The Straits Times, 14 November 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Ertd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 709 1 Driver killed and Datuk Koo seriously hurt in lunchtime ambush IPOH. Thur»xlay TWO youths, believed to be communist terrorist agents, shot and seriously wounded Datuk Koo Chong Kong, Chief Police Officer of Perak. and killed his constable driver at Fair ParkAshby roads junction here at 12.55
    709 words
  • 86 1 Morocco reprisal move M4KKAKEBK (Moroccoi. Thun Morrcco broke of! diolotnat'c relations with East Oermany today In repnaal for what a Moroccan Government »r.nouncpir.ent callwl a systematic rampalsrn "against th sacred institutions of the kingdom and the leaitlmate asp<ratlona of the Moroccan people" m communist run East German ore«a Morocco has
    AP  -  86 words
  • 50 1 HONOfCONQL, Thurs PuMrtaiit Pord will pay an official TMt to China from Dae 1 to 5. Radio Peking announced today In Jakarta. a palace apokessnan Mr Pbrd Wfll pay an official Tlalt to Iniinnarta on Dae i and 8 at tha invitation of President Suharto Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 54 1 IXUfIXJH. Thun Tha London Dally Bcpreas fallsd to appoar for tat aacood d»y today bacauac of a pay csapuw with mamoara of an angipaaiina union. A aisiiaiswiaiit at"*— "ian said angtoaara retumad to tha nsaauapai aftar yaaUrday's atoppags and rasnovad Tital mar hankial parta from prtnUnf aqulpmant
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  • 50 1 PaSHAWAaV Thara Paiuunl polka h»T« ssssad marijuana worUi about DBB3 mllUoD imm BaUUoo) to 0le»al aalaa. thaL- etoond major narcotics haul thai «Mk. ofTtciaJ aoureaa aaM today. PoUo* found tli« drua In a van on Ita «ay rrosa Pashawmr to STararhl Two man wer* detalnad. sWutar
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  • 255 1 JET BURSTS INTO FLAMES ON TAKEOFF NEW YORK. Thun A OCIO Jetliner bound for Saudi Arabia with airline personnel to man charter flights for Arab pilgrims bunt Into flames on takeoff at Kennedy Airport yesterday when a flock of birds was sucked Into an engine The pilot halted the takeoff
    UPI  -  255 words
  • 66 1 PARIS. Thurs. Saudi Arabian OU Minister Ahmad Z*kl Tamanl said In an lnUnrlew pubUahcd today that ha waa In favour of oil prices bring frosrn until tha and of 1878. He told the watklr Nou*el Economist* that thcr* waa no eviartion of Saudi Anna tearing tha
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 44 1 PDCINO. Thurs. Burmaat Praaidcnt Na Win met Chines* Chairman Mao Taatunf today for a cordial and friendly conrtnaUon." The New China News Agency reported that aaoior Chlnaa* Vloa-Pramler Tang Batao-ptng and lUirmaai Foreign Mlnlater U Hla Hponc war* slag praaant RruUx
    44 words
  • 60 1 BANGKOK. Than. a. A -«""--»i- w M allied and two others were waanded la a caamaaanUt f oerllla attack an a forernawnt oatpaat la northeast Thailand, »oUce said Uday. They said the attack by aa ankaown nin ker of factiUas took alaee yesterday la Tha KhaaU
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  • 355 1  - Trio held in ambush at cinema PAUL WEE LAI YEW KONG By and fUREE men, one of them a suspected gunman, were arrested yesterday in a commando-style operation as they emerged from the Capitol Cinema after i a film show. The police iwoop. swift and Ulent. took the trio by
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  • 488 1 Soviet arms charge by Amin LONDON. Thursday PRESIDENT Amin of Uganda said today that some weapons in Angola's civil war were being manned by Russians and that Soviet-supplied arms had killed more than 30,000 Angolans. "Most of the hospitals in Zaire are full of Angolans who have been murdered by
    Reuter; UPI  -  488 words
  • 47 1 KIW YORK. Thura— Dow Jones averages, baaed on Brat hour of trading, on the New York Stock Kxhan«r M tndui 848 08. up 5 83. IC transp 175 18 up HI. IS utua •J 40. up 0 13. 85 stocks 9t»M. up 1 M— UPI
    UPI  -  47 words
    • 43 1 Explosion shakes Jerusalem JERUSALEM, Than. ahMk tba clnfrT I Jaraaalam taalsrht aad first reports said two aeople were killed and many wounded The exa4aaioa aceurred In a rasUurant naar Zlon Saaatt. Amaulaneas nssha* to tha scans aad mywitaasaas said damage was eaasiderabU. Renter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 31 1 WASHINGTON. Than. The US Got* am men t today paat »anad a fiaal daetaian aa Undlnr rifbu far tha Aafta-PrMMh Cme«rda itttnnk traas•art aatil nazt yaar^-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 DIAMONDS, QEMB, SEMI PRECIOUS STONES AND MIKIMOTO CULTURED PEARLS Set In Platinum and World Standard Carat Gotd In Yellow and White. We Assure you the Articles we sell are Genuine G. C. DE SUVA I BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS 3, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE- 1 TEL ***** k** P I Baa* -ilm
      55 words
    • 201 1 TOBHBA a proud to praaant Ms wWidaiu member of Ms lamty of audto oomponawts. TO9HBA has a long htatory of Krata r\ pioneering new technology, and every oompany resource has been da-acted at gMng this famay or components tie Mneat pose** sound queaty ProbebV no otter component cats upon so
      201 words
    • 159 1 JbTMfcßey r\lllV sJsBaaat% \^S^ SAFETY KING'S SHOES M ON EARTH OIL- no 7O4^^fl RESISTANT M ejaw^^ KINGS SHOE MFoS LLTD 122. BUC 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT SINGAPORE. 14 TEL *****1 k *****7 Dnwejrtii M 0 TaAOING COMPANY IM. lit C*t««n Mil* Tk«*lr* T»w*f. awek Km 4, S.^.ko^ 7 Tw aWH M
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 479 2 UNITED NATIONS, Thursday United States, in a move that many delegates viewed as a counter to the General Assembly's branding of Zionism as racism, introduced a draft resolution yesterday that would urge governments around the world to release all political prisoners. The
      Reuter; AP  -  479 words
    • 280 2 Iraq joins Libya in 'sack Israel from the FAO' call ROME, Thursday IRAQ yesterday Joined Libya In calling for Israel's expulsion from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) a move some conference sources believe could lead the United States to reconsider Its membership of the agency. Dr. Hiiwn rahmi
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 202 2 Unmanned spy planes: US tops the list LONDON. Thurs. The United State* leads the world In development of unmanned planes for use on cloakarid -dagger missions agmlnst communist bloc countries, the authoritative Jane's All the World's Aircraft said today. In lv 1975-78 edition It listed nearly 100 such aircraft developed
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    • 34 2 MANILA. Ttourr TbS Nauonal Council of Churobea Id the Philippines. Urn rountry'* hlglMat Prouatant body. hat ui«ad Pliaiaaiit Marcos to lift nwtlaJ law and call general elacttons. church toureaa aaid itMfday UPI
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 70 2 Cancer caused 21pc of HK deaths HONOKONO. Thurs Some 4.700 people In this British colony died of cancer during the 19--month period beginning from April last year, the annual report of the Medical and Health Department showed. •Am flgun i ipr— ntad 11 J par east of ail daatha r«oortfad
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    • 107 2 Than. -Cben f Kwl Nan tried U withdraw mm •f his urtnfa frees a kaak and we— 4 ap ■aster arrest. ■c reshed la to the ■awall-Kai araawh ef the Pint Hawattaa Buk J«( aef arc clesi«l ttSM and harried! j MUed hi a
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    • 194 2 'France No. 3 in nuclear might' OARIS. Thurs. Pre- sldent Valery OUcard dKsialnn said last night that Prance was now the world's third strongest nuclear power, far behind the United BUtes and the Soviet Union but well ahead of Britain. In separate newspaper and television Interview! devoted to French foreign
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 111 2 SACKAMZNTO. Tbnn. —A man who help ed wrestle Lyaette Fromsne to the grosind seconds after she palled a pistol on PresMeat Ford testified yesterday that he heard the fcasssser fail oa the .45 calibre automatic. Jerry Fox aaid he heard her say disappointedly "It didn't ro
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    • 228 2 Two PLO men die in raid on Beirut airport hangar BEIRUT. Thurs—Security forces killed two Arab gunmen who tried to attack the Pan American Airways hangar at Beirut International Airport today, the Defence Ministry said. Sources at the airport said the gunmen were Identified as Palestinian guerillas, but there was
      AP  -  228 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 172 2 SOMETHING YOU MAT NEED LV 1 IFYOU LACK VITAMINS HVM U.S. BEIKLIN The once a day way to fill your requirements. jgjjsL It's a latest tonic "^^^^^Tj scientifically prepared I ..c*^. I in America. Contains ■LC^^L^b a balanced combination of ?A vitamins/ minerals LTL'sgErJr^-l and aminoacids to supplement your diet^^^ial^LP
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    • 489 2 BRITANNICA AGAIN Lost Tuesdoy ntght Bill Compbell, leoder writer of The Stroits Times, hod fo verify whether Lord North hod in foct been socked by K ing George 1 1 1 oscloimed by Mr. Gough Whitlom ot o news conference ofter his dismissal Bill Compbell referred to the Encyclopoedia Bntonmco
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    • 458 3 fONDON, Thurv The 11th bomb hi. ist irotind London in as MM weeks ripped through om M the s most exclusive restaurants List night, killing one man and injuring 15 other people. The target was Scott s Restaursnt In Mayfsir. patronised by the
      Reuter  -  458 words
    • 173 3 Envoy 's daughter kills herself LYNCHBIEG (Virginia). Thurs. The daughter of Ambassador David Bruce, permanent IS representative to Nato In Brussels, died here on Sunday after shooting herself in the head two days before, state po- lire said yesterday A police spokr«man said Mn Alexandra Bruce MlrnaelMen. 29. was found
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    • 298 3 VfADRID, Thurs. Spain and Morocco are approaching a solution of the Sahara conflict under which the desert territory will be handed over to the two countries that claim it Morocco and Mauritania a government source said today. The source made the statement
      UPI  -  298 words
    • 30 3 JAKARTA. Thurs. Japan win Increase tv purchases of Ir.donetian oil In coming years, the director of the ■ute-owned Indonesian nrtamlna oil company. Mr Ibnu Sutcwo. said jutiiday Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 219 3 PRG snubs Bangkok: 'Ships and planes before ties' HONOKONO. Thurs. The Vietnamese communists said today there could be no diplomatic relations with Thailand untn the Bangkok Oovemment agrees to abandon "Its policy of collusion with the United States." A commentary In the official Hanoi newspaper Nhan Dan reiterated previous demands
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 68 3 LONDON. Thurs.— Flftocfi more people were arrested and unautnertaed arm* and ammunition were racowd by police and other law enforcing authorities. Bangla(taah Radio reported In a broadcast monitored here It laid the arrests took plac* In swoops In eight dlstrtcu In the last 24 hours. The arms
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 147 3 Children's books that depict girls as sex objects LONDON. Ifears. Meat children's keeks la Britain are racist, sexist and give yeug readers distorted Tlews, t senior British social worker said here today. Black people were depleted In the books hi secondary, negative. cegaJe or kratal roses. And weeaen and glrto
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    • 342 3 A slight flutter over two Miss World contestants LONDON. Thursday A 8 contenders for the 1975 Miss World crown preened themselves before the cameras today, there was evidence that at least two of the shapely beauties are not flying their true national colours. The new betting favourite. Mlv South Africa
      Reuter; AP  -  342 words
    • 100 3 Youth who killed 4 cousins gets life LONDON Thurs. An I legal Immigrant from India was sentenced yesterday to life Imprisonment for the murder of his four child cousins here last March. Prem Dhande. 11. knifed the children because Iheir parents refused to accommodate him In their house, the Old
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 226 3 Striking workers trap police inside building LISBON. Thurs. Some 150 deputies were today trapped Inside Portugal's National Assembly building by thousands of striking building workers demanding higher pay. A mass demonstration which wound through Us' on yesterday afternoon ended In confrontation at the Sao Bento assembly building in the centre
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 47 3 HONOKONO. Thur»— A spokesman tor a loading West Oerman textile company today dsseiibsa the current textile erWa in Europe ac the wont and the longect tine* World War Two and said the recession- hit Industries could not bops for a iwxwwy before next year. OPI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 Cruise East Introduces the CAPTAIN'S PARADISE CRUISE on board the M. S. Rasa Sayang A lO- day Indonesian Adventure Singapore-Surabaya- Bali-Jakarta-Singapore SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES FROM S$ 1,234 OU SAVE FROM *Ss3O2 TO ****** OVER REGULAR FARES. ("Singapore Dollars) HURRY!!! this offer is good for 2 MORI SAILING DATES ONLY. ■24
      119 words
    • 295 3 L g QCAUTT FOODS FRIEIDLT SERVICE G 1 PETAL FACIAL TISSUE f' J 150 x 2 ply 1.101 SDRY LOOK GILLETTE ..1 *^i r ?L Hold 113 g J.OU iCLOSE UP TOOTHPASTE W Bonded with Twin Pock j aaS M Sunailh Shorn poo Icon 4.9 v« Spork luncheon meat J
      295 words

    • 278 4 US and France easing rift over exchange rates WA 8 HI NO TON. Thurs. The United States and France appear to be resolving conflicting Ideas over International exchange rates, although differences remain, a senior White House economic adviser said today. Presidential assistant William Seldman reported that President Ford hoped more
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    • 30 4 SAIOOtf. Thun. Commercial private banks in Baigoo have bosn allowed to raws** oporatton tsmporarUy to ssttki owtpTaiuitnt affairs with former cttonU the Yin ■ang dally roportod today DPI
      30 words
    • 73 4 MADRID. Thars ■paaxHh police have stepped ap their campaign against opponents of the Government despite state preoccupation with the Spanish Sahara crisis and General France's health. Soring the past nine days, as tne general hovered between life and death and tne Sahara dlspwt* moved towards boiling
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    • 143 4 Supreme Court move by Ford- WABHINOTON. Thurs. —President Ford la almost certain to attempt to secure a conservative majority In the US Supreme Court following the resignation of Justice William Douglas, a staunch liberal he one* tried to impeach. Mr. Douglas, 77. one of the greatest liberal crusaders to serve
