yesterday tfttr h* mlttad driving In Cantonment Road on Aog It st t m during restricted noun without an area licence
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  • 132 9 ALABOURQI stole a trishaw and piled for fares along Clifford Pier for a month before he was caught, a district court heard yesterday. Idrts bin Klthsm. 45. admltud stealing the trishaw from Chu Weng Pul. S3. In Temple Street on Oct. 29 and was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 205 9 FETIM SALES The only assembly qpd\/ r*C Pa n* n Singapore for£ FORK L|FT trucks HIRING a a MODEL 04 HEAVY DUTY SERIES 2. 25. 3. 3 2 and 3 5 tons capacity diesel f* f ork lift trucks fitted with *^*»y lawk aw^lw^ 4 cylinder Perkins 4 203
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    • 351 9 ew^afiaW*^BJl»7B^awßLPo»^^^^2 I awk E^ .e^aVSaw^awHalM »sr^ m 1 r& How to keep what you earn each week. As a retailer, nearly all your transactions are made in cash. Unfortunately this makes you more vulnerable to crime than most other businessmen particularly if you keep accumulated cash in a till or
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  • 119 10 Double deckers to be assembled here Til N «MMe-decker •MM ordered by the Singapore Baa Service from Britain will be aaaemb*>d locally The kam. are being ship »*d oo CKD (cwanplrf e ly knocked down) form froaa Ley Und factories by Malayan Motors •a behalf of BBS. A British Hick
    119 words
  • 87 10 Stamps for Women's Year A SIT of three commemorative stamps for International Women's Tear 1975 depleting its theme of Bquauiy. Development and Feace, are now on sale They were In nannantnatton* of 10. M and Tl cants and itaignni by Mr. Tay ■lew Cbiah. a local stamp it— lgnar. ■tT*
    87 words
  • 153 10 A POLICE patrol arrested two men who were attempting to smuggle six Illegal Immigrants out of Singapore, a magistrate's court was told yesterday Wang Jee Boon, 30. was charged with six counts of harbouring six illegal Immigrants on June 3 and Koh Khlan Huat.
    153 words
  • 689 10 Pool of trained manpower vital to us ABSORB AND ADAPT FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY: DON POOL of well trained and ex perienced manpower to absorb and adapt foreign tech n o I ogy was crucial for Singapore's economic development, a University of Singapore don said yesterday. Mrs. Amlna Tyabjl. a lecturer In
    689 words
  • 156 10 Expert: Unctad must play central role UNCTAD chr.ild play a central role In a r'xbal analysis of traded commodities and provide developing coun tries with technical assistance Dr. Chalyawat Wlbulswaadl. a senior economist with the Bank of Thailand told the seminar on the implications of Unctad IV for Asia at
    156 words
  • 74 10 Music for Everyone concert on Sunday »THE Ministry of Cul--1 turc will present two concerts at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sunday. The Concert for the Young, to be held at 2 pjn.. will feature a children's orchestra, a choir, and a Chinese instrumental enaambie. Crescent OlrU' School band will
    74 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 647 10 FOR HER fIOD Him Ortttmas is awing m mt spirit of sharina trta joy» of ifia aaaaon. BBBaiBmV !sr SB Hbe^Bßßßbw Find th«ri(M giftiat Matro and apraad *oma OViatmas chsjar. B^ %r I^V^al afl 888 *wtt I *J* For har llaft) Crapama«i from MAMSCLLEStn atriksnf Wf ,*k V *BBBBBBmV rtotag
      647 words
    • 78 10 A PET FOR XMAS PREVENT CRIME WITH YOUR PCT ComhM MARK LOUIS. SIIM4 at (tey Deft gflStvprlM 1 Man (MM*! it ma. SeMfeasaag Meat rparetr. FOR SAIX pu^iis Black Cocker Spaniel/ Dat> ■tails t German Bhtt>herda. Dootrmanns. l>arhiriun<is Pekinese ADULTS Silky Terrier Dachshund! Old English Sheepdog Dobermann Afghan Hound/ Oreat
      78 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 338 10 ■ringing Op Wmthmr sly »UI KavgufgH «Jg Umi Camp >/" i SA«o "N wo>v' TM4rm corns ves> Mfii <c iow wo*^ VH I it my« t& p.sti- I I SAP I a«AXT you I HOHT.-J <S»OCVy O*OC WHO i MCICOME OUH Men I WfTH MAOO'E.' J •TDW*£OMi Ol* 1 ANOI
      338 words

  • 480 11 'Work as partners to raise economic and social standards 1 THK battle of the sexes was called to a halt yesterday by Prof. Tom Elliott, the NTUC adviser. Instead of trying fruitlessly to outscore each other, he suggested that men and women
    480 words
  • 273 11 Judge orders sale of seized vessel MR Justice Kulasekaram yesterday granted in the High Court an order for the appraisement and sale by the Sheriff of the 1.854--tonne cargo vessel. Swift Hawk, said to be now in the Eastern Anchorage. The Swift Hawk was arrested on Nov. 14. following a
    273 words
  • 11 11 THERE were 79 road accidents, four serious, on Sunday.
    11 words
  • 36 11 THE Nanjanc University •ill hold t kl«m fssUrsl from Thursday to Saturday. It U Jointly organlaad by thi univerutyi mmthamaUes. physic*, chemistry. Moto(y. radio and electrical wdottM and the Department of Computer Science
    36 words
  • 175 11 SHE'S ALL FOR EQUALITY FOR WOMEN BUT... MAR(.ARrTr Versteirn. 4C. (above) to married to the caase for equality for women. but when it comes to bra burnini. count her oat. As dr?uty chairman of a na.vM-siroag West German trade union In the Northrhine-West-phalia district, she to •»< uriiful of women
    175 words
  • 389 11 'Af rica can learn from S'pore' AN economics graduate i from West Africa has called for greater I exchange between the I young peoples of Slnga- pore and West Africa, particularly the Ivory Coast. Mr. Youssoufou Bamba, from Abidjan. Ivory ("oast, said Slngkpore ha> much economic and technical expertise to
    389 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 221 11 i BBBBBBBBS^^fC^L CD 1950 U !SS I o fi jvc bJ~oc— «.n~* nAnuHssP^^ .fe pox* c MM! |^HaH ■BsT^Bßßßßtk^H** ash ■sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbsBb^^P'' mr ,i*i —t ll l coin* bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHßbsl^ FRONT-LOADING STEREO CASSETTE DECK WITH ANRS AND ID MECHANISM tfAKS W2)QDQ (§CO@O(§S with JVC's newest precisionengineered front loading stereo cassette deck with
      221 words

  • Especially Women
    • 82 12 IF YOU'VE (ot them, nice shoulders that Is, flaunt them Mils way. Let slender straps hold op a sleek long dress) delicately. The fabric* muslin, colour's chocolate brown. The Clamorous bodice is cat long and embroidered with gift- terlnt gold thread and tiny pearls. The blouse, edged
      82 words
    • 230 12 A quick 'pick you up' for your face EMEROENCIKB mftkeupwlae ha,ve never made quite as many entries Into a. glrti life aa at Christmas time. The countless parties, balls and impromptu gatherings demand aulck action with the array of pots of cream on the dressing table. A leading French cosmetic
      230 words
    • 531 12  - Yo ho! Santa rina is on her way MCU.IN CHEW By I N EVITABLE, that's what it is. It seems only yesterday that he was the we 1 1 1 ov c d Santa, Father Christmas, St. Nicholas or just good ol' Santa. Christmas was Santa Claus and Santa
      531 words
    • 93 12 GIVX your children a Christmas treat that's more fun than food. Take them on a trip to the fantasy land of Bolllgrew to watch bow wicked Baron Bolllgrew Is outwitted The thwarting of Baron Bolllgrew will be stated at the victoria Theatre on Friday at 150 p.m
      93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 268 12 PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSBBBBBBsI CalMdm] Mffm Mday* oarfwn-i HuajSiTl Laas#Si sssWa^awatWawa^B^B^Bi tassWa»* i m as# sV I I >H)nn W -fell J Mmn ol latt* *»> »»np<ir i SBBBBSI •»»w<»mmiiM|| BS^BBsl api WAI < *i tft# wo^t jl acti-vita... by The 24 hour-a-day way to beautify dry skin The Acti-Vita Collection incorporates both
      268 words
    • 29 12 MAX FACTOR presents bbssssKa Ussssssi 1 th€ ULTRALUCENT Collection FREE Make-up demonstration at Metro Supreme, Penang Road. November 29 December 14. Valuable FREE gifts with purchases while stocks tat
      29 words
    • 362 12 Jjtsa^P^" 1 An escape to the country... for yuur face A new beauty treatment derived from plain? A truly natural protection against life in the city. FLOR AVER In town, you miss the pure, fresh country air. So does your face To reconcile your beauiy with city life: FLOR AVER.
