The Straits Times, 30 November 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Sunday Times No. 2063 NOVEMBER 30. 1 975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 1117/75
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  • 959 1  -  BILL CAMPBELL In fact I have stopped work as Mentri Besar since day I was arrested and charged' From Kuala Lumpur, Sat. DATO Harun Idris tonight announced that he was taking leave from fhe post off Selangor's Mentri Besar to face a court
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  • 381 1 WELLINGTON, Saturday THK labour Government of Prime Min ister Bill Rowling bowed out of office today after the opposition National Part} scored i sfiisational victory in the gene ml (.'lections. The National Party. led by Mr Rob Mulwon 53 teau Labour's 34 -^at* and thu*
    381 words
  • 448 1  - Tug-of love girl 1 hearing put off From EDWARD LIU LONDON, Sat— A legal battle between a Malaysian tax official and his British ex-wife over an order made last Saturday waking their s I x y e ar-old daughter a ward of the court was adjourned yesterday after an hoar
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  • 34 1 THE taaday Tlbiii today la 14 sages la twe ssrtlssM, An eight•age pplssatnt »n banking and finance, and a two-page teatare Thailand are In seetloa two. Maka •arc ywa get batk seetloaa.
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  • 402 1 WASHINOTON. Bat. President Ford sets out for China today seeking to strengthen the Stno-US ties begun by former President Nixon. In a statement released before bis departure for Alaska and Ada, the President said: "Three times In our generation, wan in Asia disturbed
    Reuter  -  402 words
  • 437 1 E. Timor move by UDT, Apodeti JAKARTA. Saturday PRO-INDONESIAN political parties in Portuguese Timor today declared the colony as part of neighbouring Indonesia, Radio Jakarta reported. A Joint statement broadcast by the radio said the parties regarded the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) of Portuguese Timor by the leftwing Fretilin
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  437 words
  • 84 1 fiENTRAL Narcotics vy Bureau officers last night arrested two men and seized 56 packet* of heroin worth $35,000 near a coffee house In Orchard Road. A Volkswagen believed to belong to the two suspects was also seised. The two are believed to be members of an
    84 words
  • 66 1 TURIN. Sat Police today mounted a macdye search In the country ;'de south of Turin for a kidnapped relative of Plat chairman Olovannl Agnelli. Italy's top industrialist. The police also announced a reward offer of 30 million lire < *****--660) for Information leading to the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Latest
    • 64 1 HILO, HAWAII. Sat. Two severe eartho.aaaes and a volcano eruption hit the Island of Hawaii early today, sinking nuaseroaa boats aad caastnt tiltniln road damage oa the eastern and w tat era coasts. There were no aaaaaltles reported. The first «aaac registered 5.5 on the open-ended, EJchter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 104 1 "The heart of the giver makes the gift and precious" UTNEI. r dear a DIAMOND the most of all gems. SEXTOS DE SUVA. S««tut do Siva 4 Hyde fta., Lro\, C«M U~1» Arcao*. OrcK«r4 Im4, IiIHM" T«l: 374**] 25C OUg. Sh.^nt Cm«i«. C*«r«' Q>«r. ligisin 1 Tal: *!227g rDivoRCE thiswukin
      104 words
    • 67 1 'BRAINS' OF BREAK-IN GANG ARRESTED -Page 7 PATHBT LAO dlssohrea eoaUUoa t UN votes for nuclearfree sone in g. Faetftc S HDB look, lav c*ntral panning syatean far fire fighting UPHILL task of tram ferrJng 'elan loyalty' to the state: Don 9 LIVE or DO eases: Doctor* hare no right
      67 words
    • 43 1 Save, money! You'll save money on every ounce when you buy Brand's Essence of Chicken in the big Family Size 5 oz. bottle! Brand's Essence of Chicken Trusted for Generations. JtwP branets i M^OUNCCS 2 *r >> B^IH2H? ESSENCE L^LYt _rnir 1 1— MY-
      43 words
    • 10 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Worldwide
    • 81 2 rpHAI soldiers with tanks strengthen their positions on the Mekong River bank after the bor* der was closed by Laos and Thailand following a gun battle last week. Both countries are reported to have moved heavy artillery to reinforce their border units after the Thai
      UPI  -  81 words
    • 33 2 WABHINOTON. Sat—Secretary of BUM Henry Kisalncer wIU visit Japan on Dec 7 and I to brief Japanese leaden on President Pord'i U:p to China. the Bute Department laid yesterday -Reutsr
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 334 2 SPECIAL SESSION DECIDES Off DISSOUITVM VY I E N TI A N E, Sat.— The Pathet Lao-dominated administration of Laos is believed to have formally decided to dissolve the country's coalition Government, in which rightwing officials have equal representation with pro-com-munist forces,
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 62 2 COLOMBO. Bat— Finance Minister FwlU Banoaraike yesterday announced In the National State Assembly that Sri Lanka Is to receive UBH3 S million (BSIM 75 million) Special Dnwtnj Right* from the toternattotul Monetary Fund The Special Drawing Right* would help the Oovemment of Prime Minister Mrs.
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    • 174 2 Call for Asean free trade zone MANILA. Sat Philip--IVI pine Trade Secretary Treadle Calaxon Jr., today tfymtd a free I trade sone among Ike Asean member countries to increase trade and generate wider sc— suit Investments. la a sveecn before badness leaden of the Asean (Association of Soatb-east Asian Nations)
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 155 2 'BONN OFFERS TO SWAP SPIES WITH POLAND nONN. Sat. West n German security authorities have offered to swap two alleged Polish agents arrested In Munich this month for several West Germans jelled In Poland. Die Welt reported today. Foreign Ministry and security officials declined to confirm or deny the report.
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 44 2 Food Council members UNITED NATIONS. Sat The General Assembly yesterday elected IS to the M-mcmber World Pood Council. Mauritania. Rwanda. Somalia and Thailand replaced Oabon. Iraq. Togo, and Zambia Bangladesh. Indonesia Argentina, Meilio Yugoslavia. Canada. West Oermany and the United States were re-elected.— AP.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 38 2 MBHLOPARK (California). Bat— Rear-Adm. Clifford Van Hook, deputy commander of the US 7t|> Fleet In the Western Paclfte during World War 11. died j— lanhi tX hi* home after a brief Illness He was SS -UPI
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 124 2 'Papillon-stylo' convict on killing charge over woman DARIS. Sat An 80--i year-old man who served 27 years on Devil's Island was under close guard today after being charged with subbing to death a rival of his own age for the love of a woman. Charlea BoucheC who was sent to
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    • 80 2 Dublin airport blasts: Two hurt DUBLIN. Sat Two bomb explosions within SO minutes rocked the Inte r n a tlonal airport here today injuring at least two people. accordIng to airport security. The Brst bomb vent oft near a bar in the arrival* hall on the first floor of the
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 40 2 WABHINOTON. Sat—Pn■ldent Ford jeetcnlay nominated US Appeata Judf» John Steven* of Chicago to wccee d letlied Supreme Court Justice William Douglas, calling Judge Steven* the "tax qualified" of all the men and women booeted for the Job Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 311 2 Israel can do without the UN force in Golan' TEL AVIV, Saturday ISRAEL has shown no sign of bowing to Syrian terms for an extension of the mandate for the United Nations peacekeeping force on the Golan Heights, whose future hung in the balance today. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin stated
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 314 2 BCRGCN lINMCM (Hollar*), Sat ULSTER Volunteer Force i UVF i delegates, here for mystery talks with rival paramilitary leaders, stayed on in Holland today In defiance of orders recalling them to Belfast Ostensibly the talks here were to discuss housing no operation, but Informed
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 200 3 npOKYO. Sat. A 1 nationwide public workers' strike for the restoration of the legal right to strike threatened today to lead to a .showdown between the Liberal Democratic Party Government and the unions backed by the major Opposition Socialist Party The stoppage by the
      UPI  -  200 words
    • 102 3 NrV\ DELHI, Sat— I I ttar Pradesh tinlstrr Hemvatl Nandan Rahuguna announced his resignation yesterday ending a year-long struggle for aower within the ruling Congress narty In the north Indian state. Hl« removal from office Is seen by political observers here as the first step
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 67 3 COLOMBO. Sat— A Soviet naval training ship fitted with aophlaucated electronic gear arrived jestarday In Colombo and Is to to presented aa a oft to Srl Lankai navy for the Island nations 2Sth founding anniversary Official* aaid the ship U "the latest type of Soviet naval training
      UPI  -  67 words
    • 122 3 Aussie party chiefs in bid to woo immigrants MELBOURNE. Sat. Party leaders set out to woo vital Immigrant votes this weekend Just two weeks to go before Australia's general elections. PtonMr Labour Prtßtt Minuter Oough Whlttasa. wboat forarnmant m—lawa on Nov. 11 artar It tatted to hay* two bud** Bllat
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 257 3 Morocco units seize key Sahara town RABAT, Saturday TNITS of the Moroccan armed forces peneU trated 112 km Into the Western Sahara yesterday and took over the desert town of Smara, about half way between the Atlantic and the Alegrlan oasis of Tlndouf the Moroccan news agency MAP announced today.
