The Straits Times, 4 December 1975

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times 25 CENTS I Kstd 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1975 M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 763 1 Pro-Jakarta forces 20 km from the capital JAKARTA, Wednesday PRO INDONESIAN forces in Portuguese Timor were today reported within 20 km of the capital of Dili as leftist Fretilin forces appealed to the United States and China for help. As the fighting escalated, Portugal etJbd on
    AP; UPI  -  763 words
  • 694 1 Hijack gang's new demand Two freed with note asking for medicines and driver BEILEN (Holland). Wed JpIVE gunmen holding about 75 passengers hostage on a hijacked train opened fire on police this morning then issued new demands apparently designed to help their getaway. The extremist South Moluccan gunmen fired three
    Reuter  -  694 words
  • 266 1 $5m ransom demand in Paris PARIS, Wednesday PUNCTUATING their demands with gunfire, robbers holding a group of hostages in a central Paris bank demanded a ransom of US$2 million (Sss million and a getaway car, a police spokes- man said today. No direct threats were reported but the gang asked
    AP  -  266 words
  • 72 1 Lebanon plea to UN HKW YORK. Wed Lebanon 'i snitM— l*» to Che United Nation* air. attward Ohorra. today aoksd Uw prtsldaat of tto* Sscurttr Council to oanouo an easar> gancy ssojaon of the oounctl to consider raids by Israel warnautsa mat Lsbanon. Mr. Ohorra said he seat tbs request
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  • 107 1 LONDON. Wad. Defence Secretary Roy Mason has) warned that mm farther cuts in defence ss>ciiiHn t may have to he made as part of redarttssM In public expenditure because of Britain's di fflcult economic situation Bat he emphasised the Government's IntenUoa to mainUln a ■lasra aad effective
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  • 47 1 MADRID Wed— King Juan Carlos has appointed his fanner tutor Torcuato PCrnandei Miranda. SO. v president of the Cortes (Parliament)—a key post In Spain i post-Franco era. He succeeds another conservative Alejandro Rodrtgucs dc Valcarcel. wttoae sixyear torn expired last week Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Wsd— Dow Jones iw'MW based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock benange M Indus MOM. down lI M. JO transp IttH down 1» IS utlls II M down ON H stocks 1M 10. down IS3 UPI
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 226 1 Fork's second round of talks PEKING. Wednesday JJMTEI) STATES President Ford had a second session of talks with CMMM leaders here today lasting about two and-a-half hours. "They continued significant discussions on a wide range of international Issues, a White House press statement said. It gave no other details. The
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  • 410 1 End of the royalty in Laos LONDON Wod npHF. 700-yecr old mo- narchy In Lacs hu been abolished, the 19--monlh-old coalition «ovetnmorit dissolved and the Lao Peoples 1 Democratic Republic established. Vientiane Radio said today The broadcast, monl-tort-rt here, said 68-year-old King Saving Vstthana had abdicated following a two-day congress
    Reuter; UPI  -  410 words
  • 62 1 Good signs at Poking talks: Nessen PIKINC WXL Thr While House announced today that there will be no communique at the end of President Ford's five- da; Chin* vtalt but spokeasaan Eon Zfesosa saJa all stfna txo*» the mtHttii* I*tm»»H Ford ing the absence of a cosa■■alsjt sa ma Indication
    AP  -  62 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 BETTER VISION BETTER LIVING V^ *HT Consult itwojsrsi Mrsmisl Otaost O*. oyicion.DAM SW OPTICAL CO. EOUWOIO 1 til G46, HIGH STREET CENTRE, SINGAPORE, 6. Telephone: *****0 ***** ■i iriurni \Z\?«s^3gMmg»^(JxijTssWir] \f^& llfifc" Dreaming of a house? Buy it now with the help of Chase Fed up with paying rent you
      140 words
    • 159 1 B Su0 Coior 7?l Europe* Bestselling CotorTVGRUNDjG HOLIDAY JOBS FOR NEEDY STUDENTS P«i« 19 ISRAELI air raids spark flarr up at border FRASER fortes ahead 3 BRITAIN fives In to the EEC 4 MAN who took It oat on the telephone 7 'BUY more Singapore foods' call to China team
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 357 2 Air strikes spark flare-up at border JERUSALEM, Wednesday TENSION was high in Israeli villages near Lebanon today after Israeli and Arab forces exchanged artillery fire across the border last night. The clashes followed bombing raids by Israeli warplanes on suspected Arab guerilla bases In Lebanon Israeli jeU dodged heat seeking
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  357 words
    • 50 2 NTW DELHI Wed. Security official* of India and Bangladeati ba«an talks at Calcutta yesterday on the latest situation along their OOctala said that the talks would eorar maintenance of tranquillity on the border, prevention of smuggling, movement* alcog the border and finallaaUon of guldoUnaa for border ascurtty operations.
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    • 26 2 NEW YORK. Wad.— Anna Rooaerelt Halatod. only daughter of America'! wartime leader President Franklin Roosevelt, died on Monday of cancer. She was W— Renter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 470 2 A US-Israeli rift haa developed over what sources yesterday said was a promise "In principle" by Secretary of Btate Dr. Henry Kissinger to veto any Palestinian participation In Middle East talks before the UN Security Council. Dr. Kissinger U understood to have made the promise by
      AP; NYT  -  470 words
    • 213 2 mfcL AVIV, H>d A 1 former leftwing MP jeiler day predicted that the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) woold announce a de facto" rrcojnltlon of Israel within a few weeks. Mr. Url Avr erl told newsmen In lei Atlt that -eztreaMly reliable —re—** cms* to
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    • 126 2 N-service for Beirut youths BEIRUT. Wed. The I Lebanese Parliament, hoping to get young gunmen off tne »treeta. yesterday passed a Bill to make all 19--year-old youths do military service or work on development projects. But this latest attempt at dampening sectarian strife, which has cost more than 4,000 lives
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 367 2 rE Washington Post said in an editorial today that the second visit to China by an American President is neither so momentous nor so theatrical as that of President Richard Nixon in 1972. The editorial said: "The big change in the
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  367 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 SOMETHING YOU MAY NEED N eat* as»«««»»»»»»»»»»»^gaaaassaaaB«ai BsHHH^ <^aH IF YOU LACK VITAMINS HVM U.S. BEIKLIN The once a day way to fill your requirements. jSjjgk It's a latest tonic '^^M^^T' scientifically prepared I w T«ea*«J in America. Contains .HL^Y^gaH a balanced combination of 24 vitamins/ minerals r^s2>'* i '*l
      395 words
    • 46 2 i^sM^aaiaI^l I ml ■■■p*^sa»^a*«a»aaaaaaa^ W WKB£> E- I n MS n I raaaaaaaj L ■■P** \^*sfy i i UM SHOW ROOM: g_J Wk m mm ground floor people-spark complex. Wk •jjJJ~*jJJ*^2^P TEL *****1 4 *****7 BjA, |^^^"^^^^^^^H OPENS EVERYOAY 12.00 NOON 10.00 P.M. J 4a^ assafsjjj
      46 words

    • 165 3 r'O former Frderal Hurrau of lnve»tliaUon Informerv Gary gave (left), wearing a hood to hide his new identity, and Mary Jo Cook. trMiMinc before the Senate intelligence commit Irr In Washington on Taesday. Mr Bowe maid he quit the KBI because its agents
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    • 118 3 Town breathes easier as Joan veers off OERTH. Wed TroplI cal Cyclone Joan, with winds up to 250 kms an hour, veered away m sparsely-popu-lated coast of north AuMraila today. tartly ending a uj the town of ;n. 2264 km r t he aat of here It was earlier feared
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    • 195 3 VN elght-day-old na*ide strike by rkers demand>K the legal right to is called off to:>t pressure from of people sufferD the crippling al action The Council of Public orporatlons and Oovrnment Enterprise Workers Union tKorok>i said after a meeting I enlarged Joint i-ommlttee that I jld
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 691 3 §YI)NEY, Prime Minister M IcolsH Fruser M I his LiberalNational Country Party coalition team are forging an unbeatable lead and heading for a major victory iii next week's general election, according to Uxluy's latest nationwide poblic opinion poll. The mounting trend to Mr. Fraser and his caretaker
      Reuter  -  691 words
    • 246 3 Asean friendship pact for Bali summit 'THE five Asean members have been dUx cussing a treaty of amity and co-opera-tion which is expected to go before the forthcoming Asean summit In Ball, Thai Foreign Ministry officials said today They were commenting on a local newspaper report which said the 21
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 207 3 Put off the great Loch Ness probe LONDON. Wed. The treat Loch Ness moniter conference was last night postponed Indefinitely the victim of too much press enthusiasm. The symposium had been called for next week to evaluate new photographic erldence that a prehistoric creature was Indeed roaming Scotland's deepest lake.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 EXTR^-SPEOAL I CHRBTMAS MEAT&JXXJITi^. f valid from Dec.4^ to Dec.3l^^ USA Grade Turkeys 500g $2.40 -'.^S Danish Chicken Wings 2270g $7.35 p£jP\ Danish Chicken 1200g $4.75 )/*s& Danish Gammon Ham 500g $4.15 f\ All Beef Franks USA 454g $2.80 \MJ Sliced Bologna USA 142g $1.30 jr^ol Danish Smoked Streaky JjlrM
      94 words
    • 298 3 I GENERAL® EIfCTRICi N^^-J^^ GE HOUSEWARES MADE IN US A I m H^ l^a. H s^nw^WßaWawMaW^W k I KAfißawßßsVawS^^^^ mmm QHut* To»tt»r-O**n T9Jf I DELUXE TOASTER-OVEN T93F H I^^^^^^J^^ssa^^^ It s two appliances m one it's an automatic I I toaster and an oven When toasting is done, the I
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    • 165 4 'Patient's lives in great danger 9 warning LONDON. Wed Ambulancemen warned yesterday that Uves of emergency patient* are In Increasing Jeopardy as a worsening slowdown by British doctors forced hospitals across the country to close their casualty wards. "Sooner or later patients are going to die because they cant get
      Reuter; AP  -  165 words
    • 158 4 Move by senators to stop NY aid Bill WASHINGTON, Wed. Conservative SenaUra are threatening to start a niibmter today to kill President Ford's financial rescue plan for New York City which wwld provide Federal loans. The He— i of Re»resoaUtivoa last night yaeaad by a mere 16 votes a BUI
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    • 380 4 Energy talks seating row: Britain gives in BRITAIN'S bid to get itself apart from its Common Market partners at the coming world energy conference in Paris ended last night with a climbdown here after 1 1 hours of often violent debate Britain wanted Ita own seat at the conference, apart
      Reuter  -  380 words
    • 40 4 NEW YORK. Wed The motion picture "Jaw* hit an all-Urn* record bos office grata of USSIM million (B*l7l million) In the United euun and Canada aione In itt first U week* after rele**e Universal Pictures dlsetoeed yesterday. UFI.
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    • 69 4 GENEVA. Wed -International airlines flying European. Middle East and African routes have begun a new round of tails here to settle outstanding problems on new fare* from April 1 next rear, a spokesman said Bpeclai Inclusive tour, excursion and group rates are the main unresolved
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    • 29 4 ROUI Wed Some 10 million schoolchildren and students had an unscheduled holiday resterday when 700 000 government teachers held a one-day strike to press pay claims.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 181 4 rB Soviet Union charged today that BrltUh Home Office (Interior Ministry) officials had beaten ur an Armenian dancer and forced him to write a statement asllnr for political asylum In London earlier this month In a clearly euthortUtlve article the weekly Literary Oaretle also
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 319 4 DRITAIN'S Labour Government last night had a wafer-thin majority of five for a controversial BUI which nationalises 43 leading shipbuilding and aircraft companies. Both the opposition Conservative and Liberal parties opposed the measure which was being debated in the House of Commons
      Reuter; AP  -  319 words
    • 32 4 MANILA Wed A light pi«ne cruhfd lut Wedneidiy In tb« jungle* of lubeU northern Philippine*, but all four people aboard turvived spokesman for the Philippine air fore* i»:d tud«jr -AP
      AP  -  32 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 232 4 Bringing Up Wmthmm *y BUI Kavanagh 4* Hal Camp L MJf»m r VCUOVT-"| I--C3P C3d»M XT 9CAW-- I\\ SOU CAS *Art TmC PHOMt ig*JNP y Atgoyr -nor Au A r n j S^cakkm -ntjtj^ Blontfl* By Chic Youn| -•"^V— >T 1 I COOLO I MAVt 1 IWWAT WOUtD A tAOOCHWO.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 399 5 What do you give to the man who gives everything? V r /P9 Into this virtually indestructible shell our craftsmen fit the SflM Twinlock Winding Crown a Rolex invention. jJHH The Twinlock Crown works exactly like a submarine hatch, J^^^^H^^^^^^^l actually screwing down onto the Oyster case. To complete this
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    • 245 6 WASHINGTON. Wednesday riHE former chief of US naval operations, L Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, charged today hat Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger .^holding information of Soviet vioations of the nuclear arms agreement from President Ford, j The nations former top naval officer said
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 126 6 Citibank: Economy losing summer glow Wed > guldeposts that the econo--1 .some of the ■osy gl'W It displayed National mists. d. however hat th j economy Is stll! >n an upward course and ih o w substantial irowth M-me time next .prlng or summer The economists said pace of the
      126 words
    • 80 6 AMAOASAKI (Japan) Wed— A 17-year-old plumbing company president shot hinuelf to death, leaving a note that he had murdered two mlialog customers to j whom he aald he had loaned i money, police reported today I YoAhiUki Kuril wat found dead In hi* car parked in
      AP  -  80 words
    • 51 6 WASHINOTON. Wed —The House of Representatives > unanimously paaied a reaolu•.ion yesterday opposliK the continued control of BstonU Latvia and Lithuania by the Soviet Union Tbe resolution, which doe* not have the force of lav. tv omed by vote of 407 to nil with 2* members abaent
      51 words
    • 205 6 PROFUMO GETS C.B.E. FROM QUEEN LONDON. Wed. Mr. John Profumo. tbe former Conservative minister who became a social outcast after a sex scandal 12 years axo, was finally accepted back Into society today when he received an award from Queen Elisabeth. Mr. Pro.umo irMined as War Minister in IM3 after
      AP  -  205 words
    • 243 6 Kukrft flies to border after new flare-up BANOKOK, Wed. Prime Minuter Xufcrlt Prarr.o] flew to the Lao- Thai border area today after another aboottng Incident across the Mekong River frontier between Pathet Lao troops and Thai patrols. Thai mi'lUry sources said Lao troops opened fire on two Thai gunboats ©atrclllng
      AP  -  243 words
    • 56 6 BERNE. Wed —The centreleft coalition which has ruled Switsarland for the lot 1« ytan waa put In jeopardy yesterday when its members disagreed on a common legislative programme Leaden of the panic* which make up the coalition «oclallsta. Christian democrats radical* and democtratic centrists admitted defeat after
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 49 6 UNITED NATIONS. Wed The Soviet Union and 11 other eountrtw wggwted Tsstarday that noo-nucJaax weapon statas be included In UM-sponsorsd nsgoUsitteii on a Ttst Ban Treat; The MCtastlon eamt In a resolution Introduced by Soviet imhaiaartor AJexel Ru»chin in tha, political cosammm lUutsr
      49 words
    • 137 6 PRIS. Wed. Tens of thousands of demonstrators. Including a small contingent of police, marched through the centre of Paris yesterday to back demands for shorter working hours and a lower retirement age T b t demonstrators were responding to a cai. from Prance's two main
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 328 6 THE Portuguese Government today tightened its grip on the news media, nationalising almost all the country's radio stations in a move clearly aimed against its leftwlng opponents. The Cabinet in crackIng down on radios and newspapers accused them of having helped to Instigate the
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 568 6 JHE Soviet I'nion's economic growth rate will fall next year to its lowest level since World War Two, hard hit by what is thought to have been one of the worst ha nest failures in 30 years, i State planning chief Nikolai Balbakov
      Reuter  -  568 words
    • 38 6 MARINA DEL RCY. California. Wed— Retired US Air Force Oeneral John Meyer, who directed th«devastating bombing attacks on Hanoi and Haiphong In North Vletnar< in Dec 1973. died at hu home here yesterday aged M Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 45 6 LONDON: Brief cases for civil *erv*nU cost the British taxpayer tI.OM (SS.vN) a week, a government minister said today. Mr Charles Merries. Minister of State for the Civil Service, said over CIM.Hv had been spent on briefcastes for civil servants over the last two year*.
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      • 31 6 COPENHAGEN: Denmark plans to unilaterally declare a 320-km economic tone around Its Arctic province of Greenland unless a ■one Is fixed by the International Law of the Sea conference next spring.
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      • 27 6 BUENOS AIRES: A prominent retired army general suggested here that the Argentine armed forces might have to seise power because of President Maria Estetla Peron's prolonged absence
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      • 35 6 PARIS: A law that would give Paris a mayor for j the first time In more than 100 years and loosen the government's all-powerful grip on the capital was presented to parliament for approval yesterday.
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      • 50 6 COLOMBO: Sri Lanka's Tratskyite Lanka Sama Svmaja Party (LSSP). which was expelled from government last September, and two other independent opposition members, have given notice of a motion of no confidence In Prime Minister Slrimavo Bandaranaike. charging her with a transaction which was In violation of the < l-rid reform
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      • 33 6 OTTAWA Defence Minister James Richardson said last night Canada will spend an estimated Cs2s 5 million <Ss63~ million) In assigning armed forces personnel to duties at the Olympic Games in Montreal next summer—Agencies.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 IMETRO^ Santa Claus is now at Metro with lots of gift Ideas for children. hnttmas wisnat with these wonderful gift suggestions. MEET SANTA CLAUS AT METRO 1 Goidan Mit« Mon Sat 5-9 pm. Sun 2 6 pm. DETECTIVE GAME SET ottt your children on the tracks Orchard Wed Fr. 5-9
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    • 73 6 mgm J^M gi^^^^^H CgLg^lgft^gp^flgk __^^g^|U Hg| iJH iKaaw*^' ft^a^g^i<eisiestty^kWl X/ '^k Imf^lllll i 1 \]y "-T^ nun I I IX. iWHH^iiiiiiL^B*&&^ki^g«f I better o..*vor vn because Fernleaf is pure, creamy buttef (Y-iblAl My made from real dairy milk rich ""n^ my in all the nutriment and goodness W your family
      73 words