      362 words

  • 218 13 Computers at 30 yards to aid in ships' designs ABOUT 30 shipyards art planning to us* computer programming for I ship designs, according to an official of the American Bureau of Shipping >ABBi It Is learned the marine engineering and ship construction departments of the University of Singapore and the
    218 words
  • 134 13 Airport PC cleared of theft charge AN airport police con<table was yesterday cleared by a magistrate's court on a charge of stealing a packet containing three nieces of loin pork worth $21 from the Airport Terminal Services Flight Kitchen on Feb 4 Lam Cheofc ring. U. aid In rue defence
    134 words
  • 56 13 'Don't drive through GH roads' THE Ministry of Health has warned motorists not to drive through, or park on roads within the Oeneral Hospital due to roadworks being carried out. Unwarranted usage will obstruct ambulances and other nosoital vehicle*. Visitors to the hospital can. however, park their can m the
    56 words
  • 31 13 PRESIDENT of Alliance rrancalsc. Mr. Runme Shaw. will open an exhibition of paintings and calligraphy by Jacques Drcaux at 1U premises In ScotU Road on Friday at T p.m.
    31 words
  • 25 13 AN unidentified Chinese man about 40 years old was found dead near a block of Oats In Aljunied Road on Saturday night
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  • 465 13  -  AHMAD O6MAN $5m deal being negotiated By INTRACO, the Governmentbacked international trauing body, is likely to send a trade mission to South Vietnam to review trade possibilities between the two countries. This was disclosed yesterday by the head of the National InrportExport
    465 words
  • 227 13 Two who were not careful enough nPWO construction worker* could have lived If they had used their safety belts properly, a coroner's court heard yesterday. In returning a verdict of misadventure on labourers Ong Hal Chin. Coroner Lee Cheong Hoe •aid he "wasted his own life" when be fell to
    227 words
  • 66 13 $90 fine for obstruction MOTORIST Ban Chee Juan was fined SM rasterday for parking his ear In auoh a manner ac to raiias obstruction to other road iwers In Hortli Bridge Road on Aim. 17 at 9JO am Another motorist Woo Chin Soon wit fined WO for parkinf his car
    66 words
  • 55 13 trm LJm Bang Lock has been elected president of the Institution of Fire gnginears, Singapore Branch. Other oOdsa art: 111— I Tan Teck sflang <«os-preel-denti. Tan Jui Bang (ssere» tary). Tan Jin Thong itmsurar). Ben Thtaai Haoc Ang Hoe Bye. Tan Bock Ban. Cbong Yea Chong and
    55 words
  • 34 13 MR Urn Ouan 800, Parliamentary Secretary (Hobm Affairs), will officiate at the VltUente Corp, Uth Intake National SemcenMn neramn nlal paertna-out parade at the Police Academy on Dae. U si I p-av
    34 words
  • 96 13 Seminar on women's status A TWO- DAY seminar tc discuss the status of women In the region will be held by the Singapore Business and Prolesslonal Women's Association at the Regional English Language Centre during the weekend. Mrs. Jek Yeun Thong, wife of the Minister for Culture, will open the
    96 words
  • 291 13  - When picking an heir is done at the cradle... GEORGE JOSEPH By rpBE MartoUa eheooo 1 their heirs from 2M rears of brandy drink Ing traditidti. One drop of cognac on baby boy's tongue and the infant's reaction this la the "■pirtt tost" that tips tho next In line to
    291 words
  • 29 13 THE Hoover Park and NMfhbourhood RcatdmU' Association will hold a Christmas party for children at 1U premises In Loronf Plaanc ■mas on Dec is at SJO pjb
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 12 13 4^ m I.' fS >v m rrj y C>«B I A^l •bTbml
      12 words
    • 272 13 jfr/fwi so gives you coolness cvcßrywucßT© ARIAGEL on wheels aircon. II con be installed E AStLYond QUICKLY, m foct. no holes ond plumbings ore requwed either m the window or m the walls. It ventilates, filters, cools the air with a very HIGH COOLING capoc.ty There w.ll be no
      272 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 225 13 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM 7 Transient like a heavenly 1 Hope It may be lakliw bod <*>■ cere of ancient cltlsen <«> "tottllaer uaed on Bauds t Diarraced tor produanc counterfeit edition (•>. ■^*Hjr annoyed eoupln t Saw aaary wound, iti v'»u said, need fruit (f. 5> 10 sustained bare
      225 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 394 14 TOO LATE NOW T IS a bit late In the day for the 1 Portuguese Government to be talking about getting help from the United Nations to bring about "a peaceful and negotiated solution" of the conflict in East Timor, and for assistance with "the process of decolonisation." The capital
      394 words
    • 217 14 WITH both sides prepared to be reasonable, there is no obstacle in the way of the United States and the Philippines reaching a new and mutually satisfactory agreement next year on the issue of the US military bases. President Marcos wants the bases to be placed
      217 words
  • 455 14 Life is back to normal in B'desh D ACCA One swaU after the Uteat political ewTaMsa in this critically poor country, calm has returned to its dally life as the mlteg military Junta amoves toward relaxing it* strict control. In the overcrowded marsh? eoaatrysMe, where a relatively good rice harvest
    NYT  -  455 words
    • 219 14 rpHE Oover nment 1 should issue a White Paper on Its laudable University of Singapore (Amendment) BUI. The Whlt« Paper could give fact* and figures of itudenU' union activities elsewhere which have caused stress and mental agony to parents and governments, and
      219 words
    • 66 14 I WAS asked to call at the East District Office of the Re-settlement Department. Housing and Development Board. The .address was given as Aljunled Way. I could not find such a road though It was listed in the latest road directory. After driving around for half an hour I found
      66 words
    • 83 14 1 RETURNED from Jakarta on Nov. 30 and declared In the customs inspection hall one bottle of braiidy. one bottle of wine and a carton of cigarettes. The woman customs officer Insisted that I pay duty 'on the bottle of wine saying that my quota was exhausted by the bottle
      83 words
  • 967 14  -  ANN CRITTENDEN: By fHH quintupling of oil prices in the last two years had its severest impact on the developing countries that is so generally known as to have become almost a truism. What Is leas well understood is the
    NYT  -  967 words
  • 556 14  - Vendetta killings put fear among Argentines JUAN DE ONIS: By Buenos Aires POR the last 18 months an a?erage of two people a day have been killed in political violence in Argentina In most cases, the deaths have been planned executions of military officers, policemen, students, labour leaders, lawyers. Journalists
    NYT  -  556 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 493 14 Highlights for today Caught in Hie wheel* of social changes. S y a t i a h Court ruling on matrimonial ceremony. Women should retain their motherly qualities in their fight for equality. Does social gatherings really benefit women? Controversy on usage of Dollar and Ringgit. Badminton: Yeo Ah Seng
      493 words

  • Business Times
    • 501 15  - Harimau lags behind market for third time in a row MARTIN LIM By HARIMAU Investments. the close-end fund launched by Haw Par rs International, hts once p.galn underpt rformed the stock market IhU is the third time in a row. •he third quarter ended September 1873. net tangible asset* totallfd
      501 words
    • 1051 15  - CCA gives a clearer picture of a company's strength SOH TJANG KENG By INFLATION ac counting, under the current cost method, will change the whole basis of accounting. It will have far-reaching implications on profits, management, industry and investors. It is a system, dubbed the "accounting revolution." based on "values"
      1,051 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 232 15 Cash in on the peak sales season. I q£\ How does it work? You v/OW deposit your trade debts A Ipifc with us. And then draw /AV/vUUI Hv advances from us when Q^^N^jw^jl^l^ you require. At reasonable «^v?V^C?l V^JkJIV? daily interest rates. As f innnt^intn your customers pay, your 111
      232 words
    • 543 15 AUDITED RESULTS Company Vtaru PfWlta^Jl'tLl Earmta«i' IM.Mt«a«' I'Mi RenortfTln June 75 1121 (tltt) 73 2 (100 0) ISO (140) SporeTand Aug 75 SKStO (553.275) 4 7 (57) 5 SungelWay Jun«7S MH3 L iMM*3> 0 L (9 7) NU PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS Pr T latrria i ..n,p.n» HalfvMr I'rnfii I I b'««i'
      543 words
    • 161 15 consider: The Industrial Bank of Japan Est. 1902 US$24 billion in assets Japan's oldest and largest long-term financing institution V ln-depth expertise in providing advisory and research services to industry V Offices in the world's financial centres Highly respected experience in international corporate financing Excellent relations with all leading Japanese
      161 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 37 15 Broadcast on rubber THE British Broadcast Ini Corporation World Service will feature th* International rubbf trade In lv City Markeu series of broadcasts at 645 pm. on Dec IS and 645 a.m. on Dec. 30 local time.
