The Straits Times, 29 November 1975

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
    16 words
    • 140 1 MANS FIVE STRANGE DAYS IN A FLYING SAUCER j^I'AHT from the name, there is nothing rimarkable about Snow-flake, \i i/ona -that is. until the night of Nov. 193 That waa the night a 22-year-old resident of SnowflaJce, Travis Walton, claimed he was kidnapped by aliens in a
      140 words
    • 87 1 ALSO In thr Sunday Times this week Is a report on Divorce Catholic Style from the IS where thr Church Is under pressure to allow Catholics to get a divorce and remarry. Currently Catholics who remarry are automatically ex -communicated. RN those who separate from
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    • 106 1 THE BLOW cafe THE BLOW women owner Fred Jonei In New York dealt struck for Men's Lib Women's Lib by voting by hi* success In get- down overwhelmingly ting a British court to the proposal to enmake an unprecedent- shrine equal rights ed order to his ex-wlfe guarantees
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  • Sunday Nation
    • 76 1 pTHICS AND THE SINGAPORE SPORTSLi MAN. Should an amateur athlete or a footballer lend his name to a public competition that promotes a commercial product? INSIDE TRACK discusses the case of six Singapore sportsmen who are currently featured in an advertising campaign.
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    • 68 1 SPRING Chicken that's what they rail Hongkong's teenage eall-firUv For Sl3 I one of them will keep company with you !n I a cubicle for an hour. In It there are three barr necessities two I animal, one vegetable (the touch). Dennis Blood worth writes
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    • 48 1 KB Johnny Cash tells why he kicked the drug habit. THE BENIGHTED NATIONS: a funny piece on why the world is not worth a visit; LMG KAi MING talks about the man who could upset all economic forecasting: in ang HO discusses the predicament of Macao
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    • 52 1 l>r Lee Kin Tat talks about THE m «trh of bis career and predict* tbe outcome of the SI mapore- Malaysia Thomas Cup clash this vaaft Johnny Hayness. an old soeecr master, spetks his mind. Tan Kin Seng assess the chances of the Thai team In the
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    • 29 1 why American Chinese are coming to study In Asia. Singapore's toughest boy a pictorial feature; and The war In the Philippines: A view from the Jungle.
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  • 116 1 HONOKONO. Frt Police today selaed a large quantity of arms and ammunition, including mines and rocket launchers believed intended for use by Taiwan agenU for sabotage activities on mainland China. A police spokesman said the arms and ammunition were not intended "for criminal purposes
    AP  -  116 words
  • 552 1 UDI amid invasion fears DILI. Friday LEFTIST Fretilin military forces in East Timor declared the Portuguese colony independent tonight amidst mounting fears of a full-scale Indonesian invasion. The flag of Portugal was lowered in Dili's city square at 5.55 p.m. and a new flag representing an
    Reuter  -  552 words
  • 237 1 Still more poison letters From BILL CAMPBELL KUALA LUMPUR, Friday JJOTH Government and Opposition members of the Dewan Rakyat continue to receive poison letters through the post alleging corruption in high places. Some of the letters also called for a shake-up of the National Bureau or Investigation. Poison pen letters
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  • 86 1 MSS. ROSEMARY Slebel. of Warley. near Birmingham, and her six year eM daughter, Sharon, who vanished from their home on Sunday. She waa with her father, Mr. Earle Siebel, 15. a Malaysian tax official, when they were stopped at Heathrow airport by airport officials
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  • 370 1 LISBON, Friday FULL-SCALE purge of military left ists appeared likely here today as Portugal's ruling military hierarchy took on a more moderate aspect after defeating a coup attempt by armed forces exi tremists. Copcon security chief, or.l Otelo Saralva de Caivalho, and
    Reuter  -  370 words
  • 42 1 MSW TORK. IM. Dow 'ones hum—, based on first hour of trading on the few Tort sleek ssebene*:: M Indus SSOJI no IJT. M tnnsp 10I.M up *ja. It utils M.M up 0 01. stocks Ml. lt up %M.— UFt
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  • 64 1 at record lows LONDON, rri Marissaf today Ml to orsfca—o awMfaate to taw wake of gluij forecasts far Urn bwitask ii'sjismj ever the next two ream. For the tnt ttaao, the pound's raise ■lafcMi t*u-t leading thasi M per Mat down osi stress law yean ago. aaasTa tata of aaaraWs
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  • 43 1 BRISBANE, m Australia look ihe honours on tht first day of the Pint Tsst against the West Indus when they dismiss fd thorn for 114 runs here today Scores at stumps. West lamas 214. Australia M-0 assart m r*«e M.
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  • 40 1 LATEST Envoy's ear blown up MEXICO CITY, m A booas hooked to the Ignition destroyed the ear of Cube's aataa—aa'i to MesJee today, the poUee said. The amhasoaaar, Mr. For us boo Lap* Malm, waa not In the ear. AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 183 1 Harun: Umno Youth delegates arrive ITUALA LUMPUR, wx Prl. Aa Umno youth delegates from all over Malaysia gathered in the Federal capital today for tomorrow's crucial meeting to discuss the position of Dato Harun Idrls, the Mentrl Besar of Selangor, a Central Executive Committee member forecast a vote of confidence
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 V Mfm4^* Matic mW V ■jr Alarm yf tor the smart wm executive 7 tti* tmall dynamic w2T wrißt match that never VsV V^Bataflal laiia^B^Jv#
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    • 184 1 SINGAPORE'S ECONOMY READY FOR NEW SURGE Page ASSAD: We have rockets 2 BRITAIN to curb Imports S KENNEDY kUMni: Now theory S CARGO handling at wharves picks up 7 ELECTRIC goods: Bon's pledge 9 GERMAN firms to expand training centre 11 NEW CPF ruling on buyinc of flats IS SIX
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 183 2 Authorguilty of defaming Pope ROME. Frl —An Italian court yesterday found American aut.ior Robert KaU guilty of defaming the memory of wartime Pope Plus XII m nl« film Massacre in Fome and sentenced him to a suspended Jail term of 14 months. The film's producer Carlo Ponti and director George
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 28 2 WITH runs at their side, Israeli soldiers are seen exercising at the Golan Heights three days before the United Nations mandate expires. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 118 2 26 die in US snowstorm havoc NEW YORK, Prt. Bwlrllng snowstorms hampered Thanksgiving highway and air travel In the midwest and mountain states of the United States with at least 28 deaths blamed on weather conditions. Rain caused thousands on the east coast to view traditional holiday parades from under
      AP  -  118 words
    • 28 2 LONDON. Frt. Eoenry iv»»«i«mpti^n felj In Britain In September by IS per cent, compared with a year vo. the Department of Energy aald today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 388 2 OTTAWA, fri. DRIME Minister Pierre Trudeau said yes--1 terday he and other Cabinet ministers may be questioned In a Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation into alleged political fraud. Mi Trudeau emphasis ed that. like the attempted questioning of Minister wittcw* Port folio Jean Marchand,
      UPI  -  388 words
    • 25 2 TOKTO. Frt —A PaleaUn* Liberation Organisation iPU>> mw—i lUiln said today a FLO offk» would to opened hart tn tte Mar future.— UPL
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    • 345 2 DAMASCUS, Friday gYHIA announced for the first time yesterday that its armed forces were equipped with long-range ground-to-ground rockets. The ann o v n cement, made over Damascus Radio, said President Assad watched military exercises in which the rockets were used. demand an early overall settlement
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    • 242 2 CAIRO. Fri ANOTHER cloud A looms over Egypt-ian-Soviet relations after failure by the two countries to set- 11 c differences on how Egypt should repay its huge debts to the Kremlin. Officials from both sides were unable to reach a compromise on the problem yesterday
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 250 2 Puerto Rican terror threat to US' big day U7ASHINGTON. Frl Puerto Rlran leftists backed by the Caban Oovrrnment plan to disrupt the I nlted SUles' 197« bicentennial rrlebratlons with a campaign of trrrorUm. a Congresalonal tab-com-mlttee Mid to- ay The Senate Internal Security Su' rommltlrr ■aid it h»'. also received
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 71 2 CAIRO. Frt. WorW hrtvywrlfht boxing champion Muhammed Ai! U plan nine to Mart a .ndlnc turineai In the Arab world ».th an Initial capital jf UStiO million (BIIU milllloni. a apnfc<nnmii uid today Mr Donald Uxrx.u»\C of th« Muhammcd A.i 7ra<*e Development Oorpurati >n. •aid the bwln—
      Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 145 2 She looks so good outside b^bV bY because she feels so good V inside. A world giant in pharmaceutical products -i —If; r C*^ 7 I C££ Vit C recipe to glowing health Sot*Aqw<n LUENWAHMEOICAICO ISIPTELTO SporabK L INTRODUCING ■^%JT 1 f The Lea Tailor French Jeans W^P y^ZP A
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    • 182 2 Mk, ATPR-412, W^L m^T [Al Portable Stereo Cassette Recorder Mil plus FM/MPX/AM/SWI/SW2 Radio. B m a perfect companion for Christmas bmjm MBK/T With a powerful output of 5W is Int rfcKr by I capable of reproducing crispy ja^^-v* m fcJ|^»4kJ clear stereophonic sound. Stable and VuMHANIwN precise receptions from the
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    • 123 3 ST BERNARD LEADS THE PARADE A BERNARD 1 doc walking obediently ahead of a company of Spain's Alpino Infantry troops which paraded for King Jaan Carlos (aalaUnf In baekf round) outside the Madrid I Royal Palace en Thursday. There were }oyoas scenes as the new King drove through the capital
      AP  -  123 words
    • 107 3 Hospitals all set to close LONDON, rrt— Hospitals prepared to close today after turning away thousands of non-urgent admissions and outpatients as thousands of doctors began a work-to-mle. The majority of the 19.000 hospital doctors treated only emergencies or to put In a 9 a.m. to--5 pm. 40 -hour week
      AP  -  107 words
    • 373 3 LONDON, Friday A GLOOMY picture of a Britain bed allied by high unemployment, high inflation, an increased trade gap and falling living standards for the next two years at le°st was painted today by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research
      AP  -  373 words
    • 122 3 nERNX. rrt. A judge D yesterday adjourned tor two month* hearings In s libel suit brought by the Swiss-based multinational food manufacturer Nettle against 17 young Bwlst who attacked the Arm's baby food promotion methods In the Third World District Judge Juerg Bollberger said after
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 395 3 KEY NATIONS TOLD OF MOVE LONDON. Tr\ BRITAIN has begun informing key nations that it intends soon curbing temporarily some imports that threaten certain industries vital to the national economy. Qualified government sources, who reported this yesterday, said the United States has deplored the British decision
      Reuter; AP  -  395 words
    • 179 3 Iran blast at firms for 'exporting amorality' TNTTED NATIONS, Pit U Iran yesterday aecased International companies ef exporting their own ■■araMty In their assertions that bribery and corruption were the business norm in devetopiai- countries. Iranian Ambassador Frr-ydoyn Heveyda told the General Assembly's Economic Committee the rallnt motive behind eerraat
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    • 166 3 REYKJAVIK, rrt. Icelanders threw snowballs, egxs and stones at the British Embassy here yesterday In anger over the stationing of Royal Navy warships Inside Its disputed fishing limit. Three windows In the embassy were broken In the Incident, a replay but on a much smaller scale
      Reuter  -  166 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 J Ti^Csftt miss a second. I I Lr* w i I is 1 atch for people with a sense of urgency about life. People who m ant to make every moment count. It's for men and women who expect more from lite and more from their watch. It's tor the
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    • 113 3 ROBERT PIANO proudy presents MRNORDGOID Kawai EXCLUSIVE ORGANIST wflbeintOvvn to give a free demonstration at the following venues: 29th November, 1975 PEACE CENTRE 1 p.m. 5 p.m. 30th November, 1975 KATONG SHOPPING CENTRE 1 p.m. 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 9 p.m Ist December, 1975 Exclusive only for Kawai Organ owners
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    • 865 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (Prof—tonal Engkmm) Negotiable above $I*oo p.m. LJ II One of Singapore s most significant capi- I vߧ\ tal goods industries engaged in the field II 881 electrical generating equipment is I II seeking the services of a professional \mm IBfl] engineer. The person appointed will take II ■I
      865 words

