The Straits Times, 7 December 1975

Total Pages: 38
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Sunday Times No. 2064 DECEMBER 7, 1 975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 1117/75
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  • 483 1 Fears of imminent invasion spark off exodus from tension-ridden capital DILI, Saturday TROOPS from an Indonesian warship have landed and established an operations command at Atabae, which fell to proIndonesian forces in East Timor earlier this week, the Fretilin's Deputy Defence Minister, Mr. Cuido Soares, charged
    UPI  -  483 words
  • 165 1 rwas a chartr of the "fight brigade" oatfide Times Hoaae In Kirn Seng Road yesterday. Armed with truncheon* and protected by wic-ker-baaket shields, helmeted policemen rmahed to disperse a crowd of organised demonstrator*. But the M-mlnate demonstration was only a show of police-mili-tary co-ordination In
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  • 65 1 BRUSSELS. Sat Common Market authorlUa* nave deddad to scrap a £41 million cB»2JS million* thermonuclear r«ar-rch project baaed at Wlnfnlh In southvett Britain became of financial difficulties, informed sourcea •aid yesterday EXC Technology Oosa■UasioMr AlUero Sptaelll said the decision, taken by the Nines committee of ambaaiadors.
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 186 1 MALAYSIA last night qualified to meet India In the third round of the Thomas Cup Western Asia tone badminton tournament when they beat Singapore by 8 matches to 1 at the Singapore Badminton Hall. Malaysia's victory was practically assured on Friday when they took a commanding
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  • 100 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Malaysian Government announced today that It had banned this week's edition of the Suara Rakyat (Voice of the People* for publishing articles which could Jeopardise national security. A statement Issued By the Ministry of Rome Affairs said the 12th edition of
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 286 1  -  N.O. KUTTY BABY SCREAMING BESIDE MOTHER By ATEKNAOE housewife was found dead In a room In a hotel at Still Road, with her four-month-old baby boy screaming beside her. Police, who Identified the woman as Walamah bint* Sulalman. 19. of Jalan Sempadan, Blglap. said
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  • 32 1 RONOKONO. S«l Polk* tart nlcbt Mtaad 111 kUoiiiiw of raw opMSB and M klka or Morphine worth •tout JTffjOM In th*ir Moot dnag haul ben thu yt*r lUuUt
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  • 27 1 THE Sunday Timr« today is U pages In two sections. A It-page special Christmas featare is In Section Two. Make ssire you get both sections.
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  • 723 1 A MISTAKE FOR UNIONS TO TAKE UP THEIR CAUSE* CLACKERS and shirkers in a workforce should be sacked, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee, warned last night He said It was a mistake for trade unions to take up
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  • 448 1 New bid to end ordeal of train hostages BEILEN (The Netherlands). Sat Two leaders of the ttlf-pro-claimed South Moluccan Republic today joined Dutch officials In an "»t--t'mpt to end the fourclay rid ordeal of hostaprs being held by Moluccan extremists aboard a hijacked train The tvo men members of a
    UPI  -  448 words
  • 62 1 Latest Soccer player killed TEL AVIV, Sat An Israeli ssweer player was stabbed to death by an enraged spectator today when rioting fans stormed the playing Held In a match between two laraell teams. The player. Mordecaai Kind. 24. was a member of the Maccabee Rebovot team. which was plar
    AP  -  62 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 #ROLEX^ Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. r DISCRIMINATION:"% TH|s WEf£K |N I W TIJC DlDi^ e T Th. Flwt Time T Chri 122^.0^^ A REPORT r>u aW THE BIRDS I Pmom *»«ture Section Two p.g* 15 AHfcHUHIUN I -*-«i- I c-tan:Fihoni p, njnfl I Who need.
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    • 101 1 X'MAS GIFTS Fuie DIAMOND GEM SET JEWELLERY U.S. dc SUVA SONS, Jewellen 62, 24. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. I TEL: ***** CALL TO REPLACE EXAM SYSTEM P*f S MABCH by ««.N« a» Ford and Mareos- begin talks 2 GOVT. studies "cold tarkry-' treatment for dm i addicts C TV and ftadlo
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times World wide
    • 384 2 MANILA. Satunhy pOLICE stopped a crowd of 4.(MM) priests, nuns, students and workers from marching towards the President ial Palace where President Ford and President Marcos of the Philippines met for their first round of talks tonight. Police armed with truncheons
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    • 27 2 BUDAPEST. Sat Soviet Deputy Minuter for Transport 8 Oavrlk>v has died of a heart attack In Budapest tht Hungarian news agency MTI reported today Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 126 2 Laos 'not bound by Geneva accord IHENTIANE. Bat The T new Laotian Government, which has adpoted a fresh foreign policy no longer considers itself bound by the 1962 Geneva agree- i ment cr the 1973 Vlen- I Mane peace accords, a high political source said today The source said the
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 44 2 AMMAN. Bat —Syrian President Hafax Assad Is due in Amman on Tuesday for talks with King Hussein, government sources said today They said the lasts will deal with the Middle-East situation, bilateral relations and co-operation between the two countries —UPI
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 123 2 ROCKHAMPTON (Queensland). Sat. Demonstrators pelted Austra lan Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser with plums and a half••ten chicken at an election rally here today. Mr. Fraser winced when be waa struck by the chicken, but he completed his address before be ng hustled away from the chanting
      Reuter  -  123 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 Infinite Beauty Classical Elegance A masterpiece created by superior craftsmanship Unique timepieces produced by skilful technicians of a ji the most modem watch factory in Switzerland. j^MM Em) titoni |g| •^Z^^^esw^iHF |rk). *^»SS'^ ~J m VHfll^BSß^Ssv^sVKl iC^^^^^Bßgm*|s^Mp p.l 1177 I "*~^K m^~~~ liaM IbbboS WC/yy* tfQssßaVM^ p a i 11BH
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  • The Sunday Times World wide
    • 360 3 Cut off all aid to Israel by the UN UNITED NATION.S, Saturday JHK IN Get Assembly over\v hClin i n gly ap I iisoliilion yesterday ask ing nil nations to cut off military and eooooaawc aid to laraeL Tnr United SUtes oppaird the measure and Israel vowed to Ignore !t
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 215 3 Pact to ban horror arms urged f TNITED NATIONS. Sat %J —The Oenerai Assembly's main political committee yesterday approved a resolution calling ,'or the conclusion of an International agreement to ban new types of weapons of mass destruction. Only Albania voted against the resolution, which received 99 affirmative votes. Fifteen
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 58 3 t'VE.N bears from Soviet Union are helping with the construction j of the Washington DC subway. A s a foreman shouts orders, the bears lug a pipe at the Metro Station at Me P her *o n Square. The animate are with a Soviet circus
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 249 3 MALES WANT SPERM HANKS ABOLISHED OSTON. Bat. "Hey. don't you support nale supremacy" 3harU* Per rot ta creamed at passcrsby v he inarched In the ;old ouulde the Maasarhusetu general hospl- I :al sperm bank. eah. right on." called i >ack nearby construeJon workers, whistling i md clapping. Thoee iroads
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    • 37 3 WABHINOTON. 8«t plculture Secretary Btrt utt »onouncc<l yesterday a i 8(100 mutton (BSM* < illton) tncrtMt In scbtdulI aid ihlpmenu dur- the currtnt ftsnl fmt I iMter Urn OS Oov«mment nod for Peace programme -UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 51 3 BONN. Bat W«t Oar*ny i UPi yesterday agreed TnlmrtiMly to forgo any ilarjr rtaw next year betum of Urn •oodobolc racason. They agnad to peg ttoatr onthly Mlarlas and allownew at Urn currtnt torrt oi 100 marks (B|7.*M) as an (ample for otber groups to nulate
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    • 150 3 LONDON, tat.— British and Hongkong go»--irnment negotiators tolay failed to reach igreem c n t on the x>lony s share of 1U defence costs. After about three tours of talks a Defence Ministry spokesman reported that no concluilons had been reached md negotiations would
