The Straits Times, 24 November 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits limes Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 71
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  • 1604 1  - BETTER TIMES MAY BE AHEAD CHIA POTEIK Net increase of spc in GNP at end of year if upturn continues SAYS DR. GOH By THE Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Dr. Coh Keng Swee, predicted last night that if the upturn in Singapore's economy were maintained, the Republic's Cross
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  • 67 1 TOKYO. Sun. Two peoplt dird and 14 others were injured today In a pre-dawn explosion and Ore at an 11--storejr apartment block In suburban Tokyo* Hachlojl city, police said Tha explosion, believed to have been earned by gas. occurred at a slxtb floor flat causing a
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 533 1  - Harun: I was quizzed for 5 hours Bill Campbell: From K. Lumpur, Sunday DAT() Haran Idris today disclosed that he had been interrogated for five hours yesterday by officers of Biro Siasatan Negara (National Bureau of Investigation). The Selangor Mentrl Besar and Umno Youth leader said that eight officers had
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  • 58 1 Taiwan ship grounded TOKYO. Sun A Taiwan freighter with M men aboard ran aground In Naha Port. Okinawa, today but no one wm Injured, the Maritime B»leijf Agency reported. The agency aald the ship. Tmtoog. weighing 4.033 tonne*, drifted aaaidst heavy tea* battered by typhoon June and ran aground near
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  • 34 1 RaTYKJAVIK. Sun Aa Icelandic patrol boat cut one of the uawl wlrw of the BrtUah trawler Row Strku Mat night in the latut cteah In the disputed flatting grenade.— (tauter. last night.
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  • 83 1 rfOET are abased as 1 shyteeas and Meed—ekirs. They are the ehetUars ef giagsaora. Their practices aadthe preMesns they new have are featured ta New NaUea this week. Ala* In this week's New Nation: reetsiaaVs aapustar PUhira Omar tsjesks off his nrst lere: I
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  • 245 1 Four killed as warships collide SIGONELLA NAVAL BASE (Sicily). Sunday pOUR men were killed and four were missing today after a collision in the Mediterranean between a giant US aircraft carrier and another American warship, naval officials- said. Forty-six men were reported injured In the collision, which occurred about US
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 133 1 POLICE FIRE INTO AIR TO BREAK UP MOB KO T A KIN ABALL Smb.— roUe« find Into the air ynUrtay when groups of poopla t«r«w •■■■tjr cans at each other la ta« aoutbwestern town of Labaan la sappait of rtral eandiaaUa for a ■tot* 17 -election aext month, police said.
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  • 29 1 MADRID. Sun. An SO-roar-old man collapaed and died as he filed put the eomn of Oanarallaalmo Franco In tht royal palace ban tonight. Reuter (Bee Pago I).
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  • 342 1 Top CID man shot in KL KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday THE Deputy Chief of Kuala Lumpur CID, Deputy Superintendent S. Kulasingam, was shot and seriously injured by gunmen in a moving car at Jalan Davis-Jalan Pekeliling traffic junction at 10.05 p.m. yesterday. One of the bullet* hit Mr. Kulaslngam s two
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  • 96 1 TYPHOON JUNE SINKS 2 SHIPS A a ANA (Ouam), Sun A Two ship* were sunk when Typhoon June swept put Ouam this week but the W people aboard them were rescued officials Mid yesterday. Ninety people were rescued from a chip used to transport people and supplies from Ouam to
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • Blast outside Israsli base
    • 36 1 JtmuSALKM, San— A ttsae bomb exploded near the entrance ef a military base ea the eatsklrU ef the city today, slightly woandlng a girl told tor. a po Ice spoaoaman aald. -UPI
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 30 1 GENOA. (Italy). San. Giovanni Schlaffino. M, son of a rich Italian ■agar Industrialist. was kidnapped a few hears before dawn today la downtown Genoa, police ri port ad. AP.
      AP  -  30 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 •wLMMOVQ flt mM Is^ttflblQ tftO# StOC99 Of At OUT I 1 ahowToom.Mo.g^Jw-Sultan, XX 01 as V are praoous moments together MIOO rvas enact »y the rtght watches for people who want to share y exciting times together B^| Beautiful designs, accurate A WM DfOCiStontimtnginenery I I I stylisftiy-croned MtOO* LC-9619
      68 words
    • 111 1 THAI TANKS BEEF UP FORCES IN MEKONG am Page 32 SOVIET reWs la Angola' reports denied S PORTUGAL ea brink of clrU war S YAMANI: We may have to ase oil weapon again 4 PEKTAMINAS bid to stay afloat f PREGNANT patients crowd kaoattal bods 7 'LOOK bey one the
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    • 234 1 The new AS meets the fast changing needs of small to medium size businesses. The new Olivetti A 5 keeps you ahead of change If you'd like to see your busi- pherals as your needs, as well ness run more efficiently and as your business, grow. Thus profitably, we think
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    • 11 1 the decision- maker i choice. ■Tal Hsst g caivs M' tVnf.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Untitled
    • 431 2 Soviet PoWs report a lie: Moscow MOSCOW. Sun. fHE Soviet Tnion has denied that 20 Russians have been captured in Angola, calling the report a "monstrous lie." At the same time, the Soviets accused two Angolan liberation groups of carrying out atrocities against fleeing refugees. The official Tass News Agency
      Reuter; UPI  -  431 words
    • 123 2 in em 1997* JAKARTA. San, Hundreds of mem Sers ef the proIndonesian Apodeti Party have keen arrested by the leftwlng Independence movement Fretilin la Dili, capital ef Pertagaese Timor, AnUra news agency reported today. Those arrested included party chairman Arnaldo Areoje and secretary -general Jeaio Zoiio Soars*.
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    • 279 2 'Portugal on the edge of civil war' LISBON, Sunday WITH the Government paralysed and the armed forces in disarray, Foreign Minister Ernesto Melo Antunes has warned that Portugal was hovering on the edge of civil war. t He said that a civil war leading to a fascist dictatorship was Inevitable
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 525 2 MAOMO. Sun. j rpHOU SANDS of Spaniards and the black-veiled widow of Generalissimo Franciaco Franco watched the body of Spain s leader for 36 yean, loaded onto a flatbed army truck today for the journey to hi* burial site. While Spaniards waved handkerchiefs, the late
      Reuter; UPI  -  525 words
    • 67 2 BELFAST. Sun. Three British soldiers were killed and a fourth soldier seriously wounded yesterday when Irish Republican Army (IRA) gunmen attacked aa obsevatloD pea tin South Armagh, a spokesman said. The IRA. claiming responsibility fee the attack, said It gan- Four-man **—<rti observation past" and called on
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    • 135 2 Algeria will fight back Morocco warned DARIS. Sun Algerian 1 President Houarl Boumedlenne has warned that Algeria might Intervene directly against Morocco In the Spanish Sahara. In an Interview published on Friday In the communist dally LHumanlte here, he said Morocco had "Insulted our people." The hour has perhaps come
      Reuter; AP  -  135 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 SOMETHING YOU MAXNEED IF YOU LACK VITAMINS HVM U.S. BEIKLIN The once a day way to fill your feAfc^ requirements. JSSL It's a latest tonic scientifically prepared in America. Contains Hm^^ml a balanced combination Vaaßßßßaiil|i«^fc" of 24 vitamins/ minerals and aminoacids to '-^■y supplement your diet^^Haaßaa^^ HVM a healthy way
      150 words
    • 234 2 O1 M B Black hair wl/ k nli in OKy UlUe f vtry t/t#<* of 64#C* 'S Co! C £jL rOUnd sCtm^fS* I and r**r*snmg M ikgr Skin tones P Tna motl diffKutl flkos^ jLtw cotors to caplura an fWy natural and accuraf Cherry red f^-w rkh *+ran< Av^si mT^^^
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    • 59 3 ITATHERYN King's demonstration of a sextant is too sexy, say officials of Lamar University in Texas. The controversy arose when Miss King, 24, completed her thesis and included a picture of herself demonstrating the navigational instrument According to Miss King, the university authorities want the picture
      AP  -  59 words
    • 224 3 LOUISVILLE, Sun FWEMOCRATS planning *J their 197 C campaign upuroacn seemed agreed Uy that US economic problems is the lssuo which will beat Republicans But a howling crowd outside srid they ought to be thinking more about the issue of busing school children as a
      AP  -  224 words
    • 411 3 Plan to break deadlock in arms talks Dr K may meet Brez soon WASHINGTON. Sun. HIGH- LEVEL Soviet- American talks are likely to be held in the next two months to seek a formula to break the deadlock in the negotiations aimed at limiting strategic arms. Although no date or
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    • 246 3 ALBANY (New York). Sun. A REVOLT by black and Puerto Rlcan legislators in the New York State Assembly has forced postponement until tomorrow of consideration of a tax Bill designed to win New York City Federal aid With the Dec. 1 deadline
      Reuter; AP  -  246 words
    • 146 3 Vesco and Nixon's nephew in drug ring probe rvETßorr, sun. fu■Lr gltlve financier Robert Vesco and his personal aide Donald Nixon Jr. nephew of the former US President, are among the subjects of a. grand Jury Investigation Into a heroin smuggling operation, according to a subpoena. The grand Jury Is
      AP  -  146 words
    • 245 3 Ford prepares for that trip to China WAbHINCfON. Sun.— President Ford U getting ready, for next week's planned trip to China by reading two thick background volume* tent to the White House by the State Department. Press Secretary Ron Neasen said the books were delivered yesterday morning and the President
      AP  -  245 words
    • 98 3 nEIBUT. Ssm BleatJB wtag PalaagMs nmi Tfcesr itttwtag sppssisuto tot* a steady exehaage rocket, ssertv and BBMhlswrtsa arc ia Besmfs irtsu Mbtrkt through*** the night and early today. •ease of the lighting was only a few awndred metres from the French embassy reatdenee where fersaer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 133 3 This Rack System Component comprising an attractive Rack which houses On« SA 3500 Professional integrated Amplifier One SL-4A Auto Cut Return Turntable t «i|* lowest distortion at S-shaped pipe arm with Oil-damped LIFTER. belt-drive 4-pole synchronous motor, high g System Low i High Filter compliance moving magnet cartridge. Low Stray
      133 words
    • 674 3 ffffVfVffffffffffWWVfVVVffffff L^bt a^B^aaT^^^^^ r^^^ I J*^\ b^kb^ttttSt^ aaV J i>.A^ aT* w* i-J 2 Say* a7^ A MBlMa^awsMaaaM a^ QDALITY FOODS FRTENDLY SERVICE. (SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE CROWDS I fk S~Z~~'^^ JIL/& Mot—fan wh« do not wish to entoc ft* 4S/ Rettricteo 1 Zone, dunna Hie restricted ia* .a*/-/
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    • 110 4 India's headway against inflation TTOUBTON. Bun.—The 11 Indian Ambassador to the United States said yesterday his country Is making progress against problems such as Inflation and population explosion. Mr. T. N Kaul said well-promoted birth control programmes have resulted In reducing the net population growth from 2 8 per cent
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    • 33 4 WKST PALM BEACH (Florida). Sun. A Jury deciding s multi-million dollar land fraud cm* convicted Ux defendant* yesterday on 170 counts of fraud, grand larceny. conspiracy and securities law violations.
