The Straits Times, 25 November 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Kstd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 7.>
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  • 883 1  - HARUN FACES 16 CHARGES BILL CAMPBELL Freed on $100,000 bail after 'not guilty' plea By Kuala Lumpur, Mon. Arrested at his official residence after hejsaid his afternoon prayers HARUN: POLICE SET UP CHECKPOINTS THE Mentri Besar of Selangor, Dato Harun Idris, pleaded not guilty to 16 charges of corruption and
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  • 175 1 Sultan gives Razak his backing KUALA LUMPUH. Mon T«HE Sultan of Se- langor fully supports any move by the Trlme MinlsTuxi Abdul Razak. to solve the Issue of Selangor Mentri Besar Datok Harun Idrls. The sultan made this clear In a meeting with senior members of the Selangor state Assembly
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  • 36 1 DATO Harun told reporters o*Uide the ceart that he U still Mrntrt Besar of Selanger. "I am Innocent until proven luilty." he said. "I shall five snj side the case in court testimony
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  • 58 1 Liberal chief charged LONDON. Mon. Tonng Liberal leader Peter Ham waa today committed for trial charged with stealing £tM <Bs*,SM> from a bank. He was given £1M hail daring the It minute committal proceedings at London's soath-west-ern magistrates eowrt. The 25-year-old Ham. kern In Wot horn Afrlea. wffl stand trial
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  • 43 1 NHW YORK. Mon —Dow i Jones amaaa». boasd on Ant bow of trading on ioo Hew York Stock Btcfaanat: M Indue U7M down M transp IMM down I.M: Is utiu M 47 down tit; and M stocks 2S4JJ down 144. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 87 1 'Taiwan spy ring in HK smashed HONOKONO. Mon. Police have smashed a Taiwanese spy -Ing In Hongkong with the assistance of mainland Chinese agents, the Star newspaper reported today. According to the tabloid, the alleged spy ring was part of a unit that Infiltrated men Into China and communist Chinese
    AP  -  87 words
  • 2286 1 Alleged bribe of $250,000 from HKS Bank Failure to declare wife's properties alleged THE CHARGES AGAINST HARUN... Alienation of state land to wife forms charge No. 6... rpHE 16 charges against Dato Hajl Harun are: 1 THAT YOU, be--1 tween the Aug. 16 1972. and March 27. 1973. being a
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  • 214 1 Thais loot Viet shops at border BANGKOK Mon THAI res 1 d c nts ransacked and looted Vietnamese shops at a town near Nong Khai today In a spillover from a border clash with Laos last week. Police were unable to control the mobs of Thais who drove the Vietnamese
    UPI  -  214 words
  • 66 1 LATEST Israel gets Syrian 'suggestions' JEBUBALEM. Mob. UN. Secretary-Gen-eral Kurt Waldhrlm conveyed "concrete hi f cations" from Syria to Israel today In renewing the UN •eace mission on the Golan Hrlfhli Israeli sources termed them "anaceeptaele" eondltlum Mr. Waldhelm said It was too early to say If the IN mandate
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay.
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    • 31 1 The newest of the new now at... 1 WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND DBS Building 6, Shenton Way Introducing the dress watch with CABOCHON crown LEUBA^ 1/5-'' v\f^» I B*' ***** Re* *****
      31 words
    • 218 1 CALL FOR GREATER USE OF MACHINES Pace 25 PAYLESB M' day for New York' warning 2 US-ISRAEL "secret deal 1 on Golan J •GIVE It a fair go' call br WhlUasa 4 MYSTERY of Sporr ship's sinking C COMMITTEE ends review on Women's Charter 11 PLAN for an Industrial safety
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

    • 107 2 THOUSANDS of Spaniards jamming the Jardlnes Sabatini in front of Madrid's Oriente Palace are shown trying to catch a glimpse of the casket of Generalissimo Francisco Franco and the funeral mass which was held on a specially built platform for the service. S casket rest* on
      UPI  -  107 words
    • 92 2 Runaway MP: They tapped my phonal LONDON. Mon. Membe of Parliament John Stonebotue claims in bis autobiography today that official sarveUlaaee agency" tajraed hU telephones whll« be waa a Government MlnUter and ■nder suspicion of spying He amid that In IMS. when he was Foots Minister, he was called to
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    • 74 2 PORT MORESBY. Mon A Judge ha* given a convicted murderer a lighter four-year Jail sentence because he said the man was driven to kill by belief In sorcery, the Australian Broadcasting Commission reported. The Judge said the accused from Ooodenough Island In the Milne Bay province had Interpreted
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 42 2 WASIUJIUTUN Mon Vietnamese official* hay* asked a group of Congrcasmen to postpone a, planned trip to Part* next weak for discussion* on the fate of Americans It ted aa missing in i.iiin in Indochina, representative OUlaantt Montgomerj- sakl yoSrday Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 482 2 NEW YORK. Mon KEY New York City official has warned of a payless payday for thousands of city workers in 10 days unless a l'Ss2oo million (Ss49B million) tax package is passed. Mr. John Zuccottl. chairman of the city planning commission. who takes over as
      Reuter  -  482 words
    • 366 2 1,000 killed in Timor fighting says Fretilin DILI. Mon rpHE leftwing Fretilin independence move- ment believes around 1,000 people have died In fighting around Maubisse. a highlands town In Portuguese Timor. The local Fretilin military commander here, commandant Januarlo Soares, told Reuter his forces believed this to be the death
      Reuter  -  366 words
    • 59 2 TOKYO. Mon A flahlng boat has returned to 1U horn* port In Western Japan after being freed from South Korean custody. The No. T Shlnwa Mam. manned by Captain Sadavosbl Shlmofama and aeven crewroan, was selaed by a Bouth Korean military voxel on Thursday In th»
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    • 181 2 Amsterdam the 'big spender' owes $442 m a MSTEKDAM, Mon. A Amsterdam Is in financial trouble With Us debt climbing national legislators are (rambling that the city is spending too much, and plans for a new town ball and opera hoasc have been shelved. "We look on the New York
      NYT  -  181 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 4 sasaaal SLIM. SPACIOUS. AND BEAUTIFULLY PRACTICAL. ZANUSSI REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS. Every Zanussi refrigerator with magnetic gaskets, and freezer is a pride to own The best insulating materials in any home. Choose from are used for thinner walls over 10 different models. and lots more storage space! From compact but
      191 words

    • 473 3 US-Israel 'deal' on Golan 'NO PRESSURE ON RABIN TO GIVE IN TO SYRIA AT TALKS' JEL AVIV, Mon. The United Stales has nude a secret pledge not to pressure brad for any more than "cosmetic" sskms in jHjssiblctjlks with Syria for a new gagement accord on rolan Heights, hi^h level
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  473 words
    • 107 3 TROBE JFK'S DEATH AGAIN 5 ASHINGTON. Mon. A staff member of the Warren Commission, which investigated the assassination of President Kennedy, yesterday called for a fresh examination of the murder to allay fears that the commission had covered up a conspiracy. Mr David Belin, a lawyer, said he believed a
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • Article, Illustration
      37 3 MICHAEL Lance IT Carvin. in checked shirt and partially hidden, pointing a toy gun at former California Governor Ronald Reagan (left) with back towards camera In Miami on Thursday. Newsweek photo by Susan McElhinny.
      Susan McElhinny  -  37 words
    • 191 3 Rocket fire in the heart of Beirut BEIRUT. Mon Muslim and Christian militiamen traded rocket and mortar fire In the heart of Beirut today despite new government appeals to deescalate the combat. Nearly 70 people have been killed and 190 wounded since a threew c c k o 1 d
      AP  -  191 words
    • 62 3 PARIS. Man. Franc* bad a balance of pevsnenta surplus In the first half of 197 i of 2.600 million franc* (851.470 1 million) compared with an overall deficit of JS.7SJ million francs last year, the Finance Ministry said yesterday Last niooth. President Valery Otaeard d'Kstalnf
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 28 3 PBXINO. Muo. Prwrtdent Ford will hold at least three rounds of talks with Chlneae leaden when he visits Peking next weak. American sources said today Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 227 3 'Chances of SovietUS arms pact less than 50-50' WASHINGTON, Monday EK)RMER US Defence Secretary James 1 Schlesinger said yesterday he believed the chances were less than 50-50 there would soon be a new strategic arms limitation (Salt) pact between the United States and the Soviet Union. Mr. Bchleslnger said he
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    • 159 3 Reagan: Ban on TV films 'silly' PACIFIC PALISADES (California* Mon »e*ly announced Republican presidential candidate Mr. Ronald Reagan tbl n k s the Federal Government's ban of his old films on television "Is rather silly, but really makes no difference either way." "I guess If people really want to see
      UPI  -  159 words
    • 191 3 Last US planes out of Thailand by January BANGKOK, Mon.— The United States will with 'raw Its lass combat aircraft from Thailand In January and close one of lt two remaining air b*a*s the following month In IU poet Indochina withdrawal. IS military spokesmen said today In a stmmltaneoas announcement
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    • 57 3 HONOKONO. Mon. Acting Oovemor Sir Deny* Roberta today officially opened the new £13 million (SSS7 million) terminus complex of mc Kowloon-Canlon railway. The complex one of the biggest designing and construction Jobs undertaken by the Public Works Department will replace the B*-jrc»r old railway station at tot
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 63 3 PARIS Mon -A French (tekfatton left today tor Hanoi to pave the way for a Weetarn country to establish diplomatic relations wtth a unified Vietnam. Ttte drisgaUoo headed by Mr. Oeoffroy de Ooureei. secretary fencrai at the Foreign Ministry, will arrive In North Vietnam on the
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    • 413 3 f ONDON. Mon. Once there was Just one Loch Ness monster, affectionately christened Nessle and It wag very elusive. Now a British naturalist says there could be dosens of them. Sir Peter Scott, a noted naturalist and son of Antarctic explorer Capt. Robert Falcon Bcott.
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  413 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 r 1 I lCi:m .^k miss a second. ™*ir I s^l Iff I VI \*m I I M KM is a watch for people with a sense of urgency about life. People who want ti> make every moment count. It's for men and women who expect more from life and
      124 words
    • 336 3 SPECMI OFFERS 25lhH,w.t»1rtD#<.tt75 Vegetable Oil pigeon rSirw, lUrinwd 3kg. 6.20 Condensed Milk n 0#) DUTCH IAIY 397 kg Q.g/ Instant Milk Powder 10nn 2H9 13.00 Tomato Catsup n A DEL MONTI 3409 Q. 95 Cordials magnolia %Mm A— ortwd Favour* Jumbo Sin J. 43 Dairy Spread buttercup aor 250g Q.
      336 words

