The Straits Times, 6 December 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 642 1 MALIK: DON'T BE SURPRISED 'New step' hint in Timor war JAKARTA, Friday INDONESIA has advised Mm ambassadors of eight key nations that it regards the situation in Portuguese Timor as a throat to Indonesia and that their governments should not be surprised by any new step Jakarta might take in
    Reuter; AP  -  642 words
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    • 135 1 DILOTS call them the Birds of Death 1 and would rather fly through the eye of a hurricane than come face to face with a flock of them in mid-air. Only last month an executive Jet in England crashed on a car, killing all Its six
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    • 86 1 OWE Sands y Times also investigates the true state ef racial prejudice In Britain today. In the first part of a three inttalment series. Stralu Times Chief Reporter R Chandran —Jest back after a thrre- month stay In Britain takes a bard wok at the mala areas
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    • 64 1 THE FIRST TIME: A report on a recently published bestseller about how 38 famous people lost their virginity which v neither titillating pornography nor scientific research but Is revealing of the characters of those Interviewed. "NO" MATHS: The latest approach to the teaching of mathematics recommended by some
      64 words
    • 49 1 CALLAN: File on a Pining Poet DISNEY Mi, M brlngi colour to US bicentennial IS DRINK a caase of Britain's decline? PRESIDENT FORD and the Chinese seavenlr crisis HI H Lond■peaker review ENTER the threeway cheas set WHO NEEDS Indoor games when Life can be so exciting.
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  • Sunday Nation
    • 130 1 HE U only 17. but he already has been described as the new Oeorge Best Eleven English clubs are in the queue to sign him up as a professional. One manager has offered him 15.000. but It looks like new soccer wonder
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    • 141 1 rS vacation time. And If yea are thinking of going abroad on a limited badcrt. going to the Tight" travel agent eeald give yea extra eaab for year holiday spending Price-catting Is se rife that yea eeald save as raach m UN for a return trip
      141 words
    • 52 1 INSIDE TRACK men will have tears to falls on Dec 10; WHO IS GREAT horse of the fifties, or i TAN KIM SENG In the BXAP Games. veils why the SXAP sportsbite back when the curtain '.R Three Rings, the top Jumbo Jet of recent years? on the
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  • 71 1 KUALA LUMPUR. PYI The Ministry of Home Aff airs today ordered editor* and prtaUn of Soara Rakvat. t Malay weekly, not to distribute copies of this week's lasne. The Ministry officials also sealed the premises of Percetakaa Bendlrlan "•■•t^. prtntcrs of Suara Rakyat The weekly Is published
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  • 124 1 MALAYSIA an petted for victory over ttagspecs In the Thomas Cup Western Aajaja} Zone eeeead reand tie when they took a J-l lead at the Singapore Hall last sight Slafapere's only p stall eaJDO la the first aeaales when Tee Ah Seag and Tan
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  • 509 1 Gunmen push hostage to balcony AMSTERDAM, Friday A BLINDFOLDED youngster was push- ed out on to a balcony at the occupied Indonesian consulate today In a show of defiance by South Moluccan gunmen. First police reports described the hostage as an unidentified female with rope around her neck and a
    Reuter; AP  -  509 words
  • 575 1 JAKARTA. Friday PRESIDENT Ford came under heavy pressure from China's leaders to abandon detente and open a new and bitter cold war with the Soviet Union, American officials said on their arrival here from Peking today. China's concern over US detente with
    Reuter  -  575 words
  • 40 1 Half million more PAHlfl. Frt Praaea now hit over teo.OOO nor* f etnalaa than mafca. aeoofwId« to official nguna rsteaetd today. The figures ehowod that ths popuUttm of SM7«.eM Is mads up of M.SM 400 fiwilsi and JS.OM.SSO Males. asutsr.
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  • 42 1 HBW YORK. FM. DOW Jonas avaraam. bawd on Brat bow of trading on tnt New York stock tirhanfs; K India ISSte Sown I.M. M tranap 1M IS up 0 M It uui« tor; up on. stocks SUM down O UPL
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  • 33 1 AMSTERDAM. Pri Five South Metaeeaa gaaasea today freed three ef 11 children still held imrai M heetages at the bamv aeataa eeaealaU here, police said. Reater. (See this Pao)
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 I r KING'S Uj SAFETY KING'S SHOES mL RESISTANT W KING S SHOE MFG PTE. LTD 36 DAKOTA CRESCENT. APORE 14 TEL *****1 *****7 V 0 THADING COMPANY M t T>-*»if« Towt' I B».r« ft o ,d s gjyo-t 7 TV *****14
      42 words
    • 159 1 RESCUED: GIRL, 15, FORCED INTO VICE Pa f a DR K '•rains' of CIA ale* S AGMPOWnt wins the day 4 NO DUAL deUatlea ends la Dieter S MUSTS paring flft (c Sharon HINT ends for »ani terror 7 THE doctor's dilemma 0 'LET worker* Join la the decision making-'
      159 words
    • 109 1 GERMANYS BEST Jt\ m first IN FASHION nbermain AtYk, »/.r,«/ Tradr Mark I She looks M aW because I v HICEE helps you to live a full life It fights cold, increases vitality, works towards nourishing your complexion y 4^^^^ for a smoother, healthier look J It helps you to
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    • 189 2 US and China racially arrogant India NEW DELHI. Frl. The president of India's ruling Congress Party, Mr. Dcv Kanta Barooah. today made an outspoken attack on the United States ar.d China, calling them neo-lmperlalUt end racially arrogant. air. Barooah, opening a self-styled Internetlonal Conference against Fascism In the Bihar state
      AP  -  189 words
    • 577 2 ITS President Ford left for Indonesia today after five days in China, earning word from the Chinese that seven US servicemen listed as missing in action during or before the Vietnam war were dead. The news, given yesterday apparently as a goodwill gesture from China
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  577 words
    • 277 2 NEW YORK. Frl China affairs experts say It will be builneM as aaaal In Taiwan If the Cnlted States ases the "Japanese model te establish fall diplomatic re 1 a tlons with Peking bnsinesa te the tone of a beat US$3.7 billion <Ss9
      UPI  -  277 words
    • 55 2 CALCUTTA. Prl Indl* and BtnfUdesh yesterday ended three days of talks on l order Mcurlty. MOnt the nefUng had helped to clear mlatlvtnas and mi»undcrstandlnfs.'' A Joint pnas atatemrnt cave few detail] but «ld the two dcicfatton* had *cieed to rxtend eo-opermUon to prevent border Incident*,
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    • 108 2 LOOKING FOR QUICK KILL -AT $2.5 mil LOS ANOEES. Fn An Australian diver who has limed a UBSI million <8525 million* contract V fight a flvfmetre tcmt «'hit« shark laid today he «v "looking for a quirk kill." Mr. Benn CrcDP. 39. of Surface Puradlsc, Queensland, said he would fight
      Reuter  -  108 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 667 2 b^bF^^b^bl I b^b^bV I BtT^wM 4^tf| I VSfit- B^B^^ W^^^^^^^^^^^g at er /W 4 a^aJ BTMbH -a I'Wf BP*tl lfl Ikiseß^B^B^ a^B \L 1 Bail ElaW From Braun, electronics take beautiful shape Preee the trtagar of any Brar aghter and and beeuOful soiutton everytwiQ Mrpple and teat EtecfrorHc cytndera aiverpejked
      667 words
    • 103 2 Am VJ Am a^alr fIM/f* J. Gl'tt*"^ llke diomond in W J /Bw PPT our musicol goloxy in the £j tSVX&AjV Regency Lounge is our VmW sVllWlsyiil lotest singing sensotion W w» (Jltf lUjiAJ Delmdo Shell mesmerise Af i you with her romontic songs w &/¥Wy move you to swing
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    • 153 3 18 hurt in jet mishap over Tokyo rKYO. Ftl Fifteen passengers and three crewmen aboard a China Air Lines <CAL. 707 letllner were injured last night when the plane encountered severe air turbulence over the Tokyo area, airport officials said They said one steward ess aboard the plane suffered a
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    • 112 3 UNITED NATIONS. Frl. —The Oeneral Assembly's main political committee yesterday adopted a series of resolutions favouring the establishment of nuclear weapon -free zones In Asia, the Middle East and Africa. The committee approved without a vote an Indian sponsored draft under which the Assembly
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 504 3 Drive to discredit Allende ITS Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger was the chief architect of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) campaign to discredit Marxist Salvador Allende shortly lie fore and after his election as President of WASHINGTON. Friday Chile, according to a Senate
      Reuter  -  504 words
    • 280 3 DETROIT. Friday EORMER Teamsters (Transport) Union leader James Hoffa, who vanished here without trace on July 30 this year, was murdered, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official probing the disappearance. Mr. Robert Oxer. FBI chief In Detroit, told a court here yesterday he
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 143 3 Protest strike by Paris printers PARIS, m. Printing workers today staged a 24-hour newspaper strike to protest at violent clashes between police and union demonstrators last night which left at least 20 people Injured. Demonstrators, protesting over a nine-month-old conflict at the daily Partsien Liber e, broke through police barricades
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 53 3 Giscard says `no again PARIS, Prt. Praiidcnt Vilery OtacanS dtMalns hut night reaffirmed his refusal to grant any political power to Prance's regions. Prance was too small to adopt the kind of federal system operating In big couruie* like Uit United Mates and th« Sovtet Union. he said in nation-wide
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 150 3 HK probe on 'fluy a Thai wife' racket HONGEONG, Frl.—Aethorities here arc investigating a "bay a Thai wife" racket lavolvim a number of travel agencies both In Hongkong and Bangkok, a government oMeial said today He said the Immigration Department here had received aboat 1M complaints, half of them in
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    • 45 3 LONDOW. rM. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher was yesterday re-elected leader of Britain's ConservsUve Party for the next IS months In s formality that lasted toss than a minute. Conservative mesabers of Parliament elect s leader at the start of every parliamentary session.— AP.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 146 3 New York puts the lid on nude dancers NBW YORK, m Nude dancers and topless waitresses have been banned from New York City bars under a new ruling by the State Liquor Authority. But semi-nude dancing Is still permitted— co lone as the bar«-brea«ted entertainers keep at Must two metres
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 26 3 CAIRO. Prt Indian rmsilsiil Pakhmddln Ahmed yesterday visited ttoo Suss Canal son* to tour battlefield* of Ute October lrT* war with Israel.— JUuter
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    • 222 3 TOKYO, frl. rE number of bankruptcy caste la Japan reached 1.317 last month a peak since the end of World War Two as a resalt Of the prolonged mm— ion, the Tokyo Commerce and lad as try Research Company announced today This
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 204 3 j j j FROM i SHOPS all^^ rft p Singapore! ENDAR SPECIAL OFFER i 20%0R50%0FF j rymJ < READY-MADE SHIRTS ONLY j Valid while ?Uy,£yi I stocks last. *T ~J? I shanghai shirt co. pte. Ltd. i «w ■•< <—•» hi tum< w iini i imm> IM»M I'"I"M 'i»il» U
      204 words
    • 217 3 Portugal crushes coup Read the full story in... Ba^******^^P***MaF^aW.^3a'ii Bs^^^wJl w9J* ar^BssssVl The new King things are looking brighter for Spain at the end of King Juan Carlos' first week in power Moynihan vs the State Department inside story of why Pat Moynihan almost resigned as U.S. Ambassador to the
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    • 357 3 PLANT ENGINEER Up lo $30,000 psx annum I The Malaysian subsidiary of a large and II I «v«ll-krtown international rnanifacturlng I I organisation with an estab*(sriad record of II I growth is seeking a qualified and expert- I I enced Engineer for trtit position. The I Ml Company is located
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    • 204 4 MP lashes out at the royal hangers-on' LONDON, Friday QUEEN Elisabeth's pay rise from the state should not be more than the £6 (8*30) a week limit set for all workers in the British Government's counter -Inflation policy, antl-royallst MP William Hamilton said tonight The Labour MP complained of "hanger»-on"
      204 words
