The Straits Times, 15 November 1975

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Ertd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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    • 165 1 The Sunday Times ADVENTURE AHOY FOR THE LENTZ FAMILY Ahoy! And for Sandy Lentz, his wife, two sons aged 2 and 4, and best friend, that means a 29,000--km trip across the Pacific by a 13-metre lone ketch. it's nobody's idea of a picnic, but for Sandy and his crew
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    • 138 1 OWNING a car la Singapore today *< hi Prices sr» forever geaag aa. So ams the read tax. New there's the area licence and rertrWtod soae to worry a seat. And, of course, we are watching the papers daily for aews of the next
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    • 82 1 f) A REPORT on the growing menace rug addiction in Singapore and how even young children are being tricked into dope-taking by being given heroin spiked ice-cream. A PROFILE of Marisa Berenson, the Jet-set socialite recently dubbed by Newsweek as "The Olrl who has Everything" At the brink
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    • 39 1 {HOUSEWIVES who take to crime COMING SOON: Day of the chicken THOSE little white lies that mean so much HI-FI: Choosing the tuner dj) GOWNS for all shapes and sizes HANDS off my arm INVESTMENT for beginners.
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  • Sunday Nation
    • 105 1 DEEJAY LARRY TALKS TO TAN WANG J00... piFTEEN years on the job has made Lirry Lai, broadcasting's standardbearer of pop, a household word. He's the chap one generation of frantic young grew up with, and another generation's following after; a much sought after connoisseur of cassettes to whom listeners send
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    • 152 1 rH mre the daredevils. To them no risk Is too great, no challenge worth the name unless It ehlus the Mood of ordinary men Evel Knievel has turned the motor cycle Into a flying machine i mnd has a granomn crop of sears to show for It: El
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    • 43 1 WHY I'M MAKING A COMEBACK— try exManchester United star Oeorge Bast; CHOO SENG QIEK picks another star of tomorrow; TAN EIM SENG on Singapore's Seap gold medallists: CBICKET: The West Indians In Australia: GOLF: Why Jack Nlcklaus said 'No' to Bangkok.
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    • 47 1 AND in year Aata Magastne— TftEE with Saaday Natloo)— thai week: THE riBST-EVBB Mew-ky-klow aeeoaat of the Mayagae« Affairs, the most dramatic adveatare on the high seas In 1»7>; Or Ml LES AND MEN: The story of Owe of the world's meat anaaaal military detsshmsata.
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  • 302 1 'Cut off all food supplies' KUALA LUMPUR. Friday TUN Abdul Rank hat directed District Officers in Perak and Pahang to give top priority to security operations to prevent rood supplies and other aid from reaching communist terrorists. He issued this order at the meeting today
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  • 238 1 SHOT PERAK POLICE CHIEF DIES IPOM. Friday DEftAJK CPO Data* I Koo Chao« Kong. wae was shot bt twa as— maalsl gaertlUs at a aasy reaa jaatttaa here yeaterway, d.ed in hospital this after Data* Km, a Dep«tT CeamaawJeaer of l"euee. was ea his war home far taack, when ha
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  • 398 1 41 killed in Fretilin upheaval JAKARTA. Friday THE Indonesian semi-official news agency 1 Antara reported today that Ideological differences within the leftwlng Fretilin independence movement In Portuguese Timor i have erupted in a i^MMBMHBi^^MB major factional battle In whlcjb 41 soldiers were killed. AnUrm quoted a rretilln radio broadcast as
    Reuter  -  398 words
  • 17 1 LOHPOM, Prl— TIM Baak of England today cat Its a*aaaam landtag rau to 11%
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  • 123 1 Israelis begin Sinai pullback rL AVIV. FrL Israel withdrew its troops from a sliver of the Western Stauu dcaert coast today In the first return of territory under the Interim pate* accord with EfyT*. Urn national radio said. The radio said Urn formal turnover ceremony took niace at the Bag
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  • 55 1 YfOMOKOMO. Frt. II China— Customs authorlUca have bofun rc)*eUn« Uquaflad food parcels In non-trans-parent bags following two postal partaf explosions, a Hongkong newspaper reported. afinc Pmo. an Independent rtilnaaa dally, said Urn two tiploatons occurred In August In the Caatoau novae In Shum Chang, a Cnlnaaa taordar town.
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  • 199 1 LONDON. FrfcUy MISS Swath Africa Vera Johns' world fell aaart yesterday barely a week kef are the finals of the alias World contest la London. Taw lacgy heaaty. who waa Mlas Khiasala UTS. had. keen dlsaaaMfled ky Mecca Ltd.. the contest organisers, kooaeee she
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  • 34 1 SAN FRANCISCO Fit— A Federal judge >— Unisj ruled that PUlptnoa who •erwd with TJB military foress In World War II tr* enuttod to Amcrleaa citlarnrtup—• «tcMon tffscUr* about M.SOO PVlpteo meran*. OPI
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  • 240 1 Strike by 300 silences Fleet Street LONDON, FrMay O N D O N news- papers failed to appear this mornIng because of a work stoppage by 300 printing engineers. The men, without whom papers cannot be printed, are demanding the reinstatement of 96 colleagues fired by the Daily Express, which
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 44 1 NTW YORK. Prl. DOW Jonos tverages. baaed on arst boor of trading on Urn New York Stock Eichtnf* M Indus SMja down 101. trtaap 17J47 down 0 41. II uUta U 11 down 0 li; and stocks Ml S3 down 0.41 OFI
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  • 38 1 LONDON. Prl -Britain's annual rmU of Inflation Ml last awntn to MJ per cant. IU lowsot level for ax months. Urn Oovornasent said today Bat It ni soil Urn highest In Urn lnrtnstrtsltsod world.— AT.
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  • 53 1 K cite, fir contempt of Congress WASHINGTON. Prt— The US Hsass of Be■UßiaUUroi- tatoillgeaea iiaaimrtHs voted today to etlo Secretary of State Dr. Hoary Kmamcar far eeateopt of Coagross for fWaamc to tara ovor saaaaaaaai is as maam oa oight oavart tatoUlceaee oaeratloa*. The eoatomat clUUon waa approved It to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 •'•lmVlammW""*"""***"*** m K. I
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    • 334 1 TIP-OFFS LEAD TO ARMS HAUL, 27 ARRESTS -Page JERUSALEM Mart till* six 2 NIXON'S election manager cqnvlcted 4 NO "grand tour" of China for Ford S "WE WANT Gough demos In thrte cities 8 KINO-BIZED plf farm at Ponmol 8 VABKCTTMY VtrrrUm popular 10 NEW OH to have two service
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 397 2 JERUSALEM. Friday J)OCTORS were today fighting to keep down the death toll from a bomb blast which killed six Israelis and injured 42 on a packed city street here last night. The bomb, believed to have been plaated by Arab guerillas, went off amid
      Reuter  -  397 words
    • 280 2 Bid to end 2-month Doomsday vigil by 25 MsWA (Arkansas). PrL aaattari— laws saay be used to fore* the sbaaisMssswt *f a vigil by abeut M aeeate whe hare boss. waiting in sMtattsai siaee September far tlx mm! of Urn world frfHJ |kg S«M)OtaVwl Aw>sM sage/ Cartel -We're kind «f
      AP  -  280 words
    • 188 2 Arrest Beirut abductors order goes out BEIRUT. Prt Lebanese and Palestinian security chiefs have urged the arrest of kidnappers whose actions pose a threat to Beirut's touchy ceasefire The call came from the Higher Co-ordina-tion Committee, which groups the security chiefs with representatives from the warring political factions, and Is
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 66 2 HONOKONO. PTI. Authorities arrested a Chinese man and seised IS kUos of morphine valued at about HK$ 3 3 million (8918 mlUlon) at Kal Tak Airport last night. The Mta*d morphine was "~ri^ In dooonUlv* buffalo bortu and aulteaai with faim bottom, to afflcUl
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    • 241 2 ITNITED NATIONS. Prt— Mr. V Oastop Thorn, Oeneral Assembly president, made an unprecedented apology under admitted pressure yesterday for Issuing a statement in his official capacity blaming "extremists" for the Assembly's resolution calling Zionism racism The Arab group, while accepting his apology, hoped
      AP  -  241 words
    • 261 2 Popes' election: No bugging or filming VATICAN CITY. FrL Pope Paul yesterday ordered strict precautions to prevent electronic butorin* and filming of the election of popes In the IMb ctntury sl»Une chapel, replendent with 1U ceiling tmeo by Michelangelo. The Pope was described as outraged two years ago when two
      AP  -  261 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 218 2 V' I r^er^^S^W L^omtmmmmfr^S^.smmui '-I^^BmaaaaaaaaaaaauV'^ '\\^WNM B^nMaamV^U Isps^m^^ rTßuaV))i ■"••< +*fi*m* T »£!m™ >t« mmit I BY T^BJ tffW I M Owns Kama Imni T« MOM ikmi io i| BaY »«S^BSk &ii utrTT! 1 *9*tm*Q mom SMot^c*. Jt* tuin BB SJ ''^U^BSsf. NofT» a>id9» Wo^ fcnaierw 7 Til 33)113 SSI
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    • 44 2 RAMADA LOUNGE Nightly PwHormano* on thw 15th Floor 8.00 p.m. to 12.00 Midnight Saturdays Evws of Holidays till 1.00 a.m. THE CROSSWINDS mV .^aaamuißmV BmmSmm V A WHOLE NEW STYLE OF LATIN MUSIC. Sflß Hotel Royal RAMada ■W Newton Howl Smgapore 11 Phone *****)
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    • 427 3 LONDON, Friday JHK danger that prolonged recession would encourage political extremism will lx- up|>ermost in the minds of leaders attending the six-nation economic summit which opens in France tomorrow, informed sources said today Th« summit meeting >t the >aders of the United States. France
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    • 103 3 >rU YORK. Frl i I Singer Pattl Page SJatf a I SSS million (SSIZ4 million i libel salt yesterday against the National SUr newspaper for an article in IU Oct. U tease entitled "Second Time Aroand for Pattl." The U-year-old entertainer took esccptiea to
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    • 204 3 Rival IRA wings agree to halt violence BELFAST. Frt— The two rival wings or the Irish Republican Army (IRA> were today believed to have halted a violent feud which has pitted Catholic against Catholic and left 11 people dead In the past fortnight. Republican sources here said the Official and
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    • 35 3 SPOOL. Frl. wandl Arabia has agroad to provld* South Korm with UBS7O mllKea (BfITSJ SBUBon) In kag-tem loans to hato dsvalop tbt country's agrteuttoral aad harbour «t*-«*~' pro)acts. Saoul bwbhwi said today UPI
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 461 3 $2.5 b TAX RISE SOUGHT TO RIDE NEW YORK CRISIS NEW YORK, Friday YEW YORK State Governor Hugh Carey 11 yesterday asked legislative leaden for nearly US$l billion (8*2.48 billion) In state tax increases, proposed a wage freeze for state workers and forced pension donations from New York City employees.
      AP  -  461 words
    • 158 3 Meal that cost $9,920 fails to appease IBIS Fri A dinner aaettea for paatte teievtstest station WNET The hifhstt bidder, at tssase <5f744) was New York Time, food writer Cr*lg CUiborne ■c get bis moneys worth After milling ever the m«nj pseslbllltlss. Mr. CUiberae issHi* te chaJlent e Che, Deals
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    • 64 3 STOCKHOLM, m The ■witUsi ParHaaaeat on Wiiiesday rejected by 171 votes U 111 an OiiSSStISBI ■sore to baa live lntereesjret skews la Swedish sex dabs. Op»aettle« mentors referred te weaves beta* Bsei as sex ccJaeta, bat Mr Art* Nytren. sp* skies, for the ratbag Soetrni DeBseerata,
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    • 60 3 GETTING THE HANK OF IT A NEW recruit recently dr a f ted into the army In Luanda, the capital pf Angola, adjusts an uncomfortable belt of machlnef an ammunition dra p ed aroand his neck. After a few days of training in Luanda, his unU was gettinc ready to
      AP  -  60 words
    • 185 3 Lisbon crisis defused with end of siege LISBON. "Yl. ShoutIng "vlc.cry. victory." thousands of striking eons traction workers lifted their siege of the Portuguese Premier Jose Plnheiro de Aawedo earl y today, de-escalat-ing a crisis tome Oovernment ministers feared would Involve an attempted putsch. After 37 hours of blockading the
      AP  -  185 words
    • 172 3 rKYO. Fit Japan's foreign trade, measured in dollar value, will register a decline In the current fiscal year for the first time in 17 years, the semi-official Japan Foreign Trade Council forecast today. It predicted that Japan's exports would amount to about U5967 bUUon (BslO
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 Mary Quant's Embroidery G>lours I presented by Stephen Neal Outshine the sun with a coloured pearl have built Mary Quant's latest look in thine. Five new lip and Embroidery Colours, i I Jam nail shades in gold, scarlet. When clothes are embrot- t pink, crimson Arose. Five dered. why should
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    • 230 3 a\lßwaW Do you know the name of Sktoapore's top go«( getter in the 1 975 Matoysti Cup series? Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro 61ft Voucher in tnt CASTROt HIBH PBtfORtUHU $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS Ist, PRIZE §3,000 2nd. PRIZE
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    • 808 3 CHIEF EXECUTIVE SINGAPORE |j Negotiable •rouod $SO,OOO p a \M The Singapore Company of a major I II international trading group, wishes to I I appoint a Chief Executive to be reaporv II I stole for its Singapore operations The II II company succeastully markets a range [I |D of
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    • 250 4 CHICAGO. Fri nrILLIAM Rentachler. TT who managed former President Nixon's 1968 Illinois campaign, was convicted yesterday with two others of fraud in the sale of stock In a Malaysian timber-cut-ting operation. Rentachler. SO. and two rnwr)**** »l«o were found jullty by a US
      AP  -  250 words
    • 406 4 Concorde: It's noisy report WASHINGTON. Fri.— The Concorde supersonic passenger jet will sound at least twice as loud as the loudest conventional jet in operation and will produce about five times as much structural vibration in houses under its airport flight path, the Department of Transport ation said yesterday. The
      AP  -  406 words
    • 223 4 SAHARA: ACCORD ON TRIPARTITE 'GOVT itlon In MADRID. Frl. Spain. Morocco and Mauritania today agreed to set up a tripartite temporary administration In the Bpanlsh Sahara, government sources said. Spain will withdraw from the administration when It completes It* evacuation of civilian* and troona from the desert territory, which Is
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    • 134 4 Powerful foe out to destroy B'desh' IWCA. FrL A vtU- raa Banfladesh politician has accused an unspecified f o r c I f n power of pouring mo B«T Into the country to create urwt la the armed force*. Maulana Abdul Hamld Khan Bhashani. »3-year-o d former president of the
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    • 337 4 4 Junior Jumbo' goes through its paces rpOKYO. m Boeing 1 Corporation's latest addition to 1U Jumbo aircraft family, the 747SP (Special Performance) "Junior Jumbo." today made Its first demonstration flight at the start of an lunation. l»-dty world tour. It will stop over in Singapore this weekend. The plane
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 701 4 W CARPETS RUBS SKK IULEj Ai^ j^Bxtaaiafe BaHsaH HH HHH avll A y < <fS^ |2 M LI 4T Ml***** K si ..^B.^^^^ HVa^aJ^BaUHlallllH METRO STORES! 5 •Baaaaßßaaaaaß^j|^^Jßaaaaßaßaaaaaaaaaw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaasaaa mk /J rriYlYsf/'iaaaaaaaaaaaal EaMLtZZ^^aaaaaaaa! E^ZZZZ^llaaaaaaal "fi fri aaaaaaaaaaaaaß>«««B«aaßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal «aO -m I BLOOMINGDALE'S long sleeved OCA I dhatmmdg^^^^KßMaWMßtia^amm''' tkP |>wwasiji4Mi| ;sar.--.™-.-.~a •ft
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    • 258 4 Closing date: 4th Dec 7s held in conjunction with the Trade and Industry Go Metric Exhibition and Fair Bth -15th Dec 75 Category I Students from all schools Category Students from tertiary institutions Category 111 General public Rules for the competition available at the Metrication Board. Sm Che* Jit Poh
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    • 316 5 REBELS GET AMNESTY OFFER FROM MARCOS MANILA, Friday N AN effort to quell a continuing rebellion, 1 President Marcos promised today that Muslims would be allowed to elect their own leaders in areas In which they predominate Mr Marcos also ordered the military to return the weapons of the latest
      AP  -  316 words
    • 66 5 BOBMOa AIRaB. m Argentine naairtanl Isabel P*ron toft hospital bare late test night after an 11-day lUneas v pottUdans prepared a new attempt to oust bar from ottce within a weak. Informed sources said leaders of all parties in the National Banale were misting •n* ihould either
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    • 473 5 It 's no 'grand tour' for Ford WASHINGTON, Fri— The White House announced yesterday that President Ford would go to China early next month but would spend al l five days in Peking unlike former President Nixon's historic 1972 visit. A Chinese delay in setting the Dee. 1 to S
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    • 72 5 UNTTSD HATTOMB. Fit Britain reaterday rejected toe Soviet Union's dam to bt inflation-fret, saying that if thla waa to bt btnsvtd Russia must bt "the Mo. l twinoaile miracle in tat world today." Mr Mlchatl Stuart the British delegate, said If thU was tht cast on* must
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    • 38 5 NXW DELHI. Frt— Ttm Indian riiiisii— ill has stt up an lnfr -ministerial group to study tht prnhlsan of industries stvoreb 7 hit by a drop in aalss since tbt tßMr•sney. it was sniwuinaorl jmtarday— Mawaw.
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    • 211 5 ZAMBOANOA CITY. Frt. Muslim rebels in the southern Philippines today demanded five million pesos (SflJ million) ransom for the release of six Japanese fishermen, a military official said here. The rebels demanded the ransom during negotiations with government officials on Bastlan island. 880
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    • 62 5 JACKIE THE HOSTESS MBS. Jackie Onaasis chatting with Alaina Degnsasrssjvray at the International Ceatre fee FheUgraafcr In New York. Mrs. Oaaeass was the hestees at celebration of the Institute'! first anniversary The London Daily Mirror reported on Taeaday that Mrs. Onaamls Is asset ay the party-going life style of her
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    • 210 5 RANOKOK. Pri— Ame- rlcan troops will quit I uir strategic alrbase of Ddorn in north east Thailand and another 54)00 men will be pulled out of the country by the end of next January, it was announced today. The US Air Force will also
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 259 5 SONY. Buy a Trinitron color tv NOW and join Sony "Carry on grabbing" MM >«•,■ sw^ H VwawsswM bwswsMbwP9bLbi2^bwsw! bwsW Isawswswsf vewawaV I sßswH JbwswT^^bwsT^bbwswl I grab as much as you p^V^yPHpß iBSSESBBsVaHawi BHbbC 91 want at Yaohan Super- .^SaJfc,^ WM TMsCjK^ji «55>^85?8l market, the more the ""TTTT^Lwswsaw! WEaJ»P^^^ sswawssHMPawH
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    • 47 6 LONDON. Frl BrlU«h actor Dec Harrison* fifth wit* EHsshsth U dlvarttaf htm. A psttttaa by Kn. Hamton, rtangtitor of Lard Ogaorc ha* tern filed as an undsfendod an at ttas London dlvorot court Ttas eonpto marrted in New York in Au«u« HTl— Ur
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    • 443 6 Aussies chant: We want Gough ALMOST 50,000 Australians surged onto the streets of three cities today protesting Tuesday's unprecedented seeking of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and his Labour Government. rt ni the tiiniit politic*] demonstration In Australia tine* the Vietnam war proteata of Urn late 1960 a, a senior police
      AP  -  443 words
    • 162 6 JAKARTA, Prt Pour Taiwanese ships seised by Indonesian authorities for lllegalnshing In east Indonesian waters have been auctioned for a total of over 40 million ruplahs tabout Sg3O3JOO) In Ambon, east Indonesia, the Antara news agency reported today. BELGRADE: YugeaUv rieadait Tito and Bulgaria* President Teder Batvkev will meet
      Agencies  -  162 words
    • 131 6 GBUVA, Frl Smallpox may disappear from the face of the earth by next spring, a top official of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Mid yesterday. Dr. Donald Henderson, director of WHO'S smallpox eradication programme, started in IM7, said the disease still exists in
      AP  -  131 words
    • 239 6 'Voreter troops involved in Angola war* LONDON, m. South African regular trorps were directly Involved In the retaking of the Angolan seaport of Lotolta. an Independent Television News (TTN) reporter said last night Michael Nicholson said white South African troops were working with black Unite, forces In Angola. The TTN
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 435 6 Thissuperb I 1 imported gjass, complete M with the White Horse symbol emblazoned on it, is all yourswith every bottle of Fine Old Scotch Whisky you purchase? a 1 r\ M aalii H aT Ml K^ "'^T^al awsawV^aaavaw^s^saaai I lU£m«^ tv M Smm -V W* miMtlMi I .1 r ..(aaaafl
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    • 105 6 now furnish your dreamhouse f™\ WITH FANTASTIC BARGAINS AT THE V LOUNGE KITCHEN FURNITURE SALE Luxurious Slumberland lounge sets, corner settees, chairs and stools, covered with synthetic leather or velvet, with the famous Slumberland springing, and Slumberland Grovewood Kitchen cabinet units with melamine drawers L and laminated surfaces inside and
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  • 519 7  - How the Thais cope with 70,000 refugees... SUMALEE PHITHAYAKOffW: By Bangkok pROM across Asia during the past six months, the politically unhappy have turned Thailand into a centre for refugees from nations both of peace and tumult. The end of the wan In Indochina has placed 70.000 refugees In Thailand,
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  • 380 7 The AminKremlin honeymoon turns sour VAIROBI: The steady rise of Soviet influence in Uganda has come to an abrupt end with President Id! Amin's demand for the recall of Soviet Ambassador Alezel Zakharov and Russia's response in catting diplomatic relations. inui the eriate la raUttMM. th« Soviet L'stoo kA#l b<ctim