  • 193 7 98 shoals a danger to ships in Malacca Straits rKYO. Wed. The Ptralt* of Malacca has 96 shoals dangerous for ships weighing more 1 than 200.000 tonnes, a report made puoiic today by the Maritime Safety Acency said The agency said the report was baaed on a hydrographlc survey conducted
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  • 75 7 Xmas play by Stage Club THE Stage Club will present a children* Christmas play. The Thwarting of Baron Bo- I Ulgrew at the Victoria Theatre from Dec. 6 tD 13 at 7JO pm dally Thar* win be matinee per- I forwancas ao Dec 7 and II IN pm TVkeU II
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  • 251 7 More die from suicides than road mishaps rpIREE time* as many 1 people stave died from suicide and other aelflnfllcted lnjmriee eeeapared to those killed la aator vehicle aed- eats la the nine ■aath* etf this year. aeeecaing to official •gares jast pahtlahed Among those who committed salelae. the aaamber
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  • 42 7 TSAI Sung Wan of Elliot Walk waa fined $75 by a magistral*'* court yaaterdajr for driving at 97 kmph along MounUmtter. Road where th* I speed limit U SO kmph on Oct 4 at 1107 am He I plaad*d guilty
    42 words
  • 292 7 WELDER who lost his temper and smashed the ear-piece of a public telephone after failing to make a call was yesterday fined 12,000 for the $1 damage he caused. Tav Benc Chew. 19. pleaded guilty to committing mischief Intentionally by damaging
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  • 253 7 Talks to scrap 5-year pact for SIA girls underway THE Singapore Air Transport-workers' Union (SATU) is negotiating with Singapore Airlines' management to abolish the present policy of employing flight stewardesses on a five-year contract. According to a r okesman for SATU yesterday. thJi contract policy U discriminatory, baaed on •ex.
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  • 212 7 INCREASE IN TOURISM DESPITE RECESSION MORE people have continued to vuit Singapore despite the receulon. Tourist Board itatutlca show that there were 106.497 visitors to Singapore by air and sea during September this year an Increase of 12 per cent over the September Ilgure last year. Most visitors came from
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  • 47 7 THS Ran* Andenon Ctuto will hold a party tor 100 underprlvUagad children at Hot*! Royal Ramada on PYlday at 1 p m It will hold anothar party lor 1.000 undarprtrUand children at th* P and N Hall on Dae. 11 at i pj>
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  • 38 7 DR H*nry Meyer, a vialtIng atcttmar with th« ctvU Senrlc* Staff Development Incotut*. Singapore, will apaak on Mana«ement by Ob)ectiv« Pact or Pad at a N»UaoaJ ProdueUvlty Amoc\MUon lunchaon at the ApoUo Houl on Oac. 11.
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  • 65 7 TWO scholarships have been cfTered to Nanyang University academic star and students for doctoral study or research In business administration In the United States Candtdataa muat hay* a good honour* dafra* with at amat on* year's working am. parienc* and aafnclant command of Engluti for postgraduate
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  • 32 7 CAJRKHILL eaaßsaunlty cantr*'* nmniwil oommlttm will organist karat* chuaaa (or bagtamen at th* centra from tuuMMivm at TjN Bam Th* <**UM* month Further information Is 00Udnabi* from th* e*ntr*
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  • 63 7 NOVtMUB was a wet month far Singaporean* Tfc* aatteacaaaaical Imtttm at the airport last BMntk mwraVd a rainfall above the avera.»e asaalljr experienced at tbt» nerlod The total rainfmll reoorried waa tMJI v. air 117 am. asore than la* Norember Last month* raiafad waa al—an
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  • 210 7 S'ore to set up Institute of Petroleum SINOAPORE will set up an Institute of Petroleum early next year to provide a permanent study body to look Into the economic, technical and environmental aspect* of the petroleum Industry here. This move was Initiated by more than SO people In the petroleum
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  • 25 7 MARINERS are advtatd to manoeuvre their cra.t aiowly while pasting Slater* Shoal and Saw* Pemalang tn the Southern Ulapda to make way (or dradglng.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 Visit our Premier Store at G-36 High Street Centre WHEN YOU THINK OF BALLY THINK OF CHANRAIS >^ BALLY /^k swrrnauuie SANORMGHAM PRMCEn HIP afaOr M6NS»WtA« 1111/ %\j STORES Goa/Ti*G36M^StraatCaßtratGroundFloorlTal *****1 G-6 Ocean Buttfcng Shoopmg Centra (Ground Floor) Tal *****2 G?3 Suprama Houaa (Ground Fkxvl Tal 322*71 Goodwood **on Raffias
      109 words
    • 1187 7 Unbeatable value for morici tours of New Zealand. AuMralia&riji. JFrom A i r \ew Zealand l natural U >jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK"~^4bbbV the friendly way to see the '^bbbbW ™^aVaBBBBBv friend ly f ou u\jy and keep /#»>CCl^^^/ U 3^7 *^^^C^Masßsßßßß|'^i^P^>^ coaU within easy budget limits \jJ&jXfr&S*^^( B^ s^^^^sS!S?^^^ Cover the scenic highlights.
      1,187 words

  • 150 8 FOILED:GANG CLASH AT FUNERAL JOO Chiat police foiled an underworld showdown" at a funeral when they swooped on a bouse In Bedok on Tuesday afternoon and arrested 38 people suspected to be members of the 81 Tong and Ol San triad societies According to sources last night, these people bad
    150 words
  • 512 8 chairman of the Development Bank of Singapore, Mr. Howe Yoon Chong, has invited China to porchasr more items from Singapore and further improve and bet ter balance the two-way trade. Mr. Howe, who was speaking at a dinner for the visiting Chinese
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  • 224 8 rPWO 20-y e a r old youths, who robbed a taxi driver of $14 and a $75 watch, were each sentenced to 18 months 1 J\ll with six strokes of the rotan by a district court yesterday. Ho Pen* l.i-m. a farmer, and Teo
    224 words
  • 196 8 THEIR BUSY DAY AT PRECISION TOOLS FACTORIES rE 10-member industrial mission from the China National Machinery import and Export Corooratlon. led by Its deputy managing director. Mr Cheng ChlHslen. spent another busy day touring some factories here yesterday In the morning, the members visited Oberg Singapore Pte Ltd.. the factory
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  • 19 8 THE KoU R»J» community centre will organ we twoda; emmp »t Pul«u Tekong on SaturtUr »nd Sunday
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  • 294 8 Xmas light-up: No power curbs this year THHISTMAS will be brighter this year because the Public Utilities Board will not impose restrictions on the use of power and electricity during the festiwseason. e^—i— The national save energy campaign Is still on. but a PUB spokesman said yesterday there are no
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  • 220 8 Freighter listing after collision with tanker rl. 2.1.198 tonne Polish freighter, (if nrril Madalinsal. was listing to its port side yesterday a* s result of s collision with the British linker Sachem in the Lastern Anchorage on I utmi.i The freighter owned by the Polish Steam*htp Company, was believed to
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  • 69 8 Four roads to be resurfaced THE Public Works Department will re-surface four roads this month They are Woodland* Road iraium carnagrwar from Custom* checkpoint to Mandal Roadi. New Bridge Road laouthem carriageway from Outrun Road to Upper Croat Btrwrt>. Sim* Avenue and Upper Thomson Road Road (eastern carriage* «y from
    69 words
  • 38 8 MR Pong Sip Chee. Parllamrnury Secretary t Labour i and UP for Stanford, will oOclat* at a daylong children 1 ipot art competition, to be held at the Japaneae War Memorial, on Dec 11 at lam
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 188 8 "Thfccnswer to keepfiQ food fresh dl week long isoffosf-free H/eshnghouse refrigerator." uaf^^^B jgf ■V^kuaal Mm 4uaaßHP^ flßp'^uafla' atb "^•i I aaaMa JBkCaiS^S av^aV^E'^afcaiai i QfiaSl^^gUßVi "C^BLbV^bUbw BaKT~ MoM RT 174R MocW; RT 143 M Modwl:RS2l9R Mod«i RT 174R Ig^CK *^*i Convenient separate top tretzm Completely Frost-Frse oompartment keeps ice. Equipped
      188 words
    • 82 8 jgmmwrmrv.iim'vtßW. *m ThurwJoy, o.c.«*>~ 41*.. Film MISS JULII Honing Tr> rjIUN m|«k!N ond *>• KQYAI IHAKf<.t*AH fOMPANY. "Thtt it olm production o< !*>• ploy by Srrindtxrg' t«(grd_, Corlton Holl, Ceedwood Pork «oWI 7pm and V"SS. Oprtonal bwWt S7 »tro. *«dn*a*oy, D*c««4a« KMt, Ik* miiml Amcricon .iolinitt MAKIIYN DmO<V. occonmowiad by
      82 words

