The Straits Times, 3 December 1975

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1975 25 CENTS M.t'.(P) 1116 75
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  • 597 1 Picture-taking session— then an audience for Ford FORDS FIRST DAY IN PEKING; MORE PICTURES IN PAGES 2 AND 3 PEKING. Tuesday CHAIRMAN Mao Tse-tung invited President Ford to hit home today and spent nearly two hours with him *n audience of remarkable length that added immediate
    Reuter; UPI; AP  -  597 words
  • 325 1 Hijackers throw out 2 bodies BEILEN (Holland). Tuoaday J^ GROUP of five armed men today threw two bodies from a hijacked train in which they were holding about 50 passengers hostage, police said. A police spokesman said one body was thrown out first, and then a second body, at which
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 41 1 MOSCOW. Taes.— The Soviet I'nion j today denounced Chinese Vlce-PremJer lrn f HkMo-pini's welcoming toast to Prewdmt Ford In Tekln« as "vlcloas," but added that the American leader i was still "determined to pursue detente »uh Moscow."— l'M.
    41 words
  • 55 1 HONOKONO TUM A nttUitc launched by Chin* .._»t Wednesday ha* returned .o earth as scheduled after i 'jxnaliig the lajt sU day* In I oiblt the New China News Aftncy tald today The acency cave no further detail* retarding the saulllte. which tv the fcurth to
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 120 1 ROME, Tues. A Common Market summit meeting unanimously agreed today to Introdace a common r urop eaa passport far member countries In 1978, a French spoarsnun said here. The Eareawan passport wUI gradually replace national passports delivered to citisens of the nine Common
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 47 1 CAIRO. Tuaa President Fakhraddln All Ahmed of India arrived her* today on a rive-dajr state visit. The President and his wU* were rsceUed at Cairo airport by President Sadat with whom they drove to Kubbeh Republican Palace, where the Indian leader will aUj. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 39 1 NKW YORK. Tubs. Dow Jonas iim|«, baasd on flnt hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange M Indus SMSS. down 1M 30 transp IM.H, down MS. 16 uUlf ttJS. unch; M stock* 2M.SS. down. I.M
    39 words
  • 53 1 Tuat. Taiwanese actress Wang Cheun-Ju wu ordered by a Hongkong judge today to pay HK4168.570 (8$84.000) to a local morle company for breach or contract The actress was sued by the Fung Ming Motion Picture Co for falling to play the lead role In the Mandarin
    AP  -  53 words
  • 36 1 UOKIXXf. Tuei Two sentor police officers from Hongkong, who are Investigating share dealings In Haw Par International, conferm: today with poUce In the city of London financial dlstrtet a polio* spokesman said. AP
    AP  -  36 words
  • 89 1 ANTWERP. Tues. Robbers raiding a private Chinese Club last night killed one patron and stabbed another, police said today. Police sources said the raid was carried out by four men who entered the club as some 26 clients, most of them Chinese. w. rv
    UP  -  89 words
  • 57 1 takes a new plunge LONDON. Tues sterling's value against the currencies of Brlta;n i main trading partners today dropped to another record low exUr.dlni la*t meek, decline The pound i depreciation over '.he past four years reached a record 10 3 per rent by noon. from lut night* record closing
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 370 1 Israelis kill 57 in air raids BEIRUT. Tuesday THh Palestine news agency Wafa saw! 57 people were killecl mo 170 injured in Israeli air raids on Palestinian refugee camps and other targets in Lebanon today. The agency said 45 people died and 80 were injured in raids against two refugee
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 468 1 Fretilin fears all-out attack DILI. Tuosday military head of FretUii. v Re--1 volutlonary Front for an Independent East Timor) Commander Rofcerio Lobato, claimed here today that Indo- nesia is preparing a 1 full-scale attack on Dill tonight. He told reporters Ff»- tllin intcliiwt'ticihad said they expected trie attack on the
    Reuter  -  468 words
    • 32 1 BI.IKI T. Tue». Israeli air raids on Palestinian ramps and other targets in Lebanon today left 77 dead and I*7 wounded, official Lebanese sources said tonight —Renter. (See this page)
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 42 1 Elite Centurion j THE RNEST ys^^.^ CCXHNC §jB T INSTRUMENTS EVER CR€ATH^gi^^Bgs^^^\ BySMLOMS W)\ WSrUwJUTOIW »P^ P4 aCssm Bw4 SwKwk R waV SV^SwPV wPV VV B t he PwnmsuM Srtoppaig Compassi M\ Ground Ftoor «G -7) Cotaman Strawt. Smyapon 6 Twl *****9
      42 words
    • 2 1 gt^gt^Hßis^gZ^ s^s^P^MlsW^g*S^PQs^s^s^s^3g*S^sl
      2 words
    • 324 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL luri irol on your wrist WTOMATtt UKISI .^lSaw^X-. HRHSIH.RAPH W/r// I'RH ISl<)\ Hh/H JtX A SUDh RL It K)H BkilM ENCfNESAS. BUSINESSMES W si»\risrs ruors M 4mMHs><« CHUN CHONG 62, South Bridge Road, D n c -j-, S^pore.l.Te. 7342,. R^ |r 1 vu 1 at 6 o
      324 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 819 2  - FORD MEETS AN OLD WARLORD JOHN RODERICK By AP reporter PEKING, Tuesday The day Peking's leaders made clear where their hearts are The 'biggest* surprise CHINA brought out an old military hero and the of the two most important men in Chinese communism to reassure President Ford on his first
      AP; UPI  -  819 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 529 2 [36j 7>># G6 36 /s so/ftf. comfortable and exquisitely finished Grand Banks for a lifetime of luxurious cruising The GB 36 is ruggedly selected Southeast Asian A Grand Banks is debuilt with fine interiors. hardwoods like teak, maho- signed to take the rigours of Examine the hand-rubbed. Qany and yacal
      529 words

    • 313 3 Time off at the Great Wall for Susan §1 SAN Ford is seen in the UPI picture at right touring the Great Wall of China us her father was involved with the more serious business of international affairs. Susan, 18, is at a point about 10 metres high and at
      UPI; AP  -  313 words
    • 201 3 Learning how inscrutable they are... PEKING. Tuesday PRESIDENT Ford's advisers learned today Just how inscrutable the Chinese communists can be. White Houm Press Secretary Ron N«wn. Mr Winston Lord, director of the Bute Depart ment planning staff, and other Ford aides were having what they thought was a conversation about
      UPI  -  201 words
    • 132 3 Fordsvisit Temple of Heaven HONOKONO, Tuea. President and Mrs. Ford today visited Peking's famous Temole it Heaven wlih Chinese Vice- Premier Li Hslennlen and his wife Lin Chla-mei. the New China News Agency reported. Earlier, the Prrtident opened ulks with a Chinese team headed by Vice -Premier Teng R'Uo-rinc In
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 223 3 Chartichai: Up to Seoul to let US forces stay QJEOUL, Tues Thai •3 rorelsn lilnirter Mr. Chartlchal Ch<x;nha.van said today it la uo to South Korea to let Americas troops itay In Its territory since the Korean situation is different from the lndo-china war. Speaking at a news conference to
      223 words
    • 40 3 MOSCOW. TIM* R*Mtfaa bloloclat Send Ko**kn. one of Urn aoviat Union* iMdlnf dlartoanta, ki w»ic«d to co on trial In the Lithuanian capital of VUnlua on Oac. t. charred with anUSovtat MTiUtlon. rvttabtt aourcc* said today Rcutcr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 160 3 i/j^A HM^asaastL I WmW^BEL In view of the growing importance of Singapore as the business and financial centre of Southeast Asia. Mitsui Trust and Banking opened today a representative office in the DBS Building at Shenton Way. We are Japan's oldest trust bank and command a key position in the
      160 words
    • 317 3 Lower Ground Floor Specialists' Centre S Orchard /Somerset Road Revised Shopping Hours For The Festive Season Mon.. Tims. 10 mm. to 4 p.m. •jj Wad., Thwrs.. Fn. A Sa*. io mm. to 9 p.m j> Sun. 9 a.m. »o 3 p.m. V j si f EMU STEAK M 3.55 jRUMP
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    • 122 4 'No hope' girl back to normal UNION (Illinois), Tues.— Mrs. Carol Dusold Rof man, 28, (In picture at rifht) who was called a medical vegetable nine years ago, holds her son, Larry, 19 months old, in her home here recently. Carol waa .in a coma for four months after severely
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    • 97 4 UNITED NATIONS Tues. Mr. Jacques Cousteau. the celebrated French underwater explorer, has said only massive International efforts can save the Mediterranean sea once known as the "Blue Mcd" from being fatally poisoned by pollution "The Mediterranean Is so sick that only a carefully co-ordinated project on a massive
      AP  -  97 words
    • 36 4 ROMI. Tue« A Soviet Aero not Hi line pilot «v »rre«ted it Rom* t Plumictiv) airport on theft charges »ft*r »n tlltfed shoplifting iprte In the tranMt loururt. airport I police u!d today— Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 458 4 JHE L'nited States said yesterday that it would participate in uext month's V n i t c d Nations Security Council debate on the Middle Kast along with the Palestine Liberation Organisation. This meant an end to the diplomatic boycott of the
      AP; NYT  -  458 words
    • 245 4 The day Snowdon almost died. LONDON. Tues —Princess Margaret's husband. Lord Snowdon. was due to be on the plane that crashed last Saturday killing British racing driver Oraham Hill. Lord Snowdon said last night. "It's such an Impossible thing to come to terms with." he said on a British Broadcasting
      AP  -  245 words
    • 390 4 'Brez will stay on' signs as House meets ]LfOSCOW, Tues. 1T1 The Soviet Unions two-chamber Parliament, the Supreme Soviet, met today amid clear signals from the Kremlin that Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev intends to retain his leadership. Reports that Mr Breshnev's health was fallIng had prompted specu- latlon that
      Reuter  -  390 words
    • 188 4 WASHINGTON. Tues Secretary of Stale Dr. Henry Kissinger, lraed by Cuban "meddling in Angola and Puerto Rico, has vetoed a plan to improve I'S-Cuban relations through sports, American official* said today. Inspired by the way "ping-pong diplomat) helped thaw I'S-China relations four years ago.
      Reuter; AP  -  188 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 146 4 &4jfl ROY BKADLKY ffitWft}' fisSfl family and friends this Christmas with V B JwlS^pW any of the four Polaroid instant picture H H V HB cameras below at very special prices. H A BtJ^ttJff^^ußfTtfHH And what's more, we'd like you to have V A BWl^^flißO^^^Brpl I your first eight fun-packed
      146 words

    • 367 5 7AiMtf HEADS fY9i? A SERIOUS CRISIS' T<)KY<). Tius The tattle lint's between the Japan umrit ami govt-m--nu-nt implovots on ;m llleKul strike hardened as Japan lodaj appeared to be ig into its most st-ri '!itn ;il crisis since the Premier Takeo Mlkl told a
      NYT; UPI; AP  -  367 words
    • 80 5 KUWAIT PACT WITH OIL FIRMS KUWAIT. Tiei Two m*jcr Western oil fines Testerr*ay ncelved cuaranteescf cut-price oil and lonjr-term suoDiles from Kuwait in return for handlnt over their share of the Kuwait Oil Comoany to the government British Petroleum and ♦he Oulf Oil of the United States will aL«o get
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 71 5 MUNICH. Tuea A poaat ot M armed poUce hunting ■n escaped wolf in the strecU yr>t«rday found a, womin ■trcklng Itj head under the Unpicwloo It «m» an AlaaUon. ~rve tot a nk» UtU* doc j-.-t like It at home." ahe told the punuan whan they
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 368 5 SUPPORT FOR LIBERALS INCREASING MELBOURNE, Tuesday D R I M E Minister Malcolm Fraser set out today to reinforce his caretaker coalition government's lead in the Australian election campaign by promising more worker consultation and the elimination of sex. ethnic and racial discrimination in industry. The Liberal leader spelled out
      Reuter  -  368 words
    • 216 5 Abducted relative of Fiat chief still alive rpi/RIN. Tues. Kld- nappers of a woman re.ative of Italy's top industrialist. Flat chairman Olovannl Agnelli, have contacted the family with proof that she is still alive, a lawyer reported yesterday. Mr Mass In o Ottolenghl. acting for the family, said they were
      216 words
    • 33 5 LONDON Tuea Police rated 103 people and »capon« and •mmunKKja during raids In IS diatxtcla of Banfladcsh in the paat fuur dayi dark) Bangladesh aatd in report monitored here today lUu-
      33 words
    • 106 5 >AIROBI. Tuea. I Four African schoolgirls pleaded guilty In a Kenyan court to charges of trafficking In obacene publications. saying that an Italian missionary had taken nude photographs of them The girls, aged 14. IS. 17. and 18. were released on bail yesterday after api>eafing
      106 words
    • 181 5 GANOTOK. Tuei Mrs Indira Oandhl rode through the streets of Oangtok like a conquering hero, listening to the cheers of thousands of Sikklmese who welcomed the Prime Minister on her first visit to the former Himalayan kingdom since It became an Indian state. "Indira Oandhl Zlndabad (Long
      AP  -  181 words
    • 104 5 WASHINGTON. Tues. —A former FBI Informant has told Benate Investigators he repeatedly provided advance warnings of Ku Klux Klan attacks agaln.«t blacks and civil rights workers but the bureau took almost no action to prevent incidents. In one Instance. Mr Gary Thomas Rowe. Jr says the
      AP  -  104 words
    • 25 5 JOHANNESBURG Turi SecuiKy police arreated a ur.'reiuty lecturer and three former uudent leaden yesterday and today under the Suprctaton ol Comaunlur. Act. AT.
      25 words
    • 20 5 BELFAST. Tuea Gunmen shot two middle-aged Protestant buoneaamen drinking coffee in a restaurant In Londonderry today —U PI
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    • 193 5 Jailed: 18 Catholic students who broke Park's decree SfcOlL. Tues.— The Sew«l District r minal (>jrt toda* found M fU>tnan Catholic students »uilt» of violating President Park (hunt hee's May 13 special decree banning all antl(overnment activities In South Korea. A three-Judge panel headed aenior judge Shim Hoon-jocr sentenced nine
      193 words
    • 40 5 MKLBOURNE. Tun Plamc kunjeona at the Royai Melbourne Hoapltal have performed a nervt graft operation claimed ij a "world ftrit A brief »Utement Uaued by th* r.oxpiul here taid the operation was performed aavcral months ago Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 317 5 Xfatch for the fashionconscious lady m m ENICAR keeps you in touch with the latest fashions ot the work), mnth the introduction of an entirely new range of fabulous model* to grace every wrist, to match soy occasion Little wonder ENICAR a the ultimate H. choice of fashion-conscious ladies everywhere
      317 words

