The Straits Times, 7 November 1975

Total Pages: 36
1 36 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Kstd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 1449 1  -  BEN DAVIDSON and GLORIA CHAN Suicide letters accuse Pinder of frame-up By I had no intention of covering anything up for Pinder. But I was so manipulated that it must seem that I did so intend ACCOUNTANT Walter Bellam, 53, auditor of the Sime Darby Croup
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  • 543 1 Wilson's new package under fire LONDON, Thursday APPOSITION Conservatives and leading newspapers reacted with scepticism or outright scorn today to the Labour Government's new strategy for halting two decades of industrial decline. The main fe»r exrreas- ed by press commentators and at least one industrials was that the strategy agreed
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  • 414 1 350,000 cross into Sahara RABAT. Thursday 350,000 Moroccan civilians, waving banners and shouting slogans, crossed into Spanish Sahara at midday today in a "peace march" to claim sovereignty of the territory, offi- cials said. King Hassan, for whom the marchers are facing minefields and at least 20.000 Spanish troops. Is
    Reuter; UPI  -  414 words
  • 45 1 NE» YORK. Thurt Dow Jona* avertfaa, bated on first hour of trading on the Ntw York Stock ■>- change 10 Indus Ml 31 down 4M. 30 tranap I*7 71 down 0 44. la uUls 5341 down 02ft. 85 «tock> Ml 31 down 1-23 CPI
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  • 334 1  - Mr. Tan to leave Sime board MARTIN LIM By CIME DARBY HoldIngs non-execu-tive chairman Mr. Tan Chin Tuan Is resigning next month after holding the post for the past two years. Making the announcement In the annual report released yesterday. Mr. Tan says he will also be relinquishing his appointment
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  • 154 1 WASHINGTON, Tbursday Tnmideat Ford mM today he hoped to vlatt Egypt &nd other Middle East countries next yeax to bring bis personal pre BHMC t>O fc*MsT OH tfaf ■—rah for peace. He told a pnp of Egyptian ■■■■Mil he wm ■nabte- to wmkm a definite
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  • 63 1 TOKYO. Thurs. BepreatnUUves of the European and Japanese shipbuilding industnea agreed today they should cut down their shipbuilding facilities because of a drastic decline in the demand for new ahipa. In regular annual eonM'ltatlons. the representatives decided to set up a committee by the end of
    AP  -  63 words
  • 34 1 WASHINGTON. Ttlurm. U8 wholesale pncea leaped IS par cent In October, the biggest monthly rue In a year, the Oovemment reported today The Jump Indicated that inflation remains a serious problem AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 1245 1 Onn's tax shocks MIDDLE, HIGHER INCOME GROUPS TO PAY MORE ONN BUDGETS FOR $2.1 BILLION DEFICIT: PAGE 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday DEPUTY Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Hrjssein Onn raised the income tax of the middle and higher income groups, and slapped a "real property gains tax" of up
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  • 241 1 Dearer razor blades, kitchen knives 'ifUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Hundred* of imported Items will now cost more —from razor blades to soups. The new import duties for some of the many Items listed in the cu&toms order are as follows, with old rates given in brackets: PRESERVED VEGETABLES $20 a ton
    241 words
    • 73 1 Marchers near minefields RABAT. Tfcarm.^ Th* Ssaatsh takora wmrt cifbl kau froa* Urn Ouk af Daara, IS kat fr«B Urn fr— ll- paat af Tab. as Urn nai I* Urn UrrHarr'a eafatal af El AmiM at IM« GMT M> 4ar- "<""" ra4a* r»lartal ThttiArwtattUka•i by >*Mak traaa* la aaM Mten
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 f Diamond \i^#Tv^ V Rings V ACBC builds Helping business grow.... Caring for depositors' savings.... Providing full banking services. ACBC is building for the future. A strong stable future for every customer. ASIA COMMERCIAL BANKING CORPN. LTD. (incorporated tn ttta R«pub<tc of S4ng«por«) /jTV. 104 Robinaaw W— rpom 1 Tat
      87 words
    • 211 1 EDnSESB ■■i TELEPHONE DAY NIGHT W nr *****00 *****0 SINGAPORE *****1 I K LUMPUR *****7 ***** I IPOH ***** ***** I PENANG 226G0 ***** 5474 M CALL TO SET UP BANKS IN SEOUL Pag* 19 BADAT t.. di-cuM Mid-East u ith WUaon S GOVERNOR General In crlals ta'ks with WbitUm
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 155 2 Payments deficit of OECD may hit $25,000 m PARIS. Thun. Moo--1 communist Industrial nations are expected to have a combined balance of payments deficit of about UBIIO.OOO million (8*25.000 million) next year, a leading West German financial official said here today. Bundesbank vice-pre-sident Otmar Bmmlnger told reporters the deficit of
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 26 2 fWO, Thurs. Frtnch rontfn Mtnyter Jw flbura■narguM win wrtw h«r» an Mo*. 1* (or s ftW-4*? aOdsi vMt, a wU-fljil •ouro* Mid today. lUuttr.
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    • 530 2 LONDON. Thursday (MTING persistent erosion of Britain's economic power. Prime Minister Harold Wilson presented a new economic programme yesterday that revokes, for at least five years, national policies that successive governments have endorsed since the end of World War Two. Under the plan,
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    • 340 2 Central Bank 'no 9 to aid plea by New York agencies NEW YORK, Thurs. The Federal Reserve i system the US Central Bank has refused an appeal fcr emergency aid to four spe clallsed New York SUt: agencies. despite a warning that they were about to default on their debts.
      Reuter  -  340 words
    • 35 2 NIW DKUn. Thurs. Tha Supra* Court will ml* UMMMivm an U» lagatttjr of rttnaetm lagMMloa ■Md by FVUuuuion* Mbm MlnlsUr todtim O«n--dhl'g OODT^CtiOO Of OUil Upt •tectknaertnc pricllcti, curt offlcl»l» mia todaj AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 169 2 JO HA N N ESBI'RG. j Than. Richard Barton ended a 48--hour diamond spending spree here by baying a 1 SSI million (S$2J million) ring for Elisabeth Taylor to celebrate their re-mar-The 49 -je a r old Welsh -born
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 264 2 L -M I I I _L 111 i hjlT jrfne ■■■■■■B »»At awsi my LfafOTjMLAim!) I HOTELS ACCOMMODATIONS... fHRp^ Let Tempo you J^^^B^B^^BS3T> Ar<) ot no ext'ocoit 9wK^^SX^B^br\ Whether o deluxe fifst ctasj or economy hotel Whether <n town or by the beoch ■M^^^^^^^^^^Hnf£ sjsas^Bßß Anywhere m the wof id
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    • 124 2 To help you come up smiling the morning-after the night before Too much drink and too little sleep, and you might wake up feeling awful. Be smart. Take one or two Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved in water before you go to bed. Or after you wake up. It will help bring
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    • 399 3 LONDON. Thurs. I* re sidcnl I "t Egypt ;«r--hxhiv St. ilt- \isit without firm assurance that a■cr i c a would realaoi the el I mon as KKM't's main supplier of weapons. But before Mr Sadat left fur London and taiiu with Bruish Prime
      Reuter; UPI  -  399 words
    • 169 3 Malik bid for 3 -party Timor peace talks JAKARTA. Thurs. Forelfrn Mlnistnr Adam MaJik said today he would try to make contact with the three warring fact kins in Portuguese Timor and attempt to p«rsuade them to fctUnd a peace conference with Portugal Mr Malik toli reporters after meet ing
      AP; UPI  -  169 words
    • 146 3 So Terry has his say he isn't YORK (England). Thurs. Terry Allen, newly elected treasurer of a Rugby League club t-.ere. was surprised to receive a letter from the bank acknowledging his appointment as treasurer of a university "gay" society. Realising that a computer had made a mistake, he wrote
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 149 3 MONASTEB i:\IN. Tnurs. Kidnapped Dutch industrialist Dr Tiede Herrema mined an opportunity to dive to freedom from thr upstairs bedroom where he haa been a I hostage for more than two weeks, police said. Dr Herrema was inaware that police had placed foam mattresses
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    • 249 3 PYONGYANG KICKS OUT AUSSIE ENVOYS SEOUL, Thursday Korea today ordered the shutdown 11 of the Australian embassy In Its capital of Pyongyang and asked embassy officials to leave the country "very soon," a South Korean news agency said. The Nae-Oe news service, a private news agency specialising In North Korean
      UPI  -  249 words
    • 49 3 HOLLYWOOO Thurs. ancer Diana Rooj and bar new daughter www rsportsd oolnc w*U today at Oadars of Lebanon Hospital Miss Ross, wife of music executive Bob aUbsnftste, rave birth on Tuesday night to a (3 54 kg) girt, bar third daughter, to be named Chudnay. OK
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    • 25 3 SEOUL. Thurm.— Two bmb wrt* snUoeMi to death b» acoul Dtttrlct Criminal Cburt rtrterday on chars** of baft* Norm Korean apt** AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 Anusol The maionty o* hae- I morrhoids or piles require no surgery Itching. bleeding, pam and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly Anusol for long lasting
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    • 714 3 IGlass^^SsssssssssL^^ J L I rXk> L^HWHgJß^^sssssssssssssirzi Cisssssl Irri sssssssssss*^ I A m^* 4% I n B^^f^^^T^l^ll^^l^P^B^^^V I T^ I QUALITY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE. I Tl\ 1 ,^s^sss»«es^esMSMsssmsMSiesMs»sisieisisMM Me*. *mm ig CANADIAN CLUB fresh fruits/vegetable £^1: 'M^l!iludM rfn IBr"*" Towtoes 100,- .W iaiiMi T OIL IS TENDER TOUCH TALC Potatoes
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    • 284 4 Tongues wag after Caroline's late, late party I ONDON. Thurs Li BntUh tonni** *ve beiun to wag about Caroline Kennedy Tne It year old daughter of assassinated President Kennedy was all over the newspaper* today after she went to a late night party given by Lord and Lady Lambton at
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    • 251 4 Army crackdown to end sniping in Beirut BEIFLT, Thurs Army trooDS cracked down on private militias of Christians md Muslims today to end sniping, kidnapping an«l ether ceasefire violations In this war-torn Arab capital. Security officials said three people were tilled by rnipen and five more bodies were found overnight,
      Reuter; AP  -  251 words
    • 118 4 Ali to star in film about bimsolf IjOLLYWOOD, Than. II World heavy- weight boxing champion Mahammad All has agreed to make a film called "All." based on his life story, Mr. David Begelman, president of Columbia Picture*, said here. Shooting of the Mm. to be produced by John Markhall of
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 201 4 (GUATEMALA CITY, Thurs. Guatemalan Defence Minister Romeo Lucas said yesterday the army was ready to nght for the neighbouring British colony of Belize If ordered, though the Oovernment hoped for a peaceful solution. Oen. Lucas waa responding to Britain's decision announced earlier
      Reuter; UPI  -  201 words
    • 66 4 WASHINOTON. Thurs. —American scientists have achieved "a major development" in their effort to harness fusion energy— the source of the sun's heat to generate electricity on earth. US government officials announced yesterday. The announcement >ald scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had achieved a five- fold Increase
      AP  -  66 words
    • 395 4 CANBERRA. Thurs. Gover-nor-General Sir John Kerr, Queen Elizabeth's representative, called in Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and opp o s i tion leader Malcolm Fraser for separate discussions today in an attempt to find a solution to Australia's threeweek old political crisis. No break
      Reuter  -  395 words
    • 67 4 EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY... SAN FRANCISCO. Thurs. A dog has b.-fn iskurd with an official permit to climb trees In city parks here. It was lasaed to a two-year-old Siberian Husky naned Jenny after her owner, Jerry Gerbracht, complained that park-keepers stopped her from scaling tree trunks, assistant parka
      67 words
    • 287 4 I won't quit, says Isabel from sickbed BUENOS AIRES. Thurs. President Isabellta Peron today brushed aside mounting pressure for her resignation, declaring lr. a national broadcast from her hospital bed I wont «o." The 44-year-<-M widow Pre s 1 dent, receiving treatment for what U 1 officially described as a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 427 4 What is the difference between one lounge and the other? Easy tO win exciting prizes WOrth $50,000. So easy to enter: with the one receipt of proof of purchase tor 4 Proof of posting an entr\ is not proof ot All you have to do is spot the differences 20
      427 words