  • 314 9 T iTTLRBCGS and 1 ndala are dlsc- uraf ed by the ■if ht of these park ranters as they pedal their way around the sprawUnf Bast Coast Park. The pnmM of these men la beige sblrU aa4 tumasek gram treason will aaa
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  • 97 9 AUCTIONINO of the 1.635 tonne runaway veasel, Union Pacific, was called off yesterday due to low bidding The auction on a Sheriff's sale was ordered by the High Court and was conducted by Cheong Koon Seng The Union Pacific slipped out from Singapore harbour
    97 words
  • 133 9 ROBBERY CHARGED AFORMLH constable was yesterday charged In a magistrate's court »ith putting three people in fear of Injury while armed with a revolver during an attempted roboery at Tudor court last year Chong Ah Bam. 32. was alleged to have put Chong Sek Har. Lee L«ang Heak and Tan
    133 words
  • 311 9 r'O CISCO constables were yesterday cleared by a district court of a charge of corruptly obtaining a treat from a hawker' In a bar and restaurant at nn inducement for not taking i.ctlon ar'lnst him. Yao Berg Choo and Abdul Mutallb Arshad were alleptd
    311 words
  • 413 9  - Passenger liners not affected by the slump JACOB DANIEL S-E ASIA TRAFFIC NOW BEING ACTIVELY TAPPED By PASSENGER ships opcratiag i" the *>outh fill Asi:i ragmi wfam to be DOC KCtor <>1 shipping services that remains unaffected by the slump in the bustnea O»tr the p;ist two years. As cargo
    413 words
  • 52 9 THE Adult Education Board will hold a 10 wa course to prepare student* !ur next years Part I Bramlnalloni of the Institute of Banker* i London cum- will be held every Tu»«lav, Thunday and Friday at Anf!o-Chlneae Primary School from a 44 to Hi pm from
    52 words
  • 179 9 Strike at PSA: Police called in OORT of Singapore Authority police were called In yesterday to deal with some 100 striking lighter men who tried to prevent nve loaded lighters from leaving Telok Ayer Basin to discharge cargo in the harbour area. A spokesman for Vayna Supplah and Sons, the
    179 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 13 9 rtmiaE wEiavs "FIVE PIECES" I Go/I CtUt Stn Sing Lee Ooc lIS* I»7J
      13 words
    • 197 9 a^SftaV Laaa# Vassal >&. I Get one off these fabulous gifts- WUf |3 I I absolutely FREE- when you buy Mr 111 I SHAF^P Colour TV today! M l I t^m A Model 18T-31 Singapore Recommended *}*>*% H JM^t Choose either this attractive ROXY Trolley Tray. con, u me, pr,
      197 words

    • 346 10 TUN Abdul Razak called on established manufacturers In the country today to go Into Joint-ventures with foreign firms to set up manufacturing activities In the rural areas "The Oovernment Is Providing very attractive fiscal Incentives and as•lstance for the establishment of Droiect* to
      346 words
    • 356 10 KLANQ, Wednesday FATHER held his seven-nionth-old baby and dashed through a ring of fire to the bathroom in a critical moment to moisten the baby's burning clothes during yesterday's blaze at the PWD quarters here. Mr. E Balasubramanlam, 29, dipped his baby
      356 words
    • 167 10 TPOH, Wed. Commu--1 nlst terrorists are using walkie-talkie sets to contacts with their agents bringing supplies to Urn Jungle hideout* to Perak. The latest method of communication* by Urn terrorists came to light with the recoveries of a number of walkie-talkie set* to the
      167 words
    • 101 10 Curfew in Kulim areas now relaxed KUUM. Wed. All areas to Kuum district under a 7 pin to am curfew had their curfew hours relaxed by six hours from today. Kulim OCPD Deputy Supt Raja Lope bin Rasman said this cut was Intended to further ease Urn lot of Urn
      101 words
    • 226 10 Call to 'silent majority': Rise against Reds JPOH. Wed. Leaflets chiding the terroriata for their activities and calling on the "silent majority" to n*e agairut them were circulated around town early th is morning. A group calling themselves "former victims of communist criminals'' Sfidressed Urn message "to Urn people of
      226 words
    • 22 10 HOHOKCKJO. Wed. towns* Chief Minister Dr Cboot «v enured (Man Mary Hospital today "ajor nparsltuu of aa unffiartasad oitm. ap
      22 words
    • 134 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. —Malaysia today ex pressed Urn hope that the recent Ramboulllet economic summit would not lead Japan to Join Urn exclusive group to forming an economic bloc detrimental to developing Primary Industries aflnlster Date Masa Hitam said Urn opportunity given to Japan
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 33 10 KUALA LUMPUR Wed The World Bans ha* approved a OSaiS million (MSS7 million) loan to the National Electricity Board to finance its rural electrification progrumn*. a bank rtstssaent Ml/4 torfaw lao
      33 words
    • 141 10 pENANO. Wed. Fire gutted four attap houses and partly burnt down two others to Kampung 81rah, off Burmah Crescent here this morning. Tots' low was estimated at SSO.OOo The sole casua ty of the fire, believed to have been caused by an overturned oil lamp,
      141 words
    • 177 10 FORMER A-G BRODIE ENGLAND Kr ALA LUMriK, Hed. Malarias former Attorney-Ge-neral Tan a; i iu«oi^a V. A. Bredie (above) Urn man who was largely responsible for drafting the Emergency Regulations 27 years age has died In Ipton. Dorset. He was U. News of his death on Nov. IS was received
      177 words
    • 45 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Police have detained two vcuth* believed to have been rerpon»tble for a tertea of taxi hold-up* in the city. One was detained on Monday nlsht after a taxi cha* while the other was picked up early yesterday mornlne
      45 words
    • 245 10 Two for trial under new Security Act IPOH. Wed. Two men were today committed to stand trial in the {Ugh Court under the Internal Security Act which carries the death penalty. Lock Chu alias Phang Loke Chu. 25. and Hoi Lai Peng. 34. will be tried under procedures of the
      245 words
    • 49 10 MALACCA. Wed Pbj».Inf fee* here will b* Increased from 30 cents to 30 «iv an hour, the Municipal Comm'i«loner Datuk Tap Chens Swee. mid today The Increase was neceaamry because of the rUe In alarm of parklnr attendant* the payment of relief allowance* and bonus
      49 words
    • 24 10 TAIPINO. Wtd A six-rcax-old boy. Noor Ataman, died when he fell Into the pit of a latrine at Trong rubber plantation here.
      24 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      413 words
    • 29 10 aw^^^^Ka^aeaaWl i V .e^afl aKaS B .^al aw" a> «iji|||iii|iiiaaß|iiH a^a^ai a^aV IbM. afl L^E£a\^atflr^«^^^Lß^Lw^^^^L^r ,1 B B\ M' _k I a^B F^dCTAHC UMITW*' I IWOaCMAMONOAO SiMGAPCWi TCI. inSSOnuMCSI
      29 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 394 11 dlT^^a^ -k f *TOBI£R *RED TULIP aW-*CTs3P^i«i^^ ni Br^fei i •vADBURY •TERRYS CAyTA PlAllQuiillhnnnniinH z^ff^jP nJ* CHKKEMS •STUFFINGS V^^^fc SANTA CLAUS Will DG arOlinO Sv|fgj^K J i 1 •DUCKS •HAMS *y?Z* liv^lhJ^U %tjjJO^ 13^%^^ vQfii vS^^&^flP- •HmAPiriyat your home without wanes!. \EMj£iSfiPOMCom\A^i •FRUITCOCKTAIL....^ .MOl •CORNED BEEF J2ZL 2W§*|NSTANTNOOOIE^ =»SL!- .1-20
      394 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 333 12 PHILIPS g Singapore FILL-ft-HOni£ worth of prizes must be won Get to know these fine Philips products i^B^Z I i^Bi^i^iH I I i^Ei^H il B IBk ***sP*^J| M V B B B llj^^:, VI w **f^r ll^LI I It's Philips Singapore Silver Jubilee and to celebrate. T* Philips is giving
      333 words

  • 83 13 TM r Minister for Law and Environment and president of the Singapore- v» ttonal Olympic oun- rUrkrr reremnc a cheque for SZM.tM from Mr Kunmr Shaw, chairman of the Singapore Turf Club The SNCX was one of H local organisations which received donation cheques totaling SZ.ZMTJS
    83 words
  • 294 13 EIGHT members of a Costa Rican fishing vessel, who were recently awarded a High Court Judgment for $354,722. are to be paid only $124,000 as full settlement of the Judgment sum Reason The payment can only be made against the sale
    294 words
  • 69 13 Course for computers exam THE YMCA will hold a 30 --session course on Digital Electronic Techniques at lv Orchard Road premises from Jan. 6. Clams an on Ttoafey* and Tbanday*. tnm pm. -7»o pjb FM§ art HI members) tod SM (others). The count will pnptra ttudanu for U» dtjr and
    69 words
  • 67 13 rl wife of the Japanese Ambassador to Singapore. Mrs S. Hori. yesterday presented cheques totalling about $45,000 to some 10 local charity organisations. The cheques were given away at a ceremony at the Japanese Association in Buk 1 1 Tlmah Road The money was
    67 words
  • 70 13 It is one of the activities sponsored by the association to foster friendly relationship between the two countries This year's event, organised by the women's committee of tht association, was held at Apollo Hotel on Oct 24. Among the recipients were the Society for the Aged Sick. Singapore Antl-
    70 words
  • 40 13 THK Ministry of Culture announced yesterday that the closing date for the Our Beautiful Singapore Fhotocraphlc Competition, is Dec. 11. All entries should be submitted to the Cultural Activities Section. Room S Third Floor. City HalL
    40 words
  • 33 13 NANY A N O Unlrerslty mathematical society, physics society, chemlatry society. electronic and radio society and the department of computer science will hold a Sconce Festival from Dec. 11 to 11
    33 words
  • 201 13 Ban on split level floors in flats THE Housing and Development Board yesterday said that Its residents were not allowed to raise the floor level of their flats. An HOB spokesman •aid 'In the Interest of resident*." the board would not approve any application for splitlevel flooring 'The board does
    201 words
  • 37 13 THE Adult and Young People's Section of Qutenatown Branch library will screen two Dim*. A Pride of Officer, and Changing of the Ouard. at the library's lecture room Mjusmiow at 7 JO pjn.
    37 words
  • 484 13 'Give the correct details' call by HDB Complaints by flat dwellers THE Housing and Development Board yesterday urged its residents to direct all their complaints to their estate area offices and give accurate information to ensure prompt investigation. An HDB spokesman said there had been many occasions when residents had
    484 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 196 13 SKINNY? look bigger, leel better with SUPER WATE-ON V Sup.. W.I. On >s a food supptam^it that can giv. pounds and >nch«* ol n.aitriy solid «.»h to skinny undf «.ight m«n and woman \Sup*rWat. On contains Ituit llavourtd nutn.nts <orl<i«d with __________________\____\W\W_W\_\ such atatntial vitamins as ■%4M BVB2 02and \^^_^_\ft
      196 words
    • 414 13 Every office should nave one. ■iisMii 111 I IsMMMfsM Could your company survive if its records PtarsM ■c M giJiigg»Ms^sMMifißt7 w ere destroyed by afire? I 15 Imagine, no estimates, ledgers, contracts. tax returns, invoices, sales receipts, insurance pol icy record s etc etc I At best, the road to
      414 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 326 13 Straits Times Crossword AC BOSS The man In the deck. 1 Partner wHh a pretentious having imprtaoned tht air. a >*f* (4-4). king. Is doomed 5 Healing stuff Mother has T The drudge. blushing. a thick tllct sent back drtveUtd <•> (■>. g Warlike one gets Inllam- Clandcaunct way to
      326 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 644 14 ALTHOUOH the United States Is seeking to assure Israel that there has been no change In Its policy of withholding recognition from the Palestine Liberation Organisation, Its decision to participate with the PLO in next month's UN Security Council debate on the Middle East is widely seen
      644 words
  • 448 14 Battered wives seek aid from welfare home LONDON: The potteeman's wife appeared at the door with six broken rib*, barns on her thighs frees boiling water, and hnUaes all over her face. A 1» year old with a raptured gall bladder arrived, having been kicked and slashed. A woman who
    NYT  -  448 words
  • 669 14  - S. Africa getting more involved in Angolan civil war PETER HAWTHORNE: Johannesburg By gOUTH African involvement in the civil war in neighbouring Angola is being made increasingly clear in official and unofficial statements, and the situation has become a focus of national dis- cuss ion. Prime Minister John Voreter Is
    669 words
  • 736 14  -  JAMES RESTON: New York By BRINGING AMERICANS DOWN TO REALITY JHE most hopeful sign in the political world these days is that the communiques from all fronts are so modest. Almost everybody is piping down. Prices, unemployment, inflation and interest rates may be up,
    736 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 65 14 Si»i«t cut la iai»«t >a«4kr awr moat ai**rlanca«l craftsman suica 1914 Suit* :*m«tai*H "and taltar**) a atuchad rtgSM lo t»a auttanHala* ww«| oamt ararkajtamni*. Wa ara i%o importari 4 aipartart of ftea*t Caxtt taatlla* tharafty tna iatatt 4 wtrtatt ran#a af matarlato far taiacUort. Anal far our (olltni'i Ir a
      65 words
    • 535 14 Another ideal business machine from Carrier. -■13 c™, aC\/T- Uwwnd ftllC Ht-artwr— 7 Avcnatik,singß?-padii*ge ra conditioner that* powuf ul enough to cool a mediunvsized store... or a miauram. or an nAcr. PM "> Ski SastBSBJ art alm»J\ in or a warrhouar No other crnlral thr r<ac>a«r •ir condittonrr erf rgual
      535 words