    • 422 6 PATHET LAO IN FULL CONTROL VIENTIANE. Tuesday LAOS King Savang Watthana has decided to abdicate and the Pathet Lao controlled Government has called in members of diplomatic corps to announce the end of the 19-month-old coalition Government, informed sources said today. The abdication was expected to be announced soon and
      AP  -  422 words
    • 275 6 LONDON, Tues. Britain's State Health Service yesterday entered the most dangerous crisis since Its inception in 1948. with doctors refusing overtime and a government warning in Parliament that patients could die of neglect. Invalids found themselves caught In the middle of a threeway
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 35 6 DAR KB SALAat. Tuaa. Cambodian Haad of Butt Prince Norodom Sihanouk received a colourful welcome from cheering crowd* and tribal dancen when he arrived here today for a three-day aUte vtou to Tan-
      35 words
    • 406 6 'Mum's milk is best' ads line by food firms 7URICH. Tues Eight Lt international baby food manufactures Including four Japanese firms have announced a new ativerushlng code promising their productlabelling would declare breast-feeding the first choice for normal babies The ann o v ncement yesterday by the newlyformed I n
      Reuter  -  406 words
    • 231 6 'SMITHANC PACT A SELLOUT' CHARGE i SALISBURY. Tues Black and white ml- I Hunts denounced as a sellout an agreement by the white mlnorltly Government and a faction of the African National Council to hold new talks to solve the Rhodesian constitutional dispute. The agreement, sign- ed yesterday, was drawn
      Reuter; AP  -  231 words
    • Briefly...
      • 34 6 JAKARTA. Tues Thr gradual release of thousands of political prisoners announced yesterday will not affect 10.000 held on the remote penal Island of Buru Indonesia's security chief Admiral Sudomo Indicated today 1 I > 1
        34 words
      • 25 6 LISBON: The Government today officially lifted the four-hoar rurfew and other restrictions imposed on the Lisbon region became of last week's abortive leftist military rebellion
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      • 38 6 BEIRUT At least 13 people were killed In Lebanon yesterday, as moderate Premier Rax hid Karaml took soundings among political teasers in Belrut on how to Implement his tentative programme to bring peace to the country.
        38 words
      • 43 6 OTTAWA: The outcome of the Canadian postal <ttrikr remained In doubt today as more than two thirds of the ballots cast by striking postal worker* failed to produce a clear-cut majority for or against the tentative contract settlement reached during the i weekend.
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      • 32 6 NEW DELHI Several In--1 dlan newspapers said today that Prime Minister Indira Oandhl's 1 Cabinet reshuffle was 1 Incomplete and predicted that further changes I may be on the way.
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      • 41 6 LONDON. Britain's Overseas Development Mln--1 Mar, Mr. Reginald Prentice, today descrtbI ed as a "tlmr bomb" a situation In which the bettrr off industrial ised 32 per cent of the world's population ronsumed about 86 per cent I of Its resources
        41 words
      • 33 6 NAIROBI: Police today I denied a report that se- veral children were oei lleved to have been kid napped by a gang from I Nairobi for use as huI man sacrifices
        33 words
      • 28 6 MADRID: Military and civilian officials from Morocco and Mauritania have taken charge I of public services and > government posts in the Spanish Sahara, official sources said here today
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      • 31 6 ANKARA A Pakistani military delegation has completed preliminary talks with Turkish ofTlI dais on establishing a Joint small arm Indus- try between the two Muslim countries. Pakistani officials said today —Agencies.
        Agencies  -  31 words
    • 144 6 BELFABT, T»es.— Two yoang people are bettered to have keen klOed by their own bomb yesterday— oat of two blast* In Belfast The man and woman, in their early twenties, were Inside a hijacked ear which Mow ip In i carpark In the Catholic
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 65 6 rIS Soviet destroyer, a 3,500--ton Krivak class equipped with guided missiles. Is spotted by a Japanese patrol plane off Okinawa— the first time a Russian destroyer has shown up in the Pacific. Japanese officials said the destroyer was apparently headlnr for Vladivostok. The warship was sifhted
      AP  -  65 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 CS7OR STEREO FM/AM TUNER AMPLIFIER Difitat Oook Auto on/oft twitcti with Timer WirrltM FM mic mixing •OfftTowJ Harmonic Dwtoction «CC>4/R M /Matm Four Channel QSi^a^aS^aP^a^^B a^H CSSOP STEREO WM I f TURNTABLE I j __*__^^^M^ 0 00% I wrim) Wow Fftutta* J La^taMBWBM Mo>~tcCa«rKta,«2apoadbsitdr.~*Auu> MS-430 2 WAY BASS-REFLEX <Wn CU..H,
      187 words
    • 75 6 200,000 c. PIB of BOOKS (Old Stock) to be GIVEN AWAY FREE while stock lasts Commences from 3rd Dec. to 13th Dec. 75 Bring your 1976 School booklist, 9*t it chopped and make your selection. No purchase of other books neccessary. Iflo/ i 1 V /0 Discount on SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS
      75 words

  • 154 7 Social ties exist among HDB residents: Survey IsWOBMAL s**Ul ron v with neighbours In HDB flats I' 1 according to a rrvent HDB sample household survey. sVal communities are osßerglng in the Bomslag Board estates, says an editorial in the latest issue of Our ■sub*, an HDB pubiicallon Tfc* general
    154 words
  • 55 7 Chin Siong's father dies in HK MR Llm Teng Oeok. 44. father of ex-polltlcai detainees Llm Chin Slong and Mm Chin Joo died in Hongkong of a heart attack last Friday HU body was flown back to ■hagaporc yesterday He will be buried in Pontlan. Mslayssa Mr Urn leaves behind
    55 words
  • 10 7 THERE were road sc•tdanta. four serous, on Monday
    10 words
  • 140 7 MRS Florence Koh. who appealed for help for her retarded 13-year-old son, has received promises of donations totalling $1,030. Disclosing this yesterday, she said these consisted of three donations two for 1500 and one for $30 She has written to Singapore Airlines to donate two return
    140 words
  • 62 7 AN 11-year-old boy m d reword during a family picnic at the Sentosa Swimming Lagoon on Sunday. Police said Kuan Tew Tone, of Block I*9. ialan Bukit Mrrab was swimming In the lagoon at about 1.3* p.m. when ht disappeared A search waa Immediately conducted by SAF frogmen
    62 words
  • 390 7 Project to detect liver cancers A PROJECT to detect and treat liver cancers and kidney diseases in the c;irly stages has bt-n launched by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Singapore. Patients from various government hospital* suspected to be suffering or facing a risk from these disorders will be referred
    390 words
  • 128 7 COSMETIC FAIR TO FOCUS ON NEW FASHIONS REPRESENT A T I V E 8 from seven Far East countries will attend Singapore's first cosmetic fair to be held at Marco Polo Hotel from April 10 to 19 Highlights of the fair will be provided by a sixmember team of senior
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  • 90 7 DISCHARGE FOR OPIUM ADDICT A A5-YXAR-OLD fruit seller was yesterday Riven a 12-month conditional discharge, for having two rackets of preDared oDium. Chan Ah Tf-h. who had 11 previous convictions, pleaded guilty In a i-istrlct court to haviiyr 1 to rrammes of orlum at his Weld Road home at about
    90 words
  • 83 7 To divulge or not? A PUBLIC forum to discuss whether Pfofesßtonai secrecy should be treated as a prtYilege. wIU to held at the Pathology Lecture Thamtre Singapore Oanerai Honaiai today at I p m Sprakan are Or. Bo Weng Ming, head of the Department of Philosophy. Unl»er■lty of Singapore. Hawnwud
    83 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 257 7 vmßl^^R IC DAAIII liil^i mSm market street I It ii [i Ijl BBBBBBBBk^^amLr^BV^ LBB^*aT^Bal bbbbbbV am Bm^^r^finr'w^^Wß I i .^LbWbßbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! .^Bk. r M& m BTST .^BBBBBBWbV S»H 'a^BBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBSaBBBBBBBBBaaaaI BaW BaWl H BaTk. I A SaaiHaaaaaaaaaai^aaaaaaaaaai I M Laaa Lak ''aaaaaaM^aaaaaaaaaaaaaar'aaaaaaaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaam bbk am aaar /^aal UT J _^BB^S^BaBBBpSm*M| I F.
      257 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 283 7 Straits Times Crossword I bbbV bbbbl bbbV Mbbl BBBaf^l"""^!"" M BOH 7 Point to one Duke or 1 No doubt we would be snolner (10). sorry to appear thus <10> 0 Makas conjectures about OWu he in the ami pike ruing m floods <10> singles st Wimbledon' 12 Mole has
      283 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 808 8 i^^«Js?^s^ z^^^r^ ,??Tt^^^ Mr 9^^^^ WE CARNIVAL REDUCTION OFFERS! BHDP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS LADIES' DEPARTMENT 2ND FLOOR •GENTSDE^A^T^ENT^^NrjR^OR* •CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT 2ND FLOOR# •SHOES AND BAGS DEPT. 2NDFLOOR» T Shirts Less 10% Bally Shoes^^^^ A ij //^&sa.^^^w3^^ Buster Brown Kingfisher Shoes Less 10%/ Less 10%^ II Kingfisher Shirts MS^-^, W T
      808 words

