The Straits Times, 19 November 1975

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 971 1 MB who rejected post of envoy wins 29-0 vote of confidence KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday SE L A N C O R S controversial Mentri Besar, Dato Harun Idris, who refused a United Nations posting as Malaysia's representative, today won a 29-0 vote of confidence on an emergency
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  • 256 1 Leak to paper starts new row 'G-G was advised: No power to sack Govt' CANBERRA, Tuesday NEW row erupted today in Australia's political crisis over a newspaper leak that Solicitor-General Maurice Byers had declared, before the Whitlam Government was dismissed, that such a move would be unconstitutional. Ooveroor-Oeneral Sir I
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  • 30 1 WABHINOTON. TOSS. The Sonet Union has delivered litf numbers of tanks, armoured troop carriers and rocket launchers to Angola in the past lew weshs, OovamaMot official said today—Ksuter.
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  • 216 1  -  PAUL WEE By A FACTORY girl was last nigbt recovering la hospiui after she and a Malaysian were found uesaseteus la a WmeseiM Street betel »J«" early yesterday. U»h Che* Eeeag, XX. an optical tecbaleUa, died at noon la the tmngapere General
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  • 58 1 I Storm ties down 852s TOetTO, Toss.— The UB esisassy today nottnsd to* Japaaese Mratgst Maastry 1» MJUI rtm BM boeaben are to be rtitlnaH tssaaat*rUy hi OatjMwa to avoid a raaMs sssrat. a asibwtatij The us eaaaasy nottfleatton omm only saw day aiter she Ojdaawa nsHuMyal resterdaT oapostag the
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  • 688 1 PULL TEXT OF INTERVIEW IN PAGE 10 THE political will x exist* In most of the Asean countries to expand economic collaboration among them selves and there Are enough leaden to get a nucleus going, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said here
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  • 27 1 MADRID. Tue*.— Oeneral Franco condition keeeaae erWaal today after a new and sseere tateraal ilnanuli baeaMßbae* to toe ear* hows, a medical toiUeUn •aid— Jleuter
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  • 86 1 drops to new record low LONDON. Toes. The pound sterl I n g dropped to a new neora low today as It declined alone with the dollar against other currencies on foreign exchange markets. Sterling nrac stronger against the dollar but •hand the ftntariesn unit's overall drop. t|ts depreciation against
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 592 1 BANGKOK. Tuesday THAILAND moved troops, tanks and artillery to reinforce its border with Laos, and later closing part of it, as fighting continued today between their forces along the Mekong River. Tension In the area near the Laotian capital of Vientiane remained high tonight
    Reuter; AP  -  592 words
  • 47 1 JPOH, Tues. Communist guerillas today ambushed and killed twe Field Force policemen la Saagei Sipat district. 41 km north ef here peUee said here tonight. They said the police men were on natrol In the Jungle when the communist attacked them. Reuirr.
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  • 117 1 5 Thai soldiers die in ambush BANGKOK. Tues. A band of communist Insurgents yesterday killed five Thai soldiers and wounded eight others in an ambush In a village In southern Thailand, a military spokesman said today. One Insurgent was killed and several others wounded, the spokesman said. The Incident occurred
    AP  -  117 words
    • 61 1 WASHINGTON. Taee. The Senate was Wf64 today to apvelat a committee to fcavestlgate the dteappaaraaes last J«ly ef former Tra■s c r t Workers' I'nloa pressseat James Be**. RepeeUcaa Senator Robert Grilßa ef Michigan said the ■aael alee ahesM prebe what be called a naanber ef
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 Elite Centurion a THE RNEST /^^^^_W INSTRUMENTS HHsß^j^ EVER CRE AlH^ißaaaaßsaaa^Wl By SPALDUN P l\ OtSmsBUTOftS S^^ The PenJnsuls Snapping Complex l\ GfOMOd Floor (G-7) Coteman Street. Singapore 6. Tel: *****9 SONY. Model HMK-20 Th.s 3 M I Sony phono/ cassette stereo tuner outclass all stereos ot its kind It
      82 words
    • 223 1 3-NATION FORCE TO FIGHT OIL SPILLS? Page 11 OIL aid plan: Iran may fe It alone 2 BORDER war reports false says India 4 DISCARD srnUaaenial barriers' call by Of. Lee AJLS. aaiktac fees Uoole (to ap at Intervals* FINDING a place for children of working asetlMrs 7 COURT toM
      223 words
    • 29 1 <MALITV tiEIULWCIXKIi J^LFor those who appreciate ftjA beaut y and Precision. W J&*; I Chun Chong I^'^ '4^ 62 South BBrUtei t e Rd MtM Singapore I. Tel 734
      29 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 231 2 Switch in Aussie stand on Korea in UN riANBKRRA. Toe*. The \> Australian Foreign Minister In the caretaker Government, Mr. Andrew Peacock, said yesterday Australia would vote »g»«»*rt a resolution sponsored by the friends of North Korea at the United Nations. Australia's ambassador to the UN. Mr. Ralph Harry, voted
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 57 2 PARIS. Turn.— French unemployment last month officially topped the mm million mark tor the Ant Ume One* World War Two. the Labour Mtatatry mid yesterday. Thar* wore 1.0 16. 50© people i taring wark m October compared with MI JOO at the end of ImjUaaitia uncfnptormcnt
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    • 59 2 \UrnUUAI caretaker Prtsse Minister T-'—*ir Praacr aarroaaded by newsasea ea Tharsday before gesag on aataaaal radio aad television to warn the nation ef MYCrC SaWwMwmwM ePf*~ Mesas ahead. He also hinted at aew tight monetary controls if his Liberal Party National Coantry Party coalition Is re-elected
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 506 2 Oil aid plan: Iran may go it alone VIENNA, Twee, {RAN has served notice on the other major oil producing nations it will set up its own programme to aid developing nations if the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cannot establish one. Dr. Jam/hid Amousegar. the Iranian Oil Minuter,
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  506 words
    • 27 2 LONDON Tue» —Ugandan Prcatdent 101 Amln has ■ocppted an lnrtiaUoo from Chairman Mao T«-tung to visit China. Radio Uganda, monitored bar*, mid today. aeuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 234 2 WASHINGTON, Tuesday DRSSIDENT Ford Is leaning toward ap- proving U852.5 billion (556.25 billion) In loan guarantees for New York City but would veto a larger compromise aid Bill worked out between congressional leaders of both parties, sources In his administration said.
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    • 81 2 Air crash claims trial LOS ANOKLBB, Tues. The first trial for damage* arising from the crash of a Turkish airliner near Parts last rear with the loss of 346 lives has been set to start on Jan. 20 This was decided bore jorterday by Judge Pleraon Hall when lawyer* mid
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 24 2 BANOKOfX. TUM— About 600 people fathered here today to protest against any government plan* to Increaa* petrol price*. police eald. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 255 2 CtIRUT, Tuos. IRAQ has charted that K await has loaned prices for aasae graeas el erade ell desmkU the repeat docislaa fcj oil-prodaeiaf eeantrlss to raise prices by 1» aer eeat. The official Iraal News Agency aaM that Baghdad eaaaalasaad ha a note
      AP  -  255 words
    • 48 2 mJHM. Tuny— Ron* i toaaaallwiil airport at final ctno was rlo— n u> all traate teat night aa naja wmoa aad drtvmt ram cat power oabtm to the nuwajr approach nvmmlne; raghta ware dHartsd to tbo oays other .asraarV n«piaiu which awMr haodtos cbartor faghu-JUuier.
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    • 338 2 Hassan on TV: Sahara march was a victory RABAT, Tues. King Hassan announced yesterday that Spain has agreed to hand ever the Spanish Sahara to Morocco snd Mauritania, conceding the alms of the "march of conquest" Into the desert territory by 360,000 unarmed Moroccan volunUers. The King's announcement in a
      AP  -  338 words
    • 121 2 Missile to go under wraps? WASHINGTON, Tues. To protect itself against a Soviet missile attack, the United Stotes spent about USM billion (S$lS bUllrn) developing an anU-miasUe missile which finally became operational on Oct. 1. But, now. only weeks later, the Senate Is seriously considering whether that ant l ballistic
      UPI  -  121 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 397 2 gbl &Wf*EffsF 1^ ta mm I^^^^^ ■■^^■^■^nwmw^im m j"'~^^_ MaßM mnaa**^J Pie bmutiM OB 43 Wees/ enrisar carries you In *>Md luxury comfort and safety 2000 km ovw any oomn Singapore craftsmanship shows in every detail of a Grand Banks 42. Advanced engineering de- lamps and extensive ahett and Her
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    • 287 3 Newsmen get a first glimpse of Khmer town P>OVET (CkMbodU). Tm. JoanuUlaU h»d their first brief look at Cambodia un trrday. la m border town rmpty of civ Ulan* and acarred by fire. Khmer Komi* Matters dremed In b»f fy (reen uniform* and acarves watched the vtaiton warily b«t did
      UPI  -  287 words
    • 469 3 Cambodian- Thai talks end on festive note POIPET (Cambodia) Tuesday KHMER Rouge soldiers, some ol them togged out In fresh white Jackets to wait on tables. did not know that the bulky man in the white sport shirt was the Deputy Prime Minister of their country. When reporters they were
      UPI  -  469 words
    • 30 3 BUanoB ADtss. Tata— Fiaslasul lambal Pstob, whs has rsjaotid ttas right of Ogams to InwstsiaU allajoa eerrepttOß tahsr Oovsmeasßt plaas to aw Aryartttria's Dsxt prssftdsntlaJ iiietioß to itn.—un.
      30 words
    • "Briefs
      • 22 3 TOKYO: Japan Lew taflPhar Oil Oe. has straws: a\lß#tlMr vUEwVCnsM will and gas Held s—taeast of Sosa-tra. It was an itaaaeed teday.
        22 words
      • 25 3 WABHINOTON: A pun to plant seismic sensors along the border to detect people Illegally entering th» United States has been ■crapped by the Customs authorities.
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      • 24 3 PEKING: French Foreign Minister Jeaa Sauvagaargwas arrives here U■aerrew for an eOMal vWt iiigtjii te laapreve the already gawd relations uehieea Fraaee and Cfclssa,
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      • 33 3 ATHENS: Hundreds of thousands of Oreeks. the majority left- Ist university student*. marched past the US Embassy here yesterday to mark the second anntverslty of an abortive revolt against the defunct military dictatorship.
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      • 30 3 ISLAMABAD: A British- ■ail eeenaany has dtseevered ell in Pakistan that wUI save the country between about USSt Balnea (SftLS saUbaei) a year In feretgn ax-ch-Jire. It was announced yesterday.
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      • 28 3 LONDON: Insects, animal pest*. diseases and -weeds destroyed no leas than a half of all the food grown In the world, a British scientist said today.
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      • 30 3 LISBON: A communist gross In Oporto tadav ace■ a c d Portugal* northern military com- aiaader of plotting aa Imnstaaat oeap and shifting the Lisbon Oaieraas—l to that aarthim etty.
        30 words
      • 30 3 MANILA: The two-da v eighth annual asaembty of the Chinese Language Press Institute onened here today to take up the computerisation and modernisation of the comn'ex 8 000-character Chinese press.