    • 144 4 'Row may spark arms build-up in Japan 9 MANILA. Mon Acting PoiUpptne Foreign Affairs Secretary Manuel collantes said today that Japan may be forced to develop militarily in the event of an Intensified coniUct between China and the Soviet Union. Speaking at the sixth Philippine Management Congress, he said the
      UPI  -  144 words
    • 106 4 JAKAR.TA. Mon. Ltefencc Minister Oen. Maraden Panggabean paid a call on President Suharto today to report on the recent Indonesian Malaysian agreement to step up action against communist Insurgents along their Borneo border. Oen. Pmnggabean has just returned from Kuala Lumpur where he attended a
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 397 4 30,000 AT LABOUR CAMPAIGN SYDNEY. Monday AUSTRALIA'S former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam today officially opened the Labour Party's campaign* with a call to more than 30,000 people to "give parliamentary democracy a fair go." The huge bomain Park, near the shores of Bydney Harbour, waj
      Reuter  -  397 words
    • 67 4 Limping in after the crash TOE missile enriser. x USS Belknap after it collided with the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy en Saturday on a stormy Mediterranean Sea, about 110 km east of the island of Sicily. Balknap limped into port on Monday with moat of its sup erstructure
      AP  -  67 words
    • 209 4 'Foreign agents out to destroy B'desh' F|ACCA. Mon —Major 1/ General Zlaur Rahman. Bangladesh's army chief of staff and deputy chief martial law administrator, warned today of the presence of foreign agenu In the country trying to destroy Its sovereignty. In a broadcast to the nation Oen. Zlaur said: "Certain
      Reuter; AP  -  209 words
    • 30 4 MANILA. Mon.-Pour peopte w«rt kilted whan a private htaeopUr c-«ahad in Pull Town, no km north of hare, at in* w—t«irt. civil aviation authorities rtpntsd today— Rcutor.
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    • Briefs
      • 25 4 HONOKONO. Mon. Chinese Vice-Premier Hua Kuo-feng held talks In Peking yesterday with a visiting French atomic energy delegation. the New China News Agency rel ported.
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      • 30 4 BANGKOK: Poland and North Vietnam have signed an aid agreement under which Poland woald provide financial aid this rear to hrlp reconstmct the postwar Vietnamese economy. Radio Liberation said tcday.
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      • 34 4 OSLO: Norway and the Soviet Union re-opened negotiations here today on how to share a vast area of potential oil and natural gas riches In the Barents Sea continental shelf, stretching Into the Arctic.
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      • 31 4 LOS ANGELES: aawdreds ef residents today rracaated their kernes In Sanland. threatened by a fire which has destroyed almost It.aat acres ef Use Angeles National Forest la the past two days.
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      • 32 4 PARIS The Rev. Paul Horala. a French Protestant minister, held prisoner b> rebels In Chad since June 10. has been released and is In good condition. the Franco-Swiss Protestant Mission announced today.
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      • 42 4 WASHINGTON: Mr. Daniel Moynlhan, who hat told friends he is ■nhappy stoat lack of support from Washington, met President Ford today for a talk that may decide how long hr will stay on as IS Ambassador to the United Nations.
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      • 35 4 ROME: A correspondent of the Italian Communist Party organ said he had met Cuban officers In Angola instructing soldiers of the Popular Movement (MPLA) near the front lines of a battle with rival nationalist armies.
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      • 30 4 WASHINGTON: Fabllr approval of President Ford's performance In office dropped from 47 per cent in mid-October to 44 per cent earlier this month, accordlnc to a Gallup poll pub Hiked.
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      • 32 4 NAIROBI The fifth assembly of the World Council of Churches gets down to work today with 1U first plenary session presided over by i WCC central committee i moderator Or. MM. Thomas.
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      • 36 4 SOME: Mrs. Yelena Sakharov said today she woald. If neceseary, go to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prime awarded to her hu» band, bat still hoped hr wo«ld be able to do m himself. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  36 words
    • 285 4 NEW YOftK. Mom ABOUT 800 Inmates armed with homemade weapons held five correction officers hostage today In two cellblocks at the city's Rike* Island Jail, while another 000 rebellious Inmates ontro led threother cellblocks, officials said. Some 430 armed correction officers wearing bulletproof vests, riot
      AP  -  285 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 Fill up your wallet through the Singapore Sweep S^ -gr ■s^B^^^^ .^^^TLfft^s^LW f%W Ist Prize $*****0 draw DATE: 4th DECEMBER 75 VENUE: CLIFFORD PIER AT 6.30 P.M. EXCLUSIVE fW m J^t LjM mm kav y LWt Mm. Jm\ _^k am J* J^aw'^^ aVJVav^awS HkT L^bt"^ I ■|.1| I a^sV^— s^Lsssaa
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 OTARD X.O. Perfect blending of Extra Old Cognacs. OTARD X.O. is a superb cognac distilled from grapes grown only in the Champagne district of the Cognac. Aged in the ancient vaults of the Royal Chateau de Cognac to bring out the full mellowness of a brandy and blended by masters
      91 words

  • 313 6 School head faces four graft charges TOHE trial of a Chinese 1 school principal on four charges of corruption Involving a total o( $1,800 in cheques began In a district court yesterday. Ng Look Teck. 36. principal of Mcc Toh School in Race Coune Road, v alleged to have obtained
    313 words
  • 104 6 Five don Jakarta ships to even the balance JAKARTA, Mon. T!» Indonesian Government has added five more ships to the regular liner service (RLB> with Singapore to balance the tonnage of Singapore vessels coming here, a spokesman of the Sea Communication Department aald today. The ships are Km Pahsia (500
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 38 6 NO MZNO HOCK. 33 whoaa motorcycle collided into tha roar of a taxi at tha Lavender Btreet Kallaag Rood Junction on Aug. > at 1.10 pjn. was fined 1140 yastorday whan bo plaaded fullty to carelaas driving.
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  • 40 6 ZAIMI bin Rassak. 20. was yesterday Jailed for two years with two strokes of the rotan after he was found guilty of trafficking In 32 rolls of cannabls In Queens Crescent on June 24 at 1 a.m.
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  • 349 6 Intuitive eye' brings them big successes rwmo wot— oAeers •1 scored major saceooooa whoa their investigations Into two firms led to the recovery of nearly 9J75,--•M la fines aad Import duty ky tho Customs Department over the past 1* days. Aad la both eases. It waa feminine Intuition coupled with
    349 words
  • 26 6 THB Ministry of Finance. Development Dtriaton. fifth and sixth floor* of Fullerton Bulldlnf. «1U be renovate* at a coat of SM.UO In three man tha.
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  • 275 6 Mystery of S'pore ship's sinking -Sea trials, then it keeled over... 'J'HE 214-tonne Singapore registeret supply vessel, Aoi Maru, which was undergoing sea trials before leaving for Indonesia, sank in the Eastern Anchor age under mysterious circumstances, n Sunday. The eight-member Indonesian crew, Including the master, Capt. Boeparno Roesdl, were
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  • 219 6 WIFE ENDS ACTION FOR HALF SHARE OF HOUSE AHIOH Court summons case by a teacher against her husband, a senior statutory board officer, In connection with the sale by him of a bungalow, which was once their "matrimonial home" ended abruptly yesterday without a hearing In open court. It Is
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  • 31 6 A former judge of tha Singapore Hish Court. Mr. J.WJD. Amfaroaa. will speak on cUrtstlanlty and Re-ln-oarnaUoo at tha TeoaophlcaJ Society's inanilaai In CalmhlU Road on Thursday at T pjn
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  • 431 6 A37-YKAR-OLD housewife died In a government hospital a week after a private practitioner performed an abortion on ner. a coroner's court heard yesterday. Madam Lee Ah Chay was brought to Toa Payoh Hospital on Oct. 29 from the practitioner's clinic In a
    431 words
  • 29 6 FRENCH fashion daticnar Jean PMous It 7« aprinc (ummer collection will featured at buflct luncheon at the CrysUl Ballroom Hyatt Hotel, on Prt^aj at 12 M pan.
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  • 137 6 AN accounts derk who eheatod his firm of S74.ra was fMtorday JaUod far a total of four yean. Taj Kenf. 11, aa oxemptoTM o* Times Dtetrtbator*. amitlcr ptoaded f«Uty to two ctuur«* of pffwoajilni two forgvd ehoojuea of 517.7U and SCT.IM at tho
    137 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 431 6 Introducing home study courses for the Institute of Accounting Staff examinations. Accountancy i Find out mm Sand tha Businms S'u4«i nas om 60 coupon lor 'v" details of how SOA can ha<p you ttuttly About this important ncwouaiiHcaiion nomt study iha compiaM Tha Association o< «3 Accountants nas sponsored
      431 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 COLOUR TV MADE IN GERM ANY LaaT Laam. v^^^aaaaa! 2jgf e^N^ CILIMLtIX COLOUR PRESTME /vQv 2S*(B7c«) MOM i DOWtt favwf NT 2* -.tin IS «hrn 12 aMB 2200 CONSOLE 22 M*2 00 i 84 00 HOT 00 JIM 00 mm > r*au» »*o4oo j mm »moo uwoo v>OOOat COBMU H
      115 words
    • 351 7 dial more than a soap, a fantastic feeling. M one that gets you tingleEtc» fresh. It stimulates. t Invigorates. And BflLr J you're ready to face M WpPaJ*.. A the day. All day Little wonder Dial is the No 1 aY selling soap in the /lafl Pv I I c;
      351 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 114 8 Two words every Singaporean needs to know... W^- Hip sizes 27" 34* (68.5 cm 86.3 cm) Farah your guarantee of quality. >nglasting Talon Zip it won't let you down. The new 'Farahpress' stays sharp, permanently. 1 wear material. The style designed by M Farah Slacks, El Paso, U.S.A. "Farah Slacks
      114 words

  • 585 9  -  ELENA CHONG Breach of contract case By A TAIWANESE bu- sinessman. suing a housewife for $229,493, said ln a breach of contract suit yesterday that he Incurred US$2O.--000 (3*49,750) freight charges and lost an estimated US$2B.--960 (5572.038) profit in a timber deal. Yu Tso Mlti.
    585 words
  • 242 9 A NOTHER beauty quest. tils -1.-]..- for a Miss Slngapura Prlncrss. has been launched to flnd a representative for the the PaclAc" pageant to be held ln Melbourne. Australia. year. The annual lnterna:.t«t Iri held ln con%wlth the Mooma two-week xpected that 16
    242 words
  • 82 9 ATWO-NIOHT concert featuring a varied programme of music, dances, poetry recitations and symphony works will be staged by the People's Association at the National Theatre on Dec 6 and 7 to celebrate Its 15th anniversary. Several local musi- cians, composers and chor e
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  • 205 9 Taking the boredom out of their lives INMATES of the Woodlands Home for the Aged are now allowed to do light chores outside the Home, under a day experimental scheme launched by the Social Affairs Ministry. Mr. Chan Chee Seng. Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), said that similar schemes would be
    205 words
  • 30 9 THE Port ot SlncajMrt Authority reminded Urn shippint community isstanlaj that vessels calling- tt Stnf»pom f rocn the west most vat th* Sultan Sboal Quartoun« and Immigration anchor
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  • 127 9 Holiday camp: PA'S new charges rpHE People's As- aoclatJon has announced new charges for Its holiday camp facilities which wUI be effective from Jan. 1. Camps at Chanri. Ponggol Point, Kaaipong Tengaa, Past/ Bis aa d Tanah Meraa which have aboat M beds each are at SIC a day for
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  • 38 9 MR. Noraan Bowie of the Oeneral Practice Council of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor* yesterday gave a talk on Valuation of Company Real Bute and Related AaarU at the Singapore Professional Centre ln Outrun Park.
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  • 23 9 PARLIAMENT Houw lobby will haw new terraao flooring. «t coat of S4SJIO It la expected to be laid In Uircr month*
    23 words
  • 165 9 SAP team the top blood donors THE blood bank re- ceived 1,009 uniti of blood and gave 674 units for transfusion last week. It* reserve blood stocks were above average. The largest group donations came from the SATs Keat Hong Camp with 149 donations and Seletar Air Base with US
    165 words
  • 38 9 THE Indian High CommUatoner. Mr V SUMharthacharry will hold a reception for the Indian Chief of Naval BUS. Adm. 8 N Knoll and ru» wife at Bharat Bhavan ln Pdrcc Drive on Saturday from 6 pm
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  • 26 9 THK Singapore Cycle and Motor Trader. AaaoetaUon will bold >U 4*rd anniversary eelrbraUon at IU premlaaa ln ChtUy Road at pm on Ore. I*.
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  • 32 9 THE Port Master has advised mariners to manoeuvre their crart slowly while paslng the stricken vessel. Malaysia Klta. In the Eastern Anchorage, to make way for work going on there.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 21 9 FOOTj ITCH 'ijm ot Athlete's l )> uthei funojl rceu •nil powder for umenl .<nd prevention MYCOTA I NTIOM HWMI product 1
      21 words
    • 607 9 L^^^^Ll e^a^L^aVtßm. ■^■gSw* al fr WHtfa«wa&' r 9 because... BuVCft\«xT Fernlea* is pore, credrny butter 1 1 j jl jy>J made from real dairy milk rich 1 in all the nutriment and goodness W your family needs Smooth, golden butter, with the creamiest, mellow butter flavour,Fernlea' from the rich dairy
      607 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 302 9 Bringing Up Fathar sly ■Ul KavawMh Hal Camp h» Pt^ w«m«a»\^-— -J I"°* OARC VOO >| IWP V "£<* Y»| »€C4uee >CO M«S«t *vJ?uLE?2£?y ooesmoN the J BgTff I should i V WA :*7I "TV DEAR aoy<e y STOP >V I? L BmawtH/ Biondia By Chle Young "Vli I P
      302 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 257 10 1 CHALLBMGm svste^ PERIMETER PROTECTION SYSTEM for Homes, Offices& Factories B^^^^ Complete I eiectronic j protection against Wk^^ttk intruders INTRUSION SENSOR PANIC BUTTON Thii unique wireless Challenger system consists of the Receiver, Intrusion Sensors and the Panic Button. Sensors attached to any window or door and the portable pocket Panic
      257 words
    • 334 10 i|^P main nu piemio* *^r P»rjo« Study &AtM*luMinfl himl I UWar Tha dliriii|»liln< a, t wt t Of i Ttw Mawamaaai MW*>n Fa» Law m m 4 Tlw iwitiaiii»i«» MR. E.W. IARKER ODEON: TOMORROW at 9.15pm ffBMH $3 SS. $10 «US A i .May at Otawi ThMtf* CmM M». AkM
      334 words
    • 549 10 I i 2ii WEffi! ISth EXCITING lAY!| r I Simultaneously at 2 Theatres I Beefeater wmm^^ma: A genuine English Pub (as near An aM JRI as d- it!) 4l7, River Valley Road, NEW mmO^ Singapore phone *****5 open film... J^ 7 days a week 11.30am -midnight Cocktail time f^\ b^blb^Ls
      549 words
    • 546 10 ■6IHIH*TIOM »tt. HILAtIOVS Wllf Il.m 1 JO 400 *4) M HTUIN O» TIM HNK PtNTMU 0 1 xvj.n«jo<:okx X NIXT CHAMCI Rotwt R«df<xd M.a farrow Ttw MIAT OATIIT (PARAA^OUN" IfilaHl'lßXtUiJ NOW SHOWING' 11»M. 1 JO 400 441 «00 m ">AMU*AI~ v.x-^ IM WIIK' I JM> OAT- •OTM THIATIII S .K...
      546 words