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 *m Sjm mG «bbbß B^^^^^B2atl LbbV 9 "^wal gar^^al H9 1 W^^m LbbbV. a^aw^B lJf%^^L^H^| l^gfglV^^-i ■wT^T?T T^^al Ibbbbl jAbbbbbbbbbbbbbh 1 3B i wT^ jl IbbbbV -mm m Mi i
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    • 367 7 y IJ fj J^aiafajl^^ f The Shoppers' Shop I where quality and price I I 4- fam "Q(N rßC^iiir*** 1^ 111^^^^ I bbPV b^b^B^^^^b*»bsbsbbbZ2lL l^dhl hifi PHOTOQRAfHiC STATIONERY I ajßa^^^^amM-T BBBiV^as^laßia^>^^ B gkr^"^" I Grund.g Roll*, Waterman B^BBBBfcjl I BF^ Mafl Ibb^Bißl BBBbV I Du 1 Co»m* Lamy I ««bbW
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  • 217 8 fpo 81nga>pore afuaUio 1 Reliftou* OouncU (Majlla IJgama laUm Stngmpura) la cooalderInf arrmnging future pUgrim fligfau to Jaddah to enaure that pUfrtma will not be left atnndad. IU president, Hajl Buang 8lr»J. said yesterday that the Majlla would meet aa aooo at the currant
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  • 23 8 Draftsman's course AM architectural drartaBanahtp cnuna win be startsd at Urn TMCA International Centre, Palmer Road from Nov. M. rw details, rta. »S4MI
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  • 739 8 IT WELL BE ONE OF WORLD'S BIGGEST $4 mil abattoir will be in operation at end of the month pONGGOL will be one of the most intensive pig-rearing areas in the world by 1976/7/, when farmers with about 150,000 to 200,000 pigs
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  • 188 8 'Babysit' girl who stayed 5 years riNCIK Noamang Ma £j Hassan. 42. and hU wife were home one night In March flve years age, when a stranger brought a month-old Way girl to them. The stranger, who Identified himself as Ahmad Din Sakor. handed the kaby to the coaple and
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  • 42 8 MR. 8 Rataratnara. Mlnl*tor lor rorssgn Affairs, will ■peak at a *«niir.«r on "Asian Value* andj Modernisation organised b T the Faculty of Art* and Social Sciences at the New Lecture Theatre K. University of Singapore today at 1 pja.
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  • 155 8 Cholera case (eighth since April) confirmed ANOTHER case of cholera the eighth •Ince April— was confirmed yesterday by the Ministry of the Environment. A Ministry statement said the patient, a 42--year-old housewife, first developed symptoms on Tuesday. "She had several bouts of vomlttlng and diarrhoea and was admitted In a
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  • 96 8 Book-keeping revision courses TWO revision courses on book-keeping and typewriting will be conducted by the Adult Education Board to prepare students tor next year's London Chamber of Commerce examinations. Tht book-ketptaf rvnaton course win be held ewtrjr Friday UN p m to SJO PJB) and Sunday (1 p m to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 533 8 CbHioq aaj kidsi < JfcV come and s#e the Kf#4ds#ns p|\ Cookie Hows* wtth mum and dad, X; ssWi ios Pa yon Central Novatnoat 15 —21 j I ~l z! Mr 4*B|B* ifcr v ow can an)oy fra* aatnpMng of PK KJcMaena htgncet puaHty Danten afl wL "-^^9 A MATTER
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  • 715 9  -  K SIDHU By pHOMPT police action, following in formation from members of the public, let! to the arrest of 27 criminals ;ind seizoxe of an assortment of gangland \\< ipons, including a revolver and 1!) bullets, last month. And yesterdny the police
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  • 105 9 SUSPICIOUS? DIAL THESE NUMBERS MEMBERS of the public can dial theat numbers at any time, to give Information to the police on any suspicious characters or activities In their areas. Centra! police station 300T7 and *****. Kandang Kerbau police station ***** and *****4. Beach Road police station ***** and 3399
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  • 63 9 THE ItliusUr far Soclml ASaln and UP for Pmaw Pmjang Bictk Othman Wok. will spaak at a combined Paatr Panjaoc const*tuancy ktodcrfartcn graduation csrtaaany and sports mwt at Him Klau Primary School uaaotiuw from 1* am tc 1 pit The caramon? and apart! BiMt v jointly iminlw d
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  • 33 9 thx ammm DisMrt aoctrty of tb* InaUtuU of and Data riui—li^ win hold lv tnaucural DHtlnf and bull** diner it Ua Cambahu Room. afaroo M» HoM Moot row at 7JS sna.
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  • 146 9 42 held, parangs seized in blitz on gang lairs I)OL1CE arrested 42 people and seiied flv e parang* In a series of raids on gang-land hideouts, early this week. Of those arrested. 2* were later released after their particulars were recorded. The joint operation tit conducted by the < rimr
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  • 64 9 WANDERING BOY: POLICE APPEAL PUCE are trying to trace the relatives of this boy who was found wandcrtnc at the Tainan Serasi's hawkers' centre on Oe*. U. TW say. 14. rt» hm* mm UlvtaM paHw skat sat in Pin Ma All Bto aaM Ms fatkar 4»ai iwaatr aa* has irtair
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  • 239 9 'Step up training in industrial design, packaging 9 MR. Ong Soo Chuan, Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs). has called for Uie setting up of a body to encourage and provide the necessary training in presentation, industrial design and packaging to support Singapore's manufacturing industries. Speaking at the ninth annual speech and
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  • 98 9 Rape report: Man quizzed nOLJCI have questlonI ed a man In connection with the alleged rape of a Neptune nightclub dancer last Monday. It was learnt yesterday. It U believed that the man. said to be a regular customer of the nightclub, was arrested on Thursday and later released on
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  • 24 9 THI report of th* SHeet Ccmmlttea on the Madtefeaas Bill will br prwsntad to Parliament at IU sitting oo not as.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 135 9 I.TaiTrTlSKiihii Highlights for today Positive public cooperation led police to arrest 20 criminals. Stranded pilgrims: Solution now in sight. Double suicide in a toilet. Folk dance can help lure youths from engaging in unhealthy activities. Malay organisations should reassess their activities to meet new demands. Democracy is being tested in
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  • 245 10 5 years and 40 lashes for two young robbers r'O M year old jiatßs were yester•ay Jailed for a total of five years with strokes of the rotan for armed trtasry. Qatk Koh Seng and Lao Kirn Seng, both unemployed, were also placed SMider a year's ■slice ati itsssi after
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  • 34 10 THE Presbyterian Church. Orchard Road will hold a ebarltT Christmas fair at IU church grounds today trot. 10 30 m and not IN pjn as was lopoitsd yesterday The error to raaioUotf.
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  • 425 10 DEATH is no longer the simEle. irr c v ersible usiness it used to be^ not when even the stopping of the heart is not good enough to prove it. According to doctors, a person In Singapore can now be safely pronounced
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  • 273 10 Vasectomy: More in Singapore taking to it J^gALE sterilisation has increased in popularity as a means of birth control among Singapore men, according to statistics from the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board. These figures show that there were 343 «a> sectomiM during the first nine months of this year
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  • 56 10 MR CO Itexm m netntljr elected chairman of the newfr-fUfd Singapore District Society of the Institute of AdmlnlitraUve Accountlcc and Data ProossOther offlciali »r» IfSSSfft Ourmukh Btngh (asorslary). I*g Soon Ctoye (weaaanr). Danlei Ng Chae Thong. SJL MobmSMd Sallh. Tw Bang Koon. Pack Lang Thong Of Aparmaurtym
    56 words
  • 48 10 POUCC an knktac for O» relative* or friend* of a CfaSMM man who tftad wben he was ninonr tv a ttmln Holland Koa4 on Thwidajr The maa bad Me paper* of identification Tboa* who may know ham abouW contact the QuMnatown potkw Ma Uon
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  • 56 10 2 Robina stores close TWO Robina department stores In Katong and Orchard Roar< have closed down since the beginning of the month. It 11 believed that poor business and high rents were among the reasons. A staff of the Robina main store In Shenton Way said that plans to expand
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  • 54 10 THS Young Musicians Society will present Christmat Pantajy by lta musical groups at the Victoria Theatre on Nov. M at 4 pm and Not N at I pm Ticket* at 15 U. U snd II are available at Extracurrua Activities Centre at Parrsr Park and
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  • 127 10 T<HE Singapore M«di■l eal Association fully lupport* the view •f a senior member of the Bar that the statutory right to professional secrecy accorded to lawyers with regard to their cllenti In coarts be extended to doctors. Hie association said In a
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  • 43 10 THS University of Singapore's Concert Band win screen The Party Instead of The King and I at the Veniu Cinema In Queentiiwn tomorrow at 9 JO am The change was due to unfoneen circumstance*. add the ortmnlaera last night
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 334 10 g>-~y a^aW aw +V^ I lavsr*a*^W^* b^s^^^^^ *^*m I bi BmTaVI I^' a^r^^^ B "«Bw i-|l v. iß*l*^f 1 Iwl aWaBT U ll' I I V^3 a^al a^ BVWB^B^B^UyHwSSHaiaB^B^BI I "XI S I Ik ''yXvsssl r 4 f"*! ill M bv^i ssLLsmlsVlßßßßi'rsyVS V m tj- j^/V^&4«^^^a|la^atLsyß|AHgAH| I1 I ML 1
      334 words
    • 109 10 laß^B^HPsHwß^Bflßm I Lbb^^^ IvlSks I MEDfCATED ■Cough Drops I Now I 10^ for 1 4 Drops I Vicks Cough Drops I contain throat-soothing |k I ingredients of famous i A I Vicks Vapoßub to give fl I fast relief to minor I throat irritations and I I coughs and freshen^^^H
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 262 10 Straits Times Crossword ACSOSH 7 Deluged with illummi--1 Piroun -who by ttudy Uon? < 5-3 > achieved tranquillty ISI The student t scold I* S The pounds terrible all free <•) right' i6> 11 Did they bring the May--9 The lan case for the flower iJ. 7> declining <ti IJ
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  • 240 11 Melody Queen of India is so very shy JNDIA S Melody Qaeea, sbrimati M.S. 8abbalahsattal, M. the trading exponent of elaatfeal u4 waUclaasleal songs of the fcarnalaka tradition of South India. Is a woman of frw wordi When interviewed at the airport last night shortly after the flew la, the
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  • 60 11 Lure of music at zoo THE Singapore Zoojgleal Oardens will hold and perormances -very hlrd Sunday of the lonth to entertfcln vlItorv The first, by the 2G--tember SILO Cultural Jroup Band, will be held nmorrow at 3 p.m. They will perform at he Oarden Pavilion. Members of the public ITS
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  • 313 11 Court told: Hubby never visited my sickbed ABABY-sJtter yesterday told the High Court that her shop assistant husband never visited her during the five months she was in hospital in late 1968 and 1969. Madam Heng Chor Kheng. 33. said her husband. Sco Tien Seng. 34. was then living apart
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  • 64 11 AN UNEMPLOYED man was yesterday fined $3.« M by a district court when he pleaded gallty to having a matchbox containing opium. Chaa Keng Kofc. 47, admitted having the opium In front of a house In Weld Road on Oct. U at about 540 a.m. Chaa, who
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  • 420 11 THE new $193 million Singapore General Hospital complex in Outram Road, when fully developed over the next five years, will have two service tunnels among its facilities. Excavation work for the three-metre wide tunnels, adjacent to the road separating Bowyer Block from the electrical
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  • 140 11 BARDENDER RECEIVES STRAITS TIMES TROPHY BARDENDER from Cooper* and Lybrand. the team which beat four others at the finals of this year's National Management Oame last Saturday, received the Straits Times trophy at Shangri-La Hotel last night. Members of the team were Messrs J A White. TW Cheng. Philip Tan
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  • 126 11 Tenders soon on sale of seized steel bars TENDERS for the safe of 140 tonnes of steel bars seised by Customs at Sembawang container depot on Oct. a last year are expected to be put up soon. Although TakMd at $100.--000 during atfaur*. U» bars now. according to a rahabki
    126 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 With only $^^^0 monthly for 18 months this Trinitron is yours u^^mSSSSSS^^S^SSSSSSSSSSSWM%\ I km i f^'^| B^^*»s**s(aPaßß Fs' I 111 I avwMBMMH bSbsbbwhbwJ l II P I aw^^^x^^^^^3awssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawsaaaiawsi aa sj aj I w .—afv* KVIBO2ES I With a very small amount of down j payment, you can bring this Trinitron
      153 words
    • 882 11 FAR EAST tlpp SHOPPING CENTRE $s&s?fi? Ideally located at Orchard Road, the Centre is next to Hr^nl the Singapore Hilton and opposite Lido Theatre. :dawßg«*-_%& The all-in-one Shopping Complex! gpf^Have all your shopping requirements well taken care of in one spot... nr Far East Shopping Centre. Where there is a
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  • 268 12 ussu raps Govt over Societies Act rl DnlTemty of Singapore 8 1 ude n v Union yesterday crltlclied the Oovernment move to bring It under the Soctetlea Act and described It at "an unlnto student orfaniaaUon 1 This reaction was given In a newsletter to members, explaining the Implications the
    268 words
  • 35 12 THE TMCA Metropolitan will conduct a 12-aes*ion course on LCC Marketing at the YMCA International Centre, iiartmg on Nov S3 from 130 to 4 JO pm For more Information telephone BS4MI
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  • 23 12 THE YMCA International Centre will conduct a beginner» course on architectural draftsmanship on Wednesday from Hoy M at 7 p m
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  • 169 12 Man who assaulted uncle in quarrel fined $1,000 A FAMILY quarrel over a dog and some chicken led to labourer, Chua Oek Seng. 24, being jailed for a day and fined $1,000 in a magistrate's court yesterday. He had Intervened In a quarrel between his mother. Madam Tan Hwee. 50.
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  • 264 12 On an even keel after 18 months rpHE salvage sag* 1 of the pilgrim tcss c 1, Malaysia Kita, ended yesterday when it was refloated by Singapore Ocean Salvage, a local salvage Arm 18 months after it caught lire and rolled to Its side in the Eastern Anchorage. The *****
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  • 112 12 SIM TO HOLD 3 NEW COURSES rE Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) will conduct three courses at IU conference room In Thong Teck Building. Scotu Road, next month. The first course field management and moth ation of salesman wU begin on Dec. 1 from 9 am. to 5 p.m. Course
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  • 336 12 CPF building fire: Only 'slight' damage HPHE 45-storey Central Provident Fund building under construction In Robinson Road, which was partly damaged by fire last month, has been found to be structurally sound In spite of the fire. Exhaustive tesU and Investigations carried out recently by Public Works Department engineers have
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  • 20 12 A PHOTOGRAPHY oours* for beginners will be conducted by the YMCA Orchard Road at IU imnilM from Monday
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 393 12 professional lighting effects with a flash unit are now possible! w?\^^ HI •6 BLf "A K^ga^Bjifjlfl aaai^Bas^BaV aaaai aaaV f^haaV— V^^^^^saavw^ i I ""i I yi 12 models available Prices lm^tSjL t»4S fL^ from $30 00 while stocks f\,^^ vajTTH V J.ngapore only SO^ R^C^^ SHfik a. Xl I tt-
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  • 192 13 Kriti Sun crash: Probe on mooring damages peSO and Mobil are £j conducting a lolnt survey to assess the damage to IU Single Buoy Mooring BBM> caused by the 123.000-tonne tanker KrtU Sun. when it was hit by lightning on Oct 28 The study win help to determine whether the
    192 words
  • 48 13 An 888 tooun conductor adiatttad to Toa Payoh Hospital wtui a rncturwl lag after aha was Invotoad in an scctdant with a car at •Jm BukJt Taaah Road. She waa battmd to bs cr<«sinc the road at 1124 p m with the accident oc-
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  • 18 13 THE Indtsn High Commission In Orange Roui will be rimed on Tuesday tor CJuni Naaak's birthday
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  • 262 13 SMAF not registered party, court is -told -J rnHE chairman of 1 the Singapore Muslim Action Front (SMAF), Mr. h M Yahaya, told a magistrate's court yesterday that the SMAF was not a registered party In Singapore. SMAP comprised thiee parties, namely. Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Slngapura (PKMB). Angkatan Islam Slngapura
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  • 406 13  - $100 m loan bid to build ships JACOB DANIEL Four heal yards meet DBS By pOUR local shipyards are presently negotiating with the Development Bank of Singapore for the financing of 10 vessels to the tone of $100 million under the Finance Ministry's new scheme on deferred credit financing. When
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  • 269 13 3 YEARS FOR MAN WHO STOLE FROM CARL A RAO-A.VD-BONE m*n who was eeavleted of 1* char gas of theft of TataaMea from eats asked a dbtrict court ye. Urday to tend hin v Jail In Malaysia as he was (rasa Farak. When District Jain Mr. Taa Liaa Kar tali
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  • 56 13 Mlnlstar for Home Affairs and Education. Mr. Chua sun Chin, will attend a reception In honour of Kins* Baudoutn of laajnim. at the raaldancea of Mr. Jaa HtOemint the Besjtan tmbaaasdor. at Danham Close today at T p m Orer SM guasta will attend the function to
    56 words
  • 23 13 THE newlj-appolntad Booth bnu Amhasaaonr to Btngapor*. Mr Las KyvSans jaafrtay opanad Urn Kates Oln—ii Centre at tha Paopte > Part Centre
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  • 408 13 CEVERAL high-rise 15 office building managements are planning to form their own flreflghtlng teams to help contain fires, If and when they occur, until firemen arrive. They are heading a call by Enclk Othman Wok, Minister for Social Affairs, who tald on Wednesday that such teims could
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 196 13 a^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^sßsHalw^^^^^a^^^^^ss^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^i«^^^sa^s^^M JUST ARRIVED! The fabulous <T37%*~J M B collection from U.S.A. from SS9O to SS3OO IN Hi W ij I Uv/lViJa Many new designs are continuously added to our popular W/fihn range from SSI2 to SS9O Bid PKIiiLJblSe You can win by lucky draw: fl Isi Prize Abbots* P1350 Super
      196 words
    • 185 13 I £k I -^3gaaHi■ r^»^CJ CURTAINS OFFER P Lb I IMPORTED FROM NEW ZEALAND. gTg^TB P"^^^l H ARRIVALS) I fiMPllTys\!t i*S OMI V U# p. f^p. I ROUND THE CORNER PATIO 9.00 7.00 I AT T6MTIOW LADIES! a» sat^i^^^^^sF i" Sal /TIB m aatW T VsV* I (STOCKS TO CLEAR)
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  • 298 14 Teenage burglar who spent it all in bars... A 16-YEAR-OLD youth, who enjoyed ail his housebreaking loot In bars, pushed h1 s luck Just once too fax when he tried pulling off the crime one more time. For Just a week after bis first offence be was caught in the
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  • 335 14 Plan to ease the jams at airport check-in counters •pHE Department of Civil Aviation is planning to lease out airport check-in counters to airlines on a day-to-day basis to ease overcrowding at these counters. According to sources, this Is part of an overall re-organlsation plan to maximise the use of
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  • 94 14 $17,000 FOR CRASH VICTIM A FORMER temporary watchman was ye»terday granted a content Judgment of $17,000 damages and cotta for Injuries suffered In an accident two yean ago. Sadhawanl Sobhraj Tarachand. 52. was crossing Cecil Street when he was knocked down by Tan Kee Chuan. a clerk, who was riding
    94 words
  • 35 14 A MUfB cMmbcr torn* ■tinii tram Urn iMUUIUf AWBCtotIOW will •rriv* haw Uj_jiu» (or >1I Ilij TUIt Tit* mlMton wtn mM _anb*n of Urn bjwm MuslKtumf AMOetetton and Urn Joint Cbubn of
    35 words
  • 30 14 MBS. lUMratawß. wtto of tit* ttlamm for rontfa Aflaln. will prMHtt ostifl«Ui at a klndwiutMi tr»daattoo c«rwmoor at Urn fwpw^j fMim ootnmunltj on tr* today at ISO pjn.
    30 words
  • 21 14 A OOOOWILL dn^attcn tfa* OiMii_llti«i fOr Indiak_l apiritwJ. aad O_*nl Adv»ae_Mot In Japac will *_t aingninii from Mot. 11
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  • 54 14 THE TOUOf Society of Stncapat* win jrr•ent concert ChrMmaa hnluy at Urn Victoria Theatre on Nov. at 4 p m matlnca) and Nov. 30 at 8 pm (public > Ticket* at tS ami SI (pubttc). SS and SI <maUn— > art «rmll»bto at Uw ICA Ontre. Miutcal Art*
    54 words
  • 148 14 Two who stole friend's m-cycle jailed rpWO me* stele a m* J- torsyel. bat ratarned It to the ewver when they discovered that he was their friend, a magistrate owut heard yesterday Vljay BaJ. SI. was JaCed for four ratiths and Mohamed BaOe, tt five months, after they pleaded guilty
    148 words
  • 114 14 KWA Kng KUt yesterday denied having committed three offences at a demolition worksite at Ujs Junction of Havelock Road and 8010 Btreet on July 4. Kwa, an occupier of the worksite, claimed trial to the first charge of not having someone to Inspect and
    114 words
  • 29 14 THX Metropolitan YMCA win conduct an y iiimiih ■rt ooune for chUdm bot*cen Urn mm of mx and Ur, *tartln« on Nov. M Mr d»talk rtn, M4MI
    29 words
  • 13 14 THBU vsr* 7* road aecldcnu. one of Umh Mrtooa on ThuntUj
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 488 14 fls_f^_-J _-kiS^_- ji-HsS 1 _t -i^ss9____i_P-! ____w I HB— k^_ TH^^— w^ avJ '^^_H_H_H_H_H_H_Hb_Hb_l _x^_k i m' 7 ■VT _b_l r •J 9 w B B_-^B li^ijL 1 _W v" *_^a>^^l I w_B 1 I ss^fe isrw i 1 a> __l F B__i Bl _1^ i ir i BJ* V
      488 words
    • 179 14 __^sy^^^^^_^^^_iT_P a>l aTllBB_-a_aß_l SJw^K 1 BH [bBBBBBBBBBBb _BW g^s fi "TSwL^B^^j^^jJ S»*^J»M>iirßnsßxta Hj* I STRD 7312 STRD 7206 AM, FM/FM STEREO AM. FM/FM STEREO STEREO CASSETTE c 8-TRACK PLAY/RECORD TAPE RECORDER STEREO SYSTEM MIC MIXING MIC MIXING AUTO-EJECT AUTO-STOP AVfIMfIDM Bt m\ lAftQinQI AftQinQ O#M#ft. So*# A#anti for Singapor*. Maiaytui
      179 words