    • 80 4 TOfTYO. Fit Increased cruot oil unporta and a auwa outflow of dollar* rsiiaari Japan's balance of paym»nU deficit to Increase simply to DBS7M mlllloo <ail.tM million) in October from US$lO« million In toe prwtous month, lha finance Ministry announced today. This was the largest balanoe
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 395 4 Teng aims to succeed Mao 9 WASHINGTON. Friday JJS intelligence officials have told President Ford to pay close attention during his China visit to Mr. Teng Hsiao-ping, who is reported building his |>o\ver base in bid to succeed Chairman Mao Tsetung. He
      AP  -  395 words
    • 169 4 Kim: I'm ready for talks with us rKYO. Frl. North Korean President Kirn 11-Sunc evnretard In an Interview nnblished today a wUllntntif to dlscasa the fnturr of Korea with the United State* Bat he firmly refected any early resumption of a dtalocue with South Korea. The commanlst leader emphasised his
      169 words
    • 26 4 SYDNIY. M. One penon died and 34 were Injured today when freight train and a commuter bus collided In a Sydney suburb AP.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 272 4 NEW DELHI. Friday BANGLADESH has decided to send a hlgh--0 level delegation to India to find ways of Improving relations between the two countries, an Indian Oovernment spokesman said yesterday. The decision came one day after the armed attack on the Indian High
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 848 4 f ROBI\SO\*S^^ 1 It's Christmas Toytime at Robinson's We've wal^^T mm I I all the wonderful things to make children happy— I AY Toys. Games, Models Fun Excitement. m\ Hssssssk W t I Jf* \lk m\ [f W J*^ I V sH *X ssWr^V V* J HERBART Knitting/Sewing Kit HM
      848 words
    • 206 4 H Do you know in which year I was awarded Singapore's Sportswoman of the Year Trophy Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the CASTKOIHWHPmomUHCI $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE $3,000 2nd. PRIZE $2,000 3rd. PRIZE $1,000
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    • 535 5 New theory in Kennedy slaying... BACK BRACE COULD have caused his death NEW YORK. Friday pHKSIDKNT Kennedy I fatally wounded by an assassin's second bullet because he was wearinc a rigid back brace and din not slump over after being hit by the first shot, says the president 01 the
      AP  -  535 words
    • 321 5 ,WCLLINOTOM. r>l. AS the nation geta iX ready for the election tomorrow to elect a government for the next three years, most observers expect the Labour Party to return to power, though with a reduced majority. There Is. an air of uncertainty because of a
      UPI  -  321 words
    • 30 5 MOSCOW. Frt Water t«UU 00 Man in the form or vapour. Ta.'* said today qucUn« experlmenu carried out bjr Mm Man 6 apac* proba in PMruarjr 1874.—
      30 words
    • 161 5 T SACRAMENTO (California), Friday HE eight men and four women who found Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme guilty of trying to kill PresidernFord are frightened The Jury emerged from the courtroom refusing to talk with reporters or to be photographed A policeman who guarded them throughout
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 29 5 LONItON. Fit A eelto aaaac by AnUtnlu Btra4lvartaa la 17*1 was aartl— at Svtfceey's yestareay far £M.»M (BS254.Me> the aighe.l ■rice crer paM fer a cell*.— Beater.
      29 words
    • 146 5 SAIGON. Frl_A major stretch of the devastated Saigon-Ha-noi rall-ay has been re-opened, bringing one «top cloaca- the effective reunification of North and South Vietnam, railway official* said here today Named Thong What." the entire I.MI am railway link between the capital dtlea at expected to be
      146 words
    • 36 5 BEIRUT Prt Lebanon 1 eight- month cI»U war etttled Into another "pay cheque Uuoe" today. with banka promlelnc to re-open over the w«ekend to ceah the ealary chequee of (treat flfhtera and non-coatbalanta. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 99 5 Japan coal mine blast: 10 dead S A P PR O (Japan), I*l. Rescuer*, battling Intense smoke and beat, recovered three more bodies from a coal mine near here late yesterday, bringing to 10 the death toll from an early morning gas explosion, police said. Seven other miners wen taken
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 118 5 Oil: What rich nations must do I J ONDON. Frt De- *< veioped countrtea must prepare for potentially enormous tranarera of their real resource* to oil exporting countrtea, the British North American Committee, an authoritative research organisation. said In a statement yesterday. The privately -sponsored committee, linking business, banking, labour
      Reuter  -  118 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 125 5 EASY TO PLAY J [A DCIQ A Electronic I iHni IDA Organs FOR THE FAMILY OR PROFESSIONAL BBBaavaaiwav Mo- <M Su*l»x 5 IWHK M .«<i HaH|W«mBW«BHBBBBiWSBBBBBBU 3 Sp^ H«l»l S>i»l*r H CtfKml 'UMi'i Xx FluM* S^H H and OctM'l 4 P»n,»»<y> I >«M '.9 urn% D»ftiri I to- V«»Jlu AuIOMUIK
      125 words
    • 233 5 at' '> V^* Ha 7 f_a*Mr^ iaa^^Vs^Xissss^snVlsssssssW^ s^ar sLr^Hsaar^aaisaßr^ t^V W M >«lß|>Vav W a>'V '.< V v aft -•'-a LbbbblbW ■B mfsr 1 bbbv^sV ■4k L^Lwr v *f /^saaavV LamV 4y "f i /^T saaaV^aaK bbT SO WHAT.— Im^3lQ] m mmm m^ ja has a nuclear lAR'm|pMA explosion aot
      233 words

    • 316 6 gOLTH Africa yesterday charged the Soviet Union with escalating the Angolan civil war and said Russian military personnel are in active combat to gain a foothold in the infant West African nation. Defence Minister Piet Botha said the new Sorlet presence in the South
      AP; UPI  -  316 words
    • 43 6 NTW DELHI. Frt The PMpit's Front Government In the west Indian state of Oujarat have scored another big victory over India's ratang Omni sss Party. The 9ve-party Front yesterday took H of the N stsU In the Barada municipality —Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • Briefs
      • 26 6 JAKARTA, m. Pouce said today sereral people believed to be part of an International narcotics syndicate hare been arrested and nearly 40 kilogrammes of drugs confiscated.
        26 words
      • 32 6 VIENTIANE: T«««--aands 9t tstatlaaa daBcaMtratod bare today ealnng tor the dlsaatatton of the csaWlSfi CweruMit one day after Prime Minister Print- Sotvinni Phoama leti "lentUne for the rayal eapital of Laang Prabang
        32 words
      • 26 6 MO6COW Pour district Communist Party and local gorernment officials have been sacked in a new purge 1» the republic of Asarbaldthan. It was reported here today.
        26 words
      • 31 6 PAKU: France"! retail prise Index rase ky M par seat la October, Bringing the Iwaattoa rate for the last It ■aaaths to 1M per cent, the Nattoaal SUUstlcs Instltate saM today.
        31 words
      • 27 6 MONTREAL: Air Canada chalr m an Mr. Yves Pratte. bitterly noting apparent loaa of gorernment confidence In the way he waa running the publicly-owned airline, resigned yesterday
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      • 29 6 NAOtOBI: Top* Paml today mW»* far greater ipwatiaa ket w*e« tkc Tattaaa *mi «4kOT Carlattaa tatefc- la a ■uiige to tke Warli C— ail a* Ckarakes aa> Maaty here.
        29 words
      • 32 6 CANBERRA: Australian Deputy Premier Doof Anthony said today that the count-y'i rtatnrw of oil wen not rafly^*"* to meet a rttntflmr^ proportion of the petroleum ne«dj for more than eight yean. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 298 6 BYDNEY, Friday ANOTHER Oallup Poll published today— ls days before AustraA Hans go to the polls— gave a further boost to Liberal leader Malcolm Fraser as he made his first campaign appearance in Bydney since his controversial appointment as caretaker Prime Minister. The
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 169 6 NEW YORK. Fri New York CHy of Metals today hoped that President PareTs federal lean offer* will save the city from financial collapse, bat many 'eared that the elaborate plan to save the city coald tackle under a welter of lawsaits. Mr. Ford. astnc harsh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 SamV Bmft 'Sm^Biß^Bß* *> ws^Bm^Lm. up 30/o r C 0 %V^ S I m^Ssr Jr'^^^ 2nd FLOOR. I^^fiS^SUPREME HOUSE. SINGAPORE^B Be a Hatrimetic§ Qirl s ta^' ny M I fc* 1 Ij^^. >^^M^i^^^'^ unique and superior range of skin care preparations and beauty aids MBL T~ sstß^y made from fruits,
      121 words
    • 167 6 CONTINENTAL MOTORS PRIVATE LIMITED on the occasion of the official opening of their new pirm From: SHELL SPORE (PTE) LTD. U 08. Building. 1 Bonham Street Singapore. 1 —^B TeT ***** ,^k Congralruilahons Iro CONTINENTAL MOTORS PRIVATE LIMITED From Sock Seng (Spray painting, upholstery, engine repairs and undorsoal specialists) 22
      167 words

  • 402 7 Brighter days ahead for building developers *pHK construction industry's lean period tiuiv be over soon, and builders must gear themselves to meet future demands. Mr Ho Cheng Choon. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Nation al Development, made this projection when he opened the fourth annual seminar on building development
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  • 120 7 ntHG Indian OovernX ment Is offering three scholarships to Singapore students under the general cultural scholarship* scheme for the 1978-77 academic year The value of each scholarship for the undergraduate course Is about $100 a month and 1130 for the post-gra-duate course The scholarships are
    120 words
  • 240 7 A MAN wasted la een■ecttsu with the kidnap of the 13--year-old sen sf a Hongkong bvalness- man in Jalan Tekakor, Juronc, la March 1t73 has heea •>- Ulaed by the Malaysian peHes. Informed eowxees said Malaysian, acting en a Up-eff. sweep* d en
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  • 46 7 BUTTIRrUB are Free will be miwiil at Urn Cathay Cinema tomorrow at IJO am as part of the Slng%pore Association of Personal and Executive Secretariat (8APBB) fund-raUlng campaign. Ticket* at 11. U and U will be on sale on the day of acreenlng.
    46 words
  • 40 7 ONO Bok Hang was fined S7O by a magistrate's court reaterday after he pleaded guilty to driving Into th* restricted sone In the centre carriageway of Nlcoll Highway on Aug. It at t.41 am., without an area licence.
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  • 73 7 Asean training workshop on containers SINOAPORE will host the First Asean Training Workshop on ContalnerisatlOD for Middle Management next month. The workshop to be bald at the PSA Auditorium. PSA Tovar, from Monday to Dae 11 la provide an appreciation of container terminal operation and an Inatafil into the planning
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  • 430 7 Cargo handling at wharves picks up PORT WORKERS RECALLED SHIPPING at the PSA, which showed a decline in the last few months, is picking up as more ships are calling for loading and discharging cargo. Due to the upturn of activities, some port workers who were redeployed at the PBA
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  • 116 7 Tug on way to stricken tanker A BINOAPORE sal- T««e tug the Wttte Zee from Bmlt International, was on iv way yesterday to the Sulu Bea off Borneo to help the 43^23-tonne tanker Tarseus, which is drifting after an engine breakdown. The tug, which left here on Thursday night, U
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  • 115 7 University Amendment Act PRESIDENT Shearei I baa ajaanted to the University of Singapore (Amendment) Act. 18.5. pawed In Parliament on Not. 30. according to a Osjette notification yesterday. It will come into effect on a date to be fixed by the Minister. Under the Timr-I. Urn Unrwnttp of atawaaor* Students'
    115 words
  • 38 7 Ship bureau surveyor THE AwriCM Bmtmu of U Aomt m Urn prloeiMl ■urnjut for Slimani Malayite t»Mt indcaMam. B* rapticai Mr. Hank Araatronc who hat ban pro■oud to liiriiii cMct aur«*f«r in Urn Oparattoe* Dirt•ton tn Htm Tort.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 92 7 i I i^sS e^HsftßwVsa^l dikaai m ;<trr i 1 1 jflil \m£> fc W* m klSb o im a*?** 1 CHmmtr ml aa^LaV B^^V. 53 Va/ves for industry B CS**fl everywhere m U Pulp and Pmpmt <J| B^l Plant ,^r L^L^BBaVa^Bßßßßa*awah^_ M "^l MS "^"^^aw^r^^ I fciciintv* Stocking Owtrtiutor tor
      92 words
    • 416 7 sonv Buy a Trinitron color tv NOW and join Sony "Carry on grabbing" Within 30 minutes, just 18-USB LMUBahßal grab as much as you want, at Yaohan Supermarket the more the merrier, all on Sony's account. You are also entitled P^^^^^^l to participate in the oox* x "BIG BONUS OFFER"
      416 words

  • 1350 8 We've survived domestic and global strains of past 2 years SINGAPORE has weathered th c domestic and global strains of the past two years in a way which now leaves it firmly poised to take oft from its carefullybuilt launching pad perhaps ahead of
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  • 50 8 THS annual Slngaaor* Airllnei/ Singapore Air Terminal serrtccs carnival for staff and their families will be held at Singapore Wonderland Amusement Park at 10 ajß tomorrow. iflfhllfhu of the programme wul be a lucky dip for children, an auction, a fancy area* contest and a variety show.
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  • 30 8 TH« national Library tl oraanlsmg apodal programma* lor school children and others at PUma "»g»riir* from Dee. 1 to St. They include film shows. Wlfca and ll— MMlStiatllMlS
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  • 27 8 A Jumbte sal* la aid of Urn poor wul bt hold at the Church of at BorrmJilu Zton Road, tomorrow from am to 3 DJn
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  • 643 8 fH E Singapore Intern a tionaJ Chamber of Commerce will continue to pursue the qaestion of offsetting of negotiated or establish ed annual increments against the annual National Waces Council guidelines. Mr. J.D.H. Nelll, the chairman, said at the chamber's half-yearly
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  • 208 8 Film to create greater awareness of Asean ATHREK-part documentary film en Aswan eoantries la to be jointly produced by member states as pert of a drive to create greater "Aaean-aware-neas" la the regten. This was dbclesea In a joint statement at the cad of the three-day mssttng ef the Aswan
    208 words
  • 249 8 Work to rule in Britain: 20 S'pore doctors involved From EDWARD LIU LONDON, rrl -At least *v Singapore and twice as many Malaysian doctors are said to be involved In a nationwide "work to rule' by junior doctors over a pay dispute The Industrial action began yesterday despite last-minute intervention
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 335 8 ATAKA STORE j// VAWOICT DgMTMBITt BFEOAI OrTBI WKmumnWfOU. OrTCT riirr^^' 9^^^"^"" oa*.Po*u«c^M-i2« $1.35 W WmWW »noes with every Austral Fruit CocMall 2»oz $1.75 ■OH Purchase ot over $10 Pokka Orange Drink $045 CO on Nescafe instant Cortee 3 oz (1 QC V H Latest T -shirts for ladies pI.OU V
      335 words
    • 95 8 4SO-B lIH SSO-B 7008 <wsy" 460->- r*" "^"•Bsssi Ifcj^jjj j SBSr^BssssslsaJ Ss^L^Bsa s\y*^g\ ssiVr^r^H ssssm fl sP^ ■JflfciTsilTjiV y-" BsVsssf BsssssT BBssssLw SlbsbsbW^Ss^bsH BbsbsbsbsV^^bsbsbsbsbsbV 4^bsbsbV I sV^B^Bssss! HflHLswfl ■^BSBSBSB^sm bsbsbsbUbßl BssbW B^B ■sSHBPVv-Jfi TwEi Ossssr^BsssT SEEG BSVaae JBsssl Hi JrjM 1 ftl Congratulations L Beat Wlahes 1 Continental Motor* Pt«
      95 words