  • 16 11 Ito Ttong Sun was I ycMrrday i Jalmi Buklt June 4 at 11 IS
    16 words
  • 178 11 2-ship crash: Owners sue each other MR Justice Kulasekaram. assisted by two assessors (both nautical engineers), clay began hearing in the High Court of an action arising from a collision between two tankers in Indonesian waters four years ago. ■he 1971 admiralty suit are "the of the 11 irimunda. anl
    178 words
  • 341 11  - Committee ends review of Women's Charter MAUREEN CHUA Divorce and that seven-year voaiU By A REVIEW of the Women's Charter including suggestion that couples need not wait for seven years before being allowed to seek a divorce has l)een submitted to various government ministries and the judiciary body for comment
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  • 27 11 800 from Oenrral Hu»- >r a talk-cum- in Mandarin nn I Their Illnnsrs rcturt hall of the Toa Branch Library at 7JO pm. tomorrow
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  • 31 11 A CORONER'S court yesterday recorded a suicide vrrdlct on Tong Ah Hong. 75. who was found hanging In her room In Lorong 6. Oeylang. on Nov 10 at 2 am.
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  • 214 11 JMiK Consumers' Association of Singapore (Case) lias called for a ban on all baby food preparations which contain monosodium gliitamati- (MSG). Babies. It said, are more susceptible to the potential toxic efTecU of MSO. which Is used to bring out the flavour In
    214 words
  • 43 11 rill Siocapore Bin Serilr* not be M-lhßf the H moolhl> *ta4eal ttaaapa for Oeccaiber la rtew W the loot Khaot >ar»tton However. itudrnU ran continue U bay the It rrnla ticket with their stu•eat ciaict— <w» paaaea up U m. aailt.
    43 words
  • 52 11 THE National Library* Central Young People's Section win bold courae on magic for baflnnen at Room 217 of Plata Slngapura In Orchard Road on Saturday at 2 30 p m Thuae interested are aaked to register at the central adult information daak of the National Library In
    52 words
  • 30 11 THRKS Knlor lawyara from Tokyo yesterday vlaitcd ih* Hlfta Court and otavwd thf civil proceedliid there They were Meavi 8 Martu. K Baaahars and K Kavakauu
    30 words
  • 126 11 88 hit by food poisoning leave Hiospital rE 88 Vifilante Corps members of the Central Base who were hospitalised for food poisoning: after a dinner on Saturday have been discharged. Most of then reported to the base last night to be interviewed by health inspectors of the Ministry of the
    126 words
  • 97 11 NEW CASES OF TYPHOID FEVER FIVE new cases of typhoid fever have been reported to the Environment Ministry, bringing the total to date to 57. A Ministry spokesman yesterday said the cases occurred from Nov. is to S3. and were not considered an unusual Increase. There was no new report
    97 words
  • 49 11 SINOAPORK Interline Reservations Working Oroup will make Its «*yiMh annual award to an outstanding airline awiikijae at a ceremony at the Singapore Hilton on Dec. 11. Chairman or the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board Mr. Runme Shaw and Mrs. Shaw will be the guests of honour
    49 words
  • 34 11 DR T O. Ling, an animal nutritionist and director of Oold Coin (PU) Ltd.. will speak on the development of animal nutrition In Singapore at Nanyang University on Thursday at p m
    34 words
  • 32 11 CRUIBS Bast (S) Pte. Ltd.. operators of the luxury liner. Raaa Bayang. held a champagne breakfast on board the veaael to celebraU Its first anniversary of operation* to South-east Asian ports.
    32 words
  • 240 11 'Singapore dollars only now at railway station D AIL WAY commuters at the Malayan Railway station at Keppel Road will now hare to pay for their tickets only in Singapore currency Frevlously. they could pay In either local or Malaysian currencies. The new policy has caused some Inconvenience to travellers
    240 words
  • 61 11 MR Runme Shaw, chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, will open a three-day orchid show at the People's Park Complex on Friday at 6 p m. The chairman and managing director «f Peoples Park Development Ltd Mr. Ho Kok Cheong. and the president of
    61 words
  • 56 11 l RINCrPAi. of the Nan* >ax>g Academy of Fin* Arts and Mct-prtatdent of the Btagapore Art Society Mr LUn Yew Kuan, will open an art exhibition at the Chmtat Chamber of Commerce on Thursday at SJO pjn. The four-day mhihHton la organised by the academy's Chlmae Painting
    56 words
  • 29 11 MR Jean Pierre Salles who drove without an are* licence Into the rsetrteesd aohe through North Bitdge Road on July at tJt ajn. w«a fined |M yesterday
    29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 468 11 SlT^a»Hlla.aaaaaaaaaaaaa(i /T^^Kfa L^BK^aaaP I f^aV BBW^^aal aa aaaaV ya, ym v B*f Fy *«*3 Lam. _^H "A holiday in Hong Kong almost pays for itself" How? Italy, England, Japan With airfares as tPta«-M 1^ and the nited States economical as they are yflpß C^Jl^v^. are widely available today, and the
      468 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 114 11 Straits Times Crossword mi: S The moM generous upwt .i ii. ij rtaal way Made reparations for to t<mprr in the** times k Atrrt the eyen and appeal ;>< ■8 3 p 13 (<ii a imp in the fajten-. flap i ISCmiui to write about a <3-Sp East and 17
      114 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 387 12 'THE disputed Mekong River border between A Thailand and Laos, the scene of an lash last week in which a Thai sailor was killed and three others wounded, has a potential flashpoint for fresh ie in Indochina. The clash has plung- :ons between the neighbours to their fxnnt
      387 words
    • 237 12 I EBANONs Prime Minister has summarised the civil-war situation in none-too-strong terms The country, said Mr. Rashid Karami. "is on the vet ge of total collapse." Continuing fighting between Muslim and Christian factions in two-thirds of Beirut is threatening the country with bankruptcy, mass unemployment and famine. The
      237 words
    • 225 12 THE report ST. Nov xpresslon or unhapplnrss by doctors rent changes might, for ive retrier benefits :;nf accrued to he awards of t. Wages Council. rary to the lm- crfated by the statement of the pre- Singapore ment Medical and Dental Officers Association.
      225 words
    • 73 12 II7HENEVER ball games Tf are played at the Padang the pedestrian footpath along St. Andrew's Road (near City Hall pedestrian lights) Is Invaded by parked bicycles, motorcycles and scooters, thereby forcing pedestrians to encroach on to St. Andrew's Road, or on to the football field Could the relevant authorities put
      73 words
  • 970 12  -  ANTHONY LEWIS By New York |T IS no longer rumour-leak fragment. A unanimous report of a Senate committee, meticulous and horrifying in its evidence, finds that American officials "initiated and participated in plots to assassinate" foreign leaders. The Interim report of
    NYT  -  970 words
  • 853 12  - Indochinese refugees face the moment of truth DOUGLAS KNEELAND AS THE AMERICAN RESETTLEMENT PROGRAMME COMES TO A CLOSE By Washington THE resettlement of more than 130,000 Indochinese refugees, which officials agree developed into the most difficult such resettlement In America's history, is drawing to a close. However, the related problems
    853 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 351 12 "if S^ST -~2i Hflß HIGH STREET COMMERCIAL TRAINING CENTRE High Street Centre (Bth Floorl Telephone *****1 (2 Line») Moth. Enghsh for 1976 Exams 'O Levels Moths Add Maths tnglnh Languoge. English L.fefoture A' Level Gen Moths/ Further' Pure Applied Subsidiary Maths Also Gen Paper C losses iust started for Sec
      351 words

  • Business Times
    • 288 13  - HOPES FOR A BETTER YEAR AT I.E.E. MARTIN LIM By AFTER passing through a particularly bad year, Industrial Electronics and Engineering expects to put up a much better performance in the current 12 months ending March 1976. The oom-'S who bases I m on ifible factors such as the Intro-
      288 words
    • 794 13  -  JAMES WEEKS By TOKYO THEY OUTSTRIP MNCs IN THE WEST... JAPAN's top five industrial groups all outstrip in size any of the giant multinational concerns in the West, according to a new comparative study published here. The report also shows that In major industrial sectors, Japanese
      Reuter  -  794 words
    • 458 13 Rambouillet: A more lasting money reform YEW YORK: What happened at the 11 Chateau de Rambouillet? For one thing, Rambouillet produced, a communique not Just an ordinary communique, written in bureaucratic language, but one written In resonant and cadenced prose-poetry. Specifically, the leaders at the meeting agreed to overcome high
      458 words
    • 136 13 Subsidiary of C and C to go public CYCLE and Cirriage Bin tan CCB). a wholly -owned Malaysian MbaadUry of Cycle and Carriage, is U pcbUc Announcing this, CCL says It will offer far sale to Malaysian rlti ■ens about 51 per cent of the eajalty of CCB which has
      136 words
    • 330 13 Broker: Stock prospects in HK favourable UONOKONO: Proa--11 pects for the Hongkong economy, particularly the corpor a t c sector, already Justify a considerable further appreciation in share prices. Such an appreciation will be seen In 1976 as growth In the money supply and the velrctty of circulation Improve liquidity
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • 55 13 /CHARTERED Bank yesterday Jacked up Its prime \j -ndlng rate by point to 7' 4 per cent. This Is the tecond time the bank raised Its prime rate since Interest rates here started their climb In early October. More banks are expected to Increase ttsaaT prime rates
      55 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 82 13 3blV€-ADTAK^™ IMBt GLENFIDDICH WHISKY fM& jMjCS THE 8 YEAR OLD SCOTCH —^^^A*^» Baa STi'"^! Cx >T Available at all supermarkets and liquour stores d t< H aaaawl bbbbbbbbbbbbbW^ V bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb*^^^ Programmable Manual Typewriter Outstanding quality typewriters from Sweden's leading office machine manufacturer The Facit 1 730 has two tabulator systems
      82 words
    • 411 13 consider: The Industrial Bank of Japan Est. 1902 H y/ US$24 billion in assets oldest and largest long-term financing institution V ln-depth expertise in providing advisory and research services to industry \f Offices in the world's financial centres \J Highly respected experience in international corporate financing \f Excellent relations with
      411 words