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 198 3 Senate okays Ford's plan to save New York WASHINOTON. Sat The Senate early today approved President Ford's plan to save New York City from financial default by a vote of 57 to 30 after a marathon 14-hour session The Bill, authorising U552,300 million < B*s 727 million) In Federal loans
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 26 3 TOKYO. Sat Fire Japanese Mthen kidnapped by Muillm rebel* last Nov 7 In the southern Philippine!. were released today, tha Coast Duard reported. Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 233 3 Unita plan to end Angola war DAKAR, Saturday i LEADING member of Che National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNIT A) said here his movement /as ready to start talks without conditions a end the cirll war In the former Portuuese colony. i Mr. Marque* Kakuml. state McreUry
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 67 3 PARia Hat Mr All iref Bourhan. laadcr of he French Afan and I aw territory. uxUt aped unhurt aitar two < JtrtwiUfled men threw a I ranade at hla ear. the "ranch state radio reported Tha Premier of tha tern- Dry. at tha head of the
      Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 Save with Mobil LP-Gas a Every purchase of a complete Mobil LP-Gas System* entitles you to a very special offer on these cookers: <J Sanyo GC-1 A Single Ha^T^ljAjljJ Burner Gas Cooker with electronic self ignition and W^"^™^^»^^sH enamel topping. Kalo Model FE 700 v| i^Ti»W>liTa^ Double Burner with electronic^^^H
      111 words
    • 596 3 PW s#«l effal s4M «fM s#Wi jg^ti s^*i s^aa SlPa SAVim RICE VERMICELLI 7A THAI 566 g ./(J f. GU AVA JUICE fiA HEAVEN TEMPLE 141 g 3f O r .Oil Jj FACIAL TISSUE ,A 0 s QKCHIP with FREE STICKER I»^V J EVAPORATED MILK I DUTCH lAIY 411 9
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 531 4 Dreaming of a house? Buy it new with the help of Chase Fed up with paying rent you about the advantages but haven't enough of Chase housing loans money to buy a house 9 Like loans up to 80% Your, first step to home Repayment up to 1 5 ownership
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    • 201 4 aa^^ N^S ■MMMMbbV <^^m\\rSH\WWWW bbbVbbblbbbW af^ WWw3U&^m\\\\\WW\ aflW af aBBBs! BB*^flaSlsy «K^" .bbbbbbl K 1,,,,- 1 L^^k/vSPB^k aM^l*aa^^v bbbt^v^ BBSSSBBBSBB^BBSsl^ra^^jdC^M^Miip^^^^l > GBRBJKnpS SHOPPING CONVENIENCE s. Premier Store Bata Building and all Retail Stores Agencies WILL REMAIN v OPEN < TODAY J 1 v.^ Heartiest Congratulations to SING KOON SENG PTE.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1972 4 ll'l highlights by bailyne sung ,^—^^—m^^^m uTtivrsnAV BmVasmmmmmBWBmwaBBB Nor 8abartah On Ch 5 handling; a murder wn■PffffTTfli WB) km4l »t ft 55 am pon and the culprit goes CANNON comes face to Bia^aBm^aBm^kmBl T HE OPT1CIAL open- free. In Policewoman m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m^ m face with
      1,972 words

  • 574 5 'Replace our exam system' call by educationist educationist t c n s i o n ridden practice of allowing Btudenti to colled thru n-ilits ;is they progress in clan should l>e introduced to replace the present examination \\-> tern. Mr John Dorr'tamy. a lecturer at the faculty of Education. University
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  • 295 5 four-year chemical engineerlng course thU year replacing the applied chemistry course. "Thu was introduced to meet the requirements of manpower for the proposed petro-cnemlcal complex and the anticipated demand for chemical engineers." he explained. Speaker! Other speakers at the seminar Included representatives
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  • 43 5 THE ViguanU Corps *ul hold s paastng-out parade (or iv 15th Intake of national ■rrvicemeo at th« Police Academy Thomson Road, on Dec 14 at t pm Mr Urn Ouan Hoo. parliamentary Secretary < Hone Af(airs). will be the uup«ct> m« officer
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  • 222 5 Lee Chin quite a hit in music world at tender age of 9 IjH EN at the ten der age of nine, Scow Lee Chin is gcti.iig u> be quite a miss as a hit in the music world. She is the yovngest iclsn play In i second violin, la
    222 words
  • 113 5 M-cyclist dies after crash with lorry AMOTOR CYCLIST Ibrahim Kutty Yusof. 29. died on arrival at the Singapore Oenersl Hospital after his machine was Involved In an accident with a lorry along Changl Road on Friday Police said Ibrahim of L or on g Maidln. off Changl Road, was going
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 NON-CATHOLIC Friend., LEARN et HOME ■bout the CATHOLIC CHURCH BY MAIL NO COST NO OBLIGATION Fin la »nd mall to B-I.C. !4 Nassim Road. Slncapore It. Name Address Christine Shaw Beautician Training School London 1 Year rV«enrahon OpJomo Course Beoory Therapy Diploma Course rYear Beoury Aesthetia Opioma Course London Student
      96 words
    • 206 5 I Get one of these fabulous gifts- l|f* 1m absolutely FREE when you buy Ml 9 MOClwl 18T-31 Singapore RecommanoXJ «j nnn JB Choose either this attractive ROXY Trolley Tray. consume,^. _SfßLr-~*i Or this versatile SHARP EL-8005S Calculator. *LssbsbMHß** w M o><er valld >or Singapore HsV f, 2HHT HB I
      206 words

  • 625 6 Govt studies 'cold turkey' treatment for the drug addicts Proposal to help victims kick the habit £)FU'G addicts who have be?n udmitted to hospitals may have to go through the tra.ii latic experience of a "cold turkey" treatment to kick the habit. The Oovemment, which has realised the need to
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  • 439 6 Waging the war on an islandwide scale •pHE fight against drug abuse, previously concentrated largely in schools, will from now on be a nationwide allout campaign aimed at reaching everyone in Singapore. And as the opening r ■hat in Singapore'! war on drug abuse, a Keep Singapore Drug- Free month
    439 words
  • 242 6 Move for better facilities to train nurses rE Government has taken further action to provide better facilities for training more nurses to meet Singapore's rapidly expanding hospital services which will require about 9.000 student nunes over the next nve years The Public Works Department Is now renovating and expanding the
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  • 100 6 SILO to open another supermart rE 53.000-strong Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO* Is to set up another supermarket at Buklt Panjang this month. This Is because of encouraging support given by member* and the public to Its first supermarket In Upper Seran?oon Road. After a years operation, the supermarket Is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 333 6 I' Rare INVESTMENT Opportunity I I 20% p.a. I I Guaranteed minimum returns I I mLmm FULLY SECURED I I by certificate of Title I r Muitipm a* Mi A O*l*r Limited CLENOALE INTERNATIONAL I H A o>v.»«r o< Ptyjao.. f,nanc*Co Limited I I For Colour bfochure ond fu4l c^toil*
      333 words
    • 326 6 COURAGE IL »)l CONFIDENCE V jM LEADERSHIP 1U wiyi the Dale CaraegleCevw ■fits sen and wo-peo: Acato't (ov and < Spaa* attvct.rtir S«ii roun*i< and roc art* B* at rout Mil and IP»«« on rour lad Control <••• a"d *o"v B* btttf CO«v«*ViI>OAJI>M Ot«*<op rour ».<XM" »t M W.n
      326 words

  • 1698 7 NANCY BYRAMJI finds out why so many Singapore wives pack up and leave home was noth- 1 ing unusual about corning home to a darkened house at four o'clock in the morning, and there was nothing unusual about Lee coming home drunk. But tonight something was unusual. He
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  • 182 7 Fever and fits can cause brain damage, says doctor A SINGAPORE doctor has warned that a child could suffer from brain damage If It contracts fever and fits repeatedly. Dr. Ohasall Irmall. government doctor, told patents at the Onxmet Road community centre: ■Parents should bring their children tc U» doctor
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  • 112 7 China team in trade talks at EDB rl leader of the visiting Industrial mission from China, Mr. Cheng Chl-hslen held talk! with Economic Development Board officials yesterday to discuss the possibilities of buying new products from Singapore, according to a million member. He reiterated the mission's aim to maintain close
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 258 7 GIRLS! 1 I sth JANUARY I could be the first step towards a smart I and highly- paid new career for you' I If you want a career m a highly-paid Private Secretary, enrol now at the H international Training Centre The ITC Private Secretary's Diploma has long H been
      258 words
    • 351 7 {••Ja^aHHPP^^ *^a*t Urn The paint that's beautifully right! Pick a tin from DNT's range of able, anti-fungus and has excel! bright and beautiful colours ent colour retention whether Open the can you get a plea- it's for interior or exterior walls *ant hint of cherry, instead of the Bonu FMture!
