The Straits Times, 10 November 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Kstd 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 396 1 Support for troops in Sahara UNITED NATIONS. Sunday A SPANISH armada of 16 fight ing ships has assembled in the Atlantic off North Africa as King Hassan of Morocco prepared to address his people. IN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim in a rej>ort to the Security Council
    Reuter; UPI  -  396 words
  • 211 1 Aussie crisis: Both sides offer to talk CANBERRA. Sun Australian Prime Minister Gough WhiUam and Opposition leader Malcolm rrasT today Invited each other to talks but observers Mid they doubted whether an end to the nations four-week-old constitutional crisis was in sight Mr Frnser. who*? Liberal Party and the allied
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 69 1 CAIRO Sun —The aanilofflclal newspaper AJ Ahrmos rcpurted today that a group of American electronics expert* have arrived In Cairo •ith designs for an early warning sutlon to be con•trucud in tha Sinai Dasert Under trrau of the Sinai Staengagainmt agreement sooaa 300 us technician* will help
    AP  -  69 words
  • 30 1 MANILA Sun— A aotvtmt evnring M p*opW cap■IMd in rough mm la« W«drn»d«y and mn pMpto *U*IMd SOd U TCN ml» Inc. U» Philippine dm A**ncy rvport^ today
    30 words
  • 49 1 ROME. Sun —Petrol bombs wf re thrown through windows of the South African Airways and Air Zaira offices, and tha Zaire Bnbaa*y In Roma lajt night, pollca said. Moos of tha attacks canted saoro than minor damage, and fireman quickly put out the flames— Hsuter
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  • 61 1 ROLY-POLY (300 KILOS) SPINS AROUND ON A BIKE r'S only a hike meant for oae, especially If that one man weighs SM kilos like Billy MeGaires. McGaires Is a professional wrestler appearing at the South Georgia Fair la ValdosU. A visitor to the fair looks on hi disbelief as McGalre*
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  • 139 1 BELIZE. Sunday gRITAIN, reacting to reports that neighbouring Guatemala was prepared to invade Belize, rushed completion yesterday of reinforcements to the central America colony. The lat«st arrival! Included a squadron of Mx Harrier vertical take-off and landing jet aircraft, which came In pain from the Bahamas
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  • 97 1 Spain's press clamp MADRID. Sun —In a new crackdown on "he Spanish press, authorities have seized several weekly magazines and charged the editor of one of Spain's most prestigious dally newspapers with attacking the constitution. Newspaper sources said today the public order court— the political arm of the judiciary has
    AP  -  97 words
  • 18 1 gf mmUmwt spas atribaa yMtfar. ba* X7 iliMhi PMUjwSd kmtvrov top mi akr aawtio— atrtw*.— VFl
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  • 90 1 2 killed in Red ambush TJANOKOK. Sun. A D police and a village headman were killed In a communist guerilla ambush In north-east Thailand, police said toThey said the ambush took place yesterday while a team of police and village h+MT" was patrolling In the district of Kutbak. Sakon Nakbon
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 53 1 WASHINGTON Sun. Secretary of SUM Henry Klastnger win hold a news conference tos—iw at to* Slate Department. oOclaJa announced. Department oOdu said It would bo ttat ftn« un conference Dr. ninin bao held at the BUU Departthough ha tea bold newt conference* alnee tneo at the
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  • 56 1 KAMPALA, |ia President Idi Ami* MM today Uganda will break off relations wttfc the ImM Onion If be dow Mt receive within if honra an sisjlsnsltan fro** Soviet leader liiald Bre»hMr aboejt what the Ugandan Head of State called -Swvtst ■■iNIMHt la Angola.- Better Portngwese exiles
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  • 133 1 Jumbo jet on fire: 4 hurt nOMBAT. Bun. A brlD tish Always jumbo jet caught fire just before take-off here today and four of the 288 passengers were hurt during an emergency evacuation. officials said. The Boeing 747, on a scheduled night to London via Rome was taxiing for Uke-off
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 52 1 SAN SALVADOR. Sun An armed gang identifying Itaalf as belonging to tha Peopte's Revolutionary Army attacked a Federal office yeatarday. killing one person escaping with a U840.000 SsM.OOO) payroll Pollca said the bandits mlngiad with workers waiting ouUtde fr: an armoured car to arrtv* st tha National Cartography
    AP  -  52 words
  • 77 1 LATEST Goal of new Bangladesh rulers LONDON, Sew.— Bangladesh's new loader said today the goal of bJa snartlal law adnJaMnUM waa to h*ad over power eveataally to the elected renrescsUattvea of tha eeemtry. Bangladesh radio resorted. The radio aaJd for s»er Cklef Jaaliee Aba Sadat Mnhsmsnril Saycm, w%o waa —in
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 250 1 'Bomb for Heath' defused LONDON. Sunday BOMB squad officer early this morning defosed a bomb under a parked car only metres from the* Central London home of former British Prime Minister Edward Heath, police said. "It was almost outside Mr. Heath's home, on his side of the road," said a
    AP  -  250 words
  • 167 1 MANILA. Sunday GOVERNMENT troops started a search and rescae operation in a southern Philippine island for six Japanese fishermen kidnapped by armed men believed to be Muslim rebels, a Japanese embassy spokesman said today. The spokesman said elements of the Second Infantry Brigade were sent to
    UPI  -  167 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 Typewriting enters the Cartridge Age 330. ~^&9Kk <~HiT tnnojt is 3 S&S -^BSSBBBSBfI wcnaoi mnori totKtuag Bft, 'A HsF the noboa Nyloo rannda* *^^^2^" tor will »o»> CaffcoaO.uoatlor fr I tiPriosaalaaa. L mSiotmn- toaaMacccot. rmotiatn ad MMSmduaan,Coroo« i ««dgt gsi ..ih.nji ssssssi Sole Agent 5| SHANKARS EN/IPORIUIVI 308 Colombo
      56 words
    • 331 1 LaVasV '^swaassfl gßw»^^ TALKS TO REUNIFY VIETNAM Back Pag. US oilmen hit at 14 pc cat > COMPROMISE offer by Karaml t 'MPLA routs rival advance on lands' 4 PLAN for world food ba n k I MEDICINE shops cant bo called 'despensarles' C CRASH death after wedding party 7
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 73 2 MABCIA Horowlt*. CUy Hall press aide In New York, holding letters which aecasaaanied contribution* from people all over the world to help the city More than I'SSIZ.M* (S9M.OM) has been received Although many people believe New York haa saad* a contribution to the rest
      AP  -  73 words
    • 293 2 Ford will sign $17bil loan for New York: O'Neill NEW YORK, Sunday DOUSE of Representatives majority leader a Thomas "Tip" O'Neill has predicted that Congress will pass a US$7 billion (8117.1 billion) loan guarantee Bill for New York City later this month— and that President Ford will sign It While
      Reuter; UPI  -  293 words
    • 163 2 $162,000 for two depressed women workers LOB ANOELEB. Bun.— Two women who were depressed by alleged sex and racial rtlscrimlnation won UBa>7,Mo <8$ 162.000) from their employers as compensation for their mental distress, a Federal conference on civil rights laws was told. The settlements may set a precendent, allowing women
      UPI  -  163 words
    • 92 2 WASHINGTON, Saa. The Federal G*T«maMot la eea>aHirlai efforts area* a» the giant OMMfftl M#4*tw Corp., the wwriaTa largvs* earaaaaar, hwuml The Federal TraeV m rspartsa 1 la hare traat aatsaa agates* Oaaaral afitira. whaa* ■ale* Last Tear teiaMeel •early UtSU MBaaa (Mil KlMia). FTC
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    • 177 2 Ford's election group is falling apart WASHWOTON. Sun. President Fords election campaign committee set to organise, a four- year term In the White Bouse next year appears to be In serious disarray. Two top-level advisers nave resigned after only brief service with the "President Ford Committee" the high command of
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    • 70 2 OXICO CITY. Sun ri irtaiii LaU Bebeverria hu bun Map* to artabtlth for Mm Nil t 310 km ecoootfUc boo* off 1U shore* to •aaurc Uw nations control over natural reaourcea in the waters and sta toot The aooe would Include the OuU of Mexico sad
      AP  -  70 words
    • 371 2 CHICAGO, SunAmerica's oi 1 men, gathering for their annual convention, said yesterday Congress is "playing political football" with the energy crisis by trying to impose a 14 per cent cut in domestic oil prices. Government failure during the past two years to solve
      UPI  -  371 words
    • 478 2 OARIS, Sun. A new argument ever gold has broken out between the United States and France. The latest dispute Involves differing Interpretations of an understanding reached In Washington last August that hsd been expected to resolve the long divisive Iftoe between the two countries.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 Do you know in which year I was awarded Singapore's Sportswoman of the Year Trophy Answer 5 more simple questions and you could win a $3,000 Metro Gift Voucher in the mmmmmmium $***** TO BE WON IN METRO GIFT VOUCHERS. Ist. PRIZE 53.000 2nd. PRIZE 52.000 3rd. PRIZES 1,000 4O
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    • 121 2 There is only one reason to buy Kitz Valves: TllAll'pil It a44 ah and manual manufacturing I IIBV 111 IDBI ißlsi processes that assure unsurpassed w ef w uniformity and high quality We KITZ Japan s leading producer honestly believe they are the tk J% A o^^B of Stainless Steel
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    • 428 3 LONDON. Sunday PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat flew home to 1 Egypt today well satisfied with talks on obtaining major arms supplies from Britain Ho alao teemed delighted at a preai conference yesterday with the overall outcome of three- days of discussion
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 103 3 Anti-strike blast at flats: Six hurt rriEL AVIV. Sun. Six 1 people were slightly injured and 16 apartments damaged when a bomb exploded outside the home of a local iabour leader In Hadera. north of here last night, police said Ponce Mid they hattsved Utt bomb had teen placed by
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    • 52 3 Over— a year's darkness PHILADELPHIA. Sun. Klyoka ShlDohara. who iv totally blind (or aknost a year, has left Will* l>t Hospital with bar tight i aloud. Mrs. Shlnohara. of Sao Paulo. Brazil, wai cnichargod on Friday after receiving a trat operation on both eyw She had ban bund ainee kst
      AP  -  52 words
    • 494 3 PRIME Minister Hashid Karami last night proposed a large-scale compromise aimed at ending the Lebanese civil war. In a nationwide broadcast, he called for the army to be given a role in restoring order but *lso urged political reform—thus accepting demands made by both
      Reuter; UPI  -  494 words
    • 62 3 MADRID. Sun The woman director of a Spanish photo magatine. Play-Lady, was released on ball of 250,000 pesetas S*lo.l6O> yesterday on charges of causing a public scandal with it* first Issue. Th» charges laid the Ism "puWlihort a great number of photograph* of •eanUly-drWBMI woman." Marta
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    • 224 3 Syria-Israel tension still high KUNEITRA. Sunday. rNSION is running M*h In the Syriancontrolled part of the Golan Heights despite the waning of the fighting in nearby Lebanon and the consequent fading of fears that Israel and Syria might somehow be- "It Is the Israelis, who try to keep the tension