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      • 32 3 MOSCOW The Soviet Academy of Sciences will meet In full session next week to elect a new president, replacing Mstlslav Keldysh who resigned because of ill-health In May, Informed sources said today
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      • 33 3 BANGKOK. Foreigners living in South Vietnam salgh* have difficulty leaving the country because French-run chartered flights between Saigas and Bangkok are to be terminated oa Dee. 31, a fresnih Embassy eaakeemm said teday.
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    • 20 3 WASHINGTON: Eleven eeagreesmen yesterday Introduced a raaelarttsi hi the Hease of Representatives caning far aa international convention to outlaw tar-
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    • 191 3 OOUTHAMPTON, Tuea. 3 —Tne liner QB baa been In use tor yean running arms and explosives from Irish Republican Army sympsihiaers in New York to IBA members in Southampton, police officers said yesterday aa a team of men and dogs combed the huge
      AP  -  191 words
    • 234 3 New stand by Europe's Red leaders ROMS, Tuesday |N A major policy statement. Western Europe's two biggest communist parties declared Jointly yesterday the tight o every nation to choose Its political an< social system without outside Interference i 1 They also pledged al leglence to the Westerr parllamentary system The
      AP  -  234 words
    • 483 3 Summit sparks off new warmth US-France currency pact *moAt striking 9 PARIS. Tinaduy THE first summit meeting devoted to the world's economic problems has confounded the cynics by generating new warmth in relations between the major noncommunist industrial nations mJt^Si T 1 10 1 tMnt b y President 2£^m». d
      Reuter; UPI  -  483 words
    • 115 3 M-E TRIP FOR NEW UN MANDATE UNITED NATIONS. Tuea. Secretary Oeneral Kurt Waldhelm will leave Mew York at the end of this week to visit Egypt, Israel. Syria, and Jordan for "tx.ghlevel discussions on regional matters." s U.N. spokesman said today. A principal reason for the trip will be talks
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 50 3 MOSCOW. Tubs. The •ovtot Union yesterday launched an Boyus apaoseraA Into a low earth orbit hi what seemed to be a prerude to a new "****ihtit auastoß sspaotad before the end of the year. The ssanned misrtm would go to the Soviet Salyut-4 apace station already to
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    • 36 3 Man hurt in car blast BBXFASTT. Turn— A y«itumt pooee is— itst waa critically injured yaaterday when a booby trap bomb •xptodad in hsi ear. The wpsnatoo happtnsd at Duncaooon. 4S km wast ot Belfast.— OPt
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    • 25 3 BANGKOK. TUSS.— Wast Oarasan Deputy ftrebja hamster Karl atoarch arrived today for a thrao ilaj official visit oa hss fact-todlng Asaaa tour— UPL
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    • 21 3 LOWDOW TllH risillill Meai Wymvn of Taasaaui anrrMd to Britain today at the start of a four-day state jUtt—nmttm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 W Beautiful Homes W for Beautiful People Roxy provides that extra touch of elegance to your home Exclusive creations taior-made to your requirements. MOOEL 280 $1. SOS r m \'^Si' ffW Home t» where the heart rt U 2 ffl \f ~~J*~-A iL <ow exactly how to offer CI J^
      231 words
    • 288 3 Ldwa>r Ground Floor Specialists' Cwntrc Orchard /Somerset Road Open Daily 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Sundays Closed Tfct» WHfc'i SIPEI SPECIALS ft* WtfJMsiif lttt tt 2Stfc Nwnabtf, H75 TOPSIDE HZ per 500 9 1.65 FRESHLY MINCED THTTTs FRESH CHICKEN WINGS Q8 Per 250 9 ,tjQ UA IHIL AUSTRALIA 500 a
      288 words

  • D^JPJ
    • 414 4 'Siege on 3 B'desh posts 9 denial NEW DELHI. Tuesday JHE Indian Government today denied as "utterly false and mischievous" foreign press reports that there had been clashes between the Indian army and Bangladesh forces on the frontier. "The border remains quiet and peaceful
      Reuter; UPI  -  414 words
    • 180 4 Charles' dim view of Women's Lib LONDON, Tuei —Prince Charlea. heir to the British throne. Is not an enthusiastic supporter of Women* Lib. he told a women's nvigazlne In an Interuew published today "Women's Llteratlonlsts rather annoy me because they tend to argue all the time and start oiling you
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    • Article, Illustration
      21 4 LONDON Tims —Michael Ajrrton. the painter. KUlptor and author. died In his .London flat ycitrrday Be *aa M Rrutar
      21 words
    • 98 4 ALEX Jeseph. a year-old exeoiamanleated Manas*. (centre) pie tared with •even of his 13 wires and two of their children oatslde their hosae In Glen Canyon City, Utah. They are, from left: Cynthia, 1«; MeUnda. 11, folding BoUnd. fo«r;
      98 words
    • 32 4 VUMHA Ttta*. Worth Vtetnasa ana Bwnanla today concluded a protocol on trade during a vMt to Buchanrt by North VMnaneae CommuoW Party loader Le Duan. the news agoney Afcrprei reporud—Reuur
      32 words
    • 104 4 LONDON. Tuei. Britain's Orou Nation al Product fell by leu than half of one per cent during the last four month*. Indicating that the country* Industrial decline may be slowing down, according to figures released yesterday by the Central Statistical Office. Britain'! ONP—
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 234 4 JAKARTA. Tues— ProIndonesian forces In Portuguese Timor have named Ball as the venue for peace talk* with their rival Fretilin party. Informed sources said today. The sources quoted Mr. Jose Martin, acting as spokesman of the Joint forces, a* saying: "If Fretilin names
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 62 4 BEIBUT, T»sa. Snipers killed at least six people la Belrst today. FoMee said three men were killed when cansaen ope—d fire on a car in the city centre. Another aaan waa killed la the sasae area wheat his taxi caaae under fire. la the northern sahavk
      62 words
    • 281 4 —Nixon: It may take a war to restore pride in US NEW YORK, Tuesday CORMER President Nixon has said the r United States Is a "compromised country" that deeply needs to restore its pride In itself ll* Mid the nation U "so cynical, to olsbellevtnc" It might take a war
      AP  -  281 words
    • 98 4 Patricia's trial put off to January SAN FRANCISCO. Tuet.— The trial of newspaper helreu Patricia Hearst on charges of armed robbery was postponed yesterday until Jan. 36. The trial, which had been tentatively scheduled to start on Dec. IS. was postponed by Judge Oliver Carter to give Miss Hearst's defence
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 433 5 'Nothing should hinder progress' THE Vi < e-Chan- Nanyang University, Dr. Ixe Chi w M<•n n. yesterday urged its 8,7*2.") gmflu;ilis to di^ the "sentimental harriers" that have hindered the progress of N;intah. nd "If we cannot do that, we are obstructing the development of
      433 words
    • 208 5 THE rt-rpnt signing of H v r m a China 1 1 aid pact could result in Singapore be- comlnK an even greater I ravel junction In this region, according to publisher Roger Lascelle. l if China would pplylng material the com- j munlsu In
      208 words
    • 26 5 OAPOREAN, Choonf YUn Stone, and t Malayalan Syed Yuaoff bin Syad Uoto■in. have been banned from cntartaf Singapore, tccotdtag to the Utcat OovatnMflt pßllf
      26 words
    • 113 5 NEW EDB OFFICES IN JAPAN AND EUROPE rTfIK Economic Develop 1 aaeot Board wll open office* In Osaka aad Scandinavia next month to kel» Singapore matnUhi close coatact with lndastrlaHsia. It Is believed that despite the riet—l— the board continues to reestve skMt 1M Invwtmeat baiairles per month Moot of
      113 words
    • 46 5 Printing courses TBS offatt printing, reproduction photograph* and graphics reproduction eovsss to be cooductad by tha Industrial Training Board's school of printing Will each last a total of SM noun The duration of the colour separation course Is 1M hour* Tha courses win begin In January.
      46 words
    • 29 5 THE board of trustees of Income— NTUCs Insurance co-operative— will hlibbsii tinosii Day with a dinner at the Japanese, Garden, Jurong Town, on Sunday at 1 pern
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    • 64 5 Festival of science at Nantah A BCIENCB festival will be held at Nanyang University from Dec. 11 IS to mark Its 20th anniversary. Tha fasttvai v organlSMl by Nantah'i nMUMDMUcai, physics, ih— iMij. ttoksgy and radio aad sliiUouli sodaUaa and tba j>apajts»am of OptBsFt^Mkl **'adtotila It win oooslat of competition*
      64 words
    • 265 5 'Set up a trade base in Seoul 9 call SINGAPORE manufacturers and triers nave been urged to appoint representative* In Seoul to widen the South Korean market for Singapore-made goods. This call wm made by Mr. Lee Kew Sung. 53 South Korea's first ambassador here, at a press conference In
      265 words
    • 166 5 RAPPED: YOUTH WORKERS WHO SHUN DUTY T*l Senior Parlla- mentary Secretary (Enrlronment). Mr. Chor reok tng. i Mt nlnht hit aut at aome jronth wor*en who ahlrked theJr recponslbUlty in educating and organising young people Bpeaklng at the Installation ceremony for management committee officials of four community centres in Buktt
      166 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 f Shop now for all your Christmas Delights at the I HOUSE OF TANC I aaaaa^ aaaaaas aai aal aaa^Tal aaaflar aaaaaaaV -^bb^ aafl aafeaw Baas bbbT bb^bbp^ ?£tt Bar v (**"OUND l».) I figj^ V W afl gaaal^ GAARD WinoG^sa Saver Kit —$77 00 59.00 Bob^ \msts S 2.90
      183 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 Relieve painful piles fast with Varemoid The active ngredwrn n ysfemod acts on the cause of the problem of pacs IhaarmnxxM cMcWy and enectMty ThKnekibn fapHl refcH ol ftftammetion and pan II *o Mops bkM<»ng. jntl v«<»i-,sf II ft r« urr.twndable to admortar Varemnd üblets •■■iiwiy long penod AMaaUe at
      120 words
    • 251 5 Lt2sSP of sfs^ |S| EXQUISITE V#J T? DRESS-WATCHES WgA f _JUUUHJUUL_^B m B II Ell 1 v nB W SJ vl JL) x I^^Bssasssssl bssssssssssssTW m^^^B^B^B^B^B^S^^B^^^H 67C 904 653-4W»I 11W>M>1 «7'«o A KB las. W *****01 112-22-02 7*2-42-103 112-03-02 ENtCAR 5 slim series unique creations of master craftsman. Eacft model
      251 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 210 5 ■sHgflnt Pp WmOfw Bjr BUI Eavsnafh tfc Hal Camp />AI«ADv] j W»U.. IMBSKT *e\ y^aS /mOWASOUT «MNO Mt"^ ONOON'-gurr XV it y vvsu. fnAcrict I S** B g6P"*', l_.[ A o*»*ce to orr My >ou» lwcv vmu. J s *o»«b/ i v^OS^ so me foo« "on Atr* Blonlie murrT^-, sly
      210 words

  • 210 6 2 unionmen barred from tanker TW O representatives, one from the Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS) and the other from the Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMOU), were yesterday barred from boarding the #0.000- tonne tanker, Permlna Samudra, to investigate the crew's problems. The two from the unions, which are affiliated
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  • 552 6 J^S architect believes that area licensing fees and increased parking charges in the restricted zone are equitable and that they should be increased from time to time to regulate the volume of traffic and maintain planning and environmental objectives. He says that
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  • 97 6 rK Adult Education for learner motorcyclists Board la considering either next month or In Introducing a driving January. course for learner drlv- Highway code and ers next year. road tests are likely to Details of the course, be Included In this Mallwhlch Is expected
    97 words
  • 29 6 THB Ftoad. Drtate and Alßed lParkara- Union win baM a dtenar and ombw la Batik tta Uth aonlrarmry at toe OMt namtra Bialia rant on Ma*. 17.