  • 263 15 Nude shots and screen erotica No, says Wan Feng rK sjalea way to fame aettaig aa the aade and taking part la screen erotica, a fad now amang Hongkong starlets does not appeal to local actress Toew Waa Pong. Waa Feng 19. the ■tngapsrs Caiaoac High School student who tamed
    263 words
  • 94 15 AJURONO shipyard, j Slngmaiine Private i Limited, has retrenched about 30 workers because of business slump The retrenchment was carried out on Monday wheii the workers reported for duty, reliable sources said yesterday It U learnt that talks on retrenchment benefits for the workers are
    94 words
  • 23 15 THE BarUey Road community centre will hold a children's get-together party at P sad N factory on Dee. 11 at aao pjn
    23 words
  • 326 15 A DISTRICT court yesterday accepted a 53-year-old former police supervisee's explanation that he failed to report to a detective as required because he feared losing his job and gave him an absolute discharge. LLm Choo Eng, now a worksite supervisor, also said he
    326 words
  • 307 15 Keppel's $11 Mil contract to repair Soviet ships KEPPFX Shipyard— ene ef Singapore's major yards— has west a $11 million Initial contract to repair seven Soviet veaeets next year. The shipyard and Sndolaaaail at Moaeow, the Soviet foreign trade agency which mm the veaaela here, are at pretest negotiating sevrral
    307 words
  • 32 15 THE Bengali AooeUtlon of Singapore will hold »n evening of Indian fuhion and dance at the Cultural Centre tomorrow from 1 pjn. to a pa. Artmtortrm Is by Invtution only.
    32 words
  • 161 15 REGISTRY of Vehicles statistic* for October show a large drop In the number of people applying to learn driving There were only 231.445 people applying for provisional driving licences during October. Compu tcriaed records show this to be a decline by 1.471 applications over
    161 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 96 15 protect your AllAf fa*y^i9 from infection Bathing the eyes i regularly with f Optrex Eye Lotion I is the best and most effective V protection against mm^^ eye infection Sore, irritated .^^aVß Hajpiaj and inflamed a^\~f I eyes are soothed JUL I II 1 1 and relieved J^JsM^ by Optrex
      96 words
    • 570 15 J JL^ uuuuuuuubkvZUZZ Big *****1.(26") Colour TV FREE* in your home for/days. GEC's Rant or Own Plan puts refunded if you decide to rent or an imported 66cm (26") colour buy All seta becked by an expert TV (Table Model or Console) in OEC service crew. For tun details your
      570 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 824 15 Un your TV SINGAPORE 5 Jat Pi Opening and Housmmes' Matinae— Re- TJI Haws Qtaiaj) turn of i Pearl (Cantonese Film. PL 1) 1M g,^. Hour 3.45 Love is a Many Spsmdoyrad Than rj« m)mm r Ol Intermasioii aa— sbbbi ay IN ls*aac aal to Taaaat tmttmn Ul law mt
      824 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 858 16 Another milestone in Singapore's Industrial Expansion L 0 HITACHI CABLE (SINGAPORE) PTE., LTD. take great pleasure to announce the Official Opening of their Factory at Jurong, by Mr. Tang See Chim wa^^^^^^^^SSrTT^lw^fyW^^^^^S^^^^^^^m Deputy Speaker of Parliament ■^^BF^^^iW^^B^LilLll^ '^55. J^P*' M fcw^of and Member of Parliament wEm P i for Chua
      858 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 197 17 m\^QK4>uitufatta4U I yt C%ftd Serf TVtt/iet O HITACHI CABLE is) pte. ltd.. {MT t6e 0CC4414* Off t6ein o ?€ict&uf, at swt*Hq,*7w* i<f 7H*n«MQ, Set £/u*k T>t£ut<t SjUa&t* of 'Parliament clkcC THtmicx of PcvtUamtut fox @Aua @&v %om^ ®THE BANK OF TOKYO, LTD. SINGAPORE OFFICE W^OHiyictftdctfioHA **d Sett 7(Ju6eA I HITACHI
      197 words
    • 269 17 I (Kr^OKpuitutati&u wSW 70i4&e4 I HITACHI CABLE (si pte I <mt occaAio* of tit Official Opening of I tAdi'pactoitf at s«%4h<}H<u#* TKilcih? Sec @Al*h Vefi«ti,Sfic*£<toJP<fi{i*mt«t 4*d7Ke~tt<io4P<x%tiAm*«t I THE SANWA BANK, LTD. SINGAPORE NOMURA I SSfE? 1 "f 188 1 111" 11 MERCHANT BANKING LTD. 35/36, Phillip Street. Tower 3602.
      269 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      300 words
    • 175 18 oraod OpentM Te-Oeyt 4 Snowa 1 00.1. JO, 7ft S.3S An Mm Paufcad Kun«-'u 1 PIMM In Man Jar in ColerP icopa with Infllah I Chhieee S.feMaa Van Tie Kwen in -JaMaltffflftXQV Emnmnn Te-Oey 4 Show* at 14$. 4.00. 7.00 ft S.JO A DocwmmKb-cy In co4o*" Las. BBVakAdA^aiAaßi n§rTnN m
      175 words
      567 words
    • 325 18 VA WHBCVER YOU VYVNT AT ■rfBB A VVONDO-=UL DT-MEF Bb— n^P-i W A LJLJXUROJS Wt Hflfi PI Htha(ii««hatia in your mind. oftar Itw Hnaw Pj U NorttwmlndiariCußjin«pf«paradbvouraMfs bal I apeciaty rVx*n io horn Bo.ntoay P I^s CoMpta it ¥»*ri immacuiata imanot rJaeor and Lfj §J SW« oamp-nog from v* wt-cfi
      325 words
    • 167 18 t OPENS TODAY! DAILY AT 7 00 9 30PM I; hmt! font***! bh I;] ■PriaN f«V rl HOME KDHC^aIr 1 i jiitwiicti tiiisniZdiT j£ ■wm mmii mm (mmii ti nt-tiia *^F MNHBI*! (IN MANDAIIN WITH IN6USH SUSTITLIS) 'l J OPENS TOOAT! CATHAY 1 1 Leung Shin Poh is J^ H
      167 words
    • 746 18 VV.V.W.V.V.VW.W.V EWSANISATiON:; C OMHI TOOAT i 1 Ik-n: 700 4 >•*-> < J MANDAIIM VtltlOM J. C A Gotd^ Mfjr.ttt C Moo* Company Ca-Praduct>on V THI MAN MOM IWMt K P ROMS" Jimm, Wong Y u <• P G«org* L aj«nby CotorScop* Ji P hull Drn-h O»m P S C-tt-n:
      746 words

