The Straits Times, 18 November 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 329 1 OPEC's $2.5 B AID PLAN Blueprint for Iran's voluntary project VIENNA. Monday FINANCE ministers from major oil-exporting nations met today to discuss plans for a multi-million-dollar fund to aid developing countries. The ministers, representing the 13 nations of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), were expected to draw up
    Reuter  -  329 words
  • 38 1 HONOKONO. Mob. PoUct today auaad about SO kilos of acetic anhydride, a rhaaieal uaad la saanutacturtaf heroin and aifflrtatrt to produe* mon than tv taten (SMI million) worth of nardn. a poase aookaaaao aaie. Router
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 590 1 PRAPAT (Sumatra). Monday PRESIDENT Suharto and Tun Abdul Razak concluded their two-day summit here yesterday by declaring that superpower rivalry threatens to harm the region's stability. Without referring aped- flcally to China, the Soviet Union and the United State*, a prtaa statement Issued
    Reuter; AP  -  590 words
  • 103 1 Chrysler blast: 3 killed MADRID. Mon. At least three workers were Wiled and another 11 Injured today in an explosion at Urn Chrysler Espana ear plant on the outskirts of Madrid, fire brigade sources said. The blast occurred^ at noon when 400 workers were at the engine assembly section of
    AP  -  103 words
  • 57 1 PARIS. Mob.— Two smb. ob* carrying a ptatet and the other a featfe. roafeed Mew York Taaas innaanaiint Phillip Shalwcoff eariy today of OaW (atlll) and an uo(UaeloMd aawwt ot travelThs robbary took pMa* oat tht faablaßaWa Menat Oeoras V. aeroaa the etas* from Whne Hew anas
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  • 138 1 Malik: We are not ready for ties with China JAKARTA. Mon. The semi-official Antara News Agency today quoted Foreign Minister Adam Malik as saying that Indonesia was not ready to normalise diplomatic relations with China. "The decision to normalise relations with Peking could not be taken without considering the repercussion
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  • 43 1 MBW YORK. MSB. Daw Joaas avaraass, baaad am first boor of trading on the Mew York Stock T--*— f M kadas M4O. ap ljtl: M traaap *****. ap Ml; U uum n.7S. up ojj ss steeks MS up o MI. UPL
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  • 32 1 MOSCOW. Mon. The Sortet Oataa and Ofaada have agraad to rattan dlptomaUc rtlattau broken off SMt Tucaday after a dlsputt over Anfpla. tha Soviet aaws affancy Taai laportad today. Ranter.
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  • 161 1 BAIMKOK Mon PUR Lac rsaatn aaak a Thai gaaheat en Urn Mekeag ■Her teday, t— hi— eg? an see latliu battle balaasa the twe aaUesw that eaattsmed hewa after dark. fteM refwrU amU Xatel IwdWspiCr fatalahlpa heveria* m Umst aUe c* Urn Mshaaw Uver Jsvt
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  • 72 1 $7m GEM STUDDED X'MAS TREE rtS Christmas tree, displayed In Tokyo yesterday, will he the saaat expensive ever to appear before the public It Is decorated with one billion yea (aboat 557.47 aallUea) worth ef dlaaieadt. rabies, emeralds, pearls and other predeas stones. A group ef M Jewellers In a
    AP  -  72 words
  • 61 1 RAUBOVULIT (Prance). Mon.—President Ford went for a midnight stroll In this little forest town last night hoping to meet some local people but everyone had gone to bed. Presidential aides said Mr Ford, here for the six- nation Western summit, paced the streets of Ramboulllet for 15
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  • 34 1 PRBTORIA. Mon Tea guerilla* and a South African aoldtcr wtrc kilted In a -elaah on tht border betweer. South Wart Africa (Namibia) and Angola last Tuatday. defence headquarter* announced hart today. Router.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 181 1 Foreign brides warned ENTRY PERMITS A MUST FOR JOINING HUSBANDS pDREION wlTea 1 of Sing apore citizens must have valid entry permits before leaving their country of origin to Join their husbands here. Otherwise, they will be denied entry Into Singapore and will be stranded In a third country where
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  • 194 1 HUBBIES WHO DIDN'T GO HOME JO H ORE BARU. Monday fTHE Johore Housewives Action Committee x has made representations to the Malaysian Immigration department on the plight of wives whose husbands, non-Malaysian citizens, work in Singapore. > Many wives told the committee that since the Johore lmmlg-atlon officers stepped up
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  • 60 1 LONDON Mon The Soviet Union hu imprisoned "at least 10.000 political and religious prisoners" and all art maltreated. Amnesty International said today "There are at least 10.000 political and religious prisoners in the USSR today "under conditions which" violate international standards for the treatment of prisoners.' the non-government
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  • 49 1 CHIC AOO. Mon Malaysia Is to get its Ant pi»>t>uy Hotel Plajboy enterprises Inc. •aid today it ha* entered Into a franchise agreement with Norraair International Inc of Malaysia lor i INroom hotel that I* scheduled to opan in June. 1177, on Pviiau Panffcor Rrutar
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  • 73 1 JAKABTA. Maa. Pro- Indonesian forces la Portagaese East Tlsaor are willing te attend peace talks 1b Aastralu provided their boats can gaaraatee their safety. Informed seareea said today The sources said the Ttaaareae Oeaseeratie Ualea d'DTt aad the Aaedetl parties, which favear strong aad firsajt links
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 140 1 SUPERBLY -HPj| DESIGNED Ml DIAMOND &E WfA GEM SET IWM 6CDeSihm(Pte)lML IrHI JfVveiLßW \~S5\ MG THE GALLERY I Bfr\ 9 BATTERY ROAO 2, J rpTkx SINGAPORE 1 TEL *****6 \y »<»■■** NEW HIGH FIDELITY POWER PACKED SOUND! Now. Sanyo packs more power into its portable radio /cassette The brand new
      140 words
    • 86 1 INSTANT' RADAR FOR AiRPORT Page IS SYRIA hints ef Intervention la Lebanon X CENTRAL banks U be awe active la BMHiey aaarheto t INDIAN force* besiege I RaaaJaassh eataeeto 4 KRtTIUN raids twe West T.mor villages 'SLUMP will alt local shipyards' STRUCR off architect Lawyers > points t INSURANCE aaiaa
      86 words
    • 74 1 For Clear Comfortable Co*M«/f. C.S. CHONG O.D. E VERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CMULIA STREET. SIMGAPOffC 1. t'**"^^ I PNlishave.Aclose, com! ortable,fast dry shave. £l><S> Fast Out" Comfort ADry IWk«dl««'U«> tm fll, TUXWCJ MrMimik* «<*rti,iiwlw, mmwwuimn '4 sw— *m. «»MS»»<cyt»p» iiwimii" mi«a_>-iaw I Wo cm»oa pil^kMWNlMit SMasnaass#sliava. MMnfw tan|cfu# w*rr tirrt*
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 429 2 DAMASCUS, Mon. Syria's Foreign Minister in a major address here last night hinted that Syria might intervene militarily to prevent any partition of Lebanon, and might take unspecified military action to undermine the recent Egyptian-I s r a c 1 i Sinai
      AP; NYT; UPI  -  429 words
    • 33 2 BOMOKONO. Mon Ont parson was killed and nearly Me others mm left bomsIw U pr*-oa«n Arc rsaUruaj which swept through a aauattar ccauDunit* in a local vtUaajs. aeconltag to a
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    • 238 2 ft AS SUDR (Egypt), Mon. Egyptian tankers fxiay began loading the first shipments of oil from Egypt's newlyrepossessed wells In this warstricken town about 46 km south of Suez. The town, badly damaged in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, was returned
      Reuter; AP  -  238 words
    • 104 2 Spain's wave of arrests: 200 held MADRID, Mon. Spanish Opposition K-aders voiced fears that the police were taking advantage of Oen. Franco's drawn-out ill ness to round up opponents of the Oovernment In what have been termed "preventive arre*t* A leading Spanish communist and five other Opposition figures were arrested
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 254 2 Europe's Reds iron out problems for the big meet pAST BERLIN. Mon. £j East and West European communists met here today In an effort to Iron out difficulties which have blocked a top-level conference of European communist parties. Usually reliable sources said an editorial committee will discuss a draft document
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 238 2 Karami's plan to drop House ratio 'may help' BEIRUT. Mm. Prime Minister Rashld Ka- rami's proposals for dismantling the automatic Christian preponderance in LebaI non's Parliament and public offices drew cautious approval yester- day In the rightwtng Fa angist press. The newspaper Al-Amal described Mr. Karami't proposals as moderate and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 161 2 TSINGTAO.... a More than just a beer toasted Internationally Because only Tsingtao beer if specially brewed from the clear spring waters of the famous Laosfian Mount with specially A Et grown barley and native hops. Com* taste the smooth, rich flavour of Tsingtao beer ■A the beer from the Laoshan
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    • 6 2 1 MansHment I \TeI?Wi r 3BB/
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    • 452 3 PARIS. Monday THK agreement in principle on currency values reportedly sterday at the economic summit meeting will mvulv ictive" intervention by central banks in curmaiktls. according to conference sources. Leaders of the United States. Prance. Britain. West Oermany, Italy and Japan,
      NYT  -  452 words
    • 126 3 rpOKYO. Mon. Ja--1 pan's balance of payments deficit soared to I'SSIM million (SSI.9K million) last month from I'SSIM million In September, according to preliminary figures released by the Finance Ministry today. The deficit, the third straight monthly shortfall, compared to a
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 54 3 OSAKA. Moo. About *M South Korean* entered Japan Illegally between September 1974 and last month, police said today. Polio* sale* Kctll Matsunaga. a 43-year-old broker, had been arrested and suspected of roasHniilmlliig mat* Illegal entries by using two snail fishing boats to cross the Japan Sea
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    • 36 3 WAfIHINOTON. afOO. Twenty-five tan* D 8 corporation* have been reused of or hare admitted onjaitnt In "questionable budmes practice*" In paying US**** million (B*7*s million) oversea*. *ay* a Library of Congress analyau AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 70 3 O OLD lEM of taw proO Soviet MPLA army which controls the Angolan capital of Luanda, march with new B-4S rocket laanebers. Meet of their weapon* are RasaUn-svp-plled or were left behind by the Portuguese army. The MPLA b) one of three political factions now flght'^ig
      AP  -  70 words
    • 29 3 JAKARTA, Mon Former Indonesian Social Affairs Minister. Dr. Anwar T)okroamlDOto. St. died bar* yesterday after a long Ulnae* He laft a _wlle and eight children- ssMSsr.
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    • 31 3 COPBfHAOBN. Moo— The Hoandlnarlaa transport worker* union hu dacldad to boycott MB* 6.000 rfUps flrlnc the ao-called fiats of convenience effective M*y 1. 1976. it was *noouDC*d yasUftfay. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 287 3 OOUTHA MPTON. Mon.— Troops and police searched the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth 2 here today in a bid to cut the supply lines of explosives for the Irish guerilla bomb campaign of Britain. Police found a J 90- kilo store of
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 611 3 Bizarre murder bares illicit sex life of small town wives LONDON. Mon. A bizarre sex-murder mystery has ended this weekend with deteettrea burnlnc the cocfeeatons of Illicit sex affaire by hundreds of houatwlvea in the navy town of Portsmouth. fr*b» dciMuptluii of the a under which police obtained testimony from
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    • 160 3 VKW YORK, Mon. 11 Senator Low»U WeJcker aaid yesterday tha; should carry Its contempt citation acainst Secretary of State Henry Klatlncer throuch to the final state imprisonma>nt He said the Secretary -feeu there Is one set of rulea for Dr. KiMtncer and another for the
      AP  -  160 words
    • 228 3 'Chrysler offered Britain all its plants for -nothing' LONDON, Mon. Two British newspapers reported today that Chrysler car boss Mr John Riocardo ha* told the British Government It can have ail his company's factories in Britain for nothing. The mass circulation tabloid the Daily Mail said Mr. Rlccardo had told
      AP  -  228 words
    • 81 3 TEL AVIV. Mon. Israeli peace pilot Able Nathan has rejected an Arab offer to buy up his* floating radio station which broadcast* peace messages, the newspaper Maarlv reported yesterday. Mr Ifatba*. a tonasr Israeli pttot and rarteimiH owner, ha* bean broadcasting peace talks and
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 29 3 HONOICONO. lion— Police B«rfeant Choi Ylu-tunj wai today found cullty of -ohcltInc a etearctte Ufhttr. watch, and HX»I 250 <a»TO} •nd •ntenoed to on* year's Imprisnnwnt ReuUr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 127 3 1 199U1t i For people who don't want to miss a ■LA- bY (in a eaaaaaa^aJF A^flaaaaaAa^Bal '"^J <W ■*^H s^~"*^B aim ot is a watch for people with a sense of urgency about life. People who want to make every moment count. It's for men and women who-expect more
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    • 362 3 SPiCIM OFFERS 18th Nov. to 24th Nov. 1975 r/**" 2Kg 2.50 UHT Fresh Milk NESTLE 200 ml. 2 for Q./5 Dorina Margarine 2279 0.90 Baked Beans hunz 4549 0.82 Instant Milk Powder NESPRAY 7kg 16.65 Orange Drink tamg 310, 3.35 Bovril One 1 1 3g. Bovnl fr— 226g Q.3U Oyster
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    • 244 4 'DIFFERENCES IN THE WAY OF ONE VIETNAM' SAlWvn, sMil. VORTH and South Vietnamese leaders 11 have admitted that a number of differences had to be resolved before the country can be reunited. North Vietnam* chief delegate. Mr Truong Chlnh, told the inauguration ceremony before the itart of reunification negotiation* here
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 48 4 OSAKA. Mon An Ooakabaasd ballbearing atakar has pane virtually bankrupt with unpayable debts totaling US*? IS mlluoo (SHU Bullion). Asahi Seiko Co.. with an incorporated capital of million today applied to the Osaka District Court for salvage under the corporate rehabilitation law
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    • 156 4 W'ASHINOTON. Mon Criminals killed more than 30.000 people and stole property worth UBs2 6 billion (856.47 billion) as crime In the United States Increased 18 per cent last year, the FBI said today in IU final 1974 report on crime.