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 381 9 THK (iovcrmiunt, which is tlfveLwftUuJ Ponggol into a nl l ion ;i I pigfanning ;irc:i, plans to go into tlu- hog business on .i big to help meet the local" demand for pork. The project will be undertaken by the
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  • 79 9 rE executive secretary of the Singapore Portworkers' Union. Mr V. Jayakody. charged last night that a "consider able number" in the middle and junior management of the Port of Singapore Authority were still reluctant to accept the existence of the union and the mutual advantage that might be
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  • 309 9 Dr Goh and Devan get special award rl Singapore PerttMfall I nion last nljht ronferred life honorary memberships Ml two of the p«bUe leaden for their aerrtoea to the trade a nion movement. They are the Depaty rrime Minister and Defence MJnUter Dr. G«h Kent Swce. and the secretary crnerai
    309 words
  • 64 9 TH» trial ol rt»af KM Kwooc M. a rtporwr. oh*rf«d with imiMneoatinf t potto* oOmt to obtain phototr»ph. wiu bf heid IB ft nufutnui court from DM. U. root to tecuaad of lmpenonaUnc U> offlotr to obtain from Mtdun Tan Kun Leont. photofrmph of htr W«
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 SPECIALIST IN MARINE EQUIPMENT MACHINERY SUPPLIES We congratulate SING KOON SENG (PTE) LTD., on the launching of MAMMOTH TIGER* 4,200 H.P. TUG BOAT from BANNO SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. 7th floor S«4«g« Complex 277-G S«T«gi« Rd S.ngoport 7 Tj *****3. *****4. *****2 Coble BANNOSI" T.l«» BANNOSI RS ***** W« af* glod
      120 words
    • 171 9 i u^HHiii^u^u^^^^u^^u-^^^u^^^^^^-^^^i^u^u-^^^^^^^^^^CuPPßl M u^uuflEl |^V v*' 1 FULL RANGE OF CAST BRONZE VALVES. J L^u^ul K5 |L/ i f u^L# Jh u^ufl «*^L ift^Bl I y jr 150 CAST STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON VALVES. J CLASS 300 CAST STEEL AND DUCTILE IRON VALVES J| H^ CAST IRON GATE GLOBE CHECK
      171 words

  • 291 10 Meet Diana— the 'boneless chick rIS cool blonde appears to be viewing Ufe In Singapore from a new angje And her showbiz partner. Blng a po r eborn Hugh Ward seems curious to know what It's like from his "boneless chick." Diana Ward they share the same surname They met
    VOW YUM HOB  -  291 words
  • 361 10 Freight centre director guilty of taking bribes A DIRECTOR of the n Shipping Freight Booking Centre was fined a total of $6,500 and ordered to pay a penalty of $2,773 in a district court yesterday on two corrupt m charges. Urn Sok Chek was found gul ty of taking bribes
    361 words
  • 281 10 New Year will be late by one second Fr new year. 1976 wUI take onr second longer to dawn on Singapore kecaase world time standards are adJusted to salt a new timt scale. The last mlnate of 1975 will last for II second* as Singapore will need to set the
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  • 254 10  -  COWNNC THAN By A CORRUPTION hearing at a district rourt will be remembered In legal circles as "the case of the four -time Jinx." The case, Involving Urn Sok Chek. a director of the Shipping Freight Booking Centre, had to be postponed three
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  • 663 10 J^ LAYMAN's word that a motorist was so drunk as to be incapable of driving a car was not sufficient to prove that he was so, defence counsel submitted in a district court yesterday. There must be medical evidence to prove
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 271 10 ENROL for WOLSEY HALTS PROFESSIONALBUSINESS STUDIES and ACADEMIC COURSES NOW AVAILABLE from FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION .1 Aiimmiitrjirvt Management a) London Chamber of Commerce end in.t.tute o« Bankert Industry E xam sul»ectt (all stages) it.tute o« Chartered Secretaries •An Introduction to Business Studies and Admmatratort Business Management I nst.
      271 words
    • 593 10 Congratulations Best Wishes SING KOON SENG PH. LTD. on the launching of "MAMMOTH TIGER" 4,200 HP TUG BOAT Suopi«rt T 0 O.HJ*«.n«rv. Sh» (t«eo«*t A Bu.kWt Solw Ao^»« Stock G o'kkn.t 4 Co Ny »or«>ut »olv»» c<n» corbor. ttvrl I y°b O t'or-ini tt«* f rimmed ASA M). XX) ond
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    • 133 11 2 suspects held in kidnap case KOTA BAKU. Sat. Police have detainee two suspects in connection with the kidnapping of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Sub branch cashier Mr. Tan Han Pin, 45. oa Tuesday. The first rnitcj was arrested on Wednesday: the other waa picked tip yesterday. Police have also
      133 words
    • 46 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Smt The Department of Civil Aviation plans to develop dvU facilities at the RMAP Kuantan baa* lor Boeing 717 operation* Improvement* will be made to the airport inmg«ni i services st Bubsng Airport. Penang. Ipoh. Alar Star and Kuala Trengganu
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    • 200 11 Two shots fired at home of millionaire KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday A GUNMAN fired two shot* while driving past the home of millionaire Datuk Tan Chin Nam in Jalan Kla Peng last nffeht ot me Housing Developers Association. wa» away with hu lamllr ai the time A poLce spokesman said today
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    • 127 11 KLANO. Sat. Police have mounted a land and sea hunt for a Securlcor guard who disappeared with a $49,--000 payroll for workers of -an estate on Carey Lsland near here yesterday. Boats plying between the lsland and Port Klang were searched and police are also keeping
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    • 309 11 Mustapha accused of misusing $234 m KOTA KINABALU. Sat. A booklet has been published by Party Berjaya alleging that the former Chief Minister. Tun Hajl MusUpha, had misused state funds to the extent of M 5234 million. The booklet, under the title of The New Berjaya Order of Satoah." was
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    • 62 11 KANGAR. Sat A shopkeeper. Low Eng Kool 61. md Ms ton. Alk Tone 8. were stabbed to death by an armed man In their shoe at Penult* lan Assam, near here, early I today. Their kilter, who injured. managed to escape It Is believed he had
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    • 47 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat The European Economic trade mUaton to BC rountrt« hat Invited Auu to send a team early next year. Trade and Industry Mlnlater. Datuk Hamaah Abu asunah. said today. Itt main taak would be to promote sales and Investment ReuUr
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    • 212 11 Council to meet on new security laws Kw iLA LUMPUR. Sat. The Bar Council. Stales or Malaya, will hold an cxlracrdlnary general meeting next me nth to dijeuu the amendments to the Essential (Security Cases) Recvlatlons 1975 This wrs decided it :U monthly mretlnK here today The two- hour nvetlnu
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    • 18 11 KUALA LUMPUR Bat The fourth Aaean soil conference will be held in the Philippine* In ltTt
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 958 11 Advertisement Amazing Venus Skin Applied Directly to the Skin DOES WONDERS FOR THESE 11 SKIN PROBLEMS: Blemishes Brown age spots Roughness and flaking; Wrinkles and lines Eves body stretch usarks! Surface scars Creases Depilatory burn Scales and dryness Acne and pimples tea aad wind damage Turkey throat THRILL to clear
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  • 7 12 SUNDAY DECEMBER 7. 1975
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  • 547 12 THERE are too many people in Singapore like the welder who vented his temper on a public telephone. He had tried to make a call, failed and so smashed t* e earpiece of the telephone He was unlucky. He was spotted by a public spirited passerby who
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  • 1327 12 The majority of Britons reject racial prejudice but still coloureds are at bottom of many lists 'The blacks in this country are our invisible men. They are not represented in the legal, top class medical, educational or policy-making levels of our society' j^LL was ready along London's Victoria Street
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  • The W RLD
    • 737 12 nPHE Hongkong 1 authorities have had enough, it seems, of the colony being used as a base for Taiwan undercover agents opera ting against China. n the last few days thr Special Branch has arrested 31 suspected spies and *ciied huge quantities of arms and ammunition.
