The Straits Times, 20 November 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 316 1  -  N.G. KUTTY By A M- MINUTE fire i\ destroyed twe floors of a general provision store and the top floor ef Far Last Finance Organisation building in Battery Road last night the third within 24 hears. one was injured in the 7 p.aa. blase, believed
    Tan Wee Him  -  316 words
  • 79 1 NCW DELHI. Wed Jirtpnkiah Narayan Urn tiling opposition leader r»leaasd from prison last week. Mid todaj h* has told Urn OmiUßMit B» tat wi ik to r»anat* active oppoattton to PnoM Mlnicur Indira Gandhi ■p— Hig from a hoapttal bad hare. Mr Marmyan said Im att
    AP  -  79 words
  • 360 1 Letter bomb bid to kill Fraser CANBERRA, Wed. FEDERAL police tightened security around political leaders today after a letter bomb was detected and defused in the offices of caretaker Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser. An earlier bomb, mailed to Queensland State Premier Johannes Bjelke-Petersen, injured two clerks when
    Agencies  -  360 words
  • 156 1 Harun: Clear me first KUALA LUMPUR, Wed— T here was still no word on whether Selangor Mentrl Besar Dato Harun Idrls will go to the United Nations as Malaysia's permanent representative. Informed sources said Dato Harun told Umno secretary-gene-ral Dato Serru Abdul Rahman at their meetIng last night that h*
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  • 74 1 DANOKOK, W. d. fvortotn people were killed by a grenade thrown Into a troupe of feetlTml dancers In the •Mitral Thai town of Lopborl last night, It was reported today. Quoting local police, the Bangkok World ntwiptptr said into people died on Urn ■pot. Another seven of
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 380 1 BANGKOK. Wednesday fHAI planes strafed Laotian positions and Thai and Laotian guns duelled across the Mekong River border as Thai forces tried to recoyer a grounded patrol boat, officials said today. Forelin Minister r Chartichal ChconhaTan accused "a third country" an apparent reference to North Vietnam of
    AP  -  380 words
  • 155 1 Queen's guards in hunt for bombs LONDON. Wed DOLJCE searched the Houses of Parliament today {or bombs before Queen Elizabeth opened the new legislative session. Her personal bodyguards, the Yeomen of Guard, aided by police and dogs trained to sniff out explosives, carried out an extensive search of the premises.
    AP  -  155 words
  • 46 1 CANNES (Prance). Wed Airline fare* in Aata and the Southwest Pacific ana will increase an average of five par cent next year, and will be hiked three per cent on South Atlantic route*, the International Air Transport Association (lATA) announced today. AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 30 1 JOBAJQaBBORO. Wsd. Tver** miners were killed and four Injured in an underground annum gas at the Kktf gold nun* near Johannesburg, a mine tpnt—nun said today. neuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 43 1 NSW TORS. Wad. Dow Jons* average*, bawd on ftrst hour of trading on Urn New York Stock Exchange M Indus S4J tt down J75. M transp 17J O down OSS. It utlls tJM down Oil, 66 stock* MIM down OJI. UPI.
    UPI  -  43 words
    • 56 1 COLOMBO. Wed. rrime Siftmare Bandaranalke's Osissamsai aelssd bank dspssits ef cvm-pany-owned plantations tnotatlDi to Rs M ■lIM— (BSU24 ■HMsaO. It wm leaact•4 today The seasare f *Jlw«4 the ptiwwt nailoaMaJtflk&isSOtt #1* ftU C#M~ NW -owned, —tally British, tea and rahta* pmatsrtoa* asmer
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 152 1 L^sms^^Mßmil I msje»Coto»22iO ■^^^■1 Mawu 56 cm <?? I Europe BestsaNing CjriorTV-^UNDIG NS CRIME FIGHTERS' QUICK SUCCESSES Page LONDON cafe blast all two t FIGHTING gaaa en la Bangladesh S "BOTH still getting Seriet arms" 4 UNITED freat by OPEC I -PIRATE- drag sales oa the increase T LECTURERS wife
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 144 2 Setback for union leftists ONDON. Wed. The I j militant left In the British trade onion movement saffered Ita sharpest setback in years today when It lost control of the powerful Engineering I'nion to moderates. The shift of power In the country's second largest union was seen as weakening any
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 483 2 LONDON. Wodnooday SHRAPNEL bomb was thrown into an exclusive London restaurant last night killing two people and seriously injuring 17 others. Police believe the attack on WMtons Restiurant In Che'sea was linked to a series of i other bomb blasts In London rlnce
      Reuter  -  483 words
    • 320 2 GRAFT PROBE IN DEFIANCE OF ISABEL BUENOS AIRES, Wednesday rX Argentine Parliament has defied President Isabel Peron by launching a fullscale investigation Into alleged government corruption. Aa ft special commltt«« of the Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) beaan 1U Investigation yesterday, a Judge conducting similar Inquiries ordered the arrest of
      Reuter; UPI  -  320 words
    • 259 2 SmithNkomo accord on power sharing f\AR-ES SALAAM, Wed. Rhodeslan Premier lan Smith and black nationalist leader Joshua Nkomo have reached a preliminary agreement on po w e r-sharlng In the wh'te-domlnat-ed country, Zambl a n Oovernment sources said yesterday. Zamb l a n President Kenneth Kaunda has received assurances that
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    • 33 2 SAIOON. Wad. North and Smith VMaama datogata* at Urn wsak-tag reunlneaUon Ullu hot* hv* atght ■nantmnyaly agrssd on ways to aX up a untflad atau aiwalntatratton. an official HalMiaiit aaid UFL
      33 words
    • 77 2 rnunui, wa*_ Li teats* saißMan fieaa several eeatral Afrfaaa staUa sttUr•d today that taw Aafalui ciWiftMtH. ■iimMj J taU jjft eaa ss«rl«— t. a nmal naiaiial- tsssjeal a/to? eea)« avJtattoaa bate, ta» m*r*~* eal ed far aa m 4 to feretga taterfereaee la the Mwiytaispsaa— t state,
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    • 145 2 Woman doctor: My toughest decision-' LONDON, Wed. A woman doctor said on television last night that she had switched ell a machine that was supporting a man's life. Dr. Miriam Stoppard. 37. wife of playwright Tom Stoppard. said on an Independent Television (ITV) programme. The Bight to Live The Bight
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    • 53 2 JAKARTA. Wad. A police general will be triad later this week for alleged complicity in the abortive communist coup her* In 196J, a court apokaaman atld today Brig -Oen Sawarno. former police chief of Jakarta, waa charged with aiding coup ptotUra who murdered six army
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 30 2 WABHINOTON. Wed Mr Ronald Reagan U SBpectad to proclaim hu di»akUafactlon with Prealdeni Pord tomorrow by announcing formally hu candidacy for tne Republican Party* 1»76 Presidential nomination. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 32 2 BOOOTA. Wed Police arrested about 60 peopie. Including students and profas•on. heie today during a demonstration by SOO to proteat against the economic plight of Bogota's dUtriel Unl vanity Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 245 2 Crime wave threatens stability of Alaska LOS ANOELES Wed —A massive crime wave and the stranglehold of the Teamsters Union is threatening the future stability of the energy state of Alaska, the Los Angeles Times reported yesterday. The newspaper, in a report from Anchorage, said hoodlums, Mafia figures, gamblers, pimps
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 268 2 LONDON, W«d. SOUTH African Foreign Minister Hllgard Muller said yesterday his country had troops In war-torn Angolan defending a hydroelectric project. He said the South African Oovernment had provided troops and equipment "to defend labourers and material" for the Kunene hydroelectric water project.
      Reuter; AP  -  268 words
    • 29 2 MOSCOW. Wad. An un■MMd aovtst spacecraft waa yartwaay battsvad to ba closing In on Uu aUrut-4 ortaung Uonlor and all «gn« pointed to an automatic rvodesvoua. BVauUr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 Anew star is born. Cycle Carriage Bintang. the words "Cycle" "Carriage" came together for the first time in Malaysia more than years ago. More recently our company was known as ((ftrr^ Tn e Cycle Carriage Industries (M) Sdn. Berhad y^\S^ and was responsible for assembly Jffflf^ and distribution of Mercedes-Benz
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    • 476 3 NEW CELHI. Wod YEARLY two weeks a1 after the latest change in the government of Bangladesh, the situation there remains tens^ a?d unstable, according to reports reaching India. Rival military groups have been skirmishing at teveral army Installa.•nd at least 25 have been killed Mr
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    • 145 3 SOVIET OFFER TO BUILD POWER PLANTSH JAKARTA. Wed— The Soviet Union will build two electricity power plants la IndonecU—the first concrete sign of an improvement of relation* between the twe coantrles. The Cabinet at a meeting yesterday agreed to the Sevtet offer, the first since the IMS abortive eoasmunlsteoap here
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    • 260 3 LOYALISTS 5 KILL 17 KHMERS IN BORDER AMBUSH BANGKOK, Wednesday SEVENTEEN Kilmer Rouge troops were killed by refugee soldiers backing the ousted Lon Nol regime in an ambush near the Thai border this month, a Thai minister said today. Mr. Prakob Prayoonphokarat. Deputy Interior MlnUter. told reporters he had been
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 27 3 CHEST** <ragian<). Wed. rwn hexer IMaa^ Jeaa OVas'a aaac. wae Inaw lean* ha the atreet aad mfM keek ea hy laignai. InWi.
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    • 85 3 BETTTS NEW ROLE... WITH aaaaa help trem the skew'a ■Ur, First Lady Betty Wer4 BMkaa her eetat aa taatrMaa actrcaa aa> Mawjay in a aceaatat fttaVai In a Washington hotel far The Mary Trier Mean Shew. If Mrs. Ford wind to eonUnae her mm career, she will have to Jala
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    • 221 3 Malik 'no' to Fretilin bid for talks JAKARTA. Wed. Foreign Minister Adam Malik today said he bad rejected an offer to negotiate with the East Timorese 1 c f t w 1 n g movement, the Fretilin. Mr. Malik told newsmen the offer was contained In a cable received from
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 48 3 WABHDTOTON. W«d. After only brief debate, the Scot* yesterday confirmed PrwlikDt Ford's nomination of Mr. Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defeoot Mr. Kiimsfold. U, who has been White Houm chief of »Uff. succeed* Mr. Junes achloAoear. fired by Mr. Ford IT days ago- AT.
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    • 154 3 Stalemate in UN over future of Koreas UNITBD NATIONS. Wed —The Onera] Aiaembly left the doUUtlon in Korea unwtUed for another year yeateraay when It adopted two rival resolutions dealing with the future of the peninsula. Both resolution* agreed in principle on the phasing out of the United Nations military
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    • 18 3 TOKYO. W«d. PliBM Win Iti Takw Uikl today prnmtnd Japan* eo-cpara-Uon In minnailin lnUm>ttooai noaoton. Meutar.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 F ~^m^m HamVamnMß^B^J y^aCl Latest neVHwitie orography w< rOreat new XE-1 We've la^en a» trie tried and proven features oi the tamoos SR-T series and added an outstanding electronic automatic exposure tystam control, developed from Minolta s top X-1 model. p«us a smooth new vertical plane shutter, specwly developed by
      198 words
    • 345 3 w I gkmg ir i B^B/ aaar aaar m •J^bp""^ sag m anr i Omega Geneve. Not as expensive as you might think. When you think of an Omega you naturally imagine an expensive watch generally beyond the price range of most people. This is not always so. For example,
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    • Briefs
      • 29 4 ZAMBOANOA CITY. Wed The Muslim kidnappers who have held six Japanese fishermen for 12 days were softenlnr. In their demands. the commanding admiral In southwest Mindanao. Philippines, said today.
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      • 22 4 HONGKONG: Sooth Am and Rwanda have agreed to establish dlplomUc rela Uons at ambassadorial the North Viet nasn News Agency reported today.
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      • 32 4 Ul t.Rl.t The Quebec Slate Government has begun the takeover of the main construction work for the 1976 Montreal Olympic Oames— a project plagued by soaring costs, construction delays and labour disputes
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      • 32 4 SICM L In part of a campaign against "decadent tendencies" waged ky President Park Chang Bee's Government 137 forrtgq pop songs have been banned from the air for radio and television stations
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      • 25 4 U)NDON: The Br.tUh Communist Paity today urged the 8c /let Union to allow political dissident* to state and publish their views without (ear of punishment
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      • 33 4 WASHINGTON: After voting U skat sown the I'nlted States' only antl ballistic missile lyitesa. the ttsatc puwd a 4s leaps esrporatlon BUI yesterday tbst UB»J hUlion (SSM.7 Mills*) fcet*w what President Ford rejaested.
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      • 28 4 LONDON: The British Government has sent the ocean-going tug LJoydsman to help defend British trailers from harassment by Icelandic gunboats, the Ministry of Agriculture and Faherte* said today
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      • 31 4 BONN: West German's detention of a Polish diplomat, allegedly for spying on the L'S-ftn-aneed Radio Free Earope station in Maniek. threatened today to ■train delicate relations between Bonn and Warsaw. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  31 words
    • 125 4 YOU CANT LEAVE, j ENVOY IS '—TOLD LAOOB. Wed —Nigeria's recently appointed a|h Cbmmlssloner to tain was barred yesterday from leaving the country by a High Court judge probing bow the nation came to get stuck with millions of tonnes of cement. The cement 16 million tonnes (or the Ministry
      AP  -  125 words
    • 289 4 BEIRUT. Wod. LEBANESE anti-aircraft guns fired on four Israeli Jets that flew over the Presidential Palace today a* the Cabinet met In emergency session to discuss Christian -Muslim clashes here. Several ministers stepped outside to watch the bombardment from batteries around the Defence Ministry
      AP  -  289 words
    • 31 4 nOMBAY, Wed. Seven women and a man have O died In the city's crowded red light' district of Kamatlpura after drinking home-made liquor, police said yesterday.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 77 4 LONDON. Wed. Britain's rtslawd medical service was today threatened ky two beats of industrial action which eoald disrapt treatment at hundreds of kesaitass. The esaatry's U.#s# hospital doctors voted yesterday in favoar of "emergencies only" treatment to areas their siassaii for hither svtrttms rates. At the
      77 words
    • 431 4 SADAT'S CLAIM RIDICULOUS —ISRAELI PAPER TtL AVIV. Wednesday •pHE Soviet I'nion has been shipping a steady supply of spare parts for planes, tanks, helicopters and other military equipment to Egypt for the past several months, an Israeli newspaper said today. In a dispatch from Washington,
      AP; UPI  -  431 words
    • 513 4 rORMER West German Chancellor Willy Brandt considered killing himself during the spy scandal that led to his downfall last year, according to a new biography. "If I bad had a shooting Iron with me then I would have made an end to
      Reuter  -  513 words
    • 26 4 VENICE. Wed. Venice was vlrtaally paralysed yesterday as fioodwaters covered half the canal city's streets and ssjaares following three days of violent storms— Seatrr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 INTRODUCING BONELLA. ITS EVERYTHING YOU WANTED IN YOUR COOKING OIL In the past, if you wanted a cooking oil that cooked S m tasty food, you probably had to settle for one that was not TWO SPECIAL OFFERS TO HELP YOU ENJOY polyunsaturated BONELLA EVEN MORE! 4-f y»sj,^^*~ And if
      349 words