  • 202 14 When all that's needed is a recharge IT IS now possible to have your TV set repaired right In your own home, If the fault In the set lies with the picture tube. The equipment, capable of restoring or rejuvenating the picture tube to almost good-as-new conditions (or so the
    202 words
  • 47 14 ABOUT 120 pre-unl-verslty students are attending full-day banking seminars organised by the training department of the United Overseas Bank group. These seminars, held yesterday and today, are organised to expose the students to the various aspect* of banking and finance with emphasis on career opportunities.
    47 words
  • Company news for the week ended Nov. 21
    • 50 14 <«■»•■••** Yawl* m-Tu FrWK/L«««4M> CM*) Hi Hukll Kmtil Batu Linlang K KellasTIn S*l Coconut Apr 7S June 75 Mar 7} June 73 MM49 <M«M7) Mine (iai.M7) U&TUO (Mt2.410) MM.0S3 (MM.330) 421 (35.0) 47 (104) 4954 (3977) 24 5 (27 4) 20 (12) 4 i 10) 200 D492I 10
      50 words
    • 25 14 OavMtai Proflt/l^w (Ml KanuacaM Banking Jun»75 Srpi 75 MS14.M2A (IU13.6MA) 32 8 A (304A) Mt».aOO (MS24.1OO) W.3 (M3) 175 (IS) 4te (30TE)
      25 words
    • 56 14 Austral Enterprises Fraser li Neave Island 4 Peninsular Klnu Kellas Tin Linful Development Worldwide Holdings HiK>ftr to Sept 75 Sept 75 Sept 75 Sept 75 June 75 June 75 Pr»-Tai PrW)l/Lm<L) v»w (MS2.2T7) SM.610 (8M.3M) MS3.SM (MS5.4S2) MMM (M«2.3tl) Mtin (MW4I M$»L Ik^WSlt litma Nil t I 6
      56 words
    • 251 14 Kuliaa (Malaysia) was admitted to the official list of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on Nov. 14 and the Stock Exchange of Singapore on Nov 17. under the dollar rubber section of the first trading section. Tiaaaraa Holdiagt (•> has incorporated a new company. Flma-Tlmuran Cashew Industry with
      251 words
  • 124 14 FNCB'S AWARD WINNING NEWS /CITIBANK New \j York's monthly ri Watty Sawney ■aaaage■est m»w lsfoir -ConMMr VWw«- roeontly won the Asaortoan National Prtsa ClwVb first ntaMO award (or tlfttlrtßtf ifi MBIUI* m 8laH»l Vs a*jß*/WBa*«*V^"Vwr rWpT/i*^ Ing taring 1*74. As the majority of the articles In the wstattar are annVeahie
    124 words
  • 702 14 The trend now is hooked- on machines ci23iy MECHANICAL aclu countlng machines will be phased out, the Burroughs divisional manager, Mr. Michael Loke, predicted at a thr*cday seminar recently. The seminar organised by the Burroughs division of Pleasey Singapore was attended by users of mechanical accounting machines. Mr. Loke said:
    702 words
  • 132 14 Top billings for PR firm OUBLJC relations bill•T Ings topped US$l5 million In the fiscal year to June 1975 for Hill and Knowlton, the International public relations/ public auairs firm which operates In 16 countries and has branch offices In 37 cities. This U the highest total In Its 48-
    132 words
  • 155 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. L.R Patterson has resigned as a director of Joban Tin Dredging with effect from N»v 17 and Mr. Uni rooi Mini has been appointed In his place. Mr. John He Via Han has resigned as a director of Consolidated Hotels wits) effect lrom Nov. 17 Walter
    155 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 326 14 l*.sW^»^ m L-afataM mmVM mUaf" |K__^___lH Baaaaaaaaaaataaaai cotl xii. on* o-i thoret '>• 24ih Nov 1975 •<x«Fo» Mdov* 60<Joy* 90dor» ISOooyt 4 I IM V. 28. 27*. 50 4SV. 8 l 101 19 33V. 24. At 6 1 io>; 7 3tM4 16 25 32 57 I9'j 35. 9*. 16*. 32
      326 words
    • 199 14 ITM TJ2JiINATIONAL BANK OF SPTCs-AJPORIE Vacancies for MANAGEMENT STAFF (must be prepared to reside overseas) Qualifications: Broad baaed international banking experience wit h proven managamTtt stbeHty and experience in Asian countries, knowledge of languages, good contacts, and marketing and administrative ability. The Bank undertakes all types of banking business and
      199 words
    • 794 14 *j9flßody rust repair >)S Repainting after rutt repair t I <&l Replacement of accident damaged *^H rust-weakened parts t BE' fjjM Damage to goods from leaks Hf, ■^fl Downtime j Ojjt Excessive depreciation dS TOTAL 17! ,%fl Multiply by number of fffM vehicles in fleet K Jl GRAND TOTAL lr*^9r?K^s^KrWsi^Wf^Sfss^
      794 words

      • 32 15 9m* LOB rm. Biiib cm. U. K** L'.M. Wirti »w «l I. Dirtr X. Irn I. Unite «M SS.U Mil SIM I1JS SSjM MO +jM J -t-Jt -t-Jt +M »l
        32 words
      • 31 15 L Chm. M 'rim* IM« >»tof lad. lartiae GlM* r. CMy R. U> MM U.*» na sz.u W.»l II *1 ll« •i vM —44 jM M .M M jM —41
        31 words
      • 18 15 Sta. Dw*7 MMM tohm Marital UMN !■«>■»■ 11«JM io.a mjm Tatal Tan*** 1.44M T«tai Vata*: AMI
        18 words
      • 65 15 NOT. SI W IT. lftfex: UU M&M lafcrtrtiii: tuM nun nwrn SM4S MUM 1 H«teh: 1M 17 IKH rra^rrtta: 1M41 M1J1 t TIM: M.11 MJ« t rakktta: S1IJ1 t O.CJX.: M4.U M4JI t 8X.*. tad.: IUJt tl»J» Ju. 1. Mil 1M Dm. M, lMt 1M 1 Dm. St. UN
        65 words
    • 1599 15 TBX last transacted ramdy i M)t at the cloar of bualnaM on the Stock Bschan«e of Stnghpore yaaterday compared *lth the prevtou* day's prices j tovether with 1975 high and Adjusted tor scrip right* issue). (SCI ISM SMS iMoutraiAL* CLSSINO TS«S PIIjIIIW bar*<r Moaa> wkilo tk* rad ■uur
      1,599 words
    • 354 15 PUCES asoved nar--1 rowly on an easier aaas at the Slnganore stock nwrket jmtirday. Trading waa eonflaed to setocied stocks. There waa a general dMneHnatton to deal, mainly dne to the ton shy political sltnatton hi MaUysU followtng recent retorts of alleged corruption In nigh ataees. 1
      354 words
    • 1098 15 BID and offer prlcaa of ndslly listed and business In sad reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yetierday with the number of sham traded shown In in lots of 1.000 unttt unless otherwise ipaclfled. All Time Bargains or Settlement sre quoted after the word Sett Big
      1,098 words
    • 45 15 THE International Association of Business and Economics B tade n ts <AIEBEC-81ngaporei has extended the closing date for applications to participate In Its oneday export promotion symposium to Thursday. The symposium will be held at the Regional English Language Centre auditorium on Not. 29.
      45 words
    • 29 15 FOR the year ended September 1975, estimated pre-tax profit* at Pengkalen Increased by 25 2 per cent to £397.000 It has declared a second Interim dividend of 2.8p
      29 words
    • 921 15 BID and offer pi Ices officially utineas In and reportrd v the Kuala Lumpur xcharse y* tlerdajr wltlt the number of shares traded hem:, in brackets In tow of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified imouitiiials A,.«.m.i. 1 «SH 1 *2S> c*m« ci.assi. AM D« A P I s
      921 words
    • 56 15 Rftts rnVmTf Beet. «S4t +JB C and C 43J4 +.14 K- asdna «1» +.14 VOM 1144 +44 nans Darby SSJ4 +44 MaJanoff U94 +.44 <XC*JC. 41.14 P Cabka 91J4 +44 P and K 44J1 +jM New BTP 4444 +.44 Text. 44.44 +44 Ki.-Kapaog 11.14 +jM Falls P. Cham.
      56 words
    • 295 15 Shares in KL end higher ABUDDBM spell of buying In the afternocn turnrxl mrmlnc loses into tainx In selwUre trsdlnjr en the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. The opening- market was very quiet and prices tended easier However, sentiment took a tarn for the better In the afternoon and prices
      295 words
    • 168 15 ANT Improvement in Batu Untang Rubber's performance In the current year ending Jane 1970 will depend on the level of commodity prices, particularly rubber, and the world financial situation. This Is the indication given by the chairman. Mr. L.B.C. Letts, in the annual report In
      168 words
    • 93 15 The public offer for sale of AM million $1 shares at par Hy C.XTang rams been oversubscribed by IU per cent, according to the managing underwriters. United Chase Merchant Bankers. Th* new share certificates will be sent out not later than Dec. f and the company's IM
      93 words
      • 246 15 YJONOKONO. bfoa.—The II market closed virtually unchanged In dull tradIng on a lack of selling or buying Interest, dealers said. The Hang Seng lnd;x closed 0.03 points higher at ***** after falling O.OS points in the mornIng session Turnover drooped further to HK$3 08 million on the Hongkong Stock
        246 words
      • 11 15 THE Tokyo Stock Exchange was eleeed today for Thanksgiving Day.
        11 words
      • 274 15 SYDNSY. blon. The market tlrmid kiigbtly in dull trading, no clear background news to guide investors, dealers said. The Sydney AU-ordl-nanes shed 0.68 points to 412.33. I Market leader BHP recovered from *n eight cent morning loss to close unchanged at Aseso. ICI. Hooker and Tooth gained Other
        274 words
      • 34 15 UMtl "I*** urn was SMnt f»a» Uot». >«xir liw«>r llrtlH ***** I«*4O s-por* it) mi sib i*s rra mm iuas ripon arx«* m a*a-Mor4iaa anas mi's, tmmn por mil. (f) Avtras* »ri«
        34 words
      • 27 15 I>HE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday x rose another $4.12* to $964.12* per picul on an official offering up 47 tons to 250 tons.
        27 words
      • 389 15 T>HI ancsport rubber aarket yesterday was vary flulet but ataadtar during the morning on fresh buying Interest from the laaavyaaui sector Turnover was small. The mnrnmt aaason closed ▼cry quiet. Reports of physical covering against prompt shipment on Rumanian account encouraged some shortoovertng In the afternoon and the
        389 words
      • 110 15 DAILY BMW and MR prtcea iMuad at uoon jmtm flij Dm. Jaa. mn.i icaiimn irMHiHk) (inli|«tll l—mUpmk4> SMR tCV (1 ton pallet 1M.0O 156 OON 1S5 00 1M0ON BUR 5L 1 ton pallet 1M 00 151.008 1U 00 1M JON SMR (1 too pallet 140 00 140
        110 words
      • 32 15 Rabaer Nov. 22. Singapore: Dec. 144 25 cU (up 144 et.). Malaysia: Dee. 154 25 eta. (up 475 et). Tin $9M.12| (.p •4.124). Official offering 254 tons (np 47 tans).
        32 words
      • 108 15 Chihiii msouci ixcmamsi iiHOArsai mmh CLNiao »BlCi| »IB FICUL TIiTIRDAT CMIIM Mi tt»4 Milan. oM Sruai BlT'i MUtn. a«w «nua t*»>* Him. C«n Miu* iIoom) I'C Cast. MO kar«n nm Mualok A*TA »lIU 100* ntw (Ml^t wim*. I Sarawak wkiu fob »*4 NLW i»!47S mifn. Sarawak m—
        108 words
    • 172 15 Output of world tin LONDON World mine production of Un-ln-concentrates In July was 14.J00 tonnes compared with 13.000 (revised) in June and 15.100 in July 1974, the International Tin Council's November statistical bulletin shows. This brings the IS month moving total to end July to 174,400 tonnes compared with 171.000
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 127 15 Money and exchanges T*HS US unit opened firm yesterday morning st 93 4470 40 level in the Singapore forex market, despite FNCB i prime cut to 7 per cent, as this was already discounted. Trading was moderately active with the US unit hovertng around *****5 45 throughout the session. However,
      127 words
    • 163 15 Aidcstad Interbank raUa at 3 00 pjn CwfWMtea N—iml rate* ■■Hfca— r«tn«Mt «Mte4 yi1ir«»y (era*) parity caaa«» us dollar 34*70 3 4M0 sum um SterUnc pound 5 0700 6 0735 7HM —MM Hongkong dollar 49 40 4* 45 50 51 3 It l*»lajr»lan dollar M 45 M55 *****
      163 words
    • 178 15 ABiA> currancy depoalt in- terbank rstas a* at cloas on Nov. 24: NOTE: These ratei may differ sdchUr from thoas quoted by banks to thtlr customer*. Offer BM 7 dayi 4S 1 mth J 11 1« I 16 I mth* 6', IS 5 mth* 9% t\ 6
      178 words
    • 30 15 CV»lnt Interbank rates In Singapore dollar* for No* 34: Offer BM Overnight 3S 31, 1 mth 4 2 mth* 4S 4>» 3 mth* «>, 4», Scarce: P. Marray-Jaa« laleraaMaaat
      30 words
    • 51 15 RANQK of niM olt»r»d by «U-c-u"t Nor O».n»i«ht a/4 to I t ci U *,~>.ii 1 i i ■u r i. ii -Moatk Trawurr kill 111 It/I Hank bill* Hit 4 9 1* iMeaik CO 4 11 4 11 I Moatk CD )1,ll S 1 %m**»: Numil Uucawit
      51 words
    • 57 15 Prime lending rates (in Ug«m«rv» Bonk 7 F.ritChicogo longkok Bonk NCB lor* o( Amtdca 6'-j HKS8C look of China 7 Moloyon Banking lonk of Tokyo 7 Mittui Bonk look N«goro I rvJoneno 7 "j OCBC lonqu* dt L'lndochin* 7 OUB :Kort*r«d Bonk UCB '.hcnt Monhotton 7 UMBC >BS 6V. UO6
      57 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 8 15 BT index up 1 73 to 193 05
      8 words
    • 170 15 FLUID HANDLING? > rt'^W -an-nßT^nT^ Ba^^^H this top combination ifjj v The combination of Nikk isos precise W^W workmansh,p and the licensed fluid handling b S l owers engineering know-how of Sundstrand, U.S.A. makes these pumps, blowers and compressors unbeatable value. £m x In a single stage configuration, whether the
      170 words

