The Straits Times, 23 November 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2062 NOVEMBER 23, 1975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 1117/75
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  • 385 1  -  BILL CAMPBELL Vote of confidence amid rumours he may resign as Selangor's Mentri Besar From Kuala Lumpur, Sat SELANCOR Umno Youth leaders tonight backed th« decision of the Mentri Btsar, Datuk Harun Idris, not to accept the appointment of Malaysian Permanent Representative to the United
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  • 74 1 BAN FRANCISCO. Sat A federal chaise of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution acalnst Black Panther oofcunder EVtrtdgo Cleaver 40. wu diimlmd yeatorday by US magistrate- Owen Woodruff. AfiUUnt D 8 attorney SUele Lancford aid Cleaver has been officially turned over to the BUU of California. However,
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  • 83 1 PHANTOMS FLY OUT OF UDORN BANGKOK. Sat. The first four of 7» IS Air Force F 4 Phantom Jet fighter- bombers roared off the tarmac at I'dorn air base In Thailand today, beginning the final closedown of that American facility, a IS military spokesman said here. All of the Jets,
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  • 302 1 Lebanon faces 'total collapse' BEIRUT. Saturday LEBANON'S Prime Minister Rashid Karami warned today that the country "is on the verge of total collapse" as rival Christian and Muslim gunmen battled with rockets, mortars and machineguns across two-thirds of this Arab As the thre«-week-oM ceasefire began to crumble on Lebanon's 32nd
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 962 1 Firm rule pledge by Carlos MADRID. Sat. King Juan Carlos the First of Spain was sworn In today and he pledged his people a rule of firmness and prudence after the 36-year dictatorship of Oeneral Francisco Franco. "I want to be the moderator." he declared after taking the oath before
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  962 words
  • 56 1 BANOKOK. Bat— A VOMti carrying general cargo and flying the Singapore flag recently docked at Cajnbodui —port of Konpong Bom. Informed source* here said today. It ni the first known foreign »iml except tor Umot from China, to hare aallod U> Camhnttla Unce the Khmer Rouge takeover
    AP  -  56 words
  • 98 1 Food poisoni ng hits 110 VC men A BOLT 111 memhm of the VlfiUnU Corps were admitted to few iiapilsai last alght with swpected feed poisoning aY ring Ike eearae of a dinner party at the Paalr Bto bangalow el the Peoples Aawnlatlsa. The party started at akeat Aa hoar
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  • 34 1 PARIB. Sat UW Sscr*-Ury-Oenoral Kurt Waldhelm flew to Dtmucui today to open tli-day tOddte la«t tour aimed at Mcurlnf Byrtan agroMntnt to ooMsnua tht UN posoekerptnc mand>W on Urn Oolan Hclfhu UPI
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 34 1 Latest Praise for Carlos MADRID, Bat. Liberals and oppoai Uon froap* joined today la praJslnt King Jkin Carlo* Inaaiaratkon ipttch at proof his inUntlon Icadlnf Spain U war da democracy Oft (See this page)
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  • 174 1 SEREMBAN, Saturday CIX people were killed when an army jeep and a car collided at a "killer" bend at the 21st km Seremban— Martin Road today. Army Corporal Tan Mun Foo, 32. who was at the wheel of the car. and three girls, aged one-and-a-half,
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  • 206 1 Seoul breaks 'N. Korea spy ring': 21 held SEOUL, Sat. South Korea today announced the arrest of a 21-man North Korean spy ring Including many young residents fr o m Japan studying In universities and colleges here The 80u t h Korean Central In t c 1 11 g ence
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 247 1 Wrolex:: Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. f FOLLOWING tuk WCrif IU F^-7 r^r^ FcOffllng t»Ck tO thi^ f Giving birth to a <*adlir^rr«*inB to world in N. b*K^l FATHER- i«i.» wttK in ddll I Idirril world aIW 8-y*«r p l4 r OO 1 -*o.ia QTQAirUT akTiimP^POnP
      247 words
    • 21 1 X'MAS GIFTS Fine lIAMMI ft GEM SET JEWELLERY U.S. de SUVA SONS, Jewellers G2. 24. RAFFLES PUCE. SINGAPORE. 1 TEL: *****
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 167 2 'Defiance strike' by Tokyo rail workers Defy- ::-.ment naly and other public workers unions said today they will a joint walkout I night ori Tuesday. f] >iled parent organisa- he Council of "ration and Oovemment Enterprise rs Unions <Korohuh claims a membership of 880.000 said the strike i to its
      UPI  -  167 words
    • 30 2 ISTANBUL. Sat. -Istanbul's "University war" Oared anew yesterday In gun and dub battles between loft and rtgbtwlagera. Police said one student died and another was seriously Injured —Rauter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 291 2 Diplomatic drive cools ThaiLaos border clash row BANGKOK. Sat. rpHE dispute between Thailand and Laos over their Mekong River border, which cost one life In a two-day clash this week appeared today to have cooled down Into a diplomatic campaign. After exchanges of protests, an unanswered call by Thailand for
      Reuter; UPI  -  291 words
    • 168 2 NEW YORK. Bat. The United States entry I B the Miss World contest In London said tbe selection of the II finalists was based on "polities." Mis* AnnmeUse lUchenko. 17. made tbe comment la a telephone Interview printed in the Elrria Chronicle Telegram of
      168 words
    • 200 2 Oil: lEA may fix it at $16 a barrel pARIS. Sat IndusI trial nations are likely to fix a floor price on oil of around US$B 50 Ssl6> a barrel next month, informed sources said here today The floor Drier officially called the minimum safeguard price, was discussed during a
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 151 2 MAYOTTE ISLE: COMORO 'PEACEFUL INVASION' FAILS MORONI (Comoro Islands). Sat. A Comoro Islands Cabinet Minister and ISO unarmed men staged a peaceful Invasion or breakaway Mayotte Island yesterday but left again ifter an eight-hour confrontation with angry Island residents. Officials her* said Mr. All South. Defence and Justice Mlnlrt«r. and
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 67 2 oprrVA. Sat Representative* of M countrtsa early today tfeDad an agroamont here designed to prevwit a battle of the air waves In Burope. Asia and Africa A seven-week conference to snare out "*»*Vir" and tons: wave broadoastlns; frequencies ended altar a latenleht wartnn. Dasagataa approved
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 223 2 ITNITED NATIONS. v Sat. —Mr Patrick Moynihan. the United States' Ambassador to the UN has been dissuaded from resigning over a controversy about his official conduct, according to a Third World Ambassador here. The Ambassador, who wished not to be
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 125 2 UN rapt US for running bates at Guam UNITED NATIONB. Sat. The Oeneral Assembly's colonial committee endorsed late yesterday a resolution condemning the United States for maintaining military bases In Its Pacific Island territory of Ouam. The vote waa 101 to 1. with the US In opposition Sixteen countries abstained
      AP  -  125 words
    • 274 2 NEW YORK. Sat YEW York's massage parlours and slimming salons will feel the pinch under an emergency US$2OO million (B*4oo million) tax raising plan expected to be approved by the state legislature later today In Albany. The drastic proposals, tabled Ust night, are deafened
      Reuter  -  274 words
    • 35 2 VTBTNA. Sat The tntarnaDooaJ eonf«r«nc« of port*. MMTtou and nnvlfrSa (PBT) tacuUn HHsSi fitted In two slMmpti ••> tardajr to expel CTuJs ma msmhsfihtp Chile ni siiapamrtsrt M» ysars mo AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 133 2 MANILA. Sat. A Oovemment emissary returned today from a meeting with Muslim rebels holding stz Japanese fishermen hostage and said the five million peso (8*1.7 million) ransom demand sttll stands, a Japanese Embassy spot— inn reported The spokesman said the emissary was
      UPI  -  133 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Worldwide ,BP^ff^^^
    • 402 3 SAIGON. Sat QENERAL elec lions will Ik* held throughout North and South Vietnam in the first half of iu\t year to elect ;i National Assembly i i c unit e<i counti j .in official conununique Mid tsterday. The commr.n I q v
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 96 3 lIBBON, Bat The radical leftwlng Oen. Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho was beck in command of the Lisbon military region today after a majority of officers In the area were rt ported to have opprsfd his replacement by a more moderate officer A