    • 432 5 B'desh: '26 leaders slain' report NEW DELHI. Thursday MILITARY leaders of Bangladesh today ushered in a new government reportedly as many as 26 political s were killed. Reports from the Bangladesh capital of Dacca reaching here said a* many as 26 political leaders were gunned y two army factions in
      Reuter; AP  -  432 words
    • 101 5 H O.M.KONG. Thurs. People sentenced to death in Hongkong in the futurr will receive life imprisonment if thr death penalty is rumnitrd by Hong- i kong Governor Sir Murray MacLehoae. olonial Secretary Sir Drnys Roberts announced today. uenys said the dieissan was made in
      AP  -  101 words
    • 227 5 Pathet Lao bans bell bottoms and loud clothes \7TENTIANE, Thurs. 1 The Pathet Lao have banned ■brightly coloured cicthing" and bellbottom trousers, and residenU here say the »npn«| fun-and-gamee of the ronual That Luang fair have been Dartlauy replaced by propaganda skirmishes among the American, Soviet Chinese and Vietnamese pavilions
      AP  -  227 words
    • 58 5 Lethal bean cakes JAKARTA. Than. OovMWU food analvsta in oentral Java have lappad up effort* to prevent food pnfmint by ttrmentad baan eakaa which to the paat year claimed 74 ltvaa. AnUra new* aj*ncy r. ported today. The report amid *B caaaa of pntooniny by baan cakas wara raoordad In
      58 words
    • 128 5 Argylls' $5m art treasures razed INVrRAKAY (Scot--1 land), Thar*. a n>e that burned fear hoars sent thr reel crashing dawn on more than £l million (B$S million) worth of art treasures at the Inveraray Castle, the ancestral home of the clan Casßpeell and aeat of the Dakes of ArgyO. "There
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    • 207 5 Pullout from ILO: US serves notice GENEVA, Thurs. The United Btates noUfled the InternaUonal Labour Organisation today that It Intended to withdraw from the UN agency Under ILO rules any member nation must give two years notice of withdrawal. During that time It must continue paying Its dues but can
      UPI  -  207 words
    • 53 5 MANXIjA, Thura. Tbe Aalaa D»>«ktnmot Bank apnrof«d today a loaa of DB»11J nOBBM (BWt.l aUlaan) aad USD ■mm In taohnteal aeaManeal tor two Tha bank am ma tan will batp noanea a D«»ia mutton paJm oU aaa*iii jsojact Id Oobor Übi SB ukMetraa nartbajat of Medan.
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    • 37 5 TOKTO, Tharm. Tbp fIsswWVUW Of W wSJfcssTTl Burr>psJsUl f^A JkpsUkSJSnV wtaiXV boUdtaf mitrtw «vi bom AD fMi-rKK* OOsßSLtltaW BHsiv* tag aetora Urn cod of u» jmr to atuctr ways of o«sreuKam »_wae annwacad to-
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    • 289 5 Fighting in Cabinda poses new threat to Angola LONDON, Thurs.— Angola, torn by civil war aad only six days from Independence, was yesterday faced with a new threat following reports of heavy fighting in the enclave of Cablnda. Offshore oil from Cablnda provides Angola with half IU export revenue. The
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 177 5 LISBON. Thurs.— About 100 police and National Republican guardsmen used their nightsticks to break through a picket of radical UftlsU at the Information Ministry today. Witnesses said several people were Injured. Including one Portuguese Journalist who was beaten. One woman was reported hospitalised The
      UPI  -  177 words
    • 333 5 Privy Council ruling on 'outside' trading deals LONDON, Thursday BRITAIN'S Privy Council ruled yesterday that foreign states can be sued over commercial transactions in another coun- try's coutts "In this country and no doubt in most other countries In the Western world the state can be sued In IU own
      Reuter  -  333 words
    • 155 5 MANILA, Than. Presiaent Itann iMt night uned the members of bis goTernmeot, and the public to itart tutnc small can to help the nations fuel conservation programme. WELLINGTON: New Zm formal nliUmu wltk the KepakUe Se«sh Vtotaaam. Pitae MlaMir Waßae* (BUI) BmtHm aaM today ROME A bomb exploded at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 178 5 IQafinß SPECIAL OFFER FROM 7th November to 13tt Wovewber 75 THAI RICE 100% 6 KG $6.25 THAI RICE 10% 6KG $5 55 Item Packing Price Tolc Powder, Amami Std $2.15 Hoir Cream, Br>icrtam Red> Large $2.40 Health Tonic Drink, Horiick 1362 gm $8.35 Blackcurrant Drink, Ribrna Urge $3.60 Shampoo, Vow*
      178 words
    • 146 5 sssssssssW Jsasssswk sW^BSaf^ sssasasssasißtßßßii ibbsw sal .Jb^^^^bbV^^l \n\t2ajgsm •*^f^\CJ^^ i BBBBBBBBBai Hssal aaV^Lw asssw^^^^sssssf Law >M s»P^^^^a<B»assfl ftCO^*' ntVflfflWi 9 VlXumt roiitrol c Condanser rmc/ranwte c Caawttt compartment controlled iack Q*lo« twitch c Battary Operated Calculator I fll^rt'o^" c B^«.t fioureicent d.^ry p^ c Racord.n« button K«vboscd -0883 P"« Comtsnt
      146 words

  • 800 6  - Where warring factions shoot aimlessly at each other... HOLGER JENSEN: LIMITLESS ARMS SUPPLIES IN LEBANESE CONFLICT... By WARRING Lftwn—r factions a"d Palestinian guerilla* hare fired more ammunltion In the past week or two than tn seven previous months of street fighting, proving the effectiveness of their supply lines Both sides
    AP  -  800 words
  • 584 6  - Japanese tots have to sit for entrance exams... MARK MURRAY: By Tokyo IT was an anxious period for Kojl Sato as he waited for the examination results. The test nad been tough, even though his mother had bought books of sample test papers and spent hours tutoring him. Kojl hadn't
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 407 6 w' 73|PMPBssi >^gJ .aval 1 1 ■BvjWsWjWjWjWjWjWjWjWjWjWjWjWaWaWjX WjWjWjWaW Js^BBM BHSV Jf^ 1 t s^bjbb mm jsiaalßlr 2 i II (7Nov-13N0v1975) The Discount Supermarket^ -^TivtCllKl/ sawaj iajißjjjjiißjjjjjjjjHßiiiiiii«sjjjjfK tK«H A*2iig|<j! I Is 21 IS =«if^^=li-^i SIRLOIN STEAK 500, 3-60 ■SHR* l rT^ r -9^ SUNDRIES LEAI F 500g '50 "^-|c j~fl~l [I
      407 words
    • 154 6 ELMO makes good movies easy JMJ^^ ftl I BBlJll Tha ElmoSwpaf 110 ABM vJOHJaT '0 1 Zoom gH^Hr^gvj39^ Ral>o <or OOIh «^fc(^H^^E«Bf^^^"^ anfta and Tataphoto w SaF^Br^^jpga thoti AndUUraClotauplocuting Ih#l an«bia» you *o ihool at clota ELMO vSsk l4cm y<x u °iact Slow SUPER 110 mooon filnunf can inttaniiy b*
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  • 554 7 MENTAL patients tvkoi* syniptoniN have lii'cn conti oiled MM! n\l»<> be ntiuiu'd to iv "must not be dumped bach on the bsf. of relatives who m not prepared to receive them." ;is this CM m tl>;i< k not only to the patient
    554 words
  • 234 7 /".OMING soon— boxoffice hit* like Jaws, The Oreat Gatsby. The Day of the Jackal. Earthquake and Godfather Part Two. The films are expected to be shown here In the next few months following a reported transfer" of screening rights for Paramount and Universal films
    234 words
  • 95 7 Balloting of 154 HDB flats THE UP for Kallang, Enclk Abdul Axlz Karim. yesterday attended a balloting ceremony for the sale of 154 Housing Board four- room Improved flats In Bt. Oeorge's Road. Th« four-room improved flat* with (vtxwnem eorrtdVn ooat UO IOO and SJI.SOO without common corridor All the
    95 words
  • 42 7 DR Nslla Tv, had at ths SoclmJ Msdfctn* and FMbUe Haalth DtpaitaMßt. Unl»ei*lty of Ctafapor*. «U1 vnt on Cmm In R»u at Urn Int*re»Uonai n Mao Club of aingafmw's lunch— l mtftlni at Cockpit Hotal tomorrow at I.M pm.
    42 words
  • 365 7 50 per cent of the new admissions and about 70 per cent of the residual patient population in Woodbridge Hospitals are diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia, its Medical Superintendent, Dr. W.F. Jsoi, told the conference on the rehabilitation of the disabled at the DBS building
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  • 259 7 Honour for firm with the biggest heart SELANGOB Fewtcr (8) Pte. Ltd will now be known as the company with Urn bif rest heart aro«nd. For Use company, which has employed disabled prople since IMS. was yesterday awarded the trophy for being chosen Employer of Urn Disabled of the Tear.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 H w MnH"«s' \^^^^B '^"Vi II SAftj the legendary Tea Clipper SI SARK. It's at least 3 years old and that really makes the difference! Cutty Sark No ordinary Scotch A superior whisky blended from age-old Scotch to give you that distinctive, smooth, mellow taste. Like the proud tea clipper
      89 words
    • 135 7 Cruise East Introduces the CAPTAIN'S PARADISE CRUISE on board the M. S. Rasa Sayang A 10-day Indonesian Adventure Singapore-Surabaya-Bali-Jakarta-Singapore SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES FROM *S$ 1,234 YOU SAVE FROM 'SS3O2 TO '***** OVER REGULAR FARES. 'Singapore Dollars) HURRY!!! this offer is good for 2 MORE SAILING DATES ONLY. ■24 NOVEMBER 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 274 8 SINGAPORE'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE THE HOUSE OF TANG leads the way again with NC R's retail computer system k lI D I v •^v» w^^B .•.•X'l'X'X'lv"* I I I T I M I -X'MIT I I -'^f— J I J L r> |J I I n H .-X »^^^^^"^""^^^W^k I
      274 words

  • 886 9 'TWO-WAY TRADE CAN BE GIVEN A BOOST 1 1 MORE British in d v 1 tr lalists COM to Singapore :m<l see what has Ihcii achieved instead of sitting bohind ;i (U-sk in thrir ofTuis. tluv would Ik- able to build up trade
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  • 51 9 Japan cultural festival photo contest A JAPAN cultural festival photo contest 1975 U being organised by the Japanese Cultural Society, Singapore. The eontMt la dmted kv to Urn adult*, ladtas and youths (below if) Mctlaaa. ftitry forma can be abUlned from the mx*i.j, 23-B Orctard Road Ctastag date U Nov.
    51 words
  • 31 9 THK Senior ICnuMr of Butt iCoaußunkaUooa*. IST. One I>nc CbMOf will opm U>* t *»tl" j *fl «tunp tton ■fc^-p— «t Wtortm MonorUl Kail on No* Hill p m
    31 words
  • 32 9 AH nXCTRICAL CMM (Oradw 1 and S) win to conducted bf lh» To* Pkyoto brmncfa of Urn Fwptr Action Party «t Bloc* ITS. Ttm J»»yoh CaotraL Pboo* SI4MO tor detaik.
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  • 234 9 $2 million factory to make TV parts to be set U p ArBXNCH fu-BB U to Nlili K salute* faeUry la Kalian* U manafactare television component! The factory Is expected to cc into operation early next year with a projected annual turnover of abort SM million Durim the early ito+m
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  • 22 9 THE an«apoi» School Canteen Vendees' AawclaUon will hold IU annual meetlnc at IU punilan In Whunpoa Drive on Dec 1.
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  • 27 9 NANYANO PoliliaMli OuUd of Oraduatta will held IU annual meeting at Naotah't Library an Not. IS at 1 p m ■net "It was a mls-
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 232 9 [ANNIVERSARY] P If mmmmm AUSTRALIAN SWISS JANTZEN BRAS DRESS NATURAL LIFf U P NOW M 9 90 SU 00 at o *Z Z 1 »22 SO H2 00 PYM O MAS N w'TM Eg ig BSi ""ITS «>. MIN_ LINING o r O o o AMO w „o to on
      232 words
    • 520 9 S^^^^J I i n^n^L With Botch Sapertone honu that car ww hear you Even with an air horn ijoTwrwaf mm ktmjmmat when you're here. 70 metres away. He can pull back into line. you're here. 35 metrrs away. Your warning is ton late. The remarkable Bosch "beam of sound" reaches
      520 words

  • 249 10 WORKERS operating heavy mobile machinery at worksites should be adequately trained to handle them, said Mr. Fong Sip Chee, Parliamentary Secre- tary (Labour). They should undergo proper courses, pass a test and be Issued with a certificate before being allowed to operate
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  • 245 10 Evghenis loves falling in love Rl SSIAN Aim star en the rise Miss Evghenls Sabdanlkova (store), has carved a niche In the film world playing love scenes The 24-year-old blonde actream, an up- and coming favoaritr In Baswla, said that she always played the part of the wide-eyed Innocent who
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  • 54 10 Hire guards advice by police POLJC. yesterday advised th- public, especially businessmen, to engage guards if they are carrying large sums of money. About 130.000 were ttoian In a aptto of robbertea In the put few daya In at hmat three the robbers atruc* when the Tlrttma did not hare
    54 words
  • 31 10 lIOHT reproatntauvea from the British TourM Authority. travel acwaa, hotels and language acbooat anivßd In ataopore yesterday on a ill p— w"M"s nUaaton They wUI be hart unlU Saturday
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 511 10 Low And sW># tn# K|#ldw*)ns Coohiw) SV^^^AB Hquh Mnth mum and dad on thowr m\ t bbb^bbbbbSST^^^^T OfsaWl 94J^9C fTs#fm t lasWaWwsWTwSOl 1 S faawT' W*- CiT GJJTMHII FAIN ICround now »»SBals S P»Hi I I **^^bvl aWaUßfsV^ Compiaal Wo.amaai Ift- 30 F ,<^k Jf Hk You can itfoy tre«
      511 words
    • 114 10 IVICKS I MEOCATED ■Cough Drops I NOW I lOofor 1 4 Drops I Vicks Cough Drops I contain throat-soothing I ingredients of famous A I Vicks Vapoßub to give I I fast relief to minor I throat irritations and I I coughs and freshen^^^B MM your breath. H Three delicious
      114 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 280 10 Straits Times Crossword swal EW'""^ ACROSS May be -urly and bad In 4 Dicky tells MAs least n »rr»tvr<il way <S> i Si 8 Sec a horse turning over 5 Rower* in the establish- rocking slona iii ment' That's rough' "> Pilot holding up many a <l> vessel JTI 9
      280 words