    • 35 4 BARRANQUILLA (Colombia), m— Aocerad by reprimand for ihowlnc up late for work, a poUcaman opened Or* on hi* aupartoci yesterday, killing a lieutenant and fellow patrolman before being shot and killed himself —UPI
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 77 4 US wholesale prices stop climbing WASHINGTON. FTI US wholesale prices remained stationary last month, after four consecutive monthly increases, the Labour Department reported today It said the wtiot—ls prk* Index was unchanged In Novembtr. aftar a IS par cent !ncr*»»e In October, and va* IT per cent higher than a
      77 words
    • 442 4 NEW YORK. Friday Soviet Union did not interfere with Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger's successful Middle East mediation this autumn because the)' were afraid of jeopardising a five-year grain deal with the United States,* IS Agricultural Secretary Earl Butz told Business Week magazine
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    • 101 4 LEBANON: SIX DIE, 100 HELD HOSTAGE BEIBUT. Frl. Akoat 166 people were taken hostage and six men killed ay rival factions In various parts ef Lebanon yesterday, y sites said. four of the dead were In the summer rtaert ef Zahle, M km from Beli rat, where ganmen foofht with
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    • 222 4 'Crush leftists' pledge sparks coup fears BUENOS AIRES. Friday ARGENTINA edged a step nearer to civil war and the possibility of a military coup today, after a senior army officer pledged that the armed forces would move to destroy subversion. Tank commander Oenerai Luciano Jauregul was speaking In Parana. 400
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 174 4 LONDON, rrl. Tr\mt Minister Harold WUM>n faced a storm of erlUcUm In rsrlUment yesterday orer hU handling of BrlUln'i repreeenUtlon »t the forthcoming P»rU conference on enerfT and raw saaterials. to a fmrtow exchange, eoneenratlrc leader Mrs. Margaret Thatcher said that desC" Mr. WUaen's veraklU he
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 828 4 Stiirrinl (]hris f*r aBTSB HAVE A TREAT ON US! Buy our special offer items or any p'ece of diamond jewellery (or other jade/gemstone jewellery set %vith diamonds) for $350/- or more, and we'll let you have a YAOHAN Christmas Hamper worth $45 for just $9 1 Hamper from YA OH
      828 words
    • 73 4 NIKKO STONE A line especially created for new homemakero Most practical for both everyday and entertaining occasions. Colorful, rustic, romantic designs with matte glaze finish w< m I B#W aL^^^BBBVaBBB^BBaI IV VW^aaaa^B LaaaVV MINT I aw^^^l aaaa^V^ BLO Baaaaaaaasav w~ I SUNFLOWER (169) t '-aav t all HOLLY (173) NEEDLEPOINT
      73 words

    • 230 5 'Sweeping victory for Fraser in polls' forecast SYDNEY Frl Austral is s political power struggle headed Into '.te final «eek of cAmpalrolnt: today with national opinion do'U unanimously forecasting a landslide victory for Prime MlnUttr Mal«lm Frasers LiberalNational Country Party coalition In next weeks general election. Former Pr'me Minister Oouxh
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 122 5 ISTANBUL. Fit Three buildings came under bomb attacks here today and campus violence flared up again In Ankara leaving several people Injured the latest In a series of clashes to mar Turkish university life since late October A Ocvtrnment statement Issued aftor a five-hour cabli
      Reuter; Agencies  -  122 words
    • 308 5 BONN, m Blmon MM Peres. Israeli Defence Minister, said In an Interview published today that the recent UN resolution Unking Zionism with racism had damaged the chances for peace In the Middle Bast. LONDON: Britain's Trades Union Congress (TUC) wt I organic demonstrations and lob Met anloaa the Laboar
      Agencies  -  308 words
    • 437 5 NO-TRIAL DETENTION ENDS IN ULSTER 73 IRA suspects freed BELFAST. Fri gMTAIN today iiukd detention without trial in Northern Ireland, foeeisej all remaining Irish Republican Army guerilla SUS|H.'Cts. The dramatic announce m c nt was made by Northern Ireland Secretary Merlyn Rees, who said he had today signed release orders
      Reuter  -  437 words
    • 63 5 LONDON, m The BrltUh Oovernment yesterday aaid It waa raadv to buy up the entire North Saa oil t«U of th# n nanctally- .bird Buonaa OU Company. ■norev Secretary Tony Benn •no announced In Parliament the Bank of England vould extend for a further mne
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 179 5 Jenkins broke the law, says Judge LONDON, m Britain's chief Appeal Court judge yesterday accused Home Secretary Roy Jenkins of maladministration and breaking the law. The Judge. Lord Denning, made the accusation when he ruled that the Home Offlce had Illegally revoked 27.000 colour television licences. "These courts have the
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 254 5 w VIENTIANE, Friday T^nPfl ruler of have Proclaimed their foreign policy w 11 be one of non-alignment, political sources said here today Vientiane Radio, in its only statement on thia matter h^ emphasised that the country wishes to remain fSJ of' aSJ foreign
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 125 5 KING: KEEP THAILAND ON WORLD MAP BANGKOK, rti. King Bhumlbol Adulyadej urged h:j countrymen on his 48th birthday yesterday to unite and preserve the sovereignty and Independence of the country and "keep Thailand on the world map." "Many people said there would be no Thailand on the world map by
      AP  -  125 words
    • 40 5 BRUBBSXS, Frt Q»mon Market mlnUUr* averted a major eiaah jrwlu day with the community European Parliament, by lncreaane next year's draft budevt by M million uniu of account <U8» 110 million > to IM2 million UAi (UBW.IIO mutton Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 81 5 YOEK (EnfUnd).Pri. OrerMvei by the birth of bis ion. Anaxew Mian leklafty •et on his wilt's wl|, amtcraity «rsas »nd B*kr up bet feaad hlanrlf »ar«aed by two imorou state adaalrcrs. M»nn. J2. teU *M- cutrates her* rtaUtdar he had aaca forced to cteal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 BARGAInS^I |Quality Merchandise at /r'ri^fl give away prices.Up to/^^vjß B^From Ist to 24th December 1 97!^^^»»»^^Bfl Wall To Wall Broadloom Carpeting Lessl^/ —f PLUS: ■Irl 1 piece rug FREE for every purchase of $500/ to $2,000/ 3 piece washable super quality ay toilet rugs FREE for every ff A purchase
      118 words
    • 476 5 Walls or furniture Nippon Paint goes on easily, dries quickly. Nippon Paint. In colours that captivate. It simply flows on. covers completely Dries quickly! And takes the weather and wear-'n-tear just beautifully' Get Vinilex 5000 Emulsion for all walls Matex Latex Water Paint for interiors. Bodelac 9000 Enamel for a
      476 words

  • 44 6 TUX Minister for Law and to* Environment. Mr. B. W. Barker, ysstsrdoy atu idad a rsropaon to mark v «atn birthday of King Bhumlbol of Thailand and Thai National Day. bald at U» home of Mr. Chamnong Phahulrat lbs Thai Ambassador bar*.
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  • 20 6 THI Accounting Society of Nti.yang University win noM iv annual dinner at Obcaptt Hotel today at T pjn
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  • 440 6 'CSS does not pose any threat to SBS' 'J'HK financial viability of the Singapore Bus Service is not threatened by the operation of the City Shuttle Service, said the Registrar of Vehicles, Mr. Lai Weng Cheong, yesterday. aaaaaaaaaamj He added, that th-* CBB was only a vary minor adjunct In
    440 words
  • 57 6 rpHE Muslim R»llglous 1 Council plans to pro mote the welfare and ties among Muslims by setting up a community development committee in each bousing estate Already members at Quetnstown have met v discuss matter. The proposed commit tee will spearhead projects of benefit to Muslims In the
    57 words
  • 248 6 Dad coins and the Blue Arrow free riders /\NE-CDrr coins. Up U waahers, dud oainstheoe axe Use •fares" £aurs b7 on*°the stSnpress BkW Arrows service of the Singapore Bus Service. SUee Monday, the Bine Arrows bases have become one-man-operated and cornmat rrs have to slot in a flat fare of
    248 words
  • 31 6 Hari Raya prayers THE Muaoss Mlaalonary Society of Stngapon will organise eoogrejattoaal Hart Rays Hajl prayers at the King PUsal afuattm Ltctun Hall Lorong IX Ovysuw. on Doe. v at am
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  • 27 6 THB Ulu Pandan community centra Youth Oroup •nil hold a children's art competition at 1U pi— l— on Doe. U tram sjd UU 11 ia
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  • 617 6  -  EDWARD LIU By SIX year eld Sharon Slebel, centre at a lue-day court tosslr between her mother. Mrs. Rosemary Slefcel. a Brtion. of Birmingham, and her father Mr. Earle SiebcL. of lpoh. left London this afternoon for the •big kwase" in lpoh which ahe
    AP  -  617 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 397 7 pH()<i legi and other imported meat products, if found (-ont;iiiiinated, a ill not Im* able to pass through Singastringent health regulations, authorities assured yesterday. According to a spokesman for the Primary Producer. Department wMcli keeps a close check on Imports of food products, all
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  • 255 7 25 traffic offences since 1968: Man fined $2,700 A TRAFFIC offender, who failed to appear In coart since the first summons was issued to him in IMS. for fear of havtnj to pay a line, was fined a total of 52.7 M yesterday on 25 charges against him. loh Eng
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  • 40 7 Efficiency course THT »nt«j»re ImUtuU of ManaflWMot wtU bold count on Incrcutaf Admlnutr«llv« unctancT and Produrtimr «t 1U prwaitm In Thoot Tack Building. SootU Road, (ran Jan J to 6 The fee la 1140 for member* and »170 tor othen.
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  • 29 7 THX CbM* Club will hold their ftfth CbrUUBM Cbmm tor undcrprlrtlMd chUdrw •t Uw Banktaf IUU at CbMi Manhattan »tn> not Bunds/ troM J» pjl to pja.
    29 words
  • 306 7 Hunt over for gang 'terror' pOMCE yesterday arrested a 21-year-old man believed to be the headman of the powerful Sio Gi Hor secret society of the 18 Group in a shophouse in Queen Street. On the police wanted list for the past year, he is known as a "terror" in
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  • 78 7 CHILDREN'S BOOKS SEMINAR MISS Marilyn Oirvln head of the children's section, Queen*town branch library, will attend the UNESCO regional seminar on Planning. Production and Distribution of Books for Children and Young People In Asia. opening In Kuala Lumpur on Monday. The five-day seminar is aimed at stressing the Importance of
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  • 380 7  -  TAN HSIU LING B» IP nuilc be the food of love, play »n, and that Is what local composer and conductor Urn TUt Seng does. TUt Seng. M. has cowjposed a grand march, a grand selection of string ••arteta and choir works
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  • 40 7 DR Ooh Kent Swa*. deputy Pnmt illnlrter and MlnlaUr of Defence, will attend the Mth annlTermry celebration of the "»|'P** Portworken Union at the Port Authority Recreation Club. Buklt Chermln Road, today at 7 JO p m
    40 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 133 7 I BIG BIG DISCOUNTS i phis FREE GIFTS. I 1 FREE GIFTS I j| f° r every purchase over $5.00 A on canned goods, cigarettes |PP \^T arid wines j#i .1 WOOLLEN WEAR 20% discount CHRISTMAS W DECORATIONS 15% discount FASHION FABRICS W 10% -50% discount STORE-WIDE DISCOUNT 2w' 10
      133 words
    • 349 7 j -'-'a aaaV aa^' ■■•'■<^ >- aaaaar Mk KS -^L. aaav^^ aa/^^ V r t i; w A '.^i^BaaV 30 L xjy I f»r ±M -Jaal Lar wX ,m bp 7 ip^ j^Bt^ aaTx .^OA Ba^^wC^L^aavy I^^b^^^^^^up^^jv^ •^^■aaar ■^fV^^Buuu^^.^JS^B 9^^ I t^^^s^^y^ &8h t?s^ DtsiON 24 r~Ci^^*^^^*^uWteaa^us»^;^^^a>w Christmas happens only
      349 words

  • 161 8 CASE OF MYSTERY SPEED SIGN SOLVED rt ease of the my i tery saeed sign at the jinx earner of Mowntbatten Bead, which aterely states "Maxlmun Speed tt." has been solved. The speed referred to Ij in miles per hoar and not In klloasetres. However, It Is expected to be
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  • 426 8  - Police rescue girl forced into vice LAI YEW KONG By 15- YEAR-OLD girl who was held captive in a house and forced into prostitution by a man was rescued by police in a raid in Sembawang on Sunday. A man, said to be early twenties, Is now married and in
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  • 130 8 Ratnam for IPPF meeting SINOAFORK will be represented at the aecond annual me«t«n« of the Bait and Southeut Atla and Oceania (I8IAOR) Refkmal Council of the International Planned Parentbcod FMetaUon opening In Bangkok today. The Singapore ■enUtlve UProfenor 8 Ratnam. bead of the Obstetrics and Oynaecoloty Department. Unlrenlty of Singapore.