    • 74 5 French callgirls want legal status COMA (left) and Clla (right) act as ipok etwomen for prostitutes in France with an unidentified journalist (centre) at the rostrum during a meeting in Paris on Tuesday. It was the opening of the national convention of prostitutes asking for a legally recognised professional status.
      AP  -  74 words
    • 323 5 VIENNA. W«dnMday QIL EXPORTING nations presented a united front today after establishing a money-spinning aid project for Third World development needs. The plan to spend about US$l,OOO million (8*2,490 million) petrodollars on aid during 1976— and possibly every year until 1980— was
      323 words
    • 241 5 Warning of threats to world economic system TtfaTW YORK, Wed.— 11 The international economic gyvtem is threatened by Uxcceaalng protectionist pressures from Industrialised countries and the developing world's demands for a new international economic order. This warning was issued to bankers and government officials attending Urn 62nd annual convention of
      241 words
    • 172 5 WASHINGTON. Wed.— S«nat« investigator* ynttrtiy accused Urn Federal Bureau of Inwmwtlon «FBI) of conducUn* deliberate campaign against Urn late black cWll rtchts leader. Or. Vlaxtln Lv tber Kirn. Including an attempt to get him to commit suicide. The committee bearIng U providing Urn
      172 words
    • 83 5 NEW rOKK. Wed. Farmer Black Paather Patty leaier EMrkafe Cleaver was arrested here Taesd«y when he refine* U tke Ua*s*4 aut*s free* arren remr* ef aetf-twmiil ezUe. Cleaver. 4*. who charges. Sew to New Terk frees Parts. FeUe* art sets* hln at Emnedy Airport
      83 words
    • 30 5 paneo. w«d urn man than two weaka' dataj. an A— rnaa aoranca plan nine taaa flnailr arrlrad here today to prapar* far PrtaUant Fbrd» trip namt month. Heater.
      30 words
    • 161 5 Further 'boost for FranceChina ties OKKINO. Wed French lTporeapi Minister Jean SauvagnarKiMß a -rived here today on a fiveday official visit aimed at furthering the already good relations between Prance and China. The Minister, who was met at the airport by his Chinese counterpart. sir. Chlao Kuan-Hua, said his visit
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 31 5 MADRID Wad. Tha SpanUh Cortes (PartHiant) laat eajht pmU by M» votaa to (our a BUI iimwln Urn decoiontaauon of ih» apaatth Bah«rm Spaint last ookmy to Africa. Ranter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 SPOIL YOURSELF WITH THE WORLDS NO.l SHOE-BALLY Pamper yourself with that touch of class! See the full range at CHANRAJ'S £S^—^aV BALLY RALEIGH EacajßM* stytas at ill IC/^^B*^^AILO«S STORES '•ll^ OUTFITTERS G OS/31 A G 36 Htf< StfM« Canto* (Ground Floor) Tal *****1 >c*jnßu«ftngS*opc»ngCantr« (Ground Ftoor) Tat *****3 G 23
      104 words
    • 425 5 fast with MOULINETTE MEAT. VEGETABLE CHEESE CHOPPER fit C\\ K4*Kexc more value at less cost The Moulinette will mince meat. fish, prawns J\ or vegetables so quickly, you can treat your I) y^ x\^^ v^. I family to delicious things like meat dumplings. y\ dshball soup, fried prawnballs, meatballs, vJ'
      425 words

  • 194 6 Permanent stay for 1,881 alien dependants A TOTAL of 1.881 foreign wives and dependents of Singapore citizens were granted permanent residence by the Immigration Department last year. This U a drop of 193 over the 1973 figure According to a Home Affairs Ministry spokesman yesterday, the figure U 996 for
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  • 84 6 On refresher courses MR LJ> ModraßD. MF B9t Serangoon Garden will aak the IJwiIHH tar Horn. Affairs and Education Mr Chtta Han Chin at the sluing of Parliament thai altrrauon. when the mat refresher course for teachers was held and how many oowplstaTl the course Ha also wante to know
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  • 13 6 THTRE were S3 road aortdenu. two of them serious on Tuesday
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  • 102 6 $10,000 gem grab by dagger Pig-J T«IU r sabers araa--1 ed with daggers held af Mr. Cfcea Trai U. a siH—iri, at his shw9 la Petaltug fcoad, ef f LavesMVer Htrcet. and sstaars with a btawfeaas eeataiaamg>»wM and geaM werth?ltjM«. Mr. Catoe was abeat te leave for Ms head effiee
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  • 38 6 DH. Saw Swoi Mstk, Dean o." the font* of Oosii— ns. Hanyang University. will open the second Hanyang University Management game intiT at the College of ""—w it lecture hail. Hanyang University today at IW am
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  • 938 6 Two-child norm accepted by people: Don 'Government can afford to be less harsh with disincentives' THE Government could afford to be "less harsh" with disincentives at the two-child level now that the norm has been accepted, especially by women under 25 years old, suggests Professor S.S. Ratnam, head of the
    938 words
  • 142 6 HPHE People's Ajaox elation has been studying the feasibility of converting community centres Into "meeting houses" for schoolchildren. It's not a new idea. Dortnc our periodical me stlngi. we have dwelt on the possibility of such a scheme.- Miss Chong 800 Tuan. deputy director
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  • 34 6 MB. KTJtPAL atagh. a lecturer with the afcasttab DilisHiiiH. OBtvemty as Brnajaanrs, wul apeak oa The ligspnn writers prntl— and Proem la" at the Wsrtsml LUnry maetag rasa ob Nov. M at
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  • 124 6 ME. DORAI Jehu has appealed to the pvattc U help trace has wife Lacy (afceve), U. aad hie twe earns aged and 12 wfce have bees is— in i fre aa beaac Aeeeratfng U klan, his wife left their 8t Geerge's Bead heave with
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  • 210 6 $125,000 diamonds vanish from warehouse GIZ diamond core a bits containing hundreds of tiny commercial diamonds worth nearly $125,000 have been reported stolen from Conoco Western Pacific Ltd. warehouse In Kuala Loyang Road. The theft wag discovered by two officials of the firm during a spot check at yout 4.19
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  • 52 6 Old Singapore greeting cards ORBTINO cards carrying scenes of Old Singapore are now on sale at the National Museum. There are nine different reproductions of printa and paintings They include the Padaog. the Singapore Rlrw Uw> waterfront and Hafflas Place in the late ISOOa and early ISSOa Bach card eoata
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  • 48 6 ■NCIK Othman Wok Minister of Home Aflalrs will be gueet-4* -honour at the NTUC dinner and dance at Neptune Theatre Restaurant on Saturday at 7JO pm. The dinner la to round off the activities organised by NTDC ■ports and recreation council during the year.
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  • 133 6 AOROUP of Austra--1 lan anglnoeiliq students are due to arrive here on Sunday for a 10-day visit. They are final year honours students In civil, electrical mechanical and electronic engineering at the University of western Australia. According to the Australian High Commission the students'
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  • 43 6 A TALK In Mandarin on the eoonomlc development and populaUon of davaaop. Ing countries will be given by Dr. Ang Kok Ping a aartor lecturer from the geography department of tfanyang University at Toa Payoh Library on Nov. at 11 am
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 I p 1 «L J I 1 mm j H FREE tumnoi '/f 'Original matching bench I setnw chemical »re«menii available: genuine spare pei >o Service' contracts Hire Ptirch«B« te y-in's accepted) BEST seller in the world BEST seller in Malaysia -S*nga p ore YAMAHA mokes the best instruments. /j
      173 words
    • 385 6 MlrlßßMwaTKlWtil aliens. W ICOUXJRIVSEIS V V =1 Model 11 1 RE CTV26 (26"/66 cm) I Super de-luxe I way sound I y/M Ultra Sonic remote control 1751* §> no. ma W0 Immmmml Mod A^6K 602/56 (***** cm) ITIQ CONSQUTHIN PRIZES OF l£2fe£t Rodenstoch W"% KW% W SUNGLASSES AaimbHairCKMtlcs Ail YOU
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 328 6 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM txptoalvc aay S Clear nhinattrm to pen S CM«« smmaraajamant to verse that's mournful (S). no parties that are re--10 Ooce more maltlne a vohiUonary (S). proflt (i) T Uvtnf creature that's 11 Stock-farmer made rapad broaajbt at a layar protraas— he's m credit S You
      328 words

  • 414 7 HDB and told Ng that he could get him a flat. Leow also told Ng that he had to pay $1,500 to his "treasurer." Ng paid Leow on June 21. In the fourth <*ase. Leow boarded a taxi and told
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  • 89 7 Music of Austrian masters by quartet CHAMBER music from Austria will be presented at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rise on Dec 11 at 8 30 p m. A quartet. comprising Vivien Ooh. Chlu Sin Sing. Tony Lee and Sylvia Ooh ■in play the works of W A Mocart. A Webern.
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  • 25 7 A TALK-CVU-niM show on ice-akaung by Mrs. Nancy Acfcerman wui be held at Plaaa singapura. Room >17. aecoad floor on Saturday at J pja
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  • 48 7 A TOTAL area of 308.937 2 sq. metres of land U to be acquired In Teban area for use as refuse tipping ground. The land Is In 24 lots In Muklm 30. Landowners may Inspect the site plan at the Land Office during office hours.
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  • 299 7 -Woman ship owner who made it to the top... SHE kegaa ts years age with a nasty M-taaae vessel to ferry gesas to tke ssUaas off ttaga•etv. Teday sac ewas eight vsauls, eaartors aaasareas etaers aad rmna several shipasag usaif nhs That ts the raga^to-rteaas story ef MaeUas Dsfly Beak.
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  • 277 7 GUILTY PLEA BY TWO IN HURT CASE IS REJECTED TWO youth*" who 1 pleaded guilty to voluntarily causing hurt to a 33-year-old man on Oct. 11 had their pleas rejected by a magistrate when they disputed the details In the charge. Instead, ooh Book Seng. 22. and Mohan so Manlkam
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  • 268 7 JJJLUSIVE "backyard" factories making antibiotics, tranquillisers and other drugs for sale in Singapore are on the increase, according to the Singapore Pharmaceutical Trade Association. Such pirate drugs, despite their Inherent Inconsistency in therapeutic effect and tendency to produce side effects, are sold at prices
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  • 198 7 -Prices settle with drop in costs TVRUG prices have v stablllaed after a rise In costs at the beginning of last year and a drop early, this year. Drug manufacturers and wholesalers contacted yesterday described the rise as "slight"— an average of 15 to 20 per cent with locally-manu-factured drugs,
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  • 52 7 THB Institute of Banting and Finance to launching a competition to select a logo for adoption. All entrtaa to the competition, ope. to all memben of tbe public with caen prises for the best nine designs, should reach the Institute director at International Plasa, Anaon Road by
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  • 85 7 Dr. Tan to present prizes DA. Tan Eng Uang. Senior Minister of State (National Development), will present prizes to winners of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce essay competition at Raffles Hotel tomorrow at 1145 p.m. lux Shelly won Urn gold mean tor hla amay on The ■rwnnenfr Outlook for
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  • 54 7 THB MlnMry of Home ASam rtemtly appotottd nia* smd to be memben at Urn Singapore Corporation of lUhaoUUlaUye faUrprtoM tor two raws. They an Measn Poo Meng Liang. Too Shlang Hul, Kon Watt Seng. Wong Chun Win. Lam Sheung Llm. Andrew Chen Aun-U, Mohammed Yueof bin Ahmad.
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  • 45 7 THE Buktt Merah (Sooth) Community Centre Youth KzecuUre OlMHaHl— wll orgaasM a Youth Recreational Weekend Camp at tbe National Youth Leadership Training Intitule boss 1M pjn. to t pm Dec. It. The fee U UM for member* and H for non-Baem-bers.
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  • 33 7 A LONDON formic «n--ttet. Dr. 8.0. Sana, will •peak on "Homtcld* and Urn DiDtM" at a public lecture at tht Alumni Medici I Ontn in OoUeg* Road today at 15 p-m.
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  • 24 7 TB* Dal»«mty of Singapore OtwutncaJ and Otbm ootoglcal Society wUI host an Attan FMcratlon oT Ota*M> rtes and OrnaecotogtaU la-tcT-Congraea not April.
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  • 129 7 SIX eases of sUicocis war* conflrmed by tb t Industrial Health Unit of the Labour Ministry In September A surrey carried oat by the unit since April disclosed that although occupational cancer risks were present among certain Industries, no case had been detected. It was because of
    129 words
  • 57 7 rl Stagaaerc ■rrienl fleet rturtoi an laareas* eg ever a saattaa leases test year vi to a*w the lftta largest fleet to the werM. aecerdUg U the Ueyd-i Migaaii ef laligsas, nirsau to tke ligtolii tke total deadweight teaaage fer stoasHktos and sseter resecte to ffjnMM ewt. Tato
    57 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 647 7 r Unbeatable value-for-money A tours of New Zealand, Australia Fiji. From Air \ew Zealand -naturally. JC few i^C^ the friendly wsy to see the Pn^ggsW .^fl friendly country and keep /S~^f^ZV^ ""^^^^^"MSmsiOPt^ costs within easy budget limits. Li ILWS^^C I Cover the scenic highlights: (T^r+ZiMf^Cj^l^ri "1 r^fT"^^*^ go sightseeing on
      647 words
    • 365 7 t LUELCOfTIE savings 1 20th November to 26th Novmbr, 1975 jNSTANT MILK POWDER fin 2x9 9.00 FRUIT COCKTAIL dew sweet aust. 822g 1.70 HOT DOG SAUSAGES DANISH CKOWN DIMMAKK TIN 1.32 CREAM STYLE CORN ligo u.s.a. 454 9 .90 EVAPORATED MILK king of kings 4109 .58 CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP
      365 words