      37 words

  • 615 16  - When admen need to rely on 'guestimates' SOM SIAM LOH y ANE of the major v factors Influencing the selection of a medium for placing an advertisement is accurate instant info rm a Uon on the psychological segmentation of the Intended audience. However, this is one of those areas where
    615 words
  • 219 16 TWO local manafactmrerm, Singa Plastics and Urn Seng Haat Industries, have been granted excl■ s I v c rights to the Sanitised franchise in their ■peclal fields by Sanitised Inc. of New York. The i|rrrmrnti are effective i m m edlately and cover both domestic and
    219 words
  • 129 16 fjYLEX (Malaysia) to now producing an extensive range of vinyl wall fabrics which may become a major export Item for Malaysia. With the recent extension of production facilities at Nylex (M). manufacture and export marketing of the Fresco wall fabric has been totally transferred to tht
    129 words
  • 129 16 Exhibition of sports equipment UANUFACTU RKRB from more than SO countries have been Invited to participate In the second International exhibition of sports equipment and leisure goods iSPOREX 79) which will be held at the National Stadium from July 21 to 25 next year. The primary objectives of BPORKX are
    129 words
  • 31 16 ZCCHA Associates (B.K.A). public relations and graphic design consultants, have moved to new offices at Orchard Towers and acquired a new name. Yuen. Wong and Associates, effective Dec. 1.
    31 words
  • 117 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Na»lro Yonetanl baa resigned as a director of 81n«aoore Bdal Corporation. Mr. Takao Dobashl has been appointed In his place. Dftto Lc« V* Seat baa resigned aa the chairman as well as a director of Industries and Realty Oroup with •Sect from Nov. M. Mr. Shlnlehl
    117 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1049 16 You can bank on us .-A- **^Car \j^aP/3aJstg^Bßsl j__\g t t 1 L^BL^^Bb! __jj>t^M 1 BBBVa»BBBBBBBBB«SBBP>BW^Bsl ■^B^^^^bb^B BaBBBBfI X for expert financial assistance When it c\ nies to financing. Bank of manufacturing to shipping and trade to America is right there on-the-spot to help you make the right decisions. help
      1,049 words
    • 242 16 BBflTE^rV BBBr jH W mmW WmW^MmM W Am BBBBBBBk .aßßsl bbsßbLa^bbw. aW Available at Authorised Ostlers' E J MOTIWALLA&CO TEL ***** GULAMCO PTE LTD TEL ***** GEMINI TRADERS (S> CO TEL *****5 FOUR'NONE PTE LTD TEL *****97 GREAT WALL EMPORIUM TEL *****22 ORIENTAL EMPORIUM TEL *****4 YUYI EMPORIUM. TEL *****4
      242 words
    • 232 16 sfIV^VWBsvaVBvaVVMBJBJBJBJBJBVIVHBHBJgfaTBw BBBBBsiisl iFvouumnT TOIUITTOnHOU THt TOP TflllOn X^aKti BBir I IS v/Al *****88 VVV V W A gam W /L V rK w mm SbbbbsW***^ a iy r r A\ QIC wLj 4 STORES *4IW OUTFITTERS Goa/31» G36 H^, SUM< C«n»r» (Grant Floor) T« *****1 G 6 Ocaan BuOdnj SMopcang
      232 words

    • 40 17 .01 rraatar Iwtfta* O Lu4 Bat .CM. to nrbtspa .■lkr* lv lUU. r E IWW) Dn. Mr* •101 II M •in DM »4 14 KM lIU IIU •100 MM •0 71 1 13 lIU lIU M 0--0 c —.01
      40 words
    • 44 17 Rises Most active stocks StM Dar«y nt.SSS Paaar Martta I6B.SSS VOX ItS,6M Malayaa CroSH SS.6S6 Total Taraovar: I.U M TMal Vikjt U4l li i *m Stoa llul i»ar n •a El Ktori MTS •i a II M UN i oi 01 •01 01 •1
      44 words
    • 62 17 ft tea. I. ltn 1M Dm. M. IMt 1M f Dm. SI. 1M in t Dm. t%. IMS 1M Dm. SI. ttTt 1M Jam. 1. 1»7« 1M t B T B «,i ltt.M 1MJ» j»llillh tHJt tXTM riMMt: Mt.II JMJt Hateto: 1M.47 1UM rroprrtlra HIM 191 IS TIM: MM
      62 words
  • 1542 17 •t-HI laat traniactad ready 1 tair at the clot* of butinatt r ft rlx r.*:.^ of M PaaaVfiM 'vn pared day i prtoaa hajtilwr vith 197S high and Admitted tor acrtp tvaauH* nhim Ito I 21 *L. I IS Sl4 I.ST Malakorr 2to MHaAPaas unit tiuit (Mwaaa*r*>
    1,542 words
  • 390 17 OKICEB drifted lawer I m lethardc trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday lave stsaeat sa apart was lacking ail round as UsjaMlty reaateed |tserally tigkt for reasons ranging from overrosnmitment in share parehaaes months earlier to rnd-of-tbr-year bankIng considerations Scrips were still being delivered at
    390 words
  • 1169 17 BID and offer prlcta officially Maud and buUneaa In and reported to the riange of Slnopore yetierday with tha number of *ir« traded ahown In n lots of 1.000 unit* unleat otherwiw •perilled All Tune Barfairu or Beuitment are quoted after Beti Blf Board deaU nn kota
    1,169 words
  • 905 17 810 »nd offer pilcoaofflcUUy -v ai.d buMn— In and repotted to the Kutlt Lumpur Sloe* txchai gr ytmrda, witn tha number of <mrt imJrt ji>o»n in bracket* in luU of luoo uniu, unka> oUatnrue iptrtftad INOUtTftIALI ■M Tact M A M U.. B*4* 4001 Ban ,I>H IMS) ill
    905 words
  • K. L Summary
    • 18 17 it rum 'utui ran b*of 13 10 MM 1141 ii r? nr. *i i* e o —M
      18 words
    • 33 17 n NHiim u jo I -Uim»h!p 13 00 "i tl M [jn«>u Tin to TO ran BmI ti ti r iMt ion 23 10 oj 04 02 01 LAC. w 10 •02
      33 words
  • 47 17 SYDNTY: Directors of Mercantile Mutual Insurance have recommended to shareholders rejection of the proposed takeover offer announced by Australian Ouaranteee Corp. They have considered the Aust Ouarantee bid of A 5275 per Mercantile share, and strongly recommend to shareholders that they reject the offer— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 310 17 Trading in KL ends mixed T l3 DiNO remained cull at the Kuala Lunuur Stock ExchaUig* yrsterday with share prices fluctuating narrowly to md mixed The disinterest In trsdlnc Is ref.tcted In the drop In turnover to 828.000 unlU valued at $1.54. million from last Fridays 1.16 million uniu valued
    310 words
  • 253 17 /\CTOBER rubber proVJ ductlon by estates of the following companies are: KlWgraaa. Austral Enterprises 28.576 Ayer Molek 51.659 Benta 160.000 Buklt Katll 21.863 Castlefle'd (Klang) a 19.768 Consolidated Plant 3.044.000 Olengowrle 58.060 Oolden Hope 1.345.822 Outhrle Ropel 837.000 Holy rood 114.306 Hongkong 'Selangon 30.845 Inch Kenneth
    253 words
  • 54 17 LONDON: Mitsubishi Bsctrlc 1: offering UBS3O million of 15-year convertible debentures with an expected coupon of 7i per cent, a Kldder P c a b o d y spokesman said The debentures will be convertible into Mitsubishi shares at a premium to be Axed at the time of offering
    Reuter  -  54 words
      • 164 17 rKYO. Mon Share prices eased reflectIng uncertainties created by reported financial trouble of the US subsidiary of a leading Japanese trade firm, dealers said The Dow Jones average lost 29 73 to 4.267 49. with the volume rising to 140 million shares from 120 million shares on Saturday The
        164 words
      • 256 17 SYDNEY, Mon. Tne market closed on a steady to firm note on late selective buying support, dealers said. Trading sentiment was Influenced by the outcome of the Wagga election over the weekend. The Sydney AllOrdlnarles index eased 0.62 point to 400.17. On the mining boards. Fancontinental closed with a
        256 words
    • 230 17 HONOKONO, Mon. Share prices on the Hongkong stock market closed higher Uxiay in Increased trading. Tne Hang Seng Index gained 3J4 points to ***** The market opened firm and prices, which held steady in the mornlng. Improved across a broad 'ront In the afternoon as buying interest persUted. Gainers
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    • 25 17 THE Straits tin price fell $1 to $935 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 19 tons to 230 tons.
      25 words
    • 396 17 rE morning oeulort of the Singapore rubber market yesterday wa« extremely quiet r.nd thin with TaUuea losing about one cent from opening Quotations on lack of buying orders and light liquidation Turover was small. The morning session closed very quiet. The market slipped away again In the afternoon
      396 words
    • 120 17 QAILT mat aad BBR BMK SCV (1 ton p*lM) BMRSL (1 ton pallet) ■a s (i too p»um SMR 10 il ton pallet) BMR >• (1 too pallet) B.XR Ml (1 too pallet) R AS MR JO (1 ton pallet) MR M (1 ton pallet) I prices
      120 words
    • 30 17 Robber Dec. 6. Singapore Dec. IM.M eta. (down 325 eta.) Malaysia Jan. 157SS cts. (down 2.25 cts.) Tin $935 down $1). Official offering OS tons (v? 19 tons).