  • Especially Women
    • Article, Illustration
      94 16 fHE FRENCH house of Jean Patou has expansive ideas for next year the blouson look. It's going to be baggy all the way. This is the "blouse-polo," from the house's pret-a-porter collection. It will certainly give our women something to think about being let on the loose. The
      94 words
    • 267 16  - HERS is a job Franziska enjoys MEI-LIN CHEW By rE JOB Is HERS chaperoning 28 woman secretaries of the "top brass" In Canada on their oriental holiday. The chaperone Is Miss Franrlska Kaltenegger, 34. an account executive of a Vancouver hotel. And HERS? It Hands for Hyatt executive reservation secretaries,
      267 words
    • 802 16 Top models face horse judges A FARCE, is what Jeanine Siniscal calls the 75 International Fashion Model of the World contest, supposedly held at Per»h on Nov. 13, a day behind schedule. Instead of catwalk and a roof over their heads, the "contest" was held in the open field a
      802 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 316 16 Youm (I CUs<do I m than half a century, Sena i Elegant welltry with exqutsU* design he rtcognutd for thew Accompanied by unmahhad qmahly, rrusttr trafttmanshtp m distmctwe guaranUadto last for gammttons ■jhdumnmdt.rubtesand T*r art classic Fit for royalty For MM wi presents the trtmdseUerr For the young And for
      316 words
    • 24 16 GOULDINGsS soothes coughs and relieves colds Mfc^H and feverishness with no stomach upsets I I fa* ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL I Sa^SMkl PROOUCT FROM m s^Bj
      24 words
    • 223 16 Wi m m_ El The complexion of young L^sfl girts and young women differs greatly from the skin ■■bC'^b^l of more mature women, and ■Hpafl reacts differently to beauty i^^^^^B*"' v I treatments Young skin needs I '^L^w light textured preparations I J with a gentle action which BH^tffl J^.
      223 words

  • 209 17 DEINO a "chick" can be a stuffy affair as 18-year-old Judith Dawe found out yesterday. But the cheers and sheer delight that herald her "hatching' made It all worth It. Judith, a secretary with the New Zealand forces here and a
    209 words
  • 27 17 7HE Public Dally Rated Architect Workers' Union will hold iv first triennial delegates eonftmu* at it* Race Course Road premises on Thursday at 5 pm
    27 words
  • 64 17 Container plan: NOL move NEPTUNE Orient Lines. Singapore's national shipping line. Is to withdraw two convrntlonal vessel*, the Neptune Topas and Neptune Zircon, from the Far Bast /Europe run as part of Its plans to containerise the services on that route. The two vessels will be chartered to Barber Wllhelmsen
    64 words
  • 50 17 THE Singapore International Chamber of Commerce will hold IU half-yearly general meeting at the Shell theatrette In CoUyer Quay on Friday at 2 JO pjn. IU chairman. Mr J.D.H NeUl will make a statement on the business outlook and the chamber's activities during the past six months.
    50 words
  • 34 17 CHRISTOPHER Kablan was nnrd MO yesterday after be pleaded guilty to not wearing a crash helmet while riding pillion on a motorcycle at Jalan Kotam Ayr-r on Dec M at 4.M pal
    34 words
  • 35 17 TBS National Mumuso wUI screen Festivals of Japan and three, other colour films on Japan In IU lecture bail at TJOpjn. to—on ow Free iiwaleirii uekett are available at the museum onsse.
    35 words
  • 41 17 OOH L I a n Hoe was fined St* yesterday wnon be pleaded guilty to riding a motorcycle which waj not BUcd with a silencer auf■caaat to reduce noset akesg Ssranfoon Road on Oct. U st IN am
    41 words
  • 597 17 THE Labour Ministry is studying the possibility of setting up an Institute for Occupational Health and Safety to co-ordinate various schemes and training courses for improving industrial safety on a permanent basis. When fully established, the institute can alto provide consultancy services and research Into
    597 words
  • 98 17 Mechanic under car was crushed to death A CAR-REPAJR--f* ER died when a Jacked- up car he was working on fell on top of him, a coroner** court heard yesterday. Teng Chang Hee. and bis employee, Ong Tah Tlar. were repairing the car at. Orange Grove Eoad at about !M
    98 words
  • 20 17 THE Mcc Soon community centre will organlae singing competition In Chinese In mid-December For rurther details phone MUM
    20 words
  • 16 17 THE BarUey Secondary School Is to get a new canteen and science laboratory haU.
    16 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 279 17 i II 1 I afßv S IPV^ universal J~* nai >> < MACHINE -^ag^J f •^BW^i -Jk saW IS a^spaaawawau M^ ■~f SHAPING MACHINE BoSj* UNIVERSAL ENGINE LATHE AUTOMATIC I HYDRAULIC HACK SAW LeA I UNIVERSAL V ENGINE LATHE r y c {<>) ELPR^g#AA Electric Motors 0.25 -136 HP
      279 words
    • 422 17 Do you know in which sport I represented Singapore at Lagos, Nigeria in 1975? Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the asm high mrmMAHCf $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE 53.000 2nd. PRIZE $2,000 3rd. PRIZE $1,000
      422 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 914 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 tM Pi Opening and This and That (English- 7.15 Tat leaal data Tafc Ctfa (feat*) ReoeaU 7JI laws (Malay) Ul Diary of Events (Engl,sh) 1* Sf'tZ'*?**''*" US Magazine Zero One (Repeat) lM Ka^Ta. last 145 Love Is a Many Splendoored Thing LM Nam aa. lavsml
      914 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 624 18 Systems Division requires Male BUMIPUTRA I Programmers Matt of our successes In require additional mnel for our Sys-■-lon. The Job involves programming, demonstrating systems .lpment and training of .perators in operating implementing mechanized •.stems. Thorough be provided to the ndldates. Qi. Nt: Full HSC or a Programming and knowledge will
      624 words
    • 532 18 ff IHAHCttI CONTROLLER) A major Group of Companies in the manufacturing and marketing fields requires a top calibre FINANCIAL CONTROLLER for its Singapore Area. This is a senior management appointment and offers exceptional opportunities of a rewarding career for the right man. Applications are invited from men above 30 years
      532 words
    • 587 18 m aOMJaTTMWfi IHiliftM MWXI I» "■**^BB~ BE SINGAPORE gig INTERNATIONAL s"a school Applications ara inviwd trmm suitable p«rtons with oxparienc* in the fwtd «H ftudtnx warfare for the post of Non- Resident Boarding House Matron in the Middle School House Nursing experience would b* an advantage but ability to deal
      587 words
    • 230 18 I GOVERNMENT OF THE HK.pi hi v or sim;ap«>rk im tax kri:i: R»< TERED STOCK }S% MluriH >«I/M 1971 REGIBTERED «JTO< K iHUN SO I) s i it auturiim \tr. (TaxaMv) •S% aialariai I«M <Taxakfo) <'•% ajaluriac I9M (Tas frm) NOTICE IR HEREBY OIVEN that the Transfer Books of the
      230 words
    • 661 18 t SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board from prospective tenant^ sublease a* one unit Nos 135 and 137 of the Tudor Court houses situated along Tanglln Road These houses have an area of approximately 108 sq m. (1.159 sq ft with
      661 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1147 19 1 CM*bbTMmT* TdTTCt Tl ITayMaTrMBT: i rmm Vmm-tti+mm-Yz'xrs. JS rL r M MBATM IBM Daa IMI I toe IM HBVMB ut n toi il toe tM IM IMb IM M IVMtI tt toe ti toa il Ma it M I Mb ii M v fBaaMMM il toe M toe IM
      1,147 words
    • 1233 19 \BenOcean II te M/CMrrpanri im ibbo^^"™"™^ ram P aaMM Mmi laaa PMh max a pvm mi mi i Me mm i m im. i mm. rtart. raiaa, ißMain ay i mi 4/ •ia avn mmm im. mm. twr, fat. 11 PUBI MM 11/11 Me NVM Ml rtV-a MMM 'iM. «-PJaatP.
      1,233 words
    • 990 19 ti nMjati mmmj Wmm mmm IMaM Imn M Mail Ml v I'M'tC linttt ran P toiaai lea. Mtm aam tmx. ■MM IATaUS vmm bjmm I toe IM IM IM MMMMa IMI IM Ilia IM MM a M iit ii ace it toe IM I M IMb la* MMMM UPW»
      990 words
    • 1052 19 FULLY COHTAINMIZID SfKVICI TO IUKOfI MBftlPi FW nuaw m it toi tl I rlßjtinJaM. Matra, li Hart. MaXltTi KlfT M 'MM, bbßmti, IraaM, IVlaMfMaaa. ST«m S TiiMA rat i StociMML Olio. UaMM, UmtM (M CMmb Taaa iti a Man PU M Man FULLY CONTAINWZiD SIKVICI FKOM EUKOfI rwiaej I m.,
      1,052 words
    • 752 19 Sbmmj* ttM44 P. mm] W1; IL W7ll. PMMI THE BANK LDfE LTD. UMMI I 1 MU W"" M»l IMaxtwi Miwa. lv, en P tHMi I I toe Im him TITMM mm.,,.., Imm. i p mm* v I M rim MM.'.. raj UIT I an IPMtA PM MMMaM, BMMUL P ««i«i
      752 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 911 20 Iyl KAWASAKI KJS£N KAISHA LTD. FffUT CMTAMB9I aiKICI T. Ipmi lane* |Vla ctMatsl S por» P RtMf rTM| fMn >TtMj SfWI SUS MMU IK Ulk HIM NIK SiN aXPTWK UKUII INc »Nc VNc Jl tec I M Imait MM S pa/t P Mm; imtmM Omu nmm mm >im sm rtm
      911 words
    • 1078 20 IMB [TA IT* W> MMtT MMM to PM a M MA AraVl mautt MM* NMM to Part a M awn Aa\. iim MtoM MMi I M Ummi miimmm Tim) iMm I M MMtt MMM a aa. aan rriaiini/taMri/MiMUiai. MtfPMMUT aaMMA IM IM ttMT/KIMMa. IraaaMM. 11m Urn, SMM Mm. SMM Hmji
      1,078 words
    • 974 20 ImVJIV MMMMM_MMMMMM. MIMMf MM- tmm%%%%t MUU\ •MarTA BmWmTBC HaVIVfU f? BBW ™Wl WPM 11 Mt II BM OBM i M«U HUH MMM 1, I Mt IMI MMIMMIMMIBMI MPTMt MJMI IM I Mt a Me 17 Me tM UaM imiT MaTfiMaoa sowg mm umn out mn P MMJ r«art MTJTU tHMIII
      974 words
    • 883 20 awas gfict w iw, iMmfmjmman mn T| Mm mtmmmt P ItiMt Mai UMa tor MM* BttM ia Part rlt ac 1 iW) %lmm aU. I'M. Cmt Urn 111 MMI MM 11/n Mc Imm C.-i I. KRtt !1 I I. A«t., MM MMM llMMaan a I Mt 'JZ nl I'M Cwtrt
      883 words
    • 882 20 POLLOWia* IItTMIII JSST i. i < "S_iT O)t Ti "iir"."".* 9 n T -^S5? OMT: fc^. ltol t L T?.t°A sT g*** ""•STSiT, S^'i'-^S-'^S •^»Vilm*mm? I Cm!!SSI B MlnrUo.OeOOttx-lttM Kh« I (MM IM JUDOMO PO«T OK Mronk (IMS) a). Shuntai NO«. Mara UM etc) t» SM in iB MTmmiMaUil/I taBarf*)
      882 words