  • 293 9 Girl's death fall after lovers' tiff ALOVKR3 tiff ended with the girl jumping to her death from her ninth floor flat while her nance was on his way down In the lift. a coroner's court heard yesterday. Nf Han Seng, a cranedriver, said that after he saw fiancee Koh L*jr
    293 words
  • 254 9 Dream that saw artist Lim through THE dream that one day hla brash w««ld "paint" a>ew horiaams for hi* Mastaiaed artist Ijm Tow Teh through the daily dntdgery of earning a livlni after leaving school. He dabbled In all kinds of odd jobs front ftellinf Ire-cream to driving tracks— to
    254 words
  • 171 9 Govt officers no-pay leave: PSC ruling /GOVERNMENT offl- cers wishing to acquire higher qualifications will be granted no-pay or half-pay leave only If their intended studies are relevant to their service. Permanent Secretaries have been reminded to observe this raUng by the Public Service CommiM'.on. The PSC advised serving officers
    171 words
  • 111 9 $57 shop theft: Labourer jailed A LABOURER. who broke Into a shop with three others and stole IS tins of provisions worth $57. was jailed for six months yesterday. All Kat bin Mohamed Kurju. 19. admitted breaking Into the Oeylang Serai shop of Tan How Ngln. 50. and stealIng the
    111 words
  • 37 9 DREDOINO U going on at Alang Perunbi for the reclamation of Puiau BehMar m the But Jonon Straiu The operation will tak* about sis months and BMrtnars are advised to keep dear of the area.
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  • 28 9 A OOROtm yesterday r»eorded a auaadrenture verdict on Rosian bin Omar 11. who was drowned In the sea off Katong Park oo Nov. 33 at 11 am.
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  • 445 9  -  PHILIP LEE By THE Government has taken the lead in popularising labour-management works councils in Singapore by approving similar bodies in all its ministries. This development follows negotiations between the Government and the Amalgamated Union of Public Employee? (AUPE) on ways to improve industrial
    445 words
  • 358 9 CD) nab gangland 'hit' man at night club A MAN believed to fee a professional tan i lanei rxrrutlonrr and Mid to be feared by even hardcore fane •ten. was arrested by police reeenlly— while dancint m a niihtclafc. The man. aged about 4*. was picked up from a hotel
    358 words
  • 39 9 SETRON Electronic* Pie Ltd wilt hold a Sony Trinitron Nlffht to mark the firm second annlvrrmry and the visit by Sony Corporation's president. Mr. A Murlta and hla wife, at Shsrutti-L* Hotel on Dec. at t pm
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 409 9 f Easy to give fun to receive gaw^^^^^^^^ I fk a Annual £1.15 I Q School Friend Annual £1.05 I V-> {wtfTrtK '*S ll^ Girls Crystal Annual 95p 1 AgaP g^ A r 1 J.<ll Princess Tma Ballet Book No B£l 50. 1 o^^^ V mW'** Pr.ncess Cft Book for
      409 words
    • 250 9 I Superior grade steel.. /^_fk \1 Jk stringent quality Aga-^Wi^ control, manufactur- W^J ing excellence V> y technical expertise. f /V J factor* that make 3 XZTTZTtSSZTZ TOTEM Taps. Dim IFS end Die Nut. what fj /J JaJ^SrSTv^S^ thtvtrt First r choice of engineers ond technicians /If th» vwoHH nvtr
      250 words

  • 46 10 THE mark* of throe local artuti. Him Chat Yong Sort Phack Ltonf and Lee H« Tonf. *r« now on display at the National Theatre foyer The exhibition lajtlnf Ull Dre. SI U open daily from 9 am to C p m
    46 words
  • 28 10 MR Tang Set Chun. Urn Deputy Spetkar of Parliament, will officially open HiUchl Cable iB> PU Ltd. at Lokyant Way, Jurong. tomorrow at 4 .11 pjn
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  • 26 10 THE adult lecUon of Urn Tm P»yoh Branch Übrmry will hold a Ulk-cum-dwon-rtriuon on Oak* Icing at lU lactur* haU on Friday .t IJO PJB.
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  • 318 10 $2.9 m Marine Police base in Jurong fHE Government is building a new $2.9 million Marine Police base at Jahm Pabrik in Tanjong Kling, Jorong, it was learned yesterday. Work on the ba*e. which began on Monday, is expected to be ready in early 1977 The ultra-modern romplen will have.
    318 words
  • 249 10 SCOUTS TO LAUNCH 'CONSERVE NATURE' PROJECT CONSERVATION of the V> natural environment Is the theme of an lslandwlde project to be launched by the Singapore Scout Association on Feb 22 In conjunction with Scouts' Week More than 12.000 scouts from 15 districts have been Invited tc take part in the
    249 words
  • 103 10 PWD to use durable paint A PAINT that can last for about two years will be used In future to paint traffic signs In Singapore. For a start It will be used to paint bus lanes along Victoria Street Connaught Drive. Collyer Quay and Shenton Way According to PWD sources,
    103 words
  • 279 10 5,000 jobs vacant at textile firms ABOIT SIN Jobs are sI.U going a-begginf in the local testlle in i dastry, which has Jn»t recovered from a trade slump and Is now set for a bu»«neu Doom. A special article In tbr latest tune of tbe NTI'C organ. Perjnangan. quoted Mr.
    279 words
  • 53 10 TUX Peoples Aooclallon Regions! Youth Council (North) has organised youth cjrclelhon (or Sunday at •00 m irotn Canberra community centre to Aljunled community centre vu two changeover poinu at Jalan Kayu community centre and Pongiol community centre The MP for Aljunied. Mr Chin Ham Tong. mill gtve
    53 words
  • 22 10 BRJHSH Alrvays will hold ltv annual lunch lor secretaries at thr Marco Pck> ballroom on Saturday al 12 46 pm
    22 words
  • 235 10 Drugs: 3 S'pore seamen face charges SYDNEY. Tues. Three Singapore seamen had smuggled drugs into Australia by ship and pitched them overboard for collection hy two New Zealanders. it was alleged in court here today. Before the special Federal Court were Mohammed Yason bin Manap. 34. Rahmat bin Jamil, 24,
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 266 10 The under-16 workers: Ministry warns bosses THE Labour Ministry has warned 1 employers not to employ Juveniles under 16 without the ministry's permission until the new Emi ployment (Amendment) Bill comes into force. A ministry spokesman sa.d mat employers would be committing an i jffence If they did so and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 94 10 sg Igk I gHiiV m I MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LTD. J&^ 48/56, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE P^ $j& UA| TOgJC S*cfMADA*l\/ fly: fIMI I v/ffvi rWUIJU 'MiI T Tjrfs flg Mr. TAN KEE KIAP Sg Consratulations! > MR V A BALAGUROV 1 Chairman of the Supervisory Council I MR S A
      94 words
    • 77 10 ;illllllllilC]llllilllllllUllllllllllllClllllllllMllCJllllllllllllt]llllllllilllC Hilling Congratulations Best Wishes MOSCOW 1 NARODNY BANK I LIMITED l on the occasion of their 0 4th Anniversary and the opening of the I new MNB Building from M/t. Krishna Kuman Company, Singapore T«t No: *****2 1 M/s. Brsjilia International S/A, Singapore Tel No: *****2 I M/s. Fabrtcas
      77 words
    • 184 10 OUR WARMEST WELCOME to MR. Y.A. BALAGUROV Chairman of the Supervisory Council MR. S.A. SHEVCHENKO Chairman of the Board Managing Director and Congratulations to Moscow Narodny Bank on the occasion of the Opening of MNB BUILDING from MEI SUn SHOE MANUFACTURER 35-A 39-A, St M.choel Estote. Flatted Factory, Jalan Tenteram,
      184 words

  • 382 11 Vehicles worth $59,500 sold in Malaysia, court told AN unemployed man who stole 14 cars valued at $59,500 none of which was recovered by pblice was yesterday jailed a total of four and a half years by a district judge. Law Ah
    382 words
  • 36 11 CHINESE New Year boila»r» «iv fall on Jan SI (Saturday) and PW> 1 (Sunday) next year Monday will to a public holiday In lieu of Sunday according to the Ministry of Labour ycaterday
    36 words
  • 199 11 YOUTH ADMITS ABUSING GIRL IN BAKERY A 14-YEAR-OLD boy used a knife to slash the pyjama trousers of a girl before outraging her modesty, the Juvenile Court heard yesterday Magistrate Llm Choo Eng called for a probation report on the boy, an assistant in a bakery, after he admitted committing
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  • 27 11 THK Ccacna Aircraft Company will hold a three-day international conference "Expo 76 bar* at But Camp. Beleur Airfield, from Dae. 10 at J 30 pm
    27 words
  • 339 11 Co-op gets Ponggol land for pig farm project rS Singapore Livestock and Agricultural Co-operative Society i Slacs > has been granted a 30- year lease on 2 1 hectares of land In Lorong Buang. off Ponggol Road, for It* pig farm. Slacs. said Its chairman, Mr. Chang Took Tin, had
    339 words
  • 115 11 npHE Housing and DeX velopment Board has set up a design and research section within Its building and development division to Introduce new designs to the board's housing estates. A board spokesman tald the research section had been continuously working out new designs
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  • 175 11 Computer training for SBS staff SINGATORE Bos Service Is re -training some •f Its clerical staff for Its computer Uation programme, which is doe to begin early nest year. Some will be trained as I computrr programmers while others are to be posted to depots to 1 sapport routine operaj
    175 words
  • 329 11 3 murder cases to be heard next month THREE murder A trials two of which involve women—head the list of criminal cases to be tried at the High Court on Jan. 12. They form the first cases in the new year on the court calendar. TRIAL N«. 1: Bar waitress
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  • 28 11 PROF Patrick Kehoe a hminaawnin. win tpmk on Developing Superior Manpower Raaourcaa at the Rotary Club of Singapore k lunch meeting at the Mandarin Hotel today
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 Heartiest Congratulations > Best Wishes MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LTD 1 on the occasion of their official opening of their new MNB BUILDING from: ;i FAIRDON ENTERPRISES PTE. LTD., H SING HUAT PTE. LTD., m SING GUAN PTE. LTD., EASTERN TRADING i CO., SOON HOE CO. PTE. LTD., GENUINE STORE PTE.
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      188 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 153 12 I Our Heartiest Congratulations I Best Wishes to i /^-V? PAST V" I MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LTD. ij I on the occasion of the opening of their new f|| I MNB BUILDING 1 writ *7£r"% H LIM BROTHERS (HOLDING) LTD. g I ASIA AFRICA SHIPPING CO. LTD. 5| UNIQUE SHIPPING
      153 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 207 13 I I DTI I I MALAYAN PLANT PTE. LTD. I I AMCO PTE. LTD. I Extend Their Heartiest I Congratulations To I I MOSCOW NARODNY I I On The Official Opening I MOSCOW NARODNY I BANK BUILDING I Mead Office Address: I Ik 215, I'pper Bukit Timah Road, a I
      207 words
    • 405 13 WARMEST WELCOME iuLi 1 WARMEST WELCOME MR. S.A. SHEVCHENKO JHUHIUKUW Chairman of the Boa.rt 4 Manag.n, Chairman of the Supervisory Council Director of Moscow Narodny Bank <=^ and u r 1 MR. S.A. SHEVCHENKO 1 Congratulations to Moscow S Chairman of the Board Managing Narodny Bank Limited Director of Moscow
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 270 14 I A Warm Welcome to 1 MR. Y.A. BALAGUROV and MR. S. A. SHEVCHENKO I Chairman of the Supervisory Council Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LTD. And Congratulations to I I MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LTD. I on the occasion of the Opening of i
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 456 16 >^sl mßbml ib^b^B^b^hbb^^^mbV I P^ fill Im b 9 I H Akai's ST Series unique acoustic suspension speaker systems <U^ <*3< feature newly developed wide dispersion dome type midrange and tweeters and inherently linear distortion-free woofers precisely matched with enclosure C^ capacity and design for truly incomparable speaker sound quality.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 312 17 i)|m MR. Y. A. BALAGUROV Chairman of the Supervisory Council immk MR. S. A. SHEVCHENKO jj Chairman of the Board Managing Director of Moscow Narodny Bank Limited PH CONGRATULATIONS to MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LTD., |KBf^ SINGAPORE BRANCH O wm£\ on the occasion *3£ of the Official Opening of their new
      312 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1975
    • 459 18 WITH a single, sombre, rhetorical sentT ence. Acting Premier Teng Hsiao-ping has dramatised China's deep and abiding fears that the Soviet Union Is inexorably pushing the world towards a global war. "There Is great disorder under heaven." he told President Ford at a welcoming banquet shortly after his
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    • 184 18 |N A SINGAPORE court last Friday, Mr. 1 Lim Hal Chua was fined $800 for two traffic offences, driving while disqualified and without insurance. The fine was paid and he went home a free man. According to his wife, the next day he received a telephone caM asking
      184 words
    • 83 18 rE Pubilc UtiUtle* Board does not consider the compulsory installation of earth leakage circuit breakers to be necessary or detlrable for a number of technical. social and economic reason* Nevertheless. Action Please 'ST. Nov. 22) -reet in thinking that installation
      83 words
    • 86 18 ris rrry disheartening to not* that after all the effort that the Metrication Board Is talcing to organise the various metric competitions to Increase the general public's awareness of metric knowledge, some private companies are ktlll adverti sing their promotional competitions in imperial measurements. One example is the "Ajl-no-moto Chap
      86 words
    • 125 18 DESPITE the improvements made by the SBS. I still have to wait a long time every morn Ing for a bus from Mountbatten Road to my office In North Bridge Road Service No. 14 hardly ever stops as It Is always packed and Service No. 21 rarely ever appears. Nos.
      125 words
  • 1027 18  - Attack by IRA in 'bandit country' sparks off a wave of emotion BELFAST ANDREW STEPHEN reports fro* AN Irish RepubA Hcan Army attack on four young British soldiers in the "bandit country" of South Armagh which left three dead and one seriously injured on Nov. 23 has sparked off a
    OFNS  -  1,027 words
  • 880 18  -  JOSEPH FITCHETT By Beirut »pHE lights are fln- ally going out in Beirut after a quarter of a century In which the Lebanese capital has flourished as a unique emporium of Middle Eastern profit and pleasures. Amid the uesolate economic picture left here by nine
    OFNS  -  880 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 18 18 tM^^. Twin TomTmm Complete t«t with cymbals $100.00 << Mh diarounl allowed) T.M.A. (PTE) LTI, 11/13, liffe Strttt, Sl****!.
      18 words
    • 147 18 The more you have The less they get Two is enough FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE >^v telephone *****6 or go to your I fl I nearest Maternal and Child Health /I nfjl Family Planning Clinic vJJJ/ Highlights for today Why Muslims are still backward. Success story of a Malay businessman.
      147 words