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 106 4 MR. Donald Rumsfeld (right) waits to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee In Washington on Wednesday on his nomination to be IS Secretary of Defence. On his left Is Senator Charles Percy. Bat there were some fears that he might be wooed away from the
      AP  -  106 words
    • 231 4 Wallace (The people's choice') joins the race MONTOOMERY. (Alabama), Thun. Oovernor Oeorfe Wallace. bUlmg himself as "the people's choice," officially announced his bid (or Kb Democratic Presidential Bomlni Uon yesterday with a firmly spoken call for a "political revolution." Got Wallace, cheered on by about 300 supporten In a crowded
      Reuter; AP  -  231 words
    • 130 4 rKTO. Thar* A Twklak b>tk hoaae Umt called Itaelf by the hlth filatinf name •f "Cmbtur- has a<ree4 to dr*» that ■»»c «t the rawest •f the Tvkiah Govern■Mat'* rnbuiT her*. The emkui; uld It was rceehrlaf tmktrraartac telephone eaUa fro«a pe«ff>le who wanted
      130 words
    • 336 4 N. York: Change of heart by Ford? NEW YORK. Thursday fHE Ford administration last night gave the first major sign that it may be will ing to change its hardline stand agains aid for the near-broke city in New Word of a DOMlbt White House switch can? from New Yoik
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 182 4 Hunt for Spore ship with injured crew SEATTLE, Thurs— Coast Ouard and air force units today searched for a Singapore-regist-ered container snip that was silenced by a bead Injury to its radio operator. While the Coast Ouard attempted to enlist the aid oi any other ships In the area of
      AP  -  182 words
    • 34 4 AtfKAJM. Thur* Ttrtrr has "^t-^"^*^ Urn Uruud oUta* pay vi annual tndftnnlty of UMU button (SUM bUlton) far aHo«1n« Urn two ojaam Anrteu him an 1U Unitary to r»mam tfjftr MavtUn. atm*-.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 508 4 MANAGER CHEMICAL INDUSTRY POMTIOM I cho«»«e» and b* ■«.<»» 0.09 >n ».»►> >M# manaeanol capafeM** and drnw to m« wuHi meatim QmM.iii.xii company !£>♦< ol.wt .n o» •notariolt tot tfm Ch»m«ol. Covnx To.lttr^. Food SoOB and P»O"not*uficOl Indutnwt Th*r««ort j*.«o<t Hw •«id t *Monf«l Fluency Enffcth SM ond Indoncvon dMMOM*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 699 5 B^ B^BT WJ b^^ B^^ w I^^.^-^bß BfffWrUWP^ffW^lPPW^P^^Pfll^?^sss lj MrjjJmMmzjr bE^ K^BB^B^M Bhß MBußßu^BMßmßb^E^bptiß B3^KB BKiEbm/B b^^ m IbK IfV^ll^K^^^^H^^^l^^H^^^B^fl Bbhb^ kSSEamX 1 IB f£sm£| QUALITY FOOD. FRIENDLY SERVICE. Magnas Oned Fmits f^" I FRESH FROM THE BAKErT "I .If If ft Red Tulip Xmas Chocolates '■ISQbhIF FRESH KUEH DADAR
      699 words

    • 455 6 Driven back in bid to enter border towns JAKARTA. Thurs. Leftist Frcti lin forces, who are reportedly coanterattacking a number of towns which recently fell to proIndonesian forces in Portuguese Timor, have been accused of trespassing into Indonesian Timor to steal food. The official
      Reuter; AP  -  455 words
    • 106 6 MANNHEIM (West Oermany), Thurs A draft law to prevent right and left wing radicals from holding public appointments In west Oermany Is expected to come under sharp attack from delegates at the Social Democratic Party congress here today. LDXIMIODBO: The C— Market's rspsan Court of .laities today ■phoid an
      Agencies  -  106 words
    • 324 6 Cool it, Jackie tells swinging Caroline LONDON. Thurs Jacqueline Kennedy Oniitli U displeased with reports of the •'Swinging London" party-going lifestyle of her 18-year-cld daughter. Caroline, and has told her to "cool it." the Daily Mirror said today. Mirror gossip columnist Paul Call an said the widow of US President
      UPI  -  324 words
    • 63 6 r«811ING boats comb r the bottom of Tokyo Bay waters off Kiaarain. about km sooth -rast of Tokyo, with dragnets to dear the mnstard gas bombs damped »7 the now drfunct Japa- nese Imperial Army Immediately after the end of World War Two. Tile
      AP  -  63 words
    • 237 6 Indira's rival freed after five months' detention NEW DELHI, Thursday PACIFIST leader Jayaprakash Narayan 1 one of the leading opponents of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, before she declared a state of emergency last June, was freed last night after nearly five months In detention. An official announcement said that the
      Reuter  -  237 words
    • 180 6 Doctors: Tit-for-tat move by India NEW DELHI. Thurs. The Medical Council of India (MCI* announced yesterday It will not allow doctors with British qualifications to practise In India after March 1977. The move appeared to be a retaliation for strict curbs Imposed In May on Indian doctors wanting to work
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 33 6 NKW YORK. Wfd ITT I World Communlcatlona said ;«t«<Uy a natUonvid* suite by lv SM tclatyp* operator* hu itiut down lv marto* radio 6t»tlons and boom I nwioigo dtUvory ssrvtoM. UFI
      33 words
    • 143 6 HIBEB (Arias* a). T««rs rive men who ImW they aaw a flying saocer kidnap a ossnpanion last week have passed a He detector teat -*-»*-'tlt--ed by police Travis Walton, tt, of ■■swwsfce, Artsona. hi hi »nallsl afUr saylni he was taken Into a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 409 6 Too much food! Alka-Seltzer will make you feel better. f^ can lead to acid indigestion and bring on an upset stomach and headache. But dun't worry. One or two Alka-Seltzer dissolved in water will relieve the discomfort. Trust Alka-Seltzer and you'll be nght again. Alka-Seltzer RaH PpPPi^l sfaf <;.■■■' *wssH
      409 words

  • 207 7 Gearing tertiary students for working life rl Ontra: Agency for Industrial and Business Orientation U seeking the co-operation of both public and private sector employers to find more orientation placet for tertiary students duiine vacation next year The aeeney was set up five years ago to procure and co-ordinate placemenu
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  • 31 7 TUB Praabyterlan Church. Orchard Road, will hold a charity ChrtMnas fair at tv praatMaa losawii>« from 2.30 PJa. Thvr* will also b* a pupptt abow tor children.
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  • 101 7 Jackpot machine death: The cause HOUBEWITC Mrs Cynthia Ong. 51. died of coronary thrombosis In front of a Jackpot machine at the Singapore Recreation Club >-n Wednesday, according *o police and her family doctor. Mrs Ong a regular Jackpot piayer mere, had hit the J» rkpot that afternoon and as
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  • 213 7 HAY patrols by members of the 1,000-strong Community Security Force, an anti-crime arm of the Vigilante Corps, have helped reduce the crime rate in Queenstown. According to the latest Issue of Vigilante, the official organ of the Corps, housebreaking and theft In Queenstown
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  • 348 7 THE Department of Civil Aviation's training school at Seletar Airport is to be equipped with a $3.75 million air traffic control simulation system to train both military and civil controllers. The system, which will r simulate all riptcU of tncrtern air traffic control
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  • 229 7 NEW CURE FOR CERTAIN CANCERS BEING TESTED APROMISINO treatment of certain canceri by itlmulatlng Urn lmmnnologleai ■yatexu with oru»i to now In IU experlmentaJ ttacaa at cancer research centre! throughout the world. ReaulU of the treatment, says Dr. D 8 Nelaon of Urn Kolllng InsUtute of Medical Reeawth. Australia, are
    229 words
  • 79 7 New batch of gold coins for sale THE currency board has Just Issued another batch of 1975 commemorative gold coins In denominations of $100. $250 and 1500 The coin* which cost tISS S4M tod MM rajßftsUvtly. win be sotd on appttcation only One panon v only allowed to buy on*
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  • 39 7 A LORRY driver, aeah Mag Ch»t ih flnod tlat by a mmclatraU'i oourt yuaw <Ut (or aeattanng earth from Ux wheats of hi* lorry on Nor it at about lJSip.m. hi aaatbawaag Hills DrHw. He pk»(1»d juUty
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  • 133 7 rl tUtiatrj Vehicle, hv cUriArd that a vmub learner drtrw. wfca v«S lined Sl.sM on TMdt; for brlbrry. was not told by her tester to tarn Into a road with a "No Entry" sign. An BOY snniissasn aaM Urn tester anlj told Urn waaaaa. after
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  • 172 7 Advice for those who plan to wed rl Saasal Welfare Department's maasiltaig and advice section la Baying more attention to premarital eaanaelllnc far prospective marriage partners as a preventive Ml 1 lull. The departments 1914 annnal Itpait u;i sach eoaaaaUbig involved dhwaaaions with coapies about the implication* and respoaaiMllties af
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  • 50 7 TAP Chooo Kgmp. ft. who rnnflMsiJ to being a drug addict since tn* apt of M. was fined 11.000 yostarday after pawdlnf guilty to amosliif opium and having oprum -smoking utonaus at a house In Planer Street on Oct. 32 at m ■s had seven previous convictions.
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  • 230 7 Medical fitness tests for firemen over 40 rpHK Singapore Fire M. Brigade has Implemented a new schema under which firemen aged 40 and above must undergo annual medical examinations to ensure that they arc physically fit. A brigade official said yesterday that about 190 firemen are affected by this ruling
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  • 40 7 NCC shooting contest THT National Cadet Corps will bold tho noah. of tat n T Bolt shooting competitton at Ouinassard Caasp In Dunmmn Road liammiia from IN am Seven boys' teams and sis girls teams will compete in tht finals.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 222 7 r^aßrß SPECIAL OFFEt FROM 14Hi NOVEMUR ITEM packing PRICE Milk Po-wsr, %<Cs« 2k, $1045 (with 1 tm34l«n«fr««) Haarrtt Tonic OMttin* M Drink Bttwswf*) 13W9m >t-00 """t l n 180 m $1.00 Scott «"th trtt Whisky m.mttunhtt $17.f0 Gam Huntly Plsmert 025« m $3 JO FrathGrauna 1 bsujsj CoHaalat P K
      222 words
    • 467 7 BEST BUY-BEST VALUE E>€.N®N QQ B^QA matrix 4 channel COC f OU stereo system at \pOavO yet incorporates "FM MUTING" feature AM/FM-MPX STEREO RECEIVER I I Dynamic power output 40 watts I "VBsaslssssWaßßßsßßßsßsßßßsasWasasßssaßssßßV^Lj j PuV high FM sensitivity IC-s>4s ■_Jggaaass^Tßl»sJßsJi I Mike mixing circuitry I v T;"** FM muting system
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 723 8 tMI mIViiJ.SM^^P MARY OUANT BEAUTY DEMONSTRATIOH rS*^ E sl *t* «Ui» S£^^^^^ M I W^^^ MA AY^IAN RATIK FREE DEMONSTRATION ADVICE BY INTERNATIONAL MXtqu^^JSM^iai* «*,^^Tr.LQX ».r,W^ 1 m^F Mcy'ccumT Aon consultant, mr. Stephen neal from london. Sme 1 I I I#^ MEN S SHIRT 4.SU big 20% discount offer for
      723 words

  • 164 9 4,629 drivers given demerit points A TOTAL of 3»J motorists have accumulated six or more demerit points each for varlou* offensei ranging from reckless driving to driving in bus lanes, since the introduction of the Polnu Demerit System In March Three motorists have so far been suspended for accumulating 13
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  • 34 9 TKZ University of Singapore s concert band will hold a film show. "Th* King and I", at th* Venus Cinema In Oiminwiaii on Sunday at San to raise funds for the ■ml
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  • 90 9 Poly photo contest for students TWE Singapore Poly- •*> technlc Photographic Society Is organising the Third International Students' Photographic Salon for the 1975/76 sessions. The worldwide competition U divided into two -tfrmt monochrome prtnU and colour sUdca The closing date for entries U April 10. An exhibition of all UV
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  • 69 9 DR Lee Chlaw Men* Minuter for acianoe and Tachnoloary. will open a one-day scotlnar on Numerically Controlled Machine Tbob »tntly orgmnuad by Us* «n--(aporc Manufacturafa* Aaaorlatlon and the Society of Manufacturing Mialii— a al U>e Reflonal Bigllst) Lanfuac* Centre on Nov. 33. The seminar alma to Inform
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  • 35 9 THI wife of the Finance Mlnuur and *r tor Ha**toct ltr» 800 am Ban. will officiate at the ktndarffartan crmduaUon earaakony at the Ha*atock Hoa4 rni— untty centre tomorrow at IJvpjn. PJB
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  • 28 9 IHX flnaami flehool CaatMß Vandorf AaodaUoo wUI bold tv icth annltrw smry dinner at ito aawrta Uoos piwilaai la Whampoa. Drtrt on Nov. a at 7-Kp.av
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  • 332 9  -  AHMAD OSMAN B> PERN AS Securities of Malaysia has begun negotiations to acquire a stake in several Malaysian-incorporat-ed banks which operate in Singapore and elsewhere, according to banking sources here. This move Is seep by these sources a* being in accordance with the Malaysian
    332 words
  • 285 9 Hunt for couple to $73,000 'jade swindle' DOUCB are Is siring far I a eeajptc wk» r«Mftetlly swindled two isnlntn ef f73JM wwstE ef lade la a Peek Se*h Street hwtel last week. ■ussreiM t* aewxeea, tk* ee«|»le weal U awsSMkesu last month a«4"e— faete. a Jade iealsr, Mr. Las
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  • 59 9 THI Pwoptr'a AaaodaUon's youth folk dance night wUI be held today at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute In South Buona vuta Road at pn Ha* Sha'arl Tadln. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture) and adviser to Ilk* PA's lUgirinal Youth Council (last), will be present to give away
    59 words
  • 113 9 A set of three commemorative stamps and a souvenir sheet to mark International Women's Year 1975 will be on sale at all post offices from Dec. 7. The stamps In denominations of 10 cents. 36 cents and 75 cents depleting Equality. Development and Peace are
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  • 59 9 A PROVISION shop proprietor was yesterday fined $3,000 by a magistrate's court for assisting In operating a lottery In Margaret Drive Ng Her Teck, 43. was found guilty of assisting In a 10,000 characters lottery on Oct. 11. The court wag told that four slips of. paper
    59 words
  • 375 9 £HANGES to the restructured primary education system and guidelines for implementation are expected to be announced shortly by the Ministry of Education. However, the BtraiU Times understands that I t .'.ere will be no major policy chances. Principals and teachers are »"»«~ttlT await
    375 words
  • 38 9 A TALK on amateur aatronomy win be held at Toa Pmroh Branch Library lecture hall tomorrow at IJO pm. Mr. Robin Lob and members of Urn Stngapor* Aatronomy and UFO nnisixh Club wiu apeak Aitmlawnn isfra*.