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  • 27 8 TBI 1.100-toniM Bnaja mmtj «mbA Bm Paattaar. •Wba chrManari at Urn ate■apar* SBpww acd BactDMriai aWpyvd la Ttajoog Blm aa Dae. U at 10 urn.
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  • 224 8 Seventy songs on ministry blacklist ABOUT 7* eengs, many ef them popaUr EagHah numben have gone on the Ml ■ttry of Caltarei blacklist, according to yesterday s New Nation. i The son is are banned I from being broadcast over radio or teievii aton or itaced at pubI lie performances.
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  • 426 8 Golden Shoe law 'should apply to aIP squatters fHE law on squatters applied in the "Golden Shoe" area should be extended to other areas in the Republic in order to speed up building projects This suggestion is made In an article on the De- r~—WM velopment of Private Housing In
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 427 8 sH aHLsla^aW T TRENDS OF THE SEVENTIES >3| m Sunglasses from .^K^bVkN NINA RICCI for You Authotindd—krx jfl! BBr^BW^BV .SBBSbILbBBBBBbW Alpha Optic* A Contact Lens Centre Opttque Par«-Miki IS) *ta Ltd V ibj-^ 163 Orchard Road Stnojpura Plata f >^b^b^bW^bw J?^ Robtna Shopptno Centre Star Optical Company a^fc^^~~' E.J. Bonianuri
      427 words
    • 190 8 ELMARK G&MOVAL SAC€ of- £n*f/oor unit *>/ Pfoxo f/ofopora tv*'// soon nemova fro/n i* 'f/00/- 6rV>/> *?O/ Srt/ //oer, aVMbV 3/3 x'mas bargain sacs at 61/HxmK rua*mj*e aa/o Toy Buon <$t/an Svpfrfnor-Jraf-ArvwA B<M/<f/'fup t$ 6ostC6oit £bod t tibtonf 7al I 497// 3 £{mag< co"/*e+cr seerteet pr* cro. £lMA**e //v/?*e/oer C>^»
      190 words

  • 280 9 ROV warns owners of 'non-user' vehicles THE Registry of Vehicles warns motorists who have de- registered their vehicles that they will not be let off lightly if they are caught driving them. An ROY SDOke&man said a number uf motorists who had filed str notices had been caught driving their
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  • 73 9 Bank's pocket metric converters THE Chartered Bank In Singapore is dlstrlbuti Ing pocket slie metric converter! to all Its regular account holders and customers as part of Its efforts to support the national metrication campaign. The convarf were specially deatgned In consultation with the Btncapoie MeuiraUon Board and provide uatful
    73 words
  • 182 9 Mooring damage: Oil firms sue ship owners E3SO and Mobil oil companies have filed a Joint claim on the owners of the rtrlcken tanker. Krlti 8«n. far damage, to the Single Baoy Mooring (SUM) which becasne Inooerational folio wing the Bre and exwlexiaa on the tanker a month ago. The
    182 words
  • 11 9 THERF were II road accidents, three eertoua. on Thursday.
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  • 349 9 A doctor's dilemma: To tell or not to tell? THE issue of whether a doctor should tell all in a court of law sparked off a lively debate between the legal and medical professions on Wednesday. The doctors, led by Dr. Gwee Ah Leng, felt that the privilege enjoyed by
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  • 109 9 rE Moscow Narodny Bank in Shenton Way has moved into IU own new bulkilng In Robinson Road. The Sl6 million bulldir.R was officially opened on Wednesday. Mr. V A Balagurov, chairman of the supervisory council, and Mr. B.A. Shevchenko. chairman of the board 'and
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  • 346 9 to tell what the client had confided in him. Yet. If the person had divulged the same "secrets to a doctor or a priest, the two could be asked in court to give the information. be said. 'Not accepted' "Where's the logc? Anyone
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  • 107 9 Woman found hanged in flat MADAM Chay Yoke Keng. 50. was found hanged from a beam In the kitchen of her flat at Block 54. TangUn Halt, a' 6.15 p.m. yesterday. Her adopted daughter. Mary Chay, 15. found inflat locked when she returned. She knocked several times, but bad no
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  • 78 9 Y's men talks on community service The UP for Ser&ncoon Garden. Mr. L.P Rodrlfo, will open Urn two-day International AwoclaUon of Y» Men's Club* conference at Hotel Equatorial at 10JO am today. The theme of the conference la Onenmiinlty Berrice Through rtdom B will be atuoded by about M Vi
    78 words
  • 63 9 JTC to spend $370 m next year THX Juroag Town CorporaUon will epeud about U7O wtiMcm next ymt. Of thto. about IMO mllUon will b» on new projects and epUlovera, and the real for toad »~rr Mt V" a»tta>Ttae corporation »»"~~r for nrxt year la upettad to be till million,
    63 words
  • 108 9 ITB TRADE TESTS: WHEN TO REGISTER riTHE Indus:rial Tra.n--1 Ing Board will reg ster candidates for National Trade Test* Oradea Two and Three at the Bukit Merah Vocational Institute from Dec. 17 to 1* between B am. and 4 p.m. dally. The tests, available for 15 subjects offered, will be
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  • 33 9 THE Central Young Paoplei (action of the National Library «U1 hold a muncal procrainine Teen Beat at iv lecture hall on Dec. IS at 30 pjn liwllaelnii to free
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 bbbbbV i r g 1 jC/0 SUPREME I mrOj SUPERMARKET basement supreme house IH PENANG ROAD SINGAPORE 9 TEL *****4 Free parking A I jy^%^)a\\ day Sunday JI and public J H -tv^ jf Free delivery^ I r^ service to any I M fc X Singapore \l address^ I X
      58 words
    • 344 9 BBBBBBBa^^W^Bßßw*^^^^^ fljlllljß BBBBBBBBBBsC^^ I sT I af\ V^Bsfl r 1 fine n»rfiSi#cr •< BsssT^ /itfM wm Wmmm\m\ It™ T^ammm MMMm^sLaXaaWMT i Blm 330 r rjM W^^MA ■(60 watts) aw-B-SBB- jjHr^^B-BBB& W^f^^^^^^M Bbw3Bßw^w36Bß. BIM 220 I (45 watts) LM-1K) >^Cm3S.t^^^^^Bmßm-l 'W*' (35walts)B 'Tff^MMr^ o^ ""^e^Bßm. JP'* SANSUI LM33O 220 110 LM
      344 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 243 9 Straits Times Crossword MCmo»» 4 Sick man that cant S Afflicted by anxieties that oount' iT) •■ear off In Urn grain (Si ft Be Inslitent on an In- After a yew In Prance iniment i4> I'm a atudent or the Uvta« Pin* drink with a lot of miaul— (•>. fan-dantoe
      243 words

  • 515 10 4 PALL of (loom hangs over the heads of hundreds of street hawkers in various parts of the city, who were recently asked by the Environment Ministry to fill up empty stalls in Unf hawker centres. Thrar hawkrr*. majiy of whom have brfn
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  • 23 10 THE Johort Bani Royal Customi and Exckae Department will be cloaed on Dec 13 iHi.i Raya Hajn and Dec. 25 iChrutmai Day).
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  • 169 10 A CORONERS court Tday recorded a misadventure verdict on a 79-year-old man who was found lying "motionless on the road, one hand holding a fallen live wire Soh Chee Hwa. 12. a schoolboy, testifying Into the death of his neighbour Mr Ng Beng Ouan.
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  • 173 10 Clamp on $500,000 goods MR. Justice Kulaaekaram yesterday granted an Interim Injunction against Eagle Corporation <Pte) Ltd of Singapore to restrain It from removing 1600.000 worth of goods unloaded Into lighters from the mv Ban Shine. The order arose from a plea by Mr. Loh Boon Huat. for n plaintiffs
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  • 139 10 THt management com--1 mlttee of Lakshmlnarayan Temple In Char.d?r Road wa* restrained by the High Court yest?rdav from removing the present priest, Mr. 8 C Sharma. or Installing a new priest until an Injunction is disposed of g One of the defendants is Mr
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  • 452 10 AM R. Lee Kuan Yew iT has urged port workers to Join trainIng programmes to Improve their skills for a wider range of work. He strew* s that port workers have to adtust and accept re-deploy-ment as a consequence of developments brought about by the
    452 words
  • 326 10 DABIES have been known to die suddenly in their cots because of violent allergy to cow's milk, Mrs. Rosemary Chen, president of the Singapore Breast-feeding Mothers' Group, said yesterday. She said "The sudden death in such cases has long puzzled doctors. But
    326 words
  • 65 10 THE People Association director. Mr L*« Wai Kok. will nag off the ryclrthon organised by the PA regional youth council i North > to rals* funds for lta community and welfare project* at the Canberra community centra tomorrow st 7 s m The two-hour long. Mkm cyclethon
    65 words
  • 158 10 'Canteen conman gets 14 months A JOBLESS man who took $4,000 from a taxi driver on the pretext' of securing a contract for a canteen at a shipyard, was yesterday Jailed for 14 months by a magistrate's court for cheating. Tong Chek Peng. 33. pleaded guilty to cheatIng Quek Jim
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 423 10 HH^^^^H CONTGMPOIMY s^U^iH Z****s&Sßt INDOOR AW OUTDOOR. ssssV rff V- bsssssst'^ i^i^B^^^^^^BSsl bssssssP^^^^bsssssss^^ .^sssssssssl b^»^bs«^^^^B PV» M B^^^a^_ loSi L ft: TRENDSETTER English Lounoa Sot aj^na«ss_sjja-_H^ Hssssil isssssl sV i i lli* k i^^ssss^sssssssCM* comprising one sofa and two armchairs j^^tßSmSSß^^' swWßi m |||j^||i||ay| nin soft, caressing PVC that feels
      423 words

  • 315 11 Chamber call to management THE ihairnuin of tin- Singapore Interitional Chamber of Commerce, Mr. IDM Neill. yisterday urged business s t<> encourage worker participation rather than autocracy in management style. Speaking at the opening of a two-day seminar vi Training and Development of Business
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  • 30 11 MR Chum SUn Chin. Minister for Horn* Affairs. will attend tat oOdal opening of SANA Kous*— the halfway houat to help r«habtllUte dmt addict* today at 11 aA.
