The Straits Times, 22 November 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1975 25 CENTS M.I.(P) 1116 78
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  • 855 1 Asean summit will determine future of region ASEAN heads off state and leaders off Government will be called upon next year to make decisions having profound implications not only for Asean countries but the region as a whole, the Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, said last night.
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    • 3 1
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    • 103 1 £ALLAN is back in the Sunday Times tomorrow. The sardonic British Special agent who takes on Ihe K < i 1 5 single handed, begins I new series of swift-moving adventures. They take him to unlikely places and Into the most unlikely situations: (or instance,
      103 words
    • 77 1 IS a killer born and not made? This question has been teasing the minds of the police, erimlnologists snd psychologists for a long time. At one time a widely held belief linked criminal behaviour with genetics But since World War One, modern theory has blamed poor environment for
      77 words
    • 85 1 A REPORT from I rk about a 28- yi*ar-old man who has Just "awakened" from I an eight-year coma to the great surprise of his doctor* who had given him up for lost a case which Is bound to have an Impact on the fate of 21 -year-old
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    • 45 1 TAI KING to the world In his bach room TOP IS tourist attraction AT LAST the IN gad wi>e to what's wrong THE ELEPHANTS TRICK to stop yoar sneeie THE GOOD BOYS are the ones who play traant GIVING BIRTH to a deadline.
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  • Sunday Nation
    • 97 1 IMAGINE. FOR just $125 you could fix a gadget to your telephone that will. only let through calls you want It will solve the obscene call for one thing; MART" machines to take over the simple or repetitive chores. For example, a machine to pick
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    • 91 1 OK highlights In your New Nation include: MR NEO TlKtt the man they called The Big Boas. •lOOK I N G i AROI ND— two-page < spread on Superstar's visit to Singapore, t.dward Heath and his Chinese tailors; the marriage of Hayley Mills and director Boy I
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    • 65 1 inside TEACK asks: Ij the Singapore tporti seme really healthy, happy and trouble-free? Can rumen be described at Incorrigibly lndUl lacking guU or. even worse, prima as? t X-Ht.AYYH'fcKiHT CHAMPION Oeorge Foreman explains why he U The Loser. mi KN<.I.ISHMAN whose main aim U to get Australia
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  • 146 1 B<OK Frl. About 1 500 Thai students today massed in (runt of the Laotian embassy here and handed a note protesting against Laotian gunfire which killed a Thai sailor and grounded a navy patrol boat on the Mekong River this week The note called for a
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  • 56 1 CANBERRA. Frl International air fare* and cargo rate* Into and out of Australia will n« by threa par cent on Dae. 1. It was announced bar* today. A mna-oaman for the Australian Transport Department said Australia bad* liven IU approval to an International Air Transport Association (lATA)
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 194 1 '20 Russian troops held captive' LUSAKA. Friday AN Angolan liberation movement today reported the capture of 20 Russian soldiers in the battle for the key Angolan town of Malanje earlier this week. A statement by the National UVilon for the Total Independence of Angola < unlta) said. Unlta forces have
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 274 1 Soviet N-tests 'spill' into the air WASHINGTON, frl TWO of Russia's A recent big underground nuclear tests apparently have spewed some radioactive debris into the atmosphere, US intelligence sources report. Radioactive gaseous debris was collected outside Russia's territory following a 3 8 megaton test on Oct. 18 and a two
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  • 27 1 DAMASCUS. Frt Prince Whjivmk the Cambodian Head of Bute, left her* today for Khartoum at the end of a four-day state visit to Syria. Reuier
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 27 1 MLPA»T. Prt A British soldier was killed tod another seriously Injured by a landmine explosion in Uw Hi— nagliii bordar aim of ■with Armagh today-
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  • 39 1 rKTO. Prt Aa «aha<ia, believed to be the wart 1 radicals, at a aarfclag I*l of a leading trading in— if la Osaka, Western Jaaaa. tonight Injured tw« awaptt, *ne them awisaaty, aaiice said— lTl.
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 1 KALOOORLII (W. Australia), Frl. A eiru servant here ta to let an unusual birthday present soon police apologies and a shirt and tie riddled with fhotgun pellets His birthday parcel from hit mother mistakenly turned up at the Liberal Party headquar ters here Officials feared It was a
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 442 1 L-BOMB FOR SIR JOHN CANBERRA. Friday E«ARS of politlca 1 terrorism increased In Australia today with the discovery of a third letter bomb in a week, this time addressed to Governor General, Sir John Kerr. Security officials detected the device during a routine screening process at the Canberra P°*t Office
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  • 203 1 Red killer squad hits again MALACCA, Frl SPECIAL Branch detective corporal Loh Kam Hong, 38, was shot dead by two suspected communist gunmen today while driving home after work. The gunmen, who had been waiting on a scooter near his home In Lorong Three. Hlllr Oarden. escaped after firing several
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  • 61 1 TOKYO, m The Bank of Japan today rcaumed Intervention to support tha pro* selling an catL-nalad L'SWO million .311 Jo million during the morning, banking sources said The support point was unchanged at 301 00 yen to the dollar, at which level the central bank sold
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 35 1 LONDON. Prl- Britain i National Health Servtc* today faced IU worst crisis atatoo It bagan In 1»7« aa 30.000 hcspiul doctor* dactded they would treat only cmargancy eases In 10 days time. RruUr.
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  • 43 1 NKW YORK, m Dow Jones average*, based on flnt hour of trmdlnf on the New York Slock Exchange Jo Indus Mill down 2 11. JO tranap 170.W down O.M; IS uUU MB3 down 001; and «6 »tock» 2M4i down OSI UPI
    UPI  -  43 words
  • 39 1 NSW YORK. Frl Pint National City Bank lowered tv prime lending rate today to 7 per cent the lowest tn the Industry snd a reflection of the Federal Reserve Bank s easier credit snd monetary policies UPI
    UPI  -  39 words
  • 97 1 Britain's Labour MPs go on strike LONDON. Fri-MaWn •f taw raUaf Lafcoar rarty *mI oa atria* la Ih* artBaa fattta-— I taaa? as aagw Mr* ap g lofltapn solas* th* Ga»irwuli «kWm to asau a aaaior CaMavt lahwir to taaaay't fuaral of Uom. Fia— Tha aerial •orrtaos So*ntorrßvWnCulta bu4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 46 1 SAFETY KING S SHOES ON EARTH OIL- No Tte^Jl RESISTANT x^^TA B KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14 TEL *****1 ft *****7 ■or M G TRADING COMPANY 1M In Floor Go4d*n Mil* Tkoslro Towor Batch ■oa*'. Sin«apora 7 Tai 2******
      46 words
    • 121 1 SPORE IN 7-NATION SEARCH FOR OIL Pag, CHAMPAGNE and haga at Narta-Soath accord 2 CIA PLANNED second coming of Christ i FOl'B suspects In ear anaggUng ring detained 1« VSSV to ba mad? up of new eluba 11 -SINGAPORE opens way to Aaaaa market 19 BIX schoolboys admit theft af
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    • 81 1 6EIMANYS best Jt^^^^m FIRST IN FASHION nbermain Rr%ittertJ Trade Mark SOMETHING YOU MAY NEED ~s^g*^£g|.fcM gwawawal awawawawawawawawawß Kv' Oswaa^swaW^s^sw^HgigflßWafl f IF YOU LACK VITAMINS HVM U.S. BEIKLIN THE ONCE A DAY KjgSP -> WAYTORLLVOUR E LIH Ufc* REQUIREMENTS. .h^^mJ&JL It's a latest tonic scientifically Jwukli* prepared in America. Contains a
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 221 2 Lisbon Govt told to 'fulfil its duties' f ISBON, Fri— The EJ Revolutionary Council, Portugal's supreme political body, publicly rebuked the Government today and ordered It to fulfil its duties by returning to work pending a solution of the country s latest political crisis. The council also announced after an
      Reuter; AP  -  221 words
    • 57 2 JAKARTA, Fri. The former police chief •f Jakarta. BrigadierGeneral Siwirno, went on trial bet* today charged with complicitj In the abortive <i— mhlsl eoap la IMC. Chief jadfe Colonel Kemal Mahlaa said the trial weald take at least a month »ata«a of the complexity of
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 46 2 WABHINOTQN. Prl. Praident Port! today announced wide-ranginc regulations to end foreign bojrcotu acainat American* becauae of race, colour, r*Utlon. national origin or a». HU action appearad dlrect*ad at alleged discrimination by Arab countries againat firm* employing Java In the United State*. Ratitsr.
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    • 140 2 'Aussie ships sending food to rebels' JAKARTA. Frl. The Indonesian preas reported today that a number of Australian ■hipa are carrying food from Australia to indefendence flghtera In ortMgaeae Timor who are critically short of supplies. The English language Indonesia Times Identified two of the ships as the Lanaey, which
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 411 2 Champagne, hugs at NorthSouth accord SA'GON. Frl L J^ WEEK-LONG conference on the reunification of North and South Vietnam ended in agreement here today with the delegates drinking dMßgpagnc toasts and exchanging embraces. The 25 member delegations from both sides stood up and drank toasts in French champagne v the
      Reuter; UPI  -  411 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 734 2 j FROM SHOPS all^^ V Singapore! 1976 CALENDAR SPECIAL OFFER i 20%0R50%0FF j q CYCsM(BT^«i (READWADE SHIRTS ONLY) j f^PVH >w I >3_aw*a^B^B^B^Bsak I "^H WwT I I 1976 Calendar yL I Wt for every I V "v purchase of j^~ kjerr i. sxitafl and above Cwm Dll ,^M ■•^^aw'
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    • 115 2 Christmas Decorations I vmksm 4MOrohafd Road. S4ngapo««T«l: *****6 V (OpanMon to Sal. •.30a.m. loSp.m W Fiupairtcfci Sup^martiat Arcada Ta4 *****5 ■F (OpanMon. lo Sal .9.30 a m lo 10p m jV Sunday*, 10a. m to 6p.m.) ■^m ar sa^aßaaßaaßaaavaßaaM at v^"^»^^^'^^^^^^»^^^ -j. j NOTICE i XJewelrama'7s v Due to unforeseen
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    • 300 3 Miami. Fri. 4 STUDENT, selz- ed while pointing a toy gun at Mr. Ronald Reagan, is due to appear before a magistrate today j on charges of inter- ferlng with a Presidential candidate and ass a v ltlng a federal officer. Michael
      Reuter; UPI  -  300 words
    • 106 3 WASHINGTON. Fri There is no way short of global war. famine or plague to prrvrnt the world's population from duubling in thr nest 5t j Mars, thr chairman of the President's council on environmental «ua Illy said yesterday. l)r Russrll Peterson said thr nations of
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    • 40 3 WASHINGTON, Frt. A ao«t to cut USM mutton (BSIS mutton) from the Admlnntrauons U8«l»4 million B*4*9 million) request for ateurttr littnn to IndrmiU was narrowly defeated yotUrday in Urn Hodm of Ryuiowiif tlvw International reUUoni committee UPL
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    • 156 3 BEIRUT, Friday LEBANON'S latest ceasefire appeared to be In danger of collapse today after being broken by heavy fighting In which 18 people were killed yesterday 9 lice sourcei who ted the death ton roads in some area* of Beirut were unsate and that
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 161 3 Growth of GNP in US fastest in 25 years fr^ASHIMOTON. Ftl. America's economy and corporate profit* In the third quarter grew at the fastest rate In more than 25 years, the US Commerce Department reported yesterday. The rapid Improvement caused one of the largest revisions ever made In preliminary estimates
      UPI  -  161 words
    • 190 3 LONDON. Frl fiABOUNE Kennedy V> threw a cap of water at a newspaper photographer who was trailing her. the Dally g tanas reported today. The Express said the "splash and ran" eneo«■ ter ocearred when Mrs. JaeaaeUne Onaasss' 17 year old daaghter MPPi* oat of
      AP  -  190 words
    • 410 3 Israeli religious students victims of attack TEL AVIV. Friday ARAB guerillas from Syria attacked a border settlement last night, killing and wounding several religious students, the military command said. They beat one student with a hatchet and intended to carry him back across
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    • 276 3 'Russians backing away from US deals NEW YORK. Friday npHE Soviet Union la running out of hard currency and backing away from deals with American companies that call for cash payments between now and 1977, Business Week magazine says. The magazine, In its Dec. 1 edition, said thcash shortage had
      UPI  -  276 words
    • 167 3 European Reds put off summit to 1976 r^AST BERLIN Frt. Vj Europe's communists have put off until next year their plan of holdIng a European communist party conference. The decision resulted from co n t lnulng differences over political strategies Following a two-day meeting here, that ended on Wednesday night,
      NYT  -  167 words
    • 38 3 »WW DELHI Frt A croup of 103 wi— ihmM fu*rtllM of the banned Mud National Army ha* wmndtt*d to the authorttta* In tho MraUgtc north l«n> bordar territory of kOaoram. ■ovcrnsMDt officiate said y—Hiday. Rcutrr
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    • 34 3 saXJOU Frt. Thai Amiga Minister Chantchai Cboonhavan win arrlwt bar* on Nov. M kr i four -day oOetal vMt tor tafcs wMh hu Karaaa counterpart, k*Ktm Dong-Jo. U» Ponsgn Ministry annonntad today.—
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    • 40 3 COLOMBO, m— Prune Minister 81rlma Banfiarsnslfce ha* invoked emergency regulation* to crack down on profiteers who violate price control* on synthetic textile* Under the regulations. violators can be fined and Imprisoned up to five years.— AP.