  • 194 9 Chamber told of high freight rate to S'pore AN importer and exporter yesterday -omplalnrd 10 the Chinamber of Comt hat the freight ate by conference line* -ydney to Slnga■Ai higher than Sydney to HongAong Chin Wee. it invited to the meeting of the hamber yesterday to Ms case, said the
    194 words
  • 44 9 Officials of accountants body Mr Jonathan HE Ou ls twei; elected pre- local exif the f Ortined ..s »r» Mr md Mr L*w-r-pmtdcntai. aj retary i d Mr Lim Say Hoc laudllet mrmberi t Mr Mm Sr«n Teck Mr »an« Hwrl ling and Mr
    44 words
  • 147 9 Brown sediment in Marine Parade tap water complaint HOUSING Board residents at blocks 19. 30 and 31 of the Marine Parade estate have complained that their water supply is polluted with brown and yellow particles. According to the residents, the water has been polluted with sand particles for the put
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  • 58 9 A NEW aervlec between Singapore and the AraMan/ Persian Oulf will be launcrird next month when the first vnael on the Far But/ Middle Eajt Lin*, the I.SoOtonne Batu. arrive* here from Hongkong PXMEL ls run by the Saudi Arabian Shipptnc and Transportation Ctanpsny. a joint venture
    58 words
  • 55 9 SALLY AT SYDNEY CAFE OPENING MISS Singapore. Sally Tan, 20, accompanied by Australian actor George Laienby. was the guest of honour at the opening of Sydney's newest Chinese restaurant. Ming'* Court. sn Thursday. Sally was crowned Miss Singapore In June and she represented Singapore at the Miss Universe beaaty pageant
    55 words
  • 29 9 CAR parclnc feea In Mmvne Road. Jeddah Street. Ban Bsn Street. Sunset Road. Arab Street and Ptandars square will be «0 cants an hour of 140 month.
    29 words
  • 315 9 Electric goods industry gets pledge gINGAPORE will continue to give its support and encouragement to manufacturing investments in electrical instrumentation and other electrical and electronics products, Finance Minister Hon Sui Sen said yesterday. Mr. Hon said the regional market for these products was substantial because a number of large chemical
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  • 369 9 Radiography: A 'more rounded' training rpHE director of the School of Radiography, 1 Dr. K.W. Chow, yesterday said the Introduction of a two-year course in therapy radiography this year had created a new milestone in the training of radiographers He iv speaking at the presentation of diploma* and prizes by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 127 9 THE /VIILAN £k 1 COOL, CHIC /i^UV^i CONFIDENT W You can recognise her anywhere Ml rf- ij A vaH^^da] >V^ with her distinctive Milan handbag. A I /^wS^l^^ia^r^^B Exclusively styled. Top quality. aMB\ WSJ. I l^^fl sB Trend-settar. J~ \Sj f»* For this festive season, Milan Jw Jm &V iVAk^l
      127 words
    • 315 9 NEW TECHNIQUE fOR. lASY SERVICING I what it means to you? I I H means: winmdtaH prwctwt test result s through dyrvarnsc analysis More Precise! L SBl^ 1 DAY& EJZHI AFTER-SALES SERVICE I What other television hasihe acK^ntagesof Nordmende? I sOv^fl 1 Mas**" lOajM*) 1 WwMi-Mwffa] fctOfIOIMMOf a t*«|*<« I
      315 words

  • 229 10 Aia-MEMBEK Indus trial mission from the National Import and Expert Corporation of China arrived yesterday far a twoweek visit, at the Invitation of the Economic Development Board The mission, led by the corporation's depaty managing director. Mr. Chenf (hi hslrn. was wt If—eg at
    229 words
  • 45 10 PROMFT Engineering, a cuoaldlary of Promet Stiipymid. yesterday held an "open house" to display IU wtde cf modern tools luch as the 16 8 m lathe, borer and other automated equipments The company spectalylses in steel fabilratlon for onshore and off-short requirement*
    45 words
  • 33 10 THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday decided to donate 12 000 cowards the cost of orwanUJng the Chln-,-ay procciston to mark the ex. -ing Chinese New Year by the People's Association
    33 words
  • 455 10 'THREE robbeia punched a 21 -year-old plumber on board an SBS bus while, the bus-conductor stood at a distance "oblivious to the incident," a district court heard yesterday. The man, however, managed to free himself and run towards the conductor. The robbers alighted
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  • 331 10 A CLERK confessed A ma letter to her paernts that she contracted a marriage of convenience with a teacher whom she did not love In order to get away from home, the High Court heard yesterday. Ling Pen Inn. 22.
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  • 163 10 Judgment reserved in counter-suit by tanker owners MR. JUSTICE Kulase- i karam. assisted taf two nautical assessors. yesterday reserved Judgment at the end of a hearing of an admiralty suit arising i from a collision between two tankers In Indone- slan waters four years ago Parties In the 1971
    163 words
  • 43 10 THE Peoplr Aiaoctattcn yralerday itaird that thr Vigilante Corp* nxmbtn ml. mflered (rum food ■I Paslr Ru ware urn thbraeh and not *t 'He PA I Pmsir Ru Holiday They did not m»k» mm* >•'. th* complrx it added
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 258 10 I I WM Now you can get nourishing Ovaltine whenever 4 Qf a^^_^JK^u^^^^ ttiM you need it most. With this handy Ovaltine j jVAfll'II^E m Duo flask with two screw-on cups. t%MXT9Snm Ovaltine Malt or with Honey j B^^^^BM unlocks the natural energy In you. I 09 N Puts the
      258 words
    • 62 10 a^HsT^^Hsß sP^4bV kaiV^"%Uliii b > <^sW' In L sV CONCERT by M.S. SUBBULAKSHMI 10th DEC. 8.00 P.M. NATIONAL THEATRE accompanied by Radtha Vijvanathan (Vocal). Kandadevl Alaglrlsamy (Violin) Karalkudi R Manl (Mlrthangam). Thettagudl H S Vlnayakram (OhaUun). and Vijaya Hafendran (Tamboura) Tickets are available from Tuesday at:C.K. Tanc. Cold Storafe and
      62 words

  • 316 11 A MOTORCYCLIST who broke four traffic rules while escaping from a police constable was found to be riding without a licence and lnsurwhen he was caught, a magistrate's I court heard yesterday. Esmund Justin Ambrose, a fitter with a shipyard, was fined
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  • 281 11 $229,000 suit by trader is adjourned A $229,403 breach of contract suit brought by a Taiwanese businessman against a Singapore housewife was yesterday adjourned for further hearing next year Mr. Yu Tso Mln(. 43. an Importer and exporter of timber and machinery. Is claiming damages and costs from Madam Yang
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  • 120 11 50 kmph LIMIT FOR VEHICLES rjOODfl vehicle., either v« singly or drawing a trailer where the combined unladen weight U not more than *500 kg. win have a new speed limit of 50km an boor. Thb la provided for In the new Motor Vehicle* 'Regulation of Speed) Rules 1975. which
    120 words
  • 225 11 The big HDB blitz on litterbugs AN HDB anti-Utter A patrol Id action, with walkie-talkies and plenty of tact. And for taese hawker llataoei ißlin who have »olojitosro4 for the Job. looking oort for ttttcrkwn offers as) Interesting chang* frosn vtatts to hawks* eentroa. la the ease of Mm VIII
    225 words
  • 24 11 PHILIPS will celebrate IU JSth anniversary at a UJver Jubilee dinner at Maadtrn Court In Mandarin Hotel on llonoav at 7Jo pjn.
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  • 274 11 German firm to expand training centre West German engine-manufactur-ing company, Deuti Far East (Pte.) Ltd., is planning to expand its training centre here to offer facilities for engineers and top mechanics from South-east Asia. This was disclosed by Mr. J. Rudolf Dahm. Its regional service engineer for South-east Asia, in
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  • 356 11 Industrial safety:' 'Seek rational solutions' can jCUNOAPORE has to find O rational solutions to safety problems brought about by Increasing sophistication in the technological development of local Industries, said Dr Chew Pin Kee. Chief medical Adviser to the Labour Ministry's industrial health unit. Dr. Chew said this In bis paper
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  • 46 11 THB Mngapnr* Maanfaotaron AaaodaUon will bold r. two-week JTrnw ammawroamg on Monday. The nampslm will be onWally opened by UUi test eapatv Thafcr—. Mr. Urn Bong keat. at the SMA Product Otopiay Oentre m Colombo oourt on tb* mm* cay at noon.
    46 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 1 1 w *v*». RIGHT! That's if you re not too BUT JUSTIN cares about its .^-QRJft lla^i concerned about what's in your T-shirts. That's why if s 100 f Banj 1^ >l T-shirt. Or its quality. You'll fully combed cotton. So it is softer j Wf settle for 80%
      101 words
    • 291 11 Step-up SOUND Step-down PRICE BBHWW Wlfß 9pvi*M%#l '"W'aTaT ■'•lw%rt C#fJs>M*) l t 2220 B AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER •> 10 Wott* minimum RMS p*f chennel et t Ottm*, from 20 Hi to 20 kHi, with no mete then 0.5% Totol Hermonic Oiitortien Pheee-Leck-Leee (PLL) FM MyltieJei Oamee'ulerer Direct- CoupWe (FoM Cemel*m*nt*ry)
      291 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1031 12 A CONTINENTAL MOTORS PRIVATE LIMITED i^HBH Vy OFFICIAL OPENING BMW's $1.3 mil showroom and workshop open today 1 A The new P r mi »es at 29-29 A. Leng Kee Road Tha official opaning of Continantal attend all repairs and preciation to all the suggestions from the plicatad and ad-
      1,031 words

    • 469 13 MANILA, Frl rpENQKU Razaleigh Hamzah suggested today the formation of an Asean Management Forum and the removal of tariff walls for greater economic co-opera-tion between member countries. Tengku Rasalelgh. who it president of the Asean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said
      469 words
    • 83 13 Think neutral, newsmen told KUALA LUMPUR. Ftl Journalist* from n»t Aiaodation of Bouth-aaat Aatan Nattona (Aaasn) wan told at a matting ban today to adopt the nritmintl of the region v a baatc phuo•ophy. The call came from Malayatan Information and Special Function* Mtntatar. Datuk Amar Abdul Talb Mahmud. at
      83 words
    • 61 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Fit Cuatouu officers will soon urn computers to help curb smuggling. peclally at the border area* The aariatant dlractor-cena-ra of euctoma (enforoMnant), Bnelk Abdul Rahlm bin Datuk Tak. <ald they hop* to gat s«mral coa»pu«ari aoon. -The computer* will nay« raeorda of known
      61 words
    • 78 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Prl MaUtjsla and Thailand hop* tt> draw up lagMattton f"n wher*t>r ctaannea will bMW to b obUlnad bafora tba •sport of ilnnoimi dnaaji U aitowad btfaau tba two eountrtOß. Th* actlnc DtractotXJanarai of Heath. Dr Raj* Ahmad Noordln. who ratumad troaa. the rceant bordar
      78 words
    • 51 13 KUALA LOMPOm, FW Tin H*mlth kflnMrjr InMadi lo rmla* th* ntat tor tnatBMQt H gU—IUUIU hO«(l(UU HMlth MkitotT Tv OH U* SMk Taw «td toThi» tv In Bm with Urn r»p»d «rp*n»mn and <W»»--topaMBt of h«lUi tedHttw provtdad by Mm nnmiiww b* told Urn Drwmo
      51 words
    • 36 13 KUALA LUMPC* FH. A total of M BUU-buaH te*« ■mb caufbt by ■itfiin— in oraetn tm Hi* BMMajer NWnr and teapaator of Motor Vahietaa OTHea (lUMV). far •tomrtaf baj thalr »uthoriajd routca of operkUMM.
      36 words
    • 187 13 Food for 1,000 cut off Hoods KUANTAN, rri. The Ptood Cesrtrvt op«aUs— CcnL-* kwie has imlM«l a pease signal te send f*od (applies to awre than lew* people la Baktt Redan. wtM have Been eat off by flood waters. The signal front the Pabang Tenggarm area, which came tkrwagh the
      187 words
    • 97 13 Parang mob smashes cars and m-cycles BUTTKRWORTH. Frt About 30 men. armed with a parang, several Iron rods and sticks went on a rampage In Pral last night, smashing two can and two motorcycles. The owners of th* vehicle* ran out and hid In acraraJ houee*. Th*y wen later tnat•d
      97 words
    • 256 13 Former convict killed in police station shootout- KUALA LUMPUR, rri.— Police shot dead an ex-convict when he disarmed and seriously injured a constable in a desperate attempt to escape from the Brickfields police station here last night. Kow Kwee alias Chong See Kwee. 41. snatched PC Hashlm Ottunan's revolver and
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    • 36 13 KUALA LUMPUR. rYI The Mtailatry of Trad* and Industry ha* no plans to Introdue* price -«»«^««f on daily neiiillili T h rll"g cMUlnal lta parlUmecUry •acntary. Bndk MuetaT* An. told th* Dewan Rakyat yesterday.
      36 words
    • 83 13 LABUAN, Ftl. Ponce arrested SS people here on Wednesday night for preventing a team of political party officials and supporters from going to a village to campaign. Police today declined to give details of the Incident. This Is the second «uch Incident since Nomination
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 680 13 sfc-^X* OESIQMI4 DESIGN 2* flfl^ SIZES 4-t before SZZQ& nOWSS. DO j V before »3cxeo- now STLOOy ■>Jbl If .^AI l^a^BV #Mis* -.-aaWßr aVM gmvk> rj* AAM n BwflßM DESIGN 81/ ls>QH \f —^^A^otS\GH 96 SHIS 10-1 Vi>y p^Qf^^QO now|9.OO r aUr i *^ai lydia I 9MfS} before 9i530n0w $g,QQ
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  • The Straits Times
    • 417 14 vjEW YORK had a Thanksgiving Day on which there was much to give thanks about. President Ford, after weeks of telling the city to save itself, balled it out at least temporarily from Impending financial collapse by announcing that he would ask Congress to approve loans of
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    • 230 14 DRITISH workers are on the march, at least 20,000 of them demanding immediate lowering of the highest level of unemployment since the war. The protest march set a mood that is far different from that of three weeks ago. Then the trade unions, together with Government and
      230 words
  • 468 14 A Tower of Strength. AN APPELLATION, rarely used now of any one, living or dead. I was thus Interested when Mr. C. H. Smith, a professional here (or we 1 over 50 long* years, used tne term on Mrs. Leh Oorlofl, 73, widow
    468 words
  • 414 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the Sew Straits Times. Malaysia. IN the first six —earths of this year, 1.478 drag Basher* were detauwd. almost as many were arrntrd In the whole of 1974. In the first six a asrths of this year. HZ pound* of heroin were
    414 words
  • 1173 14  -  MARY TYLER •y LMsta THE FACT that India has a wopian Prime Minister has done much to enhance the country's democratic image an image carefully preserve! until the emergency of June 26. Seeing a woman as the figurehead of th second
    1,173 words
  • 429 14  - Campaigning for votes amid tight security measures NEALE MCMILLAN: By Wellington rUNDODATSB In todays V» New Zealand general elections have finished their *«T»«tni amid security measures unprecedented in this normally placid "fit^n In a country where the Prime Minister once listed his home phone number In the telephone book and
    AP  -  429 words
    • 73 14 I WOULD like to Inform "Play Safe" (ST.. Nov. II) that multi-way plug adaptors are not. at present, required to be tested prior to sale. However If any particular brand or type of electrical appliance or fitting 1* considered to constitute a source of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 19 14 Which bank works for you around the clock, and around the world? We do. [HI BANKOf AMERICA ITI. oa**ar»a»rsd
      19 words
    • 336 14 Mi 9^ ssflbrnAN A I s9^^ WON 7JrDn*wNoß 95-103/75 /_^ff!V awatawlvJL^ DOUBLERfTURN AsTTICKET TO SEOUL BY CF* PLUS S l 000 CASH 2NDPjnZ£ DOUBLTRrrURN ASmCKf T TO TA«H BY CPA PIUS 1 MO CASH SHAAP46OMTft-> COLOUR TV »C 60 ft 4TH PfW tS IWURMtOOVSkTCHES GENTS FC 1689 LADYS FCTMt tCf
      336 words