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 107 3 COMPUTER TO CUT COSTS OF NEWSPAPER LONDON, Sat. The Daily Telegraph plans U switch U> laaeaxsavlßg rsaiytarasfd pants cseaaesitioß and thereby redaee its staff by CM, about one-third ml the work ferae. The aew oomposUioa system, fed directly by video display terminals from three soarees foaiaossjig room, editorial aad rlaaaa»J
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    • 30 3 LAOOB. Sat. About ISO KtonUsU from different parts of the world art espected In Nlacrta thu weekend to attend an international conference on the eradication of malaria. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 32 3 PARAMARIBO Sat.— The Surinam Parliament baa approved a draft of a Detenet Ml sod of a new nag. comparting preparation* tor the country Indvpsndenot from the Netherlands on Tuesday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 229 3 WASHINGTON. Saturday T*HI Ford Administration today seemed 1 certain to take tighter control over the US secret services after a Senate committee report described how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) conspired to kill or overthrow several foreign leaders. White House spokesman
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 150 3 'Murder spree' gardener gets life LONDON, Sat A dUchanced mental patient who went on a rampage of violence and murder and later told prJlce he enjoyed killing wu Jailed for Hie yesterday. Patrick MacKay. 23. a tall, soft-spoken gardener and nart-tlme gravediffer, trld po'tce how he strangled, stabbed or dL«m-mberfd
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • Untitled
      • 119 3 MALACCA. Bat. Deputy Inspector-Oene-ral of Police Datuk Man mood Yunus said here the killing yesterday of acting detective sergeant Loh Kirn Kong. 38. of the Special Branch was the work of a communist mobile unit He said "The killing was an act of cowardice
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      • 103 3 TANTALISING OFFERS BY DRUG PUSHERS FNANG, Sat— Drag pushers are now trying to recruit youths as couriers by making them "tantalising" offers of free trips to other countries, state aaseanbtyman Khoo Teng Chye said here tonight. "They should, therefore, be on guard against strangers who approach them," he said at
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      • 287 3 sunaci siput. s«t SECURITY forces today combed deeper Into 0 the 32 -square km of Jungle and cultivated area, east of the Royal Engineers Road, near here, after two nights of mortar shelling. The 34 -hour curfew in the area, which was
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      • 200 3 Sabah polls: A 3corner fight KOTA KINABALU. Sat. —The Labuan and Kuala Klnabatangan state by-elections in Sabah will be a threecornered flstft between Usno. Berjaya Party and Pekemas. The Labuan seat win be contested by Datuk Harris Balleh. vice-presi-dent of Berjaya Party; Enclk Mohamed Omar Beldram. acting chairman of the
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      • 29 3 KOALA U7MPUR, Bel.—A man armed with a knife baid up Urn* workers of a petrol Uoek in Jalan Ampanc bare and took away MOO at noon today.
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      • 284 3 COFFEE MAKER AXED TO DEATH AT HOTEL KITCHEN KOTA BARU. Sat. A 64-year-old coffeeshop assistant of the Kelantan Hotel. Pang Yoke Keng. was today found murdered In Its kitchen. His body was found lying In a pool of blood at the foot of the staircase leading to the first floor.
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      • 171 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat —Tun Abdul Raaak la scheduled to meet Thai Prime Minister, Mr. Kukrlt PramoJ. In Bangkok before the end of this year to work oat a new defence co-operation between the two nations against communist and other Illegal activities along their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 am. aaaaaj BT^^amv^ JM Kh I PRIVATE LJ |COMMERCIAI\ I LICENCE J wfl I LICENCE 1 m Aidi IMC m m m m MinLirac m m PLIGHT f'^^A^^^^ I NAVIGATORS I PILOTS aW^^^ a ir«eaj#*c M LICENCE J LICENCE J aY /aa I!BiilflijS
      43 words
    • 1219 3 Maintenance Manager f fat^ I*^ I A m Not IwM than USS2O.OOO pax annum t^s^^^Tmmwi tax trwa plus other bwnaflts I S I A large international corporation I 61 QUALITY FOODS FRI I operating a logging concession in Indo- I jg i swaa las—aiaaaiiai m nesia is seeking a qualified
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  • 405 4 Makrooh— the milk from non-Muslim mums rE Muslim RcU(loui Council here has ruled that It Is odious (makrooh) for a Muslim baby to receive milk from a nonMuslim mother. This means the situation is "undesirable because protiNms can arise though not forbidden." The tulini follow* the recent case of a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 sa^^*^ J»V jtSal NNNNa\ T JlNaaV **^BaapaS*V >>4nnl WjJj^|s^^WNN»l^^^wi^sTJJ J V .a»r^alaat\. _j*' J J^V rlf I Dreaming of a house? Buy it now with the help of Chase Fed up with paying rent you about the advantages but haven t enough of Chase housing loans money to buy a
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    • 329 4 In which 1975 series did I piiy against Svend Pn. the current Danish world champion? Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the mmmmmum $10,000 TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE 53.000 2nd. Pfl'l£ $2,000 3rd. PRIZE $1,000 40
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 154 4 I'l highlights by bmlyne sung TOMOUOW: MODBUf technology bu 1U obrtous benefit* but unfortunately 1U potential hazard* to lUe, too. Man Bulldj. Man Dmtroys explore* the possibilities of compromlM between the two and also frmmlnn cancer, one of our greatest health fears. In The Numbers Oune On Channel I at
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    • 1378 4 f J m\ KANDOLTH SCOTT IB RMlnc Bbotffun. J.BJ8. HALDANE. Uie n»mboyant and brlllUnt genetlctot, well known tor the <UnKeroiu research be carries out on hlmaelf. la featured In Hortson't "The Last of the Polymaths." On Ch. 10.10 pjn. (Colour). TUESDAY: THE MR. OLYMPIA Contest, to choose the worid's best
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    • 396 4 Investigate the murder, witnessed by an elderly lady In "Bobby Loved Me." On Ch. S at 8.30 pjn. (Colour). VIVACIOUS singer Eydle Ootme and comedian Paul dand appear with the mad-hatter Carol Burnett on her ■how. On Ch 5 at 1050 pjn. (Colwun. THl'RSOAY: HONOKONOS Itance» Yip and Singapore's Kartlna
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    • 391 4 ITALIAN LAWYER Petrocelll represents a rich woman In the settling of her father's estate after hli death but later he finds hlmaelf defending her afalnst a murder charge In "Death In High Placet.'* On Ch. 5 at 10.35 pm ROBERT WAGNER. Jeffrey Hunter and Mary Astor team up In a
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  • 383 5  -  M G KUTTY B> TMih Lommercial and Industrial Corporation's p;iypacketing system tlu* only OM of its kind in this part of the world— is to tnputer soon. nsures the maximum safety of the cash all along the way from tie bank to the
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  • 52 5 THE Parliamentary Secretary .National Development > Mr Ho Cheng Choon. will open the fourth annual anslnar on Building Development and Control In Singapore at Shanfrt-La HoWi on Friday at am Tha> two-day aeminar organUed by the Building and r^«t« Management Society. Unl»er»tty of Singapore wtU have
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  • 57 5 MR. A.O. PARRY, traininf advlacr to the Department of Civil Aviation, will •paak on Tb* Future of the Society and the Aircraft Bnfineer In SUicapore at the general miitlnt of the Society of tietniad Aircraft ktafftnatra and TachnolocUU at the main lecture theatre. Singapore Polytechnic. Prince Bdward
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  • 36 5 Shrt aauiy» Sal Seym earallhl. a r*U(toua aoctety. will celebrate <h» MHh btrlfloay of Bha«avan flbrl tathra Sal Bate at the ninliidawj PtUal Kalyaoa. afaadateav. Race Court* Road, today from am. to pjn.
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  • 35 5 THE ■amajamanl and ttaff of the CenlraJ Prorktont Fund Board will bold a buffet dinner and dance and a beauty eeotaa* at the Mandarin Court. Mandarin Hotel on eunoay Dn an 7.X pm.