      AP  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 We supply electrical cables for SHIPS INDUSTRIES I m 35l Bnf vj •^UIC^BSIM We have stock! Our unique link-up with Anixter International of U.S.A., the electrical cable specialist, ensures you of faster, easier and cheaper supply. We have a comprehensive inventory of electrical cables for all types of application, particularly
      140 words
    • 599 3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (Professional Engine**) Negotiable above $1800 pm kj S9 <^ n Of Singapora'Svmost significant capi- II \mM tal o°ods industries engaged in tha field I \§f§\ electrical generating equipment is I I seeking tha services of a professional Kfl H engineer The parson appointed will take II 183 n|
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    • 99 4 Runaway MP: Britain is sick LONDON Kri Politician John >/>nrhou»*. who faked h>i own death a rear ago, and Is awaiting Mai for alleged Iraud told thr House of Commons yesterday that Britain was a sick nation. The ex-Labour Mi ■Met •>( fo»t» criticised strikes and what he rallrd "Mafia
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    • 474 4 ...UNLESS K DIVULGES U.S. SPY WORK WASHINGTON. FM J)ESIMTE an appeal by President Ford, the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee voted yesterday to press ahead with three contempt of Congress citations against Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger. But committee chairman Otis Pike (Democrat, New York) said
      Reuter  -  474 words
    • 73 4 Indira blasts China NEW DELHI. PH. Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Oandhl. on a visit to the strategic border state of Blkklm. yesterday accused China of hostile activities on India's borders. The Prea» Trust of India, reporting from the Sikklm capital of Oangtok. quoted Mrs Oandhl as saying at a rally
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 28 4 TOKYO. Frt. Cmperor Rlrohlto today braved rainy weather and strong protests by political, labour and religious groups to honour Japan** war dead at Yasukunl Shrine. UPI.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 796 4 WASHINGTON. Frl fHE CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) spent five years plotting to assassinate Cuban Prime Minister Fidel (.'astro and even considered staging the second coming of Christ to overthrow him, according to a report by Senate investigators. A string of bizarre plans to topple
      Reuter; AP  -  796 words
    • 277 4 Malik: US bases not needed JAKARTA. Friday FOREIGN Minister Adam Malik said yes--1 terday the likeliest role for America in South-east Asia is to help maintain stability but that no US military bases are needed in the area to do so. •The best role of course for tbe United States
      AP  -  277 words
    • 21 4 •OTA. Frt.— Thrse «artl> trtmors within 10 minutes ■book the Nsdl-L»uu*» tm of western FIJI todar No damage reported—Reuter.
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    • 176 4 Judge tells accused: Lower your pants OALVBSTON i Texas >. Frt. The 24-year-old plaintiff in a raoe case testified the only unusual physical characteristic she noticed about her attacker was that his sexual organs were undersized 8o th« judge ordered defendant Jesse Ray Owni S7. to lower his panu to
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 90 4 HONGKONG. Frt. Chinese army doctors have developed aa artificial skin that has proved hlfhly if I > ssfml In treating barn victims, the New China News Agency (NCNA) reported The artificial skin has been In experimental «se for three years I with a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 DAILY Jpl Hj^^ i i Mis a, \m f I El m 7478T0 HONG KONGJAIPEIJOKYO Now; SIA offers you the only daily 7478 service to Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo. Our giant Boeing leaves Singapore at 8.45 each morning— except Thursday and Friday when it leaves at 10am. All services
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    • 185 5 Pertamina budget to be slashed next year JAKARTA. Frl— The Indonesian arsny newspaper Berila Vudba -aid today there would be a cat in Ibe budget of the 'iwned Pertamina oil company ne«t year. The paprr. which quotril 1.1 rn Hainan Hatnb. the l>e■awatal "th reorcanhWag the company ■aid that investifa--1
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    • 19 5 REYKJAVIK > Iceland I. Frl Ounnar Ounnanaon. urn of fctland's bnt known authors died today He >v m.—wi
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    • 365 5 WASHINGTON. Prl. JJMTED Statis ofticials said yesterday that Culm had sent 3,000 fighting men and ;i<l v iseis to Angola, to which the Soviet Union has shipped large quantities of arms in recent weeks in supjH>rt of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
      NYT  -  365 words
    • 269 5 TANKS OUT IN DACCA STREETS LONDON, Friday SOVIET-BUILT tanks are guarding the streets of Dacca as Bangladesh faces a fresh crisis arising from a threatened revolt in the armed forces, according to travellers arriving here from Dacca. An all-night curfew, from 11 p.m to 5 a.m., has been clamped on
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 37 5 VIBNNA. m bperu of thf Organisation of PKroteum R« porting Countrtca OPBOi mat today to itudy the effact of Inflation on oil tncoass A ipoi—s n at the OTK headqtatrtan ealltd Urn raartlng routtnt.— UFl
      37 words
    • 29 5 CATANIA <aicUjr>. Frt. Mount But exploded Into Uf* today with flaming tors erupting from a n*v opaning on Urn north iktt of Buropr* talleat and moat me-
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    • 86 5 Spaniards pay last tribute to Franco MADRID. Frt. Thoiuanda of Spaniards today began flUng put the body of Oeneral Francisco Franco as preparations went ahead for his funeral and the wearing In of his chosen successor. Prince Juan Carlos, as King of Spain Muffled In warm clothes against the morning
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • Briefs
      • 34 5 ITNITED NATIONS. Prl U —Algeria. In a formal note made public today, rejected as null and void the declaration of principles on a Spanish Sahara settlement which Spain. Morocco and Mauritania Issued last Friday.
        34 words
      • 28 5 OTTAWA: Many Canadians face tk* mwjiit of no ChrUtaaas aaall— and no Chriatsaaa bills —aa taw postal strike goes Into Its second ntontb with both atsV* standing ftram.
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      • 37 5 LONDON: British Foreign Secretary James Callaghan leaves tomorrow for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Persian Gulf oil sheikhdoms, seeking to boost British exports to the Middle East and to maintain Arab Investment in Britain, government sources said.
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      • 51 5 DIEBSELOORF: The proseeatfea today demanded a 15-yeat Jail sentence for alleged East German master say Gawater GaJUaaaae. •a trial here for treaNEW DELHI Prime Minister Indira Oandhl said last night she was confident India frontier with Bangladesh wou'd remain safe, and ruled oat any danger to India on Its northeastern
        51 words
      • 24 5 BUENOS AIRES: Army trooa* ■leva** aatsaawMe anU-fwertlla sweet*, seisin c a government ran strikebound Iron ore plant where 3*4 workers were arrested, officials saM.
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      • 46 5 COLOMBO: Sri Lanka's Tamil minority will try to create a separate Tamil state in the country as co-operation with the majority 81nhala community has become impossible. Mr. Samuel James Veluplllal Che 1 t a nayakam. 77--year-old leader of the Opposition Tamil United Front, said today— Agencies.
        Agencies  -  46 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 FOOT ITCH I Mgn uf Athletes' Fuol or othei funail infections Use Mycota ueam .md powdei for ettective treatment and prevention ■a >^aj MYCOTA THI ATMINT NTIOM AnottM* InMrnMional (xoduct •com fi&
      32 words
    • 220 5 I WE ARE SORRY We apologise for the present shortage of our Meyer modernised Chinese Wok due 9 to unexpected over-whelming demand. X The next shipment of Chinese Wok will A be available by end of December, 1975. W We thank our customers /f^JL^Mjgf^) f FORGET THIS REMINDER /I R
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1840 6 i Dsla 1 CENTRAL MALAYSIAN FINANCE BHD. PANGKOR ISLAND BRANCH MOVES TO NEW PREMISES TODAY r~\& CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE Ss^, WI m*«f HwkV I PERUTUSAN PEGAWAI g?<?> m^g^g^ J\ /g DAERAH DINDINGS g\ JF*\ PANGKOR ISLAND BRANCH BRIEF HISTORY OF CMF 2^ a^B^a^a^»^«^aa^a^B^»»»-a»a^B^B^B^Bi^B^B^i^»^B» Central Malaysian Finance and from that date, CMF
      1,840 words

  • 437 7 Call to freeze Asean trade barriers ECONOMIST last night called for /mg of all trade barriers, including t;iriJT tairriers, between Asean partneri lo ensure effective growth in regional co-operation. Speaking at the Economic Society of Singapore's annual dinner at Shangri-la HoU-l, Professor Llm Chong Yah, president of the society, said
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  • 33 7 THE Singapore Maritime Officers Union PMOUi will hold a two-day armlnar on Mlgaj and Role at Sea View ■lay and tomorrow at lpm Non-members arc Invited to attend the discussions tomorrow
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  • 75 7 THE number of mosquito breeding residences and construction sites dropped by 0 5 and three per cent respectively, compared to the previous fortnUht During the period Not 1 to 14. B.SM houaaa and 206 conUrucUon attea were aurreyed Of theae 212 realdencea (2 1 per
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  • 30 7 Receptionist courses TWO receptionist training counts will be conducted by Mr Hrnrv Mrycr a man agrmrnt consultaiit. at the YMCA Orchard Road, from Dec 11 Mr more detail*, ring »7m
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  • 27 7 MR Chua Chor Teck. chairman ol the Indiuuial Training Board will apamk at the Singapore Technical Institutes annual dinner at Hotel Equatorial tonight at I.
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  • 138 7 MAN HAD FACE CUT FOR NOT STANDING TREAT A LABOURER who refused to buy drinks for a couple. both strangers, had his face cut with broken glass by one of them. Tay Yam Sing. 26. was drinking at a foodstall ln Havelock Road on Wednesday at 10 30 pm when
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  • 69 7 POLICE want to contact the family of Mr. Ang Cheong. 67. an inmate of the Bushey Park Home, who died In the Singapore Oeneral Hospital on Wednesday. Ang. who was admitted Into the Home on Nor waa sent to the hospital after he bream*
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  • 92 7 Welder's plea to missing wife AWELDEK, Mr. Bert Chin Lai Kwong. M. is appealing to his wife to retarn home far the sake of their daughter. Mr. Chin said his wife. Alice Tan Choke Mol (above). 24. left their Qweenstown home on Oct. S, to visit her sister, but had
    92 words
  • 48 7 MEKBBRB of the Perumat Temple will donate blood at the temple in Serangoon Road mom low batwaan 10 am and 12 noon in conjunction with the SOth birthday celebration* of Bagna»an Shrt Sathya Sal Baba Mf'hf of the public art ■alcoma to donate too.