  • 260 8 $150,000 loss as fire sweeps two offices E<IRE broke oat In r two firms yesterday and destroyed property worth about $150,©«0. Police said nobody was Injured and the caases of the fires were not yet known. The first fire broke oat at aboat 3 a.m. In a month -old firm
    260 words
  • 38 8 DR. BO 81ms of the Department of Forensic Madl- in*. University of London, will (I** a public knur* on on homicide and the lenUst at Urn Alumni Medical Osntre. Sepoy linn, on Thursday at CIS pjn
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  • 64 8 Sewing course: 150 apply for 40 places riNB hundred and fifty \J applicants are vying for 40 places in the sewing assistants training course, organised by the Industrial Training Board and the Singapore Masters' Tailor's Association. The apaMcaUon* which closed at th* Baharuddln Vocational Institute on Monday will be proceasad
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  • 187 8 A 62- YEAR-OLD WOi\ man drank Insecticide after h«r daughter-in-law stopped her from beating her granddaughter, a coroner's court heard on Tuesday. The spurt heard that Ong Chew, who d.ed on Oct. 6 in her house in Yio Chu Kang Road after taking the
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  • 461 8  - NS crime fighters score quick successes IRENE MGOO By fHE first batch pf full-time police national servicemen have made their first arrests barely two weeks after graduating on Oct. 15. Among the people they picked up while on rounds or doing vertical policing duties were drug addicts and an armed
    461 words
  • 63 8 MISS Yee San Oi. alias Ta B Slew Geek, it, of Kampong San Tent who was fosind unconsclo«s In a room in Hotel Bencoolen on Tuesday. Is reported to be Improving at the Singapore General Hospital. Her Malaysian boyfriend. Lob. Chee Keong. 22. who cheeked In at the
    63 words
  • 94 8 $84,500 for Singapore charities MRS. Rukmlto Hendranlngrat. wife of the Indonesian ambassador, will present a cheque for $84,532 to Mr. Ec Peng Liang, president of the Singapore Council of Social Service today at a luncheon at 98, Holland Hill. The money U to be uatd for building a room at
    94 words
  • 191 8 $19.9 mil spent on health services by year's end rpFJE Goft rnment 1 wIU have spent lift million by the end of the year to expand and modernise health care faculties. This represents a IN per cent Increase over the ».J million spent In 197 J. according to a sarvey
    191 words
  • 45 8 THI TWCA wIU bald a dajr camp for young her* and flrli ifrotn four to nlo* y**n old) at Urn Outram Road Mntr* from D«e 1-4 Ttaa aim of UiU eama it to promoU frlmdihlp and cooperatkn among ebiitna. ran. By BUI Ktvm
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 264 8 if you're a U.S. businessman based abroad you need a multinational bank just as much as your company does. Being an executive committed to working out- Chase offers you worldwide dollar acside the US may offer an exciting life. But there counts, overdraft cash reserve, a variety of are realities
      264 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 247 8 ■Hat lag Vp Wmthmr Bjr BUI Kavanagh Camp LOAFS*./ I TTJtO YOU T TMMS« «OS WAKIN«^ &4 '1 DONT SJCrrviEW MOTHS* I, OONT APPOCVE Of MS} UP MAO— V lpaAß-->Wu WB VOiJH AFTSjajKOONy S WAS CptNe) V<%) f j \**trr. ~I LL OF" JKSfl*/ MUmmm r— Uy ChU Y#ttllt u^
      247 words

  • 139 9 this year was with Cambodia and Laos. Singapore Imported $500,000 worth of goods from Laos and Cambodia in January September this year compared with $243 million during the same period last year. fl IK vohiint- of trade between Singapore and [ndochina states amounted to
    139 words
  • 41 9 MR Pong Sip Chee. Senior Parliamentary Secretary 'Labour i mill open the International Labour Organisation regional seminar on Occupational Safety and Health In Relation to Produrtivttji. at Ming Court Hotel Orchard Road on Nov 24 at 10.30 am
    41 words
  • 57 9 THE Supervisory and Management Training Association of Slnga- Ml conduct a 10--course on Sales Marketing at the i! English Langur.tre lecture room 407. from Dec. 2 The course Is for marketing trainees and executives, sales managers and engineers. Closing date for applications is Nov 28 Fees are $80
    57 words
  • 61 9 Kirn San to open ITF talks THE International Transport-workers' Federation 'ITFi Asian Road Transport Workers' conference will be held at Hotel Equatorial from Dec. 1 to 5. air. Lim Kirn San Minister (or National Development and Communications, will open the conference. About 40 trade unionists from Japan. Australia. India. Indonesia.
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  • 152 9  -  JUNID JUANI Picture by LUGGING an eightkilo golf hag on a trolley down an It-hole coarse may not he every girl's scene hat for Hanifah Amat, 17. and Hallxah Abbas. IS. it's a pleasant and lucrative way to kill time on Sunday. The two
    152 words
  • 41 9 THE Young Muticlani' Society will present a twoday Christina* (anUcy coocert at the Victoria Theatre on Not 29 and SO. On Nov. M. the concert will commence 4 p.m. and the following day at p m
    41 words
  • 23 9 A BEPAK takraw toumanament will be held at Oeylang But community centre on Dec. 10. Closing date (or registration to Dec
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  • 205 9 Case of couple who didn't set up L- house— A DRESSMAKER'S suspicion was aroused when her father told her that he had seen her husband holding hands with a girl along Chinatown, the High Court heard yesterday. Wong Ah Poh. 21. suing her husband. Peter Lee Boon Seng, 25, for
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  • 26 9 THK YIICA will hold > day camp (or chlidrcn aged from four to nine yean, at the Outrun Road centre from Dec 2 to 6
    26 words
  • 302 9 rpHE Burmese wife of a senior law lecturer here flew to London on a firstclass ticket sent to her by her old lover from New York and committed adultery with him in a hotel there, the High Court heard yesterday. Mr. Mylnt So*. 44.
    302 words
  • 98 9 Metric Board to hold poster contest A METRIC poster competition on the theme "Trade and Industry Oo Metric or "Metric in the Market" will be organised by the Singapore Metrication Board The competition will be divided into three sections school itudenu. tertiary Institution students and the gereral public Those Interested
    98 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 510 9 gUg«JgiJg,T^gU i^g«»^g«kfe g«l^g««^g«w^gj .^g^g«4fl ■''jV^VMi^rtiS T .^0 w m.M j£ x^uWi^v u_ f^r^W T"*FITI I^MlT'* FI^T W 1% TW r £^S >7f r f\ V> I *j*c x% (he -to *|/f yiK^ygW /*v- *U\LtM.lll\ ////\AA6/I/\6* I •M +\?&M* ta**..u J I 'WTffCffl WPvShk TURKEYS *YAMS £1* fAMIU Jl/'T A |M|h,-^Ov
      510 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 341 10 •l 2 shows at abcuc mmvi A4^»i-. m.oo 700 1 9Mpm UrfcNd IUOMT! o-M-.- ii<k>: j! Leung Shin Poh mi D *STRANGE VI j: |tV OOYSSEY' U;: M^CTNE LfSBMIF JtSTICI PM)r^| H2nd "Conquering" Week!| i; ODEON: n» i.m. i.». im n. MIGHTY IN SCOPE I MIGHTY AS THIS MAN WHOSi
      341 words
    • 332 10 g^soLLO^y<i( ■k>> Theatre Restaurant Nite-Club (Roof Floor Apollo Hotel) JL^^B Genuine I wm&^l^k. Hunan Food band and singers in attendance Cl^3 Dine and dance in luxurious comfort No Corkage I Charges for full-course dinner ($lOO 00 upwards) No extra charge for V I P room. ideal for private party and
      332 words
    • 417 10 fl P RESTAURANT I Genuine Italian fare (si OPEN DAILY: I |K^=j7 1 2 NOON -3 P M _^B I B 6PM -MIDNIGHT fl __F a|H SUNDAY 6P.M. -MIDNIGHT I CLOSES 11.15 RMJ^^^l I 91JANGLIN ROAD. SING APORE.IO RING *****5 FOR RESERVATIONS. -rV/-E _L_^^_^r ___^__^_f e_p^_^^_l _-0 ___l m m_l^l*_^*'^^^^^____k
      417 words
    • 217 10 ;LI DO: 41- WEEK 24th BAY! i| i _^a i Ham a ;3 ____K*T* \__l 1-30 B V W»iei«ir-| Mt» i*»_#s_W7 -MBBB-DB-S __L MOnt along. W^"\ //sJE^K^ir i •**<• HPVHVf m vMr I B JMMtMywd \\\^Qm_^B IftV »it»w*«J from j j M H I •*PITat SHLBB CHRJSTO-HBI -LUMMH °i*| the
      217 words
    • 507 10 ijuCATHAV;: 1--W6MIISWIOHJ oriNS tooat IMmM 700 JO~- P J stiamci oorssir -<>-vl o» JmX* Poo) l L«uog Sh.n ("or, Co(orScop« Jurong or.»«'ln Cinema "xa>>» Sor i 1 J TMI lunnimc MOfl Cotor I lirKfc. r\» f i > omnj today J 12 10 J IS. »N 4 IJ~- > fUNNY
      507 words