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  • 200 5 FEFC to push through its 14 pc -hike- IWE Par Eastern Freight Conference (FEFC) is expected to Implement IU proposed 14 per cent general freight rate Increase front Feb. It despite a call by the Federation of Asean Shippers' Councils far another round of talks in January. According to shipping
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  • 48 5 THX Charles Moffet Family-* Mack American Mm group— wtU perform at the Oocdwood Park Hotel at Sl5 pm tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday Ticket* at 116, 112 40 (10. 17 JO and IS are available at Cold Storage and Donald Moore booking office at the hctM
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  • 30 5 THE women ■üb-oammltu» of the Nee Soon community centre will hold a talk and Urn ahow in Mandarin on f*.-ntly p»«""tTif at the) centre ta-inil— at pjn. tomouow.
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  • 209 5 CASE CALL TO ADMEN: TELL IT ONE WAY rE Consumers' Association of Singapore i CASE) has called for a system of standardised Information In advertisements. In an editorial In the latest CASK Consumer Bulletin on the ethical standards of advertising, the association says: "Serious consideration must be given to a
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  • 223 5 Sunday bundle of joy— in the form of a baby tahr goat U/HAT a tacky tvVf aa 7 kial< She's osM-weck-oM today and the •rat Hlamaiayan tahr hah* to he horn here, barely a week after her BssAßHa CaUftM #Vt Of «aarajiUae this Math The ausu tahr— one of foar
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  • 296 5 gOME branches of the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers Union (SMMWU) have been indulging in an illegal form of industrial action, secre-tary-general of the union, Mr. Chan Sic Seng, has disjclbsed Mr Chan, who was addressing the second BMMWU triennial
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  • 31 5 THX women •üb-eommlUa* of Paalr Paajans community cciitrt will hold claaaca aoon on drcasmaklnc. cooking, flower arranccmant and fruit and rentable carving Application forma art available at the eentn.
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  • 30 5 THE Straits tin price In Perang yriterday sagged |t to etoae the week at 1860 per picul on an official offering down 27 too* to 203 tona.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 650 5 '^L V Rtprfnftiom O^V X*> M j m ""^S. V 1 0 Drmwinft. I bwßbf B^^ ll lamaaa avlam P^Built-in^^W nOW MO WW powermeterX V^^^^Sd^V M«as^ r you' '»*»»<1 ttr#ngfA from T*# if aiiv ■Miir#lArl J 1 measure op? QUICK MUSCLE BUILD UP GUARANTEED Fantastic resun.! you ll I steelhard
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 192 5 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD Cwnt|( <•) DOWN 1 Break cs> 2 Parnx <si. 10 With force Scour (61. 3 Daptaatatl i4i >w ,4, it Taunt Baard tl). I MarMa (It. Sk:m aiooc 16 Uau <♦»■ 7 ProporUon Quarrel it Sde nMag *LJ*** cco P o l <«' ace (I). 19 Bavin
      192 words

  • 744 6  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By Firms may have to take a second look at future investments in Spore AMERICAN expatriates and multinational corporations in Singapore are expected to be hit if a new tax reform Bill due to be presented to
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  • 180 6 'Sweat it out for good English' ANYONE can masA ter English as a second language If he Is willing to work hard at it. This was the advice given by a Nanyang University lecturer. Mr Tan Kin Hlong. to a Mandarin audience of about 60 students at Toa Payoh Library
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  • 102 6 SIX kMk aellers kav* had taelr swßfjMea rawjmiu kr tke Sin Kapsee Book PaMlaarri AssisUtlea daring Ike last tktat yean far •Hllac paratod mlir 8« f ar only throe of them have had their »»Mea Martially restored AfnnriHai to the chairman of the Book
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  • 182 6 Pasar malams nearing end of the road rE Oovernment Is to phase out all night markets or "pasar malams" within the next few years. It was learnt yesterday. An Environment Ministry spokesman said the phaslng-out would be done in stages beginning with sites which were not popular and which caused
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  • 44 6 Saturday date THE International Amoclatlon or Buawit and Economics StudonU will hold a trmponum on Saturday and not Friday as It wu earlier p.nnouncea. Application forma for the Fvmpctlum may be obtained by writing to PO Box 41. Farter Road Po«t Office. Singapore 11.
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  • 34 6 RSAJ* aircraft will conduct Uv» firing aardios at Pulau Pawal from tomorrow to Friday from am to 9 p m daily The public la warned to keep clear of Urn rang*.
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  • 22 6 THZ Nco Soon Community centre will orgmntae a tintIng competition In Chlnwr In mid-December For further ortalte. rtn« tel MUM
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  • 281 6 B> PHILIP Lit A DISr-LAY of cheap n home fnrniihings* Or la It a aectlosi of a farnltare Jank store* Neither. Just discarded and dilapidated furnl tare damped on the ground floor of an HDB Mock of flata In Toa Payoh
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  • 60 6 Four new AEB courses for December THE Adult Education Board will hold four new courses at its various centres next month These are Introduction to date processing- and programming, sales and marketing, elect-ical drawing 1 and blueprint reading, and Mandarin Application forms are 1 available at theae centres or the
    60 words
  • 67 6 Extort bid charge LIM Lee. SS. yerterday de- nled a charge of putting Tin i Hong Soon In fear of bodily irjury by saying. You better watch your steps" in an alleged sttempi to rxtort IJO 000. from htm In Jalan Jurong Kechll on Nov. 6 at 11 90 am.
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  • 26 6 Llll Kee Llm ilu> Llm Che* Jen. IS. of Kelanlan. I has been permanently banned from entering Singapore. according to the latest government gaaette
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 405 6 I What's cooking? Well, there's Sanyo's Microwave oven, electric J oven and rice cooker to start with. J WawV .^fVasWaWfei ssssss^^^^ W^B Take Sanyo s Microwave oven It cooks double II L^^^BsH i quick at the same time locking in the flavour and IB 9 a nutritional value of food.
      405 words
    • 98 6 ELMD MAKES GOOD MOVIES EASY ELMO HF P> gs> f si, PROJECTOR f Elmo SP F SM Th« Elmo SP F SM Mi you nt*<) <n t Ci"« p'oittto" ?oc •tin and >»vr Va^ato"* p> H«S*)S»WSSIi«I xh» ElmoSP F SV n» be 8 a"d Htflula' 8 c>"« tiw Voit*9Th« ElmoSupx
      98 words

  • 415 7 Ex-cop gets 8 months for threat to beat up lawyer gX- POLICE detective Se;i h Tuan, 51 lailed for tight months by ;i ■>t rate's court after being found guilty of threaten ing to beat I lawyer th if the lawsted with a private summons against him. Shortly after Senior
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  • 562 7 8 S'PORE KIDS WHO STUDY IN THE COOL OF THE ALPS Till. V iml k c 1,292 ni et us to the sky the sunlight in the valley of the Rhone reflecting off the Alpine of the Dentsdu Midi and the Mont Blanc They start their day with physical training
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  • 62 7 Road closed for flyover A MAJOR part of Mount Puaaant Road. strstehmg from near the Cantor Pone* OmoanV Mass to WhsUay Road. will bt otassd to traffic (or X Months from Dae. 1 l>srsnss of eanstrueUon wort an s flyover thars. According to the kuust aovemmmt gasstte. only ■■bulsnoei. poUe*
    62 words
  • 271 7 Concorde: S'pore tourists can afford it THE supersonic experience to London Is not beyond the reach of the average tourist from Singapore. It can cast as little as S3.9CC for a Singapore -London retarn tickrt with part of the flight about four hours of it on board Ibe Concorde, the
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  • 88 7 St John 'first aid for youths' course THE St. John Ambulance Brigade. Sixth Corps. West Central area. Buklt Ho Bwee adult division, will bold a four-month first aid course for youths preferably above the age of 15 in January An examination will bt held *t the and of the count
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  • 152 7 SEVEN-DAY DEADLINE FOR SHIP'S MASTER rl Singapore Mantime Officers' Union (BafOU) has given a seven-day ultimatum to the martrr of the trouble plagued tanker. Permlna Samuaia 11 to explain his action over the barring of two maritime tin ton »w>h«i« from boarding the veasel on Tuesday and send apologies over
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  • 291 7 Rapped: Those 'only for power and little else' tycoons SENIOR Minister o! State (National Development), Dr. Tan Eng Liang, yesterday hit out at certain businessmen who were prepared to slog at achieving social power but were reluctant to assume the full social responsibilities that went with such power. To improve
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  • 41 7 QCHOOLBOY Bealaa bin Omar. 13, waa drowned O in the sea off Katong while swimming with twe friends yesterday, ■eelaa of Dakota Crescent disappeared at noon aad his body was leeoveted by Marine Police at 5 p.m.