  • 54 21 MRS JOHN C HONG LUKE nee Yee aged 71 pantrl away leaving Thomas ilherine andMargarett ng Yaw Fatt 3 iw 11 grand- leaves Kuantan Thomas Burial at MRS LEE CHOON ENG 975 leans one i»rs-in-i.-id seven Mount MRS GOON tiM ENG nee Lee i way on usband. ghti
    54 words
  • 18 21 AC WE PIMPLES. OPCN Po your problem Then nedlcally »r»(.ut with 28 nperlenre at irs telephone
    18 words
  • 18 21 3 Religious Announcements BETHESOA BOOK CENTRf M I opens From 10 00 a n 1«>« cioaed) a Payoh
    18 words
  • 96 21 «M -*cc Joo) ;x all staff at the if their ntr stay at the MAOAM O BHARQAVI Kaghavan >r\nectlon •••.ith of her beloved son FAMILY OF LATE '.man Fernan- Panah Priest friends Ufa and late t Mrs Lee Madam Cheong thank sincerely and relatives monks their generoua and
    96 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 174 21 classified ads (g) I 0 1 SAMARITANS OP Slngmrroubled'' Discouraged' 44 day or night Help is a* near aa the telephone a) Professional STABLISHCD MOTOR !i ints t<i fill ii Sales iiualin- pan Mai i I inn« urn nvlting applicants for the pin' ACCOUNTANT cum OFFICE MANAGER be ret- my.
      174 words
    • 657 21 EXECUTIVE/ SENIOR BOOK KEEPER required to run AccounU Section Minimum I years relevant working exaenence HSC and LCC Higher Accounting Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience Tel 3832T7 FRENCH MANUFACTURER! ASSOCIATION requires EXPCRICNCCO FRENCH SPCAKtNB SaCRtTTARV capable of working on her own and running small office Mutt be Singapore cltlaen
      657 words
    • 734 21 IXPERWNCEO IALESBtItIS required to make door to door sales m'^'p^**-.^^ 0 -am to 5 00 pm Aasa Carbon Metal MTOCo CHALLENGING CAREER Nl SALES A leading International Company promoting a well-known brand of consumer product] Invites applications for the position SALE! AOENT Initiative ability to work hard C airliiinNot necessary
      734 words
    • 900 21 liFfRifHClO BMCHANIC "f aj 1 OUIRCO to repair service J typewriters, adders Attractive S salary, commission, scooter n provided Apply with full par-, o ticulars to 88 Cartabrooke Orove a i PHILIPS requlrea t LlMaat MbVC MawawatstC ft Appllcanu should be able to ter--1 vice television receivers. aawat tttw) have
      900 words
    • 811 21 SESSENOER RSOUIRBD POR lurong Engineering Company 4uat have full Claat II Driving Irence New Motorcycle provided >y the Company Please apply WORLDWIDE ORBANWAnON NtC. NCW YORK. USA frsjahajj aMBjaJ 9t*+4o*M •MpfaMaaar a))f P4tOMOTIONAL f IBCUTtVES S MANAGEMENT TRAINCCS gsgs Isstavtaaea awl eaaawtaaL SwawaeeM aanmaiilaa etSINOAPORC HILTON STUDIO 1. ORCHARD ROAO
      811 words
    • 768 21 WUX BBTASIUaiBjw COMPANY requires experienced printers Interaatad call personally 27-C North Canal Road. Spore l TR AJtSPOtTT A TION COtSPANV RE OUtMS Lorry Driver tinaratud appllcanu can can 1 14 Tembatlng Road or Tel 9*4007 A Japanase Manufacturing Concern haj vacancies for (A) A SCtNOR POSITION ION) TRAINajE POR BCMOR
      768 words
    • 924 21 BUNaRLOw-S. SUNSET WAV S2 300 Mount atnaj 12.000 Holland Orove 12 200 Jalan Bttjaya SSOO 9153T1/*****8 DIST. I 2-STORCV BRAMO new semi-detached bungalow 4 bedrooms/ servant's amenities rully furnished. 5 alrconds with very spacious roof garden Immediate occupation Rental 11.109 p m Phone *****25/ *****5 SCASsDC BUNOALOsT POMtJsSOL. Seventeenth Avenue,
      924 words
    • 772 21 VERY NICB 4 BEOROOMED bungalow for rant Dtst 10 ■***** green quiet garden alter natively hill top bungalow in dut I for 11.400pm Miss Ling *****1 ext 2 SCMBAWANG LOCALITY. FULLY furnished single- storey 1 bedrooms, detache and semi-de-tached bungalows wit.i UtephOOf Contact *****07 DIST SS SCLETAR HM.LS corner double-storey
      772 words
    • 754 21 DRAGON MANSION CENTRAL. Furnished rooms (bathroom at tached) 12S0 No cooking, work UMi people preferred ***** lIBIIBaRSOII AREA SMALL room Indian ~»ir.l* 'ingle gtrU K«nt SOS Sts Ring *****7 after 90 a m FOREIGN BANK requires idsliiMt t»asili ii' In good district Swimming pool and central alrcondiuoning preferred but not
      754 words
    • 710 21 VSarV BEAUTIFUL aNNXB-STO REV bungalow furnished in ajuiet locality available in Thomaon Contact *****2 for sale Q Latest*> y, seTTH-aeiacnaa ana link-bungalows. 3 x to 5 spacious L A rooms, bxiilt in A quality materials Q occupation n next year 20 minutes drive Q from City Centre. Q
      710 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 179 22 NEWLY COMPLETED KILLINI u> town chopping arcade t ONOMIC LARGE FLAT situate. i for sale 4ISSM axs pj ri^^^a} 4 SEDROOMED FLAT I*l r si N i "SON CRESCENT ONLY A FEW UNITS LEFT 10 MINUTES TO TOWN VENUS MANSION 71 Storey Luiurtou* Aaartmontt P»c> Rood o»I Clemonceou Avonuo) {•poctod
      179 words
    • 599 22 I a) Lame. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PRSEHOLI land at Holland Orove ap Italy 150.000 sq ft idea :<>pment el maisonettes oust* Interested pteaa •T2C1712 3 INDUSTRIAL ESTATE LANS •or Land Tor 2 9M acres at rl Larkm Industrial Estate Joher Bahru for sale No broker*. I Thee* mi* a" opa*y to
      599 words
    • 719 22 CENTRAL BLOB. 648 sq fl of un paralleled Elegance Maintenance and central aircon j dltloning included in the give-a. away pnce of $1 50 ps f as an ad- dttlonal bonus, tnere la over •?.< SM of parUUoning curtain* ant r carpet to be yours for Free if yx» secure
      719 words
    • 497 22 NAM NO TRAVSL IBNDICL (BanI gaporei Pte Limited Weti I Malaysia lour IncluM ye Oentlng p C Highlands) by deluxe airconditioned bus seven dayi r Sfl7s departure everyday onting Cameron Highlands four days SSIOO/-. Oentlng Highland* four days SSI 15/-. departure everyday Bangkok Chlengmal by deluxe alrcondltloned i coach fourteen
      497 words
    • 516 22 I AUSTRALIA NCWZtALANO Beautiful Perth Melbourne. Sydney a Kttoomoa Auckland. Wellington. Chnstchurch k Mr Cook 12/21 days B ISM/ SMM DepS/1 9/3 S/4 EUROPE IS romantic countries Italy Austria Switzerland Oermany Russia Holland. Belgium. Prance. England snd Denmark 20/23 days 82 870/ S2.SM Dep 17/11 SINBAPONaV LONDON or PARIS. AMSTgNOAM.
      516 words
    • 646 22 N9OWL «S% DraCOVarrao airfare (Holiday in Kaahmli) Madras. Bangalore Bombay/ Delhi/ Kahratr Agra 14 days sight seem* tours, hotel, meal K L 81 500. Singapore 81. MO Contact PT Chacko. Carewajrs Travel. 7SA. Jalan kiasjid India. Kuala Luaipur MUSI/ *****0 John Matbew Singapore 37M47 AUSTRALIA TOURS MNVKI special fares London
      646 words
    • 564 22 NSPORT/ sTJVONT PNOCSOUNSIS and Dorumenutlon Establish ing owrasai contact, sales clam*. methods of payment, freight calculations, typos of L/C. coniracu. banking and shipping pcocedures. BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment, reexport insurance and clalana etc. Every Saturday afternoon 3-6 p.m commencing December at 435. 4th floor. People's Park Centre (formerly at
      564 words
    • 700 22 BUSINESS ORGANISATION for professional examinations conducted by Business Administration graduate Commences 630 pm Tuesday 25t». November Management Training Centre. 304. 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre Tel: ***** PNCMWR COttMCRCIAL SCHOOL MS. Gil— a, SfcopoMa Co~*r*. 8 Moaoore 1 Tat IM*N IniensiT* (Imoarn*) a*Blaa*r* Claoso* tar School Leavers T|P«ai»in Any
      700 words
    • 617 22 COMPANY LAW by Specialist Legal PractlUoner. Commences Thursday 27th November 6 M pm Confirm enrolment early to ensure ptace Tel 74SM Management Training Centre. 304 3rd Floor New People i Park Centre inlngua Now the largest group of language schools in the world' ENGLISH DAY CLASSES AT ALL LEVELS COMMENCE
      617 words
    • 652 22 NANTANG DRIVING SCHOO dual -controlled Datsun 1200 Hourhr $7 00. 23S Tan long Road. A'pore 15 TH *****3 CHAMPION DRIVING SCHOOL. IV A Choon Oueji 1200 ani Minor lono > SKY OMVMSG SCHOOL Modem l>ual-<.-ontrolle<l I Hourljr $7 00 Ovar aWr MS Orchard Hnad frt LIBERTY AUTO DRIVING car. lorr>
      652 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 124 23 HJPI FORD ESCORT XL 1973 Cor--2 Maada i >pel Kadrtt 1989 Rangoon Road Spore sun ÜBS ruad tax and jno owner 19T1 model. Dalsun .rid radio accl»4» MODEL CORTINA Super IBBS H7l AUSTIN 1300 (iT nrw tyres. MR M n ''ir .»ner Trl <•«• MINI STATIONWAOON MXII l^atr MAZOA 12OC
      124 words
    • 478 23 87 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK ntlon. 882.800 Pleas* call 89MS1 1989 FORO CORTINA 1600 Automatic alrrond While ex*4 interior 17.000 km >12«*****a m spm FIAT lIS JULY 1971 Price negotiate Contact *****7 Mr 1971 MAZOA RI4 2 owners in exrmdiUor. Price 86.000 1974 MAZOA CAPCLLAaIrcon one mill Cheap for qux-k n o
      478 words
    • 643 23 LADIES LIARN THE latest methods in skin-care and makeup Beauty rnunn in English and CTiinaw starting; soon Cosmetic! providad Fee only SM SS Tel 82MSS for details ATTENTION LAOIIS SAUNA hatht scientific slimming ispolrediK ing. postnatal irraiments with very latest machines at Louise Klerk's Salon 22 Ngee Ann Building No
      643 words
    • 578 23 umo smi MAaNrnc caro n AUTOMATIC UrtWRJIIR ■OR ftAll Recently overhauled, good condition 2-year old. going at SSIO.MO o no. Wrs»ss O »M Tf. Cilmll Cwt PssH OM— OWNtM o* SHOP at People Park Complex looking for managing partner to operate travel and tours firm Must be presently In the
      578 words
    • 447 23 |sijeme'ns. ONCMMM TASLK. OMAN, piano. TV. ropy machine, mttal zylophone refrigerator, lamp, radiogram Tel OHM. ONf SWITCH BOX 4 demonstrator of T. set ut amplifier plus 24 pairs of speaker system srltll 2 Phonoimput Vh-w J7 Lorang Patong Ring SOM29 Arthur NtW OFSTCI TAM.I. sitting-room furniture, single 4 double bed.
      447 words
    • 313 23 nothing IFSiEii could be i)^^^^^. simpler i^^^^p^^^ than a |l i(1 r WASHING MACHINE M^ /~^> N A- 7060 (^mI'IPI SAVE WATER WITH National's "one -touch" automatic washing machine This new model features a triple soak rinse cycle which saves a minimum I |P^"^^| of 30% of water, without any
      313 words