    29 words
  • 160 6 $12m LOAN FOR TRAFFIC SYSTEM BY COMPUTER rriHE Government Is I negotiating with the World Bank for a $12 million loan to Install a computerised traffic control system in the city area. This system, for which tenders will be out shortly, will provide coordinated control of all traffic light signals
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  • 46 6 MR Lim Kirn San. the MlnMer (or National Development and Communication*, will attend the inauguration ceremony of the Asian Road Transport W^wkeil 'Conference organised by the International Transport Workers' Federation and Ita afflHatat In eancapore. at the Hotel Equatorial on Dae. 1 at v.
    46 words
  • 132 6 rpHE Brunei OovernX ment spent over $100,000 In the past nine months on medical expenses for Its nationals In Singapore. Enclk Zalnal Ha j 1 Ibrahim, a representative of the Brunei Oovernment. said In an Interview yesterday, that this was considered the biggest amount spent on
    132 words
  • 481 6 A PRODUCERS rk nightmare to a producer's dream. This) is what fllmmakinf Is all about, uy Dr. Richard Zanuck and David Brown, the "masterminds" bell In d the SS2SO million box-office hit flln. Jaws. As the team who ■»«<»e
    481 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 314 6 WATCH R6F 40-B3 J Automatic. Day, Date. Water Resistant. J ii watches which are backed up by 100 efficient after-sales service Ricoh showrooms service centres SINGAPORE I B Ct>ow House Robinson Road Tel ***** PENANG Ro«»d Ist Floor Tel ***** WENG HUNG WATCH CO.. 39 Jalan Petalmg. K Lumpur 01
      314 words
    • 53 6 md If Magnificently crafted AilCX^' in attractive Qenuine calf mMQ^YZ** I leather. This battery rtW®\a«sY\ electronic lighter comes y IlsfNtlLJ s with free life-time V^ 4^ C-M «W V Sole Agent A Service Station: Sarome Lighter Company (S) Pte. Ltd. Suite Iti 4. 18th Floor International Plaza. Anaon Road. Singapore.
      53 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 181 6 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS J Unveiled passion 22? .ST" SS! 1 JSThatfthT <*. Mud ma* air.™ B, ,JU htm IS suck together with pre- asoment to lead prayers 11 W&r^TTbm'ke Saint »to"°* m Wale* (I. ganleed a IS State Induced to some T his superior Is often degree by toxic
      181 words

  • 205 7 Hunt on for 3 who abducted girl, 15 FLICE are hunting for three men who recently abducted a 15--year-old schoolgirl along Upper Changl Road to force her to disclose the address of one of her teachers. Lua Btok Kin. a student of the Chung Hwa OlrU High School in Bartley
    205 words
  • 189 7 More go abroad for higher studies: PSC-J MOKE local students left fee Britain. Australia aod New Zealand this year for higher studies compared with last year, aeeerdlng to the Pablle Service CwcnaUaaton yesterday A PSC s-iar— said It sponooccd a total of $42 students io these countries an Increase of
    189 words
  • 35 7 BINIOI PmrUaaMotary •aaratair (L*bmv>. Mr. Fmw Hp Ch-». will opan Urn ILO ngtoiMJ iMitnir on oeeopattoaal ml*j and haaHh la ralauon to producu»lty at Mine Court Hotel on Monday at 10 M mm.
    35 words
  • 513 7 A N C M B E R of parents yesterday urged the Government to convert community centres into "meeting houses" for schoolgoing children of working mothers. They said building more creches and kindergartens, without providing day-care sen Ices for children of schoolgoing
    513 words
  • 282 7 Talks to sell timber worth millions to EEC rlf local timber businessmen have begun preliminary negotiations to sell timber products worth a few million dollars to five countries In the European Economic Community (EEC). The businessmen began their negotiations after a three-week tour of Britain, France, West Oermany. Belgium and
    282 words
  • 39 7 A CHARTBUD wrvtyor and eotMaKant to Urn London Stock fcehama, Mr. Netaaa Bowie win talk on vakjattoo Of company real aaUU and rwatod aavats at Urn > f*r~* frofiiiwiil CkmM. Outran Park, on Monday at I M pja.
    39 words
  • 317 7 Kempas Road gang smashed after 4 held pOLICE have smashed a secret society gang operating in Kempas Road following the arrest of four gang suspects including a 19-year-old "headman" in two raids over the past two days. A cache of gangland weapons wa» also seised from a coffee-shop In the
    317 words
  • 137 7 DOCTORS 'STILL UNHAPPY' OVER PAY RISE SENIOR doctors In government service have been given a pay rise but are reportedly still unhappy about It. The salary scales of dental and medical officers holding senior registrar posts were recently revised from a basic $1,450 to 11.700 a month, with the specialist
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  • 96 7 Charity ball nets record $84,000 MEMBERS of the diplomatic corps here and their wives have raised a record $84,532 from a recent charity ball In aid of the Community Chest Endowment Fund and the Mandal Home for the Aged The ortinidr* mmnntitt of UM Had and Wtatt* Chanty BmlL bcU
    96 words
  • 40 7 MRS Ratna Mavaratnam. rttlrad dlractor of educatton from Brl Lanka. wUI uik on Can Urn WWamv of Urn VMaa BnUfhten oar Atomic Ac*, la Urn Wo—s krtahna MMton HaU at BarUty Boad on Nov. a at S.M pa.
    40 words
  • 224 7 Governor who will set a new tradition rpHE firmer rtiaj( M. nate of Western Australia. Air Chief Marshal Sir Wallace Kyle (above), will set a new tradition when he lands la Perth on koard the ship Centaar. which left here yesterday. He will be sworn In on beard, when the
    224 words
  • 60 7 MBS. 8. Hort. win of Urn JaoaiMM ainti— rtne. win proMDt HS.SOO to IOMOMfIUUf« ot li cnartUbto bomca and aocMwa at Urn Bukit mmah Boad piwnHw of Urn ■afnaaa ftrr~ on Doe. I at M am Tho ■konay was ratood by Urn tooß'i rinarWtn of Urn sssmoaUnn
    60 words
  • 183 7 More patients— so another floor for Still Road govt clinic rvKt. Health Ministry 1 will add another floor to tt BUU Road outpatient dispensary to cope with the Increasing dally patient attendance. The extension will be carried out from Nov. 25 and v expected to take six months, according to
    183 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 268 7 Be proud of your English V »i) and htm i« tamua >t>ur Kica\ Mf« IkM ><M an KM mal n» Ihc siu<]s requires ,<nk j ah i uric jnd vrrv modcraic lcc\ jrvjr-- trc )u«Jtco whK'h ma> he paid in OSUM> mcnl BKMiihlv inMalmcni% lhi> jtc h*ndK*p(»J ptii» ii »nhm
      268 words
    • 347 7 Introducing J/p a 1 won the Asian Golf Circuit in 1973 ,^r^T^# mr and 1974, but my love for this part of arLi^l m Aj§m\g the world goes deeper than golf. JLT gVyMKAJV**** That's why I jumped at this oppor- fa J tunity to open a sports shop here. It's
      347 words

  • 653 8  - 4 Row ended in stabbing of girl and mother' GLORIA CHAN Court told of attack outside flat By 'Medical skills saved their lives...' HOUSEWIFE lost her left kidney and her 17-year-old daughter, the use of her right arm after they were stabbed by two women and a 12-year-old schoolboy, a
    653 words
  • 203 8 A LORRY driver told a district court yesterday how a traffic Policeman allegedly demanded 00 from him si coffee money" for not "Porting a traffic offence ajrainst him. Poon Cheok Sun was testuytng at the trial of K Wt Cnln Klang, as. who U
    203 words
  • 186 8 AM YEA* OLD ekoolboj who stele a Feet Office ftarlnfs Bank accovnt keek and cheated the bank of IMN waa aeateneed to three Tears' probation by a Janrcaile eeart jeaUrThe eeart alee aaked hia father to alcn a tke bey admitted to the two
    186 words
  • 208 8 VEGETABLE PRICES UP 5 C&NTS ORICES of bay am. I ehya aim and kang kpnc roae by five cenU (M 6 grsmmea) to 45. 80 mad 48 cenu reepeeUveb. Trade Department flcares Indicated yeaterday. rpDawlm >w Urn raoon■Jd: Tfcal let par cant 01.O 1 S4 earta (SM aw— n); jUaMnaae
    208 words
  • 109 8 FEWER DEATHS FROM INDUSTRY MISHAPS rpHERB were 89 fatal a. industrial accidents In the first nine months of this year a droo of 13 over the corresponding period last rear. The total number of accidents. however, showed an Increase. 10.182 in the JanuarySeptember period thli year compared with 9.281 In
    109 words
  • 64 8 A SnONAJt on Problem* of Youth In Hlghrtie run wUI bo bold at the KaUonal Youth Leadtnrilp Tralnlnt InsUtuto in South Buona ViaU Road on Nov. so at 0 ajn. Oue»t apeaken at the •nnlnar are Mr. John Ang of the univemty of Stngapore'i Department of Soda]
    64 words
  • 238 8 Business comes first for grandma Grete, 62 II7HEN grandma Orete TT Schlckfdanz. 63, said she was too busy to answer any calls because she had business to attend to, she meant Just that. for as the wife of Oustav Bchlckedans, founder of QueUe International of West Oermany, reputedly the worlds
    238 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 425 8 •"Flow showing"* Simultaneously at 2 Theatres :s.# REX GLOBE Adm.ssion S3, $2 4 SI CASH BOOKINGS only Helpless people trapped in a crippled airimer-ttie pilot paralyzed.the co-piot dead the peaks of the Rockies dead ahead! iomrMM mt us '^flaY An 441 I^Jaibw NEW film...^m| takaw ARPORTI976 umud mm iih mm
      425 words
      426 words
    • 62 8 2 SHOWS AT I STI 1 30. 4 7.00 A 9 30 PM I DAY! I 7.00 t 9.15 PM jm ciHiwitimie f^ A jj [ijMHRIIOS TOUCH '> (ORCHARD: Oiens Tomorrow /you loved 4 ttm lailf It I Xllilillf I 12.30, 3.15, nST 630 915 p" I you'll fpc\ j:
      62 words
    • 511 8 BJ HQQ I 4m wiiKTrSolr m IWI.JS.4SS 445. II p*t» s*itan irrutN o» tw nm »AMTHtt- B Cotoi (U» ON' Roban R*dford M« Fane* el -Tl» SSIAT SATMT- ceto> T (PAHAAOOONT^K) i«imiii«iitMii g HO* SMOWlMfi' IWIMINtIItJO T. Lung SLAC« MA4MC" Mon*», n n Scop. 4 Color t•• WoM«ct<. Tome* MUxn
      511 words

  • Untitled
    • 155 9 DEATH OF CPO 'A GREAT LOSS 9 TO THE CHINESE IPOH. Twaa. Forty 1 two CbtaMM gwllda anil •vsef#cl«%ieWfU 4cseribwa the death of Tan Sri Km Chang Kong, the chief pettee officer of Perak, as a gnat loss ta the Chinese easasnanlty here A joint aUtesaeaU laawed following aa emergency
      155 words
    • 86 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuee Culture. Youth and Sports Minuter Datuk All Haji Ahmad called on Asian youth leaden to wotk closely with rach other to eradicate the drug abuse imihlenu In the region The drug tnubaaui Is one with a very complex ature It la only
      86 words
    • 53 9 KUALA LUMPUR Tuee.— Local Oovernment and Bnrtronment Mlnlater Tan Brt One K«e Hul told the Dtwan Rakyat today that his ministry was studying; the possibility of bulknnc Umber houses at suitable sites. But due to land shorUf*. preference waa given to buUdlnc flats to house more
      53 words
    • 121 9 $16.2 m trade deficit for Malaysia fZUALA LUMPUR. Tues— Malaysia had a trade deficit of M 516.2 million in the April-June period compared with a surplus of Msls2 million In the Jan-uary-March period, Bank Negara Malaysia said today. Malaysia's central bank In Its latest economic bulletin, said gross exports declined
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 65 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Crime- buster *-*-r-» OomsatastoDsr Kaaslm All bin am ha an rl who was responsible for the break-up of secret societies In Kuala Lumpur In the *****, baa been appointed Setenfor Deputy Chief Police Officer Enclk. Kajaun. former Babah's Director of Management took over
      65 words
    • 56 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuee mamas win contest the lEmiE IflTiafratangan byekscOon In Sabah. party president Dr. Tan Cbee Kboon asid today. He said that the candidates would be Sabahans. "I will alao appeal to the Prtme Minister to ase that none of the flgpinitlim faniwitof will be
      56 words
    • 198 9 i KUALA LUMPNR. Tues. '.-jneslan Defence Minuter Oen. Maraden Panggabean suggested today that other Asean establish de-o-operatlon slml- he one now exist Ing between Malaysia and .ud such defence i .it ion would proreglonaJ stability i byte toward 'tonal resilience of each A ■•ran nation.