      AP  -  156 words
    • 79 4 Demolition— the instant way n/TTH the help ef Tf ftaaarican enginneers, a dtmaliliaii crew deatreyed in secends a n- store t hmUding la Sac Pania. The bmUdlng had stoad In the way af a new sabway protect. It was the first time the system, common In the US, waa need
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    • 305 4 Four die, 41 hurt in campus grenade —blast- MANILA. Mon. At least four people died and 41 were Injured, five seriously, when a grenade was thrown on Friday Into a student cultural programme on the campus of Mindanao State University In Marawl City, authorities disclosed today. A team from the
      AP  -  305 words
    • 54 4 WASHINGTON. Man. Aiataama Oovarnor Oaorge Wauace. who to silting tba Democratic PressdanttaT nomlnattoa. aaid yeatarday if ejected President, ha would and baaing of aebool chUdran to create tatagratad classrooms. Ha aaid be would propose a constitutional 'itn^trr* giving people tba right to send thatr children to any
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 189 4 Marcos order to get kidnapped men out ZAMBOANGA CITY, Mam. PriaHisit Mareas today ordered In tonslfled talks far tha release ef six Japanese ■ahum kidnapped by Maaataa rebaJs 1* days ago— bat said no ransom aasamld be paid. Bear Admiral Baaaalo ga>alif-r chief af the Saathweat Military Caaamaad here, told
      189 words
    • 401 4 WASHINGTON. Monday |NDIAN army forces have fired on and besieged three Bangladesh border posts, a Washington Post dispatch from Dacca said today. A combined force of Indian troop* and Bengall guerillas have encircled the post* on the border of the Infant country, one
      UPI  -  401 words
    • 81 4 Mine blast kills 5 Thai soldiers BANOKOK. Mon. Five government soldiers were killed and nine wounded when their jeep was blown up today by a communist land mine In southern Thailand, Radio Thailand reported. A number of other government troops rushed to the scene, but were Immediately sin hushed by
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    • 248 4 -Indira Govt extends powers of arrest VTXW DELHI. Mon. 1* The Indian Oovernment has extended Its emergency powers of arrest with the publication of a presidential decree. The decree, promulgated last night, provides for the re-arrest of anyone on the same grounds, even after release by the courts or the
      Reuter  -  248 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 I ~e»*^*w .-HIMJSiJ _/-*pjr> 1 ikfck, ifiPwT**'** "atLLr dJßjfe."- 1 £f~ s ea **^^j a mjKsims^m^^rEW^^^^^Bsesss^^mw^mssw^r^ B^j^assjr ■sis wH BseT J^« Nbm'^^^b^bbb rt_ ~^tJITV 'Jerngs™** _^ami hw' MM *^V^? vH >i ifcjffsnl nrTßnmTwlnsnSi jM swP^ <^^jB^M^stwssa^p"as> SS ■£>■ JPk V U.S. businessman based abroad you need a multinational bank just
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    • 204 4 4 CHANNEL SOUND REPRODUCTION «wa| aw^^n I^bS Tha lawryitam SsMO it a murtkhanaei sound system, fwiry ceatastiMa far auedraphomc CD4 discrete and matrix (SO ar OS), imbte, stores) and Ml Beomaeter 6000 4 x 40 watts RMS (300 watts total music), a highly advanced FM tuner-amplifier with a lunJlaaa ramota
      204 words

    • 325 5 JAKARTA, Mon. About 200 Fretilin leftwing independence movement troops crossed into Indones i a n territory from Portuguese Timor and attacked two villages, leaving a number of people wounded ana stealing some cattle, the semiofficial Indonesian l agency Antara reported today. It said
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • 150 5 LONDON. Mon— Bome Scottish children are bugging their teachers' private conversations, according to a report published yesterday by the Assistant Masters Association. The report, by Mr. Wlham JarvU. a phytic* teacher at a Scottish boarding school, said that "Watergate-minors have bought and used "espionage" equipment
      AP  -  150 words
    • 180 5 RHODESIA ACCORD IN 10 DAYS: NKOMO fAAR ES SALAAM, Mon. U Mr Joshua Nkomo, leader of a faction of Rhodesia's African National Council (ANC), said today he expected to reach agreement with Prime Minister lan Smith within 10 days on the basis for renewed constitutional talks. The national leader told
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 249 5 Getty HI kidnap: Mafia boss charged LAOONEORO. duly), Mon An Investigating district attorney filed charges yesterday against the alleged boss of the Calabrtan Mafla and six other suspects In a final r* port on the 1973 kldn*vplng of Paul Oetty in The 137-page report by Lagonegro district attorney Maurizio Rossi
      UPI  -  249 words
    • 115 5 LONDON. Mon Rhodesia's Oovernment has frown a large sum of money deposits In the country by Lord Lucan before he disappeared a year ago. Brituh newspaper* reported today. Lord Lucan. 40. who U wanted by police on murder charges, was said to have debts of over
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • Briefs
      • 31 5 rKYO. Mon— Rightist Hlroyoahl Fudeyasa. 36, who sUpped Prime Minister Takeo Mlkft face twice last Jane was sentenced today to two yean* Imprisonment at hard labour by the Tokyo District Court.
        31 words
      • 20 5 KUWAIT: Sas*l AraMa »Mg»4 jirtula* to f«lly Mppert s~lgfckee»lag Kawalfs kM fer a fan tatasvr et HisutJer mratlsig etl eeea■■■taa.
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      • 35 5 PRETORIA Defence Minuter Pleter Botha said last night that South Africa was defending borders for which It was responsible. Be was reacting to allegations by the Soviet Union that South Africa was Interfering In Angola.
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      • 25 5 NEW YOB*: Csfrsas and tbe New Yerk State lsgwJ«fr« WgaaiMjer *eHkeraU««a tWay la the ft* at U save New Yerfc city from defaaltlag IU debts.
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      • 32 5 TOKYO: The North Korean Foreign Ministry has renewed charges that the United States and South Korea arc Intensifying "war provocation manouevres as never before and fur- ther aggravating the situation In Korea."
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      • 21 5 BANGKOK: Tmal Peteiga Mlalster f»srtli*sl Cheeaaavaa and CaaakwHaa Deputy Premier leag lary set today befere heidlag esSetal taJka. Radle Thailand reverted.
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      • 28 5 HAVANA Premier Fidel Castro's government, which cautiously reopened Cuban beaches to Western tourists last year, has permitted a foreign organisation to operate a holiday centre on the Island.
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      • 32 5 NEW YOU: TenUUve ■grefeamt waa reached last might between the New Yerfc Dally News and the Newspaper OeJM c* New Yerfc. averting a strike that had been set fee this warning Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 190 5 $42,500 ransom for girl: Five to be charged LONDON. Moo. Five I men are to be charged In connection with the kidnapping of an IS- year -old Oreek-Cyp-riot girl who was released unharmed early yesterday after 10 day* In captivity, police said. lnHtanf Commissioner Jock WUaon told reporters the £17,000
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 67 5 MOSCOW. Moo. Two satenttM stand In orttt around Veaus last month m put of ths Soviet twin prob* of earth's nsarw* ptaMUry iiaHliliiTi ar* SOU functionlag nor— By. a laadm« setsßttst Mid jsstirtoy >imil— lenfn MsUslav K»l--dyih said •qutpmaot aboard tif imimniurt Sputniks was tadytnc Urn
      UPI  -  67 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 176 6 rrai Court of Civil M- App— .l yesterday reserved judgment In an appeal by One Beng Bow. 19. a sawmill worker, who In July was awarded $3«J07 damages for the loss of his left forearm In a factory accident at Ouan Seng Sawmill Co Pte Ud.
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  • 23 6 TOTO dr«w result* In yesterday's Stratu Time* were tor draw number tl/15 •ad not 46/7S m reported The am Is regretted
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  • 338 6 Still competitive but... *pHE growth of the local shipbuilding and repairing industry, will be slowed down this year due to world recession, according to Mr. Chua Chor Teck, president of the Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers. Mr. Chua. who was ■peaking at a SASAR
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  • 66 6 Festival of science at Nantah BBCONDARY school students will get a chance to take part In a science festival to be held at Nanyang University next month. The festival, which will run from Dee. 11 to IS. win conrtM of eompetirtrm* for secondary and pre-onhwntty stodtots In addition to setsnttfle
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  • 62 6 BNCIK Othman Wok. Minlittr for Bodal Affair*, win open the five-day contemporary It art exhibition organised by the Aagkatan Peluka Anakm Daya at the Chtnese Chamber of Commerce on Saturday at I pm. Tbe exhlbiuoc which wIU am feature works of artlsta from nelgheourlnf countrtet wIU
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  • 56 6 THE Yamaha Music school will hold concert (or rounc people at tat Development Bank of Singapore auditorium on Dec M »t 4 pm The concert U divided into three sections Section A tor 16 yean and below Section B for 11 revs and belo* and Section
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  • 304 6 '$144,400 PAID OUT TO TRIO' tITELFARI Insurance TT Co. of Singapore bad made payments totalling $144,413 under a High Court Judgment together with lntereit on the sum* to three parties In a motor accident case. It wai stated In the Appeil Court yesterday. The payments were made to Chan Kum
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  • 41 6 TEY CHAI BAK. of Tm Fayoh, wu yesterday fls*d UM ky a magtstraU s coart for Mini a Basts* vehicle fitted with a **Uce siren at Tm f aja* Central mi Ai| II at akwat t« p m.