      30 words
    • 72 17 TOKYO: Asahl chemical Industry is to float UB*3o i. lUlon 825 per cent 15-.. -ar convertible Eurobond at par on Dec. 16 with maturity at end September 1900. Ma nag 1 n g underwriters Include NUtko Securities, Dillon Read and Swiss Bank Corp i Overseas)
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 41 17 laanfoy rnoir •Ma UM Baanat ISO M IJO V> aiaair o i aa»aa*a« isa m is* sa Soon (1) IST MB ITT 448 ISO.OSS ISO TM Ksaort Bncaa m ■oa-Martkas area* la U.a «olian tt mtrnn (Si A»aTa m («••>
      41 words
  • 88 17 Money and exchanges rE U.S. dollar opened slightly higher $2 4940 60 In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Trading was fairly active with the US unit being bid up to $2 4970/75 The market was quiet with the US unit closing steady at $2 4970-75. Suggested Interbank forward rates: 1
    88 words
  • 174 17 rurtncta Fi— lull rate* SaiUKtoaUn Perrentaf* ■■•ted >e»l*r4a> (craw) ptrllj rhangc J8 dollar Iterling pound iongkong dollar 4alavtlan dollar lu»i Khllltng 3el franc (cool) )ani*h Kroner "rrnch franc Italian lirr Neth guilder Hot kroner Swedish kroner Iwlat franc 3euuche mark lananeae yen luit dollar 4Z dollar 2 4970
    174 words
  • 200 17 A 81AN currency dipmlt in Us bank ratca as at cloae on Monday. Dae 6: NOTE: These rate* mar differ slioMly from thoae quoted by bank* to their cvutomen Offer BM 7 dan J 1 16 i i 1« 1 mth S 16 6 11* 2 mthi
    200 words
  • 44 17 doalnx Interbank rate* In Blncaport dollan for Dae. 6 Offer Bid Overnight 311 16 39 16 1 mth 4 5 16 4 1 4 2 mthi 4 13 4 3 6 3 mtrui 4 5 6 4 13 Iwn: P. Marray-Jooea IllffUlMUl
    44 words
  • 55 17 RANGE of ra.ta> otTerad by «laenunt hOMa— Oil l>ec 4 Ormigki 2 1 4 ta 11/H Call depoait 1 »/t% •aakai a«r uu Tmrary Mil I Month Bulk Milt I Month <1> -Month CD lOUICI M>t>« |ff/M 4 1 2 4 1 HI Si II S II 4
    55 words
  • 59 17 Prime lending rates (in Algemene Bonk 7 Fir»» Chicogo 7 Bonqkok Bonk 7'j fNCB 6. Bonk or Americo 6'l HKSBC Bonk or Chino 7 Moloyon Bonking Bonk of Tokyo 7 Mittui Bonk 7 Bonk Nagoro Indone»io7 l j OCBC Bonquc da L'lndochina 7 OUB 7 Chortarad Bonk 7 UCB 7',
    59 words
  • 110 17 (Th'."oY .r H "e°«VoV6 -oVCLOiIHC MICH Pin PICUL YIITIMOAV CHMK aM: Bulk SS2t •ell,™ oM tram SVI xllera •c« M.'l Mllen. c«*.t M «.d iioomi UK/ Corn MO buy,™ *•**•< Muntok ASTA «MI, fO b 100* NLW $2t:» tell,™ •>n«lt «l>il« fob. M% NLW li4T| aellen. tarmoak apeclal
    110 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 114 17 I Expand without expense... m use our finance. Is lack of capital holding up ths sxpsnsion of yoor business' OCßC Finance can help ■K with loans for factory or office machinery. WP msrins or construction equipment, and at very reasonable terms. Find out how you can expand fire business without
      114 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 426 18 Kuala Lumpur Based office of established Trading Company servicing the International Food and Cosmetic accounts invites applications from Malaysian lzens to fill the post as MARKETING MANAGER. Job Description The Marketing Manager will be responsible for the Flavours/Fragrances line of an International Company including: Selection of products for tomers testing.
      426 words
    • 1083 18 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT IPOH COMPANIES (WINDING UP) NO. 3 OF 1975 In the matter of the Companies Act. 1965 AndIn the matter of Ismail Mahyuddln Enterprise Sdn Bhd ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby giv-n mat a petition for the winding up of the abovena-.t lumpany
      1,083 words
    • 176 18 TIML'KAN HOLDINGS BHD LOST CEBTIFICATB NOTICE IS HERXBY OIVEN that Certificate numbered OOOMOTI fQr 1.000 1 kiwrcs of 11/- each, rogtstarcd In Urn name or Wahid bin Hablb ha* been reported last NOTICE IS ALSO HKRXBY OIVEN that a dlpllcat* certificate will be Uaued and the original certificate will be
      176 words
    • 776 18 CAREER IN MARKETING PLANNING Mobil has an opening for a high calibre can- tration or Engineering, preferably with didate in its Planning Supply Depart- post-graduate qualifications in Finance ment. The work involves development of and/or 3-5 years of working experience m Mobil's overall objectives and its market- Finance, Planning, Marketing
      776 words
    • 553 18 Require* TRAINING OFFICER (ACADEMIC) Entry Qualifications Must be m possession of a Certificate in Education jOWiy Scow 53?5 345. 385 x 20 505/ 560 25 660/ 750 x 35 1030 pm 5425 to $1264 (inclusive of all the allowances) LIBRARY OFFICER Entry Qualification* A recognised degree m Librory Science or
      553 words

  • 228 19 ENGINEER STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER A CIVIL engineer. Leong Cheong Sum, 36, formerly a major with the Defence Ministry, was struck off the register of the Professional Engineers Board recently, after his conviction on seven charges of corruption The Government Oazetie of Dec 5 carried a notification that Leong's certificate
    228 words
  • 168 19 A SCHOOL bus operator alleged In a district court yesterday that a Chinese school principal demanded that he pay 8100 a month to the school" if he wanted to provide transport service tor the pupils. Tay Slam Yong, tl»e operator. w«*
    168 words
  • 22 19 rHK Karaponf Bunoa coenmunltT centre will told their picnic at PaUr Rla. from a ajn.. on Han Rays Hajl day
    22 words
  • 98 19 FOUR schoolboys broke Into a school, stole 15 football Jerseys. 13 pairs of ankle-guards and a pair of footbal' boots, then had a game of football In the schoolfleld. a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Shariff bin Mohd Shabar. 16, a secondary school student, and
    98 words
  • 123 19 Beware of bogus cop who steak ICs DOUCE yeaterday warned the pablic gainst a man who reportedly robbed three People of their identity cards tn the Beach Road and Sanrei Road areas recently. A police spokesman said the man. aged tZ to 25 years, approached three people on separate occasions
    123 words
  • 56 19 A 26-TXAR-OLD man fell to his death from the top floor of a 11--storey block of Housing Board flats In Toa Payoh yesterday. Police found the body of Ho Yong Suan. of Windsor Drive, at the foot of Block 37. Lorong S, at about 9.30 p.m.