      NYT  -  224 words
    • 106 3 rpEL AVIV. Sun.-Tbe X first crer Israeli HfU»B*nUrj deleft U*n U rewlve an offlcU| lavtUUon fr*H the Dg CcAgrwa flew to tke United State* today. The KUn-Bin po«P. led fey the Speaker of Israel'! KacaMt (ParUament). Mr. lan«U Yaahayatao. will Meet rresideiit Ford. vice-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 Cruise East Introduces the CAPTAIN'S PARADISE CRUISE on board the M. S. Rasa Sayang A lO- day Indonesian Adventure Singapore-Surabaya-Bali- Jakarta-Singapore SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES FROM S$ 1,234 YOU SAVE FROM 'SS3O2 TO ****** OVER REGULAR FARES. ('Singapore Dollars) HURRY!!! this offer is good for 2 MORE SAILING DATES ONLY. ■24
      109 words
    • 624 3 4gSEEEEEEEEEEEEE[iiEiEEEEi& l£) ■^^■^^^■"^^■"^g^r^n^H Ha^ is r #^p I^s l IS f^sV»<syH4sttsW« is liiiiiiiiwii^ IS QUALITY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE. 51 im l FRESH FRUITS/VEGETABLE ""|T* „j j wJJvjijTjiiui igi Cabbages 500 .45 JjlUliT* =U fgJKaiLan 100 gm .20 GUAVA JUICE =n Leek 100< > m .15 heaven tim»li 3for goJOJ Crapes
      624 words

    • 371 4 SENATORS of ArgenO Una's saaln opposition r party today accused President Isabel Peron of following a suicidal path which could lead to a mi nary coup In a statement published here, senators of the Radical Party
      371 words
    • 181 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Ban. Heiress Patricia Hearst to expected to plead Innocent to bank robbery charges tomorrow, bat her attorney said he may bat* a surprise when she appears In court. Mr. Albert Johnson also said be nones to get a two-month delay in her
      UPI  -  181 words
    • 67 4 UULHOCB*. (Prance). ■Un. An Orthodox prkjst who ran an aid centre for former drug addicts was charted bare yeotorday with drag trafneking. court sources said. Father Osraadln. 43 admitted be was himeelf addicted to heroin, the son-cos added He was arrested following a trip to Amsterdam where
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 139 4 Lydia takes an 'adult' stand rOKNB (Oregon) Sun. Lydia Blackmon, 15. said yesterday she objected to being charged adult prices to go to the movies but not being able to see adult films. Lydia was one of 20 teenagers, who have been picketing theatres here to get them to change
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    • 508 4 MPLA routs rival advance on Luanda LUANDA, SunTroops of the Popular Liberation Movement (MPLA) have forced back an advance on the Angolan capital by an armoured column of a rival liberation group, the MPLA said yesterday. In a communique, the MPLA said IU troops had stopped a column of the
      Reuter; AP  -  508 words
    • 119 4 Timor talks: Aussie govt waiting pANBERBA. San. \J AastraUa was awaiting replies from the three politic*! parties In PortMgaese Timor before arranfint peace talks, a government spokesman said today. He said the Australian Government welcomed Indonesia's retjaest to hoit the proposed talks. which would seek to end the three-month-old crisis
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    • 259 4 Portugal alert as Angolan refugees plan demo LISBON. Bun. Portugal's armed forces are on the alert and Prime Minuter Jose Plnhelro de Aievedo addresses the nation today against a background of a deteriorating political climate Troops are confined to barracks as a precautionary move against, what the Copcon security command
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 32 4 MKXIOO CITY. Sun. P*»tT-n*« people were injured here In a pitched battle between rock (an* and poUee at a concert by the American rock band Chicago, police atld rotterdftjr Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 212 4 Tax probe on Nixon link with 'Mafia bank': Paper LOS ANGELES. Sunday A HOUSE of Representatives sub-commlt- tee Is reportedly Investigating a possible link between former President Nixon and a bank in the Bahamas used by Mafia figures and others evading tax obligations, the Los 4ngeles Times said yesterday. The
      AP; The Times  -  212 words
    • 133 4 ZAIRE BLAST AT SOVIETS KAMPALA. Sun Zaire's Commissioner (Minister) for Foreign Affairs. Mr Bula Nyatl. ha* called Soviet Involvement in African affairs "an Insult to all African countries." He said here yesterday before flying home from an Organisation of African Unity iOAUi meeting: "It v i pity that the Soviet
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 115 4 NEW YOU. S«n. Three reang Beaaaa Cathotte nans aeeases] by the Chilean military governmrnt of aiding political fo gttlves arrived la New xork today after being granted safe conduct ewt of Santiago The three, slaters Margaret Lepalg. Joan Marie Arsaslraag and Barbara Jean Nelson,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 789 4 saataW* \am ssaw^^ m saaW^^saTa La. B saaaal aaaaaaataaaaal Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai ssaaa B*" *_x% ▲t W><jmL |l U I LI AT AIL S ME STORES! S fj -^^^MMMKKM^FjJ+^^^ni^^- aaaaaaafJ aaaa"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal MJ fi f!EMS3SMttKKk XMESMSSMtKL jj£ nrf»««l.« RIM IRIM I BL 0 rt M '^DALE'SlorH3riwtv«l OKA I MELITTA dinntr *ts coasters
      789 words

  • 207 5 Women on the Pill: Risk of breast cancer BERKELEY. Sun Women who used birth control pills to delay their first childbirth until their late 20s or 30s may run a greater risk ,l developing breast cancer than If they had not taken the pills, a new study suggests. The study
    AP  -  207 words
  • 39 5 TOKYO. Bun But««n members of the Houie of Representatives of Thailand have arrived in Hanoi on a North Vitlnam at the invitation of the Vietnam Committee for Afro- Asian Solidarity. Hanoi* Vietnam New* Agency *a>d today AP
    AP  -  39 words
  • Briefs
    • 24 5 GEORGETOWN: China has agreed to hay nearly ISSIM mii.ion worth of sagar and aluminium oxide freas Gayana over a fearyear period starting nest year.
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    • 30 5 BANOKOK Op p o sltton leader Senl PramoJ. brother of Thai coalition Prime Minister Kukiit PramoJ. was today re-elected leader of the Democrat Party. the country's largest single political group.
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    • 28 5 JAKARTA Central Bank Oovernor Rachmat Saleh left for London today to negotiate a new loan from a group of banks led by the London based Morgan Guaranty Trust.
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    • 33 5 LONDON: The leader of Britain's Transport and (■eneral Worker*' I'nlon has appealed to Mr. Leonard Woodcock, president of the l/nited Automobile Workers, to help \a r the Americanownru Chrysler IK car company. Agencies.
      Agencies  -  33 words
    • 30 5 BRISSELS: Common Market farm ministers mrrt hrrr tomorrow to itrp up political pressare on member governments to agree to urgent reform of EEC food price and production policies.
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  • 365 5 ROME, Sun. Oil-rich Iran has proposed the creation of an International Agriculture Commodity Bank to provide surplus food to hungry nations while stabilising food prices throughout the world. Mr. Mansour Rouhanl, Iranian Minister of Agriculture and National Resources, made the proposal following his
    Reuter; UPI  -  365 words
  • 165 5 'Curse of death' chant at Premier BRISBANE, San. Qaeenalaad's Premier Mr. Johannes Bjelke Petenen said today he was "in good spirits and feeling quite well" despite a ears* of death sang at him by militant aborigines. About 1M chanting aborigines revived the ancient tribal rite to "sing to death" Mr.
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 29 5 TB, AVIV. Sun. Bather VUcnska. a Member of Parttament for 14 rears for the Israel Communist Part*, died yesterday, the state radio said. She was 67 —AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 229 5 Mujibur's rivals freed in bid to end crisis DACCA. Sun. Bangladeshi new leader, striving to end the country's political crisis. yesterday freed five politicians who had Men Imprisoned during the reign pf assassinated President Bhelkh Mujlbur Rahman. Among those freed from jail was Major Mohammad Abdul JaM. leader of the
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 57 5 Bardot at father's funeral... A TEARFUL Brlfftte Bardot leaving the Notre Dame de Grace church after attending a religious ceremony for the funeral of her father. Mr. Louis Bardot, an Indus trialist. died In his Parts home on Friday. He was 79. Miss Bardot, surrounded by friends. Is seen here
    UPI  -  57 words
  • 280 5 No Unctad accord on aid for Third World debts fiBNKTA, Sun. Delevl «ates from rich and poor countries have failed to reach agreement on ways of financing the Third World's debts, a spokesman for the UN Conference on Trade and Development t Unctad) said yesterday. The so-called Group of 77
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 68 5 Protest over B-52s TOKYO Sun. Okinawa Oowrmor Chobro Yara protested to the ftart*n Ministry ywterday afaiaat Un transfer of 14 A—riwn B-SJ bombers to the Da Tsrtens alrtame without advance notice. Kfodo Hews Service reported Kyodo astd Mr. Tsra, la cable to the ministry demanded the Oomument set f ■miHtity
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 METZGETE Autumn Feast November 1-30 gdi^^-si^ ■a^^^^aa^aaaaaa* JBV^FjA^| In November the butcher, the Metzgete. lavish feast of meat to our tables. sausages, blutwurst, leberwurst. .^bf^^^ nd a host of smoked and cured /ome celebrate the Metzgete morjeo i 4^ polo I ;;wi^ t Circus. Singapore 10 Tel *****1 i t^s
      160 words
    • 108 5 «.^bbVJ X *<■ SjL W d. 'sJaaaaflagi •H^aß 7 Lswß*^gF m BBBB***HbBBBB*^BBb! BBBBBBWT' BBBBBT Omega Geneve. Not as expensive as you might think. When you think of an Omega you naturally imagine an expensive watch generally beyond the price range of most people. This is not always so. For example,
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  • 776 6 pEOPLE connected with the retail sale or supply of medicinal products may not describe their business as a "pharmacy" or "dispensary," unless it is a registered pha r macy or the pharmaceutical department of a hospital. Adding the word "dlsCt nsary to the list
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  • 59 6 TB« Sanior afrntatac at State (Cbnmuntaauoos). Mr. Ong Tang Cbaong. win opes the National Stamp XkhlMUon sangpasj T» ax Urn Victoria Manorial Hail on MB*. IS at 1 p_m The —hlhmori. JotnUy organised by the Poatei Swrrtoaa Dspartwiant. the Btogapofw PhUalattc Society aad tat gtagapor*
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  • 241 6 Singapore trade team for the Philippines A SINGAPORE trade A and goodwill mls•lon is due to visit the Philippines at the end of this month to explore possibilities for enlarging Asean markets for local manufactures. The mtatinfi Jointly organised by the Singapore afsnnfsctu rers AaaoeUtton (BMA) and the four eham
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  • 105 6 rX UP for Serangoon Oardsns, Mr. lp Rodrlgo. will ask the Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Chua Blan Chin, who is also In charge of education, for an evaluation of the primary school pilot project at the Parliament sitting tomorrow. The project, now
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  • 190 6 Artist who was drawn into marriage TAIWANESE artist. 1 Prof. Teng Hsaeh Feng's paintings won nln > many awards, but the west arise of them all waa a wife. atoealUng how he met his •fide 12 years age. Prof. Teng (above). «g. said: "A friend brought her to my onVe.