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  • 181 6 Drugs in bedroom: Swiss architect fined A SWISS architect Rlva Bail, waa yesterday fined MM ay a saagtetrate't e«*rt after he waa foans g«Uty «f you urim, two grasaa of r— In his Orange Grove Boad flat »n April 7. Inspector Edward Tan. pr— ctlwg. aald CeaUal Narcotics Barean •Acers
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  • 132 6 New upswing in electronic industry pLECTRONIC firms here have started re- employing five to 30 per cent of the staff they had previously retrenched. One factory in Delta hu even re-Introduced the night shift which It scrapped last year because of world recession hitting the ti.du.ary Recruitment of former staff
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  • 294 6 Hike in doctors' Dearer drugs blamed PRIVATE pracUUUoaI en here hs»e ralswl melr fees by II or I) mainly because the prices of drugs, especially those Imported, have risen by as much as M per cent over t*» past year Apart from this, there U the escalating cost of Uvln«
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 434 6 Sanforized Label. Jy 2§2=lsiz see the organisation behind it In over 1 30 countries the Sanforized Label The Customer himself Is most important. is seen on fabrics and recognised as an He looks for the Sanforized Label on every assurance against shrinkage. It's time you bit of cotton or biended
      434 words
    • 278 6 We will teach you the secret of success How to pass exams! stoov ai home Get a better iob! FORA Earn more! Knowledge an<J qualifications are what > .</.<*> you need to bring SSMSSSi The world famous Bennett College, can give you this knowledge, help you qualify lor a rßFOmtramut,
      278 words

  • 212 7 MAN LONGWANTED LIST ARRESTED i.iar,»o iq member on Urn pottos wanted list for the past 4Vfc years, was arrested by the CTD during a sertes of raids on Sunday The man. according to Eattee sources, to wanted i connection with murder of a private detective. Wang Tee Pok In Jalan
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  • 36 7 A TALK on A Career as a Pilot will be given by Captain B P 81nfh. an Instructor with the Junior Plying Club. »t th* Qucenstown ■ranch Library on Wednesday at 1 10 pm
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  • 310 7 Div I status under new scheme pOLICE inspectors have been upgraded to Division I status and will get backdated pay increases under a review of salary scales and terms of service announced yesterday The efficient ones will also be giren the option to retire
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  • 41 7 AUSSIE STINT OVER FOR SAF MEN A COMPANY *f Singapore Armed Farces nmmsiiian retarned yesterday after sue month*! tralnlnff la Qiiim land. The ■llaiin, e*aafriui both recmlars and jiallenal aerrleemen. were attached to the Ist Battalion of the aUral Australian Beiime»t.
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  • 30 7 MR Tan Kirn Wong from Hanyang University f angwaf s Centre win give a tax on 'Learning atogiUh" at Toe. Payob branch library on Saturday at 11 a.m.
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  • 71 7 MR Rex Shelley has won the top prise of a gold medal and 12.000 in the essay competition organised by the Singapore Internatio nai Chamber of Commerce to mark the Republic's 10th anniversary. Other winners are: Mr. R.C. Cooper ($500), and Agus bin Abdullah
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  • 245 7 Sit-in by tanker crew over pay row rifHUll -EIGHT amr 1 ■!■>>!! of the In4eoeaUn taatker Per ■tea Samadra 12. which has keen held op hi part for more than a msnth. yesterday staged a -ttt-tm" «n their veas*l and refined to do any work antes* their iwiiti far higher
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  • 191 7 US trade centre to step up know-how transfer THE United States Trade Centre here la to step up its effort* in promoting the transfer of technology to Singapore by organising a series of technical exhibitions and seminars next year. According to its newlyappointed director. Mr. George Clausen, it will hold
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  • 160 7 The overcautious Spore karate team EWE Singapore karate- kas were no match for their opponents In the first-ever "full contact" World Open Karate tournament, organised by karate "king" alas Oyama, in Tokyo, according to Singapore karaUka Mr. Peter Chong, last night. Mr. Chong, a 4th dan karate Instructor, who led
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  • 228 7 IHRBE men sought the help of a Cisco warden to steal more than $10,000 worth of electrical goods from a factory in Toa Payoh. a magistrate's court heard yesterday. But they were cauiht In the act by an ambush laid after
    228 words
  • 397 7 Varsity union: Pledge to students TTNDERORADUATES of the University of Singapore were yesterday assured that any reconstitutlon of their union under the Societies Act would be made with their Interests at heart. This assurance came from their Vice-Chan-cellor. Dr. Kwan Sat Kheong. when he addressed them at a forum on
    397 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 SONY Buy a Trinitron color tv NOW and join Sony "Carry on grabbing" Within 30 minutes, just A AflU Lj£E^^ HHBHEI SSV^M-lmmmi grab aS mUCh aS yOU HKBBeISBI mmmHmmmEmmi Wfllll, 3t YdOlldn OUPGT- •*'^^gmmml 11^ «J MidrKQio, inG ITiOrG Irlo Hi merrier, all on Sony's JH mammal M I J
      193 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 546 8 •'NOW SHOWING j Simultaneously at 2 Theatres Admission S3. S2 A SI CASH BOOKINGS only MBP AIRPORT 1976 OMBOI I*lo AABBI WM ÜbV pUMbSJ WtOM IOM BUfliaM VBBBDHIBIfIIBAa MB BAM aa»> >>v. ...aviiiniM 1 au^l^^^£ m > w .<^ wm :CAPfTOL-\K\T CH/UVGE! B SERGIO CORBUCCI the FAMOUS DIRECTOR of 2
      546 words
    • 105 8 |«t.lTjH'i«|'|>liH>my wMi rmiminunt Tlinln I MrkO|l»r' <M*»r lUM 2 Dm) 1 11. IJO. 7*o JO faUM Oh 1 «l. 4, 7 4 »J0 r>inwnmi ILM Dn) IJO. I.JO, 7 4V.JO A »«Mlilll MMktonr. lupiili 4 Olmi lntllHn I m*T^^a^^ssj»B H 1 W FLOWN W pBEEF i perforVbetter. I iDUwawi I
      105 words
    • 191 8 A^k\ .^BAVv B^bAW BH fl J4V ■■BH BHH B^B^^^^ 4 afl —C^^^m bY BT 222 afl E^>V l^^ BA^b^^^^^^^H OOO^BBABa^^^aßßß^aaflßJ k atatO^^W 888 BB 1 SAFETY SHOE BOOTS WITH OIL RESISTANT VULCANISED SOLE sole agents For Tr«cl« Em|uiiiee3: DOLPHIN ASIA PTI. LTD. Manufactumrs: 363 C JALAN BESAR a=^"r^.«.« SINGAPORE. 8
      191 words
    • 150 8 '5 LAST 2 DAYS! l»mM IJO. 4 00. i 746 *•JO fM S 7.66 A a-. JUIONC: 1.1 I 1 1 jUaJOa: H. 66 O.B*a«: $100 (TBraflttßCt 5 a I (■eitebbus'touch r CHIN HSIANG LIN and KO CHUN-HSIUNG Cm Mandann with Enafcth SubtMeo) ORCHARD! I rs^^ BARBRA STREISAND "TAMES CAAN
      150 words
    • 613 8 i kkCATHAV > LAIT I DAYI" I < 1 Hrn« (V 1 JO. 4 00. J 700 4 «Jo> #TOO 4 til >' i "TNI OIKL WITH THI MXrUOUI TOUCH- Mon* C^" Chmn Chtn H **n* L-" '•I ColorStopt tnglnh SJb» I"l 'urono 0»wo-tn Cmomo iji stiam«i oortMT- L«owx) <y
      613 words

  • 185 9 Sergeantwho was left with $800: Probe on DOUCE are lnvestlgati Ing a report that a sergeant allegedly mli--1 appropriated more than MOO of Oovernment money at a police station recently A notice spokesman yesterday confirmed this I and the fact that the sergeant had been lnter- dieted soon after Investigations
    185 words
  • 56 9 THE public ar» rwnlixlad rthat n M v offanca not to .r«port a chanf* In UMr boaaa addraai within 14 .dan A Horn* Attain aOnlatrr autcment raatcrday aald oftaodan could b. jailed up to fly« raan or Mnad up to .MOM or both, under Bactton a. Chapter
    56 words
  • 45 9 THB Adwrtiatnf Media Ownrri Association will give It M 0 to the Dapartasont of Max Cnannaiiiurartnn of Manyan*: Unlvaralty. Mr Soly Talyarkhaa. Urn -aaanrlauocn paat praaldanl will prawn t Urn chesjua on -Thursday at a lunch martins; -at the Mini Court Hotel
    45 words
  • 20 9 TUB Slna-apor» School Cantam Vendor"a AaaDclauon -viu hold IU >Sth anniversary jnanar at ltt Whaaapoa Drive on Saturday
    20 words
  • 502 9 Judge's 'not valid 9 decision on wedding quashed rE Court of Appeal yesterday reversed a decision by Mr. Justice Chua who. In a divorce hearing, had held that the Malaysian civil registry marriage of a Singapore couple was not valid here If the bride was under 11. The appeal was
    502 words
  • 31 9 17UEVEN students frosa Jar on* Town Prlaaary La School aad 1* stadeats from Jmreetg Tow* Secondary School have been awarded atholarihrpa by the Jarong Town Residents* AsajeUUam
    31 words
  • 104 9 PILGRIMS (HELD UP SINCE NOV 9) OFF AT LAST SOME «f the 142 HaJ ■UgrtsM with rsiatfvea as* frtiaii at the aarfjaxt ÜbVjr yesterday bef sec leaving •n their flight to JedAirtiMS UMlßgfff.'" lias pilgrims were the lint taUb illteMl base— |S had tmm auayed sue* Nov. f. A
    104 words
  • 82 9 Married and didn't tell: $250 A 42- TEAR-OLD coffee shop assistant. Wong Yuen Kwong. was fined mo br a district court jawUii day for falling to ghre notice of his marriage carried out accordIng to Chinese customary rites. The court heard that Wong, who pleaded guilty, had married Ota Soon
    82 words
  • 60 9 THMB youth*, aesassd of a—nmna; two bmtliaTi lor tha purposa of axtortlon. war* aeqoltud by a dJatrtrt oourtfaatanlay baoauaa of Chng M Bam. 1». Nf Cbm ftan. U. aad Choo Peek Hoea. IT. aanateitUd ■riaway throoah tha hsartng afUr the ossrt found dlaerapanelSß sa the evtdaneo
    60 words
  • 427 9 Architect who was struck off j^NY decision by the Board of Architects to strike a member off its register for professional misconduct must stand if it satisfies the coort on three issues, a lawyer submitted in the High Court yesterday. Mr. Harry Wee,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 102 9 Cruise East Introduces the CAPTAIN'S PARADISE CRUISE on board the M. S. Rasa Sayang A 10-day Indonesian Adventure Singapore~Surabaya~BaH^^ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES FROM S$ 1,234 YOU SAVE FROM 'SS3O2 TO *S$92S OVER REGULAR FARES. ('Singapore Dollars) HURRY!!! this offer is good for 2 MORI SAILING DATES ONLY. ■24 NOVEMBER 8
      102 words
    • 548 9 BBBBBBBV -^B^BBWa^BBBBW aBBBBBBW aBBBBBBW k LbBBBBBBBBBBT 'Ia^PaBBBB^BBBBBti I wR I' a^^^V aBBBH KJ- \rfl iVaVaXaWy W& "L J OFFERS YOU TIfEL JTl£ GOURMET DELfOHTf U J^ttlF 4>aaW^f!^fr<Er^DoiV" B^B> Bf j L y,.,*' j^ -^sr^ »j»_>» >. L a»*^^ l^fcsfaW I BBBBBB^ A^^j*^^BßßßJ"7\^^"aaay"" WW^^jS^ >1 t.^^v^^U*J^Hl»««l|Bß I GENERAL ©ELECTRIC I GE
      548 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 145 9 Straits Times Crossword ■J Bar Eflp PM^~~PJP aaflF aßr~~al acsoaa s atrtka dutto* poaaiMr Wbar* aoktter. mkjht bt "J-^ ta Taataaasnt SBlaMary oporattoaa (S) Withdraw aad aurrandar UwuaH v lUcoowirat past with a i^nt^.^f |4> bwaon. foe mmpk < 10' II SSS hurrt. land parhapa (s-T). *"«>■*' »nta»»wa naa»Ur U
      145 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 374 10 MR S. RAJARATNAMs speech at last Saturdays seminar on Asian values and modernisation begs the question whether, without a radical change in the Singapore way of life, it is possible to avoid r Westernisation of the SingapoThe answer apparently is negative, judging by all that has happened In
      374 words
    • 223 10 ANE of the more immediate benefits XJ Burma will be looking for following its agreement with China on the strengthening of ties will be an improvement In the insurgency situation on its northern frontier The pro-Peking communists, estimated to number around 4,000, do not pose a serious threat
      223 words
  • 462 10 British prison inmates help boost exports LONDON: InmaUs of British prisons are addlag SSS.Iu.aM to British exports la the Middle East. This Is thanks to the private enterprise of two East Endvrs no.w living In Cornwall who helped to negotiate the contract Flf toon worn* prisons la Saudi Arabia are
    462 words
    • 69 10 LX>RMINO teams In r high rise buildings ST.. Nov 13) Just to fight fires is not enough. Preventive measures are more Important. Owners or tenants should not use these buildings to store combustible goods, and rubbish should not be allowed to accumulate. Fire fighting
      69 words
    • 68 10 MANY pensioners are employed on a dally basis in Oovemment department* and statutory boards and they are not l to the 13th month annual wage supplement They are not entitled to any wages even if the public holidays fall on a working day. This li unfair. A wage supplement based
      68 words
    • 45 10 MULTI-WAY plugs used (or Increasing the number of •leclrtcal appliances which can be plugged Into one power point arc easily available In shops. I wonder whether the authorities submit plugs of this kind to safety tests before they can be sold. PLAT SAFE. Singapore 15.