  • 292 15 JUMP IN SEX CRIMES Almoet one a day in the first nine months ALMOST one reSported aex crime a day that Is the grim flfure the police faced for the nrst nine months this year. AeeerdUf v peMti sUtteUea, tU sex erisMe were ispaHed darta« the first nine ■satis ef
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  • 234 15 OEMBAWAHO Shlp- yard Ltd. and one of iv rmpioyve* were yeaUrday charted in a matutratei court for failing to comply fully with safety precautions under the r»ctortee Act last month. The comDuur repeat •entfd by coursel aT Tay. claimed trial to four charges against
    234 words
  • 55 15 THE afinlaur far Bwatth. Dr. Tab ODa Caye, wOt op« Urn *w*n Ulillfcl DonUl Isliir l KHiuu atxth annual ooo«Ta»j at mum ■nmtonai v pa on Dm. t Aboot se* Mpla tnm esnuU achoole or nlMtki t^u^Ua. Httlfnptoaa, InKoraa and «n—pnr» win at- ««<» U" eanfareaes «i
    55 words
  • 254 15 TW r>mnmA%»w> OOTem- ment to to refund the 15 to 30 per cent twwitoluiial Import duties It levied against c o 1 or r tilsilahMi atta, all age (I to have been dumped Into the market, by a local manufacturer between July
    254 words
  • 193 15 $400 mil govt stock offer to public rK Oovernment U offering MM million registered stock tor public subscription on Nor This will comprise taxable stock* maturing In two and nva year*, with lnteresu of SVfc and par cant per ""***w ■fhere are alao tax-free stock* maturing In 15 years with
    193 words
  • 314 15 Wind-up orders on four companies JXXJR fmrfnlTt were r ordered to be wound up under the p*"*— Act on ktoujxU of lnaohr> ency In aspaxmte petition*, granted by Mr. JuatJee EXCbtt* In the Hlfh Cburt yeaterdajr. Joanne Tone Oorporattoo Re. Ltd.. lneorporatad three yean a«x> wttn the object* of bataff
    314 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 141 15 GREAT FREE -^^ttTT+V**+mA CHILDREN S m r t coMPETTTION I wMaxVaxnV *"^fcgnt*«waxl Tl:VAoa JH ■jjj^HI^HIH Every day children of two sot groups L 4 7 yean and I 8-12 yaan can compete by building a LEGO modal I of their OWN design from respectively a No. 1 and No. B^^^T^^Ni
      141 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 183 15 O smAajsk—fAfmda; CJ§*_ VA#a^dgwaV> Am W aal4lfl axf am %f am am aavaWn^ aamaVafl aT^wh^Bna eav m ousmy aaocvew and ms e*e» "lV -raisj aSxmr I aMie 'ijr tmbm ssi aue ywnw_ +**am J Am >iayye>» mppcy «^*ff 1 1 Mgr lSTnjia\/TslalTl >^ I *QsQg*l T^X~~^^s&aT^ «WPK_ f bwßwßwt A
      183 words

