The Straits Times, 17 November 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 754 1 Six-nation consensus on slump: RAMBOUILLET (France). Sunday A CONSENSUS was emerging at the six-nation economic summit that the worst may be already over, British officials said here today. Amid the splendour of the Chateau de Rambouillet, leaders of the French, British, West German, Japanese and
    Reuter; AP  -  754 words
  • 112 1 2 soldiers killed, four hurt in Red ambush BANGKOK. Sun.— Two soldiers were killed aiml four w<HUfttto4 when thtir military track was ambushed by a band ef communiat guerillas In north-east Thailand, It was ransrlod today. The ErurUsh lanfwaffe wowsaaasr Bangkok Pest said the Incident took place en Friday In
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  • 47 1 BREST (Prance). Bun. Two taparate thip colllatooa occurred In fogey waatber yesterday off toe coast of Brittany, maritime radio reporu Mid On* accident lnrol»ed 6 f im net ihlp but no ca■uatUea were reported In the other, lour people were reported mlaatng —UPI
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 45 1 MEXICO CITY. Sun At lewt II people wetr killed and 70 injured In 30--wtuclc chain collision on Urn main highway between Mexico City and the Texas border, police reported yesterday. The accident occurred about 41 km north of Mexico City UPI.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 33 1 BONOKONO BUt>. A Chkaest nu srrtvtng from »"t*"* m arrested at KaMok airport here today after polk* found en baa IS kUo* of moipmne valued at about 111 »aMM (8SMO.O0O) Rsiasr.
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  • 122 1 KIDNAPPED JAPANESE MAY DIE THREAT BY REBELS MANILA, Sun. Muslim rebels have threatened to execute six kidnapped Japanese fishermen unless a US$7OO,OOO (SSI.7MOOO) ransom is delivered by next Friday, military sources said today. The sources said th<* threat was contained in a note Riven yesterday to Mr. Yoshlo Yamamoto, a
    UPI  -  122 words
  • 76 1 CambodianThai talks BANOKOK. Bun. Thai and 1 «^Hftgß sencdulsd a bajh-htvel martins just Inside the ".-i-f., border toaawiiia to dlaeuas cuaa-dlplctnaUc rvtaUon* hotwsai ths two nations. Ponton Ministry aourees here aald Thai Foreign Minuter Chartteasi Cboonhsvaa and Cambodian Deputy Ptiaat Minister lane asry would bead UMtr respseave delejaUons to ths
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  • 85 1 fkNB and 1/ eighty seven babies died hi Singapore last year before they were a year old. Hv« bert as sak—rsnal children. Often It was their parents or relatives who ware Beginning ta NEW NATION today, a three part foataro ea the ■■nataa. tnth
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  • 206 1 Support for Whitlam on the rise SYDNEY. Sunday ■pWO opinion polls released today showed increased popular, support for the opsted Labour Government but did not give it qoite the strength to return to pow^r in the Dec. 13 general elections. A survey conducted In major cities by AustraUan natknal opinion
    AP  -  206 words
  • 258 1 Long hair ban on grant holders JOHORE BARU, Sunday •pHE State Government has imposed new conditions on scholarship holders including a ban on long hair, marriage and taking part in demonstrations. The Mentrl Besar. Tan Sri Hajl Othman Saat. said this when he Introduced three Bills seeking approval from the
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  • 158 1 Timor talks to begin soon LISBON, Sunday •jWLkS on the future of Timor the last remaining colony of the crumbling Portuguese empire will probably begin in Australia on Nov. 24, according to an official statement issued here yesterday. President Francisco da Costa Oomes's spe clal decolonisation com mlttee which has
    Reuter  -  158 words
    • 79 1 tANBOI'ILLET (Franc*), Sen. In what the United States assert bed as "extraordinarily fr■ 1 1 fe I" talks, the six-nation snasamlc aammlt eonferencc reached tentative at reement today on new guideuaes for world trade and currency exchange rates. However, stoaag^ opa prspssal by the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 SSfe KING'S SAFETY KING S SHOES ML ON EARTH No 703 Jfl OIL- IM RESISTANT JoffU P KING S SHOE MFC PTE. LTD. '■22 BLK 30 DAKOTA CRESCENT, SINGAPORE 14 TEL *****1 *****7 TRAOING COMPANY M. TkeMM To»«r. g»port 7 T»l- *****14 The modern, youthful, portable lightweight For rich contrasty
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    • 345 1 MORE SCHOOL BOYS TAKE TO HEROIN Pass 13 LISBON braced far blf abewaewa with Keas 2 ZIONISM: US Cenireesmen warn WaJdbeim S WILSON te seek International nuclear pact 4 rOBMAL talka becta to reunify twe Vietnam* 5 •Mac primary papaa need sneak ealy ene lancuace' 7 HIOHsUSE area and HDB
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 49 2 11/HITE soldiers, part TT of the National L'nion fer the Total Independence of Angola (Unite), resting on the roadside beside their armoured ear near Lobito daring a march to the Oambembe hydro-electric power station about 2t* km couth -cast of Luanda UPI photo.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 46 2 BAOHDAO. Son Cambodian HMd of BUU Prlac* Norodom Hlhanout urlnd ban imtmittj tot •> four-o-y visit to Iraq kt Urn ta»vtuttan of Prwtfeot Ahmad Hi— n AJ-BUr The In« nm aftoey atid PrtsMatßakr btatfsd OorWtit Iwrtwi and diplomatic mnof to vHeasttag Prtnet «>>.^-i, nnf-
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    • 339 2 LISBON. Sunday Portuguese braced themselves today for an imminent showdown between the democratic supporters of Premier Jose Pinheiro de Azevedo's government and their commun-ist-led opponents. Siege of the Premier's office and National Assembly by workers on Thursday night was a dress rehearsal for
      Reuter; AP  -  339 words
    • 331 2 'DR K MUST STOP HIS HEADLINES GAME WASHINGTON. Sun.— Two key members of the Senate Finance Committee said yesterday Secret ary of State Henry Kissinger's f oi elgn policy style "makes headlines at home and trouble abroad." The United States must stop playing headline politic* and stop being obseawd with
      Reuter; UPI  -  331 words
    • 149 2 LONDON. Sun. A i callglii here plans to torm a trade union for members of her profession. It will be named PUBSI Prostitutes United for Sexual and Social Integration. In bis book "Prostitutes.'' to be published tomorrow, author Jeremy Bandford says "austerly beautiful" callflrl Helen
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 67 2 CHICAGO, la. Seres attars were Jailed •pi Tridajr la a eltaaaz to the U-4ay iistsis' strtte. leagast la tke U^ted Stotss* klstory. Cv. ratt Jadg. Deeald OVrle. fteed tke Issm Staff 'J"*' I*—1 M 9* k Cmmm UStlMaa (StSMSt) and fewad au 4*4 af its aiwfciii m
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    • 292 2 Struggling to set new taxes to save N. York NEW YORK. San Leaders of the New Yerk State Leglalatare straggled today to agree en new taxes to save New York city from defaulting on Its debts, apwred on by signs that the Ford Administration was willing to help. Mr. John
      Reuter  -  292 words
    • 154 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Bun. British brainwashing expert l>i WUllara Sargant ximlned Patricia Hearst yesterday In an effort to "round out a conclusion about her state of mind. Dr. Sargant arrived from London on Friday night and met Miss Hearst at the San Mateo county jail, where she
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 She looks good m 1 outside because I f V she feels t **^V so good V inside. to Iwe a full life -•■aies vitality, works^^. 'ig your complexion lt 4B^^^•>er. healthier look helps you to feel fit and healthy. yO^fO > radiant r-*^3kssW time JL i^**~ f to glowing
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    • 330 3 Zionism issue: US warning to UN UNITED NATIONS. Sunday JWEXTY United States Congressmen personally warned Secretary General Kurt Waldheim yesterday of possible American sanctions against the I'nited s because of last week's antism resolution. Most of the Repreaen- tatlves and Senator*, on their annual visit to the United Nations, are
      Reuter; UPI  -  330 words
    • 282 3 Beirut: MuslinChristian factions agree to talk BEIRUT. Sun. The Muslim -Christian confrontation on political reforms In Lebanon polarised yesterday with Premier Rashld Karaml and President Suleiman Franjleh deciding on direct talks to fashion an agreement. Mr. Karaml. a Sunnl Muslim, announced after a Cabinet meeting that "because of the complexities
      UPI  -  282 words
    • 54 3 T>HODA Rademe- yer, the new Miss South Africa, arriving at London airport. She will now represent South Africa in the Miss World contest, replacing Vera Johns, the original contestant Vera was disqualified when It was discovered that she had not Uved in South Africa
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 202 3 Rocky: US has to sway to Arab whims BLOOMINOTON (Minnesota). Bun— VlcePresident Nelson Rockefeller said yesterday the United States to totally vulnerable on the political whims of another group of nations" In facing the energy crisis. Mr. Rockefeller said the energy crisis to the key problem for the United States'
      UPI  -  202 words
    • 382 3 'Gromyko to head team to Cairo' report CAIRO, Sunday rX weekly magazine Rom El Youssef said yesterday Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko would head a delegation to Cairo "in the coming weeks" to discuss Soviet-Egyptian relations. Soviet Embassy officials refused to confirm or deny the report. Egyptian Foreign Ministry officials
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    • 304 3 Call for a UN team to observe "Hassan invasion 9 A LGIERB. 8un SahaA ran natlonaUat El WaU last night called (or a United Nations mission to observe what he described as an undlseused military invasion by Morocco In the northeast of the Spanish territory. Mr. El Wall, secretaryneneraJ of
      Reuter  -  304 words
    • 28 3 Ath— s. fcn.- Abot IMM pMfeadtstadhßa ban >»4y ywwyy Urn Ocwk partr* Ts» perky wm imifii i»« year after ktfag ovttaw•d tor M years.— ■ihlsi.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 233 3 Buy your Omega only from these Authorised Retailers Your Authorised Omega Retailers. For your own protection, buy only from the following A\ Omega retailers who alone are authorised to 'issue the unconditional Omega guarantee honoured in 156 >V*O^l nmt-a"'^ MOl l^^' countries «X^^^Jp -rr=^A^^^"^ »*G COO«T «Tll^| m *ct oi
      233 words
    • 546 3 .^i^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^iiiii^i««lJJm^BJ^BJlJ«Jßfff«^BffS^B^BJßfffail^BJJJ^B«^BJßliaillllllfc. A I QDAUTY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE, f ifGs4ioN4sv'Wivss4ivJWsv?rts^NfcsW^^*^^**^^*Wh S Say Merry ttristws with i r^^S^^^^S^i 3 H-alrty Cold Storage S ift hamper. CHRISTMAS J C r Ht« l»ailaWe! Nl J F D^*»a L Pwk FrMl nm Mfcp i H Atoiitterrt! jg |g Big Sister Rich Cakes M Order
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    • 171 4 'Father of Europe 9 wins peace award PARIS, Son. 178 Sec retary of State Henry Kissinger yesterday presented Mr. Jean Monnet. France's 87 year old "Father of Borcpe," with the UStIS.OOO (BfflJOO) OrenvtUe dark award tor his contribution to world peace and stabtThe pnaentatlon was made In a Paris betel