      198 words
    • 53 9 JOHORC BARU Tues. M Subnunanlam. 27 of •i> jsiled for three years by the seaatons court I ,m he was found < rmptlnf to export JO kc of opium worth 000 to fMnfapore A woman paasangti nested beatde him »hen his ear was stopped by cuMoma nearer*
      53 words
    • 64 9 Hold-up arrests KUALA LUMPUR. Tuee Potto* detained two youths woo after two acbraboya wars rotated of their watches and ait la Taman afJaaJi ">ere yesterday Tba achootbors. Tan Ctaaa Wah and Soon Boon Hock, both agad JO. were walking horn* after sitting for tttatr MCI Bthut Malayan papar whan they
      64 words
    • 54 9 IPOH. Tues Nlnctj-aU gravel pump mines In Perm* have wcrtwd approval for additional Un production quota* under the Government« "hardship quota, pool* system to haip than overcome their problem* The senior Inspector of Mines. Enclk Abu Bakax Nurut. said today that all those approved were with quotaa
      54 words
    • 245 9 $58,000 HEROIN HAUL AFTER CAR CHASE KUALA LUMPUR, Tiles. Narcotics officers detained two suspected drug traffickers and seized 2.8 kilos of pu re heroin worth about $58,300 after a car chase along Jalan Klang here during lunch time today. One of the suspects was caught by two officers while the
      245 words
    • 625 9 Vigilante law valid: High Court KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday T»HE High Court ruled today that the Essential (Community Self-Reli-ance) Regulations 1975 which provide (or the raising of Rukun Tetangga vigilantes are valid and every citizen is bound to comply with them. Mr. Justice Chang Mln Tat also ruled that: THE CMEBGENCV
      625 words
    • 234 9 SEVERAL Slngaporean husbands who hare wives staying here have been Issued temporary passes valid for three months to enter the country. They have been told that they should later apply for permanent resid- Accorda.- to the sources. the International practice la that the woman has
      234 words
    • 142 9 IPOH DOCTOR ON HEROIN CHARGE JPOH. Tues. The trial of Dr. Mohan Singh, 34. chanted for having drugs illegally. scheduled in the Sessions Court today, was postponed to Dec. 10. DPP Wan Abdul Ma) ld bin Wan Hamld had applied for an adjournment saying that the subpoenas on all the
      142 words
    • 47 9 BUKIT MTsVTAJaM, Ties. Pew rotters anaei with tan* sestets and a hasrf-greaade keli aeet isspas aa a bees* at Jala* Kaltan fer ccc new tMe ■ersMag and eseansd with tfjMt la cash and Ji.Cij. The reeeers escape, la taelr rtetW «ar. aTepesa CoroaW
      47 words
    • 202 9 Use the cane, school heads -told— ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Education Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed called on headmasters today not to hesitate to use the cane to maintain discipline In schools. "It Is unfortunate that most heads of schools refrain from caning pupils for fear of reprisals from parent*. he said
      202 words
    • 33 9 ALOR STAR. Tues —The State Oovernment h«i asked Thailand to dissuade imams especially In Southern Thailand, from marrying "runaway*- couples from Kedtn Mentrl Beaar Date *rt Syed Ahmad Shahabuddln said today
      33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 12 9 ■mV f Afcl A sfl i 1 Li J* r Mi JPfH'gMsWalaMil
      12 words
    • 230 9 6300 series for the smaH office. r~ms] i"^^^ Print your own sales messafle I on every envelope automatically -*\i Prints correct postage value S^'^T Y^^l •or letters, parcels j*: Speeds processing of mail y-^^ Provides security and Afb^ r~ record of expenditure. W \P simma J IA Orcan Roberts FVrvote
      230 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1975
    • 443 10 THE history books will record 1975 as the year when the poor countries of the Third World won their battle for full recognition of their plight. It was three months ago at the non-aligned conference in Lima that the Industrialised world was served notice that it could
      443 words
    • 189 10 IT has not taken long for President Idl 1 Amln to make up with Mr. Brezhnev over their diplomatic tiff precipitated by the Ugandan leader's tirade against Russian "Involvement" In Angola. President Amln, current head of the Organisation of African Unity, obviously felt he had to
      189 words
  • 452 10 B'desh crisis: Will Indira step L-in?J LONDON: The third cuap in Bangladesh la three months has left the coantry in an ■nrertaln and tens* stale, fearing that the internal power straggle may provide a pretext for the Indian Army to Intel vene. If that were to bastpen, then the risk
    OFNS  -  452 words
    • 364 10 REFER to two letters (Sun T. Nov. 2 and ST., Nov. 3) from the National Council of Women protesting against two statements (ST. Oct 7 and Sun. T, Oct. 26) which referred to Mrs. Shlrln Fozdar as the founder of the Singapore Council
      364 words
    • 125 10 I REFER to the letter by 'A pp 1 1 c a Uon No *****" (ST.. Not. 8) In which he said he has been waiting to purchase a three-room flat since 1971. Our records show that he has applied for a three-room flat In Toa Payoh Ang Mo Klo
      125 words
  • 1466 10 Lee on economic co-operation, security and power politics... EXTRACTS from an interview with Prime Minister Lee Kuan Tew by Michael Richardson. Southeast Asian correspondent for the Afe, Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian Financial Review on Not. S. RICHARDSON: How much scope Is there for increased Asean economic cooperation and
    1,466 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 78 10 HOHNER WAMO ACCOtWOHS AIIITTA IM 34 Pkitw k«rv 2 ten reedt Mef^SsssY 2°!J? T rom% r^ owpl tl I Podded Snap ond S"oog Carrying I *ibwV Co> Ml 'MM AKIITTA lIM M// Some <n Arietta IM. but with 3 ten ■W '«ed» Octo»« tuning. 5 tteWe #V "r% ond 2
      78 words
    • 306 10 JLJ Drd I win a GoM, SHyer or Bronze Medal in the 1975 Amateur Boxing Championship? Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the aawmtpatmum $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE $3,000 2nd. PRIZE $2,000 3rd. PRIZE SI.OOO
      306 words

  • 207 11 Inflation levels off with drop in food prices IXTIONAKY erca■m in Singapore ha\r Anally Icvrltrd ■>(T. tbr Statistics Department said Testerday the first time inflationary presets eloped In mid 1973. the consumer price indei last month fell OS per rent below the Index In October •••ai This Indei of 14C.7.