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  • 133 11 Making sure that every silver dollar is perfect EVEXY one of the }«M pieces of sterling atlver proof coins to be •old by the Currency Board at the end of the year will be atru tinised threats a microscope before they are released for sale. l f e» much as
    133 words
  • 74 11 A 33-YKAR-OLD man was jailed a total of three years by a district court yesterday on four charges of houaebreaklng Omar bin Ah mat. unemployed, had earlier pleaded guilty to all the offences committed be- tween March and November this year. The court heard that Omar,
    74 words
  • 265 11 FINE AND RIDING BAN ON SOCCER STAR ROZARIO NATIONAL soccer player Brian Oerard De Rozarlo. 21, was yesterday fined a total of 1350 and disqualified from riding a motorcycle for one year by a magistrate's court when he pleaded guilty to two traffic offences. Rosarto earlier admitted ridliix a motorcycle
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  • 73 11 Dr. Toh Chin Chye, Minister for Health. wll; en the sixth annual congress of the Asian Pacific Dental Students Association at Hotel Equatorial on Tues day at 330 p.m. Delegates from eight countries will take part. In conjunction with the congress, the association will bold a dental exhibition,
    73 words
  • 128 11 shipyards rB visit] rf 10- member l-iduit'iui and trade mlasir.. 1 the China NaUona achlnery Import and iJtport Corporation spent busy day yesterday touring shipyards and factories. The mission led by Mr. Cheng Chl-hslen. deputy managing director of CNMIBC. visited Robin Ship builders In Oul Channel. Jurong
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1223 11 m Discover the m I I Youth in YOU in a QHBtv I T-shirt J) I The Favourite m9rr^ I of the Trendy! M\ Available from all departmental stores .^aar I- f Baaaw^^^^r 1 IB^J \^r s 1 1 Vll.^ BBaaaaaVk km sw w K. aVJ 1 11 ,-^w QBafBBM
      1,223 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 266 11 ■rta»l«i Vp Wmihm* sly s»til KavamfJi «s Msal <*— If CCV KM* AM ANP~I I fl VOCW I* TH— *t\U tO /WwU./ I tOUiTK J NO RACM6 n« IWIIMII > r\ I</M *r**V***Sr^ ANVTMIN6 lUX TOW Ii I HAVWa 'A >^ttf S Blondl* By Chl« Y»uag ■*< RiOHT TMCse I
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    • 137 12 MISSING: $49,000 PAYROLL ••and with it, a security guard KLANG, Friday pOLICE are looking: for a KiiarcJ of a security firm who disappeared with $49,055 payroll for the staff and workers of a plantation on Carey Islands near here today. A police source said that three Securlcor guards had earlier
      137 words
    • 422 12 Govt clamp on Malay paper OFFICE SEALED BY MINISTRY KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Copies of Suara Rakyat, a popular Malay weekly, were off the streets tonight on orders of the Ministry of Home Affairs. IU editor-in-chief, En i elk Harun Hassan, told reporter! that the management had been told not to
      422 words
    • 63 12 IPOH. PH. TtM BUt* Welfare Department ha* •tartcd an InvwticaUon Into the plteht of about ISO )obUrn fMienncn In Pantal RrmU who are- finding difficulty In gupporUnt their families The. tUhtrmtn. who had been working on dajr-to-<lay bairt*. were la:d off by boat operators la earlr October
      63 words
    • 41 12 PENANO. Pn South AustnlUn Pr«mMr Don DuMUn tci»y dawrlbwl bai OovtnuMnt* |Ui m in pny kangaroo* to Pcnaoc m a Uvtng fyHlbol of the claw link* between Paianf and South AuaualU and tht twin cltlam of Art«Uia> and Ovone-
      41 words
    • 184 12 10 YEARS JAIL AND ROTAN FOR SAMSU OFFENCE KUA'-A LUMPUR. Frl Various penalties Including a 10-year Jail term are provided for In a new Bill Introduced In Parliament today to deal with illegal distillers, traffickers and consumers of samsu. Under the proposed law. anyone who manufactures, offers to manufacture or
      184 words
    • 73 12 KUALA LUMPUR. PYi —Deputy Home Affairs Minuter Datuk Abdul Samad Idni told the Dewan Rakyat yesterday 1.454 people •■ere arrested under the Internal Security Act from IMB till November thl* jf*ar. Of th*a*. 1.444 were detained and th* rest were released. he said In replying to Mr
      73 words
    • 229 12 Plan for uniform criminal procedure code KUALA LUMPUR. Fn. The Government has proposed wide ranßlng amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code under a single consolidated code to cover the entire country. At the moment there are four codes one for Peninsular Malaysia, one for Malacca and Penang and one each
      229 words
    • 34 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Prl Health Minuter Tan 8M Le» Stok Yew aald today hi* Ministry will tend a team or public health officer* to China early nert year to »tudy th* ijrMem there.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 966 12 L**^' I I v J*k *t1 1 1* I f*^ ar**! I* i**m OMMHBsAMK9 f™™ l g^K7 3 Lw '^m l^Ti ri^iTZ*wirH fiitl liThl B* r******!*******! ?~i II fflj^RVMn Bfl* SJ mi) HI B^^^i^g^g^fc^^ ***l******«*te^*Jg^BgP L^H|Bfe^B^H© gflg^g^g^gSg^g^g^g^B^*******************! industries 33*KuJULjnH>u'Te< 03 06 7?) •KuanimTe) 075 21 619 *K Kmabahj Tet &3607
      966 words
    • 174 12 -Rectilinear MINI-HI-The Rectilinear Mini-11l is designed for the sophisticated minority that can't tolerate distortion. At half the size and half the price of some of the best known bookshelf speaker systems, it is now possible to own a pair of low distortion reproducers regardless of space and budget considerations The
      174 words
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  • 321 13 'Selfcure will reduce queues' It's practical for minor illness says pharmacist SENIOR government pharmacist s'lt-iiudiiation will help reduce the queue ;it private practitioners' clinics. However. Mr. Wong X ip I^Ull£ Ul kite. Poisons Department, Ministry of Health, said those wanting to treat themselves for minor ailments like a headache must
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  • 222 13 SINGAPORE TO OFFER 1,000 C-PLAN AWARDS OINOAPORE will be oftJ fenng 1.000 Colombo Plan training awards to regional members In the next two years, accord- Ing to Dr Tan Eng Liang. Senior Minister of State for National Develop- j ment The training awards will be In the various professional and
    222 words
  • 165 13 SINGAPORE which will be hosting the 1976 Offshore South-east Asia Conference and Exhibition will again be the venue for the 1978 conference and exhibition Next year's conference and exhibition will be held at the Hyatt Hotel and Holiday Inn from Feb 17 to 20 and
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  • 176 13 CLERICAL assistants in government aid- ed Chinese schools have asked the Education Ministry to upgrade their status to that of clerical officers The Singapore School Clerical Staff Union, i which represents them, i has written to the Senior MlnUter of State > Education > Mr
    176 words
  • 361 13 Temple medium received 'ang pow' court told A WOMAN temple medium returned $M she took from a he—ewife to a Corrupt Practices Investlga tk>n Bureau officer and promised to return the remaining $M the next day. a district court heard yesterday. Mr. Chung Song Meng. a CPIB senior special Investigator,
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  • 22 13 MEMBERS of the KoU Raja community centre will hold a t»o-day camp at Pulau Tefconf. beginning at J pm today.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 19 13 DEAF! cmko ixv^iai i CAa»MONis >«^ ■> •Ma r»— «e>« «c <.•■*% kww. .»»i iii»i» rm* >HmMinooN> wn its, lea >aji S»
      19 words
    • 779 13 OHITACHI0 HITACHI Precision Tools for Professionals and Hobbyists a^gf^^^^^^J >sfl i iVtfLaT^^Bßß^gSftfe Every Hitachi power tool is a product IST of interne research, custom -design and T^^ precision engineering, for long-life. low- maintenance, superior performance I j. J and accident free operation efj^JS 1 s McAluter &Co Ltd back up
      779 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 441 14 THE Dutch Army is a barrack- room lawyer's dream come true. It runs itself as a sort of military co-operative between management (the officers) and labour (rank and file). Presumably, in a war situation the hirsute. 40-hour-a-week soldiery could hold a union meeting among the tulips to
      441 words
    • 189 14 FOUR years ago New Nation put news- paper readers on their honour and set up self-service racks in six public areas. The afternoon dally called it a test of honesty; you pick up a copy and drop in a coin. Today the self-service racks are maintained at only
      189 words
  • 462 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane Mirroring the past. OOME names mirror the O past. And iney need not necessarily U; names ol mstoiic streets and buiiuings We nave names oi people with a strong Singapore flavour. One *ucn name Is Oh Leh Neo, mentioned In Memory Lane last
    462 words
  • 508 14 VOTHING makes motorcar assemblers more nervous than the suggestion that they are not using enough locally manufactured component*. It i% usually rnough to grl them trottbic out all thr rraaona why ■norr locally made parti arr not Bsrii. Beiidn tyre*, paint, batlrrlr* and undfrwal compounds. It would
    508 words
  • 1383 14 Why Benchley (of Jaws) has to run for his life pETER Benchley is going to run for his life the moment ,his next book is published in America. "I'm going intb hiding because there will be a lot of people after me," he says. It's not the publicity: that he
    1,383 words
    • 282 14 urn REFER to the reported Inaccuracies in the translation of certain questions pertaining to the Singapore-Cambridge •A" Level (Malay) Examination 1975 (S.T., Dec. 5). ammnmmnnn**********™ The Ministry of Education v aware of the problems and corrective measures have been taken before
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 31 14 «T> Sure M s- of their ,MA stepsafl theway! N Thmr nVfwra Aaaptnaat n nwwwd .^OVERSEAS ASSURANCE COMFN LTD j (SiNCI 1930) s |*aj LIFE INSURANCE FOR ALL BIG O* SMALL
      31 words
    • 588 14 sV*^sf Introducing the Pulsar Master Time Computer. Let us show you how it is 6 ways better than a watch. PuHar is the orifuiul (Ohd-alaM 4* 1 MSMd to »nh\iatvl lime computer for »our »nsi It iM»w \h.*.k» jrd vihriliom arvl rcmartuN* «.cunle and \irtuall> rewtint 'mdepihut In trouble Irce
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  • Business Times
    • 199 15 LONDON Profits have tinued to fall at British Petroleum, with net trading income falling 62 per cent to £37 8 million In the third quarter of the current year Cuming on the back of a 318 per cent setback in the first quarter and
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    • 887 15  - S'pore studies pros and cons of inflationary accounting SOH TIANG KENG By that "dou hlcMligit" inflation has become a Ikiisli reality lor most developed and developing countries, the pertinent question some accountants ;ur asking is: "Should inflation accounting be introduced for Singapore companies?" The Singapore Society of Accountants (SSA) is
      887 words
    • 265 15  - Sime gets query on lower conversion rate MARTIN LIM By TWE Stock Exchange of Singapore has asked Slme Darby Holdings to explain the basis for lowering the conversion rate for the outstanding US$294 million 6\ per cent convertible guaranteed bonds IMS of wholly-owned subsidiary Bime Darby International Finance N.V. The
      265 words
    • 373 15 New board to tighten Haw Par's balance sheet HAW Par Brothers Intern ational's balance sheet for 1975 may be significantly lightened after the reconstituted board's scrutiny of "the carry Ing values of certain of the group's long tern investments and properties" is completed. The board is also examining the basis
      373 words