  • 167 15 93 bank officers get pay rise under new pact V'IISBTY THRKB bank otneert are to receive salary Inert ases ranging from 1100 to 1146 under a collective agreement signed between tbe Singapore Bank Offlcen' Aasoclatlon and Overseas Union Bank Ltd. yesterday. The Increases are believed to be among the highest
    167 words
  • 75 15 SPE course: Certificates for 450 A TOTAL of 450 teachen yeiterday completed a month-long Special '.lyaical education course organised by the Ministry of education's Extracurricular Activities Centre Mr. Chal Chong Til. Benlor lOnlater or Stale ißducaUon). preaanud certiOcataa of participation at Urn eioatnc cerenooy baM at Urn Dor»r Rood Sporta
    75 words
  • 149 15 Justice Tan Ah Tah calls it a day MB. Jasttoe Tan Ah Tab (aheve) who will be 7« aert May. fees on retlreatent teday—with the reeerd of well ever IS years' dUUnrmlahcd service aa a Jadge ef the Sasreaw Coert. Officially, hr "retired" la Netesßber 1971 bet ha sa lisas
    149 words
  • 61 15 Colour films on Australia at museum The National Museum will screen four colour films on Australia and Australians at Its lecture ball on Dec. 3 at 7JO pjn. Th*y are: Our Land Australia. Tempo Australia In Urn 70s. Tbe fifth Facade (on UM Sydney Open Houmi. and Australian Report PVet
    61 words
  • 110 15 t *OHIUBI7TIOIf> U v/ Ike Oeasnl Frovlaeat Tmrni Umt4 ■s; mam cc jsesl le ajk> tale tkreegk Ike Umutm* aa4 Deveisav ■KitßMrt »s4 J«ree« Towa CsrpstaUon. Utgm lsttssis sevemlac each ■■leassw were gaseMei ky Mr. WllUta Ckenf. Per■uuwnt Secretary to the Ministry ef Lahow,
    110 words
  • 357 15 r«ENTRAL Prorldent Fund contributors who make use of their savings to buy 'Housing Board flats will have to pay the 20 per cent down payment like others from Dec. 1. They may. however, ma^e use of CPF savings to pay such deposits.
    357 words
  • 254 15 Peon guilty of wrecking three machines A 22-YEAR-OLD airline peon, accused of committing mischief by damaging three printing machines In the airport, told a magistrate's court yesterday that he could not remember anything at all. The court, bowerer, found Mohamad Ta'at BJL Rahman guilty of -autipf, fismnfft to the marhlnos
    254 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 197 15 H •••^t^Pal'*^ BaaaaVa^afjaet^^^^H \^l»^*^ |^^^^Hawßa^Bßßwawa^* r AfVs^sHiaVJißVawißVßfj. am S-JJP" This magnificent Seiko ilaf 1 mm 1% movement Stenor transistorised mm* Lr^r II ml wall clock worth $36 is yours 1.% f I FREEwhenyoubuyaSetronTV V^jjaa^ajflLiaVjßl Baaaaei BJaaW for your festive season viewing. i, lII.JM Offer applicable for all Setron I ___f
      197 words
    • 302 15 *A BaaaSafl BaaV 4eflwSaft New! Junivite ißaf i 77liijO Y^WeC aCIWO colourful, exerting, educational jig-saw puzzlesworth $1.00 each! Huny-whikshcklQt! g>m^^ This is how you vtV^afl getthem! F&i 2 puzilee for every 900 ml (17 SoilcertooH AaVßaWaa 1 puizle for every 22S ml (Soil carton |m 1 puzzle for 2 x
      302 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 791 15 On your TV SINGAPORE S j 'Jl IV OMjaai and Sesaa Stint 7JI ant Oktor) Ul teMßi Tsta-l Ml Ca FW-tepan US Saatajri MwSsnaa Huan Dari Langit IUI faraan la|Hii Hill seaaj Caaari Ul (MM fil laai Laaan ILS Ntical Men m Ptoi U) Ma*** Qbsw) 11.11 HaMt MM Bn
      791 words

  • 308 16 Man who moved 5 times and kept silent AN airline ramp officer, who moved house five times In 16 months, was yesterday fined a totil of $100 by a district court for not reporting the chung* of his addresses to the National Registration Office. Bok Bye Poo. 57. who told
    308 words
  • 38 16 CHUA Chye Huat was y<sterdsy fined ISO by a m*4*trate's court after be pleaded guilty to park«)g in Boat Quay on Aug. 16 at 1 iJ o m. wham there was a "no park Ing" sign.
    38 words
  • 469 16 Officer tells of attack by woman A SENIOR police officer yesterday described how he was attacked by a woman when he tried to get her sister to cough oat "a piece of paper." DSP Joseph Delikan was testifying at the trial of Tan Chwee Huay, 23, accused of assisting in
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  • 62 16 Ballet classes at National Theatre THE National Theatre Trust will conduct courses In ballet and Chinese Instruments at beginner and Intermediate levels from next month to January. The Chinese Instruments taught will include the ku chug, aheng. flute, er hu. plpa andeyang chin. Further information can be obtained from the
    62 words
  • 244 16 GIRL WBO LOST THAT FOR LIFE EVENTEEN year -eld Tab Feck Haa>. whs lost tfce mef her right arm after aha was stallsi la a auamJ with BMighawars. has baeeawa "irritable and withdrawn," according to her amether. "One* she was se cheerfwJ and earefrse," said Madaai Urn Chwee Ong, who
    244 words
  • 44 16 The University of Singapore's Science Society and the students' counselling service will Jointly organise a seminar on Career Opportunities for Science Qraduates at the New Lecture Theatre 4 at the Buklt Ttmah campus on Dec. I tram am to SJO p m
    44 words
  • 58 16 SINOAPORE Bus Service employees. Including bus crews, will be dismissed If they sport long hair. Departmental managers have warned several workers to trim their shaf s7 hair. It Is understood that the BBS general manager. Mr. Wong Hung Khlm Issued a circular on attire
    58 words
  • 371 16 AN International Labout Organisation occupational health chief last night warned that one In four would get cancer and one in five would die from the disease. Giving an "overview" of occupational cancers at the Singapore Oeneral Hospital i Pathology Lecture theatre. Dr. Ernest Mastromatteo
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 310 16 SEW EASY PAYMENT SCHtME -waw^^^^^^aLT*^ L^ awLwmaw mwmwmwF awmwml mwrnV^ EwmwT t £^hhh^h! EjgjK«m««m-£ BBBgmw-BR^^Hl KvS«^ G bes MfFV I Pja\ results from your Hpa» Necchl M»chmawith^ m^m P^^^IPBP^PVHP^VPHa^PI fie special j^Hg^g*] Yji u Til .1 I L*4gf^r Se*-How A I i i IIH I 1 r|y Booklet gi»en awCs
      310 words
    • 180 16 W JUST ARRIVED! hk- fabulous *rs37^*<.~t M B collection from U.S.A. from SS9O to SS.VX) INH(W )1 Uv/l\i3« Main nc» designs arc continuously added to our popular -'///mi range from SSI 2 to SS9O BICj PlvlZ]£S! You can win bj lucky draw: H Ist Prize kfmmm* P1 350 M V
      180 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 244 16 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM sequel, showing ability 1 Cause of a hot. tight me- to write (S). kerT S. j. l> s Reginakl tumi crasr. like S Writer In mn upaet- some Europeans fhouldn't bo taxaHstf 7 Quiet spot for Remarque (•>■ (3. T. 6) t Bod arveat may make
      244 words