      45 words
    • 45 10 TfHE Paya Lebar air--1 port terminal U being enlarged and Improved I hope the authorities will instal television sets to show the departure and arrival times of planes because It Is difficult to hear the sound system when the terminal Is crowded. PASSENGER, Slacaswr* t.
      45 words
    • 94 10 rE giant pig farm planned by the Government at Ponggol (ST.. Nov. 13) will boost the production of pork and assist our food situation But more should be done to keep pork prices down. Pig sellers claim the prices of animal feed are rising. If we are to benefit from
      94 words
  • 1650 10  - Political crisis divides Aussies on class lines JOHN PRINGLE By Sydney The writer is a former editor of the Sydney Morning Herald THE saddest thing about the crisis Is that it has divided Australia, one of the most united and egalitarian of Western nations, on strictly class lines. In previous
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3 10 I j^ail k.
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      467 words

  • Business Times
    • 161 11 K.L.I. SELLS ITS LOSS-MAKING TIN MINE I^UALA Lumpur In- i dus tries has sold its loss-making wholly owned subsidiary Teblas Mines for M 5400.000. The mining company which was sold to Llm Tan and I Sons of Malaysia, had accumu lated losses totalling $1.7 million to-date included an Investment loss
      161 words
    • 974 11 BjLAME PUT ON HK ACQUISITION FROM SLATER WALKER THE new members who were appointed to the Haw Par Brothers I n ter national board recently have very difficult tasks before them. Not least of which is to solve the "cash crisis" facing Haw Par. Their
      974 words
    • 393 11 DAW Par's long overdue Interim results which the old board of directors had promised the stock market would be audited so as to give "accurate and confirmed" figures will be released this week, according to Haw Par sources. Unless the estimates (or the
      393 words
    • 274 11  -  MARTIN LIM By (GROWTH at Malayu an Banking has slowed down considerably with the bank reporting an advance of only 14.5 per cent for the year ended June 1*75. Thli compare* unfavourably with the 54.2 per cent growth In 1913-74 and the Jump of M
      274 words
    • 436 11 Banks likely to take up colony's bonds HONOKONO: Financial Secretary Philip Haddon Cave expects the bulk of the government's planned bond issue of up to HK1250 million to be taken up by banks In Hongkong. This could mean the issue will virtually disappear from the market but the government has
      Reuter  -  436 words
    • 359 11 LONDON: Just sharing of the heavy flnan- I cial barden of the International Tin Council's (ITC) buffer stock by prodacers and consumers' woald be the best aad most equitable basts on which to start business ander the next five-year tin agreement, which conies into force
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 Cash in on the peak sales season. |r>f\ How does it work? You vOv deposit your trade debts A f*f*/~\| \f\f C w tn us And then draw /"Av^LA^LII 110 advances from us when D^^n^iw^il» > n|^ you require. At reasonable IX^V^^i VVJIwM^ daily interest rates. As 'IfV^irV'Nr^d your customers
      201 words
    • 119 11 I m It 1 Wr\i* uSUJU^T*^ \>^iJ Cuisine as delicate as a Rose. Veronica welcomes you to our French Restaurant. Daily Luncheon Buffet at 51 4.00 per person. Candlelight Dinner. Q//lmu^ami\ \Qfmoqporf Orchard Road, Singapore 9, Tel. *****1 ext.7l6 THE ONE THE PRO'S I A COD I This top-of-the-line, v^^^^
      119 words

  • 389 12 A POT of cream do A longer hold* a* much promise of toft akin and petal freah complexion aa It uaed to. But when the "beauty consultant" orer the counter holds the same produc.t In her hand and "recommends" It specially for the face facing hers, something atrange
    389 words
  • Company News for the week ended Nov. 14
    • 41 12 CkulnncMM'tU S J Anul 8 port Land Ymru Auf 75 MAT 75 Auff 75 PraAl/lm (1.1 CM*) M 113.810 (Mi 11 .192) MS62 (Mtlo9) SS2BM .515.278) 967 <««| 1 1 (123) «7 (57) 21 9TEa (16STE 7 (10) S (S)
      41 words
    • 71 12 A H!Um Tin Faber Merlin P M Holdinn S port Land U I C Year I. June 75 June7S June 75 Auf 75 June 75 PraAlt \jm» (1.1 I°M*l 13.M4 (12.502) Mtt.3o3 (M 53.812) 311.543 (*****31 St2aM <K3.275> sts.iisb iSM.mi 253 4 (I*4 1) 14 2 (17 1)
      71 words
    • 43 12 Cimptmim Amcol Electrical <• Datuk Keramat Hold Fusan Flshlnf Net Sunftl BeM H.lf Y«r to Jun»7s July 75 June 75 Sept 75 PraAl/UnlL) I'M) *****1. (*****1 L MSS9M (Mr 7001 MMIL (MSISM) iSOL ii7BSi I Nil (Nil) Ml (Ml) Nil (15 78
      43 words
  • 199 12 Balu Kawan together with associates will ac- quire 50 per cent of Oadek Malaysia for MS2 5 million Oadek Malaysia's Interests will comprise two plantations with a total area of 1.080 hectares (of which 910 hectares are planted with rubber and 127 hectares with oil paJm) C.K. Taa«
    199 words
  • 72 12 MARKINO of the annual reports In the second annual report award competition has been completed. The winners will be announced at the prise presentation dinner to be held on Nov. 27 at the Shangri-La Hotel The Minister for Science and Technology. Dr. Lee Chlaw Meng will present
    72 words
  • 114 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Ram Priksik Sharma has been appointed chief engineer of Holiday Inn Hotel Singapore, according to an announcement by the hotel's Innkeeper. Mr. Helnrlch K. de Roxas. Mr. Panch Ganalan. Malayan badminton ace. has been named sales manager (sports) of Dunlop Malaysian Industries He takes over his
    114 words
  • 59 12 I.UMI o^ ih« Si, 1975 Stock sr« For BIN ANOCO --.DC ENI f C*' INCHCAPf PANSIME OARB> >RD> DBS -fDIT UOB Mdoyt 60doyt »0do,» 28 i B. 10. 7 6 10 B. 6 20*. 18 i 29j J*». '80Jo,» JO 48 32 36 59. 55 f I H
    59 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 622 12 I AVIATION I IN ASIA HONG KONG 4 5 DECEMBER 1975 A conference organised by the Financial Times jRESS THE PROSPECTS OF CARGO Mr Duncan Bluck Mr Shigao Kamada ■mted Japan Air Lines MEETING THE NEEDS OF THE PACIFIC D AVIATION TO M^ MrE H. Boulhoun Mr Willis Playaf Bo«ing
      622 words
    • 79 12 BLfsHHsPI tw W S* o Model 090G flitsuko EXCHANGE CONNECTED INTERCOM SYSTEM 1^ y U fojn Telephone y^ WM l^" 111 Stations ONE TELEPHONE INSTEAD OF MANY TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS Exchange Ines calls originated or answered at any station. Transfer of exchange calls internally between stations. kNo operator required.
      79 words

    • 30 13 I. Otaa ycmc C. la*. Itrdlaa ■MM m rMC c rrtas I. rsycr tUI 11.1* »r« w.»» «t.«* »v »M »J4 no n.n MU •r.»» »1 •t tt m
      30 words
    • 20 13 «B.H test H. Bank la*. L R*rm !.<» SI.M IIJI IS.M M«S IIK MM .M sM .M .M M —41
      20 words
    • 23 13 Fasi Bast. SSS.SSS Maaa Darwy 417J88 Paaar Merita NUN i. o. a.* TaiaJ Twnovar: 3.ISM Tetal VakM: 85.71 M
      23 words
    • 66 13 »t BT. ta«n: IM.M IMJS Martriafc: mjt lIMi Wtmamm: WtM MTII 1 Batefe: U7J4 H7JI rupiKlw: IMAI IM.ST t TkM: M.7t MM t t f»»tr»: HIM lltM O C.8.C.: MM HIM I B.E.S. 1*4.: tU^l ttkM tt 111. 1. ltii 1M Dm. M 1M« 1M 1 Dm. 11. IMS
      66 words
  • 1558 13 fHZ laat transacted ready 1 rnle at the clow of buatnea* on the Block Btchana* of Sing* pore yaatcrday compared with the previous day's prices together »ith I*7} high and •-O for v rip right* Issue). CLOIIMC TSHI: AU tacUaaa claaa* banriy Mm4y. TUtNtvm OUcUI Ifuraa rappiia* br
    1,558 words
  • 395 13 pftICES flulßßSi al--1 moat anfhsnged at the SUck Exehaafe Slngapsre jtatirtliy after an earber artsamwt at aalsaalag kavlng orders carries] aver front last week. After the first half haw of trading sellers came to the scene trlftertng off a riff It— in prtesa. Profit taking was
    395 words
  • 1398 13 BT index down 1 23 to 196.83 ■did and offer prices officially and bualnaw In ai.d reported to the Slock Exchange ol SI rig pore ye»terday with the number of iharcs traded shown In bracket! in toU of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified AU Tune Bar|tin« or
    1,398 words
  • 1009 13 BID *nd otter price* otnclslly •■■i «j.d biulncM in u\i irparttd to the Kua.l* Lumpur Ekrhanf* y*a- share* traded ahown In brackets In IoU of 1.000 units, uiileat othcrwlM apaclfltd. IaOUSTHIALS A«MM A t.M o«H 0 SOS) fsb) A M D>. TS il IN. 1 1 SI. c!TmV.|
    1,009 words
  • 111 13 HO N O KONO Hongit and Shanghai Banking Corporation has advised small sharehold■.i.'diin- Matheson rspraatnted by the bank Jardlnes ■■:.d In cash and i In a letter to the it said that It had taken brokers' advice, and that they v lew small shareholders
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 301 13 Trading at KL market barely steady A BARELY steady trend persisted In quiet and selective tradIng on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Opening on a firm note, snare prices were sought a law cents hKher in the first hour. However, prices eased when profit-taking set In after the mld-morn-lnji
    301 words
  • 78 13 Carkbtrg I IM +11 Bcrjuntal $11 00 +10 PataJtnc I 1.70 +10 PMJJ lTtl*. f IN +10 T Cwacnt I 254 OS O CKramles »CM +01 Rozy Bed. ITS +M Con Bouts t0 M +03 Cbn. Ptent. tin Dutch Baby 07s M M. CsnMDt I 1.40 +03 NsL
    78 words
  • 108 13 (Minus ■■•OtfCl SICMANSS y tIMSA^«B| a**a] 0 MIHS muss* »itjL vasTsaoAv. Ceaaaat SWi Batfk SMH talliri. aM ant*. |*7^ aaliara. aaw SUSt Searai Mttat (law) UK/Oaat. SM koran. Na»: Meats* ASTA (MM U)M MS* KLW SSM aallan. ■afmama wtmm Ia a M« NU> SMS aallan. itnwu aaitHl Mack
    108 words
    • 262 13 CYDNTT. Moo Prices *>-' fell over a broad front on lack of new stimuli, dealars •aid The Sydney All -Ordinaries Index fell 4 potnu to 4OSJO BHT led Imtisttrisai tower with a 11 cent fall to ASS M and Baak af New Saath Wakss droppsd four to 88 40
      262 words
    • 278 13 UONOKONO. Mon. The market wa* little changed In very thin, featurelea trading, after an raster start, daakwi Mid. The Hang Seng Index ro*e OSS to 310 79 Turnover on the Hongkong Stock Exchange was little changed at HXSI BS million compared with 83 91 million on Friday, while turnover
      278 words
    • 36 13 Satwaay Frx., UM USS BMnii 144 at Murtiai 141.70 i 41 M S par* <2i l«* MB 141.M8 MX*** IU «4« T.xpon pri.»t in aan-at«rlia* anaa la U.S. aaliara p»r auac* ti Av*ra*a pn*
      36 words
    • 191 13 •TOKYO. Mon Prices 1 were narrowly Irregular, with waiting sentiment prevailing foltowlng the Rambouillrt summit, with operators awaiting Wall Street's reaction. dealers said The Dow Jones average tost 170 to ctoat at 4.312 07 with volume of 130 million aha rat The New index rose 03i to ***** Export
      191 words
    • 28 13 rpHE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday 1 climbed another dollar to $964 37* per plcul on an official offering up 10 tons to 260 tons.