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  • 48 6 PSA buys two cargo cranes THE Port of Singapore Authority has bought two tranatalnera. worth about •1 million to Improve container keyslde operations at the Container Terminal. The new tranatalnera a pair of csuTo-urung cranes— from the United State*, will mnpawieiit two present ones llatgnill by PSA engineers.
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  • 221 6 rl private sector must be encouraged to supplement the Oovernments efloru In the development of youth. Mr. Ong Teng Cheong. Senior Minister of State (Communications), who made the call on Saturday, mentioned specifically the Industrial and commercial organisations and the professional bodies.
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  • 21 6 KALLANO Basin will haw an electric sub-station built by the Jurong Town Corporation at a coat of 171.44 T.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 401 6 AHE "KING WALKER" AHE "BOATER" Etfcif Walking "I EvarcrM. Rowing a ait-tap. togging EtHct Provides gerwai j9 Effect improves Wood exercise to revitalise >A circulation stamina /^savavavava^ar function of internal organs *^W Conditions muscles of the \^^^THal Beautifies legs. hips, waist. A 'eg*, hips abdomen UsaM shoulders and arms Reduce
      401 words
    • 173 6 v a\|« WII DaVDilu *PW ,4V Yomeishu A mother's health is vitally important, both before and after baby is born That' why we recommend Yomeishu, the timeless tonic sfl Made from a formula handed down through the generations for 370 years, Yomeishu contains more than 10 medicinal plants J* t^fl
      173 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 269 6 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS interested <T). 1 Across- the- board behar- f Wrong ahroub given vttatour? (j. t|. mm injection may be Prints a sort of consonant dumped Itl '1> 7 oacu on US rate bring t Rational number to nt taken for granted <*. 10 <T> 10 Fixed time
      269 words

  • 159 7 AfTICM. goods sales \J rrprrsr ntatlve. Koh Elan Hrr. 2«. died on the spot when bis car rammrd into the rrar of a stationary lorry In Lorong One. Realty Park, off Ipprr Serangoon Road, at I.M a.m yesterday. Pohcr and rrsr«e workrrt took half an
    159 words
  • 70 7 AN unemployed and TB- stricken man. Teo Kirn L?ong. 48. was found dead at the foot of Block 29. Jalan Tiga Ratus Old Kallang Estate, at 815 a.m. on Saturday. According to police, Teo. a r**tdent of the block, la brllnred lo have fallen*
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  • 236 7 Two new bus services for Bedok THE Singapore Bus Service will divert services 13 and 40 to operate along New Upper Changl Road ending at Kampong Chai Che* terminus to serve resident* of Bedok New Town from Sunday The amended routes are: Service 13 (Kampong Chat Cht to Commonweal \h
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  • 54 7 Or. Patrick Kahoe. managing director of Patrick Kenoe and Partners L4d wUI lead a seminar on OrgaalaaUonal CUmate conducted by "*"f pmt Institute of Management at the SIM conference room In Scotls Road from Dec. 1-1. lie win alas lead a twoday coura* on Effective Management at the
    54 words
  • 44 7 mi Clyde nurslnc division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Is recruiting woman manihers to help In charitable homes Voluntaen can legiateied at Ita headquartara at Beach Road from today to Nor »0. from 10 aja. to 13 pm
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  • 102 7 Toh to open birth control seminar THE MlnUter for Health. Dr. Toh Chin Chye. win open family planning eemlnar for community leaden of Buklt Batok. Buklt Panlanr Buklt Tlmah. Cbua Chu Kane and Jurong conatltuendea at Hotel Equatorial on Sunday at 9 a.m. The seminar on BtnoCWanu Two-Child Faaalalms to
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  • 75 7 A ONE-CENT Brand IST cola fetched the hJfbeat price of S2l at the Singapore Namlamatie Aaaeclatioos 19th eolna excharter marieu and auction at the Orchard Road YMCA yesterday. Tht second hlfhest hid was far a 11-eent Qm« VlctorU lni •ate which fetched Sl7. A t»-eent
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  • 171 7  -  K.S. SIDHU By pOLICE are investigating the activities of a local syndicate who smuggle in virgin girls from neighbouring countries and force them into vice. Sources said a virgin girl fetched as much as $3,000 to $5,000 booking fee for a week. A
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  • 83 7 10 picked for Japanese contest TBT flnalUU for th* 7th Japanese Lancuea* Elocution contest (Japan Hmtias amdor Trophy) were picked at the preliminary held at the nrtmlaaa of the Japanese Cultural Society In Orchard Road yesterday Altogether 17 people took part in the contest organised tolntly by the Japanaaa Cultural
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 215 7 375,000 D^SjLKXE^ES =3^ rour anwwt x*. kiesw oeavriwMy wKk r ,> mi u «a»M»r ««nn| or »n inliiiaim orwjr of row <mi> WMroeotitMi Collie' I»ob» e^^wei M«e> tntaias. auwt tnm tfcs I) v th. Isafeal Sajrea tf ikertOTi rm«* to yew coal A aw. worUwiat lisSiSWiaiH uraail wtmc* knast csaen
      215 words
    • 867 7 KHINCO filing cabinets can be For larger quantities, your colour colour coordinated to compliment possibilities are unlimited, your office premises, and fit in anywhere... beautifully. Contact KHINCO today, they have a lot of bright ideas for your filing cabinets. KHINCO's colour coordinated filing cabinets with recess handle come in 3
      867 words

    • 127 8 The last journey home for two pilots TPOH, Sun. The re--1 mains of twe Indonesian Air Force men. who crashed while flying beck from Burma In IMT. were Down to Jakarta today for re-burtaL A Hercules aircraft of the Indonesian Air Font and a 20-nktmber lean led by Ooknta BoetaA
      AP  -  127 words
    • 35 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Pun Two yowthfc one *n— d wtth Mr Ysn« Soon La. II and his dark of $7J and jewellery valusd at U« at a hardware shop In Jlnjanf north ban jsstsirtsy.
      35 words
    • 335 8 TUN Abdul Razak today warned residents of new villages that they would be regrouped in new areas under security control if they persist to support .the communist terrorists. At least two new Tillages In the Jeranttit district will be affected by this order
      335 words
    • 42 8 Held: Heroin suspect IPOS. Bun. Police hare detained a K-year-old government employee for illaiert poawMson of t A grammes of heroin here yesterday He was travelling on a motor-cycle when he was stopped by a detective constable from the Crime Prerentlon Branch.
      42 words
    • 115 8 Mahathir: Students who have nothing to fear PENANO. S«n Malaysian stadenU abroad are free to reten to Malaysia provided they have net Woken any law. Education Minister Dr. Mahathir Meh anted said today. He was referring to Press reverts that a Malaysian student leader la Australia. T.M. Krtahnan. had stated
      AP  -  115 words
    • 76 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— OOctak of Urn M«l«y^«n Trmd« Union fninim will matt Labour and Manpower Minuter. OMuk Vm Ban Choon minuiiuw In an attempt to reaolv* the (Uikc by J.OOO Rubber IHinrcfa InstltuU worker* The delegation wUI be tod by the Deputy MTUC preoo>nt. Mr.
      76 words
    • 39 8 Paving the way KUALA LUMPUR, Sun The oommlttee of senior officials of Aaean countries will meet here on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will be followed by a two-day meetlnc for Aaean senior official* to prepare for the Asean summit.
      39 words
    • 45 8 Up on roller skates PENANO. sun. JoMph Dasa. 23. and Ambrose Sebastian. 21. today went up Penang Hill the hard way— on roller skates and all for charity They were helping to raise funds for the Uttle Sisters of the Poor home for the aged.
      45 words
    • 171 8 Permits now needed for campus assemblies KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday UNIVERSITY of Agriculture students wish- Ing to organise an assembly of more than five people within the campus are now required to obtain prior permission from the Vlce-ChanceUor i This v one of the provisions of the Unlverslti PertanUn Malaysia (Discipline
      171 words
    • 96 8 Police break up drug party: 8 held ITUALA I.UMPUR, Bun. Police burst Into a flat on the toe floor of a three-storey building In Jalan Ourney Satu here today and broke up a heroin pnrty El«;ht youths, lnclurtln* a susTXKted pusher, were detained and 21 tube, of hereto seised The
      96 words
    • 46 8 Kidnap: More arrests nrTAUNO JAVA. Sun PoUoe have detained another two men for questioning In connection with the abduction of IS-year-old Parameewart from her home In Kampuni Cetnpaka in Sunget Way last Tuesday. Tfas brings to seven the number of people -Mslnrri for questioning so far.