    • 313 16 Razak to brief Suharto on KL 's Timor stand KUALA LUMPUR. PH.— Malay sla n Prime Minuter Tan Abdul Rank will explain Ma laysla's stand on the Portuguese Timor Issue when he meet* Indonesian President Suharto for talk* at Prapat. near Lake Toba. thlt weekend, a Malaysian Foreign Ministry spokesman
      AP  -  313 words
    • 493 16 KUALA LUMPUR fHE Bar Council, States of Malaya, will discuss the "full effect and implications" of the amendments to the Essential (Security Cases) Regulations 1975 at its next council meeting on Dec. 6. The council's secretary air. P. Cumanawamy said today the amendments
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    • 147 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. —The Ministry of Health will do all It can to accept nurw* returning from thr I'nited Kingdom late the government scrVtee If they fulfilled the neeeaamry conditions. Health Minister Tan Sri Lee Siok Tew said yesterday. Replying to a fuestlon la the
      147 words
    • 64 16 IPOH. Frl— An TT-**"t mother. 8. Togaswary. M. was toed 1400 or atx months Jail by the Beaaton t Court bare today for having 17 rolls of rannabtt weighing about 13 8 gramme* Togaswary. who has seven children, was found guilty to having the cannahU In
      64 words
    • 113 16 Customs got $4.7 mil tax from samsu KUALA LUMPUR. Frl— The Custom* and Excise Department collected about $47 million In duties on 231.677 proof gallons of samsu produced by licensed distillers last year Deputy Finance Minister Tan Sri Cheng Boa Hymn said this In reply to a queatwn in the
      113 words
    • 287 16 Night luck ran out on seven poker players KUALA LUMPUR, Friday IT was an unlucky night for seven poker players and a security officer who were robbed of their cash and valuables by four armed men at Brickfields Railway Sports Club here yesterday. The robbers, one armed with a carbine,
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    • 67 16 JAKARTA. PH.- lit taw Man Mbm kCnUUr Owral ""~*r» Panflaataan wiu lea*« (or Kuala Lumpur on Monday to attaod Urn annual mmim of Urn Joint Bcrdn- Committee, a Dafane. Mlntatrr apoßMaaan a>ld toCMn Panscabaan daaaat•d tna miatlT^ jfaij with Pttaldant aunarto. who ■■ma— id aattafactkio ow
      67 words
    • 63 16 KUALA LDMPDS. rrt Ufhty per cent •f tk« ckwtritHr mmrmtei by the NatlMul Usetrtetty Board was thrwuh tke «ac of fael all. according to Power. Beaearch and Tecknotoo Minister Hajl Mokamed Tue«b toK In rl«w •< tae Inftrwhiff «wal t 4 taat otl. It w*a ta«f«fw«
      63 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 266 16 s X ■W a^E^Lw Ew^bw^*/ J ■X' AeV EiW. T'• afcs i TllSaV TBs I 1 1 j^H EKswHrMf^i^EwH Ew^*ißwfl Lw^ SHIRTS fit better... feel better. i^ 1 EwaMSfwVs^Ea^SsiV EEf _-^^^a>B^gav^ Jl i »I<iL^Bi^Ealsw^C \j)i\g) DEPT. STORE BUS NESS HOURS 12 NOON TO 10 PM ,y La elite PLAZA SINGAPURA
      266 words
    • 177 16 MY TWO GREATEST LOVES TOTO BADMINTON J*£jC Shirley Ng a secretary a very octive girt loves badminton she says. I am not a I professional but it keeps me fit. My I second love is TOTO. I am simply crazy I t^^^"* over the aame believe in luck and I
      177 words

    • 318 17 MARKED FOR DEATH FOR 27 YEARS BY EX-COMRADES IT UA L A LUMPUR. 11 Ptl. For 27 years, he was markfor death by topranking members of the Malayan Communist Party who were once his comrades In arms m the Bee o n d World
      318 words
    • 239 17 Fan's bid for High Court order on hit status KUALA LUMPUR, PrL -The DAP member) of parliament for Meuglembu. Mr. Pan Tew Teng, file" an action In the High Court today seek li« a declaration that the Dewan Rakyat alore and no other authorl y or body can "go Into
      239 words
    • 167 17 $239,000 CBT: Manager gets 12 years OENAMG. m. A Jr saeikee of feav wev* In the ■■aslsae Ceart here teday when her hasamnd. sales ■anagsr Kkee Bay ■am, at. a BJL heaears gtsawa Is was JaOad fee IS yean ea two sk-argea of sssssa»ra»Harlag J7« la cash aad feeds aslonsinf
      167 words
    • 52 17 MALACCA, PH—Tfae MiMoss Mmtslßaaly v to laenaae parklnf ttm toe botar vahteas to at per seat from Jan. i Mat year. Tbs prsssat rats ef M c«nu for half an soar and M oonu tar ons hour win to locrsassd to 15 and M osnu r»sjatU?«li frotn
      52 words
    • 266 17 Gunmen fire 5 shots in holdup KUALA LUMPUR, rtL Sub- contractor Chen Pak Cho. M. m temporarily bllndeJ when one of three gunmen on two motorcycle* threw a bag full of floor into hu eree before grabbing a tt 000 payroll In Kepont yerterday. The gunmen alao fired five ahota.
      266 words
    • 36 17 KUALA LOMPOB, Prl Tk* M mas wkto-taodMd dc 10 m v eaMataa to alar) nwttoi o«n Oetotar. ooav JHJ-a^^-a It would to and oa Urn KOamiii LUBbWT BOEa^IUEaC yi»>i km* to a«>
      36 words
    • 45 17 KUALA UTIirUB. Frt The CMtact iiaaWliif waiea la ala^jlat tk* appMaaUaa ar Maari mnd ker«ata«. aaa kaaa firca *W wmks froa lul TMt<U; U tkUb Ike rtknal <tU u4 tlgmr** fr— oli iiamin »fi*lnln« U Ueii eaat •f laiiaUiaa and cn4t «U MUa.
      45 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 236 17 ORUIIDIG i^bw Direct from W Germany Sfirmf??l Model 2210 jHSKHa* JOUIUtt J super 22 "S^Baaaaaaaaal s»S^ a^^MaaaV^^aaaaaak B^ai -^^aawaaaf *^^^^^^^aaaa^^^Sß kaK^ saaaaaßr- I laaaaaam -<-3aaWayigHHfl I a^Katoaaw* lj iUU ASK FOR -^~mm IB PUP M (Easy Payment Terms) s***Ms*p«*»*T»te Fully transistorised l\ Hf^^^^"^ SawaWal Multi module technique H instdnt picture
      236 words
    • 305 17 H?%2r^vSil-ai«^ \A^kx)metothe6vCycles&lbvs PPPitflJ^^pP^ At the Ist Floor Lobby- Plaza Singapura 261, Selegie Road. r^^ W^Of'lsrl m l^^aaw^^B r -^Kk ""w^^^^^^ r*^a^ I ff^f^ i feS *r^ Xataorbaraoaon P M f MOTCXJROSS |^^»w_ UghtbUttaxingrt groat for sports a touring. CornWoet branr>r«w teaturea: ♦motorcycte type rtgkJ frame de-luxe soft seat PRICE: $21
      305 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1675.
    • 432 18 rESDAY was a black day for the United Nations. On the 37th anniversary of the Krlatallnacht (Crystal Night), when Hitler unleashed his stormtroopers against the German Jews, the General Assembly passed a resolution condemning Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination." Thus, Zionism, which is not
      432 words
    • 199 18 DEOPLE are going to feel uneasy about using public rain shelters so long as any doubt exists about their safety. The Public Works Department has Just demolished the concrete shelter whose collapse killed a young soldier at Pasir Rls Park last month, and also levelled six other defective
      199 words
  • 458 18 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane THK Age of GentleMM r*B all over, laments an old grutacman friend with nrstalgtc regret. Not quite, I think, though gentlemen an a vanishing breed Unless one refers V the ERtiish gentleman In commerce and his old Asian counterparts and prototypes, excluding the
    458 words
  • 664 18 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. IF PEN'ANG hoteliers go ahead with their show of strenfth against the revision of assessment rates it will mean that 400 Adelaide Week guests of the Government will be without room service for a week. The hoteliers
    664 words
  • 964 18  -  ENRICO JACOMIMI: Rome The hard drug has become a status symbol mainly for student* officials say. and youths HEROIN abuse has roach ed the proportions of an "epidemic eruption** among Singapore youth, according to the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association. The same grim trend
    AP  -  964 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 14 18 BW ■avaM^attk Bam mm I Q IMI aOUf I SALORA I colour TV M
      14 words
    • 285 18 \bu get more than air conditioning when you buy Carrier cost^MMaM tatsst Ssa^fc-fWkaaW *ssu* '•^■si sbbj i^m MS Mo4»k» Caml fax. |«DO Mm Bit quality and reliability A» fkr worlds kadtn* air Baa* mnirl •> double ch*ck«i candmunin« train, we mjincain JunwuiimHi And finally. haah votamrpraducnon. Whx-h cadi Cwtct machma
      285 words

  • Business Times
    • 340 19 Set-back in profits at Philips |T8 inability to off--1 set increasing cost* through higher selling prices conUnues to affect ad- versely the perform- ance of Philips, the Dutch electronics group which has a large manufacturing ope r a t ion in Singapore. And with the first nine months of this
      340 words
    • 211 19 QOUTH Johore Amalga- i mated Holdings has I Uken the bold step to j pay a first and final dl- < vldend of seven pet cent for the year ended Ma-rh 1875. although It his insufficient funds li. the kitty to service this total dividend cost
      211 words
    • 676 19  - Speculation on precious etals ling... ELIZABETH FOWLER By YEW YORK: The precious metals gold, silver and platinum h ay c lost muct lustre for speculators in the last year. The futures contract prices for these metals have shown a long decline. Among other factors, gold has suffered disenchantment as an
      NYT  -  676 words
    • 211 19 Business loan demand starts to mirror economy MEW YORK: fhninßH loan demand here which traditionally lags movements In the economy by six to nine months, is now showing the first signs of an upswing, indicating the US economy Is well Into the recovery phase. Figures released on Thursday by the
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 83 19 Golden Hope expects slowdown AT current commodity price levels. Golden Hope Plantations will not be abe to repeat IU 1874-75 performance when pretax proflU Jumped by more than one third to £754 million In the current year, says the chairman. Mr. Frank Harper, In the annual report. But, he assures
      83 words
    • 214 19 Bank explains Bousteadco's earnings rUSTEADCO-S pre-tax proflu will not Increase by $100,000 as a result of IU acquisition of a 81 55 per cent stake In Unochrome Australia, according to IU merchant bank advisers. Chartered Merchant Bankers. CMB l s clarifying Bousteadco's reply to a query from the Stock Exchange
      214 words
    • 218 19 JUST aa I niUd In daatrlal Corporation had feared, proflU for the year ended- Jmly 1*75 have not auttched those of the prarteaa After excledim a areaH of aheat H million from the sale of IS per cent of the Seer space at the I'lC BmUdlnc.
      218 words
    • 283 19 A.D.B. AND F.A.O. TO STUDY FISHING INDUSTRY IN S'PORE SINGAPORE'S nshIng Industry will be examined in a fish market study to be undertaken Jointly by the Asian Development Bank and the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). The study will look Into Singapore's consumption and processing and trading functions not only
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 341 19 BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE 1 DESUEZ ank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the The addition of the non-consolidated balance ;OMPAGNIE FINANCIERE DE SUEZ, is the _tMg»j»Baam sheets of the two banks on January Ist, 1975 result of the merger on September 30th, 1975, 'I I showed the following figures of the BANOUE
      341 words
    • 260 19 ACBC Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Optimum interest and liquidity. Available for specific periods of not less than 3 months and not more than 3 years. High interest rates for fixed periods. Accepted by banks as collateral. Freely negotiable therefore liquid at any time. Minimum deposit SS 100 000 with multiples
      260 words