  • 166 19 WORKING HIS WAY INTO A PAIR OF BOOTS SCHOOLBOY Daalel Gaa, IS. Is epeaaV lac ais moattea werktaf. Bet ac was act warrtai waea a* nmd la the ■ewwpapaw j^^t^mwmf •f a warning U eas•Mtyers that It was aa laSasi te e—pley yeaagatew aaasr 11. Per. he la ealy Metag
    166 words
  • 396 19  -  MAUREEN CHUA MINISTRY PILOT PROJECT •y fHE Ministry of Education's Guidance Unit has launched a pilot project to help needy students find vacation jobs. This project la to enable students belweau the aces of 16 and 18 to earn some money to help pay
    396 words
  • 124 19 Man who stole to 'get at his boss A SHOP assistant who got the sack broke into the department store and stole cash and valuables totalling $12.Ml. a district court was told yesterday Tan K-ong Van. 17. admitted a charge of i housebreiklng and theft •t Kimberley department store In
    124 words
  • 39 19 THK Sincapore BrctatrMdlng MoUwn droup will ofßci^ly op«B IU noond milk bulk at St. Andrew* Himiaa HoaplUl lomamm at 1 M pea Un Br—mi7 Chen Uvt group* chairman, will apaak on tb« OMdlesl adTmnla«a* of braMt-faadta*.
    39 words
  • 26 19 THE OuCroaiterolocr *>- ctetjr of Stnopar* will hast the Sfcond AJtan-Pkane Oongrca of Wrukmntfiy v Urn Sh»ncrt-L« Haul an M*y M and M next ywmr
    26 words
  • 382 19 ALS curbs freedom of movement, meeting told CINGAPORE's area licensing scheme and 0 the amalgamation of the former Chinese bus companies Into the Singapore Bus Service came under fire at the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) Asian Road Transport Workers conference yesterday. Mr. V. OopaL Industrial relations officer of the
    382 words
  • 178 19 qVACHERS are allowed A to eat and drink in the school common room. This was the Ministry of Education reply to a recent query by the Singapore Teachers Union as to whether there was a ban on teachers eating and drinking In their common
    178 words
  • 145 19 FLIGHTS AGAIN AS SYDNEY AIRPORT STRIKE ENDS IJIUOBTB to Sydney left a? on schedule (ran Pay* Lebar Airport last night, as a 34- hour strike Sair traffic controllers the Australian dty neared lv end. The o*-**- Airways, Lufthansa and Ualaysten Airline System flights are eipectsd In Sydney late this morotng
    145 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 128 19 I HITACHI CABLE isi nt.Ha, <K^> KANEMATSU-GOSHO LTD. SINGAPORE BRANCH Room 7A. 7th Floor. Far Eastern Benk Building. 156 Cecil Street. Singapore 1 s Se4t7oc4Aci HITACHI CABLE isi pte ltd t/U 9CC4Ui«4t Off t&€i% O^cUtU OjUmimf at fuwty '/(MtMT. Sutpa/koxt Toyo/ShuNnon Ait Freicpnf IntsiiiotiOfMi Jdpon ond VSHULMAN AIR FREIGHT INTERNATIONAL
      128 words
    • 617 19 for the top at I v Jri Secretarius Leaving school? Thinking of a career? If your English is good and you're prepared to work hard a secretarial career is now among the most attractive jobs available today. Make a success of it and you can go further still in the
      617 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 523 20 gssssV I ggasT^^n MALAYAN BREWERIES (M) SDN. BERHAD ufacturers of Anchor Beer and invite applications for the LABORATORY ASSISTANT The successful candidate should possess the following qualifications: or equivalent with principal passes in Chemistry and Zoology At least 3 years working experience. To be able to work independently Male Age
      523 words
    • 320 20 fWcU established chain of Hotels require I HOTEL CONTROLLERS I for two of its resort I hotels I The Job I Overall responsibility for the general I administration and financial returns I of the Company. I The Candidates I Should ideally have extensive I experience in similiar capacities I Formal
      320 words
    • 244 20 AN IHTKRHATIONAL AIR FREIGHT CO. REQUIRES FOR ITS PENANO OFFICE A) SUPERVISOR CUM STATION MANAGER 1 Minimum thre« years experience In the AlrFrelfhtlnf line with food knowledfe of the local market t. Ability to work. independently B) DOCUMENTATION CUM GENERAL CLERK 1. Knowledge of Import/Export procedure essential. 2. Ability to
      244 words
    • 845 20 Mo»lc* to heretoy gtvwi th-t l^^~ aTSS "B&X AUSTRALIAN ELECTIONS for a wholesale and mall !issiiei lc *Ho t i n LotJ p **Road Elections to the Senate and the House of Represenu^S^^icSSnriii*^ tatives will be held in Australia on 13 December 1975. Dto^om«i JC Kua2 Australians who will be
      845 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 665 21 classified ads [g *tMNJMBJBWJBxa«BSJa*Ja*jB*AaJa^ Lafhi up your CtknWMtat with n a vi CANOLIS iftxSoor* ouuSoori dffaftu** or t "-aw fiir.t »n<Jie irt*\j/t E*nd ivr "t«Ttl*M ItjTMtMtkfrffl from Finland and available ex- v at The Stkjev Statw atv 3rd. p. ajtaw Ceaxea. M irtts* LOUISE KLIRKS SALONS in ■Mjl > ttjaSMf*
      665 words
    • 711 21 We nairi A SVSTIMS ANALYST, F B 0 BRAMMBR with a number of years experience in Urn deasgn of stock control, accounting and other I m MJ systems be atat to deatojn atxttatt and prograaw in Cotnl. Fortran and Basic and should be capable of -r. -if SsVBJ BE perv
      711 words
    • 758 21 EXPERIENCE FBMALB CLIRK Typist required Preference will be given 10 Urn candidate who v capable lo correspondence independently Pittas tend returns with full particulars to S T Box AvltOO A very was eatatxtstjed wedMß eesaFCtSALI BCMBRAL CLIRKS. candidates are expected to have at Matt a good School Certificate and able
      758 words
    • 766 21 NIRBITIC EXPERIENCED SALMBttxt and Wslimrm required for Jewelleries Oood prospects Please phone JBMS for appointment Wanted inexperienced or experienced full or part-time house to house CANVASSERS for fast selling demandabie domestic products Call personally at •SB Oatrtea Park aa. M LAOiEt SELLING NMM4TMS. Earn extra income while working Write
      766 words
    • 823 21 WANTIO RADIO AND TV technicians At staat 3 yean experience. Poaseas driving Hcence Acco— idatlon presided Salary SMS ptes cotnmuaran for cotour TV repairs Apply personally *3V Sembawang Road 1* am t pm ELECTRICIAN Must be experienced and/ or licensed electrician Preferably married and Singapore Ciuaen Pttaee aaaty m pm—n
      823 words
    • 742 21 AN tWTEIMUTIONAL COMPANY requires temporary labourers Must speak EngUah strong and hardworking Wages 810 per day Apply personally lo 7. 4th Lot yam Road, off Lokyang Way. Ju rang. Spore 23. during office hours VOaPCR PTt LTO, A lOiing shipyard invites ti Ations for the following pos'Uctflt: A) CLBRK TYPMT
      742 words
    • 792 21 MALAY DELIVERY CLIRK reoulred Contact Sat 1 it during office houn OFFICE BOY required by a leading transport Company in Jurong Able 10 nde motorcycle Interested appllcanu contact Ivy Tat SBSBII Me us BttALL MAMUFACTUttIFrdF MCM-S BLACKS AMD JBAMS requires EXPERIENCED CUTTBR and BRA 0 I R with 1 now
      792 words
    • 893 21 Tt* Mate l/!So uitk *fi Fttr r of Walat twtMV Ming Tec* Put ***** 82M8 DM tl Sunset Way 82.309 Semi-detached dut 10 Greenwood Avenue ***** Mount Sinai Road 82.000 Jalan Jetlta SSM Dist II Oreenmead Avenue 81 400 DUt 18 Upper Ear. Coast Road SSOO Dttt 21 Sunset Way/
      893 words
    • 697 21 SttU 8B THOMSON MtU.S brand -»»'n*' a»-fa»re» <9~' SIASIOE BUNGALOW PONOOOL Seventeenth Avenue Telephone, aircon three bedrooms. targe garden Furnished European Neighbours Phone *****5 BUNGALOWS: BRAOOELI CLt MBNTi. Holland Walten. Stme Stevens Semi-detached Coronation. Hillerest Flau also available ***** ***** DIST ti CLlMtmn PARK bunga low. 3 bedrooms, servant's 82
      697 words
    • 783 21 ORANGE ROAO' JALAN fur in shed flat i bedrooms (on mmmvmm^foea m *****5 IF YOU RE MARCHING apart I menu between 8700 84 000 I look us up Phone KTC 29S0S7J I VSxMsV BSOSII BIST It ANO 11 modern 3- bedroomed 2-bedroomed flat restful private environment Moderate rental Ring 3*2433
      783 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 419 22 a aTi taa^osaßsaieißi I **stwawawaw VICTOR 4 MENOEZ PTE LTD Aaatsenaors Voluor* 4 Reel Eatoto Agents neve Bto lißming properties Camstan Per* Land 27.144 tan Price BotmoM Rood Land 17.144 seR Pnce 4484 484/Kmf ARMTI Pork Lane 11.144 teR Price 5451.440' mexittiot Jtons Ssasa Fuß> pia taclory on 11 acres
      419 words
    • 681 22 MMM^ sWssWsWasssstssssTaw— ■MjrMMTfJSilMtt off Lurong -put level terrace I 2 048 tq ft 8124.888 Loan avail *****7 OIST IS SINGLE 4TOREY ler "lusair flooring ample snopMng recreational facilities 444 BM Atone MOnty *****44 NEW MOOCRN 1 4TO4MTV split rare house 3 bedrooms (l Tel *****4 ENO KONO PLACE double-storey '•ring
      681 words
    • 720 22 ifgpTX-M.-D «0 OVIR BBte \jfh Boor beautiful HiOHPOiNT FLAT BMTN tenant (iond investment opportunity (all *****88 office *****2 residence SiNAR TRUST SON. SlttO. Dealt aim selling of land, estates, oil palm estates devtlooina project*, sawmill limber housing and hotels Available in Johore Kuala Lumpur Pahang and Trengganu Joint Ventures are
      720 words
    • 742 22 OFPVCI S4>ACIS AVAJLABLI fol rent Malayan Bank Chambers Fullerton Squar* from 478 181 sq ft Contact Tet ***** ext 35 SUPREME HOUM MEDICAL CENTRE Us* 481 Area 94 41 tt). Mitres (1.078 tq fl I Available on reasonable terms tc vedical specialists Ample parking fartlrttes Enquiries Supreme Homing* Tel MMB4
      742 words
    • 808 22 mmmmmw^sHmmmm^V^mmmmV USTRAL.A NEW ZEALANO Beautiful i Perth. Melbourne. Sydney It Kauwmba Auckland. Wellington. Chrtstchurch Mr Cook 12 21 days *****- ***** Dep 3 2 9/3. 4/4 EUROPE 10 romantic countries Italy. Austria. Switzerland. Oermany Rutsla Holland. Belgium. France. England and Denmark 2022 day* 82.870/ 42.440 Dep 17-n SINOAPORE/ LONOON or
      808 words
    • 596 22 AUSTRALIA TOURS MRVtCI special fares London Europe America Australia SSM: Indonesia 440 Tokyo Hong Kong Bangkok (*****. 321 579 1 USAHA OIAMONO TOUR B*4Bo 00 Daily departure B Be> kssand Tear 5 days SBBSO 09 Every Saturday C. Jakarta Veaya Mi Tear 7 SS7BO 00 Every Saturday U4AHA EXPRC4S TRAVIL
      596 words
    • 579 22 zb PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE You can now take a part time even. ngt only private secretarial course at Singapore* tint Private Secretarial School l Our next one year part time COurte Hart. sth JANUARY A refresher course for LCC/PSC itudentt •nil Mart in January Call our Principal tor further
      579 words
    • 606 22 I O offers better Secretarial training FULL TIME COURSES Classes commence sth January 1976 Regiiter early to ensure apiece PART TIME COURSES Classes commence »th January 1976 SECRETARIUS 79 Tangim Road. S.ngapor. 10 Tel IXS22 AIRLINE PUBLIC RELATIONS course by Specialists Of interest lo people intending lo work in airlines
      606 words
    • 641 22 COMPANY law by Legal Practitioner Commences 4th December 8 30 pm Reserve place, ring ***** Management Training Centre. 304 Third Floor New People's Park Centre KIM TIAN COMMIBCIAL SCHOOL oTc'immtnH BOOK KEEPING (Big 1 1 Sunday 900 II 00 a m commencing 7 12*75 21 M W P (Rapid) 400
      641 words
    • 411 22 STsiMKHTD CENTRI The largest and most progressive resource centra for education m business and the professions in South East Asia Ouality as a Stamford SocrtjUry Stamford secretaries epitomising excellence in secretarial skills have maintained traditional standards in external examinations Proof of SUPERIOR TRiuTMNG backed by 25 years Of ex pertise
      411 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
      278 words
    • 868 23 lian hup MM* 1251 Thomson 'ppoiiie St Michael Tel *****72 53)838. SJ4OZ. 1*73 Maada PIBBS Van. I Van MsfCTßas S3OSD Van I*7! iwuun ISM SVWaaon Ford Cortina (iT I*7OMaa)alsOo Air -cock: DaUun 1288. Ford Escort 2 Drs IM* Volkawmfon MB -a.„ SMI M•> 30 NO KCONO CAR TRAOCRB (P) LTO
      868 words
    • 849 23 OMB VBAROCO Mercedes 308 con cealed denso alrcon while commit, red upholstery Show- room condition (27 200 Contact .MVtJS3 I*BB OeCBM*)SJt ROVBSI IBB* TC sircon 2nd owner, imy good rondiuon (5.408 o n o View 4*l- Blk 21 Jalan Teniermm off Whaanpoa i*M MBRCtOB* I*BB with Denso airrond cassette and
      849 words
    • 779 23 I SMB. (BBTABLIBMSO ***** I assists you to tet your special friend/ lifetime partner within a I wee* s time In a private and confidential way Tel rose* O PO 114* TAU. PISABAMT CATMOUC Cantonese gentleman seeks mature hroad-mmded mends below IB photo phone appreciated replies uwncST BoxA»lS*4 PROFESSIONAL OINTI.SMAN
      779 words
    • 1048 23 iTß^L^^^^^^^sssl CT)IH2^3IJ-13bxbHbbp K^^^^^^Q^^^^fsU TNAM-IH VOVN OtO I SBQPJPBbbSlbbbbbslbbbbslEp r«fr»jtrator for (300 utd t*t a I O*n«ral Electric 14 2 ru ft automatic no- frost rernftrmtor Onljr *7«/- monthly Call at UM CHOOM TICK COWTIUCTOa smgapor* Rffnctrailon Com(M O B Himi mm KM BBS*). pany II 14 International fl -n
      1,048 words
    • 1059 23 TV AN EBTABUSHED COMPANY have <^L Aq the following positions for qualified o^V» t^jL Malaysians:- >*/ 1 ILICTHOMICB SALES ENGINEER £%T (HtF. EM 12/7S) Ft <^}L Must be a Degree holder with two J\fj years' actual sales experience on rx< TO, advanced electronic testing in- JJ\P struments. C^k 2. CONTROL
      1,059 words
    • 838 23 i B^F^BJi>ii>^^JjT^n MMMMMI HARRISONS LISTER ENGINMfttNG LTD invitf* OppltCOtion* to' DIESEL ENGINE FITTER A position hos onsen in fh« Mrvicing dwportment for o Dhh«l Engine) Fitter orising from continued •xpontion of mechomcol plant voles The successful condidote will be required to carry out servicing, both in the workshops ond on
      838 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 339 24 IkflL^afl BbLS BL^BcH IFIUI T™ BBS I j DBCDOING LT©. Modern restaurant Sandakan, I ifc Sabah seeks applications from fflr Wow b BOOK-KEEPER suitably quallT'.ed Malaysian NOTICE OF citizens for the post of:- able Malaysians are Invited to fill the 2 Special Cook. (Specialized in REMOVAL above vacancy Indian Muslim
      339 words
    • 588 24 I MSHI I I CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE SHIPREPAIR INDUSTRY H New in the Singapore Shiprepair scene on the commencement H of initial operations early next year, the Company shall be in the H 'big league' amongst the major shipyards when its mam facilities. H including the largest capacity dry
      588 words