    38 words
  • 33 9 THB Ktppal Harbour oonv munlty centre Undargartan dasaw graduation eeramony •IU be hatd tomorrow at the cantr* at Spin U m or* sn toed by th* centre s managamtnt committ**
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  • 36 9 THX Senior Minister of But* (Maltonal Dsvaamsaant). Dr. Tan Bag Uaag. will opan the tnaapr-V listing of the mtrmimsl Touring AUlance-Aalan Pwdfle Rffton at the Regional Ingllsh Language Csntr* on Monday at io«_m
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 117 9 fi£ The Management j§l jJ^JV oidi i vi ]S| Hagemeyer Trading^ rKSy IA/wP-ItT^OITIcO *nsOn W\tT^ ffVIV/VI I IV OTJ^f ggg Mr. A. laKanasni gg| >T\&X CHAIRMAN tffiSf Kya IWlcitci ichit ci Sv?^ Electric Industrial J§| OFFKE SHOWROOM SPACE STRICTLY FOR RENTAL ONLY 1 MINUTE FROM ORCHARD RD. SaitaMe fir Mtr
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 227 9 Straits Times Crossword i w«> i^ 0 0 8 Richard v hiding <«> i wnt before church eaar- 7 Merchant* ~hn rtliinln c 'if' ale Inlormatlon? i»> s fSSTiS XT" SST 1 10 Tribe v able to contain Child at the Oerman pour*! H»._ church In old Worcarter--11 Sail3r on
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    • 217 10 Retrial for two brothers jailed for rape ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Brothers J. Chandrabala, 20, and J. Tharumadavser, 17, were today re-charged In the Bpec 1 a 1 Besslons Court here with rape. They hrtb pleaded not guilty to committing the offence with two othen still at lane on a 21--year-old
      217 words
    • 65 10 KUALA LUMPUR. TAUT*.— The Oovemment will Introduce new lacidatlon to provide more atrere punuhsoeau (or offence* related to tat duuiltaf and sale of Ultelt ammsu. deputy rtnaoct Mlnlatar Tan Brl Cnon« Han Nyan Mid yeaUrday ■idytnt to a quaaUon by Hajl Suhaiml Mn Oato Haji ■Tamaraddta
      65 words
    • 67 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tour*.— Four men. one believed to be armed with 13 rule, held up five customers and a proprietress of a haliflneaiin saloon for M mlnutas In Jalan Pudu on Tuesday before escaping with SI.MI and watches worth lies. PitiftetiWM Sao Moot, of the Capitol
      67 words
    • 45 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs— Full-time child psychologlcU should be appointed In each slate to daal with peycbologlcaJ ptobtwass of pupils. ThU was one of the suggssllnni made today by the various stats Joint school hs»lth wnnmlttaee to lmprc»* future school health procranunes.
      45 words
    • 190 10 PETALING JAVA. Than. Fifteen-year-eM 8. Paramrswart, abdaeted from her home in Kampang Ceasaaka in Sangai Way on Not. 4 by a itman gang, was rwuilte*J with her family yesterday after eight day* In caatlvlty. Her father. Mr. R SDiaauay. (1. told poUcr: "I
      190 words
    • 79 10 Firemen save factory from total loss IPOH. Thurs. The quick arrival of two fire engines saved the Sin Hong Leong coach work factory, opposite the National Electricity Board office in Lahat Road here, from destruction about midnight on Tuesday. According to the managing partner of the company. Mr. Ng Boon
      79 words
    • 47 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs A committee ha* been *et up to find way* for the Malayan Railway to get a bagger share of transporting good* from the various ports In Peninsular Malaysia Deputy CornmunlcaUona Minister Datuk Wan Abdul Kadlr Itmall said In the Dewan Rakyat today.
      47 words
    • 40 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thin*. Member* of BrlUiii trmde mlaton new on week-long »l*l< htra v* expactad to »(n oontrmcu worth one million dollar* before they leave (or home on Saturday, leader of the mlttton Mr R.H D•ciMSer *ald today
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    • 298 10 Asean shelves Manila's UN proposal THAT NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday CKNIOR Asean officials have decided lo put aside, at least for the lime being, a Philippines proposal to take the concept of South-east Asian neutralisation to the L'nitcd Nations. The decision tv made yesterday at the end of
      298 words
    • 188 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs— The Attor-ney-Oenersi and Law Minister Tan srl Abdul Kadlr Yusof told the Dewan Rakyat today his offlcr does not Intend to Prosecute an MCA member from Negrl Bembllan who was alleged to have made a seditious speech He was replying to
      188 words
    • 45 10 EPOH. Thurt —A 81nf »por» tourist. Mr Henry Chen. 34. reported to the poUce the lacs of hu caaarttc player and clothing worth about MOO from hu car parked In Jalan Yang Kalaom on Tuesday Ore of the car's windows was found *"*ift>H
      45 words
    • 260 10 WHY PERNAS DROPPED HAW PAR DEAL KUALA LUMPUR. Thur* fYATUK Hussein Onn told the D c w a n Rakyat today that Pernas Securities withdrew from the Haw Par deal bid because the conditions imposed by the Sln- I gapore Securities Industry Council i made It unfavourI able for It
      260 words
    • 164 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The trial of two army commandos and three civilians charged under the Firearms (Increased Penalties) Act. 1971. was today remitted to the Magistrate's Court as the High Court had no Jurisdiction to hear the charge due to a recent
      164 words
    • 50 10 KOALA LUMPUR. Thars. The Tang Dtnerfaa Agaag (Me referred the diaaajte ae«ween the Ra»W Resiareh lnstltate and Its t,*M esßßleyeea to the Indastrtal Court fer arMtratioa. The wrdwr ended a nine-day strike the sUtas wf pUataUea worker* at RSI experimental statiwa* la Baagal Bale* and *et»Tlnggi
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 556 10 m^^^^^^^^^^^^^ new Meadow Gold menu T^ 1^ J^ m^ A fabulous selection of new ice cream aiaw THE EASY-TO~SHOP"AT creations. Chcx>se from "Nut G acker Sweet", A S* Cl fOTDCmor 1 "Hawaii Five-O" "Carousel". more than a dozen others. I f •X/aMßffOf i/MsC "V *h^ WIA/IVIV I Mill A/YAH <
      556 words

  • 279 11 THE trial of Ng Chwee Poh, 50, a granite quarry partner, on nine tax evasion charges Involving over $280,000 taxable income concluded In a district court yesterday after 13 days of hearing. The last witness for the defence was OI Khle mho
    279 words
  • 46 11 SBfIOR Minister of Bt*te 'National Dawlopmtnt), Dr Tan Stag Uaaa-. wtb open ttt* annual oon farmer of tha Wngapnra Veterinary Association at th» Bln«mpor* Hilton al 748 pm today Abrut 1M dtlrgmtca will atund Urn two-day aclenUnc i ■■Inn which bagtna to-
    46 words
  • 530 11  -  T. F. HWANG 'Contract with HK engineers was illegal 9 By MR. Justice Winslow. dismissing yesterday a civil claim for $106,250 against Consolidated Hotels Ltd. of Singapore, said in a reserved judgment that B d,d so "with regret." He held that the defendant. Consolidated
    530 words
  • 114 11 Volunteer officers to get more powers? rUTNTEEK probation offlccra, who w* not employed as PoUee or prlaon offlcers, »*r he appointed to «»per»lae offenders under prooatkm. mrordinf to Urn prorl«»on« of a Frofatlan of Offenders (Amendment) BUI which wu fiven first reading In Parliament on T»e«day. J. wfcißUn arrtaaliai aaojoiaaoj
    114 words
  • 29 11 W Ho Krnh Laonc. MP for Jurong. win opan Urn Stngapor* TaacbarT Arts and Cr»fu Aaaaetatloni flnt art exhibition at the National Museum today at »J0 pm
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  • 20 11 A THRB-DAY orchid ■Sow wiu ba held at Uia ground iloor of Ftopta'a 1M comptn from Mow M.
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  • 16 11 MO br mactatTßU't court jmmimt lor throwtnc ciorvtu butt at trm tttw Ocl H ti
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  • 75 11 It a secret ABINGAPOU Family Manning and fopolation Board (Amendment No I) BUI. to come before Parliament at IU ne»t •ltUng. wUI Introduce a new section prohibit ing the dUcHomre of Urn family planning treatment given to a patlrnt In any Institution or clinic of the board except with the
    75 words
  • 139 11 $4,250 for carpenter who lost four fingers rwtßX High Court yMtsrL day approved urn settlement oi a factory accident cult and payment of $4,250. inciwllnt coat*. to the plaintiff. Pang rook Soon, 27, for the loaa of four fingers In his left band. Pang waa a carpenter and employee of
    139 words
  • 230 11 Case of the unregistered dentist ANT registered dentist who practices In the same premises which has an unregistered dentist will be guilty of an offence unless he proves that he has no knowledge of the unregistered person's practice. This is one of the new provisions Introduced by the Dentists Registration
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 182 11 Newsweek TMK INTKKNATIONAI. NEWSMAGAZINE NOVEMBER 17. ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: Thailand: bandits in the South. Britain's big turnaround. Thw Pill and or— it oncer. a J agti MAIL *OUfl COUPON TO Newsweek International c/o Sanvtc Enterprise Lock Bag Sarvtca No. 1 General Post Office Singapore Tel: ***** 27 WEEKS FOR $19.00 SPECIAL
      182 words
    • 511 11 OMTKAL AJR COt*XT>OMNG Before you say H\ too expensive to cool al your house.. call us at *****11 Carrier makes the most install and operate a Carrier complete line of central air system. condrtwrung systems for the -ry^ home As fufcy trained Carrier I fie on© way specialists. vvewM install
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  • 182 12 ATSLMYIBMD American space exnlomtnn programme led Mr lan Gourlay to sat his sights on playing a rote In promottnc r*oce and understandlnir among th* nations of the world. Exnlaimnc this yesterday. Sir lan. chelrman of the International executive committee ol the United World Colleges
    182 words
  • 411 12  - Mercy- killing: We'll never do it, say Spore doctors CHRISTINA By ffoomaucs A NUMBER of Singapore doctors yesterday voiced their opposition in principle against mercy- killing even of hopelesslyill patients. Th* Terr essence of their profession, they said. Is to Bar* human Ufa not to put an end to It.
    411 words
  • 48 12 THB Young Adulu Section of the Qoatnstown branch library will hold a film anow on Prance In Us lecturt room on Monday at 7JO pm Tbe (lisas art French Youth on Holiday. Trlppms through Part*. The Seine. and Aerial View of Part* Attwilartnw v tree.
    48 words
  • 29 12 MR. Out Pane Boon. Minister for Labour, win attend tb* IMb anniversary eelebratlon of the Tvtok Ayr community centre In Boon Tat Stract at 7JO pm. today.
    29 words
  • 213 12 Kiki and Miki share common love Chinese brush painting ELEVEN- year old K iki Dougherty had her first brush with Chinese paintIng when she was s'.x and, like mother like daughter. it's been a passion ever since. It all began when her mother, Mrs. Mlkl Dougherty, gave her a brush
    Kok Ah Chong  -  213 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 289 12 Fill up your wallet through the Singapore Sweep Ist Prize $4000) DRAW DATE: 4th DECEMBER 75 VENUE: CLIFFORD PIER AT 6.30 P.M. ■k Seven thousand islands that seem to be on holiday all H year round Fiestas, music, beautiful women and more H good old-fashioned friendliness than any other country
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 193 12 _^_4__>__ n. *aMi»««> By Bill *f f w >rtnH dk Bsvl Casks* /rwmww 111 (*xmu**~** uxxs "1 Iltt* ao.Msr**-^ dontbi "\/mo v%cNeg#i>ooWi"l rf low VwV-aio I {urn Mrt «■»>* awrnw v rv. RtMMtftou Jkcxckxjous- *ew-- uxx» all tr*mm*~ i i *c* mae**j/ iv a «o< y\^* >ou »**c«l Bl>g|<lw By
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  • 137 13  -  Halria Picture by DOWN at last; The eroded rain shelter which bromht drath to a soldier In tbe Fash- Rl» Park was yesterday drtnollibrd by PWD workers. Also gone are six other similar shelters. A National Development Ministry spokesman yesterday said that tbe FWD had
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  • 137 13 $3.1 mil road open to traffic today fitHE stretch of New J- Upper Changi Road will be opened to traffic at 10.30 a.m. today. The Ml km dual two-lane carriageway was constructed by the Public Works Department at a cost of Ul million This road will ease traffic congestion fro*"
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  • 227 13 ECHO SOUNDER GOES THROUGH PACES AT SEXTOSA AN echo sounder being tried out by technical officers from the Port Authority at the Bentosa swimming lagoon yesterday. The SS.OOO instrument which arrived from Britain recently is for measuring the gradlenU and depths of the lagoon. Over the past few days the
    227 words
  • 21 13 A ae-kCWUTB r» eon atcrstton osnssony of tht asuirvtaayaear Twnpkt in Ksong Hood win be hsM today at s.oeaja.