  • 287 11 Hallmark of a soldier in peace or war— by Dr Lee fHE Science and Technology Minister, Dr. I^e C.'hiaw Meng. yesterday stresstd the importance of professionalism in military organisations during i or war. Speaking at the commissioning ceremony of Singapore Armed Forces officers at the lstana. he said: "Professionalism Is
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  • 41 11 MR Ant Nam Ptau. afP tor ThaaMon. will attend the Natlona. Day Busy WrlUnc Competition and Variety Show orfmnlred by the Kejnponf flan Tanf community centre youth rroup at Its community centre at 1M p m on Nov. I*.
    41 words
  • 31 11 SEVERAL cables In a PUB sub-station In Commonwealth Avenue exploded yesterday at 9.25 a.m.. causing a 35- minute power failure In the area. Damage was described as "slight."
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  • 228 11 Sacked HDB expat who kept shaggy 100k I By S. M. MUTHU rK ■easing Bears recently terminated the services of aa expatriate architect who refased U> keep bis hair sheet. According u> asweas. the architect, from Thailand, was fives aware than live written warn. Inn to trim bisshealdrr length hair.
    228 words
  • 45 11 KAMPONO Kapor constituency bursary commute* la offering bunartea to poor and deserving school and university student* In the conatiluency Application* should be made on praatribed forma available at the aTaaipong Kapor community centra and must be returned to the centre before Nov. M.
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  • 544 11  - New HDB ruling on choosy flat-seekers IRCNC NQOO By CHOOSY applicants who insist on Housing Board flats in estates where no more units are to be built will automatically be included in ballot for flats in other estates within the same zone when theif registration numbers are due. This new
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  • 75 11 Talks on school changes THE Singapore Chinese School Teachers' Union has Invited other Chinese educational bodies to discuss educational changes at lv premises In Leonle Hill on Sunday at 11 am Among those expected to take part are Singapore Chinese Schools' Conference. Singapore Chinese Middle 8choo! Teachers' Union, and the
    75 words
  • 55 11 Concert by International School THE Singapore International School will bold a concert at lv premises In Dover Road on Nov. 30. Tha 1— eUmif school choir and iinliaain will par* form Hajntn'a oratorio "Th* Creation" They win to Joined by tbnt local «otouu Bataw Bain (soprano). Tan Pent Tuan (tenor)
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  • 34 11 MOHD ■brmhlm bin Uotid Mather. 11. wma Jailed for aU months by a magistrates court jeeterda) after he admitted if .Bin Hirer worth fl» from the Skajapore Warnaltat Club on
    34 words
  • 41 11 MR Robert Ttiiawii) n»«y.iM««« HJgft CkmmaaaanaT to Stngapof*. |ie— iil—l a cheque tor »1.»3e to Mr Chan Che* Parliamentary SseraUry (Social Aflaini and Urn Meal of the ■lajapnw muswl Otrmpic /x -—rt. for the oouncU at Mandarin Hotel fMUrtoj.
    41 words
  • 175 11 Jail and rotan for stabbing colleague A 23 YEAR OLD A cleaner stabbed his colleague In the back while the latter wag working, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Lange Rangglnald George. 23, admitted voluntarily causing hurt to Slvarajoo Pltchay. 18. near Tamplnes Way market on Oct. 6 at about 8
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 Jewelraffla7s Singapore An International Auction, Exhibition and Sale of Gems Damonds. Jades. Set -JeweHery Jewel Watches including precious semi -precious stones and Antiques 24 th Naoiber— Ist December 1975 \fenue The Exhibition Hall and Auditorium Development Bank of Singapore Building Shenton Way, Singapore 1 Jewelrama 75 will be attracting many
      139 words
    • 447 11 Wfehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of Lombard N< rth Central goea back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money
      447 words

  • 249 12 AH unemployed 17--year-old youth cornered a 16 year old schoolboy at a bus-stop last month and forced him into a toilet where he stripped and sexually abused him. a magistrate's court beard yesterday. Afterwards, the youth took the student back to the same
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  • 35 12 POITR hundred worker* from Haven Automation (8) Pt« Ltd Allied KnltUnf (Si Ptt. Lid Wlcc MM OuterWear Co Pte Ltd, and Roxy Electric Industry have Joined the Pioneer Industrtaa Etnptoyeaa' Union tPIZi;>
    35 words
  • 580 12 A 25 YEAR OLD engineer waa gent to Jail for 30 months by a district court yesterday on five charges of cheating, attempted cheating and using an Identity card not belonging to him. Ng Peek Kwan. who pleaded guilty, was sentenced for six
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  • 152 12 Launching of STU resource centre rE Benlor Minister of ;< State (Education) Mr. Cbal Chong Yli yin launch the Singapore Teachers' Union's Resource Centre at Tagore Avenue tomorrow. The centre will cater to the professional needs o' local teachers. An STU official tcld the I Straits Tune* yesterday: The centre
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  • 186 12 Europe's traders also against FEFC bike MANILA, Thava. Traders frosn It Laroprm countries have Joined the Federation of Asean Shippers' CwmkU (FASC) in opposing the 14 per •eat general freight rate Increase proposed by the Far Eastern Freight Conference. Trade Secretary Troadlo QaUion. Jr. ssid today. The traders, affiliated to
    186 words
  • 36 12 WTNNINO number* ptekad lr. yesterday* Toto draw No M 7» ware 1. 31. 4* and M The addJttonaj number was 1. In the clrrlaa draw, the number* plckM war* M. 2 sod 43
    36 words
  • 46 12 MR T»y Boca Too. UP for P»y» Lebar. will question the Minuter for Home A Sain and Education on the plan* the Education Ministry naa In relation to the problem of the lane number of dropout* from Enfllah acnool* when Parliament aIU on Tuaadiy
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  • 466 12 Boss who 'lifted' cheques from postboxes rS managing director of a trading company picked up cheques from the letterboxes of other companies In the same building and withdrew nearly $13,000, a district court heard yesterday. He attempted to withdraw another $60,000 by opening a new account with an Identity card
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 622 12 Available at all leading Opticians AIIV Sol. Agant Ml 1 NING KWONG OPTICAL CO.(PTE) LTD \Jj [If 95A 99A Block 51. Chin Swe« Rd Singapore 3. T«l: *****7 ■K^. IMi old Chin..* coin anapad i«d. tt sj> rnount*d on diamond w>cru<t*d platinum. ■Jk S*. Our infimt. varwty o* aiuluKit. <J
      622 words

  • 228 13 *****00 wins $400,000 in S'pore Sweep TICKET No *****00 1 won the first prize of $400,000 In Singapore Sweep No. 11/75 drawn last night at Colombo Court 4 prize of $150.--000 went to ticket No 1M9234 and third prize XX) went to ticket No *****61 J\f K»OT M MBKRS (Sl«.M«>
    228 words
  • 56 13 MR Onf Taoff Chaooc. amxt Mialaiai gf.Maan tar CVitj jokiikni,' wIQ opart mn advanced lakdenrilp mc workshop (or youUi vorkvra at th* NattonaX Ycuth Laadcrahlp Trslrdnc Inatl'.uU today About 30 parttrtpanu from II Allan countries will attend the nine-day aNatona orfar.ited by the Asian Youth Council the People's
    56 words
  • 21 13 THE Naval Bur Secondary School will perform at MacfUtchie Rearnroir Park (raaa s3O p m to 630 p m
    21 words
  • 406 13 Contraception and Christian couples CHRISTIAN doctor yesterilay voiced full support for the use of contraceptives among Christian married couples and said it was not ag a i nst religious ethics. Or Lawrence Chan, chairman of the Christian Medical Fellowship said the principle of responsible parenthood
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  • 368 13 A DISTRICT court yesterday called for a A preventive detention report on a 44--year-old man with a string of convictions and more than 20 years' Jail sentences since 1952 after he pleaded guilty to housebreaking, cheating and failure to
    368 words
  • 109 13 M-CYCLE MISHAPS: TWO RIDERS L KILLED— TWO motorcyclists died within mln ■tee aff each other on Wedne*da j la) two separate road nilshsaa The Aral aecMant ooe«rred at about 1 when motorcyclist SlsapaJ BaasUkv. 25 an office aaesscnger, collided with aa oncoming; lorry along Oacfjatatlau Road, Joroni Stopped, of
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  • 34 13 MR. Tan* 8m Chlm. MP for Chua Chu Kane and Deputy Speaker of Parliament, will open the newly romplstad 10 roads In rectUemcnt areas off Urn Chu Ktng swad on Hoy. U.
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  • 232 13 Concession fare: SBS explains r is not the policy of the Singapore Bus service tc grant concession tickets to private and commercial school students like other "ordinary" students, an SBB official said yesterday Explaining the reason for giving concession rates only to those in Govern fern and Oovern-ment-aided schools and
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  • 44 13 THE Parliamentary Secretary Education > and MP for Leng Kee Mr Ahmad Matter, will be present at the re-appointment of members of the Slglap community centre management committee and the kindergarten graduation caiamooy at the centre on Monday at 730 pa
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 97 13 Newsweek I Ml I NFWSMACIAZINK NOVEMBER 10 ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: Thailand's tricky tightrope. Kissinger's tribulations. Autos: Japan's revival. BBBawT^ Jf wsnnnawaaE bY wanflaK. ttm«l -wM M» l »OU« COUPON TO Newsweek International c/o Ssnvic EntarpriM Lock Bag Service No I General Pott OMica Singapore Tti ***** 27 WEEKS FOR $1900 SPECIAL
      97 words
    • 603 13 THE EFFECTIVE ANTI-RUST FORMULA Lubricants Penetrants Inhibitors I Contact Cleaner Instant Cokl Galvanise S Rustproof any Matal for 3 years or mora C^ JX AVERAGE COVERAGE COST LESS THAN jj^feßafssaa^H 2c PER SQUARE FOOT (2rml thickness) I LDS I I READY-TO- USE NO WASTE NO CLEANING UP 95X PURE ZINC
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 44 14 Ik |/jsl L^^HiiiililiWH Jf I||W ™lr I I EfIH^BfIHSHHHMH^hHEvHi^tfBHiAriB^I I I I 1 1 B^^^^^^"^^B^l B%MHHHHIMMIriNEII vji^yj^jj|iims*i||yjij|||ji|ij|fli 1 1 ML^^EflEv^^H E^^^^E^E^4 j *J^A HSJ S^^bl Eff^^B^ Ek_^EE^Bbs^EE^B^H fl EsH^^^ HiIfIIWRHjIHBPPPPfI'WPBB ißr AX Es^Ml 9bEEflB wfIHEEvQi^EE^EW BWVVMnPWI^PIBMPpWH 1 kJeJB BB^^^^P^S^^^^^^Ctß Bjk BBtß^RttP'^V'x'Bhbl BBBH i 111
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 187 15 CONGRATULATIONS v > TO CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD on being the first to own and operate a KEY BLAST FACILITY in Singapore from -p &B& W ISll 1 fmmnLflnD scrvicgs o m PTE. LTD. £Z 11th FLR GOLOHILL PLAZA. £T THOMSON RO SPORE 1 1 I* TEL *****48 j^
      187 words
    • 259 15 Congratulations Warmest Wishes to CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD on the Official Opening of their Jurong Complex from H CTMMorM Trad* Corporation _^^J^L^^^ (Singapore) Pie Lid 9rh Floor 84A ButWJng I 77 Robtneon Road *M B S.ngapofei IjbA Tei. ***** WF^^ T#»«» RS *****. V J Congratulations CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION
      259 words
      47 words

    • 541 16 J KUALA LUMPUR. I T «»re4ay THE Malay sian Government today announced a Budget with an overall deficit of $2,175 million for the fiscal year beginning next January. Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minuter Datuk Hussein Onn, In presenting the Budget proposals to
      Reuter  -  541 words
    • 94 16 'Picketing by Wearne staff illegal' KUALA LUMPUR. Thuri. The picketing by workers of Wearne Bros 'Mi Sdn Bhd. here and at Its outstaUon branches was today described by the management as Illegal. This v becaute under the Industrial Relations Act retrenchment of workers cannot constitute a trade dispute." Mr Tan
      94 words
    • 96 16 WH l IX. TON. Than. New Zealand Pnmr Minister Wallace Rowling will confer with Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Raiak. on sug■estlont that Malaysian students here could be subject to more stringent laws imposed by their home lovrrnmrnt. After meeting New Zealand student lead- deri here
      96 words
    • 206 16 Back lor good! Anat now has second thoughts KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Anat bin Jaaf ar, 72, may make that return trip with the twoway ticket he was given when he came home from London two months ago. For Anat's dream of spending the rest of his days out here after
      206 words
    • 29 16 KOTA BHARU Thure Pottos arrsstsd 10 "-'-rrUn men in Rantau P*n]an« yesterday after they erosssd Sunctl Oolofc into Malaysia without travel document* and thrown Illegal entry potnu.
      29 words
    • 177 16 A LOR STAR, Thurs Singapore businessman Chua Oek Leng, 34, was fined $5,000 here today for attempting to evade $3,014 Customs duty on 10,000 ball-pens and 60 dozen vests. Chua admitted committing the offence at the Kepala Batas airport here on Aug. 39 this
      177 words
    • 196 16 Sexchange girl Kartina weds trader KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Sari Kartlna binti Abdul Karlm, who was a male before undergoing a sexchange operation last October, was married on Tuesday to a Singapore businessman in Johore Bars. Besides exchanging vow* with Enclk Abdul Ratak Othman. 16, kefere Johore deputy Mufti Datuk Syed
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    • 37 16 ALOR STAR. Thurs. A scrvtoMbt* US-msda Colt 38 plftol m found by a fisherman at Kuala Peril* jmsrtlsj near a ssortt rout* used by smugflsrs. Polio* better* iht gun had been thrown sway by smussten
      37 words
    • 201 16 PETALING JAVA: Thursday J^ 10-MAN gang armed with knives abducted a 15-year-old girl and beat up her father at their home in Kampung Cempaka, Sungei Way on Tuesday. They also robbed the man. R. Slnasamy, 61. of $30 and a watch before dragging away
      201 words
    • 127 16 MOTORISED TRISHAWS PLAN FOR KOTA RARU IfOTA BARU. Thurs 2LZ?* Kou B4ru Town Board plans to Introduce motorlsed trishaws next year to overcome the town's transport problem* and ease traffic congestion*. It expects to form a company to start the service with 50 such trishaw. Initially. Town Board president Hajl
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 148 16 Congratulaticxis to CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. n the Offoal Opening of their Jurong Complex (W) WESTINGHOUSE CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING \^^y F OR SUPPLY, DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 'ssii I wflsßi */"~T~" Watsr Cootsd^^s^^^^^P^ Packaged Units PacksosxJ Units tW^tfsjjL t- i**- I Reciprocal ng Pacfcaosd Chills* Centrifugal Packaged Chiller contact Sin Sin
      148 words
      126 words
    • 164 16 We are proud to be associated with CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTV. and congratulate them on the Official Opening of their Jurong Complex M A 1 I LOW LOADERS CRANg SSRVICES I M AULIEM OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT j CONTAINERS CONVENTIONAL CARGO HARBOUR ll| HANDLERS n (PTE) LTD. ROOM 328, CENTRAL
      164 words
    • 122 16 a CIFAN SWEEP EVERYTIME! Wayne sweepers keep industrial premises spick and span Heavy-duty features ensure that demanding sweeping schedules are met effortlessly both by man and machine Wayne Starsweep Series Petrol. Electricor LPG Powered jSSff-^ Bi^^™^ gig! Congratulations and Best Wishes to ©CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. on the occasion
      122 words
    • 23 16 Congratulations CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. on the Official Opening of your Jurong Complex STATE SERVICE STATION 28. DUNEARN RD SINOAPORE 11 I
      23 words