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  • 617 12  - ALLOW USE OF ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS AT EXAMS MAURICE ADAMS By NEW YORK: Exit the new maths Enter the no maths This Is the latest edict from America's top mathematics educators, who have all but concluded that the new maths (or Modern Maths. which was hailed In the 1960s as the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 17 12 0 SEIKO A timepiece captivatingly beautiful as the lady who wears it 0 SEIKO tadfton a 'fecrrology
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    • 413 12 YOU TOO CAN SUCCEED! We^l get you through your eXam first time or rotund the course fee. Our guarantee to every Bennett College student Is backed by long, successful eiperlence of s famous British college which offers person*/ tuition by post. Thousands of students have passed their eiams first time,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 64 12 Ifl SUl|f I\/aN FERNANDEZ MftMT P mwi it suite ,^a\v-"^ >ow L(( ,m«lO {T«l«t 1O TH*t My tVALUATION a>«AO"»ev otmM < *vn. a* CoMPuifi.y I POIMT 1 CAM TMIMaT N^ SOM J^ f OF OMI.V O«M« l'»»«»T at*^S/^^ who on ojss basis of W <-** Tarn i«« HIS ntittMt XTwoy
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    • Article, Illustration
      2821 13  -  Roff DRAWINGS BY HUNTER said: "Have you «ver been interested in po c try?" Callan looked at his drink: Chlvas Regal and Malvern water mixed flftyflfty. with Ice. And he'd only had two sips. It couldn't be that. Cautiously he said "Poetry sir?" "Poetry." said Hunter. He sounded pettish,
      2,821 words
    • 635 13 I AM against all Indoor games, except that particular one snlggerlngly referred to as an "indoor game." I am referring, of coarse, U> i»»" ranting from Snakes and Ladder*. I)omlno?i. Poker and Monopoly. through to the supposedly "«nob" end of
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    • 742 13  -  JAMES MITCHELL By she got out. And now she's In PwUstrtand and Lewis Is going therj to see her." "Maybe it's love.' said Callan. "tt does happen." "It has happened," said Hunter. "To Lewis It's all on
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    • 622 14  -  ANDREW WILSON By LAST month's air crash near Oulldford. Surrey, when a Hawker fflddeley executive Jet bit a car after striking a flock of birds, could be the prelude to a much greater disaster. The crash kilted six people, all In the ear. The pilot and
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    • 804 14 EVEN In the face of a financial crisis, it U educational and even a pleasure to get a glimpse of what the top echelon of hi-fi equipment can offer. We can In this way gain a fair idea about what level
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    • 527 15 Pocos shatter notions that they may plunge into obscurity nOCO: HEAD OVER 1 HEELS (ABC). Since the departure of founder-member and Inspiring force Richie Furay last September, the remaining four Pocos have shattered all notions that they would plunge into obscurity Poco have survived not only another personnel change, they
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    • 4 15  -  JEFFREY LOW I
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    • 327 15 rE outlook for this new year of life Is indeed a comfortable one. You'll find that rou ran be successful in the near future, build up security for yourself and for your family You could also take advantage of change, that have rerently come shout in your
      327 words
    • 711 15 NEW YORK: The miracle of network television takes you now to ancient China where our White House correspondent, Bucky Bhores. Is standing on the ancient Oreat Wall waiting for the ancient tea ceremony to begin. We have an excellent picture of you and the ancient
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    • 5 15  - SUNDAY CORNER Ruseelt Sehe my
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    • 569 15 Abandoned for bright lights IONDON: The bright j «lg' U of London are ■M to he luring user* nts away from home a alght and leaving ti-e.r children at bom* to fend tor themselves. In Lewtahasa. children as young as 'our years eld ate said to have been -abandoned"
      569 words
    • 5 15  -  EDWARD LIU BY
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    • 135 16 STANDING TALL AND SLIM IN A LOOSE TOP AND WIDE PANTS [V^NITyBAJRI I J ITS THE Mg look all the way, from loose top to wide, wide pants. Yet Jeanette stands tall and slim. Just shows what tricks fashion can play on us. The blouse Is capsleeved, st r a
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    • 1256 16  - First Time —not titillating but revealing ADELE HORTCN By fIEW YORK: If you are interested to learn how 28 famous people lost their virginity, then "The First Time" is the very book you need. It lint tttilatlng porncffrmDhy and It lant Klrntlflc research It la one of those bcoks that
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    • 330 16  - Bare shoulders are back -and not just for nights BERNADINE MORRIS By BABE shoulders are back. Not Just for moonlit nights. For sundrenched days, as well la beta play clothes and rvening fashions, designers have decided to open sip necklines dramatically It'a a change from tartlenecks and ascot-tied high collars
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    • 334 20 LONDON Mar.agers making wrong declsions after lunch-time drinking In the boardroom could be the cause of Britain* Industrial decline, a medical expert on alcoholism said Dr Robin Murray, of Maudsley Hospital. London, said in Amerlra alcohol v less freely available to
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    • 331 20 Three-way chess so clubs can cater for their odd-man-out BRISBANE. Sat. young English mlf rant to Australia hi Invented a chess ganfor three players. Tr board Is hexagonal, wit 217 white, red and Mac hexagonal places, and chess pieces 19 for eac player (two extra pawr and one extra biahc
      331 words
    • 616 20  -  TAN CHUNG LEE By AMERICA'S 200 th birthday anniversary Is still eight months away, but almost every American state is already celebrating the bicentennial now with some colourful pageant or other. Themes range from the re-enactment of scenes from
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    • 3 24 at the CINEMA
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    • 760 24  -  WALTER SEOW By THE film of the book invariably starts with a builtin disadvantage, especially if it happens to be a wellknown work. For people go to see the film with preconceived Ideas end leave disappointed If theae exDectatlons are not met
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    • 454 24  -  ROGER YUE By IT IS becoming increasingly difficult to defend the use of mental illness as a convenient subject for terror unless, as in Psycho, the theme is treated not just with brilliance but also with insight. Deadly Strangen (soon at the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 352 13 ELMD MAKES GOOD MOVIES EASY ILMO f^^^^^ |L •«OJ6CTO« tha>p*r, with 11* S" F SM Th« E>mo SP F SM hat an tht faatum ■oijcich Zoom i»o» Siov» motion. trm i.»ito" VanaM* proitction tprcd HUliumd'wyind Automatic take up r««i Ando'cou'ia SM can at uwd a th Sup*' 8. Sinflv 8
      352 words
    • 197 13 A PORTABLE PACKED WITH FEATURES WHICH ASSURE THE BEST IN LISTENING PLEASURE This extraordinary portable combines a multi-band radio and quality cassette tape recorder Listen to the beautiful, pure sounds that come from its extra large speaker with its cellular horn frame l Quality recordings are 'possible because it is
      197 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 179 14 W 11 mt^^ J I JW mm '9 m~~ A v Twl f^Ewl J m HPPff^^swW^^t^ it^s^E^B^iSlHg^g^flßaSg^E^g^g^gfll jwH JJgw^^^ m^^ m fg 1! SH^*^ B^BW^^^^^^^^f *^1 vlVbwMbW^l^Ew^bC! Y^l Two really professional portables Aiwa's TPR-930 and TPR-900. Both possess the sophisticated Matrix sound stereo system which synthesizes and separates sound, giving
      179 words
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1158 15 M^ A 1* BnnnT^^^ f your% dfIHK r'*" evening dress or a smartly oKf^ tutored kn,rted wstcost BnlHululß f^ W BnlUlHunV hunt \r I i' t i gH S s»Vb!bY M \p m» 1Z W^ V&\ V t Hflfl anw anY mnw I Wt B» I w^^^ yL^^t^+^^^L am Embroidery
      1,158 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 693 15 Hut"" s I IH-— IH^t?" Hx** YOU CAN think YOU BtfGIN the YOU BEGIN the BE TACTFUL this seriously about money week with an argu- week with a stroke of week and you'U do in the early days of ment with old friends luck or good news well. If you
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 184 16 An Invitation to Lmal auauauV «mal ''^Saßaaauauaaal auauaa •A a^av^W-S^ FREE Consultations Demonstration by our Japanese Beauty Consultant at QUEENSWAY EMPORIUM PTE. LTD. 8-11 DEC 3-9 PM. SONG HENG DEPT. STORE BLK 185, 330 TOA PAYOH CENTRAL 12-16 DEC 3-9 PM ORIENTAL EMPORIUM PTE. LTD 30-31 RAFFLES PLACE 17-21 DEC
      184 words
    • 344 16 Wet and wonderful Can you imagine there are still some girls afraid to swim because of their monthly period l They haven't learned about the internal sanitary protection of Tampax tampons But you have You know you can swim no matter what day it is Comfortably. without embarrassment and BwH
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 520 17 Do you know in which sport I represented Singapore at Lagos, Nigeria in 1975? Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the utmmimmnim $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE 3,000 2nd. PRIZE $2,000 3rd. PRIZE 1,000 40 PRIZES
      520 words
    • 302 17 Laaaaa^aW^n MfJ A #lf MrK A^a^saW J C^* staaaM W\J//-. 4 maqim.x food aHaw^ preparation machine j a magician in your kitchen vkj^w Jy NC3W AT LAST, ONE MACHINE THAT *jP\*\c^/ replaces a mixer, a mincer. <^x^^x2^ a shredder, a sucer a a liquidiser!!! < tv.V^°'^\c3 MAGIMIX it a safa.