  • 466 17 TOY PISTOL USED IN $100 ROBBERY pOl'R youths were yesterday sentenced to a total of 72 months' jail and or--11 to be given a total of of the rotan when they pleaded guilty to two cheWfcl of armed rob- The four admitted that
    466 words
  • 173 17 Dumping of veg: Chamber seeks advice rB Chinese Chamber of commerce will seek the advice of the Trade Department on how to deal with the Oyama Shipping Company of Japan, which dumped vegetables worth more than $500,000 bound for Singapore into the sea about four months ago. The president of
    173 words
  • 189 17 S'pore writers 'disunited and selfish LOCAL writers came under strong criticism from a University of Singapore ret arch scholar yesterday Mr. Klrpal Much, from the university's English Department, contended that most local writers lacked conviction and co-operation and ware disunited and selnah. 'Vicious conflict' Speaking on The Singapore Writer: Problems
    189 words
  • 25 17 The Pioneer Industries riiuihijeei Onion and Uw Sincapore Industrial Laoour Organisation will dtstrtfMta pncfceUetw dlartas. printed by-SltOi prtaUng co-op, tr tbetr M.lll rnembara.
    25 words
  • 34 17 THE Hoover Park and ifUhhmirhnnfl Realdenu Ajeociatton wUI hold a Chi let aai party for children of aessabsrs non-flMK-bers at TT. Larong Pleans Hess on Dee. U at S M p -n
    34 words
  • 90 17 Private Liew goes to the gallows PUTan Uew Ah Cfcew, M. was aaaa•4 at ChsMaH rrftssai a* daw raster eej 1m Ut last Tea/ Uew. a MHssial sarrti iai. was lews* fwmy by la* ngk CsjsMJ am Oef U, last TwßaTa 4C awMawTwMeHawlf XeeVftJ 14. Her Eewa Seme ta ti
    90 words
  • 77 17 How banks finance exports MR CHARUS Kovacs, second vice-president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, gave a talk on bank "nfim*'rtg for export business to a Lions Club of Singapore (Jurong) dinner at Ming Court Hotel on Thursday Mr. Kovaaa otMnert the hank's oaannionsl awtbseß an loans requlresaenU and iw—iJ the
    77 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 304 17 1 gl 'iSSSm %)C*S^^ J g»^H l^^^^[SiSJßill I t*g»gww y** 'wtr Ot> fPwM Kts ißMSffw BM HeMg R«gB» A SwSSwft* Tffßßwfgj, I Aoorr* 227 2nd Ftotf Mm ftfifapuri 4 SwOCa 107. JCafJI w)wBJI MftVwft BMflpafi 3 -4v4 7 I J I wl OPCMeVw! Ro#d BM(S«MeV 9 T#J 3480 ft |twMI
      304 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 185 17 »r.n,l«, UP r.«H~ »y »>U Kavams^, <i -a C^s> > U^^aAaT WVf^sLC 1 QCAi IV QV SLOC I T I J^^*'"^/ rw^f W^^gf wWHIWTW l| Blondl* "y CHl Y#a "t T7 1 »ouno H I Tuese *«c V <j what's X" V^_---,\ Yrvcsc plants AaftosLAPwvua«V-»rV gg^ Ta wwo>/ K \YX
      185 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 497 18 I AiWyH^P'vhrVVßp^p^vvTSßtpp^ I AT 700 PM. NOW SHOWING! AT 930 PM j I ■AZIKH I J2ZZ2L I: JirM| Drive-hi Ciieaa Orcfcar»!*Meoi SIMULTANEOUS MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! JOtONC 4 O«CMA«0 MAHDAftIH VftSION OOEON ENGLISH VIRSION OOIDIN MitVltT MOVI CO"»»»NT X >• I CO MOOI/C'ON lOIIiNC I JIIIT Wilt TI *****1 l i tni
      497 words
    • 191 18 NOW SHOWING! OOLMH: S SHOWS AT Haw. I M. 4 M, *M MPM KO»«G CHIAN 4 SMOWS*T 130, 330. 7.15 *30 fU. SCHOOL CONCESSION TO ALL StATS FO* MATINU SHOWS ONLY' HURRY- DOWT WAIT! SEE IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO urn! rQff'l'M *d iMi'll^Blt' lTA.*\ •iK)«i %Q v'^wTfn 1
      191 words
    • 143 18 CONGRATULATIONS to SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC of Yugoslavia on their 32nd Anniversary from i K.T.S. (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Ul HUI RAM CENTRE U)ND SHIPPING PTE. LTD. CNEN6 HWA CHIANG ANNOUNCEMENT sth Floor, Peace Centre, Sophia Road Please be Informed that we are closed today Sattrrday. November 29, 1975 from 8 am
      143 words
    • 181 18 31 be is X'K I not at borne- 1 I trp /otters j Imn% 4>hfliaal jf Jexm 4)ai«»ia«a>r»iiil 5 FLOWN V BEEF V ItMaWOWDj lOtfc Wf Day NOW tHOWtMf I JO. J JO. J» ft TiOpm iUNAINAH M. AMIM. AZIZ SATAI. IMahim MMMX. to KELUARGA PARAMOUNT TOOAT I JO. IM.
      181 words
    • 273 18 J3N WEEK! 17th KXCITIW I4V!| Simultaneously at 2 Theatres J mm^ST If Lit O. B |||«»-l t* Asa. _^P%ar^j^[ •w^ peaeaaL jaaflß^bMealfeßi B) na-E\rV film... m AKPORT I976 j BUS HIBHHBtBBjBI MM MIIMJSBjaaiQa P HB«I»KBIIrJraM|«BaWI f •winwkMiaw oiaow A UnivwMi MkJ LV OrtrtMled by hctuf Coejmo beatnobonol Cotpoiobon p Miiti
      273 words
    • 699 18 »*k WfU- IM OAT' 11a.. 1M.4M.«45.t11 Pete/ Sell** "■ITUtN Ot TV. (INK PANTMtf ■I ~ona>rnionXZo<er NIXT CHAN«r »UI TO FILM J lIMCTH ftmeje, nm. Ttaw* "••IJUJOHIV. Ro6wl Dadrord Mia Forro» "TV, OMAT UTlir »«AMOUNT.CIC) fj H B J»< WtlK' 9* OAT sj Itaax IN4N.tU.tH Ei. WoHoch Tomo» Mitxri a) "»AMUtA|-
      699 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 669 19 >^, V *'ll o{gooachee^, \aV\\ tooiAnfufeoj miff \pwk fW My// TopeftheM' En|oy a commandiog view C^y^BBBBBBaw of Singapore from 40 storeys up, /?^^^i while you also enjoy international *5l J ne, reflecting the mood of ,o^Bßßßß*fiaiysfe*” I ?4th December CHRISTMAS EVE S^4| HS^^^) Christmas Eve Lunch: Traditional /j? a» m-
      669 words
    • 133 19 3^tronTuAS ]fl& LUIS MARIA 4 RAJ Show //T^Z^tM I MyktlyFiem 1100 PM LlljQj\ L, a splendid night hrn I 9§C J M CM laM»ti IMU 1 Mia «A kMOHliMsiiaajiKiMti I fieHjiPaJt ftMiTMWM 51 WENSHEAUHWK AN6 FANGPfltsfl LtMOAYONG f^fat j^ in owwuT^e^ J 7 > Wf-CUBkKSTNJUNTirTEILTO isi urn wen aju w»
      133 words
    • 195 19 SHISEIDO GOLDeT ELLOW LOTION L Helps keep skin dewy-toft, glowingly alive. For normal or oily, blemished or sun-darkened skin #oAHI7 r EIDO COSMETICS JtHIHHIIItjIIHnIIIIHCJMiiHMiIiII. JlHlinillllCjlll'lHllliiCJlHnlillHl* *****111^ s 77?e fiesf Freshest Seafood is at SEA FIESN RESTAURANT Owing to increasing popularity. Business I Hours extended as from Ist Dec. 1975: 1
      195 words
    • 71 19 lOftC-NJ^V^^Q^v J&r^Mfl^^^k^l r4aCalalßaVaMe^V V^«' r '^o^a^^^^" DuUl IHIIIIIIt3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIMIIIIt]IIIIIIIIMIIt3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IJIIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIt]IIIMIIMIIICJIimiIIIIIII]IIIIIIIIMII^ Yoga for health j "•1M and beauty j ll l^^l Mrs. Joyce Chu is conducting Yoga lessons for ladies only. (No Meditation class). From MONDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY i SUNDAY 830 am 1 1 30 am 8.30 am 11 .30 am 3.00 pm
      71 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 417 20 A Ling :npany in the ippliances industry .lowing p<> MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT tizens lor c based in Kuala Lumiude financial tion of burk tllital ast two (2) jnTience. SALES EXECUTIVES IU) at \mk and sales ex,r Kuala Lumpur required musl have at lea tit in English. her with a nonBOX AJMI
      417 words
    • 1030 20 Pfrj T*TWB IftDUSTMES SDfi. BHD. W« ttmvc EXCELLENT JOB OPPORTUNITIES In our proposed Auiomobtl* Plant at PEKAN IN THE STATE OF PAH AND Tr* Plant has very ambitious plans for expansion and U kmfcinc for Malaysian ClUaens wim dn«. mulatto and aputud* for laamtaf In the following trsaj The successful
      1,030 words
    • 940 20 I The New StrahsTimes Ptess Hamiasssw (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING I Notice Is hereby given that the Fourth Annual General I Meeting of the Company will be held In the Board Room of I New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad. Balal I Berlta, 31 Jalan Rlong,
      940 words
    • 460 20 HIGHLANDS A LOWLANDS PARA RUBBER COMPANY LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sn EXTRAORDINARY OENERAL MEXTINO of the abovenamed Company will be held at The Rubber rinrtiwi Council Chamber H«n|un»n Oetah Asil. Jalan Ampanf Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia on Monday Snd December 197} st 12 o'clock noon when the subjoined resolutions
      460 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 62 21 classified ads %l K IN <■ M mm ittAfSinut LgJMM A MAS OFFER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGA ST ANOOI W C ATHEORAL r/TERNAL I'll ASSEMBLY SOS SAMARITANS OF Professional A Drug Mansriacturing Company .nd CH.Mnging PosMion lor the RigM CendNMe. Thw Poet tuitaan lor a roconwy ailoHtlsd Accountant i AUSTRALIA
      62 words
    • 220 21 GIRLS' GIRLSI GIRLS' Onty For the SophiaoxaHd Owss Of Odtaiewi NestsnatMMrs) NOW m raw chance aad taae pnde •f. working lor a Proaaweoua NkjM Club soon lo be opened and run by ■^•iiona' Entertainment a mis for those Also Experienced Female Manageresses 4 Service Swoorvwors rsQuwed a 1 > noon
      220 words
    • 437 21 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT REOUIREO isrtr<i Kngineenng Company having us office situate at Pasir Panjang an imv for i JUNIOR CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY J TT"I I'Utt a Be a Singapore citurn. .vr completed OC E "O" lies in I gJM i iv.vsfs. v,it , i.i;if iralions un shorthand at 100 p n.
      437 words
    • 653 21 PART TIME LAOV Sales Executive required for I -2 weeks duration Atirartive commission and Interested to call per- Room 221 223. Stamf 39 Stamford Road hetween 12 60 2 00 p nr TECHNICAL SALES RE PRESENT ATI YE ■i.i l trading company mv for an energetic Sales r>et ween 25
      653 words
    • 742 21 TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS AM required for M and E Consulting Practice Candidates with suit ,i r.le training and experience and mechanical and electrical engineering may apply lo Per sonnel Manager. North Canal •loud P 0 Box MT76. Spore I OMRON StNGAPONE (PTB LTD. !NVITr> APPLICATIONS FOR Applicants should possess Technician Certificate
      742 words
    • 761 21 OFFICE ASSISTANT (FEMALE) required for housing and properties department In expanding company Applicants must have working rxperience in this field of work Knowledge of Chinese dialects an advantage Apply an indwnting lo P O Box 216. Kllimey Road. Spore 9. with passport star photo (non-return-able) TiGRSL Daps Wisnl Basra
      761 words
    • 860 21 1 FEMALE MACHtSSE Operators agr It 2S. One male operator Ace It 25 N.S One Driver N S age between 22-30 Apply personally to Ban (hoot Industry Pte Ltd I, Kallang Junction. Kallang Basin Spore 12 2sXh Noisasbsr 1 66 am 11 66 noon DHDB invites applications from Singapore CTtlxens
      860 words
    • 565 21 EXPERIENCED FEMALE ARTIST dr-signer reouired Immediately Attractive salary and fringe benefits offered Apply personally toP m at 110. Ist floor OoMen Mile Towers LADIES WANTED A. xiclaj EsI>e entertainers lei tl2tt6 Oood income Vacancies exist for hoth expenenced and Traaaao, dajaaaj awr•••atlo^ gMnaC^ggaaV^"/ sVaaVaW Mgaaw^Ml SCMflasa. tl.smiwonl bonds ott I
      565 words
    • 291 21 BUNGALOWS CLEMENTI PARK Mi!:» Si 460 Tnomson Road SI rhomaon Hills SI. 080 Sennet t Terrace SSOt OoMen Rise SBM Apartments urt SI 000 l» BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE STOREY SEMI DETACHEO furnished to a high standard Rental depending on terms of POMOOOt POINT OIST 'iinn or I p m 2 W
      291 words
      196 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 369 22 tsw wwwr^mmmi GENUINI BUYEP.O WANTED. -nutt sell s possible No sgenu two beautifully letached Each Bin < bedrooms up- >-i bathrooms. wnttalrt dining room. id rioonng. ser- ith UNlet Price 82MM0 ar..l 8210.0 M 2 Ootden •nilar tn JMT- «q ft Parrj .iduau fi in warablneu ant s room with
      369 words
    • 616 22 JALAN JMTAM 3 bedrooms, fur ite vacsnt possession 8125.000 call Consultant Unique urns FLAT OILEV ROAO 3 ms Price 3*2.000 land Mosaic/ Parquet floorint throughout Contact 644 MS #1 Latest*. CATTLE PROPERTY- AUSTRALIA •00 acres IM miles North of Brisbane near the roast and noil day resort beaches M Inch
      616 words
    • 838 22 Tallin Rill I II If 1^ Is 9 *%optpa.tto.ooso 2 •am tsuwswii tot. IMHSBB ORCHARO TOWIR SNO Floor Shop for rant 31* sq ft Tel 5*3*34/ 3 1 5244 ONCHARO TOWER* SHOP space for rent 2nd floor Area 372 sq ft 82 70 p s f Immediate occupation 6*0740 office
      838 words
    • 613 22 AUOTRALIA NEW ZIALANO Beautiful Perth Melbourne Sydney A Katoomba Auckland. Wellington. Chnstchurch 4 Mr Cook 1221 days 81*50/ SUM Dep 3 7 9 3 6 4 EUROPE 10 romantic countries Italy. Austria. Switarrland. Oermsny. Russia Holland. Belgium France. England and Denmark 20/22 days 82 870/ 82 SM Dep 17 II
      613 words
    • 656 22 w ft INTER-CONTHtENTAL OCEAN EXPO 71 TOUM TOKYO/ OKINAWA/ TAIWAN/ IKNOOKONOI Days SI.SS9 Dept 2SVIO 11/11. 2*ll OS/12. 23/12.M/l TOKYO/ TAIWAN/ NUALIBN/ HONGKONG SISM 14 Day* Dep 14/10. 2* 10 It'll. 2S/11. M/l). 23/12. M/l JAPAN/ OKINAWA/ lIONMT.ONOV TAIWAN/ NUALNTN/ ALMHtTN 14 days SV7M/-. Dept 03/11. 23/11. 03/12. 11/11. 31/12
      656 words
    • 600 22 (FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS) TYPfTVMVTMG SHORTHAND BOOKEEPffMG WEPORTWtsfTsrwC ESEH ISA. Mackonm Road, *****7/*****8 768 G. Upper Seranßouri Koad. Td BOS6QO L Stti Floor. CRTH Building. Tot: *****0 J mpoorr/ export pnoceoures and Documentation Establishing nv.rnaj contact, sales clause. methods of payment, freight calculations, types of L/C. contracts, banking and shipping procedures
      600 words
    • 590 22 AM accountanct by Ronald Nah Commences 2 pm Saturday 2SU< November Enrol early to reterve place Phone 7405* Management Training Centre. 304 3rd Floor. New People's Park Centre ELEMENTARY BOOK KEEPINO commencing 2 pm and 3 30 pm 29th November Pee 87 monthly and MTC Certificate swarded for satisfactory completion
      590 words
    • 463 22 I EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPSAXINO for all occasions, conducted by panel I of .Sun 1 lo Halt Course commences 2 pm Oth December Fee 815 monthly Reserve place, phone *****6 Management Training Centre. 304 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre ErrttLlSrl SPEECH. JMAMMAR Course specially conducted for those interested to Improve
      463 words
    • 457 22 Accountancy En«ine«ring Business Stuatics ns?KLW«CTsSnii^MBDU Vt; i DECEMBER BEOINNERS SPECAL RAPIO COURSES during holidays TYPEWRITING (2 months) BOOKKEEPING i2'i months) SHORTHAND 1 3 months) mornins; afl noon evening VVeekda) Weekend and Sunday Classes. CONN S REPORT WRITING Please enrol early INTERMEDIATE ENOLISH and similar standards commeniinit Sunday 30th November 3
      457 words
    • 683 22 1* FOOT BATUMI* Chrysler 135 engine Power trim canopy ski equipment one year old MOM on o Tel 3T3SM CHEAP SSM ON© Johnson B hp (1*70) recently overhauled^ BBSSMMSI Ms* :^24<MO Saturday only 14 FT SAILINO SLOOP M SM Kinf 4MMS IMPORTED FISREGLASS 41 Taiwan Ketch teak deck, perktns engine
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
      86 words
    • 281 23 MENTAL SALE ANO WANT TOUR CHILD AH Klf« AIRCONOITIONtNO Ke- specialist in 'espraytng and LONESOMET CALL .n 912*96 for >mN*M We re SIMBRO DAY/ NIGHT SERVICE SKYLIOHT SERVICE DEPARTMENT any make V Repair rjaranteed Moderate charges *****4 THOPICAL T V SPECIALIST In >lour repair, illation Tel 51 44 12 Fair
      281 words
    • 506 23 UNO* OFFERSO AOAINST SMM> Loans arrangement iv» 2*57. S pore ST ART YOUR OWN Money making business today rree details P O Box Mo* K L 01 -Qt JAMADM. CORPORATION SOLE \«enl for Tokyo Saanaml Brand etc (steel. aluminium pmtir, wish to ap.Vest and Singapore Indonesia and Thailand Those in:>l»as*
      506 words
    • 407 23 CANE BITT8M0) ROOM suite and carpet to match 9 x 12. blue $400. typewriter $70 Hoorer keymalir washing machine like new $450. dehumldifier $10. Hoover Vacuum rlraner $50. National automatic toaster $30 lamps F.nglisn dinner and tea seU. tuverware. glassware. ippliances and other household items 44. Hroper Road. Newton Spore
      407 words
    • 530 23 CARPETS. CURTAINS. WALL papers, clearance stock at fantastic discount ConUrt Coaroo (leneral Suppliers and Contractors. 15S. Upper Bat Coast Road. s pore 16 To* *****5 412*02 spor*a# vvsrriojsofißi SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SEASON OFFSRS:Dunlop Red Flash Tennla/ Badminton Squash Shoes $7 40 per pair Dunlop Maxply Wooden Shaft Radminton Racket (Strung) $21
      530 words
    • 543 23 *NTW BOMTISM FiAMO excellent tone quality with perfect design and appearance Selling at attractive prve Prat glfu I heater "R^'S^'iiSi'aSk'ffino Oo CMEMSMEO OIFTS VISIT TME ANTMWAMAN 491, (»sor Va*oy Roe* (Tot *****T) The only shop in Singapore which deals exclusively In English Victorian Edwardian and other period furniture, silver, docks,
      543 words
    • 803 23 MOCK MOTORS. IS, Jalfcn Istoar Special Chrtaunai Now Year Oftor One Free Helmet with Ws*ry ptjrrfwXßo* of mv no4or~ (Tries Easy Una* can be arrangSdestructionJ »l 2M*on wtl sw row V car Imi laaaar o A iOasMI fkat covtrs eetn; JJ taunt mcr of iMtol mi atoftrolot tvery coeaor ■vMaat
      803 words
    • 901 23 LOOKNM KM A Cheap Car Uood Running Englnr. Insuranr* Hoad Tax end February I*7* l>if»ii»> ,hl» hill inn t«oi While Ford Conalr is all yours for only $yn Phone Robert *****44 NO HE ONO CA« THAOfKf LTO.. Homo Ot Osaßt. Uooo Cara. Ji J A BvkJl Time* a*. J m-a..
      901 words
    • 753 23 auoust isro roue Sup»r on* owner, low mllrafr 10 m p Kermtly ovrrnauls>d new paintwork and battrry tapr Elayrr sod as srtonti rar Pnr* U. 200 n Rlrtf OS?2s« (Ofrtrri 412M0 Ihaasti M 4 UPPER THOMSON ROAO. 7 M S TIL. *****3. >040 M I*7l/ I*7* MinCIOIS Jin manual and
      753 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    16 24 TAN ENG SOO Dapartsel 29.11.74. Cone But Not Forgotten In-vrted by loved ones SBBBjssBBJfBtaR~BSjBRSBjBBjpj
    16 words
  • 23 24 MK. «;<>M UP POON who departed us on 29. 1 1 .74. Always remembered by classmates and beloved ones.
    UP  -  23 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 449 24 /tw^i URBAN 1 REDEVELOPMENT N^^rJ AUTHORITY are invited from suitably qualified the posts of> 1) PRINCIPAL LANDS OFFICER IX I id a team of Land Officers in .■■mem. administration It it the Authority's land from time to time the •n. ;t ion mement of Authority's proper..inagement ions put up
      449 words
    • 1507 24 TENDER Tender* ore invited from Registered Sriipchond»«r». Suppliers ond Provisioned* for the supply of provisions to P T Peini vessels ot Singapore foe the First HoM of 1976 (Jonuory to June) ParticukKS of provisions are described in Schedule A available on application The conditions of the Tender ore OS follows:
      1,507 words
    • 652 24 $H ARP- HOX Y CORPORATION (M) SON BMO BAK AR AR ANG SUNGCI FAT AN! KED AH I A NEW PLANT manufacturing sophisticated electronic/solid state I cooaurner products Invites applications from Malaysians/Bumiputras I for the following personnel PRODUCTION CONTROLLER n*tM I A Diploma/Degree In Electrical/Electronic Engineering or in allied I
      652 words