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  • 135 7 SHARP RISE IN GERMAN L MEASLES- A OUST increase of Ueraaaa measles (rubella* has occur. cd recently In Singapore, according to the Ministry of Health yesterday. About 71 cases all males and the majority from the armed forces have been isolated at Mlddleton Hospital since last MOUtH German measles hi
    135 words
  • 140 7 UPF hits out at that vanity Act rpHE United Peoples 1 Front yesterday condemned the Oovernment for "suppressing and oppressing" students 1 of the university of Sin gapore by enacting the i University of Singapore (Amendment i Act. A statement by Mr Harbans Singh, the gene- ral- secretary. Hajl Dams
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • at the CINEMA
    • 331 8  -  ROGER YUE By r|>HE Year of Great 1 Film Revival* continues with the re-release of Walt Disney's delightful Mary Popplns (now showing to packed school holiday crowds at the Cathay). The film marked the screen debut of Julie Andrews, and
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    • 311 8 MANILA: Academy ..ward-wtn-ainf director Fraacte Ford Coppofa U hoplnf his flair far phiioaopbic UMjmlrj will p*j off la bia Uteat Btrit, A pocal7 pae Now. The BB»rla la Weed •a J»>fph Conrad'a novel Heart of Darammm tat adapted with a Vietnam
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    • 853 8  - Gunfighter with a coffin leaves them rolling in the dust WALTER SEOW By MADE at the crest of the boom ln spaghetti Westerns and stuffed with all the crudeness, vulgarity and excesses associated with the genre, Djanfo (coming soon to the Chong Gay theatres) Is being brought back to titillate
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 118 8 N^djjR^LIOHS CLUI Of S IMG A POM CINTKAL^^^ fHainTiuiViaifti P»rgot Study &nt™*lu«Min« Fund Unaar Tha 0>»h»fi»«»tn< Ealiawf Of I Tha H<Mto«r«M« MiiMator Nr Law «iW TIm butiimiiiH MR. l.W. IARKER !:0DE0N HXi«iij. Sth S«t*tr it 9.15 pa > Tkk«tt $3. J5. $10 A US ArwtoW* at Mm T«im(*« ar Contact
      118 words
    • 145 8 2Mi Kf Dar Lmi H- teri' «oMm O» 1 4S, 4. 7 4 9.M N.Vkto*r 1 »0.3 J0.7 JO 4 30 A MMkfl Moaaana Ctorfi Cotoncap* ImlMi 4 CkiMM laaliHn afft at* a^BBBBBB^BB^BBBBBBBBS H*. »«l Mo fn« LM ot 1 00. J 10 7 1 JO IGjVILAXigMI 1 yM W;
      145 words
    • 1077 8 I grown over 40 years. A story That hatTouched I >S»*Mlf ON f 9* nfratio is of young people Millions have read BED it all over the world. NOW Scott Fitzgerald's f wtir it*, day master-piece has become a rare and remarkable 1 »".i*m.t«,tn t f|| m l 2 r
      1,077 words

  • 171 9 'Spore now Asian Hq for fake Swiss watches' CINOAPORE Is beJ lleved to be the Asian headquarters for counterfeit topbrand Swiss watches the latest racket In the dud goods market. It is estimated that i million Imitation Swlas watches are palmar the real thing "ar in Hongkong. on and Dubai.
    171 words
  • 54 9 AN unidentified man. aged about 65. was Injured In a motor-acci-dent outside Bt. Anthony Convent in Queen Btreet yesterday. Pouce amid he was waiklnt alone the road at about 1 1 30 am when he was hit by a van. There -were 7i road accident*,
    54 words
  • 150 9 THISK two sweet Mis—l knew jmst what to do when they were confronted by a snake at the Holland ache Clnb yesterday. Christine Gasjni, I. (right) grabbed It by the neck and sat eroea legged In Ihe midst of IU colls, while her
    150 words
  • 282 9 POLICE recently rescued a 15-year-old girl who was forced into prostitntion by her parents in their Housing Board flat. ■Acting on a tip-off, the CID kept a vigil on the flat for ral days before raiding it to question the residents
    282 words
  • 292 9 POSB to get multi-storey office in Bras Basah Rd ryHE Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) la to set up a mult l-storey office building Mn Bras Basah Road by 1078 to provide up -t o-date facilities for depositors, the Senior Minister of State (Co m municatlons), Mr. on g Ten?
    292 words
  • 125 9 rIF. Senior Minister of State (Education i Mr. Chal Chong Yll. said last night that members of rinagement committees comunlty centres were respected for the role they played In liaising with the people and guiding youths to the right path. To perform these tasks
    125 words
  • 67 9 Off to Jakarta for 3-day Asean meet THK Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affair*) Mr. Lee Kboon Choy. left for Jakarta yesterday to attend the Ajean Economic Mlnlitert' meeting. Tht thie*-<!«7 maettaf. which begin* on TTirliwiij wUI dlacuat acooomk) eocpmtlon unoof Aau oountrit* In preparation lor th« fotthcoralnt Atma lummlt
    67 words
  • 202 9 MINISTER for Social Affairs. Bnclk Othman Wok, yesterday hailed as "remarkable" the fact that a denaelj urbanised city like Singapore had not sacrificed artistic creation In lv drive towards economic and material progress. Opening an an exhibition. "Contemporary 7b", at the Chinese
    202 words
  • 148 9 ITS THE BOSSES' GAIN IF WORKERS PLAY' OOSSBS reluctant to A> release their workers for games were told last night that they stood to gain If they changed their attitude. Enterprises with fit workers may find that production will be boosted Instead of depressed, Social Affairs Minister, Enclk Othman
    148 words
  • 34 9 MR Lee Kew Bun*;, the South Korean rtmtie— »rtni here, will attend the 11th snnlvenary dinner and dance of the Btnnpore Tae Kwoi Do Oymnaatum at Bhanfrt-La Hotel on Nov. Mill pjß.