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  • 142 13 Metric Board chief heads SCORE rB Mtnlster for Home Affairs. Mr. Cbua. BUn Chin, baa appointed Mr. Baey Uan ftek aa chairman of the Singapore Corporation RehabiUUUTe Bnterprlaaa (BCORS) Mr. B»ey la chairman of the Metrication Board, NTUC Welcome and a number of oompantea. He la alao a director of
    142 words
  • 33 13 A TMACKBI Mr Bhafavl AhmKt wIU fi»» a toft IB Matey on -norn to unprov* your wrttun Malajr tomorrow it 3 JOpm In ttw taotur« room of Qiimii*wii Brmocfa Übnur
    33 words
  • 439 13 'TWO members of the Singapore Muslim A Action Front (SMAF) were yesterday charged m a magistrate's court for publishing a newspaper without a permit. Abdul Rahman bin Mohamed Zln and Syed Ahmad alias Syed Ahmad Dahlan were jointly charged with publishing the newspaper, entitled "Reply
    439 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 55 13 Convention Banquet Facilities ■^"^•2 Eeass^al w^**^£^^^-J^^^^^ i > «BsT^SasaS ■■ksaJaMst ->^*»J»> pnvjtc functions or conventions. Hoirl ballroom, function rooms mj poolsidc ares have everything need F-ood. drinks and service can he catena] lor the smallest functions to large conventions. >NN HENG tor informal ion and detaib. lel M)-m hxt 158
      55 words
    • 483 13 I Furnish your home with the Christopher touch^pMQEuS of class Custom-made Furniture W^ Carpets-Curtains -Wallpapers r WWWf i Our teem of specialist designers will be pleased to call at your residence for a FREE evaluation of your needs and provision of advice on interior decoration. Absolutely no obligations. Christopher offers
      483 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 449 14 I Mow* Yhowi ng" Simultaneously at 2 Theatres REX GLOBE i^§ S2 A SI CASH BOOKINGS only e™Jrajaja/ v ajeSß*«^ *X »*e%i «a> a*aajßave4e«Bae haea m»I" AEDDAVT L^bW \\\W \W Kk\ aal FtX HB«Wf9 eTerfl BaaaW l^^ B^tjarlaaT a bnpii Ue»tf» W 'ivbji A'WPO^T •eaee' ea rfce aevei eV^^^efßl faf^
      449 words
      318 words
    • 221 14 mf """^J^B^^k^^n HMfiJfIBRMB Baß r*^^a^Bfl I Chef's Specialities fl B It a le certe Menu fl also available B^^Smßimtm^HbtvJßjL^vV £4OLKfI/Ttt itrifvieiniiiiia.imu letfc MMicei Dot C«l«., 1 15, 3 30, 7 I 9.M Ca4«>n Cty 1 45, 4. 7 9 30 rotamHKl Of«m To MorroA frtmml Mai»4anrt Cann<i Cilnmn vtHi E*flnli
      221 words
    • 229 14 NOW SNOWING! Daily AtYoO 9 30 PM < A4miMior>: Ad^ln: $2.00 ChileMn: $1.00 [HKTtRMS'TBBCH' > CHEN CHEN &&fo£3P£fij^ CHIN MSIANG LIN and KO CHUN-HSIUNG fin Mondorm with English Subtitle*) CATHAY MIMIGHT JMORROVYIj; COLD STEELY H* W i ONTHE V t W «T I Ail mm\\\mmV mmmW m\\ ...ALL >B Bm.
      229 words
    • 709 14 i^CATHAV;: :SE»OR6AWISATION:| J J NOW SHOWING' Ml 2 llMwt 7 t itpm S 'C "TM* 64RL WITN THf J j! BfXTUOUS TOUCH" M, -v IJ» CotorScop* f rtglitr- $utn l I'• iw«| Dm> k Omw Ji i> Otewi Oklw^ Ji It* 2r><) Midnight Tomotro- (Mii» Sundov ot 9 OOomi a
      709 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 624 15 C aaaaaai a\ I bbbbbV /r^^^Bßl BBBVv?f Bar I Baßi [_^^aaaaaaaall b» a I;■ k£ J^^b^^ t^aa^^^^^^^^*^* I**1 t^H aaaaaa^al bb»"^^^ aaßßr aaaV HK -S fl il m W&^&^!r' t 9&- -^m I aaaaaaa! a^ 'v**^ '*^aßaa .^aaaaa^^a^i^^aaaaaaaaaaa*aaaaaaaaaaaaai W* ..gaaali^ aWB Pi aa) *M '/fl V Zanuaai la the tall
      624 words
    • 45 15 VISIT QENTINO HIGHLANDS MALAYSIAN CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL NOVEMBER 14-27 IS7S AND tM Malajrslat Cultural weemn BxtUMUona Dtmoaaumuoru Oanm Shows. Etc throusnout tht rwuval Por further Information on Facial Packac* Toun for UM PtaUval. Contact:- v fc> <j»tto, W^.lW) er --■-r- Tjiim. Tlllllllii aanSS emt ISS
      45 words
    • 209 15 yj MR f A living experience at the Miramar 1 Get the most out of living for to much less. We have J I made this a tradition at the Miramar. Located right J I in the centre of town, the Miramar offers all guests f S only the very
      209 words
    • 160 15 the tee cream cone? Infinity has don« it again. The new Walsh tweeter is „1^"-"^ so innovative, it produces a sound unlike any other, musically. It provides a 'presence', an ambience and gjaj cleanliness of sound never before possible. tf > fe^l The Walsh tweeter acts as a pulsating cylinder
      160 words
    • 51 15 ■LaaaaaaV H ■<■£ v>* fjk TWO CONCERTS by I T»n dilferprit pnnrammf I M.S. SUBBULAKSHMI accompanied by fUdtha VUvanaihan (Vocai) Kandadtrl Alacirisarnv (Violin) Karalkudl R Man (Mlrthantami Thettatudl H 8 Vlnayaaram (Ohatam). and Vi)aya Raj«ndran (Tamboura) 16th and 18th NOV VICTORIA THEATRE 8 p.m. I irkelx .in n<i» iv.ul.ii $10
      51 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1975
    • 398 16 rERE is no more terrible example of what drug abuse can do to a human being U)an that of Karen Qulnlan, the American girl now kept alive by a mechanical respirator after being reduced to a vegetable-like existence through an excess of drugs and alcohol. Of course. Karen's
      398 words
    • 260 16 THE chairman of the National Safety First Council, Mr. Milton Tan, has drawn attention to a postmortem survey of road traffic deaths which indicates that a growing proportion is "alcohol-related." His estimate runs as high as 15 to 20 per cent. Of particular concern Is the evidence
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  • 385 16 Neto may preside over bloodbath LUANDA: The Brst self ■rsrlamiai rrcstdent of Independent Angola. Dr. Agostlnho Net*. Is not rocogfilsed as legitimate head of state by awl of the infant nation s IJ million pispls. ■c Is head of a government whose sawrainty Is shrinking fast before advancing columns of
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    • 81 16 REFER to your 1 editorial (ST.. Nov. 5) and letter by "Alrbug" (ST., Nov. 11) regarding airport taxi service. The Department of Civil Aviation Is grateful for the various suggestions offered and wishes to advise that the airport taxi service Is presently being reviewed
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    • 116 16 ABOUT three weeks ago as I was travelling alQng Mountbatten Road before the turning into Nlcoll Highway. I saw a man tampering with a roadslgn He had in hi* hands a tin of paint and he started to change the colour "f the signboard located lust after the bus stop
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    • 68 16 WHAT have the woman libbers to say about the case (S.T Nov 12 In which a man. In preference to the woman, was fined for not registering their customary marriage when both parties are equally responsible for complying with the law? If the libbers want to claim equal right* they
      68 words
    • 67 16 THE water pump at Block 63. Marine Drive normally operates at 10 pjn. every night and is exceptionally noisy. It has become aa intolerable nu-»ance not only to resident* of the block but those of adjoining blocks as well. The Housing Board should immediately replace the defective pump since other
      67 words
  • 782 16  -  R. LONGWORTH: By Brussels BEHIND the walls of a French country castle, America's allies are preparing to put the squeeze on President Ford. By the time the Saturday-to-Monday summit ends, Mr. Ford will have heard that he must reflate
    NYT  -  782 words
  • 545 16  - Australians concerned over fate of their democracy FOX BUTTERFIELD By Canberra AUSTRALIANS, who often tend to take sunbathing and cricket more seriously than politics, have a new preoccupation following the abrupt dismissal of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam debating the fate of their democracy. Prom Mr. Whitlam himself to young secretaries,
    NYT  -  545 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 23 16 Which bank cut the world down to size, just for you? )*m We did. r^S^n One step shesd. Bmf '^Bm J BANKofAMERICaITI. I
      23 words
    • 502 16 9th -15th Nov. 1*75 NATIONAL THEATRE Sunday. 9th November 730 pm MOSCOW MY LOVE Monday. 10th November 8 pm THE POEM Of DANCES Tuesday. 11th November 8 pm ANNA KARENINA Wednesday 12th November 8 pm OF THOSE WHOM I REMEMBER AND CHERISH Thursdsy. 13th November 8 pm STARS Of THE
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  • 110 17 BLAST AT YOUTH WHO ADOPT HEDONISM MR CHOR Yeok Eng. Parliamentary Secretary iE ny 1 ronment 1. yesterday hit out at tome youths who, he said, had adopted a hedonistic attitude because of the increasing affluence in recent years He said quite a number of youths Indulged In r.edonism and
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  • 263 17 'Sorrow house' swoop: 15 detained pOLICE swooped on a house in mourning in Beach Road on Wednesda\ afternoon and arrested 15 people susjHxtcd lo be members of the Sio Loh Kuan secret society of Group 24. According to police, these people had come to pay homage to the dead father
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  • 59 17 TUB chairman of Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Mr. R A HuiklMon. will meak on tht lnternattonsl shipping situation at s luncheon of the Smgapor* Ajaoclatkm of Shipbuilder! and R«psli«n at Bquatorlal Hotel on Monday Mr WlMtHsno It on-route to attend the lnaugurai ■uring of the Register's
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  • 152 17 Exports to US and Japan picking up SINOAPORE exports to the United States. Japan and West Asia are picking up. according to the latest (Jan.-Sept > rigures Issued by the Department of Statistics. Exports to Japan amounted to $12 billion compared to $762 million in the same period In 1974.
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  • 82 17 Officials of Teachers' Co-op MR. &E. Jesudason haa been elected chair- man of the Singapore Teachers' Multl-Purpoae Co-operative Bocl c t y Ltd. Other officials are Mr K Thlagarajan. deputy chairman. Mr. Jagjit Singh Sandhu. secretary. Mr. O Jagsnathan. assistant secretary. Mr PK Panadam. treasurer, and Mr Urn Yeow Chin.
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  • 63 17 THB rtce-prestdent of the Library Association of Singapore. Mr Chan Thye Seng will attend the second Commonwealth Library Association Council nioitlin In Kingston. Jamaica from Monday to Wednesday. Mr Chan win also attend a seminar on Reciprocity of Qualifications and Training In ÜbrarUnahlp In the
    63 words
  • 52 17 SOtoX SO mathematician* from French. Malaysian and Wngsporo unlverpntei win tale part in s three-day symposium on the art of counting at Nmntah's Science Faculty on Monday at •JO ■M The symposium v organised by NaoUh's Depmrtmsnu of MathcmaUcs and Computer Setenot and the »n--gapore Mfttkmal Academy
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  • 176 17 A 28 YEAR-OLD woman altered her identity card to make herself three yean router became ak* wanted to apply far a job aa a aoeial eaecrt. a district court heard yesterdaj. Taa Kirn Ing was fined $134 after the admitted altering the date of
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  • 28 17 THE management committee of SUat Avenue cotnmunlty centre will hold a graduation ceremony for IU kindergarten class at the centre tomorrow at 1 JO pjn
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  • 181 17 'GROWING NEED FOR MIDDLE SKILLS' T*HERI la a growing •1 need for management skills In Slrgapore aa ecrepexles here expand, a marketing director said yesterday. air David Shenton, director rf operations with Marketing improvemenu Ltd. In Britain, said yeetCTdav: ■'Singapore la a trading nation and as exports grow, so too
    181 words
  • 268 17 rB Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE) has called on the Government to remove a ruling requiring its clerical staff to pass an examination before completing their twoyear probation. The unions request was submitted in a letter to the Permanent Secretary. Ministry of
    268 words
  • 42 17 iiu CVntral Young People and Adult Sections of the HaUonal Library will hold a talk-cum-fUm show on Ins- staring by Mr* Nancy Ackerman, an officer with the Jurong Ice-skating Centre, on Not ja In Room 11T of Plasa aingapura, at >pm.