  • 250 25 MIDDLESBRO HAVE TO CONTAIN CHARLIE LONDON, Fri. The six leading teams in the English soccer First Division have matches tomorrow, with champions Derby County hoping to maintain their lead in what promises to be another close title race. Derby face a resolute Middlesbrough, but in the
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 132 25 Foreman stops Ballard in two XTKW YORK Fri. 11 Former heavyweight champion George Foreman knocked out Jody Ballard of Houston at 30 seconds of the second round last night in a scheduled 10-round benefit bout for the US Olympic Fund at the Concord Hotel. Foreman kayoed Ballard with a straight
    132 words
  • 285 25 The 'Kaiser' seeks a transfer ILfIUNICH. Fri. Franz Beckenbauer, who led West Germany to victory in the World Soccer Cup last year, is interested In Joining a foreign club after 17 years with Bayern Munich. Beckenbauer. 90, on* of the zntat elegant and respected players In th-i world, told the
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 80 25 YORK, m TUno Maklnen of Finland woo the British Royal Motorcar Club Rally for the third strelfht year yesterday. The 17 year -old driver arrived at the finish line here with oil spUllng from hla Ford Escort Maklnen won by 64 seconds over his
    AP  -  80 words
  • 204 25 PLAYERS MAY GET FREEDOM OF CONTRACT I ONDON. m KtisaeTs infniisil Miur ebake an clan to (irtac •a Umst playara fruiii af a—lran la a am wkJek aataas mrUOa tocaaM eaa at the Uoot span rail la tkc history af Uh Esatsm The Laana aa4 playara ha»« alrra47 traara as
    204 words
  • 28 25 OEOROKTOWN. Ouyana. Frt. Ouyana defeated China, M>-T1 yesterday to Ue a two-came baakrtbal) aerlea at one game each. China had Uken the first contest 7Ja. ap
    28 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 307 25 lAi Ils[fl 111 m L PAPER OR MANDKERCMIEFT^Jsaw^^ay No. Its AIR TOWEL, MAGIC TOWEL. b^^^^bW >^Bai I Put your hands into an AIR TOWEL box, Quick sterilization, quick dehumidification. Here's What It is *M TOWIL is a quick hand dryar with an automatic ctactrtc safety devtc* *M towwl is supsrMy
      307 words
    • 135 25 3 FREE from J CORONA on. f.. atMai MA vmyi co^Mnpd aTJ^^iSßaßr wjf > porlabis poda>i B-Sar \v ASM TRAT j^^*^ fi <R fo« COWOH* MINI ATI IRF ft t j 2000 liaHlar wjlrllAl Uric \v li^fTkfl I 1^ li\ Wit V) oMjinMiood hi V JJ ll\sT\* "f only while
      135 words
    • 419 25 SPECIAL OFFER items galore! free gifts, hurry! I Food Liquor, Patent Medicine, Other I Electrical Depts. Depts. Purchase of Purchase of 10 or more 1976 Pocket Diary or 5 or more Plastic Butter Container $20 or more Plastic Flask or $1 0 or more Chopsticks 1 bundle (10 pain) 30
      419 words

    • 795 26  -  WFCTMHA? SLEEMAN By AFTER COLLAPSE LLOYD SAYS 'WE BATTED BADLY' BRISBANE, Fri.— Australia clearly grained the points in round one in the fight for world cricket supremacy which began on a controversial pitch here today. After a dramatic opening to the First Test, Australia were sitting
      Reuter  -  795 words
    • 18 26 MUmBAY superb ci MU.DUUCES T\*TJ 4» Four for 42 TVBMEB BriTe 55 no.
      18 words
    • 698 26  -  EPSOM JEEP By Ol G ANJIL should register his first win in Ract 2 at the Kuala Lumpur Proam races today. A five-year-old gelding by Notorious, 81Oanju'i best effort to date was a second to Snoopy In a Class 4 Div 5. 1.2U0 race at
      698 words
    • 47 26 RACE 1. PENINJAV Mlaty Anne •ACE t: SI-GANJIL FaU Of Fan BACK 3: GIPSY GimL (.ood Belarn^ BACt 4: JOANNA'S PH Brnaluanrr BACE S: HMI lIMI SI'NDAY Northern Star BACt. SCMANTAN Cinema BACt 7: PONTI CABLO Holiday Battle BACK I NINE IP Pspalol Golnt Forecast: HEAVY
      47 words
    • 736 26 -HJ MM 2 MARA CLA BB 4 DIV. -B■iUSLSswi 1200 m Catchwwighta: 74 1/2 i tasasasKanl^rmPßCp i >** i jsaaxspor* n i »17M> I.VI L«r» PKI «J LI OMO a«a*aa Vt L*n PRf i I IawmSdUOHK. wm+m+ 2 a> WWMBM P*nan« P< > xaiwjtMMisnrPKi. I OPS Jiaill (Sioc
      736 words
    • 132 26 WXST mDrEg Ist Inns 'tcwarfcfta c Marsh b OUmour 44 Orceasds* lbw Ulle 0 Baw* run out 3S Kaaataarrsm c Turner b Lille* 4 mour 4« OreeaMf lbw Lillaa 0 U*7* C Majih b OUmour 7 Hurray c Mallett b OUmour M Msiaia* c Cnappeil b Ollmour 14 larfcaai
      132 words
    • 434 26 KUALA LUMPUR. Frt J»Uy rfcUanderer Main sparkled In ualnlnf. With Martin Bng aatrlde, the Philanderer ■cldlnc reeled off 600 m m 37 3/5 In heary going here today, reporu EplUot tar net guMs ol t*llopa by bonw «g«c«d for MACS 1: Un mrlcUd ow atom in 411
      434 words
    • 320 27  - Fireball duo leave for the Seap... BERNARD PBRBtRA TWO-GOLD FORECAST By THE first batch of the Singapore contingent to the Seap Games Lock Hong Kit and Tan Tee Suan, our Fireball yachting dvo leave for Bangkok today. Their early departure Is because they want to —In the words of their
      320 words
    • 101 27 S'pore win Inter-Port games pORT Authority Recreation 1 Club (Singapore) enenitd overall chanipfcx* In th« ■:«ui Inter-Port fames which concluded yesterday More than SOO participant* from 10 port* In the Aaran reaion competed In the 10 tame durtn« the ctfht-day meet at Buklt Chermln. Rcaulu Badminton Thailand beat Penanc 4-0
      101 words
    • 194 27 ITS going to be a chilly Seap Games at Bangkok. Recent reports from Bangkok state that the Thai meteorological department experts believe that the present temperatures, ranging around 17.5 degrees centigrade, may drop to 15 degrees centigrade next month. *r THERE is gloom in the Malaysian soccer team
      194 words
    • 278 27  - All because of one official. GODFREY ROBERT By 'pHE 23-m ember x Singapore rugby team for the annual international clash against Malaysia left yesterday evening in separate groups and by various means all because one official blundered. He was to have purchased tickets early for the National team's trip to
      278 words
    • 190 27 HONGKONG, Frt.— Ashok Pace! scored a flawless 93 when Singapore registered 258 In the Arst innIngs of their threeday Interport match against Hongkong which began here today. Scores at stumps: Singapore 258; Hongkong 35-0. Classic Playing on a good batting wicket, Ashok, who went
      AP  -  190 words
    • 200 27 Bowler 'SY' takes a dive MANIILA. Frt. The power- bowling Mexican. Benjamin Corona, came good once again on the fourth day of the riowlln* World Cup here today. Corona, who has led the field on two occasions this week, fired his way to the top of 16 survivors when he
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 108 27 Geylang to lead after today? pEYLANO International sis face Changl in a vital National League Division One match at Oeylang Btadlum today at 4.30 pjn. Oeylang. who were eliminated by Tampines Rovers In the President's Cup semi-finals on Thursday, need a win today to take over the lead in the
      108 words
    • 23 27 JD6W and Jeaeen beat Banque National* dt Parts 1-0 (Syed sfutallb) la a friendly soccer match at Toa Payoh Complex yesterday
      23 words
    • 57 27 KALMAR. Sweden. FM. Csecboslovakla's table tennis team blanked the United Statea. S-0 yesterday and moved Into the aamlflnala with China. Sweden and Yugoslavia In the men's team competition of the Hcarxllnavlan Open Championships In the other quarter-finals. Baeueu defeated Britain, t-l. Yugoslavia beat West Ocrmany. J-0. and
      AP  -  57 words
    • 191 27  - Another test for Selection JOE DORAI By T»HE constantly re--1 shuffled Singapore King's Cup soccer team will meet Brunei Selection tonight at the Jurong Town Stadium. Thia match aerves v another test for our Reserves. Brunei Selection, which arrived on Thursday afternoon, have four National and two Youth players. In
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 646 26 liiUis^Uill I Furniture Less! 20% -50% I MH/r>V LADIES' DEPARTMENT Curtain Materials I A up now 20% -40% I bP\ W-^ >TKlask Ladies Brassier* $9 90 to $25.90 $4.90 to $12.90 Chandelier \J vL **w! Ladies Panties $3 80 to $27.00 $1.90 to $12.90 Pendant I amn Kbl^mm^C^/ 7/ Ladies
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 322 27 This superb i Fine Old Scotch Whisky j| m B>lsAtl \r^\i* ml fr^^ jCO ullSiV oik Nt u mwT yrcH y \m% X g{ fe^^P mtmmmaamammtmmmtßs^ M PA T£ftSON. SIMONS m/u HH km fi^lßs^^l^M S v?^^f*&mmmm r h/it m l*£ j y m mm iTiil White Horse is the one
      322 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 119 27 lOCCII MaUooal League Dlt 1: OeysMaJ International v Changl (Oeylang. 4JO PJB). XNv. I: ramplnea Rorers t l^iggfll (Woodbrtdg*. iJO pm.; Batangoon Garden v Kakl 9aWt (Tba Payob, 4 10 as. mendly: SUigapore B3BgIS Cup v Brunei aaairtinn (JMroof audtaM. IM pjn.) SILO tourney Philip Machine v Crown Cork, 130
      119 words