    34 words
  • 338 9 Five years for thief who has been 20 years in jail A44-YIAR-OLD man with a string of convictions and more than 30 years' jail sentences since 1952 was yesterday sentenced to fWe years preventive detention after be pleaded guilty to housebreaklng. cheatIng and failure to report for police supervision. Omar
    338 words
  • 38 9 THE National lluacum will •erwn "Pwurali of Japui" and thrw othar colour ftlm* on Japan on Wednaaday at 730 pm In IU tocture hall Free admlaaion Uckeu arr available at the Museum offlcc,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 230 9 moq.m.x food W& preparation machine [a magician in your kitchen >^£*%^ yy NOW AT LAST, ONE MACHINE THAT jTx <^<£n REPLACES A MIXER, A MINCER, P^£^d^ A SHREDDER, A SUCERA A LIQUIDISER!!! Vs —^**\x* fr^' '■•^\c«y MAGIMIX is •safe, touflh rrtocnln* that enable* awon the I/.'-Vfc-'-)h-^ mo t me«pe» loncod
      230 words
    • 339 9 Wfehavea history of making our depositor^ savings grow The history of Lombard North Central goes back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money grow
      339 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 549 10 IF LAST Octobers CPF blaze can be 1 considered a blessing in disguise, it is (or waking us all up to the very real dangers posed by high-rise fires. And happily without any cost in terms of lives. Until then most people had considered such
      549 words
  • The W©RLD
    • 830 10 SEVENTY -EIGHT years aio. mounted troops played a decisive role in the victory of Rhodesia's white settlers over MaUbele and Mashona tribesmen. Today, cavalry troops are again raising the dast over the northern border areas ef Rhodesia. A new cavalry unit made up of
      830 words
  • 1047 10 Helping people to happy death for $123 a day CHARLES FOLEY Jl LOS ANGELES A MAJOR marketing drive to sell the US A public on death the last American taboo has Just been launched from a high-rise suite In a business quarter of Los Angeles. Branch offices have been opened
    OFNS  -  1,047 words
  • 917 10 lEILMSS A study prepared ay Professor Hans Eysenck has once again 'upset the applecart/ He suggests that criminals may be born, not made *t LOIIOI WAS Al Capone's dad a meanle? Did Lucretla Borgia's genes make her Infamous career In murder and Intrigue Inevitable? Judgment
    917 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 11 10 BmaW/mmmnV jM <sn ,W K^^H ammf/ maY JEi .d^vZ L^bLssM U^^^Bmaiml
      11 words
    • 549 10 Learn the Guitar with ipn and begin lUU playing the very first day *l. No previous musical EL. knowledge required I ICS help* you master the guitar at home and at your own pace. In fact, the very first lesson teaches you to read and play simple tunes. The course,
      549 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 65 10 tini IUIHI FERHANOtz IW.II fU< OMLV JH«»\ THAIS K. MolT^JSri<Mrt\ _4fe Jm^ o V e«««T*»rrur BJ 1 "v fuematm< s C i •€> ioo'Y f urn x /l«*iV C A HOU.«HM J /*>o I*** '«>"•«» «T 1 t -J «„>« or you* V IO "S I I BAMM »OW IW
      65 words

  • Timescope
    • Article, Illustration
      3660 11  -  lAMES MITCHELL By AS VICIOUS AS A RATTLESNAKE... THIS MAN HAD TO DIE The first in a series of five stories IT WAS quiet on Main Street. The saddler's and the We llk Fargo office wen empty; at the bI a c ksinith's the forge (ire flickered and died;
      3,660 words
    • 579 11 AT LAST THE U.N. GETS WISE TO WHAT'S WRONG [Bi <1 he say... JM B RAJARATNAM, our Forelyn MlnisiTl ter, will be fiad to know that I agree with him. I mean, I too am worried about the DnHc4 Nations and the decadent West, which Is "proUfecatin» gentleman crooks like
      579 words
    • 953 12 PHILIP LEE »y MR. Frank Aw, 41, sits In the silence of his room before an array of electronic gadgets and radio transceivers, his face In deep concentration. Slowly and gently, bis fingers turn the knobs on his radio set as he
      953 words
    • 1075 12 Quality is what you are paying for y itt •A EQUIPMENT REVIEW MONITOR STANDARD loudspeakers are necessarily expensive, and the Infinity Monitor n Is a case in point. costing some $3,295 for the stereo pair. Floorstanding 1 105.4 'cm by 56 y 4 cm by 93 cm deep) and of
      1,075 words
    • 629 13 EDWARD LIU London Scene BY LONDON A book, the ri»U In Kdycatlon. has claimed that more than half a million pupil* play truant dally from schools in Britain, some to aveM bring bullied and ..then to tarn to petty crlmr. The
      629 words
    • 776 13  -  Sri Delima By IF you lore acting but dread the limelight, radio actIng is the answer. The greatest fun Is to take part In a children's play. You could be asked to be anything Mousedeer, Flower, Lost Girl, or Pots-and-Pans. There
      776 words
    • 332 13 Little Feat's latest shows a little change in style L JEFFREY LOW i frecorcS by LITTLE FEAT: THE LAST RECORD ALBUM (Warner). A little change Is noticeable In the character and style of Little Feat's latest effort, with the exception of their proficiency re malnlng Intact. While the previous Feats
      332 words
    • 769 14 LIZ SHERRY By VANITY FAIR AN UNFAITHFUL woman Is often an unhappy woman searching for reassurance. This is the view of most experts and laymen. The belief that there is a difference between the man who is unfaithful to his marriage partner and the unfaithful
      769 words
    • 136 14 rLK about style. There are some things yea simply can't pat a name to. This gown for Instance. What do yea call It? A big caftan* Not really Chinese Inspired* Wrong again. For though there are deads and phoenix ■■hi slim
      136 words
    • 806 14  - The pros and cons of setting a schedule for baby LAURENCE BOOKMAN: SHOULD WOMEN GIVE BIRTH TO A DEADLINE? By LONDON A STUDY of 614 mothers who have recently had children by Induced birth ■hows that In most cases labour was Induced without any explanation from the doctors involved. The
      806 words
    • 892 18 TOP U.S. TOURIST ATTRACTION DRAWS 12 MILLION VISITORS A YEAR TAN CHUNG LEE By time off VIAOARA Falls must surely be one of America's greatest magnets for tourists, attracting as it does 12 million visitors a year. Long after Labour Day. which traditionally signals the end of the summer holiday
      892 words
    • 382 18 Eugene comes back to the world after 8 -year coma >TEW YORK An elghtI year coma ended for Eugene Tlpps. 28. when he underwent abdominal surgery and awoke to find the year was 1975 and the world was a very different place His last memories were of 1967 when the
      382 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 304 11 We learned that our size is a big advantage At Pan-Electric, we like to think that our refrigerators are small t r Y^ enough to fit into any kitchen, and big enough to store more than a Ili Which is why we designed the Permadoor. The Permadoor ym y^V V
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 240 12 sss&ba3tMgwfl MM BjlßbssV^ Lssssssfl bss^^sSbbbssssHblsbsbbslbsbsbbbH iIHHHHB V" .^^i^aBBBBBBBBBBBBBS J^bHbBBBBBBBBBSBBBSBBSB^— I M Y^l Two really professional portables Aiwa's TPR-930 and TPR-900. Both possess the sophisticated Matrix sound stereo system which synthesizes and separates sound, giving a truly dynamic stereo effect. TPR-930 TPR-9OQ Features Features •*MS dynamic stereo separation Matrix sound stereo
      240 words
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 94 13 F aaf am Racing for uncertainty. Prudential for security. Prudential The favourites The Prudential Assurance Co Ltd P 0 Box 492. Singapore ISyarikat Insuran Prudential Bhd Peti Surat 25. Kuala Lumpur Please send me. without obligation. I particulars of your Family Security plans I Date of Birth I •*^^^a^B^a^av*a B