    207 words
  • 45 11 A hawker was ftned S: 000 by a mag-htrate'r court I r pu.j to dUpoae ttolrn caurtte players $1 440 Nf Khlm Ycow. 43. admittrd that he knew the cav*ti* »er* rtolen when he helped dlapoee them on II and 13
    45 words
  • 296 11 OIL pollution expert has called for the formation of a regional Singapore Malaysia-Indonesia task force to fight oil spills in the Straits of Malacca. Mr. B. A. Horn, assistant co-ordlnator of environmental conservation for Mobil OH also suggested that the three countries
    296 words
  • 22 11 THE Minuter or Labour ha» re-appointed air Chew Seng to the Employer Panel rcr a runner period or a year
    22 words
  • 49 11 THE 197S Lucky Draw of the Post Office Savings Bank til b* tetaeajt live" over Channel five of Televlatoo Singapore on Saturday at 1U pm Tha Senior Minister of BUU i Communications) Ui Ong Tent CtMong. will address the gathering before the draw
    49 words
  • 53 11 SENIOR Parliamentary Secretary (Culture). Hail Sba'art Tadln. and his wife will be the guesu of honour at a ceremony to award Ptngat Apad isouvenlr meoata) to torn* local artUU by the Angkatan Pthikis Aneka D«ya on Saturday It will be held at the AlMallk Faiaal Hall. Oeylaoc
    53 words
  • 344 11  - Spore to hand over flight tracking facility to XL RAYMOND JANBCN By CINOAPORE U to hand over to Malaysia by next year the complete control of a flight monitoring facility to enable It to track aircraft flying at all altitudes In Malaysian air space This will come about with the
    344 words
  • 96 11 AMAOISTRATE. Mr v.K.R. Ounasllan. was slashed twice and robbed of a watch by two men In Old Upper Thomson Road last week, it was learnt yesterday. Mr. Ounasllan. 27, later went to hospital where he was treated a* an outpatient. Police said he wai wiping the
    96 words
  • 137 11 rIS barrier has been set In Short Strcwt to prevent »et»rtsU from sneaklnf bit* the restricted mm daring ttf Minhg s>— k not froni 7.M a.m. to 11.15 a. am. Before It was p«t up some ■Xatlata ased to re»er«e Into Short Street frwaa
    137 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      42 words
    • 230 11 The more you have The less they get Two is enough FAMLY PLANNING/STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE telephone *****6 or go to your I fl 1 nearest Maternal and Child Health /I nn I Family Planning Clinic V]^/ 3\) f I saw 'LI Dreaming of a house? Buy it now with the
      230 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1056 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and MtfaUt Kriurp (Malay) 7 JI Football Highlights JJI Diary of Events fltaav) lwl 11 wMbj) *T 1 ,y~T, mm 7JS Sen, Ash-Sen Kerajwai Tangan (Repeat} 135 General Hospital aj| Tmm T c«i Tfeat Us 115 Timanika (Malay-Repeat 131 Inn (En**) 4JI
      1,056 words

      • 31 12 Dateh Baky PJL MUM. m n IM I PIMM. lat W«*4 ft. Unite tUT* S. Gha •t.TS 11.7* MM IS.M W.SI MM II tJ UK I M M i »l
        31 words
      • 32 12 M Li^OCBC HTT lint) M lUn* m. r«i HK Uu4 M«4n m Pa nil UN n.u MM M-M II.M 11*1 MM fill II.M .1* —47 M —.•4 .M jM M .M
        32 words
      • 19 12 MM Dm*? IT.— Fukm Miifc UMN Kutn! IZ4.M* TMal Twrmvmr: til M Tatel Valat: M7l M
        19 words
      • 65 12 17 Mot. U ft ET.IWn: IMJS IM.l* lltfMiilita SMjM SM.K Ttmtm*, Wt.ll 4M.7* Itototo: UTJS UlfJ rripilM: IMJ7 IIIU t TIM: MM MJI t rmkktn: ll»M 0.C.8.C.: t«IJS MIJI MJ. ta4. tILM tltJt ft Jvl 1. I*7l IN Dm. M. ltM IN 1 DM 11. 1« M IM t
        65 words
    • 1647 12 -t-KE last transactad ready sal* st the close of buatnasa on the Stock Zsehanm of Singapore yesterday comparad with the previous day's prices together with I*7s high and Adjusted for scrip/ rights tssuei CL**ia* Tin*: All itctiaas rloatl aaraty ataaay. TVBM*>v*R: OflMaJ aswaa aaaaiit* b» taa Hill Bhekaaa*
      1,647 words
    • 393 12 rB Singapore stack market yesterday saw prices UaJag on an easier trend la Ugkt trading. Freak bay tag support waa s*rt*w*ly laealng. However price auvemenu naaalacd narrow and there waa no selling BIBBBSII. Towards the close the market could beat be deaertbed as barely steady aa price*
      393 words
    • 1279 12 BID tnd offer prices officially ■••d and buMmas In and reported to the Stock Exchangr uf Singapore yesterday with the number of snares traded shown tn la kns of 1.000 units unles otherwise specified All Time Bargains or Settlement ContrscU sit quoted after the word Sett Big
      1,279 words
    • 1066 12 11 ID and of ttt prices of ftclmlly i "i and buslncM In I and rvpon«d to the Kuala Lumpur Stork Exchaiure yeatrrday with r>» number of aharca traded atiown In a kit, of 1 000 unlta. I m specified. ■MOUITMIALI «).«••>.■• Tap* ,v 4VH 0 Ml*) A
      1,066 words
    • 61 12 FOR the lint six month* ended September 19TS. Sungei Besi Mines Incurred prc-Uz losses of £90,090 compared with profit* of *:785.n00 last time. In Its Interim report, Sungei Bed says that the general Drocramme of mine development Is on schedule but. as forecast In the last annual report,
      61 words
    • 75 12 (<* am) -»4~! for tfts mitj >miMi tar .»<•.. oo ttnfr Vuo-ai ißattaf*aa> WMt lIKM I" «> ra«»4 Da* S4OS bur*n Mil 10 il7»)l« emit aalWra. MIO 411 .unit eaata mM Ju |MT M awrwa. S*M .ri,i7 mi, num. UMMIM n« MTt'l ÜBHTM iwi mi a* F.».
      75 words
    • 58 12 M Bulk till OCBC 17 M M. Cabin WlO C Store »3.00 Dunlop Ind. U 12 M. FhNir 11.2* D. B« MM UOB. ON CarWwrt Mil U» (Ord fin v cnott tin Moatwrt M.« 7 —.10 06 —.06 —.04 04 —44 —M —.04 0J —.00 M —M
      58 words
    • 136 12 Metal Box profits slump LONDON: Pre-tax profits at Metal Box fell by per cent to £21.01 million In the first half-year ended September 1975. Sale* rose by 9.0 per cent to £246.6 million. It Is paying an Interim dividend of 5 3p on the capital Increased by its recent rlghU
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 296 12 Easier trend in KL market rADING st the KuaU Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday wa* dull with most sham eudlnt; lr minus territory. After a steady opening. share prices eased gradually throughout the morning session. A feeble rally In the afternoon did not lilt prices abovthe previous day's level. Trading was
      296 words
      • 259 12 CYDNEY. Tue*. Moat leading lndustnai. mining and oil stocks ckMMI towir. osalen said. Th* Sydney Afl-Onttnaiies fell I*l points to 40] a* Market leader BaY closed two otnti tower at ABB l6 compared with 666* In th* morning Bank* and finances were mixed with the Barak *f NSW fft"|"g
        259 words
      • 198 12 TOKYO, Tuea.— Th* market closed sttghUy higher In aottv* trading, supported by th* successful •twaft—ajii of th* Part* summit talks, daalen aatd. Th* Dow Jones average ros* *Jfl to 441*36 with a volume of Sl* mlltton aharas. Th* New index row *JS to HIM. Blue chip* and particularly export-oriented
        198 words
      • 233 12 UONOKONO. Tuea. —The market cloned sharply higher In more active trad■lS. encouraged by the nrmnota on Wail Street and Lon don ovomlfht. dealers said lanpii»»*d news BBDarally belpad provide a Ana undertone and the Hongkong market still has to catch op with rues elsewhere, they aatd Among leading issues
        233 words
      • 281 12 V«" YORK. Mon -After I OuctuaUng in a narrow rant* (or moat of the Maalon. th* stock market cloaca moosrauly higher today with tn* Dow Jonas average of 1 industrial* closing at iv bast level Hoc* mid-July Brokers suggested that invastors appeared to draw some encouragement from the
        281 words
      • 43 12 ■n* Ml MS 141 758 Mt.aoa t«2 7aa 144 01 141 in lI.MXW IM Jo 14»T« POT* 111 IJ* JIB IWUI him* lum PfW a no* It.rlilK *n— M US. «ellara prr ln«l« (1) AiMtmliaa 4oii»r r*r »n«c« (2) twin friM
        43 words
      • 105 12 FINANCIAL TIMES INOISrSIALS Mondsy J7B» Fridsy 3«i W«ek sgo J57.4 TINS Monday 91 SO Friday 91 M Week ago ci «j at burs Monday )W]| Friday )M jj Week ago J»J v OILS Monday n* 71 Friday t»l IS Week ago U)U DOW JONES AVERAGE INDI'STKIAL* Monday *M M
        105 words
      • 304 12 THE US unit continued IU upward climb yesday morning and was quoted at 12 5000/2 5040 Trading was fairly hectic and active but some proflu using depreased the US unit to as low as 62 4965-*5 However, the U8 unit was sgsln being bid np to $2
        304 words
      • 166 12 a nuin currency acpom m--1 trrbtnk rat«a a at cloar >n Nor II: US Dafera fSp*«i O««r BM 7 <Wyi 1 I* 1 mth f a mtha 11 16 111 I mtha 7S 7 6 muu 7 111! 7 I 16 t mtha 7 IS It 7
        166 words
      • 37 12 Closing Interbank rates tn Singapore dollari (or No» I*. Offer BM Overnight 4 4 S 1 mth 4»* 4 Til 3 mth* 4S 44 1 mlhs 4 4 II It *o«rrr P. Mvti; Jmm InkrullmL
        37 words
      • 66 12 RANGE of rttM o»araa by ala- ***** i*imi on No» l« oxrnuM 1 1 <vi i :i Call I t I I 2% C>M»f *«a Timmt tok Imi 1 t/M 1 bank MIU 4S/4 4 J-lloeih CD IS 14 4 ll 'l4 t-Moaik M> 111 HI Iwh National
        66 words
      • 180 12 Bu< *e>tm Interbank rates at 3OC p m Camaciea NomJiul ratrs SmiihMfiUn PrrreaUg* aw>U4 y»»tcrd*y frroia) a«iit> thaaga US dollar 2 4985 3 4MO SUM —1139 Bterllng pound 6 07M 5 OSOS 7 34SS —MM Honf kong oolUr 49 4S 48 «5 JO SI 1 .90 Malay Wan
        180 words
      • 62 12 Prime lending rates (in Aapaman* Bar*. 7 Bangkok Bank 7v> Bonk of America 6Vi Bank of Chaw 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Majiin Inftnwn 7Vi Bsfiayt a* L'lnoachane 7 Chartwvd Bonk 7 fV,_. rtf.jaj^a 7 \.ngjßjtj mtpiiuiiuii 06S t* f,r»« Ch<ogo fNCB 6* hkssc -r Mokiyon 7
        62 words
      • 236 12 fBB Straiu tin price In Prnang yesterday gained by 8525 to 89W83J per plcul on an ofncial offering up 25 tons to 256 ton*. The overnight London metal price was also steadier with forward buyers closing at 112 higher to £3141 per metric ton against Fndar s close
        236 words
      • 26 12 Robber Nov. IS. Singapore: Dec 143.75 cts (down 25 St.) MaUysU: Dec. 1«25 ets (down M ct). Official offering: Ui Una (ap 2S ton*).