  • 236 28 Jobless rate in West highest in 40 years fiENEVA. Frl. tnenilj ploymcnt in th Western werld has soared to Its highest level In 4» yean, the International Labev Organisation said today At the end of September, the ILO said, tstere were an estimated 11.1 million people oat of work In
    236 words
  • 48 28 PtMUP TAN CMBMQ HOCK a««4 41 pa«Ma away p*»rw«i;y 1 91} »m Dw*4r mull *T mmw« Mnata. wtf*. Mm. brataw. tttun aas ratafl*a> Oartan MavM T. *i*i- Ratal. TaoMaea Oaram s-por* M kiXir tt ioopa tar Caank 1 tM Holy Swlnt. If la CCX CftrMtaa O— larr
    48 words
  • 91 28 Iceland 'yes' to pact with Bonn REYKJAVIK. Frl Iceland's Parliament approved a new fishing treaty with West Germany today and the Foreign Minister said this meant It could turn Its full attention to Its fisheries dispute with Britain. Mr. Einar Agustsson said: "Now we in the Oovemment can turn to
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 50 28 BANOKOK, FM. Thailand*! Deputy Prune Minister and Defence lltnhrtar Mr Pramarn 1. said today he had postponed Indefinitely acrtedulad vtaiu next month to Australia, Indonesia and Mngapnea. Ha told inaimwi he was putting off the visits because Australia would be preoccupied with ita general election Banter.
    50 words
  • 32 28 LONDON. Ftl— The Bank of BuhwMi announced today that It had cut the minimum landtag rate fwawlj bank rate by a emartar per cent to 114 per cant. AT,
    32 words
  • 328 28 LONOON. Pri. ]yf EMBERS of Parliament today expressed fears that Britain could be facing a newstyle Irish guerilla assassination campaign folloving the murder of rightwing activist Ross McWhirter on his doorstep last night. Assumption Using a methc d similar to killing* In
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 120 28 SUNOEI PATANI, PYI. CommuiUat agents (ailed to blow up the railway track about 46 km south of here yesterday Only one of the three explosives planted on the track went off and chipped a sleeper, soon after the southbound Bangkok International Express passed by
    120 words
  • 49 28 LONDON, m— A hoUdajmaker In the Bahama* a-idnaeed a postcard to •"The OcnUrmcn paaytnc card on the oorner table of the bttffet car oo the IBM to Bournemouth. Platform U. Waterloo Railway Station. London." The card was ilsiliaisil corrcctljr. the Times of London reported today lUuter
    The Times  -  49 words
  • 45 28 TOKYO, m The Bank of Japan today soad an eatlmatad UB*l7» million (BM3S minion) at the eupport point at Me M yen. amid apawila tton the)* the yen maiht be aUowad to float down In the near future, banking aources amid. Hater
    45 words
  • 70 28 SVLMBT. F>l. Pan American Airways today challenged the Aiastoalamß Government's power to Impose price nrmdlUons on aviation fuel used by aircraft leaving AiMtratla The alrttne Iliad a writ m the AnatraHan High Court against the caretaker AdaaMstnrttoa mmi utwt«. ter for Mmerals and Baergy Mr. Deog
    70 words
  • 393 28 London, r*. n« hju «m toxr after a awM •ststaa aaa at > »m. ta* naaa•M.e. TW major Km. luur vu ■a* dwajr amr ea tv. i; ■r v mmv aaly «Mek la tata ■ejeaißlßae atarttas. The eM-ejaartar aar mm eat la im Bjaali ef Bjmmml mim^mm ICi
    393 words
  • 408 28  - Singapore Asian mart link with West Asia bOH TIANG KENG By SINGAPORE'S Asian dollar market will soon be linked to the West Asian currency market with the floating of the first US$l5 million (5537.5 million) Arab-Asian dollar bond by a Japanese company. Thlg bond issue may also step up the
    408 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 174 28 I \YrAMINJb The phenomenal applications of Vitamin E as a ikm nutrient is a (irmly Bss^^S gaa**^ established medical fact I f -Jm The external application of I\_ C/J <| Vitamin E can actually heal >^aw»«a9 turn, and p^vemoolv "j^O.OO Vitamin E has also been used to correct crow's feet
      174 words
    • 369 28 UP TO 4.30 P.M. k This is the extended time for DBS I SATURDAY I AFTERNOON I DANKING I TOA PAYOH BRANCH Block 187. T0a Payoh Central Tel No: *****2 ORCHARD ROAD BRANCH KATONG BRANCH Plaza Smgapura GRTH Building 68 Orchard Road 66/68 East Coast Road Tel No *****4 Tel
      369 words

  • 373 29 Sequence of events which led to the bloodshed party *ho fled a govwh c n -my atUcked on Marrh 26. 1971. htaqut Augu*t const <j Rahman and ;>al:m i I'-tit an«l try to a rapprchemnu with lilamlc The rest were slaughtered In a Dacca U on the Among Bangladesh s
    373 words
  • 858 29 Bangladesh an International basket case' MILLIONS OF PEASANTS ARE STRUGGLING WITH GROWING POVERTY, ONLY PROFITEERS CAN AFFORD TO BUY ORDINARY CONSUMER GOODS DACCA: Friday FOUR y< the million people H ;i n g I ;i <l c s h igiiuition md sympathy of the their nifferings the hands of Pakb*
    OFNS  -  858 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 609 29 Display breakthroughs limited only by your imagination. fT Ttwo practical systems for creating ey» DtSDIaV MaStftT 123' f™^«m«m~* stsst t^ noiaai crtcNr* display ca»«..Nrtv«. room UR) IW »VK»«» »^O contractor dividers 'furniture and storage units. Utter simplicity and functional beauty us joo pi«« iw «m?l3 Each is simple, fast and
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 646 30 nag e^^^ SABAH SALARY NEGOTIABLE A successful and long established Group of Companies manufacturing and trading in building and construction materials invite applications to fill the post of MANAGER in one of the Group's subsidiaries in SABAH. The successful candidate will initially be given a brief period of orientation within
      646 words
    • 774 30 I MANAGER DESIGNATE I SINGAPORE SALARY NEGOTIABLE Lmdblad, Torday and Carlisle (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. is an internationally based company formed between Metalock (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., 12 Jalan Kilang Barat, Singapore 12 and Lockwood, Torday Carlisle Ltd., Industrial Estate, North Shields, England, which offers world-wide services and sales of new and
      774 words
    • 1280 30 a aaa ana aa .a a aiaiaa+a^ SALES REPRESENTATIVE 3M is a US company with offices in To arrange an interview, send a over 40 countries around the world detailed resume of your career to: handling thousands of products. 3M ofii*^^ Singapore now has a vacancy for a rwnonvm vjutcm
      1,280 words

  • Business Times
    • 197 31 Interest rates in US will rise next year: Banker |NTEREST rates In the United States will rise and the US dollar will strengthen. These event* will take place in the first half of next year. This Is the forecast of Mr. William Eagleson, chairman and president of Uirard Trust Bank
      197 words
    • 147 31 r)B the year ended August 1975. New Straits Times Press (MalayalaO suffered a 13 5 per cent setback to M$M million In grons) pre-tax profits after rhanint all operational expenses. The decline In profits occurred despite a rise of 12.3 per cent In total turnover to $4»2 million
      147 words
    • 911 31  -  ALLAN SLOANE By DETROIT ...DESPITE THE SLUMP IN THE CdMPUTER INDUSTRY IN VA fHK computer industry has become a high-risk one lately, wuh some of the biggest names in American business General Electric, RCA and Xerox forced to drop out after losing massive amounts
      911 words
    • 316 31  - No sign of return to growth path at Cold Storage MARTIN UM By Vr/TTH the release of Its Interim results. It appears that Cold Storage Holdings Is not going to return to the growth path, from which It strayed In 1»74-7». This v the Indication given In the first half
      316 words
    • 180 31 OONOKONO: 11 Wah Kwong Group chairman T.Y. Chao said most ship building contracts entered Into In the next one to two ears will be financed by shipbuilding nations' export Import (Exlm) banks rather than by commercial banks or other financial institutions. He said thli v
      180 words
    • 193 31 rjIHE ■sHaiwar statis--1 ties aaake at •r e tarns II rtsslsi than Uses* et? lailtti saentsii. mataaaatat that tat lately ef a la tk« shims' BuUfawve settd eswagfc te— aatlaat Trade tgares have im aat iTiwial erer the Af— t ■gwtws, Whawgfc they are avvar thaa
      193 words
    • 472 31 FOR the second yjar running Hume Indus- tries (Far Bast) has won the annual report award competition sponsored by the Singapore Institute of Management and the Singapore Society of Accountants. Runner-up was Development Bank of Sinpore while Straits Streamshlp and National Iron and
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    • 185 31 Brokerage rates will help bond market rl new brokerage rates announced recently by the Stock Exchange of Singapore on transactions in government stocks and bonds will help to stimulate the domestic bond market, market sourr es say. They note tnat the new rates per cent on transactions of the first
      185 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 341 31 BANQUE I DE L'INDOCHINE I DE SUEZ The bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the The addition of the non-consolidated balance COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE DE SUEZ, is the sheets of the two banks on January Ist, 1975 result of the merger on September 30th, 1975, I showed the following figures of the
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  • 325 32 Dispersal of BP shares is certain ONDON: 81r Eric Drake, chairman of British Petroleum is con- fldent that the 21.6 per cent BP shareholding currently held by the Bank of England will be dispersed and not acquired by the 1 British Government. Tbe bank acquired the BP itatrea as part
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 170 32 Messrs. Frederick Vincent Deidge and Lee K«ye Seng have been appointed general manager and financial controller of Hume Industries (Far Bast) respectively. Prior to his appointment. Mr. Doldge was with the parent company in Melbourne Mr. Lee assumes his appointment In addition to being company secretary. He
    170 words
  • 466 32 Industrial nations head for trade war? DRUBBKLS: Europe, United States and Japan may be moving towards a trade war. In a statement from the summit meeting earlier this month at Ramboulllet, leaders of Industrial nations promised to avoid trying to solve their trade problems at the expense of others. But
    AP  -  466 words
    • 138 32 A-WTWaAM.-nmri.-The A market namifcil lv r«e«at nlas. sided br tim »nn«r dollar, ilrhcaih ths rtat wm« I Mu kid ay proflttaktaf. dealer* mUo. Asa* sad kji teat soaw ground sa Dutch international, against the trend ktasaa. On sad Aesfaw led •saw laswtian wtth Maa. SwrrakkMas KlJt snd Do! Uw
      138 words
    • 75 32 jTUajCH. Thwm— Op ta trading (few Zurich stock ■mam stMvad rstlMr •etkto psrtesaiase tseay. 11m man pop^Bsr dMas soaa to cnafc yen food bubs. Bond artsss «ar* firm. i Km wmii MHB mm asjasd SJ .petal toULI. wttft IWiimii «a tk» nrw mfm. MlulOni 4Tt I *tea+w%it itm v
      75 words
    • 159 33 '■■OtVIO. m The market 1 cloaad higher, with active aalacUve buying more than utlaeutng lncraasad profittaking. d*a km said. The Dow Jen as average gained 444 to 4JJ4.77 with a volume of 174 million shares. The New Index cloaad at »17«. up IM Taear's csaaaal arltas la pas waaa
      159 words
    • 219 33 OOfKNCONO. m. The market wt ganrraily very steady deaplte London's •harp fall. In moderate turnover, dealers said The Hang Sang index fan 414 points to HIM while twrnevor on the Hongkong ■lack exchange waa HK4Se 4.J1 munon from M 47 milban yesterday. Turnover on al tear awhanga, eoMaaned Hipped
      219 words
    • 56 33 arasa I' a. aallara Bar aajaaa. Hi Auatraiiaa ao'.iar par aaaca. ill Avaraa* srtca. l»l»— IX (I) tnrvt IMTW* iMWkonf I'im (J> IMS 111 M IM MR imam I'HIY lUMI Ml «T '"•r iv.*> 1M.««B lUUI WM n j it IM.TSB It* 7M I'M*. IMHOI 141. MS lU.<«
      56 words
    • 361 33 CTDfTBTY. FTL p,,^ were again sharply higher, with the market drawing further aneouragesaent from election polls favouring the Liberal coalition and continued wrong growth of Australian money supply, dealers, said The Sydney Alf-Ordl-nartos index roae 4 4o points to 437 44. Mining. Industrial and banking stocks roae. and Ota
      361 words
    • 250 33 fliX US unit continued lv upward trend yesterday morning to open firm at 12.5000 2 5050 In the »n»»--pora forax exchange Trading was active with the US unit being bid up to 12 5090 60 President Ford's proposal of federal aid for New York City provided the
      250 words
    • 175 33 Suffeate* Interbank rmtM at 1 00 pm Cvrvawlea rate* laHtiwhi fwiNl •m««4 rnbrlir Itr—a) p*rt«r ■>■■«« UB dollar 2.M6S 2 SO7O SUM —111* SUrUnc pound 5 0(30 I.MM 7 346* M 13 Honfkonf dollar 4* 70 MM SO 51 1 60 Mahgratan dollar W JO M.W 100 00
      175 words
    • 164 33 ASIAN nuTHwy dcpoalt lntrrbank ratas M at cloat on Not M NOTE: TbM* rates may dtrfar allghily from thoa* quoUd ay banks to Uiair cuatoflatra. OflT BM 7 days I• It ITU 1 mth i 11 II 111 2 mthi «S S 1 mthi 7 11* 1J
      164 words
    • 37 33 Closing Interbank rau» in Singapore dollar* for Nov 21 Offar BM Orrmlght 3 11 IM 1 mth 1 li 16 3 3 mtha 111 Mf I mlht 4 1 14 IS Ha«Tf r. Ma*TBJ-J«4MB laWrrmaUamaX
      37 words
    • 50 33 Hanoi <x itui tm*n* b» <ia eawat aoyaaa aa T*** tl Ov«raiCM I 1« Call Hanit 1 1 ataaa) B»r aaH Mbmß Traaawy bin 111 IVI 1-Maala aaak Mil* 111 4 1« 1-Maalk CD 4 I* 4 1/1 4 Moath CD 5 1/1 I |i»ni; Nataaal DMaayal Ca
      50 words
    • 54 33 Prime lending rates (in .Igaman* Bonk 7 Ch^ogo ongkok Bonk "NCB «f o( Amwico 6'/i HKS8C o»* of China 7 Moloyon Bonking onk o« Tokyo 7 J^.'*^ 1 B*"* 1 onk N«ooro in4o<w»Q7'/i CX.BC onqo.iLlnooch.n. 7 <XJB horttr«d Bonk JCB hot* Monhotton 7 UJ|^C 6V. UOB 7 6 > 7
      54 words
  • 181 32 PROfiTS AT KINTA KELLAS FALL m Rfc Introduction ef expert control la April and the lower tin price taawssl pre-tax profits at Ktsrta KeUaa Tin Dredging U ptange MJ per cent to MStMMe la the Aral six ■satbe eaie< September 1t75. Tin ere eatpwt casae to 2M.11 tonnes against Stf.lS
    181 words
  • 184 32 Malayan twins decline (TVRADINO profit* at 1 the Malayan twins Malayan Tin and Southern Malayan Tin declined In the year ended June 1975. Earninu at Malayan Tin fell by 16.7 per cent to £322 million while Southern Malayan suffered a bigger fall of 36.4 per cent to £123 million But
    184 words
  • 118 32 i~»YCLE and Callage's \j stakes in Associated Merchant Bank and Alltrans Express have been reduced as a result of additional shares Issued by the two companies to achieve agreed adjustments In the equity holdings of the existing shareholders C and C says its stake
    118 words
  • 400 32 SYDNEY: The Austrsllao economy continues to wallow In the doldrums, awash with liquidity and swollen with Inflation, but without steerage way for any purposeful course of business expansion. And full Impact of the cost of higher Indirect taxes and charges has yet to be felt, the
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 434 32 MERCK requires MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE This leading worldwide pharmaceutical company requires a mwdical representative to promote its ranae of products to the medical profession m Singapore Applications are invited from dynamic people whose personality is above averoge Proven sales ability would be an advantage but is not essential Personal qualities are
      434 words
    • 289 32 JL— HER WU PUSS I2q*l (PH.) in. invites opplicotion from suitobly qualified Singapore citizens for AmsmcHir iumiw in ffßtr pturnns which is scheduled to commence in the beginning of Jonuory 1976 KIQUIKEMENTS: Completed full time Notionol Service. Possets a Trade I or NTT Grade 3 Certrf icote in Offset Printing
      289 words
    • 345 32 ADVIRTISID I NEW BARGE FOR SALE A 5325.000 Due to a typing error thit barge wot previously incorrectly ooverti»ed at $225,000 However thi* i$ still exceptional value ot the o*king price o» $325,000 Australian The n«w powered barge ho* iust been launched in the Philippine* The owners, located in Raboul.
      345 words