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  • 22 17 iui Singapore Oirl Pipers wUI perform at the MacRltchJe Reservoir Park on Sunday from 530 pjn to S JO pm.
    22 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 101 17 Shcmdown in Sahara Read the full story in... ""^ohdßcorMrrvAHßTdßosriSS^ TIME \l/ M_____lit wi iP^^k* Middle East: Israel hat atomic bombs should she tell the world of its nuclear capability? World: The global slump: a review of the world economy on the eve of the economic summit outside Paris. N. Africa:
      101 words
    • 530 17 /_«_sw\ SINGAPORE {\M [>X CONTACT LENS V^^/ SOCIETY BCNJAMIN EDWARD J BENJAMIN Centre, Tonolm Rood, (9) Tel *****9 CCCMUI. NINGKWON6OPT CO LTD FBOA F SMC k y- 9 *£??fr ChmSweeßd. (3) Tel *****7, *****7 F.J ISAACS, F 1 ISAACS PTE LTD OD.FACLP Speciolisft' Centre. Ut Fir Orehord/Somenet Rood. (9) Tel
      530 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 772 17 WATER consumption on Wednesday was Mt,eea eassc metres an Increase ef •.•N cubic metres over Tuesday On your TV SINGAPORE S IM HI Openinj and Housewives' Matinee 7JS Sasrts hra* Country Girl (Cantonese Film, Pt 2) US M tewaart tti. Sar»ka far Ojyfcttt 441 Oary of Events (Cnmese) JJJ Kl
      772 words
    • 37 17 SWIMMING TIMES mu< Me**! 757 i. 2JaJ. U§ s- B-«i tea. la_t i« sjl B-UO. IU s > IM. r_t H-asa 3«9 lw___swi SsMan _M s_l _4ai IU mT&J_). %m lea- U6 ul B la). IM Ml___ U3E
      37 words

      • 271 18 CYDNXY. Thurs The market cloaed mixed In quiet trading after late buyIng support lifted most sacton from morning lows, dealers said The Sydney AU-Ordlnartat index roee 350 point* to 411 O Operators have begun to adop: a "wait and ace" attitude ahead of the Dec. II •lection, they said.
        271 words
      • 196 18 TOKYO. Thura. Ins market closed lower, with leu profit-taking on dealer caution towarda the markets sharp rise more than offertung early gams, dernier* amid. The Dow John average fell 3777 to < 300 00 wtth volume 300 million shans. The New index cloaed at ***** down 134 Blue chips
        196 words
      • 244 18 UONOKOWO. Thura.— The 11 market armed strongly wtth the Hang Song index making It* largest dally gain Mnce the end of September, but turnover remained low. dealers said. Share prioat were booatad by ofaisaai market gain* overnight Howtm. the local market ahould ttul have some way to go to
        244 words
      • 30 18 Eabker Nov. 13. Singapore: Dec. 146.66 cts (down 75 et). MateyaU: Dec. 146.66 eta (down 146 ct). Tin: $9M (up $7) Official offering: US tons (down 13 tons).
        30 words
      • 104 18 S'HIMIII MOOUCI lICHOCI V tlM«aat)BS MOOM CLOtINC •BiOII Pl* aicuL VltTieOav eaaaaat en Bulk tits —u»n attJl? 1 MTS <MH ea*».i kftsat mast) UK/Caat ■Near: Muatofc AST A whiu fas. 100* m.W UN Milan. Sarawak wait* f o-b. nl» U4S —Urn UitwU iMciai Mac* »*.k. t«« NLW tiSIS Milan.
        104 words
      • 38 18 Laaaaa mm anew *a Watatalar l»rivtams ta brack**). Wfakar Saat bu?*r i»7t M KMI) Miter 157» u»*Ji TarM Maalh bunr IM* I ftOl SO) Mll.r (Mt SO iISNi MtrkM mm: BaralT llasa* SaiM. 1.4 M laaaM.
        38 words
      • 506 18 V ONDON advice* were dla- appointing and opening quotation* on the Singapore rubber market yesterday were m*rked down accordingly. Thereafter the market was thin with small turnover routine accounts. The afternoon seat ton wat *cry quiet Tb> market cloaed very quiet with RBB One Dae buyer* quoted at
        506 words
      • 101 18 QAILT SMH tu4 Sflft pncm mtd it noon jMtwitey: Dm. Ju. ILBXL& ICirtMl Wkl irmii Hit, cam icy (i too p»im> lioC^iMir uToo^imSm ■a »L (1 ton ptllrt) IttN IMMN 14*00 IMOON mOL (1 tan pallet) 14AM ]«hn 144 M> 147 SON BMK 10 (1 ton pallet
        101 words
      • 203 18 *T/R> Stralu tin price In Jjwjanf yeemuay advanced another 07 to tOM offering down 13 tons to 313 lon*. The overnight London metal price waa barely stead> with forward buyers wted considerably lower by C 76 to £3015 per ntUK ton •Csinat the previous closing LONDON: Tin advanced
        203 words
    • 308 18 J^rrw YORK. Wed— With ,_VbrfhUrung prospects lor federal financial help (or New York City, the atock market advanced strongly today in the heaviest trading activity since mid- July. The '*""»'ni"t cauar of the advance was the shift yesterday t» two influential Republican*— PMeral Raearve Board chairman Arthur Burn*
      308 words
    • 40 18 Xanu UN UM >'»•» nam uioon ihm IM MS lUW "521 14» lUM IttTM 144 *M 144 TM 1M» Ul »T 14t M 1«4 M »»"ili mm iMM 145 U* ItA II) Aaatraltea Mitt par rnn It) tntw »ftw
      40 words
    • 97 18 FINANCIAL TIMMA INOI'STsUALM Wednesday 371 T »*»d">- 370J w "10 3004 TINS Wednesday nn TUMday Ml* week ago M.TO BUBBCa.I Wednesday 300 M Tuesday Mil Week ago 300 M OILS Wednesday JU so Tuesday jm is Week ago •iin DOW JONES AVUUOK INDI'BTRIALS Wednesday lUU Tueaday 030 M Week
      97 words
    • 233 18 Money and exchanges f*H> US unit opened frac--1 uonaliy low at *****-40 yesterday morning but tome ■mall buying interest helped to push the US dollar up to the *****-65 level. Trading was moderately active throughout the seaaton and market remains thin with the US unit closing at ***** M. Suggested
      233 words
    • 161 18 a BIAH currency deposit Intntuik now ft S t clow on No* 13 Vf DOui (Spa*) Oftar BM 7 dan 5 5 1 til 1 mih UK a n trthi 7 1« 5 16 1 mth» It! 1/1 mtlu T 7 1« 7 S If mllu 7
      161 words
    • 29 18 Ckxtaf Interbank nw m Singapore <Jcll*r» (or Nor II Offer BM 3v«rnl«ht 1 mtta 4 Si I mth» *k *t I mttM 4, 4| w«: f. Mmnj-immm
      29 words
    • 43 18 NOTE: TtWN rmtM me* differ »UtbtJy (nan thoa quota* by bank* to ihetr cuatotnara. •M MM* No. 1» OtU «*M*U l\% MM MM i-Maatk rnmrr Mix IT l« 1-MoMk tut Mlto 4 1 IMaatft OD l/» i-Maaik CD T/l« 1 1
      43 words
    • 160 18 Suggested Interbank rate* at 300 pm Cail—llw Nominal ratca *mllhmlin FereaaU«» %ttaU4 }WUim4*j lereaai parilr rh*a«* US dillar 2 ««SS 2 4MO 2 11M 11.54 Sterling pound 5 o*4o > o*7o 7 3469 —MM Hongkong dollar 4* 00 49 05 SO M IJt MaiajraUn doUar M4O M5O 100
      160 words
    • 53 18 Prime lending rates (in Aloentem tar* 7 TV) Ban*, of Amanca 4U Bank ttCNno 7 Bar* or Takro 7 Bar* Manga Inßinwit 7V* BanqvaoVLlndoe^-w 7 Chartorad Sor* 7 1— JiluJuilLlL. V V*VaBW »w*bWw7"*bb'wmmj-, DX Mt F^Cr-coge M, MKSeXT f* Malayan torfcia J Mrrtwi Say*. 7 OCX 7 OUB 7 UCI
      53 words
      • 3 18 M.T* 11
        3 words
      • 49 18 ITT (I mi DOB DBS Umß I. Dutr r Nan iun d»* imn r*a n. M. (tkta IMi BLM U-M tUI BM *k.M •5.14 M 4« tXM 1-1S 1111 M»l M«4 li n II H •kM AM »U7 14 1* 4sH -fjM •fjM M -f.M M +M M
        49 words
      • 23 18 Saw* Darky «se.oes rafter Marisa SSOjOOO r a B. s«M00 D B. S. UOIOOO Tatai Taraoaar: LtlM Total Takst: OOJSM
        23 words
      • 64 18 h B.T lain: 1M.44 IMJI ißiartriili: tSIJt SMJt t rmmtut. MtM «1J» 1 H»4rt» ittM U7.14 r»»ptrtli: 1f14.7t IMJI t Ttaa: M.T« t I rtM«i: lIS.M Ill.M t O.CJ.C: M4.l* MJ4 t tXS. tl4J* ft Jaa. I. UTS 1M DM M, 1M« 1M 1 DM. 11. IMS 1M
        64 words
    • 1644 18 THE last transacted ready i saie »t the close of hutinaat on the Stock atittaangt of sjaasßsjare yeatarday oomparad wtth the precious day't prtcN totjether with 1075 high and low I Adjusted «hU 'taut i CLetIHG TIN! All SSWlta* clp«»d itali. Tuanevta otnriai nesma •upalM* b» UM aiock
      1,644 words
    • 1474 18 BID and offer prlaes officially luted and bualMM In and reported to the Stock firchange of Singapore yesterday with trie number of aha/as traded shown Id brackets in lota of IMO unlla unleM otherwiM apart- i Had. All Time Bart au\* or SmltßMiit Contracts are quoted after
      1,474 words
    • 383 18 pftICES cloord flraaer I jOßtoißßj at the Slngaaore stock saarket, which eUsßlayed enoagh signs of restlenee to conflrai that ike recent rally U not a flash la the BBS. Mseh to the aUscoaragentent of short -sellers, Brices were shasSMg oat well anaer a "cibbsM-date-and-grow" pattern durlnt
      383 words
    • 1219 18 BID tnd otter prl c 1 1 officially Uat*d and tuiMUwm in and iwportad to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchance yMtaniay with lh* number of ahana tradad ahown In brtrkiu In lota of 1 000 unlit. unlMa oUtarwiM •pacified iNDuiraiALi MM '1 MB) tlmmu .ItTB IMIi Ti«t .0
      1,219 words
    • 129 18 T«t »rtl». taa 1 aa»»T trsj.*, M W,|,,|i, panmunr far Ni —>ir aa* Jaauary imiw, wKk «n,»it, miiaij (MrM is ta* aatlar •artar KMrtlM M MPOPA TIM uiwmrrt USM irMtti. QMMatHM I'M mi iKatlirtlap vala» atatat »«r« It** Ml" 'CD II Tt tHU HM iL'D l< nau Ml-
      129 words
    • 292 18 Steadier trend in KL market QTEADUCR conditions 0 ruled on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with most prices ending with marginal gains. Market observers attributed yesterday s firm trend to the better sentiment shown In the overnight overseas markets and also to the continued advance In the Hongkong market.