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    • 119 4 Isabel booed when she didn't '—appear-' BUENO6 AIRES. Sun Thousands of young Peronists booed and whistled yesterday when President Maria Isabel Peron failed to make her first public appearance for three weeks. Four thousand PeronUt youths from ail over Argentina had gathered outside the presidential residence here ta cheer the
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 666 4 KUWAIT. Sunday YAMANI: IT'LL BE USED AT A CRUCIAL TIME gAUDI Arabian Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani said in an interview published yesterday that if Israel maintained its occupation of Arab lands, the Arabs would be forced to f use their oil resources
      Reuter; UPI  -  666 words
    • 138 4 MADRID, Sun Spanish military authorities In the western Sahara I have freed 45 Moroci can soldiers taken prl- soner on the SaharaMorocco border In June, the Spanish news agency Europa press reported. CAPE CANAVERAL: A British Polaris sabmarine, the HMs Revenge, fired a teat rocket 5,300 km down the
      Agencies  -  138 words
    • 229 4 Smith, Nkomo to sign pact for fresh talks LONDON. Sunday DHODESIAN leader lan Smith and Mr Joshua Nkomo. leader of the African National Council (ANC) inside Rhodesia will sign an agreement in Salisbury next T^T °P enln B the way for constitutional talks, the Observer reported yesterday The writer, Mr.
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 177 4 Brazilian minister's wife in 'brutal torture' RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun The wife of a former Brazilian Health Minister has said she was so brutally tortured by security Interrogators that her tormentors had tc rush her to a military ho pltal for an emergency operation. Defence lawyers told a mil tary
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 51 4 DACCA. Sun Bangladesh earned £41 91 million (SMIO million) from JuU export* in the last (our month*, according to a bulletin 1bu«I yesterday by the Bangladesh Central Bank The bulletin aaid the higher export earning* were helping to stabilise the prices of essential commodities In Ba»gla<Wh
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 232 4 PARIS. Sun Italian 1 film directors and actors yesterday attacked film censorship In Italy and specifically the banning of the last film made by the late Pier Paolo Pasollnl. "Salo or The 120 Days of Sodom The film was premiered at the International Film Festival
      UPI  -  232 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 311 4 STOCK- EX STOCK- EX-STOCK HH^ EMERGENCY} POWER 4 MULTIPURPOSE, MAXIMUM DEPENDABILITY, MINIMUM MAINTENANCE ft IT ■w DENYO jjlflP GENERATOR Completely Mobile Si'rvinU DEN YO POWER, enjoys popularity among users in many f talds, as a mobile, standby, or I <ulli V V emergency generator for civil engineering and construction work,
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    • 22 4 f.,*...., RGSEN Bilnuanm. ~_7 > j dv« ID faulty H •ItfnatMion H tAkt ■<« FIGSEN doubt* mnf«i liiiki tablet Iwa^ai CDioirauoi kum V perforMbetter.
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    • 50 5 The US crash warship THE aircraft carrier USS John F Kennedy which was Involved in a collision with the cruiser USS Belknap during manoeuvres on Saturday. The mishap occurred during night operations, about 112 km east of Sicily Fire broke out on board both ships after the collision UPI picture.
      UPI  -  50 words
    • 102 5 9 killed in gun battle in Mexico MEXICO CITY. SunNine people were killed and four wounded In a Shootout between two rival leftist groups In southern Mexico, police reported yesterday identified the victims as belonging to the 23rd of September Communist League and the 8 1 ud c n t-Worker-Peasant
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    • 62 5 HONOKONO Sun. xrcotica Bureau offlclaU today said heroin rauaM from here to Vancouver could be adulterated with a poisonous chemical •hieh destroys human mucu* ttBMM The official! Issued the warning following the arrest r an American at Vancouver airport, after dlaembarklna from a Japan Air Unas
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 451 5 PERTAMINA'S BID TO STAY AFLOAT JAKARTA. Sunday pKHTAMINA, Indonesia's stale oi I company, is seeking massive in fusions of private capital and a complete restructuring of all contracts with foreign oil companies to save it. Almost every week, auditors examining the tangled records of the Indonesian oil system discover new
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    • 160 5 WASHINGTON, Sun. South Korean Foreign Minister Kirn Dong-Jo met yesterday with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and said the Ford Administration has reconfirmed its volley of strong support for his country In the United Nations. Mr. Kirn made his comments to reporters
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    • 52 5 COLOMBO Sun Sri Unka will buy JOO 000 tonne* nee in exchag* for rubbar in 1t76 under a barter a«r*«n«!U with China. Trade Mlniur? aoureM laid today Sri Lanka's Trad* Minuter Mr Tiklrl Band* lUniaratne. will leav* for Pcfcin« tonight to negotiate and conclude the agreement,
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    • 38 5 TOKYO Sun —South Vietnam hta rtrontly protwted •fmlrut Britain and Hongkong for allowing Pan American Airline* to >cl] a jnUn«r prcrtoualjr operated by the Mac earner of the old aalfon Government a Hanoi broadcast reported jcsUrdajr AP
      AP  -  38 words
    • 29 5 MANILA, gun A mUd earthquake today shook the port city of Darao. 960 km •outneast of here There wen no reports of A ""§t or casualties. Renter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 104 5 rpOKYO. Bun Japanese X houaewlvea do not wish to give birth to more than two children because of poor housing conditions, according to the Welfare and Health Ministry The ministry said that a survey showed Japanese women upon marriage generally wish to have three
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    • 218 5 COLOMBO, Sunday DOLJCE and Customs officers yesterday 1 seized an amount of literature In booklet form calling on the Tamil ethnic minority people to separate from Sri Lanka and form their own state in the Tamil-popu-lated northern and eastern provinces. Police
      UPI  -  218 words
    • 24 5 PARAMARIBO (Surinam). Sun Celebration* have started In Surinam In the run up to the country's Independence from the Nctherlandi next Tuesday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 290 5 30.000 in rally hail oneVietnam talks success SAIOON, Sun More than 90,000 people held a rally here yesterday to hall the successful rymmffrn of official t&lka between North and South Vietnam on their reunification The week-long conference organised seven months after South Vietnam fell to the communist Vletoong— ended in
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 59 5 CHICAOO. Sun. The flrst corporate executive trainee at Playboy Enterprlsea. inc a staunch feminist, has a familiar name. At Christie Hefner Is starting out near the top of the Playboy empire, headed by her father Hugh Her official Utie is special assistant to the president. Hefner, who
      AP  -  59 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 STOP THAT SCRATCHING! Medical scientists Mave great news for guys who are always scratching their scalps Because of dandruff setxxrhea or •von ps- 1* <jss They have now developed Denorev* Medicated Shampoo- 50 stronthe medication doctors recommend tor Mafcmg than the leading medicated shampoo Helps remove ugly white scales medicates
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    • 386 5 A OMEGA 1 M I i>^^ I Fl L 4 sflßa^g-K^gV sssm *^^H I I *afV^ssV i I I .^L^g^HaL .awfl ■sssssssA 1 A -^H gssssssssssm^^ a^a^a^BSSSSSa*^^^^ SSSSSSaVsW 1 I I BW^ "aa^sSS^SW»»** BBBBBaV SBBBBBO|bI a^BaWa^BsW M aa^sssssS Omega Geneve. Not as expensive as you might think. When you think
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  • 1209 6 Degrees and jobs: The American dilemma- ROBERT LINDSAY: By Los Angeles A GLUT OF GRADS IN THE U.S. IF AMERICAN institutions of higher education were compared with industrial manufacturers, many might be accused of turning out carriages when the world needs cars. For years, the campuses produced an annual crop
    NYT  -  1,209 words
  • 385 6  - OLD-STYLE LABOUR EXCHANGE JOHN CUNNINGHAM: By London Arm eeUeetlTeljr eteekte* up atece than e*M million years of week In a competitive warld, the rettresl Coaia'oV are being asked to parthslpaU In a is— «raHe laboax exchaage, where aa boar's week by a lawyer or taaeher wl'.l rank eeully with aa
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 436 6 AHE "KING WALKER" AHE "BOATER" Exercise Walking I Exercise Rowing sit-up. A logging _f^ Effect Provides general JSr Effect Improves Wood exercise to revitalise J^ circulation stamina r~^____^*^ function of internal organs 4Q4<W Conditions muscles of the V^^^wßbb Beautifies legs. hips, waist, A legs, hips abdomen. 1 l^H shoulders and
      436 words
    • 64 6 CXJALITY PRODUCTIVITY \~T~ 1 Jfl^ r*r_i__^__Bß_^ *_i r __^__^__09^VQ__rsB«a* &HAPXG MACHtHt fL UNtVCRSAL MAtMiNt I ENGINF LATHt Xmk. 1 _^H I^_^_^_l_H_F _P __^T^^__V^_H J MACHINOEXPORT >^3 UNIVERSAL SOfU aULCAMIA S*^L ENGINE LATHI W ™Hv^^ _B VIDA A (t>)ELPROM I f CaotrifugaJ fi\\ vJ' tucrmc motom _Fi^__k /LOZA ■>4_S| WLMA SON.
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  • 131 7 COMMUNITY SERVICE: MORE S'POREANS WILLING MORE Singaporeans will contribute to community service If associations and clubs organise such projects. Mr Ho Cheng Choon. Parliamentary Secretary (National Development i, said yesterday Speaking at the openIng of the Public Works Department gotong royong project at Jalan Parut, off Chua Chu Kang Road,
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  • 123 7 'Backyard' drugs: SMA warns doctors rb Singapore Medical Association will take -•rm and appropriate action against doctors if Mbatantlated evl- dence saw be Bra4swed 1 to prove these doctors have scant regard for standards and ethics. The BMA said It wm as concerned as the Singapore rbarsnaeeaUeal Trade Association on
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  • 55 7 POLICE haw appealed i (or the relative* of William Snc TO, (laat known addraaa, 91-F. Loranc Tal Seng), who 1 waa found dead at Cuff I Road on Saturday to eon- tact them Immediately. They ahcuM «e< n touch with Imp. Cheont Alk Ctvye of Kandang
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  • 57 7 Hypertension seminar at RELC A SEMINAR on hypertension will be held at the Regional English Language Centre on March 6 and 7. It Is aponsorad by the Haalth MlnlaUy. Academy of Madlrtnt. BU«aporc National Haart Association and Sangapor* National Kidney Foundation Eminent doctors from Onltad Stain. Europe and Australia hart
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  • 214 7 Obstetric patients crowd beds at hospital ALEXANDRA Hospital is said to be experiencing "an acute shortage" of badsi as a result of an "overflowing influx" of obstetric and gynaecology patients About 300 such patients call at the hospital daily for check-ups. Out of these, an average of about M patients
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  • 217 7 S'poreans to get more study awards in Japan SINGAPOREANS may be offered more scholarships in Japan for training in industry, fisheries, ceramics, tailoring, flower arrangement and beauty culture. Successful candidates wIU undergo training at centres run by the Organisation for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement— International 0 1 8 CA
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  • 30 7 TUB laylnc of minor arvtrs In Paya Lxbar Craseant and Jalan Koiam AyerBartlay Road wUI coat about M4SOOO Contractor* npact to complete tnc work in about a year.
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  • 20 7 TUB Jalan Kay* market wul haw an offlot and ttore addad to It at a co»t of HUM.