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    • 65 4 News ban by army SAJITIAOO. Ban. The CaOsaa anatary laata yaaarday >*— pn* > t*^lt j *n of aJI Inlwaifcwi about Monan Oathoae artssts and nma. aad emaaas ehaiasd with JSSLa ft Wtwum Th» aaa oaaw in a rmoaawaa lasood ay Major Joafaia ■■■isa. the ati Mary aroascasor lavaaiaaltiig acoaaatfcMM
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    • 229 4 PARIS, Sun.— British Prime Minister Harold Wilson is expected to launch a new initiative calling for a single international code to control the spread of nuclear materials, well-inform-ed sources said here last night. Hla concern _at _tha (rowlnc tfndeocy toward nuclear proliferation to expected to
      Reuter  -  229 words
    • 219 4 Girl, 18 freed after $85,000 ransom paid LONDON, Bun.— A OreekCyprlot girl student who was kidnapped 10 days ago has been released unharmed after a ransom of £17.000 (8*85.--000) was paid, police announced today. The kidnappers had originally demanded £60.000 for the life of Allo Kaloghlrou. 18. but settled for
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 190 4 DABU, Sam.— A farA sa«r Preach secret •cast mi 4 fat a au«aates latervtew aaa■BftM acre today that rtaaat hai once liiiml to the US Ceatral Wgoao e Ageaey (CIA) the aseaaasaattaß ef Geaaea PrasMaat goatee Toare. The aaagirl— was seeae kr
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    • 217 4 WOSCOW. San Thirty -seven ef ifl the Soviet Union's moat prominent political dissenters have Isaaad a joint statement eendeauUng an offlcUl refasai to allow physicist Andrei Sakharev U travel to Net way next month to eolleet his Need aeaee arise. The statement said
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 562 4 NO SIGN YET OF AN UPSWING IN EUROPE GENEVA (Bwitaerland>. Sun— A new upswing of the economy still does not seem to be In sight in most West European countries and their foreign trade will decline more strongly than economists anticipated only a short time ago, the UN Kcfinninf'* Conn
      AP  -  562 words
    • 303 4 Argentine graft probe seven get death threats BUENOS AIRES. Sun.— The seven members of an Argentine Congressional committee of Inquiry looking Into charges of administrative corruption have received written death ttoreau from a rlgbtwlng terrorist ortanJ .atlon. "If you investigate you will be 'joking at how the root* of the
      NYT  -  303 words
    • 139 4 Franco's effigy burned in demo UiRANKTURT (West F Germany), Sun.—Demonstrators yesterday burned a firecrackersstuffed effigy of Generalissimo Franco to protest against death sentences Imposed recently on Spanish guerillas. The nearly 3.000 d« monstrators. parading through downtown streets, had come from all parts of the country on a call by the
      UPI  -  139 words
    • 66 4 Prisoners' revolt: One killed THOaaASTOK (Maine). Sun. one Inmate was killed at the Maine state prison yesterday in a disturbance of undisclosed nature, state police said. AuttaonUM said owoiai ruaria wort hckt hnatai for a Urn* but war* telor rolamd unhannad. It m not tmmwUataty etaa* what trlcearod tb* tnddrat.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 The First Banker jffzp^^. Early in man's history, he learned to /jS^^fM specialise. A man that did his best work (4?k-jS w^ a h ammer became a carpenter. \\j£&sfesi/ The one that grew the biggest xS.ii ilr vegetables became a farmer. And^gs3F*K goods and services were traded. When life became
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    • 238 5 Formal talks begin to reunify 2 Vietnams SAIGON, Sunday Vietnamese leaders and Saigon officials have begun formal talks here on the reuniOcation of Vietnam. The 25-member Hanoi delegation, which arrived here last Wednesday, is headed by Mr Truong Chinh, chairman of the North Vietnam National Assembly. The Bouth Vietnamese side
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 61 5 TADTCH. Bun.— A Thrwan•at actrca* five birth while performing on itagc In an opera called "Little Drason." according to a newspaper report here yesterday The audience thou«ht the bbtli some lvi Thursday we* simply wall-acted part of the plot but when they found out it wa*
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 39 5 VIENNA Sun Senior minMan of urn OrtmnlaaUon of Petroleum Export, nf Coudtrta* toraci will maat In Oenara on Ttnafliy in preparation for next moo in t energy and raw material* OMMrsnc* In Pan*. OPEC SMrea* *ald RauUr
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    • 124 5 Senate member in Pak held RAWALPINDI. San. A Senate member of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party was arrested by police In Karachi ea Friday night, as peUUeal rarest continued te simmer here. The arrest ef Naal Baksh Zehri was reported by the Associated Press ef Pakfctaa. Ne reason was given
      UPI  -  124 words
    • 305 5 INSTIGATORS OF MUTINY FACE DEATH IN B'DESH DACCA, Sunday THHE laws of martial goTernment In Banglax dean were tightened yesterday with the promulgation of an Act providing the death penalty for people Inducing mutiny In the armed forces. The latest martial law edict would Indicate that the """g'tnitth army still
      UPI  -  305 words
    • 52 5 BOULDER (Oolando). Sun. —The United staUa Oeotoe> eal Surrey bar* reporud a •tronf MrUiquak* off tht •art cout or Mexico •ayA mirvtj «p»>— n ,^l4 th* quau, ladMarlng 6 25 on Urn Ricbiar acala. waa centred approidniataly 300 kltommi v«st northwart of tb* Mexican coaalaJ rent of
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    • 267 5 Pull out all US troops fron S. Korea call fJALTIMOR*. Bon. O PenmylTanla Oortmoa MHVm <ft>app ha* called for total withdrawal of 08 troops from Korea. Mr Shapp told more than 1,000 Democrat* from the mid-Atlantic region yesterday that ■o lone *> UB forces remain In South Koran, there is
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 191 5 QBOUL. Sun. LuxurtO oui neon signs are out, there will be no lighting for night-time sports, Indoor swimming pools will be closed until next summer, and night spot* will have to dose weU before midnight These are part of a nationwide *«mr—tg»« in South
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    • 177 5 HONGKONG, B«a^ China and Banna have agreed te •trengtbea thetr Uea and ate> imiiali and technical ee-e*e-ratlon, Badle Peking reverted teday. The radte, atonltered here, waa laiHag eaeerpfci ef a joint "■■■■nlajn releaeii at the end of INnnen FriaHiat Ne Wln'i tIaM te
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    • 226 5 •pOKTO. Sun. Japan X win soon urge Soviet roreUn MtiHatar Andrei Oromyko to keep his promise to visit Tokyo soon tar negotiations to conclude a ftasso- Japanese psaes treaty, raratgn Ministry sources disclosed yesterday. The sources said the Government has so far rnoeivea
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    • Briefs
      • 41 5 lONDON. Sun. A t quarter of Britain's rang bosprta] doctors have voted twv-to-one In fsrour of strike action In support of thatr overtime pay claim. Urn rwolu of a portal ballot organiaad tar the Junior Hoapttal Doctor* 1 Aasoctauon (bowed yesterday.
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      • 27 5 WASHINGTON: A US CwstOWM hrrta) psaa aaawd at twartlaa terreriets fr«aa wtkwptmi aeroaa tW Uft-CaaaJlaa aetwar war**** 19M M—«w«l CH/a-sjla* ku fcoy ahafcai ay WkJto ewee •Tjjf**"*"*****'
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      • 26 5 LISBON: Portugal to nKtrtatlnt a number of white aattlen from MoaamMoue after "problema- with the former colony* leftist authorlUea, a roretgn UlnUtry spokesman said here today.
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      • 25 5 TATPEH: Taiwan* trade wttk tat Uattad State* tkaa ttat af Caima'. ta tfce On* aiaU milks Qf 4iaNte fMf te C 8 eflleUl etaUaties, Ajiaiha
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 yr Bring in that carvfrws, casual kind of N. your homsl Ml an^l^a^X The Spocemaker System by FLEXALUM THe finest ipocemofcer tywem yw) itieiopsd. Art sll slummium creation by Hunter Douglas Australia. ♦gFtexalum For more area* idea* on Flemalum-klnd-of- living, call: /I.AUSTASIA WDUSTRCS A Member of ttte Huntar Onus*** Group
      104 words
    • 238 5 for better living till jfoßa lay •W Prom Spain BALAV C-78 gas cookw Oreet In Itt daalen. 4 orolnary A*!** Vcooker* with a Wf cooker In the eantra v—^— dy>/ A sjont ovon attaenad. Coulppad rn «***t timer and oven indtcetor. Verloue modal* urm alao Mf-TY Fully automatic. 14 •waahlng
      238 words

  • 1364 6 Reagan's White House bandwagon gains steam FORMER film «Ur Ronald Reagan cemalna the darling of the rifhtwlnr of the Republican Party. Although Frasdent Ford has damped the "liberal" Nelson Rockefeller from the It7t Republican ticket to appease the Bight, Mr. Reagan's chances of wiatfhl"! the White House nomination from Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 545 6 THE MOBILE BATCH MIXING PLANT FROM gs^g^p^s^B^s^p^p^p^B^B^gs^gs^M Concrete where and when you want it. That* t what the I A/bou- Rexnord portable batching plants and transit I mixers give you. Take the Arbau PB3SZ batching plant K as an example. It it compact in design to let you nr>ove it
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  • 677 7 'HOKKIEN BRIGADE' AND BILINGUALISM JT MAY be prudent for our education system to provide "for effective monolingaalism for the 50 per cent of young citizens who are unable to go beyond the primary level of education. This Is to ensure that
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  • 269 7 'Need to better equip youth workers' rr«KKK is a nrrd. from 1 a long Irrm point of view, for social irlentMs, edwCAtlonlaU aad yoatta workers to examlnr the nrr«-vrtty of toUoducing more formal education in youth work a«ordln| to th* Director of the reop*e» Ajaoclation, Mr. Lee Wai Kok. He
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  • 148 7 PLAN TO FORM A NEW EDUCATION SOCIETY AN Interim committee has been formed to initiate the formation of a society of educational administrators This society will be known as the Singapore Educational Administration Society (SEAS). It alms to promote the advancement of educational adminatratlon. to discuss and seek solutions to
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  • 36 7 TOZ Minuter for Horn* Aflalrs and Education and MP (or HaePhcraon. Mr Chua Stan Chin will attsnd Urn atvoalh graduation ceremony of Urn Poopls's Action Ffcrty MacPbtrsoD Branch's kindergarten at tta pnmlass on Dec 7.
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  • 316 7 PARENTS and teachers were yesterday told to maintain a high code of conduct in their daily lives. •tor this would be emulated by their children who would learn more quickly following their example t)>«» through mere exhortation. This was specially true where the
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  • 56 7 New date for course TKI Uatvajutt* of awgapor* s nssirtu of >>- tr—arai atuulai will «eouuot a IS liaturi asusas on Law ob start Oaxuo Paottng for Traoatt (by asm, Boad. and Bail) treat Poa. and not Dot. 1 at crfekaaOr aonauulad. rrosn Urn Pacuitj of Law. UnivaasWf of guimni'i,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 42 7 MEMORIN in Oartnanyl OUBfWJSWM OMOwMw) *«BM 'OtwaCtaar uuMßOot Thkuiwaj W— miift »or All MINT A I STRAW NIftVOUS DtSOftOtKK tata Asonts a Sot* Psmiiouioi tar South Eon Awa: COUTH ISLANO MtOtCAL fAJPOiin (gi art. LTD. SSI. K*l>*n« KM, StnOSOOr*. 12. Tal 2******.