      292 words
      • 36 18 iM Dtr. )CBC JOB In* Duty and N. bid. My Dtv. ten t Bank MM 17.M MO MM UN M.SO II J« »1 2» UN J j i x i i .1 i 4
        36 words
      • 12 18 06 (Ord.) ital till UN •1J« 1164 M M M 0*
        12 words
    • 91 18 NSW YORK: American Can cays aaeood half re tulu ihould be "tubitantially Unproved over those of the first tXx months when the company earned U851.70 a share In comments accompanying third quarter result*. the company ■aid It continues to be adversely affected by the recession
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 306 19 AFTER four years of strong profits growth. Fusan Fishing Net Manufacturing has plunged Into the red in the first six months ended June 1975 Worse sun. it seems unlikely that it will be able to return to the prontAblllty path In the current
      306 words
    • 295 19 Interim profits decline at DKH DATUK Keramat Holdings, created to take over the tin smelting business of Syankat Eastern Smelting under a reconstruction scheme, has reported consolidated pre-tax profits of Mss 94 million on sales of Ms2Bl million for the first six months ended July 1975. j The results show
      295 words
    • 180 19 BATU Kawan has entered into an agree ment with Okdek of the UK whereby th* IttMt will undergo a reconstruct icn which will lead to the separation of its Malaysian Interests from its other assets Under the schem*. two new companies Oadek MaJayna. 'OM)
      180 words
    • 139 19 > T ET pre-tax profits I at Mineral Securities Malaysia rose by 37 per cent to $957,077 for the year ended June 1975 aa a result of the high final dividend paid In 1974 by Rahman Hydraudllc Tin. The company's main aource of Income continues to
      139 words
    • 139 19 AMSTERDAM Wed Tha markr: was mixed lo firm In continued dull trading In Dutch internationals. 1 alb ii. advanced ahead of result* while Aka* and Bteral Daua firmed ■aaasia— together with KaM whoa* result* ar* due on rrktay. edged low nnuaa rinlahed unchanged and IU figures are dua I
      139 words
    • 115 19 7ori c H. wed Th» Zurich stock market remained qukt and aom* profit- realisation* particularly of the banks wer» tmprsaslv*. toductrtalt and moat cbesnleals tsndtd flrmar Th« bond market sbowad %x: lrrafular tendency Th. C*du Sutsat tndn tslnad 0 3 point lo ISS4 «ut Km ia row. rraan ■Mast
      115 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
      616 words
    • 718 19 MINISTRY or THK tNVIRONMENT SINGAPORE Tenders are Invltad from PWD Reclatered Contrac- tors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" tor the following works: Bedell Waalewater Traatnseat Plaat. Naasiaalaa Sua- oatrart Na. II »aaarj. Da--1 Uvary aad laeUlUttoa af la tlrumrnlalion and oalrol Sewioaa. Restricted to PWD Registered Contractors in Mechanical- Engineering/
      718 words
    • 668 19 t S.U TENDS*. .NOTICE Tenders are inviud by the Chief Sup plica Officer Central Supplies Department. Singapore for the supply and delivery of the following ttems a) Pillow Case and White Bath Towel to Singapore Oeneral Hospital Closing Date ft Time 2*11.79 (12 noon) b) Cylinder Oas to Drug Rehabilitation
      668 words
    • 593 19 raHawiaiaiii Ladang-ladang Tabong Had Sandirtan Berhad SMaaaaiawa psfohnsian iiwiiiliiinaii dan pad* caJunealaa yang rafcop aatwatajaian bag) asawsnuhi »vajaj, Atea**BaVß*tsasßaba. Oansß-oaiun untuk Jawatan dsataa maeilleri I) wargansgara ilatajata. ■> Oaaur TMak kttan «6 tahun Ul) Oajl Orad All HaruniSaMi 50x50 1000). Iv) Oajl permulaan Akan dlbart menglxut pangalaman dan kaiayakan v)
      593 words
    • 659 19 xsp iMRttIdPQL JAWATAN KOBONQ JURUTRENGKAS/SETIAUSAHA Ksaayakaa eaa raagalaasaa (a) Mempunyal BPU/MCB atau keluluaan yang dlakul setaraf dengmnnym (b) Boleh mengambU trengkaa ri«i«ra Bahasa Malaysia se-kurang-kursjignya aelaju SO p. a.m. dan kautamaan adalah diberl kepada caluncalun yang berkabotehsui dl dalam kedua-dua Bahasa Malaysia dan InggerU. Gajlaaa Taaggagajt: Boleh dlrundlngkan menglkut kelayakan
      659 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 656 20 ■fife I TC llffUaUa 1 NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corpora- rollOWafa] projects A ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TO JURONG MOTOR REPAIRING CENTRE AT JURONQ PORT ROAD. JURONQ TOWN (SUBCONTRACT) HII.ITY Electrical $50,000/--and above f)WROUND 21.11 75at 10.00 a.m. Meet at the JTC Site Office. Bird
      656 words
    • 766 20 Institute of Education Corttftcato In Education (Technical) oniiaaton ivrs Applications are Invited for admission to tne Certificate In Education (Technical) Course commencing in January 1976. 2 Applicants with any one or the following qualifications are eligible to apply for admission to the course a) Technician Diploma Electrical tt Electronics Engineering;
      766 words
    • 1396 20 ANNOUNCEMENT NAZLY PURA JAVA PTE. LTD. and SINO YAMATO SHIPPING PTE. LTD. of SINGAPORE have the pleasure to announce the official appointment of S.P.I.E. SRI SURIA SDN. BHD. of PORT KELANG, as their Oeneral Agent in Malaysia for their regular shipping service between Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia, known as
      1,396 words
    • 468 20 itNDeJI Tenders will tie received In the Ministry <lf Defence (Lofistics Division). Tanglin. Singapore 10 for tne undermentioned Items up to II 00 a m on date shown against the Items: SUPPLY or FOODSTUFFS (JAN 7«> Tender No MINDEF (LOO) 425/ 75 (3) Closing Date 28 11 75 2 FASTENER
      468 words
    • 692 20 Cbk states line STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY I^^^BSH^ Ml fn mm TJf*"' •••"■•Tai n/umm «an*a in. ivm u/11 n> mvii m, umm m -an Trz*± i "•■*■•> »*«n tmmmm at la laatfai urara mstm* imm fuiik attrsaiir tt urn NrtMtMg H—m liiain lam ZiZm, m H mm l2 !T l £j
      692 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 766 21 IcMUOBW MR It MBW m _^^i^ MMMMMaBBBBMMMMMMMMMMMaaBB*BBaa> rIP iuuut TBT'^" "iS -X «*5 •"^1 itSTT^M "Z dm. n-. 1(M IMI II hi aMI MM >M| .wiiT <•> «S J" J5 M IMU <• Ml 11 Ml <i im M) N M II US MMTtwuawf aiwq mm m tmmwi >„ mm
      766 words
    • 1015 21 Benucean /I /onf service uf ßen Line BktpFhnneiGtPnUnp and NSMO n m. ctmmwi m mi w Immi ■wn t tom v mi imm t« i... i mm. rtaf. imuti »a Mi V9tm 1 mm. i <a- m> «n •mm t£i; 5-"" narwia mi m* wVJi tot w m ua. raw*
      1,015 words
    • 1077 21 L*B*L_I_BaBBBBBZBBBaB_BI 9/^mM^TM LJ iW W IMBW: PMaj IM aaa t«M*M »\m I H I— a*» MM»i» Ml UK UV J **atna Mane MMV. W'M ■"> MM tM»M)MIIM IM BMMM IB>atn II M a M B M 8M II Me II M IM IMIIMaMIMIM a— UM UT II MaM* I Ma
      1,077 words
    • 1076 21 FULLY COWTAIMHIZID SttVICI TO tmOPi MMa« Im FM VStm M"• Mtwam. 11l 111 Mtara, It Kwrt. CUaaia Ma It I iMaafl. Itmm, BT*MBitjMji. MUM MtfT Ma I Mtaji, CcMMft* GafMMart IMMM. ■t Mimu Ma It St-Steai. Ota. MtHa_. UMM KiifMir. OBMal laaa Id a Mmi HL a Man FULLY COHTAIMWIZID
      1,076 words
    • 794 21 impmn mm, P mMj IMI; 11 mm. Pmbi ititl. THE BANK LINE LTD. itmm t 1 1 tmti 1 1 »i. CMiMaa iui~kiniM immm MM HHam-M. Mna. 1 Mneai a mum am BM aw. 1/ IMI MWM Mil- IaMINM Im 11/ M M KUWAIT SHIPPWC CO. (S.AJK.) mimm mv tamct
      794 words

  • 154 22 TNI P'OHT OP •IM«*»OM| awtmoiiitt taaouacio AIMAMOMtMT* to* pme*T NOVHMa' 14 OWT: Hontmtim I/I. M Louis Htm 1 Talao -r acapvlnd Kinian Maru IJ-I4 Pwlu II Waal MM Htm a Tai Yon« (CTBM Barf*) WiUnutn Maru 14. Nltahin Mam J» JC PTwinlua tt M ItWiiiiir M C
    154 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 948 22 KAWASAKI USCN KABHA LTD. nuT wniMnsa aro Itlna Imu (Via tail i im P l«*Mf mar| <aa latrp Mia I 'i^iUSIT .'t ii 1 irta M> Japaa to" P M*aj tnl-tjai Ou— Ml qWMMHB 71 Mi 71 bm llk I tec 71m MHM 1 Ire II Ik U tac 14
      948 words
    • 968 22 IM It* IT! MMTT MtaM la PtM it BM MM It-M N-fIMM taaM TIM M-M Mm* MU IM Mbm MM Ita MM! BIBMMI/t ibiMli MU PMtMMT MM* ta MMI lpMtT«tMa-a''-M-M. It* Ptar. mmmm -MM SIMM Safaan t TU -Mali (I IBHI C_*l iiculai mtiCM to raoM WlMim mk nssus fmh
      968 words
    • 917 22 Mr MW-—I f-a w www wm acT> rtf. P M4mi r-iMM'Ti«m I ta Mat *M mmbtm mmim ii mm aaa 11 ta it ta »i ta aMt MM Una tut MMM 1/ Ita ita iita Mta Mta nta mtrmm IMMu Ita Ita It ta jl ta IM Uta (BUT CMTTMttSO
      917 words
    • 881 22 Etas sang n immwi uwwa^Mrwor p«n l| mm> t la i i P MMM) Piaaaf Itaaaa Mr •mm Mia m phi i an c*«.« n v I. Mm i I a-Wfi I I iwr 14 I im It mm mum a. n at. h a at. na m i ita
      881 words
    • 725 22 N>Ma^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE \VJaSNa*> ar East Europe Sa^MKam noiui Ici 'SiMiPMG ptt in iff^KkgKS TU 771'M1 111 ln»i \^bbbbb99l UITUfS SM Ml hi H mi7i p iiwt ws nn Im naaj arnitMKM Ik, ny« tMatt. tol»f| aPM imtMif tt* t0 tmm MM) |,M>t. Mwi ata Nta ■TTtlMal IMa H
      725 words

  • 19 23 Religious Annnouncements SSTHCSOA BOOK CENTUr Opens From 10 00 a m 100 pm Daiu Sunday* Closed) SMSJ Tas Payoh
    19 words
  • 84 23 MRS AUGUSTA HENORICKS pa and away peacefully at Toa Leaving behind her hetoved husband six -nand II mou.n f»t torn Cortage waves St Joseph ns st st 200 p m for I K Christian YEOH AM POON a«ed 6U passed I away pea -•> leavi S»ee (Julk \r» to
    84 words
  • 16 23 hurrh for their I'ilenrel help donation! and wreath! during their T" »n". bereavement LUXURIOUS NBWLT
    16 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 339 23 classified ads (g HOUSE HUNTING? k under FRIDAY PROPERTIES CLASSIFIED ADS DO »0o NEtO BSRsesNAi TNI WOMOCR .Sewing Machine! of .Switserland Top In ■ripie in Operation Fr>trstlom qammeteri Tel SINGAPORE BALLET LCADEMV >•« -nr..lmert< f r Irei -He v -Ida) lrJt»ji-SSJ Enter tomorrow 't CLASSIFIED AOS BULOVA Tfits v your
      339 words
    • 838 23 APPLICANTS replying to Box i numben for vacancies are re- quested not to enclose original I coplei of testimonials or references with their applications No responsibility can be accepted for their loss Appucanu are also advised to •fito to Bos niunbvn cotttctXy and check them before posting WILL ISTASUSI— MBPOST/
      838 words
    • 800 23 (NOUSTMAL SALES REPRgSINTATIVE required by a leading International Manufacturing Company in Jurong linimum OCI. "O" Level ipreferably Science) and. or a Technical qualification Must be able to speak and wnte English fluently and have a fair knowledge of Etactrkrtty faairMaan--1-2 yean In sales prefersble though not neceasary Agac above 22
      800 words
    • 751 23 AN-MTtRSIATKmAL SNOWP OF COMPMWI requires the services of the following (A) TBCMSwCAL SIIIBSMJI I M Sound secondary English education preferably with technical background (2) Age about 25 yean (I) PWfanim will be given to those who possiss a valid class 3 dnvtng licence (4i Experience in sales M easen(Si Must
      751 words
    • 620 23 ASEA We are a leading European manufacturer of electrical equipment requiring a DRAFTSMAN (ELECTRICAL) Applicant should preferably be an Electrical Tradt Certificate holder from a Vocational Inetltuu but other applicants with prevail expenance In the neld are also considered Please spply stating age. qualifications, experience, present and expected salary etc
      620 words
    • 697 23 ■BtMCMATI vacancy POS) a Person with Minimum Oood School Oaruncau and preferably with Technical Qualifications related to tnginesnng Activities Minimum I yean SM Upanence essential Abie to read and wnu Chineae and EngiMh and holder of a Driving Licence Apply giving full details of qualification! working experience, age. photo i
      697 words
    • 710 23 MNJ.S LTD 11 NSUVSIW AVSJMM ma Baßa naMkNead l-pwa n raaaaras FEMALE pajOOVCTIOM OPERATORS Interested appltcanu plea at apply personally to Tka Pwaamal Oipaiaim 91 MswVtasjsf AVVKM SpwatS WANTIO OPPSIT MACNINI Operstori snd female layout 1 111! in Apply SUII Road P O Boa m. b pore IS BXPINIENCED omVIB
      710 words
    • 803 23 NIOWMWO MMEO(arELV lady recepuonut with Senior Cambridge and pleasant personality Prefect tee for those with spoken knowledge of Japanese Please spply with full particulars and recent photograph (nonreturnable) to Ambsssador Hotel. ttM Meyer Road Spore WELL IBTABUBMBB COFPIg HOUSE Expanding its Bakery requires the Set ikes of IALESOtRVS DELIVERY VAN
      803 words
    • 712 23 ■sw\afl g i"cS^SM\hßjiN^e^B»JS»J mOl --tTwE^Qj OXLEV TRAVEL (PTI) LTO. 1 Taiwan' Vlian Hualleni Hongkonc Bangkok 14 days II4SS 12DayiTlJS5- 17 11 24/11 1 12 I 12 IS- 12 29 12 2 Korea. Japan Taiwan .An lan Hualleni Hongkong/ Bangkok 19 Day) 12. 250 17 Days 11.9 M 24 11. 1/12.