    • 111 11 655 GOVT— DOC7ORS QUIT IN 5 YEARS ITU ALA LUMPUR IV We«. A total of 655 doctors resigned from the Government *rvlce since 1970 to Oct. 1 this year. Health Minister Tan Sri Lee Si Jk Yew said yeaterday. But from lflrri to Oct 31 thli year, his Ministry had
      111 words
    • 47 11 l-.IPUR. WedBulgana Mas set up a spenpani Bulma Sdn prcnote Uade with Malayua lit Bulgarian Demmrclal counsellor. Mr M. Oet-glev. said here today The Bulsirta-owned company, wrrh will start operation pan mill initially handle the Import and dls- iht Bulcarlan metrical and Industrial products.
      47 words
    • 32 11 KUAU LUMPUR. Wed Pive me] dreaacd In rmlneoats h«l up the watchman of Syartai Nerjaya Tyre In Jalan tniUnc Klang hare last nlgu and escaped with tyres with »25 000
      32 words
    • 165 11 FIREARMS FOR VIGILANTES IF NEEDED' KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Rnkun Tetanggn iCorr.mun'ty Self-reli-ance i vigilantes will be equipped with firearms If it is .'r.und necessary to do so. Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister. Datuk Abdullah Ahmad. told the Dewan Hakyat dvrlng question time today It was also not necss- ary
      165 words
    • 127 11 'Ringgit still one of the strongest' KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. rhe rinsgit. with a backing of 185 per cent in itserwi ani support ed by a strong and resilient economy, continues U> be one of the stronncst of currencies. Deputy Finance Minister Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan told the Devar. Rakymt
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    • 47 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Oovemmeni can tako action against Malaysian rtudenu overseas who break the country's security laws. Deputy Education Minister, Mr. Chan Slant; Sun, told the Dewan Rakjrat today. But the action can only be taken on their return home, he added.
      47 words
    • 36 11 KUALA LUMPUR Wed Twenty-three ruk v n tetann* (oparmttooal stlf. reliance) sectors have bean established througnout Peninsular Malaysia. Deputy Minister In the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Abdullah Ahmad. told the Oewan Rakjrat today.
      36 words
    • 324 11 JOHORE BARU, Wednesday JOHORE Baru and its outlying areas are in the grip of a major kerosene shortage. The Trade and Industry Enforcement Unit which is aware of the situation has assured, however, that efforts are being made to overcome the shortage by this week or
      324 words
    • 22 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The PUlplno Army has donated USS444 (8S1.010) to the National Monument Reatoration Fund. Malaysian official* said AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 254 11 IPOH. Wednesday pOLJCE have so far detained a total of 136 suspects In massive operations since Thursday In connection with the killing of the Chief Police Officer Tan Sri Koo Chong Kong, and his driver, Sgt Yeong Peng Cheong. The P c r a
      254 words
    • 34 11 KIALA LUMPUB, Wed. The Royal Malaysian Navy rescued SI trawler fishermen Ust night when their H- tonne fishing vessel was foand driftinr In South CUna Sea. ahort Mka northeast of Endaa.
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    • 175 11 Laws to curb land developers Xl- AL A LUOTCB. Wed —The State Government Is to recommend to the National Land Cosmcil that legislation he drawn ip to control the activities of land developers. Mentrl Besar Dato Haji Haran Idris said today. He was replying to Mr. Tong Kok Man (NF-Bandar
      175 words
    • 53 11 CANBERRA, Wed. Pour members of the Royal Malaysian Air Port* will be among IT pilot* to receive their "wings" at a graduation parade at the Peaxce Australian air forre base In Western Australia tomomm The Malaysians were trained by the RAAP under the defence co-operation programme
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 136 11 Border crimes, so fewer visit -Thailand- A LOR STAR, Wed Reports of crimes across the border are discouraging Malaysians from visiting Haadyai, a popular Thai border town, where tourists are assured of a swinging time. One of the most recent incidents was the case of two Alor Star businessmen who
      136 words
    • 57 11 Wan ted' man nabbed KOTA BARU. Wed Kelantan police have arrested a suspect wanted by Juhore police (or questionIng In connection with an attempted murder In Batu Pahat A police party led by Inspector Hamaah bin Mohamed Bom detained the suspect, aged 21 In i kongsl house at Buklt Buloh
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    • 31 11 PENANO. Wed The Kampung Baru Wanltm Umno distributed gifts at the Penanf Otneral Hospital on Sunday to members of the armed forces wounded during operations on the MalayslanThal border
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 259 11 2 SHAPING MACHINE rBSsS PILLAR i arf WPJJP DRILLING W IB^-I.— I MACHING t^' r\ UNIVFRSAL ENGINf LATHE I^ai»^ AUTOMATIC |HYDfAULIC HACK SAW W UNI'ERSAL I \^o ELPR^a/AA Electric Motors AO-EOSwiei 0.25- 136 HP Three Phase Sings Phase Mk Wk ■9 •>otor are iropicaiitei. »sn cooled, _jfl s^sw I cage
      259 words
    • 233 11 asm jM AmmmA MWkJ bemuse... v Fernleaf is pore, creamy butrer [I Hj>J 'i I made from real dairy milk rich M^ in all the nutriment and goodness <ll >««« fc>i^^ p your family needs Smooth, golden butter, with the ;reamiesl. mellow butter flavour,. Pernlea^ from the rich dairy pastures
      233 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1975
    • 382 12 THE pace of change at Nanyang University has given rise to misg vlnga In some quarters. There Is a feeling that the restructuring of courses, Including wider use of English as a medium of Instruction, has been carried out too quickly. Vicechancellor Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng rejects this
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    • 245 12 A JOINT three-nation task force to combat oil spills in the Straits of Malacca looks fine on paper. But the formation of such a force as proposed by a Mobil Oil pollution expert in Singapore on Tuesday is something easier said than done. Many practical problems lie
      245 words
    • 193 12 The main criteria for promoting special constables I REFER to the speech by the Minister for Home Affairs Mr. Chua Slan Chin at the Special Constabulary annual dinner (Bun. T. Nov. 9). Though I agree that there Is ample leadership material to select from the 1,700 special constables with tertiary
      193 words
    • 114 12 rE chairman of Medlk Awas. Dr. Loh York Slong. is right when he says that many people are still In the dark regarding the scheme (ST. Novi 12.) i Medlk Awas is a scheme to aiert doctors to a patients allergies and health problems). Even doctors are not aware of
      114 words
    • 53 12 PR several months now lorries loaded with earth have been travelling at great speed between 13 km Tamptnes and Upper Changl Road. Some of the drivers do not seem to care for the safety of other motorists when they "race" among themselves even during peak hours In the morning. S.P.
      53 words
    • 65 12 TTHE Housing Board ■1 put up a sign stating that playing of games la prohibited at the basketball court between Block 28. 29 and 18, Marine Crescent from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Some residents do not adhere to this rule by p'aylng games early In the morning or late
      65 words
  • 732 12  -  MAX WILDE: By Geneva JUST before he was appointed chief of the American delegation to the United Nations In May, Mr. Daniel Patrick Moynihan said the United States should "raise hell" in the Some thought that this might jeopardise his appointment, but it did not
    732 words
  • 1286 12  -  EDWARD LIU: WITH THE FIRST FLOW OF NORTH SEA 01L... By London QIL is always big news in Britain but there is a little buoyancy in the country since Queen Elizabeth 11, earlier this month, in the presence of 1,000
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 40 12 IM buttoffftolst (itu'lng D«»t Morkipsnthip. *m »r» I 4 (iportart of Until G«nlt (•■t|l«» t1«r«D» lit* MM 4 «id»v! '«nj« ol mattnalt for m«i»ction. our cmlomtri in a harry, thara't our a>prat> tarvlca. Slngapora. 1. Tal ***** Hong Kong (Branch)
      40 words
    • 398 12 jbb^isbbbbbbbbbbV^^ *^0 A NYAL Ascorbic Acid FIGHT FLU AND COLD Take Nyal Ascorbic Acid the vitil Vitamin C for rrwntunin* healthy bones, skin and > tmue. promotiM growth and buildn to respiratory infection. Vitarrn essential tor in'.urv jn d k -4^**l growing childirn lor nL^V^^M adequate vitamin I, take ifSsgP^JF
      398 words

  • 738 13  - Full employment need not fuel inflation TOM WICKER By NEW YORK QNE of the most widely epted economic proir tune, endby keynesian lilx-rals naervathn thai the achievement of full employment will inevitably bring price inflation. The so-called "Phillips curve" even calibrates the connection the lower the rate of unemployment, the
    738 words
  • 291 13 Difficult year ahead for Consol Plant By MARTIN LIM JUST as the chairman. Mr. K. N. tales, had feared, the current IX months are proving dimcult for Consolidated Plantations. First quarter results down significantly •bow just how macb damage la done to profits by a combination of lower commodity prices,
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  • 56 13 ISLAND and Penslnsular Development, the Malaysian associate of Haw Par Brothers International, has raftered a one-third drop In group pre-tax profits to M 53.63 million In the first halfy6tr ended September 1075 Sales fell 1»7 per cent to $15 97 m'llton. The company. Is maintaining Its first
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  • 196 13 SINCE July, when banks wen allowed to Ox their own operating hours, only the Development Bank of Singapore hat taken advantage of the freedom successfully and extended 1U Saturday banking hours. One other bank reportedly tried, but failed. to Implement earlier opening hours. Three out of
    196 words
  • 818 13 INDO NESIA'S REACTION TO OUTSIDE EXPERTISE MIXED JAKARTA: Foreign banks operating in Indonesia came in for some pointed words of criticism from the country's central bank governor recently. His main message. In a speech at the opening of the new premises of European Asian Bank here was that they should
    818 words
  • 77 13 MR Raymond F. Miller, senior vice-president of the State Street Bank of Boston arrives here today to visit the bank's representative office and to strengthen his bank's links with Singapore's financial Institutions. State Street which opened an office In Singapore In 1874 Is the first New
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  • 306 13  -  SOH TIAMG KENG ■y MR. HARRY Anderson, chairman of Merrill Lynch International, has ruled out another dizzy boom in -vorld commodity prices next year. Says Mr. Anderson "The" rato of inflation is coming down If inflation Is brought under control, commodity prices will level off.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 98 13 THE FINEST COMPACT SYSTEM YOU CAN BUY! "the best of both worlds" The most advanced Sslora FM Receiver Finland Belt drive Thorens TO l6O from Switzerland with the popular .re M7SE from America, and last but not least the award winning B& W ■c I DM4) Monitor Speakers from England
      98 words
    • 51 13 o? m This is the watch that ig LJEa^ speaks for itself —in §mk Bill precision accuracy, f/^ W|. craftsmanship and ifW -*^?*£sMilr Im) style. A watch geared nt for the man who's VQm WfSj^ttUfj I destined to lead. S^. Mm/ yi£*i v^sb Jm a claw fnitsctf. iro a Ml
      51 words

  • 177 14 Computers to help design ships TIE American Bureau ef Shipping ABS. has Installed a' set of IU general and computer prograjtunes at the IBM eeaspvter facility in Singapore to help local shipyards predaee their own ■Una' desKni The ABS says it decided te do this because Sinxaporp Is in the
    177 words
  • 399 14  - Lloyd's sets up an East Asia Committee QOH ENG KEE By LLOYDS Register of Shipping has set up an East Asia Committee which emphasises its considerable Interests in East Asia and its efforts to Improve its technical services. Lloyd's has 16 other national committees, but the latest committee differs from
    399 words
  • 168 14 Ckmng pranuum com in Mokiywan c«nt> to cot) option on thorn i'»tad on ttta Stock Cxcnanos 'or I9W> No, \wfi lottiat quota* o«o.kH>t« Sowct Cmi i Put $«cur>iia* OptKm Son Bhd Kuele Lumpw T«i 252M17 Stock Pr»nVShor«F<x 30dor* 60<Joyt 90doy» ISO dor* BCNANOCO CANOC INI FUSAN CARLSBERG F CABLES GENTING
    168 words
  • 294 14  - Malaysia's express service via Suez NAJIB ABDUL RAHMAN From LONDON rrtlE Malaysian InA ternatlonal Shipping Corporation has launched a new service which cuts sailing time from London to Malaysia by about one week. Called the Super Express Service' (SES), Its liners on the Far East and Europe run, will bypass
    294 words
  • 224 14 QOMX Japanese ship ping lines may as a result of financial difficulties decide to skip Singapore as a port of call two have done so recently much to the dls appointment of local shippers. Some, on the other hand, have decided to add Singapore to
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  • 206 14 Tanka Ahmad Yahaya. managing director of Dunlop Malaysian Industries, has announced the following organisation chances and appointments: Mr. Henry Goh to sales managertyres. Enclk Ghuall Taaeff to sales manager Dunlopillo division. Mr. Cheah Cheng Thye to chief engineer DMIB. Mr. John Haring to manager-exports, tndk Abdul Kaddas
    206 words
  • 127 14 Dunlop Holdings profits lower LONDON Dunlop Holdings has reported a five per cent setback In pre-tax profits at £19 83 million for the first half-year ended June 1975. Sales rose by 18 per cent to £493 million. The earnings shortfall is due primarily to higher financing charges which rose by
    127 words
  • 170 14 rKYO Export order* received by Japanese shipyards rose 51 per cent to 213 ships (3.019.000 gross tonnes 1 In the first seven months ended October 1975 from 15« ships (1.990.000 tonnes) In the same fiscal 1974 year period. Japan Ship exporter* Association said The new ship
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 51 14 LONDON: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation, the Royal Dutch-Shell group and Saudlnaft Corporation were granted a licence by the Saudi Arabian government to form a Joint venture sniping company, called Saudlnaft Tankers. This nrlU In the next few months own and operate tankers under the Saudi Arabian flag
    Reuter  -  51 words
    • 141 14 AMSTERDAM. TMam— Shares finned «troo«ly on widespread demand wtth l'*w «*>*» l 4-W fulloan haxhar amonc Dutch tnurnaUonals. dealen ssid Laadwc pinen tswliaii were KLM which sjmonnced the first rise in 1U im load factor yesterday Gto. and AkaM. OsMßaa rskksr. Oes and Ksnsm were isolated losers. Plantation* were
      141 words
    • 90 14 7URICR. Tttas.— The tenant trend st Ua Zurich «oek awket im flna today Bank* were firm. tWtosWisJi wall rUspoasd. tnaurmnos osoatd almost steady Beads wars well maintained. The Crwtlt Sulasc tnoas pinm aaothar 0 M point to Itis. Cimu prteM m S*u* fiuo wMkijht Ssan—ii as <aa iiimn asßstss'9
      90 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 292 14 ACBC Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Optimum interest and liquidity. Available for specific periods of not less than 3 months and not more than 3 years. High interest rates for fixed periods. Accepted by banks as collateral. Freely negotiable therefc.e liquid at any time. Minimum deposit Ssloo,ooo with multiples of SSSOOOO
      292 words
    • 6 14 V 4*fl nVVsHsK ssft^wVafana sss^^ BBa^av
      6 words
      8 words
    • 305 14 No Time to look after your SHARES? If you hold sharrs and you Urk Ihe lime or knowkdV to manage them, why not rxchanq* your shares for Singapore Growth Fund units? You will be Investing In a multl million dollar unit trust with rmphasts In shares believed to represent Ihe
      305 words