  • 564 20 Predictions of a dismal year for Japan rKYO: November la bringing Japan showers of dismal business news, and forecasts for recovery from the recession are being pushed wen back into 1976. It la bad nm tor Jari trading partner* non- communist Asia. Most are running heary trade deficits with Japan,
    UPI  -  564 words
  • 148 20 More firms set up factories at SEDC sites JOHOU BAKU: Eighteen areas have set M factersea as* 69 more have appUee) for land la the BUU ■seat Cerperattea's Instetrtal estates la Paste Gawmag, TaaJaag Agaa. Maar aad Tsagfcaag Pecan. Forty -seven firms have b*en given approval U set aa fast
    148 words
  • 387 20 LONDON: The third 1 quarter results show that the Unilever group has set Itself firmly on th» recovery path after suffering reverses in the pest 18 months. However, the group does not expect the profits increase in tt*» second half of the cur* rent year to be
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 56 20 NET group profits at Toshiba (Malaysia) for the year ended June 1975 came to •03&5.3 M against 1340.030 previously. The parent company had net earnings of $446,144 compared with M75.V*2 The company has proposed a first and final dividend of 12 per cent tax free, two points up
    56 words
    • 339 20 XT K W YORK. Thunv With u«dln« agmln extraordtnary active the stock market today continued the climb that baama raterday on hetahtened hopes of Federal aid for Hew Tor* City The advance did not hold, however, and price* Ukl bock. More slock* posted (mm* than loase*. but the
      339 words
    • 88 20 AIifITKRO/M. ThunBhara t\rm*\ reoenUly. UM br the Wall Strests nnner trend and the fMaur•kat reacttoa to nsV and Tlalhuil" flturtm. an lira Philipj dosed hither dsepMe aapenfttnns of a lost in iv third quarter ngtam. ni^n— la the sots laasT ■monc Dutch tntenMttoaala. awpptot^and banta nrmsad with Oaiiiiw. AaW
      88 words
    • 50 20 7ORica ttmn.— Tfce atoek aatf bond mark* cM a ratbar nnn t "liejßk7 ftaanee etmymnim aad nliailrula !-»■*•< to hbjbar whlla luwiiannes were weaker Tlm Credtt Sutaae tadei tatned 0 point to IMJ. mm m» twimii ea st* 9 (MMMM auk <*n* —JB "■Mk* <i*io> HtM •mZT SS IM
      50 words
    • 84 20 FINANCIAL TIMES INDI'STUAU Thursday MC4 WtdMdv > WMk ago MM TINI Thursday tUt V*«au«aay M »J W«t mo tIJ» BIMUU Thursday Mt.M W«lnMd.r f"J WMk ago mM OIL! Thunday WadnMday nitt Wrtk ago 331 M DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thundajr Ml M Wwtaxaday Ml-tt W«*k ago MOM LONDON
      84 words
    • 218 21 UOWOKOMD. Frt Tse n market was aoghUy wsakar to small turno-sr. dealer, mm. PToflt-taktag parsd most of ysstenUyi gams and th* market drifted down on lack of newi and buying Tn* Haag Sen* index lost I.IT points to JM M Tuinooii on ths Hongkni^ Stock Cavhang* was Mll mlUton
      218 words
    • 61 21 twk.,w »■■>., MM MM lliEf i»t hi Mill io.M mm imm mr: ■MfM Itt M IMM It It* IUM IUM 44 MB 144 MS PIN MID I44.X *>«••» TUtlHy 144 M 14* M nniti 141 rra i4i \m 144 Tl« MS K«*wi mm w mx a t«rlim«
      61 words
    • 174 21 TOKYO Prt— The markf. closed tltghtly higher aftsr fluctuating narrowly around yssterdayi closing level*, dealer* aaid. Th* Dow Jones average rose IB to 4JIS 77 with a volume of IM million aharea. Th* New Index closed at 113 35 up M.. I lahr'i *n*M M raa witk Ik* HSmaaa
      174 words
    • 296 21 CYDNIT. PM.— Th* market 19 ended the week oo an Urwjular note In subdued tradtof. dsalm tald. Th* Sydney AU-Onanartea Index shsd OM poinu to They said the market appear! tc be taking atock of the pollUcal situation and added they could not foresee any sharp swing either wsy
      296 words
    • 213 21 Money and exchanges THE US dollar stated a iau)»**l to Ann at 12 4750 M level jrssterdsy Trading waa active and bfisk throughout the session with the US unit being bid op U> 12 4110-X level However, with men* minor proflt-UUlng the US unit closed *t M 4000-05 BtaßMttsd interbank
      213 words
    • 162 21 Su*?*-4*d Interbank rates »t lOC pm. rwMitw Nmlul rmUi BmMkmmUm Prrrnitac* •••4c* 7Mter4*7 parity cteaav* VB dollar J4*>o ***** 2IIM -UK •tarttng pound J o*4o 4 OMO 7MM -30 71 Boockoof dollar 4» 34 4» 14 MAI 2 4t Malayttui dollar Mtt MM 100 00 )ii AIM. KTOlUnc
      162 words
    • 178 21 AaiAH eurrsney atpotU tnterbank rats* s at clcse on No* 14 MOTS: Trwss raUi bmjt dtftor aWfbUy from thoss euoMd by banks to tbstr cuMMra IS Oaten (teat! Offer BM T dan 511 16 5» II t mth 1J 1« t 11 II 1 mths 1 3
      178 words
    • 47 21 KAI4OB at MB) aS?OTM) by St* (»r»rkl««t 1 1 Hi an lijMit 1 1/4 A CM4**S smr Mswj TfMwy Mill IT/IS I I/IS 8888 MUa 47 1* 4 1/4 t-ataMh CO 4 I 'II 4 1/1 4-atoMk CU 17 1* 11/4 limi NatMaiaJ UmmH O»
      47 words
    • 30 21 Ctoalnc lnUrfcank r«t*» U Mactport dollar* (or No* 14 Ovcmlfht 4>, 4 I mth 4 3 t mth. 4. 4 11 1 rath* 4S > ■mm: r mwmy-Imm i»iii«mwii
      30 words
    • 40 21 Prime lending rates (in Al^vnan* tor* 7 f<n> Ch*o»o ton^«fctor* 7V* 'NCB toXrfAffwr*. 6M HKSK tortrfCrwia 7 M«tor«t »onk>ng tor* o* I+ro 7 tor* Hwin Inaonwn 7M OCX Iv^iL'lnteNnt 7 OUB SSMMtantaMn 7 UMfC oas *h uot T 7 7
      40 words
  • 532 20 Heavy losses forecast at Picop THE BUSINESS TIMES. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1 373 LLki^l MANILA: Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines (Plcop) will incur a 1975 loss of 35 million pesos or 1.37 pesos a share, Ayala Investment and Development Corporation forecast. The paper product* group will account for about
    532 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 523 20 Accidents happen. Mr aaB^BBBaJ I BBBBMBMaaMa^ IkV^9b»wß^Bß BBaavkhM.^ B^HB^B^sW B^_BJ ■_mj~BJ 1 mffl I I^BB 1 Z -^<bibm^bbb-MJI .^aaaBBBBBi BM^^^sßmS M J-M Micro- A .re 1 fiber glass duct boert Nothing happens. (Not if it's resilient, compressible J-M MHcro-Alni* fiber glass duct board.) construction sites accidents are bound to happen
      523 words
    • 19 20 MMMSi TtPfAH-TMU STUIT OKOH JepeMSS RettswraM 4W> F»,>an»m« Hoik. Ml M7S4I. KATSURA Jaaenasa Staah Homss Urn. Tal: SSIXM. V
      19 words
    • 452 20 NEW BARGE FOR SALE A 5225,000 The new Dowered borge hoi iu»t been launched in the Philippine*. The owner*, located in Roboul. Pupuo N«w Guinea, do not wish to put the vettel into service but with to tell ot o new vettet The price it quoted in Australian dollar* SafCIFICATIONS:
      452 words

    • 1681 21 TH» last traasactsd reaoy sals st th* emm of twiMnM* om th* Stock Barhsnte of a^aiasare jiaiiitiy inaMjtrsd •ita ths prerhMM dayi prtces IsaMttlsr with If7l h«Th and low < Adjusted for srrtji rwhu Isiuti iictism s«s IBOWITSIALS MTS Laal L Saw Arm* I*U BBCB m i m
      1,681 words
    • 396 21 rE Sing a yen share aaarket yesterday ecatissjed to stay hi a healthy shape despite mteraaltUai weekend proflt-takiNg Skaret shswsg Baargisal gains acres* a wide front The Basra.*! resaalßed steady to firm to the close. The alisu terns* of trading wmuutM that Investors are tastisem. aWdenee *f
      396 words
    • 1326 21 BID and offsr prlsss of nclally Uasd and -rlntsi to ana reported to (bs> Stock Bsesaikjs of ■rsjainrs rssI*r4a* wiut the nuoibsr of mvii uided sttova in brackets in tots of IMS uiufcj unkMs athsmae apsciflsd. All Tins Banatna or SetUement Conuacu an auotsd after the word
      1,326 words
    • 1184 21 DID *nd olttr p r Ic* offlciAl!) liaxi (Ad I buitnesa in and rsswtad to Kuala Lumpur Stock EachAnc* T»t«rt«y wlUi Ihß BUMlir <A atkATM ln«M •Town ta brafktu In lot* of IOW uniu unISM ottxrvtM tpactftod HOUtTSIAL* MSi AimiM.l. .1 ••H I a Ta*. o «»B cMa
      1,184 words
    • 48 21 K. L Summary Rites »i v -♦-.r lUn« D«rby OB and C JCBC rcu :ne Vrrl!t.« •U.C r otii UN U J4 U 10 »3M MM 12 ii MM MM us: u«o ii n o 1 01 t 01 01 4 01 4 oi o. o« 0< i.
      48 words
    • 12 21 CUM Kua >urt ■nun ra II 0} tI«S fIM -M I*
      12 words
    • 308 21 Further price gains by shares in KL OHARX prices adran•3 ecd further In firm trading to end the week on a steady Dole at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Erchante yesterday Interest, however, waa still confined to a h dful of selected .an v i w* stocks which benefited from the
      308 words
    • 94 21 TVZNVZR: The nummJ ber of individual* owing common stocka hu slipped dramatically, the New York Stock Exchange Indicated. NTBS chairman Jamei Needham told a father Ing at the University of Colorado, that white the Kxchang e'i first detailed estimate tine* l»70 has not teen completed
      94 words
    • 43 21 w— tn 2£LT T mm •"■-••/««■>» ■">* M BJPOPA, HM mam* (OMIT mmm tnmm iwta irtH/miiiia «m say*** ***B4y WmmJtmM. UM/ftßlliili ..ii... *«««M NOT MM WTM/.UtIUB m, tair^ Mean, w mum. d« ma, tm/xMiMM a, «m«,. a») IUBttTeMM IvrnHNiMiUH if M *>au mM
      43 words
      • 199 21 fRK StralU Ua price tn Mkjßjajk* gBBMd asothsr •3J7H to M«ij7s par psMl for th* third conaec uuv* day yesterday, on so ontctal offering down 11 tons to 330 toss. Th* overnight London mstai price was atsady with forvud buyers quoted at UIM par metric ton. LONDON: Tm
        199 words
      • 31 21 LaaSaa oas*«r pnea* aa raarsMT WITMM asat Cmyt IST* *O i«IT*.Mi mimt* ItTT i an Tan* Man k«r»r IM7 M KMS) MUar i*M ((SM.M) Marttat kM BtaaaMr bul qatat.
        31 words
      • 30 21 aym, irVT. Itl Singapore: Dec. 141.M eta. (sp I.M g|JL aaalayma: Dec 14C7S eta dp •75 et). Tin mtri .up «.J7|). Official offering KM Urn (down IS tons).
        30 words
      • 105 21 (-NIMSII MM CMABOI lIKI CLMIIt PBICII VItTtBOAT ■•IB itooii »IB bicwl Innal Mi Sma Mil Man. MSStmb ISTi a*Uar*. arw MM Saara: MUa* iMh) UK/ Oa*t |M *mrm*. ■waaar: Maatsfe AaTA »mi. f*b ISS«i MLW UM **U*n. a*r*«aa wan* fab. M« MLW MM Mllara. Bsrawaa avariai bsmS ra b.
        105 words
      • 408 21 -pHI Slngapor* rubber 1 market yesterday *v extremely thin and quiet In the morning with a tllghtly •tesdler undertooe mainly due to io—iHh of iMaihy. Th* BMmlng ssaatea closed quite Ths aftsmoon isaavra trsodad stsadMr on book squaring although tradtof was apane Ths Markst cloasd vary quiet
        408 words
      • 94 21 SM R and SSR OAU.T am Md mm immm r***^ mil Cvnri HU) 'F«iw* Wkl (•Mtoparb*) ,««i.p-M' MR »CV (1 too paUtt) IMM I*l MN 1«* >U 00N SMR »L (l*tOß 9*OH) l**» >«•••«♦ IMJM BMR II ton pallet. 14SJ0 IMHH 1««SO 147 MN tiOt 1* (I «on pUkt) IU.N
        94 words
      • 303 21 1 WMM X MM. HMO-j mZrjrtm? ssl^ mmih w "*j!^r*iXiiH L^7» Miin- —I ■"*>• a*> (MM a*S SUB M iv wmsJt "T*»a»4M* wun waafeaMl sbmMvmvMs k*M| mot bbMM) kr IaVBIaMM ffM COjMb tl Kill 1 0B« I '.'S/IMMt i mi-- At tk. MM SSr M 'IIV IBIM IKlti
        303 words
      • 50 21 RESULTS tender held «i Ne*. 14 far •1-day Bills U be BMawd Not 17 t* XI. Offered: SMJMJM I ABPsJad S74.MCMO I tlMlei $MjMMM MlfNi aids: MM: approximately 4* per ecnt; higher Mds la fall Average rate ci wk- o*l alltflst: 1 4»s per e***t per tinia
        50 words
      • 42 21 I Trmd. ■Mr* >nr r. CM7 B 1V»II| MB LOB i. Iraa EL Nvi I GIBM a. cmb »4tt M« Em IMS •74* 111* «tl STM «LM UJ4 M.l« H144 II l» 1141 JS 1» M »5 M J •J »1
        42 words
      • 11 21 I Lmrng ljUx lIM Ull ma —.11 i* M —M
        11 words
      • 6 21 (Mm Tata*: IMJM
        6 words
      • 70 21 Mot. U Mot. 14 ar tain: imjs im m Utah: tMJ* tttJt nvw MIN «MJ* »>» itl.U HUI Pr» urttn: IMJS IM J1 t TkH: M.7* M.l* t f r«»m: tlt.4* MU4 t 0.«. C: NU4 IMJt I »JL». laA: <14J* Ilt.ll JM. 1. Ifft IM Dm. M, I*M
        70 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 859 22 M DIESEL FAR EAST PTE LTD offers career opportunity for experienced and matured applicants to fill In the position of: REGIONAL SERVICE MANAGER Qualifications and Marine or Mechanical Experience Engineer with longstanding experience in overseas Diesel Installations, repairs and service Jobs. Responsibilities taking charge of setting up of regional service
      859 words
    • 335 22 H Due to current project expansion, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED H has openings for:- ACCOUNTANT H Sex Male female Age :22— 35 years old Education A diploma or degree in Accounting or H equivalent. Experience :At least two years' experience in H copocity of accountant ACCOUNTS CLERK H Sex
      335 words
    • 950 22 ■Bb^^^^^b^^^^^b»B I r^aV—^l aaaaa^^^^^^^^aa^^^i!aa»'^l^^ i^'^^" i^^^^^Bßa! Our client, a Holding Company, with a number of subeidianee, operating in Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesia, is engaged in the manufacture of textiles, chemicals and* plastics, property development, export and import of produce and consumer goods, agricultural plantations, banking and investment in marketable
      950 words