        26 words
      • 97 12 r*«lll MIOUCI II CNJ.CI SIHCAPORI MOOa cl*»ino aaicn >■• ncuL VISTIROAV Caatiit «Hi Bulk SS2S artltrt SM «nm *»7 Milan, m M3'i mVjm Cas*k! Mutd (laaa*) UK/CMt 8M baran. •aaaar: Maalak AST A white feb 100- NL.W (NO aallara Sarawak want Ia b NLW J»4S axi*ra. Sarawak aparial alack
        97 words
      • 13 12 riSv* r.r^.i^r JU |J," W aarely Malay but •aast: I.TIS lanan
        13 words
      • 505 12 QVKRSBAS adncM weti w about v *xp*ct4xt and op»mnf quouttoni on th«81n«apora rubber market r***™** win marked up accordingly SeUen tended to predominate in a atow »urt but later on renewed burin* int*re*t returned and took pwoßbar up to Moodayi late high point of U5 00 cents, after
        505 words
      • 115 12 rjAiLY SMR and SSR prtca* uauad at uoon if ftian D*. J»n mmjm tPOTiarrs Ownfl BfaUvTC IC*mtltU> hraiHHtk ImbHiki) (*a»*s par kg.) SMR ICY (1 ten pallet) IUM IUMK 153 50 IMMK SMR *L (1 ton pallet) ISO 50 151 50N ***** IUSON SMR I (1
        115 words
    • 0 13
      0 words
    • 344 13 THE Stock Exchange of Singapore has taken Far Eastern Hotels Development to task for Its failure to make prompt public announcements on two transactions lnvolvie purchase of some properties. was the agreerowtb ManaK ices of pt 28. prowhlch can- mad* r the "PPlng Ilutel "X
      344 words
    • 155 13 I ONDON Chrysler UK i as pure 'ion a press rert here tl~at Mr John of parent company, Sered to make a h opera the UK OovernThe report said Mr. Tdo tcld the ment it can have British v together with all assets. liabilities. and pood
      155 words
      • 129 13 am i hiiam Mm The Hi brotdljr >-ft and ■H in quiet trading »lUI l nilr\tr and •ad in Dutch rnj> df alert amid Elarwhrrt (tint were M Hrtarkn. Wu v*ter. Oa*. BijMUarf and bmt **>t l«olal«d declln«t Slat* kw\na Mlgad higher N IM ttllKW *>"• M.M .10 Km
        129 words
      • 100 13 Z— The ocfc m»r*n tner irregular al<rneraj trend Bank* verr wrll maintained Bond* were sootewhat more muul The CYcOlt SuUs* Indei closed 0 1 point higher at IMJ. ClMla* frm»ri mit.i ea aY MM »TMW. cr*t>t hum* an hik Corp. 400 I V>wa auk ■-m S2lO *J0 U* 4-
        100 words
    • 183 13 FOLEX PLAN TO TIE UP WITH TOOTAL X Indurrlei is negaUallag with •>nr of thr larg■Hl'- nunufartur Uir I K Mitb a »arai j link-up «.th thr British croup. Negotiation,, with Tootal hrr.,n iii July, c I to Kolrx which nrr nrrd of frrsh i"v*«iir lone* of about *.isl6 million
      183 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 543 13 Hoechst Singapore Pte. Ltd. SALES REPRESENTATIVE I Application is invited to fill the above I I vacant post in our expanding Textile I I Dyestuffs and Auxiliaries DepartI ment. I Applicant should meet the following I I requirements: I Male, age above 2 1 I Preferably H.S.C. with a good
      543 words
    • 613 13 CHIEF ACCOINTANT A leading U.S. oilfield equipment manufacturer is setting up operations in Jurong and invites suitable qualified candidates for the above post. This individual will be top financial executive in organisation reporting directly to General Manager. Responsibility will include all accounting functions including preparation of budgets, monthly financial statements,
      613 words
      609 words
    • 724 13 |aw STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY I'UUH'M r«aa ii Hj^^ha^g^r ntwK cmii mm r*tn I M IMt I* II m» HNH (MM I MtM n M an sstaaa u.i *n mm 9m MM m<> *w I wmi nt mw. i«n<. imh ml l twnmi uapaai immotw ia«ai. <a 'iw>m m*
      724 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 124 14 ElflH -i wi« ill »l A «*^B HIT i '111 M UNITED OVERSEAS BANK GROUP V^Vfy has vacancy for a -^A^. TRAINING OFFICER >\vA n required to plan *J- •<; mprehen- >Ay ;ng and development *t nlmll analyslnn \Sy^y •inj existing in- nagement and *^T V <S* ■urtes. and the
      124 words
    • 504 14 CHN?TH?E)>CCOUNTrvNT Arab-Malaysian Development Finance Corporation (AMDFC) invites applicants for the above position. Th« Job: The successful candidate will be responsible for budgeting, accounting systems, management reporting and projections etc. The Man: The person we are looking for should be: a>a Malaysian Citizen b) Aged between 30-4O years c) Qualifications: Chartered
      504 words
    • 145 14 RIVEKVIEW KI'BBER ESTATES BERHAD < Incorporated In Malaysia > Notice is hereby given thai a third interim dividend of HI. teas ¥>1 income tax. has been declared In resoect of the financial rear endlni 3; December 1979 payable on li December li7S. to shareholdars on the register on n December
      145 words
    • 640 14 THE BAHRAKYfIT GROUP RAKYAT CORPORATION SON. BHD.. a wholly owned subsidiary company of BANK RAKYAT invites applications from suitable candidates for the following posts:— 1. ASSISTANT PROJECT ENGINEERS (2 vacancies; February 1976). Candidates should have recognised CIVIL ENGINEERING qualifications with at least 3 years working experience in the supervision of
      640 words
      932 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 958 15 iib:i: it .ji.mtai mmtmtm %wnu uwvtmnman r^ rtarg Ei-rtu'-rs 'At: ?s. sz. n*z .:l I M lln II M MM BM JIM jliiVV- BJT UMUM I M I M I M I M Mllpnn it M II M tl M <l M MM* II 14* I ~i MMC MM BM
      958 words
    • 1202 15 Ben Ocean AnritsprnoeofßenLmetßlupFhnneiGlenLdnpandNSMO ia m cMiiaui ma uau rtan P bat NBaaj lanaa PMhuitm Urfßi m Pt,a an M/ti an M Me in I'm* »'+*t C'aaal*. MMMU ItM la Pt/M Bn 11/ B an II Me in iwi tat mbbabx a/a an ay I mi vim i m M, (a*,
      1,202 words
    • 1058 15 'i I BBBMi b^bbj l^naa t aaa raaapan m^^^^ m tiajii mi~— vi— 'P mv 11 fflltftftf MT Im IWI1 mmm* imm 11 an aan I*l a m nM m Btaafaa j mm t Ma If aa M Mt a mi a Ma ■ami k»T 11 Me it M I
      1,058 words
    • 1095 15 lIWffWBBHBS FULLY COMTAIWttIZID StKVICI TO IUIOfI P. uaaaj nan > MJ. TtlM» Bn 21 i iiania Me 1 1 bbtti mi. MMarMa., Mtafrf, It Nwi, gSSSr I! TL" C, 1 IM-MT ItMM. iTMITMa.. «ft.LtTt MUT Am I JMiB-M ryykMMMMVM PntMiMMiri MJ|mjJß| Jbmj. |_a w^™"aa»MJJWMj, •""t'aai a,, BBajvaaaaa;. ait mimu as
      1,095 words
    • 757 15 StMMM M 444 P MM| OH; IL ami; PMJat JWI THE BANK LIME LTD. IMR FH( II MaU. IMSM MM itM.W. MBMB. 1 «r.cai P aN«« M Mil M S n-. lIM UfMM MaarrM. MMa I t f in, t/ IMa I II Ii M "*M» IMB 1 IMBJ KUWAIT
      757 words

  • 164 16 Mi YuatMui ifiaa afMr cm r***rra itnm Wonoaul) l«Vll. Bart* a r. Khar* No 1 (I) HTM aVaMa Tmnn 10 II Bar** An tOMnf No 1 (Ml (MM aMrU IfW K»l Mani) 14 Jortanm V «ft»r Mason ol and Woooaan Hud •or. Mani) 1&I4. Maiimir IWOOI a.
    164 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1022 16 lyr KAWASAKI KHCN KABHA LTD FffUT CMTMOSI SUVKf TifpM Ba>aa)a IVbb Mm) %ttn P RjtMf in*r| r«M «*«r» I/mm •in* SUS MPKI 1 he lite II Rat tl mt Mh 21 In ■(P'ißf I Mini 1 lac Ike 21 tac 11 tac !la raM la Jaaaa Mr* P Mt*B| TtIBMBI
      1,022 words
    • 1017 16 «r«B ITA IT* Ml MMTT MOM II M Part M BW tMk AMM. MMTT HM BMBM M Bw SM BMM. ttU MB) TaMM a Bw t tat 111 ll.tllß ft HI. tau aaailt taaaiM ■> aw a aw wawtii /Satan artan lit* Flair. SkMa Rmm. SmMm 9m. impmn 1 M
      1,017 words
    • 949 16 m^fi\L\\\fim\[^[Wm\\fivZm\ HUT CMTMPBB SOfttt Tl BHH M> mm> rMI P IwMf I'iM.Tiln *w»| ana total l-wa MtCBTIt, BBMBBn tf BW ti BM If 0M t* Bw ft Bw aRM IS Ml at*ia su* MMM i, I tat im* in an ti ki Ila MPTMI IBTJMI I tat I tat tat
      949 words
    • 858 16 twro aarct n iMMt umnmvtmman rnn MMMMiiM mm t mt' t *mV'n l tnS iTTIw TtTtTa im. Cyan n v t 1 1. Inan l. iw Hi mb ij/ti in L'pi c**'<« tma. li him. h w-i t I lmi li i. •MM MMM VIMIII M M. I I tat
      858 words
    • 760 16 W NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE Far East Europe \VfiSlap_k TRMtSfR Itl rSIRUPMO PTT ITI |i Tt< II 2711 J/1 P Urn JOV7OI lw P Baaj PrnfßßiT xcm iim im tw uw, tt aw naw tTTTIMAI IW «W| BrwMa. «.tw, IMIt I M »t (MM rar IMlmmi Pat, tatwtt I. I.Mlawt AUSTRALIA
      760 words

  • 12 17 lOUI9I KLERK I 9ALON9 in ur latest i ng and Moderate
    12 words
  • 9 17 MADAM TAN raving 'K Hual. Angeline and SaSHsxaBBBBBBaS
    9 words
  • 29 17 m 9ROTHIRS SIS NEPHEWS OF l Katong family c-> -Ijrugarnda for tiso doc- i i Payoh i <• Mrs ink doc- *ard 2 friends nesf <ionatlons. luring id their 1
    29 words
  • 8 17 N LOVING MEMORY 9f Our Dear-
    8 words
  • 21 17 ■OS SAMANfTANS OP Sings- I roubled? Discouraged' Ring 81-44-44 day or night Help i Is as near as the telephone
    21 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 176 17 classified ads g] MTWIIN PHILIP IOONO. son Of i the late Mr Loong Pan I' to Marie Mrs Philip Uau Xi;- N aj Nawemtx-r THE tuGiO CHINESE Junior Koad invites i-ngllsh Language teachers Applications must be made on prr v-ri Oed forms obtain .antlly ASSISTANT OUANTITY SURVEYOR TEL ***** «e>
      176 words
    • 610 17 PHILIPS requires an ACCOUNT CLINK li ATIONB OCE O Level or equivalent and a LCC Higher Accounting certificate Knowledge of typing v also essential EXPF.RU 2 lo 3 years working expencnee in stock posting. verfflcaUon and reconciliation and executmg of purchase orders Interested appllcanU should sub personal particulars in <
      610 words
    • 773 17 WANTID LAO4IS WITH Secretarul qualification and Mandarin as second Language Com men ring income 9300'- Oood service conditions Wrtte to 8 T Box A 9137S AUDIT CLINKS WANTIO BY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. KNOWLIDOI OP WRITTIN CHINESE ESSINTIAL. PLIASI APPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING TO S T BOX A SISM SCOTCH SICRITARIAL SIRVtCIS
      773 words
    • 802 17 PANT/ PULL-TWM JOS) for energetic young ladles (Pre-U I stwdenuweieomei Baste allowance/ irjining provided Expected earnings 11 5U- BBS/- plus for 4 hours weekly Tel MIMI for apPOwIMBSSSt. BALIS AGINT9 PON CONBtJSSxM najQQij^ yg A productive sales agent can earn I4OS upwsrds Young men/ women who are prepared to work
      802 words
    • 607 17 XPSNIINCIO O9*wt)ATOSR> Of Two Colours Crab tree Offset Machines required urgenUy Must be able to handle the Machine uons UHirillii call "♦SJsyTrtr appoint meat. UN I C O iiaatrn StIC TRONIC TSJCINNCUN Candidates should possess a Vocational or Technical Certificate In Applied Electro Mci. Must have st least 1 year
      607 words
    • 758 17 WANTIO MUVWrV CIBNK with driving licence nofgatlsrl National Service Salary SMS Also slesgirl Salary SITS Ring SsMtNNCO mMMUIkIIIV ORIVIR cum Delivery able to speak and read simple English Tel *****4 W. Tan for appotnusant OMNON SNIBAPONI (PTI.) LTO. invites application Mr MATUNAL CONTWOs, OPPKIR 1) A good educational background with
      758 words
    • 688 17 BaCNNJTV SJMANOS WANTSJD Call Personally Room SM. No S. Cacti Street. Singapore Oood reasaneration. fNllnMlisil offset prtntlng factory at Kallang Basin area requires the following (1) OFPSSTT PMNTSNG APPSWN TICSS (3) OFPBIT PLATI-MAKIM (D PwSWMwB ARTIST FOR O*A PftsC OS^AATSSBMT (4) OPVICI BOY (preferably with motorcycle) Apply in writing or
      688 words
    • 753 17 OITACHIO BUMBAIOW9 Dili II Single-storey 4bedroesned bungalow on large matured garden Dlst 10 single-storey 3bedroomed bungalow close to American School Dlsl li double-storey 3waSsUllwU. study, separate living and dining Fully alrcondltloned on large matured garden Henry Park. Wstten Estate. Faber Hills. Ming Teck Park Coronation Road west Orange Heights^ Weslwood.