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  • 186 7 SAFE SUPERMART GOES INTO HOME FURNISHING THE Singapore Armed Forces Enterprises i SAFE i suDermarket at Dempsey Road has opened a home furtlshlng section as Dart of 1U expanding services to armed forces personnel and civil servants. Items In this section, opened about a week ago, can be bought on
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  • 108 7 $4 mil timber orders from EEC nations rN Singapore basineaamen have secured contracts to supply five European hronomic Community (EEC) coun trie* with M million worth of timber products. They won the orders after a three week tour of Britain, France, West Germany. Belgium and the Netherlands. They were In
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  • 221 7 Education policies: Helping school heads keep in touch CJCHOOL principals may O keep abreast of education policies and suggestions of politicians with the help of a yearly publication to be produced by the proposed Singapore Educational Administration Society (SEAS). The collatloa of speeches on education is one of the main
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  • 21 7 ALJUNIID community centre will organise a children's fancy drew competition at its premurs on Dec. at 7JO p m
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  • 16 7 THE BAT Armour Band will perform at tht National ThasUrt grounds tmumrow at iJOpjr
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 33 7 gggF^^aCVl ggV^e^E^S !?i alggggdai V I m y 19 a 1 Vfl DEAF! CHKO iXxSItXI lAa*MOMtS -»tt. mm »v •<• <•>«• Mm, >. .^.'.^utiigoM, <•«• tm I II i mUM U«>IIOISI CO m ira, mm. i*a. Nn
      33 words
    • 405 7 SONY Buy a Trinitron color tv NOW and join Sony "Carry on grabbing" Within 30 minutes, just ■|UflH fllbg^ggggggß grab as much as you want, at Yaohan Supermarket, the more the merrier, all on Sony's U^ account. You are also entitled P^^^^^l to participate in the o<* "BIG BONUS OFFER"
      405 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 259 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS <S> 1 Crusadfr upset the three. 7 Run U P blll »»"> one's •Hhcul l»-ve <». J. •> •>■«• <•> D«er from Eastern coun- l 0 lh noli«» she makes. l, y si with munry on rold ,tindt Cc -metic speakers found r<l »hat keeps us
      259 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 290 8 I lw MESSAGE FROM: MR. ERNEST CHEN If tJ managing director y-W BLACK CAT I^^mm^^ STATIONERY j^ m TECHNICAL CO. PTE. m\ mm M m LTD I EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES I Black Cat Stationery Technical Co. Pte. Ltd. has served many from their student days right through to attaining their
      290 words
    • 537 8 ADVERTISEMENT In keeping with Singapore's move towards a skilled and sophisticated population, Black Cat Stationery Technical Co. Pte. Ltd. has now moved into new, spacious and modern premises and has established a service Company namely, Executive Communications Services. In a chain of source and extenevents. the slgni- sion of imaginaficant
      537 words
    • 245 8 with best wishes to EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES on the occasion of their official opening from: Mr» On 9 Lai rSrtf Mdm Aw Sook Ying Mrs L.H. Theon Mm Nellie Chen Mr*. Koo Kok Kum Mcsira Unitort Shipi Service* Mmn. Tan Jin Chwee &Co Pte i Ltd Mettrt. Lion Hoe Furniture
      245 words
    • 136 8 WITH TMI COMPLIMENTS Of TOM J[ LITHO No 17-1, Ti.trton Urn, oH Killinay Rood, Singapore 9.) T.I *****15 *****80 Eiprrtt OHt«t Prinfing. Inttont Bromide* OH »et Film Piatemoking We arc the oHiciol printer of Hack Cat Co Pte Ltd Congratulations to Black Cat Stationery Technical Co., Pte. Ltd. on the
      136 words

  • 235 9 Witness seizes film from newsman's camera A WITNESS in a criminal 1n t Unidation case yesterday exposed a roll of film from a Btraita Times) cameraman shortly after he took a picture of the accused The man earlier blocked photographer Hairis path at the entrance of the new Subordinate Courts
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  • 50 9 A STIVEDOR* Tan Hock Leng. was yoMarday Jailed for four months with six strokes of the roUn for having bearing scraper on July 10 A rlerk. Ho Cbeng Soong. who was with nun. was also jailed for two month* with six strokes of the rotan
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  • 430 9 Accord on regional venture SINGAPORE and six other Southt;isl Asian coontries have agreed to launch a joint research pro gramme for massive offshore mineral and oil exploration and development on a regional co-operative venture basis. This agreement was reached at a meeting of
    430 words
  • 134 9 Admen 's $1,500 gift to university rE Advertising Media Owners Association has presented a cheque for 11.500 to Nanyang University to buy books on mass communication. Mr Soil Talyarkhan. the association's past president who presented the cheque to Dr. Wong Soon Chong. a Nantah lecturer. on Thursday said It was
    134 words
  • 227 9 Last of the gangland assault suspects held IflE Crlmlt«l lavcsUffttlon Dep*rtm*nt baa ar.ested a man. ■■efiirt>i v be *nc of the r»»wiit k**dheaw rtti»nri>h l«r a spate »f gß«thiM aaeaaMa, rte4tefts and criminal intimidation In hoteb la tkr Or chard B«*4 area. Us arrest we alter a year of >ih>—
    227 words
  • 214 9 $10,000 surprise for man who 'forgot all about it' ENCIK Abdul Rahlm bin Daud, 41, found bis "pot of gold" quite unexpectedly— at the end of a donation draw. Knclk Rahlm. a security supervisor and P> ther of eight, bought a few tickets for the Red Cross UTS Donation Draw
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  • 55 9 MR. Uo Kirn Whang ha. bom elected chairman of the OonsraUon Workers' branch of the Public Dally Rated Beetrical Workers' Onion, (or lmVTt Other official* arc: Man S. Oovtndasamy rice-chair-man > K. KaoiahHitn fafancc •ecretaryi. Anthony Buppan (assistant sseretaryi. Oovtadasasay Rajagopal (treasurer). Rahmat btn Budl (assistant treasurer)
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 556 9 With only $77— monthly for 18 months this Trinitron is yours C% KVIBO2ES I! With a very small amount of down payment, you can bring this Trinitron color tv home and the rest, you pay only $77.50 monthly for 18 months, here are some suggestions. From now to Nov., stop
      556 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 252 9 Bringing Up Father »y aMM **v*ms»gH afc C*mp /-5 BEEN jp'N/'nOu SK3OLD H*t^ I fvVMO CMGE I--WKI IT BACK T<2a™^l attc \Tv*%3** rr our// AeXxn" srvi§ \m, you It** TO TV* j S^^^E^^l Blonajf »y Chi« Young *.~r 00 YOU <*A*l SoCM "J I MEY.' COMC SACkV z*" 4 iTSTOOftAO
      252 words

  • 149 10 Sheares rejects clemency pleas for Pte Liew MfUMDtNT Shear** I has re)cct*4 tw« clemency pleas i ummutr the death wnlfnof on Private Urw Ah Chew (abeve) for hit murder of his platoon romaunder. Uew* lawyer. Mr Richard Laycoek. said rday that be had fllrd one plea on hU rlirnts behalf.
    149 words
  • 52 10 I HE Singapore Institute of Management (SIMi will conur«t on import aad export practice tn Mandarin every Saturday from Doc. 30 to Peo 21 at the SIM conference room In Thong idlng. ScotU Road. -•<• v SIM for members and SIM foe other* tow must be submitted
    52 words
  • 355 10  - 3 suspects in car smuggling ring detained PAUL WCt •y RACKET involv i n g the smuggling of 100 stolen cars worth $500,000 from Singapore into Malaysia has been uncovered following the arrest of three men over the past few days. According to Informed vjurcei lut night, the racket tv
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  • 22 10 A PIOWBR airansjoßMßt court* will be bold ovary wn« and from Sunday, at Btaatty Secondary School ayfiiraUiMi Board centra. PHUOO
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  • 240 10 PROTEST BY 200 AGAINST PAY PACT DELAY MORE than 200 workers employed In two Insurance firms staged a show of union solidarity yesterday to express dissatisfaction over the delay In concluding a common collective agreement for them. The workers milled outside the offices of Oreat Eastern Life Assurance and American
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  • 222 10 LOLA Hacaaa has always had eJrews fever la her Maaw. As a MtUe g*rl she was already trying ea* the traawae la her father's strews shew la Caara. Frees there she aaoved •a to mfsm as the daring yemng
    222 words
  • 45 10 PA youth cyclethon MR La* Wai Kak, director of the people Ajaoclation. will flag off the PA Cycktthon orgmnlasd by tbt PA t nsaiwial Youth Council (Worth) at the Canberra community centre on Not M at IMijd A total of M 0 Bi—hira win parttctpat*.
    45 words
  • 254 10 Fine and ban on m-cyclist who tried to flee A MOTORCYCLIST Ignored a traffic policeman's signal to stop when he was speeding along Nlcoll Highway, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Instead, he tig -tagged through the path of other vehicles and cut through red traffic lights at three junctions In
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  • 213 10 30 pc jump in exports of electronic goods TU electronics Industry enjoyed a 30 per cent growth In exports to overseas market*. Including America and Burope. during the third quarter of this year The growth In exDort* over the Industry's performance during the •econd ouarter of 1975 Is attributed mainly
    213 words
  • 48 10 MR. OUILLERMO D Luchangco has been alsttsd president of the Havard Club of Miiqihhi Other offlcUU an: Missri Zee Yao-Poo (vice-prastdent). Anthony S.C Teo decretary). W Oage McAfee (treasurer) and Mlcheal H. Bronnert Chung Kek Choo. Lye Khaj Pong and Robert B. Sheet*, (committee members)
    48 words
  • 293 10 J^ DEPUTY public prosecutor yesler day hit out at defence witnesses for an ex-detective accused of intimidating a lawyer, saying they were "evnsivc" and that they answered questions "only when it was convenient for them to do so." r DPP Lawrence Ang. In
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  • 170 10 BUKIT BATOK WILL HOUSE 10,000 rpHE Housing and Devek lopment Board's new Bukit Batok estate In the Rural West sub-tone will have 1,877 flats for a population of about 10,--000 when fully developed by 1978. This new estate, coverIng a 13.03 hectare site north of Princess Elizabeth estate, will be
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 302 10 S v A/W #f fM#%lm M MONSAT: 9 A.M. 8 P.m/^^L S \*v >A/^-laa*t 4f%m 111 W M I 1 SUNDAY: 10 A.M. -6 P.M. f /\Z^f watt ||P m IUI V \^L^AV afl I Th fvmbol your **•>"•"<* f complete satisfaction and confidence in your purchsss. -If VYOKrvV^f Q
      302 words

  • 798 11 By MASIE KWEE THE reconstituted Unl v c rslty of Singapore Students Union (USSTJ) will be made up of completely new clubs and societies under a statute to be drawn up by the University Council and enforced possibly by next July when
    798 words
  • 106 11 DR. Taxi Eng Liang. senior Minister of State (National Development), will open a two-day Welfare Carnival organised by the People's Association Regional Youth Cou nell Central at People's Park Complex at 2«S pm todrxy Highlight* of the carnival will be a Chlneet and KagUsh aaMteur taJenttme
    106 words
  • 25 11 THE Royal Cut nan and Kxcuc Dcptrunent. Jobon Baru will be clcmO on Dec looUm occMtoo of Hoi Al auxbum Sultan Itarmhioa.