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    • 257 7 Do something positive about guarding your children's teeth! Nowther&s with MFP fluoride to toughen teeth, to prevent decay. Now it's here! Colgate Gard. The toothpaste with Why your children need the extra help of Colgate Gard, with MFP fluoride. Children's teeth are not tough Decay burrows deep into un Regular
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 195 7 Straits Times Crossword Acaoes ion* asua <S). t auvor of oat—La, la a 2S? r <Jf* ell form worth < -g aaok am <*>. on* (1. 4). LJ B T 1 > >^ IS Oo to a strost an Him !5T ttß T <i) it_ 11 Hat and Dtp* saixtur*
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  • 565 8 Cell-like units check spread DOUSING Board flats, compared to other mv 1 1 i storey buildings, offer the gn amount of safety to life in the COHi highluiildings, cording to a private consultant on ifety. Mr. Eddy Tan said that because of the
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  • 110 8 THE Industrial TrainIng Board's School of Printing will conduct four printing courses next year for apprentices. They are the two- week offset printing, reproduction photo graphy. graphics reproduction and one-week colour separation courses. On completion of the offset printing and reproduction photography classes,
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  • 326 8 British pullout: Last stage to end by April ABOUT 1.700 British serrtcemen and their dependants, all that Is left hen of British military forces, have started packing to go back bone. The number of sank a men is expected to be reduced to 400 by January, and to 300 by
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  • 26 8 THX InUmatlonaJ Brotherhood of "1""" Obicapare Rtaf 111. win bold tts SSUi annivenary dinner at 10. Chmsfoid Drive on Nov SI at 7JO pm.
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  • 151 8 MOU than MM girl glides and brownies tee* part la a foar-km )*g around the UairersltT af Singapore yesterday Li high spirits, the }oggen drissid In ee~ loarfal iborU, slacks, hats and T-shirts, sarged forward attar Mrs. B.W. Barker, presldeat af
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  • 108 8 SINGAPORE Cable Car Pte Ltd.. baa entered eight more cable can costing about $436,000. to reduce waiting time for passengers. The new can when delivered in fly« months' lime, win supplement the 43 cam operating between Mcunt Paber and the resort Itland of
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  • 489 8 HTHB Army Boys' x School In Changl will establish a combat wing to train 16-year-old boys to become combat noncommissioned officers. This la an extension of the school's technical scheme, started in September this year. The boys will be trained In
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  • 41 8 THB University of Singapore* Department of Extramural Studies will conduct an eight-lecture eoura* on digital circuit lystemi Iron rtb i Mr. Kui Heong Cbea, lecturer with the unhwsltv'* ■ngineeeliU Faculty, will conduct the ooune. The fee U SIS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 574 8 HM TW] W} g 1 lets you make such sound I 111 decision on the model you want... M M MJ\J from this range of quality iHOTf^Hrifi Model 666 Electronic Alarm Clock Artrothn-r 4-band FM/A»«7SWI/tW2 radio cassette Modal 2002 4-band stereo receiver with c-sett. Featuret "LED dupiav **h br.ohtneu control
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  • 150 9 The 'Sago Lane facial' for the old women of Chinatown rpHIS |s how gome 1 old woMg.ii In Chinatown get rid of unwanted hair on their faces. And, as far as they are concerned, the "Sago Lane facial," as It may en c h anting 1? be called, provides a
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  • 188 9 'Boss and worker too aloof from each other' SINGAPORE em- ployers and their workers generally do not warm up enough to one another, a sociologist said on Saturday. Because of this, according to Dr. Peter Chen of the Department of Sociology. University of Singapore, employer-employee relationships are rather Impersonal, with
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  • 34 9 THE AJaocUUon of ArtUU of Vartoui Raaourew will bold an exhibition Contemporary ■75— «t the CMnwe Chamber of Ocwimfee Building from Nov 23 to M. from 10 am. to 6 p m
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  • 34 9 The number picked in VMUrdajr'i TOTO Draw No 75 were 9. IS. T. IS and 17. The additional number m 36. In the circle* draw, the numbers were 41 and SI.
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  • 20 9 THX Pmneaa Yip Show be held at the TWft Supper Club. flhantri-L* Houi today at 1 10 pa.
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  • 572 9 THE postwar baby boom has resulted in a 77 per cent jump in the number of marriages over the last five years. Health Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said yesterday. This Increase In marriages cannot be avoided. but the burden and wor-
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 334 9 Join Joanne Drew today fajk Give yourself W a lovely new shape for Christinas! O S mmmmmW Af M I mm JB m> Jw^a^Bwdml ma Lbt LOOK YOUNGER. FEEL YOUNGER. /f> Whether its bulging fat or PNn FR\A/RAP I gawky skinniness that hides the *™f t perfect figure in you,
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  • 365 10 gEVENTY -FIVE per cent of the 80 problem students referred to the Institute of Health in the first six months of this year were found to be educationally subnormal (ESN). According to Informed sources, these 80 students had been referred by their principals,
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  • 53 10 CHOIR music, piano, organ and violin solos, the Chinese Instrumental Ensemble and a children's orchestra will feature in the Culture Ministry's Concert* for the Young second anniversary programme, to be held at the Conference Hall on Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. complimentary tickets are available from
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  • 225 10 RESIDENTS in the Ayer Oemuroh Malay reiwttleinent a r t a In Chanm have been told to pack up their bags a second tune. They have been told to move out of the area by the middle of next year for the
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  • 104 10 MURDER: POLICE SEEK HELP OF TWO DOUCE are seeking i the help of two men who can assist them 10 their investigatie>Bs into the murder of MokUr bin Mo hamed. 23, who was stabbed to death on Oct. 3. In Lorong Ibi Tahun. They are Abdul Adi kin Jaffar, li.
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  • 16 10 MR 8 L Low hu oeen appointed deputy chairman of the Public Utilities Board
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  • 234 10 'TWO fires, cne at a saw•L mill In Hlndhede Drive, off Euklt Tlmah Road, and the other at a denartmental store *n Huh Stnet. destroyed nrocrrty and goods worth a total of about I $180 000 iariy yesterday Four families wtre made homefeM
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  • 61 10 Japanese music group to perform here THE Tbkk Ensemble, a group of top musicians and singers from Japan, will arrive here on Saturday. They will perform at the 1 Singapore Conference Hall on Nov is and 26 at SlO p m Tickets at S3. S3. S4. U »nd SlO ar*
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 245 11 JHK Port of Singapore Authority has stepped Qp its campaign against employees from shipping and other related companies who enter the port area ■porting long and unkempt hair. The PSAs first line of defence the Pass Office— has recently refused to Issue permanent entry
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  • 137 11 DR KWAN TO MEET STUDENTS ON NEW BILL T\R Kwan Sal Keong. •1/ vice chancellor of the University of Singapore U expected to meet students today In J forum to discuss the University of Singapore Amendment i Bill. It v understood the fc.rum will be held either at the Students'
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  • 133 11 Traffic stops as nan bolts froa police mRAFPIC came to a halt 1 tn Kirn Seng Road yesterday afternoon when motorists saw a man running across the road with some policemen In hot pursuit. The Incident happened at about 1.20 p.m. when a police patrol car spotted a man near
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  • 27 11 THE MP for Stmbaw&nc. Mr. Too* *>« moot, wui tour hta crwitttUmwT today at 10 m to nil— is the vartous rtiwlntjiasnt project* in bis ana.
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  • 118 11 rIS artist's Isapressson shews the first Singapore Airline* hotel, costing a boat SM million, to be ballt near Tokyo's new international airport at Narlta. Construction of the 14-Ktorey hotel. en 7JK* ae. metres of land. U scheduled to begin in the
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  • 85 11 Minister at police 'open house' THE Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Chua Slan Chin, yesterday attended an "open house" session at the Police Academy in Thomson Road. Accompanied by «nior Government official, and acUnc PoUet ftmiiiilMinini VJf. Ratna, Obigam. Mr. Chua chatted with Uv sreotid intake of tun-Urn* police national
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  • 274 11 More under21s tie the knot T»HE number of marriages in Singapore 1 among those below 21 years old increased by 28.7 per cent last year compared to 1973, according to the Registry of Marriages statistic*. i A total of SM» minor* B*7 grooms and 5.161 brides tied the knot compared
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  • 90 11 Woman in road crash dies A 63-YEAR-OLD woman died In hospital yesterday after she was Involved In a road accident with a bos along Dunman Road on Friday Police said Madam Daly Chan, of Onan Road, was walking along the road at about 830 that night when Urn mlahap took
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  • 58 11 WORKS by Moaart Tehaltamfcj, Ottag and Scimb«rt will bt pland by the Staeapora Schools Onfasstr* and tt» SUwaport CfaUdrwa* Orchestra at tbs afuatc tor Iwmm Ooaoart to taa Cotdmwuta BaU on Ok. 1 it Tleksts at II art .ralkhta at Urn HaU. VJetorU Tbsav*. Hatlaml Mumuk.
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  • 34 11 TBS Assorts tfcm ot Banks to akm^an will bold a ■■■ton on effacUT* markatiat tt* tnkn it tei» fkwaJ Knfiiah I sihi—i Cantrt from Nov. 17-* tros* t LB-4M pa dally.
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  • 34 11 MR Bmt Uaa Mek ha* b*n >ppafe>Md ebalnau ud sir. Ub Cboang ffm ds- ctJaSTJSw* U iut2!t DlftUVI BBtStpfwaS fOC tWO imb tnrm Nov. 14. sossU ta« to the attest in cmattw
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  • 153 11 Tourism board shifts to a new approach mHK prnmnllsjß of SlnX gaporv's toa r 1 1 m •broad la moving towards a T«taller approach." according to the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board'! latest newi e«lBE The board* overseas office* are working closely with tour operator* to pHeure consumer Interest and a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 169 11 DfILC Generating Sets -a powerful name throughout the world. Lives and business depend on electricity. Which is why it's important to know about the worlds most dependable electric generating Sets: Dale. Dale generating sets give you prime or standby power, power for light and heat, pow er to run your
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    • 379 11 TIC%rSC%/ Don't Mm This Opportunity to £W^^*s Save money. Visit us and .i^»S^*V a You'll find tfi« you'll be X X£^^t*ja /V\ hippy to buy more. O^SP^^^S^^ New Merchandise )ust arrived Students' Shoes I telling tt drastically Special Price reduced price. QQ 1 I *JEAN-s6.9Oeach V Goodliokmg a 1 I
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    • 124 12 "Ban visit by NZ student leader KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —The Johore MIC Educational Bureau has urged Immigration authorities to prevent the entry of New Zealand student leader, Don Carson, due to visit Malaysia soon. In a statement yesterday, bureau leader Mr. Kanapathy Appoo, said: "We denounce his vuit and are
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    • 57 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun Ail Mslaystsu Airlines Systssa Fokker maodahip tngbts trosa Babab and Sarawak to Bruns. wUI be temporarily aaspandad ftoss iusautrow. A MA* sana— in said jsstsrdsy the Brunei Oovomsssnt bad dsetdsd to saspsnd landtag righto for the m nights bscauss It wanud -asjtial landing rights"
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    • 30 12 _ALO> gTAJt, Sub Thres ■ssssi a Basis and an Iran fodi stoke tote a tanWt Mktt earty today and onapCd Wttll SIM, tVO WsfctClMt wrth tea, and two savings
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    • 189 12 A hero's burial for PC who shot it out with killers rJH, Sun.— Police con- Tong Peng *m down when he exchanged fire wtth the ■~-to*. of P*rak ChleT g*£» Officer Datuk Koo g»o« Kong, was burled ftwn ooo at the H»f Rang Cemetery with full honours. His brave deed
      189 words
    • 62 12 Singapore car seized: Two detained KOTA BAKU. Sun.— Kelantan police yesterday handed orer a Mercedes car and 1U driver. detained at a roadblock here, to the Singapore police Potto* Mid today Urn car bad falat number plate and aotry dtaet. Tba BlDt»pof*-raiM«r«<l »*h»cla. valued at 540.500. wm detained at a
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    • 135 12 54 more held in hunt for. assassins IPOH, Sunday p*OH police have rounded up 54 more people In the town and Its outskirts In their hunt for the killers of Perak police chief Datuk Khoo Chong Kong. The Deputy IntpectorOeneral of Police Dktuk Mahmnod Yunui, Mid thete M were aelaad
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    • 187 12 Stronger anti-Red stand by KL, Jakarta PRAPAT (Sumatra), Sunday fUN Abdul Razak and President Suharto have exchanged information on communist activities in their countries and are expected to increase mutual defence and security co-operation, informed sources said today. The Malaysian and Indonesian Prime Ministers are currently holding wide ranging Informal
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 184 12 Mahathir warning on exam paper leak KOALA LDMPCB, tasu Hudndi of MCE and m candidate* at varioas see«ndarT sehAols here and la rVtallrtf Jaja bare been approached over the hut few davt by people clalmln j to possess certain •■estlon papers for the carrent fismlnstl— s Cofjies of Bafeaaa Malaysia
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    • 58 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun A state Minister In the West Oerman Ptorelrn Office. Mr Karl Moerch. arrived hare today tor a two-day visit. Mi. Moerch I* on a factfinding tour of South-east Asian nations and Australia to rta— «t Oerman policy towards Asia in the postIndochina war
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    • 268 12 Umno Club meeting to "put things right' LONDON. Sun After a year of limited success, the Umno Club United Kingdom. meeU today in London for iv fifth annual meeting to elect a new executive committee and set a course of action. In an attempt to "restore the club's credibility IU
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 609 12 eMETRU s Wm ■^■■11 MITtO STOtfS! k «A| wwjyjTTfW^^^mmmmmmm wwj}>§ V*Jjy T7T^g»^nTg»M W^r^T^TT^T^f^^TT^MWMWM jf «L« I BLOOMINGOALE*SIoi«»s><«d a»i MW/K1 Vi I-D #inbioussi *M *SdDU W JV I I OTlSsacfcj 2M I.H «M *jl .«^.t. mm it* '"♦rr^r 1 rgn wi ,c-,yj S fi importtd/locsl Wousr IM-7M 6iri tfrawsi imam MM
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 239 12 Brtaflag Op UiU Kavanagh «c Hal Crap ,J o*. V-4|iwcNogs>\ (*e bckt" To© «c o**r»'l TTTUS CA»«y WH*T Ms? V S*V" A gOBBC^V SOMTTViiNS/k *>, VMWTS TO BOMIOM BY*.. WANTS MV I ><-- r J— Et.SE?, 7 >«■• V >OJ* PCmrKHT"/ k«AN« IJT POHTWAT J \^^S BlongU* By ChU Young
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  • 217 13 School boys taking to heroin JJKROIN abuse is believed to be catching on among secondary schoolboys, it was learnt yesterday. Informed sources said Cent -aJ Narcotics Bureau officers first detected heroin addiction among schoolboys several months ago and have since arrested several o them. It U understood th* these offenders.