      28 words
    • 400 13 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened higher and RSS One Dec wat taken up to IU 50 cent* per kilo following overseas advice*, higher after-hours trading here last Friday and Improved sentiment Early buying was more of a speculative nature but later on trad> Involvement was evident and
      400 words
    • 35 13 Rubber Nov. 17. Singapore: Dec. 144.M cU. (up S.M cts.) Malaysia: Dec. 149.M cts. (ap 2.75 eta.) Tin $9434 371 (up $I.M>. Official offering: 2M tons (up If tons). Closlnc tone: Quietly steady
      35 words
    • 119 13 rvAILY (MR and 3SR price* Uaucd at noon jMtwrtr MBILE SMR SCV (1 ton pallet) SMR 5L (1 ton pallet) SMR S (1 ton pallet) SMR 10 (1 ton pallet) SMR 30 (1 ton pallet) SMR 50 (1 ton pallet) WUL*. 88R 20 '1 ton pallet) SSR
      119 words
    • 177 13 Asian currency rates a BIAN cuirancT deposit in*x tertosnk rst« »t ckm on Nov. 17. US Dakar* (Spat) Offar BU 7 dan 6 3 1 6 14 1 mth 6 14 111 2 mUu I/I I 1/3 1 mthi IT! (1/4 6 mttu T 1 1/3 mth* 1 7 1
      177 words
    • 29 13 Ctoetaf Interbank ntea In awaaaaor* dollar* for Nov. IT: Oder BM Owmcht 4% 1 sath 4S 4% 1 mths 4S 4S I mth* 4 4\ ■«■>■■: r Umnj.Jmm
      29 words
    • 50 13 Rjlnok af mw afml br a*v Orniidi is to IS CUI iajaall IS* imm •m sm S-Maata Traaaurr MB 11/1 S I/S S-Maata Sut Mil* 4 1/1* 4 T/1S S-ttaata CO 4 11/1* 4 l J a-aVaata CD I l t t s is limn; Ntiwil Diaoaaat Oa.
      50 words
  • 59 13 Prime lending rates (in Algaman* Bonk 7 Bonghok Bonk 7^ Bank 01 Amarico 6VI Sank otChmo 7 Bank at Tokyo 7 Bank Nagoro Indonauo 7^ Bonov* da L'lndochM* 7 Chortarad Bonk 7 Cnoa* Monnotton 7 F.r»r Ch<o9O AV a FNCB 6V. MKSBC 7 Moloron Bonaung 7 Mitv>< Bonk 7 OCBC
    59 words
  • 120 13 fHS ITS unit opened firm vNterdsy mornlnc at 82 4530-S0 TrsdinK «v active with the US unit being bid up to $2 4*25-35 level By mld-sestlon. the market was relatively quiet when the US unit hovered around 82 4915-20 However It closed at *r 4910-20 Suggested Interbank
    120 words
  • 191 13 Eanestcd Interbank rttea it 100 pm NOTE: These ntes may differ slight ly from thoM quoted By banks to their customers Cwraaclts Nominal rate* KmlthMfiUn rrrrraUc* •••I*4 yeatrrdar (rraa) p»n»r than*. US dollar 2 4910 2 4920 ***** —1165 Sterling pound 5 0910 S 0(45 7 1469 —30
    191 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 299 13 l!*^ii«w Sime Darby Holdings Limited FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSISTANT IN THE GROUP TREASURER'S OFFICE The Group Heodquorters of the Sime Darby Group which operates m an international environment wishes to strengthen its Treasury tune tion by recruiting a Financial Planning Assistant The incumbent will work m a teom ot three and
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  • Especially Women
    • 140 14 Cancer of the skin easiest to cure doctor HOUSTON: The pretty natural blonde trying for the ultimate tan and the leathery cowboy punished by hours in the sun stand equal chances of developing skin cancer or rare melanoma, a researcher said. But. although skin cancer Is the most common form
      MAHFUTZ MATTAR  -  140 words
    • 731 14  - Dress it up, but it's still a shop... ME3UN CHEW By AS LOCAL women become more fashionconscious, some people are taking every excuse to open a boutique. Some say It's boredom with the old lob; others want a go at dress designIng; yet others want It as a hobby or
      731 words
    • 207 14 T»WO yean back, two secretaries started a X -boutique on wheels." They called It Saturdays Child— lt wa» to be their pet project, a hobby. Alice T»n and Joann? Chia launched UWr business venture with only HOC each. Alice's Ironing room and lot* or
      207 words
    • 188 14 Glimpse good old days ITS a nostalgic affair all right Bright, multi-coloured sequins lavishly studded all over the sheer Mack chiffon. The (own comes In two layers a wide rectangular craf tan like top over a slim skirt. Top It with a silver crocheted skull cap and Irma is ready
      188 words
    • 141 14 ALONO with the decline of empire, thj British males attitude toward his tweeds has degenerated to an "appalling" state, complain some of the people who care most— The clothing Manufactured*' Federation. "Once upon a time the well-dressed Englishman was the pride of his country and
      AP  -  141 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 324 14 :'y.<-'- w r LKhH L^a^a^aV m N l9 Ikfl IrUANFI IhANFI I U J paris L^a^avavaJß^Bß Why the rich look different from you and me. You c annot help but notice For Orlane was the first to her There is an aura of dif- create the perfect skin-care ference that
      324 words
    • 55 14 For clean lflH|B healthy proper h>^s skin care hygiene are necessary. That includes getting rid of constipation which often results in problem skin. Agaroi is a liquid laxative that restores normal bowel functions. It's mild, safe for all agea and helps to improve your complexion Available in 2 flavours from
      55 words
    • 281 14 |UMMv| I. r= --T^ t I I ai g-^ =B GOULDINGS^f soothes coughs and relieves colds M^^ and feverishness I with no fw^l stomach upsets f^^ ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT FROM NYAL PLJURAVIT ONE A DAY CAPSULE i n EVERY GROWING CHILD NEEDS MORE THAN JUST rOOD Food K not the
      281 words

  • 254 15 Grief over son led her to suicide A 25- YEAR -OLD housewife, overcome with grief over the death of her son. committed suir\M four years later by I lying across the railway tracks at Upper Bukit Timah. a coroner's inquiry heard verterday. Nr Yon* Sick, the court heard, did not
    254 words
  • 389 15  -  RAYMOND JANSCN By SECONDARY surveillance radar (SSR) system, estimated to cost more than $15 million, is to be installed at Pa y a I^bar Airport to enhance aircraft identification. This new radar equipment, which will complement the present mulU-mllllon dollar approach radar system, is
    389 words
  • 163 15 AMULTI MILLIONdollar bird smuggling racket, believed to be based riere. will loae moat of Ita Incentive to smuggle if the Australian Government accepts a standing committee's recommendation to lift Its ban on the export of native birds and fauna. According to a report
    163 words
  • 42 15 A TALENT ahowcaat of top radio and Utertaton raeording artMaa win bt ataead at Urn Vanua Theatre in »>—iwtTii on Jan. 4 at 10 tm It la otfanlatd by Urn parent* and taachafa aaaoclaUon of Kampong Jacob Prteary School.
    42 words
  • 40 15 TH> youth group of Rlrar Valler community cantr* wiu acx*«n Urn flam. Lo*« Slorr. at Orebard CM— on Dae. 14 at aJ> ia to rsia* fund* for laltM eoaj■MßßMr pro)«cta. Tiekau an afsuaMa at Urn oantrt.
    40 words
  • 42 15 A COROKWHi court jmurday rcocrttod a vanlict of •uietde on Urn daatta of Tty Stah Tin. 79. who waa found han#»d from Urn baaai of a toilet of an oSet In U pper Croia Stwtt on Oct. Jilt 1 X a».
    42 words
  • 78 15 Youth who vanished while swimming RASMANI bin Selamat. 18. of Jalan Buklt Merah, disappeared in the waters while swimming at Sentosa Lagoon on Sunday afternoon. Police said he was swimming in the lagoon with a group of friends when be disappeared at 1.15 pm His friends and the Marine police
    78 words
  • 19 15 THS Singapore Pollc* Band will play at the Sentoaa cable car atatton on Sunday at 4 pjn.
    19 words
  • 48 15 AM eight year old student. Ang Boon Chow, was killed instantly, when he was hit by a car in Chua Chu Kang Road on Sunday afternoon. Ang. according to police, was walking along the road when the accident took place at 12.45 p m
    48 words
  • 136 15 Looking in wonder at why vandals did it... SEVEN year -old Nf Chong Enf looking at the lift door which came crashing down yesterday after someone In the Redhlll Close flats had used some force to unhinge It A Hawing Board saish—isti said laFSwtlQfiMaa showed that the door cow/d not
    136 words
  • 51 15 A TWO-day trawling e»pedltion In the aea around Pulau Ketam. off Ptrt Kelang. Peninsular Malaysia, will be organised by Urn 2401 81 Andrew Star Rover Crew on Nov tt The group will be led by Rover Scout lead* Mr Paul Wat. Thoae interested may ting him at tel.
    51 words
  • 31 15 THE oil nt. Rowan Pairbanks, will tx chrwened at Urn Marathon Letouraaau Shipyard In Jurong OB Sunday at 11 am The r.g is built (or Rowan International Incorporated.
    31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 126 15 protect your eyes from infection •^a^^SswSw^^^" Bathing the eyes regularly with "X Optrex Eye Lotion I is the best and most effective V j protection against V^^^ eye infection Sore, irritated and inflamed '^^^^^•T^^y-B I eyes are soothed IVM 111 L'ZjM I nd lJ 1 saV^LMP^^ by O DUex Js>*
      126 words
    • 538 15 ''jfii ctf faL. sWsMViili Big 66cm.(261 Colour TV FREE* in your home for/days. GEC's Rent or Own Plan puts refunded if you decide to rent or an imported 66cm (26") colour buy All te!« backed by an expert TV (Table Model or Console) in GEC service crew. For full details
      538 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 767 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 Ul PI Operunf and Tta and Ttot lE***- 7JI mm RepeitJ 1 Sandnnri Pum Kaboai D*unoh DM" Ul Oary of EwbU (EsjM) Drama) I3S Mata/ine Zero One (Repeat) US Greatest Headlines of the Century Ul Love is a Many Sptendourtd Thing Ml to|«l^^t 131 intecmssan
      767 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 682 16 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK The Asten Development Bank is en iwterwetiewel ea»ataajmanl ftnence Iwettlwllew, eaaa< in MsmWsj, PhWaaimi end estebhshed for the purpose el tenoNng tones, aramoriwa. investment esssi pwtaiwf technical esstetewco te developing member countries, end feworoirf. for fostering economic growth In the Asian region The tank offers challenging opportunities
      682 words
    • 209 16 MADAM SIM JOO CHOI) suddenly departed on IS-n--74 Sadly remembered by husband Tay Get Leaf. sons, daughters, son-in-law, daughters-in-law and loved NOTK ■NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that with effect from sth November 1975. Mr. Konald Yip Foot Oseac has left our employment and Is therefore no longer authorised to transact
      209 words
    • 274 16 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OP SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No 27 of 1975 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter IBS) And In the Matter of SUatton Shipyard Limited formerly known as Tonly Shipyard (Private) Limited NOTICE OF WINDING-t P ORDER In the matter of Stratton
      274 words
    • 656 16 SNOTICE! Brown ft Root International. Ltd intends to solicit quotations from qualified Iranian and international organizations covering materials, equipment and services for a heavy construction project in Southern Iran involving breakwater, docks, temporary buildings, roads and related facilities Major categories of interest are: material* 1 t Cement Re-Steei c DREDGING
      656 words
    • 231 16 NOTICE REGISTERED DESIGN NO. *****0 tttm Braun Aktlengesellschaft of 22 Russelsheimer Strasse, 6 Frankfurt/Main, Germany, hereby give notice that they are the registered proprietors of the above design in respect of a cine camera, registered In the United Kingdom under No *****0. This U.K. design registration extends automatically to Singapore
      231 words
    • 649 16 The most efficient way into the United States. Ship through thrrtxt of Oakland You can save money. The Oakland Distribution Terminal consolidates imports to take advantage of the lowest possible inland freight rates. And the Fbrt of Oakland can get your cargo from ship to truck, tram or plane in
      649 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 886 17 cmumobmp smicE ti n tmmmtn VUrtUfttt I'J'ZmZ V'l SZ. n*£ mm.l ii.,,!. )M> II Mi It Me aMi nwl lI. I tM 111 'I Mt II Mt I M I M I M IMM mi,,,,' <l Mt nMt 11 M it M MM iiml B M MMt 8M DM aM
      886 words
    • 1245 17 Ben Ocean .rvrvofßmLmT&BteFUnnelCtoUnpandNSMO It I* CMTIMBT la* MM ram Pmm Paaaj Hmm patMaiuaa IMH MPI a an an an M tn it imi »M C a*ai». MMM imai ava an a an n an ia' aw. I lat •I W.I- ava Mi a I Me 1/ IMt I M ll*.