    • 20 15 LP. Tot L C. L UMf ■■>■■ *f1 Mil •SJN UM SS.U ti.1t +M +M +JH JH M M
      20 words
    • 1 15
      1 words
    • 9 15 Mrrtta r* Tmtiw: UMN HMM LJW 14 If 11
      9 words
    • 64 15 ft B.T. tmtm: 1MJ« lM.1t lilwlrtifc: ittJI rhmi; *m.n sm.o f Bllrti: 1«7*1 lMJt riiflUlil: MUS IIMI Ttaa: MM MJT t I ivkkan: tlM» I1IJI i ox; Ad a*un m*.m Imi.: tliJW IU.J7 ft Iul 1. lti* 1M Dat. W. 1*M 1M 1 Dm. U. IMS 1M t
      64 words
  • 1712 15 •yHB iMt transacted ready A sale at the close of business on the Stock ttchans* of Wpore yeawrday compared the previous day s prices together with 1075 high and tow C Adjusted for scrip lights issue) CLOSING TONS I An MCtMaj CNM«4 Miwr. TUSNOVIB: OSVIaI fl«vrM MM4M4 br
    1,712 words
  • 91 15 Bt B»: k UtS ]<) am* Dart* 0 24 m •V Way |0 M —07 M KU« SO 7a N n M»« 04 Kat bid tost M OCJ C #7 75 —«6 I'O Land lOSS —So UOB 13 «0 04 CTty Drr tl IS —S4 Kanpaa
    91 words
  • 375 15 nUCCS cleeca sewer I at the Stecfc Bxcmaasjs ef Slngsßsrt. yesterday, largely are* to latr selling la the assraliu, the trading Baee was ojeJet bat Use andertooe was steady Daring the first trading keex in the sfternoosi, some nerviesßUM BffSBH rvldent snd sellers began to appear
    375 words
  • 1407 15 nID and offer prlcea ctnclaJly lartod and tiiajnaai in and rrponed to the Mock SCxcnanie of Btnfaporo yetlerd«y with the number of aharea traoed shown In brmckrta In lou of 1400 unlu untoM otherwiat ipedfted All Time Bargains or Settlement Contract* are quoted after the word Sett
    1,407 words
  • 305 15 Shares in XL end lower rX Kuala Lumpur stock market drifted lower in very Quiet and selective trading yesterday. After an easier opening, prices hovered around the previous day's closing levels before picking up slightly towards noon. Moat counters met with selling pressure In the afternoon to end with moderate
    305 words
  • 1081 15 BID and offer priraa o/ficlally luted and burtnoM la and rrponed to iho BUiai. Lumpur Block Exrtuune yoatorday with ttto number of abun traded anown In brackeu in tola of 1.000 units, unlosa oUmt«lm apscinod. IMOVITaiALI *•■>« I I SAB) AltotMU i I *»Bl A. Iw ifH .1)
    1,081 words
  • 118 15 New chief for First Chicago Mr. Robert Abboud baa been appointed chairman and chief executive officer of Pint r *'*rff CorporaUon and 1U wboUyowned rabakllary, First National Bank of Chicago Mr. Abboud, formerly deputy chairman, »ucetßda Mr. Oaylord Teeman. who baa retired. First National Bank of Chicago runt a branch
    118 words
  • 85 15 rl bUUtsUb Minister of Finance bas fixed these dntles from Not. 19 aaUl farther settee. Sabeer (5 1 cU lb Copra $O2 a ton kernel StULXS a tea The rates of daties available arc: Babber Si eta a lb (Total eta a lb) (Sareharge t eta a lb)
    85 words
  • 32 15 T«* Mlßßlßfy *****1% •a' SlaVfaßjsMV IbWIIbB bSmVJbbbW f#C ill bbbblJbbbbbb ftl ~«M*t BIMIIJ BBBH BBMi fTCM WT. MbE BBBb MBJBBf Wt9 iPBMWy MBB MOJM BBt ho MBJ BM SUO.MX.
    32 words
    • 195 15 THE StralU Un pries In an official offering down 16 ton* to 370 tons. The overnight London metal price waa fairly steady with forward buyers quoted (town (4 on Monday's close to U. 144 per metric ton. LONDON: Tin declined by sround t* per tonne for Cash and
      195 words
    • 26 15 Babher Nov. I*. «*"«aßere: Dec IMB cU (a* ct). Malaysia: Dee. IM.M eta (bb i.7l et). •as,. Official offering: tT tens (down 15 teas).
      26 words
    • 96 15 -minisi raoouci iicnanqi ftIHSAPSBS HOOM CLSftlllS ►aicsft rsa ncuL vs«tsso«v. •JJJknMi MTVi ssOars. ■*> saw Smmi MUM (Mm*) Utcw. SM eajis. Nut. afaatat: ASTA wknt f«h 110* NLW SMO MlMn. tea. m, hlw «SM Mil«n. saianfe aMeiai Mack f O.S. SS« nlw lIM mtVn. Sarawak ASTA Mack f e.k.
      96 words
    • 38 15 LaaSaa ssoeer yt ie« aa Taaaeay (HKlni at brmckaui. ••n»ar Spat harar UTS (fftTTM) Miter £371 (UTI.I0). Tan* ataata buyv iftOO i ISM Ml Mltar IMOSO (ISM). Mark* mm! aiMSr at ta« bmr SaSM: I*oo WW
      38 words
    • 499 15 aPTER lower openhn. the Slncapore rubber market was Tory quiet and about mnftniilMo up until noon. Thereafter, lbs mm was rswojsd on shcrtcoYCTln« an d lur n o c r improved. The rnomlnc wertrm closed quiet. The afternoon session was quietly steady with no real feature except for
      499 words
    • 88 15 jj/ULY an m* MR pnew Imuml a uoaa ywurday M XT (1 tan palM) SMK U. (1 ton paDtt) an (i ton paUMi ■a 10 (1 too paltot) ■MB M (1 too paten aMR M (1 urn pallK) MB M 1 too paltot) MS M (1 100
      88 words
    • 170 15 TOaTYO. Wsd— The Bkarket dosed tower with operator awaiting Wall Streets reaction to fisadint Ford's statement on aid for New York City later today, daalears said. The Dow Jones average lost 1041 to *****0 van a volume of 100 million shana The Hew index dosed at *****. down 1.41.
      170 words
    • 190 15 UONOKONO. Wsd. The markK was saghtly lower In small turnover, with opera torn awaiting nuancsal ascretary rtiUlp Haddon-Cave's statement to the legislative council on the Inquiry Into UM. Tili|Siai, dealer* said. The Bang Brng index fell 147 potnu to 31$ TO Turnover on the Hongkong Stock Exchange dropped to
      190 words
    • 69 15 TMM»r Mm«M «M Ul. Bißjswm id nim utsi *M IU Tftß 141. t58 IW.TSS MI Ma asfrat IMM I4J.M SarMk ISS.TSB Mi SOB IM TM 141 SOB IM.II 144 01 WlMlllM TMM* r BMr«MI 141 m ,i, v, Saar* d> im kh m 118 Mills 141 SOS "Sail
      69 words
    • 226 15 £TDN-nr. wsd. The J market raJlled during the •Jtercoon sMston and mTnln* n» Sydney All -Ordinaries todej ross 1.70 potnte to ■■P led the advance putting on 30 cents st MS 76 Banks and finances Improved Baas ef Walaa put on four cent* In late trading to finish at
      UP  -  226 words
    • 313 15 XJEW YORK. Tuos.— As the stock market waited for news of progress toward a solution of Hew York City's financial problem* it became a UtUe nervous today and its early gains eroded. The Dow Jones Industrial average up 667 In late morning, fell back and closed st *****.
      313 words
    • 102 15 FINANCIAL TIMF*. INDI9TBIALS Tuesday J7» Monday J7» 3 Week ago 170 3 TIN! Tuesdsy »4 47 Monday 01 00 Woak ago 0346 aißaaaa Tuesday ***** Monday m4O Week ago We 14 •mi Tuesday no 10 Monday 3J« 71 Week ago 136 M DOW JONES AVEKAGE INDUSTUALfI Tuesday 666 34
      102 words
    • 235 15 ttHI US unit opened to*--1 at 63 4000-30 In the Singapore forex market yesterday aa the unit closed on a dowewsrd trend In major ftiropoan currency centres. Trading was fairly quiet In a thin market with the US unit steadying at *****5-10 level throughout the 1 1
      235 words
    • 152 15 auimiid Interbank raUa at IN pHt. W— rate* taHklMlu 1 «M««4 rntviir frrw) party US <k>U»r 2 4*oo 2 4005 J JIM StcrUnc pound ***** SO7SS 7 M«» Hongkonf dollar 4» 45 49 SO MSI Malajwlan dollar M 44 M.M 100 00 Aurt. •chllltnf 11.470S 1J523S 13 1013
      152 words
    • 150 15 A SIAW currancy dopoatt tnl«rtank ntm as at cloat on Nor. lti Offer BM 7 dan »H 1 mth »S 3 mtha «s 6S S bUm «H 6% mini 7 11 IS IIK t mtha T 15 1« 7 1J It 11 BUM «S ■w. m. Dim
      150 words
    • 34 15 Cloalnf Interbank r»t« In Blnsapon doltari for Hoy tl Oe?*r BM Oromlfht 4. 4 1 mth 4S till DtlU 4\ 4S 1 mtAi 4% 4 IS la Hbbvco: P. Mamr-JaatM I B*4OTVes4lvVsaßL
      34 words
    • 72 15 RAI«OC »f mm tMTK br «vM«ai ItaM ia N*<r 10 Ovancl(kl 1 I N v I 1/1% CUI t»rmu l I/M Ot.tMn Bm> ».ii MfBBB Trauunr Mil* I t II 1 111 Mbbmb Buk MIM 4 II II 4 0/11 IKmII CD 4 It'll 4 t'4 IM«U CX>
      72 words
    • 56 15 Prime lending raxes (in Algoman* Bonk 7 Bangkok Bank 7 -j Bonk of Amorico 6-j Bonk of 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bank Naaoro lndonoMo7'4 Bong/jo (>o L'lndochtm 7 Cnorrorwd Bonk 7 Chat* MonhotTon 7 oes 6*. rir»t ChKOQO 7 FNCB HKSBC 7 Mokjyon Bonking Mittui Bon* OCBC 7
      56 words

    • 130 16 Coming: Jean Patou fashions WITH the end of the year In sight, local women will have one more serving of Paris haute couture from Jean Patou. Patou fashion may not be as familiar as Patou perfumes but your mother may remember Jean s attack on the unbecoming low-waisted silhouette of
      130 words
    • 336 16 Where dad is just another 'silly boy' A READER, Mr. Tan Hye wrote In defense of men after reading my article "Who is the boas"? published last Tuesday. He quoted Dr. Bruno Bettelhelm, noted American psychologist and author, director of the Orthogenic Centre for Disturbed Children. Dr Bettelhelm warns that
      336 words
    • 707 16  -  SARA LAMBERT By QAMKS playing is child's play to a child. No psychology lessons are needed Unlike adults they don't have to read EricBerne to know when they are deceiving others or themselves. The average child can deceive most of the people most of
      707 words
    • 213 16 IF DIAMONDS set off the sparkle in Her 1 eyes, then silver puts the gleam In Crown Jeweller William Summers'. "I have always liked fine things like silver and paintings," said Mr. Summers, director of Qarrard's. Crown Jewellers of England. That. In short,
      213 words
    • 51 16 THK Home Economics Teachers' Annrftian will bold a chanty "Mother and Child*' faahloo show at Hya* t Hotel at tea-time on Saturday PtQCMdi of the show («U per ticket) will go to the Tamplnes Boom for Retarded Children. Clothe* an from Petit Pin sail and Petit
      51 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 196 16 W$ \atitmmi /~»r»S_fl 9' W ici^ Miiw %w; A wrWJ I sal si B&K I gf^RETSCHafss^Bi*^ f\ wl JJIaBB WHAT IS KRETSCHMER WHEAT GERM? •V Inlarnalional Mullifoods s_r_B_ aT_BP ß rw 1 _s__i AjjJuli y- I TSmi BbW _l '"Jmi H^Hl b_bWswws_ -I IIT i ~*-*fr L__V A s_V_i 4a___
      196 words
    • 58 16 Anuaol H The maionty of hao- I mormoids or piles require no surgery Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourage* healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long
      58 words
    • 329 16 Cool and comfortable The higher the temperature themefeel as cool and comfortable as possible So yoi. tirst mto a swimsuit then mto the pool But keeping comfortable during menst'uatton can sometimes be a problem Unless of Wk course you rely on the internal sanitary protection of Tarv iJ% When inserted
      329 words