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 241 3 MARTIAL LAW TO BE LIFTED AS LISBON IS BACK TO NORMAL LISBON. Sat. The Oovernment today was preparing for a return to normal activity and the Prime Minister said martial law would soon be lifted In the capital. The last pocket of resistance by rebel leftist troops caved In yesterday
      UPI  -  241 words
    • 75 3 LONDON. Sat— An authoritative British economic survey yesterday fast at a further tnci— s in oU prices of tot worn eight and 10 par cant from July next year The latest quarterly review of the National Institute, of ■conomlc and Social Research said It
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    • 51 3 MOSCOW. Sat —Mr Taster Aratat chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organlsatton, Mt Moscow yesterday attar s tour-day visit and taJks with Soviet kwdars on the Mtddat Bast Raaorttng hia departure. Soviet tstsviion did not ■Motion his destination, but Arab sources amid he wma thought to to heading
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    • 336 3 "Milk feed badly mixed by Third World mums' BEKNE, Sat The chief executive of Nestle. Mr. Arthur Faerer. said today the company could net be blamed for nlnw of Us milk product, by ■aethers In the Third World. He told a 9rees conference here that Nestle did IU best to
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    • 460 3 UN votes for n-arms free zone in S Pacific UNITED NATIONS. Saturday 'pHE General Assembly's main political committee yesterday overwhelmingly approved the concept of establishing a nuclear weapon-free zone in the Soath Pacific. The vote on the proposal, promoted by FIJI and New Zealand on behalf of many other countries
      UPI  -  460 words
    • 321 3 UNITED NATIONS. Sat. The United States last night challenged South Africa to permit an International Inquiry Into conditions In the racially-segregat-ed republic. Including IU prisons and detention centres. In a hard- hitting speech, the US delegate In the Oeneral Assembly. Mr.
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 298 3 MADRID. Saturday EINO Juan Carlo* will shortly face a key test of bto Inauguration promise to lead Spain towards liberalisation, according to government sources. He must choose a chief of government and a new president of the Cortes (Parliament). Th* sources said
      UPI  -  298 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 ■■BfiHalaV TX-9500 WHICH TUNER IS THE PIONEER? Pioneer's newest AM/PM receiver is clean, simple to operate and simply beau (ii to. Inside it'sooe of the most circuit-pecked t Because bring in the clearest, strongest signal possible and to deliver the highest c v want gadgets, you won't get the answer
      63 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 PERFECT COMPUTATION B *s»»>'^j»»" B> mßjß|^_^*k^j^p. 'ad icAV^Z^ 1^ -V* BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVjmam B^BBBbV VjTbBBBBbI LaV fl E>^B*\ am^ -tutaf agt nere' Man and maenma Tha I maami ajv oartaci cowpulaton tot prograai Anaißajtamawy-T vl/ I Bam I as computer* nan* bacn daaqnad to ptar—l> ft "ftr J I I accurate reeuM
      77 words
    • 587 3 6 ta^S^*f"« aßkom) m a* Baßaaavaaß) oBB^Bk. aaaaaaa. am bbbbbbbi eamßßaßaßaWßmaal faaW ■Taß^BatßaTaaaTaaVaaßßaTflaTai' B JMIiITT FOODt fEimiJiJ JEIfICK. 5 smx stilus I CONDENSED MILK S FESTIVAL Quality Award Winner 7 J r» 397 9 .1* 1 THAI RICE IS FESTIVAL Best Quality. OCA S Excellent Value 3k 9 0.9U Ql
      587 words

  • 120 4 rpHE F. Tconyson Jaaaa A novel, A Pin To Boa The Pecpabow aaaad on a real-life and heatHne-maa-Ing murder OEM in of the ltMa —la dramatised In four-part serial, startinf an Thursday on Cn. 5 at 1«1». This Is the story of a waaaan.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 400 4 Dreaming of a house? Buy it now with the help of Chase Fed up with paying rent you about the advantages but haven't enough of Chase housing loans, money to buy a house 9 Like loans up to 80%. Your first step to home Repayment up to 1 5 ownership
      400 words
    • 104 4 I vT^^B jij Home is where the heart v and, that has to be the Miramar. The nice thing about satisfied guests they keep on coming back. I We're centrally located in the busy tourist I district with a beautiful garden setting 216 fully I air-conditioned rooms/suites. 'Cosily furnished, wall-to-wall
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    • 93 4 H JDW ljL a<a-la4J 7 t^*O\ A/smooth -textured I IVfV REFRESHING.SOOTHING BODY TALC Ym. its OLD SPICE BODY TALC in a new economy pack I Smooth tax iur«d. retreahing and soothing with that famous Otd Sptce fragranoa. Wait till you tpraad it on I OLD SPICE BODY TALC will keep
      93 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1354 4 I J highlights WEDNESDAY: CANNON'S latest client TOMOUOW: J 1» a rich heiress '.no MAM BUILDS. Man BP^fc; jjk Ser father* had shot him Destroys studies the self In The Triangle of growing energy^con- K Terror." On Ch. sat 8.35 sclousness of the Indus- p.m. (Colour) trial naUons as they
      1,354 words
    • 665 4 JM w«ck there win be another cartoon series, cailed "The Most Important Person." At 612 pm. on Ch. 3. A YOUNO MAN. following In the footsteps of his ex-lleutenant father Joins Pepper and W Eft- Crowley In trying to ■j break a drug ring In bmVJ FoUcewoman ktorv "its Only
      665 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 559 5 PHILIPS Features: 66 cm (26") screen, 12 skin sensitive light-up touch buttons orders to the set m sound^^M for channel selection. 2 front speakers. too high for you to hear. Ol I i channel selectors Philips wire-less magic box I i gives you complete control of this set IZZL, mn
      559 words

  • 108 6 Student falls to his death A SECONDARY Three pupil of the Chal Chee Secondary School. Un Jit Kwang. IS fell to his death from a block of Housing Board flats In Marine Parade on Thursday His mother. Madam Tarn Su Ah. 42. said he waa a studious and hard-working boy.
    108 words
  • 111 6 Youth robbed by knife gang AN II year-old voath was threatened with death, then assaulted and robbed of cash and valuable* worth MOO at knife-point near the People's Park Complex at about 12 30 pm. yesterday. Peter Sow Peng Hah said he was waiting for his c der sister at
    111 words
  • 602 6 HDB looks into central pumping system to fight fires in its estates fHE Housing and Development Board is currently studying the introduction of a cen tralised ring pumping system of fire prevention with the Singapore Fire Bri gade for implemen tation in its housing estates. This is one of four
    602 words
  • 196 6 M-cyclist and woman die in road mishaps A MOTORCYCLIST and a grandmother died la road accidents on Friday. Madasn Leoag Ah Cfcee, died at the Singapore General Hospital. regaining consciousness, N minute* after she was knocked down by a motorcycle at I.M pm. in Kirn Tian Road. Tiong Bahns.
    196 words
  • 86 6 The Senior Minuter of BUU (National Development). Dr. Tan Bog Liang. will imi silt Singapore at the »th meeting of Urn Colombo Plan Consultative Committee for Co-operative ■cooomic Development In South and South-east Asia in Srt Lanka from tomorrow. Other member* of the Singapore delegation are
    86 words
  • 65 6 A YOUTH who matched a necklace from a stall aaslstant as the stooped to adjust her kuppsrs was yesterday Jailed fot If months by a magistrate's court. Ho Weng Khuen. 31. unemployed, pleaded guilty to iteaUng a gold necklace with Jade and fold pendants from Miss Quek
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  • 290 6 Architect who draws on a funny board DRITIBH architect "and cartoonist, Mr. Louis Hellman i above), flew in yesterday to promote his new publishedln -Singapore book and for a look at Singapore's building Industry to lampoon. The book, a collection of satire against the profession, entitled "A Is for Architect."