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  • 189 11 Theft at bank: Two students jailed- TWO foreign students who tried to steal $1,000 from a counter at the Overseas Union Bank !in Grange Road on Nov. 17 were yesterday Jailed for 10 weeks each by a magistrate's court. Yeduwar Din Alamsah, 22, and Aziz bin Rifla. 24, both Indonesian*,
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  • 91 11 A WOMAN was slashed In the hand when she resisted an armed robber who took two vatches worth $200 from her flat In Telok Blangah Crescent on Thursday. Police said Miss Lee Tit May. 27. of Block 24. was asleep In her room when she
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  • 23 11 TOT Rochore Youth Oroup and Sport* Chib will hold a Social NIK at IU premises In Prtnsep Street on Dec. 6
    23 words
  • 11 11 THERE were 73 road accident*, three *erloui. on Thursday
    11 words
  • 373 11 Another $265,000 'pay up' order on owners The Halycon Isle case TWO judgments for a total sum of $265,097 L and costs were granted by Mr. Justice Window yesterday In connection with a High Court case concerning a tanker, Halycon Isle. This brings the gross amount of outstanding Judgments In
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  • 234 11 Cop who took $20 bribe gets 6 months ATBAFfIC police coMtakie was Jailed for six tasilhs by a cistriet eoeirt y esterday%fter he was fo«nd nlMy of accepting *2i bribe from a terry driver as an Inducement not to revert a traffic offence against him. The emu* heard that the
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  • 27 11 THE piano pupils of Victor Douett MUete Studio* will hold their annual concert at the Cultural Centre today at I pm. and 7 30 p.m.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 107 11 do DESIGN 14 DESIGN 29 wP^ SIZES 4-» before $786 HOW >s.°° SIZCS 3-7 before $IO.BQ- nO\rV 9 >fc^/ fr r-m il n Iw^lsbHl design ci PC] 35 pesiGN 31 J^ <\ SIZCS 10-I' i -esi3BQ now|9.OO I SIZES 3-7 before $15.90 now $g,OO jl .fC DESIGN 62 />W 4t>
      107 words
    • 594 11 SPECIAL OFFERI One Salad Bowl Free with every tin of Golden Drop Pure Corn OH. Now at Cold Storage Supermarket, Orchard Road from 21st to 27th. November. DDIrwaCC When you cook with Golden Drop Pure Com Oil, you K3aVVLl^r\3*3 can be Jure that the full natural flavour at your !>.•
      594 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 322 12 BBBBBBBBBBrrtI^iTTTfBBiBRaBBBaB] 2 shows at r Am cuflwiiirf a**, woo:--%7 00ft*)0.m|\|UVf AHUflllHllcMM^ $10* J i Odeon Theatre: M MbiM Tni(k 4 WiniH Nkw TMMrnw Urn. I^b. Leung Shin Poha K7 'STRANGE PV j: j^KT-^ OOVSSEY* Afl:i JURONG DRIVE M CINEMA aid ORCHARD SIBIhIVMH NMJBifBt TMIfll 1 J I; arnßi' LIANO TIEN
      322 words
    • 85 12 •aMM Oty 1 41. 4. 7 4 tjt M.Vtetary I M 1 M.7 M 4 tj* A M>mca< >■»■ «<»«■ fmiifi fi! ij- J^l^wTi Omm WMRki A a. atta^B^ at 1H.1N.71«J1 r>. IfiSft ffl Rv T«-Mt*t MißMfht ft Ta-Marraw Marataf thaw a* 11.00 a.m. A. fiiian rlrumi *^p* www khbwi
      85 words
    • 177 12 al B^i^Bml a™ HL: bV* n «afl r R COMFORT INSIYU Hille Polypropylene Chain are a complete seating programme designed for every requirement. Tested for strength and time, that is why over 4 million are in use throughout the world today. And because Hille comfort is moulded in style. See
      177 words
      302 words
    • 279 12 fid KM! lltk Kinlii! MY! I Simultaneously at 2 Theadres I 9ni!Eßp3 -iomtwriw m\a BB^JBi AnaU t NC\rV film... tA PJRPORT 1976 j ■MBS I; ■IB BrIBB MMBI HBI rBIBSJ MM 1001 1 aiai imiiibdbi la m*jmw*m I: rVtu^ mj Qnmmo ln<fnotioooi Coyoiotioo g LIDO:4tbWEEk-26th DAY! 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11
      279 words
    • 530 12 £jjCftTHftV EttliBAHtSAT»ll> HOW SHOWINC' 2 at 7 K^I STRAN« OOYMI "Qand of Jutio Pgo) Lwjng Shm P^ CotorScco* Mooaoim Englnrt SvAt i Jurong Ortv^-ln Cmemo jrd V mf» Tonight' J TM« RUNNIMC MOT Colo. L.ndoMo in Canton*** Engird i.y MS OAT" M**v* V4s+v Tan*** Itaaa, a.M. at*. IN^. C o»H
      530 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 167 13 TH£AT;i£ HE^mUAANT Nfr =-GLU3 PfimfSULA HOTEL 4th FLOOR COUMAN STREET. SINGAPORE 6 TEL *****7 1 '^■r^^Bß blbw VV^ m B^Bl k. -<S B^""\ i^^^^^^bbT '.W^- V« YaW «^C^^^S:-.CXi^ 3«*^- jrittk-l a\ b^bV 7\^ XX-^ theatre Cabaret flP^ I9JLUtVjFUU/^7nite-ClubPte.lxtd.^Q P^ HCriEL ROYAL -WAMAOA IST FtOOW.M«WTONWOAa BtWoA> TEI *****1 EXT. HO Congratulations
      167 words
    • 102 13 The Society 0/ The (ftoyal (Flmh Dancing nightly to The Adaptors and The Society of The Royal Flush. Saturday thru Thursday 9 p.m.- 2 a.m. Friday, Saturday and Eve of Holidays 9 p.m. 3 a.m. DRESS INFORMAL < Qmant/amt\ \oJtmtwwf Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel: *****1. IS SHISEIDO GOLDI ELLOW
      102 words
    • 331 13 Wred house SNACK BAR-SEA FOOD Look what we have In store for you this time! lIPsS^JJ At the RED HOUSE RED HOUSE RESTAURANT 512, 13m5. UPPER EAST COAST ROAD SINGAPORE 16 j Z /j The best doesnt have to Z iouo costthemostatthe I «un, tbr 3 Z 1 barodies Orchid
      331 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1975
    • 377 14 rE current edition of the Singapore Undergrad. organ of the University of Singapore Students' Union, Jays of the forthcoming reconstltutlon of USSU: The proposal to 'change' USSU makes a mockery of the law and the Parliament, and is an Insult to the people's Intelligence. No one can
      377 words
    • 236 14 SHORTLY after announcing his candidacy for President. Mr. Ronald Reagan rang the White House to assure Mr Ford that he would not make him a target during his campaign, and that he would stick to the political issues. Whether he does or does not, the fact is that
      236 words
  • 459 14 THE true and th* falte TO spot one out from the other can be deceptively difficult nowadays. Had it been otherwise, many of us would not hare In recent times/years have fallen easy prey to others who 1 passed off as gentle men
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    • 105 14 Tourists who jump queue for Sentosa cablecars MY FRIENDS and I wept to Sentosa by cablecar on Not. 17. On our return there was a big crowd In an orderly queue at the Sentosa terminal. It was around 245 p.m. when a group of tourists Jumped the queue and were
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    • 69 14 If the organisers of the tourist group had to meet a tight schedule, they should have either cut the visit short or be at the terminal a little earlier. If the practice of granting special access to the cablecars must go on. I suggest that a special entrance be made
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    • 77 14 SINCE many fires are caused by ihort circuit and if circuit breakers are effective, may I suggest that the Public Utilities Board consider regulations for the compulsory installation of a circuit breaker to every electrical Installation. The PUB can order In bulk and charge consumers at cost and allow them
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    • 51 14 11/E THANK your writer TT "Pumping Mad" (B.T, Hot. 14> for letting us know that the water pump at Block 83. Marine Drive, was defective. The time-switch of the pump has since been repaired and adJusted and the water pump is now functioning normally. CHONG WEE UAN (Mrs.). Senior P.R.O
      51 words
    • 61 14 UTS THANK Reglna ff Wont (S.T, Nov. 14) for drawing our attention to the road sign which has been tampered with. It has been removed by the Roads Branch of the Public Works Department. A new sign is being fabricated and will be erected v soon as it v ready.
      61 words
  • 633 14 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the Sew Strait* Times, Malaysia. SOHi good points and many bad ones have been made in the current budget debate Mr Lew Sip Hon brought up a most relevant matter when he (tressed the need to make *ure that the Government's revenue-cel-lertinf
    633 words
  • 943 14  -  SURIN RUANGDEJ: By Betong (South Thailand) THAI military offl- clals are asking villagers in commun-ist-dominated areas of southern Thailand whether they would like Thailand to be a second Vietnam. The question is relevant for large areas of the 35.000 square-mile-area have
    AP  -  943 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 333 14 <■ v Behind each Tonka Toy there's a world of difference! Because they last and last FOREVER Ltt m J A iitaasssul** Trade Enquiries VVelrome. /C^V LEE TECK COMPANY \^f U* Icy DuJuUn. HJJjf 5? L.mtook. S.n^wxM* 19«Tn *****8 aaw CeW»: "LITTLeTOvrHighlights for today How tithe collection for last year
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  • Business Times
    • 270 15 F NANCE Minister Hon Bul Sen may decide not to make public the inspectors interim report on the affairs of Haw Par Brothers International as soon as It Is received. When he receives the report the Inspector. Mr PO. Orundy, had
      270 words
    • 35 15 LONDON: Anglo-Thai Corporation chairman Mr. RJ>. Outhrie haa resigned. He will be replaced by Mr. EJ>. Heath Other new members appointed to the board are Messrs T. Hughes and E. F. Studd— Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 264 15 Atlantic Assets at bottom of investment league TOR the second r year running, Atlantic Aaeto, the Iv• r y and Slme managed trust which holds seven million Haw Par shares, Is at the bottom of the British investment trust league, according to the Economist. And iU latest peer a*rformaoee haa
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    • 173 15 Banker opposes with-holding tax in HK HONOKONO: Chnrtered Bank Hongkong chief manager David HWar said bankers view the prospect of a dlvl-d-nd withholding tax in Honckcns: with considerable alarm. He told the quarterly dinner of the Exchange Bank's Association, of whfceh he is retiring chairman, that the association Is deeply
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 489 15  -  MARTIN LIM By ALL the setback suffered by Rothmans of Pall Mall (Malaysia) In 1974--75 came from its Malaysian operations, according to the annual report which shows the pre-tax profits of the parent company tumbling SS.S per cent to M 57.3 million.
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    • 551 15  - Resurgence of activity in Eurobond market... SON TIANQ KCMQ By a two-year lull arising from tight money conditions, the Buro bond market staged a sparkling recovery this year. In the first nine months of this year, new Eurobond Issues amounted to US$6.5 billion compared to $1.4 billion during the previous
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    • 124 15 WAH Chang International Corp., s New York-based company with engineering and electronic manufacturing operations here, Is to market marine dteaal engines tor the Swedish Axel Johnson group throughout South-east Asia Under an sgrssnisni to be signed on Tuesday. Wah Chang win marrrt and provide engineering services
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    • 352 15 UPS AND DOWNS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES TWO large British Insurance compi nlet have reported disparate performances for the first nine months ended September 1975— a1l due to the extent of underwriting losses Incurred. One Is Royal Insurance which reported a 638 per cent Jump in pre-tax profits to £23.6 million,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 338 15 Whatever air conditioning system you choose. Johns-Manville Insulation Technology can make it more efficient. I i^n Johns-Manville Singapore (Private) Limited IfkTll 19 Pioneer Road. Jurong Town, Singapore 22. hjßjW 1 vmoom w^»m Cwcw ov«* nh<« kk«n tar hrotn tx^lmt Omrm* SwK Haa LaaaW aam jS V am I aaaW Baa.
      338 words
    • 114 15 /NIPPON SKYACE INDOOR ANTENNA forFMVHF&UHF I Unique design for any room interior, /^.Telescopic twin gr /iv and Parabola /iv elements. >* B .y IpH FoonLoong ElcctronksCorpn. I ><>.. ISB turn >> \JJ < I Pru|>|ps P<<rk Shoppmq I oniplry I **********8 J| SIS(,AI'IIHI 1 WEAUIBEDCLEAIAIBI I AIB FILTERS GIVE YOU
      114 words

  • 210 16 PERTH: An Australian has come up with a building method which recycles empty drink cans, requires no bricks or aggregate, and can be built by mainly unskilled labour. Mr. Douglas Waddlngham. senior health and building surveyor of the Perth outer suburb of Kwlnana, has designed a
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  • 33 16 Another advantage of the wall |s that it helps to rid the country-side of drink cans. Mr. Wadaingham i local councilemployer Intends to juild several facilities from 40.000 empty drink cans. AIB
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  • 46 16 THE Commercial Union Assurance operations in Singapore will be moving into tLelr new premises In Commercial Union Building In April next year. Located at the corner of Robinson Road and Cecil Street, the 11--storey building, is currently In Its final stage of completion.
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  • 120 16 rE Swedish car manufacturer. AB Volvo has opened a US|* mlUlon ear assembly plant In Jakarta, its second In South-east Asia. The plant, owned and managed by its Indonesian partoer. P T lamac. waa completed early this year and the first cars rolled off the
    120 words
  • 169 16 PHASE ONE OF B.T. PLAZA NOW ON rl first phase of development of Buklt Ttmah Plasa baa started with the awarding of the contract to clear the site The contract, to do preliminary site clearance work for the integrated retail shoppl^ and residential project undertaken by Ocean Capital Properties, a
    169 words
    • 355 16 Xjl'W YORK. Tfaura. Baoefc prteee urtfted lower today In moderate trading, with Uw market ahowinc Uttie napotwe to mixed economic rrporta and continued uncertainty over the unm»ly<d New York City financial crUU. Aa the market opened. Uw Labour Department reported that the ronaumer prtoe lodes roae 0.7 per
      355 words
    • 145 16 A HSTIRDAM. Tbura.— A Dutch IntamaUonal* war* mind Aha* roae on lower than expected third quarter low reported yaatarday dealer, aald r alarm aaatd after a vary firm opening on parattant demand from abroad, but gained on balance ■nammi advanead foUowing mws of tha Brttatt atael ordar PkJMpa and
      145 words
    • 69 16 7URICH, Tbura.— Tha stock saarkat in Zurteto abowad an aettva partonnanea today on a alaitwty Inwwasaal mil— a of tndsßg. *Mr~* gf Hat anaatad SSSSka "Vooda waxa firm Tha Oradtt autaaa Mas gafeMd 1 point to IMS. OMaaas arliai Swwa faaaas wMk O» tttmmn m a»t pra- L p.