  • 115 17 Graft probe on STPB official ends mHE Corrupt Practices I .estlgation Bureau mpleted investigations against an exM Singapore STPB for alleged corThe probe reportedly took nearly three months, during which about 15 people were questioned of those queswere from the while others were from a leading advertising agency Complaints The
    115 words
  • 38 17 A -d -roistered Mrdlolanum vu Halasov. »**n the :iland* of Beland and Rescue nne bulk was heading south the Strmlt on IU Leningrad with a cargo of (ism from the state* where It ran •(round
    38 words
  • 73 17 RELATIVES OF WOMAN SOUGHT |>OLICE are loosing 1 for relatives or trlends of ao Indian woman aged about 28. who was found dead at the foot of Block 78 Indus Road, at 230 am. yesterday The woman was clad in a blue blouse arid black slacks. Police believe she fell
    73 words
  • 259 17 Typhoid: 52 cases in three weeks A "HIGH incidence" of typhoid fever cases has been reported over the last three weeks, the Ministry of the Environment said yesterday. A total of 52 cases were notified from Oct. 26 to Nov. 13. Most of the cases developed symptoms In the last
    259 words
  • 177 17 13 PHONES TO 100 PEOPLE, BUT MORE NEEDED ryHE queue tcr moro X telephones In Singapore is still building up despite- the fact that th-; Republic has the highest telephone density In South east Aslu 13 phones to ICO population. The chairman of the Telecommunication Authority. Mr. Frank Yang-Chenx Yung,
    177 words
  • 36 17 THE Minister (or Foreign ASaln. Mr S Rajaratnam. and his wife wul be gueata of honour at the 19th annual dinner of the Bronnmlc Society of Singapore at Shang-ri-La Hotel at 730 p.m. tomorrow.
    36 words
  • 17 17 Closing time QUEZNSTOWN branch library wtu close at 5 JO p m (rum Nov M to U
    17 words
  • 48 17 THE YMCA Orchard Road wul hold a course on photography for heginnen starting from Nov 21 The cour*e. which Include* picture-taking on weekend ouungs. will be held on Monday* and Thursdays from a p.n to 1 10 p.m. and Saturday from 3 pja. to 4 pm
    48 words
  • 138 17 [World action 9 over tanker's skipper rE Singapore Orraniamtion of SeaM«i (SOS) ytjatorwAr dlariiti U Uke •international ac 1 1 •n" ajaJrut the troublepUgned tanker Perminm Sajnndr>. U'a muter, wbt barred two •OlciaJa of different maritime wntona from boardinc the Taawrl on Tuesday. The oAetaJs, from the SOS and the
    138 words
  • 112 17 Feathered fury at high noon rwa, the reckoning at n't h mm watched only by one very baffled passerby. What feathered fmry! What smashing sidekicks! Nobody knew what started the dispate (possibly a ken) bat It was a gentleman's war of sorts. Both sides were having It oat In no
    112 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 194 17 STOCK TAKING WE WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS ONLY FROM 12.00 noon TODAY THE INCONVENIENCE IS DEEPLY REGRETTED SY;ioli;iii IF YOU WANT TO EARN MORE ACT NOW! I The modern corporation is constantly V scarchmi tor men I women with the jtti'butn ot ucceu You can lead in th« buuneu eiecuti>e
      194 words
    • 158 17 MM* J^^^TstHßsH astssassm Image />> GirarJ- Perregau Jir\Jr&J present a new dimension MXit their Sih cr ollet lion. f^ JwK -f^^dM Tlu\ sophisticated model is i rafted in .sterling silver *i^n9*^ a limited edition at SS73SA £&ytvmftk Jig Take a bus to work and your family can enjoy Colour Television.
      158 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1007 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee —I top Unexpected Promotion (Cantonese Film, Pt. I) 7 JI km art Parti—it teptrt (Matoy) IM Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing J-J JJ"« j*€ i.i.._^ r v swtal W Tit StM Lift 4JS IntermissKXi M M S.N Oltsan
      1,007 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      1,091 words
    • 758 18 WARMNG NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we, KONII ONKYO KAISHA LTD of 1--23, 5-chome, Kitamachi Iwava Nada-ku. Kobe, Japan, are the Registered Proprietors of the COPYRIGHT in the design of a radio representations of which appear below. This design is registered in the United Kingdom under the Registered Designs
      758 words
    • 553 18 @)PUB nNMftfconci COKPOKATI inVK KS DEPARTMENT (1.1 Hoor. Mall. Singapore C) (1 Reconstruction and regradlng drains around DXX quarters Blocks A to H. J. K (10 blocks). Paslr PanJang Power Station and drains at Side of Access Road and Outlet drains Including re-surfacing of access road and car park Tender
      553 words
      822 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 901 19 CM*TAiAnsRiP somci n ■avtwnmi —m— rtaa "tat birr; tiprtil m m. nm it Me [Mi i mc ii mc a Mf a Mt n mc II Me 71 Me II M i| M KM 11 IM It fi 7* Ma 7? Ma JIM KM •m, n, 7 i.i i rat
      901 words
    • 1288 19 Ben Ocean .ir*BlupFknnplGk-r,ljnrinclNSMG It M CMliaf *t <aat MMI I'Mfa P MMM PttaM lartM PMMMTTM to.M< MPt lttn aJI Ma N Ml 1... I M*l. Htait C tan. Mall Uiaoci. ta>M< la PI Tatn 11 Ma II lac IM Kail I fttt •lattt' H7l aa. 71 I Me 1 I
      1,288 words
    • 1144 19 ti IMIM. Nat 1-MaM ATM! l*Mafl mmm Bin i Irawt* HIItWfUSSjJ'E p «"2? Tim km. mn I Me 1 Mi II Mt a Me MMf 11 Me MMMI UT II Me II Me IM IM I Ma IM MMMM (VMM It Ml Jl Mc II M- KM II M 11
      1,144 words
    • 1168 19 Ml I fULLY CONTAINEtIZED StKVICI TO EUKOft P MMM S'M" FM ■TitHa tal! ktitfaM. JaMttraM. Ajihrr'i It Hfirt. WftI IMII Mi II Ml It ■_>, ln-nl. m, MlUin hipi t| J- > tartan. C*MtM|M. GoiMfM't kMM Ml. mw Ma Ji Slncaaila. Olki HplimAi. t>>itM KiafMtx CMaaJI taatt Ut M Man
      1,168 words
    • 760 19 SMMMti 11J444 P (ttMf 041 IL W7ll PMM| IMt. THE BANK LINE LTD. lUX FM f I S afMUL llllil MM ■,i win |a>i I I Mi '••MM m. ■.i MMM I s i Mai jna I'm till Ml rata un a mm apmca. pm mmmi. hml HUM "mi Itlhl
      760 words

  • 178 20 ▼hi pont o» imatpoii 1 AUTMOB.ITT ABBOUMCIO TMI POLLOWIHO •IMTMIBQ ABBABOtaiMTt »O« THUII OAT, MOWBjajCB) MX il T t OUT: Furtilml Mam IMO tbr i I Tnrrnra (***** 10/11. r*oor IiOO tbr I II MMonto i 1W0 1 22. Shrn Shan iim tbr i 77/241. Patafonia Ararnuna
    178 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 811 20 |Yr- KAW.VSAIU KJSEN KAISHA LTD. FUUT CMTAWIiyO SflVCt Te Freea Janet |VU Hutrsl pan P U »i| N bu| r«M A'etry atajaj $FVf« SUS mm ikt Ikt Ilk Ok Nhi Sk ktPTNI UtUAll Ike llk »Ik 11 kt 2Jm irtai te Impmn TikaMtu Outa Me TIMM tmWt VIM WMi aMi
      811 words
    • 1064 20 r«M it* iTt tt mutt Mean ii ii Part il aw Man anto. MAtm «mm anaaat a Bw a aa awaß HU iim tmmb a Bw I aw Sataw/Btitwrai Tnaaaßi. •eu tuui Maaei a aw tt aw r lanm/taMM iitnm. Mlf PMtIMNT BBBJMa I Ml I Ml tttatr lTlßlirtl rrtaaatk.
      1,064 words
    • 982 20 hut cbwamtjbo tana n mm wu mm S part r Mltat PtajaaMMß atari fta MMirt «Maa auißTti ajrami J' bw aaw il in nNt itMt im im Hltl MAS MBMf I IMI IMt HMtaMtHMtlttai ■•TMI IMBMJ IM IMI aMt II Mt tMa II Mt imiT cMnAwmui snmg fmm wmpi nru
      982 words
    • 864 20 IVKSS SOVCE Tl UmmX LJViVMI CmTJnKIT PUTS T| IMa I '*****1 P MUaj hmi IaBMB Mr mmi mim it Ptrt m a aw na aw i imi i. we :i itm r>« I 1 I djai It 1 BMCI Mill II I) Mt mma simm t/ iimit a aw i)
      864 words
    • 823 20 X»a-w NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE 2J^J> ar East Europe 9m\ 'ICISIIN SilfttES SM «N I in ii 77JU i p uaaj mnn tTTTIMIH ,w It Bw ITTTtMM iim N I Ml bj Can im taw Inaa rt-n taMtt i liiiaul clnierasia Mines mn CMTaimuEi unici srma tuwm kv u m MMaj
      823 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 210 21 classified ads H E KLERK *ALON* r dng and For Beauty's Sake Look up Beauty Culture (139) Lodiet Hairdrcssing (138) Etc ne C lassifieds .j *|TMC*OA *OOK CENTRE Now Opens From 10 00 ara 800 Payoh STAL CONVENTION AT Halai H• i P J 20th to 23rd 0 am All
      210 words
    • 721 21 COST/B4JOOCT CLCRK A well established Shipping Company invites applications for the above vacancy 1. School Certificate 2 LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping/ Costing 3 LCC Higher Accounting/ Costing an advantage t Business Statistics an ad vantage EIPCP.IENCE 2 yean accounU experience prererably doing cost/ budget variance analysis SALARY: 5,,, mbMj BBtjßßs*jaj pertence
      721 words
    • 676 21 MOMCV DON'T COMC through wishful thinking Ideas plus action gives the result Ring M 652 Richard Tan Peter Soh for details ESTABLISHED BOOK PUB LISMtNQ firm requires Junior Sale* Executive Experience not necessary but appiicanu should have completed National Service Ability to drive an asset. Write to 8 T Box
      676 words
    • 803 21 BCMCH FITTCR MUST ha** 5-10 years working experience In bench fitting Preference will bt given to those with tool and dye fitting experience Salary MM SM* p m Trainee fitter Ex national Serviceman with restvanl technical education and Interested In working on production of plastic componenU. Please apply Metal Containers
      803 words
    • 679 21 LMJM speaking male office aasss tant cum driver Apply Oeylang PO Box 116' LAOvCB CARP) BBM 83M a BMOtll as pan- lisa* Beauty Consurtanu Training provided Tel *****2 lor appointment SAL VAOC COMPANY Has Vacancies for ttPtnt mcto DiviNO and orvwM Please apply In wrttlna. staling qualifications and experience to
      679 words
    • 808 21 WANTCO MPMwIMCCB DRIVE P. Singapore citlten Apply stating age. experience, salary required ST 80XA***** > wantco DV ISTABUSMCO International Forwarders Cargo Handlers Appiicanu must be Singapore clUswns with English primary I education and have completed National service Pis— ring *****3* for interview after 9 m INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC* COMPANY requires an
      808 words
    • 687 21 ■^CP^b^W FASTER wf fiwnH+fiiftf in y*Mff A 0- 1 Loctfioo nVVJN wf T*WT Detached Sami-oa-toeho*/ Terrace Sfir*IbsjbJ Ground floor 10th Hoo*/ PontKous* IkjWj nVJEI Bbmßj m sswsl Bsw*tMasu»*ls^B.JSswk*l ■•I»wwRJ»W» cawaswjs^sssswjsfwawj bathrooms, othar Furnished or unfurnished Oecorotiv* f*«tur*s Viaw, swimminf pool, tennis courts, ate. Ronrol Minimum roittal per*Ow WKon avoiloM* How,
      687 words
    • 834 21 HOLLANO SROVE. OIST IS: Single-storey detached house with 3 bedroom* m auls. real denial localily Pwrnuhed ***** Please call Oomatwhanalve Housing *****2 5 linos DIST. 1* MOUNT (INAI 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms -aircon. MMPhons 81. MO fully rurnlshed Boblmarg Company 32*01* 32M17 OMJT. NCAR voahan Departmental Store 3-bedroomed fur nuhed
      834 words
    • 803 21 CHANOI I-BCOROOMBD. FUR NIBNCO apartment, servant's room carpet telephone, aircon dltloners Ring Lynx International 2****** 1 Hl** SlS** OI*T Apartmenu (2) Phone 6457*7 257*775 Mr John DtST. M) KWM NINO Court high floor 3 bedrooms on* servant's good furnishings LSP Associate* *****56 342*4 DIST LUIURIOU* APARTMCNT. Walking Distance Orchard Road
      803 words
    • 691 21 OSS* BCOROOM RCOUIRCO wtta lilophimi walkßig distance from MansJarin How. Orchard Road Tel *****1 ♦wWV umcntlv COuple need* a room. Serangoon Oarden area Call Sam a 0270* NCWLV COMPLETED TCRRACC MOO IE I FOR SALE oR I ma U**wr niiimn RaaaV PfsOK 1126 000 1150.88*/Afott IBM 3 IMsq ft Please
      691 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 334 22 PlO'lll COWi ••rhetor flat on :4th .rniahed I tCalong Haartr* Palare 2'i Wo- I -ir.x.mi tludy 2 baU>- >m wilt) imrmliri »h«d wlUi four airrondiubnen Davtd Ptioa HOLLAND OOAO i mm <im»i« »«»i*" Juan btdroom and attached balhnO..tM»«». ■••>" im large ill (•hen and tptrml stairraie Twianied 17 000 t
      334 words
    • 644 22 ONLY I UMTS left 2 (yd roomed maisonette M7.OM at Eng lT»eong Mgh quality finish Loans can h» «rrange<i Tel aa&in ismits LUIUMOUM.T nMNMNSO FLAT jl Taman amil i opposite Boui.v.«i Hnrr 1123.000 -rested please I*l 7114* r>ourt 1 ONLY A raw UNTM LIFT It MIHUTCS TO TOWN VIMUt MANSION
      644 words
    • 697 22 paaSTKMIOUt OffKl OUTSWJ". IBD tonr titnwall to wall carpeting partitioned and bullt-liu Approx ill It »lth mul all sSOOpm Ring2JB»2B7 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE lmm«H»lrlj f II complete »ith carpet*, partitions and telephone Contact *****5 nn A" MTWMMTtONAI PLAZA '^J I// Offlc* Spar* for Rani CJ\ Y\l RENTAL II OS per
      697 words
    • 764 22 chamm *ttrr p v, i^«t reasonaE* •uirtn telephone number 71(14 or SSTi «VCh«i«» Alley Affltl Plua CollyeT Quay. Spore I SUPftlMg MOUM IHOrWW COKM.II AlrcondlUoned shops on basement and 3rd floor available at miomNt rental Ample parking facilities KnajulrW* Tat HUM Konn pum. saa 5 000 ihop spac* for
      764 words
    • 637 22 oilsy ntm cm) 1.0. 1 Taiwan/ (Attaan/ Hualitny Hongkong/ Ban. kofc 14 $i4S4/~ilDaysTi3S*/- H/ii. H/11. I/U.WI,li/U. M/U. 2 Korea/ Japan/ Taiwan/ (Alisan/ Huallen)/ Hongkong/ Bangkok 19 Days IT Days tI.HO/- M/U. 1/11. 7/11. 14/11. a/11. M/U J Expo 75/ Tokyo/ Taiwan/ Honfkonc/ Bangkok It Day* SI.SM/- 16 Dayi II «*>'-
      637 words
    • 637 22 M A.B TIUVIL CIUMTIM MM/- lnln/l»i)i Tahre Mr* iMlltll Canada Ca»_»-«. "Hwy 1 S>ara Vat nrni/tmn AIRMABTER TIUVIL SPECIAL Pans London. Europe. Canada. U8 A Au*trallt InOoo^ii Hongkong. Tokyo 38 Mwp; unaut (Near Cathay) Tel *****. MM MMAKM OAK AM specialised in lowwt (arc* London/ Europe/ US A Canada/ Australia/
      637 words
    • 564 22 LIMIHTS OF BANKING by Commences 6 30 pai Friday Iltt November Enrol early to ensure place Mimwimnl Training Centre 304 3rd Floor. New People* Park Centre Tel 744 M STAMFORD 1 CENTRE Tha largaat and moat I propjaaai'i raa ourca I cantra foriaducat»on m I buasnaat and the professions m
      564 words
    • 544 22 NtPOftT/ E*PO*T PNOCIBVMS and Documentation Establishing oversea* contact. sales clause, i.etnodi of payment, rretgfil calculations. tjrpM of L/C. contract*, banking and hipping procedure* BTN coding, cusiomi procedures, tranthipment. re-export, insurance and claims etc Every Saturday arurnoon 1 pun commencing Sth December at 43» 4Lh ftoor. Prop** Park Centre (formerly at
      544 words
    • 712 22 WANTIO OUALiriEO AMD rx pertencod lady tutor lo give »n in Unix Enattah yimir course lo J Bmmiu? students (Kngttah itnuniduruifnciuon 2 hours. 5 days per wwk for weeki in Uoyd Road Also another lady and I kindergarten boys Apply ptnontll? today iNpn 8 m Room Mti Shenlon House 'pore
      712 words
    • 763 22 iun*eam iromi «««oto» WIUI Kin com .SetUM* ttJtt o n o Contact Sto**n O£t UtH/ 70J14 9*01*71 hat lassjoon MaoftanicaJly sound i Iran and Oaod Condll:on View 12. Tv Fu A»rnu» Teachen FjUlt I*7l/ If TO OTO IMO with M» sortes immiruiair condition Iniere.ted rinc M3OII e»t 35 Patrick TVo
      763 words