      1,245 words
    • 1035 17 |Hslcl Ki)|V^ijlv^ ti IMiPt a^aoi l^awt Wp t^aaatx. Ot^n.'. mi,. i.'.»ft i f ftfUftl a Y ftg "''"t k- km Mn>t Mt: jtMBM ivnsi ii an aan aMt nMt dm mm BMUB* UT II Me ti Mt IM IM IB* IM MMMM lIM4U II Mt n Mt II M- UM
      1,035 words
    • 987 17 fUUY COWTAINHIHD StKVICI TO EUKOff P uai ran. FM MMMM 5?" !«titW*M. tat***-. tatMft UHjTTf. •'ip'aLiaßaMM BM II tM tj fc.rlj Maiat .1 a ItMtaaM SI L AMU i«t fi l"a***Mrf, STmBVI, IRWIMi, JMJliti MUT M j A^rt^ CBJartHH. GotMMl HbM* Ml MNMA m It SIKMM. Omm). MM, |b»M KafM:
      987 words
    • 713 17 S-JMrt 11M44 P Mm| SMI IL JtJTII >mm »1 THE BANK UNE LTD. (MM FM t 1 I MU IMMMM «m--v. MM aa *n i tan lITMM Mtl M*»m I P MM! it Ml/I M P«M aM Mi lUI I MBT* •>•«! PM MMM. MU .-i im. %IU Bn KUW
      713 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 844 18 f^TC" KAWASAKI KBEN KA4SHA LTD. frit trnnmam sum. To fna Iwipi (Vl* »um| S'pwt •«< »-i rtof row '«f| irwai IS MHMf i tec )lx llkt nh like Xkc ■NHMBM I tec Ik nh tiki 21m >n«w Jaaaa S pare P Mm| (Mow Out* Mi waiwiia am n am >
      844 words
    • 857 18 Fmt IT* ll* 1* MMTT Mtn« II »*M «IM IM. »n*4 Mian >mm taaam aan aaw a**. ««t (mm aan •an »—/i*i>a— t/t ii i mi. uu tMMi in** aan nam i.utm n ■v rmuum mn ian i to* (moimwlimmi. Bw «■>■ taw. Stoata Mr. tata.l I w awn (7
      857 words
    • 830 18 KIT MWMB MWB W MWPT (Hi TO Imm P. MMi r«MiT.«m a-toa •»•> Mai r*n MII»TH IaWMIII II Ml MM* Win MM. II Ml D la. aMI Ml MM MMM l/ttei Ik MN.aMIMN.BIM ■"M laoau in. •mi n m ii m im MM* pjut HmiMnan sama fw immn im ituy
      830 words
    • 593 18 owns gam n i—m utamutmmm mm Cyfj n/tt. »-*Kt ■muumm VlhMfe viln 225 a! it* C*«.» Ill l« I, «V| lit. I-WI It •mv wi *m»m urnm nm*. mm £<Jl £&>. i— mmi rawm ivn mm.itml/ <■ ,*ST ri? C*€ It t J2s* HMI I.L/CMTNOT POTTS 1/ I 4, IMr
      593 words
    • 813 18 Thi pomr or MaaAPOMf AUTNOHITT AHHOUDCIO TNI POILOWIM* •lIITHIHO I lIUMMJIIH Mji TWD— «T. MOViaM- „7| OUT: OfMaur 11 AniUiM I Blmou -41 (Tuiur) li 14. Hud•an Mtru U is uutixhi Itam 11. Dutai Pmmn ZJ-M 9»u Mara aVM OwnofW 31 33 Kou PutJ»n« «CV4I. Chltnl 44. LMn Cttj B
      813 words

  • 12 19 DO *OU MCIO n Then medically rraput with 26 ira telephone
    12 words
  • 20 19 Religious Religious Announcements BETHSSOA BOOK CINTRC Now Opens Prom lON im 800 Blk IM. Lorong 1. Toa Payoh j>i vim
    20 words
  • 70 19 MAOAM CHCOMO POH Neo aged hiaOeok Sent passed away peacefully on ITS at Tan Tock Seng Hnapltal leawng behind I •aw Tan 200 p m lor Tw Tho Aun 283 inf. Ru«d 7N m i LOO Of on (f mo. 4) passed away leaving CorUatlea-infM Jalan Kuraion r <
    70 words
  • 45 19 THI N« MOTHER SUlm Of thank all dololence glfU to tmi wr NU *v« mdance TMf AMILV Of tnr lair noaaun MMI I t I.r rf •r 'lit !n Cyn.ii Chow Nyong -nds and elr valuaiii and LhUm ink all li dntii. iions wreaths
    45 words
  • 15 19 •OS BAMAHITAN6 OF Stnfk- .'ißkHi' Discounted? >r night Help DfAAI6T KAMI PLEAS* > to Ma
    15 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 89 19 classified ads gj PKKA COURSE FROM COLUMN {Jt) •PROFESSIONAL •COMMERCIAL •TECHNICAL •LANGUAGE •CRAFT ETC.* ORATUTOR FROM (77) TOH TAN F^gay dausMer 1 M«m lm Met BJ VwibswL son a< May« Jiiiphms Se* Boon Nee M SwKway 16wi Nev 1979 siah TO RUTH and James i naby girl on ptssJ THE
      89 words
    • 715 19 WANTCD PART-TIMI MALAY '»t>airiate primary lei *****74 VISOALISER/ ARTIST RCOtMWO by Advertising Agency Salary SMS SMS Write to 8 T Box A9I3M not later Uian 21 11 75 ADMINISTRATIVE POBTTIOMB for Oood Honours dagjTM graduates Please apply lo ST Box ASI3M enclosing supporting docu men U and a photograph by
      715 words
    • 644 19 MALI CLERICAL ASSISTANT Secondary 4 English education or better Able to type at 25 wpm Qualified Singapore ciuarns are invited to apply giving hill personal particulars to Nssi'ii'si'irw B Msei mbm LM 22 Taw>»«S KBaa rpere22. not later than 24th November 1975 FEMALE OFFICI ASSISTANT Must be able to type,
      644 words
    • 699 19 ATTRACTIVE. EIPERMNf ED NSOOOR salesgirls needed Apply personal!/ at H-37 and M. daatment Hong Leans Building. Spare 1 FEMALE BALM ASSISTANT. Residing DMt 14 15 16 Apply personally B-M Ksiong Shopping Centre II am. onwards. SALES AOCNT POR CONSUMER PROOUCTS A productive Sales Agent can earn from 8460 upwards Young
      699 words
    • 760 19 Btectronlc Factory Engluh educated with technical background Submit fun miii to ST BOXA9I3M AN ESTABUSHEO EIIOIIMBMIin PMM requires OeUU4>RTBM«N Applications in own handwriting stating experience, aalary expected and also encloae a non-returnable photo to B.T. Baa A9IM7 AMERICAN BACHELOR WANTS live- in Engluh speaking Cook Oeneral Amah batwaan 20-35 yean
      760 words
    • 621 19 CARPARK ATTINOANTS Rl OVSMJO Interested apply Unit 339. 3rd floor. Tactile OanU*. Ja PUB9P Al lIMBANTI (MALI or f emak) leawasC Interested ring SMSUforMr Tan A MITSUBISHI CORPORATION requires for their site office -»PuMv Sebarok the following personnel (1) PSaSALE CLERK B Fluent In English, and in addition lo general
      621 words
    • 696 19 BOM provides Accounting Taxation Secretarial Services Half- I day/ part-uxae Contact Miss Un Tel *****36. 25M615 11 MAR AMCMCAN SCHOOL. MST. 16 Brand New 2-storey House. 4 badtooaas. 2 Studies cum Oueat Rooms 2) OMT. 6 PC>ITNOOSC Tastefully Furnished 24 hours' Security Service 3) DMT. S EXECUTIVE FLATS with Swimming
      696 words
    • 893 19 MJMBALBIB. OMT. S Faber Drive 82 500 Dlst 16 MB.* Teck Park 82 500 DUt IS Happy Avenue North 81.200 Dlst 16 Taman Stglap S7M DM IS Jalan Lye Kwee 8700 Dial 23 Chestnut treacent 8900 Semi -detached Dtst 5 Faber Walk 91. SM Dtst 10 Ducheas Avenue 81 800
      893 words
    • 830 19 OMT. 11 TASTEFULLY furnished 3-bedroomed apartments In MskM and central locality TW 53E3M *****9 APANtSMMT lIMNIIRBI For all your reoulremenu between SSM 94 MS consult RTC IiMSTI *****16- 2MMII BRAIIBI ROAO PUMBBISIB fUt 3 bedrooms Contact M Orange Road Tel *****5 8 30 am 5 00 p m RIVER VALLEY
      830 words
    • 724 19 ■XICUTIVC RCOUMC6 I-STO REV terrace or semi-detached in dut 14. 15 16 or Thomson area Immediate occupation Fur unfurnished Tel *****16-7 *****34 AMERICAN OIL RIB company staff looking for house urgent! j require semi detached terrace apartmenu in disu 8. 10 II 15. l» 30 M Oood deposit Owners pleaat
      724 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 526 20 Bsammm .I xxMaSBxMMi OtOT 11 ORCHID VILLAGE 2 -Mgned detached bungalow 4 bedrooms, study and vlore than *.SSB -1 ring *****8 BOSCOMBS ROAO DETACHEO rt $230,000 tOSSaq ft $170 MO Jalan Lima v 1155 000 rd $210 sr Wslk v delach•".•ebum Avenue lucky HILLS. OIBT 16 Doubiel 200 aq Call
      526 words
    • 567 20 BERxNUOUN OAROEN ESTATE' Detached single storey 3 bedI room bungalow on 5888 sq ft at $150 000 Davtd Phoa 4 Sons Trl *****2 lOßsr'E ROAO OPP Adam Road opposite Mscßiu-Mc Reservoir 1 sjBM «> 4»tac hed approxi mstely 22 880 so ft $310 000 Meng Housing 25*334*/ <a*i»s* SELETARHSLLS NBW
      567 words
    • 801 20 aRAMBE ROAO APARTMENTS Dist Near Straits Time*. School (Raffles Institution). Cinemas. Hotels snd Offices Panoramic view of City and Gardens Area 1.800 sq ft (3 bedrooms, sttunf room and hall). I Oth Floor (Unfurnished) 14th Floor (Fully Furnished. 3 aarronda sliding doors, telephone, fridge, etc) Tel ***** (Miss Png) or
      801 words
    • 673 20 sUUSxU NOUBS OPP4CE Space for Rent Contact Soon Nam Co Ltd Ror— 110 MsurweU House Maxwell Road. Tel 2881*22 office TO LET People's Park Centre Bui floor, area *40 sq ft $1 20 p t f TH *****8 1 NtTBRNATtOttAL PLAZA l Jt CJ Office Space for Rent CJ\ V
      673 words
    • 781 20 CIIAMBE ALLEY ASRsAt. Pkua. CoUyer Quay. Stneapore l Shops to let at roaaonabte rental. Enqurriet test phone number 7 1 824 or call at I2A. Change Alley '-rial PlasaCoilyer Quay Spar* 1 FACTORY CUM aOWWiN BPACB rial Estate Area approximately 5.880 sa ft Office space upstairs. Interested parties contact *****8
      781 words
    • 311 20 <4Bxßx?Bßßxaxßxaxßxßx^kßmxßkikßß Sxaw Red Cap Tours 7i75 Robtneon Road BjJ Swaepora 1. g OILEV TRAVEL (PTB) LTO. 1 Taiwan/ (AHsan/ Hualieni Honckong/ Bangkok 14 days $1455/-. fl Days $13*6/- 17/11. 24/11. 1/12.8/12. 15/12. 28/12 2 Korea/ Japan/ Taiwan/ i ahsan/ Hualten), Hongkong/ Bangkok 1* Days $2 250 17 Days 81.880/- 24/11.