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  • 347 7 129 who fell ill after their dinner: Probe on A JOINT probe U now on by the police and the Ministry of Health's Public Health Division, into Saturday night's foodpoisoning in which 129 Vigilante Corps memebrs were taken ill after their dinner. Elfhty -eight of these men have been warded
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  • 29 7 approach roads to Duncarn Road Ityovtr tre to be eooatruetad at a cost of lloe.MO In about two month* Work on the II;--ovar pro)*ct It fotne on
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  • 71 7 A 12-MEMBER flahcrtet mission left yeaUrdmy for aouthern Thailand to explore the poadbUlty of rzpandlnt uh trade between the two countries. It v M by Mr Ue Tnen Tso( of the Departaaant of Prtsaary Production, with Mr Pen Bono Bock, prartdone of tt» atnopora Flan ■Hrrheiitsr
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 300 7 Dsmocote AUTOMATIC CONTROLLED RFf.FA.SF FEBTILIZEHS WHAT IS OSMOCOTE? OSMOCOTE IS UNIQUE SUPERIOR TO ft*!*** OTHER CONTROLLED RELEASE FERTILI ZERS The patented Osmocote process costs each NMMIItAATr I granule of high analysis soluble fertilizer with I L I multiple layers of polymeric plastics When [lUUU It I Osmocote is placed in
      300 words
    • 349 7 SONY Buy a Trinitron color tv NOW and join Sony "Carry on grabbing" Within 30 minutes, just l|BatM9i BMssssssssM grab as much as you want, at Yaohan Supermarket, the more the mentor, all on Sony's account. You are also entitled pS^^^^j to participate in the o*\0 "BIG BONUS OFFER" 1
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  • 260 8 20 Australian engineering students in for 'look over' rnWsWTY englneer--1 ing ttudenU from the University of Wectem Australia flew in here yesterday for a 10-day visit. The final year honour* ntudenu from the civil, electrical and mecbanlcal engineering departments had earlier vtsltad Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. According to Mr. J.A.
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  • 22 8 THS Public Works Department ha* awarded a tender for $I*B .SOO tar the construction of Lorong langslr to •a month*.
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  • 67 8 Property tax: $53m jump THX Inland Revenue Department collected $264.2 million from property tax last year an increase of $53.7 million or MM per cent over 1973. TtiU repreaenta 30.3 per cent of the total collecttlon by the department. ■ays its annual report for 1974. Collection for the first six
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  • 29 8 winners of tne recant FXm omee aavlngs Bank lucky draw hsve to prassnt ♦k^«j urkgta and passbooks at PO6B head offlse in MMdle Road by Doe. 11.
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  • 405 8 PA chief: Upgrade youth groups J^ PLEA to raise the level of voluntary welfare work beyond the level of "spade and brush work" was made by Mr. Lee Wai Kok. director of the People's Association, during the twoday welfare carnival which ended
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  • 170 8 Tanglin mall to be ready by March DEDESTRIANS can 1 walk in safety and comfort along the Tanglln pedestrian mall between Ellis and Orange Roads when it is completed by March. The 180-metre mall, a Joint project of the URA and the Public Work* Department. U situated behind the Singapore
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  • 202 8 -Stayout yard workers back after dispute settled PRODUCTION rifil as Tmmt TUeraycrert isTtaaieac Rha PrMay whan a ntrenehment dssrato Involving 24 dally -rmU4 Utters was amicably r—» lvsd. Some CM dally -'rated weckers, wst sUyed e«t of the yard on Tharsday to prttsrt tke retrenchment of Urn fitters. reUrned to
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  • 22 8 THE maklnc up of road* In Trafalgar Estate. Mcond phaie. will oo«t the Oovcmtatm 13TM3 aeoordlnc to a Oaartt* notification
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 138 8 I Commencing Today I X'MAS SPECIAL i OFFER I I 20% -40% I I DISCOUNT on fLEATHER HANDBAGSReal Value for your money! J Shop early to jjj avoid disappointment! M I THE NOVELTY STORE (PTE) LTD.! 88, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE-6. TEL. *****3 Can you hear us down there? Probably
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 195 8 Bringing Up Father »r BUI Kavnagh <« C— p l>- -^l/wwy not; 1 lnowiw/rvgaAwe).?/ 1 [Tm piMunD/io Y-^OhP I *o»o/ m» UVI MNNOW ATTT\»T>OUVf P»V« V" 1 TMiNK I OlFtP SO M J«6S W A RML yomaCAiLM.H*J BO«WOWH> POUND* .'J ft^ jl^; lPA(Tweui>^y— Tjt Y^tAfTY MOCfc' Btondto »y ChU Youn
      195 words

  • Untitled
    • 74 9 ALOR STAR, Sun -Police are offering a 13.000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder of a land owner at Sunget Serkap. 21 miles from here, last Thursday. The land owner. Din Huang. wa« ahot and killed by
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    • 61 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Madam P VUacammal 61 and her grandaon. T »rakumar. 6. wcrr killed when they were knocked down by a car In Jalan Ipoh hart on Friday They were noealiit the road en their way back home about S mile away when a
      61 words
    • 44 9 PtNANO Sun Nearly •M Sunfat Rum fanners Joined forcw today In launchIn* Ballk Pulau* war aaalnat rmta which haw been waitroyln« their pmdl crops. Armed wMh ehangkole and ■tcklM. tncae totong-royooc *ohwtf«n ate cleared Umbt fields of all pest hide-out*
      44 words
    • 38 9 MENTAKAB Sun. lAtaounr. L*tchum*n*n K pan. 11. at Betaocu E»t»u. iv killed whan a ni«ht mall tram ran o*«r him near h«f« laM nlflht Tb« train ni on IU tray to Omui when tht acctdant occuriwl
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    • 205 9 Hunt for killers hots up in curfew area SUNOE SIPOT. Bun Security forces today continued to comb the area east of the Royal Engineers Road, northeast of here, which has been under 24-hour curfew for the third day Members of the First Battalion. Police Field Force, and the army are
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    • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. Telephone subscribers In Bcnta. Jerantut and Kuala Llpls will be able to dial to all exen antes In Peninsular Malaysia with the Introduction of the subcrlbers trunk dialling (STD> from today.
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    • 135 9 Axe to fall on idle MIC branches KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday MALAYSIAN Indian Congress branches IT that continued to remain Inactive would be axed, MIC national president Tan Sri V. Manlckavasagam said today. "There are some MIC leaders In the country who remain leaden In name only and make no contributions
      135 words
    • 239 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday J)RU(i abuse among the 13 to 30 age group in Malaysia is becoming a serious problem. Law Minister and Attor-ney-General, Tan Sri Kadir Yusof, said today. "This is apparent from the Increasing number of arrests made each year," he said.
      239 words
    • 72 9 BLAZE AT MOTOR SHOWROOM KUALA LUMPUR. Snn. Fire destroyed part of the Lyons Motors showroom la Jalan Sultan Ismail here last night The bUme. believe** to have started by a short circuit at a boot It p.m., was put oat by firemen from Jalan Shaw Fire Station Furniture worth several
      72 words
    • 86 9 Floods: Bridge in Pahang closed KUANTAN, Sun— The bridge at Jalan Sungal Ruan near Raub, Pahang, has been closed t« traffic because of floods. Flood waters In other parts of the state subsided today and the situation Is almost back to normal. The Kuan-tan-Kuala Lumpur highway was opened to all
      86 words
    • 59 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Confederation ol Aaean Journalists (CAJ) will bold lv first board of directors meeting here from Thursday to Nov. M. The masting, hosted by the National Union of Journalists Malaysia, will be opened by the Information *nd special Functions Minister. Datuk Amu Hajt Talb
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    • 29 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun A physical eumlnitkm. Including an rye-Uat. ihoukl be conducted on all applicant* (or a driving licence. the Automobile AaocUUon Malaysia i AAMi uned today.
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    • 273 9 The RMN driver who tried to dodge tax JOHORE BARU. Sun The Sessions Court here heard yesterday how a naval rating driving a military truck tried to evade Customs duty on goods worth $9,981 on Friday. The court was told that the driver said he had nothing to declare, but
      273 words
    • 34 9 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Sun —A three-year-old boy was killed when a car driven by his father was Involved In a head-on collision with a lorry at the Pt«l roundabout on Friday' night
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 gM f»»a.Tl^i J^^^^^^bjbbbibbjbbbbbbibbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^bbbb! £?*«"«"*<»• «,|l rum I ■assfr* Woat (ndss* TkßTs*^""^ r Naica rum I NfFMfW LTD Imported by •ORTS (PTE.) W 1 <I^«^^ Singapore ssbbbbbbbbl B^^a^aaf /if Lsbb! world s happiest mixer
      32 words
    • 291 9 &SNB^ BBB&mgBW Is#^Lbbbbbbl f^ FESTIVE OFl^li^ |t«BBBlBBVBB«a-9BBBBT.VBTaBB«BB««BHBB«>BBiBBBB«BB«B«BB Vt« l^^r^PA. I^^™ I V% r I 11 I ll bbbV t lv^aw/l w I a I j C g^"^^ I g% M M BB^k^e^^J^^l 1 from Rediffusion jj^^ ">,^ 4V 300 QO* 3 >M -> BSSS^B»B»a»BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl <* t—^i£ J c*W «teJRI WfjjiA
      291 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 263 9 Straits Times Crossword Initial note A mouf easily giving power recognisable. Interconnects T ntee of land surrounded clues across by lervtceworoen t» apACBOSB pekbnff ill 1 Pis* by or notice nothing I Any gin on order? How ■•> troubieaome (•>. J Setback for some charac- 13 It Is thought to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 295 10 iNu! DEPARTMENTAL STORE fATA KAI If/ _A Lower Ground Floor, High Street Centre %4Mt4§ I >*^S!S&KTS\i North Bridge Road, Singapore 6.Te1:*****7 Cable Address:TOKOATAKA EVERYTHING YOU NEED loeP^SrtS. 1 ,Q .<=>. AT THE RIGHT PRICE I S^^R l^^^^ ===^zz= Op_f^V^s AT THE RIGHT PLACE 1 O»^ a Printed shirts for men,
      295 words

  • 263 11 'Spore English 9 okay lah, says Ceylon writer IN Singapore. w« speak t the "mans' and the •lahi" which our educationists conveniently term "Singapore English Grammarian* may wince at our English But this U not something peculiar to Singaporeans. The Ceylonese have their own version of what we call Singapore
    263 words
  • 143 11 KEN-YI TRIES TO STEAL SPOTLIGHT TVJREE TEAK-OLD 1 Ken-YI (above) claimed his share ef attention and got It In a btf way from grand pa Dr. Ooh Keng Swee and rneaU at Income's anniversary dinner last night. Ken-YI was ha pay to sit and watch at the main UMe m
    143 words
  • 74 11 THE Smlor nrih—lHT •WWUUT (Social Affair.) Mr. Chan Chae Sane, wtll n- <**• a colour Mnkki mi. pro*MoM and toy* for Social Wttfara Dtputnait homes at 1U Tsnpc— PWc* o«to« today at 11.30 a_m. Tho money tor Uw oonaUona wa« raised bf satMkon of ID*
    74 words
  • 41 11 THK Chart* d Aflaim of tta* Socialist Kdsral Bopabus of YoaoaUrta Mr itiksfa ruipovtc. will bold a neapOon to calibiiu th* tted annlrcnary of the DspyalU at tbt Oartton HaU. Ooodwood Park HoUI. on Saturday at 7 pm.