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  • 470 6 'Scope for expansion of S'ore-China trade ties for mutual benefit ECONOMIC and trade relations between Singapore and China could be accelerated and greatly expanded in Future with the two countries cooperating closely for their mutual interest. The chairman of the Economic Development Board. Mr. Nglam Tong Dow. expressed this hope
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  • 299 6 Back to jail for man who duped his friends A MAN who found It difficult to get a Job after his release from prison In April last year, made up a story about opening a restaurant In Holland and cheated friends who were keen In Joining the business, a magistrate's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 We've stopped trying to be like all the others When we first started building refrigerators, we had to go through a learning process. And we had the whole world to learn from. We took the best from vMgyZ£d Br^i /f*Ji r Now we have P ertected our skills and we
      221 words

  • 442 7  - Smashed Break-in gang with 'padlock strongman' N.G. KUTTY »10,000 cigarette* and tools i—d By POLICE have smashed a gang believed to have been responsible for a spate of burglaries in shops in the Geylang, Aljunied, MacPherson and city areas, for the past 12 months, with the arrest of its three
    442 words
  • 561 7 A GRANITE quarry partner was jailed for nine months by a district court yesterday and ordered to pay a penalty of over $f>oo,ooo after he "was found guilty of nine tax evasion charges. Hg Chwee Poh. 50. was, however, released on $5,000
    561 words
  • 62 7 TUB UP tor Anaoo. Mr P. Oovindajamy. will op*n tIM 10th Art for everyone exhlWtton at Urn Anaon community centra at S pjn. on Friday. The Thibmon by total arttau. )otnUj ortanlaad b* th* Ministry of Culture and Urn Paoplr-i AaoctaUoo. will br opm to
    62 words
  • 39 7 TRB Mlnlatar tor Social Affaln. «ncU OUunan Wok. win present prtaa* to wtnnara of Urn Paalr Panjanf Constituency Sparta AssodaUoo tatrm lasyws and Knock-out Sooosr Tonitia.BMBt tor 6m Lions Cup. at Urn CMllman Barracks today at pjß
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  • 29 7 THS Ml&laur for National Dinaißsiswl aad Oiiiimleattoas. Mr. Uai Kirn Ban. wtll opm Urn InUrnattooal Transport fYitifitt-r (TTF) Hotd TraiMpart Werksn CDafntot at Urn Hotel Equatorial Ummnm.
    29 words
  • 28 7 TUX YufMla* Chart* d AilaJrm. Mr MlluUn Plttporrle and Mrs. Plßponc held a recaption at Ouodwood Hotel last nigßt to eakH brmu UM KepubßCl tiai annlTwnary.
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  • 19 7 RKMOVATIOM wort »l UM Dnfcar Hod outpatient dtop«i»J7 hM boo ooopMad and It win to n-optati trom iUUMCTW.
    19 words
  • 197 7 ri\HK Slngmpore Apex 1 c:ub» .Burnt Tlman and Tanglin bare urged more tlncle glrU between the age* of 1? and 25 to participate In their forthcoming 81ngapurm Prtnccai contest which ha* met with poor reaponat. Or. Raymond Yuan, chairman of the organising committee,
    197 words
  • 136 7 48 sign up for QE 2 luxury cruise AUCOBD awsaaer ef 48 ninfsf rsans sail MalaysUuu slaved ay recently fer a getaway f reas -It all traas-AUaatie etwaM aasard the laxaxy Uaer. Qaeea Ettaaseta t The lave was ha Urn fens off a special aaekage deal a threeweek beliday at
    136 words
  • 347 7  - Our champion stamp collector S. M. MUTHU By BUSINESSMAN Tay Peng Hlan's devotion to stamp collecting spanning two decades paid handsome dividends yesterday when he won Singapore's philatelle "Oscar." He was awarded the gold medal at the National StamD Exhibition given for the first time since It started seven years
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  • 17 7 ram v*** t— -■>— y tar aawaMtM ai Orm amexawv jiaiilsr BMtfctoe> Me «ac was tojwwd.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 63 7 wLwJ^wastl lwfV^B*«B 'jlTxport Take a crash course •♦mcH prepares you for business or for a position In en SKport firm TKe Internattonal Export AMocwtkon's 20-lesson Certificate course is the cheapest home-study fixtion ovatloble The lEA course i» the one which owofdt th«Certif kate ef Aisejwrte Membership in the organawHe« re
      63 words
    • 388 7 wawsaW^- J^Lfll W The paint that's beautifully right! 4^^^^ Pick a tin from DNT's range of able, anti-fungus and has wxcvM'jf bright and beautiful colours, ant colour ratwntlon whether Open the can you gat a plea- it's for interior or exterior walls. 4!^^is-WJ/^fck. Mnt hlnt o< ch#rr V. instead of
      388 words

    • 610 8  -  WALTER SEOW By T*HE Wind and the l LJon (now showIng at tae Cathay) is based on an obscure incident in American history when Teddy Roosevelt sent his Marines to Morocco in 1904. The objective was to rescue an American
      610 words
    • 670 8 Bogdanovitch's films ...'they take on a life of their own' LON DON: The time to noon, the place the Royal Suite at Claridges Hotel here In London. Film director Peter Bogdanovitch sits opposite actress CyblU SheptTd, eating fried eggs atop rare steak and drinkIng a cap of good old Krirufa
      FWF  -  670 words
    • 447 8  - The decline and fall of the twin cities of sin ROGER YUE By "IT is our pleasure to give pleasure," says Bera, the Queen of Sodom, flashing her best man-eating smile at Lqt, leader of the Hebrews, in a scene from Sodom and Gomorrah. Whether Lot derived much pleasure from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 329 8 fLIDO: StVrfEEK-34tk l4V!j l 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 am. 130,4.6.45, 9.15 H-^io **> PETKSEUBB K X CHRBTOPHRPL'Jkie nST 11 OffMKHESOfU HBSERTLOM )J SBSSSSSSSSSSSSBI 9iMt ••••yOHS. I^^^ <•»»• .i b C^^^^s^^^ssVsfss^ 1 i UDO-SEXTCHANfiB! DUE TO FILM'S LENGTH 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTE TIMES 11 00 «m. 2 30. 6.30 t.Upen I
      329 words
    • 110 8 Notional Theatre Trust and Young Musicians' Society present CHRISTMAS FANTASY TONIGHT •t the Victoria Theatre 8 p.m. Tickets available at the fate. Sponsored by: POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK T«'S 1 V«B'S SYSTEM J| Til -I HI t«erv W«d 4 Fr, Prraofe Clou 6pm to 7 p m Grouc Ckn» Bpm
      110 words
    • 57 8 nth bifl o*r NOW SMOWINC I JO )N JO t 0O^« iUNAINAH M AMIN. AZIZ SATAR. IMAHIM Pf NOW, m. KELUARGA ■aa^CQMAT PARAMOUNT UrtOsy I JO. J JO 7 00 t« JO Lmm Omi «m lOrn Hrn "HOT WAVE" (Mondorin/CotoricooeJ Todor <* IlOOom WAIT MSNIV PROeUCTIONS TO 000 LEAGUtS UNOCI
      57 words
    • 322 8 Le Chalet The only re/touront inhere you enjoy Swi//Cui/ifte in o faii/j otmo/phere r/ jT Jr /jr XT V BbW I B^^^BBBBBsH "^P^^^^^^^BBBBBBBB^^ BBSBBBsi ÜBM 1 BSUBBBSk^BSSBBBBSBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBbV'^bO BBSBBBBBbJ B^BSBBBUasWv v.*^i^B *t^E Or lunch in style on our DAILY SPECIALS Wife MONOAY dRw Boiled corned brisket of beef $6 TUESDAY
      322 words
    • 463 8 ipTHftVl LAST OAT' AT7 OSPJ* ONl> J MAZIM6U I MS* i m Color Scape Mondor*n AT V.iePM ONI' KUN« fU MOTHItS i Mm WHO wijt 1 Poi P>ou 'i. I ColwScop* togi x V/f s I i Off THI lUNNIN6 MOt < L«no Tien Mo I >■ J Cak>rS<ope fngi.\>-
      463 words

  • 88 9 RTC FOR SEX OFFENCE YOUTH CHUA Klsng Seng. 17. who had pleaded guilty to having unnatural relations with a male student at a public toilet on Oct. 37. was yesterday sentenced by a district court to "the Reformative Training Centre. Earlier the court heard that Chua confronted the student at
    88 words
  • 631 9 process of building a nation in Singapore with a predominantly ethnic Chinese community is a slow and, at times, an uphill task, a Nanyang I'niversity don said yesterday. Prof. Wu Teh-Tao, dean of Nantah's College of Oraduate Studies, said a
    631 words
  • 269 9 'Danger of overreaching for exports' CUtrOß* pressotton Li schemes shoald net be at the risk ef lavttlng retaliatory action, a Singapore economist, Dr. Lee So* Ann, said yesterday la evening the toneday systtpoetSMßi on Expert PromoUon at ike Eegteaial English Language Centre. The irmmliiri la ernnisee) by AIESEC (International AseecUtton
    269 words
  • 622 9 AN Ixport Credit •^lnsurance Corporation of Singapore la in the process of being formed under the Companies Act, with a paid-up capital of $3fl million. Announcing this yesterday, Mr. H. M. Sithawalla. Deputy Secretary of the Finance Ministry (Development Division), said toe
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  • 209 9 rt deputy director of trad*. Mr. Tan Song Chuan. yesterday urged local manufacturers not to view export promotion aa a short-term measure but to regard tt as a continuing activity necessary for export development Mr. Tan said this in Ms paper. The Ro..- of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 600 9 BUFFET SS£» UINCW evenj Sunday JSJrEfU.. fyk +\yp VlHlw 3% Bovi tax to be added) UJI I I II Ifcl 1 1 HL i£ ;> llGTDft efcia I Rt%s I HvJßlHll ijMANPWMavksa^JAW^striiSes 51 Baa Bub faaY bIbTuIbI bbVI In i a Wai IbP Im von am y Bawßuawßuawßuawßuaua^Bß^A 3^ BuaV
      600 words
    • 483 9 Talk convincingly J%L JLflt to your mm clients. P*™™Y Think how effective it is to talk to your client in his own language l Hosv much more convincing you can be. How much easier it is to make a success of your efforts Communicate effectively with your French client. By
      483 words

    • 121 10 KOTA BARU, Sat. »llce gunned down a "wanted gunman" in a shootout at Kampong Kedundung. about 12 km from Paslr Mas. at 6.30 a.m. today He was gunned down fired a *hot at < police Police laded ids of 45 ammunition from hl.n The dead
      121 words
    • 159 10 New cab service system for Subang KUALA LUMPUB, Sal. A new taxi aer via* systeaa wlThe ha■lawtsi ace* at the Sakaag lateraattaaal ahrMrt hen, Urn D» Sjny W•r k and TraaaMrt Minister. Mr. sUehard Ho. an novDced today. The a*w system, which raejalris tazia to aaeae In a fenced area.