      46 words
    • 37 8 ALOR STAR. Sun. Pour men, two armed with pistol and the others with parangs, held up a fanner and his family and escaped with »400 and a gold ring worth frlOO at Jltra early roday
      37 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 543 8 I l Climb the ladder I Ito success •a I BJf^fP There's always en assured career for the man or woman I who's s quahtted specialist Thousands o< people, following every KB^aja^ajpajjjjAVJ career you can think of. have obtained their qualifications and I won success with the help of ICS
      543 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 264 8 •ringing Up Fnther Bjf BUI Ksvsns|h *t Hnl Camp II I HO*V X SMI MU»T MAC MSAAD II /l OiMSt I'M >*) 1.1 VvSCCT. I «B*«O >OU -r.-i cm 9Kr our Km mmAtomy in lat» the om» J sn.a**<s our fc*»xv r/ o»"TWra xouse ogT ute^r mur UM V now/^/
      264 words

  • 178 9 Govt 'yes to extra 7 days leave for dailyrated ABOUT 12.000 public daU7-r»ted wnptoyees in «arkMU mlnutrte* •x* to receive wren days additional tick leave under a collective agreement reached between the Oovemment and the Public Dallytlated Employees Union. Under the agreement signed on Friday, the fiptoyeas will get 21
    178 words
  • 65 9 Mr Tu>| Sw Chlm. MP for Chua Chu Kan* will open t!» newly maUltod n»4a in U» ri»Ul—mnt ftraaa 117 and 111. off Urn Chu Kane Moad. on Thur»Omj at 1M pm The mttalUnc ot the tar roada undartafeco by tne PWD at a coat erf
    65 words
  • 25 9 Mr Urn jli Pbh has ban a|ie><iilai| a aMSwhar of the IndiMtrtal Trminuic Board from Oct. 14 to Manab It dmx year.
    25 words
  • 289 9 AN ENJOYABLE RECITAL BY GUITARIST SINGAPORE guitarist Robert Llew gave hjs recital at the Conference Hall last evening In the Music for Everyone series. Not having had the opportunity to hear him before. I listened to him with much attention and found myself enjoying a great de*l of what I
    289 words
  • 107 9 SHOW them yew big ears, says Johnnie Johnson, a British professional handler, as lie tickles 34-menth-etd Daalee Hgmr ef Davandea after it won the "Beat In Shew" prite In the Singapore Kenae 1 auk's IMb championship dog show at the National Stadium yesterday. It
    107 words
  • 468 9 'Accord doctors the right to silence' Call for law against court disclosure THE legislature should accord statutory right of silence to doctors, especially those in the field of social medicine, so that no court can compel them to disclose confidential information about their patients. Making this call. Mr. M. Karthlgesu,
    468 words
  • 96 9 'CLOSER WITH FILM FESTIVAL rl weeklong Soviet FUm Festival now on at the National Theatre will help to foster closer ties between the Soviet Union and Singapore Hajl Sha'arl Tadln. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture) said this at the opening of the festival last night Be said the festival had In
    96 words
  • 42 9 TV! t-'— of Slato tor Foretgß Affairs of the Federal Bapubltc of Oarmaay. Mr. Karl Moaraoh. arrived ■ere yesawday. Mr. Meeraeh win pay a ooortaay eaJQ on Mr 8 Ralantnam. the Minlatar for Rrelgn Aflalra. later tala aaomlnc
    42 words
  • 38 9 TH« IfattSßwJ Muaaom will BBraao tour fltan* oa Japan ■nknltng fcpo irro to Us atcturt hall oa Wadnaaday at Tje pjn. Praa artmlaatiwi tlekata are available at the muaaum ofttoa during oflboa boun.
    38 words
  • 24 9 UfDIA-B leading •rlaaainil atnaar. Madam MA Bub-»-i-fc-fc->' wul arrive bare on Friday aod glva a parfonawaes at tba Victoria Tbaatn oa Sunday
    24 words
  • 19 9 THB Jurat* Itowu Corporation will apand MUM tor tba anMtnanttrm at ats nun sbeMan to /uronc Park.
    19 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 116 9 [1 a a .^b^bS b^b^^^^b^b^^^^b^b^^^^b^b^^^wT s^gssßßsi W W▼ H SPECIALS Plus MANY OTHERS 1 TODAY TILL WED 12th NOV fw I MBOTHORCHABDRD.o: I I QDEENSWAISUPEBJIARKETS I QIJEEIMSVWSy OPENS DAILY 9am 10pm INCLUDING SUNDAYS •STERILISED MILKus* «*i .^r. 210 •DANISH BUnffllOTKlK:^^ •BLACKCURRANT JUICE JSSSXJSSL HO •CHffffMATt= Pineapple JuicE..^^_.ji^.2ftw9oc •FAWALTissuES're.^ssLI •CORNFLAKES «i
      116 words
    • 276 9 can present you a lovely, new shape for Christmas! A SBT B^La^gSßßsi B I B^gssak iR gssßa^^^^H I gsat '^d LOOK YOUNGER. FEEL YOUNGER. /p. Whether rt'3 bulging fat or [f c L p Nn pp W p AP gawky akinniness that hides the outwutH WH AX perfect figure in
      276 words

  • 37 10 mm numbers ptckad la yesterday's Toto Draw No M IS wer» 40. }1. 41. 7 and I. The additional number wma n In the circlei tfrav. the numbers pUsad w«ro IS. M and H,
    37 words
  • 450 10 Call for new spirit in Charter rjONSTANT review and amendments of the Women's Charter, if necessary, will make it more meaningful and give it more lasting validity. Madam Chan (."hoy Siong, wife of the Minister for Labour, said yesterday. She said that the charter should Incorporate the new spirit *nd
    450 words
  • 271 10 Women with jobs and family planning riUPLOYMENT opporCj tunltlei for women, especially outside the home, can help motivate In them the need for family planning, according to a university dean. Dr. Jae-Mo Yang, dean of the College of Medicine. Yonsel University in Seoul. Korer said employment can create alternative roles
    271 words
  • 89 10 TIE annsal Remcm braaee D»y Parade tv held at KrmnJ! War Ceawtery jester The bov-loßf eon■»ony ni attended by reprcacßtlYea from the Blnc»porr. AnstrmUan. New Zealand and BriAlao bl attendance wen the miUUry hand of the Ist batta- lion, Royal New Zetland Infantry Bertment. and
    89 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 493 10 V VWJWiVVW^\W^VUWIAfIrWUWWWWV*JWI iHr^^TH, HHi HH\ A4m.s»*n Adwrrs $2 00 OwtdMn $1 00 1 fI I V^WJm|lhSh2iiHh!GD V^JhheSilhV A oh STORY Of B M A \kf 1 1 JLg. I mSSBBBSmmSSEm i m aRLS V Ml |l:ir.'|tV7Utrr|N|tlilltl| M.I nfi oaoMcoi \bf M I HnLmaWaaaavgvaBBBWBnanVsHSBHHBHH I iMGtax tusnuf} anwl HVaVJaV I a—^^
      493 words
    • 59 10 Jjv IPWU/VII l*« r»¥ 3 jo. 7 ii. tjo, 7_^ n aoitMAfcM duTun 1 ff til!tMr!l!lll^ltlIO tamolic i-WXJMBO|IB*»3«s| ta-ftAoiisiLUMAMULAS" f4tl!iill (TH€ EVIL SNAKf GI»L) XmSo)£m.7.l. »«.1S IMPERIAL t^SS _V» B A TOOATONLV 2 M.7 ISttJO <■■ WST JHwB -'-JW WU CHIN, lTnOa 4 HSIANfi ll 4fVi."i4T'j)/7 MAKIt" (MANDARIN «K l
      59 words
    • 938 10 a»HHHHH«DHam»I« ■^H— i^aVHal W.W.'.SWAViVWAS notice iSCIWiftVi: MALAYAN THEATRES (PTE) LTD. announce >;H nRfiAMKATinUs' Hie* es FROM THURSDAY Urh NOVEMIER > ibUIHI<i i > iiui V 1975, rHe .REVISED ADMISSION PRICES or ;'m|l|||lU.i.jiu. J GLOtE THEATRE w»H fc« $3, $2 4 |1 jPs»iais4«Wl 1 1 1 11li Hi tj BEY Jt
      938 words

  • 349 11 30,600 more trees for the city By PHILIP LEE SINGAPORE be- t- r I shades pPKMf JfsjaV ten!.. For all over the island. Ministers, MPs and community leaders planted a total of 30.630 trees and shrubs to mark the fifth annual Tree Planting Day Simple brief planting ceremonies were held
    349 words
  • 40 11 AN EXHIBITION of Ball painting* la Beta* held at JA. OoU Club Road, off Tceok Blangah Road. It la organised by two housewives. Mrs Carol Steel and Mrs Nancy Barlaa. Many of the paintings are for sale
    40 words
  • 24 11 THE Jurong Town Corporation will spend I 150. 713 for repair* to exlaUng road*, drains and ancillary works at Jurong Marine Baa*.
    24 words
  • 131 11 DATIENCE and a goad aenae of timing yaaterday won for nine-year-old Gerard de Sousa the Prime Minister's aatograph. Gerard knew that with the crowd milling around Mr. Lee Kuan Tew after ho had planted a sapling at the Tanjong berlmyar rer aimed land to mark
    131 words
  • 86 11 THE Public Works De- 1 partment will resurface seven roads this month as part of Its programme to Improve the quality of Singapore's existing roads. These roads Include those affected by the digging of trenches for the laying of various utility services. They are:
    86 words
  • 414 11 WHY THE MNCs BEHAVE IN STORE— BY PHEY MULTI NATIONAL corporations MNCs i have not exerted any pressure on the political leadership here chiefly because of Singapore's expertise and sophistication In negotiating with them on an equal footing. The Republic's success In dealing with MNCs can also be attributed to
    414 words
  • 53 11 MR. IK Ua. proprtetar of Kooo Mob Co baa been elected of the Singapore Freight Porwanlero Aaaoctatlon. The rrnena aKretary la Mr. W.J Sicw Committee memben are: Mr. K.R Tan (deputy chairman). Mr. Tae Cheow Wah (aaat. pnaral aaeratarr). Mr. Prancti La* (traaaunr) and Mr. Urn •wee
    53 words
  • 37 11 THE HouMnc Devdopmant Board haa aX out a total of •S3* nultton in 1U »upp»*menUry budjit for 19T5 78 lor development* at Tetok Biangata Kew Town and COrent Oarden. aeoordlnc to a OoTemmaot Oaaette »upptement
    37 words
  • 31 11 THE Blne»P<»* Bird Club will hold Itt annual Wrd •toeing chawptnnahlp at jftUn Beaar SUdlum on No». 23 tt I mm Entry form* art available at rrntint Mrd ahopi.
    31 words
  • 20 11 THB Juronf Town CorperatMt win apand Iti.ioc lor rwntnaiHin mw dut•ary aod anclUerr work* at Jurocf Town Bail.