  • 416 17 riVE women yester- day sought damages In two High Court civil suits arising from an accident Involving a "pirate" taxi and a military truck five years ago. Four of them. Joint plaintiffs In one suit, were factory workers and passengers In the pirate
    416 words
  • 77 17 rX body of a girl recovered from the sea off Sembawang on Sunday night was yesterday Identified as that of Surlanl blnte Hassan, three. Police said her father. Enclk Hassan bin Mohammed, of Johore Ban' came to Singapore yesterday and Identified the body. The girl
    77 words
  • 141 17 Man who took car for a spin fined AN ODD- JOB labA oarer who said he korrowed a family friend's ear for a Joy ride landed op in court yesterday for removing it without permission. Cfcaa Chap Seng. U, was fined $7M after he pleaded guilty to retnovtnr the car
    141 words
  • 45 17 lin Mlnuttr for Finance. Mr Hon Sul Bm. will Introduce the Stamp and Innaranc* lAmndßMnt) Bills whan Parliament mcetj on TUMday. The Singapore Sports Council i Amendment i BUI will be Introduced by Incut Othman Wok. Minister for Social Affair*
    45 words
  • 85 17 Customs thrift society officials Enclk Mohd. bin Hajl Ibrahim has been elected chairman of the Customs and Excise Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society (Singapore* Ltd. Other onVtals art Mr. A Paramanathao (sacritary) Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Bachlk iiul ««crrtary). Mr. M. Janarthanan llnmm Enclk Mohd Yuaoff btn Mohd Yunua (aatt
    85 words
  • 381 17 Survey on training needs of banks Boosting Singapore's financial status •pHE newly-formed Institute of Banking and Finance is to survey the types of training courses required by e\ecutives to enhance Singapore's position as an international financial centre. Its director. Mr. Tan Choon Tee. said yesterday the survey would determine the
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 202 17 Congratulations to CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. on the Official Opening of their Jurong Complex THONG LEE BROS. TRANSPORT CO. DORSET ROAD. SINOAPORE 8 TEL *****8 Congratulations CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. on the Official Opening of your Jurong Complex NEPTUNE COMMERCIAL MARINE SERVICES Hrn 8A 8»/95 »nson Rd Spore
      202 words
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    • 84 17 Congratulations Best Wishes w CONTAINER WAREHOUSING TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. on the Official Opening of their Jurong Complex fiom HUP HOE WOODEN CASES MANUFACTURER «4-B. CHUA CHU KANO RD JALAN TECK WHYI SINOAPORE 23 TEL *****5. *****2 Congratulations Best Wishes to ©CONTAINER WAREHOUSING 4 TRANSPORTATION (PTE) LTD. on the Official Opening
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 265 17 Brtngtot Op WmtHmr »y »U1 I»va-|li 4k Ml Camp S. I»V TMf AtSOCiXTOH I I W1u.,1 DO.'FO* NO* PONY >O0 Ji6«« IM7X»CNSA vj Y\9* lO A9 J INSTANCf, TMXT DQiU-*O BELIEVC IN THAT A V*AM MIMO«> COuWi-/ MO* 1/ SCXWD HEMINOS MDO SYSTSJM -^S _^> |-~T y 1 DOSS rr
      265 words

  • The Straits Tmies fRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1975.
    • 391 18 BANGLADESH is to be governed by a v military council of senior officers, a delayed but Inevitable outcome of the bloody coup which overthrew Bhelkh Mujlbur Rahman in August. His successor. President Khandakar Moshtaque Ahmed, although he quickly showed himself to be an adept politician, was never
      391 words
    • 258 18 I\ESPITE the reorganisation of the bus services, there have been continuing complaints by commuters of poor adherence to schedules. The blame has been put on Insufficient buses, frequent breakdowns of poorly-serviced vehicles, traffic Jams, and congestion in the reserved bus lanes which were introduced to speed up public
      258 words
    • 280 18 WI T H reference to your report "Students can't cope?" (ST. Nov 6>. the principals of Methodist schools wish to state that the editorial In the Methodist Church bulletin reflects only the views of It* writer The principals totally dissociate our school* from the
      280 words
    • 181 18 1 REFER to your report "Students can't cope? Untrue, says Ministry" ST.. Nov. 6). The editorial In the September Issue of the Methodist Message sought to reflect the views of some members communicated to the editor. I wish to mphaslse that the editorial does not In any way reflect the
      181 words
  • 943 18  -  KATHLEEN TELTSCH By four years in New York, Peking's representatives at the United Nations have stepped out, at least partly, from their self-imposed isolation. China's men and women here have an air of quiet assurance as they go about their business these
    943 words
  • 748 18  -  ROBIN SMYTH: STRONG HINT OF FREE ELECTION By names, to hold meetings or to distribute leaflet*. The further left a party is. the more Intense has been the repression. There are five main encampments on the new Spanish political battleground. Moving from right to
    748 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 19 18 ssV^t 1 W J^W f.V W^^^H I sfl 111 EwS* BBmW Bfl BBBL Ml aWa^A^^al aWaWa^kx^ AX bk^~— eWwbl
      19 words
    • 436 18 Here^ something you could never get before. An air conditioner thatis specially made for small rooms. »M|»HHli>wi«Mi^iiil) 111 1 1 I ftMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BT BBBBBBBBbHtI Carrier Weatherette 100 ;%»«> Sow. for the hr»i time, you SSI p*rtl« it. hatini m*m full mm cool htmll thoui 17 «U MM (nturn 12 ft
      436 words

  • 278 19 gOLTH Korea feels the need for Singapore banks and other financial houses to open branches in Seoul, the new South Korean Ambassador, Mr. Lee Kew Sung, M arrival here last night. He said it wu, however, up to the Singapore Oovernment to take
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  • 189 19 Balloon thrills bring traffic to a crawl... BALLOONING considered the apwrt of the Gods In Maria Antoinette's time came to Orchard Road yesterday. The giant grvon-and-whlte balloon, a promotion gimmick of Cathay Paclfle Airways, created an Instant fsrore along the b s y thoroughfare. Traffic Slowed down M heads pooped
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  • 56 19 The Pcopie't AawjdaUon dance company will be featured In a atrtallead documentary film. The Age of Uncertainty, to be produced by the BBC and released by the end of next yaar. The dancers peifmiu two items afhuiii Daiang. Malay dance, and The Dance ct the
    56 words
  • 40 19 Handicraft sale A HANDWORK aUe orfanUed by the ChrUOan Women'! League will be held at the Church of St. Prmncls Xavter. Bnuuoon Oarten. oo Sunday man "30 to 11 >0 am Proceed! from the aaia will r> toward! welfare work.
    40 words
  • 37 19 THE Senior Minister of State 'Education) and lIP for Buklt Bate*. Mr. Chal Chong Yu. will be preeent at a kindergarten grmduaUon crremony at the Jalan Priua community centre on Nor. It at 4.M p.m
    37 words
  • 180 19 Market Street Chettiars bow to progress MARKXT Street will be without 1U traditional Chettlar money lenders when It Is redeveloped under the urban renewal scheme, unless the money lenders opt for modern office complexes. The houses occupied by some of them are among the 31. 7» aq. metres to be
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 339 19 The Messiah r~ZZ > i frOHI Kmea >*■*/% Singapore Read the full story in... [<&J gj LENS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv v benjamin edwardj benjamin MmM MM I HB F*AO FACLP 04. Tonglin Shopping I. W. mmWm Centre, Tonglm Rood. (9) mm 4 m aVI Tel *****^ IHHammmS CC CHUI ninGKWONGOPT CO LTD
      339 words
    • 213 19 PUR€ VIRGIN WOOL FABRICS IN TR6VIRAWOOL, lOO%AUL\A/OOL AND DOUBLE KNITS MADE BY OF SWITZERLAND BLEICHE SUITINGS OCCUPY PRIDE OF PLACE EVERYWHERE r Sole Agents ftUyg3. P. AGENCIES Importers A Exporters Rm.l, 80- C, High Street. Singapore 6. lei *****7 I Cussoists I I BABY POWDER /gg^ I A superior quality
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 807 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 Ul PM Opemni foftwed by Housewives' Matinee 7JI lam aas lawvaal (Malay) -The fw Lady (Part 2of i Mandarin ,ilm, 7.H Saarts Parala with superimposed tnglisn/Chinese Subtitles US M tartan Jaew-iarrj laas»M -Repeat) Craaaa 4 N D-ry of Events (ChineseJ L^&aJff 1 W US Window
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 343 20 METZGETE Autumn Feast November 1-30 ®9^^b^b^b^BEb6il In November the butcher, the Metzgete. lavish feast of meat to our tables. ausages. blutwurst.leberwurst. <^^^^> ome celebrate the Metzgete 1 us BRfISSEKIE LR B3TORBE %> morjeo 0010 Circus Singapore 10 Tel *****1 >^_ ~P^ i^^-^^T B^CrtV^ NEW ATTRACTIONS ■^v a LIVE ENTERTAINMENT S
      343 words
    • 68 20 tf MO riOMf KS rxftOUOx MNSIIIIKISIS ,V3sh FrMh Cul fiow^» «>7 'floral Baahatt fwf Wadding Bouqual* j 'Artificial Flowan Tmo 'Poiiad Plant* Landscaping Y^Sj 'of Honw Ofllca U»^jj t Oacoratlon* W^Sft BaMmenl SKop No I T Moofl Leong aM| KaMln Owi Tel 230t$rs I BPANCM Ground floor I I S*WB
      68 words
    • 267 20 The more you have The less they get Two is enough FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION WFORMATWN SERVICE telephone *****6 or go to your I 41 I nearest Maternal and Child Health/1 ifnl Family Planning Clinic VI2I/ I j: NOW SHOWING' Da'ify At 7.00 I 9.30 pa Admission: Adults: $2.00 Children $1.00 •S
      267 words
    • 344 20 The Beefeater A genuine English Pub (as near as d- it!) 417, River Valley Road, Singapore phone *****5 open days a week 11.30am -midnight Cocktail time f¥\ spm 7pm and 20% /£g^3\ off all drinks. l^-s^lx Charming /"Sr^^Lr-s "Beefeatererte" k waitresses Smflklffi^ •NO SERVICE lWfc-=22-W¥ CHARGES \y \y Steaks said
      344 words
    • 336 20 NOTICE ULm\ TUEiTIES (m) LTI. umimv 5 1 ißat IS FIN THIRSBU IM WMIHt 1975. he cms m\m will stue> SHifTH niSTII > FUNS K RHISH AMISSI^ PtlftS t< UN t! 4 SI M REX 2nd B^RMr WEEk!Z SEE what the WINDOW' i CLEANER MISLED'" aPr-7>7rf)i. J.'.gL j# .^^BEfIHBVMHPIHB^ap^ i
      336 words
    • 749 20 W6ABH»i\TIOW llrt. MILAtrOUS DAT--1 1.-. IN.4NIU.tI) I Peter Seller* lITUtM Of The fIMK •AMTMII" 1 Ponovrtwo-Color (U* aj i*iji«'l*h»ii a «H> 116 OAT' Mem. 1 4S 4 00 4 41 t 10 Doug McClurt "THI LAND that TIMI WMOT color J MIXT CM»mgi T, lung •LACK MACIC Mondorm m Scop*
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 189 21 &€/tftWAflT fIT EfcfcUß^ IwVviwßilnHMV^V^ an /*bb\ I FAMILY ROBINSON FOR A ROUSING TIME! V ;&*> Ba^Bß^BatJ BaTaßkß*BaV I The Society o/ The Hoyal Tlush Dancing nightly to The Adaptors and The Society of The Royal Flush. SaV'day thru Thursday 9 p.m.— 2 a.m. md Eve of Holidays 9 p.m. 3
      189 words
    • 118 21 -i^H Jfl V fl Bbl^W bUbbVI L^bP Waß .^bK D^blbM I *^Bb^bT gMF^^BgBBBBBT^ -bW.^RJP*^ 3bbP"^^^**"*^*^*BbT^^^ 'aßß^BaL^iM>afl Bsr^^^H bBT^BbY 1 Z^Bbßbh Ba»B»a»^i^ilaC VISIT GENTINQ HIGHLANDS MALAYSIAN CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL NOVEMBER 14-27 It7B AND see Malaysia i Culturs.l WaaJth Ex hi bit ion i Otmonstrauons Oiran Show*. Etc throuthI out urn FastlveJ
      118 words
    • 385 21 SINGAPORE AIRUNES OFFERS FREE TRIPS TO EXOTIC ASIA IN Green Spot CONTEST FIRST PRIZE: Oouble return tickets to Seoul SECOND PRIZE: Double return tickets to Hongkong THIRO PRIZE: Double return tickets to Mtdan Collect one complete wt of Green Spot crown linen with Chinese or Interna tionai chessmen printed on
      385 words
    • 291 21 FTO CHMSTMAS SALE Until 2«ath Dec. Thousands of LR's and Tapes at drastically reduced prices! k Q^ Bsr^aß sBl BBU*aV i^^am? /WaW BB^BBBB^BE^^^^£^a)^^^BP^Loßß? Bw'^anfij^fevjt'*! L^^^^^^Bbv^* **^*l aßßaßi^— I BT-JiW flHc I at .afl .^bX. Bb l 9jM^ l P' a "'BßßVS*7r* k IbW »SBBffa^BmBBSrT-*a*avV l\ BbßbbT <Bbw^K f ftT «BB
      291 words