    • 305 15 Asean motor men to form association KUALA LUMPUR: Moves are underway to ectablUh an association of Ase&n motor asemblers trader* and comnon-nt makers to provide a ft rum (or re Klonal co-operation here This was dlscl< scd here by Mr. Hadl B. Topobrcto. avretao-reneral of Pederlsi Otomottf. a federation of
      305 words
    • 507 15 ITC may discuss stiffer control of exports LONDON Export controls on tin are expected to too the International Tin Councils 'ITC' agenda when 1 meets here next week. Informed sources said. There seems little doubt restrictions which have been In force for nearly eight months on the seven exporting memoers
      Reuter  -  507 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 313 15 L iiilliSi We have the finance you need I Come and discuss your future plans with us If you art planning to expand Ii l'^~^i> your business activities, I t~*ris increase your service facilities. "> csfcT~i H^R or buy a new home, OCBC C. 3 Finance can help writh all
      313 words

    • 526 16 XIEW YORK. Thurs. The stock markets free fall braked today after Its Bag tosses on Tuesday and yesterday but stock prices did not show much bounce. The Dow Jones Industrial average made a small gain of about three point* but the Transportation and Utility averages continued to decline
      526 words
    • 183 16 AMSTERDAM. Thun. Share* eased In line with Wall Street and on profit I taking, dealers said. Dutch international* fell across the board with PkßJps sating 10 cenU ahead of an extraordinary shareholder* matting ■ssgsusis fell 1.10 ■ullden with parent company KaM promising a dividend this rear from Its i—iiiissOther
      183 words
    • 100 16 ZURICH. Thun. Despite the continued downtrend on a broad front, tha stock market id Zurich remained quiet in a food technical condition Bonds clnaed *t«ady. The Credit Sulnc index closed 08 point lower to IMO rtntm§ kxm la a»M frmscs wKfc ta* tUttnmtm aa Ik* K»- Cradii BhIm* Ml
      100 words
    • 276 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS MrUß^MUriSrnias resigned as a director of Benta Plantations and Kempas (Malaya) with effect from Nov. 17 as a result of his transfer to the United Kingdom. Mr. Gero sV fimow. regional manager (Southeast Asia) of Freight Express Inter n a tlonal. Hongkong, will be leaving the organisation
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  • 274 16 Central bank of Japan buys national bonds 'TOKYO: The Bank of Japan bought 600,000 million yen worth of national bonds held by banks and other financial institutions to anticipate a year-end money shortage on the local capital market, bank officials said. Of the toUl. 40.000 ml'llon yen came from secu
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 100 16 Call for ITC to increase prices IPOH: The President of the Perak Chinese Mining Association. Dato Leow Van Sip. called on the International Tin Council <rTC> to raise IU floor and celling prices to prevent further mine closure Speaking at the Association's AOM here. Dato Leow also urged consumers to
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 198 16 OELANOOR Coconuts i? chairman. Mr. OS Macdona d. has forecast, a higher crop of rubber and oil palm fruits In the current year ending June 1976. The rubber crop U expected to Increase by 122 per cent to 725 million kilos while output of FTB (fresh
    198 words
  • 77 16 SINGAPORE Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society has reported, a rise of $33,525 In net profits to $224.SB5 for 1974. It U paying a dividend of six per cent, totalling $143 767. The society, which has 4,800 members from 101 commercial firms says loans granted
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  • 70 16 MEXICO CITY The Mexican Government will build five factories at a cost of US$55 2 million to produce rubber substitute. The factories will process the sap of the Ouayule. a flowering de- sert plant which produces a rubber-like substance last used on a large scale during World War
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 151 16 Domestic sales of steel falling says BHP MELBOURNE: Broken Hill Proprietary 'BHPi said steel orders from Australian and New Zealand customers are continuing to fall, with October bookings at about 140,000 tonnes Th* BHP November news review said this level compared with 166,000 tonnes In September and 184.000 tonnes In
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 250 16 SHOkI^B^CTRICVSnW&C^BIJCO.LTD. Manufacture and Supply I m B Fmbl Oil-lmprwgnated B))H Paper msuiatod I bbbbbbblW l^ssaVsl I rOW6f v^vkSlO I RubbsjrAPlatttc 1 P N^Sr^l^^Bs|HHHH 1 Jll «2; ?st£Wss»w» I Communication ALSO AVAILABLE Bare Copper and Aluminium Conductors. Delay Line. Aluminium Cable Steel Reinforced (ACSR). Accessories for Wire and Cable. Submarine Cable
      250 words
    • 196 16 Important European Company in the field of upper leather offers for sole automotive leather cuttings nappa leather cuttings suede and nappa scraps for production of patchwork items Seriously intorostod buyers Btoaso contact ■oi MS 1789 S>a«o. Audio equipment home /hopping guide ■MHBfB^^^HwHH In tt» world of tha profootionat sound onglnoof
      196 words

    • 170 17 Most actto ttKkt Mmm Dtrtr U1.M* rte rwtrt. uun I'OJl IU.MI fkkrr M^rtto UUN T»«aJ TW— If; Ml M ToUl Vatat: M.47 M Falls ■ny tl M **m*. nil C C S3 M IOI Utl CKBC |7 M l»»fcm». SIM fm a li 7i t2 (2 sir
      170 words
    • 1394 17 TM last transacted ready 1 «ait at the Poet of buajnasa ■SB laaaWaaJ v-x in. the prevto«u day's prices together with 197S high and to* i Adjusted for scrip r.g-.u lssue> If CIIO- OMt IDDUITHItU real: n.r,i, mmty TO»«evBB: OSViaJ asufw .up *f »M Stock Ilctuii of
      1,394 words
    • 92 17 Krvnal Tla UO4 —34 n BuMaawaaw |2 40 1C Oaaasp lac. 13 04 —M *i»T» II SO —01 C tai C 1103 M «'*m Las* 11*0 M 1 0 L*a«l II 29 M lafkraaa II S3 —01 f (arm. I2SO —01 Paa Klect. II U M
      92 words
    • 1072 17 BID and offer pi Ices official! listed and tiuan— In an reported to the Kuala Lumni Stock Exchange yeatcrda with the number of share traded thown In bracket* I ■*m of I.UOO units, unlei otherwlM specified IMOUITBIALS MM AiMwawt* il »181 A Taa* •4» 1 7»ai ii) i.TT
      1,072 words
    • 387 17 PK I C E S eoatlnaea to mmrt slightly lower antler light selling Brasaava at the Stack Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Setij delivery at Baaat leading braking hoases was said to ha taking »Uce at a fast aaee. This, coapled with the iMjuldlty position on rear-end considerations,
      387 words
    • 1240 17 BID and offer prices officially Mated and business In aad reported to the Block Exchange of Slngmporr yesterday with the number of »h*m traded shown in brackets in lots of 1 000 units unieM otherwise specified. All Tuae Bargains or SKtteaaant Contraeta are quoted after the word
      1,240 words
    • 293 17 Another easier day at KL market HTHK Kuala Lumpur I Stock exchange went through another dull and easier trading session yesterday. Losses were marginal and were partly due to liquidation selling. Alter a steady openIng prices drifted lower, in most traded counters ending with losses of between two and 10
      293 words
    • 201 17 Kaiser expects a higher fourth quarter BOSTON Kmlser AJuminum and Chemical Corp treasurer WUllam Hobbß said fourth quarter earnings are expected to be higher than the third quarter's U837 cents a ihare However, an operating loss Is expected from aluminium operations In the period due to low volume, cost Increases,
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 79 17 RTROPB tv fairly active on* ThumUr aapadailjr for nearby forward p~»"^ii with prtCM traded aoant UMIO higher ovar prrrtoua a**aia. aocordlnf to MPOPA Tba US «7Bs quwt ganfttom to us dollan and oaau (Bxittardam) yinNB ottaßnrtM aUtad: Afloat MM cenu atUors 1700 oanU buytn. Dae Ml* •aOara. MtfM
      79 words
    • 151 17 •j-HX Strait* tin price la 1 Penang yawn is j continued *lth It* downtrend with a drop of (IJTH to (*M lIS par picul on an official offering down 10 tons to 204 tons The overnight London metal forward buyer* tost 19 to C3O*l par metric ton on
      151 words
    • 35 17 Lonooa aaaear prteaa aa Thunaa/ i»nnam la krteaata). Wlraaai' Baat bujrar ISM ISMS) a*|Un UMM <ISSI>. Tkraa Month barvr iiti.m HMO Ml sailor £IT» liMl). i Slartot tmm: Stoa4y. •saw: U 123 toaaos.
      35 words
    • 32 17 ataabcr Dec S. Singapore: Dec. 153 U cts <up i.JS ct). MaUysU: Dee. IU.M cts. (ap I.M el) Tin: nil 12J (down $1.17,). Official offering 2*4 tons (do»n 1* tans).
      32 words
    • 113 17 /-MIHIII PMOOUCI II '■CHANGS |IKC«rOM DOOM cloiimo micii »sa »icul VSSTSBOAV. C 811: Bulk ISO **ll*ra. oM drum |M —Urn. arw (8* atllan. Soarat Mual dasa*) UK Coat WO bayrra XSSII: Mvatok AST A w«ll« fa a. 100, NL.W mil aarawaa »hn. fab M<| NL.W 1*47 1 Milan.
      113 words
    • 537 17 TM Sings pore rubber 1 market yesterday tended slightly steadier after an unchanged opening on news of China acceptances of RBB One late Thursday evening Later, prices slackened and remained about unchanged n. thin and quiet conditions Liquidation of December moved the discount out to one cant. In
      537 words
    • 116 17 -\AH,Y mm and BHR prices liaufd at boco reatefdar Dm. Jo. Umrtn Mn k*n Mm M»IM KarraatMU) IFmnHMlki (•ealsawkf) ■«*«u p»r v SMR iCY (1 ton pallet) 161.00 IC3 00N 103 00 183 OON SMR IL (1 ton pallet) IMOO 100 MN 100 00 101 OON SMR
      116 words
    • 462 17 bBCENT rise* were acceie*v rated durtiut the past week with the market reaching a high point of 15* ceuu per kilo for first month, a gain of some six cenu on the week, says Holiday. Cutler. Bath in its ttiiHj .rubber review Tnii waa a rain of
      462 words
    • 92 17 RESULTS Bf Treasury Biita tender held en I Dec for »l-cUy aud 1« day bUla: Offered: $15 mUnon I (tl-day MUa to be laaaed f*«W D*« to It) aad $15 million (182 day bills to be laaaed on Dec Applied far: fM.BM.MB and Ul JM.Mw Allotted $15
      92 words
    • 169 17 JJOWOKOWO, FYt Th* I market was generally lower in falrty heavy turnover, dealers amid. InUrest centred on banks. ££n7? The Rang Seng index tall 1 70 to 314.7*. Turnover on an four Exchanges totalled 134 So million compared with 119 13 million yesterday T»*»»i claalas nik Ml* prtcm la
      169 words
    • 66 17 Tkaaraaar WaSMaosar UM uti aHß>of (I) ***** 110*4 nun u« an is* tea liana B*lrvt 140 so itotl Sartca MB 110 ooa lM.ltt I4SOOS P»n» I4OM 141 .4 'rtear nwioii ■■askias IM 10 ua V) IBM ll) 117 MR 117 TIB 140 18S IMTIB Eiport »rtrr< in
      66 words
    • 98 17 TOKYO. Prl-The market closed mixed as late profit -making pared early gains on Wall Street's slight recovery, dealers said. Late selltpg sit In on reports the Bank of Japan abandoned It* 306 yen to the US dollar support point, with dealen fearing heavy •tiling by foreign Investors The market
      98 words
    • 359 17 CYDNrr PH—The market ended the week on generally Irregular note in subdued trading conditions. deslen said. Instltut.onal support was evident throughout the day lor key Issues and selected tower priced stocks The Sydney AU-Ordlnartea Index added 043 point to 440.79 WeeaaMe-Banaaa. which released another progress report today on iv
      359 words
    • 232 17 Money and exchanges T*KX U 8 dollar opened lower at 13 4930 40 In the Singapore forex market yesterday There was a lack of interest In the US currency and trading was practically featureless In a thin market. The UB unit closed quiet at 12 4905 10 Suggested Interbank forward
      232 words
    • 162 17 AfltMed Interbank rates at 306 pjn Curmtin Nmlml r»U< Hb^OimoUb Fm»aU«* rratartey (craw) parity VB dollar 2 4905 ***** 3*196 —HIT StcrUnc pound SOJIO 5 0540 7 34*9 3125 Honckon* dollar 49 30 49 40 50 51 340 Malayjlan dollar 9< 45 96 55 100 00 355 Auat.