      69 words
    • 216 17 UONOKOrrO. Prl The market eased fuither on lack of toMToat la vary quiet U^Bng. dMawraged by the docllne on Wall Street overnight, osmlers amid Tno Bang Sang index closed IS* points lower st 311.14 after being I go down at 13J0 Turnover feD to HK43 IS million on the
      216 words
    • 93 17 TOKYO Ptl The market turned lower, with blue chips leading the decline discouraged by foreign selling dealers said The Dow Jones sverage dropped 1184 to 4.387 SI with a volume of 100 million shares rtie New index closed st 31SS8. down 1.33 MatawsklU Etactfit lost •even yen to 877
      93 words
    • 283 17 SYDNgY. Ftl The market closed hither despite late proflt-uklnr dealers said The Sydney All-Ordinaries Index rooa 4.8 points to ***** BHT rose IS cent* to ASS 80 but was two cents below the day's high Pas> isallaraial was 10 cents higher at 17 80 after an Initial gain of
      283 words
    • 166 17 TIMfi«l t MmMii U»t VII MMlMHWIII II? M 110.* LlMn HIM* III Z3« IMM 143 *M ■MTW IMM ■TlO Ml Jin Ml na mi na rtm iiin mid rn«*v Tiwxn H«n«kM> IUM MS M •>an 1J1 Ml l»B mi i;h IUIW rtport hm ia wnwitH ■TM* la I-
      166 words
    • 225 17 I"HE US unit took sharp fail yesterday at the Singapore forex market when it was quoted at S2 4700-00 Uncertainty over New York City s financial situation contributed mainly to the US dollar'! retreat. Trading was generally quiet and the market remained thin with the US unit
      225 words
    • 168 17 Su«i«*«d Interbank rataa at 100 pm Cmwlw NMUuI rmWt RblUimlii PMnttaii •■■tad yr*rt^«7 irmii parity chaa«* US dollar 2475S 2 4760 HIM 12 20 Sterling pound SO6lO ***** i J469 —1111 Hongkong dollar 49 JO 49 25 MM J.M UtUysltn dollar 96 25 MM 100 00 —175 Ami
      168 words
    • 163 17 ASIAN currency ctepoalt interbank rilM a« at cloa* on Not II NOTt: TbNt rfttca bmt differ iJlshtly from Utoat quotad by barju to Uiatr cxulomcn OUm BM 7 dan »S t mth 5 15 II 13 II 2 mthi IS IS 1 mthi 7 n mthi T
      163 words
    • 53 17 Prime lending rates (in kj«m«n« Bonk 7 ongkok Bonk onk of America 6 j ook o« Chino onk o» Tokyo 7 onk Nmoto Irvjorwt.o7 i onqu* 6* L'lndochin* 7 hort«r«d Bonk now Monhotton *S 6». Fint Chxogo FNCB HKS8C Moloyon Bonking Mittui Bonk OCBC CHJB UCI UMBC uoe 7 7
      53 words
    • 38 17 SUif*Por* dollars (or Nov 21 Oflrr BM Ovrrnlfht 4 14 4 1 1 mth 4 1 > 4 14 2 mthi i 5 t 4 12 1 v.U» 4 II It 4 11 1« iMit*: r. Marr»7-J*M«
      38 words
    • 43 17 RANGE of r«l». o«rr«t ft «U •Mat Mumi wi N«* 11. Oornlrtt 1|« Call «*p*s>t U% CIMMI TrM»urT bill lilt It/U 1-MoalK bank t, ii. 5 4 11 I Mmii CD 14 > M«!k ru III! I IM ni NiiMaai Dliwl C»
      43 words
  • 63 16 OROUP pre-tax proflU at Pan Malayan Holdings feU by 40 5 per cent to $1 03 million in the year ended June 107 S. Earnings are before profits of $406,253 on sale of property and long term Investments against nil last time. Despite the severe setback.
    63 words
  • 25 16 UNITED Malayan Floor Mills naj acquired 885.005 share* of MSI each in Bolex Oil tor caah. raising 1U total RrU/«ne; to two million aharea.
    25 words
  • 105 16 Federal Cables issues 1.3m. shares rjCB MaiajrsUn CapJtaJ lasuea Committee baa approved issue of 1.31 million rederml Cable*. Wlraa and Metal Manufacturing share* of Msl each, representing 10 per cent of Its Uaued capital, to bumlputra intereata. Hie aharea, to be issued at a price not exceeding the par value
    105 words
  • 73 16 THE r*ghu iaukt of M ***** million 10* per cent convertible unsecured loan stock 1975/lMa at pax by Harper OUflUan has been oversubscribed, according to the company in a letter to the Kuala Lumpur Btock ■ The issue, made on the baaU of $3 stock for every
    73 words
  • 392 16 I and P expects better results for 1976 AFTER reporting a S3 per cent setback In interim profits, Island and PenInsular Development expects io do better In the second half of the year ending March 1976. Blaming the mid-term earnings drop on the reees«lon. the chairman. Datuk Yeap Hock Hoe.
    392 words
  • 141 16 Singapore Oxygen Air Llqulde (SOXOD has announced the appointments of Messrs. Jrffery OUvelro and Martin Lek. as bulk gas sales man- agers. Mr. Victor Han equipment sales manager. Mr. Thomas Vow welding products manager. Mr Gary Oon medical and dental products manager. Mr. Andrew Chia fire protection
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 251 16 Thero are two modern types of Starlite blinds to choose from in an attractive range of colours and patterns. I As an Authorised \*t -tv^T L_m*Vw Starlite Dealer, we MJbl^KkftiF^' will be pleased to -vftfy measure and quote ZIIIIBBpfB free of charge and with no obligation Call us at *****9
      251 words

      • 50 17 X. l/rtaa 1 P41 I teak ML W«kt rwmte law* P»k. MlM M l»< L TiIiiii L R«r» *ftfe»a( >Jt H«M. KM un IIH ll.M till MM lira I7U 11 1 MM II •Lit fl.M II. 7J —.It •7 .M .M .M —M —M —M —M —M —M .as
        50 words
      • 20 17 Sane Daroy MI.SOS V. a ft. 1418*8 141 SOS 1 nJm Tatal Tmao—: LNM Toasl Vaiat: SSJHI
        20 words
      • 16 17 EL Orr. Or*. I D»rby t J Awl Ira 11 M Ml* MM I1M r.
        16 words
      • 65 17 t B.T. tain: ItlJt ItlJI l««1itih: ttUI Mil i nwu smm mvi 1 IMrii IM.M IM.II Fl»p>l«l»: IU.W 1«>.«7 t Ttes: Nil Mil t I I rtMi«: IW-M SILSI O.CJ.C: MSJt MUI t SXJ. HLM tUJi ft tea. I. IMS 1M Dm. M. IM4 IM t Otc SI. 1M«
        65 words
    • 1455 17 -T-HX laM transacted ready 1 1 aai* at trw clot* of buslneas on the Stock fikchana-e of 81na;spnre vestcrtlay compared with trie previous dajr's pOcea totether with l»7i blajh and Adjtuted (or srrlp nctiU issue > •raauaa awaaaas i*a a. a v i ji 170 I.ST MaiakaaT
      1,455 words
    • 400 17 LACK of boiylag interest ae* the trcsjsl at tß* llajgßßtt sssah aaaraet yesterday on aa BaSter Mas. This waa tka (aorta e»a»st.tlTO day af oweMaw. Thai heart*, ton la aenUaseat waa partly attributed I* Ike reeeat isBM of a IMS BBltaon laaa stack by the Singaaare G*veranaeat.
      400 words
    • 1192 17 BID and offer prtcee cf flcUUy and buatnOM In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with trie number of shares traded •ho w n In bracket* In lots of 1.000 units ui.ieas otherwise specified All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after Betl
      1,192 words
    • 902 17 BID ii.d offer prtcoa of totally and btutneM In to Utc Kuala r number of rtdtd ahown In •0 unlta. ■:.«».< apecifled. KOUITIIItLI AM O'- OM. a... a...t 0 47 C 0 lIHIHWi 4 M. 4 U l >•• C IN > ll) ■19 OMB> f ciau> li
      902 words
    • 59 17 K.L. Summary Falls Bam Etwu I ft 00 PMJIX IU T and N. nu OCJC I 7.M Barjuntal now COM. n PJtC. I 1M ENX I T« RUB* (TM > IN Duntop Ind. TIM P Csfata 14* MMT BT.P. AM rm iru. jjo M. Bulk (M Aim*. Knt I IU
      59 words
    • 290 17 Trading in KL remains sluggish rntAOINO remained 1 sluggish at the Koala Lumpur Stock exchange yesterday with narrrw price changes attending must shares Interest was centred on a handful of stocks in moderate trading. Turnover shoved a slight improvement to 1.48 million units valued at S3 3 million compared with
      290 words
    • 115 17 US$23 mil loan for Poseidon Marine pOSHDON Marine Transport hu aigned an agreement tor a US$23 million Asian dollar consortium loan arranged by the lead manager. SingaporeJapan Merchant Bank. The tevra-yrax loan carries an Interest rate of 13/ il 3 /i per cent above the three or six months Singapore
      115 words
    • 35 17 MELBOURNE: The Herald and Weekly Times cut Its ordinary dividend for year ended September 1975 to AI3.S cents from Ift cent* a share. A final 7.S cents Is payable on Dee. IT fteuter.
      35 words
    • 107 17 punors ma Bs»Ut u»4oa wtiM UB k*a Mi— ll MOMc ea Taiaoa/ Bath HftJtoMj rtfjii Bkmsttty aa TW.S.J Illllim bs BMC QaataiMaa la W/mMi <BetM4UI ■lin ataiaa van aaaat ITM OaMJ kafara. (ÜBI IT TI kmi iraiil: Hey (ÜBI IT mv aattSTa. lUll ITM/IT mv traaW: Dm. lUSi
      107 words
      • 240 17 qrHK Strait* On price to an official offering oown M toot to 2M tons. The overnight London metal price aaw registered a decline with forward buyers quoted fS» tower to am per metric ton. LONDON: Tin declined by around CIS per tonne for Cash and CU for Throe
        240 words
      • 35 17 Lan4on eavevr anew an Thun ear i»ri»Uaa la araakau) Wiraaar Saat barar fftTO M US7S). aallara ISTI iI»T»Mi. Tarw Month aujrrr (Ml JO |1S*»1. aallar I6M (i3S».M) arkal Im: ai*a«r •aM*: HIM laaaaa
        35 words
      • 469 17 The Singapore rubber market j oaf day trended mixed and uncertain during the morning on pre-weekend adjustment Although opening prices were marked down. sellers were reserved and Thursday's closing price* wore eventually paid At one stage. RBB One Dec touched a high point of IMM cents per kilo
        469 words
      • 100 17 pkAJLY SMR and MR prlcw liMMd at uoon jftatdAJ MJLtX.*. (CwnmAMtk) iTmwriUtk) BMR »CV (1 too paltet) ***** IU.OON IMOO 1M 00N SMR 5L (1 ton p»U»l> ***** 151.00N ***** 15J00N SMR 5 II ton palle-) 14T50 14IMM IUSO 149 SON MR 10 (1 ton P*Uk> 147
        100 words
      • 437 17 AQCNERAU.I ataa4tar waak •alahai wltk aa avarall a4vaact of thrat crau far aaartoy afitr a Miilai af Bra aaau kao baaa nlaai Im •axlMr aoMaaau. m wm* at IMaaa Mrt •wUMllai lattarty aa t>» >r«^ ntH< an« UM aMlaak kaaaaM aa «rui> ravaru BMMay CMlar aa4 Batk
        437 words
      • 29 17 Baboer Nov. n. Stegaaare: Dee. MM sts (aaea). MaUysU: Dee. ltt.M eti (aa 8 M et). Tla IMS (down niM). Oaastal offering: tM tons (oown S5 toas).
        29 words
      • 107 17 Chimiii »aoouos si CMAHQi •ixoAraai aaoa CLOatno paicai »ia viewt. VSITSBOAV CaaaaaM OMi Balk iH't aHlan. aM «ram SS7', aalton. a«w s*3 saßam Oaara: StUaa ilaaatl UK/ Oaat MO karara staasar: Maalok AWT A wkjtt f»fc 100 a Hum uot', Milan. Sarawak «»n. caa sa% nl» SMTH aaßara.
        107 words
      • 52 17 RMULTi of tarter heM im Nor tl far •l-«Uy BUk to be isaaca Not S4 to tt. Offered: SM.MMM AaaJseo fee: MI.MMM A Hal til, punjn Accepted M4a: SM.I4: •■Bfoxlmauiy 9 per •eat: higher hMs In fmU Average rate of dUOMBt co altolaarnt J 415 •er cent
        52 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 850 18 HMMKVA I I A fast expanding international typewriter manufacturing I I plant at Bedok New Town invites applications from suitably I I qualified persons to fill the positions of: FABRICATION MANAGER Applicants must possess a degree or diploma in Mecho- I meal Engineering or equivalent He should have a good
      850 words
    • 585 18 STORES MANAGER A renowned Trading Company requires at short notice a suitably qualified STORES MANAGER to manage a large modem warehouse. The warehouse carries stocks ranging from heavy engineering equipment, spares and accessories to a wide range of fast-moving consumer goods. The current warehouse strength comprises 30 storekeepers, clerks and
      585 words
    • 1124 18 Sin B^^ Supplier of industrial equipment ond consumables Associated oft<e» m BjjV IfS Malaysia ond Indonesia Pottnt company founded m Sweden ,n 1837 We are expanding our activities and have now been appointed ogent for a large and world renowned monufocturer of ELECTRIC ARC WELDING EQUIPMENT and CONSUMABLES which are
      1,124 words

  • 364 19 NOL orders $15 million Japanese containers VEPTUNE Orient Lines, Singapore's national shipping line, has placed a $15 million order for con t a lners to supplement its container services on the Far East/Europe run. NOL has been leasing its cor.'.alners rlnce U started its semi-contain-er service in 1070 and full
    364 words
  • 44 19 A RIM bin Yjarop Fatail. 28. was yesterday JaUrd for thrrr jrart with two strokes of the rot in aflat he admittrd trafficking In 95 grammes laMl In Frninsulatbopping centre on Feb. n liM >rj r n about 345 p.m.
    44 words
  • 48 19 TRB Mtntekar of Social ABai™. mat OUMNtn Wok. will opn U» OooUi porary TS~ arhttattoa at tba CWnw Chaatber of Caameret today »t 1 pjn. H» will aao alUnd tne NTUC "Sport* «nd Ikw von Iflfht ITO at tbti Neptune Thaatre Raaleurant at lUpa.