      302 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 263 17 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD M MM J Prank Ml 4 Oranted use 1 Pnaoru iS) 6 Book of p-.-^ u.rrrt MW (7. 11 Outward 5 Po d tl( 9B show <10i 12 Exhausted iSi hops residence (6) 7 Net 13 Puaaces l» Shut up 'i> I Skin dlara*r < 4 >
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 121 18 fflW VS^ in tlje liitti^|\l T-FAL non-stick cooking utensils For a start. Everware looks easier. All you use is some great. It features a 2-tone cleaning solution and a sponge, colour combination: light grey T-Fal makes cooking easy and red So you can even serve toO Your food heats faster,
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
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    • 19 18 I^^HHH^^^^^ /^vie hcl«# (,4(tv... "V ''notrp Bkjmt. t^b«««-o A( *■->-.■■% must <**■* «j\ I j v M L W..ACII 'c r
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 268 19 STANLEY by Murray Ball Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero <*' Jl Jl— xS*G^r*^£t^ ETCH i "•^fcg^ay "1L ~rL it r-^^iS^a^- 00/ HO SCAIi FI6UBEB o rang* of f>gur*t «N3t can hatp build a bottl* or ploy wtuotion varying .n tim* tram th* dittont pott to th* pr*Mnt
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 146 19 \^BB B^B^^^^^B^a^^ \L-\ ATTACK TJ TZI »"AC< /»^na-*| bY^ 7 I r**ZA/vs SVo&**. I ISt^bl WS 4*(/3T rCHTCS 'J&y 1 I |P^9 911 BK^B PB^ \CO*V(/4.WS ACT/O* BW iß^^Nj**' J^^-~- /vg'y" **srar*r*.^ 5 p»»*ly:ins «w \vJ*. MOi¥-i\\ fi^HßaaV jA#MrP A c*4C* ta»W Jbl rA?£^T^T ™*^r Jtm .^t^«^r<Br iJL—j f BaaaT
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 239 20 One locally made refrigerator you can stop giving cold looks Stop and look at the Permadoor. You'll notice a couple of things that make us different from the others. g| ni^^gf^^^^^" We're slimmer. And take up less space. J That's because of our door. The Permadoor we use laminated material
      239 words
    • 226 20 Let us teach you at home to become a qualified ACCOUNTANT OR BOOK-KEEPER well paid, secure, important (viv firm n#*Mf« at Accountant How can »ou Learn at home, quickly. study m none easily, with the L.S.A. Whatever your K>b now, ihc famous 1 ondon School ol Acioununo will Ih#l«mou% iri.n
      226 words

  • FINLAND special feature
    • 719 21 MESSAGE by HE. Mm Riltta Oro. Ambassador of Finland to Singapore. THIS year has bctii dsdered by the I'nited Internail Wo me n's As the Importance of women's role in the modern soriety Is being recognised more and more clearly throughout the world,
      719 words
    • 1196 21 Forest industry the mainstay of the nations economy rpHE forest Industry sawmllllng, plywood and other panel, board, pulp, paper, paperboard and converted products Is customarily described as the mainstay of the Finnish economy. It more than tripled 1U production volume between 1960 and 1974. It currently accounts for over one
      1,196 words
    • 269 21  - FinlandS'pore trade totals 57.5m JALI RAITA: By Second Secretary (lommercial) Embassy of Finland rpHE total trade volume between Sinja- pore and Finland was $57.5 million, according to Singapore Trade statistics. This was an increase of 57 per cent over the previous year's figure of 5536.7 million. The main reason for
      269 words
    • 753 22 I^ONE Corporation, headquartered In Helsinki, Finland, is one of the largest European manufacturers of passenger, hospital and goods lifts, industrial cranes and heavyduty cranes for shipyards and harbours. Kune hf>s crown fast during the last few y°an In IMS ru<mb"r of employees
      753 words
    • 730 23 IN THE world ship--1 building statistics for 1974. Finland was placed 15th, a position which she has held since the middle of the *****. Finnish shipyards last year delivered 30 vessels with a combined tonnage or 203 000 ORT. which represents about one per
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 243 21 Congratulations Best Wishes to the People Government of Finland on the occasion of their national Day. Harrisons Lister Engineering Ltd. B^B^B^Bjaß^B^B^p^p^p^p^p^B^B^pjß^B^B™ congratulate the People and Government of Finland on e occas on ne r National Day. >v^^». a^fl b^t BH^SLw^kf^Wgrl—^tieiMfl eaaaai aaaaaa aaaaaa gaaaaai L^sH ■■■■HI r a^ai Mwm* iJ
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 301 22 TABLOY HIGH SECURITY LOCKS 'NOT AFRAID OF SKELETON KEYS." We have a full range of locks to suit all your locking requirements. Manufactured by Oy Wartsila Ab. Finland. Sole Agent: Inter-Marketing (S) Pte. Ltd. Newton P 0 Box 12 Singapore 11 Tel *****5 or *****4 a^aW^^C l^atea^_ Introducing the world
      301 words
    • 172 22 r CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES I TOTHE PEOPLE GOVERNMENT OF VfINLAND ON THEIR NATIONAL DAY/ POIHT FOR POINT AC A COLOUR HgH television IS EAR SUPERIOR! Colour Fidelity Transistorised Ease of Repairs Instant picture Excellent Sound Wry big Screen Steady Reception Low Consumption Auto Compensation Long -term Service Model TTiS^^^^^^^^^^^^^k I
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 63 23 Our felicitations to The Government and The People of FINLAND on the occasion of their Independence Day THE SILVER SHOP (PTE) LTD. 431 Shaw Centre Scotts Road. Singapore 9 Tel *****9 CLYDE ASSOCIATES (S) PTE LTD. Suite 305. Cathay Building.Mount Sophia. Singapore 9 Tel *****7 Sole Agent Distributors for riihimden
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    • 233 23 getaway. <^^ a Q^mm^^SL^m^m\ > /7 3 From Singapore -two stops to Helsinki, in co-operation with our pool partner FINNAIR Lufthansa German Airlines Contact your travel agent or Lufthansa Singapore: Tanglin Shopping Centre. 19 Tanghn Road. 10 Tel *****2 *****4 Kuala Lumpur: Hotel Merlin. Jalan Sultan Ismail. Tel ***** Wm
      233 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 223 24 LIDO NOW SHOWING! OUt TO FILM 3 LEMOTH 4 SHOWS DAILY 11 00 am 2 JO. •30A•IS am NO mil LIST f| S THE LOVE STORY OF THE DECADE. ANY DECADE. a P. SCOTT FITZSERAIDS MASTERPIECE ■counorc B> Ba^s^^^_ •K><u»iTO a* a mm BwJll *Jm aaW Hr%ii AcrrwLon/rWwflwron 101/O*£/«-aflUC^Kfln."fcm J
      223 words
    • 368 24 4 Shewa I.SS. J 30. 7 S.SS Qoldax CWy N«it Chang* Am AcWow r»ac<iad Kiwg 9m Film In Mandarin Colorscop* with Infllah Chin— s IMbMM aa Van Tn Kmn m To-Day Momtwaj Show at 10 30 at Qateay An Mkvtoi WOvDC PWWI Vmi CngNahS Malay SubttHaa Mumiti liiiiiii In>«*U«MnMM
      368 words
    • 316 24 iaiiCHaNG CSAY /^fjf THBATPVBS LTD. NOW SHOWING DUE TO FILM'S LENGTH 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTE TIMES FOR BOTH THEATRES 11 A.M. 2 15, 5.30 4 8.45 P.M. TEN YEARS IN THE MAKING WITH CAST IN THOUSANDS. EfJI liSt DaVtittt mt< m towt* > ,h* T«.|^k Cilia* s »lul aasjasa N^T""^