  • 115 19 VARSITY BAND CONCERT AT CONFERENCE HALL re University of Singapore concert band will give a performance at :he Conference Hall un Saturday to celebrate tnetr seventh anniversary. The 56-member band, consisting of students, graduates and staff members, will be conducted by Mr Marmerto Paraflna. who has previously led the band
    115 words
  • 42 19 THE Minister of Bute (or NkUanal Development sntf MP for River ValW) Dr Tan En« Liang, will flaf-off a m«j» jot; oraarusfd by the River Valley Cbn- Sports Aisuriallon at the River Valley community cenue on Sunday at am.
    42 words
  • 20 19 THE Singapore numlanstlc foauclatlon wtU hold a coin tuctlon »t Uon City Hot* on Sunday »t 10 »m
    20 words
  • 41 19 A TOTAL of 9.818 babies were born In Slnga- pore during the third quarter of this year, according to official statistics. By citizenship status. 8 383 were Singaporeans. 600 Malaysians. 30 Indians. Pakistanis and Ceylonese and 77 others.
    41 words
  • 155 19 SMA plan to boost trade ties with Manila THE Singapore Manufacturers Association is to send more product croup missions to the Philippines in the next few months to further raprove two-way trade. Disclosing this yesterday, the SMA chairman. Mr. Onf Leng (hum. said the missions would represent the food, engineering,
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  • 332 19  -  LAI YEW KONG By pOLICE are probing into a suspected international vice syndicate which reportedly lured girls from here to Japan for prostitution on promises of wellpaid jobs as tourist guides. It is understood that more than 10 girls were recently lured there by
    332 words
  • 62 19 Bsctranloi Arrays (S> Pte Ltd a sttaleooductar factory In Toa Pmyoh. will hold a ChrUttnaf dinner and dance tor n* sm wntjlmiai at me Mandarin Court, ltandann Hotel on Dae J4 Highlight of the party will be the selection of the Bast Oraaaad Oirl. who vUI
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  • 182 19 The ups and downs of the yogi's road to good health rpHE way to nim--1 Me health Is paved with ops and downs as Mr. Sim Chlau Seng:, 68. shows In his yoga demonstration "And. you have to get down on 70W hands and work for It." aald Mr. Sim.
    182 words
  • 35 19 THE Water Department will be laying a watermaln across New Bridge Road on Saturday. The work will last two weeks. The public are advised to avoid this area to minimise traffic congestion.
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  • 95 19 AMENDMENT TO TAX ACT NOW IN FORCE TOHK Income Tax Act A (Amendment) BUI pasted by Par .lament on not. 29 came Into operation yesterday. Under the amending Act the maximum amount deductible for a motor car as part of capital expenditure shall be $15,000. Another amendment Increases the earned
    95 words
  • 50 19 MR Jacob Yooni. prlnclpaJ of Monk BUI aacondaxy School, ha* bean *(ipotniK] chairman of Singapore Te«chert TJnlon't tenure committc*. OChcr officials art r V Ja > fckody Ttc*-ciuirmaii Mr. Alcjrtlua Oniiai. aaer*tanr: Miat Chmttn* Ua, Mia* Jtmie Tan. Mr 8 Maallajnanl and Mr Ww Chute Hock,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 107 19 Dreaming of a house? Buy it now with the help of Chase Fed up with paying rent you about the advantages but haven't enough of Chase housing loans money to buy a house 9 Like loans up to 80% Your first step to home Repayment up to 1 5 ownership
      107 words
    • 320 19 PBsllP^aWafl swrf IYIM New! Junivite i^^ puzzles colourful, exciting, educational jig saw puzzles worth $1.00 each' Hunywhikstcckkst! •LWiui This is how you sm^Jltk fi% get them! |te^ y%^ 2 puzzles for •very 500 ml 117 6 Of IcanonH bbßhb^L^^m. 1 puzzle for evory 226 ml. (8 oz) carton 1 puzzle
      320 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 826 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 Ul m Opening and Maialan Kekjarga (Malay) IM mm Mt hmiH Qtats*) ton of E«nts (Malay) 1X AslMWek Metoyu IS General Hospital 4.1S THmmkj (Repeat) Zefo < M Intermission liS Cami Tnan*t if Timr SJS Owning and Portable Electric Saws Ul Im tafia") Ul Consumers'
      826 words

    • 157 20 NEB warm of more blackouts ITUAI^ LUMPUR, Tues E.ectrrc,t, Th ß!,.rd Na K toad-aheddlng today "to 2 m nd *><" until hls cv nln there were no reports of any blackout here or In other parts of the country the NEB warned that blackouts may occur in Kuala Lumpur. Petallna
      157 words
    • 366 20 IPON. Tuesday SECURITY forces luive recovered I large quantity of supplies in Peruk which can feed a big group of communist terrorists operating in the jungle for two The discovery of terrorist dumps was made when security forces swept over a wide area stretching from
      366 words
    • 121 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The 500 -strong Uni'-rslty a' Malaya Academic BtafT Association has deferred Industrial action In view of the start of negotiations with the university authorities for a c jllectlve agreement. The association had last Friday decided by < ballot to take strike acttlon
      121 words
    • 111 20 Back to normal in 3 states KI'ANTAM. Tnes— The east coast states of Fahanf. Trenfganu and Kelantan have returned almost back to normal after a week of floods. No rain was reported for the past two days. However, there are still MS refugees 34£ In Pekan and 543 in Temerloh
      111 words
    • 266 20  - HORMAT TAKES OVER AS ACTING MENTRI BESAR BILL CAMPBELL By MORIB, Tues. The sAtan of Selangor Uils morning appointed Enclk Hormat Rafel as acting Mentri Besar for a month from next Monday when Da to Harun Idris goes on leave. The Sultan handed over the Utter of appointment to Enclk
      266 words
    • 364 20 Mahathir calls for admission of more bumis to varsities K LUMPUR. Tues TWE Government has to admit more bumi- putra students into institutions of higher learning, especially the new universities, to overcome their shortage In the science, medicine and engineering faculties, the Education Minister. Dr Mahathir Mohamed. told the Dewan
      364 words
    • 116 20 KUALA LUMPUR Tues NewJy qualified doctors, may have to serve iht Oov eminent lonser than the mandatory two years at present "We are thinking of Increasing the period to three years or maybe more." the Health Minister. Tan Brt Lee Slok Yew. said today.
      116 words
    • 171 20 Problem of drugs among youth worsening KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The problem of drug abuse, especially among people between the ages of 15 and 30. was becoming more serious, the Law Minister and AttorneyGeneral, Tan Sri Kadlr Yusof. told the Dewan Rakyat today. Replying to a question by Mr Llm Cho
      171 words
    • 52 20 PENANO. Tun. More than 130 ikaterj from aa far is 81ngapare will lake part In the Pmanc Prati Rollerskating Carnival on Sunday at Youth Park her* Highlight mill be a Haadgaar Competition in which points will br awardad for originality, design and colour of lite headgear worn by
      52 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 298 20 Now Pan Am gives you a month long HLffIHH SEBBERBSSBS f\§ 1 'I* our flight there and back plus all hotels, ivF U M. a tours f wm west to east and back again at no extra cost Just think: the normal regular return fare from awesome Niagara Falls. On
      298 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 257 20 ■ringing Op Fa thf Uy ■HI K>vinfh Hal Cmmp LCVED HIS 1 |"*»*.IVE<SCT 111 /OUR NCU Ht»OHBC*sX jiaes. w§ h*e New> ■>. 6 uv^ «*sw« I ju*r mov*> our/ WONIODS NEXT Jo*. *.i/aAR BUT SME M3U-- /fV- > S, DOOR-TMT* JUST/GOOD S^°^ By Chi« Young !l^rL.°S2^222irl laS^^i o^ T3 1
      257 words

  • 289 21 Chaos had it not been for S'pores planners THHE physical en- vironment of Singapore would be in chaos had it not been for the "unsung achievement" of its planners in trying to control development. improve some of the dreadful" layout plans submitted and encourage good development In the right places.
    289 words
  • 454 21 QINGAPOREs lighter Industry was disrupted yesterday when about 600 lightermen on the waterfront stopped work following the breakdown of wage negotiations between their union and tne liKhter owners' association None of the lightermen, represented by the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation SILO i. who work
    454 words
  • 275 21 U.S.S.U. ACTS ON BAD DEBTS BY FORMER STUDENTS MORE than $1,500 have been recovered by the University of Singapore Students' Union fn m two former students attta some others Including food caterers, are owing USBU a total of $14,008 This follows letters sent to them recently by L'SSU's lawyers asking
    275 words
  • 31 21 MR Hwang 800 Jui UP for Jalan Kayu. will attend a fund-raising film show organised by Jalan Kayu community centre at Kok Wan Theatre on Sunday at a m
    UP  -  31 words
  • 314 21 Mission visits factories, yards THE 10-member mission from the China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation showed keen interest in oil rigs and offshore industrial equipment when they visiied some shipyards :»nd factories yesterday. They asked many questions about the quality and the
    314 words
  • 167 21 ASIGGESTION to conatract an overhead bridge at WoodsvUle junction wiU be I considered by the Roads Branch of the Public Works Depart- mrnt A study of the roads I at Woodsville junction made earlier this year found that pedestrians can cross the road,
    167 words
  • 52 21 THE vice-chancellor of Nanyang University Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng. will take part In a blood donation campaign at the university clinic today at 230 pjn. Among the other blood donors will be Nan tan regutrar Dr Leong Kuo Sing. und the director of student affairs. Mr Yeo
    52 words
  • 257 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday SIME Darby (Holdings) is hoping for a sig- nlncant profit from China Engineers- (Holdings) this year to compensate for some i of the adverse impact of low commodity R prices on group earnings, Slme Darby chief I executive and
    Reuter  -  257 words
  • 36 21 THS University of Slnfipcre i Academy of Medicine will boat the thml angrm of the BouU>-«a«t ajU and Pacific Ana Lcmgu* Agataat Rbcumattfm at the Regional Bigttab Language Centre from Peb S3 to MA ymr
    36 words
  • 294 21 Pllt dp $50,000 for welfare STU told rE Welfare Committee of the Singapore Teachers' Union has suggested that the unlop should make a $50,000 grant and > set aside 10 per cent of Its annual subscrlp 1 1 on s to subsidise *ts bene- volent scheme. If this proposal submitted
    294 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 464 21 aaf% aW^aaV mm M afcaaaaafiaff W^ Brfß/^^ Zr Wf Bf da' v Bgsi^Bceafl^ j atfcßaaaakia^^Kaafißa^BKraaVCZS aaaaaaW -Jaafan g^ MMwSmM MMaaa^L .IbKL If #j 3^ festive seasof[ Carnation gives you special makes good cooks even better recipes for cakes, desserts and because Carnation is more titbits for the X'mas and New
      464 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 299 22 :"L1do"-"mtcha«E! DUE TO FILM'S LINOTH 4 SNOWS OAILV NOTC TIMES 11 00 mm. 2 JO. •JO 1 t.iSpm THE LOVE STORY OF THE DECADE. ANY DECADE. F SCOn FITZGERALD'S MASTERPIECE ROBERT R6DfOftD» (TMR mflflOLU >sflften ujuon /wti ujfITCR/Ton I 10/CHUE/.. 9flUC€ [Xftn Tom V Cnemo tnterrobonoJ r^^^^^^t GLOBE MT CHANCE
      299 words
    • 334 22 .«jjyy^g»^»^aj|a>ya>ga>j'_l^agr^'»yr r GOLDEN c KONG CNIAN COUEN C\Tt BEACH RD TOA PAYOH QUEENSTOWN (LAST 2 DAYS!) OPENS TODAY OOLOCN 11 AM I.JC, 4 00. «4I «M PM. KOMO CM« AM MO. J.JO, MS M PM. OOLOCN CITY 1.45. 4 00. 7 00. 30 PM. SCHOOL CONCESSION: $1.00 TO ALL SEATS
      334 words
    • 414 22 GRUnDIG color >wvf^ DOCinisU J super 22 JT/KWexi' a^pa^patHHIIIIIIHpaH' v MpHp«Hpalpal^^^paW^.^k^pHpft I P^aplP^^ia^LpW^Mfl Jpallw^ I A. ll^al ■■■■■■I I a^kpaPjS I Hj^'***^^BMaB -m £t^"^ I- ■i■* ll a^Mßefca* ASK FOR teipf (Easy Payment Tern^)^^^^ Fully transistorised KkK ■"-■afrl Multi module technique MW I bM Instant picture sound Sensor touch Fully
      414 words
      294 words
    • 587 22 •OKfiAMII TION* m lv t- lIm.IN 4N t4l «l> fff S*ii«r% KITUtN Bj <> TK, r>IH« rtNTHII 4 NIXT C HANOI 4 DOI TO »ILA« J LIN6TH J 4 Mm.i aw»y Tww 11m IN.tHt«ISp« B RotMrt R«Mwd M.o Fwrow E TV« 6IIAT GATItY- co<o> it.iiti'iTri/fii J»4 WflK' 13»t. OAT' llao
      587 words