  • 532 25  -  FRANCIS DANIEL NAVATANEE NOT FOR THE ERRANT By U\V;KOK, Wed. The international challenge for the greatest honour in golf the World Cup be£ i n s here tomorrow at the picturesque Nay atanee course, carved out from what was once swampland and rice padi fields. Described
    532 words
  • 37 25 MILAN. Wad. Italian boxing promo(er Otno Tana ■aid yaxerdajr ha waa trying to arrange a world title fight here next March between l'ght-mlddlewelght champion Jae Do Yu of South Korea and Auatraban Rocky Matttott. lUuier.
    37 words
  • 81 25 BANGKOK. Wed.—Singapore beat Japan 5 22-2 78 (59-49) to finish third In the women i section of the Far East Bridge Federation championships here yesterday. The Singapore women fin. shed with 85 49 behind the winners Australia (101.48) and Tal- wan (95.10). Other standings: 4. Japan.
    81 words
  • 260 25 LIVERPOOL HELD BY GUNNERS LONDON. We 4. Liverpool leet a little fround In the English soccer Hfst Division title chase last nifht when they wete held to a t- 1 draw at home by Arsenal. Liverpool have new dropped fear points from their last three home matches they i lest
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 49 25 LONDON. Wed Rasults of laat nlchta EnjcUati Footbail Aaaortatton Cup Hrat round aacond rrpUy matches: MIU»aH venua Yaortl poatponad. fround vmtartoeaed. The maul) will be played today at AkJenhot Wyoumba Wanderer* 1 Bedford 1 (Winner* away to Cardiff City In the second round). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 29 25 HONOKONQ. Wad. Uonateac tio send a 10--membar team to the aaoond Asian Youtb OrmnaeUc Champtonahip in hlaolla fraas Dec 10— IS. arwmattß oCßciaJ, ban said today. Hauler.
    29 words
  • 28 25 BUENOfi AIRES. Weu. Arientma* Cartoa Uonaon nay to Paris naUnlay to defend hi* World Boalnc Aa■octauoo lutddla—itht title agalnat Prasoe* Onua Tonna on Dae 11 Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 144 25 BANOKOK. Wed Lou Oraham of the United States biaacd through the Navalanee golf course hat* today with a brilliant nlne-und*r-par a to win the lndlTldual tlUa of the proam World Cup competition Oraham. 37. the i*Ja,nlna US Open champion, added another feather to his cap whan ha alao
    144 words
  • 380 25 CTOCKHOLM. Wed. Enigmatic Hie N.itaae of Rumania is set for another brilliant performance tonight after throwing his grouo of the Masters Tfcnnl* Tcuraamer.t vide oomi U*t night by beating Spain's Manuel Orantes. Nr ataae's 3-6. 6-4. 0-4 triumph hrosted him Into a strong
    380 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 238 25 m Do you know how many games the Singapore basketball team won in the 1975 Pesta Sukan games. Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the CASTMHmmfomuia $104)00 TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE 53.000 2nd. PRIZE 52.000 3rd.
      238 words
    • 60 25 W ssP* 1 <s^LJsssd a«V. N^kwai BSSSsVs^BSSSSSSsX" *R M HITACHI Incredible Work Capacity Excavators **bx^^^bj aw jt^ i&^sjpj^H 2aaiC_XnH^yß^D*^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B a*^a>^l P W^ r^^RO^Oa^^iußSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss v BRssV^Bsfl law* J aP»*A ''^sJWaWBI iX+ pi .aaaaaajsaaafjjA^^^wav \.^H Ifl^^^^K .^^9tar^^tf3aw W^&ftflVas amS %^t ■vTaßyH^^a^BJft'jf* 1 a^r^ \m y^afcflS^? ssT -^Lsttsssssk' isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss^lsH UftrV^aJy IM K^lS+^lS I^Jllll
      60 words

  • 597 26  -  DENNIS CHIA TRACK WORK By LESMANA, STYLISTIC ARE IMPRESSIVE IN 600 m GALLOPS fHUMBS UP 11. a winner at Kuala Lumpur f ortnif ht ago, showed good form in a splendid trial with stablemate Volants? at Bukit Ttmah yesterday morning. Thumbs Up 11, went
    597 words
    22 words
  • 41 26 HAMBURO Wed. Ray Andante of the United States gained a does 10-round victory on polnta over Jorge I h— nits of Argentina In a nan title UglilliaaijeesslK Ahumada ha* fought three times for the would nghthaavyweight crown. UPT.
    41 words
  • 35 26 MOSCOW. Wed. Clachoatovakta beat Japan Jl-U ysaNrita/ In the prcmmlnary round of the World woman's Kiev In other games. YueoalaTta beat Denmark 16-B and Ska* Oarmar.? uad the SOflet Union 10- 10 AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 205 26 Auric Stable groom a fresh string AURIC Stable are building up a "new A look" string for the 1976 season, reports Epsom Jeep. They have entered three well performed English two-year-olds for the December Meetlng at Bukit Ttmah. They are Machismo (late Ma bruki. Spellbinder (late Evedor) and Loonshlang 111
    205 words
  • 373 26 Barrierdraw for races this weekend SATURDAY Class 1 Orv. 1— laooaf It U J1417 10 ill 1) 14 U Class 1 Dtv. 1— UOSaf: IS 1 7 1« 3 1» 111 9 t 10 4 t IT 15 14 11 S II Class 1 Dtv. S— ISOOM I I 14
    373 words
  • 60 26 TUNIS. Wed. The World Boeing Council stsctsd World liaujwatglit rhamptan Muhammad All boxer of the year at Its eonventtem hare yesterday An. who retained hie crown against former holder Joe Prajitr in Manila laat Octoaar. gained 11 votaa with two South American dslsgstaa voting
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 27 26 LONDON. Wed. Qamax Zaman of PaHsitr beat Jonah Barrtngton of Mand t-4. t T. l-». II in challenge avuesh match at Wembley last night —Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 97 26 Lanka poll out of World Cup ZURICH. Wed The International Pootball Pederatlon (Pita) yesterday announced the first withdrawal from the qualifying oompstltton for tn* ItTS World Soccer Cup— Sri PUt said the Football Association of Srt Lanka In Colombo had pulled out "because iv guraiumaut authorities will not grant parmlaaVin
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 32 26 KBW ORLEANS. Louisiana. Wad. The US. Amateur Athletic Onion aastsrday named Olympic medal prospect Mike lxakas of Cleveland the top-ranked amateur has if aslant boaar In the United States. UPt
    32 words
  • 197 26 Wallabies rally to 10-6 victory P'DINBUROH. Wed— TtM touting Auitnltin Rufby Union Uuo overcame a half-Umc deficit to beat detennlnad South of Scotland i»d« 10-« In a dlaappolntinf encounter hart at OaiaahMl* yeaUrday A con««rtad try fay* South of Scotland a deaerred e-0 lead at the lntenral. but the Wallabiat
    197 words
  • 265 26 ffOKTO. Wed. Corf* ▼ut> Boju enten the line bare tomorrow night a lUsbt undcrdot «c»lnit World Wrtrlwy (*>Mifx»il (WBC» lightweight *v of Japan. The Si-iMr-old Uhlm*uu. mairlm his fifth dtfenc* of to* UUe. was rated the totter fighter beeaoM of hla ttrongcr ponchec, experience and technique
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 231 26  - British jockey Eddery will ride here this weekend EPSOM JEEP By DAT Eddery, dubbed by English racing writers as the new "King of British flatracinr alter winning the jockey's championship for two successive seasons in 1974 and 1975, Is due today and will make his debut on the local turf
    231 words
  • 312 26 Shepherd dropped from Rhodesia's Cup team SAUBBURY. Wed. Wett Indian cricketer John Shepherd hat been unexpectedly dropped from Rhodesia s Currle Cup cricket team to play In South Africa prompting accusations of racial discrimination. Shepherd would have become the first black to play in the Inter-provln-clal Currle Cup competition in
    312 words
  • 63 26 Junior KO match postponed TH* SHA Junior knockout hockay m»tch M«mb Cfcjrtoo iporto Ctab Md •padftl "ri' 1 '"T wruitiil•d on MorxUy »t Btl^Hr Bjo*4 wu poelpoosd ou# to poor fitNiod oooGtttons. fc~M->^i! tourrnMlt. Carton BporU Club A' essvd SAM* ■B* 1-0 ■•Jendnn Horad off peDAtty fttek. In MWttMr nnlor
    63 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 522 26 The Paris Collection byPaifcer. Impressive and distinctive jjnlo jjp?y*i^W^ j» v i^*t a" Fnsnch originals— the Parker jURjp Jp**''jf place Vendome pens, ballpoints I ggP^JJ^^ M MM^i I ndsoft t 'P s lwxW*s?fe mwL Fine gift jewellery that EgißLaJSg b^bbl I i W&3&&Mkf& Hgs% wr 'te* designed and 1■ tm
      522 words

  • 393 27  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By THIS Thomas Cup clash resemble* a poker game. For behind thoae Inscrutable masks that the Singapore and Malay s 1 a n coaches are wearIng, there is confidence. The Malaysians seem patsled. "I wonder why they arc a* salaafled with the draw."
    393 words
  • 526 27  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By \]ALAYSIA's badminton selectors pulled off a bjg surprise at the Thomas (up draw! when they omitted National champion James Selvaraj from the singles in the match against Singapore. This move Is probably due to th« fact that James had missed several train- Ing
    526 words
  • 520 27  - A GRIM TASK FOR COACH HARBHAJAN 60DFREY ROBERT By 'THERE was a lesson learpt even In victory as the National hockey team clawed their way to a 3-1 win over Ceylon Sports Club In a practice match at Balestier Road yesterday. T/hose three first half goals by the National team
    520 words
  • 88 27 NEWCASTLE. (Australia Wed— The Australian soccer team produced a tremendous fightback to draw 1-1 in the sixth and final match against the touring Soviet Union ilde here tonight The return of Jim Rooney to brilliant form (parked Australia Into an attacking mood. Soviet chief coach Aleksander Serldor acclaimed
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 556 27  -  JOE DORAI By rwaa "Operation Snip Snip" for Singapore s Beap Oames soccer team players at Jalan Besar Stadium last night after they had finished a three-hour workout The Job was done by Mr. David Ho a hairstylist Six players Lee Bee Sent. Llm Ten*.
    Reuter; UPI  -  556 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 211 27 Sil KINCO-HOIHiH WYUMDERS I /^gMmaW B^ "f" f. ArimirrT mVV I *Ji.dgl_ W iLgflj Iml il m^WrSgrnMrnl mft fafkf% Bftf^awall gmawaT^SgSafr"^*^^^/ REDUCE OPERATING COSTS BY 30/ i PER CYCIEI SERIES AVAILABLE JH9OE JH6SC JH6OA/B JH3OB Capacities: 4%cu.yds 3cu.yds 2V 2 cu.yds I^cu.yds (3.44 cv.m) (2.99 cv.m) (1.91 cv.m) (1.14 cv.m)
      211 words

  • 181 28 Mm aaiooiT tmomas pum* ..•r vauafailir Puta— ihMi. Kuinim. Karala oa J 12 Tl Mni brh*4 aa<Mk»r M.r. Ro'xrt at SM-A. MU Spot* n mm U»hmi .~j Na*i mb- M law •tack"?' a> ,rtm*€tntrm m* gnmi ro«caiM»> mmum kar is»> MAO*M rIDUMAL HAIOM ■IHOAHATAOI aMHAL, of i«t» Vmu Oaaal
    181 words
  • 222 28 Two HK men held In drugs ring swoop nrvun.H. Wed. Two X Heagkeag residents were arrested today for aHegc4 tavetvesweat In drag trafficking, Taiwan's Bareaa of lavesUgataesi anneaneed. Hone Plk-Lang. el Rowloon. and Tse Chun-Hlng. Jl of North Point, Honftonf were am eates! la a downtown betel in Talaea with
    222 words
  • 74 28 Blyth (ftngtand). Wed.— A cast again* a Brituh Maatsr of Parliament accused of corruption j in day threatened the Labour Oo»--miiBHit'i overall majority of one In the Boom of Ooav "tlm Labour UP. Mr John firman. facat summonses alleging war apeaittm during the last general election
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 98 28 'RUSSIAN ARMOURED CAR IN ANGOLA' SOI TH African Defence Headaaarten In Johannesburg distributed this photo on Tuesday parportedly taken In Angola showing a ac—Un amphibian armoured ear near Novo Redondo. about 4M km. south ef I mndi The town was captured from Soviet keeked Marxist Popular Movement troops before Independence
    98 words
  • 63 28 MOSCOW. Wod. Informed diplomatic source* aald today the Soviet Onion and the Philippine* could astabllah diplomatic relation* at any time. Such a move ha* been spoken of for at least Ovc rears. The sources said no major obstacle* exist, but one thing holding it up Is
    AP  -  63 words
  • 523 28 |ON DON Wat. Tk. Mack Marktt tt—4 am. aa Uliaii aa* al S pai tk* ruiaaiMJ Twaa* a* 44 al Stl. I. r>wM-takw« MaaiSs aw ctaai aft«r akan artaaj wm* acraM a kaar* froat aa aaall KM la* laurax wktak ma* a «mii awttal aMkaak. nm aalaa raaoat
    523 words
  • 104 28 PETRONAS BID TO TAKE OVER OIL FIRMS KUALA LI MFC*. Wed. IStreaas la negotiating with several petroleum and petrochemical eeasriies with a view obtaining majority control of these companies by purchasing their snares, Datak Abdullah. Deputy Ml afcster la the Prime Minister's Depart ment. told the Oewan Rakyat today. Replying
    104 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 57 28 Rare INVESTMENT Ofportnlty I 20 M guaranteed minimum returns I INVESTMENT FULLY SECURED BY I CERTIFICATE OF TITLE I tIOO minimum In H MultlplM of 100 H Offer LimlUd B GLENDALE INTERNATIONAL I M A Wmton of Phoenix Finance Co. Limited I ttm T»LO U R BROCHURE AND FULL DETAILS
      57 words
    • 274 28 IT H RECONDITIONED I 1 REFRIBERATORS U^SALE rVtmetk Sew. ft, SO WtHslrs «cai*t. 171 tte HwOA taw** yca.W. IWavie tiSOA QIC Sea, ft. 14»tre H4O/Hotaoiat eca.H. 171 atre tMOA rWßoctrk 14»*He Uowore- eca.H. 171 avto tatOA WHirloool ♦ 171 tte WPOA CIC 7ca.H. Ifftte SJOOA KelWrtotf If»avte
      274 words