      162 words
    • 219 17 A BIAN currency d c p o 111 Intetbank ratM as at ckMB on Friday. Dec 5 Offer BM 7 d»n mi mi 1 mth e 16 7 16 2 mthi 6 7 16 6 S 16 3 ntba 6 11 16 6 16 6 mitu 7
      219 words
    • 60 17 RAIfOE at ratw nßm* by «M OvamtUil 2S Oil eiaoalt 14k« son These rates may diner attghtly frees thoaa quo Cad By banks to their customers. •w t-Mmtk TniMi Mil a i I HMI Bask bill. 4 (It T/ll I-Moatk CO 4 II I* 4 1 I •-Itaalk
      60 words
    • 56 17 Prime lending rates (in Atoamana Bar* 7 f >'*> Ch«x«o 7 Banatu* Bar* T/i f NCB 6'^ BoriTc* Am««o 6'/i HKSBC 7 Bor* <* 7 »Ao»oror Bonking 7 Bof* o» Taf ro 7 M,r»ui Bar* 7 B«* Naaarajndena»w7>/i OCBC Bonoua il IndocKoa 7 OUJ 7 Chortarad Bar* 7V* 7
      56 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 499 18 qualified per ippomtments. (A) SENIOR ACCOUNTANT (B) INTERNAL AUDITOR jns ->ed Accountancy qualification eligible Singapore Society of ints must have at least 5 „mt e»penence with tatutory Board a large or ~>r a firm of Public Accountants SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Assist the Chief F man- <■ 'nancial Officer m the the
      499 words
    • 621 18 VARTA PRIVATE UNITED MANUFACTURER Of SEALED NICKEL -CADMIUM BATTERIES HAS VACANCIES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS 1 SALES 4 SHIPPING OFFICER DUTIES mSPONSIIILITIIS internal Order Processing Correspondence with Overseas Customers Dealing with Shipping and Forwarding Agencies Formohties with Banks, Government Deportments as well os related authorities. QUALIFICATION i IXPIRIIMCI A Good
      621 words
    • 663 18 Placement Advisory Service* forClientt A well-eetAliehed Group of Companies operetmt in Soutneat A*ia invite* applicator* for tf* foUr«ing poMtwnr MANUFACTURING MANAGER -PLYWOOD INDONESIA (Reference MS- 10/257 1 Up to 5550,000 p.a. The successful candidate will be batad in Sumatra and report to the Director of the Group's plywood company. He
      663 words
    • 556 18 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT require* TECHNICAL OFFICERS (Ovil Engineering) Applications ore invited from citizens or permanent residents of Singapore/ Malaysia who possess the Tech me ten Dieleme in Civil/ Structural Eitffineering from the Singapore Polytechnic or its equivalent ■■tic Sctery Seal* $465 20A 505/ 560 k 25A-660/750x35A-51,030 pm Gross Monthly
      556 words

  • 373 19 23-YKAH OLD businessman, who supplied heroin to girls working in bars ;ind c a■i. \\;is h imst- If hcioin ;i<l(lut. srstrnkiv jailed for nine inonlhs h\ i magistrate's court. Tal Sing pleaded having a total ree grammes of hen his car on Oct. 2
    373 words
  • 21 19 The Indian Hlfh Commlsalon will be closed on Monday, the trlccntcnar* of Mm martyrdom of Blui Ouru Tsgh Bahadur.
    21 words
  • 216 19 Cooler nights, wetter days for S'pore r'S cooler nights and wetter days for Singapore as winter seU In for the Northern Hemisphere further north. The Meteorological Services Station here calls It the northeast monsoon season." and It's going to be "cold outside Temperatures In November have dropped as low as
    216 words
  • 42 19 A LOCAL suing quartet will f»v« the Orst performance of Webern't Pl»t Piece* at the Cultural Contra on Dec ll at tJO pm Tbs quartet oomprlaai Vlvten Oon and Cnlu BtnSinf (vtolinai. Tony Las <vtota> and Bylru Oob-Luae (eelto).
    42 words
  • 246 19 SILO to set up co-op for lighter workers rE Magaawre Industrial Lakewr Organtsattasi (SILO) ia ■lasmlsig te form a cooperative for 1U lUhterasea members U try break the stranglehold of the Industry by a lew aghterewaera. This surprise move comes at a time waea about awf Ufhtermen la the Tetok
    246 words
  • 19 19 A CHILDREN 8 »lnfln| conust vUI t» held at Urn Telofc Aycr community centre »t 7JO pm today
    19 words
  • 238 19 Big pay boost for 510 Esso workers |MVK hundred and ten r employeea of the Baao group of companies here will benefit from Improved salary Kales with minimum and TTiayinnnm pay extended by US and «+45 under a new coUectlte agreement signed yesterday. The agreement between five Ksso companies and
    238 words
  • 82 19 CONFIRMED: ANOTHER 10 TYPHOID CASES ANOTHER 1* tyaaead eaaea have been confirmed by the Environment Ministry over the past week, bringing the total to 97 since Oct. M. No new cholera eases have been reported since Nov. It. A Ministry statement yesterday said the new tynhoid eases were spread ever
    82 words
  • 38 19 THE Hattona) llumm win atraan four colour films en Australians at work, home and play In 1U Lecture H»J on Wednesday at 7 30 pm Proa aclmtMton tickets art available st the museum onto.
    38 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 152 19 BB»»^^^^ BJ /fejjjHHpHV^ .as^^sW^Bßsk TT" This magnificent Seiko a 1 M B^ I movement Stenor transistorised 1-4 kr I ll%| wall clock worth $36 is yours M m I FREE when you buy a Setron TV P^B^r aswaswaaßswswi averts*, psssbsbsvi for your festive season viewing. Offer applicable for all Setron
      152 words
    • 341 19 CONGRATULATIONS BEST W/SHES to TAT LEE BANK LTD.. on the Official Opening of their KALLANG BRANCH from MARINE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICALS PTE. LTD., 33. CAVAN ROAD. SINGAPORE 8 TEL: *****75/ *****15/ *****51 *^^^^s*^__f^* w B f_^V V BBBsV^^Lmtf^^^^' ■"■^^"""^^lbbM iaassßmiJ^ bCLI wEf atasssS Ba^»*s'>' *^^as P^a^ New! Junivite *J^^ puzzles colourful,
      341 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 891 19 SINGAPORE 5 1149 m Open** and Sesame Street 7JI This and That {EngfisM 1.49 Saturday Matmei Brtatthrouf i, storing: 7J| mm g^-, David Brian, John Apr art Fran* 10-jw ijt n. em i—n (a*. 111 Satw-Frteaa* Uysnn W fcmtt Jaw to Ztatad (ftapeat) US he* lea lIS Sandman Ta«pl Lah
      891 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 307 20 Sugar n' Spice and all things nice t^jß IrtaWJ A CHRKTMAS WONDERLAMO OF LUSCIOUS TREATS >«.nt*l favountn like German Christmas Stollen. Chr.stmat Log Cake. S*nt* ChocoUt« "Snow DfOps" »nd Chr.stm« cookies like men Stai and Amse Cookies are available < <ivo "home made" Imperial Christmas Ming HURRY FOR YOUR SPECIAL
      307 words
    • 271 20 I "Enjon a splendid niikthml MMmmoimm iih SIAM BBBHtMHeaoJUkB ROLLER SKATING SHOW «fr MaMtf FfM'noOP.M. 'I J JlrwrTWWMl I] /f WEN SMEAU HWEE u *H'* Km > Nrrf-cu«»r«TAm*(Tirnii.To I ioj IBSJMC tfl* l ■•fct 1 tJBSaWB \H F iv HI 3T37H 3^3190 VO»V 37 309» HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to THE SINGAPORE
      271 words
    • 253 20 *J fluMMfl ■JPw •f^P^'W^ 4 SHawa 1 00. 3.30. 7 a »30 •atdanCNy Nasi Chang* An AcWew Facliad Kune-Fu Film In Mandarin Color- cop* with Cngllah Chtniii SuMMaa Van Taa Kwaa In _^ajrfWfrßiA lqc a. ■^UM^vV^"^Bflßv9 Ta HUM OHdnfcjhl Show I To- Morrow MomtafHtM at 10.30 a.m. at Oatasy CM4MM
      253 words
      219 words
    • 299 20 LI DO -NOW SHOHIMi! DUE TO FILMS LENGTH 4 SHOWS DAILY 11.00 m.. 2.90. O.M 4 0.11 p m NO PftEE LIST g The Great Gatsby. A book whose tame has orown g over 40 years. A story that has touched genera 1 tions of young people. Millions have read
      299 words
    • 762 20 jIQOB6ANIS*TIOtI:; 5 HOW SHOWING > 1 tk... 7M I Mr. -I MANDARIN VIMIOM I- A Gotdan Mor.ri' Mo>< Co»»ipon» Co P'o<»vx'k>o i' i THI MAN mOM HON« 6 KOMC" Jimmy Wong Vu a t Bj G*o>o« Laicnby CotorScop* J» f htr—l On.. l« GawM 'I t CM**? ToniQ^f Mn.t, KALIIDOSCOM
      762 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 419 21 BurbankToysJUSTMRIIIED! M TALKING Lf^2 BUBS BUNNY t. AND OTHER SOFT A TOYS FROM U.K. i Miniature Toys W^n^ 4 Pocket Puz/les Dctecto Puzzles RONNIE NG TEL: 324 376 1 I Island Peninsular Engineering (Pte) Ltd. buite 126. Stamford House. Singapore 6. I AVAILABLE FROM LEADING Lm^ BbVBBbIB departmental stores OWN
      419 words
    • 66 21 fl EflNI I' d#AM b^tj^^^^^b^l B P^r* f/ M i I I i IL I SHISEI DO GOLDEN MELLOW LOTION Helps keep skin dewy -so ft. glowingly alive. For normal or oily, blemished or sun-darkened skin #JHI>EIDO COSMETICS J »i^ MaM bVHbk Ba^BaVlte4 v An C^ffiOV B < ill F
      66 words
    • 346 21 Bni ffrjj^rj^_ .jrj'i -watlSH bHI^ [^^a^Ba^BaQl 1 BJM B^r I <■■ B^Bb «^^^^BB 1 S L f i W.I Disco las aB "A" Orchard Road. Singapore 9. 8 pm midniaht Gum t DJi Kan Lim ft otfwrs Dance to your hearts delight Lateit records and your favourite music. Our restaurant
      346 words
    • 247 21 Latest v Excitement in Town I First badv I I Cocktail Lounge I Introducing the captivating sounds of D'WAX Come request your favourites and sing along with them I Our warm waitresses are waiting to serve you. Nightly till 1 am Sat. Holiday Eves till 2 am W^ (No parking
      247 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 738 22 NOTICE AS A MARK OF RESPECT FOR Late MADAM KWEE KOEAN NIO. HIANG KIE (PTE) LTD. will closed for business on Monday Bth December 1975. FOR SALE (1) SIX EACH 583 CAT SIDEBOOMS (2) ONE EACH 572 F CAT. SIDEBOOM (3) ONE EACH 572E CAT. SIDEBOOM (4) ONE EACH 235
      738 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1187 23 ctMuajaar KMKf ti mvtmrnmm IMrtaff i~ i AMI AM UV *'I M'bbj 9w. ttaa Mm U I KI'WLUUH MT IM tt- |-B lhs M M IIMI.. II Mt II Ml II M <t M M Mt II IM Btatla ll Mt M Mt aM 8M 8M II Ma •mti ur
      1,187 words
    • 1194 23 Ben Ocean loutservt^ at Ben Ldne Blue Fhnnel Glen Unp and NSMO It M CMIMIkT (M MM] 1 Mf. t MM* PMMI IBM) m riikTtattf it it im ava Mt a M Mt ii m im. (Bast* nm ILPtkM lIM 11 II Mt UII M II Nl IMB HIM. »fM.