      • 46 22 Fte-EL 0. CMS Dv*r B»i r n ta. LOt L'l Crr4H r. But ITT (It 7») t»y Dot. II.M MM HJ4 lIJI $1.47 II M tin •lm AN na UM tI.M II M 1* M .M M •4 .M »i -f jM J •I
        46 words
      • 16 22 me OUT Iraa Eta Kit un lIM U.M un .m —M M .M —.•4 ft
        16 words
      • 22 22 ■saw Darby U7.SSS Pabar Marita m.*OS t O B 145.8 M Inohaaa* Hl.*** Ta*al TVamr: SJtM Tssal Vaase: SCSSBI
        22 words
      • 61 22 Now. I Nev. I laa-estrtaav IMS* raasaei; *tt.a SS4.IT f BMsis: IS7JS IHM Pupullso: ISS.4S ISBjSS t Tbbb: 9SJS SSJS t I re* bars: SttJS «JJ* t 0.C.8.C.: sssji stun BAB. 1a..: ***** lU.T9 Dae. M. 1966 MS 1 Das. 11. ISSS *j ISS t Dae. I*. ISSt
        61 words
    • 1634 22 TRB last trsnsacted ready sale at th* cause of tn an lisas on tne Block Kschange gf a*»gapr ra yislerday ooanpared with the pintoae days prsre* together with 1911 hsjti sad low i Adjusted for suip nabu isauei Si CD CLOtmc Tens All latiiaaa rtoaa* faa-iy ataa*> Tgaaivil
      1,634 words
    • 392 22 OH ARK prices a**vid O actively ander alternating *7eUa af seUing and baying and closed a shade hatter at the Stock Exchange af Singapore yesterday. Bayers appeared to he more confident f*l > owing the general recovery la overseas markets, especially New York, issiisßi and Hongkong
      392 words
    • 1263 22 BID and offer price* officially luted and business In snd reported to Uia Stock Baxhange of angapor* yeaterday with the number of ahaias traded shown In brackets in lota of 1.000 units unlses otherwise spsclfted. All Time Bargains or StUMßktnt Contracts are quoted alter the word 'Sett
      1,263 words
    • 227 22 SECTION TWO nawsTsUau A-P.L (0 708) A T.I. (0 MSi A. tlilSßlg (1078) Bavto lOseS) Oulasiig (1.938 IMS) (4) 1 94. (3) 193 rasaa (1.178 1 3SS) las* Prtf. (0 7SB) lackcap* Leaa (1MB) (1) IJL Tcatlßf (036 B) lat Hast (0 278 0
      227 words
    • 35 22 NEW YORK The New York Stock Exchange said a membership was sold at USMO.OOO. up $5,000 from the previous sale on Oct. 31. Beat* are now $70,000 bid. $100,000. asked. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 1251 22 II tv and oflrr prices officially listed and buDncsa in and reported to Koala Lumpur Stock Exchangr yaslarday with Umi number >f aharsa traded shown m brarkru In lot* of I.oo* units, units* otherwise oMflSJaf. iHouoraiAL* SOB, t|»li«iU I MB Ttn HO SMI ftiaan I I TTB 1
      1,251 words
    • 92 22 I)RK-Kb la kaU Iks I*, aai B»wi»m« mULitLMM asarattatMl ias la MPOPA. TWn aSB, M)»r»«r aaly pmrr»l IIBSM) gwMStIMM 1« I»MU m saw 1 uataM iuim: vm* thii Vj nats MMI II IT»« ssats kwrara. MSO'iUB) is oaiu MlMt* Dk. U«S IVS) IT raau burw*. urn i usi
      92 words
    • 294 22 Similar trend in KL market AFTER a hesitant opening, prices closed slightly higher on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Selective trading at barely steady levels characterised activity on the market with turnover on the low side. Turnover wa* 224 million units valued at $4 82 million. Apart from the
      294 words
    • 107 22 ¥>AN Malaysian rub tor import! In August roB« to 8719 tonnes (actual 9,039) from •,700 tonnes actual 6.040) In July but fell from 16.965 tonne* 'actual 17 .348) In AutU«t last year, preliminary fltrarea from the Singapore Statistic* Department rhow The August Import* excluded 390 tonnes
      Reuter  -  107 words
      • 240 22 UONOKOKO. Thura The market dosed slightly firmer In quiet trading. helped by the nm In London and New Yak. dealers said. Swtrs PaesSe, ■oagtaae; Baaa and Uoagfcsa* Dacas were the main centres of Interact, with gains of 10. SS and five HK cent* respectively Jarottae MHaisssy which went ex-div.dei.d
        240 words
      • 57 22 WiOPnaay Taaaaar 111 lllto lU*44 ■M*BB 141. T»B 141 TSB 14* Ma 144 TM Usev Uaa». 144 SOB IUMB 14*.M* 144 Sum I44VM 1470* T»an*»» arasttaaeaa ""«*IM I4SM 14* (I, 140 048 141 4411 14* TM 14* SO* assart artca* m aoaitariins ana* la V*. tonar, h, (I)
        57 words
      • 133 22 'TOKTOI Tfcurm Tim HMtat fell «h«rp(y throufbout the day. extend lnf yiwdtji lorn. with lam finul imw k«dtnf the daeltiM. takn aid. The Daw Jon*, tvprmo Ml MM 10 4.M3J* on a volume of 110 million tharw. Tta* N«w Index ckxtd at HIM. dovn T»eir» pHM la rm
        133 words
      • 240 22 CYDNsTT. Thura. Tn* market was higher in most sectors In sustained buying support, dealers said The Sydney All-Ordlnartea index rcae 274 polntj to "ranlum stocks were In particular demand although •mm stock* closed off their ■Waßtfealal was unchanged at A*7 while QLO Msass ae'ilec at II To up 10
        240 words
      • 93 22 riNAMCIAX TIMES IWDt MTBIAI s Tuesday j M Week ago 352 5 Wednesday uraday as aa Week ago £2 BIBSOI Wednesday 3*o l* Tuesday W^ O.L. S5? Wednesday 335 as Ty**y 329*9 Week ago 33* 41 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday gj* 37 630 13 Week ago sji g
        93 words
      • 294 22 T^rW YORK. Wsd.— Th* l^ stock market, apparently aided by declining Interest rates snd by the news tnat New York City has Kmporaiily escaped default, advanced otrona:!) today In accelerated trading. At the close of trading, the Dow Jones Induanal average was up 614 potato Late profit-taking reduced
        294 words
      • 150 23 AMflrrcROAM Wad,— Tha n market evnaraUy finned tn fair tumovar aided by conunuad damaod from abroad, notably Omwmaj. and by ih* firmer dollax dealers said. In Dutch international*. fcayal Date*, laftmr and H— s»'«— adranceC but rUHa. and Atm. kataf inlUaJ cood fain*, doaad unchanged and slightly towar raepeettvaty.
        150 words
      • 88 23 701UCH. wad.- Toomrs markrt staswd a raoovwr on teehnleaJ iron* at U» ni—asin: bonds ware steady Tha Oadlt Sulas* tndss: sained 1« point* to IS7J. tamim srtaaa la a*M> rrmrnm m T»n»cn aa Uka irnwi mam mam. -«>»■• ssm +as I»M But On. ■raua lvi mi OMU Cl«>tf»-W«|. MMI
        88 words
      • 242 22 T*HS StirnlU tin prte* In Pcnang yesterday surged 17 37', to 8*4*50 per ptcul on an official offering down 33 tons to 340 too*. The overnight London metal price was steady with forward buyers quoted at 13.0*5 per metric tan. up 124 on 1 uosday s (toe LONDON:
        242 words
      • 33 22 Rabaer Nov. Singapore: Nv*. IK.2S ct, (ap 95* ct). Malaysia: Dec. 115 SO ct* (up 1 25 cU). Tin: »4«.5S (op $7 37*). Ofllrial off erlng 24S tons (down tt tons).
        33 words
      • 110 22 rHINItI PBOOUCt II W CMAaOB. lIHCAPOMI MOON closing raids p«a »icul TItTIROAT Caaaaut Bulk I3J', oBBSBI old drum HI aallara. ir» »4. Cao»a Mixrd 1 laaa* UK Cbnt ISO burara »aaaa»: Munuk AST A wkita fo.b. 1M« NLW ISM satlm. Sarawak «mv M« NLW •2SO a*ll*n. *>r««ak aperlal
        110 words
      • 35 22 laaoaa eapoar prteaa aa Waoana*it <ar«»ia»» ib btackau) Wlraasr Spot bujrrr »4«1 (IMS) atlKr IMI M UMO Ml Taraa Manta bufar iSOS.M ,1001 10) aallar (SO) (|*U). Marhat tana Btaadr. •alas:* toaaas.
        35 words
      • 515 22 THE Singapore rubber market yesterday opened three-quarter cent higher following the trend uiarssai. Howrver. trading lacked direction and prices slipped gradually on light profittaking to Wednesday's closing levels. The afternoon session steadied on ahortcoverlng following acceptances of RSB One. Two and Three for November m the Malaysian sector
        515 words
      • 93 22 r|AtLY SMR tad SSR pntm umad ml doob jm»iiHm: -m«i (C*ml Mtk) ihmri Mk| |Mk|»W lMhp«M> ■A JCV HtnpdMi IUOO IUNK 14*00 1M O*H OMR »L (ltooiwUM) 144 00 147 OON ***** IMMH SMR I (1 tan jaJMi IUJO 144MH ***** IUJOM BMB 10 (1 ton p*ltt>
        93 words
    • 211 22 Money and exchanges T<HX DS dollar opened marginally higher at 13 4900 50 »t Singapore's fores market yesterday But it soon began to eaje to 12 45*5 95 and to hover around that level through- out the lean on Market -was thin and tradIng vai dull and aluggUh I with
      211 words
    • 158 22 NOTE: These nia may differ augbtly from Uiusa quoted by bank* m UMtr customer*. A BIAN curraocy Mpoall IB- larbtnk ratas v »l ekM* m Not. OffOT BU 7 dajrt 1 mth 5 mthi 11/ If 6 16 3 mthi t\ «S mttu 7 7 16 Till
      158 words
    • 30 22 Closing Interbank nt« la Singapore dollars for Nor. I. O«tr M* Overnight 4* 4 lmth SH 1 UK a mth* 41, 4 J mths 4S Sofas: P. Mamr-JMa
      30 words
    • 40 22 Mat Mam •> N»» Ov«TBI«kl >. Call limll 1 •Mm •w Mi I MaaU Tnuwr Mil* t 111 t 111 1-MaaU tut Mil* 11/ l 1 I MMtb CO < 4 1 It kN«lt CD t 1 bun NtlHtl DUWIH O>
      40 words
    • 168 22 Miovated interbank ntaa at 100 pro ?1i— «l«i NwlhaJ rale* gith— nli« rmnkp <■»«■< 7«4w*»7 tef«M» prttj thmmf IB DoUmi 2 4MO 2 4*oo SUM —IJ 7t Kcrltnf Pound 5 0756 5 0795 7 M«9 30 91 tongkonf DoUar 46 35 UN 50 51 3 kUlayamn Dollar M2O
      168 words
    • 57 22 Prime lending rates (in AleamerwaW* 7 7V* Bom of Amar<a 6Vt Bar* of Chano 7 Bank of Tokyo 7 Bar* Hyri InHnnim 7V» •anqu* aaL'lndoctuna 7 CriartoroJ Bar* 7 Cnos* Monhofton 7 0«S 6* First Crucoao AU FNCB 6Vfc MKSBC 7 Motoron Bonfcfio 7 Mitw. Bor* 7 OCSC 7 OUO
      57 words
    • 317 23 Consolidated streamlines operations |N a move to rationalise its plantation actlTitles and to improve management efficiency. Consolidated Plantations has restructured Its operations. To achieve this. ConsoUdaUds eight whoUyswned subsidiaries and Mib-suosldiarlea. all of which are engaged In the lUn^rfil pursuit of owning and operating plantations in Malaysia, went .n'jo it^roffietifffi
      317 words
    • 215 23 PR the first halfyear rrded osptember 1975. Pan Malaysia Rubber Industries has reported pre-tax profit* t $*****0 against $518.--«00 nrenouslT Its share of profit* of t«*o associates Bridge stone Singapore and Pan Malaysia Cement Works Singapore) rose by 26 per cent to $4 57 million, thanks
      215 words
    • 86 23 Metro Holdings and Boris South last Asia have set up a joint venture company Mertro-bUt-Bovls Construction, which will be encaged principally In general building and construction wcrk In Singapore. Metro subsidiary Metrobllt will take a 70 per cent tteJw In the new company, while Boris
      86 words
    • 208 23 OHARKHOL DE R 8 of •3 Mataharl Land and Development and Kota Star Realty and Development withdrew their offer to sell their equity to Kesang Tin 1 Malaya) because they felt the original purpose of the agreement had been defeated by their Inability to obtain approval
      208 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 492 23 <^*^mJki^b*mlk+S*mJLLJbmm±AjbJ*JKKMWw\ ■■■■■■•■'■•^■•■•Ii'^aSSBSIS^BBBBBBBBS^ PROJECT BUYER Chanwcal Company of Malaysia Berhad. a member of ttte ICI Group of Companies, invites applications for the post of Protect Buyer on contract basis THE JOB All aspects of purchasing connected with the construction of an extension to a chemical plant at the Works for a
      492 words
    • 672 23 r i We are innung application for the posts of: I AUDIT SUPERVISOR (Psmuagelßee) AUDIT SENIOR (Kmaia 1 laisr offlee) The successful applicant for Audit Supervisor will be required to work in our Kuala Lumpur office for a few months before assuming his post In Penanff. REQUIREMENTS: Must be qualified
      672 words
    • 770 23 Roistered Pharmacist required by a pharmaceutical factory based In Butterworth. Candidates must have at least a year of experience in pharmaceutical Industry. Application giving details of qualification and experience should be sent to: The Managing Director, Asia Pharmaceutical Products Sdn. Bhd., Mak Mandin Industrial Estate. MX 14, BUTTERWORTH. Province Wellesley.
      770 words
    • 810 23 LAND SALE KUCHINQ SARAWAK Valuable Commercial land available for sale In the centre of Kuchlng's business district. Total area approximately 6 acres. This Elevated, open title land, Is subdivided Into 5 lots and Is to be sold either In one parcel or as Individual lots. Principals only should apply In
      810 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 2911 24 This advertisement is not a prospectus and does not constitute an invitation to subscribe for shares. f KULIM (MALAYSIA) BERHAD 1 (Incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965) Explanatory statement m connection with the issue of 45.892 664 Ordinary shares of 50 cents each in Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad The
      2,911 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 446 25 SINGAPORE AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE CO PTE LTD (SAMCO) import) newly established to •«ianc(, rtpair and ov#rhoul *«rwic«» i te* suitably quali♦••d CondKfc;*- -jnt experience for the 'onogem«nt appointments •>-s »ill h»od the respective ompony ond will report direct- q Director 1 PRODUCTION MANAGER THE JOI -sponsible tor »*e maintenance, repair and
      446 words
    • 606 25 CEMTRAL S PROVIDENT FUND BOARD DATA PROCESSING OFFICER Applications arc invited from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for appointment as Data Processing Officer m the Board's service QUALIFICATIONS A full Higher School Certificate with a past m Mathematics or Physics at principal level or its equivalent or a General Certificate of
      606 words
    • 668 25 SINGAPORE TOBACCO COMPANY (PRIVATE) LIMITED INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF ONE ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN QUALIFICATION Must be Singapore citizens and should possess a Technician Diploma in electronic engineering or its equivalent EXPERIENCE Should have at leost two years industrial experience preferably m analogue and digital circuitry trouble shooting ACE Below
      668 words
    • 645 25 JNI-f TC TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following projects A CONSTRUCTION ANO COMPLETION OF FIVE NOS OF 2 STOREY STANDARD FACTORY BUILDING TYPE 01 (BLOCK NOS 1 TO S) AT GUL AVENUE. OFF WEST BENOI ROAD. JURONG TOWN KLIdIBILITY Building
      645 words
    • 754 25 TKNDKK NOTICK separate Tenders are Invited for c.kass CURING att--1 JuronK and Thomson Road 2 Lots 41. 42-1 and 6-3. Muklm 4. Hakka Cemetery at Holland Road 3 Pulau Br.mi W l \l.( ONTRACTforSI MM V of:--4 Labour for container vessels operations at Sembawang Port 5 Labour for container freight
      754 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 692 26 iiif TENDER NOTICE Separate Ummsts are iavileej for aay oMe or all of the followian-Kri-IloN < <>MPI KTIONofS Blocks of 4-Btore> New I ißoom rials with Kating House* ft Shops/ Living Quarters (Total 282 I mm. I Block of Single Storey Market Cimm Ha»k«r* entre. landscaped Pedestrian Mall I Dustbin
      692 words
    • 1627 26 Extracts from the Chairman's Review Sime Darby Holdings Limited Report and Accounts for the year ended 30th June, 1975 rmiinMina broking lubttdiar** of Onra Mrara to profrts Howravar ar* sMI PWOrna mMO IWVWWW r»rv«rl-orl be'ora rt* $a>« and votoaraWa «o commod<ty prioa move reManad rnantt to tfia »'tu*t>oo in th«
      1,627 words
    • 117 26 mmat TAKE NOTICE THAT by a Declaration dated the 2Sth day of October. 1975. Mr. SEE KOK CHING of No 82. Tel ok Ayer Street. Singapore ha* declared to dlaown his own. SEE AH MENG (I C No *****62 C) of No. 117 F. Block 58. Commonwealth Drive. Singapore forthwith
      117 words
    • 314 26 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT SINGAPORE Tenders are- Invited for the manufacture and delivery of the following Item EeUaitMM): MO laiu Twia Bin Steel HaaeVarts (tubular fraaM with p' t uraatic wheels) Drawiac Ne. ENV/ES/B/I Tenders fee restricted to> 1) PWD Registered Contractors In Mechanical Engineering/ Supply (c) or(h). 2) All
      314 words
    • 1117 26 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT SINGAPORE Tenders are Invited from PWD Registered Contractors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following works: I) Kraajt Sewage TreatHMMt Werks led Hufc-Ceatxßct Ne. 4 The Smbmlt. lasUlUUoa ft Maialaaaararf Shaage TMcaiasri ft Pwbbbmm; Bejwißaaeat II) ClimibU New Tewa Sewerage HchcMe. Cea-U-art I The layiac
      1,117 words
    • 827 26 CT STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY -WM ikuni* iiea II I im fmi umj Nwi mtmmt I Mmi it il ii 'i mm i% ii mm Mit Bm ■.miimhi n m mm I ia If li/il Bm ll <4 Bm Mil bm hii Bm uajajt* t— Mjjß.. bjbmbm. jici. Nrx.
      827 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1125 27 tmummm* tuna n hcwtwui N W| 1 M't Mirl |l| I Mil l P uant I aan kpaa w. VI tltn IMMJMiiM im ci him v- > I k. ii M it M aMM iipmu nan nan BM Ilk. lIM nkc laataaa ut mm n M t Ma t aa
      1,125 words
    • 1299 27 Ben Ocean flicuisenncvLi Ben L*n& Blue FUnneiGtoUne and NSMO ii M tMiim' tat Mat) laar. P ktaa Paaaal im PM UaMMMB la.ka BVII MI M Jr. «M lla. karna 11,11 an v v an if 11 an ttkn m ip» rwicapa IMa kuatau ii it an a/a an n.M an
      1,299 words
    • 1168 27 Ik laaan *mjt| l^naa IM Fill tr( 5 Pf P Mini lew aramt aaM kt: MM MT tl M I M MMIM C-aaaln-Uall MV tl at—* If tM 14 a«M II M aWVi kaaMM IWSrn II M B an it M It kn UM 11 M MBUka UT Ilia HM
      1,168 words
    • 1041 27 EUU.Y COWTAINHIZID StKVICt TO tUROft lauat I'm. i FM waaf"* m IwtiefMM. HaHl.n. tefßtri Ultairt. SnMM M It M tj -VT^Mtn 2-, -^—t n—.. aiata n Ma tl Str-cUria. Olle Htt?«i.,. UritM KiiMb. CMtaa laMi ici a Man m M Man FULLY CONTAINtmZiD StKVICt FKOM tUKOft P xiMt I pk.
      1,041 words
    • 795 27 Sappm 11J444 P UM| 041 IL JU7II Pmbbi BaTl THE BANK LINE LTD. urn pm t 1 1 mm MrTtMJB (Mtanttot. I ail lm mJ*m II PI. CmMau P MMa« MVII Bn t pot 1 1 1 M ÜBH Maß IMx.t.M. MaapM. t«• <•' IMatf a Bn/I M tMn Mia
      795 words