    20 words
  • 271 11 'Ocentre leaders can help spur civic sense' TOO, management com- mlttees of community centres have tn Important role to play In helping to stimulate civic conscious neas among Singaporeans, the Health Minister. Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said yesterday Speaking at the 12th anniversary dinner and variety show of Manila Street
    271 words
  • 47 11 THE Won— t Industries Emptoveae* Union will ecieeii the film. The Heroic New OncraUon. (or 1U memben •nd their famlUea at Koaa Chlan Theatre on D*c. 7 »t 8 JO am The show will be held In conjunction with the union's 12th anntvanarjr celebrations.
    47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 21 11 taaaaaaaW A a»ll I W^^^ Jk. V BBBBBBBBBa. a^a^a^BßßsH "^Vaa^r .^afl laf X safl IF X^M I I W *Bw I
      21 words
    • 425 11 YOUR CHILDREN ANDFAMILY! Model HFK Bacteriological Drinking -Water Filters SSL Kills all water-borne germs and eliminates odors No Boiling No Chemicals No Electricity m jjk, —i'"» r— <>.■■ MBBBaaWm »»a«.r^!r<Jlli'*'' Tlf r j I 1 Ha— dlract ail trad* aoqulrlaa to: Consumer Products Dlvltlon Qwraßnln M Orchard Road SinoaporsS. Tai
      425 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 423 12 TTiE tens of thousands of "peace marchers" from Morocco who are now encamped Inside Spanish Sahara believe they are taking part in a great patriotic movement to win back territory which belongs to them. The Pollsarlo Front, whose forces have already clashed with Moroccan troops, has the support
      423 words
    • 230 12 NICELY timed with last week's Pan Pacific conference of the International Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled was the presentation to Miss Chan Poh Lin of the coveted Anne Sullivan award for outstanding blind and deaf people This first-time award to an Asian by two famed American
      230 words
  • 433 12 LOg ANGELES: Lea An c firs' freeway systesa. one of the wonders of the automotive age, has ground to a construction halt. Eavtronmentalists. rising costs and the aMstey atueeie of tbe recession have kewagM expansion of the hage system to a fall
    433 words
    • 227 12 REFER to your report about doctors who "cold shoulder" the Coronary Care Unit ambulance service (ST., Oct. 20). Whilst the reasons given by the cardiologist may be true to some extent there Is one Important reason which he has overlooked. It Is
      227 words
    • 107 12 RESIDENTS of Kampung Ch a 1 Che* housing estate would appreciate It very much if the authority concerned could erect a bus stop within the vast Kampung Chal Chee bus terminus. With the completion of New Cba n g 1 Road, the old bus slop which was conveniently sited In
      107 words
    • 109 12 BETES to year report 1 "DCA plea to kin ef pilgrims" (S.T., Nov. C). Tear report saggwts that we view the pUgrim flight as a free of Inconveaieae* to the rafular aeers of the airport. Nothing can be further from the truth, as it Is this dcaartsaaat's
      109 words
  • 1170 12  -  Gerard Corr a SUNGEI Slput, the small Perak mlnIn* town with th» big reputation for being a haunt of communist terrorists %n4 their clanclestin* h»ln»nt th»» Turin 3!!f n ii^ir£ »h? Yuen, is back In the news again. Indeed, much to the annoyance of tbe malorlty of Its residents.
    1,170 words
  • 815 12  - Ford in danger of a divorce from Congress JAMES RESTON: By Washington ORESIDENT Ford 1 U getting in trouble now because he seems to have forgotten, at least temporarily, why he was accepted overwhelmingly in the Congress as America's first appointed President, and why he was so popular in the
    815 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 21 12 OCBCLOAM^ W can open up HEW OPPORTUHmES M foryouin M business c professional practice B •properties M capital nvestments M OCBC^fl
      21 words
    • 240 12 Cheap &Easy 80~te~Y©uPseft For All Your Walls At Onry $1 3Oper sq ft Many Varieties, Look-Like-Real CERAMIC TILES, FACING BRICKS And SCULPTURED WOOD For your shopping convenience available at KATONG: ELMARK FURNITURE DECORATIONS CENTRE Tay Buan Guan Shopping Complex ORCHARD ROAD Yaohan Supermarket Basement 2 C. K. Tangj Furniture Deptj
      240 words

  • 327 13 'Set up national eye body in S'pore' AN ophthalmic surgeon has called for the setting up of a national eye foundation to co-ordinate more effectively the activities for the prevention of blindness in Singapore. Dr. Llm Huang Hul said such a body could direct national efforts in the total programme
    327 words
  • 195 13 CALL TO YOUTH TO MAKE THE U.N. STRONGER rE Senior Minister of State i Foreign Aflaln i. Mr Lee Khoon Choy, on Saturday called on the younger generation of the world to strive towards making the United. Nations more effective so that there will be fewer wars, unnecessary conflicts or
    195 words
  • 243 13 r'O minutes after Miss Aulo Hasra. Bkj was crowned the 19-5 Deepavau Qacvn. the steppe, a* down frwrn her throne and declared: "This Is my first and last trj la a beauty contest.'' Looking radiajit and resplendent In a
    243 words
  • 290 13 THE Housing and Development Board will divide Its rural zone Into three sub-z ones from Saturday. An HDB statement said the three sub tonei would be called rural north, rural east and rural west. Rural north will cover the Woodlands New Ttmn rural east
    290 words
  • 33 13 Surveyors' exam AN namlnaUoD for the certificate of competency for land mtrnjon will be held on or about March B nest fear. Applications rtiould reach the Secretary. Land Surveyors Board by Dec 27.
    33 words
  • 16 13 THZ Houdnc and Deretopaaant Board will ipcnd 5575.&00 tor tarthworka at Bedok New Town.
    16 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 114 13 BUY THIS RfRINNAI 3-Burner Gas cooker with Grill N0W.... a^^Rksajal Wjr (vVxtel R-3GF m^^ RINNAI 3 Burner Gas Cooker with Grill 3GF) gives you the best value tor your V^. X*V~\^****^ money with these outstanding feature* LARGE BURNER on the right is specially designed '*m,? m >tt*> for Chinese cooking
      114 words
    • 409 13 TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES .^^ffJJlk Do not regard Classes as j^KljßH^k articles of commerce Pro aVp^Sji^ tvssioeisl eye care calls for —fXVgf^K^PJ careful du|nosis and precise WW^rt^f measurement 1 m c hjve f "ewe»t equip T I\/Tfc ment to diagnose your eyesight 'A objectively and accurately PIN PIN OPTICAL
      409 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 826 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM m Opening followed by VUsr Pirn (Tamil- 7.15 Starts if tJH Ist* (feautj 3 JI Dury of Events (Tamil) TLu-» 135 General Hospital 1M &ntin Umt {U>il 1 115 Isai Amutham: Indian Classical Music 15 Lit* Hssm m tat Prata (Repeat) Ul am a*
      826 words

    • 1237 14 A mt>it* i» niiiri, II T\mm paMUfen uiU? a A *m»M iMlnH W Mlici»< itera Ik* IMm* Kb ffa^» rf Winpiw TW rmr» higk ami Urn an Mtr— < th* 9 B9VWRHM M pn(S* «BV M9MVW IBS WVISMAs I wM •■< iW pm yric* urilni rsU* SOTI.
      1,237 words
    • 407 14 Tut i.iu...i.« M J «<MU(>«u far Ikr Mrt a»k»rn4a> N»> l« ranini m hM n i W «■»!> ikut ihIim Pro* »i mill u >■■■< -Mt «wm"w >*«< 7 mil IM Ml III •II MM \l H «> 3 412 1Z tmm 'U ..p M 40 M
      407 words
    • 166 14 The following company meetings are due: Keaaa* Tla (MaJava) •hsl: Nov. 10. 10 ajn. Rogittered Office. No. M Lorong Yap Hln. off Jalan Pasar, Kuala Uimpiir CesMalMated raintslleiM Ltd.: Nov 12. noon. Kuala Lumpur Hilton Hotel. Kuala Lumpur Tractor* Maasrata BM Nov. 11, noon. Kuala Lumpur Hilton Hotel,
      166 words
    • 30 14 sUbWMSoU C*S99vT psftCtM OB rT%&&} (•rtvteu* la tarackaui •msv as** buy*r IMS.* <> Milan us*.** <(»**.*•> Tferaa Maalk kayar ISM M iMMJt aaltar iS«T a* (M6a.6t>. Mackat tana: gmn.
      30 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 83 14 THZ «:.ed not 4MJ SO ■.l.trt were no tartorj to dollar The financial the market of buytaf interest the 0| around Uua lh« dollar In Uiarpty -10 region D-mark but Ux mildly >: 4&M 2 4«oo rtcion 08 unit wt Bank inter- i :u>le»ale price ..".her mitutpa- B prune
        83 words
      • 130 14 pilE US ouli«r posted nine minor gum la* ;Uwi»h Lh* atul f th« bmhM rd to cam* radin* oondecUnt In '.rrtmt ntm morr (uteUuulal L' s currency tig monthly '.otxr cauaM) I trip waek't :«dln< days marfcft •«r much th* imr at the previous wltran mrne around Wednnday. «Mi
        130 words
      • 214 14 T»HE interbank money j 1 market position was reflected In the discount market last week. Overnight funds were taken tn at the level of 3\%—1%% hen the Interbank money market was In a liquid position and at when I that market experienced a certain degree of tightness st
        214 words
      • 223 14 ASIAN currency average I IX deposit* rate* lor the week ended Friday Nov. T. t'SI IBM Price*) 7 day* 1 mth 2 mthi 3 mthi 6 mthi 9 mthi 2 mthi 1 mth 3 mthi mthi 12 mthi 5 3 4 S 1 14 I 11/1* 6
        223 words
      • 91 14 (~)N the local money market last w«ek the rates were very steady for all the term deposit* except for the overnight funds which showed a firmer tendency towards the end of the week One. two and three months funds closed the week at Xk-S. 1 U'lt-13 IS.