    • 254 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Former State Assemblyman for Sunget Beaar, Datuk Talban Hassan. 51. won his appeal In the High Court today against conviction by we Sabak Bernam Sessions Court on a cnarge of cheating. He was Jailed for a day and fined $4,000 or
      254 words
    • 14 24 PENANO. Mon. The Peoang YMCA will launch a membership p«'g" on Nov
      14 words
    • 135 24 Customs dodge: Clerk fined $10,670 JOHORE BARU. Mon A Singapore clerk. Ang Beng Chor. was fined $lO,«no or 10 months' Jail for trying to evade Customs duties and Importing prohibited goods. Aug. JO. mmj Jointly charged with carpenter Chee Ah Ba. with fradulent evasion of duty on 910 padlocks and
      135 words
    • 216 24 Fears over petroleum laws allayed KUALA LUMPUR. Monday INVESTORS still have full confidence the Government will implement its petroleum laws fairly, the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, said in the Dewan Rakyat today. He said Tun Abdul Rasak himself was aware that there was concern
      216 words
    • 78 24 KOTA BARU. Mon. Thai Interior Minister Boontheng Thongsawasdi and Malaysian Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ohaxali Shafle met here today to discuss future Joint operations against communist guerrillas and smugglers along their common border. Tan Sri Ohazall told reporters later that he had briefed the Thais on the
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 129 24 KUALA LUMPUR Mon. The Government has agreed to equip the armed forces and the police with M 16 rifles In future, the Deputy Minister In the Prime Minister's Department. Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, said In the Dewan Rakyat today. He was replying during
      129 words
    • 126 24 Diplomats' wives: Why they are 'idle' KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Disciplinary and supervisory problems *a well as conflicting Interests will arise If wives of Malaysian diplomats are employed as locally-re-cruited staff In overseas missions. the Dewan Rakyat was told today Locally -recruited staff were normally meant for local residents. Foreign Minister
      126 words
    • 61 24 ALOR STAR. Mon Security-sensitive areas are being placed at Urn top of the list for land development schemes. Mentrl Beaar Dato Serl Syed Ahmad Shahabuddln said today "Our strategy here la to develop areas which are not only lagging but are also securlty-sensltive." he told delegates
      61 words
    • 48 24 KUALA LUMPUR Won Malaysia will host two International conferances on palm oU In June next year They are the Malaysian International Agricultural OU Palm Conference and the Malaysian Symposium on Palm OU rrnrwslin and Marketing which wUI be ornnlsad by the Incorporated Society of Planten
      48 words
    • 36 24 KUALA LUMPUR lion Bnwth—t AaUn economic ptanntag minuter*, meeting In Jakarta on Wednesday arc expected to consider a free trad* area for the Aa» cla'ian of South-east Asian Matlons. Asean officials amid today. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 36 24 KOTA BAKU. Men Kelaotan'i only road link with Urn rsst of Urn country wm cut off today »t Jerteh. when Urn bridge was under two metre* u( water and closed to all traOc
      36 words
    • 209 24 $250,000 reward offer for killers of CPO IPOH. Men.— Police have offered a S3SMM rewars fer lafaraamUwa leading to the arreet and conviction of those responsible for the killing of Perak Chief Pwstoe Officer Tan Sri Koo Chong Kong, and his driver, Sgt. Yewng Peng Cfteong here on Nov. 13.
      209 words
    • 27 24 PENANO. Mon. Scow Pook San. SI. was today fined S3OO or three month* )*U for selling black market tickets st the Wembley Clne■ns here yesterday.
      27 words
    • 155 24 $68m for four Johore water projects JOHORE BARU. Mon The Public Works Department will undertake four major wmter supply projects costing more than SAB million under the Third Malaysia Plan They are the Muar water scheme < $19 million > Labis Secamat scheme (111 million' Merslng scheme ($3 7 million)
      155 words
    • 77 24 Police rapped over 'slipshod probes' BUTTER WORTH. Mon Sessions Court President Victor Isaacs today rapped the police here for making "slipshod Investigations." "It Mem* that there are more acquittals In the Butterworth courts due to slipshod Investigation than In other courts :n the country." he laid. Investigating officers should take
      77 words
    • 49 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The present fire insurance tariffs are inadequate to meet Urn needs of large and developing industries here, according to a Colombo Plan expert on Are Insurance. Mr D O Lumb said yesterday he feels the present tariffs must be reviewed and updated Immediately.
      49 words
    • 23 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Malayan Technical Sat vices Union has changed IU name to the Malayan Technical and Scientific Services Union
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 272 24 -^!?*jrjC.K.TAIMG UMTTED T^^U^ (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) ANNOUNCEMENT THE ISSUE OF 4,260.000 NEW SHARES OF $1.00 EACH AT Ssl 00 PER SHARE offered for subscription through the Company's prospectus dated 31st October 1975 has been 1 12.9% subscribed for. Applications for amounts up to 100,000 shares, unless rejected,
      272 words
    • 381 24 The Industrial Trainina Board, a statutory body established I in 1 973, responsible for the control, co-ordination and promoI tion of industrial and vocational training in Singapore invites I I applications from suitable persons to the post of I DIRECTOR OF I I INDUSTRIAL TRAINING I The Board's main activities
      381 words

  • 126 25 A MERCHANT "us yesterday acquitted without his defence being called of a charge of driving under the Influence of liquor and colliding into 77 -year-old women pedestrian along Canal Road on Aug. 34 at about 11.50 p.m. Ong Eng Cnuan. 45. was acquitted after his
    126 words
  • 279 25 THE former 150-bed 1 RAF Hospital In Changi. which will be officially handed over to Singapore Armed Forces on Dec. 1. will be open to civilians at later date. It will in future be known as SAF hospital. According to a Defence
    279 words
  • 28 25 The Marslling Post Office at Block 18 Marslllng Lane will open for business on Dec. 1. It will be the 59th post office In Singapore
    28 words
  • 107 25 Registry not told of wedding A NON-CITIZEN, Lam Hln. SI. was fined SIM by a District Court yesteiday after he admitted undergoing a Chinese customary marriage before notifying the Begtstry of Marriage*. Senior Inspector Tarlok Singh, prosecuting, told the court that on May 7 laxt year. Lam Hin ■■lied for
    107 words
  • 13 25 THERE WXRI 74 road accidents, thro* of them ssrtoua. on Sunday
    13 words
  • 128 25 'HUAY KWAN' HEAD MR Wong Shlan Yeln. 71. chairman of the Dry Cleaning Association of Overseas Chinese, died on Sunday night. He was the sole proprietor Nang Heng and .my Piano House In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, as well as chairman of the Bam Klang Huay Kwan of the Nlngpo
    128 words
  • 84 25 rITO passengers were injured when these three SBS bases collided along New Bridge Road yesterday. They were taken to the Singapore General Hospital In an ambulance. Both were not sertootly hurt. witnesses said the three buses were travelling in a lino along the bus-lane when the
    84 words
  • 169 25 Drug pusher gets 3 years and rotan 4 22-YEAR-OLD man, who was found guilty of trafficking in heroin, was sentenced to three years Jail and five strokes of the rotan by a district court yesterday. Hamzah bin Ismail was also sentenced to six months Jail for pos•eslon of 1 8
    169 words
  • 122 25 Att-YEAR-OLD scan. who unsuspectingly approached a Centtal Narcotics Bureau officer and offered to sell him a phial of heroin, was yesterday jailed lor three years with two strokes of the rotan for trafficking Yong Ewoa LUng was yesterday found guilty of trafficking In
    122 words
  • 30 25 THE Singapore Society of Accountants will hold a couth on sampling in auditing for senior auditors at the IUXC Building on Dec Ffcr more details contact Tel *****1
    30 words
  • 487 25 THK Science and Technology Minister, Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng, has called for more automation of work processes so that Singapore can produce a wider range of goods at competitive prices. He said It was Inevitable that Singapore where Industries were Increasingly playing a
    487 words
  • 48 25 THE Singapore Telugu Cultural Society haa been refiltered at Jalan Otrang on Other societies which hare been rrgutered earlier this munth arc Kampong Olaa Constituency SporU Assucla •i. n at Sultan Oat*. Operational Research of Singapore Nanyang Crescent) and the Oomtopolitan Women's Club <Muiwell HUH
    48 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 180 25 .^gi a^^gJ B^^^gt SV sfOk f^^gflg^B^^^gl Kt^a^flgSD fcjj^S> gBsW —at «^V» g^^JlW* r V* ,C^ jrjy*^ gS^** I '^iflß<^a^Ki By_^T^ _^Ty^ gßk-^*-a^KCKa^K^ x 1^ -^^^gv W sr^at g^Bf^ i^ >^^^^^^^BL -"-^J^ gflwSJ^ g^B «i^^^*^ t •v^g^r^BV B^B> > 3B^B^B* Jl '-"i*""* m s J.^U. a g^BW I^sbl Because.theUMW Remanufactured Komatsu
      180 words