    41 words
  • 572 11 Income has written $135 m policies Premium savings grow tenfold INCOME, the NTUC insurance cooperative, has since its inception five years ago, provided insurance protection worth $135 million in sums assured. Savings generated through its premium deposits also grew ten times from $430,000 in 1971 to an estimated $5 6
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  • 116 11 'Get rid of that my Mi group attitude' PARLIAMENTARY Be--1 cretary (National Development). Mr Ho Cheng Choon. last night urged clan associations to rid themselves of "my kin group" mentality and work towards a wider uorlson. Mr. Ho. who was speaking at the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Nanyang
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 I iMETRD ALL METRO STORES! a, TB H| GHST 72 74 H.* Strert. Sport I Tel *****4/ os#» 10 sm IJOsaiSwi lOsmSMs* |g> MITROORCMARO limi Mos.. Stom Hd Sport 9 TH *****6. Odv 930»m 9 30 pm S<* S3O mM sm. •ftS.^akW METRO SUPREME SuprtmtHoMihnsafßd.S-BOft 9 Tsl *****10a.1v 10
      77 words
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  • 124 12 Shows with 'Beautiful S'pore' theme ANEW series of art exhibitions, the first on the theme Our Beau tiful Singapore, will be organised by the Ministry of Culture from March A ministry statement said yesterday that the exhibitions will supplement the present Art for Everyone series held at community centres Entry
    124 words
  • 116 12 Mandarin: Foreign students prefer S'pore r REIGN stwdenU prefer to learn Mandarin In Singapore than in Hongkong and Taiwan, according to Mr. Yu Hou. head of the Chinese section. Nanyang Cniverslty's Language Centre He sa;d there were some institutions in Hongkong and Taiwan, where foreign stadenU could learn the i
    116 words
  • 395 12 'Routine follow-up of cured TB cases should end' ROUTINE follow-up of adequately treated patients with pulmonary < lung* tuberculosis Is not necessary and should be discontinued, according to two government doctors. Dr S.C. Poh and Dr B.E. Chew of Tan Tock Seng Hospital say relapse among these patients Is low
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  • 127 12 LEYLAND MANAGER HERE TO BOOST SALES A SENIOR executive from Britain's biggest car makers. British Ley land. Is now in Singapore to study the spareparts markets in the region. Mr. Peter Howells. rUes development manager if the company, said yesterday that Leyland was concerned about the shrinking local car market.
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  • 92 12 Lying idle— the once busy fishing fleet of Tuas rESE fishing boats have seen happier and more fruitful times. Not long ago, they were the carriers of fall loads of fish— the chief means of livelihood for fishermen of Tuas village in Juroag. Now the boats lie deserted waiting for
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  • 189 12 REWARD OF HEARING THOSE 'LITTLE CLASSICS' VICTOR Doggett Music Studios presented their piano pupils at the Cultural Centre yesterday. The annual concert has become something of a marathon this year with two sessions of about two hours each, on the same day at 3.00 p.m. and 730 p.m As I
    189 words
  • 85 12 An overhead bridge for C'wealth Avenue ANEW overhead pedes. trlan bridge will be erected across Commonwealth Avenue near Holland Drive from midnight to 4 a.m. on Tuesday. In the first stage of the work, traffic will be diverted from one carrtaffrway to allow Urn erection of a section of the
    85 words
  • 35 12 TENDERS have been called for the running of a book and sundry suit at City Hail for staff of Government departments and statutory boards in the building Ten den ctose on Dae. 4
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  • 29 12 A NEW primary srhool is to be built in Brmddell Rise Contractor* wishing to tender for the construction work are required to do so by Dec 4
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  • 332 12 fHERE should be tighter control of all driving schools and constant wpoi checks on teaching techniques of driving instructors, says the Singapore Motor Sports Club. I An editorial In Its latest official organ. Singapore Motor Sport, adds this will ensure that drivers will
    332 words
  • 77 12 MEM9EKB of the Simapore Armour ad Beglment 3«nd won < applaasc when they Crfermetf at the Na- nal Theatre crounds yesterday. The 7t-plece band. I coop rlalnc national itfflctnen, went thxoarh a repertoire of Bine songs dmring their hourlonc P*rformaace under- the baton
    77 words
  • 29 12 A 18- MEMBER Scottish Council Development and Industry mUalon arrived here during the weekend (or »n eight-day visit The mtislon U led by Mr William InglU
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  • 67 12 1,587 got jobs in August rE number of Job seekers on the Ministry of Labour's "live register totalled 41.644 In September. 1.587 less than In August The ministry said that during the month 2.038 people approached Its Employment Service for assistance In securing Jobs. A total of 3.635 people were
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 573 12 If you've kept your ears open for great sound, great value stereo, listen to this ad. GEC now introduces me al-new space aaaaaaaaaaaaaaWk —SOMaat- -Si savwig 3-n 1 Stereo Muse Cenfe 251 7 mcorporarxj a 4-band radc. cassette aams-S-S-S-gfl recorder /player and record player, plus paaagM powerful 25cm (1 0")
      573 words
    • 61 12 skin irritations vanish promptly with EliraX cream HqMv etlectivc Eurax brings prompt rsfcet and dears up so many «Vn conditions where ilcning and tcratctMng prevail K i Mo O» vatut m conditions men as su" < intact bites ft stmga and tcatMS Sa*«toroao— wo Eurax cream coametceNy t*Msfted tor your
      61 words

  • 266 13 Charnett is a big boy in the world of jazz LITTLI harnrtt Mof-f-tt may only be knr. hifh to a do«--blr bass, bat hU musical lalrnt standi him tall in the world of cine Jan. Small in Mir. perhaps, hut Charnrlt. eight, learned the meaning of muMi as an eiprei»lon
    266 words
  • 203 13 rE Air Conditioned Coach Service ACTS* will operate only one trio Instead of two for the homeward journey from the city area in the evening from Dec. 1 This U because the number of people using ACCS buses in the even- ing
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  • 571 13 'Match efforts put in by workers' 'J'HE Singapore Mai Workers Union ed employers to coi work put in by local ing more dynamic produced goods into Its secretary-genera said manufacturers h complementing workei gresslve and dynamic i the assistance provide Mr. Chan reminded employers
    571 words
  • 67 13 NBTJW Orient Unas hu chartered a second container ship, the 7.430-tonne Htlnrlch Jtom. lor us* on the Stnlts-Auunlla run as part of plans to fully cootainsrlss Its s»nrtc«s to AusSjaJto. The vessel, chartered from Hint |tan ahlpowner Mr. Rhedcrt wIU )oln the first container vessel on
    67 words
  • 29 13 A 111 million subasanMa Tit «v chrutenad at Marathon Letourneau shlpyaxd In Jurong rastardaj The rig la the aseond of Us kind to be built bars.
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  • 38 13 MR. Norman Bowta. foraaarlT of the RoysJ Bnglnasrs In Burma and India, wOl apeak on Valuation of Company Real btate and Related Assets at Urn Stns»para ProfasdonsJ Centre. Outrun Park, at 5 SO pm today •.■.•.•.•.•.V.WbVJVWV\
    38 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 154 13 A new Rank Xerox Service for the small user. bbbbW f^assßßsV For the benefit of people who oS^* 77^ for 50 copies' only a limited number of, CARD ..g.. fQf ]Q0 CQpJes Rank Xerox mtroduces the Copy CARD fQf 2QQ CQp(es Serv,ce Card A whole new concept CARD
      154 words
    • 317 13 If 1 £k> High Street Centre I Welcomes ft Congratulates I ATAK A Departmental Store Pte. Ltd. I Lower Ground Roor, High Street Centre on their Official Opening today I LBest Wishes I for your every Success I m Jm JEANPATOU rDTATIPiKK sl^\. All j^wellefy worn LKtAMVjNj 3k by the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 383 14 gßaaßßaßaTTil^M^^r>Wßßaßa«Bßßaßl 2 SHOWS AT -An, cUAallliri AaMH %2 00 >7ooifjo.m NOW SHOWING! o.M~ n $100 f^k Le*jngShinPohß) i B-7 strange m\ > BET f ooyssev mm < -m^JfTiKLHaiif jtsncf n»)[Ji afJUI UraM^l-ICUH |VS aj "P**" coiow.acu* l watii awnitta ODEON: opens iwjrsiav! j: THE GRAND ADVENTURE I BBBaVI S' Mcl
      383 words
    • 350 14 /J r~ g-w >t a/ ivBrJV gives you SEk coolness |Ssys| everywhere.., ijs^H k Witn G«lusil-M ta- blets Recommended I .^^^aaaaaaaßßaßaK BBaaßak I by doctors because J"ISB la^B f m they're safe, effective alalEl Z an<) cause no side Br/ eMects [_*^»^^^^^e^y Gelusil-M contains not one but tnree Pfcr^*^^^ antacids
      350 words
    • 460 14 Kuaka Lumpur's newest! SOUTH EAST ASIA /Ch HOTEL Welcome to Kuala /^H^k Lumpur's newest -^^B hotel, wfiece ewary- H74 thlna's just right A Located in the heart < of the city, South E*y: X|_On^ Asia Hotel of fers you A\ the comforts of an International class M hotel at prtoes
      460 words
    • 805 14 I :CfWffiANBAT»H< I J i. 1 k V I'• M W *HOWIM« ■■BaVA^^etkafasißvAaJßi I 5 »TtAN«f ooruvf JTTJ If I 1 I lTh «Lea»n<JofJ U M.c,»o 0 Ji I J LI J 1 1 I!S '"l C#te^ C< I BMJI^V-*^i^alL*^llL*J/lllr 11 t.all Hi LAST DATS' S Sk*w« at ,i 11
      805 words

  • 1093 15 A DOZEN YEARS AFTER: A DOZEN years after the sination of President John Kennedy, the debate lingers on over where ilit shots came from and who I them. Despite the Warren Commisiding that a single assassin, .irvey Oswald, pulled the on the rifle that killed
    UPI  -  1,093 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 170 15 v Thebest doesn't have to cost the most at the barodies Orchid Lantern! m ith- defying W A q act See a fabulous floor show A N* JP\ tO" Europe of nternationsl performers .JBS*-*^ D ne th mOSt enticin 9 2 J "^i jML^ Cantonese cuisine, including Mmam^'*^ 'enownep specialties
      170 words
    • 99 15 Delightful W Fabulous 'Tttfcfclttfc" Come around to lon Bar today for a swinging get-together. Where Margo Janet plus the Pebbles treat you to a lovely evening of great sounds... In just the right setting. 1011 DctP.. where beautiful things happen. Havetock/Outram Roads, Singapore 3. Tel ***** Now you can get
      99 words

  • The Straits Times MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1975
    • 443 16 SINGAPORE is expected to reach replace- ment level in the population a state where two children replace two parents by the end of this year, five years ahead of rget date. But, according to Dr Wan Fook Kee, chairman of the Family Planning and Population Board, because
      443 words
    • 176 16 TWO speeches over the weekend contained 1 both heartening and worrisome news about Singapore's economy. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee predicted yesterday that the Gross National Product might register an increase of about five per cent by the end of the year, with better times next year "if the
      176 words
  • Untitled
  • 1188 16 WOMEN'S liberation, golf, United Nations' politics and sex, I find all but impossible to take seriously. They are all essentially ■-•nergy sapping, timeconsuming, lomtwblt ludicrous pursuits, offering some occasional passing amusement, not least from tne quite terrifying dedication with which some people follow them. And. while rartly makinr much
    1,188 words
  • 722 16  -  HUGH MULLIGAN: By London T»HE latest wave of bom bings has brought titled ladies and bowler-hatted gentlemen to their knees in the fashionable squares Of London and put a premium on cozy restaurant tables In a corner, away from the windows.