      94 words
    • 474 13 4$ MACHINOEXPORT -l\£- IP- Jd YL 1•* *C *a! I SHAPING MACHINf Bel* OtL j^*-T^ k MACHINC UNIVERSAL ENGINE LATHE "^~^"*ai».^ AUTOMATIC |hydraulic hack saw L-sfVl I UNIVERSAL I f k 1 ENGINE LATHE y c \<^/ ELPR^ft#fVl Electric Motors AO-EOSeriei 0.25 -136 HP Three Phase Single Phate Bk All
      474 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 896 13 V^a^JaßaA&MamV^a^aflaW HCAPMCORN ARIES ■B.IAMIH I HM LIBRA u»c n aaTml «sr»s zi M J<«* I s^« r to Jea is Wmt A n afliaf J»b a -oOet n CEASE to plot and AT THE beginning of MARS LEAVES your AFTER Tuesday you'll plan: This could be a the week you
      896 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 420 14 asnnnS igßatffjfJ afl 1 //^v C* f^wni anL^^^^^antanSanni gam KOSE's SUMMERD range he girl who dares to experiment all the time and make herself more beautiful than ever. Them Today at all KOSE counters KOSI beauty demonstration j^.—^ by KOS€'s beautician H MiNsOfcumaKurrMko from Tokyo at: JBB^mP C CORTINA *Jr^
      420 words
    • 145 14 np\ A/smooth -textured I tKS VY REFRESHING.SOOTHING BODY TALC Yes. W OLD SPICE BOO V TALC in a new economy ptKstl Sfnootfv-twtxiursd, rvfrßjafhtfif And tootfMHf witft «wi famous Old SpK» frsarsnoa Watt tW you »pread it on I OLD SPICE BODY TALC wW keep you fresh and cool sM day
      145 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 579 15 V)u take core of your skin during the night-. what about tlic day? BIENFAIT MATIN takes can: of it t<>r you during tlic day Ara you tura that mch morning you an raatfy to taca tha day You. »k m ha to ba protactad at wall during tha day with
      579 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 349 18 You can't see it, you can't feel it, you can't smell it, but if it has this label Sanitised? I untuk suci segar vrnmrn J N^freshness/ you know it has built-in hygienic freshness. Imagine What is Sanitized' Clothing and household textiles that come A highly effective bactenostat and fungistat with
      349 words
    • 151 18 is^iW. Baß^S/ —^^^^a^iV^^— g^g^^^l g^g^g^g^B F- wHH3^^^^sliH Breakfast on a sun-drenched terrace. Temperature 60°F.CooL Wmkm «p to m JMtiwit wortd of cool roawayas^ ■■tMrrtssl ■■jnyia-t ami S*~/7* Merlin's HlB Resorts at Camerons and g&s» < Frazers provide enchanting varieties for gtttlc^Baw hoaday- makers and quiet efficiency even fc^gW- i for
      151 words

  • 53 19 Religious Announcements BRIAN „s 1 Road fenanj H -*<3 Sunday Service 9 (0 m anß• OOp m Sun:. MBTHODiar church wtwtajM servtre at 730 a m ;o Ll" 1 im *Mia"*•*»• 'or II INDKI* CATHEDRAL < AngHcan/ Episcopal) 7 a m Holy Communion (am Panth Com--1 Dim Mandarin Ser- mmg
    53 words
  • 6 19 grand'd away j CA*LE RECEIVED
    6 words
  • 4 19 ■Mf FAMILY Of
    4 words
  • 25 19 IN EVER LOVING MEMORIAM EDDIE OILBERT MARCUS ond AN Loved Ones A Hiaft Mom al SI Jooepn Cfctxct Victon* Slrool MlNpn I Toowv
    25 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 112 19 classified ads If "ODKIOUEI TURNER: Lulla of Dr and Mrs J (j »".r.% ue» to Steve son of Mr snd >roer of Castßorne Lon- CHAN TEE LENO'r li Dr and 1 n 1 on ORACE LIM OAUOHTEP 20 11 75 md staff O SAMARITANS OF i> near as the REQUIRED
      112 words
    • 514 19 Bi B#*So>*Nl SEMI OETACHEO HOUSE (FURNISMEO) Jalan Kakalua. Jurong Park off Jalan Jurong Ke- ITOREV TERRACE MOUSE 4 Rental 1300 Unfur- rooms unit Interested. 1} pasiß RIS TERRACE new 2--ace 3 Bedrooms and 1 -i 2 4OOsq n Rent MM Rtngt nen (3317* ASSUME L(A*E SPACIOUS and -re> detached dlst
      514 words
    • 462 19 DISTRICT I*. FLOWER ROAO new double storey semi-detached and terrace house Tel 25M182 STTM DIST 1* BIMOLE-STORSV TERRACE. 3 bedroom* with Bullt-m Cupboards. Living Room with Terraaxo Flooring. Modem Kitchen with Attractive Cabinets Wall to Wall Carpeting. Aircondilloned and Fan Oarden and Car Porch 195.00* o n o Tel Mr
      462 words
    • 818 19 CHANGE ALLEY AfiMAL Plaza Collyer Quay. Singapore I Shops to let at reasonable rental Enquiries telephone number 71*24 or call at 12A Chans* Alley Aetal Plaas Collyer Quay Sp ore 1 SUPREME HOUSE oItOPPIHO COMPLEX Alrcondltioned shops on basement and 3rd floor available at reasonable rental Ample parking facilities Enquiries
      818 words
    • 809 19 OXLEV TRAVEL (PTE) LTD. OVERSEsti TOURS (Bswatst Ottsr (1) Taiwan iHualxn Alisan)/ Hong Kong (Macau) Bangkok 14 days ***** 12 dayt 1139UDeparture 24/11. I'l2. S/U. 15/1T 21/12. 2»/12 (2) Korea/ Japan' Taiwan (Huallen/ Alisan)' Hong Kong i Macau i Bangkok 19 days 821*0 17 days fIMtVDeparture 24/11. 1/12. 7/l|. !4'12.
      809 words
      642 words
    • 846 19 PUBLIC RELATIONS Principles and Practice by Specialist Pracuuoner Commences I pm Mm I November Phone today R***** Management Training Centre. 304 3rd Floor New People s Park Cm ire Mnoua Owing to ruather expansion we require a number of additiona. ENOLISM/ AMERICAN TEACHERS to teach in the evenings Requirements l'nlver*iu
      846 words
    • 763 19 i**7/l vw tSB* excellent condition, radio/ ritasin n.SSS/--ono Contact Daaniund BBMM alter 10 00 a m ISSB MORRIS COOt>E*t cry Oood Condition with Accessories Call ****** 3214*0 I*7l PSUOEOT SB* alrcon 2nd owner, accident free 11 1.9*0 ono View 3rd floor. 410. Shaw Centre Seottt ßd Spore* LATI I*?* MORRIS
      763 words
    • 775 19 IflHtMtlfli I «KMrilCMKI«'nlNn «tt*»m« MAMAOE n> l Ac<ii rr'£r*' c^'*l z*£m*»nte& Maaseur Phone srr«i »T XJ J/1 appointment .11 am A1BH SALON CATALMA MASSAQE SAT 22-11-7% 700-»00pm and launa hath Ladles and gen 9un n-n-n i oo-»oop m i row) I Inn Lm Bit* lm > 204 Bukil l.mjh Rd
      775 words

  • Vacationing SPECIAL FEATURE
    • 1207 20 IRENE NGOO By Over 1,000 bookings for Expo 75 trip ASIAN travellers prefer to be guided during their holidays abroad, with accommodation, meals and sightseeing taken care of by an agency, n-ding to Mr. LAV. (in, regional manager of an international travel "Hence,
      1,207 words
    • 1084 20 r'B easy to describe the Elffe! Tower to someone at he me. because he can visualise the familiar landmark But to describe MM view of Parts from th* tower may not be easy. In this case, a colour picture Is wrrth several thousand words. That* why the
      1,084 words
    • 96 20 rE Taj Express strrakt southward from Delhi to Acra. A three-hour )ournr» In air-conditioned comfort, the train passes padi fields and villages to stop briefly at Mith«ra As you glide into Agra. Sikandra flashes by. The mausoleum of Ike Eimwror Akbar. a magnificence of
      96 words
    • 1886 21 US shares 200th birthday joy with visitors its 200 th birthday with characteristic exuberance, opening wide the of its many attractions from national parks to great urban centres to share with visitors all the beauty and excitement it has to offer. An estimated 32.8 million people from all over the
      1,886 words
    • 908 22 Europe is still favourite vacation land TRAVEL AGENCIES OFFER RANGE OF LOW COST TOURS pUROPE continues to be a favourite vacation land for Singapore travellers although thousands from the Republic have already toured the continent in re- cent years According to tour operators, between eight and 10 per cent of
      908 words
    • 335 23 EVEN the most enjoyable holiday abroad can be disappointing If you suddenly fall sick In the midst of all the excitement. You can Imagine the frustration and misery of being confined U, your hotel room with a fever, a bout of Influenza or an acute
      335 words
    • 743 23 A "JET away from it all" holiday In Australia and New Zealand should appeal to nature lovers, sea sport enthusiasts and travel conscious families, among others. Australia is a land of an usual attractions its vast area encompasses every type of landscape from