  • 433 23 I alonestabbed girt and her mother. Accused A HOUSE Will admitted In a cautioned statement made to police that she alone stabbed her two neighbours. Two cautioned statements were yesterday admitted In court at toe continued trial of Teoh Keng Choo, 30. who Is charged with subbing Madam Urn Chwee
    433 words
  • 95 23 THE Singapore Zoological Gardens will hold a photographic exhibition at the National Library lecture hall from Nov. 29 to 28 from 9 a.m. to 5 pm The Central Children! Section of the Library will orgaato* a uik-cusa sud* snow "getting to know oar Zoosogtcal Oaxdcn*'
    95 words
  • 54 23 HODSXWIVBB can laam the art of roasting a turkey eosßptote with itufßng at an exhibition to bt held at the OS Trad* Centre. Orchard ■oad. from Not. M to M Ttat tnhl»* tt ?n la arganteed br Urn Poultry and Its InstttuU of America to prosaoU
    54 words
  • 295 23 Evidencerejected, so hurt case man is cleared A 25- YEAR-OLD Clerk was yesterday acquitted of x chr-rge of causing grievous hurt to a coffee shop assistant after a district court rejected the evidence of the two main prosecution witness**. Tan Keng Tone was alleged to have fractured the right forearm
    295 words
  • 25 23 SAVIMIISH Bnmb»i of the Otgeulssrinß (or Industrial. Spoitaal sad Cultural Aasauesßßsnt (OISCA IntsrmrtßSMl) trass Japan will visit Stnajapor* frass Mov. 11 to S
    25 words
  • 43 23 rwmCTIVKS frees Be** Faajaag peck* static* JLr raided a t»**M la gSBSDSf *asi Teng ana arrested twe sa«a at I *.sa. isatßriay. They ale* seised a iMase-saadc tswiiej wtth seven ballets. Bet* arc la pcHcc s— issij. fending lavcsclgatlcsM.
    43 words
  • 111 23  -  VOW YUN WAH Picture by rpHESE two women 1 are to to speak, opening themselves to danger every morning. Net that they ate paxtievlarljr adrent Brows oc earelesa. The eaase ef II I* that the NTTJC Comfort ran ferrying them to their offices In Shenton
    111 words
  • 106 23 DOUCE wowid like to 1 Interview these twe P—ple whe, they believe, ee«M help them In Investigations tate the murder ef Lye Kwek Cher, tt. In Haveteek Bead en Aag. Tkey are Urn Thian Tew. M, alias Ah Tew ef Meek 14, 4»D,
    106 words
  • 248 23 rl enforcement squad of the Registry of Vehicles booked 115 school buses In the last two months for operating supplementary public transport service scheme B during unauthorised hours. It is understood that some of the drivers were deprived of their licences to participate In the
    248 words
  • 512 23 SBS admits wrongful dismissal of two workers SINGAPORE Bus Service Ltd. dismissed two workers in December 1973 for "misconduct," without affording them an opportunity of being heard, Mr. Justice D'Cotta was told in the High Court yesterday. The Judge vaa hearing a "wrongful dismissal" suit brought by Llm Tow Peng,
    512 words
  • 239 23 DRICES of Spanish A mackerel (tenggirli and horse mackerel iselar) rose by 20 cents rflOS grammes) to $2 40 and $140 respectively, Trade Department figures indicated yesterday. Fol owing are the recommended prices' RICE: Thai 100 per cent 'O". M cents (005 k>.
    239 words
  • 64 23 THE lift at Block 18 of RedhlU Close U working again after engineers fixed the door which came off on Monday. A spokesman for the Hnyatng Board yartarday mid the door was and back in position tb* win* afternoon and It v opermtlonml now
    64 words
  • 46 23 THE Finance Ministar Mr Hon But San will open Urn Yokogawa Bactrtc Singapore Ptt Ltd pimnl at BMk* Plain on No* IS »t 4 p m A eocfcuu r«MpUon win alao be hatd »t Uk T»n*Un Room of Shaoarlia-La Hotel lITN pm
    46 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 460 23 ■238 ALFA ROMCO MLINA 2000 WhIU eato 4\vie 1 owner. regi- < done 14.080 1 825 50* 4112*3 and 6pm I hup MNe 125E Thomaon nael 1182*. i wliun 1300 Pick -up wuun 1300 Pk-k-up. DatAa«on Uauun 1200 Coupe Maxda FIOOO Van. 1*72 -de* 030V-D Van (I- ■ran balsun 120*.
      460 words
    • 715 23 im Nf MlMCum outboard I motor complete with power mm. console box. cablet and 5 gallons (uel uuik it months otdi Prtce •4.000 on o Contact Martin > uarm Musi TONOLEE RENT-A-CAR 440 [>uneam Road «S m s 566 Upper Thornton Road. m Call 4638)0 AORIAIra CAMS ruRNrTUSSa' of Distinction/
      715 words
    • 500 23 FOR SOCIABLI AND CHANBBSMO Lady Eacorta contact Aphrodite HO* iStnfloortrar East Shopping Centre. Orchard Road tel 23&2W7/ 2352 M* I WNBA* 0M 8 ORKMSJAL INSTANT paaHTllie MRVIC* We can reproduce anything by offset on standard papen WVWLI-U- WATCH Q 21 OO* ShaawMtj Centra Cawtar OMf. PIMM *I***B Saw I*7 Onissj*
      500 words
    • 621 23 MAummmv km aajj p m astf. P H 1» A LC and i lons Dtaatt Hammer muraaud par- J a^*33." fO •Oft bau OS* Engines and OM Cyrllnder head*, doaer and marine winches and equipment Alao AC DC generator* Call Varson BCU. nWATCD MM Dining Set TaMe. bench and 2
      621 words

  • 545 24 'Need for day release scheme to boost skills of workers 5 fHE need for the promotion of some kind of a day release scheme to enable workers to acquire high education and skills was advocated by a Singapore educationist yesterday. Mr. Bias Perelra. prtnpal of Stamford Educational Towers, made the
    545 words
  • 152 24 Maggie VOWI to do well for Singapore LONDON, Wed. Ob the ere of the Ms* World coatee* at the Beya! Alfcert Hall here. Uacaaere btnl; Mac fie Sin pledges to do her country *re«d. "I hare always done well la my life and I hope to do well for Singapore.
    152 words
  • 26 24 A FILM snow for Children, orgaatooa by the National Llbsary. wUI be held at Plaa* Stngapura. Room IIT. lecond Soar, today (ran I pjn
    26 words
  • 288 24 Appeal by struckoff architect: Judgment reserved IUR. Justice Wln1T1 slow yesterday reserved Judgment on an appeal by an architect, who was struck off the register by the Board of Architects for "Infamous conduct." Lee 800 Yee was found guilty on two charges under the Architects Act by the board after
    288 words
  • 23 24 TRK CMar Olrl'i Seeoooary School band will perform at Botanic Oanlena on Dec. T from 5 .30 pjn. to (30 po
    23 words
  • 185 24 SIA TO FLY OUT MORE PILGRIMS SOON ANOTHER two groups of Haj pilgrims will leave soon for Jeddsh under an arrangement with Singapore Airlines (SIA) Announcing this yesterday, the Muslim Religious Council said the first group would leave on Saturday, and the second, on Nov. 30. Clarifying a Straits Times
    185 words
  • 35 24 MRS 8 Hod. wtft of the Japaneac ilinln— iln here. will present cheqas tar •***** to 10 Singapore charities at the Japanese Association In Built Tlman Rote on Dec. S at 10 m
    35 words
  • 253 24 Pleasant lunch time surprise for Helen COCIAL worker Mrs. Helen Khoo had a pleasant surprise on Not. 8 when a colleague, during lunch, suddenly presented her with an alumni avard from her alma mat j r. the University of Northern Colorado. Mrs. Khoo. then deputy secretary of the Fifth Pan
    253 words
  • 30 24 TBS International Association of Busm— and 800Dosmtcs Student* #111 hold a sysspoatum on export promotion at the RKLC audltorturi on Nov. M from m to I pjn Pee USM
    30 words
  • 29 24 THE Association of Banke in Singapore will bold a seminar on ■KerUve Marketlnc (or Bankers, at the Rational ZJifUah Itinfuaft Centre en Nov 17 at S an.
    29 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 505 24 I 9 AUDIT ASSISTANT Our client, a leading local insurance company seeks the services of on AUDIT ASSISTANT to assist the Internal Auditor in all internal audit functions The appointee should be fluent in both oral and written English and hove passed at least Part li of ACA or equivalent
      505 words
    • 609 24 RAOIO-HOLLAHO I.V. invite* opplicooti for the following position* th. w RADIO-/MDAR-TECHNCIANS Mointenonce and repair or rodKXommunication equipment* and elec tromc oidt to Navigation on board Ocean -going vessel* QUAUFICATIONS:Preferably Polytechnic Groduote* in Electronics with ot least five y*or% ex perienc* Letter* with full porticulori to THE PfRSONNIL MANAGER P.O. ROX
      609 words
    • 446 24 IN THE MATTER OP THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP. lAS AND IN THE MATTER OP NCOH Ht'AT PbUVATE LIMITED (■•corporate la) Maaapaw, (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) NOTICE OP RESOLUTION SECTION Ui (2) At an Extraordinary Oenevsl Meeting ot the members of the abovenamed Company duly convened and held at the Conference Room
      446 words
    • 94 24 I more than a soap, I a fan tast ic feeling. M r.«. .n. cy that gets you tinglefc» fresh. It stimulates. fe^ Invigorates. And .^■fl r J you're ready to face A Jp'W*' the day. All day. Little wonder Dial jM 9\ is the No. l--jH selling soap in
      94 words