      • 40 33 LOB >B» De». I. D«rty liln lack. tr**H Mm >rk*rr rrwltr I O Lurf MJ4 CLM «1JU »J3 W»« »l« II M 11.71 1174 IS.U »M tS.ll »1J« -It M •4 M ~M »4 »4 *4 .M M Mi
        40 words
      • 19 33 Sta» Dvtr itaM mm t O. SM4M CHy D«v. MUM TaUl Tnmr: tNH TM»I VMM MMi
        19 words
      • 64 33 ft B.T. lm*n: Ml!n IMJ7 MMtrkk: W7U ttiJt nmmmtt: m.M ttiJU 1 llftih itfcM IHJI Pill ■>!§■: IMjW MM1 t Tta* M.U M.TI t I n»in: I1IU HIM OC.I.C: SM.W tM-H J H.k.1. IW.: IttjM ft jo. i. ins im to. M. UN r IN f Dm. II.
        64 words
      • 23 33 .N Karhal lad. I < 1. Law l.J Amtl t N M.C5 M41 $»M SIM MM MM U IS —.11 .M M .M
        23 words
    • 1408 33 THr. last transacted raady I at the close of bualnaM stock Exchange of Htnopore yesterday compared previous day* prlcas with It7t high and Adjusted for scrip rights issuei. cLeaiae reni: ah aattisas <laaai fairly a iaa4r Twanevsa: oeinai nnm aa»»lla« t>» iaa Stark fiaaaan af Samiui iaclu4ia« aa4
      1,408 words
    • 97 33 Worldwide Holdings tumble WORLDWIDE Holdings Incurred pre-tax losses of M 53.560 In the first hsJf-yetr ended June 19T» acainst proflu of $905,064 previously The company sayi comparisons between the two half years "are mlsleadlnc as the group results are largely related to sale of investments which occur at such time
      97 words
    • 975 33 pi Irw officially .iiwu tn and rputtrc v ■:.<• Kuala Lumpur strrdar atuVM rraoM rK)«n in brarkrU in unlcM IMOUITaiALI Ti*< m i,.. M ll) t T». on hi I N t ■•a il MB I •>a f anal M »-i' 4M* C UaaMM. CSM) ,11 0
      975 words
    • 48 33 OCBC LOB M Bulk P«fl MM* Mela I Boa Pan Btrl aim* Dsrbr DBS M Cndlt UO Land MM **n M7« II M 171 IIH 11 M UH tart II 71 1140 I 10 10 M 0* OS 04 -04 04 04 04 4 04
      48 words
    • 11 33 tfnatert *rm 8TP s J Aau! MOO •OM'i M -OS
      11 words
    • 399 33 V|OSB£BT easae Water ITI heavy aeOuvf pressure ta a generally steady Magadan stack Baaraet yesterday Thla Barttemlar eeeuiter has beea ea a slew ■ecllssc since early this week. Yesterday Mrs■mg the geiaste aeaßaWsi\j aßSejated fsBSBJBBg ttmtin that the eeeaPaay was rvaning Into serieas UejeJdtty preMcbss.
      399 words
    • 307 33 Pressure also on at KL Exchange SHARKS reeoTtred marginal to moderate (round In selectlYe trading at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Eaxhan*' yesterday. This was attributed to covering activity ahead of the weekend following the past four days of decline. Some bargain hunting also pushed prices higher. Turnover improved to MB
      307 words
    • 1152 33 •ft ID and offer pnr« officially U»t*d and bualnaM In and reported to the stock Exchange of Singapore retlerday with th« number uf atiarat traded ahown tn t>rac<*U in ioli of 1.000 unlU unlfaa otherwla* apaciriad All Tun* Bargain* or SatUtmant ConUact* are quoted after the word
      1,152 words
    • 90 33 rpOKYO Bumltomo 1 Bhojl Kalsha announced that a group of five Japanese companies has signed a contract to export electric and diebel railway cars worth 53.500 million yen to Indonesia. The order Includes 30 electric cars and M dlsel can from the Land Transport and Inland Waterways
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 48 33 RESULTS ef Under ImM mm H»r. U tm *l-*tay BUIs to be rraa Dec S. Offered: f M.Mt.MC Abb«m4 fer: $114J«MM Altoited: MMNt ■Sinilii bMa: $M 15: apßrailßiately It per cent; higher Mala la fmlL Average rate 4meawat *n alle4aae«t: J-*N per tent per aa8888.
      48 words
    • 64 33 BUBJOrB ait ■aSusnii tiaaM was anew aaalla»ia.« la ass* awanrti fraai Btevtass aar •oats aa Taajraaar aTJOTA yiil tat U» OB aasfjßafwl tea? TMataBMaMaffVIMC lillif -frminsi la OH/ •Bate caaMaaaaail aalam ilßlßl Na». itilMIH traaa* Bat. IBM Maa* Ju (MT.M ■mn (BBJ.M aaUaw*. HUM/ Ma MM: rafc. (MS
      64 words
      • 168 33 T«E StralU tin price 1 In Penang yesterday continued to drop by another $3,374 to $955 per plcul on an official offerIng up 18 tons to 218 tons. The overnight London metal price shows forward buyers closing £9 lower to £3115 per metric ton. LONDON: Tin tort about
        168 words
      • 31 33 Babber Nov. 28. Singapore: Dee. IMM cU <ap 1.7$ CU). MalaysU: Dec IM 75 cU (ap l^S eU). Tin: $SSS (dowa $3.37)). Official offering: 118 tons (ap IS tons).
        31 words
      • 110 33 HK.IH •lIOUCI lICMAHOI V SIHOA»«ai MOD CLOSING raicn »i« ncuL vbivsboav. Bulk 1424 aallm aM drum »T>, aaltora. aaw aawam Caars: Muas iiaaaci UK Con i US bur»ra. a«aaar: Muniak ASTA, wklt* fa.k. 100% NLW |M2>i n-ll.r. Sarawak waiu L» b. nlw II4TS a»u»ra. Barawak aaarlal alack fob. M«
        110 words
      • 36 33 laiajeaa ceaa#r artcaa Taunaay < at aneaa la arackata). Waraaar Sew auyar ISM (IsSSt aaUtra IM4 (IMS.M): Tana Maata kayar IM4 UM6.SOI •aUar fMa.M iims soi. Markat tarn: Obki aa« kartly asawj •ataa: II.MS taaaaa
        36 words
      • 500 33 nrHX Singapore rubber market yesterdsy advanced during the rooming on renewed fresh buying and short -covering following the gsln in London. Demand was concentrated on nearby which reduced the Dec Jan. differential to a half cant. ASS One Dae. roaa to the station's high of 151 90 cents
        500 words
      • 108 33 DAILY BUR and 88R prlew taauad at uooa jutwihy: Dm ha BiTtn 9*Of f •^^•rs MHff (CwmlHUl irmnHWH (erateparkf) |eak»nt|i 9MR »CV (1 ton pallet > 15P00 160.00N 1M 00 161 00N BMR »L (1 ton pallet! 1M 00 IMOON IMOO IMOON BUR t (1 ton pallet,
        108 words
      • 308 33 A STEADIER waa* aaw aa rrrrall aa»aa« af a»a cata lc caua »n» aai» a law bum aet-backa aaaaa* ar 111 llaTUg tf aiMW faatar .v HIT 1 piaaiaita« la Bill— l aatmir far tfea rtaa ktn aarkaaa tk» maat aUaHaaal faalan *aa a iaaai»a a« aalkm. T»raa>»«
        308 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 446 34 DIETHELM MARKETING DIVISION Qualified male Singopore I position of MARKETING EXECUTIVE THE JOB n T>onoging a deportmt prof it earner m the s» moving brondcd <J moior market ••rtning, promoEventuolly th« an look forward to irge o» on importonf deportConsumer Product* Group, <-ting Manoger THE MAN leolly suit someone in
      446 words
    • 577 34 (T ACCOOMTAMT MMaH m Orw Pte Ltd rmrt-a tpftmmitm horn tlnp^n Otteaw for the lilllin of ACCOUNTANT. Ovlaat: The MccaMtul ca«MMate vwM be tmpomibtt for rhe production accounting function end nil— imam of the surf working M the unrt. Th» iwuwtom will reftort to tha Chief Accountant. The person we
      577 words
      501 words
    • 423 34 rUDLIL aIXUIIvsC. W$M WE, BON ENTERPRISE (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. j%fuM of 148 Jalan Pasir Pelangi, Johore Bahru, Johore HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that we are the f a^^^ Manufacturers of BON Haircare Products, particularly, BON BON BON EXTRA jftpllfiS Hair Cream Hair, Liniment Hair Liniment y&(jfrP All genuine BON products bear
      423 words
    • 166 34 r #JTCf TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered J.T.C. electrical contractor for the supply and installation of minor electrical and mechanical works on all J.T.C. properties for a period of one year within the Republic of Singapore. Showround Meet at Tender Office, Lower Ground Floor. Jurong Town Hall. Singapore
      166 words
    • 330 34 MV CHIDAMBARAM VOYAGE 52 SAILING ON 1 DECEMBER 1975 EMBARKATION NOTICE Ordinary Bunk/ Dormitory Class a Passengers 1 I 30 am I 30 pm» S oloon Class Possengers 200p m 2. 30 p m All (MSMftfors must b« on board by 2.30 p.m. ot th« latest. Heavy ond excess baggage
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
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