    722 words
  • 387 16 Mrs Wilson: I fear for my husband and family LONDON, Sunday MARY Wilson, the wife of Britain's Prime Minister, admits to being "terribly worried" at the spate of bombings and political kidnappings at home and abroad and the recent assassination mitempts on US President Gerald Ford. "I think about It
    AP  -  387 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 20 16 W can open up MEW OPPORTUNITIES M W fforyouin M business professional practice A •properties m caprtal investments A &OCBC
      20 words
    • 154 16 sweetheart! 3T Frances <£: ilp Vk v^O T|)» November I 7 th December 6th a She's the first Asian artiste to record Ji. fa /j\ for EMI London the first to cut AiiX) 7t yy an album there. Watch out for v y Frances she's first 7*™ f Music by
      154 words

  • 351 17 p()LI(.K yesterday arrested 140 people, including prostitutes and secret sosuspects, in two major raids conducted simultaneously. In the nrst raid at 12 05 a.m., a police party from the Chinese Investigation Branch, led by Aast. Supt. Tan Ngo Chew, surprised night club
    351 words
  • 76 17 PA youth camp at Pasir Ris A THREE-day camp for 60 youthi will be held by the People'a Aa■oclatlon at P&alr Rla holiday complex from Dec. 5 HljhUfhu or Urn camp will include Icatooa on basic canoctnf skllto. eanot •*> p#diuoiu. canp-craft |imn and axial tathtiinfi The camp U open
    76 words
  • 192 17 Birds show off their vocal talents U7BAT aa area art ra TT this ta I— Mr* •a fee wtags af eaaaa atraac* saw*. Whatever they wmrttngI— aajaat, aakatykacw •at Mm eveat. tke Stagmpara Btrtf aak'a laaaal Btrei Siaftag CaaMHaaaliltß (lt7S). gave tacai a lot to ealra akaai. Act anal the
    192 words
  • 52 17 DR. ROSKRT O Tllman of Urn School of Überal Art*. North Carolina Slat* UnlvsTstty. will give a o— ilnar oa "Prom aTamaman to > fh f Urn oontnOtaattoo of Pfateral-Hate relation* In Malays*" on Dae. a at 4 pm at the Institute of SouUi-«ast Asian Studies,
    52 words
  • 38 17 aim. V BktdhvthachvTT, Urn Indian Hlfh Oaamftonor bar*, will apoak. on **TIM Ourufcul*. A PTOmoUiatn fAtufatinn** at ■> hmrh ■aallin of Urn Rotary Club at ah^apor* (Dutrtet aao). at tb« Mandarin Hotel oa Wodnoodar at 1J p.n>
    38 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 166 17 375,000 EXAM SUCCESSES S& mmm tm ™p«J iiiwihiiiii 1a tMti'M > txMvr nmnnmnif mih aMAaaafOH a*a*^ *Mtfe*r eaaowiy or iaa«BM*MH rwwr of row owa M*traookta« CoNost hoar osaam .-jdt :ia>aint. «>rart rroa lit* L K it Urn Iswillaj t khorUM ramc lo row aaal A <K. wMat Uaaa atNPOB/ itfotl
      166 words
    • 452 17 The more you have The more they need Are the stresses and strains of today's world getting you down? Get going again with help irons Yomeishu. the timeless tonic for today's people IWO IS CHOUgh Prepared from a 370 -year- old formula. Yomeishu is w.dely recognised as a FAMILY PLANNMG
      452 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 849 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 UinOpemni Awoiciaiatl followed by IJI hcrtti a) tfea tap HaauO Valat rVai fTaajQ 7 31 ajaj fjmhv) 0 JJI Oary of Events (Tana!) 7 I^-1,., tm >- nbb«) US isai A«Z, (Repeat) Ml Uttta Haw aa tk. PnMj 4J5 mtermissio- tM mm mi mm* IM+m+i
      849 words

    • 1106 18 As arrvK-e to r*ad*rs. Business Time* publish** ~klt a detailed analysis of aeiaetfd shares ea •>an«e of Singapore. The year's high and low mrr followed b> the woek'* movement in prirr. tnr turnover the dividend >ield and the frees prii-r earning* ratio. WEEKLY SHARE ANALYSIS IMII STKI
      1,106 words
    • 515 18 THE Wnai an la> akara* larlnaaa' ik* .-.i. Prtra iiial ia aaaa« aa cMainaa aa Ik* Wm tab <a N» tl i|ilnil Manaal h, ia* i«raav«T .a lln»aia< aaimm llffaVM I s.* SO 1 00 0 I', on 0« 1 M 0« 1 oa 042 JOO I
      515 words
    • 564 18 Money and exchanges Domestic -r-HE US dollar scored sub- Untlal gain* last week -d the 12 4910 .eetlng of heads of ..err.ment from six leading .lationi in Ramboulllet and some optimism over New in wert tome fa t the jpmard tl a record high of t2 5000 2 5040 Trading
      564 words
    • 141 18 Company meetings The following company meetings are due: Seath Jefcera Hoattao lai: Now M. noon. Registered Office. 197 A. mi Jalan Brudal. Johor Bam. gilßßger CaeeawU BM.: Nov M. 11 in. Registered Office No 50 Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur. O stall Maaiyate BM.: Dec. 1. 11 am. Registered Office. Sunget
      141 words
    • 64 18 F«a»r THanaay UM US* aWlbaaima ill 112.77 IIJ J* I IMTM M 2.008 141 7»a u».ooa Bainit Uaav. 144 00 Saiica 141 008 141 7JB 14X.008 141.79 a Fan* lU.*l 144.0S laantiy frtea* ■•as**** i«4o S pan (1) 140.T18 141 1»B MI.eM J41.00S Eipart artcaa la m-atarlta*
      64 words
    • 221 18 ASIAN currency average deposit* rates for the week ended Friday. No*. SI: IB f (BM Prim) 7 aay* 1 mvi 2 mth* 3 mtlu 8 mth", 9 mtlu 2 mtlu 6 7 1 5 12 6 1 Sit 6 111 I/I 7• 3 4 7 t 16
      221 words
    • 108 18 INTEREST rates in the local money market continued firming at the boginning of last week In the light of the MAS announcement of the issue of MM million registered «tock Rales wer* firmer of '..P* J2L T-^JJit!. c nfli!u!iT hLu L*«i th?T?^su «-J?tas2 off at 4%—4 V,
      108 words
    • 59 18 Prime lending rates (in Aigamuna Bonk 7 *>'*» Ch^ooo Bonokok Book 7'/i FNCB Book o* Aitwko 6'/i HICSBC Bonk ot Chino 7 Moloyon Bonking Bonk o» Tokyo 7 M,»*u. Bonk Bonk Nagoro Indontwo7'/^ S!~ K Bonqu* 6t L'lnoochint 7 OUB Choft*«Jßonk 7/4 UCB Cho»« Monhotton 7 yJl^S f DBS 6*i
      59 words
    • 382 18 KT*"W TORK. m— Burdened wttb Urn nasal prntlam* of New Tork and with worry that the FMaral Ruin i Board may tighten the screws on U4J. monetary policy, the stock market today extended it* slow, downward drift. The monetary lean emerged after the FMaral Reserve Bank of New
      382 words
    • 92 18 FINANCIAL TIMES .INDUSTRIALS Friday 37«6 Thunday JTO.I Week ago 3tt TINS Friday M.14 Thursday M-W Week afo 91 M KMIU Friday Mt.lo Thunda) 404.12 WMfc ago Mm OILS Friday IMN Thunday 330 JJ W«ak M) Mill DOW JONES AVERAGE INDVSTBIALS Friday 140 76 Thunday 143 51 Weak MO W3
      92 words
    • 122 18 Baa* T«r: lu. 4. 1171 IN 1»:« :i WMk'i AcUoa Lot utk tlat rkuft IH.17 N»7 AIM UN, ION HIM -7»7 441»S U1.17 BulB. lunw, Hmiw u4 TlMtiu S4S.M 1M IS —IT UMi K.IS CIlBlnh, Kabber Pr**«cU. Itflitai ul IiiHIm I47.U 1.1$ ttt.17 Ilia C—c<i"ir»W
      122 words
    • 107 18 yHM. Itttumtmt bat «f Mi ftwi the Urn bml Ink la 1 Im* Mk. It (tea Urn tarMTtr la U»i— i of aatu. clmUv frtow M PrMar vi k%k u< to* hr ltil. Ciaanln Tnmt rttot* Hick Urn tm Mm. U 1175 Mat D*r*y I.TIS S4.M $1.4»
      107 words
    • 163 18 LOCAL STOCK INDICES SINGAPORE Not. I? Not. It Not. 1* Not. M Not. tl tf H.T. tain: IMM INII ltS.7* ISI.K l» Ullllltlfc: IM.M !HII tt» »4 tttJl lUM iFIMMt: Mt.lS «M.7t SM.U SM.M J»4.«J f IMtb: W7J* U7.17 IHJt IM.S4 1M 17 ntpilllll ittM >•*.« 163 Ut.4« J«.i7 t
      163 words
    • 107 18 Carres* AM+m TIB I*% Bata Ualui **%t C.CJt «1-»* r.*N. Hlaß* Ll»a4 14% t UrHtaltr t%t IU«« U.l%t Ltaa tUt W M. luUm 11-*% ■Ukru 41.4% M. CMNri S. M. Ib 4 «%TCt Slbn. Mmteysa Tin 41.4% t lßteHa ImM« U% TE Date Total for Tatel f or
      107 words
    • 490 18 S'pore produce PRODUCE (toiler* in 81nga--1 pare were again hampered by wide price dlflerencco In their attempts to trade with traditional market* In the West lact week Conditions wore londarod otoo quieter by Urn esaaooel lull as main buyers In America. London and European market* hare fulfilled Immediate and abort-term
      490 words
    • 193 18 TOKYO. Sat The mar- ket closed lower for the third straight iimlcn in reatureioe* trading The DJ average lost 3645 to 4.***** with 130 million ■hares traded The New index closed at ***** down 1.30 Selling plenum it miming from a high level of unsettled margin purchaam continued to
      193 words
    • 157 18 A KSTERDAOai. Prl Shares eased in fee turtle** trading, dealer* said. Dutch international* aaaoa across the board after th: sector index yesterday reached a new high for the year Elsewhere banks, shippings > and stores eased. Berks! also fell strongly Plantations. were mixed. Insurances were generally firmer while tawTien
      157 words
    • 40 18 I Loaooo copper pneta on Pn4*r [iprtvioua In Drackrtsi. Wiraaar apot bvfar IMS ou /<U7aM) Mllara 1*07.00 USTI.M). Tbraa Maaia burn- (S*S .OO ((Ml SO) Mllar (MT.M ((SM00) I Mark** tana: sifady at lowtr l«v»l. j «•>•• «.4?» toaaa*.
      40 words
    • 434 18 INTEREST waned on th«* Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week with shar- prices taking an easier line to close at lower levels. Last week's market was one of the dullest and It appeared the revival seen lately had almost com* to a temporary halt. Clear evidence of
      434 words
    • 514 18 S'pore exchange took on a bearish turn on the Stock Exchange of Singapore last week against a generally mixed news hackground. The market appeared to be more susceptible to bearish newt than the bullish. possibly reflecting an overbought position built up In reemt wmks when prices held Urn. Good tidings
      514 words
    • 631 18 LONDON Investment demand made for a firmer bias last week but profit-taking pared the advance. The FT. Index at the close was up 11.0 at 378.6 compared with the previous Friday. General agreement on economic matters at the Ramboulllet summit and the election of moderates to the
      631 words
    • 143 18 •/urich. m. Duo to ,J id some profit realisations, z the firm position of the stock market could not be J maintained Bank* showed small gains while industrial* were steady to mixed. In- t lurance and finance stocks maintained yesterday* prices. The Credit Sutase index c gained fractionally to
      143 words
    • ZURICH i
      • 151 18 LONDON Tin finished last Friday with losses of mostly £8 per tonne In both contracts. Standard grade material was marginally tower In very thin two way trading of 30 tonne*. High grade was neglected. At midday. It closed £8 per tonne up for cash while three months
        Reuter  -  151 words
      • 236 18 I ONDON: Rubber futures closed officially quiet last Friday with prices mostly 0.35 pence per kilo higher to unchanged. The termlnal was very subdued with turnover totalling only 33 lots of 15 tonnes, lnclud- i Ing eight kerbs. Trade sources said there was a complete lack of
        236 words
      • 48 18 POE the weak oadeal Sar tarway. Nev. ta. raage ef sail raise racalvoi frooa Start DisisMl Barhaal was as fallawt BANK FVND: I par seal to i\ caw*. CENTRAL ri'NPS: IS aer eeal to f 1 par oaac Miitmisili er faaes toUUed 13X9 aillllll ■BJMk 43%
        48 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 938 19 cMiuMHar sanct n m/mmimuii t-MM Btwt lain Nkar* Haraaa I |Ml> mm -JJ^m uprwi N m mm dm 11 m ii m •tausa ll' II M II M I M I M I M I M until it Im 11 M il Mi MM N M 11 M MMt mm
      938 words
    • 1228 19 Ben Ocean TtTBretBTrBIJIT^M 1 M« r— M-MM^^-M— M— Mt ran r Mmj taaai Ibm m> tuattu tarM mm MfiTtMt il bm iM But. rttat Matut ava bm ay 1 m i. i m I M Im iim. w%mt ('mm. Milat It 1 M 4/ IMi Mil tM MM 1 aa.