  • 152 28 bbm aaaa muaaai ▼HI POUT OF ItNOA^OHI AUTNOMITY AHHOUHCIO THt rOLLOWIMO iIBTMINO 1 tMAHMNINTI FOM F«IO»» MOV T OUT Tamrrtana 1 2 Aaranlua I 10 11 Lan Maank II Olang La* 21 But rrnuui II M BrnMw I? Uoni°ii>iß Bart*) a Uan I1t» (B Ban*) *l. SMI
    152 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1030 28 pyL ,<— itAWAJA-U USCN KAISHA LTD. fmut c«TMurai aim T* VraMß Bar*>a« (Via •aatl S pjrt Pt* l^f Hlxt| I•• I'Mrf IfMM I :i»lt SUS MaMf I M Jilt II In HIM I4IM Slat wmmwrnm uik sir mik imt ia **peMB *■> arafMal SpaVf P mtltmj < a ru»| Oukl
      1,030 words
    • 1017 28 '•M 114 ITP *•< Mian aacail ii M Fart a Ma laaa. At*** •MAMM lIMIII Taaaa J Ma t Ma Miaaii irriatat (Mm TaaaM I bm I Ma taaaa aMat|Ta^M •ail iim Fart UMM nhrl t Ma MaaaMac Ml rHimiT taa**M il Ma MBm lieNj|i»illi'i lanm tm> MMII laaaaa* a
      1,017 words
    • 944 28 ftut otaTOMaaßn aww w mm mt am:ft F MMa*. r twaa t.iMn m t tra. mttmrt tmm Miirrw iMFtanii n bm im ii Ma tt Me Ji Ma BMe aMa Mftl MM PMRtt l/IMt 1 Mt IIMeaMaMMeOMa MFTMH MIIU 11l Me r Me I Ma aMe 4 Ma I ba
      944 words
    • 888 28 i s i Evtm somcf n lwmm urwtm/cananr rnn 1| Urn. VaajMa'a F tllaap Fraana laalaaj Mr Marti tin ii Z^ MFart I^Tn li p tat I U. IM» C»'l M I U" IM II U A*»er» II M lawa II v rmn 1 PMM4 HIM 11/H Ma falal Cartrfl
      888 words
    • 821 28 Inw^ NORWEGIAN ASIA LINE Wjjt^fc'' r ar East Europe \mHMPI nwitUß ici 'sißumr m in VKKSKS TH THUS I (ll lan r^MMMaSSI Nc Ul> "mas sm mi i m\i/t p iimi Ttn/jtn I Fare F t tt I'lriMMia NR VtaM t.—. M. M Mao 41 IM ITtTttU, M lwp N^
      821 words