  • 124 23 rail aiay aad Be work makes Jack a ■Mr* toy the* theac children are _sre than happy to k* just that far tbe next sevea gl«--rMu weeks. Like 9M.M* ether primary sebMl children, theee of River Val ey Eagtlsh School had waited
    124 words
  • 339 23 I OCAL civilian employees of British military establishments in Singapore who are retrenched from Sept. 16 can t.ike home their whole retrenchment benefits in cash, instead of having them funnelled through the Redundancy Payments Fund. This is the effect zetted yesterday by of a
    339 words
  • 43 23 TO AN Hall Bha «rl T*Un. SenW PwliaiDcnUry aeereUry (Culture), and hie wife wUI be met! of Sooour •X the Mil annual cluuity ball -The Rock Zopaf orcanlead by Dale Oaraegte Meek Chapter at Uland Ballrtnea. Bhao«rVLa HoUl. today at < PA
    43 words
  • 30 23 THS Pobße OaUy-rated laafkeU and Hawken Worken' Uruoo will bold itt l«ta W ennui general maWnt at U>« Tamil Ililuf fwilillnn in acranfloon Road at 1» P«i today
    30 words
  • 309 23 Doctors: Rise In deaths from noxious fumes T\EATHS from carbon mJ monoxide DOlsonlng art on a "steep" increase In Singapore, according to two government pathologist* Or Seah Han Cheow and Dr. Chao Tftee Cheng say there ware 47 deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning— M of which occurred In ships and
    309 words
  • 42 23 A DniONSTRATTOK on how to operate f orkilft true** •a fely wUI be held at tbe United Motor Worta In Jurong at a m today It has been organised Jointly by the Ministry of Labour and the company
    42 words
  • 27 23 THB Adult EttucaUon Board will oonduet typ^ wTltlnt claaee for ecbooi)aa««n at Urn cultural Or tre. Cannbw Mm. from Dec 1 P*e b M iconthlj
    27 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 102 23 A< "I I ._B_____7 StrepsilsM^ kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute another intornstionsi product from (fl£p) P CHINESE I CHRYSANTHEMUM A I EXHIBITION J ?J) 14th -30th November ff ftP at the Great World U if Amusement Park A KIM SIIIC MMO. SIMCAPOM I 1 ITH
      102 words
    • 344 23 SPECIAL OFFER items galore 1 free gifts, hurry! I Food, Liquor. Patent Medicine, Other Electric- Depis Depts. Purchase of Purchase of $10 or more 1976 Pocket Diary or 5 or more Plastk Butter Container $20 or more Plastic Flask or $1 0 or more Chopsticks 1 bundle (10 pain) (30
      344 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 746 23 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 12Ji W Opanirsj and Sesame Street Ul I— pw) I IfclMi (ft 2) IJI Saturday MatMW-The Devtl Makes Three, 7JI This and That fa&ti ttarrini: Kene Ketry, Pier Anfei, Ridwd 7 JI tm {Mfcf) EfM 7.4J Ha tarsi Iratl Star 111 Saecar-f naaa> XliaaJiiaJ Stappan
      746 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 338 24 NOW SNOWING! Daily At 7.N I S3! PI A4wiiMi»w Adurt* $i.OO Qiila-»jn; $1.00 iniHwtim!iY r i i ""rum ruPM g7t>»ffT£^7J|^| •I CHIN HSIANG LIN ond KO CHUN-HSIUN( (in Mondorm with English Swbtittot) jiik itire-n n\Mt •wm ttauii 2ND MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! OOEON MORNING SHOW TOMORROW 9am) J Leung Shin Poh a
      338 words
    • 426 24 Pi PLAZA CINEMA I Textile CentrelJln Sultan) Tel *****72 TONIGHT MIDNIGHT AT 12 AM. SEASON STARTS TOMORROW! DAILY 5 SHOWS AT 1 1 AM, 1 JO, 4.00, «.4S 4 9.30PM Thm Supmrnmturml Powr of thm r MMn r!l...r Jt/ ttm Ma§te INCREDIBLE Wgu, m ot thm nimjasi MAGICAL AW^Jn^f^: ENTEITIINMENTI^PffiK^S^
      426 words
      243 words
    • 256 24 *"noW sowing Simultaneously at 2 Theatres REX GLOBE E# Admission $3, %2 A SI CASH BOOKINGS only Helpless people trapped in a enppted airliner- the pilot parar, cd.the co-plot dead the peaks of the Rockies dead ahead! Anal M NEW JM BKaaflak rum... a^PfA AMPORT 1975 ■MB nUIWBia ffJIMi MM
      256 words
    • 628 24 ■firm y't" I MwariMMr 1 Ha«. 1J«, 4M »>M.f It P»»ar Sa»ar» -IffTVaM 0* Tka HMR •AMTMbbT J MOW SMOWIMO.M. tmm La* k I laa. I M. *00 a 41 M T, Lung BLAC* MAfK" MonaorKi o Seen Cater I Towwm »uoiiigirT > I 6 Thastrat CAPITOL -Lit 4 J
      628 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 528 25 •^>^ Olaldilar] The famous h I Indian Cuisine (Halal) J jk Btlal is the place to relax \M for all occasions I m: jjL whether it is breakfast, lunch |m£ or dinner, you will enjoy IP»" the pleasant surrounding and jL* relish the delights of THE BlLAL' cuisine K Chicken
      528 words
    • 181 25 I The Beefeater A genuine English Pub (as near a. d- it!) 417, River Valley Road, Singapore phone *****5 opsa 7 day. a week 11. 30am -midnight Cocktail time tfpf\ spm 7pm and 20% /^^S\ off ail drlnki. fK'jr C harming s~Sv^^F^^--"Beefeaierette" k •NO SERVICE WSSBW CHARGES \J \J Steaks
      181 words
    • 89 25 STOP THAT SCRATCWNG! MaOci sctanaati have great news tor guys who are always scratching then scalps because of dandruff, seborrhee or even psoriasis They have now developed Denorex* Medicated Shampoo- 50* stronger in the medication doctors recommend tor flaking, itching scalp than shampoo Helps remove ugtywhWe scales, medicates sf entry
      89 words
    • 105 25 la^Lm^B KaxCormiff] "^^9^? Bmf I! I i^ *'*sT- I Vftai m I BBSBBBBH lo>- < I tB ißasul II I BktfvJ i> J I s'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'aVaßßl ar^Bm¥a'aß^B^^^™™^^^flr 1 1 I a^Bmwam D BmVr jflmfl I i^BBmrBB^B^B^BBBB^Ba^n""""^"^^^ f^ 1 I^l^BbßbW m/K&m—WW MJ9 rwtwWJmX 1 1 *fa I Li^i^^^t^bl am^Vß^Bmfl b\>" lisi I
      105 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 568 26 rHsn CHARTERED INDUSTRIES OF SINGAPORE PTE. LTD I Requires 1. Sw^rOuaWy Control Engineer OsatN*aaaan oj experience Dagras m Metallurgical Engineering, preferably wrttrt 2 years' working experience m a manufacturing industry DwtJaa Responsible for me control of the quality of incoming raw materials and overall supervision of the running of relevant
      568 words
    • 532 26 5 Adeutz I EXPANDS jj SDEUTZ FAR EAST PTE. LTD. Q Bcctrtcal S Enginea* One Vacancy L I (■wleaglonaj Engineer) J Qualification i Degree in Electrical ft Enginaanng and s. I Registered with tha sas Profeesional Englnaaring P jj Board C Duttee t ToeupervtaatheOMign and Assembly of diaaal *a1 ay
      532 words
    • 614 26 i /w^ro cornuL 1 vfcWJ) MMmOENT FUND FWAMa OFFICER (DESIGNATE) TMC J08: The Finance Officer it the top appointment in one of the four departments of the CPF Board. The main responsibilities are: 1 Overall financial administration of the Board. including a Preparation of monthly and final accounts a balance
      614 words
      1,341 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 330 27 SALES REPRESENTATIVE International Chemical Company Invites Malaysian Cltlsen, preferably Bumlputra to fill the above post. The successful applicant aged 25—30 y9*n must possess a BBc. Degree In Chemistry with experience In sales, must be prepared to travel extensively throughout the country. Applications with details or qualifications and experience, with recent
      330 words
    • 536 27 BIAtISWA/SiNJAMAN WANQ KERAJAAH NEQUM MMeMLAM If7t tonokah iaibovi tin Pennohonan-pannohonan adsisn dlpeiswa da- PMDQ W 0 B Ao nwula Raky at Neferi SwnbUan (Vlelayu dan Bukan Mateyeia) Welayu) yanc bwrksiuluaan BUU Ttofgl Perssko- ncmrw m lahan atau rang teiah mancambu jwpwlkaaan ur- O i\Tß«u»at .t aebut aSJam tsSun 1975 ttsu
      536 words
    • 1290 27 MALAYA USED CAR A FINANCE ASSOCIATION NO. 2SS-A, JALAN PUDU, KUALA LUMPUR will the fOUowtng htran or persons having poasaaaton or knowing the whereabouts of the undermentioned' vehicle* kindly contact Malaya Uaad Car S Finance ;t at No 188- A. Jalan Pudu. Kuala Lumpur, Tel *****. *****. SMSM MM! MSSR
      1,290 words
    • 566 27 DALAM MABKAMAH TINOOI TANAB MSXATV Dl MUAK Data riaaia Kahaaknaaa Sa. I taaaa ir»J Bm: Oat Aa Slac. N*. 16*. Jalaa raraaaaa. TutUt Tartkh Ptnntah PnM^lasaan FWajhukusaaa 18 7 71 Tarlkh parlntah untuk pen tadbtran tarua MB7S Tarlkh dan tacnpat mca7uax>-. partajna M.IJ7S )am 10 M pact dl Pr)abat Fa*Mgaa«
      566 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 457 28 JOojjerH I Achieve your career ambition I withthe m Rollei Soulh East Asia! I Sales Service ■Organisahon. We are building a Dynamic Soles and After-Sales Team in Singapore and Malaysia. Applications are invited for the positions of: I Sales I RepresentaKves The successful applicant will have at least 3 years
      457 words
    • 276 28 •arCNavMi A a^L.a^B**l^B^BKa^ QaTVIMMk a^ CAfffMfeaTam^ AMfgfJfM if| SotJtH^BWt AaV% MAHUFACTURIHC MANAGER -PLYWOOD INDONESIA Up to 5560,000 pA •> Tha »uccassful oandidats ««ill ba baaad in |ndona*ia and rapon to tha Diractor of tha Group's plywood company. Ha will ba raaponaibia for tha antira manufacturing function of tha company, from
      276 words
    • 555 28 > I PUBLIC UTIUTUW i mr nrr irn boaed. hinuafou BSC UNE PTE LTD. WATER 48 SPOTTISWOODE PARK ROAD D Sf^?T MENT ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF CONSUMERS SHUTDOWN OF EVERETT STEAMSHIP CORPORATION neetion work on an exteUruj O B trunk main alone Track 3 oft J Jurors Road, tnere will
      555 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1081 29 *y*mr CMtMaBTtaW mmWM W HMTWOn +*t IM DSAKI UT 'MH'I ttMa| Imi Im atwt II aa 3 wPwt INiMkwiNl INI Tt C*MfU* Ut tl Mi B M tl Mt il Mi I. Ml I Ml MM ItPMM |ia. MM BM DM n Ml UM MB**** w lIW nM MM BM
      1,081 words
    • 1292 29 Ben Ocean It M CMTTIMn Mt IMI Im Pmm pwmmj law «M la."tß IM II M 11 il aw »VTI a*. H Nt In. IW*. ITMnj. *Mat« lIMIII MPt II Mi MVI Mt n/a Mi II M IM M«. I tMt <Mt« nm M tim *w B/ I M I
      1,292 words
    • 1114 29 tilMaM. la* l«w rai ni ill ilii I km* iwa»if All VI J?^" JJ7 1 •5j jj jjj" j jj mmmm ibmjim ii mi a aw a Nt n mc n Nt urn MIMM IM IM TTM aM IM HM MUM UT lIMItM IM IM I Ma Imp Minim iiptin
      1,114 words
    • 1017 29 FULLY COMTAIWMIZID SCKVICI TO tUMOfI I TTTM. ""^mlT?, m imim -Ml "»t*<B*. aJMHrla*. Mm. ll Htwi. I bjtUbmb M 11 MII MIAMU Mt II MM). BjaMTf. nM, ■nMMMMi. I 53i m ltUt m 7 It 5 I!* C Ml tl "">' l t. I MMM n tweMili out. Nthaki. OtM
      1,017 words
    • 790 29 Sap Mr* lUM4; P. Majf Ml; LL 1*3711 •aaaj 7WI TKS BANK LINE LTD. imk mus wnu. i ««bm liw i. Malm. Mm 11 M.CMWJ P lt*w« PVTt M I'pwt IMM MM ntmfm BwnM* I W.<« P l.lMt M/M M> t pwt I I M PMM IMT .MN MMM M
      790 words

  • 140 30 TM »O«T Of l«4»'0ll I »UTMOaiTT AOMOUNCtO imi roiLOWiaa •iMTMia* •«««N«IMIHT* FOB Uru> Hf. aWVaMSM it OUT J.iaraian I 2 Klnaan Maru U. 4 Kou Abadi IS. It Kw«n«iunt II Mara Mvu It, Pvrak Ii *»ai. oiana Ann II Bait Shinto Mara tall Phamiut 13 M Kou
    140 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1055 30 I l^M.^*— KAW HAITI BffJfßTta K_Bt* I.7_> miT camiKß&i ana TtFrMI *****1 IVMI StMWI run P Ntitaf irart la* «*n wm smi SUt MMI i tec lteciltecateiMtecatec BSnaafl I tei I tei n tei 11 tet Imi irpaai «ayaa S'Bjrt P BNMf TINMtM Out! MN MMMMMMM 7S tet tei I
      1,055 words
    • 916 30 it* in Mi MMTT MMMt It la rart tt BM laa* araV* mmtt taat iibmm a Ma n m» MU IMS TMM m% mm%J 9mmt lf#*aff MIIVWV *"Va_|Bfß9 MU rMIIMBT Ntl Ik «BM B)IH|*T|Bll 11/t llMtll MU IMUI mmm* KM. MM. I ■Blitll'NlM./MlMtirai. itt ami a ibbi cam -cbbB■BCTJLAM ntVKII
      916 words
    • 920 30 IMB-----_-^^^^^^^^Tl^r^l HUT CWTU-OnD SOVICf VI CWf fIM MO) t9*n P. mtmn ftH-w/T.**. *rmw% +m Mmi *w MiiVTu MMaHU V* mmW mmw IT Ht 1 ni «f BR Kw 9t9 T% Ms Hill MM MMM i I tat INI MMa»Ml|tMtl!Na MWMt IHIUI ItM I tai M tat IT tM IMb II
      920 words
    • 913 30 cms awn n umm. uuvMLxamKiT puts l| Ha* Vaatsr* r lattßj ra_tj laaftai Mr MM* Mia la ran «im>x v It Mm l t.j I l I t Mat* MLM an Mi nm mm n a aa. 1/ Ila i' 'iTZ "mCatrlf n U »>.| I 1 an*aa 1 t'aaa
      913 words
    • 865 30 xw NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE HMWjfcg Far East Europo W)OVbC_> t«" »ct 'situfMt mm mEMMMR Tti tti'isi :u i .Mi v^-lflßsa Mt utu> "we" V T»l II *****1 P U«f TtTJ 7171 I'm r ihi "TUMI ?al Can laaa N traaan *Ma»t MM HM BTTTIMM I aaa »b| faaaa *Mat? IMH
      865 words