      743 words
    • 872 24 London —shopping arcade with a dazzling range of goods WHATEVER It Is you want to buy, London has the answer, says the latest Britain: Shopping In London fulde published by the British Tourist Authority. Par the vtoltor to London, a shopping trip can be a taffting experience There la Zch
      872 words
    • 791 25 LINERS OFFER CRUISES WITH LUXURIOUS COMFORT... UOR a holiday with a difference, liners are offering cruises that provide luxurious comfort, relaxation and non- stop fun aboard, where everything seems to move at a leisurely pace and where nobody rushes anybody Although you are In the shl;
      791 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1076 20 THE >4IR TICKET HOLIDAY SUPER AIARKET 111) We Qive The e World fc m I I vv^Zffii^y/ i 'Java ml 1^from tyce people... mII Ti/ell, we can't really hand you the world on a silver platter, but w« do provide the finest *> '^^^1^ x tours to just about anywhere
      1,076 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 36 21 IWTEIIUTIOvUi.^ All TIAvTL ACOKT PTL LT». Thinking of EUROPE for next year's holiday? Look out for our coming advertisements. Or better still consult us at: 217, East Coast Road, i Arcadia, Singapore 15. Tel *****0 *****7
      36 words
    • 521 21 COME WITH MS DOWN-UNDER AND GIVE YOURSELF AmGnCdll EXDTGSS AND YOUR FAMILY THE HOUDAY TREAT OF A UFETIME n jl T"ri -yin. TO WESTERN AUSTRAUA ON THE WMRI^I MAS IUURS A fine's x v^^i^ r J&tWSm^ ■if I Wmm mad to T j^y^^^\rC7wf^ t fy > «F -v- 6"^jgj^ 6
      521 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1148 22 NEWZE4IAND Individual v Stopover Sydney departures! /\*.\\lt -iO M< MA k: M M X\ ¥^VHllaA Departure dates: lyretresning JtV^*.!-^^ f t 1975 no»h, 18&25. Dec23&». days from S§tt£H>.™?™;2: *****0 Cv m% m> Ar 1 Mar 2 9 *>■ Apf 6 13 x &27 V [%1 W V May 4. n.lB
      1,148 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 15 23 '.B fiy sJjjjj3C322S32!ISSjS efl IHailiaH sV Cap Town I bmton Ro«d I Sinyapot* 1 |y
      15 words
    • 260 23 Now wecan Austrailya Auetralla's a btg ptaos. And it could coat a KM to aaa It all But now Thomas Cook bring you AUSTRAILPASS the cheapest ever way to aaa Australia AUSTRAILPASS is unlimited 1 st claas travel anywhere. anytlma. on Australia's railways Fast, modam trains span 40,000 km of
      260 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 248 24 t <f >r* m a •>•> "^afl •fc f ■a* Lmu^ *4 *i .^^aaaaßßsaWF* 71^1 -^^^aai "^SBBHW^H ••aaasVaVMsa I^Bm^^^asaam^Lmf^E B^BSSHb^^B^**" 1 1 fc,^i^^sl^>^^ >|^^^^M,^^^^^^^^^^^!^^^^^^S^***^flßJß^SS a»*^^^fc»^aw» F!<— ■T > *»a. CT: syaaaaaaasaaaaniaia»B»aaa»B»aißiaaaaaiaMßßaaßaaaßßa»Baa»a^ Jr^F^VaWV .^bbSSSSbw HnlUnH o KLM Royal Dutch Airlines .1 /»^^*^aW\ '^m aY ollana G2 Mandarin Hotel Arcade /^-dF^^^B^^lsP^X -^2
      248 words
    • 8 24 LvPn^D [jf*- Ah aa^^^^SSSSaß BB^BBUaadmVa^Bß^Bl bb^^^^i^^^^^^b^^^^^b^^^^^^^b^^^^l^^^^^^bß Lmm m*a*mmfl >
      8 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 305 25 TAIWAN ALISHAN HUALEIN) HONGKONG (inclusive macautour) I BANGKOK 12 Days $1391 14 Days $1451. departure 1/12 8/12 15/12. 22/12 29/12. 5/1.12/1. 19/1. 26/1 2/ 2 9/ 2 16/2.23/2 BANGKOK CHIENGMAI HAADYAI WEST MALAYSIA By Air/ Land 8 Days $380 departure 1/12 8/12. 15/12. 22/12. 11 Days $480 29/12 5/1 12
      305 words
    • 127 25 KY7 111 1 111 ■ml MTrl^M bbT aafl bbW aafl Now. Thai has 7 flights a week to Europe. Fraakhsrt Copenhagen AMMb IMb Athens R*U< in lh» ipaciou* comtoct ol our tfrdrri *t> r* revel «i th« wide body lunuryol our txgnew DC UH IVMt trw kmd of pampering thai
      127 words

  • 1789 26  -  EPSOM JEEP My Barcelona easily beats Proud Moment RUALA LUMPUR, Sat Double Agent, who earned a double promotion from Clan 5 to Class 3 after three successive wins earlier in the season, showed a return to his best form when he stormed from last
    1,789 words
  • 48 26 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: ».m Ist No. 144W (12.184. 2nd No. 14C719 ($1.4*4) Srd No. *****7 ($545) STABTUS (IM each): Not. HtUi 14M14 1442*4 145M5 *****3 147 MS *****9 1447(4 14JM4 *****4 V CONSOLATION (S4S each): Noa. *****4 144*34 *****7 *****S *****2. *****3 *****5 *****3 14*493 HI 154
    48 words
  • 236 26 BRISBANE. Eat —West Indies arc poised to polish off Queensland vith a day to spare In the International cricket match at the Oabba ground here today. Queensland, bundled out for 64 In their first InnIngs today, were forced to follow on and were struggling
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 611 26 STIPES REPORT JOCKEY David Kwong scored on Sneaky Pete In Race Seven yesterday, but was fined $300 by the stewards for not being more careful and for not exercising better control over his mount. The Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's raxes at Kuala Lumpur:
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1062 26 I Supplier of indo*tnol equipment ond bT^l^ consumables A hoc .o ted officer m V 1 a# Molovs.o ond lndon««io Parent com- Miaaar Hgl pony founded m Sweden .n 1837 We are expanding our activities and have now been appointed I Applications are invitm rrornmitabiy qualified fl e P 'vL^nflT
      1,062 words

  • 267 27  -  EPSOM JSSP a* IRISH FUN has a tint-rate chance of winning the richest Claas 3 race in local turf history the $20,000 Selangor Stakes —in Race Five at Kuala Lumpur today. An out and out stayer, the four-year-old was sent over 1200 m to
    267 words
  • 1637 27 Focus on form Race 1 i KST Going great guns on track, worth another chance in spite of three expensive dafaau. definitely has ability; first up second with SSS to Birthday Present after missing start Div 1 1200 m Ipoh Aug II tw performance of useful spriniki li Useful Oraltine
    1,637 words
  • 101 27 SfJiBURO Sit. The top throe aaada Arthur PtnatU a/id Mdte Dibba— aU tumbled out of th« third round of the Open tennla < hamplonahlpa at Dili Park Stadium hare yeeterday Th* banea* upact m the pton Aahe. who la known to have a bumlns amMUon to
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 951 27 lIJJM 1«5 CLASS 3 OIV. ***** m 1200 m ■iUSLSI (SIO.OOO $7,000 to winner) 1 234 >»—»»■ i < Continuation 1 HKMk iM I >ls t>r i Saa 1 t 5421 IMK II (Bunbao) Tuiloh 4 SIS <u3«IH> S» hi 1 IWIMM twm t lEntlChont i M (->)
    951 words
  • 60 27 SELECTIONS K— ll*l 1 1 *r»r^ Win till— U« A«tu knr <FMt I.DMI JUM TkOT I'M* ta Ta Pan* IM P^B T«t-»» bMa Bib* Kuli B*k* TWO" sgjfvT*? Crmm Onr Dtau okmt Osliu OtwWit 'mtiiiMß ■ii>—i mmmtm r R*Mra O«M MM Mm (MM OkMt mm. rimi O. CVATI9M KMTWI 0.
    60 words
  • 296 27 Japan pull off shock win over S. Korea BANGKOK, Sat. Japan yesterday came from behind to pull off a 106-102 upset victory over South Korea to emerge top contenders In Oroup "B" for the Eighth Asian Basketball Championship. Played before a howllng crowd of 5.000 at Bangkok's 4.000-seat National Gymnasium,
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 47 27 HONOKOWO, Sat PlUplno ltS^twaaeJit rhampton Tony Jumaoaa yesterday won an unanimous 12-round <*—««*"" over Thailand's «t »n»»n*~' athkum Malalthong m Hongkong* first professional boxing card. The winner may get a crack at the Oriental Boxing Federation <OB1»> title beti by Japan's Mortto— AP
    AP  -  47 words
  • 69 27 Orantes enters semi-finals CALCUTTA. aU. Top mmM Manual OtintM of Spain iwtpt Into Dm nun* ■Inrtea atml-finala of ti» In<u» i (kind Prix tannia touratmant hw» jwlwilij with 6-1 e-a win over Tom Ooru^ u the United 8UtM. Other querter-Onal rwulu Vlj«r Amiitra) (India) M Juan Olabert (Spain) 1-4. »-7.