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  • 116 13 PARENTS' 'COME HOME* PLEA TO GIRL SIXTEEN year old schoolgirl. Chua Oek Choo. left her Owen Road home for a party m Nov 4. and has been rrussinc since. Her distraught fsther. Mr Chua Eak Shay. 41. a food supplier, who has been looking for her. Is mystified over her
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  • 25 13 MR Chan Poon Cha* haa barn appointed a deputy Cbltoclor of L*nd fteranu* and deputy registrar of atwta aroordlns u> Urn latest Oovaraa>enl« gaaatt.
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  • 65 13 rpWENTY-ONE chlld--1 ren from nine families benefited from the Social Welfare Department's home maker's service scheme last year. Under the scheme, children who need care because of sudden crises In the family such as death or desertion can be looked after In their own homes by
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  • 30 13 HOMX Affalis Miniitcr. Mr Chua atan Chin, will distribute girt pareeki and cmtti to needy, old peopl* of Urn MacPhanan eoostttuency on U* Welfare Day In January.
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  • 326 13 Teenage gang 'finance brains' held in raid A YOUTH, believed to be a notorious thug popular in managing gangland finances and accounts, has been arrested by the police. Though only IS he was described as a "veteran" In underworld flnsnrial matters and was believed to have been •treasurer" of at
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  • 174 13 A TOTAL of SSI beggars and destitutes were rounded up by the Social Welfare Department last year in Its dally patrols at public places. According to the department's annual report, 101 were beggars and the other 157 were destitutes found wanderIng or sleeping In
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  • 59 13 MR. Oeorr* J. Hn— i has bam apßlntaa dtraotor at the raaoaal VM. Ttmd* cantos bert to laplsee Mr. Arttar Laooard. who is to tsks op ■V BB^BBaBVP rVasl^afara lr* Ba^MjVwk Mr. CkuM tram Hew Jeney. haa btan with the 0.8 Dniaiiswii o( OoaiBMrea for 11 yean
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  • 169 13 'GET UP ON THE SOAP BOX' CALL TO S'POREANS SDfOAFOREAItB should take the platform on public occasions to voice concrete and positive opinions relerant to society, Benior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), Hajl Bhaarl Tadln. said yesteraay In this way fresh opinions and Ideas could be generated which could be acted on
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  • 221 13 I'm too happy for words says Choy Eng ATOM. wtauUa* Urn An* aria* la an eleaaUea. eeoteat yestardaj, a jmmmg stars tary Is— i astsaU at a lees far wards dartaf aa Interview with the pram 1 la too happy ta say aajtfclaf." mM laa Chey Knc, M, a* she
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 185 13 lftjPJtwrV; hi i i l, i i Otarlite awnings protect homes against sun, wind and rain. All models, 'fixed' or 'roll-up', are sunproof, fadeproof and guaranteed against wind damage for two years. Available in dashing horizontal or vertical stripes with cool white, all- aluminium understructures. Ask for a free measure
      185 words
    • 208 13 Your library. Stationery store, Grocery store, Hardware store, Drugstore, Spare parts storage, Retail display. You name it, KHINCO's got it. s\■~' I j i^ x f^i i I^l PI>TI or Erhci nc > Kh > co Shelving S, S, i^- v "W'in-Pjol" givas you s range of standard components and
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  • The Straits Times
    • 428 14 BY DINNER time tonight the leaders of six of the world's most powerful ipt dustrlal nations are expected to have reached broad agreement on the b^sls for a new world economic order. The gatherIng of the leaders of the United States, France, Japan, Britain, West Germany and
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    • 184 14 to DESCRIBE the results of the recent industrial health and safety survey of 83 small Singapore factories as "disappointing" is to understate the position. The survey shows no fewer than 71 of the factories to be unsafe and unhealthy to work In. The conditions revealed in the report
      184 words
  • 411 14 Govt's press Bill 'deal' with Lords LONDON: A Oevansmeat priaseal te raster* te Srtttob trade anleas the newer te srganiaa eissid shops has been tees* porartly sHs<iai*it by the H— ae ef Lards earn ever the finnaet the BUI might tare mm freidsai ef the press. In a rare act
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  • 1113 14 QNE day last week Andrei Sakharov received a telephone call at his Moscow flat He was told to report to the Department of Visas Registration, a division of the Administration for Internal Affairs. According to Sakharov, the chief of the office, a certain Bergei Fadeyev, told him: "Application for
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  • 764 14  -  BTZPHEN HUGES: Rabat By KINO Hassan of Morocco, who gambled by sending unarmed marchers Into the Western Sahara, has gained prestige and power by Spain's decision to relinquish the disputed territory. His spectacular 'peace march." although It gained only a tenuous foothold
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 46 15 ABOUT 1M venture nouU from various dMrlcU In Singapore and MaUjrtu will parUclpaU In a Modacout "II eoam here from Doc 33 to M. It la organiaad by the 1101 Venture (Orlffln) Dnlt and Urn 15th Senior Branch <Ranf*n> of ftaffloi InaU- Wtloc
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  • 95 15 Runme Shaw to open orchid show MR. Runme Shaw, chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, will open the Orchid Bbow 1975 at the People's Park Complex on Nov. 38 at 6 p.m. The snow, argantaod by the Nacyang Orchid a— cfttrwi and the iimiim— nt of Poopies Park Cbssptat
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  • 52 15 TBS Crweent OMs School Band will perform In the Culture Mtadsays Music for BwyOM concert at the f'l'f— Oonforance Hall on Dee 14 tt I p jn Tteketo at II tach are available at the Oonlarance HaH, Victoria Theatre. Maaonal MuMom. National Library and the usual
    52 words
  • 366 15 I OCAL sapporting industries that keep up-to-date with technology and production techniques have won over the hearts of major manufacturers here, according to a recent survey. The manufacturers too are relying more en them and of the 60 supporting firms surveyed. 52 indicated that
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  • 247 15 TAS may raise loans in the money marts npHE Telecommuni--1 cation Authority of Singapore, short of funds to meet an estimated capital expenditure of $835 million over the next five years, Is considering raising loans In Singapore as well as In the International money markets. The TAS chairman, Mr. Frank
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  • 258 15 A friendship that grew out of a computer (THEIRS was a 1 story that frcw from data to date. Aaafl the eOSaJSater .Mere Ussy Oral ml DavM Urn, U, ud Taa Alk lv, B, were caM hart stettattse fed late taw marhtar M Mt tad cwt the wtmU of a
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  • 61 15 Seminar on building BOTLDDtO drvrlopmant and control in Stagapar* will b* the thcaw of Uw fourth annual annlnar of the BuUdtng and btau Managemmt aoattj. Unlnratty of Stncaporp. to be held at Shanfrt-L* Hotel on Nov. 53 The atmlnar alma to promote knowledge of the Vocal bulldtnc tnduatrjr BKparta will
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  • 66 15 Christmas Fantasy at the Vie A OOMCawtT. Christmas Fantasy will be presented by the Young Musicians 7 Society at the Victoria Theatre an Nov. M at 4 p.m. and Nov. 90 at 8 p.m. Takmc part an amsapor* ChUdrva-a Cbotr twanann imw Caofer. Yoomj ssaaesmtw aartaty Donosrs sad the Bmmpora
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 203 15 PLASTK BINDING IS EASY WITH THE nsclM SYSTEM |iz3||al|al L •»>unchsmupto2Osjhejejt»a-«ctrtca«y •Bante boohs up to T IMck Maiy This American system is very simple to operate An NSC Electropunch does power-punching automatically so that paper can be bound by the NSC 28-H Binder in conjunction with attractively designed NSC Plastic
      203 words
    • 191 15 TAKE GARB OF YOUR EYES f^k Do not '«gjrd Classes ss WfX srticles of commerce Pro "jffA tessionsl eye cjre cjllj for "Jm careful disgnosis and precise &W measurement. jL We kave ftte newest equip M* ment to diagnose your eym|ht objectively snd accurately PIN OPTICAL CO. PERSIAN CARPET AUCTION
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 15 15 Water roniomption on Saturday was 571.--•M cubic metres. CT.ftM cable metres lem thaa oa Friday
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    • 715 15 On your TV SINGAPORE S "litLmr* 1 !S£^- to >Ta*«e mmi jj| ij^jj (Hatsr) Ul Diary of Eva* (Tss* 7.45 arts,, tsau Clutoy) 131 General Hospital U UQiHrnmi w Pnjrii 4.11 Isai MMlta- (Repeat) Ul Urn a. Hwrsel (Laxtoa) US Intermam 1W CoMtz mipa^i iniim an n *> iuu*nwt TTnijii.i
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 143 16 :"n6w showing" i Simultaneously at 2 Theatres «Z# REX GLOBE Admission S3, %2 SI CASH BOOKINGS only TALK about EXCITEiIST. TjAIK about DISASTERS... TALK abort 9UE9B mm UHUOVWf WSMBilißn att aaaffaHß I dl H. BB I3BOUSIM 4bV --^w ■■b ißia aina mbt^b^H L J| BJ P<tur« Bj^f 9 Ctntno Irrtaxootionol
      143 words
    • 198 16 I The I Beefeater A genuine English Pub (as near s» d it! 417, River Valley Road, Singapore phone *****5 open 7 days a week 11. 30 am -midnight Cocktail time fs9\ spm 7pm and 20% /^P^?\ off all drinks. vT-ly aCaU 1 VbbV^^^B^bV "Beefeaterette 11 k waitresses YffiMfffe 1
      198 words
    • 66 16 r^ <wa« rosen! j dMßhurty I Hka B^l fl aaO aia«a»i» eou>r?oa«ai aaat M^KrfOß ICVB6 Of KXDO 3rd FLOOR nNQUN SHOPPMG CENTRE I TEL *****3 3709» J UTitviaitiiiiiia.imiJ •M Niaiiam TaaaHa •tfc Bbv! •ataar (Uat > bm) I. IS. 1.30. 7.00 A 0.30 Max O»r 1 *i. .1 1• J«
      66 words
      354 words
    • 361 16 i m SWWIpK! j DfCW THAT! ji IBMIM I JO, 4 00. 7 0040JOPM 7jßß4«.lSpa> iUtOHtR ABaiaaka! t2M CBBfcia: *1 00 ilkMiiiTii [jItXTERByS TOl^H :^r CHIN HSIANG LIN «fMI KO CHUN-HSIUNG (in Moiwtwiw wirti Swfcriri-) ODEON: NIH SHOWING! MIGHTY IN SCOP£ bY aVaa&il "^ORCHARD? HL. Coming! BARBRA STREISAND JAMES
      361 words
    • 567 16 flf MM] T tj If t Of Tha MMt rAMTMST- g. •onov«_o«vCo»af lUA) COMING SOOM' Robart RaoVertf. MM f O"n- m I "Tfca OtIAT «ATMT- cater f (PARAMOUNT^tC) i T. Lung -BLACK MrfT I AAondorw Sca»a 4 Color NOCTCHANGT El. Waftach. Tom M4<an a. MOW SHOWIH4-H. rW. Uat I BaMi
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 454 17 Vim -joiCi^yT? i '^1 B **v *^*^VBbb^bbl La^PlMr Vkß b^^bb^bh*^^^^bbb! r' _a*"kTna^BV aW^M m a MyVJ-V r "^f H^tßaflaß^fcat*look like you need a few days Can you think tennis, golf, snorkeling, of a better break swimming, sailing, fishing, than a holiday water skiing and bowling, at the Hotel Bali Beach?