  • 28 31 Co«Mtlioa Knoti Ho Tlaltnnal Barriers You Ar« In -naii VkjUanU* tonal i An Educational VMM PtopH For Til* Hake Of nb Fnend* pattjn Against ai: Cruel isilanles
    28 words
  • 75 31 Religious Announcements BEAUTIFUL CHRISTIAN CA (MOf*s re >»rse< lay BiMes In Chinese Malayalam. available for all purApuaW'iM- Book Centre 4 Irra<ap.,re 12 Tel IT ANDREW 8 CATHEDRAL Hagsjal ■-•VEOOYTEIMAN CHURCH SINOA »ORE Road i Penang > v M m and 600 p m Sunday school S 00 a m A
    75 words
  • 55 31 iA H lu«'F» 1 6R onglnsi npure pre Ist MADAM TAN SEOK ENS t „^i m.» an. iiit Mount spltal on *t Imm law 5 grandch ildren to mourn her lues nrtege leave* 1 Ka> P->n Ruad <>n in pm for Mount .rtum rOIA FOI MM -ge waving W
    55 words
  • 36 31 hi HU6BAND MR A -iit Tien the late I Hui Kheng I ,r 1 tn* --xandra rntly to of St lance conwreaths le M P A 'Ml familk OF iv Mr l,ee relatives. *-nerous -«i«ta»u-e
    36 words
  • 53 31 60S SAMARITANS OF Sing* rroubM 1 Dlsr our aged l ng 01-44-44 day or rught Help a* near a* the telephone WANO PLEASE COMt h. f ion t gt| M res .its M it!, lad vat »«ry much and need wouiO ANY CLIRK working for i>.idun.: and i [■«.■■.>
    53 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 118 31 classified ads IS CLASSIFIED ADS BULOVA This is your last chance to win BULOVA ACNt PIMPIIS OPfN *nCt St ephone kfin ivfi mm f 6/ 1 a Son Warnck to Doctor I SEYMOUR T Shirley and Ted. Alvernla iNTtRNATIONAL FIRM OF In- sstrance Loss Adjusten invites application* from young men
      118 words
    • 728 31 Applications are invited from ISMM rtsWtMaeSMswaMMssMa Singapore Malaysia for the sp posntsaent sclwdwlad below ARTIST Reaporsslbk for the artwork, layout and design for the Sports Magazine posters, sign boards, invitation cards and also lo do llaptay and exhibition work from time to time ts»jni*m* A Diploma Certificate in Art rrom
      728 words
    • 737 31 Mais** 0 Or*. (PI. UilasH aY fIWfIIDCT Ol Ifpt* UWON CARtUOt 6MOUP OF COMPANMt M aMWOA»*OwwB 16. Plum Read. Bassssssaee 22 invites applications for the post of (1) BUYER (2) STINO4MAPHIR For di Singapore Cambridge CRT O Level with a minimum of S crediu including Maths, able lo speak Hokklen
      737 words
    • 765 31 WANTIO FIMALI RICIPTKXrIST for doctor* clinic In Orchard Road Apply to 8 T Boa AOll7O altMowt w^s^sfjsj Fsf^SjsfJsTf m\ aW*Tfet"J "6JSSSIWI \ge li 23 Senior Cambridge with knowledge of Chines* Apply with full partlculan and with photograph attached to M. Usj PawjHaad 6>*r.» LAOY BALIS MANAOOR rsautrad by an astabUshad
      765 words
    • 717 31 I BALIS RCPRCBCNTATTWS Male or female required by local rnaapany Sales expenenc* required and preSsttnce will be given to those with knowledge on carpets and building materials Pleas* apply with penonal details and salary expected to s t Oaa ABi MS Sfaam ISTABLISNIO COMPANY RBOlfsvsM mat* female between the aa*
      717 words
    • 626 31 SlsMJSnsn* OM ReaUurant require* Bar HoK IntersssMd appbeans pjaas* contact Mr Olam ul MMM after 3M pm A young but ssjgTWsalT* «lectrlcal company has the following vacancies 1. APPLICATION INaINIIR (OM VACANCY) A Degree or Diploma in Mechanical, or Electrical University or Technical Institute To sell a wide rang* of
      626 words
    • 722 31 UROINTIY RIOUIHID OffSCt BOY wflh own motorcycle preferably completed National Service Matt be hardworking and honast Call *****1 Mr MaxtiM* MSLLSLTO II HHO.VSSTW AVsTNUS Orta Ttxa* Ssssw STfsteaM rwasjlrst ■■■■I! PROOWCTSON OPtRATORS interested appucanu please apply personally to m* Pmrmm iveJ Dipila i 11, HSSvsww AsxsMM) 0-wer.tS P^OUWMJB MPstasajSClO O»P»Ct
      722 words
    • 772 31 WLL OUALsPMJB awAWTICtAN re quired lo operate independently in a top class beauty salon, with large cbenlele We can offer you separate private facilities, terras on commission basts Only highly qualified and popular beauticians need apply with recent photo (non-returnable) to 8 T Box A ***** DMVCR RCOW4RCO APsKY personally
      772 words
    • 907 31 dist ii MootßN oorracNsw bungalow 4 bed rnoms study large living area Purnlahed with telephone Available immediately Tel *****1- *****4/ *****S Sf Ml DETACHED ANO terrare houses furnished or uniurnuhed immediate occupancy contact 40 1943 or 49 1 028 CHS* NOON AVtWUt single -sto rey detached S3.OM Raffle* Park 81
      907 words
    • 745 31 ONE UNFURNISHSO ROOM for workMß airls. couple DM IS kJi^^Bß www rvii t iwnanvv Prefer single working student KllUney Road Spore (9) Ul STJOTI preferably newly weds or working rouple Rent SIM Tel 3744 M FURNISHED ROOM EQUIPPED celling fan modern sanitation telephone Rental SIM Apply II Seraya Road Spore
      745 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 460 32 »>olap CLoaa satti ogTACMao i ttorey 2 soo sq rt 3 liiatuumt. bathroom attained mtasir parll«7.*** Tel M 4777 OETACMgO I'NOLI ITORIV UMOAiOW st Jalan Keria Park sno.ooi 2« 111 •INail ITOREY BUNOALOW •m ft for tale with *9 "ttwrir -r« ,r 'jtttir'mmi H*P»T»OO8l Aw^u* A DOC 1 10 ADOV*
      460 words
    • 396 32 Mount Emily dial 7 for tale 4 308 It for 827S o*o Enquiries ow 9 Piisinn Cawt t<>p floor 1 hedruoms 1 servant s nicely re--2 000 sq ft 9163 000 OW Oraawri Viaw M i 800 v) ft 3 bedrooms. I servant's terras— parqiet 24-hour» secuH.OM O«i Varna Haaalat)
      396 words
    • 366 32 HURRTI aPICIAL OPPEM Ml p m only wt provide you with lelepnane mallinc tenHea Alto limited room space with secretarial service available on monthly basis Contact Springfield Service* aaW3* I dm 5 \Ot terrißMATsoeiAL plaza l Jm \fj Otnc* Space for Rent CJ\ Al> RtNTAL II 0* per sq ft
      366 words
    • 399 32 oouau-orramv at*o*> witn r— at dm 14 (Jala. n Kambanaan) to rent Ring *****1 41MM lIIOPPRIB COasPC-M Airrondiuoned shops on beat mem a»d 3rd floor available a 1 reasonable rental Ample parking JatUlUes Enquiries PAR ea*t snoppimo centre shop 384 sq ft st 2nd floor to I*l or sale Ring
      399 words
    • 1728 32 nam no travil Service oottea aoroao (Stnaaporei Pu Limned West -VBs Malaysia lour (IncluaiveOenung *^Wi (Tuov auaiMiaa OR holiday 1 Highlands 1 by deluxe sir- Cea en aa tar conditioned bat seven days —n apaatai rarao ***** departure everyday _!_l«SrX W n2rSn^?itr utJl C— four days SBl Ou Oentlng High-
      1,728 words
    • 618 32 coaa*»PONOENCE' riport•MTMB for ambitious office woifcers. Sales Businessmen TuswJayt7 30-93Opm Saturdays 230 4 30 p m Singapore Institute of Commerce. DX Sele0e Complex 1 3219*9 *****1 1 STAMFORD CEMTRE The largest and most progressive resource oantra for education m business and the protaaaiooc m South East Asia Accountancy Management Administrative
      618 words
    • 1031 32 BiaaNttißa »HoeTHANo aooa:- i KEEPINO. typevrltlng. rorret- I pondence and Rtporl»nting classes Commennng 3th 9th November Enrol early Singapore I Commercial Srhuol. ISA Macktn- I lie Road. *****7 3*144* 0R 7** D. 1 Upper Serangnon Road SOMOO I *****90 Regent Commercial J Institute. Sth floor ORTH 7 Building *****0 I
      1,031 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 431 33 ART CLASSES P«6> kindergarten Primary Strncfary studenu al 1-43 Peninsula Cosap Pa— in Tel SBBI6S 1876 ICI BJATHSMATICS 1 1* years' sapantrm) *lt7*2 (Oob) _aTsv LB.RN FRSNCM M l-«[»T!-n crt >,r>4ail> Twacher Ca— lisa' Notes provided Heasonable feet Rang 3176S FRSJICH LANBJUASxI TUTOR required for 14 rear oM Chtnete kaw—
      431 words
    • 681 33 OLO LASBPB. SATMI Mocks paint inga masks, kns pru souvenirs Nick nacks. 302 Orchard Road. Tt6tan—M *****6 NATIONAL CAMS PURSRTWRBL 215 2nd floor Far Bast Snoaptnc C-ntra/ 3* Rocnore Canal Road FOR BL**ANT CAM. cail Ming cane Furniture 323 3rd Floor Far East Shopping Centre. MMJtfVw CAME FUINtTTUaxI of Distinction/
      681 words
    • 582 33 -wJLC. A»PSWw»- agaaan only in aditrllseaient Inserted through and aapran* by Urn Sinaapore Kennel Ckab PET LOVSJM CCNTRE Stocks Ine biggest range of pet acctwaorkas. booki pet food and health care producu 411 Shaw Centre Tal JTIBS3 mum si -UPPMB POR sale Ring 236*2*2 14-O. PaclfV Man■rOfi RlWf Vfclhp* ClOSt?
      582 words
    • 399 33 KwawßßaH^xf xw_TS_w_BSxw___ Om^Ub^lO PRNrTN*OI EXPRESS 24-hour srrvice Letterheads Brochures etc Contarl Choo lei *****15/ ******0 9 a m 9pm WSMO FATT CONSTRUCTION un dertakes general ctnovation painting and floor sanding/ polishing Prompt tervlct assured, call *****4 FOR LAO* ESCORTS, also halrdresslng and perming for Ladles and Oenllemen Call Mangold i
      399 words
    • 1428 33 CATNAV AIR-CONDITION k a^_ M aM a LV RefngeraUon Engmeenng (Pwn xB*MHBxBBBBBa_a_w-Bs-Bl Ltd speckallat in sals*/ rtalal a r Fri unq mpw repair all kinds of aircon- vjULP LLUBb Mttf diuoners refngeratori 4 cold ANO SECOND HAND room Tel ******. Bw-SBCO lIR i UlllirilUlßJH s USA AND Refrigeration Co. Specialist
      1,428 words
    • 2195 33 times Saturday cm mart TAJagJUN DRJVNiS SCHOOL dual controlled DaUun IMB Available IS Tanglln Road Tel 643M6 Spore LAMBERT'S DRIVINO SCHOOL Dual -controlled New Datsun Pickup arrangeable 10 Balmoral Road Tel ***** ***** AM LBONO OSwVtNQ School MB. Alexandra Road (opposite Queensway Shopping Centre) Qualified instructors and reasonable cnaraw DaUun
      2,195 words
    • 571 33 1871 MAZOA BM 2 owners vary beautiful rondltlon 86.8*6 Interested please call Ricky *****6. after fp m *****17 ISSB VOUCSWA4WN im* Oood condition Tel *****1 ext 3441 Ross 1871 6MMCBMS BBS concealed aircon white colour. 2nd owner Up top condition 817. MS ono Con tact *****7 1871 VOLKSWAOSN IMS C
      571 words

  • 703 34  -  CHARLES POLCY: By Los Angeles ORGANISED crime is taking over the mv 1 1 imillion dollar pornography marketing in California, the heart if that is the word— of the burgeoning "smut" industry in the United States. Under pressure from the Mob. the merchants
    OFNS  -  703 words
  • 552 34  - Housewives who use market money to buy shares RICHARD HALLORAN By Tokyo A JAPANESE housewife in a kimono ambled into a securities firm the other day to buy a few shares and with a perfectly straight face gave a man's name as her own. When the young salesman politely questioned
    552 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 297 34 flf fi^S^HaP Lw^v "^S sm TWO CONCERTS by Two di f ferenl programme M.S. SUBBULAKSHMI accompanied by Radtha vuvanaihan (Vocal). Kandadevf Alagmsamv (VioUn) Karalkudi R afanl Mirihantami Thettagudl H8 Vinayakram (Ohatasß). and Vt)aya Rajendran (Tambouri). 16th and 18th NOV VICTORIA THEATRE 8 p.m. Ttrkru air n. .id storage and C
      297 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 561 35 SB "SI I nW Bk. 7 HHHHHHHBEEEEEEEEEEEgS^BHa^BSB^BSB^ia^B^n^n^Ba^BB^n^B^SB^n^n^n^n^B^a^ ASSOCIATED PAN MALAYSIA CEMENT SDN. BHD. which Is associated with a large International group, and one of the biggest cement manufacturers In Malaysia, now seeks to appoint a SALES MANAGER to be based In Kuala Lumpur. The Sales Manager, who will report to
      561 words
    • 626 35 W/ SHAR^OXY B I I SHARP-ROXY CORPORATION (M) I SDN. BHD. BAKAR ARANG SUNGEI PETANI KEDAH MALAYSIA H A NEW PLANT manufacturing sophisticated electronic/solid state I^H H consumer products invites applications from <■■ m Bumlputras/Malayslans for the following personnel: 8 TECHNICIANS H B <BMl») S City Guilds Intermediate or Technical
      626 words
    • 824 35 LEMBAQA PADI DAN BERAS NEQARA JAW AT AN KOSONG Permohonan -permohonan darl calun-calun yanf berkelavakan sahaja adalah dipelswa darlpada Warnegara Malaysia untuk mengist Jawatan-Ja-watan kosortf dl dalam perkhldmatan LPN berIkut:— 1. AKAUNTAN: Kumpulan A (Tctap dan berpencen) GAJI: $950 x 90 10S0/U5O x 90 1350/ 1900/ 1000 x 75 1525.
      824 words
    • 548 35 Our 'well established Company at Shahalam engaged In the production of electrical home-appliances and dry batteries Invites applications from qualified Malaysians for the following posts:--(a) SALES EXECUTIVE Preferably a University graduate In Business Administration or Economics and have at least 2 years' working experience In the related field. He will
      548 words