        91 words
      • 48 14 r* the week ended Saturday. Nov. I the range of call rates received from Short Deposits <M> Berhad was as follow*: BANK FUND: S| per cent to S cent CENTKAL FINDS: 3) per cent to 41 per cent. MovFsaent* of fundi totalled U32 million
        48 words
      • 51 14 Prime lending rates (in Altamem Bar* 7 Bonk, at Am»u) O l> Bonk < 7 Bank ot Tokyo 7 Bank Neaoro Indon—s 7VJ Sanojua at L'lndochMw 7 Chartered Bonk 7 CMS 6* F**t Chicago ml «ncs ovk i Micsac r MMtalora 7 I OCBC 7 OtA 7 UCi 7V4 \ssr
        51 words
    • 442 14 NCW YO6UC Frl— Tbt stock market Ignored another reduction In the p.ime Intereat rau and closed mixed In slower trading At th* conclusion of trading on the New York Stock Exchange the Dow Jonas Industrial average waa off 512 point* at 83S.M. However, •dvanoss outscored losers by th*
      442 words
    • 122 14 yURICH. Prl— Trading on the Zurtoh Stock «x--change was dull with most shares registering insignificant chances Banks were steady while Industrials closed mixed Bonds were steady The Cradlt Sulsee index eased 0.8 point to 168 7 Cloalac peieaa in awias fraacs •nth is* 4»mari sa tba pnviaua I"—' 1
      122 words
    • 137 14 Base Year: Jan 4. I*7l —IM 1674 :i Week's Actlat. High lam Slat 7th Ckaag* 1W 17 M.67 AaUmotlT, Ul.t* 14» »S —1.54 MI.SS 16J.17 Basvks, It—sree. rinanre and Trustee* 356.46 136.65 —11.61 162.16 t1.63 CWaastala, B.bber ProdurU. lUrming and Satcttkag 14J »4 144 »5 1.11
      137 words
    • 73 14 teat It r«T« Ike Mraavar la >k ■■■■<« nIU. tMnf prt*« mi FlMay *»d kick »nd lew lor M7S. f r Tnmr men tDfh Urn ■M* No. 7 lttl .me Itarky ISM tl.tZ 14.M fIM tW ktotia >'»:• HJ«H H-«* MM OB 1.M4 »3«« M« IlM* lt
      73 words
    • 136 14 N«*. S Indartriab Cta«4 I Flnaac*: Itmtd Hotrk ClMr4 PimwUm: Clmt* TUrn: Cto«4 I »i»m: ClMr4 0.C.8.C.: OmW i.LS.M: CW«*i N«*. 4 N»» I N*t. Ul.ll »MM 21*-W 4»7 3» 4M.U 4*4.17 147 M 14:^5 141.41 1(»«1 1U.41 14»»5 »SII »SIJ ti.M 1»U »«.M MS tMJS tMJ?
      136 words
    • 501 14 OWOAPOR* produce dea- lers last week *xperlenccd y«« another duU period of trading for reasons ranging from the lack of inventory to the Inability to match the competitive prices quoted In oversea* markets. An overbearing factor was the continued *b— lot of arrivals of the Important commodities from
      501 words
    • 173 14 -pOKYO. Bat— Th* market 1 etoead higher with blue chip* leading th* w«y extending Friday's rally, dealer* said. Th* Dow Jones arerage roa* 1900 to close at 4.341 85 on a volum* of 130 million shsres. The New Index ckx*d at 3168* up 1 35 To4ar a claaia* prlea*
      173 words
    • 146 14 A MSTIRDAM. PH. Share* were mixed In calm trading ■**f»ven* firmed In Dutch Internationals but FWMpa was unchanged and Aas* lower Banks were mixed. Shipping* and plantation were tower with HAL 150 down j Insurance* firmed generally while *fH«ian*B6**j*Bk rose strongly State loans were firmer rieata* prwaa la Dutch
      146 words
    • 67 14 Friday TiMjna'ar US* WSS sWlbsumt il> .115 01 US. 14 Lsaasa u« s»B i«*.oob 14S.SSS 147 00* BVrirut 14*** U*a« Zwrtca 144 «*B 145.508 141 00* 14*50* Pan* i4*.os i4».00 Satur«ar tntm, Hongkoni I4S 00 14* OS S pora (1) IU*4B 144 «1B 144.SSS 14T.15* Kiasn prtca* ik
      67 words
    • 502 14 WITH the exception of Friday when prices fell significantly in the wake of the painful Malaysian Bud et proposals, fluctuations last week were generally mild compared with the week before. Derpitc the Intermittent profit taking evident daring the early part of the week, the market remained technically strong
      502 words
    • 372 14 AFTER a frrl night of bullish activity, trading on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange took on an easier bias last week. The main reason behind the ea.Mer tendency was the Malayrlan Budget. The anxiety over the Drooorals caused uneasiness lr. the first thr»** days of the holidayshortened
      372 words
    • 41 14 Cmrrrnl DaU TeUI far ToUl far parmrnt lUtu LiaUnc I S<~, KrmjBat Tla l««*t Tbtblba (Ml If-.TE payable tk* yrar pml« jaar Dm. M U« Dm. 5 lOt 11% Dae. If If TE 1«%TI t lal«rta» TK T«» rxraip*
      41 words
    • 665 14 LONDON: Equities moved higher after an uncertain start last week. Investors showed Interest on Tuesday underlining recent opinion that the market was due for an upturn. Interest was carried through to the end of the week partly helped by the less gloomy rerltw by the Confederation of
      Reuter  -  665 words
      • 159 14 LONDON: Tin showed small losses of around £5 per tonne for cash and £3 for three months In both contract* last Friday morning. Despite the further advance at Penang. buying Interest was unimpressive, reflecting outside conditions. In the cir- cumstances, modest weekend profit-taking sufficed to shade prices,
        Reuter  -  159 words
      • 500 14 LONDON: Rubber edg--1 ed higher to close unchanged to 0 55 pence per kilo up on terminal last Friday. The official tone was barely steady, however, due to late pro-fit-taking Turnover totalled 80 lots of 15 tonnes each Including three kerbs plus one lot of five tonnes.
        500 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 906 15 cMtnmiMP utT'ti ri n. wrtibiit M» *a«^ a v l.Maa~ P hum "a— tl •SAU UT ?M? IM MM II Ml IMI sarr-,, ss s= sg sa sg :g Ba— M IMI IMi tl Mt MMt MM* tl Ma •m'wT to. II M. IMt IM* IMa I M 1T75Z17 ttn
      906 words
    • 1170 15 Ben Ocean A/CmTtxnnceot ßen Une Bkjp fhnnel Glen Unp and NSMO Tt M ttariMat fM* IMB} im P Maa Pmmi tntft M» IMMt MMM k/M M IM f-M. Mmttm il n aw it M Mi M an n to. if.. Im- trmg. t'*MMk Ma diaaui nit an NVM Mi nm
      1,170 words
    • 1123 15 aaaaaaaaaaaaßßßßßßßßMJ aT"^r"^^T*Tr*TTT~^aMMMil ■aUEI lAY fin P MtM* Im *attn* Man tol. Ml i| ik •Ma it Mt il Mi to. ÜBMMB MT II an a an II Ml MMMM MMM UPttM Ji an M an 't to. n to. I Mtt.MII UT II Mi II Mt I M* I Ma
      1,123 words
    • 1012 15 I aaaT~^ 1 m I bbT I I faJ -T^L w FUUY COKTAIMHIZIO StKVICi TO IUHOf I {B^KMN Rw 11 Rw «l t|rfHjrt->1 *j,|,m. Mavr.. URwrt, wiMu to. ii to! it aa"* ►mmtbmm. MKUTt Mm >m "l taMaajM. CotMaart M»M« MBM M II M II 'tITIMM. OM, RMBM. UP.IIM MfBM.
      1,012 words
    • 790 15 .■MBaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMaMkßaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaßiMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai SkMjat TOaHi t MMJ 841. M Bffii: PMtl IBti. THE BANK LDfB LTD. IMB MC It MMtt. I MltlMM MM>.taH. k*« M 1111. IwMa 1 1 1 p I Cintf.) r huai n/ii m s i. 1 1 iMn itMM MM mur M. kM«. I*f kk P I.lm a
      790 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1669 16 ifciMMft^™™^*^***"™^^ W >^Sbbm-mU KbbVBN MBBataßftati Ia»TD. mbmbTm_mbbb*WmbbbW_bWmbbbm»»mbbTbb»mbbbbbbb»mTW»W»»» J fit* HA tit Hi _m___ h Mbm_b'___-b"__ C*_m_Vm?C t| BM l*aaTa aW»TaV4 WUMt-mt MMB MMj| naa aaaM*. Ta fM BawfMMt «V_i MaMpe.l hum ffM bmm- MM it M e~-i S port P MaM ITW| IM a-r» kap IBU PauMBT aaaM naa MBM
      1,669 words
    • 911 16 -__as2__Man3J^™^^T.T^T|^^™T!l hut arnnrnmsa saww ti mm mt am I'M— a. mim f low l.aa- rM- k-a Main HB MBM mm MMM VIM IM M a) Ma at BM ■ft bm-bbi im vii MM tiki Imi abm laf IM Ik mv cMiiwa-o sarwet m bb-wl om mo i.mmbj Imn •eiiatu wmmth
      911 words
    • 876 16 lixftas uotu n lmmi. uhmtm-Cmbthit ntn l| Beat IiBH l P MMaj P-aaj laM] Mr aaai an n >• i mm c»>a.« a. v UN- I M II 1 aaa 111. mmv mum ana- mm -a a» i iMa i._» n/n. iaa Ca^tit n M. awi I 1 luan i
      876 words
    • 874 16 W NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE lii-So.' ar aBt Europe IbbbTlbSbm TMtfSn Itl SIBUWJiT VI IT* VPA&|KB w ami iv inn MCtfiM ni-cn m m ta T ll m}ll omj "_i»n I'M- a naaj HIIIMMa taa> «K-t I.imi MM.- m Part I'HIMM M C*l la- NW| Ma. aataa- It Mt II Mt
      874 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1003 17 LmmmW .^mm^^L^^L A mV STATES LINE cm Akin A I I STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY linMllVlML ■f annul- CONTROLLER I *tmm I JET"" ?,r,S: „i,N. AweU establ.vhed SmMpore company I enftaged in the printing A pubhUitng industry I l mtw yyT' ISI-.'iii •ul>*m'mi' 1 \n > rilff^ m I wwh« to
      1,003 words
    • 574 17 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE ENGINEERING Applications ore invited fof teocbina appointment* m the Deportment of Industrial and Systems Engineering Candidate* should have a bostc background m Industnol and Systems Engineering, specialising in one or more or the following oreos 1 Molhtmclical IceiWMic AwtysM (a) Operations Reseorch (b) Engineering Economy Cost Analysis
      574 words
    • 1343 17 /_H Bk\ (Incorporated In Slncspore) VV^iU/ %aP A NOTK KOK KXTRX-ORDINAKV (.KNKMVI MrMIN(. TKNDER NOTICE notk k is hkhfhy oiven that an KXTRA-ORDINARY OENERAL MEETING OF THF. Members of the Company will be held T«fm Contract for th« Maintenance. I g, -j Oxley Rise. Singapore on Tuesday 2nd repairs, addition*
      1,343 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 865 18 HEWLETT M, PACKARD HEWLETT-PACKARD SINGAPORE PTE LTD HEWLETT PACKARD SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED tadlM apftflcattont from suitably qualified candidates for Itw following petition*: I PRODUCTION ENGINEERING MANAGER OOTHS n engineering teairi relative to technical protects, trouble Shooting. si design manuiactunng engineering and cost responsibility >«• j and tram new engineers capable
      865 words
    • 509 18 We are a large printing firm, I situated within city limits. I And we are looking I for various categories of I printing personnel to supplement I our expanding workforce I We have vacancies ranging from Offset Machine Operators to Apprentices, Camera Operators to Retouchers and if you are currently
      509 words
    • 879 18 I Move up to a I rewarding career! I With§ W.P. GOODALE PTE. LTD. I I SALES I I MANAGER I (PHOTO DEPT.) I The Man The Job This challenging position calls for To actively effect implementation a dynamic, outstanding marketing of marketing plans, supervision of orientated individual who has
      879 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1605 19 classified ads g LI4VU. PMM RSQuaasi Typut OUTDOOR SALIBMAst: G.CX P I should be neat and accurate ln Eniluh 4 a Science subssßßßsTMxassTaHßßxasHHgßxe> Salary SMS Apply S T Boa A tect preferably with Mandarin as B4fIMMsA! TMSJ WOMOBN SjiilllJ 6117S second language I year', sale* n ,»JALL ACCOUNTANT'S PINM J."