      316 words
    • 689 24 wkHi lJ 0116 A Ml! DM I I MOW IHOWINI *^> Ut M OUI TO FILM 1 LINCTN 1 4 Stem *mh Mat* TW* i Ham. lJt.tN 4 IS,-. I Robart Radtord M« Forroo I Tka MIAT OATMY" color (PARAMOUNT -CIC) f HOTI Th. fen* oa*** A o f*ngu." book,
      689 words

  • 26 25 3 Religious Annoucements "<D»I» CATHBORAL v -pal^a m Holy -«>er and nmunton 8 song. Bam Hundayflrhool ON)* VALEDICTORY M» «'l .<irtie PMESSVTERIAN CHURCH SINOA METHOOIBT CHURCH
    26 words
  • 6 25 M*K| INI -I*'
    6 words
  • 14 25 MR* SEOW CHENG SfONG in. MM 1> ar <*i kir^f i or-
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  • 4 25 THt FAMILT
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 204 25 classified ads WL SAMARITANS C< nifhl Help SERina AIM Pteut com* home HoMlind and all at Aiwtrakax DriggimjtM 0»«»r1 romiCN OOINO CMIff OFFICER •fCONO ENGINEER ADO RAOIO OFFICER r <lr«l«--r r r- rn s pore tiianlan (Mahakami Ipm LM t« ti>M4 to. K««Mt awatu TMAIIICf OCALEN IN Mtll N s
      204 words
    • 1379 25 (dist ii wATTEUff- BTT^r^TlVMV^apw«pw c w c w c w| <' (>uplex 4 bedr B^^^B^^^i^K^^M^^^^^^^EMJ unied fumithed ggaT^™*^*** t i Residence) ■BtaaMaM^H POR ACCOMMOOATTON VfßiT Ai-e SUPRCM* HOUSE MEDICAL t 905 OoldenMUe Tower. CENTRE Road Tel 25*0922 Mon- M M i day Saturday) HOUM TO LIT immediate oc- ""> XRFZJVSZS**
      1,379 words
    • 776 25 OKUV TRAVEL (PTB, LTD OVMBM TOUR* (Builnl O*Mr) 111 Taiwan. (Huallen Aliaan). Hong Kong i Macau) Bangkok 14 My* *****- 12 day* 813*1/[Jeparture 8. 12. Ii 12. 2M2. 12) Korea. Japan Taiwan I Huallen Allsani' Hong Kong (Macau) Bangkok 19 day* *****/--17 day* Sl9BO Departure 712. 14 12 22/12. 29
      776 words
    • 485 25 lOHT A tBOUIMO Lasm to type IN ONLY 1? HOURS) Th* Saht Sound Way at SECRETARIUS Speed dcv to 60 wtpm! Specia' rates for «ud*nttt 19 Tanatin Road. Singapore 10 Tel *****2 INTERIOR DESION DIPLOMA Comprehensive coretpondenre tuition lead* to interior rHukjii Diploirra recognised for membership of professional bodies including
      485 words
    • 646 25 AIRLINE PUBLIC RELATIONS course by Specialist Of inter*** to pea*** intending to work Hi airline* a* PRO. air stewardesses, ground hostesses reservauon*/ uetetaac staff Course tee SB* c*tn»«a*»rk| 9th December 780 pm Enoumea Management Training Centre. 3*4 3rd Floor. New People 1 Park Centre T*l 74*5* PREMIER COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IBS,
      646 words
    • 657 25 LCC HIGHER ACCOUNTING by i Ronald Nah Commences Bpm Sth ttecember Management Training Centre 304 3rd Floor New Peoples Park Centre Tel 748 M ij2i22uC2C22j3h32i2321ii13 ■2238a2232aj82M25a«j8l Bgß^B^B^r^*BtJ^*^lkS7^N*^B^^^~^SKt^*B*Bfl gC^^3 SPEC4AL TYPEWRITING CLASSES (RAPID/ NORMAL) for STUDENTS/ SCHOOL-LEAVERS (DAILY/ THRICE WEEKLY) 800 am 10 9 30 p m B TARTINO OIC M/k*
      657 words
    • 862 25 VEHICLES POR SALES Austin Mini 10*0 c r MXII ono 83 700 Insurance and Road Tax New Call at Block 2 No 21A Toa Pajroh Telephone *****23 Contact Mr Ng LATE ISM VOLkSWAOON 1300 c c 82 450 owner leaving Mr Leung *****2 Off BSO3M Res HOLDS" KHtGSWOOO STATIONWAGON 2838
      862 words
    • 628 25 t^^BxVa^kt* When you care but can't be there, tend flower* by Interflnra through the Interflora member* Caisnaasß W— ar She* Katana "e*er St<at> Tel: 40M11 1 Pn»ce* Phmmt Shoe Tel M*in. MeyWecttt. Ampang Park X.L Td CAREER WOMAN. CHINESE, plea *ant personality friendly ver> affectlonaU seeks sincere friend* above 35
      628 words
    • 305 25 RIL AXING MASSAOS BY young I qualified Ma.«seute> Edgars Hing2S22SOS 2****** lor 1 appmnlment (Ipm 10pm 1 MANDARIN HEALTH CENTRE Mandarin Hotel ll Massage Sauna Hteambath racial ******. *****. Spore MARTINA* SALON hill Circle masaage-saunabath I barber, complete gentlemen fniommc by trained lady alien* from 1 111 Him mi
      305 words

  • 167 26  -  EPSOM JEEP My pONTRESINA looks a bright each-way prospect in the 1600 m Stewards Cup Trial (Race Four) at Bukit Timah today. The versatile six-year-old has won races over distances ranging from 1200 m to 1800 m on all types of going. Over
    167 words
  • 2404 26 McOABBCT da.c Law Book) Proved too smart for Claas at Ipoh last month scoring runaway ilx- length win over IMOm with MS no wet track: In even better •hap*: can kcap up good work In Class I. ran am La at start aecond with S3 1 to
    2,404 words
  • 153 26 Owners' body to drive for members T*HE Racehtrsc Cwners •I Assoclaticn wtll launch a mrmhsrshlD drive r.ext yttr. Tfols was revealed by Mr. Tan Hock Chonir at the annual meeting: and dinner of the association on Friday. Revlewlr.R the year 1 activities. Mr Tan uld that membership was steadily Incresrtnir
    153 words
  • 181 26 Rangers drop Bowles ONDON. Sat Qvwcn't P«rk Ranim dropprt Klifland aocotr IntcrnaVonal Stmn Bowlaa from Uiflr t«4un ynterday becavue of a "pencnal problem." giving strrngth to rumours that Bowie* hai again bren bitten by thr gambling bug QPR manager Daw Sriion laid Stan came to at* me on Thuraday to
    UPI  -  181 words
  • 138 26 »»<>«• jii> OIHM4I Ml" 1 H««arTM CWiHa»» 1Ma)W ■taaaa Ha PVM* af Oai-aj Niauti ■alia Miiaan aifUH OkaaaaiKa* CU-Owf mamt a CfcaWiaMM Uaa Jaok »«t"l4 mimii Wlllmal Taa a»on Tk. aver. iiiinn bum auwi *mnti Raulu C-lB CtlMf PY14. StMl Kaaaua ■■aiiriaa a»mi Mr latmat Dia>n AaMa »Wlllt» Poly
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 664 26 LEIGHTON CONTRACTMS PTY. LTD. AUSTRALIA MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MANAGER Expansion in the operations of our Indonesian subsidiary has created the requirement for an experienced eno.ineer to head up the mechanical and electrical construction activities in Indonesia The position reports to the Australian General Mana9er m Jakarta and entails interesting and challenging
      664 words
    • 574 26 B INSTITIUT TEKNOLOJI MARA (MARA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) KURSUS BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Permohonan adalah dlpelawa danpada calun calun yang berkelayakan untuk menglkutl kursus Ijazah dtatas. Kursus Bachelor of Business Administration lm dljalankan dl Institmt Teknoloji MARA dengan kerjasama Ohio University. USA Slswa yang berjaya akan menenma Ijazah yang dl
      574 words
    • 30 26 Udtkl\dUllw tnUI Vitamins A Mineral Supplement (or Racehof ses ft Breeding Slocks. I I Suite 1105 11th Fl Far East Shopping Centre 0 I B.Te< 2»38O1 CatoteAdd^ MUSTANG j| I
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 882 26 r« it OISS aajoMH Kiwui T»h 4 iSWm Mini j fnr* 1 1 nun x*a« oimm 4 inym h*m» •w i mom iciw I '/■B./'J O^T 7 O AQ^/i M«S»»e«sa»»Wa»ailn««n»iTrti«se(-Jl ISM> Thorn* i I I flllHV IS l^afl.l (J ISasSfSliiiiSa V-w a iVourn ItoMi S I -»•■> liasun 'MW|I JL.