      712 words
    • 727 23 NAM HO TRAVEL *er.i. c singa pore) Pie Umited »»n Malaysia tour ilrii'lusit- (ientlng wlNMMandsi by deluxe air conditioned bus teven dayi rverj Sunday Monday. I duruiK v 'i.«., >i,,:,,i departure Una (ameron iHkfhlandt r O ur day! SSIOO inevi.i> duriruj vhool ■ure everyday I Bangkok Cniencmai hy deluie fourteen
      727 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 564 24 SAO* A4MBSCY (PTI) LTB-. offers ■heap fares to Austmia Europe' VS A ft rar East Tel 2M37W/ 3W13T0 luaoTouwa an© travil a*swj MST FAMO gTvU W7J/VwiclsM ITW/ ImSli Oesnewd SUSsVI MSBS < 06 asMsn Staa Tew*. vWgaVeL eMslMpoVo) 7 Tek tOOOWI/ wfiiw 566W7/ 4MSW flper I*l Fares from Spore le
      564 words
    • 483 24 SscTstartal. BUnugrsajhy. Booskjageng. Accounting Shonnand. Typewriting Commercial English Correspondence. RejpVur aarty Rate s Causa*. UMBC Buiidint. 610 Poors. Malaoca Bt (Wljho/ SWW^. jtaRaJaT "ifaD Csvjtgi ReM(4sYNJW) Languages lhl|4ii*^ffsßl|r Computer Bsuinct j itudU* Tttßfjl MONTHS (Rapid Course snortrwJMl TypewtiUng/ Book- eeptng Success guaranteed Register early Raja s College L'MBC Building. */IS
      483 words
    • 601 24 TNTIRtOR Bwßf N O4H.OSIA. Comprehenetve oorresewndence tutuon leads te interior design Diploma recognised for membership of >i7lnNinsl bodies including the Singapore Satiety ef Professional Designers Full colour PTifsyr'vt sent by airmail by writing te th* Prxnctpal Tnoma* B Dwyer. DHE. RIBA Rnodwc Intemauonal. School of Design BCM' Rhodec London. WCI
      601 words
    • 629 24 Pipevrs »A«K PRtVATt oacßtTTAsrro catn COURM ilnunstv*) MonAr*dVTn IN 648 p m commencing 17/11/TS MPORT. sJotTT PROCBOUSsIS a DOCUSSBNTATtON weoym 7 so too p m Commencing 10/11/78 JAPANIM (Beginners) cinq 15/11/75 MANOARSN (Conversational) Men IS g IS p. as. commencing 17/11/TS MALay i ßeginners) Mon 7 30 I W p
      629 words
    • 754 24 Al lIN I lON POSsfMN STUOwSfTOI Highly qualified tutors design special tuition tor foreign student* in sn subiecu si an levels Enquiries SW66. *****3. •***** UPWmCWD ORAOtiATI TUTOR Levels ssstaparea Tal *****1 ATTINTIOBJ: SBCRBTARIBO BSLstNsw«ai Now Offrons Stench traphle Pitman on Praacals et Anglais Ensswhts. On En FrancaTs Seul Par
      754 words
    • 966 24 1 YIAR 010 Colt Lancer 1360 cc Low MUsge Look Kk* New One owner Excellent candtUon VOLVO 1448 1680 with MK4 air conditioner 2nd owner, accident fret W.WBO no Tel: Bob *****4 1004 msm 180 goad condition Selling 1 1. WO Caß 3310W Patrick Choo after S W 1000
      966 words
    • 777 24 BBLIta VOtJBJ CAUtt Then Let Us Sell II For Ton with Msslaißßl Facilities We Sell Your Cars Fast Eneuinea *****1/ *****7 MAIIABSSB PSSBCTOR WANTS to part has* either a Mercedes WO. 230 or 3608 I*7l-74 Also wants a second car Alfa Romeo or Plat 104 Sport Please call Victor or
      777 words
    • 677 24 SCIENTIFIC FACIAL TMATWntTS for ail type, of skin* by Mrs O Urn rViSBMINMB and Beauty Therapist (Paris and Lend) Beauty Therapy Room 4. Jalan ChoraK (off Flower Road) Upper Serangnen s pore 16 Telappointment *****7 MANOARIN MgALTH CENTS)! Massage/ sauna' steam bath facial *****6. *****1 ext 750 Spore oENTListEN vtarr
      677 words
    • 663 24 TRAMOPORTATrON' MIMOVAL OORVICO Datsun Pickup. Medium' Big Lorry to shift cargo howsehosd/ office equip reent 4031*7 *****3. Lenwa Company PRANK TRANSPORTATION ANO warehousing service. Datsun Pick -Up or Lorry lo *hlft your office household or cargoes Contact *****7 *****6 PACRIN4V RBMOVAL/ TRANSPOsTTATtON leave your problem* to us efficient reliable Ring
      663 words
    • 540 24 CMAWNa 1 W ISJSJTB almost new Blumberland single hotel Mat tr at SW each BpectsJ discount for quantity purchases Also available Lockers CaksnsM 880/-. wnung Tables and Swivel Chairs 880/ Tea* wood Bnfraved Coffee Tabss* 830. Vktwlll.Joo CMat Terrace, asngaper* 10 sat -Opsa) WASNtNO MACNMtt SPECIALIST* A Demonstration Centr* for
      540 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1775 25 times friday properties BBSS i* HB9HW PARK kaasHlftsi »<• 9389 %u<rry Mt*BSM bedrooms. kaiaraassM New furniture/ alrron/ Masahon* $i .308 cosmic Houssng Tim) owarr T9MAM BSSTRSCT 2-*torey detached house 4 bedrooms aludy servant 4 alrcons apacuwis yard furniahed 31.808 Ring 3889 183- 258*11* fASBR hillS LUCKT Hesgtit* pjM a, h;
      1,775 words
      704 words
    • 709 25 oopvii s-sswaxKMsao apawt MBSTT. iwtmsatna pool, asatarad garden Shelford Road dtst II XnaruaentNo* 3»-A. 38-D. 20-E 20-P 22-B Contact Mr Sim Property Investment Pie Ud OJIASSOjB MOAjBV |ft| ft— AMSSAP Furnished flat 3 bsdrcuaas Contact SS Orange Road Td ****** 838 am 500 pa u^sPUSMHSaasa PLAT 3- bedroom B*oo/- at
      709 words
    • 544 25 NOl INHOMELCANS We can lend you up to 80% of the full purchase price of the home you long to own. And repayments may be spread over 10-15 years. Let's talk. We're open 9am spm weekdays, Saturdays till lpm. I sates! (Kerasa* rWr** lid 134 6 Kobnaun Rust) TH *****0
      544 words
    • 622 25 1. *J AiSONgTTSS AT AMBI N roao -eaaTßscr is I bedrooms. 2 bathroom*, altting a dining room aad servant a room 92M1 areas 2.1*8 as ft Baauuful view of sea An* ISTS Taaasw af Least IfasltM* 1 BPUT-CA-vai. 3-STOMT M-NS-O4TTACHSJO aWMBALOWS AT BWvwH AVSNWB OrST9NCTIS 4 bedrooms. 3 bathroom*, altting
      622 words
    • 411 25 K»2^Ej t vj l ii2w3«a2»4^H BAN OUAN PARSt (Lasaat Pkase) Semi-detached house with 3- bedrooms. 3-bathrooms. 1 servant room Lounge/ dining room fully fumlshed. awnings/ trellis work Price asked is 31*5 008/- (subject to offer) OAVID FMOA SONS TIL: SMI2I OIBT IS TAI KBSSO Oarden 3ttorey corner terrace house, completely
      411 words
    • 572 25 OSBT tS asXasm NNJ. V J storey brand new split-level terrace/ semi -detached 4 bedroom*, aer vant 8130.8*43 3200 000 Phone 17*808/ 238M8 FABBR MILLS k«W doable tlUfßjw tfHH rfTtrt |B|i| HtaHaftßTi^aM] (central alrron) 3 bedrooma study, servant i 8185 000 Ace Housing *****18/ *****48/ CIIANBI (S m. OIST 14)
      572 words
    • 410 25 BARTLBT ROAO Ultra modern 4 storey apm-levet apartment with 24 uniu only Oa* ISxR Araa: 2.508 as. ft PekMi 8130 000 Enquinea cm waaimi a c* (Pts Talc 38*47*1 NCWtT-PAJNTBO S BSOROOMSO PLAT wtlh sltung -rum dining at Jalan Korma dlst 11. rlose to town PMce 373 000 Contact *****48
      410 words

  • 399 26 Chemist report not enough: Counsel Morphine case man cleared A MAN was yesterday acquitted of having consumed drugs after his counsel successfully submitted that a chemist report was insufficient evidence for his conviction. Oob Kah Peek. 31 w«j acquitted of having taken morphine somewhere in Singapore on March 11 thia
    399 words
  • 98 26 A 66- YEAR-OLD man. Oh Peng Teng. was charged yesterday with trafficking and smoking opium in a hut at 30km. Chua Chu Kang Road, on Oct. 22 at 11.06 am Two of hl« friends, in their TCs. who were arrested with him were
    98 words
  • 26 26 MR. J*k Teun Then* lfwa-mi (or OußJu* and MP (or f>t»*natn»ii. will attend tb* klndargartan graduation ceremony of Qnasnitown onaamunlry centre tomorrow at TKpm
    26 words
  • 59 26 Course on paperwork THE National Productivity Board wul hold a court* on Lookln« at Paperwork at Urn Taaglln Ontr* YkICA from Dm. I to 23 Tb* count, for work study ofßccrs. system analysts and tnoas involved In onVc organamUon and raanag*ansnt. will Include in- plant training from Jan. 1 The
    59 words
  • 29 26 LIU AH Nga was yesterday fined SM tor throwtof. fruit akin baatd* hla parked ear In Macßltcnto ■.s—rvndr on Oct. 11 at IM pja. He pleaded gulttr
    29 words
  • 182 26 Fatal crash: Man to pay $12,000- ACAVUn tat, wider a fear-year driving alaoaailAcaUofi erder fee being lavotved In a fatal aeeMeat, yesterday agreed te pay SIMM daaaages In a etvtl ease, arista i (tea the accident Ong Swec Hla*. of Lareag 1, Tea Fayeh. was rtdlnf a ■etartytili when he
    182 words
  • 60 26 THE National productivity Board will hold a course on Quality control at Its premises off Corporation Road from Dec. S to It. Th* eouraa. (or quality control snglnsars and thoat r*aponatbl* (or quality control In the flrant. win also include lnplant training at participants firm* from Dae
    60 words
  • 30 26 THE Public Daily Rated Market and Hawkers Worktrr Onion wul hold IU lsth biennial general mcctlnc at tb* Tamil Reform Association In arranaocn Road at I pa. today.
    30 words
  • 148 26 WORK ON TWO NEW SCHOOLS UNDER WAY YgrORK on two modern Tf government schools costing more than H> Billion Is now In procress. One of them, a secondary school, costing $3.5 million and sited In Kallang-Bendemeer Road area. Is expected to be completed by next August Tne other U a
    148 words
  • 283 26 Births: More making use of modern facilities jLfORK people are I*l taking advantage of the Improved and efficient hos p 1 1 al f acllitles for delivery of births, last year's annual report on the Registration of Births and Deaths and Marriages says. Statistics showed an Increase in llfe-blrth deliveries
    283 words
  • 550 26 \f R JUBT I C I ITI DCotu yesterday exercised his discretion In favour of a former bar waitress and granted her a decree nisi to be made absolute In six weeks Instead of the normal three-month period. This was at the request of counsel.
    550 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 144 26 F^saa) 4af* [^^haaaaansnV •4^ > ~ti i ~l^ I ■asaa jas* .a S m^ a^^ J -or Jbr m "ftwfW a\' W^ Lw __^^aaßß>l *w^fHaanntannaaaaaaan«Bam^iaaaP Aaaw^aaal .ml iP "^-taa-t^ KM aaa-X^^aaaa-fc3 m Baaa*.' Ihal Bt7< w^^^^* a^? naaanna^a^naaV P^r'K *?5« nnnnnßaa>^^w^*aa a a a a *Jf%M\l !^r v \r\\ .a^
      144 words
    • 692 26 P.W.D. SINGAPORE Tenders are Invited from PWD regutered contractors and from other suitable contractors for the following works Rrsurfaciag of cmwm floor* al Paair Paajaac Warikian. i m.*. Pasir Panmac Rood. Sincapor* I) Registered to PWD Registered Contractors lr. "Building ID "Persons or Companies" who are not registered with the
      692 words
    • 703 26 I.O\KK>Mt.M (>h I Mr. KKPI Hl.ll OF SINI.Ar-OH* I Mr. Xl ANNINI. ACT it a» m. I*7l Kd.) I HE MAMTKK PLAN MILE*. IMS Natfce under Rate II Notice is hereby given that the following proposal for Alter-tion to the Master Plan was submitted to the Minister for National Development
      703 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1205 27 times friday properties nni i anb sum soaaai issmaii iiaj land Interested parties ptaaastei asniti iAUMS TWA NOSM dl«1 15) residential land (vacant uusssoslom «.t» as ft 12.050 •q ft freehold 112 ps f Ace Hou.ins *****28 {*****8/ *****04 VACANT LAND SM« sq fl al aimhUi Road suitable for highrise
      1,205 words
    • 1164 27 SMO* SPACB OH sftowroosn MMTAL. MM MaCMM. salt wt AM UCSNCSv HD B consvauaot* at md noor of Hat* iiilm fyrasMW Cantart Umw m^u,, No pwiTlg Por frst Royal Wa marts Aporoa SW sa don Waavworktoa MBS. °*J*»_. avotauon on wail tiling mosaic fast contact U>sTnna— ant Bakru. Btt TSoCfKaUang
      1,164 words
    • 641 27 XK/&L./A/&S MS/ I ADMINISTRATIVE CAREERS *j\ SIA, a leading international airline, offers a satisfying and rewarding career to per- j sons who MT jk. <t possess a Class II honours degree; ore ambitious yet patient to serve time learning the airline trade, self-motivated a yet amenable to direction; principled without
      641 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 653 28 Wf are a subsidiary ot o lorge American I Electronics Company and as port ot our I I expansion programme, we require the tollowing posts to be tilled im- I 1 PERSONNEL OFFICER Applicant should possess a I protessionol qualitication in Per- I nel Management or relevant I field or
      653 words
    • 603 28 SINGAPORE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD. invites application from suitably' qualified Singapore Citizen* tor APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN VEHICLE MECHANICS which is scheduled to commence in the beginning of Jonuory 1976 *eouir«m«nt» Completed Full-Time or Serving Port-Time National Service Possesses Trode I or NTT Grode 3 Certificate in Motor Diesel Mechonics Passed
      603 words
    • 1244 28 flsfe MERCK SHARP DOHME 1 Leoder* in the field of phormoceuticol reveorch, monutocture and market. ng I with to employ a dynomic young man or *omon to contoct leoding physicians I ond specialists m Perok to promote the use ot their ethicol pharmoceutical I preporotions This position calls tor INITIATIVE,
      1,244 words
    • 782 28 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OK SINGAPORE I TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from contractors for tne following works: Tender Ref. AMM/T/75/021 H Supply installation of package airconditioning uniu I to TAS Queenatown and Paya Lebar Exchange* H Registration Certificate Class B. C and D H Tender Deposit 9500/H Showround -*****5 at 9.00
      782 words

    • 322 29 United get a 4-0 whipping LONDON. Thurs Manchester city strode Into the last eight of the Football j League Cup last night, whipping their neighbours and First Division rivals Manchester united 4-0. City were ahead within 35 seconds through Dennl* Tueart But two minutes later Colin Bell, a colleague <f
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • 196 29 V ONDON. Thin. gag- land captain Rafrr Mll».nl sad t Tasa BaseaawkU were ami off warfeag ytsUiaayi Kagby Uagar tatermalliail. •hirh varfrd la a I*-* rtcUry far Ist* AsatrsUaaa. The two scrwjß-halTra wm dlsaslsard by rrf sra* Fred Unstop after a •rvrnth mtmmU flare wa. Mtlhnrs
      196 words
    • 489 29 APORTO, (Portuv fml), Thur*.— Portugal and Ciecho Slovakia fought to a 1-1 draw in their Group One European Nations Soccer Cup here yesterday. The draw deadlocks England and Czech oslovakla In the group with seven points each after five games, and ellmlna t c s
      Reuter  -  489 words
    • 286 29 Call by Mrs. King to open Olympics XTEW YORK. Then. TennU lUr Billie Jean Kin j hai sue geetetJ that ike OlymCle Oaiaa cc opened i prifaeiiisiaai with ISf lt mil lea (IK--OMMS) or more In ■rtae money at stake fer the athlete*. Winding a p t wo da yi
      286 words
    • 222 29 Quebec Govt to tighten control over O-Games MONTRBAL. Thurs Premier Robert Bouraasa of Quebec say* his provincial government will u m t tighter control over the 19 /t Montreal Olympic Ounes But to what extent thl* control will be over the organisation and management of the a* me* tv unclear
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 68 29 XDINBUROH. Thur*. Jimmy Oonnors. defending his title In the Dewar Cup tennis tournament, duwued Karl Metier of West Oarmany. *-J. *-l yesterday and reached the quarter-final*. Other third round results: Die Mastaat. Rumania, beat Ismael B Shafet. Cgypt. 6-1 J-0 retired Eddie Dlbbs. us. beat Charlie
      AP  -  68 words
    • 25 29 BELFAST. Thurs. CblsaJn« bast BaUyaasn*, United by two roaU U> one In the Northern Irish League OoM Cur nnal played resterday. I Heater.