  • 768 36  - Shock for the Karatekas.. TOMY PAWSM *other' sports more popular in UK By LONDON, Fit Britain has taken a leading part in developing sports from football to l olf from tennis to hockey which have since spread world- wide. Bat British gporUmen are not •low to adapt to those sports
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 356 36 INTRODUCING BONELLA. IT'S EVERYTHING YOU WANTED IN YOUR COOKING OIL In the past, if you wanted a cooking oil that cooked t tasty food, you probably had to settle for one that was not TWO SPECIAL OFFERS TO HELP YOU ENJOY ;_^P>olyunsaturated. I BONELLA EVEN MORE! l^-r Jl^Ak^B^^ y° u
      356 words
    • 839 36 KIM ENG SECURITIES PH. LTD. KIM ENG SECURITIES NOMINEES PTE. LTD. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Please be Informed that as from 17th November 1975 our new address will be at:15th Floor, Hong Leong Building, Raffles Quay, Singapore 1. Telephone numbers: *****90 *****91 *****75 *****85 GENTING HIGHLANDS HOTEL BERHAD TTje following Ordinary
      839 words

  • 173 37  - Gembira II can return to the winning list EPSOM JEEP My QEJiBIRA II can return to the winning list in Race Six at Kuala Lumpur today. This speedy Romantic five-year-old has been pretty consistent he was never further than fourth m his last six runs and on his last start
    173 words
  • 2015 37 HOLIDAY BUTTLE. Standa out on form In weak fiead. ran hta beat-ever race In last start Pg Oct S when ■acond with 91 to Bamboo Kid Div 2 1300 m SNEAKY PETE: Look* well, ran fair sixth Dtv 3 1.700 m Ipoh Nov 1. won Ctaa 1
    2,015 words
  • 610 37 RUE OM CUM < DIV I— lXtta 1 Ml Saaarr ST Hltaoa a 2 Baden. Ctrl S7 tu-Vr«n« 1 1 M.uu Oaa M T.S Ihltn IX 4 Gwirm Mia 141 Slaaaaata 7 5 Tara Laa Sl| R. Aag IS Brand? Glagfr SI Mamy I 7 R«w i»rp«: SS
    610 words
  • 46 37 mboik IMvfty MM t ■wit HIMU urn. tmm *Nk T%l« w. Ma W.WB KM- WUI ROTU OVktMB KM lUin r. J«nar T «mir m,m w*m i«uin|l Alt M a mini Kaallkl fmntrmr Tmi TriM Unr Ktntl ■MTMIIt •imiM r MMTII lUTMITI MAP: Going forecast Yielding
    46 words
  • 1166 37 v-rrm 2 clam div s 1200 m ■iUStoU (M.OOO 14.200 to wkmt) I iwi ntj-. niiai 1 [ilnmiji I" "t *aj taniaaalw>aa>a(Hiat)Mak7MH(*X)lXtlai «aaa I !llNlß»j)aaaßtlaMtriakiHHi<ilßjMi uam anw n «at >i ci» t iQtrtoi 1 < »n ix mi nwr- t f JWa 1 MIIMIMM 1 !Blron€ Twj) Allan
    1,166 words
  • 498 37 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl A m i r a h Jaya, with Johnny Wilson astride, beat Think* Up II (George Podmore) In a splendid trial over 600 m In S6 4/5 here today, reports Epsom Jeep. On thla Amirah Jaya should be a eood thing
    498 words
  • 20 37 LIVERPOOL. m—tDtland aaat Wtat Oaraaany to an International badminton match at ■ablngton near hart laat nlgtit «autar. My
    20 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 336 37 (■aaaaal Jaaafl atat fPr>* aVaVaVaVaVaVamT m Sal I^^PSaH pal From I3raun,etectitx^ Prwjaa tv» Hoflt* <* any Braun sgrtter, and and beautiful aofciton fry? ?*-y c 5? if > to "fr. 00 wh Tr*e»mpß>«ef«ngw of Braun agMarstoaß ,lw>lognrapMlnt .EaKtyrwcsoMM totow*.: v^avytt*. «a»»T»i and tatt Baxareric cywndra arpteud (20 A/N)tr»o44slrtotaMp*tatowHhtfw micron), bruarwd
      336 words

  • 327 38  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By THE S 1 nf a pore 1 Amateur Athletic Association have been urged to set up a fund to send their officials for seminars, conferences and courses overseas. Thls suggestion was made by Mr. Lav Teng C'buan. rxrcutlve director of the
    327 words
  • 337 38  - Thai- style boxers at Seap? GODFREY ROBERT 'ALL PURE AMATEURS' THAILAND, organisers of next month's Seap Games, may field Thai style boxers for the boxing competition on Dee. 9—16. Air Chief Marshal Dawee Chullasapya. president of the Thai National Olympic Committee however gave the assurance that they would be amateurs.
    337 words
  • 51 38 SBXTU Pit. Australian tennis star John Ntwcoon •111 com* to Seoul on Nor 30 for eiTrt*^**!^! gasMS. TIM Korean Tmntt Assortattno •aid jreiterdar He will play a three-ort exhibition Batch against fellow countryman Allan Stone before they pair for a doubles match against a Korean duo.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 259 38  -  JOE DORA! By rjEYLANO Interna- tional favourites for the National League Division One title, have the unenviable task of playing three competitive matches In six days. The first match Is today when they meet Queenstown In th# National League match at Queenstown Complex. This match la
    259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 38 AUnMlntcc (right). dedicated and MkXl tal boxer. moanU Ml attack on former Brt UA ami Ewum ehl—lia Kerln Fin nrian, daring their recent fight for the vacant British mid dlewelght title at Cmpl.-f root. Wembley, n«u London Minter, a bronir medal winner at the last Otrn*tcs, brcamr the new champion
    59 words
  • 35 38 PARIS. PH-Ensha OBed (Bahama.) won the World Boxing Council junior middleweight title witen defending rham peon sogust de (Otivelra (Brajlli failed to come out for the I lth round here last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 190 38 17ATHUL Karlb last F night upset fancied Spiders 2-1 to qualify for the semi-final of the Pepsi Youth tournament at Jalan Besar Stadium It was also sweet revenge for Fathul who were eliminated by the same score In the quarter finals of the Toto Youth Cup last month.
    190 words
  • 29 38 PAYA Lecar beat Tan)ong PacMr I«-<1 and Ncr Soon defeated Buklt Batok 9«-7» In the lntet -constituency bae> Krtball tournament at the Oay Wcrld last night
    29 words
  • 25 38 LSKBBTSm Prt. Thurs —England's Midland Counties east beat the tourins. Rugby Union Australian team 11-1 here last night HaUUme scon was 4-4. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 329 38 Bangkok, m. Twenty two-year old university student Dfcvld Hernandez, emulating the form of a seasoned professional, today fired a three-under par 69 to shoot to the top of the Individual standings and carry the Philippines to an unassailable lead In the 15th Putra Cup Southeast Asian
    329 words
  • 223 38 VUALA LUMPUR. Prl. Singapore i Km Bee Khlm. piajrtng to a handicap of three, canted an lmpneslve one-under Tl to take seTeu eUuke lead In the opening round of the Satan- f.r Open women gotf championship at Subang today Bee Khlm. 13 and the only
    223 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 322 38 .^Sx^Bbbl *\V^ <v^^ ll ''^^^a^BSßSßV9BWsWSßßSsw. Ef A^m A^ W .^gaw'\. -^nf^saW^^ A^m IK 1/ WM bHbbbW*. Bsm Wt A^EjW Vb7 ißs^^sflnw^^V I f 1 |e^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^BHßsß>>9sV Ei^tW Mr BS>>>>ka^>fgi Bl BsKsWr^^gß^ sf% r^sW. .^B^BSBS^gsYi vWm^BBJ n^Sw v^^ II 1 ■^^■^^MSSBBh BBS^SW'^™^^^ .^BaBSa BBBBBB^J^ A^^r J I _^^*i" 11 SBBP^^sl^Sß^^^^^^^iaSßßßßVvgSßßl ■■■IW'****^. E\
      322 words

  • 447 39 Leaders feel pressure DERBY FANCIED LONDON, Pri.— Only four points separate the top 10 teams in the English Football League, making another change in the leadership after tomorrow's matches hig n I y likely. The congestion at the top was plainly evident last week when Manchester United slid from nnt
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 551 39 CALYPSO KALLI DAZZLES B!jiji]]jyfiyj||>] OYDNEY, Prl. The touring West Indies cricket team held all the trumps after an eventful opening day against New South Wales at the cricket ground here today At stumps New South Waiei wert 39-2 In r«piy to Wegt Indies- nm innings total of 37a The calypso
    551 words
  • 74 39 LONDON, m Pakla. tan's qiirnr Zaman again proved hlmadf tne vorkrs top aquasn planr with a nve gaatos victory over Ausaraban Oaoff Hunt m a apsetal rhaWsngo match bora Urn night. Zaman. U. boldar of the BrWab Opon utle. woo tao m ■rtnuto etaata 7-i. w. M tut
    74 words
  • 34 39 PAttAMA cm PM. World waltarvflfhi boxing champion Antonio Ccrvantas at Onlnaihla aaya he win ■■ploy a new style oa Saturday night In defending nta t*U* against Hector TbOBH> son of Aaatraiia.— OPL
    34 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 203 39 FaoiasTic x Mas New veac opun^/ Specially for all golfing friends 91 *T|t» Come in and choose from a wide \TBBfaaß>^^ selection of models at reduced prices. mm^Uffiß' Package Deal" (any model on offer): J w£^^ 4 woods mcl imported head covers 9 irons. faal^Bs^aV 1 goN bag. 1 pair
      203 words
    • 134 39 J g«fcelJg«^ K. l Wmlßmm^^mmM V isceo colour tv BaaaaauF&^^B^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal tf H /lOC a^B^B^U|as^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BBBBBBBBBBBW^BBH BJ Rocommondod Consumer Price I ,*vO3 BS g^KBBBBBBBJ m^ B^SvBBBJ > 'J IBT B^Sf V% l| flt^>i Saw I Saaaaaaf^Ll if S I Lf 24 1 *900 I tmM 'A 12P-17E I B B L^r I
      134 words
  • Page 39 Miscellaneous
    • 113 39 SOCCBB r I laagwt Otv. 1: Changl Onamwancy SA v SANA < Jalan Baaar); Quiannaan FC v Osrlang Int*mauooal ¥C (f»iiina|yiii Sports Comptaau: Dlv. I: ronggol v Tamptnas Bovon (Woodartaaa jround) Saraagooa Oardsa RC v Kakl Bukn Cbai Ctasa. Bmiigiiiiii Oardaa RC. (AD awlebas at 4JO pjav). PUB final: OeaarßJ
      113 words

  • 74 40 DOUCE sappers examine the site of tke 1 suspected Arab terrorist Mast In Jerusalem's Zlon Square on Thursday. The explosion killed at least six Israelis and left more than 42 other people Injured. The 10-kilo bomb was placed on a handcart near the fate
    UPI  -  74 words
  • 140 40 npOKYO. rri. J»panX eat opposition parties today boycotted the Diet (Parliament) and endangered passage of several key BUI* needed by the Liberal Democratic Party (LOP) government to cover shortfalls In tax revenue The boycott halted Diet proceedings and left the government only 10 days to
    140 words
  • 23 40 Matxul —■■>» utwiia ea (Mem. aart M. *»m« ■mum M/u/n m»w mm WI.H MW. > MM. S ii /n MBif Mr awr ia cci
    23 words
  • 276 40 I never hated Ford, says Lynette SACRAMENTO (California) m— Lynette "Squeaky" Ftomme, accused of trying to assassinate President Ford, told a Federal Judge yesterday she had never expreaed a hatred for the President "I never said I hated Ford," the 27-year-old one-time member of the Charles afanaon fa ml l
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 80 40 Jakarta bares smuggling ring YAKABTA, Frl J ißdsatrtan n tho rttias have mneovered an international unui gttag syndicate which broafht la an undlstleaH amount of (•was by fergtng «hippln« document*. aeeecsMag u> the Mreetor of Cutoat. Bri■matter General Tahlr. Investlfaiions showed the imuuUni was erganlaed by an International ayndlcatr Oca.
    80 words
  • 107 40 $llm and it's a bargain! BEVERLY HILLS. Frl The Iranian Investors who bought the lavish estate of silent film star Harold Lloyd for US* 18 million (Bt4 million i last July have put the property up for sale again— for U854.5 million (Sfll million). The realtor handling the deal says
    107 words
  • 115 40 QAIOON. Frl— TwentyO seven private banks In South Vietnam will soon be allowed to resume activities, the Vietnam National Bank's General Inspector had said here. The Oeneral Inspector said, however, that this would not apply to the three US banks the Bank of America,
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 449 40 T WfDON. FW TW MM ■-r- k«t MaaS aaatar la4ar win Ik* FiaaMlal TKmb Ma w> t at sets. *mm altar tk* tra«* tmtrm tr ilm 1/lS n»i Mart «ala« laaaa. OaM akan* rMraataa vtta tka kaJMa* wnm iK «atiar itacfta laat IfnM Aactmiaa* war* aiu( Omi«i aiillli
    449 words
  • 534 40  - 'Probe Slater Walker' call tO GOVt HARRY MILLER From LONDON. rrMay THE Department of Trade should appoint inspectors to inquire into the affairs of Slater, Walker Securities, says an article in the Economist today. It haa powers to do this under Section 165(B) of the Companies Act when there v
    534 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 42 40 GENEVE 1830 Specially designed for renowned and elegant people I V /aW V I 1 ,afl I I Sole A«M»t: ,|HUI HWA (IMPORT A EXPORT) PTE LTD. Vanglin Shopping Centr*. In Moor. 19. Tangtin Road. SMgapof* 10. Tei *****0 laaaaa! aP^afl aff
      42 words
    • 308 40 aafl bbL^bHbbW^^^bbbl BBBBB^^BBaaa(.^a^BBBi iKP^. I X aaaaHaßaaßaaaa^aaaaaat^ I^^^af gaaaaaa^a^^^aT^^^a^ M. at ■BaaW 4 '^fe 1 < g^LaaaaaaaaaV i/l aatal They're Here The New TG Series of LOWREY Electronic Organs. Genuine USA product (Not produced in Italy or Japan as others-with USA brand names.) _J r M LOWRIY Latest Feo i
      308 words