  • 1214 29 MISERY IN THE WAKE OF OIL RICHES HALF WAY through the building of the 1.200 km trans- Alaskan pipeline billed to make America in-dqx-'ndent of Arab oil by 1977 State officials confessed last week that organised crime is taking over in Alaska "and re rxnverless to stop it." Ironically enough,
    1,214 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 368 29 warrarvty your bctt W^B guarantee of durability. 'FREE heater FREE tuncnfls^'JH 'Original matching bench w# Tr "Pratactivt chemical treatments "Readily avaitable: genuine spare parts, w 'Tuning Service' contracts Hre Purchase terms (Trade-in's accepted) BEST seller in the world BEST seller in Malaysia-Singapore a, YAMAHA mokes the best instruments. 0 (Am*)
      368 words

  • Article, Illustration
    10 30 Swirl In (aorgatta flexibility Romantic chiffon In candlallfht
    10 words
  • Article, Illustration
    302 30  -  MAZLAN BADRON Pictures by T«HERE are few gowns quite 1 so elegant as those of sheer pure silk, crepe or georgette. These romantic reliables make fine trappings for the yuletide par excellence. Soon it'll be time for a whirl of wining and dining why not lire o hi
    302 words
  • 233 30 Rum raisin icecream with a 'Heavenly' taste THINGS have been x brewing lately at Hln'a Heavenly Cookhouse of the Singapore Hilton. Some 50 to 100 letters each week have found their way to the hotel demanding to know the recipe to Its many local dishes This weak, the dtmandi were
    233 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 112 30 JPSMBBB j^»-«SaSsJ EE"T t H I SB* Bar^*S T^aW. BBBBsls^B i-a M-,t 4 I CHANEL I I MB J J CHANFL lUas^Bsssssßjl |1 I \xi9orieii v^cvW^frafick divier Q**& Ungaf o Pancaidi y*§wfax®* Tpra Ui Gaslna Gl6. Sinaapor* Hilton Hot*. G32/38. Cantra. Orchard Road. Sirtfapora 9. Somanat Road, Singapore 9.
      112 words
    • 257 30 seenthe^^/ Sanforized Label. Jy see the organisation behind it. In over 130 countries the Sanforized Label The Customer himself is most important is Jeen on fabrics and recognised as an He looks for the Sanforized Label on every assurance against shrinkage. It's time you bit of cotton or blended cloth
      257 words

  • Business Times
    • 585 31  -  ROBERT COLE By VOi X: Although fortujjßdominated broking houses are eligible join tlu- Now Stink K\rhange under a ral law that in i 1 1 in effective mi Monday, the kange t h;ii haa expreaMd opposition to their admission at tins 1 1
      585 words
    • 398 31  -  MARTIN LIM By rE recovery in the hotel Industry which some hoteliers have claimed Is taking place has yet to work through to the profit and loss accounts of companies operating hotels. And while an Immediate improvement Is not to be expected In hotels' profitability,
      398 words
    • 366 31 Surprise 2 for 3 scrip issue by and rtESPITE suffering a U 31.1 per cent actback in earnings In the year ended September 1975. Cycle and Carriage has surprised shareholders with a scrip h*uj of two- for -three The eompony Is furthermore maintaining the final dividend at 15 per cent,
      366 words
    • 319 31 Interest rates in S'pore likely to stay steady By SOW TIANQ KENG ALTHOUGH the prime lending rate la the US has keen trending lower. Intereat rates In Singapore are expected to stay close to cmrrent levels or even Increase slightly In the next few weeks. Bankers here rmle out local
      319 words
    • 440 31 A BETTER economic outlook tor Singapore has become more than just wishful thinking. There are signs and more importantly figures, that the economy is recovering The Deputy Prime MinUter. Dr. Ooh Keng Bwee, who is one of Singapore's economists, recently stated with the authority of
      440 words
    • 332 31 Hutchison finds its operations in Singapore and Malaysia satisfactory rE Hutchison International group, having reassessed its Singapore and Malaysian ln- vestments, has closed s minor manufacturing subsidiary in Singapore Results so far in this area for the year ending March 1976 have proved satisfactory. These comments were made by Hutchison
      Reuter  -  332 words
    • 92 31 USs629om worth of Eurobonds LONDON The total amount of new Eurobonds Issued during November was about US$34O million equivalent compared with $523 73 million the previous month. Credit Sulsse White Weld said. This brings the 11--month running total figure to $6,290 0 million equivalent. This comprised 2.6985 million in US
      Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 53 31 B&W OUQI TTYTmI IP)I Q^)l f)Ci "Model DM 70 Improved... is unquestionably one of the best systems available at present" Audio Magazine i USA) Urn »Mb* j> UM Ct-rm Of UNOtPOWi I Gr/6vN)TAR£j| GLENFIDEMCH WHISKY jM: THE 8 YEAR OLD SCOTCH /fZjJlitt ■V J **/>^f^* Available at all supermarkets and
      53 words
    • 99 31 H^ua&^BS^uaunfl W ,J^l I ■■UHUW uV u^v Ib^^^^^^^uß ■^Ur IuSUVWaU^^I I L^u^u^u^L^ui L^Lv^HHsttaVl I BIG, DEPENDABLE I CUTTING POWER ißp Extra thick chrome cylinder ifih 8| for increased horsepower, faster UgL heat dissipation and wear- a^^^ la\ §K resistance. Automatic bar and -f^A^v m> j» chain oiling. Plus manual oiler.
      99 words

  • 484 32  - PSA has the final say in tanker lay-up GOH ENG KEE By THE Port of Slnga- pore Authority (PSA) caters to the laylng-up of vessels as part of its normal port services and facilities. It designates the laylng-up areas and dictates the conditions lor the vessels' temporary anchorage. Owing to
    484 words
  • 340 32 LONDON: The world tanker surplus Is expected to last for the next five years, peaking at 782 million dwt In 1977 before -demand and supply balance out In 1981. Internaft say* In Its world tanker outlook for 1975-80. But the surplus could continue
    Reuter  -  340 words
  • 196 32 Baltic line to run Asia route- MOSCOW The head of the Soviet Union's Baltic Merchant Shipping Une said In an Interview published recently that Soviet freighters will open a new regular route from Leningrad through South-east Asia le Japan in the next few years Mr Boris Yunitsln told the Soviet
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 143 32 joint venture agency KUALA 1.1 MPi R Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MI8C) and remaa have act up a Joint ventwe shipping agency to Increase bumlpo tra participation la the shipping Industry Known as Pernas-HISC Shipping \irncir» It began operations In October with a paid up capital of S2M .Me
    143 words
  • 244 32 TWO new monthly shipping services between Singapore and West Asia will be launched by Bc»nDutch and a new West Asian line this month. ScsnDutch s new service from Singapore to the Red Sea area will be Inaugurated with the arrival of the "Samoa here
    244 words
    • 171 32 AMSTERDAM. Tun Staves eaastf generally on tba lower Wall Stratt trend and aoeaa profit-taking altar tba market's reoant firmness. daaJan said. ■oral Death, flnMd against tba trend In Dutch lnUrnattrmaai Waaabwi laokfed gatlan wars fiUni. mm draatajaaaksafc and D«tl. Leasss war* particularly marked among ampptngs and lnauraneaa. Hataaaaa fell
      171 words
    • 122 32 7U»ICH TtMS. Tha flm uodancy e( ttas last (sw oam aaawst earn* to a nandstUl on tba Zurich Stock gxabanga today and tba market ctoaad weaker. Tha bood marks* aialntalreft Its ataadr poatttoo Tba Croat Sulase toon teat oi point to in 1 Ctoatae ■rtaa m avta* (run wtta
      122 words
  • 226 32  - Containerships for Straits Shipping JACOB DANIEL By OTRAITS Shipping, a wholly-owned subsl--0 diary of the Straits Steamship group is planning to replace five of Its vessels plying in the region with two contalnerships. This follows a detailed study of the company's coastal and regional shipping operations with a view to
    226 words
  • 49 32 Maersk Line expands MAERSK Une has added a third containership to Its containerised weekly service between Singapore and the US. started about two months ago. The new ship. T.S "Arnold Maersk.' whlcn left New York last month, will arrive here on Dec 26 carrying Inward cargo for lv customers
    49 words
  • 159 32 _o« t Put S*tv.<<« Op* >" S3" B*« Ctoung p»«mium con m 'Aotamon c»m» »o» call opoorn on tnorm l.ttto on th« Stock E>cnong* tor 3rd D«c«r««r *197« >, Pr«nWvx«fo« 30dov» 60dov» 90doy» l«Odov» API 4V» 6 M 12*. BtNANOCO M 12% 15'/. 27*. CANDC 13*. 22% 27*.
    159 words
  • 144 32 Mr. Tan Chin Tain has resigned as chairman and as a director of Sinv Darby Holdings with effect from Dec. 1. Mr. J.E. Bywater, Slme Darby's chief executive, has been appointed In hit place. Mr. Howard L. Clark, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 423 32 Reefer Box wl Refrigerated Container ruuu tt^ FRESH M 1.1 |f NKR makes it possible by designing these Refrigerated Containers and Ret>r Boxes for either AC or DC operation or both. Also manufactures Walk-In Refrigerators. Reach-In Freezers. Food Conservators Bottle Coolers. Stainless Steel Fabrication and other allied kitchen equipment NKR
      423 words
    • 190 32 Yrtl with Modern •t-Tomorrow Equipment from USA l». rmm-mr- M#ofl Htld Marine Radio Telephone sg^Ni^ar'gM Bo*ds«t.vH^ t M Omniband VIo Radio Direction Finder Six Band radio. CbmpaMety transistorised. Kg Marine Radio Telephone ■Pa, 12 CHANNEL Sohd State m^ VHF FM Visit our Showroom today at J [M&l RADIONICS (Pte) lid
      190 words