  • 80 29 COMPASSION Knows No liarrten You Are In in Animals Vtguantet rial) An Ed'srauonal •ewnu A Challenge To Yuung People For The Sake Of our Dumb Fnenda Help Now Needed (ilantes' Knimals nal) 52 bridge. X ACNE. PtMPLSS. OPEN Pores aie theat > our problem' Then ifierk medically trained beauty
    80 words
  • 25 29 BACON QEOROE EOWARO OSS efull) it 4 40 a m leaving be fiinlaw and 1 |i itket for 'ist Toa p m and Ihet
    25 words
  • 11 29 •hi FAMILY OF late Mr Vlve- wish to en! bereave-
    11 words
  • 17 29 n ever iOVMM inetßory of our I i 1 1 70 by rr.ii 1 rniriren
    17 words
  • 32 29 SOS SAMARITANS OF Slnga araged' l King 91 44 44 day or night Help as near aa the telephone WE WOULO LIKE to contact Phan Phan Tan Tai on rhi Please
    32 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 204 29 classified ads H GOtNO ON LgtwVl ,%hed houses in ilsmpshire recomi LIEW TO WELY and Kee Kok -t another lo doctor and K V II DOCTOR REOUIRED FOR long- r Box Ml MB in need ACCOUNT* SUPERVISE Sta* taoo p m imJ preftsra- a ale in higher a r. about
      204 words
    • 845 29 A WELL ESTABLISHED foreign finance company requires a female receptionist cashier Please apply with a recent non-return-able photograph giving full details of qualifications edu--.penence etc to The Manager ST BoxA*ll37 FEMALE OENERAL CLEM with ability to type Minimum qualifications Secondary 111 Salary > I. so Apply S T Box A
      845 words
    • 823 29 NANOSOSM CASH EARtMMOSI We need good and reliable single married Ladles as sales representatives Oood income rua ranteed Please call Mr Paul Ng Tel *****52 or write lo KUliney Road Post Office Box No 236 Singapore TBCNNICAL BALES REPRE SENTATIVE required by established company Applicants must possess valid driving licence
      823 words
    • 868 29 REOUrRED TWO ELECTftICsAIIS. Must have yean of Marine experience lo work independently Phone Mr Ang 409*1* for Interview NTWC WELCOME CONSUMER* CO OPERA TTVE LMMTEO Trade Unton Ho— invites applications for the following supermarket personnel 1) REPRIBBRATtON MECHANIC 200x15-3J0x20-S2O Overall control and working independently on refrigeration equipment at supermarket chillers,
      868 words
    • 695 29 We have HBMSiilalt vacancies foe the following posts (between the age of 45 SO yaaf») Must be Malay, prepared to do rotating shift At least 3 years experience in similar netd 3) PROOUCTION WORKERS (males only) 17 yean to 30 years of age 4) GENERAL OPTICS HELPER* males only >
      695 words
    • 771 29 WAITRESSES WANTED ApDly personally to Toa Payoh Come House. Blk I*4. No S7S. Toa Payoh Central. Spore 1? usso) TANK TRUCK DNTVER Applications are Invited from holders of valid Class IV Driving Licences for the above post in Jurong Terminal Applicants should have 2 to 3 years experience in driving
      771 words
    • 884 29 SYNTAX kwTENNATIONAL PRIVATE LNWTEO Syntax is an American owned company specialised in photocomposition It Is an expanding, progressive company offering employment opportunities in s good working environment Due to expansion, we have vacancies for the following positions MONOPHOTO KEYBOARO OPERATOR S At least one year s experience and able to
      884 words
    • 772 29 o The first International Ocean Exposition in the history of mankind Okinawa Japan Exhibits from more thai. 50 countries Oo Expo 75 with Clt E Tours Fly the Jumbo Family 8747 0 Collect your full -colour Expo newsletter from C 4 E Tours TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWAEXPO/ HONGKONG/ BANOKOK 9 12
      772 words
      786 words
    • 624 29 NOW* OUR SPECIAL DAILY TOUM (renting HtghtarvK Casino SB* Kuala Lutapur nty SM HisturvrsJ Malacca $30 Port [Mckson Beach -se» Tsjong Pinang -BBS Penang Oenting C» S-Day $130 t Day $17S SINGAPORE TOURIST BN PTE LTD Rms 12. 13. 14 WkMM HI Orchard Read. Tai IlStT**. 23*2*13. *****1 •EVEN
      624 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 101 30 »OR 0 fusior Court Tingk. Reed. Si o 10 Tot M7S4I/ 41)44! IN EDUCATION ONLY THE BEST IS GOOO ENOUGH ANO THE BEST IS WORTH WAITING FOR OUR NEXT FULL-T«WE PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE STARTS ON sth JANUARY Internatjofict! Training Centre iMpiann Mown Ponani Rood f -|stnr T T.i *****7* atQINNER*
      101 words
    • 676 30 x'IRIOR OCSION DIPLOMA. n leattt lo interior eettgn Dtpioma recognised for mem pr- RMaaStßl b.«llr. t the Singapore Society of '•sional Designers Full colour Proapertus sent Oy air- > »ntlng to the Principal Thomas B Dwyer OHK RIBA -tr, International School of hem Rhoder London. Iv p c UPPER SERANGOON
      676 words
    • 570 30 FRCE TALK on City and OuUds and Society of Engineers exams r>> panel of qualified engineers at 6 3* pm Thursday Sth Howtaoii .ml 2 08 pm Saturday *th Novetn•Tr Rearrvallor by phone 748 M Management Training Centre SM Jrd Floor Nr* People's Park Centre ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT ANO EXECUTIVE SECRETARYSHIP
      570 words
    • 716 30 INTRODUCTION TO COBSPUTCR i. Cobol Programming In Mandarin commencing Friday 7th November 8 pm Enquiries Management Training Crntrr 304 3rd Floor Nrw People's Park Centre Trl 748 M PREMIER COMMCRCIAL SCHOOL gkgajgaj, fWa^^^fc^—^ tUkstSsststtxaaaita C^a*aTt*tW*B sV*a>Cß, f^tJgPaVPMRsVCVf/ •S^BJMJMJtVCBJ Vs^PtWV Spore 1 Tot- BSo*M eiwiwucln* IS* Nev 78 TYPEWRITING Any convenient
      716 words
    • 784 30 SINGAPORE INCOMC TAI by ■Specialist commencing spm Saturday Bth November Enquiries Management Training Centrr 304 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre Tel ***** GOLDEN M4LC LANGUAGE CINTRE 1) iLf MENTARV JAPANESE a I Sun 3pm commencing 30 1 1 75 t> I Turs Thurs 7pm commencing 2 12 75 1)
      784 words
    • 952 30 test MOUAR 8.4 tircondlUoned radio. ne» lyre* 4-door 882.800 engine just been gone through Call Catherine 535A33 187* CORTINA 1888 OT Radio caste tte cartridge New lyres road ux 83.580 ConUct *****4 Martin I FORO CORTINA MBSC automatic March 1975 9.880 k m excellent condition 815.000 Tel Miss Soh •*****
      952 words
    • 846 30 VCARS OLO Sumitomo 12 ton Hydraulic Truck Crane ST 120 If interested Contact Mr Gilbert Tan at Trl *****1 for details Can be viewed at Kuala Loyang kd Sporr 17 I*7B FOR© ESCORT Sut ion wagon 1100 re Tip-top condition ***** o n o *****4 Ronnie ISSS FORO CORTINA 1308
      846 words
    • 571 30 SCICNTIFIC FACIAL TRCATMCNTS for all types of skins by Mrs O Llm Cosmetician and Reautt Thrrapist i Paris and Londi Beauty Therapy Room 4 Jalan Chorak (off Flower Road I Upprr Serangoon s pore Trl appointment *****7 a^a^a^L^a^a^Bsssssttstttttl fc^4^,irj Mtfmmm*A*im±*U*M ttttttttt%s#Bt*^*jflrW^BMt^g4^gggtV I COMMENCING SOONI Personal Make- up Course at very
      571 words
    • 588 30 SIMBKO DAT/ NIGHT garM makr TV f Ixlng Colour Antennae Mode-ate Charges Contact tiasss FEDERAL TV OAT/ Night Service All brands Repair guaranteed Moderate harges Tel 2M73M 33*338 S Bar* ELETROO«« TV SERVICINO I repairs ant makr of television «ht Service Phone 4*3727 Z2084M DAY/ NtstNT TV service, fast and
      588 words
    • 422 30 I*t specialiSC in popular brands of te»ing machines IS months free srrvire and i demonstration after sales, terms and trade-ins can be arrange.* Victory Searing Machine torust Please phone Ml 234 TRANSFBRMO ABROAO sell Bahy pram Christening go«n lond-warmrr liquidiser grinder teak stand-lamp, spring bods, mattresses pop-car Tel Ls^ar WASHING
      422 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1705 31 times fridoy properties BNADOILL MIIOMT* FURNISNIO/ unfurnished spacious bungalows, detached' semi-detached Rental 81.4*0 81 9SB Also Cairnhlll apartmenu Watten Estate semi-deta-ched Tel *****7 SINOLE *TONIV DITACMIO hungalow with 3 large bedrooms 1 servants room garage and large compound Available for rent Unfurnished at **0C p m Please phone 32*327 OIST
      1,705 words
    • 749 31 MU TO* NtSSOCNC! near Hen Tower 4 bedrooms with study, separate living dining with large patto covered garage Tel 91*832 04ST*aCT* CO*M>AStV A»ANT»JCNT* Nt Teaaara CNassa T.», sNsmsi, Teiasthene wa» N> Waß Caran Rasssafc Si.*** Usswss •*****1.' *4*T*7 NIVIN VALLIV CLOSC furnished/ unfurnished flats 3 bedrooms fm psrKeirlar lacl TaL
      749 words
    • 669 31 OifLAMO COO-AMY has many cltenu looking for houses, flaU Rent SSBB 13 500 Tel 9*2294/ 9*4*14 JA'ANISI BANRINS require apartment in residential anas Rental MOO S3 500 Kindly ron tact 77**3 LI ACS VOUN -NO4MNTIIS U> tconomlc Management Consortium *****4 for quick rental i S SEUVKIS require DCTACMID/ SCsM-MTACHIO/ TINRACI
      669 words
    • 487 31 I Dr©ornincj i b a 0 0 o 6 X house? T 7 Buy it now with I the help of Chase I Fed up with X renting but can't i U afford to buy a Q house or apartment' I Chase Personal I j Banking Division 1 I can
      487 words
    • 625 31 NIVCN VALLIY NOAO 2 -store) terrace 4 rwßruonn and large built in area outside restricted aone 3 000 sq ft approx Freehold Suitable for residence cum store SIM. OOO on o Phone ,i7s**6 379*97 PACIFIC ISTATI* Tel *****77 252*420 offers Off Holland Road modem double -storey detached bungalow 17.000 sq
      625 words
    • 517 31 *HO4> HOUSI FON sale at Upper Paya Lebar Road with large store room Contact Mr Chua *****25 no brokers i BUNOALOW FON SALI A detached bungalow at Katong Main Road more than 7 600 square feet with spacious open field freehold 7* years left low property tax suitable for resident,
      517 words
    • 760 31 FINS»M»LL CNIMNT 2 ."storey Hungalow. 4 Bedrooms. Servant s Room Furnished with Centralized Alrrondltlonlng System SIM so ft Freehold Victor Mender 9*400* 93*0* NIOINA HILL J SI OBEY fur nished .Semi-detached Bungalow I Hedrooms Study with Alrcond Built-in Cupboards Carpeted at Jalan Merbok 7ms Buklt Timah Roswl Area 6MO sq
      760 words
    • 679 31 MUTAN NILLS J»t.lTH»tt areas conalderea. Vlgssw cmit 1 »>ractiral Housing -**ItMV BSMr OfFICI AT tHCNTON Mo M<«w 504 sq ft partition room etc Contact Mtss Ho Telepnoqe najaj LNMON BLOO AT F.nggor Street. 179-J Canteen Rent 1300 p ssC Apply Trl 7S3M Of CICE MAC! TO LIT at Tang*" ir
      679 words

  • 101 32  - BAS referees' body dissolved PETER SIOW PHUA BAH LEE NEW CHAIRMAN By NOT allowing certain referees from officiating and BEING engaged in Internal squabbles. The new committee has been entrusted with full powers to deal with all problems concerning referees. BAS secretary Quek Hiang Chiang said yesterday: "The new committee
    101 words
  • 213 32 ANXIETY TILL START OF GAMES TH E 197 ft Olympic Games' main «Ue will continue to be a problem antll the moment the last torch -bearer threads hla way Into the bowels of the arena. This observation was made yesterday by Austin Pate, managing director of Canada's Olympic coin procramme,
    213 words
  • 132 32 Cairnhill bow to class fAAIRNHILU the NaV> Uonal League Division Three leaders. Lan night stretched Armed Forces to the limit before being beaten 2-0 In the President's Cup match at Jalan Besar Stadium, reports JOt DORA I The young, exciting Cairnhill team deserved all the cheers they received from more
    132 words
  • 125 32 pHANOI moved to the \j second round of the President s Cup soccer tournament when they beat Queenstown by four penalty goals to two after extra time had ended In a one-all deadlock at Jalan Besar yesterday, report* PETEB SIOW. Changi, r.iwever, could have avoided the suspense and
    125 words
  • 261 32  -  B. PEREIRA By ARMED Forces Henry Leo n g knocked out Vincent Teng of Boon Teck in the first rovnd of their featherweight bout in the Golden Oloves Championships at Boon Teck Community Centre last night. Vincent, who suffered a knockdown earlier In the round,
    261 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 550 32 AFIELD PLANTATIONS SDN. THE KLANG VALLEY LAND BHD. COMPANY SDN. BHD. Ml Vfßi N> VOLI NTARY WINDING UP MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WINDING UP THIS TO NOTIFY THAT at the Extraordinary Tm Meeting of U* above Company held on ISJfLIRESF™ T l HA L a i t £_F :xlnM>r<lln i 7 Ist
      550 words
    • 79 32 Hi .aflsT >» r KrM Jk, 1 1 TI l3b%4*bssbb r^ ll I 1 BBT MS X'^k r^f Echolac: Sends You Its Best For The Holidays We don't have much to say but it is said that what wegive to travellers make their travels and holidays brighter and lighter. Along
      79 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 3383 33 MAAWti. HOUfM O*MC '*oa OrVKf S*ACI 4*o •NTtOTOHfNT 13 or nlOUNslo small ofOCATIO MOOt HN '■urtln ISM c oa wok«smo* and ..1 l a*. SO rr ir* k ran go right in r.«a> Prinripa WAMfMOUSI VACANT in Pasir ahuut 12 090 sq ft pn tai 90 -1 pieaae call FMST
      3,383 words
    • 143 33 I UfXMJM SO«IT TNBAN Road I rti s Floor area 3 390 sq ft Con I tart ***** KATONO SIIOPPSNO CINTHI r*»t Kuad basement J99 sq ft 172 000 I tesf««MneUl44 OOU9LI STOHIT SNOO »ur. flat atditt .4' J^lan Kembangani tor ii- 4IMSS «O€AL »MOf» FON MNT if nuge ultra
      143 words
    • 142 33 J4i SO »T of office cum showroom available for immediate rental at President shopping Centre Serangoon Road outside CBD alrcond is provided 7 day* «eek negotiable rental Ring 33 1 417 «§ifm>MnofMi azas Ss>*e<«a«c« f«« sf* \A e«veM. tJtT ..«H«^ HIVOLVINO HISTAUHANT rum Look-oat Deck at Collyer Quay to I-
      142 words
    • 184 33 TO LIT L.NMT industriaJ factory spar* appmtmately 20 000 sq ft at Ist floor Ching Wan Loong Building at end of Lorong 17 (Inside Sims Avenue) Tel Mrs Ching 44*300 from 10 a m -4 s* p m for full particulars I WlWsfl llyWj HsOPIWTI CONSULTANTS VALtMNS ANO NM ISTATI
      184 words
    • 133 33 SCON WISM SNOWSTIKUU. building (flatted factory space available) For least for Isght Industrie* in industrial area of District 13 For further details plan* contact 91* m f ACTOsTtr PON SAUJ A factory suitable for light industry located at Tangiin Halt Industrial Estate Total area 19 42S sq rt covered area
      133 words
    • 142 33 aoman*« cans flmnmtuni or Distinction furnishing fabrics and seagraas matung 423 River Valley Road Tel *****4 *****0 Spore SIN HAN TIITILI* CO. SSsVrass. Nerf* aVstsge Iksast, (7) Tel JMTIJ M ***** IM; tat Fleer Tee*** CeMr*. Jwi S****».(r) We are Curtain Specialist who Stock Fabrics for every domestic 4 Commercial
      142 words
    • 114 33 MNO NW»> ruaWMTUM Service specialites In repairs and re upholslery of old furniture Tel MISS3I I. Kmu Roai. Spore*) BHH JajfesaAß^H 'ON SALS ILtOANT Diet helm suite ronsuting of settee, (to seat fouri and four arm chairs For further information Tel *****9 CMINI9I NANO-RNOTTIO Woollen Rugs Flor»l Aesthetic Peking Designs
      114 words
    • 155 33 OLOfM OINIHAL COMTNACTOM 43. Blk 106. Henderson Crescent Incorp 19SS HDB renovation contractor, licence No H R tMO2 Cash or installment available Renovation of HD B flat and private house Special offer hall and 2 bedrooms 2 mm vinyl tiles flooring UM Hall 1 bedrooms Italian Terr ano flooring II
      155 words
    • 107 33 »f>ICIAL Om* *O« HOC FLAT OWMINS rOHQ SOON MMO M NOVATION CONTS)*CTO« 197 let FV»e, IMsrtiUiKrt Mesa Ajieeii fteea. Tet JMJMt (Smmwi We aret- Licenced HDB Contractor (PC I*22 1 Specialist in Mosaic Terra/ to Marble Ceramic Rubber Tiling Parqjet Flooring Wall Paper etc Realistic 4 Reasonable in price LIAM
      107 words
    • 110 33 mmn ICI is HIRBBT A (MAI MING of No IM-A. Upper East Coast K.uci Singapore 16 have applied for a Beer House First CUxs li. 1 respect of premises No 512 Upper East Coast Road. Singapore 16 and this appll--1 atlon will be heard In Court No 5. Subordinate Courts.
      110 words