    48 words
  • 104 19 SINGATOSTS Maggie 81a at the centre of the .teal tall trees rehearsal fer the M tsa WerM Ceaatcst as. Wed■eeiay sight. She waa veteel Me) reneetaltty at the end •f the reheareal held at Albert Hail la Laeidan. The retes fer her
    AP  -  104 words
  • 401 19 4 S'pore opens way to Asean market' ANY new investment in Singapore can look forward to the whole Asean region of 250 million people as its market, Singapore Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Wee Mon-Cheng, told Japanese industrialists recently. Indeed, he "said, Singapore products were being exported to every corner of
    401 words
  • 108 19 CINOAPORE U now th-> ■3 seat of the Aaetui Permanent Committee on the Mm Media for the next three yean. The neodqufcrter* of the Permanent Committee, formed in late 1969 to enhance and reinforce regional mlidarity through cultural eoooeratlon vnd exchanges, WMlut In Manila. To mark
    108 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 52 19 NWINEE National Theatre 11am features Bw66f CJhsrJly '***** liiicn ?eBls itifeBleis 'Fpsgile many obcps!! tickets: 82 S 4 5 on sale Cold Storage. C K. Tang. (1 lord fashion: 224 far east S centre, trinity H7B katong S centre. kens M) Dhoby Ghaut l«l *****4 *****61 '^aaafl aaaaf T-Shirtes4.9o Jeans
      52 words
    • 394 19 w CHOW MAKES IT A POINT TO PLAY TOTO WHY? Well, like most art people I hop* that one day I can paint the type of an I always wanted. Winning TOTO might give me that chance to my freedom of art. THE JACKPOT PRIZE FOR TOMORROW'S MAW 93/75 IS
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 826 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 I.N IK Opemikj Mowed by Sesame Street IJO This and That (EajM) 2.H Saturday Matnte-Goodby*. My Lady starr IM mm dWayt «if Walter Breiman, Phil Harris, Brandon de 7« Tai Can* Inttt fIM Wilde and Sidney Pntier Ul hilliw Tatnaaill 3 M Soem keart IMmmmt
      826 words

    • 87 20 Curfew clamp as the hunt continues JPOH, Frt— A round-the-clock curfew was Imposed until further notice today on several areas In Sungel Slput district, about 46 km north of here, as police conducted search operations. The acting Perak State chief of police. Mr. Nasir Mohamed Dlah. told reporters that the
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 156 20 Two hurt as oil drum bursts into flames KUALA LUMPUR, Frl.— Two schoolboys suffered severe burns when an oil drum containing tanallslng chemical burst into flames la Kampung Tengah, Segambut. here last night. Low Chee Keong. 10. and Tan Seng Alk. 12. were admitted unconscious to the Oeneral Hospital here
      156 words
    • 95 20 Kerosene supply It's tack to normal KUALA LUMTI'B, Pri. Tfc* ktr— tsu sayply MaitiMi In iehere to back U ■■nasl, the De*atj C«ntr*Uer »f SappUes. fcneia Oaaan Maharaod. said here today. This followed "argent delivery of fresh sap pUes oaring the past two days te Jotaorr Ban and ether areas
      95 words
    • 71 20 IPOH. Fri An unidentified youth. a«ed about 25. was fcund dead with multiple bullet wounds from his n^cJc ncwartf on the grass verge a short distance from the function of JaJan Kuala Kangsar and Kampung Chepor this morning The Ipnh OCPD. Assistant Commissioner Jaffa r Abdul
      71 words
    • 489 20 6 schoolboys admit theft of exam papers KUALA LUMPUR. Friday rpHE MCE/SPM exa- mlnatlons will go on as scheduled despite the theft of several papers by a group of schoolboys in Kemaman, Education Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamed. said today. According; to Dr. Mahathir, the boys burned the Da Den after
      489 words
    • 68 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl i The Trade and Industry Mint- try Is actively ■MUtlrif I bumlputr»» In taking p«rt In the car gwre-paru buu--1 nttt. Its Parliamentary B*c- retarjr. Enclk Miutapha All < uM in the Dewtn fUkytt yesterday One of the step*, betne undertaken, wi
      68 words
    • 166 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday pOLJCE have detained 15 people in con- nectlon with the killing of fortuneteller Madam Hor Ah Chong, 65, In her home In Lorong Tlong Nam Dua here last night. I Police hope they can j help them to track down the
      166 words
    • 35 20 PENANG. Fit The Central Wrlfarr Count il of Malaya Is considering the possibility of oprnlni minl-hoaUli for jouni nual flrls working In factories In arbaa areas, a council spokesman »al4 today.
      35 words
    • 96 20 Sultan 's blast at 'wild sex' books KUALA KANOBAR. Frl The Sultan of Perak has strongly criticised the circulation of lurid literature portraying wild sex In his state. Books, magazines as well as the clnemu came under attack The SulUn. addressing members of the Perak Religious Council after their reappolntment
      96 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 316 20 The top takes in the full skg load iT^^i I B^ B#^ BB jgOm Baa ajgMBBBBBBBBMBBBaBB|BMBBBaaMO^BBa 1 bbbb! bbbbbV ■wV— aaJfe"** .^H Laa. B^ m m. I I I didn't realize washing could be so easy until I bought the Philips washing machine W aSaV 6«ail Philips Mighty Midget .A
      316 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1098 21 ttmuKosm sowti ti itvwaTiMOn ""iTMH IWI Nk,,. r lihm P l*at| C Ana Itltri II ItTfg 1 1 prill nap) M |m SAM HIM MMt •it.. m- imi J' tt a Mt a mi a Mt ■mm ut 'i Mt it Mt i urn I m i m I m
      1,098 words
    • 1188 21 Ben Ocean A /am service at Ben Une Blue FhnneiGten Line and NSMO v */tmnmm <«■ m MiinK utmt IMM M fin aw M 1m in. I'M. rM», M WMU MM *W! Bpt Ba *l Ml IM Mai. r*ft ■UtUt MS am It. I Ml 1/ I*M I IM. I'M".
      1,188 words
    • 1164 21 ■■■■EljEppjjl Tl IMapf iTmvi HM *^f?? Wmmm Mmm Mii Mi Ail y I'll tC linitf »■">•» P Itttta AtM MM Mtnt Am: H 111 lATKLU „,m aM aam DM nMe nMe •mm i m i mi n Mt »m a mc n m. BUM lAT II Ml WIN I M
      1,164 words
    • 1077 21 y^r*TST2r^\KVT| b^mmTwmml FUUT COWTAINtKIZED CTKVICI TO lUtOfl p mmm fm hum mmm liiMtirtM, mrnitrmm. htmt. litawt. M-Tm -JUT I £"l WMTkM. STItM.- "J'-JJ^C-I^MMIIMM. pm i StoctlWa. (We. Mm, Umm UfaK fULLY COWTAINHIZID SflVICt HOM iUKOft P Kl«| riW. I MMJ. TVTAMA MA. M I t^ •AMmm Ta I mTT *n«*".
      1,077 words
    • 758 21 Tmmi tilM; t. Mmj 041. LL mTII; Pmmi 7MI THE BANK LIMB LTD. 1M« Mi tit Mffju. IMM MM IMMrKMI. k.. I P Mm) I M Ipti. 4 IM, "TMM MM. IM. A 1 MnCM P MtMf M Mt/1 Ml Im m« Ml PMJ IMT A MH AfMCA PM MMMX,
      758 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 672 22 \yi ItAW-VSAIU KJSCN KAJSHA LTD FMY CWTaMfWEI SOVCE Ta fr»aa lur*a« I Via tNtara) S pott P «»'i-| N fr.r| uar kwtrf IrtaMS SIHI SUS MttCf iMt 3 ttt II Mt n tax 14 ttc Ik MPTM (MUill llk I M VMt Jl kt IMt kVptMM JMMtMI I 'mi OltM
      672 words
    • 1043 22 bmTbTbTbTbTbTbTbbTbTbTbTbTbTbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl liaa HA lit M> MMTT MtMl II M Pan M Ml Ma* Arabs Miin rMMi tMMM M Pan M MM a»t MU mm lams a aw I Ml Mmwaam/i is MU MMM tMMM M Mt M Ml Iwarw laHi artti'v MU rauMat Ii am I M I tM kwi
      1,043 words
    • 999 22 wjut cMi-tJßdio sowct n bmw wu m& !«wi r UMSf f'Hw l(Vr iln traa AMatit I'MM MMMM. MPMIU II MMI lIM MM »1M Daw a M U>IS MM HMMK VIM I M MMMtMIIMMM atPltM latMUl IMM I M aMi 17 tw IMS UtM rtUT CMTaWMO SBWCt WM HMH qua gp).
      999 words
    • 701 22 OPKSS SUV KM Tl IMNL UVnfMLXWnOT "UTS T| 1 <mn iXMf >m»i IM» Mr "w «i« ■••wtaaat.naan i im v v. in. •<v.i ii i. mmi m imi im TS <£.*•< LI DM •> 1 <■:. MjBM MM 1/ Itmnmam 1. I (m (£Z jiV LMll li v it mm
      701 words
    • 867 22 ■UllllJ^Ml^MJi^LJ TMI POUT O* •INCAPOajf AUTNOMITT AHMOUMCIO AHMAMOIMtMTI POR »ATU« O«T TuahanilMOlbri 1 1 L» utla LjrtMMUolbci3/4. Jofian- i na UibMi IVM PtrmktMMOtll But. Dubai PMH tJM) tbc 2S 74. Oiao Man MX UK I Trow. HIM ibri XJ J4 OCMfi Sawn I (MM i be )SM Bhu«s Man .2300
      867 words
    • 107 22 Auby (OMtl tl WSM. OHUI( USt <«ltar Pwafel 21 But. NsMwas I ksnl («M aTUr Oiso Uv>. I »40 JtlWtwr' Trojs) M.M. Tsinu HIM Oc«m Im 1 aVM. «M»-t I «o Mvii JJB\ i&nsr mun. M*ru>«o «I Shunkai M«ru «rv»r CsUlnaiU HosftiniUiftftocJ*i n p-i»». Ospartun Drmflt Iml t«. Uan Clljr
      107 words

  • 31 23 so »ou wtto npart n><i 4 oi:i >~i n v i r on your ■Ktn'' Th»n COM«IUTULATK>Mt TO f ACHA'S Mr t -f Sarha m Thy* COWOAATULATIOMB CAHOI ON I
    31 words
  • 7 23 ASSEMBLY Apol Sunday Sfhtxil
    7 words
  • 17 23 l'JN CHONO. M. pui•M LIE »OO CMUAN *«rd WdMd c*purr ii l a«ay m TT7. i
    17 words
  • 9 23 t« FAMILY Of Ill' Mr AL I
    9 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 13 23 classified 'adsjgt sMKFM mm I MSStM i JMMN 1 6/ S»»SOOM o i.AMHeil
      13 words
    • 639 23 AN ESTABLISHED COMMCMCIAL j Teachers Must Spsak Mandarin I Please Telephone 90T3S For Appointment K 6Lm^«^MA«6tt*. aiaaaS I EXPERIENCED PMBI TELE PHONE 'prraiof required for Pleasant per wledge of ("hi ■-rrrii Apply In own nandwritu.i (iving full particulars and salary expected wtth recent photograph (non- srsxawM r tv,« k itSBI
      639 words
    • 736 23 WANTBO IMMCOIATCLT BY laMuhed company flam Representatives with experience for canned food, household products stationery Apply or lei 137-A Upper Pays Lebsr Road Spore 19 Tel BS3SSIB TNMS PUBLISHING BCNMAO (Owsri 01 requires FEMALE TELEPHONE SALES OPCRATORS We ar* looking for young ladies of the right calibre to operate our
      736 words
    • 706 23 WANTBO IMMEDIATBLT BY Established Oarwisnl Pu—tonj a Number of Temporary Countsr Wslisfjrtj, Ptsass submit applications wtth photo and contact telephone nusobsr Io O P O Bo« 2911 RSOUIRBD AIRCOMOITIONIIO ASPNBMTICCS. willing u> ksam to 4 JaJan Kura* Tpore 30 Tdf MobiT invites apol lotion* from suit ably quail fled csndsdals*
      706 words
    • 686 23 lOCAL TROPNY MANUFACTwSSBN rwautrs* fiimli trams* Hsxcnir Apolv wtth fan resume to Electro Mechanical Industries PU Ltd 136-A. Oeylang Swuar* S'aor* 14 Wall Established Tour Agency OMS TOUR MAMAOCR ONC SALCS MANAOCR OME LAOV SALCS R*9*at*JCSr? ATIVE ONC MALI SALCS RSVOaMCWTAIIVfI Appllcanu must have e«p*n*nc* in travel line, ssiary Is
      686 words
    • 719 23 FEMALE OR MALC Machine Operators (b) MsJay or CTsln*** Delivery Men and Drivers Apply personally at Ban Chong Industrial Co P%t Ltd I Kallang junction. Kallang BaMn Spore 12 W«n established Company urgently rMjuHas 1. DRAr-TSMA«VCSTN6ATOR Candidates should posses* a Diploma in Mechanical perience tn a Drafting Course and sßotenal*
      719 words
    • 930 23 DIST 11 NEW SPUT-UVSL 2storey terrace, fully fwmMhed with aircondlUoner tsMfthone SSM Principals only Tel *****2 OIOT 11 WATTEN ESTATE duplex 4 bsstrooras plus slwsj Isrge Uvtng area, built -In closets aifrortdtuorwn with UHphon* Call office *****1 residence *****5 ONjT. SS tS OUNOALOWS Ultra Deaign 3 Bedrooms Large Compound Excellent
      930 words
    • 870 23 DIST 11 TASTBPULLY furruaned 3-bsdroosassl aparMß—li in *mm« snd central lorsltty TM ****** *****5 SSS-A. TBLOK KURAU. 3 rooms fist for rent o*o* p m Contact Mrs Tan Off Chang) Road 5 > m s Spore 14 LUXURIOUS NCWLV CO6OPLCTCO PBMTMOUSCS 4 APANTMONTB Mr HBTSSJMATC OCCUPATION M BNANOC HBJOMT St
      870 words
    • 974 23 CONSULTANT UNIOUS has fsjWMJN executive client* tor detached semi detached and aparUDenu m dssu 0. 10. 11. and 21 preferably unrumiahed rsntals from 81.080 54.000 hsaat can *****6/6 W ANTSO B*G DST ACNBO Bungs low in Blnjal Park Swis* Club Road. Partially FurnMSwd Attractive terms offered Company s least TsMphons*
      974 words
    • 794 23 BCOOK TERRACE DOUBLE STOREY intermediate facing east elevated land, split level vacant sqmimluii StSS.OSO Serene Realty 916.T71 *****0 arter office *****8 RAFFLES PARK (DIST ii) reno vsled tingle storey tmnfalow 10 500 so ft 3 bedVooms. study SJliOOOon o Call 710*113 O*BT 10 FARRCR ROAO double storey cormr terrace 3.