      882 words

  • 2390 27  -  EPSOM JEEP and DENNIS CHIA By OBNTAI BI'LAN. twice winner of the Kind's Gold Cup red a brilliant comeba ck win in the Class 1, Div 3 1,200 m rare at Bukit Timah yesterday. Sentak Bulan. who gave app»
    2,390 words
  • 46 27 Ist No 15M«2 (HJUt) 2nd. No: l«n« (fIJM) 3rd. No: IMtM STARTEKS (S1S«) each: Noe 1453 W. *****9. *****1. UlMt. UI7SS. 1 64*43. 16*31 9. 1C3544. *****7. 1439 U. 14M13. CONSOLATION (SIN) each: Noa. *****5. 154T7M. l«7rJ». 15*493. *****4. 1C7543. *****4. 152*91. 14*452. *****4.
    46 words
  • 135 27 PERTH. Sat —A da«hlng not out 100 by veteran lan Brayihaw and a sparkling M by Rob Lancer enabled Weitem Australia to declare 391-9 in the first Innings atainit the West Indies, who were 9-1 at close Oreenldge, needing a big score to regain
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 73 27 STAR ATTRACTION* AT TRENTHAM SALE INZ) gAY COIT MILLAY ROSSITTI FULL BROTHER TO THf GHAT ROSE MELLAY 9.051 MILLAY 4 «.n» *****4V5) me Aucklond Centennial Cup by S lengths roce 'ecord time, Le«io Gold Cup. otto L:-... R C We»t Deft>y S 5t m troch record 58 4» ot 2
      73 words
    • 668 27 QUALIFY* promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUIJECTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied Take the first sup
      668 words

  • 672 28 MALAYSIA subdued, with brusque authority, the last siffns of resistance from the Singapore team to score a 8-1 win in their Thomas Cup clash at the SBA Hail la-st night. It was a brutal anticlimax to what was expected to be a delicately balanced
    672 words
  • 217 28 HSt TAN TltW PMUANO M« Matam Urn ltan« laoo *****1 any aaaerfully on S-IS-TS teartni MtlM *»!•»»< i mm Ork dam. Oak C**m*. O«k Oa«*. Oak Uui oak a«t« omsmot C«k Tone. Qt* Chaaa. Oj«Cft»n in law Urn (M X*». Uii r«k Unt. SM Wu Klam. Taa K)M PklM.
    217 words
  • 273 28  - Full Pahang side now to test King's Cup team JCE DORAJ By CINGAPORE s King's Cup soccer players are determined to give a good showing tonight at 7.30 when they play Pahans at Jurong Stadium. The Pahang side tonight will be their full Malaysia Cup side and not Kuantan District.
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  • 243 28 Under-17 final will be big draw rt cream of Singapore's young soccer potentials will be on show today at the National Sudtum. competing in three age-group finals of the Nestle training scheme. reports JOE DOKAI The first final will be between Katong and Buklt Tlmah In the Under--13 Oroup. followed
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  • 205 28 Hamzah: We are willing to host SEA Games KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— The chairman of the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM), Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah, said today the present structure of the South-east Asian Peninsular (Seap) Games must be expan dad to make sport more competitive in the region. Datuk Hamxah
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  • 368 28 Malaysia's wheel is turning: Punch AN Indonesian badminton official recently asked Punch Ounalan. the Malaysian team manager "Have your badminton wheel •topped turning?" Last night. Punch, flushed with excitement, remarked: "When I meet that official attain. 11l tell him with great pride that the wheel Is turning." Last night's 8
    Reuter  -  368 words
  • 851 28 Miller, Graham grab back World Cup lead BANGKOK. Sat rpHE United States survived a strong challenge from Taiwan and Australia to regain a clear onestroke lead after the third round of the 23 rd World Cup golf tournament here today. The Americans were stnifgllnc In the sun halfway around today
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  • 449 28 Rangers move to the top as Derby crash LONDON. Sat. -Queen's Park Rangers Joined Derby County on too of the English Football First Division today as the top six clubs took to the road But while Derby and West Ham United, who were level with Rangers In second place before
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 142 28 i*^ ~-'^ifr4ji^%^Kfet S -V^laßaaaaaaaaaaaH VJnrXu/^K^^Bi .fl^^/yv^afB^aBBaBBIaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ..»:•<.» ti m« aow Sal imomk'i With a »H hum (x.wri hscim Ova I "> (l precision parts, m.iki ii|> the movrmriu, inginioiish fitted into sp.u i K< i ill. in .i silvet oin \\m (ml, I, n Shmliut I In- \m>i Id's slmmiist
      142 words
    • 116 28 fixed deposit investment CCS offer a sound dependable investment savings opportunity FIXED DEPOSITS. security aj^ CCS is owned by The Mf\ Chartered Bank, Australian m J\ N Guarantee Corporation Ltd, W^ '"I I I and Sharikat Permodalan I Kebangsaan and has been \^^y established for over 10 years. n interest
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  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 69 28 ■OCCIX: rrUmtty— B por* Ktaif's Cop XI v Pahani (Juront Wadteai. 7 30 plOL>; HmU* A«* Grwap, r*— Unoar-13: Katooc v Buklt TUnah (1 pjn >; Under--14 aaranfooo v Katoag (4 pm); lAtdsr-17 Kalonc v Pkstr Panjanc (630 pm > All matches at National madhan JOOGWO: Rlvar Valley OC laass
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  • Christmas Special Feature
    • 833 1  - Stores well stocked to meet seasonal rush WONG LAI WAN By For the man about town who has to attend formal functions, a tuxedo set comprising velvet bow-tie ana lac* collar at $17 90 U a good choice. Or get him one of the latest style attache cases with gold
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    • 651 2 STUDY THE TREND BEFORE YOU BUY DRESSES TtHE coming festive J- Mason proTldea women with a food excuse to dress up. And It's time to rush to the stores or boutiques in a last minute bid to buy the right gear for party going. But take stock of the available
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    • 720 2 When 9-carat gold can be attractive GIVE her a gem of a irlft and a*t her a gut ana seiner eyes sparkling. After all, she deserves a precious little something once a year, at least. And Christmas U surely the best time to "invest" In her good mood. Jewellery appreciates
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    • 618 4 'THE right acces- sorles can liven up the plainest of clothes and add a distinctive look. In fact, with the aid of accessories, the same outfit can adopt different looks. Take a simple Onecked blouse. Wear It with a knotted scarf and
      618 words
    • 526 5 SEAMLESS pants a cut adapted from the Denmark pants, popular in Europe are in fashion for the man-about-town. Master tailors expect the pants which have no seams down each trouser leg to be in great demand for some time. Mr Francis L. Boon. 26
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    • 359 5 FOR the homer maker, there U a range of household appliances that will lighten her work load and help her run the home smoothly. A digital alarm clock with 24 hours Indication and Illuminated dial will ensure that she gets up early to prepare
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    • 685 6 rpODAVS children can select their favourite toys from a wide selection at the stores. These toys range from a walkIng, talking and poem reciting doll to motorlsed construction sets. The variety is so staggering that sometimes It Is difficult to
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    • 37 7 Trio dollrd up In tb« latest of little girls' drcaaes. In cool cotton for Ntylrd after mdulta detlfns and trimmed with ric-rac and lace. From left: Kathy. Laura and Susan.
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    • 656 7 SHOPPING for children's clothes is no longer a problem w.»!i the many stores and boutiques that cater exclusively to the needs of the petite. And they stock a varied range of goods from baby's first frilly napkin to junior's work togs. At one time,
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    • 854 10 SYNTHETIC SOLES WIDELY USED FOR WEDGE SHOES THE stiletto is back In style. But to buffer the shock to our dog-happy ladles, local stores are not stocking too slender-heeled shoes yet. So, in store for our girls now and for the festive season ahead
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    • 1068 11  -  KATE WARJRG By SKIP SAUSAGE MEAT AND CHESTNUT STUFFING... PVERYBODY know* how to roast the Christmas turkey. Or If they don't, there are a thousand and one cook books which will tell them. What many otherwise excellent cooks don't realise, however, is that there
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    • 375 11 Time to stock up 'musts' for big party DLAN four party 1 well In advance. Now is the time to start stocking up the "musts" for that delicious Christmas spread. And It's time also to order that prime dlah the traditional turkey. There are three grades of turkeys Imported from
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    • 61 12 Having difficulty choosing g#fU for the Important man In your life? Your friendly cosmetics •alea girl will be glad to help out. Here a charming counter sales girl shows a selection of famous toiletries These range from after shave and cologne, to hair groom
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    • 647 12 UHTH the approach of the feaUve season, It's time to spruce up your home and give It the bright, new look. And you needn't have to spend too much. Let's atari with the door. Try u«Jng crepe paper, market where tt U sold.