      753 words
    • 892 17 MSM-OSTACHCO NS3MNV PAJML Fiber HUM. Lucky Hetghu Available Immsdsaleiy IBM ftW-CM Consultant Unique 1 STORSTY SSM4-OITACHSO DIST is 3 bedrooms, servant's room 2 bathrooms and 2 aircons fumuhed II 300 For viewing call *****3 OtST IS BSAVW* PAM i storey semi-detached, unfurnished 2 aircons Telephones Call *****1 Huang 9am 2
      892 words
    • 824 17 OUT is lIIIILS OOUBU storey, detached 3 bsSrsssaa. I study 2 servant s furrusned unfinished S3.SM 900 TH .TV460 1 NOVENA LOCALITY OOUBLI STORIV 4-bedroomed intermediate terrace, furnished |7N Available soon J L Chen 4 Associates 23M59C BaASMM BNJ.NO NIW detached bungalow Jalan Loyang Beear directly on beach 92.200 partially
      824 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      113 words
    • 604 18 American oil Rio company King for house urgently 'erraee/ apartroenu In dlaU 9. 10. 11. 15. 19 20 28 Oood deposit Owners please call *****67 mats engineers house*/ tpartmenu dlsU 9 10 II for immedlate occupation Please contact *****6 Monday Friday HUGE PORIIGN CONCIRN requires bungalow* pstaat call *****/ *****
      604 words
    • 810 18 I BinftrrOfrfttt GARDEN DOUBLEI STOREY semi-detached 8125.000 Single-storey semi-detached 882.060 Woodlands off Upper i Huklt Timaii Road stnase-ttorey semi-detached 886. 6*8 Happy Estate double-storey tetnldetarhed $160,000 Meng Housing *****46/*****58 Til HI Road 6140.000 DIM 15 Woo Mun Chew Road 8190 000 Amber Road 8145.000 Jalan I > Pokok Serunal $125,000
      810 words
    • 759 18 aiAUTIPUL ELEVATEO LAND Lorong Kitmis Bay Khong Road Area 2*. 000 tq ft 812 p f o.n o Beautiful waildt land directly on beach Jalan Loyang Besar Area SS.SSS tq ft 810 psf ono Tel *****2/ *****1 Andrew Uong Housing Agency JALAN TUA KONG (dut IS) raMdjntitl land vacant patsas*wn
      759 words
    • 737 18 OOLOtNU. PLAZA THOI6BON Road 1.300 tq ft Office Suite with own entrance ant) complete with partitions, alrcondmoninf package unit and -tight fltung; available immediately for tubletting al coat Sharing of copyIng. plan reproductlont, telephone and telex facilities poastbtt Further details, please phone 53SSB SUPREME HOUM MCOOCAL CENTM UaMSBI Area 99
      737 words
    • 837 18 ■OLBaM ttsLE ntKATfta SSBS Far Bast Shopping Centre 8756 Orchard Towers 8606 Aiaotokail office S3M Orchard Housing 23M*****5 plex Ideal snap apace on groundfloor to rent Area appro. i 384 ea ft Contact Mr Tan 1676*' *****6. a.m. Sp.av). INTEREBTEO RENTAL/ PUR CHAM tbophouat SSS- 500 sq ft facing amsn
      837 words
    • 788 18 NAM NO TMrm B—fWCI (Singapore) PW Leaned West Ma ktnsa tour (Inclusive Oenting. c Highland.) by deluae airconditioned bus seven days *****/- departure everyday Oenting. Cameron HnThiands four day* SBlOO OenUng High lands four dajr* SSIIS/-. departure everyday JMingkoa Chlengmai by deluxe aircondltloned coach fourteen dan BS3SO 23/1 1/75. 2/
      788 words
    • 740 18 OSXIT TRAVCL (PTI) LTD. 1 Taiwan/ (Aaaan/ Huaikmk/ Hongkong Bangkok 14 day* $1456 11 Dan »»V- 17/11. 24/11. 1/12. 8.12. is. 12. 26/12 2 Korea/ Japan/ Taiwan/ Aliaan/ Huallen)/ Hongkong Bangkok 16 Days tt 256/ 17 Day* 81.660/- 24/11. 1/12. 711. 14/11. 22/12 28/12 3 Expo '75/ Tokyo/ Taiwan/ Hongkong/
      740 words
    • 640 18 AMtMASTISI travel SPECIAL Paras LuiNkoji. Europe. Canada. USA Hongkong Tokyo M Dhato unaut (Near Cathay >. Tel ***** SB •a* AGENCY ,PTB) LTS, oners cheap fares to Australia CREW NEEDEO 6MARB} expenses American Ketrh M ft "Lady Esther II to Penang Ntcobar Ceylon Sues. Mcd anchored al Yap Boatel Ponggol
      640 words
    • 556 18 JAPAN! Sf FOR MS ISM by Japanese University Uraduaw Commences 636 pm 26th November Enqutrtet Manage ment Training Centre 364 Ird noor Jjew People t Park Centre QUALIFY IN ACCOUNTANCY through OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED COLLEGE You can qualify by fuN time or part time leven mgi study tor Certified Accountant's (UK)
      556 words

  • 358 19 J^ POLICE constable followed a bur§lar into a house through the roof, ed on a bed and found him waiting with a knife, a district court beard yesterday. But the burglar became scared and fled from the room when the constable's
    358 words
  • 394 19 Decision— on architect cannot Counsel rpHK Board of Architects 1 had failed to make a finding based on facts when they decided to strike off one of Its members from the register for "Infamous conduct", the High Court beard yesterday. Mr. O. Stsrforth-Hlll. for Lee Soo Yee. said In his
    394 words
  • 178 19 MAN, 69 JAIL FOR HAVING MORPHINE A 89-YEAR-OLD fishmonger was yesterday fined a total of $4,500 or 30 months' Jail by Magistrate P Ounasllan for two drug offences. He did not pay the fine. Loo Foon Kee pleaded guilty to possessing eight packets of morphine and having taken the drug
    178 words
  • 46 19 HONOKONO Tsakwood Works i Singapore i PU. Ltd. was fined 8300 In the Subordinate Court* last Friday a Ministry of the Environment statement said yesterday The company pleaded guilty to the charge of permitting the emission of dark amok* through It* chimney
    46 words
  • 378 19 Widow gets $10,000 on appeal rpHE Court of Appeal L yesterday granted $10,000 damages to a widow. Hamldah Blbl. after allowing her appeal In a civil suit arising from the death of her husband. Mohamed Yusoff. 38, In a road accident The damages award represented the unanimous decision of the
    378 words
  • 123 19 rUB saen, charged with eoaammini anted robbery in a he*** In Utwer Baklt Tlamah Eoad ea Sept. a, were yesterday ee*M*sUtted t*> stand total la tke Ugh Sat Ufa Cheon Beck. M. a welder; Lai Koh Hoi. n, lorry -attendant; Gwfc Peng Soon.
    123 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 485 19 CONTNRN YOUR COUCATION M LONOON ■My for O C E O and A levels st s private sixth form College 150 real denual or non-real-denual Revision and one-year •rts and ■octal Srirr.r* sub)ecU com mene* in January and BspHai/ear TulUon res* appro*) ISM D*r year personal approa 1 W0 per
      485 words
    • 807 19 OUITAR FOR BiaiNNSRS at Metropolitan YMCA commencing 3/12/75 Wednesday* y-rr.,nA lljllrn* DeUUS 9B44BI English fngwSß* tulUon 3 urns*/ hour par week arter 7 00 p.m. at tutor* or student's ul nance for 6 month* TulUrn fee envtsagad M 4100 p m Plea*) write to Mr T.. Klto c/o MlUt btshl
      807 words
    • 1132 19 Why pay mor*? For only $900/= you get a top class SANOEN ROTARY Car Airconditiofier Installed in only 8 hours Extra Bonus FAN FAN SHROUD AUTO RELAY s/WTOPSTAR ••PTE. LTD. J 372 THOMSON ROAD SINGAPORE. II TEL *****1 i 8888/- BUY SIT 1880 HWraaJl iMlnx t Saloon Vlrw si 2
      1,132 words
    • 782 19 room csMitiitkWi, tstui wi&innct '■■setts new. 85,380 nunllihli. Dne owner *****0 PUT 1*888) tSBS one owner. 41 JOS >no Ring 41 1002 Mrs Tan 1884/ 1888 OML Kadett (988 c.c lyre*, paint, engine good condlaon Tax December 197S lisw«nee June 1878 SeUtng cr.aap MOB/- ono Td: *****7 Mr Tan 1888
      782 words
    • 540 19 ■ASA BAYAMO LAOV Barbers. 244/348 Tanglln Snooping CenUr offers stylish hair -cats, bead. facial ssas— a* Tel: mTJB USNSCJI AT IMtsMßjrß laapartal Beauty Shop (Katong Branch) Fashion. Styling. Cutting. Colouring, racial. Waxing Manicure and Pedicure Room 204. 2nd Floor, OR T.H Building, nest to Roxy Cinema Tel *****5 •JARCVsUMTTA TOP
      540 words
    • 556 19 UAH AM OwCOMATIOa con stxucuon Oompany specialises in brie*/ grtne fencing, ■mroanlng boos* painting furniture office boos* renovation, extension (including permit apportion) Tal JJMJ4JTI/>***** ■OWTH-tAST ASIA aircoodltion mg Refrigeration. HBirtstlat In repairing all kinds of alrcondlUoners. refiiaeraton and resoraying Tal: *****4 CATNAV AIR-CONDITION 8 Refnsjtrauon Engineering (PU) Ud. spans IW
      556 words
    • 449 19 MUM 488 7U 3HH 18T3 model wheel-loader for sal* OsftMKa** of inspection from Caterpillar Mitsubishi Interested contact Tal: *****44 ■OH SALS fff«j ftj ajfcM *sMM*sr* Tat 88l8M/88>848 HAVHM CMIOMWS aawTMOAV Party? Why Not Hire Your Children 's Slide*. Swing*. Merry-00-Round. Tab*** <■ Ouurs and also Household Furniture from CCC Junk
      449 words
    • 131 19 OVERSEAS CONTAINERS LIMITED "Hamburg Exproa*" Vey. 445 arrived 14.11.71 All LCL cargo has been unpacked from containers and Is available for immediate delivery. Delivery Orders should be presented at the PSA Container Freight Station (Oodown 40). If further Information Is required, please contact OCL's CFS Office Tel *****. ***** AceaU:
      131 words

  • 593 20 City expose United's weak defence f ONDON, Tues.— With the com ple 1 1 o n of the fourth round of the Football League Cup fames last week, Manchester City emerged as favourites following their brilliant 4-0 win over neighbours Manchester United. So convincing was City's victory and so thorough
    593 words
  • 444 20  -  EPSOM JEEP TRACK WORK... by KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Besterete II again impressed In a stylish workout over 600 m in 38 1/5 here today. A three-year-old horse by Eae. Bestcrete II ha* a win and two seconds In as many start* In this
    444 words
  • 278 20 Barrier draw for KL races THE Mtim lag to Ik* terrier draw far U» race* at Kaala Laaaewr tbU wttktmd: CLAM t DIV. 1 SATUBDAY a. t. t, 7. j. l. t. i. 4. I*. CXASS I DIV. lJt—m 11. It. t. It. 4. S. 11. 1, 1, I. CLAM
    278 words
  • 37 20 RAWALPINDI, Tarn. KtTP* Cnaar-St ud'i hockey taam baat local •choofboy* tfndar-U *d* by J-3 ta frtandly match bar* today n m Xha Bsyptfaa* neood vJetoey In thatr PaJtttan tour. Th»* h»T» hat f>Tt maictoat RruUr
    37 words
  • 364 20 Grand Memory is still at Bukit Timah AS a matter of Interest, on what ground* do the stewards deckle to bold an enquiry v to whether a bone nt allowed to run on It* merit* On Oold Cup day at Bukit Tlmsh. apprentice Abdul Raamk and the bone be rode.