      794 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 209 24 BmTT^Qilmmn APPROXIMATELY ISM SO PT of r avsllahlr In a pres- rV rNTERNATIONAL PIAZA for Rent CJ \> RENTAL SI OS per sq, ft f\ tdtng serrtfe charge rj Fnouines \J\ TEL aSINI Vj .>...»•,.>«.. and offtcoo MM Nt SSifT* MAIWELI MOUSE O«rir ONATIONAL PLA2A EnntiWtoa tsl *****00 WC HOOK
      209 words
    • 357 24 OILEV TRAVEL (PTE) LTD. OVERSEA TOURS (Spsciol ORor) Misani Bang II 191 1 8 12 24 12 Korea. Japsn Taiwan iHuaMisani Mont Kong 2 7 12. PswamsS Taiwan' tISM Departure 24 11 I 12 8/12 (4) ■ongaok/ Cntaagmsl/ Psttoya iir nr.iiltioned 1380 liuoned ■ir wsy by sir S4f»> jirronditloned and
      357 words
    • 618 24 PAR EAST TRAVEL Club (Pte) Ltd .iffers low cost flights lo London Europe Also Worldwide reservations Please call *****2/ 3S3»SV 327*71 AUSTRALIA NSW ZEALAND Beautiful Perth Melbourne. Sydney ft Katoomba > Auckland. Wellington. (hnstchurch ft Mr Cook 1221 days SISSSV S3MO S/l. 8/4 EUROPC 10 romantic countries —I La i)
      618 words
    • 744 24 SiAKSON COACN TOURS 28 Pnnsep Street Singapore 7 Tel 38S1SC ***** 1 10 lines) Peninsula Office Coleman Street Tel 32M&4 ft JMOM Cockpit Office Penang Road Tel 21*1328. 3TWUO 372M5 7 days Malaya aircon buitlM < including Oentlnf Highlands i SI7S Every Sunday 7 days Haadysl Songkhla aircon bus SIM/
      744 words
    • 581 24 GIRLS! Jobs are becoming harder to eel you nosd bettor qualification! no* ITC'I Private Secretarial Dip loma it the roaton'i leading quali 'icaiion for Private Secretary. Our ne>t full time 17 months course leading to the Private Secretarial Dip'oma ttarn sth JANUARY Take the first Hep towardi a rugNy paid
      581 words
    • 607 24 iHßSsvJsf^BJttel Of IMB ami and port am* Harass association op i iiwmi ACCOUNTANTS Foundation A ft B c RtSTITUTE OP ACCOUNTING •TAP* Part I wat commonco let Deewmoer **7S. lAS STUOENTSHIP REGIS. TRATION THROUOH OUR CEN TM. PLEASE ENOUIRE AT Timing Cenw* Mi. 0m Root. Peeee Centre (9) Tefc M44M/
      607 words
    • 521 24 STMtfORD CENTRE The largest and most progressive resource centre tor education m DtavrwMß and the professions in South -East As.* Accountancy— ManagementAdministrative) Studio)* ll7w B— tons Applications are invited for admission to the totovwng Day -fuN 1 im c 'evening part tima) courses Pioteamonel Acooun tancy Foundation ACCA/ICMA and Pro
      521 words
    • 603 24 SHORTHANO PITMAN MM for beginners commencing 9 am Sun day 23rd November Enquiries Management Training Centre 304 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre Tel *****8 *c MBsMfleW C4wMOIN*) COsjr<# (TKoory 4 Pv Ciw rma dug on: tS/11/TS st 7.M pm, Students art allowed to make use of the larartt computer
      603 words
    • 458 24 For your Boating Pleasure EX STOCK SINGAPORE: o tvegiais runabouts o mflatabie rubber boats o anchort o compatset obiKxpump lackett c nvater skwie ski ropes and beltt c hand wrincnes c windViield wripert c horns c toilets c nautical gifti etc J3 M Mr Wee Choo Tat fl UNOETrvtS
      458 words
    • 254 24 WHEN YOU CARt rtower Mhop Tel 40M1 Flower Shop Tel 8MI» MSMS ORCHtO wSPTS s leaflet and 8a SEEKINO PROSPECTIVE LIFE ■as. S.-U for free PROPESSIONAL CHINESE GENTLEMAN JENERAL SPRAY PAINTING l<*wr\iih sswTJol J O p«»re fNO TOUR LONELINESS ATTRACT FRIENDS WORLDWIDE? -national (>r B>*>t tfv>AJC .a' NOV. I] Ot>Cnß™l'tJM
      254 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
      119 words
    • 378 25 KYLIOHT SERVICE DEPART i Moderaf rhargea 4125*4 TROPICAL TV BMCIAUST olour repair. i) Trl I CALLINOI CALLINOI CALUNOI MO AU. H I) B I-TC REOISTIftID CON TRACTOftS '<> carry out all re ration works We. akso undertake a* kinds er.--!1ON 0000 SERVICE ASSURED For EnejMSrtse. Pteoee Cat: LEA HOI TRADINI
      378 words
    • 596 25 BTART YOUR OWN Money maklnf bussnsei today Free details PO Box ISM. K L 01-03 SOLI AOCNT SIIKS distributors througttout .Singapore for Porubote A new amazing boat that folds to 4" flat, weighing only 49 arncs SM lbs Apply 0 >'<) Box 204* Spore SALI LAMPS TROLLIY. furnltraiU and Mursls
      596 words
    • 793 25 BW ONf KAWAI Electron* Organ and you will get one month Free Organ Lessons Prices ranges from 1.850 upwards All organs fitted with Auto-Chords and Rhythm Box Robert Piano Company Tel *****7/ 4651 12 ■Oft IVtftV SIWINO machine purchased about $300 one cloth machine cover, one pa r of scissors
      793 words
    • 867 25 MCSMSJCS) IST* MAIDA Capella airron cartridge radio, new sports nim» tyras. paint Ring ***** 1979 AUSTIN MSM Mk 2 2 owaers. pxceilcnt condiuon $4.13* Contact J***** Mr Llm 14S DusUop St SporeS 1971 AUSTIN 13SS OT. One owner New lyres Tip-top condition Tel S3±M* 1971/ 1971 MAZOA Capella I*o* Mitsubishi
      867 words
    • 519 25 CHAUFFEUR DRIVIN II MANAGING Director's 1(71 Mercedes 200 with aircond well maintained Price BSIS OM/Interested contact *****4 *****6 Mr Lot) 1974/79 MERCEDES M 0 1972 Mercedes 230 1974 Tojrota 1200 1971 Renault RIO (air-con) Contact Prankte Tan *****/ *****7 rsw csr mum, sawwtaea» sew STOP PU sss JL rrßUcnoN| Al
      519 words
    • 447 25 1971 MTTSU4MSHI MNSICA SU 360 r r 3 door tour-stroke engine one owner, arrident free (S 500 ono 199* rord Escort Super UanMH4MSII 197S HONOA MOTORCYCLE CB 750 PMaa* contact Mr Wong Tel MMTS 19M triumph IM9 c c Alrcon. lax and insurance unUI March 76 (2 000 Phone 41
      447 words
    • 400 25 1998 AUSTIN 9SS r r Beautiful rondltlon. lax until 2*78 Insur»nr f 7(1 Rinc ******9 COMTINA 1990 L 1971 model. I owner*, earellani ccntfiuon S3 950 nrgouab* Phone *****7 DfCSWMM 19S8 MCNAWIT Hl I 1 199 cc I 1 careful owner seldom used shownom condition SUSS *****0 LOW SMLIAOt. PfSjVKT
      400 words
    • 699 25 THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE AM) BRI'NEI REGION 1976 A Rhodes Scholarship ttnablr at the Un Oxford is offered this year by the Rh<><]<and the election of the scholar trill Dei-ember The scholar-elect will mti University in October 1076. To be eligible a candidate must 1 be a
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  • 213 26 "Specified jobs only' for work permit holders THE Minister of 1 State (Labour), Mr. Sta Hah Hui, who moved the third reading of the Regulation of Employment (Amendment) BUI in Parliament on Thursday, said It was to overcome certain shortcomings as some work permit holders had occupations other than those
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  • 454 26  -  NGIAM TONG HAI 20 STUDENTS ENROLLED By Toh: Dental therapists to help overcome shortage THE Health Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, told Parliament yesterday that a scheme was launched earlier this year to train a new category of dental operators, known as dental therapists, to overcome the
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  • 358 26  -  ANN PETERS By PARLIAMENT has approved the Proba- tlon of Offenders (Amendment) Bill 1975, which seeks to provide for the appointment of volunteer probation officers with power to supervise offenders on probation. Moving the BUI In Parliament on Thursday, the Minister for
    358 words
  • 37 26 THK youth executive committee of Buklt Merah community centre Is organising a youth recreation weekend camp at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute from IN p.m. an Dec. 30 to 6 pm on Dec Jl
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  • 214 26 Seaman who could not pay for the girl A SEAMAN left his identity card with a hotel in Sabah when he could not pay for the services of a hostess he had booked, and reported that he lost It when he returned to Singapore, a court heard yesterday. Tan Kok
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  • 292 26 Primary project pupils 'ending second year' THE Minister of x State (Education), Mr Chal Chong Vii, told Parliament on Thursday that 774 pupils involved in the evaluation of the primary pilot project were at the end of their second year primary education. Half of them were taught In schools using
    292 words
  • 87 26 PARLIAMENT hat pawed the Companies (Amendment No. 2) Bill, 1975 to empower the Minister to exempt certain corporations intending to issue debentures In Singapore from the reauirement of appointing a corporation as trustee for the deben-ture-holders. The Stamp (Amendment) BUI. which was also passed yesterday, sought
    87 words
  • 109 26 PARLIAMENT on Thursday approved the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board (Amendment NO. 2> Bill designed to ensure confidentiality of treatment In any Institution or clinic maintained or managed by the board Moving 1U second reading the Minister of Health. Dr Toh Chin Chye. said
    109 words
  • 79 26 Buy Singapore food drive by SMA THE food and beverages memben of the Ongapor* Manufacturers Association will hold a second Bur SinIt spore Pbod campaign from Dec 1 to U. The two- week campaign to be held at the SMA'i display centre In Colombo Court w aimed at creating a
    79 words
  • 30 26 A THREE-DAY American Poultry Exhibition will be held at the US Trade Centra In Yen Smn Bulldiru Orchard Road from Not 14 between 5 pn and pm dally
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
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    • 134 26 I oSP tv V Calling all kids! "^w JWt Come and ace the Kjoldsens .<MJ gy^jW\ Cookie Mouse with mum and dad. V ami Bssvflr on show > sPIP rVrV^?? Gtithrie Fair (People's Park Complex) 1 IMT Sr- k )l»T November 22nd 30th I ,*"i«; mslmWl Iv You Cln n
      134 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 873 27 CHEMICAL ENGINEER N MetaH fc Ores Pte. Ltd. invites applications from Sineapars Citizens far *c position of CHEMICAL ENGINEER. Duties The successful candidate will be ettached to the Manufacturing Division to supervise production of and conduct tests on emulsified synthetic latex and related products. The person we are looking for
      873 words
    • 616 27 o LINDETEVES-JACOBERG requires an experienced Spare Parts Controller To manage its outboard engines spare parts and accessories department. The man will be responsible for- Sales of parts and accessories. Maintenance of a healthy level of spares and accessories taking into account relevant demand and supply conditions. The proper storage and
      616 words
    • 348 27 WIVE MOVED TO OCtPpRE *B '•■■■^■^■■■■iweaMsj tj^^ MMM^^^^_^^_ 11 ej^— > I l l 1 V^^^i I=====: PICKERING ST. Ovecaae-Chioeae Banking Corpn Lid THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS OF OCBC Peodin comptetion ot g^ M Office of Assistant General Manager (Chufca Street) vl9Jtofs reqoeBfed towMkof (Staff and FacJßiait) dnvem through the Synagogue
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 669 28 Rolex Service Kuala Lumpur is expanding and is now looking V* for Watch Mechanics aWe to un- V dertake high precision work. Al- though a period of training will be given V we are onry interested in Mechanics who have already attained a high degree of skill and who have
      669 words