      647 words
    • 517 12 rpHERE are literal- ly a hundred and one things you can do to your hair if you stretch your Imagination a bit. The trouble Is, hair stylists point out that few womrn are willing to take an the challenge* of looking different. Raid
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 k isfl L 1 'W^^ 1^ A IJ LH ij|| 1 1 I--^J* 111 *cry electronic Scutes t Someone special. Deserves something special. Hadson. It's a special gift. For the giving I Sol* Agents i Service Centre. TAURUS INTERNATIONAL SON. BHD. 26th Floor IMC Building. Shenton Way. Tel: *****74
      49 words
    • 92 1 If B I JHsl I I I s^s^s^s^a^tfs^s^fl IQ Discover the Aramis Christmas Classics A holiday array of grooming gifts for men who appreciate the finer things in life. .^k^V fSMk^yi i: ml H^r I mk B al>B B B B a ß ßffa B a B B B B
      92 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 -t^ Avon a b <* 'X > BBBj afaaaaw *av^^aacaV TbTBTBtJ BbW Sr^^^aVVSvJ L .ißh BBv >v^^ g&sßK^Qi^'' aIBbVJ BaT^™^ fIVJ i bbV J-# fl Canon, DATEMATic/iiOBD Twenty years on, will she still remember the day? Bf f BJBB I BBS .^dBST J an il I ajfl ssL,.aflT ■v c
      216 words
    • 254 2 wmmmxmr Wbteome to the Bcyctes Toys ■f*\(3jr SPECTRACULA! P^jW^TjbP At the Ist Floor Lobby- _H^^g|H^ Pteza Sngapua 261 Setegie Road I f /jrw^l a, BF^^a^^Bsy a) 9 aionoMcri *rr motocmoss Lk^^^^ u«MtMlaMner*gi«allßrwo>««tiM«ia Oomturm mnao— im tunm •nuBOHCyoIB n^QtBBBMK e>tfs>lui# geßn BsMt b!SbdJlbb\ *vb¥% BbW Oi AT —Li t r 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 568 3 PHILIPS jL^L^^^m I B BUB .^k^km M^Ma^la^a^M M^a^a^am m^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^BL^aw& M M DLLfIJ See Sreve McGarret in "Hawaii 5-0" on a P/i/7ips X26K209 ir^a^aKm \^k\. -Vm co/our so natural it's almost like being there. Philips ultrasonic remote control JJM Features: 66 cm (26") screen, 12 skin sensitive light-up touch buttons gives
      568 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 THE B FREE-ARM C^ I H g comran I B That's HUSQVARNA Sweden I he HuMjvarrva Compact iews modern Ht>r«i<ti<dUtitcr»esat the twist of a dial Ixtt* feature* o< the Huqvanu H C«npact:- H Automata Buttonhole M Sever nteds piping H« 100 Mm pfT«>t nrfjrv hook K| Greater penetrating power of
      95 words
    • 89 4 i p LJ jswellecs s The Newest, Most Exciting Quality Jewellers in Singapore. 2 Each Piece, Each Diamond, Bit of Gold and Silver Has Been Personally Selected I and Tested by Carol of SochVs To InI sure An Extremely High Standard. A Bit Of Browsing In Socko't Will Also S
      89 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 Soulful L^LV L^L^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Lr^H If M j Wf Make this Christmas really special with a gift from SAROMES exquisite collection of table and pocket electronic lighters. Free life-time service and parts replacement guarantee <TRROME So* Agent i S*nr«o» Station Sarome Lighter Company (S) PX: Ltd. Stiff* 1814 ism floor. taMmaiional Plan.
      56 words
    • 457 5 Now in Singapore J The construction toy children never outgrow J fischertechnik is a completely new construction toy which helps children think creatively while they're playing. The basis of fischertechnik is the aJ tP"^bi%l. 6-sided, interlocking building block. And wl^^Tfc»am because it's 6-sided, your child can build 4 on all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 Here is the picture perfect gift for Christmas the new Agfa Optima 5000 Pocket Sensor, a compact slimline camera that makes hit-or-miss photography a thing of the past. The 5000 always gives beautifully sharp pictures in one quick, easy That's because of its incredible SENSOR shutter release ystem with a
      359 words
    • 70 6 Your Constant Cnmpanloo The TRINOVID Binoculars. The compact, lightweight TRINOVID is a new type of binoculars, with True Internal Focusing. Stylish. Light-weight, but Robust. You can carry it in your jacket pocket or a ladies' handbag. Indispensable for Races and Sporting Events. TRINOVID from LEITZ Wetzlar, makers of world famous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 186 7 Bssk i^^B fgLaVV^^tftß^BsssssssslsssssssssssW And what's mart, weVj A Rfc^fißOO your first eight fao-pgttfcisf fwtold V A A instant pictures with our oooipliincnts. V A I^M Mwry Christmas. ■H M \^gs^^pl 9^ JA ftfl H si I aLffifr'' X^^r I ZIP I EEBB COLORRSCK 80 COLORRSCK 100 ItalSjft* lw\32^ I3bi2-S IL3bi2u3
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 85 10 Sunbeam...the kind of /(jlßpi present that makes it nSpP Christmas all year round. jfi^L Sunbeam 8 -speed Sunbeam H^^Abh j^h <r_, Mlxmaster.^^W'' 111 Sunbeam Deitu4j| Pff^—— —*Jj&?" U H, aT Electric Perco« K -^Z tff'^^^^^^^kjU/, m W fIQ <^J ,\Z. B^sW\^tsl»W^J.^Bl M. BW stW ■T'Abv^b! awf B^ak* V^ "ifl '^^B^W
      85 words
    • 150 10 t\: v\j| AX:hotr .ing, on CHRISTMAS EVE^f] IV 4 JK i 8.30pm at the French Restaurant W/ A K \\i «n<l CHRISTMAS DAY 6.30pm |7 There will be a lucky draw at V\i the French Restaurant and Le- \j t 1 Roulette Niteclub on both V m CHRISTMAS EVE V'
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 213 11 a^Ba B^sW S^Ba Kwß ja^£t «*^BaWa^BaW^^^^^BaWas f aft .^awl Bv^ I LN w^s»» awiW. >J^bL| Ea//jy 1 Jam ■wß^svval *^Ss^ mtm^ :ikL± ]I¥//A I^^^ rv^ murk ii^ Jfc s w\S£**&^T2m^ l^s^^^ .^bs^bW v J^Bs^Lm^^wl m Vfl W VS^m .^B^B^k B^L^^BbV B^T FREE SAMPLING XT YAOHAN SUPERMARKET aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajß|aaßßaaaaaaaa| If yO u
      213 words
    • 210 11 W)iti Christmas;, ligijt a canblc anb take a pljoto. r^-«i£) Hike tins our. Hfejfll You can, with the Yashica Electro 35. This amazing camera has an electronic 'brain' ELECTRO 35 GSN/GTN that computes ahd sett exposures precisely f 1 7 i«nv coupM ivaaasswlar. In any light. Even dim candlelight l
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 591 12 W V V VaaaaaaaaW Christmas is giving in the spirit of sharing the joys of the season. afl LaaV <T -^^aaßal f*^V^naßßßßßßaf Find the right gifts at Metro and spread some Christmas cheer. IT^* *B^bß jl For her (left): Crepe maxi from MAMSELLES in striking JassaaaaaaaflsaY fiti!!! VH l^T zigzag
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    • 32 12 BRINGS YOU THK SAINT LAURENT/ riv uche FAMOUS Nt^W LOOK trCk v aSBBBT >7 Ol^'W.. 21.22 G. Specialists C«ntr«. Orchard R<^«<, Sinoopor* 9. Ml 372' 300. Orchard Rd.. (Rtxpatrick Arcod* Tel: *****9.
      32 words