      311 words
    • 603 20 sitWJPPMtEB OATS SBBS Tanlong Ptnang Tour 3 days 812* (dallyi with meats 3 days Pc nan* OenUng 8118 depart December Sth ling's Tour 237 A East Coaat Road (15) 4*3288 4*8715 DAR.Y DEPARTURES MON: Penang Haadjral 5Day 6-Nlght 88* 88 Langkawi' Penang 5Day 6-Nlght 888 80 TUB: Pangkor/ Cameron Highland.'
      603 words
    • 590 20 Tuesday Thursday s^-rs*pm frmmrnclni Smrmbfr SMORTHANO THEORY Tuesday 4 Thursday 6 7 30 p m Commencing today SMORTMANO THEORY Monday to Ptiday 10 45 1 1 45 a m Commencing I Dtumset ENOLISN POR FOBEION STUOSNT* Classes are running continuously at all levels INTERNATIONAL TRAMNNQ CENTRE S^stjapere 8. ferStsJiT/* IWOAPORE
      590 words
    • 525 20 Accouroancy Languages EnciflOGriiig ASSOCIATION Of CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT DECEMBER I*7l EXAM* Ruiiln eawraa ay UK Eiperte Prol M Harvey: MSc BSc iEcon.ii r R S A A C A Mr T Thompson MSc AC A tj AC M A Now in sessions for FOUNOATION A B c PROFESSIONAL I n a
      525 words
    • 659 20 OUALipy POR A Better Job. Britain'! foremost correspondence tr hoot can hatß yea -"*t i -rffpaaß jot) With its outstanding sueceea record, the school offers jroa the best possible training for a successful career Complete home -study courses in BookSecretaryship, r.anking Commerce ManagemenT ■stabUahad 8* years Vnte tor your Pree
      659 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    91 21 Pfftfi MADAM TAN TIAU HIOK Aged 46 Kali 13th November 1975 in Taipei. RSjH E2fcN Leaving behind her beloved Lv^lfl PjjjW husband Chew Choo Han, hSpQ BnQn sons Soo Aik, Soo Eng, Kah Chuan, ■g^Ki Kah Soon, daughters Siok Woon, nW[2L| nflwsl Siok Har, daughters-in-law Ah Siew, L^AJ grandsons
    91 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 757 21 forwar metallic grven One owner. MWono Tel *****0 1* 11 Tt HI «Ct CIS IM low <n cas»r Price fl7 500 ono Contact Robin *****13 OATSUN i*U SSS September 1*73 Taxed' Insured March I*7* .tnmander Rus--4D2511 between 8 38 a m lolpm otherwise ♦»»26 I*7B SMM CLUwSJAM 127 a OT
      757 words
    • 928 21 AMM. 74 TOVOTa Corona MXII woo bceUant condition. 88.7*0 RlngjnOS ISM VOUCwWAgsIM ISM accident free r»» u»»- Insurance 82 SSO/Contart 188 Dunlop Street S pore Mr LimTel *****5 ■IfllSTgNfO AuauST 1874 Citroen O8 1220 Club Tax till January 74 EaceUent l unSlUaw SIO.SOO Hint 3*705 LATg ISM AU«TW Mini MXII
      928 words
    • 778 21 lIC ngaiSTgago OACN- swIIMD female puppte* for sale Tel *****4 SMCIAL. IPCCIAL. SPtCIALI Louise Klerk. Continental Beauty Specialist with M rears tropical experience mtroSms* setenunr I facial treaunenu (open pores plmplet acnel for Nurses. Teachers and Students at special budget prices Enquiries/ Appointments Telephone *****2 (S'porei LAOIgSI LSARN THI Latest
      778 words
    • 700 21 BWIBBCO ASN^ONornosMsa a Refngeratlon Co Specialist In smles. rental, repair, raaprajwif alr-cond refrigerator Tel IMM |HH*9^^^V*n*JßJlßßj r«ANBPO«TATiON/ MBIOVAL SEMVICg. Datsun Pickup Medium/ B4s; Lorry to shift cargo, household/ office equipment 4031*7/ 4M353. Lenwa Company FHAMK TWAMBPQarTAT>OM AMO warehousing service. DaUun Pick -Up or Lorry to Shin your office household or
      700 words
    • 694 21 asui ISOOCL irtSW (rod), twin Akal 1* Ineto speaker* Oood condmonTai 4*4348 Ah Seng SJBS «ajBW TOSSw palta oil ana 888 ton* pain kernel available for long tern ran tract »ilaji»u«H or agents Writ* Sale* Manager O PO Box 1238 8'porel t OlSrTt Cylinder Oray afann* «eael eagine Model 871HClSra.
      694 words
    • 605 21 invites applications for the position of MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN QUALIFICATION: Certificate or Diploma from recognised Technical Institute EXPERIENCE: Preferably two years In manufacturing industry Applicants should write to Melaka Electronic onposteals Sda BM. Bam Da*— 4am Free Trade Zssst. Malacca. or tall penonally for immediate interviews. ROTARY FOUNDATION EDUCATIONAL AWARDS The
      605 words
    • 245 21 I AREA I SALES EXECUTIVES We are looking for 2 Area Sales Executives to join r ur I Malaysian Sales Division They will be based initially in Kfala Lumpur I and Penang Successful applicants will I Be Malaysian Citizens I Aged 22 28 I Hold a Higher School Certificate (or
      245 words

  • 589 22  -  AHMAO OBMAM ■y rE Singapore Insurance Companies Employees Union Is planning Industrial action to resist what It describes as an attempt by the Singapore Employers Federation (SEF) to introduce a single wage guideline for 800 employees In 20 insurance firms The union plans
    589 words
  • 70 22 STAFF strength at the Telecommunication Authority at the end of March this year totalled 8.390 an Increase of 17.6 per cent over the 1973--74 figure, according to the TAS annual report To meet the projected growth In telecommunication traffic and the demands of various exchange programmes,
    70 words
  • 125 22 Body of nan found in soa off -PonggoL rpHE .nidenuaf body 1 of a man, kettevesl v ac a E«ropesua, was recovered from the soa off ronjfol on ganday. A r*M tied rtuxl the wsM was hooked to a floating b»oy abo«t SM ssetrea f roan the shore near the
    125 words
  • 51 22 Business course THE University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will conduct an eight-lecture count on Baalc Business Management from Nov. 36 Mr. PH. Thla. corporate finance executive In a merchant bank, and Mr. Llm 81ew Cheng, manager of Henry Noon and Company. will conduct ihe coune. The fee Is
    51 words
  • 29 22 MR gltea Feretrm. prlnclp&l of Stamford Educational Towars. will cpe*k on. Some Aspecu of Education at trie Rotary Club of Singapore'! luncheon at the Mandarin Hotel tomorrow
    29 words
  • 21 22 THE CalmhUl community centre will hotd fourmonth copper- tool tnf court* from Dec. at t pm The fee t( SM
    21 words
  • 191 22 Clerk who gambled away $60,000 AN accounts clerk who cheated hla firm of $74,908 lost $60,000 in gambling, a court heard yesterday. Tay Keng, 31 an exemployee of Times Distributors pleaded guilty to two charges of forging two cheques of $17,742 and $57,166 at Ihe Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.
    191 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 503 22 HOTEL 4 CATERING TRAINING SCHOOL SINGAPORE Appl. cation* ore invited from SINGAPORE CITIZENS (males/ temoles) for the following courtet (A) Food and Beverage Service Supervisory Level (I) Hotel Housekeeping Supervisory Uvel (C) Hotel Cashiers (0) Local Cookery rvntjaj ays; r vint rraj I (B) 9 weeks Mondoy to Friday 8
      503 words
    • 166 22 rUNBELIEVABLEn I A SANYO STEREO SOUND SYSTEM I FOR ONLY CA^«C/s A K_^_^_yL^_^Lv g^g^ggaal gSSh OCX 3000 K Ara ™Q\ TP6OO Oont miss out on this fabulous offer! Call at your nearest hi-fi dealer today! 00&k f(L |\J XX-fT. Oiler good for a netted period only. WJm\ W jipa|ga|||avß> 207
      166 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 307 22 Bringing Up WmtHmr My s»UI lavanifh ck Hal Camp n Z'2^^. 1 lv *l r^^N 7^**«o* |>»«u..DiWL*(; V om,iv«\| I Tm tare* welles tw^rrsxT A MMXI Sr*Ax\l POT Tpg€ >00 I VTtKT'Ha Ot rM BEADY TO ;POSTPONB3 OS! "K> A COOK- OUT TQ»*e«T- >. just fo» fSi p tf^KßD. Ast
      307 words

  • 159 23 EPF plea for stay on awards fails KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Tha HUrh Court dJamlaaed an cx-parte application by the Employers Provident Fuml Board today (or a iUv of execution of two Industrial Court awards rendin* the hrarlnx of an apoUcatlon for an order of certiorarl to quash the aw;.rd» Mr
    159 words
  • 50 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon IndooosUn Defence Mlniater. Oon Maradan Paafebaan •rrired bare today to load a 10-man dtlagatloo to the Malayaian-Indonastan border talks scheduled to begin here tomorrow The two day talks ara to strengthen me aecurlty and co-operation along the two nations' border against communist activities
    50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    292 23 'It's a life and death struggle' KUALA LUMPUR, Monday TUN ABDUL RAZAK said today stern new measures were being planned in the fight against communist terrorists. "This Is a life and death struggle and we will take whatever measures necessary, particularly against Malaysians who help the enemy," the
    292 words
  • 16 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Another batch of Its pufrtnu left for Mecca by air yesterday
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  • 116 23 $400,000 ore smuggling bid. 4 held JOHORK BARU. Mon. Ponttan poUce nave detained woman »nd three men in connection with an attempt to smuggle $400,000 worth of tin ore by aea from Ponttan to Singapore. The ariaure of tha ore la oeneved to be eat of the Majeet In years.