      1,228 words
    • 836 19 yjTyTTjjn?BMi I'll Ifi EXftBS r £•<"*■ Mriu "ait mm aM aM aM mm BMaftjß im [G 11 m aM aM aM MM.MI UT II M II M tM IM IM IM BMtaaai ijtw urn urn iim na mm urn citt m laaaaaaa itm rm im n n m nm XTt
      836 words
    • 871 19 FULLY COWTAIMHIZtD StKVICI TO IUKOft ummuM A T m mT\\ m WTUMMI MIIM II MHItnJM. MMtfMM. ajtaaff. Ll HmTI. Maamann I m"i mm *T •«■>■ kaatM. mTmi-i 5 Sr** c*"e Jl< »'m SMbb.^ Ntrtajk. UmM ibitMM. m^T COWTAIMHIZiD SIKVICI »»QM tUKOfI f MIM| In., I MMJ 2b»bsL "L*! m*l MHrMB.
      871 words
    • 689 19 mmmm trim, P. Imm mi, it ami; Pmm. am THE BANK LINE LTD. IMB »MI UMtt inui uai li.-.i,«. mw, t)M fumm litm mm tftm Timat !Hmb. i 1 Mrc« mm. m m.i m sMn aa m MM urn i Man mi rat immm. imbjl itMtf aii m im it
      689 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 881 20 JyU— KAWASAKI KISCN KAJBMA LTD. FWILT CMTIMmSI SWCI Ta fr»M lurtft (Via Immps) IrnMa Mlttt I'kc 1 *>c 'I he 77 Mc Mc 71 M; ■fp-'iii [Mdna IMe IMe 77 Me 11 Me 7lm >nm ta J**M i'HMO* I M.ll i mi 1% Mr 71 Mt I Me 7 Me
      881 words
    • 1017 20 11. It! II HUH MCMI II M Paaj M Ml IkM. 1/ia.i MMTT MM* takJMt M Part It Ml M»lt MU PkM laakM M) Mt t Ml tMan M'Mami IrlMWi. MU NBII taajMt an It Mt liaawtnit S>M*l Miljm tl. mm PMIrMST lita«M I Ma I tM IkMIT »ti*aa^t litaiktlt.
      1,017 words
    • 1000 20 wi CMTkMaiso sowq n mm mt mx l*i P IMMf laaat l.ajar, rmn *ta> **ki i•» MilkiM WMMiu ii Mr m ka. nMt it Mt nMt im bMt HTta MAI MMM I. IMt IMt iIMiMMiMMiIIMt mwm IMMU I Mi IMI It Ml II Me I Ma II Ma Fmir cMTawotsn
      1,000 words
    • 797 20 nwßs gtwet w itmm wiwmumtwai mn I| Vtai l«flaaa*i P Mkjag P»«kk| lakfca* m MMa MIM ■'M •II k. ItStM. I iMe t MMi mil II II Me ''S Ct-V--■Mia MMU l l laa II ■mm iI Me 'J-Z j'? l mm 2 H'SWf »w» it MMI MM nMMeISNtMItkJMc 14
      797 words
    • 834 20 [>cw. NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE S^lV r r Eatt Europe BT(Vft TMHSM ICI HIMWMD PTI ITI wK^^HMA in m<m v Ai4 $»Ji pic uua stmcis sm im i Tei it mil i p nwf Ttn Tin IkH* P KM* I ITTTItkK MC. IM It Ml I'inatii inn Mam iMt n
      834 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 659 21 STATES UNE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY ict'imi turn ti WMI H/1J wm i] 11 »#t uit tot U1? ttt I n n Am '"•mi »j umm. umm,. n nc i. >!»!■», najii *mnmm rVMi 1, Om mt Lm tatHM* lartftt unici itnm 'Mine Mm am n im ■jat-tit. i n
      659 words
    • 914 21 I Removal Notice 1 We have moved! To serve you even better Our group of companies will be located at 291, Serangoon Road, Singapore 8 Tel: *****5 (10 lines) MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRIES (1973) PTE. LTD. ABACUS HOLDINGS PTE. LTD. ABACUS REALTY PTE. LTD. SMI PTE. LTD. GUNONG MAS CONSTR. ENGRG. PTE.
      914 words
    • 507 21 X jd m^ m m^ m m^ mmm^ mm mmm^r HTOKHICWMKAL (HMGAPORE) PTE LTD requires the following personnel for its factory in Bedok TECHNICIANS (Production Control) Craft Certificate or GCE in the Technical strum. At least 1 year's experience in the manufacture of printed circuit boards, with proven ability to
      507 words
    • 723 21 Financial controller^ A major Group of Companies in the manufacturing and marketing fields requires a top calibre FINANCIAL CONTROLLER for its Singapore Area. This is a senior management appointment and offers exceptional opportunities of a rewarding career for the right man. Applications are invited from men above 30 years who
      723 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1046 22 CAMELPAINT ORGANISATION invites applicants from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following positions in its Malaysia and Singapore Foctones. 1. ASSISTANT PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE (Male) Qualifications Must possess a degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering or its equivalent Working experience in related fields would be an odvon'oge. Prepared to work in
      1,046 words
    • 1281 22 BTw4"^BTT^T^BH"BBT^H"WT-BBTT^+BwTBTTBrTTa»TTBT^^ A well established Compony with interest m Malaysia and Indonesia seeks the service of a ndlinijlV UU I nUUUL It^ with -n imum 3 years experience in the HAIPP HPnBPPP MTATfi fr 1 '«<*««<» or relate fMd SALES REPRESENTATIVE iC-tassc*«-. recognised university or institute of higher mm- learning
      1,281 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    37 23 ln Very lovlnf memory of $»OMOtaOh; <Urn Ta« Chomg Cho. N«o) departed on 24 11 1973 -1 sadly missed by all her children, grandchildren. relatives and friends May j 1 grant her Eternal Light ■afaS^^^BßTHaVa^aTlaVßaVß^B
    37 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 448 23 MODERN SAWMILLING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE CONSISTING ONE NEW SET 'Tong Yona" 60" Log Band Mill with Auto-Feed Carriage FOUR NEW SETS 42" High Speed Table Band Saw TWO NEW UNITS Thorny Croft Marine Diesel Engine Model T-360 (I 30 HP.) Fitted with borg warner 72CR Gear Box Accessories TWO USED
      448 words
      1,069 words
    • 512 23 9 BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA Ptrmohonan adalah dlpelawa dart warfancfarm Malaysia untuk memrnuhl jawatan benkut tetap <*" berpencen dalam pcrkhMmatan Bank Nefara Malaysia 1 I) KETI'A PEUAWAI KESELAMATAN II) Ta*Ma«a)i AlO-2 SIMM 175 182S ill) KumpuUn Kumpulan A 2 I mur a) Calun-caiun baft lantikan terua Udak meleblhl 40 tahun
      512 words
    • 589 23 PERBADANAN KILANQ FELDA Permohonan adaiah dlpttawa danpada Wraantfara ikul*^* r n l rteta kwl untu Mwatan-)a««Uii W i JURUKIRA T«u. Ketarakaa au hattlawi in (I) AIUI MACPA aUu. HI) AMI ICA darl England atau Wales atau Scotland atau Australia atau Canada aUu (HI) AIuJICMAIUKIaUu ACA atau (IV) AMI ASA atau
      589 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    44 24 In aflertinnatr remembrance of a devoted Husband and rathrr Mat- AX. JOHN. PKM. riS, called to rest t4.ll.TI. Memories arc treasures No one can ttral. Death leaves a heartache No one can heal Deeply missed by wife, daughters sons, son-in-law and grandson
    44 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 889 24 INSURANCE ACT 1963 GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED hereby gives notice that with effect from 29th December 1975 it will cease to issue new policies or to renew existing policies in Malaysia. In order to protect and safeguard the rights of all persons holding policies (including renewals) issued :n Malaysia by
      889 words
    • 965 24 INSURANCE ACT 1963 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE hereby gives notice that with effect from 29th December 1975 it will cease to issue new policies or to renew existing policies in Malaysia. In order to protect and safeguard the rights of all persons holding policies (including renewals) issued in Malaysia by the
      965 words
    • 623 24 INSURANCE ACT 1963 AMSTERDAM LONDEN VERZEKERING MAATSCHAPPIJ N.V. hereby gives notice that with effect from 29th December 1975 it will cease to issue new policies or to renew existing policies in Malaysia. In order to protect and safeguard the rights of all persons holding policies (including renewals) issued in Malaysia
      623 words
    • 609 24 rWRMCN LCMRAOA HANDARW 'SM.U. tVAB 111) SOTIS Dl mAWAH SKKSTEN-gEKSTEN It? A lli OENOAN TV! DIBIKTTArTr bahawa adalah dtradenetan dl bawah aeksven 144 En**m»ti Tembara Bandaran NMB Rab IJ7* untuk memlnri* Plan Kanriar ipoh Yin Diluluekari No Bl vane dlslarkan aebaeal rVmbeti'ahuan No JUt dalam War's Kerataan NervriNer*rl Melayu iwraekntu
      609 words

  • 12 25 Religious Announcements •ITHCSOA »OO« CINTNI Now >prru ;»>« Ckmd) Loronfl 1. Toa P»yo#i
    12 words
  • 95 25 MOTAMV FOUMOATIOM IDVCATKMA4. AWMO* Aea4a«ric Vaa? 1977/79 Application* art mntrt from •uittMjr qualified pert on* for fot on* Educational Awai for Um Slnaaport Ragton Award UnaMc for on* y—i in fonton unlvvntty. in KM <:at*forM JATI FlLLOWtMIP rtCNWCAL TKAIWIMO AVAMO f AC Mitt 0* TNI MAMCMCAPPCD AWAMO Thoat mtomud
    95 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 452 25 classified ads g) LOUIBt KLtNK'S ••LOWS in HoM Stacapurs for your l»i*« prrmlng and (urgroiu UnUnc V«ry modrraU pointmrnu Telephone IMI MNICMOtl CMOY Mr ll Mn t ±f n» pp> to announce a MMfMai KMtrr Brtdf*t to Adrlmn younffmt *on of Mrs Krank M nirh,4l t.O t. BANAMTAJN) Of Sings
      452 words
    • 656 25 Btenog riphiri. Typists. Bookkeepers, mint Clerks. Uencral Auiittnti Register Hoom MM Far Cut Shopping Centre 'Opposite LMo Orchard Ml MALI WIIMHia CLWK r^aaaai^^ad Bmb BvaakMBiM PeaVWtaW. 1 Cambridge School Certlnatt 2 Knowledge of Import/ export iioru—nlatun 3 Experience in airfreight clearance 4 Supervision ability 5 Ability to work independently C—
      656 words
    • 724 25 CLINK OF WORKS required for Homing Development Applicant! should have Polytechnic Diploma In bulldlnc construction and a minimum of 1 yean «ip»rl*n<« In Site Supervision A Oood Knowledge of measurement t>f Building malarial* would be an advantaga. Reply ie PO Box I INTERNATIONAL STEEL ROPCB (PTC) LTO. reaulre* (1) MALE
      724 words
    • 762 25 POOS) MMttiPA«TUtMtta COM PANY rvqulras Chin sat Malt Factory Worker* HIM In wan la- a) Minlmuai qualification Primary b) Age IS B >aat* NalionaHty Chinas*, c) Matt be energetic and hardworking. wMling to work uiirtlmi and on second thlft when riauestii) Apply personslly with two recent passport photos to IM*.