    • 828 26 ENGLAND'S HOPES SHATTERED AS [IMASSOL, (Cyprus), Mon. zechoslovakia became the seventh team through to the quarter- finals of the European Soccer Championships when they beat Cyprus 3-0 here yesterday. Sdenek Nehoda. after only nine minutes, Premysl Blcovsky and Marian Masny scored the nrst-half goals that gave
      Reuter; UPI  -  828 words
    • 319 26 Colorado score whopping win M*" YORK. Moo OMo BUI4 drftaltd MictMfan 11 -14. ntHhnmt h— l ritt»n>i w l> ail* Ootondo Irounrad Kuuu SUM 11-T in th* Collet* Football ■malctM* pl«y«1 o»« Uw «*tk«nd ■Mi BoMonColl t< MuwlMitnu 14. BoMon U M VUlanon 14. Brown 41 t-oiiuabta 13. Otul OilvO
      UPI  -  319 words
    • 15 26 HKLBDOU. Mob. Wot Oaraac beat Finland t-» la Bartwntrw trh ben t*surday iteuter
      15 words
    • 282 26 Greenidge faces a race against the clock BRISBANE, Mon. We«t Indies Test hopes brightened today with news that an X-ray of batsman Gordon Oreenidge's Injured left hand had revealed no break. But Oreenldge is still a doubtful starter for the First Test against Australia starting at the cricket ground here
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 402 26 Selangor Stakes race was a thriller all the way RACING REVIEW... by EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Selangx>r Stakes here yesterday was a thriller from start to finish. No fewer than five of the leading fancies were seen with a winning chance In the dosing stages of the special
      402 words
    • 669 26 TJ|/b3OHTB for the TT lilinioi Amateur Prof eaitonal meeting thla weekend In Kuala Lumpur. SATURDAY Professional Horses CLASS 4 DIV S IStem Bullion n II Russian Tank M Diamond Head Mi Full Of Fun U tl Tiger Nou II Solid Mi 81-Oenill Mi Allegation 41 i CLASS
      669 words
    • 284 26 Five pairs carry Asia's hopes in World Cup W ANILA. Mon. ITI Thailand's Bupot Peerasophon and Mrs. Runchuan Melendez were the last of the fancied Asian entries to arrive here for the World Cup bowling 'ournament starting nere tomorrow. The Thai arrival* brought to a total of five Asian nations,
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 241 26 Telephone and electrical breakdowns can be caused by corrosion in the conduit pipe II m K^7 I B^ Ja J HUMEPLAST 7U. uPVC pipes, conduits fittings RESIST CORROSION. •CURVE AND BEND TO THE CONTOUR OF THE GROUND. Because of Humeplast's resist- s*w*r*9a/D»..n«!* concr*t* piP a* fitt.n* ance to corrosion, it
      241 words
    • 91 26 MEET THE GIANTS Hard-workers with long-life performance ATYhEO ROLLER EXCAVATOR ml -L^BBBBBBBBBBBI MOTOR GRADER IHJ 1 I M WLE r^BBB BBH I aHi Bs ■■AMSWICPi 'fl *W-A. ■/■BB)<*»v- f ÜBw bb% JXm jOL" i~j U> BBBBBBnK*^ 9*^9 Bb! 1 M BpPRTy v fty£ I mM [L (Apf PILE I SCRAPE
      91 words

  • 275 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA My SINGAPORE'S gold medal hopes in the men's 4 x 100 m and 4 x 200 m relay events can be written off in next month's Seap Games at Bangkok with the shin injury of our ace sprinter Ong Yeok Phee. Yeok Phee did
    275 words
  • 188 27  - Sembawang squabble is solved... JOE DORAI By I 8 two- month-old soccer dispute between manager E. Sundram and the players has been settled. rhe row, which had resulted In a boycott by the original squad of 22 players was amicably settled following the Intervention by the Club's president and UP
    188 words
  • 69 27 THE prcatdfnt'i Cup sococr asmlflnaj matches will be played on Thunday at the National Stadium not at Jalan Baaar Stadium aa oiisinaily planned. Tna semifinal matchta will be between Armed Forces and Ponggol at 6 pm. and Timpinn Knvera and O*ylanf at 730 p.m. Theie will be
    69 words
  • 297 27 SEAP FRAGMENTS WE have an imposing National stadium with ultra-modern facilities, including a million-dollar medical unit The doctor at this unit underwent a special course in sports medicine in West Germany. And the physiotherapist has considerable experience in this Important aspect of sports. Tet there are a few National sportsmen
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  • 225 27 Tampines 7-up in tune-up Tampines Ro-en boosted their morale for Thursday 1 all-Im-portant claah against Ueylang International with a amaahlng 7-0 win over Kan-pong Java In their League Division Two match at Jalan Bcaar Stadium la-t night Rovers, who acored their eighth successive win last night, are scheduled to meet
    225 words
  • 48 27 BIRMINGHAM lion Kydaaki Inaba of Japan broke his own world records bare yesterday and rsuiaad the world flywoUnt power UfUnt Utto Uyimki sat a aquat racord of *K ks and mada m new world mark of 517 A kg in a tbros-ttft total Rautar
    48 words
  • 93 27 r'O goals by outside right Conrad De SUva helped Singapore score a shock 3-3 win over favourites Penang In the sU-nation Inter Port soccer tournament at Cnermln yesterday Conrad netted both his goals In the first half which gave Singapore a 3-1 first half leadT The other
    93 words
  • 205 27 ...and so are the 4 x 100 m girls THE women's 4x 4 100 m quartet of Eng Chlew Guay, Glory Barnabas, Low Yock Peng and Dhana Dcvi have been a big disappointment. At last Saturday's trials they clocked 49 1 aaea. an effort that was would you believe it
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
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    • 691 27 KHUH OUMrrON M «wot cMwutot Moioa «»t msxMTS _^bß^^ jtt VAMASIE LINi-«MCt SUTTOW k aaaaaaaav^ mrvm .^4> feam aw *W^^ .^B^HtaW "StATmo J^^ r -alß^Hi*^^^Ba^ m TASULATOM k POWtrVSMCMO MCMAIMCTfa > B^^^ (LfCTmc m»ao»no ELECTRIC. fond only $497! No* your new typewriter can be electric and portal, Produc-.<l with the
      691 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 69 27 SOOC«a-*MaDdly Klnc's Cup XI v rarrsr Park Unttsd Ualan Beau. 7JO pjn Dr. Lac Chtaw stanc Cup: PWrar Park apeosrs Happy VaUey (Pamr Park AC. Ill); Pa*r PaoJ-nc ConaUtuaney Poofgßl tourney Batla Jaym Star Unitad; none BsJuu IMaoa Road CCIOUMB ■arraefcs. I.l* pjn BJOCBXr BHA Senior knockout. Indian Atrlaf-m T
      69 words

  • 87 28 FISHING ROW: RAF JET FLIES OUT REYKJAVIK. Mon A British Royai Air Force alssance plane swooped over the disputed Icelandic fishing grounds today. The Nlmrod Jet made Its appearance just before thr deadline for withdrawal from the area set by British trawlers The fishermen have said they will sail :.ome
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 237 28 Bombs black out links in Portugal LISBON, (Monday TWO bombs, believed planted by rightist exiles from Spain, destroyed a relay station of the state radio system and blacked out communications In northern Portugal early today. The first explosion hit the relay station at Chares, five km from Portugal's northern border
    AP  -  237 words
  • 59 28 MANILA. Uon Bualneaa leaden from Urn AMOrtaUon o( BoutA-ea*t Aalan Nationa (Aaean) will meet bare thai weak to dlacuM w»jr» to furtner develop radonaJ economic co-operation. All five Aaean members will be rcprMMitcd at the fourth council meeting of the Aaean Chambers of Commerce and
    59 words
  • 586 28 LOKOON. Maa. The miM iliii mii« 4 but wttfe k> wMr Mu. At 1p at naaackki TUbm laae> «v at tl v n« DmoikM aM •MgMDr walOT aa keuim» after a Meitnety eaii aaaetaa. Ilin i«li« OeM akana w«r. ■wrmlr artiMa white AMitnut mum« nfMlty Mi wry eaall
    586 words
  • 521 28 BangkokHanoi ties take a plunge BANGKOK. Monday RELATIONSHIP between Thailand and North Vietnam deteriorated further today following a Thai charge that Hanoi broke a diplomatic promise it had made not to interfere in Thailand's internal affairs. The Thai Foreign Minister, Mr. Chartlchal Choonhavan, said Hanoi broke the promise when It
    Reuter; AP  -  521 words
  • 167 28 Demo in front of Indira at rally XTEW DELHI. Mob. 11 Primp tnmL,*^ Indira Gandhi UkUj personally wita«Msg Rnt Ume against her since her impc litWn of a state ef aatieaal sßstrgtßty last Jane. Mrs. Gbaadhl waa •atlTetter sßewch sttarirtßg the »raaa U IS4H school teachers tkM begaß. The ■■■■Btirataca
    167 words
  • 73 28 NSW YORK. MOB. Effort* to avert a threatened etrtke by the airline dlvlalon of the Teamiter* Unloni «l»i»«e« Pan American World Airways appeared to be f»l--terlnc early today aa tome reeenratlon clerk* walked off Urn job bar*. A union nil* "wnan Mid employeM were being Instructed not
    AP  -  73 words
  • 29 28 MADRID. Mon King Juan Cark* will receive M million peaetaa 18(3.4 million) a year from the Government under present budget propoaals. Informed sourcm said today Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 50 28 ROME Mon. DttafßtM to Urn Ut-Mtkn conMnoet erf U* UN food and Afrtcultart Organ laaltofi (PAO). todar called for pliiwjii wortto OB$lM minwo (BtIATT atttllooi in food and caata or mrvum in II7T and in to expand an PAO progrMnm* that u>m food aid prvaartty for a*T»lopo»ent AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 48 28 ROMS. Man Moat laUrnationai fUghla In and out of Room were cancelled today M atrtkc tf pound atafl Tlrtaaily paraljmad Rocnct Piumicino Airport. All AUUlla mUmatlonal fUgkU aad ail bat 14 foretcn airline flajnU w«r» cancelied DoiMtli air tnflk •v broufbt to a HandatUl. MMtteT
    48 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 75 28 LECITHINOL CAPSULE 'ftlfc^»BW FOR BETTER MENTAL and PHYSICAL ENERGY IN YOUR STUDIES and SPORTS... f^ ft tnis suMtanoa is o»oans as tha ■wan ikw loOnaysand •^r»ingo»yo»n f>ara«>y i slanxna and endu'inca ITMINCX. 0> lani o> tnaas two -r -*you« an<J ly SNin Made m Austraka I FREE SAMPLES! "was* can
      75 words
    • 375 28 B^^^^»^^^S^^^^a^^a^^*^^^^wß^^B^^^a>. aW w I m m\ 1 aB I I atoaV^a! Hmy j j jr La «k i littex x Vje*BWa^Wß*»WaaT^ w I*l f*i I. I, I I n-nl.l. Loan rruwaia l.ov^htw will not mar. dafaca or Unatfactad by mildaw. scratch tha mott highly rot or bactaria chamtcal k vji
      375 words