      454 words
    • 222 17 <>♦♦♦♦•• J **M^B I Hi: JL* Wffli tasteful new fumtehlngs and even more seating space at the new location 1 By Popular Demand! j. A4anw)& Janet B i Plus! The Fabulous M PBfcMttft M H I Get reedy for more f uo-f illed evenings. eathedeHgrrtfu'duo Margo&Janei together wtth tht Rtbbtee.
      222 words
    • 192 17 f^Buy any of these 3 all transistorised TV sets j)-^ shown below and get a j free table fan c^^a^r BB^aV .^HbB^BB BB^BbV^MP^^BB^BK^^^IbhBB B^BBBBa^BBBBBB 111 II laßT^V^X^'^BßHfl I I rB^I^HIBB^BB^BBVBB^BB^BB^B^B^BBwI II TR 24 SX witfi MAGIC LINE TR 20 DX wit)i MAGIC LINE ■iv v j INSIST ON YOUR GUARANTEE
      192 words

  • 786 18  - Russians making bid to gain foothold in Angola L. HEJNZERLING: By Johannesburg rpHE Soviet Union loudly tfteered by its allies in Africa is making a major Congo-style bid to gain a foothold in strategic and mine-ral-rich Angola. The Soviets have poured arms and funds into the newly Independent nation for
    AP  -  786 words
  • 529 18  - Vorster may get tough with opposition press STANLEY UYS By Cap* Town AN UGLY political reaction Is growInf In Sooth Africa after the collapse of the takeover bid by a Government topporter for the opposition press group, South African Associated Newspapers. Frustrated government politicians are sayIng that Prime Minister John
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 50 18 s»^ ts^Lff ss^BmJß^^ ■■^^^M^feA ■^■i^BSb sT eVHlua^g^n IHHIU OfUIKI IWliyf Tnt? Iy IV that impressed even JcKkieStewart. rtM*«lau> Goo*«r» Zaumm A>o<*«» con) UftmmmmQKDGn^^tYmtO^im^^^m <*~*k~* <•"•»•• fl| *imln»at*Goa«M'oSaoonral •aarnktoewdtntana *»Gax .-^4 f_J ■> A at sm** oar Gram n«. W A Ji urn OSSSVSiM OSAISM m want b3^ 1 nn f
      50 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1091 19 K^^^r^#^^-^jt^£^^2^£j t "j^l A j^^jJXfcJ'lJJEiM ajMMI I MB -MMMMMMMkMMMI CMIMaMV HMBB It M/tMIHfI l'*aa Mtvrf i rtltieil aIV t-pim P taitnj Oc-tn raaa-t II CMIIfll •«T Tta. aBM li Mi 11 Mi 14 M t M ■MM ii.i >tMi aMc DM* nMc II M MUif* IMe HMe MM MM 71
      1,091 words
    • 1266 19 Ben Ocean Atwt serv)np o( Ben Line BktP Fhnnei GTen Linp and NSMC~> v m. CMiaaaT im mT" I para P MMJ PMMt tMM PMMll'ltn IMII Mf 111* Ml mm MMM in. I'M*. KtMf. C 'mm*. cwMiau MPt/ii ttvM mi n/a mimi* Mia. rtat mmmm ava m. vm mm m
      1,266 words
    • 979 19 emmmmm sat mm urn mm nm mm MMMM UMUI DM a M MM MM* BM II M MMM IM I M HIM MM* MM* Tl M MMIMM M.T II Me 11 Mt I M 1 JM I M I M MMMM Mm TIM. UM II IM MM MM II M
      979 words
    • 970 19 I IfPPiPPViPHVI I «mml Iml omm! B V mmT, mmS.l PmmV bErn! fm^M* mmmH FULLY COMTAIMitIZIO StKVtCI TO IUHOfI P. MM* fun t-ffj. SSSL M 2 l Mjfttft**, MrtirMM. Mm** It Hurt. SSSmT m if *"*-l Hrn. tVMaiMiMi. ■JJ,*" 111 *j ,J cmhimi.. emutMft mmmm mm mjmu mti I SMcmiMl
      970 words
    • 766 19 IMMM* 1TJ444. ft, MMJ 041; IL W7ll PMMi JStl. THE BANK LIMB LTD. imk rit tit unu. LMtn MM >MMr.T'M. Mmm. 1 MncM P MtMf It M J pv. I I M PMM lAIT I tMta WMU PM MMMM. *UM*UL i M »M*J P-MMJtJ m Pan. tmm inn imm ii
      766 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1049 20 FMT CMTTAMIWa StlffCt Ta Fn» Earea*) |Vl* Stem) S'pmj P toMf tTW| raa A'atr* mmm Irti SUS MM i Nc lm llki niR Nk »*> KPTMI IMMII Ik INc J7 Nc 11 Nc J Jm W b m b m iml efft^Aaja %pwt P MM| TetMMM Omi hrn TIMM HIM
      1,049 words
    • 954 20 Tmm it* iti a> Mien mcm* ii m pm w mi Man imm MMTT lIMM M(MI M Ml a Mt aaaM. MU MM TaMM a Mm I Mi >Mi<imii ii/i i—Wi tmi PMMMarr a*M** IMI Im* mmnn^mnt/tmmmtit. ITa FMr. MMMI Nm SMM 9m. SkßMn 1 M ZSDII 0 law) CmM
      954 words
    • 904 20 W^^^^^m^^^m^^^\ HUI MMMMMM SMWg Tt DMJW Ml MOl*t P. MMaj rMM.TM*T ITtM fMB MM« MMI mmjptm, Mttm it Mt a m ti mi ami ti m* am* aMa mm mm mmm t/ 1 m* iMa ii Mt a*n aMt a m MTTMI IMIMU I Ml I M n M It
      904 words
    • 773 20 anat nwet w Immjr. uw^mVcwwot win mmm mim mm~ Sr mSTmT £mm\ I*Tm VTiCivu lm ct-t.wa.-u iriMi flia Id 1 MMI MMM It/a Mi 1/ I M Im nI I *mI. CtMM J ilt«| 11/7 imi MVI mmi mti tiM*tcaaMn.aMc i/ 1 mumAm l m C4.i.w. riaa. Ml TMM nm
      773 words
    • 875 20 W. NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE Par Cast Europe WbCjtMMT^ MKSn I M rSIMMMO PTI lit. (vdKA i- nrni 4 lmn \^««rM-| SSI ruuum stmas sm mi T «-l «1171 P IkM) TUVTCI JtM P lIM| itttomm Can r«aa. »Vt taw. mmmt MM MM trniMii im>. mn. »mm. Man iai la 1
      875 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    69 21 The Pcrmer Chairman of Rural Council MR. NEO TIEW, OBE, SCH, aged 92, an early pioneer of Urn Chu Kang. Singapore patted away peacefully at 2 p. m. 13th November, 1975, leaving tons, daughter*, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great, great grandchildren to mourn hit lots Cortege leaves 2S-C, Jalan
    69 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    31 21 THE FAMILY OT late MR LIB KONG LONG (206 A Bock 19, Baiam Road) express thants to relatives, friends, office mlloamaa tor their attendance, donations, wnattaa during their recent bereavement
    31 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 580 21 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY i.icumim) mm tt ■t^L wit cwit Mm rant it rm« IKK. 'I nan I Ala «t'l* 1 M m*»m iPIHI ■M mx UII Ml lt.ll SM I mmmm l^-Tii.TT "ii iTT^-uff* IIfMII «lt»lCI llMin MCIFK M*T»»III 21 MT*. nn tmmm MM liMn I mm mm
      580 words
    • 671 21 I WORLD SHIPPING CO.. LTD. I (Incorporated in Japan) fake pleo.ure to announce fhe appoinfmenf of I NIPPON EXPRESS (S) PTE., LTD.I at our General Aganf in Singapore ■SINO-JAPAN SHIPPING PTE. LTD at our General Agenf in W. Malaysia FOt OUt tEGULAt JAPAM/ HONGKONG/ STtAITS EXMESS SEtVICIJ .^> NIPPON EXPRESS
      671 words
    • 882 21 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Mahak Costain Joint Venture intends to solicit quotations from qualified Iranian and International prime manufacturing organizations for materials, services and equipment required in the construction of a large township in Southern Iran involving housing, shops, schools, offices, warehouses, community and other buildings and all related
      882 words

    • 1139 22 Ewm* ti'itMg. ef EwMjitm. The ywar's kagk priM,tkeTwia»iai. tke M Hit I yUki mmt the grwa prttw wßAa'TMWgys rsoB). NOTE: Cieetag Price meaaa Ike prtee ef the met rspertit traassrrlia ea FrMay TW seeeaa cekma givM vwa Ike mwvwmeat ateee Urn week aemre. Dhrideerf YleM le Ik*
      1,139 words
    • 690 22 THt foll«wta« ar* tW >kar*. eel IrlatiS la Urn raU) ««ly.M Prle* ignanal I* haae* «a cianrim «a Urn leet eak m No*. 14 agamet Übnd by Urn Mmw im tamiaas wMU EeßwßiwMU M 0 30 1 W lit M m i i n on IX JM
      690 words
    • 197 22 Company meetings The following company masting! are due: The raaaag CianHiilii riiim Left.: Nov. It. noon. at Mines Office. Bungei Lembtng. Pahang. O him Citeaea Biaslsg Oirairattea IM-: Nov. It. JSO pa. Beglsteien Office. Upper Pickering Street. Bln"SZatrml nm vi laimnilai LU.: No* 31. SJi pJB. 10-A. Block S4. Commonwealth
      197 words
    • 461 22 Domestic -yHE US dollar opened 1 higher In the Singapore fore* market last week at »3 460&-11 despite the fact that the FNCB In New York had cut its prime rate That event had been H already It was weU traded In the U 4CSS-7 4«W region,
      461 words
    • 41 22 r» the wewft elided Safraatay. Nov. 15 the range jf call rates 1 froWgfWt Deposit. (M> BrrEad was as follows: BANK FUND: 31 per eeat U St cent. CENTKAL FUNDS: It c nl v 9tmlteiaJtew «M> ■llitf.