      1,605 words
    • 1462 19 I OYNA CNAFT INIBBMATIONAi «*>XB kF YOU Are the Maawnrequlres Maintenance Tech- dent outgoing type Are familiar mctaaa Posaaa. a Traaw Cartl- with tne local social scan* Enloy rtea** kn Electrical fitting wim al meeting paopt* of ail arveU Can Maws a year, of experience in In- spaak any on*
      1,462 words
    • 1382 19 CIP TNAVIL RIOUIRIS (1) WANTIO BAN WAITMBB Part/ Pauenger Cargo Sales Repre- Pull Time. High Pay/ Conmusentallves (2) Packing Sales .ion Ring Happy Bar 3BSBS Repre.entatlves (31 Freight Contact Jlmm> Documentation Clerks must post* is class 111 licence (41 Account Officers Experience Is gapaadtaa miw ciwpsxr necessary for all the
      1,382 words
    • 2190 19 double-storey semi-detached 4 vVatlen Estate SSI 700 Faber pool I 4 bedrooms. 82 3M Kum bedrooms^servant .81 880 fur- SSI.SSS 882 MB HV* Court off Orhcard Road J varr,, J BS^K.a^it IBMl BM 1^'^""" 05Z 1 furrushed DMt 10 double-storey semi-detached 3 bedrooms ser 3 STORIY SIMI OETACHIO In vant's.
      2,190 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 985 20 O'ST 16 OWMT 6UNROUNOIII64 Jb~ a^^JVP f a f r~ rT~ new double storey terrace Mg l_K M __^__a_ a H _^yia spacioui mill 8134.644/- Dial I <■- aouWt -storey bant low 6344 464/ Both immedlaW of ru pal ion Contact *****73' O||M| *****01 111 .HO C«U»' irrr.l I atlarfiid
      985 words
    • 1336 20 OIST IS tMJ H.IK Tima- < JALAN TUA KOMO 31st IS. storey semi-detached 3.444 tq ft rttldtnlMl land vacant B .1i7086 DM 14 AtMphl Park Man 6.644 at ft 11.664 ta. ft ttn«rie-storey urrace 1711 tq ft Freehold 8 11 pi f Act Housing *****4 Equatorial Houtlng ***** 26/ *****46/
      1,336 words
    • 661 20 At MTIMSsATtOttAL PLAZA «]S CJ Office Span ror Rant CJ %J MNTAL 81 45 per sq ft \J flu including service charst A Aj Bmuinaa A) INTINNATIONAL PLAZA Office space for sale an CIAL P«NCI FNOM 8166 P 6.F Immedlale occupation Location Anton Road off Robinson Road Property lax at
      661 words
    • 776 20 I NAM NO TNAVIL Service (Singapore) Pte Limited. West Malay sla tour (Inclusive Oentlng ('Highlands) by deluxe airconditioned but seven days 8417k/- Rvery Sunday Monday. during school holidays departure everyday Oentlng. Cameron Highlands four dayi *****/-. every Wednesday during school Bangkok Chiengmal by deluxe alrcondilioned coach fourteen dayi ***** 18
      776 words
    • 819 20 o The first International Ocean Kxposition in the history of mankind Okinawa Japan Exhibit* from- more than 50 countries o Oo Cxpo 75 with CA E Toun o Fly the Jumbo Family 8747 0 Collect your full-colour tspo newsletter from C k E Tours TAIWAN/ HUALIEN OKINAWA EXPO/ MONOKONO/ BANOKOK
      819 words
    • 1673 20 SIAKSON COACM TOURS 26 S^sSrTsTio'lJnrrp^'.riu. DIPLOMA IN OfnTe^olemaiTitreet Tel ADMINISTRATIVE *****4 *****6 Cockpit Office WIoSXTpARTY MANAGEMENT AND jVSi." Vr_»» 7 m/i-U 3 -"O^SiTp^on, EXECUTIVE con bus Blso < including Oentinf StCHETAHYSHIP <*" li ""»> R-furant 2nd An lntansiv« 3ixr^.r s?2Sf 6340^ ()C U1 Building Shopomg month evening J^ collyer Qua,
      1,673 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 394 21 t xuRT l ono on rwrnesi by an Har m*r*t*ry Inst ol Aaaocu •^e RapK Haauit. collage DttM Armstrong Area Career Adviser SYSTEMATIC NMMM TRAHMNO CINTNg J i|n >ur ■rriNSIVE REVISION COURMS •OR TNI DECEMBER I*7* P«O--'ESSlONAl EIAMINATION O# A) ASSOCIATION OF CIRTIFIBO ACCOUNTANT* Foundation A 4 B ProfeaMonal I
      394 words
    • 654 21 KARCMITICTUNAL MANSMIF A«lne»dßjrs7*S I* pm tr.mtvwj practically for the <* yob Details 984*81 y *)OXO*)N ISSL* LA*SOUAOI CINTMI *J ILjitCNTARY MPANgM 1 a i Hun 3pm I"- romaaenctng 38 II 75 I b i Tun Thurs 7pm commencing 7 12 75 Id 3) gL*atgNTAajv CHNSgag. I Bat 2 I commencing
      654 words
    • 726 21 tart WM ■MCU*. 1880 Dalai 12*8 Coupe I*7l Maada I*B* Tom Corolla 1308 I*7* Maada 138* Ml 1886 DaUun 1388 19*8 Mini Coop 10*6 I*** rord Escort 118* Maa s/w I*BB Mini S/W 1860 19*7 Fo Angus I*B* 19*6 Mini 650 IS Volkswaaen 12*6 H P Arranges! view 3. lavan
      726 words
    • 703 21 im| IWNTAI NSM MMCNAa*, salt «a wooden furniture Contact Lonini don Woodworking aW2. Oejrtani Nf Bahru Blk 7S of f Kailang Bahni da .Terrace Factory) Spore 12 Tel rd *****7* 2MMM open Sandal «1 II OS am «00 p m dally S M Ml a m -S 30 p m
      703 words
    • 930 21 ■»luon anus Miwiai UTT^Y^ i^^**79bVJbb& M B^aa^a4»»Jß»a»jas»j4*«BJ i scicNTmc MttmuMf nts co I B^ -^^^iC^J j Hraislvretf ihlp chandler* In TftMNWOItTATIOtI/ MHOVAI rncirw 4nd deck atona covering MRVICI. Dattun Pickup, hardw..-**. instruments flee- Medium Big Lorn to tntft inral ds especially Mom and cargo, houatrtnlrl office equipcerwal tood* men I
      930 words
    • 406 21 Our client, a well known firm of architects In Malaysia, with affiliated offices in Asia. In--11 ARCHITECT AsMSaml Salary aat lass tkaa MI4S.OOS pa. The successful applicant will Initially assist the senior partner of the firm In supervising 3& and carrying out a number of lane ap- WFpomtments and the
      406 words
    • 547 21 \O/ Lf moflGfl Pfltiflnc w' Projek uiahaiame Bank Rakyat d•n g a n Lembaga K«majuan N«g«ri Pahang PROPOSED 21 STOREY SHOPPING, OFFICE, AND CINEMA APARTMENT COMPLEX, JALAN MAHKOTA KUANTAN, PAHANQ Rakyat Lembaga Pahang Sdn. Bhd. Invites contractors with proven experience classified Class A with Jabatan Kerja Raya or other statutory
      547 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 589 22 SheSJb*nSSsßSsWssVnVssSSsVn>AnSnVssSnSSnSsfcaejalasSM[ !Rl MENTS, the world I I leader in the manufacture of I I semiconductor components, has I I openings for: MANUFACTURING SUPERVISORS I Needed to plan, organize and lead a I team of female production operators I in an assigned production area. ReI quirements are Degree/Diploma I preferably with
      589 words
    • 562 22 1 1 1 PROJECT BUYER Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad. a member of the ICI Group of Companies, invites applications for the post of Protect Buyer on contract basis. THE JOB AM aspects of purchasing connected with the construction of an extenswn to a chemical plant at the Works for
      562 words
    • 902 22 SHERIFF'S SALE Pursuant to an Order of Court dated the 30th day of October 1979 obtained by Syarlkat Asian Enterprises, the Applicant In Urn Hlf h Court at Ptnani In Originating Summons No. 342 of 1979, the cargoes comprising of Sawn Timbers, Plywood, Black Pepper, Cooking OU, Tumertc Finger, unposted
      902 words
    • 633 22 KUANTAN PORT PROJECT S«ntor Supervising Engineer Applications are invited for a post of Assistant Resident Engineer (Structural) for site supervision, etc. and directly responsible to Senior Resident Engineer. Applications must be M.I. EM. and professionally registered and have a very good engineering background with at least 7 years working experience.