    56 words
  • 277 19  - Murder and suicide end 3-year romance LAI YEW KONG By J^ THREE-year romance between a welder and his teenage fiancee ended in tragedy yesterday when he slashed her to death in a fit of passion before ending his own life in a death-plunge from a highrise block of flats in
    277 words
  • 372 19 Two nelt;M>Gvrs who heard her »hcuU came Into the room and found Madam Lee grappling «Ith the man. They managed tn snatch away the scissors from him but in the process one of them. Madam Frit; Sow Eng. 22. was cut In
    372 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 13 19 W L V■* BsL^SaV^'^a^^l Ir 'J^^\iUbb s^^sfl ssV sisis^"^l Bim\^^BsV^^^fl^^^^sw^%SHPv^9 B^k) LJIt 1
      13 words
    • 344 19 PAPER OR MANDKERCHIEF?^|p* No. It's AIR TOWEL, a MAGIC TOWEL. BBlßßßtw^ /r Put your hands into an AIR TOWEL box, Quick sterilisation, quick deh v midifica t ion Here's What It is AM Town, i« a quick hand drytr with an automat* ataetrtc safety d«vtc« I AM TOWli. v suparM;
      344 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 764 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM M Opening and This and Tint (Ertfltsh 7 JI mil (Mitoyi -Repeat} 7.4$ iandnara rapa Sayang Mama (Malay Oiary ol Ewnts (English) JJS Magune Zero One (Repeat) jj SSpsq^a* fW IM Love Is A Many Spiendoured Thmg 1 39 Mm aa. towsael bglaa) 4JI
      764 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 447 20 y.y.VVVVVVWVWyVWy l^-^lt^^^S .bbbbV^bbbbbbbbbbbbVF^bbbbbbbbbMbbbbbbbbbbb^. <>].U T i<3 |j; bP^b^Ti^bbPPv^ i 9.30PM.:; FAST! PIERCE! FANTASTIC^ -Baßßtf^^AlW^T^^a^Aßi bblbl (IH MANDAWIN WITH ENOLItH SHIITITLIt) J aflH 1 1 •ffiNS CATHAY THIISIAY! !|i^ PSYCHIC PSYCHO* jj |^9 Rp9|||llH MACABRE! I^™ ■MVU?Wi^%bbbbbblbbbl f 404 di S I iH I j Iw^^bbbbbl P^bb^^bw\. r\dpp«9o iil I K/J^ißßW^vv
      447 words
    • 514 20 Latest y Exciteroont in Town lFiPSkbad^l 1 Cocktai Lounge I Bbl BBI* BBb« II I BBBBBBfex'*' BBBb! II Introducing the captivating sounds of D'WAX I I Com* request your favourites and sing along with them I I Our warm waitresses are waiting to serve you. I Nightly tiU 1 am
      514 words
    • 185 20 LIDO NOW SHOWING! DUE TO FILMS LENGTH 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTI TIMCS: 11.00 em. 2.30. 30 4 •.ISp*n TNI LOVE STORY OF THE DECAOE. ANY DECADE. F. SCOn FITZGERALD'S MASTERPIECE ftoeeffr repforo furrow Kft%IBLfKHACinLL^AXI/RmLUffri!rVTOn i ICK/CNL€/^ BflUC€ LXflfl .Tom AaduaidbvOMrCmHMCN n»aiMdtv>CMCUVlOn >aai'l>b^bvWnU/ fCWD CQPKXB Ba«Oan*wno<a<tvf AC^RTa>MADaMxaMAadu«HßrwrrKXXU(Mn A PMWO3UNT ]-2-1(£-0 OMribuMby
      185 words
    • 709 20 ■6AMII §M PfTH •^iM^^i^aaBBBMBOTaMaBBi NOW SHOWIHC WJI TO MLM J LIN«TH f) iiM.]j«,t.Miiii f a Robert R*d*ord. M«> Forro» ~n- caiAT s*ni» o*o. (PAR AMOUNT -C IC I COMING JOON Batum farvriK, TNI LAIT SHOW Of tMINCTIMI R^yiiK Ca»«>a —In COLOR O»IN$ TOOAY Na f>- L*« (M, 4 SHOWS ONLY
      709 words

  • 83 21 DO YOU KNOW THIS WOMAN? DOUCE are appealing to the next-of-kln of an unidentified woman found dead at the foot of Block 4. Holland Close, on Sunday morning, to contact them They describe* her as plump, fair in complexion, about 152 metres tall, with shoulderlength hair. Bbc was wearing a
    83 words
  • 44 21 PARKING In Prince Idward Lane I* vtrm M canU for the first hour. 11 for Uw •acond hour, sod SI tor each aubaaquent hall hour, accordlug to ajnendxnentj to parktaf ral« )u* gaarttad. The former chart* was SM per calendar saonth.
    44 words
  • 108 21 Charge is dropped, so man cleared A CHARGE against ft taxi-driver accviaed of wrongfully confining hi* wife to fore* her to band over their threeand a half year old daughter, was yesterday withdrawn by a magistrate's court. Urn Peck Nang. 39, wm to be triad for wrongfully confining his wife,
    108 words
  • 57 21 DR. Harm Merer. rtalUnf IBlrfajWf with ih* CHil Bartic* SUfl DiTHopnant in•utuu la Htn—pore. wtu ha th» rial apaikiHr at hioctoaon talk on Hup. Ht by CW»oima» F>m or Fa* orf»nla»d by UM NaUon■l PrwhttUrltf ftT-r*iTtnn iKFAi St ApoUo HoUl oo Dm. U at 11 M p
    57 words
  • 387 21 THE Metrication Board ha* "achieved if not surpassed" its 75 per cent metrication target in the industrial sector the Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng said last night. Dr. Lee, who was openIng the Trade and Industry Oo Metric
    387 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 268 21 W SRSOA mi UNIQUE OATA processing m\ Btef SEQUENCE ■■■■■P'Bal EsT V VERSATILE ELECTRONIC W MEMORY m\ 1 Immmmm^^+m*^ M PU mi Wmmmm^^m luf4 nl/1 Hfl I ™KB PwmZ^^^W 1 sVs^ P^ B^^^^a w/***M SRSIA WQ^[,^^^E^feV FLOATING OH FIXED J aWslfl bW^UbBbW DECIMAL OPTION ■b^^bbP'9 bHi«bll^bsl with scientific W^mm^mW^mWQk V
      268 words
    • 588 21 I JmmYi I IhLv^Mk Wr^m^SmmM «m gi| JPgflk MVwmm W W JmmmmWl wfTwk tmMi mm BmW .^mM BBr _^ss CaV* i, 4 ?»SBbl Bar^TSßi Mf. \mm\mV' E^m K^bU 9 ss^sa nil I 9 m^M 1 wmmmmmaSmmmmmmM Ku m\ mmmm^mmM^^^^^^F mm^Jmmm "Getting about is half the fun in Hong Kong" No
      588 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
      753 words
    • 901 22 Hs p^^^^^n $o I MASAJI LINE I S INDONESIAN NATIONAL INDEPENDENT CARRIER §2 are pleased to announce the appointment ot I PAC-ASIAN SERVICES PTE. LTD. p* as their General Agents for ?Q (p SINGAPORE and MALAYSIA Gf for their new monthly liner service g INDONESIA EUROPE INDONESIA g c^ First
      901 words
    • 608 22 1 --i-r -a/ NOTICE OF REMOVAL EMBASSY of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Please be iiforari tkil as (rti Stb lereiber 1975 (be lew f baMf n aMress will be 12th floor Far East SNopping Centre 545 Orchard Road Singapore 9. TENDER FOR LEASE OF CANTEEN AT ORCHARD TOWERS Canteen
      608 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 893 23 CMTUanSMP BimCl I M/tMTWIT 4~l a>f aMi Afll ■A V r ll'—t al MMt •*«*> ""'I BB KOWLMI l« 772 ,75 IB IM IJ ii. Mt 'l im 'I mi »aa M aa na. atat aaa wa. n n n*. IMa IMt I' Ma lit I 'tl aMa I Ml
      893 words
    • 1342 23 Ben Ocean Aicmm^trvKvcfßpnLdT&BkjefljnneiGlenLinpandNSMO it at caaiiMti na MMI raaa aa, fwaaj faaaa* rt« ruMMH nil Mi 11 a ta n n ta 11 aa Ita. Cnaf> "a" ■ififjM 1 aa nn ta 11 11 .m n im M aia»i. ta lIHII I I at im I W lit ll* kj
      1,342 words
    • 1224 23 GUI I Jaj* HI L^L^i' laT V T k /^Tl^j^J I It ItatW irvi raawa laaa tin in Mv< t^v*. fc»a>.^ »l' U traaat aVaja B>» tin ma, v tottni aaatc kn. UWLIM Ml ilk, it Mi I M IMa IMa Imi Matiim ikTMM it ta na 11 a> it
      1,224 words
    • 1140 23 r-ppir^MjnrMf 17^ FULLY CONTAINEKIZED StKVICE TO EUHOH it im i' rw MTUJJtU fccji fee U ite !f-iJ fcartrt^, fcrt.^, lkm,, ■tall**! MITT ka I iaaa at 11 aa it aaaaji* iraaaa, arajavraataa "I.-!" fM 6»«--*t MJMM Maiaua in 11 im it SMaMa. (Ml. Mtftatk Urittc) KiaMK. Caaaa TaM* ici a
      1,140 words
    • 688 23 Saaaan 11M44 P btaf Oil; II W7ll Paaaaj 7WI THE BANK LINE LTD. urn pm i 1 s nu HUM lam Ml W.~»- »t lanltma, TI»MM «M"I.M. Maaw 1 t ».«il f UM| V I Ma I a*.t atal at •MM tail I MVia afMU fM MMMM. UMU t l
      688 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1100 24 \\t' KAWASAU KISEN KAJSHA LTD. fmit cMmaoda sum Ta lM*a* (Via *aa«| Nkvr( I saa lawa triat* MlXi laM StaM II tac 77 Ik 14 tac M tac «P'»ai (MUll I Itc ll Ik M tac I la ila »r*a lattpt P Mil SlH' '5 Ik i| Itc >raa ia>
      1,100 words