      159 words
    • 571 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat ALL artned forces units in Peninsular Malaysia have been put on standby to assist the authorities in flood relief operations. A Defence Ministry spokesman said today members of the Ist Bn. Royal Malay Regiment had been deployed throughout Pahang, the
      571 words
    • 238 10 Curfew raid: 11,000 screened IPOH, Saturday ABOUT 11,000 people were screened by the police during a 10-hour curfew which was clamped on Paslr Plnjl New Village at 4 a.m. today to flush out subversives and se- cret society gangsters. After making a house-to-house search, the police arrested two youths "One
      238 words
    • 127 10 ROTTEN CRAB MEAT: MINISTRY RAPPED DKNANO. Sat. The I Ministry of Health was today rapped for their "deplorable lack of responsibility" In not checking on putrefied frosen meat offered, for sale to the public ■nclk 8 U. *M**+r~y* idrU. pnaidwn of to* OmauHn AasodaUon of Penaof. mid today that CAP
      127 words
    • 32 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Man than MJM Australians are expaeted to rtttt Malaysia ntst jmr mOm Urn about partaf tour programme, aeeortun* to Mr John BUI g«Mral manager o* Quant— bm*
      32 words
    • 301 10  -  NAJIB RAHMAN From ONDON, Bat— lt AJ Is understood that the Malaysian students* Council— the central organisation of ail student bodies In Britain and EireIs completing an Inquiry Into alleged malpractices and mismanagement of Its travel secretariat, which was based in Malaysia Hall
      301 words
    • 30 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. rtour gunmen heid up five workers In an electrical (bop tn Jalan Pudu her* last night and cribbed 130 000 and electrical apodi worth 11.40*
      30 words
    • 58 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. Prices of vegetablei and flah In Kuala Lumpur and Petallng Jay a market! nave doubled v a result of a shortage '■'< supply brought about by bad weather According to flan and vegetable seller* here, they have been forced to ralac prices as
      58 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 305 10 The Straits Tii > Annual 1976^^^^H ___J Ngl VJ I Lc I /wsWl W *fl gM I h The ColOUr BOOk- M* l to <** S <*U mysterious shores of humour, revealed m Mabytfe cartoonkt Ut's TKnCfr^lcTlmAr A««..^l*7A Wwi Bw t wheTt *«*> nirfiU portrait of his hometown. Ine OirailS
      305 words

  • 669 11 'Doctors cannot end the lives of braindamage patients' Why giirgooni are now mow intorofod in doa tfa LOCAL private practitioner yesterday said docgbould not be the ones to decide the termination of of a person suffering from irreversible brain daind living a vegetable sort of existence. Dr. Owee Ah Leng
    669 words
  • 248 11 Cisco man jailed for taking $15 bribe J^ CISCO warden was jailed for six months yesterday for accepting $15 from ;i taxi-driver for not taking action against him for entering the Central Business Distgct (C.BV>) zone without an an-a licence during restricted hours. L«hak bin Yakop. 29. pleaded guilty to
    248 words
  • 264 11 SCOTLAND PUSHING TRADE TIES BECAUSE OF N. SEA OIL QCOTI-AND Is casting Its O marketing net overseas for new outlets and business opportunities. Independent of England. A Scottish Council trade mission, which left here yesterday after a weeklong visit, was the first to visit this part of the world for
    264 words
  • 50 11 A MAOISnjRATTi court y— Uiday caltod for a probation report on Indcra B •urtan Hasaan. IS. after h« admitted nealinc a wallet containing 13* from Koh Mrw Lsi In Uw National Übrary on Friday at JJO pm. Tht east will bt hoard again on O«c 27
    50 words
  • 38 11 RSAP aircraft wIU conduct live firing iwrcuos at Uw Suuthern Island* imago at Pulau rival from Monday to Friday from S am. io spm dally. The public Is wamsd to kc«p ctaar of thf rang*
    38 words
  • 146 11 rE Ministry of the Environment yesterday sal<& the bout of food poisoning which affected about 129 Vigilante Corp* members last Saturday night was through con tamlnallon of food caused by a micro-organism called staphylococcus ■■re Sources said the organ Ism which had about
    146 words
  • 405 11 Plea to help her retarded son get cured rE mother of a 12--7e«r oM boy with brain damage, Mrs. Florence Koh (store). beUeves her retarded son can be treated by Aastrallan specialists who have contacted her bat Is unable to take op their offer beeaHsc af limited finances. Mrs. Koh.
    405 words
  • 292 11 MANILA. Sat. THE foarth council meeting of the Asean Chambers of Commerce and Industry today urged all shippers in the region to drop their contracts with members of the Far East Freight Conference (FEFC). The Asean-CCI also called on the Asean Government,
    AP  -  292 words
  • 367 11 Tourist fined $2,000 for 'illegal help A TOURIST who assisted an Illegal immigrant to return home by sea was yesterday Jailed for a day and fined $2,000 by a magistrate's court for harbouring the Immigrant. Azaharl Sam. 46. an Indonesian, pleaded guilty to harbouring Hassan bin Hussein, also an Indonesian,
    367 words
  • 234 11 'Keep a lookout for phone vandals scheme rE TeleeosascanlcaUon Authority of Singapore Is studying the Introdactlon of a new scutua*. where owners el prfrtats In lew traffic areas will be Invited and given incentives to hoase and look after public telePOODCS. This was disclosed by the Minister for National Developssent
    234 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 233 11 With only l J fl 7— monthly for 18 months this Trinitron is yours 1 1 nnr i^BsSSSßnaSEEs^^S"">^ssiiiii iiiiiii mil < I With a very small amount of down I payment, you can bring this Trinitron color tv home and the rest, you pay only $77.50 monthly for 1 8
      233 words

  • The WORLD
    • The Sunday Times
      • opinion
        • 554 12 rjEATHS caused by road accidents, are arguably the most preventable of deaths. The steady fall In the death toll on Singapore roads over the pact two years testifies to this. It was an achievement brought about by the concerted action of the various Government agencies dealing
          554 words
    • 949 12  - Divorce Catholic style under fire as emotional issue grows JUDY KLEMESRUD By in BOSTON (^AROLYN RILEY is a short, 35-year-old typist who has brown hair and Irish blue eyes that really do seem tv smile. But when asked what she was doing at the fourth national conference for divorced and
      949 words
    • 703 12  -  FENTON BRESLER By in LONDON 'YOU CANT get x Mood out of a stone," to an old adage that most modern divorce court Judges swam to have forgotten when ■arming an ex-hus-band liability to pajr maintenance for his ex-wlfe or their
      703 words
    • 653 12 NEABLT two yeara after seising the Paraeel lalanda In the N«uih China Sea from Urn Sonth Vietnamese. rvkini has amerted Its claim to the Spratley Islands. «Ma« *M kma •oath of the Paracels and I.ISS km from Hainan Island. After docamentlnf the claiM to the mase of
      653 words
    • 648 12  - The addiction that can be harder to break than drugs NANCY BYRAMJ! By BET your bottom dollar on this compulsive gambling baa gripped Singaporeans more tightly than ever before. Social workers and antl-gambllng authorities are now betrtnnlng to see Urn results of Urn addiction. OambUng. say Urn social worker* to
      648 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 13 12 jiffj^ Automatic Chronograph magnificently crafted for the action-man. 11l )Mri mWmmQwF LC-0900 *sMid*
      13 words
    • 285 12 f^~ FOR VOl R A CONVENIENCE Premier Store Bats Building and all Retail Stores Agencies WILL REMAIN OPEN f TODAY YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy A: Business Studiev with 60 years successful evpenence offers you Courses for the examinations ol Amoc. Oft. Accts.