    364 words
  • 296 20 World Cup draw on television (GUATEMALA CITY. Tues. The long haul towards the 1978 World Soccer Cup finals gets under way at a four-day meeting of the International Football Federation (F 1 fa starting here tomorrow. Key feature of the meeting will be the preliminary- round draw for the two-year
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 154 20 ENGLAND SUFFER ANOTHER BLOW LONDON. Tuea. England, already hit by Injuries to their soccer squad for tomorrow's Kuropean match against Portugal, suffered another blow yesterday when Paul Madeley twisted a knee In training. The Leeds United defender must be considered doubtful for the vital Oroup One game in Lisbon Captain
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 164 20 Irish FA fined $4,500 BERNE. Tues. The European Football Union 'UEFAi has fined the Irish Football Association 5,000 Swiss francs ($4,500) because of crowd incident* at the Republic of Ireland's European Championship qualifying match against Turkey last month. UEFA announced here yesterday UEFA's control and disciplinary committee, which met at
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 89 20 Civil Services team for XL TWELVE players from the Scan Games rugby team are among the 17 players in the Singapore Civil Services side to play Malaysian Government Services in their annual match in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday The 12 players are; Jarmal Singh. Lee Cheng Huat. Hamzah Mohammed, Bohan
    89 words
  • 32 20 SPIDERS bnt BrtgM SUr 4-0 In the Dr Lr. Chlaw Ucng Cup aoeear match at rarrar Park AlhteUc Oantr* rcstorday Brortn wan SaUah Palman (J>. Ahmad BayuU and Asts Ibrahim.
    32 words
  • 250 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue*.— The annual international rugger series between Malaysia and Singapore Is moat likely to be scrapped from next year. According to the Malaysia Rugby Union secretary. Ng Peng Kong, a proposal to scrap the series came up (or discussion at the halfyearly meeting of
    250 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 638 20 and lovely Penqy moves your heart with soft songs of romance. The M I nst reiser :>^^a^" make lovely music for her songs. P r t* t Jrs\^' And we serve the best beef in town flown in specially from the jy jrafi House of Pfaelzer, 4Vt/\_f/V> lktv Mt* Chicago
      638 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 67 20 SOCCn Ntttnil Lf- Of*. I Tampion Rover* r Sermn■oon Otrden* (Jl. Bcur Stadium. -6 p.m.); Dr. Im (hl»« Krac C»» —Tarrar Pax* CM B r Worid Star (Farrar P r ,k Athletic Ontre. 515 p.m.); Fi tumil) 8 port King's Cup XI v Upper Saranfoon United (Toa Pajroh Complex, »15
      67 words

  • 317 21  -  JOE DORAI Useful Sparring' session with Malaysian stars By INGAPORE-S soccer team will receive a severe test when they meet a Malaysian Indians' team, with six internationals including K. Arumugam and Santokh Singh at the National Stadium on Nov. 30 at 7.30 p.m. The
    317 words
  • 276 21 pRIVATELY, Filipino and Indo--1 nesian sports officials are warm to the idea of their countries being included in the Seap Games Federation. This proposal will be discussed at .the next Seap Games Federation meeting at Bangkok on Dec. 12. Philippines National Olympic Committee secretary -general Arsenio de Boria, in
    276 words
  • 252 21 Four records at Poly carnival FUR records were established at the fourth Singapore Polytechnic swimming gala at Shaw Pool 'ACS) over the weekend. Richard Chew set a new mark tn the 90 metres backstroke clockIng 340 and Chee Slew Kff bettered the 100 metres freestyle registering 1:04.0 in the men's
    252 words
  • 479 21  - Coach Seah has a few surprises in store... PETER SIOW ly SEAH Yong Mm, the chief table tennis coach, Is confident Singapore will win three golds at the Seap Games despite, the suspension of three key players, Tan Yong Hong, Tan Khoon Hong and Yuen Chin Fatt. The 43-year-old coach.
    479 words
  • 22 21 BUCHAREST. Tuav— Bpaln hold Rumania S-t to talan Group pour rhamntong In Urn European Nations Booaor Cup bora yoMorday. UPL
    22 words
  • 186 21 MAJOR John One has been the target of criticism all because he Is secretary of the FAS tournament committee. Most of the time, critics have been unfair, because all decuk.ns are made by the committee. He merely signs the letters. Take the ttrange decision to play
    186 words
  • 229 21 LIM Choo Beng prontted from the mistake of his arch rival Douglas 00l to win the Singapore Civil Services golf championship with a gross 79 at SICC New Course yesterday. Dougla*. who led the flcld aftar is beam took a aoaa. dtvt In Uvt
    229 words
  • 126 21 Singapore cagers triumph BANOKOK. Tuea. Singapore and Kuwait scored convincing wins In the Eighth Asian Basketball Championships here today. Singapore beat Indonesia 104-87 in their Oroup A match and Kuwait romped to a 103--82 win over Sri Lanka In a Oroup B encounter. Singapore led 4PM at halfUme. Teo Kah
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 22 21 HONOKONO. Toaa.— Tho Poking bmb'i and woman's volleytoall loams last night both boat Urn rutting Thai team l-fl at Poktag.
    22 words
  • 434 21  - Hope of two yachting gold medals lERIARD PEREIRA By SINGAPORE hope to win at least two gold* in the Seap Oames yachting programme, despite the absence of that accomplished sailor Yeo Ngak Ho. Ngak Ho. who took sixth position In a field of over 100 competitors In the World OK
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 424 21 When you move in. move up A nrw fcidrrw becomn reduced -noocurr content v wbolc nrw wiv at lmn. with (kttvttwi wttHn Moonda to my or Cieritr'. Round 00. (ftOR) ewnieoa of row ekotee t.r .-vi r f .,r,g ivwm Tfct Center Round One nmtt Coeafoct M Juet one of
      424 words

  • 54 22 ANKARA. -niM.— Tba Shah of Inn tv ajuotod today m ••riot In in him* saav> vtsw that Turkey. MWh •ltd Inns ahooid Mup 1 Joint mm liismUj. Tbt joint tnuaaU Jn•awrv cm m MMnl or tetpmrtlM. incJudto« rUMtan.ha mm in tba tartarvtaw with tba bmm ctreujrttop
    54 words
  • 26 22 WAaaTDSOTOaf. Turn VB tDtaAbaaoe* aowtas aaJd lln ay Ik* Mat Union had Kntd to aand a, iiml--.ron of MtOa m&mmßic nOOBUOaJMftBC# pteDM to oVf|a.
    26 words
  • 59 22 rO of Ike worlds aMtx faaiaass pipe smokers, British Prime Minister RareM Wilson and President Ford, pmtt away daring a joint press conference la Baa»»saj|ltet, France. It was gives at the end of the six-nation eeonosnie swaasatt conference, daring which both leaders vested ■ptlilai aboat
    59 words
  • 285 22  - Malaysian politics should be 'more modern' HAjIB ABDUL RAHMAN By LONDOM. Tues. The Club Umnc United Kingdom has urged trur. Malaysian polities should adopt a new approach consistent with the needs of modern times. In his presidential speech, at the cl ibi fifth annual meeting on Sunday, the ntwiy reelected
    285 words
  • 114 22 HAW PAR Brothers International Ltd. U facing a "pretty tight' liquidity situation, but has sufficient cash to meet its ihort-term requirements, a senior Haw Par executive told Reuter yrsterday. He was commenting on a Business Times report which said Haw Par was facing a "rash
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 371 22 OMDGM. Tms 1W aautrt 0,/* m* wiri tatf at Urn FiaaaataJ Tlaaaa lartra wu u» lam* awaia M STat. mrm fa /«ai Mfk■Mar n» ata u< tw ■OMMt A MM M mitUMl fvaaaajMajtiy aaaMf 4 raaaoaa tatat MaatHM kr t»» itaa la IM tnaaau BUI imUa aa4 aaaw
    371 words
  • 210 22 Fugitive Cleaver ends 7 years' exile- PARIS. Toes.— Finished I with his life on the run. Bdrldge Cleaver flew back to the United States today, expressing confidence that what be considers a change of mood in Amenca will assure him a fair trial. The former Black Panther leader, wearing a
    AP  -  210 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 3 22 BaT* '^a^B^ BHUPirjlSJl^ivißiißai^l^2a^^^|^^lSß\KlSgl*ia^iaßß|
      3 words
    • 123 22 5. J a 1 ROisfiJl Call us for an estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration Air Conditioning Co., 23-25. SAIBOO STREET. SINGAPORE 9. wmtmm ■^aW J -vassal Jj I JUf/tfo o §JJ shown with optional Walnut Cabinet MODEL 1070 STEREO CONSOLE AMPLIFIER POWER AMPLIFIER 1070 Minimum continuous average output per
      123 words