      41 words
    • 201 22 A SIAN currency average A deposits rates for the week ended Friday. Mov. 14 7 d»jn 1 mth a mth* I mth* 8 mth» 9 mth* 13 mtb» Hi«k tarn 5 11/18 5 3/1 8 11 >/• 1/3 1/4 3/4 3/1 T II 7 S 16 T
      201 words
    • 122 22 (\H the local money market. the rate* continued to firm up further last weak. The firmer tendency was due mainly to strong bids r— **"r for 1 months by major foreign and local Overnight 1. 2. and 1 funds dosed (or the week at 4H V I*7
      122 words
    • 33 22 lum *****1 prim ea PrMw iniM la MaekaK). wmear SMt k«Fw »T» m> Milan SSTS.IO <sm.**Ki IWII Mevta hew isas.SSi> eanar itaecw). Market aw>: Mara* mm MM*: «.«M
      33 words
    • 32 22 Prime lending rates (in Alpvaane Bank 7 ■awgetek swa 7* •aJTwlA*a«e»i •sAwfChwls 7 Bar* ef Te«M) 7 Bar* Neaare hawH 7H BawaVeVl-lwa'iit.liii 7 Chwrte*e« Bar* 7 CheaeMavwWNan 7 SenT mksk r P^:::::Ei|
      32 words
    • 334 22 TkJBW TOWC. Fit Tbe stock Market Made a email advance as MMfqM appaiauUy stepped keck to aawae U* outEo* for Mew Too: City and. to a lamer teat, for Federal Bstani poUey. The Dow jooM industrial average) ckaed at op J 44 tram Thursday vommc on tbe Mew
      334 words
    • 90 22 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday SM.t Thursday »«-4 WMk mo MM TIN* Friday (i m Thursday MM Wmti nma>V' "rids* ma Thursday WH WMk ago MJI Ml Friday Thursday sJi.u Week ago SS4.M DOW JONES AVUtAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday MS t7 Tbunday SSI 33 Week ago tUSO LONDON DOU.AB PREMIUM
      90 words
    • 92 22 'an. 4. I*7l -IM Hilt Vi! Lew }|k th rm 1*1.17 M.07 A-.1.t1,. lw sf \l? M *yX UIM Ut.ll Banks, la—a.m. FtoaaM MM- n* T^T 11 h.-.""* 9lt —""'at 144*t 14t.1l 1M SMtiiiJ! S-SSL-! BMMMg j«-«— MtX.7 UM4 ri-t-?Re*«W MU tUM m -n m.« ggrtffiSL
      92 words
    • 99 22 •HE Mtowiac art «f riMki l m ta. tea MM 4<aM i> l»* ndi It d*w Uw mm to «f mmtU. Mac arton FrMay sad M(k iM ht l«r 1»7». Ttarw»»w PHms IH>k Urn ta* Dvkr MM «Ut 9CM f 14* *»«.»fcHto IJlt NiMH $1« MM 1.0.8.
      99 words
    • 159 22 ■M It MMk 11 Not. 11 Not. 11 Not. 14 B.T. U4n in 71 111 IM II IM.M MMmk: out i«« m*t nut mjt W— m: MN 1»7.1( MUI MIS* 4tSJt 1 H«Uto: 1(7*4 1(4.71 MtAS 1*7.14 If7jtf Plipullll: UUt IIS.H 144.7* 144J1 1(4.(7 t Tlas:
      159 words
    • 71 22 Carnal D»W Tatel far TaUl for ptpw> P«7»M* Urn ywr pinto jtm '■tar IMk Jo. It L M ImM Till lU%t DM. U lU%t *SJ% ribr Tj%t om. is 7J%t •JL H.MI.CI «J% Dm- U I«J% UJ% lH««tew B«ktar 7J%t DM- >• "-*%t LI. twL 1% 1% >•*
      71 words
    • 472 22 POKDITIONB turned generally easier at the Stngaporc produce market last »eek following news that fcUes at certain sources were b.'ng stepped up before toe »b "»1 hil' Mt in. At the Singapore end. acnUmcnt was again adversely tnflucnMd by the withdrawal of aU advlcM by the Western markets,
      472 words
    • 75 22 7PBJCH. Frt— Stock, pel-rro£jr«V«-,*SSvt Bond prices however were well Maintained. The Credit Sums* index lost point to lit t CIM at am* a *mim rrmxa wn» n» «Haan ea urn in lm ■aatm'a erlea. ntn m mm lut a*tu siM -m i» t NM^WMI ITW -1» Igjg— r%AAk Ml
      75 words
    • 130 22 AMSTERDAM. Frl Dutch IntemaUonali advanced while ■mmi edged higher after its third Quarter lorn which was lancelv expected, dealers aald. Om and aim asm featured prcoominant sains elsewhere Declines were led by ruahiii and lam Beia. Insurances were led up by Eaata. Most shippings weakraed. Sutc loan* edged higher
      130 words
    • 64 22 PrMav T»»ili( UM UM Mtlbaunx 11) lU.SI 113.51 UMW 141. MS 14S MB 141 .MS 144 MB Kwtnrt 144.M 14S.M fain 141.T58 145.508 14X.7M 144.5 M Para 14» M 144.00 liamif rnamt ■»-t*T-t 14S.W 144.40 S'ten (Jp 141.548 142 T4B 145.54 144 Tl F«M« prtc« la miurlui anaa
      64 words
    • 426 22 rt Singapore stock market test week managed to shake off the effect* of the painful Malays**!, Budget convincingly, much to the consternation of shortsellers who had anticipated otherwise After s barely steady opening, the week progressed into a slow but steady bullish build-up which saw prices finish ing
      426 words
    • 385 22 DESPITE a slight improvement in share prices on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week, the reduced volume of business indicated a market that still lar'.ed buying support. There was In fact mild but persistent selling. Losses were subsequently offset by some sluggish buying. Turnover last week
      385 words
    • 343 22 LONDON The market eased slightly under the Influence of proflttaklng last week although turnover was tow. The FT Index fell 3.7 points to M 6.6 at Friday's close compared with M 9.3 the previous Friday Oovernment bond* gained up to one-half point with most support directed at
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 449 22 MANILA The Hong Kong Commodity Exchange l* scheduled to begin trading operation* next Apri: after It submit* Its proposed rules and regulation* for approval to the colony's Legislative Council In Februay. a principal crgnnUtr aald here or Saturday. Mr. H. Jobn Wilton, a retired
      AP  -  449 words
      • 170 22 LONDON: Tin finished with losses of about £5 per tonne for cash and £2 for three months In both contracts on Friday morning. Prices firmed initially on a further advance at Penang and lower sterling against the US dollar prompted modest covering and fresh buyIng But
        Reuter  -  170 words
      • 413 22 LONDON After hours steadiness In the East allied to currency factors kept rubber values fairly well maintained last Friday The terminal market was thinly traded for much of the session but finally recorded a turnover of 97 lots of 15 tonnet each Including 10 kerbs) and seven
        Reuter  -  413 words

  • 24 23 WILLIAM N (WLL) DAROY. much irxl and fslher, soldier rid Wars and formally tytian Agricultural peacefully In ipMal Hamp..and on November 14th.
    24 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 363 23 classified ads (g) iOU(«f IIIM1 SALONS in npun for your lautt prrmlrtf and ■rHiui book cMtrrm now ()p»na From 10 00 a m I 00 pm imiiy (Bundayi CloHd) Bit 1M Loronf 1. Tot Pmyofi tot •AMAWTAM Of «nfla '"niDM' DMComftd? Umt tl -44-44 d«J or nl«tit H»lp 11 M
      363 words
    • 666 23 SSHSRAL CtBRK MALE. Matured personality with toad command of English, able handling Commercial correspondence independenUy Retired persons welcome Apply stating experience, salary expected S T Box Alias COMQtNP (PTS) LTD. require* PARTS ASSISTANT Singapore cttlsen IHnh-iiM yean of age Mln_s«_s Cambridge School Ceruncate or Equivalent a MInIMUM Shears relevant a
      666 words
    • 721 23 MAKE MORE HOMEY Start PartTime by selling Beau Iful Christmas and Chinese New Year Cards Call at O-17. Qentral Building. (Behind People's Park Centre) or Phone. Patrick 9154 M is 30 am 10* pan IBS IBS" < after 6 M p.m.) require* a limiraa-sisi isiis.i K '««*e et AHOROX Uwaslrlel
      721 words
    • 723 23 RBQU*MJO SxMJRBMATBLV A fully qualified CnaasMt by Jurong Factory for Industrial Laboratory work Reply with fun resume i--ctodng recent photograph and stating salary expected te P O Box IMS Singapore TECINNCIAN. MUST NAVE bade Electronic/ TV aspanence Oood promotional prospects. Tel: swtSMMr Chang FA— eLY OP requires an experienced cook
      723 words
    • 620 23 WORLD LIADINS INTERNATIONAL CUpiiMamw maim Sevrral Male/ Female Malay. Chi new. Indian School Leavers and Juator BxecuUves and PRO MuM be IS yean and above For Further Information, coom personally to: ISS-B, OoldhlU Shopping Centre. Thomson Raad. (lTth- isih November I*o* am— 3 00 p m i mbco OPERATORS 1
      620 words
    • 726 23 Eh 1. BSTACI— SUMRALOW OMT. M located m extremely quiet location off Holland Road 1 bedroom*, study, separate living and dining, large kitchen and servant's Available partiv rurnidMd I. EXECUTIVE APARTMENTS with central alrcond. and swimming pool 3 bedrooms and a study Available furnished or partly furnished K. CHOICE OF
      726 words
    • 765 23 OMRA ESTATE SMS. Bln)al Park MS* Tal Hwan HelgMs MM Thomson Park BBSS. Bennett Avenue S7M Pay* Labar I7M Big Kheng Oantai MM Haw Sen Close MM Brankaesae Road 195* Mandarin Park Hongkong Park SI OSO Heerr Park lUfc Lucky Park tl. tit Chancery HUI 11.5*0 HlllcreM SI.BSB Faber
      765 words
    • 694 23 IT -MBVRLYN ROAO diet 11 luxuriously caecuUvc apartmenu vttfe cvt-BC—Jnc poot, f'B-ty ■"■ruehed. I servant i room with toilet Joint Housing Agency 11*367/ 744 M OMT. S NMJM FLOOR apartment 3 parquet bedrooms. L' shape living' dining modern light fit tings. 3 alrcons. telephone. tastefully furnished Viewing ME1741/ 2WM33 LUXURIOUS
      694 words
    • 625 23 COMPANY EXSCUTTVE miu'.r» bungalow or apartment WUling to pay S2.M* (S.MO for right accommodation Please seal M4TTM ea. I CONBULTANT UNIQUE has foreign rxecullve clients for detached semi -detached and apartmenu in dlsU I*. 11. and 21 preferably unfurnished, rentals from SI.BM 14.000 Please rail 333*6*/* AMERICAN OIL RIO company
      625 words
    • 705 23 OIST 11 QOLDHILL VIEW Off Dunearn Road near Anglolevel terrace mosaic, parquet thuagniat Area I.M* sa. ft Seßtag Sin.SM Loan avauabte rsn Housln* Agency 7SIIJ 744 M LUCKY HNXS 1 years oM attractive double-storey terrace. spUt-levd 3 bsdroosa*. servant freehold I; 10 000 ono Phone ttmsi rmn Q_s*Ry Houaaa In
      705 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 604 24 OIST 1* •INOLC-CTORCY Hungalnw 47 0M aq ft (15 p s f bungalows in various district Tel BMSV 25M0M/ rx*T i* OOLDBM Hsu. 2/1 storey brsnd new terrace/ semidetached 4 bedrooms, servant s (130.000 (200 000 Phone r«0*B *****2* OSST M M.B. Upper Thomson Road 2 storey semi-detached 1,--(O* sq
      604 words
    • 622 24 MMHMMATBLV AVAILABLE FULLY furnished and airrondnionsd ex ecutlve office rooms, with use of compkwi office equspsaent and sscretanal senncas on s dally, weekly or monthly basts Also dssk and utephune TM 3J2UI (Spore) Business k Office Services TAN CAN KIAM B4MLDINS atrium* Sweat READY POR OCCUPATION PfOftJfJsMtXeAj sa/WS OOsfeVsMMMVCwBI firms
      622 words
    • 682 24 POR SM MOMTMLV we provide ussptweia/ sjasibM ssmcas. AMs> senncas available. I 11 7* Bprins^lsstßsrvlCMMMtM CEMTBjALLV LOCATED MOOORM warehouse with co»et sd and open space avaßaMs for rent sad loose packaat storage at M. Martin Road, Spore Tel 371*82/ *****7 wOumjN 1 vfWWt Bvapww) >ROHRfI CONSULTANTS VALUIRS AMO RIAL ISTATI
      682 words
    • 790 24 c Tht first International Ocean TxposNlsn m the history of mankind Okinawa Japan Exhibits from more than M countries c Oo Expo 75 with Cft E Tours Fly the Jumbo Family 8747 c Collect your full-colour Expo newsletter from C ft B Tours TAIWAN/ NUALMMs/ OKINAWAIIPO/ HONOST.OMSV' BANOKOK t/12/14 days
      790 words
    • 766 24 NAM NO TRAVBL Service (Btngapore) Pte LIMMij. West Mak^statourtlacrustveOsnung (VMohlands) by dataw* asrcondltioned bus seven days Ml 7*- departure everyday OenMBS/ rsiasrmi Hkjkaands Bour days MIOV-. Oenttttf Hsjnkuids- four days ßSllV-^dspar-ture everyday Bangkok Chiang saai by dssiuM slrtMißjMMit coach toartsan da/s MtsV-. 10/11/71. 13/11/71. 1/11/75! 4/11/7*. 7/11/75, IC/11/7*. is/ivn. n/U77*.