      285 words

  • Timescope . .
    • 763 13 Who says we have no Singapore jokes? Ah Q he say... 'KF i% the Omo-. totally hi/hiour kM place I have ever i joie arrow, nothing but intense, earnest dMcuislons, no joie-de-vivre," »aid a disgruntled visiting American diplomat to me last week. aajraa, tyolnjjporrjn then, thai I should be about
      763 words
    • 3679 13  - Callan YES, YOU ARE MY FRIEND, BUT I MAY HAVE TO KILL YOU JAMES MITCHELL By C ALLAN sal in the car and looked ;iiioss :il Hi ■thedral; tin- most mble put i (fothic lu''(l ever Beside him in the driving seat. Meres yawned. resenting his boredom, Itching (or action,
      3,679 words
    • 1225 14  -  IVOR DAVIS SIOWFUKE By frM APART from the name there was nothing remarkable about Snowf lake. Arizona, until the night of Not. 5 Blnce then the little town population 3.000 > has become famous across the United
      1,225 words
    • 969 14  - Home recorders a choice of three types HiFi MICHAEL LIM QF all the sound equipment that would normally be brought into the home, the tape recorder is the only instrument that can be used to make recordings There are basically three types of recording media the openreel compact cassette and
      969 words
    • 150 14 ECONOMY CLASJ Akai Cj MMDS (MM): An scsmsmy deck affording the pleasures of t*9« recording with minimum fuss and bother. Fine ««allty, too. Sony TC 377 <*4M): Thb ta»e deck offers much more In sound quality than IU $4Mprice woald inggest. Unhesitatingly recommended MID- PRICE CLASS: Sony TC-4M
      150 words
      • 400 15  - 4 horse-power status symbol for our envoy London Scene EDWARO LIU ■Y LONDON: A moot an- saal aiplematk event occurred In London recently. It was the fl«t time since Malaysia and Singapore became Independent nations that thrir representatives to the Coart of St. James presented thrlr credentials to the Qaeen
        400 words
      • 920 15 HAVE often wondered how some people can be active practically round the clock and remain fresh and alert. I envy them, for I have always felt there is so much living to do and so little Urns to do It in. Life U so
        920 words
      • 452 15  - 'Numbers' Who's best album this decade records JEFFREY LOW [records] THE WHO: BY NIMBUS (Polydori. This Is one occasion where we won't get fooled again either by The Who as a collective entity or by their masterful leader Peter Townshend. "By Numbers" Is a direct contradiction to the smashing style
        452 words
    • 471 16  - VANITY FAIR A touch of cane for that look of simplicity wong lai wah by J^ 0C A L people often have an aversion towards cane furniture, harbouring myths about its tendency to attract bugs. So even if Its beauty is admired, the practical minded disregard It and opt Instead
      471 words
    • 697 16  - Housewives' backlash hands Women's Lib a bitter blow JOYCE EGGINTON By in NEW YORK f N THE New York area. til where the women's rights movement has gathered some of its keennest leaders and some of its greatest strength, the feminist cause has Just suffered a bitter and unexpected setback.
      697 words
    • 782 18  - THE TOP MEN'S FRINGE BENEFITS GET PERKIER AND PERKIER MARYLIN BENDER By VJSW YORK: No matH ter how much shareholders grumble and government lax retormers threaten to crack down, fringe benefits for top executives an getting perkier and perkier. Such traditional and conspicuous prerogatives of high executive office usually called
      782 words
    • 1308 18  - Why it is better to base the PER on after-tax earnings Investment lie Beginners PETER SUTHERLAD Singapore and Malaysia only international equity centres to calculate ratios at pre-tax level IN THIS column on Nov. 2, I explained that a company whose activities straddle Singapore and Malaysia will find that after
      1,308 words
    • 652 18  - Advantages of sticking to stamps for profit JOANNA SLAUGHTER By LONDON: The beauty of stamp eollecUnf U that phlUtellaU can combine often fanatical enthusiasm for a hobby with Investor prudence. This Is rare Indeed: well, when did you last scan year share certificates with lovtaf eyes* Of coarse, there are
      652 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 922 13 REDUCE ONLY WHERE YOU WANT TO! ssna I I i %^*^assw>t afT^V BBBBbA V? 1 «Tl BBBBBBBBBBai bbbbbbW at I J 1 bbbbV BBBBBBfdarJ BBBMBBBBBT^BBBBb! M aT Bl jSJUfIMT L O S E INCHES QUICKLY! *^T yet still eat regular meals Warn. i. Fra»<«. mm 4 U.S.A. Mm saw.
      922 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 101 14 c^LiStcti Here Vvve'f c having a fantastic Stak-paks snap or^ mAk^ kViAL^v slide together. w>k gP^^.^^ m h They form a miniature "SSv^ t^^lr^^^ m m> chest of drawers, x^V^^l k^**^' 1 wUk i^^tf PP I each with its own label. NOOfV^I WK 1 M^^tfff^^SiSM >oJr^^ Jl watt When you
      101 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 479 15 "I had a job that paid more money than any of my mates." When 1 left school I thought 1 m m^ m^ mm mm^_^ was smart But now I rtskst ttw I truftt I had no Mim. and by the I time 1 was 25 1 was at 1
      479 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 838 15 Hi WKIioKN PPfl *WI %mi'M RH PISTE* I ARIES OT 2l Usws Kr Kjß *< i. Jan 30 ggggcf io Krfc IV ggfl I* Marc* 2S aaaawl ****> i hoi (.H you are in EARLY part of IF YOITftE consider- TOO make up a quarpractlcal by nature, week, let your
      838 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 663 16 INNOXA SOLUTION 41 Problem skin is a fad ol life t, pimples and blackheads affect everybody at some stage or other n4l trom Innoxa deals with skin problems Effectively 41 is a medicated lotion formulated to combat skin blemishes. The Elands which control the amount of oil sec retcd through
      663 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 123 17 a^T^w f S laf WV^gf ~™T^ W y mJ~^ > I 1 BSIsS sW^LW I I Ssi I^^/ Dependable Hand Sanders Wt WKKt or Commercial Use. l SsW^^^^^^ f nere i» a rue«ed. reliable Mort«l OA nd#f lof #v#fV lyP# WM >f sanding and politfimq operation. Powerful yet quiet. National
      123 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 192 17 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD *Cmo ipetion nor (tt Let It mot <4> 6 v.,- DOWN, l Created bird iSi II Mra- 2 Tree ill 1 Lartc ihrtmpt <&> 11 161 i Round .5. 7 Tablrt Si 16 Bone <5> <6> S Puh ill 9 Rime* it. Poeaeuor isi 20 Pouo 11
      192 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 375 18 Don't guess withyour Money! If instinct guides you to buy stocks and share*, think twtc«. Sound Investment starts wtth good knowledge of the stock market We have it In the Singapore Growth Fund a multi-million dollar unit trust wtth a portfolio of over 30 leading securities It's investment wtth the
      375 words
    • 329 18 Do you knew the name of StaMpore's tep goal getter in the 1975 Malaysia Cup series? Answer S mere simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metre Gift Voucher in the $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS 1st PRIZE $3,000 2nd. PRIZE $2,000 3rd. PRIZK $1,000 4O
      329 words

  • 13 19 3 Religious Announcements »B»'f«»N CHUOCH fINO* •"■■I I Road nttttM ItltV MtTMOOItT CMIIHCH
    13 words
  • 19 19 ifNG IIIW HCI af«J ««O«K Lit SOOM CHOV. ur tl v Her Iom LIM OfOK ANN UHU
    19 words
  • 9 19 TMf FAMILr OF Itw Ul> Mr Vr..