    • 1002 24 'IM UA It IBman MCMt N Makltaaa t aa N a* <—-v •nan taaM aa* i* tat a tM aaa« aW "M Im it tat tM mw aMtaana InMatit Ml PMIIMat taMM tat tat tpaa, Hat Man* Iraaaana 1 im Fittr. SMMa tat« Skata My. knn 1 M awii a
      1,002 words
    • 1097 24 m\mmmmmm\^^^\\\\TlU^^^^% FtUf MWTMOtgI SOWU Tl tMtW WU SWfl Iwi p tataai laM w>i Inai AatMr* r«aa Mitnit mpmtu aaaa* taaM II tai n tat n tat JI ta. n tat uhiuuhimi ImM mi; aat 'I* a tat m tat n ta« MPTMI IMIAII it tac li tat i m a»,
      1,097 words
    • 854 24 EI»«SS StWKf Tl LMMW. UTcaWaVCtWiMW Wtn"" I| MMk MM|aVt*t IMM] »»■*«■< iMMaMt I-T "a*! Mia I"" itITU l 7? c« I 1. n^a-' aat| 11 I inn mni MPan twiil' MMA lATI tl H tat II B tat 11 IMI I M ' 7 a-lka. Ml i lo- C»-.- >
      854 words
    • 985 24 T Ua^^'jgSugs s«",a-T«Wi^^- M ffa: USJmmm!t."iloii B AS: T a 1 <>ok> W♦» •HIM aN /WHOMO POUT ON MC OUT: Tamarlan* 1 1 Bart* An- 1 US Frola'oijro 1 Ntubrandrnbur* 10 II Youn« Star 11. Doun 2} 24 m Kauthin Maru H I, K>i I Virtim Maru ti it
      985 words

  • 18 25 x»i.Et OPEN Parse your problems' 1 Then vise Klert medically therapist wtth 24 rxperu ■'i telephone
    18 words
  • 13 25 3 Religious Announcements IETMESOA BOOK CENTRE Now 000 a m 100 Closed) Psvoh
    13 words
  • 23 25 me family OF the late Mr nsana Pena Mof. thank Pastor lunations and HE FAMILY OF the late Mdm ink all
    23 words
  • 9 25 N LOVING MEMORY Madam Horx I
    9 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 277 25 classified ads H PICK A COURSE FPOM COLUMN (76) •PROFESSIONAL •COMMERCIAL •TECHNICAL •LANGUAGE •CRAFT ETC. ORATUTOR FROM (77) SOS SAMARITANS OF Slngari.ubled 1 Discouraged or night Help oniLl COOM HOTEL Bangkok rtsjaaTii 2 (inll Cooks, good terms Applications with POBoilJrtl REGIONAL RESEARCH ANO TRAINING PROORAM wtsheo to amploi a OueHnad
      277 words
    • 797 25 the IMPORT/ EXPORT department of an established garment manufacturer requires a Female Typist Applicants must poaseas OCE O Level Certificate a typing speed of 43 wp m knowledge of thsTtrfwit documentation will be an advantage Please apply with full particulars including telephone number expected salary and non-returnable photograph to Personnel
      797 words
    • 703 25 AN EXPERIENCED TECHNICAL sales executive who has good con nections with machine shops and engineering works firms required by established company lo promote engineers cutting toots Prospect for Joint venture is good Applicants kindly ente giving details to Advertiser IM Albert Street. Spore 7 LOOKING FOR SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT? A well
      703 words
    • 764 25 1 > VOSPER THORNTCROPT PTE. LTV. I A leading Shipyard Invites applications for the following positions A) STEELWORK CHAROEHANOS Candidates should have experience in fabricating erecting steel ships, and able to interpret ship production drawings B) BLSCTRJCAL FlflEtsS Candidates should have experience in electrical installation work in the shipbuilding or
      764 words
    • 755 25 MESSENOBR REOUIREO FOR Jurong engineering company Must have full Class 2 driving licence New motorcycle provided by the company Ptaaat apply *547» Bssw 1 >ur clients require personnel In the following job categories I. TRAINEE TRAVEL ASSISTANT (FEMALE) Oood OCE with credits In English. Maths and Oeography Age 19-21 Pleasant
      755 words
    • 667 25 DELIVERY MAN CUM driver Must be willing to work hard Apply 40A. President Shopping Centre personally Mil in S Oraa Pta. LNU A ars» a» Uaaaa Csralts Jreast ef Caaaaaaasa invites applicauons for the posti of 1. STOREKEEPER t. FACTORY OPERATIVES (Malt ar tamse) 1 Singapore Cambridge OCE O' level
      667 words
    • 867 25 I Pi ■mi) oesero Cnnesmo. a) DETACHED BUNGALOW 4 IN DIST is. 3 bedrooms and a study Ist class Interior layout matured garden k) CLEMBNTI PARK excellent residential location 3 bedrooms, fully furnished 11. 2 M S2.IM c) EXECUTIVE APARTMENTS In Hlllcourt Cavenagh House Peach Garden Available furnished partly furnished
      867 words
    • 889 25 BUNOALOWS/ HOUSES/ PLATS. Faber Hills furnished unfur nlshed. central aircon II 400 S3 MS Kingsmead Road $1 500 $2 000 Hua Ouan Avenue 1900 Orove Avenue 11.200 Off Bukll Tlmah MOO $1500 Orange Heights $2,500 Emerald Mansion $1 250 Napier Road MM Contact International Housing Agency MM OIST. It NEW
      889 words
    • 870 25 DISTRICT t HIGH POINT, loth floor split-level 3 bedrooms, tiles I and carpeted flour central airconditioning Unfurnished Rental $2,400 District 9. Hlllcourt partially furnished. 3 bedrooms with air-con and swimming pool Rental $2 000 District 10 Oarllck Avenue. 2 bedrooms apar'.ment set in a very big garden Fully furnished Rental
      870 words
    • 618 25 OEOLOOItT requires bungalow or apartment in the rental range if $2 000 $3.0 M or a 2 year lease Please aeß Mr Oaa IM7SS PETROLEUM COMPANY requires BUNGALOWS a SBNM-OETACHSD APARTMENTS a TERRACE MM- SI.SM in some cases 4 months advance OWNER! CALL MTI7S. M*ltl AUSTRALIAN EXECUTIVE REQUIRES semi-detached apart
      618 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 281 26 B) BaBMBaiB •%«lf acre land iwo xrvant quarters, lawn at Pulapura sale *****00 r detaUs conu r*A Jalan Masm-* .'•j fL^'|j SW^TI ORCHARO VILLAGE OIST 11 bedrooms I bathrooms double- nhed on high rig and parquet -n and rnlshed T***** ■BBSSI WOO MUN CHEW R k. SELETAR HILLS DOUBLE STORtY
      281 words
    • 661 26 DIST 1 HENOIRSON CM SCENT 4 roomed Flat Partly renovated S3* 00* on o Ring *****8 (office hours)/ 410*81 i after office) H D S 1 ROOMIO IMPROVED flat Toa Payoh 4th floor Blk 2. mosaic flooring peaceful suriu«st><tn»J Convenient locality tT. 000 Phone 5.1617 > ROOMED IMPROVED HOB Flat
      661 words
    • 762 26 APPROXM9ATU.T MM 80. PT. of I office space available in a praatigeous office building in the heart of Orchard Road and yet outside the CBD for immediate occupation Interested parties please phone 2922*33 A 1 f\ INTIRNATIOttAL PLAZA l jA CJ Office Space for Rent CJ\ \j RENTAL tl OS
      762 words
    • 849 26 OXLET TRAVIL (PTI) LTD. OVERSEA TOURS (Splllll ORar) (1) Taiwan HuaJten AUaant/ Hong Kong (Macau)' Bangkok 14 days ***** 12 days ***** Departure IV I2. 21/ It. 29 12 (2) Korea/ Japan/ Taiwan iHuallen Alisan) Hong Kong (Macau)/ Bangkok 19 days ***** 17 days 81*80 Departure 14 12 22/12. 29/12
      849 words
    • 261 26 gggQ Zs^Lt Hesarvation Centre^B Red Cap Tour* C 73 7S Robinson Road aB Sinejapora 1. INCLUSIVE TOURS Baa Island Paradtee S Daw 883 S. BaH Jagja Jakarta 5 Days 5770 8 Days S7B*. Ma daw Lake Tea* I Dan 844* M*w<* l>.t>« SSSS Mm Lsb '<>st flights to any ggattatSSßM
      261 words
    • 614 26 LOWEST PARIS TO LondonEurope. U 8 A Canada Australia and Far East Call N I T Travels. 23-B Amber Mansion Orchard Road Tel *****8 1223*8 -BpHHHfIHjHI AIRMASTIR TRAVIL SPtCIAI Fares London. Europe Canada USA. Ajstralia. In donesia. Hongkong Tokyo DhobyOhauti Near Cathay) Tel 3*710 ***** MAS TRAVIL CHARTERS SMte 544.
      614 words
    • 655 26 I O secmehuvus offers better Secretarial training FULL TIME COURSES C'asset commence sth January \%7* Register early to ensure a place PART TIME COURSES Classes commence 2tsth January 1976 EVENING CLASSES Commencing 16th Dae 1975 Evary Turn and Thurt Shorthand tor beginners Book keeping for bagmners SECRETARIUS 75 TattatMi Road.