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  • 61 23 PINAJfO. MOB. A Beard win be set up under the Ministry of Ooeaatunlaatk»as to eo-erdsßaaa the •eavtues of the nuaatu-s sn&gfias. ttont Taa Sri V. Manlitais asamav who announced thta today, atid the aatasatty waaH >Jeo eetebasb a aebool of nsstltsl aetenoes a* the Dnivenso Sasas Malajam to
    61 words
  • 203 23 Selangor's $373 m blueprint for progress KLAJIO, Mom. Tha State On warn— t was exacted te apeaa tmn aaffllaa fer e V9wA|PaHCeBB» PaTtJaBCW aader tat Third Malaysia ptaa, the Saltaa erf Selaager aaM at the epeaiag of the fWe-4ay State AaaeaaMy badget meetaaa at tecay. This la tS.n asllM— aaarc
    203 words
  • 78 23 KUALA LUMPOI.. Mon A wide ranaw of social services to raias tha Uvaac standards jt tha low-Income group will fora the main thrust of tha Third fiftyr 1 Plan. Labour MintstaT Datuk Las aaa Choon said bare today MaMflUsfW \in&TT Xtbt DlaaD would cortr both the rwal anpaUttaa
    78 words
  • 213 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday YON-MUSLIMS cannot be prosecuted in 11 syarlah court* because the Constitution states that penalties under such courts are only for Muslims, Attorney-General and Law Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Kadlr Yusof, said in the Dewan Rakyat today. Ai inch, a non-Muslim found to
    213 words
  • 90 23 No ban on union claims KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Government does not intend to ban claims by trade unlom despite the fact that the country v facing a shortage of f unda. Labour and Manpower Ministry Parliamentary Secretary 8. Snbramanlam told the Dewan Rakyat today. "Appropriate action has always been
    90 words
  • 32 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Cltj Kail has to date collected about tM.MO la fees froea ovaan of more than aaa vehicles towed away by tta breakdown unit set up In Jun«
    32 words
  • 295 23 'Leaked' exam papers: Students are cheated KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —Hundred* of MCE candUiat— who bowznt coplea of "leaked" faahasa Malaysia Paper One and Two dlacorered this morning that they bad batn taken for a ride. They had paid between $30 aad 160 ror each paper, only to dtaoover that not
    295 words
  • 170 23 tCMMftAN, Mm. DEftAK Calef PeJlee 1 Oflasar Taa Sri Koo Caanr Ease, wka «aa ka»ai ay tw« f aiaa la laok ktat weak, was aariael wltk faß aaOae aaaaata at Ike Waaaaat Cariatian Oraaetery acre thai maaig. awaaateeJa af peealc. aaatar atUrtary aa4 aaaee
    170 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 237 23 «^1 IB L as aW^^^ -^a*Ss\ Bar t isiim>wwi— ninwrnwewnon m im»n*nii>ii With Setelco's new system,you can dial receive, hold or transfer calls... without a switchboard operator. The S«teko 116 40 day iftunwiatad push buttons But find out more Cat us v.ii vary quickly pay te* eecn otanaion ma and
      237 words
    • 566 23 Llnd»t*v«>9 I Jacoborg A wbxM w*d» mar he tint oraanlaation requires SUaWPUTWAt to fill m the f oHowinff aoaipowi- T) SALES REPRESENTATIVE 12 Vs saw Bin) In view of tfw ewpanaiow in our sales force, mm need two herd working young •nan in the age range of 20 to 36
      566 words
    • 937 23 PERBADANAN KEMAJUAN NEGERI SELANGOR (Yaast KeyanNaraaa Saaa Alaaii KENYATAAN TAWARAN Kontre* No. PKNS/BBS/KON-172/75 Tawaran-tawaran darlpada pemborongpemborong yang berdafur dengan FK N 8 dl bawah Kelas D° ke itas. Kepada 1 1 2 akan ditenma dl pejabai Pengurus Perkriidmatan Trknik. Yumt Kfjuruteraan Shah Alam untuk "CONaTRLcnoN or drainage system for PAST
      937 words

  • 523 24  -  EPSOM JEEP *9 ITUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Irish Fun emerged as a top prospect for the 2,000 m Selangor Stakes with a scintillating display over 1,200 m here yesterday. This four-year-old New Zealand bred stayer by Acharacle flashed home a fast second to Twin Victory
    523 words
  • 774 24 TrrnOHTS far Uw W K^j» Lusapur rkCM this WMeUDd SATURDAY CLAM t MT. > UMH Baautj Beauty, n IT Dragon Steed U Vt TOlon Mti Sbelford Boed MH Powerful Shine M Tenacious H Tempted n M Winners Learal MH Candid Otow UK Cohambo tIH; w»\sh Knight II ium
    774 words
  • 391 24 SYDNEY, Mon. The touring West Indies cricket team won their first major victory of the current tour when they defeated New South Wales by 52 rung at the cricket ground here today. Set 1M runs for victory with five wickets In hand
    391 words
  • 125 24 WIST D4DIU Ist tone m NEW SOUTH WALKS Ist inns, m-4 dee WIST INDUS and inns M 0 NKW SOUTH WALKS znd Inns. L. Richardson c D Murray b Roberts 0. McCoakcr r Iryh-n All b Holding 10. A. Turner c Olbbs b b Holding M. O Beard c
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 109 24 JOCKBT Peter Lee was suspended for three months by the stewards after. the Kuala Lumpur races on Sunday Lee was charged under Rule 144 (C) for not allowing his horse Maruaa 111 In Race One to run on his merit* RACK 1: Jockey Thomu replaced Tuik on Baß
    109 words
  • 656 24 to later part of the day. RACK a: BeM Chief Jumped awkwardly Into lota* Warrtor (Y. K Poo) at the start causing the latter to be slow away. Twkt Vletery (ArUfin) Jumped awkwardly and swerved In losing some ground Approaching the borne turn. Canshral IP. Nctow) had
    656 words
  • 84 24 ADELAIDE, Mon A third wicket partnership of HI between former Teat captain lan Chsppel! and rest prospect Oray Coaler lifted Bouth Australia to a •rren-wlcket victory over Queensland on the last day of the Sheffield Shield match at the Adelaide Oval here today. The game ended four
    84 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 348 24 giwsß^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bs^^^^^^^^^^^fl^^ ■g^E 1 n JJ B^^gav X- «aj aw Sewer east/ Of eineae Concrete pipe* *__^b^| y3l a'ltiinge %BB»m»a»ajBi amwaaaaawaeammJ Steel pipes, fittings end spectaH for l Steel tube* tor mechanical, structural and general engineering purposes. r"~ Steel pipe* and tube* for pressure purposes carbon steel, ordinary duties. I Hume
      348 words
      91 words

  • 269 25  -  JOB DORAI GIANTS ON COLLISION COURSE By SINGAPORE', soccer ffiants, Geylanjr International and Tarnpines Rovers are on a collision course. Last night, both teams qualified for a clash in the semifinal of the President's Cup tournament on Nov. 27 at Jalan Besar Stadium. This could be
    269 words
  • 158 25 rE Toa Pay o h United FC annual general meetIng at Sports House on Sunday was called off, when members refused to accept the statement of accounts. Mr. Johnny Tan, president of Toa Payoh, said: "They felt that the statement of accounts was not in
    158 words
  • 115 25 NEW YORK. Men Result of the top 30 college football teams In matches played over the weekend: Ohio St. bt Minnesota Sft-4: Nebraska bt lowa Bute 53-0. Texas A and M bt Rice 33-14; Michigan bt Illinois 31-15; Alabama bt Southern Mississippi 37-«; Texas bt TCU 37-11. Oklahoma
    115 words
  • 273 25  - Forces' request disrupts training... EMBTFIUM •y HPHE first training session of the Seap Oames hockey team was disrupted yesterday when Armed Forces requested the release of four players for an Army lnter-unlt soccer tournament The squod was assembled at Balestter Road yesterday when a lett;r. asking for the release of
    273 words
  • 45 25 PRDim Milk proved too good for ICI Paints winning 4-0 In the SILO soccer tournament played over the VHkejd. In other matches. Chartered Industries, Jurong. beat QEAC 4-1; hr Bast Oxygen beat Caterpillar 1-1 and OB T»irHH bsat PairchUd M
    45 words
  • Article, Illustration
    75 25 NATIONAL table tcnsli eba-Hon Ya» Al Soan (above), ear gold saedal prospect la next BBwata's Seap Games at Bangkok, at last nights training ■tamlsu at Jalan Benaam Kapal Al Saaa. and other aarmbers of Ihe Seap sejuad. Tan Ea< Kok. Yap Chin Boon, Lcow Hong Cheong and women player* Tan
    75 words
  • 101 25 Plessey Cup to lan LAN Stewart captured the Plessey Trophy for scoring the point* In all the yacht races conducted by the Singapore Kee -Boat Squadron. Lan chalked up i.SM polnu In his new boat Chance 17 Stoop Moana" In M races He acquired Moana In Deccumber 1174. Simon Loh.
    101 words
  • 75 25 BANOKOK. MOB. Defending champions the Philippines overran Indonesia iff -SI In Oroup -A" and Malaysia tTOODeod Sri Lanka 144-M in Oroop "B- to the Man 1 championships here today. The rhmpptn— poattng their second straight vlcftof j In Mo ippmium lad »T-M »t hall- tin* Id earlier
    75 words
  • 320 25 SEAP FRAGMENTS THAILAND'S badminton star Tongkam Klngmanee will take the oath on behalf of the 1.400 athletes at the solemn opening ceremony of the Seap Games at Bangkok on Dec. t. Thongkam, 34, who reigned supreme in the Thai badminton scene for nine years, will be the first woman In
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 138 25 Thisßßl^B "TheDC-10'san £m Bt^^H :7^XS isyour -1 easy plane to fly and fcfl M^tC^S 1 SSS^-ia. I* P i o onn n y B anK n8 Captain <| passengers think it's tSUSST li^ m ZSSgL speaking. kx^ the greatest airplane Ifa*? 1 Wm SSsltf-L IqU S y c u n^
      138 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 34 25 awgay Friendly: CTtU Sarviees v C Ooy. RNZIK (IntemaUonal School. sm). Oeaf Singapore CtvU Services (SICC. 7JO a*.). SOCCSJt: Dr. Lea Cklaw Mto« Cw»: Sntders v Bright Star (Ferrer Part Athletic Centre. ».1» aa,).
      34 words

  • 115 26 France $880 m in the red PARIS Mon Prance today announced a I.S7S million francs deficit on foreign trade In October, lv largest for over a year. The figure was cal- culated after adjustment to take account of seasonal factors and on this basis It was France's first trade deficit
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 47 26 CIX Asian Miss World 1975 contestants photographed at the Empire Ballroom in London on Sunday. From left to rifht: Chiehara Fujiwara, Japan Sung Hee Lee, South Korea; Ravadee Pattapong, Thailand; Theresa Chu, Hongkong; Suzanne Gonzalez, Philippines and Maggie Sim, Singapore. AP picture.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 348 26 CANBERRA. Monday AUSTRALIA'S caretaker Prime Minister A Malcolm Fraser predicted today that prices would rise by about five per cent In the December quarter one of the highest rises on record. He also said Australia* budget deficit over the two financial yean 1974
    AP; UPI  -  348 words
  • 32 26 WASHXJfOTOW. MOB. Th« ilaiißsn Frttoda sa> *tot rranwmat ni nodflad OMT UM *Mk-«Qd th*t UM Matt DaßarfßMDt hupioDd Urn Qaakar laanry panria■kn to and wfaom to VWtoaaa war ttetaas. AF.
    32 words
  • 57 26 MADAM aASAMAWI I twtr aaaaataay lt/11/n kantas takiaa >lHill mill J C. »n«miiM»«i. aaa* Ka»*rTak>dwii Htm IS. Kaa Caaa «MMrr cm* kaj mm »m* m rwt aaaaaa HW IllllNl aa IT n Laa*las MM l»«a «•»>, I aaaa. 1 iM>til aaa aaa i liaiarr Oanapi laana IPJi.i1 PJ i.i
    57 words
  • 182 26 OECD FORECAST A WEAK ECONOMIC PICK-UP PARIS, Mon. Boon-)- mic recovery among the world's killing industrialised ncn communist nations may be weaker than governments expect according to projected figures made public here today. The forecast of a slower recovery rat* was made by economists of the 24- nation Organisation for
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 64 26 $5m theft at museum OPORTO (Portugal). Moo Thtarw •tot* s lTtta noturr crown and othar art oe)sets «aHa»t«l to bs worth mon than It million (8$».l million) fnaa a massam in northern Portugal. police said today. A taunt Is now on lor young man sad a woman who took Uw
    64 words
  • 186 26 Selangor Assembly vote of confidence in Harun? SELANOOR National Front councillors are expected to move a motion of confidence In Datuk Harun bin Idris, their Mentrl Besar. when the State Legislative Assembly begins Its budget session in Kuala Lumpur today. This latest development on the political future of Datuk Harun,
    186 words
  • 433 26 TIB ■waasas LomXM*. Maa. Th* BMikM iKHi «rm I* Ha*jl liaMat wMk Mat im tatiMtf kr tarty I mn iHi»« KW *m\*m aaM. At I ».b Ik* riauMUl Thms laiaß >v i t» srt Prta* ■amaMato ■iiimt- »M« I* uua mliiiiii top urn w«r» a paaar t* tx
    433 words
  • 450 26 Summit pledge to work for upturn 'STEADY AND LASTING GROWTH' THE GOAL RAMBOUILLCT (France), Mon. THE six-power Western economic summit meeting ended today with a joint declaration underlining the intention of the major industrial nations to assure the recovery of their economies and reduce unemployment. "The objective 1b growth that
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 149 26 LECITHINOL CAPSULE *»%Uh^ -•>. -w-w-wT^ FOR BETTER MENTAL and PHYSICAL ENERGY IN YOUR STUDIES and SPORTS... §#S 4. 3-' < i tutxlanc* it < o»g*"»a»m» •»T&f«MOi ductoitt young paopi* it known •no^gad n XuOwt and toon* tf»aby MkmtnoaM <ncma»Mg atanwAa and andu<anca and car »*rta« young '•»••> raguiart, ICCITHINOI 6v
      149 words
    • 466 26 FETIM SALES Tte only assembly Qppi/ifNp: plant in Singapore for HIRIMT FORK LIFT TRUCKS N. MODEL -04 HEAVY DUTY SERIES .^^-■v N. 2. 25. 3. 3.2 and 3 5 tons capacity diesel -****^^affr\ N. fork lift ***** fitted with C2r IMaaaaatw^"^ >v Perkins 4 203 engine. Jpßlf^^jt^ Brockttouse hydrornechanical n^FTL
      466 words