      1,194 words
    • 1232 23 r 1 1** 1 1 i^^^^^^ti Tl lIMW rt.l IMI •Bl 1-M.r^ MMBft bhvk Mi—.. ki ||M MM mbm S m-j P liMk) Va Antni Mnc 6... KBWLWR HT (1 m« mmc m i m m i m MMM UPMtt HIM II Ml II M NM lIM CITT BT lIIMMM
      1,232 words
    • 1026 23 FULLY CONTAINEMIZED StKVICE TO EUKOfE Mi m Mliiaia, WMaraM. tatMrfc Ii Nawi. amiiti MVT bm I Aan, bbmmbt. M 11 M "mm, irMiram. m %ff m Z tm 1 Cl l MNmmti. IMmm _>»» 'j II Str^MMBB, OUa HtUakj, Up.M iMfOML *May Imm ici a Mmi fx a Man FULLY
      1,026 words
    • 617 23 S*njai 11M44 P Ma| U4I H mm Hmn tm. THE BANK LDfE LTD. law men unu. IMIII MM MBBM.. J 11- P Ml** IM»MB M TITMM iMm.i.l feaai i 5 p urn, I I la Im». MMtiM mm lan I uri i>iki aa Ma«JkM. BAMUL mfum p bMc it/a mi
      617 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1023 24 JYH— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD frit cwTanffjUß somei Ta Wr—m lutmm |VM Smml S'MPI I*lM| NlaTf tim •'**<* MMMI srm vus mmh m smm him n tet tec m 'IteciitecMtec 1 Im Sal S pt: P MM| T-kiA»oi Ouu la*i MM mm f m SaM SMM I tec tec ll*
      1,023 words
    • 937 24 r-aa CTI IT* Mi MMTI MIM N MMI anjM I Ml MM MakM iiiiiT MM MaMt M Ma tm tm Mn.a HU IBM Imm M Mi II Mi Mian mMaitai Tt+aaam t Ml PMiaMOT MMM urn aMi IXMt UlUlMii/I'miam. t lIM Ft*. MMM MM MM) ff*. SaMBJTI 1 J tm
      937 words
    • 947 24 \\m\m\mW^L\\^^nAnXm\\W\ mjt mmmaaa wma n tmm tm my Sun t Mini itiiir i arm Mn ram •iiani IMMIII MM MMI II Ma il M ii an ntm nHi IHUWMM IMM MiMl MM* MMc MMI aMI BPTM IMIUI UM w U tm < ua I M MMITaI IMnn iiMtMlatainainMlnliln IM* hit
      947 words
    • 743 24 ENHlf§j(§CL\ ■MMMMMB»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^»^J^^-^^^^JJJJJJMM^^^^ timn sawa ti lmmw umrmtMTMnn mn T| Mm I iimi I Mim laam MaM MIM I. Nrt l.«ai i; I«M C.'*« HI? »lw| II i-aan 11. MMMI 11/11 Mi I'anl CrtHJIU UHnn. ii. «->.-i 12,1. «W» 17.1. Mtrt* MMM VIM II Mt Urn. n IMH. C*«.« 111 II
      743 words
    • 778 24 sss»MMM»«ri: sitji«? PON tAWJIIOAV. NCIWOI JUHONO POUT OUT: AkUhlma M»ni 1/2. IM: Nitto M»ru B/l Lotui K«*»n 5. Pfltander 67. V*ntur» B n siolt Condor M.rul M»ru 19 Peril. K a^l. Lucky No I B/3 lUr£ MiV^, er iV 20 MJL^u "--■'•.-srciii?' 31/94. Strut Lr Malrv 35 38 B»n»)4«. »nd
      778 words

  • 122 25 riei* eoric* WKL serve to in '.em thai a Dr Satattt Kumar I* not ***orieie<3 wtUi In termer* Hhd a Kuala Lumpur Company an* Uwrefore n* m ne* telhirwil to tawSwct > aeßßSal a** ■8881 fundi t u stwam UilgifljM >) 999%} Iwfl *BB.fB*. k I r )*w\B*Bw3Bt
    122 words
  • 125 25 3 Religious Announcements •wisevTßaiaM cmubcm S*aiMp >BI 'rrhard Road ■d Sunday Service •Mm and IM on Sunday School •00 a m A Nursery is prorlded for children of parents ■ttendin* the Mornin* Service 1 1 JO a m Mandarin Service All OH* VALSOeCTONV MCBTIIM for Mia* Crtoortf s«h Urn Saturday
    125 words
  • 166 25 MM CeNAMO PINO MOM as* S4 in* Import hfejismi of l tie Ltd went home to Lord on Mh December tt 12 45 am leaving behind hi* beloved wife Tan Oek Neo. only \nnie two adopted la Kim (hwee Nf Ek r adopted daughler-in-i three utters, nieces. nephew
    166 words
  • 38 25 TMt FAMILV Of the late Mr Alfred J Fernandez thank all relatives, friend* the ST Press (8) Ltd and the Spore Printing Employee* Union for their wreath! donelioni. condolences and saslstance during their re ent bereavement
    38 words
  • 21 25 SO* SAMAMTAN* 0* Singe (■ore Troubled'' Dlsrijurtged'' Ring VI -44-44 day or night Help i > as near a* trie telephone
    21 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 200 25 classified ads H tl >u K.'.a Jhon Hue do Mr I K wons to Ricky Meu Hens f o Mr snd Mrj Yu Sun **4b] m aavfl i Der 197} m Krenda and [Btvid ft of Daushter on 111*1 to trie Obstetriian and Staff of Mount Alvernla ■> m •^sJbbW^^sssssssxbbbbbbbs
      200 words
    • 1289 25 Nlf cONriot nti At ties required for an American I RSOUIRID by reputed Inl—hank ACL' No prrvtou* expe- national company in Jurong rience necessary Please reply Requirements School Cerwith complete resume snd photo- tlficate. good previous sigraph i nor returnable) to 8 T pertence 45 wp m typing. St
      1,289 words
    • 738 25 I AM TO4J LOOKsHSJ for JOgBT I Are you qualined for the JOBS? Oet your Commercial Training from Raja College to be sure of success Jobs Contact Raja's CBjlaos BPT SstalN l BssT-9 I ls)nr*)ttsrts>l CosjtS)— Group Tuition Classas LNfiBJMNms Stuoios MO»W4NG AFTt«NOON-EVE'S»* SUCCSssI COMSMERCIAL SCHOOL Mr* Las* Bom '•••>■•)
      738 words
    • 1380 25 SMK MANIC AL Ass* BLKTWCAL t BRIIRWB, OW deflvery man. Clerk-Of-Work* required for one male machine operator Remajor electronic factory cons- quirseasni* for driver* clam 3 tructton Minimum 5 years expe- licence and good knowledge of rience Singapore Polytechnic Singapore rtrecU Age between 22 rtfilnm* in flirnsnlfsl rngkmt 30. For
      1,380 words
    • 1588 25 WANTIO OFFICI BOY. BIAUTIFULLV BISIQNIO Immediately Able u> ride motor NILLTOP bungalow in Upper bike Salary 8150 Rang *****5 Bukit Timah convenient to 6 (bet wean 900 a m and 12 00 j Jurong Executive and along noon) American School bus route 2- storey detached. 4 alrcon- dKloned bedroom*, and
      1,588 words
    • 1559 25 I OUT n MAN JURONSV Wood- PRO9BRTY AT Tm Upper lands. Sembawang. newl> com- Coast Road main road rnnMsTot s pleted spartmenu iswimmlng tnnphnuaas ssrMJsi stars 1 sac B to pool) 8960 Orchard Towers lux 60' k>( Bungalow J bedroos* an uriousiy furnished 83.500 In one lot Total area approxSs
      1,559 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1828 26 PAN I AST TftAVßt, Club (PU) iufmiii house Ltd offers sow coat rHgtiu to j)Baßaßjataß9*9jßßl snOPPiNB CO49PLI I London. Curoe* Alee WorMwtde ■T^ reservation* Pteaae call ***** V II Asmmdii ■■■fieri shop* on baat- 3*3B**V I>T*7l saenl and rd floor available at ama^^^ma^^^^^^^^ rwaonaote rental WMB4J Ample parking lacllltle* B/S^^BaW^Bisi
      1,828 words
    • 518 26 I BB9MJ gVCMPNM XM7S49 for I i choice of I*o selfdrtv* can to sul I every occasion -BL^ N gW BaaßaßaßaßaßaßaS^BaßaCrfla«P^aßaßaßaßaPlßaßaßaßaßaßai Baßaßaßw9^HPV*' R *HF^HM^BaBaM^PI^BI fCMI* vyiruis iouis BMNO* YOU TO TMf ISLE OP OOO* -f XOTIC BAU 9 OAV* BJ Sir STEMIOUS JAVA 9 OAV* ON APPLICATION Oaesrtwaa. Oeay cact
      518 words
    • 1026 26 ALL AM smCOHB. the return of □IU Curry nah head at Blk 9 23 Kempas Road 8 pore 12 Tel ZJ2 t^ maaaaaaammmmmm aa m f-. *£CJ9ET7WU* 1 I offers better aip^Bßß,, Secretarial training S**lbb^B)B# FJI T| ME COURSES PART-TIMC PRIVATE r commence SECRETARIAL COURSE Slh January 1«7« Vovcw row
      1,026 words
    • 1301 26 shorthand ttpiwritinq aOOftMBPItIB new beginners P" ctaaat* December Morning. QUALIFY IN afternoon evening classes ARCcSuMTAMPV Convenient timer dan available ACCOUNTANCY Al*o Saturday afternoon TTwOUgn Shorthand class 2 pm- 3 30 OFFICIALLY pm commencing ***** L C C RFrOflMl^Fn Shorth.nd >peeds 7* 130 wp m We speciallte la Pitman COLLEOE 2000
      1,301 words
    • 1514 26 1 9INOAPOP.I IN9TITUTE OF ENO TOUP. LONBUMSB today SCIINCI. 493 A .Serangoon Hundreds Or Young Ladle*/ Road (29*9420) Science. Maine- Gentleman Want Your mattes. English Secondary II Friendship OP O 947 H S C Enrol for 1979 Singapore *U*INI*« OBNTLIMAN 9*. seek aTeT^rT^^^Bal aPaVJ^^^™4**s ln B re»pecuble friend* Repl> ■sIAUJI
      1,514 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 4114 27 rlfht psano modal 1 1* Walnut f* m w r*!2wV^ I pottsn has Just arrread Umiu S~hM +~W n ri S» **m *-m f* I Ms«U>skl uxk »»*"*W» P«tros Plar "MM M V af WmMMMm MM MM Houaelll*- HKSermngoonßoi LlUSSlllcU liWb tag] 'S^mmmmmm m^^^ mmuummmmmmmmmmmmmm^ mmmammmmmmmmmmmammmammmmamamamamammmammmmmmmmmm mmmM Bx^l^l^^M^^Val cononano asansM
      4,114 words
    • 628 27 Hi/Hi ssaaa, mi zja irrz a l. Toyou Crown MM 1*74 Toyota I- 1200 1970 Piueeot W4 Contact ■K^JBBjUAK*BJ*ji*J t. Mr Tan. MN3B/MOM7 313 Buklt mmmm mmalmmmu^ mm^^ Tlmah Road. 3ms "J" r^" -Li (J *^9^*^*JNN*NjNJ*J*J*JpaBj *JaMaSaa*alsssa*»^JSl UWMTIY MOUNWO ONI Mer- »a«t««si uauvan cades 200 Yaar 1974/ 7S by prt
      628 words

  • 938 28 TAIWAN SHARE THE LEAD AS U.S. STARS WILT... BANGKOK. Fri. J HE United States' power and precision wilted in the intense tropical heat and humidity and they lost their clear lead in the team and individual placing* on the second day of the 23rd
    Reuter  -  938 words
  • 255 28 ASHE DOES `NASTY' A FAVOUR STOCKHOLM, Prl. Arthur Ashe of the United States decisively beat Spain's Manuel Orantes 6-4 6-1 In the last of the round robin matches In the Commercial Union Masters tennis tournament here last night. Ashes surprisingly easy victory eliminated Orantes from the weeklong competition and allowed
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 186 28 DERTH, Fri. r West Indies captain dive Lloyd Is stlU troubled by a back injury but is keen to play In the cricket match against West crn Australia starting at the Waca ground tomorrow. 1 need batting practice before the Second Test." Lloyd said
    186 words
  • 117 28 Campaign to stage Games in Mexico \f KXICO CITY. Prt— Two local newspapers carried front page pictures of the partially completed Olympic rtafiliim In Montreal yesterday as part of a campaign to get the 1076 Oames switched to Mexico City. Besides a colour photo on pags one, B Sol De
    117 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 474 28 W PUBLIC NOTICE I AA^LwM awl 9i i i i aj p* _i 'obbW I v> j»—^" ws\ndT?i I Map of araa affected by Number Change Exercise in th« H Uppwf Changi Road and Siglap sraas Change in Telephone Numbers I Some 860 telephone subscribers m the Upper Chang. Road
      474 words
    • 187 28 Black Decker m Amazing 1^ Workmate Hqk» s metal working vice f IVI Iml I IVM W Holds objects tor sSssswtng aw^Kk^X Jr^^ I Mokts large ofetects securely A y fy.j It's a giant vice, sawhorse EM and workbench rolled into one I |My/ The Black Decker Workmate is power
      187 words

    • 391 29 DERBY MAY FIND BIRMINGHAM TOUGH J ONDO.Y Fri. j Derby County, the English Foothall League Kirst I>ivi*ion leaders, could have a tougher match than the relative position > suggest when they visit liirmingham, second from the bottom of the table, tomorrow. Birmingham are much stronger
      Reuter  -  391 words
    • 117 29 Best denies signing ONDON. FH. GOTB* Btst. ta» warwwd Northern Irvfaad weerr ■tor. rtinfcj dralrd kmnitmm rvjarta b* ku riCMd far Ut Aacrln Attra. •■Ailrti Wt U» l«« «lth m» whrn thry a w to Miacfcwtw. kat I MB li»»f thrai with w." the JVyrmr-oW farward ali -Altws h.Tr Jin^n
      117 words
    • 204 29 Lopez scores upset win LOBANOELEB. Frl Dcnnj Loom, of Los M^llM, •coraa an upatt win ovax Mexico 1 Rubas OUtetm nan last night tn a 10- round nooUUt fa»thenral«ht bout and won hliaatU a ponlblc ibot r»ln« Urn World Boxing Council UUehoklcr. DavM Kotay of O&aaa. Lopet. JJ. underdoc In
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 137 29 Trudeau: No Federal aid for Olympics OTTAWA, m Prime Minister Ptafr* Trudeau amid yesterday he was not considering any Federal move to provide aid to tn* blll'on-doUar 1976 Summer Olympics at Montreal The Prim* Minister Joked and whistled In pretended surprise when asked whether Ottawa had any tntentloi of helping
      UPI  -  137 words
    • 128 30 Results and tonight's ties BcmlU (Malaysia flr»t): Slnfles: tew Bwc« Leoni butt Ng Chor lv IS. 19-t. 15$; Mm Foot Uan beat Lee Ah Nfo 15-U. «-U. 15 I; DoaMcs: Jamea Selraraj and Un Chcnf Hoc lost to Ye* Ah Seng »od Tan Eng Han l»-15. U-11. DOMOnC SOONG an
      128 words
    • 855 30  -  PERCY SENBVIRATNE Atf NGO COLLAPSES IN STRUGGLE AND SINGAPORE ARE IN PERILOUS DISORDER Ay fHE Singapore team was in perilous disorder as Malaysia snatched a commanding 3-1 lead on the first day of their Thomas Cup clash at the SBA Hall last night. For the Malaysians,
      855 words
    • 288 30  - National team must play with purpose TEOH ENG TATT By SINOAPORTB National football team badly shook the confidence of their army of fans with "shocking" performances In their tunlng-up matches for the Beap Oames against New Zealand and Malaysian Indiana. Disappointed fans booed the players when the games ended, and
      288 words
    • 181 30 Picture! by MAZLAM BADRON and VOW YUN WON the mistakes." And when he lost the two sets 8-15. 5-15. the burden on Ah Ngo's shoulders doubled. The first set of the Foot Uan-Ah Ngo battle was pregnant with rallies. And when Foot Uan, ungainly but deceptive, won It 15-10 In
      181 words
    • 168 30 Soccer school: Date set for opening A soccnt school i« oavaoj* Uw tlal aad *uh ,t pmyvra bfUw iktiptf M yaan wW to tptmmt kM« Dm. 14. reports JOC DOBAL Tt» rtnl, aswaaarad ky Naatla with tnrhakaU "■tun trtm FAS aa« *iitni»a. to. wflaSaay w,— .aia by Mr. l>— Eawa.