      655 words
    • 642 26 TYPEWRITING (RAPID/ NORMAI for student*, school -leavers 8 C am 9 30 p m book Keeplni Shorthand Principles of At counts. English Mathi Singapore Institute Of Com merce. 283 C Selegte Complex 3r floor (*****91 75 Middle Roa (*****1) Mon 630 pm 8 pm Sat 5 pm Mon/Frt 3 30
      642 words
    • 640 26 LCC HIGHER ACCOUNTING Specialists Commences 11th December 2 pm and 3 30 pm Enrol today, phone ***** i Management Training Centre. 304 Third Floor New People's Park Centre I (FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS) I TYPEWRITING SMORTHAIYO BOOKKLLPsNG COMRESPOMXNCE RE PORT WRITING COMMENCING THIS WEEK Smaaaart CammerciaJ School HA. Mjikcn/ic Road. *****7/*****8
      640 words
    • 586 26 BEGINNERS TYPEWRITING (OAKY). .Shorthand, fsuukkeep ing Japanese Eastern Coeasner rial Training Centre 225-A East Coast Road. S pore 15 Enrol Mas* -495*99 FOR OUALITY TUITION Join COSMOPOLITAN DtsMaMHl SsllsWMl IMS no i n> i sat m«*fi« NEW INTENSIVE SCSSIONS FOR JUNE I*7* EXAMINATIONS a ACA 1-1 A *l B. Prof
      586 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 595 27 SCHOOL Brand lltl .tSLIEt DRIVING SCHOOL -I I2M 2M Kangoon •d Buklt Timah 1H WELL MAINTAINED CITROEN FALL AS 1971 .ir. rear unit A-ssetle and ex tner seats Pnce U SOO t Psu *****18 REGISTBRCO 1974 COLT Lancer MO good condition many acces < i"B Interested '••0 CORTINA IMB
      595 words
    • 820 27 isri DATSUN IMS. 1973 Cortina 16S0 Stauonwafon 197S Maada 1400 1971 ToyoU 17SS MX 2 IMB -luxe IM7 Ford '-> Huat Used Car ComKangoon Road. Spore «-2«; *****40 EA NUMBER OBCEMSBR i»T2 To)ota Corolia. atrcond cassette *9TI COLT OTO IBM c c with air ennd sports limi and acces- sortes
      820 words
    • 742 27 ADRIANS CAM FURNITURE of Distinction furnishing fabrics and i sain as matting 423 River Valley Road Tel *****4 37M70 8 pore TMMM OF CANCT Call Ming Cane furniture. 323. 3rd Floor. Far East Shopping Centre. 23MSJC •all TO WALL specialist offers Droadloom carpets at festive prices ranging from SI 70
      742 words
    • 788 27 TKOttCAI T.V. SMCIAIMT 111 Mark white colour rrpair ssiten nw irm«Jlallon Tel SIMIZ Pair rh»rcM fuaranteed Wt AM UCINMO HOB contractor No PWI7IO Por free quotation on wall tains mottle, lernuao and nnyl asbestot floor* mc pt< Ring Jetmln Contractor acis imstu fWTiwuw- hob rrcul^rrd contractor We provide cmerai renovation
      788 words
    • 506 27 The Penang Port Commission Invite applications for the positions of Resident Civil Engineer and Deputy Resident Civil Engineer for the proposed Bulk Cargo Terminals. The works comprise land reclamation, a Jetty o deep water, and mechanical .ders and unloaders, and ancillary services. Value of work $40 Mill. Applicants must be
      506 words
    • 931 27 //[CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER]^ to OCBC THE JOB Generally. Planning. Organizing. Staffing. Directing Controlling of physical security for all OCBC premises, property and personnel In particular, overall responsibility for security and safety of the new OCBC Head Office Building (the 52-storey OCBC Centre), including management of secunty personnel, security console, electronic
      931 words
    • 358 27 INDUSTRIAL OXTOCN INCORPORATED RIRHll) rrjsbat rang DMarUrfcaatNe. «4A. Jmlaa Bakll Rlnlsn, Kaats. Linpsr. Tacter? snd Office: Bmta Tics Ind.«Uul KsUle. Shah \lasn NOTICE IS HEREJiV OIVEN that the Blxth Annual Oentral Meeting of shajrhoJders of the above Company will br held at the Company s of fie at Batu TV*
      358 words

    • 382 28  - Tension rises as voting begins BILL CAMPBELL: By Kota Kinabalu, Mon. voting began today in the Kuala Kinabitangan by-election for the State Assembly, the two main competing parties, I'sno and Berjaya, both expressed cautious optimism about their chances r There is tension In both the Kuala Kinablt.inrnn and Labuan constituencies
      382 words
    • 114 28 Why MPs fly economy class KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Foreigners will not think it odd that Malaysian MPi were only provided economy claj* air fares within the country. Tun Abdul Razak told the Dewan Rakyat today. The fact that MPi were not allowed tint clait air (area was an economic measure
      114 words
    • 34 28 IPOH. Man. A misadventure veroict waa returned today on the death of five elderly women Maylnc at the 3»m Poll Tone old folk* home durlnc the Choong Poh tin mine disaster lait jmr.
      34 words
    • 30 28 TAIPINO Mon A cyclut Puten binli Sallrh. I), m killed when «he iv involved In »n accident with a car at Sungn Krrann Road, near Padang Oajah yesterday.
      30 words
    • 48 28 KUALA LUMPUR Mon -AMUtant US Secretary of SUtc Philip H«bib will vUlt M«Uy*i» next Thuradaj for 24 hours a* part of South east Asian tour during which nr will brief Kuvernmrnt leaders on President Fords recent trip to China, It wu announced here today— Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 134 28 'CHINA HAS NO HAND INUjPSURGE OF RED ACTIVITIES' KUALA UJMPUB. Men. The Government today strongly rejected charge* that Peking was responsible for the Increased communist gm c r 1 1 1 a activities, here it. recent months. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Tengfca Ahmad Rithaoddeen. told the Dewan Rakyat today:
      134 words
    • 286 28 OENIOR Aaean offlclals O preparing for the first Asean summit scheduled for early next rear are studying an Indonesian proposal on some form of Asean security co-opera-tion, informed sources said here today. The proposal envisaged the extension of existing bl.ateral co-operation between some members
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 45 28 IPOH. Mon. Malaysian security forces have recovered food and medical supplies In the Jungles of Sungei siput A security spokesman said today that the food dump was found during mopplng-up operations against communist guerillas who killed two soldiers last month.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 58 28 BUTTKRWORTH Mon. Pnllc* have arrested a man wanted for extortion and armed roobery The 24-jrr ar-old suipect was found hlQinf in a cupbuaxd when police raided a houae In Jalan Kajnpung Sunpah early today They believe he Is part of a robbery gang, aeveral members
      58 words
    • 148 28 Petronas to draw up master plan KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —Petronas will prepare a master plan for various petroleum-based projects, including oil refineries. Tun Abdul Razak told the Dewan Negara today. The Minister was replying to a question by Enclk Zakarla bin Abdul Rahman <NFBesut) who wanted to know about
      148 words
    • 164 28 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon —Businessman Mr Lam Kok Kee. 41 was Injured by glass splinters whi»n a gunman opened fire at his car during an attempted robbery in Jalan Davidson here last night. However. Mr Lam. who was cut In the race and left
      164 words
    • 29 28 TAIPINO. Mon. Two youth*, one armed with a knife. held up a sundry •hop In Olanvttw Oardena In Kamuntlnf Road her* la»t night and escaped with ttos
      29 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 439 28 AJAX PUMPS SALES REPRESENTATIVES CME Engineering Pie Ltd to join tie force to market the proven FLVGT AND AJAX pumps for Malaysia and i pore 1 Local C 2 Age 18 25 years 3 Education Completed secondary school preferably technics stream 4 Completed National Service Singapore 5 Language Write and
      439 words
    • 309 28 No television set can claim ideal colour But this one conies very close. The best way to compare colour television is to compare performance We re not afraid to be compared We think rt's the smart way for you to decide which set to buy a»^^^»W So go to a
      309 words

  • 494 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By AS the season draws to a close, quite a number of youngsters have emerged as bright prospects for next year's classics. Frits- Cocoa, with Terry Lucas up. put up a sparkling performance with 56, kg when he came from nearly last to
    494 words
  • 988 29 EIGHTS for Baw turday. third day of Singapore Turf Da IBBaj gMSi ing (L. 1. div. t— iteeiw Loortahlsn* IU S7 Windrush UI 67 Ko Iche MH Meant Paber n MH Strong Robe M ThuatU Up n M Patorson Tower M Taurus M Joyful Affair MH Soon
    988 words
    • 1048 29 Jockey Nawari banned three months JOCKBT ifawart the rider of Last I Porget In Race on Saturday, has bean suspended three months by the stewards (or not allowing hit mount to run on IU own merit Nawart was advised on his right to appeal. Prior to Race 1. an enquiry
      1,048 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 108 29 i Top Grade j. models at J give-away prices! Ctivc-Awqv V_J 1 vv^ 1 %XV 4X\ _m^ T^l iM Exclusiv* I f f f rom Slazenger for the JsrkNKhiau. aanHotenAa., a f Cm^l USAMeMn J660 00 V > W rMtlve b«BSOfi! N l »*>vi tjo .^»^aV^air^ I JaWv ggggggggcK. We
      108 words
    • 234 29 j^KM No electricity? y^r RgeswsV^ T If Make the electricity yourself. With your own takeQ^^^J H^g Tjr- ft along electric power plant, the Bosch generator. I i^^a^aJl you are independent. You can use electric tools where -I there is no electricity in outlying districts. With 9^9 swawswl floodlighting, you can
      234 words

  • 402 30  -  PETER SIOW By AMERICAN basket- ball coach. Ronald Kaupplnen who coached Singapore to win the Pesta Sultan title, hope* to steer the Singapore team to succeai In the Seap Games at Bangkok. Kaupplnen. who believes In knowing the "enemy" well, has an
    402 words
  • 458 30  - Kim Song: A doubtful starter GODFREY ROBERT: By Bangkok, Monday gTAR player Quah Kirn Song Is a doubtful starter for Siricapore's first croup match agiinst Burma in the Seap Games soccer tournament here on Wednesday. Kirn Song, the versatile youngster, is suffering from food poisoning, and may be rested. The
    458 words
  • 76 30 BANOKOK Man. Mr OS Kler. ths statistician ol Urn Asian Amateur Athletic Assoclsttop. Is very popular here. with hu red turban and a friendly smile, he sstdom left sJons But would you bsurve this: Klar it "lost" on Usms done by Burmese athlttsa. Bursass* nfWrtait he contacted
    76 words
  • 517 30 BANGKOK. Mon. Th/ Seap Games the eighth In the series which will officially be opened at 3 p.m. tomorrow by the Kins of Thailand will be long; remembered as the "Condensed Games." Unlike the Immediate previews Six Games, only athletes from Burma.