  • 222 23 Request to treat witness as hostile rejected THE proaecutlon yenterday applied to impeach the credit of iv own witness during the trial Of a man charged with employing an Illegal immigrant. :u. Woh. 50. was charged with employing Han Kirn Ouan. 18. at Loon Seng Eating House In River Valley
    222 words
  • 27 23 MR N« Kan Ting. MP for Poncgoi. will officiate at a -•no* carnival to bt held it cooty Island on D«c. 14 st 10 am
    27 words
  • 27 23 ABOUT M 0 delagaua wul ttiend Urn International HMdlßg Association 1»7« »orld congrws to bt n«ld at Hot*, from Aug 1? to IS -.*xt year
    27 words
  • 18 23 THE Australasia Ncurotologieal Society convention will bs held «t Urn ShangnL* Hot*, in May next year
    18 words
  • 754 23 SICC AND THE OFFSETTING OF NWC JHE NTUC has warned the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) that it would never compromise on any issue involving the offsetting of established annual increments against National Wages Council (NWC) increases. In an editorial in the latest
    754 words
  • 359 23 Policy rebate: Loan seekers blame finance firms |K>RROWERS yesterday complained of some finance companies depriving them of customary trade rebates on Insurance policies. They said the companies either gave no rebates at all. or If they did. It was a mere 10 per cent, but even this. In some Instances,
    359 words
  • 161 23 JUMBO FLIGHT DELAYED BY SYDNEY STRIKE SINGAFOEE Airline*direct Jumbo ftlght to Sydney 8Q 711--which was ached*!** to leave at o'clock Last night, will now leave at 8 M tonight. According to aa 81A spokesman yesterday, the deUy was eaased bj a 24-hov ctrlae hy Sydney air traffic eotitrolleri which began
    161 words
  • 126 23 Immigrant gets 4 years for housebreaking AN illegal immigrant was yesterday Jailed (or four yean by a dlstrlet .court on two charges of housebreaklng and theft of money and valuable! totalling $8,045. Annul B*W alia* Tinrtn Taby» M. m )alted lor two rmt* for tawiim into tb« boot* of Mr.
    126 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 103 23 B^B^^^^f^^B^L^^^^^^j S^Bl^^^^AS^B^B^BW m^ tmt^B**m*Mtiimmm2'cZ^ Lininr 't- '■!"< »*ISS JULK *mn\nq Out WWN ih. Y M K l«tAlf TQMfANY. r inm prad'uciix of ifc. p»ot by s»i«s>^" MQa^yJllß Uuore Cnrlfon Mall, Goodwood Pork Motol, 7p» and 9pm. ii. Oprtowpl bwWt V i^DnMrf-iy n <- f Atmritan v'o"" 1 SVjn^ 1 n
      103 words
    • 625 23 ■M^^lP^- S Singapore^. most~loved Country j^Jß^^^ Ml I and Folk n usic band is now ■fl |B appearing daily from f- G fitiiW I I 6.30 pm to 11.30 pm -li HH9| (Monday to Saturday) Xocktai) Lounge 10n Plaza Singapura. 101-104 Ist Floor '^X( f, m 66 Oohard Road. Singapore
      625 words

      • Article, Illustration
        40 24 3 atmmtm tin i-rr (irr») $tM lut M-7« tea IbU. **4I rx Itotri M.T4 .mOkri, It iiiiiii tt.n I. lMp|M< tl 54 1 1 1 1 1 fl.T* rra>H Pak. M» t Bm M N MM J »t M
        40 words
      • 27 24 «tili BL l>nna OB N IrtTN KB XK MIX III* t» j: MM MM IIH SI. 71 n.w m .r> M .M »S .N M —M
        27 words
      • 18 24 >bM Dvtr Uiiwn UnA O. B. HaMtaf •«»1 Timm •tal Valw: MM *MJM lMjIM
        18 words
      • 60 24 >tH.T. Iain: in SI 1M_— l«i»Ui*«h; tUAl tttJt num: IMJl HLN j HaU* IM M IM M rn^rrlic 1S7.M U1M ♦Tin. I5M MM t I r«M*T*: HIM Slt.«7 <>t R( mu M«jt »8.t«. IM.: tliM tll.71 ♦Jb». 1. l»7$ IM •Dm. M. 1M« IM Drc II. IMS IM tD«.
        60 words
    • 1467 24 rm last transacted ready* 1 sale at the ckae of huelnees PSBBVaaI a rrpo.rr<! nth it* previous day prtee* vtru.rr m.v. 1*75 M(h and Adjusted for scrip hints usuei lICIIIH eat iMOWSTiiacs miUM BWBBIII 1»o I.B* H«L I. a —n< KB IIT MaiajMsy las MMoapeaa unit rawer (Hooaaor-t
      1,467 words
    • 388 24 rpKADING tames] erra--1 tie at the Stock Exchajage of Singapore yesterday. Tranaactisn* In heavyweights were caatloas while ehea7 —Wart on bargain bunting waa evident among lowerpriced stocks. The bear raids on lower priced stocks On Monday afternoon stop- i ped. bat moot property imats were still traded
      388 words
    • 1346 24 BID ar.d off *r pncao officially 0 listed and bualncM In snd rr p r. f d to the stock Exchance of Singapore yrsierday with the number of chares traded shown In bracket* in lots of 1.000 unit* unWM otherwise specified AU Time Ba.nisiru or SMbement Comrscls
      1,346 words
    • 1156 24 - DID snd offer pilrM officially Utted and busineas In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur f (charge y*u«Tda> with the number of shares traded iho»n m brackets In lota of I.JOO ur.iu. unles* utnenaisc specified INDUSTRIALS •im i i A tax 111 I 041 MSI Iriakl A CMi
      1,156 words
    • 81 24 I C L >B r. V: i I. MC ■Mi c U.d i mt 1C M in 11 1 C I •v a I >0 2 24 •10 70 3 12 1 05 I 1 U 2 77 I 069 > 100 I t 07t I 1
      81 words
    • 313 24 Marginal losses at KL Exchange CHARE prices 'tamed •J easier at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchang* yesterday after an tniUai round of h«ht buying faded out. TradiDß In the aftrrnoon. In fact, showed seme signs of stop-loss liquidation end fhortselllnjt with urlces t*ken lower after erery deal struck. Turnover
      313 words
    • 143 24 NATIONAL Industries of Singapore, a member of the Mosbert group of companies. Is "experiencing the normal credit squeeze" as a result of the economic recession, according to tsje company's reply to a Stock Exchange of Singapore query on the sudden heavy bearish activity In
      143 words
    • 53 24 LONDON Pre-tax profits at Lornho Ltd. rot* 33 3 per cent to £63 million on a. Miles Jump of 09 7 per cent to £592.5 million for the year ended September 1975 Earnlnn per ahare came to 22.2» compared with 193p last time. The company has proposed a scrip
      53 words
    • 97 24 Et'BOPC and the US were both extremely quiet and virtually tradelees on Monday, according to MPOPA Quotations In US* cents ißot'erdami unless stated: Afloat (US) 1* cenu buyen IUS) 17 cents sellers. Dee i US i IS 80 cenu buyers U*7 40 sellers *3MM trade- i cd. Jan
      97 words
      • 160 24 TrOKTO. Twea. The BMU- ket conunoed easier, with sentiment affected by the eoßKinulng rail strike and yesterday i downturn. dealers aald The Dow Jonas average tost IU point* to 4 3MJO with the volume natng to IM ouuion shares from 150 mil»?»*svr*»ye**rj*£r -ft» ta. in^i ,i? zr vM*u aaaaioa
        160 words
      • 271 24 CTDNST. Tuea. —The mar--19 ket closed lower on profittaking, with PiaiaaMaiaitil dropping to AU 90 and leading Industrial BUT to 17 02 dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordinaries Index eased 03* point to 437 92 BH Beat*. naasaratiy. qsi i sail ii I aflaai WMC, Nortk BH. -a-"-- Baa*** and
        271 words
      • 221 24 OONOKOffO. Tuea The market waa steady to slightly easier In quieter trading, dealers said. Interest centred on n Baak. which roee to UK 617 10 and the Jafwiae Loan, which again came under •riling pressure. falU.ig to 100 Swire Fariftr "A" and üßraßM*nßv m "vi t bath slightly easier
        221 words
      • 293 24 NEW YORK. Mon Block price, declined Might.y today, breaking off the fiveday advance of last week The Dow Jones Industrial average, which showed a gain Of 189 point* at 10 30 am. fell back to close at 656 34. down 4 33 from where it ended on
        293 words
      • 52 24 U UK MtWfMII) I«M II" -ante. l» Ml IV mm IMM IJ» oo» IMrvt 1» M I»M hWMk 11TSOH IMM IXIM T.M«I| «M<I| lanck«K IH «t IM 00 l»Of»l»> IJT 1JB 1ITTM i»J»» uootm Elpon prwaa la n«ti .i.rlin* »r»«» la 0 4on*ra p*r omm ll) Aualrmllan *<Xl»r
        52 words
      • 104 24 FINANCIAL TIME A INDISTBJALS Monday Ml 3 Friday 3*7.3 Week ago 314 2 TINS 1 Monday 92 06 Friday 96 40 Week ago 9642 BIBBEB* Monday 376 M Friday 377*0 Week ago 3*6 93 OILS Monday 321 17 Friday 321 13 Week ago 331 96 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS
        104 words
      • 162 25 AMSTERDAM M O n Sham cloaad mixed after r.rmin* in early active trad- inf on «idaspr«ad demand dealer* taid .:<h tnteroallgaiiftii and Philip* >:i sllfhtly while r»:.e MCtor plantation* I I I ■>,, Rs\ made Urong individual galru Sruppinfv Bo*». IHC and s^ardrn frU HeUwfcfm eased Store* were mixed
        162 words
      • 94 25 ZURICH Mon Share i on the Zurich Stuck exchange nnncd in very *c.din« today Industrials veU vught »!t*r Bond> werr in demand CrtOil Buliae lndn c1om4 0 4 point higher at PC* Ml '(I* pf»3»li> I »»i»« Rank COrpn 47» < fi >«■ Bank K-.HJ IMS I* NIMH KMtro-Watt
        94 words
      • 202 24 frlE StralU tin price In Penang yesterday dropped I) to 1947 per picul on u> offlclsl offering down 9* tons to 303 tons. The overnight London maul pure was quleCy steady with forward buyers quoted at £3 112 par metric ton. down 120 on Friday's close LONDON: Tin
        202 words
      • 33 24 Rubber Dec t. Singapore Dec. 152 M cts. (up I.M eta.) Malaysia Dec 157 w* cts. (ap 2*4) cts.) Tin $M 7 (down S3). Official offering 2*3 tons (down M ton*).
        33 words
      • 107 24 C MINIM MOOUCI (I changs sinoAPcaa not* CLoemo emeu na p.cwl VISTIBOAV. Jamil 941: Bulk WO leller. OM dium ISA Milan, arm I*o Hlkn C*aca Mii*e iMomi UK/Osat UO b*i>*n Pia»ir ktumok AJTA white [fob 100^ NLW UU, Hl.m ItnaU whit, lob NLW I24TS **li*n. earawak ipunl Mack
        107 words
      • 609 24 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday ruled quiet during the morning with prtcea remaining little changed from previous levels Activity was mostly confined to squaring December positions and switching but some fresh speculative buying towards the aeaston't clow edged prices anghtly higher Afternoon rubber was steadier, aided by some
        609 words
      • 101 24 r%AJCY BBOt and M prices laaued at uoan yeetetdat D4M Jaa MBit.* (CwnwMMlli) irmrariMUi Bar kg) (eesMa Bar k«) mm icy BMR I BUM. 10 (MR M (1 tt» pallet* IMOO IM.OON ***** *****N (1 tofl pallet) IMM IS7 00N 157 00 IMOON (1 tOB pklM) IJJOO
        101 words
      • 273 24 Money and exchanges nrHE US dollar eaae<f slightly to 12 4990 2 5010 at the opening in th# Singapore lorti market yesterday as there were no new factors to Influence the US unit Trading was fairly active with the US unit remaining around the 12 4860 80 level throughout the
        273 words
      • 173 24 Suggested Interbank raUa at 306 pm Cwreaclee Nominal rslrs sallhMl.. r>rtnta«a aaM«i rnttrti; irroosi parity )ku|i US dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dollar Malaysian dollar Aiul schilling Bel franc <com> Danish kroner French lranc Italian lire Ncih guilder ncr Bveduh kroner Swim lranc Deutache mark Japanese yen Auit dollar
        173 words
      • 302 24 A BIAN currency dtp o 111 Intovbank rate* at at cIOM on Tuesday. Dk 2 NOTE: Theee rate* ma? differ anghlly (roan Urns quoted, fey bank* to thetr custom*™ US DaiUr (Sp»t. Otttt BM 7 day* 5 9 l« t 7 1 ruth 7 16 nil 3
        302 words
      • 55 24 Prime lending rates (in Algamana Bon*. 7 F "»> Okooo 7 Bonoko* Bar* 7Vi *NCB 6 1 BanTo< Ammo 6", HKSBC Bar* o* Ch no 7 Moloyon Bar* o* Ta^r© 7 M Bonk 7 Bor* Neooro \n6onm,o7t OCBC Bangui a* L IndocNne 7 OjJf Chort««dßar* 7* Chosi Monhatton 7
        55 words
    • 301 25 S'pore Land to maintain earnings s \PORE Land does not expect earnings and diviayment in the at 12 months to differ greatly from the past year"s group ix profits of $2.68 million and payout of five per recast lal report Tao ■v reasng i from i^e are gong to be
      301 words
    • 42 25 FOR the year ended September 19 75. net after- tax profits at Killinghall Tin came to 1:328.039 compared with 1398 429 previously. Turnover was £1.37 million against £19 million last time Total dividends for the year came to 50p <25p>
      42 words
    • 271 25 UIGHL ANDd and Lowland.- Para Rubber (HL Para) has incorporated a Malaysian company Highlands and Lowlands Bhd (HLB) to acquire all Its assets and liabilities under a proposed reconstruction scheme. he scheme. HL which has an capital ol £14 9 i will be liquidated mpejty, which
      271 words
    • 128 25 rplit acquisition of the 1 vat Group of rrease Darby Holdings' net assets per share [$2.11 to $2 15 and per share from 9 31 cents to 10 36 cents Replying lo a Stock of Singapore n the proposed I the UK :it holding com-
      128 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1003 25 y a^ J W<mM -m^ I OFSALI I Proclamation of Sal* in the High Court in I Malay* at Seremban, Originating I Summonses Nos. 49. 50 81 51 of 1972 I Between The Chartered Bank. Applicants. I and Kean Leong Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.. Ii Respondents. 'm In pursuance of the
      1,003 words
    • 1595 25 EuMASilkliiylakMal Jsdß&* AUSTRALIAN HIGH i— i^»T^^^^ *KKP? COMMISSION A| U I I CaMaT lll\ll-. Applications are invited for suitably W||AALLEi.B^IV7II^IV-7 qualified Singaporeans for the position r a d rro cad marketing officer K. M^. mm t*H~B^ wL JPf Tne successful applicant must have ex aValm I tensive knowledge in the
      1,595 words