      633 words
    • 675 22 CNABMEN LEMBAOA BAND/NUN INJI.B. BAB 117) NOTIft DI BAWAH SEKSYEN-SEKSYEN 117 1U n*NOAN TO niBBUTAHr hahawa adalah dlc»d«n»*«n dl bawah arkirtn 144 En«*m»ri I renba'a Bandaran N M B Rab 137 i untuk mtralnda Plan Wrnrtar looh Tant Dlluluakan **o B 3 ranc dltlarkan arbant P>mbrrt'ahuan No M4S <i»lam War'a
      675 words

  • 655 23 Derby chase the blues away... LONDON, Sun. Derby County, having seen their castles in Spain dLs -ol\e three days be f ore, shrugged off their disappointment and beat Arsenal here to join West Ham as the championship pace- makers. To add Insult to Injury, Kevin Hector's winning goal, scored midway
    Reuter  -  655 words
  • 853 23 -I IIIMHI..S AMon M H ,t I tto«r i Hi I (vft Km Wandrrvn 1 Wl III* II IH I rmlM I ton«o I HI HI) IH VISION and Ho«» Albion 2 southern t'niwd 0. Bui> 0 *r*aham I Ch»l rr 3 Mlllwall I Lunwmi L'nivd I
    853 words
  • 348 23 WEST INDIES CRIPPLED IN 9 OVERS BY ALAN HURST MELBOURNE. Sun. Australian fast bowler Alan Hurst fired out four star West Indies batsmen In nine crippling overs before torrential rain stopped the agony during the third day's play between Victoria and the West Indies it the Melbourne cricket ground today.
    348 words
  • 54 23 Pmjlr PMDaoc AC Ctatrt frounced Pulr Pfcnjanc Afternoon Two e-0 in the Mes> Ur Af* Oroup loccar tournament at Pkrrcr Park fatterIn the other """-hta. Katonc PM 1 beat City PM 1 %-i: City PM l beat •moflooa Am 1 7-1 aad Seranfoon PM 1 beat Pasv
    54 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 42 23 oCrJiii«s) ■Bs^B^ssir* I^^ >ihniiif"' ly B\\M PING COLOR-COOED IRONS are exclusively S custom-made to suit your stance and swing $8 j Our concern is that the set of PINGS you order jg -ii fit you and put your ball on target yjfi
      42 words
    • 1002 23 >!PJ M* DIIDB Applications are invited trom suitobly quoiifiod parsons for the following oppointments SENIOR ESTATES OFFICER Qualifications A Experience Associate Memoer ot the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or the Institute of Housing Monogers with at least 5 years' experience in Estate Manogemenf and or Valuation Outre* Monogement control
      1,002 words
    • 951 23 1976 JANUARY INTAKE Applications are invited tor odmisnon to full-time ond port -time Courses ot Industrial Troining, Board Vocational Institutes commencing 'rom Monday, 5 Jonuory I 976 I Full -Tim* Courses A Trade Counet (1 year a) Building Drafting g) Mochme woodworking b) Electrical Fitting ond h) Maintenance Fitting Installations
      951 words

  • 205 24 NOBILIARY ALL THE WAY NEW YORK. Sun. France with UM easy-striding chestnut Nobiliary leading the way. has claimed an unprecedented 1-2-3 sweep in the 24th running of the US$l5O,OOO ($3«7.500> Washington. DC International race at Laurel. Texas Nelson Bunker Bunt's three year old filly led from start to finish yesterday
    205 words
  • 2346 24  -  EPSOM JEEP By JPOH, San.—Apprentices stole the limelight with two big upset* here today. Apprentice J.F. Henf bronfht People's Park from last to win the Class 4 Div. 4 1,200 m race by three lengths. People's Park paid $122. Seng Wah finally broke the .Ice with
    2,346 words
  • 934 24 fWE S REPORT J COCKY Richard Anf. the rtder of Pacific Rim in Rao* a. was fined 000 for inconsiderate riding by the afwardi yaaterday Tha aupandiary Steward! report on y aster day t races At the resumed inquiry Into the Incident at the start In
    934 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 651 24 yr Bring to that >^ carwffwS, cgMMI Kind of j^ajbto your horns! The Spocemaker System by FLEXALUM An all -aluminium creation by Hunter Douglas Australia. jgFtexalum For mo<s greet ideas on Fleaalum-*ind-o«- living, call: /I. AUSTASIA INOUSTRES If I >•) 14 T. lIII4M A Men<if o« the Hunter Oougas* Group
      651 words

  • 443 25  -  JOE DORAI SPORE LEAD, THEN FALTER IN DEFENSIVE PLAY By SINGAPORE last nijjht stunned their doubting fans to hold the New Zealand World Cup team to a 2-2 draw but their performance, before more than 35,000 fans, at the National Stadium was best forgotten. It
    443 words
  • 369 25  -  GODFREY ROBERT By APBAI Naldu's defeat by V. Karu at the Golden Gloves competition has raised this tricky question Who will CO to the Seap Games In Bangkok next month. Only the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association can solve this puailr Bat the association is presently
    369 words
  • 500 25  - S'pore devoid of ideas in Cup Final POLICE 7 STORE ITUALA LUMPUR, Bun. Malaysian Police, who were shock qualifiers for the final with a 29-11 victory over Australian Forces North yesterday, became the first MRU Cup champions with this victory "over Singapore at the University of Malaya today. It was
    500 words
  • 158 25 PRETORIA. Sun— Arnold Schwarzenegger of the United Bum retained his Mr. Olrmpu [■ofesslniial title In the World Bodybuilding Championships hare last ught n was the sixth wins— in title victory tor Sehwarsaneggar. who la retiring from competition this year. Be beat fallow American Franco Cohimbu for the
    158 words
  • 585 25  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By TiHE threat of a 1 Fina ban hangs over 12 swimmers In the Seap Oames con 1 1 n gent. They are: Tan Thuan Heng, Soen Lay Heng, Felix Tseng, Khoo Teng Chuan, Vincent Lee, Nora Tay, Ang slew Lan,
    585 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1574 25 EEH™sB^^^™ f ANNOUNCEMENT EMBASSY OF THE TAWARAN MEMBINA MOTORBOT 5^3 hmm Tawaran -uwaran akan dltertma daripada pern nw«^t j^ be^n«lMn*n^l Pc- IN ORDER TO PROVIDE MORE labat Pengerusl/Ketua Pengarah rUBDA hlngga jam PFFinirvT ivn PYPcniTinn^ 12 00 tengaharl 23hb. November. 1975 untuk: trMLlr.Nl AND tXHtDI 1 lOUo SERVICE TO THE
      1,574 words

  • 447 26 Teams set up to reunify Vietnam HONGKONG. Sunday and South Vietnam have set up delegations to negotiate the reunification of the two countries, Hanoi Radio announced today. In a broadcast monitored here, the radio said the two sides would discuss general elections throughout Vietnam, either side of the 17th Parallel,
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 169 26 Youth who ordered pilot to nosedive r*An GIBARDEAU V (Mlsswrt). Sun. A isafdft teenager chartered a saaall plane yesterday, ■■lied a run on the pilot and ordered him to nosedive the plane, authorities said. The yoath was killed when the pilot poshed him out of the diving plaae. ITM pilot,
    AP  -  169 words
  • 107 26 Pak formula to end India air ban ISLAMADBAD. Sun Pakistan has proposed a formula for endIng the deadlock In protracted negotiation* with India on the resumption of an air link between the two countries, the semi-official Pakistan Times said today. Th« bgllah-languaf* paper mid the PtkbUnl propoaal iv "Ukeljr to
    107 words
  • 376 26 DUBLIN. Sunday £IDNAPPERS Eddie Gallagher and Marian Coyle, refusing to co-operate with a special Irish court, were yesterday remanded in custody just a day after releasing unharmed their Dutch hostage, industrialist Tiede Herrema. The 38- year-old O-l-lagher and lt-year-old Coyle Ignored or snapped at
    Reuter  -  376 words
  • 108 26 fOHANNBBURO. Sun. J —Portuguese ezUes from Angola are being recruited In South Africa to fight against the Soviet-backed Popular Mrvement (MPLAI In the Portuguese tern tory. the Sunday Express reported bar*. The newspaper said about 150 men have already crossed Into Angola to Join
    AP  -  108 words
  • 137 26 30 SKID VEHICLES PILE UP ON U.S. HIGHWAY nAKKRSTIELD (CallD fornla). Sun. At least 90 skidding vehicles piled up yesterday on a stretch of highway on a mount air top that was slicked by rain and shrouded In fog. The chain reaction collision left a trail of twisted cars nearly
    AP  -  137 words
  • 79 26 FT. JACKSON (South Carolina Sun Bft. David Mitchell, the first man tried In Urn IMS My Lai massacre, has been sentenced to five yean hard labour to br followed by a dishonourable discharge from Urn army for accepting bribes from trainees, army official* s*ld yesterday
    AP  -  79 words
  • 75 26 BROOM. Sun— Oar 15.--000 Wsat O«rman> ha** signed a petition protatrtni against Urn rtrMmlna f American troops naar here. tbs orsanlaars said yesterday A spohsssaaa for Urn action ~*TimmtT In the township of Off hols said they lntand to aoply for a lafal Injunction to prevent
    75 words
  • 186 26 Expelled Aussies arrive in Peking rf HE starr of the a L North Korea arrii being expelled by the PEKING, Sunday istrallan embassy In ed here today after Pyongyang Government. The fire diplomats and secretariat reported there were no Incidents or anti-Australian demonstrations following last week's charges by Pyongyang that
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 78 26 MUNICH, Sun Harvard graduate Croat tPuUl.' FUnfrtafgl. who uaad to hut AdoU Hitter to slssp by playtnc Richard Wacnari TUbloa (Djrtnf of Lot*)" on tb* piano, hat died hart •t U» a** of IS. hli fually said today. Mr. nanfstisnal. seton of a Munich art-pubnahlng
    78 words
  • 247 26 Heath fails in bid to suppress story LONDON. SunFormer Prime Minister Edward Heath tried unsuccessfully to prevent publication of a newspaper story about his business assets last night, the Bunday Times said today. Mr. Heath applied for a court Injunction to stop the newspaper publishing details of bow the Investment
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 91 26 HOWUBTOWN (New Jersey). Sun Superior court Judge Robert Mulr Jr baa scheduled a closed court session tomorrow to announce his decision In Urn case of Karen Anne Qulnlan. a comatose New Jersey woman whose parents want her to be allowed to "dM with dignity Mr. Justice Mulr
    AP  -  91 words
  • 64 26 BAOHDAD. Sun. Iraq jrttlerday canoaUcd a paymenu afrcemrnt alcn«d with Kfypt in IM4 and aU subisquani protocols. Uurlrtf talk* In Baghdad lan March. BkTPt and Iraq worked out a plan to replac* th« IM4 atTaWJaWA aimed at ezpandtnc trad* rxchanft. The afracnant had obstructad trad* "feetwc«n the
    Reuter  -  64 words
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