    517 words
  • 356 30 Three lose bags at airport rhas been two days since the Singapore athletes arrived here, yet athletes Nor Asahar Hamld. Mohammed Illyas and Lee Tal Jong have not found their bags w. ich probably must have been misplaced at the airport. But there Is no cause for alarm as the
    356 words
  • 390 30  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE'S 17--member squad for the King's Cup soccer tournament at Bangkok from Dec. 19 to Jan. 4 will be named next Monday after two more trial matches against Muar District and Malaysia Cup semiflnallst Negr'. Sembllan. Negrl. the surprise team
    390 words
  • 46 30 Seven-a-side soccer NCWLT formed Watland»rs 8C will be organising a ssvsn s skis sorer? tounuunmt In jurong to stout fcr talenu. Ths tournament Is. however open to all clubs. Entrtts close on Dsc JO Entry forms are svaltebis from HK Prrumal. T»J •MJSI during office hours
    46 words
  • 32 30 UNITED Motor Works wui hold a smsti s aids aocc«r tournaawnt on Dec 31 at Purer Part ttitry form are available from Mr Robert Ng. Tel SOMM during office hours.
    32 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 185 30 I"™ I^l "I"" as 9 ICE BUCKET H WITH EVERY BOTTLE OF CAMUS 1 GRAND VSOP GOGNAC 1 CAMUS GRAND VSOP COGNAC A MASTERRECE OF COGNAC. A |T^?* M ?'y^^^^n BBBBsGlaaZ^*"* "all I B^BB *c Ijul I Ths useful al purpose M wjMUUttLSgJESfI vHfiP-jv confcmer 6 yours free .^MM B^
      185 words

    • 580 31 RAWALPINDI, V Mon. The Kiecutive Committee of the Asian Games Federation yesterday asked the I n t c rnatio nal Olympic Committee to accept China's membership without any more delay. A resolution containing the demand was una n 1 mously adopted by the executive com
      580 words
    • 236 31 OTOCKHOLM. Mon 0 Arthur Ashe (above), who failed to win the Masters tennis tournament here. U still ranked by most observers as the top ranking *tar of 1975. Me Nastase. who won the Masters by beating Bjorn Borg «-2. «-2. «-T yesterday, said
      236 words
    • 350 31 Fiery batting —result of strict curfew OERTH. Mon. The benefits of a strict curfew, which was placed on the West Indies cricketers following their eightwicket defeat by Australia In the First Test at Brisbane, was shown in a remarkable display of batting by the tourists against Western Australia yesterday. In
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 171 31 Dilip hits century off Sri Lanka DANOALORX. Mon. The three-day cricket match between Sir Lanka "md the Indian Combined Universities ended In a draw here today. Sri Lanka, who led by 1M run* on first Innings, declared their second Innlnga 164-4 at lunch Tha) left Combined University to aeore 391
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 34 31 TOKYO. Mon. Tha Ea»t«m Zone Davu Cup match between India and J»P*n iv again postponed today to tomorrow Him to rain. Only one tingles match hai baan held with India hading 1-0
      34 words
    • 278 31 YEW YORK. Mon For the Hrst Umc the 8t Louis Cardinals decided not u> wait around for Jim Befcken to win for then in the last few seconds Yastarday they turned quarterback Jim Hart loost early, and the Dallas Cowboys were never able
      278 words
    • 230 31 MEXICO CITY. Mon Mexico's Alfonso Zamora didn't meet much resistance from Socrate s Batoto of the Philippines In Saturday's World Boxing Association bantamweight Utle fight here. The 21-year-old Zamora retained his Utle by knocking out Batoto with a left hook and a right cross with only five
      230 words
    • 628 31 -Corcoran: Asians will sweep world golf tournaments in 5 years rnHK next World Cup golf *> tournament will most probably be held In the United States the country which grabbed both the team and Individual titles of the 23rd tournament here yesterday. That will nicely coincide with the SOuth anniversary
      AP  -  628 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 244 31 show me a washing machine I iP** n same as all the other ■B '"-rfa* J I#-C1 -C n Hra_ .<i^-^^B bb^bb^bßßßßßßb*V^^^ B aBBBaP% «a> -^ataBBBBBBaVmiW*- J *iirslr**' .aBBBB^BT^'I I aßaaW^T m Ma*. fl y* BBBBBbT BBBBBH WaBBBBMa^ BBBBaI 7/ M M|H.bbbbß.Rh ffslZ bV^BbbbbllbZ bbPabbbbbbl bbbV^^bbbbl*^bbbbbbbbßb a^ Bß^^ Bß^ B^
      244 words

  • 452 32  - EEC to tap Asian bond mart SOH TIANG KENG By THE European Economic Community has decided to tap funds in the Asian dollar bond market. The EEC-owned European Investment Bank has announced the floating of a US$2O million bond In the Asian dollar market. The six year bond, to be
    452 words
  • 60 32 BANOKOK. Mon. The first trade between Thailand and Cambodia since the Khmer Rouge isiinai In Ftinom Penh will start on Wednesday when a high ranking Thai official will hand over 750 tons of salt The ceremony will be at Potpet a Cambodian town bordertng Thailand about
    60 words
  • 102 32 Israeli jets intercept airliner JIEL AVTV. Won. 1 Israeli warplanes scrambled to Intercept a Cyprus Airways DCS Jetliner with 48 Deoplr aboard today because It changed course from Cyprus to Israel without notifying the control tower at Ben Ourion airport, airport sources said. The plane, on a flight from Athens
    102 words
  • 324 32  - Mosbert associate fails to meet bank's $5.7 m deadline TSAI TAN, By City Editor nnHE hints of mountA Ing financial problems In the Mosbert group last week have taken concrete shape. National Industries of Singapore Is the first Mosbert associate whose survival Is being threatened by Moscow Narodny Bank, the
    324 words
  • 28 32 A POLICEMAN sita behind a bullet-proof mobile shield as he listens to the latest news about the hostages In the Indonesian consulate In Amsterdam. AP photo.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 555 32 f ONDON. Mob Th« Mock m«rtm elan< autor losar sai al S p m ih« Finaacui Tim«« i»sn down d I st Mat Skull Mills* saa iwtu »>nan of btiria* latoroM silowri skam ■run to arm tomr sarass s staaS I (root I oiiiri smsUx rimilil ifsiK rsjwisg
    555 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 227 32 k > m\|\(|\| 11 M I jj Offer igl _j oii*ti,oo at 45 *Mmojm F MM f w »a>T«>t Iror" oil porn ol .orW to. on., tl Off S.a»v. oWsl* aoxtms St Vmc*n> 1 Oom. r < ~<o f^w» BwWi Zoo An. -**aH f K «t*> •oc' 1 co'lk'nvi w.H
      227 words
    • 237 32 aV^-awawH l^^ffl gggggggggm^J^J I BTaran I bY V \jj* ptjsWgJgJgri Hi WjjHjjH lh Amoricon viol mM MAHIIYN DU>QW. occotneoniod by Spot. Khung Ima. KfoMtf, Iratvm, fcoch, Mo«ort otc. "A rool <irtuo»o, Kof porformmco mm •Bionafd" Woshino.ron Post. D»S Ktd\to>>um e.ttp*. IKuraiov. L>ocoa«>ai lllr.. Wfag* 1 voi T*UFF.»UT', Him "MIsSISSIW KKMAIP-
      237 words