  • Article, Illustration
    27 26 In luxinK mrmvn of Mr. Kok 111 Kuan departed 3 12 72 Dearly mis- i sed by loving wife. son. d.iUKhtern and all loved ones
    27 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 421 26 OieTHELM MARKETING DIVISION ibly quolified male Singapore .x>*ition of MARKETING EXECUTIVE I THE JOt m monoging o deport.jnit tconr profit *orn*r in Mm ducts ore fo*r moving brondI aiding maior ax. I <]' advertising, promo- I igets Ev#>ntuolly the I 0(1 look forward to I I.<- of on important deport-
      421 words
    • 582 26 I HARRISONS LISTER ENGINEERING LTO invites oppl'COtioni for SALES REPRESENTATIVE (DIESEL ENGINES) A position ho* been created in the mechonicot department tor a Specialised Sales Representative m diesei engines ond associated equipment This is o new post orising from the Compony's exponsion in mechonicol plont soles The successful opp'cont will
      582 words
    • 495 26 SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Tenders are Invited from P.W.D. Registered Contractors In Civil Engineering above $750 000. for the Seijtosa Permanent Sewage Treatment Works Contract No which will comprise the following work* 1 The ronatruction of a »cv c t real men t work* including reinforced concrete tankt, sludge drying beds,
      495 words
    • 482 26 GENERATING SETS 45 3125 KVA Caterpillar, G.M. E.M.D. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BY AIR The Diesel Generating Co. Ltd., Burway, Ludlow. UK Tel Ludlow 2101 Telex ***** Cables: Gardlesel Ludlowsalop ®IHt Malayaa Bn-wprin (Singapore) Pt* l.imiud CWM-r.WßHv^Ro^l NOTICE IS HERKRY (ilVEN lhat the road leading (rom Alexandra Road to the Tiger Brewery
      482 words
    • 207 26 HWKKI ITI Ml iIIMPTKK IV IS7O ■mow MUM r ny IMfMIHI DIVIDKM) Hankruntvv No. JJJJJ N<> 83F. Jal.n Tenteraln Block 8 Singapore 12 ''^lArundjala,: ml I mi" y. ri^ i°.ntah Road Koad. Singapore l47Chop Mut Hiang formerly of No 201. Hom6s.n X..pore WOTICI HKREBY declared in each of the above
      207 words
    • 891 26 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY iikiinim ma I ■S^^ WJ MClftt CHI! Mil PWTI I'm Nrt Ulan H—i aainaa I «aict« nll (at n'< ».c Mit tt> ii ii aa. I an aaai II N Ma It ut n H ua ft N m> I <m I I Ma lH»aj
      891 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 865 27 CMT-tOMaT Tl HtWatll rM> KOWLOON BAT ,"i. ,Z I' Ml 'I v. I* M Hu* II M MMt MMM II M II aj II IM IMa tua I' .a. I p_» I a II im I t« t IM »M 'It 1 IM t| It* Jj j. im nim OBiiiaumf
      865 words
    • 1318 27 Ben Ocean Hen Imv Bk*>FhnnplGlpnljnp<UKi NSMO It M CMIlMat im MMI T—n P BMMI PMMI IMB TM HiaiMißl i| il Mt Hlt M H n Mi ll Ul («^.r. KMBBI lUM H II Mt 11 II Ml ifl IH ItMBI tt Ma Itl mp 1»M lrt»^lt.a^»* I'M. MMMi MM M*
      1,318 words
    • 1249 27 I MMMMMMMMMM It 1 T^m^L—^LM I bmF^~^^^^^b_l mr^ m "♦^^rTJ BBJ_ftf^r^BT_W_/^BT_l^_B II IMBW -M- I*B rMM n II i Lit Bram* M^»f| fV BEN A VON DC 'Si? .-."i «T Ri SKScfUu lit SS .5 S .IS 1 S tm m immmmm Vm mm mmi n ua na him IMTt
      1,249 words
    • 1125 27 I ■BaMMMM^^MMj^HMMMM FULLY COWTAINEIIIED StKVICE TO EUKOPt WTlANtli aac 11 aa* 15 I uiania M. n \ttnttmM. mvtmmm. tatarf Itlia-rt bibm la v mi if ttmm> t lw*M. iJimtiUuu. "T'la"""* ft r to "-»*t ■Mucia im n im it SMcaaM. o*k MtM-. mmtt Ifftm. CMa« Imm ici M Mi id
      1,125 words
    • 615 27 SaafM-l 11)444. P Maf IMI II »7U Ml 71M1 THE BANK LINE LTD. laws ■til unu laim urn -r i*pi i Mt sw iii Mr PBM lalt IMI a WMtl IM MaMM _IBHA IWIB p iif ll II Mt II II Mt KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) uuui Mir simci I'Wi
      615 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 922 28 mmi"** kaW, VSAU KMCN KAfSHA LTD. FRIT CMT' MIS I SflVKf Ta Vraaa laraai |Via «%m.«| MM uu MM.. SaM SaM lltec Tl tec ?4 tec Mtec RHTRM iMUII II tet 1 7 tec tec Ila StY »p4mb ta Jaaaa *t I'kuVat OuU *ak aaajaajtiN SaM SaM I tec tet
      922 words
    • 977 28 MMHMMMMMMMM. tmm ITA ITt II aintt tMMt il tea* IfatM I aa M) aa aawti •4A.IT MaM MaaM It Mt a Mt Maarta taif INK laiaa Mt II Ml Man Ml*M'M ti—m» Mir PMUMBT aattal II Mt am tnaai Viawaraa InaaalM ll* Ftar. Smmm teat SaMa «m Japan 1 TH
      977 words
    • 1084 28 irut Camtajono sawa n tiUPt im «p> Iw r Mlaa| 1 UaM HV| a>*a karaot IW amain awjllll IMM baaa II Ml II Mi n Mi n Mi 11 Mi Ufla MAI MIMI ta«M talMt II Ml lan N an Ilia ■PUM iMMu ii 11 M< v mi 1 n
      1,084 words
    • 767 28 ama sawct ti urnm ummutmaman nm Tl aaa. I urn i p (km, a^«_ imtmt m> <Mttt I, a^, rW, :> nn.., i Kau Mm inihi lM mh.u MM m h ttK VtS £l im. Cwa.i II I ii ll.* >an II I taati mi »»MtiiaM< n i a. iim.
      767 words
    • 758 28 A°J IN: Priam II M TMO B R.TY° VnnOUNCIO fS^slva?' Orr S?r, rur en nankin tilur J5 36. Orchard -ERTM,NO° l -iS?N« < d LS'> "f? l^.^!" vK MTa > mM (JtLb) 44. straat WEDNESDAY OS LuZOn 10/11 ApostolO^ cmiliim A 8 9. Yamagata Maru CEMBER 3. 1t73. (JIDT) 46.
      758 words