    9 words
  • 10 19 IN CHCRISHfO MfMOftV -,f| JOSJPM tHMlN.I Always
    10 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    29 19 Madam (hen. Kerk Yak n Mr Vincent Lum Pui Chan on 28-11-75 Cortege leaves Singapore '> Pie Ltd At 2 p m on 1 12 75 for Bulim Cemetery
    29 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    25 19 T PAUL tAMACHANDIAN C«m ba* m— »*fg«r»e« •T W mi CtiMraa Mass St. |»s«p»> i Chwdi S— «»l 10 11-75 10 10 *.m
    25 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 81 19 classified ads H M I I to LO* U t on COO t OlFT OF i .on Brnjr B~~B~MBB~*JPH SOS SAMARITANS OF Troublei' 14 44 day as near as the _K7TT*rT__i FULI TIME TEACHERS I II ..da> Managr- Third Par I PART TIME/ FULL-TIME SHORTHANO' BOOKKEEFINO TEACHERS REOUIRED CaM 3*144*
      81 words
    • 501 19 Agent uf world renowned office machine* and equlp>rs rxcellent career for the following suitably qualified (i) SALES REPRESENTATIVES SALESOIRL "AINEE TECHNICIAN (holder of class 2 driving rraMy with own Ng OPERATCR/ RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST valent ■*mun*r**)on arcording to qualifications and luUUnding serneflU will be offered Ptaaae apply in writing with re-
      501 words
    • 501 19 f ■™a™aapa™i HOME OWNERSI If you nave properties to buy sell or rent. with the specialists Victor Mendei (Pte) Ltd Auctioneers Valuers. Property Managers International Real Estate Cnsultants tel 94*44 Spore BE WANO PARK 3- storey split-level semi-detached and Town Houses at Telok Kurau Ultra modern design 5 Rooms 3
      501 words
    • 857 19 CHANOE ALLEY AERIAL Plata 1 .»ll>er Quay. Singapore Shop* reasonable renUl En.r phone number 71*24 or IA Change Alley Aertal .ilyrr Wtiay S pore I il n iti^~ -MM* ffe H E-BaMii ft USIBBB REVOLVING RESTAURANT CUM I Derk it Collyer Quay to rie* lelrphone number 71MI ..r ill al
      857 words
    • 666 19 OXLBY TRAVEL (PTBI LTD. OVRBEA TOIMS (SpaeM O-ar) 111 Taiwan illujlien AJlsani Hong Kong (Macau)/ Bangkok 14 days ***** 12 day* ***** Departure 1 12 s 12. IVII. 22 12. 2S/I2 (2i Korea' Japan Taiwan (Hua lien/ Allsan)/ Hong Jong (Macau). Bangkok 19 days 821*0/ 17 day* 119*0 Heparture 1/12
      666 words
    • 556 19 and Documentation Eitabnirtinfjoverseas contact, sale* clause ■Jthodi of payment. freight ■BlCwfcjUoos. type* .»f LA contract* banking and snipe** procedures BTN coding, customs procedure*, transhipment, reexport, insurance and riairas etc Kv«ry Saturday afternoon 3 p m commencing Detember at 43*. 4tn floor. People's Part Centre (formerly at 402 3rd floor. People's
      556 words
    • 794 19 t.tion and procedure by Lecturers with combined experience of 30 years Commences pm 2nd Iferember Enquiries Management Training Centre 304 3rd Floor. New People's Part Centre _7«SS* PEOPLE S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 2*-A. IMCOM Road (Oppults O«aa- Tat «aU34. 4M7OS nemsal csaa* any ronvenient time from Sam 10 p m Baaaaaapta*
      794 words
    • 630 19 romo co— t— ia im i» .>■ IBS* Tax til condition., aircon extras, recent- I ly paint eronnnn j! smart run- I nlng tor uertjr S2.7** PnoneMH4l MM M)T* VOLKSWAGEN IM* MO I onucl S6WO7 RSOISTBREO ISTI OATSUN 1 400 2nd owner floor gear New paint work ***** ono *****0
      630 words
    • 602 19 MARTMtAS SALON 11 A ii V mr f l !i' t i BMSBBBI la iuu» i .innoeniiai ir. „r r grooming by trained lady i SM ladies msn tar your p*< t RELAXING MASSAOS by -King Mualilied Masseuses MAKE NEW FRIENDS ng ***** M 2» appointm. CHAMPION BIOODtINS DOBER APHRODITE
      602 words

  • 1821 20 FAVOURITE PAPATOL SCORES TO PAY $1 3 Amateur Lai lands double on Peninjau and Solitaire J£UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Papatol, confidently handled by Moses Lee, put up a fine performance to score afain in Race 8 (Class 5 1200 m) at the Pro- Am meet mr here today. Installed favourite, Papatol
    1,821 words
  • 45 20 >. pool: Ist. No: 14Z1M (52.179) tad. Ne: *****7 (SI.W9) 3rd. Ne: 14M1S (SM4) STARTERS <*M each) Nos: 1467! J *****7 *****3 144 CM 1449C9 *****9 *****5 148*27 148C79 CONSOLATION (S4B each) Nos. 141M3 *****8 USXSt *****4- ****** *****3 1455*1 14(884 1*7993 14M29.
    45 words
  • 20 20 LONDON. Bat Maltord beat Paatharaton* Rovers 13-7 In a Rugby Lsagu* Dtvtason On* match her* last nlghL Rafutcr
    20 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 466 20 Large established international trading company invite applications for the position of: ■j Service Maintenance H Manager Applicants should have a minimum of 5 years technical experience on Hi-Fi and television equipment, and must have the ability to control and organise the service department. The successful applicant will receive generous salary
      466 words
    • 379 20 f ACCOUNTANT IPOH REMUNCRATIOM:AROUND 1 20.000 PA A leading local company located in Ipoh requires the service* of an Accountant to manage all aspects of the accounting function of their organisation. Th* successful candidate will be responsible for the preparation of statutory accounts, management reports and administration of budgets. Candidates
      379 words
    • 959 20 TOMB IDUSTMES SOU BHD. w* hay* rtrtHMinKMOrrom.l\Jltrrm in oar propeasd Autoasoetls Plant at PSXAN m THE STAT* OT PAHANO Th* Plant ha* vwr* £bMUou> pttne for axpanaton and Is tookint for MiUjelin auaaos with drtv*. tottaUH* and aptitude lor learning in Urn following area* The rrnssral applicant will undergo ortantaUon
      959 words

  • 149 21  -  EPSOM JEEP By JOLLY PHILANDJ ERER can score again in Race 3 at the Kuala Lumpur Pro-am races today. At Ipoh earlier this month, the Philanderer five-year-old put up a top-flight perform ance to win the Class 4 Dlv. 3 1,200
    149 words
  • 692 21 RAt-S ONE: Lei Tan. a beaten favourite last time out at Bukit Ttmah. can make amends In the opening rare hare He waa not disgraced when third to Putra after misting the start A run previously Lul Tan whipped hu opposition over 1100 m, cantering to win
    692 words
  • 44 21 RACE 1: Lll TAN Lady Rotoyn EACE2: GONZALEB Cinderella RACE S: J. PHILANDERER Kirn Klst RACE 4: SRIKANDI Black Pury RACE S: FULL TILT Oarden City RACE 4: RED CARPET MsiyMUn Royal RACE 7: DUKEDOM Anugrmh RACE DRAKE Bistro Boy Going Forecast: HEAVY
    44 words
  • 626 21 STIPE'S REPORT Jockey Anuar fined $200 by stewards r < Anuar the rider of Stale* in Race 4 wat *ards at rUnfl «t KuaU ar| Steward* yesterday rarea: i MM; Aaae left the stall awkwardly, losing a FUder K W Lai made up kxt I. tn Kamban (DM. I IrffrrW
    626 words
  • 236 21 DISAPPOINTING LOH FAILS TO MAKE THE CUT w ANIL*, gel ThaiM m-T. rmn>— ■hen aaanaet thtwnjh at tha aaa* «ttk gaaaa ef «M ana M 4 her* la*ay *a wta tha aanrtai SaaJ nut M tha I*7l ■■Wat WerM Caa. (mbmb hi tha lf-tanw Baal rwaaa\ tna M-yww-aU •NWmW iklitnti
    236 words
  • 515 21 He celebrates new role as captain with brilliant 123 BRISBANE, Sat Gr«f Chappell kept the West Indies on the run in the First cricket Test here today with inspired performances, both as batsman and captain. Chappell's 129 his 10th Test hundred
    Reuter  -  515 words
  • 867 21 CTRTSn 1-30 MARA CL 4 DIV A 1200 m wMbsMbvbbbbbl (man and women rids**) i a taa> ntef daHanaar PC) iPinaXj «si woaawoiei t Till la« Ta» IS pore PCMPtnanjSS) smj Mm> t I I 4» UniSn Lara PC>(P»nalt|r «'•> w Lm 4 Mi tots* iSpon Pti iPrnalty
    867 words
  • 120 21 uonojcomo. mt. an* He driven, todudtac about T« top tmrau oompeutors. win take pert »s flnmswfs Ninth fcllinitsanal Jtartssg Pit* (HEP) today. fcrencs, a epofcassaaa fer the orgaßsssrs. m. BDocktnc sUrt CJnb. a*Jd -Harry FulfcsrUn. M. of ■Main. was two year* eg© won foor
    120 words
  • 125 21 WEST INDUS Ist Inns 114 AUSTRALIA lat Inns (overnight S4-S) i at Ma run out Tnraer b Roberta Si I. CwaaaU tow Oibbs 41 O. Cfrisail c Oreanldge b Roberts 133 ■aeCeaker c Kairtcharran b AU 1 aUrah c Murray b Otbba a Glim ii c Lloyd b Otbbe
    125 words
  • 262 21 Skipper Anura knocks a masterly 97 I^aopur (India) Bat 1 Brl Lanka made good use of their winning the Mas for the first time In the iiiM^-fri Test series against India by rattling up Ml for the lots of six wickets on the opening 1 day of the Third and