      762 words
    • 632 25 Indtan and othar school Mavart. odd -job worker* urgently reautred by an estabnshed company fir a lewaidtng muratUng M». Pilmaij «Bucannri and no experience required Expected monthly income SIM (74* luattiMa call personally at 112* lllh floor. People's Park Centre, or H3-A. Btt 4. Queans Read (Off Farrer Road) today
      632 words
    • 851 25 Park detached hwngalnw SMBVsil Stnal Juaut* ttottj SIISS/Watun Estate 2 s*-ator*y*l .Bßl/Tal Hwan Oarden fuabH ttarii unrurruahad SSM/- Jurong Park niingaHT unfurnutved SMS/-. nnltflßl Towart superb apartment (1. 58*/- ***** V *****2 OtST. 11 B«AUTtPt*L 2-STORCY American Town House 1 bedroom* phtt daw. Ml lual Hying dtntng. ntca garden Available
      851 words
    • 771 25 BtST. M SIBVtUtB ROAO doublestorey detached house Upstair* 1 beat omiii. 2 bathrooms. Barauwt flooring Downstair* living/ dining, one study and servant's roots Furnished area approximately It.ttO aa. ft Available 1 12 7t For parUculart call MM* Chla Skngapoc* tlnaMng Management Pte Ltd tel *****2 I DCTACItaa »WItMsALOW -OtBT 11
      771 words
    • 676 25 PABtR PAtUAttS (OtBT t) t brand new luxurious a*arla*enuv 2 penthowsa* facing ata avattabse inarns* apacvau* Uvusg/ darting Leo Cancenan 110 wstngtaanag* MUM MWTIARA StSSB Peoote Park Cutfli* 4 badroom*. MM Orange Height* (A) (2.300 Orchard Housing *****73/4 EXCLUBIVE CONNER APARTMBtCT dlst 0 ITHaUNtTII post telephone tenant's choice of furniture
      676 words
    • 641 25 AWSiitAUAH count RCO«JtRCS urgenUy 1 attached or apartment in dlst 0. 10. 11 or 21. tar im mediate occupaUon rumtahed unfurnished considered Pi Ice negotiable for right property Owner* plesse offer *****5. 2MTM2 BRITISH COUPLE RCCCNTLV arrived require* fumlahed house/ apartment In duu t. 10. 11. 14. 1« It 2*
      641 words
    • 716 25 DCTACHED IUNOALOWB VICTORIA Park Cornwall Oarden. Harlyn Koad. Orchid Villsge Eden Psrk Estate Tanjong Rhu Road tl (0 000 1 1 00 060 Equatorial Housing 2527M0 DISTRICT (1 BEAUTIFULLY renovated well malnuonsd single storey bungalow on o*oo sq rt M year* leasehold land Price (22$ 000 furnished DavM Phoa Sons
      716 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 578 26 Etp awnsWanpOw KN4UN PARK JALAN K eta war bff range Road s»-2-itor*y hedroomi area 3.300 sq ft SellingtltS.OOO Loan available ConS4U OI4T it JALAN RsUSM ofr Upper Eaat Coast Road 2-etorey semidetached, fnoaalc uirougho-jt Ace 3 800 sq R Semrja 8124 000 Loan available Carl Houelng Agency 4454 DCTACHCO BUNOALOW
      578 words
    • 738 26 land at Holland Orov* approximately IM.4M sq ft Ideal for SivsMßfint of atalaonUM*/ town houses Inlereated please contart *****12 1 CONSULTATION UNDER NO obligation CMS requires double storey bungalow in diet S. 14. II and Hock Sing Oarden. Kampong ChanUk semi-detached or terrace in OoldriUl Ettale. Kimlln •acing weet. North
      738 words
    • 598 26 CENTRAL IajtLJNSO UPP*Ca4 and showroom for rent (opposite suboro...-u Court Complex) Reasonable rent from 81 30 psf upwards Maintenance chaiges included Interested parties contact *****4 n c 3 1 1 f\ INIItttItTNINAI PVAZA fj Of nee Space for Rent Cj\ \j RENTAL II 88 per sq n \A jfV including
      598 words
    • 905 26 SHOP SPACE OP Wl tq. ft m Par East Shopping Centre decorated recenUy^Tacant paesiielati 488. 084 Pleaa* call Mr Ong *****4 POP) SAL! nTTINNATtOtsAL Plaaa Anton Road. Ist floor shop 244 sq ft SSS o*B Tel *****7 DOUBLE STOttEV SHOP WTTRJ rial atdist 1 4 1 Jalan Kembangan I (tx
      905 words
    • 813 26 4IAK4ON COACH TOUR 4 M. Pnnsep Stteet. Singapore 7 Tel *****4 ***** (IS Unes) Pentneula Office. Coleman Street Tel 2JBBM a 32*0*4 Cockpit Office. Penang Road. Tel *****24. 17*830 *****4 7 days Malaya air con buaSIStV- including OenUrw Highland* it: TV- Every Sunday 1 days Haadyal/ SongkKla alrcon but 4184/
      813 words
    • 693 26 NtOUL 44% BktCOUNIBB airfare (Holiday In Kashmir) Madras. Bangalore/ Bombay/ Delhi/ Kahmlr/ Agra 14 day* sightseeing tours hotel, meal K.L. 81.344. Singapore 81.408 Contact PT Chaeko. Care-ways Travel. 78A. Jalan Masjld India. Kuala Lumpur *****1/ 24*410. John Matnew Singapore *****7 A.T.C. NOUOATS SPtCIAL TOUR 1 I Haadyal 3 days tour
      693 words
    • 562 26 UN BAP URA BAI AJR speclaUard in lowest rarea London/ Europe USA Canada/ Australia/ Bangkok/ Asia Call *****7/ 3214 M ofters Special Fares from S pore to New OetM SS24VMee>ea 8444/ AMatraaa Freni SS44V Also to U8 A Canada. Etc DELHI EXPRIS4 TRAVIL (PTI) LTO, lit-0 _FM»o» Vaaey Reed. Ter
      562 words
    • 678 26 EXPtRT LONOON TUITION by air Law (LL B Ba- Secretaryship (ICSA) Accountancy (ACCA. ICMA. AM. SCCA. lAS). Banking (AIBi Institute Credit Management. Institute Marketing. Institute Workt Managers. Institute Transport Commerce iL C C Institute Commerce. B8C). OCt. MCE. AEB. Qualifying Test Son Teow Kec. Area Career Adviser Dept YFla. The
      678 words
    • 718 26 SUStNESS ORGANISATION for professional esamlnatlons con K. Teiiday 25th November naaement Training Centre. 304. 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre Tel. ***** Mngua NEW COURSES 4TARTTNO 4OON ENGLISH AOVANCtO CONVERSATION 24 Nov Mon/Thu. 7 30 9 10 INGUSH AOVANCIO GRAMMAR POR tMNGAPOREANt 35 Nov Tue 7 30 9 10 INGUSH
      718 words
    • 610 26 city s QuiLD4 Ilectrical Engineering Final rsmssinctng J il -T5 Wednatdava' Fn-ity» prepares for June 147* fiasahii tlont. DeUlls Metropolitan V M C A *****) on inlngua Now the largest group of language schools In th* world! ■MS*. Mil DAY CLA4M4 «T ALL LEVELS COMMENCE IST DECEMBER Cleaaea isstrtslai le
      610 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 415 27 OAIIV NORMAL/ MAPID Typewnung course Enrol Sam 9pm Nanyang Institute 700- A C OOJOI PROORAssOORSO COURSE 4 mmsssOis Csm*sssw> Ce^ese Sf 0 PrawskMl) Ci— ml OK 20/11/78 M 7 SO Bwß Studwnu are allowed to make uaa .rtest computer nroiMsid 1100 BNOUNMBB Ar L M PTC. tirsos. Toaoo, toons, eoooo*
      415 words
    • 787 27 fIOT2 BBC EMBER Toyota Corona 1507 c c New Model wit* cassette One owner Tip-top eondstton Tel *****0 OWNER LtAVfNOI tort, Cortina i 1300 cc Tip too) ewndstioa OJL model Black top. radio Call ♦0772T I' 3 *—> I NNSI P«SSB*w«SXi Hong Leong Finance offor Ossa- We term* for your
      787 words
    • 739 27 CAM IsIOBRTURE POR mtpon. horee« Lee Wah lOC Jervols Road. Tel *****0. 290X200 POR IUOVUrT AND modern cane furniture can Lor. 3B» Par Bast ■tiuiipwsg CsjojW Tel *****0 NBOM NWAT NMMS7 Can* rurnlture Co 20. Caven*«h Rosd, 80 off Orchard Road Tel *****0 •OR BriUOJSI P%RBOm*RB can at Ming Cam.
      739 words
    • 518 27 A.E. OPtCIAtIOT COOJPLV fldsat sarrsssa. pssnlwsg. dl»ibblng. electrical, sanitary. WOOTSWOeIOUag to* AS UTTVO AS 01/. A DAT VOW CA««SWIT A IWMM* AMCOMUI I IOeISW WtCLUwtVg OP 000 BAY« OVBAV.OMNT MASMTBNANCg OOMTWCO cau. y< urn mmut OH TCIJttMOM *****1 POOI PWU. BsTTASta PACE CLBAOJIM* SINVICt Speriailst In carpet shampooing, noor poUshlng.
      518 words
    • 1105 27 Toyou Ptoool rMrmttft for soJo. I L^^sibb^B^Sl^^B^^l^B^K^wßT^Bß^B^^bssF^l B^B^Sly L^Bfl^Ki Fs^^Bl^^J^^Bl^w!^^E^^J SUCCOOO'UI gWNOrt/ ABM business lour PVsntr contacts. orders ImporV Export baUk. I leans. ganncnU. srectows stonea. I MllMi^lß 9H cars, motorcar parts: out- I bound partoft tosjro, jatnt w- I lure project, show bwatnass rUtaa, I read/ noor ahowa, fashions
      1,105 words
    • 724 27 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAM LEMBAGA PERU Bl HAN PELADANG JOHOR Tawaran -tawaran darlpada pemborong-peinborong yang berdartar dengan Jabatan Pant dan Tallayer Johor dalam ketas D k* atas >~sh«gnn iCi Bangunan. akan dltertaaa dl pejaoat Pengmrah Peladang Negeri Johor. Johor Bharu. dlalamal No 111 Jalan HaHmau "arum Johor Bharu. hlngga pukul 12 tengahan.