  • 10 29 Vninaula *K- ouitf <ii»< t salons m -irptton*
    10 words
  • 7 29 3 Religious Announcements .rotroiic n«ivu mutmm i
    7 words
  • 28 29 iOM T»» BAM MM acrd (3 pui--•H-11-7S l*ugni»r« in<tnf Jih ..n Van Maggie mdrhll- p m for ■und •Mt LOCT FALMfTCMCT lot Tttrrnm ii!uu'tl hw>c t
    28 words
  • 39 29 mi FftMHiv Of Th# liif Mm Hf FAMILY W !l» Illf l*» thank Pastor* and ihixliil *mil» Of lati Mri John »n* all unn| tnrir rvrrnl t»rr.. im mm% m »od«a« aban s r iixi fnrnds for
    39 words
  • 10 29 MIC MOSS PITIM 0 > and no «anu
    10 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 161 29 classified ads H K«'.n« Ui Ktcky tUSSEIN fORMERLY 0' .O 8 SAMARITANS OF singa■raasdi ght Help iasaxxxjxasaaxaai asrl .von. and fac- expe .-lie. pre- .-il salary 85 LECTRICAL SERVICE ENGINEER •ue to our expanaton in our bust-' 1 s aat Hli in ippllcant would in with a ..urnl in elec-
      161 words
    • 626 29 CMRItTIAN TUTORt RIOUIMO school leaver* apply with photograph/ telephone number P O Box 42 Chai Chee. Spore 14 ILIC TRONIC 6 INOMNUR the COMPANY, a leading U S manufacturer of proceat control with subsidiary lUona in Europe snd Australia v expanding iv operations M st Asu Electronics Kngineen are raaturad
      626 words
    • 682 29 PIR6ONNIL ASSISTANT. APPLI CANTS must be familiar with Statutory Laws pertaining to Employment should have at least 2 3 yean relevant experience sod not below the age of 26 Apply giving details of Education salary and working experience together with a recent passport sue photograph to P O Box 3185
      682 words
    • 810 29 I A TRAOMM COMPANY ISMIsTSS I one Female indoor Sales Clerk urgently Knowledge of accounting is an advantage Write to The V.tertuer PO Box 24 Chai Chee Post Office 8 pert 14 A taaal Hotel hat an mi MALI PERM AN* NT NKJHT TIUP* ION! OPINATOR Experience an advantage Please
      810 words
    • 593 29 WANTID SALISBIRLS WITN working experience Apply personally to Wah Tax Ptc Ltd I 09-1 11. PemnsuU Shopping Complex. Coteman Street. Spore EXECUTIVE OFFICER reaped ay axeesaßaSaadaiaaalseApplications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill this executive appointment by Mid-December 197$ The person must have at least 2 yean experience of
      593 words
    • 734 29 WANTIO RAOSO AMD TV tech niclans At least 3 years experience Poateas driving licence Accommodation r>rnvtd*d Salary 8350 plus commuaion for colour TV repairs Apply personally 834. Semiawant Road 10 a.m I p m A Mmxajrtnraig Factory m Joreaa requires ILI'.TRf SIC TECHNICIAN (MAL/( Ap. r »nt* must possess s
      734 words
    • 782 29 ENERGETIC HAN/ WOMAN required as promotional officer by expanding company with top quiremenu Persons who are selfmotivated and enjoy meeting people For interview call personally at Block 4. 11 3- A Queens Road. Spore 10 or MIS. llth floor. People's Park Centre. Spore I. today and tomorrow. 10 30a m
      782 words
    • 684 29 AN Ixe*M«ttClO PNJM Booker fur Singapore. Malaysia and Brunei Theatre Circuits, with rood knowledge of all Language! Films Applications should state age. experience and solar) required to Sunnta Film Duiributors 80. High Street. Spore ORDNANCE DIVILOPMINT 8 INBINfIBWQ COMPANY OF SINGAPORE (PTI) LNSITID lavßse tpttitßi ii trow ttngtpsre CRtaono tar
      684 words
    • 868 29 SWltt tURVEYINO ENGINEER seeks position in Singapore or Malaysia Experienced In surveying works tnanguiatn'n topographies, dam and tunnel construction in Swiss Alps Highways Languages Herman French. English Please write H Brenne 7 eh Pre Borvey CH int. Martigny switaerland TRAINEO EXPERIENCED ENG LISH nanny seeks permanent position nanny housekeeper social
      868 words
    • 913 29 MODEnN DETACHED lUNIA LOW han«i i t<i>- H •ir "niuwnm, spar. rooats with built-in wardrotjes and bathrooms attached lanje living patio area on matured gar den Furnished with washing ma chine television and telephone Tel i office > *****4 (residence l *****1 SPLIT LEVEL DETACHED BUNGA LOW at Hinjai Rise
      913 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 569 30 Si I SWSMSSVBNV ivia* aoAO '•Bf 1. (SOD 1 v»j -a Call KM *****6 6 CM6T sa HOLLANS) Q«OV park Iwasji^aaaatl Kasjse large yard f amlahed with .'461 I.*, a DM BSTACNI kwSrnriaii 2 bathrooms fur nitSMd n good dtstncu Rent II ring *****72 BCTACHCD BUNOALOW OOUOMJ--OTOMV servant 1 amemues
      569 words
    • 698 30 PULLV PUBNIBNBO ROOM in apartment to let shared with •ing* girl and bachelor Full 8n- terms and rent nasnuahte ration Phone *****31 FULLY .URNISHSO AINCOND room along «emence«u Avenue plus kitchen Ring 1746 M 18a m spm FURNISNIO/ UNPURNISNIB ROOM to let district 10 near Eating stalls Bus stops Interested
      698 words
    • 761 30 I txTaf'BjFW^F t J_BW STA4MI CLMMNTI PARK c it single and doublestore) bungalows Both unlU beautifully furnished Completed in 1072 CaS Mr Ong *****0 LICINSIO BUIST NOUS! on freehold land Completely reno vated 3-storey building situated near 5s miles Pasir Panjang Koad Built -up area over t.OOOsq ft II rooms
      761 words
    • 765 30 1-MDNOOMBO 1-STONIV SSJBsV MTACNSB in Thomson Oardens Selling at IMS. BOO Vacant linawiaaliiil Ring *****6 *****1 Mr Wong STFrSd"^- Land area 48.870 so ft Price 111/- per aq ft For further particulars pleaae contact C H WILLIAMS 0 CO. (PTI SUITE 1407. SNAW CINTM TEL *****5* suommmiv nttasmo au-rraii Hills
      765 words
    • 678 30 u»*OBiTu»CsS»»l^Wß»>atn»et. 4th Floor SIS sq ft office space for rent Immediate occupation Carpeted with built in cupboards and partitions Tel *****37 office hours TAN EAN KIAM BUILDING *«'p**w» Swwet READY FOR OCCUPATION Matters, aswaa Mat* rdealf or professional and commercial firms Coalrally loealed In the (iolden-Shoe area within walking distance
      678 words
    • 736 30 OPPvCI BOVaCI 884 as fl Oth floor Ookten Mite Towers o*o6 pi Contact 2sBBlBB 1 SMALL OPWtCI rooma to let in durt 1 Inlereated contact M 1539 GOLDIN MtU 8II0PPINS) Centre OoMMn Mist Tower any staas for sale/ rent Meng Houaing *****49 CENT-ALLY LOCATIO MOOERN warehouse with covered and open
      736 words
    • 956 30 MAM NO TKAVH. Service (Singapore) Pt« Umlted Weat Malaysia Tour ilnclusive Oenting. Cameron Highlands) by deluxe sir-conditioned bus seven days I SSI7S Departure Every day Oenlingv Cameron Highlands Four days SIIOO OenUng High sands Four days 881 15/-. Departure Everyday Bangkok Chlengmal by deluxe airconditioned coach fourteen days SI3IO 7
      956 words
    • 830 30 BMCIAL Or*«M UeughtfuJ Waal Malaysia 6 Days tour Tour fare includes tranaportaUon by super luxury aircoodiuoned coach. All lunches 4 Dlnnen. including 1 nightclub dinner at Oenllng. Hotel accommodation and all transfers Departure every Monday Tour fare 1160 Book Now 1 Universal Travel Corpn BOS. People's Park Centre Tel ftTMS
      830 words
    • 593 30 PAH EAST TRAVEL Huh i Pie Ltd offers low coat flights la London tiirope Also Worldwide reservations Pteaae call *****2 t>.wn IPwTt CITICENTEP i«g ..isive dinner in Hen ling I 8130/- Dap Ivory Monday Penarve Catnaran 4 days/ I MwMs *****- Uep -very A«l p m Ipsetsl tm way trip
      593 words
    • 547 30 OTRANO HOTEL Hencooien Street downtown alrron non air I rond PnvaU bath, single 830 double 125 Bar Restaurant Homely Servire Spore Tel I H** If SLOAN! COURT HOTEL 17 Balmoral Road quiet. nMdan- ual Oi chard Rom area aircon--1 dltloned 122 upwards. Tel I *****11 (Sporei f _B HOTEL MERLIN
      547 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 318 31 BIOHT a SOUND Laarn to type IN CNLV 12 HOURS' TrwSajht ft Sound May 4t SCCRETANIUS Spud dcv to CO Mpm> Sooc.» ttes for studentti 7S Tantjlin Road. S»»Btnnre 10 Tel *****2 INTERMEDIATE BOOM KEEPING i IUtM k»*18a8 I appeared for «ppi> wnu PRBMICR COMMERCIAL SO4OOL JO4 omssim«si SKsppmn Cenwe.
      318 words
    • 621 31 import f i PORT PROCWIRtsM and DncumenUUon ErtaßHatl;ng ciiirnsi contact, sales clause. method* of payment freight calculations types of L/C con- r.king and snipping proRTW codsnt. cuttonM r\ transhipment reexport insurance and claims etc -«i urday afternoon 3-4) ■unendns 6th December KB floor People's Park -merly at 482. 3rd floor.
      621 words
    • 535 31 PIANO/ THEORY. MSSMBMS to diploma piano )aatv tßOdern musK organ accordion, vsottn. «uiur cello rlannet stucaphone trumpet flute trombone oboe, drasus banjo banjo mandolin and singing Foorman Music Studios *****8 CTaUIKNU) CENTRE The laroaat snd most pfograaarva rasourca centra for exJucation sn buamsaa and the proreaaions m South fast Asia
      535 words
    • 657 31 CORRCSVONOCNCC/ RE9ORI--■RJTiaiS. For Ambitious Sacreuries. Stenocraphers Clerks. Typssu. Salet. 7 Businessmen be fins 4 12 75 Saturdays 4 38 6 30 p m Singapore Institute Of Commerce. 2UC Seles* Complex (*****9 *****1) eCOPLsTS COMBICRCIAL SCHOOL is-A. BearXeeat Read (Oppeeße Odaea Mans) Tet 486W1. 4SS7BS SPECIAL COMMERCIAL COURSES FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS
      657 words
    • 602 31 BBOIHNIRB JAPANESE (CNOLISN Medium) 7 12 75. Sundays II 15 am I 15 p m Lansuafe School. 17-C Beach Road Tel *****6 SPECIAL fIBEBHsTTHBS CLASS! S (RAPIO/ NORMAL) few ITUOCNTS/ SCHOOL LEAVERS (OAR.V/ TNBJCS WBtariY) IHim WlMpm STARTING DSC. JreV SB« Ptasae eswel ears/: SMtPeiStO CERTIFICATE COURSE aw LCCI Ciitsami
      602 words
    • 764 31 OUARANTE E TUITION AT your home or our school for Jll «■>*• jects and levels Tel *****6/ >Jh\J9 HIGHWAY DRIVING SCHOOL Dal sun 1200 hourly 17 OuranUe highway code test 531 Serangoon Road2!SBS2Se LAMBERTS OMVtNO SCHOOL rolled New DaUun i •anaeable 10 Balmoral R «d IVi ***** ***** ASIA DRIVING
      764 words
    • 953 31 PACtPtC MOTOR CRSWT PU Ltd Show room al 511. Bukit Timah Road. 4' ro s Spore IS Tel *****1 *****3/ *****4 offers 1975 Toyota Corolla 1200 Slatlonwagoß alrcon 1974 i Citroen 1210 Club. Austin Mini Stauonwaaon. Subaru REX 360 Toyota Corona 1600 alrcon. i Morris Mini Clubman. Coll Oalant 1600
      953 words
    • 818 31 LOTUS SUPBR 7 1966 Fully restored lo new condiuon 1408 >worth engin* 86. 500 Phone *****S or view at 11, l.ynwood Orove Spore 14 OECEMRCR 1888 VOLKSWAGEN 1300 excellent condition, new road tax insurance battery SI KOO un ,i Tel *****4 cxl 11 before 4 p m *****29 after 5
      818 words
    • 724 31 BLACK COCKIR BPAN4SL 2 name Jambo' Bukit Timah 4 5 m s Reward offered Phone *****6 ONE BLACK ANO Tan Dachund around Changl Point Holiday Complex Reward Ring Miss -Ntf ALSATIAN PIJPMBB PRO4J lm ported parents male 8500 female 8450 Champicn bloodline. SKC approved Contact *****3 PEOIORESO DACHSNUNO PUPPIES about
      724 words
    • 577 31 LIAN AIK DECORATION Construction Company spertallasVMS-fl •nek grille fencing (arrtenSHVfl house painting furniture. °"^^^^H houte renovation, nifnup'', (including permit appticaUoajsvT**. Tel 2524Z71 *****4 s" C ALLINOI CALLINOI CALLING! i ALL INI i »1.l HUH M ATS OWNERS t REGISTSRID CON TRACTORS lo carry out all renovation decoration works .11 HI-
      577 words