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 362 21 IN THE MATTER OT THE COMPANIES ACT. (CHAPTER I«U AND IN THE MATTER OF LIANG CLAN TRADING (PRIVATE) LIMITED (Inrorporstca ia Siagaporvl (la Uaeia'eUeß) Mesaeers VoloaUry Wimiiac NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors or the abovenamed Company which Is being wound up voluntary, are required on or before the
      362 words
    • 138 21 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. (CHAPTER IN) AND IN THE MATTER OF LIANG (.1 AN TRADING (PRIVATE* LIMITED (lacorperates ia Siagaporr) (la Liquidation I Mneevrs VoluaUn Wiadiag lp At an Extraordinary General Meeting or the Members of the abovei amed Company duly convened and held at No 280-A
      138 words
    • 406 21 4 WORKS I TECHNICAL MANAGER I I required by o well established worldwide oroaniso- 1 I Hon I This is a senior position requiring a morured I I technically -or tentoted person who is capable of I working independently ond able to motivate itafr under hit chorge I The position
      406 words

  • 316 22 Derby win after trailing 2-0... LONDON Sat. De r by County wiped out a two-goal deficit today to beat Middlesbroach 3-2 and keep the lead In the English rootball League First Division. Derby trailed 0-a after 13 minutes. Archie Oemmlll grabbed Derby's winning goal nine minutes from the end. nBST
    316 words
  • 483 22  -  DENNIS CHIA By STAR STUDDED Oeylang Internationals, beaien 2-0 in midweek by Tamplnes Rovers in the President's Cup, yesterday showed the strains of playing three matches within a week when they had to struggle to beat Changi United 3-2 in their National Football League Div.
    483 words
  • 239 22 King's Cop side look better against Belait gINOAPORE's much-crltlclsed Klng/g cup soccer team showed Improvement last nl|:ht when they beat Belalt District of Brunei 4-0 In a friendly match at Jurong Stadium, reports JOE DORAI. They looked fitter and played technically better than In their previous matches, but they were
    239 words
  • 277 22 Penalty and sack floor S'goon Garden ACONTOVERBIAL penalty seconds before half-time dealt Serangoon Garden a knockout blow and they Clashed by 9-2 to Kakl Buklt In a National Football League Division Two match at Toa Payoh yesterday, reports BERNARD PEKEIKA. The I wnn war* rtaarlloclrafl at 3-1 whan referee Urn
    277 words
  • 106 22 PWD L F A on|u< Fonm rti»nfi S'raaamn Juror* fttaamnf I I 0 K 11 t 1 17 I J I 1 JO 10 MIIUI t 4 I JOB t i «a m S 1 > It IS 2 I •11 44 t i i» n n 10 i
    106 words
  • 370 22  - Big test tonight for Suresh and Seap Games squad JOE DORAI By OURESH ANANDAN, Singapore's most promising player, will know tonight whether he is good enough for a place In the National team for next month's Beap Games at Bangkok. Suresh. Armed Forces' outs tandlng midfleld player and their leading
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  • 156 22 YJONOKONO. Sat 11 Singapore took a rofYi|n^p^tp> 250 run lead at dose of play on the second day of their tntcrport cricket match against Hnngkortg here At stnmps. Singapore were 136-7 In their second Innings after dismissing Hongkong for 144 runs In their first Innlnp
    156 words
  • 382 22 KUALA LUM Sat Malaysia held a tight rein In the second half to beat Singapore by 13-6 in their annual rugger international match at the University of Malaya Sports Complex here today. Malaysia scored their points from a goal, try and a penalty. Singapore collected their
    382 words
  • 73 22 FIBST DIVISION GEYLANG S (0). CHANGI 2 (1) Oulam Mohamed. Sharlman Kerning 2 Doliah Kasslm, Arshad Khamls. SECOND DIVISION KAKIBUKTTt (3) S. GAR DEN 2 (2) 7. Ohalfar 3, Thomas Louis 2 Banusl Ponlzan 2, Mohammed Redza. Hamdan Nairn, Samad Din and "own" goal by Dhillon Singh of
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  • 90 22 BANOKOK. Bat. Thai, land's Ventca Boisotsui Oriental Baaing federation bantamweight champion, yesterday won a technical knockout over Kirn Ju Brunc of South Korea In the fifth round of the 10- round nonI title bout her*. After sending th* Korean to the c»nv»» M la the
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 116 22 A MUSIC CENTER YOU CAN CARRY AROUND, WITH ALL THE FEATURES YOU WANT. This JVC radio cassette recorder is a portable music *er with all the power and features you could want Rugged, accurate tuning mechanism, maximum power (2 solid watts), with variable sound monitor, automatic level control and built-in
      116 words
    • 143 22 r Air UL The Right Choice for Men and Women Top Quality Watches with a Touch of Romance to Warm the Heart W aaaalal L- I I J I ll sl 1 I syl t ■I I WL^mf m llnV-aiataal W P^ p y^/^MTQja M Af^s»»»W V^BBBssß^ A •I-
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous

  • BANKING AND FINANCE: Special feature
    • 5 1 BANKING AND FINANCE: Special feature
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    • 746 1  -  NANCY BYRAMJI ty THE 9tafapore-based Asian dollar market has continued to make good progress despite recent uncertainties in the world economic scene. Total assets and liabilities of the market exceeded expectations and reached US$ll billion (5526.95 billion) at the end of June this year.
      746 words
    • 565 1 STORE'S BIG ROLE AS FINANCE HUB Mr. Van Oenan also said last year that he expected "significant" expansion of the market In the future, though he would not venture to make any statistical predictions. He cave his bank's assurance that It -would help "divert" some Middle Bast oil funds to
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 130 1 POSB HOMEOWNERSHIP SCHEME HELPS YOU OWN A HOME Tl E EACV lAIAY -<^ —^m i^B^BSas»j^^mi^B^Br^^^^^^----i 1 \w \^r I A I \^*^gmw Jr m <^ r -dt s^amlmßKigf gmlmW I POSB makes it easy for you to own your home V i^] -m^gCifec I ■id up to 90. of the
        130 words
      • 183 1 jmfl mm. ""^gm^gdm^gml JHil -S., dH^B m L» 0 kla^m^gm^gftHw^kmL .^mfl I V^^^^^H aH 11ml i,s«inlliiU afe^P l^ 11 11 111 IL-i fc .Ti&ji rL^L^r flF^ lmm_! 'A^H gmwsit KnPdJ i> F^ A from South East >»*<•! tUftt txjtkJmg th* OCBC Ctttf. to 6* compWC $OO* Come to OCBC for
        183 words
    • 1929 2  -  BRYAN A. SHORT By Providing the investor with degree of liquidity Singapore decided to become a major financial centre in South-east Asia, it felt that one of the ingredients to stimulate and activate the local money market would be the creation of a discount
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 329 2 Algemene Bank Nederland Incorporated in the Netherlands with limited liability. .Capital funds in excess Qpto&iUent of 55 900,000,000/-. Algejttie B JflPfjederßd B ofi of the twLi 3 £<£¥< and m POTt 4ciltii» f I im ieHts on He fenfnent of Euippe. I frUkmMt credits I I I lln Jdition t*
        329 words
        80 words
    • 1122 3 Firms can convert trade debts into cash under plan iy tffcuu. turn WHEN SAVINGS OFFSET THE COSTS OF FINANCING TO fill one of the gaps between traditional lending practices of financial institutions here and the financing requirements of many corporate borrowers, a finance company has Introduced Into Singapore a financing
      1,122 words
    • 52 3 la ilr-ttadttlM^ aaamteH mmtmt Urn ■ala Y^~'i'~| hafl at m lMf>B<jMal jMa£. ptaaal? MrHMti wttW •hiay walla. emUn wHhMaato«U*wr«Mi *ad 7 «-eateala« mi an intmUtmtmm CMUm U«hUa« ts (Ms MM ffc— llMy ft*. Mated la a, aarim et utagsasl brick**, btaaatac wMa attokaMg •stafaasl sjasaaval with
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 178 3 ACBC understands You need a strongly entrenched bank that's in a position to otter you customer-first service. Whether your banking needs are simple or complex. Domestic or international. ACBC is ready to put its resources to work for you In all areas of banking. Responsible, experienced people who understand your
        178 words
      • 425 3 if you mean business in South East Asia with us. Hi ~,a\ If your company is about to establish or craft, computers, and other equipment in build up business anywhere in South all types of industry. East Asia we've got the experience and an intimate working knowledge of this
        425 words
    • Article, Illustration
      11 4 Mezzanine floor of a leading bank's main office at Collyer Quay.