    • 394 28 fT nOTICE Of RtmOVflL XXJt SUCAIA HOLDINGS BERHAD With effect from 24th November 1975. we and all our subsidiaries VIZ: MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRIES (M) SDN BHD MARINE SPECIALISTS SDN BHD DUNIA UTAMA SDN BHD S.M.I. SDN BHD will be removing to our NEW ADDRESS: 1M0.T15-IT7. Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. Telephone Numbers
      394 words
    • 484 28 CAPITAL INSURANCE BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) invites applications for the following positions: PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE 3-5 years experience in General Insurance company or Broker. Must be young, dynamic and able to work independently. UNDERWRITERS Minimum 3 years experience as an Underwriter. Part CII or any relevant Insurance Course would be an
      484 words
    • 553 28 A leading Marketing Company In the electronics and home appliances industry has vacancies for the following posts: MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Suitable qualified Malaysian citizens for the above post will be based ln Kuala Lumpur. Job responsibilities will include financial accounting, preparation of budgets, monthly management reports and debtors control. Candidates should
      553 words

  • 249 29  -  JOE DORAI says Singapore's King's Cup soccer team can be written off as "no hopers" at Bangkok next month unless a few National players are enlisted into the team. Malaysia are fielding a National Reserve team. Thailand their National team. South Korea their top club side
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  • 169 29 Upper Serangoon Unit- i cd. who pulled off a shock 0-0 draw against the King's Cup team on Wednesday, nope to surprise Oeylang International in the National League Division One match at Toa Payoh Stadium at 430 pm today, reports Joe Dorai. Manager Titus Miranda, who
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  • 85 29 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Agasam Stable's new Jockey, Oabrlel "Squibbs" Curran has arrived. He rode today taking out Dallas Cowboy and Ourdlan Saint. An Australian. Curran has been riding with success in Ireland. In the 1975 season which Just ended he finished third in the winning Jockeys' list with
    85 words
  • 38 29 TOKYO Prl The World Boxing Council has approved a title match scheduled on Jan. 19 between WBC Junior welterweight champion Bantak Muan*urm ol Thailand and Japanese challenger Lion Purujrama. the Japan boxing Commiaston said today. Reutex
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 350 29  -  ERNEST FRIOA 1 LOST MY JOB BECAUSE OF HOCKEY' By RATIONAL hockey goalkeeper Ng Hoi Kah withdrew from the Seap Games team yesterday leaving the Singapore Hockey Association officials in a dilemma. At 4.57 p.m. on the padang yesterday, Hoi Kah walked up to coach
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  • 318 29 rjUATEMALA CITY, Fn. The draw for the Euroy pean Zone qualifying rounds of the 1»78 World Cup soccer tournament here yesterday set the stage for another compelling clash between Holland and Belgium. The two teams, probably the best In Europe on current form, were paired alongside
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 283 29 Dymock curbs West Indans BRIBBANE, m. The West Indies crickrt team faltered to some excellent swine; bowling by left-hander OeoS Dymock In the flna! half hours pl&y and finished the first day of their fcur day match against Queensland here at 338 for eight wicket* The West Indians. struKßline; to
    283 words
  • 45 29 MANILA. Prt— China led by world table tennU champion Hal bi-Tlnc. woo the men and women* team competitions acalnat the Philippine* bare laat night. The Chinese defeated the FlUplno* s-1 to the mans competition and 4-1 In the women's play— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 411 29 ©©»©O©©@© NIAZ Mohammed Shah the Chef-de-mission of the Singapore Seap contingent, spoke of surprise visits to the various venues when thr r official training started two weks ago. But If he pulled off a surprise, It is when he made the Arst of his daily mornins; visits to the rug
      411 words
    • 528 29 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE requires 1 Technical Officer 2 Technician 3 Artisan (Temporary) 4 Clerk (Temporary) 5 Key-punch Operator GROSS SALARY RANGE: For p©»» 1 $***** 2 $2«5.09 3 $241.10 4 $***** 5 $288 96 QUALIFICATIONSFor peet I (o) Technician Oiplomo from the Singapore Polytechnic I or Ngee Ann Technical
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 130 29 SOCCKaV- NaMsaal Lea- Danil ATiah f Buklt Merth ne Dtr. 1: Purer Park (Oilman Barracks 4JO pjn >. United t Queenatown (Jalan SWIMMING— CSC Merlin Besar); Upper Barainiwn Age Qnmp asect (Cac. J3O United PC Orrlanc inter- pm>. nauooal PC (Toa PajC» ISNHIS CPA saliiWai Ot». I: Parrer Park D]ma*>ot
      130 words

  • 347 30 SOLID, ALL-ROUND PERFORMANCES LONDON. Friday LIVERPOOL, one of England's most consistent clubs both in domestic and European soccer, are again challenging strongly for honours this season. With solid, allround performances they have moved steadily up the First Division table, and tomorrow could emerge on
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 589 30  - ON TRACK FORM MANIKAM LOOKS GOOD EPSOM JEEP By ITUALA LUMPUR, Prl. Manikam n, with K. Velayutham up, was full of i running at the end of a 600 m splp In 42 4/5 on a rainsoaked sand track here today. The going remained heavy. An unlucky second to Kamponc
    589 words
  • 328 30 I ONOON. Fri. En r land were Just not rood enough to qualify for the quarterfinals of the European Championship, English Football League secretary Alan Harddaker said here yesterday. ■c was commenting on England's 1-1 draw with Portugal In Lisbon on Wednesday night
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 328 30 DOME, rrl— HoUand. even without th«lr two Johans. Cruyff and NeeJtcns. should have little difficulty In reaching the quarterfinals of the European soccer championship when they play Italy In the final Otoup Five qualifying m a te h here tomorrow Only by losing j> three
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 315 30 NOTICE Hie Vice-Consulate of the State of Spain announces with profound regret the death of His Excellency, Generalising Francisco Franco Bahamonde, Chief of the State of Spain, on 20th November, 1975. A book of Condolence will be open at the Vice-Consulate. 10th Floor, Maxwell House, Maxwell Road, 91 Monday. 24th
      315 words
    • 562 30 VESSEL LOADING FOR BEIRUT INTERESTED PARTY PLEASE CONTACT NEPTUNE AGENCIES (PTE) LTD. TEL: *****1/***** Prime Miaister's Office Tender Notice Tenders will be received at the Prime Minister's Office for the running of a Book Aad Sundry Stall at City Hall. Singapore lo cater for the members of staff of gonoiament
      562 words
    • 677 30 IN THE HIGH COIRT OF THE REPI HI.X OF SINGAPORE ompanies Winding-iip No SI tf 197S la the Matter of Urn Companies Act (Cap. I8S) AND la the Matter of MODERN Hoi SING DEVELOP■BffI PRIVATE LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a petition for the winding up
      677 words
    • 629 30 IN THE HKiH Ol XT Of THE RKPI'BLIC Of SINGAPORE CamaaaiM Wiaaiag-up > No. M of 1f75 la lar M«M*r of Urn CamaaaiM Act (C»9- AND la the Mattar af SIN CHEW REALTY PRIVATE LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETTTION Notice Is hereby s-lven that Petition for the winding up of the
      629 words
    • 46 30 rv wmmP ..ammW fl M V 3P^^^^^ MJW P&tktaftM V mmmaf mmf m **-W V^B j^^^^^ J I _B vk m bbbbbW''- Mm ami t i <mE aaP^^^^ <maaaamaV/ L W sit mfJ -m-K^^^ mfc X^ CHARLES XXJRDAN V* Pierre CARDIN SaW. S«w»» Tm>»nr« 3T0504 BM-mmmmmmaßaaaammaaaam-----m--m-aBB-a
      46 words

  • 173 31  -  EPSOM JEEP By gKST CRETE II can give punters a flying start in Race One at Kuala Lumpur today. This pro m i s ing three year-old, a winner In his second start over the Penang 1,200 m, was not disgraced last week when
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  • 1169 31 Race 1 Tfc WAHMJOA Pburtil with 56 to Kontlkl II Dlv 1 200 m last week was encouraflnt his tint race. v.ompd up early In season finishing wcood with 44 to Port of Hi I) Dlv 3 1 200 m Ipnh Mir 30. can btf thnat to
    1,169 words
  • 523 31 RACE 1 145 I 3 DIV I— lt—m I sunken* M Sn» t Kontlki II 51', PataMt I lint Shirley SI A. lißMll f I >umlgr4 Im* II 53 Lam Itoabvi ll', Wlk»« I t. Miuo MS Ch*w 1 KaoUllr >>rU 11. SilfWrrrifa CoeM. kUhaJ UU. r.rraalll; 11.
    523 words
  • 176 31 MONA Of rinvnts tried out during the Monaco Junior Boccer Tournament only the idea of a "short corner" proved successful, delegates from the International and European tall assoclatons said yesterday The Monaco tourna- which ended on Wednesday, served as a on attack. Delegates were unanimous In saying
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  • 792 31 cßs-MBjBMBBfI 2.15 CLAM 3 OIV 3 1200 m |iU2lixisx«l (*.SOO SMSO to wlnntr) 1 1888 1 law On— a (Mem) Wi—aai 1 W ..*Ba«e»ea i Imx T» men (Jftj) aoyort I M cu— l l ISsag 1U t—sswse a (XL Qjsag) llnnr I Its oa sat wf) 8*
    792 words
  • 89 31 Going Forecast: HEAVY INN *ttr •■■mm em* 1 t" Wiuw Dana rwn> D*tia> rwn> i PfctlfVC RIB Nuakal Fcnvar Natii ii PfctlfVC RIB > Panr Pttat minim »«wi win T»ni Ob PtotM Mhmi ■■■in liiwlm PfM« Tin T»m Ob lUsMl't P*mt€ DMT Bmuit >«. XI TtM«M II ■>««« DlfTll
    89 words
  • 725 31 Israel unhappy with the draw The dusky village beauty who beat them a11... Inventor dies FOUND: THE WhAT'S IT? Troops pullout call by UN $650,000 for ruined Kisses -v-KL AVIV. Frl Great 1 dlaappotntmcnt Is being axpreased In soccer clrelea hare at the F"fa World Cup committee vote In Ouatemala
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 370 31 WT i :3TI mlj^ > »i a L^% E reisix/oc ii s^b Lw W^ Hk:2 B wjm m\ Introducing three new Pentax cameras the K series rbV^Va> p silicon photo diode for immediate meter KT^^^IFV t i e update rentax reaction, even in dim light. Obvious k^^i A I of
      370 words

  • 226 32 SWS share deals probe widens LONDON. Friday T»HE London Stock Exchange Council's 1 Inquiries Into dealings In Slater Walker Securities shares initially expected to last a few weeks, will now not be completed until well Into the new year. A report In the Dally Telegraph today taya this was because
    226 words
  • 484 32 ONDON. m. Tte auto) cla**« a»t*tlr fuai M imttM > amaU iihmmii Imii At P.M. Ik* rnnml Tfca* laau m »j it m m.«. m ataat lip artar ana* aamwat oa n* half f*mr raaalu. Ou* M aiaaann* aa» fan* wbM* ■afc* «*n iuw t»H»n irM calx at
    484 words
  • 26 32 LONDON. FH. iMt kMy*n| ism i-4i). mmh* tan (»iui rtrwtf kam <*U« i— 1T>. ■Mm iMtT <—«•). MikMtOM* «Mt Tnm B.B. MM. W MM. Ttaa: Buur
    26 words
  • 25 32 uotmom. fh tw i«m« vw tatkuc* tatajr. wttfc mm a M k.r*n m w Mm I cnr» d« ii 11 Ti j u am
    25 words
  • 103 32 P.AOUE. rri. The Csechoalovak Communist Party daily Rude Pravo today devoted a full page to an attack on the Maoist leadership In China with quotes from leaders of Soviet-orient-ed communist parties. "Maoist China today emerges not only as a source of dlsotientatlon and disruption
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  • Page 32 Advertisements