    • 714 32  -  DENNIS CHI A TRA CKWORK nUKIT TIMAH trainer Alan Yap Pow Lenjf makes his debut at the Singapore meeting this weekend and has entered three horses Yours Truly, Bdtsy's PVat and KoIche. A former assistant trainer to Keith Daniels, Yap may
      714 words
    • 215 32 A deadlock at meeting to save National LONDON. Tues. A deadlock after a two hour meeting here last night brought the cancellation of the 1976 Grand National one of the world's most famous horse races a step nearer. Represent atlres of Ladbrokes. the London ty< kmak*rs. met the financially -troubled
      215 words
    • 123 32 FlACturn down S. Africa's application fI*NTVA. Turn. The In- t«m«Uonal Amateur Cycling PMaration <FIAC) salfl It had turntd down South Africa* appUeatloa for nmbcrmhtp and urjed member ataoclaikm* to take aim action ««alrut riders who take pan in race* In that country The federation i executive committee, which v currently
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 47 32 LONDON. Tuea Jim WatU. former Nonhamptonature eaptsln, yesterdsy announced his retirement from first class county cricket Watts. 35 gave up the club captaincy after the 1974 teascn but took it on again for a brief period this year when Roy Virgin stepped dewn. Reuter
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 485 32 RIO DE JANEIRO. Tues. Two-time World champion Emerson FlttlpaUU astonished the motor racing fraternity when he broke with the McLaren team to promote ft Brazilian car with a dismal record But he Is convinced he has a winner. The car on which the
      485 words
    • 286 32 TLfONTREAL, Tues. —Hungary, Japan, the ITI Soviet Union and the United States each won two gold medals yesterday at the 1975 international amateur boxing tournament here. Cuba Uganda and Prance were the other gold medal winners In the four-day, 16-natlon pre Olympic competition. In a
      UPI  -  286 words
    • 73 32 KARACHI. Tues The Indonesian tenms team which beat Pakistan 3-2 In the Davis Cup eastern sone quarterfinal here left for a oneday stopover In Singapore tnday Indonesia will meet Auv trall* in MelJourne next January In the semifinal Team manager Sujono said today that as part of the
      73 words
    • 302 32 ORANTES TO HAVE NASTY CLASH? STOCKHOLM. Tues Ilie Nastase. the sometimes brilliant but frequently temperamental Rumanian tennis star has a chance to redeem himself when he meets Manuel Orantes of Spain In the Grand Prix Masters tournament here tonight. Naatase "Nasty ">. the "bad boy of world tennla. has already
      Reuter  -  302 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 466 32 Introducing J/p a I won the Asian Golf Circuit in 1973 W J and 1974. but my love for this part of J^r\i J\ lljwtyxf the world goes deeper than golf. Jj %Avm\Ao** w That's why I jumped at this oppor- SI tunity to open a sports shop here. It's
      466 words
    • 140 32 SBPV S^^^a\^^M^^^Mjß^M^^^^^^ m afßB fc "^_^BW^^^SaSßßßßw^^' /j^*^PRIZESTOBE WON 30th Nov- 28th Dec 75 v^sS DrawNos 9s-103/75 v#j] ass* M \J l/j \]'i "^^jpTß^^fl PI, n a^ ft A m Uf K>l KxiStf Return awtck£t to stout by cpa pius $;>ooo cash 2NOPW2E SdueirRETURN AJRTICK£TTO TAJ«H BY CPA PLUS SI 500
      140 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 553 33 classified ads OOCM FULLY AUTOMATIC 1 machine with that ranownm outstanding BOSCH now available at Singapore Berries ration Company 21 Ooldhlll Plata ■neapor* Tel 1M0137 19M1M Oame tn for a ftet gemonatratlon ••w^esai ntiiiganiMi A OCgeasi winning avard »eeas»on» ■yiMWted by chrosae tuMngs rroaa Italy at hair pne* Only S
      553 words
    • 478 33 CHEMIST A major International Oil Company requires a male Chemist, preferably Bumlputra, for Its manufactulrng operation. The successful candidate should have the following qualifications: 1. Minimum H.B.C. with Credit In Chemistry. 2. Malaysian aged 25-35 yean. 3. Previous experience In Petroleum refining and petro-chemtcal Industries. Salary is commensurate with experience
      478 words
    • 240 33 TtMCBAN HOLDINGS LOST CUTinCATB Notice m hereby atvea thai ccrtlfleau niMbend MOOUI7 for IJO* atiaraa at 11/- each, rasletered in the bum ol Won* KitJi Tow ha* btea imported loat Notlca U aleo haretor ftaea that a rtuplteaU eerttfleate wfll be lewed and the ort«lnal certificate win bt da— d
      240 words
    • 346 33 }&$£!Q& c ?L? m 9n (Prottxjtion) OrdJnancst of Xt* States of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak I and th# United Klngdofn Oev ign (Protection) Act of Singapore. I V Design Registration of a *£1 Container Closure Und^ptan S«.v** i J Design Registration No. 947,877 I i I Design Registration of a
      346 words

  • 709 34  -  RICHARD SLEEMAN \NOTHER 'TON' BY GREG By gKISKANK. Tues. Australia took a one-nil lead in the Test series against the Went Indies with a worry-free eight wickets win and a day to spare at the Brisbane cricket ground to day. And all the plaudits belonged to
    Reuter  -  709 words
  • 171 34 Was* lastas Ist inns 114 A— tnlta Ist ims M> WOT INDUS Jnd inns: lirtnliai c Harsh b OUasour 7 On 111 c McOasker b OUsmut IlilUt c Turner b Ullee II B*wv c I. Chappell b J*nner 101 Übainu b Maiiett 101 Ur.i c RMlpsUi b Jenr*r t
    171 words
  • 603 34  - Jamil our best bet in cycling GODFREY ROBERT By TALK of cycling In the Seap Oames and invariably the conversation will revolve around Masduki Basar Fcr he was the only Singapore cyclist to "win an International gold That breakthrough came In the 1971 Oames In Kuala Lumpur In the 4.800
    603 words
  • 448 34  -  BERNARD PEREIRA By NATIONAL champion Ng Chor Yau U likely to Dlay third singles in the Thomas Cup clash against Malaysia on Saturday. The two-day match starts on Friday at the SBA Hall at 8 o m. In the recent China tour. Chor Yau was
    448 words
  • 91 34 6YDNrY. Tues. Australian teenage swimming champion Jenny Turrsli mar mis* neit yet.-'! Montreal Olymplot became of a shoulder complaint, her coach said here today. Coach Fortej Carille Mid 16-year-old Mm Turrall had developed tendonlUs In both ihoulden abortly after win- nlng the 100 metres freestyle at
    91 words
  • 68 34 Malaysia 'no' to stage Asian Games KUALA LUMPUR. TUCK— Malaysia will not accept any offer to rtase the 1978 Asian Games here, the chairman of Olympic Council of Malaysia Olympic Council of Malaysia.. Datuk Hamxaft Abu Samah. said today Datuk Hannah, who Is also Minister of Trad* and Industry. was
    68 words
  • 48 34 HONOKONO. Tuee Th« I: i torporl cricket match between Hongkong »nd Singapore petered out to a tame draw, after Hongkong had failed to take up the challenge to score 282 runs to win In 90S minutes. Final worn: Singapore us and 167. Hongkong 144 and 212-5
    48 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 206 34 SBW m l^J—\ "^^eSg^gjß'^l^QF™' "^ejj^flSgl ■Meal ea^ea^eaW fs^eaV Veal ea^^— sa^safc 0^ Kin I A B sfl eaS I^BsbbH bY a^s^eC asaaasai Hk? _^Ba^J a^Hflalsa^H fora house immmm i (OM 6BBtf4BBBVeI > < JHmm\ wt^^^ gJg^gß "^^^^^^^^g« ■eaß^^^^^^^Tea^eaß v*3 B^saWj *M m\. I^4 m\ m\ ea^eaH A^SgS Sy S mmmmmmmmmmmm
      206 words
    • 60 34 Attention Golfers! Graham Marsh twice champion on the Asian Golf Circuit will be at his shop in person today from 1 1 a.m. to 7 p.m. to conduct golf clinics. Come and discuss your Af golf problems at, Mr 1 234 (2nd Floor), jTrM^M^H Plaza Singapura, 1 A Q Orchard
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  • Page 34 Miscellaneous

  • 12 35 ATHLETES WHO SHONE AT TRAILS Kunalan Swee Lea Chiew Guay Yeok Phee
    12 words
  • 703 35  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By v» th >ilken smoot hne s s, clocked an effort li>> :>ri.(l Me 100 iru'tri-N at the final trials for our S<?ap ath National Stadium. Other exhilarating efforts were by C. Kunalan (200 m 21 5), Ong Yeok Phee (200 m 21.6).
    703 words
  • 96 35 NZSA can invite Taiwan WfcLLINGTON. Toes. New Zealand's new Prime Mlni»ter Robert Muldoon. said today it was up to the New Zealand Softball Association to invite a Taiwanese team to visit New Zealand and it would not worry the government the team called itself "It seems a very trivial thing
    96 words
  • 318 35  -  PETER SIOW By rIM Kwan Choon has rejoined the National basketball team now preparing for the Seap Games In Bangkok from Dec. 9 to Dec. 16. The crafty Kwan Choon. who was not available for the Asian Basketball Confederation championship*, is back
    318 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 169 35 OFFERS THE fGXTRAS ...LIVE HUSK WHILE YOU SKATE i>> t Lower Rater /9am 7pm Ist2hrs $2 50 ata^aH L^sW a^B^a^B^a^C Subsequent 2ht a $100 flKHsj^k^ .^ll^' 7p m 11 p.m. Ist Ihr $2 50 *""^^H aM^ fl Subsequent 1 hr $100 Vy^LA -^j£ FREE Admission for vV jB I B
      169 words
    • 275 35 «©e©©&0®©_ e©o©ooo©® OUR Nation hockey team have come out one problem only to run into another. Fullback Irving Hoimbrr* will be fit to play but there was another casualty yesterday. Winger Keith Weinman is down with jaundice and is out of the team. Despite this setback, it was encouraging to
      275 words
    • 413 35 H Saf.A^a^a^MßaHP^^l^P^ I l Q¥ l l i V I B^Ltaflßal^^wu^^^B^B^lVnl^^rS^^^Bil laW I IsHaflaP'^a^a^aWsMP^ |(jttjjy Si *tw ax sssw^^a^ 8 L^^^ i Free After Sales S*rv«t LEO Electronic Lighter makes a perfect gift. For successful people. Including yourself. Because it's a successful blend of performance and elegance. See the full
      413 words

  • 213 36 Caught: France's most wanted gangster PAHIS. Tu M AN elite French police squad captured its most wanted man, gangster Jean-Charles Wllloquet. as he was watching a television programme about the squad. The gangbustlng squad had been hunting Wliloquet since he made a sensational courtroom escape with his wife In July,
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 27 36 LOUIt MHN LirOMT Mft-C •M IS. J«l»« Rumaft Tin««i ■i.i<M«l «u«««alr 2 II/7j C*r- Mm at. limnnu i Omili. tlaa RmI ThurMay no pm »or C.C.K.
    27 words
  • 89 36 Actresses who ran vice Ping jailed CAIBO. Tves. Four women. Including i two Egyptian fllsn •«ars. have been convicted here of running a call girl racket and riven prison sentences ringing up to one year. Miml Shakeeb. whose film career reached Its height in the IMb and 'Ms. received a
    89 words
  • 34 36 NEW DELHI. Tuea-Bri-tain today gave India £11 2 million iSS4M milliooi in grant*, moat of It unconditional, v part of an aid package totalling more than £100 million this yew. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 29 36 PbWANO. Tuas. Chief Minister Dr Urn Chang Bl ■it her* today for Hwigtang where be will undanto s om)or opera Ucm sx the Wuaeo Mary Hospital aeutar
    29 words
  • 46 36 CAIRO. Tuet Efcyptlmn fxpert.« were producing oil at the rate of 70.000 bsrreai a day from th? Sinai Deatrt oilfields at Abu Rudtu recovered firm Israel on Sunday, according to a repoit in the semi-official Al-Ahraai nr» .paper here. Reuter were then asked to
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 538 36 I OKDON. Dm Sham ctaMi nna aa ail«a*i tatejr. «n4 al > abl to* Pmaactai Tibm» ia4« «m SS al SMT w sata* raac*a bH««ra 2p and «p «a Mtnlt lutituixwmt liwil aalm ■M tb« wl4a*praa4 tAnmt* throuck iumhw »aa okih toward ta* eMm aa aa»mm alow "«v«M
    538 words
  • 299 36 ROW OVER ENERGY MEETING ROME. Tuesday A MAJOR row exploded between Britain and Its Common Market partners at the EEC summit here today on the key question of representation at the cominf world talks on enerfj and raw materials. Reliable sources described the
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 184 36 TOKYO. Tuesday JAPANESE Defence Agency director Michita Sakata today said the United States could make free use of American bases in Japan to supply its forces in Korea in the event of an emergency on the peninsula. Speaking at a
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 105 36 L J *a>iMBB NEW HIGH FIDELITY POWER-FV\CKED SOUND! Now. Sanyo packs more power into its portable radio /cassette The brand new K A That's not all. There's a host of *^7 -r other features like the 4-band radio /SWI/SW2/MW There's Auto Stop, a V^ 4W ITIQX. n mike. Sleep Timer,
      105 words
    • 475 36 Something old Something new GINSENG -E A Great Tonic for All the Family ■■■^■*»a^BB». OK* HMO li* uniqua ,^^^T combination ot Gin *^4r J| a^H KNO. ma Or««i «o "^^bbmV I n ««ry "»o( o< l<*» and ma «arsaliia V"* nun E s discovarv o' wodafn WfasMMi Sc< I anca
      475 words