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    • 696 4 'Bank interest rates will still fluctuate' RANKING circles D believe that bank interest rates will continue to fluctuate for possibly a year before showing a steady increase again. This corresponds to a trend predicted by economists for the worldwide money market, which Is slowly emerging from the worst of the
      696 words
    • 665 4 •TRAINING of bank- Ing staff here consists mainly of on the job training and lectures, with facilities to alt' for overseas examinations. A spokesman for a leading bank which conduct! a training scheme for Its staff said that while on the Jou training
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 236 4 THEPEOPU WHO CARE I EQUPMEKTHNMKE We provide hire purchase and leasing facilities for various types of industrial plant and machinery and business equipment. And we can tailor special financial plans to suit any business need. Let us be your partners in your modernisation and expansion programmes. HOUSING LOANS We provide
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      • 469 4 The Chartered Bank Asian Currency Unit. Your foreign currency isn't foreign to us. If you're a Singapore citizen or a Singapore company with foreign currency funds, the Asian Currency Unit (A C U is jusi the help you need The AC.U is a specialised department of the bank authorised to
        469 words
    • 1170 5 Good response to market for shorter term investments fVUBOOUNT houses came Into existence here three years ago In November but they are already finding the market for the shorter term Investments "reiponding very favourably." Three discount houses were operating here up to November last year when the Monetary Authority of
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 82 5 Our complete local and international I ff banking facilities 1 I are tailored I I to meet your I needs I Investment in GoJd ♦Gold Trading Renminbi Services ♦Commercial letter of credits ♦Remittances ♦Foreign Exchange ♦Travellers Cheque Savings Accounts ♦Current Accounts ♦Fixed Deposits ♦Overdrafts Loans Advance (Pledge of Goods) ♦Others
        82 words
      • 666 5 BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE oj DESUEZ The bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the The addition of the non-consolidated balance COMPAGNIE rINANCIERE DE SUEZ, is the j^pa^Bajgsam sheets of the two banks on January Ist. 1975 result of the merger on September 30th. 1975. showed the following figures of the BANOUE OE
        666 words
    • 485 6 AN Internationally A known Italian group manufacturing computers and office equipment and one of the moat Innovative makers of mini computer systems, has Introduced a new range of modular electronic accounting systems. These keep pace with the fast changing needs of small,
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 22 6 For Facilities^ and Services Start a Current Account withOUß J d iaW LiTTT! A ji!3m!xLi I mif J. •.liliriT J I za
        22 words
      • 117 6 ■Npordic Bank SINGAPORE BRANCH We offer specialised banking services in the Far East including: Asian dollar banking facilities Foreign exchange Shipping finance Loan syndication Project finance Corporate financial advice Nordic Bank Limited Nordic Bank Limited 9N6APORE BRANCH LONDON Branch manager: Haakon M. Melander Nordic Bank House Street address: DBS Tower
        117 words
    • 739 7  -  ANN PETERS By the newest kind of mech anisation to streamline banking services in Singapore is the com puterised online system where it takes just a few minutes for the customer to complete his transaction with the bank. The system, which
      739 words
    • 257 7 Keeping pace with the latest banking techniques Visual Display Unit <VDU>. Eventually they hope to computer!** Uie entire bank, dtDartment by dspartment. A spokesman (or the bank said: "No doubt going computerised la an expensive affair, but the returns are equally rewarding. "It not only affords better service to customers,
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 188 7 B j CONVERT YOUR TRADE j I DEBTS INTO I CASH i Is the working capital you have tied up m the trade debts owed to you limiting your turnover and aj depriving you of the opportunity to take cash discounts aj or make advantageous purchases? II If so. contact
        188 words
      • 254 7 The Look of Excellence Coronanncatk: 7300 Precision ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER that gives your typing a look of professional print r a^^wjiS LwP^^ LaaV T* VV^* Ijeaaal a^^i HB^Hk^pF^^^ Coronamat.c Etactfic v CARTRIDGE *«h«h r»T V pw»rit«f» hava prov* mow <» o ckl V «"d rSZTt M^ y^Jk -«|V Aoo,h.r 00,,^.
        254 words
    • 753 8  -  STAFF WRITER By MOST banks, Including the Post Office Savings Bank realise the importance of encouraging the young to save more. In times of inflation especially it Is vital that more people begin the habit of saving and "catching them young" generally ensures the
      753 words
    • 862 8  - How factoring can help exporters expand their business STAFF WRITER By FACTORING, one ot the latest credit systems to be Introduced here, promises to help the exporter expand his business by taking over his credit risks and enabling him to free his funds for reemployment In his business. In a
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 252 8 l» I K you're caught in a financial traffic jam, and your banker can't help you, come to Heller. Our factoring service, which gives you cash for your receivables, will provide you with the financial power that will free you from such a jam and put you on the road
        252 words
    • Special Feature
      • 1669 9 HPHE year 1875 will. no doubt, be recorded as one of the most challenging for Thailand a year In which it has been finding its way along a new, uncharted path towards a democratic way of life. Whether one Is Inclined towards a bullish
        1,669 words
      • 973 9 A MESSAGE FROM On Dec. 5, 1975, which is the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty the King of Thailand as well as Thailand's National Day, a book will be open for «»f"»nr by those who wish to extend their congratulations and celebrate
        973 words
      • 739 10  - 'LAND OF THE FREE' ENCHANTS MANY A VISITOR CHRISTINA CHEANG By MENTION Thailand and a tourist conjures up instant images of smiling faces, floating markets and temples. And the tourttt to not far wrong. Thailand which mean* Land of the tec v Indeed a land to enchant many a vlsitor.
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 52 9 GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the occasion of his 48th Birthday sssss^ V TMMs^sssy r^i i KEE^S4 ***.^2 \*fK G3l Ground Floor. M [CfflL V L tmS W TL^L ttJVQkIAZ* Singapore 2 T $S& IKtf rTtSU VT Tel: *****11 j^H 7 C asssssl^sss* *r^
        52 words
      • 33 9 SINGAPORE SHIPBUILDING ENGINEERING LIMITED Congratulates Vis Majesty cfting Vhumibol Adulyadej On the Occasion of Vis 48th birthday cAnd c Wishes Vim c Long 7, BENOI ROAD, JURONG, SINGAPORE 22 TEL: *****4 (5 LINES)
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 164 10 LONG LIVE Hit Majotty The KING of THAILAND Oh Th« Occasion Of Hit 48TH BIRTHDAY from GUAN GUAN SHIPPING (PTE) LTD. 23. Telok Ayer Street, Singapore 1. Tel *****2 (15 Lines) LONG LIVE Hit Majesty The KING of THAILAND On The Occation Of Hit 48TH BIRTHDAY from GUAN GUAN TRADING
        164 words
      • 47 10 Best wishes to the King of Thailand On The Occasion Of His Majesty's 48th Birthday. sth December 1975 [■dh] M WkJJ gold coin ltd., store. t YY ifi j ifu'^u n> v m [li:tI i:t \^mPiyßf% rJr .^a^ajfaHlNdflßßr^Lß rn^m < 9av^P i '■aw t*aiß^P^T>^i^^aafti^P W< ■HI f m.
        47 words
      • 90 10 LONG LIVE HIS MAJESTY THE KING Tel: *****/Ul«7 LONG LIVE HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THAILAND On The Occasion Of His 48Th Birthday AND BEST WISHES To The GOVERNMENT PEOPLE OF THAILAND On Their National Day from lN**v PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL I,KJ\ LINES (PTE) LTD. 45, Morket Street, Singapore 1 Tel
        90 words