    • 1666 33 TRX mat transacted ready s*a? at the cloae of busttMßS on the Block tocnana» of Mrajapore yeanroay coeaparad a .in the prevKMu day pneca loaeUter vlUi It7t hajh and low i Adjusted for acnp rkenta laauei IMDWITBIALS ■c i La** iTiiiiao aueeiot 1 M 1.21 Ha L ItS
      1,666 words
      • 40 33 torn. tUH. *>M nnn 11 oc LX |1H ♦TF UtTIi MM I. Mll«*l| 13 M »J71 Hew M41 IvtMM tO it r. b. itot«h ton 1 OL 10 U OJ •03 •01 .U 0J -f.M .M 01 01 01
        40 words
      • 36 33 Urn C. lull I Iu4 L Bta* linl.n, (•bin tU rlM 12 an MTO mo not tO 7ft SO 96 tl 25 r eo (115 .11 Ml —an —M M —a* M .M .OS 04
        36 words
      • 24 33 ■bbm Darky Ml*N NairnaaW bran Leaa MMM I OaV IBsJBt Ibibhh Laa** TeUI T«r*m**r: t.17 M Tetal VaJa*: M.U M
        24 words
      • 65 33 •t Jma. 1. iflYt 1M Dm. M. 1M4 1M Dm. 11. IMS 1M t Dm. M. IMS 1M Dm. II. irit IM Jaa. 1. ItTt IM tt B T lm*n: lMJt 1IU] MMUltk tUM UTM riMMt: «MjM IMJt I Hateto 1MM 1U.M PraynUM: 1ST. IS HIM t Iln- MJ4
        65 words
    • 1055 33 nID and offer pi Icm officially luted and bualneM In and reportad to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange ye*terda> with the number of snares traded tnown in brackeu Li lota of luoo uniu. unlea> otherwiM specified INOUITP.IALS BmH Aimemola II MBl Baai 498 in o4j »m« l tjh
      1,055 words
    • 51 33 «f B4U II M !•«>— |]M H. hit M(0 »J»4 C «3T3 0. tanrnmt 1] LL ImL 096 »Ut»l Nil I K. II 70 la P«« 1170 [>««to» Cat II TO Mklafcaff MM r Cte*M« |0 47 —.17 10 10 —M —.04 —.04 04 OJ OJ M
      51 words
    • 6 33 SMte MOO at >A». 4
      6 words
    • 385 33 ¥>KICES headed lower I in light trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Average losses were well within one per cent, belt in extreme cases drops were ap te ive per cent. Malay lan stocks appeared to he more smsreptible This was due to
      385 words
    • 1194 33 BID and of* it prtcea officially U»teo and bualneaa In and reported to the Block Exchange of Singapore yecurday with the number of share* traded ahown In j brackeu In lots of 1.000 unit* unlraa otherwise tpcclfled All Time Bargain* ar aetUement Contraru are quoted after BBS
      1,194 words
    • 295 33 Activity in KL market declines DULL arW featureless conditions ruled en the Kuala Lumpur Stock Excnange yesterday with moat prices moving narrowly to close practically unchanged. Deals recorded were mainly on contra account with activity still lareely concentrated on a few favourites. OpenJnjr at around their overnight levels. prices drifted
      295 words
    • 129 33 BOTH t the Curopean and US market* were sooderaxely traded on Tueeday according to MPOPA. Prtcea cloeed with a steady undertone QiioUHona In USt cenu (Rotterdajß) unlea* ataud Afloat (US) IT ecntev I4SS.M stUera. |4JO buyers. (US) II 50 c*OU MSJ4O 4M traded; Dec 1400 seller*, UTJ.6O buyer*.
      129 words
    • 42 33 THC MMotmry Amtmaraty ef ■laigasiri »av*ma kaaks ear far SM adOkM (l-aa 7 Traa--*ry kOki ke -awae tram Dee. lv it. 11l ilia: ln-emr Treaeary btlta ta ke kmsjea ea Dee. a. Back taaiir aal ke w tkaa WMJW.
      42 words
    • 59 33 San Miguel to raise USsloom LONDON PhUlpplnes manuraeturlng oompany dan mQfual Corporation ta raisin a USIIOO million seven rear syndlcated Eurodollar credit, Joint lead manager Bonk of America aald. Proceeds will be used to modernise and expand the company's operating faculties over a threerear period up to 1977. O*hcr Ictnt
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 86 33 rE MaiayaUn Minister of Finance ha* fixed these d.tles from Dec. 4 ■nUI fmrtmcr n*Uec. Rabbcr Ml eU a lb Copra $4M a ton Palm kernel 12U.U a ton The rates of ..tics available arc: R«bber 4 cU a ton (Twial »i eta a lb) (Sarcmavrie iiUi lt>)
      86 words
      • 193 33 nrOKYO. Wed.— The market advanced following the public worker* union* announcement to halt the eight-day old national railway* atrfke at midnight today, dealers said The Dow Jones average roee MM to 4.331 U with the volume soaring to 230 million shares from I*9 ■"Hlrffn share* yetterday The New Index
        193 words
      • 283 33 GTDNST. Wad. Tht 0 market cloaed lrraguaariv In quiet trading, rtealeii aajd Buying support waa evident In many areas despite easiness In some others The Sydney All-Ordinaries Index gained 117 points to 429 0t On the mining boards. CBA. W -maraaaa. ■■galP-vltta and Oeama aWaaauxaa were slightly higher Magellan,
        283 words
      • 256 33 UO.VOKONO. Wed —The market was allghtly j flrtner In higher turnover. with selective buying ap- pearl.ig In some export oriented share* following y eat* day* announcement of j higher exports In October compared with October 1*74. 1 dealer* aald BilfßH also centred on J banks, where HR Bank again
        256 words
      • 310 33 YEW YORK. Tuea The J 11 stock market took a sharp tumble today. IU biggest <trop j sine* late October. The Dow Jone* IndustrUl 1 average decHned II 14 polnu to Ml 20. IU largest toss since the avenge feU 1414 points on Oct 24 New York Stock
        310 words
    • 73 33 Tuoteot MoaaWf uss v.«» MMka«ra*iit io» «j iea*e Liana i» O.HI lie Taa ii« 2M nxrvt 140 4O IDM tanaa in Tin 137 taa im Tsa 11* m ram i» n im v w»*M>*ar TM.4a > ■■aaliiai 140 ac im 41 I Bart (t) 1* JIB IST in
      73 words
      • 245 33 Straits tin THE Strait* tin price in 1 Penang yesterday dropped 13 17s to 1943 12S per plcul on an official offering up eight tool to 211 torn The overnight London metal price waa steady with forward buyers quoted at U 110 per metric ton, down O on Monday's cloae
        245 words
      • 29 33 Rubber Dec. 1. Singapore Dec. ISS.N eta. (sip 300 eta.) Malaysia Dec *****1 cU. »P 250 eta.) Tim: $943.12) down S3.t7i). Official offering M« tons (>» S tons).
        29 words
      • 108 33 Cmimjisi noouci sx CMAHOI SIMCAPOaI NOOK closihc mien *>■■ picul TIITiaOAT Cmiail e>l Bulk (M aellen. oM dmm |5» acllera. a»w (as aellen Ceort Mixed ilooae* UK Oaal (SO Uiron ■eoaer: Munlok AST A while fob 10O". NI.W (Sal'i aellen aarawaJi while fob NLW Sl47', Mllen. Baiaaraa apecial alack
        108 words
      • 38 33 Umdon copper pncoa oa Tueaaajr iprevtoaa la brackrtj wtroaar t*at buyer (Ml M ((MOM*. Ml. IMI (S4li Three Month buyer (Ml nvw 90) •ellen (VU 5* i (Ml i •aarkot lorn: Barrly dead) •alee: s.ftt taaaea
        38 words
      • 487 33 f ONDON followed through fully on Tuesday's rise and the Singapore rubber ■*rtat yesterday opened 1 SO cento higher Trade hedge buying interest wai followed by shortcovering and speculative buying which took nearby to a high point of IM 00 cenu per kilo in active trading Turnover wai
        487 words
      • 90 33 prtras UaiMd U uooo mwili; i-> SMR 6CV (1-ton |»Ut<) ami 3L (1-ton p*ll«t) 8MH I (1 too palkti ■MX 10 (1-too-palkt) ■UK 20 <l-ton-p»lltt> 8MK M (1-ton (MOM) mjLM. SBR M (1 too ptOM) MR M (1 too ptllrt) Dy. la. ICmrtMU) IhrnrtMtti («wl*p«kg) i«*p«»«i l«050
        90 words
    • 90 33 FINANCIAL TIMES INDCSTUALS Tuesday |N| Mon^y Mia Week ago 373.1 TINS Tu**e.r 91 «7 JJonffcr noc W»ek ago t7.a RlMtll Tueeday J7|M Monday iTg.M Week ago IMN OILS T>*«l«y M3.M >*»o*y 32i i; Week ago m 19 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDI-STRIALS Tueeday $43 20 Monday U» U w «*k
      90 words
    • 240 33 THF US dollar eaaed fractionally to 12 4MO M at Its opening In the Singapore forex market yesterday Trading was fairly quiet a* there was generally a lark of interest In the US unit which closed quiet at 12 4MO M Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3.00
      240 words
    • 172 33 SugfMt«d lnurbank rat 4» at 1<» pj« Carreac., Neeaiaal ratrt gasJtßMalaa rrrteatage yeeWrday (rraai) paritr aaaac* US dollar 2 4»SO Sterling pcund 5 043 i Hongkong dollar 49 45 Malaysian dollar 96 60 Autt. schilling 13 5140 Bel franc (com) ***** Danish kroner 40 M7O French franc M
      172 words
    • 282 33 A BIAN currency deposit Interbank rate* M at ctoM on Wednesday. Dec 1: US Dellar (Spot* Offar Bta I 7 dar« SS 1 mth 111* 8 11* 2 mth* II •7 II 1 1 mlhs 8 15 16 is 16 6 mthi 7 11 II 7 t
      282 words
    • 58 33 Prime lending rates (in Algomene Bonk 7 Phaj Chicago 7 Bongkok Bonk 7", FNCB 6 i BonTo* Am«<o 6 1 HKSSC •or*. o« Chino 7 Motoyon Booking 7 Bonk o* Tokyo 7 Mitju. Bonk 7 Bonk Noaoro lndonoMo 7^ OCBC 7 Bonou»d«Llnooch,n« 7 OUB 7 CNytersd Bor* 7* £B J*
      58 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1075 34 M\\U.E>IE\TAO:OI\TA!VT I >NN24.O4M> SS.UM>OOp.a.) 1 The Singapore subsidiary of a major Australian Group which manufactures and markets paper converted I products, wishes to recruit a Management Accountant. B This is a challenging appointment offering an opportunity H to participate in the management of a progressive organisation The Management Accountant reports
      1,075 words
    • 637 34 Placement Advisory Services I for Clients M An export-oriented Textile tmd Outwent Manufacturer operating two 1 factone* m finppeni an*J •mptovin t a labour fore- ot about 2.000 I workan raquiras a I PERSONNEL MANAGER I I Up to 5526,000 p.a. I Reporting to the General Manigar. ttie suocaaiful cand«data
      637 words
    • 1205 34 I s^lAl I ii aM 3^^Ll 4fijM^ CYCLE CARRIAGE LIMITED xS^>^ (Incorporated In Singapore) PROFIT DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT The Board of Directors reports audited Oroup and Holding Company turnover profits S*ooos Years Ended 30th September WS 1974 Holding Holding Oroup Company Oroup Company Turnover: Malay l 134,468 143 691 Slngaoore
      1,205 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 1184 35 I f Baal iowlhimt *ttc 're a itr-t... Ita II ta II M Tt Ms MM M ata bm a ms bmb mm 'Ml M' I Ma tMt r im I 'il IMt a M SI Mill I It MS MMB I la IM I »a IMI M m a
      1,184 words
    • 1344 35 BenjOcean tt M cbbtimbt («a Mat) raa* aMa Mmm Ibm "Mi HißTtaiM M/M ta M/ti 4m BVU ta IT M la. I'awaa mm. ummm .i a im n/a ta ti/tt mum iw 4mb, bm I MSI ITMM > I MS I M HP I Ml liM IKK mm. ra». uibitm
      1,344 words
    • 1129 35 Tl ITMM B%MJ tMI B*aM a%HMMa Mat »»aaa liiiiTi An Vaajl M| v* fin MWBj Urn Aaalra MMrt to.. lIWLMm HI ii ta mta im im im im aaaaaaM uma ma n tat iim mm mm iim tin m mmmm it ta ata a m a tm bm mm IMTIUI
      1,129 words
    • 1106 35 FULLY COWTAIMI»I2ID StKVICE TO EUKOPE uuwtt gag v -Mterfcn, AMlviH-, Avtavpc It Htvri, ■Mli*f-t Hl/T Jm I a— h_MM_r« NM hj If 1) a"*"*, raMMMT|. W99m%m, PP4IIWIP tit'i-J'"" 1 C in. Citaiatix imm. "alilia W II fa It SlMtMa. 04M. *lta_a. oaM IbafMK. Ma Imm Id Mm "M. M Mm
      1,106 words
    • 690 35 SaMBl 11M44 P. I_h 041 li. mni Nmmj IMI THE BANK LINE LTD. la-B F 44 t untL IMI im imrnnm, mmm. I Afc^t, H4BJ Mff Ita |Maj lil ta lIT4MM (Bm lim. taaMa 1 t ai.c. P wiat« I, I ua .it M. iim MMI lACT I. ht^mA m^
      690 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1054 36 IYI KAWASAKI USCN KAiSHA LTD. FM.IT CMTMOOn SMH Ta rr»M BiuxafM) ivia .P..-, k C 1 MMJ %■>-*• MlXi StMl SaaaJ II tec H tec Mtec H tec RTPTMI (MUll I tat I! l*t tec IM I IPM M> JMfMMI V»l Out! MM TMtM MMI I M Vaaal SmM I
      1,054 words
    • 1023 36 mmmQmmVJmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! aHM^HaMMMaHMBMaMi inn it* in ta MMTT MOM M MM* I M MM MMI. man n*w Maa) tt Me M he aw* Ml/ IM$ Timm it Mi II aa tMMT/B»MaM»<»iia|im. MU PMtatat Ihm 14 la ■h* m iKiMi. aittmmtH. im fmm. mmmi bmm. AtMM Ww, impmn 1 M aWII (7
      1,023 words
    • 1074 36 nut mtmaua tana w tmm m ma I'Mn P >Maa| I'ttaa* ifMrj (raa Watt IM MM aiU MMIII UMM IMM ■MM it he 11 Me DMe nMI U«l■ MM MMM MMM IM IMe II aM Man MMc M Ik MPTMM fMtaau ta.ll he UMi 1 Ma' MMc !M IM Mnatu
      1,074 words
    • 830 36 awes sorct n imm. un»mßimimM\ mn •PMj Pa«e« UMM) Mr "I l M Part I Ihe t tie im C. n ataa, l I im l MM* 1111 l tm ir U I IW> 1' I MM* UMM VIM MVII he '£mn I. I M-. Can-* II 1 ii MK'I
      830 words
    • 971 36 JHC -OUT OP SINOArOM «j AOTMOHITV AN- Saikyo Maru (JfJRi 44 NOUNCIO THE POLLOWINO Marul Maru i JQFW )1 9 DorU •IRTHINO AP)*)ANOEMENT« Taylor 40 41 MUkl 4243 FOfi THURSDAY. OtCIMMtN Mrul Le Malrv 61 P»rak 20 Eail. PvrlU 20 Wml. and OUT: P»ur Rlrknrra 12. Klmanls 25 M Kirn
      971 words