      766 words
    • 540 24 Offers from MM/- To isaOsa I n I tarts Also Special Offers To Assweßs Teßps^— Msssssassj JBTAWA* TRAVEL CENTRE R».M4,(a» h,miiii a— a. Tsk OINJS*/ MIO4I CHEAP FARES! Travel anywhere in las world for, leas than normal BANOKOK week-end Tours Three. Four or Seven Days APCX AM BROKERS Far tat
      540 words
    • 396 24 INBAPORI INSTITUTE OP SCIIMCI. IMA. Serangoon Road. (MM4M) Bcssoce. MathsAccountancy CtMMsBMJMaOwS MB* MM>R)ai»nSs» Mlft mSSks. a* M i UWPTCandlXCsniifxts S*i-nmin«4i i| > Languages Computer f" 7 *Tn»i m»" i»V»<T»r an Engineering iEEriSrSEr- Tt^Hiif'pT 'SrmT— w» M»sTTrUTI OP MANKETNM Osrtlflcate Course commenemf 130 pm Tuesday Kth November Enqulrtss Management Training Centre
      396 words
    • 483 24 RMORT/ BXPORT PSJOCBBSJBBS and Documentation EslslHMhlag over seas contact sales clause, methods of payment, rrekjht ralflatlons. types of L/C. contra- a. banking and shipping procedures BTN coding, customs procedures. transhipment re-export. Insurance and claims etc every Monday evening dass from 7 I 31 p at rnmmsnamg tonight at 4M. Hh
      483 words
    • 681 24 CCONNIBRC MWRTIIAMO. BOOKKIBPMB. typewnung. correspoßSsacs and Reportwming ckMSM Commencing sth Bth HomassM Enrol earry Singapore rummiuMl School. 15A kvachenMe Road. 3277(1 *****1 OR TMD. Upper Serangoon Road MMM/ 2120*10 Regent Commercial Institute. Ith floor ORTH BsskMng MtIM CENTRE The largeet and moot progressive resource centre lor education in business md
      681 words
    • 860 24 Itn OATSWM ISM I*7l Mini SpseMU IOM 1171 Teyote Corolla IMS Austin IMB OT Masda ISM I*7o Datsun I2M Maada 12M IM* Ford Karon 1 10S Mini IM* Cooper IMt Austin Mini sVW IM7 Ford Angus IBM IMC Mini CM M F Arranges his view 3. Cavan Road l^3sj^^^^igiggggigi rVaf#/V#CT>%
      860 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 544 25 RBRTTAL. NMM PWRCNABC sale wooden Mmlture Contact Uxv don Woodworkmc 2882 Oe/lanBahru Btt TtorflUllangßahrV (Terrace Partory) Spore 12 Tat vj»» 2MS4M open Sunday 00 »m 400 p m dally 100 am 130pm AOSBAN S CAR* PURSWTURa Of Distinction/ fumuhing fabrics and ssagrsss malting 42S River 1MB) hmt T». rfliN rrajTo
      544 words
    • 599 25 MUea.S.l TV BAY/ Nlgtit Vr»*p« All brands Repair guaranteed Moderale chart** Tel 23*mae. ISUM Spore BSHBMO OAT/ NSOMT Serrtr* Any iSSeT V nwngCotour Anunnae Moderau Charges ConUrt »I«H BLSTROOBI TV. SEKVICIHO repair* any make of utrvtslon L)s« Night Service Phone ♦537T7 2»esto. LIAN AIK BCCORATrON Con(trurtlon Oompany specialises In brvk
      599 words
    • 658 25 OW al Ml eswWUTwM sjt for mi. IMB KVA. lies hp aim rpm dau of manufacturing IM4 rating. X V. St c/s. Wesfht; S» «olons IntsrsssWpartjr ptaa** wrtu 10 P O Bos IBEBBsnaapare 1. lor sale Capacity ITS Kg./ Mr. (J7*J lbs 'hr working pnssaw 101) Kp (IMP* niavt p\ml
      658 words
    • 225 25 BWCI IMM avMUkftU for msslEtSll lllBfllllß at ÜBSM isirtlilßtß, m-F.Tta«Biws*Cear Ansoo Bosmji CM eaekssr««i* tjssl perUMunis. earpetad tbout 1 issHrss sy 11 sseties, nn•urnttfMd. sMStI B.CM BTO alrlandmnwsH. rhe BsatMhkf asar Be Uapsctsd an IStfc WaisßJßsrien betewa 11 km ana it noea at t, Bsws* ResA »p—sa gas and
      225 words
    • 333 25 P^iJsWl I .Tils*! \t+% Ii HOTEL A CATERING TRAINING SCHOOL SINGAPORE Applications ar« invited from SINGAPORE CITIZENS (motes/ remotes) for the following courses:--(A) Food ond Iwverwffe Service Supervrtocy Level (I) Hotel Hosjaekeooing Supermory Level (C) Hotel CsMhiers > (D) Local Cookery f>i J mt TrsaiffiE rwHOT w* I rrjj (A)
      333 words
    • 551 25 1■ A STEADY EMPLOYER invites applications from suitably qualified MALAYSIAN citizens to fill the following positions: PROCESS ENGINEER Responsible for establishing, developing and maintaining manufacturing process, writing process and specifications, with a view to improving production yield towards efficiency. Successful applicant should possess a Degree in Engineering Disciplines, preferably in
      551 words
    • 593 25 TgTl|T| ITT TRANSELECTRONICS 111 (MALAYSIA) SON. BHD. We are expanding our audio production facility in Penang: We solicit applications from suitably qualified individuals for the following positions 1. PURCHASING MANAGER Individuals with some proven years of experience in purchasing of both electrical and mechanical parts He will also be responsible
      593 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1070 26 ig^^^r^^^^^^^^i 111 ASSOCIATED I PAN MALAYSIA CEMENT SDN. BJID. I which is associated wltha large International group, and one of the biggest cement manufacturers in Malaysia, now seeks to appoint a SALES MANAGER to be based In Kuala Lumpur. The Sales Manager. who will report to the Group Marketing Director,
      1,070 words
    • 810 26 INSTITIUT TEKNOLO JI MARA Bfh.|i«n EXTENSION EDUCATION ITM akan TfnMf**" kdas-kelas sambilan sebeiah malam bagl BUMIPUTRA-BUMIPUTRA yang berkelayakan. Kursus-kursus berlkut akan dimulakan pada bulan Januaii, 1076 dl Kampus ITM. JALAN OTHMAN. Petallng Jaya sejumlah 1-10 Jam semlnggu A. Kieae kweae 0»li in rm (I) Diploma In Accountancy dl) Diploma in
      810 words
    • 564 26 J^LiaUPMUMTHI ■wiles stm^waliwjfnr fie pnsiiinn erf EUCTRtO^L/MECHANICAL OUALIPICATIOM. ft EXPCRIENCf Applicants must have a Degree or Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering with preferably 3 years' practical experience in the installation, operation and maintenance of High and Low Tension electrical installations, and air-conditioning plants for large commercial buildings Experience in building protect
      564 words
    • 514 26 MARINE SALES EXECUTIVE We are a Company well placed in the Marine Industry and due to our expansion programme we wish to appoint a high calibre Marine Sales Executive. The Candidate must possess a recognised diploma in marine engineering or its equivalent. Must be in possession of a valid driving
      514 words
    • 642 26 THE SINGAPORE MERCANTILE COOPERATIVE THRIFT LOAN SOCIETY LIMITED MSA. Owen Road. Btn*mpor«B NOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEN that the PORTTriFTH <«Sth) ANNUAL OENERAL sf EBTINO of UM Jembert of Urn Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thrift 4. Loan Society Limited will be held on Frtdej. 28th November. 1975 at 00 p m at
      642 words

    • 716 27 All set for a thrilling finish SYDNEY, Sun— The West Indies and New South Wales are set for a thrilling finish In their friendly clash at the cricket ground here tomorrow after the West Indies dramatically turned the tables on a confident state side this afternoon. When oad light (topped
      716 words
    • 319 27 Security hit by cut in Games funds \TW TOSX. Son. An x^ United States Oovarament protect to help safeguard nest year's Olympics at Montreal from a kfunkhtype terrorist tragedy Is threatened with curtailment because of Urn Pord Administration's budget souesse. it was teamed yesterday. Sources said that a USO33 salluon
      UPI  -  319 words
    • 752 27 GEORGE— DERBY'S WORTHWHILE BUY HIS GOAL SENDS THE MIDLANDERS TO THE TOP OF THE TABLE lONDON, San. If Derby Con nty English soccer champions, feared they were buying trouble when they signed up Charlie George earlier this year they need not have worried. George came to Derby from Arsenal with
      Reuter  -  752 words
    • 34 27 LONDON. Sun. Bddte Dtbbs surged back from the brink of defeat yesterday and beat Jimmy Connors l-«, 0-1. 7-s inabreathtaklng aDsrasrlcen men's singles final of the Oewar Cup international tennis tournament Renter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 171 27 Y>ARia. Ban. B«lxium 1 qualified (or Urn Quarter finals of Urn European Soccer Championship when they drew 0-0 In a scrappy Oroup Seven match against France here last night. The French, i«i-»rin» in Ideas, were further handicapped when sec-ond-half substitute JeanMichel Larque was ordered
      171 words
    • 64 27 LAHORK. Sun PskkV tan and inrtonti ill piay Utatr OarU Cup BMUrn Zom Uiird round U* in Karachi from Mb" U to Not. SO. tht'Pwklaten L*wn Tennli ■■ockiMnti amid ban Mm, PakUUn ortftnally propond tn«t ttm malch ba plajrwd from Not. a to Nor M,
      64 words
    • 1121 27 nMTMVM»ON ■MiI HIM C«y S Araanai I. Buntt) I wnnrtniiiia Wwat ran S, CKvancry CKjp I Nome* CHy 0 Darby County I »oM Has Unlva< I. IWM I MandMaiar City 1. l»aw«rh Town I QuaaMfmrk Mawfan I. Mawnamr MMM t Ma vu» I mmiiiiai ii a» t
      1,121 words
    • 2209 28  -  EPSOM JEEP By RUALA LUMPUR, San— Banna Wan, carrying the colour, of Tunkn Abdul Rahman, scored an impressive all-the-way win in the 1,200 m Totalisaltor Board Stakes for Malaysianbred hones in Class 5 and 6 here today. Bangs* Wan was the first leg of a
      2,209 words
    • 41 28 POOL: ».m IST No. 14*177 («.;••> 2ND No IIMM (SI.«M) SKO Na. 14M7S (IMS) SUrtcn e»ck) Mm: MINI 141J7J 14M45 14OM 147 US IMIM IU4M *****4 *****1 Consolation (MS each) Noa: *****4 *****4 4MMMMM *****2 144 MS 14MM 14MN 147U4
      41 words