      25 words
    • 429 29 LONDON, Thurs Two European athletes have been banned from competition for using anabolic steroid drugs and a third will be banped within the next week, track and field sources said here yesterday. The sources said the European Amateur Athletic Association (BAAA> decided at its
      429 words
    • 63 29 BUWOS Ana*. Thurm Third-seeded Adiiano Pmnatta of Italy had an easy victory In the first round of the Argentine Open tennis tournament here yesterday Panatta beat Cotoenbton D«vU CUp player Jalre Velaaco 6-J *-3 West Oennan Juifcn rt» bender was owicoiße by the beat durlne bsi
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 40 29 CAMDEM South OaroUna. Thun. The U8*60.000 (8*81M.OOO) OoionUl Cup. Amertcmni richeet ateeptechaae. will be run on Saturday with an II hone field. HK'^"t Ireland's Captain Cbrtetjr— the moat prestldoua r»»«"«"f yet to US domlnattoa ol the race UPI
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 254 29 LONDON, Thurs.— I The Australian Rugby Union tourists lost 11-8 to Midland Counties yesterday for their second tour defeat. The Wallabte*. unused to playtnc under floodlifthts, found (Ifflculty In adjusting to the conditions and made many H«ruff)wg mistake* The Counties went ahead cfter 39 minute*
      254 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 234 29 fef Ul|^^A DIRECT FROM W.GERMANY \^^^^^^L\^^L a%\ I Now you can own the best 4W^L II German color TV set on easy J% I payment terms. Big 66 cm or /4*^ family-size 56 cm screens. >. >/ +T^S Choice of Metz or Grundig. A^" Walnut finish or deluxe white >^^
      234 words
    • 383 29 FETIM SALES Tte only assembly QPDV/IaCLC Ptant in Singapore for uidim£ FORK LIFT TRUCKS HIRING 1 wr- ji 1 1 1 1 h v^ MODEL -04 HEAVY DUTY SERIES x 2. 25. 3. 3 2 and 3 5 ton* capacity diesel *&**WrTt\ n, fork llft ***** fitted with oJ^F (Jb^bsss*W^*^
      383 words

  • 1 30
    1 words
  • 996 30  -  GODFREY ROBERT By gINGAPORF's swimmers have always excelled in the Seap Games their proudest record being the 23---16-9 medal-haul at the last Games held here in 1973. But at next month's Eighth Seap Oames In Bangkok, the chances of Improving this record look very slim, let
    996 words
  • 224 30  - SAAA reject appeal ERNEST FRIDA By OINOAPORE Amateur O Athletic Association have rejected an appeal to recommend Randal Parr to the BNOC for Inclusion in the Seap contingent. Coach Patrick Zehnder had appealed to SAAA to reopen Randal's case with the National Olympic Council But at the monthly management committee
    224 words
  • 391 30  -  PERCY SENEViRATNE By UJE ARE so used to bickering; in oar sports scene, that petty squabbles are probably like specks of dost in an eye already splashed with acid. Bat however trivial the differences between the various coaches. It is sad that they are unable
    391 words
  • 96 30 SABA WILL NAME KARU IN PLACE OF CYRIL SINOAPORE Amateur Boxing Association will recommend V Karu for Inclusion Into the boxing team for the Seap Oames In Bangkok next month. At a meeting last night, the association accepted Cyril Jeerls' withdrawal and have decided to replace him with Karu. Cyril,
    96 words
  • 265 30 BANGKOK. Thurs. Luis Sllverto, David Hernandez and Tom&s Ma no toe combined for a second -round team score of 226 to put the Philippines Into a dear five-stroke lead at the halfway mark of the 15th Putra Cup SouthEast Asian Amateur golf team championship today
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 332 30 I J Mm^M W^^^^^WA^f^^ I^S^ gMwUggam^^ BssT BBS^^^^ f ■■awawaw»w«ssssss.Sßßwmm wßwafMW *^3| I 1 ***** Colour TV 'I C"1 AQ C 1 Recomrr>6»o<jBxJ Consume* Poo* «9 I *rOO awß^Bssl 3fc BWBBB ggggaw 1 I awawsLliwssawswssssssssasa gggggj Mm -^SgaBBBBBBBBBB^gtII I \T«^afl I Z. *t I "Stv/U I Lm I 12P-17E «awsssswl
      332 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 38 30 SOCTsTB: Peaei Yeath Taw— awl Tarn pine* Rovers v Jollilads. Spideni r Pathul Kartb Ul Baaar Stadium 5 '.5 and 1 15 pm I PBJENDLY Parrer Park Youths v Combined School* (Parrer Park Athletic Centre. 5.1k pm i
      38 words

  • 359 31 Rain problem for the West Indians SYDNEY, Thun. Went Indies' hopes of a solid pre-Test workout against New South WaJes starting at the cricket here tomorrow could be upset by the bad luck which has followed them since their arrival. The weather forecast was for a humid day with showers,
    359 words
  • 259 31 will not be a pushover," he said. The West Indies will strike an unknown quantity In Test opener i Rick McCosker. who will be making his first International appearance In the role of captain as replacement for the Injured Walters. "I am not nervous, but
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 65 31 CURRAN TO RIDE HERE Xl AL A Ll'MPl'E. Thurs Aastrallan Jockey George Curran who has keen riding with sale cess In Ireland and England has accepted an offer to ride for leading owner. Afasam Stable. He la expected to come in time for the Stewards Cap meeting at Bnkit limah
    65 words
  • 172 31 SOCCER SWITCH TO JURONG? SINGAPORE Klm'i Cup soccer team will meet Singapore (tormina XI at Jurong Stadium on Sunday at 7.30 p m a more that could rwult In Malaysia Cup matches being played at Jurong next year, report* Joe Dora! One of the objective! (or this switch to Jurong
    172 words
  • 748 31  -  EPSOM JEEP By ITU ALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Dragon Year 11, an Agrlcola gelding who has not done anything noteworthy this season, did a cashing gallop on a yielding track track here today. Ridden by apprentice Y.K. Poo, Dragon Year II reeled off 600 m In
    748 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 118 31 I B si f*V_ fl Jtpjp>^ wPjl Bmsm mmmJlf "H*^l fl HI s^L^B^tlH^^^S gfSwJsW JrThMi^rVti 1 i lawaii, Hollywood Disneyland, Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, New\brk, Washington, m m LasVegas and San Framnsco. 29 days from *****0 J* P0 Box Snwo Escorted unescorted groups. Monthly departures. 1975 Nov 2. 23 Dec
      118 words
    • 153 31 fwk I jß^Lv^^gHH bh/I b^bu I lygfvl (I Ik 9 SbnotbV Bm By (Ma B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^b^bl^b^Ele^vßmßi!^- 1^ r V B^B^B^s^B^^aw^^^^^^^^^^ f\ k'A JiX' M ■Q^ *L^ gPV^^BwPIH HQa^av Bv^ i B^alaw^jy^BMß^Pt t t**^» BMs^aVaVg*! If you want a super tan-but not a sunburnt bank book: NAarirr^arYajdra r\jcx: roman Merfn Kuantan ff^^^^^g
      153 words

  • 67 32 BORN with his heart outside his chest. Christopher Wall Jr., three months. Is making medical history in Philadelphia There have been M sach cases recorded In the past M* years. Bat Christopher is the first Infant to have lived more than two days with the Ailment
    67 words
  • 91 32 Troops: Japan's stand TOKYO. Thurs. If the United States and South Korea set up a new tolnt military command after dismantling the UN Ccmmand in Korea. Japan would not allow It to control th* US troops stationed In ■Tarcan. a Foreign Ministry official told Parliament today Mr Toshlo Ysmaiakl. chief
    AP  -  91 words
  • 51 32 29 missing at sea SAI7LT STE. MAR IX (Michlgai.i. Thurs. Twentynine torn were (eared lost today after an American treictuer sank after being winds on Lake Superior Searchers spotted lifeboats, an oil slick and other debris but there was no *ign of survivors from the 13 632-tonn* freighter Mmund Pitzgerald
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 91 32 Boy. 13. freed after ransom is paid DETROIT. Thuri. Kidnappers of the 13--year-old son of a General Motors Corp executive released the boy at a hospital last night, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said today A ransom of U8« .8*375 000> was paid for th* return of th* boy. who
    UPI  -  91 words
  • 61 32 BAHRAIN, Thurs. Pirt yen erda.y dntrored th* Chaae Uanhatlan Banks main branch and the adjacent Bahrain InternationaJ Travel Agency, which repreaenu TWA, Iran Air. Singapore Alrllnea and Alitalia. Both firms than th* aging two-»torey building hare In the heart of th* the business centre. Then wtr* no
    AP  -  61 words
  • 532 32 Aussie poll focus on economy CANBERRA, Thursday AUSTRALIA'S caretaker Government today moved to make the economy the main general election issue by claiming the situation was more serious than the deposed Labour Party administration had revealed. Newly-appointed Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser made the allegation at a news conference here after
    Reuter; UPI  -  532 words
  • 63 32 BUENOB AIRES Thur» Argentine President Isabel Peron was today ready to leave hospital and car front a new revolt within the P*o» nlst movement A medical bulletin saying she was ready to return to work "at any moment was Issued lut night, hours after Oovernor Vlctorlo
    63 words
  • 32 32 TOKYO. Thur*. Japan Air Uims yesterday asked to* Transport Ministry to approve a three per oant Increase In Its International air fares effective from Dae 1, Informed sourrea said. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 33 32 Mas. AROKIASAMV OOACI PUMd »w«ir pMcttull; IS/11/TS. Oanas* laavaa Block S. Room Kmioon Road (NavaJ Bast) lodar IN p.m far Chun* Of Oar L*4y Star Or Tk* M. lit ■A I«M>U4 !>■■ *> CCI
    33 words
  • 499 32 I OKDON. Tarn Tka .toek L market eta*** watar today wttt th. riaaaclai TlaM laaa S.t at M4O M«mw araat-takJa*; ni riiinilM.. «iv OuhmMi txarf falia iu(l>i to peut akaW af lb» Bntlaa lr«d» drurw far a»p. trabcr la* retail aria* la*n iM Uw mimmuai Mattiaf rat* aaasaaaa■Mat,
    499 words
  • 164 32 Financier and wife attacked by thieves HONGKONG, Thursday early today broke Into the luxurix ous home of Sir Douglas Claque, beat the millionaire financier and his wife over their heads, and fled with antiques worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. «r Douglas, chairman of Hutchison International and who recently announced
    164 words
  • 37 32 UNITED NATIONS. Tbura Th* Oananl Aaaatably baa adatttad the Comoro lafcVKte •a th* lUrt member of U>* United Nation* but without the >upport of Prase*, th* former kdamtiMariM powtr of thla ladkan Omh •ichlpttato lUotar.
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
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