  • 533 34  -  EPSOM JEEP By IPOH, Thuri. —Nine 1 Up worked in &reat heart on the sand track here today. Oolnu from the 800 m this Landau Grey ran last 600 m In 38 4.5 on the bit On thi* workout Nine Up may be worth a
    533 words
  • 77 34 Inter -Bank Big Walk UNTTED Oversea* Bank Group* Recreation Club will hold it* 7th annual InterBank Big Walk on Sunday at 7 am Over MM participant! from bank* In Singapore will be taking part In thu event The route cover* a distance of 14 kilometres (men) and 10 kilometres (women
    77 words
  • 138 34 MELBOURNE. Thurs Persistent rain which has drenched this city for the past few days confined the West Indies cricketers to Indoor practice today and placed doubt on whether their four -day match against Victoria would start as scheduled tomorrow. Official* at the Mel- bourne cricket ground
    AP  -  138 words
  • 1197 34 ENGLISH CHAMPIONS KNOCKED OUT BY EXTRA TIME GOAL I ONDON, ITiurs. Real Madrid, trailing 1-4 after a disastrous first leg match, produced a thrilling comeback to defeat English champions Derby County 5-1 yesterday and reach the quarter -finals of the European Champions'
    UPI  -  1,197 words
  • 295 34 Unknown Akio surprises the big names YOKOHAMA, Thurs Aklo Toyoda, a 35--year-old Japanese who has never won a tournament In 10-years of golf shot a brilliant flve-under-par 67 In cold, rainy weather to take a two-stroke lead In the first round of the Sony Charity Classic golf tournament here today.
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 194 34 Vain bid by Mendis VIW DELHI. Thura. Duleep Mendu hit a stylish century but could not bait a Sri Lanka batting shiaap on the second day of their three-day cricket match against India* North Zone bar* yesterday The visitors were all out for Mi in their first Inning* in reply
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 74 34 SDDfBUROH. Tburs. England last night completed a S-o victory over Sootland In their two-day European Zone Thomas Cup badminton tie here. Result* (England first): O. TaJbot beat R.B MeCWg ls-t 16-a. R. Stevens beat N saoCtoy IV-0. 15-4. P WhetnaU beat O. Porte* IJ-11 IT-IS: D.
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 26 34 THE annual soccer match between Singapore R..«reas and Johore Itsfaress scheduled on Sunday has been postponed to Nov 16 The venue has not been fixed.
    26 words
  • 68 34 Awards to Wilkie and Lucinda LONDON. Thura David Wllkle. who won two gold medal* at the World Swimming Championships In Call In July was toduy named Brltalni Sportsman of the Year. He received a big majority In the vote by the British Spnrta Writers' Association Lucl n d a Prtor-PUuner.
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 30 34 SYDNBY, Thura. Bntnes from New Zealand. Japan. Britain, the United States and Australia have been received for the Southera Croat Cup Yachting Series It was announced yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 161 34 QTOCKHOLM. Than. Firth Mode* Die NuUk of Rumania rut rliTfl SwedUh Davit Cup player Blicer Andemon «-J. e-2 In the aceond round of the men'a tincto at the Stockholm Op» Tennis Tournament last nlfht. Nastaat. «bo may catch the Swedish squad for next month's Davis Cup final here
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 24 34 In loving memory of our dear fattier Teo Soon Hoh departed a year ago Always remembered by wife sons. daughters-in-law and grandsons
    24 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    24 34 In everlasting memory of Mr. S kri*hna*am\ left us on 7 1 1 74 Always remembered by SATS Security Staff and friends
    24 words
  • 19 34 (Selvarai' Departed 7 1 1 74 Sadly missed by relative) and friends Inserted b) KKISHN\S\*n
    19 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 296 34 sa^^ astwar^^ gVV Pk Shop now for all your Christmas Delights at the HOUSE OF TANC BARGAIN COUNTER 3RD FLOOR) TOYS (BARGAIN COUNTER) 3RD. FLOOR) Usual Now Usual Now 2.50 upw. Wooden Clocks $4.60 $3.50 Ladies" Plain Colours Money Boxes 1.70 1.25 T-shirts 3.00 upw. r-anciful Keychains $0.50 $9.00 4.50
      296 words
    • 1177 34 (ffl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY First fh.or of A A House available for running as Coffee House rum Restaurant Ar«» tpproximateh 3.500 sq ft fully alr-rorwtl-tmnexi. equipped with wall refrigerator, tce-huxf-rs gas stoves and some tables and chin. Interested party please write to The Automobile Association of Singapore •M, River Valley Road
      1,177 words
  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 37 34 ECOaTT— aUPaU Knockout final (Padaag. px BOXWC— Ojldan Otoves ooeapatttteo (Soon Teck Ootnmanitv Oentra. 7 pm.). ■OOCBB Pepsi Youth Cap: Junior VjaDdarers v Youngsten. Parrer Part United v Patiuil Karlb (JaJan Beesr. 61} aad 1 11 Mtt.
      37 words

  • 356 35  -  GODFREY ROBERT By 'SHIRKERS WILL GET THE SACK... gUPT. Mm Mohammed Shah, chef -de mission of the Singapore contingent to next month's Seap (iames in Bangkok yesterday told officials of 17 sports bodies to report to him all shirkers. In a firm address to managers and
    356 words
  • 295 35  -  ERNEST FRIOA By CAAA's one month centralised training took off on a quiet note yesterday morning with only 12 of the 24 Seap athletes attending the flrst workout at the National stadium practice track. An.onff those who failed to show up yesterday were- the Police and Armed Forces
    295 words
  • 204 35 SINGAPORE Amateur WelghUlfUng Federation will be organising a coaching cum referees' course on Nov. 21-13. reports Albert Johns*n. The course, the flrst of Its kind to be conducted. U aimed to upgrade the standards of welghtlifters and officials. The course la s followup of a visit by
    204 words
  • 268 35  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By A PROGRESS graph of hlfh jumper Noor Axahar could bear a striking similarity to the cont o an of the Pyrennes Jast consider these facts.: At the lt?3 Seap Game* he seared to a cold-medal winning height el 2 Urn Dislodged Last
    268 words
  • Article, Illustration
    107 35 SINOAPORI Amateur Swimming Association have deckled to relax the training timetable for Seap Oames swimmers, who are Involved In Secondary Four «^«'"i"»*tAnf Secretary Woou Sol Kut said that the swimmers concerned would ipajntatn the training programme, but under a reduced scale. All other competitors picked for next month's
    107 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 140 35 THIS IS FLAT PROOF This U.S. product has been tested, marketed and improved upon since 1923. Fully guaranteed to seal tire punctures /V whenusedas r&g y«v V instructed. f cb^^ Zis: <'? /r f. v"*-^'* e *o •Flats 'VV <:^,^* Punctures (fw^h^^S--/ DownTime y Applicable to (fcx tube and J^\S^JW?!^J^
      140 words
    • 652 35 AIR FORCE FLYING CHALLENGE The fighter pilot's pro- Do you possets his exceptional physical teuton is one of the most fitness, mental alertness, sharp reflexes, demanding in the world >^' »w aggressive temper ament and stable character and that's one of the to shoulder such great responsibility' reasons why it's
      652 words
    • 272 35 IP I). sinc;apokk Tenders are invited from P W D Registered Contractors and from other suitable contractors for the following work Development »f Market Hawker Centre at Canberra (ia(e 1.1': m.k. Sraibavtanc Koad. Singapore. show round Cinirictors to meet I O at Canberra Oate 13', ms Road at 10
      272 words
    • 333 35 rtNDKR 1 enders will be received In the Ministry of Defence Logistics Division TangUn, Singapore io for the undermentioned items up la 11.00 a m on dale shown against the Items I LAUNDRY skhvicks K)K THK LAUNDERING or bedshbi ra PILLOWSI.I J\S AND BLANKETS m>h THK BAT Tender No MINDBI
      333 words

  • 62 36 TBL AVIV. Thurs A Naal 88 oflcer and hto Jewish *ri slave can oonttnue their tore affair an Israeli movie screens. Urn High Court of Justice ha* ruled. The court overruled a government censorship committee that had banned The Night Porter, an Italianmade film starring Dirk
    AP  -  62 words
  • 98 36 A normal life ahead for Du st A HAPPY Mrs Th«nton Spoooer plays with her year-old *on Duitln r/ter an operatic* whlek reverses] Use twe saajer boeesj Teasels In his heart and gave him hoe* ef leading a normal life. Durtin was bom with the *•>• Mood vessels reversed. The
    UPI  -  98 words
  • 80 36 BOOOT V Tburs. Military and police troop* were deployed In vital dktrtct* of the capital today to keep order during ft 34-hour transport strike in lupport uf higher wage*. Tank*, armoured truck! and aoldleri patrolled downtown and aome arufflea were reported In peripheral diatnct when angry mots
    80 words
  • 520 36 LONDON. T*nt» Tto ami«M cum Ara in ■o«ir»J« ivm I >ai v I i k uu naaaaui n» l ta4« w w Ilu sat.* ku> 4 I kick tar iw rmr afiaa.4. hmmm wm ia<—uiai mmp I sjM Urn tn*i —Hi uil tk* lauat I wrar Maatrttl InMi
    520 words
  • 29 36 LONDON. T»— mm tim Wtt ■♦111). Nbn OH* ***** PgnM bam OH* ill*), artlan IM*T UOI Battl*■M OM iM> T— iir IMS MM. p« 1«6 W Tea* aua4y
    29 words
  • 41 36 LONDON. T»an. It .Mir ate*** mmm tetay wMk ss e» (*■)—> tart Mas mmril Dm. MM Jm. ail*. MT»; Ju /Man* MVSf. Koe tm i<» MM MM July -a** IT «> 17 W Oanl «r Dk MI) 11 M Ju SIM. StM.
    41 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 30 36 jftBERG| MAKES I GREAT SCENTS w rMgtggff -Wwßgl^Av^i^^H -^^--Ai 9 X'^B^B^BV^gail BnWT nJnlnlninii^snl Hs^S nnnW A unaansal snV ssnnV^ Far Eastern Cosmetics Suite 15. Stamford Houg«.39,St«*ntord rtogd,S«*jspor«6.T«i: *****/9 33B.AbooSmMLarw.Psjrwng.Tai: *****
      30 words
    • 275 36 Clearance k| Salef^J^ We ha ye a wide range of quality reptile skin handbags, belts, wallets, stuffed tigers, turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, etc. for sale at up to 40% discount. No reasonable offers refused. LANCEL MAROOUINERIE G35 PLAZA SING APUR A ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 ssH 1 aBL^slM sflagll n-H I
      275 words