    • 446 28 It's Mac Donald again in Macao GP MACAO. Bun. John Mac Donald of Hongkong won the Macao Orand Prix for a record fourth time when he twept to victory In his Rait racing car In the 22nd running of the event today. As fancied driven were forced out with engine
      Reuter  -  446 words
    • 297 29  - Sunshine on wet Tartan ERNEST FtUDA SWEE LEE SPARKLES IN TRIALS By £HEE Swee Lee, wiio will lead our medal hunt in the Seap Games athletics programme, shimmered with brilliance on a wet, dreary day at the SAAA time-trials last Saturday. Her 300-metre effort was smooth and easy the timekeepers
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    • 352 29 BANGKOK-BOUND Chee Bwn LwiulD ipJendUJ lorm when ih« cruised to a record -breaking win In the •omen i 400 m tn 57 8 neoodi at the AOFC athletic matt at the Rafflea InsUUittor. ground ye*erday KraalU .00m 1 LMlte ShephtrdMm 2 wtiiuun Lee 3 Quek Hung Kok 114
      352 words
    • 590 29  - Youngsters with character? PERCY SBIEVIMTIE B> 'THE Singapore 1 team that meets Hongkong in the cricket Interport on Nov. 28—30, will be the youngest side to cross the South China Sea. To many connoisseurs of the game, this team would appear a counterfelt national lineup. There are no playen with,
      590 words
    • 168 29 Now Breitner boycotts German team MUNICH, Son.— World Jfl Cup «tar Paul Breltner. like hi* Real Madrid teammate. Ouenter Netaer. bae iworn never to play for Wett Oermany again, according to an Interview published here yesterday. Tm finished with the natkmal team once and for all," he told a loc-l
      168 words
    • 42 29 ■nwoKpap, am obODlssd Btatos'O'vwwbßßnMd Uitsm eoootnvaß _Alw "jSs^dj^ Uuv k ttM tab urn omi»jm (chSm) am prtaa Id tfca Hae*B*m ~3bmm *f*""'« classic a\J. To*—, trass Jattk *m •g^sjioc Id every fcflpssS v eawt ud«dntl*<B«»te. OOP. «P Kgtato ah
      42 words
    • 182 29 BEE KHIM'S TITLE BY MASSIVE 16 STROKES IT U ALA LUMPUR, Sun. I*. Bee Bee Khlm. who complained of lack of practice, carded a two-over-par 74 today to win the Selangor Open women's golf title by is strokes at the National Subang course. Bee Khlm. who works for a Singapore
      182 words
    • 300 29  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE'S King's Cup soccer team last night carved out a morale boosting victory. thrashing a Singapore Germans XI 5-1 before more than 5,000 fans at Jurong Stadium. Apart from this triumph, the team also provided the fans, mostly from Jurong. a taste of
      300 words
    • 95 29 ARMED Forces, the current Toto Cup Youth champions, put themselves In line for a second title last night when they qualified for the Pepsi Youth Cup final by beating Tamplnes Rovers 2-0 at Jalan rVftar Stadium. Forces will meet the surprise packet of the tournament, Fathul Karlb.
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    • 121 29 Moon Choy enters third round STT MOON CHOY of Singapore Airline* acored an eaiy 6-0. 6-1 victory ova Bruno CuppeUlnl of Allullla to enter the third round of the CPA'a Interline and Agency tennis tournament at the National stadium courts yesterday. Be—Ha: Mai ataglea (Ut round): Bruno CuppeUlnl (AZ) bt
      121 words
    • 372 29 Singapore falter after halftime BANGKOK, Sun Defending champions the Philippines overwhelmed Singapore 97-72 in their opening game of the 13-naUon Eighth Asian Barketball Championships here yesterday. In two other games played yesterday Thailand beat Hongkong 94--76 and Indonesia humbled Pakistan 74-67. Oettlng off to i slow start with combinations falling
      Reuter; AP  -  372 words
    • 206 29 DANAMA CITY. Sun Antonio Cervantes of Colombia battered hla way to victory ovtr Australia Hector Thompaon to reteln hla world Ught- waiter weight boxing crown here la*t night. The Cokanbun. defend Ing hla Wbrld Boxing Amocution utle for the 10th time atnoe he won It here three
      Reuter  -  206 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 89 27 STOP THAT SCRATCHING! M#^caJ soerrtiets have g «at news for guys wfto are always scratching their scalps because o» dandruff satxxrhea or even pscx asis They have now developed Denorex* Medcated Shampoo- 50 stronger in the medication doctors recommend for flaking, itching scalp than me leading medicated shampoo. Helps remove
      89 words
    • 157 27 HAVE YOU HEARD THE TRUE DEPTH OF THE MASTERPIECES REPRODUCED IN ORIGINATED BY MW^^^^WKm w»..a.B»>aßwawawsawawaßWSßWsmßawawsmm-Saw)sawsaa mmwsssmmmmmfssfSl j A M |^Lmmmmtwr" B B B Ma,B»wsmws-wam---swßi mmmawawawawawaawsawmml mmmssoamml mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi ■HP NIVICO ili "iM PfW-rTTfIPi P^mi Lmwi Have you ever heard the muSIC of the 9 r^at masters fml IHCiNlHlrw SPJlfSll |[ri| W
      157 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 456 28 Vickers: partners in Asia C -j| _pi 4- PQW HP*n presses for I ndonesia and s CtCls Vickers I Malaysia; container cranes Australia Limited is one of gggggggggggggfl or Hong Kong and dredge the largest, single heavy cutter heads and spare parts engineering companies in for the Indonesian State Tin
      456 words
    • 210 28 for that bigger "sweet spot' *Of inwoduess two ways «o lin i asss your cftancas oi Mttvtg tunhar «Wi atwMsr atewaty. POFSaakavtaa Ths Status Mk 111 dubs am ttw onty duta «satuhn« it>« I has* and toa insight wMi wta awlaiasil •wast «ot that an 'tsrfored-to-msssurs' IwdMduaWy for yaw. Tas
      210 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 18 29 ...a true winner!! Available at I selected V|^ golf centres. In tJh *»c*ds).Smgaj>oi»l jjjm ft 72M7/7OSS4 lIIm aHuieLKsay.
      18 words
    • 163 29 A new Rank Xerox Service for the small user. CARD A^SsssssflMk Is%>^^sb2 sim SBBBBBBBIV. ssW*^^^^^^ -I^SH' tt: .^sfl f%al2sßßs! f l .^k Fell Hftssßß^aSSa^Sßsl IsW' «w^T^ V H^M For the benefit of people who $24 for 50^o^s~ require only a limited number of copies, CARD B for ]QQ cop es
      163 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous

  • 59 30 A MONTBEAL-BAS-ED hiiMssalsr eeampa«T haa eerdeawd a ■etas* U cove with Bfe hazards aeae« by ■kajer hifh-rtM Ana. It kv inrti* a ■nlq«e rent net for safely takJm few neals. Dtrnlaf la ta* United HaUa, the mtt ftkkA hawMawflHawV caa be aaai to ream
    59 words
  • 48 30 Lou Oai Ur» u4 >***** l huanak4 of Mdv Okaa PUk m«i mi I «w»7 \\m»*mi «i in I T5 i««Tin( Mtfa* an tmii •ob Puiwral »i ip K TMaaur. IVll'T*. M«m «S J—llli Omm. r— «i wnttti by m«wl DaauMas l» Ml mn*m Clmtm ia«|H«l. P»»i«i
    48 words
  • 70 30 MEXICO CITY. Sun A total of in people wen in Jail awaiting trial today after a night of looting, and violence In a working class suburb of Mexico City In which one-man died. fI^NWSJ 4waM BaV&wTwtW Of >n»IIMM «e«ri3^£ K^ Mis Ins t— v stt
    70 words
  • 177 30 iSOUTHAMPTON, Siinday A CACHE of explosives weighing 180 kgs was unearthed here by police, who detained 42 people under the Prevention of Terrorism Act as a result authorities annoanced today. "The asnloalTas would hare been enough to make 80 derlces of the type recently used
    AP  -  177 words
  • 158 30 Belfast car blast: Cop dies nnUPAST, Sam. A D petteemaa died earl; today and fear eiben were lajored after taear eav was blasted by a beeab last night near the border with the Ira* Beaabtte. peßee said. tsraer yesterday pence repeHed that twe tmnmen dashed bate a bar here aad
    158 words
  • 46 30 KHARTOUM. Sun. —Su eaeass Fieaaeiu Jearar Wjeiitei yawamsy attend tbt asttfag up of state mcmrttr tittanal* to try ttaom »«aasde£aa abarttv* coup bat said ia» ogeaars and sodtan wctwnMd tar taktow part in the temp attempt which MaaMd on kmiwiiW «»nl t»»^ oetlaved i
    46 words
  • 173 30 BCTMO6 AIRBS, Son. An Aaroilmas Anenttna ftokkar m plane with people aboard crashed and bant tnto flames last oicnt near the Ooneordla airport to the aUdat of a storm, aathorlttas ■n first reports said atfan^ people wan aitKtiUj mjvred but no one was
    AP  -  173 words
  • 455 30 KAHTALA (Uganda). Sunday PRESIDENT Idi Amin, chairman of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), has been urged by the Ethiopian leader, Brig.-Gen. Teferi Benti, to call an extraordinary meeting of the OAU Council of Ministers to discuss the Angolan situation, Radio Uganda reported
    Reuter  -  455 words
  • 195 30 NEW DELHI, Sunday TNDIA's top Opposition leader arrived in New Delhi today, unchanged In the political views that led to his arrest and four-and-a-half months of detention. Mr. Jayaprakash Narsyan. who leads the country's most serious challenge to Prime Minister Indira Oandhl's leadership,
    195 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 248 30 Sign up tor a Philips Colour TV set from Colourent ■ne between now and 30th November 1975 M& >ceive this beautiful W HANDY PHILIPS W *aw^ swJ~~lVf~^\i~~W A 1I i A DOUBLE RETURN 9- OA Y DISCOVERY TOUR OF JJJiJ HONG KONG/ TAIPEI/ BANGKOK BY w CATHAY PACIFIC H> When
      248 words
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