      168 words
    • 169 30 OTDNBT. Fti Auatraotn Ttat captain Or«g Cixppril ssorad hi* third Umj tn tuccaom Innings in nilaod't ShafOaM SbJald match against Mew South Walot today CnappaO. who marked his dobut at AuMratta'i captain with a nonliiij in each Inning* In tha Flm TMt against tbt Wast Indlaa. hit
      169 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 159 29 Congratulations S TAT LEE BANK LIMITED S X; on the official opening m H Kallang Branch S Chubb Singapore Re Ltd jrj iO PO Box 2852 Crosby House Robinson Road Singapore 1 M§l Telephone 91 581 1 ***** Telegram CHUBBCO Singapore |PB Telex RS 21 639 SIMDARB LjJJ EDUCATIONAL CONSTRUCT/ON
      159 words
    • 120 29 M W PHIZES !U BE WON <*^c %^T 30th Nov- 28th Dec "75 '<Djß Draw Mas 95 103/75 *S^Wm I V W aw bbM* '^^a>*al«_i.^^^^^^^ aw gad mHt asMamTaTaEea^B^aimimißTaal AJRTICKET TO SEOUL B* C«a. PLUS S&000 CASH DOuBLTRfeTUHN AWTICKET TD TAJPf M BY CM PUS SI 500 CASH IUP«BR&-) COLOUR
      120 words
    • 939 29 g^gflflg^g^g^gfl KflHHgl l I M -c' 1 B l I I Careers with I I Kodak I H Kodak (Singapore) Re. Ltd. H needs ambitious, self-motivated Singapore citizens, 25-35 years, H to fill 4 challenging positions: I (A) Market Research Analyst (B) Market Education Assistant To undertake statistical and field
      939 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 479 30 Win. Lm^l BmT Xl ft jftl m^wXwXwk .SmL r I -ifr '^g^Msf mwM Ew»* W- WrM I* BmNLwßmi II *f# Lama! sa^H BW bH4'iT II Mi 1 Lw»»Bml flsmwßm^Hl [W M I I TIbBBtTi jM A -L tt-LLI 4 LM lBtsJsfAf MllsW Jsßßwl LmV SmLm-Bml L l^BmS W U I
      479 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 36 30 BADMTHTON TTtomaa Cup Slngapor* v Malaysia (Singapore Badminton Hall. 7.M pjn). SOCCtB Silo tourney SOS v Cbrona IJO p m P A N 'A Lion; I.JO pm OEAC v Par BMt Ocyt«. S pjn. (Pamr Park;
      36 words

  • 191 31  -  EPSOM JEEP NICELY- WEIGHTED SENTAK SURIA IN RACE 4 IS PAT EDDERY'S BEST MOUNT TODAY, BUT... By £EEP GOING 111, win ncr of two of his last three starts, can clinch a berth in next week's $25,000 Stewards Cup field by winning first
    191 words
  • 150 31 IPS*** ease acMHi* cm* War Nawk PrwSo aWtWSSS War Naerk War m..* Merwak Jeasbul J*ss Dnireiir Twaer Pirate ■lew Away Pete** Aav Twtor First* Maawttaata at aa* Hare* TttSer Pirate aaata Rajas atiabae Hldrway Patrol Osjabalaa Hits* a r Psirel Ouibejan Ntawaay e.rrai Orator. *t*e* Ohakaa Keae Oe.n* Beats*
    150 words
  • 1350 31 Race 1 WHITE aTICV Has good track form, can Surprise. beat effort in eight runs was j third with 56 to Lone Ran- >cr n Class 4 Dlv 5 1.300 m XL Aug 10 FROOO BAGGINS: Still without a win. down where he U he can come
    1,350 words
  • 63 31 rpHERL will be no rac--1 Ing at Kuala Lampar on Chinese New Year day on Jan 31. The committee of the Selangor Turf (lab has decided to ran the first two days of the Tunku (•old Cap Meeting on Sunday (Feb 1) and Monday (Feb 2). Scratching*
    63 words
  • 910 31 BACE 1—1.16 CLASS S DIV. S— 1666M 1 Victor j Oawa 61 ScrslQBO* 2 ateGarre* 64 M. Inaail t 8 a8BB*vh 66 aUhataa It 4 Ptrtwtnkle II 66 June** IS 5 Torsjun HI ArtffeW 7 ChM-Chat M Mm a* ib 7 rearless Oak U Au-Yoatvf It Ktn* 43*46
    910 words
  • 1219 31 ■asaa '/i^MSiJfiiJlsr ■■■■■■MH (W.9WJ 19,950 IO ilnw) imMiMiiMkiiiivMiniaMiiMß ...uimiii I 7*7 *•*••«*■< Aunt IT* I Mint >!«*■» MM* T llMk|lMHiaißHot)luwifi>Miu»lMa Yam 10 4 OOMMi ißamboo) Tulk* Ms launti IMOm Mw I tnMMajM«iiM>unmni)*iuM4iuMiiaiiiMßMH I > MHMM »i.i.N.^^ l i <Moon W n.a MM ri it n«T 11— tap m«Dwi
    1,219 words
  • 455 31 Race S SHELPOBD BOAD: Speedy: tried to "steal" Dlt I 1.200 m with breakaway EX Not SS: weakened In final 200 m to finish third with 54* to Yakln 11. chance ULU BINTA: Has good form, won over B Tlmah 1.300 m In lm 13 3 5
    AP  -  455 words
  • 316 31  - Napoleon Solo sparkles on the track DENNIS CHIA By T^APOLEON Solo II did a sparkling gallop at Buklt Tlmah yesterday when he sprinted 600 m in 38 on a good track. On that showing he can win Race Five j tomorrow in spite of a bad barrier draw RACE 1:
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  • Page 31 Advertisements

  • 163 32 rKYO. Frl The dollar pouted another sharp rise on the Tokyo foreign exchange market today, as the BanK of Japan abandoned Its support for the yen at the latest Intervention point of 305. ani allowed the US currency to reach Its highest
    Reuter; UPI  -  163 words
  • 116 32 Dead—man who hit it big with oil ARLINGTON (Virginia). Frl.—Archaeologist Wendell Phillies, who became one of the world's richest men from oil concessions granted by Arabian Sheikhs, died In a hospital here yesterday aged 54. Associates said be had been in hospital following a heart attack. Headquarters Mr. Phillips, who
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 48 32 RO*4X FTL Kalian airline personnel eta gad a 84--hour Batik* In Italy today to press demand* far afcafls contract covering all alrcran and ground ***** Alitalia aad tbe national airline ATI drastically reduced their scheduled doms* tic fl'-ht*. sn airline epos**' man said. ITPI
    48 words
  • 21 32 atABAM now Mim« M. aawaii at Tte T«ak Kaaa. i-m* »/11/T» OBftaa* iaivai 17» a, BkMk 11. AJaaaaaim Baaa T/U/Ta.
    21 words
  • 69 32 ONE of the hostages (left) jumps to freedom from the .second floor of the besieged Indonesian consulate-general's office in Amsterdam. He was hurt in the fall and unable to move. A policeman got a rope around him and dragged him to safety. Another hostage (above) was wounded
    69 words
  • 42 32 LONDON. Pri Some British Ashing reaaeto are putting to aea with Be many of the crew drank that the ▼eaaehi BaaalMy we*ltf not turvivp emerttney la the Ont day or two of the «oya<e. a forernßaent report aald today— AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 561 32 I OWDON. m. Tfct mv** *-> tlax ana la ««M< oa4la<. •mi •iickiiy bMow ta* 4*r kwkait irrtu. At I fat. ik* naaadai Tkaw> laeaa ww aa 4.1 at Mi 4. I n«an akart arleaa ajar* bmmlt tatvwa aa« kiakar wnk mmtkaaai Hnnttan kr aaaaa tk* Qtiaaim -111
    561 words
  • 18 32 tfIWDOW. m apw taaajß MM («■<!) aritora UM i>.a> aMM (+U> aatUaaMßl oeat *M M«l Tbm: ri 111
    18 words
  • 50 32 UatDON. m. KhMmt ataa* •IKMU' autar wtu a« AM <XUI—J). MM wIMK. Ju MM. MM. rak. M.M. M.M. JM*r M.M. MM: xWll-ia^ tr.n. tr.Te: J«iv-a«i mm. m t»: Oat-Oaa MM. M.t» MM. MM: A*ni-J«w U.K. 41 Ta JalF-ea>t «.10 41.M: Oaa•mi CXT: Ju UM MM; rak. M.M u.n.
    50 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 297 32 Setron Radio Model SM-V COLjOURENT'S GREAT FESTIVE OFFER THESE SUPERB SETRON TRANSISTOR RADIOS 1\ WITH EVERY SETRON COLOUR TV SET RENTED! I HURRY! OFFER VALID UNTIL 31st JANUARY! I That's not all! When you rent V^ ''"f fPr^^flj^H^^^^^^^| I from COLOURENT, we'll take *****5Q 1 care of any and all
      297 words
    • 325 32 II Call us for an estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration Air Conditioning Co., I 23-25, SAIBOO STREET. SINGAPORE 0. TEL: *****8/*****1 •^BB^Mka D H I C E Jf 120 cm. Garmen Fancy Cotton Fabrics $3.50 J§| 120 cm. Florol Printtd Furnishing $3.50 •M 300 cm. Swiss Acrylic MetOfiel $9
      325 words