      724 words

  • 960 28 Why Asia didn't gain much by changes Prof. Sandhu: The cake is still not evenly cut up and divided MODERNISATION has inva riably been regarded as a more effective means of production," organisation and distribution but not in terms of the creation of a more just system of opportunities and
    960 words
  • 590 28 Local shipping in bad straits, says NOL chief SINGAPORE'S shipping industry its main life-line— is gross!) underdeveloped and this should not be allowed to continue says Mr. Goh Chok Tong, managing director of Neptune Orient Lines, in an article. Altho-jn positive factors like tax exemption exist for the growth of
    590 words
  • 29 28 CONTRACTORS wtohln* to tender (or raltinf and lowering of atwene* manholes in eincapor* nest ymt are to me*, at Koiam Ayer drpnt B«<*<T»ft Detriment on Dec 1
    29 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 526 28 Enjoy w^° 1 B J (MM'/wfir FANTA I TRADE MARK REGISTERED TRADE MARK REGISTERED /9^bW^sXES9S^v^wp.^ amr Lvk<^9 w B^a« Lam )t ■l f £Z r^nd ll I ll rizes icndcn, JL-Prizes feipei- IHiimtkkrttfcf tw kkM. f^l imiiiifkkHskilxM I 4 fltU 1 4 f ttt. v ><ih«im*« <i *um*Mnnv* tocurctidce of
      526 words

  • Article, Illustration
    703 29 TRANSFER-LISTED ALAN INSPIRES ARSENAL TO 3-1 WIN I ONDON, Sun. Alan Ball, who was on Arsenal's transfer list up to Friday night, bounced back to fire the club to a convincing: 3-1 win over championship chasing Manchester United in yesterday's English Football League programme. Ball was reinstalled
    UPI  -  703 words
  • 581 29 RESUTLS AND TABLES HHVI DaVajßfJM I a ri«M*r UnlUd 1 -ion I LMtfaiair»n»r o Ipnrich 0 Uancba*Nonncli I v Pmrk Rangvri •i»id Oniiwrby 0 P Ii I r A Pu DIVISION wford 0 Blarkpool York 1 ..■t. 2 Lulon v.i 2Cnarltono Br o m 1 >m romt and I Hrmol
    581 words
  • 156 29 Holland beaten but still qualify ROME. Sun -Holland won Oroup Five of the European soccer championship yesterday despite losing l-o to Italy In the final match of their qualifying section The contest lacked inspiration with Holland. m Using the Imagination of superstars Johan CruyfT and Johan Necavkens, looking almost disinterested
    156 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 166 29 MiP' 'I* n^F»^al •f 3660 C With a 48-hour power reserve. Over 150 precision parts, that make up the movement, ingeniously fitted into a space no larger th.i r oin. The GOLDEN SHADOW. The world's slimmest automatic watch with shock protection and ball bearings. A watch in which the engineers
      166 words
    • 10 29 j c 2 .^SBBBBaBaBBBaVaS rM »L 'i I ssar I
      10 words

  • 400 30 Growing fears over condition of wicket for First Test BRISBANE, Sun Fears that the wicket for the First Teat starting on Friday between the West Indies and Australia will be below standard grew following the early victory by the tourists in the International match at the cricket ground here today.
    400 words
  • 33 30 MELBOURNE Sun. The touring Soviet Onion •earn was forced to stage a determined rally to defeat Australia J-l In the third class of lta soccer International at Olympic Park here yesterday
    33 words
  • 132 30  - SA Jockey James beat the big names DURBAN. Bun— South African Jockey Jame* Maree. on six- to -one shot Two Cities, stormed through to snatch victory In the 60.000 rand <»1 5.000 Bull Brand International yes t c r day beailng some of the world's top jockeys. Two Cities won
    132 words
  • 366 30 RPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUM PUR, Sub. Irish Fan, well handled by R. Rajoo, came with beautifully-timed run to win the $20,000 Selangor Stakes for Claw 3 Div. 1 stayers over 2,000 m here today. Second waa Southern Priest (Gabriel Curran) with True Grit (Johnny
    366 words
  • 1646 30 Race 2 CLASB 3. DIV. t— lle«m Tarrtflc Challenger Stable's (8) TEBBIPIC CHALLENOEB M (J193-SM) M. Ismail 1 (4) ■mat SJi (MBJ-1645) SkeHea 3 Oaaresaa Haial 57 (3MB-416) Carraa 3 (7) Malady D'Amv 66* (•78-431) Baae 4 (3) Master Day 57 c 56 (1545-771) Wan 6
    1,646 words
  • 50 30 TOTAL POOL: »Jtn Ist No. 144*6* (*ZJSS) 2nd Ne. *****9 (51. 691) 3rd No 14MT7 (IMS) Starters (MS each): *****6 *****6 Imi 4 I 1419 a *****1 14X216 143*76 144*66 *****7 14SSS1 144*46 14*644. Consolation (MS each): *****3 *****6 14M17 *****S 1446 M *****2 *****4 *****2 *****9 14*676.
    50 words
  • 594 30 TRAINER MAX FINED... STIPE REPORT XRAINBR B.K. Mak waa 1 fined $100 by the st* wards for not declaring rider or scratching his horse Kins (Race )> by acceptance time on Friday. Nov 21 The stipendiary steward! report on yesterday* races BACC 1: SUUBferd Lard (M.O. Lam) was slow mto
    594 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 390 30 Amal I J^^^^^ aw "*t <Baaal .^am! Bar ■TV aaaKVwmm\^Bm^al9BaV 'wmav^B^^Bwß^aal WKwK ATmj i < rrrr. j y|| j <9fe tropical^ aaL <-> .ami Perfect sleep. Tha^s Dunlopillo, the worlds best. hfs as good as sleeping on air. Cnntle support while you sleep Unsurpassed shape retention 10-year guarantee When you
      390 words

  • 627 31  - Judokas with a mission GODFREY ROBERT GOLDEN IMAGE AT SEAP By ()!K judokas have always done us proud at the Seap (>ames and next month at Bangkok, the job of maintaining this image will be undertaken even exponents, five of them newcomt Familiar names like Wong Kin Jong. Tan Sin
    627 words
  • 487 31  - Golden rays at SAAA times trialS ERNEST FRIDA By Vt EMBERS of the iTI men's 1600 relay quartet yesterday returned Impressive times at the SAAA Umetrlals at the National Stadium practice track. In Individual rans three members of the quartet C. Kunalan. (heah Kirn Teck and (..xlfrej Jallc-h came very
    487 words
  • 431 31 H.KONG, Sun. selection rf the ti team to meet n included some 'urDrlsct but has been [enerally cemmented ipon qu'te favourably in ncketuiK circles Anderson's sein particular, has subject of nuch discussion over is mugs of ale 'or he Is a totally un.uantity by vlrUM fact
    431 words
  • 135 31 Brask cuts Dunk's lead to a stroke HAMILTON. (New Zealand), Sun. Australian Billy Dunk retained hit lead after the third round of the New Zealand Golf Open here yesterday, but had his three-stroke overnight advantage reduced to only one stroke by American Bill Brask. Dunk carded a two-under-par 70 for
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 348 31  - FORCES GET A CUP DOUBLE JOE DORAI By ARMED Forces re- gistered their second Cup win within a month when they thrashed Fathul Karib 5-1 In last night's Pepsi Cup Youth soccer final at Jalan Besar Stadium. Last month they edged Tamplnes Rovers In the Toto Cup final at the
    348 words
  • 157 31 T*HE vice-president of the Singapore Amateur Weigh Ulftlng Federation B.S. Rodrignea, his «ald that the federation will make sn "allout effort" to regain Singapore's former glory In welghtUftlnK He said welghUlrtlng In Singapore had been in the doldrums for sometime but printed
    157 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 212 31 i*^ tu^MP^m^ l^*^^ L^*i2"^^s2 I^»w^^w^^s»»^^a>»^^^»»^^»>*w» > *i i i Bel *V^»4' IblbV swß^Lbb bbßbb^bbbbl \rK I Haflfuavv* bI Bss^^s^s^^aaaßßaasjfl »tf£ Ir 5^ I Br^ciuVg' l bVbhbl Ibtbl i^* 1 i B^LB^9 I »^^|^B BBbT Li* J A^Lwl K»^SiH KW X "V X "laawßßV^B^B^l ■''!r^V'' I K^wVJw- 9 ■^^^■P^^bbVb^b^bl Iw I
      212 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous

  • 56 32 JAKARTA. Sun The Asian Development Bank has approved a loan of USalt I million (SM«» million) for the construction of a hydroelectric power «t«uon near Wonoaobo. central Java, a government apokeaman said today The station will have two IS megawatts generator seta and TO kilometres
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 40 32 BUDAPEST. Bun— North VMtnam and Hungary here rartardar signed a long-term credit acreemant for development and co-opera tton. a commodity credit acracmcot for ltfS-M and a goods exchange protocol tor I*7l, the Hungarian Neva agency MTI reported— AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 40 32 PROBLEM WITH HIS PANTS WIST Virginia's feetball team was not the only one having problems at Syracuse University's Archibald Stadium on Saturday. A Syracuse trumpet •layrr lost bis pants daring the half-time show. West Virginia lost 2«IS I PI photo.
    40 words
  • 60 32 DUBLIN. 8i Un Tne Iruh Oovernmeat hu decided to confer honorary cltlaenihlp on Dutch Industrialist Dr Tiede Herrcmm and hi* wife. Elizabeth Dr. Herrema. U. tu kidnapped by two ProvtatMMl Iruh Republican Army mtmberi Bddlc Oallnher 71. and Manan Coyle. It on Oct 3 and held until
    UPI  -  60 words
  • 26 32 MANILA. Sun.— Mot* than •00 priest*, urns and labourers, demanding U» limner of a BMitlal law ban on strikes, today etaged a reagieua procession.—UPl.
    26 words
  • 115 32 Stars of the year picked in poll LOB ANOELEB Sun.— Paul Lynde and Joan Rivers have been named the comedy stars of the year In a poll of the 8.000 members of the American Oulld of Variety Artistes. John Denver and Utlarlsi Baasey ware selected tbe singing Oars of the
    115 words
  • 69 32 SOFIA (Bulgaria). Sun.— Two people dsad yesterday when a Sonet-made AM-U" {"■■'•M Urgraft of tbe Bulgarian Balkan Alrttnar made an aamgaiiej landfc* •nortir after tamaoff trosa Sofia airport, the Bulgarian ne»a agency BTA reported It aald the plane wtth 44 paiaengcrs and a (our-meaa-bar crew on
    AP  -  69 words
  • 31 32 NOtFOLK (Virginia). Sun— The ftrat ahlnwaiil of mainland China coffee to raaeh the eastern Onttaa States baa bean roasted and readied for market, a oofsaa importer said yestarday DPI
    31 words
  • 93 32 TIGHTEST SECURITY FOR AUSSIE LEADERS SYDNEY. Sun—Unprecedented secwrlty today surrounded Australia's two rival political leader, on the eve of the campaign far general eascU—a here on Dec 13. Extra police g«arded Mr. Malcolm Fraser, the Prime Minister in the caretaker ÜberalNatlonal Coantry Party Coalition Government, when he attended an agricultural
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 255 32 Wife and child of sportsman murdered HONGKONG. Sun. T»HE pregnant wife of an Indonesian Chl--1 nese badminton star and his four-year-old daughter were found murdered in their home here yetterdav, Hongkong police reported. A police spokesman said Tarn Pul-Ung. 29. wm found dead by her husband. Yuen Po-TUn. 34. when
    AP  -  255 words
  • 299 32 BANGKOK. Sun. Thailand was today reported to have sent 10 tanks and an artillery unit to reinforce its troops in Nong K h a i Province, scene of an armed clash with Laos across the Mekong River last week. In mwrts frtm Nona Khal 900
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 145 32 /\\bndei^pt\X 1 VITAMIN* J The phenomenal applications of Vitamin E as a (km nutrient is a firmly established medical fact I f y^i The external application of L V(UW "^9 Vitamin E can actually heal j ssama^y burns and prevent ugly i^^^ tears Vitamin E has also been used to
      145 words
    • 148 32 ■rm many laror oaAirrT rtAnjsxs mom miX to* aewn Liaeamco— j^^L Bfte^^ *****>*** u\ I Kiurm I 1 mmainai TwiaoiTiii i —mi i si win 1 1 nesawiimat— mni SAVE WITH OVERSEAS UNION TRUST LTD FOR SECURITY HIGH EARNING SERVICE HIRE PURCHASE HOUSING LOANS AVAILABLE AS ASSOCIATE i OMKkSYO* ovmtAS
      148 words