    • 421 25 S. America and Europe to clash? WORLD CUP MEETING U AT KM ALA CITY. Wed. Kurope and South America were headed for a clash today at a meeting of the International Football Federation (FIFA) to share out the places in the 1978 World Cup Finals. Conference sources said the European
      Reuter  -  421 words
    • 260 25 Schoen: God help us if we lose STUTTGART, Wed. World and European eh a m pions West Germany meet Bulgaria here totoday in a derisive European soccer champion ship qualifying match. Victory for the West Germans would put them level with (iroup Eight leaders (ireece. with a final home game
      260 words
    • 110 25 TIL AVIV. Wed Israel yssurday announced the cancellation of the Asian welghtlifung championship* here this month bacauat atveral of Urn strongest teams had droppad out Japan. South Korea and Iran all said Uwjr would not l scheduled for Nov 27 to Not M. Mi Bhmucl Lalsin. etcrrtarynoaral
      110 words
    • 142 25 /)TTAWA. Wed A PalssXJ llnlan Liberation Orlanlaatlon (PLOi upritut•u»« said hart ycatarday that PLO would not atUoipt to disrupt th« irrt Olympic OaiMs in MooUval Shank Al-Hout. PLO at tht UntUd Nation*, told a prass confer-<-an aasui* you on banalf of the PLO that nothing will
      142 words
    • 273 25 LISBON. Wed Injury hit England seek to sustain their flickering chances of survival In the European Soccer Championship when they face Portugal here tonight. It is a match England must win if they are to remain In the bunt for a quarter- final place though even
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 57 25 LONDON. Wed—England clinched a place in the quarter finals of the European Under-23 Boccer Championship when they beat Portugal 2-0 here last night. England topped the final table in Group One of the qualifying competition with seven points, to three for Portugal and two for Czechoslovakia. Halftlme score
      57 words
    • 55 25 TOKYO. Wsd. Th» World Boxing Council WBC) featturwtlgtn Utte bout between champion David Kouy of Otoaoa and fh«ll*iig«r BhJ§» Pukuyasaa of Japan, setaduted for Dae. 7 has baan postponed for at least two month* The postponement was upon th*. adyta* of the champion's doctor that KoUy
      55 words
    • 351 26 OWENS TELLS US GOVT. 'STAY OUT' YEW YORK, Wed. Former 11 Olympic track gold medallist Jesse Owens asked the government yesterday to stay out of amateur athletics in America and "let the kids use their skill and pride to regain United States prestire at the 1976 Games In Montreal." Owens,
      351 words
    • 338 26  -  ITUALA LUM- PUR, Wed. Sunburst; a costly failure in each of his three starts, may be worth another chance in the Class 3 Div. 1 1,200 m race here on Sunday. Thla flve-year-old Irish horse by Continuation, with Martin Bng astride, showed impresive form today. Going from the
      338 words
    • 282 26 Turf Club hope' to change rules HPBM Singapore Turf ■I- Club Is seeking approval at a general meeting on Friday to make some Important changes to IU rule*. The club proposes to do away entirely with one class of membership subscribing members, once the backbone of the dab. They will,
      282 words
    • 131 26 DINBUROH. Wed. The Australian Rugby Union touring team continue to be troubled by Injuries and haw bad to mak* three late changes for the match against Edinburgh today FUnker Ray Pilot baa a broken finger and a groin Injury. while centre John Bern* has
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 551 26 J?an*aa for the Koala Fa Lumpur Pro-am races on Hot. and Nov. M: The racing schedule: Balarmas. Nov. races): nirfaaanwl Class 4. D»». a latom. cuss IJOOm and IMam. Class Dtv. I 1100 m Mara Class 1 laata Class S. Dit. B- lMSai Class Dtr. B 1300 m Classes 3
      551 words
    • 221 26 Lanka let down by poor fielding AHMEDABAD, Wed. Sri Lanka's bowlers did well to restrict India to 273 for seven In tttetr lin*. Innings on the opening day of the Second unofficial cricket Test here yesterday But Sri Lanka were let down by a series of fielding lapses which could
      221 words
    • 214 26 Record winnings for trainer Walwyn f ONDON. Thurs.— v Peter Walwyn set a winning record In heading the t. diners' list for the 1975 British flat racing I season, which ended yesterday at wintry Haydcck Park in the north of England Walwyn prepared the winners of a total of £382.527
      214 words
    • 106 26 IbAU ltt IBM. C Chau*i»n c Fernando b Opslha 12. A Oaekwad run out M. S Amarnath c D* Costa b D* Bilva 11$ O Vuhwanith c Ksluptnuns b Opatha 0. A. Mankad c Ranaunghe b D« 811 v« 37. II Amarnalh c and b De Stirs 10. 8 Abid
      106 words
    • 72 26 AMSTERDAM. Wed The Yamaha motorcycle company's racing manager I n*re will start contraetusJ negotiations next week with lUly's MMcc World champion Olacomo Agostini and other top riders, despite the Japancee company s announced withdrawal of direct factory Uam backing Masaharu Nalto. Yamaha's European racing manager, told
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 78 26 SINOAPORE Amateur Oymnastlc Association will launch a pilot beginners ncheme for gymnastic enthutiasts of all ages at the Pa> pies Association beadquarten. starting on Hot 30 THE training nejlnrn. Jointly organised by the Peopie's Association. wUI be held on Monday <230 p m Tuesday (030 pm Wednesday
      78 words
    • 186 26 VIW YOBK. We*. x^ rWye -Jesse*" Cwo■slaga. aa aial— r heser senrtag IS to Tl yean is •rises fer stureer. defeated Itae) aCetSasieUl OpDOCMOi aa cxhiMUen heat last Caauasags eaaaaA a huge eM erer the toft eye ef Michael Saeeettai el Minim asri the referee
      186 words
    • 372 27  -  ALBERT JOHNSON FEATHERWEIGHT KOON SIONG BEST HOPE By WEIGHTLIFTER Chua Koon Siong, looking stronger, more sinewy and supple than when he was at the Seap trials in October, has improved his chances of winning a gold medal in the featherweight division at the Bangkok Games next month.
      372 words
    • 306 27 WE have never lacked swimming coaches since Patricia Chan won eight golds In 1965. And as such it was surprising to see two of our Seap swimmers, Justlna Tseng and Felix Tseng training without a coach at the Farrer Park pool yesterday evening. Luckily parental Involvement in this
      306 words
    • 403 27  - Three new rules to prevent soccer disputes JOE DORAI By DA of Sing apore r have made three additions to the National League soccer tournament rules to prevent walkover? and disputes over venues. The three additional rules, which take effect when the second round of the tournament starts, state clearly
      403 words
    • 169 27 Pace-setters take a tumble npAMPINES Rovers last night toppled pace--1 setters Ponggol from the National League Division Two table when they beat Serangoon Gardens 2-0 at Jalap Besar Stadium. Last night's win placed Rovers on the top of the table one point In front of Poncgol who had held the
      169 words
    • 74 27 BANGKOK. Wed. Singapore edged Hongkong 93-88 In a closely -contested Oroup A" match of the Eighth Asian Basketball Championships here today. In two early Oroup "B" encounters. Japan outclassed Sri Lanka 126-54 and India easily defeated Kuwait 90-«8 Tan Ban Tiong, shooting 10 field goals, two rebounds
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 60 27 Hoockoot. Vtad. Tha Chlnaae naiaiiliiliiii AaaodaUon raocpuon In Pakanc laat nlgbt In honour of tha Tlalttnt BU«mpara badminton datagatlon lad by La* Kin Tat. the New China Nvws Agency reportad. Tha aaencx aatd at theireccptlon hoata and guaati toaded the constant Increase of aports ehanfaa bataaau
      60 words
    • 31 27 BKLORADC. Wad The Chinese Nation* 1 Utato tannu teamt acorad cooTtnelnc victories ovar Yutotbni in rxhibtUon m»teh*» taara ym~ t*rt«r The man's Mm won 5-1 and tha weaaan AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 346 27 Organisers stick to two-group system KUAI.A LUMPUR, Wed. It «U1 be back u> a two-Kroup competition for the seven-nation Asian School* Under- 18 soccer tovrnamenl with Kuala Lumpur v the main venue on Dec 14 to Dec 21 The organising committee had earlier decld rdom one-rour.d league programme with the
      346 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 707 25 IKE BfUkX RflKYflT GROUP ,5££ rAI L?.9 w> ATIO#I *>«»- ly owned subsidiary company of BANK RAKYAT invites applications from suitable candidates for the following posts 1. ASBIBTANT PROJECT ENGINEERS (2 vacancies; February 1976). Candidates should have recognised CIVIL ENGINEERING qualifications with at. least 3 years working experience In the
      707 words
    • 1069 25 Applications are invited from Malaysian Citizens preferably 1 bumiputras, for appointment as AomJntetration Supervisor in our Printing Machinery Department. Candidates should be in possession of a M.C.E./S.C A knowledge of accountancy and administration will be an advantage. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications giving full details of
      1,069 words
    • 675 25 LEMBAGA LETRIK NEGARA TANAH MELAYU TEMENGOR HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS-ACCESS HIGHWAY Contract No. 5067/23 Applications are Invited from suitably experienced firms, approved to carry out work for J.K.R. In Class B (Head I Sub-head 1). wishing to tender for the Improvement to the main highway between Baling to Ontr via Kroh
      675 words
    • 205 25 TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT. (NO. I 111 NOTICE UNDER SECTION IS7 Notice is hereby given that application ha* bern received for the following amendment* to be made to an appro yd layout No J4 1450 which U mrmancn'.iv rxhlbltrd for public Inspection at the office of Town Council Bandar Pengg"ram Batu
      205 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 278 26 Canon Auto Zoom 1014 Electronic Take all the functions and mechanisms motion from 1 8 to 24 frames per second of Bmm movie cameras from all over the even under zoom effects; fadeworld They have not only been in /fade-out with variable shutter angle incorporated in the Auto Zoom 1014
      278 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 260 27 SANYO STEREO SYSTEMS t BEAUTIFUL SETS, t MAGNIFICENT SOUND, A H DC-8500K 1^ All-ln-One 4-Channel Stereo System Forall 2/ 4-channel sound sources. Four pre- and mam amps Fully automatic I A belt drive turntable and AM/ FM tuner 160W peak music power Separate bass. I treble, and spatial controls for
      260 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 44 27 SOCCK PrasMsnts Cup: KaU Buklt r Pw^sjol; Cbanci v Armad Konm (J«l«n Baav and 7JS pm Dr. La* CTI -w Mmi Cup: World atar v Pvm rmik Untied B (Fterar Vark Athletic C*ntrt. lIS pm.). HOCKSY Frlandiy Sprdal CdoatabubUT v Potto* (Police Aeadeß7. til).
      44 words

  • 131 28 Shelling of boat: Tokyo protest TOKYO. W*d 'FHE Japanese Oovern- ment today condemned North Korea for an Incident last September in which North Korean vessels fired upon a Japanese fishing boat In the Yellow Sea. killing two crewmen and Injuring two others. A protest note said the Oovernment "demands the
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 57 28 JHE bomb-blasted Waltons restaurant In London's Chelsea district after a bomb was hurled through a plate glass window (left under street sign). Two people were killed and 17 injured, five of them seriously. On the right on the pavement Is a wooden framed window which
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 210 28 PARIS. Wednesday TTHE major no n x com munlst industrial states are expected to increase their overall output of goods and services by between four and five per cent in 1976 after this year's decline of two per cent, according to
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 90 28 FORD TO VETO AID NEW YORK BELL WASHINGTON, Wed -TraUnt I'M* baa dealt a screr* blow to financiallytroubled Now Ywfc's bopca ef avoiding defaulting on Its debts. He gay« notie* that te_. n IJ m f ■hi ■fgftol BIU U pr«Tkle Urn rity wtth USSS.»M mlllWn (Sgljm saUUea) la federal
    90 words
  • 38 28 DACCA. Wed. Bangladesh President Abu Sadat Mohammed Sayem has sent his first official message to Indian Prime Minister Indira Oandhl to congratulate her on her Mth birthday today. The menage was sent on Monday Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 35 28 TEL AVTV. W«d. Cut diamond* arc being dumped on world market* by the Soviet Union at nearly half price, aeverely hitting Israel i pollahed diamonds industry, an Industry official said here today. Reuur
    35 words
  • 168 28 Indonesia lifts its 'one gate policy 5 JAKARTA. Wednesday rpHE Indonesian Government has dropped 1 Its controversial "one gate policy" in a bid to attract more foreign tourists into the country, tourism officials said today. The policy lmpoMd three yean ago had banned foreign airlines from flying directly to the
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 470 28 LOMDON. W«« TW MMk HrtM <Mto« MITWtjP MpMT later e« >ilim, •< 1 Ow rnim Tlbm la«a w*« a» 1.1 »t MS Tk« gtM'i t^—m ii itt «f MHMM IIWIM tm Oiiiuwwi 9n^nmm» k>4 mill ItlM. BUM MM Ml a»U* ft«B *nm a >MV «r t-» pratwrtr akmn*
    470 words
  • 23 28 UOMTMW. W«« SjM tvm 1-ffU). mmmm mm t*U*t i^jmj— out <+m>. iMMt (+tl»). T»m«: is, M* MM, fm. 1M MX ftMt: MO4r
    23 words
  • 17 28 UMDOM. WH-TW MM MHI YUM IMMy, WMk Sit «Jt !>■■), M.TI (MtMn). r. dm. ttJi: Ju mlm.
    17 words
  • 22 28 MM. ANUMI 0. OAC«a. Ml (fw—rlji <x Himiiii ta4 MBIT MMMt> milt «w»jr )»llMI[ I*/11/T» IWIN Mra Mt Ink cww law
    22 words
  • 243 28 Pakistan ready to resume air link with India ISLAMABAD, W«4 DAKIBTAN Is pre- pared to make a crucial compromise that should lead to an early resumption of direct air links with India, reliable sources said today. Prime Minister Bhutto decided the time wu ripe for compromise after India withdrew last
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 359 28 Summit accord: Queen pledges support LO**0O«, W»dnM day QUEEN Elizabeth today pledged the British Labour Government's support for international efforts aimed at economic recovery agreed on with President Ford at last weekend's six-nation summit at Rambouillet, near Paris. "My Government will maintain its full support of International efforts to restore
    Reuter  -  359 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 193 28 Highlights for today Datuk Harun: A windfall for me. What youth organisations should do to help eradicate drug addiction. Are religious teachers here incompetent? Film distributors who refuse to import obsence and violent films. Children should not be forced in their studies. Boxing: New challenger for Muhd Ali. Lew* It
      193 words
    • 302 28 M M^l V/ikJ rnoctorn sungta ss«m w^wyfsfL tot tt>* modern psopto. «^^s V ActKrtc*o»var»CHrtd«s)*g'»«»fley colours to sott evary Individual enhancing your sAKpaaranrw Mk and tool outlook Mk SOLEX nmmation* B^BH si M _M-«*a^u- ,rm j i#*>tJs*.«f C^afl f/wIOOPVIVjr in fvnywvfvl BT S rcoTIVt UrrEn II w^ I ll iatM &<L
      302 words