    69 words
  • 268 27 'THREE leading local table tennis clubs including eight times Singapore Business House champions Nanyang Slang Pau, will compete in Malaysia's first Commercial Cup Inter-team Open table tennis competition at Stadium Negara in Kuala Lumpur from Nov. 28 to Nov 30, reports PETER SIOW.
    268 words
  • 235 27 GUATEMALA CITT. Sat.— A Urge majority yesterday amerced in favour of China's admission to the International Football Federation <r..'») on the last day of the world soeeer organisation's f 0 n r-d a y conference here, accordin* to Informed sources They said most of Flfa's member countries
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 27 MB. TAN BOE PAH depart*) on M 11 IS Family txwnd frmuful thanks to ■ndniw Aaoriau* friend* and nl*u*t» for umu rondotMtew. reatht. donation! Mrtlcct m>a«r»d and aiwnoami dunng UMtr racant bjr»a»«m«m
    33 words
  • 65 27 IN IVI RIOVINt. Mt.MOKI or oir mi own MOTMIK mk> i if mwo raw nm r \s mi i um Mli.i Dipaitr* imi MJWM ha* paused u» without r\rn ■< goodbyr brings buck ier, hr day.s n u» Ih U|h gone >• u air *U1) allvr in our h«aru Tl
    65 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 891 27 I CALK DEsMOMMELI \S^ •9P4bwsV%9 rLILIMIIIILL MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD I I UNION CARBIOC SINOATOMI PTI. LIMITED I offer* iNtarasting and chaMarajing opportunities for requires II Salsamaw handling EVEWtADVproducts. II mwtmm raquiramantt induda Sinaopora OwaaW CLERKS sMp, a dats 3 driving Hconoa. fluency in apokan Hokkian .nd Cantonaaa dial sen and
      891 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 62 27 B3n the Wedge vhb m aravtaa* it Oarr Baaaa fraai akataavaaaia a* Sataav SWrta. j^afaV ;oun "> ~~l 9mr #jlbcta a.urn hath Jtmr vtaaafTiaL I c\n« AccoatwMdt »j ML go— am th» ayrm— m imca S Fa v- -oCJI I I ic* &*T*»jcm mßi^^m^ SBSBaBBBBsi B. ••••m ZS _H jt>
      62 words

  • 182 28 Draw at rugby foils sweep by Malaysia Kf AL A Ll'MPl-R. Sat. Malaysia won fear of the live events competed for In the annual Inter(•overnment Services games against Singapore here. Malaysia won at badminton, golf, netkali (25-7) and tennis (4-1). The ***** match was fought te a scoreless draw. At
    182 words
  • 79 28 goal* in the last senutes by Humid Anf- led OE Components to hold Corona to a 2-2 draw In a Silo soccer tournament match at Parrer Park yesterday Corona shot ahead through Abdullah and an own goal. rarller match. Lion i Singapore > trounced Prasei and
    79 words
  • 85 28 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE RESULTS DIVISION ONE GEYLANG I (S) SUUNGOON (1) Dollah Kawlm 3. Abu Yuaoff 1 Urn Arshad Khamls X Boon Jit. Arlvlndran. Jaffar Yuaof, Kamal Nor. Samsuddln Rahmat < penalty > Ql EENBTOWN 4 (3) FARUJt PAKE S (1) Own Slew Kong 3, Yuaof Kaaslm Z Naalr Ramll
    85 words
  • 341 28  -  ERNEST FRIDA By QUEENSTOWN end- ed Farrer Park Uni t c d's winning streak in the National Football League First Division with an exciting 4-3 win at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Farrer Park. after losing their first three matcnes to Armed Forces. Oeylang and Jalan
    341 words
  • 424 28  -  JOE DORAI Mjf RATIONAL Footbail League Division One favourites, Geylang Internationals, ye»terday provided more than 4,000 fans at Toa Payoh Stadium with eight spectacular goals against Upper Serangoon but their much vaunted defence alto conceded four goals to "unknown" strikers Mistakes The Oeylang
    JISID JIAM  -  424 words
  • 179 28 ARMED FORCES, now rldiX Ing high on the crest of success, have a splendid chance to complete a double when they meet Fathul Karlb in the Pepsi Cup Youth soccer championship final at Jalan Besar Stadium at 5.30 p.m. today, reports JOE DORAI. Last
    179 words
  • 270 28 Indonesia withdraw from Asian Schools soccer ITUALA LUMPUR, Sst. Indonesia has withdrawn because of financial dlfflcuitlei" from the Asian Schools Soccer Champion* ship, leavlnc Malaysia to detend the title against five teams her* from Dec. 14 to Dec. 31. The Malaysian Organlstnc Committee has decided to conduct the tournament on
    270 words
  • 22 28 DDSNDIHO chsmpsnns Darul Anah trounced Bukit klvth 7-1 in Urn Paslr PanJaoi Ponggal wecer tournament at OUlman Barracks yestardaj-
    22 words
  • 373 28 Po Un is star performer at CSC meet fHEONG Po Un was the star performer at the Chinese Swimming Club's Novices Age Group Meet at Amber Road yesterday setting records in all her three events, reports BERNARD PEKEIRA. The seven-year-old Bt. Nicholas Convent school *lrl act new Umei for the
    373 words
  • 110 28 Australian selectors decide to play safe SYDNKY. Sat. The Australian selectors played safe In keeping together The Ashes winning team from the England tour earlier this year to meet the West Indies In the First Test in Brisbane next Friday Mr. Alan Barnes, secretary of the Australian Board of Control,
    110 words
  • 434 28 Derby cling to their lead LONDON. Sat. Derb> I County hung on to their one-point lead In the First Division of the English Football League today although they could only draw 0-0 with Wolves. Liverpool lost the chance to overtake them when they were held to a 1-1 draw at
    434 words
  • 244 28 Shock for champs Singapore MALACCA. Bat UnderiTa> ogs Seremban Rangers upset defending champions Singapore with a 3-0 win. They also easily beat tth Royal Malay Regiment 1-0 to top Oroup "A" In the annual M.i^j^ Open slx-a-slde hockey tournament at Mr l 1 Club padang today. In Omup "B". Singapore
    244 words
  • 385 28  - Kim Lye hits in four goals for Tampines PETER SIOVV By rpAMPINES ROVERS maintained their two- point lead at the top of Dlv. Two of the National Football League yesterday when they cruised to i. 6-1 win over Farrer Park Dynamos at Farrer Park. It was Tampines' seventh straight win.
    385 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 24 28 MM r > ZmSKX Ist LVM>: U T TT^?S^ a^ r > H SMTi^3 #^kMi MM^MW^MWSMtW .A. l y^a^MM^M^^ IbtßmV/^m! BBmV^ JJmMa «f a k\ SSSS
      24 words
    • 104 28 DEPOSIT B.H H^k. LEASING .^flL^^^HIRE 1 wm purchase M Vvtiether you want to buy a new or used car. acquire equipment for business with no cash outlay or invest your money. CCS can offer constructive advice and assistance. With CCS. you have the security of dealing with a safe, sure
      104 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 107 28 BOOCOt ram* Cis Tew* rtaal: Armed Porces v P«thul Kartb <JL Besar Sudlum. SJO pm.) Or. Le* CfcJaw Msag Cw#: rarrer Park Oynamoa "B" v Blue Burs (Parrer Park Athletic Centre. 5.15 pan.); niiamj Times Bouse v Tunes Printers (RI Oroand 4JO pjn.). SILO Taeneaaeea: SOS v Philips (Toe. Payoh.
      107 words